#you may ask 'what about fingerstyle playing'
beingharsh · 10 months
i'm learning to crochet and i legitimately do not have the finger independence on my right hand to tension the yarn right [i'm left handed [but play a right handed guitar where it's actually the left hand doing the chord work. that's unrelated to the crochet thing but related to the left-handed thing]] specifically holding the fingers down as independently as possible is the problem
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yourmcu · 4 years
Friday, I’m In Love
Pairings: Tony Stark x reader
In which the reader is an Avenger and she just geeks out when she sees a bunch of musical instruments at the compound and Tony just fallsinlovewithherstraightaway because of her personality and music taste
Word count: 2,562
A/n: (moved to the end of the fic!)
Warnings: u have nothing to worry about :) fluff!
read it on ao3!
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gif not mine! credits to the owner^^
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“I’ll drop this off at your room before I hit the hay, Tony mentioned about giving you a tour of the place first.” Clint patted you on the arm and walked pass you with your bags.
You nodded and smiled, really appreciating his help. You’ve been sorting things out at your apartment with Clint all day. “Alright, thanks. I owe you one.” You heard him say something along the lines of ‘buy me donuts’ before he was out of sight.
“Agent L/N, you’re finally able to join us,” Tony gave you a playful smile, finishing his drink to walk over to you.
You were officially one of the avengers, and now officially moving in. It’s been a few months since you assisted the team on a particularly huge mission. It was not planned of course, after that you started helping out when they needed it, and they thought you’d fit right in.
“Tony,” you gave him a small nod and a kind smile. “And please, call me Y/N.” The billionaire then offered you a drink but you declined.
“Good, didn’t think you’d be much of a drinker,” Tony stated and gave you one of those charming looks that would literally sweep any girl right off her feet. “Has anybody told you that you’ve got pretty eyes?”
The comment surprised you but then again, you remembered who you were talking to. “Stark, if we’re going to be working together you better cut the crap.” You laughed.
Tony raised an eyebrow, thinking that you probably ran into Pepper first before coming up. The small talk led to Tony’s said compound tour. He was making jokes here and there, even revealing secrets about the others that you didn’t need to know about.
After some time the both of you reached the last floor, the one that had your bedroom. Tony was still talking but your  gaze was glued to the black, shiny piano out in the balcony. Why was something so grand and probably expensive doing in plain sight where someone could just swoop in and steal it?
“Earth to Y/N,” Tony waved a hand in front of your face. He stopped when you came back from your trance. “There you are. That’s a secluded, little balcony. It’s a great place to let off some steam or just to take a break for a while.”
“That’s nice,” you murmured. “You... uh, you play?”
Tony spun around to look at you again. “Play?”
“Yeah. The piano, I mean. It’s a good looking piano.” You admitted.
“Oh. That’s what you were ogling? For a second I thought I was a bad and boring tour guide,” he chuckled. “I wouldn’t say I do. It’s a specific model my mother used to own and...”
You waved him off and smiled lightly, not wanting him to explain further as you already understood. It might kill the mood. It’s been a while since you’ve run your fingers through a set of piano keys, you realized, but you were also shy to ask Tony if you could play it sometime.
“Alright, just call for Friday if you need anything, or call Friday to call me,” he joked when you finally reached your bedroom door. “After you settle maybe you could stop by the lab? I could really use your help for something - it’s in your area of expertise, you know?”
“Sure. Tomorrow’s good?”
“Sounds great.”
You nodded and thanked him for the tour, and he gave you a salute before walking away.
“Good morning, metal man.”
From inside the Iron Man suit, Tony turned around to see you leaning against the wall beside the door to the lab, a cheeky smile on your face, one cup of coffee in each hand. He was certain that he pulled another all nighter, not even realizing that it was morning until you greeted him.
Surprised by your presence, the iron helmet swiftly revealed his tired face, then he opened up the chest plate of his suit to get out of it completely. “Time?”
“It’s six. I didn’t think you’d be working this early,” but you noticed the circles around his eyes. “...or you didn’t stop since last night.”
“Nope.” Tony snatched one of the cups from your hand and gulped it down. His eyes slightly widened when he realized you snuck in some bourbon in there.
He also couldn’t help but look at your nightwear. Slightly shabby sweatpants and a large band shirt. Green Day, he noticed. They weren’t bad. Heck he could’ve sworn he heard one of their songs on the radio once.
“You said you needed me for something?” You recalled, walking over to his computer. You were an all in one package: you practiced a lot of fighting as a teenager, now you trained with Natasha or Steve, so you knew a decent amount of hand-to-hand combat. Originally you were supposed to major in arts, but switched to the science stuff, engineering, so you knew a thing or two about building things. You also took interest in coding. Plus, Fury admitted to like your wit, one of the reasons why he wasn’t against you joining the avengers.
Tony just wanted you to try and make the security systems around the compound more tight, more secure. He’d do it himself but he wanted to see what you can do. You were the newest part of the team, of course he’d be curious about you.
You pushed yourself away from his desk, humming at the green bar slowly filling up in the monitor. “That should take a while,” you crossed your legs and looked up at the genius billionaire. “You’re awfully quiet, Tony, I think you need some sleep.”
He rolled his eyes, smiling. “I’m getting back to work.”
“Hey no, I’m serious. You need to re-”
You cut yourself off when you saw a beautiful, six-stringed instrument that hung from the wall when you turned. Tony wondered why you abruptly stopped talking and looked at you.
You got up the chair and carefully removed the electric guitar from the wall. You cringed a bit when you felt the rusty strings on your fingertips. Clearly this hasn’t been played in a while.
But nonetheless, you thought it was beautiful.
“You’re looking at it like it’s the love of your life,” Tony pointed out.
“Do you not know what this is?” You gestured to the instrument. It was a Gibson, 1960 Les Paul - its color scheme being cherry red and black. It greatly reminded you of Brian May’s red special-
Anyway, you sat back down, running your hands through the fret board a couple times to get used to the rusty strings, also tuning some that were out of tune. Then you pulled out a small pick from your pocket.
“So you just carry around a plastic plectrum everywhere you go, huh?” Tony heaved himself up to sit on top of his desk in front of you.
Playing a few sets of chords made you reminisce about your high school years. You were the type that brought a guitar everyday to school back then. “It’s a habit,” you chuckled. “When did you start playing?”
“Oh, no. I just collect them. I know a chord or two but that’s it.”
You laughed. Of course, he was a billionaire. “I could teach you if you want.”
Tony crossed his arms and playfully raised an eyebrow. Is this your way of flirting with him, or was it just an innocent offer? “Why, you a professional or something?”
“No - well, if I stuck to my original career choice, I should be.” You shrugged.
“I’ll be the judge of that.” Tony made a mental note to himself to ask you more about that specific topic later on.
“Fine,” you giggled. “Name a band and I’ll play a song.”
He pretended to think. “Dunno, AC/DC.”
You slid your fingers up a bit to the higher frets to play the intro to ‘You Shook Me All Night Long’. It’s your personal favorite from that band. The guitar doesn’t sound as exciting as it is when it’s plugged in, but you manage to pull it off. You then played the opening riff a couple times then skipped to the chorus.
Tony watched your hand as you hummed along the chorus. It was a great song, yet simple chords, simple until you get to the solo part. He thought you played it beautifully but he’d never admit it to your face.
“C’mon, it was just one song, am I that good?” You teased when you saw a glint of amazement in his eyes.
“Please, anyone can play that song.” Tony rolled his eyes, grinning. Then he pointed to your shirt. “Green Day.”
You repositioned your hand on the frets, playing the fingerstyle to the band’s song ‘Minority’. “I’d never wear a band shirt if I didn’t know the band. That’s downright embarrassing.
“What’s your genre, Stark? I’m guessing a lotta rock?” You stopped playing for a bit to look at him.
“You could say that. But if I think it’s catchy then it’s going on my playlist,” Tony responded. “You can keep that guitar, by the way.”
You looked at him with wide eyes. “I can’t. This - this model is expensive. The brand’s expensive-”
“It’s three grand.” He told you like it didn’t matter to him.
“Exactly! It’s expensive!”
“Boss, Miss Romanoff is on her way down.” Friday’s voice rang throughout the room.
On cue, Natasha walked in wearing her usual sparring attire. “Y/N. You were supposed to meet me at the gym half an hour ago.”
You cursed, getting up and hanging the guitar back up the wall earning a glare from Tony. He really did want to give it to you. “Sorry, got caught up. Uh... I think it’s done, Tony,” you rambled and pointed at his computer, green bar already full. 
Natasha lingered at the door after you ran up to change. “I know you have a lot of those displayed around and I’m telling you, hide them.” She was referring to the guitar.
“Why?” Tony hopped off the desk and began working again.
“Mainly because she turns into a huge music geek, but I’m assuming you love it.”
Tony had a stressful time doing work one night. He’s in the middle of a suit upgrade and he just can’t seem to put it together right. Maybe he just needed a moment to breathe and relax.
So he went to the balcony, a glass of his preferred alcohol for the night in hand.
He wasn’t that surprised when he saw you in there too. After the first time you came over his lab you started coming over regularly, just to talk about random stuff, music and bands, assisting him with anything he needs assisting with. The both of you became close. You could catch and snap back whenever he made a smart remark, and when he would shamelessly flirt with you, you’d just play along, you don’t get insulted or take any of it too seriously. That’s probably why he likes you so much.
