#you chase them and they chase you. is it tag? is it soccer? a completely different game? who knows. it doesnt matter. you're with them
frozenhi-chews · 6 months
I'm adding pink to my favorite colors. Pink, purple, and orange. The colors of a sunset. The vibes of vaporwave. The delicious flavors they bring, the smells of a dusky night air, sitting in a car with music you listened to as a child playing in the car. All while pink clouds are streaking across the sky, underneath a purple sky, with the orange sunset reflecting it all
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blank-slate-jay · 2 years
Louder than Words
Joel Miller x Male!Reader
Summary: Joel feelings for you start to come to light while talking with Henry. Things between you two take off when Joel finds you alone, and finally takes his chance. (Setting and story moments from Episode 5)
Tags: Fluff, Kissing(Slightly Smutty), Soft Joel, mention of violence
Word Count: 2.7K A/N: Time for some more Joel Miller! This time something more sweet and passionate. Writer's block made this one take forever to finish, but here we are. Any who enjoy!
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A loud crack at the wall echoed within the sealed room. Ellie excitedly jumped up, cheering after scoring a goal. Ellie and her new friend, Sam, were occupying themselves with a game of soccer to past the time.
You were setting your supplies down on a desk that hosted a stereo and lamp in a dark part of the settlement. Seemed like a perfect place to get yourself situated, so you got to work turning both the devices on and getting your things organized in your bag.
Joel and Henry, both sitting at small tables on the other side of the room, were watching the kids play. Whether it was out of boredom or just seeing them entertained brought them the same emotions, wasn't clear.
"If you were collaboratin' to take care of him...I shouldn't have said what I said. I don't know your situation." He offered his apologies to Henry, explaining the cruelty of FEDRA's intention of trying to kill him.
Due to Joel's show of empathy, Henry took the opportunity to open up about his first kill. "There was a man, a great man". By the way Henry explained him, his death almost seemed unwarranted. His selfishness, forgiving nature...having to kill somebody like that must've been difficult. His face made it obvious.
Henry continues after a short pause, "Have you ever met someone like that? Kinda man you'd follow anywhere."
Joel felt his heart jump at said words, his eyes instinctively looking over at you. You were moving your head in sync with the music while patching up your weapons, unnaturally calm about their coming mission. You were just like that, seemingly levelheaded even if the worse was to come. It was something Joel just couldn't get his head around. Yet he still found it comforting, perhaps he knew he could lean on someone in dire situations.
While Joel's attention was brought back to Henry's further explanation, you proceed to set your gun down after making some modifications to it. You turn the volume of the stereo down some, eyes catching a softball just off to the side. You stopped what you were doing, picking the ball up with an idea coming to mind.
Ellie and Sam began chasing each other around, but you were about to ruin their fun. You came out of your dark corner shouting to the two, "Heads up". You threw the ball at Ellie who didn't have enough time to react and ended up being hit in the shoulder. She turns to you with a confused look.
"Ooo..did that hurt?" you say in a mocking manner.
"Screw you" she retorted, retreating the ball off the ground and throwing it back at you.
You of course caught it with ease, "Dodgeball ain't your sport kid."
Ellie scoffed, "I didn't even get a chance, pass it here...I'll show you."
Your eyebrows raised before looking over to the 'Goal' writing on the wall. You walk over to the goal frame, passing the ball too Ellie. "Alright, you two you gotta hit me. Best-" As quick as the words came out of your mouth, Ellie threw the ball at you.
Ellie giggled, watching your expression changed to one of shock. "What? You said hit you..."
You sighed, passing it back to them, "When I say go, Ellie. Like I was saying, best game out of three. I dodge and you two try to hit me. Each round is complete after one attempt from both of you." Sam was then notified how to play the game via his magic slate board and they begun.
Unfortunately for the kids, your reaction time was unmatched. Not a single throw had landed. Ellie decided then and there to hand the ball to Sam, pointing her fingers down at the ball and then towards you. She then charges toward you and jumps onto you. You yelp as the her weight and grip kept you in place.
It clicked then for Sam what Ellie was trying to do, and he proceeds to bombard you with blows from the softball. The kids laughing and smiling in taking their revenge got a smirk out of Henry.
"It's nice seeing that boy happy..." Henry mentions, referring to his brother, "Very rarely does he even crack a smile." Both Joel and him watched as the chaos unfolded, certainly clear to them now that they were entertained. “And your friend is something. Don’t come by someone like that often”.
Joel replies trying to hide his smirk from forming, “Yeah, something for sure.”
Henry looks at Joel, who still had his eyes on the chaos. He thought for a second before stating, "He's a good guy, you know”.
Joel could only give Henry a puzzled look as a response, trying to figure out what the man was getting at.
“You may not be his, and she not be your daughter, but you were someone’s at some point. I can tell,” Henry exclaims.
All Joel could think was how perceptive Henry had to be to figure that out. They had just met not even half a day ago and he seems to have a general idea about them. Joel couldn’t tell if he feels relief or offended by his feelings being plastered out in front of him.
Seconds later, Joel decides to end the conversation entirely by getting up, “We need to leave. We’ve waited long enough.”
It was far late into the night now. The group had posted up at a motel after just barely making it through a fight between FEDRA and a horde of clickers. Everyone by this point was exhausted and getting ready for bed, except you weren’t back inside yet.
Earlier you had stepped out, saying you needed some air. So instead of getting comfortable on the floor, Joel gets up to leave the apartment.
Stepping out into the night, he's hit with the night's cool air. He looks in both direction and spots you half way down he open hall with your arms leaning against the railings. Gently, he closes the door behind him and walks over to you. His heavy footsteps alerting you of his presence.
You greeted him, “Joel.”
“Y/n”, he says, rubbing his hands together. The man stood a few feet from you, “Cold ain’t it?”
“No…weather is quite nice. And you're not warm in that,” pointing out his light brown jacket.
Joel shook his head, moving closer to the railing, "Barely." An awkward silence lingered over the two as there wasn't much either one of you wanted to say.
Even with very little on your mind, you tried to spark up a conversation,"Today was quite eventful.”
Joel hummed, leaning against the rails like you were, “Yeah, we’re lucky nobody got hurt.”
“Seriously. I could barely tell what was happening. I honestly thought we were done for", a small bit of fear was noticeable through your tone. “Thankfully we had you watching our backs”.
Joel could sense his heart picking up hearing you say that. His compliment was well rewarded after saving you and Ellie multiple times from being bitten. The man could snipe for sure. “I’m just glad that massive clicker didn’t get ahold of any of ya.”
“The massive what?”
“Some overgrown clicker just emerged among the horde and started attacking everyone in sight.”
You raised a brow, a bit skeptical on how you didn't manage to see it. “Uh huh…you sure you weren’t just seeing things?”
"I'm certain of what I saw",
You backed off, "Okay then. I do wonder how you didn't shit your pants seeing that." Joel let out a quick laugh with a look of slight amusement and disgust. "What? I mean I would've shit pants. I would've even screamed it out loud."
"Y/n..."Joel cracked up some, trying to keep himself from bursting out in laughter by hiding his face in his shoulder. "That is a stupid thing to do."
"Hey at least everyone would feel ok to admit it as well."
Joel just couldn't help but imagining that scenario playing out. One guy screaming it first, creating a domino effect where everyone around just begins to say it too. The absurdity of a situation like that only made it funnier to Joel as he failed to hide his laugh. For a guy who hid his emotions a lot, his silent giggles were quite contagious.
You chuckle along with him asking, "What?"
The older man couldn't get a word out to respond, his face turning redder by the second. He buried his face in his palm and continued to laugh, trying hard to get it out of his head. There was no use, you had put that image in his head and was now irreversible. Both of you went on for almost a full minute before your amusement began to subside.
Joel was the last of the two to pull himself together, sniffing and clearing his throat up to gain control of himself. The silence before that plague the air was now back, only this time, things felt a lot more comfortable. Having Joel there, and the fact that he was a lot more loose played into it. You wished the man was like that more often. Sadly though you knew you needed as much rest as you could get. Tomorrow was undetermined, so it pained you to have to cut your time with Joel short.
"Alright Joel, we should probably head back in now", you suggested, removing your arms from the rails to stretch them out.
Joel nods, "Yeah we should," he really didn't want to. His voice shivered a bit with hints of disappointment. As you were beginning to walk past him, Joel thought about today...what Henry had told him. 'He may not be yours...but you were someone's at some point'. His longing for someone else, was that desire so obvious that a stranger like Henry could figure it out so quickly? Is that the way he treated you, like his partner? The prospect brought Joel brief happiness before thinking about the possibility of you getting killed. A reasonable fear given the world they were in, but Joel wagered the odds. Would he rather you die without ever telling you how he feels, or have you know he much he cared about you before you pass.
The ladder seemed like Joel's choice in the end cause before you could make it fully pass him he says your name. You stop in place directly behind Joel who still faced the open air. You let out a questioning hum, awaiting a reply.
Joel took a moment to collect his thoughts, trying to figure out the best way to go about this. Due to time and their environment, he wasn't as smooth as he use to like back in his earlier years. He begins by saying, "Thank you", turning his head enough to see your figure behind him, but keeping his posture still.
You tilt your head slightly, "For...?"
Joel fully turns to you, "For everything. Your support, your extra hands, protectin' Ellie...just sticking by us through all this madness".
That to you was a bit unexpected, but you weren't going to turn down some appreciation from Joel of all people. You took the praise with a gentle smile on your face, "Of course."
The older man's eyes lingered with yours for sometime. Both of you had a soft gaze, just observing and expecting the other to say something. Joel was the first to react, stepping forward he inches closer to you, comfortable in doing so since you weren't changing your expression or moving. His eyes then traced over to your lips, looking at them before gazing down at his boots. Joel was oblivious to how tense things were. Sure stalling gave him time to figure out his next move, but he couldn't hold out forever.
Locking eyes with you once more, he was met with a gentle look that nearly sent him over the edge.
You couldn't help but say his name in a near whispering tone, "Joel."
By then, Joel felt he could tell you everything, tell you how much you meant to him. But words wouldn't do his emotions justice. He knew one thing would say all he wanted with one action.
Joel steps within a foot of range from you, his hands grabbing both sides of your face and leaning in for a kiss. He inhales, surprised by how soft your lips were when making contact. He initially wanted to keep the kiss to be brief, but it turned out to be much deeper with you kissing him back.
Upon parting from your lips, Joel traces his hands down your chest and all the way down to your hips, getting ready to speak. You were quick then to pull him back in for more, grappling onto the collar of his jacket and locking your lips back together. Joel lets out a heavy sigh into the kiss, grateful that you didn't want it to stop.
The older man wrapped his arms around the small of your back, reeling you in until you were chest to chest. The man's heart was racing, you could feel it pounding against your shirt, just as fast as yours was going. You guessed the man really did have a heart under all that thick skin, is if the moment didn't already confirmed that.
Your arm ran around Joel's shoulder to get a grip the back of his smooth grey hair. Gripping him causes him to moan; loudly. He could feel you smiling into the kiss as you both continued basking in each other's taste. Joel took the initiative and bites softly into your bottom lip to get a reaction out of you. On queue, you groan separating your lips from him.
Heads still close together you speak, "Don't infect me now".
Joel bites his lips, “You want me to?” His voice turned devious, like he had something they’ll make you infatuated by him. You were curious, what did this man have in store for you?
You might end up regretting it later but saying ‘no’ meant missing out. You reply with a breathily, “Yeah,” hands still playing with Joel’s hair. The man didn’t say a word, he began kissing your cheek and trailed all the way down to your neck. You had lowered your arm so that he had room to bury his face inside. Joel started off gentle but was now starting to become more passionate with him introducing his tongue. It made you quiver, your hands grabbing onto his arms that held your hips tightly. You tried your best to keep your voice low, but between Joel’s warm breath and his repetitive licks, it became impossible to hide.
Joel, mere seconds away from nibbling on your skin, is stopped by a sudden rattling noise. His hand quickly grabs his holster, retreating from the small of your neck. Both of your attention's are now down the hall, awaiting the sound to return. It did, and when one of the motel doors opened, you two relaxed when Henry stepped out from within.
Henry lets out a quick, “Oh…” realizing that he might be intruding once seeing Joel’s hand on your hip, “Sorry…sorry I got worried.”
Joel lets out a sigh, taking his other hand off his holstered. “Thought you were in bed.”
“The door wasn’t locked and neither of you were back yet, so I just wanted to check,” he replies.
Slightly annoyed Joel comments, “Very kind of you,” not giving the other man much room to response.
You could tell the poor wanted to get out of your hair. You thankfully reassure him, “It’s alright, Henry. We were just about to head back in.”
Henry nods, “Right,” taking his chance to remove himself from the awkward situation by heading inside.
You and Joel look at each other, both still needy for each other but tired nonetheless. With that desire for you still lingering in Joel’s eyes, you pat the man on the chest offering a suggestion. “So, wanna continue this next time?”
Joel thought for a second, that you were just sending Henry away so that things could proceed between the two of you. You actually meant it though, bringing some level of disappointment to Joel. But the smile you had on your face, no way he could say no to you. Joel simply smiles back agreeing, “Next time it is.”
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ravensilversea · 5 months
Caution: Fish Onboard
Tags: Alternate Universe - Merpeople, Merperson Skull, Crack Treated Seriously, Canon-Typical Crack, Pre-Relationship, Car Chases, Crushes, MerMay 2024
Summary: Everything had been going perfectly until the sushi platters had been placed in front of them and Verde was one sushi roll deep into his dinner when Skull had uttered that sentence with the most wide-eyed horrified face: “Fish are friends not food.”
“I don’t know why I thought bring you to a sushi bar was a good idea,” Verde says, closing the car door and slotting the key into the ignition. “I thought seeing all the live fish in the tanks would have been nice, but I forgot to account for all the dead ones after.” The car starts with a rumble, and he twists around to look out his rear window as he backs out of the parking space.
“Fish’re friends, not food,” Skull mutters into the collar of his purple hoodie, which is doing a fair job at covering up the faint iridescent scales and gills along his neck. 
Verde grits his teeth, spinning the wheel with the ball of one hand to straighten the front tires. The blasted merman would wax poetic about dolphin steaks and talk about harvesting a whalefall, but one chunk of tuna rolled up in rice, seaweed, and dipped in wasabi and you’d think Verde took him out to shoot puppies. 
At least the aquarium fish had been a hit. Skull’s eyes had all but sparkled at the sight of the tropical fish swimming around in the large tank. His hands pressed flat against the glass and stupid grin on his face as a clownfish darted in and out of the coral decorating the bottom. Verde couldn’t help but list off facts about the various fish in Skull’s ear. Facts that Skull surely knew already having lived in the ocean for years, but Skull never made it seem like Verde was annoying him and even asked questions about the tank setup.
It had honestly gone perfectly until the sushi platters had been placed in front of them and Verde was one sushi roll deep into his dinner when Skull had uttered that sentence with the most wide-eyed horrified face:
“Fish are friends not food.”
Verde slams his foot on the brake and a hand to the horn as some jackass decides to merge into their lane without so much as a turn signal. Skull lurches forward, wrapping his arms around himself like he’s cradling something precious. He settles back against the seat, and Verde’s eyes narrow.
“What do you have?”
Skull’s eyes dart up to meet Verde’s for a brief moment, and his cheeks turn a light pink. “Nothing.” He stares out through the windscreen, arms still wrapped around himself protectively.
“Right,” Verde says slowly. The turn indicator clicks as he checks for oncoming traffic. Behind them, a police car turns on its lights and sirens, and Verde kills two birds with one stone by completing his turn and getting out of the cop’s way.
The cop turns onto the road after him.
“Skull,” Verde says. “What. Do. You. Have.”
Skull mumbles suspiciously into his hoodie. He jolts as Verde goes over a bump in the road, and it’s enough for Verde to see a sloshing globe of free-floating water stuffed into the other’s hoodie. A clown fish swims up to the top of the globe and then back down.
“Please tell that is not the fish.”
“It isn’t the fish?”
Verde swears and floors the gas pedal. Skull eeps as the force sends him back against the seat, and the fish globe sloshes but stays within Skull’s hoodie. “You can’t just steal things,” Verde grits out from between his teeth. “You can’t just steal fish! How did you even manage that?” He swerves around a soccer mom van. 
“Well,” Skull shifts in his seat and wraps his arms around his fish globe more securely, “they opened the top of the tank to feed the fish, and I just kinda… scooped them out?”
Well, no wonder the cops were on their tail. It must have been quite the sight watching 25 gallons of water and tropical fish getting ‘scooped out’ and tucked under Skull’s hoodie. 
A semi-truck blares it’s horn as Verde swerves out of the merge lane and onto the highway proper. The original cop car and three of its buddies merge on behind the semi. “Was this before or after you tried to break down the door to the kitchen to quote, ‘Give the chef a piece of your mind’?”
Skull gives Verde a weird look. “After. On the way out the door obviously.”
It was not obvious given that Verde completely missed the fish being smuggled in the first place, but at least he can rest easier knowing it happened while he was making apologies to the security guard throwing them out of the restaurant. He’s not sure he could live with himself if it happened right beneath his nose with nothing to distract him but Skull’s pretty purple eyes.
He’s not entirely sure how they managed to get back to Verde’s house in one piece. The rest of the drive is a blur of lights, sirens, and quick turns. There’s a wet spot in his footwell from where water had sloshed out of Skull’s hoodie at some point, and a distinct memory of a fiery purple-eyed glare accompanied by shark-like teeth for the offense. He did lose the cops in the process, so Verde has decided it’s a win.
Especially since it only took a few stops at hardware stores and a couple hours of his time to build a fishy paradise for Skull’s fish, which now swim all around the lounge in glass pipes connected to a few tanks for them to hide in.
When Verde brings Skull into the room to show him his creation, Skull slowly spins in place, hands clasped against his chest, and grin growing. “This is wonderful, Verde! Thank you!” His eyes sparkle beneath the ceiling light, and Verde coughs into his fist, looking away with a rosy tinge to his cheeks.
“Yes, well- Oof!”
Skull glomps him and squeezes him tightly. There’s a watery trill in Verde’s ears, and then Skull is gone, flopping onto the couch and hugging a pillow to his chest as he stares at his fish. After a few minutes of Skull watching the fish, and Verde watching Skull, Skull says, “The tank looks a bit empty with all that water and so little fish.”
Oh, no, Verde can see where this is going. He takes off his glasses and pinches the bridge of his nose with a sigh. 
Skull’s head shoots up over the back of the couch. “We need more fish!”
The last thing they need is more fish, but Skull’s grin is so earnest and so bright and the tanks do look empty with only one small school of fish swimming through them. Verde can feel himself caving into those sparkling eyes with every passing second. He drops his hand with a sigh, “Fine. We can get more fish.”
“YES!” Skull falls backwards with the force of his cheer. He twists off the couch, bouncing up onto his feet, and Verde settles himself against the doorframe with his arms crossed and a soft smile as Skull starts babbling to the fish about how he’s going to get them so many brothers and sisters to swim with. Verde thinks he could stand here all day just watching him.
Oh. Oh. He never did stand a chance did he?
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lazysublimeengineer · 5 months
fatal fantasies
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Someone told me There's no such thing as bad thoughts Only your actions talk
Or Nanase and the waves of wanting for the one that he could never have to begin with.
Characters: Itoshi Rin & Nanase Nijiro
(A/N: Read the tags before proceeding to read downwards. If you value your chastity, then this server is not the right place for you. But if you’re okay with Nanase’s pining, lusting and having an imaginary sex with his sexy mentor, Rin, then by all means read ahead. I don’t own anything from the franchise. Inspired by the song, “Guilty as Sin?” in the new album of Taylor Swift, “The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology.” Respective ownership belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura for this wonderful manga and Taylor Swift for this sexy song.)
Drowning in the Blue Nile He sent me 'Downtown Lights' I hadn't heard it in a while My boredom's bone deep This cage was once just fine Am I allowed to cry? I dream of cracking locks Throwing my life to the wolves Or the ocean rocks Crashing into him tonight He's a paradox I'm seeing visions, am I bad? Or mad? Or wise?
“Do you understand what I’m talking about bumpkin?” Rin’s exasperated voice made Nanase blink at him owlishly and he sported out an apologetic smile afterwards.
“Ah, sorry about that Rin... I’m just too focus on what you’re trying to tell me... Didn’t mean to come across as unresponsive.” He apologized, inwardly praying that Rin wouldn’t notice that he was just gawking at him like an idiot and let his mind wander aimlessly at the sight in front of him.
Rin was a walking paradox on an occasional basis.
Sometimes Nanase thought he reminded him of a lone but ferocious wolf. Ready to devour or snarl at everyone who would trespass on his own space and privacy.
Furthermore, Rin wouldn’t subject himself to the whims of the other players like with Shidou and Charles who’d playfully tease him until he was chasing them both down in the hallways because his thinly veiled patience had finally snapped like a rope breaking out from its trunk.
Nevertheless, Nanase would experience whiplash at Rin’s sudden display of consideration and helpfulness in his own way even if his classic scowl was permanently etched on his face.
Rin was patient enough to train him even if the former had stated clearly that he’s a shit of a player and there’s no merit in mentoring him.
Certain moments like this Nanase couldn’t help himself...
But to admire him like this.
In a perpetual motion of stillness, Nanase could only gaze at him silence over the masquerade of intense focus at what the other was babbling about soccer and techniques.
When in reality, Nanase was already drowning in the depths of those beautiful pair of teal eyes and a grumpy yet stunning face that continued to haunt yet mesmerized him at the same time.
And he wasn’t sure on what to do with himself and these thoughts alone.
“Then I have to test your ambidexterity now to see if you really understand what I taught you.” Rin replied bluntly.
Nanase was in a mess and so was his heart which was on the verge of falling for him without any parachute in sight.
What if he's written 'mine' on my upper thigh Only in my mind? One slip and falling back into the hedge maze Oh what a way to die I keep recalling things we never did Messy top lip kiss How I long for our trysts Without ever touching his skin How can I be guilty as sin?
With his back against the wall, Nanase was completely trapped against Rin’s taller and leaner frame. Both arms were caging him with no chance of escaping.
“I’ve had enough of waiting bumpkin.” He said lowly.
Before Nanase could even ask for a clarification, he just found himself being kissed ravenously by him with Rin claiming his lips in a kiss which sent an electricity coursing right through his veins.
He tried to hold back his soft whines and moans but with one of Rin’s hands traipsing along his thighs and giving it a gentle, yet suggestive squeeze made a helpless mewl out of his lips.
