#you think BARTY CROUCH JUNIOR is letting him go?
cukrkandl · 4 months
the "came back wrong" trope except it's evan after barty brings him back and barty just... doesn't care. he'll love him anyway. he'll keep him anyway, even if he's wrong, even if he's barely an echo of the real evan because barty is just that selfish
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ellecdc · 15 days
mother I have a request if i may
the "i can do it myself" girl with "i know u can but sit down and let me" man aka barty
love your work lovie 🦋🦋
I've had this request saved for two months, and then last week when I was building my bed frame I was like "omg! this is it!", so THANK YOU for your request and for your patience in my writing <3
Barty Crouch Junior x fem!reader who can do it herself [538 words]
CW: the very last piece of dialogue is suggestive but SFW and not explicit
You’d been so focused on the next step in the assembly of your bed frame that you hadn’t even heard Barty’s arrival until he let his bags fall to the ground with a thunk and he gasped theatrically at you, causing you to drop the allen key in surprise.
“Treasure!” He whisper-shouted at you. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Oh my god, Barty.” You let out breathlessly. “You scared me.”
“What are you doing!?”
You looked over at your almost half-assembled bed frame feeling rather chuffed at your progress. “I’m building my bed frame! Doesn’t it look good?” You asked proudly; your face falling when you turned at Barty’s silence to see his face contorted in what looked to be… offence? 
“Without me?” He deadpanned at that.
You blinked at him dumbly, a bead of sweat from your efforts moving from your temple to your jaw as you considered him. “What?”
“You just go ahead and start building stuff? Without me? When you have a completely competent and useful boyfriend who literally exists to build stuff for you?”
“Barty, I can build my own bed frame.” You chided, looking down at the instructions that actually contained zero words and only pictures.
You could build your own bed frame, and you’d been doing a damn good job at it too, thank you very much. 
“That’s not the point, babe.” Barty muttered as he stalked over to you and ripped the instructions out of your hands (pressing a gentle kiss to your head in consolation) and ignoring your petulant “oi!”
“I had it handled!”
“Yes, and now I’m here.” He argued without sparing you a glance.
“Barty.” You scolded severely. “I’m not useless. I can do things for myself.”
You watched as Barty’s shoulders fell and he lifted his head to look at you softly. 
“Treasure, I am more than aware of how capable and competent you are; that was never the issue.”
“Then what is this issue?” You asked him, reaching back for the instructions only to have him hold them out of your reach and taking your outstretched hand to press a kiss to your knuckles.
“The issue is that you shouldn’t have to do things for yourself; not always, not right now. Let me do this for you, yeah? It makes me feel good.”
You narrowed your eyes at him playfully. “Oh, so this is actually rather self-serving, is it? Doing my chores makes you feel good about yourself; it has nothing to do with me?”
“Now you’re getting it.” He agreed with a wink before moving his gaze between the progress you had made thus far and the instructions. “Not letting me do this would be really quite selfish, babe; do you never think of others?”
“Terribly sorry, Bee.”
Barty scoffed teasingly. “You should be; I’m dating a very rude girl.” 
“That’s mean; you’re mean.”
Barty looked at you incredulously. “I’m literally building you furniture right now.”
You shook your head at your boyfriend's antics and sighed. “Well what am I supposed to do now?”
“You sit there and keep looking pretty, Tres; then we can break in this bed frame.” 
He almost looked offended at the bark of laughter that elicited from your lips.
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isabel-lillah · 6 months
Barty and James being friends and Barty standing up for James
James has been officially dating Regulus for six months now. Barty, together with Evan, found out about this roughly four months ago when they came to their dorm to find James sleeping in Regulus's bed.
Barty was reserved at first. He didn't want to be friends with the obnoxious James 'happy-go-lucky' Potter. However, he quickly learned that disgustingly positive and loud persona was really just that. A persona.
Barty isn't sure why James feels comfortable being himself around him and his friends of all people. Evan believes it's Reg's influence - Barty thinks James just realizes that their Slytherin group (and Pandora) are the last people to judge him for not always being energetic or happy. Despite the popular belief, their friend group communicates feeling like shit really well. They're all aware that people are all kinds of fucked up and that a person's upbringing doesn't determine what issues they have.
That being said, he actually grew to like James. He knows he can always get an honest opinion from him and surprisingly good relationship advice. Because apparently James is more observant than he lets on and he clocked in on Barty's crush on Evan within minutes of meeting both of them.
Not to mention he can be just as unhinged as him if he wants to.
On one memorable occasion, he also let James drag him away from a fight which saved him from a long detention.
A detention like the one he's coming back from right now. It's pretty late, but he's not tired, so he decided to take a longer route than usual while walking back to his dorm. And thank fuck for that, because that's how he finds out that Sirius goddamned Black has been giving James shit for being friends with Barty.
"Sirius, I don't want to fight about this. Not again. I know you don't like him, but he is my friend. I don't force you to be friends with him, so why does it bother you?" echoed through the hall which Barty just stepped on. No one noticed him.
"James, it's Crouch. There's nothing good about him. He's crazy. How did you even become friends with him?"
James honest to Salazar looked so exhausted that Barty worried he would just pass out right then and there.
"You know what a free will is, right?" Barty finally decided to announce himself, partly to help James dodge Sirius's last question. This is not how the relationship should be outed to him.
"Crouch," Sirius greeted.
"Crouch Junior," Barty and James replied automatically. Barty will deny to his last breath that James correcting his last name like that made him happy.
"Listen, Black. I don't care that you don't like me. I'm not your biggest fan either. But for the love of Merlin, stop acting like an asshole to your best friend just because he got some new friends and he won't stand up to you properly because he cares about you. You take pride in being a Gryffindor, right? Then fucking act like it, suck up your pride and have a normal conversation."
Sirius looked pissed and James looked...relieved? The guy seriously needs to learn to stand up to his best friend when he's being an asshole, Barty decided.
And if, after leaving, Barty stopped behind the corner of the corridor to listen to James finally putting Sirius off a bit for saying shit about James's friendship choices, well, nobody needs to know.
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flintnsocks · 1 month
barty with a hufflepuff bestie but they fall in love please im begging I NEEEEED barty so bad
tell me, how’d you get so heavenly?
barty crouch jr. x hufflepuff!reader
in which barty’s plans for his future start clashing with what he feels for you.
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a/n: ahhh!! my first request <33 i think i went little overboard with the creative freedom here, hope you like it anyway :( tysm, and i’m so sorry for the delay, i’ve been procrastinating. wrote this while listening to the nbhd as you can tell from the title. this is SHORT, but i’m willing to do a part two!! ^_^
you wouldn’t approve.
merlin, of course you wouldn’t! why would you, an angel sent on earth, wanting justice and equal chances for everyone, approve of the blood purity bullshit?
he didn’t himself, at first, he deemed joining the cause as ridiculous as you would.
but bartemius crouch junior needed closure. approval. something his father never seemed to give him, no matter how many times he’d prove himself as way more than bloody enough. he needed direction, something worth fighting for.
why was it so hard to see that it could’ve been you all along, that it was?
he’d drop the death eaters the second you asked. he wouldn’t get that mark if you just looked at him with any disapproval. and you would, if he’d told you. you were best friends! telling each other everything and anything, no matter how embarrassing or trivial. …so why was this so hard to say? because he knew what you’d say, how disappointed you’d be. how you’d frown at him, hiding the sheer disgust you felt.
he found himself caring for you more day by day, the possible hurt of your disappointment growing in strength just like the group he’d joined. it was getting dangerous, even at hogwarts; students harassing others, fights breaking out in the corridors. he saw your frowns, he’d stopped you from stepping in and hurting yourself too many times already.
but he saw the looks you gave him too. he noticed all the lingering touches when you studied together, how you’d scoot closer to him when he managed to coax you into going stargazing with him at the astronomy tower. and he loved all of it. he loved your praise, your affections, your approval. he’d do anything for it, but he didn’t have to. it was like he could just exist, and you’d be happy nonetheless.
so what was he supposed to do? break your heart, tell you tell that he’s a monster, spreading beliefs that you so clearly disapproved of? or act like the mark on his wrist was never there and confess his love to you, letting you live your life in a lie? you weren’t stupid, you’d catch on eventually. too quickly, for sure.
he’d delay it. he’d hold you in his arms, pull you away when someone dared to suggest that he was an death eater, he’d make up excuses. …but his desire to just be with you, without guilt, or lying, was too strong. he’d kiss your lips when no one was around, acting like the perfect best friend the next day, constantly at war with himself.
it would never last like this.
