#you have to sing scream play smile laugh run jump touch
In Heat! 3/7
They're in heat, and you smell so hot...
Warning: 18+ smut, dubcon/noncon, hybrid!bts, dark yandere, predator/play, corruption, biting
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You were struggling, but you remained there, still for Seokjin to use you. His perfect prey.
Nothing could stop him from taking you, sweet little sheep, too scared to move, frozen in fear and surprise, unable to look away from his penetrating eyes.
This tale was as old as time, a sheep and a wolf, a treat for a beast. You were...made for this, made for him.
You sat in a flowered field without a care, as if on display, as though you were waiting for him to come...
Centuries of evolution it took to bring you here, at his feet, pure and small and for the taking, skin smooth and easily bruised, eyes wide and full of innocence, body perfect fit to hide under him.
And Seokjin was a King of beasts. Muscular, towering, attractive, a magnet that lured in what he most desired. And what he wanted most was you, sweet and cute and easy to shatter.
He was a wolf in sheep's clothing, a lovely distraction for you. A smile that held fangs made you feel welcomed, made the heat rise in your cheeks at his attention.
He came closer to you.
Close enough to touch you, and he stayed there. He found ways to make you laugh, jokes to open you up, made moments where his gaze penetrated you so deeply your breath hitched and you looked at him in awe. He put a flower behind your tiny ear. You were so easy to fool.
Even when his cloak fell down, revealed his true identity, pointed ears that marked his evil nature, you were too naive to see Seokjin for what he was, you were too consumed in his beauty. You giggled and exclaimed, "What big ears you have!"
When his large hands roamed your body you tensed, cried tiny high pitched whines. A melody to his ears, you were a song he wanted to listen to forever. He wanted to draw out every bit of this treatment...torture he had planned for you.
He held you down, claws digging into your tresses, and took his time listening to your singing. His pressed his digits into the warmth of your mouth, widening you for more of him.
He was going to defile every innocent thing about you, tear you to pieces that only he knew how to put back together.
He made you choke, gag on his girth, he made you cry as he bruised your throat. He let your spit and tears slick his cock, feeding you his length. You didn't know how to fight him, if it was him his fangs would have torn through, but you were too innocent, you would never think to hurt him how he was hurting you, even when he fucked into you harder and faster, stealing every bit of your air.
His sharp claws dug into your beautiful hair, ripped into your ringlets, shearing your long hair, taking your beauty for his own. He hurt you, his act had broken another part of you, shattering your confidence.
Only when you were thoroughly used, your throat raw from friction, your face covered in drool, did he move on to his next breaking.
"My sweet little sheep, why don't you try to run away? It would be much more fun to catch you."
You shivered and laid under him too scared to move. His claws dug into your jaw, moving your head back so he could inspect the rest of your body. He let his grip rest on your neck, feeling your jumping pulse, gazing at your heaving chest. He placed his palm over your breast, kneading so roughly you cried out his favorite tune.
"P-Please don't hurt m-me."
"Oh, but I just want to hear you," he laughed, tongue rolling over his lip when he ripped away the sheer fabric concealing your body, claws catching skin and scratching marks across. His smile widened as you screamed, his eyes rolling back in satisfaction.
He broke you a third time, stealing the last bit of your innocence as he opened your legs and settled himself into you. You had no way to end the pain, his penetration was slow and agonizing. It felt like it would never end, like he would rip right through you until you'd split in two. It felt like you were tearing, dying! Seokjin was right, you were shattering in his grasp, and it only took his hard cock.
He bottomed out, rolling his hips into you to make you squeak and tremble, and then he set a brutal pace. You were going to be molded only to him, you would never be whole without him, and even if you crumbled around him, he would find a way to warp you to him still.
He grunted and groaned over you. You watched him not shatter, but contort, change; become wild in lust. Seokjin was a beast but he was devastatingly regal, unfairly so, because he had everything it took to be the noble prince you had believed he was, and yet he was just so villainous, selfish, using your body, breaking your body, turning savage-like in his conquest of you.
He pulled your hips to him, thrusting in wildly, contorting you and gripping you until your every muscle ached, tightened and tensed. His sharp teeth pierced into your breast, tongue licking your nipple. He bit you many more times before he was done with you, made sure to mark you as his.
He fucked you full of him, let your tired body take his seed, making sure not a drop was wasted. His digits stuffed you, four fingers moving in and out of your sex until you were writhing in his embrace.
That was how the beast devoured you.
You have become his favorite meal.
My version of little red riding hood ig heh KNJ | KSJ | MYG | JHS | PJM | KTH | JJK | BTS
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satansaidnottoday · 5 months
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Twinning: Party time.
Part 1 | Part 2
Info: Human AU, Lucifer's Mc, Everyone & GN!Mc.
Summary: Cute little party. A little short because I'm not feeling well.
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"Your cat is trying to kill me!" Your assistant screamed from his stool.
You turned around to find the little orange menace (that you had nicknamed Cheddar) curiously pacing around him, occasionally reaching to scratch at his legs. To Mammon's relief, you walked over and retrieved the wild animal.
"What a brave man, facing a beast this size," you taunted him, as you gently pat Cheddar. He purred gently under your touch.
The fake blond scoffed. "For your information, I'm very brave! I just don't care about being scratched."
"I was talking to the cat," you said with a sideways grin. Red builds up on his cheeks.
"Hey! I'm no beast! You should be grateful I'm even hel-." He tripped, almost falling off the stool. You held out one arm and pushed him back to equilibrium. However, that didn't stop him from screaming for dear life. Cheddar ran away to the play zone for some quiet time.
"I already got you."
You walked away to let him finish hanging the lights. The cake was safely hidden away in the kitchen, and you had everything else done. The banner with their names was already in place, over three tables you had pushed together to make a single large one. You put a large blue tablecloth over them and laid an assortment of snacks, sandwiches, and sodas alongside it.
You even lowered the lights and closed off the curtains, so the LED constellation you made could show off.
"It's done!" Mammon announced, standing proudly and admiring his work.
"Well done," You pat his shoulder. "You should go sit down, it's almost time."
As soon as you said that, Beelzebub crashed with the locked door behind you. You turned around and opened it for him.
"Are you okay?" You asked, but he was already running inside and looking at the decorations with amazement. Somehow a bowl of chips made it into his arms too.
"Beelzebub!" Lucifer's commanding voice almost shook the walls, but somehow didn't have any effects on Beel.
"Lucy!" He answered, finally sitting down at one of the seats of honor you had prepared.
Lucifer didn't seem very pleased, so of course you offered him a party hat.
Quickly all the guests made their way inside, including two men around Lucifer's age who you didn't recognize. A muscle wall of a man who laughed very loudly and a smaller pale man wearing a suit. However, you were more interested in the smallest guest of honor.
Belphegor was riding one of his sibling's backs, like always. This time, [Leviathan] had the honor. When they came in, his eyes opened up wider than usual and he jumped down to the floor. He spent a few silent moments just walking around and looking at the lights with a tiny smile. You weren't expecting a big reaction from him, just seeing him enjoying something for once was enough. It made all the work worth it. Finally, he went up to Lucifer for a hug.
"I love it, thanks." He said, just loud enough for you to hear.
"Uh? But he didn't even-" Mammon started to speak, but you elbowed him before he could go on.
"Who's ready for some party games?!" You ask, ready to take over the role of host.
The two hours go by fast, and not a single second is dull. You learned a lot about the siblings that day, like everyone's favorite colors, which were listed out to you by Beelzebub at least three times. He really wanted to make sure you gave everyone the right hat.
You also learn that the big man's name is Diavolo, and he works with Lucifer. The other man was his butler, Barbatos, who proved to be very helpful. He picked up after everyone else, making it so you almost had nothing to clean at the end.
The highlight of the day, at least for you, was Satan introducing Felicia to his whole family. It was overall a good first impression, Lucifer even scratched her ears. Belphegor ended up napping with her for most of the day.
When it was time to sing Happy Birthday, you brought out the big guns. Of all the cakes you had ever made, this one was definitely your favorite. You had covered it in black, purple, and blue ganache, smudged together to get a galaxy design. All of the constellations and planets were hand painted with your own hands, and you sprayed edible glitter over the whole thing. You place it down in front of the birthday boy, with two candles and two sparklers on top.
"That's not a basic cake," Lucifer looked at you with those suspicious eyes again.
"I went a little overboard while making it, don't worry, it's on me." You smiled but he didn't seem to like that. Whatever, there's nothing he could do about it.
"Thank you, Mc," Belphegor said with his sleepy voice. It was difficult to believe he was a teenager, with how small he looked and how quiet he was.
"It's nothing."
You ruffled his hair and lit up the candles. Everyone started singing, including the twins. They sang to each other, which you found unbelievably adorable. When the candles went out, you didn't waste any time cutting up the cake. Beel would have surely exploded if he had to wait a second more.
While everyone ate, you made your way to the back to start cleaning some of the crockery. Your head buzzed and your body felt more tired than ever. But hearing their laughs, you thought everything was worth it.
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Thanks for reading!
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primalmagic · 5 months
small sacrifices (you are my life)
five times raine sacrifices something for eda, and one time she gives it right back.
OR raeda through the ages.
Dating someone you've known for literally forever is an odd experience. It's fucking awesome, that's for sure, but it's odd. Like, when Eda remembers that, oh, she doesn't have to panic holding Raine's hand anymore.
She still does panic- but for a completely different reason. And that said reason is a thousand times more favorable than before.
It's a Monday, which means one of two things. One, she has to go to school. Two, she gets to see Raine. She thanks the Titans for two- it makes her absolute hatred for Hexside so much more bearable.
Eda crashes into her Locker, hair all over the place and sunken bags underneath her amber eyes.
"Woah- hey there, soldier," A familiar voice practically half-sings next to her.
"What do you want, bitch?" She grumbles.
"Hey!" Raine squawks indignantly, "That is no way to speak to your partner!" They flick Eda on the shoulder, and then frown, "You alright, though?"
"I had to wake up. Does it look like I'm alright?"
Eda loves Raine, that's a pretty well-known fact. But what she doesn't love is the fact that Raine is definitely a morning person, and it sucks for her. Like, seriously, how can one be this happy on a Monday morning?
Raine laughs, all traces of worry gone. "Good to see you too, buddy," They snort, "Hold on, it looks like a ratworm built a nest in your hair. Let me get a comb."
They shuffle through their bag before bringing out an orange, wide-toothed comb with a slightly bent top. They shrug, "This'll have to do, then."
They lean closer to Eda, leaning onto the Locker before pulling out a small lock of her hair. They brush through it lightly, plucking out a leaf in the process.
She blushes at the proximity- because Raine's so close. And then Raine looks up at her with slightly wide eyes, and they're aware of it too. Hesitantly, they reach out to touch her cheek, one firm hand still gliding through her hair.
The comb catches a tangle near her neck and breaks, and Raine rolls their eyes, "Eda... you need to comb your hair if you're going to keep it this long," They mutter.
Butterflies engulf inside the bottomless pit of what is called a "stomach" and Eda presses them down. Because they're stupid and not necessary right now.
"I do what I want," She rolls her eyes right back, but without any heat.
Raine leans in and presses a featherlight kiss on Eda's cheek. "You do you, the- SCREEEEECH."
The Locker screams at the top of its lungs, signaling the start of the school day. They both jump apart, blushing and shocked by the outburst, before starting to giggle.
"Way to ruin the moment," Eda folds her hands, and smacks the Locker for good measure. She's not actually angry, but the squeaking box doesn't need to know that.
"We should get to class," Raine grins, "See you at lunch?"
"If I don't get detention by then, absolutely," She winks and starts walking away, not before noticing Raine's amused expression, feeling so much better than she did before.
Only a few seconds later, she hears: "Oh, and by the way, you owe me a new comb!"
Eda never ends up giving Raine a new comb, which is fine, because Raine forgot about it anyway.
When Eda brings it up one afternoon while playing grudgby, a few months later, Raine snorts, "I was joking, Eda. It was practically useless anyway. Seriously, I don't mind."
Eda smiles lightly, "Thanks, then."
"Not a problem, soldier," they nod, kicking the ball with all the strength they had. It misses the goal and soars outside the field, and into the stands, causing both of them to groan. Every time this happens, they spend at least fifteen minutes trying to find it.
"On second thought, maybe I could do with a favor," Raine mumbles, "There might be a storm today and I need to find that ball soon."
"You got it, commander," Eda salutes, running towards the stands, "Last one there is a rotten slimesicle!"
They don't find the ball.
It's been an hour, and there's no sign of it anywhere. Clouds are billowing in the sky, and it's begun to drizzle. Eda shivers, mentally chiding herself for not wearing something warmer.
Raine looks up, concerned. "You can take my jacket, if you want? We can look for the ball tomorrow, let's just get home soon."
Eda is about to protest, but Raine picks up the grudgby jacket that they take with them to practice, and gently hands it over to her.
And well, she can't say no to them now, can she?
She takes the jacket, hesitantly pulling it over her arms. It's a little bit too tight and slightly short, but it couldn't have been better. And, on another note, it smells like rain.
It's kind of coincidental (or maybe not), but Raine always smells like petrichor. Petrichor in the boiling isles is... not an incredibly popular scent. But she thinks otherwise- once the acid rain disappeared, it smells pretty decent outside. Or maybe that was just Eda.
Dating Raine kind of felt like petrichor, when she thought about it. The days of giggling and blushing and getting embarrassed weren't gone, but they weren't... incredibly common anymore. Raine wasn't something new and exciting anymore- but they were something better. They were home. Not that Eda would ever say it out loud, but it was true.
They were like the feeling after the rain ended, after the excitement, after the fear. It was the peace and knowledge that the two of them were here, together, and it was enough. She was enough.
The rain begins to grow a tad bit heavier, and they duck under the bleachers. "We gotta get to dry ground," Eda mutters, because everyone knows that acid rain burns are not fun to deal with.
"No shit, Titans." Raine huffs, "C'mon, the training room should be open. It's our best bet."
They do not find the grudgby ball.
Actually, they do. Just not the next day, or the day after that, or the day after that.
Nope, they find that stupid ball four years later. They're both out of school now, with Raine starting their work with the covens, and Eda playing professional grudgby.
Eda flips her hair behind her back, trying to untangle it from her favorite jacket. Well, it's technically Raine's, but she kind of kept it a while back- and Raine didn't seem to mind that much.
They'd stitched a bright red "E" onto it only a few years back, smiling at Eda as they handed it over. "You wear it too damn much, so might as well have your name on it. You know, just in case you lose it."
Now, she's wearing it, watching the practice from the stands above. After injuring her finger in a thumb war (Why? Raine had sighed, You're an adult, Eda), she was forced to take a short break from playing.
She kicks her legs back and forth, humming to some screaming-rock music playing on the stadium's radio to keep the players upbeat. They've rented out the Hexside playing grounds for just today, since their normal practice place is infested with a very territorial slitherbeast.
Suddenly, her leg hits something soft, and she frowns. Leaning down, she pushes out a small brown ball. Someone must have lost their ball kicking it up here, she thinks, we used to do that all the time.
It's a fond memory of Raine- and one that sends a pang of nostalgia through her chest. She turns the ball in her hands, and pauses when she notices a small R + E etched into the ball's leather.
She bursts out in giggles, because what the fuck. She snorts, "Raine's would love this- after all these years, and I'm the one who finds this old thing."
Eda tucks it into her bag and waits until practice is finished. And as she walks outside, she realizes three things.
One, Raine's not waiting for her.
Two, Raine won't be waiting for her anymore.
Three, Raine and her broke up.
Four days ago. One day after her fucking birthday. Who does that? Who breaks up with someone twenty-four hours after the best day of their life?
Raine Whispers, that's who.
Eda's still wearing the bracelet Raine gave her, and she doesn't know why. She should be throwing it to the owls, but she can't bear to lose the last gift Raine gave her.
It's a white one, made out of bat silk. There are small, intricate designs on the tiny black clasp connecting it around her wrist. And in the very middle, is half of a heart. It used to be Raine's parents, and they'd given it to them as a promise. Raine has one too, and it's almost identical to hers- except that it's black.
It was for the "love of their life", Raine's parents had told them. And that bastard had given it to her, like a fucking joke, and then broken up with her.
It was kind of her fault, actually. She'd messed things up and now Raine refused to talk to her, and she was kind of- very slightly- heartbroken.
Very slightly. She didn't sob into her pillow for hours last night.
Eda turns her wrist, and lets out a self-deprecating laugh. Fitting, she thinks, That it's a broken heart.
She'll get over Raine Whispers, she knows.
She thinks.
She hopes.
Edalyn Clawthorne is an outlaw. She's fearless, she's wanted, she's famous, and she's living her dream life.
At least, that's what most elves think.
No, the real Edalyn Clawthorne doesn't even exist anymore. She's living as a facade, as the "Owl Lady" in fear of people knowing who she truly is.
It's the harsh truth, and one she hates to confront.
Damn it, the only reason she's stealing things from the human realm is to get on the coven's nerves. Because you know what? Fuck the coven. Fuck Belos. Fuck that fucking Raine Whispers.
She's swearing too much, and she knows it. But there isn't anybody to stop her, there isn't anybody that cares.
She's so, so alone.
And she hates it so much.
"Eda?" A tiny voice calls out from the living room, and Eda wills her self-pitying thoughts to disappear. She's not completely alone, because she has King. King, who she brought home one night and then just... kept.
"Yeah, King?" She calls back, "Do you need anything?"
"The King demands another glass of red juice!" He declares.
"You hated it, remember?" She sighs, "You threw it at your stuffed demons last time."
"Exactly! I must use it to torture the souls of my prisoners so they bow to my will!" He cackles an evil laugh (it's actually adorable, Eda thinks), and then she hears things being thrown around the room.
Oh well.
She forces herself to stand up and grab the broom, because Hooty obviously can't dust himself (actually, he can- but don't tell Eda that). Plus, the Owl House was beginning to look like a dump, and King was not helping.
She could get through this, one day at a time. It would get better, because she had King, and he was safe, and that was all she needed for now.
But speak of the titan, and he shall arrive. Just then, King screams, and Eda jumps to her feet and runs- alert and scared.
"King?" She panics, "You 'kay?"
She finds him in the middle of a large pile of stuffed animals, groaning and muttering unintelligible syllables to himself.
"King?" She picks him up slowly, stepping over the oversized stuffies. "Buddy, what happened?"
"I thought... it would be a good idea to make a tower of doom! And have my servants carry me up to the top... but they dropped me! And I fell," He bawls, tears springing from his bright brown eyes.
"Does anything hurt?" She asks softly.
"My arm... and my head... and my legs," King wails.
Titans, why couldn't the world just give her a break?
"We need to get you to a doc- oh no," Realization dawns on her when she realizes she can't even come close to the Boiling Isles without someone noticing her. And everyone knows she's wanted- she'd be caught immediately.
She looks at King, sniffling in her hands, and groans inwardly.
It was time to make a trip to the doctor's office, also known as the center of the Boiling Isles.
Five minutes later, she's sitting on Owlbert and flying into the city, wearing a wild magic-made black cloak, large sunflower glasses (she couldn't find anything else, okay?), and a brown rainhat.
Here's the thing: getting into the doctor's is easy- nobody suspects anything when a cloaked woman with a wailing baby enters a hospital. But inside, Eda's going to have to drop all of her magic, in case it's carrying any sort of disease or whatever. What's she going to do then?
She has absolutely no idea.
The doctor gives King a vial to drink, which, since she's spent a ton of her life in illegal activity, Eda knows doesn't work. So slams a bunch of money on the table, leaving the poor worker gaping. "You're- you're a wonderful mom, ma'am. There's a proper healing potion in the back I can give to your son, but he'll have to take it once a day for about a week." Eda nods sharply, and the doctor scuttles away.
When he comes back, Eda's magic has faded (the hospital has leeched it away from her), and the doctor's smile falls. "You're- you're the-"
She groans, and without thinking, drop-kicks the doctor and grabs the vial. "We'll be leaving now, thank you," she smirks, picking the wide-eyed King off the hospital bed and running into the hallway.
Red alarms begin to blare loudly, and Eda's smirk disappears. "They have security buttons in every room now, don't they?" she mutters.
"Yes, they do, actually," a voice replies, causing her to freeze. Something about it isn't right, and it sends shivers down Eda's spine. She whisks around, finding herself face to face with the one and only...
Fucking Titans.
...Raine Whispers.
"Ever since you've turned the Boiling Isles into your own little playhouse, Belos has taken extra measures to keep us safe from your harmful antics. Now, I ask that you hand over whatever you've stolen, and come with me to the coven court."
They're on different sides now, she remembers. They're the enemy.
"As if, get the fuck away from me." She steps back and stands taller, but Raine isn't intimidated.
"Eda-" They begin, but are quickly interrupted.
"That's Edalyn to you, thank you very much. Better yet, call me the Owl Lady." She scoffs.
Raine sighs, a flicker of hurt passing through their expression, "Don't make me do this the hard way, Edalyn."
"I haven't stolen anything!" She hisses, "King got hurt and I needed a remedy, okay? Just let me go, and I won't do anything stupid." She hesitates, "Please."
Raine looks down, like as if they've only just realized King was there, hugging Eda's leg.
"Yada, yada, yada, I picked him up on the side of the road and I'm taking care of him now. Can we go now?"
She drops the vial into her pocket, distracted and trying to find ways to get out of this forsaken place. But instead, she drops it, and it lands on her toe, spilling the remedy all over the floor.
