#you gotta play the game to win the prizes
raviosprovidence · 1 year
Ao3 may be important to fandom history but it goes over its donation requirement (50k every few months) in SPADES (They just finished donations and made over 250k). Ao3 defends its hosting of unchecked glorified racism, pedophilia, and incest. it's also unfinished and its filter system is broken and amasses hundreds of thousands of dollars that it is most definitely not using all of.
So here's a small list of suggestions of who you could be donating to instead. Ao3 bootlickers and people who reblog just to spite donate to a03 will be blocked.
The internet archive which is fighting a losing battle against greedy corporations who want to control the internet even more than they already are
Help out WGA strikers (This Link can tell you where you can donate): If you care about the people who actually make the shows you write fanfic about, or about the screenwriting industry at all, please help out. This is a fight against screwing over writers financially and the fight against AI replacing them.
The Quileute tribe (you know, the one in Twilight) needs to move to higher ground and is still seeking donations
Buying anything from the Ioway Bee Farm helps support a Native American tribe in need AND gets you high quality and sustainable products made from bees.
RIP medical debt is a charity that buys up people's medical debt on the cheap and forgives it. 1$ donated can erase 100$ of debt. Genuinely life changing
Literally other people on tumblr! There are so many gofundme's and people who are genuinely sick or homeless and need help and money. And most of the time they aren't scams! And sometimes you can get art or fic requests as well! But just do a good deed
I hesitate saying Wikipedia because although it is 10x more useful than a03 The site has way more funds than it needs so donate cautiously.
And because I am fortunate enough to do so, i'm putting my money where my mouth is. I don't expect praise for doing so. It's the bare minimum.
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3416 · 8 months
imagine thinking hockey players don't want to win games enough and that's why they don't, lol
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galariangengar · 1 year
Literally the only good thing that happened yesterday when my family and I went to the county fair was that I got to eat a jumbo corn dog and share a funnel cake with my brother; other than that, it was horrible yesterday…
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gamblersdoll · 3 months
an: another not suitable for most readers.
“cmon, baby. the fuck you waitin’ for?” a somewhat desperate izuku rasps, lips trying to press against yours. you put a finger against his lips, shaking your head.
“uh uh, you gotta work for me. cant be too easy, y’know?” you tease, you little vixen. izuku sucks his teeth, rolling his eyes. “besides, whats the rush?” how does he even tell you?
“oh, no reason. you just sometimes get me like this!” he reassures, hands on your hips and a small pout from not being able to kiss your plumper lips. your hands graze his freckled shoulder, the cool breeze flowing through your night shorts and fanning your non pantied cunt.
“mm.. okay, zuku.” you say, patting his shoulder.
he chuckles, hands rubbing your hips between his palms. “youre so beautiful.” he whispers in your ear, kissing the lobe and smiling. his eyes focus to the figure in the darkness, a glare. yet, it wasnt hateful nor offensive. it was provocative, playful, teasing, competitive.
okay, deku. you wanna play that fucking game?
his calloused hand rests on the back of your neck, causing goosebumps all over your body. your chin gets tilted up, eyes looking up at his face.
“you havent been talkin’ to no one else, have ya?” katsuki asks, eyes lowering to yours and free hand wandering. “you wouldnt want me to reprimand you, would you?” he suggests indirectly, lips kissing the curve of your neck.
“no, why would i?” you lie, knowing it meant nothing since he obviously knew differently. (not like you knew that.) you both werent together, hell you werent even taken.
you obviously also didnt know about the game katsuki and izuku had, and you were the prize. if one of them could get your pretty cunt first, they win. of course, they took turns peeping in on you when you showered, changed, pools. you name it. it was gross, to say the least.
but izuku initiated it, getting caught when he had snuck in and stole a pair of your thongs. he pulled in a whiff, eyes rolling to the back of his head.
“the fuck are you doing?” katsuki says, leaning against the doorframe with dumbfounded eyes and shock. “you fucking pervert!” he chuckles, maybe having a upper-hand on him.
“oh shut the fuck up, youre no where near close to fucking her like i am!” izuku whisper shouts, looking back in a glare.
and that was the beginning of the already two month long competition.
katsuki leans in to your lips, hand cupping your face and trying to get a kiss. you try to pull away and failing successfully. his lips were soft and plump. even more warm then yours, but you cling to his wife beater.
he pulls away, looking down at your eyes and a smirk comes up from him. “ so fuckin fine.” he growls, face going for your neck. he suckles, feeling your body squirm and writhe as he looks at the silhouette in the dark as well.
yet, izuku was somewhere else— him being with allmight for the time being.
so who the fuck was it?
“deku.” katsuki barks, bursting through izukus dorm room and slamming it. izuku jumps, glaring with a confused look.
“the hell– what?!” he barks back, noticing the smell of your perfume on him. “you fucked y/n?!—“
“no, dumbass, the complete opposite. where were you a couple hours ago?” katsuki asks, locking the door behind him and sitting on his bed.
“with allmight, you know this. why?” he asks, waiting for a reasonable answer as to why katsuki was busting through his door at.. he checks the time on his computer, two in the morning.
“i was with her, but someone was watching us.” he says, hands on his knees and eyebrows knitted together. izuku’s knee bounces, his own eyebrows knits and he starts to think.
“was it like— one of our professors?”
“nah, he had to be our age.” katsuki retorts.
so who the hell was it?
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annievrse · 4 months
eren x fem!reader —ᡣ𐭩 blurb a/n: guys i literally learnt how to play roulette for this... i fear i am now a pro (i'm joking, gamble responsibly pls)
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The guy's voice is deep and rich with honey, and you know who he is as soon as you hear it. “You sure about that, Eren?”
The brunette scoffs quietly, and a shit-eating grin spreads across his cheeks. “Always, darling." 
Eren slides multiple stacks of $100 bills towards you, which you take, count, and push to the side of the table.
You watch Eren's friends stand around, whispering to each other. Raising a single eyebrow with an easy smile, you tilt your head. “5k is a lot to put on this game; you know that, right?” 
Eren bites his bottom lip, keeping himself from snickering at your cautious nature. He doesn’t look around at his friends for their unwanted opinions and instead focuses on you as you slide the chips toward him.
Eren's friends remain silent as they watch the exchange, nerves piercing the air. The look in Eren's eye is challenging as he rearranges his chips across the table, though his gaze never wavers from yours. Inhaling sharply, you barely notice the older men slinking over to watch.
“Gotta win big if you want the prize,” Eren muses. “Isn’t that right, baby?” His tone is almost mocking as you fight the urge to roll your eyes.
Looking down at the table, you see all the chips sitting in the double zero spot. Humming, you meet his darkening eyes and grasp the handle to spin the ball around the roulette wheel. A smirk lifts the corner of your mouth upwards. “Good luck, pretty boy.” 
Eren's thick eyebrows raise when he hears the name you give him. He isn’t paying attention to the ball; instead, he focuses on you. You peer up at him from underneath your eyelashes occasionally, cheeks warming when you see him looking at you curiously. 
