#you are talented 🤎 anon!!!
strangerquinns · 2 years
8. “I’m not okay if you’re not okay.” for the angst prompts with eddie or stevie?
love everything you write, you’re v talented 🤎
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Steve Harrington x Reader | 2.3k+ words
With everyone else worrying about Max, no one else seems to notice your symptoms, that you too are within Vecna's grasp.
"I'm not okay, if you're not okay" / send in a angst prompt / thank you so much anon you're so sweet!
You groaned slightly as the pulsing migraine that seemed to never leave you grew worse and worse with each passing second. Around you, everyone was gathered in the basement of the Wheeler home. Nancy sitting on the couch with Robin beside her, and the kids sitting on the floor with Max. Steve sitting on the far side in the armchair, and that left you, sitting on the floor to the side.
The glow of the television was making your headache worse. That should've been the first sign with everything that had happened in the last twelve or so hours. With everyone's, including yours, focus on Max being under Vecna's curse - it didn't occur to anyone that any of you could fall victim as well.
With the death of Chrissy and Fred - and now the threat against Max - everyone's been running on little sleep and even less food. So when you started feeling a little less than well you chopped it up to the recent events.
"Hey Nance, is it ok if I go and crash in the guest room? Not feeling too good." You spoke up, causing everyone's attention to be on you.
Steve watched with a worried look on his face as you stood up from your place on the floor.
"Of course," Nancy spoke, standing from the couch, prepared to lead you up to the room.
As you moved to walk past him, you felt a warmth grasp your hand gently. When you looked down you saw Steve's fingers entangled with yours.
"You ok?" He voiced, his voice laced with worry. "Want me to come with you?"
"I'm ok. Just tired, haven't really slept...given the circumstances." You let out a dry laugh, "Stay...I'll be fine."
Steve nodded his head as he gave your hand a gentle squeeze before letting go of it. He sat back in his seat and watched as you ascended the stairs and out of his sight. When he went to look back toward the television and caught something in the corner of his eye. He quickly looked to see Robin staring at him with a knowing look.
It seemed obvious to everyone in the group, but the two of you, that you and Steve were in love. You'd known each other since the first grade but it seems that in the last few years the two of you have been really close. With everything dealing with the Upside Down drawing the once childhood best friends back together.
"Don't," Steve spoke with a stern look on his face.
"What? I didn't say anything," Robin spoke with a smirk.
"You don't have to," Steve sighed leaning his elbow on the armrest, so he could rest his head on his hand.
"Can we fast forward to the part where the two of you stop making heart eyes at each other and just get together already? It's starting to get annoying." Dustin said, keeping his gaze on the movie.
Steeve's only response was lightly smacking the back of the teenager's head.
You walked down the hallways of the Creel House with the floorboards beneath your feet seeming to creak with each step. The house was so dusty that you were sure the air was 85% dust and nothing else. With spiderwebs dangling from nearly every corner and railing. Ahead of you, a little was Dustin and Steve, with the younger one sweeping the flashlight against the floor to light up the path.
"So what exactly are we looking for?" You asked, slowly walking along the walls as you peeked at the photos hanging on the wall. Some so sun-bleached you couldn't make anything out.
"Anything that screams Upside Down. Or Vecna-y" Dustin answered
"I don't think anyone of us knows what is Vecna-y besides Max," You spoke up as you moved to catch up with them.
"Anything out of place." Dustin sounded annoyed, rolling his eyes.
He continued down the hallway as you and Steve fell into step beside each other.
"God, the older he gets the more asshole he becomes," You laughed
"You're telling me. His ego is becoming unbearable." Steve shook his head.
He looked down at you and watched you for a moment. It was hard for him to not noticed the dark bags under your eyes when you came down from the guest room that morning. You looked more tired than when you went to bed.
"How are you feeling?" Steve asked, causing you to turn to him with a confused look. "You said last night you weren't ok...and you seemed a little worse for wear this morning."
You pursed your lips slightly, flashes of your nightmares coming back to you.
"Just a rough night's sleep. Worrying about Max...worrying about Eddie...really thought all this stuff was behind us. You know?"
Steve nodded his head "Yeah, I know what you mean."
As the two of you passed a bedroom you started hearing the tick...tick...tick of a grandfather clock. You stopped for a moment and looked into the room to see a large clock standing in the middle of the room. You were confused at its placement, especially since it was a replica of the one down in the main entrance.
"Steve, you see this?"
You turned toward your friend but were welcomed to an empty hallway. The ticking got louder before it stopped and instead began to chime. It was so loud that it made you jump back slightly. But when you looked into the room it was gone...and instead in front of you looked like your old living room.
Sitting on the couch was your mother, her head in her hands, as she sobbed. But something about her cries sounded off. Your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach as you stepped forward hesitantly.
"Mom?" You called out "Mom? What's wrong?"
She continued to cry and seemed to be ignoring you.
"He left us. He left us...." She cried
You walked a little closer. "Mom? W-Who left?'
"...All because of you..."
"Momma, you're scaring me," You spoke as you reached down to gently grab her shoulder.
"It's your fault he left! It's your fault he left us!" Your mother snapped up and started screaming at you, scaring you enough to cause you to fall back against the floor. "It's your fault your father left! Your fault!"
"...and couldn't understand why he couldn't just have returned you know? I mean how many times do we have to call before he finally just does it?" Steve spoke, telling a story about a customer at work.
But when you did respond that was finally when he noticed that you weren't beside him. Steve looked around confused when he didn't immediately see you. But when he turned back to the end of the hall, he saw you, standing in the middle of a doorway.
"You find something?" Steve called out, moving back down the hallway toward you. When you didn't respond he called out your name, posing it more like a question. "Come on dude..."
When he got closer to you, Steve was able to notice and realize that something was wrong. Goosebumps broke out across his skin as an unsettling feeling started to fill his gut. He called out your name again, this time more timid and scared.
"This isn't funny," Steve took the last few steps and moved to stand in front of you.
His worst fears came true as he looked to see you deep within Vecna's curse. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head with them fluttering quickly, only showing the whites of your eyes. Your head was tilted back slightly with your entire body stiff and rigid in place.
"Y/N! Y/N!" Steve called out, placing his hands on your shoulders and shaking you. Deep down he knew that wasn't going to do anything, but the desperate feeling coming over him was enough to make him sick. "Don't do this to me, god, please!"
