#you might not like her but she sure does know how to manipulate her image and the web loves that
happy-little-ghost · 5 months
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If there's something @friccafracc has taught me is that I need to be more unhinged about my tmasona. Her name isn't Parker but she goes by that, being web aligned and all.
Bonus messy sketch of Parker giving Strandy dubious advice.
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dunmeshistash · 5 months
How do you feel about Milsiril? Like what do you think of her interactions between the canaries, her goals, her intentions and morality? I keep seeing people with mixed feelings about her, some saying she's just toxic or morally grey or doing bad but with good intentions or that she's just a mentally ill and literally so much more, also with the comic about Otta calling Milsiril love for her children/Kabru as just love for a pet, I always saw people take it at face value and say yes, Milsiril did love them more as pets instead of children, did she take up raising/adopting non-elf children because she felt like none of them could ridicule her like the elves did because they didn't know what an elf was supposed to be like (and also because they were children) or did she inherently view them as less? I mean the canaries and I'm pretty sure almost all of the cast in dungeon meshi have some sort perspective on different races especially because how they were taught about them, i just think it was interesting to finally see someone interpret it as Otta just misinterpreting Milsiril, I'm just really interested in her, i think shes neat, sorry for the rant!
Ooh, well to preface this, I hadn't really realized Milsiril was such a controversial character before my last post, I kinda live under a rock. She's really not a character I had given much thought besides what I wrote there before it, but I can do my best to express what I have thought since, with sources for it. I'm not sure what order to go thru so I'll just go by manga appearances and then extras, this will probably be quite a long post
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This is the first time she shows up in the manga (ch55) Kabru is wondering about what future they might have if the elves take them into custody because of the ancient magic, he thinks about Milsiril as a get out of jail card, and mentions "There's a chance they would make us become permanent resident of the elven lands." with the image of Milsiril holding him. I don't think that means she would be the one to not let them leave, since this would probably be an legal issue, and the fact Milsiril lives away from other Elves. It does set up that Milsiril is quite overprotective tho, with Kabru's reaction to her teary hug. (rest is under a cut)
The next time she shows up is in ch61 right after Kabru falls down the dungeon along with Mithrun, he faints and has this flashback
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She's being her overbearing self treating Kabru's small injury as if its something you need to be in bed for, hand feeding him like he's a toddler, and when he insists he wants to learn how to fight and be strong like her, she hugs him revealing to us for the first time her arm scars, she's cleary in distress too, so you wonder "what has happened to her?"
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It continues in the next pages, as she tells him to stay there, where it's safe and there's cake, and describes the bad things he might encounter. Until he tells her he will go with or without her help
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Honestly this is a Kabru we don't see often, this is the version of him that is usually in thought bubbles, he's blowing out in frustation over being smothered and demanding straight up what he wants, instead of trying to manipulate Milsiril, very blunt for him. Milsiril seems to flip a switch into battle mode, when she decides to train him for real.
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I really thought this was funny, the visual of these cuddly toys and this Mom that was being so soft just a second ago completely flipping into something menacing is very amusing to me. She says "I'll give you an exhaustive, thorough training in how to use a sword... until you finally decide that you're ready to give up." although it sounds cruel, it seems she really trained him as best she could to make sure he would survive the dungeon. If he couldn't take the training with her there was no way he would be able to take on the dungeon, but he could, so much so that he managed to make her let him go. I can see this being seen as her trying to prevent him from going but to me it seems more like some tough love from a traumatized war veteran in this case.
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The last thoughts he has is admitting his Mom was right, "Not only were there plenty of traps, monsters, and malice... but there were times when I felt so hungry and cold that I couldn't stand it."
And he concludes with "I never once thought that I wanted to go back there. That room where I could eat all the cake that I wanted..." While I can understand the interpretation that he means he would rather go thru all this than go back, perhaps cause he hated it there, I think it's rather a statement to how committed he is to defeating the dungeon, the visuals show him in rubble vs him in a soft big bed, the rough reality he fought to be able to face and the comfyness of what his life could be. Plus is mirroring exactly what Milsiril said to him. Admitting she was right about the bad things but that he won't give up for the safe easy life he had.
After that visuals of Milsiril are used while Kabru tries to sus out Mithrun but she shows up again in Mithrun's backstory.
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Here she's straight up called Gloomy, which wasn't really the version of her we saw so far, gotta remember this is also how Mithrun saw her and that she was called gloomy as a way of bullying. Kabru mostly cuts off her part in the story until the end, when she's the one to find Mithrun after he was eaten by the demon
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She doesn't really care much for Mithrun as we see in some extras, and she was ready to mercy kill him, but she is also the one to spare his life. This could be seen as her thinking he can still be of use, and it's how it sounds with how Kabru tells the story, but I do think this was also a merciful act, Mithrun was in rehabilitation for 20 years after being saved, by the time he was actually useful for anything Milsiril had already left the canaries and adopted Kabru.
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Now for extras... About Mithrun/The Canaries, Milsiril was cleary someone that hated the people around her. This is her extra in the Adventurer's Bible
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Milsiril seems to be the type that hates "popular kids" so to say, her description says she was bullied by other elves for being so introverted so I believe she holds a grudge against people like Mithrun that seem to have succeeded where she failed. But realizing he was a twisted person like her seemed to make her feel more sympathetic towards him, that's why I think she really did act with mercy when she saves Mithrun, he's now someone she sees as similar to her, she sees he also suffered like her
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Her decription also mentions she left the canaries specifically because she was disgusted with how the Utaya situation was dealt with. Yet it seems like she came back to help Mithrun with his rehabilitation once she quits.
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There's an interpretation to be made that she did this only to get "revenge" on the demon since she just saw the destruction of Utaya, and that she's using him. On the other hand maybe she wants to help him find a motivation to live, she's no longer a canary and she has time to actually help him now. I don't know which one is the truth but it's not obviously something self-serving if you ask me. Especially in the context that right before this scene Milsiril admits she wishes they could have talked before.
My interpretation of her relationship with the canaries and other elves is that she's someone depressed that was mistreat for her 'quirky' side, the dolls are clearly one of the ways she used to cope with anxiety/depression but it only caused her to be bullied by her own kin, she's the daughter of an important family and it's shown in other extras, including one about Mithrun, that nobles often send out the kids they don't want around to become canaries. It's an easy way to get rid of someone undesirable and I think it was the case for Milsiril. (Pattadol even assumes her parents love her less than her sisters for sending her to join the canaries).
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No wonder than that now that she's finally free from the canaries she chose to seek her own happiness away from the society she felt she could never fit into, she clearly likes to take care of children too, I think it's mean to assume she only likes them because she feels superior to them when there's no indication that this is the case.
And I don't think it's a coincidence she's so overprotective of Kabru after Utaya, it's literally the tragedy that was the breaking point for her, and he's a surviving small child from that tragedy, Milsiril cares about Kabru and wanted him to have a comfortable safe life after everything he went thru...
This ended up getting way too long so I'll make second part tomorrow about the rest of the extras and Kabru, and some other things I've seen said about Milsiril, but to answer the questions...
I don't think she treats her children as pets, Otta is just salty she was called out for dating like Leo Dicaprio.
Every single dungeon meshi character can be called morally grey because they all have flaws that in our world can be considered unforgivable, but they don't live in our world. To me Milsiril is doing her best in the context she lives in.
Who even is neurotypical in dungeon meshi, Milsiril is yet another flavour of a neurodivergent traumatized character among so many.
I believe she thought of the other canaries, especially Mithrun, as the same type of people that were cruel to her, probably because some of them really were, but that she generalized it to the point she thinks of all of them as bad by default. You can only get hurt so many times before you assume everyone will hurt you.
Part 2
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atanx · 7 months
James Somerton's "A Measured Response": A Measured Response
so I watched a reupload of the video because idk i like to torture myself. and i took a bunch of notes:
“I tried to be a voice for every member of the queer community, but that was a failed endeavour before it even started.”
what a strange way to say ‘I tried making it seem like I’m the only queer creator and stole from and actively harmed people in the queer community. knowingly. purposefully. and when I was called out in the past I tried to hide it.'
“I'm a cis, white, gay man. No matter how much I try to be a good spokesperson, I can never really, truly, understand the life experiences of other, far more put upon,  members of the queer community.”
so of course I stole and hid work from the people I can't understand, gutting it of their personal experiences and refused to redirect my audience to those people so that they can enrich themselves and hear about issues pertaining them from someone who actually does understand.
“...one of the reasons I used their own words. But I should have made it clear that that was what I was doing.”
“Being a cis white man I thought I might win over some people who otherwise wouldn't listen.”
Yeah sure. Because racist transphobes are going to be watching your badly plagiarised gay film analysis.
“I would also like to apologise to Jessie Gender, who is one of the kindest people I ever met. Through my hot-headedness, I drew her into this anger spiral.”
‘through my hotheadedness.’. shirking responsibility onto an ‘ingrained personality trait of yours’ I see.
if you are so honestly sorry for being an asshole to Jessie why don't you fucking apologise to her directly? privately? not as a way to boost your own fucking image??
he's trying to earn good will by complimenting Jessie Gender “oh he knows to compliment an awesome person we have that in common I guess he can't be so bad after all” fuck you I recognise your strategies and it's gross to drag Jessie into this like that, she spoke out against you and you are trying to imply some sort of friendship or something between you. okay I cannot UNDERSTATE the way he tries to make it seem like they are close in some way and sort of drag her onto his side that's so fucking despicable. as far as I know Jessie Gender does not have a relationship with him of any kind?
once again bringing up death threats I see. obviously death threats are shite and anyone who threatens the dude in seriousness or harasses him will not see the light of heaven as Hbomberguy said but IN AN APOLOGY YOU DO NOT MAKE IT ABOUT YOU THAT'S MANIPULATION
also blaming the police for not clarifying a situation in a timely manner - the police are a flaming pile of garbage and I hope the institution explodes but NOT SAYING ANYTHING WAS YOUR CHOICE. THE POLICE DIDN'T MAKE YOU DO SHIT THERE
the problem isn't that you tried to “create a channel where all queer people could be safe”, the problem is that 1) you are a misogynist 2) you yourself engaged in transphobic behaviour and 3) you also actively supressed queer people's voices. The problem isn't that you supposedly wanted a space for all queer people, the problem is that you tried to MONOPOLISE queer literature analysis. fuck, queer doesn't look like a word anymore I've written it too many times now
(paraphrased) “I should have been helping with making queer people's voices discoverable” this makes it seem like he just didn't do anything and not like the reality that he was actively trying to rewrite history and bury LQBTQIA+ voices under his steaming pile of garbage
also BLAMING YOUTUBE AND THE ALGORITHM FOR ‘PUSHING HIM’ because he's cis and white, like maybe they did, I certainly wouldn't be surprised, but that is not why other creators suffered, a large part of that can be attributed to James Somerton stealing their work without any acknowledgement whatsoever apart maybe if they are lucky, a “based on” in the credits or their name flashing on screen for half a second.