“What?” Your voice is sickly sweet, and Eren runs his tongue along the inside of his cheek.
He merely pouts and shakes his head. “Just you.”
You wave your hand over the table once the wheel slows, and stand back, your skin tingling when you feel his eyes on you.
Suddenly, roars of laughter and cheering fill your ears—the ball landed in a green slot.
"Double zero."
Eren feels slaps on his back from his friends congratulating him on the big win, but he only stares at you. 
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busket · 21 days
I say this as a monogamous person, literally what is the point of hating on polyamorous people? what is that accomplishing that is productive to the queer community?
"well they're not really queer. they're usually just straight guys that want extra girlfriends" ok, regardless if you think polyamory itself counts as an LGBT identity, LGBT people are going to be more likely to be poly opposed to cis and straight people, because if you're willing to break the status quo of a heterosexual relationship, breaking the status quo of a monogamous relationship isn't a far reach. and even if a poly person is straight and cis and just wants multiple partners. who cares! who give a shit! I thought we all agreed to not police what other grown adults are doing in their bedrooms.
"it's just a way to get away with cheating" then they can go and ruin their relationships. play stupid games win stupid prizes. abuse and infidelity exists in every form of romantic and sexual relationship, you have to take a step back and realize you're not solving adultery by ranting against poly people, say "it's not for me" and let adults work out their own relationships
"I'm sick of poly people reaching out to me on dating apps looking for a third" people who you aren't interested in are going to flirt with you on dating apps. all kinds of people are gonna shoot their shot. you ignore them or you say "thanks but I'm not interested" and move on. and I get that dating is hard and frustrating and its easy to get burnt out when youre only approached by people you are incompatible with. but these are frustrations that you bring to a friend, not thoughts you gotta be publicly rude about, because again, what is the point?? what are you accomplishing that can't be done in a private conversation??
"poly people are all ugly anyway. it's just about quantity over quality" well at this point I just know you're a shallow person who only finds value in physical appearance, and you can't fathom that people have different tastes and attraction than you do. that makes you kind of an awful person. I wonder if that's why you're not finding your one and only, and not because polyamorous people have "flooded the dating market"
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loveandleases · 16 days
LOOVVVEEDDDD the demo and can't wait for the update! I hope you don't mind that I got two questions, but I gotta ask: what kinda hobby options do you have written down for the MC? Also, how would all the ROs, plus Chris, Jade, and Aunt Em, react if MC's cooking is five-star restaurant levels good? (I imagine Chris is kicking themselves over losing a god-tier-chef MC who cooks as a hobby)
💗 Glad you enjoyed and I don't mind at all! 1. We have writing/reading, art (drawing, painting), gaming/watching anime, cooking, photography, music (could be singing/playing instrument), exercising.
I'm going into it with the thought that depending on the hobby the MC will have the chance to spend time with RO's even in a platonic sense as well as be used to further their business. (For example: an MC who likes to exercise has the chance to run into two RO's. MC who is into art can create a logo for their business) (2 is under the cut due to length)
2. 💩 Chris - Butthurt. Which is what we want! Clarke family curse is that they can't cook right? So Chris before MC relied on fast food or their parents chef. The only real homecooked food they had was from MC or Em when they visited. It's like throwing salt on a wound. Because now they're back to fast food, easy snacks. Because Jade can't cook a damned thing. Chris is pretty sure doggo enjoys watching as Chris mumbles about wanting a hot meal from time to time.
💀 Jade - In her eyes she doesn't have time to waste on things like cooking. Why would she bother when she can just have Chris take her out to some fancy dinner? The only reason MC bothers is because they have nothing else to do obviously. (She's jelly very jealous)
😇 Em - If MC is great at cooking then Em was the one who likely taught them the basics. So for Em, it's like winning a prize. All those little dinners they have Em can have MC help. It's refreshing to be able to have someone else in the kitchen with her, it's something she hasn't had the luxury of in many years. (She's really relieved that MC and Cam won't starve. Cam could screw up warming soup, so for Em it's a blessing.)
❤️ Cam - Oh it's like he won the lottery, and it's Christmas and his birthday all at the same time. Cam is an eater, he loves food. An MC who can keep him fed is like the cherry on top for him. MC would have to tell Cam not to bother them late at night, when he's up all alone on his laptop. He just wants one snack, honest!!! He will use puppy dog eyes, don't let them deter you!
💙 G - To them it's a nice ability to have. In fact, G will be curious as to why they only get cake's on their birthday. Shouldn't they be allowed more? Do they look like someone who doesn't enjoy the delicious taste of dessert? They would want to watch MC cook from time to time, see if they can pick up some of the things they do and surprise them later with a nice home cooked meal.
💚 Kara - Finally, someone who can cook and not kill her! She's thankful all too much, this will be the one time you see her tearing up when she realizes she doesn't have to eat another cold sandwich for work. She would want to help, Kara wants to bake. She wants to be able to make cute cakes and cookies. But, she should never ever be allowed in the kitchen. She's worse than Cam.
💛 M - Won't even notice at first, even when they see MC in their kitchen. They have no idea why MC is in there, M kinda lives off easy food, until their moms send them something. Even then they kind of forget to eat. So imagine their surprise when MC has a five star meal ready for them when they finally look up from their computer. Absolutely flabbergasted. Can MC try and make recipes they've seen in anime? Is it weird for them to ask? Sorry MC, but your cooking expertise is going to be wrote about.
💜 Isaac - They aren't the worst in the kitchen, they can make some delicious stuff but Isaac sticks to what they know. They haven't had someone actually cook for them since their mother died. It would be a bitter topic at first, Isaac not wanting to seem thrilled by the notion. Then they would make the offhanded jokes that MC knows the way to their heart is through their stomach. But they would begin to truly appreciate it, and eventually want MC to try making their mothers signature dish. (The one Isaac makes when they feel lonely.)
🖤 Ardent - As a wiz in the kitchen, don't think that's going to impress him so easily. In fact, don't think that MC can make better baklava than him. It would become a competition, Ardent far too cocky for his own good thinking that there is no way MC can be better in the kitchen than him. When he finds out that he actually enjoys MC's food, he will play it off like he's allowing MC to cook for him. Like he's allowing them to do him a favor. (he will be making moans of how delicious mc's cooking is) play it off like he's sore from working out.
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eternalsa2z · 6 months
Savant 2 Fantasy Trophies
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(This is a continuation of a previous post called Savant. Because what's better than one secret bimbo genius? Two of them...duh!)
I tried to be happy playing fantasy with my secret silly weapon. But somehow it didn't feel right. Maybe it was my competitive side. Maybe I felt I didn't deserve a bimbo savant like Kiki. Or maybe it was some secret curiosity about exactly how she thought about things. So I asked her to help me understand what goes on inside that bimbo brain of hers.
"Like...you sure you wanna learn from a ditzy doll like me?" she asked incredulously. Eyes wide. Shining with excitement. I nodded and she squealed and hugged me. "OMG yaaaaaay! I soooo wanted a fantasy friend. A bimbo bestie who just, like, gets me...ya know?"
