#you kill the dude you’ve been wanting to take revenge on forever and all u get is the existential burden of impending mortality
blazing-spectre · 1 year
Considering how bad Serval wants to follow the Emperor to the end of the world and beyond, I never in a million years would have thought he’d give the opportunity to go full ilithid to Karlach instead but here we are. O_O I don’t know what the FUCK I’ve done, but she seems happy at least.
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tinyfoodie · 5 years
Say something. Revenge. (Billy Hargrove x Reader)
Summary: After Billy cheated on you and wasn’t going to mention it, at first you wanted to just forget about him. But something deep inside you whispers that it’s time for revenge.
Note: it’s part 2 for my story “Say something” posted on my blog a few days ago. 
As always feel free to reblog and likes. 
I'm really thanks to all of you guys: for likes, shares, and comments. It makes me want to write more! Lots of love! 
@cherrym4rk @5sosxgrethan @naomiiiiiiiiiii04 @ashtronomyyyy @your-dreams-are-strong @nenathemorena
Days after the “incident” weren't better, keeping you in the conviction that the best option now would be staying home like...forever. You felt everyone's eyes are on you from the moment you stepped over the school threshold. When you walked into the class silence came at once and only sound you could hear was ventilation wailing. Luckily for you, it wasn’t one of those lessons when you have to work together. Nobody expects that you, disposition of goodness and peace, will fall into his love trap. Definitely, you and Billy were in the center of attention of the whole school, providing a breeding ground for rumors. You wanted to forget about it- but it was too late because women in school already picked sides: some of the girls stayed with you “in the name of women's power and honor”, and some, of course, have sizzled occasion to get close to him more than ever waiting for the moment when he needs some “consolation”. Billy seemed not to be interested in all of this, trying to act cool anywhere he was, while being asked about all situations he was changing the subject neatly. The most painful and irritating thing was that he started to act like you never existed. Like you never „happened” and it was easy for him to act natural - always surrounded by his followers. Even if u think that you don’t know this guy anymore, it seemed that only you can see and understand how the situation bites him from the deep inside. He tried to act like that was nothing to him, but in this behavior was something artificial, like he lost all of his charm in exchange for conscience tormenting him. And this remorse made him keep you at bay. But for you there was too late for self-reproach.
„(Y/N)??”You were near your locker when you heard the female voice talking to you. Looked up you saw Jess.“...yeah?” you asked hesitantly, seeing a group of her friends behind her, whispering to each other while looking at you. “Look (Y/N)...I am sorry. Really sorry. I didn’t know that you were then together...ok?” Jess smiled to you, really trying to act like as if she was really sorry. “Sure. I know” you answered briefly, praying in your head that she would gives you peace already. Jess stood for a while, looking like she is about to say something more, but luckily for you, she turned and walked away.<”Then?” So you already sharpen your teeth on him, bitch> -you thought, taking a deep breath to calm down.
“That was the most insincere attempt to apologize I have ever seen“ this time you know that voice - it was Robin, leaning against the lockers carelessly. You both looked at leaving Jess, noticing how she's glancing in Billy’s direction. He looked at her with a seductive smile too, then he looked reflexively at you and frowned. She wasn’t sorry, that was for sure. But you got it. You wouldn't be at her place either. “So what you gonna do babe?” Robin looked at you, chewing gum ostentatiously. Huh – good question but you've already had an answer because yesterday you were thinking about some sophisticated revenge.“I think I have an idea”. You left surprised by the sudden reaction Robin and rushed to the history class, hoping to meet there someone who is perfect for the implementation of your plan.
“Harrington I need your help” you turned the chair and sat on it by Steve’s table. He glanced at you from the notebook, straightened while combing his hair with his fingers.“Daddy Steve at the station...no. In my imagination, it looks much sexier. Maybe next time I should...” - “HARRINGTON FOCUS” you rolled your eyes, but some smile crept onto your lips.“We have a mission. YOU have a mission. Got it? You are the only one who can help me and it must be done today. Listen...” you bent over whispering all plan in his ear. “You have it (Y/N). Every reason to dig this asshole is good. I am in”. That was exactly what you wanted to hear now. You run your hand over his hair ruining their majesty and left class in the company of prolonged groan.