“I should have done more to share the voices of other queer people” THAT IMPLIES YOU DID SOMETHING. YOU WERE ACTIVELY WORKING AGAINST THAT YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT-
“it was just my dweam to be a youtubew and when my videos gained twaction i felt pwessuwed to make mowe vewy quickly and that's why they wewe so shit uwu” fuck off you weren't pressured into shit you just wanted to make money and that's why you were a content mill
not him using Hbomberguy's example of the DEEP CUTS: SOCIETY AND QUEER HORROR video and claiming he credited all people in the opening scene when Hbomberguy highlighted he DIDNT EVEN CREDIT MOST OF THEM FUCK OFF ARE YOU DELUSIONAL HOW DO YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH THIS
I think I'm going insane this all seems so blatantly fake. he brings up the evil queens video and how he asked Sean Griffin, retroactively, permission to include his work in the video. and he shows a ‘screenshot’ of an email Griffin allegedly wrote to thank him for putting him in the title-card and that he thinks it is ‘a very thoughtful video’. only the text of the email header, such as Griffin's name, the RE:, and the To: is a lot smaller than the ‘text’ in the email, which leads me to believe that the below text is edited in some way. And with how hard James is trying to rewrite history, it wouldn't surprise me if he literally rewrote the email or cut things out to present himself in a more positive light. obviously I can't prove that the email is fake but I'll just say that I think the likelihood is very high that it is.
the way he says this also implies that he asked for permission after he made the video but hadn't published it yet. which is also blatantly false.
again trying to waltz off responsibility on nick, saying he was much more interested in production and implying that nick did all the writing .
“nick and I had both grown up poor so when I lost my job in 2021 (approx.) we of course were desperate and turned to producing videos even quicker and plagiarising the fuck out of all of them! but we can't help it we were both poor as kids!” fuck off, you weren't poor when plagiarising every-fucking-thing, this was in “the second year of COVID”. obviously if they really did grow up poor that sucks, and that's why we should eat the rich and redistribute their money. not plagiarise people who partly are poor or not financially cushy and manipulate thousands of people into believing you are the only queer creator.
also milking his mom's cancer. if you were really that worried about your financial situation, one would think that you would get an actual job for security and not put everything into your youtube career that is unstable, especially considering you've already done a lot of plagiarism and have no intention of stopping. “oh I plagiarised because my mom had cancer QAQ” that is so digusting to use a person's medical condition like that.
“i have memory issues because of a head injury i suffered as a child and that's why I plagiarise badly. see, I copy pasted the text with the intention to rephrase it later but forgot.” that would still be fucking plagiarism if he'd done that, also, if he's so aware of his memory issues and how they lead to him plagiarising, why didn't he try to work around that? leave himself notes? or tell nick to remind him to integrate actual proper credit and citations before uploading a video? mark the plagiarised stuff in the document with like highlighter or so when you're pasting it in?? oh but he didn't do all of that because he has ADHD. now, ADHD can be debilitating, but he says it's recently diagnosed so it must not have caused a lot of problems for him so far, so it's probably not severe and even if it is, it doesn't excuse him not crediting people properly. stop fucking hiding behind things ‘you can’t change' because if you truly can't you probably shouldn't be doing this in the first place.
“my mom really wanted me to make a movie with her life insurance but that wasn't paid out so I decided to crowdfund it. i planned to underpay the actors so hard it was under union wages. we got more money than we were expecting and upgraded to wanting to film a feature (final girl) but i didn't want to start working on it until the campaign was over for some reason that totally isn't me just wanting to exploit people for money!”
I'm not gonna go into the Telos stuff but he tries to explain it by claiming it was very unorganised and that's why they constantly ran into issues and that's why nothing ever got done and they were JUST about to start doing stuff when the Hbomberguy video released. You know what, I can believe it, although I am very doubtful considering all James ever does is lie. Idk. 
once again trying to excuse his plagiarism with needing to pay two rents and thus needing to make more videos for more sponsors and not having the time to not plagiarise like please. i don't believe that they were in that dire need of money and if they were - just get a fucking stable job and put youtube on the backburner. 
also once again trying to make it all about him by once again talking about his suicide attempt and death threats. like. no one should suffer through that kind of mental anguish but honestly I cannot bring myself to feel sympathy for this man. and i see this as an attempt to gather pity points.
“nick worked very hard on these videos other three years and it's unfair to [them] (james says that they're non-binary but doesn't indicate their pronouns anywhere? and in the beginning he uses they/them but later only he/him so idk what their pronouns are but it seems like they/them is at least part of their pronouns so i'm just going to use that) that they all got taken down” well y'all shouldn't have fucking plagiarised then. let this be a lesson maybe and don't fucking show your face on youtube again!
he is fucking relaunching his channel. like james. this isn't something you come back from. no one will ever be able to trust you ever again and you don't deserve an audience. he claims all the revenue will go to Hbomberguy's fund but we have no way to verify this. we have no way to know just how much he makes and how much of that is actually going to the fund. i don't trust him with any money. which is why i watched a reupload rather than the original. he's also releasing a new video he claims is entirely by him. like?????? don't???????
he also might not relaunch his existing patreon but he's still making a new one.
he claims he will “work his ass off” to make non-plagiarised videos. like that isn't “working your ass off” that's the bare fucking minimum. I really want to trust him. and I want to believe he'll actually try to do better. and maybe he will. and i believe in second chances, even for someone as despicable as him. but throughout this video he has continuously tried to play down what he did. tried to make excuses for everything. and that's why i am not going to give him a second chance. if he can't even admit what he did i don't trust him to not do it again. and i also just plainly don't want to endorse a person making such arguments.
also, he plugs his fucking new patreon right after this.
“this video is not about me promoting myself. it's about me apologising.” the only fucking person you actually ‘apologised’ to is Jessie Gender. 
James Somerton: makes a billion fucking excuses. Also James Somerton: “These are not excuses. There is no excuse for what I did.”
this entire video was just a publicity stunt. he tries to humanise himself and repair his image. this is just a tool to be able to continue on and continue making money.
he also still claims the disney video was based on the Celluloid Closet and he credited the author and ignores that this wasn't the only author he fucking plagiarised in that video. he is trying to reduce his plagiarsm to incorrect crediting and mistakes and that is disgusting.
the least he could have done was mention by name out loud every author he plagiarised and what work he plagiarised. not just say “uuuh i'm sorry to everyone I plagiarised QAQ”
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vixstarria · 8 months
Vix, gimme an interaction between Wyll and Astarion. Where Astarion is like yo quit trying to steal my girl. But in his Astarion-y way that you write so well! <3
Congrats on 1000 followers my friend!
My pleasure, here's what I came up with:
Bonus Astarion POV scene following Seeing stars:
Earlier this evening you’d finally pulled her aside, confessing your lies and manipulation. Laying bare more details about your past. Fully expecting that to be the end of whatever it was you had with her.  
And yet, despite all odds, she stayed. She wasn’t even angry with you. Something was definitely wrong with her. Delightfully, maddeningly so.  
The proverbial shoe would inevitably drop sooner or later – this was too good to be true. But until then, you could allow yourself more of these impossible moments of comfort and happiness.  
You now stalked the camp, trying to find something to occupy yourself with. You’d been doing your utmost to avoid following her around like a lovesick puppy. After all, now you knew she would be back in your arms again later tonight. And you wouldn’t need to do anything but hold her. 
You caught sight of Wyll. An irritated anger still seethed in you after the stunt he had pulled yesterday. He had managed to avoid you all day, having stayed back in camp. 
He was sparring with Lae’zel, trying to teach her how to use a rapier. She was arguing, perhaps justifiably, that she didn't see the point in poking small holes in someone when she could simply cut them in half with a greatsword.  
On an impulse, you approached.  
“A moment with your sparring mate, if you don’t mind,” you directed at Lae’zel. She motioned you to go ahead, with a knowing look.  
Before Wyll could react you swiftly kicked his legs out from under him, simultaneously grabbing him by a horn and catching him in a headlock.  
“I heard you’re not too fond of the horns. Rest assured, I will assist you in breaking them off should you touch what does not belong to you again.” 
Lae’zel stood back observing, arms crossed, with an amused expression on her face, as Wyll scuttled, kicking up dust, trying to keep his balance.  
“You are right, and I apologise! I was caught up in the moment and not thinking straight,” Wyll gritted through his teeth. Trying to keep the peace and stay amicable even now. How dull. 
“Yes, I’m sure you were quite caught up in the moment you had orchestrated.” You dropped him in the dirt. “Just don’t do it again,” you said, starting to walk away.  
“Would you have pulled his hair if you could grasp it?” 
Apparently the scuffle had merited a rare smile from Lae’zel.  
“Honestly... Probably, yes,” you said without slowing down, as you walked past her. It wasn’t too long ago that Tav mentioned that Lae’zel herself had propositioned her recently, and you were not about to get into an altercation with the githyanki. 
