#you know it's kinda like a dressing room montage thing
esprei · 1 year
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shh shh emmet, don't let him hear you say that... (silly little doodle from a trainwreckshipping au i have)
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larcenywrites · 2 months
any headcanons about what dating logan/wolverine might be like? 👀
I can try 😮‍💨 just like with sabretooth, I worry I can’t properly capture him… but we can always dabble around with ideas!
Wolverine x Reader
Warnings: definitely has nsfw | one line does refer to reader being AFAB |
🍺 Sigh… the real question is, how are you going to get in a relationship with this man 😒
🍺 Never mind whether he’s still pining after Jean or not, the guy just refuses to commit 🙄 doesn’t matter if you’ve fucked or not.
🍺 But let’s skip that whole dramatic montage and say you did manage to finally tie him down just a little 🤏
🍺 It’s not like Logan doesn’t have fun or smile or know how to love! But when it comes to an actual bona fide relationship… it’s just harder to comfortably do those things. He’s lived a long time, been through nearly every type of trauma, hates himself for what he is half the time, and, while it hides well behind all that attitude, he’s afraid of a lot of things— from himself to the world.
🍺 So it makes it hard for him to love like that. Feelings are kinda hard for him to talk about 😔 at least, at first. Later on it gets easier, and while his tone may still be soft and gruff and he might sound reserved, but he won’t shy away from any sweet pillow talk anymore 🥺 though… any specific topics pertaining to a future… he’s probably a little more eager to switch to something else 😣
🍺 He’ll definitely be all growly if you start playing with his hair 😤 believe it or not, he’s a little particular about his grooming, and still a little funny about being unexpectedly touched at times— even by his partner.
🍺 But perhaps the real show of love here is the fact that he still won’t stop you 🥲
🍺 Usually the free time he has is spent fucking shit up in the danger room or drinking at his favorite spot, but he will actually take you on dates that don’t involve either! (But let’s be honest, it’s kinda hot to watch him tear shit up sometimes 😏)
🍺 It’s canon that Logan enjoys some broadway musicals! And while it’s not its favorite thing to have to do, he can dress up quite nice 😘
🍺 Actually a horndog 😮‍💨 For a guy that’s always going on about controlling his raging animal or whatever, he sure doesn’t have much control when his sexual partner even looks at him the wrong way 🙄 Maybe it’s all the energy he can never quite get out, or maybe it’s because he goes without for a while at a time, but definitely don’t be surprised when, upon finally getting to share his bed, you don’t get very much sleep 😘
🍺 Unfortunately(?) the dude can smell horniness, which will get him going no matter what his current situation is 🤭
🍺 I know this man eats pussy like nobody’s business 🥴 literally pouncing on you 🥴 maybe a rather hard bite to your thigh before just literally diving in, but otherwise probably won’t do much foreplay, especially nothing all loving and sweet.
🍺 Surprisingly a cuddler? But not, like, when you do it :/ a selective cuddler, we’ll call him. He’ll roll over and trap you in a bear hug 🥰 but no matter if you are taller or shorter than him, he’s gonna be face planted in your shoulder blades
🍺 one of those people that will not be little spoon 😒😒😒😒😒 you might get away with it if you catch him already in bed and you just crawl on top of him and wrap around him 🤭
🍺 but he’s definitely a sucker for having you lie on his chest 🥺🥺🥺🥺 he’ll probably sigh as if you’re bothering him, but it’s kinda like that thing dogs do when they get comfy and sigh loudly 🥰
🍺 it’s counterintuitive, but tbh the more you shower him with love the more he low key hates himself… but he still definitely enjoys it! He actually does love to be loved! A little shy about it, though.
🍺 don’t be afraid to kiss his hand right where his claws come out 😘
🍺 not necessarily jealous as much as he is protective…
🍺 well, he does get a little possessive…
🍺 sometimes might be petty af if you try to come into bed smelling like someone who’s pissed him off that day (many people piss him off every day)
🍺 like it’s not your fault you were in the same general area as Cyclops for longer than ten minutes and Wolfie over here can smell that 😒
🍺 When he’s done throwing his pity party, though, you get way-too-tight cuddles though so it’s a win? How else are you supposed to smell like him again?
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leonenjoyer69 · 4 months
It has been demanded of me to drop everything I had made for an unshared BMC x TGS AU I thought up back in March :3 I honestly don't remember much of it, but I apparently wrote a shit ton, so here's that straight from my drafts and writing app--
First! The original Tumblr draft!:
Guys guys, hear me out, TGS "Be More Chill" AU thingy.
Hyde is Jekylls SQUIP, and boy is he defective. Self loathing is of course still in order, but also he's constantly telling Jekyll to do really impulsive things. Oh, this guys being an asshole? PUNCH HIS ASS JEKYLL! holy shit, hot theatre boy Lanyon? Kiss him kiss him ASK HIM OUT YOU WUSS-
Hyde SQUIP doesn't want complete world control via SQUIPs tho bc all the other ones are too "boring", he just kinda wants to do whatever and "fix" this really nerdy Scottish boy.
And then, what I had in my writing app (which was a lot jfc):
TGS au that is vaguely inspired by BMC >:3
Henry and Robert share a dorm room at this university (Henry is big gay for Lanyon ofc). At this University, Jekyll has created this science club, Students for Arcane Science (of course there's also all sorts of mythical curiosities in this world, so it's still got all the ghosts and creatures and werewolves) with the help of Dr Maijabi (who's a teacher in this mayhaps, otherwise itd be Mrs Frankenstein). This club is just to bring people who are very passionate about their scientific fields together to talk and share experiments and things, and to perhaps do experiments together. One day, someone in passing (perhaps Pennebrygg) mentions this odd new Japanese technology to Jekyll, since he's so enraptured by chemistry and matters of the mind and soul, and Jekylls nerd ass immediately wants to know more about it. So, being the science-driven guy he is, he immediately sets out to get his hands on one to try, because hey, maybe this cool little pill will give him the confidence to actually ask out Lanyon and to make other people like him more. Too bad he gets a defective one. He doesn't know that though! So, of course his first course of action is to absolutely grill this SQUIP thing-- who so quickly insisted that he was to be called Hyde (what an odd name for this oddly dressed lad)-- on how he worked (I like to think Jekylls Scottish accent slips out more when he gets enthusiastic or when he's rushing, Lanyon has to remind him a lot to "speak English"). Hyde doesn't really care to answer most of these questions, but he relents on one condition, that Jekyll shuts the fuck up long enough for him to make it home so he's not caught talking to himself like a maniac in public. So, cue a montage of Jekyll barely containing his wonder and excitement as this brash little creature walking beside him (Hyde doesn't like being locked away in the mind, so hes persistent about keeping a physical manifestation of himself if able) explains how he was created (well, to the extent hes allowed to). Eventually though, he gets kinda bored and just begins poking fun at Jekyll and the people they come across, running around doing silly things that he knows only Jekyll can see, and Jekyll kinda gets a kick out of it. Eventually they make it back to Jekylls dorm, where Lanyons just lazing around. (Im unsure if Jekyll  should reveal that he got the SQUIP to Lanyon or if it should be kept a secret from him, since he wants to use it to get with him and all). Hyde probably makes some quip about Jekyll having good taste or something, studying Lanyon super closely. Jekyll gets super flustered and kinda runs off to somewhere where he can talk to Hyde one on one. When talking, Jekyll reveals what he wants help with: 1. Getting with Lanyon, and 2. Just being able to fit in more and get people to actually like him. Hyde agrees (of course, he doesn't have much else of a choice considering he's bound to this nerd now) and starts coming up with increasingly wild and morally questionable plans.
Hyde's whole thing is that he's defective- not in a "I wanna take over this place/the world", but in more of a way where he wants to live vicariously through Henry. He can't live his own life because of what he is, and for some reason, despite how he was supposed to be created, he's less "calm, calculated computer" and more "impulsive spit fire". He feels things that he's probably not supposed to, but hey, that's not for him to dwell on. (It'd be really cool if at some point Henry tried giving Hyde his own body, mayhaps either with Mr Tanis, Pennebrygg, or Frankensteins help) so, Hyde let's this impulsivity guide him through "helping" Henry, which makes Henry's control and ability to ignore the increasingly wild things Hyde tells him to say or do (for example, telling him to punch a fellow student for looking at him snide, or to tell Lanyon that his smile is beautiful)
Yeah, clearly more inspired by BMC than like, a straight kinda insert AU, but idk thinking on it now it could definitely be changed a decent bit to fit BMC more. But!!! There's that, to the people that were curious lmao
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About the Mean Girls musical movie
I know Ive had conversations before about the cultural context stuff, that it seems like the message was not as effective as the first movie when the stuff its talking about, how girls are wrong whatever they do and everything is up for criticism and filming, and you have to pretend to be sweet and kind fairy princesses instead of being allowed to be human. And Id have to go back and find those posts to see what I do and dont agree with now. Because I just saw the movie. And honestly, I liked it. A lot of the visuals were really fun and interesting, which I think is impressive in a movie that mostly takes place inside of a high school. Regina more than once looks like she's in a music video, and that works because shes so hyped, its like she lives in a reality where not only do people break into song, but she's always in a music video. She really sells the character, self-assured and in charge and perfectly manipulative, and even when she's being vulnerable you're like, but is this another deception? She's more villainous in this version, and by the end maybe more human as well. (also the costuming is phenomenal, that Halloween angel dress?? The entire Halloween Someone Get Hurts sequence might be my favourite. )
Also Renee Rapp, who plays Regina, is just incredibly hot. She also played Regina on Broadway so it makes sense she has the character down. Thats not film critique thats my personal admiration. Its almost a little silly with the "oh no Regina is gaining weight she cant fit her clothes" because she looks amazing. [Edit: She's also obviously - I was gonna say she seems older than the other "teens" but actually she's 24, so Im having a moment of feeling old. And she's actually the same age as Auli'i Cravalho who is a lot younger in my mind because holy shit Moana came out EIGHT years ago?? Angourie Rice/Cady is 23, Jaquel Spivy/Damian is 26, Avantika/Karen is 19, thats more the age I thought they were but not the cast seems to be mostly 23-26. Its so weird when times moves the same for people while your image of them in your head stays the same. So Rapp isn't older she's just a bit bigger (neutral/positive). And she's been playing the role for a long time. And Im allowed to find her hot because she's a goddamn adult and so am I. This paragraph is not critique it is me blogging on my blog. Now Im annoyed at myself for Caveats of Fear but Im gonna stop dwelling on that now.]
On that note, though I originally liked the musical quite a lot, the significant fatphobia in it soured it for me. And Im happy to say in the musical movie, they changed or omitted those lines. I was waiting to cringe and they just sang something else. So that was great. I think the only fat character was Damian (why does that suddenly look like a vampire name?) - Jaquel Spivy - and he seemed comfy and cool, no self deprecating fat jokes or anything. Generally the lines/jokes that were uncomfortable or a bit bigoted have been changed. Though there isnt any disability rep, and theres a random character the burn book claims puts alcohol in her inhaler, like a 3 second joke.
And the big thing is that a lot of the meanness is shown in montages of vertical video and comments - no-brand tiktok obviously - and I think thats pretty realistic, and also in the original theme of not being mean to peoples faces but talking all kinds of shit behind their backs. And I think the montage format is effective in mimicking that endless scroll eyes glazing over stuck in the doom scroll/stuck in the spectacle. The music was good. I really liked how they overlaid the Spring Fling/thematic music with the math competition. If anything, Cady is not as good of a character, her Plastic switch is basically overnight, the scene with Aaron at the party is still kinda of awkward, she doesnt get as much room to breathe, while almost everyone else comes off really well. Heck even the candy cane/glen coco guy did well, I was actually suprised at how differently and yet excellently the actors acted their lines, compared both to the previous movie and the musical. Auli'i is fantastic, scary Janis is *scary*. And I simultaneously want to be her best friend. (It certainly helps that her art is augmented with embroidery and she's carrying embroidery hoops in multiple scenes. Fiber arts my loves.)
When I first saw a trailer my thoughts were "ugh we dont need another movie of this," but I think Ive changed my mind. Its similar enough and different enough that for me its a good adaptation. Also - I almost forgot to say - Janis gets a girlfriend for Spring Fling. Its not a plot point, we're just montaging getting ready and Janis goes to pick her up (in the lavender suit), and Damian is taking photos with two other sapphic couples. And he gets a crush/admirer who again, is just there to be there and doesnt interfere with the main story. I might change my mind again once its had time to settle in my thoughts, but initial impression is that its a fun movie I would watch again. Maybe we want the social commentary to be more incisive than it is, and in the end it is entertainment that needs to not be too boring to hold peoples shortening attention spans. (also neutral). Maybe thats wishing for it to be a movie that its not trying to be, and thats always a recipe for disappointment and also not great or fair analysis. What a fantastic line to end on*.
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- Lucy is a new FBI agent in a team mostly men. Her boss is Jane Tennant, one of the rare female ASACs. Lucy loves her team and will do anything to impress her boss.
- They are going after a serial bomber and get a clue that their next target is the US beauty pageant contest.
- Figured that someone's gotta go undercover, Lucy jumps at the chance to prove herself. She might think that beauty pageants are stupid, and while she is confident in her looks, she knows she's not exactly the pageant kind of girl, but that's what undercover is right, to be someone you're not? So she can swap her combat boots for heels, her muscle tees and pants for dresses, and be less loud and brass.
- Tennant is worried, of course. This is a high profile case and it would be Lucy's first time undercover. But she has complete faith in Lucy and she will be running point herself, and Jesse and Kai will be on watch out.
- So Lucy will be going as Miss Texas, and they call in a "pageant coach," an eccentric man named Ernie.
- (cue funny make-over montage that looks more like Lucy and Ernie's spa day)
- It might be different from Lucy's actual personality, but growing up from a rich family means she can pretend and easily fit in.
- Everything is going fine until she meets Miss California, Kate Whistler.
- Holy shit Kate Whistler
- Lucy's impeccable gaydar also clocks Kate's not-so-straight vibe immediately.
- So she gathers information and flirts with Kate at the same time because she is that good of a special agent and listen Ernie this is for the mission okay?
- And they happen to share a room.
- (cue omg they're roommates squeal)
- They talk and Lucy finds out that Kate is smart, and charming, and funny as hell, and how can Kucy resist that?
- Meanwhile Kate is also in trouble because she just wants to win this competition but she can't help but pay attention to the hurricane force that is Lucy Tara.
- They talk well into the night and both wake up tired the next day.
- Both are certainly attracted to each other but neither will really make a move because Kate doesn't want it to mess up the competition while Lucy can't let it mess up the mission.
- But then one night Kate wanna go for a swim and Lucy is practically short-circuited when she sees Kate Whistler in a bikini and while she is not at all interested in going swimming she is very much into Kate swimming.
- So Kate is swimming in the pool and Lucy is on a bench watching and they just banter like usual. But then Lucy reaches out to help pull Kate up and they kiss and well...
- (Lucy is secretly glad she saw Kate in a bikini before the swimsuit contest day cause she would have choked on stage)
- Kate wants their thing to be lowkey, basically a secret. Lucy finds it weird, but considering that she is on a mission, she agrees.