And you know- she's stressed, and she's tired, and she's had a really long day- so it's only natural that she starts tearing up.
"Fuck off, Rainestorm," She mumbles, looking away so they can't see that she's so done right now.
She doesn't miss how Raine's eyes widen, and then flicker to King, and then to the broken vial.
"Take this."
"Take this," They mutter, handing her a similar vial from their cloak, "I use it for my wrist sometimes."
"Titans, Eda, just take the vial and go! I'll lead the guards off. Just... go."
She doesn't need to be told twice, she grabs King and the vial and Owlbert and flies out of the window immediately.
She's breathing too hard, and her heart is racing a mile a minute. It only slows down when she spots the Owl House below, and she lands shakily.
The first thing she does is tuck King to bed, whispering promises and wishes as he falls asleep. Then, she goes to her room and cries.
She hasn't cried like this in a while, like all her emotions are escaping her faster than she can keep track of them. Seeing Raine was like a knife had sliced all the wounds she was trying to close.
She's still in love with Raine Whispers, she knows.
And she hates it more than anything else in the world.
The Owl House is full of people, but sometimes, Eda still feels alone.
Luz and Amity are trying to find potion ingredients in town, King is sulking, and Willow, Gus, and Hunter are all plotting in the living room.
Unity day is soon, and they know it. It looms over them like the mist on a winter morning, like they're flying in a thousand clouds.
Eda isn't stupid- she knows this could be it.
They could lose people, and they will lose people.
But another part of her tells her that everyone will be fine, because they have to be, because she needs them to be.
It's so stupid, and so selfish. But she can't help it. If she lost Luz, or King, or even the stupid friends she keeps bringing over, it'd hurt like hell, and Eda's done with losing people. Her parents, her sister, Raine.
So she settles the score with herself and vows that she won't let any of them die before she does.
She'll fight for them, and them only.
She'll die for them, and them only.
She's cooking lunch when the doorbell rings, and she groans because she knows she's the one who'll have to open it. She lets the levitating ingredients plop back onto the table, and walks towards the door.
"Welcome back, Luz-"
Come on.
"Raine," She blinks, then regains her posture, "Can I be of any assistance?"
Raine shakes their head in a clipped and polite manner, "Can you give Luz these documents for me? They're about the Day of Unity, I managed to snag them from Belos."
This whole... thing is so weird. Raine is suddenly against Belos, and is helping Luz, and indirectly helping her. And don't forget the fact that they willingly got taken by a weird monster thing for her. And they used the song they wrote together, performed bard magic, and saved her.
Eda doesn't want to talk about that day. Because she lost Raine all over again, and she knows Raine knows it too.
Now, they're acting as if nothing ever happened.
She takes the documents from her ex's hand, and nods, "Thank you, I'll let her know when she comes back. It might not be a good idea to come here during the day, though. Someone might catch you."
"Concerned, Edalyn?" They smirk, with a look that Eda knows all too well. It fades quickly. "It's better this way, I can just say I'm going out for an errand and nobody thinks its suspicious. I'm hiding right under their nose."
"Fascinating." She deadpans, "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have lunch to make and children to help, sooo-"
"Need help?"
They fidget with their glasses, a nervous habit they seemed to have picked up during their days with the coven. "I've noticed there's a ton of people here nowadays, and it's probably stressful, so... do you need any help?"
"Is the great Raine Whispers asking if they can sacrifice their prestigious time to help me make lunch?" She asks, incredulously.
"You're working so much, Edalyn, it's the least I can do to help." There is something tender in their voice that makes her heart clench.
Titans, fuck this. "Call me Eda," A voice speaks, one that she can barely recognize as her own.
It's Raine's turn to be surprised now, "Huh?"
"Just- call me Eda. If we're working against Belos together, you're going to have to stop acting like we're strangers," She tries to sound harsh, but it comes out softer then she's expecting.
"Alright, Eda," they smile, "Can I come in now?"
The Day of Unity is over.
They're alive. They're all... okay.
But it's not over yet, because The Collector is going insane, and nobody knows how to stop him.
And King... King is trapped up there with him too. She needs to find him, and... she needs to find Raine too.
Getting up to the floating castle is the hardest part, but she manages. Flying with harpy wings is surprisingly easy. She's planning on finding King first, but as she sneaks in through the backside, she feels a familiar tug of magic pull her closer.
Raine is here, and Raine is close.
She wants to look for them- she wants to find them and take them back, but she needs to find King before anything. King is her first priority.
Finding the Collector's room isn't hard, there's a trail of stars descending towards it in ever direction.
But she isn't exactly sure how she's going to grab King. The Collector would catch her if she made a run for it, but she doesn't have too many options.
She hears King say, "Hey! What if we played over there with the stuffed animals? I'll hide in one of them, and you have to try to find me!"
There's a scuttling noise, which she assumes is King hiding.
Eda waits, and waits, and waits, and hears the Collector looking inside of each toy and chest. "KING!" He squeals, "I'm going to find you!"
The Collector is nearing the door, and she needs to get out of here soon.
Something bumps on her leg, and she looks down and...
She ignores him, and lets her fight-or-flight mode take control. She picks up King, and then she's running, running, running, away from The Collector's voice and down to Raine's chamber.
"I thought you were hiding?" She whispers, breathlessly.
"I needed the bathroom, and he wouldn't let me go," King pouts in her arms, "So I just tried to escape for a bit! Why are you here?"
"To save you guys, obviously."
King frowns, "The Collector'll be lonely though."
"Seriously?" She hisses, "You're worried about that?"
They reach the entrance, and Eda pauses. King looks up, "What's wrong?"
"Raine's here."
King looks at her for a few seconds, then flails around, "Put me down! I'll stay on guard. If The Collector comes, I can trick him or something. Go get Raine." He grins.
Eda thinks about it for a while, and then places him down, "I'm so proud of you," she murmurs, and presses a kiss on his forehead, "I'll be back before you know it. Try not to get caught."
She's running again, opening doors (The Collector isn't very good at locking things), and looking through every room she can find.
It's like a maze, and she's starting to wonder if she's going in circles.
That is, until she finds them. They're locked onto a sticky black goop, and they freeze when they see Eda.
Oh right, she's still in harpy mode.
She spots their glasses on the ground and picks them up.
"Stay away!" Raine yells, and Eda has to hold back the urge to snicker.
She comes closer, putting the glasses on their face and cupping their cheek with her hand. "Hey, Rainestorm."
"Mh hm."
"You're here?"
"I am."
"You're not just my imagination?" They ask, skeptically.
She giggles at that, "No, I'm here."
She begins working through the thick goop, one strand at a time. "How are you doing?"
"Peachy," Raine mumbles.
"Seems like it." They look so tired, with dark eyebags and new scars. But Eda has never seen them look so beautiful before. Because they're here, and they're alive, and they're okay.
They sit in comfortable silence for a while, Eda working through the goop and Raine staring at her as if she's some sort of new instrument species. If instruments have species, she doesn't know.
A scream breaks the silence, and they both freeze. "KIIING! I DON'T LIKE THIS GAME ANYMORE! LET'S PLAY SOMETHING ELSE." The Collector's upset, and he's nearing wherever they are.
"Take King and get out of here," Raine whispers as Eda breaks half of the goop, placing a small instrument in her shaking palm.
"No," she glares at them, pushing the miniature violin back. They must have used the last of their magic to turn it tiny in a desperate attempt to keep it safe. "Rainestorm, you've given me so fucking much. I'm not taking your violin. It's... it's your life."
"Eda," Their voice cuts through her protests, "You are my life. And I need you to be safe. Please."
It's a confession, and it causes Eda to take a step back, "I'm not leaving without you."
It's all she can say right now, with her mind so full of emotions and Raine.
"I left you," they look away, "You couldn't look at me without remembering how much I messed up."
She laughs, which startles them. "How much you messed up? Don't blame yourself for my mistakes, Raine. It was my fault. I get it. I would leave too, if I was stuck with someone like me," She's getting a bit too self-deprecating, plus, she doesn't like this whole game of charades, so she pulls closer.
"Raine Whispers, I'm not taking your violin with me. I'm taking you. We're going to get to the Owl House safely and I'm never, ever, going to let go of you again." She says it so decisively, with a fire in her eyes she knows Raine has never seen before.
And then there's a snap! and Raine stumbles out of their prison and into Eda's arms.
"Easy there, soldier," She smiles, and Raine returns it weakly.
"That's my line."
"C'mon," she smiles, hauling Raine up, "Let's get you home."
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i-me-mine · 2 years
As time goes by | Chapter 7: The difference
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Pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | AO3
Chapter Summary: The new school year begins with you and Eddie in senior year. You are also back to work at the Arcade, where you meet the red-haired girl who has just moved to Hawkins and her annoying older step-brother.
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You wake up the following day eager to go to school, knowing that Eddie would now drive you every day. And that was very, very stupid, but just a consequence of that crush that bloomed into a full-blown love that cherishes every moment you spend with him. 
You leave your trailer but see that Eddie is not yet in his van. You gently knock on his door, opening it after hearing, "Come in!". You can smell coffee and eggs - Eddie and Wayne are in the kitchen, having breakfast. Wayne drinks a bit of coffee from his blue mug, opening a smile when seeing you enter the trailer and sit next to him. 
"Look at my little girl going to her senior year," he says while ruffling your head. 
You smile back and notice how warm and bright his eyes are - he looks like a proud dad, which for all matters, he is. He has been on your side at all your significant milestones, celebrating all the achievements, no matter how small they were. 
"Good morning, sweetheart," Eddie has his mouth full. He is rushing, barely taking the time to chew his scrambled eggs, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. 
"Manners, boy!" Wayne scolds him, and you chuckle. 
"I'm sorry! I have to go, can't be late. I promise I'll clean everything later, ok?" He gets up and picks up his things.
"Wish me luck, uncle Wayne!" you say, getting up and following Eddie out of the trailer. You can hear him saying, "Good luck! Take care!".
Eddie opens the van door for you, and you nod to him in thanks before slipping inside. He enters the van, turns on the radio, and "Crazy little thing called love" by Queen is playing. He reaches for the radio to change it, but you slap his hand away. 
"Please, sweetheart, going to the school isn't torture enough? Let me choose the song."
"Not today, let me have some fun and cheer up the mood a bit," But he insists on trying to reach the radio, and you slap him once more and hold his hand to prevent him from trying again.  
“This thing… called love… I just.. can't handle it…" you start singing along, laughing as you see his rolling eyes. 
"You're too small to be so hugely irritating, you know?" he breaks free from your hold and starts clumsy tickling you, making you laugh even harder.
Several dozen students are arriving to start the school day. The van skids a bit, but Eddie pulls into an empty parking space, not without making many students turn their heads to look, probably terrified by Eddie's driving. As soon as you leave the van, you feel Eddie taking your things from your arms and screaming while touching your shoulder, "Tag, you're it!"
"What? Eds, stop!" but he is already running, crossing the parking lot, and you have to chase him. While some people take a step back and let you both pass, others don't, and Eddie doesn't care if he has to push people to open a path for him. He continues to tease you, "You are soooo slow! Come and get me!"
Eddie runs down the corridor, dodging around corners and any obstacles along the way. You hear some people sighing "Freak" when you both pass by, but you try to ignore them. You enter the cafeteria, and when you almost catch him, he makes a sudden change in direction, jumping over a table, making it more challenging for you to catch up. 
He suddenly stops, and you hear the bell ringing. He declares, "Right on time!"
You try to catch your breath and reply, confused. "What?"
"I know you have Mrs. Kreitzberg in the first period." You notice then that he has taken you to your class, where you see the students taking their seats. "Have a nice class, sweetheart… see you later."
You watch him walk down the corridor to go to his class. You try to concentrate in class but have difficulty taking Eddie out of your mind. 
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At your break between the fifth and sixth periods, you go to your usual meet spot with Eddie in the back of one of the buildings. He is already there, taking a cigarette out of his pack of Camels. 
"I need one, this is just the first day, and I'm so fucking done. If this year is anything like the last, I'm killing myself," he says while lighting the cig. 
"Don't be so dramatic, Eds. You'll survive."
He takes a drag on the cigarette and passes it to you. He could have given you your own, but you are used to sharing, so he doesn't mind. And now you take special attention to see where his lips touch to try to touch the same spot when it's your turn. You know it's silly, but it's your secret symbolic way of kissing him. You repeat this with everything you share, bottles, cigarettes, even the single spoon you usually share when eating ice cream. You stay there in silence for a moment, dragging the cigarette in the open air, hands slightly touching once in a while. 
"Gareth will bring your Hellfire t-shirt tomorrow." Eddie breaks the silence. "I know you like to spend lunch with Wheeler, but this is your last year… Would you please sit with us on Fridays? Pleeeease?" he pleads.
He is looking at you with those puppy eyes and squeezing your hand, hoping to win you over. You nod, agreeing, and his face brightens with a smile. You hear some giggling and turn to see. It's Tommy H and his girlfriend, Carol. He is kissing her passionately, and her hands are all over him. 
"I wonder what that feels like," you mutter as you place your chin in the palm of your hand. 
Eddie takes another drag as his attention flicks to where you are looking. 
"What they have is purely physical. He doesn't care about her. She is nothing more than an object to him." Eddie mutters. "Luckily, you're too smart for that; you'll get something much better than this."
"Being smart is getting me nowhere. Maybe I want something, even if it's purely physical."
He nudges you off with a grunt. You lean closer to make sure you see right… Eddie is blushing. 
"Oh my…" You gasped in amusement, dramatically pressing a hand to your heart, "Is that a blush I see, Eds?"
And while you can't quite explain why, you feel the excitement building up inside you because you make him blush. 
"Am I the reason why you are blushing?" You step up to him teasingly. 
"You are the reason for my headache," he replies jokingly. The bell rings, and he snuffs his cigarette into the wall, and you make your way back to class. 
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Getting back to work was better than you imagined, making the week pass quickly. Keith was not the ideal co-worker and always asked you to help him set up a date with Nancy, even though you told him several times that she already had a boyfriend. Still, he never complained about trading shifts with you, which guaranteed you would have your Fridays free to go to Hellfire meetings.
Eddie was beyond excited when he saw you going to school using the new Hellfire shirt on Friday. At lunchtime, when you enter the cafeteria, he throws his arms up in the air, signaling where he is as if you don't know the table where they sit. You duck in to kiss the top of his head as you pass and sit next to Gareth. Eddie pokes him, and they change seats, and now Eddie is resting his arm on your chair.
"I'm glad you finally are here with us - I thought that you didn't consider us friends enough to give us the privilege of your company during lunch," Jeff frowns. 
"You know, I was never good with this whole friendship thing, but I'm doing my best," you reply. "Something prevented me from having friends when I was a little girl."
"It must have been your personality," Eddie interjects
"Oh, don't be a dickhead, Eddie," you hear Gareth saying, and you join him. "Yeah, don't be a dickhead”
"Next person to say dickhead is getting a punch to the throat," he threatens, but you all start to repeat the word to annoy him until he pouts.  
"Ok, that's enough, boys, let's give Eddie a break… what were you discussing when I got here?"
"We were discussing how we would prevent a demon from possessing us… or bring us back if any of us is possessed," Jeff explained. 
"Oh, don't worry about me then. If a demon possessed me, I would tell him, 'Go ahead, take it from here, good luck,'" your answer causing a burst of laughter.
The rest of the day passes quickly. When school is over, Eddie drives you back to his trailer, where you spend the rest of the afternoon working on your assignments while Eddie is giving the final touches on today's campaign. Wayne will work day shifts for the next couple of weeks, and you hurry to cook dinner so he can eat before his last day on the night shift. Finally, you all enjoy dinner together before Eddie takes you to Hellfire. 
As usual, Eddie's campaign is brutal. You are all tense, and Eddie has just shifted his position on his throne. 
"Gareth the Great had helped you cautiously make your way down the damp stone corridor leading you to an open space that seems like a garden. You feel the chilly wind and hear a hissing. You notice plants near you blacken and die, and the torches are extinguished."
You are all leaning forward. Jeff says, "What is it?". You just mumble, "Please, not a wraith." Gareth starts, "We're screwed, aren't we?"
Eddie waits for you to settle down and then says in a high-pitched voice while putting the small piece set on the map, "A ghostly figure appeared before you, its haunting presence filling the air with a chill. The wraith floats towards you, its ethereal body transparent and its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light."
You all stare at each other. Shit. "We're all gonna die," Gareth sighs. 
"Witch, your action," Eddie asks. 
You swallow. God, you wish it wasn't your turn. "I-I don't know."
"The wraith hisses in response, its voice echoing in your heads, ready to attack with lightning speed with its spectral claws."
"Cast a spell. Bolts of energy and fire may do," Jeff encourages.
"I'd have to roll fifteen or higher. And you could die; I have to protect you."
"Forget about us; kill it. It's a calculated risk." Gareth echoes
"And it seems you are bad at math," Eddie chuckles. 
"I can't. I can't lose you guys. I'll cast protection."
The battle was intense, with you using all your cunning and magic to defeat the wraith. In the end, you emerged victorious, and Eddie called it a night. The boys take their things, getting ready to leave. 
"Kiss your mom' night for me, Gareth," Jeff teases. Gareth flips him the bird. 
"Behave, boys." you smile, watching them leave while you and Eddie organize the room. 
While riding home, Eddie turns the volume of the music down and asks, "Hey, sweetheart, are you ok?"
You think, "Sorry I was distracted; I'm busy creating perfect scenarios of us being together in my mind... knowing they will never come true." But, when you open your mouth, all you say is, "Yes."
"Has something happened? You are different." he looks worried.
"No, and I'm not different." 
"Back at Hellfire… you never hesitated to put yourself in danger in direct attacks or actions, but now you are playing safe. You are worried about losing one of them. You are even taking more hits and hurting yourself more than you need just to ensure that they are ok."
Well, it's not only about your DnD playstyle. You are also taking a more cautious approach and putting others - putting him - as a priority, no matter how it could hurt you. 
"Maybe I'm just being sentimental because this is our last year playing together. I don't want to go ahead first and face everything alone. Staying behind with them is ok, even if it hurts a bit."
"Are you again scared of being alone?" Now you are sure he is talking about something other than DnD. You just nod. 
"Hey, that's ok. I get it. Whenever I imagine myself being happy, you are there too. I don't think about the future much, but whenever I think about it, it includes you, and that's my favorite part."
"Of course it is; you know I won't let you mess up," you point out making him laugh. 
"Oh, Eds, what are you doing to my heart?" you think while admiring him. 
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Saturday morning shift at the Palace Arcade was yours, and Eddie gave you a ride. You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and raced for the door to open it up and ensure everything was ok. The movement was usually slow in the mornings, so you had time to organize things. 
You are suddenly startled when you hear the blast of Scorpions playing outside. You raise your head to see a red-haired girl leaving a blue Camaro, arguing with whoever was driving, before entering the arcade. She seems ashamed, and you pretend that you have not seen anything. You exchange the money she offered you for coins and notice as she goes to one of the back corridors. You haven't seen her around before.
After a couple of hours, you see the Camaro back at the arcade parking lot, with a tall and muscular young man with shaggy hair in a mullet coming out of it and entering the arcade. 
"How can I help?" you ask. 
"Hey, Miss, I'm looking for my little sister; she came here today to play." He pauses, and you can feel him scanning you with his eyes. "My name is Billy Hargrove; nice to meet you."
He is trying to be charming, but you feel that something about him is off. You can't quite pinpoint what it is, but his presence sets on all the alerts within your mind, making you feel stressed. 
"She is down the corridor," you reply coldly. 
He looks at you, puzzled. He expected you to be fascinated with him, as almost all girls and women usually are, but you are not falling for his charm, which intrigues him. 
"I'm new in town; maybe you could show me around," he offers, leaning on the counter.
"I'm sure you'll find someone to help you with that." if your boss saw how coldly you were treating a potential customer, you would probably be fired, but something about him made you want to run away. 
"Yes, I'll find… I'm sure there are a lot of cows in this city… but you are not one of them. I got a feeling about you." He let it slip a bit of that mask of politeness he was trying to keep up. He is piercing you with his blue eyes that seem to convey a sense of danger and mistrust in you. 
"Billy?" the red-haired girl appears behind him, and you look at her. 
She is looking at him, and you recognize the wide eyes, that expression of fear and anger that crosses her face. It's the same expression you have when it comes to your father. You glare at him, recognizing that he is probably another emotional abuser. 
"You should go now."
"We'll meet again, honey," he teases, touching a strand of your hair before leaving. 
You sigh in disgust and can't wait for the shift to be over so you can return home; hopefully, spending time with Eddie will make you feel better. But unfortunately, as you arrive, you notice a car parked next to Eddie's van. A blue Camaro Z-28. Billy's car. 
You curse, thinking that Billy befriending Eddie is not a good thing. You step into your trailer and close the door behind you. Your father is sprawled on the sofa, shirtless, wearing just a pair of jeans. The house is cluttered with beer bottles and cigarette butts, and you wonder how he made such a mess in just one morning.  
"You better clean everything, you hear me? Or else…" his voice was angry and wobbly. He was already drunk. 
"Yes, sir. I'll be right back." You knew better than to argue with him when he was in that state. Years of dealing with him have taught you that some tactics work better than others when dealing with this type of man, and knowing the right moment and how to act could be crucial for your safety. 
"I surely have angered the gods above." you think. You already have to deal with your father. You don't need another troubled or aggressive man in your life. You clean the house and wait patiently, but the day is ending, and it doesn't seem Billy is leaving. You give up on the idea of meeting Eddie today. You call the arcade, reaching Keith and asking him if you could switch shifts tomorrow, hoping that this helps avoid meeting Billy if he tries to show up again at the arcade.