So soon I was being coached by an absolute cutie. Trained to look, act, and talk like her. Because as Kiki says, "Like, to be good at fantasy you gotta BE a fantasy. Duh!" It didn't really make sense. But I'll admit that when we went to a Super Bowl party dressed up in identical outfits, I felt a connection. Even if I just had a breastplate and wig on...I couldn't help but smiling just a brightly as my bestie.
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The training continued all summer. Kiki said I needed, like, a state of empty serenity. To clear my head of all my old thoughts. To just focus on picking out a cute outfit, like footballers select their cleats. Memorize how to get my makeup juuuuuust right, like a player putting on eyeblack. How to strut and sparkle and shine, just like a superstar fantasy stud. Or in my case...a superstar fantasy bimbo babe nicknamed Nally!
By the end of summer, things started to fit into place. Not just the thinkys. But, like, my body and stuff. Kiki was sooooo nice and saved some winnings from last year so I could get some lip filler, cute hair extensions, and real boobies!!! OMG we were, like, breasties now!
When draft time came and we showed up in these adorable 'lil outfits, it sooooo made sense. My costume was, like, my strategy! There was a cowboy hat cuz the Cowboys players were soooo sexy this year. Big high heels that were, like, hard to run in cuz running boys are less important to me. Oh and everything is red since, like, we watched that super good red team win the Superb Owl last year and they'll totes be hawt again!
I couldn't explain it. It was, like insti...instink...er, just felt right, ya know? Kiki was soooo supportive and even, like, finished my thoughts for me if I got too giggly or blank for too long. She's not just a great teacher...she's, like, a total awesum teammate to me. Oh and she even, like, started joking about 'Nally's Fantasy Lyfe' which turned into the cuuuutest team name for the year. NFL! Isn't Kiki is soooo clever?
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By the end of the year, like, I was sooooo happy! Kiki and Nally, like, both won all our leagues. I was sooooo proud that I was a strong, independent bimbo who just needed another bimbo to show me what to do. I'm like a sav...savvy...er, secret smartie skirt just like Kiki now! Or at least a trophy doll just like my breastie.
Oh ya! Like, speaking of breasties, I'm suuuuuper proud of my boobies too! Kiki suggested I do 'TDs for titties' so like every time a player of mine scored, like, I'd add a CC of silly-cone too my chest. As you can see, like, I did GREAT this year. So great that Kiki and I both got all dolled up to celebrate!
We were also dressed all pretty and stuff cuz we went to a special Superb Owl party. Not to watch the game, of course. I can barely focus on anything but the short commercials anyways. But since, like, it was kinda boring to win soooo much, Kiki wanted to introduce us to another fantasy group. One filled with other fantasy bimbo smarties just like us!
The competition next year will be fierce but the prizes will be enorm...humung...er, like, as big as the fake titties the winner gets! Losing also isn't so bad. Like, you get to be 'lil lesbian pet of the winner alllll summer. A lit-er-all fantasy trophy IRL. Honestly, like, Nally is trying to find a way to trade all her best players to her breastie so they can be top and bottom. Like, being a bimbo doll is the least Nally can do to thank Kiki for, like, showing her how to be a fantasy savant too!
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fictionismyreality3 · 9 months
Your First Date with Rooster
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Warnings: romance and everything that comes with it, mention of guns
Notes: AAAAH I’m in love with this man and nothing can stop me from living out my dreams through this headcanon and I have neVER EVER BEEN HAPPIER 😇
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i fully believe that this man is a old romantic at heart
watching his dad flirt with his mom and endlessly surprise her with flowers sort of formed his idea of what romance and dating should look like
when he asked you out he either did it in the most casual way, or went full on grandiose
probably the latter knowing him 😅
I’m talking wrote a whole ass SONG for you, the lyrics asking you out, and played it on the piano at the Hard Deck
phoenix and hangman were in on it and made sure that you were in the right place and sober enough for you to realize what was happening
obviously you said yes
if he knows you well enough, he won’t plan much
this man is SMOOTH, and flirting comes easy to him (that fact that he’s shredded helps too)
he’d want to go somewhere laid back and less formal so he could focus on you the entire time
picks you up in the bronco with a massive bouquet of your favourite flowers
don’t ask how he knew them (phoenix told him)
takes you to the fair that comes to the beach during the summer
if you let him, he’ll have an arm wrapped around you the entire time
when you see the ballon shooting game and freak out at the giant teddy bear prize he’s instantly dropping as much money as it takes to win it for you
“You want that one? I’ll get it for you, honey.”
which turns out to be barely anything because he’s so good with a gun
its criminally hot to watch
even though he’s pilot he’s always been a sharpshooter
carries around any other prizes you win and buys you anything you want of course
you dump all the prizes in the bronco and he takes you to get ice cream on the beach
holds your hand as you walk along the water
it’s windy so he gives you his jacket which smells like him 😩
pretends to wipe ice cream from the corner of your mouth just so he can kiss you
“You gotta a little something, hun.. let me just..”
let’s just say you swooned so much he bought you another ice cream after yours fell to the sand
drove you home, hand on your thigh the whole time, and kissed you goodnight at the door
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7s3ven · 9 months
( master list )
IN WHICH… Nothing would make Oliver Wood happier than getting a new broom as his Christmas present. That, or Y/N Malfoy finally noticing him. When the two collide at Hogsmeade, Oliver is overjoyed. Perhaps this Christmas, he’ll get two gifts.
“I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know. Make my wish come true. All I want for Christmas is you.”
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“Ah, he’s staring again.” Fred Weasley nudged his twin brother George and pointed over at Oliver. “Do you think he’ll ever actually talk to her?”
“I’ve seen them talk once.” George uttered, his mouth full and his cheeks puffed out. “It was in their second year.”
Fred lightly snorted and waved a hand in front of Oliver’s face. “Wood, you there? You’re drooling this time while staring at her.”
Oliver was snapped out of his trance by the twins’ loud laughter. He frowned. “Knock it off.” He told the pair, taking a sip from his goblet.
“Oh, come on mate, you gotta talk to L/N otherwise she won’t even know you exist.” Fred sighed and quickly added, “And quidditch talk doesn’t count.”
Oliver huffed and rolled his eyes. Talking to Y/N was an almost impossible feat, not just to him. She was Draco Malfoy’s older sister and was basically untouchable. She was Slytherin’s prized queen and the chances of Oliver even being able to talk to her with her posse around was close to zero.
“I’ll talk to her eventually.” He uttered the same excuse he had been using since fourth year. His crush had lasted way too long but he was still determined to win Y/N over.
She wasn’t like the other Slytherins with their mean glares and tendencies to outcast people who weren’t pureblood. She was… nice. Her friends, however, weren’t.
“You’ve fancied her since third year, Oli.” Fred uttered, “Probably before that as well! Just make a move already!”