The desperate screams of Steve calling your name echoed through the old home like a nightmare. Everyone quickly raced to the two of you. They all came up the stairs to see Steve shaking and patting your shoulders and arms frantically as he called your name. The panic was obvious in both his voice and all over his face. His brown eyes were wide with fear as tears quickly began to fill them.
"What happened!?" Nancy asked the moment she got to the two of you.
"I-I don't know...one more moment we're talking and the next she's like this..." Steve stepped back, panting and running his fingers through his hair. "...I don't even know how long she's been like this...I-I didn't notice she wasn't beside me anymore."
"Does anyone know her favorite song!?" Robin spoke, quickly joining in Steve's panic.
For a moment Steve's thoughts became a little clear at the mention of a song.
"Center console of my car, Blondie tape...go now!" Steve shouted toward Lucas and Dustin.
The two of them scrambled before quickly turning back down the hall and out of the house.
"Max, we might need to pause Kate Bush for a moment," Nancy spoke
"Of course," The girl spoke, quickly turning off her Walkman.
It felt like forever, but it was only a few minutes before Dustin and Lucas came racing back up the stairs. With every minute they were gone Steve thought for sure he was going to pass out. But the moment the Blondie tape was placed in his hands, he worked quickly and placed the headphones on your ears.
But the moment they slipped onto ears, your feet began to rise from the ground, as you lifted into the ground. Everyone froze for a moment as they watched you rise with your eyes fluttering more violently.
"Fuck, fuck, no!" Steve screamed, slamming the walkman shut and quickly searching for your song. "Come on baby, come on...don't do this to me..."
Steve didn't care that he was openly crying.
His only focus was on you.
Praying to whatever god that listened that you wouldn't be taken away from him.
"...I am here to end your pain," Vecna spoke as he loomed over you. His monstrous features became more haunting from the shadows that crossed over his face.
You quickly shook your head as you tried to run from him, but soon felt something wrap around your ankle. You were barely able to catch yourself before your body was propelled down to the floor. Another vine see wrapped around your wrists and you were lifted up in front of him - Vecna. You cried uncontrollably as you faced him.
"Please...please...I-I don't want to...d-die...please..." You begged with tears falling down your cheeks.
"Let me end your suffering," Vecna spoke before his large hand came and began to hover over your face.
You remembered listening to Max as she told of her experience with Vecna and the fear that came over her.
It's enough to make you sick, twisting your insides with the deep fear that you are going to die. It's like acid moving through your veins.
Buy soon a song began to echo everywhere around you.
Follow by voices.
"Don't leave me, baby, please, please...I love you...please..."
A large gasp left your lips like your lungs weren't able to breathe the entire time you were under, along with your body falling. You let out a scream of surprise as you felt the free fall take over your body. A pair of arms wrapped around you tightly and pulled you into their chest, acting as your cushion as you fell. You let out uncontrollable sobs that came from you the moment your brain was able to register that you were safe.
You saw the relief on each of your friend's faces along with a few crying. Robin turns to find comfort in Nancy and Max doing the same with Lucas. In your ears, you could hear the vocals of Pat Benatar in your ears. Your hand reached up and pulled the headphones off as you relaxed into someone's chest.
"I've got you...I've got you...." Steve whispered softly in your ears. "You're safe."
You turned around in his arms and nuzzled your face into his neck and continued to cry. You hadn't felt this safe in a long time, resting in Steve's arms. But that acidic fear Max talked about still lingered slightly.
The sound of the bedroom door opening caught your attention. When you looked up you saw Steve sheepishly standing in the doorway. After Creel House, everyone gathered at Steve's home. His parents were gone on another trip, so the Harrington house became everyone's safe haven. You'd even gone and got Eddie from the boat house so he could shower and sleep on a real bed.
"I-I wanted to come and check on you...see how you were doing," Steve spoke, his voice holding a bit of nerve.
"I-I'm ok..." Your voice was still hoarse from the crying and screaming of earlier. "A-Are you ok?"
Steve hesitated for a moment before walking further into the room and closing the door behind him. You watched as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed beside you. His hand reached out and gently grabbed yours as he looked down at you. Steve's face was pinched with worry and you could still see the fear swimming in his brown eyes.
"No, damnnit." He frantically spoke "I’m not okay if you’re not okay. Do you not realize how much you mean to me? God...for a second I had to think what it would be like in a world without you because I thought for sure he'd..." Steve couldn't finish the sentence, "I can't lose you."
"I'm ok for now," You spoke softly, "I-I didn't know what was happening either, I promise, Steve..."
"I believe you, hey, hey" Steve caressed your face as he noticed the panic you were starting to send yourself into. "I believe you."
You moved to wrap your arms around him, once again needing the comfort of his arms. Your face nuzzled into his neck and let his scent surround you. It was his musky cologne, laundry detergent with a hint of his body wash. The scene was purely Steve and was the only thing to make the fear go away.
"I heard you...you know..." You spoke up, voice slightly muffled by his neck. "When I was under...I heard you."
Steve nervously laughed "Did you?"
You pulled back to stare up at him, so he could see and sincerity and severity of your words. "I love you too, Steve."
A smile tugged on the corner of his lips, as his body seemed to relax slightly. Steve moved quickly caressing your face before bending down and kissing you deeply. His lips molded perfectly around yours as they moved in sync.
Steve pulled back and pressed his forehead against yours. "I'm not letting anything happen to you. Never again."
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starsomens · 8 months
BYE spiderblog-mcu i hope you know that your ask gave me a fucking stroke are you shitting me
and now i’m thinking about noah who’s just gotten off stage and dear god he is still so high on the adrenaline,,, he just needs to be fucking grounded. i’m talking your hands gripping his hair, thighs around his head like earmuffs because what better way than fucking devouring your pussy. so he’s got you cornered in the green room— your ass is on the couch, legs thrown over his shoulders. and he’s still got his fucking grill on. he just about loses his shit when you tell him to leave it, who knew, but the sounds you make because the contrast of the cold nipping at your clit and the warmth of his tongue soothing it after…. i am frothing at the mouth
i’m about two seconds away from bursting into flames. someone please write this. noah with an oral fixation supremacy PHEW 🫠
i am going to hell.