- For talent day, Lucy does some back flips and such from her cheerleader days. Kate sings.
- Stuffs happen (cue investigative montage) and now. Now Kate is a suspect and Lucy is tasked to keep an eye on her.
- Lucy tells Tennant she doesn't think it's Kate, and Tennant believes her, but wants her to keep an eye on her anyway just in case, and dig into the other candidates.
- Lucy comes back to their room trying to act like normal but in reality she feels guilty because as long as Kate is a suspect Lucy cannot have any sort of personal relationship with her.
- So she pulls away and they kinda fight bc Kate doesn't understand why Lucy is acting like this all of a sudden
- Then Lucy made a comment about how Kate only cares about winning, and that hurts Kate so much bc they've talked and she thought Lucy understood her.
- Guess not.
- Things are tense that day.
- Sone point in the nexxt few days, while looking for some stuff Kate finds Lucy's FBI badge.
- She confronts Lucy.
- "Not only do you think I care so much about winning I would what? Sabotage the competition on purpose? Hurt people to get what I want? Is that what you think of me? Do you really trust me so little?"
- Lucy tries to explain but it keeps getting worse bc there are things she cant tell Kate.
- Last day comes and they narrow it down to the hosts. Kate won't look at her at all.
- Kate wins. The bomb is in the tiara.
- Lucy runs like hell and takes it off Kate's head before she can react and flung it away.
- It blows up, the team arrests the perp yada yada yada anyway back to the lesbians.
- They are gazing into each other's eyes and Lucy explains herself. She apologizes and Kate apologizes and then they kiss on television.
- They live happily ever after.
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henrysteelsmurryme · 2 years
EPISODE 1 (~4.4k words)
WARNING, I'm not feeling very inspired for this (Episode 1 is the only part that is finished) but I'm gonna post it anyways! Enjoy xx [08/23 update! I finished part 2! feeling good! would love to know what kind of date idea you'd like to see for possible future parts !!]
This was also inspired by finelinevogue’s love island series! Check it out!
bachelorry masterlist
: :
“Please welcome our most stylish Bachelor yet, Harry!"
Then he appears, making the two women squeal on the couch. He looks absolutely dashing in a blue suit with thick black strips running down the outside of the pant legs, along with a black scoop tank worn underneath.
“Holy shit, he looks so good!” Ariana yells, making Jaclyn laugh.
“God, I am so glad he was chosen to be the next Bachelor, despite all the controversy.”
“And that controversy was,” Ariana quickly grows heated, sitting straight up in her seat and making Jaclyn snicker even more, “that he dresses well! And they tried to say that he was gay! Bullshit.” Then she adds dryly, “A man who wears anything but black apparently likes it up the ass.”
Jaclyn notes, “He could still like it up the ass.”
“How you are feeling tonight, Harry?”
“Honestly, a bit nervous.” Harry laughs. “Actually, really nervous.” The women on the couch muffle their smiles, smitten with his blatant transparency. It’s not like there haven’t been other Bachelors who were also open with their feelings, but, for some reason, it’s a little more endearing with this specific man.
Harry is very charismatic, a man who won the hearts of the viewers from the very moment he appeared on the first episode of The Bachelorette. He was a fan favorite, for many—and obvious—reasons.
Everyone was devastated when Tamara rejected Harry’s proposal, and they were all heartbroken and tearful witnessing Harry openly break down in tears in the car afterwards.
Needless to say, it was quite obvious who the viewers wanted to be the next Bachelor before The Bachelorette even ended.
And now, that broken man is nowhere in sight. Harry stands tall and proud and excited in front of the mansion. He restlessly waits for the first limo to appear.
The women on the couch watch as countless of women climb out of the cars, and make their own cheesy appearance. They endure through plenty of cringy jokes and awkward introductions.
“Oh, wow,” Jaclyn says, pleasantly surprised. “She’s wearing a jumpsuit.”
“My name is Beau. I’m twenty-seven years old,” the show then cuts to Beau directly facing the camera, sitting in the standard interview room, “I’m from Grand Rapids, Michigan, and I am…” Her mouth splits into a cheeky grin. Her voice is cheerful despite the not-so-cheerful words, clearly trying to convey that she wants to sound light-hearted. She raises it an octave, sounding more and more confident as she finishes the sentence. “…Currently…between jobs.” She nods, a sheepish smile on her face and she lets out a short laugh.
“Oh, that’s funny.” Ariana offers a little laugh.
“Yeah,” her friend, Jaclyn, says.
Underneath Beau’s name appears the words “Between Jobs” in quotations.
“Oh,” Jaclyn says sympathetically. “They did her dirty. Didn’t have to say that.”
The film then cuts to a montage of Beau doing random things around her house. Her movements are stiff and awkward, highlighting just how out of her element she most likely feels; Ariana snorts.
“I mainly like to hang out with my dog. I take him to the west side of the state and we go hiking through the woods and swim in the lake.”
The video shows her wearing a matching blush pink set of biking shorts and a long-bodied sports bra that leaves only a sliver of skin showing. She’s walking down a trail with a happy black curly-haired dog trotting in front of her.
“What kind of dog do you think that is?”
“Naur clue. Kinda looks like a doodle of some sort.” Jaclyn pouts. “He’s so cute though.”
“He is.”
Then there’s another video of her and her dog, this time on the beach. Beau is wearing a black triangle swimsuit top with white flowers and white binding paired with a matching set of cheeky bottoms that are tied at the sides. She sprints into the lake, then when she gets deep enough, she dives into the water, her dog happily swimming behind her. Beau jumps up, wiping water from her face and letting out a shrieked laugh. “It’s so cold!”
The film then cuts back to her sitting in the interview room. “I actually grew up near Detroit, and back when I was twenty-one, I wasn’t expecting to still be in this state.” She laughs again. “I’ve always wanted to explore the United States a little more, and now that I’m…” she cheekily grins “…in between jobs, I might have that chance.”
Ariana decides, “I like her.”
“I’m definitely nervous. I’m not the most outgoing, especially in large groups and especially with new people. It takes me a while to get comfortable sometimes and…” She laughs. “One thing I am absolutely terrified for is pulling Harry for chats. The idea of interrupting someone else’s conversation with him is already giving me so much anxiety. I feel like I could go home the first night because I would just never approach him because he’d be talking to someone else.” She lets out a light sigh. “Yeah, I mean, I didn’t even really want to…do this. My family signed me up.”
“Um…” Jaclyn furrows her eyebrows and makes a face. “That’s weird. Why would you admit that?”
“I feel like this kind of journey is more for the outgoing and outspoken types of people, and…I am not that. So I see myself struggling a little bit in the future.” She shrugs. “Who knows?"
“Couldn’t she have just said no when she realized her family signed her up? She didn’t have to come on this show.”
Ariana agrees. “Right. I don’t know, that’s kinda weird. I’m not sure how I feel about her now.”
“Me neither.”
“Hi.” Beau gives a wide, nervous grin as she approaches Harry. Already, the women can tell that her smiles show a hint of her humor. She’s obviously nervous, and instead of being awkward about it, she laughs at herself a little bit, similar to what she had done moments before when mentioning her current career situation. 
Her jumpsuit is a beautiful bold blue. The pants are flat-fronted with pressed creases right down the middle. Her top is simple, with no embellishments, but the sleeves are extremely long, reaching almost to her ankles, with slits that allow her hands to appear. The top is short enough that it leaves just a few inches of skin showing on her abdomen.
“I love that.”
Despite the obvious nerves, Beau stands tall with her shoulders back as she stands in front of Harry.
“Oh, shit, she’s tall.” The woman on the screen can look Harry straight in the eye without raising her chin.
The camera catches Harry’s eyes sparkling (It must be the lighting, right?) as he takes her in. “Hello, I’m Harry. You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” they go for a hug, “I’m Beau.”
A cheeky grin then grows on Harry’s face. The women on the couch groan quietly, anticipating what’s to come (It’s his signature I’m-about-to-tell-a-really-bad-joke face. It’s probably his biggest flaw.)
“Beau? Well,” he looks her up and down (suggestively?), a smirk on his lips. The women begin to scream on their couch. “It’s a very fitting name. You certainly live up to it.”
The women explode into shrieking cackles, grabbing each other and shaking their friend as the camera focuses on Beau’s shocked and flushed face. 
“Oh, uh, um—”
“Oh, my God!” Jaclyn cries, wiping tears from her eyes. “She can’t even speak!”
“Well, what the fuck would you say when he’s looking at you like that!?”
Harry chuckles at her stammering, ending her misery with his gentle dismissal. “I’ll see you in there.”
Beau briskly nods, failing to hold eye contact. “Yep. Sounds good.” She turns and flees into the house, her quick strides pulling more laughs from the viewers.
: :
Beau wants to cry as she steps into the house. She squeezes her eyes shut and tries to push down the humiliation licking up her spine. She attempts to convince herself that not many people were there to see that, but then her more rational side reminds her that this will be broadcasting to millions of people in just a few months.
Her face is on fire. She was already on edge, anxious about the whole process: stepping out of the limo, walking up to Harry, and trying to remember her cheesy line. It all went to complete shit when he looked at her the way he had.
She had never been more flustered in her entire life. She inhales deeply, tries to regulate her racing heart, when she hears the women conversing from somewhere further into the mansion.
“Didn’t the door open? Where is she?”
Beau’s mouth feels dry. “H–Hi!” She walks into the home, straightening her back and smiling wide when she enters the main living area. She’s greeted by—what feels like—dozens of beautiful, smiling faces.
“Hello!” A woman loudly greets; Beau recognizes her booming voice as she repeats the same word in a more upbeat tone.
“Hi!” They meet in the middle, hugging briefly. “I’m Beau.”
“Oh, that’s unique! I’m Diane. It’s so nice to meet you!” She steps back and scans Beau’s outfit. “You’re stunning.”
Beau smiles with her lips shut; the bottom half of her face is already starting to feel a bit sore. “Thank you. I love your dress.”
“Get this.” The woman leans in close, nodding at Beau slowly with wide eyes. “Fifteen bucks. Marshall’s.”
Beau throws her head back and laughs, clapping her hands. “Who would’ve guessed?”
“That’s exactly why I bought it! I wasn’t about to spend all my savings on fucking clothes!”
“Right? I literally texted friends I hadn’t talked to since high school and asked if I could borrow any of their clothes.”
Diane’s jaw drops and her eyes widen. Beau laughs as Diane grabs her forearm. “Oh, my God, that’s legendary!” Then she grabs her hand. “Here, I’ve hogged you enough. Let me introduce you to the girls. Everyone! This is Beau.”
“Hi, Beau,” the group greets in unison.
Beau smiles. “Hello, you all look beautiful.”
“So do you!”
"“I love your outfit!”
“It’s beautiful!”
Diane pulls Beau towards their own small group, where Beau is introduced to Juniper, Genevieve, and Brielle.
“You know,” Beau says to Juniper as the other women converse, “you look like that one actress in Jurassic World. She was in Twilight, too.”
The curly red-haired woman rolls her eyes. “I get that all the fucking time. Harry fucking told me that, too.”
Beau laughs, Juniper blows a raspberry and shakes her head, muffling a good-natured smirk.
“Hey, maybe he’ll remember you better?”
“He fucking better.”
Diane could be a taller Dolly Parton, with wild blonde hair and a large toothy smile. She’s a PA in Dallas, Texas. Juniper is a chemical engineer from Baltimore, Maryland. Genevieve works as an ICU nurse in the bumfuck of nowhere, Oklahoma.
“I’m getting out of there as soon as possible,” she says with urgency, making the women laugh. “The only action I get is hicks asking me if they can melt dark chocolate on my skin and see if they can tell the difference.”
Brielle is a biochemist in Seattle, Washington.
“Wow,” Beau says. “We got some smarties in here.”
“What do you do again?”
“Well, I was a financial analyst.”
Diane gazes up at the ceiling with deadpanned eyes and lifts her arms, letting her hands fall and smack her thighs. “Well, what the fuck, you’re a smartie, too. And in math! Women in STEM.”
Beau winces. “I couldn’t care less about math though. Don’t ask me what a tangent line is.”
“Babe, don’t ask me what seven times nine is.” The women all giggle at Genevieve’s words.
Suddenly, the chatter in the room falters until there’s a silence full of anticipation. Moments later, Harry enters the room, looking around warmly.
“Welcome, ladies.” He stands in front of them, secures his hands behind his back, and leans forward slightly in an almost-bow. “I’m very excited to get to know you all, and I’m very sorry that I won’t recall all of your names tonight.”
Some women chuckle, some giggle, and some laugh.
“Does everyone have a glass? I’d like to make a quick toast.”
Women rush to grasp their champagne flutes. Beau’s is held loosely in her hand because it’s empty, due to Diane downing the rest of it earlier.
Everyone crowds around Harry, gazing at him with moony eyes, flushed cheeks, and endeared smiles.
Harry smiles, his eyes flitting around the group quickly. It takes a moment too long and he snaps himself out of it, blinking his eyes and shaking his head a bit. The women giggle.
“Sorry,” he laughs, then he raises his glass higher. “To genuine connections, gentle honesty, and great people.”
There’s a feminine chorus of “Cheers!” followed by the clinking of glasses. Beau gives a dumb smile as everyone around her takes a sip of their drink. She catches Juniper’s eye and makes a theatrical show of shrugging and making a face and tipping the flute upside into her gaping mouth. Juniper rolls her eyes good-naturedly, a hint of a smirk on her face.
Immediately, a woman lays her hand on Harry’s arm and asks him to come outside with her. Some of the woman are irritated. They huff and glare at the couple as they disappear down the hall.
Beau returns to the couch their small group has unofficially announced as theirs. She chats with the women, watching as one of them leaves at a time to talk with Harry. They’re all successful on the first try, which gives Beau a bit of confidence when she eventually decides it’s her turn to temporarily leave the conversation.
She doesn’t think about the what-ifs as she approaches the couple talking on the outdoor couch. She’s actually quite proud of herself for remaining so calm as she stands by the coffee table. “Hi, could I take Harry for a chat?”
“Actually…” the woman starts, giving Beau a smile that men would pass off as sweet, but women know it’s quite the opposite. “I just got to talking with him. I’m going to need a few more minutes.”
Beau’s initial response when she opens her mouth is to say that she’s wrong—whoever this woman’s name is—and that she’s had just about the most time with Harry out of all the other women. But then she shuts her mouth, because she’s not about to start something within the first couple hours of the show. “Um. Okay.” She doesn’t even bother glancing at Harry before she turns on her heels and marches back into the mansion.
She robotically shakes her head as she beelines to the couches. Diane catches her eye and furrows her eyebrows. “I thought you were going to pull him for a chat.”
She continues to shake her head as she stiffly sits next to Genevieve. “She told me that they just got to talking and that she’d like a few more minutes.” She shakes her head some more. “Nope. Never doing that ever again. That was so embarrassing. I looked like an idiot.”
“No, you didn’t.” Genevieve gently slaps her knee. “She’s had plenty of time with Harry out there. You need to be more assertive.”