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lonely-eli · 1 month
Trippin' on Hallucinogenics - Chapter 1
His father loved two things most: beating Dark Wizards and his work. He thought that anyone who didn’t share the same passions was a failure in the eyes of wizard society. Barty was one of those failures, even though he was only eleven, because he just couldn’t find the interest. He tried, he listened with rapt attention as his father droned on and on about whatever dark wizard he was “so close” to catching. But always found his attention wandering to the book he had read that day.
Barty always did as much as he could for his father’s attention, once he purposefully left a poster up in his room when guests were over, granting him an angry lecture. He climbed trees and snuck out late. He wore muggle clothing that his mother had gotten for him after he asked. Though he always felt a flash of fear whenever he was caught, like this was the time that would send his father over the edge. But all it ever did was make Bartemius Crouch Sr. see his son as a disappointment and shout angrily . He raised his hands sometimes, when Barty was being a particular nuisance, but never hit him. It was almost like he was also scared of his son.
Barty did notice that his mother flinched in the presence of his father, filling him with a flash of anger that he hid through smiles and nods. He never had to fight for his mother’s attention, she simply gave it to him. She would give him the world if she could.
When he was very little and cried about his father being gone, she would hug him close before singing to him. He always calmed down and eventually fell asleep in his mothers arms. She was always there when he woke up and he would just snuggle closer, accepting that she would always be there. When she woke up she would ruffle his hair and carry him into the dining room where she would sit down and wait for the elves to bring their food.
They still have breakfast together every day, it’s the best time for them to exist together. Then they’ll leave to go do their own activities before returning for dinner.
The day the letter came, Barty woke up grumpy. The house elves shook him awake.
“It’s time for young master Crouch to wake up!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Barty mumbled into his pillow, then he stretched and yawned. 
“A letter has arrived for you,” the house elf said. Barty couldn’t remember her name. Though she always made sure to make him sweets when he was feeling down.
Barty rolled out of bed with a groan, “I think I’m going to die.”
The house elf looked down at him with wide eyes, “I can get Master Crouch Junior some medicine! I’ll go get Mistress Crouch!”
“No, no, no,” Barty eventually said when the house elf started to panic, “I’m fine, just tired.”
Barty slumped back onto the ground, “Next time don’t wake me up so early.”
“This is the normal time— is young Master Crouch sure he is okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine,” Barty said with a big smile that immediately dropped, he sighed, “Is Father home?”
The elf looked uncomfortable at that ask. Barty started to get agitated when she didn’t respond, “Well is he?!”
“No, Master Crouch, he’s still on business.”
“Mhm,” Barty said, then got up, “I’m heading down.”
“Wonderful!” the elf said, and she really seemed to believe it. Barty nodded then sighed and walked downstairs.
Barty’s mother was crying at the breakfast table when he walked in.
“Mother?” he asked, standing in the doorway. She startled and wiped her eyes, tears ceasing immediately from years of practice.
“Sorry, I–”
“It’s okay,” he interrupted, “What’s wrong?” She smiled at him, and he felt a sense of comfort like he always did. He sat down across from her. She handed him a letter. He let out a sigh of relief and laid his head on the table after reading the word “Hogwarts”.
His mother laughed, “You’re going to Hogwarts!”
They had been slightly worried when the letter hadn’t arrived so close to the school year, Barty hadn’t known whether he was magical enough to be accepted, despite the release of magic he sometimes felt if he got too emotional. But he had been accepted, and his father wouldn’t be disappointed in him for it. Barty smiled into the table before sitting up, taking out the letter and reading it.
“The supplies are in Diagon Alley,” Barty guessed. He had been to Diagon Alley before and had watched all the kids get ready for school.
“We’ll leave in a little bit,” his mother said, then she looked pointedly at his pajamas. He grinned.
“Are you saying I can’t wear this?” Barty asked, gesturing to his outfit. It was a soft blue t-shirt and flannel pants. His mother shook her head with a small smile.
“No, go get into your robes.”
“Yes, mother,” Barty conceded, jumping away from the dinner table with his letter.
He went into his room which, since his father was away, was covered in posters and small trinkets. He mostly always hid them whenever his father was around because he liked to pick and choose the battles he fought. He would stuff them underneath his bed to hide them. He reached into his dresser and pulled out a tank top, trousers, and a black robe, which he carried with him into the bathroom.
Barty was not too handsome of a boy. He had the same dark hair as his mother with the face of his father, which made him ugly. His hair was sticking out in all directions when he looked in the mirror so he left it, it always upset his father for him to go out with unkempt hair.
“Bartemius!” his mother called, “I’m leaving!”
Barty flinched at the name, but quickly threw his robe on and ran downstairs to meet his mother. She was wearing a nice white dress that fell to her ankles but made her look more ghostly than she already did. She wrapped her son up in a hug before apparating the both of them to Diagon Alley.
Diagon Alley was filled with witches and wizards. They ran in and out of shops with large books. Kids were leaving Ollivanders with shiny new wands. Some even had pets, large owls, tiny toads, and Barty even saw a snake belonging to a kid wearing green. Barty looked to his mother and immediately started dragging her to Ollivanders.
“Ah, Mr. Rosier, completely different wands are to be expected. The wand does choose the wizard.”
There was a ratty looking man standing in front of two kids and a man who looked like their father. Both kids were holding new wands that looked right in their hands. The kids looked like twins with the boy having bleached curls that fell into his eyes and the girl having bleached dreads that fell past her shoulders. The girl looked embarrassed and was trying to stop her father, while the boy played with his wand boredly.
They were the Rosier family. A name that Barty knew from the long lectures of his father. 
“They’re a dark family!” his father shouted almost every time he was home, “None of them are right.”
“Hello? Mr. Ollivander?” his mother said, interrupting Mr. Rosier’s next sentence.
“Oh! Now, Mr. Rosier, if you don’t mind, I do have other customers—”
“These wands are good Father,” the boy said, flicking his wand.
“Yes!” squeaked the girl.
The boy stared at Barty, who smiled back, his mother grabbed Barty’s hand.
“Very well,” Lord Rosier said, turning to pay for the wands, Ollivander quickly hopped over the counter and rang him up.
“I’m Pandora,” Pandora told Barty with a smile, “Pandora Rosier. This grump is Evan.”
“Bartemius Crouch Jr.,” Barty greeted, then he glanced at his mother.
“Bartemius,” the boy, Evan, repeated, enunciating every syllable, “Crouch.”
“That’s me.”
Evan squinted his eyes like he was going to say something but then his father reached down and grabbed Evan’s hand.
“Come on, children,” his father said.
Barty felt a flash of jealousy as Evan’s father led both of his children away, then laughed with them once they were outside. It looked like he laughed at something that Evan said. His gaze was dragged back to Ollivander though when the man let out a cough.
“A Crouch,” Ollivander said, like he was a genius for coming up with Barty’s last name, “You’ll want a strong wand.”
Ollivander ruffled through the shelves of shelves of wands before returning with a wand in a blue case.
“A cypress wand with a dragon heartstring,” Ollivander said, revealing a thin and graceful wand, “A powerful wand, meant for a hero.”
Barty waved the wand, and powerful magic shot out, hitting Ollivander’s desk and overturning it.
“That’s no good,” Ollivander noticed. Barty shrugged, he kind of liked it. The recklessness of having a wand that didn’t want you, he would get it to listen to him.
But Ollivander snatched it out of his grip, and returned to laboring over the shelves.
“Two Holly wands in one day, I suppose,” muttered Ollivander, grabbing a box off the shelf, “Holly and DragonHeart string, matching young Master Rosier’s wand. Different dragons of course.”
Barty grabbed the wand from Ollivander quickly and flicked it. Wrong.
“I guess not,” Ollivander tutted, taking it back.
