#you are not sure of who is the man talking to izuku
yanderenightmare · 8 months
Deku - Midoriya Izuku
TW: NSFW, noncon, yandere
gn reader
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Thinking about being childhood friends with Izuku, who’s always had a bit of a crush on you. 
You’ve always known, but you’ve never humored it. He’s your friend – anything else would just be awkward. If you had to put it in any other term, you’d say he felt more like a little brother.
You wish he’d allowed the two of you to grow apart – as normal people do.
There wasn’t really any reason for the two of you to stay friends after middle school. His quirk suddenly manifested, and he got into UA – became a pro-hero – and then the symbol of peace. And you were still… kind of just doing your thing – studying, working, struggling to pay rent – struggling to keep a date…
The two of you never had much in common anyway, and you never really knew what to talk about with him anymore – only knowing to ask him how his mother was. After all, you grew out of your otaku phase a long while ago – and otherwise, you felt out-educated in any and every conversation the two of you had with each other. You swear talking to him makes you feel like a toddler learning your first words – it’s humiliating, and you don’t understand how any of it’s remotely stimulating for him, either.
Still, he’ll text you when he has the time, asking if you’d like to meet up at a café – talk, catch up – and you, not wanting to be rude, always accept.
You’d gone wide-eyed the first time you’d met him after middle school. Jeez Louise – he’d had to have grown twice his size – jacked and scarred to no end. It only got worse over the years. Now, adults – he must be twice your size. Bigger even.
You blush now when he flirts with you. But not so much for the reasons he wants.
Honestly, it’s more uncomfortable than it’s flattering. It was Izuku, after all – Deku – no matter how little he resembled the crybaby from your childhood – he’d always be that same nerdy loser friend who’d chased after you ever since you first met.
He might have grown up, but his crush on you hadn’t.
His doe-eyed look of longing and adoration had always made you feel a little awkward – a little sorry for him. And now that he’s become a man, it’s only become even more… desperate… a little pathetic, actually…
Bedroom eyes that make you laugh nervously, pretending to brush it off as a joke but really wishing he’d just give it a rest already. Surely, as a pro-hero and public figure, he could get a date? One of the many screaming fans that pine for him everywhere he drags that awful golden cape he has on his shoulders. And if not any of them, then maybe a model. A movie star even.
Why is he so hung up on you?
The funny thing is, you’d tried vying him of his crush by telling him about hook-up after hook-up, boyfriend after boyfriend – treating him like a girlfriend you could gossip with.
But it’s almost like he takes it as a challenge – talking and helping you through your relationships, giving his input and advice – just like a real friend would… only… always implementing something… something condescending, something suggestive, something saying you ought to be with him instead – he’d never treat you like that, he’d never do you wrong, you’d be taking good care of with him.
You’d made the mistake of saying you were struggling with a class at university – just to make conversation – just to talk about something trivial. But of course, he’d seen it as an opportunity – quick to offer his help, saying he’d taken that class as an extracurricular – just for a bit of fun, he’d said, light reading material he’d done on the side of his internship.
You don’t know why it’s so hard to tell him no.
Suppose it’s the possibility of being wrong – the guilt of thinking he has impure intentions when he’s supposedly the purest person in the world.
But you should have trusted your instincts.
“Please, Izuku-” You’d immediately restored to begging. Who wouldn’t? He’s a two-meter-tall monster of a man – jacked with muscles fatter than a bear.
Your phone’s been missing since you came back from the bathroom – your lips wet with his unwanted kisses – your neck sore from having his fist wrapped around it when you tried stopping him.
You’d only managed to break free after biting – blood salty in your mouth. You nearly vomited, choking on a mix of bile and fear.
Fuck – your legs are so weak, you might just buckle from the dread alone – feeling like a bunny snagged on fox teeth.
“You used to take me when we’d play wrestle... you remember?”
The comment is pulled out of nowhere.
He stalks you, a fond look on his face as though the two of you were reminiscing good old times. As though his eyes weren’t a nocturnal green like foxfire on the fen. As though he wasn’t radiating black whip – ready to snare you.
“Think you can take me now?”
You had your hands raised apprehensively – but the hopelessness took its toll and made your entire body shake on the spot.
Your only hope was to talk him out of it. If only you could think past the fear and string a sentence together that wasn’t along the lines of “Please-”
But something about that look on his face told you he wouldn’t listen to reason anymore. Not manic, not like a person who’d finally snapped – but controlled – resolute – and playful even. Nothing like you’d ever seen. Nothing you could understand.
“What’s wrong, hm?” He smiles, head tipped in that charming way that used to make you want to pinch his cheek. Now it just makes you sick to look at – swallowing thickly as you tack another step back away from it. “I’ll go easy – so don’t worry… I know it's not exactly a fair fight anymore…”
Your better judgment failed you – fight-or-flight kicked in, and you made a break for it. 
Budging into the couch on your way, it’s a messy scramble for the door – but you manage. Feeling feverish with dread and pumped full of adrenaline, you brush the cold handle with just your fingertips before something wraps around your midriff in a snug grip – pulling you back into the living room.
You’re lifted from the ground, kicking – now screaming – flailing in the air before you’re flipped on your back against the couch.
“Don’t be like that~” He murmurs. “Always so wishy-washy~” Voice in a low purr that makes you feel like coughing up your heart – squirming beneath him and his heavy hands as they paw your thighs – manhandling you like nothing you’d ever imagine him to do.
Raking his fingers through the dough before squeezing your ass greedily – kneading his fat crotch against the thin fabric protecting your sex. 
“Complaining about all your weak-dicked boyfriends as if begging me to come fuck you myself – yet such a flighty little slut when it comes down to it.” He sneers, and blackwhip tightens some around your limbs. “Let me help you out.”
One hand tugs your underwear until it rips, whilst the other hand pulls up to grab your face – squeezing your cheeks to keep you still when forcing his kisses on you.
“After all… what are friends for?”
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ilydeku · 2 months
izuku loves to talk about you during interviews
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- anything and every topic it will ALWAYS be about you
- the question won't even be remotely related to you and still izukus answer will revolve around "y/n, my wife!!" <3
- oh, the glint in his eyes, the peaking smile when he speaks about you, lover boyyy
- the media knows he LOVE LOVES you, they think it's funny for this big, confident, mighty hero to be reduced to sap when it comes to you
- it's like his whole is personality is HIS WIFE
- the journalists lowkey get so SICK of him for this, they don't want to invite him anymore 😭
- but they kinda have to, due to to his status as #1
"Good evening everyone and welcome Hero Talk! Tonight we'll be staring someone you all know and love, single handedly the greatest hero of all time, Deku! Alright, Deku how are you tonight?"
"Feeling pretty good! This is one of my wife's favorite shows, so I'm even more grateful to be here. And how are you?"
"Oh, same old. Really, just living. Now, we wanted to ask you some fun questions. Let's start with this one. Why did you want to become a hero?"
"Wow, haha! That really brings be back to my youth. When I was kid, my biggest influence was All Might, and he miraculously became my mentor. He was a good hero, and a good man. I wanted to be just like him: fearless, persevering, saving people with I smile. I would beg my mom everyday to watch this video on the computer of him saving a bunch a people. I was really swayed by All Might. I wanted to become a hero to make an impact in the world. I wanted to save people with a smile too."
"That sounds really endearing, Deku. I remember All Might's reign. He wasn't number one on the top charts all those years for nothing. So, did you ever think you'd be standing as Japan's top hero?"
"Well, it was never really my goal to become number one. That was Kacchan's- Dynamight's. My dream was, like I said, to become a hero and save others. But I have to say, it really is a blessing. I'd like to thank my Mom, All Might, my friends, and especially my wife for who I've become. My Mom has really done a lot for me growing up: protecting, encourage, and just always caring for me. All Might has kinda been that father figure for me when my Dad was away. My friends have shown me what it's like to work together and really be part of a heart. And my wife? Haha...I can't thank her enough for all the times she's been right by my side, even before we were together. Nothing I can say or do will ever be enough to express how much she means to me."
"Mm. Quite the supportive group. Your wife sounds like quite the lady!"
"She is. She's wonderful."
"Moving on to the next question, do you use social media often?"
"Occasionally, yes?? My wife uses it regularly, posting about us when we go out and stuff. It's mostly for her family to see how she's doing. She handles most of my official accounts. She says it's to be more appealing to the public, and I guess to show that there's more to heroes on the inside?? I'm not really sure, but I trust her process. Although, I'd rather be appealing to her alone."
"The public will always interested in a hero's private life! Now, Deku, what is your ideal setting of relaxation?"
"My wife doesn't like places that are too crowded or noisy, so maybe a cozy day at the beach?- but early in the morning or in the evening when the crowds calm down. Maybe a movie theatre, but days after the movie is released so it's just us together. Actually, a lazy day at home together is great too! Cooking meals and watching a movie on the couch? Really, any place is relaxing if my wife is with me."
(am i questioning Deku's wife or Deku!?) "How scenic! Those sound very fitting for you!! How about any restaurants?"
"Not really. My wife really knows how to cook, it's amazing! I love her home-cooked meals, so there's no way I'd go out of my way to a restaurant. But if my wife is feeling it, I'll be sure to make reservations."
"(smiling warmly)"
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catsoupki · 9 months
inspired by this wonderful post and this AMAZING one, both written by @cashmoneyyysstuff lmk if u want this taken down!
flower territory
the way katsuki crushes on you has stayed the same, since he was four he has made sure that everyone, including you, always knew that you were his.
he offers you roughed up flowers from the sandbox, covered in dust and dirt, shoved into your hands are the bundle of wild chrysanthemums and crumbled weeds, and in exchange are the paper rings you made before going to the park, because even when you were four, you already knew bakugou in the way you knew the names of the stuffed animals in your room; a sense of pride nestles inside, somewhere between your little childishly innocent heart and your soft fluttering stomach when you see your katsuki declare proudly with a smug smirk to all his groupies that he's now a married man, and that doesn't change.
in middle school, aged 12 bakugou isn't afraid to lean over your desk and stare you down and demand your time during recess, even though his cheeks used to redden when his female classmates would tease him for being such a romantic for you, he's learnt that it's either he toughens up and take this, otherwise he has to deal with the other boys from his class chatting you up, and seeing their little cheeks redden when they're spared even an ounce of (undeserved) attention from you is much more painful than having his own apples tinge pink from your gaze.
katsuki changes a lot in U.A. but not in this. maybe the other class 1A kids don't have enough reference to notice, but izuku sure as hell can tell that the slight glisten and shine in his childhood best friend's eyes when he looks at you have only ever grown in brightness as you mature and age. as your body takes shape and your voice deepens, his affection for you simply gets magnified from a sheer adoration for your ability to keep up with him on the monkey bars and to withstand his loudness, either that be from the epicentres of his palms or the ever growing intensity of his voice when deku gets in his way, his respect for you grows and grows and festers and festers the more you win in the sports festival, the more you train, the more muscular you get, and the more internships you are offered.
as his own brashness gets dimmed down while the months go on, deku is no longer the only one who is able to notice the soft spot he has for you. jirou and shoji can only ignore the way bakugou whispers 'that's my girl' to you during class drills so many times, ochako and mina can only turn a blind eye to the way bakugou always cooks for you during the late nights where you collapse from exhaustion before eating so many times, by the end of the second year, even shouto knew to always find bakugou when you got hurt during missions and to just leave you two to your own devices for the rest of the evening.
the smirks might have grown less and less smug throughout the years and maybe more genuine, but the childlike wonder when katsuki looks at you stays always the same, it stays constant from when you were four all the way to when you're walking down the altar, it stays the same, from stepped-on flowers to bouquets of roses, from 'that's my girl' to 'that's my wife', you've always been his, the switch from craft paper to the 24 carat diamond ring on both your fingers never changed that; his face, to deku, looks identical; whenever dynamight is on a talk show and is asked to watch a clip of you fighting, the soft creases next to his eyes have always been there, bakugou's lips just twitch upwards when it's you;
what can he say? your katsuki has always been a prodigy, he knew since he was a kid, since the second his grabby little hands and tiny rolling eyes were laid on you, he has since decided that you were the only one worthy of his greatness, no matter how shitty his temper was at age 15, he looks at you like how sunflowers look at the sun, and that will never change.
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pretty-sparkle-bomb · 3 months
What the MHA boys might do for your birthday. This one was extra special and took some time so I hope yall liked it <3
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Bakugo Katsuki
I think he'd be the type of guy to give you hot kisses at random times of the day. You could be doing anything, talking to anybody and this explosive hot-head would march right up to you and tug on your hand like a child. "C'mon, let's go."
"Suki, wait-!"
He wants the whole world to know that yall are together. I take him as the needy type, the type who'd place butterfly kisses on your neck and shoulders when he pulls you into a random classroom or storage room or behind one of the bleachers.
Huge bouquet of roses with tiny little gifts tucked in between along with a box of your favourite treat and a special little note he wrote himself. You're interrupted in the middle of class by a delivery man who mumbles something about the instructions being ridiculously specific.
In the afternoon, he'll take you to the park and pull out an intricate pair of silver promise rings. "G'nna be a great hero, dollface. 'Cause I can feel it."
Midoriya Izuku
I imagine Izuku as the most giving person so him giving you something like an exclusive All Might plushie that he spent months saving for would be an understatement. He just loves you too much.
He caught you ogling a cute pair of leg warmers the other day when you guys were walking home so of course he got a pair for you.
Lots of handholding that he actually initiates. Whispers of sweet praises in your ears that just corrupt your thoughts. Does he even know what he's doing to you?
"You're so cute, y'know that?" And there you are blushin' so hard, Mina thinks he said something dirty.
Him walking you home and giving you a long hug in front of your door just so he can have a whiff of that shampoo you use. He made a mental note to drop by with a new one and some more shower things you like before the night was out.
Kirishima Eijiro
He stays up until 12 just so that he can photo-dump you across all of his social media platforms. He'll send you a long text paragraph (that took him days to type) with all of the things he loves about you.
Gives you roses and a huge gift bag filled with all of your favourite skin care products and lipglosses. His wallet is crying but nothing compares to the smile you have on your face. You'll make sure to thank him properly afterwards anyways.
Offers to walk you home that afternoon. He's helping you carry all of the gifts you got and you're telling him all about your day, and he doesn't miss the way your eyes light up when you reach a specific topic. You're just the sweetest thing.
Todoroki Shoto
Shows up at your house in the morning with a limo all fancy in your favourite colour and he's like, "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Now you feel bad. He wasted money on a limo just to take you to school.
You just know Enji's credit card is paying for all of this and Shoto seems unbothered by spending his father's money.
"Red bottoms?!" you screech, looking at the pair of heels in the box. "Do you not like it? If it's not enough, I could always-" he began, coming up behind you and wrapping a hand around your stomach to pull you closer to him.
"No. I love it but Sho, this is too much." you turn to look at him.
Heterochromatic eyes look into yours affectionately, "For you, I'd say this is a small gift."
You blush, still worried. "What will your father say?"
Shoto scoffs. "He doesn't need to know."
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Sorry for any errors lovies but I hoped yall liked this one.