Beau shrugs easily, letting out a sigh and sitting back. “Too late now.”
Diane rolls her eyes. “At this rate, you’re not going to talk to him until next week.”
“If I make it that far.”
“Then go talk to him, for Christ’s sake!” Juniper thrusts a hand toward the backyard. “I don’t want to hear you whining about how you didn’t get to chat with him.”
“No one’s whining!”
“All right, all right.” Brielle chuckles. “Beau, try again in a couple minutes.”
Beau does try again, and, like they’re in a track race, a woman literally cuts her off and runs past the finish line, effectively pulling Harry aside for a chat.
Beau tongues the inside of her cheek, wondering whether she should start laughing or crying. She just hopes the producers take pity on her and don’t make her out to be as pathetic as she currently feels.
She swallows down her embarrassment, and returns to the living room. This time, her friends laugh.
“Again? What happened this time?”
“You’re pathetic.”
Beau sighs and falls onto the couch. “I’m gonna cry,” she says with a completely dry tone.
“No, you’re not.” Genevieve hits her thigh with her knuckles. “I’ll come with you next time, and I’ll literally throw you onto him.”
Beau nods, taking a deep breath. “Okay.” Then she breaks into a smile and laughs. “Jesus Christ, I told y’all I couldn’t do this.” She ignores her trembling hand and she presses it against her mouth. She stares off into space as the women around her resume their conversation. She tries to avoid certain distressing thoughts, as well as the familiar hollowed feeling in her stomach.
Her body envelopes in a panicking heat when Genevieve grasps her hand and tells her to stand up, that they’re going to try again.
She feels like her face is on fire as Genevieve leads them to the backyard. She feels like a little girl, needing her mother to hold her hand as she walks her into the school. This is actually a very familiar and nostalgic feeling, because five-year-old Beau would cry as her mother tried to drop her off at school from the car line. Eventually, after a few days, a nun replaced her mother and had to hold her hand and guide her into the school.
“That’s the same woman,” Beau says, a little breathless.
“Okay, so that means she’s had plenty of time to chat with him. You’re gonna go over there, ask if you can take him for a chat, and if she says no, say that the night’s winding down and you’d like to at least get a few words in before the ceremony.”
Beau nods firmly, like she’s confident. Only, she’s not. Not at all. “Okay. Stay here until I actually do it.”
Genevieve huffs out a laugh. “All right. Now go.” As Beau walks away, she slaps her butt. She’ll have to ask her later if she also played any sports.
At first, Beau’s steps were tentative, then she inhales a deep breath and straightens her back, lengthens her strides, and she appears calm, cool, and casual as she approaches the chatting couple.
“Hi…Do you think I could pull Harry for a chat?”
“Of course!” The woman leaps up, thanks Harry for the chat and sends a sweet, encouraging smile to Beau as she walks past. Beau decides to forgive her for almost making her eat shit five minutes ago when she almost stepped on the woman’s heels. It probably wasn’t malicious; Beau doesn’t want to start the very first night with any drama—she’d like to avoid that, more than anything.
“Thank you.” She turns back to Harry, feeling her heart race as he smiles up at her.
“Beau,” he says, confident.
She gives him an awarding smile. “Yes. I’m surprised you remember.”
“Well, it’s impossible to forget every time I look at you.”
“Stop it.” She rounds the short table and sits beside him.
He let out a laugh. “What?”
“Don’t make me…any more flustered. I’d like to contribute to this conversation.”
He hums, looking into her eyes. “I’d like that, too.”
Beau can’t believe how often she has to break the eye contact. Usually, it’s the other person that’s breaking eye contact with her. Beau is very good at looking at people’s eyes, even when she was fifteen and was so awkward she could barely carry a conversation—still, she was able to at least look them in the eye.
Harry’s stare is just so intense though. He gazes at her with a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his lips. The eyes are the windows to the soul, or however the saying goes, and Harry’s windows are as transparent as air. They hold a lot more emotion than Beau thinks they should so early into this process.
Harry licks his lips, shuffling in his seat before he speaks. “So, Beau is a bit…I’ve never met a woman named Beau.”
She nods. “Yeah, my parents really like the gender neutral names. They loved telling people our names when we were babies, and watching them struggle to guess if we were a boy or a girl.”
Harry laughs. “So, you have siblings? What are their names?”
“I have three sisters. One is,” she waves a hand, “very old. Like, fourteen years older than me. Her name is Blake, then there’s me, Jamie, and Parker.”
He nods. “Okay, so where are you from?”
“Grand Rapids in Michigan.”
“And what is it that you do?”
“I’m actually…” Beau bites back a smile. “Between jobs right now. I was a financial analyst for a while.” “Yeah? What does that entail?” He continues with a knowing grin, “Analyzing finances?”
“Pretty much.” They laugh together. Beau brushes some of her short hair off her face. She didn’t do much with it, since it curls rather nicely when it decides to. And, fortunately, today, it went along with her plans.
Harry angles his body more towards her, propping his elbow on the back of the couch and resting his temple against the heel of his palm. “What are you looking for in your next job?”
“Uh,” goddamnit, Beau has to look away again, “I wasn’t very happy at the place I was at. I honestly don’t really care what I do, as long as I can enjoy it and the people around me.”
“So a happy environment is important to you in a job?”
“I’d say it’s the most important. I can tolerate—“ she was about to say “shitty”, but then she becomes acutely aware of the cameras pointed at them “…unfulfilling work, I guess? As long as the people I work with are fun to be around and not—they’re not mean, you know?”
Harry nods, his features relaxed as he looks at her.
Beau forces herself to look at him. She really looks at him, and admires the beauty he effortlessly holds. His eyes are bright and clear, his skin smooth and tanned, his lips plump and pink. And what makes him most attractive to Beau is how openly he wears his emotions.
She remembers watching The Bachelorette, and how none of the men really caught her eye (which wasn’t a surprise to her). It wasn’t until the fourth or fifth episode that she could finally decide who she found attractive. Of course, Harry was at the top of her list. And it wasn’t until Beau got to know—as much as she could from her couch—a little bit of Harry’s and the other men’s personalities that she started to feel some sort of attraction towards them.
If she were twenty-years-old, she would have been confused as to why she couldn’t immediately name off the men she was attracted to with her friends as they watched the show together. But now, she understands, and what she doesn’t understand she doesn’t worry about.
So, Beau does find Harry attractive, but probably not in the same way the other women find him attractive. And she’s sure that the longer she stays on the show, the more attracted to him she’ll become.
Her gaze then descends onto his suit, and something clicks in her brain. “We’re kinda matching.”
“Kinda?” He reaches out and lays a hand on her thigh, bringing the sleeve of his suit closer to her pants. “It’s an exact match.”
Beau shrugs, giving him a small, teasing smirk. “Maybe that means something.”
He returns her gesture with a suggestive look of his own. His warm hand gently squeezes her leg. She has to refrain from clenching her legs in a totally embarrassing way. “Maybe. I guess we’ll have to see.”
Neither speak for a moment, choosing to look at each other instead. Beau has finally found it easier to look at him. She’s no longer intimidated, because she’s now found out for herself just how genuine of a person he is, how welcoming and kind he is.
They share a small, shy smile, then Harry breaks their gaze and dips his chin to his chest, peering down at his lap. Beau bites back her victorious smile, putting even more effort into doing so when Harry lifts his head and there’s remnants of pink skin on his face.
He licks his lips slowly. “I had a really great time chatting with you.”
Beau nods. “Me, too. I’m looking forward to our next chat.” She wishes they could have had more time, she could have said more, got to know him more, but she’ll take him standing up and offering his hand to help her from the couch instead. Especially since he doesn’t drop their hands until he has to, when he makes an announcement to the group of women in the mansion.
A few women are upset because they never got to talk with Harry, sending subtle glares toward the women who probably spent a little too much time with him.
Beau heads into the room where the rose ceremony is being held. They were warned before by the producers that this first one will take a long time—they’ll be lucky if they’re in bed by seven AM. She wishfully thinks that this rose ceremony will be the exception.
Her feet hurt despite the short heels she has on, her back hurts from standing for so long on the small tiered stage. One by one, Harry calls a woman’s name. Beau didn’t realize that between each name-call the crew has to change the positions of the cameras, taking as long as five minutes between each name.
She is so exhausted she wants to cry rather than smile when Harry calls her name. She has never wanted her bed so badly in her entire life. She feels like she’s dreaming as she approaches Harry, and it’s because of her exhaustion rather than elation. Still, she smiles wide when Harry hands her the rose, and she tries not to think too much about the smile Harry returns that she interprets as extra sweet compared to the other grins he gave to the other women. She’s just overthinking it. She’s just tired. She needs to go to bed.
She doesn’t climb under the covers until the sun is peeking over the horizon, at nine AM.
: :
bachelorry masterlist
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myladyofmercy · 3 years
young royals rewatch
episode 6
i love this opening montage so much
right until the credits come up over wille screaming
wish we got that scream scene without the credits for edits tho
the little girl looks at simon as if she personally has seen the video
it must be so weird to see your face on a magazine cover. i wonder what the article says
he's wearing purple (in solidarity with simon)
you have nothing to apologize for wille baby
did simon go to the police tho?
love the little detail of clothes we seen on the show already laying folded up on the washing machine
is the floor of the library so clean that they can lie and sit on it? aren't there any chairs?
august just listening to the theories like the little bitch he is
I'm calling the cops if you don't leave
i love stellas clothing style so much
sara putting 1 and 2 together
rosh and ayub are back!!!
i have not seen kim ks sex tape and i don't intend to watch it
I really hope simon doesn't change schools in s2. I'm with rosh on that one
why is the sky so yellow? light pollution?
willes pajama pants from ep 2 are back
august you little shit stop spitting live lessons and spill the truth
fish scene flashback
the looney tunes shirt is back
first kiss fit
yellow tshirt, yellow shirt, yellow backpack. i know you're the center of willes universe but do you really have to look like the sun?
wille matches the blue background but simon sticks out like a sore thumb
this scene is so poweful even without a kiss
oh no i know what's coming
sara pls don't do this
she's wearing purple (in solidarity with simon)
wilhelm doesn't have everything he has nothing you piece of shit
and he will lose simon because of you too
oh doobidoo i wanna be like you u u
why does sara look kinda sad when august kisses her neck tho?
as someone who rarely sits at the dining table for dinner and watches tv during 99% of meals i relate to simon and his mom
how does felice dress fit sara so well tho?
simon you are not her father
linda you are her mother. pls act like that more often or i will have to rewoke your best mom card
the star behind simons head looks very pretty
simon saying annan and dum in this conversation makes me think of certain songs by a certain artist
sara and wilhelm both called simon fin
why do felice and maddie have their own bathroom and wille the crown prince has to share with the other guys on his floor?
the mirror shot of them on the floor
i don't think simon really believes wille will tell the truth
it's their last kiss and it breaks my heart
the sad scarf is back
why do the subtitles say how do you do??? simon says good day. that is way more formal than how do you do! simon isn't joey from friends
this car conversation is so frustratingly sad
love how many words i understand bc they sound so similar to the german word in this conversation
let wille and simon have sex in his royal bed in s2 petition
willes tie looks very yellow (simon anyone?)
why is rosh never included in eriksson family time?
poor simon
(love his sweater tho)
who put the name joakim for willes second bodyguard out there? is it canon?
i hate this scene so much
simon did the right thing even though it breaks his (and willes AND MY) heart
love how we see simon leaving blurry in the background
felice being the best detective
also she calls the guy she asks where willes room is edvin
why isn't there a bodyguard in front of willes room?
willes little flinch when he sees simon on the screen
yes the confrontation scene!!!
august is working out again. of course.
why didn't wille mention erik in this scene tho? something like erik told me i could trust you
edvins acting is so good in this scene. rising star award winner indeed.
this phone call hurts so much
love how him hanging up stops the background music and we are left with silence until the match strikes and the choir begins singing
wille and simon are wearing so much more hair product than they did during the whole rest of the season
god jul
the sad scarf is back again
is simon talking with sime choir kids?
we are falling now
jag älskar dig
hoppas du fan en fin jul
tack simon
running with a crown on your head
he wants to run bad so badly
city's on fire but it's beautiful
chills literal chills
i hope they continue with the 4th wall breaks in s2
i love this show
i hate this show
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taysarray · 3 years
Dash and Lily (TV Show)
My thoughts while watching (under the cut cause it got long whoops)
Episode 1:
not the budget Timothee Chalamet - that tracks actually with Dash LMAO
Lily is totally tinsel gal
i know changes are necessary, but the change of the message bugged me for absolutely no specific reason
BOOMER MY FAVE - why is he cutting the pizza when it's already in the box though? what kind of pizza shop is this? adsgfs
oh his dad's RICH RICH with that apartment in NYC
he's so pretentious, god that was me as a teenager, which may explain why sometimes I hate him
bro Lily is so much more suave so far, i hope this is just how he's reading it and it changes when it switches to her POV cause that'd be sick storytelling
can't believe they wouldn't show Santa being groped by a teenager, were they afraid they would need to up the rating then? asfsdfssdf
Episode 2:
we love Lily rambling at The Strand
all these apartments are so nice for New York
Langston rolling into her room wrapped in a blanket is a MOOD
ah it was her brother
Boomer's speech about Dash >>>
that Santa scene was pure chaos i loved it
Episode 3:
the backstory of Lily I CAN'T SHE DESERVED BETTER (although i do miss the Shrilly story)
Langston and Benny my loves <333
the note on the mirror is so cute I'm dead
LILY'S DANCING - it's so aggressive i love it
Episode 4:
LILY'S AUNT MY QUEEN (did they change her name? i thought her name was Ida... either way i'm obsessed)
this episode is very similar to the book
the characters seem so much less pretentious when acted instead of read LOL
gingerbread house already! i wanted to see Snarly! hope we still get to see the disaster muppet
okay the believe scene was cute, i'll admit it
Episode 5:
i love him telling all of his problems to the mochi group
NOT THE APPLAUSE - the mochi scene is too funny
SNARLY THE MUPPET MY BELOVED - i won't allow for his destruction - oh thank god he's still intact
fucking Edgar - i don't trust that he's kept that bracelet
god Dash's dad is insufferable
and so Sofia makes an appearance
if i saw this girl at a slam poetry fest i'd be living for the drama - but also she's kinda killing it, go Lily!
ooh plot twist of Sofia moving back - also i absolutely love exes being friends and not getting back together
Priya my QUEEN
Episode 6:
absolutely love the dress - wore something similar this christmas myself (except it had a black base because the christmas tree look was too much for me lol)
yikes this party's gonna go bad
okay they're actually kinda cute talking to each other
DASH NO (but this song slaps) (also you're telling me this is gonna go down at a museum...SURE)
Episode 7:
i may have a preconceived vendetta against edgar but him kissing a clearly drunk girl is... YIKES
ok but how long did they kiss for before he came to this revelation
the cab scene is the worst scene for secondhand embarrassment they're both acting like fools (i guess they are teenagers in a tv show... but still)
ok but giving her a week to move was kind of a dick move on the parents side
i thought this was the last episode for a minute and was like "THEY ENDED IT LIKE THAT" which i was so ready for but shocked about, but then the next episode started LOL
Episode 8:
"you came to a jonas brothers concert for me 🥺" boomer my love <3
are they just in the jb's trailer????