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"I hope you remember that I'm a great friend and tell your friends about it," Keith says, handing over the shift to you. 
"Sure, Sure… now go and enjoy your Sunday," you reply, pushing him out of the door, laughing. 
You have a busy afternoon, but it starts to get empty as the night approaches. Most parents want their kids at home on a Sunday night. You are reading comics to kill time when you hear the door opening. You raise your head and see the red-haired girl. 
She is timid in her approach. She gives you a shy smile. "Hey… I'm Max." she extends a hand. 
You smile warmly at her, shaking her hand and introducing yourself. She seems to get a little more comfortable and even waves at you before heading to the arcade machines after you hand her the coins. You can't help but wonder if she also suffers physical or emotional abuse at home. Your heart aches. She is too young for that. 
It's almost close time; you approach Max, who is still playing Dig Dug. "Are your parents going to pick you up?" you ask. 
"My step-brother should have picked me a while ago. I guess he is too busy on his stupid date and forgot about me. Are you closing?"
"Soon. But you can continue playing; I'll prepare the other things first."
But Max joins you, and you start talking. She tells you about moving from California, how she has a hard time adjusting, and how she is nervous about starting school soon. You notice that she is looking at your comic book. 
"Do you like Wonder Woman?"
"I love it! I had it; this was my favorite edition."
"Had? What happened?"
"My step-brother tore it apart," she whispers. 
Violent behavior? Anger issues? Another red flag. You want to stay as far away from him as possible. But at the same time, it was not fair to leave Max to deal with him alone. 
"Here, take it. It's yours," you hand over the comic book to her. 
"N-No, I can't accept."
"Please? Can you accept a present from a friend?" Max picks it up, smiling. 
You then see Billy's car approaching and signal Max to leave while you pick up the keys to lock the main door of the arcade. You hope he will take Max and go, but you hear his footsteps getting closer, and he yells at Max, "In the car, now! And don't leave!" You turn and see him approaching you with his leather jacket and denim jeans and an excited smile on his face as he closes the distance between you. At first glance, someone could think that he and Eddie look alike, but the difference between them was clear as water for you.  
"Hey, honey. Come here often?" He asks jokingly as he leans towards you, shooting you one of his grins with a wink. His breath smells of beer and weed. You see Max with her head out of the car, looking at you with a worried face. 
"I'm leaving, Hargrove." you try to walk, but he blocks the way. 
"Come with us." it doesn't sound like an offer but like an order. He tries to hold your hand, but you quickly take a step back, trying to stay out of reach. 
"No, honey… Don't do that. I'm good at chasing."
You are jolted back in time to when you were a kid. Eddie is playing basketball with you. This is survival training, as he called it back then. He used the movements of basketball to teach you how to plant your feet so you wouldn't fall if someone charged upon you and how to confuse the other person dribbling away from them. 
You try to remember this now, thinking about trying to elude Billy to cut to the opposite side and hopefully run. You try but fail miserably, as Billy is right there to block you again. 
"This keeps getting interesting! But sorry honey, I'm too good playing basketball to fall for it." you bite your lip, worried that he noticed what you tried to do, and you stand there, immovable, for a moment, holding your breath. 
"All ok here, sweetheart?" Eddie approaches you, casually draping his arm around your shoulder and gesturing with his other hand. 
Your chest seems to relax as soon as you hear his voice and see him, making breathing easier. You can only think that you are safe. Everything will be ok. You look at him as if he is your guardian angel, sending a million thanks to the universe for putting him there at that moment. 
Billy sees you smiling at each other. He notices how you gaze into each other's eyes, how your body language shifts, and you get closer to Eddie, looking for his body warmth. He sees that you are almost in a trance-like state, the expression on your face, and how the connection between you is palpable. Love. This makes him feel pure rage bubbling up inside him. 
"Sorry, Munson, I didn't know she was taken," He turns back to go to his car. 
He gets in the car, seeing you and Eddie hugging and laughing, and his grip tightens on the steering wheel, envy running through his veins, sour and poisonous, consuming him. 
"Let it go, Billy. Let it go." Max pleads. 
"SHUT UP, MAX!" he storms out. "I need to think. I need to plan very carefully what I am doing next," he says while accelerating the car and going away.
Read next chapter
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Notes: Thank you for reading! Feedback, likes, reblogs, and comments... are always appreciated and make my heart happy!
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@sidthedollface2 @bimbobaggins69 @roxy9295 @aftermidnightwriting @ghosttownwherenoonegoes
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
The 2022 writing Advent calendar: Day 24
Merry Christmas Eve! Here in Finland we actually celebrate on the Even instead of the day, but I will bring a last story on the 24th… but enjoy today's!
“Merry Christmas!!!!” An overly cheery voice woke Ambar up. 
“For goodness sake,” Ambar grumbled running her hands over her face. She shoudl have guessed Luna would be up and about on Christmas like an excited child. She had not gotten to experience it before as this was their first Christmas on good terms and she was looking forward to spending Christmas with the people she loved. How early was it even?
“Ambar! Wake up!” Now Luna was banging on her door. 
“Ugh … Where’s the war?” Simon’s groggy voice came from next to her. 
“No war, just a monster called Lunita on Christmas morning.” Ambar sat up on the bed. “But you must be used to it.”
“Not really, we have never lived in the same house together.” Simon said, still with an extremely sleepy voice, “but yeah, she has always loved Christmas. I mean she loves all holidays and reasons to party.”
“Well, that sounds like her.”
“Ambar? Are you awake? Come on, we can't waste a second on Christmas!”
“Well, I better answer the door, before she breaks in.” Ambar threw the blanket off of her. 
“Sure… you do that…” Simon said and turned on his side, “I’ll just sleep five more minutes…” and he was already out cold. Ambar just rolled her eyes and walked to the door. 
“Ambar! It is Christmas!” Luna was dancing around in a red-green outfit as Ambar opened the door. 
“Yeah, I know,” Ambar just looked at Luna. “You pretty much announced it to the whole world. I am sure the entirety of Buenos Aires heard you.”
“Uuups, I didn’t realize I yelled so loud,” Luna remarked while still jumping around, “Anyways, get dressed NOW! Mom is making rice porridge and then we’ll have gifts!”
“Okay, just let me get a shower first.”
“This is gonna be so awesome. I need to teach you all of our Christmas traditions. We are gonna sing carols with changed lyrics and play charades…”
Ambar just let Luna ramble and watched her dance around the hallway. She could not help but smile. Her Christmasses this far had been such stony and cold affairs with a just dinner in silence and then pretending to like the one gift she gave her. Usually Sharon never even opened the one Ambar had gotten for her. 
“...and I can’t wait to see what you thought of the gift I got for you!” Luna finished while jumping around. It was a good thing she was not doing cartwheels.
“Should I be alarmed?”
“Nope, not at all. I am the best at gifts. Simon can vouch for that.I am just gonna go wake up the guys at the warehouse.”
“That is going to be a task.” 
“Yeah. Maybe I could jump on top of Simon so he wakes up… actually, I think I am gonna do that to Matteo as well,” Luna laughed and actually did a cartwheel. “Uuuu, actually, I have a better idea!”
“Luna, Simon is not…” Ambar started to say, but Luna had already bounced down the stairs. “Never mind.”
A little while later Ambar was just putting touches of makeup on her face, Simon had left for the warehouse to get a change of clothes. All of a sudden she heard a series of screams and yelling that seemed to come to form outside. Luna must have succeeded in waking up the guys…
“What happened to you?” As Ambar walked downstairs, she saw Simon, Matteo, and Pedro staying in the hall, dripping wet.
“Luna woke us up.” Pedro deadpanned. Ambar turned her head towards Luna who was just hiding her laughter. 
“Chica Delivery, how did you even get three buckets of ice water to the warehouse,” Matteo shook his head. He especially looked just like a wet dog who had accidentally fallen into a lake. 
“I have my ways.” Luna just grinned.
“Well, I guess, merry Christmas to us,” Simon just said.
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wonderfuldeath · 2 months
.o| Seasonal Calendar |o.
Summon 2
• July 25 •
Warnings : Fluff, angst, screaming
Please, consider supporting me on Ko-Fi ! ♥
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“- No. I don't think I like it.
- But Mr. Jeon…
- Mister Jeon may have said what he wants, I don't like it.”
The poor imp in front of him looked at him, opened his mouth before simply nodding, looking at the blue cloth between his fingers. A year had passed since he'd been kidnapped by the demon, it had been hard, but they'd finally found their balance. Taehyung spoke, Jungkook followed. Whatever happened, this was how the new couple worked, except in bed. Jungkook was far too dominant for Taehyung to override, even for a slightly different kind of intimacy. But that was fine, sex-wise, Taehyung was a little chick, he'd never done anything with the living, not in a consensual way. So it had been a long wait, Jungkook had been patient of course, even if in the end he'd had a hard time not jumping on him. Enough for Taehyung to think he should change rooms. Elsewhere, so as not to have Jungkook force him. But the demon still preferred to touch himself elsewhere, rather than let Taehyung go to sleep in another room. Now, everything was going well on all fronts, enough for the shy Taehyung to become someone who says what he thinks, without being ashamed to press things that don't suit him, making her husband proud, who never stopped bragging about her husband, singing to anyone who would listen how lucky he was to have married her. But here's the thing: a year goes by fast, a blink of an eye in Hell, and with summer now back, Taehy was decked out for the holidays. Except that Taehyung and Jungkook didn't agree at all about the colors, so the poor devils had to go back and forth between the two, to get their joint opinion on the party details. Only the couple were at loggerheads, not anything terrible, but the two occupants of the underworld were at loggerheads.
“- Which color would be best?
- White.
- Mr. Jeon said no to white, Sir…
- White. I'll talk to Monsieur Jeon.
- Yes sir.”
Taehyung smiles at the Imp, who looks like he's about to cry, before making his way back to the son of Lucifer's large office. He pushes open the door to close it just behind, turning the latch, before looking at his husband, playing with the sleeves of his jacket, running a hand through his hair to tousle it and rolling his lip to look even cuter. Jungkook seems inside his work, and a long shiver runs down his back, straightening doe eyes that are a little lost, even more so when Taehyung kisses him tenderly.
“- Are you busy, Jungkookie? Maybe you want me to come back later?
- No, no, you can stay. What's the matter?
- I've been asked about the color of the tablecloths for the festival.
- Yes, I was asked that too.
- I chose white.”
Jungkook looks at him, his black eyes turning red, but he doesn't say anything more, he doesn't really have time anyway, Taehyung takes a seat on his firm thighs, his arms wrapping around the back of his neck. Their lips collide a little more violently, far from the gentleness of a platonic embrace, both letting out uncontrolled moans, due to Taehyung's hips not wanting to remain stoic.
“- You intend to seduce me to prove yourself right?
- Hmm, let me think…”
Taehyung comes to kiss Jungkook's throat, before opening his shirt button by button, his slender fingers caressing the demon's muscular torso, who lets out a deep ragged breath, before descending lower and lower. He knows he's playing with fire, but Taehyung doesn't seem to mind, positioning himself between Jungkook's legs, already ready to receive a reward. But Taehyung stops, leaving him stranded, pants undone, eyes wide, trying to figure out what was really happening. The little human devil tries not to laugh, as he kisses his companion again, before shrugging his shoulders playfully.
“- You said I was only doing it for my tablecloth color. I've got values, you know? I don't sell my soul to just anyone.”
With a laugh, Taehyung disappears as quickly as he arrived, behind the door leading back into the corridors of hell, barely listening to what Jungkook says, in a howl of frustration and pure lust. He has no remorse, fleeing to make sure his lover doesn't come after him, strolling through the halls of hell again, sniffing popular air straight from the world of the living.
He didn't regret anything, his life before, nor did Taehyung ever think, Jungkook gave him enough love so that he wouldn't think about him and their new life. Time passed differently in hell anyway, he wasn't completely sure whether to ask him if his family or acquaintances were still alive. Jungkook never talked to him about his contracts, or about the world above, wanting to protect him from all that had got the better of him just a year earlier. He strolled to the entrance of their garden, an almost fairytale-like place when you think about it; the water here is always crystal-clear, a magnificent blue. The grass was non-existent, Jungkook only had a small lake, surrounded by a few trees, intimating that he never had time to take care of it anyway, but Taehyung had turned this little piece of wasteland into a veritable paradise, no joke of course. Taehyung made the most of it, looking around to make sure no one came to disturb him, before dropping like a brick below the flagship spot, a tall black tree with evergreen foliage. Come to think of it, he'd never seen the seasons go by here, everything seems frozen, and he can only know the days of the week thanks to Jungkook's servants, who tell him what day it is when he wakes up.
Quietly, he let himself go, his eyes closing with the accumulated fatigue of having nothing to do, everything was always quiet in hell, almost boring at times.
“- Allais mumbles, we're getting up.”
Taehyung wasn't sure whether he wanted that hand against his hair to stop, or to continue. It's hard to get him to open his eyes, but he's forced to when the demon's teasing lips force him to open his eyes, shifting from a sleepy look to one smiling with all his white teeth. Jungkook finally lies down beside him, his eyes set on the sky, contemplating this rather bland reply, letting Taehyung come and stick to him.
“- What are you thinking about?
- About you, about the world. About the fact that the sky is the same as always.”
Jungkook remains silent, before turning to Taehyung who seems lost in thought again, staring at a sky without borders, but without birds or clouds either. The master of the house has only to snap his fingers to let the place become more human, a little wind rises, white and gray clouds appear, the blue sky slowly changes color under Taehyung's lost eyes, looking at his future husband who simply gives him a smile.
“- You're home now. When you're ready, just tell me, when you become a real demon, then you can change here as you please, without asking me.
- Can we finally have a white room?
- No, we won't.
- You said without asking.”
The demon's eyes lift to the sky as Taehyung sneers. He lets himself go in a new embrace, climbing onto the demon's hips, coming to kiss him passionately, letting Jungkook's hands pass over his hips, his body warming in this new suave embrace, before a little imp comes to stop them.
“- Please excuse my presence, gentlemen. But for the wedding, you haven't chosen the food yet…”
Jungkook sighs in frustration as Taehyung gets off him, turning to look at the poor servant, whom the master of the house seems keen to make disappear. But Taehyung calms him as usual with a simple caress, before getting back to his feet.
“- Let's get ready for our beautiful wedding. I can't wait to have our living room in white.
- And I can't wait to finally have my moment of relaxation with you.”
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angstics · 2 years
ray im so drunk raaaaaayyyyy 😭😭😭😭 (x)
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eunoia-writes · 2 years
Cruel summer - Conrad fisher
Warnings: underage drinking
Summery: y/n was the last addition to the Cousins group but that didn’t make her any less part of the group. She was like a big sister to Belly which also meant she’d put her happiness aside just for her no matter how hard it hurt
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Meeting the fisher brothers was like a fever dream to y/n, so much happened in those few days that it didn’t feel real. But year after year she’s back in cousins playing chicken in the pool with everyone.
Today was like no other, Conrad and Jeremiah turned up and y/n’s a few doors down from there’s one there usually early morning muffin run. The boys climbed through her bedroom window, despite the fact that they could have used the front door, while she lay sleeping. The pair tiptoed around her room with hushed whispers Conrad grabbing her guitar and Jeremiah her ukulele before they both jumped on her bed strumming there instruments screaming “Y/n get the fuck up.” In a sing song tone
Y/n let out a loud groan as they bound her around the brothers giggling like they’re was no tomorrow “I hate you both.” She said, grabbing her glasses from the side of her bed and sitting up. Jeremiah was the first to jump off her bed telling her to get up while Conrad just sat down criss-cross-apple-sauce in front of her.
“Could you not have just called?” She mumbled wiping the sleep for her eyes as she reached for her phone while Jeremiah flung her closet door open in search of god knows what. Conrad was yet to say anything; he was just admiring the way her hair fell so perfectly even in her half awake state.
“Now where’s the fun in that?” Jeremiah asked, looking over his shoulder at the unimpressed girl. Y/n rolled her eyes before forcing herself off her bed and over to Jeremiah her arms wrapping around his waist for balance still only just coming too from her previously dead to the world state.
“What is the dress code for today Jere?” She asked with a soft yawn, Conrad was never a man of many words but even for him he was awfully quiet that morning which didn’t go unnoticed by y/n. There wasn’t a lot that Conrad did that went unnoticed by y/n. She was in constant awe of the boy; there was no one quite like Conrad fisher. And that’s how she liked it.
He was truly one in infinity.
“Well Taylor is here for a few days so after the tournament we’re going to Shalia’s party.” Jeremy told her before pulling out her typical blue denim shorts which he was convinced she owned the entire stock off with the amount of pairs she had along with her blue cousins shirt which just so happened to be the exact same one he was wearing
“Matching, huh?” She laughed grabbing the clothes out of her and and making her way into her bathroom
“Of course!” He called after her as she closed the door “what’s up with you connie?” Conrad was now sitting on her window ledge phone in hand quite as ever. He just shrugged saying nothing. Jeremiah sat on the edge of her bed looking at the multiple photos on her bed stand. The largest one was a group photo she’d made a stranger take of everyone on the beach even though laurel insisted she should have taken it y/n wanted it of everyone, Another of y/n and Belly sunbathing that Conrad had taken a year prior and the last a photo of y/n and Conrad dancing in the kitchen that Susana had taken both with the biggest smiles on their faces.
Y/n came out of the bathroom rambling about how Belly and Steven were blowing up her phone asking why the muffins were taking so long. when she finally stopped rambling she noticed Conrad staring at her with a smile playing on his lips “what?” She asked as walked over to her His hand coming too her chin while this thumb came to brush her lip
Y/n swore she could have melted right there. The smallest of touch has her weak in the knees but she’d never admit it. She couldn’t. Belly was like y/n’s baby sister and she had the biggest crush on Conrad but so did y/n. It had been Conrad since she first stepped foot in cousins. Y/n always hoped it was reciprocated and the late night facetime calls when they were home convinced her it could be possible but like always y/n would put Belly’s happiness before hers without question. She couldn’t have him without someone getting hurt. “Will you two quit staring at each other and get out here.” Jeremiah said, snapping them both back into reality as he hung halfway out of the window. They didn’t say anything.
The car ride was chaotic as ever , Jeremiah seemed to think he was a race car driver so what should have been a 20 minute drive was over in just over 10 minutes. Y/n rushed inside without a second thought. “Susana! Your son drives like a mad man.” She said as Susana span round pulling her into her arms
“I’ve told Jere to calm down many times.” Susana said as Jeremiah came in defending himself before he even knew what had been said about him. Conrad took a seat next to y/n as they watched jeremiah and steven put on their usual morning performance of singing whatever song they pre decided that morning. Mornings in the fisher house were something that nothing would ever compare too.
Conrad handed y/n a muffin “its strawberry, i know you don't like blueberries.” The same old smile was spread across his face as she thanked him softly, almost letting herself blush until she saw the way belly’s eyes glowed as she looked over at the boy. She felt a hand on her shoulder looking up to see susana looking at her with a knowing look.
“y/n will you come help me set up for the tournament?” Susana asked and of course y/n complied she nodded grabbing her muffin saying goodbye to everyone and making her way out with Susana in tow “He feels the same, you know.” Susana said as they pulled away from the house. Susana was the only one that could truly see what y/n actually felt for Conrad. But He’s her connie at the end of the day she knew it was reciprocated
“I wish that were true.” Y/n sighed as the soft hum of the radio played “plus Belly’s been in love with him since before I even met any of you I couldn’t do that to her.” Y/n said looking over at Susana who just grabbed her hand kissing it softly
“You’re too good to her sometimes, I’d hate to see belly heartbroken, believe me, but sometimes we have to be selfish when it comes to love. Plus Connie could do with someone like you.” Susana said as they pulled up to where the tournament was being held later this afternoon. y/n wanted her words to be true but she also knew no matter what she couldn't do that to belly
There will be other Conrad Fishers. She hoped.
y/n did her best to avoid Conrad at the tournament watching from the sidelines as he and belly demolished the other teams ultimately heading to their victory. “You better be there tonight!” Shalia told y/n as they walked over to her car where Steven was already waiting for the two. y/n had made a comment about maybe staying home and from then on had everyone telling her she had to come.
“I will, I promise!” y/n said as Shalia then spouted how Steven would pick her up if he liked it or not “is Connie gonna be there?” y/n asked Steven mumbled a yes before telling her to hurry up and get in so he could drop her home so she'd be ready in time.
“Are you sure this isn’t too much?” Y/n asked Jeremiah who was currently sat on her bed scoffing his chips she made the mistake of offering him. Y/n was wearing a simple white summer dress with the green converse Jeremiah instead didn’t fit him so she had to have them not just because he heard her talking about wanting them a matter of weeks before.
“You look hot, I’m sure Connie will think so too.” Jeremiah joked only to Receive a jacket to the face as she as a car horn honked signalling Steven was here. The pair made their way downstairs and got into the car Where none other than Nicole was sitting leaning against Conrad. And that’s when she knew she was in for a long night.
