#you don't need context its just a lore drop
starclanz · 1 year
Her kit following nose to tail, Sunbriar began the gentle ascent down the cliffside. Her paws shaking with nerves with each step onto grass or stone. Above, the clouds were clearing, revealing a full moon.
Beeleg stopped at the edge and watched her friend as she got to the bottom of the cliff, stopping to lick her kit's ear once over, and then look up at her with big, weary eyes. She was just a shape now, no more a cat than her shadow.
Beeleg felt heaviness in her paws, like she always had when coming to this place, leering over the cliffside, feeling the cool spray of rain and the smelling the sharp scent of blood all over again. The moonlight just like all those seasons ago, beaming down over the cliff, never quite catching anything.
Though Sunbriar could not see it, or feel it, or know it, Briarpaw's ghostly figure sat next to her, his tiny body, dripping wet as it always was, watching her with beaming pride. But his gaze soon shifted up to Beeleg, who still was standing on the edge.
"You have to go with her." Goldenpaw said, his star filled pelt appearing twisted below, blood gargling out of his jaws, "I've been waiting for you."
Beeleg jerked away, only now noticing Sunbriar had gotten up the other side. She pulled her kit up the last step by his scruff, watching as he then scurried behind her.
"Beeleg." Sunbriar called, "You can do it. It's only a few steps."
It was only a few steps. But Beeleg's paws felt overgrown and heavy, like she was once again a tiny apprentice, in a clan that no longer existed, but forced into the heavy, tired pelt of cat much older. She was still that tiny apprentice! She could see her standing at the bottom of the cliffside, looking for rabbits. She wanted to yowl out, sob, pull off the allusion of her own fur, and chase the apprentice away.
"Beeleg!" Sunbriar called.
Goldenpaw had climbed to the other side of the cliff and stood next to Sunbriar, as did Briarpaw. Then others appeared: Frogstar, Pinesnout, Flameeye, Firefur, and others- cats she recognized, but she'd never be able to name- and finally, floating down the stars above like a snowflake, Rabbitstripe, all standing side by side with Sunbriar like a protective force.
She called out again.
At camp there were hundreds of cats nesting in dens made for tens, their thinning pelts and holy snouts dedicated to StarClan above, a StarClan that was standing away from them, facing Beeleg instead. Cats that had died, and would let others die. She could see it in her mind, Fernstar standing above the cats that she had made her clan, still standing no matter what StarClan could've done to stop her. These cats, cats that Beeleg was to be fleeing from, were like ants in the lowlands-- one flood would wipe them all out.
Blood, and greencough, and the stink of infection, and a clan without a medicine cat. It hardly was a clan anymore. Rabbitstripe had died for it. Badgerthroat had died for it. It rang in her ears, the monster's last mew, I would never leave my clan without a medicine cat. His brutality, his claws, and he hadn't been willing to rip the throat open of his killer, all to save his clan.
Blood, and greencough, and the stink of the infection, and the mewling of newly born kits, and desperate wails of elders who were not quite ready yet, and the cracking of bones, and all the other things that Beeleg had never wanted, all the things that Beeleg clung to.
How could StarClan leave it all behind?
Sunbriar's meow broke through the noise, crying out, "Beeleg, please."
Beeleg felt her tail thrash, but her paws still couldn't move.
"I have to stay." Beeleg said, "If I don't, who will?"
Sunbriar turned to her kit for a moment, the moonlight embracing them both. When she turned back around, the warmth in her eyes had turned to a glare.
"Your responsibilities, Beeleg?" She said, "Ones that were forced upon you?"
"I cannot leave those cats without a healer." Beeleg replied, hoping to see recognition, "I will train an apprentice, and then I will join you, Sunbriar, but I can't leave--"
"No. You won't." Sunbriar said, "You will return to that clan-- to those cats, and you will take your seat next to Fernstar, as you always have, and you always will, Volepaw."
Sunbriar turned, nudging her kit forward, and disappeared into the darkness of the forest, until even her pawsteps were hidden by the breeze and the distant rushing of the river. StarClan, who had overtaken the land and coated it in the stars, followed her, leaving the sky gray and empty and vast.
Beeleg finally stood alone.
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brailsthesmolgurl · 6 months
A smol bird requested for this to be written and so here I am, playing fairy godmother! If any of you have any sort of requests, just drop me a dm as I am revived from my death and ready to write more delulus as your solulus!
Context: What happens when your outfit decides NOT to cooperate with you? What will the boys do for you?
Disclaimer: This one-shot is created with me studying their lore on various websites and social media so that I could get a better idea on what colours they like/represent and what style they lean towards. Some of you may disagree but its okay! You can read it as it is and add in your own imagery of a suitable outfit by your hubbies! Warnings: Fluff that might rot your brains.
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"I am almost done with this piece," Rafayel spoke, eyes still glued to his canvas, one hand holding up his messily stained colour palette, while the other held the brush as he drew strokes across the canvas. "Why don't you go and get changed as you wait for me to finish off this bit, yeah?"
"Yes sir." You quirkily replied and you stood up, spotting him sending you a teasing look given the way you addressed him. Earlier on, some strangers had came by Rafayel's mansion with Thomas to deliver some clothes. Apparently, these clothes are custom made by those luxurious brands specifically for Rafayel. Thomas addressed it as this was one of the ways the luxury brands show their support towards Rafayel's works. ONE OF THE WAYS... At this point, you are convinced that Rafayel is a huge deal and having luxurious brands begging on their knees to work with him sounded like a dream that would never come true to you.
The dress that sat on the bed was delivered for you as well, as per Rafayel's request. There was objection amongst the team that were handling the sponsorship and ambassador deals for the brand. But Rafayel spoke through the phone like he owns the company. "If she does not get a gown, then our business ends. Right now." He hung up abruptly, and the next thing he knew, the dress showed up at his door in less than 30 minutes.
Any brands, regardless luxurious or not, knows the right way and only way to please Rafayel. One wrong move and you are off the chart and some other brand may easily replace you. Hence, nobody dares to mess with Rafayel. Except for you. "The dress on the bed is yours!" He shouted from the living room and you picked up the dress.
The chiffon textured dress is of a forest green colour, going all the way down to your ankles. The strapless design made you gulped as you are not used to outfits of this measure, given the nature of your work, whereas your attire has to be 'appropriate for work in times of need'. Touching the inner material, you sighed in relief as you realised that there was bra padding for you hence you do not have to go all the way out to get a new bra just for this event.
Putting on the dress and zipping it up was easy, and you fit almost perfectly into the dress. The keyword being ALMOST. As you lifted your hands up, the dress started sliding down like it is a floatie on a wet water slide and woop, off it went and onto the ground. You panicked, bending down in one fell swoop and trying to gather the dress so that you can pull it up to your chest again.
But it does not let you go past the waist area unless you unzip it. Groaning, you struggled to find the zip as the dress is really puffy and you did not want to ruin the designer dress. "Is everything okay?" Rafayel stood at the doorway, leaning against the side of his door, as he watched you with amusement written all over his face. He has been standing there for quite a while hasn't he?
You gasped, pulling whatever that is on the floor to cover your chest area and he walked over, analysing the dress and scowling when he found out the reason. "I should have gotten them to measure you instead of just bringing you a standard fit." He took his phone out of his pocket and tapped on the screen a couple of times. His eyes looked back at you and you bit your lip in embarassment. "Your curves are way too beautiful to be hidden amongst this pile of leaves."
His comment made you giggled. Guess he has the same thought as you. "Toss the dress aside darling, I will get you a new one." Another few taps of the finger, he shows you the dress he has in mind. A purple dress with extravagant sleeves, puffing out like how a jellyfish would and you instantaneously knew why he opted for this dress. "I like purple better anyways."
"But wait Rafayel... this dress is not entirely scrap, maybe I can sew a temporary knot on it to tighten the top so it won't fall off. And there is really no need for you to get another custom one for me as we are running out of time." Your suggestion made him stare at you, purple-blue pupils blown wide as if he has really just witnessed a shark eating grass. iykyk.
He walked over and grabbed you by your waist and pulled you close to him, so close that you could hear the sound of his heart against yours. But at this moment, maybe he could hear yours louder than his. "Nobody can put a price on your love for me. EVER. But, I can sure as hell throw out any price on anyone, regardless the amount, as a representation of how much you worth to me." You looked away immediately, eyes stared at the arms that were holding you in place. He kissed your forehead, chuckling, before he pressed his phone against his ear. "Now, let's see who can make this dress for the price I am willing to pay in 30 minutes time." he makes me feel something
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You waited on a bench in front of Akso Hospital. You figured it would be a great idea to wait for Zayne as he finishes work early today and you might be able to grab dinner with him. You were mindlessly scrolling through your phone, looking through your daily for-you-page before a shadow loomed over you. You looked up and no doubt, it is Zayne aka the great and almightly Elsa.
"How long have you been sitting here?" He asked you, before handing you a candy that he had fished out from the pocket of his trench coat. "I was planning to meet you slightly later at your condo." The thought of him initially wanting to surprise you made your heart fluttered. You see, Zayne is a more upfront guy so having him to plan surprises are one of the uncalled scenarios.
"I had only been here for a couple of minutes." You lied, taking the candy out of his palm and unwrapped it before you tossed it into your mouth. The raise of his eyebrow towards you made your breath hitched as he knew you too well that you could not lie to him in his face. "Fine, I had waited here since 5pm." This made Zayne looked down at his wrist watch.
"So it's been an hour and 15 minutes?" He side eyed you and you admitted it by nodding your head. "Next time, it would be better if you were to just wait for me at home. If it wasn't for a full deck today at the hospital, I might just be covering shifts for other people and that might be inconvenient for you." But, he himself actually noticed you exactly an hour and 15 minutes, from his office's window, before his upcoming surgery. He had another three surgeries lined up for the night, but fearing that you may end up waiting the whole night for him, he decided to cancel his schedule for the night and transfer the case to other doctors. Even workaholics take a break. iykyk
"But I just wanted to come over to check up on you. I even chose to sit outside so that you would not be distracted as you are working." You pouted, hands picking at the hem of your shirt. You felt Zayne's hand landed on the top of your head, a gesture of love and comfort. He patted and smoothed your brunette strands back and you stared up at him. "I shall wait for you at home next time okay?"