It was a few minutes after the bell, so it was time for you t hide and wait until the hallway got clear. “Have it”? stepping from foot to foot you have been watching Steve coming from the opposite side, looking around with holding something with obvious reluctance. “If only I was smarter...smarter than already am - of course, I will never say yes (Y/N). I HAVE TOUCHED HIS JEANS! IT’S LIKE TOUCHING HIS BUTT!” he shoved some clothes into your hand. “Wow. You finally have something to talk about in the „love matters”, Daddy Steve” you smiled broadly while leaving, had to listen to the tirade about „what will happen if Billy associates Steve's disappearance from PE with the lack of his things”. You went outside, straight in the Camaro direction. According to your plan, no one should see and hear that you are leaving the parking. Almost all of the students were at classes, and Billy has got PE inside. Moving to the driver's door, you slowly ran a finger along with the mask. Firstly, you wanted to hurt his car badly, maybe some scratch, maybe the glass broken. But you weren’t like him, you didn’t break up things. But you could easily hurt him in the other way. Turning the keys in the ignition, you felt a tingling in your fingers, grabbing the heavy steering wheel. “Billy let you drive?”. You jumped up feared, cursed loudly. God, you didn’t expect Max, looking inside the car. One gaze at her and she already knew that it wasn’t something that Billy has to know about. Not now. She jumped inside. You were looking at her with mouth open, still unable to articulate anything wise. “Just do what you need to (Y/N)”. She liked you and she was the only one who knows that you two were dating. For her, you were better than others “cows” coming to her house with Billy, giggling stupidity and treating her as unreasonably as he was. Mumbling something under your breath you moved violently from the parking lot, this time having a feeling that someone will catch you soon if you hesitate. You have time to explain everything to Max. It wasn’t a long road.
Meanwhile in school PE has come to an end and boys returned to the locker room, tired after playing basketball. Nobody suspected anything, and certainly not Billy himself until he looked into a never-lockable cabinet. “Okey, assholes. Where are my clothes?”. Silence. He closed the locker with a bang, walking slowly through the locker room. “I asked. Where. Are. My. FUCKING. CLOTHES” looking at those who had the misfortune to stay there. “Harrington. You. You, fucker, were late” Billy stood in front of him, ready to knock him down, when Steve just trying to stay calm. “Dude, it's not your business why I was late, but if I can give you advice, look at your locker once again”. Watching Billy grit his teeth in fury, he almost got in his own pain. Taking advantage of the opportunity he slipped out of the locker room. Steve didn’t want to wait till Billy kills someone. Billy approached the locker with distrust as if he was going to jump out of it. On the door was an inscription written with white paint, shining in the light of halogens :
The whole school heard this yell and after this even louder roar on the parking where half-naked Billy (he never wears top so he didn’t even have it in a locker) discovered that his car had also disappeared.“That bitch...TOMMY move your ass. I know where she is” he yelled at terrified Tommy, who've just opened with silence the passenger door in his car.
“...you must be kidding me. Like, I know Billy very well, but that was just really disgusting” Max looked at you while sipping a shake. You both were sitting in a beanery almost on the exit from Hawkins. You know that he will find that place really quick, but time was unrelenting to you and only her presence gave you comfort. Being in the process of eating candied sweet cherries from the top, the doors open and you knew who came in. Mostly because of Max gasped with air at his sight. It's been an eternity before he found you with a pattern. “(Y/N) I swear I'm gonna...Max? You have so fucking trouble, shitbird ”. By gouging a straw in a tall glass, you took a look at him. “Nice style, Hargrove. But isn’t it too cold for topless? Or you think you are so damn hot that you don’t need much on you”. That was enough for him -he slammed his fist down on the table, then leaning on it. “My keys, (Y/N). Enough for today, baby”. You get a deep breath and stand up, looking him straight in the eyes. “Don’t you dare call me baby anymore. Be thankful, that it’s all I do to you. I wanted to hurt you really bad, you know? But I am not you, I am not breaking hearts like as if they were a pack of cigarettes that can be crushed and dumped. But know, that for a short moment you have lost control over yourself, over your life, that for a moment, you've lost something what you love so much ... and clothes, thanks to which you are standing here almost naked now is fully satisfying me. And from today I am no longer for you. I will be at your fingertips, but you won’t touch me anymore. And even if you think it doesn’t affect you now, it will start. I assure you”. He got stuck. You couldn't even read the expression on his face, he just stands in front of you with cold eyes fixed on yours. “Max. To the car”. That was all he could say. The girl looked at you and you smiled at her, giving her a key when she passed by. “See you around parking at school, (Y/N)”. “Try to touch her. And next time I am not gonna be so soft”. You followed him with your eyes to the exit and left payment on the table. You didn’t expect you'll found Tommy in front of the entrance, finishing the cigarette. The Camaro engine's howl was long ago barely audible. “Wanna ride?” He smiled at you, seeing everything through a glass door. It was sure that he wouldn’t keep his tongue shut.
