#you know me. what I do? I finish like three of the ten books I'm reading and I what do I do next? that's right. I start three more.
notjanine · 1 year
spent the summer prepping for and taking the worst exam of my life, riding out the lease at the worst place i've ever lived,* then being temporarily kinda homeless,** and getting dozens and dozens of job applications rejected. i had some fun in there, but my anxiety has been through the fucking roof on top of my regular summer depression.
then the last two weeks of august happened 😳
everything happens so much. somehow, i managed to find the perfect apartment for a reasonable rent, and now me and Books are living (together!) in a fantastic and charming new home- lots of space, big kitchen table, a balcony facing undeveloped woods, just off one of the major roads in the city that has my favorite grocery store and our favorite sandwich shop (where we were already regulars). plus, i've gotten not one, not two, but three (three!) job offers- and i can take them all!!! one is with a hospital where i did my favorite internship rotation, and i'm so excited that i get to go back there and get paid to do that job, it was a blast. another is right by my new place and it's similar to the other hospital, but it's slightly bigger and sees more complex cases, so i'll be comfortable and confident, but i'll still get some new, specific clinical experience in areas that i'm interested in.
and the third position is... literally my dream job. it's the job that's been the end goal since the moment i chose my field of study. grad school and the internship made me rethink all of my professional goals and push them back, thinking i wouldn't be able to get to them for so long because i'd need ~more experience~. but now i'm. uh. i did it. i did it??!
the two hospital jobs are just part time, but they both pay well. the other won't start for a few months bc my boss*** has to get insurance approval to add me to her private practice,**** but that's okay, because i have a lot of reading and learning i want to do in the meantime to prepare! and then it will start as part time working up to full time as i build up my case load, but i'll also get to decide my own hours and do some work from home. i'll get to work with my favorite kinds of patients! and i'll get fantastic professional development opportunities for specialization, if i want to. the other dietitians in the practice seem lovely, so i'm excited to work with them. and the pay is realllly good, gosh, for being fresh out of the internship, it's nuts.
so things will pick up as i go through orientation and onboarding for the two hospital jobs next month. but it'll get calmer again after that, so i'll have the time and energy to prepare for the more challenging work that starts later, which is really nice.
and in the meantime, i'll be tending the wee garden on my balcony and playing board games with the love of my life 💗
#* all of my windows faced a wall. the walls were so thin i heard a neighbor yawn once#my air conditioner literally broke ten (10) times in three months. they just stopped fixing it. i just didn't have ac. in june. in texas.#** like i was fine i stayed in an airbnb for a week and then with Books which was not ideal bc they were in a 200 sq ft studio but hey#*** this woman is... something else. she was also one of my preceptors during my internship#on my first day with her we went over the assignments i had the option to do and one of them was about my main terrible chronic illness#and i mentioned oh yeah i am very familiar with that bc i have it. and this woman. was EXCITED#like she was interested in and valued my perspective as a sick person. which is wild#also that was my last rotation and i got really sick during that time. i had a flare up and didn't finish any of my assignments on time!!#bc of that illness! which she is now familiar w bc i did an assignment about it! and yet. and yet#SHE reached out to ME months later to be like. hey i have this position open if you want to apply here's the link :)#and then i had to interview with her and she did not pull any punches it was the longest interview i've had and she asked killer questions#and at one point she asked the question. what do YOU bring to this profession w YOUR perspective. and i just...#i said fuck it i went for it i answered honestly and said i'm autistic and autistic ppl understand each other in ways nts don't#(but like. framed intelligently w references to published research and good resources)#and you have autistic clients already and you will have more in the future bc all of us are weird about food!#and. she hired me. this woman knows i am 1. physically disabled and 2. autistic#and she hired me anyway. scream. remarkable woman. i want to know more about her.#and i don't want her to regret her decision so i gotta be on the ball!#**** it's private practice but the boss the one whose practice it is she's on a soft maternity leave so she's not seeing clients rn#so she's managing the practice. and on top of that there's also one woman who's job is just admin and insurance and billing etc#so after i finish the onboarding paperwork (almost done already) i won't have like... any more boring paperwork#it's a private practice job and i don't have to worry about billing which is the nightmare everyone dreads. incredible INCREDIBLE#ANYWAY gosh. it's all a lot! but good!#oh AND it's Books' birthday next week!!!!! we're gonna go out with their family one night then with their friends then just us#and i know exactly what i'm gonna wear (a tiny slutty dress) and i just got their gift (which i know they'll like) so everything is so !!!
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he-calls-me-kitten · 7 months
Sugar, Spice and a Tempting Vice
VA! MC x OM! Characters
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"Hey Levi, any new game recommendations for me? I just finished the last lot of books Satan suggested." You asked, plopping down your head on his shoulder to look at his screen.
"M-MC! You have to warn me before you do such things!" He muttered, his ears turning red as he scrolled some webpages pages for you. "But okay yeah these are the new games that are out recently... see anything you like?"
"Oh my God! It's out it's out!" You pointed excitedly at the screen. "Pretty Little Things is out! Finally!! I was dying to tell you all about it!"
Levi visibly stiffened up. "You-you were waiting for this particular game to come out? Are you sure it's not another game with a similar sounding name?"
"Nah uh this is the exact same one. Look up the list of voice actors in this game!"
"Yes! This was the new part-time job I couldn't tell you about since it was still in production! Im so glad you can just play it now!"
"...it's uh ready for download on all platforms already...so which character did voice?"
"Oh spoiler alert, my character is the only one that doesn't have a name, you have assign me one, the same way you name yourself. They even designed the characters to resemble all the VA's and add in some of their personalities, isn't that sweet?"
"Hahaha y-yeah definitely sweet! I'll be sure to check it out soon!"
"Great! Lemme know what you think of the game okay?!" You squeezed him in a small hug before you left.
Later in the Demon Brothers only group chat:
Asmo: OMG are they OKAY?? Should I go check up on them in their room!?!
Satan: I'm already on my way.
Belphie: Is MC hurt in anyway?
Beel: Did they pass out from hunger?! I can bring them emergency snacks right away
Lucifer: Can you lot not lose your minds everytime MC is mentioned? Pathetic. Levi, calm down and tell us what's wrong.
Beel: But Lucifer I just saw you hurrying up the stairs to MC's room too...
Satan: Typical Lucifer. By the way, MC is perfectly fine, happy even. Levi what are you on about?
Mammon: Yeah MC can't stop smiling! It's a good thing that happened, you idiot! Why would you scare us like that?
Asmo: Omg apparently MC voice acted in a new game! Levi I need you to download it for me ASAP please!
Beel: Me too, please.
Belphie: Me three.
Lucifer: I've already done it, you all can do it yourselves if you could do your own work for once.
Satan: Oh shut up, MC just did it for you right now as they did it for me.
Levi: It's a Dating Simulator. With multiple H-rated DLC endings. And MC is one of the dateables.
Levi: Hello?!! Did you guys not see my message?!
Levi: Seriously no reaction?! You guys aren't freaked out by this?!?
Beel: I just heard several doors opening and closing at once.
Asmo: Oh come Levi, I think you already know what our reaction is Levi ♥️ How can we possibly hold in our excitement after such a news!?
Levi: Are you all downloading the game together?!!! Y'all are hogging the bandwidth too much, my download speed has gone way down!!
Simeon: Hey
Simeon: I heard some demons in a cafe, raving about a game where MC plays one of the main characters?
Solomon: Indeed MC just sent us all a link right now.
Simeon: Oh is that so? I'll get Luke to help me download it after he's done with his.
Levi: Luke is playing it too?! I don't think it's appropriate given it's certain hidden endings!!
Barbatos: MC already made sure of it. He only has access to the sibling and friendship routes. It's a special version they added for all ages.
Diavolo: It already has downloads in the ten thousands. I'm really glad to see how MC is beloved by Devildom.
Levi: Are NONE of you affected by the fact that there are erotic routes with MC's VOICE?!!
Solomon: Oh I personally cannot wait hear my adorable apprentice's performance.
Barbatos: Ahem. I'd rather not comment on it.
Simeon: Same.
Diavolo: Same.
Levi: Sigh. We really are just a helpless lot at the mercy of MC.
To be continued...
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hogwartssexpress · 1 month
poly!marauders x fem!reader
finding out that you “belong with” the infamous marauders, you run and hide. But in good ole fashioned fate, they find you like they’re supposed to. 
tw: not proofread, soulmate au, strangers to friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, angst w/ happy ending, hinted ravenclaw!reader (but not directly said), divorce hinted at (R’s dad cheated), minor injuries (R, mention of some blood)
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At the age of ten you learned about soulmates when three symbols appeared on the inside of your writer. It happened on your birthday, the sight of it scared you and you tried to rub it off until your mom intervened. She had explained to you then–that the three symbols on your arm would fill in with color whenever you were near them. Then you had gagged and waved your mother off, but after a few years you had begun to yearn for it. 
After getting admitted to Hogwarts, your friend from back home found hers after just sitting at the dining table after being sorted. She was ecstatic explaining it to you, and that event is what started your desire to know the three people you were ‘destined’ to be with. 
Classes had started, and still no luck. A year had gone by, and still nothing. Over the summer your mother had consoled you, telling you it'll take time and that it's usually rare to find out so long. With your hands in hers, sitting on the couch, you asked her a question that would change your perspective on the entire thing. You asked if dad was her soulmate, and she responded with a heartbreaking no. Her ‘soulmate’ had cheated on her. 
It changed you. To know that someone was supposed to be your forever could do such a thing, leave your mom broken and alone like that was terrifying, angering. You stopped checking your wrist often. You stopped checking other’s wrists to see if it matched yours. You stopped caring. 
Years passed and you were now a Fifth Year at Hogwarts. And about to be late for your first potions class of the semester. There was barely any time left so when you arrived you threw yourself at the first open seat you could find. The air was run out of you, making you breathe heavily. You already caused a scene running in, you had nothing else to lose by breathing loudly. 
“Sleep in?”
       Your eyes flitted to the person beside you, “Possibly.”
“Oh I think the answer is ‘definitely’,” he grins, “I should know, I do it often.”
Seeing how you were still looking down at the table, moving items around–you noticed in your peripheral how he angled his body so he could see your face. 
“Gonna tell me your name or shall I give you one?”
“You’ve been to Hogwarts, haven’t you? Seeing as we’re sitting together, we’re going to be lab partners.”
And that’s how you first met Sirius–sitting in the back of your potions class. At first it had felt suffocating, but now you couldn’t deny the way he made you laugh. Over time you found yourself enjoying his presence, even accepting his invites to study outside of class. 
He told you to meet him at the library, but he never said where. You scanned the tables first before you wandered down the book isles, scanning each row until you found him on some random aisle in the charms section. 
“Sirius,” you whispered, tone harsh as to grab his attention, “I’ve been looking for you, I–” 
      “Shh, dollface. Can’t you see I'm reading?”
You brush off the nickname, “you never read, Sirius.” 
       “Excuse you, I absolutely do. Only if it involves something I’m interested in.” 
You move to see the title of the book, “jinxes?”
       “Only trying to spice life up a bit.”
You sighed, “we really must finish this assignment, I’d hate to get a bad grade already so early on in the school year.” 
When he didn’t budge, you sighed dramatically to pull him out of whatever trance the book seemed to have him in. He trailed behind you, mumbling something about having to tell someone about what he just read later. A few minutes later you found some seating in one of the aisles, the row having only three seats. With the one on the end taken, it forced the two of you to be pushed closer together on the inside. 
“I didn’t bring my notebook because my friend’s using it and I assume you don’t have yours,” you mumbled while you flipped through the pages of some old book, “so we’ll have to use this to understand the potion for the assignment. It’s pretty detailed so maybe we can both read it and discuss what we took away after. We have to have this information ready–Sirius, I feel like you’re not listening.”
        “Good observation, gorgeous–I’m not. This is a complete snore-fest.”
“This ‘snore-fest’ is 25% of your grade,” you whispered with a smile, moving the book closer to him, “so read. Please. If not for yourself, please do it for me.”
He reluctantly did so, moving his eyes off of you and onto the length paragraphs inside the book. Every now and then he would make a reluctant sound. Sometimes his leg would jitter too much, and hit the leg to your chair. You paid it no mind, and for some reason you enjoyed it–a smile on your face as you read another copy of the book. 
“Sirius, why’re you in the library? And reading as well, are you alright?”
You watched Sirius angle himself out of the corner of your eye towards what seemed to be another Fifth Year–just with shorter, brown hair. 
“Oh fuck off, it’s for an assignment.”
       “I’ve never seen you read for an assignment.” 
“I’ve already been attacked by this lass, I don’t need anymore from you.”
       “And who is this lass?”
