#you dont have to enjoy the sound of laughter but if you complain about ppl laughing in their comments im exploding you w beams
rrover · 2 years
huge pet peeve is when theres a video and someone in the video or the person filming is laughing and then u look in the comments to see a bunch of people complaining about the person laughing/telling them to shut up. why do you hate the joy of others. why are you evil. anyway people who film things that bring them joy and laugh while filming keep it up ily
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batfamtv · 3 years
Hi so can I request for a Basilio and/or Crispin x reader please? Like maybe how they met or something, platonic or romantic, either is fine. Thanks!
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gif credits (@overlordofawesomeness) see their post here
how they met you headcanons: crispin, basilio (trese)
a/n: no specific ethnicity for the reader, but it is mostly assumed that the reader is of pinoy descent; I hope you all enjoy this, pls don't hesitate to add more! <3
okay so i imagine that mr. more-serious-than-his-younger-brother crispin has not really grown up to be a hopeless romantic
didn’t date, didn’t think that love is real (“it’s cheesy”/“baduy naman”), so finding his one true love hit him like a ton of bricks
sees you for the first time while working on a case with bossing, you live next to the house of the victims
really found you cute, but he didn’t get the chance to approach you because you had slammed the gates closed in front of him
he sees you again completely by accident during another case, and crispin was so surprised and thankful
he keeps trying to make eye contact with you, while you are trying not to make eye contact with the tall, muscular man who is wearing a dark suit
he finally asks you out, and you at first freak out, somehow convinced that this man is a part of a gang or is some scary rich dude who is the future ceo of his dad’s company or something
to your surprise, he picks you up (still dressed in a suit) but brings you to a small family restaurant--almost a carenderia
it is so amusing to find him so overdressed during the date, but it is a nice dinner and you two have fun talking and getting to know each other
he is so cute when asking if you wanted to hang out again, and when you say yes, he smiles so brightly
you get streetfood the next time you hang out!
at this point, crispin kinda already knows about your life story, but you still dont know his
he seems to be a little closed off about the topic, but you dont push him
crispin is gone from time to time, only texting you sporadically, but you dont question it even though you are curious, because you trust him and you may be just a tiny lil bit infatuated
when he does tell you everything about him, he prefaces it so seriously and grimly that you think he will say he doesn't want to see you anymore
instead, he sullenly tells you about his life, ending with an apology for not telling you sooner
"i was just so scared you would run away"
you tell him that you wont run away and surprise him when you throw your arms around him and kiss him
he is honestly so whipped for you oh my god
if crispin is free, he will always drop you off and pick you up from school/work
he brings you to meet his family, basilio, alexandra, hank
they accept you as part of the family, and you immerse yourself in their library, reading up information about their lives
whenever they finish a case, you would be there, having cooked nice, warm meals for them
crispin would come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder
he would whisper, "thank you for taking care of us" and presses kisses on your cheek down to your neck
you dont go out with them on a case, even if you want to (you and crispin fight over this, but he simply insists that he cannot lose you or even see you hurt)
he keeps his words of affirmation and affections as private as possible
basilio and hank tease him a lot if he tries to show any affection towards you with them present, and it bothers him at first
but you just laugh it off, ignoring the "uyyy" and other teasing remarks
basilio laughs when he sees his twin relaxing against you on the couch, crispin's head laid on your lap, "who's cheesy now?"