This made Rin take advantage of it and plunder his tongue inside his mouth to explore the sensitive seams of his cavity wildly.
Nanase melted into his arms and jumped on him, wrapping his legs tightly on his hips and let his hands tangled on his locks as he kissed him back deeply, letting his tongue licked on the roof of his mouth and—
“Oi! If you don’t wake up, you’ll miss practice soon and you’ll run fifty laps for your absence.” Karasu’s loud and scolding voice jolted him awake, staring blearily at the ceiling.
He could still feel the way his heart pounded and the way his lips tingled at the sensation of that kiss alone.
In his dreams.
“I’m getting up now! Please give me a few minutes to wash myself first!” Nanase blurted out in panic as he finally got up from the bed.
He ignored the pang of disappointment within himself as his sweet, fatal dreams were cut short and was thrusted back into the reality where Rin can never be his for a lifetime.
I keep these longings locked In lowercase inside a vault Someone told me There's no such thing as bad thoughts Only your actions talk These fatal fantasies Giving way to labored breath Taking all of me We've already done it in my head If it's make believe Why does it feel like a vow We'll both uphold somehow?
“Your posture is wrong again.” Rin deadpanned as he stared at him with an unimpressed look on his face.
Nanase flopped on the floor mat unceremoniously as his knees and legs gave up on the position that he was trying to imitate from Rin.
A shaky, exhausted breath slipped out from his lips as he stared up at the ceiling.
“Ah, sorry about that Rin. I’m not as flexible as you but I’ll do better next time!” He answered him in his usual light yet cheery voice.
“Tsk. Why next time when you’re already training with me today on yoga dumbass.” Rin scoffed lightly as he went towards his direction and stopped right in front of him, obscuring his view of the ceiling as Rin’s bland yet stunning face greeted his line of sight.
His mouth went dry, and heart sped up erratically inside his chest. Nanase needed to keep his cool and not do dumb things in front of him.
Rin kneeled in front of him in silence and took ahold of one of his knees to stretch it which sent an electrifying sensation traipsing along his veins.
Nanase tried so hard not to shudder at the contact alone, but he wasn’t able to prevent the light gasp escaping from his lips at the warm sensation of Rin’s hand on his skin.
This caught Rin’s attention and shot him a deep, penetrating gaze.
“Something the matter?” Rin asked.
Nanase immediately shook his head and tried to smile pleasantly at him.
“Nope! Feel free train me again Rin if that’s what you want!” He replied jovially, ignoring the way his heart almost jumped out of his throat.
Rin stared at him with an undecipherable look in his eyes before it was gone in a second and was replaced by the usual blank expression on his face.
Nanase tried to keep the remaining composure within himself even though he was on the verge of melting on his arms and succumbed to the chaotic notoriety of his own emotions.
What if he's written 'mine' on my upper thigh Only in my mind? One slip and falling back into the hedge maze Oh what a way to die My bedsheets are ablaze I've screamed his name Building up like waves Crashing over my grave Without ever touching his skin How can I be guilty as sin?
He tried to stifle the moans that we’re threatening to erupt from his lips as the other’s tongue licked a stripe at the tip of his cock.
The familiar sharp teal eyes gazed at him darkly.
“Don’t hold back your voice bumpkin. I want to hear you fall apart on my mouth and arms.” Rin said huskily before he took his cock fully on his awaiting mouth and deepthroat him.
This time, Nanase didn’t hold back and let out a loud, salacious moan. The hot yet addicting sensation of his mouth encasing his cock sent a pleasurable haze and delirious ecstasy shooting all over his body.
Nanase hasn’t touched him yet but with Rin manipulating his body to his own whims and pleasures, it sent him into a haywire of need and want and he didn’t want to stop...
...he didn’t want him to stop...
“Coming that easily before me? You really are pathetic sometimes country boy.” Rin remarked in fond exasperation as he stopped and looked at him, licking his lips slowly as his cum coated his sinful lips.
Nanase swallowed thickly as he looked up at Rin who was now looming over him.
“R-rin...” His heart stuttered over his chest.
“I think it’s time for your punishment.”
What if I roll the stone away? They're gonna crucify me anyway What if the way you hold me Is actually what's holy? If long suffering propriety Is what they want from me They don't know how you've haunted me So stunningly I choose you and me ... Religiously
“P-please let me cum...” Nanase pleaded out in a hoarse voice as another moan was ripped out from him when Rin hold the tip of his cock languorously as he railed him recklessly on the mattress with the bed swinging back and forth because of their wild movements.
Rin leaned down, his proximity and hot breaths sent a dizzying sensation over him. “Do you think you deserve it bumpkin?” He whispered lowly.
“Ngh... Ah— Ah�� Ah— Y-yes...! Yes please!” Nanase drooled out and his eyes rolled back in pleasure as Rin found a particular spot inside of him and angled his cock calculatingly to hit and abused his sweet spot repeatedly.
Rin laughed huskily before he sealed his lips in a wild and dirty kiss, swallowing back his lewd moans and helpless mewls. Nanase could only kiss back weakly, panting and groaning inside his mouth as his hands flew across his back and gripped it tightly for support and leverage as Rin spread him wider to piston his insides deeper and in wild abandon.
“Fuck! You’re so adorable like this. I really like ruining you Nanase.”
...Nanase wake the fuck up!”
Nanase snapped his eyes open and stared dumbfounded at Rin’s figure who was glaring at him this morning.
What if he's written 'mine' on my upper thigh Only in my mind? One slip and falling back into the hedge maze Oh what a way to die I keep recalling things we never did Messy top lip kiss How I long for our trysts Without ever touching his skin How can I be guilty as sin?
“This is the second time you're late to our practice. Consider this as your lucky day as I’m only giving you a fair warning.” Rin warned as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Nanase scampered out of the bed and bowed apologetically at Rin.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry Rin! It won’t happen again! I promise!” Apologies came pouring out from his lips and bit his lower lip out of nervousness.
“You should be. Next time you do that, say goodbye to your training regimen with me and handle it on your own.” Rin replied simply and turned around to leave when he paused midway and glanced at him again.
“And oh, by the way, make sure to take care of yourself before presenting yourself to me.” He added casually before he resumed his walk and left him alone in his room.
Nanase was left inside, blinking a few times before he looked down and realized that his morning wood was poking down visibly on his shorts.
As Rin was already walking out in the hallways, he could hear the other’s embarrassed yelp and frustrated groan.
The corners of his lips twitched upwards.
He sent me 'Downtown Lights' I hadn't heard it in a while Am I allowed to cry?
(A/N: I can’t believe Taylor had written a song which is thirsting over someone and pleasuring themselves over it. “Guilty as Sin?” is a song that really inspired me to write this and brought out the sin of Nanase thirsting over Rin in silence. Like did you see that panel where he had a happy face when Rin declared that he’s going to be his property from now on in exchange of training him and he was okay with that?! The fandom is going to pretend that this is totes normal between the two players and teammates. And Rin is not slick either. Man’s possessive over our sunshine boy here and he doesn’t hesitate to own him as soon as he got the chance in the manga. Reviews are amusing so let me hear them from you.)
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brattyfics · 3 years
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I want to give writing some seasonal pieces a try this year, so I'm opening up requests! I'd also love to read some so feel free to join me! Please read the guidelines below.
Personally, I'd like to stick to writing for the Mayans M.C. and Black Panther fandoms during this time, but you can write for any character from any fandom that you want.
There is no word count. Your response can be 100 or 100,000 words. I'll be writing until I feel the story is complete rather than trying to achieve a word count. I encourage you to do the same.
This is a Fall Fluff Challenge, but feel free to write smut and yes, even angst, if it fits the prompt. I'd just ask that you make sure there is some element of fluff.
Even though it's a seasonal challenge, there is no deadline. Post when you feel good about what you've written.
The premise of this 'challenge' is to pair a touch prompt (listed on the original post by @creativepromptsforwriting) with a fall-inspired word. For your convenience, here are some September and October words, plus another set of words created by me underneath the cut. Don’t see anything on these lists you like? That’s fine, use your own fall-inspired word. Fall means different things/traditions/activities/etc. to each person, so just do your thing. Don't spend too much time worrying about the word.
Just for clarity, here's a few examples: "grabbing the other’s hand to pull them back from something" + 'rosebushes'. You can write about Muse A tripping/falling into a prickly rose bush while chasing an excited child they are babysitting. Have Muse B offer a hand to help them up. OR "only realizing it when they have to let go" + 'cave explorations'. Have your Muses meet while on a cave tour. They grab at each other when one starts to slip on the slimy cave floor or bats start swarming, and don’t realize they’re still connected until the end of the tour. Your muses don't have to be in an established relationship for there to be fluff. Just have fun, be creative, and think outside the box.
If you do participate, please tag me and tag it #BFFF Challenge, so I can find, read and reblog it. It would also be helpful if you bolded the prompt and fall word you choose within the text, or highlighted it in the summary so that I can tag it properly when adding it to the challenge masterlist. Thanks!
If you wish to send me a prompt to write for this challenge, please keep these guidelines in mind.
Thanks in advance to anyone who chooses to participate in any way. I'll create a master list of responses to the challenge as needed. If all goes well, I'd like to try this again for Winter.
Additional ‘Fall’ Words:
Tree Stump
Black Ice
Football (American)
Gust of Wind
String Instruments
Abandoned Bird’s Nests
Book Case/Library
Fuzzy Socks
Stained Glass
Mermaid/Vampire/Werewolf/Whatever Mystical Creature Flats Your Boat
Tagging: @tchallasbabymama
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winterscaptain · 4 years
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader a joyful future fic
a/n: this doesn’t have any gendered pronouns, but some of the content was fairly fem-coded and i didn’t want anyone to experience anything triggering/unpleasant, so i tagged it fem. all my gals, gays, hes, and theys can be pretty and wear fancy underwear!! (i can always adapt a super super gender neutral version if anyone wants it! or hell, even male-coded. we’re inclusive in this house!) also my smut taglist is...not updated. yikes.
words: 2.5k warnings: alcohol use, drunk!aaron, smut (oral w/reader receiving, penetrative sex, creampie)
summary: “compliments cost nothing, yet many pay dear for them.” - thomas fuller
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | ajf faq | requests closed!
“You’re so pretty,” Aaron says, his words only slurring a little. He’s followed you into the bathroom at Will and JJ’s like a lost puppy and can’t keep his hands to himself. 
You laugh, pulling his arms further around you. “Aaron, honey, you’re really drunk.”
His brow crinkles. You can see it in the mirror. “Do I… not tell you you’re pretty when I’m not drunk? Because I should do that.”
“No,” you assure him with a pat to the back of his hand. “You do, but you have less of an agenda when you’re sober.”
He laughs in that delightful little way he does when he’s drunk and he knows he’s been caught. “That’s not true. I always have an agenda.”
As if to make his point, his mouth drops to your neck, finding that spot that makes you sigh. You can feel your heartbeat in your bits at this point, but you won’t give him the satisfaction. 
You turn, holding his face in your hands. His eyes are only a little glassy - he’s playing it up because he knows it makes you laugh. “You’re not very subtle, sweetheart.”
“But you’re so pretty,” he grumbles, tucking his face into your neck again. 
“Okay, love. Let’s go. C’mon.”
You eventually get him back down the hallway and into the living room. 
Emily smirks at you, but you only roll your eyes and shake your head. 
Don’t be ridiculous. 
She shrugs. Not the first time it woulda happened. 
Fair point, your eyebrows say. She laughs. 
Jack’s running soccer drills with Henry in the backyard - still full of energy despite the ridiculously late hour - and JJ’s offered to have the boys over at her place tonight. 
“You’re sure?” 
“Pfft, absolutely. What’s one more? Jack’s easy.” 
You laugh lightly. “Can’t argue with that.” 
“And,” she adds, “I figure you guys could use the night. You know, sober up and stuff.” 
Squinting at her, you say, “I’m not drinking tonight.” 
“Just sayin’.”
With a roll of your eyes, you take Aaron by the elbow and lead him out the door and into the car. He’s terribly floppy when he’s just passed buzzed, but you know he’d never get drunk enough to actually make you babysit him. 
He’d explained it to you once. 
“Sweetheart, I’m not in my twenties anymore so wicked hangovers are an inevitability. And it’s inconsiderate.” 
He’s particularly handsy as you walk up to the apartment, impeding your forward momentum as he drags you back against him, grinding playfully against you at every opportunity. 
“Aaron, quit!” You whisper-shout at him, mindful of your neighbors. It’s much later than your usual arrival time and you’re actually aware of the sleepy nature of the suburban apartment complex on a Saturday night. 
You finally let yourself into the apartment and lock the door behind you, setting the alarm as soon as you take your shoes off. 
Aaron’s leisure is apparent - he’s taking his time with his winter trappings (though you’re pretty sure he’d trip if he went at his normal pace). You watch him methodically place his shoes into the rack and hang his coat, brushing imagined debris off the sleeve. 
When he’s done, he turns back to you with a look he might think is smooth. Really, he just looks rather undone. 
Delightfully undone. 
You sigh and cross the room, pulling his lips to yours and winding your fingers in his hair. He moans into your mouth and you’re violently reminded of the other perk of an inebriated Aaron: while already vocal, his lowered inhibitions increase his volume in… almost every situation. 
“Come to bed, baby,” you whisper against him. 
You can feel his smile. “Okay.” 
Taking him by the hand, you drag him to your bedroom and close the door behind you out of habit. 
He presses you against the wall, his hands wandering down your ribs, your hips, your ass, up your shirt as his searing kisses poke holes in your desire to sleep. 
You pull back, your head against the wall. “I have something for you. Wanna see?” 
His eyes are firmly stuck on your mouth, but he nods. 
“Wait for me. I’ll be right back.” 
With a wolfish grin, he steps back (carefully) and starts to undo his belt buckle. As nice a visual as that is, you know you have a limited window before he crashes. 
Drunk Aaron often means Sleepy Aaron. If your estimation is right - you have about ten minutes. 
Slipping into the bathroom, you dig around in your side of the cabinet until you find the little bag you’ve been hiding. It’s lingerie you bought last year on his birthday, but hadn’t had the occasion to show him - between cases and Jack, there was never an opportune time. 
You change somewhat leisurely, giving yourself the time to get really worked up, thinking about the way Aaron’s hands and mouth feel on every square inch of your skin. When you’re well and truly warm, you open the door -
And find Aaron completely zonked, naked, halfway-under the turned-down covers. 
Looks like it was more like five minutes. 
You can’t help but smile at the sight. He’s adorable with his face all squished into the pillow, curled toward your side of the bed. 
You strip, leaving the treats back under the cabinet, and slip under the covers wearing nothing at all. 
You’re sure you’re having the best sex dream of your life. Getting all worked up before bed often had its own consequences, but you find yourself waking before you can really grab onto the feeling. 
A bit frustrated, you rouse yourself and realize Aaron grinding against you isn’t part of your dream. You reach back, tangling your fingers in his hair - not enough to pull, but enough to let him know you’re awake. 
You let out a shaky breath and arch your back, sending your ass right into him. He groans and you feel his hand wander from your abdomen to your center, aching and soaked all the way to your thighs. 
His talented fingers wander over your heated skin, circling your clit and dipping into you but not enough. You wiggle against him impatiently, but he shushes you, laving your neck and shoulder with languid, wet kisses that leave you squirming. 
Your eyes flutter shut as he ducks under the covers, his kisses traveling down the curve of your spine, to your waist. You squeak when his teeth sink into the soft skin above your hip, immediately soothed with his tongue. Letting him lead, you wait until his fingers wrap around your knee before you swing your leg over his head. 
His pleased hum is audible and it sends a shiver down your spine. 
Your heel slides up his shoulder in your attempt to get him where you want him, but you can feel the muscles of his back ripple as he resists you, pillowing his head on your thigh. 
Aaron presses kisses to the crease of your thigh until you’re well and truly squirming. 
He lets out a drawn-out moan as his tongue makes contact with your slit and you swear he drinks from you before sloppily licking and mouthing his way to your clit, rolling the little nub on his tongue. 
“Perfect,” he whispers against you, wrapping his lips around you and sucking for a moment before taking one long pass from stem to stern with the flat of his tongue. 
You whimper, pressing the back of one hand to your mouth while the other tangles in his hair, holding him in place. 
He lifts, even against the pressure of your hand, and looks up at you, his nose, mouth, and chin glistening in the low light. “Nobody’s home, baby.” He drops a kiss to your clit. “Let me hear you.” 
You keep your eyes on his as he positively devours you. After what seems like forever, he drops his gaze, giving you a breathtaking view of his long eyelashes resting against his cheekbone. 
His arms slide over your lower back, wrapping around you to hold you steady as he rocks his face into you. It’s sloppy, loud, and immaculate. 
Closing your eyes and relaxing everything you can, you focus entirely on the sensation of his tongue against your clit, the way the whole lower half of his face burrows as far into you as he can get, ever seeking something more, somewhere closer. 
Your walls flutter on their own, pushed to the brink by his ministrations. Your hips buck a little and you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding in a huff. 
“Fuck, Aaron. You’re so good.” 
“Mhmm.” His hum doesn’t leave your skin, but he still sounds way too full of himself. When you yank on his hair in light admonishment for his own self-awareness, he lets out another groan from deep in his chest. 
It rumbles through you, all the way to your bones. You can’t help but shudder again and his arms tighten around you.  
You can feel his muscles pull and flex under your calf as he chases friction, grinding into the sheets. His expression belies none of it - there’s not a grain of tension in his forehead, his eyebrows sit relaxed when they’re not pulled together in surprise or pleasure. 
One of his arms slides out from under you, running his fingers over your thigh before lifting his mouth from you. He wets his fingers, pulling them slowly from his lips and dropping them to tease your entrance. 
He raises his eyebrows expectantly, meeting your eyes. 
You give in. 
With a smirk, he runs his fingers from your bundle of nerves to your slit, slipping them inside you with unbearable lack of haste. You wiggle against him and he relents, diving back into you with more than enthusiasm. 
Your voice is somewhere between a gasp and a whine. “Aaron, you’re gonna make me come.” You twist, but his arms hold you fast as you curl into your pillow. 
He doesn’t falter for a second, going down on you like it’s his favorite thing to do (it is, actually) until you’re overcome, shaking and overwrought with pleasure. His gentle guidance through your peak only prolongs it, sweetening the pleasure until it hums through your body. 
Finding his way back to you, he takes the same route he took on his way down, kissing his way to your knee, taking your leg back over his head, and wandering up your back with his lips and tongue. 
He settles behind you again and wraps you in his arms, pressing kisses to your neck. 
You turn your head and he meets your lips with his own. It’s an awkward angle, sure, but sex by definition is awkward - what’s one more element? 
You kiss the taste of yourself off of him, his little pleased noises only egging you on. Impatiently, you reach behind you and wrap your hand around his cock, stroking just the way he likes it (with a twist of your wrist at the tip) until he stops you with a hand over yours. 
“Either I come inside you or not at all.” 
With a little laugh, you release him. “By all means, darling. Be my guest.” 
Aaron’s got a stupid little smile on his face you can only see half of, but you make it clear you have no intention of moving, arching your back again to give him more access. 
Positioning himself between your thighs, he runs his cock over your heated flesh, between your lips, still sensitive from your orgasm. You relax into him with a shaky exhale, rocking back and seeking friction. 
His breath is hot at your ear as he eases into you, the angle from this position new and tight. You move with him, meeting him inch for inch as he slowly gives you more and more with each thrust. 
He brings his hand to your waist and you can feel him trembling. You bring your knees closer to your chest and he shifts so the top of his thighs are flush with the back of yours. 
You whimper as he finds that place inside you, and hits it over and over and over with alarming consistency. He’s bottoming out with every thrust and you’re seeing stars. 
The arm underneath him snakes under your pillow and around your shoulders, his fingers splayed over your chest. The arm at your waist sneaks down to your clit and you do him a favor - lifting your knee as close to your shoulder as you can get it. 
He loops his arm around your thigh, holding you open for him, while he drowns his fingers in his handiwork from before. It’s been almost two years and he's mastered that angle on your clit - the one that has you nearly in tears within seconds, gasping little sobs leaving you as you’re once again pushed to the breaking point. 
“Harder,” you tell him. “More.” 
His lips glued to the slope between your neck and shoulder, he pounds into you faster, harder, the sound of his hips snapping to yours filling the bedroom. 
Your orgasm crests over you all at once and you can’t even thrash as your vision whites out and your legs violently shake - his hold on you is tight and all-consuming. He well-and-truly fucks you, chasing his pleasure while riding you through yours. 
He gasps and you know he’s close. You bring your hand behind you to his hair again and hold him to you, the softness of his ungelled hair grounding you as the rest of your body continues to alight with sensation. 
“Fuck, I’m -” His brief warning is rough, breathless, and relentlessly hot. You look in front of you, seemingly for the first time, and realize your mirrored closet doors are right there. 
Your mouth drops open as you watch Aaron drive into you, deep, and unlatch from your neck, his eyes squeezing shut and mouth open, a groan leaving him. You can feel him inside you, warm and full, as he releases, his hips barely leaving yours as he shallowly ruts into you. 
You can’t tear your eyes from his reflection. He’s beautiful - perfectly undone and entirely blissed out. You clench and flex, milking everything you can from him until his body seems to melt into yours, the tension drawing out of his fingers, arms, then finally his brow. 
He hooks his chin over your shoulder, laying his cheek against yours. A low hum leaves him and a content smile curls at his lips. 
Yours matches, and you lace your fingers through his, pulling his arms tighter around you. “Did you tick off all your agenda items?” 
His eyes remain close as he answers with a little nod. “Mhmm.” 
“Are you still a little drunk?” 
“Hmm…” He actually thinks about his answer for a second. “Only a little. Mostly wanted to make you laugh.” 
You’ll have to go clean up eventually, but he snuggles impossibly closer, still inside you as he softens, and kisses your cheek, sweet and chaste. 