This time you sat in front of the piano, playing chords and doing random scales. Tony admired you quietly from the entrance of the balcony. You did look pretty peaceful humming along, he even found it adorable when your eyebrows furrowed when you accidentally hit a wrong note, sometimes you’d shake your head slightly.
You were definitely something else. As time passed, Tony realized his feelings for you only grew and grew. He even started listening to all the songs you recommended, which were all amazing, even though at first he wasn’t used to hearing songs without an electric guitar on full distortion.
“Sorry. It was just so tempting.” You giggled. You pat the vacant part of the piano seat next to you. Tony placed his drink on top of the piano before sitting down.
You began playing a new song and he was very much relaxed by it. He remembered that time he got to ask you why you didn’t grab the opportunity to play music professionally.
“Well why didn’t you?” Tony asked.
You shrugged, fiddling with his custom made Iron Man guitar. “People judged me. Told me I’d never make it as a musician, that it was just out of luck for the famous ones out there now. It’s fine honestly, I liked other stuff anyway. After that I started training, y’know, became a spy...”
“You know how The Cure’s ‘Friday I’m In Love’ is upbeat?” You asked as you transitioned to a new chord. Tony hummed. “I found a slow, piano version the other day and I... learned it. I think it’s pretty.”
“Let’s hear it.”
You smiled. You were always flattered when he wanted to hear you play songs.
Tony looked at your hands swiftly playing the piano keys, up to your face concentrating on what chord was next. You only learned it by ear, you were sure you’d mess up at some point.
“I don’t care if Monday’s blue,” you hummed. “Tuesday’s grey and Wednesday too...”
You believed your singing voice was shit, so you just did this thing where you hummed- but also sung the lyrics as you played. Tony believed differently though. He thought your voice was beautiful.
“Thursday, I don’t care about you... it’s Friday, I’m in love,” You glanced at Tony for a moment and then returned your attention to the piano keys when you saw that he’d been fully listening to you.
“Monday you could fall apart,” you fell into your own little world again, high-fiving yourself in your mind when you nailed that chord progression.
Whereas Tony was sure that he was falling for you as moments passed.
“Tuesday, Wednesday, break my heart...”
The way you sung that last part made him feel things. It was just so soft, warm, damn, he wanted to make a move now.
‘Do it! You won’t have a chance like this again.’ A voice inside his head told him.
“Thursday doesn’t even start, it’s-”
You did an entirely different chord, messing up the song. “Oh god, that was horrible.” You laughed, closing your eyes and putting your hands around your stomach to contain your laughter. “But it was a good version, don’t you th-”
When you went to look at Tony, you were immediately cut off by lips pressing to yours. He cupped both sides of your face to gently deepen the kiss. He didn’t want it to be forced but seeing as you weren’t pulling away and you started to kiss back, he didn’t stop.
You were shocked to say the least. It was so fucking cliche but it was happening. Tony Stark was kissing you, and you liked it. Well of course you did, who wouldn’t? Maybe because it felt like it had meaning, not because he’s just lusting for you. It felt like your heart was about to leap out of your chest and there were actual butterflies inside you.
“Friday, I’m in love.” Tony finished the lyric for you after he pulled away.
“Are - are you-”
“I might have to kiss you again just to shut you up.”
But this time you beat him to it. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him, and you felt those darn butterflies again.
“It’s about time, sir.” Friday spoke.
so this is just a pure music-related imagine and also I’m sorry if you don’t like the band(s) mentioned (bc it’s an x reader), or have a different guitar preference, or play a different instrument or have a drastically different fav genre, etc.
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johnpornjones · 7 years
all questions you havnt answered yet
Alright ! Let’s go, then ! :D Thank you for asking :)
1. Favourite Riff? I have 3 : Achilles Last Stand by Led Zeppelin, Burn by Deep Purple, and Sunshine Of Your Love by Cream
2. Favourite Guitar Model? I replied already, and it’s here
3. Favourite Musical Decade? 1960-1970 & 1970-1980
4. Favourite 60s Band? The Beatles
5. Favourite 70s Band? Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Who
6. Favourite 80s Band? The Cure, The Police
7. Favourite 90s Band? Nirvana, Scorpions
8. Favourite 2000s Band? Them Crooked Vultures
9. Favourite Album? Houses Of The Holy by Led Zeppelin
10. What was the greatest year for music? Mid 60′s, all the 70s
11. Fenders or Gibsons? Fender
10. Favourite Guitarist? David Gilmour
11. Which side of the Atlantic (Britain or America)? Both
12. Rosewood or Maple Fretboards? Maple
13. Greatest “1 album” bands? Derek And The Dominos
14. Crosby, Stills or Nash? Crosby
15. Favourite Rolling Stone? Brian Jones
16. Favourite Guitar Solo? Comfortably Numb (Pink Floyd) : I mean, this is insane. David Gilmour FTW
17. Who have you seen live? Robert Plant
18. Greatest modern blues/rock guitarist? Joe Bonamassa
19. Favourite drummer? John Bonham, Keith Moon, Nick Mason & Carmine Appice
20. Favourite Bass Player? John Paul Jones, John Entwistle & Paul McCartney
21. Favourite Keys Player? Keith Emerson & Rick Wright
22. Favourite Male Singer? Robert Plant
23. Favourite Female Singer? Stevie Nicks
24. If you could own one famous guitar? David Gilmour’s Fender Strat ♪♫
25. Favourite Beatle? George Harrison
26. Favourite Singer Songwriter? Neil Young
27. Electric or Acoustic? Both, but I’d say Electric
28. Dylan, Electric or Acoustic? Acoustic
29. Band you wish would/could reform? Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd
30. Top 3 dead musicians you wish you’d seen? John Lennon, Brian Jones, David Bowie
31. Most underrated guitarist? Reply here 
32. What would your first piece of advise be to new guitarists? Never ever try to learn Stairway To Heaven before knowing how to play properly. I can tell you it’s a very hard song.
33. Big venues or small venues? Small
34. What posters are on your walls? One poster with all famous guitars, the other is my Led Zeppelin poster, from Earls Court
35. Vinyl or Digital? Vinyl
36. Most Overrated Guitarist? Sorry Jeff Beck. People will not love me after this.
37. Which song do you wish you’d written? Money by Pink Floyd
38. Which concerts do you wish you’d seen? Jonesy’s concerts (Of damn course),Neil Young concerts, Robert Plant’s SSS concerts (even tho I’ve seen one, in 2015), Eric Clapton’s concerts, Joe Bonamassa’s concerts
39. If you met your hero what would you say to them? I will blater a lot about how much I love this person I consider like a hero
40. Flatpicking or Fingerstyle? Fingerstyle
41. Open tunings, yay or nay? YAY, defintely YAY. 
42. Favourite classic blues song? Boogie Chillen by John Lee Hooker
43. Pick a King, Freddie, BB or Albert? BB King !
44. Who’s the most influential guitarist? Rory Gallagher
45. If you could play any song? Hotel California by The Eagles
46. Who’s music has taught you the most? Led Zeppelin
47. Best cover of a song? Stairway To Heaven by Heart
48. If Clapton is God then who’s Jesus? David Gilmour
49. Why did you start playing your instrument? Because I wanted to learn Beatles songs, inspired by George Harrison (my debuts are totally forgottable and crappy)
50. Favourite Eagle? Joe Walsh
51. Favourite Les Paul Player? Jimmy Page
52. Favourite Stratocaster Player? Jimi Hendrix, David Gilmour
53. Hollow bodied guitars, yay or nay? YAY
54. What youtube comment really bugs you? The one’s which says that John Paul Jones is gonna die on stage soon because he’s too old (really happened)
55. Best person you’ve seen live? My frend Geordie, who love Rory Gallagher and David Gilmour… Also, Robert Plant
56. Best musician’s autobiography you’ve read? I’ve read any… lol
57. Band you’d most like to see? Iron Maiden
58. Favourite Stones’ Album? Their Satanic Majesties Request
59. Favourite Beatles’ Album? Rubber Soul, Revolver, The White Album, Abbey Road
60. Favourite Eagles’ Album? Hotel California
61. Favourite Led Zeppelin Album? II, III & Houses Of The Holy,
62. Favourite Led Zeppelin Member? John Paul Jones ♥♥♥
63. What band do you not listen to enough of? Queen. 
64. What band is your guilty pleasure? Them Crooked Vultures
65. What is your opinion of (insert bandartist)? Jimmy Page : I don’t like some things on him, I really adore his guitar playing, his riffs, but not his personality. Sorry Jimmy.