to this, crispin laughs before looking up at you and kissing your hand
he whispers "i love you against your skin"
i would say that compared to basilio and his s/o's relationship, your relationship with crispin is a lot more serious, more mature
kinda have the husband-and-wife vibe even though you aren't married yet (but you both know that this will happen eventually)
crispin knows that you are the one, and is hell bent on keeping you happy and safe
secretly looks up "perfect proposal ideas" when he realizes one night just how much he loves you
always has you in his arms when you're asleep, the sound of your heartbeat, and the feeling of your breath against his skin reminding him just what he is fighting and living for
he is fighting and living for you, and the future you two are going to share
the younger and more mischievous of the two, it didn't surprise everyone that basilio is the last person to realize his love for you
he met you shortly after being adopted by carlos trese, you were a family friend and possibly another babaylan from another city/province
came to the treses for a visit and was surprised to see new members of the family
you bonded with the twins almost instantaneously, becoming best friends with them
although everyone could see that you were closer to basilio than you were to crispin, mostly because of basilio's more laid back personality
absolutely thick as thieves with him, to a point where crispin would sulk and complain that you were stealing his lil brother from him
you would all play games until you were downright exhausted, from playing house, hide-and-seek, patintero (you try not to play catch with them bc you know they're gonna use their powers anyway) and the sad days were when you had to leave
you once had a tantrum as you clung to basilio, begging him to hide you from your parents so that they wouldn't bring you home
crispin and Alexandra had to pry you away from him, and he didn't talk to them for like 2 days after you left
as you two grew older, the games lessened and you focused more on training and battle strategies
but the closeness never left
you also kinda know that basilio cares for you, and to be honest, you wouldn't say no if he ever asks you out, but he never did and that's ok
outside of his family, you are his best friend and he loves you just as much as he loves his brother and sister
but it was obvious to alexandra and crispin that when you got older, something changed in the way basilio looked at you
he kinda looks at you just a little bit longer than usual, simple touches linger here and there, the slight overprotectiveness, the little acts of love
he brings you food ("we stopped by the carenderia and they had your favorite ulam")
brings you flowers ("where did you find these arabian jasmines/sampaguita?" basilio shrugs, "bought them on the way home." "he plucked them from aling josie's garden," Alexandra tells you as she walks past the two of you)
crispin tries to tell basilio that he should definitely ask you out, because it's so clearly obvious that you both like each other, but basilio tries to deny it
"torete ka bro, please just go ahead and tell her how you feel"
and basilio kinda sits on the idea, like literally has an existential crisis trying to figure out if he loves you romantically or just platonically
so he tries to imagine his future
he doesn't think much of it, thinking that this world is going to consume him long before he would have the chance to build a life anyway, but amidst the thought of death, he sees something
just a flash of light and sounds of laughter
it's you, carrying a young girl as you smile at him, standing just in front of the gate
and basilio thinks, that's such a nice vision, coming home to you
whenever he thinks of possibly settling down and having a family, it has always been with you
it has always been with you since you were kids, and now it's still you
so when he tells you he loves you during the most inappropriate time (fighting off aswang kidnappers), you grin at him and yell "I love you too!" back
and he removes his mask for a second before clarifying, "no y/n, I am in love with you!"
you grin at him again before exclaiming, "I know! i loved you since we were like 10"
after the fight, he doesn't hesitate to bring you into his arms and kiss you
you kissed his cheek when you were kissed, absolutely out of curiosity, and you were both like "ewww that's gross" but now it's not
it was perfect, like it was meant to be
unlike crispin and his s/o, you two are pretty chill about your relationship, kinda lowkey with it too
you don't talk about marriage (yet), and ppl who see you just think you two are either together, or just very best friends
you two are comfortable with each other and know each other from the inside out
the times where his cheerful personality changes is when it involves your safety, then he becomes so much like his brother, stoic and almost scary
will not ever compromise your safety over anything
basilio grew up with you, and now he plans to grow old with you
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satanskatse · 5 years
so, i’ve got a request :D (obviously if u don’t wanna do it u dont have to ^^) but basically that shake in a dressing shaker “prompt” that we talked about earlier w loki! you can decide on all the details since youre the author :D
Of course I do this!! Thanks for the first request!
Wordcount: 532
Pairing: Loki x gender neutral reader (romantic)
Warnings: none?
A/N: Thank you for requesting this, I had fun thinking about this and writing it :) I would have loved to let you beta read it bc I love your feedback but I can’t do that if the story is for you. Anyway, enjoy! :)
 “Are we there soon? I’m tired of not knowing where I’m going”, you complain as your partner guides you god knows where.
“Norns, how can one human possibly be so impatient?”, your boyfriend mutters under his breath, rolling his eyes, knowing that you can’t see it.
“I heard you, Loki, and you know that I don’t like it.”
Loki shakes his head. “If you don’t stop whining, I’ll leave you right here and enjoy the surprise I have for you alone.”
“Don’t you even dare!”, you scoff, holding onto his arm so he can’t leave.
His mischievous snickering makes you feel all bubbly inside. But you fight a smile, you don’t want him to know that you enjoy his teasing. The blindfold annoyed you though, you don’t like to be dependent on another person. Especially when you don’t know where this person takes you. The only thing you know is that you’re somewhere outside in the nature. Either in a park or away from the city but from how quiet it is you guess it’s the latter.
You feel Lokis free hand on your shoulder, signaling you to stop. “Stay here”, he whispers. You sigh. Oh how you loved to be left alone somewhere, not knowing where you are… His footsteps don’t go too far, only a few feet away and you hear him preparing whatever surprise he has for you. After what feels like five minutes he appears to be done, only the wind and the sounds the nature makes surrounding you. After a short silence you hear him coming back to you. He stops right in front of you and takes off your blindfold. After a second you take to adjust to the light you open your eyes. Once again you have to admire Lokis looks, his pale skin a hard contrast to his raven hair, his high cheekbones and his expressive eyes mesmerizing you. He softly strokes your cheek and his eyes softly scan your face.
“You ready?”, he whispers. You nod and he steps aside, letting you see the picknick he made for the two of you. Involuntarily you gasp and smile up at your boyfriend. He returns the smile and softly kisses your cheek. “I hope you’re hungry.”