“You’re so pretty.”
tagging:  @quillvine @stxrrywildflower @ughitsbaby @rousethemouse @criminalsmarts @shrimpyblog @genevievedarcygranger @ssaic-jareau @angelsbabey @writefasttalkevenfaster @venusbarnes @ogmilkis @marvels-agents100 @hotchslatte @risenfox @mrs-dr-reid @captain-christopher-pike @dwellingsofrosie @pinkdiamond1016 @aaronhotchnerr @violentvulgarvolatile @mooneylupinblack @ssareidbby @ssa-morgan @violet-amxthyst @capricorngf @pan-pride-12 @mandylove1000 @joanofarkansass  @cevanswhre @infinity1321 @zizzlekwum @popped-weasels @mandylove1000 @jeor @capricorngf @missdowntonabbey @nuvoleincielo @ssahotchnerr @bwbatta @roses-and-grasses @winqhster @the-falling-in-the-danger @iconicc @mangoberry43 @crazyshannonigans @ceceguajardo-blog @deagibs
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fairyoftbz · 3 years
spring tenderness | l. sangyeon
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🌱 word count: 2.1k 🌱 pairing: dad!sangyeon x mom!reader 🌱 genre: tooth-rotting fluff, dad!au, very domestic! au 🌱 tw: mention of food, past pregnancies and breastfeeding 🌱 synopsis: just a cosy morning where you spend some time with your husband and your two boys, Hyungseo and Youngjae. (yes i took kevin and eric’s korean names, don’t ask) 🌱 a/n: i’m not used to write this kind of au but it was so soft and domestic, i’m pretty sure that sangyeon will be a good dad one day 🥺🥺💖 i’m tagging @staywithmoon bc you wanted to read it and i can only thank you for that bub! <33
You smiled when childish laughter erupted from the garden, the sound warming your heart at your son's joy. The curtains in the children's bedroom filtered the sunlight, generating a subdued and colourful atmosphere. Your son was in a deep sleep, his tiny shut fists resting delicately at the sides of his head, his pacifier moving to the rhythm of his breathing. With the back of your finger, you tenderly stroke his cheek, a joyful smile on your lips.
You sighed lightly, remembering your husband's reaction the day you announced the good news. When you first learned that you were going to be a mother, you weren't sure what to think. Sangyeon's potential bad reaction terrified you, having no idea how well he was going to take this news. The weight had come off your shoulders as he fell to his knees in front of you, eyes sparkling with happiness and excitement, you knew you wanted to live this experience with your boyfriend by your side.
Three years have passed since that wonderful event, and it's safe to say you've never been happier. A beautiful, healthy little boy had joined your pair, and Sangyeon had become an overprotective father, always ready and prepared to take care of his son by relying on the many readings and Internet researches that he had completed during your pregnancy. While you were feeding your son or resting, he would transform into a man-of-all-work and help around the house. It took a huge weight off your shoulders, just like when he woke up instead of you to soothe your child who was struggling to sleep through the night, allowing you to sleep and recharge your batteries. Your husband made a great daddy and loved you and your son to death, showering you both with unconditional love.
You announced your second pregnancy on his birthday, a few weeks after returning from your honeymoon. You stumbled across a video in which a woman was giving her husband baby clothes for his birthday on social media, and you decided that it was a creative idea and did the same.
During all these years of living together and this new experience as parents, Sangyeon had decided that you were the one with whom he wanted to settle in and share his life, proposing to you two years after your son's birth. The preparation for this fabulous event had brought you together a lot, and your skills in relationship communication had evolved exponentially.
Here you are now in a life of four, living in a house with a dog and a garden, a place your oldest son loved almost more than his bedroom and his toys. He spent most of his time there when the weather was nice and warm, having fun playing soccer with his father. He also loved making angels when the snow was in abundance, the smile that radiated on his face filled you with the greatest happiness in the world.
Taking your new born son in your arms, you rocked him gently against you, feeling his warm body all wrapped up in his pyjamas against your chest. He struggled to open his eyes and let his dummy fall against his chest. He was so cute that you couldn't suppress a smile, your son returning almost instantly the second his eyes met yours. The big brown orbs he got from his father held a lot of love, and his little feet wriggled in excitement when you kissed his forehead.
"Did you sleep well, my little angel?" Your thumb stroked his cheek, and he continued to gaze at you in awe, your heart softening with tenderness as he let out a gurgle to answer. Gently fixing his position in your arms as his cheek rolled against your chest, his eyes still misted with sleep bored into yours as he slowly emerged from his slumber.
Opening the patio door to the balcony, you tightened your cardigan around yourself as a light wind blew, creating a slight chill in the comforting morning heat of late spring. Your eldest son was chasing a foam ball, your husband standing in front of the miniature goal that reached his thigh, purposefully missing the ball for your son to score.
"Goaaaaaaaal!" Your other son threw his little arms in the air and ran around the garden, your dog following him with his tail wagging. Sangyeon shrugged but smiled, amused by your son's attitude and enthusiasm. You smiled too from your spot on the balcony, gently cradling your other son in your arms. "Good job, Hyungseo!" Your husband looked around the living room for a short moment, looking for you, but he gave you a smile you couldn't imagine brighter when he noticed you up there, congratulating your son for his accomplishment, but the latter didn't hear you.
Once he finally stopped, breathless, Sangyeon walked over to him while chuckling, bending down to be at the same level with him. You watched your husband whisper something into your son's ear, who almost immediately looked up at you. You gave him a little wave with a smile, and he came running up, locating himself just below the balcony, a huge smile on his face.
"Hi Mom! Hi Youngjae!" He moved his small hands from side to side, and you gave him a flying kiss, Sangyeon lifting him from behind to settle him on his shoulders. He laughed as he kept waving, sending him a playful wink in return as you couldn't reach him. 
Your husband grabbed Hyungseo's hands and started running around the garden, still with him on his shoulders, a crystal-clear laugh falling from their lips as they were brimming with energy already so early in the morning. You walked down to the garden, and they stopped when they saw you, Hyungseo touching the ground again. He ran to you as you sat in a lounge chair, watching his younger brother with attentive eyes.
"Are you going to feed him, Mommy?" He asked, and you nodded, making sure your new born was comfortably positioned in your arms. "Come on Hyungseo, let's go make some bread and jam, hm? Youngjae needs to be calm to eat. We can come back to them as soon as we prepared breakfast, okay?" Your husband explained to your child, whose face immediately lit up at the mention of food. “Yesssss!" Your son exclaimed and clapped his tiny hands, Sangyeon gently pushing him inside the house. You looked up smiling, closing your eyes for a quick second as he kissed your lips. "I'll be back in 5 minutes," his hand came to cradle your cheek, and you nodded, enjoying the tender gesture.He kissed your forehead before striding towards the kitchen, closing the sliding door behind him.
You took the opportunity to breastfeed your son, who had his tiny hand resting against your chest, trying to cling onto his food source as your two other boys bustled about and laughed in the kitchen. Your thumb stroked his chubby cheek and you beamed, the tightness you felt in your breast from the milk not being able to compete with the happiness that bloomed in your heart.
"Here you go Mommy," your son's frail voice reached your ears again as your gaze stared into space for a brief moment out of exhaustion, your hand still against your child's face. Hyungseo was holding a tall glass of juice with his two hands, Sangyeon appearing again, balancing three plates in his hands. He put two on his side and one at the other end of the table where Hyungseo usually sat. You kissed your son on the forehead as a thank you and took a few sips, feeling the sweet, pulpy liquid run down your neck and quench your thirst.
"Breakfast served for the best mom in the world," he handed you a plate with two slices of toasted bread spread with butter and honey cut into small squares, smiling at the fact that he had thought about you and your health. "Thank you very much honey," he kissed the top of your head and watched for a few moments Youngjae in your arms as he suckled quietly, his finger caressing his tiny, plump arm. "He's just as handsome as his mother," Sangyeon muttered before looking up at you, a tender smile on his face. You kissed him again, this time on the cheek, your heart going fuzzy at the notable sweetness and sincerity behind his words. 
Your husband sat down with Hyungseo and began to enjoy breakfast, chatting and exchanging looks with great affection. You had never been so complete, and you could only thank life for making your path cross with Sangyeon's. He gave you a wink and quickly wiped off the chocolate spread that decorated the corner of your son's mouth with his finger before bringing it to his own mouth, the latter asking a lot of questions about his little brother and his health. 
He was indeed going through the phase when curiosity was the only thing on his mind, your husband sometimes losing patience as your son wondered about anything and everything. Fortunately, he hadn't yet been amazed at how he and his little brother were created and brought into the world, but it won't be long in coming.
"Mommy! Are you coming to play with Daddy and me?" Hyungseo ran to the rocking chair in which you always fed Youngjae, your eldest child stroking his little brother's skull with his hand. "No Hyungseo, leave Mommy alone, she needs some rest. Nourishing a child can get pretty exhausting for your mother, but she will come and play soon," Sangyeon explained as he carried the plates to the kitchen, his body in the glass doorway. He nodded to his son to follow him, and he obeyed, a sad pout decorating his lips. "Honey, I'll come and play with you after I put Youngjae to bed for a nap, okay?" Sorrow left your son's eyes almost immediately, beaming as he heard his father call him from the kitchen. "Come on, go help Daddy with the dishes. Mommy promises to take care of you as soon as possible," he trotted back to your chair and pressed his lips on your cheek in a slobbery kiss before running to the kitchen. 
You chuckled through your nose when you heard Sangyeon scold him for running around barefoot before shifting your attention back to your son, who was looking at you with a lot of admiration in the eyes. Giving him a lovely smile, your thumb came to caress his cheek again, a wave of relief flooding your chest as he finally let go of your breast. After you burped him, you were about to go upstairs to change his diapers, but Sangyeon emerged from the kitchen right at the same time, smiling at the sight of you cradling your son on your shoulder.
"It's okay, I'll take care of it," he winked at you before taking his son from your arms and kissing him on the forehead, Hyungseo walking up to you to hug you, his little arms struggling to wrap themselves around your thighs. "Come on, Hyungseo, let's brush our teeth and then we'll play, okay?" He nodded, still leaning against you, and you took his hand, leading him to the second floor, following the same path your husband had taken a few seconds ago. 
Being the big boy he wanted to be and in a hurry to get back to playing with his foam ball, your oldest awkwardly brushed his teeth on his own, putting toothpaste all over his face and fingers. You lowered yourself to his level and showed him the right movements he needed to do to brush his teeth properly. Sangyeon was in the corner of the room, a smile on his lips as he changed your son's diapers, moved by the attention you paid to your children's education. He gently wiped Youngjae clean and tickled his belly once he was done clipping the press studs of his bodysuit, your son immediately giggling at his father.
"Everything's good, you can go back to play, but don't run down the stairs," you ruffled your son's hair with a tender hand, Hyungseo dashing outside the bathroom. You were about to raise your voice, but you listened to him go down the stairs one by one with a content smile, satisfied that he obeyed you. "Thank you," you mumbled, wanting to take your son off the baby-changing table, but Sangyeon was quicker.
"You already carry him all day, let me relieved your back and take care of him," you rested his head on his shoulder as he hugged your son, feeling a hand cling to your cheek, making you laugh as Youngjae also wanted to participate in this moment of tenderness. "Come on, let's go downstairs before our other one gets all jealous," you chuckled before kissing your son then husband, letting him grab some sunglasses and a little hat for your son. 
Grazing the railing with your fingertips, you sighed with ease, feeling loved and cared for by the three men who lived in your house. You used to have many doubts and insecurities about motherhood, but your husband's help and support had erased them all. You were happy to be a mom, and nothing could change that.
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wakeupflawless · 3 years
angst/fluff prompt: #86 <3
Season 4 Brio - no secret service, no wire, just vibes and family fun.
The smell of meat cooking on the grill wafts enticingly through Beth’s nostrils. From what she can see there’s a smorgasbord of steaks, burgers and ribs. Not to mention corn, rice, beans, potato salad… Vegetarians and keto-diet beware.
Children ranging from ages two to thirteen run rampant through the yard. The oldest kids scuffle over a soccer ball while the younger ones play tag. Among them is Marcus, who almost sprints by them if not for Rio scooping him up into his arms.
“Hey now,” he chastises his son, who doesn’t lose his toothy grin, “Where’s your manners at? Say hello to Mrs. Boland.”
Marcus waves sheepishly at her. “Hi Mrs. Boland.”
Beth can’t help it, always charmed by this miniature Rio, she smiles back brightly.
“Hi, Marcus,”
Rio nods in approval, setting Marcus down, but crouching low so they’re eye to eye. Marcus nearly vibrates in his father’s hold, eager to get back to his game of tag.
“Don’t go gettin’ all dirty, or your mama’s gonna be real mad.”
Marcus rolls his eyes. “But daddyyy. You brought me extra clothes just in case!”
“Yeah. Just in case.” Rio stresses, but his lips pull into a smile.
Marcus rushes off in search of his cousins, running through a small mud pile as he goes. Rio sighs.
Out of all their differences they do have one thing in common - the exasperation of being parents.
“Who taught your son how to be so polite?” Beth asks, “Couldn’t have been you.”
“Very funny, mami.” Rio bristles, gesturing for her to continue walking toward a group of adults standing in a circle, beers in hand.
He introduces her to each person. It’s a lot of hands to shake. All their smiles are so warm and genuine, there’s no way this is Rio’s family. They’re just so… nice.
This is not what she’d expected when he told her his “people” wanted to meet her. She’d expected something murkier like… like meeting at a warehouse or in the back of a business or... Even an alleyway for godsakes. Not his family reunion.
Turns out his “boss” is his grandmother. Who's the most lovely person Beth’s ever met. They have a long conversation about the benefits of a cast iron skillet - good for keeping those boys in line - Rosa had said playfully, nodding to Rio and his male family members. If only Beth could keep him in line.
The only person she has her doubts about is Nick - Rio’s…. Cousin? Brother? It was all very odd. However the tension had been broken when a boisterous male family member had announced it was time for the annual football game.
“It’s always held right before dinner,” Rosa explains to her, “Because those boys would be too full to play after!”
It’s six versus six. Beth grabs a seat next to Rosa and Rio’s sister. Sister!! Marcus sits happily on Rosa’s lap.
A few orange cones are set up on either end of the large backyard. It’s supposed to be touch football, but Beth soons comes to discover that it’s a full on game of tackle football after all the niceties (trash talk) has been exchanged between each team.
She watches in hidden delight as Rio takes down brother-cousin hard in the grass, causing Nick to fumble and one of Rio’s younger cousins to swoop the ball up and run it in for a TD.
Marcus and Beth cheer in unison. Rio stands, brushing dirt off his black t-shirt (his usual button down laid across the back of Beth’s lawn chair) He winks at both of them, causing Marcus to giggle and Beth to blush, before helping up his brother-cousin. Nick looks pissed at first, but quickly disguises his anger when Rio smacks him good-naturedly on the shoulder.
Rio’s team ends up winning on a pick-six, with Rio easily intercepting a pass and running to the other side of the yard. Marcus bursts from his grandmother’s lap and leaps into Rio’s arms at the end of the game.
“Daddy I wanna play with you next time!”
Rio hoists his son onto his shoulders, his large hands engulfing Marcus’s skinny ankles as he saunters toward her.
The sight makes her heart clench, Rio and his son wearing identical smiles. Her fingers itch to grab her phone and snap a picture, but no, that would be weird.
He swoops Marcus down his body and plants his little feet on the ground, then Marcus is taking off, distracted by the yellow labrador that’s bound out of the house, all the kids chasing after the poor dog.
Rio drops in the chair next to Beth, their elbows touching. He’s sweaty, and Beth makes a face, but she thinks it just makes him look even more handsome.
“And what about you, darlin’?” he asks, scooting his chair closer to hers.
“What about me?” she asks, genuinely confused.
She yelps, because one moment her butt is seated on the plastic lawn chair and the next Rio is hoisting her up and onto his lap. Beth sputters, completely taken aback. He hasn’t touched her like this since… since - and in front of all these people -
“Do you wanna play with me next time?” he whispers in her ear, and Beth blushes so brightly it must be blatantly obvious to everyone around them what Rio is saying to her. His family has all diverted their eyes, talking with each other and pretending to be interested in their drinks.
She glares at him. This is not the time or place. But he’s smiling at her so softly, so full of affection. Her heart hurts because she knows she doesn’t deserve it.
“I love your smile,” she hears herself saying softly. Before her mind can catch up her hand is moving to his face, thumb gently tracing his bottom lip.
He nips at her finger, patting her thigh.
“Let’s go get some dinner. I’m starving.”
The innuendo is not lost on Beth, in fact, she’s starving, too.
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am-imagines · 4 years
Forever//Over. - Alex Morgan Imagine.
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This was requested by an anon:  Maybe some really angsts long distance relationship but with a fluffy ending.
I took a different approach with this prompt than what you’d probably expect, but I hope it’s angsty and enjoyable enough. I ran away with it and the over 6k words prove it. If it’s as angsty as it can be, I don’t know. You must want to ask @worms-and-jan​ She knows my angst-meter better than myself. But hey! It has a fluffy ending! Kinda.
I hope y’all enjoy!
You never believed that loving too much could hurt like this. You never longed for someone until air escaped your grasp and you weren’t able to breathe. And yet, here you are.
The darkness consumes you like a thousand questions you can’t answer. The walls of your room almost collapse over you and you need to get out of there. It doesn’t matter where as long as you’re not there: in the place that reminds you so fervently of the person you’re trying to forget.
The salty air of the beach helps you calm down; you breathe in and out but that doesn’t stop the deep ache in your chest. The music blares through your headphones; loud and yet unable to drown the cruel, mocking voice of your doubts.
The sky is dark, full of stars in the quiet autumn evening. And perhaps you’re not completely alone with the night sky watching over you even if the moon is missing. Even if she’s missing. You really want to believe it’s better this way, but it still hurts like hell.
You’ve called and texted her perhaps a thousand times since she disappeared from your life. And that’s the thing you can’t understand. How can the same person that proclaimed her love just turn her back on you like that? She was gone without a word or warning. It makes no sense no matter how much you think about it.
One day you’re enjoying life, trading kisses and “I love you”s while the world kept spinning. The faint light from the tv was the perfect halo for her beauty. The next day she’s gone. Your worry is met with silence and only a trail of media posts let you know she’s safe.
For so long you’ve believed that love shouldn’t hurt, and if it does, then it’s time to move on. That’s your plan now; put a sea between you while you try to forget.
Except you’ve never been good at that. You don’t fall in love often, but when you do then it’s the all or nothing kinda love. Sure, you’re willing and accepting of letting go when love dies, when the timing is right and when a relationship becomes full of bullshit. But here, everything is different and you’re not quite sure how to let go.
Hence why you’re at the beach; trying to figure out how you messed up, where things went wrong for Alex Morgan to stop loving you so abruptly.
Maybe, just maybe, this isn’t your fault at all.
That, however, would make her a fucking asshole. And that’s a tag you’re not ready to pin on her just yet. After all, you love her too much.
Still, there’s a party you must attend in less than an hour. You have a chance to be with the National Team, say your goodbye for the near future. And you gotta put the last period on a love story she can’t give you.
Next week your life starts in Europe; you have a club, a place and a dream to chase.
Sadly, there’s a missing piece in the puzzle you envisioned as your future. But her prolonged silence is a hint that you must reconstruct yourself and find another version of yourself. All in all, it’s better to move on now. Sure, the pain is there but won’t last forever.
Making the decision to leave wasn’t easy. You’re grateful for the chance the Pride gave you, but with the U.S. Soccer’s approval, you’re ready for a new horizon. There are plenty of challenges overseas that will help you discover a renewed version of yourself.
There are many things you leave behind, but ultimately, there’s nothing for you to stay.
This party is a chance to see your found family until next camp a few months away. Granted, you’re going to miss them terribly, especially Ash and Ali. They’ve practically taken you under their wing in Orlando. In camp you gravitate more towards Tobin and Lindsey as if they were all siblings.
The entire National Team is your family in one way or another. And it helps that some of them have experienced life in other countries before. They know that even with all the hardships of moving to another country; every moment playing soccer there is worth it.
This is an opportunity for growth. Now it’s your chance to discover more about you as an athlete and a human being.
It takes you another moment to collect yourself, to stop panic from overtaking you as you stare into Orlando’s beach one last time. This is the right decision, it has to be. Because right now your only plan is finding your future in Europe, and plan B is pretty much dying by Ashlyn’s hands if you don’t make it to the Harris-Krieger household in time.
The walk back home is quite enjoyable; the evening is warm and you’ve made peace with this, even if you’re not willing to put the blame on Alex. Sometimes things are just not meant to be no matter how hard you try to make them work.
What really works is your outfit as you make it to the party about an hour later. The music is already going, alcohol flowing and twenty three other women are causing havoc already. It’s twenty three because of course she would be there. After all, Alex Morgan is part of the National team.
Surprisingly, or maybe not, her presence hurts way more than her absence. It cements the truth you refused to believe; it’s not like she’s too busy to leave you aside, she just doesn’t care. It was far easier to question the darkness of your room than daring to do so when her eyes land on you.
In that moment you want to run away; turn on your heels and escape from all the pain and disappointment. Realization hits hard and deep, it makes your lungs burn all over again and you practically choke on the words you can’t throw at her face.
But this night isn’t about her. She isn’t the only person that matters in the world, not tonight. If she doesn’t care, you’ll pretend not to care either. You can do it for a night. You can do it for forever. Fake it till you make it, right?
“Damn, girl!” Ashlyn calls as she pulls you into a hug. “Looking fine.”
“Watch it, Harris. You’re a married woman now.”
“Excuse you, happily married.”
You nod at her statement because it couldn’t be truer. You’ve never seen a couple look at each other like that. You hope to have what they do one day. Even if it’s not with the person you thought for months. A mistake on your part, perhaps. Maybe one of many.
No. You’re not going to think about her anymore. She’s not going to ruin this night. There’s plenty of girls to keep you company, to laugh with and enjoy your last hours in the country. There are a million stories you haven’t heard yet. Hundreds of dog pictures to be exchanged like trading cards. You enjoy a drink, laugh and dance until you’ve almost forgotten her.
Despite your best efforts, you can’t ignore the weight of her gaze for long. Just as you can’t ignore the way she keeps avoiding you even when you’re confined to the same place. You never considered Ash and Ali’s place to be extremely big, and yet Alex is never in the same room you are for long.
The sadness and hurt turn into anger then, and you wonder why the fuck she can’t speak her mind once and for all? She’s a coward.
Still, you’re too tired to keep chasing her, and instead stick by Lindsey and Rose. At least until Ash pulls you into the kitchen with a lame excuse of refilling drinks. That didn’t seem to be a problem thirty seconds ago, but you follow anyway.
You know Ash and Ali maybe as much as they know you. It’s only normal for her to do something like this every so often, either there’s some sort of gossip or a new cocktail you have to try. It’s no big deal.
“Okay, spill. What the fuck is going on with you?”
“What?” You parrot back, utterly confused. “What are you talking about?”
“Y/n, I know you. So don’t start that bullshit with me. You’ve been holed up at your place not talking to anyone since the end of the season. And I know this because everyone has been texting me, concerned that you’re not in a good place. I don’t know what happened between you and Alex, but...”