"Now that's a good girl." killmeplease Zayne smiled warmly. "Now, lets get you back alright? My car is parked right by the road side. Come on." Hands around your waist, he slowly walked you over to his car. The smell of his cologne lingered on your nose, the smell of mint and dashes of cinnamon. Just like his personality, icy as mint but warm and welcoming as cinnamon once you get to know him.
He opened the car door for you and as you walked over to get into the car, your shirt got hooked against one of the metal wires that went astray from the metal fencing and the next thing you heard was the sound of a ripping cloth. You yelped as you stumbled and Zayne slotted himself right in front of you, shocked as well and using his body to block you from falling further. "Oh my..." Your cursed under your breath as your hands were against his washboard abs, steadying yourself. doublekill
He guided you into the car slowly before getting into the driver side himself. When he had started the car and turned on the air conditioning, he turned to look at you. "How bad is the rip?" He asked and you lifted the hem of your shirt, showing the rip that is around 4cm long.
"Why does this have to happen to one of my favourite shirt?" You frowned, fingers won't stop touching and fidgeting with the ripped edge.
"Do they still sell this shirt?" Zayne asked, hands reaching over to tug against the shirt, as if to examine the material of the outfit. The shake of your head made him sigh and he gestured to the glovebox. "Open the glovebox and take out the black pouch please."
You did as you were told and you watched in confusion as he took off his trench coat and placed it onto your lap. The coat still radiating warmth that was collected off of his body heat. He opened the black pouch and laid it flat on the arm rest of his car, and inside of the pouch was an array of threads and needles. "Are these suture needles?"
"Yes." His response was prompt. "Take off your shirt and hand it to me please." He requested and you gulped. Using the trench coat to block his view, you slowly took off your shirt and then wrapped his trench coat around your whole front. You knew that he had probably seen many naked bodies given his line of work but something about this scenario, with you being with him only in a car, felt very intimate and it made you very anxious. "You know how to sew?"
"I am a doctor, I know how to suture. And it is the same concept as sewing, but only with different kinds of needles and threads." He then started sewing, his concentration a trait you find admirable. It did not took him long when he finished sewing your shirt and he handed it back to you, the thread sewed on has gaps of equal length and was tied off neatly. As expected of one of the top doctors from Akso Hospital. As he started driving, he added. "Although I had managed to sew the shirt for you, I believe with my connections, I would be just as capable to find you the same shirt. Then, you would never have to complain about this being your only favourite shirt."
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You were going about your day in your own house before you heard your doorbell ringing. You placed your bowl of cereal down and took a glance on the clock on your phone. Who dares to threaten your peaceful weekend? You went over to the door and you opened it to reveal your blond hair lover. "Xavier?" You asked, eyebrows furrowed when he smiled at you.
"Good morning, I see someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He teased and stepped in, holding out a parcel for your. "I believe this belongs to you?" The small rip at the top side of your parcel indicated that he probably took a peek on what's inside. Acknowledging the parcel, you took it off of his hands and you blushed, tucking a few stray strands of hair behind your ear.
"Good morning to you too. I guess I might have accidentally wrote your level instead of mine." You bit your bottom lip and you heard him chuckle in return. "But thanks for coming down to deliver this to me when you could have just asked me to get it from you." "But I wanted to see you personally. And seeing the clothes that are in the parcel, I thought I could get to watch you try them on too." His blunt answer made you stare at him like a mad man. His blue eyes however, glinted with nothing but honesty. This guy may be mysterious but he sure is straightforward in stating what he has on his mind. He probably noticed the way you reacted and he took a step back, retracing his words and slightly coughing to ease the awkwardness. "I mean, I would like to see you trying out these new outfits that you had gotten for yourself. It would be a good past time for me."
You chuckled at how goofy this guy is and gestured towards him to go and sit at the couch. You went into the room to get yourself changed and it was as if today is your fashion show day. You strutted out in different outfits, layered against one another and watched the way Xavier would react to you, either fascinated, or straight down confused. There was even this one time, he would just have a blank expression where you wore an oversized shirt under your tshirt. Clothing trends on the streets nowadays baffles him and he wondered if he was the one that was left out from the fashion ring.
Your last outfit featured you in a semi see through tank top and a pair of cargo pants. Not to mention, the tank top seemed to be too small for you as the way the blond boy sees it, it was holding onto your figure for dear life and barely leaving anything more to one's imagination. And the thought itself ticked him off. When you looked over towards Xavier, he does not look surprised nor confused, but rather bland. "What do you think?" Your tone came off to be amused and you did a twirl in front of him before you took a seat right next to him.
Xavier anxiously gulped and looked away from you, his voice low as he muttered. "I don't think this outfit looks nice on you, girlfriend." The way he shifted in his seat made you cornered him against the couch even more, wanting a better explanation. "The top you are wearing. I don't like it."
"And why so?" You asked, looking down at your top and adjusting it. "This is the trend nowadays, they call it the Y2K trend I think. And this tank top was on sale, so I just got it."
"I can buy you some other clothes. Even the ones that are not going to be on sale." He retorted, eyeing the tank top you were wearing with an underlying anger. "I just don't think I would like to see you wearing this in public. It is too revealing, and I guess tight on your body."
His answer painted your cheeks red and you gasped. What were you thinking? Of course you had forgotten about his possesive nature. He does not show it much and having such a pretty boy face like him further disconnects the word 'possessive' from his character. He reached into his hoodie's front pocket and pulled out his phone, opening up an app and handed the phone to you. When you refused to take it, he lifted his torso off of the couch to 'force' you to take his phone. Just like how you had previously pressed your body against him, this is his turn to take his small and sweet revenge. You panicked as he closed the gap between you two and within the next minute, he was pressed against you, one of his hand at the side of your head and another still holding his phone up to you, his gaze intense. "Just choose whatever you want from my phone, my card information is all in there. And perhaps before you check out, you can let me double check on the outfits you are getting." He low-key demanded before he explained himself for such a decision. "I just don't like nor want people staring wrongfully at what I treasure the most."
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Another fluff for another day. I already did my best in having to think of different wardrobe malfunctions as I did not want one theme of wardrobe malfunction to be stagnant across the whole story for all three of the boys. SO I hope you would understand my lovelies. :,) I am very very free so I will be posting more regularly for these few weeks. SO please do show me more love and support as that would aid me in my motivation in writing!
Do check out my other works as well!
Hope your Delulu is satisfied my lovelies <3
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A Very out-of-context set of Sentence Starters from my Discord server.
Add names to blanks Change pronouns as necessary!
"Murder in marriage is normal and healthy."
"Oh haha, yeah lobotomize them."
"Metaphorically speaking, I cannot tell you if you serve cunt or not."
"The sins better be crawling up my back because if they do at the front they're going to have two massive obstacles"
"You're a really predictable person_ _ _ and it's really funny to me, I want to crush you under my arm <3"
"Clearly you've never had a premium rock roast and I'm so sorry for you."
"I dont know I haven't sniffed you."
"Cock and ball torture for anxiety and ocd hell yeah!"
"Bimbos are the larval form of milfs."
"I will slow down im just carbonated to meet you."
"They are homoerotic and homoirritating."
"The uggs do make my soul frown, I'll give credit to that."
"I dont have good or bad habits I just enter a state somewhere between a robot and a bad stand-up comedian and that's how the stuff happens."
"She went to evil hell college where you summon devils."
"I do nothing but put beasts in a situation that's why they call me the border collie."
"The lore exists. If I'm feeling particularly zesty and tased I'll drop two sentences."
"Hi _ _ _, I'm the devil on your shoulder and even I agree that you probably shouldn't pull up hot ass in a nice restaurant."
"Vagina so powerful it does what walruses do to clams."
"Yes, we established _ _ _ has the walrus mouth vagina."
"Never assume I can't be hornier."
"That is a man held together by crust and spite."
"I can't, I was assassinated so I wouldn't snitch about the squeaky toy noises."
"_ _ _ is more likely to take you on a date killing homeless people."
"I won but it was embarrassing."
"He's just hanging loose like a tit that's escaped its harness."
"_ _ _ trying very hard not to bring up his girlfriend (the Cambrian period.)"
"Lick my boots but we stay silly."
"I keep thinking he's a weird god ascended form of Jerry Seinfeld."
"I dont think that's a good idea _ _ _ would become a stick of incense in 5 seconds flat for sneezing microaggressively."
"She has disabled the flap in my esophagus i choke on a gulp of tea instantly."
"We have from the left: Thembo, Himbo, tiny himbo, bimbo, And bitch."
"Keep your mouth open so I can shove my fist inside."
"I wanna enjoy dinner, not watch someone get snapped in half like a KitKat bar."
"My standards for a good partner are non-existent, if I raised the bar remotely, Not only would he TRIP, but he'd fall backward and break a hip."
"Good luck it's behind six layers of 4chan."
"It is fine. the conversation needed to end anyway. please continue your vegetation exultation."
"I have normal amounts of radiation for a horse."
"What does a planet have to do with a music genre?"
"Fear not, I will not be kissing misogynists any time soon."
"Pain is weakness leaving the body."
"You were born at an incredibly old age."
"You seem like you would be an entry on the villains wiki."
"I don't bite strangers….that's an easy way to catch diseases, dumbass."
"...So his unhappiness is only half my fault."
"It's ok buddy, I've licked dirt too."
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cursedvibes · 3 months
My JJK Arc Ranking
Culling Game (ch 159-221) + Baka Survivor (ch 239-243)
Perfect Preparation (ch 144-158)
Itadori's Extermination (ch 137-143)
Death Painting (ch 55-64)
Shibuya Incident (ch 79-136)
Vs Mahito (ch 19-31)
Fearsome Womb (ch 1-18)
Hidden Inventory (ch 65-79)
Shinjuku Showdown (ch 222-262+)
Kyoto Goodwill Event (ch 32-54)
Cursed Child (Vol 0)
Note that this is my personal ranking of which arcs I like the most and least, not any objective statement. Like for example, I think Hidden Inventory is well-written, but it doesn't interest me much, that's why it's further towards the bottom.
With the manga drawing to a close, I thought I'd write down my thoughts about what we've gotten so far and what I like or don't like in the different arcs.
