#you cannot fucking deny that more eyes on your stuff means more opportunities
sigilmint · 2 years
entering the my-art-is-fucking-trash-and-everyone-is-too-nice-to-tell-me phase of the artist cycle. normally I try my best to keep this phase as private as possible bc I KNOW it's brainworms but.... fucking hell I am feeling it so hard. I've been trying to have an art career for over a decade what the fuck am I doing. why am I trying so hard and working so hard when no one wants my art.
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Diabolik Lovers VANDEAD CARNIVAL ;; Present from Sakamaki [PART 1]
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ー The scene starts in the classroom
Health committee member (1): ーー There we go. That should conclude the check-up.
Yui: Thank you. Phew...
( Hm...I wonder if it’s because I’ve been having my blood sucked, but my weight has gone down a little. )
( I don’t know whether I should be happy or sad...It’s a complicated feeling. )
Health committee member: Is something the matter?
Yui: Ah, no. This is my health report card.
Health committee member: Yes, thank you very much. (2) ーー Ah.
Yui: ...? Is something wrong?
Health committee member: Oh no, that’s not it.
Here...Your date of birth. It’s your birthday tomorrow, isn’t it?
Yui: Ah, now that you mention it...
Health committee member: I’m one day early, but congratulations!
Yui: ( I honestly didn’t think I’d have anyone congratulate me for my birthday after moving to this city. )
Thank you very much. I’m so haーー
Laito: Nfu, Bitch-chan~! Laito-kun’s here to pick you up~!
Yui: Laito-kun...!
Kanato: You’re late. What were you doing? You really are such a slowpoke.
Yui: K-Kanato-kun as well...
I’m sorry for keeping you guys waiting. The examination has finished already so let’s go.
Laito: By the way, Bitch-chan~? What did you hand over to the lady just now~? 
Health committee member: Eh? Ahーー!
Yui: L-Laito-kun! Y-You can’t!
Laito: Aah~ Right, they took body measurements today, no?
Yui: I’m begging you, don’t look...!
Laito: Hm...? Oh dear, oh dear, what do we have here...? I see...~ 
Yui: Geez, Laito-kun...!
Laito: Well, I’m not really interested in this stuff so I’ll be nice and hand it back. More importantly, let’s hurry back home.
Yui: ( Thank god. He handed it back right away... )
U-Um...By the way, where’s Ayato-kun?
Laito: The・truth・is...~ He got such a bad grade on his test this morning. 
So he got called over to the faculty room~
Ayato: ...The fuck?
Laito: Ah, well done getting through the teachers’ scolding~! We were just talking about you.
Ayato: Che...The fuck’s their problem? They kept on naggin’ at me just ‘cause I didn’t get the best score.
Kanato: You reap what you sow. If only you were intelligent like we are, you poor thing.
Ayato: Aah!? You two aren’t much better, are you!?
Laito: Eh~~? We’re not on your level.
Kanato: You had a single-digit number, right? Please do not group us together.
Ayato: Che...
Yui: U-Um, Ayato-kun. Please don’t beat yourself up over it...
Ayato: Fuck off! Come on, Chichinashi. We’re goin’ home already!!
Yui: Y-Yeah...!
ー The scene shifts to the limousine
Reiji: Haah...Because of you lot, we are running horribly late.
Yui: ( Uu...I’m pretty sure I informed him of today’s physical examination before we left for school today though... )
Reiji: For one, people such as you lot who fail to stick to a time schedule on a regular basis, will surely experience problems in your daily life as weーー
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi. Give me your blood once we get home, ‘kay?
This irritated feelin’ is makin’ me thirsty, so I’ll suck you plenty.
Kanato: Could you not just decide that by yourself?
I am just as irritated because you kept us waiting.
I will be sucking her blood first once we get home. Right, Teddy...?
Ayato: Ah? Excuse me...?
Laito: Nfu~ Bitch-chan’s blood, how nice. I’m hungry as well, so why don’t we equally split it amongst us three?
Reiji: ...Haah...I wonder how I got stuck with a bunch of stubborn fools who refuse to listen to what someone is saying...
Shuu: ...
Reiji: ...That being said, I suppose they are still better than the guy who falls asleep before he can even listen at all...
This good-for-nothing...!
Yui: ( R-Reiji-san... )
I-I’m sorry. It’s my fault we were running late. We had a physical check-up today and...
Since I’ve been a little anemic, it took slightly longer than I expected...
Subaru: Hm? ...Oi, have you really been feelin’ anemic?
Yui: Yeah...
( Could he be worried about me...? )
Subaru: I don’t give a damn ‘bout what happens to you...But it’d suck if you’d run dry of blood. Make sure that stuff gets replenished, ‘kay?
Yui: R-Right...
Reiji: Exactly. Your blood is the only value you hold after all.
Yui: ( Of course. That’s all I’m good for to them. )
( What made me think they’d be worried about me...? )
( I should know that already but...For some reason, it makes me a little sad. )
Laito: ...Nfu~
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s bedroom
Yui: Phew...Somehow I’m really exhausted today...
Tomorrow’s a free day, so I’ll hit the hay early and spend some nice, quiet time.
Yui: ( Tomorrow’s my birthday, huh...? I wonder if I’ll be able to head out somewhere...? )
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Laito: Attention please~! Thank you all for gathering here on this fine evening~!
Ayato: ...Geez, what do you suddenly want? I was thinkin’ of droppin’ by Chichinashi’s room for a sip of blood.
Kanato: My poor Teddy had his snacks stolen by Laito, you know...!? I won’t forgive you if you made me come here for nothing!!
Subaru: Che...
Shuu: ...Pwaah...Sleepy.
Reiji: ...Now this is unexpected. I did not think you and Subaru would show up as well.
Shuu: No...I was already taking a nap here when you guys just started gathering one after the other.
Laito: Nfu~ I plotted this get-together immaculately, no~?
Reiji: ...I suppose one could say you used your brain for once, Laito.
ーー So, what is this about? Please stop beating around the bush, and explain to us what is going on.
Subaru: It better not be some bullshit or you’re not gettin’ away with it!
Laito: Hm~ Thank you for your typical input, Subaru-kun~ However, I’m pretty sure you’re going to love hearing about this?
Kanato: What do you have to tell us then!?
Laito: You see, it happens to be Bitch-chan’s birthday tomorrow~
Ayato: Ah? Birthday?
Laito: Yes, exactly!
So...I figured we would all throw a surprise birthday party for her!
Subaru: Ah!? Who in their right mind would waste their fuckin’ time on somethin’ so ridiculous!?
Laito: Oh come on~ I mean, she’s always giving us her delicious blood, no?
Ayato: ‘Giving’, my ass! It belongs to me either way.
Laito: Relax! That’s not what matters right now!
I don’t think it would hurt to show our gratitude and do something in return for once though~
Kanato: Surprise birthday party...
Ayato: Keh. Why do we have to show our gratitude? She’s our prey!
Laito: Eeeh~~~? I thought it’d be fun though. I mean, if none of you are up for it, I guess I’ll drop the ideaー
Don’t you think you’d get to indulge in plenty of takoyaki or sweets? It is a birthday party after all.
Ayato: ...
Kanato: ...
Laito: But well, seems like I’m out of luck, so I suppose I’ll have to give up~
Kanato: Please wait. I cannot possibly turn down an opportunity to eat sweets.
Ayato: I’m in too! Let’s prepare a whole mountain of takoyaki and throw this party!!
Laito: Nfu...~ Now that’s sounding more like a proper celebration.
Reiji: Haah...I feel ashamed having to call those three my brothers...
Shuu: ...Who cares. Just do as you please...
Ayato: Stop complainin’ if you’re not even gonna join in. That only means there will be more food for me, so don’t even bother showin’ up!
Kanato: Agreed. You won’t join either, Subaru?
Subaru: No way in hell I’m botherin’ with that annoyin’ crap!
Laito: Hm~ I would have loved it if we could all participate though. You’re skipping out as well, Reiji?
Reiji: Well, under normal circumstances, I would never consider taking part in such nonsense. Howeverーー
It cannot be denied that she has been donating her blood to us.
Furthermore, I cannot see things ending well if the three of you combine forces. 
Worst-case scenario, the whole manor will be blown into the air...Which would be highly troublesome, so I shall participate to keep an eye on things.
Ayato: Keh, there you go talkin’ shit ‘bout us again.
Laito: Well, I guess the four of us will celebrate Bitch-chan’s birthday together then.
Reiji: Halt. Do you truly believe that I can supervise all three of you just by myself?
Laito: I’m pretty sure we don’t need someone keeping an eye on us though~? 
Reiji: I am not that naive to fall for those words.
I am using my veto to impose mandatory participation on every member of this household, understood?
Subaru: Haah!? What gives you the right to do that!?
Reiji: Do you have any idea how much I look after all of you on a daily basis? 
Subaru: Aah!? Fuck do I know!? Besides, we never asked you to do that shit, nor do we actively try and trouble you!? 
Reiji: I suppose those being looked after do not realize how privileged they are themselves. ...That good-for-nothing over there is a prime example of that.
Shuu: ...
Reiji: Better be safe than sorry. You shall participate to protect the manor.
Shuu: Ahー ...What a drag. Fine, so just shut up already...
Reiji: Very well. Well then, Subaru. You will join in as well, no?
Subaru: Hell no.
Laito: Oh come on, why not~? You should join the fun as well. It’s not like you get the chance every day? Right?
If you continue to be stubbornー...
Nfu~ We’ll hold the party over at your room, okay?
Subaru: Haah!? No fuckin’ way!!
Laito: Perfect! That means everyone’s in!
Subaru: Oi!! Don’t make that choice for me!
Laito: Eeh~~? But then we’ll throw the party in your room though? Are you fine with that?
Ayato: Actually, didn’t you lose your temper the other day and busted another hole through the wall?
Shuu: Haha...Taking a nap while enjoying the night breeze honestly isn’t that bad though...
Subaru: ...Don’t come here to sleep...
...Fuck...! You guys better don’t make me do all of the shitty tasks!
Reiji: Well then, I suppose that wraps up this discussion. As for what we need to prepare, the obvious things would be...
Ayato: Takoyaki, duh!
Kanato: I want to eat a cake covered in whipped cream with a bunch of large strawberries on top!
Reiji: Those are the things you guys want to eat, no? We should at least try and consider what she likes.
Ayato: Ah? What are you sayin’? We’re already doin’ plenty by celebrating her birthday, no?
Laito: They say it’s the sentiment which counts, right?
Reiji: Guh...I am baffled to hear something sensical come from you lot’s mouths for once.
Kanato: So, what exactly do I need to do to get my strawberry cake?
Subaru: ...Aren’t we kind of missin’ the point now?
Laito: Oh well, wasn’t there this one important guy who said that participating is more important than winning?
...That being said, let’s go shopping for all the foods we want to eat!
Kanato: I don’t mind if you go buy it for me, but it better be delicious.
Subaru: Then go buy it yourself!
Kanato: Me? Going grocery shopping? Why would I bother doing something so troublesoーー
Right...In one of the books I read in the past, it said that a birthday cake is best when homemade.
I can put on as much whipped cream as I like, before decorating it with a bunch of strawberries...Fufu, my own exclusive cake.
Haah...Just imagining it is making my mouth water...I’ve decided. I will make a delicious cake.
Reiji: Not in my book.
Kanato: Why do I need your permission? I decided I will make it, so it’s already settled.
Ayato: Oh, sounds kinda interestin’! In that case, I’m gonna try my hand at some homemade takoyaki as well!
Reiji: You make it sound so easy...Do you truly believe you can pull it off?
Shuu: Haah. This situation is steadily going downhill...
Laito: Nfu~ Homemade, huh? It’s starting to sound more and more like a real birthday party.
Reiji: Laito, why are you pretending as if you take no responsibility in this?
You are the one who brought up the idea in the first place, so you should make sure things are kept in check.
Laito: Eh~~~? But that’s what you’re here for, no?
Ayato: ...So, what else needs to get done?
Kanato: You aren’t thinking of making us do all the work, right?
Reiji: Of course. For one...
I have yet to hear of a birthday party with only takoyaki and a cake.
Ayato: Haah? What’s so bad about that?
Reiji: It is a day on which humans celebrate their very short life, so do you not believe there should be a diverse, luxurious buffet as you would see at evening galas or dinner banquets?
Kanato: I do remember how noisy those evening parties would be. However, I am not interested in anything besides the cake.
Reiji: ...Haah, you are only thinking of your own gain. Truly what one would expect from you lot.
Ayato: I mean, I doubt Chichinashi will enjoy it, unless we’re having fun as well!
Subaru: Che...Ridiculous...
Reiji: Good grief...I suppose I have no other choice. In that case, I shall be in charge of making the main course...
Laito: In that case, I’ll help out Ayato-kun~ Making takoyaki sounds kind of fun, to be honest.
Shuu: Pwaaah~ ...Doesn’t seem like there’s anything I need to do...
Reiji: You shall keep an eye on her to ensure she does not leave her room.
It is a trivial task, perfect for someone like you, no?
Shuu: ...Che...What a chore...
Subaru: Haah, whatever.
Reiji: Subaru, you will be doing your fair share as well.
Subaru: Haah!?
Reiji: Do you truly believe I can trust Kanato by himself in the kitchen? Make sure to keep an eye on him.
Subaru: Why me!?
Reiji: Since you are the only one still left without a task, obviously?
I expect you to put your life on the line to ensure the kitchen does not go up in flames.
Subaru: Annoyin’...
Laito: Okaay~! Well then everyone, off we go! (3)
Ayato: Oi, Reiji! Step back! I gotta be the one walkin’ in front!
Reiji: Pipe down, Ayato.
Kanato: Good grief...I cannot stand all this noise. Say, you feel so too, don’t you, Teddy...?
Subaru: We’re not lil’ children anymore, so wouldn’t it have been better if just one of us did the shoppin’ by themselves...?
Laito: Oh come on, don’t you think it’s fun to all go grocery shopping together for once~?
Subaru: ...Che. Don’t talk to me as if we’re buds.
Reiji: ...Hm? Everyone, wait one second.
I cannot see Shuu anywhere around?
Subaru: Haah? Who cares? He’s probably snoozin’ again somewhere.
Reiji: Good grief...Here I thought he was actually joining without any protests for once, but there he goes acting off his own accord again...Truly infuriating.
Even though we have to ensure we are back at the manor by the time she wakes upーー
Ayato: Oh! They’ve got a takoyaki grill! Laito! Let’s go check it out!
Laito: Huh~? But don’t we already have one of those?
Ayato: Ah? Like I know where to find that thing. It’d be too much trouble lookin’ for it.
Laito: Good point! Let’s go have a look then!
ー The two of them enter a store
Reiji: Ah, halt! We should stick to the planning and only visit the necessary stoーー
Kanato: I simply cannot spend another minute with this rowdy bunch.
I will go my own way, so come look for me if you need me.
ー Kanato leaves as well
Reiji: Hey! Where are you going, Kanato!? I will not let this selfish behavior slide!
Shuu: Pwaah...Like this, I can’t relax no matter where I go...
Reiji: You good-for-nothing...You shamelessly come walking up to me and that’s the first thing you say...?
Shuu: Nn...I’ll be over on that bench over there, so just come wake me up once you’re done shopping...
Reiji: At this point, your laziness has surpassed the point of being disappointing, it almost feels refreshing.
Shuu: Thanks for the compliment...Sleepy...
ー Shuu steps away
Reiji: It honestly is not even worth insulting him...
Subaru: Haah...The fuck is this farce? I want to go back home...
Ayato: Oi, Laito! Do you know what ingredients we need to make takoyaki?
Laito: It’s called takoyaki, so octopus is a given, right?
Ayato: I know that much as well!
But I want to make takoyaki like nobody has ever tasted before!
I’m gonna make so many of them, they’ll pile up all the way to the ceiling!
Laito: Nfu~ Sounds like something you would do. In that case, we need to stock up on plenty of ingredients.
Ayato: Yeah! We’ve got plenty of people with us to carry the bags!
Laito: If we’re going through the trouble of making them, it’d be a little dull to stick to normal takoyaki, right? ...Ah, how about this?
Ayato: Wasabi? Whatcha gonna do with that?
Laito: Fufufu, that’s something to look forward to at the party.
Ayato: ...This and these, also those over there...
Laito: Let’s put them all in our basket! I’m so excited, nfu~
Reiji: Honestly those triplets, always doing as they please...
Subaru, wait right here. I will go call them.
Subaru: Haah!? Why do I have to...Wait, oi!
ー Reiji leaves
Subaru: ...Haah. This grocery run is fucked up.
Shuu: ...
Subaru: This guy is seriously out here snoozin’...
Shuu: ...Shut up. I’m still awake.
Subaru: The fuck!? You’re actually awake...
Shuu: Haah...I just don’t want to move because it’s too much of a chore...
Subaru: Then why did you even join us in the first place...
Shuu: I could ask you the exact same thing...Pwaah...
Subaru: ...Che.
ー Subaru starts walking away
Shuu: ...Oh? Going home?
Subaru: Shut up. Leave me alone.
ー Subaru leaves
Shuu: ...
Subaru: ...
Kanato: Aah, as if on cue. Subaru.
Subaru: Che, goin’ home now after he said that just doesn’t sit right with me...
Kanato: Subaru.
Subaru: That bein’ said, I don’t want to just have to stand there and play supervisor either. I’m goin’ home because I want to.
Kanato: Subaru!
Subaru: Ow, the fuck you doin’, bastard!?
Kanato: How many times do I have to call you before you come? Are those ears there just for decoration?
Subaru: Ah? I filter out that annoyin’ voice of yours.
So, what do you want?
Kanato: I’ve settled on the ingredients I want for the cake. Please carry the basket and follow me.
Subaru: Haah!? Why do I have to act as your personal carrier!? I was just ‘bout to head home!!
Kanato: What are you saying? The two of us are in charge of preparing the cake together, so it only makes sense for you to help out, no?
Subaru: You’re the one who wants to make that damn thing, aren’t you? Then shouldn’t you be carrying the basket yourself?
Kanato: I’m already holding Teddy. How am I supposed to do that?
Subaru: Aah!? I’m gonna punch you, you bastard!
Kanato: Punch me? You’ll ignore my request and hit me...? Even though you’re the one just standing around there, doing absolutely nothing?
Yet you trample all over my generous attempts to try and help you be useful...Who do you think you are!?
If you fail to understand that, then why don’t you punch yourself on the head instead? Come on, hurry up and do it!
Subaru: Haah...Shut up. Ahー Fine! I just have to carry your stuff, right?
Kanato: Hmph. ...You should have just done so from the very start. Right, Teddy...?
Subaru: Fuck off! I’m comin’ so shut up and show me the way!
Kanato: Fufu, it’s this way.
Subaru: Honestly...I seriously should have never tagged along...Fuck.
Reiji: ...That’s...
Subaru: ...
Reiji: Subaru. Why are you here?
Did I not tell you to wait by that bench over there earlier?
Subaru: Ah, geez! Stop naggin’ at me this whole time! I can go wherever I want!
Reiji: Do you not think you are at fault for not simply saying no earlier? Honestly, it’s always the youngest ones that cause trouble...
Subaru: Oi, you jerk. What didya say just now!?
Reiji: I only stated the truth. So, why are you on the move?
I gave you that task because I figured you would not want to have to walk around.
Take a look! I have brought Ayato and Laito along with me.
Ayato: Ah? 
Laito: Nfu~ You’re talking about us as if we’re your luggage~
Subaru: Not my fault! I’m not doin’ this ‘cause I want to! If you want to complain, then complain to Kanato instead!
Kanato: We’re going to buy the ingredients for the cake. You really are the very definition of a creep, trying to track my every move.
Reiji: ...
Ayato: Oi, Four-Eyes. I know what I wanna buy so gimme some cash.
Reiji: You sure have some nerve to ask me for money after you have been doing nothing but acting selfishly this whole time. Do you really think you can get away with that!?
Ayato: Ah? Why are you snappin’ at me? You’re such a cheapskate.
Kanato: Exactly. Why do you not try and keep your calm a little?
Laito: Nfu~ Perhaps you’re running a little low on calcium~? (4)
Reiji: ...
Subaru: ...
Reiji: ...Very well. Just do as you please. However, I do not intend to give you lot a single yen.
ー Reiji leaves
Ayato: Ah! Oi, wait! ...O-Oi, do any of you guys have some cash?
Kanato: Are you dumb? Why would I have money on me?
Subaru: Oi, what are we gonna do...
Laito: This is your fault, Ayato! Go apologize to Reiji!
Ayato: Haah!? Why do I have to say sorry!?
Kanato: That’s easy. Because you’re to blame for everything.
Ayato: Haah!? He was upset with you as well!
Laito: In that case, the two of you should go say sorry.
Kanato: Why are you trying to escape the blame when you’re the one who was together with Ayato in the first place?
Ayato: I’m never apologizin’!
Laito: Get going, you two.
Kanato: I’m not going either!
Subaru: Ahー God! Stop the damn arguin’! All three of you should go apologize!
Ayato: Why do I have to!?
Laito: Ehー?
Kanato: Under no circumstances!
Shuu: You guys are way too loud...You’re practically shouting for the whole store.
Pwaah...That being said...You’re still not done...?
Subaru: ーー There you have it. So Reiji, just give in already.
At this rate, we’ll never make it back to the manor.
Reiji: Even so, I cannot give in now.
Subaru: ...
Reiji: ーー However, right...I suppose I shall show my gratitude and let it slide this once. Although I have yet to hear an apology.
Ayato: What is this Four-Eyes goin’ on ‘bout?
Reiji: If you continue to call me that, I would not mind just heading home straight away.
Ayato: Che...
Reiji: Hmph...
Subaru, I will be joining the three of them.
Meanwhile you will go look for Shuu so the two of you can purchase the ingredients I need for my own dish.
Subaru: ...Hah? Why not just buy them yourself?