“Nothing happened!” You finally snap. “Nothing happened.”
Repeating the words doesn’t make them true, and the look on your face is one of defeat. You know it. Ash knows it. And so does Ali when she joins you at the kitchen with a worried look. This is not how things were supposed to go, but now you can’t really backtrack.
“I’m leaving,” you blurt out suddenly.
Except that you make no move towards the door. There’s no way you can drive like this; not when your hands are shaking and your vision is blurred by tears.
“I’ll take you home,” Ali offers; a hand resting on your shoulder.
“No, I...” You hesitate under her gaze, under her touch. It’s now or never, and it’s too soon to say goodbye but you have to start somewhere. “I’m leaving the Pride. I had some offers to play overseas, and I accepted. It’s a chance to start over, you know?”
“I’m going to kill a bitch, or break her legs.”
You gotta laugh at Ash’s words as you wipe the corners of your eyes. Of course she would understand more than you’re actually saying. Ali, well, she looks at her wife frowning in confusion.
“What are you talking about? Break whose legs?”
“There’s only one person that would make her want to lea-”
“No,” you interrupt, “listen. This was my decision, my choice, and only mine.”
“Yeah, sure.”
There are only three people in the entire world you cannot fool no matter how hard you try: Ashlyn Harris, Ali Krieger and Megan Rapinoe.
You’re starting to believe is some sort of superpower from the Lesbian Gods.
For a moment you try to hold eye contact with Pinoe but in the end, the woman quirks an eyebrow and you give up. In all honesty, you never had a chance to win here.
Fuck you, Artemis.
“Okay,” you relent. “She had something to do with it but...”
“What happened?”
The look in their eyes tells you that if you don’t tell them, there won’t be mercy for Alex. And yet, if you talk, you’re not sure if it’ll make things better or worse. There’s no escape from this situation; you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Ash, Ali and Pinoe are the three women you trust the most in the world. You’ve bottled your emotions over the last weeks and it obviously isn’t helping.
You can try. You can pretend. But you still find it hard to breathe. You still feel the world crashing over you while you scramble to find some answer among the rubble. They’re offering support in the best way they can; worried more about you than anything else.
But it’s still hard to find your voice and put everything into words. They’ve never been your forte. If you’re searching for a clean slate, then it’s best to leave this behind.
“It’s a long story.”
By the end of it, you’re unable to look at any of them, and stare at the floor instead. There’s a moment of charged silence while their anger grows. You’ve cried enough already; the tears won’t come anymore, but even then your pain is there for them to see.
“Son of a bitch!” Ash yells, banging the counter in anger.
She’s angry with herself for not seeing this earlier, for not reaching out. It isn’t her fault. No matter how good she is detecting your bullshit, you’re good keeping secrets. She can’t see right through you when you don’t let her be close enough.
You would’ve been better at hiding this if it didn’t tear you apart as much as it did. It’s far easier to pretend when your heart isn’t broken. It’s easier to conceal anger under calm, and mask emptiness with a smile.
You never loved so deeply. You never hurt so harshly. It’s just like they say: there’s a first time for everything.
“I’m really going to kill her.”
“No, no. Ali, please.”
You hold her hand, pulling her into a hug she answers by tightening her hold on you. Ash and Pinoe join the love pile not too long after although you can see the tension lingering on their shoulders. You know they’re angry, but you won’t let them act on impulse.
“I don’t want a confrontation, okay? I...it won’t solve anything. Not anymore. I came here to have a good time, not to spend the night talking about her.”
“You need another drink then,” Pinoe says breaking the group hug.
In a matter of seconds there’s a full glass in your hand. The weight pressing down your chest has eased enough for you to breathe normally, for you to smile as bright as ever.
Who needs Alex Morgan when you have this incredible group of women?
“For an epic last night?”
You raise your glass for a toast, but instead of joining your cheer, they glare daggers behind you. Looking back is unnecessary to know who is standing behind you.
“What do you mean last night?”
Thankfully, she’s not the one talking, and you turn to face Kelley instead.
“Europe is calling, baby!” You exclaim cheerfully.
Intentional or not, your voice is loud enough for not just Kelley to hear. Every other girl in the next room hears too. Suddenly, all of them try to make their way into the kitchen; asking as many questions as they can while you try to answer them all.
They’re like an excited pack of puppies, walking you to the living room where anyone left out can join too.
Even among a sea of soccer players, her gaze cuts through it all. She follows you like a distant shadow, but you make your best to ignore her.
She has no right to stop you now. She has no right to act hurt when this is the aftermath of her actions. Everything has a consequence, and if she thought you would wait forever without an explanation, she’s wrong.
“When are you leaving?”
Her words are quiet but you hear them thunderous. They zap you as if they were lightning, and your eyes snap up to meet hers. It’s hard to describe what you see there, then again, you don’t try too hard to understand.
“Next week.”
Just like that, you move onto the next question as if your mind wasn’t troubled.
You laugh with the others showing none of the struggle you’ve gone through. You don’t tell them about the sleepless nights where you wondered what to do next, which direction to follow. You don’t say a word about your phone’s unlit screen and the hundred unanswered texts.
Somehow, when your eyes meet Alex’s again, she has the decency to look ashamed. She knows. She knows and still didn’t give a damn.
“You’re staying, right?” Ali asks once the party starts winding down.
“Until you kick me out.”
The woman huffs in mock annoyance before pinching your cheeks. If that’s the price to pay for her friendship, you’ll take it with only a tiny bit of whining. After all, you have to put up some kind of resistance even if your smile betrays you.
Half an hour later everyone is ready to leave; including Pinoe. She fetches her jacket while they all wait for their Lyft, Uber or whatever service they called.
Megan looks at you and then at the only other person sitting on the other side of the living room. A silent question being asked here:
Are you going to be alright?
You nod, getting to your feet for one last hug.
“I’m going to miss you,” you whisper.
“Why’s that? Phones don’t work over there or what?”
“You’re a fucking asshole.”
“Language,” she admonishes, earning her an eye roll. “Call me, text me and if it’s four am, I’ll respond once I actually wake up.”
“You are officially the worst. But I’ll do my best for you there.”
“Nah. You’ll do your best because that’s how you are. Take care, Y/n. Don’t make me go across the world to kick your butt. You know I will.”
“I promise nothing.”
With that, she’s gone and so are the rest of the girls with one exception. The one exception you don’t want to face. So, while Ash and Ali are getting the guest room ready, you decide to start the cleaning process.
Bypassing Alex, you make your way into the kitchen to load the dishwasher.
The sound of her footsteps is quiet, and yet too loud in the overall silence of the house. You’re between shocked and unsurprised. You wondered if staying behind had anything to do with you, but didn’t want to get your expectations too high.
She hasn’t talked to you in months, what makes this night special?
“You’re leaving.”
Right. That. That’s the big revelation of the night, but doesn’t really make a difference.
With the dishwasher running, your next step is to gather all the trash scattered around the place. At least that was the plan. Alex has other ideas as she stands in front of you, effectively blocking the door. Sure, you can make your way around the kitchen isle, but you’re not feeling up to play stupid games.
“Why?” She asks.
Isn’t that the same thing you’ve asked yourself endless times? It absolutely is.
The whole thing is so ridiculous that you almost laugh. Except it’s not really funny. In a moment all the hurt turns into burning anger. It boils and swells, rises like the tide when the moon illuminates the sky.
You look at her and don’t recognize the woman you loved not so long ago.
“Why what, Alex?”
There’s a fierceness in your own eyes that is so unlike you. Sure, you’ve been angry before, who hasn’t? But never like this, never to the point of quiet rage.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
You laugh then; an empty sharp sound that is far away from being happy. It’s the irony of it all, the nerve of Alexandra Morgan to sputter those words acting confused and hurt.
“I fucking tried!” You shout, and once you start everything else comes pouring out. “Or did you forget about the texts you never bothered to answer? Or the calls? I tried to reach you so many times, in so many ways, and you made it clear you didn’t want me around. And I just don’t understand...”
“No, I’m not done yet, “You cut her. ”You left me, Alex. The last words you said to me were “I love you” and then you were gone. You’re a liar, playing with my feelings when I gave you everything I could. You were the one that kissed me for the first time, the one that asked me out, for what? For the thrill of having a stupid girl you could toy with?”
“Of course not!”
“Then answer your own question. Why?”
Here you are, having a conversation you didn’t plan to have but wanted. No, it’s not really going as you envisioned. Mostly because you pictured yourself crying your heart out and begging her to come back. You deserve better than that.
“I...I’ve never felt the way I do for you.”
You raise an eyebrow, motion for her to continue cuz that’s not going to cut it. Not after weeks of going radio silent even when you let her know there was something important to talk about. Not after nights where you doubted your own worth.
“I got scared.”
You look at her in disbelief. That’s her reason; the only one, for running away without looking back. And somehow, you what, have to take it in stride? Hell, no.
“That’s bullshit.”
You’ve never been so in love either. And it’s scary; opening up and showing every flaw and vulnerability while expecting to still be enough. It’s bound to be scary, to be overwhelming at times where you can’t believe life and love truly feel like that.
That’s love for you, at least.
It fills your body, carves your bones until you feel weak at the knees. But you grow stronger until the weight of the world falls from your shoulders, until gravity doesn’t affect you anymore and you swear you can fly.
Love shapes the world, makes you find little hints and signs everywhere. The world reminds you so strongly of them that you wonder how you didn’t see it before. It makes you feel invincible, like your life has reached that perfect pinnacle of serendipity.
And that’s just the beginning.
Loving someone shouldn’t hurt. It’s supposed to be a celebration to life and the victories; big or small, found through the days. Sometimes that means a world cup. Sometimes it means buying a house. Sometimes it’s just being able to survive the hardship and exhaustion of a long day.
Love is the backbone of support, it lifts you up when you can’t stand on your own. It’s the quiet whisper in the back of your head reminding you to breathe when your head is underwater. It’s the knowledge that yes, life is not a utopia, and there are battles you gotta face on your own, but that you’re not alone nor lonely.
It’s supposed to be scary; terrifying even. But it’s also supposed to be filled with joy, and wonder. A mix of awe and euphoria that settle into calm. Because in love you can be yourself; the one version of you that the rest of the world doesn’t get to see.
And all of those emotions should make it worth it.
“Do you think I wasn’t scared too?” You finally ask. “I know there’s a lot on the line for you. I knew the terms and conditions of dating you since the beginning. I agreed to keep it a secret until you were ready. If you needed time to figure it out, to come to terms with who and what you are, I would’ve understood. Listen, even if you weren’t ready for a relationship at all, I would have understood. But not like this.”
“Please, Y/n. I’m trying to make things right.”
“Alex,” you say tiredly, rubbing your eyes in the process. “It’s too late. I’m leaving.”
“Don’t go.”
You can say the desperation in her eyes, can hear it in her voice. Still, that’s not enough.
She had a chance, more than one if you’re being honest, to make you stay.
Instead, she’s one of the reasons you’re leaving.
You deserve more than fear or reluctance. You deserve dreams that come true, to find true happiness. You deserve someone that will talk to you when things don’t go as planned; not shut you out completely. You want someone that looks at you with that happy light in their eyes instead of leaving you in the darkness of uncertainty.
“Why does it matter?” You ask with a hint of frustration. “You’re the one that left me! You walked away from us without a word! And I’m not going to be the girl you play with while deciding to pull your head out of your ass or leave it there. I deserve to be happy too. And right now that means being away from you.”
“I’m sorry.”
You feel a rush of everything; anger, sadness, frustration and perhaps a hint of relief as well. It’s hard to decide if you want to slap some sense into her or cross the distance between you just to feel her arms around your waist again.
In the end, you simply shake your head.
“Yeah. Me too.”
“I wish there was a way to go back.”
“You can’t unbreak things. You can learn and do better.”
There’s nothing left to be said, not on your side. And for now, you don’t really care about what she has to say either.
You make your way upstairs to where Ash and Ali are waiting for you. It’s not hard to eavesdrop on an empty house, but they respect you enough to give you space. You’re not a kid; you know how to handle your own battles although the moral backup is always appreciated.
“You’re going to be okay?”
Ali looks deep into your eyes in concern, but her worry is met with a shy smile.
“Yeah, I think I will.”
For the first time in the last few weeks, you are able to breathe with nothing weighing on your chest. Closure is exactly what you needed. Facing her after the prolonged silence was perhaps one of the hardest things you had to do, but now the future seems a little brighter.
Playing in one of the most competitive soccer leagues in the world is far from easy. Even the style seems different; play harder, faster and smarter. But you’ve done great, put your name up there among some of the best.
What some considered potential was polished into talent, although that had more to do with your discipline and hard work. Of course, the press wasn’t so kind as to enlighten that.
At the end of the season you have a championship and a new shining contract waiting for you. All it’s missing is your signature, but there are things to consider still. You miss home. You miss the crazy 23 women you call family.
Hopefully the upcoming USWNT camp will clear some of the doubts.
Maybe seeing them all again will give you the strength to extend your life in Europe. Maybe it’ll make you realize it’s time to go home.
There are many clubs interested in you which is not a surprise after everything you’ve done in a matter of months. Europe has catapulted you to another level, and it’s true there’s so much more to learn. Still, feeling homesick can be one hell of a bitch.
You could always move back to Orlando. Maybe you could move with Tobin in Portland. Tagging along Press with the Royals or go to Chicago for a change. The world is yours if you want it, and Heavens, you absolutely do.
“Why is something telling me you won’t come to stay?”
You glance at Pinoe on your screen while you finish packing. Sue and her are keeping you company as you get ready. Traveling always makes you anxious no matter if it’s just a couple of states over or halfway across the world.
“I haven’t decided yet.”
“Does this have to do with Morgan?”
“What!? No! I haven’t talked to her.”
“Maybe you should.”
You glare at your screen suspiciously because this is Pinoe of all people; telling you to talk to her. Megan Rapinoe; the woman that knows the ins and outs of your relationship and feelings for Alex. It doesn’t make sense unless something happened.
“Okay, fess up.”
“About what?”
The smug look on her face tells you that your mighty glare isn’t working.
Fuck you, Artemis. Again.
“Don’t worry, kid.” Sue intercedes with a gentle albeit playful smile. “You’ll get it soon enough.”
“Get what?”
They don’t answer your question and you don’t have much time to keep asking as they excuse themselves to end the call. Technically, it’s almost time for you to leave. However, their intentions are pretty clear. In the end, you groan in annoyance as they manage to dodge your question multiple times before the call disconnects. Alas, there’s nothing you can do.
It doesn’t take long until you’re on the airplane waiting to take off.
Your leg bounces nervously while you’re torn between looking out of the window or closing your eyes. It’s practically a miracle you decided to move so far, considering how much you hate flying. To be honest, the flight itself isn’t the problem.
Feeling the rumble of such a huge thing, it always makes you wonder how it can actually fly. You’ve seen documentaries and read articles but that fear comes every time you get into a plane. Besides turbulence, lift off is the worst part.
“You can hold my hand if you want.”
Your head snaps up towards the person standing next to you. Even now, after months since the last time you heard that voice. You would be able to recognize it from a million others. That doesn’t take away from the surprise of seeing her  there.
“What...” you start, trying to find your voice, “what are you doing here?”
“Taking a plane back home.”
“No, I mean-”
Her chuckle makes you realize she’s teasing. Partially, at least. She sits next to you, ready to go back to the USA. Which doesn’t really explain what she’s doing in the same country as you.
“Alex,” you try again, “why are you here?”
Your time away from her has been odd to say something.
You’ve missed her, she was your best friend even before things escalated into something else. She was the person you trusted the most before everything came tumbling down. And yet, over the last few months you’ve done your best to not think about her too much.
You limited your social media activity mostly to club related posts. Mostly accessed to catch up with some of your other friends, but being careful not to dwell on any of her posts. You scrolled past them in a hurry or got out of the app as soon as possible.
Unfollowing her would have been the smart choice, if you were someone else.
Being under the spotlight it’s great, but it also means everything you do is a clue for something. Unfollowing her would bring up more questions than you were, or still are, willing to answer. It was easier to pretend and move on.
“I got it out.”
Her words catch you by surprise and you shake your head trying to get back in the moment.
It’s hard to make sense of any of it when she’s right there. Maybe it’s the shock of seeing her after so long. Maybe it’s hard to pay attention to her with the plane rapidly filling. It feels like you’re running out of time even when there’s nowhere else for you to be.
“You were right,” she says instead.
“Alex,” you warn, trying to get her to the point.
“I got my head out of my ass,” she finally answers with a half smile. However, her eyes remain serene, telling you she’s taking this seriously. “I was an idiot, and I’m sorry. Even then, when I discovered you were leaving, I could only think about myself. I can’t ask you to forgive me. We both know I don’t deserve it after everything I did to you. But you deserved an apology. That’s why I’m here.”
“You came all the way here for that?”
There’s more surprise in your voice than anything else. Sure, you appreciate the gesture but it seems a little overboard. Then again, you’re not sure of the result if she had called. Maybe you wouldn’t have picked the phone to begin with.
“I wanted you to know I mean it. I didn’t feel like words would be enough. Besides, I know how much you hate flying, so coming here just to go back, it’s worth it if it’s for you.”
Against all your common sense, you forgave her long ago. More for your own sake than hers, but all the anger and hurt are gone. The love you felt for her is not what it used to be, and neither is the trust. But in that moment, you’re glad she’s there.
Without saying a word, she offers you her hand.
This is something you’ve done several times, holding her hand during a flight, and you accept her offer just as the plane starts moving. If your grip is too tight, she doesn’t complain. She keeps her eyes on you; making sure you’re alright and damn those blue eyes.
“So, how did Pinoe know you were coming?”
“Did she tell you?”
“Not really,” you answer truthfully. “She said I should talk to you and that I would get it. You know her and Sue, they can be cryptic. Still, never expected to find you here.”
“Yeah, well...” She shies away from your gaze for a second but meets your eyes again. “Once you left I realized my mistake. I mean, I did before that. Guess it was easy to justify everything with fear. Then you weren’t there and the fear of losing you forever was bigger than the one of losing everything else.”
No, you’re not going to fall in love with her all over again. Not after you spent months getting over her. Even if she looks at you and you feel like she can see right into your soul.
“Alex, I can’t-”
“Hey,” she softly interrupts. “I’m not asking anything from you; I messed up. And like you said, I can’t unbreak things, I can only try to fix them.”
You can extend her an olive branch; a start. You’re not sure whether this is a good idea or not. It’s hard to tell where this is going to tell you. Still, you beg to the Lesbian Gods to guard your heart.
For now, you’re glad the 10+ hours journey back to America is not a lonely one.
“Everything ready?”
You look over your shoulder to face some of your teammates.
You’ve decided to go for another year in Europe; extending your stay with the club you love while trying to win another chip and extra hardware.
“I knew you wouldn’t stay,” Pinoe claims.
“But you sure wish I did.”
Her shrug confirms your suspicions because hell, you’re going to miss them too. It’s weird to be in a similar position as you were last year, and yet, everything feels different. You’re still at camp instead of sharing a wonderful evening at the Harris-Krieger household, but everyone that matters is there.
Last time it was a hundred percent your decision to leave although there were motivations besides soccer. This time your terms are different, you’re chasing a dream instead of running from a nightmare. You want to keep learning, growing and being the best you can be.
“You’ll come with me again?” You ask Alex teasingly.
“Not this time. But,” she pauses for dramatic effect. “I’ll be waiting for you when you get back.”
There’s some kind of promise there that you refuse to fully believe. It wouldn’t be the first time you get your hopes too high, or the one where you crash down in free fall with no parachute.
Camp has served you right, both of you. And maybe you stopped Ash from killing Alex when it was known you two would share a room, but things are...better.
“You can always visit.”
All eyes fall on you, trying to decide what is going on in your mind. To be honest? You’re not quite sure either. But you feel that pull towards Alex, daring you to allow her in.
You tell yourself this is a mistake. There’s absolutely nothing stopping her from doing something stupid, from leaving you hanging while you doubt yourself again. Everything could play out exactly like the last time, except something is different this time.
You’re not quite capable of explaining. You’re not gonna dive without testing the water either. So there’s another year overseas with some distance to keep your head clear. Whatever happens in that lapse, it’ll be the answer you need.
“Call me if you get homesick.”
“Except if it’s three am?” You ask with a sideways glance to Megan.
“Even if it’s three am,” Alex corrects. “Can’t promise I won’t fall asleep on you tho.”
“As if you didn’t do exactly that already.”
“Hey! At least I would pick up.”
“Fine. I’ll take it.”
There’s a small grin in your lips while you pack the last of your stuff.
You look at your friends and family one more time knowing they’ll be there when you come back. And looking at Alex you know there’s a chance home will be waiting for you.
“Okay. Let’s do this.”
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ethrenisnotthehero · 3 years
Let’s talk about this now.
Everything that follows in this post is totally my own opinion. It has nothing to do with Jill; it wasn’t read by her or condoned by her. It’s my story and my experiences, and I think it’s important in this context because some of a survivor’s worst enemies are often other survivors.
As someone who has survived abuse, and as someone who is currently in training to become a Court Appointed Special Advocate for youth victims of abuse and domestic violence, I’m going to explain why internet callouts and motions like the #MeToo movement are not only something you can believe, but that you should believe because of the complete and systematic failures that continue to persist in our real-life institutions of justice.
Please heed the tags. Nothing is in too graphic of detail, but I remember when just the words were enough for me.
TW: Abuse, Neglect, Gaslighting, Sexual Assault, Pedophilia, Trafficking, Drug Use, Mental Illness, Violence
I spent a majority of the first years of my life in sexual slavery.
Before April, 2004, pseudoephedrine could be purchased over the counter and without an ID in the United States. Tablets of it were used across the nation to manufacture what some people still call “the drug of the 90s:” methamphetamine. In 2021, many people might know meth because of television shows like Breaking Bad, and make xenophobic jokes about Mexican drug cartels and the infamous “Wall” while breaking up blue-tinted sugar candy.
The truth is, few people our age this day remember methamphetamine use being the epidemic it was when Oklahoma enacted its ban of pseudoephedrine in stores. In 2005, which required medication to be sold at licensed pharmacies and for purchasers to present a photo ID to acquire limited amounts, OK officials located and shut down 334 home meth labs -- less than half of the 812 seized before the ban.
In fact, meth use was so widespread and easily accessible that 93% of people who went through rehabilitation for it would end up using again. It was viciously addictive, and the help that was offered was only a drop in the bucket of a growing sickness that the government wrote crime bills to control instead of trying to treat the symptoms. By 2004, it was too late for a lot of people. By 2004, it was too late for me.