Finally, Ollivander pulled out a bright green box, and pulled out the prettiest wand that Barty had ever seen in his life. It was twisted slightly, but not enough to be uncomfortable. Barty eagerly took it and flicked it. Controlled magic spun out like a ribbon and twirled around him.
“It’s perfect,” Barty said once the magic had calmed down.
Ollivander nodded, “Yew wood with a dragon heartstring, strange for a Crouch.” He turned to Barty’s mother with a grave look on his face, “I don’t like to give Yew out often,  my lady, but this one called.”
Barty smiled, his wand felt right in his hand, he spun around with it. His mother watched him with a soft smile, “It looks like that’s the one, Mr. Ollivander.”
“I suppose it is,” he said, then turned to the register. Barty’s mother paid while Barty continued to play with his wand. Ollivander had a strange look on his face, “I suppose it is.”
The Crouch family left Ollivander’s with a new wand.
“Where to next?” His mother asked.
Another kid walked out of a store labeled “The Magical Menagerie” holding a toad that croaked in his hands. Barty paused and then turned to his mother with the biggest puppy dog eyes.
“No,” she laughed. Her son pouted.
“But Mother—”
“Your father would be so angry,” she said, then she sighed, “Something small should do. Just a toad.”
“A ferret!” Barty screamed, seeing the wormy creature in the window. His mother pursed her lips.
“I don’t know, Barty, how about a rat or a toad.”
Barty walked calmly into the shop. His mother sighed and chased after him.
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permetutotheworld · 19 days
Barty crouch junior poem
requested by @ashstillalive
i’m not crazy i swear
im only nine and i live to hear
Praise fall from your lips
so im always perfect ill never slip
im not crazy i swear
i just dont think you ever cared
maybe you did love me once
but now in not your perfect son
im not crazy i swear
I just dont think its at all fair
for one person to look like that
but if i told you that id get slapped
im not crazy i swear
but when he touched my hair
i melted at and let go
i might love him but what do i know
im not crazy i swear
but i pierced my eats and died my hait
and he told me i look perfect
it shoukdnt have had that big of an effect
im not crazy i swear
but these days me and him are a pair
you say i shouldnt love him but jts not my fault
besides its not as if i joined a cult
i swore i wasnt crazy but now
im kneeling at his grave thinking how
im going to kill the fucker who killed him
whether is costs life and limb.
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partlystiles · 2 years
Hey uhh. Can you make a part 2 of Barty and reader talking about their dads but this time they meet in the future and hoe reader died? I sort of need some angst
PT 1
barty crouch jr x fem!reader
summary: a run-in with a relative of someone from his past makes Barty's head turn.
Warnings: swearing, use of alcohol, mentions of death.
sorry it's been a while!
My dearest Barty,
Enclosed in this letter is an Occamy feather for you! You better like it because I nearly died getting it for you, I had to resort to the mating dance and screeching loudly so it wouldn't attack. They are very aggressive and protective over their eggs, just like I knew but I can't believe I managed to tame one.
Of course I didn't manage to get an egg, but I have a drawing of it in my case that I will bring back to you and tell you all about.
India is so much fun! I've learned Bollywood dancing, visited a lot of the temples, trekked in the Himalayans to get to the Occamy of course. I even came during Diwali and everything is so beautiful!
I wish you were here with me. You'd love the dancing, even if you think you wouldn't, I know it. I'll be home soon, happily back with you. Little Elijah or Eleanor, whichever one it is, has been kicking for their daddy. Misses you almost as much as I do.
I know you had your doubts about me going to India whilst five months pregnant but I've run into no trouble whatsoever, just a little kick here and there but you were there for the first one. It should be about 4 more days until I'm back and I'm so excited!
I'm hoping that everything is okay back home. I know there's been more recent disappearances, even Regulus Black. Poor boy. He was so nice to me, I can't imagine how his brother is feeling. As long as you're safe then I'm happy, very happy.
Four months until our baby comes into the world!
Boat is boarding soon, so I'll go post this letter now. I love you so much! See you soon.
Y/N x
Bartemius Crouch read the letter over and over again. And then again. Until he felt numb inside, numb all over until somebody had to physically force him out of his chair, let alone out of his house. His heart was shattered, crawling back together to try and attach itself again, but it didn't work. Everything just crumpled again, crumpled like the letter in Barty's hand that was stained with blood, tears and sweat.
Multiple times it had been fished out of the garbage, multiple times he had tried to smooth all of the wrinkles back out of the paper so he could read it one more time. Multiple times he had been on the verge of incinerating every inky last word...but he never did. Because he could never ever get rid of her, the thought of her, the knowledge of her. Her and his baby who was never ever birthed.
Little Elijah or Eleanor never met their daddy and their daddy never got to look into the eyes of his child and softly rock them from side to side whilst singing them to sleep. It was a loss greater than anything, but nothing will ever be greater than the loss of his wife. His sun, his moon, his eclipse. Without her, his nights were darkened, his days were lost and Bartemius Crouch Junior withered away in his grand house, wishing his love was still in his arms.
However, a knock at the door interrupted his nightmare of a daydream. A grunt escaped his lips at the sound of it, his hand's grip on his glass of alcohol tightening at the rim as his other hand wiped at his spiked stubble around his chin in an uninterested gleam.
"Go away." Barty raised his voice a little, stumbling up from his dishevelled armchair and letting the rest of the letter from his wife's travel that sat on his lap fall to the wooden floor below him. "No one's home."
As he tried to stumble away again, tipping the last of the alcohol down his throat, he heard his door open anyway. Despite the obvious want of not having someone with him at that current time, he could hear footsteps behind him, entering the grand room with an air of purpose and especially an air of arrogance.
"I said GO AWAY." Barty swivelled around, chucking his glass at the doorway that the person was stood in. They didn't flinch at all, but the glass smashed above the archway and the shattered pieces fell down to the floor. "Fucking...fuckin bitch. Fuckin leave."
"Mr. Crouch, please." The man in the doorway removed his hat from his head, holding it in front of him as he watched the broken man trip around his drawing room, walking to his fireplace. "I'm here to talk about my daughter. I believe you knew her. Her name was Y/N."
At once, Barty paused in his place beside the fireplace, his hand grappled on the mantelpiece as his eyes narrowed into fierce slits at the mention of the name. The man grunted drunkenly again, shaking his head as his hands slapped against the mantelpiece multiple times before he decided to hit his head instead.
"Don't..." He drawled, his voice like gravel scraping against his vocal chords before he looked at the man in the doorway. The man had a shadow cast over his face but the firelight highlighting his nose told Barty that he was a spitting image of his dear Y/N. "Don't act like you fuckin' cared about...about her. I know what you did."
"I-I didn't do anything. My girl ran away when she was 17...I've been trying to find her for years. They led me here."
"Well, you're about a year too late, old man." Barty chuckled darkly, pushing himself away from the fireplace to swipe his bottle of alcohol off of his coffee table, pouring a hefty bit into a new glass. "She's dead."
"I was afraid of that." The man sighed, shaking his head and Barty downed about half of his drink before squinting and facing the man again. This time with more suspicion as he began to wring his hat in his hands. "She always was reckless. Running off, wanting to explore the world when I had a perfectly good job lined up for her at the ministry."
"Maybe she didn't want to be a fucking brainless clone." Barty spat, placing his glass down on the table before running his hands through his growing hair and over his face disappointedly. "And why the hell did it take you five fucking years to go looking for her? Ask anyone, it would've led you to me. You wanna fucking know why?"
"I don't-"
"I was the one who convinced her to run away." He whispered comically, pointing to himself with a crazed laugh as his lover's father straightened up a little at the amusement Barty was taking. "Right after I put a ring on her finger, we ran all the way to fucking Glasglow and got married in a stable. How's that for your precious little girl?"
"You drove my daughter away from me!" The man walked towards Barty, who picked up his glass and downed the rest of the alcohol before turning until he was chest to chest with the man. "She could've had a great life. A great job with a great salary and a great husband with a son and a daughter. You took that from her?"