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cvnt4him · 2 months
Spicy plot idea‼️
What if Bakugou Katsuki is Y/N's ex and now she is celebrating her engagement to Izuku? The happy couple announce the news during a little get-together with their old classmates and Bakugou's still kind of hung-up on his ex,.. DRAMA!
He's just staring at Y/N, who's proud to show her emerald engagement ring to everyone
So here is Y/N, now on their knees for soon-to-be husband Izuku while he's on your phone with your ex because its the 3rd time he has called you after your big announcement
Wow... This is... Beautiful. Idk how your gorgeous mind came up with something like this but it is.. MWAH.
The man on the other side.
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Izuku wasn't a jealous man. He was nothing of the sort, he wasn't a possessive or vile human being like someone he knows. Your ex boyfriend, bakugou katsuki was a horrible excuse for a man. Izuku hated how the night he was just silently staring at you and occasionally sipping his drink, not even giving izuku a single glance because his volcanic ruby red eyes were stuck on you and your figure.
The way you jumped up and down in excitement to share the news of your engagement to the number one hero. Katsuki felt bile rising in his throat at the news, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret, anger, and something more. Katsuki knew he lost something good with you, if you were to ask him why he did what he did he would tell you he didn't mean it. That it was a mistake that should've never happened. If he even got a chance to be in your presence, speak to you, breathe the same air as you, he wouldn't know how he'd react.
Izuku hated the fact that those fierce ruby eyes craved you, that he wanted to be near you. Izuku could see it, he could see right through the intense blond. Izuku only acted on pure impulse walking towards you and pulling you close by your waist to kiss you deeply and passionately, you wrapped your arms around his neck with a giggle some of the girls awing and cooing sweet and praising words to you two about how cute you are and how your engagement will be the news of the century.
The guys groaning and teasing izuku for trying to be the center of attention with this heated long lasting kiss, when you finally pulled away he rubbed his thumb across your bottom lip smearing your lipstick just a little bit more it had already stained his lips the deep wine shade of red that painted your own. He licked his lips before slapping you on the ass and telling you he was going to get a drink. You felt so embarrassed all the girls whistling and teasing you.
While walking away izuku made damn sure that katsuki was looking at him instead of you. Their eyes locked onto each other staring deeply into one another. Katsuki was furious, he hated seeing you be claimed by another man that wasn't him, he hated that you were happy with him.
Izuku loved this however, the angry fiery look behind katsukis eyes only egged him on more, izuku bit his lip before licking them and shooting the blond a wink. A chuckle left izukus lips as he finally turned away from the staring contest, katsuki was infuriated by izuku nearly exploding his cup before kirishima calmed him down.
When you were left alone with mina the conversation ended up shifting to bakugou somehow. You didn't like how she managed to get you to talk about your ex, you wanted to leave such things like 'situationships' and highschool loves in just that, highschool. You were an adult now who didn't have time for this petty rivalry with your fiance and your ex. Izuku knew you were his and he knew you loved him, he always found some sweet loving way to remind you that you'd be stupid to leave him. Something about him treating you like you were meant for nothing more than to be a pretty little housewife turned you on.
"have you ever thought about him? Y'know like at all??"
Mina pestered taking a sip from her cup with raised brows, she was really trying to get just something out of you and honestly you weren't here for the gossip.
"no. not once, I'm happy with my relationship and my fiance, katsuki is my past and nothing more. of course he is always welcome to the wedding but I can't say that I've thought about him in anyway."
You shrug and excuse yourself to grab another drink. You weren't drinking an alcoholic beverage so it was easier for you to finish your drink a lot faster than everyone else. Walking to the drink stand you felt eyes on you again, you knew whose eyes they were, the same eyes that had been eyeing you all day. You turn slightly to look at your ex at the corner of your eye, the way he looked at you with such a soft gaze, his features looking so pretty, and the fact his bow tie was horribly tied made you see that he tried to look nice. He tried to put up an effort and that was admirable.
You turned back to the drinks before sighing and setting your cup down. You didn't want to have to carry the stress of a never ending relationship that had already ended. You two had unfinished business that the both of you sensed. You lied to mina before, you told her that you had never thought about katsuki at all, but the truth is you have. You'd thought about him before, in fact you were thinking about him the entire car ride there. You were afraid to see him, you assumed he was going to cause a scene once he found out he news of your engagement to his former best friend.
You decided to stop being the way you were and suck up everything. You were going to relieve yourself of this random piling stress. You sigh once more before shaking all of your jitters away and walked toward katsuki, his eyes widened as he watched you walk to him with an awkward smile. He didn't know how to react, his eyes darting from side to side then back to you.
Once you were in front of him it made you realize how much taller he was than you, his intense volcanic red eyes squinting down at you with a raised brow and a slight smirk forming on his lips.
"well well well, look who finally came up for air to realize others around her."
You chuckle and shake your head, you and izuku had only kissed the one time and the fact that he was capable of telling you this was proof he really had been watching your every move all night.
"yes well, I suppose I'm the bad guy for wanting to have a conversation with you, eh? If that's the case I'll leave you be, enjoy the rest of your night katsuki."
You courtesy lifting your dress as you bow your head before giving him a slight wave of your hand signifying some sort of goodbye. Katsuki groaned slightly and rolled his eyes, grabbing at your wrist to pull you back towards him. You chuckle before your face came directly into his chest, both of your eyes had widened. In all truth he hadn't intended to do that, he just meant to pull you gently back towards him he didn't mean for you to end up flush into his chest.
You both clear your throat as you pull away and dust off your dress. You were praying for yourself to the gods up above that izuku hadn't just seen this weird display of emotions. But he did. He'd seen it and fucking hated it. Izuku stared daggers into the both of you, his emerald eyes that formerly matched you diamond emerald ring were filled with something much darker than before. Something heavier than just spite, he wanted to rip katsukis arms off for even toughing you. It's like izuku could see orange marks where his hands had touched your wrist. He swore that by the end of this night you weren't going to be thinking about anyone but him. He was going to remind you who you belonged to.
"yeah, so uh, how.. how have you been, katsuki."
"tch, like you even care, cupcake."
"I do... Maybe."
"maybe? Oh come on, tell me you haven't thought about me at least once."
"don't flatter yourself, katsuki."
You spend the rest of the night chatting it up, telling stories, and making each other laugh. You wouldn't admit it out loud but you enjoyed his company. It was refreshing to clear the air between you two and share a laugh. You had missed him, but you wouldn't forget what he did to you. How he made you feel inferior and small. How he cheated on you then tried to gaslight you. Just the thought of that made you laugh cease to exist. Katsukis followed suit.
"it was really good to catch up, katsuki. I enjoyed this."
"me too, cupcake."
"but you have got to stop calling me that lame ass name I tell you."
"tch, that name has meaning dumbass. It runs deeper than your stupid cringe culture."
You snort and slap his arm and he simply scoffs with an eye roll. Izuku had been spying on you two for the rest of your time there, he listened closely to everything you said and tried his damnedest not to just charge at katsuki the first second he got. Izuku would be patient, he was going to wait for the very moment he could fuck katsuki over.
Izuku walks over to the two of you taking both of you by surprise, he kisses your forehead before giving the angry blond a half smile that instantly fell once you turn to look at katsuki again. You looked back up to your fiance to see his dark demeanor, the way something dark and evil radiated from him. It was almost like you could see a dark cloud surrounding his very figure.
You put a hand on his chest which made him look down at you with the same look that he gave katsuki, his grip on your waist tightened and was almost bruising, it stung in the worst way and almost brought a tear to your eye.
"I think we'd better start heading out, hm love?"
He asks you in a low tone, his eyes never leaving yours as you simply nod with a squeak. He smiles and hums at you rubbing his nose against yours. You giggle before waving slightly to katsuki, izuku slaps your ass as you both head toward the door katsukis eyes never left you two as a scowl painted his face, izuku looked back to the blond, looking him up and down before rolling his eyes and walling out with you. That enraged katsuki even more.
Izuku being the gentleman he is even though he was furious with you for talking to your ex, he still opened your door for you but he swore the second you two got home you would be on your knees.
Once you arrived back at your house you were ready to take your clothes off and go to bed, you wanted to cuddle your soon to be husband and get in the bed, that sounded absolutely perfect.
You both go up to your room and you ask for izukus help unzipping your dress, he hums and stands behind you closely, his fingers dragging up your body all the way to the zipper. He twirls it around his finger before putting his nose in the crook of your neck and inhales your sweet scent. The strong smell of your perfume and natural essence taking over his mind. He sighs into your skin, gently placing kisses from your shoulder to your neck.
He hums and pulls you deeper into him, his hands going down to your waist and the other finding itself around your neck. Normally when he does things like this you usually gather that he's trying to initiate sex, however it was kind of hard to tell this time. He seemed more angry than horny, his movements gave him away, his anger was practically seething from him but in a quiet manner. You knew your finance, you knew when he was bothered by something. You just didn't know what exactly he was so bothered by.
His grip on your neck got tighter and tighter by the second making you slightly gasp for air, you bring your hand up to his and placed it on top of his gently. His pointer finger tapped against your chin lightly, he stared daggers into your eyes through the mirror, lucent emerald green eyes getting darker and full of lust by the second.
"why were you talking to him, my love."
He mumbles lowly into your ear, his grip getting tighter and tighter cutting off your air circulation as you gripped the hand that was choking you, he looked at your eyes closing in the mirror and watched the way your face contorted and changed in discomfort and need of air. He simply just watches, his grip was harsh and seemed like it would leave a mark, he watches closely as a single tear falls from your eye. A smile was brought to his face as he let your neck go, you nearly fell to the floor and would have if he hadn't been holding your waist so tightly.
He cups your cheek and craned your head back up to face him through the mirror, you sniffled and your breath shivered as he wiped away the tears that fell with a smile. He kissed your cheek as he slowly unzipped your dress, it began sliding off of your shoulder slightly and he was quick to kiss and nip at the exposed skin.
"what.. mmh~ what do you mean, zu?"
In one swift motion izuku pinned you against the nearest wall slamming you hard against it, you hit your head rather hard and he didn't even seem to care. You winced and he just looked deep into your eyes, it's like he was stealing your souls with how his dark lidded eyes were staring into yours.
Your breaths were shaky, you knew if you said or did the wrong thing it'd end with you being edged teased and probably without his cock in general, you had to play things smartly if you wanted to gain leverage.
Izukus large hand finds itself snaking up your bare thigh to rub gentle circles on the inside of it, his fingers coming dangerously close to your clothed cunt. A quiet whimper left your mouth as you tried to turn away from him before he gripped your jaw and turned your head back.
"don't look away, slut."
You gulped and let out a sigh, his middle finger gently rubbed up and down your slit, his brow raised at the dampness he felt. His lips quirked up slightly and he leaned in to you, you lifted your head up to reach his lips until he stopped right in front of you, his eyes trailed down to your lips and he lets his breath fan over you.
You whimper in slight annoyance which just makes him chuckle lightly above you, you were so cute like this. Soaking your panties for him while he gently plays with your pretty puffy pussy.
"do you want me to touch you baby?"
You nod, and bury your face in his neck. He hums and kisses your head taking in the scent of you. You two haven't had much time together due to him working, he hasn't had time to fuck you like he knew you needed. He felt that he didn't have time to be cruel with you. He needed to fuck you right then and there.
He quickly hoisted you up into his arms, you wrap your legs around his waist as he walks the both of you to the bed, he lays you back and instantly rips the rest of your dress off of your body. He undoes the tie you did for him earlier and takes his suit off, he unzips his pants and leans down to kiss your stomach, he trails his kisses all the way up your body to your neck which he then starts suckling lightly on.
You whimper and wrap your legs around him again as a way to say you're ready, he sighs and lets his thick cock out of his boxers, he strokes it up and down a couple of times until he sees a bead of precum spawning at the top of his large mushroom head. It was red and leaky, ready to be buried inside of you. He sighed shakily and moved forward towards your heat until you stopped him with your foot to his chest.
"zu... condom?"
He sighed and closed his eyes, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. A snarl tried to pull at his lips as he hummed and looked down at you. Izuku has grown a lot since UA. He wasn't some little boy anymore, but he knew how to use those puppy dog eyes when necessary.
"I'm.. I'm sorry honey, I just don't think I can handle a condom.. I want to feel good, I want to feel you. you want me to feel good.. r-right baby...?"
Izuku knew you were weak, especially because you were horny and craved to feel him inside of you. You sigh with a smile forming on your lips as you own your arms for him, he smiles back at you widely before diving into you and placing gentle kisses atop of your covered boobs. He snuck his hand between the two of you and led his eager cock head to your fluttering hole.
Izuku wasn't the biggest in the bunch but the stretch of his cock was so mesmerizing and delicious it always made you feel so full. He was thick and he knew how to drag his cock against your walls in such a sexy way, it had you wettening and gripping his cock tightly, he winced at the tightness of you.
"fuck baby you're so fuck— fucking tight..."
You scratch at his back which makes him groan into your neck, he was so close to drooling he had to suck it all back up before it left his lips. His eyes were rolling in pure bliss, he thrusted in and out of you at a fast pace, his hips instantly started stuttering and he had to bite his lip harshly just to not cum inside of you yet.
You knew izuku was going to cum inside of you, he didn't know how to not cum inside of you, he could promise you that he wouldn't and turn around n empty his guts inside of you. You didn't have too much of a problem with it because your head was spinning in pleasure, your cunt just didn't want to let go of him, It's like you took in the shape of his very cock and sucked him for all he was worth. With every thrust you felt the air inside of you get knocked out.
Just as izuku was about to cum your phone ring. The loud sound of your phone on the bed vibrating, he groans and grabbed it with intentions to simply silence it but once he seen the name. God he was even more infuriated.
You look up at him with glossy wide eyes in concern, those same eyes he wants to make cry. He looked between you and the phone and just before the ringing was to cease, he answered it.
You had thought that the phone simply stopped ringing so you grabbed at your fiances back and brought him closer which he happily obliged, he started gently thrusting inside of you making little mewls leave your lips, you bit your bottom one and let out a breathy sigh loudly which made the man on the other side of the phone chuckle.
You assumed that it was just izuku and shook it off, meanwhile izuku thought that the blond knew exactly what was happening, he was quite disappointed with the thought.
"tired of me already? You left before we could finish our conversation, cupcake."
"she's tired alright, ngh~ fuck baby juuust like that, shit.."
Izuku exaggerated into the phone, you looked up to him realizing he was in the phone and was soon to quietly protest as not to be heard but before you could even get a peep out izuku seen your mouth open and thrusted inside of you which made a moan rip out of your open mouth. Izuku chuckled as silence fell through the call.
Izuku kept letting out loud and some faux moans and groans just to piss the man on the other side off you roll your eyes and throw your head back as he continues to fuck into you at a godspeed pace.
Izuku stopped thrusting and groaned loudly, you gasp at the cease of movement. You were so close and it's like your orgasm just disappeared. You whined and before you could even protest he flipped you on top of him and started thrusting up into you. You were bouncing on his cock due to the intense move of his hips, he could carry you on his hips no matter your weight.
"f— fuck izuku!!"