66. What is your opinion of (insert guitarist)? Brian May : I LOVE THIS GUY
67. Beatles or Stones? Beatles
68. Clapton or Hendrix? Oh shit… I’d say Hendrix
69. Favourite ex-yardbird? Eric Clapton
70. Favourite driving song? Band on The Run by Paul McCartney & Wings, Drive My Car by The Beatles, Highway 1 by Them Crooked Vultures, Turn It Up by Robert Plant, Ramble On by Led Zeppelin, Life In A Fast Lane by The Eagle
71. Favourite Cream Song? Crossroads
72. Jack White or Dan Auerbach? Jack White
73. White Stripes or Black Keys? White Stripes
74. What bugs you the most about your favourite artists? Roger Waters personality. Sorry Rog, but…
75. Is Blues dead? NO
76. Who would be in your ultimate band? I have two : Bass: John Paul Jones
Keyboard : Keith Emerson
Drums : John Bonham
Guitar : David Gilmour
Singer : Freddy Mercury
Or Bass : John Entwistle
Keyboards : Richard Wright
Drums : Ginger Baker
Guitar : Eric Clapton
Singer : Robert Plant
77. Who do you wish had collaborated on a whole album? John Paul Jones (him again, lmao)
78. Favourite cheesy but brilliant song? Royal Orleans by Led Zeppelin (lmao)
79. Favourite love song? My Love by Paul McCartney (go listening to this true wonder)
80. Greatest solo career? I think of Paul McCartney here.
81. Which musician have you learnt the most from? Jimmy Page
82. Worst musician’s autobiography you’ve ever read? I didn’t read any of them, sorry.
83. Best greatest hits album? Queen, Mothership (L.Z), Neil Young…
84. What song is stuck in your head? Spinning In Daffodils by Them Crooked Vultures (Them, again lol)
85. What song makes you cry every time? Wish You Were Here
86. Telecaster or Stratocaster? Stratocaster
87. SG or Les Paul? Les Paul.
88. Favourite Telecaster Guitarist? Jay… Whoops, no, no Just kidding ! Keith Richards.
89. Favourite SG Guitarist? Angus Young
90. Favourite Firebird Player? Joe Perry
91. What’s the most unusual guitar you’d buy? A gibson Flying V probably
92. What’s your earliest classic rock or blues memory? I started listening to The Beatles first, I was literally in love with George Harrison, and I started playing guitar at 14 (oh well, that was really shit) then Pink Floyd & Led Zeppelin just break through my life. At first I was in love ith Jimmy, but for some reasons, I just love how he sounds and his guitar playing, but that’s all. I don’t hate Jimmy, but I don’t love him either. 
Jonesy and Robert are my baes from L.Z, just as David & Rick are  my baes from Pink Floyd
93. Best music documentary you’ve seen? I’ve seen a lot, but it’s mainly Pink Floyd related.
94. Best live concert video you’ve watched? Pulse by Pink Floyd, also Them Crooked Vultures at Fuji Rock 2010
95. What band t-shirts do you own? I have a Pink Floyd shirt, a Jimmy Page shirt, a Beatles shirt and a Led Zeppelin shirt
96. Own anything signed? Uh, no…
97. Do your parents like this music? My mom, not really his thing, but she does respect and appreciate when I play. My Dad got the same music taste as me.
98. Where would you most love to play a gig? I’d prefer to play a gig in small venues first so, I don’t really know, but my favorite place is located in Germany, during Summer’s Sundays only, it’s called  Sonntags ans Schloß.
99. If you could attend one festival? Woodstock
100. What’s the thing you last learnt on guitar? Un Autre Monde by Téléphone (French rock band)
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Long Pike Hollow: The Other Side of Piers Haslam
Originally published at North Country Primitive in June 2016
Here at North Country Primitive, we were already aware of Piers Haslam as an up and coming interpreter of traditional English folk song. Although not yet out of his teens, he has already been developing a burgeoning reputation as a performer who understands that folk music is not a genteel parlour game, but a raw and unfettered force of nature - in the right hands. Rightly, he has been compared less with his contemporaries than with the great guitar-slinging British folkies  of the 1960s and 70s.  What we didn't know, or at least until he sent us the self-released album by his alter ego, Long Pike  Hollow, is that he is also a talented fingerstyle guitarist with a deep love of all things American Primitive. We decided it was time we investigated further...
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You're starting to develop quite a reputation as a purveyor of English traditional folk song. So what gives with this veering off into the murky world of American Primitive guitar? Is it a long held interest you wanted to explore further? A scratching of an itch that traditional song can't satisfy?
Oh indeed yes, it is a long held interest. I mean, the first music I ever created was solo instrumentals, when I was about 13. I was very aware of American primitive/instrumental guitar music from an early age, mainly just from a handful of John Fahey and Bert Jansch tracks, and I immediately saw the joy one can find working in that form when I picked up playing the guitar.  And certainly yes, there is a strong and very distinct satisfaction to playing your own music and having people listen and enjoy.  Trad folk is a wonderful world, where arranging and reinterpreting are highly respected arts, rightly so, but in the end you are doing covers,  and personally I rather fancied letting out a more wildly creative force. Is Long Pike Hollow a side project? A one-off? The way forward? When someone goes to see Piers Haslam  folk singer  in concert, does Long Pike Hollow sneak a few tunes into his repertoire? Or is there a strict division of labour? No, my LPH direction is certainly not ephemeral. It really is a thing I've wanted to do for an awful long time, and I thing I think I'll always do, whether anyone is listening or not! But no, there isn't really a strict division... I would be highly unlikely to sing a folk song at an LPH gig, but I always slip a few of my own into a folky set. Part of the joy of an LPH gig is the novelty of not singing at all... well, a novelty to someone who's been singing most of their performing life. Long Pike Hollow is a great name for the project. Is there a meaning behind it or do you just like how the words sit together? It's named after a landscape feature in the beautiful Shropshire hills, which I'm blessed to have spent a lot of time in. It's a wonderful place, and I just saw the name on a map and thought it was extremely catchy and satisfyingly meaningless. Who are your key influences as a guitarist? And can you tell me what got you started and how long you've been playing? Key influences are John Fahey, William Tyler and Richard Thompson, all of whom I started seriously studying videos and recordings of a few years back. I began playing when I was about 10, so eight years ago. I strummed 60s pop songs until I was 13, when I began writing a few tunes. Nick Harper was a very huge influence at this point, and his album Instrumental was my first full length exposure to solo guitar music. But folk music also came to the fore at this time from my love of Liege & Lief, so I began singing folk songs and playing guitar along with them. The folk music was a fantastic area to go to and it has brought me much joy, but it did stop me almost entirely from instrumental experimentation for quite a while. What is the balance between composition and improvisation in the Long Pike Hollow material? Well most of my songs spring off from a long session of improvising, but when it comes to performing it depends. All of them do have a very set structure, but most have a few places I deliberately leave more blank, so I can come up with something fresh on the night.
Can you see a time where you bring together your interest in traditional folk and your interest in fingerstyle guitar (other than accompanying yourself on guitar when you sing folk songs)? I'm thinking of stuff like extemporisations and improvisations based on traditional songs and tunes, much as some of the US guitarists have done with, for example, Appalachian fiddle tunes...
Yes, I can see that. I suppose I've done that quite a lot with Norwegian folk tunes, which are a great love of mine for their peculiar beauty and simplicity. But in all, yes, I think it's a wonderful thing to do, and I have no qualms with bringing in folk elements to my instrumental music. I mean, so much of my playing is informed by American and English folk music, and by Middle Eastern, Chinese, and Central Asian traditional forms. Moving to the trad folk side of things, where do you see yourself sitting in terms of the folk scene? It's my contention that too much of the younger end of the UK trad scene is a little too polished, prissy and polite for its own good and  musically, at least - could do with a night or two out on the tiles with the Cosmic Dead. I don't see much of the grit or soul of the best of the folk performers of the 70s. And there's not enough guitar. Do you see yourself as part of the lineage of British folk guitarists - the Carthys, the Nic Joneses, the Jansch and Renbourns, the Michael Chapmans? Can you see a rawer, rougher-edged take on traditional folk re-emerging, and if so, would you align yourself with that? After all, when you listen to field recordings of traditional singers, its pretty wild, rough and ready stuff... Oh yes, I agree. A thing that really attracted me to traditional music was how rough and very subversive it can be. I always gravitate towards the stranger songs, the side of stuff people rarely sing. So I love old war songs, political broadsides... it's just a side of the whole rich musical past one practically never sees. But when it comes to folk music, and singing folk songs, I feel more in line with John Kirkpatrick, despite a huge influence from Martin Carthy and others mentioned. I think there's a real edgy aspect to what John Kirkpatrick does, and I feel like I want to bring that out into the fore with my folky stuff. And in terms of guitar accompanying my singing, I like to keep it to a minimum, because for me in English song one needs to let the voice shine through any kind of accompaniment, and I do often sing unaccompanied. So I think I do align myself with that, really. But that singing emphasis is obviously only a part of my folky ethos - when it comes to LPH I will happily mess around instrumentally. What are you listening to at the moment? Any recommendations, old or new? Well! It may not be entirely on topic, but I'm listening to an awful lot of dub reggae and early dancehall at the moment. But something I'd love to recommend to any lovers of American primitive or whatever is Chinese guqin music, a tradition I find to be highly kindred. Beautiful meditative simplicity, most of the tunes being many hundreds of years old. There's an album called The Pure Sound of Mountain and Water by Shuishan Yu that I'd recommend in particular. Have you got a particular guitar you would save first in the face of a natural disaster? I think, rather amusingly, I'm not really attached to any of my guitars! Apart from the one I learnt to play on, an Argos purchase. The one I perform with was £200, and it's really the only guitar I have that is okay to play. What's in store for you next? Music composed for the electric guitar... Anything I should have asked but I didn't? Yes - what inspires you to compose your songs, artistically and musically? My answer: most do start from some kind of inspiration, a place, a person, an idea... and if not then they very soon take on meaning. But musically I try my very best to do something really unusual, that's what I'm so often striving for. American primitive guitar as it comes down to us from Fahey and Basho etc is such a wonderful gift, and I'm determined to keep it fresh and evolve the form further. In the future I want to create music that sounds radically different to anything ever heard before... that's an ultimate goal.