this scene with dash and nick is the funniest thing "thank you nick jonas" I'M SCREAMING
Lily continually calling out people in front of a crowd is so fucking funny
the brother not even reading the notebook...couldn't be me i'm too nosey (nevermind it took him 2 minutes to do it)
not the montage for a 4 hour series
my mother would literally be running after me what is this LOL
the themed tree is actually cute
this kiss looks so damn awkward asgfdsgds
aww the love actually ended is cute... and Thibauld was alone, love that for him
they just jave no chemistry with their kisses i'm sorry
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neotrances · 3 years
I’m that BB anon on the parental relationship, I’d love for some manga panels, thanks! That might actually be useful for more than just me. Encouraging the view of that kind of relationship would be a good thing for this fandom.
putting this under a read more so i don’t bother the dash with this but yeah i agree, especially when realistically they are closer to family than anything else!
starting off with the servants, if you don’t know all the servants at the phantomhive manor were selected by sebastian, for not only their abilities but bc he found them trust worthy and they had no where else to go / no ties to anywhere else which is kinda required for being ciels personnel as any life outside serving a phantomhive is impossible
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sebastian takes on the duty of teaching meyrin and finnian how to read and write, both being younger and poor with no real experience with written word nor “proper” etiquette of wealthy families, we get a bunch of chapters with montages showing their slow growth and how they each get closer to sebastian and ciel bc of how this mansion is now their safe haven, i wont spoil backstories but each of them were saved and directly call the mansion their home as well as everyone there their family
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a really strong example (bc of how expressive he is) is finnian! finny has a hard time reading others and can’t keep his thoughts or impulses to himself but bc of backstory related reasons he wasn’t able to express himself without punishment, but now at the phantomhive mansion he can, he loves it here and has warmed up to sebastian so much that he calls sebastian his gaurdian sometimes, he feels comfortable jumping on / hugging and just running to him whenever he’s upset and he views ciel as a little brother (as he’s always wanted a family) and as for meyrin she feels the same way! (she’s just shy compared to the others so she wouldn’t approach sebastian the same way finny does) but she considers everyone in the mansion her family
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onto a less expressive example, bard was the last addition to the staff at the mansion and butted heads with sebastian a lot, he was way older than finny and meyrin when he got selected so it was harder for sebastian to “teach” him anything and they argued a lot but (spoiler spoiler etc) they eventually get along and bard sees him as a brother of sorts
later on in the book of atlantic arc we get a series of flashbacks showing sebastian and ciel when they first made the contract, sebastian was cold, didn’t care much about ciel and not familiar with human customs, but they have a break through one night when he finally treats ciel like what he is: a scared traumatized child, and gives him a warm cup of milk that’s considered a treat for kids around that time
following this we get a montage of them understanding each other more and clips of sebastian teaching him school work, how to dress, etc etc and just generally doing things a parent would do with their kid, later on ciel has a ceremony for him by the queen of england and madam red, his last remaining family says this
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sebastian decided to watch the ceremony outside of the room bc he is still a demon and human customs don’t mean much to him, he’s grown a lot but after she says this he merely says he’s just a butler, but him even being there when it wasn’t required of him shows he cares about ciel and is an important person to him, ESPECIALLY bc sebastians appearance (one that highly resmembles ciels father) was ciels own subconscious request
as we go on forward in the series we get a tons and i mean tons of panels of sebastian making snarky remarks to ciel, even bullying him sometimes and telling not to throw tantrums / to go to bed / to watch his mouth in public etc etc
and it just shows that even tho he is still a demon and their arrangement is only bc of the contract they’ve definitely made a family like model in the mansion, ciel being everyones little brother / kid whose emo and they all look after and protect
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also this is just a very dad joke thing to say
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ravenadottir · 4 years
How would the LI's react and help the MC when she just breaks down crying from so much built up stress? Cause this was me two days ago, and I want to see them being all soft for her.
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i hope you’re ok, anon!
alright, let’s get fluffy in here! i might be really selfish and do it for the li’s i like, so i hope yours is in the list. fair warning, all of them would try something with food along with other tactics.
bobby. is not a secret he would bake for hours to make you feel better. but i might add here, while he’s in the kitchen, he would convince you to join him by making jokes and puns, try to get you to participate, such as “can you measure the flour for me? pleaseeeee? 🥺🥺🥺’
and when you do, he would probably ask you to sit on the counter so you can supervise his work, ‘because he has been distracted. in reality, is just a way of making you forget all about the sad time you just had.
i might add here: music is playing in the background, and he’s singing along, making you do it with him. and if the coreography of ‘WAP’ is what it takes to make you smile, he’ll deliver it in front of the sink, rapping along to cardi b.
carl. aah, he’s so bad at this stuff, it kinda hurts! but let me tell you the first thing he would do: call your best friend. let’s say her name is ‘chelsea’. so he calls chelsea for advice on what to do, and she gives him a list. carl wouldn’t just push you to talk to someone else, and definitely would try to stay quiet while you talk.
he listens. TO YOU. he doesn’t care for other people. he knows he can’t give advice, so his way of cheering you up is to show you a place he loves going, to get some silence and thinking done. he wants you to feel reassured in the process. you might ride bikes to get there. “pumping those endorfins, right?!” he would say, handing you a helmet.
after getting there (which i imagine to be a low hill with the view of london) he’ll ask you to sit next to him, just to watch the city work down there. “do you wanna listen to something? maybe some classical, to calm you down?” here’s where he does a bit and puts something ridiculously unexpected and upbeat.
gary. nothing makes this man’s heart break more than seeing you sad. gary is not very talented in the kitchen, but he’ll still try to make you something to eat. “every time i got sad, it was food that would comfort me, and my nan would always make a killing sandwich.” so he would make an attempt with her recipe.
also, he’ll drive anywhere to pick up flowers or candy, or both. he has good intentions, but he knows if he talks to you about it, he might make it worse, so giving little presents it’s his way to try and comfort you.
a snuggle in the couch or in the bed is also part of his routine to cheer you up, while he runs his hands on your upper arms and hair, trying to distract you with ridiculous stories from when he and dicky used to go to pubs. expect several embarrassing anecdotes about dicky’s failures and one or two of himself being the hero. “sure, gare, sure.” “what?! i’m serious! i’m telling you, that’s exactly how it happened!!”
henrik. henrik’s way to make you feel better is to sit you on the couch and listen. he’s a great listener and will give you his full attention.
might add here, he’ll cook something nice, something you really enjoy, or your favorite dish to try to get you smiling.
also, a foot rub. and drawing a bath. to henrik, those little gestures might not fix it, but he’ll do anything to relax you.
kassam. he’s surprisingly thoughtful about the person he loves. he’s in no way the touchy-feely type, but he would still go a long way to make you feel better. music is always the way to go, and trying to get you involved in it just as much. perhaps he’ll hand you a ‘drumstick’ (probably a metal straw) and drum on the counter, in hopes to lure a smile. he might do ridiculous things and gestures, faces and lyrics to go with it, just to get a laugh.
lottie. what better way lottie knows to cheer her girlfriend up than sitting her down in fron if the mirror, telling her how much of an incredible girl she is, and wipe her tears with a tissue? i’ll answer it for you. nothing!
to add to lottie’s ways, an aloe-vera wipe to help with your puffy eyes, and then, makeup. it’s nothing like “ooh, let’s make you look fierce!” and snap her fingers. no. something quiet that she can do while she listens to you. she has a light hand and would love to do your makeup while you talk to her.
“you can cry, babe. that’s what makeup wipes are for.” she just wants to spend some time with you and try her best.
lucas. lucas can be tough, but there’s nothing in the world that will soften him more than seeing you upset. he’s very protective, and after threatening the person or place that made you crumble, he’ll send you to the shower.
his plan involves getting you out of the house, for a nice dinner and movie date. the whole shebang, including this: when you’re ready, he’s nowhere to be found in the apartment, but the doorbell rings and it’s him, waiting to take you out to a nice place.
he’ll encourage you to talk about it during dinner, and after, the movie. when you get home, a shoulder rub to make you relax.
marisol. marisol is really bad at comforting people. she can be blunt and a little over the edge about psychological contributions on how you’re feeling. the way she knows how is to make something for you to eat. she wants you to open up, and she’ll promise to just listen lol
definitely, after you’re finished eating, she’ll take you to the couch, lie your head on her lap and caress your hair. if you want, she doesn’t mind displaying her amazing voice by reading to you. either that, or listening to some music and having some wine. she won’t go to bed until she makes sure you’re ok.
noah. noah is the best at comforting people. he always knows what to say and how to make someone feel better. he has that calming voice and tender touch that makes everything else disappear. he’s a great listener, and will have you in the kitchen, talking about what happened while making dinner for you. yes, your favorite, or a close second.
candles, wine, sitting on the rug, around the coffee table, next to each other. after that, shoulder rub and possibly, if it’s possible, brushing your hair. or braiding it. he might use this as a way to make you laugh, so he’ll try ridiculous mohawks and other do’s.
priya. priya’s way to make herself feel better is shopping. that’s definitely something that lifts up her spirits. after you tell her what happened, she’ll send you to take a shower, all excited about cheering you up with a new outfit.
she can’t wait to drive to a store and make you try every possible outfit.
“babe, do the movie montage!” she might goof around the store, looking for horrible pieces to give it you while you’re in the dressing room, just to have you laughing.
and having lunch or dinner somewhere nice, like a dessert place.
hope this is what you were looking for anon. thank you for the ask, and i hope you’re feeling better!
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britesparc · 3 years
Weekend Top Ten #498
Top Ten Movie Cameos
The first time I think I ever noticed someone cameoing in a movie was Steven Spielberg. I was watching The Blues Brothers, and there was this guy, who I was sure was Mr. The Berg. I must have seen him in some behind-the-scenes something or the other. But he was a director, not an actor, so it couldn’t have been him, right? Then years later I was reading Empire, and sure enough, I was vindicated. It was indeed the play mountain himself. But more on that later.
So, cameos, then. What is a cameo? Now, in my opinion, I think it really has to be small. Really, it should just be one scene – or even one shot. The smaller the better. I’ve seen people online refer to Judi Dench in Shakespeare in Love or Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder as cameos, which is very, very daft, as those are clearly supporting roles – even if they are quite small (and remember, Dench didn’t win her Oscar for “Best Cameo”, she won it for “We Meant To Give You This Last Year”, which is a very important category in the Oscars). I also think the best cameos should be unexpected; a nice surprising treat. And usually they’re funny – the incongruity of seeing that person in this film. Because that’s the other thing: for a cameo to really work, the person cameoing has to be kinda famous. For instance, some might say that Ashley Johnson in The Avengers is a cameo, but whilst she’s obviously awesome and prodigiously talented, I don’t think she’s instantly recognisable enough (which, y’know, she’s mostly famous as a voice actor); also there’s nothing inherently funny or surprising about her role, she’s a waitress who’s saved by Captain America. It doesn’t feel like it’s saying anything to have Johnson play that role, other than I guess Joss Whedon wanted her in the movie (it’s actually funnier that her brief scene is referenced in Loki, because Kate Herron had the whole of the MCU to draw from in a montage, but chose to use an unknown character who’s in one tiny bit of one film, entirely because she’s a huge fan of The Last of Us – see, that is arguably a cameo).
So my rationale for what is and isn’t a cameo might seem complex or even arbitrary, but when has that stopped me in the past? And so, with no further ado, we now get deep into the weeds of it and celebrate my favourite movie cameos of all time. Oh, and there’s no Bill Murray here; I know, I know, it’s a really famous cameo, but, er, I’ve never seen Zombieland. Sorry.
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Stan Lee in Pretty Much Everything (2000-2019): I mean, who else? The absolute King of Cameos. Lee was a massive publicity hound all his life, and passed up no opportunity to get in front of the camera, so once big, proper movies were being made of his comics, he was right there, selling hot dogs in X-Men (2000), rescuing children in Spider-Man (2002), and then right through every MCU film until his sad death in 2019 (and even popping up in Teen Titans!). Hearing him tell Miles Morales “I'm going to miss him,” in Into the Spider-Verse chokes me up every time.
Carrie Fisher & George Lucas in Hook (1991): this has always been one of my favourites because unlike virtually every other entry in this list, you only know this if you’ve been told. But it’s funny and it’s sweet. When Tinkerbell takes Peter to Neverland, she flies over a bridge, where a silhouetted couple are seen canoodling. Her pixie dust falls across them, and they begin to float into the air. And apparently the unrecognisable couple are played by Princess Leia and the director of Star Wars. Which, I think you’ll agree, is pretty cool (Hook is really good for cameos).
Brad Pitt in Deadpool 2 (2018): having an invisible character offers plenty of opportunity for some good gags, especially in a Deadpool movie, but the real laugh in the film comes when the Vanisher is electrocuted and we get to see his face for a split second. And – ha – it turns out to be the hugely mega-famous Brad Pitt. It’s funny because he’s a massive star.
Martin Sheen in Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993): it’s one thing for the movie to do an Apocalypse Now gag, as Charlie Sheen’s Topper Harley sails down a river on a military boat, but hanging a lampshade on it by making it cross over with Martin Sheen’s Willard from the classic seventies Vietnam epic is another thing entirely. And then both actors notice each other – ha, funny, they’re father and son in real life – and say in unison, “I loved you in Wall Street!”. Very on-the-nose all the funnier for it.
Steven Spielberg in The Blues Brothers (1980): well, I mentioned him, and here he is, a totally nonplussed-looking administrator bloke just merrily eating a sandwich. He’s frightfully young (I’m guessing he was probably about 32 or 33) and he’s got a big brown tache instead of his usual ‘Berg Beard, he’s dressed very smartly and he’s awfully polite. His demeanour is hilariously in stark contrast to the mayhem around him, and his public persona is also hilariously in contrast to the raucous and ribald mood of the movie.
Cate Blanchett in Hot Fuzz (2007): this is one I didn’t even notice till I read about it after seeing the movie. In a very funny scene where Simon Pegg’s Nick Angel chats to his ex-girlfriend Janine, she is head-to-toe in forensic gear throughout, with a mask covering her face, so all we see are her eyes. But the gag of it is, she’s played by the phenomenally famous Cate Blanchett. You get a megastar to do one scene but make her unrecognisable. So funny it beats Peter Jackson’s evil Santa.