(also i curse like a sailor apologies)
I swear to God, the best smut writers are all of you anon, you guys are hidden and refuse to write your talent out, except when they’re in my inbox DAMN IT (I love when you guys inbox me❤️❤️)
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netherfeildren · 4 months
hiiii i’m the anon who asked ab the stepdad!joel fic , n im so excited for u to write about southern gothic!!!! do u like ethel cain and sharp objects?? and do u have any other books or other media related to southern gothic that u like? plsss share w me 🥹🤲🏻🤎
hahaha idk if I can actually make it happen!! but I promise I’ll think on it more!
I love sharp objects intensely both book and the show — if you want more southern gothic I talk about true detective pretty often and I feel that falls closely in the category as well
if u wanna read fic on that @madsmilfelsen is quite literally singularly phenomenal at getting rust’s character spot on and such a sexy versatile talented writer. definitely read everything she’s every written on him
besides that tho I can’t say I’m extremely well versed in the genre so recs are most welcome on my end!
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lefthandedspaghetti · 2 months
i hope you know that your art is absolutely amazing and it is a real amazinf addition to the dps fandom.
it puts a wide smile on many peoples faces including mine!! it is truly wonderful and i hope that you are aware of that
make sure to never give up and know that you are talented and produce real works of art
AAAAHSFSSFAAAAAA this is so nice, I don’t even know what to say!! Thank you so so Sososo much anon, this message made me really happy!!! I wish I could give you a hug right now!
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bylertruther · 2 years
The end of the year is near! Give a shoutout to your favorite blogs and tag them to spread positivity before the year ends! (from: a secret anon)
an opportunity to gush over people? why, don't mind if i do :^)
this is in no particular order at all & i'm especially thankful for everyone that's been kind to me this year! <3 i DO see you all and i DO appreciate you sm!!!! thank you, thank you, thank you to you all! 🫂
(btw, you may have to ctrl + f to find your url unless you don't mind scrolling for five years lmao.)
@heroesbyler, my dearest most beloved wife 🤎 not to be a homosexual on main, but you constantly grab my face in your hands and submit me to the mortifying ordeal of being known and while that does make me feel stripped down to nothing but my gory insides before u there is a level of um. real safety and security in that and in you because i know that i'll always be safe there. you're such a genuine, sweet, funny, intelligent, and kind person. beautiful inside AND out!!! you ALWAYS make me laugh and you ALWAYS make me smile and i just . if i could, i would squeeze you n lift you off your feet rn 🫂 you're simply the Best, hogging all of the brain cells and talents and good traits (and good looks, hehe). i adore you and i am so thankful to have met you and you have a very berry special place in my heart. you deserve every compliment that you've ever received and more!!! literally where would we be as a byler nation without you and your inimitable genius tbh? i don't even want to think abt it. </3 ily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💞🥰🫶 and i am so, so, soooooo happy to have met you. @ everyone else, you will NEVER be stav!!!!!!!!! 😤💘😘🫂
@mlchaelwheeler SARAHHHHHH! my sweet & the robin to my steve. 🥺 resting my head on ur shoulder rn. <3 you were one of my very first friends in this space and one of my absolute favorites. platonic soulmates fr!!!!!! you're so intelligent, so sweet, so talented, and so funny. your love and appreciation for this story and these characters is so contagious and i love to read all of the connections you make. your brain is a goldmine and we're all so lucky to have u here. in all ways except physical, i am hugging u and squishing n pinching ur cheeks hehe<333
@wiseatom thea thea THEAAAAAAAAA! biting you and whipping my head from side to side like a dog with its chew toy (affectionate). <3 did you know... that i am obsessed with u? completely and totally. waving my pom-poms and doing a little cheer routine for u always. you are SO unbelievably kind and merciful and sweet tht it blows me away. not to be um. Peculiar^tm on main but every time u grant me ur usual thea on-brand kindness it makes my brain short circuit and i um. don't know what to do with myself or what i could say to show my appreciation which leads to me not saying anything bc every time i go back to reread and reply it just happens all over again and idk what i could say to "top" that and it makes me emotional and and and—[sniper finally takes the shot n puts us out of our misery, etc]. ur just........ !!!!!!!!!!!!! 🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎💕💞💓💗💖!!!!!!!!!!!! u know what i mean? like. i just. Do Not Have The Words to describe how happy u make me. you're SO kind and SO funny and SOOOOOOO talented it's actually insane. i read your writing and i FEEL the immense love that you put into it, that you have for the source material, and that the characters, no matter the nature of their relationship, feel for each other. no offense sorry to be #real but i feel like you have THEEEEEEE best grip on will and mike's voices, and this includes the duffers btw. i read your work and i'm like "oh my god.... that's will and mike, my best friends and best sons william and michael of stranger things fame oh my god...." i read your work and it's like ohhhhhhh so This is what love is, This is what it means to be understood and seen by another soul, This is what true human connection is okay #understood i See i Feel i Understand!!! i just. puts head in hands. i adore u and i am so thankful to have met you and existed at the same time as u. ur a fucking superstar idc sorry to sound like an elementary school teacher but i just Do Not Understand how someone can be so many wonderful things like HELLOOOOOO WHERE ARE YOUR FLAWS THEA.... WHERE ARE THEY!!!!!!!!!!!! smh. hugging u n biting u n also following u around like a puppy bc duality of man n such. nods at u and superglues us together while ur not looking bc i would follow you anywhere so long as u let me so plsdonteverleavemebutalsoifyoudowanttoleavethatsokayily <3
@miwism MAL MIWISM THE THIRD!!!! oh my god... what could i say that i haven't already... funniest byIer of all time award goes to you every year every time first second AND third place all urs and only urs or i blow this entire website up idc. you're so creative and talented (funny, a writer, AND an artist? mal for the love of god can you please leave SOMETHING to us plebeians... smh. AND UR A JOCK TOO?! SOMEONE PUT THE MANAGER ON THE PHONE BC HELLOOOOOO) and kind. how do u do it? pls, tell us where you're getting ur juice bc this is jus too much!!!!!!! you make my dash such a lovely n lively place to be and i am so thankful for u n ur contributions to this fandom<3
@willblogger IMA WHEN I TELL YOU I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF UR POSTS AND ALWAYS MAKE SURE TO READ UR TAGS NO MATTER WHAT BC I LOVE UR BRAIN SO MUCH...... I'M BEING 💯‼️ u just Get it!!! u Know, u Understand, and i am so thankful to be able to witness it hehe. ur another person whose contributions to this fandom are priceless & i selfishly hope that u have the byIer brainrot forever bc i can't imagine being here without you #rip </3 you're so, so, so effortlessly funny and real and i just. i'm obsessed with u and i am so so happy to have found you!! 🥺