My birth parents spent their entire lives addicted to meth. My birth mother grew up in the American foster care system and was adopted as a teenager by junkies in the deep South; my birth father was a paranoid schizophrenic who spent the first 7 years of his life locked in a closet by his parents until they lost custody, and then aged out of the system. She used drugs to get away from the fact that her birth parents despised her; he used meth to “calm” his paranoid rages when he couldn’t afford medication. They both tried rehab. They both failed to stay sober.
They had several children before us. My birth mother miscarried. She tried again. My birth father lost custody of his first before he met her, and they relapsed together and lost custody of a second child. That child died from complications of neglect.
They had me.
They stayed sober for six months. They relapsed again. They weren’t smart enough to make meth, so they bought it. They had another kid. My birth father lost his job. They couldn’t afford it. They couldn’t afford medicine or food. They had no money, they couldn’t get work, and so they gave up what they did have.
2004 was too late for me.
When the ban came, my parents moved to try to escape. We came to a new state. They found a job. My “uncle” became their new dealer and they paid the only way they knew how. One day, a SWAT team showed up at our door. They told us we could pack one box of our belongings, and that was the last time we ever belonged to those people.
The law chased them down, but not for what they did to us. They were given a plea deal; my birth parents would sell out their suppliers and their “business partners,” and they wouldn’t go to prison. The entire case would be locked up, the records closed, and they could try to get their kids back.
My parents never served a single day for their crimes.
They showed up once to visitation. They kissed me. They promised me they would come back. I privately wished that they would disappear forever, and they did. I later learned they relapsed the day before our next visitation, and had parental rights terminated.
The law does not protect children. It rarely protects the victims that it’s meant to, but it never protects people who can’t speak for themselves. Unless you have money, no one will care. If no one cares, your transgressors will never, ever answer for their crimes. To this day, the United States Justice System will not let me own records or copies of records of the case against my parents. I couldn’t speak until I was six years old. When I was put into foster care, I couldn’t eat solid food for three months. My gag reflex was so bad I couldn’t brush my teeth comfortably until well after I was adopted. I trembled under my bed because my nightmares blended into my waking hours and I was so scared I couldn’t even scream.
When I turned 18, my birth mother found me. She lives with my birth father in a state known for its rampant meth use. She had another child. He’s 14 now. He plays soccer, has girlfriend, learned the flute last year, and his favorite Pokemon is Rayquaza. He got all A’s in his final year of middle school. They started over.
I talk to him sometimes. I don’t talk to her, because when I asked her to apologize for what happened, she told me the government was lying to me. She told me there were two sides to every story. She told me that my adopted parents had poisoned me against her. She called me an ungrateful little whore and told me that God would punish me one day. She told me she was a victim, too, and she deserved a relationship with me.
She is a victim. I still remember the sound when my birth father broke her arm in a rage when she threatened to leave him. 
I also still remember trying to hide with her as she lay on her bed, high as a kite, not so much as lifting a finger to help me.
Being a survivor doesn’t give a person the excuse to minimize the experience of other survivors. Some people get justice. A lot of people don’t. Sometimes the police swoop in and make predators pay. Sometimes they shoot mentally ill foster children to death because the alternative takes too much time and effort. Technology is a useful tool, because it gives a voice to the voiceless. It empowers people who are made powerless. My adoptive parents didn’t believe me when I finally had the words to say “I was harmed.” They beat the shit out of me when I was little for trying to draw out what was wrong. They stopped letting me see a therapist when she told them I showed signs of serious trauma from sexual violence. The internet gives a rope to people who are stuck in a whole with everyone around them calling them a liar. Technology gives survivors and outlet to make their story their own again.
Your story doesn’t erase other peoples’ stories. People who are nice to you can be hurtful to others. What you see isn’t necessarily the truth and until we have a government that survivors can rely on it’s always, always important to believe survivors.
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A/N: Saint and I decided to try to write this prompt collaboratively. (Also somehow I managed to delete the ask so here’s a screenshot lmao) I primarily wrote Jan and she did Rosé. It was a fun way to fill this prompt. Let us know if you enjoyed our little collab 😘 -Sinner
CW: monsterfucking, inhuman anatomy, and blasphemy probably
Blacklist tag cwmonsterfucking if you’d rather sit this one out 💖
Jan couldn’t deny there was something strange about the sorority house, but she liked the girls so much that she’d accepted her bid and pledged. Education was now over and it was time for initiation.
Jan did think it was odd that the ritual was one at a time instead of all together as a pledge class, but each night at midnight one of the pledges would go down to the basement alone for their initiation ritual and tonight it was Jan’s turn. She had to admit she was a little nervous.
Denali had been in her pledge class and had been initiated the night before and she’d told Jan not to be scared and just ‘let it happen’, whatever that meant.
Jan was dressed all in white as an angel, complete with wings and a halo, her soon to be full sisters all in black as they prepared Jan for her initiation. She held her big Jackie’s hand, waiting for them to tell her it was time.
When it was, she descended quietly to the basement, not sure what to expect. The whole sorority was upstairs. Surely it was nothing too bad? All the girls were nice and sweet. She couldn’t imagine them doing anything bad to her.
Jan looked around the fairly plain basement. Oddly, the only thing down there was a plush bed. Jan looked under it. Nothing. She sat on the side and waited for something to happen...
Rosé looked on from the shadows when the girl was led downstairs for her initiation. An angel costume, huh? Well that was certainly interesting, and she smirked to herself knowing damn well the other girls did that on purpose. Jan was her name as she had overheard Jan's sorority sisters talking about this very day. She knew Jan had no idea what was about to happen, none of them did. They were just led to the bed to await their fate, but all the girls loved every moment of their little ritual. After a couple minutes Rosé decided to speak to her, but still stayed cloaked in the darkness. “Are you excited about your initiation? Anxious? Curious?"
Jan jumped at little at the unexpected voice and then gasped at the owner of the voice. The... creature? Beast? Devil? was completely red, furry in parts with hair horns, large inhuman ears, and long nails or claws, but a still rather humanoid appearance.
Jan was surprised, but the creature was smiling at her. She was pretty, with a curvy figure and a handsome face. “Very curious. Are you the one initiating me?” She had wondered who would do the actual ritual with the whole sorority upstairs. “Who are you?”
"I am." Rosé chuckled, mainly to herself. Bless this girl. She was so fucking cute. “I'm the Devil, baby. But you can call me Rosé"
Maybe it was the years of Catholic schooling but Jan just stared at her. She was so humanoid it occurred to Jan, a theater kid herself, that this was probably an actress in a costume. “The Devil huh? You don’t look like The Devil. The one and only?”
"Tell me, what exactly do you expect the Devil to look like?"
“The most beautiful of God’s angels, Lucifer Morningstar, who became Satan himself, The Devil. You are not he?” Jan looked at her skeptically. “I would have paid a lot more attention in religious studies if the devil had looked like you.”
"I am going to stop you right there at 'he'. God, nor I, the Devil, are men or male presenting at all. But we all know the human men writing everything down hated women, so here we are. With yet another inaccurate portrayal of the divine and the damned. Though, I don't consider myself damned in any way, just a hedonist, babe."
Jan frowned. “Is this part of the initiation ritual?” This actress was really into this role...
"I like to correct those who still believe the falsehoods those so-called churches taught them. But no, it's not. The initiation ritual is much more physical."
“Physical?” Jan stood up. She was a cheerleader and a soccer player. She could do physical. “What do I do?”
Rosé walked over to her and pulled her close, "I can tell you're curious about me. Touch me."
Jan couldn’t lie. She was very curious about this devil. “Your costume and prosthetics are incredible.” She very gently stroked an ear, not expecting it to be warm and responsive to her touch. “Oh!”
"That's because it's not a costume, baby," she said with a chuckle. "Also, it's quite appropriate that you're dressed as an angel. Or maybe it's inappropriate, considering the circumstances."
“Inappropriate?” She asked quizzically. She was starting to wonder if this wasn’t a costume. “What do you mean?”
"Do you realize what being dressed up as an angel means for this initiation?"
“...isn’t everyone?” She hadn’t seen Denali dressed as an angel yesterday. But like her she’d likely arrived in just her white dress.
"No, lovely, only virgins are dressed as angels," Rosé purred.
Jan assumed that was part of the initiation, not realizing fully what Rosé meant. “Oh is that why full sisters wear black? They get ‘devirginized’?” She made air quotes.
"Essentially, yeah, it mainly signifies that their ritual is already complete, but no longer being a virgin is just part of the territory," Rosé explained, tipping Jan's head up to face her. "Do you get what I'm saying, darling?"
Jan studied her eyes and then realized. She blushed deeply. “Oh!”
Rosé pulled Jan into her lap and pressed a kiss to her cheek, "I'll make it good for you, baby. I've always made every single girl I've been with cum fucking hard. I'd never hurt you, I'm only about pleasure."
Jan blushed deeper. “I’ve never even been kissed before,” she admitted.
Her brows rose, "Never? You're too cute to have never been kissed."
Jan blushed. “I went to Catholic school my whole life. This year is the first year I’ve ever been away from home. And I just don’t like any of the boys here?” She blushed. “I’ve never liked a boy actually. Any boy.” She blushed deeper. “I don’t know why I’m telling you this.” But Jan did feel safe and comfortable around Rosé...
"You're in luck, baby, because this entire sorority is a bunch of lesbians," she cackled. "But I am glad you're opening up to me, I don't like to fuck anyone who I don't get to know at least a little bit."
Rosé gently tilted her head up to look at her again and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. She wanted to rectify the little issue of Jan never being kissed immediately. Her lips were soft and sweet and Rosé knew that kissing her would be blissful each and every time. She understood why Jan wasn't allowed to have any sort of sexual experience, but it was still a travesty in her eyes.
She loved that Jan was getting more comfortable around her, and more comfortable with intimacy in general, but she would still take it slower with her. At least until Jan asked for more, and not to be a little cocky, but Rosé knew that once they got into it, she would absolutely be begging for more.
"Tell me what you want, baby~"
Jan stared at her wide-eyed and innocent. “I don’t know what I want. Isn’t it a set ritual?”
"Right. Catholic," Rosé snickered. "And no, certainly not. The ritual is individualized. Here, let me show you."
She carefully pushed her back onto the plush bed, running her hands down her body. When she trailed them back up, she pushed her dress up with her. Leaning down over her, she pressed more kisses to her jaw and down her neck. She still took it slow, looking for any cues of hesitation, but found that Jan was giving her none thus far.
Jan wore simple white cotton panties under her dress. She certainly hadn’t expected for anyone to see them. But she didn’t feel shame, only curiosity about what Rosé was going to do to initiate her. Her nipples felt sensitive and she felt a heat in her lower belly. This was all so new and unexpected.
Rosé gave her another kiss, one that was deeper, this time pushing her tongue into her mouth with a little more force. Her fingers found their way between her legs, rubbing at her through her panties. Little by little she would bring Jan's arousal forth, making her soaking wet and fucking needy for her.
Jan gasped, knowing this was naughty, taboo and forbidden. Was she going to Hell for this? Absolutely. But Jan didn’t care. It felt so good. It didn’t take long at all for her to feel things she’d never felt before and didn’t fully understand, but she knew that she needed Rosé to keep going and give her more. “Please...” she whimpered. “Please.”
"You're so cute," Rosé chuckled against Jan's skin before she sucked on her neck. She kept rubbing at her, but now her fingers were against flesh and she could feel just how wet Jan was getting. With claws retracted, she pushed one of them inside the blushing girl beneath her. Slowly she'd prepare her, make sure she was fully worked open so she would have an amazing first experience.
Jan gasped as her fingers slid inside. She’d expected them to be sharp, as she’d seen her claws, but they weren’t. There were so many new good sensations going on Jan couldn’t process them all. She bared her neck, surrendering to the experience. Denali had told her to just let it happen and finally she knew what she meant. She whimpered. “Rosé! Please! I need more.”
"Well, someone's getting into it~ But that's okay, I love that you are." She slid another finger into her, fingering her faster and a little harder, maybe she'd make her come on her fingers first. Having a multiple orgasms never hurt anyone.
Jan gripped her furry shoulders. “Please! It feels so good!” Her hips rocked against the fingers inside her, eagerly chasing after her own pleasure. “I never knew it was this amazing.”
"You never got the chance to experience it," Rosé purred in her ear. She worked her deeper, faster, loving that she was chasing her own pleasure at this point. The poor girl deserved it. She also assumed that she had never touched herself so this was the first time she experienced any sort of pleasure like this.
Jan was losing her mind. Why had she be warned away from this for so long? Thank goodness she had great core muscles so she could rock herself onto Rosé’s fingers, because she was desperate for more at this point. “Rosé!!”
"Do you think you can handle a third finger, baby~?" she asked, wanting to be sure before she gave her more.
Jan nodded. “Please! I’ll take anything you give me.”
"Let's just keep it to my fingers for right now, babe." She did add a third one though, knowing that Jan really could take it. She was so wet and so needy, she was well aware Jan's body craved this so fucking badly and Rosé was going to be the one to give it to her.
Jan had never felt like this before. She clung to Rosé like her life depended on it. She closed her eyes and surrendered to the feeling.
Rosé could see that she had reached that intense climax. She fingerfucked her through it until her body slumped back down onto the pillows beneath her signaling that she was fully spent from her first orgasm. Rosé wasn't going to go right into the next one, instead she wanted Jan to come down from this one and relax for a moment. She has never had these sorts of experiences before, and Rosé did not want to overload her.
"Are you doing all right?"
It took Jan a second to regain control enough to nod. Her breathing was ragged, but she’d never felt better.
Rosé pulled her fingers out of her and licked them clean before wiping them off on the sheets. "I take it you enjoyed that~"
She nodded. “I never realized it was like that.”
"Well, now you know, love~"
Jan bit her lip. She wondered if that was it, her initiation complete. She kinda hoped there was more.
She stroked a furry shoulder tenderly. “I do... but I feel like there’s so much more I don’t know...”
"I'm not done with you yet, I just don't want it to be too much at once."
“I’m ready for more, even if I don’t know what that is. Please, Rosé. Will you show me?”
"I love how eager you are now," she murmured against her lips before kissing her. "I'll definitely show you."
Rosé sat up and pulled Jan's panties off. She unlaced he dress and let it fall off her so that she was completely naked beneath her. Gently, she caressed her skin, running her fingers between her breasts right down to her pelvis. Goddamn, she was so gorgeous, she could get lost just touching her, kissing her, so much so that she had to pull herself back down to earth for a second. She didn't want Jan to feel exposed though, and it was only fair that she get rid of her own clothing too. Her garment had a long, full body zipper making it easy to take it off.
Jan hadn’t realized how much of that was clothing as the devil was suddenly naked before her. Jan gently reached out and touched her, like Rosé had done to her. “You’re stunning...”
"Yeah~? Tell me something I don't know, babe." She laughed, "Thank you though, I'm glad you think so. You are too, absolutely fucking gorgeous. I can't wait to ravish you, to have you moaning and mewling underneath me."
Jan blushed, her thighs rubbing together shyly. “May I ask, is it true that if you don’t put it in... the front it doesn’t count?”
Rosé was so taken aback by that question, but didn't show it on her face. God, these poor humans really were fucked when it came to, well, fucking. She hated how taboo sex was in the mortal realm, all because of how virginity was basically worshipped in her adversary's religion. It irked her to no end, because most humans wanted to engage in sex and they deserved to have actual education on the subject so they can keep their sex lives fun and safe.
"That is absolutely false. Anal sex is sex, and it counts. That is just a stupid ploy perpetuated by stupid boys who want girls to sleep with them. It can be pleasurable when done correctly, but for your first time it will feel so much better right here," she said as she slid her fingers down between her legs.
Jan blushed. “Sorry it’s all just so new to me. But I trust you. And I want you.”
"You don't have to apologize, lovely." She kissed her again. "Also, tell me if anything gets too intense, okay. I don't want you to think you don't have a say in your own pleasure."
Jan nodded. “Thank you. Shall we get started?” She didn’t know how to do it but she trusted Rosé.
"Of course, love~ But I will warn you, my anatomy is not the same as yours, or any human's honestly. I mean, I can mimic it to be that way, but normally it's like this," she said, letting her tentadick come forth and rub against her.
Jan gasped. “Oh!” She hadn’t expected it to be able to stroke her on its own. Did men have that in their pants too?? She bit her lip. “Will I... will I get pregnant?”
"No, babe, I'll make sure of that. Magick and all. And to answer your other question, because I know you're thinking it, no men don't have this," she told her with a smug smirk. As if a man could live up to what she was about to give her.
Jan blushed. “You can read my mind?”
"No, not really, but I just knew you were thinking about that." She chuckled a little as she continued to tease Jan. Still rubbing at her, wanting her to be a whining, desperate mess before pushing inside.
"How much do you want this, baby?"
Jan blushed. “Oh.” She rocked her hips, loving how it felt at her entrance. “I want it so badly,” she purred. “I’ve never felt this good before.”
"That's my girl."
Rosé started to enter her inch by inch, making sure she was okay as she gave her shallow thrusts at first. She wanted to make sure Jan could take it before going deeper. Rosé could tell that Jan was already completely hers, and she couldn't help but to let that go to her ego, just a little bit.
"Goddamn you feel so good."
Jan scooted down so that Rosé could get deeper into her, so eager for it all. She felt... full but in the best way possible, loving the sensations of Rosé pushing inside her slowly. “Ohhh you do too!”
Rosé's movements started to quicken, and she gave it to her somewhat rougher, still being careful of the fact that this was her first time. Of course, Jan was doing nothing but moaning her head off and Rosé took that as a sign to keep going, increasing her pace little by little. "I've heard you're quite the vocalist~ Let's see how loud I can make you sing."
Jan wasn’t ashamed of the sounds she made, didn’t even know that was a thing most people would be ashamed of. As an athlete and a singer, Jan had excellent lung capacity and vocal abilities. “You want me to sing for you?” She asked breathily, so caught up in the pleasure of it all.
"I mean, I'm going to make you sing regardless."
Rosé grabbed her hips and started to fuck her hard now that she was worked open and oh so willing to take it all. Watching Jan's eyelids flutter closed, her mouth open with such sweet sounds coming from it, along with her nice tits bouncing with each thrust made Rosé love this even more. She wasn't sure what to expect with Jan being so closed off from sex, and so innocent at first, but now? Now, she was sure she'd end up like Denali and Mik.
Jan raised her hips up to meet Rosé’s thrusts, gripping the blankets as she moaned loudly, trying to sing for Rosé just like she wanted, enjoying every second of it all. Jan vaguely wondered if her sisters above could hear her singing out for the demon.
Rosé reached between her legs and started to rub at her, "I want you to cum for me, baby. I want you to cum fucking hard.”
Jan whimpered. She was close but she wanted more. Jan chased Rosé’s touch, crying out loudly as she squirted.
Rosé grabbed her hips and fucked her through it, groaning as she chased her pleasure this time. She'd make her cum again, she'd make her cum three, four times before the night was through at this rate. She knew she was overly sensitive now and it would be so easy to destroy her completely.
Jan gripped her shoulders, clinging to her, desperate for more. She wouldn’t mind if the Devil turned her over and switched so she could take her from behind. Honestly, she wouldn’t mind whatever Rosé wanted to do to her. She was so utterly hers.
Rosé leaned down and murmured in her ear, "Do you want more, baby~?"
“So much more,” Jan panted. She was energized and greedy for more. “Please. I’ll do anything.”
Rosé knew that all the other girls loved it when she turned them over and fucked their brains out, and so she'd do the same for the cute little Catholic girl who just lost her virginity to the Devil herself. That in and of itself was hot as fuck. She pulled out and flipped her over before sliding back in all the way to the hilt.
"Fuck~" Rosé moaned.
Her lips found her neck, kissing the warm skin and giving Jan a little love bite there, just something to remember her by after the fact. She kissed down her shoulder blade and took in all her cute sounds she was making at all the touches and kisses. Rosé sat back up, grabbed her hips and continued to ruin her, able to fuck her even deeper now.
"Fucking take it, take everything I give you. I know you love it, you little slut~”
Jan moaned her pretty little head off, absolutely loving this new position. “Give me everything, please! I’m yours! I’m your little slut!”
"Damn right you are, you and all your sisters love my big cock inside your tight little cunts," she cackled, giving Jan a spank. "Did those uptight nuns ever spank your cute ass with their rulers?"
Jan blushed. “No, I was a good girl.”
"I'm not even surprised by that, you've been such a good girl for me too~"
“I wanna be the best,” she admitted.
"The competitive type then, I take it?" Rosé chuckled.
“I played soccer for years,” she confirmed. “I always like to win. I have to be the best.”
Rosé couldn't help but to snicker a little, oh playing on her competitive nature would be fun. But perhaps another time, for now she just wanted her to feel good and cum as many times before she was completely exhausted.
Jan had to wonder if Denali had been like this too, as her sister was just as competitive as she was. But she didn’t really want to think about her right now when she had this lovely devil absolutely destroying her in the best way.
“Harder, please!”
She grabbed the back of Jan's neck and shoved her face into the pillows as she fucked even harder, not holding back. She knew at this point Jan wanted every single thing she had to give and that she could take it. It was cute how Jan went from blushing virgin who had never even been kissed to a moaning little slut wanting the devil's cock to destroy her pussy. It was a wonderful turn of events.
Jan didn’t stop to think about anything but the pleasure of the moment. She’d never realized sex could be like this. Why had she been denied this for so long? She didn’t want to give this up.
“Are you only around for initiations?” she inquired.
Rosé snickered, "No, baby, I can fuck you whenever you want~ Well, as long as someone else doesn't have me already."
Jan pouted. She definitely needed to be the best now. She pushed herself back into Rosé thrusts, trying to get her as deep as possible. “But I need you,” she moaned.
Rosé knew damn well that little quip would bring out her competitive nature. She had to wonder if Jan and Denali would try to compete for her tentadick, that would be amusing to say the least. "Don't worry, baby, if you really think that I can't satisfy you and all your sorority sisters, then you don't know me at all."
“Oh I have no doubts you can satisfy me. Or anyone lucky enough to share your bed.” Jan just wanted it to be her all the time.
"Is someone feeling a little selfish? A little envious~? A little lustful?" she purred in her ear. "That's cute~ Give in to all those feelings, baby."
Jan knew this was a sin... many sins actually, but she didn’t care. She needed Rosé to want her as badly as she wanted her. “Yes. I want you so badly. I don’t want to have to give you up. I wanna keep going as long as I physically can.”