Reiji: Perhaps try using that brain of yours a little and you will realize that it is simply impossible to look for the items on my own list while also keeping an eye on those triplets at the same time.
Above all, I want to ensure that good-for-nothing at least does something as well.
Subaru: I don’t get it. I’m not doin’ anythin’, understood?
Kanato: How can you be so selfish?
Ayato: Exactly! Are you goin’ to ruin this whole thing ‘cause you’re being a selfish prick?
Laito: Reiji’s mood finally improved, but now Subaru-kun’s going to ruin it again?
Subaru: Fuck...What is your problem!?
Laito: It’s easy, no? If Reiji doesn’t give us any money.
We can’t buy the stuff we need for Bitch-chan’s birthday party, right? Ah-ah, I’m sure she would have been so happy as well.
Subaru: ...
Che...I just have to go buy that shit, right!?
Reiji: Very well. I have written down everything with the exact quantities I need on this note.
Subaru: ...You nitpicker.
Reiji: It would be bad to overbuy, no? Please call it effective instead.
I will pay for all ingredients together, so please wait in front of the cashier once you’re done.
Subaru: ...Hmph.
ー Subaru walks off with the memo
Subaru: Shuu!! Wake up!
Shuu: How could I sleep under these circumstances...? You guys are really noisy...
Subaru: I have to go through this shit ‘cause you were loafin’ ‘round! Now get up and make yourself useful!
Shuu: ...Haah...Guess I have no other choice. I heard most of the conversation earlier, so I’ll make an effort to move today...
Nn...So, what do we have to buy...?
Subaru: This.
Shuu: Haah, that’s quite the list...Subaru, you carry the basket.
Subaru: Haah!? You can go get it yourself, no!? Why is it always me!?
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ...Nn...
( I wonder when I last got such a good night’s rest? )
( Usually, someone always barged in to suck my blood the second I try to go to bedーー )
Yui: W-What was that!?
( That sound just now...I didn’t just imagine it, right? )
Yui: A-Again!? Also, I can smell something burnt as well...
( I-Is everyone okay...? I should go check up on the situation... )
ー Yui tries to leave her room
Shuu: ...
Yui: ...S-Shuu-san! What is happening!?
( Why is Shuu-san lying on the floor in the middle of the hallway...!? )
Yui: Another explosion...!?
Shuu-san, wake up please! ...Shuu-san!
( Oh no...He’s not waking up at all. There might actually be something wrong with him... )
Um, Shuu-san...! P-Please wait right here! I’ll go call someone else!
Shuu: ...Shut up. ...Oh, it’s you.
Yui: Shuu-san...!
( T-Thank god. He was just asleep... )
Shuu: ...My muscles are sore...
Yui: Geez, it’s because you slept on the ground. More importantly, why are you here?
Shuu: Ahー... I have no other choice, do I? ...I have to keep an eye on you...
Yui: ...?
Shuu: ...No, it’s nothing.
Yui: ( ...!! )
U-Um...Do you have any idea what these loud blasts are about...?
Shuu: Hm? Aah...You’re just hearing things. Now hurry back to your roomーー
Shuu: ...
Yui: That sound again...!!
Shuu: ...Guess we’re not using the kitchen for a while after this...
Yui: Um, what did you say just now...?
Shuu: Nothing...Well, you can just continue sleeping, don’t let it bother you.
Yui: E-Easier said than done...
Shuu: Whatever, just go to bed....If not, that fussy guy will...
ー Reiji joins them
Shuu: ...Too late.
Yui: Ah, Reiji-san...!
Reiji: I came to check up on you because I could imagine you would be sleeping on the job again...
Yui: ( The job? What is he talking about? )
Reiji: You...You’ve woken up, I see?
Yui: Um, is something the matter? I’ve been hearing these explosions this whole time.
Reiji: No, it is nothing serious. You should return to your own room.
Yui: But, I’m worried about the others...
Reiji: Your concern is meaningless to us Vampires. Now get back to your room.
Yui: A-Again!? Um, Reiji-san...?
Reiji: ...Haah, for god’s sake...
Ayato: Uwaaah!? What the fuck’s happenin’!? Do somethin’ ‘bout this!!
Laito: The fire, Ayato-kun! Hurry up and extinguish the flames!!
Ayato: You do that!!
Laito: Okay, here I go!!
Ayato: Oi, that’s damn cold...!!
Kanato: What are you doing!? It nearly got on Teddy!!
Ayato: Complain to Laito, not to me!!
Laito: Ahaha! My bad, my bad~! My hand slipped a little~
Ayato: Ah! Hot, hot, hot! Oi, this thing’s hella hot if you touch it!
Subaru: Oi, you fool!! Of course it’s gonna be hot...Che!
Kanato: Why do you keep on getting in my way, Ayato!?
Ayato: I’m not doin’ it on purpose either!
Kanato: Then get out of my sight! You’re in the way!
Laito: Uwah~ This situation keeps on getting worse and worse. I feel like it’s beyond saving at this point?
Subaru: Don’t be standin’ there makin’ a calm observation of the situation and do somethin’ ‘bout it instead!
Laito: Ah~ No chance! Once things stop exploding, we’ll just have to start over from scratch, okay?
Kanato: Don’t be ridiculous! Do you have any idea how much time and effort I put into getting this far!?
Ayato: Crap! I think it’s gonna boom again!
Subaru: Oi, idiot! Don’t come my way with that thing!!
Subaru: Fuckーー!! Which one of you bastards thought this was a good idea!?
Yui: ( I could faintly hear Ayato-kun and the others in the background. I’m sure they’re the ones behind these loud noises... )
( I have no idea what they’re doing, but I can tell that the manor is on the brink of destruction... )
Reiji: ...
Yui: ( Reiji-san’s temples are twitching...I’m pretty sure he’s infuriated...? )
U-Um...If there’s any way I can help out...
Reiji: ...No, that will not be needed. I will take care of it...
Yui: I see...
Yui: ( Honestly, what is going on? I can still hear everyone shouting too... )
Reiji: Shuu, how long do you intend to sleep amidst this ruckus?
Shuu: ...Shut up, I’m awake. I’m doing the task given to me, no?
Yui: ...Task?
Reiji: Aah...It is nothing that should concern you.
I will come and call you later, so do not set foot outside of your room until then.
Yui: Eh? U-Um...
Reiji: Understood?
Yui: ( S-Scary...I probably shouldn’t ask any more questions, right? )
Reiji: Very well. Well then, good-for-nothing. You will be switching duties and head towards the kitchen with me.
Shuu: Haah...What a drag...
ー The two of them leave
Yui: ( ...What on earth is happening in this house? )
( However, I have no other choice but to return to my room after what Reiji-san told me, right? )
ー Yui goes back inside her room
Yui: ( I went back inside as I was told to, but... )
Reiji: Ayato! Cut it out! What are you even trying to do!?
Ayato: I just...!!
Ayato: Uwaaah! This damn thing exploded again!!
Yui: ( Don’t let it bother you, just ignore it... )
Subaru: Uwaah! The fuck you doin’, Kanato!? Don’t point that dangerous thing towards me! 
Kanato: ...Fufufu, I talked it over with Teddy, and we’ve decided to take down Ayato with this!
Laito: Then point it towards Ayato-kun instea...Uwaah!!
Reiji: Ah, you lot...Stop this at once!!
Yui: ( Peace of mind...Positive thinking... )
Kanato: Ayato! Keep still and let yourself get hit!
Ayato: In your dreams!
Laito: Ooh~ Nice catch, Ayato-kun! Now dump it inside the water...
Ayato: Kanato, you should go ahead and blow up!
Yui: ( ...Haah, I feel as if it just keeps on getting worse... )
( Speaking of which, I can’t hear Shuu-san at all. He can’t possibly be asleep amidst all of that...Right? )
( Even a Vampire would get hurt, no...? )
( Above all, it’s kind of rare for all of them to gather and do something together. )
( Hm...I honestly can’t imagine what they could be doing. )
Translation notes
(1) At Japanese high schools, they usually have a health committee with a representative in each class. This student is in charge of helping out during the physical examinations, will escort students when they are feeling ill or have injured themselves to the infirmary, etc.
(2) In Japan, it is quite common to say ‘I have received it’ when somebody hands you something. (People at stores might say it when you pay and give them the money as well.) However, the translation ‘Thank you’ just sounded more fluent and natural in English.
(3) 持ち場に着く or ‘mochiba ni tsuku’ usually gets translated as ‘to get to your station’ or ‘to get in position’. However, since some of them are actually moving places/leaving the house, I altered the translation a little. 
(4) I had never heard of this before, but I googled the terms ‘calcium deficiency’ and ‘irritation’ in Japanese and did find multiple articles talking about a possible link between a bad mood and lacking calcium.
[ Part 2 ] →
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 4 years
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⇺ ⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂⁂ ⇻
↣ Masterpost
↣ inspired by @haik-choo’s post
↣ wc: 1.7k 
↣ warnings: some self inflicted pain (nothing major!), cheating mentions, serious heartbreak. 
↣  song recommendation:  tolerate it - taylor swift 
↣  preamble (as written by haik-choo):  akaashi keiji doesn’t get that not everyone can understand how someone feels with one look. he puts an extra sugar in his coffee and expects you to know that he wants to go out to a bakery, he clicks his red pens a few extra times and expects you to know that he needs refills – he says he has a lot of work tonight and expects you to make him midnight snacks. to him, that stuff is easy. why can’t you understand him? he does it for you – he shouldn’t have to say it out loud. you should already know what he’s thinking. if you don’t, maybe you don’t love him as much as he thought you did.
The complexity of love has never been accurately represented in the media. Films present reality through the lens of a fractured mirror to provide viewers a sense of emotion they cannot find elsewhere. Fairy tales are perhaps the worst form of media to exist. They are created to be consumed by young impressionable children who develop unrealistic expectations that are later thrust upon the unfortunate souls that become their partners. You were one of those children who bought the falsities sold to you. Love was something magical, the intertwining of two hearts.
You were sixteen when you fell in love for the first time. Enthralled by how one emotion could paint new colours in the horizons, you allowed yourself to fall… it was perfect, until you found yourself crying on the bathroom floor, wondering why the fairy tales lied to you.
You were seventeen when you first experienced heart break. Even now, you can remember the shame that drenched your soul when you learned that the one you loved, had slept with someone else. Each inch of your skin was tainted by your “prince charming.”
That night, your mother had to drag you out of the bath. The pads of your toes and fingers had shriveled up, while your arms and legs burned a bright crimson from the incessant scrubbing. Yet the tingling of your skin was merely a scratch in comparison to the laceration inside of your heart, and there was no band aid that you could apply there.
That was December 3rd 2014 – the date you abandoned your foolish ideals.
You met Akaashi Keiji exactly six months later.
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If you were ever asked to describe the mystery that is Keiji, where would you begin? Were there truly any words that could accurately capture the very essence of his kind soul? Or the depth of this mesmerizing eyes? How would you possibly begin to explain how a single caress by his calloused fingertips had melted away the imaginary grime that had coated your skin? If anyone was prince charming, it was him.
But little did you know that sometimes he doubted whether you were his Cinderella. His happily ever after…
The first indication of his veiled concerns occurred in your last year of high school. With the departure of his third-year friends, Akaashi was titled captain of the boy’s volleyball team. While he enjoyed volleyball, he was never obsessed with the sport like his best friend. Volleyball was his hobby, nothing more and nothing less. He was more concerned with maintaining his high academic record than securing a ticket to nationals. Last year balancing the various fragments of his life was simple. But the absence of his friends weighed on him, each day the anxiety increased until he could barely sit without jitters swarming his limbs. As his girlfriend, you should have known the stress he was battling… Sure, he was pushing you away, but you should have known why.
Yet, when you attempted to thwart his efforts to establish distance, you were chastised for your lack of understanding.
“Y/n. I am busy. Please do not disturb me during practice.” Not the slightest bit of respect was allocated to you, despite your status as his girlfriend. And while his pointed response was undoubtedly directed towards to you, his attention was on the practice commencing inside of the gym. “Listen, I need to go back. If you want to talk, consider picking a more appropriate time in the future.” Rolling the towel within his grasp, he refused to acknowledge you beyond sharing these words.
“I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” To even utter an apology stole the limited resolve you had to address the situation. How much did you have to degrade yourself to fix a relationship he evidently did not want?
But the following day at lunch period, a dozen roses were delivered to you with an apology note attached to the stems. It was only natural for you to grant him the forgiveness he sought. Dismissing his actions was simple once you rationalized it as a normal reaction to an abundance of pressure. Diamonds may be created under pressure, but he was no diamond, and neither were you.
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The second indication of his concealed doubts did not emerge from a set of actions, nor did it include the exchange of harsh words. Rather, it was his silence that nurtured your insecurities and provided you confirmation that while he was your happily-ever-after, you may not be his.
To celebrate Keiji’s 19th birthday, his mother had offered to host a gathering at his childhood home. When the details of the party were conveyed to you, excitement had fluttered to life inside of your stomach. It was the perfect opportunity to develop your relationship with the woman who had raised your wonderful boyfriend. Yet, not even the purest of intentions would save you from the humiliation that awaited you that night.
At one point of the evening, Keiji had vanished for a considerable amount of time. Naturally, you searched the house for your boyfriend. When you peaked inside of the kitchen, you found him engaging in a conversation with his mother. You almost called out to him instinctively, except your vocal cords denied you access when you caught the end of their conversation.  
“Has she been tending to your needs yet? Or has she remained as useless as before?” The older woman clutched the stem of her wine glass, with a scoff clawing at her throat. It seemed that the liquor coating her tongue had turned the muscular organ into a knife.
Keiji stood with his back pressed against the kitchen island, listening without a reaction. The nonchalance emanating from his demeanour indicated that this was not the first occurrence. No, this had happened before, otherwise he would have had some form of a reaction. A flinch – a twitch – anything. But he stood still, emotionless, distant. The targeting comments were equivalent to a whisper in the wind – not deserving of a response, nor a stir.
“Keiji, you are aware that you are wasting your time and yet you stay with her?” The sigh falling from her stained lips was extended to emphasize her distress, and the gentle sound was enough to weaken your knees.
No longer able to support your own weight, you leaned against the wall, allowing your eyelids to flutter shut. Your fingers tangled with the fabric of your shirt as you waited for his response.
Say something – anything. Just tell her she’s wrong.
Yet the denial never came.  
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The first two indications were shoved aside, dismissed with excuses that would serve as a band-aid on your decaying relationship. But then came the third.
The third indication of his doubt occurred on an average college night when you were in the process of selecting your outfit for the night. Bokuto had arranged an unofficial Fukurodani reunion for the boy’s volleyball team. As Keiji’s girlfriend, the invite was naturally extended to you. Usually your boyfriend would be in higher spirits knowing that he would soon be in the company of his high school friends. But tonight, a frown remained etched into his features, not wavering for even a single moment.
“Which one? I don’t want to be underdressed. But on the other hand, Kou is always dressed really weird. So, I don’t know.” Two outfits were presented towards the male, a scarlet cocktail dress and a navy pantsuit with a low cut.
“Does it matter, y/n?” The sharp remark was blown out with a heavy sigh. It was as though he could not muster the energy to care for your feelings. Or perhaps, he simply chose to display his inner conflict, with no concern of the consequences of his decision.
The noise was startling enough to strip you of the excitement that once animated your movements.
“I guess not, but is it wrong that I want to look good for my boyfriend?” The counter question was voiced barely above a whisper, with each word sounding fainter than the last.
“Maybe if you knew me well enough you wouldn’t have to ask.” His eyes did not meet yours, rather they stayed fixed on the writing utensil within his grasp. “It’s not that hard, y/n. You just don’t care enough to put in the effort.”
The verbal assaults implanted daggers into your chest, but the pain would only become worse – since he was not done just yet.
“If you refuse to love me with your entire heart, what is the point? Let me go.”
“Keiji!” Pain cut along the inside of your throat from the shriek erupting from your chest. Had you ever screamed his name in quite a harsh manner? Liquid blurred your vision, and with your air-filled organs wheezing in distress, your words were stated between staggered breaths.
“I am not a fucking mind reader.” The fog of desperation encompassing you was comprised of poison, one that soon threaded throughout your system. The properties of the poison enflamed your lungs, burning the organs and halting the flow of air. Instinctively your hands were sent to your skin, clawing at the flesh as if you could simply rip out the emotions suffocating you. “Just because I don’t love you the way you think I should, doesn’t mean I don’t.” Whether the words spilling from your lips were responsible for the bitter taste in your mouth, or the tears now gracefully parading down your cheeks was unknown. Either way, the release of the steaming liquid eased the burning sensation in your lungs.
“I’m done, Keiji. I’m done.” Slowly claiming your insides was a thin layer of ice. By now, you had run out of excuses for his behaviour. There were no longer any band-aids you could use to tend to the wounds. The question of whether your boyfriend considered you “the one” was answered.
Despite the ache weaving into your muscles, your feet dragged you to the front door. A piece of you desired to catch one final glimpse of him – as your heart knew this would be the final time you would see him. But afraid you would lose your resolve to leave, you pressed the car keys against your palm, and remained fixed on the exit.
Behind you, the brunette voiced a weak apology – you were unable to catch the exact words, as they were muffled by the fabric of his sleeves. But not even the sweetest words could remedy the situation. Since, now you had accepted the truth.
Love was never a fairy-tale, and Akaashi Keiji was not a prince. Love would never be what you wanted it to be, and it would always hurt.
Love would always hurt.
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A/N: I ended up finishing this today because I got into a bad mood and so I needed to channel it into something lol 
Taglist: @sayakaaaaaa @sanitisegermsfree @haikyuufairy @newfriendjen @lvoejimin @moonlightaangel @gyozaaaaa @byun-nies @thevillagehiddenintheinternet @amberalisa @graykageyama @yourstarvic @chaichai-the-weeb @chibishae34 @haikyuusimp91 @volleybloop  @rajablast @idiot-juice-enthusiast @melonmayhere @cuddlesslut  @athenarosaline @memes-and-money @coconut-dreamz  @mismatched-loves @elianetsantana @tsumume @tsukkismamagucci @the-golden-jhope @camcam1617 @prettyforpapiiwa @swoonhui​ @neobakas​ @azumane-kun @elephantloser​ @dreamstormings​ @anejuuuuoy​   
~ message me to be removed from the general taglist + bolded means I can’t tag ya 
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mudhornchronicles · 4 years
dreamboat | greaser!frankie morales | part one
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pairing: francisco “catfish” morales x reader; greaser!frankie x reader
warnings: smoking, drinking, swearing, lewd comments, mentions of racism.
a/n: We got ourselves a series, ya’ll. I cannot wait until chapter 2. I present to you – Greaser!Frankie Morales
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You gently close the door as your mother leans over to wind down the passenger side window. “You will be fine, sweetheart. It is absolutely normal to feel nervous! It is your first day after all.”
You nod and feel your tied hair bound up and down. The white ribbon falls on your cheek and you push it back. “I understand, mother. It’s just different than my previous school, that’s all.”
“And they taught you how to be a lady, did they not? You are properly educated, unlike these individuals. Now smooth your skirt down before it wrinkles. First impression matter, correct? I will see you after school. I love you!”
You tell your mother you love her too as you smooth down your white full-circle skirt and adjust your two notebooks on your arm. You wave a goodbye to your mother and watch as she drives her 1953 pastel yellow Pontiac your father had gifted her for her birthday.
You turn and take a good look at your new school and you immediately feel out of place. The cream-colored cement building looks old, but the lawn looks taken care of. The sounds of revving engines and the smell of cigarette smoke abuse your ears and nose. You are most definitely not used to those aspects of the place. Your old school was strict about noises and smells. The only smell they wanted lingering the air was that of perfume and the sound of the girls talking about the school curriculum.
What you see here would give the mistresses a stroke. You see couples shoving their tongues down each other’s throats, students smoking on campus, hot rods racing up and down the streets, and the boys throwing such obscene comments. As you walk up the path towards the building’s entrance, your eyes fall upon a group of five boys whose comments make a chill run up your spine.
“Hey paper shakers,” one calls out. “Why don’t cha shake those pom poms over in this direction? I’ll give ya somethin’ good to cheer about!” The guys snicker to each-other as Benny jokingly thrusts at the cheerleaders. The group hollers at the cheerleaders as they shout insults at the boys and run into the school’s building. You notice that four of them continue to laugh and yell other comments at the athletes, but the fifth just looks around and appears to shy away from joining his friends.
Dressed in black jeans, a white tee, and a worn black leather jacket, Frankie tries to hide away from his brothers’ banter. He never understood why they talk to betties the way they do and then complain that they don’t have a doll around their arm. Pope seems to be the one who is a bit like him, but that’s only because he’s felt the uncomfortableness on the receiving of impudent comments. Being Latino in this town wasn’t the most welcoming while growing up. His family was always met with derogatory comments just because of their appearance. He never understood why people thought it was okay to jump his father every other night on his way back home from work. He never understood why his mother was always denied jobs because she had an accent. He never understood why he rarely had friendships that lasted because their parents said that they couldn’t hang out with the “brown boy.”
Once he grew up, he understood what the concept of racism was. When he met Santiago, or Pope as Frankie called him, he learned that Santiago’s family left his town because they were threatened and when they wouldn’t leave, their house was broken into. The pair soon became best friends and were able to fight off their bullies with each other’s help.
Frankie had never been one to initiate a fight, but he would be the one to end it. Benny was always the fighter. Whether it was his battle or not, he would always be up to throw the first punch. When they made it to freshman year, the boys decided it would be best to create a group of friends that they could lean on when times got tough and to their luck, they met the Miller brothers, Will and Benny, and Tom, also known as Redfly.
You took a deep breath and clutched your books to your chest. You slowly walked up the stairs and as you revert your eyes down to the floor as you tried not to bump into someone and walked past the group – that was until you heard “hey there doll face, where’d you come from?”
You look up to see a tall blonde, younger than the other blonde, snicker at himself and wink at you. You look around to make sure the comment was directed at you and the group laughs. “Yeah, I’m talkin’ to ya sweetheart. I’m guessin’ yousa newbie?” You widen your eyes and steadily nod.
