#you don’t need to know anything about FMA to read this
Chay is the only mechanic Kim trusts to work on his automail.
For the prompt: Pride
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idk actually thinking about fma rn it’s weird when people say “see shonen manga is good when it’s written by a woman” like do you realize how reductive that sounds? again it’s a nice way to say you only read stuff that’s published in Jump or whatever is popular. yeah I know I made a joke to mutual the other day about asking a lot of the children’s media enjoyer website to consume anything for adults (never mind the ironic fandoms shows like breaking bad have gotten on here) but like I wish a lot of you would just, shut the fuck up, because it’s just embarrassing to act like you have a place at the table when you can’t even help yourself up into a grown person’s chair.
and really there is nothing wrong with just enjoying stuff that’s popular because it’s popular for a reason, but nobody wants to hear the “I’m not like other girls” argument applied to whatever the flavor of the month is on everyone’s mouth when your actual experience with the genre is very minuscule. you won’t hear me say madoka is good because it was written by a man and it’s edgy and dark unlike other magical girl animes, even tho there were plenty before and after madoka that did something similar.
sometimes something is just good. you don’t need to justify why like you it by bringing something else down to elevate it. this isn’t a scale.
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theliteraryluggage · 5 days
Hi! If you still don't mind the emoji ask game, I'd like those, please:
P.S.: Your writing is gorgeous!
Ahhh yes of course anytime, thank you!!!
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Hhhhh alright okay, you asked for it
Imo Roy is not a parental person, and I don’t see his relationship with Ed and/or Al as anything close to parental. This isn’t to say that he doesn’t care for them or isn’t protective of them, hell, they can even be a found family.. But shoehorning them into a parent-child dynamic just doesn’t work in my opinion. For starters, Roy isn’t even old enough to have kids their age, and I don’t think he’s at a stage in a stage of his life where he would look on teenagers in a parental way. He cares deeply about his team and shows it in his own way, but he’s not nurturing. Don’t get me wrong, I love this dynamic we get in many fanfics of him and Ed constantly fighting and bantering and never wanting to admit that they care about each other (even though they absolutely do), I've written them like that too. but … to me, the wonderful thing about found family is that it doesn’t have to adhere to a traditional nuclear family structure. They don’t have to see each other as parent and child to care about and protect each other.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Uhhhh I don’t really ship much in FMA tbh, I keep it mostly Gen… particularly where Ed is concerned bc my Ed is usually aromantic (not saying he is canonically, it’s just my headcanon and that’s how I prefer writing him). And I like Royai and some other ships not involving Ed well enough, but don’t really actively consume or create fanworks for them so.. I also don’t have a lot of headcanons about them. I could of course share a headcanon from a different fandom, but I know you came here from/for FMA so… I guess I could share some Edling thoughts? Because I can well imagine Ling crushing on Ed, and maybe they even experimented together, shared some first experiences, because, you know, they’re teenagers, but for Ed it was never really more than physical. I mean, he likes Ling but … aromantic and all that. And there might have been more for Ling, but he also knows there’s no future for them once he goes back to Xing, and his duty to his country has to be his first priority. So he just has to make his peace with that.
(I wanna note that I’m not claiming any of these thoughts/headcanons are the Correct ones, that’s just how I interpret them and how I prefer to play with my dolls lol)
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Okay I am lowkey obsessed with @liathgray’s FMA fics 🙈 A Hop, Skip and a Jump, of course, but ESPECIALLY Tell me in the Sunshine, which is painful and tragic as fuck but I love it so much. So much, in fact, that I made a podfic, just to add another layer of pain. Hhhhhhh if you can handle the tags/warnings, please go read it/listen to it everyone. And then come crying to me about it I need someone to share my pain 😂
Thank you so much for the ask and your kind words!!! 💕
Writer Ask Game
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need-a-name-101 · 3 months
Should you watch fma'03? Yes (if you want). BUT! Here's the thing: fma'03 is its own story. It never intended to be an adaptation. The author of the manga immediately gave the anime staff her blessing to create an original ending because the old anime got aired when there was very little source material. HOWEVER, the fma'03 starts diverging from the manga basically from THE VERY BEGINNING. It hits the same or similar plot points at first, but the chronology of the whole series is completely different from the source material. There are added sidestories, added characters, some sidestories get omitted as well as some characters. The whole story is a remix and then its original thing.
The Brotherhood has a rushed first part. But overall is an actual adaptation of the manga (although it also omits some things, adds some things (the whole first episode is a filler that spoils things that are revealed in the first or second episode...) exaggerates some things...). But generally, it is THE Fullmetal Alchemist story intended by its author.
Watching fma'03 is completely optional. It's basically an official AU. If you want to watch the series with a different tone and a different storyline then give it a go (and watch Conqueror of Shamballa which is a movie but also an official ending to the series).
When should you watch it? Whenever you want. Personally, I'd watch Brotherhood first, simply to see where the author wanted to take the story and then go for 2003 version. To see it in a different light but also to spend some more time with the characters.
(Sorry for barging in with that whole essay, but I saw some answers to your question and I saw the tip to watch fma'03 till the Laboratory 5 and then go switch to Brotherhood and I almost clutched my metaphorical pearls in horror 😂
Please, don't do this, or if you do decide to do this, do it KNOWING what you are actually watching. Fma'03, while with the full blessing of the author, is not Fullmetal Alchemist as the author intended it to be. It is truly its own thing. Althoigh obviously, I don't know if the changes were made wholluly by the director or maybe they were advised by the manga's author herself. But without knowing this, I opt to fully distinguish the two.
Both are great stories tho!. But they are different stories. Different resolutions, different tones, different characters. Which is fun!)
Omg no worries, I have actually been so confused about the whole thing. And reading whatever people have been telling me has been very helpful, because let’s be honest google is not good for this, it’s better to ask the fans.
After reading what everyone said I am watching brotherhood first simply because I have already started it. I just wanted to know if I need to watch FMA to understand brotherhood. And turns out not really, and I did not know that there were movies 😓
I don’t think that the first episode spoils things revealed in the second episode and all. Probably because I haven’t read the manga or anything as this is my introduction to the fandom.
(And the tip about watching till lab 5 and then switching I am very confused about that tbh. But I am gonna watch brotherhood first because a lot of people were like you can watch either first)
Thank you so much taking the time to answer.
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puckrph · 1 year
feel free to change pronouns, etc.