@s2willbyers OMG ANOTHER BLOGGER WHOSE CONTRIBUTIONS ARE SO UNIQUE AND PRICELESS...... HI ADRIAN HIIIII OMG HEY HI HELLO 🥺🤲💙 you are sooooo so so full of Knowledge and Understanding and talent and humor and kindness and and and. i jsut. how do u do it. how are you so nice and so funny and so talented at drawing and so talented at writing and so able to share your thoughts in such an eloquent and moving way i just . your passion is contagious and so is your enthusiasm and i love it sm!!! i want to read every single idea you have and i want to hear about every single connection you draw between these characters we love and the other works of art that you appreciate and what you think about these characters and how you see them through your eyes and your worldview. ur!!! so!! talented!!! and not enough people!!! say that!!!! even if someone told u this everyday it would not be enough, i think. i Love your blog and i Love your content and ur presence in this space makes me so so happy, adrian, rly and truly 🫶
@willandmichael IZA!!! you make such beautiful gifs and i love how you've always been so honest and unafraid to say what you mean. you're a true ByIer Warrior fr hehe n i just find tht so refreshing. happy new year!! it's been so fun going through this with you hehe :)
@notebooknonbinary VEE! tbh you're so sweet and kind tht i picture u in my head as like. a gumdrop. but also human. don't ask me how it works rly jus kno tht it does <3 bhdjfbdhj. BUT !!!! i just. 🥺 you are so so sweet and so talented and i am so happy to have followed you. you always put that Scrumptious content on my dash and every fic snippet and idea that you share with us always has me on the edge of my seat wanting more!!! you're so creative and i just love hearing everything that you have to say and want to share with us. <3
@lilacline001 LILAC QUEEN OF MY HEART AND CREATOR OF WORLD RENOWN CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED WORKS OF ART NOCTURNE AND RIPPLE EFFECT... I WOULD DIE FOR U (said while getting down on one knee like a knight before the throne ofc). seriously, i start thinking about your fics and immediately i feel like i have to stand up and take my hat off out of respect. i have goosebumps right now as i write this actually. i just. Your Mind. YOUR MIND!!!!!! it's insane and i stand by everything i've ever said about it tbh. my chest clenches just thinking abt nocturne, your mike (which is the most mike to ever be mike btw, including canon mike), and all of the lines that have pierced me and sunk all the way down into the meat of my heart. you're such a wordsmith... i just have no words to describe how your writing makes me feel. no words for you and your sweetness and your grace and your unique and oh so special creative genius. you're just!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! beyond words. i am so thankful to have existed at the same time as you and so thankful that you were generous enough to share your talents with us all. and actually i may have lied because now that i'm at the end of this blurb my mind just keeps repeating "you have bewitched me body and soul" so maybe there Are words to describe how i feel hehe. i am forever and always waving my pom-poms, doing cartwheels, holding up my handmade sign in the stands, and cheering you on in all of your creative endeavors!!!!!!!!! thank you so much for Changing Me with your works!!!! thank you so much for sharing your beautiful brain with us all!!! just thank you!!! for everything!!! AHHH!!!!! ❤️🖤🦇🩸
@ki-flor pLEASEEEEE you are carrying the byIer nation on your back tbh and i think i speak for all of us when i say we could not be more grateful hehe <3 your posts are ALWAYS so unbelievably funny and i LOVE your reaction gifs so much lmaoooo you never fail to get a giggle out of me. :') i love your enthusiasm and how Cool you are and how levelheaded you are even when the fandom is blowing up over smth. never change & thank u for making me laugh so much even through all the craziness!!
@mikeandwillel SANDYYYYYYYY EVERYBODY MOOOOOVE AND MAKE WAY FOR BIG BRAIN THINKER SANDY MIKEANDWILLEL THE THIRD 📣 i love, love, loooooove reading all of your analyses. you've made me rethink what i thought i knew about so many things in this story sooooo many times and i'm so thankful for that. you have a very keen eye and i love how you stick to your guns and what you believe in, not letting other people sway you. you're a very strong figure and that's such a breath of fresh air here. :) you're very logical, very fair, and i'm always just so happy to read all that you have to share with us. thank you for making this a better place & i can't wait to see what this next year in wait will bring us!!!
@repression jamieeeeee omg i hope this is not weird and i'm sorry if it is, but i'd be lying if i didn't include u in my favorites!!! i seriously love all of your posts and reading your thoughts on fandom, the characters, and the stories. i especially love when you post your own art and make connections between these characters and other artworks. i just... your mind!!! your mind. i'm very happy to have followed you and i feel Compelled to say thank u for blessing my dash as often as u do!!! so, thank u !!! <3 :D
@padme-amidala OMGGGGGGG EVERYBODY MOOOOOOOOVE AND MAKE WAY FOR THE BYLER EDIT GOD!!! jeeeeeeeesus ur gif edits for them hit like no other. you're SO talented and creative and have such a deep and genuine understanding of these characters, their individual stories, and all that they represent. i am so thankful for all that you've shared with us and i can't wait to see what else you have in store!! following u is such a treat!! :)
@givehimthemedicine NATALIE OMGGGG ur such a big brained individual. i LOOOOOOVE your blog because you provide such an invaluable perspective that i feel is so needed. you're so observant and the fact that you can catch such tiny but Big details always blows me away and makes me feel like i need new glasses or smth dfbjhd. just so happy that you're here and that you're generous enough to share ur big brain with us all. i need to get better at replying to your reblogs to my posts but also i shan't because i can never think of anything funnier than ur addition so #rip me bhfbkdjb hehehe. <3
@blackdeathmamba MS MAMBA <3 you were my very first friend in the byIer fandom and for that you will forever hold a special place in my heart. this year was hard for us both, but i hope (and knock on wood) that this next one will be brighter and better. you're an insanely talented wordsmith and a true trailblazer in this community. your name and your works are popular on every site that this ship has a presence and it's so deserved! i've meant every single compliment i've given you and i'd repeat them to you every day if that's what it took to rid you of any doubt you may have about your abilities. i'm... admittedly extremely embarrassed and was too ashamed to pop in weeks later to reply to you, but... i just want you to know that i still thought of you and missed your presence here and hope that you're doing at least a little better. if you aren't, that's okay, too, because there's always tomorrow, you know? sending you all my love and light and warmth forever and always! you're irreplaceable & such a true gem. thank you for making this space so much better for us all. 💗🫂🫶
