#you don't have all the falls and popped jumps you get in the other disciplines
aflawedfashion · 2 years
Madi fell!
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 22)
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Luna's drunk. She slides into a black fishnet slip-on. It grips her ass. She lights a joint as she hops onto Colson's dresser. Swinging her bare feet, getting high as she waits for him. It isn't long before he pops into his room, pleased by the sight of Luna. He's never seen her drunk before. Or at least not without him.
She giggles, sliding off the dresser. He sits on the edge of the bed, watching her prance towards him. She stops just in front of him. Turning sharply to the left, so he can gaze at her fat ass. With one full swoop Colson grabs Luna by the hips. Bending her over his knee. She's light in his grip
He slams his full palm down on her ass. Luna yelps in pleasure. Colson's one huge hand is big enough to discipline both cheeks, when he places it directly in the middle. Luna's pussy flushes as she can't help but moan loudly. "AHHH.." Colson laughs. "My dirty girl likes to be spanked, hunh?" He taunts her.
"I do." She drawls out slowly, perking her ass back into the air.
Luna let's out another yelp. Colson rubs her thinly covered ass, pleased with his work. "Come'er." He says, lifting her off of his lap onto the bed. She wiggles up the bed. Pushing the balls of her feet on his shoulders. Her toes make him even harder. "You're gonna get FUCKED!!" He declares to her giggles as he grabs her, pulling her down on the bed, close to him. As they exchange passionate kisses, he strips them both of all clothing.
Colon pushes into her in fully. Making her cry out "Bunnny...!!" Sucking hard on her pierced nipples, he grips her hips. She grinds into him hard, finding her place, while moving her feet against his naked body. Both moaning in pleasure. She arches her back as he pushes into her deeper. Sucking on her neck, pulling her hair. Wrapping her legs around him, she unsteadily bucks against him hard. He knows she's drunk. Teasing her, he holds her steady as he slides allllmost out of her, but not completely, making her twitch on his tip. Feeling her shake, Colson pushes deep into Luna. She grips his skin, ripping it open with her moans. He slams hard into her as he feels her tighten. She's bucking against him hard to both of their delight. "Buuunnnnyyy?" she asks his permission as she pants hard.
"Do it, Kitten." He demands. Pulling her hair back as they both cum. Hard.
He can feel Luna's body shaking under him. He pushes in again, making her cry out to his delight. He kisses her hard before sliding out. He watches her drunken ass wiggle, then snuggle into the bed. He climbs in next to her with a bottle of water and an 800. "Here." He nudges her limp body. She looks up blinking, trying to focus as she takes the water and pill.
"Thank you." She says softly before guzzling the bottle of water. She looks him in the eyes "Sleep, please?" She asks.
"Yup." He reassures her as he grips her tiny body inside his.
"IT'S NOT RIGHT!!" She flies up. Manic. Catching Colson completely off gaurd. It's early in the morning. "It's NOT right." She declares again.
"What, Kitten?" He asks groggy and confused.
"Bad Things." She says shaking her head, slipping her naked body out of the bed. Lighting a joint.
"Bad Things?" He asks opening his eyes, still confused.
"The song." She had been pacing the room but stops suddenly to look directly at Colson. "Do you trust me?" She asks. Pulling fiercely on the joint.
"Of course." He replies without a thought.
"The song we wrote is wrong. It NEEDS to be live." She grabs a notebook out of her bag. "Do your guys know how to read music?" She's writing frantically. Joint resting in her mouth as she pulls and exhales out of her nose.
"GOD DAMN. She's sexy as FUCK when she's crazy." Colson can't help but think.
"Rook, Baze and AJ do..." He answers, sitting up, trying to catch up with her. He's never seen her move like this in the morning. EVER.
"Can you?" She continues, hands flying across the page. Still smoking the joint with only her mouth.
"I'll teach you." She asserts. Her hands still flying across the paper. She finally sets back, looking at the paper, satisfied. "C'mon" she says standing up. Nodding her head, finally handing the joint to Colson. "We have work to do." She tosses over her naked shoulder, heading into the bathroom and turning on the water.
