#you cant honestly stand there and tell me he couldnt have been better towards him
I wonder if thor's looking for infinity stones was another of "odin's" (loki's) orders
ragnarok is one of my favorite thor movies though it is less serious than the others. it has a sense of... silly billyness.
heimdall is not there dude. dude got banished. they replaced him with karl urban
skurge has to run alllllllllll the way down the bifrost now
it's a statue of loki, thor. duh.
THE PLAY 😭😭😭 I'll never get over this shit. loki is so fucking funny
"oh shit" YEAH OH SHIT
loki was able to act as odin perfectly before but just loses that here completely like he is barely able to keep his cool
idk if anyone has noticed this. I only noticed after someone pointed it out, but loki doesnt move out of the way. thor pushes him out of the way. loki was just going to stay there and let mjolnir hit him
he looks so good oh my god this movie has some of loki's best looks I just want to Eat him
love that he poked the piece of paper and whispered loki because honestly it's plausible that he'd just turn into a piece of paper
stephen loves dramatics doesn't he?
this scene made me laugh so hard I cried the first time I saw it 😭😭😭 "I have been falling!! FOR THIRTY MINUTES!!"
die odin
the way loki turns and stares at odin after he calls them BOTH his sons
"frigga wouldve been proud" literally kill me it would hurt less. I hate they made odin say things that dont justmake me angry
odin loves dropping crazy jaw dropping earth shattering news and then dipping. he just loves not dealing with his problems and leaving them to someone else
"no. I'm on a different path now. this you must face alone." back to him just making me angry. fuck you old man. just like I said. loves not doing with his own problems THAT HE CREATED.
he fucking oogwayed them that's insane bro it's actually fucking insane 😭😭
HELA 💖💖💖💖💖
bye bye loki see you on sakaar
yall don't know how crazy I went when she just fucking massacred the warriors three
trash planet
I do love loki, but he really did make a mistake calling for the portal to be opened. it seems like a very obviously wrong move and uncharacteristic of loki. idk maybe that's just me. then again he does run so.
jeff goldblum is a treasure to the world
one of his hottest looks. whoever the designer and artists were for this movie have my fucking gratitude for giving me this loki.
how was loki there for weeks and just never saw hulk??
cate blanchett is everything
I domt understand why she's so... loki like. the green and black, the blades, even her magic is green.
i do wish the movie was a little more serious. like loki saying to thor "it hurts doesnt it? being lied to. being told you're one thing and it all being a fiction." it's a very serious matter and it's just swept away and a joke is made immediately after those words are said
"our sister" OUR.
"guess I'll just have to go it alone. like I've always done." AND THOR JUST GIVES A SARCASTIC FAKE SMILE LIKE HE CANT BELIEVE HIM. THOR!!! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU !!! also you cant blame loki for hela. she would have escaped or been freed at some point.
you tried thor, but unfortunately you're not natasha. as much as I hate that storyline.
"Yes! That's how it feels!" 😭
also idc thor was winning that fight. only reason he didnt was cuz they did that to thor.
hate to see him go, but love to watch him walk away (loki)
i really do love watching him fight
loki looks so proud and fond like of the snake stabby thor story
I do think thor is being honest about how he thought the world of loki, but never enough to really look, to truly see his brother. never cared enough to dig deeper. and the mistakes loki made have just made it easier for thor to further ignore the deeper problems with his brother. you can love someone dearly, but still never truly see them. I wonder if knowing of thor's love makes it better or worse for loki. to be so loved, but for it to still not be enough to have been seen, to have been helped at all. or easier for it to be a lie and never loved at all, for it makes more sense to loki, because if you loved him why would you never dig deeper? why could you not see what was wrong? what was being done to him? how he felt? maybe that's why he was so adamant in the past, brushing thor's words away because otherwise that would mean even then it just wasnt enough. and it's more familiar to him too. the feeling he sits in, the knowledge that he's not loved or understood, that those around him think so little of him. and sometimes familiarity is easier than taking a new and brighter path.
he could be more. but it's hard to do that when everyone around you sees the worst in you and your stuck in a shadow your entire life. ignored. it's why I love mobius so much. he sees what others don't in loki and actually pushes him to be better and is there for him. mobius is truly the number one loki apologist.
LOKI IS SO DRAMATIC "Your saviour is here!!"
I take it back THIS is loki's hottest look
"if you were actually here, I might even give you a hug" " I'm here" AND THEN YOU DON'T SHOW US A HUG ??? REALLY???
the look of horror on loki's face when the ship appears. thor looks curious, but loki.... he knows who that ship belongs to and you can just see the dread fill him.
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topwxntersoldxer · 2 years
Guilty - Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary:After years of not seeing Bucky he shows up on your doorstep.
The one thing you loved about living in a big city was the nights. The way the lights lit up the dark night sky. Some nights you sat by the window listening to public transit in the city and all the cars driving through. Other nights it was silent. It was a silent Saturday night in the city you were sitting in your window watching all the cars driving through the night while there was a peaceful rainfall. It was the type of weather to stay home cuddle up in bed watching movies until you fell asleep. Typically you didn’t believe in consequence or signs but you were disturbed like something was wrong or something was going to happen.
Hours after Hours passed. You stayed in your position in the window. Usually you would fall asleep to the rain but decided to take a run to clear your head. It was still raining so you would have to dress more appropriately and maybe even change your route but it was nothing you couldn’t handle. It was like a breath of fresh air. The cold feeling of the rain hit your skin was refreshing. Finishing up your run quicker than usual you went back to your apartment. Scrolling through your phone picking a new song on your playlist you didn’t realize who was standing infront of your apartment door. Bucky stood outside of your apartment. His back leaning next to your apartment door. Its been awhile since you seen him. Hes changed but it’s a good thing he looks better than he did before. His hair was shortest you ever seen it and he cleaned himself up well.
"You don’t get to be here just leave" Pulling your apartment key out and began to open your apartment all you wanted to do was slam the door with him on the opposite side. Honestly you didn’t want to admit that you missed him after all this time but you couldn’t play back and forth with him anymore. "Come on doll just give me a minute and after that I'll go I promise" His metallic arm in the doorframe was the only thing keeping you from slamming the door in his face. With a sigh the two of you walked into the apartment "I would say make yourself at home but that would imply I want you to stay" gesturing to the couch before walking back into your bedroom to change out of your wet clothes. Quickly you jumped in the shower to warm up before changing into some dry comfortable clothes and walking back into the living room.
"So tell me what exactly are you here for" Quietly you walked back into the living room leaning against the counter. "I just wanted to apologize for everything" he stood up from where he was sitting on the couch. "Things shouldn’t of went the way they did and I regretted it. I know its been a long time but im sorry." deep down you truly just wanted to say you forgave him but you couldnt. "You don’t get to do this to me. You cant just come back into my life whenever you decide you want to because its convenient for you. I loved you and your tore our life apart and left. The only reason you are back here is because you feel guilty. Everytime it hurt more knowing I would always believe you would come walking back in the door one day and tell me you made a mistake and you still love me. I had hope you still loved me that was my fault. I moved on and made peace with the fact you werent coming back. Everytime im doing fine you come back just to leave again." it was the first time in years you looked at Bucky and it felt like the first time. He slowly started walking towards you before stopping.
"I know I cant make up for everything. I know there is nothing for me to say or do that will undo everything. All I ever had was you. I could never be the man you deserved and I will never be that man. You were the only person who was never scared of me, that cared about me and loved me for me. I will always love you doll there's no doubt about that. There was so many times I wanted to come back and see you. Just to see your adorable smile and hear your adorable laugh you make while making stupid jokes. I feel guilty because I can't stay and I cant love you the way you deserve to be loved. After everything we been through together I couldn’t give you the life you wanted and  I am sorry because you deserve what I can't give you doll. Of everyone in my life doll you deserve the most for everything I done and I never got to apologize for how bad I treated you and that will never be enough to take back the things I done." Bucky moved closer until his hand was cupping your cheek. His hand felt cold against your skin as his thumb traced circles in your cheek. Bucky stood close enough to you that you could smell his familiar scent and his warmth radiating off his body. It killed you how much you wanted to pull him closer and never wanted to let him go.
“I can’t do this” you pulled back away from Bucky. “You don’t just get to come in tell me you love me and forget everything else you’ve done. I love you but I can’t keep hurting myself for you and you have to understand that” it hurt knowing you didn’t trust him. He nodded as he made his way back to the door. “You deserve more you know that. I hope you find someone that treats you the way I wish I would’ve. Someone that treats you like you are the world. I hope I’ll see you around” you gave a him a smile “ I wish you could change until then I hope I don’t for my own sake”
That was the last you would see of him for now. You would never say it out loud but you hoped he could be better even if it was just for you.
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violetnotez · 4 years
HC: Being Super Fluffy and Giving Them Lots of Love!
Anonymous: Could I request something for Izuku, Todoroki, Shinso and Bakugo. They're doing their own thing and are super concentrated or something and reader is just so entranced by them and they're so glad to have be able to call them their boyfriend and reader just gently cups their face and gives them and the most love filled, soft kiss cause AGH THEY'RE PRECIOUS TO READER! 😭 You can totally ignore this if you don't wanna 😂😂😂 I just feel so soft rn
Ahhhhh this is adorable anon! Honeslty some days I just wanna give these babies the biggest hugs UGHHHHHH
Also I changed up my layout a little to be more “aesthteic”, so sorry it it looks different! Do you like it? Drop me a comment on this post or inbox about which style you like better (the usualllll vs. this one!)
Buy Me A Ko-fi! | Masterlist
Pairings: Izuku x reader, Shoto x reader, Shinso x reader, Bakugo x reader
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
I Z U K U 
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You and Izuku are having another study night, your body sitting next to his
Obviouskyyyyyyyy this boy does nothing but study smh
But you had completely given up- your brain had shut down after an hour and now you were just half listening to Midoirya mumble and half just admiring your adoarble boyfriend
You honestly miss seeing him look so domestic- you always see him in his uniform, his hero suit, and occasionally his All Might PJs on the weekends
But it feels like agessss since you’ve seen him in proper clothing
He looks just so cute in his teal sweatshirt, his scars peeking out of his sleeves as he wrote random equations on his paper
And his mannerisms are just so adorable-his tongue is poking out of his lips as he tried to work through a math problem, his eyes squinted in concentration and freckles dusting his cheeks like stars
How did you get so lucky getting someone so sweet and cute as him?
“If two goes into this fraction then possibly the variable will be isolated once I subtract the four-” hes mumbling under his breath, his voice so comforting against your ears
You lean your head against his shoulder, the scent of him just barely noticeable but so intoxicating- 
“’Zuku?” you asked tiredly, a lovesick smile plastered on your face
The sound of your voice breaks Izuku’s thoughts, his brows softening as he looks down at you
“Yes puppy-oh, are you getting tired? You look pretty sleepy...maybe we should take a break-”
omg why is he so sweetttttt
You just feel so calm, so comforted with Izuku it felt like your chest was just filled to the brim with love for this boy
Without warning, you leaned up to Izuku and kissed him softly on the lips,  your head feeling like it was spinning from butterflies
Once you pull away, Izuku’s cheeks are as bright as cherries and you cant help but smile, cause seriosuly no matter how many times you kiss him he ALWAYS gets flustered
“You know I love you right?” you tell him, butterflies filling your stomach as he looks down at you withe wide, green eyes
“o-of course! I-I-love you too!” he stuttered out, his nerves so intense that his tongue was like lead in his mouth
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It was just one of those crappy
You couldnt sleep, it was too hot, you were uncomfrotable, your ,ind was racing
And once you DID fall you course had a gut wrenching nightmare that left you panting and sweating from fear
So time for some good ol’ Shoto cuddles
And that’s how your now cuddled up into Shoto’s side, his body keeping you nice and cool
This boy was literally the sweetest- even though it was like1 in the morning, he couldnt care less about that and just focused on you
He quickly knew something was wrong when you were waiting in the doorway, his strong arms encasing you in atight hug
“Y/n dear, are you feeling alright? Whats bothering you?”
You just snuggled yourself deeeepppp into that boy cause he felt so comforting, his voice was velvety
also how does he always smell like detergent and expensive ass cologne like yessir thats the scent for meeeee
He quickly ushered you inside his room, his hands gripping your shoulders firmly
Literally all fears from that dream melted away with Shoto- his energy was so unbelievably strong and protective, it felt like nothing bad in the world would ever happen cause Shoto was there, and he wouldnt let anything bad happen to you
Also- seeing him in a plain white tee and black shorts literally could have made you swooned, cause god this boy really looks hot in anything huh?
He didnt judge you in the slightest about the dream, just offering for you to spend the night with him
Your head was cuddled into his firm chest, that intoxicating detergent-cologne-rich boy smell making your insides feel fluffy like cotton as his hands quietly brushed the hairs away from your face
He’s ask you small question, like “Are you comfortable dear?” or “Is that dream still bothering you”, just little things to make you feel more safe and open to talk to him
Shoto never wanted you to feel like you had to hide anything from him, and the effort really showed
You were know getting sleepy but the overwhelming feeling of appreciation and love for Shoto was exploding out of you
At this point you just wanted to show your undying gratitude to your boyfriend for being so unbelievably adorable and sweet
You shifted yourself, propping yourself slightly on his stomach so you could look at his face
damn this boy really got blessed with all the good genes huh?
You ran your fingers lightly against his skin, relishing the slight changes from cool to hot, your hands cupping his cheeks and feeling both sensations course through your body
Once you felt him sigh from content, you took it up a notch, leaving feather light kisses on his sheeks, his brows, his eyes, his scar...any avaliable skin you marked with yours
“Love, may I ask what you’re doing- you should be sleeping right now, its quite late-”
“I wanna show you I love you tho...” you sent the boy a pout, a deep chuckle rumbling through his chest and vibrating throughout your body
“But I already know you love me,” he grinned sheepishly cause god your just so adorable, like a puppy desperate to give their owner attention
“Well-I still want to show you,” you stated, your voice slightly thick from sleep as you continued to kiss the rest of Shoto’s face
All this boy could do was lean into his pillow, his hands finding themselves on your waist cause he knew you were gonna do this until you were tired
He wasnt complaining though- you being cuddly and cute like this literally rocked his world in the best way possible
“You know- your very endearing when your half asleep”
S H I N S O 
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Shinso is probably the most hardcore gamer you know
It was late in the night, and this guy was still going at it, now playing a game of Mario Kart on the TV, the screen bright against his features
You had gotten tired of the video games, just deciding to watch your boyfriend play instead of being the one to play
And god were you happy with THAT decision
He just looked so...adorable, his body clad in a tight black tee and baggy gray sweats, once foot straight and one foot bent as he sat on the floor playing
His hair was unruly as ever, sticking out in every direction
HIs eyes were completely enraptured by the task in front of him, scanning the screen 
He was just so cute, lookking so intense yet so sleep deprived 
it was adorable how badly he wanted to beat the player playing against him
And then he went a licked HIS LIPS
Your face erupted in red cause
You waited unpatiently to the last round, the music picking up pace as he sped to the finish line, hes cart victoriously earning 1st place
The dude didnt even cheer, just the most self absorbed smirk plastered on his face in pride
You quickly plopped yourself gently into his lap, your thighs cradling his sides
“Aww whats the matter kitten, not giving you enough attention?”
Yours hands fell against the softness of the black shirt and oh thank godddddd its so thin, your digits trailing upward and feeling the slight ridges of his muscles underneath the fabric
“No....its just- its not fair for you to look so cute while playing games and I cant cuddle you....”
“Heh, I look cute?”
This boy really cannot fathom how you find him so endearing, and now you just want to prove it to him
“Mmhmm,” you answer a smile on your lips as you cup his face in your hands
HIs hair is so tickly against the tips of your fingers, his broad chest radiating heat throughout your body
Your start to leave quick kisses on him, starting from his checks and working in towards his mouth, but not quite kissing him square on the lips
The closest you get to kissing him is on the corners of his lips, leaving electric sparks against his skin
The boy is desperate now
You cant just do that to him 
“Aww cmon darling, dont tease me like that” he sends you a cocky grin, his pointer finger gently tilting your chin and pulling you into a deep kiss
Once you pull away, your head is just spinning cause goddddd this boy is just a blessing
“Let me play one more round, and then we’ll head off to bed, alright?” he asks, his free hand now cupping your cheek
You sigh in content, your hands wrapping around his waist and snuggling into his chest, a warm, smoky smell like cedarwood drifitng to your senses and lulling  you to relax
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“Im winning this damn bear for you-”
“Katsuki no you already wasted $15 now lets go-”
You have been standing here for 10 minutes now, Bakugo determinnneddddd to win this gigantic teddy bear for you from a claw machine at an arcade
You feel so bad about it, but honestly, its turned into a personal grudge from him now
While your watching him you cant help it but find him adorable
Hes wearing a plain black tee and jean jacket, something he NEVER wears but looks so good on him?
This boy could be a model fight me on this
His face is the cutest tho-
You can tell he’s absolutely pissed cause he expected to win the animal way sooner than this, his eyebrows pointed downward and his teeth gnawing at his bottom lip
and then
He’s trying his hardest not to start cheering cause he really just did that (after wasting $25 but ya know we’ll overlook that)
Your so happy too and that triumphant look on his face just melts your heart
cause he may be a cocky asshole but hes YOUR cocky asshole
“Ha- see told you I’d win it!”
Whatverrrrrr- you roll your eyes, your hands already snuggling the big bear up to your cheek
Your mind is already thinking of where to put it in your room (names too??) but then you look up at your boyfriend and UGH you could literally melt on the spot
cause he looks SO PROUD and SO SOFT- his hands stuffed into the pocket of his pants as he gives you the smallest, happiest little smirk everrrrr
Your just feeling so grateful for the boy in front of you right now, that you put the teddy bear down and wrap Bakugo into a hug
Bakugo always acts like he doesnt want physical attention, especially in public-
But you know this boy lovessss to be touched, so when he returns the hug and gives your sides a small squeeze your weakkk in the knees
Always like caramel and something rich like firewood
You give him a quick kiss on the back of his neck
Thank god the arcade is dark cause you would totally see his blush (something he will deny)
You pull away a smile on your face as you tell him thank you,
*le sigh
of course he ruins the whole cute moment you two had by saying, “Whatever-your the one who wanted the damn thing even though your too old for that shit-”
Just remind him of the All Might figures he secretly had stashed in his closet and he will combust again
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
Everything Taglist:
@bunnythepipsqueak​ @pasteldaze​  @ionlyspeakinmyheroacademia​     @notadrian​  @hithoeshi​ @sizzlingbarbarianglitter​ @sunnie-nugget​ @shoutosteakettle​ @we-mentally-unstable​ @sm0kingcrack​
Izuku Taglist:
@pyrofanatic​ @askgiggles​ @ask-giggles1303​ @local-space-quexn​ @ihavenolife842​
Shoto taglist:
@teddybear-jelly​ @mishtimitsuri​
Bakugo Taglist:
@pyrofanatic​ @kai-charm​
Get Tagged to My Taglist Here!
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Apple Tree Kisses | T.H.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: The boys take Y/N out for apple picking on their day off. Much fun. Much cuteness. And lots and lots of apples.
A/N: So maybe another mini installment of fall adventures with Tom? Well see how it goes. Hoenstly dont even know I feel about this one lol.
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“We’re going apple picking this fall right?” Y/N asked the boys as they all sat down, scrolling through their phone in their cozy Berlin suite. Neither letting out an answer, as they all sighed in unison.