Culling Game
Starting at #1 with the Culling Game Arc. It's where my interest in the story really picked up and I got invested to the point of bothering to write analyses, dig into the lore and historical background and even start writing fanfiction. Culling Game is the meat of the story, where we got introduced to new important lore of characters, further explored their themes and connected dots that had been set up before. It is sort of a lul after the big climax of the Shibuya Incident, but I think that's also what was needed here, since this is more of a section where Gege takes time to explore concepts and characters further. Shibuya is a big payoff for the first part of the story and Culling Game builds on that, it establishes a level ground for the last part of the story. Characters like Yuuji and Maki for example found themselves fundamentally changed after Shibuya and used this time to find their footing again and try to create a new way for themselves to move forward. In Yuuji's case he had to do it twice even with the massive turn of not being Sukuna's vessel anymore aka having his role, purpose and ideal death taken from him. He catches himself relatively quickly though.
Also this arc just had a lot of moments I really like, actually most of my favourite moments in jjk happen here. Like Kenjaku calling Yuuji their son, Yuuji's fight against Higuruma, Maki's awakening, Noritoshi reconciling with his mother having a new family, Kenjaku & Uraume rolling up to the White House, the Yuki vs Kenjaku fight, the Heian trio spa day, Yorozu's backstory, Kenjaku and Tengen getting Sukuna's mummy and much more. The fights were for the most part also great. You always took something new away and I liked how we were slowly spoon-fed information about the Culling Game and Kenjaku's plans. Almost every chapter had something to pick apart and even with the cycle through the colonies there was always tension because you didn't know what this would all lead to. Even when the protagonists were doing well, things could change at the drop of a dime. There was a false sense of security. The main group got a little bit of control only to have it ripped away when they least expected it.
Baka Survivor
I put the Baka Survivor arc up here as well because while it might technically be during the Shinjuku Showdown, I thought it was so far removed from the fight against Sukuna that it's reasonable to see it as its own mini-arc. Plus, I think this section is a lot better than the majority of the Shinjuku Showdown. It's like Gege took some time to play around and write what was fun to them, the stuff they actually want to write. The end was a bit...meh. Mainly because of the context of this fight and Kenjaku's larger role in the story, especially what Kenjaku's death this early would mean (or not mean...) for Yuuji. Yuuta's integration here was also very weak because while he might have reasons to go after Kenjaku that were a little bit explored (although I think you could've done way more with it than just "wants to do it for Gojo" after all a big theme of this fight was connecting with other people and building friendships/partnerships, which is something closely related to Yuuta's character), he was absolutely irrelevant from Kenjaku's perspective. You could've put anyone in his place and it wouldn't have changed anything from Kenjaku's point of view. Well, maybe if you put Yuuji there, but Gege was clearly not interested in exploring their relationship like that....
Anyway, I have raved about this arc a lot on my blog already, but in summary I absolutely love how we explore both Kenjaku and Takaba further, compare them and their understanding of comedy/curiosity and how both of them struggle to open up to others, show their real self and make themselves vulnerable. I especially think that this was actually thematically a very nice end for Kenjaku. They indulge in what they really want, have fun without the need of excessive cruelty (although there was violence from both of them) and they allowed themselves to connect with someone else again and make a friend. Chasing after their superficial goals of merging humanity they lost their closest friend, Tengen, were thrown into doubt and Takaba both offered himself as an alternative and pulled them further away from their insane ideas. Best thing about it is that Kenjaku went for it! They got caught up in the comedy with Takaba, they paid the price for allowing themselves such a close relationship with someone else and lowering their guard, and they still didn't regret it. In fact they were glad they spend their time before their death with Takaba and finally having fun. Of course the merger plan continues, they can't just let Tengen die with them or fall into the protagonists hands and it is too late for Tengen to change back anyway, but I absolutely love Kenjaku's character development here. Just remains to be seen how Takaba will leave this fight and how he will react to having once again lost a partner.
Perfect Preparation
Really like this arc for all the new lore we get as well as emotional chapters like the Zenin massacre and Yaga's death. The introduction of Hakari and Kirara was fun too, but the highlight for me is definitely the meeting with Tengen and Maki's massacre. Ch 145 and 146 might be in the top 5 of the chapters I have reread most often. You always find something new there and there's so much about the relationship between Tengen, the Star Plasma Vessels and the six eyes to take apart, particularly with later reveals like Yuki also being a Star Plasma Vessel. Those two chapters were also what first really got me more interested in Kenjaku and their history with Tengen. It's when it becomes apparent just how much Kenjaku has planned and arranged over the past millennium and it also raises even more questions of why Tengen never mentioned them before and how Kenjaku could stay undercover for so long.
Then we of course also have the Zenin massacre. I like how it starts with giving us some clan politics. I love that shit. Wish we got something similar for the Kamo and Gojo, but oh well. Maki's meeting with her mother when she goes for the weapon storage is already pretty chilling, but it's even better when you see her mother go from "why can't you make me proud of you for once?" to "I'm glad I gave birth to you". Shows how much she suffered under the Zenin as well, despite playing by their rules. Too bad she only came to the conclusion to treat her kids decently when it was already too late. Maki also only found out her mother did care about her and was the one to finish off Naoya when she was already dead. Just like her reunion and clearing conversation with Mai, it all happens just a little too late and that's what makes it so wonderfully tragic.
Also shout-out to Yaga's death scene. I've come to appreciate it much more recently and I particularly like seeing him together with all the other autonomous cursed corpses he keeps hidden away and the hints of the friendship he has with Kusakabe.
Itadori's Extermination
Honestly, I mostly like this arc for its atmosphere. It's one of the instances where you feel the most just how much destruction, chaos and desolation Shibuya and the start of the Culling Game caused. The main characters roaming the streets all split up and sleeping by campfires, the broken buildings and civilians hunting for scraps of food, curses praying on desperate humans...it's great. Wish we got more of that later on, but I only really got a similar feeling when the foreign armies attacked.
And of course we get the fateful Itadori flashback here. I don't know how many hours I spend looking at those two pages and taking the dialogue apart. Just two pages and I've become utterly obsessed by this weird family. Also the first time we see Kenjaku in a vessel that is not Geto, so that's extra nice.
I remember also really liking Yuuta's reintroduction when the chapters first came out. He looked so much worse than in Vol 0, so that was really intriguing. Bit disappointed there wasn't more conflict and it turned out he looks like shit because...well, that's just his look now. Still good arc.
Death Painting
I like this one because it's where Yuuji, Nobara and Megumi feel most like a team going on a mission and solving a mystery. Especially the opening of it, with weird paranormal events that remind you of classic Japanese horror stories is really nice and always manages to draw me in. Kinda wish there were more missions like that just for the sake of atmosphere, even though I don't think the story necessarily needs it. Seeing Mahito and Kenjaku capture a civilian man, strip him, nail him to a wall and then feed him a cursed fetus was also insane. Never get tired of watching/reading that no matter if it's the manga or anime. Vol 7 was the first jjk volume I ever bought and I remember how striking it was to open the book and start with that scene. Gave me chills.
I also love the entire fight with Eso and Kechizu. One because I just like their characters and getting introduced to the background of the Death Painting's existence was interesting, but I also really enjoyed Yuuji and Nobara's dynamic here and their talk about what it means to kill.
Shibuya Incident
Really good arc and what made me more interest in how jjk would continue when I first read the manga, but rereading it there are definitely some fights and scenes that really drag for me and I end up skipping whenever I read it again or when I watched S2. Like all the curse users working for Kenjaku that ended up being entirely irrelevant. The backstory of Ogami and the guy with the big eyes was nice because it gave us an insight into what the life of regular curse users (not big hitters like Geto or Kenjaku) is actually like and how society changed when Gojo was born. That's some world building I very much appreciate. Aside from that all the curse users are very forgettable though. There's a reason I only remember Ogami's name and none of the others'. Some other stuff also just comes down to character preferences like I'm not that interested in what Nanami or Ino were up to and Toji was also...eh. Nice, but I'm not losing my mind over it. Nanami's death scene is great though. I mostly love Shibuya for its later stages. Yuuji's fight against Mahito, how seeing his friends and civilians die through his inaction makes him breakdown, how his world view changes over the course of fighting Mahito and their scene at the end when the roles of predator and prey are reversed. Kenjaku's entrance and explanation of their plan and what was to come is also very interesting and probably the part I reread most in this arc.
Vs Mahito
I gotta say I do really like Junpei's story and his developing friendship with Yuuji. Yuuji's first few encounters with Mahito are great as well. It's nice seeing them get to know each other and seeing the inciting incidents that cause both of them to gradually get more and more obsessed with killing the other. I also really appreciate this arc for giving us some of those slower scenes that are just focused on Mahito, the curse family or Mahito & Junpei talking philosophy. Mahito is a quite fascinating character even in his simplistic cruelty and here you can also see the most just how horrific, but also intriguing, Idle Transfiguration is. This arc has one of the best horror in jjk and I appreciate the anime for emphasizing the comparisons to the Human Centipede movies and human experimentation even further. It's really close between this and Shibuya Incident. I just ended up putting Shibuya higher because when it hits, it hits hard and I still like the high points it has more than the Vs Mahito arc. Still appreciate the groundwork this arc laid for Shibuya to be as impactful as it was.
Hidden Inventory
Like I said in the beginning, I do think this arc is well-written and I think it's a great way to flesh out Gojo and Geto's characters as well as give us more world building and establish the background presence of Tengen and the connection of the Star Plasma Vessel and six eyes to her. I'm also convinced that what we learn here about the Time Vessel Association and the cults that build around Tengen will become relevant again when we get to the Heian flashback and Sukuna's/Tengen's/Kenjaku's backstory. Still have that "Kenjaku created the Time Vessel Association in the Nara period" theory in the back of my mind. This lore is also the main thing I like about this arc. Don't get me wrong, Gojo and Geto's struggles and change in mindset is nice too, but I don't care much about Gojo and don't like Geto, so I ended up focusing more on everything around them. Including Riko. I find her story, the way she grew up and her inevitable death very interesting. Episode 3 of season 2 is still my favourite episode of the season of maybe even the entire anime because it's just that beautiful and I love how they added to the themes of her character by connecting her to the ocean. The inside of the Tomb of Stars is also so eery and entrancing, I could soak in that atmosphere forever. The only reason it's so low is because a lot of this arc is dedicated to Gojo and Geto and their relationship etc. While that is absolutely necessary and was very well done, it's not something I'm much interested in.