"just like that baby let him hear the pretty song you sing for me."
Green electricity started trickling around his body, parts of it tickling and zapping your body. You placed your hands on izukus thighs for some type of stability only to fail, he was moving and thrusting far too hard and fast for you to even comprehend.
"...what the.."
"fuck~— !!"
You choke on your breath and feel the knot inside appear again, you groan n throw your head back as you cum all over his cock, you were so sensitive and you got so tight izuku just couldn't hold back the moans that started leaving his mouth. They were so slutty and airy you could tell he was close.
He soon followed suit to you and came inside of you, the pumps of his warm cum spreading throughout your insides leaving you in peace.
Katsuki was silent but only for a moment, he started yelling and shouting at the green haired man who simply chuckled and argued back with mean and cruel words. This went on for a while as you sigh and close your eyes as your body collapses on top of his. Izuku was still buried deep inside of you, you felt the vibrations of his chest every time he laughed or spoke.
It lulled you off into a deep slumber, you couldn't even begin to think about katsuki or what he must think of you and the events that went down. You were too fucked out in pure bliss. You felt yourself and your consciousness floating away as you fell into slumber in your soon to be husbands arms. He held you close while still shit talking with the blond who ended up hanging up in izukus face. He simply laughed and threw your phone somewhere in the bed.
Izuku kissed your forehead and pulled out, shoving his limp cock back into his boxers he pulled the cover over the both of you and sighed in content. He was happy with how things went down tonight.
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AN: this was finished at 12:21 n I'm so tired. I have work tomorrow AND I still have to write something for my zuzubears birthday, chat this was a stressful day. The ending was rushed but I can't begin to care so. Enjoy!!
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firesmokeandashes · 2 months
Mha "could've been canon" quotes/scenarios
Fake Deku: *walks into the common room and over to Katsuki*
Fake Deku: "Hey Bakugou! Want to go spa-"
Half of class 1 a: *suddenly jumps the fake deku*
Fake Deku: "Wait! What are you guys doing! Get off me!"
Ochako: "Cut the bullshit, we know you're not Deku"
Fake Deku: *detransforms into some random villain*
Villain: "But how? I haven't done anything out of the ordinary!"
Todoroki: "Midoriya never calls Bakugou, Bakugou"
Tenya: "In fact we're not entirely sure he knows how to say Bakugo's real name"
Katsuki: Besides, danger sense would have alerted Izuku before everyone jumped you and gotten out of the way. So really you're just stupid"
Jirou: "Wait, sense this guy isn't Deku-"
Momo: "Where's the real one!?"
Meanwhile at the villain's hideout:
Izuku: "So you see, you can be whatever you want to be, you don't have to be a villain"
Villain 1: *sniffling* "That's so deep man"
Villain 2: *crying* "No one's ever told us that before! Thank you!"
Villain 3: *sobbing uncontrollably* "Thank you so much! Im gonna turn my whole life around now, I promise!"
Villain 4: *sitting in a corner contemplating their life choices and having a mental crisis*
Izuku: *slightly flustered* "There's really no need to thank me! You guys should have been told all this from the beginning!"
All four villains: *thinking* 'And he's humble too!'
Back at UA:
Aizawa: "So you mean to tell me he's been missing for FIVE HOURS!?"
Katsuki: *frustrated sigh* Yeah"
Aizawa: *insert groan of dissapointed and frustration*
Aizawa's phone: *rings*
Aizawa: "What!?"
Villain 1: "Um, is this Erasurehead?"
Aizawa: "Yes, what do want? I'm in the middle of important business!"
Villain 1: "Well, you see, we have one of your students, Midoriya, and we want to know where we should drop him off at?"
Aizawa: "...."
Aizawa: "What do mean 'drop him off at'"?
Villain 1: Well, he kind of gave us a talk about how we don't need to be villains and now we all feel bad about the stuff we did and want to give him back to you"
Aizawa: *sighs tiredly while dragging his hand down his face*
Aizawa: "Meet me at the abandoned choclate factory over on 15th street"
Villain 1: "Okay! Yeah, we can do that and I just want to say how sorry we are for kidnapping him! We're fully expecting to be arrested when we get there, so don't worry about us putting up a fight"
Aizawa: *sighs tiredly and hangs up*
Katsuki who listened to the whole conversation on speaker phone: "So he did it again?"
Aizawa: "Yup."
Katsuki: "And now you have to call the police and do more paperwork than you want to?"
Aizawa: "Yup."
Katsuki: "Want me to go with you to pick him up or..."
Aizawa: "Yes, lord knows he's gonna need someone to talk to on the way back and I cannot deal with him right now."
Katsuki: "So... what do we do with this guy?"
Katsuki: *jabs finger towards the shapeshifing villain who is tied and gagged with sero's tape snd spewing muffled curses at them*
Aizawa:"Hand him over to campus security and let them take care of him"
Katsuki: *nods and drags the screaming villain out the door with him*
Aizawa: "Im getting too old for this"
Later at the abandoned Chocolate Factory:
Aizawa, Katsuki, and a handful of cops walk into the Factory:
Izuku: *jumping up and down while waving his hand*
Cops: *rush over to arrest the villains*
Izuku: "Sensei! Kacchan!! Over here!"
Katsuki: "We know, idiot! We aren't blind!"
Villain 1 being arrested: *whispering* That's 'Kacchan'? I thought he'd be nicer"
Villains 2-4 also being arrested: *nod in agreement*
Izuku: *bounds over to Aizawa and Katsuki*
Izuku: "Sensei! Kacchan! You're not going to believe the day I've had!"
Izuku: *begins rambling*
Aizawa looks tiredly at Katsuki: "You take care of him, I have a big enough headache as it is"
Katsuki: *nods and turns back to listen to Izuku's rant and scold him for being reckless and getting in trouble again*
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sugarlywhispers · 2 months
a.n; SMUT, oral sex (fem receiving), izuku is pussy-drunk because we know no other izuku than the one who LOVES eating pussy. lol i had an izuku itch that needed to be scratched so here it is *wink wink*<3
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You and Midoriya Izuku have been friends for a long time now. He's such a good friend, always attentive, kind, funny and respectful. Yet he becomes cheeky, flirty and sometimes sarcastic when there's more trust in your friendship.
Friendship. It's just friendship. You have to remind yourself of that everyday. Push your stupid little –strenuously huge– crush on him very deep inside and lock it away. He's fucking Number One, Pro Hero Deku. How could you not have a fucking crush on him?
Still, when he gave you the opportunity to be friends, you didn't doubt it. You dug your feelings very deep and just accepted what he gave you; a funny, sincere friendship that you honestly didn't want to ruin. Especially because Izuku was also very intentional in watering this friendship with you.
It got to a point where you even slept in each other's places with complete normalcy sometimes. He had clothes in your closet for when that happened, and vice-versa. Izuku even talked to you about the dates he went on, and so did you.
He even held your head after a hard night out with friends, where you found the guy you were in a “relationship” with snogging another girl. Too much alcohol trying to bury what you have witnessed and an ugly date with the toilet as you threw up. Izuku held your hair back and caressed your back with patience and care that early morning. Even dried your tears and hugged you through the feelings. No, you didn't love the guy, but you could have if he hadn't been a fucker.
No one would ever fit into the standard Izuku had made you build around men. But you had to try and find, considering that the main standard was not interested in you that way, and would never be.
It's exactly why, here you are. Waiting in your car after texting said man “oi!, i'm here!”, after he expressed that he has had an awful week and was so stressed he could throw a train towards the sky, up to the atmosphere. Holy fuck. The imagery made you laugh at the moment, but also sent a shiver down your spine at his tone because damn, he was so frustrated and angry. So, you didn't doubt it. Told him to get ready, that you would pick him up in 20 minutes to take him out.
There was no other intention other than pamper him, help him distract his mind from all the troubles that stressed him. Like a friend would.
It had been a lovely night, filled with lots of laughter, jokes and accomplished smiles that felt too normal by then.
You suddenly feel his eyes on you, his body directing his attention towards you as you ride the car, softly mumbling to a well known song that it's playing.
“What?” You ask a moment later, stopping right in front of Izuku's building and looking back at him.
“I just realized… You took me out to dinner. We had ice-cream as dessert and even some cocktails after. You drove and paid for it all. And now you took me back home…”
You snort, “And? What's the problem with that?”
You are a bit confused, especially because he's talking looking dead serious, like he has come to a realization that makes him even imagine in his head whatever it is that he is thinking. Jesus, even his eyes look so determined and shiny it makes you feel weirdly nervous.
But of course, you were not expecting at all what he said next.
“Do I have to suck you off?”
You look directly into each other's eyes for a full minute. Death silent. Song playing in the background. A car passes, its light making Izuku's face become clearer and exposed for the second it took until it drove away. Both your breathing suddenly heard loud inside your car. 
And then you both laugh your hearts out. Almost to the point of crying.
It's so ridiculously funny. The way Izuku asked it was so sure and ready for it and also keeping a serious tone. This type of humor with him has become so funny and comfortable to portray, you can't help but to answer back, “I mean… if you want to.”
You obviously mean it as a joke. It's not the first time you joke with double meaning in your words. It has become normal by now between you two.
Yet Izuku suddenly stops laughing. Again looking dead serious as you slowly come back from your laughter. You clean a small tear that threatens to fall from your left eye as you look at him. His expression is... alert, attentive; eyes are on you, shining, waiting, excited. And as time passes, you realize with a quiet and small gasp; he wants to suck you off.
Next thing you know, you’re sprawled over Izuku’s big and expensive couch, your jeans and panties thrown around somewhere in his living room. Legs open, exposed, as Izukus delves into the taste of your cunt. Both his hands, callous and a bit raspy due to his injuries and in contrast to your soft skin, hold you down by the waist as his mouth doesn’t even separate a millimeter from its place, tongue dancing all around your very wet pussy. 
His eyes are closed and he lets a few grunts here and there that travel up in your body and make you shiver in pleasure, followed by a tongue movement that makes you roll your eyes back. He's fucking enjoying having you like this.
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luvymelody · 5 months
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NAME : katsuki bakugou + shoto todoroki , boku no hero academia
SONG : moment , vierre cloud
SUMMARY : y/n l/n is the new girl in class 2-a. as the year goes by, todoroki and bakugou find out that they like the same person. wc : 2.2k
[you're here] [part 2] [part 3]
(reader's quirk is angel. u have two wings in ur back)
(also i removed hagakure from the story 😭 SORRY i love her swear)
"hello, i'm y/n l/n. i hope we can all get along."
the winged girl smiled, then bowed deeply as the class admired her. she was pretty, and her wings were pretty.
"you can sit infront of him. bakugou, raise your hand."
bakugou lazily raised his hand a bit, she looked towards him, walking towards the empty seat in the front row. as she sat, she placed her bag under her table, tucking her wings into herself a bit to not bother the boy behind her.
he raised an eyebrow at her actions, rolling his eyes and slouching back into his seat.
"hi! i'm mina ashido!"
"oh hi!"
"i'm ochaco uraraka!"
"you can call me tsuyu."
the girls were crowding around the new girl as soon as the bell rang for break. the girls in the class were all making eye contact with each other during class and pointing fingers at each other of who would be the one to talk to y/n first.
"wanna sit with us for lunch? we'll tell you everything about our class!"
"yeah sure, that would be great."
y/n smiled at yaoyorozu as mina threw an arm around y/n's shoulder, pulling her up from her seat.
"man, the girls have already started talking to the new girl.."
kaminari said, looking at the group of girls with his arms crossed. he stood infront of kirishima and bakugou who were around bakugou's desk as he packed up his stuff.
"you can't deny, she's really cute."
kirishima murmured, leaning into kaminari a bit to quiet his voice but bakugou heard it anyway, ignoring it. kaminari nodded rapidly, you would think his head was going to fall off from how fast he was.
bakugou got up without saying anything, leaving the classroom while kaminari and kirishima yelled at him to wait.
the girls were waiting in the lunch line together, waiting patiently as uraraka brought her three guy friends to meet y/n.
"my name is tenya iida! i'm pleased to have you as a new classmate!"
iida put a hand out for y/n to shake, she grasped his hand, giving it a firm shake and a smile as she held onto his hand.
"pleased to meet you, iida."
iida matched her smile, letting go of their head and directing her attention to the boys next to him.
"i'm izuku midoriya, this is shoto todoroki!"
the green haired boy said, turning to the white and red haired boy as he looked up from his phone at y/n. he bowed a bit, putting his phone in his pocket.
"nice to meet you."
"nice to meet you too-"
"l/n- are you an actual angel? what else is apart of your quirk? can all of your feathers separate like the pro hero hawks? can you control all your feathers with free will? or-"
"geez midoriya, chill out!"
mina exclaimed, her hands going down on y/n's shoulders as y/n grinned, a bit of a nervous look on her face as her eyebrows furrowed. todoroki blinked at her facial features, he didn't really get to see it when she was infront of the class and he was at the back, but now, right infront of her, he can.
"you're very pretty, l/n."
the group went quiet, hearing the stoic heterochromic boy say such a bold statement.
"o-oh, thank you, todoroki.."
y/n blushed, turning red as mina nervously laughed, then pulled y/n away as they were at the front of the line to get food. todoroki cocked his head to the side in confusion.
"did i do something wrong?"
todoroki turned his head towards midoriya and iida who were partially embarrassed, red filling their faces.
"n-no, todoroki.."
the next day, y/n was walking to school as she looked down at her phone, scrolling and looking for a song to play.
y/n heard a voice behind her, turning to see her handsome classmate. yesterday, when he said she was pretty, she was going to say that he was handsome too, just to make him embarrassed, but his blank stare made her crumble, and blush.
"hi todoroki!"
y/n waved, stopping and waiting for todoroki to catch up as he slowly jogged up next to side, then she continued walking.
"do you live around this area?"
y/n questioned, playing a random playlist and turning off her phone, holding it in her hand.
"mhm. just down the road."
todoroki nodded, looking straight down the sidewalk as y/n looked up at the boy. but then something clicked in her head, she quickly looked at her phone, her eyes widening at the time.
"shit! we're gonna miss the train, todoroki!"
y/n blurted, gripping onto todoroki's wrist and starting to run towards the train station. todoroki watched her hair bounce with each step she was taking, holding onto his bag with his free hand to avoid his bag falling off his shoulder.
todoroki watched as the sunlight hit her hair just right, making her hair practically shine underneath the sun as y/n’s hold on his wrist slipped, going down to his hand as she grabbed onto his hand, holding it tight with a squeeze as she checked her phone again.
“todoroki! are you there-“
y/n turned her head while running, making eye contact with todoroki as he blinked, snapping out of his lovesick daze.
todoroki lips parted, shutting tight as he squeezed her hand, starting to run alongside y/n as y/n smiled laughing next to todoroki as she closed her eyes, her head going down as laughter bubbled out her lips.
todoroki let a small smile slip from his lips, the corners of his mouth going up as he continued running down the street alongside y/n.
he would just have to tell his driver he could get to school on his own.
y/n and todoroki came into the classroom together, todoroki opening the door for the girl as she smiled and thanked him.
bakugou looked up from his seat, he was leaning back into his seat while kirishima, sero and kaminari were infront of him, standing and talking to each other while letting bakugou pipe into the conversation from time to time.
