#you finally manage to free yourself once and get up to use the bathroom (as u should)
whateveriwant · 9 months
The 141 getting you to stay in bed
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It gets a little spicy towards the end so 18+ please
Waking up to the feeling of a numb arm is extremely unpleasant, but you suppose it comes with the territory when trying to cuddle 200+ pounds of rugged Scotsman
You manage to free your trapped limb and roll to the other side of the bed, but that space behind you remains empty for only about three seconds before Johnny's pressing himself flat to your back 
Now with his arms around your waist, he holds you tight to him, mumbling unintelligibly against the back of your head
He drifts back to sleep quickly enough, his grip on you starting to loosen, only for it to tighten again when he feels you try to wriggle out of his hold
The incoherent grumbles from his throat grow increasingly displeased the more you try to shift away from him, until finally he huffs a grumpy, “Quit it,” into your scalp, hooking his leg over yours 
If you still don't listen, he'll have no choice but to take drastic measures to keep you still. Fed up with your squirming, he simply rolls on top of you, pinning you to the mattress below him
You can try beating on his back, telling him that you can't breathe, but he just shrugs and says, “Use my breath.”
Don't even bother trying to explain how oxygen doesn't work like that, because he doesn't care. “Tough,” he mumbles into the crook of your neck. “‘Cause I'm no' movin’.” And by extension, neither are you
Kyle is also a stage 5 clinger, but he's less boa constrictor and more baby koala
So when your alarm goes off at 8am precisely, it's no surprise that the man behind you grumbles in protest
“It's Saturday,” he bemoans. “Why you getting up so bloody early?” When you tell him you like to keep your routine even on the weekends, he just groans and mutters, “Five more minutes.”
You can try to squirm and wrestle out of his hold, but he'll just tighten his arm around your midsection, keeping his front firmly glued to your back
But you need to get up! You have to pee for goodness’ sake! 
“Use the empty bottle on your nightstand,” he mumbles into your hair, peeking an eye open as you crane to look back at him. The look you give him at such a horrid suggestion has him sighing. “Alright, fine,” he relents and releases you. “But be quick. Bed gets cold without you.”
Once you've answered the call of nature, don't be surprised to find Kyle waiting for you directly outside the bathroom. He's wrapped up in your comforter like an oversized burrito, only his face and feet visible as they peek out from under the plush cover
With a sleepy pout, he holds his hand out for you, tugging you back to bed with him. Oh, he’ll make sure you get those five more minutes alright. Even if he has to drag you kicking and screaming
First of all, don't even kid yourself into thinking you'll stand a chance of waking up before him or sneaking out of bed without him knowing. This man is the epitome of a light sleeper, whenever he does sleep, that is
So when you do finally wake up, it comes as no surprise to see Simon already up too. But just because you're both awake now doesn't mean you have to immediately be productive; quite the opposite, in fact
With how busy and stressed he is all the time, Simon loves nothing more than to just lie in bed with you and do nothing for hours
If you try to get up, he's stopping you with a gentle hand on your wrist, his voice quiet but firm as he commands, “Stay.”
You'll lay back down for a bit to appease him, but it won't be long before you feel guilty since you have so many things you should be doing instead
But actually, no, you don't have  anything to worry about. He's already taken care of everything before you woke up, he humbly informs you
The cat's been fed, the bin’s been taken out to the curb, he's even gotten your breakfast typed up on his phone – just give him the word and he'll place the order
So now when he opens his arms for you, having you bury your face in his chest, you've got nothing to worry about except savoring this moment with him 
John is also a very light sleeper, so it only takes .02 seconds of you trying to stand from the bed for his bear-like snores to cease and his eyes to flit wide open
He'll grab you by the shirt hem, mumbling, “Where’re y’ goin’?” But it doesn't really matter what your answer is because his response is always the same: “No y’r not.” And pulls you back down. “Y’r stayin’ right here.”
He'll lie on his stomach, face smushed in the pillow, a big, warm hand tucked under your shirt resting against your belly
With nothing better to do, you scroll through your phone, catching up on your socials, the news, etc., but it's not long before you hear him grumble, “Put that away, will ya? ‘S too early to be meltin’ your brain with that thing.”
Well, what does he expect you to do? Lie there and stare at the ceiling for an hour? “Expect you to be good,” he tells you. “Don't make me get the handcuffs out again.”
Now that you have to laugh at. If he thinks it's too early to be on your phone, it's definitely too early for that
He smirks, opening his eye just a sliver, and the hand on your stomach begins to rub soft circles. “Is that so?” he taunts, his touch sneakily edging downwards. And when he slips beneath the band of your shorts, well…
Let's just say you're not leaving that bed anytime soon
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roosterforme · 1 month
Aim for the Sky Part 18 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: When grandparents come to visit, Rose gets spoiled silly, and you and Bradley get an opportunity to spend some time alone. You have doubts about your body, but being around your husband makes you feel as good as you hoped it would.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, adult language, lactation kink, messing around, DILF Roo
Length: 5200 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Aim for the Sky masterlist. This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order.
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You were exhausted, and your breasts hurt. There was so much to do, and Rose wanted to eat constantly. Taking a twenty minute shower felt like a luxury, but your husband insisted on it when you started to cry in the kitchen. 
"Do you want some ginger ale?" he asked, tucking Rose into the baby carrier so she would hopefully fall asleep.
"Yeah," you replied, not really sure why you were crying. Bradley patted your butt and told you to go get in the shower, promising to bring the drink in for you.
While the water warmed up, you got undressed and stared at yourself in the mirror. Your body was like a deflated balloon, and you couldn't stop thinking about how weird you looked. Absolutely nothing was as tight as it used to be, and even your face looked unamused and annoyed. And every time you thought about how much you hated the way your body looked now, you got upset with yourself, because you had a beautiful daughter.
"You didn't get in the shower?"
You had you pull yourself out of your daze to meet Bradley's eyes in the mirror. He was holding a plastic cup, and Rose appeared to have finally fallen asleep. "Oh. I will." 
You were almost embarrassed to have him in the bathroom with you as you scrutinized your new bits of cellulite and stretch marks, but he simply wrapped his free arm around you from behind and whispered, "Take your time. I'm going to put Rose in her crib, and then we can watch a movie or snuggle."
Unshed tears burned at your eyes and your throat as he kissed your bare shoulder. He had to go back to work tomorrow. Your parents were arriving tomorrow night. There were so many things happening all at once, and you were overwhelmed even though you barely had to lift a finger with him taking care of so much.
Bradley's breath was warm on your skin as you shivered, naked in the middle of the room. "I love you, Baby Girl. Get in the shower. You'll feel better."
Somehow, he was right. The steamy water pounded against your skin while you sipped your cold ginger ale, and even the sound echoing off the glass and tile was oddly satisfying. You took a few deep breaths with your eyes closed and didn't move for a couple minutes before you reached for the soap.
You didn't even try to put your own clothing on when you finally walked back into your bedroom. Nothing fit, and you didn't want to have to deal with looking at yourself like that in the mirror again, so you pulled on Bradley's old, stretched out gym shorts and one of his shirts. You felt freshly scrubbed and in a much better mood as you walked down the hallway and poked your head inside Rosie's nursery. She was sprawled out on her back in one of her fuzzy sleepers, and you smiled at Tramp curled up in a circle on the rug. He lifted his head to look at you as you turned toward the living room where you could hear the TV on with the volume low.
"Hi," you whispered, and Bradley lifted the blanket so you could join him on the couch. "You got her down okay?"
He wrapped his muscular arm around you. "I did. Eventually. She started crying the first time I set her down, and then Tramp licked her through the crib which made her cry more. This parenting shit is exhausting."
For the first time in a week, you realized just how tired he looked. Bradley made everything seem so easy right now, and you didn't know how you'd manage while he was at work tomorrow. But he looked like he needed a good night's sleep tonight. 
"Want to watch an episode of Real Housewives?" you asked.
He shrugged and tried not to smile. "Only if you want to." It was shamelessly his favorite show, so you queued up an episode and curled up facing his chest. "Aren't you going to watch it, too?" he chuckled, nodding past you to the TV.
You responded by raking your fingers through his hair, and a second later he was yawning. "I'll watch it in a minute," you lied, and he melted into the scalp massage you gave him. Each soft grunt you elicited from him was followed by him closing his eyes for a few seconds, and as soon as you kissed the scars on his cheek, he was sound asleep. Then your fingers went slack in his hair as you yawned.
The two of you got a solid five hours on the couch before Rose started crying for food.
"How's the baby? Can I see a picture?"
Bradley sighed quietly to himself and turned to see Javy pulling on a pair of compression shorts next to him. 
"She's great. Gets a little better at sleeping every night," he replied, scrolling through his photo gallery to show him a picture of Rose in her crib. Everyone and their mother seemed to stop him on his way to the locker room, and it was getting to the point where he was going to be late to the tarmac if everyone didn't shut up.
"Damn! She's adorable," Javy said with a laugh. "Kind of makes me want one."
"That's called 'baby fever'," Bradley said, tucking his phone away so he could pull on his flight suit. "Apparently it's a real thing and highly contagious. Want me to put a stop to it for you?"
"Sure," Javy said smoothly, still laughing until Bradley told him the cost of the fancy daycare on base for a month. "Jesus," the other man gasped. "Never mind."
"Exactly," Bradley muttered, finally zipping up his flight suit when Jake strolled in. 
"How's my goddaughter, Rose Bradshaw?" he asked, loud enough that anyone in a three mile radius would have heard.
"Wait, you made Hangman the godfather?" asked Mickey from the other side of the lockers. "Damn. That's pretty wild."
Bradley took a deep breath and said, "I need to get out on the tarmac to talk to Maverick." 
There was something kind of awful about coming back to work after a week off with just you and the baby, and he realized he was in a shitty mood as he took the long way outside to avoid everyone else. He missed Rose, and he missed making lunch for you. He was getting pretty good at smashing up the nasty avocado stuff and globbing it onto a perfectly toasted slice of overpriced bread. He really felt like he should still be there with you just in case you needed something. 
"There you are," Maverick said, pushing his aviators higher on his nose as Bradley hustled through the hangar. "How's little Rose?"
He wanted to tell his godfather that it was bullshit that he had to be at work when he had an adorable nine day old daughter he could be playing with, but he bit his tongue. "She's great. Thanks for the stuffed animals. The goose and the rooster were a nice touch."
Maverick waved him off. "You don't need to thank me for anything. Let's have a conversation as we walk to the tower." Bradley kept up the same pace with him as he said, "I'm going to need you to stay until six today. I'll give you a shot performing a dog fighting exercise with some of the new arrivals, but you'll need to stay and write up your post lesson notes."
Bradley licked his lips. On one hand, he'd been grabbing onto every little crumb that was offered when it came to teaching on base. If he could spend more time working out of North Island and less time on an aircraft carrier, he would be able to avoid some of the long deployments that made having a wife and child at home feel so impossible. On the other hand, he was supposed to pick your parents up from the airport at six. He didn't want to send you and Rose out in rush hour to get them even though he knew nothing could beat the comfort and safety of the red Bronco.
Hopefully he could get to the airport quickly enough that your parents wouldn't even notice he was running late. He cleared his throat nervously. "Sounds good, Mav. I'll stay until six."
By dinnertime, you were in tears. Rose was already crying again. You just finished feeding her. You were trying to figure out how to use the breast pump, but now it was in pieces on the kitchen island. You couldn't even manage to put ten minutes together to make it work properly. Your body looked scary, you forgot to eat lunch, your entire face was breaking out, and now Rose was wailing.
If you couldn't even make it through one day alone with her, how the fuck were you supposed to even be a mom?
"I'm coming," you called out, almost tripping over Tramp on your way back to the nursery. Your breasts were aching, and as soon as she latched on, you couldn't tell if they felt better or worse. You couldn't tell anything. You hadn't slept for more than five consecutive hours in over a week, because Rose was always hungry.
"Please take a nap after this," you whispered. "I need a nap, too." Truthfully, you wanted your parents here just as much as you wanted Bradley. Rose spit up on the kitchen floor earlier, and you kept forgetting to clean it up between her feeding frenzies. You could probably get your dad to do that. And you needed more panty liners from the story which your mom could probably handle. And you needed your husband to make you avocado toast before you withered away into oblivion. 
"We're here!" Bradley called out through the house as you finished changing a wet diaper. You quickly yanked your dirty tank top back over your head, and as soon as you walked out into the living room, you started crying.
And so did your parents as they crowded around you, kissing your cheeks and looking at the baby in your arms.
"It was one thing seeing her over facetime," your mom sobbed, "but she's even more precious in person."
"Hi, Rose. I'm your grandpa," you dad whispered as the baby yawned. "I think she kind of looks like me."
You laughed as you cried, relief flooding through your body as your mom scooped Rose up into her arms, and then Bradley was at your side, kissing your forehead. 
"Did my pretty girls have a good day?" he asked, stroking your cheek with his thumb and smiling at you as if you looked like a fairy princess rather than an unfed, exhausted rat. 
He smelled a bit like jet fuel, and for some reason he was still wearing his flight suit even though he knew you couldn't have sex with him. "It was just really hard," you whispered, looking up at him like you needed him to understand without you having to explain it to him.
Bradley glanced around at the pump parts in the kitchen and the spit up on the floor. He held you a little tighter as he nodded. "It was really hard for me, too. I just wanted to be here to try to make your day easier." Now you were crying in earnest as your mom and dad continued to make a fuss over the baby, but Bradley was already walking you backwards toward the hallway. "I'm sure the grandparents can hold down the fort while we take a little break?"
"Absolutely," your mom replied, kissing Rose's feet while your dad held her. "Take your time."
As soon as you were in the quiet solace of your bedroom, Bradley bent to remove his boots, and then he unzipped his flight suit and left it in a heap on the floor. "I think I'd feel better if we got in bed for a few minutes." You nodded in agreement, climbing into the unmade bed, and a second later, you were wrapped up in his arms under the covers. He sighed as you curled up against his chest. "Yeah. This is what I needed."
It was like night and day for you. As soon as you were with him, everything felt better. More manageable. Like you could handle all of it. Bradley pressed his lips to your temple as you whispered, "I've been waiting for this moment all day."
"God, I fucking love you, Baby Girl."
You laughed in response, but you weren't joking. "I'm so serious, Roo. I was overwhelmed, and I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. And Rose is just hungry all day and all night, and I can barely keep up."
His big hand slid up and down your arm, soothing away your stress as he murmured, "Well, you make it look easy, Sweetheart. Best mom in the world. As soon as I get my fill of you, I'll make you dinner."
You let his words sink in as you got your breathing under control. Then you finally lifted your head from his chest and kissed him. "I think I'll be okay."
Bradley sat up with you in his lap. "Let's eat something, and then we can feed Rose and get right back in bed. I'll bet I can get your dad to walk Tramp."
The two of you had only been in your bedroom for about twenty minutes, but when you walked back out into the kitchen, it was like a miracle had occurred. There was no mess on the floor. The breast pump appeared as though it had been set up correctly. Your dad was walking back inside with Tramp, already having completed a walk, and your mom was rocking Rose in her arms in the kitchen with four plates of dinner lined up on the counter.
"I hope sandwiches are okay," she said when she spotted you and Bradley. "Just something simple tonight. Tomorrow I'll make spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread."
You took Rose from her and handed the baby to Bradley before throwing your arms around your mom's neck. "Thank you," you whispered, voice shaking with an emotion that wasn't unpleasant. "All of this is really overwhelming."
"We're here to help make it easier. Eat your sandwich."
Having your parents stay for the week seemed to make all the difference in the world. They knew how to handle seemingly everything. When you winced after feeding Rose, your mom mentioned getting some ointment. She made a shopping list and ran to the store, and she even brought back the correct type of coffee. And your dad didn't seem to mind sitting in the nursery in the middle of the night, burping and rocking Rose after you finished feeding her so you could go right back to bed.
In fact, every single thing they did, they did with a smile on their face. They were absolutely loving this. And every so often, Bradley felt a pang of sadness associated with something he would never get to experience.
He was thankful for his in-laws, but he would give anything right now to get to experience his own mom and dad having a visit with Rose. It hurt too much to think about it for more than a few seconds here and there, so he forced himself not to. But you always seemed to have a way of honoring them even when he couldn't come up with one himself, and he was so thankful that you did. When he walked in from work on Wednesday, you were sitting at the kitchen island, pumping your breast milk and typing on your computer.
"Hey, Sweetheart. Where's the Nugget?" Bradley asked as you tipped your head to the side to let him kiss your neck.
"She's outside with my mom," you replied easily. "And my dad is taking a nap upstairs since he was up so much last night."
He hummed as he saw your mom walk across the back patio with Rose in her arms and Tramp following behind them. "What are you working on?"
You sounded calm and relaxed as you said, "Finally getting the hang of the pump. The ointment my mom got is helping so much, and I'm trying to store some of my milk in the fridge to make things easier. Oh, and I'm sending baby pictures to Brenda and the other cousins." 
You turned and kissed him over your shoulder as he looked at your computer screen. There was an adorable collage of photos of Rose as well as a family tree graphic that you made. It had everyone's name on it, including Nick and Carole Bradshaw, with the branches all leading to Rose's name in the middle.
"That's really pretty," he whispered, getting choked up.
"I thought so, too," you said, reaching for his hand. "Maybe we can get a copy printed and hang it by the piano?"
"Yeah. We should do that," he grunted, letting his forehead rest on your shoulder. "I'll be back after I say hi to Rosie."
When he walked outside, your mom was telling a very elaborate rendition of the Three Little Pigs to his daughter while she yawned like she was going to fall asleep. "Want me to put her in the nursery so you can take a break?" he asked quietly.
"I've got her," she replied, nodding back toward the house. "Why don't you take your wife out for a few hours? She's been pumping all day, so I can just give this little one a bottle if she gets hungry after her nap."
"Oh," Bradley grunted. It was Wednesday. This used to be Hard Deck night for the two of you. Nobody would expect it, and it might even be fun. "Yeah. Okay." He kissed the top of Rose's head and went back inside, taking you by the hand as you sent the photos and the family tree off in an email.
"What are you doing?" you asked as he led you toward the bedroom. "You want to snuggle?"
"Yes. Always. But right now, we're going out for a few hours."
Bradley smirked. "It's Wednesday."
You gave him a confused look that melted away immediately. "The Hard Deck?"
"Of course."
The idea of getting out of the house took over your brain and made you feel lighter than air, but the prospect of having to wear real clothes was upsetting to say the least. You knew your jeans wouldn't fit, and just thinking about the tight waistband against your belly made you cringe. You watched Bradley change into the tropical print shirt you got him for Christmas, the one that matched Rosie's, and he looked impossibly handsome.
"I'll be ready to leave when you are," he promised, kissing your cheek as he tucked his wallet into his jeans pocket. "Just let me know, okay?"
Then he rushed from the room, leaving you alone with an entire wardrobe of clothing that made you want to scream. After looking at nearly everything you owned, you settled on black leggings that were a little too big on you before you got pregnant and your oversized red sweater. You carefully got dressed, scared to look at yourself in the bathroom mirror, but you needed to put on some makeup.
The finished product wasn't too bad. You looked tired, but so did Bradley. Your outfit mostly hid your weird shape, and you were absolutely craving a beer right now. After this week, you were going to owe your parents big time, but when you went out to the living room, they appeared to be absolutely thriving.
Your dad had a rattle and a crinkle toy in his hands, and Rose was reaching for them while your mom held her. Every time the baby moved an inch, they cheered. You had to stifle your laughter as Bradley came in through the front door with a small bundle of flowers.
"Where did you get those?" you asked him as you leaned down to give Rose a kiss on her cheek.
"From the neighbor's shrub." When you gave him a concerned look, he added, "I asked first! I wanted you to have flowers for date night. I'm pretty sure it's important to keep the magic alive after you have a kid."
The Hard Deck and flowers from a shrub seemed kind of ridiculous for a date, but he was always so sincere. "Thanks, Roo. This is perfect."
He smiled as you put the flowers in the kitchen, and your mom said, "Get a move on, you two. We have everything under control."
You and Bradley were speed walking out to the blue Bronco when you said, "It's like I'm in high school again. I have to get permission from my parents to go out for the night."
Bradley's laughter put an enormous smile on your face as he buckled you in the front seat. He ran his thumb along your cheek and whispered, "You look beautiful," before closing the door. His words left your heart racing, because you knew he meant them. When he backed out of the driveway, he said, "We should stop for pizza on the way there."
It felt like a date early on in your relationship. Sitting in a booth together, constantly holding hands, legs intertwined under the table. Neither of you could stop smiling or laughing, and Bradley still had no shame when it came to inhaling slice after slice of pizza. The best part was when he pulled a bottle of the hot sauce you made in Mexico out of his pocket and set it on the table.
"Oh my goodness!" you gasped, carefully covering your slice in it so you didn't actually waste any. "You win husband of the year, once again."
"I wonder if Rose will like hot sauce," he mused before folding up a slice and eating it in three bites. 
"She better," you replied, moaning in delight. "If she knows what's good for her."
Bradley devoured the last slice when you pushed it toward him. "Let's go fuck up the Hard Deck, Sweetheart."
"Mom and Dad are here!"
Bradley groaned when Natasha announced his arrival to everyone in the bar, but you just laughed and snuggled against his side when he slung his arm over your shoulders. Within seconds, the two of you were stopped in your tracks as the usual crowd and a few others came over to offer congratulations and say hello. And a few minutes after that, both of you were holding two drinks.
