#you also get a lovely pressed flower! the flower is not a trick
literaryartisan · 11 months
Trick or treat! 👻💀🎃 (I'm dressed as a an elephant, complete with a tea pot hat)
Oh what an adorable costume! For that I shall give the treat of an adorable little bird!
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Oh no, what's this?
It looks like the poor bird may have an injury! Maybe if you catch it you can help?
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So... close... almost... got it... WHOA
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You just got
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satorugu · 11 months
In Every Era Part 2 (Sukuna x f!reader)
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She is the reincarnation of his love, and he plans to be with her in every era.
Warnings: Blood, violence, fighting, angst, lots of fluff
Note: The readers technique relates to ice and being able to lower the temperatures around her enough to create it. If the text is italicized it is one of the dreams she had. All take place during the Heian era, both Heian era and the version of Sukuna in Itadori's body is included. Takes place during the Shibuya Incident, and quotes the episode's sub at times.
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The dreams hadn't stopped.
First, it was that night, the night she fell asleep in his arms.
Then she had another one following it.
Then a third.
It was always a memory from her point of view, so vivid she felt she could still feel his touch when she woke up. They were small, but they got her through the night, always sleeping straight through it.
That kiss was imbued with cursed energy. She didn't know how, but she knew that had something to do with it.
She couldn't take her mind off of it.
Every single night.
"Curses and mutations are mindless, you don't need to harness much cursed energy to exorcise them, although it is made out to be that way," Sukuna said. "If you make a hit on them before they can attack you, you have a better chance at survival."
She was sitting on his lap, up upon his throne. His body heat radiated onto her shoulders, his strong abdomen pressed against her back.
"Is there a reason you're sharing this with me?" (Y/N) asked curiously.
"So you will utilize this information when the time may come my dear," he told her. "Aim for the head."
"I don't think it will ever come," she laughed.
"You are correct to assume that," Sukuna said, putting a hand on her waist and pulling her closer to him. "I won't allow for anyone to harm you."
This was a trick.
The King of Curses wouldn't and couldn't possess emotions like these. He murdered hundreds of thousands, known to be the most powerful sorcerer in history. He needed something from her, to get her to trust him so he could use her and kill her afterward.
These memories were false, she was sure of it.
So she began avoiding Itadori, training after hours and for longer durations to be able to both strengthen herself and not be confronted by the eyes below his. In the end she would return to her dorm exhausted, forgetting that when she fell asleep she would be greeted by what she fled most.
Then a week had turned into a month.
"Master Sukuna had a gift delivered to your dressing room," the maid said almost timidly to (Y/N), as she bowed her head.
She made an emphasis on the fact it was in her dressing room rather than her bedroom. Being that her quarters were Sukuna's, the only part of the palace that was officially hers was her dressing room, which translated to a massive closet. It was filled to the brim with the nicest jewelry available in the lands, along with dresses he had especially picked out for her. It was also a known fact that the garden belonged to (Y/N), although it wasn't claimed by her. She fell in love with the area, so he made it off limits to others.
Unfortunately for her, he was away, handling a nearby village.
Two more servants gathered at the large double doors that led to the dressing room, opening them for her.
Inside was a large bouquet of flowers, white at the tips that slowly faded into a reddish-purple. It was as if they were glowing, vibrant and perky underneath the lighting. The vase was a piece within itself, like clear vines that curled around the stems of the flowers and bunched them all together.
Next to it sat a scroll, bound together by a cursed energy imbued seal. She was quick to unravel it, reading the hand-written, inked message.
'Although I am far away, I will remind you of my love.'
'These flowers are eternal, they will forever stay by your side, just as I will.'
'Sincerely, Ryo.'
She didn't think much of the dream, assuming it was some way of trying to make her think he actually loved her. Instead, she lingered around the campus after hours, honing a new ability with her ice technique. Once she grew sleepy, she returned to her dorm, entering the dark room to see something glowing on her desk.
It was a vibrant and perky flower, with white at the tips that slowly faded into a reddish-purple. While it didn't sit in a vase, it was unnaturally filled with life, acting as a light in pitch black atmosphere.
She thought she was hallucinating, reaching out a hand to pick it up, hoping it would dissolve as soon as she touched it.
The flower sat in her room for a week after that, as she continued to deny the significance behind it.
(Y/N) thought she could get out of having to see Itadori, but it seemed otherwise when another crisis hit.
A large curtain was cast around Shibuya, along with one at Meiji-Jingumae Station. Reports that mutated humans were attacking civillians inside were quick to spread, and both (Y/N) and Itadori were sent to handle it.
"I'll deal with the mutated ones, you search through the station for anymore hostages," she told him quickly, hoping they wouldn't have to interact much.
As soon as the two had met up inside the city, the eyes underneath his own appeared. They felt familiar now, a burning reminder of the dream she had the previous night.
They were in his bedroom, if it even could be called that.
It was larger than the average, with a desk that sat by an extravagant stained glass window, and a large table towards the center. The bed for the two of them sat against the wall, both of them already out of it, yet choosing to stay in one another's company.
Sukuna stood around the table, eyeing a set of scrolls as his wife sat at his desk. The chair was far too big for someone of her size, which he grew to love.
“I want to perform a binding vow between you and I,” he started.
“A binding vow?” (Y/N) asked, having yet to take her eyes off what she was reading.
“A pact bound through Jujutsu, except this one has specific terms accounted with it.”
As the words left his mouth he slipped his hand around her jaw, taking her by surprised as she looked up at him.
"I want to be with you in every era, as you pass, and once you are reincarnated. We will be bound together, it will be destined for you to wed me."
"And it's consequences?" she wondered.
"There are none, this vow is unable to be broken, it will see through that we are meant to be," Sukuna said. "And that you will remain mine."
She wasn't that knowledgeable on binding vows like the one he described, except for the fact it was supposed to leave a mark on your wrist. (Y/N) didn't have one though, so she assumed it was false.
A mutated curse barreled towards her, shards if ice being driven through it's skull as her pink haired friend ran down the hall. She flipped over it's corpse as it fell to the ground, attacking the others before they could make a move on her, and aiming for their heads.
The efficiency behind it was impressive, as she scolded herself internally for doing as the King of Curses had once advised.
And yet she continued for what felt like an hour, going through the motions up until the lights flickered off and she could hear fighting in the lower levels of the station.
Something was off.
(Y/N) jumped down the set of escalators and began running through the station that was almost unrecognizable. She could tell Itadori had fought here, as the remains of his strength imprinted different surfaces.
She was following her gut at that moment, turning down a set of halls until she saw a light bloom at the end of one. She could feel the heat as she got closer, as it formed an orange and yellow blur.
Screams came after the flames.
Two girls who had somehow survived being burnt alive, each coughing and holding onto one another.
As she turned the corner she saw him, Itadori, laying against the wall unconscious. He was littered in cuts, specifically his shoulder which was bleeding out. A special grade curse, Jogo, stood over him, a finger in his hand as he slipped it down the pink haired boy's throat and tilted his head back. She recognized him from the time he fought Gojo, as her eyes lingered over Itadori's figure.
(Y/N) could see the markings on his face.
She thought she might throw up.
"Don't waste my time," the special grade squinted is eyes at the three of them.
He went to lift up his arm and attack, only for it to begin bleeding out in front of him.
"I'll give you one second."
It felt like everything had frozen in place.
Silence in the dark hallway.
The special grade fearfully jumped back, now a line of four.
(Y/N) felt her hands tremble, as sweat formed across her forehead and her heartbeat picked up in her ears. They were all that way, as the figure slowly stood up and brushed himself off.
Strength of a different kind than Satoru Gojo.
Overwhelmingly evil.
Fear that even the slightest move could lead to death.
He began to come towards them, as the wounds across his body healed themselves.
As his footsteps grew louder, she felt as if she might pass out.
Then they stopped, and he brushed his hair back in orderly fashion.
"You hold your heads quite high."
That voice.
It felt like there were invisible hands that wrapped around her back, guiding her down to a bowing position without control over her own body. She ended up in the same formation as the other two girls, as a wave brushed over top of the four that would have killed them.
"Did you believe taking one knee was enough?" Sukuna questioned.
The top of Jogo's head was cut off, considering he only kneeled. It was similar to a volcano, purple blood spewing out the top as he bled out.
"The greatest men bow the lowest, or so it goes. I see you value your heads quite lightly."
She could feel him looking down at her, as she stared at the cold floor and begged that whatever this was wasn't real.
She was terrified.
"You brats, I'll start with you," he said. "You wished to speak to me, yes?"
The girl nodded, tears staining the concrete surface below her.
"I'll grant you a fingers worth of audience. Now speak."
"Below us there's a man in monk's robes with a suture across his forehead," the dirty blonde began to say. "Please kill him, please free Geto-sama."
(Y/N) recognized that name, although she thought the man who had it was dead.
"We know the location of one more finger," the girl added. "If you'll kill that man for us, we'll tell you where it is."
"Raise your heads."
(Y/N) still kept hers down, although she could see the two girls raise theirs through her peripheral. It was a moment of relief, as he seemed to have agreed to their terms.
The head of the brown haired one next to her burst into nothingness, blood coating the other girls face as her corpse fell backward.
(Y/N) felt it splatter onto her uniform, shock pulsating through her veins as terror overrided her senses.
"MIMIKO!" the blonde screamed, shaking the lifeless body next to her.
"Did you think a measly one or two fingers would grant you the right to order me around?" Sukuna asked with amusement in his voice.
It seemed the girl couldn't care less, continuing to scream out her friends name.
"How offensive."
"SUKUNA!" she cried out in anger, slipping out her phone. "DIE!"
As soon as the words left her mouth, it sounded like a blade had cut through something. Similar to the one she heard months ago, when he had saved her.
Then, it sounded like several cuts going at someone at once.
One corpse turned into two, except the blonde had no remains. He killed the both of them without lifting a finger, a copious amount of blood being the only proof.
"You all are desperate," Sukuna turned to Jogo almost knowingly.
(Y/N) felt the invisible hands that once held onto her gently guide her to sit up again, looking at the King of Curses.
"This is the reward for the cursed fingers, come at her," he said, making eye contact with her. "If you manage to land even a single blow on her, I'll work under you all."
"What?" (Y/N) said under her breath, she felt like she couldn't breath.
Jogo slowly looked at her, as if he was making up his mind.
There was no way he was considering this.
"You're true to your word, yes?" he asked Sukuna.
(Y/N) stepped back, like her legs were going to come out from under her at any second.
This was suicide, she couldn't fight him.
Jogos demeaner changed, as Sukuna's hands remained on his pockets and the curse went to face her. He held out his hand, a ball of fire forming within it, as (Y/N) tried to conjure ice in her own.
Again she was airborne.
Too quick for her to react as it all happened at once.
A familiar pair of arms held her bridal style, as she felt herself rest on his chest. It was cold, the fall wind curling around the two as they had fled the building.
He casually dodged them vast amount of fire-charged bullets being sent at him, as he looked down at her.
"Your avoidance has been quite amusing, I see you don't understand yet," Sukuna said, his tone changing into a softer one.
"What have you been doing to me?" she spoke boldly, like a wife would to her husband.
It made him smile, as he leaned on the edge of a building that Jogo shot more bullets at. Soon enough they were inside of it, Sukuna casually walking through a corridor as fire burned around them.
"That's my thank you for ensuring you sleep well?" he spoke teasingly. "I've been restoring your memories, although I knew you would doubt them to the best of your ability."
"They're not real," she mumbled, forgetting what he was capable of.
"And yet how relaxed you are in my hold says otherwise, little one," he said. "Your body reacts naturally to my touch."
(Y/N) opened her mouth to reply but the words never came out, as he jumped through the window of the building and met Jogo's fist. Sukuna was currently holding her securely with one arm, taking up the curse in hand to hand combat. He was quick, catching every single one of Jogo's attempts before holding onto his hand and slicing through his arms with his cleave technique.
The Special Grade was sent flying back, as he shot another beam of fire energy out of his head and (Y/N) watched it blow a whole through a building.
She had never seen a fight like this before.
Sukuna caught up with Jogo, taking his free hand that wasn't carrying her and wrapping it around his cape, throwing him down towards the streets. Smoke emitted from the area that he hit, as he continued to bounce off of it from the force before Sukuna came at him again. This time, he bashed his head into the ground, taking them below the level of the city floor.
She felt the King of Curses abdomen tighten against her side, as he laughed to himself. (Y/N) wasn't looking at him though, as her eyes were on the curse that hadn't landed even a single speck of dust on her.
His free hand slipped underneath her jaw, turning her head to face him.
"Impressed are we?"
Suddenly everything around the two seemed to burst into flames, as the blue skinned curse screamed out and flooded the street with Lava.
This was hell.
Sukuna didn't even react, as a wave of it blanketed over them, yet never touching their skin. He jumped up onto a building that was soon crumbling underneath the hot liquid as well, continuing to dodge without question.
The entire city was on fire, as hands made out of lava held onto two office buildings and lifted them up out of the ground. They surrounded the both of them, Jogo standing on a rooftop in front.
(Y/N) thought she was dead.
Out of pure instinct she took her arm around Sukuna's neck, burying her head into his chest and squinting her eyes closed.
It was only when she heard the sound of the buildings being bashed together, that she realized what she had done. Instead of feeling the impact of her skull being crushed, she felt a delicate kiss be pressed to the top of her head. A large hand then held her hair in a comforting manner, keeping her against him.
"Do you trust me, little one?" he asked her softly, low enough that Jogo couldn't hear.
(Y/N) felt weightless, like she was on one of those amusement park rides that threw you up into the air. Except for the fact that there was no harness, and nothing holding her anymore. Sukuna had thrown her up so far she felt she might touch the clouds, watching his figure dart towards the curse and throw him into a sky scraper.
She could see Jogo come out the other end of it, soaring through the air as Sukuna stood above him. The King of Curses drove his hand into the Special Grades head, sending the two through a roof of another office structure.
