#you guys i swear 90% of this i read in the first 3 days of the month or in the last week
unactive-shroom · 20 days
I have no idea what to title this tbh <3
Summary. Inumaki Toge brings you out for coffee to make up accidentally spraining your nose during training - but don't worry, you get your revenge
Warnings: like one swear, nose bleed mention, tide pods
The smell of fresh bread and pastries danced in the air as you and Toge took your seats inside the cute café on some Tokyo side street. It was a sunny Saturday morning, and Toge had insisted on dragging you here to make up for accidentally hitting your nose during training the evening before, resulting in a nose bleed that lasted at least 20 minutes. You looked around your surroundings carefully, trying not to disturb the bandage that sat precariously on your nose in a vain attempt to hide the obvious swelling.
It was definitely a cute café - the cosy amber lighting and brick walls welcoming many other couples to the comfortable cushioned seats that lined the walls. Toge tapped your arm, signing a quick I told you it was a nice café. You scoffed at him, shaking your head. “Not nice enough to warrant a broken nose, though.”
He groaned and slumped on his arm, signing a lazy I’m sorry! But at least you get a cute bandage on your nose now.
Sighing at the daggers you shot him, he finally signed exactly what you’ve been hoping he’d say - I promise you can get me back for it, okay?
Grinning, you leaned forward. “In any way?” you questioned excitedly.
With a sigh and a slight look of regret, he answered simply with a dejected “…tuna.”
You hummed happily and handed him one of the menus propped against the wall. “And I’m assuming that you’re paying, right?”
“Tuna, tuna”
You smiled to yourself, still scanning the menu as Toge put his back already. Both of you always got the same thing, generally speaking, but you always thoroughly read the entire menu before ordering. Admittedly, you did feel bad about teasing Toge so much, but hey, he’s usually the one teasing you. And you’re like, 90% sure that he’s using Gojo’s card. But it’s the thought that counts!
The waitress soon came over, giving a warm welcome and asking if you’re ready to order. You recited your usual order, and asked for a pastry too, before looking at Toge. “And an iced matcha as well, right?” He nodded, and leaned over to point at a pastry on your menu. “Oh, and a pistachio croissant, please. Thank you!”
After the waitress had left, you turned to Toge with a thoughtful hum. “So, what do you think of the new first years? Not Megumi, the other two… Nobara? and Itadori? Do you think that they’ll all get along?”
He shrugged in response. Well, they don’t really have any other option, since it’s just the three of them. So hopefully! You nodded in agreement.
Our year definitely lucked out though. I mean, I don’t know what I’d do if I hadn’t met you. Maki probably would’ve killed me by now. He signed casually, his eyes crinkling in a smile behind the scarf covering his mouth.
“Awwww, Toge, you can be so sweet sometimes!”
He clutched his heart dramatically before signing Only sometimes? I’m always sweet and kind and hilarious and-
You grabbed his hands with a laugh to stop him from reciting every positive adjective he knows. He smiled fondly at you before the waitress returned, carrying your drinks.
“Oh, thank you!” you chirped on behalf of the two of you, while Toge simply nodded.
The waitress hesitated before carrying on - suddenly blurting out “Um, do you mind if I ask you guys a question? It’s totally okay if it’s too personal, though!”
“Uhhh, I mean sure, go for it! What’s up?”
“Um..” she fidgeted with her hands before continuing. “Is your boyfriend mute?”
Confused where this is going, your first instinct is to passive-aggressively ask “So what if he is?”, but sensing no ill intent from this girl, and remembering how Toge said you could get him back, you’re struck with a wonderfully devious idea.
“Nah, he did the tide pod challenge a few years back, messed up his throat. He can’t say more than like, two words a day. That’s why we’re talking in sign.”
Silence. Absolute silence stretched between the three of you, but you could see the cogs turning in Toge’s brain, realising that you were getting your revenge. He groaned and covered his head in his hands, which were resting on the table.
“Oh- Oh my god. Okay. Um, I’m really sorry about that- That really sucks. Holy shit.” She regained her composure before continuing. “Uh, I was just wondering because I wanted to learn sign for my friend. Would you be able to tell me where you learned it?”
You handed over the name of the book that you both had used to help learn it, as well as a youtube channel that had helped greatly.
As she left, Toge groaned, looking up at you with one eye open. “Don’t look at me like that! You’re the one who said I could get you back!”
He sat up, shaking his head, and took a long sip from his drink, before bursting out in laughter. I can’t believe you told her that! What the hell, y/n! He signed between fits of giggles.
You giggled alongside him, sipping your own coffee. “well, at least she’ll have a fun story to tell after work.”
You had begun to get weird stares, unsure if they were from the non ceasing laughter from the two of you, or from the fact that you loudly said your boyfriend had eaten tide pods. Regardless, you decided to ask the nearest waitress (not the one who had asked about sign, thankfully) to get your things to go.
Stepping out into the sunshine, you giggled once again, slipping your hand into Toge’s.
“Thank you for bringing me out for coffee. And sorry that I started rumours about you, babe.”
Toge temporarily tried to look mad, letting out half an annoyed “Okaka” before erupting into giggles once more. There’s no way that he’d be able to stay mad at you, not when you were smiling at him like that. He pulled on your arm, clumsily signing arcade? at you, trying to hold the pastries and coffee in one hand. You nodded and grabbed his hand once again, happily making your way toward the arcade, yapping on about the new gacha machines they installed there.
a.n Yapper gf! y/n x listener brainrot bf! Inumaki 4ever idc idc. Alsoo not making fun of the tide pod challenge that was lowkey really insane and dangerous and it goes without saying to not!!! eat!! tide pods!!!
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kitthepurplepotato · 8 months
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Chapter 13 - Walking in circles.
Summary: Fuck the summary, this is the last angsty chapter and it ends on a positive note, so if you were waiting for the angst to end, you can read now! (Warning: it’s 90% angst and 10% comfort though, so if you are hyper super sensitive, wait for the next chapter.)
Warnings: Swear words and a lot of tears and some sad suggestive stuff, because that’s a thing.
First Chapter Master List
To do list (Midoriya Izuku)
P.s - this bit is not medically correct for human beings. These people heal differently + this is a fanfiction, don’t forget that.)
After care (chest):
- Change the hydrocolloid dressing on Midoriya-san’s chest once a day for 10 days and use the provided ointment.
- Once the scar stops oozing completely, remove the bandages but use the prescribed cream three times a day to keep the fresh tissue moisturized and clean.
- Do not soak the scar but quick showers are okay after 3 days. Do not use soap, the cream has antibacterial properties anyway.
- Sudden, harsh movements can open up the scar so please refrain from doing anything excessive.
Aftercare (arms)
- Midoriya‘s left arm has a metal plate inside to stabilize the fractured bone and it also has a cast to protect it while it’s healing. Nothing here to do really, just keep the arm away from harm’s way. Do not scratch the skin underneath the cast, even if it itches because it might get infected. (No, you can’t scratch it with black whip. I asked - Ei)
- Wheelchair for 3 days to keep the scar on the chest from being pulled.
- After three days, small walks around the house are allowed but nothing else.
- Rehabilitation starts after a week of rest.
- Lifting: small plastic bowl of food is okay, but no heavy plates, no actual workouts, definitely no cars and buildings until advised otherwise. Try to avoid opening doors for the first week. Use a small water bottle to drink, preferably drink with a straw. (Do not lift All Meowth! - Kacchan)
- Please refrain from sexual intercourse for at least until the scar gets healed, which is approximately 2 weeks. Do not lean on your arms. (What he’s trying to say is that you can still do it after 2 weeks if you are the bottom. Just be gentle. You should be fine with being on the top after a month if you are careful, yes, I asked, you are welcome. - Ei)
- Drink plenty of fluids, a healthy diet is advised. Take the prescribed medicine after meals and rest as much as possible.
“Welcome home!” Eijirou pops a party pooper as Inko wheels his son into the apartment.
“Really?” Katsuki facepalms himself, waiting for the other shoe to drop as Midoriya has an unpleasant frown on his face instead of a happy one and while you feel bad about siding with the other two instead of Eijirou on this, but… well… there is time and place for a celebration. “We are going.”
“Thanks for everything, guys.” Izuku gives them a sad smile but he doesn’t tell them to stay.
This is the first time when being alone with Izuku doesn’t sound appealing. It’s not because you need to take care of him, hell, you have no problems with doing that, it’s more about the fact that you already know he’s not going to let you do that.
You are terrified of being rejected by him, terrified to see that uncomfortable smile on his face, the one he usually gives to the overly enthusiastic fans when they come too close or ask questions that are too personal.
You know what Izuku needs now has nothing to do with his feelings towards you but there is a voice inside your head telling you that you are just not good enough, that you should just let his mother take care of him and give up before it starts to hurt even more but you try to think about Izuku’s words, about the way he looked at you when you two had a few minutes alone, about the touches you two have shared right before the accident… you know that deep inside, Izuku genuinely wants you here and even if you’ll need to hide in the bathroom to cry sometimes, you know it’s worth it. He’s worth it.
Inko and All Might stays over until you get Izuku’s food heated up. You feel terrible for giving a grown ass man a plastic bowl of Katsudon but you managed to find an All Might themed set in the small convenience store just a few streets down this morning; it comes with a bowl, a plate, a spoon and a fork. You decide to give the utensils to Deku too, just in case it makes him smile a little bit. It’s probably easier for him to eat with a fork right now, anyway.
Just as you make your way out of the kitchen, All Might bursts out laughing at your shenanigans.
“That’s so sweet but also, why is my face so weird?!”
“I have a feeling the makers of this bowl did not pay for the license to use your actual picture so they… made their own version of it.” You smile as you point towards the kitchen. “There is more if you want to eat!”
“No, we are fine, but I do want to see how it turned out! Do you mind if I take a bite?” Mama Inko sneaks closer to the bowl in your hand and steals a piece of meat. “Hmmm, lovely! Good job!” Inko smiles and ushers All Might towards the main door. “We will leave you two, please keep us posted! Izuku, be a good boy and don’t make your Sweet Pea cry!”
“Okay, honey, do not aggravate the kid.” All Might mutters and Izuku looks at him with an incredulous face, but there is a tiny smile on his lips as he watches the two leave.
“Will they ever stop treating me like I’m a big baby?” Izuku mutters with a fond smile on his face.
“You’ll forever be their baby, Izu, deal with it.”
“But I’m your baby now.” He mumbles under his blushed nose; he looks like a teen trying to flirt for the first time and it’s so fucking adorable you want to kiss him senseless.
“You are. But they don’t need to know that.” You smile back but you can barely finish the sentence before Izuku speaks up again.
“Are you okay, Sweets?”
You almost drop the cup of water in your hand. That question came out of the blue. Are you… okay? You have no idea. Your mind is a mess, you are so fucking worried deep inside you want to yell and cry and break something but you are also happy to be able to be with Izuku right now, to help him, to be close to him.
“A little bit shaken, I guess.” You admit. “It’s a lot but it’s also what I agreed to, it just hits different when you are actually in the situation. But overall, I’m just glad you are alive.”
“I’ll… need some time” He repeats his words from yesterday. “Can we stay in our own rooms for a while?”
It hurts. It really fucking hurts but you brace yourself to smile, making it look like it’s no biggie, even as the world crumbles inside you.
“We can… use the living room as a common space. If you ever feel like talking or just co-existing, just come out. Send me a message when you need any help and please, ask for help, because I will really miss you and if me helping with your dressing or heating up your food is my only way to see you, I’ll gladly take it.”
A few more minutes until Izuku finishes his food. You can do this. You are strong. You are still loved. This is not the end of the world. Just keep the act up for a little bit more for his sake. Please.
“I love you.” Izuku announces confidently. “And once I’m… better… mentally and physically… I’ll show you how much. I promise I’ll make it up to you, for all the pain I’m causing right now. I’ll bring you all the stars from the sky if I need to.”
“I love you too, Izu-Izu.” You try your best to smile but a few stray teardrops manage to escape. Izuku doesn’t comment on it, because Izuku’s face is just as wet as yours.
Izuku wasn’t lying when he said he won’t… communicate too much. He only comes out of his room when he gets hungry or when he needs help with the bandages. He’s more than capable to do his everyday things even in the wheelchair; it’s a super high tech one which can go up and down, making the change between sleeping and moving around quite easily manageable even alone. He could probably do his bandages alone as well, with no problem whatsoever but he asks for your help anyway, probably to be able to see you a little bit without the need of a conversation, to steal a few touches before he retreats to his room again, to let you have a bit of time with him even though the distant look in his eyes tells you he’s not ready to do that yet, but still, he gives you a chance every day, let’s you change the bandages and kiss his forehead after you are done. It feels like an atonement, like a silent way of saying “thank you”.
You cry a lot when he’s not around, mostly at night, before you fall asleep with tear-streaked cheeks. You even get some acne overnight, probably from sleeping with a dirty face.
Izuku doesn’t sneak into your bedroom like how he used to. Not on the first night, not the second and not the third but on the fourth night, you hear the door open and close, you hear the buzzing of his wheelchair, you feel the bed dip by your side but you are terrified to make a noise, terrified to scare him away so you keep pretending you are asleep, you let him snuggle closer and try your best not to shiver as Izuku’s lips find your nape and he starts peppering small, slow kisses there, to the only area he can reach. He stays for an hour, maybe two, he runs his nose through your hair, mumbles into your skin, words jumbled and incomprehensible, then goes back to his room and acts like nothing had happened when you meet up in the kitchen in the morning.
There are ink marks on Izuku’s hand the next day, his eyes dark and lifeless like he haven’t slept at all. You call the doctor that day, ask him if it’s okay for him to write. You should probably say something about his lack of sleep as well, but… you just can’t. It feels like a backstab to do so. Izuku have promised he’ll take care of himself so you can’t help but trust him for a little bit longer.
Izuku keeps coming to your room every night but he never stays. Some nights, he doesn’t say anything then some nights he mumbles up a storm, mostly about the villain gang or about how much he hates not being able to help with the investigation. Then he mumbles about missing you, mumbles about how much he wants to kiss you, to hold you in his arms, to carry you to bed like in the “good old days.” There is one time when you mumble back an almost silent “I love you”. Izuku cries. Then he leaves after he’d cried enough.
You change his bandages. You kiss him on the forehead. You give him something to eat. He takes the meds. He pets All Meowth and goes back into his room. There is even more ink smudged on his hand. He’s not sleeping well. He admits he’s been talking to a therapist through the phone. He gives you kisses at night. You change his bandages. He says thank you when you put the All Might bowl down in front of him. He takes a deep breath, his face buried in your hair as he cries, feeling safe to do so under the cover of the night. You silently cry with him. Then you change his bandages again. It goes on an on for a full week like a never ending circle of nightmares.
Something new happens on the seventh night.
It’s the first night Izuku can’t make himself to leave.
It all starts as per usual, with Izuku sneaking under your covers, peppering kisses on your nape and your neck, the touch so light it barely touches your skin yet it still sends thrills down your spine. Then starts the muttering, half-sentences mumbled into your your skin then comes the wetness, Izuku’s tears as he mumbles louder, unable to whisper, choking on his sobs but he does not stop peppering kisses all over your neck.
Then… it happens.
Izuku’s “healthy” arm snakes around your hip, his thumb playing with your hipbone, his body slowly shifting closer and closer until he’s flush against your back.
“I love your body shape so much. Have I ever told you that? Probably not. I love how I can just… do this.” He moves up, his hand finding the small of your waist, relishing in the softness, grabbing into the skin possessively and you can’t help but whimper.
Here goes nothing. Now Izuku knows you are up. This is when he usually leaves. Will he just stand up and go away now? You really don’t want him to. Would it be too much to hold his hand in place? You have no idea what to do, how to make your point across without scaring him away, but…
“I wanted to do this so much a week ago, when…” Izuku chokes on another sob.
“I would’ve liked it. A lot.” You admit, finally feeling brave enough to speak up.
Warning: suggestive. A tiny bit of… frottage? Is that the word? I dunno. It’s literally 5 seconds though.
“I also wanted to do this…” He whispers, his voice cracking; suddenly, he tries to move on top of you but he has nothing to lean on; he makes a frustrated noise which breaks your heart. With all the strength you can gather half asleep, you try to keep him up long enough so he can put his working hand on the other side of you, then you keep your palm flat on his chest, keeping him up with shaking arms. Izuku moves to his favorite place right away, face hidden in the crook of neck and his tongue pokes out to lick your collarbone only a few seconds after, tiny whimpers leaving your lips as he finally finds his balance and dips down, grinding between your legs a few times before he breaks down, his body falling into you without a warning.
“It was so perfect back then… you are so perfect, yet…”
There is no way any words can get into the man’s thick skull so instead of words you decide to speak with your body; it’s a little bit hard to breathe with his whole weight on you but that’s the least of your concern as you pull Izuku up by his chin and kiss him with so much fervor it takes him several seconds before he can even react.
After not being able to kiss him for so long you can’t help but devour the shaking man on top of you, your hips arching from the bed to be as close to him as humanly possible, all the love, all the adoration, all the lust loud and clear as you kiss him deeply, tongue massaging his own while Izuku whines frustratedly, probably from the fact that he can’t touch you and keep himself up at the same time. You try to soothe his troubled soul by caressing his side and his back with your one free hand, wandering around the areas where Izuku isn’t bandaged up.
It goes on for several minutes until both of you need a breather; Izuku looks at you with deep, dark eyes, the bags even darker under it, panting and tired but after 7 days of acting like a shadow of himself, finally, there is a glint of emotion on his eyes, an emotion other than sadness, a little half-happy shine that makes your heart leap out of your chest as you stare into them with the same intensity. There are no words strong enough to describe what you are feeling right now and by the look of it, Izuku feels the same; without a word, he slowly rolls off you, ending up on your side of the bed as he let’s out a big sigh and pulls you closer, his face hidden in his favorite spot. He takes a deep breath and lets himself relax for the first time this week, mumbling “I love you” as the sleep takes him almost right away.
“I love you too, Izu-Izu.” You mumble into his hair, your fingers buried into his messy curls as you follow him to the land of dreams.
It’s 10AM and Izuku is still fast asleep next to you. For the first time this week, your tears are happy tears. You decide to let him sleep in for longer, clearly, he needs it; there’s a week worth of insomnia he have to sleep off, a week worth of tears, a week worth of stress. You leave a kiss on Izuku’s curls, making the man scrunch his brows adorably then you leave the warmth of the bed to make some breakfast.
You decide on omurice. It’s filling and tasty and you can also make cute little All Might drawings on the top of the rice which will for sure make Izuku’s day a tiny bit brighter!
The clock hits 12 when you hear rustling from your bed so you start to make some eggs to finish the dish. Izuku opens the door but instead of coming to the kitchen he disappears in his room. You can’t help but sigh.
Are we doing this again? You were 100% sure this is over. Maybe you were too naive.
“Izu?” You try to knock on his door but there is no answer; hell, there isn’t even a movement in the room, no signs of a person being inside which makes you so worried you break your own promise to not bother your boyfriend until he’s ready to talk.
When you open the door, the room is empty.
Don’t freak out. - You tell yourself as you look around the surprisingly messy room just to find an opened notebook on Izuku’s desk.
Diary chapter 243
I want to see you. I really do. But my mind is a mess and I can’t stop hating myself for being so reckless when I promised you I’ll come back to you unharmed. I can’t help but hate myself for trying to make everything perfect, despite the fact that deep inside, I know that whatever I do, if you are a part of it it can’t be anything but that.
I hate myself because I promised you I’ll take care of myself but I still don’t. My eyes hurt, I’m tired and I can’t feel my fingers but I can’t help but move those books around, ruin the order until it makes sense again, open the door to another world and loose myself in the tiny details as I’m trying to decipher words and sentences I’m not supposed to read nor understand right now, in my weak state. I’m nothing but a shell but I still can’t give up, I can’t stop helping, even if my actions do nothing good to my body and they make everyone around me mad. It’s extremely selfish, really.
The world won’t crumble if I rest, but my own world will if I loose you.
Maybe… it’s time for me to let my friends take over. Maybe, I do deserve a bit of rest.
Maybe, after a few weeks of atonement, I’ll feel like I deserve you too.
I’ll keep my books in order from tomorrow. I promise.
“Move the books around? Keep them in order? What?” You mumble to yourself as you make your way to Midoriya’s bookshelf to take a peek.
“Y-you can sleep in my room, Sweet Pea. You… can. Just don’t touch the bookshelf in the middle. Please. I beg you.” You remember Izuku’s words from a few months ago; needless to say, you make your way towards the forbidden shelf, because at this point, you can’t give a single flying fuck. Izuku will understand.
Izuku’s collection of All Might books are uncomfortably out of order. It starts with the third volume, then it’s just a mess of random numbers. You have a slight urge to clean that up but you take a deep breath instead and start to think. There must be some kind of logic behind it. There is a reason why Izuku left his diary open today, there is a reason why it was so obviously left on the desk. When Izuku wants to keep secrets, he’s more than capable to take them with him to the grave. It took him months to tell you the truth about his quirk and he still managed to keep All Might’s secret safe until the man himself decided to tell you the rest of the story.
He wants you to find him. This is the last challenge.
You stare at the numbers for several minutes, trying to make a connection, to find some logic behind it but honestly, it just looks like a mess.
Maybe… it’s not the whole shelf you need to make sense of.
There are 7 volumes next to each other in the middle, if you look at the numbers, they make out All Might’s birthday.
That’s it.
That’s the key to whatever Izuku wants you to find.
When you push the first book in, something clicks, so you decide to push them all in, in order. Suddenly, the whole shelf moves backwards and disappears behind the one next to it.
Your heart leaps out of your chest as you take a look inside.
There is a staircase running down to a creepy, barely lit hallway. You take a deep breath and make your way down just to find a single All Might themed note on the floor.
“Don’t freak out.”
Just as you read the note the “door” behind you closes itself and you can hear the books moving back to their original place with 7 little clicks.
Oh, boy.
Another deep breath. You can do this. You just need to find… a door? A fucking chamber? A pot of gold? Is it guarded by a basilisk? Do you need to play chess with your own life on the line? Wait, that’s two different movies.