One of the brunettes steps up to you, takes his toothpick out his mouth and replaces it with a cigarette. He takes a deep inhale and blows the smoke in your face. You wave you hand in front of your face and cough as he lets out a laugh. “You that chick that escaped Saint Catherine’s?”
You shrug and nod once more, but with a grimace etched on your face. He raises his cigarette back into his mouth and puts his hand out to you for a handshake – you reciprocate the handshake.
“The name’s Tom, but you, pretty lady, can call me Redfly. Those two over there is Benny and his brother Will. This one behind me,” he points towards one of the two other brunettes, “this one’s Santiago, but call him Pope. You’re familiar with those religious names, right?” This comment earns him an eye roll from you, but it also earns him a scoff from the final member of his little clique.
Tom turns around and looks at his friend. “You trynna say somethin’, ‘Fish?” The brunette smirks and shakes his head. Tom lets out a “hmph” and nods. “This one’s Frankie. We call him Catfish because he may seem like a kicked puppy dog, but the guy can fuck someone up if he really gotta.” You nod and look over to Frankie and find that he’s already looking at you.
You notice just how right Tom was when he described Frankie as a puppy dog. Frankie’s eyes are brown deep-set eyes are captivating. His lips are pink and plush – making you want to give him a big ol’ kiss. His rugged hair calls out to your hands to run your fingers through it. You suddenly lost the ability to speak, so you resulted in clumsily wave a hello, but resulting in your books falling to the ground.
You began to kneel over to pick them up, but a hand stopped you from doing so. Frankie bent over to pick up your things, dusted them off, and handed them to you. What you didn’t see was the boys smiling at seeing their brother be dumbstruck over a girl.
You took your books back with a shy thank you to Frankie and him saying “no problem.” He caught sight of your schedule you received in the mail the day prior and smiles to himself.
“I see you have World History first. Is it with Robinson? May I?” He puts his hand out for your schedule that is taped on the front of your notebook. You pass him your blue notebook and he starts to analyze your schedule. Once he’s satisfied, he gives you back your notebook. “I have classes near yours. I can walk you if you’d like?” Before you’re given the opportunity to answer, Frankie’s friends burst out into laughing fit so loud, the students passing by look over to see the cause of the sound – looking right back to where they were when they see who it was.
“Whatcha gonna do, ‘Fish?” Will teases, “gonna take the new girl on a grand tour of the school? She don’t look the type to give it up behind the bleachers, pal.” Frankie turns red and stutters his denial of the accusation. The boys laugh at him as he nervously tugs on his leather jacket.
“I’d love if you would, Frankie. I haven’t a clue where I’m going, and I really don’t want to get lost on my first day.”
“Yeah, sure. That’s cool.” Frankie nods and stuffs his hands in his pocket.
“Ya might wanna go now, ‘Fish. Princess here ain’t gonna wanna be late,” Tom teases. Tom nudges his head towards the other side of the building. “Let’s go Bandits. Teach’ aint gon’ misses us too much. We’ll see ya in a bit, Frankie.” The boys walk away with Pope and Will giving Frankie a pack on the back with a chuckle – leaving you and Frankie alone on the steps.
“Are they not going to class? It’s the first day and they’ll make a bad impression on their first period instructor.” You ask. You wonder why the boys wouldn’t go to their homeroom, especially being the first day of class.
“They’ll get there… eventually. We can go though. I don’t wanna make ya late or anythin’.” He gestures for you to start walking in front of him, but you won’t walk until knowing something first.
“Frankie, will you be going to homeroom? They said they would see you in bit. Are you just taking me to my classroom and skipping your first period?”
Frankie gets red and shakes his head furiously. “Nah, I ain’t those idiots. My parents would flip their shit if I had to retake a year.” You smile up at him and nod. You reach out to take his arm, as your old school taught you a gentleman should, and were shocked when Frankie pulled away as you touched his arm.
“Sorry, doll. Didn’t mean to scare ya.”
“I was just taking your arm, is all.” You cocked your head to the side. Every man you’d been escorted by has always given you their arm.
It was his turn to act confused. He knew exactly what you were doing and why, but he had a reputation to uphold and it wasn’t him being a gentleman. “What does that mean? Whatcha takin’ my arm for, doll?”
“Nevermind. Shall we?”
Frankie leads you into the crowded building. Students were running everywhere, and voices drowned the pair of you. He takes you to the second level of the building and leads you down the hall and taking a sharp left. You’re a bit lower than he is, but with each step, you start to really get a good luck at the back design on his jacket.
“What does Bandits mean?” Frankie turns around and by instinct, looks at the back of his jacket.
“It’s our group. Call ourselves The Bandits,” he says with “The Bandits” in air quotations.
You stifle a giggle, and he smiles showing of his dimple on his right cheek.
“Yeah, Pope came up with it. I just ran with it.”
“Do you steal?”
“Nah. Pope just thought it sounded cool. Redfly wanted the name “The Unarrestables,” but got arrested two weeks later for mailboxing 7 blocks.” You let out a loud laugh, covering your face with your notebooks, and Frankie looks over at you and smiles. He hasn’t been able to laugh the way he just did in a long time. As you share a funny story about your former mistress skirt being caught in a window, the two of share more laughs as you ultimately arrive at your homeroom’s door.
“Here we are. Room 249… World History with Lloyd Robinson. I’ll come back for you after class to take you to second period. That cool with ya?” You smile and nod. You’re a bit sad that you made it so soon, but quickly disappears when he mentions coming back for you.
“That sounds great, Catfish. Thank you very much.” He lets out a chuckle and nods at you.
“You can call me Frankie. I like the way you say it, doll.” Just as he starts to walk away, a voice makes him freeze in place and slowly turn back around.
“Mister Morales, will you not be joining us today or is your cigarette of much more importance?”
“Mister Robinson. How’s the new kid?” Frankie nervously scratches the back of his head.
“Frankie, get in this classroom or you’ll receive a failing grade starting now.” Mister Robinson gives you a warm smile in comparison to his frown towards Frankie and goes back into the classroom.
“Wait a minute. You have the same homeroom as I do? You said yours was near!”
He sighs and holds his hands up in surrender. “I guess I’ve been caught. We have the same classes, lucky you.”
“But this is AP World History.”
“Just because the guys I run with don’t give a shit, don’t mean I don’t either.”
You stand in front of him and cross your arms underneath your breasts – eyes narrowed and staring into his. “You are just full of surprises aren’t you, Frankie Morales.”
He looks deep into your eyes and smirks. He adjusts his jacket and runs a hand in his hair. He reaches for the handle and opens the door open for you. 
“Ladies first, doll.”
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emmerrr · 4 years
Jordeclan going to an amusement park or a fair? They both just honestly need a break and some fun!!
anon i’m so sorry this took so long but hey i made it valentine’s day and there’s lynch bros content and i hope you like it (also on ao3)
Declan wakes up on the morning of Valentine’s Day not really aware that it’s Valentine’s Day.
It’s Saturday, so he doesn’t need to go into work, and he trundles down the stairs into the kitchen and makes himself a coffee. Matthew and Ronan are still asleep, the latter of whom spent the night after driving up the previous day to go to an art show with his brothers. (Ronan had been less than subtle about his disdain for the ‘art’ in question; Declan had dragged them out early to go to a diner for some burgers. Brotherly bonding at its finest.)
He sits at the breakfast bar with his coffee and checks his emails on his phone like he’s reading the news. There’s a few work things, but not too much, all things considered. He sends a good morning text to Jordan, knowing in all likelihood she won’t read it until at least noon. The thought of her brings a smile to his face, and he wonders if he’ll get to see her later. They don’t have any solid plans in place, but their relationship has never been one that follows a rigid structure anyway. She’s been a breath of fresh air in every possible way.
An hour or so later, Declan hears Ronan moving around in the guest bedroom upstairs, probably throwing his stuff together before he drives back to Singer’s Falls. Not long after that, Matthew comes down the stairs, golden curls matted to his head on one side from where he’s slept on them.
“Mornin’,” he says through a yawn, and takes a seat. “What’s for breakfast?”
“Whatever you want.”
Matthew hums. “I want eggs.”
Declan nods at the fridge. “Go on then.”
Matthew sighs but gets up again and opens the refrigerator, standing solemnly in front of it before slowly removing a carton of eggs.
He puts them down and makes a good show of looking lost as he meanders around the kitchen finding everything he needs. Declan knows he’s doing it on purpose, but goddamn if it doesn’t work. “For crying out loud, how do you want them?”
Matthew grins; he’s won this round. “Scrambled, please. You’re the best.”
“Yeah, yeah. You can make your own toast, though. And go and ask Ronan if he wants any.”
“Yes, sir!” Matthew salutes, and runs off to the hallway to yell up the stairs at Ronan.
A mountain of breakfast later, Ronan disappears again to have a shower, and Declan makes Matthew wash the dishes. He sits in the living room and turns on some nature documentary just for background noise, but only a minute or two passes before Matthew comes in and sits down.
“You cannot possibly have finished the dishes yet,” Declan says.
“They need to soak,” Matthew insists, eyes skating guiltily from Declan’s face to the TV screen. “Oh, is this the one with the penguins?” He sits down, and Declan resolves himself to finishing the singular chore he asked Matthew to do later.
“Yes, half a job Bob, it’s the one with the penguins.”
Matthew smiles indulgently and settles in to watch, but they both get distracted a moment later when they spot Ronan walking past, carrying a lot more than he originally had with him.
“Why do you have a big teddy bear?” Matthew asks.
“Is that a boom-box?” Declan asks.
“Is that a heart-shaped balloon with Adam’s face on it?” Matthew asks.
“What are you doing?” Declan asks.
Ronan leaves everything in the hall by the door and comes to stand just inside the living room, hands in his pockets. He shrugs. “Just gonna make a pit-stop at Cambridge, that’s all.”
Declan sighs. “It’s not exactly on your way. Does Adam even know you’re coming?”
“No, it’s a surprise. It’s a funny inside joke Valentine’s surprise.”
“What do you mean, Valentine’s surprise, it’s not Val—oh my god.” Declan puts his head in his hands. “Oh my god, it’s Valentine’s Day.”
“Oh, Declan,” Ronan says, the smile evident in his voice. “Forget, did you?”
Declan lifts his head. “It was a busy week at work.”
“Don’t worry, bro, I must have got all the romantic genes, it’s not your fault.”
Declan scowls but there’s little heat in it. He checks his phone and Jordan is yet to reply, which could mean nothing, but doubt now niggles in Declan’s mind. What if Jordan was expecting some kind of gesture and is now massively disappointed that Declan is so useless?
“What do I do? It’s too late to make any reservations.”
“Reservations are for chumps anyway, just go and do something fun,” Ronan says.
“Like what?” Declan snaps. All that’s running through his head is that he got Jordan some tyrian purple at great cost and at very short notice for their very first date. If her expectations for Valentine’s Day are high, he has no one to blame but himself.
“I’ll leave that up to you to figure out,” Ronan says. “I have to hit the road.”
Matthew laughs and elbows Declan playfully. “Ronan is a better boyfriend than you.”
“No he isn’t, shut up,” Declan says, which just makes Matthew laugh harder.
After Ronan hugs Matthew goodbye, Declan helps him carry the ridiculous gifts he has obviously dreamt up out to the car.
“Text me when you’re with Adam,” he says when he’s closed the trunk, “so I know you got there okay.”
Ronan opens the driver’s side door and levels Declan with a put-upon look. “Fine, I will try my very best to remember to text you when I arrive.”
Declan manages a smile. “Appreciate it. Drive safe.”
Ronan moves to get in the car, but hesitates, and turns back to his brother. “You’re not really worried that you forgot about today, right?” At Declan’s shrug, he continues, “Come on, Jordan’s cool, she’s not gonna care. Everyone knows Valentine’s Day is bullshit.”
“Says the guy who’s driving several hours out of his way in honour of said bullshit day,” Declan says pointedly.
Ronan shakes his head. “Look, the day’s irrelevant; I’m driving several hours out of my way because I miss my fucking boyfriend and this is as good an excuse as any to go see him.”
“Yes, but—”
“But nothing. Jordan likes you, for some unfathomable reason. She’s not gonna dump you because you didn’t remember to plan some posh, soulless valentine’s date.”
Abrasive as he is, Declan can’t deny that Ronan’s right. “When did you get so wise?” he grumbles, and Ronan smirks.
“Hey, statistically I’ve gotta be right about some things.”
“Once in a blue moon.”
“Yeah, yeah. Get out of here.” Ronan gets into the car, but Declan stops him before he shuts it. “You really think Jordan is cool?”
Ronan laughs. “Way too cool for you.”
Declan’s unwarranted fears about Jordan ignoring him fade as soon as she texts him back an hour or so later. She doesn’t mention the dreaded V-word, but she says there’s a fair in town, and asks if he wants to go.
A fair date sounds pretty perfect actually, and when he agrees, Jordan tells him she’ll pick him up at seven. She always does like to drive.
“I still haven’t got her a gift, though,” Declan tells Matthew. “Is it bad that I don’t have a gift?”
“You’re going to a fair,” Matthew points out. “Plenty of opportunities to be all manly and shit and win her something.”
“Language,” Declan says, and Matthew rolls his eyes.
“You should get her a card, at least.”
“Valentine’s Day cards are always so terrible, though,” Declan complains.
“So make her one. Jordan’s arty, she’d probably like that better anyway.”
Declan doesn’t like that both of his younger brothers are being smarter than him today, but nevertheless, Matthew is right, and Declan ransacks his office supplies to see what he can come up with.
He uses some high-quality photo paper to print out a picture of a pretty flower that he found online, then carefully cuts it out and glues it to the middle of the front of some card he’s folded in half. He frames it by cutting out strips of purple card and sticking them around the flower. Then he gets irritated with how shit it looks and considers throwing the whole fucking thing away and starting from scratch, when Matthew peers over his shoulder and says, “Aw, that looks really nice.”
So Declan keeps it, writes his message inside, and finds an envelope that is only a little bit too big to put it in.
Time’s getting on, so he goes to get ready. He has no idea what to wear for a date at a fair, and takes two tie options out to the living room to get Matthew’s opinion.
“Which tie is more appropriate?”
“You didn’t even look.”
“I don’t need to. Don’t wear a tie. You’re not going on a job interview. Plus it’s February and you’ll be outside, put a sweater on.” Matthew does finally look at him now, and he sighs at Declan’s blue button-down and grey slacks. “This is what you wear for work, put some jeans on. You’ve like, met Jordan, right?”
“Alright, smartass, point taken.”
When Declan’s changed again, Matthew decrees his outfit of jeans and a fairisle sweater in navy tones boring but ultimately acceptable, which Declan figures is the best he’s going to get. He also thinks he’s going mad if he’s asking Matthew of all people for fashion advice.
He just has time to slip his coat on and put the card in the inside pocket before there’s a knock at the door, and Matthew runs to open it.
“Hiya, squirt,” Jordan says to him, which is funny because Matthew is taller than her.
“Hey. Declan tried to wear a tie.”
Jordan laughs, throwing her head back, and Declan finds there’s a dopey grin on his face even though his girlfriend and his brother are bonding over making fun of him. “Of course he did. Never fully dressed without a tie.” She meets Declan’s gaze over Matthew’s shoulder and winks at him.
“Hey, I’m right here,” he says, faux-wounded, and makes his way over to the door as Matthew heads back to the living room.
He kisses Jordan. “Hi.”
“Hi yourself. You ready to go?”
“Have fun, guys!” Matthew yells, and Declan hesitates, poking his head in to look at his brother.
“What are you doing tonight? You can come with us if you want?”
“No way, man, I’m not third-wheeling on your date. Also it’s cute how you think I don’t already have plans, I’m extremely popular.”
“Uh huh,” Declan says, worries evaporating. “Modest, too.”
They leave, finally, and Jordan drives them to where the fair is set up, filling Declan in on any little anecdotes he’s missed since they last spoke. He’s happy just to listen to her talk; sitting in her presence is like recharging a battery, and he feels lighter than he has all week.
Parking is easy to find, and they huddle together as they walk towards the entrance, the lights from all the rides and the heat lamps looking bright and inviting beyond. Jordan slips her hand into Declan’s, and he tucks them both into his pocket as Jordan leans her head against his shoulder.
“I missed you this week,” she says.
“Did you?” Declan smiles. He likes being missed by Jordan. “I missed you too. I always miss you.”
“Well you say that now, but I’m going to destroy you at fairground games, so you might change your mind.”
Declan’s doubtful, but he grins at her amenably.
She holds up a finger. “But first, we need to go on a couple of super fast, spinny rides, because if we go on them after I’ve had something to eat I might just throw up all over you.”
“Yeah, let’s avoid that,” Declan says. “Lead the way.”
Jordan, practically vibrating with excitement, drags Declan straight to the ride she keeps calling ‘the whirligig’, because it takes you round and round, faster and faster, while the carriage you sit in is also spinning. So it’s double the amount of spinning, and when they get off, Declan has to stop for a minute with his hands on his knees while Jordan lovingly laughs at him.
She takes pity on him and they go on the ferris wheel next. They kiss when it stops when they’re at the top, which Declan knows is cliché as hell, but he’s certainly not complaining. He pulls back a little, his thumb gently brushing along her cheekbone.
“I made you a card,” he says, a little embarrassed. Jordan’s warm brown eyes go wide and pleased.
“Oh yeah?”
He pulls it out of his pocket and starts to hand it to her nervously. “It’s not very good.”
“I’ll be the judge of that,” she says, taking it from him. She opens it and smiles when she sees the flower. “So pretty.”
“It’s called a Middlemist red camellia. It’s like the rarest flower in the world. Or so Google tells me.” He knows that Jordan will know why he specifically chose this flower. He’s telling her something about who she is to him. She won’t miss the significance of that.
She brings Declan’s hand to her lips and kisses it gently, before letting it go and looking at the card again. “I love camellia’s,” Jordan says, “but I’ve never seen this one before.” She opens the card and reads the message Declan wrote inside, a soft smile growing the more she reads.
Jordan sighs and holds the card to her chest with her eyes closed. When she opens them again, she says, “I made you a card, too.”
She pulls it out of her own coat pocket, and Declan opens it. On the front is a colour pencil drawing of him, perfect hair, non-smiling, boring suit, but with the fanciest shoes he has ever seen; a more exaggerated version of the ones he was wearing when he and Jordan first met.
Declan laughs in joyous surprise. “Your card is better than mine.”
“My card is funnier than yours,” she says. “It’s not better.”
“Thank you,” he says, earnestly, looking at the portrait and cracking up again. “I think...I think I’m gonna frame this.”
“You should. It’ll be worth a fortune some day.”
Of that, Declan has no doubt. “You wanna know a secret?”
“I forgot it was Valentine’s Day.”
It’s Jordan’s turn to laugh, and she leans in to kiss Declan’s cheek. “I forgot, too. I didn’t realise until I went to grab a coffee and there were Valentine’s specials going on all over the place.”
“Ronan of all people reminded me. He drove up to surprise Adam at Cambridge.”
“Bless him, Ronan really is a gigantic softie.”
Declan grins. “Well he told me he thinks you’re cool. Too cool for me.”
“Aw, babe, he’s right!” Jordan says, laughing at his sad pout. “Unfortunately for me, I love you anyway.”
Declan shakes his head, smiling. “You’re a dick,” he says. “But I love you, too.”
The ferris wheel starts moving again, and when it stops, they go and try their hand at some games. Jordan comes out on top at ring tossing, duck hooking, the coconut shy, and the buzzwire, but Declan does pretty well at the mini laser quest and a balloon-popping darts game.
They end up at the shooting game stall, where you have to try and knock the cans over to win prizes. There’s a cute stuffed stegosaurus that Jordan has her eye on, and Declan pays for them both to have a go to try and win it.
They each manage to knock a couple of cans over, but there’s some that are way more stubborn and don’t seem to budge even when clearly hit.
“Another round,” Declan says when his go is finished. He sighs in frustration when the results are the same.
Jordan puts his hand on his arm. “You know these things are rigged, right? They’re weighted, it’s almost impossible to win the good prizes.”
The rational part of his brain understands this to be true. The monkey part wants the prize. “Yes, but it’s Valentine’s Day and I have to win you this stupid stegosaurus. My manly pride is at stake.”
Jordan snorts. “Well how about we take your manly pride to that stall over there and I’ll let you buy me a churro, I’m starving.”
“...Churros sound good.”
Jordan links her arm through Declans as they follow their noses over to the churro stall.
“I really would’ve won it with one more go,” Declan feels the need to say.
“Sure you would,” Jordan says easily. “Maybe later.”
“Fuck later, it’s freezing. You wanna come back to mine? I’ll make you a latte.”
Jordan grins up at him. “I thought you’d never ask. Churros first though.”
“Oh, that’s a given.”
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Destiel Trope Collection 2020 Day 10: Enemies to Lovers
It's a Match! | @suckerfordeansfreckles
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2015 Main Tags/Warnings: pining, online dating, getting together Summary: Dean has seen the guy a handful of times, mostly at Charlie’s parties or when out and about with her — it’s only been six times that Dean is aware of, actually. Not that he counted. Well. He did, maybe, count a little. But that’s only because the guy is seriously gorgeous, and also seems to seriously hate Dean. Like, frowns and dark stares and leaving the room when Dean enters it. And that is most definitely the only reason why Dean keeps track of their meetings. It has nothing to do with the fact that, for whatever stupid reason, Dean feels all fuzzy and happy and warm around this stupid, scruffy, handsome, dark-haired and blue-eyed Cas-guy. Something about him just… does things to Dean’s head.
In The Ballroom | @gii-heylittleangel
Rating: General Word Count: 2594 Main Tags/Warnings: lovers to enemies to lovers, broken relationship, getting back together, false mentions of cheating Summary: The high school dance was useless in Castiel's opinion; there was nothing to do, people were incredibly annoying, and he would be alone. But, having Charlie Bradbury as his best friend, he had no choice but to go; after all, there was a tiny chance he would get tacos after the party. Castiel did not get tacos but he got something a lot better.