“Right?” Y/N asked again. “Tom, right?” She playfully shoved his shoulder hoping to grab her boyfriend’s attention. Y/N could easily see the slight smirk that grew on his face. Of course, Tom was never one to ignore his girlfriend, but he loved to tease her when it came to doing things she really wanted to do. In all the years they’ve been together, he knew Y/N was the most indecisive person in the world but when she knew what she wanted...she knew exactly what she wanted and would go the distance to get it.
“Mmm I dont know Y/N. We might be busy.” He chuckled, his pink sleeves engulfing Y/N in a cozy bear hug.
“Cmonnn. It’ll be fun. We cant miss it this year. It’s tradition.” She reasoned.
“I know Darling. Soon. I promise.” Tom gave her a chaste kiss on her slightly chapped frown, which slowly turned into the smile he always loved to see.
Needless to say, soon came a lot faster than Y/N anticipated. As she wrapped up a few emails from work, Tom, Harry, and Sam stood before her, leaning over the table, giving the Goofy Holland smile. “Whats up with you three?” Y/N giggled.
“We’re going on a trip. So you better get ready.” Sam answered as he walked away.
“Better hurry up before we leave you.” Harry joked around as he made his way out as well.
“I do suggest you wear something cute. I mean, you always look cute. You’re perfect, but Im just saying that red plaid shirt you got in the closet...just does things to me.” He groans, making his way to their room to get ready as well.
Y/N playfully rolls her eyes and scoffs out a chuckle. Of course all the boys finished up before her as they head to the car waiting for Y/N. She appears, wearing Tom’s suggestion with a white top undeneath the plaid shirt and black leggings, opening the door and sitting beside her giddy boyfriend, who was smiling from ear to ear. He sported a denim jacket and pants with a white shirt underneath and navy blue baseball hat, much like his character Arvin from Devil All the Time. Of course Tom very well knew, this look did things to Y/N after the first time she saw the film with him, making comments about how hot he looked as a southern bad boy. “Well you’re looking mighty fine there miss.” Tom flirts, displaying his southern accent for Y/N.
“Why thank you kind sir. You’re not too bad yourself.” She responds back, smirking at his comment. Tom leans in quickly to give her a small peck...only to go back in for another. And another..and another...
“Ugh, can we save the flirting and snogging till after the car ride. Please. Im trying to keep my lunch down for the next hour.” Harry groaned in the front seat.
“Sorry Harry.” The love birds mumble as they sit in their respective seats.
For those wondering, Harry did indeed survive the hour drive while keeping his lunch in tact. The group arrived at the German apple orchard called Alstead farms where they were dropped off at front.
Y/N took in her surroundings. Seeing the fall foliage, with autumn colored leaves sprinking the walkways, the sounds of the busy stands of food and fresh produce, the smell of freshly fried apple cider donuts it reminded her exactly why fall was her favorite season.
“Cmon darling, you’re supposed to be day dreaming about me not those apple cider donuts.” Tom teases as he grabs her hand in his.
“Trust me mate, I wouldnt blame Y/N if she was. Those donuts were absolutely amazing..” Sam muffled as he shoved another donut in his mouth.
“Oi, you already got yours?! And didnt even bother to share?” Harry questioned as he tried to grab the crumbled bag of sugary goodness.
Sam rolled his eyes at he reluctantly lent his last donut to his brother. The four grabbed their wagon, maps, and bags, ready to gather as much apples as they could. They went row by row, picking up macintosh, fuji, honey crisps, and empires. They tasted each one closing their eyes in delight, and scrunching their faces with ones that werent so sweet.
Harry took pictures of the surrounding and as he turned around he was given the perfect angle to capture a sweet moment between Tom and Y/N.
The two had their hands interlaced as they admired one tree with golden hues on the apple. Tom leaned in towards Y/N’s ear as he told her a funny apple pun, kissing the top of her head. When Y/N turned around to hear the clicks of the camera, she proceeded to cross her eyes and stick her tongue out.
“Thats attractive.” Harry comments with a hint of sarcasm as he looks through his camera. They all knew how camera shy Y/N got when she was aware of her picture being taken. In her words, posing for the camera while acting natural, made her feel like an awkward deer that’s about to get run over over....Dont ask, its a long story. “Okay, wait the lighting and this tree is perfect though. I want you and Tom up on that tree.” He commanded as he pointed at the sturdy tree with curly branches.
“Uhh...you sure about this?” Y/N asked, in an apprehensive tone. “What if I fall?”
“Oh c’mon darling you know I wont let you.” Tom said as he grabbed her hand to reassure you. “I’m not gonna let you fall. Ill hold on to you the entire time.”
“Sam, hold the apples for them and I’m begging you to please not eat my share.” Harry groaned at the thought.
Tom and Y/N had situated themselves on the tree not as high up from the ground as they had anticipated. At first they took a photostanding up. Tom towering over her as he stepped onto the higher branch, one arm hanging on the branch above him and another holding onto Y/N’s hand. They smiled and looked into each others eyes completely forgetting that they were on a tree and Harry was taking their pictures. Y/N took his navy hat and placed it on her own as they laughed. Tom licked his lips at the sight and couldnt help but to lean in, “You look so hot right now.”
“Oh god, stop you know thats not true.” Y/N giggles as her cheeks are tinted with a light pink blush. Tom continued to look at her smiling, and buting his lips. He really couldnt contain himself when she was acting this adorable. “Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you want to eat me.”
Tom laughs out loud at her comment. “But I kinda do...like everyday.”
“TOM WERE IN PUBLIC!” She squeals covering face.
“Okay love birds, stop the flirting and give me one more pose. If you can manage just kiss each other without falling, I think it’d be perfect.” Harry instructs.
“Dont have to tell me twice, brother.” Tom replies as he looks down at Y/N, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Tom he said kiss not snogg, dont get any ideas. We’re in public!” Sam yelled out.
“You three are such debbie downers, I swear.” Tom pouts.
“Yeah yeah, come on lover boy.” Y/N says curling her index finger to gesture him to lean forward. Tom happily accepts, as he leans down pressin his lips against her soft glossed ones. They stayed like this for sometime, feeling the slight tingles that came with it. Slowly...so very slowly did they pull away, but only for Tom to come in for two small pecks...three...well maybe four...Okay five but that was it.
“Wow...these actually came out good.” Harry said atonished by how well he captured the sweet moment between his brother and Y/N. Tom who was very excited to see how their came out, jumped down from the tree as he made his way towards Harry. Meanwhile Y/N took her time trying to make sure she didnt completely fall off the tree. Sam was watching Y/N as he had his phone recording her. He didnt think there would be much but knowing how clumsy she was anything was game.
She was barely 2 feet off the ground, but for some reason it felt like the empire state building. “Wha-Okay.” She speaks out as she takes a leap of faith. Y/N sticks the landing, she walks toward Sam, Tom, and Harry with confidence that only lasted 0.5 seconds.
“WHAAA.” Y/N sqeuals, as the branch hits her straight on the face.
While all three boy were heavily concerned, they couldnt help but laugh so hard at what happened to poor Y/N.
“IM SO GLAD I GOT THAT ON VIDEO.” Sam yells out, tears of laughter streaming down his face.
“My god that was priceless. Please send that to me.” Harry says emoting the same expression as his twin brother.
“Darling, are you okay?” Tom says stifling a laugh, as he checks her precious face. “How did you manage to hit the tree?”
“Honestly I dont know.” She cries laughing. “These things just happen.”
“It’s okay.” Tom places feather light kisses on the corner of her eye. “C’mon lets get you an apple cider donut.”
“This is going on instagram I hope you know that.” Harry yells out as the couple walks away.
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zmayadw · 3 years
Evening all :)
Here is the next part.
Have a nice weekend :)
I woke up with the smell of coffe all over the room. I turned on my back, stretching. „Is that coffee i can smell?“ i asked, only my head peeping from under the covers. Jake turned to me from the desk, grin on his face „Good morning, sleepyhead. And, yes, thats coffee you can smell.“ I smiled at him, getting out of the bed. „Do you even sleep at all?“ i asked teasingly „When did you already had time to leave to get coffee so early?“ „Early?“ he said, raising his eyebrow, showing at the clock on the night stand. 10.25. I turned to him, grining „Hey, what to say, a girl needs her beauty sleep.“ I got up, heading for the bathroom, sticking my toung at him. He just shook his head, smiling. I left the bathroom, going to him and leaning for a kiss. I took the coffee from the desk, and my laptop, going to sit on the bed. I checked the mail and some job offers. I browsed the net for a while enjoying my coffee. I turned my look to Jake, smile forming on my lips, thinking how this all feels nice. As if he could sense me watching, he turned arround. „What you smiling?“ he asked, smiling at me himself. „Nothing, really.“ I started. „I was just thinking, how this feels so good. I mean, this, us, just being here, together. It's like..“ but i stopped then. What was I about to say, i tought, that this was meant to be? That we belong together? That this feels like love? „Maya?“ Jakes voice brougt me back from my toughts. He was looking at me intensly. I smiled at him „Never mind, im blabbering.“ He looked at me for a while, scaning my face, and i could see he wasnt beliving me. „Alright“ he said after a moment „But you know you can talk to me about anything, right?“ „I know.“ I told him, giving him a smile. His phone rang then, wich made us both jump a little, not expecting it. He answered it, still not turning his look from me. „Yes?...What, right now?....Fine, i'll get to it.“ He putted the phone back on the desk, running his hand through his hair in frustration. „Is everything all right?“ i asked, a bit of worry in my voice. He groaned „Remember when i told you how i kinda made a deal with some peole to be left alone?“ „Yes, i remember.“ I said, looking at him even more worryingly now. „Well, the call now.. thats the part of the deal.“ I looked puzzeld now, and Jake sighed. „I promised my 'services' in exchange for my freedom.“ „Oh“ i said. „Can i know more about it?“ i asked him. „No“ he said, and grinned „Its a top secret.“ I rolled my eyes at him „Can you be serious, please.“ „I am.“ He said „Look, its nothing you should be worried about, trust me.“ „But i am worried, Jake, and always will be.“ I looked at him, fear creeping at me „Dont you get it? The things you do, they got you separated from me once before.“ Just the tought of it squeezed my heart. „I couldnt stand if that happens again.“ „Maya, please, dont worry so much about it.“ he said. „I cant do that, Jake. Cant you see it? You mean so much to me. If something happens to you..“ my words got silenced, i dared not to say anymore. „Nothing will happen.“ He told me. „But you cant know that for sure!“ „You're right about that.“ He said „And thats the risk I have to take.“ His face got serious then „But i can promise you, that i will do everything i can to ensure nothing will happen.“ He sighed „I cant give you anything more than that promise. And i hope thats enough for you, Maya.“ „It is.“ i told him. „You know i trust you. But that doesnt mean i will stop worry for you. I just wanted you to know how i feel.“ „Thats fine, i want you to always tell me how you feel.“ He said, coming to sit next to me, embracing me in a hug. He kissed me softly, and i pulled him closer to me. He groaned with resentment „As much as i like where this is going“ he said, moving away from me „I have to go.“ He got up from the bed, getting dressed. „Will you be alrigh on your own for a while?“ he asked. „Ofcourse“ i said, and then i remembered. I cursed out loud, Jake looking puzzled at me. „I forgot about Phil.“ „Oh“ he said, giving me a simpathetical smile. „I better take a shower and go. I want to
be done with it.“ „Ok. You mind if i borrow your car? I'll be back before you leave, so you can take it.“ „Ofcourse not, you know where the keys are, go ahead.“ „Thanks.“ He said smiling, grabing the keys and heading for the door. He stoped as he opened them, turning to me, with that devilish glow in his eyes. „I'd rather be joining you in the shower, just to make it clear.“ I looked at him, walking backwards towards the bathroom, taking my shirt off slowly, grining at him „You are welcome to join me anytime.“ I bit at my lower lip, and i could see he was full of desire. He groaned in resentment. „You are so gonna get it for this.“ He said, leaving reluclantly. I laughed, as i entered the bathroom.
Jake got back just about as i was done getting ready. I decided to take some laundrey to be washed, since going to town eitherway. I grabed the last shirt, throwing it in the bag. I took my phone throwing it in my purse, turning to Jake. „Keys please.“ He walked to me, handing me the keys, pulling me in for a kiss. „Wish me luck.“ I said skeptical, him giving me an akward smile, and i left. The laundrey place wasnt far from the Aurora, so i parked the car there and walked to the Aurora when done. As i entered, Phil looked up from behind the bar. „I already tought you might not show up.“ He said, as i came to the bar. „I said i would, and i keep my promises.“ I told him, smiling. I wasnt used at seeing Phil like this. He was always cheerful and teasing arround me, and this new behaviour was kinda of a shock for me. What did you expect, Maya, i tought to myself. „Want some coffee?“ he asked and i noded. „Go sit at the booth, we'll talk there.“ He said, going for the coffee. I moved myself to the booth, my nervousness intensifing. Phil came, bringing two coffee cups, sitting across of me. „Milk and sugar, right?“ he siad, putting a cup infront of me. „You remember correctly.“ He took his cup, taking a sip from it, looking intensly at me. He settled it back on the table, leaning at the booths bench. „So“ he said, my stomach tightening in a knot „The hacker was your big mess, huh.“ „Yup, another thing you got right.“ I said, taking a sip of my coffee. I held the cup with both hands, hiding how much i was being nervouse. „Phil, I'm really sorry about last night. It was never my intention for you to find out about it like that.“ He was still looking intensly at me, but i couldnt see any anger on him. „I tried talking to you before it all, but i got interupted so manny times, it got me insane.“ „I noticed that.“ He said, and i continued. „Its not much of an excuse, i know. And i cant change how things turned out anyway, but i want you to know i am deeply sorry for it.“ He looked at me for a moment, not saying anything, my stomcah tightening more with every second of silence. „I belive you, Maya.“ He said finaly. And hearing him say my name, for the first time since i stepped in here today, made me relax a bit. „Thanks, Phil. Coming here today, i just hoped you wont be mad at me. Or worse, hate me.“ I said, a bit sadnes in my voice. „I told you before, i could never hate you, Maya.“ He said it so softly, my heart sinking a bit for him. „Not even now, after everything that happened?“ i asked, a bit in disbelief. „Not even now.“ He siad again, and i belived him. He took another sip of coffee, leaning on the table „Can i be honest here?“ „Ofcourse“ i said „We've been honest with eachother since day one.“ „Correct“ he said, taking a deep breath before he continued. „I kinda had a hunch when we talked before, that he was the reason you wer in such a mess.“ I said nothing to it. „And im pissed at myself right now.“ he continued, and i looked at him puzzled. „Because, Maya, if i havent waited, if i made my move at you earlier, right now, i might be the one holding your hand.“ My heart squeezed at his words. „Phil..“ i started, but he interupted me. „Its fine. I told you, If things wont end up in my favore, i would be dissapointed and heartbroken, wich i am, both.“ He looked at me, his eyes sad and tired. „But i dont hate you for sure, Maya.“ „Thansk, Phil, i appriciate you being hones with me, as always.“ I said after a moment of silence passed between us. „Can i just ask you one thing? And i would like and honest answer.“ „Ofcourse, ask.“ I said. „Alright. Then tell me honestly“ he started „Is he really the one you want? The one that makes you happy?“ I didnt hesistate with my answer, the words just flew out of my mouth, gentle smile showing on my face „Yes, he is.“ He looked at me curiously. „I thank you for your honesty, Maya.“ He said, and i smiled „Always.“ We sat there in silence for a while. „Phil, will you be alright?“ i asked finaly. He looked at me, smiling „I will be, dont worry.“ „Its just, i'd really like to have you as a
friend. But, i can understand if thats not something you'd be ok with.“ I averted my look to my hands now, nervouse to what he might answer. „You will always have a friend in me, Maya.“ He said, and i looked back at him. His face showed that he meant it sincerely. „Im glad to hear that, Phil.“ „Well“ he said after a while, claping his hands together „I think this needs to be watered down.“ As he got up, he smiled and winked at me before going for the bar. I chuckled as he left, thinking how all will be alright with the two of us. And i was happy about it, having him as a friend menat a lot. He came back with two shot glasses, handing me mine as he sat down. „Well, heres to new friendships!“ he chimed, rising his glas at me. „Here's to the 'new us'!“ i chimed back, rising my glas. He smiled at me, knocking his glas on mine „Not completly 'new'.“ He winked and smiled devilishly at me before drinking. I laughed, shaking my head „That's the Phil i know!“
As i walked back to pick up laundrey, i felt happy and relaxed. My talk with Phil went better then i expected. He became important to me, and i was happy i still had him as a friend. Getting back to the car, i took my phone sending Jake a message.
Maya: Heading back, see you soon :)
Jake: :)
I was almost at the motel when my phone rang. I found it with my free hand in my purse, quickly glancing at the screen, before turning my focus back on the road. It was one of those cursed calls. This time i answered it confidentaly, thinking here's the chance for Jake to trace the call. I answered the call, wich began as usual, with silence. But, all of a sudden, the sound came from the other side, a sound that sent shivers and chills through me - the sound of ravens cawing. My eyes opened wide in terror. I was so shocked by it, that i barely avoided crashing my car. I dropped the phone from my hand, grabing the wheel with both hands leveling the car back. Lucky i was close to the motel, i was shaking like crazy as i managed to park and run for the room. I bursted in, making Jake jump from behind the desk. „Please, tell me you got it!“ i yelled. He looked at me, dissapointment all over his face. „Sorry, Maya.“ I fell to my knees, Jake running to me. He held me in his arms, but i felt nothing. I didnt cry ,the shaking stopped, i was completly numb. „Why is this happening?“ i asked, Jake answering with a sigh „I dont know, Maya, but we will figure it out.“ „Will we?“ i said, looking numbily at the wall. „And when? How long will it take us?“ i said, not trying to sound accusatory. It wasnt Jakes fault, i knew he was doing all he could to help me. „Is all this suppose to make me go crazy?“ i asked „Because, if thats someones intention, they're doing a fine job.“ „Maya“ Jake started softly, but i moved from him, getting up from the floor. He followed, looking at me worryingly. „I cant go on like this, Jake“ i said, meeting his eyes. „With every new call i get more confused with it all.“ I paused, sighing desperatly. „And scared, Jake. I'm terrified, actually.“ He moved to me, embracing me in a hug. „I wont let anything happen to you.“ I laughed histerical, making him release me from a hug, looking at me puzzled. „I almost crushed my car now answering that call, Jake.“ He tensed as i said it, anger and worry showing in his eyes. „You cant keep me safe from myself.“ I turned and headed for the bathroom, leaving him speechless. I closed and locked the doors, and just sat on the floor. I dont know how long I sat there, feeling numb, but for the first time ever,since the beginning of this all, i cursed the day I came to Duskwood.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years
The Ground Rules
Geralt lays down the law with the help of yennefer after catching the reader haveing a bit of me time in the bath.
Ok this took all day as i couldnt stop tweaking it and i got to the point iv just got to step back and throw it out there or im gonna scream.Any way this is to go along with pastry negotiations its based after that one so could be considered part two? can be read stand alone tho in all honesty these modern reader inserts are gonna jump about in timeline cos my plot bunnys are twats. Im basing my Ciri on a mix of mature netflix Ciri and slightly mischievous witcher 3 Ciri. Any way i hope you enjoy this one im pretty pleased with it xx 
WARNING: Adult Themes, Smut, DubCon Swearing MxFxF 18+
Dont like it dont read it.