Thankfully, there are no booby traps around here so you just keep walking, straight for a while then turn right then left then up the stairs again then there is a small door in front of you with a little panel, probably an electric lock next to it that opens with a set of numbers. There is another post it.
“Another date of birth, I know, it’s silly. Hint: The person I love the most.”
Well, shit. You have no idea when Izuku’s mother was born. You’ll die in this hallway. You try Katsuki’s; it doesn’t work. Fuck. It’s definitely not All Might’s because he already used that. As a last resort, you try yours; and for your surprise, the door clicks and opens by itself.
“You found me.” Izuku looks at you with teary eyes, fumbling with a bunch of paper he has thrown around the desk in the side of the room.
This room… is absolutely mental.
Think about that meme with the conspiracy theory guy but ten times worse.
“Holy mother of shit, Izuku, what the actual fuck is this room?!”
Izuku gives you an adorable giggle at that. You have a really strong urge to call the mental hospital on him or on yourself for enjoying this.
“If you tell anyone… I’ll need to kill you.” Izuku mutters with a blush on his face. “And I really don’t want to kill you so please don’t tell anyone. Actually, I wouldn’t kill you, I wouldn’t be able to kill another human being even if I tried and I can definitely not hurt you as you are important to me and you also take care of my place.. so…”
You can’t help but laugh. He’s so fucking adorable, goddamnit!
“Work on your threatening method a bit in the future will ya?”
Izuku gives you the fondest look you’ve ever seen on his face. Oh how much you love this man, it’s actually ridiculous.
“I really should.”
…Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- haha funny story so i completely forgot that Izuku is supposed to have an office And the secret room is supposed to open from there and not his room but I already had hints in the story about it being around Izuku’s room so I had to… well… improvise. 😂
- Izuku was able to stop using the wheel chair in three days so he was able to get down on the stairs without a problem, in case you wondered. He’s been writing his diary in the fist three days then he went into his secret room to continue with his conspiracy theories. There will be more info about this room and about his work in the next chapter.
TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @happydragonfrog @eeerreehhh @vinivave
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puffyducks · 3 months
DCRC Week #6
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It's time to read PKNA #3: Day of the Cold Sun! Yippee woohoo yahoo this is a good one!!! Also the last one that got printed in English :(
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Genuinely what the fuck is he wearing here. How to look inconspicuous step 1: dress in bright neon green. Step 2: wear some kind of weird top hat jester combo??? A top hat with little dangly bells on it??? Like yeah Raider SHOULD be arrested just for putting this fit together. I don't know who your tailor is but I suggest you sue.
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Camera 9 finally gets the recognition he deserves, he's been carrying this entire series as far as I'm concerned. Way to go little dude!
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I love angry fucked up robo strength Lyla, defend him he's done nothing wrong!!! EVEN THO YOU WIPED HIS FUCKING FOOTAGE-
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Did he just pull up at her apartment window 😭 He knows where she lives????
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clucklehead.... I'm really gonna miss these goofy ass insults from the official translation
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cop moment 💀💀💀
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Raider I'm literally begging you to ditch Fangus in the neolithic period, you'd be doing us all a huge favor
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oh. that's PROBABLY not good- Also somebody please buy Donald some brown contacts I'm literally begging
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2017? I thought it was the 90s... actually you know what ELSE takes place in 2017? Have you heard of Disney's Duckta-
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Fuck... she saw through our master plan of stuffing Donald in a duffel bag and putting on a Spirit Halloween mask
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I have no idea who this reporter is but she ate and left no crumbs. kinda gagged tbh
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The way Camera 9 is just watching from the corner 😭
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I think this chapter is excellent, my only complaint is that it has quite a few twists and turns and can be kinda confusing on first read. I had a GREAT time reading through it again though, it's an incredibly interesting story. I do feel bad for Lyla about being kept in the dark by the time police, who were gonna fucking SCRAP HER which is just mean. Also shoutout to the Raider for going to time jail AGAIN, I'm sure he'll definitely stay locked up this time guys! He's not going anywhere I promise!!!
This is also my open letter to IDW to please please continue printing these comics in English. The people weren't ready in 2016 but they're ready now, I swear. I'll buy 10,000 copies if I have to. We can start a campaign you guys, I believe in the power of me and the like 20 other American PK fans on here. WE HAVE TO AT LEAST GET THEM TO PRINT THE NEXT ISSUE MAN IT'S LITERALLY ONE OF MY FAVORITES-
Anyways, see you guys next week when we read Earthquake which I'll be super normal about. Buhbye!
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vai3-writes · 1 month
matchup exchange:)
• fandom: jjk
• you can call me blair
• i'm a gemini, intp!
• i'd like for my match to be a guy
• ideal first date: i have absolutely no idea! i'm willing to go with anything as long as it's not too crazy lol if i were the one to offer a date, i'd probably just offer a walk + visiting some caffe. i'd definitely bring a lil present for my date as well
• personality: i'm definitely very loyal and friendly. i'm that funny person in the friend group (i swear i'm not the only one who thinks so 😭), my social battery dies pretty quickly though. it takes me veryyy long to fall for someone and i prefer to take things slow ykyk. i'm that type of person who texts first, and i love to send memes and cat reels lol. i make jokes all the time, sometimes they're a bit dark tho. i'm usually quite sarcastic. it's very easy to make me cry, and i usually forgive people way too fast after they hurt me. i'm very emotional in general. i'm a professional yapper, but i'm also a good listener, and i love to memorize little details about someone and surpise them later with it, for example when someone mentions they like something, the very next day i'll buy them that thing. i'm probably a bit too jealous. i can't stay in one place for too long, i get bored fast. i'm only really serious when i'm upset, or when the situation requires it. i find it quite hard to go out of my comfort zone at times, but i'm working on it. i love to tease people, and i love when they tease me back. i'm an overthinker and i often doubt myself. i have a habit of washing my hands like a thousand times a day, i also have to check a few times if i still have my phone in my bag, or if i locked the door 😪 i'm also very good with managing money lol
• love language: words of affirmation & acts of service (receiving); acts of service & gift giving (giving)
• likes: animals (i have two cats and a dog), books, food that's especially sweet, deep conversations, plushies, jokes that barely anyone finds funny, sleeping, coffee
• dislikes: parties, dirty things/places, bugs, crowded places, summer and hot temperatures in general, horror movies, loud noises (and people), snakes, darkness, heights, people who don't respect boundaries
• hobbies: i spend most of my day listening to music, and i mostly listen to rock. i love reading books, my favourite genre is fantasy! 90% of my books are fantasy, the rest of them being agatha christie's works. i like baking and i'd say i'm pretty good at it, but at the same time i'm a terrible cook 💀 i'll bake a perfect cake, but i can't even cook pasta properly
• perfect partner: probably just someone who will make me feel wanted and heard, i also like people who are caring and protective, i don't mind being with someone who has completely different interests than me, as long as they accept what i like, and I'll obviously do the same. love people who will tease me back and who i can joke around with
• appearance: i'm tall (abt 175cm), i have dark hair which i tend to dye a lot tho. i often cut them too. i have green eyes and round face, i look younger than i am. i have 6 piercings (all in ears tho:<) and one tattoo for now but i definitely want more. i mostly wear dark clothes
i hope it's okay, take your time!! thank you for doing an exchange with me!:*
Heyyy !! Your matchup is complete @isadollie!<3
barely proofread and awful punctuation, I apologize for any mistakes.
word count - 1k
possible tw - overthinking(?)
And it's...
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Okkotsu Yūta !!
Firstly, your astrological compatibility sticks out to me a lot. As a Gemini & Pisces duo, you are one of the most flexible and compatible signs, which equates you two to be a very harmonic pair!
You are the antithesis of the 'opposites attract' trope.
You're fiercely loyal and attentive to your friends, remembering even small details, and both of you are talkers and listeners simultaneously. I imagine Yuta to be someone who rambles to his close friends but also just listens a lot, you being the same shows the balance between the two of you.
It wouldn't take Yuta too long to get close to you, as he would sense your loyalty and your jokes would warm him up even faster. I can imagine you sticking together during any social gatherings you're attending. Things would go slower between you, flowing more naturally. You'd stay friends for quite a while, as I imagine Yuta still being a bit unsure after Rika. After a while, you'd most likely start growing even closer, and teasing from Panda would increase.
"I fell first, but he fell harder" - Is something that applies to Yuta, he's gentle by nature, but extremely protective of his friends (JJK 0 movie, Geto scene.), He would realize that he cares for you more than a friend after someone hurts you, and you forgive them extremely quickly. After berating you with questions about who it was, he gives said person a little talk, if you catch my drift.
Yuta absolutely cherishes every little thing you ever got him, even if he feels a little guilty about you spending money on him. Gets you little things in return, if you admire something a little too long when you go out, he buys it for you. Ultimately Yuta falls back to his main love languages - acts of service, and quality time. He doesn't enjoy fancy restaurants. He would go if you asked him to, but ultimately, for your first date, he invites you to a café that you were talking about recently.
He loves it, when you text him first, it reassures him that your relationship isn't one-sided, and he reacts to every. single. cat video. you send him, religiously.
Yuta would adore your animals, they love him too, and constantly brings them treats when he comes over. I believe Yuta prefers salty or umami-flavored food over sweet treats. Therefore, whenever he receives any complimentary biscuits or sweets, he tucks them into his pocket and offers them to you the next time he sees you. Hunts down new cafes and boba shops to explore, and learns your boba and coffee orders by heart.
He'll also buy you plushies, heard Maki talk about jelly cats once, and gets you two cats, one grey and one black.
I imagine you having pretty similar dislikes, Yuta dislikes parties, they stress him out and he hates strangers getting into his personal space, Yuta is very attentive and makes sure to learn your dislikes and avoid them as much as possible, he doesn't like seeing anyone close too him uncomfortable or uneasy.
I don't imagine Yuta as a huge fantasy reader, or bookworm in general. He likes hearing you rant about your favorite books tho, and loves it when you sit him down and re-tell the story. Yuta feels very content and happy in tranquil moments like that.
I can't see Yuta as a top-tier cook, but he can definitely cook a few simple dishes. He might tease you about your cooking skills a bit, gobbles down any of your baking tho, and finds them extra tasty since the love of his life made them.
Yuta meets your preferences and requirements too. There's no need to elaborate further on most parts, but one thing I can add is that he may initially be a bit startled by your jokes. He might be unsure how to respond at first, but as time goes on, he warms up to the banter and starts initiating it himself. Yuta is a very respectful and considerate man, he would put you in front of himself and do most to protect you.
Yuta couldn't care less about looks, but he's kind of fascinated by your piercings and likes pretty much everything you do to your hair.
An issue you could run into would be your partnered overthinking. I can imagine Yuta being unsure of everything he's doing sometimes, but being too scared to speak out and talk about it, ending up distancing himself from you, which in turn could make you overthink. Which can start a spiral until one of you decides to actively seek out the other and talk about said problem. You both learn that you need more reassurance from one another that day.
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Going to taste test a brand-new soufflé pancake cafe! Him taking cute candid photos of you and the food, "Maybe you'd like to post them". Doesn't let you pay when you go out either, "You spoil me with your gifts, love"
"You do realize that you can't survive on cup noodles right?", he asks you walking into your room. "I'm making you some fresh food.". 25 minutes later you've got some steaming hot katsudon in front of you.
"Love, do you need any help with the back? I don't think you're getting everything" Yuta says, as he walks into the bathroom to you dyeing your hair. "Yes, pleasee, I don't want it to end up patchy." - "Alright, give me your brush/gloves please. *color* this time? It suits you."
"Yuta! Where are you?", you've been searching for Yuta for the last 5 minutes. That is until you hear purring from your bedroom. As you walk in you see Yuta laying on the edge of the bed, two cats sitting on top of him, and a dog right by his side.
"I think they like me" - he says, with a lazy smile on his face.
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divider by @muruffin<3
Hope you enjoy it, and I apologize for any mistakes. Honestly, I first considered matching you with Geto but I think Yuta fits more
Idk how many kg of watermelon I have consumed in the past 6 weeks - frankly I don't want to know
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grigori77 · 6 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 90
Nord VPN again ... so what this -- ah, I see ... Sam, you chaos gremlin ... yes, that's right, Samuel, you can't mess with these people ... Marisha: "I don't trust you, you piece of shit." Nor should you ...
Laura pronouncing EU as "ew" and Liam not quite getting it ... XD
Oh, so does this mean they really ARE splitting up for this part? Oof ... you know you're not supposed to DO THAT ...
Roll for which group goes first? Hmmm ... the bombers first, then ... okay ...
Ira you creepy fucker I swear I don't trust you as far as I can throw you ...
So ... it's a familiar familiarity then, Matthew?
Ashley sleight of hand Nat20? Awww ... and apparently she may just have given that old beggar a small fortune round here ...
The objective of the plan ... hmmm ... meanwhile it seems FCG may be grating on Ira's nerve some ...
Barking? Really? Probably not good ...
Perception check time ... hmmmm ... fancy insect skull ... viculch? Okay ... these things are MASSIVE ...
Oh crap ... Gloamglut? The fay dragon? Not a good sign ... Fearne's dad's close, clearly ...
Over to the other group? Okay ...
Sprawlgrotto? That is impossibly difficult to say, clearly ...
What to roll? Crap ...
Invisible shenanigans ... yup ...
Wow ... Marisha rolled SO SHIT for having advantage ... thank the gods for those Nat20s ...
Lots of myceit ... harvesting fungi? That's not, like, weirdly existentially odd for them?
Seriously, was Matt reading too much Dungeon Meshi when he came up with this stretch of the campaign?
Scry ball is pretty close now ... but still not EXACTLY where they're going ... O.O
Music? Interesting ... whoa! Street busking! Cool! A didgeridoo? Awesome ...
No way to know if they're under any casual observation ...
Awwwwww ... the twinsies continue to be so cute together ... :3
Con save for Chetney's flatulence ...
Okay, so ... are they close to their destination or what?
That is one HEAVILY GUARDED entrance ... any other ways in?
Awwww ... flirty witch girlfriend shenanigans ... I love them ... :3
Wow ... Matt's sexy pre campaign days on a t-shirt ... well done, Sam ... LOL
Already halfway though their invisibility? Not good ...
Whoa ... are they in the mad god's brain? Is this like Knowhere? Laura, your brain worries me sometimes ...
Ashley, what are you doing with that hood? :3
"Passing miners"? Congrats on dodging the Galaxy Quest ref there guys ...
So they're on high alert, then ... hmmmm ...
Uh-oh ... incoming ... and they're zeroing in on Ira ... great ...
"A dark armoured figure"? Crap ... shit! Zathuda? Balls ...
Weird ass Predator looking Hulk mofo ...
Sunder Lord? Interesting ... wait, so this might be the Sunder KING? Okay ... so this is Cruth, then ... the Reiloran big bad himself ...
Bollocks ... have then been sniffed out?
Everybody knows you don't give dogs chocolate! Even freaky alien ones!
Speak With Animals? Hmmmm ...
Oh for the love of the gods Sam, not again ... ewww ... and it's WET?!!! Come on Riegel!
Fearne is clearly DETERMINED for this thing to just be a GOOD BOY isn't she? I really DON'T think this is gonna work, Fearne!
I don't think that griffon meat's gonna work out, Ashton. It's WAY too old ...
Speak With Animals AND Command on the thing? Good luck with that, Letters ... or Fast Friends? Hmmm ... wow ... hope this is a good choice ... yeah, he Commands it to "GIT!!!!" And it works? Blimey ...
Wow, that was bloody close ... phew ...
HOLY FUCK did Ira just pull a Jedi mind trick on that guy? O.O
Flip flop, back and forth ... here we go ...
Cupped? Hmmm ... is that an "underboob" joke, perchance?
Yeah, I mean ... SURELY the rope itself would be invisible too since it was covered by the same spell ...
Spiderclimb PLUS Invisibility ... okay, here we go, then ...
Not NOTHER shite roll? Two 2s? Balls ... Marisha, WHY?!!!
Wow ... this has gone all kinds of Abbott & Costello ... oh thank the gods FINALLY a good roll ...
This plan keeps getting more and more convoluted and I love it ... LOL ...the stink of desperation is STRONG now ...
"Matt: "You're Batman-ing this! Like Adam West!" XD
I cannot believe that actually worked ... or did it? O.O
Oh yeah, OF COURSE they got spotted. That WAS a massive fuckup ...
Phew ... that was like SCARY close ... and NOW he checks for traps? Oof ... at least they're in ... so what now?
Aha! So Chetney could follow her scent? Cool ... oh WHAT?!!! A Cytaa? Is that HER Cytaa? Okay then ... Gona? Cute ... So yeah, this could work, then ...
Awww ... yeah, let her hide in Laudna's birdhous backpack! Yeah! Oh yeah ... yeah, better on their shoulders, rather than in there with Pate ... O.O
Time running out for Orym's Invisibility ... great ...
Back to the bombers, again ...
A new wall ... a "BLAST WALL?" Oh, that can't be good ...
Oh, so this is going to be a PROBLEM for them going forward?
Passwall? With the Staff? Would that actually WORK?
This shit is FIFTEEN FEET THICK?!!! Bloody hell ...
Oh, an Illusory spell? Yeah, that's best ... nice one, Ira. And now he's making will-o-the-wisp lights too ... FCG: "I don't know why I bother."
Some kind of seriously ugly drilling machine ... that thing is just NASTY ... 3 Reilorans and a Hulk? Hmmmm ... potentially risky ... is this gonna be a problem?
Oh, so THIS is gonna be the bombsite? Hmmmm ... good point, though ... they definitely need to deal with these guys too ... ah, so we're DEFINITELY doing this then ...
SIX big bombs ... of course ... why am I not surprised?
Time to fight, then ... AND THAT'S when we take a break? Of course it is ...
And we're back ... with the OTHERS again ... yeah, not really surprised ...
Chetney wolfs out in the dumbest possible way and I love it ... XD ... and somebody's coming ... great timing ...
"Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinstoooonnnn ..." Yup ... way to creep Matt out, Travis ... XD
Now Matt's doing secret sneaky DM stuff ... O.O ... oh dear ...
Balls ... GUARDS ... and they're like TOTALLY blocking the way ... how to get through? Wait ... Chetney's going to use his TOYS to do this? How?
Wow ... the Master Toymaker did BEAUTIFULLY there ... way to go, Chet! And now they're through ... sweet!
Grim Psychometry ... ON THE CRYSTAL?!!! Really, Chet? This sounds like SUCH bad idea ...
Aha, so they're like ... Reiloran SCIENTISTS, then? Hmmm ...
Ah, so THIS is the Bay? OKay then ...
Organs? BABY organs? Eep ... O.O ... in general this is all REALLY CREEPY ...
Oh dear gods what the fuck is THAT THING?
Hunter's Bane? Yeah, do it, Chet ... no hits ... phew ...
A fucking JUDICATOR is being autopsied? Holy fuck ...
Ah ... so that's who they're looking for ... and she's IN THE VAT!!! Great ... still alive, but ... yeah, this is clearly pretty bad ...
And we're back in the dig ... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
CHARM!!! Yup ... and it WORKS!!! OKay ... oh, not on IRA though ... jump in front of him? Fearne, honey ... wow, I can't believe that worked ...
Okay, thats ONE down without a fight ...
Wow ... Ashton is, like, REALLY bad at Deception ... O.O
Wow ... Ira just set the timer while THIS SHIT'S going on ... oh fuck ... this is all going south SO FAST ...
Three minutes = one minute of game play ... oh boy ... rush it, guys!
Oh, so Ira is going to ABANDON ASHTON? Wow .., oh, no, THAT'S more like it ... the Juggernaut is now a SNAIL ... nice ...
And now they're running ... and having a jolly little convo while they're at it ...
BOOM ...
Dimension Door to the surface just as the bombs go off? Phew ... and now eveything is just CHAOS ... Fearne is FALLING!!! Shit! Oh, NICE SAVE, Ira! And now they're just BOOKING IT!!!
Fuck, this is gone all kinds of fucked ... wait, he wants to UNROLL THE HOLE, put Letters in it, roll it up again with him in it, and then RUN AWAY with it? That is one hell of a Hail Mary ... roll for Dexterity, then ... so that just HALVES THE DAMAGE ... oof ... and now he has to do a STRENGTH CHECK to see if he can HOLD ONTO THE HOLE?!!! Oh my fucking gods ... if this tanks they lose the Hole forever ... 16? Wow ...
That's a lot of dice for damage ... that is NEVER a good sign ... even half of THIS is gonna hurt ... and now he's SMILING ... 158 points of Force Damage? Holy shit ... even halved, that's stil 79 points each ... ouch ...
But at least they still have the Hole ...
And now 25 points of BLUDGEONING damage each ... oh boy ... is it over, at leaat?
Oh bollocks ... that FUCKING DRAGON again ...
Oh for fuck's sake ... flip flop AGAIN?
And the blast shakes the whole place EVEN HERE ... more chaos ... and the vat is CRACKED! Okay ... Orym goes for it, meanwhile Chetney just shouts out for an evacuation ... so that leaves just the Mystic AND the Shrike ... hmmm ...
Battlemap? Aha ... cue Wizzkids plug ...
Unsettling Presence? Cool ...
Invisibility definitely really helps with Stealth checks ...
Getting ready for a scrap ... and a timed attack ... okay, then ...
A SIXTH LEVEL Psychic Lance? Bloody hell, Imogen ... and now the Mystic is Incapacitated ... nice ... 29 points of SPsychi damage!
Orym Hexes the Mystic and goes for an attack ... it hits! Oh yeah, he is gonna FUCK THIS GUY UP ... 18 points! Action Surge! Yeah ... oh yeah, he just MURDERS that guy ... holy fuck ... and now he's going for the Shrike instead ... holy shit, tiny Battle Master is a BADASS ...
Laudna Banes the Shrike, then Chetney casts Blood Curse of Binding on it ... oh, the new Scythe! Sweet ... and it hits! 19 for the first hit, 17 damage for the second! Wow ...
And NOW it's time to roll Inititative ...