“You have already mastered biting, but have you considered scratching as a tactic?” she called out after you.  
Over two centuries old, and reduced to fistfights over your lover, like a grease-faced adolescent.  
It was mere days ago that you socked Gale in the nose for referring to Tav as your ‘livestock’. He still sported a bruise and steered clear of you. 
Had you gotten into fights over love interests in your youth, you wondered. You scoured your memory for anything that might ring a bell, but came well short of any images. Some ghost of a feeling whispered faintly in your mind. Despair at... being rejected? Excluded? Were there several people involved at once..? The memory came up as a sour aftertaste of melancholy and dejection. It must have been sharp once, for any remnant to survive for over 200 years. You didn’t try to pursue it further. 
You rounded a corner to see Tav talking with that mountain of an elf named Halsin.  
Did you truly just overhear them talking about how large he is..? 
Ha! But also, really? Sigh... Fuck my unlife... 
You would deal with that later, if it ever came to that. You kept walking. 
You glanced at Shadowheart. The cleric was praying in her corner of the campsite, as she was wont to do more and more often in her spare time, of late. When had she approached Tav, anyway, you wondered. Must have been back at the tiefling party. Hardly a threat anymore.  
What now?  
You spotted Karlach stargazing near her excuse of a tent.  
You grabbed a bottle of wine you found palatable from one of the supply crates and made your way towards the tiefling.  
“Karlach! My best friend, my pal. My home-girl, my rotten soldier. My sweet cheese, my good-time gal.” * 
“Are you okay there, fangs?” she gave you an apprehensive look.  
“Never been better! A game of cards, now that you can hold them yourself?” 
There. You could have normal, friendly interactions with your companions too.  
“Alright. But I’ll punch you every time I catch you cheating.” 
Absolutely normal.  
*Sorry, I couldn’t resist, the Lazlo quote plagues me.  
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What WOULD'VE happen if its the jofoes who saw a kid up skirting reader aka their darling?
I know they're villains and is very much cruel, but they wouldn't kill a child...right? (1-8, since the jofoes in P-9 haven't been revealed yet.)
Hmmm I could see a couple of instances of that happening, sadly (but I mean they are villains, but some are more restrained than others, perhaps more for image than anything)
Yandere! Part 1 (Pre Vampire) Dio - I could see this going with him yanking the brats hair and shoving them to the ground. It’s fairly easy for him to maintain his positive status to outsiders, so he could have something happen to them later (but I’d consider this the best outcome for that kid).
Yandere! Post Vampire Dio
Big chance this kid may die by being manipulated by Dio himself, he might decide to turn them/zombify them by apologizing and groveling (chance they could attack their own family). There’s also a chance the kid could just flat out be devoured by the other zombies, the blond wouldn’t even flinch at that. If he’s sorely out of patience he might kill/maim them himself, but it never would come to that. Keep in mind Dio was the type to turn a mother into a vampire and she ended up eating her own child.
Yandere! Kars
Absolutely no cares given about slaughtering a child, not even joking here. He only cares about you, not some slimy brat that decided to pull some nonsense on you. He’d probably lick you clean of the blood afterwards as well. No matter how mad or upset you got, would not make him anymore remorseful for the dead body strewn on the ground.
Yandere! Part 3 DIO
You’d more than likely be held captive in the mansion he’s in, within Egypt so this happening is unlikely. But in the unlikely event something like this happens, he’ll state how brazenly stupid such a move was. Unless he can use the kid in someway, he really doesn’t care what happens to them. So he might “punish” the kid as he sees it fit or have a stand user take care of them.
Yandere! Yoshikage Kira
As long as this kid didn’t see his rather “unusual” indulgences in the past, he doesn’t see a need to murder them right there, though I could see him consider it internally, where the kid wouldn’t be seen. He’s absolutely miffed however, and does grab their hand in a painful way though. Gives them the nastiest glare and reprimand there is, and the kid probably runs off heavily unsettled.
Yandere! Diavolo
Doppio is likely the one to take care of this of course, not that Diavolo he himself isn’t miffed. This probably just makes him consider to keep you locked away somewhere permanently. (This probably happens shortly after this little thing). Doppio makes sure to get it through this kids head, with the harshest grip known to man, that you don’t go doing that to anyone. Let alone anyone he or his boss likes.
Yandere! Enrico Pucci
His reaction is interesting, he is irritated perhaps even a bit visibly by this child’s behavior. He can’t let this kid get away with deciding to upskirt his darling either. He also is a priest image wise, so he has that to consider when punishing this adolescent person. He still has a firm grip on them and decides to take them aside and talk. He’ll face away from you while doing so, and moments later the kid is suddenly apologizing. You can’t tell if Pucci has an uncanny knack for speaking with people or if it’s something else. (It’s likely both).
Yandere! Funny Valentine
He’ll stop this kid almost immediately and there’s a sound of a smack to the back of the head. A stern look and a small speech about respect, Funny Valentine somehow manages to make the kid shame with those words. He wouldn’t let the kid run either and would personally escort them back home to their parents. As busy as he is as a president something childish like that won’t be overlooked by him. There’s a brief dark look in his eye, he can pull the strings to make things happen, he just doesn’t feel the need to expend them here. He does ask you to follow him closer for now on, (maybe an extra guard but he finds it more efficient to be the one to protect you)
Yandere! Toru
He certainly doesn’t appreciate it, and somehow they end up tripping or have some little mishap happen. Yet there’s a bit of a hum in his voice when he tells them he shouldn’t be doing such a thing to people. Any anger or frustration that gets thrown off at Toru, he nonchalantly brushes off. Suggesting the kid apologize, and nothing more will come of it. But there is a stern veiled threat in there somewhere that makes the kid decide to walk off.
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zebaji · 2 months
au where I mix up all of the Ninja's powers and backstories into a slushie mess and see what happens.
So far I have:
Wu gets bitten by the Great Devourer and becomes super manipulative and toxic, as he tries to make Ninjago perfect, neat, and orderly with the Golden weapons. (Think lord business from the lego movie) Too bad he refuses to use his Oni side to obtain four arms to use them together.
Garmadon still trains under Chen and practices the Dark arts, but understands the balance of good and evil, and is filled with guilt over the fact that Wu got bitten when it should have been him. Wu, who doesn't like that Garmadon leans into "evil" practices and banishes him to the underworld.
The Green Ninja is Morro, who is biologically Wu’s son. (yeah, you thought canon morro was bad, this morro is so much worse since he's literally the weapon in making Ninjago in Wu's image) His personality is pretty much the same as canon (perfectionist, obsessive, crazy) it's just that he is in fact the Green Ninja and Wu enables him a lot.
Before everyone figures out that Morro is the Green Ninja, they think it might be Kai, who is the brother of Maya and has the power of Wind. He's Morro's replacement in this au, in the sense that he is also desperate to become the Green Ninja by whatever means necessary, and Wu pits Morro and Kai in a rivalry to see who becomes the Green Ninja. And Morro, who cannot fail his father, becomes violent and kills Kai. Kai isn't great in this au either and ends up in the cursed realm and later becomes a ghost.
Misako sees how problematic Wu is and after Garmadon gets banished, she runs away with baby Lloyd and tries to take Morro too, but Wu freaks out and thinks she tried to kidnap Morro so that she could use the Green Ninja's power for her own gain and he kills her to "save Morro," and thinks he kills Lloyd too.
Lloyd's actually fine, and just grows up at Darkley's until he gets adopted by the Royal Family, much to his dismay, and becomes the Quiet One who is willing to punch a dude to get his dad back. Because he doesn't have his powers, he relies a lot on his dragon and Oni heritage.
Nya is the only child of Ray and Maya, and when they disappear, Chen finds and adopts her, and she becomes the sister of Skylor. Despite having the element of fire, she relies heavily on mechs, and loves to invent, letting her sister use her powers while she designs Chen’s button chair.
Pixal is Ninja of Ice and still was created by Cyrus Borg, so Zane is still in the Birchwood Forest, forgotten and stuck there until Lloyd finds him and offers him a place in the cult group he’s starting.
Cole's dad dies, and while he tries to honor his dad's dancing legacy, he still inherits his powers and is forced to become a ninja. He's still a popular entertainer and pretty well known in Ninjago as such, and he really doesn't want to be a Ninja full-time and is only doing it because he's scared of what Wu will do to his loved ones. I do not know what power he should get and I am open to ideas.
Jay was raised as Cliff Gordon's son and so he's wealthy but he is also extremely talented in robotics. He and Cyrus Borg collaborate a lot and is best friends with Pixal. He does not have powers and tries to help Cole get out of the team. Honestly, I have no idea about Jay either.
Harumi releases the Serpentine after her parent sends her to a boarding school and forget about her. She does not want to be forgotten, and in a rage over it, discovers she can control Lightning.
Morro finds her and takes her in, reassuring her that there is a place for her on his team.
The team consists of Morro, Ash, Cole, Pixal, and now Harumi, all trained under Wu.
And then Lord Garmadon crawls out of the Underworld, eyes glowing purple and with four arms, demanding to see his son, and everyone starts to panic because they are pretty sure Lloyd is dead.
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amostimprobabledream · 3 months
Starlander headcanons
Omg I am a dumbass, @whatevermonkey please forgive me for taking so long with these! This is for my milestone giveaway celebration from a couple of months ago. I borrowed a shipping template for these, I hope you enjoy them! <3 These are some thoughts on Homelander/Starlight if the writers weren't COWARDS. Who Confesses First?: Homelander is the kind of guy to jump right to the L-bomb very quickly, especially if he's feeling his partner is withdrawing from him or his need for love flares up. Starlight, by contrast, tends to be a lot more hesitant about bearing her heart like that.
Who apologises first after a fight?: Starlight - Homelander is fucking impossible to deal with when he's riled up and he will mansplain, manwhore, manipulate in order to convince both the other person and himself why it isn't his fault, actually. Starlight will hold out because she doesn't like to apologise if she doesn't mean it - however, she knows that Homelander is likely to calm down enough to listen to reason if she prefaces it with "Sorry but..." so she tends to find workarounds.