Oliver’s crush hadn’t begun during first year. It had started before that when he was rushing around Diagon Alley trying to find all his school supplies.
Oliver panted as he attempted to catch his breath. All afternoon he had been rushing from shop to shop to find all the books he needed for his first year at Hogwarts.
He held a pile of novels in his arms and momentarily stopped to marvel at the window of a broom shop. His awe was short lived as someone crashed into his back, sending his supplies everywhere.
“Ah! I’m sorry! I just wanted to look at the new broom!” A H/C-haired girl hurried to pick Oliver’s things up. She shoved everything into his arms, apologizing again.
“You… like Quidditch?” Oliver asked, tilting his head to the side.
“Huh? Of course. Who doesn’t? My father took me to see a game once and it was amazing. Some day, I want to join Hogwarts’ team.”
It was as if Oliver had met his dream girl.
“You’re going to Hogwarts too?!” Oliver exclaimed, his eyes sparkling.
“Yeah! I assume you’re also going, so maybe I’ll see you around.” She outstretched her arm to shake Oliver’s hand, but a black cane pushed her back.
“Don’t socialise with the trash, Y/N.” A man with long blond hair uttered, scowling. Oliver instantly recognized the man as Lucius Malfoy.
“I’ll see you around, Quidditch boy!” Y/N shouted as her father led her away.
That day, Oliver was reminded of where he stood in the scheme of things. He was a lowly half-blood while Y/N came from one of the most esteemed families.
Ever since that day, Oliver had been a little frightened to talk to Y/N, just in case she also referred to him as trash.
Y/N never did end up joining Slytherin’s Quidditch team. Her brother did instead. Oliver guessed it has something to do with her refusal to cheat, and Slytherin was infamously known for cheating.
“Say, are you going to Hogsmeade today, Oli? Perhaps to do a little last minute Christmas shopping?” George questioned, his lips curling into a smirk that could only mean one thing. Trouble.
“If you want to play one of your stupid pranks on me, forget it.” He stood up and silently walked away.
“Ah. He’s in a bad mood because of Y/N again. Jeez.” George rolled his eyes as he stabbed his fork into a carrot.
Oliver was going to visit Hogsmeade, but only to look at Quidditch shops and browse through the technique books. A Hufflepuff girl had asked him out, but he politely refused her offer.
Oliver shoved his hands deep into his warm pockets as he trudged through the thick snow. Hogsmeade wasn’t as busy as it usually was, but that was probably because most sane people wanted to avoid the cold.
The Quidditch captain made an immediate beeline for the broom store. He smiled as he gazed at the window display before entering.
“Good morning!” He kindly greeted the owner, who was an old lady hard of hearing. He immediately walked towards a shelve of books, running his finger over the hard covered spines.
The door opened again, the rusty bell attached to it quietly chiming. “Good morning, Gen!” A feminine voice shouted, piercing the calming atmosphere. Oliver peeked through the books, curious as to who the newcomer was. He could see their winter outfit but not their face.
The girl skipped over to the books, standing on the opposite side of Oliver. She locked eyes with him, and he could see her eyes squint as he smiled, meaning it was a genuine one.
The pair occasionally glanced at each other, jumping when they accidentally made eye contact. The girl tucked a strand of H/C hair behind her hair, quietly humming under her breath. She walked around to the other side of the bookshelf, almost crashing into Oliver.
His heart leaped in his chest as he grabbed Y/N and steadied her. “Sorry.” He said, not being able to muster up any more words.
Y/N silently stared at his face before she gasped. “Oh! Quidditch boy!” She exclaimed, grinning. “I knew I recognized those eyes!” When Oliver sent her a confused look, she laughed. “I’m the girl from Diagon Alley! Before first year, remember?”
“I remember… I’m just wondering why you do.”
“I spent most of my first year looking for you! But I never got your name so it was a bit hard. Then when you joined the Quidditch team and played your first match, I recognized you. I wanted to talk to you after but you seemed to have so many fangirls. I got shy!It’s been ages, jeez. How are you?”
Y/N grinned, an action that set butterflies free in Oliver’s stomach. His cheeks flushed red as he nervously smiled back.
“I’ve… been good. How about you? You never joined the Quidditch team.”
“Well, I don’t exactly like Flint and Draco is already on the team. They don’t need two Malfoy’s.” Y/N sheepishly smiled and laughed.
“I saw you play as a chaser during flying class. You were great. You should join the team some time.” That compliment coming from Oliver Wood, Gryffindor’s very own keeper, was a huge deal. “You’d be a wonderful addition. If only you were in Gryffindor.”
Y/N quietly laughed. “Maybe we’d actually be able to spend time together.” Her gaze flickered to the book Oliver was grasping, “Are you going to buy that? I’ve been looking for a copy of it.” She smiled, and Oliver didn’t have the strength to keep the book to himself when she was looking at him like that.
“No.” He uttered, “I was only looking at it. Here.” He handed it to Y/N.
“Are you sure?” She asked, to which Oliver nodded. “Thanks. I’ll let you borrow it. See you at school, Oliver.” She grinned again, skipping off to purchase the book.
Oliver stared at the ground, chuckling to himself as his cheeks turned rosy red.
School was finally coming to an end. Thank goodness. Oliver didn’t know how much more studying he could take before his brain gave up.
He returned to his dorm, tired and relieved to finally be returning home today. From his dorm, he heard his friends gasp.
“Ay, mate, there’s something on your bed for you.” One uttered as Oliver ended.
He tilted his head to the side and glanced at his mattress. A badly wrapped present sat on it along with a small card and the book he had let Y/N take.
Oliver grabbed the card, curiously staring at the cursive writing.
Consider this an early Christmas gift and my overdue apology on my father’s behalf (for calling you trash). You’re fun to talk to and I hope to see you around next year.
Merry Christmas, Oliver.
- Y/N
Oliver peeled the wrapping paper, almost choking when he saw the newest edition broom. It was shined and groomed to perfection and Oliver was sure he was going to pass out from excitement.
He slowly grasped the book, opening to the first page that was tabbed by a green sticky note.
On the blank page was the writing,
Merry Christmas, Oliver Wood
And underneath was the signature of Oliver’s favourite Quidditch player.
“She’s freaking amazing.” Oliver muttered under his breath, wondering how Y/N had even managed to pull all this off.
Oliver flipped through the pages, noticing how Y/N had annotated the book on his behalf. He was only falling deeper in love.
“I’m going to find Y/N.” He announced to his friends, who cheered.
“Go get ‘er, tiger!”
Oliver hurried out of the common room, wondering where on earth Y/N would be. The castle was huge, it would take him all day to find her. Luckily, he spotted Draco Malfoy walking down the corridor.
“Malfoy.” Oliver called out.
Draco sighed, rolling his eyes. “If you’re looking for my sister, she’s at the Black Lake. Don’t tell my parents you like her otherwise my stupid ship will be ruined.” And with that, he walked off.
Oliver ignored his odd words and rushed to the Black Lake. He saw Y/N sitting alone and humming to herself as she picked at the green blades of grass.