And that’s when you meet James. It was a quick hello, but for some reason after that moment he would pop up everywhere. In the hallway, out in Hogsmeade, across the way while sitting at the dining tables in the great hall. It’s only been short smiles and waves until you bumped into him 
outside the Quidditch arena. He called out your name, wondering to you in his get-up. 
“James,” you breathed, “you play quidditch?” 
        “Yeah, just finished a game now. We won,” he smiled wide, leaning on his broom, “I take it you don’t care much for sports?”
“Sorry, no–but that’s wonderful. And what position do you play?”
You hummed, “well maybe I’ll come watch you sometime.” 
If it was possible, it looked like his smile grew. He reached back to pull someone from the crowd, “this is Remus. He comes to my games often. If you’d like someone to sit with so you’re not alone, he’s here.”
You smile at him, “alright, thank you.” 
And that’s how you meet Remus, unknowingly meeting all three of your soulmates within the span of a week. For whatever reason you never checked your wrist. You left your sleeve to cover the area, keeping the markings hidden from your sight. Unbeknownst to you, throughout the next few weeks you would be unaware of how each marking would fill in with color. With Sirius, there was a small dog head that filled with black whenever you were near him. James had a stag that filled with brown, and Remus had a wolf that filled with gray. All three imprints were small, huddled in close together on the underside of your wrist–just barely reaching over an inch in size. Through all the time you spent–going to the Three Broomsticks, attending their Quidditch games, and even sometimes encouraging a jinx on some rotten teacher. You would consider yourself friends–but the tinted markings on your wrist suggested otherwise. 
“Darling,” James called to you, “are you sure this is where you went?”
           “Yes,” you answered, stepping over an enlarged root, “I’m sure.”
“Just say you don’t trust her,” Sirius quips. 
         “I do, I just feel like we’ve passed by that stump over there before.”
You were leading the three of them into the forbidden forest after stating that just earlier on your walk to Hogsmeade you saw the mushrooms they were looking for in their potions recipe. They practically begged you, mainly Sirius, to be able to find such an ingredient after being banned from the ingredient cabinet in the classroom downstairs. You were sure the mushrooms were just on this corner, sitting just outside of the forest–but somehow you found yourself wandering through the shrubbery with the boys in tow. Everyone was confused. 
“Dove,” Remus started, moving closer to talk privately to you, “if you’re feeling a little fuzzy on where it's located, it’s okay to turn back around and re-evaluate. We are getting quite deep into the forest now.” 
       You stop, looking directly at him, “I swear it was here. The area is all the same basically. I’m sorry, I didn’t know I’d be leading everyone into nowhere.”
“No one’s upset. I had only brought it up because it’s getting dark outside. Might be best to head back and look tomorrow, we’re in no rush.”
           “Thank you,” you smiled, “I’ll make sure you all are able to complete that prank, promise. It just won’t be tonight.”
“I agree with heading back, I’ve heard that students get lost in the woods past dark,” Sirius said, arms resting on his hips. 
          James looks at him with a weird expression, “where’d you hear that?”
“Why I overheard some professors discussing it. Some couple came out here to make out and didn’t return.” 
           “I say we hurry back then so we don’t face their wrath,” James whispered, already taking the first step forward.
The forest had an earthy smell that got stronger when the moon started to arise as the forest began to cool. It was quite cold, the wind rushing through the swaying trees causing goosebumps to appear on your skin. James and Sirius were ahead this time, deep in discussion while you and Remus talked in the back. 
Two minutes into the walk–that was just starting to feel peaceful–a galloping sound was heard somewhere in the woods. You had enough time to look back when you felt the ground under you rumble, but none when a centaur came barreling through. One then another, then another appeared. They pushed through the area, not caring or not seeing the four of you standing there. 
Sirius moves from where he was leaning on a tree for protection, almost cheering, “that was fantastic.”
You wince from your place on the ground, trying to pick yourself up from where you had been knocked over. Behind you heard someone curse and another coming to help lift you up, “are you alright?”
        “I’m fine, just a few scratches is all,” you said, brushing the leaves and dirt off of your clothes, “is anyone hurt?”
You look around while James shushes you, “we’re fine, sweetheart. Just worried about you is all, looked like you fell pretty hard.”
       “Like I said I’m fine, especially after the fact I just saw a centaur.”
Your statement brought up a conversation, one that lasted until you all were back inside Hogwarts. Throughout the walk you were gripping your wrist, more specifically your shirt. During your fall, your wrist had snagged on something–tearing your shirt and the skin underneath. When you went to stand, you caught a glimpse of the cut–and the pigmented marks on your wrist. 
You started to avoid them after that night. First it was pretty subtle, you had done a good job of convincing them and yourself that you weren’t removing yourself. You smiled their way, talked to them, but you declined offers to hangout. 
Just now they had invited you to join them on a walk over to Hogsmede because Remus wanted to get a new book–and you turned them down, saying you had elsewhere to be. 
“I don’t remember her being this busy,” Remus stated.
         “There’s no way she’s ignoring us,” Sirius conveyed, looking at the two of them nervously. 
That remark spiraled them. When you started to pull away more, they were sure their suspicions were true. You rushed past them, even said you were busy when on the map it showed that you were in your dorm room. 
You were ignoring the life-changing news that you found out last week, which translated into ignoring them and trying to keep busy to avoid accepting the truth–to avoid the confrontation of spilling the truth. That you were their soulmate. 
It broke you to find out because you didn’t want your time with them to end. Didn’t want the news of a soulmate to tear you four apart like it did with your mom and dad. To willingly remove yourself from three people who changed your life from the better was heart-wrenching. In some sick way, your mind tried to convince you it was better this way. They’d leave you like how your dad left your mom. Four people together? It’ll never work. Plus they seemed happier just the three of them. 
Today was Friday, a day you usually spent with them in Hogsmeade–but today you walked those streets by yourself. You had started to read a book at the library before deciding halfway through that you needed to buy it, the reason why you were in Hogsmeade. And just outside when you stepped back into the cold air, you ran chest-to-chest with Remus. 
“Gonna run away like you always do,” Sirius remarked, face cold, indifferent. He didn’t seem to care much when it made your face drop further than it already had, “it’s alright, you can leave–we understand. We know how highly you think of yourself now.” 
        “I don’t think that at all–” you start before stopping, looking at the others walking by on the street, “can we talk. Please.”
“So now you want to talk? That’s fucking rich. After all the times you’ve run away when we tried to talk to you, we have every right to leave you right here.”
         “You’re right, I don't,” you said, pushing down on the sadness that was already beginning to crawl up your throat. You tuned, but didn’t get far when a hand grabbed your wrist. 
“We’d love to talk to you,” Remus professes, “just after we move somewhere quieter.”
He guided you, moving towards a more secluded area by the river that ran through the small city. You were far enough from the crowds, but you all could hear the faint sounds of the street performer in the back. 
“So,” Sirius probes, “why have you been acting like we don’t exist?”
          “It’s not you, it’s me. Only recently my mom disclosed some information about my dad and why he left. It ruined my perspective on soulmates, made me believe they were all a hoax because why would you be destined with someone who’d do that to you? So I got scared when I found out I was yours. I didn’t want to ruin what we had. I thought surely it wouldn't work between us. Four people? How uncommon is that? Instead of giving it a chance or even communicating this to you–I ran away, and I shouldn't have. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”
“To be honest I thought we all knew we were soulmates. I check mine often. When the third little design on my wrist glowed whenever you were around, I knew it was you and I told the others,” Remus added, “But we all should’ve communicated that. That’s on all of us.” 
Seeing the tears turn your eyes shiny Sirius sighs, moving forward to pull you into a hug, “why’re you crying, dollface? Sad that you got three attractive men as your forever partners.”
     Feeling his arms around you, the scent of him invading your senses makes the tears start to flow, “I just don’t want you to leave me.”
“We’re not leaving, not ever,” James proposed as he and Remus moved close to wrap their arms around the two of you. 
You laughed at the feeling of James’ lips tickling your neck.
“Missed you a lot, sweetheart,” he mumbled into the skin, pulling himself closer, “one summer’s too long without you.”
The train’s cushions were comfortable, but they were barely enough to hold you and James–so when Sirius moved onto the seat, you were pushed up against the wall. He had expressed his excitement walking into the cabin, tossing his suitcase onto the other seat before wrapping himself around James’ back. 
“Fucking hell I’ve missed you.” 
He placed a kiss onto yours and Jame’s cheek before moving onto the other cushion, giving space for when Remus arrived. There was joy and excitement held in each other’s hearts, knowing you all got to see each other again after months of waiting. It was torture, and the letters did nothing. Remus was last, moving into the cart with a relaxed smile. Sirius had held out his hand, pulling him onto the seat so they could greet one another. 
“Mm, missed you loads,” Remus whispered, smiling against Sirius and looking over when he heard you laugh. 
You were continuing to try and move James away, trying to stop his attack on your neck. You were trying to spew words between your gasps and laughter, trying to move him off but the sounds of you laughing were too contagious.
“James, give the girl a rest. She looks like she’s going to implode.”
            “Fine fine,” he said, moving away, “oh hey Remus.”
“Hi Prongs.”
You greeted him after, feeling yourself grow warm when you feel him press a kiss to your cheek. 
The both of you leaned back into the seat after, James wrapping an arm around you, “ready for another year at Hogwarts?”
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wileys-russo · 3 months
Emily fox, “you’re quite intimidating you know”, night club/team night out
e.fox II intimidating
"why don't you just go and say hello, she doesn't bite!" lotte teased, nudging her friend who blushed red and elbowed her. "we've spoken before!" emily defended with a huff and a roll of her eyes.
"yeah at training, 'i'm open on your left!' hardly counts as a conversation." alessia chimed in on her other side, the three tar heels squished together on a lounge chair, the entire team out for the night to bond before everyone was due to head away to portugal, captains orders.
"em, you've been here for two weeks man and you've said about ten words to the girl! i don't get it, she's lovely." lotte pushed again nodding in your direction where you were stood at the bar laughing at something kyra said, shoving her head away from you.
"why are you two being so bossy! there is an entire team for me to bond me." emily gestured around to the multitude of mostly blondes gathered around the little area they'd booked off for dinner and a few drinks.
"exactly, but there is only one forward that you keep avoiding like the plague." alessia grinned knowingly. "is that maybe because you think she's fit." lotte teased, poking at the brunette who huffed.
"no! we don't say fit anyway, thats so english." emily pulled a face and sipped on her drink. "i hate to remind that you now...live in england." lotte laughed with a shake of her head.
"sorry. do you just think she's so hot?" alessia chimed in again with a horrendous attempt at an american accent. "not the valley girl voice." emily sighed with a shake of her head.
"i don't even know her! you're both idiots." emily insisted finishing her drink. "well you clearly want to know her. you're always glancing at her, watching her from afar, blushing when she smiles at you. since when are you so shy around pretty girls foxy!" lotte grinned as the american buried her face in her hands.
"what is this? haze the new girl?" emily grunted with a roll of her eyes. "she's very single, you're very single. we're not telling you to get on one knee, but you can't avoid her all season." alessia laughed before a new look settled across her face.
"no less don't give me that, i know that look. thats your meddling look!" the american groaned, having seen it many times throughout their time at college together.
"me? meddle? i don't know what you mean." alessia gasped in mock offence, sliding away from them and standing to her feet. "less where are you going? less? less!" the american defender whisper shouted to the blonde who pointed to her empty glass and pouted, but headed right over to you.
"next rounds on you less? thats so kind!" kyra cheered in greeting, slinging an arm around the blonde as you chuckled at your national teammate. "kyra stop being a pest for thirty seconds would you? shoo!" you gestured with your hands as the younger girl scowled and flipped you off but slunk away to find someone else to annoy.
"what are you drinking?" alessia smiled, bumping her shoulder into yours and nodding down to the lack of a drink in your hand. "water." you winked in return as the blonde pulled a face.
"boring! tomorrow is a day off. i thought australians knew how to drink?" alessia teased, waving over the bartender and respecting your wishes none the less.
"this ones emily's. i'm dying for the toilet, can you take it over to her for me?" alessia asked nodding down to the other drink she'd ordered, basically running away before you could even say something.
"typical." you sighed, dodging kyra who tried to steal the other drink and making a beeline for your newest teammate. "hey i need to speak to leah about something, be right back." lotte interrupted her friend mid conversation, emily frowning at the sudden way she stood and hurried off.
"hey!" but her face paled and eyes widened as you smiled down at her, offering her the other drink in your hand. "less got it for you, ditched me with it at the bar though." you rolled your eyes playfully and raised an eyebrow when the american didn't make a move.
"its not poisoned, you can drink it." you teased, but the friendly demeanor faded as emily tried desperately to make her brain and mouth match up, only able to open and close it wordlessly.
"okay...i'll just leave this here for you then." you frowned, slowly placing it on the table in front of her with a smile that this time didn't meet your eyes as you turned to leave.