You didn’t know that, but after „car” situation, you have been unofficially called by the majority a “Queen of Hawking”.
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majorxbennyxboy · 7 years
TURN S4 according to someone who Has Not Seen It
(pieced together by random bits and pieces of things that have slipped the filters)
Arnold sends Ben this creepy letter like ",,,,,hey,,,,u wanna,,,,,,,,,betray everyone you love and come join me in bastardly traitor fun times,,,,I know you want to because when you tried to shoot me you missed, and that's always a sign of Fondness."
Which Ben is Not For so he's like :/
Richard decides he's going to Love His Son and also switch sides, which is Great !! because now the whole fam are Rebels together and Abe's got this Puzzlement Sandwich going on but he's also happy to finally have a dad. He's skeptical, but he Ready.
Abe takes him home and gives him some tea. The cup is as big as Caleb's head and he is Very Cute holding the saucer in his two hands. Declines sugar. He's sweet enough without it. Accepts some whiskey.
He's like "hey you wanna pack up now let's go?"
But Abe Nopes that like "nah see I'm gonna be the Spyingest Spy. Me and the fam are Staying and we are gonna Wreck some Redcoat shite and it's gonna be awesome."
Richard chimes in, "do you and those soldier boys want to burn some stuff bc I can hook you up with a SICK bonfire if youre game"
Caleb is Game.
Washington's like "tallmadge why the *BEEP* didn't you tell me about this letter boi" and it's very Stressful but he's also kind of softly like "tallmadge occasionally does a good job wow"
GWash and Martha get. snuggly.
Ben and Caleb pop off to go destroy people and burn some hay and Ben's like "TAKE THE BULLETS OUT YO GUN GUYS WE GOTTA STEALTH THIS SH"
This redcoat guy alerts the entire fort but Caleb takes him the hell out and the boys blaze in and within about five and a half seconds they take over and set to burning hay. Caleb snatches some stuff like "man yeah I am making some cash today this is worth a fortune on ebay"
Ben is in Richard's house at some point in a heckin' coat.
Caleb goes to pawn his contraband but gets snatched by a weasle.
Arnold's like "you only say you don't like betraying your friends because you've never tried it. come on dude it's fun it's fun I swear you should do it"
And Caleb's like "um dude no hell in way. I'm not about that."
So Arnold conjures Simcoe from hell and that's that.
Simcoe goes "do you know why I like serrated blades?"
"bc u nasty fool"
Simcoe proceeds to behave very badly and tells an extended version of a story that was cut from S1E2 about how his father died when he was like ten and how his RageClown Tendencies are perfectly legit. Also he's just like "Ah yes do you remember S1E2? Those events make all of this okay. It isn't about revenge tho even though it lowkey totally is."
Cookie comes down like "YO MAN WTH ARE YOU DOING U BETTER STOP"
Meanwhile I think Peggy is going "marriage sucks." and Arnold is being a complete ass to her but she doesn't let it diminish her vibes that woman is a queen. And possibly pregnant I think.
She and Philomena run into each other and there's some sassing but Peggy's like "haha ? I will :) destroy you :D"
Boys work out a plan to get Caleb back and it entails swapping Abe and Richard over to the Redcoats and getting something like five-hundred pounds as well.  They got these two all tied up and some guys  come up like "Uh?"
Ben's a spymaster and has it Under Control and tries the ol' Smile 'n Wave routine. It does not work.
They get to the Prisoner Exchange and Ben's like "UM? Excuse you what did you do to my guy over there what'd you do to Caleb"
Simcoe plays pool while predicting the current events
and Richard gets frickin' sniped he's wasted it's over that's done the people SCATTER and everybody runs into a barn.
Mulligan slides into Rivington's inn like "yo Quaker boy. if you happen to be a spy, or something...u should def check out some new threads. *wink* we should talk"
Rob's having none of that. "you're creepy. get away from me."