Nuts ... the Shrike's up first ... and it smashes the glass tank with the ... THING in it ...
Some kind of giant BUG ... OH MY FUCKING GODS what the hell IS THAT THING?!!!
Laura asks them to hold for a moment ... cue several folk singing Girl From Ipanema ... XD ... oh, sounds like a Hail Mary ... Synaptic Static? Whoa ... so that's both the Shrike AND that bug beast ... 25 points of Psychic damage each ... and it fucks 'em up for fighting, too ... PINK LIGHTNING? Awww ... that's cute! :3
Chetney casts Blood Curse of Bloated Agony on the beasty, then attacks with his Scythe ... and CRITS!!! Nice ... Double damage means 25 on each of the two hits! Yeah ... and then his scythe SHATTERS right away? Fuck ... unbelievable ... he just GOT THAT!!!
Orym jumps on the still prone Shrike and attacks again ... 10 damage, then 15 on the second, 13 on the third ... and he gets the HDYWTDT! Yeah ... ANOTHER murder!
Laudna skitters across the ceiling over it and casts Blight on the vidulch ... 8D8 of Necrotic damage? Nice ... 25 altogether? Pretty sweet ... then she Quickens and hits it with an Eldritch Blast ... first misses, but the next two hit! Yeah ...
The beasty's turn and it's GETTING UP ... oh this is UGLY ... but it's also HURT ... okay ... IT CAN MULTI-ATTACK?!!! I'm sorry? Oh yeah, this thing is just unleashing a big can of whoopass on EVERYBODY, innit? Wait, AND it has Corroding Spit? Seriously? Come ON Matthew! But apparently because it wasn't "done", it is also falling apart with each turn ...
Imogen blasts a Lightning Bolt right through it ... at 4TH LEVEL?!!! Wow ... 23 points of damage! Just send those dice to dice jail, Laura! She Quickens, then casts Shocking Grasp on it ... 21 more points! Yeah ...
CHetney RIPS HIS OWN EARS OFF to reveal flames as he casts Crimson Rite! Okay ... 26 points of damage, plus another 16 from the Rite ... HDYWTDT!!! Yes! He just tears the vidulch CLEAN OPEN and it just spills itself out all over him ... charming ... oh for the love of ... DON'T EAT THAT, Chet!
They break the vat open and release their intended rescuee ... yeah, get to healing, guys! So Evoroa is free, and awake, but definitely still HURT ...
Oh yeah, grab the Aeorian tech thingy, yeah ... into the Bag of Holding with it! And some fetus bottles for Laudna ... lovely ...
Oh wow ... so they just put the white hot masks DIRECTLY onto the Judicators' faces, huh? Charming ...
Checking in with the others ... back at the bomb site, then ...
Oh yeah, I would say that blast was a RESOUNDING success ... meanwhile Letters and Ashton are just DEAFENED right now ... great ... Fearn tries to getto them both now ...
Oh thank fuck they're back together again ...
Fuck ... the Red Glow? Not good ... and here comes the SCREAM!!! Fuck ... whatever that was it wasn't GOOD ...
Yeah, better beat a hasty retreat ...
Another explosion ... a PINK explosion? Great ... oh yeah, that was DEFINITELY LIliana ... and she's STILL ALIVE ...
Backtracking out through the builsing in a hurry ... thank fuck for Invisibility ... yeah, they BARELY make it out ...
Crap ... soldiers, just EVERYWHERE ... try another route, then ... yes, UP not down ... good thing for all the chaos, clearly ...
Boot the door! Yeah, here we go ... young half-elf? Hmmm ... just keep going! Yeah, balcony! Go! Oh ... well THAT'S a long way down ...
So apparently the scream was Liliana ... oof ...
Phew ... they manage to make their escape into the city ...
Liliana (psychically): "Did she KNOW?!!!" Matt: "And THAT'S where we're gonna call it a night!" Cue CHAOS from the party ...
Fuck ... another exhausting session ...
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choccyhearts · 2 years
Eddie Munson Headcanons
Note: A stream of unconscious thoughts and ideas lol
CW: Swearing (cause i feel VERY pASSIONATELY), pretty much all fluffy and nice because I enjoy happy/nerdy/goofy Eddie, mentions of being high (ofc)
Most definitely has a special stuffed animal he's hidden away, most likely a tiger or polar bear that's been crushed and flattened to all hell. It's so hidden in fact, that Eddie actually forgets where it is. (But Wayne always knows)
Mans loves playing characters at the silliest of times
Like, if his partner wears curlers to bed, he's going to suddenly start acting like a 50's suburban husband (but not in a toxic way!!)
"Work today was brutal, darling! Thompson was kissing up to the boss and trying to butter him up for the new promotion! I'll show him where he can kiss it! And on my way home, I passed these-these teenagers! They were listenin' to some of that rock n' roll racket! Hollywood and it's James Whoevers and Pelvis Elvis, it's all noise!"
He'll rub his eyes and give a big yawn, turning off the lights and doing the dad stumble to bed
Not a lover of Christmas, but if his partner celebrates it and enjoys it, he'll try to find some Christmas spirit
Like, despite the younger ones being in literal high school and having fought horrifying hellish monsters together, he'll force them all to gather near him with their hot cocoas and candy canes as he reads The Night Before Christmas
Yes, of fucking course he's going to do the different voices. His Santa gets better each and every year
You can also guarantee that despite nearing 30 when it comes out, he will go and see The Nightmare Before Christmas when it comes out in the 90s and will enjoy it very much so
He gives me the vibe that even if it's not verbally, if he's feeling down and goes out for a walk, he is greeting every squirrel he sees. I do not give a fuck if you disagree, he's most certainly not a hater of animals. He's a "Hello, squirrel" motherfucker
Honestly, I could see him doing that more if his partner 1. Finds it adorable or 2. Does it themselves
When he's older, especially a dad, he's a silly hat enjoyer. Like, c'mon. Santa hats? Duh. Hats that say crap like "Foxy grandpa"? Yes. It's Thanksgiving dinner and he comes out sporting a turkey hat, type of silly
He says it's ironic, and it might start out that way, but he would definitely love it if he receives silly hats as gifts
Like when he gets to be Wayne's age, he's kicking back with a beer wearing a "Fish fear me, Women want me" hat
He has a special notebook that's filled with little special scraps of paper. It's brown and leather and has straps that wrap around it. He hides it inside of his mattress (cause he unhinged like that)
It has concert tickets, tickets for movies he really liked, notes he's been passed that he thinks are funny or are meaningful, doodles his friends have done, either for him or around him, candy or gum wrappers that he thinks look cool or might never eat again if they're from out of the state or country. There's also folded up posters for Corroded Coffin and zines him and the band made to promote their shows
It looks like a little trash booklet, but it's his trash booklet
When the first gets too full he gets a new one
This one has torn out scraps of catalogs, magazines or newspapers because they're what he used to teach his children different words. Baby formula labels, clothing tags, crayon scribbled napkins
It's just filled with mementos from his true grown adult life
The day he decides to let go of his glorious long hair his friends will all be in mourning. They love him with his new hairstyle, but God, does it sting -- it also signifies, yes, the 80's are dead
But don't worry, he did dress as Frankenfurter for a Halloween gig Corroded Coffin did much to chagrin of the other members before he did the big chop
He did not, however, wear heels or a corset (in public that is </3)
Rockstar!Eddie likes trying to take pictures with the guys in front of either iconic monuments or state/city signs while on tour
It's cute the first couple times, especially when they travel across the world, but it soon turns to:
"Eddie, we have stopped in front of this Idaho sign 5 times already, nobody gives a shiiit", Gareth whines, sleepily rubbing his eyes
"Aw, come on guys, it's tradition!!"
"Get the fuck back on the bus, it's 4 AM", Jeff yawns
Eddie gets them to come around by agreeing to skip seeing the world's biggest yarn ball
Went to the younger ones' graduation and held up the largest, most obnoxious video camera ever (Steve only begrudgingly let him film because Eddie made a point saying Steve should just sit and enjoy this one event)
He screamed at the top of his lungs for each of them resulting in Steve only half-enjoying the event
He has to spin in spiny chairs at least once or he will combust
Keeps ready-to-bake cookie dough in his fridge for smoke seshes
Once made and ate an inside-out peanut butter and jelly sandwhich when he got toooo high and didn't realize what was wrong until he was done and his hands were sticky
Lovingly calls Wayne, "Old man" -- "Whatchu talkin' bout old man?"
Used to carve creepy messages into trees to fuck with people but stopped when someone told him it hurts the tree's feelings
Would love to learn how to cook or bake but doesn't know who to ask/is afraid to ask
Picks up shiny things he sees without even thinking about it
Says, "It's not even that cold" when it's single digit degrees
However would gladly accept a pair homemade of mittens made for him and would wear them every winter
I'll cap it here for now, I might make some more though ^_^ Also, lmk if anyone wants specific headcanons because I have a bunch of ideas like:
◇ Dad!Eddie (Rockstar or mechanic)
◇ 90s!Eddie
◇ Holiday stuff
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marciabrady · 2 years
Hi Marcia, first of all, Happy New Year! I hope this year will be great for you <3 I wanted to ask, have you ever seen the film "Ever After" starring Drew Barrymore? Is a retelling of the Cinderella fairytale but without magic and with a more "90s girl power" update and it's pretty popular nowadays with many considering the best adaptation of the Cinderella story. I admit I love the film, but only as a different take based on the fairytale, and while I really love Danielle and her story, part of me feels at uneasy that she's often hailed as the "right kind of Cinderella" because she's more enlightened and knew how to rescue herself in the climax by fighting the bad guy with a sword, given that we can't expect all abuse victims to fit in a "correct" mold, specially when you see the situation of Disney's 1950 Cinderella who didn't had the resources to leave, neither she was trained in self defense - if anything I find her situation a sad reflection of how domestic abuse works inside households in real life. Any thoughts on that film?
Thank you for wishing me a Happy New Year- I hope yours proves to be a superlative one, as well! I saw Ever After when I was twelve or thirteen and going through one of my Cinderella phases. I was writing for Lady Tremaine at the time, and I genuinely thought the writing on the Stepmother was pretty good. I still think certain lines that were written for her are incredible like "my mother forced me to wash my face twenty times a day. She convinced me it was never clean enough." However, Drew Barrymore, talented as she is, was never my Cinderella. I understand that many people laud her as being the most incredible one, but that's because of the patriarchal masculinity she displays. Drew Barrymore's Cinderella swordfights, throws punches, swears, hurls insults, and is generally violent and aggressive. Which is fine, if that's what you're into...but I don't think it's the character of Cinderella. I think it's the character of Belle, especially with her love of reading, within the Cinderella story structure and that's why so many people love her. So it really is discouraging to me that so many people are rallying behind her as the only correct adaption of Cinderella because...you can tell what they're doing with the character lol I'm less than enchanted with the direction. As I mentioned before with this strange conjunction of "feminist" critique and heteronormativity and the death of romance, Cinderella meeting her Prince by pummeling him with apples is...her getting whipped against the back for meeting him, her running away and crying at the ball because he rejected her. It just isn't for me. I think the film is a violent, gory one for no reason and it's disenchanting and it has good writing at times and it has merit I suppose, but it just really really isn't for me and it makes me uncomfortable with how it treats the subject matter.
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wack-ashimself · 1 year
Got to vent about the X-files. Would not read i a die hard fan...
It is overreacted. Sure maybe cuz I am watching it 20 years after the fact but….ugh.
I like it. It is like twilight zone in the 90s. But there is SO MUCH FUCKING WASTED TIME. HOURS over the years that add up to…waiting for them to do something.
No joke, I have gotten so used to their predictable (made for tv commercials) format, until the last ½ of the show, I can just have it playing in the background, listening, and I won’t miss anything important because the dialogue is almost the ONLY important aspect.
The special effects are cheap. ESPCIALLY the first couple seasons. The make up looked like it was done by high schoolers. You could see the glue, the bad fade between colors, etc. So watching for a monster scare usually ain’t fucking worth it.
And that’s ALL this show is: jump scares. I only keep watching cuz the plots/storylines are USUALLY solid. But to get there is 90%: looking at something, walking thru something, driving to something, slowly turning a corner at something, etc. It’s all hold your breath and either something scary or something that is NOTHING happen.
The acting is just one step (one TINY step) above a soap opera. I have no fucking idea how david D got and kept this job (kidding-he became a producer & writer. That’s how many of them keep this shit show going. Also found that’s why he left for so long-he wasn’t getting paid for also writing he claims). But after he leaves, it actually gets fucking worse! No joke, because of how bad everyone is after mulder leaves, not only are season 8 and 9 so far the worst things this show has EVER produced (so many plot holes and bad logics almost BREAK this series’ heart), but…I actually want him back? Ew. But the show was better when it was mulder and scully. Not fucking t2 bad guy & some mulder lady wanna be, with scully checking in for the paycheck.
I just have a rule when it comes to this shit. Most tv shows before digital were written explicitly to get 100 episodes (can’t get good rerun money till 100 is hit), keep people invested and watching (even if NOTHING is fucking happening) and always hit that 44:44 run time. So subtract anything that makes you go over and put in filler (ANY) to get to that time. Put in filler they did. I would say 1/5 of each episode is. And….hold your breath moment/traveling moments/investigating moments when ALL they are doing is looking around IS NOT WRITING, IS NOT INTERESTING, and is fucking lazy. HOW this show won awards is beyond me. Maybe cuz I watched it well after it aired but…this feels like the bare minimum of quality, not the max. I guess they didn’t have much competition in the 90s…
I will finish the series, and I don’t regret watching it. There are enough episodes with twists, turns, and I didn’t see that comings to make it worthwhile. The bare minimum I ask for is to be surprised, and this show usually turns that out. But…seasons 8 & 9 (ain’t looking forward to 10 & 11, tho I know mulder does come back) are what I would feel if someone was given all the past lore of the x-files, forced to use 2 new characters that…have no real depth, and said ‘make it as good as it was before.’ NO. You are giving me nothing to work with besides a budget; you ain’t giving me time or more writers. Ugh.
Twilight zone was way better tho. Their Special effects (for the time) were ASTOUNDING. And to this day (like x-files, I will admit) there are clear as day shows/movies totally stolen from these series. In the first….3-4 seasons of the x-files, swear to god there were at least….5 movies that I KNOW were heavily influenced if not outright stolen from the x-files. Nothing is original. Cuz a lot of these x-files were, go figured, based on the twilight zone. THAT is a series I need to watch in full. But I think they had even more episodes than x files….
Either way: X-files is solid sci fi, but with so much filler, and it going to shit after season 7, they honestly should have let it die…
I just want a sci fi/horror/thriller not to be majority hold your breath moments. They’re way too fucking easy, predictable (either something happens or nothing happens. Ain’t no fence on this one), and rarely add. I mean, seriously, how long are jump scares going to be scary? Especially when you see them coming…fuck it. Now I want to do the opposite: make a movie consisting ONLY of jump scares. But I heard that’s the conjuring so….
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the-unknown-void · 2 years
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I posted 266 times in 2022
That's 264 more posts than 2021!
81 posts created (30%)
185 posts reblogged (70%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 237 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#hdtf - 37 posts
#half-life - 35 posts
#adrian shephard - 32 posts
#hunt down the freeman - 31 posts
#mitchell shephard - 26 posts
#art - 23 posts
#half-life 2 - 22 posts
#alice shephard - 21 posts
#doodles - 21 posts
#sketches - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#we literally have morning doves that come by our balcony all the time and they look just as silly as any pigeon :>
My Top Posts in 2022:
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HLVRAI! These designs aren’t entirely original Basically @xenodogartz ‘s designs from here. But with my own style and form I make designs. Love the blorbos <3 I have more art dump comin be warned
13 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
Just something I want to shout
I swear to ARCEUS, does anyone else perfectly imagine Volo with Wheatley’s voice from Portal 2? Especially his evil laugh!
19 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
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See the full post
22 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
Also me: hehe Autism Shephard (It’s bad looking but does that really matter?)
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This guy has become my vessel for projection.. somehow, I find it funny that I chose the US Marine out of all the characters. But now I just.. I love em.
Oh yeah Obligatory Yippee
39 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My pokemon phase won’t end
I’ve thought of like, other things that could be shown in sort of the style Legends Arceus is? Showing the region’s past. So here’s a list of ideas! I know the first one’s a bit weird cuz 70-90′s isn’t “ancient” at all but.. I want it and it’d be showing the past so I’m still putting it here
Kanto in the 70's, 80's, or 90's, whenever Team Rocket was formed. Maybe more stuff on that unconfirmed war?
Ancient Johto, like.. the century the tower burned? Plus it could hook in with Legends Arceus with the canonical connections of Sinnoh and Johto with “Sinjoh”. Oh also that Dragon Tamer Clan, that could be important!
Alola's first settlement, it has the vibe of possibly being an isolated group of islands for a long time until finally some people found it so.. could be cool!
Galar the darkest day < this is just an epic title tbh
The age of war in Kalos before the ultimate weapon
The conflict between brothers in Unova, solve the mystery of what Zekrom, Reshiram and Kyruum originally were? :0
The birth of Hoenn, maybe something to do with the Draconid tribe. Tbh I didn’t play OR/AS but I read the OR/AS manga so I do not know a lot about them.
These are just little ideas I have, I’d like to talk about them :D
64 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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reallybadfeeling · 4 years
FanFic RecList March 2021
Remember how I wanted to forget February even existed? Yeah, March was worse! Kinda jinxed myself there...  SO, long story short: the ‘rona hit me hard. I dodged it an entire year, but at the start of the month I got sick and for about 20 days I was incapable of doing pretty much anything but stay in bed. You would think that was the perfect time for me to read and read and read… You would be wrong! Most days I couldn’t even manage to look at a screen for more than 5 minutes. SO, this month’s list is gonna be pretty short. Never read so little in a month in the last 2 years. ANYWAY, I’ll leave you to the good stuff I found.
Star Wars Sequel
-Stay in my shadow by MurderOfCrowss Rey/Ben Solo - 21.666 words - Rating E - Zombie Apocalypse!AU, Bittersweet ending, Angst (TW: mention to attempted rape, unplanned pregnancy, death) You guys! I was up till 3 am cause I couldn’t stop myself! I had to reach the ending and… THAT PLOT TWIST! I don’t know if it's just because I was very tired or because it’s a very well written plot twist, BUT IT HIT ME SO HARD I WAS SOBBING! Ben is such a good father... I’m still crying. I’M NOT SORRY!
Star Wars Prequel
-Nor the Suns Themselves Brighter by glimmerglanger Obi-Wan/Anakin - 26.546 words - Rating M - Alternate Universe, Mechanic Anakin, H/C, Family fluff/angst, Open ending (kinda) When I was reading this I kind of had the feeling that Anakin was written like Rey should have been written in the Sequel trilogy, and I think this is why I liked this story so much. Add to that Obi-Wan being Luke’s dad and Anakin basically adopting both of them… I’m a sucker for a found family happy ending, apparently.
-Digging Up Hatchets, Sharpening the Blades by zara2148 Obi-Wan/Maul - 3.039 words - Rating T - Inquisitor Obi-Wan, UST, angst (TW: mentions of suicidal thought, torture, dub/con) A short one, but it’s SO FUCKING GOOD! This is such good angst, and somehow it filled my craving for Sith!Obi-Wan but at the same time it didn’t? It’s hard to explain without spoiling it, but trust me! Worth reading it! For sure my fave fic of this month!
-Sith Obi-Wan AU (series) by Vault_Emblem Obi-Wan/Maul, Obi-Wan/Cody, Cody/Obi-Wan/Maul, mentions of Padmé/Anakin - 11.646 words (not complete) - Rating G/T - AU, Sith Obi-Wan, Inquisitor Maul, Dark Padmé (TW: some mentions of violence)
That’s a very long list of tags, but I wanted to put the relevant ones and… there’s a lot! BUT, this series is not only very well written, but made me ship Obi-Wan with even more people. I like the focus of the story changing between characters and the way the dialogues flow even when they basically explain what has changed from the original story.
-The Ineffable Force by Lintilla Obi-Wan/Maul, Padmé/Anakin (mentioned), Obi-Wan/others - 117.399 words - Rating E - Maul redemption, Nightsisters’ magick, Force dyad
Okay, I was very much into the ObiMaul mood for some reason and while the characters are sometimes OOC, I enjoyed reading it nonetheless. The last 2-3 chapters feel a bit rushed, but honestly the good parts are in the middle with the build up of both Maul and Obi-Wan’s relationship and everything else happening in their lives. Overall, it’s a fic worth reading.
The Witcher
-Choral tradition by LenaLawlipop Geralt/Jaskier - 12.300 words - Rating T - Getting together, Fluff, Singing
Sooo, singing again, huh? Do I have a thing for Geralt singing? Maybe? Whatever! The important thing is that this one shot is very good! I love how Jaskier is written, I love that we get to see Geralt interact with the other Witchers, and of course, the singing! I truly love this one.
-Take Another Little Pizza My Heart by Phreakycat Eddie/Buck - 6.491 words - Rating T - Valentine Day’s Fluff, Getting together One oblivious dork doesn’t realize he’s asking the other one out on a date. That’s it, that’s the story. What can I say, you guys; the show made me crave fluff with how things have been in the last couple of episodes
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kitthepurplepotato · 8 months
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Chapter 15 - The secret of Br0cc0liBoi.
Summary: Izuku has a secret tumblr. Quite expected, really. What’s not expected is the fact that Y/N “knows the guy.”
Warnings: Suggestive, Izuku mentions something really cheeky once, swear words and a lot of sexual tension but nothing too cheeky! Pinky promise!
First Chapter Master List
Everything is almost back to normal, except for the fact that your boyfriend is actually home now instead of being away 90% of the time.
You try not to mention how much you enjoy spending some quality time with him because while it’s indeed amazing to have him around so much, you would never take him away his beloved hero world.
He also looks quite restless, always trying to find something to do instead of resting but otherwise, he’s doing relatively well.
There is one thing that makes you a teeny tiny bit angry sometimes though…
He’s constantly on his phone. He’s scrolling Twitter, Instagram, even fucking Tik Tok for fucks sake. And… wait for it… Tumblr. Motherfucking pro hero Deku is on fucking Tumblr.