The two of you sit down and Loki gives you whatever you ask for. You look in the picnic basket, checking, if there’s more. You scrunch your nose when you see an all too familiar shaker. “You took salad with you?”, you ask. “No”, Loki replies irritated and turns around to see what you look at. He takes the shaker out of the basket, saying that he made your favorite milkshake for you and you start laughing. Irritated Loki looks at you and furrows his brows. “Loki…. That’s a shaker for salad dressing”, you explain as your laughter dies down. “It is?”, he asks, looking at the shaker. You nod. “Maybe we should spend some time in the kitchen, making dinner together”, you propose, still smiling. He shrugs. “Maybe.” He opens the shaker and takes a sip. You couldn’t help giggling and shaking your head at that sight. Who would have thought that something like this would ever happen?
Special thanks to my beta readers @seyvetch and @your-dragondads-hoard
Also the ppl for my fanifc bc maybe you want to read this too (if you only want to read my multichapter Loki fanfic or only special things pls let me know) @ladybugsfanfics @biggest-goofiest-fish @bagels-almost-definitely-exist @cherrygeek86 @disha-chowdhury @ethereal-sserendipity
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wanna-17 · 7 years
ong seongwoo first meeting! AU
summary: in which you meet a handsome guy and his friends while in line for a rollercoaster 
length: 1.7k
a/n: the next one in my first meeting! au series! sorry that it took so long! honestly a lot has been happening in life and everything is uncertain and just life is hard and decisions too. but did you guys watch mama? how beautiful were wanna one? and i can’t get over how handsome seongwoo is and congrats to wanna one for winning 2 awards!!! everyone has worked hard and everyone is equally deserves an award, spread love and not hate im so annoyed at “fans” complaining about how some groups don’t deserve an award or another group deserved an award more...everyone is deserving!!!!! but there are only so little awards to give out :(( anyways hope you guys enjoy this scenario :) 
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you were an only child 
while you always had your parents attention and you were super close to them 
sometimes you really wish you had a sibling
to rant about life with and to do fun things together with 
so now you are on a holiday with your parents 
and today was the amusement park which you were most looking forward too 
the last time you went to an amusement park when you were like 8 so you couldn’t go on all the big scary rides :(((
so you were keen for this time as you were able to go on every ride due to your height 
you and your parents arrived at the theme park 
and well obviously you and your parents had different ideas about what was fun 
they were into slow rides where they could see the scenery like cable cars and towers that slowly rose up 
while you were into thrill rides like rollercoasters or haunted houses or those rides where you drop down 
so you and your parents decided to separate for the day and meet up again just before the amusement park closed 
while walking around you couldn’t help but be envious of all the young people around you 
there were couples or siblings or people with a big group of friends 
you decided to push those thoughts out and make the most of the day 
you went on some rides with shorter lines and screamed your lungs off without a care in the world 
but these rides were medium level and not too scary   
at this amusement park there was also the second fastest ride in the world so it was obviously popular 
you really wanted to go on it so you joined the line,,,even though it was a 1.5 hr wait lmao
for the first `10 or so minutes you scrolled through your phone 
until the group of ppl in front of you caught your attention bc they were so loud especially this one guy with a hyena laugh lol jaehwan my boy 
you realised that those group of boys were actually behind you in line for the first ride you went on this morning 
and you may or may not  have found them cute 
but anyways you continued on with your business continuing to scroll through your phone 
....until suddenly there was pushing for some reason and you were shoved against this tall guy in front of you 
his nice and firm back was the first thing that came to mind
the guy turned around and smiled at you and as he slightly held onto you 
“omg i’m so sorry” you said flustered “i dont know why they’re pushing behind me” 
“hey don’t be sorry its fine!!” said the guy really nicely as he continued to hold onto you to keep u stable not even sure if that makes sense but lets go with the flow 
while you slightly tried to hide your blushing 
bc his voice was so ??? nice ??
the pushing went on for a little more and it finally stopped and you heaved a sigh of relief
“hey i’m so sorry what’s your name?” asked the guy
“im y/n! and you?” 