Fearsome Womb
Start of the series. It's really those first few chapters and the mission at the detention centre I like about it. It's where you see Yuuji still quite naive and ready to play the hero. I am very interested in his life before joining Jujutsu Tech and when he first got introduced to jujutsu, so this is always nice to revisit and see how he acted before he was forced to become a seasoned sorcerer very quickly. Those glimpses of how Yuuji was always a bit of a loner and also extraordinary from the start due to Kenjaku's meddling. Knowing his family background makes these scenes now even more interesting. His mentality back then is also what makes the moment in the detention centre so special, where he realizes Sukuna isn't Kurama and won't be a convenient power source for him. He could die if he is careless (which he is, of course, he never dealt with anything like this before) and he is scared of it.
Besides that, I also like the introduction of Kenjaku and the curses, how chill it is and how you see them walking among regular citizens undetected by anyone. I think that's especially a fitting introduction to Kenjaku's character. They are unassuming in the beginning of the series, easy to overlook next to flashy Mahito and Jogo, but that's how they have always been throughout history and it's part of the reason for why they never drew much attention besides the Death Painting experiment, which wasn't directly linked to them. Of course Tengen covering for them was the other big reason.
Overall, nice start into the series, even if some parts are a bit slow and don't animate me much to reread them.
Shinjuku Showdown
Shinjuku Showdown fights on a reread do merge well into each other, but it's undeniable that they are very formulaic. Yuuta starts out the same way Higuruma does. Talking about regrets, giving his all, how he has to end everything with a technique only he can use and then he gets cut down. Same with Maki, Kusakabe, Miguel and Larue. It is all the same. We are currently literally watching a slight reshuffle of the fight that started this arc.
Parallel we learn more about Yuuji's new abilities and Sukuna has to gradually exert more force. Technically a good thing, but it's all so repetitive that it loses more and more of it's emotional impact for me. If there is any emotional impact at all. Eventually it just becomes explaining of cursed technique after cursed technique that won't work anyway with minimal depth otherwise. Things get a bit better when most people have been cut away and we start focusing on Yuuji and Sukuna, but by that point I'm already so tired by everything that came before that I can't get that hyped about it and just want a complete change of pace that breaks all rules that have been set up and introduces something completely new. Like the merger for example... Although I have to say, Kashimo's fight might be my favourite still out of the bunch. Has a lot to do with my particular interest and what I'm looking for in a fight. It was short, but we got a nice wrap-up for Kashimo's character, learned more about the Heian era, explored the theme of love and strength and got what is so far one of the deepest looks at Sukuna's philosophy and mindset.
Besides that, on the reread, by the time Kusakabe's fight happens I'm catching myself only skimming the pages. It doesn't help that there's not much initiative happening from Sukuna's side besides the very recent chapters. He's just waiting for others to do something, which lowers the perception of any imminent threat from him. The later half (before Yuuta showed up again) isn't as bad as the Gojo vs Sukuna fight, but I'm still having a hard time staying invested while reading it. Gojo vs Sukuna 2.0 pretty much tanked my interest again. Every week I'm shaking Sukuna to just spit out his backstory already and release Tengen because that's the only thing I care about at this point and I'm bored of this fight. But again, my opinion, others likely feel otherwise.
Kyoto Goodwill Event
Was a bit tempted to put it above Shinjuku Showdown, but at the end of it Shinjuku Showdown still has some scenes I really like, like Kashimo's fight, Yuuji fighting Sukuna and the Sukuna, Uraume and Kenjaku scenes in ch 222. That's more than what I could say for Kyoto Goodwill Event. I don't necessarily dislike it. It doesn't really have any moments that bother me as much as the ones in Shinjuku Showdown, but at the same time nothing in this arc really stands out to me or catches my interest. Often I end up forgetting about it entirely. There's not really much to say about it because I don't have any strong feelings about this one. Not really something I reread unless I'm looking for some very specific information.
Cursed Child
When I first read Vol 0 (right before the Death Painting arc) I thought it was a concept story for jjk. The infant stage of it before Gege made the proper story. Sort of like the original chapter of Naruto where he's actually a fox spirit. Interesting to read to see where jjk started, but not tied to canon. That's also why I didn't question Geto acting very different here. I just though "wow, they made his character way less aggravating". So yeah, Vol 0 is really not something I find interesting or enjoy and I think the writing in it is quite rough. I didn't find Yuuta very compelling. He's an obvious Shinji rip-off, which wouldn't be that bad in itself except I don't find his personality that interesting and him pulling powers out of his ass without any of them being set up prior made me really dislike him. He can just copy techniques now and use them much better than the original person because he's just that overpowered. Who knows how he learned about any of this, who knows what the limitations to any of his powers are, he can apparently just do anything and that makes his fights not very thrilling because there aren't really any stakes. He also has barely any connection to the villain of this arc except that he happens to kill people Yuuta cares about. Geto's ideology is entirely irrelevant. Geto could've said he's killing people because he wants to turn them into Christmas decoration and the fight would've happened the same way. I think putting an ideologically-driven villain against someone whose only care is that his friends are alive and who has also not even the experience to judge if anything Geto says is justified wasn't a very good move. Centring Gojo and Geto's conflict would've been better and also showing us literally anything that would make it possible for us to judge if any of Geto's complaints are justified, if he's talking about real problems. Just going by Vol 0, we don't know that. We can only tell that the bullshit he spouts is an allegory for white supremacy/racism, which obviously is bad. But on it's own it seems like he's just spouting bigotry for bigotry's sake, which doesn't make for a very compelling villain, especially if the rest of the characters and setting don't fit his attitude. Nobody can ever even bring themselves to say something like "genocide bad, eugenics bad". They just don't engage with what he's saying and if that's the case, then why bring it up in the first case. It makes Geto's antics even more unnecessary. On its own it's really not that good of a story and since it's a oneshot with initially no guaranteed sequel, I would expect a bit more.
All that being said, the first time I read Vol 0 I was very annoyed and glad I followed it up with the Death Painting arc, something which is much better written and more up my alley. If Vol 0 was my first exposure to jjk, I don't think I would've continued reading. Having more context from Hidden Inventory fleshes at least out what Gojo and Geto have going on, but my complaints about Yuuta and his lack of meaningful relation to Geto and what he stands for still makes me dislike this arc.
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ggren-mainz · 3 months
Don't worry about the reblog, I think you were not offensive. Yeah I watched Gou and Sotsu in like 2021, I don't remember it at all, I remember I dropped it and I watched specific episodes other friends told me to watch because of *lore*... and like, no, no. It has so many errors in it, it's completely not a "shit" or some insult, because the tv series itself is an insult to the world of higurashi Now, I'm going with spoilers, so don't continue if you don't want them. Or avoid this if you don't want to suffer because a group of authors decided to ruin an entire saga because they have to capitalize on everything >Hanyuu's origin as a demiurge/homunculus of another goddess is completely made up and I think it's incoherent not only to Higurashi Rei where they explain Hanyuu's goddess origins, but also to the vns where we meet other goddesses >Rena in actual Higurashi continuosly deal with her past life, always having the trauma of her biological mother's behavior (I'm not divorcephobic, neither Rena I think, but being pregnant for another man meanwhile staying with your husband and husband-daughter is... bad, at least for me). But hey! Higurashi Gou and Sotsu isn't only about bullying Rika everyday in physical and psychological tortures, but also making Rena's father abusive! Yippy! My god Ryukishi... >Satoko as a villain. Let be honest: Satoko has nothing wrong, she's a protagonist, she has good intentions just like the other characters, she matures herself a lot after all the loops together with the others, she became independent af AS A KID, like can you ever imagine such strength? Losing parents, losing your beloved brother, suffering under an abusive family, but you still can take care of yourself, you still continue your life, but no Ryukishi needs a yuri yandere >as mentioned before, Rika being a punchbag. Guys, it's not funny at all, literally. After Higurashi Kai, after what we see also in Higurashi Rei were Rika was panicking because of another loop, you literally have the gut to say "Nuh huh, we have to infantilize Rika again, we have to loop them again". But also, most important thing: Rika already suffers for many things, so WHY THE HELL EVEN AKASAKA KILLS HER? IT'S NOT EVEN POSSIBLE THAT RIKA WOULD CONTINUE AFTER THAT EPISODE, I WOULD LOSE ANY WILL OF LIVING IF I WAS HER >Umineko isn't connected to Higurashi. I know this is a strong take, I understand that if 50% of people appreciate gou and sotsu, 80% or even 90% of when they cry fanbase thinks that all the universes are connected. My personal interpretation is that Bernkastel, in Higurashi, is a Rika's chuunibyou to cope about her condition as superhuman/not-human, considering she lives things no one understand until Answer Arc I growed up with Higurashi, I suffered too abusive adults and family so like I relate so much about Rena's behavior, but also I always felt love for every character. The horror of "friends killing you" is a thing that I think it would've been, narratively speaking, stopped as a topic in the Question Arc
AKASAKA DOES WHAT!?!? Oooo I'm getting mad, someone hold me down (figuratively). Yeah I heard that gou/sotsu were bad but glad to see its even worse. The fact that they made satoko the villain always irked me so bad because I just can't see the ingame satoko do those things. You mean to tell me the satoko whose most violent L5 symptoms were pushing people off places and that loved her friends dearly would just start torturing them?? In my humble opinion I think she'd just give into despari very early, but it is true that i dont know the whole context.
And also a thing that annoyed me about it (and an issue I had with the first season of the og anime too, although not as bad) is how it seems to depend a lot on the gore parts. And just seeing the edits I can tell these people never got the actual meaning of higurashi, which I don't even kmow if this anime is even trying to send anymore. They just got "Oh my gosh, cute anime girls but make them murderers!!! Wow gore gore, blood and psychos ☆⌒(≧▽​° ) so kawaaaiiii". The og anime isn't as bad on this, but I do feel like it fails at sending the actual message many times. Depends a lot on the arc, like I hated how they did meakashi but I thought that onikakushi was pretty ok.