Geralt snaps when you take matters into your own hands.
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The Ground Rules
"Well someone is excited" Jaskier drolled as he watched your form slowly creating distance between you as you marched ahead.
As the small rickety town came into veiw you cried out a victorious and dramatic "still alive" causing eye rolls and chuckles in the group. Honestly this was the first real town you'd come to since being here and you were thrilled. Sure you'd passed a tiny smattering of houses four or so days ago where you'd traded for some bread, tiny amount of dried meat and a few other essentials oh! and yenn had managed to replace your pastry to the amusment of the resident witcher. They'd both been more open with you since the whole pastry incident-which you thought was an off handed comment on yennefers part but she and geralt had since indicated otherwise.
The people in the village had mentioned of a near by town that was rumoured to have a contract out on a nest of some monster thingamajigs that you hadn't botherd to remeber the name of .You looked down the verge towards the town with immediate thoughts of eat, bathe and sleep- on a bed, a real fucking bed ,ok so it wont be a temper mattress but you could live with that-oh my fucking god hot water,a nice loooong soak you moaned in your throat the thought alone brought tears to your eyes. You walked ahead trying to usher the group.
And maybe you could have your own room. Honestly sharing a bed with the couple was becoming an issue for you,your crush on them was definatly getting out of control now constantly blushing under their heated glances and they are becoming more touchy feely, Hands lingering longer than nesscasary or leaning in so close so thier breath tickled the hairs on your neck basically doing anything to get you flustered and you swear to god yesterday yennefer copped a feel whilst helping you threw a small steam which you didn't need help with;not that she listened. Bottom line you were becoming sexualy frustrated pretty much staying in a constant state of arousal a night away from them to take care of business would be very much appreciated. 
"Come ooooonnnn guys keep up" you turned looking back at them drawing out your whine befor resuming towards the town
"Someone should catch up with her she looks like a girl on a mission" Yennefer commented 
"Yes. Ciri would you keep her near the main gate and out of trouble while we settle roach in the stables ,here take her this she should cover up befor anyone gets any ideas" geralt grunted as your form began to dissapear down the brow of the hill ,ciri looked between the two before shrugging grabbing his offered cloak then ran to catch up with you.
You glanced to the side as you heard footsteps noticing Ciri fall in step with you she held out his cloak.
"Here geralt said to cover up before people get any ideas" you sighed it wasnt your fault his shirt hung off of you showing a large amount of shoulder and chest luckily when the hoover portal of doom sucked you in you were in fleece lined black leggings that had been durable enough to survive the last 3 weeks on the road(your stitch t shirt hadn't survived your initial fall) because you doubt he'd have anything your hips would get in to. Rolling your eyes you pulled the heavy fabric across your shoulders repostioning it so that it wasnt draging on the floor to much but was still sheilding your body. 
"He's such a dad" Ciri giggled nodding in agreement befor reciting what esle geralt had requested ordered. You scoffed shaking your head
"So he doesnt even trust me to walk through a town, he does realise im an adult right? That i can do things with out causing trouble. i mean for god sake im not jaskier" she snorted 
"I think its more like he doesnt want other men trying to sleep with you" you did a double take 
"The hell you know about that sort of shit? has Jaskier been corrupting you?"
 A knowing smirk crossed her face as she held her hands up coming to a halt facing you just inside the wooden gates of the town.
"You think i havent noticed whats going on by myself, Geralt likes you so does yenn jaskiers noticed to, think he's going to write a song" 
"He better bloody not and anyway maybe i want to find a companion for the night." You announced tersely crossing your arms only to freeze as you heard a growl from behind you.
"Oh yes, i may have forgot to mention that witchers are senses are really sensetive" she smiled sweetly, you gaped why were you only being told this now. Looking between her and the others approaching.
"Wh-what how the fuck you leave that out? d-do you think he heard us? from back there" She nodded 
"Most definitely" you gulped feeling yourself shrink into Geralts cloak a little at the looks you received from Geralt and Yennefer as he spoke to her telling her what youd just said.oh fuck.
"when you say senses you mean all of 'em? Not just one or two?" hoping beyond hope that something had been lost in translation.
"Nope all of them sight, smell, hearing the whole lot" she replied watching the colour drain from your horror sticken face. You'd been getting wet over the past few days. And the realisation that he probably knew embarrassed the shit out of you. Geralt smirked obviously he heard.You were so fucked.he knew and if he knew then she knew.oh my god. You were sooo fucked.'whelp there goes my dignity' you thought. He strode past you to the mediocre stables with roach in toe ready to hitch her for the night.Jaskier and yenn followed pulling some of the bags off of the horse then passing them out to their respective owners. Geralt then stood before you all giving you all the 'game plan' as you call it.
"we will find an inn and eat after that you get settled in for the night whist i see about this contract."
"don't bother about me tonight im going to catch myself a young fair maiden for the night" you scoffed at Jaskier's announcement drawing his attention
"Sounding like a creeper there Jask, what? you gonna do throw a net in the tavern? don't think they'd take to kindly to that" he huffed through his nose aggravated. 
"No im going to sing in the tavern and lure a beauty to my side for the night" you played along widening your eyes in false realization
"oohh so your gonna go pay for it, how does it work exactly is it by hour or-" Geralt quickly intervened covering your mouth one to stop the inevitable spat and two before you could corrupt Ciri any further Jaskier deadpanned giving you a flat look.
"you're welcome to come find out for yourself im sure your just Itching  to get some relief-"
"JASKIER! you go ahead at least try to keep a bit of coin back this time" Jaskier 1 Y/n 0.
You glowered behind Geralt's hand as he dismissed the smirking bard who turned on his heel prancing off quite pleased with himself. You smacked Geralt's hand away wiping your mouth with the back of your hand before slowly making your way down the street into town.It had taken nearly half an hour to find a decent inn that had room for the four of you. A room with two double beds that had a heavy curtain to split the room into two it was usually rented by traveling families. You groaned as you walked in, now you really couldn't take care of business, you followed Ciri as she placed her bag on the bed on the left following suit you placed yours on the other half of it only to have Yennefer quickly relocated it to her side of the other bed. Ciri snorted giving you a knowing look.you sighed then stomped across the room. Knowing all to well that it was futile to argue with the sorceress ,the witcher was stubborn but she was something else. Geralt handed a small pouch of coin to Yennefer.
"This is for the new clothes Ciri needs a thicker cloak preferably fur lined maybe new boots to not sure how long those will last in the mountains." yennefer hummed as she pocketed the money. 
"And the clothes for Y/n as well?" 
"Yes, should be enough there for what we discussed if not i'v got a bit more saved" you raised your brows blinking at them.
"err what was discussed? guys? what did you talk about? was it about me? helloooo" you waved as they ignored you.Yennefer pulled off her cloak leaving it on her side of the bed. you and Ciri followed their lead only for Geralt the tug yours back across you giving a sharp look as you rolled your eyes.The group made its way down into the quiet main room of the family run inn where you were served a meal of roast beef with vegetable trimmings ,before you knew it Geralt had left to find out about the contract with a final 'Behave' thrown in your direction.To which you grunted in response,too full to even tell him to 'jog on' - a phrase that still frustrated the witcher as he didn't know the meaning-. Yennefer had asked for a bath before your meal which you were just informed was ready leaving you alone with the sorceress. You had all decided Ciri would have the bath first then you, yennefer and finally geralt if he was back before it got cold.
"I cant breath" yennefer laughed out loud you rubbed your tummy closing your eyes
"I mean honestly, I think theres food in my lungs" groaning leaning back against the chair she gave a sympathetic smile
"Well you did inhale your food, maybe next time take it easy."
"Can you blame me, been the first meat iv recognized since i got here" It was true so far you'd been living on meats that you wouldn't have necessarily chose to eat back home rabbit,mutton venison ect.
"After we've bathed we will rest for the day but tomorrow we have to run over to the seamstress and get your new clothes, not sure how long we will be here and might have to order some or have them taken up,you are a little thing.Might have to have some leather work done too." you squinted pointing an accusing finger at her
"You calling me a midget? we going for shots now are we?" she smiled sheepishly
"No .no shots?. i just meant your petite don't worry its very cute. Anyway we are only picking up the basics a few day dresses ,Riding clothes boots that sort of thing" you blinked owlishly flushing as she called you cute. 
"Riding clothes yes. Dresses no thank you" she stared unblinking at you for a few moments making you squirm at the calm expectant gaze that was getting heavier by the second, it was like the eyes of a mother when you'd been caught doing some dumb shit you knew you shouldn't be doing.
"Stop it....Yenn no... cant i just get something like Geralt has..please... i'd be much more comfortable...even Jaskier i mean im not one for the puffy bits but 'd make do....."
she blinked slowly
"Oh fine but only one or two no more and your not getting rid of these leggings either" you gave in, her gaze was to unnerving and it did things to you. Her face lit up. She was looking forward to seeing you in feminine gown instead of a her and Geralt's shirts not that she minded but it'd be a nice change to your strange stetchy leggings (not that she minded you in the form fitting bottoms) She moved leaning in to your side hand on your thigh patting it lightly.
"Thank you, don't be so worried i will take good care of everything" you gulped as you felt the flushed skin of your face grow hotter,your core clenching and warming at her sultry reply you closed your eyes trying to regain a bit of control. Suddenly her attention was drawn to a pink skinned Ciri who had finished her bath and changed Yenn nodded and released your thigh. You bolted upstairs hearing a chuckle as you did.
Once in the room you sighed in relief, making your way towards the screened off section that held a large oval tub full of steaming water. Discarding your clothes as you all but melted into the hot water.You submerged yourself getting your hair wet scratching tentatively at your scalp that had begun to ache under the grime. Spotting a small stool with what you'd consider toiletries, a bar of hard sweet smelling soap and a few vials.You grabbed the soap, opting for using it for your hair as well unsure what vials did what and went where.After scrubbing all the built up sweat and dirt you you closed your eyes lounging back against the slanted end tub you relaxed a few moments it wasn't long before you were feeling much better ,tired muscles succumbing to the soothing hot water.your body hummed. 'no one would have to know' as your summarized that this was the perfect opportunity to relieve yourself of other tensions, 
'its not like geralt could smell you under water, i mean i dont think dogs can thats why criminals cross rivers when their being hunted on tv isn't it?' biting your lip you peaked an eye open and listened out carefully feeling naughty when you began moving your hand to the apex of your thighs gasping as your finger ghosted over your hardened bundle of nerves .Fuck. Your clit was sensitive not surprising when Geralt and Yennefer had practically edged you for nearly a week. You whined quietly as you began a fast rhythm on your clit ,other hand slinking down to your opening rubbing your fingers up and down the warm weeping hole. You bit off a groan as your hips gyrated against your roaming hands. Stomach tensing as you drove yourself faster and faster to the edge.Almost there.Fuck almost-you jumped hissing 'shit' ,ripping your hands away from yourself , sitting up fast enough to make your head spin splashing a wave of water over the floor when you heard the door open slamming the wall beside it.
"err theres some one in here!" you called out loudly, angry at who ever just interrupted you.You got nervous as the heavy steps quickly made their way towards you.Realizing who ever it was didn't care for your modesty as they were coming your way you slung your top half out of the tub to grasp the towel screaming because before you could grasp it and cover yourself a large calloused hand enveloped your shoulder shoving you back into the water.
"WH-GERALT THE FUCK? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME." you shouted at him as he released you then you looked down slapping your hands down to cover your self as he raised his eyebrows and gave a lop sided grin.He defiantly looked like the big bad wolf in that moment eyes ablaze with a hunger you wasn't sure you wanted to explore or not. Collecting yourself swallowing dryly before scolding him in a voice that seemed to become smaller with each word.
"hey! get the fuck out im trying to bathe you prick" you heard the door open and close again in a less violent fashion. And suprize suprize yennefer glided into view behind the .
"Thats not all you were doing tho was it? i can fucking smell you" was growled at you as geralt wet his lips you squeaked. 
"huh? b-but.. i thought..w-water" you stuttered out as your brain malfunctioned on on an epic scale. Yennefer gave out a loud laugh.
"so thats why he tore threw the inn like that.honestly Geralt i thought something was wrong" she continued laughing as she replayed the way geralt had all but vaulted the tables to get to the stairs. you pouted throughly humiliated
"something is wrong" he ground out before kneeling beside you .Shifting you tired to create some distance from him. He was having none of that wasting no time thrusting his hands into the water tugging away your shielding hand the other forcing its way between your legs. You slammed back against the tub gasping trying to get away. All you'd achieved was his hand pinning your hips to the back of the bath by your pussy
"Lets lay down some ground rules" He squeezed your throbbing heat in his hand curling his fingers dangerously close to your opening you bucked moaning breathlessly .Your eyes searched Yennefer's for help but she wore a similar hungry look that he had. Another slow squeeze brought your attention back to the brooding alpha male in the room.
"This is ours.ours to lick,suck and fuck as we see fit, to do what we please with and is off limits to your wandering little hands we clear on that?" You groaned out as he emphasized certain words with teasing brushes of fingers and a slow rub of his palm. Realizing that he might actually be serious.You nodded quickly babbling as he rocked his hand back and forth igniting the heat that you had built alone.
"C-crystal-please Geralt PLease" You threw your head back as his hand moved deliberate and teasing.
"You think you deserve it? after being caught up here playing with yourself?" You nodded then shook your head confused, unable to really concentrate on anything apart from his magnificent hand ,half lidded eyes and clenching your fingers tight around the thumb he was using it to control your movements as your body whithered under his ministrations.
"Really?" He said smirking as he held completely still you sucked through your teeth biting back curses.He chuckled smug bastard. moving trying to get some friction to no avail.
"Well we have been teasing the poor thing ,of course shes going to try sorting herself out the first chance she gets .Honestly Geralt what did you expect? i did tell you" yennefer reasoned as she stood behind you combing threw your wet hair you before grasping your free hand pulling it up out of the way kissing your palm before ghosting her nose down your neck pressing soft kisses along it you mewled at her and tried to coax geralt to continue again by rolling your hips.
"I suppose we could let her off this time" His voice was pure sex as he glanced down before giving into pushing two thick fingers up into you. his breach of your walls had an initial sting but was incredible as your needy walls tried sucking him deeper greedy to be filled.
"oh-oh fuck Ger-please" you arched your back pushing down onto his hand clutching onto Yennefer's wrist. you were so hot .fuck.he was gonna make you cum too quick. You panted throwing your head side to side as your legs tensed then raised up towards your torso, your pussy wrapped tight around Geralts fingers as he held them deep every few thrusts making you feel just how your walls rippled around him. he alternated between fast and shallow then slow and deep trying to build you up slowly he wasn't going to rush you, he was skilled enough to walk you up to the edge and throw you off whenever he damn well pleased. You'd never been this desperate in your life . Yenn's cool fingers delicately teased out your nipples pinching and flicking them until they stood out provocatively. You rocked against the both of them as Geralt made sure to start dragging your clit up and down with his palm as he finger fucked you curling his fingers searching for that small spot that'd send your mind reeling. Yenn had leaned down kissing your cheek and begun whispering lowly into your ear.
"He knows what he's doing doesn't he?Iit wont take him long to find every single spot you have, thats the thing with bedding a witcher they are much more observant then regular men. I have no doubt he will know when your going to orgasm before you do.He has the ability to force them out of nowhere when ever he pleases.. He is quite cruel like that" you moaned out loud snapping your head back high pitched and vulgar sounds tore from your throat as Geralts invading fingers began rubbing furiously back and forth on a soft spot inside of you.Unable to control yourself as your legs and tummy spasmed erratically as your tearfull moans and pleas filled the room
"Thats it oh i think iv found it~" he boasted as he moved his elbow pinning a knee to the side of the tub leaving your clit cruelly exposed for Yennefer,they shared a look as she moved her hand down to join Geralts taking over to rub small firm circles on your exposed clit.
"oh-OH fuck noNOno i cant please i ca-UGh to-Too much please FUCK" Yennefer was quick to swallow your moans in a kiss of clashing teeth and tongues before any one could hear ,tears streamed down your face as your body ached your pussy contracting painfully around his swiping digits. Pulling back for air the sorceress placed open mouthed kisses over your shoulders leaving red marks with her teeth and sucking bites.
"Good girl your being sooo good you don't have to ask this time" she praised as she reached your ear befor sucking harshly below your jaw. you were quickly becoming putty in their hands Geralt growled as he picked up the begining tremors of your orgasm.
"Look at me" you obeyed instantly moaning as you watched the white wolf pull his lip up in a snarl that would have scared you any other time.
"This is what you were made for, your ours, we own you, mind body and soul we own every whimper ,every tear ,every orgasm and hole they are ours for the taking when ever we choose,from now only ecstasy you will know is what we give you" You'd never have guessed how filthy his mouth could be but it seemed to have the desired effect as a sudden rush of heat was your only warning before rearing up screaming out, not sure if you'd shut your eyes or blacked out for a moment as you gushed into the bath water.Geralt pressed into you persistent while Yennefer's hand continued the tight circles efficiently drawing out the best orgasm your ever had.Finally their movements ceased and your body went limp wracked trembling in the aftermath as your orgasm ebbed away slowly. After giving you a few moments to come down and catch your breath Geralt removed his fingers you whimpered inside's still so sensitive after your orgasm, sucking on them he moaned deep and feral before plucking your clenched fingers off his thumb. Yennefer quickly wiped your pussy gently clearing the cum from between your swollen lips. Making you twitched as the cloth ran over you.Pulling you from the bath was a joint effort as they rested you on the bed and began patting you dry with the towel.Moaning in protest as your arms waved loosely trying to take over only having your hand smacked away as they finished.Lying back looking up at them bleary eyed trying to stay awake you felt like jelly, giving up fighting you rolled over yawning tucking your arms below your head Yennefer tilted her head stroking your hair sending you into a relaxed sleep.
"Poor dear ,Oh look at her geralt shes all fucked out and we haven't even fucked her yet" 
"hmm she'll be ok we just need to work on her stamina" he replied patting your bottom as he pulled the cover over your washed out form.Geralt panicked
"Shit wheres Ciri?"
"well when you came charging in down stairs i told her to go find Jaskier and stay there until one of us came to get her" Yennefer said with a sly grin he shook his head and scooped her up kissing her passionately. As he took a few steps to the now vacant bath
"well the bath is still warm care to join me?"
"with pleasure lets try not to wake her tho"
See you soon xxx
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dysfunctionalnerd · 4 years
I was wondering ... how would Randall react to Evil! Layton? or Monocle! Layton(by the way your drawings are amazing!)
ahhh thank u so much!! that means so much to me ;u; oh my GOSH MONACLE LAYTON!!! i havent thought about him organically in too long sksksks
well so ok if i had to make layton evil at any point in time, the way id do it would be after unwound future. it would be about 2 years after he found randall, but in this scenario he never worked up the courage to call randall or go back and visit after he left Monte D'or so abrubtly, which means losing that friendship was already weighing on his heart. so then after UF, losing claire and luke in the span of the same week... its too much for him. Crying in his room one night, he says "so this is it then? am i destined to always lose the people i love? i will simply never love again." and he snaps. he gets cold and distant, doesnt allow the kindness of others to reach him. all he wants now is vengance, and this man has been wronged by soooooo many people.