“You didn’t have to get me a broom, you know.” Oliver said, startling Y/N. She jumped slightly.
“You scared me! It wasn’t that much anyway… and it was on sale. So you don’t need to worry.”
Oliver spluttered. Not that much money? It was more than him and his friends’ bank accounts! Even if they combined all their money, it still wouldn’t be enough.
“The book by itself would have sufficed.” Oliver uttered as he took a seat next to Y/N.
“Yeah. But I had to up my game because other girls were eyeing you up.” Y/N grinned as she stood up, dusting the dirt off her skirt, “Merry Christmas, Oli. See you next year.”
Oliver spent his days before Christmas with the Weasley twins and more of his friends. Even Harry Potter was there. But one person was missing, much to his disappointment.
On Christmas Eve, he pondered what Y/N’s words at the Black Lake had meant. “I had to up my game because other girls were eyeing you up”. Did Y/N… like him back?
Oliver sighed, rushing to turn the lamp on his desk on. He pulled out a thick piece of parchment paper and began to messily scribble down his thoughts and everything he didn’t have the courage to say to Y/N in real life.
Oliver stared at his letter, sighing. He tried not to think too much as he rolled it up and sent his owl to the Malfoy Manor.
Meanwhile, Y/N was sitting by her window, relaxing as the fresh breeze blew through her hair. She heard a quiet chirp and opened her eyes to see an unfamiliar brown owl in front of her. It cooed and tilted its head.
Y/N slowly took the letter that was attached to the owl’s leg and got comfortable before she unravelled it.
Dear Y/N,
I know this letter may be unexpected and strange, especially since it’s Christmas Eve but those words you told me at the Black Lake are still stuck in my head. It feels a little lonely without you around. I’m going to be honest here… and hopefully you won’t laugh at how I pour my heart out.
I like you, Y/N. Not just for your looks or your family. You’re gorgeous, but there’s so much more to you that other guys can’t see for some reason. You’re kind and caring and you may as well be in Hufflepuff. Your ambition is admirable and you really know how to light up a room, even if it’s a room as big as the Great Hall.
You don’t look down on other people because they aren’t pure blood or come from a family like yours. Instead, you help them. There’s so many qualities that make you stand out from the crowd and I’m not expecting a reply any time soon, but I just thought you should know all this.
Santa Claus won’t really make me happy with a toy on Christmas Day. Y/N, I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know. Please Make my wish come true. All I want for Christmas… is you <3.
- Oliver Wood
P.S, thanks for the broom and book. I’m still trying to find a gift to top that.
Y/N’s lips curved into a smile as she read Oliver’s letter. Her room door was suddenly slammed open. Y/N couldn’t react fast enough and all she could do was place the letter face down on her bed.
“Father.” She greeted him, surprised that he was even home. He was supposed to be on a business trip. “What… are you doing here?”
“Receiving love letters already, Y/N?” Her father carelessly grabbed the parchment, his gaze scanning over the beautifully crafted words. After a moment, he nodded. “What is his blood status?”
Y/N looked at the ground, thickly gulping. “… Half-blood.” She uttered after a second of hesitation.
Her father silently nodded, his stern face never changing. “I’ll allow it.”
“W-What?” Y/N stumbled over her own words. Ever since she was young, her father had preached about the importance of marrying another pure blood so this was entirely out of character for him.
“That Wood boy…” Her father thought for a moment before clicking his tongue, “He’s staying at the Weasley’s house. The elves have packed your bags already. You leave tomorrow morning.”
Y/N was speechless. Was this her father or a random intruder?
“Good night, Y/N.” And with that, he left. Y/N sat on her bed, her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to process what had just happened.
A knock on the door interrupted breakfast for the Weasley family, Oliver, Harry, and Hermione.
Oliver, as charming as ever, stood up. “I’ll get it.” He offered, walking over to the door. He twisted the door knob and yanked it open, coming face to face with Y/N.
She smiled. “I hope I’m not intruding.” She uttered, peeking over Oliver’s shoulder. “I just wanted to quickly say one thing.”
Oliver could feel the prying eyes of Fred and George and he exasperatingly sighed, shutting the door behind him. “Yes?” His heart leaped in his chest as Y/N leaned forward with a grin.
“I like you too, quidditch boy.”
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jessicaloons · 1 year
Masterlist - Invisible String
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Charles Leclerc. Lizzie Doetterer. Childhood best friends. But maybe even more…
New Chapters every Sunday (or rather I try to upload every Sunday 🙈)!
I’m starting a taglist. If you want to be added to it, drop a comment!
Meet the characters down below!
1. Just to learn that my dreams aren’t rare
2. Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you
3. I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser
4. Saying goodbye is death by a thousand cuts
5. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye, you were bigger than the whole sky
6. Because these things will change, can you feel it now?
7. All that bloodshed, crimson clover…
8. I can tell that it’s gonna be a long road
9. And when we go crashing down we come back every time
10. You been stressed out lately. Yeah, me too
11. ‘Cause it’s all over, it’s not meant to be
12. They think that it’s over but it’s just begun
13. But I come back stronger than a ‘90s trend
14. And it’s coming over you like it’s all a big mistake
15. You can see it with the lights out: You are in love
16. The devil’s in the details, but you got a friend in me
17. But there was one prize I’d cheat to win
18. You learn my secrets and you figure out why I’m guarded
19. Kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain
20.1 Ask me what I learned from all those years
20.2 Ask me what I earned from all those tears
21. I had the shiniest wheels, now they’re rusting
22. ‘Cause baby, now we got bad blood, You know it used to be mad love
23.1 Freedom felt like summer then, on the coast
23.2 Freedom felt like summer then, on the coast
24. Every time you call me crazy I get more crazy
25. The world moves on, another day another drama
26. I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me
27. But the story of us might be ending soon
28. I can't find a pulse, my heart won't start anymore
29. 'Cause you kiss me and it stops time
30. It was the end of a decade, but the start of an age
31. I watched it begin again
32. Don’t say I didn’t, say I didn’t warn ya
33. The rumours are terrible and cruel
34. My knuckles were bruised like violets
35. I’m standing on a tightrope, alone
36. I can do it with a broken heart
37. I think I am finally clean
38. You gotta step into the daylight and let it go
39. Don’t blame me, love made me crazy
40. And some things you just can’t speak about
41. I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with Paper Rings
42. Put it on the one people put wedding rings on
43. What if your eyes looked up and met mine, one more time?
44. Sometimes walking out is the one thing, that will find you the right thing
45. Just breathe, just relax, it’ll be OK
46. You play stupid Games, You win stupid Prizes
47. When the truth comes out, it’s quiet
48. Am I allowed to cry?
49. All's well that ends well to end up with you
50. All along there was some Invisible String tying you to me
51. And why I’ve spent my whole life trying to put it into words
52. Long live the walls we crashed through - I have the time of my life, with you
Part 1 | Part 2
Meet the character’s of Invisible String:
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sailor-aviator · 3 months
Scenario: Its late at night and the carnival is in town, you go to play a game, one of the shooting ones, you have to hit the target to win the prize and you used up nearly all your money trying to hit the target.Your old high school crush comes up offering to try and win the game for you, he does and the two of spend the rest of the night catching up, and it ends with a kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel?