Meanwhile (Y/N) began to descend, screaming out and watching as the windows on each level shattered with each level Sukuna shoved him through. She grew anxious as time passed and nothing happened, until the bottom of the building burst out into flames and traveled upwards. She could make out the smaller details of the city now, as she picked up speed in falling and felt the wind course through her clothes. Her best bet was trying to use her ice to impact the fall, although she became distracted by what happened before her.
The building that Jogo had blown up began to form into a ball of fire, and Sukuna was nowhere to be seen.
Or so she thought.
She was trying to conjure up enough cold air around her to form the ice needed to brace her, but knocked into something else, throwing her off guard.
She wasn't surprised when she felt his heartbeat against her side again, but he moved at unregistrable speeds.
Suddenly they were on the ground, in the middle of the street, underneath the meteor Jogo was creating. All of the people around Sukuna froze in place, fear evident in their eyes.
Everyone knew who he was.
"I hereby forbid every person in a 100-meter radius from moving until I say 'now," he started. "And of course, I'll kill anyone who violates that rule."
The silence was horrifying, no one daring to take a step.
"Not yet," he teased.
(Y/N) could feel his hands underneath her weight doing something, as if he was now controlling the ball of fire above them.
"Still not yet."
The ground began to tremble, as it came closer.
The sound was overwhelming, as Sukuna brought himself up above it as it crushed everything beneath. He sat down on the meteor, adjusting (Y/N) so she was sitting in his lap, his hands around her waist. Jogo was in front of the two, having yet to turn his back around.
The atmosphere around them was a swirl of orange smoke and broken glass that looked like stars. It floated gently in the air, as more debris from the architecture around them crumbled.
"I've grown tired of this, so I will fight you with your own specialty," he said, allowing for (Y/N) to get up as he stood and faced the Special Grade.
She stepped back, quick to cool the temperatures underneath her feet so she wouldn't burn.
Fire began to emit from his fist, beginning to curl around his figure.
"Arm yourself."
Jogo formed a small sphere of fire in his hand, as Sukuna stretched his own out to form an arrow.
The Special Grade burnt to ashes within a moments notice, while the King of Curses turned around to face the woman behind him.
"Your denial is in vain," he said. "There is nothing I am not capable of, and your death would have already occurred if i wished for it. In your moments of fear you trusted me by instinct, the vow formed between us guiding you to me."
"I don't understand."
"Because you don't want to," he corrected, coming closer to her. "Allow me to show you."
The king lifted her jaw up, taking his hand around the side of her face and kissing her lips.
It felt unworldly, as she slowly returned it and could feel him smiling. Her wrist suddenly tingled, making her to break away to see what caused the sensation.
It was a mark on her wrist, the same one that was on Sukuna's forehead.
"I will love you in every era," he said, taking a step back.
The markings on his face faded, his hair returning to hanging down.
"What happened?" Itadori asked.
She looked into the eyes underneath the original pair, not knowing what to say.
But she understood now.
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A/N: I have a part 3 in mind. If you're interested let me know!
Tag List: @daydreamshenanigans @witchmoon10 @@spiderlilytengu @sircatchungus @sunshine7queen @yandere-consumer @emryb @96jnie @frogzxch @toshirolovebot @rottinginvelvet @rorel1a @cax-per @butteredwalnut @sweetcoorpse @mynewblackdress @serafina-nyx @karmazwrld @gambighoul @honestlysublimecherryblossom @sy557 @mag-chan
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merakiui · 1 year
mera im curious...what is the most pathetic and desperate virgin concept u can come up with for any boys you choose in twst??
I have so many that I will try to write pathetic virgin concepts for each twst guy!!! >:)
✧ Riddle who gets off to your notes. It doesn't matter how messy or neat they may be, how filled or lacking the page may be, or even how useful they may be if the exam covering that material has already happened. He knows it's wrong to have pilfered your notebook, but he couldn't help it and he assured himself he'd give it back under the pretense of having found it (which isn't entirely a lie). He sits back in his chair and flips slowly through the pages, not particularly reading the material you've written, as he idly fucks into his hand and pictures diligent you, sitting in class and penning notes. There are doodles in the margins of the pages: cute flowers, smiley faces, hearts, what looks to be Grim. He thinks about how you hold your pen, how you might chew on the cap when you're bored, how your hands also touched this very notebook... Great Seven, he's a mess.
✧ Trey who is so strangely fixated on your teeth and mouth. At first it was cute because he's so serious about dental hygiene, what with how he ensures Ace and Deuce brush their teeth properly. But with you it's different. When you smile, he pictures your teeth in his shoulder or your mouth on his neck, pressing kisses or sucking fresh marks into his skin. And when you're eating, he notes the way you lick your fork or spoon clean every time and it gives him such a vivid image of you giving his dick the cutest, most gentle kitten licks. He has to excuse himself before anyone finds out he's painfully hard. >_<
✧ Cater who gets off to the many selfies and photos he's taken with and of you. Sometimes he scours the other students' Magicam accounts to look at the photos they've posted of you and his mind runs wild with thoughts and what-ifs. That photo of you sitting between the twins during their birthday party has him wondering if they fucked you on that very couch after the festivities had worn down. Or that photo of you and Kalim sopping wet after the both of you got caught in the rain... He's zooming in to see if the rain's made your uniform shirt see-through all while thinking about how you and Kalim may have warmed up. Cater can't seem to look at pictures of you without thinking about sex, and it's even worse when he sees the pictures he's taken of you and him. A spaghetti scene you recreated from a popular romance film has him imagining what could have happened had you just leaned in a little closer. Or that one alchemy mishap in which you were turned into a tiny fairy for the day... if he put you in a jar....... :)
✧ Ace who gets off on teasing you. They say partial truths often lie in the joke, and Ace sure does love joking about very specific things when it comes to you. He drives you mad every time, but because the two of you are close friends he gets away with it. He sticks his fingers in your mouth when you yawn to prod at your tongue, all while saying, "If you keep yawning like that, flies are gonna get in your mouth~" Or he'll squeeze your hip after you've eaten sweets just to mess with you. Or he compares your hand to his (for some odd reason) just so he can get away with touching you. Or he shows you a card trick that ends with him tucking the card behind your ear rather than pulling it from that area. His teasing feels more like flirting, but anyone who notes this is earned a swift denial from Ace.
✧ Deuce who gets off to the domestic moments in your friendship. Sharing a mirror in Ramshackle when he spends the night, preparing meals for each other, and even walking to class and talking about very boring things (like the weather). It makes him feel so special, and sometimes he pretends the two of you are a married couple. Deuce gets so embarrassed if anyone points this out, especially the elderly who see the two of you in town and comment on how cute you look together. He adamantly denies it, but later he's in the bathroom imagining married life with you and it gets him so worked up.
✧ Leona who gets off on the power imbalance between the two of you. Realistically speaking, he's stronger, both in terms of social class (after all, he's royalty) and also physically and financially. But that doesn't matter as much as it does when he's around you. Despite all of this, you know how to match Leona's wit, always keeping him on his toes, and you treat him as you would others even while knowing just how much power he has over you should he choose to exert it. Leona just likes the feeling of being number one in your world. Possibly a little too much, considering it never fails to get him excited. :)
✧ Ruggie who gets off on sneaking up on you. At first it was to pickpocket you. Steal spare change for himself or take your wallet just to watch you panic when you can't find it, but he's come to love the way you turn around just in time to catch him. He knows he does this on purpose solely to get caught, but seeing how you huff and glare lightheartedly at him... the way you purse your lips or the way you snatch your things back and laugh softly about how he ought to try again next time... He doesn't even care about your wallet anymore. He just wants to hunt you down and catch you for himself. You're the real prize here. <3
✧ Jack who gets off to your difference in size and strength. At first it wasn't something he thought of, but then you come to him and beg him to help open jars or stuck windows and he does it so easily. He refuses to believe you're struggling that hard with it, but then he watches you attempt to open a jar and it all clicks into place. Oh, you're...really cute and small and so fragile compared to him, who's all muscle and raw strength. Jack knows you have your own strengths and in no way does he think you're weak, but he's always reminded of your size and strength differences whenever the two of you are doing things together: training/sports, lifting heavy things (which are often very light to him), and even standing side by side. He thinks about how much bigger he is and he feels so flustered when those thoughts get him hard.
✧ Azul who gets off to your body language. He knows what it means; he's studied human customs well in advance before coming up to the surface. But oh you tempt him every single time you arch your back when you stretch or when you yawn and make such cute, sleepy sounds. It's even worse when you bend over to reach for something across a table or bend down to grab something that fell. He's digging his nails into his palms to steady himself, but that doesn't mean his thoughts are steady. He may look entirely composed with his usual smile, but in his mind you're getting fucked six ways from Sunday. You can't give this man any gifts because 1) he'll scramble to pay you back and 2) he'll delude himself into thinking it's a courting gesture and that you want him sooooo badly each time you offer him a snack from the school store or give him something you think he could get more use out of.
✧ Jade who gets off to your banter, especially the threats. Great Seven, you tell him you'll gut him and turn him into eel sushi and OOOOOO he's on the edge of his seat like: "yes...... and?? and????? what else will you do to me?????" all with the wildest, sharpest smile you've ever seen him make. He gets so worked up, so flushed in the face, so terribly aroused, every time you threaten him with anything. Yank him down to your height and mutter a threat, whether outlandish, violent, or something as silly as "I hope both sides of your pillow are hotter than hell," and he's saving these interactions in his memory for later recollection.
✧ Floyd who gets off on your praise. Call him a good boy or congratulate him on his test score or cheer for him at basketball practice and he's over the moon with excitement. He eats up your praise like it's his last meal. Say more good things to him! He wants to hear Shrimpy's praise every day, and when he's in a bad mood all it takes is the memory of you saying he's done well and he's back to his usual excitable self. He likes your praise a little too much, as evidenced by how hard it gets him. orz he spends too long thinking about it while he lies in bed, staring at the ceiling while he lazily strokes himself to thoughts of you calling him a good boy.
✧ Kalim who gets just a little too worked up at your proximity. He makes for such good best friend material. It's natural you'd be drawn to him because he's just so sweet and friendly. So it's completely normal when you spend the night at Scarabia and you end up falling asleep beside him in the common room, or when he feeds you outright because that's just how he is! He wants you to try all manner of yummy foods. It makes his heart race faster when your lips close around his fingers or you unconsciously snuggle up to him. He loves you so much. orz
✧ Jamil who loves your obedient nature. It has him horny gripping every time you scramble to do well on a test or in class so you won't upset the professors. You try to keep out of trouble because you're a good student, and he loves every bit of it. He wants to ruin you, take your obedience for the professors and twist it so that you'll only ever listen to him, follow what he says, trust in his words. He could just hypnotize you and maybe a sick part of him wants that. Maybe he wants to experience what an entirely obedient, cock-drunk (Name) is like...
✧ Vil who uses his professional opinions as a way to feel you up. He runs his hands up your sides to smooth wrinkles in your uniform out, all while reminding you to take care of your appearance. He fixes your tie just to get close enough to smell your perfume or shampoo. He loves how you lean into him, trusting his judgement because Vil could never lead you astray. Secretly, Vil's just getting away with every touch under the guise of giving you advice or fixing your uniform or even getting measurements for tailored outfits for school events. It's much too easy.
✧ Rook who, unsurprisingly, gets off on stalking you. He's such a creep! He watches you from afar and gets hard over the smallest things. It's likely because you're so vulnerable and unaware when you go about your daily life and he gets to invade such a secret slice of your life. Whether you know he's watching you or not, it doesn't matter. Just the idea that, on some level, you might be able to feel his prying eyes gets him so unfathomably excited.
✧ Epel who loves a good competition and gets so into it if it's a competition between you and him. Whether it's something athletic or academic, he's always ready to engage in a friendly competition with you. Unfortunately, when you smirk at him and tell him he'll need to give it his all, he gets excited in...other areas. To think all it took was some competitive banter and your smirk to have the blood rushing downwards... T_T if he loses this competition, is the punishment a make-out session? Epel can certainly dream.
✧ Idia who is too scared to talk to you in person, so he codes a Magicord bot he uses as a practice dummy. But then things get a little out of hand when innocent chats turn explicit and soon he's role-playing with the false you. Idia knows it's not real, but it feels real when you tell him all the things he wants to hear. It's shameless e-sex, but it's the best (and only) e-sex of Idia's life. ;;;; he feels immensely embarrassed afterwards.
✧ Malleus who gets off on your smiles. It's such an innocent thing, but then it has him thinking so deeply about it late into the night. You're so sweet and precious. He could picture your smiles all day... Malleus loves you more than words can possibly describe. He thinks about the little things that make you so wonderful, but most of all it's how expressive you are when you smile. Sometimes he has a habit of letting his thoughts stray into intimate fantasies, but it's nothing terrible. He wants to love you wholeheartedly; that includes physically.
✧ Lilia who gets off on surprising you and subverting your expectations. He finds it so darling when you have certain assumptions about him, only to be entirely wrong when he disproves them. Though he's oh-so-cute (a fact he would never deny), there's more beneath that adorable veneer. He's a mysterious who loves popping in to startle you when you least expect it. Be it in the library or in the halls, he always finds you. And your shock is a sight he drinks in merrily.
✧ Silver who is so enthralled by everything about you, so no matter what you do it always makes him feel so in love and fluffy. He's never known this sort of love before, but he's always so honest about his feelings and so his attraction to you wouldn't be any different. You could be napping peacefully in class and Silver's watching you from across the room with the softest, sweetest smile on his face. He thinks about you day and night; you even fill his dreams. Most of it is entirely normal and innocent, but then all it takes is for someone to suggest something less-than-pure about you and suddenly Silver's thoughts are derailing. Oh, he's never thought about sex before. But sex with you? That seems very appealing, so much so that he's feeling much hotter than before. ;;;;
✧ Sebek who, in spite of everything, gets off to the fact that you're human. There's just something so...appealing to you. He struggles to put it into words (and he almost doesn't want to), but you're so soft and sweet and enticing. Maybe Sebek secretly likes your being human because it makes you seem weaker by some strange default? But then he dwells on this and that doesn't seem to be the reason. Truthfully, Sebek likes your humanity because it's charming. Because there's something about you that feels and smells different. Maybe it's because you're the first human to make him feel so aroused that he deems you worthy of his own affections, or maybe he's just hopelessly, pathetically in love with all of the things that make you human and he's trying so hard to deny that.