Don Ameche & Ralph Bellamy in Coming to America (1988): this is another one I remember finding hilarious when I was a kid. Walking down the street late at night with love interest Lisa (Shari Headley), Akeem (Eddie Murphy) nonchalantly gives a huge wad of cash to some poor homeless bums. But it turns out that they’re played by Murphy’s old Trading Places co-stars Ameche and Bellamy – and they refer to each other by their character names from that earlier film. “We’re back!” declares Ameche, referencing the end of Trading Places, when their crooked broker characters were defeated and ruined by Murphy and Dan Aykroyd. It’s a great bit of shared-universe tomfoolery, and very funny for fans of Murphy’s movies. Oh, and speaking of Aykroyd…
Dan Aykroyd in Casper (1995): in 1995 it had been six long, bitter years without a new Ghostbusters film; back then, we could still hold out hope for a proper Ghostbuster 3. Sadly that never came to pass, but it was a very pleasant surprise when Ray Stantz himself popped up in Casper, of all things, fearfully running out of Whipstaff Manor in full ghostbusting regalia and declaring, “Who ya gonna call? Someone else!”. I mean, after facing down Gozer and Vigo and who knows what else, you’d think three sarcastic arsehole ghosts would be no match for him, but maybe the ‘busters were having tough times. Maybe this will all be backstory in Ghostbusters: Afterlife. Maybe Cathy Moriarty and Eric Idle will return the favour and do cameos of their own. We can but hope.
Matt Damon, Luke Hemsworth, & Sam Neill in Thor: Ragnarok (2017): twenty years ago you could point to Goldmember as the, er, gold standard in multi-character cameo pile-ups. And while that is great – Danny DeVito giving the finger, Spielberg back-flipping – I think it’s been surpassed by this minor gaggle of stars hamming it up. Matt Damon – famouser than anyone actually billed in the movie – is An Actor Playing Loki. Dr. Alan Grant from Jurassic Park is An Actor Playing Odin (whilst Odin’s actor, Anthony Hopkins, plays Tom Hiddleston playing Loki playing Odin – do keep up), and Thor’s Real-Life Brother plays An Actor Playing Thor. It’s all delightfully meta and hilarious.
Ollie Johnston & Frank Thomas in The Incredibles (2004): this one’s really sweet, and like the Hook cameo, would very easily slip you by. At the end of the film, after the climactic battle, two old men cheer on the superheroes – “That’s old school!” “Yep, no school like the old school!” – but what’s great is that they’re voiced by – and designed to look like – Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas, the last two surviving members of the famous “Nine Old Men” group of Disney animators, who’d worked on many of the classic Disney films. This was Pixar and director Brad Bird giving a tip of the hat to the legends who came before them, and made all the sweeter by the fact that Johnston and Thomas (both sadly now deceased) were absolute best buds in real life. A cameo that educates and makes you think! How nice!
There you go. Sadly no room for any of the many great Star Wars cameos, from Daniel Craig through to George Lucas’ entire family. Oh well!
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therealsaintscully · 4 years
Here again, gone again - Mary between the tarmac and the end of TLD
tl;dr: Why are John and Sherlock seemingly ignoring Mary in the first minutes of T6T? 
PS - I decided to have a copy of this post on Google Docs, which will be updated as I go along. I’ve given everyone permissions to add comments on my doc, to encourage further discussion.
One of the things that caught my attention in S4, while still a casual watcher and long before I began to read Sherlock meta, was the whole issue of Mary coming back to John and Sherlock’s life after shooting Sherlock.
I remember being outraged about it, especially regarding Mary’s prominence and strange redemption in T6T (and of course, the closing montage in TFP).
As with my earlier posts, I’ve been rewatching HLV/T6T over and over again as research for my WIP Turned, and new things have been standing out, now that I read meta. Recently, for example, I noticed Sherlock’s response to ‘John’s’ ghost!Mary in TLD. Sherlock responding to a ghost who insists throughout an entire episode she’s a figment of John’s imagination is strange, I’d say. I’ve since learned I wasn’t the only one who noticed this - I remember coming across a mention of this in meta by @loudest-subtext-in-tv​​ as well @discordantwords​​, who mentioned this in response to a fic prompt I sent her (you’ll find some interesting clothes meta in there too, by @bakerbee​​).
And then I watched TST again and noticed something weird. Sherlock’s interactions with Mary between the tarmac suddenly seem, to me, as if they go back and forth between completely ignoring her to only barely acknowledging her presence. This could be NOTHING, or a part of the general fuckery of S4, or could fit well in with a larger theory I haven’t read up on yet. It could also be Sherlock not liking the person who shot him, and ignoring her, but my feeling is that this is something else. The question is, whether this is ghost!Mary in Sherlock’s mind, John’s mind, or something else?
Just to spice things up, I’d like to first direct your attention to something fucky that @tjlcisthenewsexy​​ had pointed out about the penultimate scene in HLV. That part is supposed to be happening after Sherlock’s Victorian dream and his return to reality (SUPPOSEDLY). In this post, tjlcisthenewsexy claims and adds screenshots that show that after Sherlock ‘lands’ back in reality, every shot of Mary, unlike before, conceals her pregnant belly. It’s kinda creepy - go have a look. In fact, go on and read the entire post and ask yourself why is Mary pregnant on the tarmac but not in Victorian days, and where Mary is during the final scene of TAB.
The photo below was taken from @tjlcisthenewsexy​‘s blog.
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Another ‘feature of interest’ regarding Mary in the tarmac is her scarf - it has colourful butterflies on it, and remember that because I’ll get back to it soon.
Sidenote to my ‘water is dream’ homies: Sherlock’s pardon scene seems to attempt to reinforce we’re back in reality when Sherlock tweets ‘Back on terra firma’  (meaning dry land :ahem:, solid ground) and Lady Smallwood insists that Sherlock is now ‘home and dry’.
So, in the first ignoring-Mary scenario, Mary wears the same ‘frock’/kimono (I’m not sure what to call it) we saw her wearing at Sherlock’s parents’ house. This is the famous ‘fake blog post’ scene, or the jpg blog, where John is writing a post about his new fatherhood even though Mary is still incredibly pregnant. Sherlock mentions that if things continue the way they’re going, he’ll be needing two knives. Here’s the dialogue:
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JOHN: It pays to advertise.
(Sherlock sits down in his chair, looking at his phone. Mary, standing near the window and rubbing her very pregnant tummy with one hand while pressing her lower back with the other, looks at him.)
MARY: So, what about Moriarty, then?
SHERLOCK: Ooh, I have a plan.
(Grimacing, Mary rubs her bump again.)
SHERLOCK: I’m going to monitor the underworld – every quiver of the web will tell me when the spider makes his move.
(As he was speaking, he has also tweeted “#221Bringit!”)
JOHN: Basically your ‘plan’ is just to sit there solving crimes like you always do.
SHERLOCK (smiling across to him): Awesome, isn’t it?!
(He jumps up, steps across to the mantelpiece and rips the top letter off the pile.)
Credits to Ariane DeVere for the transcription.
Watch this conversation and you’ll notice that neither of them acknowledges Mary, despite her physical presence there. There are two ways to read this conversation: in one Sherlock responds to Mary, in the other Sherlock is somewhat vaguely pointing out that he has a plan to deal with the issue of needing to with wait for Moriarty despite the deluge of cases he’s been getting.
Next up, the Dusty Death case:
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A few things I noticed here: John never acknowledges Mary’s presence here (and neither does Sherlock) and Mary’s STRANGE APPEARANCE HERE: Where’s the belly? Where is the red lipstick, colourful clothes? The fact is that everyone’s appearance changed between the tarmac and now - whenever this now is; John’s hair and clothes are dramatically, Sherlock suddenly has a trump-tan and Mary’s hair is longer and more curly. But look at Mary in this photo - she’s all washed up!
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The belly is back, but even though Mary calls Sherlock’s name a number of times he doesn’t acknowledge her at all. Look at John, too, who throws a glance at Mary’s general direction for a split second, but we don’t see an actual exchange of words between John and Mary. There’s something strangely reminiscent of TLD in this photo that I can’t put my finger on, maybe the lighting?
Things seem slightly different once Mary is in labour - although let’s not forget that Mary is ignored by Sherlock and John for long enough to the point they’re missing out on 59 calls. Interestingly Mary, who feels comfortable enough to (later, when John is on the bus) tell Sherlock that John is available at 5PM one day for a case (‘Mary says it’s fine’) never calls Sherlock when she’s in labour and can’t get a hold of John.
Sherlock is again immersed in his phone in the car on the way to the hospital, and only acknowledges Mary when John tells him to. The interesting thing in this scene (besides the fact that there are setlock photos of a version of this scene shot where Sherlock was the one doing the driving) is Mary’s dress. It’s a black dress with butterflies, a callback to her tarmac scarf. The Google search for butterflies and symbolism of death(?) are easy enough.
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Sherlock is again immersed in his phone at Mary’s flat when John and Mary asks Molly and Mrs. Hudson to be the godmothers (you know, when the photos ‘don’t come out right’). He never fully acknowledges ONLY MARY and her words or even looks at her, and he’s surprised by the choice of name for Rosie later in church. To me, here at church as well as in the car on the way to the hospital, Sherlock looks surprised to find himself wherever he is.
And then comes the Welsborough case, during which we see for the first time in this episode, an actual conversation between Sherlock and Mary - I’m sure there’s a lot to be said about this case etc, but the one thing that stood out to me was Sherlock, in a split second of premonition, standing completely alone in the room staring at the Thatcher busts - in a way that ties in my mind to another idea I’ve been having, about Thatcher representing Mary in one way or another (but let’s save that for another time).
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Now think again about ghost!Mary, John and Sherlock in the hug scene in TLD.
Whatever’s going on here, it’s strange. I wonder if what we’re seeing here are different versions of the same ‘unreliable narrator’ reality/narrative, jumping back and forth between ‘John’s alibi/blog’ and Sherlock who’s still locked in his Mind Palace (in the same fashion of TAB, where we switch between the various layers of supposed reality and Sherlock’s various layers of his mind).
And while I have your attention, I’m researching another idea. If you know of any significance of the hazelnut/hazel tree/the word hazel or Luz in the BBCSH universe please let me know. Could be a photo, a wallpaper, the name of a place etc.
PS- I doubt any/many of my point here are completely new and were never pointed out before by others - if they were I apologize for not giving credits, at this point it’s very hard to know every single origin of meta ideas going around. Let me know if you deserve the credit for something.
Tags after the cut.
@tjlcisthenewsexy​ @sarahthecoat​ @the-7-percent-solution​ @gosherlocked @loveismyrevolution @inevitably-johnlocked @xistentialangst @devoursjohnlock @disregardedletters @helloliriels @tjlcblr​ @may-shepard​ @waitedforgarridebs​ @helplessly-johnlocked​
Let me know if you’d like me to not tag you in the future!
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sceptilemasterr · 3 years
Defenders of the Flame (TE Rewrite) Act 3, Scene 2 - Back in Session
Title: Defenders of the Flame (A CIU Screenplay)
Main Pairings: Shreya x F!MC, Beckett x F!Atlas
Other Pairings: N/A
Genre: Full Rewrite (The Elementalists, Book 1)
Rating: PG-13 for violence, blood, swearing, alcohol, and sexuality
Summary: Classes resume for Fiora's second semester at Penderghast.
Previous Scene: Identity Crisis
Masterlist: Link
In Tubigan Hall’s Auditorium 3, the students file in for their first class of the new semester; Fiora and Shreya are holding hands. A middle-aged man with long dark hair stands at the front of the room. This is DR. VARTOKIS, another Penderghast professor.
SHREYA (to Fiora): You know? I almost missed attending classes.
Fiora giggles.
FIORA: Emphasis on the “almost,” right?
ZEPH: I just realized... Fiora, you are gonna breeze through this class!
The group takes their seats, with Shreya and Fiora sitting together. Shreya smiles and wraps an arm around Fiora as they sit.
FIORA (quizzically): Why’s that?
ZEPH: ...Do you even know what class this is?
FIORA (embarrassed): Uh... no. I’ve been kinda distracted lately.
Zeph smiles and winks suggestively at Shreya, who laughs.
ZEPH: Oh, I bet! Anyway, this is--
Dr. Vartokis chooses that moment to address the class, his voice amplified. He speaks with a very cheerful, casual tone.
DR. VARTOKIS: Hello there, everyone! Welcome to your first class of this semester: Attuneless History, Society, and Culture! ...Or you can just call it “AHSC” for short if you want. I won’t judge ya!
A few students laugh as Fiora mouths a silent “oh” of understanding at Zeph. Zeph nods, and starts to say something, but Beckett shushes them.
DR. VARTOKIS: Okay, okay, I know many of you are probably wondering what the point of this class is. After all, if you’re gonna spend your career here in the Stoicheal Realm, why bother with my class? The truth is, whether your future leads you to a life among Tuneless or not, our two societies are inextricably linked.
BECKETT (muttering): Fascinating point. I had not considered this...
Beckett hurriedly writes something down in his notebook.
DR. VARTOKIS: Not to mention, there’s a lot we can learn from the Tuneless! We must never forget that we came from their realm, not the other way around. After all, it wasn’t so many centuries ago that our societies lived and worked side-by-side! In fact...
Dr. Vartokis continues talking as Shreya gives Fiora a knowing smile and leans her head on her shoulder. Zeph, meanwhile, is (for once) paying attention to the professor, nearly as attentively as Beckett.
DR. VARTOKIS: --as such. I’ll ask a few simple questions to get us started. First: who can tell me the name of Penderghast’s Archikeal reflection?
Several students--including Fiora and Shreya--raise their hands. Dr. Vartokis points to a student near the front of the hall, a Metal-Att named HECTOR RILENN.
HECTOR: It’s “Hart”-something, isn’t it? “Hartschild?” ...Maybe?
Dr. Vartokis shakes his head.
DR. VARTOKIS: Close, but not quite. You there!
He points to Shreya, who answers eagerly:
SHREYA: Hartfeld University!
DR. VARTOKIS: Correct! Now, who can tell me...
As he moves on to the next question, Shreya smiles at Fiora.
SHREYA (whispering): I’d never have known that one without you!
Shreya gives Fiora’s hand a quick squeeze. Fiora blushes and turns her attention back to the professor...
* * *
Fiora and her classmates file into one of the greenhouses for Natural Studies. Several of the other students are speaking to each other with confusion evident in their voices. Dracarys and Rys flutter above their owners’ heads with excitement, while Beckett’s (still) unnamed Grogue lets out a lazy croak from its position in his lap. Zeph laughs.
ZEPH: Looks like you’ve got some extra time, Beckett! Gonna name him yet?
BECKETT (irritated): Why on Earth do you think my answer would be any different than before?
Zeph leans in closer and smiles conspiratorially.
ZEPH (slyly): You know... Atlas told me what she’d name her Companion, if she ever got one. I asked her if she ever considered just not naming it at all, and she laughed in my face--
BECKETT (shocked): What?! You never mentioned this to me before!
ZEPH (shrugs): You never asked. So, what’s the verdict?
Beckett sighs, clearly considering Zeph’s words.
BECKETT (to himself): ...Hmm. It will have to be a name that is tasteful and refined...
Zeph gives Shreya and Fiora a side glance and a thumbs-up. Shreya giggles as Dr. Kontos enters the greenhouse.
DR. KONTOS: Greetings, and welcome back to Natural Studies! I am pleased to report that all of you passed the class, and did wonderfully on your finals!
A few cheers go up from the room, but most of the students just continue staring quizzically at Dr. Kontos.