@estelinhabb hiii, friend!! thank you so much for always cheering me and my rambling tags on hehe. i associate you with light and love tbh with the way that you always amplify the words of others and call attention to their additions! you're always very sweet and very kind and very inclusive and that's just so lovely to see. you spread your positivity always and help to really make this space feel like a community. thank you for all that you do and all of the kindness that you've spread!! it's always a pleasure to see you on my dash. <3
@thranduel THEEEEEEEE BYLER WARRIOR OF ALL BYLER WARRIORS EVERYONE STEP ASIDE AND MAKE WAY FOR TUMBLR USER JASMINE THRANDUEL PLEASEEEE 📣📣📣 omg. seriously, your takes are smoking hot and 100% factual every time. i've never read any of your thoughts on this show and its characters and found myself disagreeing. you're never afraid to speak your mind and say what needs to be said and that's something that's so needed in this fandom. thank you for being so true to yourself and loving our boys as enthusiastically and passionately as you do!!! <3
@surferboypizzashirts CHRISTINA! omg. you've been here since before i even made a blog specifically for byIer!! if anyone deserves a veterans discount, it's you. <3 thank you so much for sticking with me through the hype, the wariness, the despair, the delusion, and the hopeless hopefulness lol. you've made me giggle countless times and offer a breath of fresh air to your followers whenever you're around. i hope that you're doing well & have a happy new year bc you certainly deserve it! :)
@stbyers SUZZIE!!! :D you're always soooooo sweet and make the cutest picrews and THE CUTEST ART EVER HELLO!! a true Artiste^tm. i love, love, loooooove your style and simply can't get enough of it. <3 thank you so much for sharing your talents with us & making my dash that much brighter with your presence here. <3
@finalgirlbyers sierra! we have been following each other for so long and i would have it no other way. <3 i love your jokes, i love hearing about your life, and i love whenever you share your thoughts with us. i think you're lovely just the way you are and i would change absolutely nothing about you or your content. we all follow you because of you, not solely because of whatever you may provide us, and what you do provide to your followers isn't lesser or "low-brow". you're really cool and really funny with good taste and i hope that you have a lovely new year!!
@crazycoven HAYDEN YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN SO NICE TO ME AND I HAVE NEVER ONCE KNOWN HOW TO ACCEPT THAT BUT I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT I HAVE BEEN SO MOVED AND SO TOUCHED BY YOU AND YOUR KINDNESS EVEN AND PERHAPS ESPECIALLY WHEN I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO SHOW THAT! sorry for the caps lock i jus had to get that off my chest <3 you're a miwi trailblazer and tbh where would we be without your countless contributions, hm? i shan't even think of such a scary au. you helped make this year in byIer history (lol) so much fun and i can't think of byIer tumblr without thinking of you, too. thank you for all the laughs, all the kindness, and for all that you've been generous enough to share with us all! <3
@aemiron-main em, em, em, where do i even begin....!!! i am genuinely forever and always blown away by you and your vast intelligence. seriously, i don't know how you do it. i think you have more thoughts in an hour than i've had in my entire life LMAOOO. i feel like you're a modern day sherlock holmes tbh. i bet my life savings even that you could probably crack every cold case out there if we just gave you an hour and some red bull. and this gift of yours is made even mooooooooore astonishing when you consider that not only are you so insanely sharp, but you're overall just a great fucking person!! like!!! HELLO!!!! how is that allowed. HOW is that allowed?! you're a damn genius, you're an insanely talented artist with a super unique and inimitable style, you're so funny, you're so SOOOOOO kind that it makes my brain short circuit and i have to immediately close the tab bc i get so flustered (i have issues<3), you're so unapologetically yourself, you're so HONEST, you're so... you're just. ahhhhhh!!!!!!!! (<- me screamin bc the Fan Behavior overcame me) i am sooooo happy that i came across you and followed you way back when. you've opened my eyes to so much and helped me reconsider certain things that i thought i knew and helped me to uncover things that i didn't even know i didn't know lol. i hope you have a happy new year because you very much deserve it, friend!! <3
@magentamee BREANNE! omg hewo 🥺 we have been mutuals for i don't even know how long at this point and you've always, always, aaaaaalways been so nice to me. thank you so much for being such a bright and bubbly person in this fandom. i always see you cheering others on and cracking jokes and in general just being so lovely. it's a treat to see you on the dash and i thank you very much for all the smiles you've gotten out of me and others i'm sure!! your halloween costume was BALLER and so are you and so will be your 2023 hehe <3
@howtobecomeadragon DRAGON!!!!!!! 🐉💚 before i say anything, i want you to know that i am hugging you and squeezing you and twirling you around in spirit hehe. you are so SWEET and so FUNNY and SO TALENTED?! HELLO?! leave some crumbs for the rest of us like... 🙄 dfbdjhbfjdh. i'm kidding. if you hogging every good trait ever means that you'll continue to bless us with your presence and contributions to this fandom then tbh i think that's a more than fair trade!! but seriously, i consider you to be such an important part of this fandom. your memes, your analyses, the questions you pose, your writing, your headcanons, just everything that you post!!! it's all so good and so unique and soooooo scrumptious. truly you are an Understander and Knower hehe <3 i'm so happy that i found you and i can't wait to weather this pre-s5 wait with you!! i'm sure that you'll continue to spoil us as you always have. happy new year, friend!!! :) <3
@laozuspo IF NOBODY GOT ME WHEN IT COMES TO UNDERSTANDING WILLIAM BYERS, I KNOW JAMES LAOZUSPO GOT ME 😤🤝🫡💪‼️ NOW CAN I GET AN AMEN LADIESSSSS 📣📣📣 BFJHDKJHFDB. but fr fr... james... my dear tumblr mutual... you Get it. you just Get it. i would die for you i would fight for you i am getting on one knee rn to swear an oath to you like a knight rnnnnnn it's Real u are my brother in byler (real) (not clickbait). you're so funny, so witty, so sharp, so Cool, so talented, just . i enjoy your blog and your brain so much. thank you so so so much for sharing it with us and for always speaking your truth, even when people really do Not want to hear it. thank you for not apologizing for being who you are and thank you for just. well. being you, i guess. this fandom would not be the same without you and i for one feel super lucky to have you here (so pls never leave me xoxo dbfhjdbjhf). thank you for everything and happy new year, james!! <3
@ice-sculptures RAE! where to even begin omg... you give so much to this fandom and i am so thankful. your beautiful gifs, your Real and True and Factual posts, your glorious au concepts, your thoughts, your endless kindness, and your pleasant presence—thank you so much for all of it!!! i'm Shocked that you don't write fic (yet...? 👀 hehe) because omg. HELLO... you're such a good writer?! even when you're standing up to the masses and clearing the byers brothers name or waxing showstopping poetic about byIer, your words and your message is always so moving. i'm so happy that you're here and that you're generous enough to share with us all that you do. thank you, thank you, thank you!! wishing you the happiest of happy new years to you, too, of course! :D