This was a toss up between Bob and Jake, but I'm ultimately going with Jake.
"Is that you?" The blond grins, trotting up towards where you stood, the toy gun in hand and shock clouding your pouting face.
"Jake?" You say slowly, lowering the gun and turning to him, the ghost of a smile on your lips as heat rose to your cheeks. You had had the biggest crush on him in high school, never acting on your feelings for fear of ruining your friendship.
"Yeah!" He smiles, shoving his hands in his pockets once he stands in front of you, his group of friends forgotten as his green eyes roam over your figure before glancing to the stall. "Need any help?"
"These things are rigged," you scoff, scowling at the targets that have taunted you for the past hour and a half. "I won't let you waste all of your money too."
He chuckles, taking the gun from your hands. "We'll see about that."
Moments later, he's handing you a giant teddy bear, your jaw slack as you stare at him.
"How did you...?" You trail off, hugging the bear close as Jake grins down at you.
"Gotta be good to do what I do, sweetheart," he drawls, lips curling into a smirk as he leans into you. "And darlin'? I'm the best there is."
You blink at him, his words causing a surprised giggle to escape your lips, and it's not lost on you how his eyes flicker to them with desire blazing in them.
The two of you catch up with his friends, playing more games, checking out the rides, and sharing some funnel cake. Jake's the one who drags you to the ferris wheel towards the end of the night, the rest of his friends running off to the tilt-o-whirl instead.
Jake presses close to you as the wheel starts spinning, the lights of the carnival making your insides feel giddy. Jake places gentle fingers underneath your chin, tilting your face up to meet his equally gentle kiss. Your breath catches in your throat before he pulls away, chuckling as you chase his lips.
"Been wanting to do that since we were sixteen," he murmurs. You'd let him do it forever if he wanted.
Send me a scenario and I’ll assign a Dagger!
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rq-gift-exchange · 4 months
Squad Road Trip Master Post
Veggie Squad Road Trip - @housetomte The Iron Squad is going on a "road trip" to the beach
The Quiet Game - @acourtofladydeath Tairn and Sgaeyl try to survive a flight with their little golden terror.
Running on Empty - @sarahydeart The squad are on a road trip! Or they would be, if they hadn't run out of gas.
Are We There Yet? - @yanny-77 Xaden drives Violet's squad to the beach...and immediately regrets it.
Road Trip Detour - txredsoxmama Created for RQ War Games and for my 1st Wing-mates. Just a silly little drabble.
Admit it, We are Lost - @alexandia03 The marked ones run away from home before their parents find out what they did.
War Games Drabbles - E_Hyde Part 1 of Hyde's War Game Drabbles
Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes - @alltoowellread Drabbles for the RQ Discord Server War Games.
Empyrean Drabbles - @greeneyedwildthing The gang take a roadtrip for summer vacation
One More Thing - Squad Leader Attie The squad gets ready to go on a road trip, but Ridoc needs one more thing.
What's the Holdup?? - EmJay The squad goes on a road trip but encounters traffic.
Road Trip! - @oh-no-its-dragons Violet and the squad work at a college town Barnes and Noble. They gotta get the books across town.
Road Trip Drabble - Veggie Tales Style - ILoveMyThighs The squad takes (unknowingly) sentient veggies on a road trip. This is their story.
Country Roads - @taumoebaa Violet and gang go on a road trip.
Road Trip - SarahEliz A post-term road trip for the Iron Squad
Ridoc's Shennanigans - Scarlet_Aeon The gang is going on a road trip....and Ridoc gets to pick the seating arrangements.
Lost - Nivaria Does anyone ever know where they're going?
Twilight Meets Fourth Wing - @spicycleansejuice Fourth Wing and Twilight characters head to the baseball field
Worth - EeveeAlchemist Anyone taking their first look at Evie would say that she didn’t belong in the Rider’s Quadrant. Secretly, Evie believed they were right.
Reginald, Reggie, RG for Short by @vanthh Please don't ask how I ended up from a turtle POV.
For What It's All Worth - @silverlude Violet and her friends get dragged away by their dragons to a mysterious place for a "vacation".
Baby Iron Squad - Fireheart_Rose When the Iron Squad go on an early morning hike, fall asleep, wake up as toddlers. The others find them…chaos ensues.
The Road to the Border - @quihi Rhiannon’s squad volunteers to meet the Navarrian families moving to Aretia. Turns out, they’ll be taking a road trip in both directions.
Squad Summer - @korrinamoe Imogen just wants to see Garrick, but her travel plans somehow end up involving everyone.
Prank Gone Wrong - Portjules Sawyer and his squad go on a roadtrip to fulfill another of Ridoc's pranks. What could go wrong?
Your Turtle is Blue - Nedeit “Tell me again what they said,” Brennan commanded, trying not to think about the sun setting down far away in front of them. 
The Leitis Commemoration Day Road Trip - Miz What a beautiful day, I think as I wake up in my bedroom overlooking Aretia.
First Wing Road Trip Warning: Alcohol Abuse, fainting, missing person
Road Trip "I swear to Malek if you don't move right now, I will force you to."
Car Ride with Liam Fourth Wing & Iron Flame Spoilers
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neuroticbookworm · 1 year
This episode is full of delicious hypocrisies -- Ray pursuing Sand when he's official with Mew, Mew literally performing a makeout in front of Top after he had just asked Top and Boston if they're shameless enough to "do it" in front of the crowd, Nick trying to corner Boston with a "what you did was filthy" while having absolutely zero moral ground to stand on.
But this line in particular caught my attention:
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Mew did not want this breakup. He had put in so much effort into the Top-Tier-to-Boyfriend transformation. He wanted to stay winning. He does not feel betrayed because Top cheated on him, he feels angry that Top has thrown all his efforts down the gutter, and has forced a social failure label on Mew. Mew is no longer the one who tamed Top Tier, he is now the poor guy who got cheated on by the college slut. Just another loser who got seduced and dumped as soon as his turn was over.
Which is why the savior stunt Top pulled for Ray is so interesting. It not only cleans his image a bit, it also gives Mew the perfect opening to start "forgiving" Top for his indiscretions. Mew will no longer lose face if he gives Top another chance.
I gotta say, all these bitches are young and selfish and messy, and yet Top and Mew are perfectly matched for each other. They understand what the other wants, and they know how to play social games to keep the other wanting more. Mew played Top in the first half of the show, using sex as a prize. And now Top is gonna play Mew, using social status as the bait.
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pupkashi · 2 years
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arcades are scams, he knows, but dammit gojo will win you that prize
a/n: hi hi !! inspired after an arcade date so here u guys go !! let me know what u all think and any requests u have :3
wordcount: 1,728
Your eyes lit up as you took in all the arcade games around you, smiling as you saw the amount of Mario kart, dance games, and so many others. Your eyes jumped from game to game, realizing that the further part of the arcade was purely a maze of claw games.