"Where's my goddaughter?" Jake called over the music, and Bradley pursed his lips.
"She's our designated driver," he replied. "She's waiting in the Bronco."
The aviators laughed as you shook your head and said, "My parents are visiting for the week. They insisted we go out and have a good time."
"So you came to the Hard Deck?" Reuben asked, leaning in to give you a hug. "Rooster, take your wife and the mother of your child somewhere nicer next time."
You were laughing as hard as everyone else now, as Bradley groaned and looked at the ceiling. "I used to like it here," he said as Nat pulled both of you in for a bear hug.
And that was when the two of you were saved from being the center of attention by an even more exciting arrival.
"He's back!"
Bradley turned in time to see Bob walking in, holding Maria's hand. His cheeks were flushed pink, and his glasses were a little crooked, and Bradley could tell instantly why they were just getting to the bar now even if the aircraft carrier docked this afternoon. At least they hadn't broken up over the deployment. 
Maria shook her hand free and made a beeline toward you. "Oh my god, I can't believe you're here! When can I come see the baby?"
"Any time," you replied. "I'll be home for weeks."
She kissed your cheek before giving Bradley a quick hug, too. "I'll bring Cam with me one night. And you should come to brunch this weekend or next weekend. You can bring Rose!"
Bradley cringed a bit at the idea of his tiny daughter being around a bunch of loud, germy strangers in a restaurant. "Or... she can just stay at home with me while you enjoy yourselves," he told you and Maria.
"Sure, Roo," you replied, stroking your fingers along his cheek. "Yeah, I'll make sure I get to brunch one of these weekends."
Bradley watched you converse with Maria, and then the two of you talked to a very overwhelmed looking Bob who also asked about the baby. And Bradley swore you only sipped at your beers, but you were starting to look a little tipsy.
"You okay, Sweetheart?" he asked, trying not to laugh as you danced around completely off the beat of the music playing on the jukebox.
"Yeah," you told him, smiling over your shoulder. You were so fucking adorable, it was unbelievable. "But my boobs are starting to get uncomfy. I'm going to need some relief soon." You turned to face him as you ran your hands along your chest, and even with that sweater on, his imagination took over.
His cock was already reporting for duty as he rasped, "You want me to take you home so Rose can nurse and make you feel better?"
You kind of shrugged in response as you took a step closer to him, still touching yourself. "Well, I've been drinking alcohol, so if we go home, I'll have to pump instead and then dump it down the drain."
"Fuck," Bradley groaned as you reached for his hand and brought it up to your chest in the middle of the Hard Deck. "I don't think you should be wasting that."
You smiled and asked, "Back seat of the Bronco then?" 
When he just nodded at you like an idiot, you hooked your index finger through one of his belt loops and dragged him around, erection and all, to say goodbye to everyone. His jeans were not his friend at the moment. Not with the prospect of your tits leaking milk filling his mind. Once you had him outside, your lips were all over his.
"You make everything so much better, Bradley," you whispered against his mouth as your fingers tangled in his hair. "Literally everything."
"I love you so much. Fuck," he moaned as you cupped him through his jeans. Someone else was exiting the bar now, but he didn't have the wherewithal to tell you to stop. He didn't want you to stop. "Come on, Baby Girl," he said, ushering you to the promised solitude of the backseat.
You were so horny. You couldn't even fathom what was going on with your hormones that you were mostly in tears on Monday and desperate for an orgasm tonight. Straddling Bradley's lap in the back of the Bronco was nothing new for you, but you were a little concerned about the way your body looked. 
"Holy fucking hell, you're so hot," he groaned, inching your sweater up and pulling it over your head. He was looking at you like you were a million dollar lottery prize with your stretched out belly and your nursing bra. He ran his hands up your hips to your waist, and he looked you in the eye as he said, "You're stunning."
Okay. Well, he could have anything he wanted. You unhooked your bra, letting it fall to the floor as you ground yourself against his erection. He hissed in response before bringing his hands up to your tits and giving them a little squeeze. You were already leaking milk, and Bradley was whimpering softly as he dragged his nose along the curve of one breast and then the other before tasting you.
"Roo," you gasped. His lips and mustache were needy and rough, and you couldn't stop yourself from rubbing your pussy against him. He looked up at you as he sucked on your nipple, and you played with his hair as you asked, "Do you like this?" He nodded before teasing you with his tongue and sucking more of your breast into his mouth. "I'm so horny," you moaned.
He released you. "I want to fuck the absolute shit out of you right now. Do you have any idea?" He started kissing your other nipple as he guided your hips so you were flush against the fly of his jeans. "I want you to get yourself off, Baby Girl," he rasped. "I know you can do it."
You had no shame, head tossed back, whining his name as he wrapped his perfect lips around your other nipple and helped himself. You could feel the outline of the head of his cock through his jeans. He was hard. So hard. And he felt good against your clit. You had to be soaking through your cotton underwear and leggings, but he kept guiding your hips closer and closer.
"Do it," he coaxed softly, running his mustache along your nipple.
You were about to tell him that your body felt so different, you weren't even sure if you'd be able to get off or if it would even feel good. But the words froze in your throat as Bradley parted his lips to taste you again, and you felt yourself gush into his mouth.
"Oh my god," you whispered, maybe a little embarrassed that you had no control over your own body. His eyes went wide as he lapped up your breast milk, and you arched your back as you came on his cock through his jeans, grabbing his hair and the Bronco ceiling for control. You were shaking all over, keening loudly, convinced someone in the parking lot must have heard you by now. You didn't even care. This orgasm was insanely good, and it kept going as you panted and squirmed.
Your breasts were damp to the night air, and you knew it had to be some combination of your milk and Bradley's saliva cooling on your skin as you shivered against his body. His arms were wrapped around you as you rocked slowly before finally coming to a stop.
"Feel good?" he asked between little kisses to your chest.
"Incredible," you moaned. "Holy shit, Roo."
"Yeah," he agreed breathlessly. "Me too."
You noticed he wasn't as hard now, and you took his chin in your palm, guiding his gaze to meet yours. "Did you cum?"
"In my jeans," he confirmed with a nod. "I can't handle how fucking perfect you are." You felt powerful as you stroked his cheek with your thumb. "You literally made me cum in my pants, Sweetheart."
You gave him a soft kiss. "And you didn't even break the center console."
BG is definitely struggling a little bit with her postpartum body. Roo is struggling in a different way. There's a lot on the horizon, including angst, but if there's something you'd love to read about this family, let me know! Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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dnd-writes · 5 months
Cuddle Time
Tags: Non-con, BFH-ish, unedited so bear with me, gf!Jiheon, human sex toy, emotional disregard, choking, carry fuck, ass-to-mouth, slapping, face fucking
A/N: A little late but... BELATED JIHEON DAY!!! Big thanks to @nsfwmaemi for the plot idea (and for pointing out that it was Jiheon day cause I wouldn't have written this otherwise lmfao). Anyways, enjoy!
P.S. Baek Jiheon? Break Jiheon.
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You are woken up by a sudden weight on your chest, you start to panic but instantly calm down once the familiar scent of strawberries hits your nose and you instinctively wrap your arms around the person on your chest. You don’t even need to open your eyes to confirm it’s Jiheon, it’s her favorite thing to do. You love it as well but today you have some sort of predicament between your legs and it doesn’t help that Jiheon is brushing against it as she snuggles into you.
You finally open your eyes and the first thing you see is Jiheon’s heavenly smile but in your current state of horniness, all you see is a fuckable set of lips and it serves to just rile you up even more. You start breathing heavily as the thought of Jiheon’s tight mouth wrapped around your cock while making the lewdest and sloppiest of sounds fills your mind.
“Can we fuck?” You ask blatantly. “It’s been a while and—” You cut yourself off and instead just lightly thrust upwards, making Jiheon know your situation as you poke her with your tip.
“Hnggghhh, I don’t want to move,” she whines. “Maybe next time.” That maybe hurts you deeply but with your dick being so desperate, instead of backing down you feel a sense of determination fill you. You’re not taking no for an answer, you need that sweet release even if it means going the distance and crossing boundaries.
“Please, I need it. Even if you just let me go to th—” 
“But I’m already here, I don’t want to get up,” Jiheon whines again, this time nuzzling herself closer into the nook of your neck, really cementing herself on top of your warm body.
It’s not really a problem having her on top of you, you can just easily push her off and go jack off in the bathroom but you quickly realize that there’s no fun in that at all. But then a wicked idea strikes you, why use your strength to get Jiheon off of you when you can just overpower her then have your way with her body? She doesn’t want to move but she doesn’t have to and if she doesn’t want to help you, then you’ll just help yourself.
You start by pampering Jiheon with love and affection as you plant soft kisses on her forehead to distract her from the fact that your hand is already on her butt. It worked up until you gave her cheek a light squeeze, making Jiheon shoot her head up and give you a playful glare. “Oppaaa~ I told you, not now.”
You move your hand to her back and chuckle it off, you go back to giving her quick pecks on her face as she lays her head back down but after a short while you start snaking your hand lower and lower, this time all the way inside her shorts, you can feel her underwear already and you just want to rip it right off.
“Ya! I wasn’t in the mood already and you doing that is not helping at all!” Jiheon glares at you again, now more fierce and sincere, letting you know she’s not playing. But what makes her think you are?
Instead of pulling out, you double down and push your hand further inside, beneath her panties. You find her asshole and start teasing it with your finger. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Jiheon shouts out, she tries to get up and leave but you wrap an arm around her and pull her back down against your body, putting her back in the position she so vehemently didn’t want to leave just moments ago.
Jiheon can’t manage to break free from your grip, she struggles, she pushes against you, she squirms, but no matter what she tries she’s stuck with you. “Shhh, just relax and let me do everything, before you know it, it will be over,” you whisper in her ear to calm her down but it seems that she didn’t hear it, still continuing to struggle to get out.
You roll over and get on top of Jiheon, you put a hand around her neck to hold her in place while you try to undress her. Her legs flail wildly but one tense squeeze around her throat is enough for her to shift her focus to not going unconscious. Jiheon tries to pry your hand off but once she moves to remove another finger, the previous one has already gone back against her skin. Eventually you show some remorse and give her some room to breathe, at least now you get to mess with her clothing undisturbed.
You pull her shorts and underwear down then throw them off the bed. As you move your eyes back up to Jiheon, all you see is pain and fear. The image of Jiheon crying is one you would normally feel sad at, one where you would rush to wipe the tears away, one where you would console her and cheer her up—but at that moment you are the sole reason for her despair and you don’t feel guilty at all.
“Oppa…” Jiheon forces out with what little air she has in her. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise. Just please… stop. Y-You’re hurting me…”
You fake a sense of realization as you let go of Jiheon’s neck, letting her gasp for air and regain her composure. You take your hands off of her body not because she begged for it rather you did it to start undressing yourself. Jiheon sees you and dashes out, you quickly kick your shorts off then run after her. 
Jiheon only manages to open the door before you catch her, you slam the door shut then slam her against the wall. Jiheon yelps as her petite frame is pinned down, once again unable to move with you holding her down. “AHH!!! Please, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I will really make it up to you, just… please, let me go.” The trembling her voice makes fills your ears and the squirming her body does just makes her grind against your erection, you’ve never felt so alive.
“Oh, baby, you’re not going anywhere. You’re going to make it up to me using your body,” you whisper into her ear and Jiheon just sobs realizing her helplessness. She shakes her head which is the only form of movement her body is still capable of but you restrict that too by pressing the side of her face against the wall. You lean in close and lick the side of her face, Jiheon winces as your tongue grazes her skin, you’ve never imagined tears to be so delightful but there you are lapping at the side of Jiheon’s face as if her eyes are some sort of leaky faucet. 
You shift your lips lower until you reach Jiheon’s neck and you take no time before attacking one of her most sensitive areas with kisses and bites. It’s a very odd predicament for Jiheon, being pleasured against her will despite the rest of her body in disarray, forced to moan from your touch despite the rest of her body disagreeing. You leave one big hickey before you move up to nibble on her ear. “You’re moaning so much, baby. Just admit it already, you love me using you like this.”
“I d-don’t, oppa. You’re scaring me. I really don’t like it.” Jiheon begs for mercy again but you continue to drill your mouth onto her delicate skin, leaving more and more hickeys on Jiheon, causing her to moan in pleasure much to her wishes. You mark her as yours, not treating her as someone you are partnered with rather you treat her as something you own.
Having wasted enough time painting her neck, you pry Jiheon off the wall then you reach down and hook her legs with your arms. Jiheon yelps as her entire body is lifted off of the ground rather effortlessly, you rest her back on your chest while you hold her legs up high, folding her in half. You can hear her hyperventilating, completely panicking over realizing just how powerless she is compared to you. You’ve never really appreciated Jiheon’s small and light frame until now, you barely have a problem carrying her, it’s like she’s just some toy you get to pilot around.
You position Jiheon’s butt over your rod until you feel yourself just outside of her rear entrance, you try to push yourself inside but without any help or preparation, it feels almost impossible. “Hngh… P-Please, oppa, I’ll do anything you want just put me d–ahHHHH!!!” You’ve had enough of her lies and empty promises and so you just lower Jiheon and thrust upwards, her screams fill the room just as much as your cock fills her ass. You don’t even stop to shut her up, not caring if any neighbor might hear you, just relishing in the sweet sounds of her torment filling your ears.
You’ve always thought of Jiheon as some sort of doll but never in your life have you ever thought of treating her like one but here you are now lifting and lowering her body onto your shaft like she weighs nothing.
You reduce Jiheon to a whining mess, she tries to speak, to reach out to whatever humanity you have left inside of you but her words come out slurred, unable to say a complete word let alone form a cohesive thought as you relentlessly pound into her. Fucking Jiheon’s ass has never felt this amazing, the lack of lube, the lack of regard to her well-being and safety, it just energizes you to keep going.
To call Jiheon’s ass tight is an understatement, the unpreparedness mixed with her discomfort and struggling work together to really make her walls clamp down on you. It’s like she doesn’t want you to leave her asshole. Part of you wants to whisper and tease Jiheon with how much her ass is hugging you but even you are too enamored to say anything.
Eventually the grip Jiheon’s ass has on your girth starts to prove too much even for you. You plant your feet and rest your legs as you adjust your hands to hold onto Jiheon’s shoulders. Jiheon tries her best to put what little strength she has left to hold her head steady while you hold her body firmly in your arms as you start hammering her body down onto you, letting her ass slam into your crotch with loud slaps. You really solidify Jiheon’s place as an object as you recklessly use her entire body to jack yourself off until you feel your cum burst inside of her ass.
You let your dick out then drop Jiheon onto the bed, you miss the mark quite a bit causing her to roll over to the floor and hit it with a thud. It sounded like it hurt and now you regret dropping her directly in the first place. You sit down and wait but Jiheon is just quietly sobbing on the ground, so you reach down and grip onto the base of her head then force her to look at you. Her face is a mess of tears, her ever vibrant smile now nowhere to be seen and you’re somehow loving it.
“Oppa…” Even after all that’s happened so far, you wonder how she can still call you such a name. “Y-Y-You’re done, right? Can we j-just lay in bed? I promise to forget this happened, just please stop, oppa.” You don’t even pause to think about it, stopping right now when your dick is still hard is the last thing you want to do so you drag Jiheon’s face closer to your throbbing cock to let her know your answer. Jiheon breaks into another crying fit knowing that you’re not done using her.
You wipe the tears on her face using the tip of your cock, replacing it with leftover semen, and Jiheon grimaces in disgust. “Just open wide, bitch. It’s the least you can do for me now.” 
Jiheon flinches hearing you call her such a thing but despite all the pain you’ve caused her so far, you can still see her desperation clawing at you in hopes of finding the man she once knew. “Oppa, I still lo—” You don’t dare listen to her, you don’t dare to let her finish her sentence, instead you grip the back of her head and shove her face down onto your crotch, the resulting choking Jiheon is doing around your girth sends you to euphoria. Turns out her smile isn’t the only heavenly thing her face has, her entire mouth is a world of pleasure sent down from the skies. You almost hunch over, feeling your entire body be electrified just from Jiheon choking on your dick.
If you treated her body like some inanimate fuck doll earlier, now you treat her face like a fleshlight. No doubt Jiheon’s throat is better than any toy you have used, all the features any gadget could ever have and more, all with the added benefit of being free while also not needing to be cleaned out. Now you think about using Jiheon to satisfy your every need at every moment you need her to, though for now you savor the moment.
You put a hand towards Jiheon’s cheek and she instinctively tries to snuggle into it but you betray the short moment of intimacy with a sharp slap, you didn’t expect it to do much but the resulting groaning sends shivers through your spine as her throat vibrates around you. You slap her again, and again, and again, it’s like a button to turn on a feature and you just can’t get enough of it. Feeling the sting in your palm you switch your hands around and begin doing the same to the other side of her face.
After a while, you pull her off and dangle her head above your cock, you wait for her to speak but the only thing that comes out of her mouth is spit that drips onto you. Jiheon’s too exhausted, too used, too spent, too broken to do or say anything anymore and you feel a sense of gratification seeing the outcome of your work.
You put your hands back to the side of Jiheon’s head and start pumping her up and down your length, really treating her mouth like a fleshlight as you give her no room to adjust or rest, just a fast and steady pace, letting her throat resonate a mixture of gags and chokes as you ignore the limit her body can handle.
You catch glimpses of her eyes from time to time and you can tell just how empty and lifeless they have become. From your girlfriend, Jiheon has now become your slave, though with how unresponsive she has gotten, toy would be a more appropriate title for her.
As you feel your next load about to release, you yank Jiheon’s head off of your crotch and jerk yourself to completion with the other hand, your second orgasm flies onto her face covering it almost completely in white. Your climax was so explosive that you didn’t have the time to savor the sight as you felt yourself pass out. All of a sudden…
You are woken up by a sudden weight on your chest, you start to panic but instantly calm down once the familiar scent of strawberries hits your nose and you instinctively wrap your arms around the person on your chest. You don’t even need to open your eyes to confirm it’s Jiheon, it’s her favorite thing to do. You love it as well but today you have some sort of predicament between your legs and it doesn’t help that Jiheon is brushing against it as she snuggles into you.
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sageo7 · 5 months
Okay guys i actually finished it idk why i waited like a month lol. Sorry its kinda shot but Im gonna start writing more Stiles content coming up bc there is a horrible lack of fics on tumblr rn. Send me requests pretty please!!
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Stiles was practically fuming on the couch next to you while you sat amongst your friends at one of the movie nights hosted at Scotts house. You had been conducting a little experiment to see how much you could tease him and push his buttons until he did something about it. Stiles was always gentle with you, touching you like you would shatter if he applied too much pressure and it was endearing, for sure… but you wanted more. You wanted him to use you how he needed to; for him to use you for once to satisfy his own needs. Your hand remained on his upper thigh under the blanket draped over both of your laps, innocently watching the movie in front of you to avoid his gaze that had been boring into the side of your head ever since your hand brushed up against him. The whole night has been moments like this, whispering dirty things into his ear and skipping away like nothing happened, bending down to grab things directly in front of him so he could get a peak of your lacy pink panties from under your skirt, and now your hand was inching up his thigh to touch him through his jeans in a room full of your friends. Just when your hand makes contact with the bulge straining against his zipper his hand catches your wrist making your eyes snap back up to his which were dark and heavy lidded, his breathing much deeper than normal.
“bathroom.” Is all he practically growls into your ear before he stands from the couch abruptly walking away. You wait another minute or so before also excusing yourself, none of your friends paying much mind to either of your departures. You creep up the stairs slowly every step making the ache between your legs more prominent and you bite back a moan when you’re practically shoved into the bathroom the door slammed shut behind you.
“jesus stiles.” You say exasperatedly and he just gives you a look and retaliates with “why’re you doing this to me baby?”
“doing what?” You ask feigning innocence and looking away to avoid his eyes but his hand grabs your chin harshly turning you back.
“Look at me. You know what I’m talking about.” he says his hand guiding yours to the bulge in his jeans arousal pricking down your spine at the groan that leaves him from the contact.
“feel what you’re doin’ to me?” He mumbles out his head falling to your shoulder when you cup him properly in your hand. You let out a shuddering breath to recompose yourself and nod “yeah? what do you want me to do about it..?” the question comes out sarcastic and taunting and his hips instinctively move forward trying to rut more into your hand.
“anything.” He breathes out and you shake your head pulling your hand away a desperate moan falling from his lips in protest.
“stiles.. tell me what you want.” you repeat putting more emphasis on ‘want’ and he swallows and nods understanding your meaning.
“your mouth..” he finally manages out after a long pause and when you sink to your knees his words grow more confidence “god I wanna fuck your pretty little mouth..” he mutters his hands moving to pull your hair back away from your face. Your hands move diligently to undo his pants eagerly pulling them and his boxers down, his cock springing free the head already an angry red, beads of precum rolling down the tip. You lick your lips instinctively at the sight and peer up at him, he’s flush, pupils blown wide and mouth slightly agape as he watches your every move with rapt attention his hand holding your hair up in a makeshift ponytail subtlely trying to inch you closer to his dick. You wrap a hand around him and his eyes snap shut a guttural moan bubbling up from his throat when your tongue darts out to lick up the precum before taking the tip into your mouth. With a small huff of air you take him further in inch by inch tormentingly slow, but when you nose brushes against tufts of well groomed hair his hips jut forward making you pull away abruptly with a chocked cough. His hands cup your face immediately panic clear in his eyes sputtering out apologies but you shake your head with giggle batting his hands away.