“yo, should i ask for l/n’s number?”
“no bro- didn’t you see todoroki and l/n walk in together? pretty girls and pretty boys always get together.”
“are you saying i’m ugly-!?”
“hey, sir’s waiting.”
bakugou said, making the three look at him and look back at aizawa who was glaring at them, his eyes turning red and his hair floating up as they bowed in embarrassment, hurrying to their seats.
when they finally left from bakugou’s view, he could see y/n clearly infront of him, well, the back of her, and her wings.
bakugou thought they were big for no reason. could she even fly?
“team bakugou and l/n, you’re up!”
the class had a training exercise with a random partner, bakugou made no comment out loud of the new kid being his partner but, his thoughts were screaming.
‘are you kidding me? pretty girl is my partner?’
bakugou yelled in his head as y/n ran up to him, slowing down to walk next to him.
“hey! you’re bakugou, right?”
“oh okay! how do you wanna do this-?”
“just don’t get in my way, i’ll probably do all the work anyway.”
bakugou said bluntly, walking faster to avoid y/n as y/n’s face became blank, blinking at the boy who was walking away faster. she squinted her eyes at him, smiling.
there were multiple clones of ectoplasm and y/n and bakugou were surrounded.
“i told you not to get in my way!”
bakugou yelled, explosions sparking from his palms. y/n looked down as she clenched her forearm, a white energy surging through her arm.
“i didn’t even do anything! with you running away from me!”
“because you would get in my way!”
“just stop yelling for a sec, your throat-!”
y/n cut herself off as she flapped her wings and the clones on her side turned to liquid clones. bakugou whipping his head at her side to look and see no one, y/n gone and the clones gone.
bakugou called out, looking up to see y/n in the air, jumping down in the centre of the clones on bakugou’s side, slamming her fist down on the ground as the ground crumbled, making the clones fling into the air as bakugou put his hands down towards the ground, shooting himself up as he exploded all of the clones.
y/n stood up on the ground, bakugou dropped down infront of her. y/n quirked her eyebrow up,
“are you gonna yell at me? sorry if i was in your way-“
“sorry for the way i was acting.”
bakugou grumbled, it was so, out of character of himself. he didn’t even know what he was doing. y/n’s eyes widened, feeling a tad bit bad for the way she was yelling, but to be fair, he was yelling louder before.
“oh! it’s cool- sorry i yelled back at you.”
y/n admitted, her eyebrows furrowed but a smile on her face as bakugou’s eye trailed down towards her parted lips.
“let’s go back.”
“oh right!”
y/n exclaimed, turning and starting to walk as bakugou admired her back, her wings.
bakugou heard, fast walking to catch up with her, much unlike before when he was literally running away from her.
y/n walked beside todoroki, counting her money in focus to be sure she had enough for one of the dishes she wanted from the cafeteria. (pretend they pay for somethings idk)
the winged girl groaned out loud, his hands rubbing her eyes as her lips turned to a frown. todoroki looked at her in wonder, cocking his head to the side.
“what’s wrong?”
“i don’t have enough money for the cold soba..”
“do you like cold soba?”
todoroki’s eyes widened, wondering if the pretty girl liked one of his favourite foods, she lifted her hands away from her eyes, blinking at the boy.
“yeah.. i was really craving it today...”
“i’ll pay for you.”
todoroki said, starting to fast walk to the cafeteria to see y/n’s reaction to eating it as y/n stopped in shock, jogging to catch up with todoroki as her eyebrows furrowed and her lips opened,
"are you sure? thank you so much though.."
“it’s alright.”
todoroki said, in the line and already at the front, ordering two cold soba trays.
y/n stood behind him, a small smile of her face as she appreciated the kind offer that todoroki gave her- well, more like just buying her food.
the girl felt a nudge in her shoulder, turning her head to see bakugou with one hand holding his tray of food, the other in his pocket.
“come sit with me.”
bakugou said, looking away from y/n and straight at his table of friends who were laughing loudly far away. y/n turned to look at the group and where they were, while she was looking away, bakugou took the chance to glance down at y/n, seeing her long eyelashes as they fluttered open and shut, then turning to bakugou again as he quickly looked away.
“sorry,, i’m sitting with todoroki today!”
bakugou looked at the girl after scoffing loudly.
"you can stand one lunch away from that half-and-half bastard-"
bakugou and y/n turned towards todoroki, who was holding two trays of cold soba. bakugou raised an eyebrow at the dual coloured haired boy as todoroki narrowed his eyes towards him.
"l/n is going to be sitting with me. not you."
"i don't remember asking you, icy-hot."
"you didn't have to, i'm telling you."
"what do you say?!"
todoroki let out quick but calm remarks at the blonde boy but bakugou was glaring openly at todoroki, getting right up in todoroki's face as y/n's eyes whipped back and forth between the boys.
the two looked at her, stopping their argument.
"how about, we all sit together? i wanted to talk with mina today anyway!"
y/n grinned, turning and quickly walking towards the table that had mina, kirishima, sero, jirou and kaminari. jirou and mina seeing the girl and the two boys walking behind her, waving at her.
"hey y/n!"
"oh shit, hey l/n!"
"hi there!"
y/n sat in the free space next to mina, with a space for one more person to sit next to y/n.
"is it okay if i- i mean, todoroki and i sit with you guys?"
"no problem!"
sero said, showing a thumbs up towards the girl and a wink while kaminari was fist bumping the air in excitement.
todoroki was quicker than bakugou, sitting in the seat next to y/n as bakugou gritted his teeth slightly at the boy who was staring up at him- was that a tiny smirk on his face!?
bakugou dropped his tray on the table, already eating as y/n talked to todoroki about english homework. then she turned away, leaning over mina to talk to jirou who was next to her.
todoroki and bakugou made eye contact with each other as todoroki looked at the boy across from him on the table. bakugou narrowed his eyes, using his hand and sticking out his thumb as he dragged his thumb over his neck, pointing at todoroki.
todoroki just silently slurped his soba, glaring at bakugou.
this meant war.
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ilygetou · 1 year
heyy love ! can I request a villain izuku ! x female reader ! I would like to see reader being a spoiled “ daddy’s gurl “ n’ izuku is sent on a mission to kidnapp her n’ make her dad pay off the debt to him 👙 the drabble is nsfw of course ! also kinks can be : degrading, dumfriction, pet play n’ a bit of body worship ! ( you can write this request only if you’re comfortable with it / have motivation for it ! )
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Oh no! your father forgot to pay back some debt! :( & that resulted in having an infamous villain; izuku midoriya more known as “deku” to come and kidnap you and force you to stay at his hideout until your father pays back his debt. But! your father seems to be hiding somewhere to avoid paying back his debt, oh well! izuku has no choice but to send your father a little video tape that may convince him to come out and pay back his missing debt! <3
CW. dubcon, kidnapping, pet play, usage of pet names, orgasm denial, edging, kinda bimbo! reader, degrading (he’s v mean), overstimulation, face fucking (sorta?), non con recording, blackmailing, size kink, finger sucking, cum swallowing, facial, doggystyle, choking, hair pulling, pussy slapping (1), dacryphilia, dumbification, spitting, & creampie.
note. this took way too long i’m so sorry😭 i put my whole pussy into this, it’s like 4,500 words</3
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Getting sent into a mission to kidnap an innocent girl because of her father forgetting to pay back some debt? the villain could almost feel bad, poor you getting dragged into this huge mess just because of your careless father.
but izuku isn’t the type of person who would turn down a huge sum of money. At first, he didn’t want to do this mission but the person who assigned him the mission promised him a huge amount of money if he did the job correctly. And now that money was involved, he couldn’t say no, he could never say no to money.
izuku is pretty confident about his strength & skills so kidnapping you should be a piece of cake. His plan went on like this; 1. kidnap you 2. threaten your father by using you as a hostage 3. your father paying up the money he forgot to pay back 4. releasing you. 5. getting his paycheck.
pretty nice, easy plan if you ask izuku.
you were currently out, on your way back home. Izuku was hiding inside his van behind a huge sign covering his vehicle, you had a grin plastered on your face, lips plum n’ glossy as you were chewing a bubble gum, your shirt too tight and small — your breasts particularly spilling out the skimpy top, your skirt was short if you just try to bend over izuku is pretty sure anyone behind you would get a perfect view of your ass.
well this should be interesting for izuku. He thought he’d be dealing with a decent looking girl, not too pretty and not ugly either but probably wouldn’t pique the villains interest. but by the looks of it he will be dealing with a slutty one, a very gorgeous one if he may add.
izuku hopped off his van, watching from a distance how you made your way into a quieter area that was not so full with people, this would make the job easier for izuku.
izuku approached you, hands in his pockets with a fake-smile on his face. “hello, y/n if i may assume?” the green haired villain uttered in a sweet, soft voice. you immediately looked up at him with a small smile, “yes? do i know you?” izuku chuckled as he removed a hair strand from your face, “i’m one of your fathers good friends, been friends with your old man for a long time” izuku came with a half assed lie that you immediately believed.
you snorted out a laugh, “my father? you know him? but you look young to be friends with my father” izuku patted your head before bending down and whispering something in your ear, “let’s go talk in a more private area, yeah?” you squint your eyes in suspicion before nodding your head, the freckles covering the guy's face and his sweet smile along with his soft voice made you trust him so easily.
izuku smirked as you continued following behind him, the dumb smile you had on your face as you hummed a song not knowing what was about to happen to you as you kept following izuku to where he had his vehicle parked.
izuku stopped in his tracks, you raised a brow in confusion before eyeing the big white van in front of you — “is this your..what should I call it? erm.. car?” you snorted, a small laugh escaping you. You were obviously making fun of him, mocking him even. Izuku clicked his tongue, do you really think an infamous villain like him would be driving an old vehicle like this? Izuku let out a sigh before his fake smile returned back, “yes, it’s kinda in a bad shape though, got into so many accidents.”
you didn’t respond to midoriya and gave him your back as you started inspecting the vehicle, it was white & dirty, it also looked old. It’s definitely not something you’d never step your foot in. While you were taking your sweet time, midoriya took out a piece of cloth and without making any noises — he slowly creeped up from behind and placed it on your mouth.
Your eyes widened in shock, you tried to struggle but izuku was much bigger and stronger than you. You kept trying to get out of his grasp before you slowly began losing consciousness. “well, that wasn’t so hard,” midoriya chuckled to himself.
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You started regaining consciousness, your vision was a bit blurry, you saw a muscular figure approaching you and your eyes immediately widened. You immediately got reminded of everything that happened a few hours ago, you tried moving but found yourself unable to, your hands were chained against the wall but your legs were free, you tried speaking up only for your voice to be muffled from the duct tape covering your mouth.
“oh? you’re already up? took you long enough” the figure in front of you spoke and you immediately recognized it as the sweet man from earlier. Who also claimed to be one of “your father’s good friends.” You had a semi-confused look on your face, making midoriya look you up and down before slowly bending down to reach your face, “listen here sweetheart, your father forgot to pay back some debit that he was supposed to pay a long time ago but because of someone (you) your father had some hard timing paying it all back” izuku paused for a moment, scanning the look on your face.
“And, until your father pays all the money back, you’ll be held back here, don’t worry nothing will happen to you at least i haven’t been assigned to do anything to you, yet” your eyes were filled with terror, you had so much stuff to say but that stupid tape wasn’t giving you a chance to do so.
For the past two hours, you’ve been trying to break free from the chains — izuku was watching you from a distance do so, your breasts bouncing everytime you moved which made this worthwhile of midoriya’s time.
“careful there, if you move again you may accidentally flash me your tits” you felt your face heat up in embarrassment, your eyes slightly twitching in annoyance. Izuku’s attention went from you to his buzzing phone, he took out his phone and answered the call without looking at the caller id.
“yeah she’s here” “no, she won’t be going anywhere i chained her up” “mhm, i’ll see what i can do” “yeah, i’ll give you updates” “oh? anything? alright then.” you seemed to be confused by the villain’s nonchalantly responses, he then soon ended the call and his attention was all fixed on you.
“that was my ‘boss’, he called for updates on the situation... nevermind that though, he said i can do anything i want with you since your father seems to be hiding somewhere to escape paying back his debt, too bad for you.” your eyes widened in shock, your father was not in debt. you were sure of that.
your father was a nice, sweet, gentleman that everyone liked and trusted. He never loaned money from anyone, at least that’s what you thought. Your father spoiled you with expensive stuff all the time, bags, make-up, clothes, and a new car every year.
It was so obvious that your father loved you so, so much. So, why is he not telling the cops about this? Is he not concerned about you or your safety? You’ve been gone for almost half of the day.
Izuku has snapped you out of your thoughts when he suddenly removed the duct tape from your mouth, you started panting heavily, trying to catch your breath.
Once you did, you looked at izuku with narrowed eyes, “my father is not in debt! you’re lying!” izuku simply let out a scoff and rolled his eyes, “you don’t have to believe me, but we have to make a small video for your father, could you help me with that?” the villain took out a camera and shaked it around, you cocked your head in confusion.
“what kind of video?” and the villain smirked, “oh, you’ll see soon enough, just have to take those chains off, and don’t try running away, boss said i could hurt you if you misbehaved and you don’t want that, right?”
your brows furrowed before you hesitantly nodded your head, once midoriya took off your chains – you let out a sigh of relief, your arms were sore from being in the same position for so long. “What are we going – oh yeah! sir, you haven’t told me your name?” The green haired villain found it unusual that you’re talking to him with such a calm tone, as if you aren’t being held captive right now.
“My name isn’t that important” he replied, you frowned at his nonchalant reply, “but what am i supposed to call you? mr.green hair?” you whined, izuku bit his lips hard, trying to hold himself not to cuss at you right now. “It’s izuku” he finally said, “izuku? Oh! Are you that bad guy who goes by the name deku?” midoriya has no time to answer your questions, he ignores you – he has more important things to do, for example recording that stupid video for your father.
As izuku was setting up the camera and the stuff he needed to record the video you were bombarding him with questions, he couldn't believe that despite the situation you’re in you still remained calm — not only that but you also knew who he was. Usually once someone hears his name they would tremble in fear, some might even fall on their knees as they shake in fear.
You probably didn’t know about his heinous crimes, he wasn’t surprised – you don’t look like someone who would be interested in what’s happening around the world.
Once midoriya got everything done, he clicked his tongue, he turned to you only to find you already inspecting the stuff on the table he let out an annoyed sigh “i need you to sit on that chair” he pointed towards a metal chair that looked uncomfortable to sit on. The villain’s gaze was serious & you were pretty sure he was getting tired of you & your questions. Which was true, izuku wanted this to end quickly.
Once you were seated on the chair, izuku came up from behind you & held both of your wrists together & then tied them behind the chair. You slowly started to panic when he brought out a blindfold & placed it on your eyes — “what’re you doing..?” izuku could hear a hint of fear in your voice which made him smirk.