✧ Rollo who gets off to your scent. Maybe it's a perfume you wear or maybe it's your natural scent. Whatever it is, he's carefully borrowing insignificant items that smell just like you so that he can hold them up to his nose while he masturbates. You're just so perfect and your scent drives him crazy and he feels like a filthy pervert each time he does this, but it's too late to stop. He's already in so deep. Just your scent alone has him shuddering through messy orgasms; imagine what you'd do to him if you were here in person and he got to touch you...
✧ Neige who gets off to indirect kisses. When you share a spoon or bite from the same snack, his pulse is racing at the prospect of having indirectly kissed you. He's so eager and excited that he has to try so hard not to let his face get so flushed with arousal. And you're so relaxed about it! You're so cool... He could admire you forever. <3
✧ Che'nya who gets off on watching you when he's invisible. It gets him hard every time he catches you in an intimate or compromising situation. Whether you're bathing or changing or masturbating, it makes it all the more tempting when he's completely invisible and you have no idea someone else is in the room with you. He's thought about pressing himself against you when you least expect it just to feel you flinch or to hear your breath hitch. And then there's the thought of fucking you when he's invisible, where you'll only see yourself stretching around a cock that isn't visible to your eye. >:)
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theres-a-body-here · 9 months
Hi could you do Genji, Hanzo, Cassidy, lifewaver and Mauga (separately) where they have matching skins with thier s/o
It took some convincing to make these boys match with you, some more than others, but you were determined to be twinsies on the field.
I threw in two extras, as a treat
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Cole Cassidy - Sherlock Holmes and Watson
Took little to no convincing to have him match with you, but he was dead set on being Sherlock
This isn't negotiable
Expect to hear everything but your name out there
"Dear boy", "Watson", and "My dear" is all you're gonna be referred as
Cassidy will refuse to respond to you unless you refer to him as "sir" or "boss"
You could take a bullet to the side and he'll be kneeling over you like: "Hmm, yes, that is indeed a nasty wound my boy"
"You're a moron.....Sir" you groan out as he drags you to Mercy
Eventually, you really play into the roll
wrapping your arms around Cassidy from behind as you press your cheek against his
"Do you have a plan, Boss?"
He coughs, being caught off guard
"Yes, my dear Watson...it's uhh....ya know, this" He says as he spins peacemaker in his hands
"World's greatest detective, everyone" You remark sarcastically
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Genji Shimada - Kamen Rider
He's actually the one who first asked to match costumes
You both bickered over who to be
Genji insisted you dress as Evolto, but you also wanted to be Kamen
In the end, you both dressed as Kamen
Genji dressed as Kamen Rider Blade
You dressed as Kamen Rider Gaia
You both pose and exclaim with a loud "Henshin!" after every elimination
The others don't really get it
Genji kinda just shuffles over and hugs you, pressing his faceplate into your chest sadly after being called a "Power Ranger" for the 5th time.
You have to stifle your laughter as you comfort him
"It's not the same thing," he whines, voice muffled by your chest
"Yeah buddy, they're completely different franchises," you chuckle out, rubbing his back
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Niran "Bua" Pruksamanee - Bee and Flower
Pretty excited to match costumes with you
Niran took a pretty long time to pick which flower to dress as
"Maybe I should stick with Lotus, but...Jasmines..." he mutters as he brings fabrics to his chest, imagining himself as each flower
you sat on his bed wearing a bumblebee suit, watching on as Niran struggled to make a decision
He settles on fuchsia, bright purples and trailing fabric
Costume is so extravagant that you look comically out of place in your cheap Bee outfit
Niran doesn't mind, in fact, he finds it cute
He especially loves your puns
"Bee mine," you coo as you kiss his cheek
He chuckles as he returns the kiss
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Hanzo Shimada - Cupid and Eros
You're gonna have to bust out all your tricks to convince this man to wear something so, in his words, undignified
What ever you do to get him into the cupid costume, expect complaints
"This is....embarassing," he mutters begrudgingly as he sits on your bed, tugging at his pastel pink wings
The bathroom door opens as you step out in your Eros outfit
"How do I look, Babe?'
Hanzo's face immediately erupts into a blazing red
"Wh-What are you wearing?" he exclaims as he adverts his gaze, looking at anywhere but you
Your outfit is... minimal to say the least
Wings, red sash, sandals, bow, and a thin loincloth. That's literally it
Besides that? Nearly all of your skin was on display
"Aww, you don't like it?" you tease as you walk closer to Hanzo
You straddle his lap, feeling him stiffen under you
You cup his face while you rub his cheeks with your thumbs
"I'm just teasing you. I have a much more modest outfit ready
Hanzo lets out a sigh as he looks at you
You lean in closer, ghosting your lips over his ear
"This one is for tonight" you whisper
Hanzo swears you'll be the end of him one day
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Maugaloa Malosi - Māui and Hine-nui-te-pō
You brought up the idea of matching costumes and he instantly had a mischievous look in his eyes
He agreed on the condition that he chooses the theme
He dressed as Māui and he helped make a costume for you
You recognized Māui from a movie, but you had no idea who Hine-nui-te-pō was
"Don't worry about it" he assured you with a chuckle
You two had a blast on the battlefield with your matching costumes
Although, you couldn't help but think something was up every time Mauga glanced at you
He'd smirk and throw you a wink
But this was Mauga, so it didn't really set off a red flag
Its not until the end of the battle where a talon grunt said something
"What he'd do to convince you to dress like that?"
You looked confused. The grunt explained she was from New Zealand.
She told you the story of Māui and Hine-nui-te-pō
Your face went from shock, embarrassment, to rage
You stomped your way to Mauga, who wore a shit-eating grin
You stood in front of him as your swung your hands to slap him
But you're too short
"God dammit! Lean over, asshole!" you cry as you jump at him Mauga breaks into a fit of laughter as he picks you up and swings you around
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Jamison Fawkes - Yoshikage Kira and Killer Queen
Surprisingly, Junkrat was pretty hesitant to match costumes
He was worried changing clothes would include bathing
He likes his soot and burns thank you very much
"I have an aesthetic to maintain, mate"
But you knew how to break him
The moment the words "turns anything into a bomb" left your lips, he was instantly on board
Obviously he was gonna be the explosion cat
But since this was Junkrat, you had to approve his costume beforehand
You deadass had to explain to him why entering a bathtub of alcohol and pink sharpie markers to color his skin was a terrible idea
"But the damn cat's pink isn't it?" He asks, dumbfounded that you had a problem with his genius idea
"We'll use facepaint, babe"
You show off your costumes to the rest
Jamie wearing cat ears, Pink face paint, and leather gloves
You wearing a suit, dyed your hair blond, and severed mannequin hand in your pocket
After an ultimate that wiped out a good number of the enemy team, Junkrat clears his throat to speak
"Watashi no na wa "Kira yoshikage" nenrei 33-sai jitaku wa moriōchō hokutō-bu no bessō chitai ni ari ..."
The rest of you kinda stood around staring at him shocked
"I didn't know Mr. Fawkes knew japanese," Mei comments to you in a hushed voice, not wanting to interrupt Junkrat
You and Roadhog kinda look at each other
"He doesn't" you both say in unison
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Reinhardt Wilhelm - Knight and Squire
A Knight and his squire? Count him in!
To be honest, you being his squire is somewhat of a fantasy he has, so Reinhardt was pretty excited to match costumes with you
You let him have a major say in your outfit since it was apparent this was big for him
He picked out colors of the old Crusade; Muted browns, greens and vibrant golds
Reinhardt wore his Balderich outfit
He fumbled to find a camera to capture the moment
Before you two left to meet up with the others for training drills, Reinhardt stopped you
"Y/N...can you...do something for me?" He asks nervously, voice almost a whisper
"Yeah sure, what's up big guy?"
"Can you bring me my hammer?" he finally responds after a while
You shrug and walk over to grab the massive weapon, bringing it over with a bit of strain
You had an idea of why he asked you to do this
You knelt on one knee and raised the hammer with both hands
"Your hammer, Sir Wilhelm"
Reinhardt's hands clench into a fists, the fabric of the gloves making a creaking sound from the pressure
He pushes the hammer aside and pulls you in for a bone crushing bear hug
"You've made this old dog happy, Y/N" he mutters as he nuzzles his face into your neck
"Yeah, sure, no problem" you strain out as you see spots on your vision
Reinhardt drops you immediately
"Sorry..." he mutters as he pats your shoulder
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ariicandy · 8 months
But Don’t Forget To Kiss me, Or Else You Have to Miss me
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About : Spending quality time with your lover, it’s always so peaceful when he wants to rest or in a field of flowers…
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Note : I HOPE I DID IT GOOD FOR U MY BESTI @meidnightrain please accept this fluff apology fic I cannot guarantee I will not write an angst fic(minus it being a request ofc) BUT I WONT WRITE OFTEN PLEASE 🙏🙏
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Hearing the door open & closed with an annoyed sigh from your dear WANDERER, it wasn’t a surprise to you from how he always blahs about the work in the akademiya. He appears more tired, maybe the reason why he’s so grumpy right now. WANDERER decided to join you on the couch, still continuing his rant about “the ridiculous amount of work the Akademiya gives”, only his head was only mere inches away from your shoulder. Unsure if he wants to actually wants to rest his head on your shoulder, you decided to take it upon yourself to move your hand to guide his head to fully lay his head of your shoulder, making your beloved SCARAMOUCHE pause from your sudden move. “Sorry I thought you wanted to lay your head on my shoulder since your head was near my shoulder.” Feeling bad for suddenly making your lover pause on his rant, he suddenly says “…no it’s fine. I did want to know if you were okay with it.” He started to relax know you were okay him resting on your shoulder, it took a few moments for your dear to recover what he was talking about but that didn’t matter. He felt comfortable resting next to you. He liked the silence that was created as it created a sense of comfort to him, letting himself to fully relax he let his eyes close to rest for a little while you both are in the position you both are at the time. Smiling to yourself, you titled your head on top of your dear SCARA to take a small nap with him, maybe you should do this more often to spend time with him.
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You were walking in a field of Fontaine’s various flowers in the wild when you found a spot to rest in the shade, still near the city and near the water. Taking a breathe of fresh air with nature, breathing out all the stress you have had this past week on finally having time for yourself to rest and relax for a while before heading back home for the day. Closing your eyes, you felt a pair of hands slowly come behind your face to cup your face scaring you! A small giggle was heard behind you recognizing it being your lover LYNEY! “You scared me! Don’t do that Lyney!” You earned a small chuckle from Lyney from your reaction of him scaring you. “Sorry I couldn’t help it! Especially since this spot you choose to relax is lovely!” LYNEY began to sit next to you seeing how calm & relaxed from coming out and having this amazing view of both the water and the city near. Both of you sat in silence taking in on nature’s sound of the trees, birds, and the small distance sounds waves of water. Suddenly LYNEY had a thought to do a small trick, he magically pulled a rainbow rose out of your ear, tucking it behind your ear and pressing a small kiss on your cheek which made you giggle from his stunt. “It won’t be fair if I don’t give you a rainbow rose for you to also have if you did that stunt on me.” You began to sit up and stand to walk ahead where a rainbow rose was near a rose bush. “But that trick I pulled is meant for you! You don’t need to return the favor [name]!” Your lover replied after you getting up and following after you, where you are now crouched to pick the rainbow rose. He meets eye to eye with you, letting you place the rose on his ear to match like he did with you. “See? We now match! You look handsome with the rose tucked behind your ear!” Smiling to him, he returned a fond, loving smile. LYNEY placed a kiss on your lips as you, unbeknowingly you have him head over heels over you as he feel in love again with you as that’s even possible cause his whole heart loves you
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runnning-outof-time · 9 months
Hello Hello K!! 💗 I believe that this is my first ever request to you and im so happy that now is the time I was wondering if two can be sent at the same time but I guess I'll have to send one more 🤭 I was thinking 14 with Tommy from the three word sentence prompt list!! Loads of heavy fluff perhaps?? I will be looking forward to this and i cannot wait to read what you'll come up with, congrats once again 💋💋
Thanks so much for this lovely message and for sending this request in, M! I hope I put enough fluff in this one!! I hope you don’t mind that I set it as pre-canon….it can be read as a little snapshot of the Actions Speak Louder couple…it can also be a standalone as well. I also tried to change things up from the normal ‘homecoming’ story. Enjoy! :)
The prompt used is “I missed you.”
Part of my 3.5k Celebration - find more stories here!
You’re Home
Tommy Shelby x Reader (PRE-CANON)
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Warnings: none
Word Count: 965
Summary: The war is over. (Y/N) wouldn’t have missed Tommy’s return for the world, but unfortunately her boss doesn’t find his homecoming as important as she does. But things have a way of working out this time.
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— November, 1918 —
The bell to the flower shop rang, signalling that someone had entered the store. (Y/N) couldn’t even be bothered to turn and see who it was. She was too busy begrudgingly shoving another tulip into one of the orders that her boss had left her with. A deep frown was etched into her features, and it grew deeper each time she let her mind wander.
I should be welcoming him home right now.
“Excuse me, do you have any red roses for sale?” a man’s voice came from the sale counter. (Y/N) didn’t even bother tearing her eyes away from the arrangement she was working on.
“No, sorry. They’ve all been bought,” she answered, hoping the man would leave without another word. A few moments passed, but the shop’s bell never rang. He was still standing at the counter. She didn’t have to look to feel his presence. Maybe if I ignore him, he’ll leave, she thought to herself as she snipped the stem of the next flower she was planning on using in the bouquet.
The man didn’t leave though. (Y/N) waited a few moments longer, gaining as much information about him that she could from looking at him through the corner of her eye. He was dressed only in brown, and his - what looked to be brown - hair was slicked back.