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yashinee · 5 years
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Has it become a habit? Well, I don't know. I'm literally scared right now – of what will happen next, of what will happen soon, of what will happen in the future. The slightest mistake tore down the built-up joy. Foolish of me to have let that happened, foolish of me to have acted that way, foolish of me to have thought that way. It's my first time getting into an argument where it involved shouting and a bit of physical resistance – I got scared at the moment. I was always scared. I was scared to open it up because of my expected reaction from him. I'm scared of pointing out the little things because, well, they're just little things. I've got a bad habit of showing my anger by slamming down things, I swear, when I'm angry, my body just suddenly becomes heavy and I start to just slam everything even when I didn't intend to do so.
I thought it has been an unspoken rule that whenever you're with someone, you do not use your phone in front of them. I thought he was aware of this that's why I waited for him to put it down. This wasn't the only time I've noticed him do this. Maybe my PMS just made it a big deal a while ago and when he said "Sabihan mo siya be, ikaw bitaw nagsabi," which I found quite rude but he said, "please" which made it okay.
I really get scared when I ask something from him because I've seen him get angry at me. Especially when he would play League. The stern tone really scares me. That's what I fear from him the most. That what if that's actually his true color? What if we’ll end up in this kind of cycle?
He'd blurt out things like "naga bilang ka" which is really not my intention but he insists that I am. That line really triggers me. What I was trying to imply is that I'm putting effort on avoiding that kind of argument, in lieu with that, I try to understand him. It's not that I'm saying that I'm putting so much effort like driving him etc., no, I do that voluntarily and willingly because I do it out of love.
Did I fuck up? Is it over? I've thought about that while driving. My vision blurred as I tear up. I eventually stopped crying because I was scared of getting into an accident. My eyes were puffy and red. Luckily, my glasses turns dark when it's hit by direct sunlight, by then, my eyes wouldn't be that obvious to others. I stayed in the cluster office to kill the time and study. Unfortunately, I just ended up crying again. I had to stop crying because I have an exam at 3. I read about half of the FIBA rules, nothing comes in my mind, and so I distracted myself by playing the guitar. I had to practice playing a fingerstyle version of Sa Ugoy ng Duyan while singing for my short film. There's so much to do so I had to postpone my emotional distress (lmao).
God, I wish I wasn't such a sensitive hoe, and that I wasn't such a bitch. Jesus. Fuck.
Everything's my fault. It's my fault for expecting too much, for setting the bars high, for thinking like this, for loving so much.
I wanna keep this to myself for now. I have to:
(1) focus on my projects;
(2) gather all my thoughts and emotions so I may not make any more wrong decisions;
(3) and focus on my well-being
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ulyssessklein · 7 years
“I’m well on my way to paying off my house with streaming revenue”
How one instrumental guitarist is earning significant money from his streams on Spotify and Pandora.
The music career of Lance Allen is a true DIY success story. He doesn’t tour. He doesn’t rely on merch sales to pay the mortgage. He isn’t a household name. And yet he’s earning a full-time living in music by balancing guitar lessons with streaming revenue. That money he’s generating from Pandora, Spotify, and YouTube is a pretty sizable portion of his overall earnings too. It’s enough to “buy a new guitar every month,” but instead he’s using it to pay off his house.
How’s streaming working so well for him? I asked.
An interview with Lance Allen, the Guitarlancer
CR: Your main focus is clear from the calls-to-action at the very top of your website homepage: drive action on Spotify and Pandora. Why those platforms? Why not… touring? iTunes? YouTube? CD sales?
LA: Spotify and Pandora Radio have the largest audience, and that’s the reason why they’re my main focus. Plus it has been a source of income for me.
In late 2015, I was lucky and one of my songs was chosen for the new playlist on Spotify called Acoustic Concentration. A Skype guitar student that I teach told me about this. I didn’t know what to expect really, considering most people in the industry complain about Spotify’s royalty rates. The first payment I received was somewhere in the tune of $700 and I was floored! I didn’t know how long it would last, but I held out hope. It kept going and eventually the playlist switched up songs and I remained on there. This stayed constant, but I wasn’t doing any research until earlier in 2017, when I accidentally stumbled on a short book called The Slotify Method by George Goodrich. This book and the CD Baby PDF on how to get added to playlists put a fire in my feet and I got started right away. I’ve done most of the things suggested in each of the pamphlets, and it has worked greatly.
As far as touring, I don’t need to do that. I have a successful guitar lesson business and a family at home. It’s quite nice to be at home with the family. I do the occasional gig at coffee houses, weddings, or corporate events. It’s at those type of things that I bring physical CDs. I have a box with a hole in the top and lay my CDs around the box and have a sign that says, “Pay the box, take a CD. Any amount is ok. Enjoy!” This seems to work great, because most people pay more for the CD than they would normally.
YouTube is strong for me. I started in 2006 posting videos of my arrangements on guitar. My camera got better, sound got better, and everything else fell into place. I do generate a little income from the AdSense. YouTube is very friendly with Google, so whenever I release a song I’ll make a live performance of me playing it and link to my Spotify and Pandora artist pages, as well as where you can buy tablature or sign up for lessons. Sometimes I’ll do multiple videos of the same song on various guitar brands to get more keyword juice going. Every little bit helps. You just have to keep the content going.
CR: What, if any, are the unique opportunities that Pandora and Spotify offer instrumental music?
LA: I have found that businesses all over the globe are using Spotify and Pandora to stream instrumental music in their shops and offices. Whether it’s a coffee shop, a boutique store, gift shops, or doctors offices, they use these platforms typically to play instrumental music. A lot of them use existing playlists, but some create their own. So there is a lot of opportunity for me in these areas. Still learning about them.
So, you currently have half a million monthly listeners on Spotify, but take us back to Day 1: How did you get those first 1000 listeners? The first 10,000 listeners? Can you walk me through the real foundational steps for driving interest in your music? And how much of your success was the result of engaging your existing audience vs. reaching out to playlist curators?
I can’t remember really what my earliest numbers were like as I didn’t pay much attention until I saw some income from being on Acoustic Concentration.
After reading up on how to get on playlists, here are some of the things I started doing:
Posting screenshots of my artist page to Instagram and using pre-loaded hashtags for reach. I did this daily!
Using Twitter to promote the playlist I was already on, as well as encouraging people to follow me on Spotify.
Finding playlist owners and asking them to add me to one of their playlists.
-Becoming acquainted with Spotify editorial departments on LinkedIn.
Speaking of, how DID you reach out to playlisters? What’s the method in terms of research, pitching, promoting, and so forth?
I did a search on Spotify using keywords that pertained to my genre of music (Acoustic Guitar, fingerstyle guitar, instrumental guitar, study music and so on. There are a lot!) I set about an hour each morning while I enjoyed my single origin pour-over coffee to do this. I searched out the creators of the playlist on Facebook and Twitter. I matched up photos, and requested them to be a friend, along with sending them a message telling them about my music and how it would fit nicely into their playlist. It’s very tedious work and some playlist curators don’t even get onto social media. The key is to stay persistent with it and then the ones that matter end up connecting with you and help you out.
I know from when I met you in person at the DIY Musician Conference that you have a confident way of promoting your music, without it seeming… cloying or arrogant. Is that just your natural demeanor, or did you have to work to acquire those skills of self-promotion? What part do you think that confidence plays in your career successes?
Confidence is one of my major strengths! If you have a dream or are very passionate about making a living doing something you love, you have to be willing to do what it takes to succeed. I’ve learned this through growing my guitar lesson business and meeting people. You never know who is going to be the next person to help you out. They may recommend you, buy a CD, or support your fundraisers. Or… put you on their playlist!
I’ve read a lot of books on self selling, and making friends and influencing people. One that especially got me going was The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone. After listening to that book on audio, I found myself putting in ten times the effort! There are a lot of great books out there on making yourself sellable and influential.
What have been some of the letdowns or failures you’ve experienced along the way, and how did you pick yourself back up?
The letdown is not being able to reach someone with a user generated playlist I know will help me. I’m focused on getting onto the playlist that users create because that in turn gets my name on the Spotify curators’ radar.
Something that I do to help with keeping persistent is having a goal sheet written in bold sharpie just above my computer. I try my best to keep at it, regardless of a failing outcome. I have seen results from my efforts, so I just keep with it. I find that I learn new things and techniques along the way. This hasn’t happened yet, but getting pulled from a playlist would be a disappointment. Especially a Spotify playlist, as their independent curators are ghosts and difficult to have direct contact with. However I would keep pushing, because it is my goal to succeed with my music.
Taking a look at your discography, you put out albums every few years, with two related albums in 2017, but you also started dropping a bunch of singles over the past year. What effect did putting out music more frequently have on your music’s streaming performance?