But that’s a problem for later. For now…
“Izu-Izu…” you sit into your boyfriend’s lap, begging for some attention.
“Hm? What’s up?” Izuku doesn’t even look up at you to see the pretty pouting face you are making. You are not having this shit. No. Nada.
You yank the phone out of his hands and throw it on the pillow. Izuku looks at you like you just did something suggestive which doesn’t make any sense but at least he’s looking at you now. “Hey, you know you can just tell me to put the phone down, right?” Izuku reprimands, but he can’t hide the tiny mischievous smile on his face. His arms snake around your middle, fingers sneaking under your shirt to stroke your sensitive skin and your whole body shudders. “Cheeky Sweet Pea. The cheekiest.” Izuku suddenly starts kissing your neck, slowly moving down to your collarbone and…
“Okay. I’m sorry. Stop torturing me before I do something extremely stupid.”
Izuku’s whole face reddens at that.
“Now you see why am I on my phone so much.” He admits. “This shirt is killing me. I can almost see through it, you know. You are the one torturing me for 3 days now.” Izuku’s hand crawls up on your side until they reach the underside of your boobs.
Okay. Let’s calm down. Let’s fucking calm down. He just got his cast taken off. You need a wait a few more days before uhm… this can escalate. Take a deep breath. You can do this.
“I’ll … change my … shirt.” You stutter as you try to get off Izuku’s lap but he doesn’t let you move. “Hey! Your arm! You can’t use it this much!” You reprimand but Izuku only giggles.
“My arm is fine. I just don’t want you to run away. I want to show you what I was reading. It was a really sweet fanfiction about me and the reader! This person really managed to get a good grip on my character. It’s quite freaky.”
“Oh? What was it about?” You sit down next to him and cuddle into his side. Izuku puts his arm around your shoulder right away.
“It was about me being an idiot and feeling bad about not being able to be with my girl so I decided to break up with her for her own sake but the girl loved me with all my flaws so it was really stupid of me to do so. We got together on New Years Eve and we promised to meet each other there every year so I went there the next year, hoping she’ll be there and there she was!”
“That’s so sweet, Izu!” You coo, snuggling into him even more. “So in character!”
“Yeah, and it’s not just that. It also states that I say sorry too much which I do and you also tell me off for it.”
“You also didn’t wanna tell me you are in love with me because you thought you are not good enough.” You remind him, just to see him blush again. “At least this Izuku had the balls to try. I had to do everything in this household!”
“Hey! I kissed you first! And second!” Izuku retorts, offended.
“Hey! First time was an accident…”
“Was it though?”
“Was it not?!” You gawk at him. You can’t believe this man.
“Sweets, did I move away?”
“No…. Oh my god! Izuku!” You smack him with the closest pillow, laughing. “You cheeky little fuck! I can’t believe you! Kyouka was right!”
“Well, to my excuse, it did start off as an accident. I just rolled with the punches or to be exact, I couldn’t resist the temptation.”
“I absolutely can’t believe you!” You gawk at him. Honestly, who is this man?! What happened to your sweet Izuku? And why do you like this new side of him?
“Oh, wait until you hear about all the sneaky kisses I left on your cheeks and on your arms while you slept, way before we got together. I felt so bad afterwards but I couldn’t help it. You were so pretty. You wore this shirt to sleep once. That actually killed me. I couldn’t look into your eyes after I left in the morning and went straight to…”
You literally scream in Izuku’s face.
“… But the last one was after we got together! I swear!” This man will be death of you. It’s official. “Let’s change the topic. I want to show you some nice art I found on Tumblr!”
… that won’t help with you imagining where the rest of his sentence was about to go. Maybe you should take a cold shower. Or drink a lot of water. Or both. Yeah.
Okay, you can do this. It’s quite exciting to see how Izuku’s personal tumblr and Twitter looks like. It feels like he’s letting you in on some cheeky secrets, even though it’s just a stupid social media page.
“I can’t believe we haven’t followed each other anywhere until now.” You mumble your thoughts out loud by accident.
“Well, you sent me all your art stuff anyway and you were always home when I was so there wasn’t really a need for it, I guess.” Izuku mumbles back. “I mean, I don’t post actual pictures, just reblog and retweet stuff. The pictures I sent you from patrol were just for you. But I’m more than happy to show you everything.” Izuku’s smile is dazzling as he bonks his little head into your shoulder like an attention seeking kitty cat. Goddamn, your heart can’t take this.
Okay, listen. Izuku is cute as fuck on a normal day, yeah? Well, today, he decided to kill you with his look.
Do you remember how he just told you off for wearing that thin shirt? Well, Izuku’s wearing that stupid tank top with no sides. And he’s wearing his stupidly adorable glasses you have a massive soft spot for.
Oh, you think this can’t get worse? Oh, it can.
The top half of Izuku’s hair is in a little pony tail. Yes, you heard it right. In a little fucking pony tail. He also got an undercut after the accident which gives him a super edgy, but also cute look and it’s just too much for your heart. Izuku and Deku are two different people. You swear if this guy would walk past you you would think he’s some Kpop idol and not pro Hero Deku, the shy number one hero. He could kick you in the chest and you would say thank you; well, that’s not a big achievement to be honest as you felt the same towards his hero persona as well, but looking like this while on a sick-leave must be illegal. It’s also quite obvious that Izuku didn’t even try to look this hot, he was just… born like this. He woke up and put the first top he found I his dresser then he probably realized that his hair got too long and the fringe was annoying so he stole one of your green hair bands and made a messy ponytail.
Just fuck this man.
(Oh, you wish.)
You take a quick peek at Izuku’s phone now that you are allowed to. Then you yank the phone out of his hand and stare at the profile in front of you because…
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“You are absolutely shitting me.” You gawk at your boyfriend.
“Stop hanging out with Kacchan.” Izuku mutters, utterly confused by your sudden mood change.
“How long have you had this account?” You ask in between two deep breaths. This is not happening. This a fucking joke. There is no way…
“Well, this one is relatively new, but I did have another account with a similar name a few years ago but then I lost my phone and couldn’t remember the email I used for it so I couldn’t get it back and… Sweets, why are you not breathing?
“Izuku, weren’t you chatting with someone on that account? The old one?”
This is definitely a joke. The author of this fanfiction is a fucking sadist. There is no other explanation.
“Wait, what?!” He jumps up right away, his face as red as a tomato. “How do you know that?!”
“Why didn’t you find her again?! You knew hair account name!”
“Are you quirked?!” Izuku tries to change the topic but one glare is enough for him to cower like a scared little puppy. “Well, it was harder and harder to keep my identity a secret and it’s not like I could just send her a message saying that oh, anyway, I’m the number one hero I hope that’s okay with you! I also started to have feelings for her but I didn’t even know her full name so I ran away like a fucking idiot because I got scared! She also had the same first name as you by the way! I’m sorry!” Izuku is yelling by the end of the sentence, his face five seconds away from exploding from all the blood that had flown into it.
Instead of replying, you take your own phone into your hands and go on your own personal account then you go back a few years until you find the conversation you’re looking for; a conversation with Broccoli Boy. Yup. You heard it right.
Izuku pales completely from the sight; you can hear his brain processing the information, then… he becomes a complete mess.
“You are joking. There is no fucking way.”
You know shit hit the fan when Izuku starts to swear.
“I waited for you for months! Months, Broccoli Boy! You broke my heart! I was just about to confess to you when you disappeared!”
“We fell in love with each other… twice.” Izuku mumbles, dumbstruck.
“And you ran away from it. Fucking twice, you moron.” You add fondly, sighing into the awkward silence.
Instead of saying anything you scroll up in the conversation and show Izuku some of your favorite ones. He doesn’t say a single word, he just stares at your screen with teary eyes, reminiscing the old memories as all the joy and the pain comes back to him all at once.
4 years ago
Broccoli Boy: Hey! I’ve read your fanfiction and it was the best one I’ve ever read! The whole idea of Deku being All Might’s secret son is amazing! I want that to be true haha! I hope you are having an amazing day! I love how I can take a glimpse into your mind through your stories. I can already tell you are an amazing person. So pure, so kind, so loving.
Ahh, I’m sorry, this must be really creepy coming from a guy, but I’m just so in love your work! I don’t mean any harm, I swear! >.<
Dekusleftsock: Oh my god, hi! Thank you very much for saying that! Not everyone likes that story sadly, so this message made me cry from joy! Thank you very much for being so kind! I actually have a sequel for that which I’ve never posted, wanna read it?
Broccoli Boy: Oh my god, please! You are so sweet! You belong on the top of a cake! Like those marzipan figurines! Because… you are sweet.
Uhm, I’m terrible at this.
Dekusleftsock: I’M LAUGHING SO HARD I CAN’T! 😂 You are so funny, Broccoli Boy!
Broccoli Boy: Just call me Zu! And please don’t laugh at me! I’m terrible at talking to strangers! >.<“
Dekusleftsock: I’m not laughing at you! Okay, I am but… I do it in a really fond way? Like I want you to be a pillow so I can cuddle you until you suffocate?
… Wow, that was just as bad as yours, wasn’t it.
Broccoli Boy: I will gladly choke in your arms if it makes you happy!
Oh, shit.
That sounds extremely wrong.
I’m so sorry.
Dekusleftsock: I’m so glad you can’t hear me screaming right now. You would go deaf. Damn, you made my day, Zu. You are hilarious.
Broccoli Boy: Well, I’ll gladly make your day with my awkwardness tomorrow as well, if you let me!
Dekusleftsock: Damn, that was smooth. I allow it. Good night, Zu! 🥦
A few weeks later
Dekusleftsock: So… what do you do for a living, Zu?
Broccoli Boy: uhm… I can’t go into details but… I work at a hero agency? I can’t tell you which one or what I do exactly.
Dekusleftsock: Oh my god! That’s so cool! Have you met Deku?!
Broccoli Boy: hahah, yeah, I actually did. He’s… quite clumsy? A bit of a loner, really. He’s nice to everyone but deep inside, he’s quite closed off. I think.
Dekusleftsock: Give me 5 to 7 working days to stop incoherently screaming and I’ll answer properly. You know, fangirl things.
Broccoli boy: Take your time, Pumpkin 💜
Dekusleftsock: Pumpkin?! Okay, I’m officially dead. Is it weird that I’m happier from the nickname than from the secret intel on my favorite hero?
Is it weird that I like you more than I like my favorite hero?
Oh my god, I did not just write that down I’m deactivating myself, bye.
Broccoli boy: I…
I like you too. You are the reason I go to bed with a smile on my face every day. I’m forever grateful for your sole existence.
… should I deactivate myself too?
Dekusleftsock: I had a rough day. Can you hug me?
Broccoli boy: *hugs her and kisses her forehead.*
Dekusleftsock: I really want to feel it.
Broccoli Boy: Me too, pumpkin. 💚
Dekusleftsock: Maybe one day, we will meet each other in real life. By pure accident. I think I’ll know it’s you. I’ll see it in your eyes.
Broccoli Boy: Maybe I’m closer than you think. Please, find me. I’ll cherish you forever if you do.
Dekusleftsock: You promise, Zuzu?
Broccoli boy: Pinky promise.
Dekusleftsock: Hey, Zu! Are you okay? It has been a few days and we usually chat every night so… please message me that you are okay.
Dekusleftsock: Zu, I’m starting to worry. Like a lot. Please, tell me you are okay.
Dekusleftsock: Zuzu, I really miss you. I can’t… I can’t do this anymore. Is it something I did? Are you ignoring me because you realized I’m in love with you? I can back off. I can get over it. Please, just talk to me, tell me you are okay. Just tell me you are alive and well and happy.
Dekusleftsock: Zuzu… a promise is a promise. I’ll find you and smack you in the face. Then I’ll kiss you senseless if you let me. I miss you so much it physically hurts.
Dekusleftsock: I hope you are at least happy. I hope you are okay. Thank you for everything.
Needless to say when Izuku gets to the last few messages, he cries.
“I’m so sorry, Pumpkin. I’m so-so sorry.” His head ends up on your chest as he bawls. “I’m sorry I made you cry, I’m so sorry…”
“I don’t mean to be rude but you made cry quite a lot already, so…” The look Izuku gives you makes you feel extremely guilty about teasing him right now; he looks like he’s ready to jump of a cliff from all the guilt, his lips wobbling like a child’s. “You know, it’s normal… to cry sometimes. It’s normal to have a fight. Love isn’t about finding someone who’s always perfect. Love is about finding a person who’s worth those tears. To find someone who you know will do everything to apologize, to make up for the pain they’ve caused. Obviously there is a limit to what’s acceptable and what not, it also depends on the reason of those tears, but you know what I mean… I mean that you are worth it. Zu was worth it. Izu-Izu was worth it. I love you.” You caress Izuku’s cheek.
It’s a lot to take in. It might sound silly for normal people that you fell in love with someone you haven’t even met in real life nor had known their real name but Zu… Zu was special. He was so kind, so lovely, so true to himself every day and so caring when you felt down, it was impossible not love him more than what’s acceptable for a guy you’ve been chatting on the internet. He’s been with you every night, he’s been the first person you’ve though about when something good or bad happened, you told him everything about yourself and he always listened to you, asked questions, made you feel like the whole world revolves around you. Now that you think back, you can clearly see the resemblance between the two.
“I love you too, Sweet Pea. Pumpkin. Both of you. So much.” Izuku kisses you deeply, his fingers deep in your hair as he pulls you even closer. You make a small whimper, ready to jump onto his lap and show him how much you actually love him when the bell suddenly rings.
“Why. Just why.” Izuku giggles into your mouth as he slowly gets up to open the door. He looks at the little camera by the door and freezes, then starts jumping around like a little kid with his finger constantly on the buzzer even though the person has already left the entrance and is probably on the way up here. You run into your room to find a more appropriate shirt and by the time you get back there is a messy, brown haired man by the door wearing a shit eating grin as he takes a good look at Izuku from head to toe. A pink, cute bird jumps out of his jacket and starts flying around Deku with worry in her cute little eyes, crying out loudly when she sees a new scar on Izuku’s skin. She looks like she’s about to have a mental breakdown.
The bird… she must be Pino. Then the guy is…
…. Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Oh my, what the hell, right?! I don’t even know what to add to this one, it’s a handful already 😂
- Please, be aware of all the weirdos on the internet and do not trust anyone until you are 100% sure they are safe. Never meet a stranger at home. Never meet a stranger right away. This is a fanfiction, real life is different than the one in this story. Be safe.
- The fanfic Izuku’s talking about is my New Years Dsku special which you can read here! Sorry for the self-promotion 😂
- Sorry for all the suggestive stuff! I tried to keep it PG but then Izuku said what he said and… yeah. They really need to get their things sorted as soon as possible because writing with them is literally painful. Like, the amount of thoughts I’m not writing down to keep this at least 16+… 😂
- Reader’s tumblr name and Izuku’s tumblr picture is by @porusuniverse! Thank you 💜💜💜💜💜
- Btw, I actually made Izuku’s tumblr account so feel free to follow him! You can also ask him questions! 😂😂 @br0cc0liboiii
- I’m so excited to have Rody in the next chapter! I love that guy and I want him to be canon!!!
- Tell me your thoughts now that we are back on the fluff train! Are we happy? Are we? What do we wanna see? Tell me!
@garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @katsuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @happydragonfrog @eeerreehhh @vinivave
75 notes · View notes
minisugakoobies · 3 years
Kiss Me | KSJ
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Pairing: Seokjin x Reader
Genre: smut, fluff, friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, College!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: swearing, drinking, kissing, fingering, dirty talk, dry humping, Jimin's an annoying Cupid, Jin's a shaggy-haired BMOC heartthrob
Word Count: 5.9k
Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: Somehow all the videos you've taken all year star no one but Kim Seokjin. When did you fall in love with your best friend?
A/N: This all stems from a TikTok video montage of Jin set to "Kiss Me" by Sixpence None the Richer. Jin is truly just a 90's dreamboat living in modern times, so why not write a fic about that? Thanks to @thatlongspringnight @miscelunaaa @lavienjin @wwilloww @reliablemitten @dntaewithluv for encouraging me to do this! Dedicated to all my possums. 💕
Fic is set in the mid-to-late 1990s. Unbeta'd as usual. I would love to hear what you think - my inbox is always open! 💕
Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜
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“Hey, sorry I’m late,” Jimin greets you as he enters the editing room. You’ve been sitting alone, drumming your fingers on the desk while you waited for him to arrive. “The ad guys needed me to sign off on a few things and you know what talkers they can be.”
“No prob,” you shrug. “So what’s up? You said it was some sort of emergency?”
When you first read the email from your editor earlier that day, you’d panicked a little, fearing the worst. As head videographer of your college’s yearbook staff, ‘the worst’ meant that something had happened to the multiple videocassettes you’d dropped off the other day. Those tapes contain every event you’ve attended over your entire junior year. Without them, there basically is no video yearbook.
But when you got to the editing room and found the tapes right where you’d left them, you figured Jimin was just being his usual overdramatic self. Probably just needed you to help him pick out a font or something.
He crosses his arms. “Did you watch any of the tapes before you brought them in?”
“Enough to confirm that I actually recorded stuff, yeah, I watched them a little.” You frowned. “Why?”
“Did you notice anything… unusual about them? Any recurring themes, perhaps?”
“Uh….” Themes? You were a videographer, not a cinematographer. “Can you please just tell me what the hell you’re talking about?”
“Oh, I’ll do you one better. Let me show you what I’m talking about.” He clicks on the main tv and presses play on the VCR. As a tape whirs to life, a handsome face flickers on the screen.
It’s a face you’ve seen nearly every day for the last 3 years. Your best friend, Kim Seokjin. He smiles brightly on screen, dark hair hanging in his warm eyes, and your heart flutters as if he were looking at you and not the lens of a camera. From the outfit he wears, a warm-up suit in your school’s colors, you guess this is the video from one of his tennis matches.
After a few shots of him hitting a few serves, he’s replaced by another Seokjin, this one dressed casually, a bright pink and yellow t-shirt and matching shorts, playing hacky sack on the quad with some other students. The camera stays on Seokjin even when he’s not the one juggling the sack. His squeaky laugh fills your ears, making you smile.
“Did you start editing these together?” you ask. “Interesting choice to segue from Jin to Jin.”
“Hmmm, yeah, interesting,” Jimin replies drily.
Hacky sack Seokjin is gone now. Your brow furrows as you watch yet another Seokjin cavorting on the tv, this one shirtless, wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of swimming trunks, chasing members of his fraternity with a hose. Clearly this is from the fundraiser car wash they’d had a few weeks ago. Water drips from his wet shirt, which clings to him as he pretends like he’s going to spray the camera and you audibly gulp.
There’s Seokjin in his choir robes, making you swoon as he sings a solo in his crystal-clear tenor. Seokjin wearing one of his many pastel hoodies, tutoring several students in the library. Seokjin dressed in formalwear, looking like a model rather than a college student, winking at the camera.
But why were these all cut together like this?
Jimin presses pause and the footage freezes midwink. “Do you see the problem yet?”
“I don’t know if it’s a problem, but it’s certainly an unusual approach for a yearbook to focus on only one student, Jimin.”
“Yeah, no shit! That’s the issue,” he sighs.
“Okay. So… why did you pick all of Jin’s shots? Why not throw in some other students?”
Jimin stares at you. “Are you… are you kidding me? I didn’t choose Jin’s shots, I used the only shots you gave me! Each tape is filled with nothing but Kim Seokjin!”
Rolling your eyes, you huff, “Well, it’s not my fault that he’s in every freaking activity and organization on campus! Tennis, choir, President of the environmental club, President of the photography club, President of Beta Tau Sigma… do I need to go on?”
Jimin gives you a stern look. “Sure, he’s the big man on campus who apparently never sleeps, but he’s not the only person in those activities! And yet you made him the star of every video!”
“Fuck off, no I didn’t.” Jimin raises an eyebrow at your protest. “Oh, come on! There’s no way. You’re being a real butthead right now - if there’s a joke here, I don’t get it.“
He pops the cassette out and exchanges it for one with ‘baseball championship’ scrawled across it in your handwriting.
“Ha, Jin doesn’t even play… baseball.” Your elation sputters out as the camera pans over the crowd at the biggest game of the year, only to stop and zoom in on Seokjin, who is trying desperately to start the wave. He’s eventually successful, which you discover because the camera never pans away. Not even when a loud roar goes up as something exciting happens on the field. Possibly the game-winning home run that clinched the tournament for your school - you’re not sure, because all you see is Seokjin.
Jimin stops the tape. “Explain that.”
You can’t.
He sighs, patting your arm. “It’s okay. I was once where you are, a young, lovesick puppy following my crush around. You’ll grow out of it.”
“First of all, you’re only 3 weeks older than me, so you can drop the enlightened elder routine, dude, and secondly, I am not a lovesick puppy!” Seokjin is your friend. Jimin knows that. Why is he being such a tool right now?
Jimin says your name in the most condescending “oh honey” tone he can muster. “You really need to figure some things out, huh?” He hands you the tape of his edits. “Here. Maybe this will help.”
“I don’t…”
“The good news is, I think I can still cobble something together using your tapes and the footage provided by our other videographers.” He winces. “I might have to deploy, like, John Woo-levels of slo-mo in order to pad it out a little here and there, but I’ll figure it out.” He clicks off the tv and stands, and you automatically do the same. “I need some java if I’m going to survive a late-night editing session. Want to hit the coffee hut with me?”
“No thanks. If we’re done… ?”
Jimin nods. “Yeah, I’ve got it from here.” You start to leave and he stops you, calling your name. “You should really watch the rest of that. It might clear a few things up for you.”
“Whatever,” you reply, waving over your shoulder.
As you wander out of the student center, you barely take note of the students who call your name and wave to you on your trek back to your dorm. The video is still in your hand. You gaze at it as if it’s a snake, expecting it to bite at any second. What are you supposed to do with this?
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Well, obviously there’s only one thing you can do with that tape.
You watch it.