“i’m serving only the coldest, stalest opinions in this chilis tonight.” “this man is girlbossing WAY too close to the sun right now, which is bad, because he’s a vampire.” “he looks like if they peeled the grinch.” “i wish desolation row gerard way had me by the throat for real” “absolutely insane in shows and movies when people don’t have their window screens down. you’re just raw dogging life like that?” “it’s not sadistic if your players can take it.” “i’m doing this all in the service of the christian god, so it’s fine.” “wine-horny is what the fuck or die trope is about.” “it’s hot gay serial killer vampire summer” “[in a yoda voice] MMM. CUNT, THEY ARE SERVING.” “boytoy, enable kill mode.” “your father eats tomatoes like a beast of a man.” “you fool. my muppet-like behavior has blinded you to my competency.” “you people need to calm down.” “you know it’s a good joke when i start whimpering like a hurt dog.” “i’m insulted to my core. are you questioning my patriotism? my dedication to this country? my belief that the american dream is witnessing two f-150’s making passionate love on 690? i’ll have your badge and your head, [NAME].” “your influence is both vast and perplexing.” “putting your blood through a brita filter is discount dialysis.” “people is like sauce: more is better.” “hell would be more fun than this, i think.” “hard to believe the same studio made two games where you get to run around, steal vehicles, and be an asshole, if you want.” “pda stands for people doing atheism.” “first of all, through the power of keanu reeves all things are possible, so jot that down.” “i don’t feel like his name should be david. i feel like it should be… giancarlo.” “you aren’t laughing or loving this, and soon you won’t be living either!” “did i ever tell you about the dream i had where baljeet from phineas and ferb got lightning powers and fought in the clone wars.” “everyone is bullying so much about cooking meat that i simply must become vegan.” “i’m gonna deep clean you out of my life.” “the only difference between a twink and a frat boy is a limp wrist.” “he’s right, of course, i am going to do that. but still.” “what is a roommate if not blorbo from your house?” “i just realized that i’m going to medieval times for the first time on the destiel putin election anniversary. none of those words are in the king james bible. how am i going to cope.” “body dysmorphia? yes, but you can hang dong like nobody’s business.” “he can’t do anything wrong, he’s too cute.” “so many people eat an orange normally. isn’t it better, really, to do it like a weirdo?” “i’m probably in the top 98th percentile of pez dispenser information knowers by the way. most don’t know that about me.” “there is always further to fall from god’s grace.” “jesus is rizzin’?? amogus???” “you think i could gauge the emotions or feeling of any human beings in high school?” “sorry, the coffee never actually kicked in so i’m stupid now.” “the bar for men is so low. just be fun, slay, and be a little fruity!” “i feel like JC probably has some hilarious lines in the quran.” “side note: does anyone else initially read FMA as ‘fuck my alchemist.’” “astigmatism is when you have an eye issue and stigmata is when you have the wounds of christ, right? because i was at the eye doctor and he said ‘looks like we need to correct a stigmata in your eye’ and i was like come again?” “surely the micro plastics and lead cancel each other out, you’ll be fine.” “schrodinger’s sports call: the call exists in a quantum state of correct and bullshit until i figure out how it affects my guys.” “oh, tom waits makes some good songs. he just sounds like a gravel beach got a wish to become a real boy.”
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majormiles · 1 year
🍬🌻🔮 for the fanfic asks! :) hope you’re having a great day!! 🥰
I almost lost a fight with an extremely stubborn jar lid this morning, so it’s definitely been A Day! From Fanfic Writer Ask Game
Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favourite fic of yours for each fandom?
Actively, no! I tend to only write in one fandom at a time, although sometimes I dabble in multiple at once.
I definitely have written in multiple fandoms over the years. I would say I’m most well known for my Trek, Naruto, and One Piece fic. Other fandoms I’ve only dabbled in once or twice, including Haikyuu, Star Wars, FMA, Final Fantasy…
So, to avoid this being an exhaustive list, I’ll just have a think for those three. Hm…
For Naruto, I think HIEROPHANT was my magnum opus. I definitely feel like it’s the best written fic of the bunch. It’s an AU where Kakashi gets a byakugan instead of a sharingan. I drew up a whole Hyuga family tree and made a bunch of OCs, most of which never appeared in the fic. That was fun! I really enjoy writing complicated family relationships.
For Trek, it has to be the one with the wife, which I know is a fic a lot of people will not read. It was extremely self indulgent and I still think about this ‘verse all the time. I wrote it for me. Purely, for myself.
For One Piece… god. I have no idea. It’s been a few years and I have a sieve for a brain. I remember having a lot of fun writing into flame but I think if I re-read it now, it would all be new to me.
Which leads into the next question!
How often do you read your own fics?
I don’t… tend to. Especially my older stuff - anything older than a couple of months may as well not exist in my brain lol. I think this is partly because my writing is constantly improving and looking back at older works makes me notice all of the things I could have done better. And partly I think I just… am not sentimental about fic at all. I’ve been known to remove works from ao3. I have no attachment to them lol, yes, even Hotspur, which I’ve just finished after 8 months of writing! Is that weird?
Sometimes, I get comments on really old stuff which I really appreciate, but I often don’t remember the fic at all. Once, I was trawling through ao3 in a tag and I found a fic and started reading it and it was weirdly nostalgic? So I scrolled up and I’d written it lmaoo. I had NO memory of doing so. Not the wildest thing to ever happen to me on ao3, but it’s up there.
Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block?
Oh man. I get writer’s block all the time and, for me at least, it’s usually a sign that I need a break. And so I take heed! I try not to stress too much because I know I will get back into writing when I’m ready. I mean, I can’t imagine not writing you know, and if you are also like that, that writing is a part of you, then the writer’s block will pass. I get mini writer’s block every time I finish something - it’s like my brain’s giving me a moment to process haha
But some other advice is, if you still want to write, write something else. Stop whatever you’re doing and pick up something new. I find I get hit by writer’s block less if I’m more flexible about switching between fics or projects - I can use the time stuck on one fic to work on the other. Maybe that will work for you!
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musing-and-music · 2 years
Ao3 First Lines Tag Game
Thanks @klainelynch for the tag!
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
She's not a diamond, ASOIAF, Jaime/Brienne, Regency AU (on going), Rating T
“Lady Brienne of Tarth, daughter of Lord Selwyn Tarth!”
Brienne had barely put a foot in the throne room when whispers arose around her. She’d expected that, since she had never caused anything else than astonishment when she entered a room. She was seventeen, but she towered most of the assemblies she was invited to. Her height attracted eyes, but she knew her face only caused disgust to people who didn’t know her. This time would be no exception.