"just so big sti.." you purr out and his anxiety melts away immediately with a borderline pathetic moan. You take him back in your hand, eyes staring up into his while you tug along his dick lowering your mouth to press wet kisses down his length. A few little kitten licks to his slit has his eyes screwing shut hands tightening in your hair. "please.."
"please?" you repeat pulling your mouth away from him "be more specific"
His features scrunch up in annoyance at the taunting still the words spill out of him immediately "no more teasing.. wanna fuck your mouth.. please" he babbles out.
You hum in approval his neediness making your mouth water and you wrap your lips around him again. Your tongue swirling around his tip snaps the last of his well upheld restraint and the hand buried in your hair pushes you further along his dick. Every movement is lead by his hand, wide eyes staring down at you his grunts and groans spurring you on to just let him guide you.
"i'm so.. fuck baby.. oh my g-" his words get less coherent with every motion hips thrusting forward every few times to meet your lips. It doesn't take much more before he's murmuring out small praises and barely intelligible versions of "i'm close" his eyes roll back slightly, cock twitching in your mouth before warm spurts of his cum slide down your throat and drip past the corners of your mouth. He releases his vice like grip on your hair slowly and you pull away swallowing heavily. Neither of you speak for a few seconds to catch your breath but he reaches his hands down to help hoist you back to your feet wrapping his arms around you securely.
"i love you angel." he mutters out against your hairline "so perfect for me"
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bokunoheros · 12 days
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TAGS/WARNINGS: reader is gender neutral but written to be afab (shouto calls you princess once), reader is implied to be shorter than shouto, y’all are like 20+, married and live together, mirror sex, kissing, so much kissing, i love kissing, oral (m. receiving), fingering (reader receiving),  inappropriate quirk usage (temperature play), shouto is a tease but in a loving manner, cervix kissing, chair sex, riding (reverse cowgirl), cumming inside, and aftercare, also kinda lazy ending?? bc i stayed up til 10am finishing this and wanna be done so bad
SUMMARY: you just ordered a bunch of new lipgloss and can’t wait to try it out — subsequently, your husband thinks you look beautiful, but doesn’t know how to verbalize it. 
🦊’s A/N: this wasn’t actually going to be the first fic i posted here, but i DID just get a bunch of lipgloss i've waited a week and a half for, and would love to do the following <3 anyway shoutout judydoll they didn’t sponsor this but i wish they would. // also i pulled like two all-nighters writing this so i’m sorry if it like. starts unraveling a lil at the end i didnt actually proofread this god bless everyone thank you for giving this fic a chance
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you had just ordered a bunch of new lipgloss you’d gotten in a buy 2 get 1 free sale, and it had finally come in the mail! after squealing excitedly and startling your poor husband, and highschool sweetheart, you quickly ran up to your shared bedroom and sat down in front of your vanity. fumbling with the box for a second, you get up to grab a pair of scissors from the bathroom before using one blade to cut through the packaging tape sealing the contents inside away. 
once you’d managed to get your greedy little hands on the new products is around the same time shouto had wandered into the bedroom, where he stood leaning against the door frame, watching as you excitedly looked down at your lipstick and wondered which one to try on first.
hm……. maybe the more natural looking color instead of the red..? probably, since it's less likely to leave a stain, you think to yourself, oblivious to your husband's presence — until you caught a glimpse of him in the mirror, that is. 
“oh! shouto, just in time,” you grin, waving him over. “which one do you think i should try first?” you ask, knowing he had always shown an interest in the process of how you did your makeup. not that he had actually verbalized said interest, rather, it was something you noticed while you were still in highschool. after months into the actual relationship, you two had finally had sex and you had stayed the night at his house. once this became an almost routine of sorts, you'd begin bringing stuff to stay overnight, and get ready for class in the morning, including a few makeup palettes. and so, shouto slowly took an interest in the way in which you’d do your makeup — be it just some eyeshadow/liner, or a fully beat face, he found it to be so…..interesting. 
that being said, the youngest of the todoroki family takes a step towards you and away from the doorframe to look down at the lipsticks in your hands and picks the one in the shiny silver, almost holographic, tube and says this one. 
huh, what do you know? he had picked the lipstain! guess it’s meant to be, then.
untwisting the cap, you shift in your seat slightly to better face the mirror as you pull the wand from the bottle, and find yourself face to face with the applicator you had been tweaking over for what felt like ever — a nice, smooth, iron tip! one of a kind, really, as you had never seen anything like it before! looking into the mirror, your gaze lingers on shouto for but a moment before focusing on your own lips and applying the stained lipgloss evenly — and then one more coat for good measure. 
“what do you think?” you ask sweetly, turning around in your seat to face him.
what he thinks? obviously, he thinks you look stunningly, jaw droppingly gorgeous regardless of what you’re wearing, or if you have makeup on or not (save for the times you’ve ugly cried around him…), but god…. he can’t ignore the way his body suddenly feels flushed as he looks at your lips and the red-ish color currently staining them.
“i think — it looks nice,” he says simply as he takes a few steps closer to you, up until he’s directly behind your vanity chair and planting his hands on the back of it.
“just… nice?” your voice comes out softer than normal, and you sound audibly disappointed. at this, shouto begins to internally panic as he thinks of a way to get his admiration.
“very nice,” he corrects quickly, and you can’t help but let out a little chuckle at how rushed he sounded — you understood that your husband wasn’t exactly a stellar wordsmith, so you weren’t actually too upset with him.
“that’s it?” this time, you sound much more lighthearted, as you raise a brow at him and watch him speedrun the five stages of grief through his expressions and slight body language.
“....i think, you look very lovely,” he’s finally able to vocalize. even after all this time, he still got somewhat bashful when complimenting you — it wasn’t his fault! you just happened to render him speechless and left his dick hard every time you did anything! fuck… how should he go about this? maybe he should just show you what he thinks? yes…. that should work. 
“stand up,” he says all of a sudden — he didn’t sound demanding or rude or anything, but there was a certain firmness to his voice that had you obeying without a second thought. without a moment of hesitation, shouto steps around to the side of the chair so he’s standing almost in front of you, and plants his large, calloused hands on your hips.
“shouto….” your voice comes out as a mere whisper as he pulls you closer toward him, left hand coming to cup your cheek as you look up at him.
“hm?” is all you get in reply as he leans in to kiss you tenderly.
tilting his head slightly to the side, he slots his lips over your painted ones in hopes of properly conveying his feelings on how he thinks you look. truthfully, as embarrassing as it may be, shouto wishes you’d put some lipstick on him so he could kiss you all over and leave a physical mark as you so often did to him. maybe one day he would have to sneak some of your lipgloss for himself to surprise you with? perchance… (you can’t just say perchance!) that being said, he takes advantage of the lipstick you’re currently wearing and hopes it transfers onto his lips. 
and just like that, you’ve forgotten all about your new lipstick, or anything that wasn’t your husband, really. when you first met him, it was a little difficult to imagine shouto todoroki as a good kisser, and it was kinda true initially!, but after a little guidance and experience, he very quickly got the hang of it and used his newfound skills to turn you into nothing more than a panting mess.
swiping his tongue over the seam of your lips, he pulls away with a slight grin just as you part them for him.
“hey…..” you whine. “that’s not fair.” 
“what isn’t?” he asks in a way that would’ve made you think he was playing dumb if he wasn’t….. well, like the way he was. you know your husband well enough to know that he was asking an earnest question, as he often teased you without meaning to or being aware of it.
“just… kiss me again, …please?” you ask in such a saccharine voice, shouto finds himself unable to resist for even a moment as he eagerly leans back in for another kiss.
god…. he was just so fucking weak when it came to You. he could never tell you no or deny you of what you asked for — hell, the first time you asked if you could kiss him (when he was still a kissless virgin), he accidentally bonked his head against yours in trying to copy the way you tilted your head to the side. …only, he had tilted his in the same direction as you, making for a very awkward, very laughable (but memorable) first kiss.
“mmh,” he hums quietly, pleasurably, as his lips work against yours — gently and tenderly, full of nothing but adoration for you, his sweet spouse. 
there just truly weren’t enough words in the world for shouto to describe his affections for you, so instead, he often took to showing you exactly how he felt; more often than not, this led to fleeting but heated kisses throughout the day that left you on your toes and wanting for more. jesus, did he even realize the effect he had on you? (he did Nawt.) 
this time, it was you to take the initiative to swipe your tongue over his plump lower lip before nibbling on it lightly and sucking it into your mouth. at this, the softest little moan slips past shouto’s throat at the feeling and he pulls you closer to him, so much so that your chest was now flush against his as the hand on your cheek leaves a cooling sensation against your flushed skin. 
releasing his lip with a wet, almost schliiick kind of noise, you go to pull away from the kiss, just as he had done earlier, just to find the hand on your cheek had shifted to cradle the back of your head, and the hand on your hip had turned into an arm wrapped tightly around your waist as shouto’s tongue manages to slip into your open mouth.
you can’t help but giggle at the almost ticklish feeling of the wet muscle running around the inside of your cheeks before his tongue is suddenly ice cold and you’re squealing and trying to push him away.
“shouto!” you cry with no real irritation or upsetness — all he had done was catch you off-guard, really. okay, so maybe he could tease you on purpose every now and then..! it just wasn’t often that he did such a thing! he was typically kind of oblivious to a lot of things — not that it was his fault or anything; he hadn’t exactly grown up with the best social cues or …. uhm. family, in general, really….. (touya and enji i’m looking at you). 
“yeah?” he breathes, looking down at you with stars in his eyes.
“what was that about?” you ask, trying to steady your breathing, chest heaving slightly as your hands find their way up to his chest, where they rest on his boo—well defined and muscled pecs. 
“what was what about?” he echoes, tilting his head, actually playing dumb this time—he knew damn well what he had done this time around, and he couldn’t contain the little smile that tugged at the corners of his plump and almost pouty lips. he loved using his quirk to tease you — given, he’d been extremely hesitant about it at first, worried he might hurt you, or somehow cause some kind of permanent damage. thankfully, as the years went by, he gradually warmed up to it, and now? he couldn’t get enough of your reactions! like when he was fingering you, and suddenly his hand started to get a little too hot, or a little too cold, depending on which one he was using; it wasn’t enough to actually hurt or cause any damage, just some mild discomfort turned to pleasure once you got used to the feeling. and sometimes, whenever you let him cum inside or somewhere on you, his cum felt hotter than it should — sure, yeah, cum is warm, but…. his was just hot! it didn’t scald or anything, but it was definitely an added sensation that wouldn’t be possible without his quirk.
“you know what..!” is what you would have said had shouto not leaned in to kiss you again—effectively cutting you off and rendering you speechless. so maybe he knew he was a good kisser; he was highly observant after all, and would have to be a moron to not realize that he at least left you breathless every time! sure, he didn’t realize the full extent of the effect he had on you, but… partially aware is better than completely oblivious, right? 
this time as you two kiss, the hand cradling your head moves back down to your hip, and before you know it, he’s picking you up and sitting himself down in the chair you were previously sitting on not too long ago. 
“ah–!” you gasp at the sudden movement and change in position. now straddling his lap, with your back to the mirror, shouto begins trailing kisses down to your jawline and then the column of your neck. now, your husband wasn’t a particularly sloppy kisser. no, more often than not, he was very put together in almost every aspect of his life, and the bedroom was no exception. well, save for the occasions shouto just simply could not contain himself, and it was beginning to seem like one of those situations as he runs his freezing tongue over the sensitive skin of your neck, causing goosebumps to form as he nibbles at the junction where your neck and shoulder meet. 
“sho–shouto—,” you breathe as he peppers kisses over your tender flesh. it had taken him a long while to be able to show affection so freely, and even now, he still had some trouble, but compared to the todoroki you knew in high school, he had improved by leaps and bounds! 
your husband merely ignores your soft cry of his name—his dick doesn’t, though, and you can even feel it start to twitch to life beneath you. fuck. all you had done was put on a little lipstick, and?? now your husband was glued to your neck, nipping and biting along the way, even stopping in a couple places to suck against the skin there in order to leave a couple hickies! 
“don’t tease,” you try to chide him, but it comes off weak and a little pathetic sounding as shouto finds a particularly sensitive spot on your neck and takes full advantage of it. jesus christ! his tongue was so cold!! it was such a contrast to the heat of his breath, you couldn’t help but pant at the feeling. 
“‘m not,” is the only thing he says, it was more of a mumble, really, as he bites down harder than he had previously, and you can’t help the squeal that leaves you as his teeth sink into your skin.
“shouto!” if you didn’t know any better, or if you had married someone more… aggressive (katsuki)...., you might have thought your husband had drawn blood — he didn’t, obviously, as he would never intentionally hurt you, but he did like to toe the line of pleasure and pain often enough to keep you on your toes, just enough pain for it to be able to bleed into an acquired type of pleasure.
“yeah?” he all but hums in response, sounding pleased with himself.
he doesn’t give you a chance to respond, however, as he quickly pulls away from your neck to plant another heated kiss to your glossy lips. it doesn’t last very long, though, as he pulls away just far enough to look at you properly, and his eyes widen when he sees the way your lipstick had been smudged and it had spread slightly down to your neck (it was more like lightly red-colored patches in the shape of his lips peppered vaguely over your flesh). 
“will you put on some more lipstick?” he suddenly asks, sounding out of breath.
giggling quietly at his request, you nod and oblige, shifting to turn around on his lap so that your back was against his chest, and your ass against his steadily growing erection. grabbing the tube of lipstick from your vanity, you untwist the cap and begin to apply more, focusing wholly on your lips during the process, completely missing the way shouto was eyeing you in the mirror.
after putting the cap back on and setting the silver bottle full of what felt watery liquid when you put it on, but wasn’t actually, back down on your vanity’s surface, you tilt your head to face your husband, who had wrapped his arms around your waist while you had been applying the aforementioned beauty product, and smile at him.
“better?” you wonder aloud, knowing it was much better indeed.
“mhmm,” he hums sweetly, one hand coming up to all but squish your cheeks, just without the pressure, to better tilt your head towards him as he himself leans in for yet another kiss. you swear, the first time you kissed shouto, a switch flipped in that poor boy’s brain, because ever since then, he’s been addicted to them like they’re crack—he needs your kisses the same way he needs oxygen to breathe or a therapist for his generations of trauma stuffed into a single, incomplete lifetime. (please….. please, go to group therapy with the rest of 1-a, i’m begging.) 
shouto can’t help but smile against your lips as he pulls you flush against his chest and rolls his hips, and consequently, his hard-on, up against your ass. neither of you can contain the whimper or little gasp that slips past your throats, nor can you help the way one of your hands comes up to thread itself into his peppermint-colored hair as you part your lips needily, trying to shift around in his firm grasp. 
despite the quality of your lipstick, it still transferred partially onto his lips, simply due to how fresh the coat was, not that your husband minds. he’d revel in the way he’d get to smear lipstick over your body, and — pause. his hands suddenly find themselves planted on your hips as he manhandles you to face him again, and meets your gaze for a moment before pressing a kiss to your forehead. but in that moment, you could see all the love and admiration in the world swirling around in his beautifully mismatched eyes, and you couldn’t control the wide-ass smile that had spread across your face—so wide, in fact, your cheeks hurt. even though it was such a simple action, you could truly feel his love for you in everything that he did. 
“i love you—so much, y’know,” you practically coo, hands moving to cup his flushed cheeks as you simply just look at the man you had married. goddamn! he was so beautiful! taking in all the fine details of his face, you notice the faintest little dusting of freckles across the bridge of his nose, and the way even his eyebrows, and even his awfully long lashes (he got them from his mother), are different colors. his perfectly plump and pouty lips to match his overall softer facial features. how could anybody be so perfect-looking? it was just simply unfair! even with his ice burn scar and somewhat sparse left eyebrow growth, it didn’t change a thing in your eyes. 
shouto feels his heart flutter at your words, and his grin stretches to be almost uncharacteristically wide as his hands shift lower on your hips, closer to your upper thighs, and his thumbs begin rubbing tender circles against the plush flesh there. 
“i — love you more,” he whispers back. the words sound shy coming from him, but you can tell he means his words. you may have fallen first, but shouto fell harder. his smile softens a bit as his hands move up to cup your cheeks tenderly before pressing another kiss to your painted lips. god. he truly could not believe how lucky he was to have you — you, who brought him out of his shell back in highschool, you who showed him love can be tender and soft, you who taught him how to let love into his heart. 
now, it was shouto’s turn to show you just how much he loved you.
sliding his tongue over the seam of your lips, he lets out a soft hum as he grips your thighs before sliding his hands slowly upwards and up under the t-shirt you wore—it was his, actually!—and over your bare ribcage. you can’t help the goosebumps that broke out over your skin at the feeling of his calloused hands against your much softer flesh, nor the chill that runs down your spine and causes your nipples to stiffen under the thin fabric—especially with the way he begins to palm and grope at your tits. 
“mmnh,” you hum at the temperature difference of his rough hands, and let out a soft moan when it increases drastically all of a sudden, your right nipple freezing cold and the left a little too hot for comfort—even your body was unsure of how to react to such a feeling, but it sure does send a throb down to your clit, and you can feel a damp spot begin to form in the seat of your panties, which is all you happened to be wearing under your stolen shirt.
“shouto, please,” you whine, squirming around on his lap, and dragging your thinly clothed cunt over the erection in his stupid grey sweatpants that always drove you crazy. 
“please what, love?” he asks, pulling away just enough to rest his forehead against yours. 
“god…. just— fuck me,” is all your able to get out, but, lucky for you, your husband has something even better in mind than just that. sure, he couldn’t wait to get his dick wet—to feel the way your cunt wraps around his sensitive tip—god, he can feel himself leak pre-cum like he’s some excited teenager again, and he groans at the nature of your request.
“mm, …not yet,” he smirks, and, before he’s even processed what he himself is doing, he had already licked an embarrassingly hot stripe up the length of your neck.
“shouto!” you squeal. “what was that for?!” 
“felt like it,” he replies simply before attaching his full lips to your neck once more, where he began nipping and nibbling at all your most tender spots, before he finds your sweet spot and bites down particularly hard and begins suckling against the skin there, determined to leave a mark of sorts. now, while shouto was not one to leave marks in obvious places—he was perfectly content with marking you in places only he could see—he just couldn't help himself for some reason..! maybe it was because he was feeling rather bold at the moment, or because he couldn't get enough of the sweet, quiet noises you were making as he nipped and sucked at your flesh until you were sure the skin was raw. 
“sho—” you can’t help but wiggle in his lap, cunt grazing over his erection. when he groans at your actions, you repeat your actions, rolling your hips down against his as he marks your neck up in pretty blue and purple and reddish hues. 
suddenly, an idea pops into your mind, and you find yourself melting off of his lap and onto your knees between his legs, eager hands reaching to unbuckle his leather belt and pull it off of him. 
“wh–what’re you doing, baby?” shouto finds himself breathless with a flushed face as you begin to unbutton his pants and tug down the zipper, exposing his all-too-tight black boxers and the wet spot that had formed on them. you only grin and lick your lips at the sight, of course, eager to get your husband’s perfect cock in your mouth.
“what’s it look ‘m doin’, huh?” you look up at him with big wet eyes and pouty red lips. “now lift your hips f’me,” you instruct him, and he does as told, so you can tug his pants and boxers down in one swift go.
shouto hisses as his sensitive tip comes into contact with the cool air of the bedroom, and he looks down at you a little embarrassedly, biting as lower lip as you kissed his swollen and flushed head before taking it slowly into your mouth. 
“ah–!” your husband moans as you suckle around his mushroom-headed tip and he can’t help the way one large hand falls down to rest on top of your head, long fingers burying themselves into your hair as he begins to set a moderate pace for you to bob your head. unfortunately, poor shouto still had trouble controlling his reactions whenever you gave him head — your mouth and tongue were simply too skilled for your own good! for his own good! 
tilting his head back to look at the ceiling instead of you, in an attempt to not bust too early, he catches a glimpse of the lewd sight in the mirror and—oh god. his dick fucking twitches and he feels an embarrassing amount of pre-cum leak from his sticky tip and into your hot mouth. 
“jesus christ—fuck,” your husband groans—it wasn’t too often that he swore, only when he was especially mad, passionate, or, in this case, especially horny. “take it easy, honey—please,” he whines, hand gripping your hair tighter, forcing your head further down his thick length despite his contradictory words. you pay his actions no mind, however, only doing your best to suppress your gag reflex and hollow your cheeks out around him before swallowing thickly; you even went as far as to deepthroat him all the way, uncaring of the way drool seeped past your lips and all around the base of his cock. swallowing around him again once his leaky tip hits the back of your throat, and shouto’s hand grips your hair a little too tightly—not that you minded in the moment. if anything, it made your pussy throb. as did the way he was panting and moaning softly above you. god…… his little noises were absolutely divine and each and every one sent a jolt to your clit. 
much to his embarrassment, shouto is surprisingly noisy in bed — not exactly loud per se, but certainly unable to contain all his little huffs, puffs, and soft moans and quiet groans. but it wasn’t like it was his fault! how exactly was he supposed to stay quiet when you’re making him feel so damn good? jesus, it wasn’t fair! for him, anyway; for you, his sweet sounds only made you all the more hot and bothered. 
his gaze falls down to meet yours, and then further down to his dick and the way your glossy lips wrapped around it and the fucking lipstick stains you were leaving around him. how was he meant to last like this? (here’s a hint: he wasn’t!) 
pushing against his hand for a moment, he lessens his grip as you pull off him with a sickening schliiickk noise and wrap one hand around his base as you pant for air, looking up at him with doe-like eyes. 
