#you have no grammatical morals
if you censor swear words in your fics you are now my mortal enemy I WILL fight you you annoying asshole
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cyberjam · 1 year
ATSV HEADCANON: they have a crush on you . . . ☆
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warnings - none really, super fluffy and adorable :), semi-proof read so i apologize for grammatical errors if there are any! no use of name or y/n, gender-neutral reader!
word count - 2.1k
main masterlist <3
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☆ . . . miles morales
I imagine you two already being well-acquainted friends with each other once he realized his feelings for you. For quite some time he had a crush on gwen but now his heart strings are pulling him towards you, so he's struggling when it comes to addressing his feelings.
If you're in the same room as Miles, he will stare. Any conversation that he was having before is long forgotten and all that's on his mind is you.
Miles doesn't need to study, he's one of the top students in school. But he continues to go on study dates with you because he likes being in your presence and sharing his headphones with you while eating yummy pastries.
He has an entire journal dedicated to you. Said journal includes: small journal entries of his day with you, little quotes of the funny/cute things you've said that stuck with him throughout the day, candid drawings of you that he created whenever you two hung out, cute sketches of you and him stargazing or slow-dancing together (and other secret drawings of him saving you as spider-man and cradling your body in his big strong arms but we won't get into that...)
Miles really can't get enough of you. He laughs extra loud at your jokes even if they aren't funny, his heartbeat quickens at the mention of your name, he'll offer you his jacket even if you don't need it, he always smiles when something reminds him of you, he'll share his headphones with you and shyly ask if you and him can make a "study playlist" (he listens to it at night while drawing you), and overall is just madly in love with you.
He wants to be with you more than anything, he's just struggling to find the right time to ask you. <3
"Hey, don't touch that! It's- No! It's not a diary, it's just...secret."
☆ . . . gwen stacy
She's pretty awkward herself. You were assigned to be partners for a project that would play a big part in your final grade, she came off slightly cold and seemed to be annoyed at your presence which made your relationship start off rocky. In reality she was just stressed, juggling her spider duties, getting kicked out of her house, and then school on top of that, it was just a lot. But when you made the effort to plan things and work around her busy schedule (that you didn't really know anything about) she started to become grateful for you.
Your parents welcomed her kindly each time she came over to study and whenever she would leave she was happy with a full belly and a sore face from smiling and laughing with you all night. The project was supposed to be done by the end of the semester but you and gwen were able to finish it the first month you got it. That didn't stop her bi-weekly visits, that then turned weekly, until she was suddenly walking home with you everyday, from and to school.
She likes to compare hands, shoes, and height just to see the difference in sizes. On walks back from school she'll give you a piggyback ride if you ask nicely. She also likes laying her head in your lap, if you run your fingers through her hair she'd be fast-asleep within 5 minutes.
You and her tend to share your oversized clothes together, You always wash her jackets/sweaters after you wear them, which she absolutely loves. She's fallen asleep curled up in your hoodie, inhaling the scent and listening to whatever song you rambled about the previous morning on repeat until she finally asks you to just make her a playlist. Hobie definitely knows about you, only because she slipped up by saying too much.
She enjoys staying over your house during rainy days. She tends to tense up whenever you're watching tv together on your bed and your head falls on her shoulder. During missions in other spider-verses gwen has taken little souvenirs from different worlds and given them to you, she always does it in a nonchalant way as if she wasn't grinning ear to ear on her way back, excited to see how you'd react.
You don't have sleepovers often but when you do they always seem more intimate than your usual hangouts. When you wake up and see gwen flustered on the other side of the bed you never understand why, not knowing that when you were fast asleep she woke up cuddled into you, nuzzling her body into yours.
"I-uhm. I-uh just had a weird dream. Nothing to worry about, heh.."
☆ . . . pavitr prabhakar
It's very obvious he has a crush on you, it might as well be written on his forehead. He follows you around like a lost puppy. He's constantly offering to carry your books, opening doors for you, paying for your snacks, and even giving you hand massages when you've been writing an essay for too long. He's just completely whipped for you and you're not even dating (yet).
You were a transfer student and he was assigned to show you around Mumbai. He found himself getting giddy at your cute reactions to the different sights he took you to. He adored how you were filled with so much curiosity and wonder, the awestruck look in your eyes when you saw the pretty lights at night and just how genuinely excited you seemed to stay and explore Mumbai. Since then, he's been glued to your side.
He's such a gentleman, you can tell he was raised right. Whenever you're talking his full attention is on you, nobody else matters in this moment but you. He'll even get a bit upset if someone cuts you off, ignoring whatever they're saying and urging you to continue. His legs feel wobbly around you, he gets dizzy at the sight of you, and he feels like he's floating whenever you smile at him.
There have been multiple occasions where you've caught him staring at you, depending on how he feels that day he'll either smirk and gently wave or quickly turn away with a blush on his face. He gushes about you to Hobie and Miles all of the time. They know so much about you and they've never even met you.
A true romantic. He buys you a singular flower one week out of the day, always explaining the meaning and where they originate from. (all of them are a variation of romance/love)
He tends to lean into you whenever you speak. More than one person has pointed out that you both tend to mirror each other's actions. He's feigning for your touch more than anything, a simple brush of your shoulders and he's full on putty in your hands.
He won't outright confront you when he figures out you like him, instead he'll invite you on a nightly walk. Taking you up to a rooftop with a gorgeous view, and gently resting his jacket on your shoulders. You'll sit for a while enjoying the scenery before he turns to you and says...
"a person as beautiful as yourself shouldn't wander this world alone.."
☆ . . . hobie brown
What a nightmare. He is constantly teasing and flirting with you. Always doubling over in laughter when he sees you get all flustered and the words you so badly wanna spew at him get stuck in your throat.
I imagine you both to be spider-people, you're a little more stuck-up than he is which is why he likes to tease you so much. Little by little your reactions fueled something deeper in him. He no-longer found himself flirting with you because he liked seeing how aggravated he could get you but because that was his way of approaching you and saying all of the things he wanted to while being able to play it off as a joke.
Besides teasing you relentlessly, he can be really caring and attentive to you when he wants to be. If you're in the medic he'll stop by pretty often to make sure you're okay. The only reason you found out is because you woke up to him fast asleep next to your bedside, feet propped on your bed and his vest laid across his torso like a blanket.
He'll eat the foods on your plate that you don't like. If you fall asleep he'll lay his vest onto your body and even move your position if it looks uncomfortable. If he senses danger before you he'll move you of the way as fast as he possibly can, but if he's not close enough he'll give you a heads up before anyone else. He tends to stare at you sometimes, always smiling gently to himself.
When you two get closer as friends he'll play any song on his guitar if you ask him nicely. He'll even give you lessons if you really want them. Carefully throwing his guitar over your torso, he brings his much larger hands to yours. You can feel his chest against your back, and the waves of his warm breath on your neck as he teaches you how to play. He'll also let you wear his jacket, saying it looks better on you than him. He might let you keep it, only in exchange for one of your jackets. (he sleeps with your jacket on, it makes him feel close to you.)
Hobie often checks up on you during missions, sometimes saying teasing phrases to get you riled up but mostly to make sure you're holding up okay. "you alright there, peaches? you took quite the hit."
Once he finds out you like him, he eases up on the teasing, but he doesn't refrain from dropping subtle hints of his knowingness that you like him. He's just waiting for you to finally say something.
"Yknow, if i ain't know any better i'd say you were doing this 'cause you like me."
☆ . . . miguel o' hara
You worked beside him in Alchemax, the two of you were assigned as partners. At first he didn't care much for you, simply telling you to stay out of his way and that he didn't need any help, but after Lyla practically forced him to be a cordial lab partner and work with you, he started to take a liking towards you. Sadly, it took months for him to tolerate you and even longer for him to like you.
Although he was quite stuck-up and practically seemed on edge most of the time, you were able to break through those confined walls and have a comfortable-playful work relationship with him. Every-time you made a joke or a light quip about his attitude he'd always respond with sarcasm, still not being able to hide the tiny smile that graced his face at your foolish acts.
He always runs his projects by you before submitting them. (and then lyla to triple check) He'll stop by and pick up empanadas from his favorite store, always boasting about how it's the best in Nueva York and you'll never taste anything better. Eventually he brings in a hefty share of empanadas that you two share over lunch time, your conversation flowing naturally without the teasing but with a fluffier feeling flowing through the air.
He pretends to be annoyed when he catches you over-working but he's genuinely worried for you. Always shaking his head in a disapproving way when he finds you fast asleep on your desk, papers scattered, and drool falling past your lips. Quietly scolding you in spanish before throwing his lab coat over your shoulders and organizing your papers neatly.
He tends to act unbothered when you do something that shows you care for him but in reality it makes his heart stutter and his stomach feel all loopy. He hates it because it makes him feel like a middle-schooler when they get their first crush but another part of him absolutely adores it and his main motivation to get up to go to work in the morning is you, although he'll never admit it.
If a co-worker is ever rude to you he will be the first to defend you, not hesitating to get in their face with a nasty scowl painting his features. On Friday's he made it his personal mission to walk you home, you two slowly walk side-by-side, quietly laughing to yourselves as you reminisce on lab accidents and old memories. There's a slight gleam in his eyes when you make it to your apartment door. He turns to you almost hesitantly, before stepping closer to you. He whispers a question, so quiet and soft you almost wouldn't be able to hear it.
"Can I kiss you?"
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omg i hope you guys liked it! requests are still open btw and thank you for reading! <3
likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated <33
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archiveikemen · 1 month
"Come Play With Us, Miss Fairytale Keeper" Story Event: Chapter 1
Alfons Sylvatica VS Ring Schwartz
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Read this before interacting
One afternoon, Alfons and I were being briefed on our next mission. 
Victor: That’s the general outline of it. Additionally, I have a favour to ask of you two… 
Darius’ Voice: It’s me. May I come in? 
Victor: You may. 
Upon being granted permission, Darius entered the room with Nica and Ring. 
Victor: You came at the perfect time, I was going to talk about you.
Darius: I saw Miss Fairytale Keeper enter the room with Alfons earlier, so I figured as much. 
(Does Victor’s favour have something to do with the members of Vogel…?) 
Victor: Actually, I was asked if one of the Vogel members could accompany you on a mission. 
Victor: I’m thinking that it’d be a good idea for this mission. What are your thoughts, Alfons and Kate? 
(This mission is to find out the time and place of a transaction involving “illegal drugs”.) 
(We’re only going to eavesdrop on the target’s conversation, so it shouldn't be a problem to have more people with us.) 
Kate: I think it's fine with me. 
Alfons: I don't mind as long as I get to choose who comes with us.
Darius: Fufu, who will you choose?
Ring: I’ll cut every single member down if anything happens to Dari or Nica. 
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Alfons: Ooh, how scary! But there’s no need to worry.
Alfons: The one I choose is you, Ring. 
Ring: … Me?
Surprised to hear that he was chosen, Ring cast a glance at Darius.
Darius: Isn’t that great? I think you can learn various things from this. 
Darius: So… Pass auf dich auf / Have a nice one. 
Ring: … Alles klar / Understood. 
And so, the first mission with Alfons, Ring, and I began.
The day of the mission. Ring stared wide-eyed at me when he boarded the carriage. 
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Ring: W-what’s with that outfit… 
Kate: I put it on for the mission. … Do I look weird? 
Ring: … I was just a little surprised because you look different from usual. 
As Ring gave a blunt response, Alfons put an arm over my shoulder. 
Alfons: It suits Miss Robin, doesn’t it? I picked out this dress for her. 
Alfons: She looks so lovely it makes you feel like you want to pin her down and get dirty with her, doesn't she? I understand that feeling.
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Ring: Wha…! I- I never said anything like that…
Alfons: My, are you secretly thinking about it then? What a pervert. 
Ring: I would never! … You’re exactly as the rumours say you are. “A walking offence to public morals”! 
Alfons: I don’t deny that, but isn’t your reaction too exaggerated, Ring? You sound like a virgin.
Alfons: I wonder if you can handle this mission when you’re so innocent… I’m worried. 
Alfons: Since you’re not used to women, perhaps we should have someone else replace you— 
Ring: W-wait… I have plenty of experience with that, so I don't have any problems completing the mission. 
Alfons: Is that so? That’s a relief then. Isn’t it, Miss Robin?
Kate: Y-yes… 
Alfons continued talking to Ring amusedly, his facial expression looking as though he had found a new toy. 
On the other hand, Ring looked uncomfortable and was clearly not liking Alfons’ teasing. 
(... I hope we complete the mission without any problems…) 
The carriage sped through the streets and arrived at a large mansion in the suburbs. 
Alfons: Allow me to explain about this mansion which is the location for our mission. 
Alfons: This mansion is a meeting place for people who indulge in illicit love affairs. 
Alfons: All forms of love are accepted here… regardless of social status, gender, or marital status.
Alfons: Therefore, all conversations between the pairs that take place in this mansion are kept strictly confidential. 
Ring: That makes it the perfect place for criminals to meet in secret. 
Alfons: Exactly. Moreover, participants can choose to get a key to a private room to enjoy some alone time together as a pair.
Alfons’ explanation reminded me of what happened when we first arrived at the mansion.
= Flashback Start = 
Butler: Please hold, dear guests. The rooms can only be used by two people. Three is… 
Alfons: No need to worry. We don't intend to have a threesome.
Alfons: He and I are competing for this lady’s love. Isn’t that right, Ring? 
Ring: Huh!? Y-yeah… that’s right.
Despite not fully understanding the situation, Ring seemed to be going along with Alfons’ story.
Alfons: She will choose between Ring and I later on.
Alfons: It won’t be a problem if we only obtain the room key after that, right?
= Flashback End = 
Kate: We have to choose the room next to our target’s in order to eavesdrop on their meeting… 
Kate: That’s why you made it seem as though two of you are competing for me, then we’ll find out which room our target is in and get our key. 
Alfons: Your quick understanding is very helpful. 
Ring: … I wasn’t told about this mansion prior to starting the mission.
Kate: It was my first time hearing about it too. 
Alfons: Ah, I withheld that piece of information on purpose. 
Kate: What.
Ring: Withholding information… is this Crown’s way of doing things? Or were you trying to trap me…? 
Ring: Whichever it is, I guess I don’t have the right to complain if you were to kill me right here and now. 
Kate: P-please calm down, Ring! I’m sure he had his reasons for doing that. … Right, Alfons!? 
Alfons: Why did I withhold information, you ask…? It was for Ring’s sake.
Ring: For my sake? 
Ring looked at Alfons suspiciously. 
He was definitely feeling the same way I was — “this man can’t be trusted”. 
Alfons: I figured that you’d get nervous if you knew we’d be pretending to compete over a woman… so I chose not to tell you until the last minute. 
Alfons: But you said you’re very experienced, right? My worries were unfounded then. 
Rint: R-right. No need to worry about me.
Kate: What about me? Why didn't you tell me?
Alfons: Because you’ll feel bad if Ring was the only one kept in the dark. 
(I can’t deny that…) 
Alfons: Well then. We’ll have to find out which room our target chose—
Alfons: And Kate will have to choose one person between Ring and myself to be her lover.
Alfons: If this goes as I expected, I’m the one you’ll choose, right? I’ll make you feel good today too, as always. 
Ring: … I won't let that happen.
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Ring: As a member of Vogel, I can’t afford to make a fool of myself here.
Ring: I’m the one Kate will choose.
Tension sparked between Ring and Alfons. 
(What’s going to happen with this mission…?)
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taesanluv3r · 3 months
kim woonhak x reader
idol! woonhak x non-idol! reader, established relationship. based on this woonhak scenario i wrote a while back!! cuss words, first i love yous. lowercase intended. pls excuse any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. enjoyy <3
wc: 3,324
"fine then." - "fine!"
those were the last two words kim woonhak and yn ln had spoken to each other before she had slammed her front door shut on his face, before he had angrily turned around and begun walking towards the exit of her apartment building, before she had shut her blinds and stuffed her head deep into her white sheets, staining the fabric with silly little tears.
they didn't want to fight. in fact, the young couple rarely ever did so in the first place. however, with the newly debuted idol boy's rising fame, and the girl's growing insecurities, it was almost inevitable this one particular argument was going to come up onto the surface of their otherwise wholesome relationship.
you see, yn and woonhak have known each other for ages now. when he first started showing signs of his dream career, she was the first to support him- heck! she even came to all the auditions with him and gave him endless moral support. similarly, he was always there for her, accompanying her when she had to study late for an exam, or even sending her chocolates and other sweets when it was that time of the month. the pair have mutually liked each other forever, and they both knew that as well. it didn't take them long at all before they started officially dating, sharing one awkward kiss under the moonlight before he left again to the next city over to start the preparations for his coming debut.
from then on, she started seeing him less and less. their daily conversations on the phone had become simple good night and good morning texts that don't really give her much of a serotonin boost anymore. she missed him, and she always let him know. he missed her too, he just didn't have the time to tell her. she'd complain about it, "you don't have time for me anymore, huh?" and he'd furrow his eyebrows, "i have a job to do, yn. i thought you supported me the most?" then she'd gasp, taken aback by his words, her own eyebrows knitting together and her eyes almost glowing red in anger. for a second, she saw the way his eyes watered, like he knew he was wrong. but kim woonhak was stubborn, quickly shaking away that look and mimicking her own furious one. and that's how it happened. that's how they ended up in this battle of silence, secretly waiting for the other to break and end this cold war they didn't even want in the first place.
woonhak sighs as he finally takes off his shoes. schedules ended earlier and the boy still had practically the whole day to do whatever he wanted. he watched as his members went their own ways, leehan and riwoo heading to some cafe, taesan locking himself up in his studio as per usual, sungho going out to see a movie, and jaehyun...sitting on the couch in the middle of a very serious fifa game.
"so where you headed, broski?" jaehyun suddenly asks the boy, still not looking away from the TV screen. "going to see your girlfriend? or are you still not talking to her like an idiot?" he snickered, earning a big eye roll and middle finger directed at his face from the younger boy. "i don't know hyung...i mean i obviously want to see her...but i'm not sure how she'll forgive me when i've been such an asshole" woonhak says, slumping himself down on the spot beside the older member. "just...ah-!" jae cut himself off when he misses a goal in the video game, "just go get her a gift or something- don't girls like that stuff?" once again the younger one rolls his eyes, but he nods at his leader's suggestion. "i guess you're right hyung...i'm gonna go to the mall and find something" and with that the kim boy gets up, slipping back on his shoes and grabbing himself a cap to cover up his messy hair before running out the door and down the building to call himself a taxi.
woonhak arrives at the mall, dragging his feet solemnly as he passed by multiple young couples on dates. "seriously...it's not even valentine's day...why is everyone out on a date here right now?!" he grumbled to himself, probably looking like a big ol' loser to the outside eyes that felt like they lingered on him as he walked. the boy circles the mall for what he swore were hours but he found nothing at all that was worthy enough to gift his angry girlfriend. "ugh..." the boy groans as he's one step closer to giving up and just meeting with her empty handed like the idiot that everyone kept saying he was. however, all those doubts immediately exited his head when a familiar large sign appears in his line of sight. it's bright yellow with a giant brown bear and beside it in big blue lettering, it read:
build-a-bear workshop.
"perfect!" he almost said too loudly as his eyes gleamed and began to sparkle. in the moment it seemed as though a big bright light-bulb had gone off in his head, his large feet padding against the floor and taking him into the kid's doll factory. the boy's eyes were wide and his mouth hung opened as he took in his surroundings. a huge variety of stuffed animals, in all kinds of shapes, sizes, and designs stood against every corner of the shop. on high shelves, rows and rows of clothes, all perfectly tailored to fit the standard plush toy size.
woonhak didn't know where to start. the loud speakers that played recent k-pop hits, mixed with the sound of little kids running around and dragging their parents in and out of the store made his ears ring and head hurt a little. his finger grazed against the wood as he scanned through every skin you could pick for your toy, there were cats, dogs, even moths! but one thing in particular caught the boy's attention. right there in the very corner of the store, just a simple brown bear. there was only one left in stock and it was just perfect. it's fur was light brown, it's legs were slightly longer than it should be, and it had the sweetest set of little dark brown orbs for eyes. even if he tried to, woonhak couldn't deny the fact that the teddy was nearly the spitting image of himself.
"okay, now rub the heart against your chest, hold it in your palms and give it your best wishes!" the tall guy's cheeks turn bright red as he follows the bear stuff-er's instructions, praying to god no one recognized him beneath his cap and beginning to regret doing all of this in the first place. it was all over in a second though, the bear being all stuffed up, it's heart and a little recording he did all wrapped up warmly inside it's cotton flesh. now it was time to dress it. woonhak hasn't really had any experience dressing anyone but himself, so it was really hard for him to not dress the plush toy like it had just raided his own closet. and so, naturally, the boy chooses a light blue jersey and a miniature pair of denim jeans, a cute pair of black sunglasses as an add-on accessory to it's look as well.