A king's decision, ASOIAF, early canon-divergence, Aegon V Targaryen, Rating T (on going)
From his seat dominating the feast table, Aegon gazed at his children as he entwined his fingers with his wife’s. He felt Betha’s eyes on him, open and filled with a question, but still took his time contemplating his progeny before talking.
a dream team's shenanigans, FMA, Team Mustang, Royai, Modern AU, Rating T (on going)
When Lieutenant-Colonel Mustang had met Second-lieutenant Breda who was fresh from the academy after the end of the Ishvalan War, the first thing that interested him was his bright intellect. Despite his average results in physical tests - however his endurance was quite good - he got first place in all classes concerning strategy, field approach, and knowledge of the enemy's strengths and weaknesses.
there ain't no way, baby (to get me out this house), ASOIAF, Jaime/Brienne, Post ADWD, Rating E
Jaime checked the lists of equipment that would be charged on the carts on the morrow one last time, before ensuring with Lord Royce that the men were ready to accompany him to King’s Landing.
We're a long term project, ASOIAF, Jaime/Brienne, Modern AU, Rating T
Brienne reads the resume once more and frowns as she meets the sharp gaze on the photo. This man is the best candidate Catelyn has found for now, after one month, but she can’t help the unease gripping her gut. Jaime Lannister is well-known, not for his skills -they look impressive, though-, but for his name and his bad reputation.
Is it the place or the people? (that warms my cold bones), FMA, Havolina, Royai, Team Mustang, High-school AU, Rating T
“Dammit! Shitty weather!” Jean complained as he removed his anorak still covered with snow and hung it on the coat rack covered with his colleagues’ coats. His hand was still numb from the shock against the wall that had stopped his fall, and his whole body was freezing because of the last hour spent outside, overlooking the installation of winter decorations around the building.
Royai : a OS Compilation, FMA, Royai, Rating T
The night was dark, the room was silent. Laying on his hospital bed, unable to sleep, Roy Mustang kept his blind eyes focused on the ceiling. All he could see was black. With or without light, he didn’t see anything. He was blind since Pride and Wrath forced him to open the Gate. He saw the Truth, and his sight had been taken.
Regular news, FMA, Winry Rockbell, Riza Hawkeye, Rating T
Since the brothers’ departure from Resembool to serve in the military, Winry had received news from them only a handful of times, and seen them even less often. It was one of the most frustrating things for the young girl. Her childhood friends, with whom she’d lived for years, with whom she’d been through the worst hardships – their mother’s death, her parents’ – now showed up only when Ed’s automail had an urgent need to be maintained.
A few nights in Westeros, ASOIAF/GOT, Jaime/Brienne, Rating T, OS collection
When Jaime opened his eyes, he saw blue. Not any blue. A deep blue, more beautiful than the sky’s, brighter than the sea’s, more precious than all sapphires’. Blue that made him forget about the green he’d dived in for years.
Pain grasped him again and he fell unconscious, before he could say something or look around him.
The sight descending toward me took my breath away, FMA, Royai, Regency AU, Rating T
“Riza, I’m home!” Roy shouted as he gave his hat and gloves to Madeline, who took them away with a smile.
He began to climb the stairs, impatient to see his wife again. They’d seen each other this morning, she’d been in his thoughts all day, but he couldn’t bear to be parted from her for too long - he cursed the times Grumman had sent him away on business when he and Riza weren’t even betrothed.
And I'll tag @nightofnyx8 , @niconiconina , @vayalda , @iammistressofmyfate , @greenmtwoman , @fullmetalscullyy , @aquietwritingcorner , @it-may-be-dull-but-im-determined , @wirettewirette , @beryllium--astatine if you want!
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😴 / 😨 - @power-of-alchemy-pkmn (if you don’t know the muses well enough that’s fine btw!! 💖💖)
//Luckily, I do know about FMA! ...i had a friend who i was gonna watch it with but she needed a break. we made it to ep24 at least! (of the 2003 anime)
either way - here we go! written from Camille's perspective.
Good dream: My dominion extends to mainly spirits and partial self-hypnosis, along with my miniscule psychic powers. Alchemy is... foreign to me, honestly. However...
"It's made of three components, basically. Comprehension, deconstruction, and reconstruction."
"I've read about it. I know."
"Guh... Please tell me you understand the makeup of iron."
"It's one type of molecule, I know. But it's... I don't know what I'm..."
I do try my best to understand whatever I can about frankly magical processes like these. Even if Edward sees it just as science.
The circle of chalk let out a small spark.
"Ow- fuck- my finger-"
"Heeey, look on the bright side! You actually managed to do something this time! Even if it was through a rebound."
I look at the middle of the circle, slightly-bloodied finger held upon my tongue... and I see a small lump of iron, no bigger than a fingernail.
I can't help but giggle, as my other hand retrieves a bandage from my pockets.
Bad dream: For someone who understood the drive to break boundaries and taboos for one's own goals... I'd thought he'd be more... merciful. Understanding. We both left our past in flames, and we both have done unspeakable things to obtain something. He to regain something - or rather someone - he lost, and me, to gain... myself.
I thought he'd understand. Perhaps he would, but this mental cognition of him that appears in my dreams, it sees me as nothing more but a monster.
I'm pinned to the wall by one arm made of flesh, with the one of steel, hovering but a few decimetres removed from my face. Red glowing eyes coming from an unspeaking suit of armour in the corner. I try to speak, but my throat locks up.
I'm scared. And I fear anything that I would say would only worsen the situation.
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boltlightning · 11 months
tagged by the lovely @aloveforjaneausten, thank you so much!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 49!