“Woah, Woah, slow down there y/n .” Conrad laughed softly as Y/n downed another beer. It was the first he’d seen of her since she walked out of the car and as far away from him as quickly as possible . The party only started an hour ago and the girl was already plastered. Y/n scoffed as she finished her drink off
“What's your problem Conrad? It’s okay for you to drink till you can’t walk but when I do the same all you do is fucking complain I’m fucking sick of it.” she spat, she tried to mask the hurt in her voice with the venom in her words. Conrad knew her too well to believe for one second this wasn’t coming from her alcohol fuelled anger. He knew there was something deeper
“Hey, where’s this coming from?” he asked, his voice was a lot softer than hers. Conrad pushed the hair that had fallen in her face behind her ear as she stumbled slightly
“You’re fucking suffocating me!” she said her words were harsh but the look on her face said otherwise. To anyone else it would look like a friend just trying to help his drunk friend but it was so much more. Y/n somehow thought If she made Conrad hate her she could get over him quicker. But of course that’s never the way.
“I'm suffocating you, am I?” he said before wrapping his arms around her tightly as she tried to wriggle out of his grasp. Her once full cup was now discarded on the floor somewhere and the attention of the room was on them.
“get off.” she said, continued to try and fight him off until she soon gave in letting herself fall into his arms as tears begin to roll down her cheeks
“Hey, hey, hey, what’s going on pretty girl?” He asked, she shook her head pushing him away mumbling not to call her that as she made her way outside to the car. She sat in the backseat as Conrad climbed in next to her. “Tell me what’s going on in that head of yours.”
“Nothing, I'm fine.”
Conrad shook his head “you know as well as I do that’s a lie.” He said his hand came to her cheek to wipe her tears away letting her head rest in his hand.
“I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you.” She mumbled, he knew exactly what she was saying but he needed to hear the real words so he couldn't go off assumptions.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m sick of pretending I’m not in love with you for the sake of belly’s feelings, Bell is like my sister but why should I let her have you.” Y/n rambled as he soaked in her every word. He’d been waiting for so long to heat those words
“You’re in love with me?”
“Ain’t that the worst thing you’ve ever heard?” He looks at her grinning for ear to ear before just leaning in and kissing her softly
“More like the greatest.”
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Champagne Problems
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: you play Tom a new song you wrote, and he overthinks the lyrics
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On a morning where he was supposed to be memorizing his latest script, Tom got distracted by the sound of you playing your piano somewhere in the house. He followed the soft melody into your studio, where he found you singly softly as you sat with your keyboard.
“You won’t remember all my champagne problems.” You hummed along to the notes you were playing.
“That sounds beautiful, darling.” Tom smiled as he came behind you to rub your shoulders. “Is that new?”
“Yeah.” You nodded as you put your hand over his. “I’m not sure about it though. The lyrics are still a little iffy.”
“Play it for me.” Tom kissed your neck before taking a seat. “I’ll tell you my thoughts.”
“You won’t be any help.” You chuckled. “You’ll just tell me it’s the greatest song ever written like you always do.”
“I can’t help it.” He pouted. “You’re just so talented.”
“It helps to have the loveliest muse in the world.” You cooed, bringing a smile out of Tom.
“Play me the song.” Tom asked. “I’ll be totally honest. I promise.”
“Okay.” You agreed and pulled the keyboard onto your lap. As soon as you started to play the intro, Tom was enchanted.
“You booked the night train for a reason, so you could sit there in this hurt. Bustling crowds or silent sleepers, you’re not sure which is worse.” You began. You looked up at Tom for approval and he gave you a cheerful thumbs up.
“Because I dropped your hand while dancing. Left you out there standing crestfallen on the landing. Champagne problems.” You sang softly. “Your mom's ring in your pocket. My picture in your wallet. Your heart was glass, I dropped it. Champagne problems.”
You stopped playing and looked at Tom to see what he thought. He happily applauded you, making you roll your eyes playfully.
“It’s amazing.” Tom grinned. “It’s the best song ever written.”
You gave him a skeptically look over your piano and he laughed.
“I’m serious.” He insisted. “Is there more?”
“Yeah. I have more.” You nodded and positioned your fingers on the keys. “Here’s the second verse.”
“You told your family for a reason, you couldn't keep it in. Your sister splashed out on the bottle, now no one's celebrating.” You continued. “Dom Pérignon, you brought it. No crowd of friends applauded. Your hometown skeptics called it champagne problems. You had a speech, you're speechless. Love slipped beyond your reaches. And I couldn't give a reason. Champagne problems.”
Tom furrowed his eyebrows as he slowly connected the lyrics together. Between the mention of the ring and the lack of celebration, Tom realized the song was about turning down a proposal. He knew you had never been proposed to before, so he wasn’t sure where the inspiration for the song came from. In the back of his mind, he began to panic. Especially since up in his room, carefully hidden in his sock drawer, was a ring. A diamond ring that he had bought specifically for the reason of asking you to marry him.
“What do you think?” You asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“Um, it’s really good.” He said slowly. “Interesting topic.”
“Yeah. I wanted to do something I’d never done before.” You smiled proudly and your fingered the keys.
“Interesting, interesting.” Tom nodded in fear. “Is there more?”
“Yeah. I’m really proud of this next part.” You grinned. “Listen closely.”
Tom gulped as you began to sing the bridge, something he knew you were skilled at writing.
“Your Midas touch on the Chevy door. November flush and your flannel cure. "This dorm was once a madhouse". I made a joke, "Well, it's made for me". How evergreen, our group of friends. Don't think we'll say that word again.” You shook your head as you sang. “And soon they'll have the nerve to deck the halls that we once walked through.”
Tom really began to panic at this point. He knew it couldn’t be a coincidence that you decided to write a song about turning down a proposal a few weeks after he bought a ring. He had one more week to go until he was going to propose, and he assumed you figured that out. Since you were as kindhearted and non confrontational as you were, there was no way you’d turn down Tom if he got down on one knee. You must have written the song as a way to tell him you didn’t want to marry him before he embarrassed himself by proposing.
“One for the money, two for the show. I never was ready, so I watch you go.” You looked into his eyes as you sang. “Sometimes you just don't know the answer ‘til someone's on their knees and asks you.”
“Oh God.” Tom gulped.
"She would've made such a lovely bride, what a shame she's fucked in her head, " they said. But you'll find the real thing instead.” You sang to him as he stared at you with wide eyes. “She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred. And hold your hand while dancing. Never leave you standing crestfallen on the landing with champagne problems.”
“Hm.” He squeaked.
“Your mom's ring in your pocket. Her picture in your wallet. You won't remember all my Champagne problems. You won't remember all my Champagne problems.” You played the last few notes before looking at him.
“So.” You smiled. “What do you think?”
Tom opened his mouth to say something, but found his mind blank. You were testing him, and he wasn’t sure how to respond.
“Um, it’s interesting.” He said softly.
“Interesting? Do you not like it?” Your face fell.
“Um, it’s not that.” His expression was just as sad. He appreciated that you wanted to let him down easy, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.
“Tom.” You noticed his solemn expression. “What’s the matter? Is it bad?”
“Do you...did you...”
“Did I what?” You asked when he trailed off.
“Did you find the ring?” He asked suddenly, making your head jut back.
“The...the what?” You laughed in confusion.
“You found the ring and wrote that song, didn’t you?” He asked sadly. “You wrote it and sang it to me because you didn’t know how to tell me you didn’t want to marry me.”
“Tom, what are you talking about?” You wondered as you stood up and walked over to him. “What ring?”
“The ring you found in my sock drawer.” He said like it was obvious. You stared at him for a long time, trying to understand what he was talking about.
“I didn’t find a ring in your sock drawer.” You told him. Tom’s face pulled back in shock as he realized he had jumped to an incorrect conclusion.
“Hm.” He nodded. “It appears I made an inaccurate assumption based on the information that I was given.”
“You weren’t given any information.” You said as you looked at him skeptically. “What’s going on?”
“I...I thought the song was your way of telling me no.” He sheepishly admitted.
“What?” You laughed, still thinking he was joking. “Why?”
“I don’t know. I thought you were sending me a subliminal message!” He exclaimed.
“I wasn’t! It’s just a song!” You shouted back. “And wait a minute, you have a ring in your sock drawer?”
“Yes, and?” He stood his ground.
“Yes, and?” You repeated in shock. “Did you seriously just say yes, and? Like we’re in the middle of an improv game?”
“It’s just a ring.” Tom shrugged it off to save himself from embarrassment. “What about it?”
“What about it?” You laughed in shock. “What kind of ring is it?”
Tom quieted down suddenly, at a loss for words in the middle of your screaming match. He realized he didn’t know how to answer your question, but he couldn’t leave you hanging, so he told you the best thing he could come up with.
“The finger kind.” He said quietly, making you let out a loud groan.
“I know it’s the finger kind.” You shouted. “But what’s it for?”
“Your finger?” Tom shrugged, making you hunch over to keep your composure. He knew he was dropping the ball so he quickly tried to redeem himself.
“I don’t understand the quest-“
“Were you going to propose to me?” You cut him off as you popped back up. All the other thoughts in Toms head went out the window as he remembered the original point of the conversation.
“Yes.” He said after a minute. “I was.”
“Tom.” You whispered through a smile. He smiled back, relishing in the happiness him proposing brought you.
“Hang on a minute.” He said before running out of the room. He returned soon with a velvet black box in his hand. You covered your mouth with your hands at the sight of the box, knowing exactly what it contained.
“I was gonna wait until our anniversary next week, but I guess the secrets kinda out.” He chuckled shyly as he walked up to you. You wiped a few tears away as you put your hands over his, rubbing his hand softly with your thumb.
“This wasn’t how I planned to ask you. I had a whole speech planned.” He said apologetically. “But I was never very good at keeping secrets. Seriously, there are like hours of content online just of me spoiling-“
“Yes.” You cut him off between sniffles.
“Yes?” He asked.
“Yes.” You repeated through a smile. “I will marry you.”
“You will?” His face lit up as his shaking hands struggled to open the box.
“I will.” You nodded repeatedly. Tom let out a shocked laugh as tears of joy streamed down his face. He finally got the box open and put the ring on your finger with trembling hands. You looked at it in admiration before pulling him into a long kiss. He instantly kissed you back, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist to keep you as close as possible. When you finally pulled away, you were both a mess of snot and tears.
“I got boogers on your face.” He grimaced as he wiped your face with the bottom of his shirt.
“It’s okay.” You chuckled. “I’ll be mad about it tomorrow, but I’m too happy right now. I’m so, so happy.”
“I am too.” He sniffled. “How should we celebrate?”
“I have an idea.” You smirked. “Champagne?”
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shoyosthighs · 3 years
1 Month Challenge
Hinata Shoyo X f!reader (SMUT 🔞)
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Sum: A challenge came up by Hinata before he leave for a month of intensive volleyball training 🤭 (timeskip MSBY Hinata)
Warnings: +18 MDI, dirty talk, unprotected sex, oral receiving (both ways), hard edging, dirty talk, daddy shoyo, 69, hard orgasm deny, creampie, basically really filthy smut
Word count: 2504 words
Author’s Note: Its been 8 years since I last written smut HAHA please spare me 😭 Im loving timeskip buff hinata currently and this plot is something similar I saw on p*rn so I decided to write it 🤭
“Sho! Have you packed all your stuff?” You shouted from the kitchen from you and Hinata’s apartment. Preparing breakfast for him before he leaves for his intensive training in Brazil with the MSBY team in an hour.
“Yes baby” Hinata whispered in your ears from behind while snaking his arms to your waist and pressing you to his chest. “Can you pass me the soy-sauce, I made your favorite” you kiss him on the cheek while preparing his favorite Japanese rice with raw egg and soy-sauce.
“What did I do to deserve you baby” he wipe his fake tear smiling at you while passing you the soy-sauce.
“Baby girl, remember to take care of yourself okay? I will be back in a month. I know your college exams are coming soon but without me reminding you to eat you wouldn’t eat, so please remember to eat okay?” You nodded while pouting, didn’t really want him to leave.
“I will tell Yams to check up on you too” he side-eye you, knowing you will forget to take care of yourself once you indulge yourself into studying. “You’re so nagging haha” you pass him a cup of ice chocolate while ruffling his hair.
“Anyway baby, before I leave let’s come up with a challenge?” he asked while helping you wash the dishes and drying it. He pulled you to the couch and sat down while pulling you onto his lap, straddling him.
“What’s up your sleeve again?” You run your hands cupping his head from behind and play with his fluffy orange hair. “You see, I will be gone for a month and we won’t get to fuck” he said in a teasing voice. Knowing him, your high sex drive boyfriend for 2 years he will be having this dirty thoughts 24/7.
“And yeah what about it?” You rest your cheek on his chest and hug his waist instead. “Don’t touch yourself for a month, and when I come back I will breed you till morning” he smirk at you. “Hey not fair, what about you?” Knowing his horny ass he will probably run to the bathroom to finish himself off, “Both of us, it’s a challenge for both of us”
“I am up for it, but can you?” You tease him back. “You bet” he kiss you on the lips while carrying you into your shared bedroom, breeding you for the last time before he leaves for training.
It was already the 3rd week since Hinata has gone for his intensive training in Brazil, he had been sending you photos of himself shirtless almost everyday, but a prominent outline of his hard dick is seen on this jersey pants in every picture.
my ninja sho❤️: Im sooo horny baby🙁 i wanna ruin you so bad 😘
you: shoyo… HAHAHAHAA just how hard are you 🤣🤣🤣
my ninja sho❤️: Just you wait, 1 more week and you won’t be able to walk after im done with you 🙃
you: 🤭🤭🤭🤭
Truth to be told, you was so close to touching yourself and relieving yourself, but you really wanted to see how long can you hold onto it. You busied yourself with studying, playing the new game you downloaded, eating lunch and having tea time with Yamaguchi in the cafe that you, Hinata, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima like to hang out in your free time. Yachi and Kageyama joined sometime too but Yachi has moved to Osaka for college and Kageyama was busy with travelling because of his volleyball career.
“So how are you coping without Shoyo?” Yamaguchi stop scrolling his phone, looked at you while sipping his frappe. “What do you mean?” You acted blur, you know what Yamaguchi was implying. But you didn’t want to remember anything of Hinata that will get you riled up.
“Oh come on, you two are the second horniest couple I have know. Well Tsukki and (tsukki’s gf name) being the first” he laughed since all of you had been friends since high school years.
“Not saying anything~~~~ don’t ask anymore before I tell your girlfriend you wanna get it” you smiled not hiding the intention of killing. “Jeez ok ok im kidding” he laughed while seeing his girlfriend of 4 years outside the cafe. You and Yamaguchi then meet her outside and walked home for a movie night.
Hinata had just landed into Japan, after getting into the van with the team he texted you to let you know that he will be home in 2 hours. You were eating dinner when your phone pinged, you replied him with a ‘Okie hurry up 😭’ you had missed him, 1 month without hugs from him was quite depressing for you, the house seems quiet without him singing loudly while showering.
You had brought a white crotchless underwear to surprise him, you quickly showered, change into an oversized white t-shirt and slip on the lewd panties. You turned on the tv while watching the 7pm show that you had been chasing since last week.
Time passed by quickly but you were getting sleepy, so you grab your blanket and wrap yourself on the couch snoozing off for a bit, thinking to have a 10 minutes nap before Hinata comes home. But your snooze was interrupted by Hinata’s loud “MY LITTLE BABY!!! YOUR FAVORITE ABS IS HOME!!!”
You jolted awake and rush to jump onto on Hinata, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. Luckily your shirt was long to cover your ass because Hinata’s quick reflex supported them before you could fall. “I miss you so much baby” you whispered lightly while peppering kisses around his neck.
“I miss you so much too” he put you down on the floor and wrap his arms around your waist and kisses your forehead, nose and lips. After the small reunion, Hinata was in the shower and you were on the bed thinking about the steamy night that was about to happen. Just before Hinata went to shower he whispered “Prepare to be ruin by my cock tonight my little slut” this little cheeky tangerine, you thought as you clenched your pussy getting excited.
Hinata’s hands were running up and down your body as soon as he came out of the bathroom naked, “What? Im gonna fuck you anyway, why bother wearing clothes hehe” he chuckled when you glance at him in disbelief. He was kissing you slipping his tongue in to taste you while pulling off your t-shirt, he knew you didn’t wore any bra so he when straight at sucking your nipple while toying the other, his other hand going straight down south, wanting to feel how wet you are outside your panties but was caught by surprise when he touched skin.
“Do you like my surprise?” you said softly to his ear. He glanced up at you, “You are driving me crazy holyshit” he pushed you down onto your shared bed, brought both your legs up and spread your thighs wide to look at his surprise. “You are so fucking wet, you’re literally drenched” he move down collected some of your arousal and show it to you, “Sho, stop it. It’s embarrassing” you cover your face with both hand. Who knew not touching yourself and not cumming for 1 month made you this wet just by kissing your boyfriend.
“If you don’t move your hands away now, you won’t be getting any dick tonight” he said sternly. You were quick to remove your hand and he chuckled at how desperate you are. “You better not hold back your moans if you want to get fucked tonight you little slut” he turned your hip sideways, slip your panties off and slapped your ass, you moaned feeling yourself clenched again. “Do you hear me?” Hinata slapped your ass again when you didn’t answer, “Yes daddy” you whimpered, feeling extremely horny by how Hinata is treating you. Its really been awhile.
Hinata placed you back on your back and spread your legs again, hands holding onto the back of your thighs and diving into your drenched pussy, “Oh fuck daddy it feels so good” you clench your fist onto the bedsheets, back arching. You had been eating pineapple for the past 3weeks in prepare for today, “Why do you taste sweeter than usual baby? Did you had pineapple or what?” He lifted his head up to look at you, man the sight of him wet chin, wet lips full of your juice. You just nodded and clenched your pussy feeling the lost of touch, Hinata look down and the sight of your cunt clenched while juices dripping down made him want to just take you right here right now, but he steadied himself and dive back down to your pussy slipping his tongue into your tight pussy, tasting everything you have to offer.
Not even a minute had pass but you were writhing under Hinata, “Im gonna cum daddy” you whimpered, arching your back and grinding your hips into Hinata’s face desperate for the first orgasm after a month. You almost screamed when Hinata lift his face off your wet aching pussy, “Tonight you are gonna cum on my cock and only my cock” you whimpered a small yes daddy, panicking a little. When Hinata is serious he won’t hesitate to deny you orgasm and you wouldn’t want that.
“Now come and suck daddy off before I fuck your brains out” he lay next to you and you didn’t hesitate to take his already hard cock around your hand slipping the head to your parted lips, Hinata glances sideways to see you still dripping from your pussy, he tapped your ass and you turn back to look at him, lips still on his cock. “Sit on my face” knowing he loves 69 you quickly lift one of your legs and drape it over his head. Shifting your drenched slick infront of his face you move your mouth down to take Hinata’s warm cock into your mouth, “Oh fuck, your mouth feel so good” at this point Hinata wants to see how long he and you could stand denying orgasms before snapping.
You were a hot mess above Hinata, he had denied your orgasm 5 times while you had denied him 3 because you took slower stroke to work him up. Your pussy is literally drenched and sticky, you really couldn’t take it anymore its starting to hurt and you really need to cum, “Daddy please fuck me I need your cock” you turned behind and look at him. “My favorite” he lift himself up and you got on all fours facing the headboard, back arched with your cheeks squish onto the pillow. “Please daddy i am so wet for you, I had been a good girl, I want your cock please”
Hinata thinking he too couldn’t hold it back anymore line up his cock up your pussy lips rubbing up and down to tease you for a bit, he chuckled when you whimpered another please daddy and slip in all the way. You were so tight despite how wet you was prior to the foreplay and its driving Hinata crazy by how warm and wet you felt. “Holyshit baby you are so tight and warm”
You couldn’t think straight, all you could think was if Hinata were to move a few times you will cum soon. He slowly slip out dragging his thick cock veins around your walls and then slamming it back, “Fuck daddy im gonna cum” he continue to slam his cock into your pussy and then pull out completely and look down at your pussy, you were literally sobbing by now you clenched onto nothing and grind your hips wanting Hinata to just fuck your brains out.
You subconsciously slip your finger between your legs to relieve some tension on your pussy but Hinata hold your fingers by your folds, using his hand he guide it and circle it on your hole, you whimpered at how drenched you were, “Look at you wet and horny for me, since you’re being such a good girl daddy won’t hold back anymore okay” He line his rock hard cock back on your pussy and slip in, “I want you to cum hard on my cock okay” he leaned down and you nodded, preparing for his brutal thrust. At his 5th thrust your pussy had clamp down his cock and had you squirting all over your leg, you didn’t had the chance to tell him you were coming, Hinata had to pull out and watch you squirt all over the bedsheet and thinking how fucking hot you were currently.
“Look at you, so desperate to cum that you squirted all over our bed. What a little slut” he was gripping your ass and had continued his fucking your brains out. Your pussy is clenching onto him for the 4th time cumming hard on his dick and he had emptied 3 load of cum into your womb by then, holding you down while shooting his load into you. He weren’t kidding when he say he wanted to breed you.
Your lower half was sore by midnight, Hinata was now lying down with you on top of him grinding and whimpering at how hard he still is, both of your cum making your lower body full of white stains. “Sho- I-I can’t-t im gonna cum again” you grind harder onto his cock while throwing your head back, “Me too baby” he thrust up and hold your hips making you fall to his chest taking in the loud skin slapping and wet squelching sound you both produced, “Shoyo omg please please please harder im so close” he feel your walls clenching hard on him again and you cum hard onto his cock again for the nth time tonight while he shoot his almost nonexistent cum into you again, he really unloaded everything with nothing left. Soft moans filled the room as you lift yourself off his finally limped dick and plopped yourself beside him catching your breath.