Thankfully, you are alone in your dorm room, since your roommate is at her boyfriend’s for the night, so you don’t have to explain to her why you’re watching a Kim Seokjin compilation. You’re not sure you could explain it. Especially when you don’t fully understand it yourself.
The scenes you’d watched with Jimin roll by, a montage of Seokjin moments that already live in your head 24/7. You reach the shot of him in his rented tuxedo, mingling with his frat brothers and their dates at their winter formal, and can’t help but admire your friend again.
Jimin chose not to cut to another clip of Seokjin here, though. Instead, he let the tape play.
On your little tv screen, Seokjin sees you aiming the camera at him and laughs, sweeping his long black bangs off his forehead. “Are you going to stay behind that thing all night?”
The camera shakes slightly as your giggles float through the speakers. “Duh, of course. I’m on official business tonight.”
Technically, you were there for the yearbook. But Seokjin didn’t have a date for the evening, so you were also attending the dance with him. Wearing a satiny floor-length gown in your favorite color, the one that really made your eyes pop, you hoped you looked the part of a stunning date even if you were just the best friend helping out.
“Besides, you’re one to talk.” You zoom in on the beloved vintage Fujipet in Seokjin’s hand. You were used to seeing the shiny black and chrome camera at special events. But tonight he’s hardly been without it for more than a few minutes. Mostly during dinner, while wolfing down his meal. “That thing’s practically glued to your hand.”
Seokjin immediately sets the Fujipet down. “Okay, your turn.”
“Jin,” your voice whines, “stop. I can’t!”
“Aish, you take that yearbook too seriously. You’re missing out on so much!”
“Uh, as if! I’m literally capturing everything!” you retort indignantly. Seokjin knows how seriously you take this.
One night, many months ago, while reveling in the freedom of being young and very drunk, you’d given Seokjin an impromptu sermon about your hobby.
“Life is fleeting, Jinnie,” you’d slurred, waving your bottle of beer around. The two of you were sitting on his fraternity’s stoop, enjoying a surprisingly warm winter night. “It’s so fucking short! You have to - have to try to hold on to those moments, you know? Because you blink and poof! They’re gone. That’s why I want to record them all.”
“Them all what?” Seokjin, a bit of a lightweight, struggled to follow your speech.
You both dissolved into giggles as Seokjin leaned against you. After a few seconds, you started again. “My point is, you have to capture those moments if you can. So they live on. That’s what I want to do. I wanna grab that magic and store it away to share with others when they need it. I want to - to capture the world!” Throwing your arms up, you accidentally smacked Seokjin in the face, and the rest of the night disintegrated into drunken laughter and apologies after that.
He knows this is important to you. Maybe that’s why he resorts to begging.
“Yeah, you’re capturing it. But you’re not experiencing it! Come on, put it down for a minute and dance with me. Just one dance! Please?” Seokjin pleads with a pout, throwing you his best puppy dog eyes. He knows you can’t resist that look, and offscreen you hear yourself sigh.
“Fine. One dance. Let me pause.” The image jumps wildly as you place the camera on a table at the edge of the dance floor. It must be lying on its side, based on the way everything suddenly shifts, and you can hear a click like you’ve pressed something, but the tape keeps rolling.
How long is this scene going to run? Jimin must’ve thought it was vital to his little clip show, so you flop over onto your bed, tilting your head to better watch the strange angle on the tv screen. Maybe watching nearly upside-down will bring you more clarity than watching it right-side up did.
Seokjin holds out his hand and leads you to where other couples are already swaying to the music blasting from the dj booth. Since you’re alone now, you grab the remote, cranking the volume high. It’s one of your favorite songs - ‘Kiss Me’ by Sixpence None the Richer.
He draws you close, long arms wrapping around your waist, a comforting weight settling against your back. He’s warm under your touch, soft, but also solid, the silk of his collar brushing against your fingertips as you rest your hands on the nape of his neck.
The camera can only watch from a distance as the two of you begin to dance slowly, but it’s not like you really need the video. You remember that night pretty well, given that you stayed sober so you could film everything. You’d learned your lesson about manning the camera drunk after you tried to record your roommate’s birthday party one year and ended up with 2 hours of nothing but lens cap.
“See?” Seokjin says after a few seconds. “Isn’t this better?”
“Eh,” you shrug, a teasing smile on your lips. Seokjin laughs.
How could you be blamed for wanting to focus on such a gorgeous man? The camera isn’t zoomed in right now, but you don’t need that machine to show you what’s already so strongly emblazoned in your mind. Those expressive eyes that glimmer as he gazes at you. The way his pouty lips part, revealing that brilliant smile you love so much.
“Thanks for coming with me tonight.”
“Of course! What’s a best friend for?” You beam up at him.
“Right…” he replies, chuckling softly. “Best friend…” He trails off, eyes scanning the couples around you as he leads you around the floor.
Even without the aid of the microphone, you swear you can hear his heart beating loudly as you rest your head on his shoulder, just like you heard it that night.
The camera watches as Seokjin says something that makes you lift your head. And once again you’re struck by just how gorgeous he is. But he’s so much more than that. He’s the funniest. The smartest. The sweetest.
Why not make him the center of your videos? The yearbook needs to be interesting, to entertain people, captivate them, make them want to watch it over and over, maybe wishing they could be there, at those games or concerts or even in the quiet moments you’ve filmed, like this one, just you and Seokjin, slowly spinning around the room in one another’s arms, you smiling up at him like there’s no one else in the w-
Sitting up quickly, the blood rushes directly to your head and you tip backwards into your pillows, woozy. But it’s not just the sudden flush that makes you feel dizzy. A dozen questions pop into your head, causing emotional vertigo.
How the fuck have you been so blind to your feelings? When exactly had you fallen in love with your best friend? And if Jimin knows, does anyone else?
The scene finally ends, and the image of you and Seokjin dancing becomes him spearing trash along a highway with the environmental club. But the song starts up from the beginning again - Jimin must’ve dubbed it overtop. What a ridiculous flourish.
The video carries on, Seokjin after Seokjin after Seokjin flashing on screen (god, how many of these events did you attend together? All of them??) After a few minutes, you begrudgingly applaud Jimin’s skills, because he really cut the shots so perfectly to line u-
“What is this?”
“Fuck!” You bolt upright as Seokjin’s voice scares the bejesus out of you. Scrambling for your remote, you smash the stop button before turning around.
He’s standing in your doorway, eyes wide underneath his messy bangs as he stares at the tv. One hand grips the strap of the backpack hanging off his shoulder while the other plays with the cords on his oversized blue and white hoodie - a nervous tick you’re well-acquainted with.
“I - I didn’t hear you come in,” you stammer.
“Yeah, figured you couldn’t hear me knocking over the music,” he replies, still staring at the blank screen. “Door was unlocked. What was that?”
“The song? ‘Kiss Me’ by Sixpe- “
“Not the song.” He finally glances at you. “I know the song. What the hell were you watching?”
“Well, uh… how long have you been standing there?”
He gives you a look.
You could lie. Make up some sort of excuse, maybe something technical that he might not understand, but you don’t think about it for more than a second. This is Seokjin. Your best friend. You can’t lie to him.
You gesture for him to sit. “It’s something that Jimin edited together for me.”
Seokjin plops himself down on the other end of your bed. “He made you a… a music video? Starring yours truly?”
He seems puzzled. It’d be so easy for you to reach out and press your thumb to the little worry lines between his brows and soothe them away. The urge is overwhelming.
How did you not know you loved him?
“What do you mean, kinda?” He laughs a little. “That’s definitely what it looked like. Like watching an Mnet broadcast from an alternate dimension.” He pauses. “But why did Jimin make this for you?”
Nervously, you fiddle with your remote. “He went through all the footage I handed in for the yearbook. Apparently, you’re the focus of every video. Doesn’t matter what I was supposed to be shooting - games, parties, whatever - I only recorded you.”
He looks slightly bewildered at this, even with his thriving confidence. “Only me?”
Nodding, you avoid Seokjin’s eye, feeling heat creeping along your neck. It’s embarrassing trying to explain this. “Yeah. Nothing and no one else. I basically filmed a whole year of The Kim Seokjin Show and he… wanted to point that out.” You shrug, trying to play it cool, but still don’t look at him.
Seokjin’s unusually quiet for a few minutes as he contemplates your answers. Then he scoffs, shaking his head. “Let me get this straight. Jimin put this video together just to critique your work? Seems like a dick move.”
“Yeah, well… if it weren’t for the other videographers, we wouldn’t have enough footage for a yearbook, since mine is basically useless, so maybe his dickishness is a little justified.” You sigh, biting your lip as you realize that you’d pretty much let Jimin and the rest of the yearbook staff down.
“Ah. I see.” He tugs on his hoodie drawstrings, pulling them back and forth. “But would a dick go to the trouble of adding a soundtrack?”
“Honestly, I think he was just showing off with that,” you snort. You finally hazard a glance and find him regarding you carefully.
“Look, I get it,” Seokjin sighs, tossing his bangs out of his eyes as he reclines on your bed. “It only makes sense that you would end up making me the focus of all your videos. I mean, come on.” He gestures broadly to himself, and your lips quirk at his more than healthy self-esteem. “Jimin can’t fault you for that. But if you really wanted some good shots of me for your personal collection, you could’ve just asked for a private performance.” With an exaggerated wink, he throws you an air kiss.
“I’ll remember that for next year,” you roll your eyes, but giggle nonetheless.
He grins. “You should. Anyway… wanna grab dinner?”
“On campus?”
“Nah, let’s do takeout.” He starts rattling off a list of options and you just hum along, relieved.
Thank god it was Seokjin who came through the door and not your roommate or one of your friends. There’s no way any of them would’ve let you off the hook so easily. This is what Seokjin always does - he comforts you even in the most awkward, stressful situations. Like trying to explain why you seem to own a highlight reel of your bff’s greatest moments. He cracks a joke at his expense, makes you laugh, and breaks the tension.
No one else is as thoughtful as he is. No one else cares for you the way he does.
No one else.
“Jimin wasn’t being rude,” you start again when he’s finished listing restaurants. “Well, maybe a little, but no more than usual. I think he was also trying to help me.”
Seokjin twists his drawstrings. “Eh, you’re a great videographer, you don’t need his help.”
“That’s, uh, not what I mean. He was just… it’s that…”
It’s hard to find the right words to explain. All you can do is try. Seokjin’s eyebrows lift, encouraging you on, and you smile, grateful for his patience as you gather your thoughts.
“...he was trying to help me realize what’s been in front of me this whole time. I don’t know when something changed, but it did, and,” you pause, “and, I’m only realizing it now, but I… I…”
He must sense something from your tone, or the way you keep stammering, because he’s suddenly serious, dark eyes studying your face carefully as he says your name. “You what?”
Maybe you should be afraid to tell him. But you’re not. He’s your best friend.
You take a deep breath. “I love you, Jin.”
As long as you’ve known Seokjin, you’ve never seen him stunned silent. He always has a joke or a quip for any situation. Always. But your declaration has rendered him speechless. His face goes completely blank, too. It freaks you out a little.
Panic starts to set in. Did you make a mistake? “It’s okay if you don’t - don’t feel the same way. I just needed you to know.” You give him an out.
No response. His eyes shift, landing on your tv. The screen is still blank but the way he gazes at it makes you wonder if he’s seeing something there. If only you could record whatever’s going on inside his head. Replay it over and over until you understand.
The quiet stretches on too long, eating away at you until you can’t take it anymore.
“Please say something,” you finally implore him.
“I…” he blinks. “Okay.”
“Okay?” What’s okay?
“You love me?”
You nod.
“Okay. I… gotta go.” He slides off the bed and slowly backs away.
“What??” You rise up on your knees, mouth dropping open as he essentially moonwalks to the door. Rooted to the spot, you can only stare as he glances at you, his expression still alarmingly vacant.
“I’ll, uh… yeah….” he mumbles, and the door closes behind him.
Dumbfounded, you stare at it.
“What the fuck?!”
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20 minutes pass, according to the clock on your nightstand. You haven’t moved a muscle since he left. It’s like you’re frozen, kneeling on your bed. The air around you feels a little cold, as if he took all the warmth from the room when he left.
It’s strange that you haven’t cried. Seokjin breaking your heart should leave you a sobbing mess, but your eyes are dry. You’re not even sure you know how to cry right now. Maybe you’re in shock.
How could he just walk out like that? His best friend confesses that she loves him and he just says “Okay” and bounces?? Was he that repulsed? Unable to bear the thought of you having feelings for him?
There’s no reason to keep staring at the door, but you can’t tear your gaze away as you wonder what will happen next. You’re supposed to meet him for breakfast tomorrow, before class. Will he skip? Go by himself and pretend not to know you?
Or, simply show up like normal and act like nothing happened?
Somehow, that feels like the worst possibility.
Once again, you’re sinking in endless questions, so you shake yourself free and climb off the bed. You need to get out of this room, get as far away from the tv and that tape, that damn videocassette that started it all. Maybe some ice cream would help. The cafeteria should be fairly empty this time of night, so you don’t have to worry about anyone seeing you when you inevitably break down over your Chunky Monkey.
But instead you yank your door open and Seokjin is there and suddenly you remember how to cry.
“What the fuck…” you utter before you’re too choked up to speak. Tears stream down your cheeks.
Seokjin doesn’t miss a beat. He steps into the room, sweeping you into his arms for a tight hug. “Whoa, whoa, don’t cry! Please, I’m sorry!” He sort of wobbles you around, walking backwards clumsily as you blubber into his shoulder until your legs hit your bed, gently coaxes you to sit. “Shit, I knew I shouldn’t have left like that.”
He grabs you a tissue from your nightstand and you accept it with a glare. A soggy glare, but a glare nonetheless. “Then why did you?”
“Because I needed a minute. I’m sorry, I know it was messed up to just run out on you, but I had to think.” He drops his backpack on your bed and unzips it, pulling out a black metal box. “And I needed this.”
“You needed a photo box?” Sniffling, you pick the box up and turn it over in your hands. There are no labels, nothing written anywhere on the box. You shoot him a confused look. “Explain.”
Seokjin pries the lid from the box and tilts his chin. “Take a look.”
A stack of photos sits inside. The top photo is you, video camera in hand, standing near a chain-link fence. You’re lit from behind by the sun, a bright halo radiating around you.
“That’s at my last tennis match,” Jin informs you.
The next photo is you again, camera held up to your eye as you stand on the quad, head tipped way back, mouth slightly open as snowflakes swirl around you.
“First snow, last year. You were trying to film a snowball fight on the quad, but you kept trying to catch snowflakes on your tongue.” His laugh squeaks like a rusty hinge as his eyes crinkle. “The video bounced so much it gave me motion sickness.”
One by one, you examine the photos. They’re all the same. Caught in profile, you’re the star of every shot, Seokjin’s camera gazing at you while you view the world through your video camera. You keep flipping as Seokjin keeps talking.
“I think Jimin must’ve been exaggerating. Unusual for him, I know,” Seokjin cackles, and you can’t help but grin. “But you have to have recorded other things, other people. Because if you were only watching me, you would’ve seen me only watching you.”
The lump in your throat returns as you look at him. “I don’t understand.”
“I think you do,” he replies softly. “You told me once how much you wanted to capture the world. That stuck with me.”
“It did?” Placing the photos back in the box, you push it aside.
“Yeah. It did.”
“But… these are only photos of me?”
“Right.” Seokjin shuffles nearer, until his thigh rubs against yours. He slides his thumb across your cheek, through the tears that cling there, and your eyes fall shut at his touch. “Don’t you get it? You’re my world.”
Your eyes flutter open. “Jin. Kiss me.”
He leans in and you meet him halfway as his mouth presses against yours. It’s soft, chaste almost, your lips just brushing. Then he tilts his head, cupping your face to bring you closer, and suddenly you’re kissing. Really kissing, mouths parting, tongues colliding, your hands in his hair, his hands tugging you into his lap. You breathe him, touch him, taste him. Him, him, him.
Your Jin.
God knows how much time goes by before you break apart. Jin’s face is bright red as he grins at you. You trace your finger along his plush lips. They’re even more plump now, swollen from the many nips you’ve given them.
“You’re lucky I like you so much,” you murmur, “because that was a pretty corny line.”
“Not a line. The truth,” he replies huskily, kissing your fingertip. “But excuse me, I thought you said you loved me? Not liked me.”
“Ugh, of course the linguistics major would argue semantics.” Will you ever tire of that ridiculous laugh? “I love you, you nerd.”
“You know I love you too, right?”
Joy sings in your chest, spreads through your body. “I was hoping, but you didn’t actually say it….”
“Every day for three years.”
He beams as you look at him skeptically.
“All three years? Every single minute?”
“Yep. Every moment.”
“Prove it,” you challenge him with a raised brow.
“You want me to go get my other photo boxes? This one’s just junior year.”
You weren’t expecting him to back up that claim with photographic proof. You were just trying to get him to kiss you again.
“Say it again,” you command, lips crashing into his. “Please. Again.”
“I love you,” he declares, laying you down. “I love you.” He settles himself on top of you. “I love you.” He nuzzles your lips, your cheek, your neck. On and on, covering you in burning kisses and softly murmured words.
You push him away for a moment, long enough to pull your top off and toss it onto the floor. He sucks in a breath as you unhook your bra and drop it as well.
“Goddamn. Would you look at those,” he marvels. Your head drops back as you laugh. He’s the most attractive man you’ve ever met, sure, but he’s also the biggest dork.
“Do you want to touch them?”
He nods enthusiastically, and you lie back on your pillows, motioning for him to follow. He does so hungrily, mouth immediately sucking one of your nipples in. You keen as his tongue flicks over the tiny bud, waking it up. His hands join his mouth in caressing every inch he can touch.
“Jin,” you sigh, clutching at the hood of his sweatshirt, pulling him back up so you can kiss him. He obliges, but then he’s gone again, lips tracing down your clavicle and running over your other breast. He lavishes both with attention until you’re breathless with want. With need.
His hand plays with the top button on your jeans. “Can these come off?” he asks, eyes round as he peers at you. As if he needs puppy dog eyes right now.
You nod, and he wastes no time undoing the buttons and sliding them down your legs. Then he reaches behind his head and yanks his hoodie off, taking the t-shirt underneath with it. You’d love to tease him about his eagerness, but it would be hypocritical of you, and besides, you’re too busy gawking at his bare chest. His baggy clothes hide the way his broad shoulders taper down to his waist, where the band of his Calvin Klein boxers rides above his sweatpants.
He slides back up your body to kiss you again. This time he lingers, and as his arms come to rest on either side of your head, he rolls his hips into you and you can feel how much he wants this, too. His hard length presses against your core and you whimper into his mouth, running your hands down his chest.
“Jin!” He repeats the movement, your hips lifting to meet his. His hand snakes between you and he slides a finger under the band of your panties.
“Can these come off, too?”
“God yes!”
With a laugh at your zealous response, Jin removes the last bit of clothing you wear. You laid your heart bare before him earlier, and now the rest of you is exposed, too.
His lips hover over yours as his fingers hover above your clit. He slowly draws a circle around the sensitive pearl as he swallows your moan.
“Tell me if you want me to stop,” he rasps, and as you nod, his finger plunges inside.
You’ve always admired Jin’s hands. Those long, slightly crooked fingers move adroitly when he’s playing with his camera or typing on his keyboard. But right now, his lithe fingers are simply pure magic, stroking, rubbing, dipping in and out. You’re spellbound, your kisses getting sloppier as you pant and groan against Jin’s lips.
“Oh god, don’t you dare stop!” you demand, eyes closing in bliss. One of your hands tangles in your bedspread, pulling the blanket up as you grip at it, while the other curls around his bicep, holding on tight.
“I won’t. I’m not stopping until you’re cumming all over me.” Jin’s voice breathes in your ear. You shudder, from the heat, the touch of his lips, the filthy promise. You’ve never heard him use that word before. It sounds so good on his tongue.
“T-tell me,” you moan. Opening your eyes, you see Jin watching you with an expression of lust that makes you clench around his fingers involuntarily, and he draws a shaky breath. He grinds his hips into the bed and you whine at the sight.
“Tell you what?” He drops his head to your neck, sucking gently, painting your neck with red marks that will fade to black and blue by morning.
“What you w-wanna do. To me.”
He lifts his head in surprise. “You like that?”
Other guys had tried talking dirty with you before and you’d played along, but it had never done a damn thing for you. Not until this moment.
“Yeah. Wanna hear you. Tell me what you wanna do to me, Jinnie,” you beg, voice breathless and sweet, and he groans, capturing your mouth in a harsh kiss before pulling away again.
“Fuck, I wanna do everything to you. Make you cum on my fingers, my tongue, my cock.” You mewl loudly, helplessly, at that last word, and he drags his thumb over your clit, agonizingly slow. Keening, you try to encourage him to speed up by bucking your hips towards him. “Oh, you wanna cum on my cock? How do you want it - deep and slow?” He starts to pump his fingers fast, and your whole body feels tight tight tight, like you’re about to snap. “Or fast and hard? Is that better? Throw your legs over my shoulders and fuck you senseless?”
“Ahhhhh, I want it all, please give it to me, please please pl- “ Your voice breaks as your body breaks, comes apart in Jin’s deft hands. You feel his hips bucking into the bed and then he hisses, burying his face in the valley of your breasts.
“Did - did you just - “
“Yeah,” he groans, voice muffled. “I just came in my pants like a fucking teenager.” He lifts his head, looking sheepish. You laugh, affectionately, amazed at how he can be so sexy but so cute at the same time, heart overflowing as he rolls behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“So,” you drawl after a few minutes of content snuggling, “about those things you said you want to do to me…”
“...are you waiting for a formal invitation, or…” You grind your ass against him and he tightens his arms around your waist, huffing a laugh into the crook of your neck.
“I’m gonna need some dinner first.” He nibbles on your shoulder. “Let’s take a break. We’ve got the rest of the night. And tomorrow. Every day after that.”
You twist in his arms. “Every day?”
“For as long as you’ll have me.” His gaze is so warm. It’s incredible that you never realized that look in his eyes was the look of love.
“I love you, Jin.”