2. What's your total AO3 words count? 315,193. god help me
3. What fandoms do you write for? actively just the one (potc), but the bulk of my ao3 is final fantasy vii, fullmetal alchemist, and assassin’s creed. almost all of my unpublished personal stuff is dragon age. one day it’ll see the light of day. one day
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
a house, a hearth, a (s)holmes (the great ace attorney, 2021)
good company (fullmetal alchemist, 2016)
heart & home (fma, 2017)
the need of everything (fma, 2018–2020)
benchfellows (ff7, 2020)
i'm proud of all of these but flabbergasted by benchfellows, which is 800 words and something i wrote and posted impulsively at like 2am. but. yknow. the kudos are beyond my power.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? almost always! nothing makes you forget how to say “thank you” like a normal human being than comments on your work!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? almost everything i write ends on a melancholy note, but o sleeper (ff7) is probably the worst of them. and that’s really just the threat of canon rearing its head
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? the storm at your door (assassin’s creed) was specifically written to give ezio and sofia a better ending than what they got in canon, and by god i stand by it
8. Do you get hate on fics? thankfully not!
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind? nah. i don’t particularly enjoy reading smut, nor do i have any talent for making it not sound stilted. sex will get hinted at but rarely do i write anything more explicit than someone’s bits being out in the wind
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? have you heard the good word of my potc/temeraire crossover that is getting quickly out of hand? and till the long days (AC) is not NECESSARILY a crossover, but entwines the world of AC with greek mythology in a major way.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? / 12. Have you ever had a fic translated? / 13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before? nope to all three!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? i don’t ship much tbh, and while i wouldn’t say i’m the most fond of them, my longest lasting ship has been cloud/aerith. we’re going on 18 years together and i’d be lying if i said they weren’t part of why i started writing in the first place
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? lmao. most ideas i don’t finish i’m content to leave as they are. however, i have one novelization about my dragon age character going through the events of the trespasser dlc that i desperately want to finish, but i’m such a stickler to the dialogue that exists in-game that i’m hamstringing myself. i like the ideas there enough to revisit it every now and then, so it’s not totally a lost cause, but...it's not looking likely gang.
16. What are your writing strengths? lord knows i know how to set a scene. everything i write is in service of eventually getting to describe sunlight or perhaps weather. know this whenever you read something i wrote.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? i’m desperately bad at just…stepping back and letting a scene breathe. i NEED to explain everything even if it’s obvious. i also am very guilty of describing what happens in prose rather than letting it play out naturally in dialogue. it’s remarkable how much i avoid dialogue without even realizing it
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? eh. it can be used well, but i just speak the one language fluently, so i doubt it’d be a fun or worthwhile bilingual bonus for any reader.
19. First fandom you wrote for? it’s either kingdom hearts or inkheart, and it certainly does not exist anywhere anymore. pour one out
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? my answer changes every time i’m asked this. sticking with the recency bias answer of steadfast and dependable (potc), as i''ve been really into the themes in that fic recently
tagging @johnbly @thesumdancekid and anyone else who might want to snag this <3
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robo-mox-motley · 1 year
[Video ID: Gorg, a tall blue mech, runs forward brandishing the blunt grip end of his tank gun. He lifts the whole long gun upwards by the barrel before striking down on the top of a tank. The original sound of the tank being hit is replaced with a coconut bonk stock sound. End ID.]
Always Gorgin' time at Mox(ter)'s
Mox(ter) reporting. Self-appointed Archaditz for Archadis; took one look at the prideful, feathered asshole and my mind was latched. Firm believer that Pink Lady apples are superior to Honeycrisp. These are some things you might want to know. Or not ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌
Things that keep me up at night:
The camaraderie of the Autobots in Armada.
This loser
How some versions of Ironfist are supposed to sound Aussie. Try rereading Last Stand of the Wreckers like that.
Tokyo Ska dropping a new song.
Trying to make up transforming figures in my head that don't exist for certain characters and getting pissed the next morning because I don't have them. Only thing stopping me is lack of access to a resin printer.
I am Mox/Moxter and have been a bot nerd since I was an anklebiter. Mostly gung-ho about other stuff like practical effects, costuming, figures/models, 3D modelling, old tech, lizards, and birding. I do art a little too, but I’m not too fond of the idea of putting it out on here quite yet. I mainly study tech communications, visual effects, and language. Couple years of Spanish but also picking up and learning bits of Japanese and Welsh when I can. I apologize beforehand if you see my dumb ass getting long-winded about Tailgate (full reason being too long to explain here).
I’m generally invested into anything related to toy design— mostly TakaraTomy, HasTak, and Sunrise bot stuff is my focus though. I am hooked on the design development surrounding Binaltech and Alternators for better or worse.
And wouldn't you know, a bunch of car robots helped me to realize what I should re-prioritize my career track to be. That's the power of my dumb special interest at work ( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧.
Got tired of updating which music artists I like at the moment, but I tend to stick to ELO, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, hip hop, rock, J-punk, ska, funk, and EDM. I don’t mind getting music recs. Delighted owner to my little shit of a gecko. A lot of what I reblog is aesthetic posts, robotic nonsense, and other things. If you want to go ahead and block some of my tags, I’ve got a list of them linked in my pinned post. I try to put alt tags in the majority of images I upload. May need a poke on that though once in a while because I can’t remember everything.
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There will sometimes be 18+ content. Sound not your style? You have filtering options before you or the proverbial door. I rarely ever have anything under that tag, but I'm just trying to cover all bases here. Also be normal about bi people, or I'm conking you on the head.
On that note, I am bi and giddy and sometimes prone to mass-RBing of birdmen (Archadis) and birdwomen (Airazor). If you get bothered by that kind of thing, I will probably piss you off. r/transformers or some specialty forum like Seibertron is probably more your speed. Don't go to TFW2005 unless you think you'll miraculously thrive in that pit teeming with killjoys.
Please do not ask me my pronouns. Like sorry, but I don’t know you. Just use my name and no they/them-ing me if we aren't all too familiar. That's all I ask.
Don’t be stupidly obnoxious around here; shit-stirrers get Gorg'd:
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Things I like or have watched/read. Not exhaustive. Strong favorites are bolded.
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Destiny (Well, it was good up until every update following Witch Queen)
Fallout 1, NV, 4
Guilty Gear ΛC+, Strive
Lethal League Blaze
Mass Effect
Rhythm Heaven
Comic Stuff
Astro Boy
Atomic Robo
Dai Dark
IDW Transformers
Kaiju No. 8
Brave series: Might Gaine, J-Decker
Cromartie High School
FMA 2003
Giant Gorg
Lupin the III
Kamen Rider: Ichigo, Gaim, Zero-One
Transformers: G1, JG1, BW, JBW, Unicron Trilogy, Prime, RID 2015, Cyberverse, Earthspark
My MAL profile (I forget to update it though)
Blocked and still rooting through here?
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I applaud your tenacity, but I don't get it. Have a little cheer in your life and go watch Iron Leaguer or Kamen Rider or Beast Wars or smth.
Signing out.