“where’d ya wanna go first angel face?” gojo asked, holding your hand and guiding you through the arcade.
“claw games?” you smiled, gojo nodded, he would never deny you anything even if he should.
“let’s fill up our card with points first, sweets” he spoke, letting go of your hand as he grabbed his wallet, heading to the kiosk and swiping his game card.
“how much should we put in?” you asked, looking at the prices, “like $50? seems good right?” gojo would usually agree with you, seeing as though you hated when he spent too much money, but not today.
Without hesitation he pressed the most expensive option, filling up the card with a hefty 777 points, tapping his phone against the reader before you could argue.
“toru!” you whisper yelled, swatting his arm as he giggled at you, grabbing your wrist and smoothly intertwining your fingers.
“let’s go play some games shall we?” He wiggled his brows and you fought your smile, rolling your eyes and heading to the claw games together.
Gojo didn’t pay much attention to the prizes, too busy smiling at how pretty you looked with colorful lights flashing against your skin, lighting up your eyes. God, you were so beautiful. He didn’t bother hiding the fact that his eyes were practically hearts, cheeks pink as you dragged him down the aisles of games.
“this one’s cute! let’s try it” you smiled up at him, taking the card from his hands and swiping it, aligning the claw before pressing down. The plush just barely slipped out of grasp, causing you to groan.
“you gotta like, double tap it,” he explained, taking the card and swiping it. He aligned the claw with the plush, pressing to drop the claw and then pressing just as it surrounded the plush, causing the claw to firmly grasp the plush, easily carrying it to the opening and dropping it.
“oh my god!” You exclaimed, bending down and grabbing the plushy, holding it up in the air.
Gojo grinned, petting the plushy before deciding he was gonna win you every single prize you wanted tonight.
“you’re so good!” You smiled, adoring the small cat plush in your arms.
“I’ll win ya anything you want angel” he smiled, loving the way you held onto his arm as the two of you walked.
“let’s try this one!” gojo stared at the overly round dark brown platypus plush. This would be tough.
He swiped the card quickly, getting to work, only for the plush to just barely slip out of the claws grasp. Gojo groaned, trying once more and failing.
“watch this” you smirked, handing the cat plush to your boyfriend and stretching, gojo just rolled his eyes and smiled.
On your very first try, the platypus was on its way to your arms, landing softly into the opening. You smiled widely, jumping as you held the plushy up the gojos face.
“I’m so good!” You cheered, gojo jumped in excitement with you, cuddling the plush as you moved onto the next game.
You stared at the fuzzy hello Kitty, pointing at it and looking at gojo, “i need it,” you stated. Gojo smiled, swiping the card confidently.
By the fourth try you had tried to pry gojo from the machine, but the 6’3 sorcerer was not budging until the small hello kitty plush was in your arms, and you were jumping with joy.
The plush just barely slipped out of the claw again, “fucks sake!” He grumbled, swiping the card immediately and aligning it again.
“sweets we can go get a different one” you laughed, admiring how concentrated your lover looked. His eyes were furrowed, tongue just barely sticking out from his glossy lips, the shades on barely balancing on the bridge of his nose and his snowy bangs falling across his forehead.
While you were busy falling deeper in love, gojo pulled you out of your daydream with a loud cheer, smiling widely at you and bending over ungracefully, shoving the fuzzy plush in your face.
“thank you toru” you giggled, adding the plush to the ones already in your arms, you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, “you’re so talented.”
The compliment made him blush, his grin growing wider. He followed you to the next game, watching as the flashing colorful lights painted your skin, your eyes narrowed as you tried to get the otter within grasp.
If gojo was stubborn, there was no word to describe you. Who after the 7th attempt and failure snatched the card out of gojo’s hand and swiped it again, a slightly adorable crazed look in your eye as you mumbled to yourself to adjust the claw for the fuzzy otter.
“sweets, i don’t even want it that badly” he began, you turned to look at him after yet another failure, the machine making a small sad noise as the plush fell back into the pile.
“that badly? so you do want it?” You pushed, swiping the card again and adjusting your position to try again. Gojo smiled at you, he could very easily pull you away, but your determination held him back. He watched you with his hands in his pockets, a small smirk on his lips as you continued.
After a couple more rounds both you and gojo yelled in triumph, high fiving each other before you proudly presented the soft otter to your lover.
“for you, baby girl” you teased, gojo hugged the plush, closing his eyes and sighing dreamily.
“thanks so much babe” he replied, voice a higher pitch than usual.
The two of you made your rounds down the aisle, hyper fixating on certain items the other had said were cute.
It was probably your 12th attempt at the round cat plush holding a fish when you realized you had no credits left. You pouted, grabbing the card and sighing.
“what’s wrong, sweets?” Gojo asked, as the two of you walked away from the machine.
“out of credits, gonna go out some more in” you spoke, gojo looked at you in disbelief. Who did you think he was?
“you are not spending a single cent” he spoke sternly, stopping you in your tracks. “I, however, will spend whatever necessary to win every single thing you want.”
“I can't allow myself to stand here and watch you spend another hundred dollars on points,” you began, “no toru.”
“you can’t stop me,” he quipped.
“okay, can’t say i didn’t try” you replied, barely fighting as you wanted so badly to win your lover another prize.
The next hour or so passed quickly, and the two of you were beginning to grow exhausted, and you began to fear for gojos wallet by the third recharge.
“I’m getting tired, you ready to go?” You asked, watching as he managed to win the colorful bunny plushie you asked for. Gojo looked over at you, barely visible over the mountain of plushies you held in your arms.
He bent over and grabbed the bunny plush, along with the other five he had set in the floor.
“let’s get a bag before we head out okay?” He spoke, you nodded, following him as he asked for a bag, the cashier, shooting him a smile, blushing as she held the bags out.
“thanks” gojo spoke, already turning before the cashier called out, causing him to turn around.
“here’s my number” she smiled, holding the paper out, gojo only stared blankly at her, putting the bunny into the bag, leaving one hand free to push his sunglasses up a bit.
“sorry, hands are full” he shrugged, walking away and finding you struggling to balance the 12 plushies in your arms, two of them already fallen over by your feet.
“need help sweetheart?” he smiled and you began pouring the plushies into the bag, your arms finally getting relief as you finished filling the fourth bag up and handing it to gojo.
The two of you walked out with bright smiles on your face. You snapped a quick picture of gojo holding up the bags with a giant grin on his face, setting it as your lock screen before putting your phone away.
“i learned something today” you spoke, putting the bags in by your feet as gojo turned the car on.
“what’s that?” he asked, the LED lights from the dashboard just barely outlining the shape of his nose and the jaw, his bright blue eyes still standing out.
“if i stepped foot in a casino, I’d walk out with a gambling addiction” you stated, gojo smiling as he kissed your cheek.
“I’d fund every last penny baby” he laughed, you rolled your eyes.