DR. KONTOS: Yes, yes, let us address the dryxmar in the room first. According to standard Penderghast curriculum, my course ordinarily would be replaced with “Sourcism and Philosophy” for this semester. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, Dr. Swan is otherwise occupied and unable to teach her usual class. Thus, Dean Goeffe has granted me permission to continue Natural Studies into your next semester!
As the students start muttering amongst themselves, Fiora leans in toward Shreya.
FIORA (whispering): Dr. Swan’s still gone? That... doesn’t seem good.
SHREYA (whispering): Perhaps Atlas is starting to rub off on you. We know why Dr. Swan is absent! She’s off on a mission for the Defenders, remember?
FIORA (whispering): Maybe, but still... it’s been weeks...
SHREYA (whispering): You just need to relax a little and focus on other things for a change. Like the Amorelia Day Gala! It may be a bit far off yet, but there’s no time like the present!
FIORA (whispering): “No time” for what?
SHREYA (whispering): Why, for asking whomever you intend to ask to the dance, of course! Surely you plan to ask, right?
FIORA (whispering): I dunno. I’ve got so much else going on right--
DR. KONTOS: Ahem. Miss Luxen, Miss Mistry, care to rejoin the class?
Fiora and Shreya blush heavily when they notice Dr. Kontos and the other students all staring at them. Fiora bows her head in apology and focuses on Dr. Kontos as Shreya looks at Fiora, frustration clearly evident on her face...
* * *
Inside the Defenders of the Flame meeting chamber, Lucia and Arvan lead Fiora, Shreya, and the third-year inductees in practicing their Stoicheal Gathers. Although Shreya manages to perform a Gather after only two tries, Fiora still struggles with her own. Lucia approaches her while the others are practicing.
LUCIA: Hey. Looks like you’re having some trouble.
Fiora stops and looks at Lucia, then nods.
FIORA: It’s the whole “foundation point” thing. I suck at it.
LUCIA: Having trouble figuring it out, then?
FIORA: Yeah.
LUCIA: There’s not a lot I can help you with on that front. The foundation is something that comes from within. Who is Fiora? What makes you... well, you?
FIORA: I don’t know. I’m not as talented or confident as Shreya...
Lucia follows her gaze to where Shreya is performing yet another perfect Stoicheal Gather, to the delight and cheers of the third-year inductees. Fiora sighs.
FIORA (to herself): I doubt I’ll ever be.
* * *
Fiora and Shreya walk hand-in-hand down a street in Pennelia, the bright sunlight reflecting off of the snow all around them. Shreya is regaling Fiora with a story.
SHREYA (speaking rapidly): --but it wasn’t as though I meant to Evaporate the entire hot tub! I was just getting so angry, and the water was plenty hot to begin with. It’s an honest mistake to make, you know. At any rate, I still ended up winning “Best Dressed” for the evening, so it wasn’t for nothing.
FIORA: Wow. That’s-- (laughs) Attuned parties really are something.
SHREYA: Oh, they really are! That’s one reason why I’m so looking forward to the Gala. Let me tell you, I’ve already got the perfect dress picked out! Now all that’s left is... well... you know, if someone were to ask me...
FIORA (curiously): Ask you what?
Shreya sighs in frustration and shakes her head.
SHREYA (annoyed): Seriously? It’s--ugh, never mind.
She immediately brightens and points to a shop in the distance.
SHREYA: Oh! Montraire Bakery! We simply must stop in for a bite!
She drags Fiora toward the bakery, but as she does so, Shreya’s face displays a brief flash of disappointment...
* * *
In her usual lecture hall, Dr. Religast is in the midst of a lecture on Stoicheal Awakenings. Beckett, as usual, is taking detailed notes on the professor’s every word, while Zeph is busying himself by attempting a Roped Current with his hands beneath his desk. All that he manages is a weak trickle of water, which Shreya neatly Evaporates before anyone can notice.
DR. RELIGAST: --of triggering an Awakening. The first, and by far the most common: children growing up in Attuned households will often Awaken on their own, simply by exposure to adult Attuned...
Fiora leans over Shreya’s shoulder to see that Shreya is flipping through a small pamphlet decorated with moving pictures of models showing off various dresses.
FIORA (whispering): What’s that?
SHREYA (whispering): Just the latest Mistry Inc. catalogue. It’s mostly dresses during this season, of course. For the many upcoming dances and, ahem... galas!
FIORA (whispering): Oh. Wow! Are you gonna buy anything?
SHREYA (whispering): No, no... I told you, I’ve already bought my dress. It’s just fun looking through these sorts of things!
FIORA (whispering): Right. Sounds like it!
SHREYA (whispering): Now all I need is a date.
FIORA (whispering): Yeah...
Fiora shrugs, turning back to focus on what Dr. Religast is saying.
DR. RELIGAST: --is exposed to a highly concentrated source of stoicheal energy to become Awakened on their own, without any Attuned being present. Although such occurrences are rare, they almost always cause significant upheavals in Tuneless culture when...
Dr. Religast’s voice fades into the background as Shreya lets out a growl of frustration.
* * *
Fiora sits on the couch in their room’s common area as Shreya fiddles with something near the entrance. Apparently satisfied, she steps back to admire her handiwork and does a brief twirl.
SHREYA: And... that should do it! One entryway, freely open for the next six hours!
Fiora laughs.
FIORA: Nice job, Shreya! I didn’t even know we could do that.
SHREYA (winks): Just a little something my sister taught me.
The door to Fiora’s room swings open, and Atlas enters.
FIORA: Speaking of sisters... hey, Atlas.
ATLAS: You’re sure opening the door’s a good idea? What if Raife decides to send something after us while we’re wide open?
SHREYA: He already managed that even with the door closed. I doubt it would make much difference.
Atlas huffs and crosses her arms, glaring at the newly-unlocked doorway.
ATLAS: Okay, but if the next thing to come through that door looks at all suspicious, I’m hitting it with--
She is interrupted by Griffin stepping through the doorway. Griffin quickly raises his arms in surrender as he enters.
GRIFFIN: Whoa, Atlas, it’s me! Please don’t hit me with anything.
Atlas relaxes a fraction.
SHREYA: Griffin! So glad you could make it! (to Fiora) Looks like the entry really is open, you see?
GRIFFIN: Wait, you didn’t check to make sure?
SHREYA (laughs): Relax! Clearly it all worked out, non?
Zeph steps through a moment later, with Beckett close behind.
ZEPH: Alright! The Pend Pals are all here. Let’s get this study session started!
They all gather around the center table, pulling out their various study materials and setting them out. Beckett raises an eyebrow at Zeph.
BECKETT: Not that I am complaining, mind you, but... it’s unusual to see you so enthused about studying.
ZEPH: What? I’m allowed to be excited about it if I want!
FIORA: So, uh... what should we start on first?
BECKETT: Shall we begin with Dr. Vartokis’s “Equivalencies” assignment? It seems by far the most difficult--
SHREYA: Oh, we finished that one ages ago. Fiora’s been making those types of comparisons to absolutely everything in the Stoicheal Realm for months now, so it was easy.
FIORA: I’ll help you guys if you want!
Zeph eagerly pushes his worksheet in Fiora’s direction, while Beckett looks from Zeph to Fiora to Shreya and back in shocked confusion.
BECKETT (muttering): ...Have I fallen into some strange alternate universe?
ATLAS: Wow. Looks like Fiora and Shreya are doing better than you in a class for once. Gotta say, your reactions are hilarious to watch.
BECKETT: Oh? Why don’t you attempt the assignment, then?
ATLAS: Why should I? I don’t even go to class. Besides, watching you struggle with schoolwork for a change is way more entertaining.
BECKETT (sighs): You are impossibly vexing...
* * *
Icicles hang from the trees overhead as Zeph stands in a forested part of the quad, clad only in shorts and a t-shirt. He holds a hand out in front of his face, palm outward and glowing with water stoichi, as he struggles to concentrate on something.
ZEPH: Urgh... come on!
A few small spurts of water emerge from his palm and fall to the ground. He grunts in frustration and takes a step backward before preparing to try again.
ATLAS (O.S.): Zeph? That you?
Zeph lets his arm fall to his side and turns to see Atlas, similarly underdressed for the weather in a short-sleeved shirt and thin pants, approaching through the snow. She frowns at him.
ATLAS: I know training when I see it. What are you working on?
ZEPH: Oh! Atlas! ...Actually, you might be able to help. I’m trying to do your Roped Current, but...
He attempts the technique once again, demonstrating a similar result to the first time. Atlas frowns.
ATLAS: You’re really worried about the Wave’s Crest, huh?
ZEPH: Yeah. With Fiora, Shreya, and Beckett all being inducted already, I’m worried I won’t get in at all. My family would kill me if I didn’t get in!
ATLAS (completely serious): Wait, really?! Sources, Zeph, you should get out of--
Zeph breaks down into laughter.
ZEPH: Atlas, I didn’t mean literally! You take things so seriously it’s hilarious. But still, they’d be pretty upset. I’d be the first Hernandez child in eight generations not to be inducted.
Atlas thinks for a moment, then nods.
ATLAS: Alright. I’ll help you out.
ZEPH: Wait, you will? Really?
ATLAS: Sure. For one thing, you’re never gonna accomplish much tryin’ to run before you can walk. Roped Current is damn near impossible to pull off without training up to Energy-Att level first. Or... (shrugs) ...being a natural-born Energy-Att like me, I guess.
ZEPH (dejectedly): Oh.
ATLAS: Don’t worry about it. If this Wave’s Crest thing is so important to you... why don’t we work to get in together? There’s plenty of other techniques I can teach you in the meantime. Stuff that only requires Water Attunement to pull off.
ZEPH: Wow, that’d be perfect! You’re awesome, Atlas, thanks!
In his excitement, he turns and moves to give Atlas a hug, but she goes for a handshake at the same time. They end up awkwardly pressing their palms together and shaking them up and down.
ZEPH (laughs): Alright, not sure what that was... but when do you wanna start training?
ATLAS: Now is fine.
ZEPH: Oh. Uh... wow. You really don’t mess around!
ATLAS: Are we gonna train or what?
As Atlas steps forward and gets into a combat stance, readying herself, Zeph catches her eye and smirks.
ZEPH: ...Alright, I think I get what Beckett sees in you now. You and him would be--blrgrlblubrlgrlgb!
Midway through his sentence, Atlas snaps her fingers, which are glowing with water stoichi. His voice abruptly shifts until it sounds like he’s trying to talk underwater.
ATLAS: Lesson 1. “Water Muffle.” Useful in many situations, and its effect... you can see for yourself.
ZEPH: Gluburgl blurrgrg ubulrgl...
Atlas waves her hand lazily, and the technique ends.
ATLAS: Any more talk about Beckett, and I use it again. Is that clear?
ZEPH: Uh... yeah.
ATLAS: Good. Now then. The first step to Water Muffle is...
Notes: Dr. Vartokis was mentioned earlier, but here's his first actual appearance! Yes, he's yet another OC professor. The class he teaches seems to be one Zeph's particularly excited about! (His class is essentially the Penderghast equivalent of Muggle Studies, for the Harry Potter fans in my audience.)
Timeline: We're well into Endless Winter (ES book 2) by now!
Next: "That Distance Between Us"
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bubblyani · 5 years
Dutiful Wife
(Lucifer Morningstar x Reader)
A Lucifer Morningstar One Shot
Request: Hi! How are you? I was wondering if you could please write an imagine where reader is Lucifer Morningstar’s wife and she walks in on him masturbating and come to help him ;-D Thanks in advance! @kittenlittle24
Rating: Mature (18+)
Authors Note: With time I managed to come up with a story that went well with this request. Hope you all enjoy it!
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Friday 7 am.
Morning may have dawned for others, but for Lucifer Morningstar, his day just ended. A satisfactory resolution to an exciting case filled him with much hype, but at the same he needed to unwind. Stepping into his Penthouse, he casually made his way to his bedroom, until a sight made him halt with a huge grin on his face.
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Baby Blue or Turquoise? With furrowed brows, you were immersed in concentration holding the two dresses. Still in your lace undergarments and stockings, choosing the most suited outfit for work suddenly became the biggest dilemma. For it was an important day and you needed a battle suit.
The vibration of the phone on the dressing table once again reminded you why. Sighing in frustration, you made up your mind. While unbuttoning the baby blue dress, you felt the shoe buckle to be loose. Casually putting the dress over your arm, you bent down to fix it. The moment it felt secure and you got back up, you smiled. You were not alone in the room anymore.
“Good Morning you...”
You greeted Lucifer with adoration, with  your buttocks brushing against his clothed crotch as him stood so close to you. You heard him chuckle.
“Heheh...” You heard him chuckle, “It is a good morning indeed”He purred, placing his hands on your waist. With your body in his possession, he savored it in every way, any time. This time his fingers took charge, running them up and down your rib cage to your hips. His touch woke you up more effectively than an ice cold shower. But yet you resisted the desire for a vocal response.
“How did the case go?” You asked, changing the subject. “Ah...Culprit’s caught and locked away, you know the usual blah blah....but I must say...how ravishing my wife looks this morning” Lucifer said, his lips moving towards your ear:
“So ravishing that something needs a good tearing off ..pronto”
When his fingers tickled and pleasured your abdomen, as his lips nibbled your earlobe, a part of you wanted to play along. You knew what your husband was upto. Except the vibration of the phone once again caught your ears, making you groan frustratingly.
“Shit I ...” you began, “I can’t...” you said, throwing your head back.
“What?” Lucifer’s inquiry sounded genuinely upsetting. Sighing, you turned to him. “I’m sorry Luci...” you said, while you got dressed, “It’s stupid work. I need to go soon”
“Well ...this is quite anti-climactic” your husband remarked, as he sat on the edge of the bed. You scoffed. “Oh...don’t I know it” you said, buttoning the dress, “These people at work just won’t leave me alone” grabbing your bag and phone, you looked back at him “I’m sorry. I’ll see you later” Pinching his stubble cheek, you gave him an apologetic look before heading off to the elevator, leaving a silent Lucifer Morningstar to slump on the mattress.
There were many things in life you could not believe. And one of them was how on earth did you end up living in this Penthouse? More importantly, how the hell did you become Lucifer Morningstar’s wife? 
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(1 month ago)
Shaking your head repeatedly, you were at a complete disbelief of your own actions as you felt Lucifer drag you by the hand into the LAPD precinct, which was busy as usual for crime never took a day off.
“Everyone! Hello! ...” Lucifer began clapping his hands, “Ah that’s better...” He said, finally getting everyone’s attention, as they turned their heads to face you both. “We have a huge announcement to make...” he said excitedly.
“Do we have to make this a big deal?” You whispered nervously. Ignoring you, amidst the unimpressed looks of some, he continued:
“It fills me with great pleasure as to say ...” he began, “...that Y/N and I are married!”
You swore you never saw a massive collective of shocked expressions, until that moment. Jaws dropped consecutively like dominos. Eyes widened to great measure.
“You serious?”
“Oh my god!”
“Now don’t bring dad in to this” Lucifer said accusingly.
Getting up from her desk, Detective Chloe Decker tried to wrap her head around this piece of information. “How the hell did this happen?”