"You drove her away from you yourself!" Barty stumbled more, but poked a finger onto the man's chest anyway, eyeing his own wand on the table just metres away. "It was her dream to travel the world and that's exactly what I...what I let her do, what I encouraged her to do. She was fucking happy, fuckin' joyful. With me. With my child inside of her. But of course you and your fucking ministry can't leave a man alone for two seconds-"
"You see, she was coming home from India, 5 months pregnant with my baby- and she- and she, she was on the same boat as another Death Eater. I didn't even know the guy that well. You ministry Aurors showed up, and she was caught in the crossfire. She died. My baby died. My whole life was ripped away from me because of YOU. YOU AND YOUR FUCKING- YOU'RE FUCKING..."
"Spit it out, son." The ministry worker said, stepping back from the boy as Barty reached into his pocket and yanked out her goodbye letter, crumpling it again in his hand before he looked back at the man, quivering with rage.
"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE. GO." He shoved his hands out, hitting the man away from him, but the elder one didn't even budge as Barty's weak drunken form pushed and pushed at the body. "GET OUT. SHE WOULDN'T WANT YOU HERE. LEAVE. Fuckin-"
Bartemius reached his hand out, bending down in his pause from slapping his late wife's father to walk over to the coffee table where his wand sat. He picked up his wand, pointing it at the man in front of him who now did stumble backwards at the sight of the crazed man threatening him with his wand. Although it seemed as though Barty couldn't get a clear shot.
"Avada Kedavra." A blinding flash of light and a thud reverberated around the room as Barty was left alone, stumbling again though he didn't bother to pour himself another drink, he just grabbed the bottle and let it slide down his throat. "Fuckin' bitch, freakin' fucker...
... I want my baby."
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enigmaticemperor · 2 years
Forgive me for going off topic towards the end 😅
Prompt #13: Talking about the war
He walked into the living room to find Ginny curled up on the couch. The boys, as usual, were hyperactive before bed, and it wasn't easy getting them to sleep. 
Ginny was staring off into space, lost in thought.
The third pregnancy had been harder on her than the first two. The Harpies were in the semifinals when they found out, and Ginny wanted to finish the season. Healers allowed pregnant players to continue till the end of the first trimester.
Lily didn't want to sleep for long spells either, whether it was inside Ginny's belly or after being born. Being born the smallest of all three didn't help assuage Harry and Ginny's concerns either.
He sat next to her and brought his arms around her. She immediately sank into him.
He pressed a kiss to her temple. "She needs time to settle. The boys surely did."
"I know," she sighed, "I'm not worried about that." She let out a chuckle. "She looks just like Jamie when she sleeps."
Harry closed his eyes and hummed. Lily looked a lot like Ginny, except for the mouth and eyelashes, which all three had the same of. So when they were little, they all looked the same, more or less, except for the eyes.
"I want to write about the DA."
This made Harry open his eyes suddenly.
"I know we gave interviews and all that, but lately, I want to tell everyone the whole story. How shitty it was at Hogwarts, how Death Eaters aren't the best of teachers, well, except for Barty Crouch Junior," she joked, as if they weren't talking about the worst year of their lives.
"You sure?" Harry asked apprehensively. Memories of how she would retreat into a shell whenever that topic was brought up flooded him. That summer, Ginny made him promise that he wouldn't ever tell Molly and Arthur the full extent of what happened at Hogwarts.
She nodded, not meeting his eyes. He tilted her chin up with his forefinger. "You don't have to, you know. Just because the tenth anniversary is coming up - "
"I'm not going to lie. That is a big part of the reason. But it's not the only one. I think it's time everyone knows, and we can start learning from it. Parents wouldn't want their children to go through anything like that. So, people will listen to it," she said firmly.
"Nothing's going to happen to them," he said, sensing her fears.
She moved fully onto his lap, and Harry rested his head on her shoulder. "I just worry."
"Me too," he replied.
After a few moments or maybe hours, she said, "The Daily Prophet offered me a full-time job."
He kissed her collarbone. "You're going to finish that book first, aren't you?"
"Exactly," she sighed as his mouth moved to her neck.
"I'll take a break for the next six months, then."
She stopped him. "You don't have to."
"I'm Head Auror," he smirked. "I can do what I want. Besides, Ron is more than capable." He continued what Ginny paused.
"I'll be fine with the kids. I'll have time for the book, too," she threaded her hands through his hair and pulled his mouth to hers. Before Harry could kiss her, she smirked and moved to nip at his earlobe.
"Besides," she peppered kisses all over his face, intentionally missing the lips. "I want all three kids' first word to be mama."
He gripped her hips. "So that's your plan, Mrs Potter. I caught you red-handed."
"Yep," she popped the p. "What are you going to do about it, Head Auror?"
Before Harry could reply, Lily started crying, causing them to break apart.
"I'll go check on her," he said, and Ginny slid off.
"She still won't be saying dada first," she called after him.
He turned around and smirked, "We’ll see."
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sonufabitchhhhh · 2 years
Words, Wars, and Symphonies
- Barty Crouch Junior x Reader (Harry Potter)
Chapter 1: ‘Cause These Words Are Knives That Often Leave Scars
Y/n was reading by the fire. Her father was in one of the other many rooms talking to some of the loyal Death Eaters he was friendly with, way back when.
Despite her father's loyalty, y/n wasn't raised on the notion that the Dark Lord was right, only that she would be safer following him, and so, throughout her life, y/n made her own assumptions of what's wrong or right.
Y/n's father prolonged her becoming a Death Eater for as long as possible. He knew that the Dark Lord knew that y/n would some day join, and be loyal to him also, so there was no rush. But eventually, she had that fateful mark on her arm, with no fuss.
She lived a good life, thanks to her father's close nature to the Dark Lord - she wasn't harmed, or put in danger, she grew up knowing the other Death Eaters, most of them sticking by her like family friends, so she was friendly with everyone. She never had to do any hard work for the Dark Lord.
She'd met him, on many occasions, and he knew there would be no point throwing her in battle. Her expertise were caring for the other Death Eaters (let's be honest, almost none of them were emotionally stable, and though few would admit it, she was very easy to talk to). She stayed in the manor, or any place the Dark Lord was staying, and helped prepare rooms and meals for anyone staying there.
She was very comfortable around everyone. It was a silent rule that everyone was to keep y/n far away from the messy business, no one wanted to taint her sunny nature, or worse, make her less friendly to them personally. She was loved throughout the community of Death Eaters, and even Voldemort himself would never knowingly put her in harms way, or make her witness the gory details behind the curtain.
Y/n had her doubts and worries, and was sometimes ashamed of the path she took. She knew society was in ruins, but she could only have faith that things would get better, and know that out there, she would only get killed, which would help no one. At least here, she had hope for a better future.
From her place on the sofa, before the roaring fire, she heard some ruckus going on somewhere. She ignored it, assuming it was the usual business, that everyone kept her away from.
Then, a Death Eater came bursting in the room. "Y/n! Quickly, someone's been injured, we might need your help!" He sated hurriedly. She knew this meant she would probably need to stand by, ready to get blankets, or pillows, or whatever else was needed to create a safe environment to heal the injured Death Eater. With that, she dropped her book, and ran out of the room with him.
In the main entrance to the manor, she just got there in time to see some Death Eaters burst through the room, Bellatrix and Fenrir at the front dragging Barty with them.
Y/n ran and pushed past the crowd of people to have easy access if she needed to help. It was then that she really saw Barty.
He looked pale, and mostly limp, but still conscious. She saw his shirt hanging from him, and although she couldn't see the obvious injuring underneath, she could see the masses of blood staining his clothes, which just kept coming. His shirt was covered in a dark, almost brown shade, while bright, vibrant torrents of the thick liquid was oozing out of the presumable gash.
Y/n was shocked still, as Fenrir helped Barty and Bellatrix onto the floor so he could sit while leaning on her. He was still awake, and a look of immense pain was on his face.
It was that, that made her remember her duties, and she ran to bring a comfortable chair in, and as many pillows as she could carry with it.
A/N: hey so, let me know what you think, and if you have any ideas for the future of this story, and I hope you liked this!
Hope you have a great day/night,
~ SonofaBeach
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jfleamont · 1 year
I have a kind of specific question that I'm hoping you and your followers could help me out with.
I'm writing my own version of the classic marauders fic, but I suck at writing the death eaters I don't enjoy writing antagonistic characters particularly and don't even have a super clear idea of who is who/ who fits to include(besides perhaps the main ones like Snape and regulus) especially since there's so little canon, so the majority is often fan made. of course they are essential to the plot though!