“Stay here while i prepare the bath for you okay” you gave him a tired smile and close your eyes for a bit still feeling your body hot from the activity. Hinata came back and gave you a kiss on your sweaty forehead and carried you bridal style to the bathtub filled with warm water with your favorite bath bomb scent.
Hinata was at the MSBY locker room the next afternoon for their short meeting/training regarding an upcoming match. He was shirtless was trying to put on his training jersey when Atsumu gasped, “HOLYSHIT SHOYO WHAT HAPPEN TO YOUR BACK?” All he could do was smile sheepishly and said “My little cat scratch me”
You weren’t spare either, you had to call Yamaguchi telling him you were sick the next morning because of how sore you were and you were literally limping even going to the bathroom. And had to cover the hickeys around your neck before going to school.
(A/N:It’s literally almost 4am here and Im also drenched after writing this fic, I HOPE YOU ENJOY 😭😭😭 reblog and comments welcomed ❤️)
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gloryofluv · 3 years
Situations that end with MC Walking Away Brothers and Datables (-Luke)
This is supposed to be funny, humorous, fluffy, and teasing. Obviously, insinuations are there.
I didn't do Luke because you shouldn't walk away from children or dogs. Haha! No, really, I just didn't want to do one for him so apologies.
MC walked into the library to see Lucifer. He hadn’t seen them as he turned over several books on random shelves. He also took books from one shelf and placed them on other shelves. MC watched for two minutes before clearing their throat.
“What are you doing?” MC asked.
Lucifer jumped and turned around with an eyebrow raised. “Nothing, and if I were you, I’d keep this to yourself.”
MC shakes their head and leaves. So Satan was right. Lucifer goes out of his way to fuck with him.
MC was walking by the bathroom and stopped at the door after hearing someone wailing.
Wait… that was Mammon singing that song they played for him. Treasure by Bruno Mars. How fucking cute! MC ducks closer to the door and smiles brightly. Damn, he was cute. Was he singing about them?
MC sneakily opens the door to see Mammon in the bathtub. He was holding up Goldie and singing. Ugh.
MC moves to shut the door, but he sees. “MC, wait! It’s not what it looks like!”
Moving down the hallway as fast as they can, Mammon was trying to hold up his towel. “Wait! MC! Come on!”
Leviathan showed MC his recent picture compilations he was creating for TSL and Rui-chan on his editing software. It was impressive.
Levi gets up to retrieve a figure he modeled one of the frames out of when MC clicks the other project he had minimized. Oh, boy, they shouldn’t have done that.
“MC, I have the,” he stopped dead.
The project was massively just about MC. Quite a few of the shots were of them together. He even had little hearts littering the frames.
“Levi, I love you, but I have to go,” MC murmured with the brightest blush and left the room.
MC and Satan decide to go to the cat shelter. They were petting all the cats and feeding them treats. It was all in all a great day.
However, when MC glances over at Satan, where he’s ducked down to a pair of kittens, he was holding up his hand, and their little paws would touch his palm.
“Good, one more time,” Satan said.
“W-what are you doing?” MC asked.
Satan glanced over with wide eyes. “Teaching them to high five…” he trailed off.
MC put their hands on their cheeks and walked out of the room. All of this to hide the incredible blush and giddy laughter they were suppressing.
MC was skipping up to Asmo’s room to tell him about this sale. It was awesome, and he was going to obsess.
However, when they opened the door, they regretted it. Asmo was making out pretty hardcore with Solomon on the bed. Appalled? Shocked? MC didn’t know which.
“There’s always room for my other human!” Asmo giggled when he caught sight of MC.
Solomon covered his face. “Asmodeus, really.”
MC clapped a hand over their mouth and turned in a mechanical fashion before retreating.
“I’m never opposed to a humane threesome!” Asmo called after them.
MC was working out with Beel. Well, more that he was working out, and they were putting chips in his mouth. It was a very gratifying experience. Both would laugh and enjoy this ridiculous routine.
It was all going like a well-oiled machine. Well… until Beel bit MC’s finger. Now it wasn’t that hard, but hard enough to make them jerk backward.
“Oh, MC, I’m sorry!” Beel puffed as he stopped his pushups.
MC took their finger to their mouth and grumbled. “That hurt, but I’m okay. You won't hurt me again, Beel.”
“Did Beel try to eat you like in your dream? I was hoping for screams and not whimpers,” Belphie murmured with a smirk as he turned over on his bed.
MC turned beyond what was considered red on the color spectrum. “I gotta go,” they rushed out and climbed off the floor.
“Wait, MC, I promise I won’t eat you!” Beel shouted as he rushed after them.
“Or he’ll try lower!” Belphie snickered.
MC was relaxing with Belphie in the sitting room. He was resting against their shoulder, and MC’s legs were over his lap. It was a typical evening of lazy bones being lazy cuddle buddies.
Asmo scrunched his nose while walking into the room. “It’s really unfair,” he started.
MC glanced over. “What?”
“Why is Belphie always getting to sleep with you! You never sleep with me!” He cried while crossing his arms.
“Because I do it better, Asmo. MC likes to be on top,” Belphie murmured through sleep.
MC’s eyes grew as Asmo rolled his. “Yeah, sure, like anyone would believe you fuck better than me.”
“What do you think the pillow is for? Muffled cries,” Belphie smiled over at Asmo.
MC puffed and stood up, nearly toppling over the table. Their hands landed on it for balance.
“Thank you for assuming the position, MC,” Belphie chuckled.
Needless to say, MC bolted from the room with bright mortification.
Magic. Always magic and human experiences. Today was no exception while they were practicing in the sitting room at Purgatory Hall.
They were working on transformative magic. Advanced and complicated.
“Now, watch, the strings will change to bracelets,” Solomon declared as he performed the spell.
MC bobbed their head as the white string did change into silver bracelets. “Cool.”
Simeon glanced over from his book. “Always talented, Solomon.”
Luke looked up from his phone and seemed wholly unamused by the situation.
“Now, it’s your turn.”
MC made the gesture and sputtered on the words. Instead of the string on their wrists turning into bracelets, they coiled around their hands and connected in a binding. MC gasped and struggled as they tried to climb off the ground.
“I didn’t realize you liked being tied up. I would have offered in private,” Solomon teased.
MC’s cheeks filled with blood and tripped as they moved toward the exit of the room.
“Solomon!” Simeon groaned.
Solomon was laughing. “I didn’t mean it. Well, maybe just a little, MC.”
They didn’t give him the chance to tease them anymore. MC struggled with the front door and began to march down the path.
“MC, you look like a demon meal like that! Come back,” Solomon called out, trying to catch them scurrying off. He laughed while following them all the way back to House of Lamentation.
They were cooking together because he offered lessons. MC was always happy to help and learn to perfect a skill.
“Very good,” Barbatos nodded at MC finishing the sauce.
“Thanks, Barbatos. You’re going to get me cooking well enough to put any human to shame,” MC laughed.
“Maybe, but you were a proficient cook beforehand,” Barbatos said.
“I’ll have to cook for you sometime. Just tell me what you’d like to eat,” MC smiled.
Barbatos blushed and cleared his throat. “Anything you would like to make, MC. It isn’t often someone would like to return the favor for me.”
MC glanced over to see Barbatos had turned to the large pot on the stove. “I mean it. Whatever you want, Barbatos. I’d like to do something nice for you.”
“Why don’t you go see if we have any fresh greens?” He murmured.
MC scowled at the demon but agreed. They walked to the other side of the kitchen and went into the fridge. Glancing at the side, MC could see Barbatos subtly wiping his eyes through the reflection.
“Hey, Barbatos, I’m going to run to the restroom. I’ll be right back,” MC said and left the kitchen.
“Thank you,” Barbatos murmured as they left.
Diavolo and MC were walking together through RAD as Barbatos trailed. They were on the way to a meeting, and MC was headed to lunch. This was usual, rare, but something not out of the norm. He would get his human questions in during these moments.
“MC, I heard the oddest thing from Asmodeus the other day,” Diavolo declared.
“What did he say now?” MC questioned with suspicion.
“There’s this game that you and he play. It has to do with figures of some sort,” Diavolo hummed.
“Figures?” MC asked.
Diavolo tapped his chin and glanced back. “Barbatos, what was it called again?”
“Daddy or Uncle energy, I believe, my lord,” Barbatos said while stifling a smile.
“Ah, yes, that one. Is this one of those parental human games?” Diavolo inquired while staring at MC.
Ded. one hundred percent. “No, um, Lord Diavolo, I gotta go,” MC puffed and tried to gesture toward the cafeteria.
“Wait, but he said you saw me as a father type? That’s very sweet,” Diavolo beamed with the smallest hint of mischief.
“Bye, Lord Diavolo! Bye, Barbatos!” MC rushed out and sprinted toward the cafeteria.
“I just wanted to say thank you,” Diavolo called after them with a bout of laughter.
Asmo was killed later that night. (Not really, but it could happen…)
Simeon and MC were in the kitchen of Purgatory Hall, baking. They had just finished the batter for the fingerprint cookies with a celestial recipe. Simeon was his usual serene self.
“Simeon, how long are these going to take?” MC questioned with the timer in hand.
“Put the timer on for fifteen minutes, and we’ll check then. I still am not confident that Solomon doesn’t tinker with the oven for experiments,” Simeon laughed.
MC set the timer and grinned. “I wouldn’t put it past him.”
“He is a very unique human,” Simeon noted with a smile.
MC laughed while picking up the towel on the counter. “Here, let me help you clean up. You have some flour on your face.”
Simeon bent enough so that MC could clear his features of the flour, all the while beaming. It was a very cozy experience to bake with the angel. He took the towel from MC’s hand and nodded.
“Let me assist. You have some as well,” he noted and wiped their cheeks with soft swipes.
Simeon’s eyes were focused on the task.
“Simeon! Solomon took my hat for a spell again!” Luke yelled as he walked into the room.
MC jumped and accidentally pressed their lips to the space just next to Simeon’s mouth. “Oh, my God!” MC puffed and bounced back.
That just made it even worse. MC clapped a hand over their mouth and rushed from the room. Fire was cooler than their face. How were they ever going to explain that?
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Denied - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Cursing, Fluff, Crack, slice of life
Summary: Bakugou taught Eri how to swear....Y/N found out.
For the past 2 weeks, Mr. Aizawa had been having staff meetings back to back and as a result, you and Bakugou have been babysitting Eri. Or more so, you have been babysitting Eri but Bakugou being your boyfriend, he’s usually around. Don’t worry though, like the good boyfriend he is, he usually helps.
Over time, Eri has grown very fond of you and Katsuki. Matter of fact, she loved you both so much, the second she found out you two were dating, she ended up calling you “Mom” and “Dad.” It was adorable, really, and the entire class saw the 3 of you as a little family. Bakugou couldn’t fight the blush that grew on his face everytime Eri called him “Dad” but he got used to it. Now, the two of you even refer to her as your daughter.
Now being around the little girl so much, she has grown to copy some of your behavior and traits. For example, she takes after your love for dance and singing. She’s also learned to play with makeup after watching you apply it so many times. With Bakugou, she’s learned how to defend herself more and be a little more confident. Sadly, she is exposed to his vulgar mouth and attitude and therefore picks up on that a lot. And once you found out, hell broke loose.
It was a casual Saturday at the dorms. Some students went home for the weekend while a lot happened to stay behind. Visiting the dorms was sweet little Eri and you were currently having a little play date with her in the common area. Usually, Bakugou would be there with you and her but he’s having his bro time with the boys of the Bakusquad. Understandable. Just means more Eri for you.
Eri was currently drawing a little doodle on some scrap paper while you snacked on apple slices and played on your phone. The white haired girl was filling in her yellow sun when she accidentally split the paper.
“Shit.” She cussed. She didn’t cry at the ruined drawing but she did sigh in disappointment before grabbing a fresh piece of paper.
You on the other hand choked on your fruit slice once your heard the word come out of her mouth. You didn’t bother asking her where she learned the new word. You already knew.
“Eri, sweetie. Stay here for a sec’ okay? I’m gonna go find Dad and talk to him for a bit.” You said with a smile as you got up from your seat on the couch.
“Dad? Ouu, can I go too? I wanna see Dad.” She said with excitement. You smiled at her cute behaviour and ran your fingers through her hair.
“Sorry love, but Dad is in trouble right now. He doesn’t deserve to see his precious little Eri.” You said. She laughed and nodded her head before going back to her drawing. You walked away and once you were out of sight, you dropped your smile and a pair of angry eyes along with a scowl formed on your face. “Oh, Daddy is in so much trouble.”
Bakugou was currently in his dorm room with Sero, Kirishima, and Kaminari. They were all going at it with each other on Mario Kart until Bakugou’s spidey senses started kicking in.
“Do you guys feel that?” He asked, stopping his movements on the controller. He looked towards the door and he could hear faint footsteps coming towards them.
“What’re you talking about bro?” Kirishima asked as he stopped his game to look at his friend. Kaminari did the same and grew nervous at the frantic look on Bakugou’s face.
“Woah! What’s with that look?” Kaminari asked the shaking man. Bakugou was trembling as he had an idea of who was coming.
“I’m gonna die,” the ash blonde whispered out but still remained loud enough for his friends to hear.
“B-Bakugou! What’s going on?!” Sero asked as he stood up.
“S-Somethings coming!” Bakugou shouted in fear. His friends watched as the bravest guy in the world stood in fear and trembled as he carefully watched the door. Loud footsteps could be heard coming closer and closer and so naturally out of fear, the 3 hid behind the blonde who owned the room.
“What is?!” Kirishima asked.
“Something lethal!” Bakugou replied in fear as he took a step back. The footsteps got louder and louder causing the friends to freak out even more.
“What is coming?! BAKUGOU, WHAT IS COMING?!” Kaminari shouted in fear.
“The devil herself..” The footsteps got louder, got closer, until eventually..they stopped. The 4 friends watched the door until it was busted open to reveal and angry Y/N. “My girlfriend....EXCEPT SHE’S PISSED!”
“KATSUKI BAKUGOU!” You screamed at the trembling blonde who was in front of his cowering friends.
“Wait, wait, wait!” The blonde shouted with his hands up. “....Can I get a head start?”
“Denied.” You bluntly said.
“Figures. RUN!” Bakugou said to his friends. With the dorm room being so small, the 4 friends had nowhere to go. In a bold move, they ran to the exit that you were currently standing in and pushed you out of the way, breaking free from your sight.
“Pathetic.” You said and slanted your eyes at the friends as they ran down the hall. You followed after them and chased them all around the dormitory. From the 4th floor, to the 3rd, to the staircase, to the 1st floor (avoiding Eri), and back up to the 2nd.
The friends all ran together in a group, thinking there would be safety in numbers. They ran together for a good amount of time before a realization came to Kaminari.
“Wait a minute! She’s not after us! She’s pissed at Bakugou!” The electric blonde said while running.
“So, what? Do we ditch him?” Sero asked while they all continued to run.
“Yes!” Kaminari said. The wanted blonde looked to the other blonde in anger.
“What?! You idiots can’t just abandon me!” He said. Kaminari was going to respond until they heard a voice behind them.
“Katsuki!” You screamed. The friends turned around as they continued to run and saw you right on their tail.
“AHHHH!!!!” They all screamed.
“Sorry man! We like living!” Kirishima said.
“Well so do I!” The blonde replied. His best friend just shrugged his shoulders before answering.
“SCATTER!” He said to the other 2 and Bakugou’s 3 friends all went separate ways. Just like they planned, you ignored them and followed your boyfriend’s trail.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! FUCK! FU-“
“SHUT UP KATSUKI!” You said before jumping onto him and tacking him to the ground. You pinned your boyfriend to the floor and he didn’t even open his eyes to look at you.
“ImSorryForEverythingIDidISwearI’llFindAWayToMakeItUpToYouTeddyBear,YouAreTheLoveOfMyLifeAndYou’reSoBeautifulAndILoveTheOutfitYou’reWearing,YouLookBeautifulInEverythingPrincess,I’mSorryIBrokeYourGivenchySunglassesAndBlamedItOnDunceFaceI’llBuyYouNewOnes,ISwear!ILoveYou!” He blurted out with his head facing the other way to ‘dodge’ your attack he assumed you were going to throw.
You sighed and rolled your eyes before getting off of Bakugou and helping him stand to his feet. “Okay, first of all, thank you for the compliments and I love you too baby,” you said and pecked his cheek. “Second, the reason why I’m so mad is because Eri learned a new word today. She fucked up the paper she was drawing on, and cussed. I wonder where she picked that up from..Katsuki.”
Your boyfriend only laughed nervously while shrugging and you sighed some more while throwing your head back. “Okay look, I would punish you, but I’m too tired from all that running and I’m pretty sure all the adrenaline and fear you were feeling before is punishment enough.”
The blonde nodded his head quickly like a puppy trying to agree.
“Just, don’t do it again Suki. Please? At least try to restrain yourself around Eri.” You said. Bakugou nodded again and you huffed before opening your arms up for him. He smiled and quickly took the offering. He held you in his embrace and peppered your face in quick kisses.
“Thank you!” He replied with gratitude. You smiled at him and took his hand to lead him to the common rooms. He happily followed and took a seat on the couch with you, where Eri finally noticed his presence.
“Mom! Dad! You’re back!” Your “daughter” said as she jumped the two of you on the couch. Bakugou pulled her into his lap so you could all be together.
“Listen kid, there’s gonna be a few words that’ll occasionally slip out of my mouth from time to time and it’s important for you to not say them. Okay?” Bakugou said to the little girl.
“Okay! But what are the words?” She asked him. Bakugou just chuckled and placed a hand on her head before speaking.
“We’ll speak about that next time, for now just get back to playing.” He said.
“Okay!” Was all she said before jumping off his lap and going back to her crayons. You scooted closer to Katsuki and squeezed his hand that you were still holding. This grabbed his attention and he turned and placed a quick kiss on your lips before throwing his arm around your shoulder. You leaned into his touch and you both cuddled up on the couch. Some time passed and you both talked, watched Eri, and played around with her until you two cuddled up again and you turned to ask him a question.
“So...about my Givenchy Sunglasses,” you questioned him. Bakugou froze up in fear again before releasing a nervous chuckle.