"no wait! please sit." emily finally found her words as you hesitated for a second and she slid over slightly, gesturing to the space beside her. though as you sat down and she grabbed the drink with a quiet thank you, the uncomfortable silence returned.
"you know i think those four words are the most i've heard you speak. i thought americans were supposed to have big personalities?" you tried again with a slight teasing tone, leaving the space open for if she'd jump in.
"well i thought australians were known for drinking!" emily tried with an awkward smile as you shook your head. "why does everyone think that? there is more depth to us than that!" you laughed, sipping on your water.
"well you're quite intimidating you know." emily admitted as you looked at her in a mix of surprise and shock. "me? like you're one to talk you avoid me like i have a disease!" you laughed as the brunette look confused.
"i don't! i promise. or i didn't mean to if it seems i have been." emily sighed apologetically. "i thought you may have been avoiding me after the last time we played the US, that tackle." you winced at the memory, given a yellow card for the way you'd accidentally swept her legs out after she'd gotten rid of the ball.
"that? oh i was ready to kill you...months ago. i hadn't even given it a thought since then, well until now." emily assured with a smile that you returned, seemingly relaxed a little more at her words.
"i'm just...awkward? and you seem to have everyone and everything figured out, i've not heard anyone say a bad word about you." emily revealed as your smile softened. "you don't seem awkward. and i've had a couple of years to find my feet, you'll do the same too!" you bumped your shoulder into hers gently.
"okay i'll tell you a secret." you placed your water down on the table and turned to face her a little more. "i'm not drinking because i'm taking my driving test tomorrow and i've already failed it three times, last thing i need is a hangover." you groaned quietly, cheeks warm with embarrassment.
there was a pause of silence and you wondered if you'd said the wrong thing until finally as you were about to stand up there was a break through.
"stop laughing at me it isn't funny! i told you that in confidence." you huffed glaring at her as she clutched her stomach. "how did you fail it three times? i've been here a month and i passed first try!" emily shook her head in disbelief.
"i can't parallel park." you mumbled, eyebrows furrowing and crossing your arms as you huffed. "what? its easy!" emily laughed again as you sighed. "i just get all the angles wrong and i panic and well the last time i clipped the car in front." you blushed bright red, something emily had to admit was an adorable sight.
"no way." "way, its tragic."
"hey kyra! thirsty?" you frowned in confusion as emily called over the younger girl, handing over the drink she'd barely touched as the midfielder snatched it with a beaming grin and a thank you.
"what did you do that for? you know she won't buy you one in return, she's a massive scab." you rolled your eyes knowing the girl all too well, owed many a drink you know you'd never see.
"what are you doing on your day off tomorrow?" emily questioned ignoring the one you'd asked her as you shrugged. "groceries, sleeping in-" you started to list off the errands on your list as the american shook her head.
"wrong. we're going to get up early and get a coffee, maybe some breakfast, then i'm teaching you how to parallel park before your test." emily responded confidently, waving off your attempts to say no.
"okay, its a date." you eventually gave in with a grin, noticing the slight change in her facial features and the way her eyes widened. "oh i'm so sorry i don't mean like-" you hurried to back track but the american held up a hand, catching alessia's eye over your shoulder.
"yeah, it is a date."
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orionremastered · 7 months
Requested via DMs
Helping Hand
Dick Grayson [DCD]
When they say 'opposites attract', the two of you are the prime example.
Dick is in the center of the room, doing flips and handstands and whatever else the agile swan can accomplish while you stand in the corner, afraid to bump into anything and everything and therefore give yourself another bruise.
"It's okay," Dick always tells you. But you've endured bullying for it in school and that's not okay, which was what he always told you too.
Slowly but surely, he teaches you a simple stretch routine. It's something you were never really able to do, especially not a three minute one, but he's a good teacher.
"See? Told you that you could do it."
Hmm. So he did.
Jason Todd [Dyslexia]
It's late and for once Jason doesn't have patrol. So you both do what you normally do on this rare occasion make out with you sitting on the kitchen counter which is him reading a book to you while you lay on top of him, slowly drifting off to sleep.
His lips murmur against your forehead as he slowly moves his head to kiss you there gently.
"You tired, baby?"
"No," you tell him with an unconvincing yawn. "One more chapter?"
He smiles, pressing another kiss to your forehead. He knows you'll be asleep when the chapter's finished, but he keeps reading anyway.
Tim Drake [ADHD]
Breakfast at 10am because you managed to get Tim to sleep is always the best kind of breakfast.
"You have a doctor's appointment in an hour."
Breakfasts where Tim has to remind you that you have an appointment today is always the worst kind of breakfast.
You rush to clean your teeth and get changed, putting on your shoes before heading out the door.
"You forgot your keys," he calls from the dining table.
"Right, yes, thanks," you run back inside and snatch the keys about to step out the door before he adds,
"You forgot your phone too."
Damian Wayne [Dyscalculia]
"This is hopeless," you sigh.
Damian rolls his eyes, handing you a pencil. "You can do it. I know it's hard, but you can."
"Easy for you to say. You're like, an evil warlord master mind and king of the world or something."
You have a point and you both know it. Damian's eyebrow raises. "I'm evil?"
"You're not doing my math homework for me."
"Because I can't help you in the exam." And yet, you feel like he could find a way if he really wanted to.
The two of you have been at it for what feels like hours, trying to help you understand math concepts that everyone else in your year already understands. But Damian apparently thinks you can somehow figure it out.
"Come on," Damian says. "Ten more minutes and then we can take a break."
Apparently you can't make text yellow anymore so Tim's fucken orange ig 🤷‍♀️
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missesnott · 5 months
Study date | Theodore Nott x Fem. Reader
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•Summary: You and Theodore chose a day to study together at your dorm. As soon as he walks in, he notices that you have a collection of stuffed toys. After he leaves, you realise that one is missing. On the next study date you both have, which is in his dorm, you find your stuffed toy in his bed.
•Requested by: @helendeath
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You were sat on your bed, waiting for your friend, Theo. Tonight you were helping him with potions. Despite being very inteligent, Theo isn't very good at potions, and you help him how you can.
A knock on your door is heard. You get up and walk towards the door, opening it.
"Hey!" you greet the slytherin.
"Hey bella" he greets back, entering your dorm. "This is your bed?" he points to a bed with some stuffed toys.
"Yes, but I was about to take them out of here..."
"Leave them if you want." he says, not seeming to worried about it. "You also give names to them, like a child?" he plays.
"No... only to Willow..." you point to your favorite stuffed animal "Anyways, can we start or are you going to mock me about it?" you sat on your bed again, Theo following you with a small smile.
You both take your books out and you start teaching him all he needed to know. Hours pass by, but you don't seem to notice, neither does Theo.
"Is easy, isn't it?" you ask him with a soft smile.
"Now it is." he looks back to you.
You both took a gander at one another for a couple of moments until you saw the time.
"It's almost dinner time..." you say and break the eye contact. Grabbing your book, you get up to put it on his place. Theo sits on the bed and grabs his things, putting them back on his bag.
"See you at dinner?" he asks, on the door.
"I'll be there in 10." you smile and he nods, leaving.
Ten minutes pass by and you had now entered the Great Hall. You searched for your friends and sat next to them. The dinner was spent with you and your friends eating, gossiping and chatting about your up coming exams, and for your surprise you had a transfiguration exam.
You weren't very good at this subject, but you knew someone who was. You looked for him and eventually found him, laughing with his friends. You smiled and continued to chat with your friends.
"I think I'm spending the rest of the evening studying..." one of your friends said.
"Me too" a blonde girl agreeds.
"I'm free tomorrow, which means I have the whole day to study."
"And you better! McGonagall's exams are not easy..." the green eyed girl said, the blonde agreeing once again.
Since you three had finished eating, you get up and start to walk to your dorm. One of your friend was a Hufflepuff, so she turned to another corridor, saying goodbye to you and your other friend.
"So, you'll study tomorrow alone?"
"I guess... I'll ask Theo if he can help me. He's way better at transfiguration than I'll ever be."
"Theo? Theodore Nott?" she asks in disbelief.
"Yes, we help each other."
She opens her mouth to say something but she doesn't speak. You both continue the way to your dorm and say goodbye once again, since you did not shared the dorm.
You enter your dorm and check your messy bed. Taking a deep breath, you change your clothes and take your stuffed toys of the bed, so you could sleep but you notice one is missing, Willow.
You looked everywhere. Under the bed, on your bag, through the ground. Willow was nowhere to be found. Upset, you just decide to go to sleep, maybe in the morning you'd find her.
The sun's rays hit your face, waking you up. Groaning, you get up, walking to the bathroom taking a bath. You remember that Willow is missing, and decide to look for her afterwards.
You get out of the shower, dress and see the time. Theo had some classes now, and you hadn't ask him if he could help you.
Walking fast to the Great Hall, you spotted him speaking to his friends. He sees you, and you call him over with a gesture. He quickly gets up and walks to you.
"Hey bella, what do you need?"
"I was hoping that you could help me with Transfiguration...? I have an exam tomorrow and you know I suck at the subject..."
"Sure, today at 4PM? In my dorm this time?"
"Yes, thank you so much!" you smiled at him and he smiled back.
It was already 4PM and you were walking to Theo's dorm. You knock and a few seconds later he opens.
"Hey, come in."
You enter his dorm and he guides you to his bed. The first thing you see is nothing else then Willow, the stuffed toy you thought you had lost. You decide to not ask him about it.
"So, where do you wanna start from?" he asks staring at your eyes.
You broke the eye contact once more and take your book out.
"Here..." you lay in his bed next to him, belly down, pointing to the subject.
"Bella, that's the easiest thing I'll probably teach you today" he jokes again.
"Yes, well then please start. My exam is tomorrow and I stayed my whole morning studying."
He starts to explaining everything to you, detail by detail.
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3rd post! A little to much [...]? maybe... sorry about that
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froggibus · 3 months
Pool Party - Obey Me
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Includes: Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beel & Belphie
Genre: fluff, crack
Summary: what better way to spend a hot summer day than at the pool with your favorite demons?
CW: swimming, sunburns, lots of sunscreen, kind of a crack fic ngl, alcohol and drinking, crocs, chicken fights, reader = mc
this is a part of my Summer Suntacular Event, come check it out!
guys i am SO BEYOND EXCITED TO FINALLY POST THIS!!! ive been waiting a WEEK...anyway sorry for starving my obey me followers for almost a year...my bad
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surprisingly not wearing his dorky scuba suit
hovers around the grill while Beel cooks 
brings extra water and sunscreen in case anyone forgets theirs 
pesters you about reapplying your sunscreen like every 20 minutes 
tries to beat Beel at chicken but almost instantly loses 
brings his extra paperwork and refuses to participate in anything until he finishes it
the only one who’s jaw doesn’t drop when he sees you in your bathing suit
he still thinks you’re hot—he just doesn’t show it like everyone else
insists on getting a group photo of everyone but it takes like ten tries before he gives up because everyone keeps squinting at the sun
wants to be the “responsible” one and not drink so he fills his thermos with sangria to be sneaky
literally everyone knows it's sangria cause who brings a thermos to the pool
asks for your help taking pictures of his brothers in their bathing suits so he can sell them
does not burn and refuses to put on sunscreen unless you beg him to
and then acts like he’s not doing it for you but just protecting himself
doesn’t bring his own beer or anything and just leeches off of everyone else’s
has another, secret mission of trying to push Lucifer in the water without getting caught
succeeds and blames it on you like the bastard (affectionate) that he is
thinks you look too hot in your bathing suit and tries to cover you the whole day. does not succeed.
will cause a fight if anyone compliments you 
“Mammon are you jealous or something”
“tch the Great Mammon doesn’t get jealous. you’re crazy.”