Releasing singles has been the best thing for me. It keeps listeners engaged with my artist profile. I started releasing covers too, because CD Baby makes it so easy to do. That has been a game changer! People love hearing cover songs. And because mine are all instrumental, they get put on big playlists, like Instrumental Pop Covers.
The two related albums are String Poet and String Poet Guitar Solos. One of the releases has the violins and cellos in the mix and the other is just solo guitar. I did this because of a playlister who only wanted solo guitar. It got me on the playlist, so it was worth releasing them that way.
In August 2017 one of my songs got placed on the Peaceful Guitar playlist, which is a Spotify playlist with half a million followers at the time. I’m quite confident that this happened as a result of being prolific on the platform. The pay from Spotify streams is big for me. I could easily buy a new guitar each month if I wanted, but it’s paying my house off!
In October I decided to record a song just for the Peaceful Guitar playlist. I didn’t know how it would go, but I did it anyway. I listened to the playlist and created a song that would fit. I took into consideration that most of the songs on there were nylon string and quite peaceful, so I got some new strings and went to work. I even gave it a title in the same manner as the other tracks in the playlist, “Raining Slowly.” It wasn’t a lot of work really. I sat in my living room with my laptop, GarageBand, a single AKG microphone, and a Focusrite preamp and recorded one take of an idea that I had. I took an iPhone photo of my guitar and used Font Candy to make a title on the photo. This ended up being my cover for the release. I got the song uploaded on Spotify and on day one it was placed on the Peaceful Guitar playlist!
Took me about 1.5 hours to do this tune and now it’s a part of my income. Holy Cow that was awesome. I’m doing what I can now to replicate that.
What’s the basic checklist of things you do to promote each single?
Make sure you are ready to post in every social media outlet, tagging people, messaging your friends who have created playlists (you know, the ones you met from doing the research).
Make a YouTube performance video, linking everything together. You can also make a video with the audio layed underneath your cover photo of the release. That seems to help as well. Don’t forget to put links in every video.
Besides frequent releases and pitching to playlists, what else are you doing to drive Spotify engagement?
Creating and promoting my own playlists. I’ve created a playlist that is growing quickly called Acoustic Guitar Cafe.
It’s a lot of my friends who play guitar similar to me. I just recently asked every artist on there if they would be interested in chipping in $20 for a Spotify ad to promote the playlist. I was able to get a decent budget on a Spotify ad to promote the playlist. This will hopefully help find new followers and listeners of our music. It’s also started a discussion with some of the artists where we’re sharing stats and techniques of what is working to get our music heard.
What are you doing to drive Pandora streams? Are you using AMP?
I use AMP every day or every other day. I try to post artist messages that are personal, sometimes funny. The key is to connect with people that are listening. Being that it’s instrumental, I can provide a short blurb about why I wrote the tune. Things like that generate thumbs up, which in turn brings your music up more often.
What role does data play in shaping your strategies? Do you make a habit of looking at analytics?
I look at the analytic all the time. In fact I can’t wait until 11 CST to see the artist.spotify update. That tells me if I’ve gotten on any new playlist. I also used the data when creating the Spotify ad to promote my playlist. I’m eying the AMP data as well, to see if my artist messages are working and possibly making conversions or new listeners and fans.
So what are some of your big picture goals?
I’d love to earn a complete living with streaming revenue, and in fact I’d love to say that I paid my house off with streaming bucks. I’m well on the way.
Also, I’d like to see my music in the movies or TV eventually. I know in the music business it’s all about who you know. I’m already in a library, so just hoping a music supervisor picks it up and hears it.
I didn’t quite make it, but I tried to get nominated for a Grammy this year. Although I don’t need a Grammy to succeed with this, it would be neat to get a nomination. So I will continue to submit every year I do album.
Who are your musical idols — and have your songs appeared alongside some of theirs in curated playlists?
Yes! One is Phil Keaggy, and it was a dream to have him on one of my songs, “Blue Ireland.” Tommy Emmanuel is another big influence, and I hope to one day record something with him.
What’s the next year look like for you?
Next year Pandora will have increased, as well as Spotify numbers. I will be releasing more Christmas music for the holidays as well as an album of cover songs. I may even do an original album of peaceful guitar music or possibly a Volume 2 to my String Poet album that everyone has loved. I may even look into doing an electric guitar album or something in the smooth jazz style of music. That elevator music pays too!
Download CD Baby’s free guide to getting your music on Spotify playlists.
Check out more information about Lance Allen on his website.
The post “I’m well on my way to paying off my house with streaming revenue” appeared first on DIY Musician Blog.
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Name of Guitar Strings in a Simple and Practical Way for you personally to Study Right now
Currently I prefer to show you just a little bit about a very essential topic for those who're beginning to play the guitar, that is the name of your guitar strings, and how they're distributed around the instrument. Before speaking the name from the strings it truly is crucial to understand something that frequently ask me: of what materials are usually made guitar strings?
There may be alot more models than the ones I am going to talk about right here right now, but the ones I essentially know will be the nylon rope models, then we also have steel strings, brass and nickel rope strings. They are essentially the most well-known supplies I've encountered along the way attempting out some rope models, nevertheless it might be that with all the evolution there in the sector, some other model may have come up too.
Instrument models and also the name of the guitar strings
 Apart from figuring out the name in the strings in the guitar, one other very important factor that you simply will need to understand in your studying, is the fact that the musical instrument will play six strings. In Brazil we have a typical guitar model that may be composed of seven strings, but it isn't the most widely used. Most people make use of the six strings, so for those who're beginning out it's valuable to initial study this format with the similar six string guitar.
The name from the strings of the guitar are completely connected towards the distribution of notes around the strings. The six strings on the guitar represent six notes, and they are counted and they're counted in the bottom up inside the following order: initial, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. Another necessary thing to understand is the fact that these six strings are divided into two categories: raw strings and strings.
See additional on easy methods to discover the name with the guitar strings, e entenda melhor este assunto.
String 1 2 and 3 are then named raw strings. We also have the strings, which are the other three strings which are more critical or thicker than strings four,five and six. In summary, we've got the strings 1 2 and three that are the cords along with the four, five and six which are the guitars. One more intriguing interesting truth is that the initial string and the sixth string are the very same note. Notice that they have the exact same sound, only a single is sharp and one particular serious.
Within this video we also show a little bit additional about this topic:
The names of your guitar strings one particular by a single
Now let's speak about the name of your guitar strings: the first string may be the note Mi (E), better known as "mizinho", the second string is the note si (B), the third string is definitely the note sun (G) , the fourth string and also the back note (D), the fifth string plus the note there (A) and also the sixth string may be the note Mi (E). It is imperative to note that you will find also other guitar tunings. There are people today who use the guitar tuned inside the key back tone (D), but the normal tone that the guitars come in is what we call Mi significant (E). There are actually nevertheless numerous other people practiced by musicians who play the fingerstyle style.
The critical issue for all those who're starting now is to have this notion of your name in the guitar strings and the normal tuning in Mi Mayor (E) and more than time learn the other tunings and new methods. I hope this lesson has helped you and that this video has brought clarification to you. Now just put into practice what you might be mastering from us right here inside the channel. You may like this lesson right here too: Aprendendo violão gospel
0 notes
Name of Guitar Strings inside a Simple and Practical Way for you to Study Right now
At this time I wish to show you a bit bit about a really imperative topic for those who're beginning to play the guitar, which is the name with the guitar strings, and how they're distributed around the instrument. Before speaking the name with the strings it is valuable to understand some thing that frequently ask me: of what supplies are often created guitar strings?
There might be far more models than the ones I'm going to talk about right here at this time, however the ones I generally know are the nylon rope models, then we also have steel strings, brass and nickel rope strings. They are one of the most typical components I've encountered along the way attempting out some rope models, but it may be that with all the evolution there within the market, some other model may have come up at the same time.
Instrument models and also the name with the guitar strings
 Apart from recognizing the name on the strings of the guitar, yet another essential thing that you just will need to understand within your understanding, is that the musical instrument will play six strings. In Brazil we've a typical guitar model which is composed of seven strings, nevertheless it isn't probably the most favorite. A lot of people use the six strings, so for all those that are starting out it really is vital to initial study this format with the identical six string guitar.
The name from the strings of the guitar are entirely connected for the distribution of notes around the strings. The six strings from the guitar represent six notes, and they're counted and they are counted from the bottom up within the following order: 1st, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. A further essential point to understand is that these six strings are divided into two categories: raw strings and strings.
See additional on methods to understand the name of the guitar strings, nome das cordas do violão.
String 1 two and 3 are then named raw strings. We also have the strings, that are the other three strings that are more serious or thicker than strings 4,5 and 6. In summary, we've got the strings 1 two and three which are the cords plus the 4, five and six which are the guitars. One more interesting exciting truth is the fact that the initial string as well as the sixth string would be the similar note. Notice that they've the same sound, only a single is sharp and a single really serious.
Within this video we also show slightly a great deal more about this subject:
The names with the guitar strings 1 by a single
Now let's speak concerning the name on the guitar strings: the first string would be the note Mi (E), better known as "mizinho", the second string is the note si (B), the third string is definitely the note sun (G) , the fourth string and the back note (D), the fifth string as well as the note there (A) and the sixth string is definitely the note Mi (E). It's important to note that you can find also other guitar tunings. There are people today who use the guitar tuned in the main back tone (D), however the typical tone that the guitars come in is what we get in touch with Mi major (E). One can find nonetheless plenty of others practiced by musicians who play the fingerstyle style.
