#you can maybe expect jewish toh on my owl bitch blog
gay-otlc · 3 years
Hey hey hey I just accidentally found (some of?) your Jewish keeper crew posts and may I humbly request more?? Whether it's more Jewish Vackers/Dizznees hcs, or for more characters, I just would like this very much please if you are so inclined
Also maybe Jewish TOH hcs if you have any? 🥺
They're all linked *gestures vaguely* somewhere in my pinned post
Anyway. You may request more I would love to scream about my Jewish blorbos.
They're all Jewish. Even if they started out goyim I hit them with my laser (of the Jewish space edition) and converted them. You're welcome, world.
In a weird sequence of shenanigans, Forkle ended up the rabbi at Sophie's human synagogue. I'm not sure if this is universal but in my experience there's always That One Rabbi who will go ON and ON and ON with their speeches and is chronically incapable of shutting up. That's Forkle.
Sophie didn't get to have her Bat Mitzvah since about a month before his some teal-eyed Dobby brought them to the Lost Cities, and then all the Neverseen shit went down, but after that all ended she decided he wanted to have one. Forkle helped tutor them.
Her D'var Torah? Long. Very long. Fork Man is proud of him.
He/she/they Sophie rights, by the way. If anyone at their synagogue is transphobic they will slam that bitch with a history of gender fuckery in Judaism and then punch that bitch. Beautiful.
When Sophie arrived at the Lost Cities, some certain elves (cough Alden cough) acted like elvin society was Too Cool for religion so she didn't really tell anyone he was Jewish.
Except Grady and Edaline are also Jewish, and they didn't tell Sophie because they didn't know shit about how religion worked for humans and didn't want to make them feel more out of place.
Eventually Sophie noticed Grady and Edaline lighting yahrtzeit for Jolie (fuck off I'm not crying you're crying) and connected the dots.
You know that prayer where it's like the adults blessing the children? Where they put their hands on the kid's head? Yeah. Grady and Edaline really missed saying that blessing for Jolie and may or may not have cried the first time they said it for Sophie.
All the bitches in the series who Adopt Every Traumatized Queer Child To Exist are absolutely devastated that they don't have enough hands for all their kids.
Am I saying that Tiergan and Elwin deserve to be squids? I'm not not saying that. All the cool gays are squids am I right?
If you thought Black Swan game night was intense, just wait until they play dreidel. It's.... an experience.
Livvy is determined to learn how to spin a dreidel upside down.
Livvy is not successful at learning how to spin a dreidel upside down.
Kenric always used to love tu b'shevat.
(Me? Using the same fucking joke for the 18th time? It's more likely than you think.)
Since religion is Looked Down Upon in the lost cities, Alden said Della could raise the kids Jewish but they couldn't tell anyone.
Which had the result of Biana and Fitz falling """mysteriously ill"""" every September/October-ish
And some internalized antisemitism but we don't have time to unpack all that!
When Keefe found out the Vackers were Jewish they just *pointing spiderman meme*
Keefe converted after being adopted by Elwin
Elwin didn't force anything onto him, but he just absolutely fell in love with all the holidays and services and tradition. The food didn't hurt.
Bronte is Grumpy Old Jewish Man. This is a hill I'm willing to die on.
Major antisemtism TW for the next one you might want to skip it
Just remembered this scene in Neverseen where they're in the Ponte Vecchio and Sophie realizes that Hilter probably stood where they are, and absolutely needs to get away. So him being Jewish would add another really fascinating layer to that.
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