“yeah?” his heart is pounding and he bites his lip as he looks down at your flushed face that now had a thin sheen of sweat over it, and he feels almost ashamed for the way he immediately craves your mouth back around him.
“i want you to cum in my mouth, okay?” you tell him with a soft smile, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear before taking him into your mouth once again, all the way down until your nose was flush against his mix-matched pubic hair and you had to actively breathe through your nose so you didn’t hurl. shallowly beginning to bob your head, your tongue laves over the underside of his veiny cock as the hand previously wrapped around him moves to cup his balls, fondling them softly before giving them a gentle squeeze.
“oh—sweetheart,” he moans, dick twitching violently in your mouth. “don’t stop,” he all but begs you, rolling his hips up, forcing himself further down your throat. you actually do gag at this, but are able to swallow most of your excessive drool down, only some of it spilling over and out of your mouth and onto to your husband’s dick, mixing beautifully with your lipstick stains, and poor todoroki groans at both the sight and feeling.
all it takes is a few more bobs of your head and another squeeze to his balls before they’re tightening and suddenly he’s cumming down your throat—just like you had asked him to. god, he swears you’ll be the death of him!
swallowing around his awfully sensitive length one final time, both to tease him and get his cum down, you pull off of him with another disgustingly wet noise before looking up at him oh-so-sweetly.
the hand that wasn’t still fondling his balls comes to wrap around his dick, pumping it slowly as you press a little kiss to his flushed and shiny tip, licking it playfully and swirling your tongue around it for a moment before you actually stopped teasing his cock with your mouth and just with your hand.
“baby, please—” his voice is uncharacteristically whiney and his hips buck up into your grasp. despite his natural temperature regulation due to his quirk, shouto finds his entire body feeling hot, so hot, thanks to your delicate touch. “just—ah!” he moans softly as your hand begins moving up and down his shaft slowly, moving up and up until you could place your thumb over the slit of his red and swollen head and run it over the horribly sensitive spot. 
“god–damn, sweetheart—give me a moment, please,” he begs you, hips bucking upwards as his cock twitches simultaneously. shouto feels like he’s losing his mind as you pump his oversensitive length and he has to keep his eyes away from the mirror lest he nut again—no, the next time he came today, it would be inside you, his beautiful fucking spouse. “just let me breathe.” one of his large hands comes up to run through his hair and push his bangs out of his face just for them to fall right back in place once it exits his hair. 
with a scoff and a roll of your eyes, you blow a puff of cold air over his cockhead and let out a playful okay. 
“i guess,” you giggle, looking up at him from your spot on the floor. it’s true that your knees were starting to get a little sore, but you figured you were basically done anyway, so, naturally, you went to stand—just for shouto’s massive hands to land on your hips, up under your shirt, and turn you around so that you’re facing the mirror before tugging your panties down to your now reddened knees in one swift movement.
pulling you onto his lap, his painfully hard cock pressed into the crack of your ass, you whine and squirm in your husband’s strong grasp.
“b-baby?” you sound audibly confused and shouto can’t help but smile at your reaction as he presses a kiss to the side of your neck.
“shh,” he hushes you gently, one hand coming down between your legs to stop and rest on your clit. 
“sho-shouto,” you can’t help but whine as he applies a slow but firm pressure to your achy bundle of nerves, gently starting to trace teasing circles over it.
“can’t i make you feel good, too?” he whispers into your ear, catching your gaze in the mirror. his heterochromatic eyes are glued to the reflection of yours and you feel a chill run down your spine as he nuzzles his nose against your neck as his middle finger dips down to your dripping slit before bringing it back up to rub against your pulsing clit.
“ah!” an airy breath escapes you and your back arches at his calloused touch. “fuck,” you hiss as he begins pressing soft kisses to the already brusing flesh of your neck and finger moves with experience over your slick button. 
the first several times you two slept together, shouto was rather shy, and not particularly bold — always scared he was going to hurt you somehow or fuck up your pleasure, and then you’d want nothing to do with him; so it took a bit of instruction and teaching him what it is you do and don’t like, but shouto, ever the fast learner, quickly caught on and figured out what exactly he had to do and how he had to do it in order for you to feel good. 
“that’s what i like to hear,” he mumbles, more to himself than to you, nibbling on the lobe of your ear before blowing a puff of cold air onto it. todoroki could never get enough of the noises you made — the same way you couldn’t get enough of his whimpers and whines — and would do anything in his power to elicit such sweet sounds from you.
“sh-shut up,” is all you’re able to get out, unable to think as he brings his middle finger back down to your slit and actually inserts it into you this time — fingering you in the lightest, most teasing manner possible, while he heats up his hand, his right arm wrapping around you tighter to keep you in place.
shouto just chuckles at your poor attempt at a quip as he licks a chilly stripe up the column of your neck, causing you to shiver as a devious grin stretches over your husband’s usually sweet face. 
“oh, honey,” his voice is low and deep and admittedly makes your pussy clench around the single finger stuffed in it — god, you wish he’d add a second or third to actually stretch you out. and, almost as if he had read your thoughts, shouto curls his finger inside of you before pulling it out about halfway so he could slide another in until—he just stops, one finger half way in you with the tip of another barely poking at your entrance. 
“sho–shouto?” you all but whine, hips wiggling futilely, wishing he’d just scissor your cunt open already!
“look in the mirror,” he commands softly. nodding hesitantly, you reluctantly look at your reflection and take in the lewdness of the scene: shouto had your legs spread out over his, keeping them open by borderline entwining your lower legs with his, with his thick ring and middle fingers positioned against your cunt, and his chin now resting on your shoulder, piercing gaze capturing your own. 
as he finally begins easing his ring finger into along with the one already in there, you can’t help but squeeze your eyes shut, and just like that, any movement stops.
“i didn’t tell you to close your eyes,” he mutters, right hand coming up to slip under your shirt and pinch a nipple. 
“ah! ‘m sorry!” your eyes immediately fly open as you try to focus your gaze on the sight in front of you as shouto’s fingers get progressively hotter the further they slip into you, and suddenly—you were burning from the inside out!
“mmh, shouto….” you whine, one hand coming up to tangle into his hair, giving it a light tug. 
your husband merely ignores you as he focuses on pleasing you instead; curling his all too hot fingers at just the right angle, spreading them apart to scissor your pretty pussy, his eyes trained on your reflection and each little way you react to his touch—the way you flinch and try to close your legs, just for him to effortlessly prevent this by spreading his a little wider. god; he had learned to be a little too good at this for your own good. 
“nngh—, c’mon baby, don’ be a tease,” is all you’re able to get out as your husband takes his goddamn time fingering you; this couldn’t even be considered as finger-fucking! the feeling of the calloused pads of his heated fingertips rubbing against your already hot inner walls as he pumps them slowly—your internal temperature felt like it was skyrocketing, when in reality, it was only one or two degrees higher, something shouto could easily remedy should he switch hands. 
“i’m afraid i don’t know what you’re talking about, lovely,” he smiles gently, beginning to pepper kisses along your neck once more. fuck, you coudn’t stand when he played dumb like that — he had to have known what he was doing!! (and he did! that just wasn’t for you to know.) “if there’s something you want…. then you’ll have to ask for it directly, my dear,” he tells you cheekily, and you can physically feel his smile against your skin as he begins to suck against the junction of your neck and shoulder.
god! damn him! 
“f-faster,” you whine, wiggling and rolling your hips against his slow moving fingers, just for shouto to pull them nearly all the way out of you. “sh–shouto! goddammit! please don’t tease me!” you plead, eyes beginning to lightly water over out of sheer frustration. tugging at his hair, you try to twist around enough to give him another kiss — just for him to avoid your lips, too!
“uh-uh,” he chides, his freezing free hand pinching one of your nipples, and you gasp louder than you would have liked to at the feeling. “watch yourself in the mirror ‘n ask nicely and you can have anything you want, princess,” shouto says softly, physically unable to stop smiling. sure, most of the time, his teasing was truly unintentional, the other half of the time (a little less than half, really, it was closer to 60/40) was completely on purpose, as hearing you whine his name or for him to touch you never failed to turn him on or bring a somewhat sadistic smile to his usually stoic face. 
nodding, you refocus your attention onto the large vanity mirror, with the chair scooted far back enough so you could clearly see his fingers buried in your glistening cunt, and you physically can’t control the whimper that slips past your throat as his index and pinky fingers move to spread your slick folds apart so you could get a better view of what shouto thought was the most perfect pussy in the world—ever since you’d first had sex (despite his initial nerves), he had quickly grown addicted to the feeling of your cunt wrapped oh-so-snuggly around him. 
finally, your husband finally began to finger you in earnest, crooking his fingers in such a delicious way so deep inside you—much further than your own fingers could ever reach, anyway—and suddenly you wish it was his dick filling you up, not just his fingers..! unbeknownst to you, this was both shouto’s brief way of giving his sensitive cock a rest so he could fuck you properly without creaming too early and making sure you’d get to cum twice, too.
“you’re so tense,” his voice has a saccharine lilt to it, and you feel goosebumps erupt over your skin as he watches the way his fingers pump in and out of you, and he can feel his length twitch and drool pre as he imagines your cunt fluttering around his dick instead of his fingers.
“‘s not my fault—you’re not exactly making it easy f’me to relax,” you complain, shifting around in his grip as you give his hair a light tug. 
“oh? i’m not?” his gentle smile stretches into a shit eating grin as he slides his fingers out of you entirely before bringing his hand up to his mouth to lick your slick off the digits that had been nearly knuckle-deep inside you less than a moment ago, except—he only sucks off his ring finger, leaving the middle one for you to suck on instead, bringing it up to your plump, glossy lips whilst softly telling you to open your mouth. of course, you obeyed without a second thought, happily, and almost hazily, swirling your tongue around his finger in a similar manner you had done with his cock. the action reminded shouto of such, and he lets out a quiet groan at the feeling.
“mmh,” you hum pleasantly around the digit that was pressing down lightly against your tongue. you weren’t too pleased, however, about the lack of stimulation your pussy was receiving, and you decided to make this known to your husband.
catching his eye in the mirror, you let out a little whine and wrap both your hands around his thick wrist as you purposely let the drool in your mouth build up so it begins to seep down his hand and slowly trickle onto his forearm. 
“baby, please. please just fuck me,” you mumble, tugging on his wrist to pull his calloused, slick finger from you spit-soaked mouth. 
shouto really was planning to finger you to an orgasm, honest, but—when you asked so sweetly, he just couldn’t say no to you!
“fuck,” he groans, both hands quickly settling onto your hips in order to lift you enough to align your soaked slit with his flushed and achy cock. “y’know i can’t tell you no when you ask like that,” he says before letting you slowly sink all the way to the base. 
“you feel so good,” he groans out as your puffy pussy wraps around him tightly.
“s–so do you,” you whine out, feeling his head kiss the entrance to your cervix. jesus christ, how was it possible to hit so deep? “s-so, so good,” you tell him, trying to look at the two of you in the mirror and the way your cunt envelopes him and—it’s just too embarrassing to look at! 
squirming in his grasp, you try to turn around to better face him so you could plant a kiss to his plump lips. shouto, however, simply uses one large hand to squish your cheeks and hold your face in place to watch as he lazily fucks up into in the mirror. no matter how bad he wanted to kiss you (that would have to come (cum) after you), he just enjoyed that flustered look on your face too much to not indulge in it! besides, he was always so sweet to you, he’s sure you can handle some light teasing. 
“aa–ahh! sh-shouto! fuck!” you cry as he begins bouncing you up and down his needy dick. you whimper at the way he throbs inside you and your cunt clenches tightly around him—making your husband groan loudly too. “sho–!” it’s all you can do to look into the mirror at the lewd sight, and embarrassingly enough, it only serves to turn you on even more.
“hmm?” it’s all he can do to hum out a response as he keeps you moving up and down, strong arms moving with ease as he rhythmically rolls his hips up into yours. “what—” he hisses from the way his tip hits against your cervix, with nowhere left to go. “what is it, love?” he does his best to answer coherently, needing you to be the one fucked dumb first. without a second thought, one hand abandons your hip to slide down your abdomen all the way back between your legs where he began rubbing slow, tight circles against your neglected clit.
“ah! f–fuck!” you moan as he soon sets a steady pace against your throbbing bud, steadily working you up to an orgasm, the knot in your stomach tightening. 
it doesn’t take much longer before you’re quivering in shouto’s grip and whining about how close you were, and he can’t help but feel a sense of pride wash over him as he pushes you closer to the edge. 
as your cunt clenches and flutters around him, shouto feels himself growing uncomfortably close as well, and soon finds himself asking if it’s okay if he came inside.
“yes, please, baby,” you whine and nod your head, one hand moving to entangle itself into shouto’s hair as he finally allowed you to kiss him once again.
and, with a few more thrusts, you find yourself cumming in sync as the horribly tense knot in your stomach finally snaps and you’re creaming all over your husband’s cock.
“oh fuck,” he groans, dick pulsing once, twice, before finally squirting his thick, hot seed deep into your womb, leaving you feeling both gross and contently full.
after rubbing your clit throughout the duration of your orgasm, shouto still doesn’t stop, even once you began coming down from you high, and you can’t help but jolt in his lap from the oversensitivity.
“sh-shouto, you can—you can st-stop!” you manage to spit out, biting your lower lip as you watch his calloused fingers rub steady circles against your poor clit. 
“but—” he pants. “you only— only came once,” he tries to explain, rolling his hips up into you despite his own sensitivity, desperate to make you cum again. 
“i– i know, but—’m sensitive, baby,” you try telling him, quickly feeling that familiar knot start to form again.  “ple—please!”
despite your pathetic little mewls, your husband ignores you in favor of your excess pleasure, significantly warming up the fingers playing with your puffy clit. 
it’s not long before you’re cumming one more time, evening out your total to two—equal to what you had given your oh-so-doting husband (even if you only went out of your way to actually give him a single orgasm—he just happened to cum a second time because you felt so good wrapped around him).
“fuck, baby,” you moan, back arching deeply as he slowly lessens the pressure on your throbbing clit. shouto never disappointed you in bed, or in this case, just simply in the bedroom, and for that, you were eternally grateful.
once you were done making a mess around the length of his dick, your back falls flush against his chest, and you both pant heavily for a long moment before either of you are able to recompose yourselves.
afterwards, shouto helps lift you off his softening dick, and into the bathroom so you could piss (always piss after sex, y’all), before going downstairs to get you a glass of water and then returning back to your shared bedroom to wait in your king sized bed.  once you re-entered the room, your husband sits up in the plush bed, with his arms extended out to you, your water already on your nightstand. 
with a smile, you make your way over to the bed, with only slightly wobbly legs, and curl up in your loving shouto’s strong arms, where he holds you close to him, resting your head against his chest, where you could hear his beating heart—a sound so soothing you were almost lulled asleep by it until you heard the quietest, faintest whisper of, “you’re so beautiful,” and you can’t help the grin that breaks out across your face as you tell him he is too, something shouto has never been too sure of how to process, but over time, as the compliments he received increased, he slowly learned how to handle and accept them properly.
“i love you,” you say in sync, and you let out a little giggle at this before saying jinx! and pressing a kiss to his cheek before nuzzling your head back against his chest and yawning deeply.
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kedsandtubesocks · 7 months
dance away your cowboy blues
Country Singer!Joel Miller x F!Reader
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summary: who knew the man with the voice of an angel could break your heart this bad?
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY MDNI, modern/no outbreak AU & Joel has both his daughters, exes to lovers with eventual husband!Joel, angst followed up by good sweet fluff, concert venue, light drinking mention, Joel being stubborn & bad at feelings, hints of spice, fools in love, reader is addressed as ‘honey, darlin,’ use of song lyrics in fic, Pearl Jam & Taylor Swift song mentions, soft & heartbroken!Joel, lovesick!Joel
word count: 6k
a/n: here we are - the last installment in our ‘Let’s Rodeo’ series & I’m so incredibly grateful to finally make it here, also this is my mini tribute to our boy and his SAG award! The main song Joel sings is this one and I highly recommend! Thank you to my forever babe @the-wild-wolves-around-you for letting me scream about plot holes & aiding my Joel brainrot, @tightjeansjavi for always being down to chat about Joel, and to @lowlights & @ahauntedcowboy for being my ever guiding forces for this series, thank you all… And finally to you reading this, thank you so much ♡
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A year ago, Joel broke up with you on a warm early spring morning.
He arrived at your apartment, sat you down and shattered your world. You felt every range of emotion as he simply stood there like a man of steel.
So upset and angry, you wanted to rip your heart out and throw it at him.
Then later that week you found out his record was officially getting picked up and you crumbled.
Ending your relationship simply because he was about to step into true proper fame - you never took Joel to be a man so somberly callous. However, you began wondering if that’s what fame sometimes did to people.
When curiosity gnawed too hard, you’d Google him or even check Spotify. Simply catching glimpses of how big he’s gotten sent you spiraling. Last Thanksgiving, your favorite aunt threatened to lock your phone away when she found you upset in the bathroom after discovering Joel was performing at the Dallas Cowboys holiday game.
From that point on you refused to even check any amount of social media or update on him.
A few clunky first dates and a couple of ghosting experiences later, you’ve now decided to simply work on yourself and embrace the selfcare of being single.
It’s why when your best friend called you earlier today eagerly explaining how her parents had extra tickets to the Rodeo tonight, she playfully teased how she knew you didn’t have anything planned for this Saturday night.
You almost hung up on her, but you excitedly scrambled to get ready.
Now the smell of fried foods, popcorn, and beer cloud the air. The fairgrounds hold a chaotic but controlled lively energy. You never knew so many cowboy hats could exist in one space.
Once you meet up with your best friends' parents, you’re transported to a whole new area you never believed could exist during a rodeo. Lux and cozy, the VIP lounge gleams with its elevated experience. You knew your best friend’s mom worked for the construction company managing the arena. You just didn’t realize how big of a hookup it was. The VIP tickets allowed for full premium dining along with a couple of free drinks.
More importantly - it came with the best concert seats.
“In the dirt” is how they’re described because the tickets are literally stationed on the floor, in the dirt of the rodeo stadium, right by the stage.
Ecstatic and bubby energy now fills you. The food being served is divine and you gladly enjoy the free various drinks.
“So wait, did we figure out who’s performing?” You ask curiously while you lounge taking advantage of the nice seating area.
“Uh, I think my dad said it’s that band named Midland is performing today.” Your friend answers but then is quickly pulled away to meet more of her mom’s coworkers.
You’ve never heard of the band, but for a free concert you’re open to enjoy some live music.
It’s a trait you gained from Joel.
Because of him you grew to love music performances, the energy that comes with hearing the band, being among the hum of the crowd. The trips around Austin seeing not just him perform, but enjoying other concerts with him, let you appreciate and admire live shows.
Waiting for the concert allows you to enjoy some of the actual rodeo event. But the main performance of the evening soon arrives.
“You kids go enjoy! We’re getting a little too old and are just gonna stay back and enjoy the free food.” Your best friend’s mom grins with a wink.
The ticket advertisement wasn’t joking when it said close to the stage. The ground level truly sits on the dirt floor. The arena swallows you whole surrounding you like a strange fishbowl. A small crowd already lines the front railing closest to the stage. However sneakily you find a nice open spot by the side that gives a clear sight to the stage.
Even if you don’t know the band, giddiness bubbles in you electric.
You take in the massive general admission floor section already packed full. The band must be popular. So you take plenty of pictures and happily enjoy the time with your dear friend.
The lights dim and excitement crackles in the air. The stage lights up. The large backdrop screens on the stage flutter to life beginning to showcase different picturesque black and white shots of Texas.
Midland, you remember, is a city in Texas so the images make sense. A low strum of a guitar begins playing. The melody dances soft but in a quick beat, a hypnotic tune trying to rev up the crowd.
The tune brews up its intended magic that you even get swept up in the anticipation. The sound gets faster and the strumming is rather simple but so striking.
Then the music stops. Suddenly the lights of the entire stadium shut off. Wild galvanized screams erupt.
The lights brilliantly dance forth back to light. They all focus now on the performer who, like magic, now appears on the stage with the rest of the band.
And the lead singer is Joel.
Your knees almost give out.
Dressed in the most dangerous plaid green button up, it so simple yet beautifully compliments him. More grays pepper his beard and highlight his tousled curls. The brilliant stage lights bask him in a heavenly glow.
Your soul momentarily leaves your body the minute his voice sings his first note.
Instantly your best friend whips towards you panicked. She rapidly screams asking if you’re okay as she apologizes over and over.
“My dad must have gotten the dates wrong! God I should’ve fucking doubled checked or some shit!” She cries deeply apologetic and hurt.
You earnestly tell her it’s not her fault and it’s alright. It was just an unfortunate mixup.
“Do you wanna leave?” Your friend leans closer to you. Her eyes shine understanding and considerate. “We didn’t pay for these tickets and I promise you my parents will completely understand. We can say fuck it and bounce.”
You haven’t even completely processed it’s Joel. It’s like your brain went cloudy and now blinking out of the fog, your eyes return to the stage.
Joel isn’t an extroverted man. He’s reserved, quietly charming, even holds a gruff but poised grace. But right now, he’s an absolute sun on the stage. He’s radiant, naturally swaying to the music while singing his soul soul.