And then Arnold comes in to straight up slaughter Mulligan and fling him everywhere. He's also like "WHAT IS UP MY PEEPS WHO DON'T EVEN WANT ME. NOT ONLY AM I A DIRTY NO-GOOD WHO BETRAYED MY FORMER PEEPS, I AM NOW PERSONALLY HUNTING DOWN THEIR LITTLE SPIES. TELL THE WORLD. *Flings glitter and drama as well as some shade*"
v uncomfortable cart ride back to camp and a Turtledove Cameo later Abe's like "ben i'm going back to sadtauket and burying my father, possibly myself, also contemplating revenge but not in a culper way."
Ben's like "...uh." and has no less than fifty tabs open but Anna Handles It.
Anna helps this little girl with a doll and everyone in camp ships Benanna. Ben starts thinking about what they can possibly do about this but Anna tells him not to do anything because it's a really good cover and also another box on the People Anna's Dated Bingo Cart the writers have been forcing her to carry around.
Abe buries his father while Thomas mills about chanting "dead dead dead dead dead" in the background and ten tells Mary he's going to kill Simcoe. She tells him not to miss, while bitterly regretting only taking off dude's ear.
Selah turns up in Camp and, after miraculously not murdering Ben for the whole "allegedly dating my wife" thing, he's  like "wife. hello. so I've been Facing Reality and steadily accepting the fact that you probably don't love me and most likely never have but, we should still probably Discuss and see if we can work something out."
He goes to Ben like "she works for you' "uh" "she worked for you in Setauket" "uh" "does she still work for you" "uh" "boy" "I mean if you can convince her to go with you and manage to survive the discussion then by all means" "...kay."
Hewlett's Head of Intelligence and v Jaded but also working through his stuff. He's maybe looking at stars and at one point is like "hello soft quaker boy yes I am in love with stars. and myself. and that is Good. I have reached Zen but am also a somewhat Tortured Soul at this stage of the game"
"okay. you're weird. but okay. you do you lizard man. you do you."
A plan is hatched for Abe, who is Culper once again, to beat Arnold at his own game by pretending to turncoat, but not really turning. For some reason Ben's good with this??? idk but he's like "see youohmygod don't get killed please"
Caleb pops off to fetch Mary and is very cute with Thomas. And with Mary. They're all precious. Ben and Anna ride to meet them. They are riding double. With Anna as the big spoon. Hmmmm yesssss
sorry *coughs*
Ben meets Sprout and it's real hella cute for about five seconds.
Back in Camp Ben tells Mary "I gotchu, you're with Abe, you're family, I will take care of you. hmu any time"
And then he gets real serious into talking tactics or smthn to Caleb and Mary shows up in his tent like "hey can you"
and he loses it
Caleb chills, uncomfortably, in the background.
this continues for a few heart-lurching moments before Mary leaves. Nobody is happy. Not a single individual feels any joy, at all, in their life.
That Randall sicko is still alive and he's like "hey Anna."
she be Knowin "you're that guy Ben tried to take out last season"
"Yeah but that ruling went in my favor"
and Randall proceeds to tell Anna there's some kind of mutiny being planned.
At some point there is an actual mutiny but the people involved are stopped and arrested and brutally executed and it's a harrowing experience for everybody.
Abe Enlists with the Redcoats and gets this new bunkmate, Joe, who seems interesting. He also visits Townsend who's like "what the hell what the hell what the H E L L  PAY ATTENTION TO ME WHAT IS HAPPENING"
Townsend takes it upon himself to Snoop and keeps following Abe around and shows up at this party and Abe's just like "can you please not be weird Robert I'm undercover"
Cicero completely Outs Abe to Peggy and she's like "...ight."
Simcoe gets nasty and, as with everything involving Simcoe, there are sharp things involved.
Some fool tries to take out Hewlett and Hewlett's like "man I'm so done with everyone's bs this isn't happening today"
He and Abe somehow meet up and instead of killing each other they wind up plotting against Simcoe, something they both believe in.
Those Rebel Boys hatch a plan to expand the spy ring once again with this Champe fellow. He and Caleb pretend to fight, (DAMMIT CHAMPE BE GENTLE WITH HIM) and Ben pretends to be really mad about this and hauls them both to his tent for a Pretend Stern Talking-To in which they discuss Plans and Ben pretends to banish them both forever.
So Champe hops off to go meet Abe.
He's a pretty creepy-like dude and seems to basically be Rebel Simcoe.
Another plan is hatched, this time to get Arnold, but things go awry. Caleb's Struggling and Ben's Upset and once again nobody is at all happy, and it's horrible. absolutely horrible.