Ring a Bell for the Righteous Man | @pray4jensen
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3003 Main Tags/Warnings: Enemies to Lovers, Royalty/Fantasy AU, Soul Bond, Marriage, Angst with a Happy Ending, Dubious Consent Summary: An hour passes and the prince doesn't bed him. Dean thinks that maybe the prince doesn't have any intention of doing it at all, and if that's the case, it'll be Dean who'll face the consequences. So, thumbing a finger down the length of Cas' wings, Dean taunts, ""I thought you promised Lord Alastair that I wouldn't be able to walk, your highness."" Dean pauses. ""Are you doubting yourself, my lord?""
Addicted | @verobatto-angelxhunter
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3671 Main Tags/Warnings: Season 4/5 canon divergent, Destiel, slow burn, Badass! Castiel, first kiss, first time, explicit sexual content, canon typical violence. Summary: Dean can't get Castiel out of his mind. Everytime the angel is in front of him, is hypnotizing. He needs to know what is going on with him. Why Castiel is so irresistible? And why he feels that empty everytime the angel isn't near him.
the light of falling stars | @procasdeanating
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4980 Main Tags/Warnings: Alien!Cas, wing fic, inspired by a movie (enemy mine) Summary: … when Lieutenant Dean Winchester and the two ships under his command engaged in combat with a Seraph squadron. Two army ships were destroyed, while one fighter, presumably Lt. Winchester’s, made a forced landing on a nearby uninhabited class D planet after triggering the emergency protocol. The ongoing search has not produced conclusive results. Lt. Winchester is classified as missing in action…
First Impressions | @suckerfordeansfreckles
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 7254 Main Tags/Warnings: hospital AU, ftm trans Cas, top surgery, mentions of medical stuff, sharing a room Summary: When Cas wakes for the first time after his surgery, there’s sunlight tentatively streaming through the window to his right. It takes him a while of uncoordinated blinking and thinking until he realizes where he is, why he’s here. And then the giddiness comes, sudden and overwhelming, when he looks down at his chest and there is none. The reality is almost too much to grasp and his hands shake a little when he tries to raise them to touch. He's happy, and giddy, and so thankful. And then a nurse wheels in his new roommate, one very obnoxious and flirty Mr. Winchester. Cas just... cannot wait to watch all of this play out.
The Galaxy's Most Wanted | @saltnhalo
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 10160 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Science Fiction, Space Pirates, Enemies to Lovers, Blow Jobs, Frottage, Angry Sex, Sexual Tension Summary: Dean had been the one always up to mischief, running around with his father’s broken laser pistol and constantly getting into places he shouldn’t have been. Sam, in comparison, always seemed to be the smart, studious one – until he reprogrammed the AI in their neighbours’ house to play ‘Happy Birthday’ at the loudest possible volume while keeping all the doors and windows firmly locked. It had taken two experts seven hours to undo the coding that Sam had managed to integrate into the house’s programming. So, yes. They had been exceptional even from the beginning. And when John Winchester crossed one too many people, his sons inherited his beloved ship, and took to the cosmos doing what they knew best: stealing. And they were damn good at it too. Almost unrivalled, across their own galaxy and even those neighbouring. Almost.
Love Thy Enemy | @gii-heylittleangel
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 11887 Main Tags/Warnings: revenge planning, use of guns, major characters injury Summary: After being betrayed by the Men of Letters, Dean makes the most stupid, idiotic, and best decision of his life: ask Castiel Novak, his long time enemy, for help.
The Quest for the Demon King's Heart | @cr-noble-writes
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 12500 Main Tags/Warnings: fantasy au, demon king!dean, wood elf!cas, enemies to lovers, mutual pining, minor character death, major character injury, angry sex, angst with a happy ending Summary: In a fantasy land, Dean, the Demon King, goes to a distant guild to take a break from evil, where he meets a young adventurer, Castiel, on a quest to slay the Demon King. For fun, Dean helps and protects the adventurer, and affection grows between them. Then, they arrive at the gates of his castle.
A Virgin to Redeem the Billionaire | @notfunnydean
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 16660 Main Tags/Warnings: Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation, blackmailing someone into a relationship, Mentions of drug selling (not Destiel), Mentions of cheating (not Destiel), virgin!cas Summary: When Castiel meets Dean Winchester, the other man seems to be a real asshole. So it doesn’t surprise him, when Dean shows up again and this time blackmails Castiel in a horrible way. Castiel agrees to be his boyfriend, only to protect his family, but along the way he actually falls for Dean.
The Bakery | @dates-with-cas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 41075 Main Tags/Warnings: angst with a happy ending, offscreen character death, enemies to lovers, workplace sex, semi-public sex, attempted rape/non-con, mentions of past sexual abuse, alcohol as a coping mechanism, sex as a coping mechanism, sex in a kitchen, unresolved past trauma, top!Cas, bottom!Dean Summary: Dean Winchester loves his job, and he's thrilled to have his boss' brother coming in to work over the holidays, that is until he meets Castiel Novak for himself. The man is picky, grouchy, and absolutely fucking gorgeous.
The Path Between the Stars | zaphodsgirl (AO3)
Rating: Mature Word Count: 53111 Main Tags/Warnings: AU - Labyrinth Fusion, Angst with a Happy Ending, Minor Character Death Summary: It's been almost fifteen years since Dean met the enigmatic goblin king, Castiel. After failing to complete the labyrinth with Sam to save baby Adam, Dean is forced to make a deal to secure their freedom. Five years ago he finally gave in to the feelings he’d been keeping at bay for some time, only for Castiel to disappear from his life completely without a word. When Dean relays the story of the labyrinth to Sam's girlfriend Eileen, an opportunity presents itself for him to get some answers...and maybe have a second chance at something he hadn't dared to believe was real.
Of Twists and Turns | @kitmistry
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 75080 Main Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Pirate AU, Implied Drug Use, Minor Character Death, Amputation, Sea Monsters, Hunter Dean Summary: When naval surgeon Castiel Novak is captured by the Black Impala pirates, he has no choice but to agree to their terms: He is to serve on their ship for a whole year before they release him. That doesn’t mean he is going to like it, though. Especially when their captain is the embodiment of everything Castiel despises. Determined to earn his freedom, Castiel settles into the life of an outlaw. When the pirates’ true goal is revealed, though, he can no longer deny that things are not as black and white as he thought they were. And he can’t deny how drawn he is to Captain Winchester either.
Sovereign | @pomegranatedaffodil
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 87974 Main Tags/Warnings: Arranged Marriage, Hate to Love, Fantasy AU, Royalty AU, Virgin Castiel, Switching, Slow Burn, Minor Injuries Summary: When his brother embarks on a risky venture, Prince Dean of Pellia’s only choice is to enter into a marriage with the king of Arxelle in order to save Sam’s life as well as his own. King Castiel is severe, aloof, and no more happy about their hasty wedding than Dean. Marital bliss is the last state either of them expects to reach, but as Dean spends more time in his new home, he and Castiel slowly begin to settle into a partnership that allows them to put the needs of their kingdom before their own feelings. The longer they spend together, though, the more those feelings develop, daring them both to wonder if they might ever be husbands in more than just name.
Shot Through The Heart | @peanutbutterjelly-pie
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 156327 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Men of Letters, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Humor, Case Fic, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Bottom Dean Summary: As a hunter Dean finds himself more often than not relying on the help of the Men of Letters. Most of the time that's not much of a problem - if it wasn't for Castiel, the smartass bookworm with the piercing blue eyes, the messy hair and the rude attitude. He's been an annoying thorn in Dean's side since day one - and the hunter doesn't see that change anytime soon.
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j-mysticalien · 3 years
🔫 the oc content, hand it over /lh
you don’t have to if u don’t want to lol I just saw you said something about ocs and 👀 I am interested
(I ended up dumping a lot ... I saw the opportunity and ran with it I didn’t mean to oops)
These guys have been in my head for y e a r s and even though I'll abandon them for months at a time, there are plot points I've forgotten, it’s very very unfinished, and clearly influenced by my freshman year interests, they're some of my favorites to imagine and write like every time I do a picrew chain or something I make them too for myself okay okay-
So. Exposition. For ages the demons and dark things have slipped between the veil and into the world. As evil rises, so do those who stand against it. In some parts of the world The Order was established not to eradicate or wage war against the demons, just to keep everything in their proper dimensions and destroy those who refuse. Members of the Order work in groups with assigned roles, often passed down generations. 1: trained in the physical aspects of fighting creatures, they have the unique and mysterious ability to survive in the other dimension-at least better than the average mortal. 2, “Alchemist”: Usually a witch, human descendant of a magical being, or a particularly skilled mortal even. they provide the magical aid since the other cannot perform magic themselves. (Though Witches tend to form their own communities or work with the demon realm which historically has caused tensions) While fewer and well hidden, this secret society guards the mortal realm to this day... 
There’s a small, quiet town in the northeast. Nothing much happens- the power may go out or the weather may turn within seconds and figures may appear and shift into the shadows but it all turns out fine eventually. Nothing to worry about. But those who know a  little too much know where to go when things need to be taken care off. Bloom’s Florist and Garden Shop, a sweet little store in the middle of town staffed by the owner’s two teenaged kids. They’ve got a lovely selection of flowers and herbs. If you hear noises from their basement, best to ignore it. If you see the kids sprinting down the street, best to stay out of their way. If they tell you to avoid the woods one night, you listen...
 Dante Achilles Sindweller. He is type 1.  He’s tall, thin but muscular, almost dangerously pale. His hair is blue, eyes blue though they sometimes look red. Riddles with piercings and pale scars. Cocky bastard but well deserved. Friendly and deadly all at once. He’s good at what he does and is always up for a challenge. Low key high key losing his sense of humanity. You see actually being in the demon dimension is draining because of the pure chaos of it but returning to reality is rough too. Because of the hunter’s ability (I’m pretty sure they have this ability bc the og demon hunters secretly fucked a bunch of demons so Hunters have demon blood and cannot “die” in the hell dimension but idfk at this point) they can adapt to the word with a combination of demonic attributes and idealized forms that disappear when he gets back. So um the mental toll is very much a thing that he hides very well...at least at first. He doesn’t actually have to travel too often thought, just during emergencies and later he genuinely visits some chill demon friends there.
Cordelia Emerys Bloom, “Cordie”. 5′2″, dark brown skin, black hair she keeps in two short braids, round rimmed glasses. She’s the alchemist. a few of her far off ancestors were fae. Her own magical battery is low so she’s become skilled in working with. potions and magical plants. She’s the most serious member. of the trio. She knows the job, she has a rhythm, she doesn’t like change. This group had three braincells and 90% of the time she has all of them. She likes her plants, her books, and Dante. She’s a little high strung and stubborn but she’s clever, intelligent, and really warm person once you get past her shields. She grew up way too fast and with all her adult figures gone, Dante slowly slipping (though she denies it to the point where Alice bright it up and they didn’t talk for a week), and this irritation turned fear that Alice’s presence is temporary leaves her with some issues but it’s okay im determined to let her be happy, she just has to let herself accept happiness.
Alice Barnet. A witch. Thick, bright red  hair, hazel/ blue eyes. Absolutely stunning. and a fashion icon. She moved to attend to uppity private school right outside of town. She stumbled upon the shop and immediately sensed the great power hidden in there. So she just walked in- because of the dimensional portal not because the girl at the register she saw through the window was so pretty what are you talking about it was witch instinct only- and announced herself and offered her services. She’s a flirt, though a sincere one. She projects a confident, fun vibes even if she doesn't actually feel it. Fake it until you make it I guess. Coffee addict will memorize your birth chart, Starbucks order, and all the little behavioral things. Most of my early drabbles with her involve her sitting on Cordie’s desk sipping her iced coffee while Cordie is like “how tf did you get in here” “good question. Better one: they didn’t have the black tea you like is green okay?” She actually is part of an informal coven but that’s a whole side story with its own cast of characters I haven’t touched in ages
Dynamics dynamics so Cordie and Dante are siblings in all but blood, they’ve been together for almost their entire lives. (Cordie’s parents are almost always away-either on Order business or just vibing idk they’re cool though. Dante’s parents are dead but only Dante himself seems to know that-Something about demon blood and dimension hopping doesn’t let their kind live long) They’re really close. If they met at this point in life they probably would never have been friends and Cordie probably would despise him but as they are they love each other and *know* each other. Technically Dante is older but Cordie is the eldest sister of the relationship.
The two of them have opposite reactions when Alice enters their life. (This entrance is one of the few *full* scenes I actually wrote down) Dante is allured-not by her but by the potential adventure she represents. She states her case and he’s like oh this’ll be interesting. They become best friends almost instantly. Their sass, confidence, and more adventurous sides click harmoniously- much of the time to Cordie’s dismay. To Cordelia, Alice is something unknown, something potentially dangerous. She makes her assumptions (prissy, incompetent, entitled, inexperienced) and tolerated her. Alice has had a crush on her since day 1. She was determined to prove herself to the group and really she’d just like to get her trust and friendship at some point, gushy feelings be damned. They fall in love slowly, they learn to trust and be weak and learn to know each other and be themselves Alice is genuinely interested in all the stuff Cordie knows about the magical world and Cordie gets to try to be a person outside of that world. The recent stuff I’ve actually written down involves a lot of sleepy conversations and whispered confessions and soft touched and hhh
Some of the non-human characters
“Lady”: the ghost that haunts the basement/ Order base. She can’t really speak and isn't always visible, never fully. They don’t know who she was or why she’s there. She helps out when she can though. Might help Dante in the very end. 
All of the actual demons are off ideas. Like each deadly sin has it’s own demon (they didn’t realize some humans had grouped them together for some time but they think it’s funny, sometimes they hang out just because of that) The gang doesn't directly meet a lot of them but 
Curiosity aka “Apple” aka “Heather” aka “Bee”aka...:The spark that fuels innovation ne the spiral of a downfall. frequently visits human world, team switches between stopping them from blowing up a building to playing Mario kart together. Like he definitely causes trouble and should not keep escaping through the portal but like...he’s fun to got to the mall with. Funky Lil dude who’s there for a good time and some chaos. Changes aliases all the time.
Nostalgia aka “Honey-Lavender”: the kind that leaves the ghost of a smile on your face, the kind that drowns you in the past, the kind that makes you want to go back, or forget. mostly stays in hell. One of the demons Dante visits and is acquainted with. They lay and talk. She can be a downer but he doesn’t mind, he appreciates the company and some days she keeps him tethered to his life and sanity (on the bad says she has the opposite effect, she can’t help it)
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lovelyirony · 5 years
Hhhhhhnggggg I thought of something and I think you can make it beautiful. "Being your father is more important to me than being their friend."
thank you! 
If you had told Tony Stark that he would be a father figure some day, he would’ve laughed in your face. Because Tony Stark is not a figure for anything besides perhaps business or alcoholism. 
But then Iron Man. 
But then Avengers. 
But then...everything. 
The first time he really considers himself a father figure is when he gets emailed from Harley who starts it off with “why is your email embarrassingly easy to hack? Anyway I want to ask you about this robot thing. I’m not saying I’m building it but if I would be doing so what would I need.” 
Tony emails back: 
“When you hack into my email all of my employees who work in the encryption networks get an alert and put you on the ‘watch-for-this’ list. Basically all about employment. Anyway, suppose you are building this (and you are, because you’re a punk)...you need some copper wiring and I’ll send you the other stuff.” 
Harley and Tony pull up a sort of correspondence over email. And then Harley demands to have his number because “no one uses email anymore except for clothing companies, and you are not supplying me with any good deals on shirts.” 
(Tony absolutely does deny that he loves this kid when Rhodey catches them talking on the phone.) 
He also says he’s just providing a learning opportunity when Harley and his sister get to come to New York for a summer. 
“It’s because you like kids,” Rhodey says. “And you like Harley because he’s as much of a little shit as you are.” 
“False, he’s even more so. He built a potato gun and aimed it at me the first time we met.” 
“And you probably made some wise-ass remark about him or what have you. I wanna meet him.” 
Harley is an asshole. 
(Tony’s glad to have him.) 
His sister is sweet. Lily likes to learn about the world and the different connections between countries. Tony has no doubt that she has a career with the UN and makes sure to subtly get her books about political science and cool historical events. 
They don’t mention the distinct lack of the Avengers, at least until they’re at the dinner table and Tony’s picking at broccoli. 
“So, when are you going to recruit new members?” Harley asks, looking directly at him. He’s one of the few people in Tony’s life that can look at him directly now. He’s never shied away from that, and he can appreciate it. 
“Why would I recruit new members?” 
“We still need the Avengers. Besides, maybe you can find someone who doesn’t have as lame a costume as Captain America.” 
Tony snorts, taking his plate to the sink. 
“I’ll think about it.” 
He thinks long and he thinks hard that night. Tony’s not an idiot when it comes to the team’s whereabouts. They need somewhere where they are untouchable by anyone. 
And where better than a country with a long reputation of being a total recluse? 
He’ll have to ask King T’Challa if they also put coffee grounds down the sink. 
But they do need a team. And he remembers in the letter that Steve sent that he said that the Avengers were perhaps more of a family for Tony than for Steve. 
Yeah. It shows. Shows by the way Natasha, Clint, and Wanda all left with him. Shows how they’re family because no one’s there for Tony when he’s gasping for air from Steve’s shield crashing down on his chest, cracking. 
(He said that the shield didn’t belong to Steve. He wasn’t wrong. That shield doesn’t belong to Steve, because it’s not a belonging. It’s simply...Steve.) 
So. Family. Tony needs to find a new one. Or just new teammates. 
He talks to Rhodey, who agrees to be an overseer or who shows up. 
Rhodey asks about Spider-Man. 
“He’s on reserves only,” Tony says. “I can’t have him get hurt.” 
Peter’s a great kid. One of the best there is, most likely. (Just don’t ever ask Tony to say that out loud.) 
And he’s been itching to test out some new micro-fabric that has to do with defensive techniques that Tony’s been toying with, and this is the perfect time to introduce Peter to Harley. 
Harley’s soft, worn t-shirts contrast with the bright, punny shirts that Peter almost always wears. Peter talks a mile a minute while Harley really only says what he has to. 
At first, Tony isn’t sure if they’re going to get along. Harley’s not one for enthusiastic, jumpy people and hates going into New York City for literally anything. 
(“You’re supposed to come for dinner! We’re only eating with Pepper!” 
“I literally do not care. I saw a rat and I saw a person who was wearing neon orange. I am not dealing with this.”) 
But Peter is surprisingly savage when he wants to be, and they bond over roasting Tony within an inch of his life. 
“I literally cannot believe you,” Tony says. “You go from stuttering to roasting me over my shoe choice.” 
“Mr. Stark, those are quite possibly the ugliest shoes you could wear to this event,” Peter stresses. “You’re wearing a suit and bright orange shoes.” 
“Yes! It’s called being unique.” 
“It’s called ‘you’re about to get roasted by every magazine and social media account’,” Harley answers, not even looking up from his project. “Change your shoes.” 
“I’m Iron Man. I can handle a little fashion roasting.” 
“Yeah but you should have better taste,” Harley deadpans. “Go with the silver shoes. They’re not terrible.” Tony pouts but changes into the shoes. 
Harley and Peter send him both an article about “the unique, amazingly quirky style of one Tony Stark,” with captions that mean the same thing: told you so. 
It’s sad when Harley has to go back home with Lily. Tony promises them that they can spend every summer upstate if their mother is okay with it. Lily gives him a friendship bracelet before they fly and no, Tony does not Cry Actual Buckets. 
Peter’s summer is about to end, and Tony’s getting on him about last minute AP homework. 
“What do you mean you didn’t have time to finish up your AP History diorama? You spent all of last weekend googling military conspiracy theories! You have had time!” 
“Okay, that’s fair, but still--” 
Tony sends Harley and Lily care packages and letters. They send him back letters about the school day, what’s going on in the community, and Lily tends to “tell on” her brother about his own projects. 
“She didn’t have to tell you I was building a flying motorbike,” Harley whines. “Or that I couldn’t modulate it.” 
“Yeah, but she knows that you need someone to bounce ideas off of. So you could’ve easily talked to Peter or myself.” 
(The motorbike works and Tony has to plead with Harley not to use it to get to New York. 
“Feasibly if I could up the speed, Lily and I could be there in six hours so--” 
“Don’t you dare!”) 
Peter drops by all the time to check in on the progress of the new Avengers. They’ve contacted one of Rhodey’s “friends,” Carol Danvers. 
“A woman that cool? Simply could not have been ‘just’ a friend,” Tony says, smiling. “We’ll ask her about it later.” 
“Nope, you and your freaky Spider-Son are not asking Danvers shit,” Rhodey says. 
“He’s not my son.” 
“He might as well be, sweetheart. He’s already copying your penchant for graphic shirts and being horrible at lying.” 
“I’m not horrible at it.” 
“Yes you are,” Rhodey answers. “For example. Tell me a lie. Tell me that you hate Peter.” 
“Why would I ever tell that lie?” 
“Because you can’t. Next question. When are you going to lecture him about not stealing leftovers?” 
Tony laughs. 
In all honesty, life has been going great. In Tony’s personal life, he and Pepper are going back to better terms friendship-wise. Harley is coming up for Christmas and Peter’s been planning Secret Santa with everyone who lives at the base. 
And then they hear word of a return. 
Rhodey wants to take...drastic measures. 
“We are not sending them to the moon,” Pepper says, rolling her eyes. 
“Why not?” 
“A waste of money, Jim. Honestly.” 
“True point.” 
Tony freezes when he realizes that he won’t be there in time to see them because he’s picking Harley and Lily up. 
“You take Peter with you, we’ll meet them, Rhodey says, smiling. “Nothing like a classic New York welcome, right?” 