Maybe it’s the piece of you still horribly in love with him, or just the curiosity to see how this goes, whatever it is - you shake your head no.
“We can stay.”
Your best friend’s eyes go wide as saucers hearing your answer.
“Are you sure?” She presses and you nod your head.
“Yeah, let’s stay. Afterwards we can laugh about how old he’s gotten.” You laugh bitterly about him looking more aged even after a year.
When truthfully the stronger wrinkles around his face, the vibrant grays, all of his aging only intensifies his striking looks.
A canyon wide sized hole rips through your heart.
The song flutters to an end and the crowd claps with a thunderous roar. With a reassuring squeeze to your shoulder your dear friend nods then turns back to the concert.
You pray this isn’t the worst decision you’ve ever made.
Then Joel speaks.
“Howdy everyone,” his voice is still so devilishly thick and smooth as a shot of moonshine. His accent does his home state proud. The crowd absolutely adores him, screaming loud just hearing him speak.
“Thank y'all for comin’ out tonight. I’m Joel Miller and m’here to sing y’all a few songs.” So simple, casually eased, and it’s so Joel.
His gruff southern charm made you fall in love with him so fast and now it’s a unique brand of magic charming everyone under his spell.
Joel strums a few notes, rapidly shifting the tune and transitions into the next song.
You now fully soak in Joel.
He seems otherworldly, a god of music reincarnated as a Texan cowboy. You think back to the days sitting in his living room and listening to him play. You were honored to see that side of him, to hear him strum to life so much magic.
During the holiday’s Joel’s daughters, Ellie and Sarah, would often pester him to sing silly songs. He’d grumpily obliged but you knew he basked in their attention and love.
He loved to sing. You always knew he was destined for the stage like it was woven into his veins.
You still remember the day one of Joel’s acoustic performances blew up online gaining so much attention. The excitement and absolute joy you felt then still lingers in the corners of your heart. Although, those feelings have been gathering cobwebs.
There’s of course a bitterness seeing him, but also, an unbearably small twinkling pride knowing he’s here living his dream. The song finishes and again the stadium rumbles in applause.
“How y’all doin’ tonight?” Joel asks and your heart jumps hearing his voice again.
The crowd cheers back at him.
“Good good, let’s keep it goin’.” He yells back and then strums the guitar sharp.
That’s when the stage slowly starts moving.
It’s slow but with the surprise purpose to look out to the entire crowd. For some reason you almost laugh thinking of that man, who couldn’t even remember how to FaceTime on his ipad, on a full rotating platform.
However, the lyrics start and you realize he’s singing a heartbreak ballad.
If you’re going out with someone new, I’m going out with someone too…I won’t feel sorry for me, I’m getting drunk but I’d much rather be somewhere with you…
It’s hard hearing him now with how exhilarated the crowd screams at the stage moving. But you try to hear how the rest of the song unfolds.
At the chorus, your throat tightens.
I can go out every night of the week, can go home with anybody I meet, but it’s just a temporary high… ‘cause when I close my eyes, I’m somewhere with you
The words sting every inch of you, but you believe it has to be just a simple heartbreak story and isn’t about you, isn’t directed at you. Yet the words feel like sharpened edges of a broken mirror that seem to reflect every moment of your time with him.
Then the stage rotates to your side of the floor.
There’s no way he can see you or will even spot you. There’s a whole crowd stretching before him. You’re just a fish in a sea of fans.
Joel continues strumming, allowing his voice to so beautifully carry the emotion.
The stage, in its slow movement, is now front and center to your line of sight. Some girls at the very direct front of the railing scream and wave frantically at him.
A small smile tugs at Joel’s lips as he waves back. Joel’s eyes scan the rest of the crowd -
And that’s when he spots you.
Quickly, you rationalize he could be staring out behind you at someone else alongside the side railing.
But Joel’s eyes even narrow trying to focus more. Your gaze stays on him, like something inside of you refuses to waiver.
His eyes flicker with realization then turn into full moons.
He knows it’s you.
Joel continues singing the chorus but emotions cloud his face. His brows are furrowed hard, almost confused like he’s trying to really comprehend what’s going on.
You understand. You’d be so confused too if you were in his position. You’re still even baffled as to why you stayed in the first place.
The stage starts shifting back to the main center direction
But Joel cranes his face to the side, refusing to have his eyes leave.
His focus stays on you.
It’s obvious enough that your best friend now shakes your body.
“Is he staring at you?!” She tries to whisper but she ends up partly screaming.
You think maybe it’s a hallucination.
Yet Joel’s deep inky eyes stubbornly stay locked on you as he sings now.
If you see out on the town and it looks like I’m burning it down, you won’t ask and I won’t say… but in my heart I’m always somewhere with you…
Your world twists warped, melting into a sea of so many emotions you can’t stay afloat.
Joel finishes his song and the crowd enthusiastically cheers. Yet, it sounds muffled as a numbness crawls over you like a thick soupy fog.
You should leave. You need to. But you’re here now. And decide to see the end of this. If he’s singing about someone lingering within him, then you might as well make true to those lyrics.
Joel lowers his face for a moment and shakes his head. The mic faintly picks up his cough of a disbelieving laugh and your heart sinks.
“Alright folks, let’s jam.” He announces composed and brings his guitar to life.
He’s beautiful walking around with it. Strums effortlessly until he shifts from one guitar, his classic, to a more sleek all black styled one.
Joel lets the music and band take over while he makes the switch. He also leans in to whisper something to the stage hand.
Then as if nothing, Joel steps back into the limelight and illuminates the stage.
He walks around freely now that the stage stopped rotating. The current song is lively with a great beat and you hate how badly you want to bounce around to its infectious sound and the way Joel’s voice elevates the tune.
Caught up in the melody, you don’t notice until it’s too late. Joel walks over to the side of the stage directly facing you.
The guitar carries a large piece of this song’s bridge allowing his eyes to flicker across the crowd.
Until they return to your gaze. Stuck in his stare, Joel suddenly cocks his chin towards you.
Most of the crowd around you screams at his simple action. Even your best friend yells out a loud ‘holy shit’ but you stay quiet.
Not knowing how to react, all you do is stupidly shrug.
It’s awful, not even the best reaction you can give.
But Joel barks a laugh, a true laugh that thankfully happens at the tail end of the song, but your knees go weak.
You made him laugh.
On stage.
Heartache finds its way back into your system fiercer than ever and it poisonously tastes of adoration as well.
Joel transitions into another song. This time moving around the stage more towards the other side.
Yet, either his eyes flicker back to you, or he ends up walking to your section.
A part of you wonders if he’s doing this now to mock you, almost showing off how good he is knowing you’re here. You don’t believe Joel would be that heartless, but you hate how that option still lingers.
“He’s been walking over here a lot.” Someone even behind you even notices.
“Well he is old.” Someone yells back. “Maybe he’s just trying to keep his joints in shape.”
You almost want to snap back that he’s looking damn good for his age and in good enough shape that he kept you bent like a pretzel for practically a whole weekend, but you swallow back the protective bite.
You simply go back to enjoying the show, and it’s fantastic. You can’t deny that. Joel is a performer, keeps the crowd focused and engaged. He isn’t showy or dramatic but takes control of his presence on stage.
You think of the days seeing him at small bars around town, sitting on a stool playing till his heart's content.
Then he booked Stubb’s in Austin and when you watched him own that stage - you knew this was meant for him.
You’re reminded of that so vividly tonight.
“Alright, gettin’ to the end here.” He announces and the crowd sounds heartbroken.
“I know, i know,” he coos back soft and low. “But just wanted to say y’all have been lovely.”
So many shrill shrieks crack in the room and you almost roll your eyes.
Your best friend snickers beside you. “Gotta give it to him, man can work a room.”
She’s right of course. Though it’s still so surprising for a man grumpily reserved and introverted at times.
“This next one I hope maybe some of y’all will know.”
He strums the cords to Pearl Jam’s ‘Alive.’
What gained Joel traction online was his renditions and covers of various songs. He added his own country twang and twist to all the songs he covered.
Pearl Jam happened to be one of Ellie’s favorite bands. A hollow nostalgia rip through you, thinking of the two girls you miss.
The crowd ignites recognizing the familiar rock ballad now turned into the tune of a country song by Joel’s touch. He owns the solo and his husky voice melts into the lyrics beautifully.
Under your breath you sing along. You used to sing along when you cooked breakfast at his place or during drives with him and the girls.
It’s a beautiful fondness, yet one still barbed and so aching.
The song ends with the intense but small burst of fireworks that has the stadium cheering. You even clap.
“Appreciate y’all.” He addresses the crowd. “That’s a one of my daughter’s favorites so always means a lot when I get to play it.”
A smile you can’t fight tugs at your lips at the mention of Ellie.
“Now my daughters, they’re like night ‘n day.” Joel continues and your heart fills up so overwhelming fast for those girls.
“One of them, like I said, loves some Pearl Jam. Now my other daughter…” Joel pauses.
“She’s a big fan of someone by the name of Taylor Swift.”
The crowd absolutely explodes and you think you even feel the arena shake. Sarah honestly was a big fan and Ellie loved to tease her about it so much.
“Normally for this next and final song, I’d play ‘‘shake it off.’” Joel had a few songs of hers that he covered. That one was a fan favorite.
“But tonight, I'm itchin’ to play somethin’ else.” He continues.
You even perk up curious.
“So let’s end this on a high note, yeah? Sing along if you know this one.” Joel concludes.
Then the drums begin and the song bursts to life.
The stadium swims in a dizzying frantic energy.
The way Joel sings, he’s pouring his heart out. He’s memorizing. Utterly heart wrenching.
This is the finale, the end of this strange unreal dream you’ve wandered into. You wonder if he feels it too.
The song’s chilling bridge comes and Joel walks to stare directly at you.
I thought I had you figured out, can’t breathe whenever you’re gone. Can't turn back now, I'm haunted…
His eyes never leave yours.
The lyrics sear through your heart. You think about screaming the song to back him. He’s the one who left, the one who’s ghost lives among your ribs.
Then Joel hits the final high note, lets his voice carry the powerful finale, and the crowd roars in earth shaking excitement.
It’s magical, magnetic and utterly devastating in both the best and worst ways. Another few sets of indoor fireworks go off and the show ends.
Joel wishes the crowd a beautiful night and you’re left in a tangled web of emotions.
Your best friend immediately turns to see if you’re okay. While the crowd starts leaving, you and her take a moment. Out of the edge of your focus, you notice a crew member of the arena approaching the side of the rail. You don’t think anything of it.
“Excuse me,” until that crew member stands in front of you on the other side of the barrier.
Blinking absolutely confused you turn towards the man.
“I’ve been asked to escort you backstage.” He explains and your best friend gasps.
You wonder if the ground opened below and dropped you into a free fall.
Quickly you stammer out that you couldn’t. There's no way. Maybe the man must’ve mistaken you for someone else.
“Mr. Miller said you’d say something like that.” The crew member says reaching into his pocket to hand you something.
It’s a keychain.
Not just any keychain, but the one you gave Joel.
It’s a cartoon armadillo, dressed up as a cowboy, holding a guitar. When you first saw it you immediately thought of Joel. His daughters got a kick over it, giggled at how cute it was, and your heart had bursted when you saw it constantly among his keys.
Now the worn little cowboy creature sits waiting for you. It’s sweet marble like eyes stare up at you like a day hasn’t gone by since you gave Joel this.
Your best friend gasps, maybe not fully recognizing the keychain but understanding the significance.
You ask the crew member if your friend can maybe accompany you backstage, but he shakes his head a sad no.
“Then I…I can’t.” You shakily breathe out.
“Yes you can!” She interjects. “You gotta at least hear him out!”
You turn to her and find determination fiercely burning in her eyes as she nods.
“But what about you? I don’t want you or your parents waiting around for me.” You urge.
“Don’t worry about me or especially about them!” She reassures, even offering to wait for as long as you need.
You’re grateful, unbearably so and embrace her tight.
“You call me if he gets stupid. I don’t care backstage or not, I’ll go get you.”
You laugh watery at her well meaning threat and thank her. With a quick sweet goodbye, you follow the crew member along the rails until exiting.
The walk out to the backstage area fills you with a hurricane of emotions. What else could Joel say to you? A part of you wonders if he’s going to be cruel about this, having you simply show up to his dressing room just to laugh so arrogant and smug about how wonderfully famous he is now.
No, Joel isn’t that type of man.
Or you hope fame hasn't warped him into that type of man. Arriving at the green room door, your heart races loud in your ears.
The crew member knocks and before you can compose yourself, Joel opens the door.
He’s bathed in the golden amber light of the backstage room. It highlights all those grays again but also illuminates more of the time passed on his face. More winkles line against his eyes and when he fully stares at you, you wonder how different you might look in his eyes.
A jackrabbit like urge rushes over you to maybe flee, call your best friend to come get you.
“Thanks for comin’,” he mutters out. “Was worried ya wouldn’t show.”
You want to bitterly joke that you didn’t want to, but the armadillo keychain you hang onto holds the truth.
The door closes leaving you and Joel alone. Awkward stale air chokes the space.
You simply keep your attention on examining the room. His classic weathered jacket rests thrown over the couch. The rider is stacked with so many classic Joel snacks like his favorite jerky, popcorn, and even a few familiar favorite treats his daughters love.
Then your eyes catch the mug on the counter and you grin softly.
It must be filled with Joel’s classic drink - chamomile and ginger tea with honey for his throat.
“It’s…yeah. That’s it.”
You didn’t even realize you said anything out loud until Joel replies casuing your heart to jump. Finally your eyes find his.
It's a curse that your greatest heartbreak is this handsome. Exhaustion weighs in you and feels ancient, like if you carry the sum of so many lifetimes before.
“So…You wanted to talk to me?” You speak first, trying to keep yourself strong.
“I…uh yeah.” Answering so cryptically, his shoulders deflate. “How ya been?”
“Good.” You answer simple, curt almost.
There’s too many things that could’ve slipped out if you said anything more. Like how you selfishly kept one of his shirts and hate that the smell of him on it has faded like a wistful memory. Or how you can barely listen to Dolly Parton or Johnny Cash anymore because you’re reminded of Joel singing along to their songs.
So you turn the conversation back to him.
You ask how the girls are and Joel perks up, eyes shimmering with fatherly pride.
“Good, yeah they’re good. Uh, Ellie’s playing softball for the school again ‘n Sarah’s busy with student council. They’re still just bossin’ me all around.”
“As usual.”
You both say the same line at the same time and it chokes you up.
Joel inhales and his lips press tight, a hard line. The air tightens. No one says anything and now annoyance, frustration and maybe even a bit of panic claw at you.
“Joel, why am I here?” You ask him again.
Sighing, so weary and tired, he looks down.
Feels like ages pass between you and him. The faint noise of the stadium leaks into the room muffled.
You think of your best friend waiting and of your own heart waiting to end this.
“Look, it was good to see you,” you half lie. “You did great, hope you and the girls take care”
You turn to walk out.
That’s when he blurts out your name and you stop.
“I miss you.” He exhales.
“Miss ya so g’damn much. Every fuckin’ day.” He mutters.
When you turn back around, he stares at you unwavering. You don’t know what to say.
“Seein’ ya out in the crowd…thought m’heart was gonna give out.” He barks a weak laugh.
“Almost stoppin’ the fuckin’ show just to make sure it was you… y’look beautiful as ever.” His eyes haze over slightly, almost nostalgic.
Suddenly a heated spark rips into your chest, jagged edged and angered.
“You broke up with me.” You snap, voice already raw.
“I know,” Joel nods. “Worst damn decision of m’life.”
Your lips tremble. Everything hurts like a live wire is burning up your veins.
“Then why? Why did you do it?” You croak. You want to scream, maybe even storm out and not even give him the chance to speak.
“What? Did Mr. Big Country Star hate having a partner that wasn’t famous too?” Venom leaks bitter and poisonous in your mouth, choking your throat.
“Y’know god damn well that ain’t it.” He snarls back hard.
“No actually I fucking don’t know Joel.” You reply with a fierce bite. “You so conveniently left out any real damn reason why you were breaking up with me.”
“I said our paths were going in separate directions.” He glares hard at you now.
“And that’s about it!” Your voice raises and you hate it.
The tears come quicker than you hoped for and you hate that more.
“No real explanation,” you exhale, wanting to stay as calm as you can. “You couldn’t even give me that…what else am I supposed to think?”
Even dabbing away your tears, your composure is slowly slipping.
“I couldn’t do this to you,” he breathes out and it’s broken. His eyes are shimmering obsidian pools.
“This life, all the fuckin’ mess that comes with dating someone in the limelight, I couldn’t just throw that on ya.” He explains and the truth rings out a quiet hum.
“And you didn’t think to talk to me about this?” You whisper out now hurt. “Joel, I thought we were a team.”
“We are- were.” He slips and corrects himself fast. “I just knew if we fuckin’ talked about it you wouldn’t have understood.”
“Understood what?” You’re frustrated and it leaks into your voice.
“That I didn’t want ya fuckin’ hatin’ me!” He finally screams the weighted truth.
Stunned quiet but still slightly confused, you ask Joel what he means.
Pain travels across Joel’s handsome face as his jaw clenches hard.
“This shit…it takes away a lot.” He croaks out. “Hell I’ve even missed things with the girls. Didn’t want ya sacrificin’ your life or wakin’ up one day and realizin’ how much you’ve lost ‘cause of me…couldn’t let myself do that to you.”
Your chest aches like a rocket got shot into you. You’re angry he took that chance for you to decide, but you understand.
Joel never wants to be the cause of pain to others, especially those he loves.
He agonizes so much over his decisions and how corrupting he believes he is. When in reality every action he takes you know simply stems from his endless deep devotion to keep those he loves safe.
His decision to end your relationship was him, in his own frustrating Joel way, trying to keep you safe. Even if it was from himself.
Your lips tremble and you cuss bitterly hard under your breath.
“You damn stupid man.” You hiccup. “I didn’t…I don’t care what life fame would’ve given me with you. I would never resent you. For better or worse I just wanted a life with you, that’s all I ever wanted.”
Through a few sobs, you wipe the tears fogging up your sight.
Before you can see it happening, strong sturdy arms suddenly wrap around you and shock you breathless. Curled in Joel’s arms, it’s like a sad coming home party and you cry even more.
“M’so sorry, my darlin’.” Joel whispers against your forehead.
“I hate you.” You don’t. Even on your hardest days, you never could.
“I know, hate my fuckin’ ass too.” Joel replies.
His arms squeeze you tighter.
“Never stopped lovin’ you. Never will.” His voice wavers and now your arms wrap around him.
“You left.” You whisper back so small while tears continue to prickle in your eyes.
“I know honeydew, ‘n I’ll never forgive myself for it.” He replies fiercely like a strike of lightning with its bright force. “Been a fuckin’ mess without ya. Tommy would be the first to agree and the girls too.”
You absorb his words, basking in the safe haven that is Joel. Hours, maybe days pass just in his arms.
“Please forgive me, baby.” He whispers hoarse against your head.
You nod a soft yes.
Because even the part of you that wants to yell and stubbornly say no knows the ultimate answer is, and always will be, him.
“Of course…I love you.” You mutter half dazed against his strong chest. “Love of my life.”
Pressed so close to him, you feel how hard he swallows and his arms squeeze you impossibly tighter against you.
He says your name and you hum out a soft noise.
“Marry me.”
Your eyes, which have sort of glazed over, snap open wide.
“What?” You mutter out, maybe think you misheard him.
“Marry me.” Joel repeats himself.
You practically squawk like a confused bird and scramble in his arms.
“Joel Miller, you can’t be serious?!” You shriek through the tears still lingering in your voice.
Your face snaps up to him. His face is composed, almost serene in a way as he look at you with molten eyes.
“Serious as that g’damn ring I bought ya.”
His words are a mumble but so soft and unwavering. Your soul leaves your body like you were thrown into a cold lake.
“You what?” You stammer out.
“Y’heard me.” He nudges his chin to you. “A ring. Bought it after you dropped everything to go take care of the girls when they got sick.”
Too many emotions overwhelm you and the tears return with a vengeance.
Joel, like a steady man in the storm, places his warm hand on your face to gather you back into his embrace. He places the softest kiss to the side of your head.
“We gotta have a chat about discussing your feelings with me more, Miller.” You manage to chide him through your tears.
“I know.” He mutters against your skin while he continues softly kissing you with utter tenderness. “‘N I’m not lettin’ ya go again.”
You squeeze him hard, trying to burn his memory into your arms worried you’re going to wake up and find this is just a heartbroken hallucination.
“Baby,” he begins.
“Stay with me for the night.” He urges. “The bus got plenty of room-”
“Ooo, is this what you say to all your groupies, Mr. Miller?” You tease with a snort.
“Behave.” His hand playfully squeezes your hip but his underlying somber tone even with his chuckle ignites a familiar heat brewing in you of the times he’s reprimanded you like that before.
“No groupies.” Joel reassures you. “Only you sweetheart, only ever gonna be you.”
His words flutter into your heart and make a nest there.
Gently you draw back to stare at Joel. Your hand moves to his face, aching to just touch him. Even in his arms you’re waiting for him to vanish from your touch as if he’s a figment of your wrecked heart, a ghost of lovers past haunting you now.
But his stubble tickles against your palm. Running warm as usual, his face feels like a soft morning sun. Your thumb strokes his cheek and his eyes close, melting into your hold.
Gently you place a soft kiss against the corner of his lips.