"now, all that's left to do is to name it...but what..." he mumbles to himself, tapping his fingers against the surface of the table that was much much shorter than him. "hey mister" a squeaky voice, and the feeling of his sweatshirt getting tugged down shakes him out of his thoughts. "huh?" he asked, looking down to meet eyes with a little girl. "mister, that doll looks just like you!" her eyes disappeared as she smiled- well, if you could even see them under her thick bangs that messily decorated her forehead, and she shot him a toothy grin. "me?" the boy asks, beginning to smile too at the sweet girl. "mhm!" she says finally before running away. "great..." he says, smiling proudly at himself as he begins to type out the teddy's name for it's birth certificate.
"there you go, have a nice day and come again soon!" woonhak nods, thanking the cashier before leaving the store. "like hell i'm going in there again..." he whispers to himself, the image of his own self awkwardly pressing kisses onto a miniature plastic heart in the middle of a kid's store flashing in his head as he began to walk out of the mall and into a cab. he's on his way back to the dorm now, trying his best to stuff the build-a-bear box in his large tote-bag so that his group members wouldn't see it. cause if they ever did, he'd never ever hear the end of it. woonhak throws his shoes off on the rack, quickly making his way over to his bedroom and trying his best to avoid his hyungs that were playing together in the living area. "so, what you got there, woonagi~?" leehan called out from the bean-bag on the floor. "yeah bro, show us what you got for your girl~friend~" taesan follows, dragging out his words teasingly. "it's nothing, leave me alone! and DON'T come in the room" the tall maknae boy says sternly, narrowing his eyes at the others who just stifled in their laughs and nodded.
the kim guy can't help but giggle like a child as he pulls out the doll, sighing once as he places it and it's papers into a different bag; a gift bag he had picked up before leaving the mall, it was pink and just the right size to fit the rather beefy bear. "now...the hard part" he sighs once more as he picks up his phone, his chatroom with her vacant, no new messages since their argument the other day. it felt foreign, unusual for he always had new messages from her. the boy takes a deep breath, fingers tapping softly against the screen of his phone as he began to type. it takes him a while though, coming up with a sentence and then deleting it all and starting again and again, until finally, he pressed send.
i know u hate me rn but i literally cant function without u pls meet me at the park tonight let me make it up to u please?
the boy doesn't expect her to open his texts so fast, he finds himself twirling his lips against his teeth as he watches the way three dots begin to bounce up and down on her side of the chatroom. he doesn't even realize he's holding his breath until her response causes him to let it all out. it's simple, dry, still unlike her, but at least it's something.
my love<3 ok, see u in 5.
"bye guys wish me luck" woonhak calls out as he rushes out the door, the sound of his confused (but supportive) members growing faint as the door closes behind him.
by the time the boy gets to the park she was already there. yn ln, sitting patiently against the green grass. her hair fell loose against the skin of her arms, he could see from where he stood afar the way the breeze sent a shiver down her spine. "how long have you been waiting?" he asks, finally sitting down beside her. "not long" yn's words are cold, much like the atmosphere of the night. and her eyes stayed glued towards the distance, juxtaposing the way his ones remained fixed onto her.
"please look at me" woonhak practically begs, not really knowing when or how his voice got so small. the girl's breath hitches, tears threating to spill out of her eyes as she lets out a sigh and closes them shut. "yn..." he drags out, a shaky hand reaching over to turn her head to face his. "please?" he asks again. this time, she opens her eyes, tearing up slightly at the very sight of him. she couldn't do it anymore. she can't sit there and pretend to hate him, pretend to be angry at him, pretend she didn't miss him. she can't lie anymore. "woonhak" she says, her voice warmer now and a hint of content laced in the way that she spoke. "hey" he said, a smile beginning to grow against his face. "hey" she repeated, her own lips flipping up as well.
"i'm so sorry" the boy says, scooting to sit closer to her. "why? i should be the sorry one, i was being inconsiderate and-" the girl couldn't finish. "no! i was being selfish. this whole idol thing...it's so busy but that doesn't mean i get to be a total asshole about it to you...so, i'm sorry, yn" the features on her face soften as she looks into the genuine sorrow in his own. she lets out a laugh, confusing the boy a little. "don't worry...i get it. i guess i just...missed you, a little, that's all" yn reasons, a sweet smile tugging at her mouth as she slowly leans her head against his shoulder. woonhak reacts almost immediately, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her deep into his embrace. "i...i missed you too"
"what's in the bag?"
the boy sits up straight when her question slips into his ears. "ah! this...this is just a gift i got you...um...here!" he stutters a bit, suddenly flustered by his own romantic gesture. "for me?!" she gasps and he nods, scratching the back of his head, though there was nothing itchy about it at all. "wow...rising rookie idol kim woonhak of boynextdoor bought little ol' me a gift?!" now he rolls his eyes, as if he were telling his girlfriend to shut up and open it already.
"what is it...?" yn mumbles just above a whisper, carefully opening up the ribbon and revealing the insides of the pink paper bag. her mouth drops open as she pulls the bear out, squealing all too loudly as her eyes adored the jersey-wearing teddy bear in her hands. "ah! i love it i love it!" she cheered, wrapping the doll in her arms and hugging it so tight it might just explode. her eyes gleamed, looking up at her boyfriend then back at the bear and then right back at him again. "where's the birth certificate thingy...wait" yn spoke, looking back in the bag for the printed piece of paper. "hah!" she exclaimed, her smile reaching her eyes as she read through her doll's information. "birth name...kim unak...how...fitting" she said, shooting her boyfriend a look of slight disbelief he would name a doll after himself. "hey! don't look at me like that, some kid said he looked like me!" woonhak argued, grabbing the bear and holding it up beside his face. "hm...the kid was so right" yn replied, finding the resemblance quite cute.
"thank you woonhak, i love it..." her loving expression as she patted a hand against the fur of the stuffed toy's head was enough to satisfy the boy for the rest of his life. "oh! and...um...if you ever miss me when i'm busy...just press on his hand- but not right now! it's embarrassing! do it later!" he panics, sighing in relief when she moves her hand away from the heart-shaped patch on the bear's one. "okay then..."
the rest of the night was spent in peace. just a couple of sweet teens finding comfort in each other's arms after being separated from each other for far too long (it's been like two days pls don't be dramatic). "and so then i told professor yang about it and he totally freaked and...are you even listening to me?" yn stops mid-story, her head that laid on his lap shifting slightly to get a better look at his face. the face that stayed still staring at her blankly, his large hand mindlessly stroking her hair as she talked about whatever it was that he didn't really seem to be listening to well enough. "hello? woonhak?" he shook his head, "huh? what? sorry...i got kind of distracted" she chuckles, rolling her eyes playfully as she sits back up. "am i distracting you with my beauty again?" yn teases, loving the way his cheeks grow red and his hands fly up to cover his face. she giggles, pushing the boy down on his shoulders, sending him toppling on his back onto the grass.
she hovers over him, moving his hands away so she could see him clearly against the bright moonlight. the boy smiles softly at her, reaching up to push her hair behind her ears. his hand lingers, moving to cup at her blushy cheeks. yn giggles, finding his touch ticklish against her skin. "yn..." he begins, voice rather raspy from the way he fully laid down on the ground. "mhm?" she hums, head tilting to the side in curiosity as her boyfriend sat up again.
"i love you"
his voice was clear now, not a single bit of shakiness or fear in the way that he spoke. she smiled, not even a little bit shocked from the words that came out of his mouth because she knew. she knew all along that he felt that way, and she knew that she had always felt the same way for him too, she had just been waiting for the right moment where one of them would say it out loud first. yn presses a hand on either side of his warm complexion, pulling him in for a short kiss. it was sweet, a honey flavour from her lip-balm seeping onto his tongue. then they parted, hands still holding onto each other's faces and she smiles, he's grinning with all his teeth showing.
"i love you too, woonhak"
later that night when yn ln got home, she hastily kicked off her shoes and ran straight to her bedroom. she didn't even care to properly put away her bag and her coat, jumping straight onto her bed and pulling out the brown teddy her boyfriend had gifted her earlier.
"...if you ever miss me when i'm busy...just press on his hand" his words replayed in her mind, "press on his hand..." she whispered to herself, carefully gripping onto the stuffed toy's hand, putting just enough pressure on it until she heard a click of a button. a moment of silence engulfed the atmosphere around her, just a moment before woonhak's voice began to sing out of the cheapest sounding speaker located within the bear.
"Mm mm 지금 내 playlist...금요일에 시간 어때요? 내 새벽을 망치지 마요..."
his own song, his debut song. he sang it just for her. her own serenade to listen to whenever they couldn't meet...
aw, rising rookie idol kim woonhak from boynextdoor...what a sweetheart, you are <3
"i'm home! hyung...? what are you guys laughing about?" woonhak furrows his eyebrows as he walks towards the living room. riwoo sighs, calming down from his fit of laughter. "so...did she like the build-a-bear?" he asked, breaking into hysterics once again, as did the others. "huh? WHAT HOW'D YOU FIND OUT?" the maknae boy couldn't believe his ears, eyes widening and mouth dropping opened. "woonhak...it's all over the internet!" sungho exclaims, turning his phone over to show him the source of all their laughter right now.
"what...oh my god" the boy's whole body grows a ripe-tomato-shade of red. there, on the older member's screen, a fan-taken video of him at the build-a-bear store, the cap on his head failing to hide the obvious embarrassment on his face as he stands near the stuffing machine of the store, awkwardly wishing his newly stuffed teddy a good life and rubbing it's plastic heart within his palms.
at least his girlfriend's reaction was worth it...cause there's no fucking way his hyungs are ever gonna let this one go...EVER!
the end.
i feel like this sucked but it's cute idk idk idk i just want loverboy woonhak so soososososo badly hes so sweet :( i locve him im crying while typing this btw hope u enjoyed TT reblogs n feedbacks r soso appreciated i love u guys so much. love, kona. MWAHHHH
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You wear their hat for the first time (ASL trio)
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Summary: You pick up their hat and wear it, they spot you. (Amazing summary, I know)
Pairings: Luffy x reader, Ace x reader & Sabo x reader
Warnings: none, just some wholesome content, enjoy. No pronouns used, G/N reader. I'm sure there are Grammatical errors, English is not my first language.
Author's note: these were supposed to be headcannons and I ended up making these elaborate stories (turns out I don't know how to do headcannons). I had to do Luffy's and Ace's version TWICE because I closed my app without saving. I might make a NSFW version someday.
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Luffy had always been as bright and cheerful as the sun in your eyes ever since you were kids and you joined ASL's little gang. After you had parted ways promising to meet again in the Grand Line you went on your own adventures.
As fate would have it you encountered Luffy first, you shared an adventure and he was so happy to have you back into his life that he invited you to join his crew. Enjoying being around Luffy as much as he did, you agreed becoming an official strawhat pirate.
Some time had passed since you joined the crew and the more time you spent around Luffy the more you realized you liked him as more than a close friend. You wanted to be closer to him.
You decided to walk around the Sunny in an attempt to organize your thoughts about your childhood friend. You weren't expecting to stumble unto Luffy.
Usually in his favorite seat by the figurehead, this time he was on the grass deck taking a morning nap. His hat laying on top of his face.
Ever since you met Luffy way back in Dawn Island he has had his strawhat. It's his treasure given to him by Shanks. He is rarely without it, very rarely do other members of the crew have it, mainly as moral support from the captain in tough times.
You've never worn it before, but now, looking at it from above you wondered how Luffy felt when he was wearing it. Without realizing you had crouched down next to Luffy and were staring hard at his hat.
Your thought process led you to carefully lift it from his sleeping face and place it on your head. Once you realized how close to his face you were, your face heated and you retreated quickly, making sure not to disturb his nap further.
You continued your stroll walking away at a brisk pace, without avoiding thinking it would have felt better if Luffy had placed it himself. After some mindless strolling you ended up in the garden where you put your restless energy to good use by tending to the plants.
Luffy woke up when the sun that had been hiding behind some clouds came out and hit his face warming it. He squinted at the sun standing up groggily and reaching behind his back to grab his hat and place it on his head. Except the hat wasn't there.
"Mmmm?" Coming out from his sleepy state he looked around the grass where he lay, no sign of the hat. He noticed Robin sitting at a nearby table reading so he stood and walked towards her. "Hey Robin, have you seen my hat? I'm pretty sure I had it before I took a nap"
Robin looked up, she had seen the whole scene, laughing lightly she replied "Don't worry captain, it's in safe hands".
That made him frown, so one of the crew had it. He wasn't mad someone had taken it, as long as they had let him know. So know he was going to go look for the thief and get his hat back.
"They should still be above deck so you'll have no trouble finding them I believe" remarked Robin. His attitude did a 180, now it was like a game of hide n' seek and with Luffy's love for games he couldn't help but get excited.
He wasted no time, throwing his hands towards the crow's nest and rocketing himself towards the highest point of the boat. Once there he scouted the perimeter of the boat looking for his hat.
He quickly spotted it in the garden but due to the angle he couldn't see the body underneath. "He he I found you!" With his zero impulse control he stretched his arms towards the figure and once he was locked in he let himself fly again.
You having no time to react could only try to plant your feet firmly on deck. It wasn't enough, you both tumbled to the floor a tangle of bodies and hat. "Gotcha!" Exclaimed Luffy while laughing.
He had ended on top of you, straddling your legs with his. He was still laughing "Hey why did you take my h-" the word caught in his tongue.
His brain had short-circuited as he had finally looked at you. Really looked. Arms flexed at your elbows, you were looking up at him. The hat managed to stay on just as you had place it. You had it pushed up so the edges circled your face.
To Luffy it looked like a halo, it framed your face just right. Maybe it was the hat giving you a bit of Luffy's sunshine or just you but to him you looked radiant. He wanted to say all those things and more but he was bewitched.
"Sorry I didn't tell you it just sorta happened" you offered. Your speaking broke the spell he was under enough that be managed to say "You look good wearing my hat", smooth.
You still felt heat rising to your cheeks. You averted your gaze which had been locked on his face from the intense eye contact he had. Which served to bring attention to how you were laying, him on top of you. Your cheeks were burning.
"Um, Luffy you mind?" You asked, your voice and octave higher than usual. "No not at all" you were talking about his sitting he thought you meant wearing his hat.
"Could you please move?" You tried again. "Mmm? Oh yeah yeah of course shi shi shi" He chuckles as he rose. He was still mesmerized by how amazing you looked, cursing himself mentally for not placing it on your head sooner.
He offered his hand and you took it gratefully. He raised you with force, whoch made you end up flush against his chest. This was your punishment (reward) for stealing the hat, no personal space to process your raging heartbeat.
You quickly lowered your gaze towards his chest but he grabbed your chin forcing you to meet his eyes. "Don't look away, look at me y/n" He spoke in a serious tone which made your toes curl.
It turns out Luffy had been dealing with some confusing feelings of his own. Whenever you would enter a room he was in he would light up. He always searched for you first when the crew regrouped always looked at you after he told a joke to see you laugh his chest swelling with pride when you did. He enjoyed your laugh way too much. Finding you in the Grand Line had been a gift to Luffy, especially because you were not his crewmate and he got to go on adventures everyday with you.
So in that moment he moved his hand from your chin to the back of your head and kissed you deeply. It was a messy kiss, you were so shocked you couldn't react properly the first moments.
But then you understood what was happening and you melted completely into the kiss. Opening your palms from where they were against his chest. The kiss went on until you pulled away for air, if you hadn't Luffy would've probably kept going.
He smiled sheepishly at you "you really look good in my hat".
From then on Luffy would randomly place his hat on your head. Followed by a kissing session because he couldn't quite help himself when you wore it. Obviously, he kissed you often whether or not you were wearing his treasured strawhat.
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You know how it's typical for Ace to pass out mid-meal? Well that also happened to be the best time to play pranks on him. You've played some minors pranks on him ever since you were children and he started exhibiting this behavior. They were always minor things, nothing too serious or mean.
Today you were having a nice chat during meal time on board the Moby Dick. Ever since you reunited on the Grand Line you had spent your time together. You were even invited to join Shirohige's crew which you gladly accepted.
Now, as per most times, Ace was mid sentence when he just PLOCK his face hit his plate and he started snoozing. You chuckled lightly looking at him endearingly. You continued with your meal, musing over how you would play with Ace this time when your eyes landed on his hat.
You hummed pensatively. Now that you thought about it, you had never worn his hat, prank or otherwise. You lifted it from his head and placed it in yours. You finished your meal, and he still wasn't up which wasn't uncommon. You even left to subdue some enemy pirates who were stupid enough to start a fight with the Whitebeard pirates right by the boat.
Finally tired of inhaling rice grains from his plate Fire Fist Ace woke up. He was a little groggy but was ready to continue his conversation with you when he noticed you weren't by his side. He finished his meal and stood up walking towards the already dying commotion.
He was about to reach the railing when you got on board with a few crewmembers that had gone with you. Ace froze in his tracks, he reached for the top of his head now noticing he didn't have his hat. Instead, it lay on top of your head.
He placed his fingers in his chin admiring the view in front of him, smiling appreciatively. You lookex a little ruffled but otherwise he couldn't see any injuries which eased his mind. He started making his way over to you. Meanwhile, you were oblivious that he had spotted you laughing with your crewmates.
When he reached you, Ace grabbed you by the waist with one hand pulling you towards him. Your back flush against his chest. "Hello there sexy" he greeted. You turned your head meeting his eyes "Hey there handsome" you purred back flipping his hat in greeting in the signature way he usually does. This casual flirting between you had been going on for some time now.
What had surprised you most after your reunion was how different he acted. He was now cocky, flirty, had become a powerful commander in Shirohige's crew AND had learned some proper manners mostly. You didn't mind this change at all. In fact, you found yourself attracted to Ace like you never had before.
The more you flirted jokingly, the more you enjoyed it. Even going as far as becoming upset over the fact that he could do it with other people. He never did though, for some reason (he's a bit slow) he only enjoyed teasing you. Loved seeing the way you would react to his attitude and what sore of witty comeback you would throw back at him.
"Where did you get this nice hat?" He said tapping it with his free hand. "Oh you know, I picked it up from an unconscious person, the usual" you snickered.
"Oh is that so?" He raised his eyebrow. "I do recall having it on my head as I was dining". He remarked. "Oh yes, I do believe it was your head it was on top of" you made a pensive gesture as if trying to remember who you took it from.
He chuckles. "Well, I'll just say hat lending doesn't come cheap these days, especially if I didn't consent to lending it in the first place" both of his hands were on your waist fingers laced at your front. "Oh my, how much are we talking about?" You leaned into him resting your head against him.
He grinned at you, "I'll take a kiss as payment". Now, you had been presented a choice. You turned around to face him, leaned closed and kissed him, on the mouth.
Ace's reaction was priceless, his eyes went big like plates. Sure, the possibility had always been there, but he thought he'd get a kiss on the cheek at most. You smiled against the kiss and he didn't waste a minute kissing back.
You kissed until the surrounding crewmates found somewhere else to be, someone even shouting "get a room!" You withdrew from the kiss. "The hat looks good on you" He finally said.
"Why thank you, though the payment for borrowing it seems a bit high I don't get that much allowance" you replied grinning wide. "High? It's just one per lending. That seems like a fair price" He frowned.
"Plus, you can pay in advance" He winked. "Oh in that case I might get a week's worth a day" that made Ace blush. You smiled feeling satisfied at his reaction, it was not always he demonstrated when he was flustered so it was a nice change of pace. "That would be no problem at all" He managed to reply.
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The fact that Sabo's signature hat had remained attached to his head even when his memory hadn't was how you had reunited with him (though to be fair you also heard Koala calling his name, you just put 2 + 2 together and approached him).
After witnessing one too many injustices you had seeked out the Revolutionary Army intending to join, though you hadn't expected to meet them so soon and Sabo among them.
Afraid to hope, you approached him and confirmed his identity. Crying you launched yourself into his arms and caught up to date with him. He then welcomed you under his wing as a member of the Revolutionary Army.
Now Sabo being Sabo he always had a hundred thoughts racing through his mind. It was common practice for him to forget stuff and then race back for them like his notes, pipe and of course, his hat.
There was a Super Important Meeting scheduled for the important members of the army on a different island than the base. You were heading out to the meeting when you spotted Sabo's hat in his study.
You couldn't help but smile and shake your head. Sabo was already at the rendezvous point, no hat, most likely upset. Fine, you could do him a small favor.
You reached the meeting place and smiled to yourself. Sabo was there alright, head resting on his palm a frown on his handsome features looking towards the wall. You made your way to the table, purposely choosing a seat right across him.
Everyone who saw you smiled greeted you with gestures instead of words so as not to alert the clueless boy of your arrival. Finally, the meeting started and Sabo was forced to look forward immediately spotting his hat then you, wearing it.
He stood up straight in his chair, mouth opening and closing like he wanted to say something but couldn't find the words. Indeed he couldn't find the words, but also, important meeting and all.