“You are not yelling ‘fuck you’ with a bullhorn,” Tony responds, trying to hide a laugh. “I better not hear that you made international news.” 
“Then don’t turn on your TV.” 
Harley and Lily have already heard the news. Harley’s digging through his suitcase in the middle of the airport, and Tony has to flash a smile and a guilty look to a security guard in order for the TSA to lay off. 
“What are you doing, nerd?” Tony asks. 
“Trying to make a slingshot that has a bit more bite to it. You think we can pick up loose concrete rocks on the way to the base?” Harley asks. 
“No, we are not doing that. What I am doing is dropping you off at Peter’s house until I can get them somewhere to stay.” 
“You don’t owe them anything,” Lily remarks. “They broke international border rules and technically should be under government jurisdiction. You don’t have to give them a space.” 
“And yet I’m the only one good at containing,” Tony sighs. “Look, I’m sorry that this won’t be the ideal--” 
“Peter’s not at his house,” Harley answers, frowning at his phone. “Something about barricades?” 
“Oh my god,” Tony groans. “Rhodey got him. Well, in the car. How good are both of you at immediately ducking and rolling out of a car?” 
“We can still be there for you,” Harley says, annoyed. “I have a stun gun that could take down a tyrannosaurus rex.” 
“You can’t substantiate that with concrete evidence,” Lily argues. 
“I theorize that Rogers has to be weaker than a T-Rex, so I think it’s gonna be effective,” Harley responds. “Let me try it out, Tony? Please?” 
“No,” Tony says, but adds, “maybe in a week.” 
Peter is waiting inside and lights up when he sees Harley and Lily.
“Good, the holidays can really begin,” Peter jokes. “We even have the questionable side of the family in for a visit.” 
“For now,” Rhodey says, scowling. “Tony, please tell me they won’t be here for the holidays. We were supposed to pull out the decorations today.” 
“I’ll figure something out,” Tony says wearily. “Have the delegates been contacted?” 
“Marya and Joseph are on their way to deal with re-homing issues and family connections. They should be tied up with legal and personal aspects all day.” 
“Good,” Tony says. “But I do need to go greet them.” 
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” Rhodey says, serious expression. “I can deal with them.” 
“You shouldn’t have to. And besides, it’ll be better coming from me. Being here for you all is more important than trying to be their friend.” 
Harley, Peter, and Lily give him a hug. 
“Don’t stay too long,” Peter says. “I made a Christmas Roulette Playlist.” 
“Why is it roulette?” 
“One Halloween song and at least one opera song. Whoever can name the song first wins the privilege of opening the first ornament for the tree.” 
“Wait up for me,” Tony says, grinning. 
It’s hard to face people you used to know. 
But Tony has a family to get back to. 
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Home- Chapter 14 (Kylo Ren/Ben Solox F!Oc)
Words: 1,748
Chapter 13 / Chapter 15
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Paasaana, Forbidden Valley
Throughout my short life I’ve made very stupid and risky decisions, but following a person covered by different fabrics and a mask that regulates their voice seems to be the worst so far.
That doesn’t matter because he just saved us from a stormtrooper, who threatened us with a blaster while informing someone else of our location. So we followed him until we reached a huge machine, when I entered I was surprised to see a small lair. Some decorations hung from the ceiling along with other fabrics.
"Lea sent me a transmission," said the person as soon as C-3PO, Chewbacca, BB8, Poe, Finn, Rey and I got on the machine.
"How did you find us?" Finn asks. The person takes off his helmet, revealing his identity.
"Wookies attract attention.”
"Lando?" i ask in disbelief and Chewie stepped forward to hug him.
"It's good to see you, friend," He replies to Chewie, then looks at me. "I'm not surprised to see you here, little Sun,” I smile at the nickname and hug him too.
"But I’m surprised to see you, Lando.”
Although I didn't have many opportunities to see Ben's parents' friend, we were able to create a very good relationship.
"You know him and never told us anything?" Finn asks, but before I could answer him, Poe interrupts me.
"And it surprises you? She’s the queen of secrets!”
"General Calrissian, we are on the hunt for Exegol.”
“Yes, of course."
Lando shows us a hologram of the Sith Wayfinder.
"Only two were created.”
"Luke Skywalker came here looking for one," retorts Rey. Lando laughs.
"I know, I was with him. Luke and I were following an old Jedi hunter. Ochi of Bestoons. He had a clue of where to find thewayfinder. But when we got here, his ship was abandoned, we ran out of clues.”
"Is the ship still here?" Rey asks.
"In the desert."
"We must find it, maybe we can find something!” Everyone agrees.
Ships are heard in the distance, so we had to leave the machine.
"Be careful out there, little Sun. Give Leia my love,” Lando says as a farewell.
“You should go and give it yourself,” I smile, "Thanks, Lando."
We all run through the desert as soon as we see the soldiers arrive, until Poe finds two speeders, with some adjustments in the cables, manages to start one, while I help with the other. They both turn on and we drive to flee the troopers that follow us closely.
Chewbacca, BB8, Rey and I got on one, the others are with Poe. During the run we all try to shoot the stormtroopers, who also have their speeders.
At one point we split up and Rey tries to drive the speeder between the rocks and mountains of the planet to lose the soldiers, but thanks to the idea of ​​BB8 we managed to shoot down one... only two more are missing.
"Never underestimate your droid," I joke, looking at the little ball.
Chewbacca and I shot one down. "There is the ship!" Rey tells us when we approach a small mountain of rocks. "I feel like I've seen that ship before."
Next to us is Poe, but before anything else happens, the last stormtrooper causes an explosion, destroying our ships. We all flew off into gray sand, but we recovered to shoot at the soldier until someone manages to break his system and crash into the rocks in the distance. Victory distracts us and I feel a tug on my feet.
"What the fuck?" It's like someone is pulling me and now I feel it in my arms.
"The hell is this?" Poe complains next to me, we both look at each other in terror.
“Sunken fields. Hold on to something!” says Rey, but there’s nothing within our reach.
"Kiara I-" Poe tries to say, but the sand already covers him completely.
"Poe!" I try to move, but that only worsens the situation until the sand covers my face and it's harder to breathe.
I keep moving until I can no longer feel the pressure of the sand, suddenly my body falls, but arms cushion the blow and carefully place me on the ground. I look around, discovering that we are in a tunnel.
"You're good?" I touch Poe's shoulder when I hear his voice and I’m relieved to see him.
After a few moments we all stand together, safe and sound.
"We must find a way out.”
Everything’s dark, so Rey and I light our sabers while Poe turns on his useless flashlight. We laugh and we walk guided by Rey.
"So what was it?" Rey steps forward along with Finn.
"What?" Finn replies.
"What did you want to tell me?" The girl asks again.
"When you were sinking in the sand, you said: I never told you ..."
"I'll tell you later…”
Poe steps forward to be by his side.
"You mean when Poe isn't here?" says sarcastically.
Poe nods and continues walking “We almost drowned and you keep secrets? I thought Kiara was the only one,” I roll my eyes.
"I'll tell you, when you tell us about all that shifty stuff you do.”
"We all have secrets, Poe. You don't have to always throw them in our face,” I growl, Poe stops and watches me.
"At least mine hasn't killed half the entire galaxy,” He doesn't wait for an answer and keeps walking. Always does the same. Ever since he found out about everything.
"I don't think this is the time to talk about it.”
"And it never will be, in fact, not worth it," he replies annoyed.
I feel a pain in my chest and Rey touches my arm, giving me a sympathetic look. We keep walking until we find an Ochi speeder along with his skeleton.
"This is not good.”
"Kiara," Rey and BB8 find a dagger with certain symbols on it
"The location of the wayfinder,” answers C3PO when translating the symbols "It is the clue that master Luke was looking for,” the droid explains that he cannot tell us exactly the translation thanks to his programming.
Before anyone could complain, a huge snake appears behind him and we are all ready to finish it, but Rey heals the snake's wound, which now, lets us out.
"I suppose that was what Ochi lacked.”
"Transfering a little force to heal the wounds," says Rey as soon as we leave.
“To a snake," I look at her confused.
"It's a living being" I nod with a smile.
The new plan was to try to flee with Ochi's abandoned ship, but while we watch the ship, Rey feels something.
"I'll catch up with you in a few minutes."
I stop her holding her arm.
"You can see him?" I ask unsure and she nods.
"I thought you could too," I deny.
"No more. He… he cut off all contact.”
“It'll only take a few minutes."
"Be careful…”
I return to the ship and help with some cables and reactors.
"Do you know what you’re doing?"
“I spent a long time with Han Solo, Poe. So shut up.”
"Enough both of you, we must concentrate!" Finn scolds us and then sends Chewbacca for Rey.
After a few minutes, Finn tells us that he’ll go for the Wookie after his delay.
"I hope it doesn't take long, we must get out of here…”
"Oh come on, surely you want to see your secret boyfriend,” I tense at his response.
"Could you stop? I'm sick of your sarcastic comments. My life is not your concern.”
He laughs. "Of course it is. Actually, it belongs to everyone, according to Leia, your job was to try to return her son to the light, but you failed and now we all must pay for it!”
I hit one of the walls of the ship and approach the man.
“Listen, it was never my job to try to fix absolutely anything, I’m not responsible for Kylo's actions, it’s not my duty to be taking care of him, nor am I a rehabilitation center, nor am I the cure for anything. Circumstances made my path cross with his and I tried to help him and I believed that, finally, my best friend could return, if that didn't work, it's not my fault.”
Poe's face looks almost ashamed, but neither continues the discussion as Finn's screams distract us. My breath catches as Poe and I leave the ship to witness Kylo and Rey's terrible actions. Both are trying to stop a ship using force and I can enter Rey's mind to know that Chewbacca is on it.
Suddenly, lightning bolts come out of Rey's hand, destroying the ship.
"No!" I scream as loud as I can and try to get closer, but Poe's arms stop me. "Chewie!"
This is almost like when we lost Han.
I close my eyes when his voice enters my head.
No! Why do you want to take everything I love from me?
"We must go!" Poe yells and forces me back to the ship.
"Kiara, I'm so sorry,” Rey tries to apologize, but I can’t speak. I just ignore her as I walk away from her and sit on the floor. “I lost control…”
"It wasn't your fault," says Finn next to her. They both follow the conversation away from me.
"We only have eight hours left, what will we do now?" Poe says coming to my side. Finn and Rey get closer.
"What can we do? We must return to the base.”
"We have no time to return, we are not going to give up. If we do that, Chewie died for nothing,” replies Poe, quite angry.
Leave me alone!
"Poe, Chewie had the dagger," replies Finn.
"Then we must find another way."
"That was our only clue to find the counselor and he is gone."
"It's true" says C3PO "The inscription is now only in my memory."
We all watch him.
"Wait," I say, getting up, "Is it still in your memory?"
“It is, Master Kiara. But my system prevents the translation, only with a total derivation of my memory could I do it,” informs the droid.
"A what?"
"A vile act they do to droids and criminals.”
"Let's do that.”
"I know a Black market droidsmith,” reports Poe, "But it's in Kijimi.”
"What's going on there?" I ask.
"I was unlucky, but we must do it.”
"For Chewie.”
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colourthestarts · 5 years
5 Things I Noticed About You
1.      You were actually not that polite.
Well it wasn’t that you suddenly became rude, but he sure as hell didn’t expect the girl at the back of the class who just simply minded her own business to snap at that third year girl who spend too much time worshipping herself. If he remembered correctly the words were “Listen up hairball. Either shut the fuck up or get lost cause Jesus I cannot listen to the same story again. You guys brake up and then get back together. Or you cry and end up back together. Stop being an idiot and invest time in yourself instead of that asshole.”. He had to admit the deadpan that was given with the speech added to the charm.
That time he genuinely thought that the snap was a fluke and you were stressed for exams or tired from preparation for them. But then he heard you chat with your friends on the rooftop when he wanted some alone time.
“Suck it up. Life isn’t fair and whatever. That’s a well shit excuse why you failed. We both know that you were lazing around instead of studying so don’t complain for getting the grades that you get. Stop whining and pick yourself together while you have time.”
 2.      You liked coffee.
That knowledge was gained by a coincidence. Somehow he was standing in a line behind you with his friends, while you were with yours. He did notice your casual style was very chill. Jeans, top, a jacket and a scarf that covered your lovely neck and the backpack with cherries on it. You looked cool. But taking that aside,who wants a triple expresso mid-day? Let alone keep coming back for the same order another three times within an hour. He really wanted to ask why so much coffee. Were you tired? Stressed? Did you just have shit day and needed some sort of comfort? He would gladly do that for you anytime you needed.
Few days later he was still curious with your coffee obsession when he noticed just how many coffee flavour things you liked. Eventually he decided to ask. Well not you, but your friend. He had no guts to talk to you. Yet. The reply was slightly weird just by the expression of her friends face.
“She says it tastes good. But I think that it helps her to stay calm.”
3.      A friend for comfort
Maybe the most surprising part was that you were good at comforting people. It was about a month later after a long match when he and Kenma were passing a park that he saw you and your friend sitting on the swings. While you held a box of tissues the friend was crying her eyes out.
“Do you want to go home and cry there?”
“My home?”
“Wanna eat?”
“No! Why do you keep asking questions?!” The friend replied irritated.
“Well you’re crying your life out and frankly I don’t know what to do” You replied calmly, but it only infuriated her.
“I need you to care! To comfort me! Be a friend, be on my side!”
“Of course I’m on your side. And you are my friend. But I don’t know how to help you. You need to cry? Cry I’ll stay as long as you need. Want me to go yell or beat him up? Fine I’ll do that. Buy you sweets or take a train and go somewhere far away. Okay we’ll do that. But I need to know what you want.”
The friend saw how serious she was and so did Kuroo. For a quick look it would seem as she was annoyed by this whole situation. But the tight grip on the swing chain and the look in her eyes showed that she was there for her. A good minute of silence passed and then her friend stood up to pick up her bag.
“Are your parents home?”
“No, working till next week.”
“Firstly you can’t say I told you so about this. I know you didn’t like him, but just don’t. And I’m staying at yours and we gonna get drunk and eat ice cream and I’ll cry a lot and you have to let me.”
“Okay” You replied with a smile and got up to get your own bag and catching up with your friend who was already walking away.
“You like her.” Kenma stated as he walked of.
Kuroo couldn’t deny.
4.      Loyal
Few days after the incident in park, the teachers decided another project was to be done in pairs. The friend and now her ex-boyfriend were paired together and so were you and Kuroo, but after few hours you convinced the teacher to pair you with the ex instead. Kuroo wasn’t too pleased, missing his opportunity to talk to you, but he couldn’t complain. Your friend was polite and did her work so there were no issues and she said was the same with your pair. A while later when the teacher said that the grades were announced at the board outside in the hall Kuroo and the friend went to check it, but before turning the corner Kuroo was dragged backwards. As he was just about to ask what was wrong he could hear a conversation going.
“I’d say we make a pretty good team don’t you think?” the ex smoothly stated. But the answer was even smoother.
“We are not a team. Mika and I are a team. I noticed how you look back at her and don’t even think of hurting her more. She is just starting to get happy and if you mess with that I will mess with you and make it a personal goal to make your life as difficult as possible. So unless there is a school related topic I suggest you mind your own business, sit back and enjoy your ride to hell asshole.”
Kuroo saw that Mika was now grinning.
“Sorry. I told her to be nice to him but this – this I do not mind at all!”
5.      Quick to isolate herself
From then on Kuroo and Mika became pretty good friends. Not too close, but they chatted once in a while. Which is why he noticed that Mika and her did not always hang out together. After few of those moments after classes finished and before everyone went to their clubs he asked if they had a fight to which she answered:
“What? Of course not. Why would you think that?”
“Well you haven’t been hanging out much…” To which Mika replied with a frown but waved the comment of.
“We’re good. She… she’s just… sometimes she… Okay, look she’s not been feeling well these days.”
“She’s ill?”
“No, she just needs space. And when she’s good she comes back.” Then caught Kuroo of guard by saying. “Don’t try to confess your love or whatever when she’s in this state.”
“Wha- I don’t know what you mean.” Kuroo tried to brush off but clearly he wasn’t good at hiding his interests.
“Cut it out man. She might be oblivious but I’m not when you keep staring at her like a stalker or something.”
“Ahhh… not my intention.” Kuroo was now very embarrassingly blushing while avoiding eye contact with Mika but still asked. “…does she know?”
“Ha hell no. She’s about aware of this stuff as a brick wall. But, I’ll give you advice considering that you can’t even tell what she can tell. She gets scared off easily so don’t just do what guys do and be like ‘I like you’ she’ll be confused and avoid you until graduation from awkwardness.” Wow Kuroo’s possible plan just got gutted in 15 seconds. “Befriend her instead and see how it goes from there.”
“How do- we have no common interests?”
“She sucks at chemistry. Like passes it well but she honestly does not understand it at all and just memorizes it. I’ll invite you and Kenma to hangout and it can go from there. But like I said not now. She needs time to herself so be patient with her.”
Kuroo had to confess. He was so confused in this conversation. Mika knew and even gave advice. Good advice.
“Why are you helping me?”
“Because you are actually not that bad. I mean before the whole project I thought that you’re an ass and full of yourself.” Before Kuroo could protest Mika cut him off “But you’re friends with Kenma and he’s like supper chill but doesn’t take nonsense. Plus you’re a dork and a nerd.” Kuroo went back to blushing cause Mika’s digs did not stop there “Like seriously you haven’t even talked to her properly. It’s super amusing.”
“What’s amusing?” Of course she had to appear at this point. Curse the universe. But thankfully, Mika stepped in for godsmacked Kuroo.
“Ohh just that my ex failed to give in his assignment”
“Wow that is bitter even for you Mika.”
“Um-excuse me. I can gloat in private.” Mike defended with a grin.
“Kuroo is not exactly private, but whatever. I was just send by your captain to get your ass in for practice.” Then she added to Kuroo. “Aren’t you supposed to also go to volleyball? I guess being a captain just lets you be late.”
“Don’t be like that! Bye Kuroo I’ll let you know more later.” Mika said when she pushed her friend out the door. Kuroo managed to respond normally and say his goodbyes.
On his way to volleyball practice Kuroo could tell the difference. Normally she was calm and collected, a bit sarcastic but kind and never bothered people. But even from this small conversation he saw that she did not want to be there. She really looked she couldn’t be bothered at all by anything. That made Kuroo feel weird, but he decided to take Mika’s advice and leave her by.
On the other hand, he couldn’t ignore the opportunity to feel somewhat accomplished. She knew who he was and that he played volleyball. That was a start.
Two days later Mika send Kuroo a text.
16:48 She’s back. Gonna drag her to a coffee shop on Thursday so make sure you and Kenma are free. You’re welcome.
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I’ll Keep You Safe (Part 2)
Synopsys: Bodyguard! Bucky; Endgame AU
When Tony Stark asked Bucky to become a bodyguard for the Reader he didn’t think his life would change that much. But it did. And not everything was for the better.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: swearing, nothing much in this chapter really
Word count: 2368
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       “Bucky?” the way the name rolled off of her tongue made a shiver ripple down his spine. Her eyebrow was up in a sleek arch, and her hand was warm and soft in his own. He was pretty sure he could spend an eternity just looking at her.        “Yeah – it’s uh a nickname, you know…”        “Oh, I know, I was taught history in school. The Howling Commandoes and Cap were a big part of it. Just didn’t think you still went by it.”        A soft snort escaped him, eyes trained on her back as Y/N moved into the kitchen and opened up the fridge, presumably looking for something to eat.        “Why wouldn’t I?”        “Dunno,” she shrugged her shoulders, pulling out a jug of orange juice and scouring the cupboards for a glass.        “Third from the left,” he softly informed her. The smile Y/N flashed him made his heart skip a beat.        “So,” she started, “given how you’re gonna be my bodyguard or whatever, I’d like to know a few things about you.”        This never went over well. Sure, he was a hermit and rarely made friends, in fact, he never made any new friends, but when he had the opportunity, he somehow managed to screw it up.     Sam and Steve had even tried to set him up on some dates, but they either ended up with the woman walking away the second they came through the door, seeing the Winter Soldier at the table, or it turned out she was using this as an opportunity to get to the Avengers.    But given how Y/N was Stark’s relative, he had an inclination she didn’t need him for that. And it made him even more nervous. He was already fidgeting with the string of his hoodie, ready to completely shut down when she asked why he killed all those people while under Hydra's control, but what came out of her mouth was the last thing he expected.
       “Who names their child after president Buchanan?” Y/N was leaning against the counter, and if Bucky had been drinking that orange juice, he would’ve certainly choked. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, James is a pretty name, but… president Buchanan? I literally cannot remember a single thing he did. Not shitting on your parents, not at all, but you can’t tell me that you haven’t been asked this question before.”        “Actually,” Bucky said chewing on his bottom lip, trying not to let the large smile that was about to spread across his lips, take over his face, “I haven’t. No one has ever asked me why I was named after him.”        She seemed to contemplate his answer before downing the rest of her drink and leaving the glass in the sink. Stark would so be on her ass for not putting it in the dishwasher. “Had I been born back then and knew you, I’d make fun of it.”        With that said, she hollered an ‘I’m going to unpack and then sleep for the rest of the day’ while skipping down the hall, and he shook his head.        “Oh,” she appeared behind the corner startling Bucky from his thoughts way closer than he thought she was. “And you don’t have to be up any time before ten, James. I don’t deal with single digit numbers.”        “It’s Bucky,” he smiled. “You don’t have to be so formal.”        “I know,” there was mischief glinting in her Y/E/C eyes. “But we shouldn’t disrespect the name you’ve been given… James.”