The only person still living with him is flora at this point. at first she lets things slide. things like seeing hersh withdraw into his study for too long, or drink too late into the night. but then she notices he stays in his room for days at a time, clearly working on something, but he gets so rude when asked about what. shes always met with answers like "its none of your concern" or "dont ask questions you're not prepared to hear the answer to", until one day she really puts her foot down. Demands to know whats going on. Shes so worried. But hershel screams at her to go away. an ugly, terrible yelling nobody deserves. and its so cold she just,, runs away crying. she cant think of anybody to reach out for help. she doesnt know anybody, she was never allowed to go out and make friends.
until she remembers the stories luke told her about the man they saved in Monte D'or, and she remembers how softly hershel would smile the precious few times he mentioned he name randall.
so she pulls up a phone book and looks up a Randall Ascot. Its not hard considering he owns an entire fucking town. shes crying and scared and alone, and when randall picks up the phone, he is of course concerned. hes never met this girl, but nobody should by crying this much, and then his heart breaks when he realizes its hershel who did this. He was always hurt by how hershel never said goodbye, and never called again to rekindle their friendship. at first he doesn't want to come over, but flora begs him.
"please, randall, you have to help. I know i hardly know you but... nobody else can reach him, i just know it".
so he grabs the nearest train. tells flora take take it easy at a bougie hotel for a night while he makes the trip over, pays for everything ofc. the two meet up. randall falls in love with this girl in .5 seconds (yknow in that "ive only met this girl for 10 minutes but if anything were to happen to her id kill everyone in this room and then myself" kind of way). They decide to just go to hershels flat and knock. he doesnt answer. they knock again. nothing. randall gets worried. he breaks down the door, shouts for hershel. Nobodys there. the place is empty. they enter hershels study to make sure, but what they find horrifies them. a GIANT charlie kelly style board with a bunch of pictures of different people, mostly people connected to bill hawks, and red lines connecting them stand before the two, and they both know in their gut its a hit list of some kind.
so they run to parliment or whatever building it is those goverment people all stay in, hoping its not too late, hope maybe their suspicions arent true. Theyre horrified when they reach the front steps and theres no guards or anything. sirens are blaring. they run down the halls. injured soldier's and police are telling them to turn back, its not worth it, this man is unstoppable.
"please dont let it be hershel, please dont let it be hershel."
flora stops when they reach the big door. she looks up at randall, crying. "im sorry... but i cant go in. i dont want to face him like this."
randall hugs her, reassures her. tells her its ok to wait by the entrance, that everything will be ok.
Flora rushes off, and randall takes a deep breath. He opens the door where bill hawks office is supposed to be. Randalls heart sinks. in the big chair is hershel, a sword covered in red, and tied to chains too close to the fire place is a beat up bill hawks.
hershel greets him coldly, like strangers.
"ah hello there. im sorry, but the prime minister cannot assist you today. please come back later."
"hershel, what are you doing??? that sword.... have you??"
"killed someone? no..." he hops off his chair and points his sword to bill hawks, far too close to the neck. "no not yet. but if youd like, you can join me for the first one."
Randall picks up a pipe or something close to him. "i cant let you do this hershel... i know youre better than this."
"ah, but you see, thats the thing." his blade lightly touches bills neck. "i could be, but then... whats the point?" then he scoffs, and pulls his sword away, pointing it towards randall in a battle stance. "never mind, you could never understand."
and he charges. AND THE EPIC SWORD FIGHT BETWEEN HERSHEL AND RANDALL THAT WE WERE ROBBED OF COMENCES! Randall, between parrys, is in total disbelief. "Hershel, stop it! i know how youre feeling, but this isnt the solution! youre tired, and scared, and unbelievably hurt. youre in so much pain... this isn't going to end that pain!"
clink, parry
"you couldnt possibly know what im feeling. ive lost everyone. but its no matter."
for a moment it looks like hershel is about to pin randall down, but he swoops away at the last minute.
"No, please hershel, you cant think like that!! youre not alone!! not anymore!! You didnt give up on the masked gentleman... let me return the favor!"
hershel gasps at this, and hesitates. its enough for randall to knock hershels sword out of his hands, and pin him to the ground. Hershel is afraid, his eyes are wide.
"r-randall, stop it!! leave me alone!"
"no!" randall throws the pipe he fought with aside. "not until you make things right!" he starts crying, his tears spill on hershels shirt. "not until i get my best friend back..."
hershel can't take it anymore. He screams, and starts crying uncontrollably. that ugly crying you reserve for your worst moments, and randall softens his grip on hersh, changes it so hes hugging his friend. And hershel just cries and cries and cries.
"i... i just dont want to live like this anymore..." he sobs.
"hershel.... oh hershel, im so, so sorry."
and they continue to cry. eventually randall asks what happened, how it got to this. hershel explains the events of the last few years. how luke left. how bill hawks sent men to beat him to an inch of his life 8 years ago, so really this is just him returning the favor. they talk it out.
"hershel... you owe flora an apology"
and hershel starts crying even more. "oh no, how could i do this to her?? im a monster..."
"nonsense! shes just worried about you, we all just want you to be ok. give her time, you two will be ok."
so slowly, randall convinces hershel to take his hand and walk out before some real irreverasble damage is done. they dont untie bill tho :) hershel comes face to face with flora at the entrance. starts stuttering some words, but jever gets around to saying anything bc flora hugs hershel so tightly, and cries into his chest. "professor i was so worried..."
"i.... im so sorry...."
and thats it!! the police dont do anything bc i dont believe in them, hawks eventually gets voted out. they all go home and randall decides to stay with hershel until he find a therapist. then decides to stay with him until he starts smiling again, then because i mean whos gonna help out with flora?? and then bc honestly hershel, this place is a mess! and then,,,,, well,,,,,, yknow,, 👀👀
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pogaytosalad · 3 years
Heres a wip of a sequel.
Dmviolence, by jade
Hello, if youre hearing this, it probably means im dead. Either that, or im alive and just got tired of keeping this hidden. You might remember my voice from a previous recording about a takeover in sector ⬽:➻, in which id helped prevent total annihilation of the sector. At the time i was unnamed, however now you may call me Kalton. After the takeover i resigned and moved to a job at a dmv. This planet was, for some reason, in one of the most tactically advantageous locations in the galaxy. And for some reason the higher ups dedicated the whole damn planet to dmvs. Dont ask why. Now, onto the story.
I woke up, and i put on my emerald green contact lenses. Just like any other day. I put on a basic white t-shirt and a leather bomber jacket along with a pair of jean shorts. If you cant tell by now, im gay.
I live in a small apartment. By small apartment i mean a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen all crammed into 2 rooms. I hopped out the bedroom window onto my motorcycle. It was a diamond white motorcycle with deep red stripes along the sides and the handlebars. My pride and joy. I put on my jet black helmet and took off towards my job at the, you guessed it, dmv.
Chapter 2
I pulled up in the parking lot and took off my helmet, my blue hair a total rats nest. The doors were push doors, yet i somehow ALWAYS pulled first. I entered the dmv and went to my station. A few hours passed by and no one had come in yet, which was unusual. So naturally i decided to sit down on the floor, put in my earbuds, and enjoyed some heavy metal. A few more hours passed by, and usually by now i wouldve been yelled at by my boss. This struck me as odd so i stood up. I really wish i hadnt stood up. The place had been completely destroyed. There were drop pods crashed in through the roof and they all had the ERGON logo on them. Ergon was a multi trillion dollar pencil manufacturing company with its own military. They had previously tried to take over sector ⬽:➻ when i had been working there. I was not looking forwards to what was about to happen.
Quickly, i ducked back onto the floor before anyone saw me. There were 4 riot soldiers holding this building. This was gonna be fun. The riot soldiers are your stereotypical riot gear and police baton soldiers. But these guys had laser batons and the riot gear gave them heightened strength and speed. They also had some, dare I say, shitty energy pistols. I crawled over to one of the soldiers who wasnt being watched and broke their neck. Carefully I took the baton and the pistol. Slowly crawled my way back to my station and checked the shot count in the pistol. I had 6 shots, just enough to take care of the remaining three soldiers. I stood up quickly and shot each soldier twice in the head. First shot to open the riot helmet, second shot to kill. I vaulted over the counter and grabbed the three pistols. These things were so stupid. You couldnt even remove the clips. Once you ran out of shots, the pistol was useless. Nonetheless, i didnt have any choice. I had a laser baton and 18 total shots in 3 pistols.
Upon leaving the building, my motorcycle was one of the few things to survive. It had alot of scratches and damage, but it still worked. The helmet was shattered however. I mounted the motorcycle and took off towards the next closest dmv. Maybe id find some better gear there.
Chapter 3
Pulling up next to the second dmv i immediately noticed 3 things. 1: there was blood everywhere. 2: there were 25 soldiers here. And 3: they all had energy weapons. The reason these things are relevant is because energy weapons dont cause bloodshed. This was the result of something else. Something new i hadnt dealt with yet.
I drove up and ran over 5 of the soldiers. This was probably an incredibly bad idea, seeing as i had 18 shots, enough for 9 kills, and there were 20 soldiers left. Every single soldier turned to me and i, being the absolute genius that i am, welded the front of one of the pistols shut with the laser baton, shot it off, and threw it into thei crowd of soldiers. It exploded, releasing a shockwave of energy and disabling the soldiers. I then used the baton to cut through the riot gear and kill the soldiers. I felt like a badass. That is until a mechanical looking wolf jumped at me and started trying to rip my face off.
The wolf was a frostwolf, except it had been placed into a mechanical frame and its teeth and claws had been replaced with lasers. I tried to bash it off of me with the baton but it just bit it in two. This gave me just enough time to grab an energy pistol and shoot the wolf. It kept trying to kill me amd i wasted a whole clip on it until suddenly, the dog started to levitate in the air and got thrown aside into a wall. I got up and was instantly frozen in place. Thats when.. she walked up.
Chapter 4
The she i am reffering to is ebony. A goth/punk wannabe with light blue tear shaped eyes and black hair with purple streaks. Shes a bitch whos mind got too powerful and now she can move things without touching them. Shes been chasing me for months. Not in a murderous way. Shes just obsessed with me. Ive tried to tell her im gay but she wont listen. And now im at her mercy.
She walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. I hated it. She looked as if she was contemplating whether or not to free me when a pod came down from the sky and crushed her. Thank god. But i honestly wouldve rathered suffered at her hand than deal with what i had to deal with next...
Out of the pod came the warden. The goddamn warden from sector ⬽:➻. Last id seen him hed been in the same situation as ebony. Crushed to death under a pod. But this time, instead of being on my side, he was here to kill me. He was huge. Like seriously huge. He was at least 8 feet tall and shaped like gaston. Whos gaston? Nobody knows these days. But its basically a way to say "extremely buff and wide". Back to the story. The warden wasnt looking very good, considering the rotten skin, obviously quickly patched together face, and muscles hanging loose out of his skin. His rotting ruined body was held together by an exoskeleton of chromium-tungsten alloy. Nothing i had was gonna cut through that. I was gonna have to get creative here..
The warden had 2 weapons, both of them were his fists. Huge gauntlets that were each about the size of a cow. Definitely bigger than his previous set. They were a golden green metal i couldnt identify. But i didnt want to get hit with one to try and find out. I ran. I ran as fast i could run into the dmv and hid. I could hear the wardens footsteps. It was as if a small earthquake happened each time he took a step.
I peeked over the desk i was hiding behind and saw him punch through the 2 desks opposite to me. It took no effort and i couldve sworn i saw him smile. Obviously i didnt. Cause he didnt have a mouth anymore. But if he did, he definitely wouldve smiled. I took a shot to get his attention and ran off towards the wall. The warden was definitely faster than i expected.
Luckily i managed to dodge the blow by a centimeter. The metal smelled of decaying flesh and popcorn. The wardens blow punched a huge hole in the wall. I hope you see where im going with this.
I ran off to another wall and we repeated this same process a number of times until the building was barely still up. I ran out the doors and threw the baton at the last of the supports, cutting through it and causing the building to collapse in on the warden. He wasnt getting out of that. I decided to search the rubble to see if i could find anything worth taking. I found a new baton, a flame rifle and a few more energy pistols.
The flame rifle was a very interesting design. The sides were painted jet black with flame decals scattered about. You could feel the heat on the inside and it made the gun warm to the touch. Comfortable to hold. Other than that though, it looked like an old fashioned 8.59mm sniper rifle. It had 4 shots remaining, so id have to use it sparingly.
I grabbed some scrap materials out of the rubble to make a holster for it and put it on my back.
The energy pistols just dangled from a keychain. The baton was simply turned off and placed through a hole in the back pockets of my shorts. I ran to my motorcycle and drove off, i needed to find out more. I had questions, and i had a sneaking suspicion that i knew where to find the answers.
I drove off again, i was dirty and there was blood on me and my bike. I probably looked like a serial killer. But i knew that if anyone was still alive, itd be jayden. They were.. well. They were a vampire. They lived in a swampland area and wore sparkly rainbow shirts and a huge sunhat. The sunhat allowed them to go outside in the sun, and they only drank coconut water. They also had a crazy amount of weaponry and used to work at ergon, before being fired for stealing weaponry. By the way, if you havent noticed by now, im using they/them to refer to jayden. Jayden doesnt have a gender. Jayden.. is kind of my crush. It probably has something to do with the fact that theyre the only person on this planet who talks to me. Other than ebony.. but ebony is... not my type i guess. Anyways, back to jayden. Jayden was on the roof of their swamp shack drinking coconut water out of a wine glass. I yelled up at them and they fell off the roof onto my back. I guess i cushioned their fall. Jayden immediately said "What do you need dear" without waiting for me to stand up, and shattered the wine glass. I informed them of the situation and asked the questions i had. Things like "what are the ergon soldiers defences like on their ships" and "how did they reanimate the warden" they had answers.
Jayden told me about the new security measures that had been put in place since id last been on an ergon ship. There was now a code for each teleportation pod and the gaurds had doubled. As for the warden, it turns out jayden was actually the first test run in reanimation sciences, and couldnt answer me because they had been unconcious in a lab when the warden was reanimated. That explained the vampire undead thing. Jayden invited me into the shack where they pulled a nail out of the floorboards and it turned into a ramp to the basement. Down in the basement? Thats where jayden kept their weapons they stole. And boy oh boy were there some interesting ones.
One that immediately caught my attention was the big rocket launcher. It had 3 barrels and each was a different colour, indicating a different effect. One was red, one was yellow, and one was green. The red barrel fired a normal explosive rocket, the yellow barrel fired an electromagnetic pulse rocket, and the green barrel fired an acidic explosive. And the launcher shrunk down to the size of an energy pistol when a button was pressed. It gathered up dirt and dust and garbage around it from the back to quickly convert into ammo but the only downside is that it would be difficult to use more than once in an area.
Jayden picked out an old shotgun. At first i didnt understand why, but then they loaded the clip. The clip was a huge drum that loaded in the bottom of the barrel. The drum was see through and inside you could see sawblades lined up side by side. When they pumped the shotgun a blade got lifted into a slot between the 2 shotgun barrels and started glowing red. When the trigger was pulled, the blade spun at high speeds and fired out of the slot, spinning along the ground like a wheel. It could cut through anything a baton could cut through and seemed to almost follow its target. The gun itself looked like an DP-12, except behind the pump, a large clear drum full of sawblades was in place. The blade sat between the barrels in place of the iron sights and got heated up by an electrical circut.
I also took a laser sword instead of my baton, it was just like the one that [3825968] had, except this one was about an inch longer. The final weapon i took was an acid thrower. It was basically just a watergun with acid in it. Ive always been partial to acidic weapons. If youve heard my other story, youd know why..
Jayden also took a submachine gun that fired freezing rounds. The rounds were essentially glorified waterballoons with liquid nitrogen in them. Though the rounds were bullet sized, enough shots from it would certainly freeze you in place. The freeze gun was about the size of the average human head, and was painted navy blue with blue saphire stripes placed along it. We both left the shack, me with my sword and jayden with a wine glass. We were ready to kick ass and put a stop to this.
We left and immediately both got flung into some trees. Guess who it was. It was ebony. Her body had been found and reanimated. I was starting to see a pattern. And now we had to fight the telekinetic who could kill us with a wave of her hand.
She was levitating. Her eyes were glowing red and her hair was floating in the air. She had a smile of someone about to rip your arms off and beat you with them. I tried to take a shot at her but my hand got knocked aside by an invisible force. So i tried the next best thing. Seduction. Fake seduction. Hopefully the whole dying and coming back from the dead thing didnt make her stop being weirdly obsessed with me.
While i faked surrender and complimented ebony and attempted to seduce her, jayden took aim of their ice gun and shot a burst at ebonys right arm. The arm froze in place and shattered. Hopefully that would lower the strength of her telekinetic abilities. It did. But only by about half. Which meant jayden got thrown into the air as i tried to discreetly unholster my acid gun. It wasnt discreet enough and the gun was knocked from my hand.
The gun flew forwards and the impact of hitting the ground set it off for a second, just enough to spray an acidic burn through her arm. Incapacitating her. Jayden ended up sneaking up behind her and impaling her through the skull with the shattered end of their wine glass. Finally ebony was dead for good.
The acid gun was busted, so we had to leave it behind. We got onto my motorcycle and took off towards my apartment building. We would need food if we were going to be traveling. An apartment complex would probably be full of foods, and alot of dead people who wouldnt care if we took some stuff.
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wuvbug-kny · 5 years
too late — kamado tanjirou
↬ tw!! suicidal thoughts
↬ tanjirou x fem!reader x inosuke
↬ genre: angst
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“i-i really do like you..um, it wasnt easy to confess b-but..yeah..”
my body shook. my head ached. my anxiety was over the roof. what was i thinking, why would i confess to him?! oh god. im going insane. what was i thinking..
i felt tears in my eyes start to form as my body got hotter by the second. my fists were clenches togethee tightly, nails digging into my palms as my heart raced at an unsteady pace. i gulped. why wasnt he saying anything? why is he just standing there? oh no.. my eyes remained stuck onto the ground as the knot in my throat got tighter. the tears that had formed in my eyes began to fall to the ground, and out of embarassment i lowered my head even more hoping he wouldnt notice.
tanjirou, please dont break me more than i already am broken.
“im sorry.
i cant reciprocate your feelings.”
i felt numb. i felt like complete, utter trash.
i felt worthless. i feel worthless.
of course it turned out that way.
why did i get my hopes up? why was i so dumb? to think someone like him would love such a lonely, miserable girl like me.
my heart ached. ever since i felt like the hole in my chest had gotten the biggest its ever been. it hurt, the pain was incredibly painful, i felt like i seeped even more into darkness than the darkness i was emorsed in before.
god, why am i so miserable? what is this life you’ve given me? what is my purpose?
sometimes, no, at all times i just want to disappear.
the knock on my door startled me, causing me to jump up from my laying position on my bed, in result of getting up too fast i had landed on my floor painfully. i grunted in pain as more tears began to spilled out from my eyes.
im miserable..
quickly sitting up, i wiped the tears from my tomato reddened face before sucking everything up as best as i could.
“y-yes?” i replied to the knocking coming from my door.
the knocking got even louder.
confused, i called out again. “y-yes??”
i jumped, shrieking slightly as the door was kicked open. am i under attack? but this is the butterfly estate! scrambling to my bed like the coward i was, i quickly pulled out my blade, pointing it towards the now beaten down door.
“w-who is it??” i shivered.
“(y/n), you bird brain! training has started and everyone is still waiting on you!!”
in came inosuke, wearing his boar mask as usual.
i lowered my blade and sighed shakily, before putting it away. “i-inosuke..you scared me. you could of just answered to me instead of kicking my door open..” i said, getting up from the bed.