"I can go all night, darling, and you know I will give in to any temptation~" Rosé purred. And she would, she'd give it to her as long as she could stand it, but she knew that Jan was getting to the point of exhaustion just by the energy that vibrated around her.
Jan kept giving it her all, trying to impress the demon with how much she could get it, but she was definitely tired. She’d cum... five times? six? She’d lost count. But she wanted to be the one the demon came to. This was the demon she’d cling to. She’d made her choice. “Rosé!” she cried out.
Rosé had held off long enough and she was full on animalistic, and she grabbed Jan's hips and fucked her hard until she came just as hard inside her. She fucked her through her orgasm until she was completely spent. "Fuck... goddamn that sweet cunt of yours was amazing."
Jan panted, utterly spent. She’d cum so hard when the demon did that she barely registered the words and could only moan in affirmation. She reached for Rosé, for her hand, for some kind of affirmation that she’d done well.
Rosé pressed a kiss to the back of her head and murmured in her ear, "You were wonderful, babe~"
Jan attempted to turn around but she couldn’t quite manage. She just wanted to face the demon and be held by her for a bit.
She pulled out of her and laid down beside her, pulling her close and giving her a kiss on the forehead. Despite who she was, she sure as fuck wasn't going to leave a girl alone with no aftercare. After all, she was a hedonist, she wasn't evil.
Jan snuggled closer, kissing the crook of Rosé’s neck where she’d curled into. She needed the closeness.
"You doing okay babe?"
Jan nodded. “I just need you to hold me for a bit...”
"Of course, lovely. I'm not just going to leave you."
Jan smiled. “That was...” she didn’t quite have the words for it but she offered a soft smile. It was incredible, pleasurable, and so much more than Jan had ever expected it to be. She hadn’t anticipated losing her virginity to a demon... but that was something she’d have to come to terms with later. Right now she just wanted to cuddle.
"Mmm, just rest, baby." Rosé kissed her forehead and trailed her fingers through her hair. She knew this was a lot for the girl, the sexually repressed Catholic virgin at that. Rosé didn't see it as a ruining, she saw it as an awakening. She always thought it was unfortunate that so many women don't have amazing sex, that they settle for mediocre, or even bad sex, that they don't know how to ask for it, or to pleasure themselves. She also hated the fact that so many women didn't get the aftercare they needed after intense sex, but that is exactly why she wanted to open the eyes of these women.
Jan drifted off, feeling safe and cherished in the arms of the demon.
Rosé pressed another kiss to her forehead, letting her rest against her, knowing that she was exhausted after that rigorous session. She was glad that Jan got to experience this, and that she enjoyed it as much as she did. She also couldn't help but to be a little smug about being Jan's first...
Upstairs they got the signal that Jan’s initiation was complete. Denali went with Jackie to go fetch Jan and tuck her in. They took her upstairs and got her into her bed.
Denali climbed in with her and held her close. “I’ll stay with her, Jackie.” Denali couldn’t wait to hear all about Jan’s first time, especially since they’d heard her singing. The story was bound to be good.
12 notes · View notes
wintaejk · 4 years
Jungkook’s FIC REC | OS 1
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Because I spend a lot of time here on tumblr reading fanfictions, I wanted to create my own fic recs. Like that, I can recommend fictions that deserve more recognition and at the same time, if I want to reread one of them, I just have to come here.
Everything on this list is about Jungkook. And of course, all those works have been written by the authors I tagged next to the name of the fictions, they do not belong to me (and if the authors want me to remove their work from my rec, I will). 
I also want to thank the authors. I really appreciate all your works and efforts to create all those beautiful stories. I send you all of my love.
(f) = fluff
(a) = angst
(m) = mature
Stories will be sorted by length, by theme, and for the series, by progression (complete or uncomplete).
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college au
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  — Poison (F) (A) — by @byeoltoyuki
You can’t decide whenever you hated or loved Jungkook. Either way you couldn’t say no to him.
college au | enemies to lovers | +3k
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— One more night (F) (A) (M) — by @byeoltoyuki​
In which when Jimin told you to have fun, he didn’t exactly mean to bang his friend.
college au | enemies to lovers | +12k            
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— Blue Raspberry (F) — by @strawbxxymilk
Jungkook asks you to live life on the wild side.
college au | enemies to lovers | -1k
— Soulmate Culture (F) (M) —
Part II of Blue Raspberry.
 college au | enemies to lovers | +2k            
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—  flick or treat (M) — by @junqkook 
You hate jeon jungkook with every fiber of your being; but arousal doesn’t discriminate between like and dislike.
college au | enemies to lovers | fratboy!jungkook | +3k
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—  50% Cotton (F) (M) — by @perpetually-jungshook
ShyKook. You keep “accidentally” borrowing Jungkook’s jacket until one day he shows up to retrieve it.
college au | friends to lovers | +6k
—  50% Polyester (M) (F)  —
Shy boy Jungkook is ready for his first time. Kind of. Sequel to 50% Cotton.
college au | friends to lovers | +5k
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—  Set On You (F) (M) — by @bymoonchild
Sports has never been your thing, so when you find yourself in a sports hall that reeks of perspiration and cologne and in front of a group of volleyball players whom you’re supposed to be managing (heck, you can’t even manage your own life), you know that you’re in Deep Shit™. Especially when Jeon Jungkook, the golden setter of the team aka the boy who holds stars in his eyes, starts to occupy your reveries, slowly becoming both the quiet and pandemonium of your heart.
college au | volleyball au | +18k
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—  Play Pretend (M) (A) — by @seokoloqy
Walking under ladders, splitting the pole, breaking mirrors, going near black cats—just to name a few things Jeon Jungkook doesn’t do before his soccer games.
And after Jungkook catches his girlfriend cheating on him, he’s going to need a little more than luck to get her back. He needs you.
college au | fake dating au | friends to lover | soccer player!jungkook | +8k
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—  Click, Click (M) — by @seokoloqy
Who knew someone else’s dick pic would get Jungkook his first blowjob?
college au | friends to lovers au | virgin!jk | +2k
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—  Teasing (M) — by @letspurpletogether
The one where your study partner is just too cute you can’t resist teasing him.
college au | inexperienced partner!jungkook | +3k
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—  Curiosity (F) (M) — by @hobidreams​
When innocent Jungkook comes to you with a not-so-innocent question… you decide it’s easier to just demonstrate.
college au | best friend’s brother!jungkook | +3k
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—  Stay Quiet (F) (M) — by @hobidreams​
You think the library is only a place for studying, Jungkook convinces you otherwise.
college au | established relationship au | +2k
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—  Will You Make a Mess Now? (F) (M) — by @softyoongiionly​
Jungkook’s never been touched before and, after a hectic end to his semester, he thinks he wants that to change…
college au | established relationship au | virgin!jungkook | +4k
—  Can I Make a Mess Now? (F) (M) —
Jungkook’s never had sex before but, after realizing that he’s falling in love with you, he thinks he wants that to change.
college au | established relationship au | virgin!jungkook | +4k
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—  i wished i missed my ex (F) (A) (M) — by @angelguk​
College was hard enough without having a crazy ex on your back too.  At least you weren’t the only one with that problem. Jeon Jeongguk, your best friend had a girl chasing after him too. You didn’t think your problems were intertwined, until Jeongguk comes up with the solution to solve them both at once. Two birds with one stone. Easy enough. Until the stone hits your heart too.
college au | friends to lovers au | fake dating au | 18k
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—  in your arms tonight (M) — by @angelguk​
Late nights with Jeongguk end in great sex and love confessions (or the one where he has a thing for you in his clothes).
college au | established relationship au | domestic au | +5k
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—  if i told you (F) (A) — by @gukyi​
In order to pay for university, Jeon Jungkook decides to market his most valuable asset to the wealthy socialites of campus: himself. Donning a suit and tie, tousled hair, and glasses (to look smarter), he becomes every rich daughter’s dream: the perfect boyfriend to bring to balls, dinners, and business gatherings. All while you watch from the sidelines, only able to dream of having that much money to buy yourself what you really want: him.
college au | friends to lovers au | 22k
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—  Worth the Wait (F) (A) (M) — by @sketchguk​
You have an unwritten rule about swearing off relationships to pursue your studies, but your willpower wavers when you meet Jeongguk, the barista with commitment issues and a soft spot just for you.
college au | barista!jungkook | strangers to friends to lovers | +13k
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—  Daydream (F) (A) (M) — by @luffles424​
You never thought that simply waking up your best friend would lead to something more.
college au | best friends to lovers | +7k
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—  Hold You Tighter (F) — by @gukwluv​
Jeongguk doesn’t want to take Taehyung’s advice, but when he’s falling asleep in class, he think he might have to. Although he was not expecting the pretty girl that woke him up in said class, to be the one that Taehyung calls for help ; alternatively Jeongguk loves cuddling and you just happen to as well.
college au | strangers to lovers au | cuddle buddy au | +5k
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  —  soft touch (M) — by @minnpd​
Jungkook needs to practice a massage on you before his final exam.
college au | friends to lovers | massage therapist!jungkook | +3k
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—  you are in love (F) (M) — by @diortae​
You recount the last six months of your relationship with jeongguk. Alternatively, “you are in love” by taylor swift in fanfic form.
college au | established relationship | +4k
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—  an abundance of mondays (F) (A) (M) — by @diortae​
“why the fuck would it be easy? you’re disgustingly in love with your best friend. of course it’s complicated.” he pauses to roll his eyes, as if he hasn’t just laid out the most secret parts of you here in the middle of the campus dining hall.
alternatively, it’s an old cliche, falling in love with your best friend. it’s a shame none of the stories ever told you it would feel like this.
college au | childhood friends to lovers | 15k
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—  Ace (F) (A) (M) — by @hijoonie​
Jungkook only cares about three things: Baseball, painting and his team, but soon he’s adding you to that list when love comes flying at him fast and hard, knocking him right on his ass.
college au | baseball au | athlete!jungkook | artist!jungkook | +24k
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—  one time, in your room (F) (M) — by @ubemango​
There are papers to write, and virgins to daydream about. (You can think about Jeongguk’s dick later.)
college au established relationship +17k
prequels: fingering  -  the game update -  wake up! sequels: hitting it from the back -  with a Hitachi wand -  overstimulation
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roommate au
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— Euphoria (F) (A) (M) — by @seokstrivia​
There was always a sign on Jungkooks’ door that said something along the lines of, ‘Warning; I am naked in here. Do not enter unless you’re ready to see a whole lot of dick.’  
or, that one roommate au where Jungkook is a cocky bastard.
roommate au | enemies to lovers | +7k
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— Microwave (Mis)adventures (F) (A) (M) — by @bymoonchild​
Out of all things to be afraid of, Jungkook, the seat-stealer of your 8am class and annoying housemate whom you despise with every fiber of your being, chooses to have a phobia of microwaves, but he loves buying microwaveable food – because come on, they’re irresistible – and you somehow find yourself getting dragged into his microwaves (mis)adventures. Cue chaos, sarcasm-laced banter and an unplanned romance.
roommate au | college au | enemies to lovers | 20k
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— heartbreak trials (A) (M) — by @dreamyjoons​
It all started with a bet: the one with the highest body count would get the most illustrious prize - Namjoon’s bedroom. For you and Jungkook, the race was on.
roommate au | enemies to lovers | +13k
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— Itch (F) (M) — by @ironicarmy​
During a study session, your roommate Jungkook becomes hell-bent in showing you a good time – especially after discovering you’ve never been touched.
roommate au | college au | friends to lovers | virgin!reader | +8k
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— Piss Off Your Parents (F) (A) (M) — by @littlemisskookie​
In an effort to piss off your parents you move in with their worst nightmare- a boy with tattoos, a rock band, and an irresistible charm.
roommate au | fake dating | bad boy!jungkook | +16k
Commentary - This story is for me a must-read for more than one reason. Let’s begin with maybe badboy!jungkook? Yes, we all love a good tattooed, badass jk, but as much as I can remember, this is the first time badboy jungkook is approached like that. Jungkook has all the attire of the baddie, but not the behavior that usually goes with it. We discover a bad boy that respect people, that is not fucking around like a horndog, and who doesn’t to stick his stick in any and every hole he finds. This is very refreshing and pleasant.                           Also, I want to take a moment to appreciate fully the way the dialogues are written. I particularly enjoyed them while reading the fiction. Why? I don’t really know… Was it the repartee of the two main characters? The analyze of the world they live in? The constant flirt and the slow burn? Or even the style in itself? Honestly, it’s probably a mix of all of that.                           Finally, let’s say this fiction is smartly emphasizing and kind of fighting all the clichés we can find in fanfictions. And what is best to fight cliché than writing one yourself? Yes, this fiction is definitely a must-read!
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— Somnolent (F) — by @forgottenpasta
After spending one night in bed with you, Jeongguk finds out he is unable to sleep unless you’re sleeping with him.
roommate au | friends to lovers | +3k
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— Laundry Day (M) — by @jinjikook 
jeongguk always pioneered one household chore: laundry. now why he had such an affinity for it, you had no idea. that is, until you come home and he lost track of time, causing you to stumble upon him in the midst of something strange and yet altogether intriguing.
roommate au | domestic au | 5k
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— Blizzard (F) (M) — by @curly-bangtan
When a blizzard hits your town, you and your shy awkward roommate are forced to spend time together, not being able to leave the house due to the strong snowstorm. To make matters worse, the power gets cut in the middle of his shower. Which also means no heating.
roommate au | domestic au | strangers to lovers | virgin!reader | +15k
— Blizzard : let it snow (F) —
It’s holiday season, and you have yet to disclose your new romance with Jungkook to the rest of your friends. But during your traditional Christmas gathering night filled with food, Love Actually and mistletoe, each of the six of them discover your secret relationship with your shy roommate one by one in ways that you dread…
roommate au | domestic au | established relationship | +8k
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— threats and paybacks (M) — by @pantaemonium
Jeon Jungkook. Art major in the University of Seoul. Passive-aggressive little shit and gamer extraordinaire.
It was that person—that phenomenal specimen of a human—the one you shared a tiny apartment with. No one hated Jeon Jungkook, no one in the entire planet could ever do, for he was lovely all around. You did not hate him. That was not it. The one and only problem Jeon Jungkook presented was that he was a terrible roommate, and that bowl of cereal was the last straw.
roommate au | college au | 14k
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neighbors au
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— not quite strangers (F) (A) (M) — by @seokwaves
there are two things that you very much hate in this world; first being woken up in the evening, second being woken up in the morning – and jeon jeongguk, the stranger a.k.a the guy who lives across your shitty apartment does just that, every single fucking time.
neighbors au | +19k
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— neighbors (M) — by @btssmutgalore
When your hands are full, a cute neighbor lends a helping hand.
nighbors au | +6k
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— sugar coated (F) (M) — by @guksheart
jeon jungkook, aspiring singer, works at a bakery with nothing but cupcakes and satisfied customers to occupy his time. one day, his next-door neighbor strolls into the shop with tears in her eyes, and his heart cannot help but worry why.
neighbors au | bakery au | +10k
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— the underwear thief (F) (M) — by @gukyi
jeon jungkook would like to make one thing very clear: it’s not his fault.
neighbors au | strangers to lovers | 10k
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— FEELS LIKE SUMMER (F) (A) (M) — by @badbhye
You only have one question on your mind this summer: when did Jeon Jungkook get abs?
neighbors au | borither’s best friend | +16k
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friends to lovers
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— Frost Impressions (F) (A) (M) — by @fortunexkookie
Granny Park’s Gossip:
Now, don’t start thinking anything about Jeon. He’s a good boy, of course, my sweet Jimin wouldn’t be friends with anything less, and he’s a damned good P.E. teacher, but he’s a rapscallion if I’ve ever seen one. Always putting his foot in his mouth in one way or another. My lovely grandson already told me about how he’s offended that new math and science teacher down at the school, you know the one, got hired as a replacement when they fired the last one? Yes, her. And Jiminie told me that Jeongguk’s been avoiding her ever since, the hellion. You just gotta shake your head at behavior like that.
Alternative Summary: Jeongguk is so disgustingly smitten with his new coworker that he ends up making a terrible first impression, and neither of them realize they’ve actually been in love with each other for the better part of a decade.
teacher au | gamer au | friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | +41k
Commentary - I put this fiction in the ‘friends to lovers’ section, but I could have placed in so many others. Because literally, this fiction has it all.                          First of all, the best friend to lovers au coupled with a gamer au and internet friends au. Honestly, just that should be enough for you to go read it.                          But in the case you need more, I can also talk about that teacher au. That enemies to lovers au. You will find shy and embarrassed Jungkook. And the humor. The humor. The humor.                          Yes, this fiction is smart. And funny. I think this is honestly one of the funniest fiction ever. I don’t remember ever laughing so much while reading a fiction. This is truly the kind of stories that will make a rough day a little lighter. And it is even better when you read it in your bed at 1am.                          So yes, you should 100% read it. And if you want more or need more when you are done, you also can go read Ryn’s other fics or the other stories of The Snowball Effect.
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— in between blurred lines (F) (A) (M) — by @seokwaves
Jeon Jeongguk has been your bestfriend ever since you were fetuses—no, that’s kind of weird (but you get the point)—and you were there with each other as you slowly discovered the (not so) wonders of the world. Your bestfriendship is cool; you cuddle a lot, you have movie nights whenever you’re free, you let him poop while you’re showering and he does the same. For almost two decades of friendship, you only ever think of him as the child you’ve raised ever since elementary until Taehyung said that Jeongguk had a crush on you since you were 11. Uh oh.
best friends to lovers | college au | 20k
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— jasmine (M) — by @btssmutgalore
Jungkook always tries to hide his crush on you, but unfortunately, he can’t control what happens while he’s sleeping.
friends to lovers | 12k
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— Ruin the Friendship (M) — by @kpopfanfictrash
your drunk ass best friend keeps calling you to take care of him and it wouldn’t be so awful, if it weren’t for The Feelings.
best friends to lovers | college au | +8k
— Over the Edge (M) —
so, you’re dating. everything is dandy, the sex is knocking your socks off, but what happens when you get in the First Real Fight?
established relationship | sequel to Ruin the Friendship | +9k
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— the best part of me is you (F) (A) (M) — by @yourdelights
Having been best friends since childhood, you’re an expert in all things Jungkook. You know everything about him, from how he took his coffee to the sound of his laugh after a successful prank. There was no part of him that you didn’t know like the back of your hand, or so you thought. Your view on things gets a bit skewed after discovering the one secret Jungkook had kept from you: he’s a camboy.
best friends to lovers | camboy!jungkook | 9k
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— A Happy Accident (M) — by @taetaesbaebaepsae
You accidentally send nudes meant for your friend with benefits Hoseok to Jungkook.
friends to lovers | college au | +2k
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— Something in the Water (F) (M) — by @vankoya
Sleeping in is a foreign concept to Kim Taehyung and his awkward, mismatched gang of pals. This is made all the more apparent when they rock up at ___’s doorstep at the ass crack of dawn, as if it is a natural time for any college student to be awake.
But when she is informed that it was the youngest of their group who insisted she join them on their spontaneous camping trip, she is suddenly not as reluctant to play along than when she was first awakened by her enigma of a best friend, slamming his fist against her front door.
friends to lovers | camping au | college au | +25k
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established relationship au
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— Lollipop (M) — by @btssmutgalore​
“I’ll eat it however I want to,” you smirked at him, but he was still trying to pretend he wasn’t paying attention to you. “What are you gonna do about it?”
established relationship  | +1k
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— bare necessities (F) (M) —  by @gguksgalaxy
“When you ask your boyfriend for a relaxing vacation you don’t exactly expect him to take you to Disneyland out of all places. Luckily, Jungkook knows just how to get you to relax — being needy is definitely not the way. Or is it…” 
established relationship  | +11k
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— Concealed Weapons (M) — by @gimmesumsuga
Jungkook turns out not to be quite who you thought he was, and your reaction takes you both by surprise.
marriage au  | mafia au  | 10k
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— Movie Night (F) (M) — by @btsaudge 
Jungkook tells you about his kinks during movie night.
established relationship  | slice of lice  | -1k
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— it’s a stick up (F) (M) — by @sweetheartjeongguk
maybe jungkook shouldn’t accept help from taehyung anymore, especially in the form of “magical boner pills”.  
established relationship  | +4k
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— second to none (M) — by @minnpd
He went silent as his undivided attention is geared toward the box. The unmistakable sound of cardboard ripping made you roll your eyes at his impatience. Whatever was inside was rattling around haphazardly and you were about to scold his carelessness when his sudden silence threw you for a loop. You poke your head above the countertop and what you see has your stomach dropping.
established relationship  | +5k
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— Sanctified (F) (A) (M) — by @mikroparadise
Jungkook’s been away on tour, and you’ve really missed him. But when you try to show him just how much, he doesn’t reciprocate the way you’d like, and it makes you question whether the problem is you.
established relationship | rockstar!jungkook | +12k
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— low libido jk drabble (M) — by @hobiwonder​
imagine dealing with low libido jungkook bc he’s been stressed about exams or smth.
established relationship | college au
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idol au 
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— Rejection (A) (M) — by @jjungkookislife​
Going out to a club with your friends from BTS wasn’t supposed to end up with you admitting your feelings for Jungkook.
idol au | friends to lovers | +9k
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— (1) Missed Call (M) — by @seokoloqy​
He never has time to pick up his phone while on tour, so you leave him innocent voicemails instead. But, when did your mundane voicemails suddenly get so interesting?
idol au | established relationship | +1k
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— take my hand (F) (A) — by @cupofteaguk​
in which you lose your memory in a car crash, and Jungkook desperately tries to keep both of your lives intertwined. this in itself proves to be a challenge, especially when you can only remember him as the idol you once adored from afar.
idol au  | (ex) established relationship | 11k
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— Turned Around (F) — by @worldwidebt7​
The work you did for the magazine production company you were employed by often had you running circles about the building to please them. However, during one such time, you are surprised to find a very handsome, very lost-looking Korean idol wandering about…
idol au  | +10k
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hybrid au
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— Under the Bridge (F) (A) (M) — by @jincherie​
Your life takes a turn for the better one night when you find a bun under the bridge.
hybrid au | bunny!jungkook | +10k
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— bedroom kitten (M) — by @kookswife​
“you’re only mine now”
hybrid au | cat!reader | +6k
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— Cardboard Castle (F) (M) — by @kittae​
Moving in together tends to trigger stress-induced arguments, that’s not a secret. When the tension runs high in not the best ways possible during the setup of your new Ikea bed, your feline boyfriend copes by making a fort from empty cardboard moving boxes. All sorrows are less with a movie and popsicles!
hybrid au | established relationship | cat!jungkook | +6k
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— Hopping Mad For You (F) (M) — by @readyplayerhobi​
For two years you’ve lived with your rabbit hybrid roommate, Jungkook. He’s been a model roommate and you’ve found yourself with little complaints. But his behaviour lately has been a little…unusual.
hybrid au | roommate au | rabbit!jungkook | +9k
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soulmate au
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—  the violet hour (F) (A) — by @guksheart​
in a world where a mark completes itself when you are introduced to the love of your life, jeon jungkook is convinced that he is fated to die alone. here’s a hint, though - he’s wrong.
soulmate au  | +6k
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—  Bells (F) — by @taetaesbaebaepsae
Jungkook gets tinnitus around the same time he gets a big crush on you, and it turns out it’s related.
soulmate au  | idol au  | +1k
358 notes · View notes
nanasarea · 4 years
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𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵: In a world where soulmates can visit each other in their dreams and can only remember the dreams once they found each other, what happens when you’re disappointed at the man of your dreams?
𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: angst and fluff 
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: reader x jaemin
𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 1.2k
𝘢/𝘯: 👉👈 pls tell me what y’all think so far
𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵  𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵  𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
Tag list: @keiboo​ @minavenue
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“No.” “Yes.” I said, my eyes still as wide as they were when I saw the mark. “That, that can’t be, I mean, he’s so annoying and reckless, how could he be my soulmate?” I asked, walking around the room to try and calm myself down.
“Hey, bit-are you okay? Did something happen?” Haechan entered the room and asked when he saw the worried look on my face.
“Yn just met their soulmate-“ “Yay!” “-and doesn’t like him.” Renjun explained, to which Haechan just laughed.
“This is not a laughing matter, I mean, how can the most arrogant, irresponsible, stupid asshole I’ve ever met be my soulmate? How am I gonna spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams when the man of my dreams is such a dick?!” I yelled out, not wanting to accept the fact that I’m going to probably marry him one day.
“Oh please, he can’t be that bad-“ “-he got into my car, told me to drive, almost gave me a heart attack, told me he was being chased by the cops because he bought alcohol and was caught with his fake ID, proceeded to annoy me all the way back to campus and acted way too smug when he brushed my hair behind my ear.” I ranted, finally sitting down and letting myself drop onto the bed.
“Okay, not the best first impression, but shouldn’t you at least get to know him? I mean, I wasn’t the biggest fan of Kei and look at us now, the power couple of the universe!” Haechan said as he sat down next to me.
He had a point, Haechan met one of his soulmates, Kei, when Kei accidentally kicked him while trying to kick the soccer ball next him, but since Haechan just felt a kick and didn’t actually see why he was kicked, he slapped Kei, but both of them froze when they realised where she had just kicked him. 
The two were a bit hesitant of one another, seeing as the kick and slap weren’t the best first impression of either, but over time, they grew fond of each other and now they were one of the most annoyingly cute couples I’ve ever seen.
Still in denial, I just shrugged and went to get more coffee from the coffee vending machine down the hall. If he really was my soulmate, I would be able to see him in my dreams and remember seeing him and I just wasn’t ready to accept that, so I decided that I’ll pull an all nighter.  
Jaemin on the other hand, didn’t even notice the mark on his finger had faded, that was until he was getting ready for bed and Mark pointed it out.
“Congrats!” “For what?” Jaemin stared at Mark in confusion, causing Mark to chuckle and approach his friend. Mark only held up Jaemin’s hand and pointed at the outline. Jaemin, still confused, looked at his hand and stared at it for a solid minute before seeing that his mark had faded.
“Who’s the not-so-lucky winner?” Mark asked, seeing that his friend finally understood what he was talking about and letting go of his hand before he walked over to his own bed and waited for Jaemin’s answer.
“I don’t remember touching anyone th-oh my god.” His eyes widened at the memory of the car ride. “There was this person I bumped into, they kinda helped me outrun the cops.” Jaemin answered, smiling to himself.
“Bonnie and Clyde, interesting.” “Not exactly.” He sighed at Mark’s chuckle, which caused Mark to give him a confused look. “They seemed kinda annoyed at me to be honest, I kinda made them give me a ride back to campus.” Jaemin admitted, fixing his gaze on the carpet.
“So what? You didn’t make a good first impression, sure, but you’re soulmates for fuck’s sake!” Mark tried to cheer him up. “Besides, you’ll see them in your dreams and you can explain.” He added before tucking himself into bed. “Night, Jaem.” Mark said and turned to the other side.
“I guess you’re right. Night, Mark.” Jaemin sighed and tucked himself into bed before drifting off to sleep.
The next day however, he woke up, somewhat disappointed and sad but definitely annoyed. He realised that his soulmate never showed up in his dreams and assumed they protested in order to annoy him, when in fact, I was simply in denial and watched Netflix series till dawn, which is when Haechan complained about the bright light coming from my computer and told me to turn it down. I only sighed and closed the computer.
“You actually pulled an all nighter?” he asked, still half-asleep. I murmured a yes and tilted my head back on the wall. “Sure he won’t be pissed?” he asked, to which I scuffed. “I guess you don’t care?” he asked, finally opening his eyes and turning to face me. I shook my head and got up, siping the last bit of coffee in my cup before announcing that I’m going to get some coffee at the local Moonbucks. “That’s not healthy!” He yelled after me and when he realised I completely ignored him, he just laid back and sighed. “I tried”
“Pink beverage, please.” I ordered and handed the change to the barista. I sat down at an empty chair near the counter, where I waited to hear my name and order.
“Pink beverage for yn and cold brew for Jaemin.” I stood up and went to get my things before accidentally bumping into the “man of my dreams”.
“Huh, opposites do attract.” He scuffed, grabbing his drink as I grabbed mine. I just rolled my eyes at him and walked towards the door. “Hey, wait up, I’m not done talking to you.” He yelled as he followed me outside.
“Well I am.” I announced before I felt a hand on my shoulder, lighting trying to stop me from walking. “What?” I asked, turning around to see him closer than I thought, making me freeze up and back up a step or two after clearing my throat.
“Were you really that annoyed at me that you pulled an all-nighter to avoid me?” He asked, trying to make eye contact, but failing, as I kept avoiding it.
“I wasn’t annoyed, I’m annoyed now b-“ “Then what? Doing your assignments? On a Saturday night?” He asked, clearly just as annoyed as me. “Were you just scared to face me? Or did you not want to see me? Were you still mad at me? Thought that if you ignored me, I’d just go aw-“ “I was in denial."
“What?” “I was in denial, I am in denial. I’m just not ready for the whole meeting my soulmate thing. No offence, but I kinda hoped it’d be someone else I-“ “Are you saying I’m not good enough? That you’re disappointed?” “No, but if I did, could you blame me? You made me be your get away driver!” I yelled, clearly annoyed at where this conversation was going.
“Look, let’s just forget how we met, start over?” He asked after a minute of silence. “I’m Na Jaemin, your soulmate.” He said, extending his hand for me to shake it, to which I just scuffed.
“Could we, could we just not right now?” I asked, heading back towards campus, leaving him hanging. “Soulmates, yeah right.” He sighed.
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gondowan · 4 years
Darling, Dearest, Dead
Pairing: Matsukawa Issei/Hanamaki Takahiro
Issei thinks he really should get a straight answer from Takahiro about his three dead husbands, but it’s really hard to think when said person of interest- the one he’s had feelings for since high school- is sucking his soul out through his cock. 
Tags/Warnings: mutual pining. happy ending. post-time skip. confessions. blow jobs. two idiots in love. this is kind of angsty but has a fluffy happy ending i promise lol. I’m all about The Yearning you know?. oc death off-screen.  
Word Count: 4,084
Notes: I set out to write a pwp but ended up with 4k words of feels?
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The television is on in Matsukawa Issei’s tiny office at Peaceful Hills Funeral Home. Space is always a premium at a mortician’s, more so if you’re the owner and sole employee of said funeral home, trying to get it to stay afloat. It’s not like Matsukawa can just stack the dead on top of each other, or tetris them to create more space, no. Doing so would be disrespectful. When Matsukawa isn’t busy attending to family members of the recently deceased or embalming, he does all of his paperwork in a tiny, cramped fire hazard of a broom closet, with the television as his sole companion. Matsukawa never minded silence, but well, when you’re surrounded by dead bodies, sometimes you just need a little background noise.
His cigarette is lit between his lips, rapidly turning into ash as he stares blankly at the television, enraptured by the story unfolding in front of him.
Yoshioka Hideki, owner of Yoshioka Shipping International, aged 54, husband to Yoshioka Takahiro, nee Hanamaki, Matsukawa’s best friend and the love of his life. As soon as they graduated, Hanamaki had packed his bags for Tokyo, citing an urge to get out there and just try out life in the big city. Matsukawa stayed behind in Miyagi, finished college, and completed his mortician apprenticeship, the first of many milestones in his adult life, alone. Oikawa had gone to Argentina, chasing his dreams of volleyball.  Iwaizumi, although he would never admit it, was doing his best to position himself to cross Oikawa’s path again.
In the cold bitter nights when Matsukawa is behind on work and pulling long hours, he always thought Hanamaki would be there by his side, but he pushes those thoughts away. No amount of regret ever changed the past, no amount of wishing ever changed the future.
If he’s happy, that’s good enough for Matsukawa.
The first time Hanamaki told Matsukawa he was engaged was when he was visiting Tokyo to see him, a year after Hanamaki had moved. Matsukawa thought they were going to hang out, just like old times, so when he opens the door of the fancy apartment (how did Takahiro afford all this?) and an older man answers the door, Matsukawa puts two and two together. He attends their elopement as their only witness, feeling the dual bitterness of losing someone and mourning the friendship he thought they shared.
The second time, Hanamaki casually drops the news over the phone as Matsukawa is signing a contract. He falters, and ink splatters over the page. He’ll have to reprint it and start over. This time, Hanamaki elopes in Bali, and although he extends Matsukawa an invitation, Matsukawa knows better than to go.
The third time, Matsukawa finds out via the news.
“You either need to tell him or get over it,” Iwaziumi says, stubbing out his cigarette in the tray between them, ever the realist.
“That’s rich coming from you, Hajime.” Matsukawa sneers. He doesn’t mean to be rude to Iwaizumi, the man has been there for him for so long and is really only verbalizing what Matsukawa knows on the inside, but he can’t help it. “Let me know when you tell Oikawa how you feel.”
“I’m about to, actually.” Iwaizumi says, crossing his arms with a sigh. “I’m headed to Argentina soon. I’m going to tell him.”
Matsukawa is stunned. He figured Iwaizumi would’ve preferred to evaporate on the spot rather than admit his feelings to Oikawa.  “I...I’m happy for you,” he whispers, “I know he feels the same.”
“We’ll see won’t we?” the shorter man says, an undercurrent of nervousness in his voice, a fond look on his face.
The two get married the following year, a beautiful ceremony on the Argentine beach surrounded by family and friends new and old. The ceremony has an added effect of bringing Hanamaki back into Matsukawa’s life, and they rekindle their friendship over a series of extremely alcoholic margaritas and questionable decisions in the hot Argentine nights. Matsukawa will take what he can get, because Hanamaki seems happy with Yoshioka-san, and as long as Makki is happy, Matsukawa can learn to be too. That acknowledgement doesn’t do anything to fill the hole in his soul, but it does soften the pain just a little. Hanamaki never talks about his husband or anything related to his romantic life past or present, and Matsukawa doesn’t ask. Ignorance is bliss.
Matsukawa’s cell rings, disturbing his reverie. He doesn’t even look at the screen before answering.
“Yoshioka-san.” he murmurs, as if it doesn’t hurt each time he has to call the love of his life by another man’s name.
“It’s back to Hanamaki now, Issei”, the voice on the other end of the line is cheerful, playful even for someone who just became a widower for the third time.
“I…” Matsukawa falters and the condolences he had prepared dies on his lips. Hanamaki always had (and continues to have) the stunning ability to catch Matsukawa off-guard. When they would play three-on-three practice games at Seijoh, Hanamaki always gave Matsukawa the most trouble. And just like that, Matsukawa slips back into his old ways, Hanamaki’s name rolling off his tongue like it belongs there, if only he would let him. “Takahiro...how are you doing?”.
It’s quite difficult to surprise a mortician in regards to anything having to do with death and dying, but from over a thousand miles away, Hanamaki manages to do just that.
“Let me get this straight, you want to ship the body to Miyagi, again?” Matsukawa sputters. He’s on his third cigarette of the phone call, and there’s too much information for him to process—the death of his best friend’s third spouse, the feelings he’s never addressed, the hurt that’s simmered in the back of his mind that Hanamaki left Miyagi, it’s a lot. I should’ve gone to therapy, the wayward thought has floated in Matsukawa’s mind, but he’s still not ready to face the music.
“Makki, people are going to think that you’re offing these people to help support your best friend’s funeral home.” he jokes.
The question from the last two times lingering on his lips, “You didn’t...have anything to do with their deaths did you?”
The pause before Hanamaki answers stretches a little too long for Matsukawa to be comfortable with.
“Isn’t that what friends are for?” Hanamaki finally says, completely sidestepping the question, the teasing tone in his voice still very at odds with the current circumstances, “Anyways, I’ve arranged for the body to be flown overnight to Miyagi, you just need to pick it up at the regional airport. We can talk about additional arrangements and such after you pick it up.”
“Makki I don’t—”
“Please, Issei?” he pleads, and Matsukawa gives, like he always does.
It’s raining softly as Matsukawa parks his car at the airport, the clammy yellow lighting reflecting off the new wax job he had just gotten. While he would’ve liked to drive a flashier car around, a van is just easier for all the transport he has to do, and the hearse is really only used for special occasions (and draws too many eyes). It’s not as if he’s driving dates around anyway or has anyone to impress, so discreet soccer mom van it is.
He checks the time and walks into the lobby. It’s usually a straightforward task, picking up a corpse from an airport. Matsukawa just needs to show the proper ID and his mortician’s license, check that the body is properly labeled and identified (wouldn’t want to take the wrong body back), and load it onto a gurney. If he’s lucky the body has been refrigerated, if not, well, hopefully the recently deceased Yoshioka-san is in an airtight container.
The woman at the Peach Airlines counter looks way too peppy for the hour of day. She confirms his ID and walks into the office to retrieve the container. Matsukawa excuses himself to use the bathroom, and when he walks out, the body has been brought out.
What Matsukawa doesn’t expect however, is the man waiting beside the casket. His breath catches as he allows himself to savor the view in front of him. Hanamaki is dressed simply in a black coat and patterned slacks, looking more formal than Matsukawa has ever seen, strawberry brown hair cut neatly in a way that frames his face perfectly. There are some lines in the corner of his eyes that weren’t there before. Hanamaki is a vision in the dim light of the airport, even as he shifts awkwardly next to his deceased husband’s casket.
It’s 10 PM Japan Standard Time on a cold rainy autumn night, and Matsukawa is still in love.
Thankfully, he manages to compose himself before Hanamaki spots him, and his face breaks out in the most beautiful smile that Matsukawa has ever seen. Before Matsukawa can say anything, Hanamaki folds him into a hug. There’s a strange desperation there that Issei has never seen in Takahiro before, he can feel the tension radiating off the other man’s body, in the way that his hands clench at Matsukawa’s coat. Grief? Relief? Matsukawa isn’t sure.
After a long minute, Hanamaki finally releases him, his hand lingering on Matsukawa’s waist for just a tad longer than appropriate. “I missed you,” Matsukawa says simply, unsure of how else to vocalize the well of emotions he’s gone through the past few years, everything he’s wanted to say but could never find the right time to. I’ve missed you so much it hurts. I’m so in love with you. I think about you all the time. I’m hurt we aren’t as close as we used to be.
Hanamaki looks at him with an expression that Matsukawa can’t quite place, “I’ve missed you too Issei.” There’s a lingering there, like he wants to say something else, but he doesn’t.
“Shall we?” he pipes up, the happy-go-lucky mask sliding back over his face. “Can’t just leave a body out in the open like this.”
Matsukawa nods.
“Issei...you drive a minivan?” Hanamaki says, as if that is the strangest thing out of this whole situation.
“Had I known you were coming with, I would’ve brought out my Maserati,” he jokes as he opens the door for Hanamaki, the body safely secured in the back.
Hanamaki rolls his eyes as he settles in, “I’ll bet you get all the chicks in this hot rod.”
There’s only one person I want to bring home in this car.
“Oh, so many. Chicks love it when you tell them you haul dead bodies in the back. It does wonders to the libido,”.
Hanamaki laughs, a genuine one that brings a smile to Matsukawa’s face, “I’ll bet.” He puts on a high falsetto, “Matsukawa-san, take me now, right here on the floor of this van where you’ve just hauled Uncle to his final resting place. I must have you, you stupid sexy mortician of a man”.
Matsukawa starts the car, “So you think I’m sexy Makki? Is that it?”.
“Never said you weren’t.”
They drive back in silence as Matsukawa turns that statement over and over in his mind. Hanamaki, true to his form, falls asleep as if this is just another late night. He’s still fast asleep when Matsukawa pulls up to the driveway of the funeral home, the streetlights casting a soft glow on his face. In sleep he looks younger, and Matsukawa is reminded of late nights when they would study together. Hanamaki always fell asleep first, as if he were chasing after something in his dreams.
He’s still asleep as Matsukawa unlocks the door and pushes the body into the refrigerated section of the home. Matsukawa is lost in his thoughts at the absurdity of the situation, Takahiro, his best friend, a three-time widower, is asleep in his car while Issei tucks his dead husband into the fridge. What the fuck.
His reverie doesn’t last long however.
Matsukawa jumps as Hanamaki suddenly grabs his waist.
“Jesus Makki I—“
“Gotcha~” he says in a singsong voice. “You know, this is the first time I’ve been here,” he remarks as he looks around, taking it all in.
“Which is odd, considering you’re now a three-time client.”
Hanamaki shrugs, “I require the best of the best.”
“I’m sure there are better and more established funeral homes in Tokyo than my little place,” Matsukawa scoffs. He really needs a cigarette. Or a break. Maybe both. This is all too much to handle.
Hanamaki runs his hands along the desk, “Maybe. But you built this place from the ground up. All by yourself,”.
Matsukawa knows better than to say what’s on his mind, but he can’t help it. It’s been stewing for so fucking long that he needs to get it out. He may as well get closure now, here, as they stand in front of Hanamaki’s dead husband. “I wanted you by my side you know.”
The other man chuckles, clearly misinterpreting the weight of what he just said, “Right, we’d be like Gomez and Morticia Addams, two partners running a funeral home.”
“If you mean being married and running a small business side-by-side, yeah.” It’s a crude confession, not at all what Issei thought it would be like. Matsukawa thought he’d always have some flowery thing to say to Hanamaki when he finally did confess. Something sweet like the profiteroles that Hanamaki loves so much. He didn’t want to confess in the sterile white lighting of the storage room of his funeral home, to his grieving best friend. Hanamaki deserves better than that, he thinks, but it is what it is.
It all spills out of Matsukawa like a torrent. “I’ve been in love with you since before our last Spring High. Every fucking day I’ve wanted nothing but to hold your hand and kiss you. I thought…I thought after we graduated that we would live a boring normal life together while Iwaizumi and Oikawa run around the world,” he scoffs, trying desperately to chase away the wellspring of tears in his eyes. When did he become so emotional? Years of pining will do that to a man, he supposes.
Hanamaki gapes at him like he wants to say something, but Matsukawa doesn’t relent, words just keep spilling out of him. “It’d be boring by their standards but it would be our kind of boring you know? The dumb kind where we go out for ice cream at 2AM, or fall asleep on the couch,”. He runs a hand through his hair, grasping desperately.
“It hurt so much when you moved away…when you got married and I didn’t even know you were dating someone. After…after the first time I tried to date, tried to get over you, but no one can hold any candle to you in my life.” Matsukawa’s breathing is jagged, jagged like his heart. It feels like he’s trying to talk while running.
“I just…I love you so much Takahiro. I’m in love with the crow’s feet on your eyes that weren’t there before, the way your hair frames your face, your stupid humor, your laugh, how you always try to do-it-all and I just…I..”
“Every time I see you, you bring me to my knees,” he whispers.
Hanamaki doesn’t say a word, not that Matsukawa leaves any room for him to speak. He just closes his eyes. By the end, Matsukawa’s head is spinning and he’s pretty sure he just fucked it all up, but somehow, he’s also relieved. Relieved that he finally got it off his chest. Iwaizumi was right. The whole time, he’d been carrying this burden for so long he doesn’t know what it’s like to not have it, like a lovesick Atlas who doesn’t realize that he could just shrug off the burden and stand up straight again.
“Say something.” Please.
Hanamaki says nothing, just walks up to Matsukawa in bold, self-assured steps. He reaches for his face and Matsukawa flinches, actually flinches, at the touch.
“We’re both idiots, aren’t we?”
Before Matsukawa can say anything Hanamaki reaches his hand to the back of Matsukawa’s neck, pulls at his tie, and kisses him. Issei is pretty sure he’s hallucinating but fuck Hanamaki smells so good, looks so good up close. He takes Hanamaki’s face in his hands, deepening the kiss, nothing on his mind except a litany of yes yes yes.
As they kiss, Hanamaki pushes Matsukawa towards the desk. Matsukawa doesn’t mind, all that he can think about is how badly he’s wanted this, how long he’s waited, how fucking happy he feels. He’s so dizzy with want that he doesn’t even remember where he is, all that exists currently is the feel of Hanamaki’s lips on his and his hands around Hanamaki’s waist.
Hanamaki breaks off the kiss, thumb running over Matsukawa’s cheek before he goes for his neck, pulling open his tie, fumbling at the button on his collar. When he can’t get it open fast enough, his hand wanders further down.
“Makki—wait I—”.
“Shut up.” He says as he drops to his knees, “Can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted this.”
Wanted this? Wanted Matsukawa? Issei thinks he might need hearing aids or something, but that thought is wiped out as Hanamaki takes his cock out of his boxers and licks a long, wet stripe along the underside. The groan that escapes him is embarrassing and he grips the edge of the desk for dear life.
“Look at me Issei.” Hanamaki murmurs, pressing a kiss to the tip.
Matsukawa swallows, fluttering his eyes open as he looks down right as Hanamaki takes all of him into his mouth. Had he been a lesser man, he would’ve cum right then and there like a schoolboy. Instead, Matsukawa wills the last of his lucidity into being.