       Y/N was woken up by incessant knocking at the door, to the point she thought it would fall out of its hinges. When she ignored it for half a minute, hoping whoever it was, most likely Tony, would go away, there was a glimmer of hope in her heart, that it had worked. Then the door shook again.        “Fucking hell, I’m coming!” she yelled, her voice gruff from being unused throughout the whole night.        Swinging it open with as much force as possible, Y/N gave Bucky Barnes the biggest glare of his life. Not even Natasha’s gaze on an early morning when he had stolen the last bits of coffee, induced as much fear as hers did. She had established herself as a wildcard, and well, he hadn’t instantly fallen in love with Nat, so there was also that.        “What?” Y/N sneered, hair swishing around wildly. She was like a cute dragon, and Bucky almost snorted. “It’s five o’clock in the fucking morning. Your job doesn’t start until I’m up. And I told you – I don’t deal with single digit numbers.”        “False, my job is to protect you and that’s 24/7, but that’s not why I’m here. Tony has added self-defence training to your schedule.”        “At five in the morning?! Jesus Christ, I’m going to kill that asshole. Hey FRIDAY,” Y/N said looking up at the ceiling as if the A.I. would physically appear somewhere up there.        “Yes, Miss Y/L/N?”        “How much would I get for first-degree murder in the state of New York?”        “According to the law – twenty years to life, and up to life without the possibility of parole.”        “Hmm,” Y/N shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m still pretty young. Guess it’s time to get prepared for prison.” She was just about to stalk out of her room and most likely tell Tony’s ear off when Bucky caught onto her arms and gently pushed her back inside.        “No need for violence,” he snickered, seeing her throw her head back with a whine. “Now come on. Fifteen minutes, and I expect you to be down at the gym.”        “I fucking hate you. Both of you!”        “Fifteen minutes!” Bucky said, leaving Y/N to change, and as he went to the elevator, just before the door closed, a loud ‘Fuck off!’ answered the statement.        Maybe this whole Avengers/ bodyguard situation wouldn’t be so bad after all.
       “Come on, put that anger you felt for me and Tony this morning to use,” Bucky’s knee was right against Y/N’s chest as she heaved a breath, blowing out a stray piece of hair from her face. It had been the fifth time he’d taken her down, and she had had just about enough.       “Two more reps, and then we’re done for the day.”        “Two more reps,” she grunted as she pushed Bucky’s leg away and onto the floor. “This is abuse. Abuse I tell you!”        Bucky rolled his eyes, tightening up the hairband holding his locks in place. “Now you’re just being dramatic.”        “I’m related to Stark, of course, I’m being dramatic. It’s in our blood,” Y/N snarked getting in a fighting stance.        “Remember, concentrate on the knees. That’s the weakest part from every advantage point.”        Giving Bucky a sarcastic smile, as if they hadn’t been going over the same move for the last two and a half hours, she prepared herself as he stalked towards the woman, ready to ‘attack’. His arms went to circle around Y/N’s body to restrain her, but as they did so, she ducked under his armpit elbowing him in the side. To that Bucky responded by grabbing her by the arm and twisting it around, but this time, she twisted along with it and went straight for his knee, harshly slamming her foot at the side of it, bringing Bucky to the ground.        But he was quicker. Instantly, he grabbed her by the ankle and flung her back. All the air got knocked out of Y/N’s lungs, bringing them to the same position they had been just a few moments ago.        “And despite everything I’ve taught you today, somehow, you’re dead, yet again,” his grip on her arms was tight, but the playful smile on his lips showed nothing but care.        “I hate this,” Y/N pointed up with her eyes around the gym, “I hate you,” she looked directly into his blue orbs making Bucky’s mind go blank, “and I hate Tony. I wish I had never come here, and I wish I was dead.”        “You’re really running for the position of the most dramatic Avenger, aren’t you?”        Y/N’s eyebrow shot up to the middle of the forehead, as Bucky got off of her and extended a hand for her to take. “You just called me an Avenger, so that gives me even more of a reason to act like this.”        “You get what I mean,” he laughed, shaking his head. God, she really was related to Tony.        Together they made their way up to the kitchen. The silence that had settled wasn’t uncomfortable, but it was, in a way, – unsure. Neither knew the another really, but both felt like they could be themselves.        “James, you know you don’t have to follow me everywhere. Especially while I’m in the Tower. We have FRIDAY, Tony’s practically impenetrable security system, and I’m pretty sure the rest of the guys are coming back later today.”        Despite him insisting Y/N called him by his nickname, as everyone did, he couldn’t deny the flutter in his heart when she addressed him by his real name.        “I know, but this is my job now,” he gave her a small smile. “Need to keep you safe no matter where, what or why.”        “At least tell me you didn’t sleep by my door last night,” Y/N sighed, chugging a bit of the water before her eyes widened. “Or worse, that you didn’t sleep at all, and stood there the whole time.”        “I can assure you, I got enough sleep.”        But there was something behind Bucky’s eyes that didn’t allow Y/N to fully believe his statement. It was just like when Tony told her he was alright after working in the lab all night, or when he said his anxiety and PTSD was in check. Or when he claimed he totally hadn’t forgotten a thing Pepper had mentioned and he was so ready to go to it.        “Can I ask, how exactly are you related to Tony?” Bucky’s question took Y/N out from her thoughts. “I’ve never heard Stark mention that he had any living relatives.”    “I’m his mother’s cousin’s daughter. I know, it’s a stretch, but he’s the closest family I’ve got.”    “Not that big of a stretch,” Bucky shrugged following Y/N as they slowly went to the elevator and to her floor. “I mean, Wanda is dating the human embodiment of a microwave. I’ve heard weirder stuff.”    “Wow,” she breathed out drinking the last bits of her water. “What doesn’t happen in a decade when you’re out of the picture.”        “Yeah,” Bucky murmured, “I can relate to that.” But it went unheard by Y/N’s ears. What didn’t you miss when being 70 years under Hydra’s control?        “James, I’ll be fine,” she spoke up as they approached her room. “I don’t think anything bad’s gonna happen while I shower. Of course, there is the threat that my horrible singing will lead to dancing and that will lead to slipping, but that’s all on me.”        “I'd say I should stay just to hear the concert, but I think I'll need protection from that cat choir then. I’ll be on my way to get a shower myself – “    “Good, you stink,” Y/N scrunched up her nose in mock disgust. The comment got her a roll of the eyes, but he wasn’t finished. And she knew where the conversation was going. “Can I just ask one more thing?”        “Uh, sure,” her lip was already between her teeth even before the question was out of Bucky’s mouth.        “Why am I acting as your bodyguard? Why do you need one?”        “Hasn’t Tony told you? Thought it’d be in the contract or whatever,” she knew he hadn’t, but it wouldn’t hurt to delay the inevitable. Tony had been very explicit that it was Y/N’s call to tell Bucky as much as she felt was necessary.        “No, and I’d just like to know what I’m putting my life on the line for.”        “I guess saying that bad people are after me won’t do, will it?”        “Look, I can’t make you tell me anything,” Bucky huffed taking a step closer, “and I’m the last person that would pressure you into something that you don’t want to do. But I feel like it’s the least I deserve to know. I need to know who we’re up against here. Who I need to be prepared for.”        Y/N hugged herself and looked everywhere apart from Bucky as she explained things. Well, not everything but the big overview. “My ex… he was uh involved with some very bad people. He worked for them, still works for them. For a while I was out of the country, moving from place to place… then the snap happened.”        Bucky gulped remembering Steve’s face being the last thing he saw before his body disintegrated.        “Next thing I know, I’m waking up in the middle of the forest where I was out on a run. Thought I just passed out, overworked myself,” she let out a teary chuckle. “Not the case. I uh, immediately contacted Tony. I knew the second someone said ‘Iron Man saved us’ that asshole had done some self-sacrificial bullshit. When I called Pep, and she told me he was alright, I practically collapsed. Went to his house straight away to give him a piece of my mind. I guess the relief, if only for a moment, completely made me forget what was going on in my life… and that’s when shit started to go down again. The uh ex made himself known again, and the threats started once more. Tony offered for me to stay in the Tower, and though I refused, and said I’d be fine, he has a way with words… so here I am, and so are you.”        This time the silence was tense, and uncomfortable before Bucky broke it.        “But that’s not all of it, is it?”        “That’s all that you need to know. The details don’t matter,” Y/N flashed him a tight smile. “I’m gonna go grab a shower. I’ll see you in a bit.”        Bucky couldn’t even interject before he was left alone once more just like the previous day, only this time not with a fluttering heart, but with a heavy feeling in his stomach and more questions than before.
Tags (crossed out wouldn’t take): @shirukitsune @falling-stars-never-cry@lumelgy @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91 @dalilx @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns @averyrogers83 @in-the-end-im-still-trash @gallifreyansass @dewy-biitch @avxgers @unlikelygalaxygiver @sweet-ladyy @magicwithaknife @ollyoxenfrees @bnhvrdy @tvwhoresblog @celebsimagines @thatkindofgurl @sj-thefan@thunderous-flower @who-cares-rn @projectxhappiness @callmebucky-doll @coal000 @killuaenthusiast @courtneychicken @sophiealiice @raquelbc2003 @watch-out-for-thorns @potentially-kinetic @thatonegirljessy99 @proxinge @bbkenna @buckysclub @ulired @fangirlofeverythingbasically @mrsalh32611 @horrorx570ximagines @the-nargles-made-me-do-it @pooslie @itsisabelanotisabella @httpmcrvel @purplebananatragedy @pxrrishly @parker-barnes-af @skulliebythesea @california-grown @piensa-bonito @belongsto-prachi @nerissa98 @happyseagrill @asguardiansoftheavengers @crazybutconfidentaf @wishingforahome @pizzarollpatrol @desir-ae @lavalampskyy 
A/N: soo, my tags for Bucky ain’t working and I’m genuinely pissed about that. Tumblr, wtf?! Get your shit together!
P.S. my tags are always open :)
P.S.S. feedback is always appreciated :)
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shes-claws-deep · 6 years
Brothel Demonstration - Mercy, Reinhardt, Zenyatta
My good girl Angela is an excellent choice for a demonstration, as is Reinhardt, a retired breeding bull. Zenyatta is currently not on the roster as a slave, but he is available for massages and aftercare.
Jack brings in Angela and Reinhardt by their collars, Zenyatta following behind obediently. Angela is scantily clad in tissue-thin panties and a simple harness around her chest to emphasise her breasts, leaving nothing to the imagination. Reinhardt is completely bare, exposing his well-built form and the thick, flaccid cock hanging between his legs. They are then made to kneel beside the Madam, both clasping their hands behind their back. Zenyatta, too, follows suit, though he is wearing a tasteful set of trousers.
The Madam first gestures to Angela, running her hand over the blonde’s loose hair.
Angela, oh Angela. Formerly a doctor working in emergency medicine, Angela still carries the stress of the profession on her shoulders. She is very responsive, very pent up, and very, very horny. Once you get her going, there’s no way she’s going to stop. She can cum for ages and still feel the urge to keep fucking, to keep cumming.
With a nod from his boss, Jack extends Angela’s legs and straps leather cuffs to her thighs, knees, and ankles. The cuffs on her knees are attached to her chest as Jack easily manipulates Angela into position against his body. He reaches up for a few chains hanging from the ceiling, attaching them to her chest, her ankles, and her thighs so she hangs in place. Then, bit by bit, he raises her until she’s suspended above the ground, her holes perfectly level with the Madam’s waist.
Perfect. Thank you, Jack. Now, Angela’s holes are greedy. Very greedy indeed. She can take cocks of any size; even the biggest dildos are no match for her pussy. Observe.
The Madam takes a horse-like dildo from the nearby cart, hefting it before the audience to show exactly how big it is. Its girth is larger than the Madam’s bicep and as long as her forearm. She douses it in lube, smearing some on Angela’s already leaking pussy, and nudges the flared tip against her clit.
The blonde moans tremulously, her lips already slack before her Mistress starts to stuff the huge cock into her pussy. Her pussylips stretch to an incredible size, swallowing up the cock slowly but surely. She struggles as she passes the halfway mark, but her restraints hold her too well, stopping her from moving as the Madam forces the rest of it in. The base is then secured with an additional strap, holding it inside her stuffed, leaking pussy so she can milk it as much as she wants.
She loves being humiliated, my angel does. Overstimulation too. Oh, but if you could combine both, Angela will become the ultimate pet for a lucky customer.
Jack hands the Madam a huge butt plug, one with cables trailing from the flat end. This plug goes into Angela’s winking asshole, the bud already stretching open from the strain in her legs and the position she’s held in. It goes in without a fuss with the help of some lube, filling Angela’s other hole to the brim. She sobs out loud and pleads with the Madam, begging her to stop as she feels too full. She’ll break. Please stop.
The Madam merely smiles and takes a vibrating wand. Presses it against her clit. And watches her dance.
Cumslaves like you don’t get to choose, my angel. If I want you to dance for my audience, then dance you will. Remember that you’re nothing more than my cumrag.
Angela yells at the top of her voice, the intense vibrations sending her over the edge. Forcing her to cum once. Then twice in quick succession. And then three times. Over and over and over until she’s nothing more than quivering, mindless slave.
The Madam grins at the audience and comes up behind Angela, using the opportunity to not only attach the vibrator to her clit but to fondle her breasts and pinch her nipples until they turned cherry red from the abuse.
At this point, Angela is senseless and trembling uncontrollably, her eyes long rolled into her skull and her tongue lolling out of her mouth.
Now, the Madam turns to Zenyatta.
Keep her awake, Zenyatta. I want her to suffer every bit of pleasure I deign to give her.
The omnic bows and sends an orb of harmony forth, the golden wisp hanging above Angela and rejuvenating her. The stream of healing does its job, bringing the former doctor to her senses and making her scream anew at the intense pain of her multiple orgasms.
Reinhardt. Ah, Reinhardt. A former breeding bull of mine. As you can see, he is incredibly hung. Almost as much as a horse, one might say.
The Madam bids the massive man to stand and fondles his cock until it rises to full mast.
Although much older than the rest of my merchandise, Reinhardt still maintains an intense regiment to keep up his libido. I daresay he is still able to fuck anyone into unconsciousness if given the order. His stud roots cannot be denied, even in retirement.
She spins him around and forces him to bend over, putting his hands on his ass cheeks so he’s able to spread himself wide open.
His hole is well used and well seasoned, able to pull orgasms out of any cock that penetrates him. He’s not as, hm, stretchy as the Shimada brothers, but he can cum from anal penetration alone. He is experienced in prostate milking and he’s very, very sensitive there.
To demonstrate, she dons a glove and douses her fingers in lube, then slips them into him with only a small moan escaping him. Still, Reinhardt maintains his posture with his feet wide apart despite the tremble in his fingers. The Madam probes deep with two fingers, dipping and clawing until she finds his prostate with unerring ease.
Immediately, he cries out and his knees shake as she stimulates his prostate with an ease born from experience.
Jack, get down on your knees and suck his cock for me. I want our audience to see exactly how much cum our giant can produce.
Without complaint, Jack kneels before Reinhardt, offering the massive man a place to brace himself as the scarred man swallows Reinhardt’s monster cock down his throat. In tandem, they tease and drive Reinhardt to a frenzy; Jack through his silver tongue and clever lips, and the Madam through her fingertips at his now bulging prostate.
Like Angela, Reinhardt begins to beg and plead, rocking his hips back and forth needily to get more sensation. More pleasure. More everything. Luckily for him,, his demonstration also includes copious amounts of cum.
Reinhardt can only cum on command; if he isn’t given permission, he will be unable to orgasm no matter how hard he tries. So, ladies and gentlemen, is he allowed to cum?
A resounding yes echoes throughout the room and Reinhardt can only sob in relief as he cums like a hose. Jack can only swallow one mouthful before he’s forced to retreat, taking a bucketload of cum on his face and his chest. Reinhardt’s cock bobs and twitches, spewing spurt after spurt until Jack’s face looks like it’s been glazed with icing. Yet, he continues to cum even after his cock settles down into a half hard state, helped along by your handy fingers at his prostate that keep the milk going.
With your fingers in his ass, Reinhardt will be forced to cum again and again until you stop. When he was a breeding bull, he was trained to keep cumming until he’s absolutely worn out; which means that he has to drop unconscious before his libido forces him to stop.
On cue, Reinhardt’s cock swells back to full strength, pressing insistently against Jack’s mouth until he opens up and takes his fellow slave’s cock down his throat again. The Madam stops fingering his ass, this time dragging over a fucking machine and impaling him on the massive dildo mounted upon it. Both Reinhardt and Jack can only moan as the movements rock him back and forth, controlling the pace such that both men can only take what the machine dishes out.
And that’s it for this demonstration, everyone! If anyone would like to get a taste of either Angela’s or Reinhardt’s cum, please step forward and I’ll let you have a lick. Both are insatiable when it comes to pleasure and orgasms, so I’m sure whoever has them for the night will be just as wrung out as they are now.
Angela wails loudly as she cums for the nth time, the floor beneath her soaked through and a large puddle of her cum already pooling, the cum dripping around the huge dildo still jammed deep in her pussy. As for Reinhardt, he’s breathing through his second orgasm from Jack’s talented mouth and the insistent cock fucking his ass and jabbing at his prostate, covering the floor in a thin white layer of cum before he jerks back to hardness again.
Zenyatta will be available for samples of his incredible massage skills. Tantric massages are also on the menu, as is relaxation massages and meditating spas.
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Rescue Me (a Tony/Stephen merman au) part 17
Well, this chapter turned out to be quite a bit longer than I expected. Let’s see how I did.
Also, I may have borrowed some dialogue from “Infinity War”, but it was for a good cause ;-)
Links to part 1 and part 16
Tagging:  @ssironstrange @tonystark5ever @sunbean72 @strangemischief @starkstrangequill @mrsstarkstrange @theelvishsociopath @cora-devil @swanheart69 @savedbyholmes @tralfazziod @slytherinironstrange @livgg15 @ennastarkfanfics @le-ephemere @dan-doggo @emmagan @the-gay-gang   @gandalfsoda @whyimnotcreativequestionmark @deathbystarlight @metalandfood @tisfan @ancientmuse @lovekiku @el-rezet @aishus    @larrklopp @fangirl-suri @bananasofthorns @tommyf-ingshelby @mostly-marvel-stuffs @syra-nyth
part 17
“Why?” Stephen was standing before him now, hands clutching at Tony’s shoulders, clinging to him as to a lifeline.  “Why would you do that?” And the anguished break in his voice was almost too much for Tony to bear.
 “You know why,” he exhaled, feeling suddenly so, so very tired.  They have been arguing for so long now – an eternity, it seemed to his exhausted mind, and he just… he just wanted it to stop.  “You know­–”
 “You think I’d want to forget you?” Stephen interrupted, his grip becoming just shy of painful.  “You think I’d want to forget this?”
 And Tony moaned despite himself as Stephen’s lips closed over his, hungry, desperate.  Melted will-lessly into the kiss, his weakened, poison-ravaged body yearning for the brilliant warmth of Stephen’s affection, drawn to it like a moth to a flame.
 “How… how can you expect me to want to lose any of this?” Stephen pulled away abruptly, watching him with broken eyes, and it was all Tony could do to keep his rubbery legs under him, to keep himself from sagging feebly in his lover’s hold.
 Tony closed his eyes briefly, giving himself a moment to regain his bearings, a moment to pull together the strength to say what he needed.  Sighed deeply, reaching up to gently cup the mer’s tear-stained cheek, his lips twitching wistfully when the other leaned slightly into his touch. “I cannot be the reason you suffer, Stephen.  I am a curse, I taint everything I touch.  I… I was never meant to be happy.  What I had with you… those years… they were a gift I never deserved.  And you… you have already gone through too much because of me, because of my f-fucked up life.  I…” He choked out a breath, harsh and watery like a sob, curled his free hand into a fist to keep it from shaking. “You don’t deserve this.  It isn’t worth your pain or….” He swallowed harshly, his voice faltering under the stormy gaze of tear-filled blues, “or your death. I… am not worth it.”  He shook his head, pressing a finger against Stephen’s lips when the mer moved to object.  “No.  No, Stephen. I cannot have your death on my conscience.  I… I won’t.”
 “You can’t be making this decision for me, Tony.  You–” Stephen’s face twisted as if in pain, his breathing ragged, hands digging into Tony’s shoulders hard enough to make him flinch.  “This isn’t your choice to make!”
He nodded jerkily, looking away again.  Forced out as steady as he could with tears swelling in his throat, “I’m sorry, Stephen. There is no other way.”
 “No.”  Stephen shook him, none too gently.  “No!”
 “Enough!” the witch growled out suddenly, bringing them both up short.  “Enough,” she repeated, stepping closer, her lips twisted with displeasure.  “If I have to hear any more of this,” she waved her hand between them with an air of disdainful disapproval, “I am going to be sick.”
 “Look,” Tony bristled, getting over the initial shock of her unexpected intrusion and twisting in Stephen’s arms to face the witch head on, “this isn’t helping, alright? I asked you for a favor, and if you cared even a little bit about him, you’d–”
 “Be quiet, human.” The green eyes flashed in clear warning, the snakes rearing their heads with a loud uniform hiss.  
 He clenched his mouth shut then, staring at her defiantly, and she shook her head, the snakes settling down as she stepped closer still.  
 “There may be another solution to this,” she mused, and Tony had to fight the urge to recoil as she reached out to scrape her black talons along the edges of the faintly flickering circle of light in his chest.  She smirked, noting his discomfort, flicked her fingers at the smooth glass, making him flinch. “Don’t worry, human.  If I wanted to break your little device here, I had plenty of opportunity to do so while you were lying on that bed out cold.”
He stiffened, the simple truth of her words filling his chest with cold, his mind flashing back to Obadiah’s gleeful, predatory smile as the man hovered over him, the arc reactor clutched triumphantly in his hand.  
 “You’re safe, Tony.” Stephen’s arms tightened around him in a protective hold, lips pressing softly into the skin above his temple, pulling him back into the present.  “You’re safe.  She never… she helped you.”
 He frowned at that, flicking his gaze between the two of them.  “Helped how?”
 “Your device was dead when Stephen brought you in,” the witch replied with a careless shrug.  “The element that powers it was burned out.  I…”  She raised her hand, palm up, and Tony’s eyes widened at the sight of a faint emerald glow that sparked between her fingers.  “…gave it a bit of a boost.  A temporary fix, to be sure.  But should hold long enough.”