I want it to obviously be my own work, but I would really appreciate any pointers of where to start with these characters, even just a list of the right characters to start developing my own interpretations of.
this is obviously a very big ask, so any help or pointers anyone can offer to give me a nudge in the right direction I'd be so grateful for!
Hello! Sorry for the late reply, I had two exams and I have two more coming up but I've been dying to reply to this ask since you sent it :)
I'll preface this by saying that, much like you, I'm really not into these kind of characters and I don't enjoy writing them, nor do I have the skill to do so. I have only written one-shots and none of them had any Death Eaters in them; however, I do have a WIP (that I started almost one year ago and that I plan on finishing sometime this summer) that's going to be around 10k and it will most certainly feature those kind of characters, so this is actually really helpful for me too and it might help me get out of this funk since I haven't worked on that WIP in months.
That said, let's get to work!
The first name that comes to mind is Lucius Malfoy. We have quite a bit of info about him in canon, and I believe he's 6 or 7 years older than the Marauders. He was a prefect and was in the Slug Club, and was friends with Snape for the brief time they were at Hogwarts together. After leaving Hogwarts he married Narcissa Black, another pureblood, got a job at the ministry and at one point he met Voldemort. If you want to write him into your story, depending on the year your fic takes place, you could show him taking Snape under his wing and giving speeches about blood purity. I think by then he was already a prefect so he probably abused his power and gave detentions to Gryffindors and Muggleborns/Halfbloods for no reason; I don't know if he'd use violence or hexes, because he's far too diplomatic for that. I think he was really good at convincing people, he manipulated them and made them do the dirty work for him. He'd occasionally hex people for fun but due to his upbringing, he knew better than picking petty fights in the hallways, and he strikes me as the kind of person who was very driven and who thought about the bigger picture. He had, after all, a place in the wizarding world by right of birth, and his family was quite openly in favour of blood purity and all that racist bullshit. Snape, on the other hand, had always been picked on and he learnt at a very young age how to defend himself (and was easily triggered). Lucius didn't need to. He didn't have Snape's rage and didn't want revenge. If you want to start your story when the Marauders are a bit older (16 or 17), you could say that the wannabe Death Eaters at Hogwarts sort of idolised him because he was so young but already in Voldemort's inner circle; furthermore, you could have him actually recruit students, and have them take Unbreakable vows, teach them the Unforgivable Curses and make them get the Dark Mark. They could meet in Hogsmeade (since he's no longer a student), kinda like Harry does with his first DA meeting.
Barty Crouch Junior is another Death Eater that comes to mind and it could be an interesting character to work with. He was at Hogwarts during the 70s and roughly the same age as James & his friends. He came from a pureblood family, but I don't think they were the kind of people who actually wanted Muggleborns dead; after all, Crouch Senior was already a prominent figure in politics, and he was head of the DMLE (Department of Magical Law Enforcement). But he did have an aggressive approach towards criminals, which partly explains his son's obsession with violence. Barty Junior also had a very complicated relationship with his father, a man who was probably incapable of showing affection and was too busy working to take care of his son. I think Barty hated him but wanted to impress him at the same time and, in a very fucked up way, he did those horrible things because he wanted his father to pay attention to him. We don't know why he chose to become a DE, but my impression is that he was a very lonely, insecure kid and he found a sense of belonging at Hogwarts, something I don't think he ever felt when he was at home. Whether he joined the very people his father was after out of spite or not, it doesn't really matter. What matters is that he did believe in those things by the time he was older. He was also very intelligent - he disguised himself as Moody for nearly a year - albeit highly unpredictable. He was delirious and insane in some scenes, but overall quite reasonable when he pretended to be Moody, so he could have had a personality disorder, but if you want to write about that you should do some research and be careful, because associating villains with mental illnesses could do more harm than good if not done well, and it's a slippery slope. All I'm gonna say is that he definitely had some daddy issues, that's for sure.
Then of course we have Regulus, whose family was very much against Muggleborns. We know quite a lot about the Black household thanks to Sirius, and there are different headcanons floating around about the kind of bond the two brothers had. In my opinion, Regulus looked up to his brother and was envious of him: even at eleven years old, Sirius had already made up his mind about his parents' view of the world and wanted nothing to do with them. It shows that he was an independent thinker, and I think Regulus wondered for a long time how he could do that so easily. Was Regulus not strong enough? Or did he feel like he didn't have a choice? Because Sirius had James, so he wasn't completely alone. Regulus had no one. Obviously, I know he did have a choice, and he shared his parents' (and Voldemort's) political views. When Voldemort hurt Kreacher he turned against him, which is very interesting and unusual, mainly because pureblood families do not have any sort of respect or affection towards elves, while Regulus clearly did.
As for the others, I think Mulciber and Avery are mentioned by Lily while they were in Hogwarts, and they're the ones who cursed Mary Macdonald (this is mentioned in SWM). I think they went to Azkaban after the first war, unlike Evan Rosier (mentioned during Karkaroff's trial) who was killed when they tried to arrest him.
I suggest you also look into the Sacred Twenty-Eight - a list of pureblood families from which the Potters were excluded because they had been pro-muggle for a couple of generations, I think - to get an idea and maybe an inspiration for an original DE character.
So, if you want to include Death Eaters in your fic, you could make a list of possible characters and mention their relationships and friendships; you could make one of them really good at dueling, and another one good at flying (and make them James' rival during Quidditch matches). Death Eaters were Voldemort's followers first, and friends second, so it makes sense that there was a hierarchy: you can choose one of them as a leader, and the others could be the minions, the brawns and the brains (Snape would probably be the latter since he was smart and actually invented some hexes that were very useful to the DEs). And if you want to make things even more interesting, some of them could also be from different Hogwarts houses (not the ones I've mentioned because they're all canonically Slytherins), and they could also be girls!
If you want more ideas, there's a 2014 film called 'The Riot Club' (which I didn't like to be honest, but that's not the point lol) that explores the violent behaviour that often occurs in these kind of social circles; and while you're at it, you could also research 'hazing', a phenomenon that is often associated with fraternities and sororities in college that, while pretty disturbing, could also make for a much more compelling story.
Historically, boarding schools have often been described as toxic environments: for the majority of the year these young kids are separated from their families and while this is beneficial for some, for others it's very dangerous. During the most vulnerable period of their lives, they have to rely on authority figures that do not, however, provide the love and affection that parents do; this creates a dissonance, and kids either isolate themselves, or create their own 'families', and some are more dysfunctional than others (i.e. the Marauders vs. Snape's gang).
This is all I could think about, but as always people are welcome to add their own thoughts and headcanons!
Hope this helps, and feel free to ask me whatever you want :)
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lulupen2023 · 2 years
Barty Crouch Jr/Aro Volturi Harry Potter/Twilight crossover part II (II)/III (II)
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aww thanks for liking it, once it's concluded I'll also post the mini sequels ;) Summary:
Barty Crouch Junior's (somewhat horrifying) fate seems to have already been written… or maybe not? What if there was someone who has other plans for him?
Summary of the chapter: Son and father face each other, then it's carnaage time and Barty displays his new power ;P
warning: this is a dark story, 'Evil Wins' style, in this chapter at some point there will be a massacre and you may not agree with some victims that I have chosen, but I had to look at the whole story from Barty CJ’s perspective >;P
II (II): Hello, father!  
Meanwhile Aro, Jane, Alec and a large group of other followers, who until then had mingled with the participants without drawing attention, revealed their presence.
General panic ensued in the whole tribunal.
Dumbledore was the only one quick enough to apparate, taking Potter with him.
Aro immediately rushed towards Moody, he had a long unfinished business with him.
"Stay away from me, you filthy creature!" snarled the Auror, about to cast a SectumSempra against him as it could behead him, but the millennial vampire was far quicker than him, snatching his wand from his hand and breaking it in front of his eyes… at least in front of the only normal one left.
"Fourteen years ago you prevented my puppy from escaping and put him in jail. This is not something I can forgive you," Aro said phlegmatically, before biting his neck with blind fury.  