And also another thing I don't get...why? Why did ryukishii do this? I have heard that he apparently gave just an outline and other people refined the story and I hope that's true because otherwise I just don't get it. Did he really fall off that bad, or does he just suck at doing animes? Ig we'll see with silent Hill F/whatever new project he planned.
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system-of-a-feather · 5 months
I'm glad you're going hogwild on Bleach rn. It was also a major part of our childhood and development, and I feel like there's still a ton to get out of it, even from an older perspective. (Not trying to sound uppity or anything, I really love Bleach.)
What do you think about the idea of Ichigo as a CDD allegory? I don't think he was written with that in mind, but reading through the manga, there are a lot of scenes that make me go "hmMMMMMM."
(Never watched the anime, lol. Manga-only)
Funny you should ask that question. I have actually already made a very important post on the topic of Ichigo as a CDD allegory. /hj
Honestly though, I think its one of my favorite "not intentionally a CDD but very relatable as someone with a CDD". Like I'd have to get further into TYBW and later cause I know they expand and drop some lore secrets about the dynamic of the part (I was gonna edit that to be more accurate to the world context of Bleach but I felt that term is telling about how I feel about the allegory XD) that make up Ichigo's soul and shit.
I know a lot of what is revealed because as good as I obstained from a lot of spoilers, I actually heard a rumor that Hollow Ichigo isn't seen after the Aizen-Karakura town arc and I was so distraught at that that I let it be something I got spoiled on before it was announced that it would continue. At the time, I thought it upset me cause I thought the hollow stuff was cool, but that reasoning didn't really make sense to me because I was actually like *sad* in a "no thats not fair or right, hollow ichigo deserves to live too" which in hindsight, I realize was probably some not-entirely subconscious "no don't just delete and erase the existance of a part of yourself!!! You should make friends with them and make them your best ally!!! I want to see more HIchi and Ichigo interact ;w;"
and also
lowkey I had a Hollow Ichigo introject in my head that I didn't know about for the longest time so it was probably pretty personal
But personal shit aside, I honestly really do like it. I mean to some level - especially early in the series - its a lot of "oooooh spooky evil alter" vibes, but honest to god - and this is a controversial opinion - I think we need more nuanced "evil" alter representation rather than the elimination of the "evil alter" trope because shitty asshole alters exist and are actually common and I think its a lot more meaningful to show how two completely conflicting and otherwise aggressive towards eachother individuals can find a middle ground and empower eachother. Which is what Bleach does particularly with Ichigo and his hollow self and UNIRONICALLY the whole Bleach arc Ichigo has with his hollow self is incredibly similar to the "arc" that XIV and I had which, go figure. Me the Shounen Boy Optimist protagonist and a literal hollow ichigo introject had a similar arc to the Shounen Protagonist and Hollow ichigo. Do you see the shock in my voice?
Honestly if I have time and feel like it (unlikely since I don't often have time) I might put a longer opinion / discussion on it, but honestly, even outside of Ichigo, I think the way Bleach handles Zanpaktous and even stuff like Lillynette and Stark is just a really fun way to have a lot of plural / CDD adjacent themes and vibes without necessarily even being an allegory.
The idea of being able to have a manifestation of your soul and the power it has take a sentient form and the bonding, communication, and collaboration with said manifestation being the key to increased power and skill development is just??? The coolest thing?
Honestly I think Bleach has subconsciously informed a lot of how our system is structured and interacts in more ways than we are probably cognitively currently aware of and I think to some good level that whole just general vibe probably plays a role in it somewhere.
But man, I love this show. I honestly am genuinely thinking of returning to my natural autistic instincts and just chronically watching it whenever I dont have anything else to watch because I really DONT need to have a variety of shows to watch and honestly if something aint broke, why ever change it /hj
I can have a comfort anime smh
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furrylibrarian · 11 months
I want to talk a bit about Tears of the Kingdom.
It's hard for me to do that, because all my feelings about it are contradictory and tangled up. I think its storytelling is incoherent and is actively hindered by the game structure, but it also has unquestionably some of the best story beats in the series. I find the open-ended creativity encouraged by its mechanics wild and engaging, but in practice I tend to just fall back on a few simple solutions and get frustrated when they don't easily apply to the thing I'm trying to solve. Most of all, I think it (alongside BotW) represents a much-needed shakeup to a series that was getting entirely too stale, but it is those very games that stagnated the franchise that made me fall in love with it.
Expanding on the second point I just made; I think TotK might be the only game I've played (that isn't a fighting game, anyways) that makes me feel inadequate. I know enough about its mechanics to understand that, conceptually, there's an incredible amount of potential Nonsense you can do with Ultrahand, but I just don't know how I should tap into that potential. I think it's admirable that the game doesn't tutorialize everything and lets you discover functions on your own, but because of that I've missed critical information about mechanics and felt like a complete fool for having to look up the information online (case in point; I had to consult the internet to figure out that I had to hit devices to activate them). I often have this background feeling that I could be doing something more interesting and effective when I'm playing TotK.
But really, most of my issues with TotK come from the lore implications. Gonna put a break here because spoilers. It's kind of just a rant after this point.
I've always been sharply aware that the devs aren't really concerned with adhering to an extended continuity and would rather craft a self-contained experience, but I just can't get over how weird TotK's story and backstory are. I'm still not sure what to make of the revelation that APARRENTLY there was just a SECOND GANONDORF the whole time who nobody knew about, and I'm still not really sure if Calamity Ganon was the classic Ganondorf degraded to a primal form after millennia of reincarnation (as I believed before TotK dropped), or if it was related to this game's new ancient Ganondorf? It's a messy situation that's only a problem when you're thinking about BotW/TotK in the context of the rest of the franchise WHICH IS COMPLETELY REASONABLE
Also the memories are just so strange. They feel like a warped retelling of OoT's first act, especially since a main character shares his name with an OoT character, a name which is not one of the many continually-recycled named the series uses which makes it sound way more significant! Like when I was playing through, I had this weird creeping feeling that this game was trying to replace OoT with this new backstory? Like obviously, no, it isn't, but it hit so many of the same important beats! Ganondorf allies himself with the king of Hyrule (even mirroring a shot from OoT), Zelda realizes he's up to something and tries to stop him, only to fail spectacularly such that Ganondorf gets the exact empowered artifact he was gunning for the whole time. Even Zelda transforming into a dragon to repair the Master Sword and sacrificing her identity in the process reminded me of Link in OoT drawing the Master Sword and losing his childhood, LIKE THEY'RE TELLING THE SAME STORY, WHAT IS GOING ON
I don't have a conclusion, I don't have a thesis, I just have opinions and I needed to vent them
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 25 days
Going through my documents to trim them down a bit, both by saving my writing to my computer and also posting it online if I feel like it's enough to share. I found this bit for a dnd oc, from a campaign that's no longer running, so I thought I might drop it here, no context!
Herb was designed to be a sheltered kid, so you could say their first experience with someone dying left a little bit of an impact.
Of course I don't have any ideas. 
I'm not a doctor. 
I'm not an experienced magician. 
Just someone fresh out of college.
It's natural that I wouldn't know what to do during something like this. 
So then why...
As the man draws his final breath, you feel everything inside you still. No longer did you feel the anxious panic of a life in danger, a soul in need, and the urge to help. Instead, everything deadened with the bard lying in front of you, dull and heavy. Were you more aware, you would have noticed that everyone around you had fallen silent with his death rattle. Unaware, you still heard nothing but thunderous silence beating against your eardrums. You wouldn't notice at first when the silence outside you was broken.
You let your arm that was against his chest fall to your side as your world numbs you, dimly feel your grip on your bloodied dagger loosen. You had held onto it in case you needed to use it again, to make more cuts. Or, failing that, you had at least kept it out because it would need cleaned first. 
You wouldn't remember to clean it until well after this, when the crusty dagger would have sat in its sheath for the better half of the night, cursing you silently for your failures. 
You didn't even know the man. Barely an hour ago, he was no more than some performer in the background- a charming musician to be sure. But just someone to filter in and out of your life inconsequentially. 
The voices you now could hear behind you were more of the same. Just faces in the crowd, at the stalls, in the plaza…
In the amphitheater. 
They, too, had done their best, in their own ways. But none of you had known what to do. 
None of you were doctors, or clerics. 
Not even the town doctor had known what to do. 
It was natural that you couldn't have done more. 
It was natural, and yet... At the arrival of a new, yet familiar, voice, you finally come to, enough to be aware of your surroundings. The bookseller. You listen as he speaks, and although many words slip in and out of your head enough of them stick for you that when the group livens up again, you know what purpose moves them. 
You move back as the Goliath takes the coat given by the bookseller, watching through deadened eyes as the fabric is draped reverently over, and gently wrapped around the body.  Slowly, mechanically, you move to gather up your belongings, storing your dirtied knife in its sheath, returning your books to your bag. You hesitate a little as you reach for your newest acquisition, remembering how in your desperation, you had skimmed its steamy pages on the offchance there was some sort of helpful note or message written in it. You had already read your book of lore front to back, and even if it had contained any mention of this condition it was doubtful it'd have anything useful for the circumstances and limited resources. 
You felt a pang of mortification, reflecting on how you thought even for a second that a romance novel could have held any clues. That you had even taken the time to look when a man lay before you, dying every second you wasted. 
Even so, it wouldn't have made a difference if you hadn't looked. It just would have meant that you were a little less thorough than you could possibly be.