Who is the more popular?: Homelander. Starlight might be America's sweetheart (while she's part of the Seven, anyway), but he's literally been the face of the Seven and he's been doing it for years, much longer than her. Plus there's the fact that while Starlight has people from her past who can tweet about her or air her dirty laundry on live TV, Homelander's image has been carefully curated since he was first debuted as a Supe.
Does the most speaking: Homelander, again. He was coached from a very young age of what to say and he's an attention whore at heart. Plus since he's the leader of the Seven he's used to doing the talking on their behalf - he does it with partners too, Maeve rarely got a word out when they dated.
The best caregiver when the other is sick: This is a tricky one as Homelander doesn't really get ill - the V in his system means that not only is it extremely difficult to damage him, but his immune system is insane. Germs boil to death inside him. Unfortunately he's not sure how to care for a sick person except bring stuff, so Starlight is the best in theory but doesn't get to show it.
Who has the most experience with relationships: Starlight, by a mile. She had a relatively normal upbringing and was implied to be popular during her highschool days and she canonically dated Supersonic and probably others before she met Hughie. Homelander fucks but all his relationships have been curated by Vought or have some other heavy angle of manipulation. Plus, Starlight's canon relationship with Hughie is like, the backbone of the show.
Sensitive to subtle changes in their partner: BOTH. Homelander knows every little physical change to Starlight - if he pulse or her heartbeat or whatever is off, he's going to pick up on it and demand an explanation. He also notices when her weight fluctuates or she hasn't been sleeping. Meanwhile Starlight becomes a connoisseur of Homelander's micro expressions and body language - initially to see when he was going to blow up at someone, but over time, she became attuned to his moods to know how he was feeling.
Uses pet names: Need you even ask? Homelander is the king of pet names. There's standard things like darling, sweetheart, babe, honey, etc, but he goes specific too like little star, twinkles, etc. Starlight tries a tentative "hun" once and he loved it.
Who does the cooking?: Starlight - Homelander has never cooked a damn thing in his life. He doesn't even use a microwave, he just heats what he wants with his laser vision, but he rarely if ever needs leftovers when Vought have some of the best chefs in the world just a phonecall away. Starlight can cook, though the show has implied she has a complicated history with food and I doubt her mother was too interested in teaching Starlight domestic skills when she was too busy parading her around the beauty pageant circuit. They probably go out to eat most of the time.
Who is most into PDA: Duh, Homelander - the man has no personal space with anyone. He'll pull her in by the waist, boop her nose, flick her hair when he wants to be annoying. Always wants Starlight to sit on his lap and sulks if she doesn't, even if it's during a board meeting or some other professional environment. He likes picking her up and carrying her like a little doll as well, he likes her nose scrunch whenever he does it.
Who proposes: Homelander - he man! He propose! Plus he's a big fan of grand romantic gestures because he is the kind of person who thinks love is something you need to prove. And he'd want to lock Starlight down and let everyone know she's spoken for. He'd probably fly her somewhere private to give her the ring - one he forced some poor sod at Vought to spend meticulous hours hunting down before he found one he deemed good enough. I think he'd go for a star sapphire - blue for his suit, star for her name.
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Good day
Which of the sinners do you believe would be most likely to be yanderes/yandere headcanons?
Many thanks
After giving it some thought (under the cut because it became longer than expected):
Yi Sang: Unlikely. He's very puppy/good boy coded. He could never do anything if he saw the target of his admiration wasn't into it. He might, I don't know, jerk off thinking about them then cry?
Faust: Likely. Faust is a genius and if you don't think so, she also knows every outcome. There isn't a single world in which the one she admires isn't into her.
Don Quixote: So likely it hurts the scale of likelihood here. I'm glad I'm not ranking them from most to least likely, or else she would break everything. She knows everything about her crush. She has everything her crush could ever want. And if she doesn't? She will acquire it one way or another. Also even if they say clearly they don't want a single thing to do with her, she will take the "oh it's forbidden love" route and go behind their back to be their "knight in shining armor". Everything she does is in her beloved's best interests. Living her best delusional life.
Ryoshu: She might look like it but no, actually not likely. Don't get me wrong, she's very into whoever she likes, but they have to be a little bit obsessed with her or else it won't work. They have to breach the gap. If not it just turns into artistic obsession, which she deals with by slicing them up a little bit and immortalizing them in agony.
Meursault: Likely. He will make an entire plan with several steps on how to best conquer the one he desires the most. He's going for the most efficient path here and will not care if he has to mentally/emotionally/physically manipulate them as long as he conquers his end goal. Now the tricky part is to get him to have such a visceral interest in somebody. He might lose interest about halfway through planning, who knows?
Hong Lu: Unlikely. Some of his other IDs may be more prone to obsessive tendencies, but he's very... free-spirited at his core. If his crush doesn't want anything to do with him, he will be upset and gloomy about it but he will move on. He gives me the impression of a person who's had to give up many things, even in his life of luxuries. I don't think he'd put much effort to get them.
Heathcliff: Likely, but in a pathetic way. I don't think he's much efficient at this whole obsession thing. He wants to please them but he wants to be loved back. The second part is vital here. Other than him needing their absolute love and approval, he might try to conquer them, fail, get sad/angry about it, go on a journey to better himself so they will for sure feel so stupid for dumping him and then end up not going back? I don't know where I've seen this before...
Ishmael: Likely. And she will go after them. Time after time after time, she will go back to them. She's super smart and she will play the long game to get what she wants too. Prone to planning like Meursault, but much less clinical about it. She will not stop until they are the one obsessed with her. Absolutely and completely loyal and dependent on her.
Rodion: Unlikely. Just like her good buddy Hong Lu, she's very free-spirited. She likes when others are drooling after her because then she can use them as she pleases. She doesn't like this obsessive feeling so she might just take a good distance from her crush and see how it works out for her.
Sinclair: Likely but oh boy this one's hard. This little guy has so many anger issues, as well as self image issues. He will change every aspect of himself to get them to notice him. He will internalize his anger as best as he can, as he is worried about hurting others. But there's only so much of this anger his internal self can take, and once it explodes out of him, he might forcefully try to get control over his crush. He will feel like shit for it and he will hate himself more, but he will reason that they were the one to push him to doing unreasonable things. This route can only leave to a tragic ending for both.
Outis: Likely, but she's tricky... Outis can play the long game, as well as any role she's given. She will become what her beloved wants the most, as a way of having their absolute attention and affection. This façade may crack at times, though. If they ever grow averse to her then she will consider kidnapping and other options.
Gregor: Unlikely. He's old and tired. If his crush doesn't like him, he will take the Yi Sang route (jerk off facedown in bed and cry). He will get over it pretty fast too. He's low energy when it comes to emotional matters. Being obsessed about somebody who doesn't want anything to do with him will lower his emotional energy even further. Might grow lethargic while he tries to get over them.
Bonus people:
Vergilius: Unlikely. He doesn't think he deserves anything good in his life. His eyes will glow brighter as he stares at his crush, and he will be taken by an intense desire to have them closer, but then he will turn away and wallow in his own misery. Even if they wanted him, he wouldn't indulge. Having any connection to him will only lead to tragedy.
Dante: WILDCARD. They have a lot going on for them to pick up an obsession. Between figuring out who they are to figuring out where they should go, there's little to no time remaining to even think about pursuing a crush. Now here's where the wildcard part comes from. Even with their memories completely wiped, it is possible that some strong feelings from their previous life could remain. Maybe they will see that special one out on the street one day, and they will not know why, but they will desire them so strongly it makes them feel dizzy. Might even go crazy trying to figure out who this stranger is and why do they want them so bad.
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Black Days - Masterlist
Updated 8/18/2023
Pairing: Detective Tim Rockford x Female Reader (Merge Mansion)
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* banner by @stealyourblorbos  🤍
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Working overnight in a 24 hour diner has offered you the chance to meet a variety of interesting people - but none of them are like Tim Rockford. The more you get to know him and learn about what he does, the more you grow to like him. 
But his job involves its fair share of trouble. And when he’s tasked with solving a murder mystery that shocks a town just outside of Sacramento, both of you find out just how dangerous it can be to get close to someone that solves crimes for a living. 
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Talk of crimes. Mentions of homicide. Sexual situations. Deception. Bad prior relationship. Manipulation.
Female reader insert. No use of Y/N. Reader has a profession and relationships with family and friends / her job are discussed, but she has no outright physical description. 
** Banner image is not indicative of Reader’s physical appearance. While he *does* interact with her in this context, there’s also description of Tim interacting with other servers in diners, too.** 
Story title + chapter titles taken from various songs off of Superunknown  by Soundgarden - specifically Fell On Black Days, The Day I Tried To Live and Superunknown
-  Explicit content will be marked with an ** after the chapter title
1: Sure Don’t Mind A Change (4.5k)
Artwork by @alraedesigns: 
2: Seize The Day (Pull The Trigger) (4.9k)
3: I Heard It In The Wind (4.4k)
4: I’m What You Make Me (5.1k)
5. One More Time Around Might Do It (5.1k)
6. Interlude: Head High, A Song You Like (5.3k)
7. Times Are Gone For Honest Men (8.3k)
8. Eyes Were Waking Up Just To Fall Asleep (10.2k)**
... tbd
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Tim Rockford Headcanon list (2.8k)** 
Tim and his Key lime pie (By @stealyourblorbos)
Tim + A Jealous Kiss (1.8k)
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acourtofthought · 5 months
All the time, I see Elriels say that it was Clotho, not Azriel, who gave the necklace to Gwyn. That Azriel didn't even think of Gwyn because he doesn't care about her like that, and we don't even know if Clotho actually gave Gwyn the necklace. So, apparently, there's nothing Gwynriel in the bonus chapter. That's not the point!