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gayleviticus · 2 years
fma 03 TV ending thoughts
finished rewatching FMA 03 for the first time in about 8 years today
FMA 03 was the first anime I ever properly got into, all the way back in 2015, so it’s one I have a ton of feelings about. Unfortunately for various reasons at the time my only way of watching the show was DVDs from the library, which meant I never got a chance to watch Conqueror of Shamballa. Instead I pieced together whatever desperate fragments of plot summaries I could find, but there was always this lingering, unsatisfying sense of unfinished business and heartbreak that i never got to see the elrics reunite
Eventually I got interested in other stuff and forgot about FMA, so I still haven’t seen Shamballa to this day (I will though. Soon). I read the manga and watched Brotherhood intermittently, and I enjoyed it, but it didn’t scratch the itch 03 left. Something about it’s more straightforwardly happy ending rang hollow to me.
Anyway, when I rewatched 03 recently I found my love for it largely vindicated, and even deepened. Arcs that felt meandering gained a little bit more clarity knowing the big picture, and I really loved the shows emphasis on character and its melancholy tone instead of epic shounen battles.
There are aspects I think are awkwardly handled – I don’t feel like the writers knew entirely what to do with the Greed arc – but for the most part I really enjoyed it. It’s messy, but in the way that anything dealing with really interesting ideas that can’t be confined to a 51-episode anime has to be – the Homunculi alone have so much potential.
However, there was one thing that sticks unsatisfyingly in my mind – the ending. Now, to be fair, it’s clear to me now that you can’t really judge 03s ending independent of Shamballa. Not having seen 03 for 8 years, not having actually seen Shamballa ever, and also not being able to cope with ambiguity well at that age had drawn a vastly sharper line between the two than I ever remembered.
03’s TV ending is so obviously, optimistically gesturing towards a continuation. At the time I overly-literally misread this open-endedness, even knowing full well that Shamballa existed. I had this weird mindset of ‘If I don’t see them reunite, it doesn’t happen’. But watching it now, it’s very clear the intent of the ending is to establish that Ed and Al will meet again – even if Shamballa had never seen the light of day.
But it leaves me with weird feelings about the TV ending nonetheless. It has its flaws – not giving enough space to key emotional beats, a final episode that feels like it speeds directly past the climax to an epilogue without a strong sense of denouement.
All the plot beats themselves are fine imo. I think the reveals about the alternate world or the souls of the dead as fuel for alchemy are really thematically rich, the small-scale confrontation between Ed and Dante and its accompanying battle of ideals is great, and there’s a kindve sense of melancholy and dread as we descend towards our finale in the ruins of a dead city. But I think there’s something a bit off about the pacing of these beats and the framing.
A better version of the 03 ending for me would look basically identical on a Wikipedia plot summary. But I think it would emphasise what to me feel like the core strengths of 03s interpretation of Fullmetal Alchemist – the character drama, the emotion, the existential melancholy, the deep brotherly love Ed and Al have for each other but also the weight of all the horrors they’ve endured, the bitter truth of a world where equivalent exchange is not absolute versus these boys’ ideals.
This feels like where 03 was heading. And of course, it’s really not that far off. But I dunno, I feel like the emotion of Al resurrecting Ed, and then Ed sacrificing himself in turn isn’t given the space it so desperately needs. And this too would be fine if 03 was willing to sit with the ambiguity, I think, but after quickly dispensing with the necessary sacrifices it then proceeds to a pretty optimistic ending that basically flat-out assures us everything will be OK.
It’s funny, because I found it so unbearably sad when I first watched it (granted, amplified by the IRL sadness of not being able to watch Shamballa), but now I think it’s not angsty enough? these children should never know happiness (kidding. a little)
BUT with all that said – obviously I am missing out on the actual proper ending not watching Shamballa so!!! We will see how that final piece of the puzzle slots in. tldr is that fma 03 is not really a complete ending in itself anyway but i underestimated how much so
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limetameta · 1 year
Fanfic asks for askers
1- My favorite fic of yours Riza as the Flame Alchemist!! You already know how crazy I am about it but my god, it HAUNTS me. The POSSIBILITIES!! The WRITING and THEMES! The ANGST! THE KIMBLIZA AAAAAAA
5- No specific one jumps to mind, but I like Harry Potter and your famous rarepair has interesting characters, so I’ve always wanted to try one out! With your extensive catalogue of fics about them I’m sure I’ll find something I’ll end up adoring, I’ve been keeping it as a cozy afternoon plan for when I need it
6 & 7 together: That chapter in Metallic Crimson with Edward drugged and on the verge of death. For better or for worse it’s the story beat that immediately comes to mind whenever I think about MC, my god. I am still devastated that chapter did THINGS to me Limeta you don’t understand
10- And that ties nicely with the previous question. I never expected to be interested in Kimblee & Edward as a duo whatsoever, looking back there’s def interesting material from canon to play with for their dynamic, but I just never cared fr fr. A big part of your FMA fics focus on these two’s relationship to each other and it’s so cool!!! Kimblee caring for a kid? Unheard of. Edward grappling with moral ambiguity? Unthinkable. They are so cool together and unexpectedly heartwarming and interesting to follow. Just make them hug already
8- What I like the most about your writing is a tough question, I’d say overall it’s your sense of pacing! Idk how to say it except how very well-made your fics are. The atmosphere is always on point, the humor is genuinely very fun, the prose is haunting and visceral sometimes, the imagery is often so poetic both in execution and concept, but maybe the most impressive of all is how you tie all of this up so seamlessly together! Your fics always make for very easy reads that swiftly brings u along for an adventure and that’s very cool. Oh!! Also you explore a very wide range of themes and ambiances, like there’ll be fics that are so fluffy and simple and slice of life yippee, and then next to that you’ll have a fic about how alcoholism impacts someone and one about cultural elitism and the very serious political and social issues ensuing, and it’s genuinely touching and well done and has something to say! Very interesting and in depth, coherent original worldbuilding too. You also make me care about ocs and chars I normally don’t care for, so kudos on that. Aghhhh what can I say, I’m a fan. I am playdough between your mastermind typing fingers, you can make me feel anything you intend so easily and you never fail
11- More kimbliza fluff. Make them in love. Make them be cute and sweet 🙏🙏 Also them bantering and razzing each other but I scavenge your Tumblr for those interactions snippets enough that I feel decently satiated on that front. Who else is gonna write my needed dose of kimbliza? Me? Haha you jokester you
12- I always reread a bit when I write up my long comments, but I don’t often reread fics fully. I also often bookmark your fics and write my favorite bit on it so I can go and reread those parts. But I can def see myself doing full rereads in the future too, usually I reread some fav fics every year or so. Or to get back in the kimbliza writing headspace also, your fics are def perfect for that 🙏
13- Oh yeah for sure. I don’t have many friends into FMA alas, but I force my mom whom I get along very well with to read fanfics I really like and want others to read + have someone to talk about it with lol, and lemme tell you the level of harassment I used for her to read RFA… I’m still trying to get her to read MC though -clenches fist- one day…
9- RFA please…. Please…. Plea-
Tbh I SHOULD update RFA it's just that I kind of got scared that it might be so fucked up people wouldn't like it but if Noda sensei can write a sperm fight in golden kamuy and still have me invested perhaps I, too, can have Riza Hawkeye traumatize us all just a little more than she already has.