“whatever! you should be at training! you’re holding everyone up, you stupid hag!” he huffed, crossing his arms.
i forcefully made myself laugh, even though i was in now way amused by his words.
hes right.
im a burden to everybody.
i shouldnt be here.
i should just die.
im so worthless.
everyone would be better off without me.
without realizing, i felt the warmness of my tears flowing down my face. i felt my heart ache so badly, my body shaking.
unable to hold my stance, i fall to the floor. sobbing.
because im so pathetic.
taking my bruised up hands, i quickly try to wipe the tears away but they just keep coming, and coming. i cant stop. i cant stop. my bubble has bursted, i have no more energy, i have no energy to keep it all in anymore, i cant control myself.
as i was too busy drowning in my negative, self killing thoughts, i was interrupted when my hands were pulled away from my face.
a little taken aback, but still having tears flowing down my face, i looked up.
“what are you, a baby? stop it.” he grumbled as he wiped my tears away with his thumb. his thumb glided across my cheek, flicking my tears away as gently as ever. for a moment i felt my heart warm. this is the first time ive ever been carressed so gently. i loved the feeling, but at the same time surprised as to who i was recieving it from.
“dont cry anymore. i dont like it.” his hands gently carressed my face now as his emerald eyes looked into mine. i felt my heart skip a beat, the empty deep feeling in my chest being forgotten at the very moment. i couldnt look away from his eyes.
for the first time ever, i felt like. i was okay.
i teared up again, but before i could let the tears spill i engulfed inosuke in a hug. an endearing, loving, grateful hug. i sobbed as i buried my face into his chest.
“t-thank you. thank you so much.”
i felt his arms wrap around my shaking figure gently, as he at the same time patted my head.
i was honestly surprised as to what was going on right now. out of all people, inosuke.
you’ve made me so happy. you’ve made me feel safe, okay, and wanted.
two months had passed ever since tanjirou had turned me down.
honestly, i had nothing against tanjirou. i never expected him to like me, heck, love me back even. i never expected him to reciprocate my feelings. but at the same time, i felt like i still had a chance. i dont know what was going through my mind at the time.
i still loved tanjirou. maybe not as much as before, but i knew i still had the slightesy feelings for him. i try my best to talk to him as if nothing had ever happened. i really just want to move on from it.
as much as i hate myself for it, seeing him and talking to him makes me feel worthless. i hate myself for feeling that way. if i could go back in time and redo everything, i most certainly would.
what hurt me even more was to see how close he had gotten himself with kanao. it was no surprise to me, honestly. kanao is a very pretty girl, and she’s just way better than me in general in regards to demon slaying and skill wise.
no wonder tanjirou would take interest in her.
i was happy for him, i really was. i held no resent towards kanao at all. afterall, it would be petty and childish.
kanao was a dear friend to me and if they really did have chemistry between one another, i do really wish them the best.
i just cant help but pity myself.
i squeaked in surprise as i was suddenly lifted off the ground by a pair of arms around my waste and twirled around. it took me a moment to realize that it was nobody but inosuke, before having a giggling fit.
“i-inosuke! put me down!” i laughed as he started to make plane noises. i felt myself blush as his eyes locked itself with mine, before averting my gaze to block him from noticing my face had turned into a tomato red.
ever since i broke down in front of inosuke and had him comfort me, we’ve gotten a lot closer. not much has changed between us personality wise, but he associated with me way more and always seemed ready whenever id ask him a favor, etc. he also now liked to pick me up and pretend to toss me, or making plane noises as he twirled me around.
he’s honestly like my best friend now. i can actually talk to him about how i feel deep down inside. he listens but doesnt really give much input on it, but i dont mind. its inosuke afterall, what can i expect? all im grateful for is that he listens.
inosuke grinned before setting me back down on the floor. he patted my hat before literally collapsing onto the grass covered ground, yawning and using his arms to rest his head on.
“im tired, (y/n). take a nap with me.” he grunted, patting the spot next to him. i smiled before laying down too, as i looked up at the sky.
“hey, inosu-“ i cut myself off after i had looked at him and noticed he was already out like a light. i giggled a bit. hes such a baby, honestly.
i stared at his face a bit more and noticed how pretty and feminine his features were. his eyelashes were curled and at a beautiful length, his lips slightly parted making him look angelic. his fair skin with no scars made him look like an angel.
jeez, god really do be picking favorites.
i sighed before laying back down on the grass, closing my eyes as i rested my head on inosuke’s chest. i felt myself sleeping into sleep and just let it happen.
this was one of the many times i felt at peace, always with inosuke.
“im telling you, inosuke and (y/n) have a thing going on! have you seen how they are with each other?!” falling onto the floor, zenitsu started to sob. “why, out of all people, him?! a pretty girl like (y/n) deserves better! eUUugGNnN!!”
“what are you guys talking about?” tanjirou asked as he walked into the room, a smile worn on his face as he laughed at zenitsu obviously being overdramatic about whatever it was.
aoi and the other three girls sighed as they continued on eating their lunch.
“zenitsu thinks (y/n) and inosuke are dating and hes freaking out about it because he knows he’ll never get someone as pretty as (y/n).” aoi said, laughing at the last part.
tanjirou froze, before laughing nervously. “aaah, dont say that, im sure zenitsu will find someone one day!”
aoi shrugged, followed on by more giggles coming from sumi and the two others.
“are (y/n) and inosuke really dating?” tanjirou asked, sitting down.
“dont even mention it! agh!” zenitsu cried from his laying position on the ground, before burying his face in his arms again.
aoi rolled her eyes before moving onto answering tanjirou. “well..no, actually yeah, no, we dont know. i mean it looks like it. they’ve gotten a lot of closer and inosuke is always up on (y/n) now. i mean, they’d make a really cute couple! i see the way (y/n) lights up when shes around him.”
“a-ah. i see.” tanjirou said, letting out a slight laugh. “well, im gonna head out to train now. ill see you all at dinner.”
aoi and the three girls said goodbye to him as he made his exit.
tanjirou walked down the halls of the butterfly estate, before stumbling upon the garden. he sighed, walking out with the intention to take a look at the peaceful view of the garden meadow and for some fresh air.
his peace was interrupted, however, as his eyes locked upon two well known people cuddled up on the garden grass, taking a peaceful nap.
his fists clenched, and so did his teeth.
he felt jealousy over power him. he did not realize it, but it was there and he felt it. he just didnt know what it was.
but what he knew, was regret.
that he had let (y/n) slip past him.
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chicagopd2020 · 4 years
New Beginnings Are Good For Everyone Ch.5
Waking up the next morning was one of the easiest things she ever done, which was weird because she hated monday mornings so much. But getting up and going through her morning routine just to make sure everything is right before she heads out for her first day as member of the Chicago PD Intellgence Unit. Kim had a little extra pep in her step and she was happy about it because it hadnt been there in a long time. She grabbed her jacket & keys ready to walk out the door. She stops for coffee to make sure that doesnt hit a wall in the middle of the day.
Kim walks into the station and she sees Sargent Platt, she decides that the best thing to do is to talk to her and to see what she is suppose to do. She stands there silently as Sargent Platt finishes the conversation with the officers in blue. When Trudy looks up and notices Kim she tells the officers to move along. She welcomes her back and asks if she is ready for her first day.
Kim replies happily that she was more than ready to prove herself to everyone. She kept small conversation with Trudy until Trudy looks behind her and notices one of the members of the Intelligence Unit.
Yes Sargent?
You know Agent Kim Burgess?
Yes I know Kim
Well would mind buzzing her upstairs with you just until we can get her into the system.
Of course, follow me Kim and show you where you are going to start spending most of your time
Oh I cant wait.
I promise you that will change, I love my job but you have no time for a personal life.
I guess that it is a good thing that I am a woman focusing on her career right now and not a romantic relationship.
They carry on with their conversation with their small climb of the stairs, Hailey walks her to Voights office and wishes her good luck even though she knows she will see her in just a couple mins.
Kim welcome to your first day as a memeber of intellgence, just want to go over a few things while we wait on the last couple people to show up. He starts going over the rules and not that there was many rules but he lives strongly by the few rules that he has.
Kim has noticed that Hank Voight is not your normal Sargent but she wasnt wanting normal she was just wanting to serve justice for the city of Chicago. She continues to listen intently to what Voight is saying taking everything he was saying to the heart so she knows what not to do to get on his bad side. I am going to give you a few weeks to study everything, I have set up your test in two weeks for you detective exam. The moment finally comes to where he asks if she had any questions
I will make sure that I study up on everything that I need to know so that I can pass the test of my first try. I say things like that so I can keep it in my mind that I will pass the test and that I can do anything I put my mind to.
I know that everyone is partnered up with someone, I was just curious who my partner was going to be? I know that no matter who I am with that I will have a great partner. This team just seems like they have each others back no matter if they are actually partners or not.
That we do Kim we are family here, Whatever one member of the intellgence is going through everyone feels the pain, I know that it is weird to say buts it true. We have our fights like any of family but at the end of the day we will have each others back no matter what.
That is exactly what I want because at the FBI yes it was everyone worked as a team but at the end of the day everyone was only watching out for theirselves and if they had the chance to do it they would throw someone under the bus in a heartbeat. That was until Erin came I knew that she would have my back no matter what and she was the only thing that I was going to the miss about it and that was it.
Good to hear Kim, he looks out the window and notices that the whole team is here. Come on lets go out to the bullpin and I will let everyone know all at once who you are going to partnered with.
The door opens and everyones eyes looks toward the door and sees Kim and Hank exiting, Hank finally speaks up, So as everyone of you know Agent Burgess as of today is officially a member of Intellgence and I think she is going to be an amazing addition to the team and I want you all to make her feel at welcome. So as of today Burgess you are going to partnered up with Halstead, Upton you will be with Ruzek and Atwater you will be Olinksy.
Hailey showed Kim where her desk would be, which was actually her old desk. Hank liked the partners to be close to each other that shows they can work as a team not only on the street but in the close quarters of an office.
The first couple hours was kind of quiet just everyone going over cases they had been working on. When Voight walks out of the office and catches all of their attenion.
We have a case, We are looking at a small drug smuggling team that is somewhat new to the city, and one of the leaders of the team is trying to look normal or something because he has a nine to five job and he doesnt live in these high priced homes to make it not look so obvious but the others, they are staying hid very well because there has been no trace of any clues as to who any of his partners are. This is Lorenzo Lopez he is best known as Enzo.
Kim finally looks away from the file in her hands and takes a look at the picture hanging on the board, and her eyes go huge. She looks over a Jay and they share this look knowing that this was the neighbor that Jay thought was very sketchy. Voight must have caught onto that look, cause he questioned them.
What is that look the two of you just shared?
Well it turns out that he lives in our building and right next door to Kim. He just moved into the apartment a few weeks ago and he seemed kind of sketchy but I never really thought anything of it.
Kim was just lost in her thoughts that she didnt really hear the conversation that was going on. Until Jay tapped her shoulder to get her attention. She slightly jumped that never happens, she just thought that she left him in the past and now she was going to be apart of the team to send him to prison and honestly she cant say that she was upset about it. It was one of the main reasons that she left him she knew that the business that he was in wasnt legal and there was no way in hell that she was going to let him mess up her career.
Kim are you alright?
Yeah, Im just thinking about someway, anyway that we can take him down.
Jay wasnt buying it but it was her first day he wasnt going to push the boundaries just yet. So he just let it go for now.
Halstead you and Burgess go talk to your CI'S and see if they know anything about this. Everyone just keep digging into his past and see what you can dig up.
Kim heard the last sentence and knew that she had to tell someone about her connection to the suspect before someone actually figured it out and wonder why she didnt tell them, so who is best to tell then her partner.
They get into Jay's truck and head out and she knew that if she didnt talk about it now that she never would. She lets out this deep breathe
Jay I need to tell you something.
You can tell me anything. Im here for you
Its about the suspect that we are looking into, you know last night when I said something under my breathe about our sketchy neighbor
Yeah, what about it?
Well, what I didnt tell you is that I know Enzo very very well
How well?
As in we were together for over a year
Yeah, when we first met he was normal like any other guy but then the longer that we were together its like I just didnt get the same vibe from him that I used to. When we would spend time together I would feel uneasy that something could go wrong at any minute. So after that night I just told him that I think that it was best if we seen other people and that I didnt see a future with him. Lets just say that he didnt take it the best and i had to end up moving somewhere else but a few weeks before I found out that I got the job here I felt as if I was being followed and yet somehow we end being neighbors. I didnt want to think nothing much about it when I first set eyes on him but it just seems like he found out from someone that I was moving here and just thought that maybe if he lived here first that I wouldnt think nothing about it.
Kim you definetly have to tell Voight about this
I know I just didnt think that I would ever see him again
Even though you never thought you would see him again doesnt change anything he is our main suspect and you could be the reason he is in Chicago and that may actually lead us to him, I would never actually make you do anything that would put you in danger I hope you know this
I do know this, but whatever helps put him behind bars quicker I am willing to help
Jay talked to a couple of his CI'S and they were not much help, So they started back toward the station when Halstead got a message with an address to meet the rest of the team. As they arrived they seen the team surrounding something on the ground and as they made it to their side they seen that it was a woman who couldnt have been not much older than 25 and she was laying there with a cut throat.
Do we think that this has anything to do with Enzo and his men? Kim questioned
We wont know anything until we get the autopsy back. Says Voight
Sarge is there anyway that I can have a word with you
Yeah, sure
They walked far enough away that nobody would be able to hear what they were talking about. She told him everything that she told Jay and hoped that whatever she told him would help.
Kim I know that wasnt easy to say but I am glad that you told me before we had to find it out on our own and then it would have looked bad on your end and looked like you were hiding something.
Thats what I thought and Jay told me that I should tell you right away and I feel so much better now that I did.
They join back up with the team and all head back to the station. Once they make it back to the station  everyone gathers around the board and Voight feels the team in on everything you told him and they tried to figure out what was the best way they could get his guards down long enough for someone to get into his place to bug his apartment or even his phone.
Kim was the first person to speak up.
I think we know the only person that he is going to even let into his apartment is me
Kim you dont have to do this...Voight and Jay say at the same time
Your right I dont but I know that this is my job and that it is the right thing to do. You could always be close enough to that if I feel threathened that you will be right there.
If you are sure that you want to do this then we will do it
Its the furthest from what I want to do but its what I know needs to be done.
Alright everyone we will put everything in motion tonight. So get ready
Kim cant believe she is the one that thought of this but I think in the end its the only thing that would have made sense, Its the only way they will be able to bust him 
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
Forgotten Alliance Ch 47
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Nope. 
Author’s Note: This one is more of filler chapter, but one that is definitely needed for this story. I cant believe the ending is just a few chapters away. I hope that you guys enjoy this next chapter!
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
The study had been quiet. Elizabeth was actually enjoying it for once. It usually bugged the hell out of her that there had been just silence. But as of now, she welcomed it. It helped her think for once and that was all that mattered. She was actually able to sit down and go over the progress from the experiments. She had to sign papers as well showing Jax that she was still keeping her hands in the project and not running away from it all. Time was running out. As much as she wished she could just go and visit Elijah, she couldnt bring herself to. The way things had happened the last time she was there, Elizabeth honestly felt that she shouldn’t return unless she absolutely had the cure. She couldnt stand to see Hayley give that disappointed look again. Speak of the devil.
“What are you doing here?” Elizabeth asked as she continued to write on the paper in front of her. She hadn’t bothered to look up at Hayley as she took a step into the study. “The point of staying hidden was to keep you safe.”
“Would you believe me if I said I came to apologize?” Hayley said with a small smile. Even though Elizabeth didn’t look up at her, Hayley had to try. It had been some time since Elizabeth had gone to visit any of them and Hayley had known it was her fault for that reason. It took a lot for her to leave the Originals under a compelled babysitter while she made her way over her.
“You didn’t have to come all the way out here to apologize.” Elizabeth said as she signed another document and moved it over to the side. “Malakai apologized for you.”
Elizabeth heard Hayley sigh. She had no problems being harsh with the woman at the moment. Elizabeth didn’t even want to see her. And a part of her wondered who was watching over the house keeping the other’s safe. But as much as she wanted to yell at the woman for so many things. She hadn’t. She knew there would be no point. She would end up losing her temper and things could end up uglier than they had been.
“I know. ” Hayley said. “but then someone wouldn’t have been able to see you.” That had caused Elizabeth to stop what she was writing and looked up. Hope stood by Hayley looking shy. Elizabeth chuckled and shook her head and Hope smiled.
“Come on over.” Elizabeth said and Hope ran towards her.
The moment Hope had her arms around Elizabeth, Elizabeth had felt so much better. Over time this girl had bonded with her. No matter how much she hated her mother in that moment, a hug from a child cured it all.
“How are you?” Elizabeth asked Hope as she still hugged her.
“Good.” Hope said with a grin as she pulled away from Elizabeth. “Aunt Freya taught me how to do another spell.” She had some excitement in her and Elizabeth smiled.
“What spell is that?” Elizabeth asked as she smiled at her.
Hope looked over at Hayley for a moment before looking back at Elizabeth for a moment. “Can I see Aunt Freya’s old room?” She asked.
Elizabeth raised her eyebrow for a moment before nodding. Standing from her seat, she lead Hope down the hall towards Freya’s room. On the way there, they passed by the closed door of Klaus’s room and Hope had stopped for a moment, feeling the magic coming from the room. Both Hayley and Elizabeth stopped and watched her. Hope placed her hand on the door for a moment before looking at Elizabeth.
“Blood magic.” She said as if she was the one that had placed the spell there herself.
“How do you know that?” Elizabeth asked curiously. She was curious to know how she knew about the blood magic. She was also curious to know if she knew what, rather who, was behind that door.
“Its strong magic.” Hope said with a smile. “Aunt Freya said you can tell the difference with spells. The dream spell was done with blood magic. It feels the same as this one.” Hope explained. “Are you hiding something?”
Elizabeth sighed and took a few steps towards her as Hayley watched. Elizabeth knelt down to Hope’s level. “I have a sleeping King in there.” She said with a slight nod.
Hope’s eyes widened for a moment before looking back at the door. “Is it my dad?” Hope had asked hopeful.
Elizabeth looked at Hayley for a moment before looking back at Hope. “I’m not going to lie to you.” She said before nodding. “He is in there. But I am supposed to make sure no one is to go in there. And that is why the blood magic is there.”
“I know.” Hope said with a small nod. Her voice had sounded a bit broken.
“One day soon, he’ll wake up.” Elizabeth said as she ran her hand through Hope’s hair.
“How soon?” Hope asked. Her eyes lit up a bit as she looked between Elizabeth and Hayley.
“Sooner than we think.” Elizabeth said with a smile. But the smile she gave off, Hayley knew that she wasn’t giving the full smile she had used to give off. When Elizabeth looked over at Hayley, Hayley had given her a look that had several things. “Now how about you go to Freya’s room and get what you need while I talk to your mom?”
“Okay.” She said with a smile.
“Turn right at the corner and it is the first door on the left.” Elizabeth said as she stood and Hope took off running towards Freya’s old room.
“Why did you lie to her?” Hayley asked the moment she heard Hope enter Freya’s room.
“I didn’t.” Elizabeth said shaking her head.
“I doubt you have the cure or even remotely being close to acquiring it.” Hayley crossed her arms over her chest.