The others were busy as well and the now eternally young Barty would soon join the party, but first he had a priority.
“You, wretch, what the hell have you done? What have you become? " the judge rose from his chair, backing away.
He didn't even try to ask for help, he knew that no one would save him, everyone was too busy trying to fight for their own survival.
Yet the hellish thing that looked like his son didn't seem to be in a hurry.
"Aren't you happy for me, dad ?" he said that last word with all possible sarcasm. "I finally have one thing that you don't even know what it means: a family."
"Don’t talk like that!" the old man shouted.
"Oh, shouldn’t I? Isn't it only  your fault what is happening? Think about it, it would have taken so little: playing with me sometimes when I asked you as a child, come and see at least one of my Quidditch matches, I was quite good, you know? Or tell me at least a 'Very good, son, I'm proud of you' with all the O.W.L.s I have obtained with so much study, commitment and self-sacrifice, those values that are so important to you ... "
" Barty, I ... "the other tried to answer, with broken voice.
“You were never there, but someone else was and oooooh, He gave me so much, He made me feel accepted, valued, appreciated. My Dark Lord is the father I never had and much, so much more, ” the vampire hurt him, more than he could have done later.
"But to put your work first, that's why you were always there, to send your son to Azkaban , have him tormented by the Dementors ..."
"But I also saved you!" his father raised his voice, regaining a certain grit.
Barty laughed contemptuously.
"You?! No, my mother saved me, my beloved mother whom you almost killed with your decisions, giving her  heartbreak, you only allowed her to fulfill the last wish of the few remaining days of her life. And then how were you going to save me? Imprisoning me for years in my own house, driving me mad with loneliness, beyond the few moments that you allowed Winki to visit me, leaving me still, silent and invisible to everyone, depriving me of everything but breathing to spend the time? " he accused him, before drawing out the wand he had kept well hidden. " Crucio ."
It was only a whisper, but that was enough for the old man to fall to the ground, suffering the most excruciating pain.
"I'm still a Death Eater, let me have some old-fashioned fun first," he explained, continuing the torture. "CRUCIO."
The intensity increased, as did the poor man's cries, which soon tired his executioner.
He raised his wand, ending the curse, then lifted his father, with one hand, holding him by the neck, without his feet touching the floor.
“You know, father, this new me has a very special power: I can know the greatest fear of my victims, I just need to look at them. And now I know that yours is that your son would never be able to forgive you. " he revealed, running his tongue over his sharp canines.
The old wizard nodded desperately, panic stricken.
"Draw your own conclusions!" he growled, before sinking his fangs into his neck, draining him in a few minutes, and then tossing the corpse to the ground.
"How do you feel, puppy?" Aro hugged him from behind.
He had been watching him for a while.
"Avenged." Barty grinned, turning to kiss him. "And I owe all of this to you."
"I couldn't have made a more worthy addition to our family." his Sire smiled, taking out a handkerchief to wipe all the blood from his face.
He could have licked it directly but he was still a lover of bon ton and some things needed the proper privacy.
"In the meantime, I took care of a couple of business with the one who has hindered you and also with the one who has been a spy, something so vile and deplorable ... and guess what? His blood tasted too much of vodka!" Aro made him laugh.
Meanwhile Barty had also caught the first reference.
"I would have liked to see you drinking that bloody Auror, I'm just sorry I couldn't figure out what his greatest fear was... maybe losing the other good eye too!" he laughed with Aro.
“What do you say, puppy? Shall we go and let you experience your power a little more? "
Barty nodded, thrilled.
So he discovered that a Minister of Magic was afraid of water, he just had to throw an Aguamenti and he had the feeling of drowning, another was terrified by the flames, he just needed to create a fiery circle with a Incendio spell and his victim panicked so much he ended among the flames. Another had a phobia of snakes, with a simple Accio Barty turned his nightmare into reality.
Now that he had discovered a new way to kill, Barty felt more excited than a child in a toy store.
And Aro perhaps did more than him.
"With you, Barty, I will be able to discover the Cullens’ weaknesses or fight any other enemy clan, what a precious treasure I’ve collected this time!" he smiled through toothy teeth, including his pointy canines, before kissing him.
Jane and Alec joined them too.
"That horrible woman all dressed in pink looked so sour and instead her blood was as sweet as honey," the vampiress commented, licking her fingers with the last remnants. "That journalist instead ... I was expecting something more succulent, instead she had an almost tasteless blood."
"Like her articles that she swelled out of proportion, but which actually were just thin air!" Barty made her smile.
But she would smile at him for whatever he said to her. Now that he was one of them and she had seen his new power, mixed with his dark magic, she was even more attracted to him, even though she knew very well what her limits were.
"Sister, I don't understand your obsession with such elderly victims!" Alec snorted. "I found myself a pretty good young boy, his blood so full of promises and hopes ... now gone!" he laughed cruelly, casting one last glance at his victim.
Looking in the same direction Barty realized who it was.
"As far as I know, he had become my father's protégé ..." he said, with a certain melancholy tone.
Aro took his face in his hands to make him look at him.
"Don’t think about it. Now you are my protégé. " he murmured, stroking his hair.
Barty recovered from that small moment of weakness as soon as he saw who was left of the few survivors: Cornelius Fudge was crawling among the corpses, trying to get out of there.
The Death Eater stepped in front of him, but looking at him he figured out that he shouldn't have done anything to him.
He curled up to him, putting his lips to his ear.
"Oh yes, the Dark Lord is among us again, more alive and powerful than ever, I’m going to let you live only so that He can take care of you directly when He comes to get you, soon ... and you will regret that I didn’t kill you now." he whispered, leaving him shivering, gone as white as a sheet.
Aro pulled Barty to himself.
“Come on, puppy, let's get out of here, it's time to get your wand back. “ he filled him with expectations. 
“Thanks to the spell you created to disguise us, no one will notice that we shine when we’re hit by the rays of the sun,” Alec told him; that was his way of complimenting him and Barty just nodded.
"And anyway, after picking your wand, we will be headed to a place that hasn’t seen the sun for a long time, even if I don't jump for joy to go back through those dirty, damp and ratty corridors." Jane rolled her ruby eyes.
"We're going to free quite a few people, which your Dark Lord will certainly be happy about." Alec informed him.
Barty turned to Aro.
"Are we really going to get all the prisoners out of Azkaban ?" he asked, thinking mainly of his friend and rival who had been there for years.
"Of course, a little surprise that I allowed myself to plan for Voldemort, he doesn't expect it," Aro winked at him. "Other vampires have already gone there, led by Marcus and Caius, but an extra hand never hurts."
Barty nodded, but then frowned.
Aro didn’t even have to establish a contact with him, he had already guessed what was troubling him.
“You will see him again, I promise you. Just not right now. Once we’re done in Azkaban you will come with me to Volterra , I have some unfinished business. But you can believe me, Barty, you are not leaving Hogwarts forever, nor are you leaving Him. " he heartened him.
"Yes, puppy?"
"I don't think I've thanked you enough yet."
The millennial vampire smiled at him winking.
"In Volterra we will have plenty of time for that too and certainly not on a squalid cot!"
Yes because they have won, there will be another chapter, because my beloved Barty deserves it to see his Dark Lord (a certain Dark Witch will see him long before him, but oh well, that's the way it has to go ^^ ') ... and then a little more needs to be explained;) The father-son comparison is the moment that was most exciting to write, I hope you enjoyed it. As for the victims, aside from Moody and Barty CS who were the ones reported, the other hints referred to Igor Karkarof, Dolores Umbridge, Rita Skeeter and Percy Weasley (and I love Percy, really, without a doubt my favorite Weasley ... but I'm sorry, I love Barty much more!) ... three Ministers of magic with their related phobias (by the way, do you like Barty's power?;)) instead they are totally random XD
Feel free to tell me whatever you want, but, pleease, do. Like I said before, I assure you that in other areas I can also write about a much fluffier Barty XD Lu
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ellecdc · 1 month
elle… elle… imagine me crawling into ur inbox like i’m crawling through the desert like i haven’t had water in days… i have a request.
do you think maybe maybe we can get just some potter!reader and james sibling interactions… i’ve been thinking abt it so hard i love u ok bye
hahaha here, have a quick little baby blurb starring our favourite siblings
Barty Crouch Jr x Potter!reader who is spending the hols with the Potters, apparently [638 words]
CW: siblings, swearing, island of misfit toys, reference to The Shining
“What’s everyone doing for the hols?” Peter asked around a bite of his toast to the rather large group gathered at the Gryffindor table that morning. 