Colson lays back down, hitting the joint long and hard "She's fucking right." He thinks "I knew it last night." As he climbs out of bed to join her in the shower, he's starting to hate how she's always right. Smiling to himself, he hits the joint again.
Luna's manic as FUUCKK. Colson is starting to see why she doesn't do uppers. It's not even 10A and she already has Butch Vig, BUTCH FUCKING VIG, in his house!! After, fucking him like a maniac in the shower.
Luna's running over the chords with Rook, Baze, Colson and AJ. Slim is talking to Butch, going over what she already discussed with them. This is new for Slim but right up Butch's alley.
She looks over to Colson. "Watch me." she says. They're sitting, each with one of his Fenders in their laps. "You're gonna run a solo, before my chorus out." She tells him, running through it. Eyes meeting his. It's easy for him to pick up, it's his original beat, only strung out on a guitar. He loves it. They run through it again, Colson throwing in his own twist to her enthusiastic satisfaction.
In the booth, behind the piano, she looks at the guys. "We're gonna run through once for a feel, then cut it live." They all nod in agreeance.
She begins playing the piano.
As she ends the lyric 🎶I'm all in, there is no maybe🎶 Rook slams into the drums with a rat-a-tat-tat before hitting the kick drum hard. AJ's riff slides in violently, Colson's right with him, as Baze drops in with his bass. Before Colson jumps on the beat, they all stop on instinct. Luna beams. Everyone looks around feeling the immediate electricity. "I think we can run it." She says, wide smile with a knowing look. Feeling confident, they all agree. She looks at Butch, swirling her black painted index finger into a circle. He nods.
She waits for his cue before she starts playing the opening chords on the piano. She hits the notes deep and passionately. Rook comes, slamming into the drums, as Colson's rides the beat of AJ's guitar smoothly while playing along side him. Baze's rhythm weaving them all together. The electricity in the booth is uncontrollable. Everyone feels the hype letting their own instrument drop out, then showcase itself again. Luna and Colson still teasing and singing to each other, like the day before. Only looser and louder, freestyling along the way. After her hook, Rook hits hard.
🎶I want you forever, even when we're not together. Tattooed you on my body so I can take you wherever, Like, I want you forever, Even when we're not together, tattooed you on my body so I can look at you whenever, yeah🎶
Colson and Luna sing together, across her piano and his guitar. Bodies throbbing for each other before Colson kicks flawlessly into his guitar solo, soaking Luna. The band is playing with everything they have each instrument blending with the other, BOOMING, before slowly fading out. She leads them with the chorus, showcasing her vocals.
🎶All things you say, all the things you do, make me fall more in love with you. Oh, Bunny, I don't wanna escape it. I'm all in. There is no maybe🎶 She finishes to Colson letting her piano and voice play them out with her devilish smile, lips throbbing for him.
"FUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK!!!!!! I HATE YOU!! THAT WAS SO MUCH BETTER!!" Colson laughs, pulling off his headphones and swinging his guitar behind his back to scoop her up from behind the piano. He kisses her deeply. Rook slams a beat into his drums.
Butch comes over their headphones "We got it, guys." Nodding his head with Slim through the glass. Confirming what they all know. Luna is beaming with relief.
"FUUUUUUCKKKKK!!!!" She excitedly screams back, gripping Colson tightly.
"So much better, Kitten." He whispers into her ear.
She squeezes him tighter with her whole body. Then shouts out "This deserves a FUCKING celebration!!!!" as Colson carries her out of the booth into the studio.
"THAT is how you record a fucking record." Butch nods to himself "She can turn ANYONE into a fucking RockStar." He thinks, watching Luna, not knowing Colson's personal talents. He knows her grandmother very well and has worked with Luna before. Always thinking the same thing after watching her create. "THAT is a true fucking artist." He smiles, watching her freak out in the booth.
"THAT WAS FUCKING FIRE!!" Slim thinks, looking over at an impressed Butch.
Inside the studio, the playback is insane. You can FEEL the intensity coming from the record. Jumping on the couch with a bottle of Jameson in her hand, Luna exclaims "YOU GUYS!!! THAT, WAS FUCKING AMAZING!!!!!"
It's only 1 o'clock in the afternoon.......
To be continued.....
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