Sighing, you allowed your husband to summarize as you recollected in the form of a montage reel. 
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Matrimony did not exactly bring the two of you together.
But a case did.
You were fortunate enough to get to know Lucifer when you nervously  stepped in to the precinct as an important witness to an ongoing investigation. As the case grew more complicated, your friendship with him blossomed, leading you to offer your assistance with other cases as well.
Nonstop chatter and belly aching laughter were confirmations of how you and him were a force to be reckoned with. Not to mention the amazing chemistry you both seemed to share. People in Your vicinity even began to wonder if any romantic future was possible. Ella Lopez was the biggest enthusiast.
“Just so you know, I ship you both... hard”
She would randomly say, out of the blue on a random case, making you raise your eyebrows.
“Wha-?“ you’d question.
“Really?” Lucifer however would be intrigued, giving you a look of pleasant   surprise. 
The people were never to blame, for it made sense. But a romantic future? It  was never there. At least, none of you discussed it. The mere thought of it was unimaginable, given Lucifer’s Casanovian lifestyle.
One fine day, in the spirit of true partnership, Lucifer volunteered to drive off to Vegas in search of a suspect. Though it was clearly obvious that he was an eager volunteer for the location, not the purpose. With Chloe, Dan and even Ella tied at the precinct, you were more than happy to tag along with your friend.
Thus, amidst the sounds of slot machines, background music and loud chatter, you and Lucifer were on the lookout. But at the same time, you were both knee-deep in a heated discussion regarding the pros and cons of gambling.
“Oh come now...a bit of gambling won’t hurt anyone”
“Hah! You’ll say that now. But what happens when you lose it all to a bet?” You said to him, talking with your hands with a dramatic flavor . In response, Lucifer merely chuckled.
Looking ahead at an elevator, he smiled to himself. “Do you remember the first day we met?”
You looked at him with surprise. “Why all the sudden?”
“Do you?” He repeated. You nodded. 
“Yeah of course...” Indeed you did. Getting into the precinct elevator with a handsome stranger, you had no idea it was him. 
Lucifer chuckled, as if he just reminisced it with you. “You were so shy, I assumed you to be a victim of catholic school training” he teased.
Scoffing, you opened your mouth in protest. “Well that was only because...ah! never mind” you said, stopping yourself with a smile. “What?” He asked, curiously building up. You suppressed your smile from turning into giggles.
“Well...You were terribly attractive and I...” you admitted it, biting your lip playfully, “Heheheh I guess I didn’t know how to handle it. Oops-“ Moving swiftly, you skillfully avoided the stumble of a slightly drunk young couple holding a bouquet and a bottle of red wine. Flashing their wedding rings, their faces were full of glee.
Unfortunately, Lucifer wasn’t swift enough, as some of the red wine was spilled on his jacket. “Ah bloody hell! That was extremely  rude..” he snapped, as the couple went away “....this is Prada by the way”
“Wait!” Putting your hands up dramatically, you were birthed with an idea.
“Sir? ..Hi!” You greeted the bartender nearby, “...do you by chance have any club soda ?”
“And a towel?”
“Yeah...Wha-? Hey Lady!”
To the bartender’s shock, you reached in to grab the soda gun and a towel. Though it was not what he expected, Lucifer watched you with fascination as you began to wipe off the stain from his jacket with focus.
“Club soda. Solves everythin-”
And to your surprise, Lucifer’s hands made themselves home on your waist, only to pull into a kiss.
Eyes widened, you felt embarrassed when they closed involuntarily, kissing him back in kind. Intense yet full of comfort; not bad for your first kiss together. But still, you were amazed. Where the hell did all this come from?
Pulling your lips from his, Lucifer looked at you excitedly. “Let’s get married!”
Your jaw dropped. “WHAT?” You said, surprised by how he sounded firm, sure and happy. “What...what have you been drinking?” You asked, as his hands remained on your waist. “You...” he replied seductively, brushing his nose against yours. And like a side effect from a drug, you knew you were being distracted.
“Omg did I just help you propose?“ the bartender asked with excitement.
“Yes” Lucifer replied happily. Eyes widened, your jaw dropped back down again.
“NO! And...why are you listening?” You asked the bartender angrily. 
“Hey lady! You took my towel”
 “Fair enough” you sighed.
“So...” Lucifer asked, making you turn back to him, “...what do you say?”
You scoffed, still fazed by all that happened. “Lucifer...Are you insane?” You inquired. “On the contrary....” he began, “ I strongly think we should get married. Besides, you seem to be quite  comfortable in my arms at the moment” Feeling more embarrassed than before, you pulled away from his arms. 
With a deep breath, your put your hands on your waist. “If you think I’m the type to say yes to a shotgun wedding, then you got another thing coming mister. I’m not that kind of girl...in fact,  I’m married-for-life kinda gal” you said, pointing at yourself with exaggeration.
It was true, this was definitely not the way you expected him to propose, let alone profess his love for you. But was it really love for him? You were scared to know. For you certainly stowed your deep, secret love for him inside a thick treasure chest in the deepest corner of your heart. “Besides...what about your life? The bachelor privileges? It’s not gonna be the same” you stressed.
“I am serious Y/N...” Lucifer assured, “You’ll be stuck with me for all eternity. Come on...” he said, getting closer to you, “You do love me don’t you?”
As those words haunted you, a hypnotic feeling overcame you. He was doing that thing he always does. And you knew there was no escape.
You blurted, before getting back to your senses to see his naughty smirk. “Wait a minute...” you began, “Did you just get me to confess and accept a marriage proposal at the same time?” With his victorious laughter and claps, you knew he did. You sighed.
“Damn you, Morningstar” you muttered with a scowl.
“No damn needed when I already am love”
Truthfully, you do love him and now you’re about to be wed. You should be overjoyed. But it was certainly unexpected. 
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“Come on! Show it”
Ella begged, making you show the golden ring which was paired up with  an exquisite engagement ring that adorned your finger.
“Oh my god...look at that!” She exclaimed “it’s so beautiful” amidst Lucifer’s proud look. 
“He really went all out huh?” Decker said, standing next to you.
“Yes he did” you replied, eyes still on the rings. You felt her hand rest on your shoulder. “Congratulations Y/N...” she sounded sincere, which made you smile, “Thank you Chloe” 
“Still hard to believe though”
“Dan!” Decker and Lucifer snapped at Espinosa, who merely shrugged in response. “I’m just saying ...a guy like Lucifer...I.. I could never imagine settling down” he said. You tried to hide your smile.
 “Well Daniel.. a guy like me can be full of surprises” Lucifer replied. You maintained your stance as Ella pulled your arm further towards her to check the rings in detail, with a crowd of police officers surrounding her.
You looked at Lucifer. “Seriously dude...” you whispered once again, “...am I’m your security blanket Or something ? I don’t buy this” you said, only to be kissed by him gently in return. His kisses certainly manage to shush you for a while. “Now my dear wife...off to consummation!” He said, making you blush as he lifted you up bridal style.
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(Present) You stepped out of the elevator as the doors opened with a ding!Clenching your fists, you regretted ditching him like that. You regretted not even comforting him with a kiss before leaving . After all, he was your companion for life.
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A hot shower and a well deserved nap did not stop Lucifer from keeping his mind off you. When night time dawned, He carried out business as usual, he played some tunes on the piano to liven up LUX, yet it all seemed out of focus.
“How could she do that? How..how dare she do that?” Lucifer suddenly muttered to himself , with a tone that was evident with hurt.
“Who?” One of his beautiful customers cried out through the loud music.
Lucifer shook his head, “My wife...” he shouted, “sorry...I was just thinking of my wife” he said. The woman raised her eyebrows, but curled up to him even closer. This was not new: A beautiful woman who clearly seemed to be lusting after him at from the first glance.
“Well...if she’s not treating you right, then maybe you need someone who does” she purred as she ran her manicured fingers along his forearm. Lucifer chuckled, “Heheheh...I appreciate your concern but I know seduction when I see one, and clearly you’re nowhere close to stage 1. Excuse me...”
Amidst her shocked expression , Lucifer slowly got up from the couch, before making his way over to the elevator.
LUX was always rife with temptation in all forms, and it was Lucifer’s mini playground.
But not today, not tonight. 
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The silk robes caressed and comforted his chiseled frame as he changed into them. An early night away from LUX, it certainly was a first.
Pouring himself a glass of whiskey, he looked over to check his phone. Messages filled the lock screen. All irrelevant. For none of them were from you.
He sighed, Lucifer did not like this feeling. Never in his existence did he imagine being surrendered to human emotions this way. Snapping out of it, he sank onto his bed, hoping to find a humorous yet silly video online to quench his amusement. A cat video perhaps.
But instead, he decided to watch something different. And one video in particular.
Being Lucifer’s wife meant a lot of spoiling. Including dates at fancy restaurants. He would always be amused by how enthusiastic you were about your food. The way you made romantic conversation with the food. The way your eyes shone with each bite. So much so he ended up recording you indulging on your cheesecake on his phone one fine evening. 
“So Y/N...what exactly are you up to here?” His voice was on the background as the video focused on you. Smiling, you dug your fork into the delicious treat. “This my friend...is the greatest cheesecake in the world” you spoke to the camera with conviction. You closed your eyes as you took the bite. Pleasure filled your veins like an injected drug, spreading it around, resulting you to produce a sound which was without a doubt similar to a moan.
Lucifer froze. Eyes glued to the screen, he kept watching you continue to make erotic noises indulging the condensed treat. “I think me and this baby need to go somewhere private” you joked, wiping the dessert off your mouth with a wink.
As innocent as this video appeared to be that day, it had a complete different effect on Lucifer tonight. Those moans haunted him. He could not help but envision you from this morning. Nothing but lace lingerie standing in the way of him and your naked body. The feel of your body against his.
He was awakened. His body was clear proof.
He dialed your number frantically and repetitively, only to discover it’s engaged. He even typed with urgency, “Where are you?”
No reply.
For the man who had almost everything, he suddenly felt as if he had nothing. Nothing as important as your presence.
Gulping the whiskey down, he leaned against the headboard. Starving in the desert that was his lonesome and desperation, he needed you. And patience was too virtuous of a quality for him as he felt his hand dig inside the waistband of his silk boxers, until he fully clasped his manhood.
Pulling it out, he allowed his eyes to close. The image of you kept him company, making sure his imagination pleasured you while he pleasured himself. Fully erect with arousal, his hand moved in steady rhythm, providing him with the temporary comfort he desired. His imagination ran wild, and so were you in it. He touched you, he tasted you, he ravished you with no end. Immersed in rich satisfaction, his lips finally managed to form the word he was dying to say:
“Y/N!” Except his eyes opened in a flash, to find you actually standing a few feet away.
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You did not expect this. Not even one bit. Marrying Lucifer Morningstar, you were well aware of the risks of infidelity. A minute part of you were concerned to find him in bed with another, as a punishment for your disregard this morning. You were ready to feel like a fool.
But this, this certainly was unexpected.
He looked ethereal, even in the most erotically compromised position. His twitches, his soft moans, his vulnerability made you wonder: did he miss you that much?
More importantly, were you just going to stand there, and ignore your strong arousal? 
“Well...speak of the me” Lucifer breathed, releasing his grip from his manhood. Words were not required for you to respond. You walked over to him slowly. For all you wanted to do was to provide your full assistance in the matter he was engaged in. Grabbing the hand that he held out, you balanced yourself climbing on top of him, your panties lightly grazing against his erect shaft in the process. You moved forward, resting yourself on his stomach as you looked down at him.
Drunk in his gaze, you could not believe this man was yours to begin with. Truthfully you felt that every single day.
Hand still interlocked with his, you guided it all the way up to your collar, putting your own hands on his sides so he was free to unbutton your dress. As he unbuttoned one, you were reminded of every single time this bed witnessed your love making, including the very first. Gasps left you when the buttons flew off the way he tore the dress open, only to pull you by it, kissing you at his hungriest.
At last. Fucking Finally.
The hunger seemed to be intense enough, you needed eternity to indulge in his lips while his hands caressed your buttocks. Flipping you down to the bed, you began to feel more naked the moment you felt him grab an end of your lace panties, tearing it off your frame with a grunt until it was left in pieces.  
“So...something really did need a good tearing off huh?” You remarked, as you felt him open your legs up. He smiled with mischief. “Don’t forget, I’m a man of my word” Lucifer replied, and you couldn’t help but agree throwing your head back, when you felt your moistened slit swallow his shaft whole, in an instant. With the flexibility of a skilled acrobat, he bent low. You winced as he kissed every inch of your stomach from your hip bone all the way up your ribs while he moved inside you. Impatient, you reached in from your back, to unhook and peel off your bra. For no inch of you preferred to be left out from his attention. Your enthusiasm certainly made him chuckle evilly.
“My! Aren’t you the Dutiful Wife?” He said, eyes on yours before slowly moving lower to enjoy the new view. You bit your lip with a smile. “Why not?” You panted, “When my husband pleases me so...ah!”
You flinched as Lucifer’s teeth dug into your left breast. Involuntarily forming a hickey, he compensated by soothing it with kisses and generous licks over your hardened buds in the midst of your cries of pleasure. However you did not complain.You were more than happy to claim ownership of his love bite.
“Lucifer...” you breathed, holding his face “Please know..I never regret marrying you”.
He froze with surprise.
“But I do regret not doing anything this morning...” you continued, taking a deep breath, ”I regret not kissing you at least” panting, you added “I’m sorry-”
“Apology accepted my darling” Lucifer interrupted you before pressing his lips against yours. Pulling away, you held his face again. “I’m serious” you said, “You should know...when I...love you,” you added with adoration, “I don’t want it to be short or forgetful.  I want it to be real..to be right. Cause it’s you Lucifer”
You could not believe what you just said. As if your heart suddenly spilled out with an overflow of emotions. Completely in disbelief, Lucifer smiled happily.
“Is this what it feels like to be the happiest husband ever?” He asked. You smiled, nodding in response.
Being the loving husband, Lucifer resumed his steady rhythm; increasing pace with added arousal. And being the loving wife, you held on to him tightly; throwing your head back with louder moans.
There will be a lot to talk about in the morning. But you looked forward to it , for all was finally well with this marriage. And you knew for sure Lucifer will love you right, in every single way.
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william-nylander · 4 years
rough day at work, could i maybe request your favorite times willy interacted with his teammates with massive heart eyes?
hi sorry for the delay here is a list of my favourite willy heart eyes moments
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we’ll start with this video where the editing team incorrectly label adrian kempe as mario kempe (which is fair they both look like hot raccoons) and willyum is drinking from the smallest espresso cup and oskar lindblom already wishes he lied & said he had plans for the day
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i have decided that they should have like a sitcom where adrian & oskar are neighbours and willy is their new neighbour. they have a fun meet cute in the mail room & adrian & oskar both are like I Will Seduce The New Neighbour and the show is full of their silly attempts while willy wanders around clueless. the season finale *spoilers!!* ends with them ALL dating 
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i MEAN!!!!!!!