“I love you too.” He grins. “Now... how about that takeout?”
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© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
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elysianslove · 4 years
Hewwooo! This ask just came into my mind and I wanted to share. So Yuuji has a girlfriend that is a civilian and at first Sukuna is annoyed by her but as time passed he starts to take a like on her since she's always so nice to him despite him being a curse. And he's just so confused about his feelings because him being the king of curses falling for a weakling? Ridiculous. I want to read your interpretation of this idc if its hcs or scenario. Do whatever you like❤
hi my love!! i really hope you like this!! i made it into headcanons so i can go over a larger span of time more smoothly, so i hope that’s okay!
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i’m getting so many sukuna requests hell yes 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
okay so let’s make it that you’re yuuji’s gf from before he ate sukuna’s finger ( yeah btw wtf is up with your bf ??? )
he called you as soon as they’d announced the death of his grandpa, because it had felt like you were the last family he had left. seriously you’re his whole world
you’re there when megumi starts explaining stuff about how this finger’s super dangerous and people will die you and yuuji are like 😃✋🏼 wha 
but also so unbothered bc he can’t be serious
turns out he is serious laugh out loud
yuuji makes you go home as you’re at the school gate and you’re like mf what??? no???? i’m not leaving you?? 
he ends up making you wait and then he just never comes back
megumi explains everything to you 
but again you’re like 😃✋🏼 pause wtf 
you keep texting him and calling him and he’s not responding you’d be angry at him if you weren’t so fucking worried 
and so eventually he finds you again 
after eating sukuna’s second finger (again, what the fuck sir) 
now megumi had told you he was now like ? possessed ? by a curse? it sounded like gibberish to you tbh and it was the last thing you were thinking about when you finally saw him again
all that mattered was that he was okay and alive and in your arms 
you’ve never hugged him tighter tbh 
so anyways ! yuuji does not want you to meet sukuna 
like ever 
but when he meets you one day really frustrated from a mission, you ask him about it, and he just vents out everything to you. he tells you how the responsibility can be so overwhelming sometimes, and how sukuna can be so infuriating and you can’t imagine what it must be like having this guy in your head 
and then you just go 
“can i meet him?” 
at first he’s like absolutely not ma’am are u insane 
but then you convince him, telling him you trust him and reminding him he has control 
so he shifts 
you really were expecting something horrendous like seriously you were anticipating fainting from fear 
he’s just your bf 
with a rougher edge 
you like instantly relax 
even if this guy’s expressions are nothing like yuuji’s, you remind yourself that it’s still yuuji inside, no matter what 
“i like your — tats?” 
what do you even say to a curse??? 
he’s scowling at you so much you might piss yourself but you just repeat constantly that he can’t hurt you 
“you disgust me,” he spits out
yuuji shifts back so quick, and just groups you on his arms 
“that wasn’t me, i swear,” he says to you and you have to calm him down and tell him it’s okay !!  it’s not his fault the guy’s an ass 
now! yuuji’s pretty comfortable with your level of physical affection 
in fact, he loves it so much. it’s one of his favorite things about you. 
so he’s always welcoming an embrace from his favorite person in the world, but it’s so hard to ignore sukuna’s words in his mind repeatedly saying how this is so revolting 
he tries his best to pay him no attention 
sometimes y’all will be cuddling and a mouth appear somewhere on yuuji’s body and it’ll say “get ur hands off my vessel human!” and ngl
it always makes you laugh
like how comical is that
eventually, over time, the hugs are 
kinda nice, sukuna realizes 
like he’s a thousand year old cursed spirit
he’s not really gotten any affection yk 
like ever 
and it’s not that he ever wanted it
but being with you
or well, him possessing yuuji and yuuji being with you and you being with him through transitive property (thank you grade 7 math)  
it really like softens him
a little bit 
like the tiniest bit 
some part of him, he probably thinks it’s yuuji and not even him and that he’s just confused but really some part of him grows to anticipate the hugs 
and when you kiss yuuji 
your mouth feels so good he wants to feel it for himself 
it’s like angering him how you’re growing onto him, so he asks yuuji to shift them 
and they do shift
you’re a little surprised bc yuuji gave u like a 3 sec warning before those familiar markings appeared on his skin
“i never thought i’d see you again,” you admit. 
and he just kisses you 
like full on the mouth 
no warning
you pull him back in shock, and rest a hand on his shoulder to keep a distance between you two
“i don’t know where this is coming from but it doesn’t feel right, sukuna.” 
and you’re just
you’re just so nice
why are you so nice???
“i love yuuji, so much, and even though you’re sharing a body you’re still a whole other person. it feels wrong.” 
god why are you so good? it’s infuriating???? 
yuuji shifts back, starts apologizing again like the first time
“you have to stop apologizing for something someone else did, babe.” 
when he’s alone with sukuna that night he’s like dude, dude, bro, my man — we gotta talk boundaries bc wtf
sukuna just goes “not fair u get to kiss her” 
like yeah??? she’s my girlfriend tf ???? 
so sukuna resorts to watching (or feeling) from the sidelines again
as he grows more and more affectionate towards you 
until he’s just as protective over you as yuuji is
until he realizes that 
what yhe fuck
maybe he has feelings for you because, one of the main things about you is that the two times you’ve encountered him, you’ve never treated him like a curse. even if being treated human was once considered belittling to him, having you dote on him like that, speak to him as softly
it made his brain go brrrr 
so he asks yuuji one day, “can i kiss your gf” 
like that’s something you just casually ask
took a lotta convincing but eventually yuuji says “if she says yes then okay” 
it takes like 
90 minutes for both you and yuuji to decide that you’re okay with it. sukuna’s like fuck it ion wanna anymore lmfao
but anyways 
yuuji shifts into him 
he doesn’t even wait the impatient mf 
he just kisses you so suddenly, cupping your neck and tugging at your hair like damn how long has he been wanting to do this
clearly way longer than even he thought 
after that yuuji doesn’t exactly share you, but yeah he’ll let sukuna kiss you every now and then
sukuna’s still not fully accepting of his feelings towards you, but he learns to appreciate you
especially your kindness towards him and yuuji, and the tenderness of your touch 
he never would’ve seen it coming when he awoke in this teenage boy’s body, but he can admit that you’re definitely an added benefit
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avalynnemarie · 2 years
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Pairing: Midoriya x f!reader, Bakugou x f!reader (mentioned)
AU: Family/Future AU, Soulmate AU (Deku and Y/N)
Genre: Angst
Warnings: unrequited love, unable to move on (Y/N), original characters (Bakugou and Y/N's children), mentions of business marriages (Natsuki), swearing, comparing the past and present, the sneak peak at the end made me embarrassed but I didn't know how to make Y/N remember Bakugou because of Natsuki, toxic relationships, at this point I'm not hurting Y/N I'm hurting Deku, asshole Bakugou, selfish Y/N, obsession, neglect, daddy issues.
Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Last Name
Accismus, the series.
Welcome to my blog!
Hello everyone~ From this day on, I will let the book 'words I wish I said' decide what I will write. The book is written by Caitlin Kelly and I highly recommend it for writers! I flipped to a random page 3 times and the first sentences I see will be my plot (I assure you, I still have the original plots in mind– just take this as dessert!). these are the sentences:
I'm not here because I like you, I'm just kissing you because your lips are convenient as his are not here. (Page 46)
Unrequited love is the one that fucks us all up. (Page 108)
They say if you love something then set it free, but why has that made us both unhappy? (Page 90)
Saudade is a feeling of longing, melancholy, desire, and nostalgia. It describes a deep emotional state; a yearning for a happiness that has passed, or perhaps never even existed.
Kasumi is currently 16 while Natsuki is 17, I changed some details in the old parts.
I also removed some of the songs lyrics so that it will fit in with the plot and so that it doesn't repeat over and over again. I also removed the "he's close with my mother and talks business with my father" so that some very special and strong people won't get sad :(
It is highly recommend to listen to the song before or during reading the fanfiction, enjoy!
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He is sensible and so incredible and all my single friends are jealous
“HE PROPOSED?!” Mina screamed in ecstasy, pointing at the expensive ring Y/N was currently wearing. Y/N chuckled at her reaction and tried to brushed it off, unfortunately the girls weren't having it today. Their once-in-a-millenia hangout turned into an interview, the poor girl who only wanted to take a break was bombarded with questions left and right. “It hasn't even been a year yet!” “Are you sure about this, Y/N?” “Oh! When are you guys having childre–” “URARAKA!” “R-Right, sorry!”
She smiled warmly, her cheeks slightly red. Some of the girls squealed and began to endlessly tease Y/N.
“He will be an amazing husband and father, I love him more than my life.” Her smile faded, realizing how her children are very wary of Deku ever since he had a relationship with her. The voices of her friends and surroundings faded as she zoned out, realizing the words she said. Those were the exact words she said years ago about someone else.
He says everything I need to hear and it's like I couldn't ask for anything better
She locked the door and dropped her bag on the floor, forgetting about it. All she needed was sleep and maybe some quality time with her fiancé but sighed knowing that she'll sleep alone tonight, both of them agreed to live together so that they could see each other more frequently and prepare for their wedding. Y/N went to their shared bedroom not even having an intention to change her clothes only to see her fiancé patiently waiting for her, he perked up when saw her like an excited puppy. Y/N was surprised seeing him, wasn't Deku supposed to be busy? He probably changed his schedule to spend time with Y/N. This made her smile and give Deku a goodnight kiss before falling head-first on their bedsheets. “Had a tiring day, love?” He scooted closer to her half-asleep figure. She placed her head on his lap slowly falling asleep as he strokes her hair in a gentle manner. She held his spare hand while smiling softly, blushing slightly.
He says, "You look beautiful tonight"
Deku cupped Y/N's cheek and stared at her admiringly, she was finally his, and he was hers. It was worth holding back for years because he finally got what he wanted– a family, with her. Y/N giggled under his loving gaze, finally looking back at her lover. “Why are you staring?” She said, in a teasing tone while smirking. She wasn't bothered by the slightest, Y/N trusts him with her life. “I'm sorry, y-you just.. You look so beautiful.” Deku shyly admitted, he wasn't wrong, even if Y/N was drenched in mud or even if she was a worm– Deku will still think she looks beautiful, he is more than willing to drop everything just to build a happy life with his soulmate. “Thank you, love. Let's go to bed now, I'm so sleepy~” She smiled at him and changed her sleeping position to a more comfortable one, Deku snuggled closer to her, hugging her as he fell asleep. Y/N pecked his cheek as she leaned her head against his toned chest, comfortable and safe in his arms.
And I feel perfectly fine
“I love you, Y/N.” It was a windy day, clear skies, it was perfect. The perfect time to confess his feelings he had kept from her for months, his heart wouldn't stop pounding in his chest when Y/N was close to him. They were both under a Sakura tree as Deku was waiting for Y/N's reply, still bowing and reaching his love letter out to Y/N, unbeknownst to them– they were being watched. Y/N was stunned and she frowned, still not speaking. Not even a single sound, it would've been quiet if it weren't for the leaves rustling. “Deku, I trust you.” His eyes lit up and his heart began to pound harder against his chest. “I'm in a secret relationship with Bakugou, I'm sorry.” She saw how his eyes slowly went from excited to shocked, but despite all this– he promised to keep it as a secret. When Deku left, Y/N stared at the man who was watching them and walked over to him. “There, are you satisfied?” She frowned, clearly upset that she hurt her best friend's feelings. Bakugou smirked and gave her a pat on the shoulder. “You did amazing”.
Y/N regretted rejecting Deku, if she didn't then she wouldn't have been married to Bakugou and suffered the consequences of her own mistakes. How blind of her, how selfish. But now she never regretted spending time with her present husband, even if the relationship between her children became awkward– It doesn't mean that she'll give up her soulmate for anybody else ever again, she feels perfectly fine in his arms, he is her home. The only person she looks forward seeing after a tiring day, the only person who can hold her without any ill intentions, the person who will do anything for her. She feels safe with him, she loves him more than anything in the world. Atleast that's what Y/N tells herself.
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
But she can't help it, why does she feel this way? Why does she long for him when she is engaged to another? No matter how hard Y/N tries to convince herself, it will never work. She still misses him, she still loves him and still thinks about him. Y/N laughed blankly at her thoughts, why is she so selfish? Why does she want to run to him? Y/N is happy with Deku, she treats her and their family like royalty and spoils them but she would drop everything just to have one last conversation with him, just like how Deku dropped everything for Y/N. Too many questions left unanswered but that's life, you can't always get what you want. But sometimes she just wishes that she never left, she doesn't care for her and her children's wellbeing, fighting and yelling was better than spending time with someone else attempting to make her ex regret everything. She understands now, why she wants Bakugou despite being treated luxuriously and lovingly by his rival. Y/N felt truly happy with him, she felt real love for him. Their relationship was exciting and fun, she just wants to experience that again but with someone else. And that someone would burn the world for her, but she would burn the whole world including Deku for him. Its ironic, isn't it? Do you feel a sense of deja vu?
And it's 2:00 a.m. and I'm cursing your name so in love that you act insane
Why can't these memories leave her alone? She just wants to be happy without him, she already found his soulmate and Bakugou already has Himari so why does she have an urge to run to him like a little girl? Her present husband will do anything to keep her safe and happy but she doesn't feel happy at all. So foolish, forcing herself to love someone else while her heart is beating for another. Y/N couldn't sleep at all because of these annoying, irrelevant intrusive thoughts of hers, she's happy. She is, okay that's not going to work. Forcing yourself to like something for others won't do good for the both of you, the other one has to find out sooner or later. She feels safe and comfortable around Deku, but Y/N admired and loved Bakugou. What's the difference? At this point she's in love with the past and not the actual man himself, she frowned and snuggled closer to her sleeping husband and tried her hardest to sleep. And she did, but the memories did not leave her thoughts for a single moment.
And that's the way I loved you
“FUCK OFF! YOU'RE SO ANNOYING! JUST BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE KASUMI ENOUGH ATTENTION!” Bakugou screamed, very irritated because of his wife bugging him again. “ENOUGH?" She had the audacity to shout back, “You think that you even GIVE her attention?” He was stunned, guilt slowly creeping up his chest but his pride made it disappear, replacing it with rage. It wasn't his fault that his daughter was so shitty, the only thing she has is beauty and nothing else, Kasumi is useless. Natsuki is better, she may not have grace in her movements but she's strong, intelligent and has a lot of potential. Y/N had enough, years of this madness, she was surprised that she dealt with him that long, she walked to their room, Bakugou followed. “What are you doing?” Y/N ignored him, packing her and Kasumi's bags. If he's so obsessed with Natsuki then he should take care of her, she's his responsibility now. Bakugou just watched her silently, Y/N flinched when he hugged her from behind. “Dont go,” Y/N rolled her eyes and tried to shove him off, but he had an iron grip around her waist. Why can't he just accept that they aren't a good match?, but Y/N knew, she knew that no matter what bullshit Bakugou would pull, she'd still love him and long for his touch. Y/N leaned into his touch and dropped her bags, her mind was screaming to leave but her heart was telling her to stay. Bakugou smirked in victory.
Breakin' down and coming undone, it's a roller coaster kinda rush
Natsuki would do anything to keep her sister's innocence while Kasumi will do anything to keep her older sister happy, so when Natsuki tells her to put her headphones and listen to music while their parents are fighting, she obeys. She doesn't understand at all, it can't hurt to remove her headphones right? She looked around and smiled in relief when her older sister is dozing off. She removed her headphones and was greeted with screams and sobs, now she understands. They were fighting about her. The family's disappointment but her mother's gem. “YOU'RE SO SELFISH!” Her mother yelled in a shaky voice, “ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU GAVE BIRTH TO A MISTAKE!” Her father shot back, that hit something in Kasumi, that was the reason why she kept overthinking about other people's thoughts about her. “If only I knew, we should have stuck to one child” her father sighed in disappointment, is this why Natsuki wanted her to listen to music everytime her parents would raise their voices? She felt so useless, she kept relying on others for her safety and well-being. She was only 6, and she already started to worry. “Sometimes I wish I never–” Kasumi put her headphones back on, tears falling down her chubby cheeks. Kasumi deserved this. That's what she felt and thought anyway.
I never knew I could feel that much and that's the way I loved you
Kasumi tugged on her mother's clothes when she was cooking dinner, looking up to her mother. Her mother looked at her with so much love, Kasumi wished that it was the same as her father. She wished that he loved her. She wished that she wasn't useless. “Mommy, am I pretty?” Kasumi asked, maybe it was because she's ugly. “Of course, Kas. You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen!” Kasumi doubted this, but it was true. She had sandy blonde hair and her mother's eyes, she was truly a beauty, so why didn't her father appreciate her? Her mother noticed her sad gaze and stroked her hair comfortingly, smiling. “Kas, is it about daddy?” she asked, Kasumi looked at her mother, tearing up. “Mommy, why does daddy hate me?” Her mother widened her eyes and pulled Kasumi closer to her, “Darling, don't listen to him. You are beautiful.” her mother reassured. “...Does daddy love you? Please teach me.” Kasumi asked, “teach you what, dear?” her mother replied, focusing on cooking instead of the little girl. “Please teach me how to be loved” Her mother went silent.
So in love that you act insane and that's the way I loved you
It was late at night and the male pro-hero finally came home, he didn't hear little snores, it was basically apart of Bakugou's routine now– he comes home and sees Kasumi who fell asleep waiting for her father. Not that he cares anyway, he turned the light on and was surprised to see his wife waiting for him, sitting on the couch with her legs crossed. Is she mad or something? Is it because of the dangerous mission he was assigned to? “Katsuki.” she said, clearly upset with the man. “Not now Y/N, I'm tired.” he started to walk away but Y/N quickly stood up and stopped him. She wasn't going to let him mistreat Kasumi anymore. “What do you want Y/N?” he snarled, getting annoyed by her strange behavior. “I want to talk.” Y/N said, “then make it quick.” Bakugou turned around and faced the woman, irritated. “Kasumi, you need to treat her like a daughter.” she started, “What the fuck? this again? I won't treat her like one until she's like her sister.” he sighed, pinching his nose. “Can you atleast try to talk to her?” “No.” “Why not?” Y/N asked, annoyed. “Kasumi is a waste of time and effort, I know you know that.” Y/N stood there stunned, Bakugou smirked in victory and started to walk away before Y/N stopped him, blocking the bedroom door. Y/N slapped him hard, Bakugou widened his eyes in shock before glaring at the woman. “You're sleeping on the couch tonight.” She slammed the door in his face before he could say anything.
He respects my space and never makes me wait and he calls exactly when he says he will
Y/N faced the mirror and twirled around, she looks beautiful, her husband will definitely love this. She smiles proudly and brushed her hair for one last time, Deku knocked on the door to check up on her. “I'm coming!” She got out of the room and faced her husband who was blushing at the sight of Y/N. She twirled around and did a curtsy, “What do you think?” She smiled and held his arm, “You look amazing, so lovely.” Y/N smiled wider at his compliment, she knows that Deku's favorite color is red, so she wore a dark red dress that perfectly matched her makeup and accessories. Y/N thought that they were on a date but was surprised when she heard from Deku that someone else was dining with them, it was a shame but business is business. The restaurant looked luxurious, elegant and beautiful. Y/N assumed that this person they were meeting was probably a big shot in society, since the food here was expensive. “This way, Mr and Mrs Midoriya.” A butler lead the way and left immediately when they got to their destination, a private room? She thought, staring at the door in front of them. Deku opened the door for her, “Ladies first,” He smirked. Y/N smiled and went in the room, her smile faded after she saw who was sitting in front of her– Bakugou. The tension in the room grew higher as Y/N was purposely avoiding Bakugou's piercing gaze, Deku was shocked too seeing his childhood best friend, perhaps he didn't know that Bakugou was the one who they'll be meeting up with, Deku sighed and grasped Y/N's hands, walking out of the room before Bakugou finally spoke up. “And where do you think you're going? We're not done here yet, are we?” He spoke in a serious tone, how dare they leave when they just got here? “Can I atleast leave?” Y/N was clearly uncomfortable, she wasn't ready to face him yet but her heart was beating so fast, Bakugou still looks so handsome even after years. She just wishes that everything would turn back to normal and this was just a dream.
“Who even told you to come here anyway?”
“Why, can't she tag along with her fiancé?” Deku shot back, he smiled reassuringly at Y/N and walked her out of the room, shutting the door and facing Bakugou. “Come on, sit.” Bakugou patted the chair next to him but Deku sat on the chair far away from him. Bakugou rolled his eyes, “Back to business.”
He can't see the smile I'm faking
“I'm sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have brought you along with me,” Deku murmured to the woman in his arms, Y/N didn't reply, deep in thought. “your effort in your outfit is wasted, but you still looked amazing in that dress even if it was for a short time.” Deku promised her a night to themselves, Y/N immediately went home after seeing her ex-husband, she may long for him but she definitely wasn't ready to speak to him. “It's okay.” Y/N finally spoke, giving him a reassuring smile. Deku held her closer and kissed her forehead before looking at her with uncertainty, Y/N cupped his cheeks and kissed him. “I love you, Izuku.” She pulled away, staring at him with such loving eyes– Deku could swear that he could see hearts in them. “..More than him?” Y/N chuckled, making the greenette concerned. “H-Hey! Do you?” She grinned, “I do.” Deku sighed in relief, Y/N really gave him a fright. But Y/N knew that she was unable to love again, because he was her first love. The person she can't help but compare her lovers to and the person she longs for even when someone else is holding her.