You met his eyes and lowered his hat in greeting a small smile resting in your lips. You then proceeded to pretend Sabo didn't exist for the rest of the meeting which was hard considering all he did was stare at you.
You looked towards all members as they spoke, not once meeting Sabo's eyes or acknowledging him. Just a little prank, a prank that was driving Sabo crazy.
Sure he was staring, but he couldn't help it. You were dazzling his entire existence right this moment. The hat suited you perfectly. It complimented your outfit which made him wonder if you had changed to wear the hat better even though it had been a coincidence.
Finally, the meeting was over and you rose to leave hoping to keep the prank going a little longer. Sabo practically jumped out of his seat dodging other meeting attendants trying to speak with him.
He caught up with you, grabbing your hand to spin you towards him making you face him. "Y/n", he said smiling, "Don't you have something of mine?"
"Mmm? I'm not sure what you mean?" You feigned ignorance trying your hardest not to smile too wide. Sabo just laughed pushing his hat down so it obscured your sight. "I'm sure you do"
You took it off chuckling and Sabo bowed prince style so you could return the hat to its rightful place. He straightened still smiling "not to be biased about my own hat, but you look fantastic wearing it"
Ignoring the butterflies riding rollercoasters in your stomach you gathered your courage and asked "so, where's my reward?" That threw Sabo off a little "reward?" He asked.
"Yeah for bringing you your precious hat" you crossed your arms, waiting. You had a crush on Sabo and loved when he dotted on you, complimented you or took the time to help you or hang out with you. Anything he would give you, you would cherish it.
Sabo thought for a moment, rubbing his fingers on his chin and closing his eyes. After a couple mmmm's he opened his eyes "I got it!" He exclaimed a light pink tint in his cheeks.
Without giving you time to react or act he grabbed you by the waist with one hand, he leaned in, pushing your body back and kissed you on the lips passionately.
You were tense as a spring one second, the next you were leaning into the kiss wrapping your hands around his neck. You both allowed the kiss to go on until you had to break apart to breathe.
Still in a leaning position Sabo asked "was it enough of a reward for you?" He was grinning. All you managed was a "mmmhm", you both went in for another kiss.
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pikahlua · 6 months
I hope this will be short.
I guess this line is the fandom drama of the chapter?
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I understand a lot of you are really passionate about the accuracy of the English translation. I just want to encourage you to try to engage with the official translation in good faith.
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Ojama shimasu literally means "I am disturbing you/I will get in your way." It's often spoken as a greeting where the "apology" is implied (hence the brackets in my translation), but as usual context is everything in Japanese. Izuku is saying this line in defiance of Tomura's wishes. It basically comes across as Izuku plugging his fingers in his ears.
Me personally? If I were the official translator, I'd have strongly considered translating the line as "I'm coming in whether you like it or not."
The purpose in my pointing out the "common greeting" nature of this line was to demonstrate Izuku's sassiness. This is Izuku doing his "meddling where you don't technically have to" thing. The level of formality in Izuku's speech doesn't necessarily translate to actual politeness (check out @bakuhatsufallinlove's excellent post on that here).
Does "You will let me in," mean the exact same thing? Technically no, but it's the sentiment that counts. From an official translator's point of view, "You will let me in," is shorter, punchier, fits in the speech bubble a lot easier, and still conveys the general idea of what's happening in the scene.
I don't know. I wanted to talk about this because I guess a lot of people are concerned about Izuku's characterization and how it reflects on Japanese culture and how the official translation may be misrepresenting Japanese culture to the English-reading audience, and I just...can I ask that everyone take a step back a minute? Horikoshi isn't writing his story for an English-reading audience. He's not considering at all how any of this sounds to English speakers. That's the translator's job, not just to translate what is said but to translate that into the context of who is reading it. Localization is not a dirty word--it's an important aspect of translation. And the notion that Izuku is being polite and respectful here as a Japanese person is just such a...take. Izuku is being hella rude here lol. Japan itself, not just the MHA Japan but REAL WORLD Japan, notoriously has a bystander problem where people will ignore others who are being harassed because they don't wanna get involved. They won't step in to help nor will they even testify as a witness against others for fear of what it means to speak out and break from the pack. Izuku is quite obviously Horikoshi's direct answer to that phenomenon. He's meant to be an example of the morally correct thing to do, which is to be "rude" in these cases.
So I mean, sure, we can talk about what is lost in translation by the line, "You will let me in." But to me what's lost may just be grammatical and pedantic (like the passive voice that switches the onus of action onto Tomura instead of Izuku and what that may do to the focus on Izuku's rise to action here). In any case, it's not a BAD translation that changes Izuku's perceived politeness, just one that may prompt new discussion--and I don't think that's a bad thing.
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୧ ‧₊˚ 🥐 𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐄!𝟒𝟐 𝐇𝐂𝐒.
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. warnings: mentions of death (Jefferson) and grief, grammar erros (english is not my first language).
. featuring: Miles Morales (e!42)
. wc: 1.4k
.a/n: if you see grammatical errors, or me saying something in Spanish wrong, please feel free to correct me. My Spanish is rusty as fuck
hcs for miles 1610 here
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He listens to a lot of reggaeton, afrobeat, and R&B. C'mon guys, look at my face and say to me he doesn't, also he prob like old school rap too, thanks to uncle Aaron and his dad, Jefferson probably showed his some jazz
I feel like Mama Rio and Abuelita Gloria showed him some old Puerto Rican singers and he listens old songs from time to time, specially when his nana is visiting
This man knows mechanics. Period. Help his mom to fix things around the house, shower, the lights etc. Bet his 'son and dad' time involved something with fixing things around the house and Jefferson 'passing the knowledge ' to Miles
"Listen Miles, you're the man in the house when I'm not around got it?"
"'kay dad"
"When I'm not around you're responsible for your mom deal? Gotta make sure she's in good hands when I'm not around"
"I gotchu dad, don't worry"
Ok listen, I'm kicking my feet thinking about Miles tuning his uncle's Ducati (and prob Aaron has a Ducati Scrambler. I do not take criticism), while listening music I'm just *giggling like a schoolgirl*
Btw I feel like if Miles ever had a motorcycle for his personal use and not for Prowler activities, it would be a Kawasaki Ninja or a Yamaha XSR 900. For Prowler activity honestly, he would have a Hayabusa bc it's fast as fuck, with purple neon lights like his Prowler suit. you cannot argue with me. I feel like it was a way of him and his uncle spend time together before his dad died
Miles prob is always tinkering with the titanium claws and his paraphernalia. (I love this word btw)
So yeah prob hes always with his uncle doing shit on the motorcycle or his suit while listening music or sum, or practicing boxing together.
And I bet his mom slapped them two when she once arrived and saw Aaron teaching Miles how to pilot a bike
"What you're doing with my son Aaron!" *that one meme of a man slapping the player on the shoulder*
"Ouch ouch! I'm just teachin' the kid how to pilot Rio, I surrender I surrender!"
"¿Y tú? ¿Qué diablos está en tu mente, Miles? ¡Montando una motocicleta! What am I going to do with you Miles Gonzalo Morales?!"
"¡Cálmate mamá! Uncle Aaron was just teachin' me, no es gran cos- ouch! Mom that hurts!"
Speaking of which, Mama Rio has insane strength on her arms (being a nurse demand a lot of strength to carry patients, changing their clothes, helping them bathe and all), that being said, when Mama Rio get ✨la chancla✨ oh boy, run, no kidding, run
(Everytime my mom grabbed her havaianas I runned more than Usain Bolt. I still do honestly)
I have a feeling that Miles knows how to cook, like he always knew. Arroz con pollo? Bet, does it with eyes closed. Fancy meals? Oh boy he's probably the only guy that the women of the family let inside the kitchen to help with Christmas banquet.
He eat his veggies, hates wasting food, it's not a picky eater but don't put pickles on his burger for the love of God.
Bet his nana tried to give him a bit of coquito without his mom seeing. (I hc his nana is one of those old lady that are a menace to society)
"Take a sip don't worry, No one is watching"
"No nana I'm all good"
"¡Mamá! Take this away from Miles."
Since his dad passed away he understood quite early that now he is the man in the house, that now he's the one to take care of his mom. So he started paying more attention to the chores. His mom is on duty? He's putting some music and cleaning the house, changing the blankets of his mom's bed, and probably making something for her to eat when she come back.
Prob has his mom schedule on his phone to make sure he knows where she is so it wouldn't risk her seeing his as the Prowler and he can watch out from the buildings while Rio walks to her work
Sunday family lunch was usual at Miles' house, his dad 'helping' his mom with the food (he just looked and passed her the ingredients), while Miles set the table. Music on the radio, enjoying the day before Miles need to go back to Brooklyn Visions.
Prefer more salty foods than sweets. Likes eating steak, it doesn't matter if it's BBQ or carne assada, he likes meat. For sweets, he's obsessed with the way his mom does Tembleque (sorry Abuelita Gloria)
We know his room is quite similar to 1610 Miles, but I feel like he doesn't have as many toys as 1610 Miles does. He sold some and used the money to help his mom somehow, he just doesn't want to be a burden for her.
I feel like he doesn't give his mom the money, he straight up pays the bill, or does groceries, so there's no way his mom can deny it. That or he gives the money to his uncle and they pretend that it is Aaron helping them.
It's confirmed by the artbook that Miles Prowler is a vigilante. That being said I think he decided to be the Prowler to help his place somehow, maybe even to make his dad proud, and to make his mom's life easier (just imagine the amount of people that get in the hospital because of how dangerous is the city now my god).
His mom is the priority in his life, he loves his family, his neighborhood and his friends. He's a kind soul with a shattered heart.
Miles is a quite good student. Not the '🤓☝️ actually that's happened at 09:12 in 1786…' type of smart, but the fast thinking kind of smart student. If he doesn't remember the formula he uses logical thinking. Prob takes classes ahead of his years and since he's always tinkering with his uncle his grades in calculus related stuff are pretty high.
Very good with Spanish by the way. Since his dad passed away he started learning more and more to speak with his mom in her native language to make her feel more 'at home' somehow.
I feel like in the first week after his dad passed away he slept in his house for some time and not in Brooklyn Visions dorms, he wished to be with his mom. He did not want her to be alone on her bed, mourning hi dad's death. Abuelita Gloria stayed some months with them too to help her daughter and to help Miles
Miles do his best to be organized, make his bed everyday after waking up, his cabinet is always organized, his Jordans are clean and probably have a collection of them on a shelf in his room. The only messy place on his room is his desk
Has a vinyl collection, don't argue with me. There's literally a bunch of vinyls in his room, guys.
Has some old Puerto Rican singers vinyls on his room thanks to Abuelita Gloria
Miles sings a bit, and have quite a melodic baritone voice. For my synesthetic friends, his voice sounds like honey, Miles is most of times humming when he's making upgrades on his claws
He's more athletic than 1610 Miles. Parkour, boxing and playing basketball with his neighbors and uncle
Started parkour because of his prowler activities to keep up with his uncle, same with boxing, after all he needed to defend himself and his mom. I don't doubt he knows krav maga too and I also don't doubt he taught his mom self defense.
Bought his mom a self defense kit
Uncle Aaron teached him forbidden movements in jiu jitsu, I take zero criticism on that one
Miles has a hard time sleeping sometimes, doesn't shift much when sleeping and has a knife under his pillow or something both in his house room and in Brooklyn Visions.
Loves, love, loves kids, as i said he's a kind soul with a shattered heart, and I think he's quite good with kids, and scares the shit of some at the same time.
I feel 'angry painter' vibes from him. He sketches and all but I feel like he's more of a painter and graffiti kind of guy. I do think he knows how to play bass or piano btw
Would get piercings on his ear and tongue, yes. But since he's the Prowler it would be troublesome because of the time that takes to heal
The old ladies of the neighborhood love him, he's kind to them, and always scare away weird looking guys
Is the crush nextdoor of almost every girl on the neighborhood
One time he scared the shit out of a creep on his neighborhood. Punched the guy so bad that dislocate the man's jaw. Since then he need to hide himself on valentine day, the good part about it is that he got a lot of chocolate to eat.
Seems like a bad boy all the time but he's an introvert. Miles do his best to don't get attached to people bc he doesn't want to drag them into his world or risk people he loves
He just don't want see people dying anymore, that's why he does what he does, to make the world a little bit safe, even if it's just a bit
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@matcha-flavored-cake © • do not copy, translate or use as your own
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lillotus17 · 6 months
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SYNOPSIS: After being dead for two minutes and then brought back to life thanks to your coworker you start to get these weird visions of future events just minutes before they happen. During a train ride you witness the murder of three teenage boys in broad daylight and then suddenly the next second they're sitting back down in their seats, alive and breathing. Despite the want you have to keep your peace and leave it alone, you can't help but get a very bad feeling and it only intensifies when you recognize the man that murdered them in your vision three train carts away and walking in your guys' direction. Shoving the three boys off of the train, saving their lives, risking your own, and being accused of kidnapping was not on your bucket list after surviving death. You don't have any clue what is going on or what in the hell you're gonna do to help these three boys but thankfully the four of you bump into some help along the way.
PAIRING: EnhaHyung!Line X Fem. Reader, Spider-men!EnhaHyungLine x Madame Webb!Reader, Superhero!EnhaHyungLine x Clairvoyant!Reader, Spider!EnhaHyungLine x Paramedic!Reader, [ft. Enha Kim Sunoo (Anya Corazon), Yang Jungwon (Julia Cornwall), and Nishimura Riki (Mattie Franklin); TXT Yeonjun (Ezekial Sims), Choi Soobin (Ben Parker), mentions of Choi Beomgyu (Richard Parker); Shin Ryujin (Mary Parker); more to be added].
GENRE: Superhero AU, Romance, Action, Comedy, Angst, Strangers to Allies to Friends to Lovers, polyamorous relationship, (let me know if I forgot anything) more to be added!
WARNINGS: profanity, sexual/suggestive content (intercourse, oral, masturbation, phone sex, sexting, etc) ONLY WRITTEN FOR HYUNG LINE, MINORS DNI (you WILL be removed/blocked), poly relationship, drinking/consuming alcohol, feminine pronouns/terms used for reader, MADAME WEBB SPOLIERS!!! If you haven't watched it already! This is based on the MADAME WEBB MOVIE with some twist added into it! Let me know if I forgot anything at all!
DISCLAIMER: This is purely a work of FICTION! This is not meant to portray any of the Enhypen Members or other mentioned idols in any way or shape or form.
P.S. if you haven't already, you should definitely check out @artysse (credited) on TIKTOK! If you already have, then you know that it's an ENHA Fan Art Account of Spider ENHA! It's really fucking awesome! Go show some love!
NOT PROOF READ: Apologies for any grammatical errors, my loves!
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This takes place in New York, with mentions of South Korea and Japan. Reader is the same age as Jay, Jake, and Sunghoon. Jungwon, Sunoo, and Niki are the same age, in high school, and have a slightly bigger age gap between them and hyung line. Time gaps, mentions of MCU universe events/milestones. Slight spider-verse au, hyung line are all from different universes! Also note that maknae line don't have their spider powers (yet) because they develop it in series. ENHA hyungs already have their powers when they meet Y/N and the other boys.
Y/N L/N as Cassandra (Cassie) Webb/Madame Webb
Yang Jungwon as Julia Cornwall (Carpenter in the Comics)/Arachne/Spider-(Wo)man
Kim Sunoo as Anya Corazon/Arana
Nishmura Riki (Niki) as Martha (Mattie) Franklin/Spider-(Wo)man
Lee Heeseung as Peter Parker (Tom Holland Universe)/Spider-Man
Park Jongseong (Jay) as Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield Universe)/Spider-Man
Sim Jaeyun (Jake) as Miles Morales (Spider-Verse)/Spider-Man
Park Sunghoon as Gwen Stacy (Spider-Verse)/Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider
More to be added!
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k-daydreams · 1 year
The Pursuit of Feeling Alive: III. Bratty Behavior
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Pairing: fem!reader x azriel, platonic!innercircle
Synopsis: cousin to Rhysand and Morrigan, y/n was once her family’s golden child. Faced with trials and tribulations her whole life, she needed reprieve— a distraction. Until a surprise homecoming opens Pandora’s box, and gives y/n a reality check. Especially facing her once close friend Azriel. Friends to Enemies to lovers trope.
Word count: 4k
Warnings: swearing, trauma, reader being shitty, slow slow burn, mor and Cassian being readers moral sanity, filler chapter, grammatical errors lmao
Authors note: hellooo! So this is kinda a filler since what I was writing for this part was so long. Next part will really be juicy I promise! Thank you guys for so much love on the last part, I hope y’all will like this! Not a lot of Az has been in this part, mainly talking about him in 3rd person, but I promise hold on hope y’all get him in action in the next!! Lmk what you guys think
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚
"Rhysand isn't impressed with Azriel," Mor declared, her knife slicing through a piece of meat. "To be honest, Y/n, I could genuinely throttle him." She took a bite of her food before continuing.
It was your first night back in Velaris, and the inner circle, along with the company, was aware of what had happened between Azriel and you. Well, at least what Cassian, Nesta, and Elain had witnessed. Rhys and Feyre hadn't approached you about it yet; Mor mentioned they wanted to spare you any further distress for the time being. Typically when one of the inner circle members had returned home from something, Rhys would have organized a celebratory family dinner, but he had decided against it for now. Instead, you and Mor dined alone in the House of Wind tonight.
Nonchalantly, you shrugged and took a sip from your wine glass. "Just another tantrum from that Illyrian man-child. Nothing new, really." You tried to sound relaxed, not wanting your friends and family to worry about you or the argument. You didn't want Azriel to know his words had cut you deeply or give him any satisfaction. You had already shown him just how much they had affected you. The impact was tangible—you had been restless, tossing and turning in bed for the past few nights, with no appetite to eat. Your homecoming was supposed to mark the beginning of your healing journey, yet here you were, starving and sleep-deprived due to the nonsense uttered by a man who thought he knew you.
Mor nodded knowingly, her napkin dabbing at her lips. "He had no right to speak to you like that," she said, her voice firm. "He knows that, no matter what, you're family. That's why we came back for you when Helion sent word. He knows we would do the same for any member of our family and to disregard you so quickly like that."
Disheartened, you let out a sigh. "I don't know, Mor. I knew we ended things on a sour note, but it's been nearly 60 years since then. I thought he would have moved on."
Her food momentarily forgotten, Mor nearly choked when you made that statement. "Please tell me you didn't just say that," she responded incredulously.
What do you mean?"
She stared at you intensely, her eyes burning into your soul as you went blank. "Seriously?" Perfectly shaped eyebrows furrowed in disbelief. "I've seen you hold grudges for centuries, and yet you expect him to forgive you for an argument that happened over half a century ago?"
Both of you fell silent, studying each other across the table. Mor's loyalty to Azriel, despite never reciprocating his feelings, was unwavering—just as yours had been in the past. At times, it made you question if her feelings for him were truly nonexistent, like now. A queasiness churned in your stomach, and your head throbbed with a dull ache. Perhaps drinking on an empty stomach hadn't been the best idea, especially when thoughts of Mor and Azriel intertwined.
You cleared your throat, a newfound coldness lacing your tone as you spoke up. "Every grudge I've held has been a result of something more severe than an argument," you stated, fidgeting with the table linen. "An argument, mind you, that happened because he didn't want me to follow Rhys."
Mor retorted sharply, "Look where that got you." Your heart started pounding, your ears heating. Your gaze dropped in her direction, and a familiar flame ignited within you. "What he did was fucked up, but Y/n, you can be a stubborn brat." You opened your mouth to object, but she raised a hand to stop you. "I'm not trying to be rude. I say this because I care about you. But it's time to own up to your mistakes. Only then, maybe, just maybe, you can find peace again."
Mor's tough love never felt good, but you knew it always came from a place of good intentions. Angry and devastated, you found it hard to accept hearing all that. Sure, you could be opinionated and stubborn at times, but reducing yourself to a brat felt unjust.
Draining your wine, you replied, "I had hoped for a civil conversation with him whenever we did talk." Mor looked skeptical, likely not fully believing you. You did have a record for the last century or so with picking arguments, you blamed being around Mor and Amren so much, and maybe a lot of repressed feelings.
Despite her irritation with you, Mor reached out and took your hand in hers, comforting you with gentle circles on the back of it, like a mother would. "When it comes to you, it seems his shadows turn to flames."
There was so much you wanted to say, but you remained silent, allowing her words to echo in your mind. You couldn't quite grasp their cryptic meaning, but you didn’t want to indulge in the topic too much longer. Mor let go of your hand, standing up. "Feel like grabbing a drink at Rita's?" she asked, her tone changing, a small smirk forming. A way to nurse your wounds.
Shaking your head, you replied, "Not tonight. I need to rest. Traveling today drained me. But thank you." You offered a tight-lipped smile.
"Sweet dreams, little star," Mor said, patting your head before walking away.