More sh goes wrong bc the British are like "right so you're all trained up, time for you go kill some rebel soldier bois" which Abe is less than enthused about.
So Ben's Thinking about this. "who the hell is going to fetch abe. Can't ask Caleb to do it. Anna can't go. Hm guess I'll have to" Anna is quick to point out "lmao ben do you want to be labeled a traitor bc that's what's going to happen you should just ask Caleb." Ben considers this. "...nah it's cool I'll just Resign and go Handle it."
Also Mary has discovered some form of traitor ladies and I think tries to barter the information but Ben's just like "ASHFAKJFHAK PLEES"
Ben hits Hamilton up and asks him to be the new Spyboss ("good luck my guy it's like herding ducks.") and Hamilton isn't so sure about this but Ben's Convinced it is Necessary, makes all the arrangements.
Caleb tho he pops in like "actually I'll take this one" in the biggest frickin miracle of a thousand years
the two have a Moment. a blessed Moment of Purity.
And then Ben flounces over to GWash to resign anyway and they both throw a MASSIVE HISSY FIT AT EACH OTHER AND IT'S HONESTLY EVEN MORE BRUTAL THAN THE "not my son" CONVO IT'S SO TERRIBLE and Washington decides, "well you can't resign. You are Fired."
because he is Ben Tallmadge there seem to be no concrete consequences for talking to the General the way Ben does in this particular scene, even though GWash could quite possibly have him fed to an angry sheep.
Caleb has a very Emotionally Moving convo with Mary and it comes back to help him out later.
Abe and Simcoe make eye contact and Simcoe's like "MURDER TIME YAY" and chases him. Abe tries to shoot him, misses. Chase resumes until Abe is cornered. AND CALEB JUST TAKES SIMCOE THE FRICK OUT HE JUST. NAILS HIM, KABOOM. +1000 FOR THE BLESSED BEARDY WHALER FLOWER MAN.
For good measure, Abe then flings Simcoe off a thing and the man slithers away in the time it takes Abe to get down there. Abe pulls a pistol on him in front of several other guys, none of whom notice, but then leaves without actually shooting the scarecrow.
Caleb shows up to talk to some Soldier Bois like "have you seen my spy" and they have but it's Champe. But !! they tell him some Stuff about where to find Abe and he's like "well that's good" and jogs on his merry way to find that Boy.
also Hewlett doesn't play he's all about "you killed my horse, and we're about to have a discussion."
Yorktown, meanwhile, Looms, and the Biggest Question is whether they'll be able to wrap this up without E10 being movie-length.
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Rites of Passage - Day 49
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Before we get to your final immunity challenge, we are taking the time to reflect upon those who fell before you. Wether directly or indirectly, because of them, you are in this spot in the game. 
(we are pretending that Renee submitted on time and this was posted not after FTC yay)
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Hey! Long time no talk. You look great, tell your mom I said hello as well!
Sidlegend ! i never actually spoke to you, #socialgame, but there was a lot of dropped jaws on South West when you left and you definitely shook people when you left because everyone felt slightly on edge when it could literally be anyone too leave!! thanks for playing!!! <3
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Girl you were so robbed. I would have loved to play with you longer.
you were such a sweet girl when i spoke to you on the marooning, and you were there with my girl Ashley and she and everyone else only spoke highly of you!! DEFINITELY robbed, everyone was sh00K when you left and i think your a legend!
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Sorry Chris!!! I hope to get to know you better once this whole thing is over with. I’ve heard really REALLY great things about you.
you had me sweating til the very last minute boy!! what an awesome dude honestly, i am scared to think of how you would play if you went any further because that last day, you really knew how to turn the tables and you were someone really great to talk to as well!! glad i got to play with The Chris Icon™ , also renee still talks about how much of a wicked person you are, then that holds a lot respect in my heart !
thank you for making me apply for this game, I went into it planning on doing nothing besides being your bitch and clearly that didnt work well, but you leaving allowed me to get this far, but I am absolutely devastated that you left so soon and i hope i got revenge enough for you. Heard it was between you and me going that night and really I wish it was me because you deserved to play this game!! love u irrelevant jtia.
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Oh Johnny, you were such a constant figure in my game. You may have only made it to day 10 but your influence on this game is the reason I made it this far. I can’t wait to tell you all about it.
duuuuuude!! honestly, player of the season! you were robbed of #SingleDigits but daaaaamn you were a force ! south west had therapy sessions after you left bc we were all so sh sh shook ! not only an awesome, dynamic player, i really thought you were an awesome guy to talk too and someone that has a lot of love for this game!!!!