@willelfanpage sara!! :D oh my god. actually idek why i started this out all cheery like you haven't kicked me in the face and ripped my beating heart straight out of my chest 83409830 times with your Real and Factual and Very Canon angst 😭💔 EVILLLLLL. but so good! which leads us to our next point: just how do you manage to be so kind and oh so talented, hm? what's your secret? how do you manage to Understand and Know sooooooo many characters and speak nothing but the cold hard facts time n time again? truly a marvel!!!! you share so much with this fandom and i hope you know that we appreciate everything that your beautiful brain comes up with even if it leaves us in shambles. crossing my fingers that this upcoming year serves you back as much happiness as you've so generously given us!!! <3
@strangersynth time, dear tumblr user time strangersynth omg hey hi hello 🥺🤲💙 you've always been so unbelievably kind to me in the tags and i just want you to know that i See you and appreciate you sm. it makes me smile every time! you have such an eye for design and it really shows in everything that you do. your video edits are GORGEOUS! seriously, they're soooo good. i love how you're able to find all of these parallels and similarities between characters and their journeys and present it in such an awesome fashion. your dedication and passion for your craft really shines through in everything that you do, from your edits to your words to your layout and all!! you're very cool and very kind and very talented and i am so happy to have crossed paths with you on these e-streets. happy new year, time!! :) <3
@elmaxed lumi! yet another person with an eye for all things beautiful. you're such a sweet, funny, talented, and cheery individual. you share so much with this fandom—your ideas, your fics, your art, your edits, your jokes, and your thoughts—and i love and am so thankful for each and every gift that you give us!! i used to see your posts all the time even before i started a byIer blog and tbh i feel like your popularity is soooo deserved. you're always such a sweetheart and it's always a pleasure to see you on my dash. :) <3
@themacklemorebrothers hello, friend! :D i hope you're well!! you're a familiar n welcome face around these parts and i always treasure every comment and addition you leave to my posts or my reblogs. i especially love your dedication to making this a more accessible place for us all. you've made me laugh and smile countless times and i can't thank you enough for that. i hope this new year grants you the same smiles n laughter that you've given me and more!! :D <3
@toystoryfan hi, toy!! :) i always love reading your comments on the posts you reblog from me. you've made me smile n laugh so many times and blown me away with your insights, too. i always make sure to read anything you write when i see you in my activity tab & i especially love when you add on to headcanons or ideas. i hope you have a lovely new year and continue to share your thoughts while we wait for s5! :D
@chaserofstarsandtheabyss hello, hello!! i see you in my activity tab often and it's always such a treat! i love reading your thoughts on things and when you add on to any ideas or offer a different perspective. it's always so fun and refreshing and you never have to apologize for rambling! if anything, i encourage it hehe. :) i'm happy that we crossed paths this year and i wish you a happy new year, friend!
@gmaybe666 omgggggggg ngl i do be giggling n twirling my hair n kicking my feet whenever you prev me hehe. your art style scratches an itch in my brain that i didn't even know i had! it's just so.... [clenches fist] GOOD, you know? like, it just feel so Real, so Genuine, so True. i can feel your love pouring through with every artwork that you share. i look at those two boys and i SEE mike and will as they really are! and that's so special! your art, your vision, and your talent is so special. your comic series is so powerfully evocative especially. gets me right in my achy breaky heart with how tender and true it is. </3 thank you so much for sharing your skills with us! i wish you a very happy new year! :)
@emblazons TUMBLR USER EMBLAZONS!!! did you know that you're so very smart and observant and also witty and that i cherish you and everything that you so graciously share with us very, very much? well, now you do! i love your gifs, i love your careful and powerful analyses, i love the way that you speak about these characters and their journeys both individually and together, i just... i love your passion for this art form! i love hearing your thoughts and i'm soooo happy that i came across your blog. i love seeing you on my dash and gobble up everything that you share with us. you've made me reconsider so many things and really expanded my understanding in ways that i appreciate so much. thank you for all that you do for this fandom and happy new year!! 🥳🍾
@light-lanterne hi, angel! :) this isn't the first time you've heard this and it certainly won't be the last, but it bears repeating anyway!! thank you sooooo so so much for what you've done for the byIer fandom!! seriously, no one is doing it like you!! you're a true artist with such a lovely heart. your fic rec blog is such an unbelievably kind and generous thing to do. i can't even begin to imagine the amount of happiness you've likely brought writers by not only giving their works attention but also so much love!! your edits are fantastic!! and the fact that you actually take the time to read them to get an idea before putting something together? you have such a good, good heart. please, never change! again, thank you so much. not even just for that, but even your own works!! which are so unique!! i've seriously never read anything like them. your love for your fellow fandom friends, for your fellow creatives, for this show, and for art and community themselves shows in everything that you do. i hope and pray that this new year brings you just as much happiness as you've so freely given to others and more!! thank you, thank you, thank you! for everything! <3
@chirpsythismorning we've never spoken before, but i just wanted to say thank you for my life lmao. when volume two dropped, the byIer nation was in SHAMBLES until you came along. seriously, you dragged us just like this out of the deepest darkest pits of hell kicking and screaming and sobbing and wailing on the brink of death and for that i am so thankful lol. when i was ready to give up the crumb of hope that i still had left you were there to refill my plate and get me back on my byIer feet hehe. every time i see one of your posts on my dash i always take the time to read because i know it'll be good. again, thank you so much for everything that you've done for this fandom!! i hope that this new year treats you well!! :)
@frodohaven HADLEY!! i have never spoken to you because i am so Shy but just know that i admire u from afar. in a non-creepy way ofc. your posts are always so #real and true and factual and your st x lotr posts are especially chef's kiss. i've never seen a post of yours cross my dash that DIDN'T slap and tbh i don't think such a post exists? it's just impossible. you're so funny, so smart, and i LOVE seeing you in these byIer streets. i hope you have a lovely new year!!