Was it Azriel who said to give the necklace to Gwyn? No. But that's not the important part! The important part of it all is that something sparked in his chest because Clotho said she'd give the necklace to Gwyn! The important part is that Azriel could see Gwyn's eyes light up with happiness and tucked that image away for safe keeping!
What makes the bonus chapter Gwynriel is not Azriel's actions, words, or thoughts, but his feelings!
To simplify / paraphrase, this is exactly what happened: Az to Clotho - "Give Gwyn this necklace, will you?" Clotho to Az - "A Solstice gift from you?" Az to Clotho - "No! Don't say it's from me, say it's from Rhys." Clotho to Az - "Why? If I say that, it's a lie" Az to Clotho - (now uncomfortable because he realizes it would be weird to have Gwyn realize he wants her to have this jewelry). "I don't feel comfortable having her know it's from me so if you're not comfortable with my conditions, just give it to anyone you might think would appreciate it" Clotho to Az - "Ok, I respect your request to give it to Gwyn and for you to remain anonymous. I'll just write it's from a friend. it's going to make her really happy." Az thinking to himself: "Gwyn isn't really a friend....but I can't seem to stop myself from picturing her joy when she sees it, how bright her eyes will become." And that thought creates a spark in him, something he wasn't expecting. Az did want the gift to go to Gwyn, that was his intention when he first spoke with Clotho yet he got uncomfortable when she drew attention to his actions so he backpedaled. It doesn't change that she was his first thought upon arriving there. And when Clotho was the one who mentioned how happy it would make Gwyn, I'm not sure why anyone thinks she'd just keep the necklace after all that, haha. But you're right, it's not about the gift itself but the difference in how Az felt giving the gift to each female. When giving it to Elain, he thought only of the description of the necklace. When giving it to Gwyn, he thought of her happiness. You is amusing about the theory that Gwyn lured Az to give her the gift? How does that work when she can't even use it to her advantage since Az wanted to remain anonymous? What good is receiving a gift you manipulated receiving if you can't even use it as a way to get your foot in the door with the person?
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alj4890 · 3 months
Your mission, if you choose to accept it! :)
I'm sending a GIF to everyone who has participated in Tobias Carrick Appreciation Week this year. Can you create a ficlet (or anything you desire) based on this by Sunday? If so, you'll get one extra chance at the prize to be selected on Monday! :)
Here is your GIF:
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Okay. LOL! LOVE the above gif so much. Before I begin a whole new AU about this with my otp, here's a short background on my MC. Chris, is American born to Scottish parents and was raised mostly in Inverness. She has a temper, but usually just tells someone off. It would take a lot to get her this violent, like say someone not only manipulating her but also hooking up with a doctor she's fallen for. Going back to Book 2 and rewriting Canon and my own HC for this one.
Rated Mature for Sexual Content and Language. Chris's upbringing allowed me to find some unique Scottish insults that cried out to be used in this.
Game on
The Edenbrook/Mass Kenmore Softball Game
"Good luck out there, Chris." June said. "Remember to run Carrick's face in the dirt for taking that grant from us."
"Don't worry." Chris told her. "He won't be near as handsome when I'm done with him."
June slowly smiled in hearing that.
"Good. I can't wait to see him get knocked down a peg or two."
Taking a deep breath, Chris began to stretch. Shaking her arms out, she made her way to the pitcher's mound.
Of course, she thought, he would be first up to bat.
"You got this Chris!" Elijah shouted.
"Does she now?" Tobias taunted. "You sure you can do this, Valentine?"
Chris was tempted to stick her tongue out at him. The childish thought made her snicker. Tobias's stance eased when he saw her smile. His own lips curved at how cute she was in her uniform.
It was all the distraction Chris needed to throw the first strike. Shocked, Tobias tried to regroup. He narrowed his eyes at her as he tightened his grip on the bat. She winked at him, shaking his concentration, once more.
"Strike Two!" Elijah yelled out. "I don't know about you, Carrick, but I think she can do this."
Tobias rolled his eyes as he lifted his bat over his shoulder once more.
Chris eyed him, taking in how his uniform conformed to his body. A soft smile appeared on her lips as she thought how he might drive her crazy but he was very attractive.
He blinked at that secretive smile she had. After all the escalation between them with taking patients from one another, he never expected her to actually check him out.
"Strike three!" Elijah cackled. "Oh man. You didn't even bother to swing at that last pitch."
"Take it as a goodwill gesture." Tobias replied. "Next time, I won't go easy."
Between innings...
Chris searched through the coolers of beer until she found a bottle of water.
"Keeping your head clear for the game, Valentine?"
She spun around at the sound of that teasing voice.
Tobias Carrick grinned at her as he reached past her for a bottle of water.
"Glad to see someone is taking this as serious as I do." He winked at her.
"You should wish I wasn't." She couldn't help but smile at him. "Then you might stand a chance to actually hit the ball."
He narrowed his eyes at her. Each time she pitched, he struck out. Though impressed, he wasn't about to admit defeat.
"I've still got a few points on that board." He reminded her. "And there will be even more before the night is over."
Chris stepped closer to him. "You wish that were true."
Tobias took another step closer. "You're going to eat those words."
"Doubtful." Her eyes flickered down his body. "I'm sure you win a lot of things, but tonight isn't going to be one of those nights."
"Want to bet?" He leaned down until his nose nearly touched hers.
His gaze settled on her mouth before locking eyes with hers.
"That all depends," she replied, "what's on the table?"
His lips quirked into a flirty smile. "I can think of one thing I'd like to see on the table."
Her eyebrows rose. The image of just what he'd do to her on that table made a flash of heat go through her body.
"I bet you do." She tilted her head. "I guess we'll just have to--"
"Get away from her!"
The startled pair turned towards a furious Ethan Ramsey.
He moved between them, glaring at Tobias.
"Leave her alone." Ethan bit out.
Tobias narrowed his eyes at him. "What's your deal, Ethan? We were only talking."
"Bullshit." Ethan hissed. "I know you. Chris is off limits."
"Excuse me?" Chris snapped.
"Doesn't sound like she is to me." Tobias winked at her over Ethan's shoulder.
Ethan grabbed hold of Tobias's jersey. "I mean it, Carrick. You've messed with me enough. Just because you poached our patient, doesn't mean you can also take her."
Before Tobias could snap back, Naveen forced them apart.
"Calm down." He ordered. "Take it out on the field."
Tobias snorted. Downing his water bottle, he made sure to knock his shoulder into Ethan's as he walked away.
Ethan grit his teeth, before turning to Chris.
"What did he say to you?" He demanded.
"Nothing but typical trash talk." She replied. "There was no need for you to get involved."
She straightened her shoulders. "I can handle myself. I don't need you jumping in to save me."
Ethan removed his ball cap and ran his hand through his hair. He knew he should have never agreed to play this asinine game.
"I know you can." He looked past her to where the Mass Kenmore team was sitting. "Seeing him try and get close to you, it made me..."
He cursed under his breath.
"So what if he tries to get close to me?" She looked away from Ethan. "It isn't like you want to be in that position."
"Damnit, Chris." Ethan whispered. "You know why I can't--"
"Save your breath." She muttered. "I've heard it all before."
"Wait." He grasped her arm when she tried to walk away. "Carrick isn't the type of man you can tease and not get burned."
Chris jerked her arm away.
"Don't worry." She glared at him. "I know all about being burned."
Ethan watched her storm off with a heavy heart.
After the game, Chris was still full of restless energy. Their win over Mass Kenmore hadn't made her feel any better about the war they'd been having over patients.
When her friends invited her out to celebrate, she sent them on without her. The thought of another night spent in Donahue's with the same faces and conversations didn't appeal to her.
Trying to decide whether or not to just go back to her apartment, she heard her name called out.
She searched for the source and saw Tobias leaning against the side of his car.
"What?" She said once she made her way over.
"Congratulations." He said.
A reluctant smile peeped out at him.
"Thanks." She brushed a lock of hair that had escaped her ponytail behind her ear. "I didn't think you'd be up for saying that after I hit that last pitch of yours."
"It's just a game, Chris." He responded. "I wanted to win, but I still respect how you played it."
She folded her arms. "Something tells me you like to play a lot of games."
He smirked. "So many things in life are more fun when you make it a game. Why not enjoy it?"
"Is patient care a game to you?"
He rolled his eyes. "Come on, Chris. I'm not heartless. If I hadn't thought that Mass Kenmore could give Stephanie better care than Edenbrook, I wouldn't have offered it."
He leaned closer to her. "You would have done the same if the situation was reversed."
Chris hesitated. "You're right. I would have."
He smiled at her. "You and I are more alike than you think."
She laughed, shaking her head. "I wouldn't go that far."
"No?" He placed his hand upon his chin as if considering that. "I guess I'll have to work harder to prove it to you."
He pushed off from his car and opened the passenger door for her. "Want me to give you a ride home?"
Biting her lip, Chris shook her head. "I don't think I'm going home just yet."
"Where are you going?" He glanced around the nearly empty parking lot. "Looks like everyone else left to party without you."
She shrugged. "I'm not really in a celebratory mood."
"What kind of mood are you in?" He asked.
"Honestly, I'm not sure. I guess I'm more restless than anything else."
"Well, how about I drive you around until you decide what you want to do?" He offered.
She slid into his car. Her heart started picking up speed when she realized this would be the first time she was actually alone with him.
"Where were you going?" She asked once he buckled up.
"Home." He replied with a grin. "To drink my loss away."
She couldn't help but laugh. "I wouldn't mind a drink."
He turned towards her. "And just where would you like to have this drink?"
"I'm not really up for a bar." She admitted.
"My place or yours?" He asked.
"Who said anything about us drinking together?" She teased.
"Why waste this rare opportunity to do that very thing?" He countered.
"True." She relaxed back into the seat. "Let's go to your place."
Cutting her eyes towards him, she noticed his smug smile forming.
"Don't think anything other than a drink is going to happen." She warned.
"Whatever you say." He winked at her.
One drink and some flirting later, the two wound up in his shower. As the warm water fell upon them, they did all they could to heat the other's skin until they burned.