Joel now tilts his head so he can deepen the kiss before you can even draw away.
It’s not a consuming passion that you expected. No frantic fierce clash of lips or an overflow from a year passed between you two.
Instead it’s a soft welcome home. It’s a kiss you’ve given him when he’s come home late or when you leave for work.
Because his blood, his soul, you believe are simply stitched into the very fabric of you. It’s like a piece of you is returning back to you, or maybe back to your other home with him.
“So you gonna stay with me?” He mumbles against your lips.
“I don’t know Miller, you haven’t even offered to sign anything for me. What kind of famous country singer are you?” You smirk against his lips.
He laughs, hearty, a true wild deep one sweeping you into its joy.
“Hell yeah I’ll fuckin’ sign something for ya, our marriage certificate.” He snaps in classic grumpy Joel fashion and you almost think about dragging him to a courthouse.
You text your friend a million apologies and even take pictures of all the signed merch you’re bringing back to her.
Now in the cocoon of Joel’s cozy bed on his tour bus, among the warmth sheets, you hold the ring up in the dim light inspecting it. Because of course your secretly romantic man kept the ring with him.
“You sure you weren’t keeping this around for someone else?” You ask.
“Fuck no.” He growls low. “S’yours…only yours.”
From behind his arms slide around you and you’re encompassed by his swallowing presence. His beard scrapes against your shoulder.
“If ya don’t like it, can get ya another one.” He mutters casually but hesitant softness peeks out from under his gruff tone.
“It’s perfect.” You reassure him.
It’s the ring Joel got you then and it’s the ring you want now and always will. You even tell him that.
The kisses places on your bare shoulder whispers of his devotion.
“Honey.” However, his voice now is hesitant and makes you pause on your ring inspecting.
“I gotta ask…but do ya have my armadillo keychain?” Joel asks with an utter somberness.
You burst out laughing and it shakes your body.
“Honeydew, I’m being serious!” He growls out. “Want that lil’ fella back!”
Wheezing with giggles you lean back against Joel, floating so blissfully floating in renewed adoration.
Twisting in his arms your lips find his.
“Tryin’ to distract me ‘cause you lost him, huh?” He mutters.
You snort, shaking your head.
“No I just love you so much, you dumb cowboy.” You tell him.
“Your dumb cowboy. For better or worse.” He vows, kissing you back firmer now.
“For better or worse,” you nod breathing into him.
In this carved out slightly cramped space it feels holy, sacred, chapel like. You’re even afraid it might be gone tomorrow morning. However, the ring on your finger is the steeled reassurance it isn’t going anywhere.
But, just in case, you gather this glory and Joel into your arms with the promise of never letting go.
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p1hypen · 1 year
y(ours) — P1HARMONY!hyung line
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wherein the members have become acquainted with your personal belongings. ft. non-idol!p1h hyung line x gn!reader. fluff.
a/n: it’s like almost 3am as i’m posting this while also recovering from a cold. enjoy <3
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your shirt.
during the walk to your apartment an abrupt downpour of rain came crashing down on keeho, catching him by surprise. when he reached your unit and knocked on the door, you crooned at the unfortunate state that your boyfriend was in. soaking wet, cold, and shivering. you urged him to take a warm shower and tossed his clothes into the dryer for the time being.
the cycle was still ongoing when keeho hollered from the bathroom that he was finished. with no other option you opted to give him one of your oversized shirts you use to sleep in and a pair of sweatpants that originally belonged to him. how you managed to steal that is beyond his acknowledgment.
when he finally dried himself off and slipped into the articles of clothing you lent him, he bunched the material of your shirt and brought it close to his nose to sniff at it. you always had a nice scent that was a mix of vanilla with a hint of minty freshness. is this how other couple’s feel when they use their partner’s clothings?
keeho stepped into the kitchen where you finished plating both of your guys’ food.
“you look really cute!” you chirped, and he pulled you in for a warm hug.
“you smell really good…” he mumbled into your hair to which you laughed and turned the compliment back to him. commenting on how much you liked the cologne he wears occasionally.
by the time that keeho’s clothes finished drying right after cleaning up the table from dinner, he refused to give back your shirt and declared he would “live in it” until your smell wore off. you weren’t one to oppose, secretly finding it adorable that your boyfriend reminded you quite literally of yourself whenever you’d rummage through his closet for a hoodie or two to melt in.
your tote bag.
more often than not— actually, scratch that. theo always makes you carry his belongings in your tote bag wherever you guys go. sure, you’ve gotten used to it but sometimes you sneak in a little sarcastic eye roll when he asks you to “hold onto his things” (not without giving you a guilty smile of course).
the beach? he’ll find a way to stuff his towel in with yours, only contributing more to the bulkiness of your bag.
the mall? his wallet, lip balm (that he actually stole from you), sunglasses, and other personal trinkets get mixed with yours.
when it’s too hot out? his jacket will find its way into the safe haven of your tote bag.
in the end, you don’t mind carrying his things in addition to your stuff; it’s the least you can do as his partner without making a big fuss over something that isn’t trivial. besides, theo’s a great help when he notices that he may have overloaded your bag with his possessions, and is more than willing to take it off your shoulders to let it dangle on his own.
“it’s only fair that i do this, too.” he once said, as the two of you walked hand-in-hand together, enjoying a brief stroll in the park after getting brunch with a couple of other friends. you giggled, surveying the way he so naturally held onto the straps of your tote bag with his free hand.
little did he know that you were planning on buying one of his own, although, he might just end up leaving that at home and still relying on you as his carrier.
your jewelry.
jiung is a big fan of your accessories and constantly finds himself digging through your jewelry dish and organizers for some bling to spice up his outfit.
this new habit of his happened one day when he noticed the vintage vivienne westwood necklace looped around your neck. the signature pendant caught his eye, he was quick to compliment the piece of jewelry and said that it looked “really nice.” there was some kind of hinting notion in his voice that egged you on. with a knowing grin, you let jiung have a go at trying it on to see how it looked on him. needless to say, you’re pretty sure he’s worn that very necklace more than you have.
and that’s how his obsession with your collection of silver and gold pieces spurred.
over time, you began to collect more jewelry. purely for you and jiung to share— but mainly for your boyfriend. whenever you’d do your daily online window shopping or in-person window shopping, you would always have jiung’s taste in the front of your mind when considering what to buy next. a lot of what he liked overlapped with you, so things worked out perfectly with every new purchase.
when you came home sporting a pair of earrings he’s never seen you wear before today, jiung rushed to your side to examine it.
“actually, i got one for you too.” you said, revealing his own set. not missing the twinkle in his eyes and big smile.
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scorpiussage · 2 years
In Your Eyes
Jackson Rippner x Reader - Oneshot 
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Pairing: Jackson Rippner x Reader (Y/N)
Summary: Jackson finds himself more interested than usual when he has to kidnap you as bait for a hit. 
Warnings: Smut, kidnapping, mentions of murder, a little non-con if you squint
Jackson doesn’t usually put much personal interest in his hits. He does whatever he needs to do and then he goes home.
That’s how he expects this mission to go, to just go through the motions and get his check at the end of it. But then he sees you for the first time. 
Your pretty, smiling face is looking up at him from the file he’s been given on you. You’re the only daughter of a prominent politician and the apple of his eye. That’s why you’ve been flagged as being the perfect bait for this hit. 
And you are pretty, with an earnest, innocent face. He’s intrigued like he hasn’t been before. Slapping the file closed, he sends out the confirmation text to his lackeys. It’s time to get this party started.
You come to slowly with a pounding headache and a deep ache in your wrists. Managing to lift your head you look around yourself with mounting panic. You’re in some windowless, concrete room and you’re tied down to a chair that’s been bolted to the floor. 
The last thing you remember is getting ready for bed. You’d thought you’d heard something and before you could even turn around, a gloved hand holding a rag was slapping over your mouth. You were unconscious within minutes.
“H-hello?” You call out tentatively, your voice cracking with dehydration. 
Things are silent for a bit before a door placed behind you opens up and the slow, confident steps of a so far unseen person make their way into the room. Making their way around you, the mysterious person comes into your view. Whoever this is, he’s handsome with stunning features that would serve him well if he decided to take up modeling. 
He’s smirking down at you and those haunting eyes of his rake up and down your bound form. 
“Where am I?” You finally ask, it comes out as a whisper as the full weight of your situation settles on your psyche. 
“Not important,” the man replies while stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“I don’t have anything to give you, please let me go,” you plead; your eyes watering with fear. 
“It’s not so much what you have,” the man says with a smile, “It’s more that you’re the only child of your father. No hard feelings, it’s just business.” 
You break out into sobs while you tug desperately at your bound arms. 
Crouching down, the man captures your chin in a bruising grip, “Quit crying. You’ll be leaving here alive. Eventually.”
He leaves after that, slamming the door behind himself.
The man comes and goes frequently. He doesn’t seem to be doing much other than coordinating via phone calls and text messages.
Feeling the bitterness of the situation, you bite out scathingly, “What are you, the goon?”
The man barks out a laugh at that and leans casually against the wall across from you, “Not the goon. I’m more of a project manager.” 
You sneer at that, “Whatever you need to tell yourself.” 
He watches you for a few moments before he says, “I’m Jackson.” 
You stare at him incredulously, “Why the fuck would I care?” 
Jackson just shrugs before making his way out of the room.
Jackson unties you to use the bathroom at one point. He’s surprisingly gentle as he rubs your raw wrists once they’re free. When he brings you back to the room, he doesn’t tie you up again and instead just lazily tells you to behave before leaving himself once more. 
You wait one minute, then two, and once you’re certain he’s gone, you dart towards the door. Of course it’s locked but this is your only chance for freedom. You scratch at the lock desperately, your nails breaking against the metal. 
It becomes obvious after a while that you’ll not get anywhere with this method and instead you tuck yourself against the wall and wait. Jackson is quite meticulous in his timed checks and he’s back again soon. You tense as you hear his footsteps echo down the concrete corridor outside your cell and you prepare yourself. As soon as he’s got the door open you’re making a mad dash past him. 
He lets out a curse as you manage to shove him aside and once he’s recovered, he’s chasing after you. He’s so much taller than you and he catches up to you quickly, throwing himself atop you and tackling you to the ground. Wrestling with your flailing limbs, he finally pins you. 
Jackson looks down at you with a feral grin, “Got you.”
Before you can reply, he’s surging forward and capturing your lips in a fiery kiss that has you gasping. Taking advantage, he forces his tongue into your mouth earning a strangled moan from you. He kisses like he’s been lost in the desert and you are the oasis that’s going to save his life. Almost unconsciously, you arch up into him and he grinds his hips down into yours. 
Tearing away, he pants above you with his eyes so dilated that the icy blue is only a thin sliver. 
“Are you going to behave now? Or am I going to have to get creative about how I tie you up?” There’s a definite innuendo tucked in those words because his hips tilt down again, his erection rubbing torturously against your core.  
You contemplate your options, testing his hold on your wrists. He doesn’t relent even an inch and instead tightens his grip to a painful degree. Biting your lip to hold in your whimpers, you nod reluctantly.
Jackson leans down and you think for a moment he’s going to kiss you again, but instead he nips at your ear and whispers huskily, “Good girl.” 
A shudder passes through you that makes Jackson chuckle. He climbs off of you and looks down at you with a hooded stare as you curl in on yourself and rub your bruised, aching wrists. 
“Get up,” He orders you, taking ahold of your upper arm roughly once you stand. He practically drags you back to your cell and shoves you into the room. He locks the door behind himself when he leaves and you slump dejectedly into the only chair. 
Jackson returns later, making you wait longer than normal and the way he smirks at you when you jump makes you grind your teeth. He’s the most insufferable man you’ve ever met and you tell him as much out loud. 
He just laughs and takes up his usual spot against the wall. He watches you as you watch him.
“Why are you doing this?” You ask. 
He just shrugs, “Good money.” 
He leaves at his usual time without saying anything more. 
You turn in your chair to face the door when Jackson returns. However, what you see in his hand causes you jump up in fear. He’s holding a wicked looking knife and he’s got this crazed look in his eyes. 
“You said that I’m not going to be killed,” you state as you rub your arms fretfully and back yourself as far away from him as you can. He follows after you slowly, circling you like a predator about to pounce. 
“I can change my mind if I like. It’s the benefit of being your own boss,” he says while darting forward and wrapping you in a bruising hug that pins your arms to your side. You let out a screech and kick your legs out, but it’s useless and he just hauls you across the room. 
He throws you down onto the floor and climbs on top of you. You manage to scratch him across the neck but it ends up being the only hit you get against him as he quickly subdues you just like he did in the hallway earlier. He had to abandon his knife to do it, though, so you count it as a victory. 
It also seems that your scratching has riled him up even more than before because he starts attacking your neck with fervent, biting kisses. 
He transfers one of your wrists to his other hand so that they’re both being pinned by the same one. This leaves him free to slip his hand up under your blouse, going right for your breasts. 
He pulls away from your neck, panting, “Fuck.” 
You’ve been on edge for hours, ever since he kissed you when you tried to escape. He must see this in your expression because a jackal grin stretches across his face and he yanks your shirt over your head, shoving your bra up along the way. He gives your right nipple a mean tweak that has you yelping and trying to wriggle away from him and he tuts at you. 
“You masturbate with your curtains open,” he tells you while running his hands down your torso and working on the zip of your skirt, “And when you play with yourself, you always pinch your nipples.” 
Blood rushes to your face in horror and embarrassment, “W-What?”
He’s methodical as he slowly works your skirt down your legs, leaving you in only your panties. 
“I had so much fun watching you. I even put the job off an extra week because I wanted to see you more,” Jackson is shameless as he admits this to you, his fingers creeping up the inside of your thigh towards your core. 
He hooks his fingers into the hem of your panties and yanks those off of you as well, leaving you bare and soaked before him. 
He stares down at you with a hooded gaze that makes your clit throb in anticipation. He doesn’t break that eye contact as he reaches down and unbuckles his belt and undoes his pants. 
“Are you going to be a good girl for me?” He asks as he pulls his cock out, his hand pumping up and down the considerable length lazily. You nod shyly, your legs spreading almost unconsciously in invitation. 
He smirks and descends onto you, capturing your mouth in another toe curling kiss. 
You can’t resist chasing Jackson’s kisses, your body arching up and your legs wrapping around his waist. He breaks the kiss with a chuckle, “What is it you want, hm? Tell me what you need.” 
Licking your bruised lips, you reply, “I want you.” 
Grabbing your face roughly he tuts, “Not good enough.” 
You take in a shaky breath, “I-I want you to fuck me.”
His face stretches into a sadistically pleased grin, “Good girl.” 
Without warning he’s pushing into you. 
Before you can make a noise, his hand is wrapping around your throat, squeezing tightly as he works himself into you, back and forth. It’s only when he’s fully seated, that he lets you gasp for breath, your eyes blurry with unshed tears. 
“Fuck, you look so sexy like this,” he sets both his hands on your waist, getting his grip good and tight, and then he’s fucking you. It’s hard and fast and too much, but fuck it feels good. You haven’t been fucked like this in ages- ever really if you think about it. No one has ever come close to Jackson. 
When you start to sneak your hand down your front towards your clit, he slaps you across your tits. You yelp and retreat, his smirk making you burn with rage and lust all at once. 
“‘Spent weeks watching you,” he grunts out between thrusts, “‘Knew it’d be a missed opportunity if I didn’t fuck you.” 
A bit of horror of your situation begins to creep back up your spine and you try to pull away from him. He doesn’t let you, though, and instead flips you onto your stomach, wrenching your hips up and pushing back into you at a bruising pace. He fits so much deeper like this, and your eyes roll back in your head in pleasure when he starts hitting that special spot inside of you. 
Your moans are loud and embarrassing because he chuckles every time he gets a particularly strung out one. 
“‘Think I oughta keep you like this. Just for me,” he rasps into your ear, his sweaty hair sticking to the back of your neck as he buries his face into your shoulder. 
He wraps himself around you like a snake, his hips not stopping their relentless rhythm even once. You can feel his balls smacking against your clit as he drives harder and deeper into you. 
“Are you going to cum for me?” He demands more than asks as he grips your face tightly in his hand, his other slipping down your body and finding your clit with unerring precision. 
You can only nod dumbly and submit to him entirely as the most intense orgasm you’ve ever known washes over you. Jackson lets out a loud groan as your cunt squeezes around him tightly, milking him in the most delectable way. 
You both lay there on the hard, concrete floor for a while, panting and shuddering through the aftershocks of your orgasms. 
“Yeah,” Jackson says, turning his head to look at you, “Definitely going to keep you.” 
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carlsdarling · 1 year
Just some headcanons to some Charakters finding out the reader is pregnant?
Maybe Baby headcanons
What if Carl (and yourself) find out you're pregnant? (I'm not sure I got the request right; I can do headcanons for some other characters too, here are the ones for Carl).
WARNINGS: lowkey smut, pregnancy
You only had unprotected sex once, and that was when you were on a road trip and did it in the back seat of the car. Carl actually wanted to pull out, but you were both so hot for each other that he failed and cum inside you. At home you immediately went to shower and tried to wash out as much cum as you could.
You both then stopped thinking about it. Your periods have never been very regular, and you thought it unlikely that anything would happen right away the one time you didn't use protection.
About four weeks later, you noticed that your breasts were swollen and sore, but you didn't give it much thought. They had always been a little sensitive. There was a slight cramping in your abdomen, as if your period was about to start soon. But nothing happened.
Only two days later, nausea set in. You woke up early in the morning, Carl was still asleep, and you had to hastily free yourself from his embrace. You ran to the bathroom with your hand pressed in to your mouth and threw up.
After a few minutes Carl followed you. "Y/N? Are you ok?" you heard his sleepy voice on the other side of the door.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you lied, "just don't come in."
"I must have eaten something wrong," you guessed as you returned to Carl's room. Carl wondered, because you had eaten the same thing the day before, as had Rick, Michonne, and Judith, and none of them were sick.
The nausea would come and go, it was sometimes more, sometimes less severe. Carl noticed that you were very pale, sleeping a lot and not wanting to go out. He was getting more and more worried. At this point you already had a terrible suspicion, but you didn't want to say anything without being completely sure. Also, you were afraid of how Carl would react if you were really pregnant. After all, you are still so young yourselves.
You needed a pregnancy test, but there was no way to get one in Alexandria without word getting out immediately. After pondering for a long time and becoming more and more desperate, you decided to confide in Maggie. You needed someone to go with you to a pharmacy and look for a test.
You did the test at home in the bathroom and burst into tears when it showed two lines. "When are you going to tell Carl?" asked Maggie compassionately. You couldn't answer though, you were way too upset.
When you met with Carl, he registered your sad mood and asked several times what was wrong, but you always brushed it off and said it was nothing. You even distanced yourself from him. You just didn't dare to tell him....
However, he didn't stop caring about you no matter how many times you sent him away. Finally, as the two of you were playing video games in your room, Carl went to the bathroom. It took him an unusually long time to return, and he looked at you half hurt, half anxious. In his hand he clutched the positive pregnancy test you had hidden in the box with your hair ties. "You're pregnant, Y/N? Why didn't you tell me?" he said accusingly.
"Why are you snooping through my things?" you attacked him, bursting into tears at the same time.
Carl sat down next to you, shocked, and hold you in his arms. "Why didn't you tell me?" he repeated.
"I... I thought you didn't want a baby," you sniffled.
"Well, I'm not thrilled," he admitted honestly. "I'm sure you're not either. But it's our baby, and we'll manage somehow. My parents will help us. I do love you." He hugged you tightly and kissed you. From that point on:
Carl was super protective of you
He got used to the idea of being a father and proudly told the others
He never let you out of his sight for a moment
He got you everything you wanted to eat, no matter how complicated or dangerous it was to get it.
Carl asked Siddiq questions about the birth.
He was just insanely afraid for you and the baby, especially that you might die in childbirth like his mother Lori did
He cursed himself for not carrying a condom that day. Especially when he saw you struggling with nausea and other discomforts
He took every opportunity to scavenge baby stuff somewhere
He was sad because he no longer had his own toys to give the baby
He kept asking if there was anything you needed
Held you in his arms all night long and caressed your belly
The two of you endlessly discussed names for the baby
Instead of comic books, Carl was suddenly reading books about pregnancy and childbirth
He was almost more nervous than you when you finally went into labor
And just as happy when your baby was finally born. ❤❤❤
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youre-in-big-trouble · 7 months
so. for those who missed it:
today i was allowed TWO bathroom breaks. and i needed to drink a gallon of water over the course of the day. so... i held my morning pee as long as i possibly could. like, literally until i started leaking and couldnt stop it. um. you MIGHT think that sounds like an accident, but all of the mess made it into a container, so. it. doesnt count. its not an accident. that was at around 1pm - twenty minutes after being told to wait one more hour to pee.
then, at around 8pm, i went to go pee again. i had company over, and had been sipping on soda and water, so. it FELT really urgent, and i couldnt exactly get desperate in front of my company. so, i just went to the toilet and decided to torture my bladder further by controlling the stream to be as slow of a trickle as i could manage. spoiler! i didnt really win that battle.
so! no more potty breaks, right? game over. but, i still had like. 80oz of fluid to drink to meet today's goal! i did manage to drink all of it, but it took a few hours (understandably)
finally, at 11pm, all my drinks started to catch up to me. all i needed to do was make it one more measly hour, and id be scott free! after midnight, id be allowed to basically pee as much as i want, whenever i want! but. um. i didnt. make it...
i tried!! i really really tried! i basically sat there for 45 minutes with my hand jammed between my legs, trying to hold it all in, but... after waiting so so so long, it just. came out. at first, it was just a few drops in my underwear, and i stopped everything i was doing in the kitchen to stop the leak. i quickly finished up once i got the leak under control, and then rushed toward the bathroom. but every few steps, it just got worse. first it was a little spurt, then a big gush, and then, just a loud hissy SPRAY of piss right into my jeans. by the time i jumped in the tub, it was running down both of my legs...
i managed to stop the leak, finally, but by then id already lost about half of what i was holding. i was tempted to hold the rest until midnight, which was just a few minutes away, but... i ended up giving in and just soaking my pants the rest of the way...
so. um. i guess. TECHNICALLY, i only had one accident today. maybe it sounds like i peed involuntarily twice, but, um. it. doesnt count... because, uhhh... i... caught it. i didnt make a mess...?
well!! tomorrow (now today, since its after midnight) i get to pee eight whole times! and i only need to drink 100oz of water! my bladder really needs the release, so im happy about that...
but. do you think i deserve a penalty for what happened today? pissing my pants, and, um. the Not Accident?