The once-dull headache now throbbed prominently in your forehead, and you cradled your head in discomfort. Mor’s conversation seemed to reflect the same argument you had a few days prior with Azriel. Though not filled with as malicious intent as his did, it still left you feeling just as scorned. The house cleared the table immaculately as you stood to make your way to your room.
The hallways were quiet and deserted, illuminated by the dim twinkle of faelights illuminating the red stone of the walls. Each light flickered slightly in your presence before dimming again, but you were too weary to care about such peculiarities of your powers. The House of Wind sprawled endlessly, a labyrinth of doors and spiraling stairs within the mountainside. A few new paintings and plants adorned the halls, likely additions from the High Lady and her sister, but it all remained as you remembered.
When you enter your room, a plate with an assortment of delectable cheese and crackers, accompanied by a tall, refreshing glass of water. Along with a small container of headache powder sat patiently on your bedside table. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you witnessed the house meticulously pulling back your sheets, reminiscent of the way it used to prepare your bed during your childhood days. Gently placing your night clothes at the foot of the bed, a smile of gratitude graced your face, silently expressing your appreciation to the house. It seemed that Rhys had been right about something you thought once you were in bed getting pulled into a restless sleep.
You trudged begrudgingly through the halls of the endless mansion. Feyre had roused you from slumber earlier that morning, informing you of a meeting with the inner circle in an hour. Though you harbored little desire to attend, it was the first order by your new High Lady, making it a matter of importance. You hated how far your room was from the war room. Wishing you had wings, even better, you wished you had a room closer to one of the rooms you frequented the most. Finally almost out of breath, you made it to the entrance. You stalked into the room, you found Amren, Cassian, Lucien, Azriel, and Mor already settled in their seats.
"Tsk, tsk, fashionably late to your first meeting?" Cassian playfully jabbed at you. Walking past him, you discreetly flicked the back of his head, eliciting a muttered "brat" as he dramatically nursed the imaginary injury.
Your steps faltered for a moment, as that word—brat—pricked at your annoyance. Not letting it fester too much, you take a seat between Mor and Lucien. Sitting across from Cassian and Amren, with Azriel positioned diagonally next to his brother, you could feel his intense gaze fixed upon you. Determined not to shudder or shift under his scrutiny, you resolved not to let him see how deeply his words affected you. Deep down, however, you couldn't deny the lingering care you held for him, or the way his presence had consumed your thoughts over the past week like a plague.
"I don't see Feyre and Rhysand, so technically I'm not late," you declared, a smug tone coloring your words.
"Actually, they had other matters to attend to," Amren replied indifferently. It had been less than an hour since you last saw Feyre, leaving you puzzled as to what could have transpired in such a short span of time. Cassian nudged your foot under the table, a silent reminder of his earlier warning. Narrowing your eyes, you retaliated by kicking his shin, relishing in his sharp intake of breath as he winced. "Relax, Y/n!" he exclaimed, while you concealed your smirk, leaning back in your chair with crossed arms.
"Must you be so childish?" Azriel's voice snapped at you, catching you off guard.
Cassian stared at his brother in shock, attempting to defend your actions. “Brother I had started it-“
Beside him, the spymaster exhaled, regaining his composure. "I don't care who started it; I want to get through this as quickly as possible.” he requested, his tone cold.
"Yes, please," you muttered under your breath. The shadowsinger shot you a look.
Though you sensed he had more to say, Amren began speaking before another argument could erupt, cutting straight to the point. "We haven't visited the Court of Nightmares in quite some time. It's about time we made an appearance; I'm sure they're on the brink of chaos by now."
Mor sucked in her teeth, and you could hear Lucien gulp audibly, clearly apprehensive at the thought. You bit your lip anxiously.
"I won't be able to attend. Rhysand, specifically Feyre, has requested that you, Y/n, take the reins tonight," Amren announced, a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. She seemed unfazed by the prospect of missing out on the formal affair. Uncertainty flickered across the faces of those from the inner circle, unsure of how you would receive the order, except for Azriel, whose expression remained inscrutable.
You fidgeted with your fingers, picking at the hangnails. Before Amarantha, you had taken pleasure in Rhys entrusting you with these meetings, where you handled official business between the Court of Dreams and Nightmares. It had been empowering to witness your family obeying your orders, having spent so long following theirs, only to be shunned upon your return in the aftermath of one of the darkest days of your life. Your parents were ready to condemn you for treason when they first laid eyes on you. That’s when Rhys had appointed you as an emissary. Primarily since you had spent the most time in the court knowing the ins and outs, and as a sick punishment for your family.
Now, anxiety gripped you as memories you had desperately tried to suppress from your childhood. Those memories now attached with the new ones you sought to repress from your encounter with Amarantha. It became increasingly difficult to focus on Amren's words as your gaze wandered blankly through the expansive window behind her, stretching from the floor to the ceiling.
"Azriel will be right beside you for protection throughout the night, Cassian will accompany Mor, with Lucien joining them," Amren continued, a hint of wariness in her words.
"Why-why can't Cass be by my side?" you stammered. "He's a general for a reason." You had an inkling to why Azriel had always been at your side when you’d be in charge of this responsibility, but you also wanted him nowhere near you. Didn’t anyone else think that him and you together was an awful idea at the moment?
"Because Azriel has a more intimidating effect on your family," Amren replied, looking knowingly at him. Azriel remained stoic, mirroring your own defensive posture—scarred muscular arms crossed, leaning back in his chair, stil as a statue. "As I said, it's been some time since we made an appearance. Who knows what they might do? We can't risk any harm coming to the Princess on her first days back at court," she added mockingly. Rolling your eyes, you fought the urge to offer her a vulgar gesture. For that remark alone, she could certainly go to hell.
"Cassian will come to fetch you later, so you can all gather at the townhouse and winnow together," Amren concluded nonchalantly. "Now, I need to speak with Mor and Cassian privately. You three are dismissed; I'm sure Azriel and Y/n are just itching to throw themselves off the dining room veranda by now." She said to you, Lucien, and Azriel. She was right about one thing, you thought to yourself, your chair scraping against the floor as you stood, eager to escape the war room as quickly as possible.
You closed the door to your room, and fell into your bed screaming into the mattress. You were frustrated, overwhelmed, and exhausted from lack of sleep. A small commotion on your nightstand made you jump, looking up, a medium box now laid on the stand. An envelope attached to a deep purple ribbon wrapped around the gift. You sat up, and grabbed it, opening the paper.
‘Give them hell tonight, you've earned it little star. -R&F’
Inside the box was a diadem of silver, stars of different shapes hung all adorning the chain encrusted in emeralds, diamonds of different hues, and sapphires for you to wear tonight. You sighed, a new feeling slithering through your veins. Maybe this was Rhysand’s way of giving you therapy. You all played a game and made a show down in the court of nightmares that the inner circle all got a kick out of at one point or another. Maybe playing the act was what you needed? You had let your mental shield down, letting your thoughts empty to nothing, hoping Rhys would be paying attention.
You planned this intentionally? You thought once your mind was blank.
Me? What would make you think so? Rhys purred in your mind.
You rolled your eyes. Mhm, you two just had to conveniently leave all of a sudden?
That’s a matter for tomorrow, just try not to torture someone to death tonight, especially not our spymaster. He taunted.
Your spymaster, no promises. You clarified.
Have fun, little star. You could feel him poking at your mind to signal he was no longer there.
You threw your shield up, and laid back on your bed. Tonight was going to be interesting.
You fixed your lip shine in the mirror, finishing the final touches to your look before a rhythmic knock on your ajar door sounded.
“You ready?” Cassian peaked before walking into the room.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
He let out a low whistle as he examined you. “Your family’s not gonna like that.”
“That’s what I was hoping you’d say.” You smirked despite a brief heat rising to your cheeks.
The gown you chose was something you had saved for a trip specifically for the court of nightmares before you had been trapped under the mountain. The bodice had long sleeves and was skin tight, black crystal branches wrapping up your arms, and up your waist with thicker branches covering your chest. The skirt billowed with several layers of gossamer, much like the gown you wore in the day court just several days prior, but had slits dangerously high risking a reveal of your hip bones unlike the other gown. You wore the highest heels you had in your closet that were sure to make you grumpy just by standing in them for more than a couple minutes— exactly why you chose them. Then the diadem that Rhys and Feyre gifted you graced the top of your head and shimmered in the faelight of your room that flickered in your wake, when you felt the satisfaction from Cass’s comment.
He clicked his tongue, crossing his arms. “I don’t think I even like that.” Then he noticed the slits in the fabric. Rubbing a hand over his face in disbelief. “Mother of the cauldron Y/n, are you even wearing anything under that dress?” He made a face which made you laugh out loud.
“Pig, no need to worry about that!” You slapped his arm lightly before looping yours through it.
“You’re right I don’t want to know.” He shook his head. Cassian was always your comedic relief from your worries, and you were thankful that hadn’t changed. “Could you let Nesta borrow it?” He suggested cheekily.
You groaned disgustedly, “then I would have to burn it afterwards.”
“Good, I don’t want to see you in this gown again after tonight.”
“You’re not my father.” You teased as you two walked out to the balcony.
“Yeah but in my head you’ll always be like my little sister, no matter how much of a brat you are.” He nudged you.
“I hate that word,” you admitted, preparing yourself for flight.
He picked you up bridal style as if you weighed nothing in his arms. You adjusted the fabric so it wouldn’t fly up mid flight. “You know it’s true.” He said, his wings rustling, preparing himself.
You gave him a pointed look, “I’m considering it’s true.” Providing a pinch to his bicep. Without warning he took off into the night sky of Velaris, teasingly loosening his grip on you like he was going to drop you.
“If you keep hurting me, I’ll have to sic my mate on you.” A mischievous glint in his eyes.
“She probably knows you deserve it.” You watched the city below light up under the starry sky.
“Touché,” he smiled. He looked in thought as a silence fell over you two letting you admire Velaris below. You hadn’t had a chance to explore the city since your return, today would’ve been the day if it weren’t for the meeting in the court of nightmares. You could see the rainbow quarters perfectly from above and hear the music in the distance. The stars and moon were close to you as well, the music and being so close the light brought solace to any nerves you may have had. It prickled softly at your skin, seeping into your skin.
“I could guess one person who’ll be excited to see you.” Cassian broke the momentary silence.
“Don’t say his name,” you begged, seeing the angle he was trying to pull.
“Who, Azriel?” He grinned broadly.
“My peace is ruined,” you deadpanned, him chuckling at your disdain.
“Don’t let him being an asshole deter you. He’s been all bent out of shape since your absence. I think he’s just hurt deep down, and those little shadows that are always in his ear when you're around doesn’t help.”
You listened to Cassian ramble, confusion filling you. “You haven’t heard everything he's said to me.”
He relaxed a bit, soaring lower, the familiar townhouse now in your view. “I haven’t heard everything you've said to him either, and I don’t think it’s my business or my right to say anything on the matter given my record. Sometimes you say shit in the heat of the moment, sometimes you say shit to hide what’s actually going on underneath it all. One thing I know whenever it comes to you he’s always all up in arms. Not even Elain can do that to him. I didn’t even see him like that with Mor besides that one time.” He cleared his throat awkwardly, getting ready to land. You gripped his neck tighter, bracing yourself.
“When you’re not annoying, you’re actually wise y’know that?” You were in awe at his words. You weren’t sure how true his interpretation was, but for now it brought you slight comfort and ease about the Azriel situation. He landed with his wings slightly fluttering about, shaking off the wind of the night. He gently set you down, and you tried adjusting yourself now that you were standing. You went to fix the diadem, but Cass pushed your hand away lightly, doing it for you.
“I would hope so, year 600 is creeping up on me fast.”
You laughed softly, “you're about to be an old man.”
“Yeah let’s not talk about that, we’re talking about you remember?” He fixed a loose piece of hair that was out of place. “Try not to let him get to you too much tonight or at least channel it into you being all scary and brooding. I’ve missed you in court, it hasn't been the same.”
“Thank you Cass, and I’m sorry for not visiting.” You said sincerely.
Pulling you into his arms for an embrace, he sighed. “I figured you needed space. There’s nothing wrong with that. Rhys went to the cabin after he came out from under there. You just went to the day court for almost a decade long sabbatical.” He shrugged casually. “You can repay me by training again once you’re settled.” You nodded, pulling away. He wrapped his arm around you, “C’mon we have a party to get to.”
Lucien, Morrigan, and Azriel waited for you two. Azriel was the first to look up at the sound of your heels clicking on floor into the foyer of the townhouse. His hazel eyes darkened, eyebrows slightly narrowing, and jaw clenched at the sight of you. Your heart skipped a beat as his eyes traced your body, lingering at the top of the slits of the gown that could expose your hip bones at any sudden movement, before taking in your bare legs that were accentuated by the uncomfortable heels. You felt a warmth in your core that betrayed any ill feelings towards the spymaster, and you had to take a deep breath to calm yourself. You never knew a look would be able to enthrall you so much and ignite such feelings.
He was in his more formal fighting leathers, muscles at full display even underneath the leather, his hair neatly styled back, sciphons glowing under the light of the common room. He was god-like, you couldn’t deny that. Not rugged looking like Cassian or as regal as Rhys, but he was beautiful. You wanted to be sick at thinking these thoughts. His shadows whispered in his ears as he stared at you. You couldn’t discern the look in his eyes as Mor approached you.
“Oh my, my fathers gonna croak, I love it!” She squealed looking at the patterns on your dress. “But we do have to get going, Y/n winnow Cass?” She looked at the male beside you.
You were about to agree, but Azriel spoke up. “I think I should be with her. Just in case. Amren said they’re possibly at a brink of chaos.” His voice was gravelly, and your heart pounded erratically at the huskiness in his tone.
“O-okay? Cassian, let’s come on then.” She looked at you, your eyes were wide in surprise.
Azriel approached you, and his scent of cedar and mist filled your senses making you want to melt even more. You only cleared your throat, straightening your back as his scarred arm reached around you pulling you closer to him as you got ready to winnow. You could feel the rough pad of his thumb near the top of the slit of your dress making your mind blank. His shadows swirled around your wrists in greeting for the first time since you’ve seen him, and you could feel your cheeks heat up.
Mor and Cassian disappeared along with Lucien right behind them. Azriel’s body heat and movement of his hand on your hip was making you flushed, unable to concentrate. Then his lips were close to your ear and you could feel his cool breath on your neck.
“Whatever happens tonight, don’t take it to heart.” The grip on your hip had tightened, and you could feel the sheath of truth-teller in your lower back.
You looked up to him, even wearing your tallest heels he had towered over you, observing the deadly calm on his face. Your gaze lingered on his lips for a second before flirting back to his intense hazel orbs.
You said barely above a whisper, scared your voice would betray your words. “You forget I’m great at this game, shadowsinger.”
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Aaaaand we’re off to the races besties!! I had so much fun writing this part! I hope you’re excited as I am for the next one!!
Taglist: @tcris2020 @rachelnicolee @thelov3lybookworm @bubybubsters @mich0731 @t0uch-starved-h0e @penguins-are-the-best @justagingerliving @brekkershadowsinger @jiinmii
If I missed any of you just lmk!
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charlesswife · 1 year
Una Noche En Mónaco ii
Mateo Con Una T (Mateo with one t)
unem masterlist
pairing: charles leclerc x latina! reader
summary: after a one night stand between you and charles, he continues on with his formula one career. until two months later, you come back claiming to be pregnant with his child.
warning: bad writing, charles is a bit of an asshole at first, google translate because i dont speak french, teen pregnancy, english isnt my first language so there might be some grammatical error.
a/n: THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT YOU GUYS HAVE SHOWN IN THE FIRST EPISODE! It makes me so happy to know that you guys really liked it. I really have sooooo many ideas and twist for this book, like you guys have no idea, so always expect the unexpected hehehe
Just to clarify y/l/n is your last name. This is your story so I didn't want to give reader a last name.
second A/N: for some reason i can't write chapters on my phone because the letters are black. I have it in dark mode but i didnt have that problem before. does anyone else have that problem?
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gif is not mine!
May 2018 
Charles Leclerc was a gentleman. That's how I remember him. The way he took care of me after the several rounds of sex we had. He is definitely the kind of man I don't ever want to forget. He was very sweet and caring. 
But he was only a one-night stand. I don't really know him, as him. The fact that I have to tell him I'm pregnant with his child absolutely terrifies me. I wish my parents were here. If they were, I don't think I would be in this situation. 
Charles sent me the address where he was staying at. As I got closer to the place, I realized it was the same place where I woke up. Is this his apartment? 
Steph left me at the doorstep. I needed her as moral support, just in case things didn't go as planned. 
"Go," Steph said as she hugged me. "I'll be waiting in the car, don't worry. If he does anything, we'll sue him. You have the money for it" 
Money wasn't a problem for me. I just wanted him to be there, I'm scared and I don't want to do this alone. I know Steph is here for me, but it is not her responsibility at all, it is mine and his. 
I took a long breath and rang the bell. Steph went back to the car and after a few minutes, Charles opened the door. 
He had such a bright smile on his face. "Oh, cara mia," he pulled me into his apartment and then close the door. He grabbed my face with both of his hands and try to kiss me but I pushed him slightly by his chess. His thick brows frowned a bit and then he asked, "What's wrong?"
I looked at him in the eyes and said. "We need to talk" 
February 2023 
I walked to my bookstore with Mateo in hand. Steph was the first one to greet us. 
"Auntie!" Mateo let go of my hand and ran to my best friend. 
"Maty!" Steph got down to the level of my kid and hugged him. "Uff, why are you getting so big, huh? How is my favorite godson doing?" 
Mateo laughed. "I'm your only godson, tia" (aunt) 
"How would you know, Alexander Jules?"
"Mommy told me, and Mommy would never lie," he pointed at me. "Verdad, mami?" (right, Mommy?) he looked back at me. 
"Si, mi amor (yes, my love)" I nodded at him. "Stay with your tia (aunt) while I check stuff in the store, okay? And don't forget to pick up a book" I told him, to which he nodded. 
Mateo Alexander Jules Y/l/n is four and one quarter. He likes to remind people of that. He is the most educated boy I know, and I'm not saying that just because I'm his mother, but because it's the truth. I have seen other kids and they are horrible, ungrateful brats. I hate kids. Except for my son. I want to think I did a good job raising him. He looks a lot like Charles. From the eyes' color and shape to the dimples to the hair, to the lips. 
I walked around the store, checking books that needed to be restocked and putting some books back in place. I went to the cafe and got my regular iced coffee. 
I walked around again until I got to my favorite section. Murder & Mysteries. In there, I saw a lady. Probably in her mid-50s. Blonde hair, she was dressed casually. She was looking around at the books. Picking one up, reading the back, and then putting the book back on the shelf. 
"Do you need any help?" I asked her. 
She turned around and looked at me up and down. "Oh, dear. I thought I was alone. You work here?" 
"Something like that," This answer seemed to confuse her. "Is there anything I could help you with?" 
She turned her sight to the books again. "Well, I'm trying to find a good mystery book but none of them catches my eye. I'm looking for something similar to Alexander Y/l/n or Perla Campos. They are my favorite authors" 
I stared at her for a second. What are the odds? I looked back at the bookshelf until I found the book I was looking for. "This one should do."
She looked at the cover and asked "The Seven and 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle?" 
"It's not as near as good as what Alexander Y/l/n and Perla Campos used to write, but if you like their books, I'm sure you'll like this one," I explained as I see her read the back of the book. "Another option would be 'The Secret Inheritance' by Cassandra Matthew." (lmao idk if that book is real) 
I handed her the book and she took it gladly. She read the back and then looked at me. "These are very good suggestions! Thank you, dear. What's your name?" 
"Y/n," I told her. 
"Nice to meet you, I'm Pascale" 
August 2018 
Pregnancy wasn't easy. I never thought I would cry so much in the span of 5 minutes just because I ran out of my favorite gelato. 
Today was my fifth visit to the doctor, and I was nervous as hell. I am more bigger than a regular pregnant woman, it has me fearing for my baby's life or even mine. 
"Okay, Y/n. You know the drill. Lay down, and lift your shirt up. As always the gel is cold" Dr. Williams said. She is always so gentle with me. Maybe she pities me. 
"I have concerns," I told her. She looked at me as she was putting on the gel. "My belly looks bigger than normal, is that okay?"
"It depends, in most cases, yes. It means the baby is healthy. But let's take a look" She moved her sight to the machine. The image of my baby appears immediately in the sonogram. She moved the transducer to another spot on my belly and I could see her eyes widen a bit. She was going on up and down in the same area. "I think I have a better answer to your question." She looked at me and said, "You're having twins" 
February 2023 
"Mami, can I read Nancy Drew?" Mateo came running to me as he showed me the first book in the series. 
I looked at the book and say "I don't think so, love. It might be too much for you. This is for bigger kids" 
"But I am a big kid!" The old lady, Pascale, laughed. 