“F-fuck, Makki no—”
Hanamaki looks up at Matsukawa from his knees, a look of shock on his face and an undercurrent of dejection in his plea “You don’t want…?” You don’t want me? Is the unspoken thought.
Matsukawa grits his teeth as he wills himself to pull back, “I do Takahiro, you have no fucking idea how much I want you but no, not here. We need to do this right.”
It’s then that Hanamaki seems to snap out of his daze and remembers where they are. “Oh...oh right, fuck. Uh...let’s go home?”
Matsukawa sighs in relief as Hanamaki gets up. “Yeah..home.”
When they get back to Matsukawa’s apartment, he brings out two beers from the fridge, and sets them down on the coffee table.
“Hiro...before we do anything, we should...talk”.
Hanamaki sighs, taking a deep swig, “I know...I owe you that much.”
He fiddles with the label on beer. “The first two times, I needed money, and one of the part-timers suggested this website. I made it clear from the start that it was purely transactional, but I was so afraid of losing everything and coming back to Miyagi with nothing to show for it.”
He looks right at Matsukawa. “I know…I could’ve asked my parents or you or anyone for help but...when you’re in the thick of it you just can’t think straight you know?”
Hanamaki sighs wearily, “The last time, Hideki-kun...was terminally ill and estranged from his family. He didn’t want it to go to them. We got close when I was temping at his office. I..I told him to leave it all to charity, but I guess he felt some sort of strange compulsion to help me. He paid for job training, a therapist, and was just so kind for no reason. All he asked for in return was that I play a role in public.”
“So, you were…arm candy?”
“I wouldn’t even call it that. We had different residences, it was all very compartmentalized. I wish I asked him before but, I think he was just lonely.” Hanamaki scoffs, “At least I did one thing right in my adult life, comfort someone who needed it.”
Matsukawa reaches over, pulling the other man to his chest, running a hand through his hair. Hanamaki fits perfectly on top of Issei’s chest. He lets out a sigh.
“I’m sorry Issei.”
Matsukawa presses a kiss to the top of Hanamaki’s head. “There’s nothing to be sorry for,” he murmurs, “Will you stay this time?”
“Yeah, if you’ll have me.”
“There’s nothing else I want more,” Matsukawa murmurs, before taking Hanamaki’s hand in his and pressing a kiss to his palm.
A muffled voice pipes up, “You..you forgive me?”
“Of course,” Matsukawa says, another kiss to his hand. It’s the easiest thing Matsukawa has ever done. They’ll have to talk more earnestly later and clear years of unspoken pain, but Matsukawa knows that this time, it’ll be alright.
“Just like that?”
Matsukawa angles his head to the side, looking down right into Hanamaki’s eyes as he runs a finger across his eyebrow, “Makki…why do you always think you have to suffer?”.
Hanamaki’s upper lip is quivering. “You sound like my therapist,” he says, voice cracking a little. Matsukawa smiles, and sits up, arms returning to Hanamaki’s waist.
“My clients usually don’t talk back,” he says, planting a soft, tentative kiss to Hanamaki’s cheek.
“Was that an attempt at a funeral joke because if so, you are severely out of practice Issei.” The other man snarks, trying and failing to hide the smile in the corner of his lips as Matsukawa presses a kiss to his forehead.
“You’re in for it now. There’s plenty more where that came from,” He murmurs before finally meeting Hanamaki’s lips. “No escape from the horrible puns.”  
“What a tragedy,” Hanamaki says, mouth opening to meet Matsukawa’s. He runs his hands down Hanamaki’s side like he’s always envisioned himself doing. A jolt of electricity runs through him and he feels emboldened by both their confessions and Hanamaki finally being in his arms. Matsukawa pushes Hanamaki so that his back is on the cushions, lips on the edge of his neck, hands intertwining with Hanamaki’s. Matsukawa works his way down slowly, kissing every inch of Hanamaki that he can get access to—the other man’s Adam’s apple, the hollow of his throat, his collarbones, trying to immortalize him in his mind. Below him, Hanamaki shivers to his touch, hips rising up to meet Matsukawa’s.  
Matsukawa swallows, fingertips grasping right at the edge of Hanamaki’s slacks. “May I?” he whispers, as if he’s afraid that if he’s any louder, Hanamaki will disappear again.
“I want you. I’ve wanted you.” Hanamaki says, “I—”. Emboldened, Matsukawa quickly undoes his belt and pulls his slacks down. There’s less composure in Matsukawa’s movements then he would like, but fuck it, Hanamaki is front of him in the flesh, and willing. He palms Hanamaki’s cock through his boxers, relishing in the hiss of breath that escapes Hanamaki’s gritted teeth as Matsukawa kisses the v-line of his hips. There’s no particular rhyme or reason to Matsukawa’s movements, and they’re a bit sloppy, but he doesn’t care. All he can think about is how good Hanamaki tastes and how good it feels when Hanamaki’s hand grips his hair.
He looks up at Hanamaki from between his thighs, wiping his mouth with his thumb. Hanamaki’s face is a pretty pink, lower lip swollen from how hard he’d been biting it. For a second, Matsukawa thinks about all that he’s ever wanted to do, will do, to Hanamaki, and shivers before returning his attentions to Hanamaki’s cock.
Hanamaki is beautiful as he comes undone in Matsukawa’s mouth, his fingers intertwined with Matsukawa’s other hand, back arching off the sofa cushions. They hold each other on the couch, giggling like school children- a heady mix of happiness, joy, and relief having found each other again.
The television is on in Matsukawa Issei’s tiny office at Peaceful Hills Funeral Home. Space is always a premium at a mortician’s, more so now that he’s no longer the sole employee of said funeral home. Instead, when he looks up and past the door, he can see his husband Hanamaki on the phone as well, jotting down notes from another client.
Matsukawa’s cigarette is lit, rapidly turning into ash as he just takes in the view in front of him, watching the light catch on the wedding band that Takahiro wears.
Darling, dearest, his.
I originally set out to write a PWP where they bang in the funeral home but...this...happened. I fell out of HQ for a long time (dipped out after Seijoh lost), but recently finished the manga and got slapped in the face with Mattsun working at a funeral home post-timeskip like ?? sir?? are you aware how hot you are??? and then I felt an inexplicable need to break his heart for a bit. Just a little. Also big thanks to @/plumtreeforest as always <3 ​
Comments/reblogs/etc always appreciated <3 can’t believe I finally got around to writing fic of my faves in the year 2021. I missed them. 
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winchester19-67 · 4 years
Girls can be as Tough as Boys
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: FLUFF
Word Count: 811
Square Filled: Football
A/N: This was written for @spnfluffbingo​.
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To say that Dean was excited when you found out that you were pregnant would be an understatement. His hands were always on your stomach. It seemed like he forgot how to say anything other than “you okay?” You would fall asleep listening to him talk to your stomach, and he would eventually pass out somewhere in the middle of telling the baby everything that he was going to do for them.
The first time that Dean felt the baby kick, his eyes lit up as they travelled down to where his hands were pressed up against your stomach. He gently moved you off his chest and got up from the couch where he had been sitting with you. Dean knelt down in front of you, trying his best not to lose contact with the bump. His eyes met yours and your heart melted when you saw the tears that were welling up.
“This little one’s going to be a football player,” Dean said softly.
“Or a soccer player,” you giggled as you reached out to run your fingers gently through Dean’s hair.
“No, no, my son’s going to be…”
“Yeah,” Dean smiled.
“You do know that there’s a chance that this baby is a girl, right?”
“Yes, I know that. Thanks for reminding me of the fact that there’s two possible genders,” Dean chuckled. “But if this baby is a girl then she isn’t going to be playing football.”
“Why?” you asked him. Dean shrugged his shoulders as he slowly pulled your shirt up over your stomach. “Do you think that girls can’t play football too?”
“No, I don’t think that,” Dean told you. “I think that they shouldn’t be able to, though.”
“And why not?” you laughed. “Don’t you think that a daughter could be as tough as a son?”
“Well, yeah,” Dean smiled. “But there’s a difference.”
You gave Dean a look. “And that is?”
“Because I can’t stand the thought of my daughter playing football and possibly getting hurt,” Dean told you. “Boys are a lot harder to break than girls are. Like you. You’re tough but in my mind you still need protecting. You gotta be treated like you’re going to break.”
“Dean,” you laughed. “I love you but you are so wrong.”
“Yeah?” Dean asked you.
“Yeah,” you smiled. “Girls can be as tough as boys and if we have a daughter then she’s going to prove it to you.”
“Okay,” Dean chuckled. “But I’m telling you that this baby right here is a boy and he’s going to be a football player.”
Dean’s attitude completely flipped when the doctor held up his wrinkly, angry, baby girl. His knees almost gave out on him as he leaned down to press a kiss to your lips. He couldn’t put into words how proud he was of what you’d accomplished.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Dean whispered softly as he pulled away a bit from you.
“Yeah?” you asked him.
“I lied,” Dean told you. “Girls are a lot tougher than boys. There’s no way that I could’ve handled what you’ve done.”
You smiled tiredly up at him as the tears fell down your cheeks. “So maybe girls aren’t as fragile as you think?”
“Maybe,” Dean smiled. But when his daughter was placed in his arms, his opinion on the matter was different once more. “No,” Dean told you. “Girls are fragile. Tough, but still need to be protected at all costs.” You laughed as you rolled your eyes a bit at him. “Sorry, sweetheart,” Dean whispered as he rubbed his thumb over your daughter’s cheek. “No football for you but Daddy promises not to miss a single tea party, okay?”
Four years later and Dean has three little football players chasing him around the yard. All wearing pigtails and princess dresses as they take turns throwing the ball to Dean.
You flinch when you hear a loud thud against the side of the house. You look through the kitchen window to see Dean smiling sheepishly at you.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” Dean hollers as he holds up the football. “Little bit’s got a good arm on her.” Laughing, you look down to see your youngest running towards Dean on her chubby, toddler legs that are only now learning how to walk. You smile as you walk over to the door and open it up.
“Who’s hungry?”
Dean flinches when a chorus of three loud squeals answers you and you hold the door open as they run inside. You laugh as Dean walks over towards you looking sweaty and completely out of breath.
“You okay there, Daddy?” you giggle as Dean walks into the house. Dean walks over to the fridge and grabs a bottle of water.
“Forget everything that I’ve ever said about those three,” Dean tells you as he takes a drink. “Girls can be as tough as boys.”
Tags: @polina-93 @adoptdontshoppets @justanotherwinchester @blue-pink-green @spnbaby-67 @deanwanddamons @defenderrosetyler @mlovesstories @akshi8278 @idksupernatural @hobby27 @emoryhemsworth​ @flamencodiva
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uraichievents · 5 years
UraIchi PC4 2019 Masterlist
Here’s a list of all the works submitted for PC4! I’ve ordered them in by prompt number under each work type, and it looks like we came pretty close to finishing the whole table! Thank you to everyone who participated this year~
Third Eye Blind by DevinePhoenix [#02]
Long before Kisuke was blinded by Askin, his eyes had already been damaged.
Patchwork Soldier by DevinePhoenix [#02]
When they wake up, they will have to deal with what their decisions have wrought. He will have to cope with his injuries and Kisuke will have to cope with his scars and guilt. But they still have time before that morning of uncertainty. In the dusty twilight of the Soul King’s realm, they could rest together and dream of a better ending.
Death Gods by Chaos_Greymistchild [#03]
AU in which Kisuke is still a mad scientist with only slightly more morals than the rest of them, but Ichigo is a vampire/death-dealer/human hybrid, a legal executioner, and (still) the world’s most recent supernatural anomaly.
The long avaited encounter by SueGra [#04]
Kurosaki Ichigo left Karakura after he lost his power. Urahara Kisuke listened to Isshin and he broke up with Ichigo. Somebody killed the rogue shinigami and his partners. Urahara went after the person who killed them and he was surprised. Who was it?
Wrong Side of Reality by Starrie_Wolf [#06]
If there was one thing that every invader of Soul Society did wrong, it was that each and every one of them measured one's power by the strength of their reiatsu alone. And every single one of them failed, because they did not understand that to be truly powerful, one must first have the Means to ensure their plans succeed.
He, who has been watching from the shadows for a thousand years, refuses to make the same mistake.
By Invitation Only by FeelingFredly [#10]
“No weapons are allowed past this point.  Please move forward to the weapons check and place them in the tagged locker.  You will be given the code to retrieve them when you leave.”
Ichigo turned on his heel as if to follow the robot’s directive, only to stop and spin back, trench knife in one hand and katana in the other, the smooth swing of the blades separating the brassneck’s head from his body.
“I’m sorry,” he said, standing over the sparking remains, “but I refuse to make Aizen-sama’s acquaintance so underdressed.”
Kisuke snorted in his ear.  “No one is there to hear your dramatics, Kurosaki-kun.”
Ichigo kicked the head to one side, like a soccer ball. “You know that you’re the only audience I need, Kisuke."
stay with me (until the sun rises) by Fox_the_Hermit [#12]
Ichigo is friends with a great deal of supernatural entities. The one monster under every bed in town is his favourite, though.
these dreams like ashes float away by howls [#12]
Ever since Ichigo refused to leave something well enough alone, a shadow man would visit him once, or twice, a month. (What he never realized was that there was more going on in those moments than the shadow man would reveal. For now, at least. He could never refuse Ichigo for long.)
Gambit without Guarantee by Starrie_Wolf [#18]
How did everything go so wrong so quickly?
new life, same shit by Chaos_Greymistchild [#19]
Not all knowledge is gained through the Gate of Truth. Not all reincarnates are born with their memories. Ichigo’s not sure how comfortable he is with this knowledge.
Arsenic by FeelingFredly [#20]
He was poison and he'd accepted that fact. Now if only everybody else would.
Police Tricycle (or: it’s not a buddy cop if I’m the third wheel, says Rukia) by Chaos_Greymistchild [#21]
Ichigo chases Szayelaporro Gantz down the highway in a high-speed car chase with a grenade launcher cameo. That’s it. That’s the fic.
Winds of Change (Tempest) by Sky_King [#24]
When the war is over and Ichigo has won, fate will come back to get her due.
Ichigo gambled and gave everything away in exchange for power, and finally the price paid has to be claimed.
(When the war is over, Kisuke finds himself adrift, too guilty to live, too guilty to die. He carries on, fueled by that single promise, trying to find a reason for being.And when he does, he'd sooner kill the Soul King himself than let it disappear, no matter the cost.)
Whip It Good by FeelingFredly [#25]
You didn't live a life like Kisuke's without developing a few interesting preferences, but he knew they weren't for everyone, and really, his relationship with Ichigo was more than he could have ever asked for--loving and supportive in ways he still wasn't sure he deserved. It was just very vanilla. Which was fine. Really.
So why he was "just visiting" at his old BDSM club?
The very bad, terrible, no good first few days of Junior SID Agent Dokugamine Riruka by Starrie_Wolf [#27]
Sometimes, Dokugamine Riruka wishes she could go back to her 22-year-old self and tell her to choose another department, any other department, she’s got the grades to take her pick.
Berry Nice by Chaos_Greymistchild [#28]
“Can I kiss you?"
“If you don’t,” Kisuke said with remarkable control, “I think I might do something regrettable.”
Calling You (Maybe) by EternalEclipse [#29]
Ichigo never answers his phone, and Kisuke always does.
building a future (and tearing down the past) by EternalEclipse [#30]
At first, Ichigo had just been an invention of Kisuke's, nothing more than a gear to be moved. A pawn. It was only natural that after the war, Kisuke left him to his own devices--they'd won, which was the best he could ask for. As it turns out, once he starts making things for Ichigo instead of just countering Aizen, it's a hard habit to break. By the end of it, he won't even want to.
Or, five times Kisuke made things with Ichigo in mind, and one time Ichigo asked him to destroy something.
Companionship (Stay with Me) by Nikolaila [#31]
People are people, even in space. Sometimes the required conversations in relationships are hard to have but necessary to hold.
Tsuki no Tsuppane by Silmariën (Starrie_Wolf), Starrie_Wolf [#32]
They have scarcely begun to unravel the complex web of Aizen no Sōsuke's treason when Kisuke is made aware of another layer to the conspiracy, one that threatens to expose all the secrets he has not yet decided if he will share with Ichigo-no-mikoto.
Few enough people are willing to accept onmyōji, but even fewer will be willing to accept that their lover is not even human.
Work/Date Balance by Starrie_Wolf [#33]
Kisuke doesn't seem to really grasp the meaning of a date, but it's okay, Ichigo loves him anyway.
“So… are you doing your usual fainting damsel imitation, or shall I take care of it?”
(Interlude during their vacation in London.)
a breath of fresh air by Fox_the_Hermit [#34]
Ichigo refuses to let Kisuke win yet another round of the "I took a cute photo of you and I'll use it to fund my experiments" game. Mostly on principle.
The world is changing by Starrie_Wolf [#35]
They’ve been doing this for so long that Kisuke has no idea how to wake up in a world where he doesn’t need to prioritise the Hōgyoku over his family.
Interlude: the day after Aizen's defeat.
Accidental Pokèmon Acquisition by EternalEclipse [#36]
Ichigo had never wanted to be a pokèmon trainer. To be flat honest, the ghosts kept him busy enough. But when Monferno fell into his life with a burst of laughter and trouble, Ichigo is drawn into a side of the pokèmon world he didn't even know existed.
Or the one where there are both ghosts and pokèmon, the Gotei 13 is a government organization with as many checks and balances as ever, and Ichigo will do whatever it takes to keep his own safe.
Feeling Horny by Silmariën (Starrie_Wolf), Starrie_Wolf [#36]
When Urahara shoved Ichigo to Hirako to learn how to control his inner Hollow, Ichigo thought it meant Urahara wasn’t Hollowfied.
He was wrong.
the fear is eating you alive / so I'll be your reason, I'll be your shelter by Chaos_Greymistchild [#37]
Sometimes, Kisuke doesn’t remember where he is, or who he is in his own personal timeline. Sometimes, Ichigo is more Hollow and instinct than human. But that’s okay.
one-sided understanding by Angst_Distribution_Service (Fox_the_Hermit) [#37]
suspended animation (patiently waiting for the end) by Chaos_Greymistchild [#38]
Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck is new on the starship Zangetsu, piloted by Captain Kurosaki alongside his AI Urahara Kisuke, who seems to have an… unprecedented freedom on board the ship, if she was being entirely honest.
Freedom worth Fighting (for) by Starrie_Wolf [#39]
Things have a way of coming full circle...
You Haven't Lost Me by FeelingFredly [#40]
Ichigo has moved on. It doesn't matter if his Shinigami powers are gone--he's a weapon, and there was always a market for that skill set. Currently that skill set was being tasked to collect the oyabun's past due tribute from a troublesome shopkeeper.
Troublesome shopkeeper. No... it couldn't be.
What they don't understand by Starrie_Wolf [#42]
Ichigo comes back from winter break with bruises he can't explain and a significant other who looks to be much older than him.
His classmate thinks she's put two and two together.
With Affection by wynnebat [#44]
"Yoruichi asked me if I had any family," Ichigo says. His gaze rests on the courtyard and squad buildings across from them while Kisuke cannot look away. Ichigo's voice is even, but Kisuke knows better than that. Ichigo adds, wryly, "I told her all I needed was you."
painting in blood by Chaos_Greymistchild [#45]
“It’ll be fine.”
He hopes that that proves true.
You Don't Have a Soul, You Are a Soul (You Have a Body) by FeelingFredly [#47]
Kisuke has a disregard for his own safety a mile wide and it's enough to drive Ichigo mad. This time he finds the shopkeeper unconscious but not alone, and the woman with him has some very interesting things to say.
Thunder For Bells In This Church Of Two by Chaos_Greymistchild [#48]
“[Resonance for a human is] total, complete, irreversible blending” -- Bell Tolls, esama
For the shinigami, it is... less so.
wear your soul (outside your body) by Fox_the_Hermit [#48]
Ichigo has no idea how he ended up with someone so brilliant. Kisuke has no idea how he got lucky enough to end up with one of the best people he's ever met.
your heart doesn't beat (let me teach it to) by Fox_the_Hermit [#52]
Kisuke understands that his time to go has come. It's time to accept that he can't hang around forever. His dear friend Ichigo has agreed to help him with finding what is needed to help him move onwards, whatever that really means. (Except he’s not ready to let go.)
roots in my lungs, blooms on my tongue by Chaos_Greymistchild [#55]
Astilbes, dahlias, and Queen Anne’s Lace. Patience, devotion, sanctuary.
Will you become my... by SueGra [#57]
The war with Ywhach has ended two years ago. Everybody enjoying the peace. Suddenly all captains get an invitation to the Shiba compound because there is a new clan head? Who is she/he?
Happily Ever After by Starrie_Wolf [#58]
Ichigo wasn't expecting a happily ever after, but it seems like he could find a little peace at last.
Omega as Fish Oil by EternalEclipse [#59]
Yeah, Ichigo's an omega. He's fine with it, especially since some of the instincts that come along with it are useful for protecting his own. What he's not fine with are a bunch of shinigami noble knotheads deciding that he's up for the taking because of it. Luckily, he's got a Kisuke to help him set them straight.
You are my Sanity by OrangeTeaMoon [#60]
And so, it had taken Urahara Kisuke nearly 4 months, 1 week, 3 days and a direct run-in with an absolutely impossible apparition of Kurosaki Ichigo to realize that he had lost his mind.
reach the epilogue (and then take it from the top again) by Fox_the_Hermit [#61]
Ichigo's alive and healthy and whole. But too many people aren't (friends, family, the one single crush that hasn't had the time to get anywhere), and this isn't an epilogue to his story that's worth living in. He'd rather rewrite the whole damn thing from scratch.
Only the truth you want to see by Starrie_Wolf [#61]
Growing up as the daughter of a police detective father and a novelist mother, it’s no small wonder that Rika chose to study English Literature in university. The class is unavoidably small – even for Todai,finding students interested in pursuing a degree in the classics of a foreign country is a difficult matter.
Which makes all her classmates so unavoidably interesting.
Especially that Kurosaki Ichigo.
I'm a Certified Genius, I Swear by Chaos_Greymistchild [#64]
Kisuke’s not quite sure why he keeps getting gifts from the Shiba Clan Head, Shiba Ichigo, but— Hiyori please stop laughing please.
UraIchi PC4 Prompt #32 - Magic AU / Mythology AU / Fantasy AU by @ananfer [#32]
UraIchi PC4 Prompt #48 - Daemons AU by @junoagriffin [#48]
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