#you spoil me
wickjump · 1 month
Since cross is based on swap and hates napping, do you think being around the mtt would be good for him since they all have a little classic in them and might be able to convince him to rest with them (possibly mtt + cross poly style) or do you think he would just go full "i'm the only one who gets anything done around here"
i don’t think he’d ever be happy napping. once in a blue moon might be good for him, but he would never enjoy it. i absolutely think he would go “im the only one who gets anything done around here”. and he’s loud about it.
he slams the laundry machine door closed. puts the dishes in the washing machine as loudly as possible without breaking anything. when anyone asks what he’s doing he goes “oh you know just PICKING UP AFTER EVERYONE AS USUAL”. he could ask for help yeah but then he doesn’t get to guilt them for napping. he wants them to get off their asses more, even though they don’t see how he’s able to be so energetic all of the time. they’re not even working today, is it that much of a crime to sleep?
to cross it absolutely is. he grumbles under his breath and does all the chores and vacuums specifically where the others are sleeping in the hopes to bother them and wake them up but in true sans fashion they’re somehow out cold despite it. if cross had hair he’d want to rip it out.
it’s not even that they don’t do chores. their own rooms are messy yeah but they’ll like. do the dishes and take out the trash or do whatever. cross just doesn’t give them a chance, he does everything before they even wake up in the morning (which is always around noon more often than not).
the guilt doesn’t work because the mtt have seen this all before and if they asked to help there’s a 99.99% chance cross would make up some excuse to do it himself.
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bobbie-robron · 23 days
I can’t… I can’t lie in court for ya. I’m sorry.
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allyheart707 · 6 months
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I actually screamed when I saw this! THIS IS SO COOL!!! WERE NINJAS!!! OH MY GOSH!!! I love this sm *adds another background to my desktop* hehehehe
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sqtorux · 3 months
omfg i just realised how some people could have my notifs on and im spamming im sorry guys 🙇‍♀️
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st-danger · 4 months
god I'm sorry to bring it up again but i'm rereading RRR and every time I think about "I want you so much... please be nice" I actually feel like I could drown myself with how much it makes me cry
No, no apologizing, I cannot express how happy I am you love it and IM SO GLAD THAT LINE HIT OMFG that was a personal fave
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simdiculous · 2 months
*boops your nose* Send this to ten blogs you think are lovely and deserve a boop on the nose!!
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for me?
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Don't know if this bothers you or what but... Here you go...
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Long hair and dimples, all in one 😁
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Truly checking all the boxes thank youuuuuu 🫶
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izvmimi · 1 year
so mimi....i wanted to talk about how excited izuku is to indulge your fantasies. how this man lives to make every single one of your dreams come true in every way that he can.
you want to be bound, your hands tied together as you surrender yourself to him? putting your full trust in him, your bond, the gentle way he treats your body? he’s thrilled to do it - anything to make you happy, to make you squeal, to make you say his name in a way that fills his dreams when he’s away from you. 
you dropped a hint that you’d like to give roleplay a chance, the two of you pretending to be different people in different situations, and he immediately asked you for your thoughts and began plotting a story of his own to put you in. he’s a firefighter carrying you to safety from danger and you only squeal when the way he has you cradled against his chest playfully switches to him holding you over his shoulders in a fireman’s carry and he listens to the way your giggles turn into breathy sighs as he carries you and gently places you on the bed, your savior hovering over you with a green and a wavy hair across his forehead.
just two little things that scratch the surface of his desire to make you the happiest woman on earth. it's so easy for him to do it and he strives to do it every single day.
i waited till i got home from work to read this and i’m just 😭❤️
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science-lings · 1 year
throws zelink and runs
Zelda had never heard link laugh out loud until she had made some terrible pun while explaining a book she had been reading.
Links smiling face mixed with giggles was enough to make her blush. She continued to observe her girlfriends beautiful face, a smile creeping through.
"What? Did I do something?" Link asked, wiping a tear out of her eye.
"Your laugh."
"Sorry, though it was your fault." Link mumbled, hiding her blushing face.
"Don't apologize, it's adorable! You should do it more often." Zelda said, grabbing links face.
She pulled her into a quick kiss before continuing her explanation
"Zelda what are you doing?" Link said, arms crossed as her girlfriend was hiding something behind her back.
It was morning and link was still in her pajamas, hair still a mess, and still tired.
"I made something for you... here, try it on." Zelda said handing a folded garment tied with a bow.
Reluctantly, link went up stairs and changed into her new outfit. A dress, it felt comfortable and flowy. She gave it a quick twirl and let out a small giggle.
Zelda then came up the stairs, "hold still, let me brush your hair out."
Link stood still as her girlfriend did combed effortlessly through the knots. Then all of the sudden, a cloth was wrapped around her face covering her eyes.
"Zel! What are you-" She was cut off by a kiss.
"Hold on, just let me grab you the mirror so you can see."