Elizabeth sighed. “Look, its hard to explain without showing you all the details.”
“How hard can it be?” Hayley asked almost annoyed.
“Harder than you think.” Elizabeth said just as Hope came running back with several objects in her arms. “What is all this for?” Elizabeth asked with a raised eyebrow.
“You’ll see.” Hope said as she walked past them and made her way towards the courtyard.
“Okay what is this spell?” Elizabeth asked Hayley as they followed her.
“She wouldn’t even tell me.” Hayley said with a shrug. “It’s meant to be seen by you.”
Elizabeth had a confused look on her face, but she followed Hope down into the courtyard. Elizabeth was surprised that Hope had gone straight for the side table that she used to watch Freya do several spells on. It was like Hope had never left New Orleans. “Your Aunt used to do all her spells there.” She said with a grin on her face.
“Freya told her.” Hayley said from behind her. “It was all she talked about on the way over here.”
“Are you sure no one watched you sneak in?” Elizabeth asked wanting to make sure that this wasn’t going to come back to haunt them. “I don’t need to worry about this on top of everything else.”
“We were safe, I promise.” Hayley said turning her attention to Hope as she was setting everything up on the table. “Look, she came in after Kai left the other day and said Freya was going to teach her this new spell and you needed to be the one to see it. You weren’t coming to us any time soon, so I made the decision to bring her here. Whatever comes from this, we’ll take care of it. Just as we have before.”
Elizabeth nodded. “As long as you were safe, that is all I can ask.”
She would have preferred if Hayley had kept Hope at home, it had been nice to see her. The call had been tough on Elizabeth and she wanted nothing more than to drop everything and make her way out there. But because of circumstances, and the fact that she was upset with the Hybrid standing next to her, she stayed right were she was.
“Ready!” Hope called out getting their attention. The moment she had it, she looked at Elizabeth. “Aunt Freya said I was going to need your blood for this spell too.”
“Too?” Elizabeth asked as she walked up to the table. “As in you have someone else’s blood?”
A grin spread on Hope’s lips. “Yes.” Her nodded quickly. “Aunt Freya said that this might not work, but it doesn’t hurt to try.”
“I think your Aunt lacks confidence in her teaching abilities.” Elizabeth noted with a shake of her head.
Hayley laughed at that. “I some how doubt that. It might be the fact that they are in that spell.”
“You have a point.” Elizabeth picked up the knife that Hope had so carefully placed on the table. Slicing across her palm, she held her hand over the small bowl that Hope held out for her, allowing her blood to flow in to it. “You aren’t planning to put some curse on me and your Uncle, right?”
“No.” Hope giggled as she began putting the ingredients together.
It brought a smile to Elizabeth’s face watching her as she did it. Hayley had watched Hope practice several times before they made the trip out there. But to Elizabeth, this still amazed her even though she watched and helped Hope do one of her first spell. She was still so young. If it wasn’t for the Mikaelson magic running through her veins, she wasn’t sure how much magic Hope would be able to do. She would always be glad to watch the girl preform magic.
As she mixed everything to her liking, Hope began chanting. With each word that came out of her mouth, all three of them could feel the shift in the air. A breeze of a air passed through the compound, lighting the candles on the table as Hope continued to chant. The moment that they were lit, Elizabeth’s eyesight had been clouded over. For a few moments, all she could see was blinding white.
Panic has swept through her for a moment. She had no idea if this had been a part of the spell. But as she heard Hope’s chanting slow and eventually come to a stop, her vision slowly came back.
A gasp left Elizabeth’s lips the moment her vision was clear. She couldn’t believe what she had been seeing in front of her. “Elijah?” She asked as she took a step forward.
“It worked?” Hope asked hopeful. “We wont be able to see him. ” She added in looking around.
“I promise it worked.” The whisper left Elizabeth’s lips.
Elijah chuckled and shook his head. “Is this what it is going to take to get to talk to you?” There was amused smile on his lips. “Playing messenger with my niece?”
Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “I had my reasons.” She looked over to look at Hope for moment. But Hope had been leading her mother out of the courtyard.
“So I’ve heard.” He said as he took a step closer to Elizabeth. He looked around the courtyard. “You really have changed this place.”
“You really can see all of this?” She asked curiously. “How did Freya come up with this.”
“It was a long shot. But we were hopeful. This spell only last for a few minutes.”
“I’m glad I get to see you for whatever time we’ve got.” She said with a grin.
“The only down side to this is I can’t feel your presence. But the other day, while Hope was visiting, there had been an emotion that I couldn’t ignore.” Elizabeth knew exactly what he had been talking about.
She bit down on her lip, trying to think of how she can begin to explain this. “After I got off the phone with hope, I let my fear get the best of me.” It wasn’t so much a lie. She had let her fear take over. But it was for a completely different reason than what she was about to say. “The call made me think of how much I’ve failed you on this. I’m actually afraid that I am not the right person to do this.”
“Don’t.” Elijah said shaking his head. “You are not only searching for a way to free us, but you are helping to keep us safe. There was never a timeline on how long this would take. I don’t expect you to rush for our benefit.”
“But there is Hope to consider.” She shook her head. “Klaus will be kept down until you have a cure. Hope shouldn’t have to grow up without her dad in the picture. I don’t want to be responsible for Klaus missing out on her life. That’s what I’m most afraid of.” It hadn’t been a lie. Those had all been fears that had been playing through her mind for so long. But as Jax’s words lingered in her mind, the fear only grew.
“We’ll get through it, all of us.” He said as he brought his hand up to move a stand out of her face. But seeing as he hadn’t really been there and this just a spell, it hadn’t moved. Elizabeth hadn’t felt his touch. A touch that she had missed so much.
“It would be more comforting if I could actually feel you.” She said giving him a small smile.
He chuckled. “Gives you more reason to drop what you are doing and come for a visit.”
She nodded her head, almost afraid to trust the words that would possibly come out at first. “I promise it will be soon.”
It hadn’t sounded reassuring, but Elijah would take it. Before he could say anything else, he had vanished right before her. A sigh passed her lips as she looked to the table to find the flames had been put out.
A moment later her phone began ringing. Rolling her eyes, she pulled it out of her pocket. But the name that appeared on the screen made her stop for a moment to compose herself.
“What is it that you want?” She said into the phone. As she listened to Jax’s words, she heard Hope and Hayley come back into the courtyard. Hope’s curious eyes landed on her the moment she entered. “I’ll be there in ten.” She said before hanging up the phone.
Turning to Hope and Hayley she gave them a small smile. “Look, I have leave for a while.”
“What about what you said earlier?” Hayley asked as she took a step closer to Elizabeth.
Now wasn’t the time for that. Elizabeth knew that, especially with Jax calling her as he did. Sighing, she ran her hand through her hair.
“Leave Hope with Mary.” She said to Hayley. “After you drop her off, I’ll text you the directions. But I’ll let you know when to meet up with me. Spend some time with Mary, I know she misses seeing you guys.”
Elizabeth leaned down gave Hope a hug, that Hope happily returned. “Thank you so much for that spell.”
“I’d knew you’d love it.” Hope said with a grin on her face.
“I really did.” She said as she pulled away. “I’ll see you later.
"What is this place?” Hayley asked as Elizabeth stood in front of a warehouse door.
“Let’s just call it my ‘office’.” Elizabeth said as she entered her security code and opened the door. Elizabeth held open the door for Hayley. As she walked in, Elizabeth looked around to make sure there was no one else around. When she was satisfied, she walked in making sure the door was shut behind her. “You probably aren’t going to like what you see.” She walked down the hall to another door and entered a different pass code.
Hayley raised her eyebrow as she she followed Elizabeth through that door. Once she was inside, a gasp passed her lips. A pile of bodies laid in the corner of the warehouse. From what Hayley could tell, they were all vampires that had been bitten by a werewolf, or Elizabeth. As her eyes scanned more, she saw a cage with a vampire that was inside. It seemed like humans were standing around the cage taking notes.
“What the hell is this, Liz?” She asked looking at Elizabeth with a horrified look.
“This, gets us our cure that we need.” Elizabeth shrugged. “I made a deal with a friend in a very high place. He is paying for all of this. The humans, they are all here on their free will. Maybe not so much if you think about the contract they signed before starting this. The vampires,” Elizabeth started to walk towards the one that had been in the cage. “they were all caught by councils like the one Mystic Falls used to have. My friend paid off every city and town that had a council to keep them alive and bring them here.” Elizabeth looked at the vampire that was currently in the cage. She and Hayley watched as a human injected her with Elizabeth’s venom. “With each injection, we are closer to finding the cure for my bite.”
Hayley looked at Elizabeth and then around at the warehouse. “What deal did you make to get all of this, Liz?”
Elizabeth didn’t say anything at first. After a moment, she nodded her head towards an office. Hayley followed Elizabeth to the office and once inside, Elizabeth closed the door behind them. “Look, Hayley.” Elizabeth said shaking her head slightly. “No matter what price it is that I’ve paid to get this, we will have the cure and our family will be together again.”
“But do you want this on your conscious?” Hayley asked. “Do you think they will be happy that you are pretty much doing the same thing Lucien was doing?”
“The difference is that I am trying to find the cure, not a way to kill them.” Elizabeth said looking at Hayley. “These Vampires are the ones that have been slaughtering towns and taking innocent lives. They deserve it. I’m not taking the innocent to do what is needed.” She sighed softly. “When it comes to this deal, I don’t pay the price of it until I know for sure everyone is up and healed.”
“How high is that price you have to pay? This isn’t a simple favor that someone would be willing to do. There must have been something you promised them in return.”
Elizabeth chuckled. “I’d be willing to pay any price to get my family back. Wouldn’t you?”
Hayley would and she knew that. It was why part of this had been hard to see that Elizabeth had made the decision to do this. Getting their family back was the top priority for both of them. Hayley couldn’t understand why it was that Elizabeth had only gave her the task of getting the cure for Rebekah. “There must be something I can do to help. What ever deal it is you made, I want in on it to help get them back.”
Elizabeth shook her head quickly. “No. Hope needs you free from this. There is no definite outcome of what would happen afterwards.”
“What do you mean?” Hayley was trying to get every bit of information out of Elizabeth as she could.
“It means that you aren’t helping in any way, shape, or form. Becoming a part of this isn’t just some fraction of time. It will lead to things that we may be pulled away for months maybe even more. We both know you wouldn’t want to leave Hope like that.” Elizabeth had been making it seem like it was some business trip that needed to be taken. But she knew that if she gave Hayley all the details on the deal she would more than likely join her at Whitmore and Elizabeth couldn’t allow that.
Hayley nodded. What ever it was this deal was, she knew Elizabeth was going to continue to do it even if Hayley had told her not to. She was going to respect Elizabeth for doing this. She just didn’t know what the outcome would be or what they would have to face when the time came. She watched as Elizabeth walked over to the window that looked into the warehouse.
“We’re close, Hayley.” Elizabeth said never taking her eyes away from the window. “We’re close enough that with their help, they will be up before we know it.”
Hayley sighed. “Would it have been so bad if we had tried this years ago?”
Elizabeth shook her head. “I wanted to try and do it on my own and see if it was possible to get it. Having this friend means a deal that cannot be broken. This needed to be a last resort. I ran out of options.”
Hayley raised an eyebrow. “When did this all start.”
Elizabeth looked over at her. “The night you said I really hadn’t been looking for the cures.”
Hayley shook her head. “Liz, I was upset that night. You didn’t have to go and do this because I said something.”
“You were right.” Elizabeth said shrugging. “I was trying to put it off for so long on doing this. But it needed to be done. We’ll have them home soon.” Elizabeth looked back out the window and watched as they injected another vampire with the venom. With each injection, they were supposed to be getting closer to finding the cure. But with each of those injections, Elizabeth felt her freedom slowly slipping away. This is what it was going to take to get their family back in their lives and she wasn’t going to stop it from happening. It was bound to happen. She knew it was going to happen for a very long time.
“When you say soon, how soon?” Hayley asked curiously.
“A week.” She said sounding broken. “A month at the most.” And that was exactly how long it was going to take. Elizabeth tried not to let the tears that threatened to spill go. Now more than ever she needed to be stronger than she had ever been.
Forgotten Alliance Tag: @mschellehitt @xanderling @fandom-princess-forevermore @winchestert101
Forgotten Alliance has a separate tag list. If you would like to be added, let me know!
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teruthecreator · 4 years
if you're looking for something to rant about, do u have anything to say to someone who genuinely hated amnesty? i thought it was really uncreative compared to balance and it didn't scratch that Taz itch for me.
i mean, ur asking someone who now literally Cannot re-listen to amnesty bc of the trauma i retained from the ending, so like. cant blame you! i think out of all three of their arcs, it was the one with the most potential but the least amount of effort done to access that potential 
i, honestly, was never the biggest fan of balance. high fantasy bullshit has never been my cup of tea. i didn’t read h*rry p*tter or lotr when i was a kid bc it all seemed so Boring to me. i stuck to settings based in our reality, but with a fun twist! like the series of unfortunate events, which i read three times over
basically all of this to say i preferred the premise of amnesty over balance. balance was like high fantasy bullcrap that slowly merged into sci-fi bullcrap, while the premise of amnesty was like spooky and mysterious!! but still grounded in some sense of normalcy, which is an enticing premise to me! maybe it was a little cliched, small town in the middle of the woods has Something Off, but i would argue most of balance was cliches too. 
my biggest problem w amnesty now, looking back, is griffin genuinely did not give a shit. you can feel it in the effort he put into making the narrative, you can SEE IT in the end, and it’s just really evident throughout that griffin Did Not Fucking Care. which, if you don’t give a shit, don’t make a story that is going to make others give a shit bc it’s only going to end up unsatisfying for the both of us in the end. 
i think talks happened behind the scenes, and it was ultimately decided that travis would dm the next big arc. but, dust was a bust (as he said he couldnt maintain mystery for that long) and the other idea he had was barely in the works. so, to fill time before trav was ready with graduation, griffin decided to dm amnesty. i don’t think griffin wanted to do this; i think he was tired of dming and tired of making stories. griffin SOUNDS tired throughout most of the ending so like, it can be assumed this was a perpetual concept. they also literally admitted to having graduation ready to go Right When amnesty went to shit, so i think this is a really solid theory. but, even still, i think it’s a goddamn shame the amount of potential they wasted to jump to graduation asap 
but i think amnesty has better characters than balance, ill be deadass. i cared WAYYYY more for the amnesty trio than the balance. balance was just boring men, while the amnesty pc’s had like. legitimate flavor. flavor that was squandered, mind you, but flavor nonetheless. 
ned is the best character they’ll ever make for a pc, and i will live and die by that. ned had an intricate and complicated backstory that explained parts of his present personality while still leaving some mystery to him. every interaction he had with the other pcs or npcs felt both Genuine and Not, but given his character being a crook it’s literally the most accurate out of the three. my biggest problem with amnesty is ned got squandered to appeal to griffin’s inclinations towards big story tropes and sci-fi bullshit
aubrey’s Whole Shit relied on her understanding her greater power. duck’s Whole Conflict was coming to terms with his greater power even when he has a long-standing history of problems related to it. sound familiar? 
it’s magnus all over again! which, tho it was trav’s character, you can tell in balance that griffin was heavily aiding trav in fulfilling this greater fantasy
in my opinion, ned was what the show should have focused on. because ned’s story had NOTHING to do with high-fantasy themes or sci-bullshit that griffin used as a crutch in both balance AND amnesty. ned’s story was about genuine connection, re-discovery of self, and the lengths it takes to forgive and let live. ned’s story was the closest to the human experience any of the pc’s has gotten thus far (graduation tbd), and you know what they did? 
they fucked it. 
they fucked it for angst bait, and for that i literally can’t even hear ned’s voice for half a second without being filled with anger and sadness. 
and to any d*ckn*vas out there just kno ur opinion is shit. i have a whole Essay as to why that relationship is a genuinely Bad Representation of a relationship and i’ll make ur broke bitchasses go find it. duck was a TEEN and minerva was a GROWN ADULT when they met; even if they got together when they were way older it still means they met and interacted at the equivalency of when you meet your high school gym teacher. and the power imbalance that existed for the entirety of their friendship bc it was mentor/student that y’all just Glance over. yeah, right. i kno yall dumb bitches had really gross teacher crushes I See It. 
but given ALL OF THAT, do i think balance is better than amnesty? 
nah. imo balance was boring and i only really started to care by stolen century. amnesty i cared from Right Off The Bat and only lost it after they ruined their own show
so yeah lmao that’s it ghrbjhrgbhjrgbhj
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otherthingsinhead · 6 years
My Girl
Pairing: Reader x Javier Peña
Warnings: language / smut
Request: @technicallykawaiisoul 
Can I request a Javier Peña x reader fanfic, maybe she's a famous detective from another country and she starts to work with Javi & Steve, and maybe Steve teases Javi about her and maybe a lit fluff & smut😉
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“What was that?”
“You’ve just volunteered your weekend for shopping. You really wanna pick and choose curtains and pillows with Y/N?”
“Yeah, she just came to the city and needs to make her apartment more like home. And I need some sheets and stuff in my place too.” Javier said under his mustache causing Steve to chuckle so hard he nearly spat his coffee across the table.
“Your sheets are changed often, huh?” He laughed but Javi just shook his head, grinning.
“You won’t rest until you get into her panties, will you?”
“It might surprise you but I don’t get laid with every woman I find attractive.”
“Attractive? You find Y/N attractive?! I think there's a better way of putting it.” Steve said teasingly. Javier’ eyes widened and the first time since you left the office, his heart began to race.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked trying not to sound desperate.
“You can’t deny it forever you have a crush on her.”
“Fuck off, Murphy!” Javier scoffed putting a cigarette into his mouth. He didn’t realize his feelings for the beautiful, new member of their team were so obvious.
“Oh, c’mon Javi, you look like a little boy seeing a puppy every time she enters the room.” Steve continued as Javier took his jacket and showed him a middle finger as a response.
“Where are you going?”
“I hope you don’t have much plans for tonight!”
“Connie wants you to come over for dinner.”
“That’s kind but...”
“It’s ok, no pressure. Then we’ll be just the three of us.”
“Connie, I and Y/N.”
“She invited Y/N too?”
“And she said happily yes.”
“Maybe I can... cancel the... thing.” Javi mumbled but his words died in Steve’s giggling.
Javier denied his feelings for you. He convinced himself it was only physical attraction even after he found himself thinking about you day and night and started to find excuses to see you. Living in the apartment next to yours made it easy to knock on your door any time of the day and ask for some milk or a little help in the kitchen.
He never got enough of you. How could he? You were beautiful, sharp-witted, funny and wise. He loved your enthusiasm for your work and adored how much you cared for the people of this country. But his favorite thing about you was your laughter because it sent the most warming feelings through his chest melting his heart utterly.
The need of finding Escobar has never been so urgent since he started killing people. You couldn’t bear the weight of responsibility and the only thing always helped was Javi. His embracing arms brought comfort to your distressed soul after a shocking news of someone’s death. Your partnership quickly grew into a friendship what you needed so much in that foreign, chaotic country.
Friendship. You were friends and it was something you had to remind yourself from time to time. Since the first time you met Javier, you had an amiable feeling towards him. His smile was unbearably adorable and whenever he gave you a tiny bit of smile your stomach fluttered uncontrollably. The combination of his charismatic charm and desirable features was dangerous enough in itself but the small compliments and light physical contacts he gave you made your heart want to jump out of your chest. It took all your strength to keep your calmness around him. You’ve heard the rumors about his sexual life and albeit you’ve never seen his so-called girlfriends you could imagine him as a womanizer.