I'll write RFA. I will!! I know how it ends!! It's just that I have to write a lot of action and I kinda suck ass at action
Miku. Miku please read Awareness if you're gonna read my HP fics. Please give that story some love it is forgotten and nobody has read it in years. I love that fic to bits. It's one of the most darling stories I've written. Is in my head rent free. I think about chapter 10 of that story almost every week.
But if you want Abraxas Malfoy then definitely read Retired Prometheus. If you want worldbuilding on par with MC? Then Retired Prometheus is for you! And luckily for you, it's finished. I mean awareness is too but RP is like chefs kiss.
All of MC began because I wanted to ask the question: what if Kimblee found Edward and Alphonse? But then the more I wrote the more I asked myself What if Edward and Alphonse got to know Kimblee?
To me their dynamic is the most fascinating in MC. That level of hidden trust between them continues to endear itself to me. Edward can say shit all he likes and Kimblee can tease him about his childishness all he likes but the both of them understand on a fundamental level that they are both deserving of respect and that they do respect each other as alchemists first and foremost and then as allies. We do get the former in Canon but the latter is interesting to further delve into. Though Kimblee did save Edward's life with Pride in Canon so!! I just built on that :D
Also miku, did you read the re-done Fullmetal Lotus? It's got 3 chapters now and like 10k more words. Definitely more of Kimblee and Ed being a duo. Plus some self indulgent Kimbliza (CURSE U MAES HUGHES U DONT KNOWNHOW DELICIOUS THE KIMBLIZA IS IN MC)
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soul-dwelling · 1 year
I agree that when analysing something the text itself is allways the most important thing, but when the only thing one sees is "power inconsistencys" or "plot armour", I think one isn't really reading the text. A comical example that onece was popular was about kids reading animal farm and thinking it was about animal mistreatment (not even defending animal farm, but you get my point)
I think that person is still reading the text when talking about power inconsistencies or plot armor. 
But I do think that’s only one reading, and it would suck to not try something else, too. 
It’s like that viral post on Tumblr about “don’t engage in just children’s animation.” I personally take some offense to that post--but that’s interpolation, it’s calling me out, and it’s fair to say that you’re not going to enhance your critical thinking skills if you don’t try something else. You try stuff other than children’s animation--so that, when you get back to children’s animation, you have awareness how this work is not like the Renaissance paintings, the ancient Chinese literature, the contemporary works of African diasporic writers--but also that maybe you found something cool in those other works that you see in children’s animation and say, “Oh, that’s neat, I wouldn’t have appreciated the songs in Bluey as much if I didn’t know about the punk music scene in Australia.” 
I think you get better at figuring out power inconsistencies and plot armor when you do learn how stories are constructed. I do think treating a text as a text that may have a message and isn’t just the actions in that story helps you get more out of the story--to pick off meat from every bone of that story. 
Awhile ago, film critic Matthew Buck had complained that the Quantumania movie was so weak because it wasn’t about something. I thought that was odd, given that it is a Hollywood action film, it’s a goofy film, it’s a comedy, it is playing with sci-fi conventions, it is a father-daughter bonding film, does it really need to be “about” something? But, yeah, a film has to. For me, having not seen the film, I can’t speak. But from what I heard elsewhere? That film was about all I just said: action, goofiness, comedy, sci-fi conventions, father-daughter bonding. Whether it actually said anything about those details, I doubt it; it was about something, but it didn’t say much about what it was about, if that makes sense. 
It’d be like if you enjoy Dragon Ball--but does it say anything about what it is about? Does it need to? Soul Eater spoke to me personally--I sure as hell needed to see that anime, after a lot of changes in my life, wanting a story that ended with a message that fear persists but courage also exists. 
But sometimes, a good work is just good for whatever it does for that person. Whether that person can verbalize it is another matter. I have a hard time putting into words what Soul Eater did for me when I needed it when I first encountered it--and I don’t think it’s a story that would be applicable to as wide an audience. But someone can say a lot of what Fullmetal Alchemist says to a wide group of people, or what Spider-Verse says to a large audience. Maybe a work is just an achievement in its visual art, or its story crafting, or the kind of character it presented that was needed at that moment. Not every analysis is going to be why its impressive how each sin dies in FMA Brotherhood, or the falling-rising scene in Spider-Verse. It doesn’t even need to be some “high-culture” moment, like how Gogol in Bungo Stray Dogs is such an excellent summary of the tragedy and comedy inherent to the real-life Gogol’s work. Sometimes it’s just, “I like how hard the animation went when Luffy punched that guy really hard,” or, “I love how the music kicks in at the right moments in the All Might versus Nomu fight.” 
As for Animal Farm: look, if I had a student write a paper about how the story _speaks to_ topics like animal abuse, if the evidence was presented in a way that persuasively led to that conclusion, I would give the essay a grade A if and only if that student also acknowledged the major counter-argument starting in the very first paragraph, that they understand the messages and morals of Animal Farm, but that for this paper they were reflecting on what else the story demonstrates. Not every analysis has to be what the author intended, especially given that intention is hard to figure out when an author can lie or just miss out on what they accomplished. But yeah, if someone came away from reading Animal Farm as just “it’s about animal abuse” or Moby-Dick is “it’s just about hunting a whale” or “Hills Like White Elephants” and didn’t see it was about planning for an abortion, that is a question of reading comprehension and not getting to talk about a work with other readers.
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tonkisec · 2 years
Imovie background music
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On the other side of the spectrum, ambient electronic includes almost 7,000. Despite being a niche genre, there are over 600 music tracks available. To give you an idea of just how many songs are available, I looked at electropunk, a relatively obscure genre compared to most of the others on the site.