Chris ran her hands down his body as he kissed her neck. Her pent up frustrations with her life and work demanded she take advantage of her situation. She needed this release, almost as much as she wanted the man driving her on to give in to her every desire.
Ethan's words echoed in her mind, causing her to pause in her caresses.
The thing was, she wanted to burn. Even if it was just for this one night, she wanted to simply sate her passionate nature with no worries about what the morning would bring.
Tobias began to kiss down her body. He noticed her furrowed brow and lack of movement. He knew he needed to work on drawing her back into the night he was imagining.
He reached over and turned the water off, before urging her out.
"You're distracted." He said, handing her a towel. "Do you not want this?"
Chris paused in drying off. "No, I want you."
He stepped closer, all his usual cockiness nowhere in sight.
"Good. Because I've wanted you from the moment I first saw you."
"Right." Chris sarcastically replied. "I'm sure I really caught your eye at that diner."
He settled his arms around her waist.
"I noticed you immediately." He softly brushed his lips against hers. "Each time I saw you after that, I wanted you more and more."
His deep voice admitting to something like that, even though she doubted the sincerity, made her move right back into his embrace. Her lips sought his, and the two raced right back into the inferno they'd started.
Stumbling back into his bedroom, they fell upon the bed, limbs tangling as they continued to kiss.
Tobias moaned as Chris rolled on top of him. Deciding to relax and see what she'd do next, he urged her to take the reins.
His breath hitched the moment she kissed him. Her body moved over his, teasing and promising so much more. He cupped her face, looking into her eyes as she caressed him.
"You have no idea how often I've fantasized about this." He murmured, pulling her down for another kiss.
"Show me." She arched into his heated touch. "I want to do everything you thought about."
That was all he needed to hear.
As light began to filter through the slits of the bedroom blinds, Chris and Tobias collapsed exhausted on his bed.
Trying to catch her breath, Chris looked over at him. When he turned towards her, a breathless laugh popped out.
"You have some imagination there." She teased.
He chuckled, scooting closer to her. "That was only half of what I've fantasized."
"You're kidding?" Chris smiled at him. "I don't think I have the energy to see what else is in store."
She stretched, drawing his appreciative gaze towards her lithe body.
"There's always later." He reminded her. "Say like tonight?"
"Why Dr. Carrick," she snuggled closer within his arms. "Are you asking me out?"
"That depends." He pressed a lingering kiss to her lips.
"If the answer is yes."
She laughed, shaking her head over how good she felt in this moment with him.
"That's a definite yes."
"Then I'm asking you out." He chuckled when she softly groaned.
"You're lucky you're cute." She teased.
"I know." He sighed. "It's both a curse and a blessing."
"You poor, poor man." She patted his cheek.
Tobias took her hand and pressed a kiss within her palm. His eyes found hers as she laced their fingers together.
"How about dinner first?"
"So, it's a real date?" She joked.
"Ummhmm." He rolled over on his back, tucking her in beside him. "Is that still a yes?"
"I will need energy to begin whatever round we're on." She replied.
"Yes, you will." He squeezed her close.
"Then, I guess I'll see you later."
She began to ease out of his bed, only to be dragged back within his arms.
"Where do you think you're going?" He murmured against her neck while dotting kisses along it.
"Home." She relaxed back within his arms.
"No need to rush off so soon." He urged her back under the covers.
"I'll stay if you let me sleep." She warned. "If I don't get a few hours, there's no way I'll be any fun later tonight."
"We can't have that." He laughed when she poked him in his ribs.
She curled up against his side. Her eyes closed and she felt her body relax completely. It'd been a while since she felt so blissfully carefree.
It was a feeling she didn't want to end.
Weeks went by in blur. Chris seemed to find her stride in both her professional life and her personal life. That one night with Tobias had blossomed into a weekly date night, adding even more happiness.
She knew she was falling for him. It was difficult not to. He had the ability to get her mind off the possible shutdowns that loomed over their hospitals. His humor and unending charm kept her thoughts firmly in the moment instead of the fears of the future.
Plus the closeness that was developing between them made her care all the more.
She didn't know which she loved most, the amazing sex or the talks they would have afterwards. The nights spent with him ended up being the best part of her week.
Whatever it was, she wasn't going to question it.
The only problem was June Hirata.
Chris was still a bit uneasy around the diagnostician. Seeing how two-faced the woman could be made it hard to completely trust working with her.
Then one day June approached the team with an idea.
"Did you know Senator Ed Farruiga's at Mass Kenmore?"
"No." Chris replied.
"Apparently he has some illness that no one can figure out." She paused to make sure she had everyone's attention. "I think we should encourage him to come here."
Ethan leaned back in his chair in thought. Baz seemed a little uncertain about the idea.
"I would love to give it a go, but we can't just go take one of their patients." He argued.
"Why not? No one has to stay at a hospital where they aren't getting the best possible care. Can you imagine how much publicity we would get if we helped another famous face?" June glanced at Ethan. "It would help us be able to help more people who really need us."
"It would." He conceded. "And we are a better team than Carrick's."
"Are we really going to do what they did with Stephanie?" Chris asked.
"Don't you want some payback for that?" June countered. "We lost a huge grant! They don't need the Senator as much as we do."
Chris didn't like the idea of continuing the game they'd started with Leland Bloom, especially with how close she'd gotten to their opponent.
"Let's do it." Ethan decided, needing a chance to get back at Tobias.
As they worked out a plan of attack, June checked her messages.
"My contact says that Dr. Carrick and his team haven't diagnosed the cause yet. They have only begun the process of ordering lab work."
She looked at the clock. "Given how long it takes for Mass Kenmore's lab techs to come around for blood samples, I say we have an hour tops to poach him."
"Then let's get going." Ethan ordered.
It took less than an hour to find the senator and to convince him to transfer to Edenbrook. As she followed Baz out of the hospital, Chris heard the one voice she wished to avoid.
"Chris?" Tobias called out. "What are you doing here?"
He noticed the senator further ahead of her, changed and in the process of signing discharge papers.
His eyes narrowed when he realized what was going on.
"Look, I--" Chris tried to apologize.
"Save it." He snapped. "I don't want to hear it."
Without giving her a chance, he stormed back the way he came.
Later that night, Chris headed to a bar she knew Tobias liked to frequent. He'd already ignored her calls and texts. If she was ever going to have the chance to explain, she knew it'd have to be in person.
It didn't take long to find him in the crowd. What surprised her was who was sitting with him.
What is June doing here?
The way the two were laughing and talking, it was obvious they knew each other a little too well.
The more she observed, the angrier Chris became.
"Chris!" June greeted. "I didn't expect to see you here."
"Really?" Chris folded her arms. "I'm surprised. I thought you made certain to know where all your pawns are."
June laughed. "Only the most naive make the best pawns. You've been my favorite by far, Chris."
Tobias eyed her then glanced up at Chris.
June leaned closer to him, placing her hand on his thigh. "Our games are so much fun, aren't they?"
Chris was beyond livid. For months June had used her in every situation. Now to see that Tobias was in on whatever manipulative game they were playing caused her to snap.
She lunged forward almost punching June in her smug face. The table had stopped her momentum right before contact, giving Tobias a chance to grab her around the waist and pull her back.
Chris struggled against him. Her Scottish accent became thicker than usual as she unleashed a flurry of insults upon the pair.
"Let me go, you wee fuckbumper!" She shouted. "I'm going to show that dug licking pish aff a nettle just what happens when she messes with me!"
"Chris!" Tobias grunted when her elbows struck his ribs. "Calm the hell down!"
June began to laugh harder while watching the pair.
"This is the best you can do?" She taunted Chris. "Oh my god, I can't believe I actually thought you might be worthy competition."
"Bolt, ya mangled fud!" Chris yelled.
Still snickering, June gathered her things and headed towards the door.
"Call me Carrick when you're ready to be with a real woman again."
With a last burst of energy, Chris tried to break free of Tobias. She needed to knock June down just once. Her rage demanded to feel that woman's face under her fist.
Tobias yanked her back and half dragged her out the back door.
Once they were outside, he let her go.
They were both panting and glaring at one another.
"What the shit was that?!" He snapped. "If you'd actually touched June, she'd have had your ass in jail so fast it'd have made that hot head of yours spin."
"Do you know what that means?" He demanded when Chris remained defiant. "That means your career would be over!"
"Piss off." Chris hissed at him. "Ya lavvy-heided wankstain."
"Fuck this." Tobias rubbed his hands over his face. "I don't even know why I'm bothering to talk some sense into you."
"I don't either." Chris fought back tears.
"Why did you come here?" He asked when she fell silent. "Just to rub it in that you too can steal a patient?"
"Weren't you the man who said it was all a game?" She shot back. "And if I knew Edenbrook was the best for someone, then I should make it happen?"
"Damnit." He muttered. "Look, June told me you were determined to make me pay for my little stunt with Stephanie."
"That I was?" Chris released another profanity laden tirade.
The more descriptive she got, the more Tobias struggled with his laughter. He was still furious over everything, but he couldn't help but be impressed with her imaginative use of curse words.
After a particularly long sentence about June's reputation with men, all the fire seemed to go out in Chris.
She slumped back against the brick wall of the bar and lowered her head into her hands.
"I know you won't believe me." She began. "But this wasn't my idea."
Against his better judgement, Tobias moved a little closer and leaned next to her.
"What happened?" He asked.
The whole story poured out along with Chris's guilt.
"We never should have gotten close." She added at the end. "Not with all the animosity between the hospitals."
Tobias took a deep breath and slowly released it. "Do you regret it?"
"Stealing your patient?" She slowly nodded. "I don't think it was worth it."
"Not that." He turned towards her. "Us?"
She looked up at him. "No."
Her face scrunched as if she was about to cry. "I mean, I do since you and June had your own thing going at the same time. I know you and I weren't serious, but to have actually been with someone who could be with that two-faced bitch--"
"I wasn't seeing her while seeing you." Tobias interrupted.