She let out a sigh and finally turned when it became clear to her that he wasn’t leaving. She wished she never let out a sigh when she was who was standing at the counter. Her eyes widened, and she blinked a few times to rule out the possibility that her mind was playing tricks on her. But he was still standing there.
“Have you forgotten the sound of my voice, love?” Tommy asked her, a smile creeping onto his features as he saw her shock.
(Y/N) rounded the corner and was in his arms within seconds. Tommy held her tightly against him, nestling his face into her neck and inhaling her sweet scent.
“You’re home,” she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. She clung to him like her life depended on it; like if she let go even the slightest bit, they’d both turn to dust and blow away.
“I’m home,” Tommy responded, turning his head to press his lips to her cheek.
They held the embrace for a few more moments before (Y/N) finally loosened her grip and stepped back slightly to get a better look at him. “I’m sorry I wasn’t at the station,” she said to him while wiping the tears from her eyes. “Mr. Johnson wanted me to work today.”
“There’s no need to apologize, (Y/N),” Tommy assured her with a shake of his head, “I knew you would have been there if you could. Your mum told me where you were,” he added then, laughing slightly when (Y/N)’s eyes widened for the second time.
“You went to my mum’s house?” she quite literally gasped, shocking filling her features once again.
“I did. I wasn’t sure where you were and figured she’d know,” he answered nonchalantly. (Y/N) took in the information, exhaled a long breath and decided to let it go. Right now she was just happy that her fiancé was home, for good. “All good?” Tommy broke the silence, making (Y/N) realize that nothing had been said for a few moments.
“Yeah,” she answered, taking a moment to really study his face. It looked sharper now than it did before, and any baby fat that was left had now disappeared. But she was still able to see her Tommy beneath it all. He became more prevalent as a smile started to break onto his features. God how she missed that smile.
“(Y/N)?” his voice brought her out of her thoughts and made her focus in on him again.
“Yeah?” she asked, wondering why he said her name.
“Are you ok?” he asked, his eyebrows raised.
“Yeah,” she breathed while nodding, a smile taking over her features as she felt her cheeks heat up. She just had to look away from him to conceal her reaction. Tommy’s chuckle told her that he’d saw it though. She’d been with him how many years now and still she’d get shy around him.
Silence surrounded them again until she lifted her head to match his eyes once more. Tommy hadn’t taken his gaze off of her since he entered the shop. She almost wanted to melt - again - under his gaze.
“I just…I missed you,” she whispered after a few more moments passed. She bit on her bottom lip to try and stop the tears from flowing, but they were too quick. Tommy saw them before she could swipe them away and he had her back in his arms within seconds.
“I missed you too, love,” he whispered back as he held her tight against his body. “But I’m not leavin’ you again,” he added, his words making her hold onto him even tighter. He took hold of her shoulders then so that he could hold her at arms length. “You hear me, eh? I’m not leavin’,” he told her again, his eyes focused right on hers.
“Please don’t,” she whispered through her tears.
“I won’t,” he assured her, “and we’re gonna get married. The first chance we have. I’m gonna make sure we have the wedding you deserve. Ok?”
“Ok,” she nodded in response, a smile forming on her face as she wiped the last tears from her cheeks. “I love you, Tommy,” she said then, her words making a smile form on his face.
“I love you, (Y/N),” he repeated the phrase before leaning in and pressing his lips to hers in a passionate kiss.
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**tagging in reblogs so hopefully the notification gets sent out
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maehemthemisfit · 1 year
i have come to return the favour of brainrots.
lyney loves helping you get ready whenever you’re going out. you want your hair done? no problem, he knows exactly what’ll suit you. not sure what to wear? well, he’ll tell you which colours go well with your skin palette and which outlines complement your body shape. want to paint your nails? he’s already laid out all the colours in front of you (and will definitely kiss your knuckles once he’s finished.) you wear makeup? let him do your eyeliner; he’s got you covered, and can probably do it better than you could yourself. (he will, however, take the opportunity to paint a little heart on your cheek if you’re not careful. ‘see?’ he’ll grin, pointing at the teardrop on his own cheek. ‘now we match.’)
he also loves dancing with you—like, i’m imagining a typical ballroom (but maybe a bit more steampunky), and he pulls your favourite flower from what looks like thin air, lowers into a bow, holds the flower out to you, and presses his lips to the back of your hand when you take it, eyes glimmering as he asks, ‘would you care to indulge me with a dance, [monsieur/ mademoiselle/ a gender neutral equivalent]?’
and he’s such a gentleman while you’re dancing, too; one hand hovering on your hips, the other holding yours, and he definitely twirls you around, no question about it. he probably also does that thing where he catches you and you stare at each other for a long, romantic-tension-you-could-cut-with-a-knife moment before he pulls you back up.
his favourite place to kiss you is probably your knuckles—you always get adorably flustered when he just barely skims his lips over the back of your hand, and he wouldn’t give up that expression for the world—closely followed by the tip of your nose and your lips and your forehead and— (you get the idea…)
also, going back to when you’re in the crowd during his performances, him trying to find you in the audience becomes a game over time: you’ll try and make yourself as inconspicuous as possible, and he’ll look for you as he’s performing. he’s never not managed to spot you before, and each time he does and you make eye contact, he winks at you and blows you a kiss.
i feel like there’s also a chance he might actually propose to you onstage at the end of a performance if he was sure you’d be comfortable with it: like, everyone’s about to take their bows, and he suddenly asks for a ‘surprise volunteering act’—of course, you get picked (what are the chances?), and once you’re on stage, he announces, ‘now, my dearest volunteer, i only need your hand for this magic trick. nothing more, nothing less.’
you raise an eyebrow, unsure what he’s planning—this ‘surprise act’ was certainly not on the lineup he described to you—and to your (and everyone else in the audience’s astonishment), he gets down on one knee, takes off his hat, and pulls a little box from it. the whole theatre is silent: you could hear a pin drop as he clears his throat and says, ‘if you’d be so kind as to humour me… may i ask for your hand in marriage?’ safe to say, that was a day nobody who was there ever forgot…
(of course, if he thinks you might be uncomfortable with such a public proposal, he’ll stick with something more private.)
this… got longer than i intended it to be, but… enjoy?
I. Don't. Care. What. ANYONE. Says. Lyney frequently kissing your hands is canon. Back, Knuckles, Wrist, Ring, ANYWHERE he can put his lips on. And he always smiles into it too.
Since he's part of the performance industry, it's common knowledge for him to know how to do hair and makeup. So if you ever struggle to do those things, he'll learn how to style and take care of your hair no matter the texture, type, or length. It might be trial and error but you both have fun bonding together, especially when he tries doing your makeup.
Archons forbid he ever puts lip gloss or something on your lips (it's gonna end up on his regardless, he has no self control when he's already inches away from kissing you). He makes a mess and has to redo it again, but that's after the mini make out session, he doesn't mind at all though... he might try to kiss you again. NEVER let them know your next move. 😭
(poor Freminet had walked in on you guys accidentally and wanted the ocean to swallow him whole- immediately reverses out of there and had trouble looking the two of you in the eyes right after.)
LOVES LOVES LOVES dancing with you, even if you can't dance or have difficulty doing so. He'll hold/carry you if he has to and just sway and spin you around. He doesn't mind if you trip up or stumble over his feet. He'll correct it, his hands guiding your hips, whispering instructions and praises as his words brush and fan across your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
He spins you like a princess, and if he's bold enough, he might throw you in the air and catch you (much to your frightened squeals and dismay). Whether you're in the spotlight or dancing in the dark, swaying in the rain, or practicing in a ballroom, his eyes are forever locked on yours. And don't expect him to dip you and NOT leave a kiss (unless he feels like teasing you). It's truly a crime to him if he doesn't at this opportune moment.
Dancing with him feels like a fairytale.
Live, Laugh, Lyney ❤️❤️❤️❤️
.° ୭ ៳ Genshin Drabble Masterlist・✩
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freemansgirl · 1 year
dating amber sfw and nsfw headcanons
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* very sweet, she loves you so much
* contact name in her phone for you is “my final girl”, your name, or “baby” with the 🖤👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 emojis
* can be clingy and overprotective (even too overprotective at times) especially when the ghostface killings happened
* loves to show you off, she is hers and you are hers, the whole school knows it
* petnames for you are “princess”, “baby”, “babe” “honey”, “sweetheart”, “love” and “darling”, she doesn’t really call you by your name that much but if she does that mean shes either mad or something serious
* very huge on pda, she loves to leave her hands on your waist, hips, thighs, hands, etc. shes very touchy and always has her hands on you somewhere. she likes to have you sit on her lap sometimes and loves to have you cuddle against her
*when people usually hit on you, she will come up from behind and grab you while giving the person in question a glare that screams “back off” or she’ll usually just tell them off herself, “she’s with me.”
or she’ll just play dumb and act like she doesn’t know what is happening, while walking up to press a kiss on your cheek, “oh who’s this?”
*you guys have definitely snuck off from class to have intense make out sessions, the main places you guys go to being the girl’s bathroom and/or the janitor’s closet
*if you’re ever stressed with school, she usually tries to get you coffee to energize and also gives you lots of words of encouragement “you’re more than just your grades, i believe you are smart with or without academic validation.” she also will help you study for anything
* big on compliments in the relationship especially when she sees you dressing up for her
* speaking of cuddles, she’s a huge cuddler, she prefers to be the big spoon majority of the time but can be the little spoon if you ask her to be
* lots of hangout session usually consist of you at her place crashing the night and watching stab a lot. if not stab then any type of horror movie/tv show, drama show, or true crime does the trick! if not watching things, then you guys may play horror games together or you watch her play some (especially dead by daylight).
*watching horror movies together, if you ever get scared or jumpy, she loves to grab you tightly to her and rub your shoulders in a soothing way to calm you down. “hey baby, it’s okay, i’m here… it’s just a movie, you’re safe with me.”
*also comforts you if you ever have nightmares about ghostface or as you watch the news about another ghostface murder has happened
* when crashing at her house (or just in general), she lets you wear her clothes such as an oversize t-shirt of hers, jacket, a hoodie, just any type of her clothing that she has. if it’s raining or cold, i feel like she’d be the type of girlfriend that’d let you’d give you her jacket to make sure you’re not wet or cold.
* LOVESSSS spoiling you! you want a new shirt? she’ll get it. jewerly? already on it. something related to one of your interests or hobbies? yes. likes to get you flowers too, bonus if its your fave. she’s the type of girlfriend that pays close detail to things you like, she knows how to surprise you. she’s very good on details and attentive, just like you are to her about her favorite things.
* as a couple, she may like to do cute things together as painting each others nails or she may let you do her makeup (if you like makeup)
* matching bracelets or lockets is a must
* date nights consist of a simple restaurant date, shopping dates, movie night dates (whether it’s at her place or the theater) haunted house, amusement parks (you’ve gotten her a ghostface plushie before once), escape rooms, walks around the park esp at night bc it’s romantic (pre-ghostface killings)
*as the ghostface killings happen, you guys have your locations shared so you always know where each other are at. sometimes, she will follow you around as ghostface to make sure you get home safely from the bus stop or just anywhere in general really.
*definitely kills for you
*she tries to keep you out of the killings (and richie) from getting involved. when it came to wes’s party, she didn’t want you to go so she hid your keys to your car so you couldn’t drive there.
*definitely has argued with richie a few times about keeping you out of their plans so you don’t get hurt.
* so first things first, shes definitely a boobs girl. like dont get her wrong, she loves all of you from the top to bottom of your body, but she gives special attention to your boobs. she doesn’t care if they’re small, big, or medium, she just loves your boobs. enjoys fondling them, sucking/licking them, etc. when you guys cuddle and she’s the little spoon, you let her lay on your boobs and she loves it. if you’re wearing a top that really shows off your bust, she might catch herself staring and checking you out🤭
*turned on by weight gain, she thinks its so sexy if she saw you gain weight in your ass, tummy, thighs, boobs, wherever! so if you ever feel insecure abt your body, ambs wouldn’t care, she loves you for you!
*loves seeing you in lingerie, it gets her in the mood so QUICKKK
* shes a switch but leans to tops and is definitely the dominant one in the relationship (top or bottom), it makes her feel like shes in control
* can be rough or very sweet but mainly rough
* has a high sex drive, she carries her strap on her all the time. in terms of g!p, she definitely can’t help but get hard when she’s around you majority of the time
* favorite positions: honestly she doesn’t care about positions, as long as she’s fucking you is what matters but she mainly likes one where she can see your face. missionary (loves to see your face and the facial expressions you give as you guys get down) and cowgirl (she loves seeing you ride her and enjoys the view of seeing your boobs bounce up and down as you ride her strap or (dick if we’re going down the g!p! route). she likes to have her hands on your hips and roughly move up and down your body. sometimes she wont touch you, and let you fuck on her as she gets to watch with a smirk.) standing missionary against the wall is another fave of hers too (she loves having your legs wrapped around her hips and giving u support with her arms)
* kinks: somnophilia, spanking, dacryphillia (gets turned on seeing you cry during her pleasuring you), roleplay (especially when you get to pretend you’re a “helpless victim” and she is portraying as ghostface chasing you down), knife kink (i mean would she really be ghostface if she didn’t hold a knife against your throat as she fucks you?), choking, loves pulling your hair, phone sex, mirror sex, praise kinks (use of “good girl” is heavily used), degrading kink (likes to call you names especially whore, that’s her favorite), daddy kink, public sex to an extent, tying kink (likes to tie your wrists up as she has sex with you occasionally), leash (i can see her putting one on reader's neck and pulling on it as she fucks)
*now about the daddy kink thing, when having sex with her she doesn’t care if you call her by her full name or whatever in sex when shes normally herself, BUT when shes mad or jealous, she prefers be called daddy, nothing else but that.
*about the video games thing, she loves seeing you ride her or suck her dick off when she plays them. she’ll return the favor when you play video games by eating you out or fingering you🫣
* enjoys facesitting (loves hearing your cute moans all for her while you ride her face, also vice versa she likes to ride yours too)
*uses sex toys while she fucks you sometimes (yes sometimes because amber wants you to feel good from her AND only her, and not the sex toy)
* dirty talker
* enjoys hate sex a lotttt, you guys just got into it and how will you repay her? fucking. the angrier she is, the better.