a miracle that he even came outside i'm afraid
wears his dorky ass hawaiian button up and goggles around his neck
burns SO easily please slather him in sunscreen
hates that the other brothers get to see you in your bathing suit and pouts about it like the baby he is
lays on a lawn chair and plays on his switch + refuses to get in the water
however as soon as you ask Beel for a piggyback in the pool, he’s Michael Phelps
carries a water gun and pretends like he’s assassinating people
accidentally ruins Asmo’s makeup and starts a brawl
super blushy and flustered if you come near him in your bathing suit
and if you touch him his system does a hard reset
refers to the whole day as a ‘filler episode’ much to everyone’s confusion
eats about a thousand different popsicles with increasingly weird flavours
wears a pair of purple crocs with anime charms (he’s been begging you to get a pair for months so you guys can match croc charms)
does not care much for swimming but he’ll lay on a lawn chair and read his book
talks to you at least three times about the dangers of UV rays and the importance of sunscreen
has a really dorky sun visor that he wears anytime he’s in the sun like an old man
brings an extra matching one for you 
needs to challenge Lucifer at absolutely everything
the second Luci steps in the water to play chicken, Satan is throwing you on his shoulders
has one of those lounge floats decorated with cats that he lays on while he reads and sunbathes
only drinks moscow mules and insists that you try them
has a meticulously maintained pair of Birkenstocks that he wears everywhere
tries to wear them into the pool and has a five minute argument with Lucifer about why he can’t
lays out your towel in the sun for you so it’s nice and warm when you get out of the pool
bonus points if he wraps you up in it
comes an hour later after everyone else because he had to shave everywhere and paint his nails to match his bathing suit
takes a thousand and one pictures of himself 
and about a million more of the two of you together (his favourite of which he sets as his lock screen)
has an incredible collection of cruelty free, reef friendly, non-comedogenic sunscreens that he applies liberally
goes in the water but refuses to get his hair wet and WILL cause a fight if anyone splashes him
weirdly good at chicken but only because he doesn’t want to fall in the water
loves aesthetic cocktails served in fruits and drinks them the whole day
probably the best at making cocktails too
has a timer set for when he has to reapply sunscreen and asks you (and only you) to help him apply it
also forces you to wear sunscreen 
Levi uses his expensive face sunscreen on his body and Asmo almost kills him
the absolute grill master
he’s got 10 different things on the go, a beer in one hand and tongs in the other
challenges everyone to a game of chicken and refers to you as his ‘secret weapon’ to win
the Satan/Asmo duo get surprisingly close to winning but Asmo chips his nail and concedes
has one of those floaties that you can put drinks and snacks in and drags it along with him in the pool
lets you hang off his back while he swims
if you’re laying down on your towel he WILL come and shake the water off of himself on you like a dog
will only throw you in the pool if he 100% knows it won’t upset you
threatens the other brothers to do the same or face the consequences
forgets to put on sunscreen but somehow doesn’t burn???
comes out looking like a greek god
spends 90% of his time lounging on a pool float like the lazy mf he is
bats his eyes at you and asks you to bring him drinks everytime he finishes his
did not inherit Beel’s ability to tan and burns
five minutes in the sun and he becomes a lobster
only leaves his pool float to play one (1) round of chicken (that he loses) and if he gets too hot
also his pool floaty is definitely black and white like a cow
everytime he hears Satan lecture you about sunscreen he repeats it in a high pitched nerd voice 
belphie pls wear sunscreen
probably falls asleep on the floaty at least once until Beel comes and flips him into the water
if anyone splashes him he WILL retaliate to the fullest extent
compliments how you look in your bathing suit just to annoy Mammon 
steals everyone’s drinks if they leave them by the edge of the pool bcs he’s too lazy to grab his own
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Summer Suntacular | Masterlist | Obey Me Masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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w2soneshots · 4 months
Ibiza -W2S
words: 1.2k+
warnings: alcohol consumption.
summary: you spend the day on a yacht while your boyfriend and his mates film hide & seek. You deal with his mean drunkenness. Then when you get back to the villa you take care of him.
notes: this is based off of this request!! I think drunk Harry’s hilarious😭. Don’t forget to reblog! Enjoy this extra lone one💓✨
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Liked by gkbarry_, ksi and 561,308 others
y/username: Ibiza 2024!🌴🍹🌺☀️💘
Tagged: @wroetoshaw @behzingagram @faithloisak @taliamar @freyanightingale
wroetoshaw: 🔥🔥
faithloisak: you cutie
taliamar: stunning girl🫶🏼
y/nfanpage21: pahaha the second pic😭
user31096420: another iconic sidemen holiday
user91837410: she's so fit
A few days ago we arrived in Ibiza. It was initially just going to be the boys because they were planning a few sidemen videos. But they decided that there hasn't been a proper holiday with everyone for years since, Ethan and Faith had Olive, Me and Harry got married, as well as Simon and Talia so we cleared our schedules and booked tickets.
We're here for a week and plan on doing as much relaxing as we can but the boys still need to film their videos. Today they're filming a hide and seek on a huge yacht. We're all staying in a massive villa that's really close to the sea line. "Morning." Harry yawned. My sleepy face curved into a content smile. "Good morning." I whispered before kissing his soft lips. Harry wrapped his arms around my torso. "Do we have to get up?" He dug his head into my neck. "Yes Haz. The boats booked for eleven." I replied. He groaned.
Eventually I got him up and we began getting ready. I pulled on a bikini that wouldn't give me offensive tan lines, since I'm planning on laying in the sun all day. Then popped on a cute cover up. Once I'd sorted my hair and covered myself in suncream I headed downstairs where everyone was sat eating breakfast. I said "good morning." then grabbed a plate of fresh fruit along with a smoothie.
After breakfast we all collected the last of our things then just as the taxis pulled up we left. Harry helped Ethan get Olives stuff into the boot while I carried the baby for Faith while she clipped in the car seat. It's only a ten minute drive so we were soon being dropped off at the dock. The day before yesterday we spent a few hours on a smaller boat but today (since they're filming a video) the yacht is massive. The crew also flew in yesterday to film this video so they met us here.
We were told not to grab our things from the taxis because the staff on board would get it for us. When we got onto the yacht we were immediately given drinks and a quick toor. The woman brought us up some stairs. "And these are the tanning loungers." Me and the girls looked at each other with a smile. "This is where I'm going to be spending the rest of the day." Talia joked, but she was being fully serious and I felt exactly the same.
The boys wondered off to film the intro for the video and all four of us girls lay down on a lounger, while Olive slept next to Faith in a little travel cot under one of the large umbrellas. I chatted quietly with Talia, Freya started reading her book and Faith soaked up the sun. We could hear the boys screaming, shouting and laughing as they filmed. Vik was the seeker and wasn't doing the best job which was obvious from what we could see from the top deck, but I'm sure that will make the video even funnier.
Once Harry, Ethan and Josh had been found we caught them peering up at us quite a few times. "You all look like creeps you know!" I shouted. The girls laughed from beside me and the boys faces turned a bright shade of red. "You just look too good in that bikini babe!" Harry shouted back sarcastically. I smirked with a shake of my head. Then returned to tanning.
After almost three hours the boys finally finished filming so we had some lunch. As the day went on we jumped into the sea, played mafia and just sat around enjoying each other's company. Everyone began actually drinking as it started to get later. Accept me, Faith, JJ and Tobi because I had had like one or two but really couldn't be arsed with a hangover, Faith needed to look after Olive and JJ and Tobi don't drink.
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y/username just posted a new story!
I sat next to Harry as he swayed back and forth slightly. "You alright?" I asked. He was clearly very drunk. "What? Oh. Shut up I'm fine." He replied. I raised my eyebrows in disbelief. I looked around the group, all eyes on us. I burst into a fit of laughter. "Alright big man I think it's time you get to bed." I tried to help him stand. "No!" He shouted. I sighed tiredly. "Here. I'll help." Tobi got up from his seat. We decided to all call it a night so left the ship and got taxi's back to the villa.
"Here you go mate." JJ murmured as him and Tobi lay an almost asleep Harry on our bed. "Thanks boys." I smiled as they walked out with a quick "good night." I pulled Harry's clothes off, leaving him in just his boxers. Then I placed a glass of water on his nightstand, along with some paracetamol for his hangover. Thankfully Harry usually isn't physically sick when he has a hangover so there was no need for a bucket. After I took a quick shower I slipped into bed, next to him.
The next morning I got up decently early to make everyone breakfast. Faith was already downstairs since Olive had been awake for quite awhile and she didn't want to wake Ethan up since he was hungover and he woke up early yesterday for Olive. "Good morning you cutie." I greeted Olive in my high pitched baby voice, that seems to just appear whenever I'm around animals or babies. She giggled with the sweetest little smile.
"Morning." Faith also smiled as I sat down next to her on the couch. "So last night Harry seemed to be a little..." "mean." I finished her sentence. "Well yea." She breathed out a laugh. "He's a mean drunk. It really doesn't bother me to be honest. I find it hilarious." I chuckled. "I'm glad, I was a little concerned." "The first time we went out together it was a bit of a shock to the system but over the years I realised that it's just how he reacts to alcohol."
After a good chat with Faith I headed back upstairs to check on Harry. I slowly opened to door to see Harry front down on the bed with his face turned towards the door. I walked towards him and squatted in front of him. "Harry." I whispered as my hand gently stroked his face. He groaned. "Have some paracetamol love." I grabbed the pack from the nightstand. "My head hurts." He slowly opened one of his eyes. I smiled at him "I know. Sit up for me."
He pushed himself up and turned over so he was sitting against the headboard. He took the tablet along with almost the entire glass of water. "Was I mean?" He asked quietly. I laughed "Uhm... I've had much worse." He groaned as he covered his face with his hands. "Sorry." He mumbled. "Don't be. You were completely gone with the fairies." I said sarcastically. He chuckled but then winced, probably from the pounding headache. "Go back to sleep. I'll have breakfast downstairs when you're ready." I quickly pecked his forehead. "You're too good to me." He replied as he returned to his previous position.
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ravens-two · 8 months
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PAC: What's Your Planet Archetype?
This reading includes:
your planet archetype
how it affects the way others perceive you
The extended reading includes:
your aesthetic
the best way to work with this planet archetype
a mini-playlist that captures your vibe
Disclaimer: this is just for entertainment purposes, and as a pick-a-card reading it may not resonate for everyone.
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Pile 1
Ace of Cups, Six of Pentacles, Coming of Winter
"It comes in lullabies deep within your mirrored flesh. Alas, it is time to lay your quivering chest upon the winter's coming."
Pile 1 your planet archetype is the Moon. In astrology the Moon represents our inner world, that which is hidden, but also comes to the surface in the shape of feelings and emotions. Those who are ruled by the Moon tend to be highly emotional, empathetic and artistic. All of these qualities are shown in your cards here. The Ace of Cups is the overflow of emotion that you feel, even by just watching a film. You feel deeply and sometimes that creates a dissonance with the people around you, as they don't understand things on the same emotional level that you do. This also makes you very intuitive. You are capable of picking up on a lot of information from subtle cues. You might be able to finish other people's sentences or to pick up on things and feelings that they haven't revealed.
Most likely you are more of an introvert, as your inner world is richer than the outer world. You don't get bored easily, because your imagination is incredibly rich. It's easy to create a story in your mind and to feel it deeply. You're also a really good listener. People might have a tendency of just opening up to you, even if they hadn't intended to do so. There's just something about you that makes them feel heard and understood. I also get the feeling that a lot of you also act a bit as therapists or psychoanalysts for yourselves and for friends. You listen to your friends and help them to work through their feelings, thoughts or problems.
How it affects how others perceive you
The first thing I'm getting is that you have a lovely voice, pile 1. People enjoy hearing you talk and you might also like to sing as well. I also get the feeling that people see you as someone who is wise beyond their years, but also as someone who tends to be fair. They know that they can come to you to help mediate a problem, because you'll be kind, but fair at the same time.
Some people see you as being closed off and sometimes even a little bit pretentious. They think that you're faking your sensitivity to get attention. This doesn't reflect the way most people see you though. In general, you're seen as someone who is very empathetic and compassionate. I get the feeling that most people think that you're vegetarian/vegan or that you care a lot about protecting animals. Also, you're seen as someone who "will turn the other cheek". They think that you're more inclined to forgive and forget, rather than to confront someone.
Some people might be a bit wary of approaching you, because they think that you won't be interested in them. Sometimes it seems that you are too deep for others to understand. But, there's also a vibe of mystery and a sharpness in your eyes that makes you very interesting. I also think that you give the vibe of being into spirituality or being very intuitive. Which can be a bit off-putting for some, and attractive to others.
Physical characteristics will be different for everyone of course, but I think that most of you have very intense eyes. It's the type of eyes that it feels like you're staring right into someone's soul. I think that some people are even intimidated about this, because it feels like you're jugdging them. It's like you'll know if they're lying - at least that's their perception.
Pile 2
Ten of Wands, Three of Wands, The Veil
"It's quite possible your eyes have become the fog in which you dwell. A half-swallowed glimpse of all that you truly are or can be, that the tears you bleed are ready for the storms to turn the skies inward."
Pile 2 your archetype is Pluto. This is one of the dark planets, it deals with power, destruction and transformation. Scorpio is a zodiac sign that has a similar energy to this planet. You're not scared of change, in fact, I think that you crave it. You're constantly evolving, changing and transforming yourself - I don't think that you have a final shape in mind, it's transformation for its own sake. You remind me of the Ouroboros actually. The snake that eats itself.