"This is your son?" she asked.
I nodded with a smile. Mateo looked at Pascale and stayed quiet. He knew it was rude to interrupt conversations. He got behind me, hiding.
Pascale tilted her head for a moment, narrowed her eyes a bit, and murmured "He kind of looks like... never mind. What's your name, little boy?" 
He looked at me for a second. "Answer her, baby. It's rude to not answer to elders" I told him.
"I'm Mateo with one T" he lifted one finger.
This made Pascale laugh again. "Nice to meet you, Mateo with one T" 
"Why don't you take the book to Tia and tell her I say to check it out" Mateo nodded and ran towards the register, he stopped for a second and came back walking. 
"Goodbye," He said to Pascale while giving her a little waving and then walking back to the register. 
"He looks like a bundle of joy," Pascale said as she sees Mateo walk away. 
"He is," I agreed. "Is there anything else I can help with?" 
"No, that's all. Thank you for the help. I'm ready to check out." 
We walked to the register and started the process to check her out. I did the usual routine. I asked if she had an account with us, which she didn't, but she decided to get one. 
"Okay, Pascale. What's your last name?"
"You can just put an L," I did as she told me. As I was checking out her books, she said "This is such a pretty bookstore. I have never been here before." 
"Thank you," I said. 
"She's the owner," Steph spoke as she was playing hands with my son, who shushed her for butting in the conversation. 
Pascale looked at me with wide eyes. I laughed at her reaction. She inserted her card and paid. I put her books in a bag and grabbed one of the coupons. "Here is a ten-percent coupon to use on your next visit!" 
"I will definitely come back. I need to tell you if I like the books or not." 
"Oh boy," I laughed.
"I might even bring one of my sons with me" Oh boy... This isn't the first time a mother has try to set me up with their kids. 
"Please do!" Steph yelled. Mateo put his small hands in her mouth and murmured a small 'no tia, don't talk'. 
"See you next time, Pascale" 
"Bye Y/n," She walked to the entrance as she passed my boy, she turned and say "Goodbye, Mateo with one T" 
After she left the store, Steph turned to me. "She didn't say goodbye to me. How rude?" 
"Jesus Christ, Steph. Why would you tell her that?" I elongated the a in 'that'. 
I know I left you guys with open scenes between the first and third scenes but everything is for a reason!!! I might do Charles POV on the next one!!! Trust the process guys, things are going to get sooo good.
If you guys don't know (just in case) Pascale is Charles' mother.
Please let me know what you think of it. I would really appreciate any type of comment, whether is your opinion or just anything! It would def motivate me to keep going. I would really appreciate if you guys like and repost as well! So other people can be aware of this story.
@mac-daddy-210 @infinite-wanders @rbrsavage @itsyogurlkel @bbygrlllllll  @nerdreader @imnotcryingyouare1 @killerangel88 @obx-mylove-things-blog @triorion @daniellarogers @insssanemind @bosinclairsgf @rb-danny @shyshva @booksobsess @ogfangirl @ravenqueen27 @masonspulisic @yunnie-f1 @simxican @ushygushybaby @graceverstappen11 @maximoff-xmen @severenswife @ferraribabe @pjofics @harrysdimple05 @mloyer @teti-menchon0604 @imagineadream @reidsworld @heavengirls111 @scentedskydreamer @christianpulisic10 @formulas-bitch @topguncultleader @hc-dutch @moonclaine @miureiz @tall-tanned-tattoo @madisontaxarn @bisexualbith  
For some reason, it's not letting me tag some of you so people make sure your tag is correct. I want everyone to get the notification and this is beyond me.
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distardre · 3 months
julance week 1: broadsword
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feel free to read whoever's interested is a small info dump about swords bc i went down a rabbit hole of sword classification when i looked up a broadsword LOL
disclaimer that if you are a sword expert and i got anything wrong i am sorry, i am a measly english major who dropped out of his history course and got all this information off of comparing appropriately 20 quora posts and two random sword classification websites
(also i may be an english major but english is not my first language so sorry if the x edged blade, y hilted sword is not the way it is grammatically correct)
okay so basically nowadays the most mainstream sword among fantasy media and D&D and stuff is the broadsword HOWEVER that is not actually what the broadsword is; what is used in games, tv, etc is most commonly the arming sword (a double edged blade, cross hilted sword, intended for single hand use)
the broadsword is generally a double edged blade, basket hilted sword which's blade is wider than that of a rapier, it is intended for single hand use (hence the guarding of the hand at the hilt), and more or less is a double edged version of a backsword; it can also be referred to as a claymore (which however has also been used for the longsword in the past)
however, in the broader historical context (haha funny pun), a broadsword is literally that, a broad sword, or in other words a sword broader than a contemporary one at a given time
then we have the longsword, generally a double edged blade, cross hilted sword intended for two hand use, but can be wielded with one hand if the situation is fitted
however, we also can use the term longsword as its semantical meaning, a long sword or in other words, a sword longer than a contemporary one at a given time
then we have for example the great sword which is similar in shape to the longsword however really long, like up to the size of the person wielding it and the hilt has space for three hands and it's also fairly heavy; i saw one person refer to it as a sword shaped polearm which i found quite funny
uhhh yea okay i think thats all i have to say
i would just like to add the little detail of the fact that sword classifications are a modern thing, people back in the day would just call any sword a sword, they might use long sword and broad sword in their semantic sense but other than that they were just swords
it was with the rise of fantasy media and their focus on the middle ages that swords became misclassified too with the arming sword becoming so popular under the wrong name
moral of the story: sword classification is really confusing :)
here is the quora post i found most interesting, and pretty much all of its information checked out with others i read, if anyone wants a (admittedly way) more comprehensive explanation than mine!
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hobiebrownismygod · 11 months
Researching Characters so you don't have to Part 3: Miles G. Morales/Prowler Miles & His Accent/Spanglish
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Art above is NOT MINE. Made by Binu Herath. Click for the link &lt;3
I'm gonna refer to him as 42-Miles throughout this!
The main thing I've seen people trying to do when writing 42-Miles is trying to write him speaking Spanglish. However, if you don't speak Spanish at home or know some Spanish already, this can be pretty difficult to do.
So how do you write a character speaking Spanglish?
First of all, not a lot of bilingual people speak one sentence in English and the other sentence in their respective language. One of the things I've seen people do in fanfictions is write 42-Miles like this:
"Estoy trabajando en este proyecto. I'm busy right now." (I'm working on this project)
They write him speaking one sentence Spanish and the next in English. Now this isn't necessarily wrong, but it also doesn't sound completely accurate. The thing is, not many people will continuously switch between Spanish and English that way, especially if the person they're talking to isn't fluent in Spanish as well. If they are fluent, I'm assuming he'd probably talk fully in Spanish, and if they aren't fluent he'd probably talk fully in English. Now if you want to write him that way, like I said, there's nothing wrong with it, but for the people who want to make him more accurate, I recommend using the tips I researched below.
Bilingual people often confuse words and phrases from their respective languages together. An example of what would be a more accurate phrase that he'd say is:
"No eso es mi fault"
Miles said this in the first movie, and this is a great example of Spanish because he doesn't remember the Spanish word for "fault" which is la culpa, so he just says fault instead.
Another example of accurate Spanglish is:
"Can you hand me the, destornillador, destornilla-...the SCREWDRIVER, can you hand me the screwdriver?"
As a bilingual person, when I can't remember a word I often say it in my other language a couple times to try to remember and then say the word once I remember it. From what I've seen, this happens with a lot of Spanish-speakers too. This also goes both ways, where if he's speaking Spanish he switches to English because he can't remember a word.
If he's talking to someone speaking English, it wouldn't make sense for him to randomly speak some sentences in Spanish and some in English, so it would be more accurate to have him confusing words together and taking a little longer to remember specific vocabulary.
This can go both ways as well, so if he's speaking Spanish to someone, you can have a little "how do you say [item], oh, you say it like [item in Spanish].", basically the exact opposite of what I did in the example above.
Words and phrases aren't the only things that get mixed up. Bilingual people also often mix up the grammar of the two languages when speaking.
Spanish has pretty similar grammar to English, but there are still some significant differences. For example, adjectives come after nouns in Spanish, while they come before nouns in English. One example of a dialogue you could have is:
"Es un bonito vestido" (Its a pretty dress)
This is grammatically incorrect, because the adjective "bonito" came before the noun "vestido" when it should be the opposite. Normally, it would be vestido bonito, but someone bilingual like 42-Miles might mess it up, because in English it would be "pretty dress", not "dress pretty".
Finally, for filler words like "but" and words like "yes" a bilingual person might say them in Spanish instead of English when speaking English.
Instead of saying "but this", 42-Miles might say "pero this" because pero means "but". If he answers a question with "yes" he might say "si" instead.
But make sure to keep in the mind that nobody who's bilingual is going to speak to someone in a language they don't understand. If you're writing a 42Miles x Reader, it wouldn't make sense for him to talk a lot in Spanish unless its an xLatino!Reader or xHispanic!Reader. A few words and phrases is understandable but you should've overdo it.
Hopefully, I got most of them. I'm not hispanic but I do speak Spanish fairly well. However, if you see any mistakes with my translations or my grammar, please feel free to correct me! It'll help me learn <3
I hope this helps anyone who wants to write 42-Miles more accurately, and remember, you can use these tips for any Spanglish-speaking/Billingual characters!
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── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲
paring: florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): fluff (?), kinda possessive flo (but not really), i love raffie so much
warning(s): mentions of alcohol, kinda possessive behavior, grammatical errors, unedited
word count: 1.9k
request: you can find the request here
note: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG, nonnie, but it's finally here, also the winner of the poll. I really hope you like it, I had so much fun writing it. I feel like the ending is kinda trash, but oh well whatever. I'm not an english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Hope you guys enjoy! <3
requests are open! + check my rules here + masterlist <3
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You were trying to pay attention to what Raffie was saying, you really were, but you couldn't focus on her words with Florence's hot breath on your neck. 
“And then he just ghosted me,” she finished. “Can you believe he did that, Y/n?”
Hearing her calling out your name snapped you out of your thoughts. 
“I cannot believe he did that, Raffie,” you shook your head, trying to convince your best friend that you had been listening to her for the last five minutes. 
“He’s a dick,” Florence said behind you. 
You were sitting on her lap, her hands wrapped tightly around your waist, butterflies in your stomach. If it were up to you, you would be sitting next to her instead of on her, but she had made that call for you. 
In fact, ever since she had found out about your little crush on her, she became more touchy with you. And you had let her, something you shouldn't have done since it was frustrating because she only saw you as her little sister’s best friend. But you couldn’t deny her touch, after all those years of secretly yearning for it. Even though you knew she was just messing with you, you would allow it, you would allow it to mess with you even though it would just tear you apart. 
“Anyways,” Raffie continued, “a friend of his is having a party tonight, and I was wondering if you guys would come with me. As moral support?”
“Moral support? What for? He’s a douchebag, what could you possibly want with him?” you raised your brow at her. 
Raffie wasn’t the one to go after boys, boys usually went after her. So it was a surprise to hear from her that she wanted to look for the guy. 
“I just want to repay the favour,” she had a grin on her face. 
Of course, she would want revenge, that sounded more like her. 
You playfully rolled your eyes at her, “What are you up to, huh?”
“I promise I will tell you later if you come with me.”
“I don’t know, Raff. You know how I feel about parties.”
“Oh, come on,” you heard the blonde say behind you. “I’ll be there, we will have fun, we can get drunk and dance a little bit.”
“Flo, you know that I don’t like—”
“Pretty please, Y/n,” you looked at her over your shoulder, her green eyes locked on yours. “Please,” she whispered once more before leaving a sweet soft kiss on your bare shoulder. 
The simple action set your skin on fire. She knew exactly what she was doing, she knew exactly all the feelings she would burst inside you. Some part of you thought that maybe she was taking advantage of you, but honestly you couldn’t care less as long as you had her attention. 
You gulped before speaking up, “Fine,” you smiled at her. 
She had the biggest grin you had seen on her the entire day. She was going to be the death of you and you would gladly accept that fate as long as she was part of it. 
“Yay!” Raffie cheered, reminding you that she was still in the room. “Y/n, please let me do your makeup,” she said, not waiting for an answer and running up to her room. You rolled your eyes at your best friend even though she was long gone. 
You felt the hands around your torso getting tighter, and once again you remembered exactly where you were, sitting on Florence’s lap, your back against her chest, her breath on your neck. You wanted to tell her to stop, some part of you wanted to move away from her, but you just couldn’t find the strength in you to do something about it. 
“I bet Raffie is also looking for an outfit for you,” she mumbled, she had her head buried in the crook of your neck, her breath sending shivers up your spine. “And I bet you are going to look so hot in it,” your heart skipped a beat and you felt the blood rushing up to your cheeks when she left a small wet kiss on your neck. 
You closed your eyes for a second, trying to form some coherent thoughts, but your brain was too foggy to think properly, getting drunk on her scent and closeness. You hadn’t realised your breath had gotten heavier until Florence had pointed it out. 
“You okay, love?” she whispered in your ear. “Your breathing is uneven and your heart is beating pretty fast.” 
You knew she knew exactly why your body was acting up the way it was, she was just messing with you, as she usually did.  
“I um,” you found her eyes already looking at you, your brain was struggling to find words.
“You…?” she trailed off, singling for you to continue. 
“I was just, I um—”
“Y/n, what do you think about this skirt?” Raffie cut you off walking down the stairs. You let out the breath you were holding, glad that you didn’t have to answer her big sister. “I know what you're going to say: ‘Oh, but Raffie, it’s so short. I could never’,” she said in a high pitch, resembling your voice. 
“I don’t sound like that,” you gave her a death glare. 
“Yeah, you do. But whatever, just go and try this on, okay? You will look sexy,” she winked at you and handed you the clothes. 
“But Raffie the party doesn’t start until late at night,” you whined. 
“Late at night? Y/n, we have only three hours! Just go and get dressed,” she pulled you up and led you to her bedroom upstairs. “I’m going to buy some things for the party, Florence will stay with you, okay? I’ll be right back,” she blew you a kiss goodbye and closed the door behind her. 
While you were undressing yourself to try out the outfit Raffie had put together for you, you heard her saying goodbye to her sister downstairs and telling her to behave. You once again rolled your eyes at your best friend. She knew about your crush on her sister, you told her ever since you had realised that your feelings for the blonde had changed. She also knew how Florence would be around you, always touching you, flirting with you, or just staring at you. Raffie didn’t know if her sister was just playing around or actually meant all of those things, she never talked about you with her. Not that she hadn’t tried, she had, repatelly. But Florence would always shut down and change the subject. So she gave up a while ago. 
You had already put the skirt and the top Raffie had chosen for you, it was way more revealing than what you would normally wear. But you didn’t seem to mind it. You were looking at yourself in the mirror when you heard the door being opened behind you. 
“I knew you would look hot,” she stopped closer to where you were standing. “But then again, you always look hot.”
You watched her through the mirror, she had changed into a tight short black dress with some pink flowers on it. Your eyes trailed down to her legs, and you swallowed hard when you noticed how short the dress was. She noticed you were ogling her. 
“How do I look?” she smiled at you. 
“You look beautiful, Flo. You always do,” you whispered the last part, but Florence had already heard it. 
“If you don’t want to go to the party, we don’t have to, Y/n,” you watched as she got closer to you and placed her hands on your shoulder. 
“It’s okay, I want to,” you flashed her a smile. “I have a good feeling about this one.”
Which was true. You didn’t know what it was, maybe the fact that Florence was going to be there, the fact that Raffie was getting her ‘revenge’, or maybe you just felt comfortable in the clothes Raffie had picked for you, that you didn’t mind going to a stranger’s house and have a little bit of fun. 
“Well, that’s good,” she rested her chin on your shoulder, her arms wrapped around your waist, making your stomach turn. 
You were in the kitchen, trying to pour yourself a glass of water. You felt like you had already had too much alcohol, your head was spinning and the music was getting louder and louder. 
You had been dancing the whole night with Florence, and you had been right, you did have fun. But you were getting overwhelmed by all the people surrounding you.
Once you gulped down the water you felt a little bit better, and shook those feelings away. 
“Hey!”, you heard an unfamiliar voice calling behind you. 
Slowly, you turned around to see a boy standing in front of you. He appeared to be a few years older than you, and by the way he was standing you could tell he had one too many drinks as well.
“Everything’s good, I was just heading out actually,” you tried to walk away from him but he grabbed you from your wrist. 
“Hey, don’t run, we just met. I’m Dick,” he sounded nice, the soft grip on your wrist telling you he meant no harm. 
He noticed you were looking down at his hand, and quickly let go.
“Sorry,” he slurred, “You’re just really pretty,” you watched as his cheeks turned red.
“Sure,” you playfully rolled your eyes. 
“I’m serious,” he chuckled. “I didn’t catch your name, tho.”
“Oh, right, sorry. I’m Y/n.”
“Y/n,” he tried your name on his lips, liking the sound of it. 
Unbeknownst to you, a certain blonde was looking at the two of you chatting. She felt as her skin set on fire the closer he got to you and the more you would laugh at whatever he was saying. 
What could he possibly be saying that you would make you laugh so hard? Was he really that funny? There was no way he was that funny. She needed to do something about it. 
The truth was Florence also had a crush on you, as cliche as it sounded, falling for her little sister’s best friend. But how could she not when it was you who she fell for? You were just too cute, and caring, and compassionate, she felt like she might just explode by just looking at you. And she could not have you talking to some stupid, probably drunk, guy. She quickly made her way towards the two of you, determined to put an end to whatever that was.
“Oh, there you are, baby,” you heard a familiar voice saying and a familiar pair of lips kissing your left cheek. “Who’s this, love?”
“Um, this is Dick. Dick this is Florence…”
“Her girlfriend, and not just her friend who is a girl,” she winked at him. 
“What are you…?” you tried, but Dick’s voice got you off.
“Oh, shoot, I’m sorry. I just thought… I’m just going to leave,” Dick said, clearly embarrassed by the whole situation. 
“What was that about?” you snapped at her. 
“I did you a favour, Y/n. He was no good,” she simply smiled at you. 
“You don’t get to do that, Florence. Not cool.”
“Oh, come on, Y/n.”
“No, I’m serious. Don’t pull that shit on me.”
“Or what?”
“Are you serious right now?”
“Dead serious,” she said, trapping your body against the counter. 
Your heart skipped a beat by the sudden action, she was way too close. You could feel her breath on your lips. 
“Don’t you see it, Y/n?” she whispered, but loud enough for you to hear through the music. “You made me go crazy.”
“You're mine, Y/n. Mine,” and finally her soft warm lips met yours.
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ellzilla · 2 months
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Had a hell of a time trying to upload this lmao. Doodles to accompany a ramble about my silly horrorverse/metathesiophobia/worldbuilding ramble that's very large so it's under the cut. It's as much Ella lore as it is Elliot lore :3c there might be some grammatical errors but idc I've tried to upload this 7 times now and don't wanna reread it lol
"Most organizations classify them as extinct, caused by villages hunting them and a lethal mutation in the survivors saliva, there are theories there are a few hidden surviving members, their numbers being merely in the single digits. Lycanthropy is not a 'one size fits all' type of curse/disease/parasite, it's classification is still being debated today, and it adjusted both according to it's host and to it's surroundings when it developed.
Before the lethal mutation, an infected person's lycanthropy could vary extremely in the first few months as it got a grasp on what was a normal environment for the individual. All recorded cases fit the 'true' werewolf classification. For people who gained Lycanthropy through genetics, bloodline werewolves, a vast majority were only slight variations of the 'true' werewolf.
The 'true' werewolf was most rampant back in the medieval ages, up until the mid 1800's, as to the Lycanthropy it was the peak time one could live 'naturally' and also a lack of constant danger while also having a sense of community. Although they were still bloodthirsty monsters, they held themselves back from ravaging people their host knew and hunted only strangers, even avoiding children if the host's morals were strong enough. They only hunted what they needed for the night, a person or two at most. True werewolves had very mild control of their curse, only being able to transform on command in dangerous situations. These transformations were relatively quick, taking less than 20 seconds, but remained agonizing as let the host take control until they were able to calm down in a safe area.
Sometimes an extreme burst of negative emotion could make part of their body rapidly transform to physically deal with the source of the stress, but it would result in the skin tearing due to the speed of it. Lycanthropy will only rip itself apart when it senses an emergency, a knee-jerk reaction if you will, to something in front of it. The last recording of a 'true' werewolf was in 20██, █████, Australia, however she had been found dead in her home. The cause of death was blood loss, caused by a silver laced bullet wound. For details about this report, please send a request to Dr. A. Whitelock.