Tag list: @sxcker4you @aomi04 @tessabrown101
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bloodycassian · 3 years
Hot Spring
Fem!Reader x Cassian smut - the long awaited hot spring fic. N S F W
Three days of flying. Three days of frozen wasteland wind on your wings. Your body ached. It didn't bother to shiver anymore. Cassian was coasting lower and lower, his feet nicking the tips of trees before he lifted himself back up. You could tell his wings were stiff too.  "Break." You called weakly, your shoulders were pulling inwards. It was well past time for a stop. "Thank the Mother." You heard him mutter ahead. You smiled. He hated being to first to call for break. You could tell you were drawing closer to the Middle each day, but you had opted to take a wide berth around the mountain. It added a day to the trip. A day of pelting ice against your sore body and wings.  "I'll get some wood." He said once you landed. He flared his wings out, groaning at the strain. You watched the massive arches of them fold back in slowly, and felt the relief of it second hand. His face was blissful when he opened his eyes. He grinned tiredly and headed to the forest to collect branches. You couldn't ignore the way that groan ignited a bit of heat between your legs. You were grateful he left before he could scent it on you. You tried gathering as many small dry sticks and tinder as you could. After the storm that had hit, it was difficult. You dusted off your hands on your pants and sighed, not bothering to make a fire pit. It would likely not be happening with such damp timber.  His yell made you jolt upright. "Cass?" You called. Your voice seemed muffled against the trees. Too quiet, too alone. Your heart stuttered with the adrenaline kicking in. No response from him. You started to run, tearing through ferns and branches as you went. Some vines cut your palms but you kept calling for him. "Cass!?" He was grinning when you found him. Stupidly, gleefully grinning. "What the hell Cass?" You breathed, your body aching. The run was exhausting. You legs strained to keep you up after jumping over so many obstacles. He began pulling off his tunic, to which you cleared your throat, trying to excuse yourself to look away. Embarassment stained your cheeks. "Dont be shy, come on." He waved you over, noting the way he took off his pants like he was ready to fu-You cut off the thought before it could spawn more wicked ones. You squinted over his shoulder, following his finger. Then you burst into chaotic laughter.  He was fully naked by the time he reached the steaming pool of water. A sight that you wished you could save in your memory forever. His tanned muscled body moving so gently to ease into the water. You followed him in with ease, the rushing heat in your veins from the sight of him making it much easier to undress with him there. You were again grateful for the distance between you. You prayed he didnt catch a whiff of your pheromones before you entered the water. You wanted to keep it strictly professional with him, despite the attraction you felt there. Besides that, he acted plainly uninterested daily.  You did catch the slight color change of his cheeks when you dipped into the spring though. + The hot spring was steaming against the cold air. Snow melted a few feet above the heat rising. The murky water was just big enough to fit you and Cassian fully, wings out. Soaking them was a relief enough to make you groan when you stepped in. Cassian had done the same, flexing his wings out and sighing once fully submerged.   It was a comfortable space... or it would have been, if you were clothed. Your leg bumped his and you felt embarrassment and anxiety race to your cheeks. You looked to the snow covered trees around you, avoiding eye contact. Avoiding acknowledging that you were both within feet of each other, naked.  Thankfully, the storm seemed to break after a few minutes in the hot spring. The winds no longer whipped at your exposed skin, and birds began singing in the trees far in the distance. The skies were dark still, a looming threat of more ice or rain.  "We need to leave first thing in the morning." Cassian sighed, wiping water from his face. He splashed some on his neck. Making his tanned skin gleam in the overcast light coming through. You swallowed hard, trying not to stare at him. At his exposed skin or the biceps that flexed while he massaged his shoulders. "We dont need to talk about that right now." You dismissed, sinking further down in the water. His leg bumped yours again and you tried your best to ignore it. The water rippled around your hands when you lifted them to your hair, rinsing it without getting it fully soaked.  "You're gonna freeze when we get out of here." He laughed, making the water ripple. You didnt care, the water felt better than anything you'd ever experienced. Your hair could fall off for all you cared. Your wings sung in approval at the heat soaking into them. Your bones felt finally at ease. You must have made a sound of approval, because Cassian cleared his throat and looked away nervously. "What's the matter General?" You laughed, giddy on the feeling of warmth again. "Afraid of-" He cut you off with a dark stare before you could continue.  "Afraid of you attracting some wild male beast to us? A bit yes." He adjusted his legs again and you didnt miss the way he seemed to turn his lower half away from you. You smiled wickedly. His cheeks went red. "And you're not a wild male beast?" You asked, voice low. Maybe it was the water, but warmth not only surrounded you but was creeping between your legs even more than before. You could feel him staring at you, could feel the heat that seemed to bore into you with his eyes. Your eyes locked with his and his flared, only slightly. Wings tucked in, and he straightened himself in the hot bath. His nipples hardened in the cold air.  "Is that what you think of me?" His voice was deeper, it rumbled down your spine in a way that made your toes curl.  You dared not answer, that wicked grin on his face made you want to challenge him. "What if I did?"  That was all he needed. He stood, the water steaming off him in the cold. The water barely covered his hipbones, and you tried your hardest not to glance any further down. "I guess I'd just have to prove it to you." He came close to you, and leaned down. Close enough you could feel his warm breath against your cold cheek. Your skin flushed. Then he shook his damp hair out right there. Splashing you with cold droplets. You shielded yourself and glared. When he straightened and tilted his head back to laugh you rose, caught his hair in a hand and yanked his head back. You didnt think about what you were exposing until his hands were on your hips. Balancing you together. your gaze flew to his throat, how it bobbed when before he spoke. You could barely hear him over your heart pounding in your ears. His thumbs dug into you slightly, squeezing in such a gentle delicate way. "I'd say you might like this. Having control." His eyes were dark, and the slight color in his cheeks made your breath almost knock out of you at the words. "And what if I do?" "Then I'd say do whatever. You cant break me." You loosened your grip in his hair and he posed over you, hovering. Waiting to strike. Waiting for your approval to do so. You traced a finger from his chin, down his neck, to his perfectly sculpted chest and abs... Then lower. You didn't touch his hardness, not yet. You teased, tracing your fingers around his most sensitive areas. Around his thighs under the water, the soft curve of his ass. He hissed at the lack of touch. You pressed closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.  He stuck. In a frenzy he took your chin and angled your lips to him. His tongue entered your mouth in a slow, delicate way that did not match how his body moved. He wrapped his arms around you and hauled you up, out of the pool with ease. His growl of approval when you pulled on his hair again sent flutters down your stomach.  He brought you to a nearby cave, ducking under thick shrubbery that covered the entrance. He never stopped kissing you. It was surprisingly warm inside, and the bag he had carried lay beside a few rocks set up for a fire. "I thought you were looking for firewood, not a place to stay." You scolded between his soft lips meeting yours.  "I figured you'd appreciate this more." He breathed a shaky laugh and set you down, guiding you gently to the floor. He practically drooled at the sight of you splayed before him, and his hands traced your thighs with surprising delicacy that you were beginning to expect of him. "I'll show you what a wild male can do." He purred, then began kissing down your stomach. He lapped a tongue over your hipbones, one lick over each side. His cock twitched at the reaction he earned from you.  Gods he didnt know how much he really wanted you until this finally happened. He didnt think just being naked with you would make him so needy. It was a struggle not to take you then and there, but he wanted to enjoy the sensations. He wanted to make your time alone last. He wanted to make you scream and beg on his tongue. He wanted this potential one time opportunity be worth it. He pinched one of your nipples, rolling it in his fingers. You let you a soft moan, and he cursed. "Cassian-" You breathed when his other hand slid between your legs. He cupped you, his fingers playing softly with the folds of your wetness. "Fuck baby-" He sighed, trying to ignore the aching of his cock.  His thick fingers teased your entrance. You ground down on him, begging for any sort of friction. The heat your pussy throbbed with was begging for anything he could give. "So impatient." He tisked, but finally relented. He pushed a finger inside you, curling it ever so slightly. "Mother above... you're so tight." He palmed his cock, spreading the precum over his length.
His dark hair tickled your belly when he lowered his lips to you, circling over your clit. You bucked into him, begging for more. He flattened it against you, testing, teasing. All the ways he wanted to play with you, and he didnt have the time. The patience to do it. He cursed the Cauldron and the Mother herself for such an unfortunately timed opportunity. He lapped at you finally, in rhythm with his pulsing finger. 
You could have screamed, you could have begged for more and more and more to be inside you. But you didn't want to give him the satisfaction so early. You eyed his cock, and reached for it. Before you could grasp his thick length though, He hauled you upward. lifting your bottom half off the ground and pulled you to his mouth, drinking you in so deeply that he hoped the taste of you would never leave his tongue. 
Your hips bucked into him, and his finger pulled out gently. He held you to him, his tongue darting inside your pussy and lapping at it. He hummed in approval, like a starving male. "I'm going to-" You panted, feeling yourself get closer and closer to coming with each passing of his tongue over you. Then he stopped. Abruptly, as if he knew how close you were and wanted to really make you burn. Your broken sigh of displeasure was quickly cut off by his tongue entering your mouth, spreading your own juices on you. It was sloppy, and fast. He laid down and pulled you over him. 
Straddling his hips, you drug your nails down his chest in a long slow line. He smiled wickedly, and his hands palmed your ass. "Do whatever you want, baby. I'll take care of you." He promised. You hummed in approval and pushed back against his cock, teasing his head at your entrance. "Mother above..." He sighed, feeling the heat there. Your core coiled, begging to take him right there. But you wanted to torture him as he had done to you. 
You slid down, and lowered your mouth to his tip. His scent mixed with yours in the filthiest of ways, and it made you go into a frenzy of heat. Burning more than before, you took his cock in your mouth in one go. You let his spit mixed with yours slide down his cock, and palmed his balls. He panted, and his ass tensed, trying to push deeper into your mouth. You held him down, and pulled up from his length enough to catch his eyes. "Fuck-" he moaned, and his head landed back on the stone under you. A spurt of precome slicked his tip, and you hummed around him. 
"Get up." He pulled at your hair, his hands flying to your hips and placing you perfectly over his cock. "I need you." He said, voice a gravely tone. You smiled, enjoying the words and the sight of him so flustered. You couldn't deny you were on the verge of breaking down too. 
"What do you say?" You said, lowering on to him ever so slowly. He sucked in a sharp breath and groaned when you stopped halfway down his incredible length. "Please-" He begged. "Please fuck me. Please. I need you." The words made you melt fully. And you seated yourself on him, like a lock sliding into place. He filled you so perfectly so right. It made your head spin with pleasure. You rode him, slowly at first, adjusting to his size. Then, hard and fast and held yourself up for him to fuck into you. Mutters of dirty words and promises of more more more had you panting. He sucked on your chest, leaving a dark mark on your collarbone.  "You're going to kill me." He sighed, gripping your hips tighter. He flipped your bodies, gently guiding you below him. The cold stone against your back brought goosebumps to your arms. His thumb circled your clit as he slid slowly, in and out of you. Adjusting again to the new position.  You could feel your mixed wetness coating your ass, and sliding on the smooth cave floor. You'd never been so wet in your life. You writhed with pleasure below him, angling your hips so he could hit that sensitive spot over and over again. He started thrusting faster, hissing when your nails sliced down his back. He grunted, feeling you tighten around him. You knew you wouldn't last with him fucking you like that. You placed a hand on his chest, and he slowed. "I'm going to come if you keep-" He shook his head and smiled "Come with me baby, I'm close too." He started at the previous pace again, but this time he lifted your hips, angling even deeper inside you.  You could have blacked out with the pleasure of it. The immense feeling of your climax roaring to life. He could feel it too, the way your insides tightened with each brush over your gspot. And it only got him closer. His cock ached, his balls ready to release. But he waited, he wanted to feel you coming on his cock. He watched your eyes flutter and pinch closed, the way your red lips formed a perfect oval. And then the crashing of your orgasam squeezing him. He couldn't hear himself with the roaring in his ears, but he knew he was loud was loud. His head tilted back, and he let himself go.
You came, hard. You walls clenching around him so he couldnt stop even if he wanted to. He spilled inside you, the tension in his belly finally releasing and spurting inside your heat. You milked him for all he had, and even after he was spent and shaking with his release he still slowly slid in and out of you. He rested his shaking hands on either side of your head, giving you a weak smile.  Then, the breath was stolen from him. His eyes met yours and you froze. It was cataclysmic. Like a mountain crumbling in front of you, you could not look away. His eyes shone, wide and bright at his newfound perspective. "I-" He stammered, and his shaking worsened. 
You didnt know what to do. Your hands shook as well when you took his face and brought him down to kiss you. The golden light of the newfound bond shimmered in your mind. 
"My mate-" You finally made the words come out, astonishment disappearing. What replaced it was utter joy. Complete happiness that made your previous experiences with joy seem like stone faced indifference. The feeling of love poured from you so heavily it dwarfed the fear, the paranoia, the sadness over it possibly being over with him. Because it would never be over. You would always be destined together, linked on a cosmic level. Even if it didnt work out, that didn't change he was your mate.
"It makes so much more sense now." He laughed, his trembling fingers pushing hair out of your face. "That's why I could never stay away. I thought I was being a creep." 
You laughed. "A mate is creepy enough. But I'm glad its just you." You pushed his hair back, and pulled him down to lay on you. You fell asleep like that, for a long while. curled around each other in the cave filled with the warmth from your bodies.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
maybe like a part 2 where the reader was a singer!
but maybe like everyone in the marvel cast goes to the sweetener world tour to suprised them n congratulate them?
Thank you for the request, hun! I appreciate you for reading my other stuff and suggesting a part 2! Now that I think about it, I might make the whole singer thing into its own series of imagines and headcanons! Just a thought🥰 Happy reading!❤️
A/n: I’ve never been to an Ari concert, so I don’t know the set list, but enjoy my loves❤️
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(She’s so pretty ugh)
You looked at yourself in the mirror. You leaned forward making sure your makeup was all good and to check if your lipstick has smeared onto your face.
“Everything good, hun?” Your makeup artist, Perrie, chirped from behind you. You took a step back, getting one more look.
“Yes Ma’am.” You turned to her and she was holding up the familiar bottle of setting spray.
“One more spray for good measure.” She motioned for you to close your eyes and you did. You breathed in through your nose as you felt the vibrations of the arena. The mix of the music playing out on stage mixed with the cheering of your fans added to your adrenaline.
The tour was finally at Inglewood, California, the last stop of the Sweetener World Tour. You had been traveling around the world for the past 10 months, performing every night in a different country or state. As tiring as it sounded, you absolutely loved the experience. Not only were you traveling and seeing new places, you were meeting your fans from different countries and doing what you loved. After 101 shows and 3 tour legs, it was finally coming to an end. The ending of tour was always bittersweet. You’ve been traveling with multiple people and crew who have grown to be another family. You were going to miss them so much but it was time for you to go back home to your real family. Not only have you missed your parents and siblings, but you also needed the rest. 10 months of nonstop traveling definitely took a toll on you. But nonetheless, it was all worth it.
“All done!” You opened your eyes to see Perrie smiling at you.
“Thank you so much!” You pulled her into a hug as your eyes began to water. You groaned playfully and tilted your head back.
“I’m gonna miss you doing my makeup everyday. Ugh, I haven’t even gone out on stage yet and I’m crying already.” You laughed through tears as Perrie began to protest.
“(Y/n), I swear if you mess up your makeup, you’re never going to hear the end of it. Cry later!” She laughed as she tried to get you to stop the tears from falling.
She gripped onto your arms and yelled, “NO TEARS LEFT TO CRY REMEMBER?” You bursted out laughing at her reference. You waved your hands at your eyes and when they finally felt normal, you looked straight.
“Okok, I think I’m good.” You released a breath as you smiled sweetly at her, “I love you!” You giggled pulling her into another hug.
“I love you too, darling. Have fun out there, you’re going to do amazing like always.” She squeezed you tight before letting you go. Victoria, one of your dancers and friend, peaked her head into the room.
“You ready? They’re waiting for you in the circle.” She informed you holding a hand out. The circle was like a pre-show ritual you had backstage with all the dancers and crew. You took her hand as you all walked out the makeup room. Your heels clicked against the floors, echoing in the hallway. The closer you got to the stage the louder the fans got and the stronger the vibrations got.
The circle was already gathered with all the dancers and crew. When Scott, another one of your dancers and friend, noticed you he began to cheer. Everyone followed along as you entered the circle. You were tucked in between Scott and Brian, who were twins. The two have been your dancers since the beginning and still are how many years later. You were truly grateful for them and everyone who was included in your Sweetener family.
“Damn. Last show ya’ll!” You began causing them to all cheer. You waited till they quieted down, shyly laughing, before continuing.
“Um, I don’t wanna get all emotional and shit right before going on stage. I’m gonna look like a mess out there with my mascara running down my face. Perrie I’m sorry!” You laughed. “I just wanna say, thank you to every single one of y’all. You guys have been the most fucking amazing people to work with. You guys have been working day and night to make the show as spectacular as it is and I love you all so much. You guys are my family and I can’t wait to write another album so I can tour with y’all again. I just want to hug every single one of you, you guys mean so much to me. Like literally, from the bottom of my heart I love all of you so much. I know I’ve said that like multiple times, but I really mean it. Y’all are gonna get a fatass check after this.” You finished making everyone laughing again. By now a few tears have made its way down your face. You even saw a few people’s eyes well up.
You laughed as you heard a chorus of “I love yous” as everyone squeezed in for a group hug.
“Alright! That’s enough crying, let’s get this show on the road!” You cheered to help everyone from crying. Everyone moved out the circle and got into places.
Before you can get in place, Perrie pulled you aside to fix up your makeup. Your stylists began smoothing out your skirt and making sure your knee high boots were securely on. Next was to get your earpiece on while one of the stage hands gave you your mic. From backstage you could hear the intro to the concert playing causing the fans to scream louder.
You got into place as you got the signal to start singing. You sang the opening lyrics of Raindrops (An Angel Cried) and began to smile as your fans sang along.
The platform began to move up when you finished and the beat of God Is A Woman began to play. You were now on the stage, the sea of white lights looking back at you. The adrenaline was still running through your veins. You performed the song, acing every move of the dance you’ve learned 10 months ago.
When the last note of God Is A Woman played, all the lights turned off except for the red lights on the stage.
“INGLEWOOD!” You yelled into your mic, your fans cheering even louder than before. You shared an excited smile with Brian.
“Welcome to the Sweetener World Tour!” And with that the opening notes of Bad Idea began to play, the show finally kicking off.
You were in the middle of singing R.E.M which was part of Act 2 of the concert. You moved towards the pit to see familiar faces beaming up at you.
“Boy, you’re such a drea— oh my god!” You squealed as you saw the pit full of your Marvel cast mates. You saw all the Chris’, both of the Tom’s, Robert, Scarlett, Elizabeth, almost everyone you’ve worked with in Marvel was there. You got down to your knees to touch their outstretched hands.
The fans screamed as the camera from stage panned down to the pit where all the actors were. You took the mic away from your mouth and leaned down to them.
“What are you guys doing here?” You asked them through the loud arena.
Scarlett, Brie, and Lizzie were the nearest to the stage.
“We’re here to surprise you! It’s your last show and we wanted to be here for it!” Scarlett yelled over the track that was playing.
“We’ll catch up later, keep going!” Lizzie urged you to continue the concert with a toothy grin.
You held onto Brie’s hand as you sang to them, “Inglewood let me hear ya’ll! Excuse me um...”
“I LOVE YOU!” The fans sang back to you, including your cast mates. You dusted your knees off and continued to walk around the ramp. Before you could leave, you sent an excited wave to Brie and the rest of them.
~After the show~
You hopped off the platform that brought you down from the stage and were greeted by a bunch of congratulations and cheering. You and your dancers shared another group hug.
“(Y/N)!” You heard a familiar voice yell. You follow the voice and see Anthony waving at you with his infamous grin. He was accompanied by the rest of the cast behind him. You run towards them and jump into Anthony’s outstretched arms.
“I’m so sorry, I’m sweaty, but I’m so happy to see all of you!” You wrapped your arms around Anthony’s neck as he spun the two of you around. He let you go and you were suddenly being pulled into hugs by everyone.
When you got to Robert, a proud smile was on his face as he cradled your face, “Sweetheart, that was amazing. You’ve outdone yourself.” He pressed a fatherly kiss to your forehead and pulled you into a hug.
“Thank you.” You laughed, your eyes welling up with tears once again. Next was Chris (E) who playfully shoved Robert.
“Stop it, you’re hogging her! Let me hug (y/n)!” He childishly whined. He gasped when he saw your eyes watering.
“And you made her cry! C’mere.” His arms enveloped around you as he hugged you tightly.
In your ear his whispered, “You absolutely killed it.”
You thank him and move on to Scarlett who already had her arms out for you, “Surprise!”
“This was your idea?” You asked her as she hugged you. A cheeky grin quirked on her lips.
“Maybe” she teased dragging the ‘e’. You hugged her again as she laughed into your shoulder.
“Thank you, Scar. This means so much.”
“It’s not a problem, honey. We just wanted to see you together while you did your thing up on stage.”
You were now full on crying through a smile as your Marvel family showed you mass amounts of love. You stumbled into Tom (Holland) who instantly grabbed you into a bear hug. Tom’s actually seen your show in London with his friends and brothers, so this was his second time seeing you perform.
“You know what’s so crazy?” He asked you leaning down to your ear so you can hear him.
“It’s literally just as great as it was in London. Like everything looks the same, you sound exactly the same, everything! The show was fantastic!” He looked at you with wide eyes with so much amazement on his face.
You laughed at him and patted his shoulder, “Thank you, Tom.”
Suddenly there was a commotion a few feet away from you. You saw Robert standing on one of the cases your crew used to store equipment in.
“ATTENTION EVERYONE!” When everyone backstage was looking at him Robert sent them a sweet smile and was handed a megaphone.
“Alright, so I gotta say, (y/n), you definitely know how to throw a show. Everyone who was part of this tour, your hard work pays off because that show was the most fun I’ve had in a while! (Y/n), you keep surprising us everyday with your talent and I hope you get to do more of what you love in the future. As my way of thanking you all for throwing such an amazing night, I want to take out every single one of you for dinner! I just rented out a whole restaurant just for all of us and I hope to see all of you there!” Robert said into the megaphone. A round of cheers and claps were heard from everyone at the announcement. As everyone began to file out, you were being called to get out of your costume.
Before you can turn to leave you hugged Robert and looked at all your cast mates who showed up for the night.
“Thank you guys for being here, it really means a lot.” You sniffled, wiping a tear from your face.
“And you, I can’t believe you rented out a restaurant for my crew, thank you Robert.” The older man just waves you off as he slung his arm around your shoulder.
“Not a problem, sweetheart. We wanted to be here and we are all so proud of you, you’ve come a long way, (y/n).” He gave your shoulders a squeeze.
“Now run along now, you still need to get changed and I’m starving. Go.” He teasingly turned you towards your stylists. You rolled your eyes as you waved at all of them.
“We’ll see you at the restaurant!” You heard Brie yell after you. You quickly turn back, “OK, I LOVE YOU!”
The further you got you heard Evans scream, “I LOVE YOU TOO!” You turned down the hall, your laugh echoing against its walls.
That was definitely one way to end a tour.
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oro-e-diamanti · 3 years
Quiet Music: Leggiero (Chapter Three)
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aIn collaboration with @bethanysnow
Small touches, looks, and wine-soaked daydreams lead to whispered conversations on balconies' edge. Put out cigarettes in the middle of the night. Let lips touch as palms do - eventually...
Content | Fluff
Pairing | fem!Reader x Damiano
Word count | 7111
Tag list | @damianodavide @lizstans @unitermoonshine @its-afucking-mess @ethaneskin @dont-let-me-drown-in-you@vampirtet @lividisuigomiti @juststalking @tabi-toast @ethan-torchio-angelo @cheese-toastie-11 @thewitchinthemountain @ethanesimp @sofckinelectric @man3skin @daddydamiano @finelinejpm @superchrystaldrug @ginny-lily @everythingisdefinitelynotfine @nientedaridere @rainbowmarta @tiaamberxx @shaunthesheesh @enjcltaire @rocketqueen @aleksanderwh0r3 @dacey0eg @damianodavidhands @megann-duff @teatrodellavita @coven-daddy @till-you-scream-and-cry @solasullabarca @fanfictionandfluff @makapaka11 @slave4yourlove @geklutst-ei @bidet-and-legolas @ginny-lily
The bus rumbled underneath Damiano as he turned around in his bunk, the humming of the vehicle drowning out the clatter and chatter of his bandmates in the background. His head was pounding, but less because of the little alcohol he had consumed the night before and more because of the thoughts that had kept him up all night. This morning, he had made sure to be up before Y/n would come around for her wake up call, got ready and then all but crawled into the bunk on his bus for more sleep. They would play a gig in the evening, but for now he was thankful for the 6-hour drive to Oslo with nothing to do.
