#you didn't specify a muse so i left it vague!! i hope that's okay!!
witchtchr · 3 months
sc | @tearenola
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❝ ahhh, sorry to bother, but do you know where is the nearest bus stop? i think i might've went a bit too far. ❞
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milkytheholy1 · 3 years
May I have a fanfic with this idea a just had? Donnie was talking about some science stuff the last 20 minutes, but reader can't fully pay attention to what he's saying because they're just thinking about his voice, his gestures and everything. They think "don't you realize how hot you are?", but Donnie stops talking and reader realizes they just said that out loud and now they want to die.
A/N: Ahh this is so cute, you didn't really specify which version of the turts you wanted so I kinda left it vague. In my mind I thought of the 2012 versions but it really doesn't matter cause it works for any. Hope you enjoy!
TMNT masterlist
Ultimate masterlist
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"Okay, so then I take the chlorine we found in that pool and mix it with a few secret chemicals." he starts to laugh while he grabs the vials, carefully measuring them out before turning to you, "Of course, they're not actually secret, just some leftover sulfhydrate and blah blah blah blah." 
You shook your head, trying your absolute hardest to concentrate on what Donnie was saying, but it was just so hard. Not because it was boring, well some of it was a little boring, no it was his voice that drew your attention. You swear that he could say anything and it would come out like butter melting on a hot knife. 
You were currently leaning over his desk, butt parked in the stool he so graciously offered you, he's so thoughtful you mused. Your doe eyes blinked slowly as you took in his form, watching as his tongue poked out through his lips as he poured some chemicals into a bigger glass beaker. You were completely enraptured by him and yet he wasn't doing anything, only talking to you about science and how certain things are made; you couldn't care less.
"So I'll give it a stir like this-" he then demonstrated what he was going to do, going through with his actions, eyes purely trained on the beaker in his three-fingered hand. Placing the beaker onto the table in front of him, Donnie placed a hand on his hip and turned to you with a warm smile, "And now all we do is wait for it to turn a different colour." His eyes were full of joy, in love with what he was doing and happily explaining it to you.
Sometimes you thought Donnie hated this, having to explain every little thing he was doing as though he was talking to a child. But when you saw the sparkle in his eyes and the bounce in his step you knew he got just as much enjoyment out of it as you did. 
"So why does it change colour?" you questioned, pretending to hold an interest in the conversation when really you just wanted to get lost in his voice again. Donnie didn't seem to mind, happily going over the reasons for the change, "Well, the chemicals start to react with the chlorine and-" 
Aaaaand there you went, droopy eyes and dumb smile largening on your face, you were once again completely lost. Donnie's brothers often took the mickey out of youor falling so hard for the purple-banded terrapin, they couldn't help but crack a few teasing jokes here and there to embarrass you; they all seemingly went over Donnie's head. 
And he was meant to be the smart one you pondered to yourself. Your eyes flashed back up to Donnie, he was currently hunched over the concoction on the table, staring at it intently. You think you've been at this now for 20 minutes, letting him run his mouth off about science while you ogled him from the sidelines.
He continued to ramble on about the chemical changes, he even went so far as to do a little dance until he remembered you were watching him with a smile. Donnie coughed in his fist, a pink blush tinting his green cheeks, moving along to his chemical mixture he poured a small speck to view in his microscope.
And his tongue made a fifth appearance for that day, a large smile gracing his features. You couldn't help but stare, who allowed such a handsome creature to exist and why should he be banished away from a society that would benefit so much better with him. 
Don't you realize how hot you are? you thought, a dreamy sigh leaving your lips. Donnie stopped working with the microscope and pulled back slowly to look at you; he was in complete shock, horrified even. You looked at him quizzically for a minute, why was he looking at you like that?
"What?" you asked, "Is there something on my face?" you panicked, fingers reaching to swipe against your skin. Donnie shook his head and gently made his way over to you. "Did you really mean that?" he asked, his eyes begging for the truth. You tilted your head, "What? the face thing? I mean, sure, I don't wanna look like a complete idio-"
"no, no, no," Donnie cut you off, his fingers rubbing together as nerves overtook him, "The other thing, the finding me hot thing," he mumbled out, avoiding your gaze. Your eyes widened in surprise, did I really say that out loud!
"Erm, yes you did." Donnie chuckled a little, watching as your cheeks illuminated a dark crimson. You shoved your hands over your face, palms digging into your eyes out of embarrassment, head held down in shame. "Oh god," you heaved, feeling a panic attack arising, "Donnie I'm so sorry," you huffed out. Donnie leapt towards you, taking your wrists in his hands and pulling them from your face. You still had your eyes tightly shut, refusing to see the mortified look on his face again.
"Hey, hey," he beamed, delicately putting a finger under your chin and angling you to face him. His tone was light as he spoke, nothing but calming and full of warmth, "Hey, open your eyes for me, please? Will you look at me for a moment," he begged. You resisted at first but his voice was like a trap, a trap made of honey, spice and everything nice. You heaved your eyes open, flinching at how close he was to you.
"Do you really think I'm hot?" you didn't answer him, eyes darting to the floor of his lab. You missed the way Donnie frowned, "I've never had anyone tell me that before, in fairness I barely know anyone. I always thought- knew I was a freak and for you to say that to me-"
"You're not a freak," you meekly whispered out although your gaze was strong, staring into Donnie's eyes with confidence. He smiled back at you, there's the (Y/N) he knew and loved. His hands slid from your wrists and down to your fingers, wrapping his own amongst yours, "If it means anything," he began, squeezing your hands.
His eyes shone in the weak lab lighting, seemingly all the colours of the rainbow swirled in his irises. He licked his lips, suddenly feeling his tongue going dry with nerves, coughing to gain his voice back he continued: "I think you're pretty hot too."
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