“don’t worry, i won’t hurt you,” he raised your chin to make you look at him even though you can’t actually see him because of the blindfold but you can sense him standing in front of you.
You heard the sound of the camera turning on, “it’s recording” the guy standing in front of you muttered, your breath hitched – nervous about what type of video you two were about to record.
“open up” you hesitantly opened your mouth, your figure shaking a bit for what’s awaiting you. Izuku places two of his long, slender fingers on your tongue. “Now suck on ’em” & you obey by wrapping your lips around his fingers, sucking on them like you’re sucking on lollipops.
This goes on for a quite a while—until the villain finally decides to take out his fingers which were now drenched with your saliva. He smeared your saliva on his clothes, in an attempt to remove the essence from his fingers. Without any further warning or instructions from the green-haired man, you were suddenly pulled into a kiss, a messy one.
You were taken aback from his sudden actions, his tongue was in your mouth, he was exploring every part of your mouth with his tongue until salvia started dripping down from both of your chins. That’s when he decided to pull out of the kiss. You were trying to catch your breath when you suddenly heard the sound of a belt being undone and getting thrown onto the floor—creating a loud thud that startled you.
Izuku had his cock out, it was slightly curving upwards with veins running along the underside, his slit dripping with pre-cum from you sucking on his fingers earlier, he held it with one hand—his other hand going to grab a pair of...cat ears? “here, ’m gonna have you wear those,” he places the cat ears on top of your head, positioning it to fit your head perfectly.
Izuku starts slowly stroking his dick, rubbing the tip with his big thumbs before going to grab another thing from on top of the table. A collar and a leash.
He tied the leash to the collar before he wrapped the collar around your neck, you were confused. You couldn’t see anything because of the blindfold blocking your vision so you didn’t know what izuku was up to.
Once the villain saw you with the leash & cat ears on, he immediately smirked & turned towards the camera “Now Mr. L/n, how do you like your daughter being treated like a damn animal?” you were even more confused, animal? huh? You were suddenly snapped out of your thoughts when you felt yourself being pulled—izuku pulled you by the leash & forced your face down to get closer to his throbbing cock.
Izuku has a massive grin on his face as he places the tip of his dick on your lips and starts smearing his pre-cum all over your lips before telling you to open up again. At first you were scared to listen until izuku repeated himself once more but this time, his voice came out raspy and aggressive making you obey him immediately.
Izuku shoved his cock into your mouth as soon as you gave him access to it, you felt the air getting knocked out of you. He was big & thick, your mouth was so full with his dick, midoriya suddenly thrust his hips, “suck” he orders & you start by sucking on his mushroom tip, giving his tip the attention it deserves.
You weren’t aware that the camera was now zoomed on you capturing how the infamous villain’s cock was fully stuffed in your mouth, izuku held the camera with both hands, zooming on your face—the blindfold covering your beautiful eyes, but your tears stains were visible on the black blindfold—he zoomed on your mouth, leaving some space to show how his cock was all the way in your little mouth, your lip gloss smudged all over your face as you struggled to take izuku’s cock fully.
You stretched your tongue to caress the underside of izuku’s dick, another futile attempt to try and take him full, you began hollowing your cheeks & bobbing your head up & down his cock. Salvia kept dripping from the side of your chin as you tried to satisfy the villain. Izuku groaned, a heavy sigh leaving him from his sensitive tip being engulfed by your warm throat.
Izuku holds the camera with one hand, his other hand now resting on his hair as he bites his lips so hard to hold back any sound from slipping—he only lets out a curse before cumming down your throat.
“Ah, what a slut, now why don’t you swallow & show the camera?” he focuses the camera on your face, waiting for you to swallow his warm fluids. You nervously gulped down his semen. “Open wide,” and you obliged, your mouth was wide open with your tongue slightly out to show deku that you listened & swallowed all his cum.
Izuku placed the camera back on the table, he went back behind you and untied the ropes that held your wrists together—the blindfold still on though. “get on all fours” he orders, you really didn’t comprehend what deku said, you were still trying to catch your breath. Izuku kissed his teeth, showing hints of annoyance. “I don’t like repeating myself,” izuku rolled his eyes before pulling you by the leash again, making you let out a yelp—he was pulling so hard you were basically choking.
You coughed a few times before doing as you were told, you got on all fours, slightly arching your back in a way that had your ass all out, your skirt rose up to your back—flashing the villain your white panties that hugged your pussy lips so well. Izuku smirked, bringing the camera and moving it closer to your ass, he brought two fingers, the same ones you sucked on—and started massaging your cunt from above your panties, moving his fingers at a slow, teasing pace.
As izuku continued doing so, he noticed a wet patch forming on your underwear. He pulled down the fabric, your glistening pussy all exposed for him now. You shivered once you felt his fingers running through your folds, “d-don’t” izuku scoffed, why were you giving izuku orders? Do you know who you’re speaking to right now? Without any reply or further movements from izuku you thought he listened & decided to stop. Only for you to suddenly gasp and wince in pain once you felt a harsh slap land on your pussy, causing your body to wobble and for you to let out a sob.
“don’t ever try telling me what to & what not to do, nor try defying my orders, do you even understand who’s standing in front of you right now?” you quickly nodded your head, low sobs leaving as you continually nodded your head—izuku let out a frustrated sigh, if only you weren’t this arrogant & just stayed quietly and did as izuku told you. That would’ve made the job way easier for the villain.
Izuku slowly started stroking his dick, his other free hands roaming and touching your ass, his fingers getting in between your folds n’ spreading them, revealing your tight hole to him. He fastened his movements, he quickly gripped your hair—forcing you to face him, your face so close to his twitching cock before ropes of his thick cum completely covered your face. You tensed up at the new feeling, his cum so hot it slightly burns your face, the blindfold also getting stained.
Izuku made sure to capture that on video, a wide grin spread across his face. “you look better like this” izuku pushed you down, pressing your upper body to the floor while your ass was high up in the air, two of his fingers were teasing your little cunt—you whined in frustration.
Having the blindfold blocking your view, a collar around your neck that was kinda small you felt like it was slowly choking you, and having izuku tease you in any way he wanted was all too frustrating, you couldn’t take it.
Izuku pushed two fingers, your walls immediately clamping and fluttering around his fingers, izuku chuckled—were you enjoying this? “c’mon kitten, are you serious?” he said in a teasing tone that had you filled up with embarrassment, “i’m not! What are y-you sa—!” izuku started thrusting his fingers in n’ out of your gooey cunt, cutting you off.
He moved the camera to the view of his skilled fingers going in n’ out of your pussy, capturing how slick kept dripping and coating his fingers and the way his fingers kept thrusting at a rapid speed that had your body start to slightly shake.
You tried your hardest to hold in your moans, to prove that you’re not enjoying this, that you didn’t like it at all. But your body failed you, coherent moans falling from your mouth with every thrust of his fingers, making izuku snicker.
Your moans turned into whimpers when izuku withdrew his fingers from your pussy, you were so close to your release—you let out a sob and a whimper of the villain’s name.
Not giving you any mind, izuku rubbed the tip against your clit, he kept repeating the same motion until your clit became all swollen n’ puffy—izuku slowly aligned his cock with your entrance, with a rough thrust of his hips, he was already fully inside you.
“n-no..can’t take it! please pull out!” you plead, izuku was stretching you wide open with his sheer size, tears started forming on the corner of your eyes, your mouth hang ajar, “big…i can’t” you kept babbling and all could izuku do was smirk, your pleadings and babbling only boosted his ego—giving you an experimental thrust just for you to let out a sob.
After a while of slow, sloppy thrusts you slightly got used to his size. Low, muffled whimpers leaving you with every thrust.
His dick was massaging your insides, with every slam of izuku’s hips, lewd sounds fell from your mouth, izuku picked up his pace, placing one of his hands on your hips to pull you closer—his other hand busy holding the camera.
He pounded into you from behind low grunts & moans leaving him, his dick hitting your sweet spot with every rough thrust of his hips—your walls clamping & fluttering around his cock. “Ah—shit, knew you liked that—fucking slut” he grunts, his pace remaining steady and rough.
“what’d you think your father will do once he watches this video?” his hands traveling to play with your clit, your breath hitched, your tongue lolled out—unable to answer the villain’s question. “Well, it’s not like i care about what he’ll do—it’s not my problem.”
Your blindfold got loose completely falling off, you were met with the wall in front of you. Your vision getting blurry from the tears that were about to form. You couldn’t see what kind of face or expression izuku has as he was fucking you from behind. You could only hear his low groans and moans.
Izuku pulled your hair, you threw your head backwards as you met izuku’s gaze, he placed his hands on your chin and forced open your mouth. Staring from above you was a mischievous looking izuku, you were lost in thought, your eyes glued to the green haired man’s eyes while your mind was all fuzzy from the feeling of izuku’s cock messing your insides.
Suddenly, you felt a glob of warm spit surfing on your tongue. And that’s when it hit you, izuku spat on your tongue, your eyes widened—as if you were just brought back to reality. “Come on, swallow” he grunts, impatient. And the way he stared at you with daunting eyes sent a shiver down your spine, his grip on you was strong, his eyes settled on your face and you hesitantly swallowed down his spit, your face scrunched up in disgust. Izuku grinned before resuming to his brutal pace, knocking the air out of you.
His tip kept hitting your cervix, earning filthy, lewd sounds from you. Your face was all messed up, your makeup melted, your cheeks were stained with tears from earlier, and your mouth hung open—drool dripping with every thrust of his hips. You couldn’t take it—you really couldn’t, his cock kept hitting your deepest spots which made you lose your mind, your body went limp, as you felt your orgasm getting closer and closer.
Izuku was getting closer too, the way his cock twitched inside you every time your walls hugged his dick was getting him closer and closer. Izuku pulled your lesh, a choked moan left you—whining as he kept pulling it until you could barely breathe. His cock pulsates by the warmth of your little cunt. “Ah fuck, i know i said i wanted this to end quickly but holy shit kitten, didn’t know you would feel this good.”
Your cat ears that were placed on your head slightly falling off with every jolt of the villain’s hips. He threw his head back, his dick spasmed before filling up your pussy with white globs of cum. Izuku paused for a moment to catch his breath, Afterwards izuku turned off the camera and placed it anywhere besides him. He then pulled your head backwards to inspect your expression.
You had the same fucked out expression as earlier, the only difference was that you were trying to catch your breath as well—small puffs leaving you, your face was hot but, you still didn’t reach orgasm. Which left you unsatisfied.
Your body was already overstimulated and you knew that you couldn’t take any more but the aching feeling between your legs and the knot in your stomach made you crave for more. “i-izuku…i need more, please! still didn’t cum yet..” you whisper, hoping the villain heard you.
Izuku laughed, instead of getting a “alright” you received a laugh fit from the villain. “Did i fuck you too dumb that you forgot who you’re talking to?” izuku pulled you off his cock, his cum leaking from your small hole and staining the floor beneath you, “did you forget that you’re kidnapped? And is used as a hostage? I’m doing this for the money, I have no obligations to fulfill your needs.” he threw at you, and you felt your eyes swell up with tears.
You were not used to this kind of treatment. No, you were used to getting everything you want and need, no one has ever said the word “no” to you, so hearing it—no, hearing it in a rather aggressive manner made you cry, your cheeks already stained with tears.
Izuku clicked his tongue, he tried to ignore your cries and tug his cock into his pants but your crying and whining made his cock twitch back into life. A loud annoyed sigh left him, “if you want to cum this badly, then you could suck me off while also playing with your little pussy, how does that sound?”
You went quiet for a moment, it still doesn’t sound so fulfilling, since you’re still going to work for your orgasm yourself. But maybe having the villain’s cock in your mouth would make you finish faster?
While you took your sweet time thinking, izuku was going through your sex tape with him. And suddenly, his phone buzzed, a text message notification from his ‘boss’—the guy who assigned him this mission. Izuku read it and his eyes twitched, his expression falling into a not so pleasant one.
Before you could give izuku your answer he spoke up; “seems like your father has already paid up, so this thing–” he waved the camera that had a view of your back getting blowed by him before speaking up again; “this things is useless now, really wanted to sent it to your dad though” he grumbles, in disappointment.
“At least my mission is now done, you could go back to being ‘daddy’s spoiled brat’” you pouted, eyebrows knitted together, “But what about—” izuku caught you off, “Yeah I know, you think i’m about to get blue balled as well?” he shrugs before pulling down his pants.
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izvmimi · 7 months
cw: minors dni. smut. first time sex. literal breeding. sci-fi themed. female body parts for reader. izuku is bigger than reader. size kink if you squint.
The dynamics of the world as you knew it thousands of years ago are now gone, and ever since you awoke from cryogenic slumber just 24 hours ago, the next phase of humanity’s plan to continue to exist and expand through the stars is now in progress.
The new Earth substitute you inhabit is practically devoid of humans and will need bodies, at least until enough of you can build robots to replace your physical labor. There are fifty of you in total, of reproductive age and of peak physical, intellectual and emotional ability (aggregate, with some compartments allowed to be lower than others), and you are assigned to partners based on your compatibility.
They call you terraforming partners. It’s a euphemism for mate. Your only job is to breed.
There are of course other departments to work in the colonizing efforts. Some of the selected fifty have double appointments in the repopulation department and in research and development, others in art and communications, still others in nutrition. You failed to select a secondary appointment prior to your assignment to this planet, and thus have the appointment of Propagator-09A.
It is time to meet your mate. Taking in a deep breath, you leave your quarters, housed in one of two L-shaped buildings surrounding the Nexus or central headquarters, and walk straight down the hall of the dorm building into the designated repopulation centers. These are where you will perform your duties.
The two of you will enter a dome-shaped building from opposite ends of the room. You’re not sure who awaits you on the opposite end of the door, just that they are sexually compatible with you, and pass other measures of compatibility based on a predetermined algorithm. This algorithm is not meant for love, not meant for marriage, just sex and reproduction. Will you two produce at least two minimum viable human children that can be turned over to the administration to be raised? That’s all that is asked of you, and that is what you are contracted to do -
... regardless of who will show up in the next few minutes.
The watch on your wrist monitors your heart rate and everything other than it, and it is starting to beep in concern of your rising heart rate. You suck air into your lungs and let it blow out of your nose. 
Mates are not allowed to hurt you. They are to watch for your comfort, as you are to watch for theirs, they are to stop if you’re not ready, and you are allowed to leave at any time. They are meant to fit you perfectly, and you were specific enough in your application to explain how you liked to be held and pleased.
This will be okay, you tell yourself. It will all be okay.
The door slides upwards into the apex of the dome, and you step into your new home away from home, at presumably the same time as your mate. Marching straight into the center of the room, your eyes lowered to the ground to steady yourself, you don’t notice that the man on the opposite end has not yet begun to move, and when you look up finally once you’ve reached the center, you see him for the very first time, and his cheeks are tinted with the deepest of blushes.
The young man’s lips are parted wide, his hands balled into loose fists at his side as if he didn’t know what to do with them. Immediately, you recognize him from the debriefing session just prior to the cryogenic freezing and the young man - tall, handsome, far too talkative with a voice gentler than expected for a man of his stature but in keeping with his softened but still masculine facial features - seems to hang in the frame of the door, transfixed. Not one word comes out of his mouth. You notice the top of his head, covered in mossy green curls, just barely grazes the top of the door, remembering that the domes have much lower ceilings than the buildings back home.