For what felt like hours in the dark, the blindfold was taken off and link let out a gasp.
She was wearing a sky blue, flower-embroidered dress. Her hair was left down and neatly combed through.
"I saw you didn't really have any 'girls clothes' so I thought I'd make you one.... do you like it?"
"I love it." Link said quietly to her self.
"What I didn't quite catch that."
Zelda was suddenly lifted up and spun around.
"I love it so so so much! Thank you thank you thank you!"
Link had delivered the final blow and the yiga had retreated, dropping loot and a few bananas. Two traveling men had seen the fight and were relieved they didn't have to fight.
"Young lady, are you alright? That battle must have been very tough."
Link nodded, other than a gash on her left arm, she was relatively unscathed.
"Oh dear, you have hurt your arm! Let me see." One said.
Link pulled back, "I can take care of myself. I've delt with worse."
"Oh come on just let me see." He grabbed her wrist and pulled her close. "What's a pretty girl like you doing out in the woods anyway."
Link pushed him away, afraid of what he might do next. "Stay back."
"Oh I see, playing hard to get huh. Well two can play at that game."
With that he pushed her against a tree, the rough impact made link hit her head.
She remained conscious but fell to the ground.
"Dude. Quit it, you're scaring her." The other one said.
Link got up and punched the male in the face before running as fast as she could back to her house.
She slammed the door behind her and sank to the floor.
"Link is that you? Thank hylia, I was getting worried you- Link?"
Zelda rushed to where her girlfriend was, unsure about what was going on.
She saw the wounded arm and started to panic, "what happened, who did this to you, are you okay?"
Link nodded and tried to get up, a wave of dizziness hit her and she almost fell back down.
Zelda caught link mid fall and sat her back on the floor,"Ok, take it easy. You obviously hit your head. I'll ask questions later but let's get you patched up."
She helped link upstairs and waited until she was ready.
"¹Here, sit down and let me clean that arm." She grabbed a wet cloth and some bandages and carefully wrapped the wound shut.
"Now what happened. You don't normally get this way fighting the monsters on the way here."
"There was a yiga."
"Link, was there anyone else there. You can tell me."
Link shifted uncomfortably where she was sitting, "there were two travelers, men. One tried to..."
Link stopped herself, trying to disguise her feelings.
"Oh link, did they... touch you?"
Link nodded, curling into herself. "He pushed me and I hit my head and I- I'm sorry, this is stupid."
Zelda pulled her in close, "no, no this isn't stupid, its very serious. I'm sorry that happened. If I was there I would punch him in the face."
Link let out a small snicker, "I already did that."
"Atta girl, now come on, let's get you to bed."
Before link could protest, she was safely tucked into zeldas chest, the princess softly reading a book.
Link sighed and got comfortable before falling asleep.
I am kissing you on the mouth anon, you're making me want to write for them again lmao
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the-c0nquerer-w0rm · 2 years
Of course Odious has excellent timing 😏👌🕰️
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Ehfhkskrhkfkr oh you
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year
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One other thing I drew, Red teaching the warden naughty words
Canon. 1000%. This will actually happen in the story, since the Warden wants to learn at least some words to warn their charges of danger, threats, or to provide simple communication. Red would definitely be the "funny guy" and teach them some naughty words and claim that they mean something different. Green beats him up for messing with his communication experiment with another larger sentient race. /j
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delphi-dreamin · 2 years
Omg I can't believe I wasn't follow you!! 😭😭 it's a travesty. I fixed it though. Dropping by with your favorite 🥰 I hope you are have a great day!
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You'll be his princess and he will treat you like one too. 💕💕
😂😂😂 How'd we manage that one? I didn't even notice!
But also
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Hi normie just wanted to say I think ur an amazing person :) ❤️
Awww wait what thats so sweet!
Thank you that actually just made my day holy crap- 💕
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arcathur · 2 years
The current salmon run rotation is soooo sexy
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virgo-dream · 2 years
Well, virgo-dream, ask and you shall receive (sometime in twelve hours), hehehe
this will be the nicest christmas gift i'm getting this year wow
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wastrelwoods · 5 months
god i really thought you people were lying about laios and kabru just for the sake of pretending like there is a gay little thing going on when its questionably textual at best but this shit is for real fascinating. unprecedented. master manipulator kabru playing both sides operating behind six layers of sublimated yaoi to obsessively plot laios' downfall. and on the other side of the coin notable Grade A Grass-Fed Freak laios touden experiencing a completely normal crush on the first pretty man to demonstrate polite interest in his passions and hobbies. i can only imagine laios is gonna be out here milking minotaurs like 'hm. if kabru was here now...i wonder if he would enjoy this too..... that would be nice (:' whilst kabru is pacing a deep furrow in the cobblestones clear on the other side of the dungeon vowing up and down that he will commit to sucking laios' dick meat clean off the bone if it might bring him one step closer to seeing his head on a pike
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