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c6jpg · 11 months
okokok i did the 4.2 archon quest thoughts below
i really loved it.... except things involving the whale. the whale's whole part in the story literally ruined the flow for me LMAO when they threw the whole revelation of "the whale wants to eat everyone because it THIRSTS FOR PRIMORDIAL SEAWATER" i was just like. really. REALLY. REALLLLY.
it felt like they just needed to force in a weekly boss and extra lore the way they did it. the overall fontaine archon quest could easily have had nothing to do with a space whale. the lore they did drop through skirk could have been interesting in a different context but it felt so irrelevant here.
that being said neuvillette was pretty sexy when he was like "let us go EXECUTE the BEAST". my guy was MAD mad. also skirk literally chucking childe through the portal was hilarious.
rest of it though. god. loved. well actually beginning and end kind of dragged on but furina's trial (ignoring the whale) was awesome. mixed feelings on focalors but furinaaaaaa FURINAAAAAAAAAA god you could really see how she suffered and the ending where she disappeared because she just wanted to rest... OUGH. also really loved how emotional the encounter between neuvillette and focalors was like i can only imagine the wild mix of emotions neuvillette was going through.
hmmmm what else okay random bullet points
i'm confused how like. geographically it can flood in fontaine. isn't it a raised lake????? if a raised lake sitting on a plateau is flooding what in GODS name is happening to the rest of teyvat. whatever. teyvat has its own laws yeah yeah
the way the whole last part of the arc was like "yeah neuvillette just solved everything with dragon powers." lol. lmao even
i really don't like charlotte lmao
oh MONA was an interesting surprise but also feels like she was there for no reason i feel like they could have done more with her especially since her whole thing is literally HYDRO and FATE
honestly my appreciation for furina really shot up through the roof. i didn't care much for her before honestly but yeah SHE GETS MY RESPECT FOR THIS ONE.
focalors' hair really bothers me tbh..... the way they rendered her long hair does not suit the bob cut thing furina's model has lol
i can't actually think of anything else my brain is fried. mostly just feeling vast disappointment about the whale but really loved everything with furina and neuvillette rotating them in my brain at high frequencies rn
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crystalelemental · 3 months
Alright, tried out the Trial Tower in Nobeta. I made it about five minutes in before going no thank you and ditching that mode entirely. I have zero interest in that whatsoever. So I guess final thoughts tonight! I'll be picking up a different game tomorrow, not sure which one yet.
Okay so my first post about the game already mentioned the Dark Souls comparisons to be made, given that the "souls-like" feel is what was apparently being aimed for. But you know, I think that's the wrong comparison, having finished the game. The real comparison is Bloodborne.
Through the hidden lore you get from item drops, what you learn of the world is that humans were, at one point, piddly weak losers that the other races bullied, until humans had a breakthrough and promptly genocided everyone else. While timeline is shaky, my interpretation is that this was possible almost exclusively through the use of these soul dolls, that are basically powered by the souls of the dead and damned. You know, the usual "kill the prisoners and inject their souls into this kill bot, what could go wrong?" A lot of this happens through the Church, who has outrageous political influence to the point of being able to decimate an otherwise well-respected kingdom with effectively no consequence. It's implied they're also the cause of a plague that people thought turned you into beasts, and are pretty pissed that witches are incidentally immune due to the incense used in their rituals negating the virus/drug. Nobeta in particular was a powerful witch they sealed away to, I assume, prevent interference.
All of that is...a lot more Bloodborne aligned in style than Dark Souls, if you ask me. Just slap in some alien shit and it's got all the toppings.
The specific variety Nobeta brings is that its protagonist talks, and there's a more clear driven story going on, at least as far as character events go. The pivot is that Nobeta as we see her at the outset is not Nobeta. The cat leading you is...well, we don't really know their name or exactly what their deal is, but they're trying to bring back the true Nobeta by bringing her body back to the throne that has her soul sealed up. The current host, Nonota, was crafted to run her body and fight for the church I think? Exact purpose wasn't completely clear, but somewhere along the way things didn't feel right and she sought answers, running into this need for the throne, and developing a sense of self despite being an unconscious amalgamation of soul residue. Your conclusion is that Nobeta revives Nonota in the body of the cat left behind, attaching the bow that the first boss asked Nonota to preserve, and that she effectively tried to grant continued existence to all the other soul dolls that gained consciousness through herself. It's an alright twist.
Now, I do understand there is set to be some story in the Trial Tower mode. Specifically, once you clear it, there's a scene. I do not know that scene, maybe it adds a lot of context. But personally, I feel like this game overall is trying to emulate the FromSoft storytelling style, but it doesn't quite land.
I think a big part of it is that there's a weird mix of "not enough background information" and "too many direct answers." Nobeta's ending and events have clear-cut answers, whereas a lot of things in Souls games have answers that are murky. Approximate understanding, but there are gaps you have to intuit. It doesn't have a hook for a deep dive in that way. But at the same time, the background information regarding the Church and what's going on with demihumans is...pretty lacking? Like okay, all the other races are dead now, so...why do we care that they existed? There's not really a situation where it feels like any talk of beasts and the experiments intermingle. Souls are just souls, there's no deeper meaning to them, in the way Bloodborne had blood ministration causing the beast transformations if you dig enough. The Church is just a shit organization, that did some sketchy stuff, and there's...not much else to dig into about the specifics. There's not really speculation to make about orcs or elves or anyone else either, because there's no enemy with consciousness whose dominant soul is clearly among those races to shed light on what was going on or hint at the causes of strife. It just comes away feeling less dynamic.
As for the gameplay aspect, this is where things diverge. This does not play like a Souls game. It plays like a shooter. Magic is core to everything you do; melee only matters under one restrictive condition. Your arcane attack is standard damage. Ice works like a gatling gun, with low damage but rapid fire attacks. Fire is several bursts of good damage at close range, so I think that's usually shotgun, but it also charges to function like a rocket launcher with an explosive attack, but you can attack with it and it's your melee that quadruples your damage. Then there's Thunder, which is your sniper rifle that deals obscene damage and tracks from here to Timbucktu. I'll be honest. Once I got Thunder, I did not turn off Thunder unless puzzles required other spells. Arcane can pierce shields, so that's really handy at times. Fire buffing physical is how you have to break a lot of the stones that create barriers. Ice when charged makes a shield that negates fire floors, which doesn't come up too often. But Thunder is just always good damage and range, and when charged puts you in the JoJo's Frozen Time for a bit and it's all super busted.
Upgrades are found in chests, and it's...not too hard to find most, but I definitely didn't find all of them. This isn't too big a problem, I don't think, except where Wind is concerned. I feel like missing Wind tomes is a recipe for being unable to progress. There's one (1) optional area that I found before I was supposed to, because I remembered an unbreakable stone that the Fire tutorial explained the solution to, so I doubled back, but it turns out there was an easier way there later on. It got me early access to Thunder though, so good trade.
Leveling is interesting, but also kinda bland. See, this is another souls-like thing, in that you spend your points on upgrading statistics you choose, but unlike the Souls games, there's no equipment, and thus no restrictions, so the stats you allocate to don't really matter as much? I put most into offenses, since Strength also influences mana recovery, but HP and MP were pretty easily managed through recovery so they weren't huge needs. Endurance also only came up one time during an attempt at what I thought was a jump puzzle, but was actually the boundary edge of the zone and almost got me killed, but I had enough to continuous air dodge back to safety. All this to say...the game's balance is really just looking for whether you leveled all your stats fairly evenly or not. Getting to level 25-30 in every stat is gonna be fine. Which does impact replayability. It's a short game, you know? When there's not much variety, how engaging is a second playthrough?
"That's what the Tower is for." Fuck the tower. Okay look, I have a vendetta against games that implement levels as a feature, then slap in a mode that says "you can't level up for this." What the fuck's the point then? It's even worse when you can tell the allocation of whatever levels you did get are shit garbage.
The tower itself is just a boss rush. Defeat eight bosses in sequence, Mega Man endgame style. The problem is they're massive HP sponges, you can't level up, you only get points to spend on stuff from very specific skills like casting in melee range or hitting the absurdly specific Absorption parry timing, and those points are used to upgrade or access spells since you only start with Lv 1 Arcane, Wind, and Absorption. These points also need to go to healing for HP and MP, because your regen rate is absolute garbage. This is the first any only time all game I truly ran out of MP and had no recourse. When the points are already that hard to farm, and spells are a dire need to deal anything close to reasonable damage, I have no investment in this mode. I could eventually do it, but there's no saving, and I am no longer in a privileged position of being able to just play a game for 5-7 hours straight for vanity's sake. I will not be participating in this one.
All in all, it's a fairly cute game that I would recommend, if it weren't for its rarity and price tag. This game is fucking $50 on the Switch e-shop. That is like $30 too many for such a short experience, with the kind of challenge mode it has thrown in. I can't even say it's anything visually impressive. It sort of hits a disqualification on price tag alone, which is kinda sad, but I hear it's like half as much on Steam, so those playing on PC are free to get it. It's worth it for $25. But not for $50.
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rayof-damnsunshine · 4 months
ooc: This is a kinda continuation from my last lore drop. You could probably read this on it's own, but if you want a bit of context, try reading that
also, this one is definitely on the longer side
Tw: Mentions/alluding and actual child neglect (I think)
"Turn left in 2 miles." The gps' robotic voice played through the car speakers.
"Mum, are you sure about this? Sasha asked. "The map literally says we're going to a strawberry farm in the middle of nowhere."
"I'm positive, dear." Their mother reassured, looking in the at Brooklyn, before looking back at the road. "You alright, Lyn?"
"Yeah, you could say that..." Brooklyn said softly, staring out the window at the passing fields.
She was still in her school uniform, which was now covered in dirt and grim, looking hella dishevelled and she had torn her stockings climbing out the bathroom window.
Neither her mum of Sasha seemed convinced.
"You were attacked by that bit- I mean," Sasha glance to their mother. "not very nice lady, for what? The fifth time? She didn't even give up when we moved across the country."
"I didn't get hurt-"
"Not the point, Brook! Some insane shapeshifting monkey or whatever she was attacked my sister while I was in Spanish class!" Sasha's hands were moving around wildly as she got more worked up.
"Sasha, take a breath." Their mom told her. "Everything will be alright. Just a minor hiccup."
"A minor hiccup?! Brook got attacked for the fifth time! It couldn't be minor if you came to pick us up. You drove like three hours on short notice."
"Sasha, you need to calm down."
"Turn left in one mile." Even the gps couldn't handle this.
"Mum, where are we going?"
"Camp." She said simply.
"Camp? Like summer camp? Mum, its March-" Brook pointed out.
"Look, I know about as much as you."
"You clearly know where we're going." Sasha mumbled.
"Sasha, we've talked about this-" Their mother started.
"Oh, yeah? You both seemed awfully quiet when we were hiding in the closet to escape your and dad's yelling matches."
"You and I both know the divorce was the option for all of us."