@wibble-wobbegong hi! :) i've already said what i'm about to say to you before hehe, but it bears repeating anyway!! thank you so much for all of your contributions to this fandom, really and truly. your analyses are top tier and i'm always so fascinated by your perspective on things. i always make sure to read your posts when they come across my dash and i've seriously never come away from one not learning something new. i love that you hold these takes and beliefs so close to your heart and how willing you are to engage in conversation. you're funny, you're intelligent, and you've always been so kind to me when we have interacted which i cherish very much. i hope you have a lovely new year and i can't wait to learn so much more from you! thank u sm for sharing your thoughts with us as much as you have! :)
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nereidprinc3ss · 5 months
Wow u already got 4k!! I feel like this is a milestone that makes me realize how big ur gonna get. I found your acc a while back, and you actually replied to one of my asks ab ur masterlist being small lol. I hope u keep writing for as long as you can, and that the haters (if there are any) don't get to you. I've seen a few writers I really love either deactivate their acc, or stop writing all together bc of horrid ppl in their inbox. It's always a big loss bc they're extremely talented just like you!! I just wanna say that even though I send a bunch of asks on anon, I'll always support you and your writing. (Even if I don't like every post you make or every ask you respond to) Also ur really funny sometimes lol. Have a great week dude!!! 🫶🏾❣️💘💝💖💋💗💓💞💕❤️‍🔥❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜🤎🖤🩶🤍👍🏾
hiiiii!! im assuming this is the 💿 person and the one who sent me the thing abt accidentally saying 4K instead of 2k??? I hope you’re all the same person
anyway THANK YOU LOVELY!!! thank you for the continued support and yes i remember that ask i think it was my first ask that wasn’t a request!!
honestly i have received very very little negative anything, for the most part ive just gotten a lot of love from an exceedingly kind community and who knows what the future holds but as of now i still love criminal minds i still love spencer reid and i LOVE LOVE tumblr like this is my life now so no plans of stopping yet!!
and thank you for thinking im funny i do try🙏🙏
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lovebugism · 8 months
you’re my favorite writer 🤎 all your steve’s and eddie’s fics are so beautifully written… you’re so talentend and i get so excited whenever you post a new fic 💫 Thank you for sharing your talent, love and imagination with us 🧡
come off anon so i can kiss u on the forehead
Tumblr media
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
summer :D a cute one!! from this post
🤎What tickle blogs do you recommend
omg like so damn many and i’m sure you follow all of them?? yourself, @rxsahgrce and @mushiewrites have been going absolutely crazy with fics/concepts lately + @an-inkling-of who also has epic takes and epic drawings
@sleepy--anon + @elliot-tword are both epic for concept reblogs, and have amazing headcanons and thoughts
@covenofwives is obviously my beloved owl and has got lots and lots of plans for their wonderful au. they’re so talented oh my goodness. my feathered friend
@emmadoodlewrites has an epic demon au up their sleeve that they’re slowly starting to post about. it’s so well thought out with some rather flustering concepts in there 😵‍💫
there’s so many more in our little community. the post could go on forever and ever 🥺
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howlinchickhowl · 2 years
Ristretto is my comforting, warm and fuzzy blanket. You’re a very talented writer. Have a great one ✨🌈✨
oh wow, hi anon! I did have a great one and it was not in small part due to receiving this message this morning 🥰
Thank you so much for coming to tell me that, you can have no idea what it means to me to hear, especially when it has been so long since Ristretto has been updated. I love that story very dearly and I hope to be able to get you a new stretch of blanket awful soon, I truly do ☕️🍪🤎
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f1-birb · 1 year
You are an absolute delight!! Funny and kind and talented 🤎
this is so sweet 🥺
I'm glad some people think I'm funny because I am actually just a fucking idiot
thank you ❤️
send ur opinion of me on anon
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widadsadki · 2 days
Hello dear friend, I just wanted to let you know how wonderful, talented, brilliant and good hearted you are. The world is a better place with you in it. Thank you for everything you do. Lots of love! 💛🧡🤎
Heeeey kind anon , U have no idea how your words brighten my day 🥹❤️ , I appreciate you so much & can't put to words how much this means to me , especially lately.
Thank you .
[I wish I can know who you are , so I can thank you personally 🙏]
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leadingrebel · 5 days
Hello dear friend, I just wanted to let you know how wonderful, talented, brilliant and good hearted you are. The world is a better place with you in it. Thank you for everything you do. Lots of love! 💛🧡🤎
Oh!! That's a lot of love in one message, anon! All the love back to you and know that you made my week much better, too!
Thank you so much for your words and for the autumn colored hearts! 🤍
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crazycatfaery · 7 days
Hello dear friend, I just wanted to let you know how wonderful, talented, brilliant and good hearted you are. The world is a better place with you in it. Thank you for everything you do. Lots of love! 💛🧡🤎
Awh gosh, thank you anon, I needed to hear that today 💚🙏
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faytalepsy · 8 days
Hello dear friend, I just wanted to let you know how wonderful, talented, brilliant and good hearted you are. The world is a better place with you in it. Thank you for everything you do. Lots of love! 💛🧡🤎
Awe thank you Anon, literally made my day🥹😭🤍
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moonlight-yuyu · 27 days
Hi love! I hope you had an amazing weekend and hopefully did something nice for yourself! I was wondering if I could have a career/university reading if it’s not too much to ask for :)
~🤎🌱 anon
🦋Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you'll have a lovely day and feel free to request again🦋
University Majors
Sun and Mercury in Gemini
Communications or Journalism: Gemini is associated with communication, writing, and versatility. Majoring in communications, journalism, or media studies would suit your love for exploring ideas, sharing information, and connecting with others. Your placement in the 10th house emphasizes a career in the public eye, where you can use your skills to influence and inform.
Marketing or Public Relations: With a strong Gemini influence, a major in marketing or public relations could be a great fit, allowing you to use your quick thinking, adaptability, and communication skills to craft messages and build brand identities.
Linguistics or Foreign Languages: If you have a passion for languages, a major in linguistics or foreign languages would align with your intellectual curiosity and love for learning. This could lead to a career in translation, interpretation, or teaching.