I really wanted to be able to play with you and it sucked that we had no power on that tribe, sorry that you left, but Im rooting so hard for you in flops hope you kill it!!
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QUEEN!!! You are such a strong player and have proven yourself over and over again to just dominate the competition in this community. I knew if I didn’t get you out you would be standing right here where I am now.
my mother forever!!! when you think of TS legends, kait is the top of my list and most peoples!! voting you was really hard, but all the idol talk and relationships and alliances, it was something i felt had to be done early, because you really are a superstar player and person!! thank you for being such an icon, i idolize you, i adore you, thankYOU! 
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I can’t believe I got to be in a lip sync with the lip sync queen herself. Honestly a goal of mine for a very long time and I can’t believe it came true! Next time we will crush it even harder but until then I can’t wait to have you cracking me up in the reunion chat. You really bring so much life into the community and I adore you for it.
the Fashionist Legend™ HaSelf!!!!!!!!! ever since rebels n rogues, you have been a great value player and person and I love your funny, bubbly, outgoing personality, you radiate so much positivity and friendliness and i think this community is blessed with someone like you Pippa!! <3
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NOW THAT was a very ugly vote and a bit hard to watch. I heard you were able to get revenge though… hopefully it was sweet.
dont. imma choke up. THIS. QUEEN. WAS. ROBBED! if i could give my spot right now to any person, it’d be you!!! i wish we were never split by tribe swap because i would NOT™ have let this happen had i been there with you! not only are you a Celebrity and future president of the world, ur someone I’m pretty happy to call a friend!!! i loved that this game brought us together bc i love talking to you and i love how like minded we are, we just seem to always be on the same page and thats so reassuring! thanks for being such a legend and i wish this game got to see more madison, so so so so so robbed! LOVE YOU MADI <3
gosh you were so robbed and the way you left really hurt but the time that we did get to play together was great queen of the toxic music video.
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I had to think very long and hard about whether or not to work with you. In the end I knew us being together would have put a constant target on both of our backs and after Ancient Greece I was weary to have to take that bullet again. You’ve always been such a great friend to me and I hope to play another game where you can slice my head clean off!!
honestly SUCH A TUMBLR SURVIVOR LEGEND!!!! another vote that really hurt to do, but again, had you gone any further i rue the day u would have slayed all of us!! i think your such an awesome person and having conversations with you was super endearing bc i genuinely think your a super nice guy!! thanks for being such an icon!
I was heartbroken we didnt actually get to play any of this game together because I really wanted to be able to see how you play and I love playing games you host so I am very upset that I didnt have a chance to try and work with you in this game!! You left too soon!!
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WHEW this was a very very hard vote. I think about it a lot… was it worth getting that much blood on my hands so that I could be sitting up here? We had a really wild and fun run for the first half of the game and had the swap gone differently I believe you would’ve been a really strong long-term ally. My move was messy and I hope one day I can explain it well enough so that you will forgive me for it.
another ABSOLUTE ROBBERY!! again, like madison, had i been there, i would have done everything in my heart and soul to ensure this does not happen to you!! you are such an amazing friend before anything else in this game! i could talk to you about the most boring thing and be highly entertained and I’m super thankful for the time we spent in the game! thank you for always being someone i could vent to, spit ball ideas with, scream at and with and project all my anxiety onto, you really are a legend and the TS community is blessed to have someone like you! <3
I was honestly…. so excited when we got swapped and put back on a tribe together but then I just figured you would never actually trust me, and I had to make a move against you. you would’ve destroyed this merge so I hope you take it as a compliment that I did what I did and theres no hard feelings because I really do think youre great!!
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We didn’t get to talk much since we always seemed to find ourselves on different sides of the alliances, but the little conversation we had was really great. I hope your adorable animal friends are doing well and that you will flood the reunion chat with as many photos of them as you possibly can!
I’m still shaking @ ur departure. i loooooove you olivia honestly, your so freaking fabulous! we bonded day 1, and that was a bond that could not be broken and I’m so thankful i met someone like you! shattered the tribe swap split us, because all game aside, i genuinely missed talking to u! thanks for being YOU OLIVIA <3 https://media.giphy.com/media/d5TDmQA8zfQqI/giphy.gif
oh my… your blindside was so devastating and you really didnt deserve that,, we had some great moves and at first I was alittle scared but really im so glad that I got put with you in the swap because I really feel like we killed it, and I really owe you for connecting me with Andrew and crow which put me in such a good position in the game, you were so robbed queen.