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heres the sitch willy is a high school hockey STAR but he’s failing drama or something. this is maybe an episode of life with derek. david is the NEW EXCHANGE KID who accidentally signs himself up for the school play. they are cast as ROMEO AND JULIET. it is the best even though willy forgets his lines and after the show they make out at the cast party 
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while the vibe of this pic is very Handsum Suit Men the vibe of willy/goat is extremely tall big man freddie puts willy in his pocket while he gardens. i think willy is like a cat in the sunlight just basking around and sometimes surfacing to rub his face on goat’s knee and ask for attention. goat makes them a salad straight from his garden for dinner and then they watch HGTV until they fall asleep
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the vibe of willy/kappy is always just so like “accidentally touched ur dick bro oh whoops now im giving u a blow job whoops broooo” so i feel like they get to be side characters in a television drama. like kappys neighbour is Going Through Stuff & every once and awhile, for comic relief, the character sees the two of them like dunking each other in a pool or walking down the hallway at school with their arms around each other. they never like. Get It. always just like “i love u bro” “bro i love YOU”
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on the other hand zach and willy are ALL rom coms. willy pines after zach in every single iteration of them on screen. are they 27 dresses??? willy who’s always the bridesmaid never the bride and zach who is the journalist who falls for them???? is willy disaster bridget jones and zach is standoffish colin firth???? all of the above but think, if you will - zach as gabriella montez, new smart kid, and willy as troy bolton, basketball star
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willy/nicke.......i mean. they just scream regency. its all very Willy Sent Away To Finishing School, comes back and marries the earl whatsit who is nicke. nicke knew the nylanders and always got along with lil william & it would be weird but its the OLDEN TIMES so marrying someone much younger than u is fine or whatever. god the 2017 world championship huh????
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HEY SPEAKING OF MORALLY GREY RELATIONSHIPS u know this video ive watched 18 times and theres a lot of heart eyes all around. my favourite thing to think about is a sorta matt santos west wing au where kyles running for president i guess and willys the waiter that hooked up with him awhile ago who’s along for the ride. they kinda fell into this relationship and now GASP its all a scandal and kyle’s having to run for president while also maintain his relationship with Known Cutie Will Nye while willy has to like. u know in what a girl wants when amanda bynes has to learn how to be a socialite? its like that in a montage.
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last but not least this cute moment that pierre engvall is screwing up a bit. he kinda looks like a statue here. anyways freddie willy is SO CUTE bc willy is not shy at all not even once & i think when he decides that he likes freddie he goes ALL OUT & freddie sort of turtles all pleased. like sweater paws, eyes down, smiley man, like still BIG freddie but a bit of a flushed sweetie and willys just like :D :D :D :D NOTICE ME LETS DATE
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fairymagicheart1 · 4 years
The Very Odd Couple
(It took a while but this is my first fanfic since I went through the passing of my grandma, so I hope you all love this! This is more of a buddy fic between my OC Tati and Donnie, and yes the title is a reference to the classic 1968 movie The Odd Couple.. for obvious reasons here. xD
Yes this is for saving our Rise boys! Please @nickelodeon @nickanimation @netflix please pick them up for continuing them!)
It clearly was supposed to be a peaceful night of pizza and Lou Jitsu movie marathon.. but there was trouble to that plan.
Standing between the last slice of pizza on the table was Tati and Donnie, clearly another of their usual competitions and bickering that has become common soon after Tati began living and training with them.
"Donnie, it would be easier with a duplication spell?" Tati said, she had a smirk and tried to pull the plate and ready to use said spell, but Donnie snatched the plate with one of the mechanical arms of his spider shell.
"A simple precise cut is much more easier and effective for the sharing of the last pizza, especially with my area of expertise with technology." Donnie bragged and pressed a button on his tech-bo to switch it to laser mode. "Oh and burn us like the last time?" Retorted Tati.
The remaining three turtles, Splinter, April, and Nessa were just helplessly watching the bickering. "Shouldn't we try to stop them?" April asked, frankly for all.. it was getting to be too much lately; Tati was just as proud of her mystical fairy abilities almost as much as Donnie's own abilities in technology. Splinter was even tapping his fingers on his arm rest in growing frustration at the constant arguments.
"At least it won't blow us off the roof of a 12 story building with your so called Air Swipe attack?" Donnie sarcastically said back, using air quotations and Tati learned on the table now doing a mystic spell/tech tug of war with the pizza slice. "THAT was an accident during practice and you know it Techy!!"
It was a pull and tug battle and it was getting heated.. until Splinter leaped from his chair and pulled the slice away and caused the two to land in a pile. "ENOUGH!! Both of you!" Called out Splinter, now both teens looked up to Splinter's steamed face; the argument clearly had annoyed him greatly. "You know it's kinda ironic how you two argue but can be so much like each other." Raph spoke up with a slight smile.
Though getting back up, they both spoke at the same time. "What me, him/her?! We're nothing alike!" They then both faced each other steamed.
Before another word can be spoken, Splinter jumped to separate them with a loud. "To your rooms! Tomorrow there will be training.. for you both only!" And with that, Tati and Donnie had no choice but to do so..
Through this silence, April spoke up and they all have a look that screams unease. "Uh Splints? You sure you got a great plan? I love them both but Donnie and Tati look like they're almost ready to tear each other apart." She said while Leo just leaned back. "Totally cheering for my girlfriend by the way." Though at that Splinter just made his chair tip over and fell to the ground with a yelp.
"Oh I have just the plan for this and it will take more than just one parent.." Splinter said with a grin and pulled out a hand sized crystal piece.. "I just need to make a call." He walked away, leaving confused looks on the group's faces.. though Nessa's face had more of a look of knowing.
It was the next morning when Tati and Donnie were already up in the kitchen for breakfast.. still clearly ticked off from last night though Splinter came into the room and wasn't alone as Tati nearly choked in surprise. There standing with her arms crossed was Tati's own mother Queen Himari. "Mother?! What are you doing here?" Tati asked in surprised yet slightly fearful..
"My daughter, Splinter called me here for my help on this training.." Himari explained.. now they told the idea... and the unison shouts came soon after from the two teens and it rattled the doors!
"WHAT?!?! Spend the whole day with HIM/HER?!?!" Cried both Tati and Donnie in horror, clearly obvious that this plan does not sit well with them and that was expected.. so Himari herself nodded, her hand raised to Tati and a zap came to her cloaking T-symbol pin. "This spell lasts for exactly 24 hours, this keeps you from using your mystical abilities." Himari explained and Splinter quickly grabbed Donnie's gear, his battle shell, gauntlet, his goggles and tech-bo! "And until then, Donnie will not be using his tech! You both must learn to respect each other as a team on equal ground." Splinter said in this moment of seriousness ans Himari nodded in agreement. "And for you both to respect your abilities, not to use them for ridiculous fights and competitions."
The two teens both clearly were to argue back.. if not the two parental figures have gave their stern glares (hence anime fires behind them) Donnie and Tati knew.. they had to spend the day together, so they were on the surface now; Donnie in his hoodie sweater and Tati wearing her jacket, walking together.
"Great, a full 24 hours without tech or even without even the use of phones?! The great Pizza Supreme in the sky may take me now!" Donnie exclaimed with such a dramatic expression. "You went on a full on mission without tech before.. Twice?" Tati replied, though rather being sarcastic.. then a cheerful voice piped up behind them.
"Never fear! Todd the Friendship Counselor is here!" Said the sweet and overly excited mutant Capybara Todd.
"Todd?! How did you-!?" Tati cried out in surprise. "Let me guess.. Dad and her mom called you in for backup?" Donnie asked with a deadpan expression and tone. In which Todd pulled both Tati and Donnie and a tight hug. "By the end of this day, I just know you two will become the best of buddies!" He said cheerfully, the two weren't as thrilled as he was.. even they know Todd means very well. "Yeah.. this is gonna end well.." Tati said in a deadpan expression.
Though it was from the shadows, three hidden figures smirked from the shadows..
Now at an outdoors pizza place, Todd had Tati and Donnie sitting face to face and both equally share a look of unimpressive expressions, arms crossed on the surface. Todd sat on the stool where he can face both of them. "So let's see, why don't one of you start off by saying something nice?" Todd instructed.. which still caused silence to follow.
"Donnie? Doesn't Tati have the cleanest hair?" Todd said, trying to start things off.
Taking a breath, Tati regained herself.. "Well Donnie is great with his tech.. if it wasn't for that S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. Milk Thief thing that nearly fried me?" She said in a passive aggressive way as Donnie just narrowed his eyes. "What you expect me to eat dry cereal?" Donnie just said equally as such.. they both glared, electricity zapping from all around. But Todd was undeterred! "Don't worry! We still got 12 hours of fun together!" He said as both teens have fallen backwards with exasperated groans.
"Well yes but she's always the one who ties up the bathroom for 3 hours every morning?" The technology minded turtle just pointed an accusing finger at the mystic fairy.
"Hey I was trying to get my makeup done, I like looking my best?" Tati snapped but Todd intervined. "Hey now we're trying to say nice things?" He said still trying to keep the peace.
*segue into montage*
After the pizza and through the daytime, Todd was making sure the two were doing buddy themed activities; video games at the arcade (getting into a competitive argument in between when Donnie cheated again.)
Basketball (Donnie still has a horrible toss and Tati made a basket which bounced off his head.)
And now a quick browsing trip in a clothes store. At this time both teens had finally managed to relax.
Tati was looking at some cute tops and dresses while Donnie just looked at some fabulous jackets. "You know this wasn't so bad.. never ever done this kind of day off before." Tati said offhand, which Donnie looked towards her at that.
"That's.. surprising.. I thought a princess like you got to do whatever and whenever you want at the snap of your fingers?" Donnie replied, Tati put away the dress. "Yeah right.. everyday was a constant and useless schedule of so called ladylike lessons, it was very rare that I even get to spend at least more than 3 hours with my mother and siblings." Tati explained, gritting her teeth at the memory of it.. but then looked back to Donnie, a flash of realization, if it wasn't for them.. she would've gone back to that life. "I'd give anything to have what you have.. even admittedly that skill in tech."
Donnie gave a wry smile, even chuckling at the memory of how hard it was for the mystic fairy to get around tech in the beginning. He's noticed that she now gotten some improvement.. even if the other day she still confuses the remote with the phone.
"Still I thought.. you hated me or something.." Donnie said in a rare honest tone, Tati looked at Donnie with a shocked look. "Donatello why would.." Tati started but then the store lights started flickering and the floor started to shake. Totally means trouble and they both rushed out fast.
"Oh just typical New York stuff.. uh Todd, maybe you should go on ahead and we'll catch up?" Tati suggested with a nervous grin, she didn't want Todd in the crossfire..
There was a 10 foot tall robot with a shogan like headgear and large gauntlets (like something out of Gurren Lagann) Tati had her hand in front of her open gaped mouth and was wide eyed. Tati turned to Todd who came to join them. "What's the excitement?" Asked Todd, blissfully oblivious. Tati clapped her hands together fast.
"Okey-dokey!!" He skipped off, leaving Tati to sigh in relief.
"The one time we don't have gear or powers then trouble starts?! Sure this was a great idea Papa!!" Donnie exclaimed loudly and slapped his face covered.
"Aww is little tech turtle having a bad day?" Said a condescending female voice and both teens looked to see it was the Purple Dragon Tech Club! Kendra smirked with Jase and Jeremy standing behind her, Jase was the one holding the remote control for the robot.
Donnie shot a look but narrowed his eyes in distaste at the group. "I should've known.. the Purple Dragon Tech Club? Shouldn't you all be under house arrest?"
"Purple Dragon Tech Club? Those crazy kids you told me about?" Tati quickly asked before the robot had swung fast and knocked over Donnie and pushed Tati a fair distance. "And Ow!!" Donnie said holding his head.
Kendra smirked at the opportunity now to smash Donnie once and for all. "Jase, smash the turtle!"
Donnie held his head, looked up and stared wide eyed up at the impending robot arm about to hit him, but at that moment, a recovered Tati's eyes shimmered and screamed out "DONNIE!!!" She sprang up and ran so fast.. as if she was tapping into her Air powers now! She managed to push Donnie and both of them rolled out of the way as the robot just smashed the pavement.
"Ugh! Get them!!" Cried out an irritated Kendra, pointing towards the two.
The robot tried another swing but this time Donnie managed to react in time and sprinted fast enough with Tati. "Those guys.. seriously have issues!!" She cried out and now they ran before ducking into an alleyway to let the robot rush by. The two peeked out before stepping out.
As the robot came, Tati was waving her arms. "Hey down here!!" She goated and rushed towards a fire hydrant. While the robot turned towards her, Donnie took this chance before the Purple Dragons caught up, Donnie may not have his gear but this didn't stop him from ripping out the panel cover with the crowbar and he pulled the right wire to stop the leg from moving. "Boom! Ready!!"
"Hey thanks for that save.." Donnie said catching his breath, keeping a sheepish glance. "Donnie.. I know I was angry but I know I couldn't and never will hate you." Tati said, smiling to the purple banded turtle. "In fact, Todd was right.. I already thought of you like a brother." She looked at Donnie with a glance of sweetness that was shared.
"Yeah." Donnie said, Tati hugged him from the side, though now and stepped to face the oncoming robot coming back towards them. "Ok Techy let's come up with something to teach those brats a lesson.." Tati said while giving a look of determination which was shared by Donnie. "Hey Don? Their tech isn't waterproof?" She said as Donnie's lips turned to a smirk. Glancing from a nearby renovation site with a crowbar..
Tati pulled a thumbs up and did a dodge roll before the robot finally took a swing and hit the hydrant instead.
The stream of water hit the exposed panel and the robot couldn't move anyways so it shorted out and finally crashed to the ground.
"What?! How?!" Shrieked Kendra after running up, clutching her head in anger.
"You messed with the fam, you get retribution!!" Said in a loud tone of confidence from Donnie with Tati, arms crossed and smirking proudly. Then the sound of police sirens finally came rapidly.
They already got back ahead close to the manhole closest to their lair home, managing to pick up Todd along the way. "Oh man I wish I could've saw the look of their faces!" Tati laughed alongside Donnie. "I know right!" They both laughed then they shared a shared smile as Todd looked up at them both with shining eyes. "So does this mean you're both best buddies now?"
Before Kendra could try to even expose Donnie and Tati, they were already gone and left the Tech Club to their fate, getting arrested by the cops once again.
Though they both looked at each other then at Todd. "Well we could say for certain that we will be.. this is a start of it." Donnie said and Tati continued with "Yeah and besides, we're more like siblings now.. guess that's why we fought, siblings fight.." "But we'll always be family." Donnie finished as he and she shared a fist bump to Todd's joy as he hugged them both. "Friendship counseling mission complete!" He cheerfully said and the both teens laughed.
They both went home, even when they got their respective abilities and tech back, the next night..
"Donnie!" Tati said arms crossed. "Just say when Techy?" She finished actually using her levitation spell to life up one pizza box. "Ok now!" Donnie called out as each arm of his spider shell held up plates and Tati tossed up the box and duplicated every slice so that everyone got twice as much slices on each plate! Both teens now stood side by side, a grin on each face.
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