Moon in Taurus
Environmental Science or Agriculture: Taurus, connected to nature and the earth, suggests an interest in environmental science, agriculture, or sustainability. Majoring in one of these fields would allow you to work with the natural world, which aligns with your need for stability and connection to the environment.
International Relations or Global Studies: The 9th house emphasizes travel, higher education, and global perspectives. Combining this with your Taurus Moon's practicality, you might be drawn to international relations, global studies, or cultural anthropology, where you can explore different cultures and ideas while grounding them in practical application.
Philosophy or Religious Studies: Your Taurus Moon in the 9th house might also draw you to philosophy or religious studies, fields that allow you to explore life's bigger questions and find deeper meaning in your experiences.
Venus and Mars in Cancer
Social Work or Counseling: Cancer's nurturing and empathetic nature, especially with Venus and Mars in this sign, suggests a strong interest in helping others. Majoring in social work, counseling, or psychology would allow you to channel your caring instincts into a career where you can support and guide people.
Education or Child Development: Cancer's focus on nurturing and growth could also lead you to a major in education or child development. You might find fulfillment in teaching or working with children, helping them develop and grow in a supportive environment.
Public Health or Nursing: The combination of Cancer's care-oriented energy with the 11th house's focus on community suggests a potential interest in public health or nursing, where you can contribute to the well-being of others on a larger scale.
Rising in Virgo
Health Sciences or Nutrition: Virgo rising gives you a strong sense of practicality, organization, and attention to detail. Majoring in health sciences, nutrition, or dietetics would align with your interest in health, wellness, and helping others maintain their well-being.
Library Science or Information Technology: Virgo’s love for order and information might draw you to library science or information technology. These fields allow you to organize, manage, and analyze data, which appeals to your analytical nature.
Business Administration or Accounting: Your Virgo rising might also make you interested in business administration, accounting, or finance. These majors play to your strengths in organization, problem-solving, and attention to detail.
Career Paths
Sun and Mercury in Gemini
Journalist or Writer: Your Gemini Sun and Mercury suggest a natural talent for writing and communication. A career as a journalist, author, or writer would allow you to use your skills to explore a variety of topics and share them with the world. The 10th house emphasis suggests a public role, where your words can have significant influence.
Marketing Director or PR Specialist: With Gemini’s adaptability and your strong communication skills, you might excel in marketing or public relations. These roles allow you to craft compelling messages, manage public perceptions, and drive engagement.
Consultant or Educator: Your quick thinking and ability to communicate complex ideas in a simple way could make you an effective consultant or educator, particularly in fields like technology, business, or communications.
Moon in Taurus
Sustainability Consultant or Environmental Scientist: Your Taurus Moon’s connection to nature, combined with the 9th house’s focus on global issues, could lead you to a career as a sustainability consultant or environmental scientist. You may find fulfillment in working on projects that protect the environment and promote sustainable practices.
International Relations or Cultural Affairs Officer: The 9th house’s influence might also lead you to a career in international relations, diplomacy, or cultural affairs, where you can work on bridging cultural gaps and promoting understanding between different communities.
Philosopher or Academic Researcher: If you pursue philosophy or religious studies, you might find a career as an academic researcher or professor deeply rewarding. You have the ability to explore complex ideas and share your insights with others.
Venus and Mars in Cancer
Therapist or Social Worker: With your Venus and Mars in Cancer, you have a strong desire to help and nurture others. A career as a therapist, counselor, or social worker would allow you to provide emotional support and guidance to individuals and communities.
Community Organizer or Non-Profit Director: The 11th house focus on community and social causes might lead you to a career in non-profit work or community organization. You could excel in roles where you can make a tangible difference in the lives of others, particularly in areas related to health, education, or social justice.
Public Health Administrator: Combining your Cancerian care with the 11th house's broader focus on society, a career in public health administration could be very fulfilling. You could work on initiatives that improve the health and well-being of communities on a large scale.
Rising in Virgo
Healthcare Professional or Nutritionist: Virgo rising gives you a natural talent for organization, detail, and health. A career in healthcare, whether as a doctor, nurse, or nutritionist, would allow you to use these skills to help others lead healthier lives.
Data Analyst or Project Manager: Your analytical nature might also lead you to a career in data analysis, project management, or operations. You have the ability to organize complex information and ensure that projects run smoothly and efficiently.
Quality Control or Regulatory Affairs: Virgo’s attention to detail and love for precision could make you well-suited for roles in quality control, regulatory affairs, or compliance. You would excel in ensuring that products, services, or procedures meet the highest standards.
Your chart suggests a strong potential for success in fields that combine intellectual exploration, emotional depth, and practical skills. Whether you pursue a career in communication, healthcare, education, or environmental science, you are likely to excel in roles that allow you to connect with others, make a positive impact, and bring a sense of order and stability to your environment. Your ability to communicate effectively, care deeply, and manage details will be key to your success.
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josephscurl · 2 months
Ok, thank you to you and the other anons for posting and not making me feel so alone in my opinion re: Marvel. Like, I’m not a huge Marvel person, the movies are solidly “ok” to me lol but it just seems that any time an actor gets in with Marvel, they get sort of stuck there for a while and it can be hard for them to get other parts, at least until their tenure with Marvel is over. I do think the quality of the work offered to people like Chris Evans or Tom Holland has been strongly affected by their time with Marvel, and that would suck to have that happen to somebody like Joe who really has quite a lot of talent.
Like it’s been said here, I really hope he is able to still here and there do other work and show his talent. F4 and Avengers have a lot riding on them as far as the future of Marvel, but just my opinion here I know there are those who think they look great, don’t really sound promising? I totally get going for the money and the Marvel name, I don’t blame actors for wanting to sign on to that, but if the films are not well received, I just hope it doesn’t end up being a bad career decision later on, or at the very least a decision that costs him other better opportunities.
Anyway, thank you for listening!! 💜
totally agree! on all points here.
I was trying to explain it to my partner, they are a lifelong comics fan (and have worked in the comic book world including for Marvel, so very very into that world) and they basically said, you can make millions and be set for life why not?!
and let’s be real, if Marvel asked me to be in a movie I’d do it lol 😅
I think it’s just such a matter of taste and it’s just not ours. and that’s ok.
F4 has tanked in the past so maybe this time they’ll get it right. Joseph does seem to have a magic touch, and for his sake I hope this is the one!
we still love and support Joseph Quinn and just want the best for him.
and for those that are excited about F4 and all that’s to come, I’m happy for you 🤎
thank you for messaging!
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