“i’m seongwoo, ong seongwoo, not hong seongwoo, not kong seongwoo, not wong seongwoo but ong seongwoo. nice to meet you” 
you nodded and laughed at his response 
he laughed as well glad that you found him funny bc he lowkey found u cute as well 
“are you here yourself?” asked seongwoo
“i’m with my parents but they’re not really up for this ride” 
he laughed and his eyes crinkled cutely 
“lol yeah makes sense, im with my crazy bunch of friends but you can join us if you like” offered seongwoo 
when he said that, his friends all turned around and started greeting you enthusiastically trying to shake your hand and talk to you and you were overwhelmed by their keenness
“hey hey guys BACK OFF i talked to her first” joked seongwoo
you all  laughed and then he introduced you one by one each of his friends providing a funny description for each person 
they all seemed tight and you found out that they’d be friends for a long time bc they were the only younger boys who lived in their neighbourhood so they all naturally became friends even though there were age gaps 
suddenly lining up for this ride was fun and the time went so fast 
you listened to them talk and found it cute how they always talked over each other and tried to get your attention whenever you asked them questions 
you laughed along with them and learnt that they all learnt dancing together and hoped to form an entertainment agency and they joked that you should be the ceo 
while lining up though you couldn’t help but be most attached to seongwoo 
he was super nice and when no one was talking to you he would strike up a conversation 
you noticed he had these three moles formed like a constellation under his left eye correct me if im wrong omg
and they were so pretty and unique 
basically not only was he very handsome but had a fun and down to earth personality 
in no time you guys were at the front of the line however the ride was in pairs 
and his friends obviously had a plan bc they noticed the secret and not so shy glances you and seongwoo stole at each other 
so they all paired up  at the speed of light even daniel left ong to pair up with jisung 
and seongwoo was left with you 
but you both were secretly happy heheh
you guys got on the ride and buckled up 
soon the rollercoaster started going up and thats when it hit you 
“omg omg omg” you chanted excitedly 
seongwoo laughed at your cute reaction and chanted along with you 
you raised your hands as it got to the peak 
and woosh the rollercoaster was going down steeply at the speed of 160km/hr 
you and seongwoo screamed in delight
and unconsciously he grabbed onto your hand as he continued to scream and wail and shout 
at that moment when you felt his hand grabbing yours 
it didn’t feel like you were on a rollercoaster anymore
rather your heart was on a rollercoaster of emotions that you had never experienced before 
then he suddenly let go and raised his ups as the ride reached another peak 
you were slightly disappointed but decided to enjoy the ride so you continued screaming and enjoying the thrill 
when you all got off you all passed the section where the photos from the ride were on the screen
and you didnt even know  there would be photos 
“guys lets look at the photos” shouted jisung as he tried to gather all the crazy boys 
you guys looked through the photos as they were presented on a slideshow
and when it got to you and seongwoo’s they all burst out in laughter and began to tease you 
“hahahah omg look y/n’s expression is frozen” said guanlin seal clapping 
“y/n must love it so much” shrieked jaehwan 
“they’re in love oooohhhh” teased daehwi 
you and seongwoo exchanged shy glances as they continued to tease you two 
from then on for every ride they would make sure you and seongwoo were next to each other 
and the two of you didn’t even protest 
and y’all were both secretly enjoying it 
the last destination for the day was the ferris wheel 
when you guys were lining up you and seongwoo were at the end of the group 
when you guys reached the front of the line you noticed daniel and sungwoon whispering to the guy who worked there 
but you didn’t think much of it 
the limit for the ferris wheel was 4 ppl max per but daniel and sungwoon were begging the guy to let them go in 2 groups of 5 so that seongwoo and you could be together lmao
which obviously you two didn’t know
when the next ferris wheel came down 5 of the squished onto the ferris wheel and straightaway the next 5 did too 
leaving you with seongwoo 
“looks like i’ll leave you two to have a date” smirked the guy who worked there as he ushered you two on the ferris wheel 
now you were alone with seongwoo on the ferris wheel and you were feeling shy 
it was already dark outside and you could see the stars outside
it was silent between you guys but it was like a comfortable and peaceful silence
sudden;y seongwoo spoke calling out your name
“you know this might be reaally random but i’d like it if we continued to hang out as today was really fun” said seongwoo 
“same here” you nodded in agreement “i’m really grateful that you let me hang out with you and your friends even though we only met today” 
seongwoo smiled
“this might sound cliche but i think i fell for you at first sight” said seongwoo shyly as he rubbed the back of his neck 
you gasped in surprise not sure what to say 
“you don’t have to give me an answer i completely understand but i hope you’ll give me a chance and that we can get to know each other more” 
you felt your heart beating at his sincere words
and you agreed with him 
even though you were pretty sure you liked seongwoo you still wanted to know him better and be good friends first 
“sure of course i like you too but i want to know you first as well” you responded 
seongwoo smiled as he pumped his fist 
the two of you looked at each other and laughed happily 
this amusement park trip was so unexpected and you had gotten a crush 
bonus: seongwoo walks you back to meet your parents after the ferris wheel and your parents are smitten by him heheh
please let me know what you think! also i reached 1k followers!!!!! thank you all SO SO MUCH <3 i’m in the progress of making a thank you so that will be up soon. but i’m so happy bc there are more than 1000 of you that like my scenarios where my ideas are just based off my imagination or experiences and im so glad that you guys are sticking around :) 
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