“Hi,” you eke out, then quickly add, “watch your head.”
Your voice is smaller than usual as you offer him a slightly nervous, strained smile, and he looks as though a shock runs through his body as you speak to him, bumping his head anyway as he walks in despite your warning. You raise your eyebrows, and he laughs just as nervously before meeting up to you.
Standing just inches apart, he scratches his neck, and the pink beneath his freckles still hasn’t abated, but at least now he can talk.
“Sorry about that haha, I’m… I just didn’t realize you’d be so pretty.”
Your own face deeply warms at those words. He’s easy on the eyes too, and you’re thankful for it, but he doesn’t need to charm you as easily as he does. 
Shy yourself, you’re at a loss for words to reply, even thank you failing to be generated. He notices the silence, and quickly fills in the space.
“I’m Izuku. Izuku Midoriya… uh, your terraforming partner. Nice to meet you.”
His hand stretches out to shake yours, and you shake it. It’s larger, warm, and heavily calloused. You wonder what type of work he does, before the mission or now that he’s on this planet with you. With those broad shoulders and impressive biceps of his, you figure it could be something manual, but he’s always sounded quite intelligent so perhaps the muscles are more for show.
“Nice to meet you too. I’m ___.”
As if on cue, once you’ve introduced yourselves, the doors slide down behind the both of you, closing you in. There’s a loud click, and then the pod announces that it’s moving underground, and you steady yourself as gravity shifts. Your partner’s hands extend reflexively to hold you to prevent you from falling, but he’s careful not to touch you unless the motion is invited.
The pod settles onto solid ground again.
The space isn’t small, but it’s not large either, and while it’s mostly monotone, a smattering of whites and beiges and glass, many of the surfaces are soft and plush. A large, round bed with many pillows, a glass panel that doubles both as a window and a screen is across from it. When you try the window, you realize your pod hasn’t moved completely underground, and you can still see the suns’ rays in the afternoon. You’d heard that the pods are set up this way for insulation. For heat, and for… sound.
You look towards Izuku again. His back is turned from you and he’s looking around the pod as well, examining every corner and crevice, his fingers rubbing his chin as he thinks. He’s a caricature of a thoughtful person, you think, soon distracted by the way his shirt hangs over the muscles of his back. He stretches for a moment, and you see the muscles flex under the thin fabric. Something stirs in your chest, then you look away quickly, deciding to search through the closets.
These algorithms hit the nail on the head when it comes to your type, you hate to admit.
Poring through the closets and drawers reveals all manners of lingerie and loungewear, as well as a few very specific costumes that seem to be for roleplay. Your face warms as you see a set of angel wings, and a bunny leotard, then you glance at him, wondering if these are the types of things he’s into. When you see the gladiator suit hung neatly right next to it, you can feel your blood run cold. 
Yes, it’s what you’re into.
There’s a fridge in the center of the room with protein drinks, meal replacement shakes, fresh fruit, wine, chocolate and other sweets, as well as a call button for meals. Cutlery and dishes find themselves in another drawer, along with a small table spread and two chairs that appear at the click of a button in the wall. A makeshift fireplace. 
Anything to set the mood.
Pornography in abundance. Dirty comics. You and Izuku both stare in awe at the sheer collection of spank material, then look at each other, and can’t help but laugh.
They really prepared for everything.
By the time you’ve looked at everything, your stomachs are growling. You share a meal together in polite conversation, which turns into friendly banter, laughter, and then soon, back into pregnant silence as you realize the sun is setting, and you remember there not on a date, not to become friends but for a purpose. 
The ability to delay the inevitable is now being lost, and eventually you’re both acutely aware of the body that occupies the same space. Izuku looks up at you, clears the plate before him, and broaches the subject first.
“Have you ever-”
“Yes,” you lie.
He looks down for a second, then looks up at you. You wonder if he’s disappointed, but soon he adds, “I’m sorry if I can’t meet up to expectations but I’m willing to learn how to make you feel good.”
Your stomach twists for a moment, but you offer a smile. He looks sincere, no waver in those bright, green eyes, and it warms you. The two of you clear away the dishes soon, and Izuku tells you he’ll be careful with your body, once clothing has been stripped away, and the two of you are bare and facing each other.
You don’t know what that will entail before he touches you, but the inevitable attraction you have towards him, the magnetic draw that he has to your body, informs you soon. Your lips meet, you on your tip-toes, and his arms reaching carefully around his waist. The first kiss is reticent, soft and anxious, the second is hungry, the third is greedy. His tongue tastes everything your mouth has to offer, yours fights to get its share as well. Your arms wrap around his shoulders, as your chest presses against his. Your hearts beat in time with each other. Thump, thump.
Izuku’s skin smells like spring water and freshly cut grass, and is soft and warm to the touch; his weight against yours is a comfort you’ve needed your whole life. His breath against your skin, soft kisses along your collarbone, between your breasts, over your lower belly, and finally culminating with his mouth laying over your clit makes your body buzz. He whispers something about reading that you cumming first will make you accept him better, but the way he eats you out hungrily makes you think that it’s less tactical and more for the pleasure of it. He’s good with his fingers, too, thick and deep in your crevices, gentle but purposeful. 
The act of copulation can be such a solemn, resolute affair, but for you two it’s a new dance, where your bodies open up to each other in concert. Your bodies press and join together, your mouths each swallowing the other’s gasps as he enters you, as you take all of him in. You feel like heaven, he feels like paradise; the ebb and flow between you is perfect, unending. The sun sets without your notice because all you can see is each other.
Unconquered territory is discovered inch by inch, from inside out. Izuku makes your toes curl, your heart skip several beats as you cry out his name, even if you’ve just learned it moments ago. It’s a job, but the pleasure seems almost sinfully indulgent.
And you’re both extremely hard workers by nature. 
Breathless by the time he’s filled you to the brim, you have to remind each other that you don’t have to be pregnant at this very moment. He pulls out of you reluctantly, and your body tries to hold onto him, but all good things must come to an end, even if temporarily.
“Are you okay?” he whispers over your knees. 
You’re better than okay, full of affection and hope, flooded in hormones. You nod, Izuku offers a kiss to both your kneecaps as he applies just enough pressure with a forearm to keep your folded position. Parts of his semen slips out of you and he asks you if he can, and when you nod, cheeks warm and breathing steady, pushes the slippery substance back into your body with two fingers. 
A timer goes off and he sighs, laying down beside you.
“Testing is at the end of the week,” he muses. He’s staring at the ceiling. You want to reach over to him, but it feels too intimate for a first meeting, even if he’s been in your guts, even if he’s planting himself forever into you.
“I think we can do it,” he adds. Your worn out body warms, wanting more already. 
It’s just a job, you remind yourself. It’s work, not play. Duty, not love.
“Me too.”
Izuku turns to look at you, and he’s so earnest and sweet, you can practically imagine you are lovers, instead of biologically matched mates, and that rather than this transient mission, you’ll be together for the rest of your lives.
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the-anime-enthusiast · 3 months
#1 Katsuki Bakugou
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He likes his women tall and strong (with a scary similar demeanor to his mother 😭). I'm talking 5'6 and up, might feel weird about dating someone taller than him, but the more the merrier⁉️ (I also bc he gets to be around 5'10 to 6ft whenever he finally finishes growing) 🙏
He FOR SURE fw chubby girls, like a lifter kind of chubby... Someone strong and with muscle but something on their bones other than skin yk?
For some this is unfortunate, be he would NEVER date a blonde 😭 He thinks it's creepy cuz he feels weird about dating someone blonde considering his mom's blonde too 😭 He wouldn't mind a darker, more honey blonde than anything, though 😌
He LOVES freckles and moles 😈 He questioned his sanity given Izuku has freckles whenever he found out he liked them, but always tries to keep it out of his mind cuz he'll get the heebie-jeebies again 😔 despite the intrusive thoughts, he loves to kiss them and point out how pretty they are everytime he gets the chance 🤗
He def has a thing for strong legs and a nice ass 🌚 BROS FS AN ASS MAN 😭 Loves just hugging you from behind and grabbing it, not even to be a perv it's just comforting in a weird way 😭🙏
He fw hips to 🙏😌 something to squeeze and kiss on when he's yk 😶‍🌫️ "downtown" 😶‍🌫️ following this he likes stretch marks too, rubbing them feeling the difference in texture on your skin 🤧
Going back to the strong legs 🙏 (and a lil on the chubby stuff) HE FW HEAVY ON THICK ANKLES it's so strange to him and makes him question whether he's sane or not, but he loves it. FS the weirdest thing he find attractive 🫡
He also appreciates some skull crushers 😈 Doesn't even have to be all muscles, just something squishy that's too big for his hand to wrap all the way around 😌
LOVES A BROWN EYED BADDIE ‼️ He loves the look of doe eyes staring up at him but the second your face relaxes and you look like a cold stone bitch he twitches a lil 🤭 (if yk what I mean) He can't get the gojo meme out of his head and gets the heebie-jeebies when looking into someone's blue eyes 😭😭 (monoma freaks him out))
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You know how he didn't hold back on Uraraka? 😈 Yeah, he likes women who can hold their own against him and honestly that's all he asks for. Ofc he has other standards but something about a strong woman who's just as hard headed as him, really gets him going 🌚
Given he's had to calm down since the war, he appreciates a little bit of feist in his partner, but also a side of them that can be sweet and just as doting as he is 🤭
One of the main points of the people he takes interest in, are that they feel safe around him. 🫶He wants someone who will just fall in his arms at the end of a long day ranting on about work into his neck as he just sits there and listens 🌹 (occasionally chiming in on your coworkers you don't like 😈 )...
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He fucks with MUSICIANS HEAVVYYYYY 🎸🎶 You gonna bust out the guitar and strum along to his crazy good beats? HELL YEAH‼️ Maybe some bass to back him up? FUCK YEAH‼️ Gonna pull out your own sticks and out drum him?? DOUBLE FUCK YEAH ‼️Maybe even the clarinet to impress his dad? Hell. Motherfucking. Yeah. Any instrument and he's automatically impressed, he's learned from playing the drums just how much dedication and hard work goes into learning so he truly appreciates it 😈
LOVES FOODIES ‼️ "Hey babe I was thinking of trying that new katsu-" "You don't even have to ask" he replied dragging you to the car. He loves when people eat his food and compliment him on it (although he'll never admit it) so a GF WHO DOES THAT? SIGN HIM UP. 🎂
Low-key fucks with shy girls 😉 He loves outgoingness, don't get me wrong, but whenever they're behind closed doors and his gf gets all shy and scared to look into his eyes he practically melts (the thought of knowing that his gf feels the EXACT same way as him makes him puddy in your hands) 😈
PHYSICAL TOUCH ‼️GIFT GIVING ‼️ QUALITY TIME ‼️ HIS WEAKNESSES ‼️‼️When he can't find the words to tell you how he feels he'll use these to his advantage, hugging you from behind kissing your neck, bringing a lil Stuffie home for you when he knows your down, or just sitting in silence with your favorite TV show on 😌🙏 All that matters is that hes close to you or in your arms making you feel good when you otherwise cant 🫶
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these are some head cannons for da best boi bakugou bc he's been my fav character for 6 years and what better way to celebrate than curate a list of my fav head cannons for him 🫶
(lemme know who I should do next 😉)
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bakugosatoru · 10 months
My Hero Academia Boys in Bed
Male Characters
Requests Open!
Warnings: Explicit (Minors don't interact) Genre: Smut Fic Type: Headcannons Fandom: My Hero Academia
Authors Note: I am MORE than happy to write these for other characters so please send requests on who you want to see! I'm trying to write a longer Hawks x Dabi smut fanfiction but its not coming together like I wanted so this is my way to at least share something so I don't loose my mind!
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If he's the dominant one:
- All he cares about is your pleasure - Prefers positions where he can see your face as he loves peppering it with kisses while he thrusts deep inside of you. - Foreplay, foreplay, foreplay - If he gets the time, he will tease you for hours. - All he wants is to get you whining his name. - The aftercare is next level, baths, snacks, movies, you name it, he's got it ready. - "That's it baby, you take me so well, so good for me."
If your the dominant one:
- Whining - Wants more than anything to be a good boy for you. - The biggest praise kink in the universe. - Loves to cry and beg while you make him feel good. - Gets overstimulated so easily but loves it. - Afterwards all he wants is cuddles and to be told he did a good job. - "Fuck baby, it feels so good... you make me feel so good. Wanna be your toy, be so good for you"
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If he's the dominant one:
- He is BIG - The first time you slept together, he was barely able to get it all the way in. - That doesn't stop him from fucking you into the mattress though. - Hard Dom, but massive on communication, so you bet all your kinks are talked out before AND after. - Favorite position is Doggy, he loves to see the moment your arms give out and you fall face first into the mattress so he can fuck you even harder. - Loves to see you cry in pleasure. - He loves wiping your tears as he roughly fucks you, knowing he's the only one who gets to see you like this. - "Does it feel that good baby? Feel how fucking deep I am? You can take it, I know you can"
If your the dominant one:
- The biggest brat in the universe. - Loves to rile you up until your forced to pin him to the bed and put him in his place. - He is LOUD - Loud as in 'Shove his face in a pillow to muffle his moans or you'll wake the whole dorm' loud. - Will never admit it but loves to be edged. Being pushed to the edge of cumming over and over and having to beg to finally cum. - Loves it when you tie his arms behind his back so he's fully at your mercy. - "Baby fuck- please. It hurts please can I cum, i'll be good, i'll be so good please."
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If he's the dominant one:
- Rope bondage fiend - Loves NOTHING more than having you tied up for him. - Will spend hours, weaving intricate harnesses and suspension set up for you. - While he does that he is the softest, most doting boyfriend in the world, making sure none of the ropes are too tight and that your comfortable - But after he's finished? He goes feral - Fucks you so roughly, sometime you can barely walk the next day. - Leaves bruises on your hips from gripping so hard and litters your neck in hickeys. - "You look so good tied up for me honey, just made for me. You were made for me..."
If your the dominant one:
- Just wants to leave everything in your hands - Is willing to try anything you think he might enjoy, he loves nothing more than to be totally at your mercy - For such a quiet person, he babbles mindlessly when your in control - All he wants to do is cry your name and tell you how amazing it feels. - You gagged him once, but you missed his pleading so much you quickly decided you preferred to hear his voice. - "Oh my god angel you feel amazing, I love you, I love you, it feels so good please don't stop. Don't stop"
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If he's the dominant one:
- I don't even know if we can call him dominant - This man does not fuck, he makes love and nothing else. - All he wants is to hold you tightly while he fucks into you. - Missionary with him is the most loved you've ever felt, his arms around you, him whispering in your ear how much he loves you while he slowly thrusts himself deep into you. - But don't get me wrong, he will go rough if you ask him too. - He loves to make you ride him, before grabbing your hips and thrusting up into you until you collapse onto his chest. - "God your so beautiful, i want to stay inside you forever. You feel like heaven baby."