Socialite werewolves are an extremely modern and elusive mutation of Lycanthropy. They are the sole reason the theory lycanthropes could still be alive today holds any water. Unlike 'true' werewolves, who could be anyone, all Socialite werewolves have been people who have lived in lavish luxury for the important developmental years in a bloodline werewolf's life. They are physically the weakest recorded mutation. The main theory for this is that the Lycanthropy adapted to learn that social power among regular humans is far more valuable for survival than hunting them for sport and changed to make transformation less intensive and more 'suitable' for it's new survival strategy. They were able to transform in around ten seconds on average, one recorded process shows them morphing with little to no pain visible on their face. The host confirmed that the Socialite werewolf's transformation is far less painful by saying: "A muscle cramp is only a touch more painful." This has enabled the few recorded individuals to amass groups around themselves, as they all publicized their lycanthropy. Most simply saw them as role-players with good 'fur suits' due to the fact the host's hair style remains unchanged while turned.
The last recorded socialite werewolf was in 19██, a popular rock star who had unfortunately overdosed on theobromine, the news had covered it as a 'normal' drug overdose and were forced forge it as a cocaine OD.
Brute werewolves are a debated topic, as some think we should classify them as Werebears instead, but all recovered remains confirm that their bone structure was far closer to a wolf than a bear's.
They are also debated to be a separate anomaly all together as they were initially thought to be a prehistoric megafauna before the bones were carbon dated to be only a few hundred years old. The term 'werewolf' was only applied to these bones upon the recovery of a library curated by a 'true' werewolf back in 1874.
According to literature in the library that claims to be history, Brute werewolves were thought to be lycans who had gone mad or were born to an accursed mother. Additional notes glued to the book claimed that they were simply those in the bloodline who had been tormented for a prolonged period of time, through they admit the 'cursed mother' could be part of it. Brute werewolves were described to be barbaric, rabid beasts that would rip apart anything with a heartbeat in front of them, only being satisfied when it had gorged itself on fresh meat and then some. There are drawings of Brute werewolves fighting packs of 'true' werewolves and descriptions of Brute werewolves being the cause of many deaths.
Despite the descriptions diminishing them as low intelligence beasts, they were said to speak in wails, attracting anyone to try to help the supposed person in danger, unknowing that they were the person in danger themselves.
Their transformations were said to be horrific as bone popped skin that ripped off muscle, their size was far to large to properly form from a regular human body. It is described to be a 'painfully long' process, so we assume it took over a minute for them to fully transform.
There has never been a case of an alive Brute werewolf, let alone a fresh corpse. We believe that if they are truly a mutation of Lycanthropy, they were the fist subsect to go extinct due to their heightened aggression that would have made it impossible to survive within the past 200 years. We hope that is the case."
7- █ - 202█ - Author Dr. Abigail Whitelock. Sources - ██████ - ██████████ -██████
35 notes · View notes
His Little Nurse
(Requested by @kpopgirlbtssvt : Ooo can I please request a (yandere but with fluff too?) Jonathan Crane x fem!reader where she’s a nurse that works at Arkham but she’s super sweet and innocent, and she blushes and stutters every time Jonathan talks to her (he’s technically her boss). He has a soft spot for her and wants her to be his and his alone. Luckily, that’s exactly what she wants too. All it took was him bringing her into his office to say he’s reassigning what area she’s working in, as in he makes her his own personal live-in nurse rather than an Arkham nurse (for when he gets injured being the scarecrow and because he wants her all to himself! Add anything you’d like!! )
(A/N): This has ask has been marinating in my ask box for MONTHS, as well as the story in my files, I'm sorry for suddenly disappearing and taking so long to finish the story, to be fair the story was almost finished a long time ago, I just lost energy to actually wrap it up. but i hope I hope I did it justice, and that you and others will enjoy it, and sorry if I strayed a bit.
Warnings: Fluff, bullying in work, yandere tendencies, Grammatical Error (Because I didn't proof read it.)
Word Count: 6,780
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Being a nurse at Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane isn't easy, mostly because you are literally trying to look after and care for insane people who had no empathy, sense of morals, or even death if they stepped too far.
When she came to interview for the job as a nurse in Arkham, they gave her and other nurses several tests to deem them good enough to work there or not, one of those tests is a test of will and patience because they made it clear that working with insane criminals will be a lot of challenges.
"Why do you think we had open positions in the first place?"
That is what Dr. Asmadeus said, which sent a chill down (Y/n)'s spine, but never the less she stayed determined and strong believing she is more than qualified and ready for the job, so you can imagine her happiness when she got a call saying she has been accepted. However, her happiness was short-lived after a few weeks of working there. (Y/n) can remember her first few weeks very clearly, not that she is ever able to forget it because it was a literal nightmare, the tests they made her endure were nothing compared to the real thing.
She was yelled at, whether it was insulting, lewd remarks, promises of painful death and horrible acts that be done to her, or just simple screeching to her face, but she took it like a champ, of course at the end of the day she might need a drink or two, but it was still nothing, and with the guards always accompanying her on her rounds it gave her confidence that no harm will come to her.
Then the random attacks happened. she would go into the cell of an insane patient who acted all nice and polite, almost making her question why were they here in the first place, even the guards weren't as alert around them as the other patients, but she guesses it's what they wanted because one second she greeted them with a smile, next second she found herself being slammed against a wall with her arm bent in an angle almost breaking it if the guards weren't fast enough she would have probably walked out with an arm cast that day.
When that incident first happens, she was told to leave early to collect her nerves since she was obviously in shock but not expect the treatment often because, after all, this is Arkham, and because of that, she decided to take night shifts for a while since odd enough it's quieter than the morning shift for even if the inmates acted up the guards will deal with them.
And that's how she met Doctor Jonathan Crane.
She was in the middle of moving medicine when she walked past his open office and caught a glimpse of him being exhausted from whatever was in the file he was examining, rubbing his eyes roughly to try and keep himself awake. Now, (Y/n) has seen Dr. Crane before, but never personally, it was always from afar and her older colleagues warned her about him, saying that he was a short-tempered and scary man, who would lash at anyone for making the smallest mistakes. Heading their warnings, she stayed away from him until that night. She decided to forget about the rumors and make a cup of coffee for him, admittedly, she was shaking the closer she got to his office, afraid that he will yell at her for interrupting his research or something, but she still stayed her ground and knocked on his door.
When she knocked on the door, he immediately closed his file and put it away, which startled her, but his moment of hurried panic died when he saw that it was just her. he let out a groan before demanding why was she there.
"I…I… I thought you may like some coffee… since you are working so hard, sir." She cursed at her shaking voice, but how can she stay calm when a pair of tired blue eyes looked at her with a frown.
However, his frown was replaced with confusion at her words.
"You brought me a coffee?" he asked, she nodded.
"Only because you saw me working?"
Another nod.
"And without ulterior motives?" he asked suspicious of her genuine gesture.
"Of course, not sir."
He must her believe her outburst of confidence because after a few seconds of staring her down, he gestured for her to put the cup on his table, which she did, and the closer she got the more intense his stare was, she felt him calculating her every move, probably was waiting for her to do something stupid to lecture her with but she stayed strong.
"Would you like anything, sir?" She asked, finally meeting his eyes.
"No," he replied not breaking eye contact.
"Very well, my shift will end in a few hours if you need anything you can inform me, after all this night seems like a slow one." She said chuckling at her own small joke but getting no reaction making her feel embarrassed.
So, she nodded to him one last time before turning to leave but as she was about to exit the room he spoke.
"Thank you for the coffee, Ms. (L/n)."
"How did you-"
"Your name tag." He said pointing at his chest to where her name tag was pinned on her.
"Oh right…" She gave him a nervous smile and just before she left, she could swear she saw a glimpse of him smiling as well.
After that, she started seeing him a bit more around. The first time he greeted her by name was in front of her colleague, asking her how was her day, and she in return asked about his night yesterday and if the coffee helped, it was a friendly chat, but her colleague was in shock, especially the ones who worked with the doctor longer than anyone, they showered her with many questions…
"What happened?"
"What did you do?"
"You went to his office without him calling?"
"You actually talked to him?"
"Did you do anything "Funny" to him?"
(Y/n) tried to answer as best as she could, saying time and time again that nothing happened and she just gave him coffee because he looked tired. But it made it hard for some to believe her words because he continued to greet her and even ask for her personally if she needed an assistant.
One day Dr. Crane came to work with a few bruises on his face that were bandaged, which made her hurry to him in panic.
"Dr. Crane, are you alright? What happened?" She asked worriedly.
"Uhm… don't worry dear it's nothing you need to worry your little head about." He replied deflecting her questions but she still pressed.
"What do you mean not to worry? You look like you were beaten up, did someone hit you? do I need to call the police?" A soft look showed in his eyes at her concern for her.
"As I said it's nothing." He repeated and petted her head before leaving for his office probably to rest.
On that day (Y/n) did her best to stay as close as possible to help him with anything or give him anything he might need, the nurse thought she was being subtle but was proven wrong when he came to her at the end of the day and thanked her for her care, making a red blush show on her face. The next day she was told that from now on she would be working under Dr. Crane, because one of his previous nurses were not “up to his level”, as she was told.
And (Y/n) was more than happy to be his nurse, her coworkers mockingly pitied her, making bets behind her back that she won’t last a day. However, a month passed and she is merrier than ever, Dr. Crane was a great boss, he was always lenient, and when she did make a mistake, he’d lecture her softly and show her how it should be done.
“Don’t laugh... But... I think I have a crush on him.” She confessed to a colleague one day during lunch.
“Oh, shocker.” Her friend replied sarcastically.
“I’m being serious here!”
“I know dear, but it’s not really news since all of us could see you stare at him the entire day with hearts in your eyes.” she said chuckling, making the girl blush.
“Is it that obvious?” She asked. “Y... You don’t...  think HE noticed... Do you?”
“I’m not sure.”
“What do you mean?”
“Listen, I worked here for a long time before you came along, and aside from what everyone is saying he isn’t always that bad, he can be nice if he wants to, strict man, but fair.” Her friend started explaining. “Sorry if I sound blunt, but you are not the first he treated nicely, there were nurses before you who he tolerated.”
After that comment (Y/n) dropped the subject and focused on eating even though she had lost her appetite from the harsh words. Was Dr. Crane truly only tolerating her? He did look a bit disappointed that one time she gave him the wrong medicine, is he only being polite by making her join his crew because she was nice and gave him coffee that one night? Such questions continued to flood her mind all night that day. So, she decided to keep distant.
(Y/n) exchanged work schedules with another nurse, which means she had to work closer to inmates while her colleague worked close to Dr. Crane, (Y/n) didn’t even get through the first round before the doctor found her and demanded to know why isn’t she working at her usual post.
"I… I thought a bit of change could be nice…" She lied with a weary smile hoping he'd believe her. "For both of us."
"Well, it isn't." He dead-panned. "The other nurse was a disaster, she didn't know where my stuff was or my routine, which means that I would be forced to explain everything and I hate that."
(Y/n) looked down a bit ashamed, thinking maybe she could have at least told the other nurse a tip or two.
"Not seeing you there with a smile and a sweet good morning already threw me off and now that!"
He mumbled with a tired sigh. (Y/n) didn't know if he realized that she said it loud enough for her to hear or if he just didn't care, all she knew is that she had to fight a heavy blush as she followed him back to his office to help him resume his work. Unconsciously, that day she did her best to keep a happy smile, which seemed to pull the doctor out of his previous gloomy mood.
And even though (Y/n) still had some of her doubts about the doctor's feelings towards her she did her best to not allow it to interfere with her job again.
"Revaluation?" (Y/n) questioned as she followed the doctor into his office.
"Yup." He confirmed. "Since we are getting more mad criminals like that recent self-proclaimed "Scarecrow" than actual patients they decided that it would be better to replace our dear delicate nurses with… more muscle."
There was a pause for a moment as she refused to meet the eyes of the doctor as anxiety about what was to come started to build in her.
"Listen, my dear." He started earning her attention and she was met with kind eyes and a smile. "I will do my best to put out a good name for you, I maybe not be the most … well-liked… doctor on the board but at least they trust my opinion, just remember keep working hard, and don’t tell anyone about this."
"Why did you tell me then?" She asked confused.
"Because you are my very best nurse, I can't afford to lose you-.. Ouch!"
"Are you ok!?"
Dr. Crane's words were cut off when he tried to rest his forearm on the table, only to hiss in pain and jerk back.
"I'm fine." He assured before pulling his sleeve and revealing a line of bruises that were treated in a bit messy way probably because he had to do it alone.
"You are not fine!" With that said (Y/n) went to a nearby first aid kit.
"My dear, stop, I assure you I am completely fine." He tried to convince her but she refused to take no for an answer as she reached out for the injured hand, which had dodged.
There was a moment of stunt silence from (Y/n)'s end, but she didn't give up as she tried to take hold of his forearm, but he kept dodging her, flailing his arm around like a madman, but after a while (Y/n) stopped with a huff.
"Please…Let me treat you." She begged with e sad look in her eyes as she met his own, it didn't take long for the doctor to give and reveal his injury to her, again.
There was an eerie silence between them as she worked on the doctor, she was so focused on treating him that she didn't notice how he was staring down at her fondly, but he shook his head becoming stern again.
"You are too kind (Y/n), that's why I mean it when I say make sure to tell no one." He said in all seriousness, making her meet his eyes before smiling.
"Don't worry doctor, I'll tell no one."
After that, the nurse stayed for a while to make sure that the doctor was alright, before excusing herself, and just as she left she missed the look of regret that showed on his face before closing the door behind her.
She should have listened to him.
Against her better judgment (Y/n) let it slip one night to her best friend what is happening and what is at stake, advising that her usual slaking won't be good for her and to work harder for a while, at least until this passes. However, not long after that, she noticed how most of the nurses are starting to work harder than usual, at first she thought that maybe a rumor started about the reevaluation.
Then the bullying started, not bullying more like sabotaging.
Her colleagues started taking jobs that are meant for her, forcing her to just stand there confused about what to do or finding herself messing up medicine labels or breaking expensive equipment, which she got quite the lash for from Dr. Hugo Strange, Dr. Amadeus was strict but Dr. Hugo was ruthless, after berating her in front of her colleagues, who she caught glimpse of them snickering as she was yelled at, she ran to the bathroom where she cried herself for the rest of the shift not bothering to leave to do her work because she knew it that the other nurses were already taking her job and leaving her with nothing.
(Y/n) didn't know how long she's been there crying but she guessed it's been a very long time because a knocking on the door pulled her out and made her look around her and from the orange light that is coming out of the small bathroom window she knew it was near sunset, which means she has to leave soon. Another knock sounded and she was planning to ignore it but then a familiar face called…
"(Y/n), are you in there?" It was Dr. Crane. "You.. uhh .. Friends .. told me they saw you go in here…. I.. I also heard of what happened with Dr. Hugo… I'm sorry I wasn't there to stop him."
From the other side, Jonathan heard nothing, and doubt started to set in about if his little nurse was truly in there or not, after all, he didn't trust those other women to really keep an eye on her or even care for her. He was tempted to open the door and look inside not caring that it was a women's bathroom but he stopped when he heard the water start and a few splashes, he quickly stood back and waited patiently, and the sight that greeted him broke his heart. Even though (Y/n) tried to clean her face he could still tell that she was crying from her buffy red eyes, her slightly messy hair and dress, and the small sniffles that she tried to hide poorly.
"Oh, my dear…"
He said as he came closer with open arms to wrap around her and comfort her, which thankfully she didn't push away. She buried herself in his chest and sobbed quietly, and Jonathan said nothing as he rubbed her back in a calming matter, knowing full well that what she needed now is to let it out, at the same time he was doing his best to push away that feeling of guilt he felt and only held his little nurse tighter.
"I… I'm sorry for ruining your coat… *Sniff*.."
"Don't worry about it." he said as he hung the coat, which had tear stains.
Dr. Crane then walked to the small drink station in the corner of his office and came back with something for her.
"Is that (F/c/d)?" She asked surprised.
"Yeah." He replied a bit bashfully. "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I might have seen you drink it after every shift you had so I thought it must have been your favorite after a hard day, so I bought some."
(Y/n) was stunned at first and she didn't know if she should feel embarrassed or flattered for being noticed by the doctor in such a way. As she took a sip of the drink she noticed how the doctor had a gentle smile but his eyes were looking at her with pity.
"… How did you know about Dr. Hugo?" She finally asked as she averted her eyes down to the drink.
Dr. Crane was silent for a moment, he was finding it difficult to explain himself, mostly hesitant if he should tell her or not how he found out.
"The other doctors and I were having a meeting about the evaluation… and .. Dr. Hugo came in with a pile of files, saying that they were the nurses who should be let go." He started explaining. "…Your name was in there…"
That made her look at him with horror in her eyes.
"I tried to plead your case, I even showed evidence of your amazing work, but Hugo seemed to have other evidence that said otherwise."
"What evidence?"
"He somehow obtained some proofs that you were "Slacking", which-"
"I wasn't slacking!" She exclaimed. "The other nurses won't let me do my job! They take everything from me, and if I refused to give up the task they would sabotage me! And.. AND!-"
"(Y/n)! Calm down! Breath, dear!"
Dr, Crane stood up from his desk to walk around and give her a handkerchief and that's when (Y/n) realized she was crying again, her frustration and anger at what she was hearing overwhelmed her, and the knowledge of knowing that she can't do anything about it, that it was too late angered her even more to the level of crying it out. She took the handkerchief and wiped her tears as she tried to calm down because she already cried enough today. There was silence as the kind doctor rubbed her back in a soothing manner waiting for her to calm down.
"I know you are not at fault." He finally said. "You are a hardworking and dedicated person, when my eyes laid on you the first time I knew you were able to do so many without a fail or hesitation, that's why I wanted you to work by me so much."
His words made her look up at him and give him a weak smile, and she knew if she wasn't feeling so sad now she would have probably ended up as a blushing mess about what he said.
"… Thank you, doctor."
He just nodded as he continued to rub her back, and she didn't mind the considered touches.
"… I'm going to be fired, aren't I?"
"Unfortunately, yes."
"When will it happen?"
"Next week probably."
"… I see."
(Y/n) put her drink down and stood up, which forced the doctor to pull away.
"Thank you for everything doctor." She said with a smile, despite the redness of her eyes. "I think I will head home now."
She said as she gave the handkerchief back to her and turned around to the door. The doctor stood there for a moment wondering what to say next.
"Wait, where are you going?"
"Hmm… First I will clean up my locker, then I will take my first early leave, along with using what's left of my vacation days, I think I have more than just a week, but oh well." She shrugged accepting the reality of the situation.
"(Y/n), Wait I-"
"It's alright Dr. Crane." She assured. "There is nothing we can do about it, I will find another job somewhere else, everything will be fine in the end, and thank you for everything, Goodbye."
She exited the office and headed to the locker room, not noticing the doctor's struggle to call her but giving up in the end. Along her way, she went past her colleagues who giggled as they looked at her with an evil glint in their eyes, but she ignored them and paused for a moment when she heard the conversation that was happening in the locker room with multiple of her colleagues.
"For real?"
"How did you know?"
"I hear Dr, Hugo talk about in the hallways with one of the doctors, (Y/n) will be fired."
"Hahaha! Oh my god, I can't believe it actually worked!"
"Yeah, thank god you told us about this revaluation."
"Don't mention it." That voice… It was her best friend. "I knew tolerating being around that girl would pay off, especially after seeing how cozy she was being with Dr, Crane."
"I can't believe she was ready to throw us under the bus like that, how trashy."
"I told you million times but you girls never listen." She lectured. "Her type of people won't give you what you want unless you act nice to them and then they will do everything you want, including hooking you up with how to save your job."
"You are so mean!"
Everyone laughed in unison, and that's when (Y/n) slammed the door open, ignoring the gasps and startled screams that echoed in the room as she made her way to her locker. She could feel the atmosphere thickens as everyone looks at each other awkwardly, knowing full well that she heard them. Ignoring all of them she started collecting her belongings silently, good thing she doesn't bring unnecessary stuff. As she closed the locker and started walking out she stopped in front of her so-called "Best Friend" who was stunned but tried to give a stiff smile.
"H.. Heyyy….girl-"
"Stop." (Y/n) sternly, causing the other woman to flinch and grow silent again. "Congratulations on keeping your position as a nurse and getting me fired with your friends here… and I wonder how long are you gonna keep it."
"What?" she asked in bewilderment.
"In the way that Gotham is headed, I'm sure there would be even crazier people to deal with." (Y/n) started explaining. "I mean, look at the last guy on the news, what was his name?... Yeah the scarecrow, and I'm sure there are many like him in the making."
"That just means more money for us." She replied quickly making the other laugh as if (Y/n) was being stupid.
"Did you forget the original reason why they are letting people go in the first place?" they were all stunned by her confidence, which scared them.
"They want to cut back for a while-"
"Wrong." (Y/n) interrupted. "They want more muscle, more strong people to be able to hold and drag the new inmates if need be, do you think your manicured nails and fragile self can handle that."
That made everyone shut up, (Y/n) turned to look at everyone else around her.
"The next revaluation will come soon, and when it does… who will you trust I wonder."