Connie wasn’t a notable cook but she did a great job with the dinner. And honestly, that macaroni was the best thing had happened with you on that week. It was so relaxing to sit around with friends and talk about everything but narcos.
After the third drink, you felt your head dizzy a little bit and sitting next to Javier just made it worse. He was in a flirty mood too and you couldn’t deny how much you enjoyed his attention.
“Ok guys, I have to ask.” Connie stated after drinking up her glass of red. “Is there something between the two of you? Are you guys dating or something?” She asked causing Steve to chuckle into his drink.
“What?” She blinked between her husband and the gaping guests. “Aren’t they look cute together?!”
“No, Connie, there’s nothing between Y/N and I. Nothing more than friendship, right?” Javier said looking down at you. He seemed so calm and it made your uneasiness to grow.
“Yes! Exactly. I mean... Javi and I?! Seriously?” You giggled.
“Uh... Am I not good enough for you?” Javier smiled, his voice almost scolding.
“No, I... Sorry, I-I just can’t imagine having a date with you, like... you know.... I mean... Can you imagine?” The words came stuttering out of your mouth, hands trembling and wine swirling nervously in your glass. For a moment it seemed like the air was soo thick with silence you could barely breathe.
“Uh... I think she means you’re partners and dating with each other would be unprofessional.” Steve's voice came as a joyful surprise. “Ok, sweetheart can we get to the dessert instead of making our guests uncomfortable?”
“Actually, I’m full and I still have some work to do so...” Javier said exchanging a look of understanding with Steve. “Thanks for the lovely dinner but if you don’t mind I would just take my leave.”
It wasn’t until Javier left the room that you realized how much you hurt him. And it felt horrible. After the dessert, you went downstairs to your apartment and walking by Javier’s door you felt a strong urge to knock on it. But you didn’t.
Sleep didn’t come. You turned and curled in your bed thinking about the events of the night. The pleasant feelings of Javier’s arm around your shoulder, his voice in your ears, his smile! And then the look on his face when you said you wouldn’t date with him. Even if it was only theoretical. But was it though?
Since you couldn’t bring yourself to sleep you decided to go to the kitchen for some water but soon you found yourself on the cold corridor of the building with a solid decision in your mind to knock on Javier’s door.
A huge wave of embarrassment swept through your body as you were standing in front of his door, waiting for him to open it. You wished he didn’t hear your knocking. He did.
“Y/N?” A frightened look on Javier’s face as he opened the door and find you standing there barefoot, in a nightgown. “What happened? Are you ok?”
“Yes, Yes, I... I... I’m sorry, I shouldn’t wake you up, I just... I couldn’t sleep, because... well, you know I... I know I hurt you with my words and, and, and I just wanted to tell you, I don’t think you’re not worthy of dating, actually... I-I-I think you’re a really kind guy and have a lovely personality and I’m sure you’d be an amazing boyfriend and, and, and... And I am sorry and... and that’s all.” You swallowed.
“Y/N, you came back in the middle of the night to tell me you would date me?”
“Yes... No! I just, just wanted to apologize.” You said but felt your cheeks burn like hell because you both know it wasn’t the truth.
Javier’s frown faded giving way to his eyes to shine. The last thing you saw was an adorable half-smile plastering on his mouth, then you closed your eyes and clung to his neck, pressing your lips onto the smirk. The strong arms instinctively found their ways around the small of your back, keeping you close to his unclothed upper body.
His kiss was sweet and soft and you fully lost yourself in it missing the moment when he pulled you into his apartment and closed the door behind you. His hands still lingered upon your hips, holding you steady against the door as he deepened the kiss causing your body to override with the pleasure his tongue was giving you. Oh, what a wonderful kisser he was! A small whimper of disappointment left your throat when he pulled away.
“I wanna take you to my bedroom.” He confessed. Dark lust shone through his eyes.
“Ok.” You panted simply.
“Are you sure, Y/N?”
“Yes, Yes, I am. I want this, I... I want this with you.” You said but you didn’t sound convincing so you continued. “It’s just sex, right?” You chuckled. “It’s not a big deal, we can... we-we’re grown people, we can have sex with each other if we...” Your breath hitched in your throat at the look on his face.
“No, I can’t do this.”
“I can’t have sex with you Y/N. I can’t if it means nothing to you.”
You couldn’t say a word just stood there panting, trying to control yourself as you stared into his eyes.
“I like you.” He continued. “I do. And I want to make this work. I want us to work.”
“Javi, I...”
“Tell me you want the same. So I can make love to you.” A sudden rush of flutter you felt in your stomach mixed with a bitter feeling.
“Javi, you know I’m here for work. As soon as we catch Escobar I’ll leave the country.” You whispered and watched him shaking his head with disappointment. You took his face in your hands, making him look up at you.
“But I like you too. And I want you to make love to me.” You smiled and he kissed you. And his kiss felt sweeter than before. 
He knew you won’t stay forever and this both released him and terrified him. He didn’t want to fall in love with you. He didn’t want to fall in love at all that’s why he chose his lovers from hookers. And yet the intoxicant feelings that overwhelmed him at your presence was racing through his veins like wildfire.
Taking your hands in his he led you to the bedroom where he gently pushed you down onto the bed. His eyes were full of lust and your body was full of anticipation. He pushed you back into the bed crawling over you and his lips captured yours in a deep, passionate kiss. Your arms naturally wrapping around his neck and your fingers tangling in his hair. Dark and soft just like his gaze upon you as he pulled away from the kiss only to see the delicious expression of need on your face.
“I’ve been waiting for this so long.” He smiled tucking a hand under the hem of your nightgown and raising goosebumps on your skin.
Before you could say anything he bent down to claim your lips again. His hand glided along your thigh and your ribs until it reached a breast with inviting, stiffened nipple. You tried to bite back the soft moan that escaped as he rolled the ball of his thumb over the sensitive area, but it escaped with a shudder. You could tell from his growing smirk that it drove him crazy and the rising bulge palpable against your thigh could confirm that too.
As he moved to trail wet kisses along your jawline and neck you tried to catch your breath. His mouth moved perfectly against the sensitive spots sending waves of heavenly vibrations through your nerves and made your body unintentionally wiggle beneath his.
It took a few moments until you realized he had been getting rid of his pants. Your panties and nightgown quickly followed as he pulled off and threw them carelessly to the floor. Then he laid on his back, pulled you on top of him and paused, giving an admiring stare to your naked body. You’ve never felt so confident before. Locking your gaze with his you reached for him, carefully wrapping your fingers around his fully hardened erection. A sharp inhale escaped him.
Having him panting between your thighs made you want him inside you more than ever and he looked like he desperately wanted it too. He sat up and your body lighted up with pleasure as he latched his mouth on your nipple sucking and nipping it heatedly while rubbing an expert thumb gently against your clit. The soft massage he gave to your throbbing core turned you into a moaning mess.
“Fuck, Y/N!” Javier breathed. “I have to finish you up way too quickly if you keep making these sweet noises.”
Your mouth moved to reply but couldn’t form a single word as he captured your lips with his, kissing you with growing hunger.
When he broke the kiss again, you seized the opportunity to bury your head into the crook of his neck and press him back to the pillows only to taste every inch of soft skin you found the way down to his belly. Your hands still working on his length. Judging by the shaky breaths and loud moans he enjoyed your caresses.
“It seems like I’m not the only one here making sweet noises.” You teased him peering up through your lashes and gently bit into his belly. He was already so close, his erection felt painfully full and throbbing with every motion of your hand.
“I wouldn’t think you can be such a tease.” He said sitting up and tossing you onto your back again. “I like it.”
He reached under a pillow and pulled out a shiny package. The bare thought of having him inside you, made you shiver. After he put on the condom he leaned over you again and lined up his length with your soaking entrance. His eyes scouting your expression as he entered you slowly, deliciously slowly, allowing your walls to adjust his size. You quivered a silent moan and tightened your grips on his shoulders at the feeling of him filling you all the way up and sending tiny explodes of pleasure to your nerves all over your body.
You bucked your hips up and whimpered at the feeling of the sharp difference between constant alternation of fullness and emptiness. The room was loud with the sound of heavy breathing, moaning and screams. You started to feel a coil in your tummy tighten with every thrust he made and hearing him growling with pleasure pushed you closer and closer to the edge of your climax.
You couldn’t help but cried out his name when your walls convulsed around him in a divine manner you’ve never experienced before. It was his undoing and with a deep, rusty moan he pumped his cum inside you.
His eyes were closed and he felt his body weighted down, crushing yours into the bedding. He raised his head and smiled shyly at you. He looked exhausted but his beaming face made him irresistibly kissable. You couldn’t stop smiling as he snogged you amorously.
He rolled beside you and rested his head on your chest nestling between your arms. Taking a deep breath you inhaled his scent trying to savor the moment of the complete happiness and satisfaction. You spent a few minutes just laying in each other's arms in silence. He listened to your beating heart as you twirled your fingers through his hair.
“So... Are we still on for shopping tomorrow?” You asked lacing your fingers with his soft locks and pulling his head so you could look into his eyes.
“Of course.” He answered and placed his palm on your breast with tender care, gently rubbing the skin on it. “I wouldn’t mind spending more time with my girl.”
His last two words echoed in your mind and you couldn’t hide the gloominess that possessed your face. He frowned.
“I don’t wanna give up on us.” He said with a serious expression on his cute face then kissed your pursing lips with such need you wondered if he was ready to make you his again. He couldn’t help but moan as his hips bucked into your touch.
“Is this what I think this is?”
“Uh-hm.” He hummed against your lips. “We don’t know... how much longer... can we be together so... we have to use our time wisely.” He rustled between kisses he planted on the way from your neck to your breasts and you knew you were ready to give yourself to him fully. Not only your body but also your heart.
Tag list: @purplewings12
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Stay Ch. 16
Master List
Pairing: Natasha X Reader (Female)
Summary: You have a gift, the ability to see other people’s innermost secrets. For years you used it to gather intel for the highest bidder when you take on The Widow. After she becomes more than a mark the two of you spend years stealing moments. Post snap you wait in your designated meeting place, look back on the sordid past you share with the woman you love and hope against everything that she’s still alive.
Warnings: Angst, and fluff, and feels oh my!
A/N:  So yeah I swear I wroth an authors note for this... but idfk what happened. 
ANYWAY! Thank you all for being so patient while I got my life together. This one is also short and sweet (guess that’s the mood I’m in). However, y’all should know me by now. This is just the calm before the storm. 
Hope you enjoy this one my pumpkins! 
Tags are open!
@mywinterwolf  @disagreetoagree  @breezy1415  @peachthatdrinkslemonade  @5aftermidnight@jeromethepsycho  @marvel-randomness  @daniellajocelyn  @katecolleen  @yanginginthere@wonderlandmind4 @piensa-bonito @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @lesbian-girls-wayhaught @siriuslycloudy2
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March 2007
At some point in the last five months, you’d stopped recognizing yourself. The woman in the mirror wasn’t Y/N. Her hair was different, down to even the eyebrows. Her accent distinctly that of a life long Londoner. She worked for an independent UK couture fashion magazine, chose wine over whiskey, and was distinctly heterosexual.
When the chance to work this job requiring deep cover came up in December you jumped on it. You didn’t want to be you anymore. The you that couldn’t be with the woman you loved. The you that was heartbroken. The you who was beginning to doubt that you’d ever be happy. Fuck her.
Being Charlie Daniels was far better. She was, of course, a real person. Just one who was now living comfortably in the Bahamas courtesy of MI6. Even legit agencies had use of freelance talent every now and then.
Settling into her life had been easy. Not setting her boss on fire or blowing his brains out daily was a different task altogether. Turned out that a magazine was a great front for a crime empire. Lots of international travel, young and beautiful and desperate men and women, money exchanged in countless untraceable ways, on and on. And this fucker was happy to take advantage of every single disgusting avenue it opened up.
You almost had everything you needed to hand to MI6, get your obscenely large payout, and get on to another gig while they threw all of these bastards into cells to rot for the rest of their miserable lives. Just one more trip. After whatever horrible things they lay out in Tokyo you’ll be set.
Tokyo is one of those cities you can lose yourself in. Like New York but better for its interesting balance of vibrancy and grounded reserve. You absolutely love it.
The whole point of the trip, at least on the surface, was to focus on Fashion Week Tokyo. Honestly, there was a part of you that wished this was your world. Nothing but runway shows and after parties. Writing about the latest trends rather than delving into the inner workings of the worlds miscreants
Oh well. It was nice enough to pretend. You had to admit that you’d miss Charlie Daniels once you shed this skin in a couple of weeks.
You’re sitting two people down from your boss at an underground show. The level of security here screams that there are other things going on behind the scenes but it’s still a room filled with a who’s who of the Japanese and international fashion communities.
This was your third show of the day, and you knew there would be a party after where you’d have to schmooze all while plucking information from your unsuspecting fellow guests. You’re exhausted. So rather than pay much attention to the show you let your mind wander.
When she walks out you feel her rather than see her.  Slowly you turn your head to stare dumbstruck at the model walking onto the catwalk. Your heart begins beating against your ribs, your mouth goes dry, your hands shake.
It takes every ounce of control you have to keep your emotions in. To not scream “Natasha!” at the top of your lungs. To not grab her and run for the hills. Charlie Daniels and her easy life be damned. It’s hard but you manage.
As she turns and comes back down, passing now closer to you, her eyes don’t graze  the crowd at all. Head up, shoulders back, she walks the runway like she’d been doing it for years.
The rest of the show is maybe ten minutes but it feels like years. You know the models are all attending the party. Eye candy for the high end guests.
It’s fairly easy to ditch your coworkers in the crowd as you try to find the best vantage point in the room without being too obvious. After a solid twenty minutes, you find yourself planning an escape route. Most of the models are milling about but she’s no where to be seen. You will find her.
But you know you can’t skip out just yet. At the bar, you order a red wine and make yourself seen. Charlie would never miss the whole party after all. You spend a bit chatting with designers and a few models, feigning interest in the whole thing until you hear your boss call out to you.
“Oy, Charlie!” Carl’s voice alone makes you want to put him down. When you turn he’s waving you over to the bar. Sighing heavily you head over.
You’re about ten feet away when you see her, head back laughing at something Carl or his friend had said. Both men are far to close to her for your liking and the hungry look on Carl’s face sets your blood boiling.
He slings an arm around your shoulders and you carefully coach your face to not show disgust. “Charlie here is my best writer. Doin’ some pieces for us on this whole thing,” he waves his other hand around wildly.
“Good to meet ya, Charlie, I’m Dan,” the other man, clearly American says.
“Likewise,” Natasha doesn’t react to the accent at all.
“This here is-”
“Natalie,” Natasha cuts him off, extending a hand to you. Holding her eyes with yours you take it. It’s like touching a live wire.
“Natalie is an American model working here in Japan. May be a good topic for a piece.” He ribs you leaning closer, “And a good piece for the office eh?” Suddenly that MI6 money seems far less appealing.
“I’d love that,” Natasha beams. “Why don’t you guys go mingle and Charlie and I can chat!” The men exchange a glance, but there’s plenty of fresh meat around to sink their teeth into.
Carl flashes you a greasy smile and a wink as he walks away. Thinking clearly that you’re going to snare this woman for him. You, unfortunately, had a few others. Not something you were proud of. Demands of the job you told yourself.
“She’ll take a vodka neat,” you tell the bartender.
“Yes,” Natasha smiles at him, “Whiskey for her. Makers if you have it.” He thinks nothing of it and makes your drinks.
“So, how’s modeling in Japan?”
“Probably about as good as writing for a sleazy jackal.”
You laugh, “That bad? What’s the goal.”
“Getting a cover,” you commend the clever word play.
“That’s a good goal. Long term?”
“Something like that.” She takes a sip of her vodka, “How long are you here?”
“End of the week.” Your skin itches to touch her. The men are rounding back. You hold her gaze and shift your eyes back to them. She catches on.
“Perfect! It’s so hard to have a good interview here, don’t you think?”
“Absolutely. Why don’t you come by my hotel?” You whip out your spare key card. “I’d love to get your story for the mag, maybe do a full feature.”
“A feature would be excellent exposure!”
“Wouldn’t it?” Carl slides up next to her. “We can get you all the exposure you could want Ms. Natalie.”
“Charlie was telling me all about it.” She flashes him a coy smile. “Thank you so much Charlie! I forgot I have a late fitting tonight for another show so I’ve got to run. But we’ll chat soon yeah?”
“Absolutely! It was so good to meet you Natalie.”
“Same! Bye!” She hurries through the crowded room and disappears.
“Busy girl.” Carl quips. “Whiskey?” You look down at the glass by your hand.
“Some guy sent them over,” you gesture to Natasha’s lipstick stained glass. “Seemed rude to refuse. Can’t stand the stuff though.”
“That’s a mans drink,” Carl laughs at his own perceived joke and you force a smile.
Somehow you make it through the rest of the evening. You’d refused to allow yourself to hope that she’d be here, too obvious to come the same night, better to wait. Kicking off your shoes you head straight to the mini bar and crack open a whiskey, downing it in one gulp.
“You really need to be more careful,” Natasha’s voice comes from the bathroom. “I mean not even checking around. Sloppy.”
“Charlie Daniels doesn’t have to check for Russian assassins in her bathroom,” a smile pulls your face so tight it hurts.
“Well, Natalie Rushman isn’t a Russian spy. So…”
You let your real accent resurface as you pull her into your arms, “Natalie Rushman, I don’t know if that’s clever or lazy.” She kisses you hard, tongue sliding over your lips hands gripping your ass.
“Mmm,” she hums. “Kinda like the accent.”
“Oh?” You revert to the clipped posh Londoner sound. “Would you rather be with Charlie? I hate to break it to you, she’s strictly into dick so you may need to get a bit creative.”
Natasha’s head falls back with laughter, “I’m always into a challenge but,” she cups your face in her hands, “I’d much rather Y/N, she’s got a cute accent too.” Your kiss is soft this time, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, honey.” Gently you push a strand of hair out of her face. “Is this smart? Are you gonna get-”
“I’m good. I wouldn’t be here if I thought there was risk.” She pulls away and tugs you toward the bed. “There’s no surveillance on me here, I check in every week, that’s it. This is strictly to build a cover.”
“Cover for what?” She gives you a sideways glance. “Right. National security.”
“Do you really want to talk about work?”
Smirking at her you push her back on the bed. “Maybe later.”
You lean down to her but she stops you by planting a strappy heel in the center of your chest. Trailing your fingers down her leg you snag a knife from her thigh holster. Carefully you slide the blade under the straps, the incredibly sharp edge cuts through the thin suede like it’s nothing.
“Those were very expensive you know,” eyes sparkling with desire.
You slip the shoe off and toss it aside. “I’ll buy you a new pair.” Your lips press against her ankle.  
Everything in your life until her was so fleeting. Even your own name, the sound of your own voice, who you were… But with her, you were grounded. You weren’t anything but her’s, you were Y/N.
Suddenly you’re overwhelmed. Caressing her muscular calf you just stare at her eyes. Emerald green, dark liner, lids heavy with lust and exhaustion.
“Natasha…” Your voice cracks and you fight for composure.
“Y/N? What is it?” She shoots up, cradling your face in her hands.