*has definitely taken sex toys in public when shes with you. she’ll take a remote and switch between low or high settings to just humiliate you if shes in playful or bad mood
* her strap on is DEFINITELY BLACKKK or purple lol
* loves to leave hickies and bite marks all over your body
*likes to mock your moans after sex if shes in playful mood
* fingers you with or without the ghostface gloves
*huge on sexting (mainly at school) esp if she wants to get you so flustered and embarrassed. the more flustered you are, the more she’ll tease you
*speaking of teasing, she loves to tease you too!
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chocotonez · 1 year
txt + moments of fondness
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a/n: this was so incredibly fun to write!! also I’m back from twice concert so yippeee :D
cw/genre: fluff, swearing, suggestive in yeonjun’s and taehyun’s (making out/pinned against wall) gn reader, food, let me know if anything else needs to be tagged!
summary: some things/moments that txt do as your boyfriend
link to my 1k June special! -> (*´◒`*)
-kissing the back of your hand when sitting idly next to you, wrapping his arms around your waist when you try to leave the bed, biting your bottom lip when making out, kissing the back of your neck just out of the blue, scolding you if you spoil your appetite, surprising you with flowers at every date, excitedly peppering kisses over your face when he sees you after a tour, always making sure you feel loved and confident when he’s around.
-playing with your fingers, brushing your hair out of your face, wiping your face of food or dirt, letting you hold onto his arm/sleeve when you cross the road, smiling fondly when he caught you asleep on the bed after trying to wait for him to get home, pulling the blankets over the two of you and giving you a kiss before bed, always squeezing your hands reassuringly, never makes you feel unsafe and always keeping his promises
-messily playing with your hair, staring at you with a sickeningly-sweet gaze that gives you butterflies, giggling and grabbing random things that remind him of you to show you, always wants to brush or style your hair, teasing you and poking your cheeks, gushes over how cute you are when he’s tired, he spots you in the crowd when he’s performing and his legs nearly give out, always making sure you have fun and enjoying yourself when you’re with him
-showing you magic tricks just to make you giggle, softly singing you to sleep, pinning you against the wall just to see you get flustered, randomly professing his love just because he feels like it, keeps his hand on your thigh so you know he’s always there, throws away his logic to sympathize with you, texts you every night reminding you to lock your door and stay safe on your way home, making sure you’re always protected when he’s around
-gets you matching plush animals and takes cute photos of them, sneaks out of the dorms for you, runs backstage immediately after a performance to give you a big kiss, shyly compliments you when you look so beautiful, presses kisses behind your ear/back of your neck, whines if you leave his side when you’re cuddling, wants to do everything with you no matter how mundane, leans forward if you pull away from a kiss because he just doesn’t want to stop yet, you’ll always feel wanted when he’s around
taglist: @chansburgah
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yanderedbdimagines · 9 months
Hi dear, i have a special request. What about yandere Entity with a reade who find a way to escape. The Entity obvious don´t whant them to leave. <3
Creative ask! Underneath normal circumstances, I believe that it’s basically impossible to escape the Entity, so I had to get creative xD I hope that the method of escape I picked is lore-friendly enough! And I hope you like it as result!
The Entity
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The Entity is a mysterious force that lures unsuspecting souls into its realm. Souls that have often been tainted- touched by death’s essence.
To the outside worlds- past, present and future, alternate reality or not, it is but a myth. A whisper in the dark. But to most of those who find themselves trapped within its grasp, it is a nightmare made into reality.
You stumbled into this otherworldly domain after the death of a loved one, drawn in by an eerie curiosity just outside of the crematorium center that soon swayed you into the unknown through a trick of the eye.
Little did you know, your mere presence instantly awakened the Entity’s interest, and eventually its possessive nature, after you started traversing though the fog- eventually trying to find a way out. 
At first, the Entity appeared as a benevolent guide, offering solace and shelter in its strange realm from dangers you could sense, but never see. Yet, behind the veiled kindness laid a sinister desire to keep you captive, to possess your every thought, whim and every little part of your being. Your soul especially.
You quickly realized the Entity’s infatuation, its twisted affection made further prevalent after you accidentally stumbled upon a haunting replica of your own past. A memory made physical, but never real. The people you cared about weren’t there, and the animals you did see just didn’t look alive. As if they lacked heart. 
As the night stretched ever endlessly, you came to yearn for freedom- for a way out of this suffocating imprisonment. With every attempt to escape, the Entity's affection morphed into perceivable fury from the surrounding environment, its once soothing whispers turning into menacing warnings. You knew the risks, the danger of crossing such a mighty being, but the desire for freedom burned brighter than any fear. Even though you were still unaware of the realm's true purpose, its minions, and the actual victims trapped within.
Through sheer determination and cunning, you eventually pieced together forgotten fragments of lore and ancient whispers, not only revealing to you the realm’s true nature, but also uncovering a hidden passage that promised escape after a long time of searching. With a pounding heart and trembling hands, you set your plan into motion, long since haven found a way to evade the Entity's watchful gaze by using a strange yellow flower that oozed with a fluorescent yellow substance.
In the distance, near a tunnel made up mostly of stone bricks and various human body parts in different states of decay, you eventually found this potential way out. And it was made further evident as the yellow ooze’s potency sharply reduced after you jumped through the black mists that originally blocked up its entrance.
The escape was fraught with peril, every step echoing with the Entity's enraged cries and your nose tormented by the constant scent of decay. Shadows and mist alike twisted and writhed, attempting to ensnare you, but you pressed on, fueled by the flickering hope of freedom as you warded it with the unusual flower’s nectar. As you neared the exit, the Entity's desperation peaked, unleashing its full wrath upon you, a whirlwind of dark energy and desperate pleas. Even the unspoken threat of using the killers against you as you heard the rearing of chainsaws and the bone chilling screams of monsters echo from all around you.
With a final surge of willpower, you broke through the threshold, a familiar world outside welcoming you with open arms. Gasping for much needed air and a heart pounding wildly, you glanced back at the realm- a large hole in the surrounding morning mist that seemed to collapse in on itself. The Entity's form flickered beyond it in the distance, a mix of fury and heartbroken anguish etched upon its fading shadows- writhing in on itself.
You had escaped the clutches of the Entity, but its haunting presence always lingers in your memories. The chilling whispers and phantom touches serve as a constant reminder of the harrowing ordeal. Yet, with each passing day, you have found some solace in the newfound freedom, vowing to never forget the haunting dance with the possessive being that may almost have claimed your very soul, and to make sure that you’d never fall into its shadows ever again.
After all, despite your escape, the Entity persistently seeks ways to reclaim its hold, attempting to ensnare you from afar—a chilling reminder to remain ever vigilant against its unseen clutches.
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kit-williams · 4 months
Zul alt Spray
I wanted to love Zul so much but its really hard to decide which one he deserved... SO I gave him two. This is an older Zul with his Spazeniye
This is also to try to help me break free from the writers rut I'm in
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
as always thank you @squishyowl for the dividers
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An untethered World Eater was a dangerous thing... But a World Eater with his higher faculties unimpeded was a threat to everyone around him. It was how in the span of a decade of getting his Spaseniye that he was in charge of his own warband and pulling off an insane heist of another warband's planet now being his own. He jealously guarded Spaseniye as she was the key to his success and while he didn't need to constantly stare at her to get the effects... he kept her around as she too learned a few new tricks. Zul had effectively unchained himself from a cruel master along with an uncaring father and Zul knew, while it looked like she was chained to him, he had chained himself to her... forcing her to take the yoke of Master.
His red-brown eyes glanced over to her as she stood beside him listening to the droning on of the mortal petitioning his aid. They called her The Brass Lady initially a mocking title given his prior dedicated worship of Khorne and the brass Gorget around her neck plus with her being a psyker bearing that title. She was still a pacifist in many ways and in others she realized violence would follow no matter what she did... she still only used her powers for non violence... soothing him and now she can knit his flesh back together and heal him. She was no longer the same shrinking flower that he had found chained to the floor screaming and wailing for her mistress to come back to her... only for Zul to find her instead.
He was thoroughly distracted by her as her robes were new as they had celestial patterns draped over her... a delicate veil of twisting shimmering colors over her head... hiding her hair. Her hands were still frail looking but there was only so much one could do for a Psyker. Perhaps he would be upset that all she uses her powers was for soothing him... healing him... and extending her life but he was fine with their arrangement. He glanced back to the droning man trying to focus on the words but he could smell a faint perfume upon Spaseniye skin... oh how he wanted to bury his nose into the flesh of her neck and rake his teeth upon-
"Please get to the point." Spaseniye spoke up as Zul's vision was both becoming lustful but starting to gain a red tint to it as what would win first his lust or his desire to spill blood? Well with the blood lust quelled for the moment his mind fixated on the delicate scent of the perfume tickling his nose, carrying with it a trace of her natural scent. Zul's favorite smell was when she was sweating with her scent drowning in his own in that post sex bliss... and now Zul was aroused.
He could hear that soft sharp inhale through her nose. Space Marines were akin to animals... powerful smells would assault her as he could see the way she would wrinkle her nose at him occasionally... though on the other hand she rather enjoyed that as she would have her face buried between his legs inhaling deeply as her tongue- "I will think this over. Leave." Zul said as a natural stopping of the conversation had arrived and he was done just being aroused. He stood up and gently tugged on her gorget silently bidding her to follow him.
She followed slightly behind him as they just walked out of the room. Zul was counting his steps and when he had gotten sixteen strides away he grabbed her. She hardly made a peep as he pressed his Spaseniye against the wall, forcing his knee between her legs. His scarred mouth pressed against her own softer lips. His tongue snaked its way roughly into her mouth as he was rough with her but she eagerly pressed her body against his and whimpered with delight. He pulls away with a gruff noise, "He kept looking at you." Zul groused as he pulled open her robes exposing her neck, shoulders, and bare breasts to him. Bite marks peppered her shoulders and once more his torn and scarred lips pressed against her own as he held her tightly and growled, "Mine."
"Yes yours." Spaseniye mewled as she left herself willing and pliant to his wishes. Zul bowed his head slightly as his mouth wrapped around one of her nipples and started to suckle. She writhed under his hands feeling her hands wrap around his head as she moaned softly enjoying this feeling. He could feel the way her thumbs moved against the back of his head over scars where a few of his nails were removed... a few in combat and a few via surgery... all healed by her loving hands. The shaven short blonde hair on the sides of his head moved under her hands as she moaned so softly... his own red hands held her waist, permanently blood stained and giving the rest of the skin of his arms a ruddy color to them. She felt his crooked nose push into the flesh of her breasts as he pulled his mouth away with a pop.
"I'm going to fuck you until you cannot walk." Zul stated as if it was a matter of fact.
"Oh yes please!" Spaseniye said, grinding against his leg eagerly.
He picked her up and held her close growling and snarling at anyone unlucky enough to be between there and their shared bedroom. It was clear what parts of the room were all due because Spaseniye lived in the room with him, as otherwise it would be spartan. But, he indulged in his baseline's need to have comforts where she slept; anything else was in another room out of his way. Though the large mirror in the room was his desire and it was one that had persisted for a long time to have. Oh yes for the longest time he had wanted a mirror for moments like this. Her flowing robes and his tunic quickly hit the floor leaving their bodies to press against each other.
She hollowed her cheeks as she sucked and slobbered over one of his fingers, she could taste lingering iron on the red digit, but she still ran her tongue over the callouses and cuts that lined the digit. Spaseniye let her teeth playfully scrape against his skin as he pulled his finger free with a pop and quickly bullied the wet digit between her folds. Her hands rested on his arm as she spread herself open for him to work her open as she chanted his name and Zul well he relished the softness of her skin against his torn up body and rough flesh. All the little blemishes she had gained over the years... the bites, the scars, the brand on her back, even the stretch marks on her were all from him.
She had such deliciously pliant flesh and he knew Slaanesh had gripped it's meager grasp on this part of his soul. Tightly milking all worship it could get out of the World Eater... and he gave the prince their due. He pulls his finger out before pushing into her and he feel Spaseniye gasp into his neck. His hips still as she lays under him, walls pulsing and throbbing around his cock, his blood stained hands petting her stomach and waist till she finally mewls out for him to love her. Zul chuckles for a moment as he was a fool to wait so long to tell her his feelings but he had to make sure he could keep her safe with no issue.
He fucked her in front of that mirror. Watching the way her breasts pressed against the floor and that fucked out look as he pulled her back onto his cock. When he took her on her back again he positioned them so that he could watch the way he split her open. Watching the way her sex had to be pushed open and then her body swallowing up his girth over and over just vanishing between her legs, Zul couldn't stop himself from drooling over the sight of her skin bulging slightly. "Oh gods..." She moaned as their eyes met in the reflection and she watched her own body get ravaged... she watched her breasts bounce with their stretch marks on the sides... the bruising from his fingers on her hips... he grunted over her and moved harder causing the clapping from their sweaty bodies meeting to become louder.
Zul grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her up to meet him in a kiss. Zul chuckled, feeling the way her cunt fluttered and squeezed him as he treated her roughly. It was amusing to him that someone so fragile enjoyed being handled and fucked like a whore. And he told her as such... watching her write in pleasure under him. She loved the bruises from him grabbing her too hard, bruising her easily bruised form, to have her rear be tender from a swat on her ass from him, her nipples dark from him sucking too hard and too long, her cunt feeling raw and overflowing from him fucking her till he was done... yes they gave the prince their due.
Her toes curled as she couldn't bite back the squeal of pleasure and that blissed smile on her face. Zul split himself inside of her not long after as the faces she makes when she orgasms tend to drive him mad with pleasure. He pulls out and they lay there in front of the mirror as he stares at the way her cunt is spread wide and oozing his cum. He picks her up and carried her to the bed as he collapses into his spot enjoying the mindless bliss he was in. Spaseniye eventually crawled over and nestled against him as she now smelt how he adored.