If your the dominant one:
- Just wants to be pegged - Seriously, you want to make him happy? Let him ride your strap on while telling him how good of a boy he is. - He wont actually short-circuit but god will it look like it. - His eyes glazed over as he whines helplessly, desperate to cum. - You usually end up taking pity on him and flip him so he's under you so you can fuck him until he finally cums. - "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me please baby, need to cum so bad, wanna cum for you. Please?"
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If he's the dominant one:
- The biggest out of all the guys. - Took you three separate attempts to get it all inside and it felt like it was splitting you open. - Kiri held you and kissed your forehead as you adjusted to him. - "Shh, I know honey, just relax, i'll go slow I promise" - When he finally got it all in, he was gentle, making sure to check in as he slowly fucked you, rearranging your organs in the process. - He kissed away your tears and helped you get used to the stretch. When you finally got used to it and gave him the okay, he started to fuck you slowly and hard. - He will not cum unless you have cum at least twice before him. - He will also happily go down on you for as long as you like to help you relax or just prepare for his size. - "How the fuck are you so tight angel, god your squeezing the life outta me"
If your the dominant one:
- Loves to be tied up - Will absolutely loose his mind if you tie him up and just slowly ride him - He loves begging to touch you, or for you to touch him. - Always wants to be holding you, so if you want to punish him, just don't let him and he will melt in your hands. - "Please baby, I just want to touch you, please... fuck you feel so good"
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If he's the dominant one:
- If you dont end up quivering from overstimulation by the end of it, he wont be satisfied. - He loves to use his wings in the bedroom. Whether his feathers are ghosting over your skin or holding you down, he knows exactly how to use them. - He always want you to sit on his face, he loves to squeeze your hips as you whimper and rock back and forth, riding his mouth. - The best at dirty talk, this man is loud in the bedroom, moaning in your ear, telling you how good you are for him. He can't help it. - Another big fan of missionary, loves to cup your face as he thrusts into you, whispering about how amazing you feel. - "Fuck baby, this pussy was just made for me huh? You like how I feel inside you?"
If your the dominant one:
- After a long day of having to be a confident, powerful hero; all he wants is to be taken care of by you. - He will happily sit, his hands cuffed to the headboard as you slowly ride him to make him feel good. - A slut for overstimulation. Make him cum until he cries and he'll be like putty in your hands. - Wants nothing more than for you to take him apart, break him down to the bone, and put him back together again. - "Fuck baby its so much, I don't think I can cum again, god you feel so good around me... shit-"
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moominsuki · 1 year
✎ᝰ. REMEMBER THOSE TIMES WHEN YOU WERE LAUGHING, AND NAKED ON MY COUCH ; — silly sex tropes with the boku no hero academia boys.
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FEATURING: bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku, todoroki shoto + kirishima eijirou.
࿄ ! warnings — f!reader, all characters aged up 20+, suggestive, sex talk but silly all around, crack lowkey. / note. this was fun to write. pls take this as a bit of filler while i finish up my super mega bkg fic. loves ya!
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it was a rare occasion for bakugou to actually want to show up to a hero gala - when you usually caught wind of any formal event, your blond haired man would vehemently oppose going, opting to stay at home and order some food instead. you couldn’t place what spurned bakugou’s sudden interest in attending the annual convention but as you get into your car, all dressed up and ready to go, you understand why.
“come on, they’re not gonna care if we’re a few minutes late,” pleads bakugou when you arrive at your seats, pressing displaced kisses on your done up face and swat him away slightly.
you whine at him to behave, grabbing at the hand groping at your thighs, your breasts, anywhere he can put his big hands on and you always resort to placing his hands back into the culprit’s lap.
unfortunately for you, bakugou knows how easily turned to mush you are by sweet nothings and fondling because it only takes you 8 minutes for you to cave in, inconspicuously meeting your husband at the rendezvous point. it then takes another 5 for bakugou to have your chest pressed against the mirror, lifting up your gown to touch at your most intimate parts.
“tell me how badly you want it,” he grunts, pulling down his own slacks while you grind your ass and whimper at him.
“be a good girl and take it,” bakugou breathes out gruffly, desire running through his voice and he’s just about to dip inside you-
“i’ve been holding my damn piss in all day - what the fuck? bakugou?!” yells out kaminari and bakugou practically launches himself at the cubicle door to throw the yellow blond out while you’re scrambling to cover up your indecency.
with kaminari sporting a fresh bruise on his jaw as a shameful reminder, you and bakugou vow to never get down and dirty in public spaces. bakugou still adamantly swears to this day that the door was locked.
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you roll your eyes when you hear another pitiful groan come out of izuku, who’s sprawled out on the couch with a bandaged leg propped up on multiple pillows. he has been out of action with a broken leg for a few weeks now due to an unprecedented villain attack at the agency. it’s rendered him useless, and quite frankly bored and horny out of his mind.
that being said, you outright refuse to have sex with izuku now that he has a broken leg but it hasn’t stopped him from pleading with his big green eyes, pink lips pouting as he guilt trips you from across the house.
“please, y/n, you can just sit on it. i won’t even move a bit. you look so pretty, baby,” izuku whines as you rub lotion into his hands and arms. and what kind of girlfriend would you be to deny him in his time of recovery.
it’s rushed the way that you’re both still half clothed; already grinding on his cock and you’re doing everything in your power to make sure you don’t rest even a little bit of weight on his leg. izuku has never been good at preventing the buck of hips when you clench down on him and today is no different.
he starts subconsciously rutting into you - as he does when his orgasm starts to creep up on him - and one tight clench of your walls forces his lower body to jolt and practically throw you on to his right leg… i.e. the leg that is currently out of action.
a howl of pain emits from your boyfriend and you frantically run to your phone to call the physiotherapist, butt jiggling on the way and izuku doesn’t know what hurts more: his leg or the blue balled dick.
the next time you have sex isn’t until the cast finally comes off and no matter how many puppy dog eyes the man lays on you, you stay resolute on the decision. you even so kindly send him some nudes so he finds solace in his left hand instead of you.
izuku vows to never get another injury again; though his incentives might be slightly skewed.
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it is never a smart idea to have sex in your partner’s childhood home. it’s one thing to fuck in their bedroom; but it’s a whole other bridge to cross when it’s in their parents’ bedroom.
that being said, todoroki hates needlessly having to go to his childhood home. however, fuyumi is out of town for work; being that none of his siblings except for him could house sit and that shoto has a soft spot for his older sister, he decided to just suck it up.
luckily for him, you offer to keep him company for the next few days at his childhood home and shoto would never pass up an offer for the chance to be alone with you - considering both your inflexible work schedules and the fact that you both have roommates, shoto knew this would be a once in an annual experience.
so it was inevitable, really, that shoto would come home from a long day of patrolling and to see you donned in sexy, red lingerie, strolling up to him with your manicured hands placed delicately on his chest. and, being the succubus that you are, you both decided to do the deed in the nicest bedroom in todoroki estate: his father’s bedroom.
with every flex of his hips, shoto has you and the bed nearly folded into one being - you're moaning, begging for him to go faster as you grapple pathetically onto his shoulders while he grunts, grabbing the headboard to speed up his movements.
“that's it, pretty girl, just like that,” shoto groans, lifting your thigh to place it on his shoulder and this new position means that you feel it so much more; but it also means that the legs of the bed start scraping on the hardwood floor... and has the headboard always been so creaky?
you get your answer when a snap! releases above your head and you're about to look up when the middle of the bed caves in with a pitiful oomphh. at this point, the duochrome haired man is still snug inside you and he quickly wraps a hand behind your head to cushion the fall. the silence is ridiculously loud until you both look at each other and burst out laughing.
“my dad is going to kill me,” shoto sighs into your neck and you comfort him with a few soft touches to the nape of his head.
naturally, the pair of you continue your romp in other places of the todoroki home and by the time fuyumi comes back, she's met with a raging enji todoroki holding a sketchy, sprawled out note of:
“sorry >:] - shoto.”
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kirishima regards himself as someone with high restraint and while that does dwindle when he's around you, he's still able to control himself, despite the lust-filled glances and borderline sexual touches you throw at him.
today is not one of those times.
he’s already very pent up, extremely touch starved from this three week long mission away from you. yeah, they bagged the villain, as to he expected. but at what cost? he’s found company in two pillows and pictures of you in the meantime but they do little to quell his thirst for you.
it’s around 5am when you pick him up from the airport and even though you’re both tired as hell - kirishima being jet lagged and you not being used to waking up at these ungodly hours, - the way you touch him is not that of an exhausted woman. and given the days, weeks he’s had, who was he to deny you?
throwing his suitcases haphazardly in the trunk of his your car, nary a word is said as he throws you on to his lap in the backseat, touching and fondling every bit of you to relieve himself. the red head is rockhard in mere minutes (no pun intended) and the two of you don’t even bother to partake in foreplay, both pent up from the time apart.
kirishima grunts into your neck, the back of your thighs sat in his wide palms as he hammers into you, “missed this pussy so damn m-much, fuck.” it’s desperate and the windows start fogging as an effect of the rushed ministrations but you can’t find it in yourselves to care much.
kirishima lets go of one of your thighs to hoist it around his hips, opting to place a palm on the window and unknowingly leaving a incriminating handprint.
it was just his luck that the paparazzi caught wind of the heroes that would be leaving this airport, camping outside of the building all morning. it was just their luck that they recognised red riot’s car sat idol in the parking lot. with their cameras set to burst multiple frames a second, they make a beeline to the car… and upon further inspection, they notice the car shaking slightly, as if there were somebody inside.
it’s a shame that all the paps didn’t exactly get the memo of what was going on, with a bright faced obvious newbie giddily taking a photo, flash and sound click on at full blast.
the shaking stops and muffled shuffling ensues. the group of shutterbugs are mortified to see a ragged kirishima exit the car, brows furrowed and lips pursed.
the paps didn’t really lose much out of this equation, though: who even needs those photos when a hefty check was on offer instead?
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࿄ ! — all rights reserved © moominsuki. please do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend my work outside of tumblr. this is strictly prohibited.
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spookilyjaded · 29 days
Scenario drabbles!
How he asks you out:
Bakugou: Probably at the most inconvenient time; such as the training grounds!
Bakugou watched as you flew through the air, your smile radiating from meters away. You were sparring with Denki who was attempting to dodge your attacks. Kirishima noticed Bakugou staring you down, nudging his shoulder playfully.
 “How’s your little crushy-crush goin’, Bakubro?” He huffs, “Nothing’s changed. Its like she dosen’t even fuckin’ notice me!” Kirishima –Being the only one who he had confided in about his little situation– Understood his frustration. It had been weeks of Bakugou pining and you were somehow oblivious to all his feats. 
“It's okay man! Hey, maybe you just have to be straight up with her, we’ve practically tried everything in the book!” Kirishima huffs in thought. “Hm. Maybe you’re right, shitty hair.” Before Kirishima can react, Bakugou starts to flaunt himself near your spar, gaining both you and Denki’s attention. 
He heads straight towards you, stopping just in front of you. “Bakugou, is everything good-” “Go out with me, nerd.” To say you were stunned was an understatement. You stared at him mouth agape. “Is that a yes or do you just have a staring problem?” His question broke you out of your state of shock. “Wasn’ really a question.” You snark back, crossing your arms. 
He growls with a sigh, “Fine! WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?!” you chuckle, gaining his offended attention. “EH?! Why’re you laughing, idiot?” “Your face is red as hell dude,” You meet his vermilion eyes that were frantically searching for an answer in yours, “Yes.”
Izuku: Would probs overthink it but would want to do it somewhere secluded and safe for any outcome..such as your dorm room!
His palms are a bit sweaty as he stands just outside your dorm room, reciting the exact words he had planned on asking you with. As he began to raise his fist to your door, you opened it. 
“Oh! Hey, Deku. I was just about to head down to the common room, what's up?” he brings his hand down slightly embarrassed. “U-um, could I talk to you about something.. Privately please?” Your eyes widened and you quickly moved out of the way. “Yeah of course, come in!” He closes the door behind him as you lean on your organized desk. “Something wrong?” Worry is laced in your voice as you see him fidget with his fingers subtly. 
“No! No, uh not at all,” ‘This was it’ “I was just wondering if you were free tomorrow and if you’d like to go on a d-date?” His eyes are slightly averted from yours, waiting patiently for your response. He suddenly feels your hand on his shoulder. He looks up to see your smiling face, now inches from his. “I’d enjoy that!”
His eyes glimmered at your answer as he brought you into a warm embrace. After pulling away, he writes down the place and time. “Here. So you know where and when it is!” You take the paper, feeling your grin widen. Soon, he's making his way out of your dorm before curfew hits. As he is halfway out the door, you lean over and press a kiss to his cheek. “See you tomorrow, Izuku!” Last thing you saw was his reddened face as you shut your door.
Mirio: I think that Mirio would bring it up in a Mirio fashion.. Such as a spontaneous date after school and your favorite cafe!
The bell rings as all classes end and the students file out rather quickly to enjoy the weekend. You were on your way out of the building as you heard your name being shouted from afar. Turning around, you see Mirio catching up to you. 
“Hey y/n! Wait up!” A smile graces your face at his determined stature. “Hey, what's up Mirio?” His smile never falters, “The sky! Ha ha! But really, not too much. And actually, I was hoping to change that!” You quirk an eyebrow, “Change it?” A faint blush dusts his cheeks as he rubs the nape of his neck.
“Yeah! With you, if you wanted to of course.” You two usually hung out with Tamaki and Neijire; But alone? “Oh, sure, Mirio! Don’t think I have anything going on later.” His smile turns sheepish. “I mean…right now!” You feel your face heat up at the implication. “Woah uh, yeah actually..lets do it now then! A spontaneous date couldn't hurt!” The words slipped out before you could think. You cover your mouth quickly, profusely apologizing.
“No need to be sorry y/n! You can totally call it that. At Least that's what I'd like to call it.” “Y-yeah! A date.. Sounds sweet actually. Where were you thinking?” His eyes light up, “The cafe that me, you and the others went to last month that had those yummy pastries! I’ve been wanting to try more of their menu recently!”
Your eyes sparkle at the decision. “Oh my gosh, yes! I loved it there.” His confidence heightened immensely, “Awesome, let's head over before the sun falls over the hills!” he grabs your hand, the enthusiasm practically beaming off of him. Maybe the idea of a spontaneous date wasn’t a bad idea after all.
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serxinns · 7 months
Hi so I have a request if that’s okay so how about yandere class 1-a ft Aizawa with Bakugou twin sister reader who is kind and nice and the opposite of Katsuki, how about she gets asked out on a date by a student from 1-b only to find out that he only asked her out because of a bet he made with other student, how would class 1-a react to that?