You shake your head, unable to really find the words and unwilling to send this storm of emotions to her. “I just…” You cover her hands with your own. It’s not that you don’t want her, you do. But…
“Can we just… I just wanna hold you…” Her expression immediately softens, eyes sparkling a touch with tears. “Sorry… I… I just…”
“I’d love that, baby.” Tenderly her lips brush yours, then your cheeks, your forehead, your eyelids as they flutter closed.
You shed your clothes and crawl into the plush bed. Holding tight to one another you spend hours drifting in and out of sleep, covering the other with soft kisses. Before the sun rises your hands wander southward.
This time you don’t fuck one another senseless. It feels like you’re trying to memorize every curve, every sound, every subtle thing that marks being together. You both know you many not get to do this for some time. The knowledge aches but it doesn’t make having her any less sweet.
Post Snap
You lean your head back on the wall behind the booth. The crying man from last night is gone, you find yourself hoping that he’s resting peacefully somewhere… even though you know it’s pointless to hope for such things.
There are more people filling the bar than there was before. The TVs are off, radios turned up, reporters frantically trying to determine what happened. It was global, that was clear. All planes grounded, trains stopped, communications spotty due to damaged cell towers.
A man speaks frantically to someone who seems to be a friend that he was heading to Nuremberg from Budapest, how the roads are almost not navigable. He doesn’t know if his family is even still there but he has to find out.
Despite his distress, your lips curl a bit at the mention of Budapest.
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Only Human: Akuma! Marinette AU (part 3)
Disclaimer: I dont own, and never will I even come close to owning, either Miraculous or Christina Perri's song Only Human.
Tikki raced through the now silent hallways towards her chosen's classroom. She had been trapped in Marinette's purse, held down by the mist, and was only just able to get out. Like everybody else in the school, she had been able to see everything Only Human had shown her classmates. She felt her pain, her sorrow, her anxiety and stress at having to pretend that everything was fine when it wasnt.
Tikki sighed. She knew she shouldn't have held Marinette back from telling someone her identity for so long. All of that accumulated stress had been bound to be released sometime. And boy, what a release it was. Plagg must be so happy at the destruction she knew Marinette had left in her wake.
But, honestly, Tikki couldnt blame her. The way Marinette's "friends" had cornered her chosen in the bathroom had left Tikki piping mad, and if she ever saw them again, identity or not, Tikki was going to give them a piece of her mind. Anyone who thought Plagg was hell to live with had nothing on an angry Tikki. He may be the god of destruction and bad luck, but she was the goddess of creation and luck. You piss her off, and you might just get a new hole in your along with having your good luck run out.
Whoever said cats were the protective ones were highly mistaken.
Marinette sighed. She kept her eyes on the butterfly until she could no longer see it. She didnt want to face her classmates right now, especially since she could remember everything she had done as an akuma. She could remember making Lila bite her own tongue hard enough to bleed. She could remember lifting her and Alya up and slamming them into the ground. She could remember every image she made them see, every memory that she knew would make them feel guilty for treating her the way they had. And she didnt feel any better for it. She had hurt Chat Noir. She had blasted him into the wall with enough force to leave him dazed, when all he was trying to do was help her.
She also knew that she had had no control of herself. She had unwillingly let Hawkmoth push himself past her grief and into her mind. He had used her memories as leverage over her classmates, her....
She couldnt exactly call them friends now, could she? Not really. She looked up at them, seeing Rose and Mylene help Alix out from under a bookshelf and pull her towards Lila, who was still bleeding from her mouth and staring at Marinette with a frightened but hateful stare. Alya was sobbing and Nino was co.forting her, and Marinette's heart gave a lurch as they didnt approach her to see if she was okay, like she did with them after they got akumatized.
She forced herself to look away, forced herself to stand up and ignore their frightened gasps. She couldnt focus on them at the moment. She had to find Tikki so she could reverse her damage, and then she could head home and hopefully nobody would question why Ladybug got there late-
And suddenly there was a red kwami snuggling up to her cheek. She was standing at the front of the classroom, covered in dust and bruises, her hands cut and burnt a little from the struggle of tearing her own akumatized item, her classmates staging her, and her kwami was nuzzling her cheek and crying tears of relief.
"Tikki? Um..."
"Oh, Marinette, you're alright! I was so worried! I tried to prevent the akuma from getting to you, but I failed. I'm so sorry, Marinette. I was supposed to protect you, and you got akumatized anyway." Tikki lamented, tears leaking out of her big blue eyes as she stared up at her sweet, strong, beautiful chosen.
Marinette smiled, accepting that Tikki was giving her identity away because she was obviously going to say something important. "It's alright, Tikki. It wasnt your fault I got akumatized, it was Hawkmoth's. I remember everything, unfortunately, but I do remember that I never said the words. I never accepted his offer of akumatization. He forced his akuma onto me, Tikki. You tried to save me, but he was the one who took advantage of my emotions. Dont ever blame yourself for this, Tikki." Marinette held Tikki in her hands and kissed her forehead, nuzzling the cute being with her nose, getting a giggle out of her.
"You're the best kwami I could ever ask for."
"So it is a kwami."
Marinette looked up, finally acknowledging the others. Chat stood in front of her, staring down at her with several emotions in his eyes. She couldnt tell which was stronger at the moment. She could see the wheels turning in his head, and she knew the instant it clicked for him.
"You.... you're...!"
"A KWAMI? How did you get a kwami, Marinette? You're a superhero? And you never told me?" Alya said, her tears dying down as her eyes narrowed in astonishment and disbelief.
Marinette gulped, not exactly ready to face her classmates just yet. "I... um.. I...."
"She had no reason to tell you, Alya Cesaire. You should know all too well why that is."
Everyone stared down at the little red kwami, who had a serious look on her face that looked oddly intimidating for such a small creature.
Chat gulped, but kept his eyes on Marinette's as he shakingly whispered, "My Lady?" His anger towards his classmates rose further when Marinette nodded tensely, her arms folded and head bowed in a clear, protective manner. Oh, it was on. That did it. The entire class was gonna get a new one ripped into them. Nobody hurt his Lady, especially if she was also his Princess.
He glared at the class and stepped forward, ready to yell at them when a tiny red hand stopped him.
"Dont. You take care of Marinette. I'll take care of her so called friends." Tikki said, her blue eyes glinting dangerously. Chat nodded, turning to head towards Marinette, but his transformation suddenly dropping stopped him in his tracks. Everyone gasped as Adrie. was revealed, and they snapped out of whatever stupor they were in and began to yell, demanding answers from both him and Marinette.
He felt cornered and overwhelmed as they began to doubt him. How could he, Adrien Agreste, possibly be Chat Noir? They were nothing alike! Why didnt he tell them? Was this the only secret he kept from them? Did Marinette know? Why were they keeping secrets? What else did they have to hide?
He backed up until he felt a hand slipping into his, and Marinette looked up at him with reassuring bluebell eyes. He relaxed immediately. How could he not see his lady in her? He should have realized it the moment he called her his everyday Ladybug. He knew there was a reason he was so attracted to Marinette. There was a reason why Ladybug's rare flailings and nervousness so often struck him as familiar and adorable. Now that he thought about it, there wasnt anybody else who could possibly be Ladybug.
He held her hand tightly as the noise got louder and their classmates slowly came out from under the rubble to yell more things at them, and just when he thought he couldnt take it anymore-
Everybody froze. They stared at the glowing red kwami as her eyes flashed with anger. "How dare you all demand answers from her after what you've done to her?! Marinette is not some toy you can just drop once shes no longer of use to you. Shes not some servant you can call upon whenever you want something. She's not some emotionless robot who you can order around and expect her to follow orders without any single input or objection. Shes a human being, just like you! So sit down, shut up, and show her the respect she deserves for having put up with you all for so long or so help me I'll make sure none of you ever have a good day ever again."
The silence that followed was deafening. Everybody slowly sat down amongst the rubble and stared fearfully at the tiny goddess.
The silence was broken by a cackle, and the little black kwami that had come out of Adrien's ring slowly floated his way towards his other half.
"Oh, oh, sugar cube, you're gonna make me split in two. I cant wait to hear what sorts of things you need to say to these ungrateful morons." His laughing suddenly stopped, and he looked at the class with narrowed eyes, his black form a almost a shadow, the only things visible on him were the two glowing green slits of his eyes. "I too would like to see them properly punished for almost destroying Paris by literally akumatizing the only other person who keeps them safe on a daily basis. So if you need a little bad luck on your side, dont hesitate to call me up, sweet cheeks."
Tikki smiled at him, before her eyes turned serious again and she glared at the girls. "First of all, I'd like to say I am very disappointed in all of you. You had no right to just turn your backs on Marinette, especially after everything she has done for you without complaint. I cant believe one little girl's lies are enough to fool you, and they weren't even GOOD lies!!"
Tikki's little antenna began to sway in her anger. "Max!" He jumped, his glasses slightly skipping from his nose. "You're supposed to be the smartest boy in the school. Tell me, how was a rolled up, thin, paper napkin going to gouge your eye out when 1) it was rolled up into a tight ball, 2) headed towards Lila's hand, which was level with your stomach, and 3) your eyes were safely covered by your glasses? Tell me, how?"
Max looked down in shame, having figured that out at some time during the attack. Tikki shook her head and moved onto the next person. "Alya. You've called yourself Marinette's best friend, but you sure didnt act like it at all today. Best friends have each others backs. They trust each other and always listen to each other. This isn't the first time you've disregarded Marinette's words and facts as nothing but jealousy. Not only that, but you chose your boyfriend over your best friend. You didnt protest moving Marinette out of a chair she worked so hard to keep all year, and you didnt even give her the benefit of the doubt when she tried to warn you about Lila's lies."
Tikki began to slowly vibrate in her anger, a low buzz filling the room.
"And then, you have the audacity to te her to show you proof of Lila's lies when you yourself have no proof that what Lila is saying is true. You could have fact checked with Ladybug about being Lila's friend. You could have asked Marinette to ask Jagged Stone if he ever had a kitten. You could have looked up half the things Lila has said on Google and figured out that NONE OF THEM WERE TRUE. And then- and then-!"
Tikki stopped talking as her body glowed to a deep angry red, the black.of her spots looking more like the dark, empty void of space than the sweet, adorable, chocolate chip looking spots Marinette often told her they looked like.
"Sugar Cube?"
"And then, you dared tell her that she was wrong to be angry. That she was wrong to have treated Lila so "mean" when she hadn't been mean at all. You told her it was wrong of her to question Lila and then dared demand her to apologize before then telling her to keep away from you until she did. You ditched your best friend for a new girl, a stranger, with outlandish and interesting stories. I guess Marinette was wrong to have trusted you the way she did, didnt she, little fox?"
Alya reeled back, her eyes back to streaming tears. "I'm sor-"
"Dont. You haven't thought about your actions. Not really. You're not completely sorry, so dont apologize just yet."
Alya quieted down, her sobs silently shaking her frame as she leant against Nino, her thoughts finally calm enough for her to properly analyze them.
Tikki moved on, glaring at the other girls. "And you all. Mylene, Rose, Alix. Marinette has been nothing but kind to you. She has helped every single one of you with something personal. With something important. Both as herself and as Ladybug. And the one moment she makes a mistake, you make her out to be a monster. You, Mylene, know that Marinette wouldn't do anything out of jealousy, especially not after what she did with Kagami and Adrien." Mylene hung her head in shame.
"Rose, you called Marinette the everyday Ladybug, but you had no right to detract your words in such a way. Ladybug makes mistakes too, and you basically told Marinette that since Ladybug is perfect, Marinette couldn't be Ladybug because she wasn't perfect. You faulted her for feeling betrayed and insulted and for showing her emotions. And you had absolutely no right to do that." Rose let a few tears fall as she remembered her uncharacteristic behaviour.
Alix looked at the kwami in shame, knowing what Tikki was going to say. "Alix, dont you ever call Marinette selfish again. And dont ever fault her if she decides to act selfishly for once. I honestly think she can afford to be just a little more selfish sometimes, especially to get the boy of her dreams."
Tikki was back to her normal hue, and her anger turned to disappointment. "You all were pretty despicable today. I could not believe this behaviour from you. I expect much better from all of you."
The class hung their heads, all except Lila. Tikki stared at Lila blankly before moving back towards Marinette.
"Wait, what about Lila?" Adrien protested. He stood up and glared at the little liar. "Shes been spreading lies about both Marinette and herself all day. Shes the reason why everyone is mad at My Lady in the first place. Shouldn't she be lectured and punished as well?"
Tikki stopped her advance towards Marinette. She styled floating in the air for several seconds, before turning back and smiling at Adrien. Adrien instinctively stepped back from that smile.
"Don't worry, Adrien. Lila's been cursed since before I entered the room." Her smile switched from Adrien towards Lila, who stared back with frightened eyes. "I'm very protective of my Ladybugs."
@drarrylover007 @mindfulmagics
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I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretend that they’re you
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Requested: Yes 
“I can’t keep doing this Ty. One day you are telling me how much you love me and the next you make it seem like you wish you were, i don’t know... free. For christ sake Ty, you’re 25 and still not ready to settle down. Clearly you can’t make the choice for yourself so i am making it. It’s over Tyson, I’m sorry.”
And with that you left. You didn’t look back because you knew that if you looked back you would had never left. But you couldn’t keep living the way that you were, never feeling good enough for him, always coming in second. 
It has now been two years since that day. You haven’t really kept in touch with Tyson after the breakup. It was too painful to see how happy he was and how sad you were. You kept in touch with some of the guys who you were close to on the team. You go to their games but make sure to leave right away so you have less of a chance running into Tyson. Plus it was a farther drive since you had moved, you had to since you and Tyson shared the apartment but at least your new place is closer to your work.
Tonight you had finally given into your friends and are letting them drag you out to a club. You haven dated once or twice but it was never anything too serious. you didn’t allow it to get to that point. Your friends couldn’t really blame you. You and Tyson had been together for a little over five years. Everyone thought that you two were it, that you were going to get married, start a family and live happily ever after. But life doesn’t work that way, it’s not all fairytales. 
You heard a knock on the door to your apartment, “Come in.” You yelled from your room. It was Vanessa, Mackinnon’s girlfriend (I know they broke up but just for the stories sake) who you had grown really close to over the years. “I thought we were going out tonight?” she questioned. “I thought so?” you questioned back “You aren’t even ready to go yet.” She responded. “Oh, why are we leaving so early?” you asked looking at the clock. “To get there before all the creeps do. Now come on lets go” she said walking out to your living room.
You rolled over getting out of bed and headed to you bathroom. You plugged in your hair curler and got out your makeup. You didn’t want to go too bold so you did a light eyeshadow but a darker color on your lips since they were your best feature. You quickly ran to get changed into your favorite black dress before heading back into the bathroom to curl your hair. Giving yourself a glance over you walked out to the living room where Vanessa was sitting, coming up behind her you could see that she was on Instagram. Looking over her shoulder you saw Tyson’s face. You dropped your shoes that you were holding making Vanessa jump and turn to look at you. “Y/n....” she looked back down at her phone seeing that Tyson’s picture was still on it, she quickly clicked out of instagram. 
“Y/n... It’s been two years...” Vanessa said. “I know. It still hurts, and I haven’t seen him in so long. Maybe I could just peek on his Insta?” You said pulling out your phone and typing in him name. Clicking on his page you saw a whole bunch of pictures with him and different girls. The pictures were probably like two weeks apart and there was always a new girl with some cliche caption, you also noticed how all the girls all looked sightly similar and almost like you. “Y/n, are you okay?” Vanessa asked grabbing your arm slightly. “Yeah, you ready?” You said placing your phone in your purse, bending down to get your shoes on.
You  called an uber to have you guys taken to the club in town. You were honestly so excited because it was your first time out since Tyson. You walked in and headed straight for the bar. This was honestly your favorite club, there wasn’t a whole lot of creeps and the music was always amazing. You got yourself and Vanessa a shot before heading to the dance floor. You and Vanessa were having a great time. That was until you spotted him. Vanessa must had seen him at the same time you did because she pulled you towards the bar. 
“I didn’t know they were going to be here, Nate didn’t tell me...” “Vanessa, it’s okay. lets get a few more drinks and have a good time, yeah?” You said grabbing the bar tenders attention. At least an hour goes by and at this point you have at least three or four mixed drinks in you so you were feeling pretty good right about then. Tyson hadn’t seen you which made your night ten times better. 
Nate had showed up surprising Vanessa, needless to say they went off and did their own thing leaving you alone on the dance floor. There was now a whole lot more people then there was a few hours ago. Even though you had some drinks the buzz was starting to wear off. Heading back to the bar you bumped into a rather large man. Saying your excuse me’s you continued to the bar. After ordering you drink you went to reach for your purse to which it was no longer on your shoulder. feeling a tap on you other shoulder you turned around. “I think you... Y/N!?!?” Tyson said. “Thanks.” you said grabbing you purse, downing your drink, placing the money on the bar and headed for the doors. 
You just couldn’t be around him, not yet. Seeing him there all up on the other girls dancing, buying them drinks. It was just too much. Pulling out your phone you started to call for an Uber. “Y/N,,, can we just talk?” Tyson asked out of breath from clearly running after you. Ignoring him you hear a faint hello on the other end of the line, giving them your address you hung up.” “You moved pretty far huh? Why?” Tyson asked still standing behind you. “It’s none of your business Tyson, now just go back into the bar and forget you even saw me.” “How can I Y/n, you the most beautiful girl here.” “You’re drunk Tyson.” You said walking away. 
“Y/n, just stop. I haven’t seen you for two years and this is how you are going to treat me?” Tyson asked sounding kind of hurt. “Do you think it is easy for me Tyson, I spent five years of my life with you, loving you, supporting you, waiting. You didn’t even act like you wanted to be in a relationship anymore towards the end so I made the right choice for the both of us. I moved because I couldn’t stand to see how happy you were with the other girls after we broke up. And honestly nothing has changed, so go back in there and go hook up with some puck bunnies or something because I’m not coming back.” You said now spotting your uber. 
Before you knew it Tyson grabbed your arm turning you around to face him. “Tyson, what...” Tyson crashed his lips onto yours, it was like fireworks going off inside your head. Even though it had been two years, and even though you had broken up with him didn’t mean that you stopped caring for him, it didn’t mean that you didn’t love him. Pulling away you looked into Tyson’s eyes. you could tell they were sad. “I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretend that they are you. After you broke up with me I tried to find someone to drown out my sadness, all the girls I kept picking just reminded me of you. I didn’t even really like them, I just wanted you Y/n. I tried pretending that they were you and they weren’t. I hoped and prayed i would run into you again. I am so sorry that I wasted five years of your life Y/n. I wish that I could take it back and been the better boyfriend that you needed. That you deserved.” Tyson said now with tears in his eyes. “Y/n, please, I need you. I’m 27 now and I’m tired of playing these games. I love you.” 
“Ty... I... i need some time to think.” You said before getting into your uber. You were heading back to your place, I couldn’t stop thinking about what Tyson had said. Maybe he has changed. Maybe he is finally ready to settle down. Before you knew it you gave the uber driver your old address. You hoped that Tyson had gone home by this point. Pulling up to the old apartment building you got out. Taking a big breath you headed up to Tyson’s apartment. 
Knocking on the door you head footsteps. The door opened revealing a puffy eyed Tyson. “I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretend that they are you either.” You said making Tyson smile. “This is your one and only chance Tyson Barrie. You better not waste another five years of my life.” You said kissing Tyson. 
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