She still looked doubtful.
"Come on, Chris." He rubbed the back of his neck. "You know. You have to have seen that what we have is..."
He cursed, kicking at some trash.
"What we have is what? She prodded.
He groaned then yanked her into a heady kiss.
She wrapped her arms around him, giving back as good as she got.
Tobias stumbled back from the passion in her kiss, hitting the wall with her locked in his arms.
When it came to an end, he lifted his head to look into her eyes.
"See?" He said softly.
She slowly nodded.
"Then don't say we shouldn't have gotten together." He cuddled her close.
"What about my part in the senator?" She looked up at him. "Can you let that go?"
"Yes." He tightened his arms around her. "Of course I can."
"Then why didn't you answer my calls?"
"Because June made it seem like you'd strung me along to keep me from suspecting anything when you did eventually steal a patient." He admitted. "Knowing that I'd fallen for you, it stung that you didn't feel the same way. That I was merely your pawn in all this."
"I hate her." Chris bit out.
Tobias snorted. "Yeah, she isn't the easiest person to be around."
Chris bit back the fact he'd found her easy enough to sleep with.
Tobias sighed. "Want me to take you home?"
"No." Chris mumbled. "I'm too keyed up to see my roommates."
A tender smile began to form as he recalled a similar conversation they'd once had.
"Want me to drive you around until you calm down?"
Chris looked up at him, recalling the night of the softball game. Seeing that he remembered it too made her melt against him.
"I'd love that."
Keeping one arm around her waist, Tobias led her to his car.
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zehecatl · 7 months
so, like, i don't think Alastor is actually as strong as we've been lead to believe?
first of, because i know what y'all are like- i'm not saying he isn't strong. the shield in the finale obviously requires some firepower (though i think you could make the case that the shield isn't just powered by him, but that's another post-) and he is an Overlord. but! i think he plays up his own power, and does A Lot of manipulation and scare tactics to seem even more powerful than he actually is. after all, why bother fighting battles when you can scare off most of the competition?
now, obviously the biggest thing here is the finale. Adam trounces him, and does so easily. even doing their fight, Alastor doesn't actually hurt Adam. there's no direct clash of power up until Adam beats his ass in two hits
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but, Adam is also the leader of the exorcists, and the first man. of course he'd be strong. but i do think it's a hit to this image Alastor loves to put on, of being this untouchable horror that could easily overtake Hell, if he so desired
secondly, Valentino's comment to Vox
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now, if Alastor actually beat Vox, there is not a single doubt in my mind that Valentino would lord that shit over Vox. he would, absolutely, bring it up. so the fact that he says almost is noticeable. it means that Alastor and Vox was most likely on equal footing, if not outright pointing at Vox as the stronger opponent. because if Alastor didn't beat Vox, it either means a draw, or that Vox beat Alastor
and you can even see this in their duet. Alastor doesn't beat Vox- Vox beats himself. Vox crashes through his own inability to control his emotions, which, again- Alastor manipulates. he's playing Vox like a fucking fiddle, and that's super cool and impressive, sure, but that's not pure strength
and this goes hand in hand with how the Overlords (and the general public) views Alastor
people are not scared of Alastor. not the general public, not the Overlords. in episode 3, when people are 'afraid of him', it's not Alastor they're afraid of- it's Zestial
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(i'm not going to spam a bunch of caps here, but it's pretty easy to glean if you look close- the background characters look at Zestial, and it's not until Zestial shows up that we get this whole 'everyone is afraid' bit. and we had plenty of time to showcase them being afraid of Alastor, but they didn't)
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even Alastor himself is shaken to see Zestial, if only momentarily. and during the meeting, sure, Camilla is surprised to see Alastor, but she's not scared, and when he teases at where he might have been, she doesn't care
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and neither does anyone else. Alastor is an Overlord, yes, and he's powerful, yes, but he's not- noticeably so. he's not a big threat to any of them, and that's goes so against the front he's putting on. Alastor wants to be powerful. he needs to be powerful. and it's not that he isn't, he's still very much an Overlord, but he's just- he's not a particular big fish in this pond
and lastly, i think it's extremely interesting that, out of everyone, it's Mimzy we hear the whole Radio Demon story from
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it's not particularly noticeable that Angel didn't know about him, because he didn't in the pilot either, but it's like. Mimzy? we're getting this story from Mimzy?
not Pentious, or even Husk, or anyone else. plus, the way its set up...
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it reads less like a true story, and more like a scary story you'd tell around a campfire or some shit- and it's not that i think she's lying, because i don't, but it's. interesting
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Angel and Pentious is shocked when Mimzy finished her story, which means this story is new to them. Pentious didn't know about it, and he's been attacking Alastor pretty consistently since Alastor got back. which kind of leads me to believe that Alastor doesn't... really have a reputation? at least not one that's widespread
see, the thing is, sure- Alastor's been gone seven years. but that's not that long of a time for a really terrifying Overlord to be forgotten about- and no one reacts to him. there's no scene in the duet where people are terrified of the Radio Demon being back, no later scene to showcase the fear he inspires. there's nothing
and yeah, Alastor is a terrifying presence. he plays into it so very well
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but all of this... i don't think Alastor has as much power as he likes to pretend he does, especially not before he disappeared. i don't think he's as big of a deal as he makes himself out to be, and that's fascinating to me
because it makes me wonder... what did he make a deal for?
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Pudding and Usopp should be friends me thinks. Usopp hears about everything that happened to Sanji on WCI and is fully prepared to hate her guts no matter what anyone says and then it’s slightly mad at himself when he actually likes her. I have a very specific image of Sanamipu bff dynamic in my head I can’t really describe but I’m having it. The type of people who think of themself as some of the more sane people in the group and sure, they get the idiot ball just a tiny bit less often when they are all together and snarking, but when they get it they slam dunk it so hard the entire court shatters.
I AGREE COMPLETELY!!!!!!!!! This would be so funny, too 😭 (Making this Sanusona as I always do) Usopp finds out about what happened back on WCI and he hates Pudding. Sanji keeps telling him to see it from a different angle. That it wasn't really Pudding's fault and she was being manipulated by her mom. That she actually helped them in the end. But Usopp doesn't like her- Not only because she did what she did, but also because he can't stand the way Sanji talks about her. Ngl, I think Usopp isn't a jealous person, but he is very insecure and Sanji being fond of the girl he almost ends up marrying makes him a bit sick. But, yeah. Final saga, they rescue Pudding, and she meets the Strawhats. Usopp is fully prepared to be her worst enemy no matter what! But- But she's actually really nice? And cute? And really, really funny? And he can't hate her. He tries to be angry at her but she's cooking sweets for everyone and even though she has this weird on-and-off personality when it comes to Sanji... She has a good heart. But Usopp keeps pretending that he hates her because he's a proud idiot and he won't admit he was wrong about her. Sanji just tells him to get his shit together already and enjoy their time together because otherwise, he'll regret it (funny that he's the one saying that as if he wasn't equally as stubborn. That frustrated Usopp more). I think Pudding would actually make amends with them, you know, since I doubt Nami and Luffy could forgive her that easily. But they end up getting along with her when she apologizes (when Sanji isn't around because if he is in front of her she'll end up yelling without wanting to). Usopp doesn't buy it. I mean- He does buy it. He just doesn't want to. So Pudding talks to him in private and explains her situation and apologizes and says she understands if he doesn't want to forgive her. She almost marries his boyfriend, after all. And she has hurt him in multiple ways. And she has broken his heart. It's understandable if Usopp wants to hate her so bad. But the guy is soft against that and Usopp believes people can change. Besides, he knows what being insecure about your appearance and status is, especially if it has to do with a parent. So they end up getting along. The same thing happens with Nami, actually. Imagine trying to forget what Pudding did to their cook. Nami is going feral cat mode against her. If looks could kill, y'know... But! But she saw with her own eyes how Pudding helped them out and she knows what it feels like. To act like somebody you're not. And yeah, okay, the girl might be a little bit insane but it could be worse. And when she's acting like a normal person, she's a sweetheart. So Usopp ends up befriending her quickly, while Nami accepts her and embraces her friendship, but not without the typical "But I swear, if you do anything remotely bad to him again I am not hesitating to electrocute you and throw you overboard. Understood? Understood. Glad we had this chat, bestie". So, uh, yeah- At least they're friends now.
And let me tell you-- It's chaotic. Sanji thought he would be devastated if they didn't get along, but now that they do... Sanji is losing his mind. They're all crazy. He's living his dream, you know. His dear Pudding is friends with his partners. Great. Yeah. Uh. Pudding is teaching Usopp how to use a revolver, which makes sense since he is a sniper and he's curious about guns. That makes sense. But she's also telling Nami manipulation tactics and the navigator couldn't be happier. And you might think that's it, but then you have Usopp showing off his abilities and Nami giving tangerines to Pudding so she can make sweets with them. Which is adorable and cute and Sanji loves every second of it, but it's like they planned this to make him go insane. His poor heart can't handle this. He's going to die. They're a menace to society. Honestly? An unstoppable trio. They manipulate, gaslight, and Sanji malewifes. If they don't like you and you have something they want they probably will steal that from you using either manipulation, burglar tactics or, you know, a gun. Perfect trio. They're also Sanji's protection squad. And also they're the ones who scold him when he doesn't behave. He's a bit scared of them but like, in a good way? And they also look after him a lot so it's alright. And besides, Sanji is kind of like their knight in shining armor too because he gets extra violent if something happens to any of them.
Isn't it just,,, Such a cute picture to imagine Sanji and Pudding cooking while Usopp and Nami work on their own things at the dining table while they keep them company? I find it cute,, They're all a bit crazy but it's fine.
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sigyn-foxyposts · 18 days
Smite!Loki analysis! (Spoilers for The official smite comics)
I haven't made this kind of post about smite Loki before because he genuinely scares me. Look at this face, I have good reason to be. No, but in all seriousness my question is what is wrong with him? Why are you the way you are sir?