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glindaselphie · 1 year
Trespassing | Deadite Ellie x Fem!Reader smut | 18+
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Maggot Mommy has been my hyperfixation and had this kind of effect on me since I first saw the film back in April. So, this piece was born. Please note this is for adults only and this isn’t beta read so any mistakes are my own. Content warning for smut and…well, a Deadite. Deadites do and say some pretty messed up stuff and Ellie here is no different in that regard. Enjoy!
You can also alternatively read it on AO3.
There’d been word about that rundown apartment complex, the top floor in particular, for a while now. It was apparently rare that anyone that went in came back out again. But you didn’t usually believe stories like that and besides, you knew a family that lived on the top floor. Ellie and her kids.
When you stepped out into the hall of the top floor that day though, you couldn’t deny it felt different. It was quiet, and there was a strange smell about it that you couldn’t quite identify. Maybe they’ve all just moved on and it’s been abandoned, you thought. It was meant to be getting demolished soon, wasn’t it?
The door to Ellie’s apartment was open and when you slipped inside, there wasn’t sign of her or her children. That was until you made your way towards the open bathroom and noticed a figure staring at you from the tub. A figure that looked like…
She grinned at you in a way that made your blood run cold and before you could even react, she was crawling out of the tub and moving towards you. You tried to move but she was too quick for you and moments later she’d dragged you down and pinned you to the floor. You barely even tried to break free because you were no match for her strength and height.
“Ellie?” But you knew deep down that, whatever this was, it wasn’t Ellie anymore.
“Ellie isn’t here, you stupid cunt.” The voice she was using was demonic, nothing like Ellie’s at all. When she gripped your face tight, you felt sharp claws digging into your skin. “And I should gut you for trespassing.”
“I can go,” you pleaded, swallowing a lump in your throat. But despite your fear, there was a wetness pooling between your legs. “Let me go and I’ll leave.”
Ellie, or whatever it was using her body, sniffed the air and a thought crossed your mind that made your eyes widen. Could she…smell what your body was doing?
“You don’t want to go.” And her next words answered the question in your mind. “I can smell you dripping, you filthy little slut.”
Ellie let your face go and moved down your body, finding the area where you wanted her most and nosing at you through your clothes. It made you writhe a little which clearly amused her because she let out a deep, dark chuckle.
“Dessssperate little thing, aren’t you?” She practically cooed.
Moments later, she’d removed your shorts and underwear and had gripped both your legs like a vice. You looked down and just managed to catch sight of a long black tongue before her mouth was on you. She started by tasting you, moving her tongue around inside you, and then focused on your clitoris. She played with it using her tongue and sucked at you, making lewd noises all the while, and you couldn’t help the whimpers and moans that were escaping you.
Her mouth was the most intense thing you’d ever felt and what she was doing was the most pleasurable. You knew you should probably feel disgusted in yourself because, whatever this was, it wasn’t Ellie anymore. It didn’t even seem human. But you were so lost in her and the feeling she was giving you that you couldn’t find it in yourself to care anymore.
Before very long you could feel your orgasm starting to build and evidently she sensed it too, because she sped up her ministrations, her sucking noises getting louder and the pressure she was putting on your clitoris growing more intense.
Then that wave of pleasure crashed over you and your back arched with it, your eyes slamming shut as you let out a final strangled moan. Ellie moved away from you once the wave was over and back up your body and, before you’d even fully come down from the high of it, she forcefully pressed her mouth to yours and put her tongue inside your mouth, making your taste yourself, your juices.
She pulled her mouth away from yours after a moment and moved to mouth at and lick your neck, letting out light growls that almost sounded like purring, and you felt yourself starting to melt again. You impulsively threaded a hand into her damp red hair and half expected her to bite your hand off for doing so but she let you stay there as she snapped at your jaw.
“You aren’t leaving.” Her eyes met yours, she gave you a wicked grin and you knew she meant both that you didn’t want to leave and that you couldn’t without her say so anymore. “You make such a nice little pet slut.”
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Once Upon a Time 6
Warnings: non/dubcon and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: Andy Barber
Part of the Bookstore AU
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Your shift starts out as usual. You go through opening with Colton and Chelsea. You leave cash just after ten to work the floor.
It's a quiet day and the rush usually doesn't start until after lunch. Right around noon, as you count down the minutes until your break, you notice traffic pick up with the arrival of more associates to cover the departments.
As you help an older lady find the classics section, you sense someone watching you, likely an impatient customer wanting your attention. You point the woman to the five dollar classic table and turn to face your next task. The shadow is gone. You peer around, hm, maybe they found someone else.
You continue your lap around the store. You pass Colin as he winks at a tall blonde as he holds a book in his hands. It's not often you see him doing anything besides hiding in the back. With Pine back, you assume that's not an option.
As you come up an aisle, you sense another shift in the air. You whip around and swear you see a figure flit away. Okay, you're being paranoid. This place is getting busy and you didn't sleep well.
You stop to look at the spines lined up neatly and adjust the little placard that hangs over the front of the shelf. Your eyes are drawn up as you see the crown of a head on the other side.
You march down to the end but as you come around, the customer is gone. You're definitely having an episode of some sort. What the hell is going on?
You press on your headset and let the floor know you're taking five. You just need to hit the bathroom and clear your head. You come out around the edge of comics and set off towards the little lobby between the bathrooms. You push through the door with your shoulder and sigh. You go into a stall and try to shake off the nerves.
He might not even come in today. And if he does, Pine is here. This can be done once and for all. You come back out and wash your hands, looking yourself in the tired eyes reflected back at you. Right, almost break time. Ten more minutes.
You pull the door and nearly walk straight into another person. You yipe, an embarrassing noise, and back up against the door. Of all the times to run into him, it's then. Andy puts on a show of surprise, brows popping up as he tilts his head.
"Oh, hey, didn't know you were working," he says.
"Um, yeah, I'm just head back," you point towards the floor, "I gotta go," you fix your earpiece, "sorry."
You sidle past him, ignoring your name as he calls after you. He grumbles but you hear the bathroom door swish open. You swerve and go off to find Colin or another manager. You're just going to have your break now.
When you come back along the far end of fiction, Colin is no longer there. A swarm of customers away you and you stop to help them find titles and look up several that are out of stock on your phone. You finally get away, turning back for the back office. As you get close to the rear of the store, you're stopped again by the same figure.
"Hey," Andy puts his hands in his pockets. His jacket is unbuttoned over a grey suit and pale blue shirt. His dark tie is pulled straight and tight. "I had a question--"
"Andy," you utter, "I was just going to find Mr. Pine. He's in the store today so you should be able to chat."
"Mr. Pine?" He frowns and slips his hand free to scratch his beard, "I’m not here for him," he says.
"Well, I'm headed on my break after so--"
"Break? How about coffee?"
The question surprises you. You expected anger. You expected the same look you got at the side of the road. Instead, he seems almost dazed.
"It's just a fifteen, I won't have time, so... I'll just go get Mr. Pine--"
"I don't want to talk to him," Andy insists, "why are you running away?"
"I... I'm not. Did you need help finding something?" You look around with a gulp, "we don't have the new book in the series just yet--"
"Don't be like this," he steps closer and you stiffen, leaning back on a heel, adrenaline bubbling, "I'm a nice guy. I've been nice. It's just a coffee."
"Look, I just work here. I can help you with books or a kindle but I don't want to have coffee with you. Do you get it? I'm not interested."
He blinks and furrows his brows, "why not?"
You stand in silence, staring at his throat, too afraid to look him in the face. You shrug as you search for an answer; he's pushy, he's old, he's not your type, you're not looking. You don't want to be mean, just honest. How do you tell someone to leave you alone nicely?
"Ahhh, Mr. Barber," the voice drawls from behind you and you flinch as you step aside, back to the shelf as you turn to watch Mr. Pine stride towards you, "to what do I owe the pleasure?"
Andy scowls at the blond strutting up the aisle, "nothing. Just shopping."
"And you've chosen my fine establishment," Pine steps up, slowing as he looks to you, "you alright? Why don't you go off and have your break?" He checks his watch, "I'll deal with this one."
"Deal with me?" Andy says defiantly, stepping up in challenge. "I'm giving money to your business. You should show some respect."
"Mmm," Pine narrows his eyes and looks Andy up and down, "you know, there is a rather elaborate surveillance system here. For security." Pine pushes his shoulders, unaffected by Andy's posturing, "now on top of weeks of you coming in to hound this girl, I've only just watched you stalk her around this store for no less than forty minutes."
Your mouth falls open. Forty minutes? Your heart drops into your stomach.
"So, you will leave the premises, that is certain. You do get a choice; to leave of your own volition or with some assistance."
Pine steps even closer to Andy, herding him back away from you. Andy's jaw ticks as he stares down the other man. His eyes slowly scan over to you and his lips part as his face shades with embarrassment.
"I wasn't following her," he backs up, raising his palms, "I was looking around. That's it. I'll leave." He shakes his head and snorts, "talk about customer service."
Andy spins on his heel, flicking his fingers derisively over his shoulder. You cross your arms over your chest as a chill rolls over you. You don't believe him. You look at Pine as he watches Andy stomp away.
"Mr. Pine," you eke out, "can I see the footage?”
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universecorp · 1 year
Temptation: Chapter 4
Chapter Warnings: Smut (M x F) , Fluff, Oral (F and M receiving ), Vaginal fingering, Unprotected sex, praise, slight dumbification, dirty talk, slight food play (i promise it's nothing crazy), multiple orgasms, slight overstimulation
W.C.: 3.7 K
Mood Playlist: Temptation
Day 14
You woke up in a blurry haze of confusion and disbelief. Confused because it was very warm and you were basically sweating from the sweltering heat that was being produced by the men that had you trapped on all sides.
 The men is what had you in disbelief.
 You may have taken Yeonjun up on his proposition to drink with him and the others and one drink turned into three… and what was some innocent flirting turned into some not so innocent kissing and some roaming hands. The entire night was a blur and all you knew is you had managed to kiss all five men but judging by your very present amount of clothing you hadn’t gone much farther than that. Although after you had almost gone all the way with three out of five of them, it wouldn’t really make much of a difference.
You attempted to sit up, but two of the heavy arms draped over you kept you bound to your small space. You turned your head to try and see who your captors were and it didn’t surprise you to see Hueningkai to your left and Yeonjun to your right. You huffed in annoyance since the heat was starting to become unbearable. “Hyuka… can you move please? It’s too hot.” You whispered, shaking him a little. 
He didn’t budge. 
“Soobin it's hot.” No response.
You groaned in frustration trying to push the dead weight of their arms off of you, but the moment you were free from Soobin’s grasp he just draped his arm back over you and pulled you closer. 
“Binnie, please, I'm burning up under you two!” You didn’t want to resort to whining, but the heat was becoming unbearable at this point.
“Five more minutes…” His deep, sleepy voice rumbled next to your ear.. You huffed again a small pout overtaking your lips as you waited for him to release you. 
After what felt like hours (15 minutes) the fairies finally released you from their death grips. That allowed you to finally cool down, use the bathroom, and think about how you were going to act normally around them after last night. There was no way you could continue denying your attraction to the fairies, but you also didn’t know if it was just lust or if you actually felt something. You knew the fairies felt something, but you yourself really couldn’t pinpoint your emotions. For the past half of the month you had been easing yourself into their world and them. After your first week there with nothing but time to get to know them, you knew what you felt wasn’t purely platonic (you had known that for days now, but no one else had to). You figured your best bet was to just go with it, but what if it backfired and last night was just a drunken mistake. You knew it wasn’t but your anxieties couldn’t help but tell you otherwise.
“Y/N?” A soft voice broke you from your thoughts ,and you turned around to see Hueningkai in your doorway. 
“Hi Hyuka, what’s up?” You asked, motioning him to join you on your bed.
 “I wanted to go out on a walk and picnic, but everyone is busy. Do you wanna come with me?” He asked tentatively, avoiding eye contact with you. He was seriously gonna kill you with his cuteness. If not falling for Hueningkai’s cuteness was the trial, your life would’ve been signed away to the five by now. 
“Yeah, I’ll join you, just let me change and I'll meet you downstairs ok?” The fairy nodded before excusing himself to give you some privacy. You didn’t want to keep him waiting for long so you quickly found a dress to throw on before fixing your hair and making your way toward the stairs.
The walk to the grove was short but scenic. Your favorite part was the trees that grew in an almost tunnel-like way, providing shade from the sun's rays.
Hueningkai had prepared some sandwiches, fruit, juice and cookies for the two of you. Once again his cuteness was about to kill you when you noticed the sandwiches were in the shape of hearts You couldn’t say no to him when he insisted on feeding you the juicy fruit that Taehyun had harvested for the two of you.
“You have some juice on you, hold on.” Hueningkai leaned forward to swipe his thumb on the side of your mouth. You were about to thank him for the kind gesture but quickly fell silent as he stuck his thumb in his mouth to suck the sweet juices off of it. He pulled the digit out of his mouth with a quiet pop before smiling at you, and leaning forward once again, this time to close your mouth. “You’ll catch flies if you leave your mouth open like that.” He smiled cheekily before sitting back on the heels of his palms. 
You felt a small blush rise to your cheeks as you avoided eye contact with the light fairy.
You grabbed a sandwich to quickly distract him from your cheeks that were only growing hotter by the second. “Is the sandwich good?” You nodded glancing up at him as you chewed. He just continued smiling at you, his pearly teeth peeking out from between his lips. 
Once you finished your sandwich you leaned forward to grab a blueberry and pressed it against Hueningkai’s lips. He parted them allowing you to pop the small fruit in, chewing slowly while staring intently at you. You grabbed a strawberry this time once he fished chewing and placed it between his parted lips. 
You were about to sit back when the fairy reached forward, in what you assumed was an attempt to feed you some more fruit. You allowed him to get closer, and parted your lips slightly in preparation, and you got it, as well as Hueningkai’s tongue pushing the strawberry between his lips into your mouth. You didn’t fight it, you let him take the lead, tongues dancing around the sweet fruit while juices began dripping down your chin. The strawberry was becoming a mess in the two of your mouths and eventually nothing stood between your tongues as they fought for dominance. You were able to put up a good fight but as Huenungkai laid you down on the blanket and a  small whimper left you, it was a sign that you were willing to give up. A sign that you were willing to let him and the others win and become theirs.
“Been wanting this since I watched you with Beomgyu. I was so jealous he got to touch you.” He breathed out against your lips. ”Wanted you so bad.” You arched your back as his hands reached under you to cup your ass, roughly squeezing the flesh that only had a thin pair of panties separating him from your skin. His hand traveled up to the side of your thighs and up to your hips, gripping them roughly as he dove back in for another kiss. This kiss was just as hungry, but slowly became softer the longer your lips were entangled. The fairy was grinding his cock into your own clothed core, searching for any friction he could create between the two of you. You grinded back against him smiling softly into the kiss as you felt him shutter out a breath. 
“Kai, stop teasing, come on.” A small whine left you as you captured his bottom lip between your teeth to try and spur him on more. It seemed to work because his fingers that were on your hips had now moved to the band of your underwear and were slowly pulling them down. He kissed down your legs, looking up at you with lidded eyes as he finally slipped the small piece of fabric off of you. Hueningkai slipped off his shirt revealing his toned torso. Before you could admire it he was leaning back into you, this time his lips found their way to your neck. He began sucking and nipping the skin of your jugular, leaving marks in his wake. Everything felt so overwhelming and he wasn’t even inside of you, you knew taking him would be a challenge though as his growing erection continued pressing into your core.
Your lips were parted, letting out small pants as Hueningkai pulled your dress down to suck on your nipples. He took the right into his mouth while palming the other one roughly. “Hyuka, please,” You hated the way your voice betrayed you, eluding to just how fucked out you already were. 
“Please what? I’m a fairy, not a mind reader.” If it were any other situation you’d probably slap him for making a joke like that, but in your current state you couldn’t care less what he said to you.
 “Please, fuck me!” You choked out, throwing your head back as he bit down harshly onto your left nipple. He continued assaulting the bid until it was swollen and red like your right before speaking again.
 “Gotta prep you first, mmk?” You nodded before helping him remove your dress fully, and then his own pants and underwear. 
Even though he already saw you half naked you could feel yourself growing shy under his lustful gaze. You covered yourself with your arms to try and divert his eyes away from your body. 
“Don’t get all shy on me now.” He chuckled before laying you back down, capturing your lips in a slow kiss that made you relax again. You were so occupied with the way his lips felt against your you didn’t notice the hand he was reaching into the container with the fruit which was slowly starting to become more juice than fruit as it remained uncovered. Hueningkai pulled away from you causing a small whine to bubble from your chest, but before you could complain more you felt two of his fingers slipping past your plush lips. 
“Suck.” You gladly complied, sucking all the sweet juices from his digits that he was moving in and out of your mouth. He watched you with lust filled eyes as you made quick work of the juice that was sticking messily to his fingers. Occasionally a moan would slip from you when he would reach his fingers down the back of your throat to tease you a little, but it would only spur you on and make you sick with more vigor.
Hueningkai soon removed his fingers and replaced them with his lips before pulling away and trailing down your body. Kissing from your neck, to your chest, your stomach and eventually down to your thighs where he spread each apart to plant a soft peck on. You felt embarrassed the longer he stared at your dripping center and instinctively tried to close your legs, but we’re stopped by his broad shoulders which we’re keeping them apart. “So pretty and so wet. That's all for me too isn’t it?” You nodded a soft blush dusting your cheeks at the way he ogled your core.
You jumped when he began teasing your folds with his fingers, shivering at the way his fingers would catch on your entrance. After feeling like he had teased you enough he slowly inserted two of his fingers in you, marveling at how wet you were. There was no resistance against his fingers so he took that as a sign to begin moving. You let out soft moans as Hueningkai worked two of his fingers inside of you. He would scissor them apart occasionally to stretch you for a third, but at this rate you’d be fine taking his cock now. You knew he would protest if you tried to rush him so you allowed him to take his time with you. 
“Hyuka, you can add more,” You moaned out, arching your back as he curled his fingers into your g-spot. You expected to feel the loss of his fingers, but gasped when you felt something wet insert itself next to his fingers.Your hand immediately flew to his hair, roughly gripping the brown locs as he slurped noisily at your cunt. You felt yourself clenching each time he moaned into your center, sending shivers throughout your body. The feeling was overwhelming especially since he would lick over your clit occasionally or use his thumb to apply pressure to it. You were close to seeing stars from how well he was eating you out and when he curled his fingers in you again the feeling you felt in your stomach finally snapped. You came with his name rolling off your tongue as you arched your back high on the picnic blanket. Hueningkai was noisily slurping up your release, making sure not to waste a drop. You carded your hand through his hair as you looked down at him, trying to recover from the bliss he just made you feel.
“Can you go again?” He asked softly, climbing up to connect your lips in a sweet kiss, stroking your cheek with his thumb. 
“Yeah, I can… lean back.” You whispered against his lips, pushing on his shoulder to make him sit back against the large tree behind him. You leaned down and unbuckled his pants, pulling down the material along with his underwear. Hueningkai shimmied out of the fabric which you tossed somewhere before stroking his cock. It was a little bit longer than Beomgyu’s but not as thick, it still felt just as heavy in your hand as you slowly worked him up. Hueningkai threw his head back against the tree as you continued pleasuring him. You wanted a different reaction out of him though so you bent down and took the tip of his dick into your mouth. He moaned loudly, one of his hands immediately flying to the back of your head to grip your hair. You suckled on the tip at first to tease him a bit, loving the way small whines fell from his lips. 
“Y/N, please move!” He sounded so broken and you loved it. You glanced up at the light fairy’s face through your lashes and could see the tears beginning to prick in his eyes. You wanted to see that first tear fall no matter what and once you saw one of the fat droplets streak down his cheek you finally began moving. You took Hueningkai’s cock whole in your mouth until it hit the back of your throat. You gagged a little, but didn’t falter as you continued to deep throat him. The grip he had on your hair was beginning to make your head hurt, but you didn’t want the symphony of high pitched moans to stop anytime soon. 
Once your throat felt sore enough you pulled off of the man, still stroking his cock to make up for the loss of your mouth. “Y/N, I need you, please…” You could get used to the begging, especially if this is all it took to get it. Not wanting to be cruel though you quickly climbed over his lap and lined up his cock with your awaiting entrance. You slowly sank down, moaning at how deep he was able to reach inside of you once he was fully in.