With that said she exited the room leaving behind her the group of toxic women who looked at each other suspiciously, but the one who got the most glares was her "Best Friend".
When she finally reached home she saw the eviction notice on the door, she was already behind and now without her job, she won't be able to. she just sighed and went inside so she can cry herself to sleep, not noticing the figure that was watching her from the corner before it disappeared.
"We have been observing your work for the past couple of months and noticed how your performance has been lacking, which forced your colleagues to pick up after you, therefore we decided that you are no longer needed."
That was what doctor Asmadeus said as he continued the pressure of firing (Y/n), there were moments when she wanted to defend herself against the accusations thrown at her but decided against it as they might take it as a sign that it was all true. She turned around and gave one last look at the building and from afar on one of the windows she caught the sight of Dr. Crane who waved goodbye to her and she smiled and waved back to him.
Before she left the doctor hurried to her side and gave her a card with his number on it when asked why he said she could use him as a reference for future jobs because he is sure that if she used any of the other doctor's info they might say some…. Harsh things, which would lower her chances of getting a new job, and (Y/n) was grateful for him.
She really liked Dr. Crane, not just as a coworker or friend, but far more than that, before all of this had happened she was contemplating whether she should tell him or not, aside from the hesitation she was also waiting for the right moment to blur it out but then all of that had happened and now as she made her way to the bus stop she thought it would be a miracle if she even saw the doctor again.
Who knew a miracle can happen so soon only one week after?
It was during grocery shopping that she met the doctor. They talked for a bit catching up on everything new that happened, Doctor Crane told her of how more trouble shown with the nurses after she left, a lot of lacking and sabotaging, and because of it, they started considering firing all of them and replacing them with strong men to handle the patients better, which made (Y/n) bite her tongue and wonder if what she said to them before she left had anything to do with all of it. When he asked her about herself she was tempted to say that everything was great, but she couldn't.
She started confessing how she has been struggling to find a job, and how she might lose her home as well because of it. Doctor Crane was sympathetic to her, but his frown quickly turned into a smile as he thought of an idea.
"You can come to my building!" He exclaimed.
"The building I live in I mean…" He started to explain. "We got open apartments, the rent is cheap, and I know the landlord personally I can ask him to ease up on you for a while until you are up on your feet again."
"Oh no, I can't possibly ask you to go through so much trouble for me-"
"It's not and I insist." He replied refusing a no for an answer.
"I… I don't know what to say…"(Y/n) stuttered. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it, dear, we can talk about this tomorrow if you want." He hesitated for a moment before continuing with a bashful smile. "Maybe over lunch? I know a good diner."
That took (Y/n) by surprise, looking away for a moment embarrassed and hoping that her blush wasn't showing, not believing that he was actually asking her out now, she still wondered if it was because he was interested or if it was genuinely to talk about the apartments, but none the less smiled back and agreed to meet him for lunch.
Almost a month had passed since (Y/n) moved into her new apartment, which was a floor apart from Doctor Cra- … Jonathan's. He had insisted that she stops addressing him so formally since they are now friends and neighbors now and it has been a blessing. They meet by the stairs almost every morning, Jonathan going to work and her going to job interviews, which each one failed. She never understood what she had done wrong even checked her resume with Jonathan and he said there was nothing wrong, another reason was that she wasn't comfortable with the people in charge and didn't want to set around and find out why.
The thing that has been keeping her positive is when her and Jonathan meet up at the diner, which is rare considering how late he has to work, so she always looks forward to it, even if they only went as friends. (Y/n) tried many times to build up the courage to confess her feelings for the doctor, but every time she would get scared, and worried because of the possibility of him not returning her feelings, and ruining what is between them now.
She sighed as she entered the building and made her way up the stairs, thinking of ways to make this crush of hers die when she heard a distance groaning, she paused waiting to make sure what she heard was true and it came again a distance groan of pain followed by a fall, feelings it as an instinct (Y/n) ran up the stairs as fast as she could and she was not ready for the sight that greeted her.
"Ugh… (Y/- (Y/n)?"
Jonathan's weak voice asked, and she didn't blame him for asking for his glasses were missing and his right eye was bruised, his lower lip is busted, his clothes were torn and ruffled up, he was supporting his left arm, which she was afraid is broken and from his struggle to stand up but making it all the way here she can tell that it was probably twisted.
"Jonathan!" She exclaimed as she hurried to his side, helping him rest on the stairsteps properly, earning a pained groan in response. "What happened?!"
"Burglars." He answered. "They cornered me after I got out of my car."
"Oh god…" (Y/n) said as she examined him further, noticing the bruises hidden by his shirt. "We need to get you to a hospital-"
"No need." He interrupted her. "I.. I just need to get back to my apartment, I got everything I need there."
"But your arm, what if it was broken."
"Believe me it's not, I would know." He joked, trying to make light of the situation, but (Y/n) didn't smile.
"At least let me help you, please."
Jonathan wanted to say something but gave in and allowed her to take his good arm and flung it around her neck as she supported him to go up the stairs and into his apartment. (Y/n) been to his apartment before so after helping him set on the sofa she went to the cabin where Jonathan kept his medical tools and medicine and she hurried back to him doing her best to treat him. In her focus she didn't notice how the doctor was not breaking his stare, admiring the young woman, it wasn't until she decided to pay attention to his busted lower that she realized his lingering stares, which made a red blush show on her cheeks and her hand to slightly shake.
"H… How are you feeling?" She asked trying to shift the mood.
"I'm better now." He answered still not breaking eye contact.
"Are you sure?... isn't there any type of pain?"
"With your gentle care? Never."
There he goes again with his sweet words that made her heart skip a beat. (Y/n) held her tongue and said nothing as she did one last check on him.
"You thankfully don't have any broken bones or torn muscles but that doesn't mean you don't need to rest." She said before standing up. "I advice you to skip work for a while until you get better."
"R… Right, thank you."
"You are welcome."
Jonathan looked troubled, he looked at her and then at the ground as he was struggling to say something, or more like hesitant. (Y/n) stood there for a while, waiting for him to say anything, but after almost a minute passed with nothing she started cleaning the place.
"I will put the meds away and-"
"Will you be my nurse?!"
He blurted it so suddenly catching (Y/n) off guard, she stared at him with wide confused eyes, not sure if what she heard was right.
"I… I was asking .. If you would like to be my nurse." He explained hesitantly. "A personal nurse, Not a servant! Of course not, I mean you would be helping me when I need you but only when I'm hurt no other things."
(Y/n) stood there for a moment, processing what he just said, which made Jonathan's anxiety ride with every moment of silence, then she finally talked.
"Well, You see, I'm actually really accident-prone, and sometimes like now, I can be a magnet for trouble."
He gave a small laugh as he averted his eyes, which made (Y/n) pity him because she remembers the bruises he came with in the past, the bandages would be done wrong and it's understandable since he can't possibly do it with an injured arm or shoulder, she always asked him what happened but he always changed the subject and she didn't push, just offered her help.
"How often does this happen?" she asked gesturing to his body.
"More than you think." He answered. "Some days I can go with a couple of bruises, others I have to take a few days off until I'm sure I won't lose my balance when I stand."
His voice became sad at the end as he looked down at his now bandaged foot.
"It can be really difficult I won't lie, But!" He looked back at her with a spark in his eyes. "When you came along it made it easier, not only are you brilliant and talented in your work, but you are also very kind and sweet. Seeing your comforting smile never failed to make me forget about my sour day."
(Y/n)'s eyes widened at his confession and from the blush that was growing on Jonathan's face as he averted his eyes she guessed it was genuine and sudden even for him.
"You don't have to answer now, think about it and take all the time you need." He said still not meeting her eyes as he picked on his bandaged hand.
The doctor was always this serious man, who always stood tall refusing to show any weakness, and for (Y/n) to see him allowing himself to be vulnerable and act all shy around him gave her mixed feelings, because she didn't know if she wanted to admire him further, or her herself would also become a ball of shyness because all of this is almost overwhelming for her. However, she needed to think about this seriously, she has just been offered a job by her previous supervisor to be a personal nurse, and despite her knowing the doctor well and trusting him, it still felt strange and wrong for some reason.
"… How will you be able to pay me?" She finally asked, this caught his attention and made him straighten up and set his work mode.
"Don't worry, having you as my personal nurse won't have any effect on my finance if that's what your concern is." When he saw the dissatisfaction in her eyes with his answer her explained. "Let's just say that I have good money saved up that with it I could even leave Gotham for good if I wanted to."
"Then why don't you?"
"Well, at first it was because I liked my job… but now…" He gave her a soft look as he smiled. "I have a different reason to stay."
(Y/n)’s eyes widened slightly at his implications as a blush started to form on her face. He can’t be saying what she thought he was trying to say? It almost feels too good to be true. Not trusting herself to stay any longer, fearing that she would embarrass herself in some way, (Y/n) started to collect her things and made sure to keep the medicine close to Jonathan and brought him the tea that she prepared when they first came back.
“I’ll leave you to rest, please sleep well.”
She said as she put the tea cup down but before she could pull away the doctor grasped her hand gently forcing her to look at him, her eyes meeting his own that looked at her with such adoration.
“Promise me to think about it?” He asked hopefully.
“I…I will…” she replied with a small smile.
“Very well.” He said before leaning in to kiss the back of her hand. “Good night, my dear.”
(Y/n) Yelped out before pulling her hand away as if she was electrocuted and marched outside the apartment to her own. While she was lecturing herself on how she basically ran away from the doctor, Jonathan was chuckling to himself, finding her sudden reaction adorable. He stood up with ease, showing no hint of previous weakness, making his way to the mirror to admire the bandages and patches that his beloved little nurse treated him with.
Oh, she was so sweet, so so sweet maybe even too sweet for Gotham, but that’s where he comes in. He will be her protector, her aid, and soon her love. Jonathan knew from the first time he saw her work that she was too talented and brilliant to be working under anyone else but himself, but he never expected to grow a soft side for her, and for that soft side to become full-on possessiveness and obsession. She filled his every thought, whenever she got too far away from him he became relentless, and he will not start on the jealousy he felt when her attention was on someone other than himself, but he knew she couldn't help it, she is an innocent person who always made friends along her way.
That's why it hurt to see the sad look in her face when he let it "slip" that (Y/n) knew of the revaluation, he was going to make it pass as a rumor because he knew the true nature of the other nurses who worked there, that they will drive (Y/n) away for his plans to work, but he didn't think his dear was too kind that she would not head his warning and tell her supposed "friend" of it all. In the end, it worked for his favor, because she turned to him for comfort and trusted only him.
He almost asked her to be his nurse on the same day she was fired, but it was good that he held back for a while for her to be disparate for work enough, and when she told him that she needed a new home, it was as if fate herself was making sure that their paths would intertwine into one path that they would walk through together.
Yes, it was all meant to be this way.
(Y/n) is meant to be his, his sweet innocent nurse, who'd take care of him and always be by his side. His alone.
He just needs to continue this act of a helpless man a bit more before opening himself for her, maybe with time he'd even tell her about his "side job". But not now or anytime soon. For now, he just needs to focus on making sure that in the end (Y/n) would fall into his arms.
Even if he needs to take extreme measures, he will have her.
I hope everyone enjoyed this story and again sorry if it's too late.
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tojisbbg · 2 years
𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙪𝙨𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙙
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❝and i am the idiot with the painted face, in the corner, taking up space.❞  
♡ izana kurokawa ♡
pt. 1
a/n: i love putting mikey and izana stans through pain lolz. 
content: royal! au, prince izana x princess y/n (reader), arranged marriage, shitty/toxic parenting, angst, cheating, izana’s a jerk, swearing/cursing, maybe smut (?), strangers to enemies to lovers, not checked for grammatical errors. 
nothing ever lasts forever. 
you looked at the roses that were becoming shriveled up, slowly withering. the cold, unforgiving winter was soon to come. the grassy fields filled with flowers and little creatures of mother nature would be embraced by cold arms, blanketed with snow. 
you bitterly grimaced at how this pathetic flower was used as a symbol of love. ironically, it fits. 
no such thing truly exists, and even if it does, it’s either fake or bound to die in the future. 
you leaned down, picking up one of the sorrowful roses from the royal garden, looking at it with pity. while plucking off the petals, you accidentally pricked your finger from one of the thorns on the stem. 
you were startled from the short-lived pain, looking at your index finger as you saw the small droplet of the crimson red liquid. 
“you truly are evil.” you whispered, throwing the stupid flower on the ground just like any other worthless piece of trash. 
“princess! what are you doing out here in such weather?! you’ll catch a cold!” one of the maids rushed in, concern and fear written all over her face. 
“could i never get a second of peace and quiet? what is it that you need?” you harshly spat out, knowing that these stupid women didn’t care for your actual well-being. 
they were ordered to for the sake of their pockets being filled. 
of course, the world had to revolve around money and green of us filthy human beings. 
“the king and queen has requested for you.” she spoke with a low voice, eyes not meeting your glaring ones. 
“tell them to fuck off.” you bluntly replied, getting up to walk towards the orchid tree that was located way far back towards the end of the garden. suddenly, you felt the maid drop on her knees, holding one of your legs. 
“what the fuck, get off of me!” you tried to wiggle her off, but she shook her head in refusal. 
“please, princess! your father has already threatened all of us to have our heads chopped off because of not having you follow your daily routine. you must come or else our lives are at stake!” she sobbed, making you look down at them with a disgusted expression. 
“you sick morons.” you grumbled under your breath, agreeing to head inside which made her thank you as if you were god himself granting her a blessing. 
the maid escorted you to your parent’s room, afraid that you might not stay true to your words. regardless, you decided to have it her way to save her sanity. after reaching the door of your parent’s room, the maid knocked on the door before entering. 
“the princess is here, your highness.” she informed before taking her leave which was your cue to enter. you closed the door behind you, seeing the both of them sitting on the edge of their bed, looking at you with a small smile. 
“why did you call me?” you asked, cutting straight to the chase. you knew that your parents were filled with bullshit, all they cared about is being the most powerful kingdom to ever exist. 
power, money, fame. 
they wanted it all and it made you sick to your stomach. your morals and view on topics that were flaming hot to them largely differed. you just wanted to live a simple life, and it’s not that you’re an ungrateful brat. 
you just have the world’s shittiest parents. 
“is that how you were taught to speak to people, y/n?” you father snapped back at you, clearly displeased by your response. 
“i don’t even speak to anyone in general, so who cares?” you commented with a shrug, making your mother sigh in disappointment. 
“well, you will eventually one day in the future. you’ll inherit the throne, have a husband and lead your joined kingdoms until you pass it down to your kids.” she explained to you with a soft tone, nearly making you gag. 
“me? marriage? as if.” you laughed, but your parents only looked at you with a serious expression. your voiced died down, now looking at them with nothing but shock and disbelief. 
“why are you both quiet? tell me it’s a joke, what’s wrong with you?” you angrily scoweled, but they remained quiet. 
“y/n, you’re no longer our little girl anymore. you’re a young woman now, who’s ready to fulfill her duties as the future queen and as someone’s wife.” your father tried to caress your cheek in a loving manner, but you swatted his hand away, on the brink of tears. 
“how dare you! does my voice or opinion not have any worth to you guys? how can you decide such a big thing for me without even thinking about if i want it or not!” you raged, wanting to dig yourself a small grave right on the spot you were standing in. 
“you don’t have a say, y/n! what don’t you understand?! you must get married, it’s an order by our law and nature. you’re a princess for god’s sake!” your mother scolded you, getting fed up from such childish behavior from you. 
“then fuck being a princess, i’ll run away.” you threatened, your tears streaming down your face as your heart ached. 
“you know that’ll never work, so stop being immature and try to accept things as how it is.” your father snickered, making you wanna rip your hair out. 
“then i’ll end my life.” it was a rather rash thing to say, but it caught the attention of your parents, especially your father. he clutched onto his chest, breathing heavily, which alarmed your mother. she quickly rushed to his side, laying him down on the mattress while you watched with a blank expression.
“how dramatic. he should’ve signed up to become a theater entertainer than be a king.” you scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“y/n! that’s enough.” your mother said through gritted teeth, fanning your father who coughed like a man that’s been smoking thirty cigars a day. 
“if you both are done wasting my time, may i leave?” you yawned, getting bored of the same kind of shit that you had to go through nearly every day. 
she didn’t bother looking up at you, ignoring your words as a way to indicate that she didn’t care. 
“could’ve just said yes, y’know.” with that being said, you turned your heels and walked out, making sure to slam the door extra hard to piss them off even more. 
you giggled after hearing the noise echoing through the empty halls, knowing for sure that your parents are probably talking shit about you right now. you hummed a small tune as you walked to your room. 
“they’re crazy to think that i would actually agree to this shit.” you talked to yourself as you began to strip out of your gown, throwing it on your bed before walking inside your bathroom. 
you shoved a finger inside the tub, checking if the temperature was right. you grinned in content, feeling the warmth of the water as you eagerly stepped in, lowering yourself slowly. 
you couldn’t help but feel sorry for yourself. there are thousands of people out there who wished to be in your spot right now, living the life as a princess. 
but, they only see your life from a small glass window, not being able to peak further deep inside. 
they think that just because you bathe in luxury every day, your life is perfect. what they don’t see is how trapped you feel, how your parents are so controlling over your life, almost as if you were their very own puppet. 
you were hidden away from your whole life, envying the lives of commoners. you were homeschooled while everyone else went to public schools. you had no friends nor were you allowed to explore the village because it makes you appear improper. you have to wear bigass, itchy and uncomfortable gowns every day. 
you hated it, absolutely hated it with every fiber in your body. if only all of your problems could be drowned like this, then maybe life wouldn’t have been so bad.
“i don’t care what it takes, i won’t be getting married.” you promised yourself, sinking deeper into the tub until you were completely submerged in the water. 
“no, no! you can’t do this to me! i’m your fucking daughter, not a puppet. please, don’t do this. i’ll do anything, just don’t give me away.” you pleaded to your mother as you sat on your bed, dressed into the wedding dress that the maids successfully had shoved you inside. 
“y/n, my baby, please just listen to me. your father and i love you so mu-”
“bullshit! absolute bullshit, stop lying to me! god, all you both ever do is lie! fuck, i hate you guys so much.” you wept, not caring that you had streaks of mascara running down your face. 
“you need to understand that your father isn’t in the best condition to rule the kingdom. his heart problems are getting worse, and i won’t be able to take care of everything all by myself. joining our kingdom with the kurokawa’s would lessen the burden on us.” she tried to reason, taking a napkin to wipe away your ruined makeup as you looked up at her with glossy eyes, seeing not a single hint of care or adoration. 
her eyes looked empty and you knew that these people would not hesitate to sell you off like some kind of livestock if they needed some money. 
“you guys disgust me. all you care about is your benefits and never about me. you want me to get married? fine, i’ll get fucking married. since you guys along with that fucker that agreed to this shit basically ruined my life, i’ll make sure to return the favor.” you smirked, getting up as you grabbed the smashed bouquet of flowers. 
“don’t wanna hear it.” you cut her off, walking off to head downstairs where the chapel was. you saw your father waiting down by the stairs for you, looking at you with a horrified face. 
“y/n? your makeup is-”
“does it look like i care? are you gonna walk me down the aisle or should i go by myself?” you impatiently said, making your father’s jaw drop from the sudden change of attitude. you avoided eye contact with him, not being able to bear the sight of how your father looked pleased with the change of heart you had, completely overlooking the fact of how your eyes screamed in despair. 
“of course not, dear. come on.” he heartily chuckled, linking your arms together before leading you inside the chapel. your body burned with hatred, every step that you took felt like your legs were chained with weights. 
“you could hate me all you want, y/n, but one day you’ll realize that everything that i have done for you is for the best.” your father said, his words completely flying over your head as you knew that it would be no use of saying anything to him. 
it’s too late anyways. 
the doors opened, a blinding ray of light hitting you as you could picture the chapel looking as beautiful as ever, knowing that your mother hired the best in town to decorate everything. however, you kept your eyes on the ground, being led up the few step as your father finally let go of your arm. 
the priest began to read the wedding vows and midway there was a pause to allow the exchange of rings to occur. 
your soon-to-be husband extended his hand, waiting for you to place yours on his palm. his skin was tan, long slender fingers with a few veins being painted on the surface of his hand as well. with a heavy heart, you lightly placed your hand on his, making sure to have minimal skin-to-skin contact with him. 
“izana?” the priest called out, and for the first time, you’ve heard what your husband’s name was. 
“yes?” he answered, his voice deep and smooth like honey. 
“do you take y/n as your wife, promising to stay by her side through better or worse, sickness and in health, till death pulls you both apart?” the familiar lines were recited, making your vision become a blur with tears. 
those vows, these same sacred words to prove one’s faith and love to each other, it wasn’t meant for you or this izana guy. you had the right to wait for your knight and shining armor, your romeo and your prince charming. 