"But... I think you were right. He did keep looking at me." She spoke up.
An annoyed noise left Zul as his arm wrapped around her and he used that hand to grope and play with the flesh of her ass. "Good to know he was staring at what was mine. Wasn't going to accept his offer now I'm more certain not to." Zul groused before he pulled her into a kiss as they lounged together.
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slytherhys · 5 months
June in January (Because I'm in Love)
Prompt: Powers & Possibilities (but make it Witchy!) @elriel-month
A/N: So I've had this AU in my mind for a really long time and I thought it'd be perfect for this prompt. It is kinda different from how I usually write so please bear with me. I hope I managed to make it at the very least a cute read! Enjoy 🌼
TW: Swearing, Blood and Violence (mentioned because Az is an idiot!)
You can also read this story on AO3!
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The first time Azriel visits the witch’s cottage on the outskirts of Velaris, it’s against his will.
For starters, he has never been a fan of witches – not of their unrestrained power and certainly not of their blood-drinking habits. He is also a firm believer that, despite Mor’s insistence, Madja would’ve been perfectly able to fix him up with whatever medicine she usually gave Cassian whenever he got punched in the face.
But after a sparring session gone wrong, a vicious hit to the face that takes both him and Cassian by surprise, and a pounding headache only made worse by Cassian’s incessant bragging about knocking out the Shadowsinger for the first time in centuries, Azriel barely bats an eye when Mor presses a piece of parchment to his hand and nearly forces him to visit her dear friend.
“You can thank me later.” She says with an impish smile. “Preferably with chocolates.”
Azriel doesn’t bother asking any questions – namely, who her friend is. Or rather what . With a nasty black eye, a bruised ego and absolutely no desire to take part in any small talk with a stranger, he simply goes, dazed, and confused as to how the fuck he let himself be punched in the face by Cassian, of all people.
But when he first gets there, he has to wonder if Mor is pranking him. 
The cottage is covered in ivy, idyllic enough that one could think it actually belongs to the landscape where it stands. The garden surrounding him is an array of colours and scents, neatly organised by a logic Azriel does not pretend to understand. It looks innocent enough, all things considered.
But something in him goes still as he takes in the landscape in front of him. His eyes narrow as he watches the flowers sway softly in the cool January breeze. They’re beautiful and fragrant and would raise absolutely no suspicion on any other given day – if not for the fact they were in full bloom despite it being the middle of winter.
And then he sees it – a plain, wooden sign, the lettering a loopy cursive that speaks of lovely, gentle things. If it wasn’t for what they spell out, of course.
Elain’s Herbs & Potions
His entire body goes cold, and it speaks of his self-control that Azriel doesn’t shoot to the skies without a glance back. Because he knows –vividly remembers – all the tales of witches he grew up hearing about. Of their all-seeing eyes and their crooked smiles that promised nothing but pain and horror. The tales of their rituals and tricks not even the most cunning soldier could escape. Even Rhys, for all his powers and smarts, has never showed much interest in coming across a witch.
He's wondering why, exactly, Mor ever thought it’d be a good idea to send him here when he sees her.
The first thing he notices, oddly enough, is how small she is. After living next to Amren for most of his life, Azriel is not foolish enough to ever think that a sign of weakness, but it intrigues him all the same. Then, he’s utterly aware of how she doesn’t look anything like what he thought she’d look like. There’s no yellowed teeth, no wispy, greying hair, no soulless eyes.
Instead, all he sees is long, golden-brown hair and chocolate eyes. A yellow dress that compliments her tanned skin and red cheeks and speaks of warmer, sunnier days. She’s carrying a wicker basket overflowing with flowers, but the scent that trails after her is all her – sweet and sour, and Az feels his legs nearly giving out from under him, it’s probably completely unrelatable.
Elain , he assumes, and never a name has ever sounded so sweet.
When she looks up and spots him, she smiles, as if she was waiting for him and is pleased to see he's finally here. His heart tumbles inside his chest and he tells himself it’s because he’s in the presence of a witch – not because he’s suddenly wanting things he’s never wanted before.
She eyes him curiously and he has
to stop himself from asking her what’s on her mind, even if it suddenly feels
like the most important thing he’s ever needed to know.
“Can I help you?” She asks sweetly. Her voice echoes through him, and something inside him settles. He, however, can’t bring himself to speak, swallowing dryly as he stares and stares and stares . The woman - Elain ,
he thinks with delight - tilts her head, furrowing her brow as her chocolate
eyes trace his face. “That doesn’t look good.” She mutters and Azriel has to
remind himself of the reason he’s here in the first place.
“A fight.” He says oh-so-eloquently , and he’s surprised she doesn’t seem alarmed in
the slightest by his response. As if, perhaps, this is a normal occurrence for
her. He doesn’t know why that bothers him, but it does. 
Elain, oblivious to his nonsensical thoughts, simply nods and turns on her feet, disappearing inside her cottage without another word. Azriel remains where he is, unsure of what to do. All of a sudden, he can’t recall why he ever feared witches in the first place, why he ever believed the tales his brothers told him in the middle of the night when they were too young to know any better. 
And fuck if they knew any better. 
It takes the pretty witch less than five minutes to return, this time carrying a small basket in her hands, each one of her steps a small symphony of bottles clicking against each other until she’s standing in front of him. He looks down at the basket with intrigue and pretends that her closeness isn’t making his skin tingle. He listens carefully as she explains – a bit shyly, Azriel notices with satisfaction – how he must apply the green ointment to his bruises, at what time he must drink the periwinkle potion and how many times a day the white paste must be applied to reduce the swelling of his cheek.
When he nods in thanks and turns to leave, it’s entirely too soon and a pang echoes through his body as he desperately tries to come up with ways of prolonging his stay but comes up empty instead. His skin feels too tight, his cheeks too hot, his hands too clammy. He vaguely wonders if he’s running a fever - if maybe he can ask her for a cure for that as well. 
She walks by his side until they’re standing on the limits of her property, like maybe she doesn't want him to leave just yet either. He feels oddly mislaid; uncertain of what to do and who to be. All his convictions turn into ash and suddenly there’s only one thing he knows for sure: he’s going to have to get punched again, because there’s not a chance in this world he isn’t seeing Elain again.
“Who won?” Azriel turns to her as she asks, confusion clear on his face. Elain, not one to be put off by his silence, clarifies, “The fight.”
Azriel chuckles softly. “Not me.”
She frowns like she's not entirely happy with his response. “Well, make sure you win next time. Okay?” 
But the second time Azriel visits the witch’s cottage, just on the outskirts of Velaris, Elain greets him with a brilliant smile, not disappointed in the slightest to see him sporting a new bruise and a busted lip.
It shouldn’t surprise him how beautiful she looks, but he still is taken aback when he first sees her. Her hair is tumbling down her back in a messy braid, a too-big straw hat on her head and a small streak of dirt on her cheek that she probably isn’t aware of. Her cheeks are flushed from the sun, her blue dress reminds him of ripe blueberries, and the way it sways with her every step reminds him of flying in the summer breeze.
This time around, there’s no doubt in his mind he’s right where he should be. A familiar feeling of contentment rushes through his body, as if after weeks of waiting to see her, he can finally let himself relax and enjoy this small moment of reprieve (and really, who can blame him for wanting to get punched again?).
When Elain asks him what happened this time around, Azriel doesn’t dare tell her he made sure to pick Rhys during this week’s sparring session; that he made sure the most powerful High Lord in history punched him just in the right place so that he could bust his lip open. He doesn’t tell her about the confused look on his friend’s face as Azriel smiled maniacally when he felt the blood on his lips, nor does he tell her he tried to go for a broken nose instead so that maybe she would touch him too.
He simply smiles sheepishly at the pretty witch and utters something about distractions, making her blush under his stare as she turns around and scolds him for being so careless, all the while making a package of too many potions he doesn’t entirely need. (He still hasn’t used up all the old ones, but he doesn't tell her that either).
When Elain finally turns to him, her eyes drop to his lips and Azriel feels fire licking up at his spine. She watches him with curiosity and something else lingering in those cinnamon eyes. Amusement, perhaps?
For a brief, panicky moment, he wonders if she can see right through him. As it is, Azriel doesn’t exactly know where her power lies, and for all he knows every lie, every excuse is pointless in the presence of this witch.
Elain, however, doesn’t seem too concerned by his lies. “What is your favourite fruit?” She asks instead, eyes flickering to his as if nervous to see his reaction. 
Azriel tucks away his puzzlement and says, “Blueberries,” pretending the whole time it’s not only because of the colour of her dress. She nods once, as if the answer satisfies her, and hands him the basket.
“Be careful, okay?” She tells him in that honeyed voice and Azriel can think of nothing else to say, so he nods and leaves without a glance back.
He pretends he doesn’t miss her the entire flight back home.
The third time Azriel visits Elain’s cottage, he is greeted by a brilliant smile that sends his heart racing inside his chest. Elain, still bent over a shrub, tells him about the new batch of healing potions she’s been perfecting so he can try them, and he tries not to show just how pleased he is that she has been thinking about him, waiting for him to return. She doesn’t ask him about his bandaged shoulder and Azriel doesn’t tell her about the lecture he got from Rhys once the High Lord of the Night Court realised what was going on.
“These ones taste like blueberries.” She says, handing him three new potions he’s never seen before. He frowns slightly. “They’re your favourite.” She explains, and the expectant smile on her face makes it impossible for him to come clean. He isn’t even sure he likes blueberries, but he thanks her anyway and smiles the whole way home.
The fourth time Azriel visits Elain’s cottage, he has just returned from a mission abroad. When she hears the rustle of his wings, she turns to him with that brilliant smile of hers. To her credit, she doesn’t stop smiling when he sees the heavy expression on his face. She simply stands up, holds his hand, and leads him to a wooden bench under a willow tree behind her house.
They sit there for hours, without a word ever being spoken. He doesn’t know how Elain knows he doesn’t wish to speak, but he’s thankful all the same.
When he returns home, he doesn’t take any potions with him, but nevertheless something inside him feels mended; lighter than it has ever felt before. For a quiet, lovely moment he wonders if maybe he’s worthy of having his hands held despite the scars marring his skin and the idea of such a life follows him all the way home.
The fifth time Azriel returns to Elain’s cottage, nothing seems to be amiss - both Cassian and Rhysand refuse to fight him (since Rhysand promptly forbade them), and Azriel can’t seem to find any more excuses to see her again. Until he realises he doesn’t need them anymore.
As he flies to her house, a million scenarios rush through his mind as he wonders how she’ll react. If she’ll welcome him with her beaming smile, watching him as if she’d been waiting for him all along or if instead, she’ll find it so weird to find him uninjured she’ll send him on his way the second she understands why, exactly, he’s there. Azriel isn’t foolish enough to believe he’d be so lucky, but he wants to brave enough to find out.
He finds sitting in the middle of the daisies, looking for all the world like she has been painted into the landscape to make it all the more appealing. When she sees him, a smile lights up her face, eyes taking him in as he walks her way and Azriel isn’t entirely sure why, but every single doubt tainting his mind melts away into a puddle at the expression on her face.
Elain doesn’t say a word. She simply waits, rising to her feet and watching him with an expectant look in her eyes.   
“I don’t need anything today.” He says by way of greeting, and she gives him a tentative smile. 
“But you’re here.” She says gingerly, not a trace of confusion on her face.
Which makes him confused in return. “I am.” He says, and Elain chuckles, the sound low and so sweet, so perfect his heart nearly leaps from his chest to try and catch the sound. He can’t stop watching her as certainty settles deep into his bones.
Elain blows a breath like she’s finally had enough of his silence. Her cheeks pinken under his stare but she isn’t deterred. “Are you finally going to ask me out, Azriel?” She asks a bit exasperatedly. “Or is the Shadowsinger going to keep getting his ass handed to him until he finds the courage?”
He’s speechless for one second. Two. Three. He vaguely thinks of Mor and how she described Elain as her dear friend . And then he’s wondering if he’s truly that transparent and if she’s known what he had been doing all along – gathering the courage to kiss her, have her in any way he can get.
And then he’s not wondering anymore - he’s pulling her into his arms instead, kissing her until they both can’t breathe, until the sun falls behind the trees, until the cool breeze of January makes Elain shiver in his arms, reminding them of where they are. That, despite the blooming garden and the warmth of their kiss, it’s still January and there’s an entire world out there waiting for them to start the rest of their lives.
But none of it seems to matter as Elain pulls away from him, never letting go of his hand as she asks, “Do you want to come inside?”
And later that night, when the colours of dawn chase away the darkness of the night, with Elain sleeping soundly against his chest, Azriel smiles, shaking his head in disbelief.
Because he now owes Mor a very big fucking box of chocolates.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
ooooh, I love Patrick Hennessey's voice!
Renfield getting possessive over Dracula... or possibly just recognizing that the boxes being taken away means Dracula might leave too, and he wants to prevent that.
kfjsldf Renfield is so good at managing the staff here. politely gaslighting them to believe he's oblivious to his own actions then escaping
OHkay the dull thuds were quite awful when he's slamming the guy's head into the ground
"you know I'm no lightweight" between this and Seward knocking Renfield off with one punch I now find myself imagining them like. wrestling each other for fun or something at least once. (jack would have gotten very bisexual about it and then refused to look dr. hennessey in the face for days probably)
"'I'll frustrate them! They shan't rob me! they shan't murder me by inches! I'll fight for my Lord and Master!'" I love how rough his voice sounds here, so different from usual. Also the murder me by inches is such a vivid and bleak way to describe being deprived of the chance at supernatural life.
sorry for your finger, Hardy
YES, the first of the very thirsty men who are suddenly more relaxed when given a drink. it's so funny
but really, Hennessey managed that very well. his quick smoothing over and attention to detail could be really helpful if anyone decided to sue them or something over this.
the phonograph noises at the beginning of Jack's entry at first made me think they were at the end of Hennessey's report, and it would be very funny if Jack insisted on getting his report in phonograph form. That, or Hennessey just wanted to take the chance to see what all the fuss was about.