 “Long enough for what?”
 But the witch was no longer looking at him, her focus wholly and solely on Stephen.  “There’s an ancient being that rules one of the dimensions I taught you about.  Dormammu’s his name.  He’s as powerful as he is old.  And just as evil.  But he possesses an amulet that encases a gem born out of the depths of the cosmos before time was time.  The power of that gem might just be enough to keep your human alive.”
 “A new element,” Tony murmured, glancing subconsciously down at his reactor.  He had been trying to find a suitable replacement for palladium ever since he realized what effect it was having on his body, but none of the tests he ran ever yielded a positive result.  Of course, he only ever dealt with known elements on Earth.
 The witch hummed, deigning him with a look of confirmation.  “Nothing that exists here on Earth is powerful enough to fuel this device without also killing you in the process.  This gem, however….”  She trailed off, watching the two of them expectantly.
 “Tell me where to go.” Stephen released Tony abruptly, taking a step toward her, readiness to act bleeding from his very posture.
 Tony grabbed him by the arm, pulled him back, ignoring the mer’s protest.  “What’s the catch?” he inquired tensely, his eyes never leaving the witch’s face.  Because things were never that easy.  Because she would have mentioned this sooner if they were.
 The witch’s face split into a smile, wide and just this side of predatory.  “The catch, human, is that Dormammu won’t appreciate anyone intruding upon his realm, not to mention wanting to take something from him.  And beings as old and as powerful as him, they tend to destroy things they don’t appreciate.  Painfully.”
 Tony took a step back, tugging Stephen along.  “No,” he said firmly, his fingers digging into Stephen’s bicep lest the other pull away. “Nuh-uh, not happening.”
 “No.”  He pushed Stephen behind him, placing himself between him and the witch, as if that would somehow protect the mer from the sheer madness of the witch’s proposed solution.  Twisted around, grasping Stephen’s shirt with both hands.  “Think about it – you get killed out there, I still die, and it’s all for nothing.  There’s no–”
 “He doesn’t have to,” the witch spoke up calmly behind him, and he whirled back to face her just in time to see her expression shift into something more enigmatic.  “Get killed, that is.”
 “What do you mean?”
 She held up her hand again, her fingers uncurling to reveal a golden oval-shaped pendant with a brightly glowing malachite-green jewel at its center. “This,” she said, holding the pendant out to Tony, who took it with quite a bit of trepidation, “will keep him tethered to our reality, to you.  And he will return whole, no matter what is done to him.”  She paused, watching him as he examined the pendant.  Added with a kind of quiet, intense urgency, “If and only if you don’t let go of that amulet I gave you.”
 Tony looked up at that, narrowing his gaze at the carefully shuttered expression on the witch’s face. “It won’t be pleasant for me, will it,” he guessed, feeling Stephen’s hand grasp his free one, squeezing it in silent support.
 She didn’t deny it.  “You will feel everything that he goes through, perhaps more so.  And with your condition,” she nodded at the arc reactor, “you may not survive the experience. But there’s a chance you will, and the way I see it, you don’t have much to lose.”
 Tony nodded, his forehead creasing in thought as he looked back down at the innocuous looking jewel in his palm.  Felt Stephen shift beside him, the mer’s arms encircling him, warm, loving, safe. “I don’t want you getting hurt because of me,” he murmured, letting Stephen turn him around, pull him into the familiar cocoon of his embrace.  “I… if I die anyway, it’s–”
 “It’s a chance, Tony,” Stephen argued above him, a fervent, solemn plea in his voice.  “It’s more than we could hope for even a few minutes ago. We have to take it.  I have to take it.  Please.”
 He closed his eyes, letting his forehead thump gently against Stephen’s chest.  The ever-present exhaustion was weighing him down more and more with each passing second, and the increasingly uneven, stuttering beat of his heart warned him that whatever magic the witch had performed on him to keep his reactor from shutting down completely was starting to wear off.  There was little time left to lose.
 “Okay,” he breathed, his fingers closing tight around the pendant. Pulled back a bit, the fingers of his free hand fisting the fabric of Stephen’s shirt.  “You just… just promise me that you’ll stay alive.”
 Stephen smiled at him, leaning in to press a desperately gentle kiss against Tony’s lips.  “I will,” he vowed, “as long as you promise me the same.”
 He huffed wetly at that, his heart clenching in foreboding.    “I love you,” he thought, ghosting his fingers down Stephen’s cheek, trying to commit this moment to memory – the soft look in Stephen’s eyes, the warmth of Stephen’s skin underneath his fingertips.  Unable to shake the feeling that this was it for them, a goodbye.  “I love you so much.”  
 “I’ll do my best,” he said out loud, mustering as good of a smile as he could manage for Stephen’s sake.
 And the look of timid hope that brightened Stephen’s eyes in response to his empty promise was worth it.
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bluboothalassophile · 6 years
Oh man JayRae and 🌾 I NEED that sweet lil hayride FLUFF
I can totally do that, though I don’t know how fluffy this is by your standards.
The King of Fuck Ups & the Queen of Hell…
“And we’re here, why?” Raven asked, focusing on her corn on astick.
“Cause this is what Bats dragged us off to do,” Jason grumbled.She slammed her elbow in his stomach which had him glaring at her. Innocentlyshe took another bite of her corn.
“Cause it’s fun,” Tim answered.
“Well, that’s not what I mean, I get why you’re here,” sheanswered. “I mean why am I here? I’m not family.”
“Cause, this is fun, and you’re honorary family. Cass and Stephanieinvited you,” Tim reminded her.
“Yes, and I just got back from Wally and Artemis’ wedding. Ihave school.”
“Live a little.”
“And If I Have To Be Here, You Do Too.” Jason growledmenacingly which had her frowning as she looked up at him.
“I don’t scare, I’m a demon, not a weak little girl,” Raven growledback.
“Little bird, I am not going to hell alone.”
“I’m the Queen, do honestly think you can keep me trapped inhell?” Raven demanded.
“Yes. Yes I Can.”
“Oh, hayride! Let’s go!” Raven decided smugly grabbing his armas she dragged Jason after her. There was no way she was going to pass up the opportunityto make his life miserable after all the crap she had endure because of hisscrewy family.
“Jason. Peter. Todd. You. Owe. Me.” Raven growled at him asshe saw eyes landing on them, Jason hid a bit more under his Gotham Knight hat.
“I hate you.”
“You adore me, so come along minion,” she countered as shedragged him along.
“Advisor,” he disgruntledly corrected as he caught her waistand picked her up onto the hay ride before she grabbed his hand so he followed.
“You wish.”
“I’m warning you, just cause you’re the queen does not meanyou get to demote me at whim.”
“Fine, you can remain an advisor,” Raven sighed as she sat almoston Jason’s lap; there was no room with the other people here. Jason just sighedand she squeaked when she was tugged down onto his lap, his arms looping aroundher waist as his chin rested on her head.
“You’re a pain in the ass little bird,” he muttered.
“This from you?” she sputtered. His amusement was rollingoff him in waves, she could almost see his shit face grin and she kind ofwanted to punch him for that grin; though she couldn’t see it.
“Hey, how was New Mexico?” he asked.
“It was… good,” she sighed just leaning on him now. “Reallygood. Unnervingly good. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing.”
“It was good, sunshine,” he pointed out.
“True, but I mean, given my history, good stuff never stayslong.”
“Look at you brother and moms,” he countered.
“All of them picked me. They had a choice, Alice and thefamily, they’re related to me whether they like that or not, and as they saw, I’m…I…” she sighed.
“You’re a Queen Rae,” he reminded her.
“Queen of Hell,” she snorted.
“Semantics,” he dismissed. “And after all the pushing you doon me about my family I’ll push this to annoy you.”
“You would,” she sighed.
“So do you like them?”
“I don’t think like is the operative word, Jay.”
“Then what is?”
“I think I’m… fascinated by them. They were… Alice isnothing like my mother, and yet there’s this fire in her that’s so much likewhat my mother had,” Raven admitted. “She also reminds me of my mother,” shewhispered.
“Nothing wrong with that.”
“I know. But… being around me, Mary’s… magic manifested,”she said in a hushed tone.
“Roy said something like that, said there was a school in Louisianashe was offered to go to too.”
“I know, but… Jay, magic like that, it wasn’t… it wasdormant, she was normal, she was free, and then she hangs around me and… nowshe’s not…” she managed awkwardly not wanting to draw attention to themselves.
“You can’t blame yourself for magic, little bird. You’repractically walking magic,” he said smugly.
“That’s not the point Jason, she was normal. She was a normalthirteen year old girl, who didn’t have to deal with that sort of responsibilitynor did she have to have the crushing weight of the truth shoved on hershoulders about my magic. I destroyed her innocence,” Raven murmured.
“I doubt that. Look, I don’t know much about thesupernatural or the magic of the world Rae, but you, you are magic, and you don’truin things by being magic,” he said and she looked up at her best friend now. “Takeit from the King of Fuck Ups, you’re in the clear Queen.”
“And now I remember how charming you are when you’reschmoozing it on.”
“I’m schmoozing nothing, little bird!” he squawked.
“You know, I still think you’re the best friend I’ve everhad.”
“So you forgive me for stealing your book and mind and I’moff the shit list to live my life in peace as a Tibetan Buddhist Monk?”
“Not a chance.”
“Fuck, it was worth a shot.”
“Thanks Jay.”
“For what?”
“For being my best friend.”
“I don’t do chick flick moments, but right back at you, andwe are never letting the demon brat find out about this or he’ll think up more decrepitthings than the mistletoe and KissCam,” Jason sighed.
“We gotta figure out how to get him to stop that,” Raven admitted.
“Until the little gremlin actually gets pervy we can leavehim to his decrepit fantasies.”
“They’re getting annoying.”
“True, but we’re cool so why worry about the demon spawn?”
“I’d be insulted, but I know what you mean.”
“Besides, it’s not like we’re ever going to be more thanbest friends, so he won’t succeed.”
“True, he’s still an annoying little gremlin.”
“Ah-ha! So you admit he’s a gremlin!”
“I’ve never denied it.”
“Then what the hell are the rest of us!?”
“Dick’s an angel, Tim’s a vampire, Damian’s a gremlin, Terry’sa werewolf, Cass is a fairy, Stephanie is an agent of Chaos, Helena is ananimagus, Mar’i’s a sprite, and Duke’s obvious some sort of wizard.”
“What the hell am I!?”
“I thought it was obvious you were a Zombie.”
“Bloody demon, I’d feast on your brains first!”
“It’s only embarrassing that you’re a zombie and you havenever thought your family’s brains are appealing.”
“They don’t have brains. It requires an iota of commonsense, they obviously have none.”
“Well, as the Queen I ‘d advise you to look else where foryour brain fetish.”
“It’s a feast. And why!? You’re be so tasty with how smartyou are!” he whined.
“They’re safely tucked away, in a different book.”
“The travesty of that.”
“But you see, they’re safe, you’d never harm a book!” shemocked the challenge.
“Well, if I ate your brains, I’d be stuck with nitwitsanyway, and that’s a travesty I cannot handle little bird. All my stimulatingcompany narrows to just Alfred, and he’s a god, but busy.”
“And this is why I’m the Queen.”
“The Black Queen on the chess board.”
“I could be the White Queen!”
“Love, you are neither blonde enough, nor are you sluttyenough to be the White Queen.”
“Are you mocking me?”
“No. Merely stating facts, and hey, look, a scarecrow. Can Imail that to Arkham?”
“And you wonder why people have issues with Gotham.”
“I’ve never wondered!”
“Uh-huh. At least my Mets don’t suck balls like the GothamKnights.”
“You’re fitting dirty demon, don’t start something we can’tfinish.”
“Test me, human.”
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emerald-eyes-8917 · 6 years
Your Hand in Mine (Until the end of the world...)
This is response to an anon prompt that I received via my askbox about Dan being upset about a fan taking a photo of him and the reader holding hands,what with the Internet being so judgemental.
I hope you enjoy this, anon, whoever you are, and this will be crossed posted to ArchiveofOurOwn as well, so any comments or reblogs would be much appreciated.  So without further ado, here we go!
P.S. : I would rate this R, so take care if you are reading at work.  And here we go for real!
The day had been too long and the wrong side of busy.  She was immensely grateful for the clock striking five o'clock when she was able to leave the office, already looking forward to seeing her partner again, the inimitable Dan Avidan.
It still gave her a frisson of delight to think of him as her partner, even after these few months together.  
He had been working hard on his music lately, as well as video shoots, promotion and planning tour dates for the upcoming Tour de Force, and she had missed him a great deal while still feeling so proud of him, Brian and TWRP for all they had achieved together, and that success surely continuing to grow.
Sending him a quick message that she was on her way home, followed by a line of heart and star emojis, she gets in her car to go pick up some dinner on the way, unable to keep herself from singing along to 'Danny, Don't You Know?' as soon as it comes up on her iTunes shuffle, unaware that her screen does not notify her of any replying message.
An hour later...
Arriving back at Dan's apartment, she places the sushi meals to one side, for knowing the unpredictable hours that it took while recording the Game Grumps show, it would not be worth it to pick up a hot meal that would go cold in minutes.
There was still no reply to her message, but that was hardly alarming.  Dan rarely replied on days when there was plenty of games to play with Arin or music to record for Ninja Sex Party or Starbomb.  He pushed himself too far sometimes, and she prays to herself that this was not one of those days where he was on the brink of exhaustion.
She makes some tea, tidying up around the apartment to occupy herself, humming quietly and waiting patiently for his return.
However, after eight o'clock passes without any sign of him, she begins to feel a strong feeling of worry creeping in.
She sends one more message, 'Hey Dan, hope you're not working too hard!  I have dinner here at home so don't worry about picking up anything if you're hungry and plenty of warm tea too.  See you later.  xxxx'
Typing an 'I love you' at the end of the message seemed like a desperate manuevre to get his attention, since she was beginning to feel quite anxious about his lack of replies.
A half hour passes and she is pacing around the flat like a caged animal, clutching her phone like a lifeline, extremely close to panic, when the jangle of keys makes her jump, heart beating quite fast.
The door opens and Dan walks in, head bowed, not even calling out her name or any other greeting.
Before she can even say hello or ask what he had been up to all evening, or why he had her almost worried sick, he has stalked through the living room, not even casting a look at her, making for the bedroom, and closes the door quite sharply, the loud snap echoing through the apartment and leaving her nerve endings pricking with fright.
She is left standing alone, eyes stinging and chest heaving.  Throwing her phone on the sofa, making it bounce off the cushions with some force, she could have almost screamed in frustration or burst into tears at this insensitive treatment.
She had been near frantic with the pervading thought that he could have been in an accident, and when he finally decided to come home, he does not even say a word or offer any explanation.
White, hot anger floods her veins and she strides over to the bedroom door, rapping loudly with her knuckles.
"Dan!  /Dan/!  Open up, we need to talk, right now!"
No answer.
"Dan... I am coming into the bedroom to speak to you, because you are acting like a real jerk right now, and I've been worried about you all evening and I deserve to know what is going on.  I am opening the door, I gave you fair warning..."
Turning the handle, she pushes the door open, walking into the bedroom at such a quick pace that she almost trips over her own feet, prepared to launch into a tirade, but she halts immediately at the sight of Dan sitting with his back to her on the edge of the bed, bent over with his hands clenching and unclenching in his hair.
The rage suddenly evaporates into pure concern at this tableau.  It was not sulking, nor was he pacing the room.  This reaction was something else...
Swallowing thickly, she whispers, "Danny?"
Still no response.
She ventures forward carefully, treading softly, her voice nothing more than a soft whisper, "Dan... has something happened?  Tell me?"
Her immediate thought focuses in on his family, that a terrible event had occurred involving his grandmother, his parents, his sister or his nephews.
He still doesn't reply, and now she cannot disguise the tremor in her voice, "Danny, you're scaring me... please... please talk to me."
It is only then that Dan sits up straight, turning his head slowly towards her, and already she can see that his eyes are glimmering, the corners of his mouth down-turned, his entire posture speaking of someone defeated.
She shuts her eyes, huffing a sigh, "Hi, Dan."
He looks down again, not being able to meet her eyes for more than a few seconds, admitting quietly, "I seem to have fucked up quite badly, haven't I?"
She does not answer, only calling on all the love she possessed and all the strength left in her body not to collapse.
"I didn't mean to scare you.  I read your messages, but I was driving and couldn't get my phone to reply.  I just... I needed to go for a drive and think."
This conversation was almost like getting blood out of a stone and her patience was wearing quite thin, so she asks once more, "Think about what?  Please tell me what's happened or else I will walk out of here..."
"Someone took a photo of us."
A beat.
"What?"  It is akin to being doused with ice-cold water, the gravity settling down on her and all she can do is sit down heavily on the corner of the bed across from him, looking straight at him.
Dan still does not meet her eyes, and pushes back his shoulders as if steeling himself to make a long speech, "Someone, a fan probably, managed to get a photo of us together.  When we were leaving that restaurant last week and I decided to take your hand because we were having a nice time out, and I like holding your hand, but then some jerk decided to take a photo of us out together and post it to their Instagram with the caption 'Shattered dreams of the fangirls' with maybe about a hundred comments about your clothes, your hair and who you could possibly be.  I've had my privacy denied, and yours as well, so someone could make a joke and everything's just crappy now and I'm just really pissed off about it..."
He brings his fist down on the mattress with a solid thump and she starts with fright.  She had never seen him angry before in all the time they had been together, and it was not a pleasant sight.
His voice sounds quite shaky now, as if he was holding back tears, "You know I love the fans.  They give me the chance to have a dream job, to do amazing things, but Goddamnit, I lose my patience sometimes, and it's so horrible to feel that way.  It's like dealing with really immature people sometimes, who just want to posture and be negative and make a judgement.  It's the same when there are really mean, personal comments about Arin's skill with video games,with people telling him that he sucks all the time and I have to defend him.  I shouldn't have to, and I shouldn't have to defend my relationship, either.  Everyone is just so judgemental on the internet without even knowing the whole story and it's just the worst..."
Taking all of this in, she wraps her arms around her middle, hugging herself quite tight.  Her own personal reaction to someone posting a photo of them online was one of quiet shock, it being the first time she had ever even been linked to anyone from the Grumps crew, let alone someone she was intimate with.  She was also feeling heartbroken at Dan losing any ounce of faith in his fans, the negative side of fandom clearly on display here.
Summoning up all the courage she can, she whispers, "What do you want to do?"
Dan heaves a sigh, "Nothing I can do.  It was out in the street, in public, by chance.  If I start anything negative, the backlash will be huge and some of the fans might take offence.  You saw how it was when I first joined the show, can you even imagine what it would be like now?  There is hero worship that can turn on a dime in a second.  No, someone took their opportunity and it just pisses me off that people don't know where the boundary lies.  I want my relationship to not be posted online, unless it's my choice, and trust me, I won't be doing that, because it's not fair to drag you into this bullshit.  You don't deserve hate or trolls or anything of that immature stuff... I just want us to be together, to enjoy this time together, and not worry about people hiding behind their keyboards being trolls or having to read that I've broken peoples' hearts."
He runs his hands through his hair, flopping back on the bed, arms outstretched either side of him.  He tips his chin up slightly and looks at her upside down, and immediately his forehead creases when he takes in her expression and her defeated posture.
"Oh... oh, God... I've upset you.  Baby, I didn't mean to..."
He opens his arms and like a magnet, she immediately shuffles across to let him take her in his arms, hugging her clumsily, all the emotions coming to the surface: relief that he home and safe, hurt that he had shut her out, the feeling of upset that their relationship was being scrutinised.  All she can do is allow the tears to fall, hiding her face in his chest and clinging to him tightly.
"Baby... I'm so sorry... I'm sorry for all of this... it’s just a fucking mess and you don’t deserve it.  I’m so, so sorry..."
She lets out a shuddering sob, "Danny... I need to say something..."
"Yeah?  What is it?"  The question is almost fearful, and even now she can detect his heartbeat picking up pace.
Why must I love you so much?  Why does it hurt?
She presses her hands to his chest and sits back from him slightly, though not completely separating herself from him, lower lip trembling as she speaks, just about managing to get the words out without breaking down into sobs, "I don't like it when you close yourself off from me.  It's like... I feel that you don't trust me when you don't open up, that you don't want to talk to me, and... it really hurts.  I'm sorry about someone invading our privacy, it shouldn't have happened, but we can work through that together, only if you talk to me."
Dan lowers his eyes, utterly ashamed, "I know that... I guess I thought I could protect you from all that..."
She lightly thumps her palm against his chest, not enough to hurt, but to make him look up at her, "You don't have to protect me.  You can tell me anything, you know that, right?"
All he can do is nod, tears already beginning to escape from the corners of his eyes, but he does not allow his face to crumple.
"I do trust you... I think I need to work on expressing myself better."
"We both do.  We can learn together."
She lifts her hand to touch his cheek and stroke away the warm tears, heart aching as he turns his face more into her palm, pressing a kiss to her skin, murmuring that he was sorry over and over.
She slowly lowers her hand from his face, reaching for his own hand, interlacing their fingers together, holding them up between them while looking into his eyes with quiet intent.
"You feel this?"
"Yeah..."  He has his head lowered, staring down at their joined hands quite intently
"You can hold my hand anytime you want, in public, in private, wherever you want.  As long as you have my hand in yours, then everything will be okay.  I am not letting you go, Danny..."
He squeezes that bit tighter, leaning his forehead against hers with a soft sigh.
She continues, "I know you're angry, and upset, but we can choose to rise above this or sink down to a level that is undeserving.  We can come through this..."
He chuckles quietly, "I'm done with telling you that I'm sorry.  Let me show you now... let me make it up to you, please?"
Before she can even reply, he has ducked his head closer to gently kiss her, his curls tumbling in a soft cloud close to her face, ticking her cheeks as he tilts his head closer, deepening the kiss with a low groan in his chest and she leans closer, sliding her arms around his neck, responding with eagerness because she had truly missed him, and even the thought of losing him made her kissing more desperate.