Your energy is dark, thick and mysterious. You share some similarities with pile 1, in the sense that you're both very intuitive, mysterious and deep. However, while pile 1 is deep in an emotional sense, you're deep in a more mental sense. What I mean by this is that you are more cerebral. You like to explore what is hidden and taboo. You like to explore topics such as sex, addiction, death, philosophical topics like why are we here, is god real, that sort of thing. You're not really into small talk, and you might start a conversation with a topic that is too deep. As you like to explore what is hidden some of you might have a tendency to try to figure out mysteries. This may mean that you like reading/watching murder mysteries or that you indulge in conspiracy theories. Some of you also like to talk (and act!) about topics that make people uncomfortable like politics and activism.
Something that can't go unmentioned is your interest in the occult. For your oracle card you even got The Veil. You see more than people realize and I mean this in two ways: you might have some sort of psychic powers, or it's just your ability to pick up information that hasn't been revealed. I think that you're quite prone to lightbulb moments, where you suddenly have big epiphanies.
How it affects how others perceive you
Do you know that dark feminine aesthetic that is so trendy right now? This is that exact vibe. Others see you almost like a vampire, something that is dark, mysterious and alluring, with just a hint of dangerous. Even if you're not conventionally beautiful people are attracted to you. It's the way you walk, talk and present yourself. The cool thing here is that this isn't really intentional on your part. Sure, you can amp it up if you want to, but it's just the way that you are naturally.
As we talked about in the previous section you love talking about deep and taboo topics, because of this some people perceive you a bit negatively. They might see you as a contrarian or edgy, it's like you're just talking about these things to rile people up or to be different (this is how they view it, not necessarily how it truly is). Others think that talking with you can be a bit dangerous because you never know what might come up and they may be refuse to engage in certain topics. Other people are put off by the way you eschew cultural norms and just start talking about these taboo topics. While some see this in a negative light, there are also people who admire the way you can just say what you think and bring up these topics without fear. It makes them a little braver themselves.
You might be seen as someone who is very sexual or sensual, or even as someone who is sexually liberated just because you don't conform to the way things have been up until now. This may attract weird people or stalkers. People also see you as someone who works hard, but tends to take on more than what they can chew. Most people think that you're going to go far in life and that you have the potential to be very successful. However, they don't see you being the center of attention.
Pile 3
Three of Pentacles, Hierophant, The Underworld
"Hand over your known, a shift is near. Take a leap, your journey is clear."
Pile 3 your planet archetype is Saturn. In astrology this is the planet of time, restriction, order and growth. This isn't an easy planet to deal with, and often it's guilty of presenting us with our most difficult challenges. This shows me that you have already been through a lot, everything that you have achieved has been through blood, sweat and tears. But, it also shows me that you don't shy away from a challenge. You're a strong person, because life has made you so. In your place a lot of people would break.
The Hierophant is a great card to show this Saturn energy as it embodies hierarchy and power struggles. You're someone who doesn't really like change and appreciates the way our society it's constructed. Sure, it has flaws, but it doesn't mean that it's a bad system. With Saturn being your planet archetype you understand that there's a reason for the existence of hierarchies and that power can only be achieved through a combination of effort and experience.
You work really hard, pile 3. You know what you want and how to make it happen, but it doesn't mean that the road to get there is easy. You also know how to work together with others and see the value in cooperation and community. I feel like you're someone who is very active in their community - you might even do some activism work for the betterment of your community. You enjoy taking care of others, and a lot of you are the Mom friend of your respective groups. I also get the feeling that a lot of you are the eldest sibling or, the older daughter.
How it affects how others perceive you
Others see you as someone who tends to stick by the rules and who doesn't think too much outside the box. If things have always worked this way why should you try a new way and waste time and resources? This how others see you. To them you are very non-nonsense. To some people you might come off as someone who is all work and no play.
Most people see you as being very ambitious and someone who will definitely reach high places. People think that you are very respectful and know how to conduct yourself in different places - like adjusting your posture and language in the group you're in. In general, you're seen as being a good communicator and I think that a lot of you have deeper voices. You seem to talk a little bit slower and with good diction. Also, sometimes the way you talk is almost like someone who is giving a speech (in a good way).
When it comes to seduction, people see you as someone who is very classy and most definitely out of their league. Your standards are super high and people think that they would never be good enough for you. Your flirting style is subtle and again, quite classy, a bit old-fashioned even. People expect that you will want to be romanced (if you're a woman) or taking the initiative and do the romancing (if you're a man).
Most people see you as being very traditional, even when it comes to politics and gender roles (again this is just their perspective and not the objective truth). I also get the vibe that some people think that you are very closed off and that they don't get to see the real you, just the persona that you're projecting.
Pile 4
Chariot, Eight of Pentacles, Crystals and Herbs
"Oh what medicine, what sacredness to behold. A dash of healing straight from Mother's home."
Pile 4, your planet archetype is Mars. Mars is the fiery planet of conflict, passion and drive. Something that I get right away is that you might be very into sports or dance, or that you move in a very graceful way. You're a go getter, pile 4. Differently from pile 3, you're not someone who wants to achieve things for status, but because you love the thrill of going after something. You are passionate and very outspoken. You have strong beliefs and you don't shy away from stating them. I get the vibe that most of you talk quite loudly.
This is a very specific vibe, but I think that most of you prefer to interact with physical things rather than technology. Basically the embodiment of "go touch some grass". You like arguing and play-fighting with your friends. You tend to have touch as love language, rather than talking about your feelings. When it comes to emotions I think that they can be very big and explosive almost.
I also get the vibe that most of you talk quite quickly as well, and sometimes it might be hard for other people to keep up with what you're saying. You're full of enthusiasm most of the time and tend to hype up and motivate your friends when you feel they need an extra push. When you're working on something it's easy for you to be completely focused on that and block everything out.
How it affects how others see you
Other people see you as someone who is very passionate and for some it seems that you would be quick to anger. They tend to see you as being impulsive and someone who acts without thinking. It's interesting because I think that a lot of people tend to underestimate you for some reason. It's like they think that what they see is what they'll get and that you don't have much depth beyond that.
You're also seen as someone who is very driven and very active. People think that you're always doing something and always occupied. I also get the vibe that you're seen as someone who is in shape or who exercises.
When it comes to a more physical side of you I think that your facial expressions are quite intense. If you're happy or sad or confused it can be seen clearly on your face. In general you also seem to move gracefully or if that doesn't apply you move in a very distinctive way.
When it comes to sexuality and seduction people think that you'll take the initiative and just ask someone out. People also tend to think that you're very sexual (I kinda see the Spicy Latina trope here for you guys) and even a bit promiscuous. People are attracted to you and they might project that negatively onto you.
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astrophileous · 11 months
please give me spencer reid crumbs 🤲 maybe him seeing reader in a fancy dress for the first time 👀 and he’s like 😃 because she’s so pretty 🥴 and he’s been rendered speechless because oh my god that’s his girlfriend????? ARE YOU FEELING ME 😩😩
I FEEL YOU MA'AM!!! AND I GOTCHUUU DON'T WORRYYY 🫶🫶🫶 (y'all better thank avis the loml for sending in this request bcs this turned out better than I expected if I do say so myself 👀)
Warning(s): fem!reader, profanities, spencer being head over heels in love with his gf, kinda suggestive towards the end so pls minors just be mindful
This blurb was written as a part of the "Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K" celebration.
Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
"Are you laughing at me?"
"No one is laughing!"
"Right. You're saying that wasn't a snort that I just heard?"
"I just think you're being unreasonable."
"Unrea—? I'm not being unreasonable! Don't call me unreasonable!"
Spencer sighed out loud as he turned the car towards a quiet street, his eyes never straying off the road even if 90% of his attention had been domineered by your distressed voice resonating out of his speaker phone for the past fifteen minutes. Something crashed on the other end of the line, and Spencer nearly pressed his right foot all the way down on the brake pedal as he glanced worriedly at the device on the passenger's seat.
"Sweetheart? Everything okay over there?"
"Everything's fine! I'm okay, I'm okay!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm just—fuck. I bumped into some stuff. It's not a big deal."
"(Y/N)—" Spencer called out softly, "—why don't you take a deep breath for me, my love?"
"Just humor me, okay?" There was a lengthy pause before he heard you take several deep breaths through the phone. "Feel better now?"
"Maybe. A little bit. Yeah."
"Good." Spencer smiled, slowing his car down to a stop as he stared at the familiar building outside the window. "Because I'm pulling up to your place right now."
After a full more minute of you cursing the living daylights out of him, Spencer ended the call and grabbed the bouquet of flowers from the backseat before walking all the way up to your apartment on the third floor. The three-piece suit he donned felt stiff against his body. Nevertheless, it was the fanciest thing he owned in his closet, thus uncomfortable as he was, Spencer thought he'd endure it tonight for Rossi's sake.
It was a memorable night in the BAU's history, considering Rossi had just finished the first book he ever wrote after rejoining the team and was throwing a party to celebrate its launch. "It's a whole shindig," Rossi had announced. "Everyone's invited, so dress to impress. Don't forget to bring that lovely girl of yours, Reid."
You had only met the team once by this point—an accidental encounter that barely lasted ten minutes after you and your friends stumbled into the same restaurant where Spencer and his team just happened to be dining in—and Spencer couldn't be more ecstatic at the prospect of you finally getting to know his second family even closer. The invitation was merely an implied gesture that confirmed what Spencer already knew to be true: the team approved of you. They loved you.
Yet, as he extended the invite to you two weeks ago, Spencer was surprised to see you panic instead of the unadulterated joy that he had expected to witness when he went to deliver the news.
"Two weeks, you said? The party is in two weeks? Two weeks? I have nothing to wear!"
You had been freaking out over the party every single day since then. Upon further inspection, Spencer finally realized that this behavior stemmed from your fear of not being accepted by the team, which was illogical since Spencer had stated very clearly about how much they adored you.
"I didn't have the chance to prepare for a good first impression, Spencer. So whatever happens, everything has to be perfect for Rossi's party," you had reasoned.
Hence, Spencer could only watch you from the sideline as you ran around in a frenzy for the past couple of weeks. He listened patiently to each one of your manic ramblings and gave you reassurances whenever you needed it. Before he left for your place that night, he made sure to stop by his usual florist to purchase a big bouquet of your favorite flowers, hoping that the vibrant arrangement could offer some repose to your restlessness.
A couple of minutes later, Spencer found himself coming face to face with the view of a familiar door. His grip around the bouquet tightened as he knocked on the wood three times.
"Coming!" you exclaimed from inside the apartment.
When the door finally swung open, Spencer nearly collapsed as he felt the air being knocked completely out of his lungs.
Spencer realized, then, that in the ten months the two of you had been together, there had never been any special occasion where the two of you were required to dress to the nines. And as lovely as you always looked in Spencer's eyes, nothing could have prepared him for the sight of you standing in a luxurious dress, all dolled-up like the epitome of timeless beauty whose fairness they used to sing about back in the old days.
The material of the dress flowed and hugged your body in all the right places, giving Spencer a calculated peek to the vast skin underneath that he had mapped out countlessly in the past. The dress itself came in a color that complimented the natural gleam of your skintone. You looked radiant as you stood there with the dress and your makeup perfectly in place. Still, as stunning as you were at that moment, Spencer knew that the dress wouldn't be as captivating as it was had it been any other person wearing it instead of you.
"Spencer." The sound of his name in your enthralling voice brought Spencer back out of his stupor. "Can you wait a minute? I need to find my purse. I swear, I put it somewhere around here. And shoes! Shit. I haven't chosen what shoes to wear."
You flew around the apartment with the most anxious elegance Spencer had ever seen in a person. He wordlessly walked into the threshold and kicked the door shut behind him. You reappeared in front of Spencer barely five minutes later, holding a matching purse in your hand and standing four inches taller courtesy to the heels you were wearing.
"Okay, I'm ready!" you announced. "Spencer? Why are you looking at me like that? What, do I have something on my face? Crap, is it my lipstick?!"
Spencer stepped closer as you began rummaging through the tiny purse you were carrying. He gripped your wrist in his hand, stopping your ministrastions until you finally looked up at him.
"You look beautiful," Spencer admitted in a breathless murmur. "So gorgeous."
Without a word of warning, Spencer used his free hand to pull you closer by the waist, connecting his desperate lips with your sweet ones. You yelped against him before melting completely into his embrace, letting his tongue dominate your own as your delight erupted in a series of muffled whimpers. It felt as if hours had passed—your legs threatening to turn into jelly underneath you—when Spencer eventually pulled away, resting his forehead on top of yours as the two you tried to catch your breath.
"You have lipstick on your face." You laughed, wiping the reddish stain around Spencer's lips as your boyfriend chuckled wholeheartedly. "Not that I didn't appreciate the passionate display of affection, darling, but what was that for?"
"Nothing. I just love you so much."
"Uh-huh." You raised a pair of unimpressed eyebrows at him, your lips curving up one degree further when you saw what he was holding in his hand. "Is this for me?"
Spencer grinned as he presented the bouquet in your face. "Who else?"