Sasha stayed silent, and Brooklyn knew why.
This was the first time the divorce really got talked about, and it had been about a year now.
"Turn left in 500 feet."
"What were you being quiet about?" Brook piped up, after several minutes of the gps being the only sound in the car.
"You haven't told her?!" Sasha looked vivid.
"I was going to but-"
"Yeah, today happened." Sasha pinced the bridge of her nose. "Jesus Christ, Mum. You always do this. Just because she's not actually yours-" Her eyes widened, realising what she said.
Another silence filled the air as they finally turned left.
"Dad cheated?" Brook asked quietly. "Am I the reason-"
"No." Their mother sighed. "I didn't found out you were his until we started getting divorced."
Sasha sighed. "Way to let her down gently."
"Mum, not to be rude but please just spit it out. I'm sick of you all beating around the bush."
"You appeared on our doorstep. I thought you were just ditched entirely, so we adopted you. But, you were left there for a reason."
"So, basically, dad screwed around, someone committed child endangerment or however you'd word it and you all lied to me for 15 years." Her voice got angrier as she spoke. "Just what this family needed."
"Look, I'm not mad at you that dad could not cheat, I'm mad at the fact that you lied to me about that I wasn't your kid."
"Come on, don't be like that-"
"No! I will be like that! Cause you didn’t even sit me down and tell me 'hey, kid, you're adopted but your still my kid anyways'. " Brook shot back. "I don't care that I'm adopted, or technically not your kid, that wouldn't have mattered. You went out of your way to not tell me that."
"Mum, that is pretty fucked up." Sasha said softly.
Their mother stayed silent for a moment. "Well, I guess I'm just the worse the mother eve-"
"Don't even start on that! I don't want to hear you go on about how you sacrificed for us, how you went through 18 hours of labour or whatever you're going to say. You're not perfect, no one is, but the least you could do is admit you made a mistake." Brook scoffed. "I can not believe I'm parenting you right now."
"Brooklyn Mackenzie, don't try me right now." Her mother told her lowly.
Brook fell silent.
How the hell do you switch up so fast?
Sasha looked back at Brook, silent saying 'What the fuck just happened?"
Brook shrugged.
The rest of the car ride was quiet, with only the gps being the only sound until they arrived.
"Go up that hill and head to the farmhouse." Their mother told them.
Brook looked to see the lights coming for the farmhouse.
"Mum, it's pitch black." Sasha pointed out.
"Don't trip." She shrugged.
"Oh for fucks sake." Brook grabbed her bag and climbed out the car. Sasha did the same thing.
Their mother looked at them once, before driving off.
"What the hell! She's going to just leave us here, in the middle of the fucking night and give us the vaguest directions?"
"You're surprised? She's either overprotected or down right neglecting us. No in between." She sighed, her tone becoming bitter. "I'd be happy to not be related to her."
Brook turned around. "That's a steep ass hill."
Sasha turned around. "Jesus, it's practically vertical."
"I think this day is cursed."
"Amen to that." And they starting walking.
@that-asian-child-of-aphrodite @that-one-daughter-of-apollo @childofthewargod @glee-of-ares-wrath-of-aphrodite @daonedaonlyskh
ooc: If you want to be added or removed from the tag list, let me know :)
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the-tubort · 2 years
I got bored so I started thinking about the importance of the various Summer Movies for Super Sentai since sometimes they can be completely irrelevant and a wast eof time or will be important to the plot somehow and comeback in a way that makes you wish you saw the movie. (Note I have not seen every Sentai with a Summer Movie and some of these are based purely off of my memory since I haven't rewatched some seasons in forever)
Gaoranger: The Summer Movie is fun to see Gao Knight but literally nothing from it comes back in any meaningful or noticeable to my memory
Hurricaneger: If you wanted to see Tenrai Senpuujin several episodes early, then here you go! This one is just kinda there from what I remember like it's fine but it's placement is awkward and they don't even bother to mention Tri Condor appearing in the movie first at all.
Abaranger: This is a must watch for a multitude of reasons, but the events of this movie do come back during the show in a very big way so it's worth watching.
Dekaranger: It's more Dekaranger go watch it for fun. Dekaranger doesn't even have that big of a plot in the first place so this is just a lot of fun so watch it
Magiranger: This expands more on the lore of the world and does some foreshadowing for other stuff in the show but isn't extremely necessary. Watch it if you want to see Hikaru get bullied for no reason
Boukenger: From what I remember of Boukenger, this movie just advertised that the machines 6-10 could in fact combine and then added another Precious that did not really get talked about again
Gekiranger: I haven't seen all of Gekiranger but I have seen the movie and it debuts an amazing mech form that does come back quite often but it's not like this movie invented completely if that makes sense
Go-Onger: The series takes like two episodes of its runtime to literally bring back the movie characters and general plot so yes you do need to watch it
Shinkenger: The Summer Movie toy appears quite often in the show and post series content so yes do watch this. It's good regardless of its status as necessary anyways one of the best summer movies
Goseiger: The Summer Movie toy shows up I think a totalc of one extra time in the series and they don't even bother to reference that it came from the movie like at all its honestly not worth the time
Gokaiger: it's a fun time but nothing that happens in the movie changes or develops anything we didn't already know about the cast and their end goals. (Watch the vs Gavan movie though that shit is fire)
Kyoryuger: The Summer Movie cast, toy, and villain all come back in the main series and while they do provide minor context it's good to know the full movie regardless. It's also just super fun anyways
ToQger: not super necessary since it never gets directly mentioned until a Vs. Movie but this is genuinely one of the best movies they've made and when you watch ToQger along with this movie you'll understand
Ninninger: The most I can say about this movie is that the mech shows up the Vs ToQger movie for like 2 minutes which was neat
Zyuohger: This movie was cool but the mech and general plot I wanna say only get brought up like once for a quick reminder that it existed I think? Also Yamato gets beaten up a lot in this movie as is Zyuohger tradition
Kyuranger: Genuinely I was so excited to see the summer toy in this movie and I could not tell you a si gle thing that happens and neither can the cast of characters cause they never once bring it back
LuPat: Surprisingly yes this is necessary for something that happens at the end of the show. If you know, you know.
Ryusoulger: This is one of the more recent seasons + movie I watched and quite honestly I could not tell you much of what happens in the movie because for as much build up in the series led up to it, it impacted the story so minimally the show does a perfect job of summing it up without wasting the time it took to watch the movie. Whatever lore they dropped in the movie, you get in the show but at least seeing the lore in action is cool instead of not seeing it
Kiramager: Okay technically not a Summer Movie due to COVID but it counts in my heart forever. This is somewhat necessary they built it up a bit with the main villain being name dropped before her appearance and then they reference it in the literal last episode but its not like you're missing much if you choose to not watch it. I do recommend seeing it though for a certain scene. If you know, you know.
Donbrothers: The most recent movie and honestly I could not tell you if it was necessary at all considering the show isn't over but Inoue did bother to spend a whole two minutes to reference the movie happening and a single scene referencing it did happen so yknow. Go for it. I will say it is fucking hilarious and I couldn't breath at some points
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kozykricket · 1 year
some ramblings, appreciating deltarunes "layers" of story/lore
I might have already written something about this before, but something that I really love about deltarune is that it's a game that (from what we can tell) has several different layers to the story that are all enjoyable, for different... levels of players to enjoy! Like, you have the upfront stuff, about oh, dark worlds, the knight, and kris' soul (protagonist vs player and such) but its mostly just some young teenagers goofing off going to fantasy worlds and learning some self improvement then you go a tad bit deeper, still things most people may ask and you have... well what the hecks up with dark worlds logistically, why is ralsei, and what dark worlds represent (escapism woah), and for some, secret bosses expanding on the whole free will + kris' soul shenanigans thats where it may end for most people, and i think thats great, that if you arent someone in extreme brainrot about the history of gaster then... i think the game will be very enjoyable without having to think about meta elements! and of course, as good writing tends to be, hints about one "level above" are slowly dropped to those who are below, to help them understand, but you get what im saying, right? its like, big nerds get thinking about the gaster shit earlier, before the game really is gonna start probably hammering in like hey whats up with that voice at the beginning
I do question whether dess will end up being about as secret as like, jevil is, or as secret as the man behind the tree and the mystery of the eggs is. but i feel like shes also a realy good opportunity for being a mystery thats almost entirely deltarune, without needing prior-context of who a random vaguely mentioned character in ut is. still, a lot of vague info is hidden in the files, so perhaps... hmm, well, there was that one abc_123 file where toby was like "don't share stuff from the files, thanks. you cant have secrets nowadays" and then.. i feel like when he changed it to just be laughter, that was his way of saying "alright, i see the game you want to play. ill play along" and thats why... for some people, hes playing the game of hiding mysterious stuff in the code. he knows what hes doing, of course. he knows people love looking in the games code, so hes trying to make it interesting even if people do that overall though i just like how theres different levels of enjoyment of the story so far. im sure the game will end up telling everyone about dess and gaster and such, in some way, but... for most people? itll be a game about the fun gang and their friends learning to become better people, and having some fun wacky adventures on the way there! tldr toby fox does "having different layers to your story" in a fairly interesting, enjoyable way. EDIT: yeah, ill make a v2 of this post. i more specifically am amazed at how you dont NEED to know the deeper layers than you want to, and its. cool !!
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I am on mobile, so my tags are very minimal.
Do not reblog threads you are not apart of. This also applies to my headcanons, but I'm confident that the only people who reblog those are ppl who find it and don't realize this is an RP blog.
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You never know what you're going to get with me. You may get a multipara starter/reply, you may get a few sentences. I don't expect you to match my length, especially if I've written a behemoth of a starter... but I do ask that you try to match my effort. If I'm writing a huge reply and you respond with something that doesn't match the setting or context, (and do this consistently,) I'm more than likely doing to drop threads, and if this keeps happening, I'll just soft block you. Yes I do this for fun, but I put abouts and rules and everything you need to know for a reason, and if you can't be bothered to put in the effort to read it, or properly read my responses, then don't even bother.
I am a mobile user. Maybe once in a while, I'll pop onto a computer at the library to fine tune posts like this, but it's hard, if not impossible for me to use the site to its full extent. As such, icons will not be used, tags will be scarce, and trimming posts will not be done the way I like.