It was founded by the non-commercial radio station WFMU, and is one of the driving forces behind free music on the internet. The FMA works with artists, curators, radio stations, and Creative Commons enthusiasts to offer a huge selection of free stock music. Suggested Reads: 3 Really Easy Ways to Add Music to Any Video 9 Places to Find Royalty-Free Background Music for Your Videos With that out of the way, let’s take a look at the nine best places to find high-quality royalty-free background music for videos. It’s not worth waiting and dealing with the inconvenience later after you’ve used the track as background music for your video. When in doubt, get in touch with the artist.
If you’re using a license other than that, it’s a good idea to carefully check the requirements. With CC-BY, you’ll need to credit the artist. Your best bet for safely using music in your videos is to only use CC0 or CC-BY licenses. Wikipedia has a useful list that includes the seven most commonly used CC licenses and other less common options. There are other Creative Commons licenses as well. You can’t put this track in a video without written permission from the artist. The track can’t be used in anything that’s intended for monetary gain, including monetized YouTube videos, without written permission from the artist. With this license, you need to make anything that uses the piece of music available under the same license. You can use this however you’d like, but you need to provide an attribution link to the original artist. You can download, use, remix, share, and do anything else you want with this track, and you don’t have to credit the artist. But there are many types of Creative Commons licenses, each with specific requirements.
Most of the music you’ll find on the sites listed here are offered under a Creative Commons license, which means you can download and share them freely. They’ll tell you if it’s alright or if you’ll need written permission. If you’re not totally sure whether you can use a particular piece of music for your video, get in touch with the artist and let them know what you’re thinking of doing. In general, it’s better to err on the side of caution. But it’s important to understand your rights when you download a piece of music so you don’t find yourself in legal trouble. The world of music licensing is a complex one, and it’s difficult to navigate. Licensing Music for Video Editing – How it Works This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it should be enough to get you started!īefore we jump into the list, though, let’s talk about free music licensing. We’ve collected nine of the best sources of royalty-free music for video editing here. And there are lots of places you can find free background music for videos online-you just need to know where to look. Adding music to your video makes for a more engaging media experience.
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
So I know FMA and Black Butler are manga women have written... what other ones are there? In your recent post I saw you have another favourite manga made by women excluding FMA, what is it?
I personally enjoy reading female authors depending on the story. Of course I can’t speak for them all, but I notice they don’t over-sexualize characters, even the men in their stories. Not saying it’s all male authors who do this, but they seem to over-sexualize characters more in their stories then women? What always gets me is when men say they don’t know how to write women but yet some women do it so easily... I feel men overthink it. We are opposite genders, not an alien species 👽 Like, just write a character and just label it a women?
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Gonna answer all of these together.
First anon-yeah, idk dude like just create a human being and make them a woman. I’m not a writer tbh so I can’t say much more than that—but that seems pretty simple enough. I’m gandering that he just has no interest in incorporating female characters into his story unless it’s to draw them super sexualized in a very detailed way—because he sure as hell puts a lot of detail into it when he does this 🙄🙄🙄 I haven’t really made much commentary on this issue of his because it’s just...A Thing™️ that happens in manga and it is definitely NOT okay, and if we all really wanted go into it-our conversation could last for days about women in general being over sexualized in manga, and also just not being written into the story properly or utilized as an actual character—BNHA is absolutely not the only manga with this issue. I’m not excusing Horikoshi by any means but I’m just almost desensitized to it at this point. Isn’t that sad? Anyway.
So FMA is written by Hiromu Arakawa. Surprise surprise—FMA is one of the greatest stories of all time—in art, story telling, characters, and most importantly (to me) the ending is fuckin STELLAR. I say it a lot—top tier ending. I really hope we get one like that for BNHA.
In that particular post I mentioned my two fav manga of all time but I’ll list a couple more because they’re also written by women—but they’re Shojo so they may not be up you guys’ alley.
Fullmetal Alchemist is my top favorite manga of all time. I read that story in middle school—I didn’t leave my couch for three days and I was up all hours of the night because I couldn’t put my laptop down. And the anime FMAB is amazing also. At least once a year I get in a mood where I need familiarity and I just rewatch FMAB from beginning to end and I fall into the rabbit hole again for several months lol. It just has a very special place in my heart and it will never be replaced. This last panel reduced my 12 year old little to tears.
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My second favorite of all time may end up getting replaced by BNHA depending on how it ends—but as of right now it’s still D. Gray-Man. D. Gray-Man is written by Katsura Hoshino (who I recently found out has the same birthday as me 🤭)
D. Gray-Man is still ongoing and it’s coming out on a quarterly basis due to the mangaka’s carpal tunnel. I started this one in high school it was my hyperfixation pretty much all throughout—but due to her health the chapters started slowing down and then eventually went on a very long hiatus. But now they’re coming out regularly—just sparingly. But D. Gray-Man is a very VERY good story—like breathtakingly so. It’s been ongoing since 2004. Almost 20 years and I’m still following it—and I’m gonna see it through til the end even though I’ll probably be like 30 lol. Possibly older. I recommend it but just know the chapters are currently coming out slowly. But Hoshino’s are is just—
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Her artistic talent is unreal. Her coloring style HEAVILY influenced mine. The coloring style is very present in my current drawings. And Arakawa’s drawing style influenced mine as well.
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I have a very very deep love for both of these stories. You have no idea.
Ahhh two more manga that were written by women but also are shojo so it’s not quite the same:
Fruits Basket and Ouran High School Host Club
Fruits Basket is good—I’d recommend it highly. They also are about to finish the anime remake that I’ve been wanting for over a decade. Written by Natsuki Takaya
OHSHC is definitely not for everybody. It’s very slice of life kind of? It’s a love story. The most interesting part about it are the two main characters—the love interests. Everything else about it is just fun light hearted stuff—no high stakes or anything. There is a climactic moment but it’s not life or death or anything lol. I recommend this if you’re just bored and need a fun read. I re-read it like once a year also because sometimes I just want a good love story—and this one is it. So is Fruits Basket. OHSHC is written by Bisco Hatori.
Also—thank you for reminding me that I need to get into black butler. I watched it but I always prefer the manga so I need to get into that one. Also another story by Hiromu Arakawa is Silver Spoon. I watched the anime and it was good so I’m gonna read it to get the full story. It’s not high stakes either so it’s more of a breather story but it was still enough for me to binge watch the anime. So yeah—those are my two favs of all time—written by ladies. Thanks for letting me ramble about my favorite things guys!
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weirdoldmanhoho · 3 years
do u have any fic recs?