The important issue for all those who're beginning now would be to have this notion with the name in the guitar strings along with the common tuning in Mi Mayor (E) and more than time discover the other tunings and new methods. I hope this lesson has helped you and that this video has brought clarification to you. Now just place into practice what that you are mastering from us right here in the channel. You might like this lesson right here as well: Lições de violão gospel
0 notes
thefinestnotes-blog · 7 years
Name of Guitar Strings within a Simple and Practical Way for you to Discover Right now
Presently I need to show you a little bit bit about a really fundamental subject for those that are beginning to play the guitar, which can be the name with the guitar strings, and how they are distributed on the instrument. Just before speaking the name in the strings it can be very important to understand one thing that always ask me: of what materials are often made guitar strings?
There could be a lot more models than the ones I am going to speak about here at this time, but the ones I fundamentally know would be the nylon rope models, then we also have steel strings, brass and nickel rope strings. They are one of the most well-known materials I've encountered along the way trying out some rope models, but it could possibly be that using the evolution there within the business, some other model might have come up at the same time.
Instrument models and also the name on the guitar strings
 In addition to being aware of the name in the strings of your guitar, another very important thing that you just need to understand within your finding out, is that the musical instrument will play six strings. In Brazil we have a common guitar model that's composed of seven strings, nevertheless it will not be one of the most famous. Many people make use of the six strings, so for all those who're beginning out it truly is important to 1st learn this format of the same six string guitar.
The name with the strings from the guitar are totally connected towards the distribution of notes on the strings. The six strings of your guitar represent six notes, and they are counted and they are counted in the bottom up in the following order: initially, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. One other imperative factor to understand is the fact that these six strings are divided into two categories: raw strings and strings.
See far more on learn how to learn the name with the guitar strings, veja mais em detalhes este assunto.
String 1 2 and 3 are then named raw strings. We also have the strings, that are the other 3 strings that happen to be way more critical or thicker than strings four,5 and 6. In summary, we have the strings 1 two and 3 that are the cords and also the four, five and six that are the guitars. A different fascinating exciting truth is the fact that the initial string along with the sixth string will be the similar note. Notice that they have exactly the same sound, only one particular is sharp and one really serious.
In this video we also show just a little way more about this topic:
The names in the guitar strings one particular by one particular
Now let's talk regarding the name from the guitar strings: the initial string is the note Mi (E), greater generally known as "mizinho", the second string could be the note si (B), the third string will be the note sun (G) , the fourth string along with the back note (D), the fifth string plus the note there (A) along with the sixth string is definitely the note Mi (E). It's vital to note that one can find also other guitar tunings. You can get consumers who make use of the guitar tuned within the significant back tone (D), however the typical tone that the guitars come in is what we call Mi significant (E). You can get still a large number of other people practiced by musicians who play the fingerstyle style.
The critical thing for all those who are starting now should be to have this notion of your name of the guitar strings along with the normal tuning in Mi Mayor (E) and over time understand the other tunings and new techniques. I hope this lesson has helped you and that this video has brought clarification to you. Now just place into practice what you happen to be studying from us right here inside the channel. You could like this lesson here too: Tirando um som gospel
0 notes
Name of Guitar Strings inside a Rather simple and Practical Way for you personally to Find out At this time
These days I need to show you slightly bit about a very critical topic for those who are starting to play the guitar, that is the name from the guitar strings, and how they may be distributed on the instrument. Before speaking the name with the strings it truly is imperative to understand a thing that constantly ask me: of what supplies are often produced guitar strings?
There could possibly be significantly more models than the ones I'm going to talk about here right now, however the ones I fundamentally know are the nylon rope models, then we also have steel strings, brass and nickel rope strings. These are by far the most widespread materials I've encountered along the way trying out some rope models, nevertheless it can be that with the evolution there within the market, some other model may have come up at the same time.
Instrument models along with the name on the guitar strings
 Besides knowing the name on the strings of the guitar, one other very important point that you simply need to know within your finding out, is the fact that the musical instrument will play six strings. In Brazil we've got a typical guitar model which is composed of seven strings, however it just isn't essentially the most trendy. A lot of people make use of the six strings, so for those that are beginning out it is actually essential to first discover this format with the very same six string guitar.
The name from the strings in the guitar are completely connected for the distribution of notes on the strings. The six strings with the guitar represent six notes, and they may be counted and they are counted from the bottom up within the following order: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. Another important factor to understand is that these six strings are divided into two categories: raw strings and strings.
See way more on the way to discover the name of the guitar strings, ver o nome das cordas.
String 1 two and 3 are then known as raw strings. We also have the strings, which are the other three strings that happen to be far more severe or thicker than strings 4,5 and six. In summary, we have the strings 1 two and 3 that are the cords along with the four, 5 and six which are the guitars. A further interesting fascinating truth is the fact that the initial string along with the sixth string are the identical note. Notice that they've exactly the same sound, only one particular is sharp and one significant.
In this video we also show just a little additional about this topic:
The names with the guitar strings one particular by one particular
Now let's speak in regards to the name with the guitar strings: the first string may be the note Mi (E), better referred to as "mizinho", the second string is the note si (B), the third string would be the note sun (G) , the fourth string and the back note (D), the fifth string plus the note there (A) as well as the sixth string will be the note Mi (E). It is actually necessary to note that you'll find also other guitar tunings. One can find many people who use the guitar tuned within the important back tone (D), but the normal tone that the guitars are available in is what we contact Mi important (E). You will find still numerous others practiced by musicians who play the fingerstyle style.
The essential factor for those who're beginning now would be to have this notion with the name from the guitar strings as well as the standard tuning in Mi Mayor (E) and more than time understand the other tunings and new approaches. I hope this lesson has helped you and that this video has brought clarification to you. Now just put into practice what that you are studying from us right here within the channel. You might like this lesson here also: Lições de violão gospel
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djpuzy-blog · 7 years
Name of Guitar Strings in a Very simple and Sensible Way for you to Discover At this time
At this time I want to show you slightly bit about an extremely essential subject for those who're beginning to play the guitar, which is the name from the guitar strings, and how they are distributed on the instrument. Ahead of speaking the name of the strings it's valuable to know some thing that invariably ask me: of what supplies are usually produced guitar strings?
There may perhaps be a lot more models than the ones I am going to talk about right here at this time, however the ones I fundamentally know will be the nylon rope models, then we also have steel strings, brass and nickel rope strings. They are by far the most prevalent supplies I've encountered along the way attempting out some rope models, but it can be that with the evolution there inside the market, some other model might have come up as well.
Instrument models along with the name with the guitar strings
 Besides understanding the name from the strings of the guitar, a further essential thing that you simply will need to understand in your finding out, is the fact that the musical instrument will play six strings. In Brazil we've a common guitar model which is composed of seven strings, but it is just not probably the most fashionable. The majority of people use the six strings, so for all those who're starting out it is vital to very first understand this format of the exact same six string guitar.
The name in the strings of your guitar are completely connected for the distribution of notes around the strings. The six strings from the guitar represent six notes, and they're counted and they are counted in the bottom up inside the following order: initially, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. One other necessary point to understand is that these six strings are divided into two categories: raw strings and strings.
See additional on how you can study the name of the guitar strings, veja mais sobre as cordas do violão.
String 1 2 and 3 are then named raw strings. We also possess the strings, that are the other 3 strings that are extra really serious or thicker than strings 4,5 and 6. In summary, we've the strings 1 2 and three that are the cords and the four, 5 and six that are the guitars. One other intriguing fascinating reality is the fact that the very first string along with the sixth string are the same note. Notice that they've the exact same sound, only a single is sharp and 1 serious.
Within this video we also show somewhat a lot more about this topic:
The names from the guitar strings a single by one particular
Now let's talk about the name in the guitar strings: the very first string could be the note Mi (E), far better generally known as "mizinho", the second string may be the note si (B), the third string is definitely the note sun (G) , the fourth string along with the back note (D), the fifth string plus the note there (A) and also the sixth string will be the note Mi (E). It's crucial to note that you can get also other guitar tunings. You will find men and women who make use of the guitar tuned within the important back tone (D), but the common tone that the guitars come in is what we get in touch with Mi main (E). There are still a lot of other individuals practiced by musicians who play the fingerstyle style.
The crucial thing for all those that are beginning now is to have this notion of the name of the guitar strings along with the typical tuning in Mi Mayor (E) and more than time discover the other tunings and new approaches. I hope this lesson has helped you and that this video has brought clarification to you. Now just place into practice what you might be studying from us right here in the channel. You could like this lesson here too: Primeira aula de violão gospel
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pure-bodied-blog · 7 years
Name of Guitar Strings inside a Easy and Sensible Way for you personally to Understand At this time
Currently I desire to show you somewhat bit about an incredibly imperative topic for all those that are beginning to play the guitar, which is the name with the guitar strings, and how they are distributed on the instrument. Prior to speaking the name from the strings it is necessary to know anything that normally ask me: of what materials are usually created guitar strings?