You offered a quick thank you before rushing towards the kitchen where you relocated the flowers into a vase. Spencer followed closely behind, gaze never straying far from you as you pranced around the space fluidly.
"It's pretty." You hummed appreciatively as you set the vase on the kitchen peninsula. "Thank you, Spencer."
"Anything for you, sweetheart," he replied. Spencer's stare raked over your entire figure for the hundredth time in the last fifteen minutes, a twinkle in his eyes when he finally found your expectant gaze directed at him. "You know, the party venue isn't really far from here."
"Yeah," Spencer whispered, stealthily moving towards you as if he was a predator stalking its prey. "And the party doesn't start for another fifteen minutes anyway, so there's no reason for us to leave right away."
A familiar fire burned brighter behind your eyes with every inch of distance Spencer managed to consume. "Is that so?"
"Absolutely." He was standing in front of you now, fingers dancing up and down your arms calling for goosebumps to rise on their wake. "Besides, I don't think anyone would mind if we arrive a few minutes late, right? After all, it's not our party."
"No, it's not." You gasped when Spencer shoved your body towards him, your chest flush against his to the point where you could feel the thumping of his heart on top of yours. "Fuck, Spencer. Just kiss me."
Groaning, Spencer didn't waste a single second before he claimed your lips in a hungry kiss. Spencer's palms roamed every expanse of flesh he could reach, eager to hear you sing his praises in the form of enraptured moans and gasps that elicited a blazing flame inside his own body.
Needless to say, as much as Spencer loved seeing you in that dress, he didn't think there was any greater sight than watching it thrown haphazardly on the floor.
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cosmic-crybaby · 11 months
Break My Heart Again- Tommy Shelby x Reader
Part 1
Summary: After being childhood friends, you and Thomas made a promise one day to get married, but when he returned from France, he came back a completely different man.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, tommy before the war (Lowkey OOC) 
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She's known Tommy almost all her life. They met one day at the cut when he was ten, trading cigarettes with the other kids, and she was eight, tagging along with her older cousin. It was merely a passing glance, maybe an introduction of names, but she hadn't seen him until years later. At the ripe age of twelve and fourteen, when he defended her when the older boys pulled at her hair and pushed her around. She was forever grateful to him after witnessing him take in three in a fight, punching the daylights out of one, shoving another's head into the mud, and threatening the third. 'If you ever come near her again, I'll fuckin' take your eyes!'. That was enough to scare them off. The two were almost inseparable ever since. Years of growing up together the two would often get into mischief together and cause trouble in the smoky streets of Small Heath. As [name] got a little older, the more she started to fall for the future gangster, and the more time passed, the more she started to change.
And of course, Thomas began to notice.
By the time they were seventeen and fifteen, the two delinquent teenagers seemed to be more than friends. The way Thomas would hold her hand as they run up the grassy hills, the way [name] would stare into his eyes as they lay on the grass under the shaded tree.
"I don't know what I would do without you, Tommy Shelby..." She spoke softly, her voice was like heaven to him. "I can't picture myself beside anyone else," She admitted. Thomas just stared into her eyes, his soft hands rising to brush his knuckles against her cheek, tucking away the pieces of hair that came undone from her clip.
"You don't have to...because I'm going to make a promise to you [name]," He suddenly sat up, causing her to sit up as well and gaze at him in confusion.
"What kind of promise?" She asked, curiously. He opens his mouth to speak then quickly closes it before thinking for a moment. Collecting his words carefully. Clearing his throat so his voice wouldn't crack, because he knew he wouldn't hear the end of it from her if that happened.
"That one day, when I have me own money and me own house, we will get married," He finished confidently. She sat there, her lips slightly agape.
"Stop joking around!" She laughed, swatting at his arm, causing him to laugh as well and to catch her hand before she should hit him again. This time both of his hands enveloped hers as he stared at her with a content smile.
"I'm being serious, trust me when I say I want to marry you one day [Name] [Lastname]!" He said, laughter hidden within his words. She thought for a moment then nodded once, reaching for his hand. She kissed the back of his hand, her soft lips were warm upon his skin.
"Okay, promise," She smiled lovingly as he returned the kiss on her hand before bringing her close to kiss her forehead.
In the years that followed that day, she was by his side, even when he was starting to work at the betting shop with his family. At first, she was just there for moral support, but right when she finished high school Polly saw her potential and how educated she was, and on the spot, she was hired. Checking the maths and records in each book, making sure everything was in its place.
It was a dream being with Tommy at nearly every waking hour. Of course nothing would go beyond holding hands, gently touches, and friendly affection . But even when those were at a minimum, she was falling in love with him.
Her love for him only grew since they first met. It was unconditional love and ever since he made that promise to her, she only fell harder. It almost felt like she was already married to him. With the way he kissed her forehead or cheek, the way he was so kind to her and checked in on her work whenever he needed an escape, and how he would tell her he loved her. Every night after work when he walked her home. He would kiss her knuckles, her cheek, and her lips before saying.
"Goodnight [name], I'll pick you up in the morning, I love you,"
It wasn’t until she began to notice his slow distance from her. At first, she thought nothing of it as he wouldn’t give her as much affection as he normally did. Her hands grew cold as they were empty from his. His touch was slowly detaching from her own. The emotional distance was noticed quickly, but the physical distance made her heart cold. He went from seeing her every day to nearly every other day, now...she was lucky to even catch him at the betting shop.  As much as she wanted to convince herself that it was nothing, she couldn’t help the emptiness she suddenly felt. She had wondered what he was so busy with and deep down she had hoped he hadn’t gotten in any more trouble than he already was getting himself into.
The weeks and months went by, her resentment for Tommy only grew. On the days he went to the shop, she tried to make her presence known, nothing but a simple "Hi [name],"would be his response. Sometimes not even making eye contact with her.
One day, in 1914, he approached her in her office. She was too busy organizing files and writing down and calculating the records to make sure they were accurate. She didn't even notice his presence at first. He stood in the doorway, hands in his pockets as he stared at her, waiting for her to pay him any mind. 
“I’m busy,” She simply mumbled, seeing him in the peripheral vision of her eyes. He scoffs before stepping in further and closing the door behind him. 
“So that’s how you treat me now, eh?” He asked, sitting across from her in a chair. He was met with silence as she kept her eyes glued to the page. “[Name]” He called. 
Again, silence. 
Tommy suddenly slammed the book shut and grabbed the pen that was in her hand.
“Hey! I'm trying to work, you just made me lose my spot!” She shouts, quickly standing up as the chair behind her scrapped against the wood floor loudly.
Tommy just smirks. She stomp towards him to retrieve the pen back, but the older boy just held it above her head as he extended his arm up, barely just out of her reach. 
“Thomas, this isn’t funny!” She pleads. He just laughs. 
“There you are, finally acknowledging me,”  
She sighed in defeat and set herself back on her feet, holding his gaze with a glare.
“What do you want now? Go on with it, Polly needs these by the end of the day and she’ll have my neck if I don’t have em ready,” She crossed her arms over her chest. Tommy let his arm down, setting the pen on the desk. 
“What makes you think I want something?” He asked. Her eyes widened slightly. 
“I don’t see you for months and you barely even talk to me let alone look at me whenever you’re here, so this sudden change in behavior is quite a shocking one,” She explained, her tone still stern. She was met with his eyes, a guilty look on his face. 
“I know...I know and I do apologize-” 
“You were supposed to be my closest friend, Thomas...” She interrupted him. Her voice was calm, almost meek. 
“I am your closest friend, never forget that [name],” He held her slumping shoulders. She takes an exhale through her nose. 
“Listen to me...I’m sorry, I had some prior engagements that needed my attention,” He said quietly as he tried to get her to look into his eyes. 
“I know but I just wished you had just talked to me...I felt so alone,” 
Thomas held his breath and clenched his jaw. He couldn’t tell her now...Not yet at least. 
“When you’re with me, you’ll never really be alone,” He told her, holding her close. She knew there was some truth to his words but pushed herself away from him. 
“I have to get back to work,” She said. He rolls his eyes at her sudden coldness.
“I’m not leaving until I get a smile out of you...and maybe an ‘I love you’,” He smirked, still holding her, his hands on her shoulder blades. She scoffs, giving him a small, ingenuine smile. 
“Happy?” She asked. He shook his head. His hands slowly crept to her sides, going unnoticed by her. 
“Tommy...” He gave her that look. That look of mischief. “Don’t you dare-” But her warning came too late. His fingers began digging into her sides, it didn’t take long before she began giggling profusely. 
“Tommy stop! I can’t- I can’t breath!” She squealed in between fits of laughter as she tried to push his hands away. He was too strong. 
“Tell me you love me [name]!” He laughed. 
“N-No! Never!” She laughed, the tears in her eyes started to seep down her cheeks. 
“Say it [name] and I’ll stop!,” 
“Fine! I love you Thomas Shelby!” She gave in. The tickling had stopped, yet she barely caught her breath when Tommy pulled her close and picked her up from the ground and kissed her cheeks. 
“I love you too, [name] [lastname],” He said quietly. Looking into his eyes made her even forget why she was upset with him. He looked at her with perfect love in his eyes and a small smile on his lips as he quickly kissed her hand before leaving her to continue your work. 
 A week later, Tommy had told her the secret he had been keeping from her. Finally letting it out. 
“No...Tell me it’s a lie...” She was in denial. Shaking her head as the tears welled up her eyes. 
“[Name] please...listen to me,” He approached. 
“Please don’t do this you don’t have to do this!” She cried. 
“We have to go, [name]...it’s the only choice,” He calmly stated. 
“To put your lives on the line? To leave your family behind to leave me behind?” 
The silence was daunting. She sniffled and turned away from him. 
“I understand the sacrifice you’re making, but I can’t bare the thought of my life without you...Arthur, John, you...You three have been in me life every day since I was a child, if you were to never come back I don’t know what I would do without you,” She shook her head as she choked up once again. 
“Don’t think of it that way, love...We will come back once it’s over...and when it’s over I will come back to you,” 
“Tommy...” She felt his hands on her shoulders as he stood behind her.
“You will be the one I am living for...who I am looking forward to come home to...” He steps in front of her, grabbing her cheeks in the palm of his hands as they locks eyes.
“I don’t want to lose you,” She whispered. He pressed his forehead to hers. Closing her eyes tightly to stop the tears.
“You won’t...I promise,” 
She has always known for Tommy to keep his promises. But deep own she wasn't sure if this was within his control. And it scared her. Shattered her heart and soul to know he was leaving in just a few weeks. Every day after that he spent every moment with her as if it were his last, even though it felt like it to her. 
The day the three Shelby brothers left, Polly, Ada, and Martha were in shambles. [Name] tried to stay strong but the second she approached the train station she began to tear up. 
She had said your goodbyes to John and Arthur first as she held off her departure from Tommy. She stood in front of him, he seemed to put on a brave face for his family and for her but she could read right through him. He was just as scared as she was. She embraced him tightly. 
“I will write to you every day...and pray for you three while you’re gone,” [name] told him. He nods quietly, he reaches into his pocket to pull out a small, simple, ring to held it to her.  
“Remember that promise we made when we were kids?” He asked. 
“That we’d get married one day?” She nods.  
“I am giving this to you, so that when I do return we will get married...That way I will come home with a purpose...to marry you,” He said. She gasped a bit as he slipped the golden band on her ring finger. 
“Just promise me you’ll never take it off, for as long as I live and love you,” 
“I promise,” She smiled at him. He gave [name] a quick kiss. The train whistle blows. 
“Come home to us soon...please,” She begs. He nods again before Arthur and John pulled him away to board the train. 
Watching the men wave off their families as the train took off was heartbreaking. The four women of Small Heath held onto each other, comforting each other when they watched the three men in their lives leave on a train. [Name] rested her head on Polly’s shoulder as she rubbed the young girls back, quietly sobbing beside her.
[Name] went home that day, sitting alone as she twirled the ring on her finger, counting the days until his first letter came. 
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take-it-on-the-run · 6 months
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Dean Winchester, Reaper!Reader
Dean Winchester didn't want to know what life was going to be like without his brother, and he didn't intend to learn
Word Count: 2.5k
Tags: Suicide attempt, angst, major character death, minor injury, typical cannon violence, angst with a happy ending
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reaper!Reader
Read it on AO3!
A/N: Simon & Garfunkel title. This has been stewing in my drafts since August, so I'm very happy I was able to finally finish it! This is set around season 5 (Dean is 30 and Sam is 26). PLEASE heed the warnings, and please don't read further if this story will make you uncomfortable. Unbeta'd and every single mistake is mine :)
Dean Winchester Masterlist | Supernatural Masterlist | Main Page Masterlist
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Rain clung to a man as he peered over the rails of a bridge he couldn’t name. It was big enough to have a name, he was sure of that, but not big enough for people to be driving by at three in the morning.