Sorry it took me years to answer this! The truth was I really hadn't read many FMA fics (at least not since the FF days) and was waiting until I actually had some recs to give.
And now I have some! My list will surprise no one, I'm sure.
Soul Friends by KyberHearts
“They were not always, and simply, two minds in one body. Towards the latter part of their alliance, especially in the heat of battle and warmongering, their souls could not distinguish where the prince began and the sin ended.”
Ling Yao returns to Xing to seal his fate as the next Emperor and sets his plans for reunification and peace in motion.
Elsewhere, Alphonse Elric reconciles with the very Truth that stole his body.
I absolutely love the way this fic writes post-canon Alphonse and his relationship with Truth.
Damaged by xmypandabear
'"He's still in the hospital too, with the Lieutenant," Alphonse said dully. "Blood loss - someone slit her throat..." Ed stared up at the ceiling, remembered the scientist with the gold tooth, and shuddered at the image his brain conjured of the Lieutenant lying on the floor. "But Mei helped her! So, they're sharing a room - the Colonel and Hawkeye, I mean, not Mei, 'cause the Colonel can't use his hands yet, so she's helping him..."
"His hands?" Ed tried to remember.
"It's how they forced him to do it," Al whispered. "They pinned him down so he couldn't move."
Ed fought back nausea. The sense of wrong, wrong, wrong pervaded every sense of his being. How the fuck was any of that equivalent exchange?'
Love me a good post-promised day healing and processing fic. This one focuses a lot on how Al, Ed, Winry, and Roy are all doing immediately post-promised day and the relationships between all those characters.
Joining of Hands by ehmazing
If you're not breaking a couple of laws, is it really an Elric wedding?
Truly, the best thing about an AlMei wedding is all the hijinks and complications the come from foreign customs and marrying into royalty.
Legends by Elfpen
Alphonse Elric has been living and studying in Xing for a little more than a year and a half. Now, Ling has asked him - ordered him - to take on a new responsibility and fill the shoes vacated by Van Hohenheim four centuries ago. But what use are legends, really, when they're all frauds? The Son of Heaven and the Son of the Western Sage see it differently.
You ever find a fic that just feels completely catered to you and your interests? I love everything about this fic. Alphonse in Xing and the weird politics he has to maneuver as not only an incredibly skilled foreign alchemist but a close friend of the emperor's - all at a young age. His relationship with Hohenheim and the grief and confusion that comes from never really getting to KNOW Hohenheim and now having to come face to face with the lasting impact his father left on a foreign country. Ling scheming. It's all very, very good.
The Principle of Mentalism by The-Immortal-Moon (LunaKat)
There’s a woman with a wrench and a penchant for alcoholism, and what he doesn’t know is that she’s going to change everything.
Another fic that feels like it was written specifically for my interests. This one explores Pinako and Hohenheim's first meeting and how a rowdy mechanic from Resembool and a reserved guilt-written immortal from Xerxes ever became friends in the first place. Features Hohenheim and his one million soul friends and a young awkward Pinako who I want to give SUCH a big hug to. I love it so much.
We'll be Holding on Forever by zipadeea
"Hohenheim left them to save the world. But Dad loved them more than everything in the world."
AU where Alphonse gets his body back a little earlier on the Promised Day.
It changes nothing.
It changes everything.
Read this if you want to cry. It focuses on Ed and Hohenheim's relationship and it is full of pain but also healing and understanding. Great quick read.
ticket stubs and your diaries by nerdywriiterchild
Alphonse Elric is almost fifteen. He will never know Xerxes.
This one is short but packs a powerful emotional punch and a really interesting character study into only a few paragraphs. Explores the really interesting question: what is it like to mourn a culture you're a part of but will never really know?
Briding Her Time in Wait
The wedding date was set. Winry and Ling had screamed at one another for months during the preparation out of a mutual need for their childhood friend and half-sister to have the most incredible wedding in the history of either Amestris or Xing, and as a result the wedding canopy suffered from a unique blend of western and eastern traditions that left guests from both sides of the desert confused and requesting refills on drinks that didn’t exist. Still, the two wedding planners manipulated the day into running smoothly, Ling pulling his Emperor card when necessary, Winry pulling her, well, Winry card when necessary, while Ed and Lan Fan stood awkwardly around the food table making small talk that mostly consisted of complaints about automail. By the time the golden groom was ushered through a beautification process that left him requiring an escort to avoid the various women—and men—attempting to seduce him at the last minute, the guests were settled and the wedding was ready to roll.
Except no one knew where the hell the bride had gone.
I'm always a sucker for Scar and Mei's relationship.
One More Time, With Feeling
In the end the Elric brothers laughed over the irony: The traveller had settled to write books on alchemy while juggling two boisterous children blessed with Rockbell rockheadedness and Elric recklessness, and the settler had taken to travelling between Amestris and Xing for the remainder of his life. It came, really, with having two homes.
A bird could love a fish, but where would they live?
This one explores Alphonse's relationship with Mei post-series and is VERY in line with how I picture it. Being in love with a foreign princess in line for the throne with a duty to her people and country would make for a very complicated and often strained relationship.
Magic and Mind by Preelikeswriting
Of all things Edward was prepared for as the day of reckoning grew near, being transported from one world on the edge of war to another was not one of them.
AKA: Edward gets accidentally summoned by Death Eaters, and neither party is happy.
(Pre-Promise Day, HP book 5)
Ok so preface: I rarely like crossover fics and I very rarely like HP crossover fics, but this one just works for me. I think what I like so much about it is that Edward doesn't just get thrown into the world of HP and join the golden trio / order and start fighting Voldemort. Oh no. He does not care about their fight at all. He just wants to get back home and will do anything he needs to to achieve that, even if it makes him look like he's working with Death Eaters or going against Harry and friends.
I think the fun of this fic is that it kind of plays around with the fact that the READER knows who the good guys are of each series and would expect them to join forces. Sure, Ed is the Good Guy of FMA and Harry and friends are the Good Guys of HP, but Ed's goals don't really align with Harry's goals and so they're not really working together, and Ed kind of comes off looking shady af to the HP characters despite the fact that the reader knows why he's doing what he's doing. It's a far more interesting take on Ed goes to HP world than "Ed immediately joins the fight against Voldemort."
The series has three works so far and I haven't finished it, but I really loved the first and what I've read of the second. It also eventually heads into Ed/Draco territory which is not a ship I would have initially read but.....kind of works for me here.
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