The two of you headed back to your shared apartment, setting all the plushies on your bed, gojo immediately cuddling the otter you had won him, laying on a macron plush you’d also won him, claiming it was as sweet as him so he had to have it.
“did you like your prizes toru?” You asked, arms wrapped firmly around the colorful bunny, your lover smiled up at you, a boyish grin that was full of love.
“course i do, ‘specially cause the best person in the world got em for me” he smiled, letting go of the otter and wrapping his arms around you, placing a kiss to your temple, then your cheek, then your nose. You craned your neck slightly, kissing his lips and smiling.
The two of you changed into your pajamas, gojo holding his arms out for you to cuddle into his chest. You smiled and jumped into bed, grabbing the bunny plush and hugging it while resting your head on gojo’s chest.
“i had so much fun today” gojo mumbled, kissing the top of your head and running his fingertips gently up and down your arms.
“I did too, thank you for everything” gojo smiled, watching as you wiggled a bit to reach his face and peppering kisses everywhere.
“now let’s go to sleep before the reality of how much you spent dawns on me.”
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hanasnx · 2 years
once again my greatest weakness is exploited…. my inbox ….
ppl say jump in an inbox message i say how high
bcos quite honestly fratboy!anakin is so hard for me to write, simply bcos its so difficult for what i know of anakin and his character to align with a fratboy persona. however! i married the concepts my last fratboy post and i’ll do it again for u jelly. ive had to brainstorm a couple days…
next part
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☥ likes nuts. peanut butter. pistachios. nut and seed bread. u ask and he’s like “i like feeling like a squirrel” and ur not sure if its a joke. probably keto diets. he eats his body weight in good fats and goes to the gym as an obsessive hobby bcos hes got so much energy and nowhere to put it
☥ mario kart is one of his favorite games. he has a nintendo switch solely for mario kart. his friends play in competitions and get super hyped about it, sometimes they play normally but sometimes they make it an entire event. his frat makes a tournament out of it tbfh and winner usually gets some stupid made up prize like “mk-losers of the frat is your slave for a day” or “everytime you enter a room, if a MK-loser member of the frat is present, they must announce you to the room like ur a king” or “you gotta set up the winner with one of your hot exes”
anakin usually wins. and gets pissy when he doesnt. hes so competitive. especially if the people around him make it a big deal that he didnt win, hes all like “whatever its just a stupid game anyway. i changed my vehicle settings this time around”
☥ as an excuse to be close to you he asks you if he can crack your back for you bcos you complained about it hurting and when you stretched trying to get it to pop it wasnt as satisfying as you wanted it to be.
“i can crack your back for you.”
you fall for his trick. “would you? that would be so great thank you,” you fist your hands and cross your wrists over your chest, like usual, expecting him to get behind you and lift you and jostle you like people always did when they cracked your back. instead, he gets to your front with a smile.
“i know a better way.” you look at him quizzically as he takes your wrists and drapes your arms over his shoulders. he stoops, large frame wraps around you and your waist, fists at the base of your spine. you get nervous. “go limp.” you relax as best you can, your cheek against his neck surely heating up with a blush at how youre pulled flush against him.
he knows exactly what hes doing and his cheeky grin is hidden from you. “alright, inhale deep.” you do as he says. “and exhale.” you do. and slowly he lifts you from the ground easily by standing straight, and his fists slide up your spine, squeezing you to him. your heart is pounding, and your spine pops as he moves up. he gets to the top and sets you down, and holds you while the black dots in your vision subside. you realize he’s embracing you so tender and patient and you politely push off of him.
“um. thanks.”
and he meant that. bcos he gets into the habit of asking you if you want your back cracked, and you get into the habit of saying yes bcos of how good it felt, how good he was at it, and how close the two of you got when he did it.
to the point that when you saw him, he’d pavloved you, and you lift your arms above your head reaching for him, waiting to rest them on his shoulders so he can pick you up and pop your spine. he obliges every time, excited to do it. he loves pressing you against him like that.
☥ hes an engineering major i just know it. very bright, but not the top of his class. he doesnt study really, things just make sense to him. and he also admits to you that he does a lot of things in his free time that requires engineering.
“like skateboard ramps?” you taunt.
“something like that.”
☥ his favorite movie is treasure planet and he wants to watch it every time you two end up hanging out. if you ask what movie he wants to watch, its treasure planet. if you look over at him randomly, you see him mouthing the words. it was his hyperfixation as a kid and heavily influenced him. especially bcos he doesnt have a dad, and hes got a father figure named obi wan in his life that had no business caring for him but did anyway. like that pirate in his favorite movie:)
if youre not sick of it, you dont even bother to ask him what he wants to watch. u just put it on. it usually is background noise anyway for whatever conversation arises bcos this boy cannot focus on one thing at once, and must multitask and get distracted
☥ hes the band “chase atlantic” coded unfortunately
☥ would wanna sleep with u in ur bed all the time even if ur not dating. he wants to take naps with you. he has insomnia, and he noticed that one time when you hung out, he fell asleep with you so easily. now he asks for sleepovers constantly. also bcos it means he can subtly cuddle you.
and when youre closer, and he can flirt with you, and youre comfortable with him. he probably cops a few feels so you smack his hand or move it away for him.
at one point you move his hand onto your chest, indicating you wanted him to grab and massage it for real this time. just like he always teases. and it turns into grinding his dick onto your ass and squeezing your chest til the flesh pops out in between his fingers. circling and pinching your hardening nipples. arm under your head, hand on your jaw to inclined your face in his direction so he can bite and nibble your ear, lick at it while he talks dirty shit in it.
“you’re so hot, can’t believe you’re letting me do this to you… you know half the guys at house would kill for this…
you wanna help me make ‘em really jealous?”
☥ the horny texts and pics this man would send once you two are officially talking or together.
“i think about fucking you all the time.”
“you gonna let me hit after class? cmon i deserve it.”
“baby you gotta show me that pussy. its been so long i forgot what it looks like. remind me.”
“coming over today. you want a ride? on my cock i mean.”
“some guys at the house were talking about you today. can i tell them about us?
gotta see their faces hearing what a slut you are. i promise i’ll spill every dirty detail. could even show em some of the pictures if you want… or the videos. i like the bareback one, doggy style? cant get over the way you sound in that one. wet pussy, pretty moans, twerking on my cock like a porn star. miss you sweet girl.”
☥ he honestly would pick out a hoodie for you to wear. he wants u to wear it. gets pouty when you dont “wheres my hoodie?”
“at my dorm.”
“why arent you wearing it?”
“its cold outside.” he wants ppl to know youre wearing a guy’s hoodie— specifically his hoodie— for a reason
☥ he’d still call you stupid nicknames like “killer” and “champ”.
“hows it hangin today, killer? you look fucking good.”
“you’re late again champ, usually you get here before me. you avoiding me or something?”
☥ trying to get you to fuck him at his frat house or dorm or whatever bcos he wants the guys to hear you .. just so everybodys clear on whats going on between you two
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