He could almost feel himself drifting off, body tired out and mind exhausted, but instead all that he saw when he closed his eyes were scenes from last night.
The room was filled with laughter. Music and Vic’s singing, as Damiano let himself fall onto the bed next to Y/n. She looked gorgeous, hair down, relaxing, a champagne flute in her hand and a slight smile on her face. Even though he knew she’d be worrying about what Thomas was doing to the room and how she was going to get them out of bed the next morning. But mostly she was just gorgeous and he told her so.
His hand reached out before the contemplation of this action had been finished in his brain. The adrenaline from the first show of the tour had him flying, soaring, and there was nothing that could possibly bring him down. Her eyes showed surprise but she didn’t pull away as he put a strand of her hand behind her ear. The gesture was small but Damiano felt like he was on fire, briefly stroking the soft skin under his fingers before pulling back.
He found himself babbling about his hair, but he was much more interested in what she had to say. He wished she would talk about herself more often - so much of his personality was so out there, so much information about himself was literally out there, in magazines and interviews and photos, but she had her walls up, even when they were joking, even when she seemed to be talking freely.
“You’re getting more interesting with every second I’m around you, you know?” The words slipped out of his mouth so easily. She went over it just as easily. Did she not care? Did she not find him interesting? He had hoped for some sort of reply or reaction, but she just continued talking. Maybe she wasn’t interested in him… His brain only allowed the thought for a minute. No, he told himself, she simply was this way. Cool, calm, collected. He was sure he would be able to get her out of her shell further one of these days. He wasn’t going to stop trying.
Next thing he knew, she had thrust her phone into his hand, some picture of her from years ago. He didn’t care much about the outfit or the makeup or the questionable hair, it was her smile that drew him in. There was something carefree about it, something unabashedly confident, something she seemed to have lost since then. There was no way back for him he realised in that moment - it might as well have been this woman or no other ever again.
Next thing he knew, he was complimenting her again, calling her darling, but this time he didn’t have to wait long for a reaction. The drink that had been in her mouth just a second ago was now spluttered on her clothes and some of the bedding. He was about to ask her if she was alright, but she had jumped up from the bed, hands trying to hide her reddening face, and dashed to the bathroom.
Fuck, what happened?
“Damiano! What did you do to the poor girl!” Vic shouted in amusement from across the room. He simply waved it off. He wasn’t actually sure what he had done and it bothered him more than he would like to admit - especially in front of his bandmates. Maybe he had come on too strong, tried too hard, had made it awkward. His plan had been to pay her compliments - not scare her away with them. He would have to reconsider his course of action.
When she came back, it was only to say a quick goodnight, waving and leaving. She only spared him a brief glance, no smile or any reassurance that they were fine.
It had not stopped going through his mind. This morning, she had pretended like nothing had happened, but he knew she had been avoiding his gaze and her smiles didn’t seem quite as genuine as they did before. Damiano let out a low groan into his pillow. This was a mess and a half.
The curtain of his bunk was drawn back harshly, revealing Ethan’s face.
“Why would you scare me like that!” Damiano complained. “I could be jacking off in here!”
“Well, I want to assume you wouldn’t do that in a semi-public space such as this,” Ethan replied with contemplation on his face.
“What do you want anyway?”
“Victoria sent me and told me to tell you, I quote,” Ethan cleared his throat. “‘Stop moping, Damiano, it’s no fun'. So, there you go.”
Without another word, Ethan turned back around, leaving the curtain open, and walked back into the kitchenette of the bus. Out of the corner of his eye, Damiano could see him stealing a bit of fruit from the fruit bowl. He felt no motivation to join them.
“He alright?” Y/n whispered to Thomas, who was sitting close to her, guitar on his lap. He just shrugged. Ethan rejoined the group with an unreadable expression on his face, sitting down next to Victoria. Y/n shot him another concerned look, but he simply shrugged as well. She shook her head and got up from her spot, walking over to the counter to make breakfast for everyone. Getting out the waffle maker. Putting the Moka pot on the stove and filling it with water. Too early in the morning for rock and roll. In the background, she could hear the band discussing rehearsals and the show in Oslo.
As soon as the smell of food hit the three bandmates, they were all over Y/n, hovering around the little kitchenette, pushing and shoving each other to be first. Y/n looked at all of them in turn. Thomas was currently standing on the couch, raising his hand to smack an unsuspecting Vic who was looking the other way. A single raised brow from Y/n got him back down onto the ground.
“Hey! I’m older, I go first!” Victoria pushed Thomas back.
“Maybe, but it still took your mum nine months to think of a good joke,” Thomas retorted.
Ethan turned around, chuckling at his friends’ banter - but Y/n’s reaction was far more blatant. She started to laugh, a loud, almost cackle that the band had never heard before. Her smile easily reached her eyes and she gave a little applause at Thomas’ joke. “I- I;” she gasped in between laughs, “I know it’s not that funny but it just got me, sorry!” Finally managing to bite her tongue, she went back to serving breakfast.
Out of the corner of her eye, Y/n saw Damiano leaning so far out of his bunk to find out where the sounds and the laughter were coming from. The driver though couldn’t have known it was a bad moment to go over a pothole. With a loud thud, Damiano crashed out from his bunk and onto the hard floor. Chili, excited at the prospect of being able to reach him, ran over to lick his face.
“Eh! Chili, hi. Vic! Come get your dog!” He groaned, picking up the golden fluff and sending it back to her owner. She trotted away happily, over towards Victoria, who was a giggling mess after seeing her friend’s fall. He rolled his eyes at her grin.
“You gonna come join us, sleepy boy? I made coffee,” Y/n said, still trying to keep the peace between everyone. Pouring coffee into a mug, she walked over to Damiano and bent down, handing him the beverage. “I don’t really care if you want to spend the entire day on the floor, but I think your fans might tonight. So come join the party, hm?” Her voice was soft and enticing. Damiano’s eyes sparkled at her invitation. But still, his face was burning red. He sighed and nodded.
Y/n stepped back, taking the cup after he had taken a long sip, and reached her hand out to him. With a swift movement, Damiano was back up on his feet, immediately losing his balance and crashing into Y/n’s shoulder. More blushing on his part. He had not been expecting this amount of strength from her. Not caring about his little bump into her, she dusted him off, picking some fuzz out of his hair, her hand so close to his face, yet so far. She handed him the coffee once again and gave him a smile, before going back to her little corner on the bus as everyone devoured their breakfast.
Damiano watched as she tidied up after everyone had finished, constantly making sure what was effectively their home during tour would stay homely. She always looked like she belonged, and he admired her for that. After one last wipe down of the counter, she quickly addressed everyone on the bus, asking if she was needed for anything else right now, and after a round of head-shaking from everyone, she grabbed her laptop and retired to a quiet corner on the bus. It was only when she briefly looked up to find his eyes and gave a slight smile that he realised he was still watching her every move. Embarrassing, he scolded himself.
Damiano started fumbling for his bag, grabbing a notebook and a pen. He had too many thoughts running around in his head, too many images and ideas about Y/n, and he felt like the only way to get rid of them was to write. Maybe he’d even be able to make something out of it. Anything would be better than staring and dreaming about her anyway.
Two more hours until Oslo. With a heavy sigh, Y/n pushed the laptop away from her, neck cracking as she finally moved her bones a little. Suddenly, a pair of hands came down onto her shoulders. She only flinched for a moment before she realised it was Damiano, slowly starting to massage her tense flesh. Her head fell forward and she waved her hand to have him keep going. His fingertips digging into hours of uni work, work work, other work. Tension all living in her neck being slowly worked away by the singer.
"I'm not gonna turn down a free massage," she chuckled, feeling his talented fingers remove knot after knot. Then, suddenly, they became softer. She could hear Thomas in the background shouting something at Damiano. Taking his attention away from her, and all it left was soft fingertips on the sensitive skin on her neck. Dancing along and leaving goosebumps in their wake without him even knowing what he was doing to her. She shivered under such a light touch. A groan left her lips as she was falling deeper under his spell. At this point, she didn’t care. A very pretty man was smoothing his hands over her neck and shoulders and it was nothing short of lovely. Normally this wouldn’t be on Y/n's top list of things she would allow - but a 6-hour bus ride and sitting in one place for most of it was a killer.
I could fall asleep like this - fuck…
She was snapped back to reality when she realised that Damiano was once again staring at her screen, asking what she was working on, hands never moving from their position. She wasn’t sure how she was supposed to concentrate like this.
“Oh, I’ve, um,” she awkwardly fumbled with the laptop, “I’ve been trying to memorise this sonnet. I’m doing a course on Shakespeare this semester and we’ve been told to pick our favourite by him and I think I finally decided on mine. It’s Sonnet 128 - um. One of the only sonnets to give you an actual scene in place. It’s from the perspective of this guy watching a bard and just craving to be touched, used, kissed by this person. To have the same sort of attentive mastery be directed at him instead of the player’s instrument. Describing the person listening to this bard play… Wait, would you just like me to read it to you?” Y/n looked up at Damiano. He nodded as he slid into the seat beside her. She moved the laptop so she could see its screen still and began to speak.
Sitting next to her wasn’t as bad as Damiano thought. After working on her neck and shoulders, her perfume had rubbed off onto his skin. Light and warm, not super floral, but he didn’t peg Y/n to be a flower kind of woman anyway. Looking at her face now, he noticed things he hadn’t seen before. Faint freckles, little lines around her eyes, the pink tint on her lips. Her hair was done up again in a bun. He could see a couple of bobby pins trying to hide in her wild hair. Then she started to recite the piece and his chest was exploding. He felt as if he was watching winter melt away and spring come.
“How oft, when thou, my music, music play’st”
Oh, what he would do to be her muse, Damiano thought. Her voice, low and soft, was like music itself to him, never mind the way her eyes lit up at the words she repeated from the screen. A little light inside of her, one he hadn’t encountered before.
“Upon that blessed wood whose motion sounds With thy sweet fingers, when thou gently sway’st”
Her fingers were just as sweet, his mind piped up as he tried to listen to her more closely. Some light polish on her nails that he hadn’t noticed before, but now that she was scrolling through the laptop, it was like he couldn’t keep his eyes off them. Quickly exploring images of them tangled in his hair, scratching down his back ever so slightly. Stop, he told in his own head in vain. Just stop and listen, for once. Yet the ideas of her he had hidden away kept demanding attention.
“The wiry concord that mine ear confounds,
Do I envy those jacks that nimble leap
To kiss the tender inward of thy hand,”
He tried so hard to concentrate. To listen, to take in the words she was reciting, to grasp their meaning and what they meant to her, but it was hard, getting harder. In an uncalculated move on his part, his arm swung around her shoulders, not pulling her closer, just letting her know he was there, right now, right here, with her. His hand resting on her upper arms, feeling the warmth underneath the fabric of her blouse.
“Whilst my poor lips, which should that harvest reap,
At the wood’s boldness by thee blushing stand!”
His eyes travelled up from her fingers, over her soft and curvy figure, her delicate neck, to her blushing face. She was blushing an awful lot with him and he had not yet figured out completely if this was a good sign or not. Either way, he thought she looked adorable, a natural pink on her cheeks. Slightly restless eye movements that didn’t match up to the words she was reading, a certain nervousness overtaking her. He wanted to make her blush like that for the rest of his life if he could. He silently wondered if she would blush that much if… if it was just the two of them, alone in some random hotel room, a whole world of exploration before them.
“To be so tickled, they would change their state
And situation with those dancing chips,
O’er whom thy fingers walk with gentle gait,
Making dead wood more blest than living lips.”
His eyes betrayed him, flicking down to her lips as soon as she said the word. Soft, a light tint on them, pronouncing every syllable in the most mindful way. He wondered if she would let him kiss her. What. His brain flickered between two emotions. Yes, yes, yes. He would give everything to feel her sweet mouth on his, getting her close, inhaling her scent, pouring his every thought into a kiss. No. What was he thinking? She was their assistant. Strong, gorgeous, fiercely independent, and surely not interested. Right? He couldn’t help wondering. Would she let him kiss her? Would she want him to? Had she thought about it, the way he was right now?
“Since saucy jacks so happy are in this,
Give them thy fingers, me thy lips to kiss.”
Their eyes met and Damiano hadn’t even noticed how much closer he had edged towards her. It would only take a little bit, one more breather, a tiny motion, to put his lips on her, to feel what she was feeling, and the way she looked at him had him craving, obsessing and he almost dared himself to do it, when a voice pulled him out of his thoughts, pulled him away from her.
“Y/N! I don’t understand how the waffle maker works!”
Damiano had never wanted to kill his bandmate more than at that moment. With a groan he turned around, seeing Thomas fumble with the appliances in their little kitchen area, a dumbstruck look on his face, and puppy dog eyes pleading Y/n for help. She only gave a low chuckle, before getting up and walking over to the guitarist, leaving Damiano with a head full of thoughts that all circled around her.
That was close, Jesus Christ! My face is so warm… how are his eyes that pretty? How have I never noticed that before? I wonder if he was thinking about the same thing as I was back there…
The crowd was roaring out by the main stage. Crew held their places waiting for the queue to go. The band stood off stage trying to sneak a peek at the audience. Hundreds more people than they were expecting. Y/n sat in a metal chair that was dubbed ‘her chair’ so she could watch the performance from behind the main curtain to cheer the band on without being seen. The lights in the main room were being lowered, the playlist that had been on in the background slowly being turned off, as the noise of the audience got impossibly louder. The band was getting nervous now, the good kind of nervous. Thomas jumping around to get his energy levels up before they would get the sign to get on stage. Y/n smiled at them in turn, returning a little wave Ethan was giving her. Just as they were given the go-ahead, and all of them started to jog on stage, Damiano took a little detour, sending her a smile that would set all the butterflies free in her stomach, before pressing a little kiss to her forehead. He was gone before she had a chance to react. Yet, she froze. Damiano looked back and it was the most perplexed, confused, and adorable expression he had ever seen on her.
It was an expression Damiano couldn’t get out of his head for the rest of the concert, even long after she had lost it - and he knew she had because he couldn’t keep himself from looking over at her every now and again. He was fascinated by the way she watched them.
And if she was watching? Well, then he was going to put on a show.
He pulled all the tricks he knew - well those that were fitted to the situation and venue. During one of their songs, he decided to pull his favourite one. With a low grunt, he ripped his shirt apart, throwing it across the stage, unable to wipe the smile off his face. Until he looked over to where his top had landed and his eyes fell onto Y/n, standing beside the stage, now with a performance-rich torn tank top on her face. Maybe his aim had been a little off. The look on her face as she removed the fabric made him laugh. At least she isn’t hiding now, he thought, before going back to the song.
During “You need me, I don’t need you”, one of the covers they had chosen for the night, he couldn’t fight the grin, knowing his favourite lyric of the night was coming up.
“Melody music maker, reading all the papers, they say I’m up and coming like I’m fucking in an elevator.”
Where Damiano would usually take the chance to suggestively hump the mic stand and focus on the audience, this time he did it while looking straight at Y/n. Her face clouded red, eyes looking at him with a flustered glare. He simply winked at her.
Similar things kept happening throughout the night, any song to do with sex or romance, any innuendo, it was all directed at her. To him, it was all about her all the time, and he made sure to let her know.
After one last encore, the band left the stage, the sound of the crowd chanting their names in the background. Once backstage, they all exchanged hugs, all pumped up from the adrenaline and the successful show. A massive gift basket sat in the corner, filled with beers, chocolates, some skincare products, and flowers, along with a note from the venue welcoming them to Oslo and thanking them for playing. Vic immediately grabbed Y/n.
“When we get back to the hotel - up for a girl’s night?” Wriggling her eyebrows at the assistant, she picked out some of the products from the red tulle in the basket.
“As if I could say no to you.”
“Okay, what’s first, face mask or red wine?” Victoria asked, holding up both items in her hands as she followed Y/n into the hotel room, Chili yapping at both of their feet, dying to get attention from anyone.
“I will pour the wine if you open the face mask stuff,” Y/n decided, picking up Chili for some snuggles, before putting the dog down on the bed and grabbing the wine glasses. “Don’t have a girls' night often, so this is nice.”
“I keep having them with the boys but it’s not really the same,” Vic laughed. “They never want me to pluck their eyebrows or anything! Oh, and please be careful with the wine around Chili, I drenched her once and it didn’t come out of her fur for ages.”
“You - you did what now? Wait, nope, I don’t wanna know. But to be honest, I would kill to get Ethan on my lap with some tweezers in my hand. Boy, does he need it. Not by much, sweet guy. Just, uh, you know?” Within a moment or two wine was being poured and handed to the blonde. “I didn’t know how much you would want but we can always add more,” Y/n stated, hopping onto the bed next to Vic.
“Oh, very sweet guy with unpredictable hair, really!” Vic said, grabbing the glass and downing more than half of it in one go already, before sitting down next to Y/n with the little pot she had opened and a little applicator for the cream. “That’s so fancy, I usually just slap it on my face with my fingers.”
“Same! Thinking we’re posh fucks, aren’t they?” Y/n grinned, looking at the tiny skincare items, another sip of wine. Chili curled up between the two women. “You looked like you had fun at the concert.”
“It’s so good to be back on the road and I feel like we’ve really found ourselves as a band now. We’ve only played two shows but it’s already my favourite tour. I’m convinced it’s because you’re here, too, by the way, you really fit in with us,” Victoria smiled at her, sipping from the glass, then putting it away on the nightstand and motioning for Y/n to do the same. “Come here, I’m gonna do your face.”
“Ah, I wouldn’t say that. You guys have been absolutely killing it. You got here by your own accomplishments and will, that’s hard to do. I am far more surprised at how well I’ve been able to fit in with you all. I’m, uh, as you can see,” putting the glass away, she scooted to face Victoria, “not as… ‘rock and roll’ and I would have assumed you’d want your assistant to be. But glad I got stuck with you though.”
“Oh, shush,” Vic said, sternly, as she began applying the cream to Y/n’s face. “You fit in just fine. Firstly, I think we definitely need someone to keep us grounded a bit sometimes and secondly, I am absolutely convinced there’s a lot more rock and roll in you than you think - you just wait until you’ve been exposed to us for longer, you’ll see!”
“Well, I agree with the grounded part. You realise that today during breakfast Thomas was climbing on the sofa about to smack your head just to get further in line? That boy does not stop.” She relaxed into Vic’s touch, silently deciding that girls' nights needed to be a more regular thing. This was great. “Ethan said something similar - something about ‘head banging right along with everyone else’. You all have it out for me don’t you?!” She asked, putting on an overly dramatic, surprised look.
“No, he didn’t!” She exclaimed, astounded. “I’m gonna get him back for that tomorrow. Anyway, Ethan was right, you won’t be able to resist our bad influence forever, Y/n! So, have you been to gigs before taking this job, or is this still something new to you?”
“I have been to gigs before, but they were more music festivals, and I was never one for EDM or anything. The heat and lots of glittery, sweaty people drunk on warm beer? No, thank you. Or they would get a new assistant for a tour and the job would end. Not in a bad way, it's just how it is as an assistant. You do your job until they don’t need you anymore.” She shrugged. “I don’t know if it’s the wine or you, but I don’t think I’ve talked this much about myself really since I started this job. Not this particular job, mind you, but the whole P.A. thing.” Y/n chuckled, pulling her hair back into a tighter ponytail to keep out of the way of the fancy skincare.
“Hm, now I just keep thinking of putting glitter on you and getting you in the middle of a good punk gig one of these days,” Vic giggled as she finished up Y/n’s facemask, motioning for her to return the favour. “Let’s make the most of this wine then, I’m going to pour you another glass and you tell me a bit more about yourself.”
Grabbing the little pot of face mask, Y/n gently held Vic’s face, slowly applying the cream. “I’m going to be an alcoholic by the end of the tour, aren’t I? Um, well, I had a boyfriend, he was a prick, we broke up. My best friend lives in London in our old flat. My favourite films are old Hollywood romances. ‘Singing in the rain’, stuff like that. I dunno really. I’m just Y/n. Though I was thinking we should find a way to line Damiano’s trousers so that if they - when they rip apart, you see the lining and not the man’s underwear. Not that I think he cares, actually.” She truly was unable to turn work off completely, even on a night off.
Victoria couldn’t contain the giggle, receiving a scolding look from Y/n, who almost put the cream in her hair by mistake. “Thinking about Damiano’s underwear a lot, huh? Can’t blame you, that man is as pretty as they come. You can be happy they’ve all not gotten to the point where they just hang out on the tour bus in just their boxer shorts, but believe me, that day will come sooner or later!”
“I have not!” She insisted as her face betrayed her, telling a completely different story. “That is unprofessional and objectifying. I hope it doesn’t happen at all. You saw my face before when you all decided to ‘put on a little show’ in the dressing room.” She took the glass from Vic to take a sip. “Anyway.” She started blending out the face mask with fingers, careful not to get it into Victoria’s hair. “Would there be anything you want to know? I am never good at talking about myself.”
Chili nuzzled into Victoria’s leg, getting more needy. “I don’t want to cross any boundaries here, but honestly - why do you work so hard? I’ve only known you for like three days but you never seem to relax, you’re always either busy working for us or working on your projects and when you have a minute to breathe you end up cleaning after us or just going above and beyond taking care of us. I’m not complaining,” she held her hands up, laughing. “It’s great, but it’s a lot, huh?”