 “Fuck baby, you’re so big, feels so good inside me.” You praised, kissing the corner of his eye to get rid of a tear that was on the verge of falling. “Does it feel good baby?” The man beneath you nodded, dropping his head into your shoulder. He’d  been silent since you sank down aside from a small moan he let out, probably overwhelmed from how much pleasure he was feeling. “You’re so cute, can’t even answer me properly because you’re so pussy drunk. Isn’t that right?” You felt him nod against your shoulder which made you let out a small coo. For someone that was so confident and in control earlier, it was amazing how quickly he could be reduced down to a teary mess and you hadn’t even begun moving yet.
“Please move…” Hueningkai’s broken voice cut through the silence of the forest. You obliged him and began slowly rocking back and forth on his cock. His whiny moans began filling your ears, which made your slow rock turn into an enthusiastic bounce. Hueningkai was gripping your hips so hard you were sure there would be bruises later, but you couldn’t care less. The grip only made you bounce harder. Your moans reverberated around the forest as the light fairy’s cock reached deep inside you. Hueningkai’s head was still tucked into your shoulder, you could feel the sheen of sweat that was beginning to form on his forehead. His hair was beginning to dampen, sticking to your shoulder like a spider web covered in dew. “Y/N, slow down, please, too close!” He sounded frantic, his moans cutting off each word as he tried to contain his pleasure. 
“You can handle one more, right baby? Be good for me.” 
That was all it took for Hueningkai to let go. The grip he had on your waist became carnal as he released inside of you. The whines that tumbled from him sounded adjacent to sobs as he slumped against you. You could feel him twitching inside of you, as his body shook from the aftershocks of his orgasm. You lifted the fairy’s head from your shoulder, softening at the way his eyes gleamed with unshed tears, while his blushed cheeks had tear tracks running all the way down to his chin. “Aww my sweet baby, can you take one more?” You kissed both his cheeks and his lips, pulling back to be met with a small nod and a sniffle. You smiled at the man under you, placing another sweet kiss on his lips. He kissed back, his rough grip loosening as he began to get lost from the way his lips felt against yours. You could feel him begin to get hard again, and involuntary clenched as his length began to fill and stretch you to the brim. “Hyuka,” You mumbled against his lips, “can I move please?” You felt the vibration of his affirmative hum against your lips, and wasted no time setting a steady pace. You settled for a rock since your legs were slightly sore from bouncing earlier, but that didn’t stop either of you from moaning in pleasure. You swallowed Hueningkai’s loud moans, raking your hands through his dark locks, steadily rocking your hips into his. He used his strength to help you, pistoning his hips to meet yours, while pushing you back and forth with his strong hands. 
One of his hands moved down to your clit which he began rubbing in time with his thrusts. You couldn’t help but moan loudly into his mouth as you felt your high approaching. “Making me feel so good. Want you to fuck me dumb on your cock.” Those words caused something to switch in the fairy and suddenly you were being pushed backwards. Hueningkai wasted no time throwing your legs over his shoulders before he began thrusting into you without abandon. He was fucking into you deeply and quickly, causing a string of moans and curses to fall from your lips. “You feel so good,pussy ’s is so tight for me.” Hueningkai moaned, throwing his head back in pleasure. You couldn’t help the way you clenched around him from hearing the title come out his mouth. He reached his hand back down to your clit, rubbing it roughly. The fairy’s hips didn’t falter, no matter how much you clenched around him, your moans rivaling his own. “Are you close?” The fairy breathed out, hiking your ass higher up onto his knees, to get a better angle. You let out a strangled moan with your affirmation as your back arched off the ground. Hueningkai didn’t let up, using that as motivation to get you to finish. 
It only took a few more thrusts from that angle to have you spilling all over his cock, whines of his name tumbling past your lips as he fucked you through the after shocks. He thrusted a few more times into your overstimulated pussy before releasing again, moaning out your name before he slumped in place. You looked up at the branches above you, feeling the warm patches of sunlight that were hitting your skin. Hueningkai leaned over you, obstructing the beams of light before kissing you deeply. You basked in the afterglow of your orgasm with the fairy, smiling into the sweet kiss. 
When you and Hueningkai returned to the tree hand in hand, you were met with a few knowing looks from the others. As well as a not so happy look from Beomgyu. “I wanted to fuck her first!” The animal fairy whined, looking visibly upset at his youngest boyfriend.
 “You snooze, you lose Gyu, not my fault you decided to do homework.” Hueningkai smirked, pulling you closer to him. 
“Hold on… did you finish your homework yet?” Soobin chimed in, raising an eyebrow at the light fairy. Hueningkai paled, smiling shyly at his two oldest boyfriends who were cuddled up on the bed. 
“Kai Kamal Huening. Library. Now.” Soobin said sternly, standing up from the bed, much to Yeonjun’s dismay. Hueningkai hung his head in shame while Beomgyu laughed evilly at the one triumphant man who was being punished. 
You looked over in sympathy at the youngest fairy who sulkily made his way downstairs with Soobin. “Poor petal…” Yeonjun sighed, but quickly changed his tune by opening his arms for you. You obliged the fairy, making your way to the bed, falling into his awaiting embrace. “You’re quite the busy bee, aren’t you, orange blossom?” You smiled shyly, but nodded, knowing there was no use denying anything. “Did he cry?” You nodded again, your once shy smile morphing into something more mischievous. 
“He’s so pretty when he cries Junnie, wish you could’ve seen.” Yeonjun smiled down at you, leaning in to peck your lips. 
“I’ve seen him cry plenty. Most of the time I'm the source of those tears.” You hummed, snuggling into the fairy’s chest. “Hopefully next time, I get to see what you did to bring him to tears though. I didn’t think you had it in you to dominate any of us, but it looks like I've been proven wrong.” 
“Looks like you have.”
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Taglist: @ditzydaisyy, @goldenchunkycat, @tinkw1nks, @amara-mars, @kim-jonghyun948, @emohazuzworld
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 2 years
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[10:26 am]
Contrary to what many of the people close to him believed, Renjun was a touchy and cuddly person. Of course his actions of kicking, hitting, and beating people up gave them the idea that he hated any kind of physical contact, but with the right people he had his clingy moments. People like his best friends got to witness this, and as someone who was treated as just a friend you hadn’t witnessed this yet. It became even harder for you to believe as someone who had been on the receiving end of a swift smack to the hand when you tried to hug him once almost two years ago. That occasion had been lesson enough to not try anything else.
Though others around you would tell you that he was softer with you. Yeah he smacked your hand once, but he had more patience and spoke extremely kind to you. These were all words that just went in one ear and out the other for you, Renjun had no reason to treat you more nicely than anyone else, right?
Well, this morning was serving as a counter argument for all your previous thoughts about Renjun. Last night, at the sleepover at Chenle’s house you had fallen asleep on the floor right in between Renjun and Jaemin. This morning you woke up under Renjun with no sight of Jaemin or anyone else who had also spent the night at Chenle’s for that matter.
You tried to inch out from under Renjun, but with no luck you were trapped under him. You huffed, how were you going to get out of this? With some careful maneuvering you managed to get the majority of his body off of you the only thing that remained was his arm. With slow and soft movements you raised his arm just enough to allow you to slip away. You held your breath, it was finally time to get away and you felt almost excited- maybe that was your full bladder talking. Then, almost as if he was reading your thought his arm came down quick and wrapped around your waist like a boa constrictor to its prey.
You could no longer hold back your groan of frustration, “Renjun, let me go.” Nothing. “Renjun.” Again, nothing. Only 8 times later did you get a response, “shut up” and a blanket over your head as his head came to rest in the crook of your neck. Now, you really had to use the bathroom and you needed breakfast.
“I need to get up now, let me get up.” You ordered.
You tried as hard as you could to pry yourself loose, to get away. Every time you managed to get even half a percentage closer to getting free, Renjun somehow managed to pull you back. How someone who was seemingly so deep in sleep was so strong was beyond you, it was confusing to no end. Every time you even thought he might be acting like he was asleep just to be a massive pain in the butt, he let out a snore. It was starting to grate your nerves.
You getting helpless, any lick of niceties went out the widow. You wanted to use the bathroom! “This is your one and only warning Huang Renjun. If you don’t let me go I’m going to start screaming.”
You gave him a very generous ten seconds to respond or show that he had even heard you, nothing. Here goes, “Help me! Someone help!”
You heard a rush of footsteps coming close as Renjun’s head shot up from your shoulder. His hair was sticking up in every direction with bleary eyes as he squinted at the light flooding the room. “What’s going on?” Renjun asked in a deep, raspy morning voice. Oh.
“What happened?”
“Who’s hurt?”
“Is everyone ok?”
“Did someone break in again?”
“Again?” Everyone questioned.
“Never mind that, we you screaming for help,” Chenle waved off.
“Renjun here, won’t let me go and he’s snoring right in my ear,” you answered with a cold glare.
Mark started cooing at how cute it was that you and Renjun were cuddling as Jaemin whined about how Renjun never cuddled him. Haechan pulled out his phone and started taking pictures of the both of you as blackmail. Chenle and Jisung seemed to be in their own world as Jisung interrogated the former about the “break in.”
Jeno seemed to be the only one that caught your look that screamed for help, worming his way through the chaotic group to help you get free from Renjun who’s hold had not loosened in the presence of your friends. All it took was a stern look from Jeno and a scoff from Renjun before you sprang free, running off in the direction of the closest bathroom before you had an embarrassing accident.
The room went silent as soon as you were out of earshot, all eyes snapping to Renjun who was still laying comfortably in the tangled mess of pillows and blankets on the floor. “Sneaky Junnie,” Mark teased.
“Yeah, since when do you wake up so late in the morning?”
“Or snore?”
“We need to think of a better way to get you two together, no more trapping people to force them to cuddle.”
Renjun groaned, covering his face with his hands, “I am never taking Donghyuck’s advice again.”
“That was you asking me for advice? I was telling you what I would do to you!”
Then Haechan’s life flashed before his eyes as Renjun lunged up to tackle him. Half of the guys moved to split the two of them up as others moved to record what they could. They all froze when you waltzed in unbothered by the scene in front of you, it was nothing shocking to see,“Have you guys eaten breakfast yet? I’m starving.”
“Renjun makes the best pancakes,” Mark started. “Yeah, they taste so good because his special ingredient is love, so I bet the pancakes he makes you will taste out of this world,” Jisung added.
Renjun really needed new friends.
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icryaboutit · 9 months
It was all acting?!
SUMMARY: Imagine, somewhere in the timeline of Twst, Vil asked for GenZ!Yuu's assistance when one of the actors failed to show due to reasons. So GenZ!Yuu of course agreed to it cause why not. And the real kicker to it all is that the person they were replacing is a lover who got their heart broken, so crying was involved. Now IMAGINE, the sheer amount of suppressed trauma GenZ!Yuu have finally had a reason to come out.
or something along those lines
TAGS: Male Yuu, OOC, Angst?
WORD COUNT: 1,290 words
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"What do you mean, they can't come?!"
The high-pitched voice of Vil's manager echoed through the place, garnering much attention from nearby crowds.
"Keep quiet Adeline, you are garnering unwanted attention."
Vil's calm yet somehow tired voice came from behind his manager, making her look at him with a distressed expression.
"How can I stay calm Vil! One of our actor is unreachable! And today is a big day!"
She exclaimed, clearly today's event was something that was of great importance. Which it is, the current event at play may help Vil rise in more fame, hell! It might even help him finally beat Neige LeBlanche.
"I know how important this is Adeline. But there is no need to fret and stress over something that we couldn't have known would occur."
"But Vil-!"
"Hmm? What's going on?"
This snapped the two out from their own world arguing, when a familiar voice had interrupted their talk.
"Ah, potato, what brings you here?"
Vil greeted, as Yuu stood there with some things in hand.
"Rook had asked of me to deliver this for you Vil-san."
Yuu said as he gave the stuff on his hand to Adeline.
"Thank you potato."
"No problem~ Rook promised to give me some trinkets for this trip so it wasn't really free labor."
Yuu explained with a shrug, as Vil looked at him up and down with calculating gaze. Feeling this, Yuu decided to make a quick ran for it.
"Well, then... I'll be off no-"
"Wait a minute, potato."
"What is it Vil-san..?"
Yuu cautiously asked, knowing whatever Vil halted him for would end up in a disaster.
"Potato, how would you like to star in-"
"No thank you~!"
Yuu sweated bullets as he declined Vil's offer in a swift move,
"You haven't even heard the proposal yet potato."
"Whatever Vil-san was about to say, my senses were telling me that such sacred duties are bound for a much fortunate soul~!"
In short, "Hell, no, fuck off!" was what Yuu wanted to give off which was brutally ignored by Vil's next choice of words.
"Oh~? Do you think my eyes would deceive me once I see talent potato? You must have mistaken me for someone else's personality."
In short, "Give up, you have no choice." And thus, getting the message, Yuu was added in the list of actors at the last minute.
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"Where did Yuu go?! I can't find him anywhere!"
"Henchman! Where are you!?"
"Maybe he just went to the bathroom?"
"You guys need to calm down..."
"Bold of ya ta even think they'll just calm down."
Currently, a group of first years were looking for a certain Yuu who still hasn't come on their meeting place.
Despite their current shenanigans, all of the first years were deeply worried as they wondered what kind of mess Yuu had gotten themselves involved in just by being in the area.
The sound of the notification on all of the first years' phones rang, informing them of the message that they had received.
Opening the message they were greeted by a text from the same person they were looking for.
YesImYuu: Can't make it guyz~!😥 Vil-san has me trapped!😭You guyz can go ahead and go🤧😞 AND BETTER BE ON TIME!😤
"So he's fine, good to know."
Jack who was the calmest exhaled in relief knowing that Yuu was alright. He then proceeded to push the flabbergasted group towards the entrance.
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"So I can say whatever I want?"
"Yeah, we just need a way for people to gather towards us so that the plot can be constructed... I guess, I'm not sure either."
Yuu was conversing with his partner who was as clueless as him, since the one who got information about everything was the one who was currently unavailable.
"Okay... So like, do you have anything particular topic in mind?"
"Well I mean, we just need to cause a commotion that will enable Schoenheit-senpai and the female lead to meet through the crowd. And we thought, what better crowd gathering option there is but a lover's quarrel..."
At the mention of the words lover's quarrel, Yuu had a bright idea popping into his mind.
"Oh~! Then how about-"
And this was the start of the famous lover's quarrel, staring the prefect of NRC and some dude from Pomefiore.
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The play had started, and just as Vil and his manager had expected, the theme garnered a lot of attention. Adeline only prayed that the scene where Vil and the female lead would end up meeting would be a success. Considering that Vil had made a choice to add an outsider the last minute.
The moment that scene appeared, the first years who were either only there for the free food, or because of some reasons or just genuine support, had their eyes widen at the sight of Yuu with some pomefiore guy as they argued in the background their voices inaudible.
Not to mention the prefect had a dress on, along with longer hair, and makeup that brought out his feminine side.
It wasn't only the first years who were shocked. Everyone who was somewhat close or friends with Yuu was flabbergasted and shocked to see him acting on the stage. Even more shocked as the play continues.
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"Who are you referring to?"
Yuu's face contorted into that of confusion and anger.
The man spat with a look of indifference. The fake crowd on the stage was now genuinely intrigued by what was happening with him and Yuu, as they crowded over the two who were "arguing".
"Why would I care about her?!"
"Because I care about her!!"
At the sudden explosion of emotion from the man the people couldn't help but flinch at it.
Yuu who was on the receiving end looked like he wanted to scoff at the unbelievable proclamation.
"Morning, noon, and night I care about her!.. And you hurt her."
The man looked angrier by the second, the look of insanity dancing in his eyes. Yuu on the other hand was silent, but his eyes told everyone his true feelings on the matter.
"If you hurt her... You hurt me."
There was silence as there was tension, the people watched in great apprehension as they watched the scene unfold.
The man held a broken and emotionless smile, as he stared at Yuu who held and expressed nothing on his face.
"Camilla is who I want, that is where my loyalties lie, that is who my priority is."
"Not the mother of your children?"
Gasps were heard as a big revelation came. The sky darkens as the weather visibly shifted to a much gloomier setting.
"Don't bring the boys into this."
"Alright, not the woman you married!!"
"I refuse to be blamed any longer for this grotesque misalliance! I wash my hands of it!"
It was then that thunder strike, yet none were paying any attention to the weird weather changes as they watched the two on stage.
It was also the time that Yuu seemed to have enough, as he raised his hands in the air, a resounding slap echoed through the stage. Yuu looked at the man with an unreadable expression, but the tears that fell from his eyes held every ounce of emotion that was left for the man in front of him.
Gasps were heard, and the sudden movement made the crowd move suddenly, as they unconsciously pushed off a woman from the crowd, who happened to be the female lead. Only to be caught by Vil, who happened to have positioned himself there.
Nothing about that act was in the plan. But in the end, the play ran smoothly.
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mysticmellowlove · 9 months
Ayo shawty~
Can we get a Fem x Sub yandere fic where she just feels really insecure? Like usually she is just her normal amazing self- she’s confident and funny, authentic all that amazing jazz.
But today she just… doesn’t feel good… She feels ugly and annoying and doesn’t understand why yan is dating her….personally I have stretch marks like everyWHERE and I’ve had them since I was like eight because I’ve always grown really fast and my ass is too fat so I have hella stretch marks.
And usually that is a slay but like…. Ew stretch marks so her just lowkey distancing herself and being more quiet so she isn’t annoying him that day along with baggy clothes and being kinda moody…
What does he do?
note; hell yeah stretch marks
warnings; lil angsty, body hate, sub yan, fem reader, cunnilingus, dom reader, sub male, fem genitalia,
He noticed that you were down as soon as he managed to leave the warmth of his bed. He always timed you when you were in the shower, it was the easiest way to base his energy for the day. When you took more than an hour in the bathroom he knew that today was going to be one of those days. A day where you thought you were less than perfect.
He understood, some days he thought that he was just too annoying, that little bit too ugly, and the whispers of worthlessness seemed to get that little bit louder. It was only normal to have a down day once in a while. That was why he decided to show you throughout the day that he loved you no matter what you looked like or how you felt.
It all started with breakfast, a nice and warm stack of pancakes and your favourite drink sat on the dining room table as he donned his favourite apron. He made sure to give you a kiss on the forehead as he went about telling you about his latest venture and when the words ran out he switched on the radio and danced around the room as he cleaned up. Soon enough you joined in as well, getting hot to the point where you had to take off your jumper.
Step one was done.
Next, he dragged you out of the house and to the nearby park for some time in the sun. He made sure to pack some homemade lemonade so you would have something to drink while he set up the picnic blanket. Getting out and about was annoying sure but it really was good for the soul.
Step two was done.
Step three was his favourite.
At the end of the day when you two were going to bed, he peeled back the covers and sat himself on your legs. His cheeks warmed up as he looked down at you, he almost felt offended that you thought you were anything less than perfect. If you were able to see yourself how he saw you... well, there wouldn't be any doubt in your mind.
"It's okay, I understand that you may feel a little down but baby, you are the most loveable and beautiful person I've ever met." He whispered, his words dripping with affection as he slowly went to take your sweats off.
"These thighs, they're one of my favourite parts of you. So plush and cuddly, I could rest my head there forever. These lines, your stretch marks are shining silver." He leaned down and kissed the stretched skin, his mouth hot as he dragged his tongue down the varying patterns as if it was a line leading right to your pussy.
"Not only are they soft they can also be hard, rutting my cock against your muscles... biting into the skin while I leave my mark on you." He whispered as he nipped at the skin there, revelling in the small jolts and whispy breaths that left you.
Finally, he made his way to your heat and looked at his ultimate prize with shining eyes. A shudder left him as he used the fingers of one of his hands to part your dripping folds. Your clit was already red and sensitive just from his attention to the parts that you hated the most.
Dipping his head he used his tongue to drag a languid strip up your folds, sucking your arousal into his mouth as if it was ambrosia. His free hand went up to massage your stomach, not only to ease your worries but to also further stimulate you.
Wanton moans left your mouth as he suckled at your clit, his tongue rolling over the sensitive part as he let his fingers sink into you. It was as if your pussy was waiting for him. His fingers sank into you, wetness surrounding him and sucking him impossibly deeper. He felt his cock jerk at the feeling but this wasn't about him. No matter how much he wanted to fuck himself into you this was about you. It's not like he minded, it had only been three days since he had worshipped you like this and he was itching to get his fix.
He smiled into your cunt as he continued to lick and prod at the entrance, his fingers drawing more of your delicious juices out.
"You don't see just how wonderful you are. Such a pretty body, so comfy and perfect. Your pussy... it's like it was made just for me." He reverently looked up at you as he quickened his pace, watching your mouth drop open and your eyes flutter. The squelch of his fingers inside you made his cock leak as your moans eventually drowned out the sound of sex.
His mouth latched onto you again as he felt your body tense, knowing you were about to come. With a loud squeal, he made sure to drink up as much of your cum as he could, letting the taste seep into his tongue before he swallowed greedily.
"See my love, so perfect. You're perfect for me." He leaned up and grabbed your hand, pressing a chaste kiss to it as if he hadn't just eaten you out. You looked down at him, your head in the skies as he got off you and went to gather a washcloth to clean up his mess.
No matter how many times you felt bad about yourself he would always be there to pick you up. Even if he had to fuck the truth out of you to realise it.
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