...and then Jack started speaking and all amusement was lost. God, he's wrecked.
the stop and scoff before "too miserable" GODDDD
"the flapping of the wings of the angel of death" yeah he's been flapping a lot the bastard
but really, the way Jack lists them off, so bitterly, damn it's horrible
is he drinking? or trying to keep from crying? I mean he's definitely doing that either way but
the shake on "we must not all break down"
van Helsing speaking SO GENTLY to Arthur, auuugh
"You shall lie on one, and I on the other, and our sympathy will be comfort to each other, even though we do not speak, and even if we sleep." this is so sweet, I can't believe I'd forgotten about it
"in this room, as in the other," of course, it makes sense not to keep Lucy in her own bedroom, where the windows are shattered and where her mother died... but I wonder where she is. Did I miss a line about it somewhere? A part of me imagines Mrs. Westenra's room, which would mean they both die in one another's beds. :(
"Her teeth, in the dim, uncertain light, seemed longer... and sharper than they had been in the morning. In particular - by some trick of the light, the canine teeth looked... longer... and sharper than the rest." he repeats 'longer and sharper' twice, and especially the second time sounds so... nearly fascinated. It reminds me of Jonathan describing Dracula.
"there came a sort of dull flapping or buffeting at the window" there he is, the flappy asshole. angel of death himself.
"It struck me as curious that the moment she became conscious she pressed the garlic flowers close to her. It was certainly odd that whenever she got into that lethargic state, with the stertorous breathing, she put the flowers from her; but that when she waked she clutched them close." SHE'S TRYING. GOD I WANNA CRY
van Helsing's fear and despair is so well conveyed. and when he spends several minutes staring at her and then sounds so calm - he is determined.
"I went to the dining-room and waked him." the way Jack says this line is just. brutal.
the saddest "my dear old fellow" in the world
brushing Lucy's hair... I love that this makes Jack cry, because it makes me cry too.
ffffuck her shaky greeting to Arthur.
so I was talking a little bit ago about how Jack seems to distance himself unconsciously and start referring to Lucy as a thing whenever she is in more vampiric mode, and I love to hear it reflected in his voice here too. He goes from being so choked up with emotion to sounding almost cold as he says "the mouth opened,"
and he sounds so disturbed when he calls her eyes "dull" and her voice "voluptuous"
oh no oh no that "oh my love " is SO DAMN SINISTER art don't do it don't do it. like damn, I can't even make a joke about van helsing playing chaperone I'm just thankful that he's there!
it's not like being a vampire is transferrable through saliva or anything anyway but. she sounded so scary there.
Jack's delivery about van Helsing pulling Arthur back from the kiss was so funny. He sounds so incredulous: "dragged him back with a fury of strength which I never thought he could have possessed," van Helsing may joke about him being bitchless but Jack was here thinking he was a frail old man so who's laughing now. (van Helsing. definitely still van Helsing.)
van Helsing's panting!
art, bless him, choosing not to get into a fight over his fiance's deathbed. (the way Jack's voice gets rough on "and the occasion" uggggh)
god, Lucy's voice makes me so sad. that final "and give me peace"......
"Their eyes met instead of their lips; and so they parted." THIS LINE.
nooooooo don't make me listen to Art cry fuck it's breaking me
the music while Jack is talking about there being peace for Lucy is so ominous!!! also I love the way he is so clearly trying so hard to stay composed and say something nice and look on the bright side if only a little... and then van Helsing has to be mysterious and ominous and ruin that for him too
van Helsing Barbie strikes again
"only some letters and a few memoranda, and a diary new begun." those last few words are so sad. She never got to do more than just begin her diary. She never got to even begin her new life before it was taken away from her.
"we both started at the beauty before us," Beautiful Corpse Jumpscare
"He had not loved her as I had, and there was no need for tears in his eyes." I get how you feel but that's pretty dang rude, Jack. He's told you that he loves her and wanted to save her. He already cried for her once.
kjdsfljksdf THE DELIVERY of "I want to cut off her head and take out her heart." and. no DUH he's shocked, vH! don't go acting like this is typical surgeon behavior/reaction. omg.
and then that sigh and 'kind' concession that 'all you have to do is help me cut off her head that's all'
I fucking love the delivery of "no good to her, to us, to science, to human knowledge"
"I may err—I am but man; but I believe in all I do." the way his voice almost wavers on the word 'believe'. Not out of doubt, but emotion.
"and she kiss my rough old hand and bless me?" the way he says this line... he was so affected by her trust in him and her final request. he feels honored and burdened both.
Jack being so emotional about the maid grieving for Lucy... and me sitting there knowing that she's in there to steal from Lucy. (or at least, she does even if it's not why she went in)
mr. marquand! you are a decent guy, thank you for trying to look out for Lucy's interests. anyone who tries to give her agency is good in my book. even if your rejoicing is in. rather poor taste. (Jack's laugh at that is great!)
Art bringing Jack in with him is so sweet, god, god, his crying.... THE WAY HE SAYS JACK'S NAME. THE WAY HE SAYS THERE'S NOTHING TO LIVE FOR
Jack's line about men only needing "a grip of the hand, the tightening of an arm over the shoulder, a sob in unison," was already ridiculous but the way says it like he's trying so hard to convince himself
I hit the bulletpoint character limit. Wow.
Anyways the delivery is so stiff-upper-lip-this-is-fine, it's great. especially as the further into the line he gets the more you can hear him trying not to sob as well.
the way Art reacts to being called 'Lord'. ""No, no, not that, for God's sake! not yet at any rate." he sounds so desperate, the POOR MAN
and the way he is taking deep breaths while talking to van Helsing. He is working so fucking hard to be kind and try and make things easier and get through this without lashing out at anyone. I love him so much.
and van Helsing immediately follows up with "I stole your dead girlfriend's letters, can I keep them?" I KNOW he feels bad about it and he feels it is necessary and everything but. damn okay.
GOD THAT'S SO SAD. DO NOT COME INTO THE NIGHT DO NOT GO TO SLEEP MY DEAR :( :( oh how dare you with that line about eternal life/shine so bright" AND TAKE MY BITE NOOOOOOO
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skiller0dani · 2 years
The Noble House of Gaunt | Part 2
M A S T E R L I S T Other Masterlist Harry Potter Masterlist
angst | slytherin!reader requests info w.c | 3.1k summary | Sebastian is determined to make Ominis see reason, even if it means doing something Ominis told him specifically not to do.
Genuine question, I've been seeing some Sebastian smut on Tumblr but haven't seen any for Ominis. If I dabbled in smut for Ominis, is this something that would make people uncomfortable? I threw in a tiny bit of spice into this one, just to see how it's received.
Part 1 | Part 3 | Blurb
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You were determined to make it through the entire day without falling apart. It had been nearly a month since Ominis broke up with you, and while you weren't trying to keep track it was hard to forget the day your heart was ripped out. Thankfully you hadn't seen Ominis with any other girls, you don't think your heart could bear the sight. You've also seen Sebastian trailing after Ominis the last few weeks, you hope they've made up. The thought of Sebastian being all alone hurts your heart, but worse than that imagining Ominis on his own made your chest tighten. You know you shouldn't care how he's feeling after what he did, but you do. You can't help it, you love him.
Truthfully, the last few weeks have felt odd. You swore you caught someone eyeing you from afar multiple times, and there were moments in class where the hairs on the back of your neck rose- as if someone was watching you. You felt like you were slowly getting paranoid, perhaps being hunted by Ranrok and Rookwood for the entirety of 5th Year had some lasting effects.
You tried not to think about Ominis, but he was starting to worry you. He's spent most of the last month stalking around the halls looking like a ticking time bomb, his jaw clenched and a rather unfriendly expression on his face. Most of the school knew you two had broken up, being the Hero of Hogwarts unfortunately more people than you were comfortable with knew your business. People avoided Ominis in the corridors more than they usually did, turning and scurrying away at the sight of him. He'd been far more snappy than usual, especially with poor Sebastian who seemed to be receiving the brunt of Ominis's anger. Yet he continued to trail after Ominis everywhere he went, you wondered why.
Nighttime was the worst, when you would close your eyes and drift off into a dream you didn't want to wake up from. Dreams of Ominis plagued you. You'd dream of you two lying in a meadow somewhere, book in your hand as you read to him like you used to. He'd eventually push the book out of your hands, slowly lowering his lips onto yours. You'd feel the heat of his body, the feel of his hands running down your side. He'd press his forehead against yours when he needed to part for air, and the second you'd taken a few deep breathes you would pull him in to kiss you again. Life felt perfect, the beautiful flowers, the warm summer breeze.
Then you'd wake up, and be in your bed in the dungeons. It was pure agony.
However, being awake was almost worse. At least in a dream you could allow yourself to get lost in the fantasy for a while. Trick your subconscious into believing the dream was real, that everything else was just a nightmare. Life felt like a nightmare, you wished you knew when this pain would end. Or at least get easier, but each second feels harder than the last. You can't believe he did this to you, and you want to be angry so bad but you miss him so much. You long desperately for him, and it outweighs any anger you may harbor towards him. You're silently crying out for him, he's the only one for you.
You wondered if he missed you, if he regret what happened...or if he just regret even being with you. He was so damn good at masking his emotions it was almost maddening trying to figure him out. He always looked indifferent, or irritated. Most of the times you'd caught him looking irritated, Sebastian was somewhere nearby. You wondered if Sebastian took Ominis's anger without complaint to punish himself, his own way of making amends. You know Ominis still cares for Sebastian, he wouldn't be so cross with him if he didn't. You hoped he still cared for you like you cared for him.
You feel pathetic, Ominis ripped your heart out and yet here you are yearning for him like a lovesick school girl. You've thought about talking to him, trying to mend your relationship to the point of friendship at least. But he's completely shutting you out, won't go anywhere near you and somehow he always knows you're in the room even though he can't see. You cannot possibly fathom what you did to make him hate you so much, you just wanted him back.
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Ominis had just about had enough with Sebastian's incessant nagging. Ominis had believed he made it clear to Sebastian that he didn't care for his company and yet Sebastian would not leave him alone. He mostly talked about you, bugged Ominis to tell you the truth. To apologize, to fix your relationship. Sebastian doesn't understand, for your safety Ominis can't fix your relationship, he must leave it broken. He thought of you often, all day every day in fact. Thought of the sound of your laugh, his favorite sound in the whole world. Thought of your surprised gasp when he whispered something far too inappropriate to say out loud. He wished he could see your face flush, but hearing you shift and wriggle in your chair was enough to satisfy him.
"Ominis you can't continue like this. You're being cruel, surely your family will give up on this eventually-"
"You underestimate their hatred for Muggleborns."
"No I'm pretty sure I don't, I think you underestimate our ability to keep her safe." Sebastian stated firmly.
"We're two 16 year old's, how on Earth could we keep her safe?" Ominis fired back.
"Y/N and I literally took down a troll last year, multiple times! Not to mention the fact that she singlehandedly faced Ranrok and prevailed..." Sebastian trailed off, watching Ominis's expression shift from annoyed to irritated.
"Not to mention, her and Natty dismantled Harlow's empire by themselves."
"And her and Poppy saved a dragon from an undercover dragon fighting ring filled with poachers who were actively hunting them."
"Sebastian enough!" Ominis snapped, his voice raising. His family is far more viscous than any one of those people. They would make it personal, torture her slowly. They'd humiliate her while they did it, and Ominis didn't even want to consider what Marvolo's idea of 'playing' was. The thought made a red haze of anger surround him, he quickly shook the thought away. No, this was safer.
"I am never going to tell her the truth, and neither will you. I love her, don't you understand that? What would you do for the woman you love? I will give up having a future with her to ensure that she even gets a future at all." Ominis said firmly, his tone unwavering. Sebastian watches dejectedly as Ominis walks away and he knows that Ominis is never going to change his mind. He could never convince Ominis of anything anyway, the only person who ever got through to him was you. You're the only reason Sebastian found the Scriptorium at all, and Ominis still hasn't forgiven Sebastian for even suggesting the idea of using the Cruciatus curse on you. Sebastian knew that you would have to cast it on him, or else Ominis would never forgive him for as long as he lives.
Ominis cannot be convinced because he is being driven by love, and it's only love that could change his mind. Sebastian knows what he has to do, but he knows doing so will dash any chance at Ominis ever forgiving him. Sebastian wants you two to be happy, Ominis needs you. So he'll give up any chance of getting his best friend back, if it means he gets to make his best friend happy. He needs to tell you the truth, whether Ominis liked it or not.
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Ominis had already endured 3 more visits from his Mother, who cared about this more than his Father and Marvolo did. She was obsessed with the idea of controlling Ominis, of him being her perfect little boy filled with cruelty and hatred like his siblings. He was far too kind for her liking, and she blamed it on you. You softened his heart, crawled in like a disease and poisoned him. For that, she is simply itching at the chance to make you pay. Ominis has barely been able to hold her back, emotionlessly convincing her you're not worth her energy. Y/N is too high risk, he'd tell her. Someone will notice if she goes missing. Luckily his mother seemed to believe him so far but he wasn't sure how long he could keep her away.
He knew she lingered around, and it worried him how easily she could get into the school. If she could get in that easy, she could get to you quite easily. Whenever she wanted. It put Ominis in a constant state of panic. Why did he have to fall in love with you? When is he ever going to learn that as long as he is a Gaunt, he will never truly be free. He wished he was, he so desperately longed for you. For your touch, your warmth, the soft kisses you'd give him in the late hours of the night.
It was well past the hours he should be in bed and yet Ominis sat in the common room, on that couch in front of the fireplace you two spent ample time. He heard your footsteps approaching, and he always knew it was you. You carefully approached him, noticing that for once he isn't practically running to get away from you. Maybe he's beginning to forgive you for whatever it is you did to wrong him. You know he was lying when he said there was another, you would have seen her with him by now. But the person he's spent the most time with was Sebastian.