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JARED!!!!!! I feel as though our similar laid back personalities clicked very well together and I always enjoyed talking with you. Making the elephant with you during the battle ship challenge was and forever will be the highlight of the season for me. Thank you so much for always making me laugh it meant so much to me and I hope you are doing great.
my BOY!!! the first thing you ever said to me was “Do you want some fries?” and i knew from that moment on, you were MA MAN! i wasn’t stabbing u in the back at all, and i hope?!?!??!? that was the same for you, but i am so so blessed that i got to play this game with someone like you! i love your honesty and you humbleness, its so endearing, AND your almost as iconic as nicole… almost!! https://media1.tenor.com/images/83dd842ba61a76e1b28824a7e1a94d23/tenor.gif?itemid=5920950
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I TRIED!!!!! I TRIED SO HARD TO HAVE US WORK WITH YOU!!!!!!! I always had mixed feelings about you, but that night you comforted Billy in our alliance chat I realized what I thought I knew about you was all wrong. You put on an excellent show but I know now that you have the biggest heart and I am so so happy my friend Dustin gets to be with someone so kind. Side note: Don’t be too upset that I proved you wrong in that building emotional and real connections with people in this game can get you to the end ;)
I’m still shaking from every tribal council you ever been at ! you were such a fun player too watch, so scary to be against, but you were such a force! its refreshing to play with someone who is honest and straight forward and i appreciate being able to play with you!!!! thank you for adding entertainment and intensity into this season, you shook the game hoNESTLY and i think you made a lot of people sweat and a lot of people laugh, thankYOU! ! #GAMECHANGA https://media.giphy.com/media/10QgC3CIDqjvXi/giphy.gif
the biggest personality in this game for sure. You made early merge actually really fun because you were so good at being the villain. too bad we weren’t actually on the same side but I really actually did consider working with you and omg I wish we could’ve gotten something together because highkey im obsessed with you and youre FUN !
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MATT WHY WEREN’T YOU AWAKE DURING THE CAST REVEAL!!!!! I’d like it to go on record that Matt was the third person I messaged as soon as this game began. You are and will always be one of my best friends in this community... we’ve known each other for such a long time I’ve literally watched you become a man and grow chest hair!!!! You are someone I always want to talk to and I’m so thankful we flopped in Chiefs so that we could form this forever bond.  ALSO THAT DOUBLE IDOL PLAY WAS RIDICULOUS SERIOUSLY GET OUT OF HERE WITH THAT SHIT. I should have known… its Matt FUCKING Summers for a reason.
another TS LEGEND! your such a force, its so infectious being on a season with you, because i have such a higher drive to play harder and do better !!! i think your such an awesome player, i admire you… king of idols!!!!! you don’t know how much stress i had when u pulled out them idols, you really knew how to shake the game and keep everyone on there toes!! thank you so much for ALLOWING me to be on a season with u, bc i feel so inferior being put on the same cast as Matt Summers™ https://78.media.tumblr.com/531420631da128193b83673530450bdd/tumblr_o6xmy3ExVx1tc2w1bo1_250.gif
legend…. In the 5 seconds before your vote out where u and I actually talked alot of game was so much fun and if i hadnt already voted for you that round and if you were going for anyone other than Katie I actually would’ve considered voting with you that round and really… the double idol play was amazing and I shook and wow.
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Andrew I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this, but you are one of the most well spoken individuals I’ve ever met. You really exude intelligence even when you are lying down in your bed answering silly tribal questions. Each time we play a game I am always stunned by how strategically and socially talented you are. Keeping it up because someday you are going to be ruling over all of us. I hope to play with you again in the near future.
omg father!!! you are one of the best players I’ve honestly ever played with! we didn’t speak much, or at all?? pre-merge and i was sweating the moment i had to meet you bc your SO DAMN GOOD!!!!! there are some people who are naturally just so charismatic like u and i just honestly loved talking to u, let alone playing with u!! i think u were so exciting to play along side and even more exciting to solidify a pretty good relationship with! thankYOU for being someone I’m super proud to say i played with !!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2827ce_d0011f547cc94d7cb6992870aa872586~mv2.gif
honestly upon seeing the cast I just figured you and I would be on opposite sides of this game like we have in other games, but as soon as your “Cortana”  called me bae I knew this game would be different. When we formed that little alliance in the first swap it really changed my opinion of you and im really glad we got to work together as long as we did!!