His hands wrapped around the steel beams meant to keep cars from tipping over into the rushing waters below. They were cold to the touch, but he didn’t feel that. He could barely place one foot in front of the other, let alone feel anything besides the hollowed-out hole in his chest.
His car was parked just off the side of the road less than half a mile away, keys still in the ignition, lights blaring onto the tree trunks that ran on for as far as the eye could see. There was no one for miles, the only souls accompanying him in those moments being those of the rodents scattering into crooks and crannies to hide from the rain.
A heavy weight shifted in his pocket, nudging against his thigh, reminding him why he was standing alone in the rain. He couldn’t comprehend that in the morning, people would come looking for him, that he would be missed; that he would be mourned. He only knew the pain that was engulfing his very being, pushing him closer and closer to life’s edge.
He wanted to compare it to Hell, but he knew that in Hell he’d at least pay for what he’d done in the form of flames and pure, unimaginable agony, like he’d experienced all those years ago. Here, he could only wallow in the fact that he was alive, and the only person he’d give his life for wasn’t.
The first time he tried to pitch himself over the rails, his foot slipped and his head collided with the metal. Blood trickled down his forehead as he remained on the ground. Any other time, he’d be able to climb anything, anywhere; but now all he could hear was the sound of the river below calling for him.
Join me. It said, beckoning him to his feet once again.
Though he couldn’t see me, I was there watching him as he tried to will himself to take his own life. Standing a mere ten feet from him, leaning on the opposing set of rails, I watched as he clambered upright. In complete honesty, I didn’t know if he’d do it or not. I did, however, know that he wasn’t meant to be there. He was meant to pass in a horrible accident three weeks before at his own hands, leaving his brother the only survivor. His name was in my book, and I was meant to take him to the great hereafter, only to find him standing over his brother’s body.
The man didn’t know it, but his brother was there too, watching him on that bridge. He tried to get his brother to hear his pleas, but he couldn’t, so he turned to me.
He begged me and begged me to not let his brother take his life. This had happened many times since I started my life’s work, people trying to offer me their souls in place of a loved one’s, but my duties remained as they were. I’m a pathway to the afterlife. No more, no less. Never once had I prevented someone from dying, never once had someone slipped between my fingers, and never once had I stuck myself in Earthly affairs.
I leaned into the rails silently, letting the rain fall onto my bare skin. I could imagine how cold it was for him, shivering and bleeding as his world seemed to crumble.
His brother clung to my side, clawing and tearing at my skin as he wailed for me to let his brother live, that his soul should be enough for me to have.
I turned to him and looked into his widened eyes, and all I could do was wonder. Wonder why such a young man was content in his own death, and why he didn’t want his brother to die as he did.
“You Winchesters and your family bond. You know Samuel, there aren’t many people out there who aren’t pissed at the person who killed them.” I said as I acknowledged the youngest Winchester for the first time since he started our conversation.
“He didn’t-” Sam looked to his older brother, still oblivious to my presence, “-my death wasn’t his fault. You got your soul, now you can report back to your big boss and just leave Dean alone, please.”
I turned to him, ready to tell him that my kind didn’t deal in souls, but was interrupted when the click of a handgun made Sam and I turn our heads.
“Are you my reaper?” He asked, matter-of-factually, poorly aiming his pistol in my general direction. I took a step toward him, the rain beginning to fall more violently.
“We both know you’re smart enough than to try and use that on me, Dean,” I said, ignoring his question as I took more steps toward him.
“Answer-” Dean readjusted his slipping grip on the gun, eyes wearily trained at me. “-answer me.”
“I was your reaper, yes,” I answered, closing the distance between us, cool metal pressed against my chest.
His eyes were green and sunken; packed with tears, veins, and blood. His pupils darted around my face expectantly, begging me to do something, make his pain simply go away.
I felt a heavy pang in my chest, that hooked onto my heart and sunk to my feet.
I reached up to his face, gently cupping as I skimmed my fingers over untrimmed facial hair. He flinched as my hand made contact, probably expecting to get ripped from his body.
“Don’t be afraid, Dean. He’s safe.” I said gently. His eyes closed, and he leaned into my palm as he let out a heavy breath.
“He isn’t angry at you. You know, he practically begged me to come stop you.” I smiled, smoothing over the gash on his forehead. The deep cut disappeared as my fingers skimmed over it, offering him some relief.
“It’s not fair-” Dean choked out, coughing as the weather around us began to take its toll on his body. “-Sammy, he’s got a whole life ahead of him. College, a big lawyer job, a normal life. All I’ve got is hunting, and waiting to run into someone sharp enough to finally get me.”
His teeth chattered in his mouth, and the metal against my chest disappeared as he let his arms drop to his sides.
“Big talk coming from someone who’s barely thirty,” I said, watching as Dean pulled away from my hands, and returned to leaning on the rails.
“It’s the-” Dean starts.
“-the life, yes. So I’ve heard from a great number of hunters.” I finished his thought as I joined him on the rails. “Why is it that all of you think your lifespans are so short? Hunters back in, I don’t know,” I wave my hand as I’m trying to come up with the words, “the seventeen hundreds still lived longer than a lot your folk do nowadays.”
He creased his eyebrows, his eyes flickering over my face.
“All I’m saying,” I take a long look at the sun starting to crawl its way over the horizon, “is that ‘the life’ doesn’t have to be your life, Dean. I can’t believe I’m even saying this, but you don’t have to die in some horrific fight that finally puts you down. Hunters have died of old age, you know.”
He looked at me, the freckles on his face more visible now that the rain was calming down, “but Sammy… he deserved his happy ending more than I ever will. He got out. Got a full-ride scholarship to freakin’ Stanford. Had a girl. I didn’t even have the guts to tell him how proud I was. I’d stand outside his dorm room for hours, trying to figure out a way to come see him without Dad, or without him hating me. I shouldn’t have dragged him back into this, and now he’s dead. In my place.”
“It’s the natural order of things, Dean. If not him, then you, and if not you, then some other person had to die that day.”
“But it didn’t have to be Sam. I would’ve gone just the same way as he did, but at least he’d have something dragging him forward, to move on.” He looked at me again with those tired eyes, letting out a sharp breath as his hands clung to the railing again, leaning his torso off halfway.
“Dean,” I said cautiously, watching his knuckles turn white as his heart quickened and eyes shut, “Dean.”
His feet were moving fast, and in one swift moment, he was off the bridge. His body flung over almost effortlessly and catapulted him down to the rocky waters below.
I turned away, expecting him to appear next to me in a moment, but his voice rose through the air instead.
I looked over the railing, only to see Sam was holding his forearms, holding him from his forearms before he could drop.
I turned to the younger Winchester brother, who was solely focused on trying to save his brother’s life, his spectral hands losing their grip the longer he held on.
“Dean, hold on, please. Please, man, just hold on. Don’t give up on me.”
Dean’s head snapped up, looking straight at his brother.
“Sammy?” Dean choked out, his legs starting to kick frantically as if he were trying to walk on air.
“Help me, help me get him up. Please.” Sam turned to me, struggling to hold onto his brother.
I blinked and I was beside him, yanking up on an almost-limp Dean, and throwing him onto the road of the bridge.
Dean lay on the ground, his chest rising and falling with each labored breath. Sam knelt beside him, his eyes filled with remorse.
“I didn’t want to give up on you, Sammy,” Dean whispered, his voice barely audible over the gentle rustle of the damp morning breeze.
Sam’s heart clenched at the sound of his brother’s voice, filled with a mixture of pain and regret. “I know, Dean,” he replied, his voice choked with emotion. “It’s not your fault. You never gave up on me. You took all of dad’s crap, and I mean all of it. The yelling. The hunting. The abuse.”
Dean looked at his brother before he went still, not saying a word as he clutched his chest with pale blue hands. His breaths grew shallower, his body beginning to tremble from the exertion and the cold rain that drenched him throughout the night. Sam glanced around frantically, feeling helpless in the face of his brother’s suffering.
“He needs help. Help him,” Sam said, his voice urgent as he looked up at me, desperation clear in his eyes.
I nodded, my heart heavy with the weight of the situation. “I’ll do what I can,” I replied, my voice solemn. “But I can’t interfere with the natural order of things.”
Sam’s shoulders sagged in defeat, but he refused to give up. “There has to be something you can do,” he pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. “Please, just help him.”
I hesitated, the pull that the Winchester seemed to have with the universe was something even Death couldn’t withstand; but who was I to interfere? As I looked down at Dean, lying battered and broken on the ground, I could hear the cracking of his ribs drowning out my thoughts.
With a heavy sigh, I knelt beside Sam and Dean, moving Dean’s hands away from his chest with little force. “I’ll do what I can,” I said, my voice softer.
I laid my hands on Dean’s chest, warmth spread through his body, chasing away the chill of the rain and easing his pain. His breaths grew steadier, his trembling subsiding as color started returning to his hands.
Sam looked on in awe, tears welling in his eyes as he watched his brother’s condition improve before his very eyes. “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice filled with gratitude.
I nodded, a small smile touching my lips. “Take care of him,” Sam said, his voice barely above a whisper, and I nodded. “He’s gotta lot of fight left in him, and someone has to keep him up and running.”
I chuckled, moving to the side of Sam as I waited for him to pull away from Dean. The two of them sat there in perfect silence, staring into the blankness in front of them. I could barely hear Dean’s breath through the wind that curved between the air around us.
“I have to go, Dean,” Sam said, turning to face them as they both sat on the edge of the empty road.
“I can’t do this without you Sammy, I don’t want to,” Dean said, catching stray tears with the back of his hand. He took his brother into a firm hug; it was as if he was holding him to Earth, and to life itself.
“I love you so much,” Sam said as he rested his head on Dean’s shoulder, Dean taking in a shuddered breath. Sam slowly pulled away from him, and stood beside me, trying his best to smile, “bye, Dean.”
Dean looked up at his brother, nose red and raw from the tears that coated his face, hiccuping as he failed to drown his emotions with a weak smile, not saying a word. He scooted away from the road, sitting himself up against the rails as he watched me and Sam walk down the bridge, and out of view.
I can’t say that I forgot that day, especially when I was called again for Dean. He lay on a hospital bed, his once dirty blonde hair replaced with silver tufts, complemented by wrinkles brought on from years of stories to tell, and different kinds of scars in new places.
He looked just as he did that day on the bridge when he came to stand by me, watching the woman beside him, hair just as gray as his, holding onto his hand. An anti-possession tattoo peaked out from under her long sleeve as she reached over to plant a kiss on his forehead, watching as his heart monitor ran flat. After a few moments of silence, nurses came into the room, looking over Dean’s body as the woman shuffled out of the room and walked through Dean and me with a shudder.
“Hello, Dean,” I said, smiling gently, preparing to lead him out of the room when there was a laugh from behind us. Two hands were placed firmly around Dean before I could realize who it was.
“You ready? We’ve got a lot to catch up on, you know.” Sam said as he pulled away from his brother, the both of them smiling like I’d never seen before.
