#you come into MY house
gamelpar · 1 day
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throws book at wall sobs hysterically jumps out the window
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
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theshipscloset · 2 months
I love it when dudes comment on one of my TOS reactions and try to mansplain the fandom history to me, the girl who wrote 300k of meta and went on a years long deep dive into the fandom history as it related to K/S while receiving beautiful stories from women who founded the fandom through the 60s, 70s, and beyond. No please, you tell me about how Roddenberry hated K/S fans, I couldn't possibly have a wealth of knowledge that says otherwise sitting at the forefront of my brain at all times waiting for this exact moment.
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kafrizzzle · 5 months
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*scrolls through porn* EEWWW GROOSSS *keeps scrolling* YUUUUCK PEEEYEEEEW!!! *doesn't stop scrolling* BROOOO NASTY EEWWW!!! *keeps scrolling*
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hadesisqueer · 4 months
The funniest part to me if Darius and Brooklynn ever actually get together is that no matter what, Mrs. Bowman keeps having the same daughter in law six years later because her cool adoptive son and her youngest nerdy son have the same type-- and it's just Brooklynn. The family reunions would probably be awkward at first though.
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bloncos · 9 months
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blackholedjester · 6 months
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I didn't even get a chance to answer this, lol. They blocked me!
I actually don't know why I followed you? Sometimes if someone likes my post I follow out of politeness. Lesson learned, haha.
Fyi, I'm not a pedophile, just a regular incest shipper. If you're in the hotd fandom, there's bound to be a few of us! 😆
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
(Shadowpeach as two sides of a tragedy)
Macaque: it was always preventable. He knew it would end bad for him yet continued regardless bcs he loves Wukong. If he still loves him in 1000 years, how bad could the road be? What if his journey ends up sooner rather than later?
Wukong: It was never going to end differently. No matter what he did it would always lead him to this point. He could have chosen a different path and it wouldn’t have mattered
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sapphicfeedist · 24 days
you just want a skinny feeder gf smfh
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flinxypie · 1 year
Haiku to anon:
It's "kind of an off"
How you are such a coward
What is your problem?
Why are you so threatened by people wanting more DCA art? Why do you think wanting more platonic content takes away from romantic or spicy content?
Do you think there is some kind of limit of how much stuff can be uploaded to the internet and you're worried we'll run out of space for romantic and/or spicy content?
Why do you think that because I want more of one thing, I want less of another? God forbid we are allowed a variety.
We're out here making more art and writing and you're out here doing what? Trying to gatekeep what I and others are allowed to look at? Stalking my accounts across platforms to make sure I'm adhering to your made up preconceptions?
Go out and make some stuff. And take a good look at why you're so bothered by this.
Also psst, twitter accounts are public knowledge and your "no offense" means nothing.
If you didn't think what you said was offensive, you'd come off anon.
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ok so i only got into asoue a few months back but scrolling through ur blog is so interesting, mostly because like. what are you SEEING in the denouements. not in a mean way, in a “they got basically nothing in canon and i am very curious as to what’s going on in your head” way. i would love to know how you perceive them
don’t get me wrong i understand getting attached to minor characters more as much as the next autism riddled person but again i am very curious
[insert obligatory how dare you, they're the most precious boys ever! joke here]
Before we begin, I'm actually not autistic, so you can't use that as an explanation. I've been tested a lot through my life, due to other mental illnesses, and I always score so low it's almost uncanny. Hyper-fixating on nerd stuff is my One Thing that gives me points in tests, but that's it. So no, that's not the reason I like minor characters.
Ignoring the fact that this actually feels like a weird thing to have to explain at all, I'm gonna go ahead and answer anyway:
I have no idea. As in I don't know what happened initially, but I have a couple of theories. Firstly, I'm a whole ass Adult. Like, mid-thirties at this point. That means I'm more or less uninterested in creating content about the kids, because I do dick jokes and write smut and I don't personally feel like combining those with young characters. The Sugar Bowl Generation is where it's at for me. And if you've been around the fandom for a bit, you will have noticed that people who are into the SBG have to do quite a lot of legwork to keep ourselves stimulated. Our enclosure is pretty low on natural enrichment tbh.
That means you have to create your own fun. A puppy that's been left at home too long will inevitably start chewing on the furniture. A fangirl (gender neutral) will start conjuring up elaborate headcanons and characterizations and theories and dynamics from more-or-less thin air. It's the way of the world. Remember how Mystrade was a huge thing in the Sherlock fandom, despite them never interacting in canon? Yeah, it's a bit like that. There's a certain freedom to be found in it.
Only we do have some crumbs! Just spend half an hour at @snicketsleuth, and see how much you can string together from them. That's a very mixed metaphor, sorry. But my point stands.
The Denouements are a pretty niche focus, I'll give you that. However, what we have is so interesting to me. Like, the fucking Spotter's Guide that @lyeekha made actually goes a long way to explain my initial infatuation. I love some deceit and mystery that can be unravelled by careful observation of micro expressions, you know? It's very satisfying.
And I just love them, you know? I can't explain it better than that. I'd drop in the fact that I'm very physically attracted to Max Greenfield in the role(s), but I'm pretty sure that's obvious. And it doesn't matter nearly as much as my fascination with the essence of the characters that I've so carefully cobbled together from scraps I found on the trash heap of canon (how's that for a metaphor though?)
Does that help at all?
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solazu1 · 11 months
Sol you are so cool, honestly glad to met you! Love you art and everything, here, I bring you a gift!
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Awwww thank you, im going to throw you into a pit of radiation ^_^!
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the-darkestminds · 5 months
please stop tagging your posts "anti elriel" and start using "anti e/riel" so we don't have to see them xx
I’ll stop tagging my posts the way I want when you remove the stick from your ass
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carnivore-voyeur · 3 months
Say a Ghost edit w/ Witch Image lyrics “Like a mother would save her own child from digging a grave” (re: Seestor & Copia) and now I’m inconsolable
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jaypentaghast · 11 months
I wanted to see them all dancing so so bad
fuck you Ned Low
hope a fish poops on you at the bottom of the ocean
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