Marlene waxed poetic about how she was going to Tuscany with her folks and lamented that she wasn’t going to get to see Dorcas even once, whilst Dorcas simply rolled her eyes and stated she was going to be skiing with her parents in Switzerland and was really looking forward to it. 
Lily was going to be visiting some of her relatives but was happy to announce that she was going to be visiting Mary for a weekend at her home.
Remus admitted that it was going to be a quiet affair at the Lupin cottage in Wales but would be spending a weekend at the Potter manor to visit Sirius (and James! Don’t forget James!). 
“How about you, Junior?” Peter asked cautiously; always worried of eliciting any sort of response from the Slytherin boy, though not wanting to insult him by not asking him as well. 
Barty looked up from his book to see the table's eyes on him. “Uhm, I’m just staying here.” He responded simply, causing you to start shaking your head in disagreement as you worked to swallow the bite of food you’d just taken. 
“No.” You amended. “You’re staying with me.”
“I am?” He asked as James gasped “he is!?” 
You nodded simply as you took a sip of your tea. “I asked mum and dad last week, they said it was fine.” 
And if Barty had been mad that you’d asked your parents for such a thing, or upset that you didn’t deign to inform him of these plans, he didn’t show it as he offered you an agreeable shrug and moved back to his book. 
“Excuse me.” James deadpanned as he stared daggers at you. “No one asked me.”
“Why in the buggering fuck would I have asked you, Jamie?” You spat back at him.
“Uhm, because it’s my house too!?”
“No one asked me when you moved in the creepy twins from The Shining! No offence, boys.” You amended quickly as you offered an apologetic smile in Sirius and Regulus’ direction, which earned you a simultaneous “none taken” from Regulus and an offended “we duel at dawn, Trouble” from Sirius. 
“Well-...” James started, though he couldn’t seem to find an argument as you raised a brow at him. “Well I just…think someone ought to have informed me, is all.” He finished haughtily.
“Yeah, okay.” You offered sarcastically. “I’ll be sure to give you ample notice next time.”
“Next time!?” James beseeched. “You can’t keep bringing them home!”
“Why not!? You get to have two of them!?”
The two of you continued verbally sparring as Barty, Sirius, and Regulus all exchanged a look at being referred to as them. 
“You’re being ridiculous; it’s not a competition.” James spat pretentiously. 
“No?” You said, causing everyone else in the group to brace themselves at what was no doubt going to be a special brand of Potter nonsensory. “In that case, I’m going to go see if the Rosier’s want to join us.”
James stared at you with his mouth agape as you made to stand from the bench. “You wouldn’t.”
“Watch me.” You challenged before taking off towards the Ravenclaw table where you knew at least one Rosier would be sitting.
“Fuck.” James hissed, now standing as well as he began frantically searching the Great Hall. “Uhm… oh, Fenwick! Need somewhere to crash for the holidays!?”
"I'm sorry I asked." Peter let out with a heavy sigh as Regulus muttered something French and likely very unflattering regarding his boyfriend under his breath.
“Potter Manor; home of misfit wix.” Remus mumbled, earning him an indignant “oi!” from his boyfriend, “watch who you’re calling misfits, Lupin” from Regulus, and a snort of laughter from Barty.
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How dare you gatekeept it from us lol but you make a great great point w both of Igor's named relationships. I 100% think that he tried to pull the "come on, we had something special" w Snape in Goblet, and idk if I think it's true or not bc Igor ratted TF OUT on Snape but he does seem like actually concerned (but ig he's so going to look worried af if we only see him follow him everywhere for like fifteen chapters) plus he's a total coward so it probably didn't mean shit that he frew up names and Snape did end up telling him that he'd make his excuses for him soooo... Idk. Charity/Igor (seabunny I think) is new to me tho, but I totally see the point
There's roleplay lore to some of it! Obviously, I don't wanna go just yap about everything I write with someone in private but yes, some of my thoughts are either directly pulled from that or formed based off of something that happened. And then there's the portion of headcanons that I really do just pull out of my ass lmao
I don't think he pulled it like that actually, cause I don't think what they had was special per se I think it was more of like "we had a good time back then didn't we and you're essentially miserable now so why don't you let me make it a little better even if just for a short while" you know??
It's canon that Igor ratted Severus out along with Dolohov and I believe Augustus Rookwood, Mulciber (I'm assuming this would be Jr), Travers, Evan Rosier and the one who is like the nail in the coffin for getting him out of Azkaban: Barty Crouch Junior, the one and only. I spoke a bit about his reaction after ratting Severus out here and here! I don't necessarily think Igor felt bad about ratting people out, he strikes me as an "every man for himself" kind of guy but I do think he disliked having to deal with the consequences of his actions down the line
I'm so glad you're seeing the seabunny vision cause they're literally so funny to me. Charity is like the one person I see who could somehow manage to straighten Igor out a bit (as in make him a better person not less queer lmao) imo
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lemon-boy-stan · 3 years
dating regulus black includes
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ok, so blood status goes two ways.
if you're a pure blood and in slytherin, you're most likely an it couple
if you're any kind of muggle born and friends with the marauders, you guys probably have to hide your relationship until something happens and reggie proves himself to his brother and things are okay
but other than that
at first you thought reggie was a total creep
because he's always so quiet
and secluded and he doesn't really talk
plus, he's friends with weird people like snape (snivellous if you're a marauder, so of course that's a red flag, but sev if you're friends) and like, barty crouch junior
you'd heard of him, of course: he was always on top of his grades, he was one of the highest in your year, and he was good at quidditch.
you'd done a few projects in potions together because slughorn never let you chose partners
and of course you've played quidditch with him
you probably rivalled each other for the seeker position, but no hard feelings
other than that, you never really talked to him.
you didn't like his cousins either
it doesn't matter if you're pure blood or not, it was just that bellatrix and her sisters were stuck up and not worth the trouble. and if you're muggleborn, well, bellatrix gave you hell.
so you kind of avoided him and his family
until one night
regulus found you in his spot: the astronomy tower
at first he was going to try chase you away - it was his spot, after all, and most people knew that
but then he saw that you were crying
and he realised why he always stared at you and why he always chose to work with you
because he liked you
so he went over to comfort you
and when he found out what lucius malfoy did to you, he lost his shit
(muggleborn version: when lucius asked you out, you rejected him and he said, "why would anyone want to date a mudblood like you anyways?" pure blood version: lucius tried to kiss you and when you didn't let him, he called you a slut and a bitch.)
either way, regulus got really, really mad.
he kept his cool when he was comforting you.
he brought you back to the dorms and gave you his big quidditch sweater because you were cold and covered in rain
then he went and beat up lucius malfoy
he didn't want you to find out, but rumours spread the next day
and you confronted him in the great hall/slytherin common room
you were both yelling at each other, an extremely loud conversation that everyone was listening to
and everyone heard how it ended: regulus yelling, "i did it because i love you!"
everyone being so shocked that it happened, that regulus black kissed you.
of course, all the slytherins supported it.
you became one of the most popular couples at school.
of course, you tried to hide your relationship from the marauders at first
but they found out
sirius didn’t mind, not really, once he saw how much you loved each other.
being regulus black’s girlfriend was kind of scary at first, because people would always question why you were dating him and why he was dating you, of all people (of course, not if you came from a pure wizarding family)
but it felt kind of nice that people didn’t say things about you and that they didn’t pick on you - apparently, the whole lucius and regulus incdent spread pretty quickly, and it wasn’t like he was the first person reggie had beat up, right?
so people left you alone.
he probably gets jealous a lot, but not for the reasons you’d think.
you’d find him all angsty, questioning whether he was good enough for you. of course, you would always remind him that he was a perfect choice.
i think if you were a muggle born, he would probably never become a death eater and would run away from his family, too. he would probably stay with your family. 
i love this muggle-born concept so much i think i’m going to write a whole new headcanon.
regulus likes to spoil you a lot
his family is rich, so he probably gets you lots of jewelry and nice dresses that he asks you to wear on special occasions
he also likes to show you off to his parents
even though you deny it, he knows you like to wear his clothes, because then why else would they have mysteriously gone missing?
regulus likes to take you on simple dates
like, laying down together in the astronomy tower, watching the stars on the moving ceiling
or picnics in the forbidden forest
making potions late at night
cuddling in the restricted section of the library
you guys probably have a photo album too
using the prefects’ bathrooms to your advantage ;)
trying to claim the shrieking shack as your turf, but the marauders and a scary werewolf chasing you out.