There may be a great deal more models than the ones I am going to speak about here at the moment, however the ones I basically know are the nylon rope models, then we also have steel strings, brass and nickel rope strings. These are the most common materials I've encountered along the way trying out some rope models, but it could be that together with the evolution there within the industry, some other model may have come up at the same time.
Instrument models plus the name of the guitar strings
 Apart from realizing the name from the strings on the guitar, another crucial factor which you require to know in your understanding, is that the musical instrument will play six strings. In Brazil we've a standard guitar model that is certainly composed of seven strings, however it is not probably the most common. Most people use the six strings, so for those that are beginning out it truly is vital to initial discover this format in the exact same six string guitar.
The name in the strings in the guitar are completely connected for the distribution of notes around the strings. The six strings from the guitar represent six notes, and they may be counted and they're counted in the bottom up within the following order: initially, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. A further fundamental factor to understand is that these six strings are divided into two categories: raw strings and strings.
See extra on learn how to learn the name in the guitar strings, veja mais sobre as cordas do violão.
String 1 two and three are then called raw strings. We also have the strings, which are the other 3 strings which are much more really serious or thicker than strings 4,5 and six. In summary, we've got the strings 1 two and three that are the cords along with the 4, five and six which are the guitars. Another exciting fascinating reality is the fact that the initial string plus the sixth string will be the exact same note. Notice that they have the identical sound, only one particular is sharp and 1 really serious.
In this video we also show somewhat extra about this topic:
The names in the guitar strings 1 by a single
Now let's speak concerning the name on the guitar strings: the first string would be the note Mi (E), greater referred to as "mizinho", the second string may be the note si (B), the third string would be the note sun (G) , the fourth string along with the back note (D), the fifth string plus the note there (A) and also the sixth string is definitely the note Mi (E). It is vital to note that you will find also other guitar tunings. There are many people who make use of the guitar tuned within the significant back tone (D), but the typical tone that the guitars are available in is what we get in touch with Mi significant (E). You'll find nonetheless many other folks practiced by musicians who play the fingerstyle style.
The fundamental thing for those who're starting now is usually to have this notion with the name in the guitar strings and the normal tuning in Mi Mayor (E) and over time study the other tunings and new methods. I hope this lesson has helped you and that this video has brought clarification to you. Now just place into practice what you are learning from us right here within the channel. You could like this lesson right here as well: Aprendendo violão gospel
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Name of Guitar Strings inside a Hassle-free and Practical Way for you personally to Understand At this time
Presently I want to show you slightly bit about an extremely significant subject for all those who are starting to play the guitar, which is the name in the guitar strings, and how they're distributed around the instrument. Prior to speaking the name of the strings it truly is important to understand some thing that usually ask me: of what supplies are usually produced guitar strings?
There may very well be a lot more models than the ones I'm going to speak about here at the moment, but the ones I essentially know are the nylon rope models, then we also have steel strings, brass and nickel rope strings. These are essentially the most prevalent components I've encountered along the way attempting out some rope models, nevertheless it may be that using the evolution there within the market, some other model might have come up as well.
Instrument models and the name in the guitar strings
 Besides figuring out the name of the strings in the guitar, one more crucial issue which you need to know inside your mastering, is the fact that the musical instrument will play six strings. In Brazil we have a common guitar model that's composed of seven strings, nevertheless it is not by far the most trendy. Many people make use of the six strings, so for all those that are beginning out it is actually important to first understand this format from the very same six string guitar.
The name with the strings from the guitar are completely connected to the distribution of notes on the strings. The six strings in the guitar represent six notes, and they may be counted and they're counted from the bottom up inside the following order: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. An additional significant issue to know is the fact that these six strings are divided into two categories: raw strings and strings.
See far more on the right way to discover the name from the guitar strings, veja mais em detalhes este assunto.
String 1 2 and three are then called raw strings. We also have the strings, which are the other 3 strings that happen to be extra critical or thicker than strings 4,five and six. In summary, we have the strings 1 two and three that are the cords along with the four, five and six that are the guitars. Yet another intriguing fascinating fact is that the initial string along with the sixth string are the very same note. Notice that they have exactly the same sound, only a single is sharp and a single severe.
In this video we also show somewhat way more about this topic:
The names of the guitar strings one particular by a single
Now let's talk in regards to the name on the guitar strings: the initial string may be the note Mi (E), improved referred to as "mizinho", the second string is definitely the note si (B), the third string will be the note sun (G) , the fourth string plus the back note (D), the fifth string plus the note there (A) along with the sixth string would be the note Mi (E). It really is crucial to note that you can get also other guitar tunings. You will find people who make use of the guitar tuned within the big back tone (D), but the typical tone that the guitars are available in is what we call Mi main (E). There are actually nonetheless several other folks practiced by musicians who play the fingerstyle style.
The vital thing for those who're starting now is to have this notion from the name on the guitar strings and also the typical tuning in Mi Mayor (E) and more than time learn the other tunings and new strategies. I hope this lesson has helped you and that this video has brought clarification to you. Now just put into practice what you will be mastering from us right here within the channel. You could like this lesson here as well: Lições de violão gospel
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Name of Guitar Strings in a Relatively easy and Sensible Way for you personally to Study Right now
Currently I desire to show you a bit bit about a really fundamental topic for all those that are beginning to play the guitar, which can be the name with the guitar strings, and how they are distributed around the instrument. Before speaking the name with the strings it is imperative to understand something that consistently ask me: of what components are often produced guitar strings?
There could possibly be a great deal more models than the ones I'm going to speak about here at the moment, but the ones I essentially know are the nylon rope models, then we also have steel strings, brass and nickel rope strings. They are by far the most prevalent components I've encountered along the way trying out some rope models, however it may perhaps be that with all the evolution there in the industry, some other model might have come up at the same time.
Instrument models as well as the name with the guitar strings
 Besides knowing the name with the strings in the guitar, an additional essential issue that you just require to know inside your studying, is the fact that the musical instrument will play six strings. In Brazil we have a common guitar model that is certainly composed of seven strings, but it will not be essentially the most widely used. The majority of people make use of the six strings, so for all those who are beginning out it can be essential to initial find out this format in the exact same six string guitar.
The name with the strings in the guitar are totally connected towards the distribution of notes on the strings. The six strings on the guitar represent six notes, and they're counted and they are counted from the bottom up inside the following order: initial, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. Yet another essential thing to know is the fact that these six strings are divided into two categories: raw strings and strings.
See much more on methods to discover the name on the guitar strings, saber o nome das cordas do violão.
String 1 two and 3 are then known as raw strings. We also have the strings, which are the other three strings that happen to be a great deal more critical or thicker than strings 4,five and six. In summary, we've the strings 1 two and 3 which are the cords along with the four, five and six that are the guitars. One more interesting interesting fact is that the initial string and the sixth string would be the identical note. Notice that they have precisely the same sound, only one is sharp and one significant.
In this video we also show a little bit additional about this subject:
The names in the guitar strings one particular by 1
Now let's speak concerning the name with the guitar strings: the first string could be the note Mi (E), better called "mizinho", the second string is the note si (B), the third string is the note sun (G) , the fourth string as well as the back note (D), the fifth string along with the note there (A) plus the sixth string is the note Mi (E). It is actually vital to note that you'll find also other guitar tunings. There are actually people who make use of the guitar tuned inside the significant back tone (D), but the standard tone that the guitars are available in is what we contact Mi key (E). There can be still a lot of other folks practiced by musicians who play the fingerstyle style.
The imperative factor for all those who are beginning now is to have this notion in the name of your guitar strings as well as the typical tuning in Mi Mayor (E) and over time learn the other tunings and new ways. I hope this lesson has helped you and that this video has brought clarification to you. Now just place into practice what you happen to be finding out from us right here inside the channel. You might like this lesson right here as well: Tocando gospel
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North Country Primer #7: Raymond Morin, Pittsburgh. PA
Originally published at North Country Primitive in May 2015
The seventh installment in our North Country Primer series features Pittsburgh-based guitarist, Raymond Morin, who many of you may also know as the head honcho of the excellent fingerstyle blog, Work & Worry, a key inspiration for our own humble efforts. While Work & Worry has gone on the back burner for the time being, Raymond has been finding plenty more guitar-related activity to keep him busy - as well as repairing and building them as part of his day job, he is also organising regular gigs for like-minded musicians passing through Pittsburgh and, alongside David Leicht, playing as one half of acoustic duo Pairdown - more of which below.
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Tell us a bit about yourself and the musical journey that took you to a place where you concluded that playing an acoustic guitar on your own was a good idea...