My heart's not breaking 'cause I'm not feeling anything at all
Y/N scrolled through his phone is disbelief, she felt pure anger. Wasn't this supposed to be purely business? Maybe it's because if they worked together, the both of them would become stronger and earn more respect but what the hell? Fuck respect, fuck power– Y/N couldn't believe that her fiancé would agree to this, her daughter didn't even graduate yet. “I can explain.” She heard a familiar voice behind her, Deku. Yes, they need to talk about this, about how he willingly gave up Natsuki. “You can't, the explanation is right in front of my eyes.” Deku opened his mouth to say something but not a single syllable came out, he can't make an excuse can he? Is Y/N going to leave him? He stood there, unmoving as he watched Y/N grab her coat and walk towards the front door, ready to leave. “Y/N.” Deku called out, he wanted to explain everything to avoid misunderstandings but the woman wouldn't let him. Y/N gave him a side-glare and said, “Natsuki isn't your daughter, she's MY daughter. You should've told me about this because I am her mother.” But even if they had a genuine conversation about this, Y/N would still refuse. She will not give up her daughter's future so that they can gain more respect, power and fame. It's just fucked up. Both of them are fucked up. “Y/N, you should trust me, I am the number 1 hero and I know more about politics than you do.” Deku finally uttered, he was trying to convince his fiancé that this is a good idea, even if their daughter wouldn't like it. “She's human, Izuku. Natsuki has feelings too.” Y/N said in disbelief, does he hear the complete utter bullshit he is spitting out? Because he probably isn't. “You should stop being inconsiderate Y/N, Natsuki is our daughter– she'll understand.” Y/N was about to explode, inconsiderate? She's the one being inconsiderate? Oh hell no. Y/N scowled at him, maybe it wasn't too late to call off this engagement. Deku stood his ground, the two of them exchanged stares as Y/N finally left the house. She did not forget to slam the door as hard as she could. Y/N has to be the first one to tell her daughter about this, maybe she can put the situation in a kinder way so that her daughter could understand but as she arrived, the only thing she didn't want to happen, occured. She hid behind the gate and observed the two figures.
You were wild and crazy just so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated
“Natsuki, me and your step-father have discussed this for months now.” The 17 year old stopped sulking and saw her mother not far away, spying on both of them, it seemed important since her father was reaching out to her personally. They were in front of UA because Bakugou dragged her out of her classroom in the middle of a lesson, “What do you need, father?” She asked politely, fixing her position as she faced her father. “You will be engaged when you turn 18.” She went silent, her head hung low in disbelief. Engaged? Isn't she too young for this? This doesn't make any sense at all. Natsuki could hear and feel her heart pound inside her chest, Bakugou walked towards Natsuki and cupped her cheek, both of them made eye contact, it was clear that her father was trying to assert dominance. “I worked hard for this, don't be selfish.” said Bakugou, tightening his grip around her cheek, it was painful but it helped Natsuki get to her senses. “You did father, I'm so glad to have you as my parent.” Natsuki smiled emptily, Y/N widened her eyes, how did he manage to convince Natsuki? And why would she accept? Y/N felt so heartbroken, her daughter's future will be thrown away because of selfish desires and she just stood there, everything in Y/N's body screamed at her to go and protect her daughter's future, but she knew that it was too late.
I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
Why can't we all live happily ever after like the Disney princesses we once adored when we were children? Why do we have to earn happiness, if we deserve it? Y/N misses the times where she and Bakugou were newly married, it was so.. exciting. Moving in, having their first daughter, Natsuki's first steps and Bakugou's promotion. But now all she feels is deja vu with her present lover, occasionally thinking ‘Hey, this happened before’. All princesses are happily married to their lover without any problems because they already eliminated the villain but didn't Y/N already cast Bakugou out of her and her children's life? Why does she feel a sense of longing for him even if he wronged her? Maybe the villain in her story was her mind all along, making these negative and pessimistic thoughts and dreams to haunt her at night. Long ago, Y/N had a dream on the night of her and Bakugou's honeymoon. She was staring at him walking away from her, everything in her screamed ‘GO!’ but all she did was stare despite the irresistible urge to run to him, Y/N watched Bakugou's figure slowly disappearing from her sight before she woke up, drenched in sweat and panting as Bakugou tried to reassure her that everything was alright and it wasn't real, but she only thought about her strange dream. Maybe this was foreshadowing something? It did, and she regretted not looking into it further.
It's 2:00 a.m. and I'm cursing your name
“So, this was all fake? You never loved me?” Y/N says, on the verge of tears. Perhaps she was too blinded by his touch and sweet words to notice, she has to thank Deku later for beating some sense into her head. The blonde was silent, too silent, he could tell that he shattered her heart at that moment. “Katsuki.. please–” Y/N walked towards him, whispering, “please.. tell me you love me..” Each word she uttered grew more and more silent as she realizes what his true intentions were from the beginning, she looked at her hands and then covers her face in shame. How can she be so dumb? “Please..” she uttered, looking at her husband through her middle and ring finger. Bakugou had an blank expression but he felt guilt, haha, he never changed did he? “TELL ME!” Y/N shrieked, there was no doubt that their children are probably awake by now. Bakugou frantically shook his head, he didn't know what to say. Y/N sobbed harder, all of this just for a successor. She genuinely loved him but sometimes she wonders if he loves her back, her speculations were true and she expected this but.. why does her heart feel so heavy? Bakugou hugged her tight, burying his head on the crook of her neck muttering apologies. She cried harder and succumbed into his touch, despite the sweet nothings he whispered in her ear– Y/N never heard him say 'I love you'.
So in love that I acted insane and that's the way I loved you
“–suki.. Natsuki!” Y/N chased her daughter, who seemed to finally hear her calls but refused to meet her mother's gaze. “Natsuki..” Y/N hugged her daughter tightly, starting to tear up. Natsuki remained silent. “You don't have to agree to everything to make your father satisfied, you're throwing your life away.” Natsuki still remained silent. “Sometimes, I wish you were born in a different family, I'm so sorry Natsuki, I-I should've been better.” Y/N tried her best, but it wasn't enough. Natsuki just watched Y/N say the things she should've done a few years back. “Then why aren't you?” Natsuki muttered with a brittle voice, she was asking her mother a genuine question and Y/N didn't know what to reply, “I'm sor–” “No.” Natsuki immediately blocked her apology. “Mom, you only cared about Kasumi.” Y/N widened her eyes at this, offended. “Because your father doesn't see her as his own.” Y/N said, wasn't this obvious by now? She had to take care of Kasumi because she had nobody else. “And you think he saw me as his daughter?” They both fell silent, this was a sign for Natsuki to continue speaking. “He only saw me as a successor, not his child.” She pointed out, glaring at her mother. Natsuki wasn't surprised, her mother only paid attention to her sister anyway. “I shouldn't have taught you how to be a good successor, I should've taught you to how to live a happy and peaceful life.” Natsuki froze hearing her mother's sincere words, then why didn't she? Natsuki is intelligent, strong and reliable but that doesn't mean she doesn't need affection. She remembers the times where she would just stare at her little sister showered with affection from her mother because she was 'fragile'. Natsuki is only 17. She hung her head low, trying to bite back her tears. She couldn't achieve her dreams and goals. Natsuki didn't want this at all but she didn't have a choice, she never had a choice. Natsuki couldn't even graduate and become a pro-hero. Oh, the things she does for a father's love and validation.
Part 6, Solandis coming soon! Check Accismus, the series for more details.
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Want some details of part 6?
Deku stared at his sobbing wife on the floor of their bedroom, covering her mouth trying not to let sobs and whimpers out of overhwhelming sadness as tears were falling down her face at a rapid pace. He never saw her this.. fragile before, news recently came out that 'Dynamite' or Bakugou Katsuki died during a mission. Y/N needed some comfort considering how much she's shaking, Deku walked towards the weeping woman and wrapped his arms around her. She didn't return the hug but buried her face on the crook of his neck, his shoulders suddenly wet because of her overflowing tears. Deku still loves her despite her flaws and focused on her perfections, he loves her unconditionally. He knew that Y/N wasn't exactly over her ex-husband even after 10 years, this, was what he didn't expect. Bakugou was a terrible father and husband, he didn't know Y/N would make a big deal of his death considering the fact that he treated Kasumi like an outcast of her own family and forced Natsuki to be just like him. He tried his hardest to comfort his wife with his sweet words, but nothing would work as she continued to weep. Deku decided to give her some time alone out of pity, her eyes were puffy and sore because of how long she wept. Y/N spent her free time with Natsuki a few days later– attempting to talk her out of her hatred for her step-father. “But mooom!!” Natsuki whined dramatically. “He's different, Natsuki. He's sweet, honest and–” Natsuki started to giggle, unintentionally interrupting her mother. “You really love him, mom. But I still don't trust him, how about you focus on getting me a brother instead?” Y/N blushed at her words and turned away out of embarrassment, this caused Natsuki to laugh and smirk devilishly.
“Why, are you scared?”
. . .
Y/N turned away and ran despite Natsuki's protests. Damnit, tears were brimming in her eyes again, she's so much like her father– it hurt so much. To be constantly reminded of the fact that he's forever gone and within her grasp. She ran and ran until she was inside her house, ignoring Deku and slamming the door in his face. The feeling was back again, the feeling that everything was crashing down. Her chest is so heavy, her eyes are so blurry. Deku opened the door to their shared bedroom and discovered a side of Y/N he thought that he would never see until today.
Y/N was at her weakest.
Her tears were trailing openly down her face and unto the bedsheets but she wasn't sobbing as hard like she did a few weeks ago. Each tear that fell from her eyes were tears of regret and frustration, she was frustrated at herself for being so selfish in the past and present.
His death was unexpected, he was a strong and determined hero who was admired by many. So how could the number 2 hero fall against a mere villainess?
Their marriage was expected to end sooner or later, but both of them still loved each other even if they weren't fated. She had to adapt to a new environment without one of the most important people in her life, for her children and for herself.
Deku knew that Y/N only used him to put her mind at peace, to move on from him. He knew but he still believed the sweet nothings whispered in his ear every night. He knew but yet he still held her, he knew and yet he still loves her.
It's not your fault that he didn't love you the way I did, it's not your fault that you can't change him, it's not your fault that you can't make him love you back. Why won't you focus on the present? On us? He doesn't fucking love you, Y/N. Deal with it instead of making me hope that you love me more than him. You made it seem like you actually loved me, and I despise you for that.
But in reality he couldn't feel anything against Y/N, she did nothing after all but love someone else who wasn't him. It wasn't her fault. It shouldn't be her fault.
He wanted to scream, to make her realize that she's not the only one suffering, that he loves her more than Bakugou ever will but Deku just stared at Y/N's quivering figure, trying her hardest not to make any sound. He couldn't help but cry as well, but every tear he shed had her name on it. He just wants to be loved, is that so hard to ask for?
He didn't realize how much he loves Y/N until he found himself sobbing at the thought of losing her, but what he didn't know also was that he already lost her a long time ago.
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slitherbop · 4 years
.......Any papastuck hcs?
THANK YOU for giving me an excuse to publicly ramble about PAPA G AND CHUCK beware of Spoilers within ALSO HERE’S A PIC happy valentines day
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When they met and Chuck was still Stuck in the floor, like Post-Chicken-Feed-Missing-Scene, Chuck would be RUDE as HELL to Papa G. But Papa G took it as realizing he’s just A Guy and was like AH MAYBE I SHOULDA BEEN GIVIN HIM REAL FOOD and then he does that, but Chuck is still a bastard to him. Not to The Kid’s knowledge tho, he only found out that Papa G knew about Chuck’s existence in the second episode like we saw.
Papa G literally just looked at Chuck and how Evil he was being at the beginning and was like OH YES WE CAN BE FRIENDS I LIKE THIS GUY cuz he DID save him and want him to be redeemed and have the last ring to be on the team... Papa G’s Immediate Trust.. like if u agree
I like to imagine that Papa G actually did have da iced tea with Chuck to get to know him :] this was Post-Chuck-getting-Cut-in-Half. Papa G is Very Curious about Chuck but Chuck’s still a rude little man at this point and Papa G laughs off his behaviour. Papa G might be f*cked up enough that he does enjoy his company, bad vibes and all
Chuck has NO idea what to make of Papa G here because no one else has ever shown him kindness or wasn’t annoyed at him. It doesn’t stop him from being a force of negativity though cuz at this point he still Believes he’s going to conquer the earth.
This ended up being like a timeline of their relationship and not relationship headcanon UUHH OOPS!!!!!
OK, Chuck actually likes that he calls him Charles it’s the special name :]
I’m prepared to be proven wrong but it would be epic if Chuck started calling Papa G “George” because he was there to hear that that is his first name and Papa G like with Tuna Sandwich doesn’t mind being called it, it’s just his name. Also George is my real name and I’d love to hear Chuck say. Also Also George and Charles are gay old man names
Uh oh I’m talking more about timeline stuff but some time after the events of the big showdown and they’re dealing with the fact that Chuck is deciding to stay here on earth, Papa G and The Kid make him his own living space there in the junkyard with them. Not sure where or what it’d look like but it means a lot to Chuck (makes this face -> 🥺) I’d imagine since his species aren’t given their own names / have individuality he wasn’t given a space of his own to do whatever he wanted with
Since they no longer have the rings, Chuck helps Papa G as an extra hand doing work in the yard (Papa G had to get used to doing stuff without being his own company :[ ) and Chuck ACTUALLY LOVES HELPING imagine that one scene where Papa G and Chuck are working together to build the ice cream megaphone truck, they’re both really skilled at building stuff and enjoy it so it’s like that pretty often!
I swear to god Papa G needs to get Chuck a wheelchair / make him one, I want to believe that he does have one and we just didn’t see it at the end of the time skip -_- :prayer: but they totally deck it the hell out (you KNOW Papa G is capable of making deadly death machines and you KNOW Chuck would absolutely love that sh*t!!!!)
Anyway back to the time skip relationship development thing: PAPA G SHOWS CHUCK AROUND HIS HOUSE I wish we knew what inside the house looked like besides the kitchen sink lol but Papa G figured if he’s gonna be around here more often he might as well show him where HE lives! Papa G is SUPER excitedly showing him all the weird stuff he’s accumulated over his lifetime. Chuck doesn’t Get the specialness of physical possessions and calls it Junk but Papa G doesn’t mind! He shows things and Chuck is confused about certain things (being an Alien) and Papa G is happy to explain everything to him.
Papa G shares Chuck his art and is showing him painting ;_; once again Chuck is a bastard and doesn’t totally get it. Papa G would definitely call HIM an artist, pointing out that all the building that Chuck does is artwork, those comics that he spent all that time reading was him appreciating the art, and that changes the way he views it. Chuck makes his own dam comics, I’d imagine the way he’d draw is very unique and the text is written in his language, and then it’s Papa G who doesn’t totally get it but is ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT IT!!!
Also Papa G totally takes Chuck out to the middle of nowhere to go look for junk, this is probably Chuck’s Least Favourite Activity LOL but they do spend a lot of time talking about anything, I’m really curious about what the kind of things they’d even say when they’re not faced with any threat and are only with each other *looks up at the sky in thought..*
Chuck please go off about your previous life away from earth I feel like as soon as he came here he kinda just accepted himself being Stuck Chuck and therefore had no attachment to being a nameless body in an alien army. Also Papa G please open up about your messed up secret history that warranted the government keeping tabs on you and made you live almost completely isolated.
See^ I think whatever they got going on on a DEEP LEVEL could be wild and would have so much to unravel, Chuck’s life before this was probably just 90% seeing various people DIE and was simply made to Kill people for his leader. And. you KNOW Papa G has something Messed Up about him + Is Traumatized / got “bad flashbacks” + the whole seeing himself die and being numb to it. And now that they are people who are trying to save lives on their team they could Relate to each other as the two older guys with UNKNOWN HISTORY!!!!
UUUUH OK SO SHIP HEADCANONS RIGHT. RIGHT. They hold hands :] they rarely kiss it’s mostly Papa G who kisses Chuck on the face but Chuck is forbidden from kissing unless Papa G wants to go to sleep. Also Chuck likes to be held by Papa G, they hug a lot :D Papa G takes Chuck out to the diner and gets him everything he wants <3 they go to the house and watch movies and Kid joins them too as a family ;_; Papa G goes to sleep in his god forsaken hammock with Chuck, and Chuck is like So This Is Your Weird-Ass Cocoon Huh and Papa G is like HAHA YUP and its sweet.
I’m gonna end this here thank you for reading, this is the kinda stuff I ramble on and on like this in private but I hope u enjoy some of my thoughts about this I think it’s a genius ship with so much potential and is my favourite thing right now THANKS
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Warnings: Swearing, fighting, angst (sorry <3)
A/N: this was definitely meant to be posted like a week ago but here it is! <3
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August 1994
The florescent lights of the hospital waiting room were starting to give you a headache. 
They were way too bright and flickered every so often that it made you dizzy to look at them. But you needed something to focus on to stave off boredom, so you focused your attention on the clock on the wall.
It read just after midnight and you silently cursed yourself, quickly pulling out your flip phone and dialing your mom’s number.
She was probably asleep by now, but thinking about her possibly waiting up and worrying made your stomach turn. The line rang for a moment, but then the ending tone chirped and you were left with her answering machine.
“Hey, Mom. Uh, we had a little accident at practice. Luke was practicing his guitar throw and he kind of threw out his shoulder. I’m gonna drop him off at home and then I’ll probably just stay at the studio so I’m not biking home so late. Okay, love you. Bye.”
You hung up the phone and shoved it in your pocket just as Luke appeared from behind the door. The nurse said something to him that made his eyebrows furrow but he nodded. As you got closer, you realized that his right arm was wrapped in a sling.
“So, you’re not dying?” You joked.
“I might as well be.” Luke pouted, lacing his other arm through yours as you start to walk out of the building and into the parking lot. “They said I can’t play guitar for two weeks.”
You hummed sympathetically, knowing more than anyone how much that was going to drive him crazy. “This is what you get for trying to be all ‘Rockstar’”
“Excuse you.” Luke said. “I am a rockstar.”
“Uh-huh.” You sarcastically nodded.
“You’re a jerk.” Luke grumbled petulantly, resting his head on your shoulder. “Here I am, in unimaginable pain and you have no sympathy.”
“Here’s a tip for the future, if you want sympathy then don’t make me drive through Hollywood past midnight.” You teased, lightly shaking him to show that you weren’t actually serious.
“I’m still surprised that Bobby let you drive ‘Amber’.” He gestured to the car you were walking towards.
‘Amber’ was a present that Bobby had gotten for his birthday a few years earlier and it was his most prized possession. Normally, he never would’ve let you take it, but he didn’t feel like driving and taking Luke to the hospital in the basket on your bike seemed a little impractical. So he had handed over the keys reluctantly.
“You got something to say about my driving skills, Patterson?” You asked as you unlocked the car and settled into the driver's seat. Luke got comfortable in the passenger seat, and winced as he looked over at you.
“Don’t get me wrong, (Y/n). You are many things,” He said. “But a good driver isn’t one of them.”
You flipped him off as you started the car and started pulling out of the parking lot. It was quiet for a minute, but just as you turned back on the street, Luke turned on the radio and a familiar song filled your ears.
“Mmm, yeah!
Tonight, I want to give it all to you,”
“Oh no.” You laughed, knowing exactly what you were in for from the way that Luke’s eyes lit up. He grinned as he cranked up the volume and shifted in his seat as much as he could, ready to give you the performance of a lifetime.
‘In the darkness, there's so much I want to do
And tonight, I want to lay it at your feet
'Cause girl, I was made for you
And girl, you were made for me,’
You were trying your best to keep your eyes on the road, but it was hard when Luke was being so frustratingly cute.
His hair was still messy from rehearsal so it stuck up in different directions and he had a dorky smile on his face as he drummed his fingers against the center console. You pulled up to a red light and Luke looked at you expectantly.
You rolled your eyes, but gave in, taking one hand off the wheel to make a makeshift microphone. Luke grinned as you both began to sing.
‘I was made for lovin' you, baby
You were made for lovin' me
And I can't get enough of you, baby
Can you get enough of me?’
One song turned into two, then three, then before you knew it, you had pulled onto Luke's street.
Unlike the rest of the neighborhood, every light in the Patterson household was glowing bright yellow into the night and Luke let out a heavy sigh.
"Thanks for driving me." He said, his voice suddenly a little quiet. You looked up to the window to see the shadows of Luke's worried parents as they passed the curtains and suddenly the levity in the air was gone.
"Of course." You said.
You both knew what was about to happen.
Luke had told you all about the famous Emily Patterson meltdowns, and how they had been getting more and more frequent since he formed the band. Luke spraining his shoulder was only going to give his mom more reason to push Luke away from music.
From your music.
"Hey," You reached over and interlocked his pinky with yours, making Luke raise his eyes from his feet. "Don't let her get in your head, okay? Our music is important, and I know she'll realize that someday."
Luke’s eyes held yours for what seemed like an eternity before lightly squeezing his pinky around yours. “How do you always know what to say?”
You laughed. “’Cause I’m the greatest best friend ever.”
Luke smiled, his eyes slowly drifting from your still connected hands back up to your face. “Yeah, you are.”
The softness in his voice made your heart skip a beat. “I’m serious though. We’ll get into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame someday and you’ll prove her wrong.”
Luke learned a little closer, his voice practically a whisper, "Is this your way of admitting that I actually am a rockstar?"
"Oh, shut up." You groaned as you threw your head back. "You're the worst, you know that?"
"You love me." Luke retorted.
"Unfortunately." You deadpanned. "Now get out of the car, dork."
Luke fake pouted as he wiggled out of his seat and started walking towards the door, he gave you a quick grin and a wave before disappearing into his house.
Once he was out of sight, you let out a sigh and leaned back against the seats, trying to remember the way his hand felt in yours.
"(Y/n)! Where have you been?"
Alex demanded the second you stepped into the studio, a worried expression on his face. As soon as you left the diner so late, you knew that a lecture from Alex was coming.
"I’m sorry, Al." You said. "I just lost track of time."
"Were you with that guy from the diner?" He asked, crossing his arms and raising his eyebrow.
"Someone's in trouble." Reggie loudly whispered to Luke who was next to him on the couch. Just like usual, Luke barely spared you a glance before he glued his eyes back to his songbook.
"I don’t think you have any room to be teasing anyone about cute ghost boys.” You said, mirroring his position. “How was your afternoon with Willie?”
Across the room, you could’ve sworn Luke’s writing got heavier against the page. But when you looked over at him, he gave no other indication he was paying attention. 
“Don’t change the subject,” Alex's cheeks turned a little pink but he stood his ground. “You’ve been gone for hours.”