Trimming posts are a strange area. I have adhd and autism, so the best way for a thread to be trimmed is with the last response still attached. This way I can remember what's going on in the thread, which will lead to an overall better rp experience. If posts don't get trimmed, I'll just have to make the reply and hit that big red X button that deletes everything before my response, so take that as a warning.
RESPECT MY FUCKING BOUNDARIES. I've had some issues with one individual who sucked me into this Fandom, they refused to take no for an answer, and forced me to rp an incest ship. This has scared me away from the rpc for years. If I say no, it does not mean "convince me," it means no. I have a three strikes your out policy.
Due to this experience, I'm in a very weird place with ships, I currently don't ship Bonnie and I go back and forth as to whether or not I will in the future. You are free to talk about ships with me, but you must must MUST communicate with me!! Even if we have a ship, please communicate with me if you want to change something or break them up, please don't just end it without warning or talking to me first. I'll never force you to ship a ship you don't want, but if you don't warn me first, I will think that you want Bonnie to try and save it.
I have a full-time job as a daycare teacher. I am not always online. Do not pester me for replies.
I like to talk in the DMs!! Please don't think that this is a passive aggressive attempt to get you to reply, as eager as I get, this is a hobby, and I will not rush you intentionally!! Please tell me politely if I make you feel rushed or don't want to talk via dms. (I personally just think that writing is more fun when you know your partners.) That being said, I do not want you feeling like you are responsible for my personal feelings, and vice versa. You are allowed to say no, I am allowed to say no. If you try and guilt trip me, that will count against your three strikes. (And I will warn you dw.)
In addition to this, if you do NOT like communicating via dms, please tell me, and I will stop. If you just ignore me or ghost me, I'm either going to continue to try and reach out, thinking you forgot or didn't get notified, or I'll become intimidated, and think I did something wrong. We're all adults here, we can use our words. You don't have to follow me if you don't want to interact.
I have kept up with the lore moderately well, but if I don't know something, or have forgotten something, do not bully me. I have zero tolerance for it. You respect me, and I respect you.
From now on, this blog is run from a separate blog as well as this one in an attempt to distance myself from my toxic ex-friend. Since tumblr thinks this blog is now run from two separate blogs, DMs will not be able to be used from here any more, therefore, all DMs will have to be sent to @twoiesfnafocs. If there is some sort of emergency, and you need to contact me quickly for any reason, you will have to send an ask, even just sending in "hey can you log in, I need to talk to you asap," I will.
If you want to let me know you've read these, go ahead and like it, but it's not required, I use an honor system anyway.
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starrysharks · 1 year
Okay yeah, these characters defo be real cool!!! Do you have any lore/trivia/story on them??? (Pls I am obsessed now, I must knowwww)
lore slash trivia slash story ?!?!?! you don't even know these characters have literally eaten half of my brain at this point ,,, i'll just give some nonspoilerly info on the charas i listen on ur last ask :]
1. diane lodestar - her whole deal is that she's the president/admiral of the fleet of this naval company called nimbasa galahad. their whole deal is preventing intergalactic threats such as star piracy and the like, and protecting smaller meteorite colonies from natural disasters. she's severely overworked though, and honestly hates her job, but she still keeps a cold and calm composure most of the time unless she's around her old friend caspian (who is also the admiral of the rival company lancelot fleet), who she's very emotional with cuz they had a lot of history. also this needs some context on merlien biology: long-tailed merliens (cats, mice, etc) are known to get extra mobility from their tails (its essentially a third limb , and lodestar lost her tail in an incident that is spoilers, so she usually uses this hover-device thing to get around but i won't get too into details cuz i want to save stuff. anyway she's quite emotionally driven , almost immature, but still maintains a cold, calculating, almost robotic personality to the public
2. needles of the church - this character is from reassassination and not ultimate excalibur. basically, she was found on the doorstep of the church one day alongside her large undead companion pins, and eventually became an assassin prodigy at the CCCA (clear crucifix catholic academy)'s secret assassination course. she's just a silly funny guy who has a kill count of roughly 57 at 8 years old but she doesn't really kill anyone it's her guy pins who does all of the work. he's like a big dog to her
3. i think was uuuummmmm either novocaine or lars??? i'll do novo first. her whole deal is that she is the only dentist in postmortem aka the town where reassassination takes place, but she has an obsession for stealing any teeth that she finds interesting, often in increasingly inhumane ways - for her it's basically akin to like taking your crush's dropped pen or handkerchief or something. she's completely oblivious to her assistant, cavity, pining for her, and her goal is to capture dr. savory (the secondary protagonist) and steal his super sharp freaky teeth
2. lars time . he's just a guy tbh. i really can't talk about his backstory because it's spoilers, but his boss is shear ramshackle who is like 14. i really can't say much about him sorry 😭
1. and octavia *canned audience applause*
her story is a simple one. she was killed under mysterious circumstances and reanimated a nondisclosed amount of time later by dr savory who wanted to create an undead assistant to lug his work on but instead got stuck with a perpetually annoyed 17 year old fashionista who wants him dead. they make a deal that octavia has to get rid of his failed experiments (that often go rouge and start trying to destroy the city) so long as savory finds a way to get octavia's memories back so she can find out who killed her and kill them back. thus octavia's wacky adventures begin! she's just a cool girl who kills people
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chayscribbles · 2 years
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chayscribbles’ monthly writing update ☆ february 2023
words written: 11 606
projects worked on: Andromeda Rogue; The Gemini Heist; and a Third, Secret WIP
proudest accomplishment: i'm about halfway through with AR1 draft 2! and i finished like, a bunch of drawings
books read: Architects of Memory by Karen Osborne; All Systems Red (Murderbot Diaries #1) by Martha Wells;
why do i feel like i wrote a lot less than i actually did. like i looked at my total and thought "now that can't be right... there's no way i wrote that much."
things are going better for some wips (AR) than they are for others (GH) so maybe my head is cancelling it out lol.
reading comments: Architects of Memory was basically "a corporate war over alien weapons featuring messy sapphics in space" and i liked it but it wasn't quite a coup de coeur, 4/5 stars. All Systems Red was an absolute delight, 5/5 stars, will be reading the rest of the series once my holds on Libby come through.
(also i started reading Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo this past weekend, and i blame it + it's precursor Ninth House for putting me in the mood to work on Third Secret WIP lately, as Ninth House is partially responsible for the genre shift in Third Secret WIP.)
more specific wip-related comments + featured excerpt below.
i'm about halfway through this draft! i've passed 40k this month!
things are going super well. when i have the magical combo of time and energy and motivation to write i can get through scenes pretty easily, now that i don't have to worry about overall plot as much. plus i get to add little things here and there to beef it up.
i've mostly worked on the second act this month, which is where the team really starts going through things together.
there's one particular Azami chapter right before the midpoint that's a monster of lore-dropping. i had to rework it several times as i had an entire page of editing notes to make sure everything is coherent... and i'm still not entirely sure i've gotten it right 😭
☆ COMMENTS: THE GEMINI HEIST (outlining / draft 0.5)
not much to say about this one. didn't work on it as much. the plot for this wip continues to frustrate me. i'll find myself coming up with little ideas for the characters and the world... but when i try to sit down and come up with actual scenes and plot, my brain turns to soup.
this wip is consuming me. devouring me with its teeth. i'm surprised to find i may actually have a plot. turns out letting it hibernate for 3 years and tweaking with the genre has done some good.
i might cave and post an intro in the next month. stay tuned...
this is from the like, one scene i wrote for gemini heist this month. i just think it's funny. for context, Leo and Gabi are trying to get access to some archives in a university library, and are posing as students.
As [Leo and the archivist] talked, Gabi slipped her hand into the pocket of her ridiculous jacket. Her fingers closed around a small round device. She glanced around. While Leo was doing a great job at keeping the archivist distracted, the commotion had caught the attention of nearly everyone in the room.
Just be normal, she told herself. She inched her hand out of her pocket.
“Which archives exactly do you need access to?” [the archivist] asked.
“Art of the early Viheldan Empiric era,” Leo said. “My paper is on the Gemini statuettes.”
“Ah, that might be why. You need a special authorization form from a professor or another faculty member to access those.”
Leo pouted. “But my professor said he got access for me!”
“Perhaps you can message him—”
“Ugh— can’t you just call him right now and ask? I don’t have time for this.”
“Alright. I’ll give him a call.”
Shit. Gabi wasn’t ready. She fumbled to take out the device, concealing it as best as she could in the palm of her hand. All she needed was to place it on the archivist’s computer terminal without him seeing a thing before he made that call.
The archivist’s fingers hovered over the screen for a second before pressing an icon at the bottom. With a starburst motion of his hand, he expanded a search window and began typing in the name of the professor. Panicking, Gabi slammed the device in her hand onto the side of the terminal.
The already quiet room went completely silent. All eyes turned towards her. The archivist’s were wide and stunned. Leo’s were sharp and furious.
“I, uh,” Gabi sputtered, awkwardly keeping her hand glued to the terminal. The device whirred to life, vibrating softly under her palm. “I-I thought I saw a bug.”
☆ TAGLISTS. let me know if you want to be added/removed to any of them.
general taglist:
@nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @retrogayyde @quilloftheclouds @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @extra-magichours @avi-why @lefttigerobservation @chazzawrites @bardolatrycore @innocentlymacabre
andromeda trilogy taglist:
@bebewrites @nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @retrogayyde @akindofmagictoo @quilloftheclouds @nora-theteawriter @ashen-crest @corpsepng @writeblrfantasy @toboldlywrite @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @cheerfulmelancholies @extra-magichours @writeouswriter @cilly-the-writer @lefttigerobservation @rose-bookblood @drowsy-quill @chazzawrites @cynic-and-chief @enchanted-lightning-aes @aesa
gemini heist taglist:
@florraisons @akindofmagictoo @cream-and-tea @nicola-writes @memento-morri-writes @antique-symbolism @rose-bookblood @afoolandathief @pepperdee @avi-why @zonnemaagd @chazzawrites @analogued @enchanted-lightning-aes @innocentlymacabre @kahvilahuhut @celestepens @cilly-the-writer @extra-magichours @retrogayyde
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