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I think after this game we are going to have to reintroduce ourselves because if there is anyone in this game that gave me a run for my money on making up lies it was you. I am not even sure if I was ever able to really trick you in this game… at times I felt like you were able to read right through me, which was TERRIFYING. You were a target of mine for such a long time and because of it that I regret never showing you all of my true self. Hope you feel the same way because I think we are going to be surprised with how similar we truly are.
my girl since day 1!! i know your departure hurt you and it cut a little when you left, and i have no excuses for it! it just shows how much of a force you were and how much people loved you! i think had i gone to the end with u in a f2, even i would have given u my vote! your such a likable, friendly, honest and respectful person and I’m hoping we can stay in touch after the season because i really loved talking to you during this game! i have so much to thank you for, for me to say i had i had a good time in this game, because you were a lot to contribute to it! i think your an ICON™ and i love your lizards xoxoxo SO MUCH xoxoxoxox https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2017-12/27/17/asset/buzzfeed-prod-fastlane-01/anigif_sub-buzz-9911-1514414805-3.gif
I feel like us not being on a tribe together ever pre merge made it difficult for us to ever be on the same page but honestly the small moments where we did get on the same page were really fun and I did enjoy talking to you about your lizards and potato chips about how annoying some people in this game were!
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Had things not gotten so complicated I would have really loved to have you sitting here with me. I ended up falling into a very emotional game… more than I ever have before and the decision that I made that round is what I know I will end up haunting me in each and ever game I (possibly) get cast for after this. I hope you know how real our friendship is and that it goes so much further than this game/org/whatever. I always heard such amazing thing about you from my friends, but never took the chance to get to know you myself. Oddly enough minutes before the cast was announced I finally took the chance after being thrown into an insane situation and as luck would have it we were both cast and then thrown into this new EVEN MORE insane situation. I believe in fate and in that moment I knew it was sign that I just had to work with you and begin this amazing friendship. I can’t wait to see where this bond takes us I foresee many shore adventures.
i don’t even know where to begin here lmao. your such a legend… i seriously… there aren’t many people like u that i bond with in these games ! i can’t say much more other than thank you for this game! i bonded with u like a sister in this game, with kohls/coles, your crazy stalker, my co-worker, your mom dragging u and most importantly kmart <3 there are soon many memories i treasure ! idk what to say, I’m stumped for words when writing this, you know exactly how i feel about u, theres so much love and gratitude, tysm <3 https://media.giphy.com/media/3o7aD4GrHwn8vsGBTa/giphy.gif
you were literally the only person I thought I could work with in the game early in game and its been such a pleasure to be able to work with you as long as we did. Unfortunately I figured you would absolutely beat me in the end because you literally were friends with EVERYONE and that is something that you did really well that I know I couldn’t beat. I hope we can be friends outside of this game because I really did love talking to you and need updates on your crazy neighbor!!
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THESE PAST 3 DAYS WERE WILD RIGHT???? I’m not sure how the two of us were able to go from bitter enemies one night to forming a real emotional connection the second but hey here we are. I really wish we had made that connection sooner in the game but its never too late and you know I’m not going anywhere. Taking down our façades and realizing how much we had in common was shocking to say the least, but I’m glad it happened. You were such a worthy adversary this entire game and sometimes I wonder how much luck vs strategy was responsible for me being here over you. 4th place looks much better on me than it does on you so get back out there and win one already!!!
what a PLAYER!! HONESTLY, you made moves, your frightened me, you made me laugh like no other, you made me sweat sm, u made me learn about the geography of america, thaNKYOU.. FOR all of it!! you brought this game to a new level and i have a lot of respect for you, i think you are an amazing, amazing person and u should feel very proud of ur self and how u played! also SHOUTOUT to crow for having the most fucked up sleeping schedule, and making my timezone feel like i wasn’t always completely alone and isolated <3 no one else does 4am chats better than crow! http://68.media.tumblr.com/74e0a4518f4a80d00d167c44b8caa462/tumblr_o0z8biWuWv1qfohf1o1_500.gif
I really have such a big respect for the way you played this game, absolutely ruthless. I really thought you were playing too hard/too well which is why you had to go and im so sorry that I had to vote you out because really… I wanted to see you win this game if I didn’t win this game but I had to do what I thought was right to get myself closer to the end.
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