“Hey,” You walked up and rested your hands on his shoulders. “I’m sorry I made you worry. But you don’t have to. I’m good.”
“Of course I’m gonna worry.” Alex said, finally dropping his grumpy face and nudging you. “What else are best friends for?”
This time it wasn’t your imagination, Luke’s writing was definitely getting harder, enough to where it was going to rip a hole in the paper. Reggie and Alex noticed this time too and you all exchanged confused looks but before anyone could say anything, Luke jumped up from the couch.
“So! We should get working on this song.” He puts the page on the piano for you all to read. “I could use your help on the bridge, (Y/n).”
Alex shot you one last confused look and you shrugged before shifting your focus to the song. It was mostly finished, and with Julie’s poem as a guide for the lyrics, you were confident that it would be one your best songs yet.
Next to you, Luke scanned the page with the edge of his pencil, pointing at things he wanted your opinion on. Even with all the tension surrounding the two of you lately, it was nice to know that you were still a great team when it came to music.
For someone who learned that ghosts exist, that four of them from the 90′s were living in her best friends garage, and that they were all in a band together in one afternoon,
Flynn took the news surprisingly well.
Which meant that once Julie agreed to join the band, Flynn immediately started coming up with T-shirt ideas and new band names. You weren’t surprised at all when Julie announced that Flynn had booked a gig at the school dance a few days later.
You had all decided on the setlist that morning and had been practicing all day. Which meant by mid-afternoon, you had everything memorized. Since it was the first performance with Julie as a part of the band, you figured that letting her take the lead with vocals would be a good idea.
During the second break of the day, Luke and Reggie were messing around up in the loft, leaving you and Julie with nothing to do. So she offered to teach you a little about piano. It was a slow-going process but you were slowly getting the hang of it. "Okay, so, like this?"
Julie watched carefully as your hand flew across the keys. You miraculously played all the right notes to the song that Julie had taught you over the past half-hour and she beamed.
“Yeah! That’s perfect!” She said, “Play it again.”
Your finger was about to press down on the key, but then Alex phased through the doors. Ever since yesterday, you had been waiting for a moment to tease him about Willie. It was only fair since he just grilled you about being out all day.
“Hey, Al.” You greeted as you stepped away from the keyboard and wiggled your eyebrows at him. “And just where have you been?”
“Yeah, man, we gotta start practicing.” Luke said.
“For what?” Alex asked just as Flynn came strutting into the room. You noticed the colorful paper in her hand and nodded your head toward it with a grin. 
“For that.” 
Flynn set the paper down on the keyboard to Julie to see.
Alex whined as he looked it over. “Aw, man. We’re playing a dance?”
“Yeah, it’s how you build a following these days.” Luke said as he plopped down into a chair.
“Yeah, get with the program, Alex.” Julie said and Luke laughed.
The sound drew your eyes to his face and you can’t help but stare at him as you tried to remember the last time you and Luke had joked around like that. It used to come so naturally, but now even just being around Luke felt like a ticking time bomb of awkwardness. 
Luke’s eyes flitted up to yours for just a second and for the next few moments you couldn’t help but wonder if he was thinking the same thing.
Flynn shouted, breaking you out of your thoughts. “The band is here?”
She then proceeds to wave to the wrong side of the room and you laughed as Julie gestured towards where you all were actually sitting. You all still waved back despite knowing she couldn’t see you.
“Okay, so now that Alex has graced us with his presence, we should get back to rehearsing.” Luke said and everyone nodded in agreement.
But before any of you could move, Carlos strolled in. “Hey, Julie, remember those orbs from dad’s pictures? I think they’re ghosts.”
Julie’s eyes went wide as she looked at the photos Carlos set on the keyboard right in front of her. She looked back and forth between all of you as Carlos rambled on.
“But don’t worry.” He said as he spun in a circle. “This room is clean, I’m not getting any ghost vibes.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. Carlos was exactly what you always pictured a little brother would be like. You had always wanted a sibling, but the closest you ever got was Reggie.
“If they come back, I’ll protect you.” Carlos puffed out his chest a little. “Because I’m the man of the house.”
Julie raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t dad supposed to be the man of the house?”
“There can be two.” He said as he pulled a salt shaker out of his pocket. “According to the internet, salt burns out their souls.” 
Your eyes all got wide and you backed up until you were almost against the wall. Reggie and Luke both yelped and jumped up as Carlos spun in another circle. Alex screamed as salt went right through his torso, but he straightened a second later with a sheepish smile.
“I’m okay.”
“You’re such a drama queen.” You snort as Alex flipped you off. Julie nodded at Flynn to distract Carlos and she led him out through the doors and back up to the house.
Once they had left, you turned to Julie with an excited smile. "Wait, before we start, I wanted to show you some old Sunset Curve songs."
"Ooh, okay!”
Luke opened his songbook and a page quickly fell out. You instantly recognized the cramped but neat handwriting and laughed at Reggie. "'Home Is Where My Horse Is'? Again, Reg?"
Reggie beamed. "It's a gift."
"Thanks, Buddy." Luke patted his shoulder before opening his songbook to a page in the middle and laying it across the piano for Julie to see. 'I think you’d kill this one."
Julie’s eyes scanned the page for a moment before flipping through the book. "Who's Emily?"
The color drained out of Luke's face as he scrambled for the journal. But Julie kept it just out of his reach. "And this another one, 'She Is Love’? Who knew you were such a romantic?"
You shared confused looks with Alex and Reggie. Of course, you all knew about ‘Unsaid Emily’. Luke always eagerly shared every part of his music with the band, even if it was just a few scribbled lines or a riff he thought of off the top of his head.
But it was clear from the guy’s faces that none of you had ever heard this song. Luke writing a love song was weird in itself, but him not telling anyone about it was even weirder.
"It's just something I tried." Luke said, a faint blush on his cheeks. "But you should flip to the next one. It's got a killer beat."
He played one of the first songs you had ever written for Sunset Curve 'Last Place' and Julie nodded along with a confused look. "So you wanna use a sample?"
"What do you mean?" You asked.
"Sample someone else's music." She explained. "I've heard that riff a million times. It's a classic Trevor Wilson song."
With a couple of clicks on her computer, Julie pulled up a picture of a middle aged guy leaning up against a guitar and your head started spinning.
"Guys, is that...?" You trailed off, hoping that you were wrong.
"It's Bobby." Luke finished.
"Seriously? I just told you his name is Trevor." Julie said.
Alex ran his hands through his hair, a slight scowl settling on his face. "Okay well then he changed it. That's definitely Bobby, he was our rhythm guitarist."
"He looks so old." You said, resisting the urge to reach out and poke the screen.
"He looks like a substitute teacher." Alex added, producing a slight chuckle from Reggie. 
"Julie, what were his other songs?" You asked. You had a feeling the bad news was only beginning. 
"'Get Lost'." She said and your heart sank even further.
"I wrote that." Luke said as he tugged his strap over his head. You could tell he was getting angry beneath his calm exterior, and the same feelings were rising up inside you as Julie went on. 
"’Long Weekend'?' She continued. 
"That one too." Reggie said. "It took (Y/n) and Luke like a month to finish."
"This is freaking me out!" Julie rubbed her temples. "This whole time I thought you were connected to my mom. But you're actually connected to Carrie's dad?"
"Add it to our list of questions." Alex sighed, his leg bouncing as he sat in front of his drum set.
“We used to talk about music all the time.” Julie said sadly. “He never mentioned you guys.”
"Of course not." You scoffed and Luke walked across the room and threw a dart at the board with enough force to put a hole in the wall. “He takes all the credit and doesn’t even mention us.”
“And he’s rich.” Julie flipped her computer screen around to show a photo of a huge mansion. “He has his own helicopter.”
Luke abandons the darts and makes his way over to the screen as Alex jumps up. “Man, we live in a garage!”
“It’s not about the money.” Luke huffed. “It’s about the music!”
Reggie whined. “It’s a little bit about the money.”
“A little about the money.” Alex emphasized.
“He could have at least shared it with our families.” You said, thinking about your mom and how she used to work extra shifts to take care of the both of you. 
Reggie nodded in agreement. “Then maybe my parent’s house wouldn’t have gotten turned into a bike shack.”
Luke took a deep breath. ”What he did was steal our legacy.”
There was a moment of tense silence before he spoke up again.
“Where does he live?”
Julie hesitated. It was clear that all of you were angry, but Luke was on another level. His music was everything to him and being betrayed by Bobby was clearly getting under his skin. You gave her a pleading look and she sighed.
“Above the beach in Malibu.”
Luke glanced at the three of you, asking a silent question. You all nodded and Luke threw on his jacket, a look of determination on his face. “Let’s go teach him a lesson.”
Julie got up from the bench and tried to protest, but you all phased away.
As you walked into the front door of the mansion, a million memories raced through your head.
Of days when the five of you would go down to the pier or the park and play for hours, or take a drive around the city in Bobby’s car and talk about being famous one day. You used to joke about someone breaking off and starting a solo career, never actually thinking it would happen.
But clearly Bobby took it a little too seriously.
You and Alex walked to one side of the house while Luke and Reggie searched the other side. Every wall you could see was covered in awards and photos of his performances along with a giant portrait of his face right above the living room. From a little further down the hall, Alex shouted your name and you walked over to see him pointing at a display of shiny silver records.
“Have you seen these records? They’re Platinum.” He said.
“Platinum?” You repeated in disbelief. You ran your hands along the frame and were shocked that you could actually touch it. Across the room, Luke grumbled.
“He recorded ‘My Name Is Luke’.” He said. “My name is Luke!”
Suddenly, you heard the front door open and Bobby walked in.
“There he is!” Reggie called and you all turned to face him as he walked up the stairs. You snorted at his outfit choice and Reggie scoffed, clearly thinking the same thing. “He wears sunglasses indoors.”
Luke and Reggie started bouncing up the stairs after him but you and Alex hung back. 
“Wait!” Alex called. “You know, It’s my first time haunting someone. I want it to be special.”
You stifled a laugh as Luke and Reggie exchanged confused looks before continuing up the stairs.
“I made that weird, didn’t I?” Alex cringed and you patted his shoulder.
“Definitely.” You laughed as you nudged him forward. “Come on.”
You reached the top of the stairs just as Reggie and Luke phased through a door at the end of the hall. Alex was quick to follow but you found yourself stopped in front of what you assumed was Bobby’s office. 
It was a huge room with expensive guitars and fancy furniture. It looked like every other room in the house, but for some reason, you felt like you needed to look in there.
Alex noticed your hesitation and frowned. “You coming?”
“I think I’m gonna look around a little more.” You said.
“You sure?” He raised an eyebrow and you nodded.
Once he was gone, you walked into the room and spun around, taking in the sight of even more awards lining the walls. Your blood boiled thinking about all the hours you had spent writing them only for Bobby to take the credit.
You crossed to the desk to find the bottom drawer cracked open. You tried not to open it, but your curiosity won out. It slid open and you saw that it was completely empty except for an old shoebox that was pushed all the way to the back.
The lid was covered with a thin layer of dust like it hadn’t been opened for ages. It took a minute of pulling, but you finally got the lid off and peered inside.
The first thing you saw was a guitar strap. It was black with white skulls and flowers lining the sides. You recognized it instantly as the one Alex got Bobby for his 17th birthday.
The second was a picture of Sunset Curve playing at the winter formal freshman year. You cringed while looking back at your questionable fashion choices, but the memory still brought a smile to your face.
Finally, there were a few picks spread out across the bottom of the box, and a faded napkin from the diner. 
A wave of confusion and regret washed over you.
So Bobby hadn’t forgotten about all of you.
Maybe he was a music-stealing weasel that you wished you could deck in the nose. But why would he keep all of this stuff if he still didn’t care deep down? If that seemingly always grumpy but secretly dorky boy you had known wasn’t still in there somewhere?
Suddenly, you heard screaming down the hall and you quickly closed the drawer before following the noise. It led to the bathroom door, where Luke and Reggie leaned up against the wall as Alex held the door shut. Then he backed up and the door swung open.
Bobby stumbled out with a terrified look on his face, running down the stairs while he mumbled to himself. The boys laughed and high-fived, grinning at you before phasing out again. You groaned and started walking downstairs where Flynn was sitting on the couch rambling to Carrie as Julie snuck into the backyard.
You followed Julie cautiously, knowing that she would probably be mad at you for leaving earlier. When you walked through the screen door and heard her start to lecture the boys, you knew you were right.
“So, did you guys have fun?” She asked, crossing her arms.
“You would do the same if he stole your music.” Luke said defensively.
“But you guys have new music with me.” Julie added. “And the best way to get back at him is for this band to do great. First we have to play dances, then clubs.”
“Then tours. I know.” Luke said and Julie sighed.
“I’ll see you guys at the school. We go on at 9:00.” She frowned. “Please don’t be late.”
“We’ll be there.” Alex said reassuringly. “Don’t worry.”
Julie turned and walked back through the screen door, giving you a tight-lipped smile as she passed. 
“I don’t care what Julie says. I’m glad we scared Bobby.” Reggie said as he glared up at the mansion.
“I mean, maybe it was a little harsh.” You said and all of them stared at you in disbelief.
“Harsh?” Luke sputtered, like he couldn’t believe that just came out of your mouth.
“I found some stuff upstairs.” You tried to explain.
“What kind of stuff?” Reggie asked.
“The picture of us playing back in freshman year, some of our old picks, his old guitar strap.” You said, but the boys didn’t look convinced. “Guys, Bobby was our friend. We shouldn’t forget that.”
Alex and Reggie looked a little conflicted, but Luke didn’t budge. “How are you so cool with this?”
“I’m not!” You sighed, talking a little louder than you meant to. “God, of course I’m not okay with it, Luke. I put just as much of myself in those songs as you did. But I think we’ve done enough. Besides, it's not like we can even confront him anyway.”
“Maybe we can.” Alex said and you all turned to look at him. “I mean, Willie knows a lot about ghost stuff. Maybe he knows a way we could talk to him.”
“Let’s go find out.” Luke smiled mischievously.
You frowned but nodded. “You guys go. I’ll meet you at the dance.”
“(Y/n)-” Luke started but you had already disappeared in a flash of bright white.
If there was anything you didn’t miss about being alive, it was school dances.
You were always wrapped up in work or band stuff to be able to go, let alone ask anyone to be your date. Playing at the freshman winter formal was the first and only time you had ever set foot in a dance until tonight.
Your eyes scanned the gym in awe as you followed Julie through the dancing crowd. There were bright lights and balloons everywhere. There were a few kids dancing but it wasn’t very crowded, but it was still early and you hoped more people would be there to see you perform.
Once you and Julie reached the stage, Flynn grinned from behind her DJ booth and gestured to the backstage area. Julie fiddled with the bottom of her shirt nervously as you both walked behind the curtain.
Flynn gave Julie a hug and you laughed as she flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Are they here?”
“(Y/n) is.” Julie explained and Flynn waved in your general direction in response. “The boys will be here later. At least I hope.”
“I’m sure they will be.” You tried to reassure her. “They know how important this is.”
Flynn nudged Julie’s shoulder with a grin. “Well, let’s get your stuff set up then.”
By the time 11:00 rolled around, you were ready to track the boys down and kill them again.
The dance floor was twice as crowded as it was when you got there, and everyone was impatiently waiting for the main performance. You knew that wherever the boys were, they must’ve just lost track of time and didn’t know they were late. But that didn’t stop you from being angry. Especially when you saw the look on Julie’s face.
“Hey,” You sat on the floor next to her while she stared sadly at the projector. “I’m sorry they’re not here.”
Julie just shrugged. “I was really looking forward to playing tonight.”
Your eyes drifted to the crowd, then to the projector, then to Flynn and you got an idea. “Maybe we still can.”
She furrowed her eyebrows but there was a spark of curiosity in her eyes. “What do you mean?”
“We can perform the songs. Just the two of us.” You started. “Flynn can play some backing tracks and we can still rock this place!”
Julie looked nervous and a little hesitant but she called for Flynn and the girl raced over immediately. She explained the plan quickly and Flynn grinned in approval and assured you that she would take care of the backup music.
A pit of butterflies opened in your stomach. You hadn’t performed without the boys for years, but with Julie to lean on, you were fairly confident that you could get through it without throwing up.
You went on with Julie as planned, pushing thoughts about what the boys must be doing off to the side so you could focus on the performance at hand. It wasn’t quite the same, but it didn’t seem like the audience could tell. You belted your hearts out as they danced along, and both yours and Julie’s nerves disappeared as you got lost in the music.
It ended with a thunderous round of applause and you and Julie taking a bow at center stage. You took your cue to phase away and there was another wave of cheering as Julie waved and joined you in the backstage area.
As the crowd of students began making their way home and the stage was being torn down, you sat on the gym floor beneath a colorful balloon arch with Julie. Flynn had made her way to the cafeteria, taking advantage of the fact that there were no adults to stop her. 
You watched the last few students leave, including the blonde boy you’d noticed staring at Julie all night. You turned to her with a playful smile. 
"So? When were you going to tell me about the cute boy who obviously likes you?" You teased and Julie sighed.
"Nick is Carrie's boyfriend." She said as her eyes drifted across the empty room and you smiled sympathetically. She elbowed the air next to your ribs, "When were you going to tell me about Luke?"
"What about Luke?" You asked, trying not to blush.
"Don't play dumb, (Y/n)." Julie smirked. "It's obvious."
You groaned, falling onto your back against the floor and Julie laughed. "How obvious?"
"(Y/n), you wear his jacket like everyday, and that song in his journal was one hundred percent about you." Julie laid down beside you.
You snapped your head sideways and Julie laughed again at your shocked expression. "What?"
"Come on." She said. "Who else could that be about?"
You thought back to earlier, when Luke looked like a deer in headlights as Julie read the title out loud.. But you knew there was no way that it was about you. I mean,  Luke never exactly had a shortage of girls that wanted his attention. 
Just as you were about to point this out to Julie, there was a series of bright lights and Alex, Luke and Reggie appeared in front of you. You and Julie stood up, wearing identical glares, the anger you both felt earlier returning in full force. But before you could say a word, Luke launched into an apology.
“We are so sorry that we bailed on you guys.”
“The night just got away from us.” Alex added, looking everywhere but your face.
“It was about Carrie’s dad, wasn’t it?” Julie asked and when none of the boys answered, she scoffed. “You know what? Save it. Bands don’t do this to each other, friends don’t do this to each other. This whole thing was a mistake.”
“You mean the dance, right?” Luke asked hopefully and Julie shook her head.
“I meant joining a band with you guys.” She said, trying to keep a straight face. You could tell she was holding back tears as she ran out of the gym.
Once she was gone, you took a deep breath and faced them.
Alex immediately stepped forward, guilt etched on his face.”(Y/n), We’re so sorry.”
“I’m not the one you should worry about apologizing to.” You said, looking towards the doors where Julie left just a second ago. Alex followed your eyes and sighed, grabbing onto Reggie’s shoulder and steering him towards the door.
There was a moment of heaviness as you took another deep breath. You realized with a start that this was the first time you and Luke had been alone in months. Talking used to come so easily between the two of you, but now you found yourself struggling to find your words. 
“We really are sorry, (Y/n).” Luke said quietly. “We didn’t mean to hurt Julie. Or you.”
You scoffed, kicking your foot against the linoleum of the gym floor, “But you did, and for what? A chance for revenge?”
“No! Well, yeah. But there was something else that happened. You won’t believe-”
“What could’ve been more important than being here?” You asked, cutting him off. You forced yourself to look up and found him looking back at you intently. 
“If you just let me explain, I promise I would never purposely leave you hanging.” 
“But you have been leaving me hanging, Luke!” You fired back, your voice nearly echoing in the empty room. The second the words left your mouth, you felt nauseous. After months of keeping those words on the tip of your tongue, you had expected saying them to feel better.
Luke winced at your words, but kept your gaze, “Hey, I know I’ve been..” He paused, knitting his eyebrows together, “distracted”. 
“That’s one word for it.” You said and Luke took a cautious step closer.
“It’s just that everything has changed so much.” He said, and for the first time tonight, he looked away, “Even before we died.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but he cut you off, seemingly unable to stop rambling.
“It’s like there’s so many things I’ve been trying to say, but I can’t make the words come out. And it all gets so tangled up in my head and I just end up saying nothing.”
You could see him getting more frustrated as he continued on. “I’m sorry for everything. For being late, for being such a shitty friend and being so far away lately. I just-”
He took another step forward, eyes never leaving your face. “I’m just afraid of losing everything.”
There was an edge to his voice, like it was hard for him to get the words out. As he inched a little closer, you reached out your hand, fingers inches away from his when suddenly he jumped back. A purple shock flashing in the middle of his chest.
Luke fell to the ground, groaning as he clutched his side. You crouched next to him and his eyes fluttered open slowly. “Ow.”
“What the hell was that?” You asked and Luke sat up.
“I don’t know.” He said, rolling his shoulders, “That’s never happened to me before.” 
Suddenly, Alex and Reggie phased back into the gym, both of them looking just as shocked. 
“Guys, something so weird just happened.” Reggie exclaimed. Alex took in the sight of you and Luke sitting so close to each other and cleared his throat.
“Should we come back later?”
You glared at him. “Let me guess, you guys also got shocked with creepy purple magic?”
“How’d you know?” Reggie asked, wide-eyed.
Alex sighed at him before he turned back to you. “We definitely need to figure out what the hell just happened.”
“Yeah, let’s go home.” You said and Luke cleared his throat, staring at Alex and Reggie.
“Uh, you guys go. We’ll be there in a minute.”
Alex gave you a questioning look and you nodded, and with another flash, they phased out.
It was quiet for a minute as you both processed everything that just happened. You and Luke hadn’t had a fight like that since you were kids, and that was the most he had said to you in over half a year. Your head was spinning with all the change.
Luke rubbed the back of his neck and you could almost feel how nervous he was. “So..”
“So…” You repeated.
Luke turned a little more towards you and quickly wrapped his pinky around yours. He gave it a gentle squeeze as he smiled.
“Truce?” Luke asked.
You nodded, smiling as you squeezed back. “Truce.”
In Life, In Death Taglist:
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