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Can you tell me about "Regulus bits"??
Hello, my love, thank you for the ask! So @heartofspells asked about this WIP and I wrote a thing about it and posted a (pretty long) snippet here, but I have some other bits of share, so here's another one.
(from the WIP ask game)
Sirius almost walks past the open door, he doesn’t know what it is that makes him stop but something makes him pause and he pushes the door to the classroom that should be empty open wide enough to slip inside. It’s not empty though, Sirius spots his brother almost immediately, flanked by Avery and the Crouch kid. They’re not alone though, there’s a Gryffindor first-year there as well. Sirius recognises him only vaguely, having seen him in the common room, but he can’t remember his name. Lewis? He was muggleborn though, Sirius had picked up that much.
That means this is a bad situation, Sirius can feel it, and the sight of his brother there makes something cold settle in his chest. They had barely spoken a word since Sirius moved in with the Potters and truth was, he had been avoiding Reg. But now he can’t ignore him anymore, because the kid looks scared and even though he doesn’t want to think Reggie would ever hurt anyone, he has no doubt that both Avery and Crouch Junior would.
Reg is leaning against the wall, the very picture of boredom, twirling his wand lazily in his fingers as he watches the other two, who have the kid cornered. Sirius feels anger stirring somewhere inside him as he strides forward, slamming the door open wide to purposefully surprise them.
“Three on one. That’s a new low even for you lot,” Sirius drawls, fingers closing around the wand in his pocket but he doesn’t pull it out immediately.
Avery and Crouch Junior both jump when he speaks but Reg doesn’t move. 
“Well, if it isn’t my brother, the saviour, guarding angel of mudbloods and blood-traitors alike.”
He sounds bored, disinterested, and he still doesn’t look at Sirius and that only makes his anger flare stronger. He clamps down on it though, pulling his wand from his pocket but he keeps it pointed at the ground. He ignores Avery’s motion forward, keeping his eyes only on Reg.
“Such language, Reggie,” Sirius clicks his tongue disapprovingly, savouring the way his brother’s lip twitch at the nickname. “You don’t want me to clean out your mouth, do you?”
It’s a simple thing but he knows Reg will hear it, the two of them being on the receiving end of their Mother’s Scourgify on numerous occasions, a disgusting and humiliating punishment. Regulus snorts, but Sirius can see the hint of a flush on his cheeks and he chalks it up as a win. He half-turns towards the other two instead.
“Let the kid go.”
“Or what?” Avery asks, pulling himself up slightly in a way that Sirius supposes should be intimidating.
“Or I’ll hex you, Avery. I still owe you one from that Quidditch match,” he runs his fingers along his wand, arching a brow.
Avery makes a move forward but Sirius raises his wand quickly, pointing it straight at the other boy. For a moment no-one moves, then Reg speaks up again.
“Sure you want to do that?” he drawls, still sounding mostly bored and when Sirius glances over at him he’s studying his own wand.
Sirius sets his jaw, frustrated at the lack of eye-contact. He turns to look at the first-year who was still hovering behind Crouch and Avery, smiling kindly at him.
“It’s okay, you can go.”
The kid nods, darting past them with a grateful whispered thanks in Sirius’ direction. Crouch makes a move as if to follow when Sirius steps in front of him, gaze narrowed, “Give me an excuse.”
“Leave it, Barty. He’s not worth it,” Reg interrupts, peeling himself off the wall and this time he does look at Sirius, eyes cold as he drags his gaze over him. 
Sirius stares back at him and he can feel his heart pounding hard, something tightening over his chest at the blank look on his brother’s face. He recognises the carefully sculptured mask of boredom, the curl of his lips, his gaze flat and disinterested. 
“Reg,” he says, the name slipping past his lips before he has a chance to stop it, and he takes half a step closer but something flashes behind Regulus’ eyes then, something he doesn’t recognise.
Avery and Crouch move to get in between them and Sirius halts, a twist of something in his chest as he looks at his brother over Avery’s shoulder.
“Really?” He scoffs, throwing his arms out. “What, you have minions who do you dirty work now, is that it?”
“We’re not his minions,” Barty sneers and Sirius snorts, yeah right, and Reg shrugs, expression blank again as he shifts his gaze to somewhere behind Sirius. 
“I’ve got nothing to say to you,” Reg says, and his voice is weirdly flat and hollow and it makes Sirius’ chest tighten with something
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limetimo · 3 years
RAB fics I read this week
rewrite my heart (let the future in) by secretpersona
I Sleep with the Dirt by Fire Glow by Grey_Kenaz - Dumbledore and Sirius pull Regulus out of the cave after PoA. He's slowly recovering from his 15 years as an Inferius. Impaired brain capabilities or difficulties to control his emotions won't stop Regulus from plotting murder and protecting the little friends and family he has left.
Hatred by Grey_Kenaz Regulus is hurting and takes it out on James Potter.
A Surprise Star by FiresFromOurHearts Regulus strolls up to the Shrieking Shack like "Sup bitches!" and I love him for it
Text Talk by merlywhirls it's modern wolfstar texting fic, Regulus has a very tiny little subplot in there, but is a Good Boy and I want to pat him on his silly little head
set those ghosts alight by justwhatialwayswanted Gryffindor Regulus, BAMF Narcissa
The Phone Call that Changed the World by Fall_Fairy_101 Regulus rings up his older brother to go Horcrux hunting with him!
All You Need Is 20 Seconds by thissucks one of the tags is DILF Regulus and honestly that's all you need to know. ♥
there's nothing not to love about you by justprompts - Regulus has an "accident" during potions and is de-aged to a 6 years old. It's up to Sirius to look after him until the antidote is brewed!
Even if I can't by Inexorablement House Elf magic fuckery makes it that Harry pulls Regulus out of the lake, but Regulus pulls Harry to 1970s. Operation Fake Seer Harry is a go! Looking fun!
Chain Reaction by elder_millennial_trash, fuckboyregulus, givemethearapyimawalkingtravesty, Kiwiwhore, Pluto_Princess did I say sexy?
Dripping Death by FiresFromOurHearts Regulus haunts Grimmauld Place. He's going to kill Voldemort. He might not have a physical body but that's but a little detail.
Crepuscular by EmptySurface LOOK, I don't usually vibe with Fem!Harry but I would too adopt 15/16yo Regulus at the drop of a hat. Boy has massive abandonment issues and is still thinking in a "follow rules or we'll kick you out!" mindset that was drilled into him at Grimmauld, so it's not a very smooth sailing.
The Blacks by WanderingScout after OotP Dumbledore is killed and Grimmauld is attacked by Death Eaters. Grimmauld Place saves the last living heir of Blacks by pulling him to the past, to 1970s. Orion and Regulus go 'welp', call a healer and the Potters. Good thing Wally is in France.
Rest In Peace? No, Live In Peace by A2idB1u3 Regulily is dead, Sirius is in the Azkaban, Evan Rosier is MIA and raising Harry falls to one Barty Crouch Junior! First POV but it really works!
Summer Rain by Evandar Harry has serious hots for his god-uncle and with his guardians on a honeymoon... no time like the present!
A Second Chance at Happiness? Maybe? by animeotaku20 I read this one a whiiiiile ago and just recognised the title but I'm pretty sure I liked it! Harry time travels and saves Regulus from the cave and it goes from there.
The Black Family Reunion by teecup_angel What it says on the tin, pretty much. I like how officially Sirius is the Head of the family but it's really Regulus running this show.
Dear Cousin, Love Regulus by LLAP115, XxTheDarkLordxX - Thisssssss! A classic!!! Letters from Regulus change Draco's life.
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