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Anyways I find this version of his character so interesting and I need to learn more about him. But we don't have THAT much honesty.
So let's start with my biggest question! I apologize if I am all over the place.
What happened between him and his children to the point jormungandr and fenrir ended up hating him so much? We don't know what happend between them but luckily we have Hel. They made it very obvious in the comics what kind of father he is to her at that point in time, what their dynamic is ect.
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At this point we know he has already killed Baldr and been punished for it, hence the black scarring on his face. (Sigyn where are you?)
Loki and Hel worked together to obtain Zeus's Thunderbolt only for Loki to take it for himself when Hel needed it to free Fenrir.
What does Loki do with it? Have create chaos and scare people!
He might be a little unhinged after his torment but he is clearly trying to stop Hel from helping her brother.
Also when Hel does confront Loki they end up getting into a fight, something Hel was willing to do keeping Fenrir in mind and the things Loki tells her.. I want to assume is a heat of the moment thing.
Something clearly happend between these two in the past for Hel to insist they go through with the plan and Loki is like: "No that's insane!"
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Also what's up with this plan they keep bringing up? I'm pretty sure it's about them starting Ragnarok since Hel's only goal is to free Fenrir and start Ragnarok. Even though it has been stated in the game that Hel has the ability to choose a different path other than to the propechy tied to her since birth.
Out of nowhere though, after Hel manipulates the other gods into stopping Loki and convince them she's on their side. Loki suddenly starts speaking the truth about what Hel is doing even though he could've sooner? (He was too busy beating up other gods and insulting them)
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Maybe it's a way to save his ass but it came across to me as him being genuine at the same time, despite causing so much chaos himself. Do you think he is ashamed about his kids? Heck, even afraid of them with the way he doesn't want to start Ragnarok previously calling it insane?
Also not to forget he says they're monsters. He is basically agreeing with the other gods. But then again he is CRAZY AF to the point he has embraced the negativity..
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Perfect timing to move onto his character!
I only have his mythical counterpart to base off what could've happend to him (even though it's very obvious) because they keep referencing Sigyn and his punishment.
Also Sleipnir! (they're yet to be shown and we still don't have a trace of Narfi and Vali + Angrboda was only hinted at in a joke voice line of a Loki skin 💀)
So personally to me, it's giving: He is an alternative version of myth Loki but if Ragnarok didn't happen and he went mad.
You can't tell me he is obviously left with all his trauma and scars. This Loki is unhinged, cruel and a broken image of his former self. He is a masochist, embracing what previously burnt and ruined his face, the poison that hurt him. It's all he apparently needs. He is proud to be what children fear at night. (Me too, I'm afraid of you/j)
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What hits harder is that he seems to hate what he has become to an extent, with how he fought himself in his dko god reveal. Though he did trick Hercules to his death (Uhm..poor guy?? 😭)
Maybe I'm overreacting or over analysing this but why else would they add that in the way they did? To show he can't be trusted, not even with himself? That would make the most sense, right? 🤨
If I had to have a therapy session with this guy he would definitely have some issues. Don't make me fill in the gaps here hirez, I'm too used to doing this..💔😭
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arcadekitten · 1 year
Hi Arcadekitten!!! I recently played ‘Sweet No Death’ and I absolutely LOVED it!!! The art was amazing, and It was like a perfect balance of cuteness and horror, and was also kinda…. Deep, in a way? Anyhow, I really enjoyed it :) and Ruuuby was my favorite <3
I have a few questions and headcanons about the game, as well! May I ask you some questions, please?
1) Does Stella like Lambchop back? Or rather… CAN she like him back? In the game it doesn’t seem that she had any sort of attraction to him whatsoever, but is the potential there? Their relationship is complicated, but it’s also really cute in a way :)
2) Where did Stella come from? We know that she arrived on a shooting star, but is there a chance that she came from the original Noisrevverse (did I spell it right? Idk) as well? If so, I have a lot of theories…
3) How did Stella obtain her god-savior complex, anyways? Was she always like this, or did some event in her past that made her this way? Also, how did she get so powerful? Stella is arguably the most powerful Noisrevian (again, did I spell it right?) by far… was she just naturally that powerful or did she have to work her way up to be?
4) Why was Lambchop the only one to gain self-awareness while the others were just… blind? I know that you said he became ‘disillusioned…’ but why was he the only one who thought “Hey, this is kinda freaky??? What the heck???” While no one else did? Is there some kind of symbolism in this, or…
5) Okay, this is technically not a question and more of an observation, but while I was playing Sweet No Death I kept drawing parallels to Venna the Witch from your other game, Crowscare. Her extreme power and controlling, manipulative nature resembling Stella’s, and her love for blood and meat resembling Lambchop’s. Also, the true ending of Sweet No Death (where Stella covers the whole town in fake blood and guts) reminds me of the Blood Moon ending in Crowscare… not to mention the whole ‘shaping the world into my own image’ thing that they both have going on… Was this intentional? If so, that’s pretty cool! :)
6) Relating to the last question, would Venna, Stella and Lambchop ever get along if they met? I personally feel that Stella and Venna would make an unlikely, but close friendship (Opposites attract, but platonicly!) trading potion recipes, talking about their plans for world domination, things like that… though Stella may have to restrain Venna from murdering her friends 😅 As for Lambchop… well, I’ll leave that up to you!
7)And finally… why DOES Lambchop still love Stella, anyways? Hmm….🤔
Thank you so much for reading my questions (even though idk if you’ll actually answer ‘em… I don’t blame you, lol. It is A LOT.) and once again, thank you for creating such an awesome game!! I look forward to playing more of your awesome games as well! :D Have a good day/night/whatever time zone you’re in rn :)
I'm so happy to hear you like it, thank you so much!! ♡ I'll try to answer these to the best of my ability!!
I'd say the potential is definitely there! She may already like him like that without even knowing it herself. I mean, look at the gifts in her room and how differently she describes Lambchop's gift from Ruuuby and Raj's. ---
I don't think she came from like any sort of "more proper Noisrev" or anything like that. She did come FROM the stars! Y'know how everyone says people are made of stardust? Well this girl is like, almost concentrated stardust, y'know? ---
Stella is naturally this powerful!! And if you have this kind of power, wouldn't you try to use it to help others? ---
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ---
Nothing intentional! Kinda just seems like natural similarities between their stories especially being the genre they are. ---
I mean, Stella might be able to get along talking about magic and whatever, but if she found out that Venna was an abusive mother I'm not sure if Stella would be able to stomach her a second longer. She already feels bad for what her friends are going through (even if she helps them after), I don't think she'd be comfortable with the idea of a child having gone through such traumatic experiences with no "out". Also I DEFINITELY wouldn't say that Stella is planning for "world domination". I think some of you villainize Stella a bit too much! Lambchop likes blood and gore. Enough said. ---
Why wouldn't he love Stella? She's a dreamboat! She's adorable! But for real, while Stella is very adorable, Lambchop loves Stella because she makes him feel alive.
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opinated-user · 8 months
It's funny how lily accuses County of changing their story and adding worse and worse stuff when that's what she does as well.
The first time she ever talked about Courtney it was a story about how they were a brat who they beat up for scratching her. But now she's been heavily implying Courtney sexually abused her in some way, months after playing up her sister as nothing but a run of mill asshole.
It's just ironic that lily deflects Courtney's a claims by saying "but her story changes and gets more and more outrageous so it has to be lies", while also doing the exact same thing. Like idk if we go by her own logic, she's just as unbelievable.
there's a difference between a story changing and more details being added. Courtney always said that the molestation started when she was 6 and LO 7. now he's saying that it started in LO's room. Courtney always claimed that LO would sneak into their room to molest her. now Courtney is saying that she specifically started doing that at 11. Courtney has always claimed that LO must have done something to him during their sleep, when he was unsconscious so he wouldn't know for sure what it was and could only see the consequences of it the next morning. now it's that he is realizing that the SA probably escalated considering everything in retrospective, just like only now in retrospective she can aknowledge that LO was more than likely SA as a kid. most of the things LO accuses Courtney of being are things we have proof LO has done. i don't mean the allegations specifically, but the putting minors in danger (by grooming them and exposing them to NSFW content, both in her channel and tumblr), the being a violently abusive person (LO bragging about stabbing some guy on the streets with a pocket knife), the being transphobic (and unlike Courtney, LO never apologized for misgendering other trans people) and constantly actually changing her story to whatever it suit her at whichever moment. originally LO would say that Lizzy never did anything physical to her. but the moment Lizzy came out talking about how LO would coerce her into doing NSFW she was never comfortable with, emotionally manipulating her into it until she could literally not take it anymore. now it turns out that she did physically abused, and not only that! she totally raped her! do you see the difference there? if Courtney had said "LO was a creep and i didn't like her, but she never did anything to harm me physically" from the start and only later said "actually she molested me/abused me sexually" then we can talk about changing stories, but he never did. his story has always been the same. unlike LO who constantly switches from "i beat her up a thousands times" and "she was beat up by me" to "she actually abused me all along, don't ask me how or in what way, just know she did that to me" (after months of she accusing me, but that's a coincidence) from "Courtney is the violently abusive one" to "grab the heaviest object that you can grab and smash it against the head of your bullies" as an advice to give to children at school. you can dislike Courtney all you like. you might even doubt her story. but it's no way that in good faith someone can see everything we have in LO, all the archives, all the videos, all the receipts, and come out thinking that is a innocent well adjusted person who has "never done a damn thing wrong" her entire life. LO is the one who has a history of coercing people into doing sexual things for her against their own boundaries, not Courtney. LO is the one with a long history of sexualizing and romanticizing incest, even to this day, not Courtney. LO is the one who has flip flopped all over the place when talking about Courtney, not him. LO is the one who is desperate to deny that Courtney ever went through any kind of abuse, even the one that had nothing to do with her, just to save face herself, not Courtney. LO is the one who wants to sell you this image of her being the perpetual victim who never harmed anyone and never did anything wrong she needed to change, not Courtney.
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