((Also I really like your blog btw))
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Bakugo was always protective as you ever since you were kids he would always say he would protect you and not let anyone take you away from him and you didn't seem to mind it since you just thought it was some typical big brother behavior when it was much darker than that...Whenever someone would talk to you he would glare in their way making sure they had a cold sweat he once hospitalized a boy in the middle because he put gum in your hair you were everything to Katsuki he just wanted to be him and you(and his parents ofc) that was it
That was before class 1a
•Everyone was shocked at the two of you even Aizawa questioned the nature of it because Katsuki was a burning bomb ready to explode anytime when someone pisses him off while you were an absolute sweetheart with a kind personality with a Smile pure of sunshine and happiness with a positive personality people would even doubt you were Akatsuki's twin without you looking alike even izuku sometimes question it
•the class was so lovesick and adored with your kind yet tough nature they knew it was fate they knew exactly who to cherish and love! And it was you!
•The girls would have lesbian attacks whenever they were close to you or ever interacted with you, while you chatted along your day and training Mina would just dreamily sigh to herself, tsuyu would just be just in a trace cause how sweet your voice sounded, Ochako would stare at your lips imagining how it'll felt touching hers, Jirou wanting to bury her face in your big fluffy hair so she can get a sniff, momo starting at those beautiful eyes making her all flushed and it drives her crazy, Hakagure wanting to pinch your cheeks while giggling intensely
•The boys, on the other hand, would try so desperately to get your attention and praise like how Tokoyami would show off his love poems to you while you watched with eyes sparkling, Aoyama would show off his fashion skills by dressing up and if you ever want to wear matching outfits with him let's say he's the happiest man alive he'll show off to everyone how dazzling the 2 of you are, Kirishima would pick you up and throw you in the air just to show you his strength talking about how manly he is, while Sato gives you all sorts of treats and teach you to bake
•But your brother was deeply Jealous every time he caught you hanging out with them he always watched in the background to make sure they didn't do anything or just took you away and scolded you for not hanging out with your big brother as much but that's ok! not your fault it's those Extras you called "friends" fault, but when they told how much they love and care about you, he gets 2nd thoughts and decided to tolerate it for now
One day at lunch a girl walked over to your table and asked you out to go to a nearby cafe on Friday you blushed and mumbled yes the class including your brother say quietly anger building up and glaring at the girl the girl winked and ran away,
On Friday the girls helped you get ready you were dressed up in Momo's dorm they picked your best outfit and did your hair so nicely you were twirling around, beaming and smiling mina and the others blushed at your style but were heartbroken knowing the fact that you weren't getting dressed up for them, when you got out the dorm and shows it to the boys they looked in wonder but was sad but your brother was being extra protective and strict today putting down some rules
"ok Kats"
"ok kats 😒"
At this point, you were just deciding to not listen to your brother 😭 you weren't going to anyway especially that last one but you kept the others in mind you were heading out the door everyone bid you farewells and good luck and you were feeling as confidence as ever when you made it at the cafe
you see the girl sitting there ever so pretty with her hair in a beautiful style and a beautiful flower pattern dress, you blush at her appearance and the two of you did your greeting and start talking for a bit it was fun honestly she was laughing at your jokes and you were blushing at her cheesy pick up lines all was going swell and you had to go to the bathroom you apologized to her and excused yourself
After you washed your hands you were about to exit the bathroom but heard your date chattering and laughing and she mentioned your name a couple of times you were curious u stayed and listened closely
Blue: The girls friend
Pink: the girl (aka the date)
"I did it I asked her out and brought her on a cafe date it was so easy!"
"WHAT?! Omg you're so evil!, are you gonna tell her that it's a bet
"ofc I won't even after we are about to "Kiss" pfft it's gonna be so funny!"
"Are you gonna record it!? Please tell me you are?!"
"Uh duh I am man I can't believe there's a girl who likes other girls so gross!"
As the girl kept chattering horrible stuff the more numb you felt your eyes watering and leaking down your face your hands balled up in fists shaking you grabbed your stuff off the table not caring about your "Date" reaction, and dashed out of the cafe you ran inside the building Kirishima and bakugo were playing a game while jirou, momo, Denki, sero and ochako were playing card games they saw you ran in, "Oh hey y/n! how was your-" just as jirou was about to say something you slammed and locked the door, everyone was shocked Bakugo put the controller down pressed his head against the door he could hear sniffling and crying
Bakugan harshly told everyone in the common room to back away and knocked on your door "Hey idiot you there? Can I come in" You hesitated for a second but at the moment you didn't care you just needed some comfort so you unlocked the door and Bakugo calmly went in he didn't like to be mushy but seeing you cry broke his heart just went he shut your door you tackled him and hugged him tightly crying in his chest murmuring a bunch of "im sorry" and "You were right" when he finally calmed you down you explained what happened " s-she called me disgusting kats I didn't do anything to her " he rubbed your back while you hugged him tightly until you fell asleep he placed you down in your bed
He went out of your dorm and met with a bunch of concerned looks from your classmates some asked a bunch of questions to see if you were ok even iida and Momo frantically wanted to come in and check on you but Bakugo completely shut it down saying he'll explain what happen
"Those fucking pests..." momo said with venom in her voice and the others agree they were in a rage how could anyone do that to sweet little you! You didn't even do anything! Everyone was now arguing and bickering about what to do with her some mina suggested beating her up and threatening her but Tokoyami disagreed and said blackmail Ochako suggested spreading a fake rumor so people she would be ostracized from the whole school but- "I think that's enough out of all of you" everyone quickly turned around to see Aizawa looking tried and pissed "M-Mr Aizawa we can explain-" "Silence I don't wanna hear it y'all did enough I'll handle that girl in the morning the rest of you head to bed now" the class groaned and head to bed still plotting up a plan in their mind
The next day when you were about to walk to class you heard screaming and begging "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM GETTING EXPELLED?!" the girl's eyes were full of tears showing at Principal Nezu still keeping a smile on his face "I'm sorry but we made up our minds we are a bullying free environment we can't have a soon to be hero bullying other soon to be heroes for who they like" nezu said while taking a sip of tea the girl's angry yells of protest turning to ugly sobbing and begging she ran pass you crying loudly
You were stunned but were walking into class "Morning everyone!" just when you walked in everyone was huddling around you mina was hugging you tightly like her life depended on it " y/n! Are you ok do you need some more time?!" " we can go to a cool butterfly Zoo Kota recommended to make you feel better *Kero*" "Here I got you think adorable music box with your favorite tune on it" Momo handled the music box "I'll bake you some sweets to make you feel better!" Sato butted in everyone else was cooing and gifting your stuff to help you "feel better" Luckily bakugo pulled you away but was also checking to see if you were ok everyone was bickering at Bakugo for being selfish but was quiet down when Aziawa came
After class when you were headed to your 2nd period Aizawa stopped you for a second "Uh yes sensei?" he walked up to you "I heard you were feeling sad yesterday ur feeling better now brat?" you shrugged "Yea just some night with someone got bad and weirdly enough now they're getting expelled kinda harsh honestly " Aizawa shrugged his shoulders as well "Thats too bad but let's worried you being stable and ready for hero training this afternoon" you quickly nodded your head and smiled with determination "Yes sensei! I am!" he let you go to your next class unaware that a evil smirk was forming on his face
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cvnt4him · 4 months
"woah would you look at that, deku just took out that guy with a single punch!"
"he's so amazing!~"
"you're my hero!!!"
So many people chant, root, and holler for even the slightest glimpse of his attention, even a glance.
"Mr deku, what can you tell us about this villain, you hadn't even put up much of a hassle and yet he appears to be tired!" One report gleams.
It's true. He hadn't done too much, one simple practically, light punch and the criminal was already down, he knew that. Deku knew he was good, he knew others thought he was good. He thrived on that kind of energy.
"oh~, well you know, I'm not one to brag nor bring other people down, criminal or not we're all human." He sings to the reporter, hinting at the fact she gave the measly little lowlife schmuck at best, a promotion to 'villian'. cameras flashing everywhere as he heard a bunch of girlish screams, everyone looks over to see a bunch of fan girls rallying to get an autograph.
Izuku tried so hard not to let his smile faulter, its not that he disliked his fans, really he could never, he knows one of the reasons he's here is because of his fans, and he loves them all equally no matter what. However. scrolling on the Internet, especially as a pro hero it's hard not to go down a loophole of your own fans. Izukus fans are nice, sure. But they're also bat shit crazy.
Doxxing people for disagreeing, assuming he was gay for his best friend dynamite, writing fanfiction about him and his best friend dynamite, assuming he had a new significant other because he changed up his style of clothing??
Really his fans are too much, he loves them, he does. But they are just so...smothering?
As he sees the fans hurrying toward him he tries his hardest to jump away as he was stopped by a little deaf girl who wanted an autograph.
Shit. You can't NOT give a little deaf girl an autograph it'd be bad publicity. he sighs deeply in defeat, knowing how easily persuaded he is, he'll most likely be there standing, on his feet, smiling wide and big for fans, for the next hour and a half.
Izuku sighed deeply through his nose as he finally, after 5 more hours of working, made it back to his bed, that's all he wanted. He didn't bother taking his suit off just simply jumping in his bed and groaning at the comfort he longed for.
He grabbed his phone and opened Twitter.. that was the first mistake of the night, he scrolled through his feed coming across a post of a girl just rambling about her ever lasting love for deku.
He shifted in his bed so now he was laying back on his pillows, turning up the sound to hear your beautifully slurred voice.
"- like bro.. I don't think any of you understand how my NEED for this man is like just.. sigh. I'm about to go crazy bro. If I were given the chance I'd do unholy. Unspeakable. Down right horrendous things to this man, i- aHaAVE YOU SEEN HIS NEW HERO SUIT??" You were talking to your friend who had the idea to start recording you while you were drunk, laughing and snorting at you.
The video was posted by you, the caption read; 'my friend started recording while i was drunk and i randomly went on a rant ab my love for the #1 hero 💀'
He snickered at this, genuinely finding it funny, but sooner or later it registered in his brain what you'd said..you'd do what to him.
Before he knew it he was semi hard, he looked down at his slight hard on confused, there is no way this turned him on?? He had been sent so many videos of his fan girls from all ages going down on a dildo with his name slapped on it, he never found it the least but attractive, just kind of desperate..
He watched the video again, his cock becoming fully erect as he sighed at the uncomfortable feeling of his now leaking, completely hard cock, rubbing against his suit pants.
It had been a while since he'd done something like this.. since he had used someone..he needed this, just to relax. Just a couple of strokes to get him to come, that's all.
He let out a shaky sigh, slowly trailing his thick fingers up and down his clothed cock, earning a light squeak to rip from his throat due to the slight pleasure he felt from the gentle actions.
He knew he needed it, he needed this so badly, but he wouldn't rush it. He hated when he rushed things, he says 'they never get done correctly'.
So he would be patient with himself, gently palming himself over his suit pants, letting breathy sighs leave his slightly dried and chapped lips.
He looked over to his phone to see the paused video...
'oh what the hell.' he thought to himself as he grabbed the phone, angling and holding it close to his ear to hear your voice and the loud laughs that he hopefully tried to blur out of his mind. Focusing on your voice fully.
He held the phone close to his ear closing his eyes listening to your slurred speech, and the hiccups and giggles that left your mouth, he bit his lip as his palming motions began to get harder and more rough, "I would do down right horrendous things to this man." That line stuck with him, that's what made him undo his pants and shimmy them off so he could fully touch his leaking, crying cock.
He groaned in embarrassment and disgust in himself at the sight of his already soaked boxers, why did his cock have to be so leaky!!
He whimpered at the sight, pulling his boxers down just enough to have his cock hit against himself. He wrapped two fingers around his cock and rolled his eyes back, biting his lip to sustain the sound that wanted to come out. He stroked himself slowly, letting the precum on his tip continue to drip down his thick cock.
He had listened to the audio all over again this time fixating on the part where you'd talked about his suit. He had changed up his suit a couple of times, never really straying away from the original concept he had in highschool, the green was always there to stay, and he always liked the fact his suit was more of a jumpsuit kind of thing, but changing it over the years, he went with a tighter fabric for his new and improved suit, removing the bunny ears at the back, and adding a white cape, replacing his huge bulky gloves with just as thick, smaller and well fitted ones, the white the painted his suit was now black.
He hadn't done much to his suit really.
But you and so many others thought it was the sexiest thing in the world.
He loved that, that you loved his suit, he whimpered in a pitchy octave, eyes crossing as he shut them, breaths becoming uneven as he wraps his whole hand around his aching, dripping, cock. It yearned for release, he needed it, it hurt so bad but felt so good he couldn't stop, he was sooo close!
So so close, and yet.. not close enough to get him there. He abandoned all self respect and hope for 'not rushing things' he needed to come and the only way he could is if he really touched himself.
He ripped off the top of his hero suit before rummaging in his bedside drawer to grab a Fleshlight, it was a lot more advanced than your normal average pussy shaped fleshie, it had handle and so many different modes!!! It vibrated and wiggled and had a squirt thingy that shot lube inside to make his cock slippery, not that he'd need it, his cock is like a water fountain with so much cum to give.
He turned it onto its highest setting before settling his twitching cock, dribbling with precum, inside of it.
He couldn't contain the line of moans that ripped out of him, he wanted to really he did, he wanted to keep quiet for his neighbors but he just couldn't, he felt so fucking good, he'd felt that he'd never been this hot or bothered before especially not because of some measly audio that wasn't in any way remotely sexual, and yet he was so close to cumming because of it. This video. This person. You.
You were so close to making him cum.. he was right there bucking his hips up into the contraption, shaking, whilst his whole body spasmed as he threw his head back, sweat dripping from his tired and spent body, he groaned and moaned so loudly it was so lewd, he was so lewd. He couldn't believe what he was doing, he felt so dirty, but in this very moment, he couldn't care. He was so drunk off of the immense amount of pleasure he was receiving that all he wanted, needed, was to cum.
And when he finally released with a high pitched moan, globs of tears leaving his rolled eyes, there was so much, ropes of his white, hot, thick cum squirting inside of the toy. It was still vibrating against his softening cock, it made him so overstimulated yet he couldn't move, his orgasm was so strong he didn't have the energy to take his cock out. He just sat there, holding onto the toy that continuously vibrated and massaged his limp, thick, crying cock, crying, sniffing, and whimpering.
Hell he'd probably already came again without even knowing it, his orgasms had gone on for a while, he still couldn't move, just blissfully laying against his bed, covered in sweat and tears streaming down his reddened freckled face.
As he regained his composure, the overstimulation was more than enough, he hiccuped, wiping his face from the tears and sweat that covered it, as he turned off the toy and tossed it off of his bed, he was half naked, hot, and hungry.
He groaned as he draped one of his arms over his face, feeling the sweat and tears cover his forearm, as he heard the video that had been playing over and over again on repeat. His eyes shot wide open as he scurried to grab his phone. he looked at the video in disgust. Had he really just gone to a new low, and came to this stupid video of a dumb drunk girl complimenting him??
His post nut clarity was always bad, especially because he did some pretty down bad, disgusting, sinful things. But this? Yeah he deserved to suffer for all eternity.
He groaned placing his phone under his pillow as he buried his face in said pillow, squeezing his eyes shut at how hard he'd came, his cock still filthy and sticky with his thick ooey gooey cum, now dirtying his bed.
AN: he hates himself for how much and how hard he came, he really does.
I'm making a pt 2🤭
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