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seattlesea · 4 months
Lorien Legacies Characters as Things My Family and I Have Said (part five)
Nine: God the smell in here is making me want to die John: Then go outside Five: Then die --- Maggie, writing a book: Can your breathing get cut off if there's a heavy weight on your chest? Adam: Yeah Maggie: Cool Adam: That's how they killed people in the old days, by stacking a bunch of rocks on their chest and suffocating them Maggie: Okay a 'Yes' would've been fine --- John: Finish your food Nine: I'm going to go home and take the fattest shit you've ever seen do not make me eat more --- Eight: I'm psychic, I can see into people's futures. I see in your near future that you're going to get sick Eight: *coughs in Nine's face* --- Adam: Did you eat? Maggie: Yeah. A strawberry Adam: That's it? Maggie: Two strawberries --- Six and John: *talking about spirit animals* Six: You'd be a swan John: Because I'm so graceful? Six: No cause you're white --- Sam: I was actually really good at orchestra in school, I was first chair on the cello Six: *puts her hand to her chest and gasps* Oh my god! Sam: What? Six, sarcastically: What a cool story! --- Six and Marina: *having a normal adult conversation* Eight: My black olive just rolled across my laptop --- Nine: Dirty mother... John: *giving him a dirty look with Ella next to him* Nine:...Of...Jesus --- One: Hey what're you gonna be for Halloween? Adam: I dunno yet what about you? One: I was thinking of being a witch Adam: Oh that's cool One: Yeah maybe you can be my broomstick so I can ride you all night Adam: WHAT- One: What, is that bad? Would you rather I be a pirate and you be a sword so I can stick you in me? Adam: *screaming* --- Ella: *touches a gross blanket* Ew Marina: What? Ella: It's giving me the ick Marina: The what? Ella: I'm acoustic --- Six: Bitch, I do NOT lift to be called a lipstick lesbian --- Five: *staring at a candle* Eight: What are you doing? Five: Trying to light myself on fire with my mind --- Nine, in public loud as hell: Yeah I'd fuck young Elvis Strangers passing by: *giving him grossed-out looks* Nine: What? You would too Nine, muttering: Prudes --- Sam: Look at my skeleton animal collection. I can a bat, I got a rat, and I got a cat Hannu, sadly: But no hats --- John: *celebrating his birthday and opening gifts* Five, silently crying: *places a couple wadded-up singles in front of John* That's all I got --- Six: You know it would've been easier if you just took the highway Marina: But...the trees... --- Adam: I'm gay John after taking Adam to a Fall Out Boy concert and watching him sit on the floor with three empty couches: Cool --- One and Six: *Talking about the ped@ at their job* Six: He's the reason there's an 18+ age limit --- Five: Despite popular belief, I will be going to Heaven because Satan will be jealous someone has a fatter ass than him --- Sam teaching the Lorics to make cereal: Okay first gather your things Lorics: :) Sam: Then, you put in your milk Daniela: Huh? Lorics: :) Sam: Next, you add your cereal Daniela: Hell no Lorics: :) Sam: Then drizzle in your honey Daniela: Bro WHAT Lorics: :) Sam: And finally, put it in the microwave Daniela: WHAT THE FUCK Lorics: :) Sam: And then you have cereal Lorics: Yay Daniela: I'm going to kill you --- Marina: So what is credit score? Sam: *ten minute explanation of credit score, payments, debt, and loans with examples* Marina:... Sarah: The loophole so the bank can't lend poor people money to stop being poor Marina: Ohhhh --- Nine: Damn, dude, I really don't know anything about you. I only know like your favorite color and animal, the music you listen to, your favorite movies, how you dress, your favorite coffee flavor, your personality, your deepest fear, your address, your entire backstory, all the people you like and hate, and your habit of needing to use a straw with every single drink or it doesn't 'taste right' John:... --- Eight: Damn I'm thirsty Adam: Then go drink water Eight: I can't, I'm fasting Adam:...Well I think you're supposed to drink water if you're running around all the time Eight:...
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hockybish · 11 days
Fluffy Ava and Jack
Their Bookstore
l Nightingale Au l Jack x Ava l masterlist l
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"Remind me of the rules again?" Ava asked.
It was Jack's turn to plan date night. He chose a relatively low key restaurant. The place they usually go to when they didn't want the possibility of any of Jack's crazy fans to find them.
And then Jack drove them to their favorite go to bookstore. It was a small space with two stories, pack to the brim with book. Everything from new books to older first editions.
After most of their dates they will end up at the store, picking out a book or two to add to their collections. This time Jack a little bit of a different idea in mind.
"We get thirty minutes to complete the checklist and then meet in by the two lumpy chairs in the corner." Jack reminded her as he pulled into a parking space across from the store with the good candy.
"And what those tasks?"
"A cookbook with a recipe for next date night, a book about the place we should travel one back, a book our parents read to us as kids, and a book we really want to read" Jack smiled grabbing Ava's, guiding her safely across the way to the store.
"Do we have thirty minutes? I thought they closed in ten?" Ava frowned, checking her watch. They usually had to speed on through, taking their books home to read while they were tangled together on the couch.
"About that, I um, paid Georgie to stay open a little an hour longer for just us." He admitted. Ava smiled, reaching over to peck Jack on the cheek, giving her approval for the second half of their date.
They got in the store and hung their coats up on the rack by the door. Jack gave Georgie the store owner a little nod and set the timer. He held up three finger, counting down one two three and they were off.
Ava quickly ran upstairs to the children's section grabbing Norma Jean, Jumping Bean while Jack started in the cooking section selecting From Crook to Cook because how could a cookbook by Snoop Dogg be any good?
Once the timer sounded the couple found themselves in the back corner sitting in their favorite cozy chairs, exchanging their selections.
"Oh my god, why did you choose this book?" Ava laughed holding up The Perfect Couple.
"We watched the show, and I wanted to to compare the book to the show." Jack shrugged he was thumbing through the book on Italy Ava choose. "And because I knew you'd want to read it, so I figured we could read it together since I read all your books anyways."
"Awe you're too cute Babe!" She leafed through it quickly before she snagged the Italy book Jack was looking at, replacing it with one she had. "Start reading it to me?"
Jack couldn't resist his girlfriend's request. The hockey player got comfy, cleared his throat and started at the beginning. Ava's smiled got even bigger. She moved her chair as close to Jack's as possible. She leaned over and place her head on his shoulder.
An hour later, Jack was still reading the book, only to himself now. He had dogeared the spot he left off reading aloud since Ava nos was dropped over his lap, softly snoring. She had fallen asleep like twenty minutes ago.
"I'm sorry Jack, I've got to close the store now. It's late." Georgie finished with his organizing and stocking. It was around eleven pm, he just wanted to lock up and go home.
He didn't want to wake her, although he hadn't been there, he knew she hadn't been sleeping well, and now that she was, he wanted to let her for as long as she could
"Do you trust me?" Jack came up with an idea on the fly. "Leave the keys, when Av wakes up we'll leave. I promise no funny business."
"Fine. No funny business, I have cameras you know." The old man tossed the keys to Jack and winked at his favorite customers
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akwolfgrl · 2 months
Recipe for recovery 7
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When Sanji awoke, he didn't even remember falling asleep. He was on his back in the aquarium bar. Sanji just watched the fish go by for a few moments, the enmorass gallery, and here had to be his favorite rooms. Watching all the fish swim by was memorizing, what would it be like to swim in the all blue? He was feeling less off. He was no longer nuases, thankfully.
“Ah I see your finally awake,”
Both Robin and Zoro noticed and turned to stare at him. Robin had been sitting by his broken useless legs, while Zoro had been sitting on the floor near his head, Sanji had been too busy staring at the fish to notice. Robin closed her book and turned to him. Before Sanji could respond, Luffy and Chopper rushed over.
“Sanji!” They both cried, leaping towards him. Luffy landed on his stomach and Chopper his chest.
“Be careful you two!” Zoro barked at them.
“It's fine, I'm not made of glass,” Sanji rolled his eyes. He welcomed the weight, he may be a bit borken at the moment but he wasn't that fucking fragile.
“Sanji, how are you feeling? Do you need more pain meds?” Chopper asked him.
“Sanji what's for breakfast?” Luffy asked him.
“Breakfast sandwiches, so you can eat on the go. Then I'd make more pirate lunch boxes, your of course mostly meat,” Sanji began to explain his plan for breakfast when he was interrupted.
“How are you going to cook?” Nami asked. “If you haven't noticed, your legs are broken,”
Sanji whineced, like he really needed the reminder even if it was from his darling Nami. “I'll manage. Just grab some crutches. If I have to drag a stoll and sit while cooking, I'll do so. I only broke one hand after all. If Zeff can survive eating his own leg, then run a restaurant with a wooden leg I can cook for a few people,”
“Sanji no! You're only allowed to lift five pounds! It won't heal properly if you do more! And no putting weight on your legs!” Chopper cried.
“Speaking of Zeff,” Usopp stated.
“We called him,” Nami finished.
“What? Why? I didn't die. I'll be fine,”
“It's too late, Curly,” Zoro grumbled. “We already called him and were calling him again he wanted to talk to you,”
The Den den apred in front of him, held in a set of Robin's hands. It began to ring, and before he could reach for it, another one of Robin's hands picked up the speaker and held it to his lips.
“Eggplant you there?”
“Yah, I'm here. Geezer, I don't know why they called you. I'm fine,”
“No he's not!” Chopper shouted. “Sanji sustained several injuries and thinks he can just hobble around on churches with two broken legs and a broken arm!” Chopper rated him out.
“What the hell eggplant is this ture? What even happened? I thought i trained you better than to get your ass kicked this badly,”
“Shut up, old geezer, it wasn't like that!” Sanji protested.
“if I may?” Robin interrupted. “There was no fight, I suspect that the island we are located on recently had a bout of heavy rainfall. It caused some erosion. The ground Sanji was standing on gave way, taking him with. Unless he could Moonwalk, there was no way that he would have escaped.” Maybe he should learn. It could be very useful in the future.
“Ah, thank you, Ms. Nico, I presume?” Zeff thankfully turned his attention to Robin.
“Yes, that would be me,”
“What was that I heard about churches?” Zeff asked.
“I need them to get back to work,” Sanji thoughtwas obvious. “Franky did great on the grill, but it's my job to keep the crew fed, not Frankys,” Sanji pointed out. “Besides of you can run a restaurant, fight, and raise me with a peg leg. I can cook three meals a day with broken legs,”
“That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard you say!” Zeff shouted over the den den. “And I raised your ass! I didn't do everything myself. I had plenty of help.”
“Can you really call Patty, Crane, and a ten year old help?” Sanji retorted.
“Your crew isn't gonna leave you behind just like I didn't leave you behind.” Sanji whineced. He really wasn't expecting Zeff just to come out and say it like that.
“Sanji?” Sanji turned his head back to Luffy, who was looking down at him over Choppers hat. “Why would you think that way?”
“Yah, I mean Nami didn't get left behind, nor Robin, nor did I,” Usopp chimed in from the floor. “Why would you be any different?”
“Because those situations were completely different. Right now, I can't fight, and I'm not allowed to cook. Nami and Robin left because they didn't have a choice. Usopp you could still fight.” Sanji pointed out, even Zeff had tried to get rid of him. He usually didn't think about his past, leaving it buried deep inside of him, but as of right now, he couldn't stop.
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lamardeuse · 5 months
Quand il me prend dans ses bras
911  |    Buck/Eddie   |    Rated  M   |    c. 3800 words
for @devirnis, prompt: "it’s cold." "c'mere. my arms are warmer."
Eddie's being crabby and he knows it. He tells himself to stop it, it's only going to be a couple of days.
It doesn't work.
When Bobby decided to send him and Buck on a three-night training session on fighting brush and wildfires, he thought it would be at a hotel. Not a resort – he wasn't expecting a spa and a gourmet restaurant – but a basic-ass hotel would have been nice.
As they walk down the winding lane from the parking lot to their accommodations, Eddie's face falls.
“That is not a hotel,” he declares.
Buck, on the other hand, is delighted. “Oh, this is cool!” he exclaims.
“I think you mean cold,” Eddie says. “As in we're going to freeze.” The nights up here were not like they were in LA.
“I'm sure it'll be fine,” Buck assures him.
“It's a tent in the mountains in the middle of April.”
“It's a yurt,” Buck corrects, still grinning, totally undaunted by Eddie's lack of enthusiasm.
“That makes a difference?”
“No, but it's –” Buck waves a hand. “I've just always wanted to stay in a yurt, that's all.”
Eddie sighs. “Okay, yeah, I'm sure it'll be – whatever. It's only three nights.”
Buck stops outside one of the structures. “Sixty-two, this one's ours.”
“What's this?” Eddie asks, poking at the box sitting outside the door.
“Oh, that's the food storage box.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow. “Why do we need a large metal container for storing food?”
Buck's already opening the door. “Hm? Oh, because of the bears, of course,” he says.
“Of course,” Eddie says weakly. Right, how could he have forgotten the number one reason he's never been the least bit interested in camping. Oh, but it's fine, they've given everyone something to keep their Oreos in, that'll keep them perfectly safe.
Eddie wonders if both of them could squeeze in there if a bear were rushing toward them right now. He tilts his head, contemplating how easily he could fold himself like a pretzel. His verdict: unlikely.
“Oh,” Buck says, and for a hot second Eddie wonders if a grizzly has already found its way inside and is making itself at home in their ten – sorry, yurt.
Eddie peeks around Buck's shoulder and sees that the room is blessedly bear-free. However, there is another problem.
“Huh,” he says at the bed. The only bed in the room. He hopes it's a queen, but from here it looks smaller than that.
Buck bites his lip. “Should I – uh, should I see if they have another room with two singles?”
Eddie shakes his head. “I heard the clerk say the place was fully booked when we were checking in.”
“Maybe someone will want to switch?”
“I don't imagine there are a lot of couples on this training,” Eddie says. “It'll be fine.”
“Yeah?” Buck looks at him. Eddie keeps his eyes on the bed. “I mean, sure,” Buck adds hastily. “We shared during quarantine, it wasn't a big deal.”
Eddie doesn't point out that there's been a lot of history under the bridge since then, near-deaths and actual deaths and rebirths and wills and girlfriends and a boyfriend and now here they are, both of them single and Eddie wondering what the hell will finish him first, hungry bears in search of Doritos or sleeping next to Evan Buckley in a fucking yurt.
“Nope,” Eddie agrees. “Not a big deal at all.”
read the rest at the AO3
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