“Um… I can’t lie. Not to you or the band. Lying isn’t good for you anyway. But.. I don’t know. Lots of stuff happened before I moved to Italy. Lots of not-so-good stuff. So, I had a lot of reserved pent-up energy, still do. So I had to find ways to put it into things. Now I put it into my work because it’s my new dream. I put it into the band because I care about you. I want to see this tour do well…” Y/n stopped for a moment, caught off guard by the question, looking back and forth between Victoria and her own reflection in the wine. “I want to prove to myself that I can achieve and be successful. I am also a giant workaholic, though, like it’s bad,” she giggled, as Chili now put a paw on Vic’s thigh, demanding attention.
“Well, if you gotta do that whole workaholic thing, I’m glad you’re doing it for us,” Vic smiled, placing a soft hand on Y/n’s arm. “Just make sure to make some time to let loose every now and again. I’m sure any of us would be happy to help you with that.” She turned on her phone to check the time. “I should probably get this mask off now, give me a second,” she explained before getting up and skipping to the bathroom sink.
“Yeah, that’d be good,” Y/n said, also taking note of the time. “Doesn’t Chili need to go out now? There’s no grass on the balcony or I’d let her do her business here.” She stood up, placing the wine glasses on a little counter, trying to force the cork back into the bottle. “Thank you for tonight though, we should make it a thing.”
“Yeah, I’ll take her out for her evening walk now.” Victoria came back, hair slightly damp from where she had washed her face too hastily. “But let’s definitely do this again, next to Ethan you’re like the most calming person on this tour to hang out with.” She moved to give her a hug, only to realise Y/n still had the mask on, so instead, she opted for an awkward shoulder rub and a giggle. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“You do realise it is my job to follow you around and see you tomorrow? Like, that is what I am paid to do. But hell, I’d still do it if it wasn’t my job,” she smiled, nudging Vic’s shoulder. “Now go get Chili out and then get some sleep yeah? Important things like sleep, food, water, everything you people seem to keep forgetting about!”
“Well, that’s what we have you for now, don’t we?” Victoria laughed, picking up a whining Chili and already halfway out the door. “But you get some sleep too! No working through the night, I am ordering you to bed - as your boss!”
“Of course!” Y/n laughed, shutting the door behind the bassist. After taking off her mask, she put the rest of Vic’s leftover wine into her glass and went out onto the balcony with her laptop. Pulling out all the bobby pins and the hair tie, she ran her fingers through her hair, brushing out the knots and letting it hang loose. The light from the sunset had long been gone by the time they had gotten to the hotel. Only street lights and the blue screen were illuminating the space of the balcony. The outdoor space was large enough for a table and chairs. The street down below was faintly noisy as people and cars passed by, but not enough to disturb her peace and quiet.
So much for an early night, Damiano thought, staring at the screen of his phone, as Ethan slept soundly in the next bed. With a sigh, he kicked the blanket off his legs, grabbing a pack of cigarettes from the nightstand, and sneaking out onto the balcony without waking his bandmate. Maybe a smoke would help. His eyes drifted from the rather unspectacular view out front to where he noticed movement to his right, only to see Y/n on her own balcony, right next to his.
Y/n was relaxing in her chair, glass of wine in her hands, mouthing the words to something on the computer in front of her. Entirely focused on whatever she was working on, she didn’t notice Damiano’s door opening and closing. She took a drink of her wine, leaving a dark red stain on her lips, then stood up to face the street. Laptop on her arm and looking outward, she mumbled the words on the screen to herself. He just about managed to make out what she was saying.
“But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with brief- Wait, no. Grief. Okay.” She cleared her throat. “Who is already sick and pale with grief. Stupid tiny font is gonna be de death of me,” she mumbled, trying to zoom into the text.
Damiano watched her, a chuckle on his lips, both amused and amazed at seeing her play out the scene on her own. With a quick flick of his lighter, he turned to his cigarette, taking a drag, wide awake. The low light of the moon was illuminating her figure and her hazy movements and for a while he allowed himself to simply be fascinated by her. By the way she moved. Performing fully committed to the open air. Then she made a particularly dramatic, sweeping gesture in her monologue and he knew he couldn’t keep quiet any longer.
“Hey there, Juliet.”
The surprise went through her like an electric shock, she was stumbling over nothing, almost dropping the laptop from her arms, as she turned around towards him so fast, he was sure her hair was going to give her whiplash.
“Ah fuck - Damiano?!” She gasped delicately into the night. “You’re going to give me a heart attack one of these days!”
Hopefully, for very different reasons, he thought to himself.
“Sorry,” he sheepishly replied. “What are you doing? It’s almost 2 am.”
“You know I could very well ask you the same thing.” She looked at him accusingly. “If you didn’t have the day off tomorrow I’d be ordering you back to bed immediately.”
Damiano briefly considered a suggestive comment, but instead, let the cigarette between his lips keep him quiet. Y/n was putting her laptop away now, sinking back down into the lounge chair as he walked over to the edge of his own balcony, leaning over the railing to get a better look at her.
“You know I’ve not forgiven you for your antics at the concert tonight yet,” she suddenly stated, pulling him from his thoughts. The smirk flashed over his face naturally. He wondered if she was blushing again, but the little light the moon and her laptop screen gave off didn’t tell him anything. He was hoping she was.
“I promise I didn’t mean to hit your face with my top,” he laughed.
“But you obviously did mean everything else you did!” An accusing finger was pointed his way. “I did not appreciate that.”
For a second he flinched, wondering if he had gone too far, crossing a boundary. But then she looked back at him with a smile she was obviously trying to push away, unsuccessfully. Glass of wine in her hand, she sauntered over to him, while he put out his cigarette on the railing. She leant over her own railing, mirroring his movements. At a slow pace, like she knew he was watching, she sipped from her glass. His eyes falling to the way her neck was exposed as she threw her head back, tracing the soft skin with his glances until she set down the drink. There was a droplet of red wine on her lip and he wished their balconies were closer together, fantasising about reaching out and wiping it away, feeling just how soft she would be under his touch.
“Not that… I didn’t like it.” She paused. “Also not the first time I’ve been hit in the face with a shirt. So there’s that.” Y/n laughed.
“Now you’ve got me curious - who else would hit you with a shirt? Are you trying to tell me you’ve been to strip clubs?” Damiano laughed. Teasing her came easy to him.
“Dancers. With aim as terrible as yours, Mr. David. And I don’t know if you want the answer to the second question,” she smirked. When they were alone like this, she seemed more at ease. That, or it was the wine. He didn’t know.
“Dancers, huh? Think you could teach me a thing or two? Or, you know, were you just watching, lusting over sexy men?”
“Ah! I would do nothing of the sort. Most of the guys there weren’t into girls anyway. Wouldn’t do me much good… Damiano, I could teach a lot of things. You to dance? God help us all.” She made a dramatic cross across her body, laughter twinkling in her eyes.
“Now, Y/n, I’d let you teach me whatever you wanted,” he winked. “Preferably something… active, hm?” He could keep from laughing as he saw her unimpressed face, staring him down and shaking her head. He’d rile her up for the rest of his life if she gave him the chance.
“I once met this Italian guy, came to the studio. Thought he was God’s gift to dance. But you Italians all have that, bravado, confidence, whatever you wanna call it. Well, after learning the first intermediate step, he fell flat on his face and went back to beginner lessons. You gonna be like that?” Raising a brow at him, she leant further over the railing on her side.
Damiano puffed up his chest, comically, trying to make himself appear bigger in a useless attempt to impress her. “Now, you’ve obviously not met the right Italians yet, amore mio. Sounds to me like you need a real Italian to show you the way.”
Just like this morning, she burst out laughing, letting out cackles that filled the air with joy. “Sorry - not laughing at you. Just thought what you said was funny.” She looked down, and as dark as it was, he could see the same signs he had seen before. Shy expression, holding herself close to her body. The slight panic of not knowing what to say. “You’re real Italian, alright. You seem to always know what to say. Now is that an Italian thing or a Damiano thing?” She asked, sarcastically, to deflect the fact that her face was heating up.
Amore mio…that's what did it. He felt like he was unlocking a single puzzle piece at a time, slowly putting her together and making sense of her. He couldn’t wait to get the whole picture one of these days. “Maybe it’s a you thing,” he simply said. The night was making him strangely comfortable with being honest. “Maybe you just bring it out in me.”
“Eh - I’ve been told I bring out a lot of things, never a savant before.” She was still looking down, at her hands, starting to pick at her nail polish. Some little nervous tick that he hadn’t caught onto till now. “It’s late, you should go to sleep, Dami. I am sure that bed is missing its handsome owner right about now.” She started to look far away, picking up the wine glass and taking the last sip.
He had barely heard what she had said - too focused on her calling him Dami, for the very first time. It was like a little shudder running through him, knowing she was growing closer to him as the time passed. “Are you okay, though? I’m sure my bed will survive without me a little bit longer.”
“Oh, I’ll be fine. Don’t you worry about me, I worry enough as it is. Tomorrow is a day off, so I won’t be waking you up in the morning, bus call isn’t until later. Um, but I will be getting breakfast. Is there anything you would want?”
“As long as it involves coffee, I’m happy. I’m sure you’ll pick out the perfect thing anyway.” Damiano watched as she nodded, moving towards the balcony doors and away from him. He felt like grabbing her just to keep her there. He straightened up as well, just barely backing away from the railing. As she left he looked at the space she once occupied, feeling like he could almost make out the outline of her body where it once had been.
Amore mio...
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yelenasdog · 3 years
rebel girl (vic de angelis x fem!singer!reader)
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(listen while reading for best experience) 
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff with a sprinkle of angst for .0000002 seconds
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: a kiss during a shared performance turns into something more.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 2.3k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: cursing, kissing, drinking, my attempts at writing roman dialect and italian, and i believe that’s it.
𝐚/𝐧: ok so i know not a whole lot abt måneskin so if anything abt this in terms of the band or how they perform is inaccurate forgive me! but i think vic is hot and this song makes me think of her LOL. thanks for reading, and enjoy the fic!! <3
(all translations will be linked at the end of the fic)
The cheers of the crowd were deafening, but it seemed the beating of her own heart was even louder. Lights flashed a plethora of neon colors, and those on the stage looked liked silhouettes moving about freely.
Ethan nodded at Thomas, quickly bringing down his stick to the tightly spread plastic.
Thomas bobbed his head, starting to play the opening riff.
Select members of those in attendance began to cheer, just the opening notes being enough to give away what was about to be performed.
“For our last song tonight, we’d like to bring out someone you all know and love.” Damiano spoke into his mic, wrapping an arm around Vic’s neck and allowing her to lean down into the microphone in his hand.
“She’s someone that everyone, including myself, heavily admire as an icon of the generation and a true Riot Grrrl.”

Her eyes closed, a deep breath inhaled and exhaled through her painted mouth. She jumped up and down in her heeled boots, face pointed towards the rickety ceiling of the venue as she did so. She ran a ring adorned hand over her earpieces and made a funny face, making sure they were adjusted to her liking.
A stagehand appeared to her right, handing her a microphone and wishing her good luck. She smiled, responding with a quick “thanks” and a smile.
Victoria looked over from her place on the stage with Damiano, a devilish glint in her eye.
“Here for one night only, London let us introduce” he yelled, leaning down to Vic’s level once more, allowing them to both speak at once, “Y/n Y/l/n!”
A roar erupted from everyone in the building as the aforementioned strutted on stage, lifting the mic to her lips.
“That girl thinks she’s the queen of the neighborhood, she’s got the hottest trike in town.” She started, finding her mark in the center of the stage.
“That girl, she holds her head up so high, I think I wanna be her best friend yeah.” Damiano’s raspy voice let out next, both of their voices mixing together like honey as they started the chorus.
“Rebel girl, rebel girl, rebel girl you are the queen of my world.
Rebel girl, rebel girl.”
“I think I wanna take you home” Y/n began, Damiano then taking over.
“I wanna try all your clothes.” He finished, both him and Y/n groaning in unison to the song.
Vic would be lying if she said she didn’t have to clear both her throat, and her mind. Thomas’ fingers worked skillfully and quickly on the neck of his guitar on the small transitional solo, his focus staying on the cool steel.
Damiano held up his tattooed hand, making a talking motion as he sang and rolled his eyes, “When she talks, I hear the revolution.”
Y/n came up behind Vic, one hand running across her hip, the other on her own as she chose to lean into Vic’s mic over her shoulder, “In her hips, there’s revolutions.”
The lead singer then strutted across the stage back to Ethan, propping a leg up on the base of his kit, and then walking back singing, “When she walks, the revolution’s coming.”
Knowing what line was coming up next, the bassist held her breath, and looked down. It was short lived, though, as Y/n picked up her chin with her pointer finger, forcing her to look her in the eyes. She moved his slowly to Victoria, their lips nearly brushing, her touch feather light.
“In…her…kiss…” she slowly sang, dragging it out longer than in the original song and than in rehearsal. She quickly turned her head, falling to her knees with one side to Vic and one to the audience, her hair cascading over her features.
“I taste the revolution!”
She smiled at Vic as she pushed herself up, a goofy grin plastered onto her face as she allowed Damiano to take the chorus. Victoria replied with only a small smirk, her dark eyeshadow glittering under the colorful lights, making her look like some kind of gothic angel, or celestial being.
Resuming singing, Y/n walked back to the front of the stage, her and Damiano switching every verse. She sat down on the edge, letting her legs dangle over the high surface, feeling fingertips barely touch her unclothed thigh.
“That girl thinks she’s the queen of the neighborhood.”
“I got news for you,”
They both pointed their mics into the audience as the screen behind them flashed “she is!” Allowing the crowd, as well as Thomas, Vic, and Ethan to all scream the two words loudly and in sync.
“I know she is,” her and Dami both sang, as he wrapped an arm around Vic’s neck,
“My best friend yeah”
The chorus continued for a final time, Victoria stomping her heavy platforms on the wooden stage, biting her lip as she performed.
Y/n made her way over to Thomas’ side, jumping to his left and swaying her hair, a knowing smile appearing on his face upon seeing Victoria’s gaze falling upon her movements.
Victoria made rounds to Ethan and then to Thomas, passing Y/n and lightly tapping her hip with her own.
Y/n skipped over to Damiano as he did to her, the pair meeting in the middle briefly for the “love you like a sister, always.”
Victoria returned to her spot from the start, and Damiano found his way to Thomas. Y/n continued on towards the ethereal bassist. The both of them were simultaneously singing to the aforementioned in harmony, nearing the end of the song.
“Soul sister, rebel girl,
Come and be my best friend,
Really, rebel girl.”
Y/n dragged a hand across Vic’s chiseled cheekbone, and in that moment Victoria had taken on the title of a muse for the woman standing in front of her.
“I really like you” she sang to her, lowering her mic as they looked into each other’s eyes, her chest heaving. It was like the music had been reduced down to a slight buzzing, and the thousands of peering eyes meant nothing. They were untouchable.
Y/n resumed for the last line, never breaking her eye contact.
“Be my rebel girl.”
It seemed like a question, a proposal of sorts from one to another, as Y/n’s hand dropped once more.
Victoria quirked a brow as if to ask “are we really doing this?” To which Y/n muttered “fuck it” with a laugh.
Victoria’s hands found either side of Y/n’s face, her calloused fingers rough, yet gentle. Y/n’s own hands found one lazily draped over waist, the other over her shoulder to pull her close.
And in what probably the entirety of the building could have guessed would happen (maybe just not on stage, in that exact moment) they closed the gap between themselves, their lips connecting in a sweet kiss.
Chants and yells of encouragement were whooped by the band and crowd alike, as Damiano raised the mic and the final notes played.
“Y/n Y/l/n everybody!”
They pulled apart, sweaty foreheads against each other’s sides as they turned towards everyone, waving. They were quickly joined by the rest of the group, and Y/n stepped away, leaning into the microphone still hooked on the stand in the center of the stage.
“Let’s hear a huge round of applause for the wonderfully mad Måneskin!” She shouted, the roar of the crowd even louder. She raised her hands in the air, then moving one to her ear, gesturing for them to be louder. They complied, and Y/n took out her earpiece for a moment, soaking in what the band had created.
Vic shouted to Y/n over the noise, waving her over.
“Come on, bow with us!”
Y/n shook her head, not wanting to intrude any further to which Thomas reached out an arm, pulling her over. A bright smile covered her face as Vic reached out, wrapping an arm around her waist only for a second.
Hands joined, they all leaned forward in a dramatic bow, coming back up and waving.
All in sync, they all yelled “thank you, London!”
They looked around for a small period of time afterwards, still having a hard time believing that this was their new reality.
Looking to her right, and seeing Y/n doing the same, Vic decided that Y/n was a specific part of said “new reality” she didn’t quite want to let go of.
So after saying one more goodbye and exiting the stage, the bassist remained silent. It slightly worried Y/n, who had noticed the girl’s lack of communication while she had been thanking the rest of the band members for allowing her to share the stage with them.
“Is Victoria alright?” She asked Damiano, to which he only chuckled before replying.
“She’s fine, trust me. Give her a little bit of time and she will be back to normal.”
Y/n just gave him a tight lipped smile, not completely convinced.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed as Victoria slipped into her dressing room, locking the door.
The rest of the group, already having had a few drinks, was out the door, waiting on a cab.
“Y/n? You and Vic coming?” Ethan questioned.
She nodded, though she was unsure if that was the case, doing her best to cast a reassuring smile in his direction.
Once she made sure they were gone, she knocked twice on the heavy door. Before she could even announce it was her, Vic’s voice rang out.
“Vattene, Damiano!”
“Victoria?” Y/n’s tone floated through the door to the other side, and Victoria face palmed and silently cursed herself. She quickly got up and unlocked the door, regretting her harsh tone.
“Y/n, hi.”
“Hi.” She responded, slight uneasiness about her. Victoria picked up on this immediately, her brows furrowing and her eyes softening.
“Are you alright, Y/n?”
The other girl scoffed and looked at her feet. Scared to break any boundaries now that they weren’t on stage, Victoria cautiously lifted a hand towards her chin, softly picking it up like Y/n had before.
Her voice sounded wavy as she spoke, her jaw slightly hanging slack.
“Actually, I came here to ask the same thing.”
Victoria tilted her head like a confused puppy, leaning up against the doorframe.
“Why? What happened?”
Struggling to find the right thing to say, Y/n began to trip over her words.
“Well, I just, you know, on stage and everything- we were super, y’a know, close and everything and I didn’t wanna, I don’t know. Make you uncomfortable or overstep any boundaries or anything, and if it was just a kiss I didn’t wanna overthink it or read into but, I mean, I really liked it but you seemed to go quiet so-“
Victoria cut off her painful rambling with another kiss, taking firm hold of her arms and moving her inside with her and closing the door with her foot.
“Wow.” Y/n said when they finally pulled apart, her eyes as wide as dinner plates and her pupils the size of the moon.
“Yes, wow.” Vic chuckled, moving a piece of Y/n’s stray hair behind her ear.
“You’re very different when you’re on stage, Y/n. You know that?” She asked, admiring how the fluorescent lights above illuminated Y/n’s features in the most wonderful way.
Victoria had decided she liked her most like this. Vulnerable, sweaty, and with the biggest heart eyes she’d ever seen.
“That’s what I was afraid of.” She laughed.
“No.” Vic frowned, taking her hands. “It’s not a bad thing. Not at all.” She brought her over to the velvet sofa in the corner of the room. “It’s admirable.”
“How?” She asked with a small smile.
“Easy. Because even though your stage persona is lovely,” she laughed, “I think I like this Y/n even better. She seems like she’s kind, and has a big heart with lots of love to give.”
Stunned, the other girl just smiled like an idiot, leaning forward and pecking Vic’s lips.
“Well, what about you?”
“What about me?” The bassist replied, enjoying the banter forming between the pair.
“Why’d you go all radio silent? I’d never heard of Victoria De Angelis from EuroVision winning band Måneskin to do such a thing.” She exclaimed in what was the worst accent Victoria had heard in her life.
(Though, it was endearing, she’d admit.)
“Truly? I was thinking about how to ask you out. If you even wanted me to ask you out, all of that.”
Y/n’s eyes somehow got even bigger, and she laughed, tucking her legs beneath her.
“How is that even a question?” She exclaimed.
“Like I said, you are different on stage from off it. I didn’t know if it was just a front, a performance.”
This time it was Y/n’s turn to roll her eyes and lean in, encapsulating Victoria’s lips with her own.
“It wasn’t just a show, I’d love to go out with you, Vic.”
They both giggled like school girls hidden under the bleachers, leaning in for another kiss. It was hot and heavy, yet slow and sweet. It was everything either girl had hoped for. 
And thanks to a certain Italian doofus, or 4, it would be momentarily put on pause. Mid-make out four loud knocks startled the girls, causing the two do them to pull away.
“Victoria! Daje! Perché non rispondi al telefono, eh? Stiamo aspettando- oh. This makes sense.“ Damiano burst through the door, Ethan and Thomas stood behind him with not-so-surprised looks painted on their faces.
“Realmente? Realmente, Damiano?” She scoffed. “Stai manzo!”
“Sorry, guys. Enjoy yourselves.” He turned over his shoulder to the rest, slowly shutting the door.
“Sicuro di dire che non verranno con noi.” He snickered, as did the others.
“Eccallà!” Ethan remarked, to which, not that Vic and Y/n knew, Thomas shoved him to the side.
Victoria sighed, returning to face Y/n.
“So. Where were we?”
i hope yall liked that!! mwah make sure to reblog if u did <333 take care of urself!
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