I grew up in an old mill town in northeast Connecticut, pretty removed from anything interesting.  I initially started playing music just because it was something to do when the weather wasn’t conducive to skateboarding.  My girlfriend at the time - now my wife - had a guitar sitting under her bed, and I asked her to show me some chords.  Her dad jokes that because he originally taught her the chords that she passed on to me, he’s the one who basically taught me everything I know!   I originally put down the pick back in my band days, when I played in a sort of chamber-pop group called The Higher Burning Fire.  I guess my initial thought was that it would distinguish the sound of my playing if I picked with my fingers and came up with the most physically demanding chord shapes I could think of, stuff that I couldn’t imagine other guitarists going to the trouble to execute.  As I developed as a “fingerstyle” player, I came to the logical conclusion that not only could I play somewhat orchestrally on my own, but there was a tradition of doing this thing on acoustic guitars, which had their own exotic appeal, and travelled a lot more easily than electrics plus amps. What has influenced your music and why? I loved alternative and college rock in high school, R.E.M., Morrissey and The Smiths, Jane’s Addiction etc, but I always had Simon & Garfunkel and Bob Dylan rattling around in my head, from when my parents used to listen to the oldies radio station on family trips.  I got really into indie and post-rock for a few years after high school, stuff like Unwound, Fugazi, Tortoise, June of 44, Boys Life, etc.  When I started playing acoustic guitar and fingerpicking more, I started digging deeper into the older  stuff, in addition to writing my own songs, and naturally found my way to my longtime favorites: Bert, Davy, John Renbourn, Martin Carthy, that whole generation of players just never ceases to enthrall me. So in addition to the records that I was listening to, I was lucky enough to befriend a few players over the years that have continued to have a massive influence on the way I play and perceive music.  The first is a great friend of mine named Matthew Goulet, who I met when I lived in Boston.  I was a year or two into exploring British folk and blues music, and Matt had all of that stuff down cold, but was also an exceptional ragtime picker.  As a guitarist, that was a big door to have someone open for you!  Within a couple days of meeting Matt, I knew that I would never be happy until I learned to play like him, and I’ll be damned if I’m not still trying.   The second biggest influence on the way that I think about guitar playing is probably Milo Jones, a criminally under-known guitarist from Boston and another good friend.  I can’t begin to describe how deep Milo’s music goes, he’s a very accomplished player and singer who has a pretty unique vision, a harmonic sophistication that’s unrivaled in the “solo guitar dude” world.  More rooted in jazz, I guess.  His YouTube videos are great, and you can listen to a ton of his recorded music on his Bandcamp page. The biggest influence is my ongoing partnership with David Leicht. We play as a fingerstyle duo called Pairdown.  When I first moved to Pittsburgh and met Dave, we were both plying our wares as solo singer/songwriter types, he was fingerpicking just a little bit… I think initially we both just liked each other's lyrics, and we just got on really well together.  In the time I’ve known him, Dave has become a real master at composing for the acoustic guitar, and it’s a huge challenge for me coming up with parts that are worthy of being attached to his songs.  He has also become a fantastic fingerpicker in his own right.  He can play Ton Van Bergeyk’s Grizzly Bear for crying out loud.  That ain’t easy. What have you been up to recently? Well, I have a young daughter who is at the top of the priority list these days.  I manage and do repairs at a musical instrument shop called Acoustic Music Works here in Pittsburgh, so that’s the full-time gig.  It’ll be three years ago this summer that I started learning to build acoustic guitars, so that takes up a lot of my time, just exploring that and honing that craft.  I’m very fortunate to have access to a lot of insanely nice acoustics at my job, stuff like Collings and Bourgeois, some fancy luthier-built stuff and my share of old Martin and Gibsons, so I take a lot of notes. Since I started at AMW, I’ve also been presenting a lot of guitar-oriented concerts at the shop.  When I was writing about guitar music for workandworry.com (still online, but kind of dormant these days, with everything else going on) I got to speak to a lot of these guys whenever they had a new record in the works, and now I’m able to give them a cool place to play when they’re on tour.  Pittsburgh is not exactly known as a raging guitar soli town, you know?  But we have a good time, and I’ve been able to get cash into everyone’s pockets, which I know wasn’t the case at a lot of the places that these guys and gals used to play when they passed through.  If you’re reading this blog and are planning a tour that passes through Pittsburgh, feel free to hit me up about a gig at [email protected]. Other than that, we’re currently gearing up to record a new Pairdown LP, which is very exciting.  Some of our best guitar-work so far, for sure, but also some of our coolest songs.  We have a couple real epics on our hands, some real dynamic tunes that have lots of twists and turns… so we’ll probably record that starting this summer sometime, maybe early in the fall.  
What are you listening to right now, old or new? Any recommendations you’d like to share with us? This would be a good time to score some cool points, but I’m afraid my music listening has no agenda, rhyme or reason behind it.  Lately it’s lots of Mastodon, First Aid Kit, Sturgill Simpson, John Renbourn, Steve Gunn, Phil Ochs.  I got to hear what I believe are the final mixes for the new James Elkington / Nathan Salsburg duet record, those guys are incredible.  Their first one, Avos, is easily one of my favorites from the current generation of guitar players, and Nathan’s solo stuff is nothing short of breathtaking.  I’d recommend that anyone who wants to hear great guitar playing listen to Milo Jones.  I also love LOVE the ragtime playing of John James, and Stefan Grossman has been reissuing James’ Kicking Mule LPs on CD over the last couple years.   The guitar nerd bit: what guitars do you play and what do you like about them? Is there anything out there you’re coveting? My main guitar is a custom by Trevor Healy, who builds acoustics and electrics in Easthampton, MA as Healy Guitars.  It’s called his RM model, it’s a small jumbo (16” lower bout) and this particular one is 25” scale, with an Adirondack spruce top and Cuban mahogany back and sides.  I’ve had this guitar for over three years now, it sounds wonderful and it just gets better and better, all the time.  Your readers might now Trevor from the Beyond Berkeley Guitar CD that came out on Tompkins Square a few years ago, he’s a great fingerpicker in addition to being a great luthier.   I also recently built myself a ladder-braced L-00 sized guitar, a copy of the new Waterloo WL-14 that Collings came up with.  Those are based on the old Kalamazoo KG-14s that Gibson built for the catalog/department store market during the depression, something like a $15 guitar at the time.  Mine is a really dry sounding guitar, with a very quick and immediate response.  It’s great for the really snappy ragtime and country blues stuff, but honestly pretty much everything sounds awesome on it.  It has a really chunky “V” neck, which scares off a lot of people, but I love it. I’m around hundreds of brilliant guitars all day at work, so a certain amount of self control is required.  One day I’d like to build myself an OM-45 out of one of the sets of Brazilian rosewood that I have, or better yet, have Trevor build it! Banjos: yes or no? For sure!  Corn Potato String Band from Detroit just played at my shop a few weeks ago, and they had a two-banjo version of “Nola” played in harmony… totally blew my socks off! What are you planning to do next? I’ve got a bunch of guitar building commissions and other projects lined up, pretty much through the end of the year, so between that and the new Pairdown record getting recorded, I’ve got my work cut out for me.   What should we have asked you and didn’t? Nah, I’ve gone on plenty.  Thanks, keep up the good work!
Pairdown have a Bandcamp page here. You can read Work & Worry here. Meanwhile, you can find out more about Acoustic Music Works here.
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Name of Guitar Strings within a Simple and Practical Way for you to Study At the moment
Right now I choose to show you a little bit bit about an incredibly imperative subject for those that are beginning to play the guitar, which is the name with the guitar strings, and how they are distributed on the instrument. Before speaking the name of the strings it can be critical to understand one thing that frequently ask me: of what components are often created guitar strings?
There can be a lot more models than the ones I am going to speak about here at this time, however the ones I generally know would be the nylon rope models, then we also have steel strings, brass and nickel rope strings. They are essentially the most prevalent components I've encountered along the way trying out some rope models, however it may be that using the evolution there inside the industry, some other model might have come up at the same time.
Instrument models as well as the name in the guitar strings
 Apart from knowing the name with the strings on the guitar, one more very important issue which you will need to know in your studying, is that the musical instrument will play six strings. In Brazil we've got a typical guitar model that is certainly composed of seven strings, but it just isn't probably the most well-known. Many people make use of the six strings, so for all those who are starting out it is fundamental to initial find out this format in the very same six string guitar.
The name of the strings of your guitar are completely connected for the distribution of notes on the strings. The six strings of your guitar represent six notes, and they're counted and they are counted from the bottom up in the following order: initially, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. One more essential factor to understand is that these six strings are divided into two categories: raw strings and strings.
See even more on find out how to discover the name from the guitar strings, e entenda melhor este assunto.
String 1 two and three are then referred to as raw strings. We also have the strings, that are the other 3 strings that happen to be additional really serious or thicker than strings 4,5 and 6. In summary, we have the strings 1 2 and three that are the cords along with the four, five and six which are the guitars. Another fascinating intriguing fact is the fact that the very first string and also the sixth string would be the exact same note. Notice that they've the same sound, only a single is sharp and 1 severe.
Within this video we also show a little bit extra about this subject:
The names from the guitar strings a single by a single
Now let's talk about the name with the guitar strings: the first string will be the note Mi (E), much better referred to as "mizinho", the second string would be the note si (B), the third string is the note sun (G) , the fourth string as well as the back note (D), the fifth string as well as the note there (A) plus the sixth string would be the note Mi (E). It is essential to note that you will discover also other guitar tunings. You can get individuals who use the guitar tuned in the key back tone (D), however the common tone that the guitars come in is what we call Mi big (E). You will find nonetheless several other people practiced by musicians who play the fingerstyle style.
The necessary thing for those who're starting now will be to have this notion on the name of your guitar strings and also the regular tuning in Mi Mayor (E) and over time find out the other tunings and new ways. I hope this lesson has helped you and that this video has brought clarification to you. Now just put into practice what you're mastering from us here within the channel. You could like this lesson here also: Tirando um som gospel
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