"Can we talk? Please?" You asked softly, fulling expecting him to harshly turn you away. Much to your surprise he gives you a small nod, sliding over to give you space to sit next to him. You carefully lower yourself on the couch next to him, admiring his side profile shamlessly. He was beautiful in every way, though you noticed dark bags under his eyes. He looked paler than usual as well, nearly sickly.
"You're staring." He quipped, making your cheeks burn as you avert your eyes. Somehow he always knew when you were admiring him, you swear it has something to do with his wand.
"Um, I just wanted to apologize." You whisper, catching him entirely off guard. You want to apologize to him?
"What on Earth for?" Ominis asks incrediously, the fact that you believe you did something wrong is ludicrous.
"I know you aren't seeing anyone else Ominis, and yet you broke up with me. I must have done something wrong, something unforgivable to upset you. So I'm sorry, my love I'm so sorry. Please I can't take this anymore, I need us to be okay-"
"My heart, you didn't do anything wrong." Ominis can't stop himself, hearing your voice thicken with tears has him leaning forward. His hands cup your cheeks, brushing away tears with his thumbs. You were so close he could feel your labored breathing fanning over his face. He shouldn't be doing this, he should not be doing this. But he can't stop. With you he is entirely out of control, and he closes the gap between you with fervor. You sigh contentedly against his lips, the sound making heat simmer in his lower belly. You press yourself against him tighter, your hands landing on his shoulders. You want to slide onto his lap, to rock against him and paw at his robes until they have all been removed. But Ominis pulls away all too soon, running a stressed hand through his hair as he stands.
"My love I wish I could make you understand but I can't. We can't be together, not now...not ever. I'm sorry, this- this can never happen again." Ominis gasps, looking upset with himself. Your chest tightens, you want so badly to know why he's doing this. Something happened the day he broke up with you, something that scared him so bad he pushed you as far as he could.
"Ominis please don't-" but he is already walking away. Already halfway to his dorm room. You feel tears burning your eyes as you collapse onto the couch. You rest your head in your hands, softly crying.
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Sebastian was determined to fix this. He had spent most of the previous night holding you while you cried, insisting that Ominis still loves you- that he was doing this because he loves you. He can't stand by as your heart breaks, he can't do nothing and bothering Ominis about it isn't working. So he was heading to the astronomy tower, where you spent quite a bit of time stargazing. He climbed the stairs and sure enough there you were, with Amit's old telescope, gazing up at the sky. Sebastian needed to tell you the truth, because it was obvious Ominis wasn't going to.
"Y/N? There's something I need to tell you." Sebastian says, cutting right to the chase. You turn in surprise, waiting patiently for him to continue.
"I know the real reason Ominis broke up with you." He starts, effectively catching your attention. You lean against the railing, so that's what he's been talking to Ominis about recently.
"Do you remember what I told you last year, about Ominis's family?"
You nod.
"They visited him the day he broke up with you, threatened to torture you if he didn't end it. His Mother has been visiting him this past month, constantly checking to make sure he doesn't get back together with you." Sebastian explained and suddenly it all made sense. Fear also struck you, you're a Muggle. You know what his family does to Muggles and so does Ominis- nobody knows it better than Ominis. That's why he's been pushing you away, why he's been avoiding you, why he said there was another. This whole time he's been protecting you.
"Oh Ominis..." Your voice trails off sadly, you love him so much. More than words could describe. You need to find him, now.
"Where is he?" You ask Sebastian, who has a sly smile making it's way onto his face.
"He might be torturing himself in the library trying to avoid you..." He trails off, fighting off a grin as you rush down the stairs leaving your telescope behind. He'll make sure to grab it for you and give it back later.
You run through the castle, trying to get to the library as fast as you can. You love that idiot and nothing he does will change that. He may stay away to keep you safe but you'd rather die than live an entire lifetime without him. Being without him is worse than death, worse than the Cruciatus curse. You fly down the stairs to the library, noticing it's mostly dark and deserted- save for a flicker of light coming from the top level. Your heart flutters in your chest, Ominis. You immediately make your way up the winding stairs and towards the light, where you see Ominis reading a braille book with a candle lit next to him. Hearing footsteps behind him causes Ominis to stand, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Y/N?" He could tell it was you by the scent of your strawberry shampoo. You barely give Ominis a chance to understand what's going on when you lightly shove him backwards against the bookcase. His bodyweight lands on the small desk built into the bottom of the shelf and you step between his legs, pressing your lips against his suddenly. His hands find your hips, holding them tightly against his. Your lips move languidly against his, moaning softly when you firmly press your body against his. You have been longing for him, your body yearning for him for so long that you feel nearly ravenous.
Ominis's hand slides around your back as you continue to kiss him, one of your hands trailing down the front of his body to palm him through his pants. Ominis gasps sharply, pulling back from you. Feeling your warm body pressed tightly against his, your hips shifting against his to generate friction, was nearly too much for him.
"What are you-"
"Sebastian told me the truth Ominis. I know why you broke up with me." You whisper, pressing your forehead against his. You eye his lips, you want to feel them on you everywhere.
Sebastian, has he ever been capable of keeping a damn secret?
"My love then you know why we can't be together." He says softly, running a hand through your hair.
"We haven't been doing a very good job at that Ominis..." You tease lightly, reveling in the light chuckle he lets out.
"We were doing fine until you pounced on me like a wild animal." A teasing grin was on his face, it made your insides turn molten.
"You started it! In the common room, remember?" You ask him tenderly, and he nods with a smile.
"How could I ever forget?" He whispers, his lips ghosting over yours, which you don't think he did intentionally. It set your insides ablaze anyway. You try to press your lips against his again, but his hands hold you back.
"Ominis please." You beg shamelessly, it nearly tips him over the edge. Your voice sounds so desperate and needy, he's never heard you sound like this before. It's driving him crazy.
"Sweetheart, we can't." He insists, hearing you whine in frustration.
"I don't care about your stupid family Ominis, I love you. I want to be with you regardless of the danger. I need you please..." You beg again, feeling a heartbeat from between your thighs. You've never needed him more than you do right now.
"I love you too darling, but we still can't right now. Not until I've had a chance to get rid of my Mother." He explains and you swear you could cry. He can feel the heat from between your legs, can feel your hammering heartbeat.
"You can't leave me in this condition, that would be so cruel." You whine, and Ominis laughs lightly.
"I'm sorry my love, I'll make it up to you soon I promise." Ominis presses a long kiss to your lips, and you try to deepen it- to entice him to stay with you until you're whining and cumming around him. But he doesn't, he pulls away and gently moves you off him. He gives you a smile before raising his wand and rushing down the stairs, presumably to find his Mother. You smile to yourself, you're just happy to have him back.
He was right about one thing, both you and Sebastian have seriously underestimated how passionately Ominis's Mother hates Muggles.
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TAGLIST: @abbiesxox
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 4 months
Hey there! May I just say that I love your celebration ideas? I love this jukebox concept so much!
I'd love to request one. I remember loving the fic you wrote for my request during your previous event, and I love linking music to writing. My current favorite song is ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine, and I'd love to request it with Crosshair (surprise!). The song gives me very romantic but also melancholic vibes, and to me it means loving a place/situation/person so much that you just want the moment to last forever.
But of course, you may work your magic for this. I love your writing, and I'll be happy with whatever you choose to write 🩵 thank you so much in advance!
Thank you so much love. It means a lot that you like my crazy ideas. Love oo.
Now, your request had me stumped for a few minutes, and then the idea just flowed. I hope you like my interpretation of this song, because you're right, it has very melancholic vibes.
Love oo.
Warnings: Injury, AU of S2E16, tears, dream, kissing, implied coitus, promises, declarations of feelings, sacrifice, saving others, angst. I think that's it. If I missed anything please let me know.
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Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
Your eyes blinked as you saw the raindrops falling down on top of you. You don’t remember exactly what happened, but you see the railcars moving. They’re safe. You smile to yourself as your body screams in pain, you want to move, to get up but everything is telling you that wouldn’t be a good idea.
For some reason your eyelids feel heavy, you want to close them, to fall asleep for just a little while, but in the back of your mind you know that’s not a good idea. 
You know you need to stay away, but … something doesn’t seem right. Your mind must be playing tricks on you because you see Crosshair kneeling down beside you, smiling.
Gods, how you missed that smile. You close your eyes fighting back tears, as you feel his hand on your cheek. 
“Hey mesh’la”
“Who else?”
“Wha … what are you doing here?”
“What do you mean? It’s date night.”
You blinked as you were no longer lying on the floor of the valley on Eriadu, you were now in your living room. You looked down at your dress, it was the one Crosshair loved on you, the yellow one with white flowers on the bottom half of your skirt. You slowly sat up, shaking your head.
“I just had the craziest dream.”
“Really?” He smiled leaning in closer, “Anything you wanna recreate?” He smirked as he wiggled his eyebrows.
You giggled, shaking your head slightly as you rolled your eyes at him, “Not that kind of dream, anyways what took you so long?”
“Sorry, Hunter was being impossible, but I’m here now” he leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours, claiming your mouth the way he always used to. Used to, no that’s not right. Does. The way he always does. 
You pulled back, shaking your head.
“You okay, mesh’la?”
“Yeah, just … Crosshair where are we?”
He looked around and smirked, “If I’m not mistaken mesh’la, your apartment on Coruscant,” he answered, his eyebrow arching amused with his own answer. You simply shook your head, fighting the amused look on your face. 
As you looked into his eyes, you reached your hand up and caressed his cheek. You missed touching his cheek like this, trying to comfort him as much as you could … missed? He was right here, why would you be missing touching his cheek. 
“Well shall we?” You tilted your head smiling.
“By all means,” he took your hand in his, guiding you out of the apartment, towards 79’s. 
The night progressed, with a lot of dancing, a lot of touching, and a lot of drinking. 
You remembered how he started to kiss you in the taxi, how it continued as you got on the lift to your apartment, you remembered how quickly you both got undressed. How you held him so tight afraid it would’ve been the last time. 
The next morning you watched as he got dressed, and sat beside you on the bed, “I had fun last night, mesh’la.”
“So did I, Cross.” You smiled as you held his hand, “How long are you going to be away this time?”
“Not sure, they brought us back to help with some mission to find a spy or something; doesn’t matter one mission is the same as the next. I’ll be back.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“You promise?”
“Nothing could keep me away from you.”
You smirked as you looked into his eyes, “Liar.”
“Nope.” He held up his right hand, “I swear, if I’m not back it’s because I’m dead. Then you’ll have to deal with my brothers on your own.”
You let out a laugh, shaking your head, “Your brothers aren’t that bad.”
He let out a huff, “Yes, they are, but you’re too kind-hearted to know the difference. Anyway that’s always been the deal, if anything happens to me, Hunter will look after you. Alright? But nothing’s going to happen, so you’re stuck with me.”
You pulled him in one last time, kissing him with all the passion and love you felt for him, “I love you, Crosshair.”
“I love you, mesh’la. I gotta go. I’ll comm you when I can.”
With that he was gone.
A pain entered your head, as memories after that moment flashed through your mind, Hunter appearing at your door, telling you they had to run. Meeting Omega. Fighting for Crosshair all that time.
Your feet felt cold, as though the rain had filled your boots. You blinked and you were back on Eriadu, still on the floor of the valley. The rain was still coming down … was that rain? You touched your cheeks slowly, painfully, no… that was rain. It was tears. 
You glanced around hoping you’d see Crosshair one more time, but it wasn’t real… he wasn’t there. You breathed out one last time, unable to recall if that was really the last time you kissed Crosshair. 
Despite how hard you tried, your eyes closed as your world went dark. 
Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
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seth-whumps · 2 months
you mentioned that you like knight characters and i wonder if you have any tips on writing knight caretakers and whumpees? i like medieval, fantasy and knight whump but i have trouble creating ocs who are knights. i love the aesthetic, armors and whump potencial but i can't relate to them and figure out their motivation cause i'm a pacifist from modern times
Hi anon! I do love me a good medieval knight setting. Here's some tips for you!
-> Ditch the black and white.
Morality is a complex son of a bitch. Don't focus on a pillar of "normal" expectation, like "killing wrong, charity good". Try something more layered. For example, I have a knight character who will kill anyone in his way--however, he will do his utmost to send them to the afterlife with respect (leaving a flower on their chest, giving them a kind word, pressing a kiss to their forehead, etc). Don't be afraid to let a "good" character do "bad" things, and don't be afraid to justify the morally grey.
-> Make them like you.
If you're having trouble relating to your characters, a trick is to give them something of yours. For example, if you have a sibling, model their relationship to their siblings like yours--whether it's a love-hate or a die-hard loyalty--and reference that. Then, their thought processes have a point of reference, and you can feel for them.
-> Relax into the genre.
Explore the parts you enjoy of the aesthetic. You like armor? Make your OC from a blacksmithing family. You like fight scenes? Have them train classically in a sword-style you enjoy. Is the royal-servant dynamic a favorite of yours? Design them a prince friend, and develop their relationship. Delve into the parts that intrigue you, first and foremost.
-> Symbolism!
I said it in my previous advice post and I'll say it again--assign your characters opposing symbols. The ocean and the sky and a sailboat between them, and how they interact, gives a flowery poetic description between them all. It's definitely a stylistic choice, but even just keeping the symbol in your head will help with interactions.
-> Do some research.
Watch a relevant show (might I suggest Merlin?). Take a rabbit hole down Wikipedia pages. Scroll a cosplay account. The things you find might inspire you, and if not, the stuff you like can make a very fun small detail!
*Also: there are different kinds of settings to play in. You can go high or low fantasy, high or low magic (LOTR is high fantasy low magic; Percy Jackson is a medium between the two). These terms are from a different post, I'll endeavor to find it. If magic doesn't inspire you, don't include it. If it does? It's everywhere now. Go wild.
-> Hypeman it.
Just have fun with it. Choose the things that excite you, and then get really fucking excited about it. Anything that bores you gets tossed out the window. You really can just say "it's three weeks later now" and move on--classic authors did it all the time. Go crazy and do it shamelessly. Don't care about the things you don't care about.
I hope these help! If you'd like, I can do a series of medieval prompts to help you get started. Thank you so much for the ask!
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