Dan lets out another needy sound, his arms locking around her waist, leaning back and bringing her with him down onto the bed, shifting so she was draped across him, nudging his leg in between hers, his hips grinding up lazily against her.
Bracing her hands on either side of his head, she brushes light kisses across his face as he reaches up to tangle his hands in her hair, angling her head closer so he could kiss her again.
Just as their lips make contact again, her eyes flutter open and she lifts her head up and away, looking off to one side in deep thought.
Dan mumbles, quite bemused, “Baby... why’d you stop?”
She says quietly, “Wait... hold that thought."
She clambers off him, rolling over and hopping off the bed, darting just out of reach before he could catch hold of her again, only giving him a smile over her shoulder before returning to the living room to retrieve her phone, hearing him call out a 'Baby, come back'.
Sure enough, she returns in a matter of seconds, smoothing down her hair, sitting up on the bed with her back against the headboard, patting the space beside her.
"Here, come sit by me."
Dan tilts his head, completely perturbed, his hair mussed from her ruffling before complying with a groan, dragging himself up the bed towards her, "I'm getting so old..."
She shakes her head with a smile as he sits up beside her, folding his arms, "You look like someone with a crazy idea."
She gives him a patient look, "Just humour me, please?  I want to do this before we get too carried away.  Which can easily happen, as you well know."
Opening up the camera on her phone, she puts the screen to selfie mode, sliding down to rest back against the pillows, beckoning for him to do the same.
He sighs, sliding in beside her, and she moves in closer so her face was right beside his.
"Come on, take a picture with me."
Dan raises an eyebrow, "Ummm... why?"
"You'll see why.  Go on, give me a handsome smile."
Instead, Dan pulls a comical face with his nostrils flared and his eyes wide open.
She laughs at the sight, sticking her tongue out the corner of her mouth, snapping a quick photo.
"Alright... now be confused."
"It's improv and you’re a master at it, just trust me."
Dan makes an overly quizzical face as she touches her chin with her eyes looking to one side, taking another photo.
"Now be scared."
At first, he doesn't do anything, but then he gasps loudly, "There's a spider on your leg."
Just as she yelps, her thumb hits the shutter button and then he dissolves into laughter.  "Got you."
"You are the worst!"
Deciding to take him by surprise, she leans in and kisses his cheek, taking another photo as she does so.
"No, I'm not.  Now, once last one, and we're done."
"I'll make a normal face this time..."
"You can make any face you want."
True to his word, he smiles softly at the camera just as she reaches up to gently cup his cheek and tilt their heads closer together.
“That was a nice one.”
“Yeah.  Okay, now I am going to do some editing, so no peeking."
She turns over onto her side so Dan cannot see what she is doing, opening up the Layout app and putting the photos they just took together into a collage, saving the new image to her phone and setting it as her wallpaper.
When Dan attempts to lean over to investigate, she holds her phone close to her chest, "I said no peeking."
"But I want to see..."  He puts on a whining tone to his voice and pouts quite childishly.
She sighs fondly, "Such a kid.  Okay... here you go."
She hands her phone to Dan and he looks at the screen, letting out a jovial chuckle, "Wow.  That is awesome.  You look so pretty, and I do look attractive, especially in that one..."
He points to the one where they are both being threatened by the imaginary spider, and she giggles, "You always look handsome."
"Stop... you'll make me blush."  He acts extremely bashful, covering his eyes with both hands.
She smiles at this, prepared to lavish him with compliments to make him blush, instead tapping his shoulder so he can look at her, "So what I did this for and wanted to show you was that these pictures and these moments, they are what matters.  I know that it was upsetting to have someone invade our privacy in such a way, but we can't let it bring us down.  We can do what we like here in the privacy of our home, together.  It's not for public consumption, we won't be judged for it and I'm glad that you don't feel the need to want to post about everything."
Dan traces his fingertip along her jaw, his eyes soft, "Baby, I am far too old for all of that.  You know me and Instagram, I am just about getting the hang of it."
"Maybe I'll show you the animated filters someday..."
"I have no idea what those are."
"They're a lot of fun.  You can have a flower crown, be a cat or a bunny, or even have cool sunglasses."
Dan shakes his head with a smile, "As long as I can see your beautiful face every day, then I'll be happy."
Blinking slowly, she reaches up to gently kiss his lips, drawing back a few inches, sharing his breath as she whispers, "And now?  Are you sure you only want to look at me?"
Dan's eyes light up with an unmistakable fire, and he leans in close, murmuring, "I want to do so much more than look at you..."
His hands sneak under her t-shirt, tracing a bold pattern on her skin, bunching the material upwards, his intention quite clear as he catches her lips in a clumsy, passionate kiss, rolling them over until he was covering her entire body, lifting her t-shirt free and flinging it to one side.
She cannot help the girlish giggle that bubbles up, running her hands down his chest, reaching down and fumbling with his belt even as he kisses her with a desperation that makes her heart ache.
In precious seconds, with their clothes discarded and the temperature surely rising with protection taken care of, Dan wastes no time in drawing her legs around his waist, shifting closer until he is gently sliding inside her, making her gasp quite loudly.
A moment where they share a look and another gentle kiss, and it would have been no surprise to anyone that she would gladly give her life for this man, without question.  
As Dan begins to move, the sensations already peaking and cresting so strongly, she leans down to kiss his shoulder, pressing her face against the side of his neck and burying her nose in his hair, when she hears him urgently whisper, "Baby... look at me... please, look at me..."
She draws back, her head landing back on the pillows, seeing the desperate passion in his eyes as he manages to get his words out between shallow breaths, "Don't... don't look away... keep looking at me... I want to see you... I want to see your face as we do this... I need to look in your eyes... you are so fucking beautiful..."
With that final word, he is moving that bit faster, pushing harder, and warmth pools in her belly at his words and the intense gaze he is casting her, "Oh... oh, Dan..."
He threads his fingers into her hair, leaning over her with his weight resting on his elbows, not an inch between them, tenderly keeping her in place so their eyes can stay fixed on each other.
"You feel so good, baby... so fucking good... I can't... I can't get enough of you..."
It is getting more difficult to keep her eyes from shutting in bliss, but she cannot look away from his intense expression, his soft curls hanging down like a thick mane around his face, his lips parted and eyes full of liquid warmth.
"Please... oh, please, like that... like that.  Yes... yes, love... don't stop, Danny, please don't stop..."
Inadvertently, she drags her nails down his back and he makes a strangled noise, his movements becoming more erratic, “So close... so... so close... I have you, come on, babygirl, I have you... come for me, come for me, my gorgeaus girl.  /Fuck/, I’m so close..."
The sound of his voice, the praise that he was giving her, the feeling of him so deep inside her, was all it took to send her spiralling into oblivion, waves of pulsing heat radiating from her centre.
"Oh... /Dan/... oh... oh, /Danny/!”
Dissolving into wordless cries, all she can do is try to keep her eyes open, looking up at him all the while as his forehead creases and he shudders as his own peak hits, thrusting once, twice more, her name a breathless moan.
The room is filled only with their combined breathing, as Dan collapses beside her, his hair tossed in her face, and she loosens her legs from around his waist, letting them fall outwards onto the bed, arching her spine as soft trembling aftershocks radiate through her entire body, gently rubbing his back and basking in this gentle afterglow.
"Oh... oh, my goodness..."
Dan's chuckle is low next to her ear, "My thoughts exactly, gorgeaus.  Wow..."
He stretches with a groan, reaching down to take care of the condom, deftly throwing it into the wastepaper basket in the corner of the room, before moving back beside her, immediately nuzzling into the crook of her neck, running his hand up and down her side, her nerve endings tingling at his touch.
She cradles his head close to her chest, gently running her fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp, hearing his purr of approval.
“Are you feeling better now?”
“Oh, so much better.  I mean... sex always makes me feel better, but I’m glad you talked to me, and convinced me to listen.  I’m an old man, baby.  I still have a lot to learn...”
She chuckles fondly, leaning down to kiss his forehead, “It will all be okay now.  I know it will be.”
Dan hums contentedly in reply.  “Hey, baby?”
“Please send me that photo collage you made.  I’d like it as my background, too.”
“I will.”
A pause.
“I love you, Dan.  So much.”
Dan lifts his head, giving her a gentle smile, leaning in for a slow, lazy kiss that was so sweet that it brought tears to her eyes, “And I love you.  Don’t ever stop being you.”
Even while they were sleeping, their hands remain intertwined through the night.
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ombreecha · 6 years
He Thinks
Clerith Week 2018 Day Two: Love Confession Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Pairing: Clerith Prompt: “I work at Starbucks and you come in so often that I know your daily order and write encouraging notes on your cup” au
The smell of coffee beans is strong as he works on unloading the truck. The cafe is busy and there’s no missing the way the workers do their best to keep up with the orders coming in. He’s simply the delivery man here to replenish their stock, but out of all his stops this is definitely the one he looks forward too the most.
He’s not sure if it’s that gorgeous warm chocolate hair locked in a tight braid, or if it’s those impressive smaragdine eyes that keep him coming back for more. There’s very few times he’s come and she’s not been working. The young barista always remembers his order and always has it ready before he’s off to his next delivery.
It had started over a year ago. She had come running back to grab a sleeve of cups from the top shelf. No matter how the woman tried—on the tips of her toes no less—she was unable to grab it. It was on the second jump she made that he reached above her head and pulled it down for her with ease. Maybe that had been his undoing. This woman had turned to him and that was the moment he saw those lips spread from their frustrated pout into that glowing smile he’s learned to associate with her—god, did he mention already how impressive those eyes had been?
Realizing he had been caught staring had been all he needed to remove his azure from her and mutter out the simple, “You’re welcome.”
Hours later she had taken his order and she had never forgotten it since. She knows he’s a fan of the blonde cappuccino—they have the running joke it’s because he’s a true blonde unlike the local dudes with dye jobs—but on the hottest of days she’ll spoil him with the iced variation. He’s not entirely sure how she notices when he’s needing an extra shot of espresso—are the bags under his eyes that noticeable?—but she does and she always makes sure to write something encouraging on his cup right under his name.
She was the one initiating their conversations. She always seemed to be the one running the show in this—wait what the hell was this even? He had contemplated that one time to many if he was being honest, but he still hadn’t found a real answer to it. He has no doubt they’re at least friends. They caught up with each other every time he delivered. She seemed to go out of her way to take her fifteen minute breaks right before he’d be on his way—or at least that’s what he tells himself.
At some point he knew that he held an interest in her. This woman was unlike the childhood best friend he lost touch with after high school. She’s not a first crush by any account, but he’s also twenty-four and he’s above crushes. He knows himself well enough to know that this is a woman he’d love to take out for dinner, or too a movie. The question, though, is if he’s let his imagination run wild.
—what’s that saying they always tell you? Oh, yeah. Don’t let your dreams be dreams kids.
Fuck. There he goes snorting at the thought.
As if on queue she’s running passed him and into the inventory room. There’s no missing how light she is on her feet even as she holds the bag of coffee beans and takes another order on her headset. She’s undeniably impressive at what she does as she recites the costs even with the touch screen not in front of her. Stopping just shy of being in her way he catches her mouthing a greeting his way before heading back up front with the needed coffee beans. Heat hits his cheeks and mentally he can’t help but scold himself—friendly reminder he’s not sixteen and this isn’t kindergarten.
He’s a grown ass man for god sake.
This woman’s always had this affect on him. He accepted it along ago, but that doesn’t mean it’s not embarrassing. It’s not as embarrassing as the time he choked and spit up his drink after hearing she was older than him—yeah, na that one had been pretty bad—or maybe not as embarrassing as the time he slipped and hit his ass on the pavement—god, he had never wanted to crawl in a hole and die so much—but it’s embarrassing nonetheless because friendly reminder he is, in fact, twenty-goddamn-four.
Shocking, really. Honestly, even he’s surprised he’s made it this far.
God, if his mother could see him now. Scratch that. It’s best his mother never knows just how ridiculous her child is.
The shipment’s not bad this round. It’s actually pretty light, but he takes his time. He wants to make sure she has a moment to take her break right before he leaves. He had made that mistake one time, and never again would he miss out on the opportunity to talk to her. The slower the store seems to become the more hopeful he’s becoming. He doesn’t have any true objective with these feelings—he, sure as hell, won’t be spilling them. That’s just another thing he’s accepted long ago. There’s no place for them and it’s already hard enough trying to explain to himself and not make excuses for why in the hell she talks to him to start.
Stepping into the back of the truck his fingers pull on the handle dragging the door down with a loud noise as it closes, and he gets the latch closed. Reaching into the driver side he grabs his clipboard, and pen before tucking the pen behind his ear. Walking in he sees her placing a lid on a cup, and he already knows it’s for him. Stepping firmly up to the counter he lays the clipboard down, “Aerith, could I get your signature?”
“Of course, Cloud.” she’s sporting that smile he likes so much, and it’s as he pulls the pen from behind his ear and hands it too her that he takes a moment to grab his drink.
Her signatures smooth, and just as girly as he had expected it the first time he had seen it. Her fingers have reached behind her and it’s here and now that he’s sure she’s going to take that fifteen minute break and see him off. Holding his cup up by the rim there’s curiosity in what today’s encouraging message will be.
Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look harder than others.
Fingers press against his back and there’s no stopping the way he stills at the touch turning to see her standing beside him, “Cloud? You ready? I’m gonna take my break.”
The stammer he lets out only makes him all the more frustrated with himself, “Y-yeah. I’m ready.”
Even as he brings the cup to his lips and tastes the smooth blonde cappuccino he doesn’t remove his eyes from her. She’s walking in front of him and holding the door as they make their way to his delivery truck in the parking lot.
“That rush was crazy.” she’s letting out the smallest laughs as she takes the clip board from him to let him open the driver door.
“You have no clue how glad I am that I don’t have to deal with that kind of stuff.” he replies as he takes the clipboard back and throws it onto his seat. Pulling his cigarettes from his back pocket he continues to throw a glance her way.
“Still smoking I see.” she’s teasing him with that raised eyebrow and shift of her mouth.
He swallows thickly at this small little comment of hers. She’s never once made a comment about his smoking until now, “Does it bother you?”
“No, but you should consider quitting.” her fingers touch his arm and that has him hesitating to put the unlit cigarette in his mouth, “Ah—So Cloud—”
She’s rambling as she always does. He doesn’t mind. It’s just another one of those things she does that he enjoys. It’s how he finds out more about her without having to ask out of the blue. She never seems to hesitate to tell him how things are going for her. He’s learned her friends names over the last year, he knows she likes to garden, and he knows how much she likes to spend her time participating in habitat for humanity on the weekends. Part of him wonders if it’s not just been him letting his imagination run wild.
What if she has interest in him too? —she hasn’t let go of his arm.
Biting down on his lip he cannot stop himself from shaking his head. He’s being ridiculous. She’s just polite and if she feels anything it couldn’t possibly be anything on the romantic level. It’s that thought that has him lighting his cigarette finally and bringing the almost forgotten cup to his lips as he watches her do that habit of tucking a lock of hair behind her ear—does this woman have a clue how attractive she was even when doing these little things?
He thinks not. No. He knows she doesn’t.
This woman has never talked herself up in any way. She’s level headed, and she’s intelligent—and she’s definitely out of his league.
The sooner he throws away these feelings the better—before he makes a fool out of himself—but it’s been a year and he’s held onto them tight and there’s no denying the fact that today’s message upon his cup only furthers that belief. He’d definitely classify her as the positive in his mundane lifestyle. She’s a bright spot in an otherwise monotone world—he’ll never admit to to her though.
That’s a level of cheesy he’s just not willing to fall into. . .maybe.
Who the fuck was he kidding—he definitely isn’t willing to try some cheesy ass line like that on her.
He can see it now. She’d probably laugh her ass the whole way back into the building and he’d become to running joke for months to come. He’d never be able to deliver here again without needing to hide his face.
“You’re offly preoccupied today. Everything okay? I don’t think you’ve heard a word I’ve said.” she’s finally released his arm as she comes to stand in front of him. It rings with humor but there’s definitely a touch of concern on every word.
“I think I’m in love with you.” he says far too calmly, and without much thought barely hearing a word she’s said in her concern.
Silence stretches between them and then all at once he realizes just what in the world he’s let fall from his mouth. The panic has him choking on his newest inhale of his cigarette and fingers gripping the cup tightly, “W-wait. I didn’t—I mean—Listen. Uh—Aerith, you see I—” he’s stammering and he’s definitely not holding it together with this little slip up.
Didn’t he just tell himself he wasn’t about cheesy pick up lines? Didn’t he already resign to never say a word about these feelings?
Goddamn, though, he’s never seen her eyes look at him like that—those impressive wide smaragdine doe-eyes haven’t left his face since he spoke. His regret is thick and he’s pretty sure that if god struck him down here and now he wouldn’t even be mad about it. He’ll never be able to show his face here again—not without shame and humiliation, and hoo boy does he have plenty of that right this minute.
Welp. Might as well write this one off.
Was that creepy? Fuck yeah, it was—god-fucking-dammit.
Oh, if his mother could absolutely see her mess of a son right this minute. God knows she’d wonder where she went wrong, and why her son is as awkward as he is.
The more he rambles and tries to cover up his confession the more continues to spill the most ridiculous of things, “I mean I think your eyes are impressive—but I mean I didn’t really intend to like tell you that—and oh, my fucking god why am I telling you this—I swear I didn’t mean it like that—I mean I did because you’re gorgeous seriously, oh god. . . oh my fucking god—” it’s all in one swift moment that he drops his coffee and slams his hand over his mouth.
He’s flushed. He’s absolutely certain that his face couldn’t be redder than it is now. He’s lost his free coffee. He’s covered in it as it splashed all over the pavement and himself after hitting the ground. He’s never going to be able to look her in the face again. He’s more than positive she’ll never speak to him again.
Oh my god. Fuck. Shit. Goddammit.
This—this right here—was embarrassment on a whole new level. If he died right here and now it would be a godsend—god isn’t that nice though. God has this habit of really just making sure when he fucks up he goes big before he goes home, and man this definitely is probably the top contender for biggest fuck up in his last twenty-four years of life. This woman has yet to say a single word since he started this babble train that just seeks to dig him further into this hole he’s made for himself.
In gods name what is that thudding noise? Oh yeah, haha it’s his goddamn heart.
He’s probably having a heart attack. —oh, he could only fucking wish for one right this moment.
Daring to slide his hand off his mouth, “Listen. . .just forget this. Forget I said anything at all, please.”
There’s no missing the way mouth opens and then closes. It’s another few seconds before she opens her mouth again, “Cloud, if this is how you feel why would I forget this—but more importantly why didn’t you ever text me if you had interest? I feel like I’ve been misunderstanding for a while now.”
He’s pretty sure he’s suffocating—what in the fuck is she talking about? He’s not even sure what to respond with because he doesn’t have her number. How was he supposed to text someone who never even gave him her number? His throat constricts as he attempts to find how words work once again, and then after a moment he finds it within the tight feeling lodged in his chest, “You never gave me your number?”
“I have! I write it on the bottom of your cup every time I make you, your drink. That’s why I always make your drink. I kept putting it on there hoping you would use it. I started seriously thinking you had zero interest and were just being nice to me.” her lips curve in a deep tilt showcasing her obvious displeasure at having to admit such a thing.
Azure dare to glance down at the mess upon the pavement and it’s as soon as he looks down that he sees black sharpie on the bottom of the cup. His mouth feels dry as he takes in her own confession. This can only go so many ways, and at the rate he’s going he’s going to completely destroy any type of chance he has with her at this point, “I swear I never saw it until now—but, uh, I mean—Do you. . . or I mean would you like to—maybe, sorta, kinda—” it takes a deep breath to dislodge the words he feels trapped at the base of his throat, “. . .go out with me?”
There’s no missing the way she falls into that habit of pushing a lock of hair behind her ear, and the way she shifts her weight on her feet. The silence is deafening and he’s pretty sure that’s the only answer he needs to know he’s completely fucked this up in every way. Azure watch as her fingers come over her face and it’s then that her voice fills in the silence, “I don’t know about maybes, sortas, or kindas, but I would absolutely love to go out with you.”
At first he questions if he’s heard her correctly, and then all at once after a moment of his own weight shifting from one foot to the other he finally realizes he’s learned to breath again, and he might not have a heart attack—oh, and yes he’s heard her correctly.
Her fingers grasp his, “Your cigarettes gone out, you need to clean yourself up, and need me to make you a new drink. Come on.”
He can’t think of a single time he’s ever seen her act so—so flustered? There’s not a complaint in sight, though, as she drags him back within the building. The clean up is fairly simple although his pants will have to actually end up in a washing machine when he gets home tonight to remove the splatter stains.
She’s standing by the door with his coffee in hand and there’s no missing his name and what looks to be ten digits on the cup. There’s no missing the red tint upon her cheeks as the look at each other and he makes his way to her. Taking the cup from her he watches her twist her fingers behind her back before stepping on those tip toes of hers. It’s soft and it’s quick as her lips connect with his cheek, “Drive safe, and be sure to text me.” her tone is higher than normal and he’s assuming it’s probably all the same nervousness he feels right this moment.
A nod of his head, and a bit to his lip has him finally heading out the door—he’s feeling rather smitten with himself underneath all the fired nerves if he’s being honest.
“Ah, and Cloud.” she’s called out, and looking over her shoulder at him having yet to make it back behind the counter, “I think I’m in love with you too.”
Those eyes of hers are as impressive as ever, and that smile is absolutely glowing. There’s humor coating this repeat of his confession back to him, and that’s fine because if it means she’ll look at him like that some more he’d take all of her teasing. She had wrote on his drink today to look for something positive in each day.
He didn’t have to look to hard today. This whole thing with her, embarrassing as it might be, was his positive for the day. —Yeah, he’s definitely in love with her.
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