“i do.” izana said firmly, his voice not shaking at all as he was ready to seal the deal. 
“y/n?” the sudden intrusion of the voice startled you as you were deeply indulged in your train of thoughts. 
“what?” you blurted out without any thought, hearing gasps around the room as you swore at yourself before muttering a quick apology to the priest. 
“that’s quite alright, dear. do you take izana as your husband, promising to stay by his side through better or worse, sickness and in health, till death pulls you both apart?” the same lines almost seemed taunting you know, as if it was mocking your situation. you were thankful that the veil was covering your face, as your face was now covered with streaks of your dried tears. 
it was never supposed to be this way. 
you shouldn’t be up here getting married to some stranger whom you’ve never met before. as the crowd began to silently gossip among themselves, you felt like your knees would give up any minute from how anxious you felt. 
you had two choices. 
you still had the chance to run away, maybe even go abroad to another village far away from here and keep your identity hidden until you could get on a ship to go overseas. 
you don’t take izana kurokawa as your loving husband whom you swear to spend the rest of your life with through sickness and in health. 
you’re no princess, and you’re most certainly not qualified to be a queen who should rule such a vast kingdom. to all those stuck up people that are like loyal dogs under royal laws, you’re their puppet that’s being trained to become a loyal dog just like them. 
but you weren’t one of them nor did you wish to become like them. you’re not a dog who’ll abide by the rules, trained to serve their husband and a piece of land. 
no, absolutely not. 
you were a caged bird who wished to be free. you read many books that were stored in the castle’s library. there are about 18,000 species of birds out there, roaming freely to their heart’s desire. 
beautiful and colorful wings that allow them to explore different place in the earth. you wished to be like them, you too want to spread your wings and take a leap of faith in life. you want to go to the amazon forest, see the creation of mother nature. 
and you knew well enough that in order to do that, you must take a risk. it was a 50/50, but at this point, who cares about the odds?
“i do.”
the wedding was over and you were now headed towards the kurokawa kingdom, which wasn’t too far off from your own. it was a two hour car ride, you thought you would be able to rest in the comforts of your own room for the night. 
to your dismay, your parents had other plans. 
they had the maids pack up your things and have it waiting for you already at your new “home”. to you it seemed like your parents were only counting how much time was left till you would finally depart from them. 
it was an awful wedding. 
all the dishes that were served were shit that you were forced to eat as a child. it’s true that you were a picky eater but you weren’t always like this. the castle’s diet consisted of eating only clean foods to prevent health concerns like obesity or heart problems since they both ran in the family. 
to which you weren’t against at first. 
but you could vividly remember how when you went down to the village and stopped by a small udon shop to try their delicious meat udon special, your mother soon arrived and ripped you away from the shop before threatening to have you skip dinner. 
she would give the same lecture about how men like women who have a nice figure, long lucious hair along with a shy and soft demeanor. 
to which you would simply just walk off while she kept on going off, pretty much talking to herself since you didn’t even bother to listen to her bullshit. 
the guests were snobby, from both sides of the family. while izana was busying himself on entertaining those fools with a charming smile and soft eyes, you gave everyone who tried to approach you a death stare.
izana kurokawa. 
after you both exchanged your vows, it was time to show the god awful crowd the love and devotion you both have towards each other. 
a kiss. 
you were going to kiss izana kurokawa, who was now your husband. you were going to kiss a man whom you’ve never seen or heard of before until an hour ago. 
gentle hands lifted your veil as you slowly looked up, eyes meeting for the first time. it felt like time had stopped, you couldn’t stop staring at him. 
he was gorgeous. 
the title of a prince was meant for izana kurokawa. he was responsible, kind and caring. snowy white hair that was parted, mesmerizing amethyst eyes with soft white lashes, honey glazed skin and a small smile on his lips. 
izana bent down, his face hovering above yours as you could feel his warm breath fanning over your flesh. you closed your eyes, waiting his lips to meet yours. 
however, no such thing ever happened. 
his lips weren’t touching yours, barely brushing against them to say the least. yet, the guests roared with cheers and you soon came to realization. you opened your eyes, only to see those same lips curl into a smirk as he lazily eyed down at you. 
izana kurokawa was not your husband because he too didn’t want to fulfill that role in your life. 
you were not his wife nor would you ever be. 
“we’re here, sir.” the drive came to a stop as the driver announced the arrival to the destination, pulling up to the castle doors. izana hummed in acknowledgment, as one of the guards opened the door for him. without a word, he left with the slam of the door, leaving you alone in the car. 
“what a fucking jerk.” you grumbled to yourself, hearing the driver faintly chuckle as you shot him a glare from the backseat, knowing that he’d see it on the car’s rear mirror. 
“the hell are you laughing at, huh?” you boldly spoke up, making him look back with a small smile. 
“princess, do not be so naive. our prince is not like those whom you’ve read about in tales like cinderella or sleeping beauty. it’s not my place to talk ill about our soon to be king, but you’ll find out soon enough, so don’t be deceived.” he warned, making you harshly gulp. 
the driver was nice enough to pull the door open for you, offering a rough hand to help your get out of the car since your dress seemed like it weighed over a thousand pounds. 
the kurokawa kingdom was north from your own kingdom, but you never thought that it would make this much of a difference in weather. your wedding dress was sleeveless, making the cold breeze hit your skin as you shivered. 
you noticed how the castle was built on a hill, the grass was barely alive, most likely due to the cold weather. it was a mountainous area after all. 
“shall we?” one of the butler interrupted your thoughts, waiting with the door opened as you nodded. 
you entered the castle doors, seeing how the interiors were nothing like your boring castle design. it was purple and gold, art works of famous artists hung up on the wall of angelic beings, and the halls smelled faintly of lavender. 
“shall i take you to your room, prince-”
“that won’t be necessary, we have to talk about a few things. don’t worry, i’ll take it from here.” izana cut him off, walking down the grand stairs. 
“of course, sir.” the butler bowed his head before leaving. 
“we have nothing to talk about. it’s nearly midnight and i’m tired, i want to go to bed.” you groaned, trailing behind him as you were now in the living room. 
“there’s some rules that you must follow now that you live with me.” he informed, sitting down as he crossed one leg over the other. 
“how lovely, i came from one prison to another. life truly loves me, huh?” you bitterly chuckled, crossing your arms over your chest as you glared at him. 
“how pitiful.” faux sympathy was painted all over his features, making your blood boil. 
“hey bitchface, who do take me as? you think that just because we’re married now, you could do whatever you want with me as you wish? please, don’t make me laugh.” you giggled, getting up as you walked over to him. izana’s face remained unfazed with his previous smug look. 
you bent down to come at eye level with his sitting stature.
“i never listened to my own parents rules, so, the fuck made you think that i’d listen to yours?” you taunted, cocking an eyebrow as he maintained eye contact with you. 
“unlike your parents, i could have you out of this castle with the snap of a finger. i’m not as sympathetic nor do i give a single shit about you like your parents. you are their child whom they tolerated, but to me, you’re nothing but a nobody. so, mind your tone when speaking to me.” izana strictly said, giving you a sarcastic smile as he was able to see that he made his point across. 
you sighed as you walked back to the sofa, plopping down while you waited for him to open his shitty mouth once again to tell you about his so-called rules. 
“your room is located on the east wing of the castle and my room is in the west wing, so there shouldn’t be a reason why i should ever see yo-”
“first of all, how fucking self-centered are you to even think that i’d go to your room? you think i’m some kind of bimbo who’ll be all dolled up on your bed or clean up after your ass? i’d rather die than go to you.” you angrily spat out, in complete disbelief that this jackass had the audacity to even think of you like that. 
“well that’s a relief, it’s good that you aren’t stupid. the problem is, your manners are so shit.” he scoffed, looking at you like you’re some kind of alien. 
“weren’t you taught to never cut people off mid sentence? especially, to your husband.” izana mocked, tilting his head to the side as he knew he was slowly pushing all of your buttons. 
“you want me to ruin the price worthy face of your so bad, huh?” you kissed your teeth in annoyance. 
“anyways, you should almost never come to my room unless absolutely necessary. we have many maids and butlers, so feel free to ask them about any concerns. second, i really don’t give a shit.” he blurted out, making you choke on your spit. 
“what?” you gasped. 
“you don’t understand basic english? i said, i don’t give a shit. you’re free to do whatever you please with yourself, you could go wherever you want with whomever you want. your life doesn’t concern me nor should mine concern you. we didn’t marry each other out of love, nor do we consider each other as husband and wife. just don’t make things too obvious. deal?” he stuck out a hand, looking at you with anticipation. 
“you got yourself a deal, prince jackass.” you stood up and began to make your way to your room. 
all you wanted to do was just sleep everything away. you wanted to drift inside a good dream where there was no mom or dad, no izana, no royal duties and no sadness. 
just you and only you. 
you rolled around in bed, not wanting to open your eyes and have the bright sunlight hit your sight and blind you. but, soon enough, someone barged into your room and it nearly sent you into a coma. 
you eyes went wide as you sat up, startled when you saw a few of the maids coming in. you grumbled under your breath, looking at them with a pissed facial expression. 
“god, don’t you people know how to knock?” you scolded, making them apologize as you let out a sigh. 
“it’s past lunchtime, your highness.” one of them informed you, making you look at them like they had three heads. 
“what?!” you screamed, sitting up as your hair was a tangled mess. you were still in your wedding dress, too tired the night before to even have the energy to take it off. 
“your bath is ready and breakfast has been served as well. lord kurokawa has gone out for royal duties if you were wondering.” the butler from yesterday butted in, making you scoff. 
lord kurokawa? what an arrogant asshole. 
“yeah to hell with him, i don’t care where he is.” you yawned, getting up as you shooed everyone out of your room. you hated noise, especially during mornings. 
mornings were meant to be peaceful and silent, relaxing and slow. they were only meant for you and only you. you stripped out of the poofy gown before detangling your hair and removing the remaining makeup smudged on your face. 
when you stepped inside the bathroom, a gasp of nothing but pure amazement and shock left your lips. it was a gorgeous bathroom, everything covered in marbel and polished. the bathtub looked like a swimming pool, making you quickly rush over to fill it up with hot water. 
as you sunk your naked body in the water, a blissful sigh left your lips as your eyes rolled back. 
this really hits the spot. 
you leaned back, closing your eyes as you began to fall into deep thought. you wondered, how would you spend the rest of your days in this castle? a part of you wished that izana was a little more friendlier, then perhaps you could’ve had a platonic relationship of enjoying life. 
well, that wasn’t that case, and maybe you liked it that way. 
you finished your royal bath and the rest of the consisted of you lounging in the castle. you had to admit that izana’s criteria and choice of the cooks had to be one of the finest, as both breakfast and lunch almost made you ascend to heaven. 
living away from your parents did rise some perks, and to make things even better, izana wasn’t around majority of the times. you were free to dress however you wished, no need for fancy dresses that squished your ribcages and made it hard to breathe. 
for once in your life, you were sitting in the living room with a huge bucket of ice cream in your lap while wearing a pair of shorts and tank-top. 
and no one could tell you shit about it. 
you heard the front door open, indicating that someone has arrived home. one of the maid’s rushed to your side as you shoved a huge mouthful of the sweet dairy treat in your mouth. 
“your highness, lord kurokawa has arrived.” she notified, making you lazily hum at her as you were more concerned about the plot of the drama you’re watching. 
“cool.” you shrugged before shooing her away, not caring that your fake husband came back from his royal duties. 
“is dinner ready?” the deep familiar voice questioned the butler who was removing his very expensive winter coat. 
“yes, sir. allow me to help you freshen up.” the butler offered, making izana hum in agreement. 
“god, do you wipe his ass after he takes a shit too?” you snickered, making the butler gasp as he looked at you with wide eyes. however, izana remained unfazed before turning to you with a small smirk. 
“oh, that’s not his job but my wife’s. however, it seems like she’s too busy being a pig.” he fired back, making you shoot him a hateful glare. 
“annoying piece of shit.” you mumbled under your breath before averting your focus back onto the huge tv screen. izana left to freshen up before sitting in the dining space, eating by himself. 
you couldn’t help but feel a little bad for him, knowing that he lived inside this castle by himself all his life and did pretty much everything alone. you didn’t know much about the kurokawa family, but you knew that izana was the last person in the bloodline to exist because his family was brutally murdered years ago in a war that nearly killed your father. 
your thoughts would soon be gone as you saw the man right in front of you, arms crossed over his chest. 
“go to bed, every electrical device that makes noise in this castle must be turned off. i have very sharp ears, so even the slightest sound will awaken me.” izana ordered, making you scoff. 
“well, i’m so sorry sleeping beauty, but that seems like a you problem. shove some cotton balls in your ears and go to sleep.” you replied, seeing his jaw lock in annoyance, making you internally high-five yourself. 
“you’re infuriating.” he grumbled, turning his heels before heading upstairs to his room. you laughed to yourself in satisfaction, throwing a few more popcorns in your mouth as you continued to watch your show. 
you groaned in pain, rolling over until you fell to the ground with a yelp. you winced in pain as you rubbed your ass. 
“fucking hell.” you cursed, not realizing when you fell asleep on the sofa. you heard a chuckle coming from behind you, opening your sleepy eyes to see the white haired fool sipping his tea while laughing. 
“i knew that was gonna happen, you stupid little girl.” izana shook his head in disbelief, continuing to fill out some paperwork. you stood up and marched your way towards him, glaring down at him. 
“you absolute jackass. this is why no woman would ever fall in love with you, stupid piece of shit.” you threw insult after insult at him, yet he seemed unfazed by your comments. 
“what a rough way to start your morning. you should go brush your teeth to get that bad breath and language out of your mouth.” he smirked, making you gasp in embarrassment as you covered your mouth, forgetting that morning breath exists. 
“i hope you choke on your tea and die.” you said in a muffled voice, rushing up to your room to freshen up so that you could give him a proper piece of your mind. but, to your dismay, by the time you came downstairs he was already gone. 
“coward.” you mumbled to yourself, settling down at your seat as the maids served you breakfast. you decided that you’ll have an outing to yourself today at the village, wanting to experience an adventure you never got the chance to fulfill. 
“excuse me, would you please drop me off by the village today after breakfast?” you asked izana’s butler, to which he gave you a polite smile. 
“it would be my pleasure.” he replied, making you contented with the answer as you finished your meal. 
you decided to dress in common clothing, a simple white dress that fell below your knees; decorated with strawberries. 
“you look lovely, my lady.” the butler complimented, and you thanked him, excited to try new things out. 
after reaching the village, you bid the butler goodbye as he promised to pick you up before sunset. 
your first stop was the flower shop, eyes glimmering at the colorful plants. there was roses, dhalias, petunias, marigolds and so much more!
“hello miss, how may i help you today?” the lady spoke, startling you a little. 
“your flowers are gorgeous! may i take a smell?” you asked, the lady giving you a warm smile before nodding. 
you went ahead and took a sniff of every one of them, sighing in bliss at the sweet scent of each of them. nature’s creation was truly heavenly and it made you wish if you could just run away to the woods and live in a cottage; away from the evil that resided in society. 
your eyes fell on the lilacs, sitting ever so prettily in the bouquet. you couldn’t help but think of how the color struck you and made you think of your evil husband. 
“would you like to buy any of them?” the lady asked and you nodded you head. 
“i’ll take those lilacs, please.” you said with a small smile, convincing yourself that it was because these pretty purple flowers would look great in the vase on top of the dining table. 
your next stop was to try all the food stalls, looking at your pocket watch and noticing how it was nearly lunch time. you decided to indulge yourself, ordering a bowl of seafood udon for yourself and a side of braised duck meat. 
your parents would’ve killed you if they saw you eating like this. 
but right now, food is life. 
you ate to your heart’s happiness, closing your eyes as you could feel tears of joy forming at the corner of your eyes. you’ve never tasted food this delicious before and it made you appreciate yourself for keeping your will to live still strong. 
you slurped the noodles like no tomorrow, gulping down the broth right after. you lipstick was gone, the corners of your mouth messy with the broth as you sniffled from the heat of the food. you quickly cleaned yourself up, not wanting to look like a pig in front of other although you did eat like one just now. 
you properly disposed the items and continued your little journey. 
suddenly, a weeping little toddler clung onto your legs. you bent down, trying to level your eyes with her glossy ones. 
“mama?” she cried, making your heart shatter. 
“did you lose her, honey?” you spoke with a soft voice, seeing the little girl nod her head. you embraced the tiny human, carrying her as you tried to calm her down. 
“let’s go find your mama then.” you smiled, patting her back as you began to walk around with the little girl in your arms. 
“ice cream!” you heard her squeal, amking you hum as your eyes followed the direction she pointed in. 
“oh, you want one?” you asked, to which she eagerly nodded, making you chuckle as you walked towards the small shop. you got the little girl a strawberry cone while you got mango. 
“so yummy.” she giggled, making your heart swell from her cuteness. you were walking towards the small flower garden, wanting to take a little break and finish your ice cream. 
until you noticed a familiar figure sitting on the bench with another person. you got a closer look and indeed it was izana.
with another woman. 
you saw him holding her hand while laughing, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she giggled. they both were sharing a slice of cake and you saw the way his eyes sparkled every time she breathed. 
was he always this sweet? how he tenderly caressed her skin like she was porcelain.
a foreign emotion of jealousy brewed inside you, a sudden wave of rage filled your insides. it was then that izana’s eyes fell on you, his smile dropping as he saw you with the child in your arms. 
“y/n?” he called out your name, and it sent chills down your spine as it felt so new to hear him call you without any insult. 
“izana.” you said his name back, making him swallow harshly. 
“do you both know each other?” the woman next to him asked, she looked and smelled like a princess, when you looked like a commoner. izana’s eyes begged you to make up some lie, to which you gave him a sly grin. 
“why of course we do, right izana?” you taunted, making the silver haired male grow nervous. 
“honey, i can explain.” izana turned to the woman, but she looked suspicious. 
“there’s nothing to explain. we’re cousins, that’s all. stop making everything so weird all the time.” you giggled, making your very much husband sigh in relief, not wanting his mistress to find about his little secret marriage. 
“ohh, nice to meet you. is that your daughter?” his mistress asked, and you contemplated on being truthful, but you wanted to spite izana more. 
“yup, this is my little princess. isn’t she the cutest?” you kissed the little girl’s head, making the woman squeal. izana’s eyes widened, not expecting you to lie like this. 
“she sure is! wow, you’re so young to be a mom though.” she commented, making fake sad eyes. 
“yeah, well, my husband loves me enough to give me such a precious gift. anyways, i should head back now. it was, uh, great meeting you.” you gave her a fake smile before throwing a side glare at izana. the expression on his face is one you couldn’t decipher, but you decided to not pick on it. 
you walked a good distance away from the horrid couple, until you felt the little girl squirm in your hold. 
“mama! mama!” she urged and you placed her on the ground, watching her run to the figure in the distance. 
“oh, my baby!” you heard the lady cry, picking up her daughter a kissing her lovingly. 
“thank you so much for keeping her safe, miss.” she noticed your presence, giving you a grateful smile. 
“no worries.” you nodded your head, ruffling the little girl’s hair before bidding them goodbye. 
you reached home, your mood not as uplifting as you had planned. you kicked your sandals off, walking towards the dining table as you placed the lilacs down. one of the maids rushed in, excited to see the bright and beautiful purple flower. 
“are these for lord kurokawa?” she asked, making you scoff. the thought of izana made your blood boil, especially after the shitshow that took place earlier. 
“no, you may dispose those in the garbage. i don’t want to see a single petal on my sight.” you strictly ordered, grabbing your purse to make your way up to your room. there you bumped into izana, who seemed like he’s been standing there the entire time. 
“move, fuckface.” you grumbled, shoving him to the side as you stormed upstairs. you felt him grab your wrist, turning your head to meet his lilac ones. 
“the hell is wrong with you? why are you acting like i’m diseased?” his eyebrows furrowed, making you roll your eyes. 
“say what you have to say because i want to rest.” you ignored his question, making him let out an irritated sigh. 
“since you already know about mai, i don’t think i need to explain myself further-”
“oh, don’t worry. i think i have enough brain cells to piece together that the almighty lord kurokawa has a side bitch.” you snickered, making him glare at you. 
“watch your mouth.” he scoweled, making you grin. 
“make me.” you challenged, watching him ball his fists as your words made his skin crawl. 
“you know what, i don’t even know why i thought i could have a simple conversation with you without wanting to murder you. your parents invited us for dinner this weekend, so act accordingly.” izana informed you before leaving, heading back downstairs. 
“got it! i’ll make sure that they don’t find out about your secret fuck buddy lover that you’re two-timing with, lord kurokawa.” you said in a mocking voice, knowing how much he probably wanted to kill himself right now because you wouldn’t let him hear the end of it. 
you didn’t know why the situation with izana and his mistress got you so riled up. 
you knew that he’s not in love with you nor are you in love with him. 
yet, the idea of him with another woman made you furious. 
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