#you wake up and you feel like you ran a marathon that you didn’t run
thecleverqueer · 1 year
I like the fact that Anakin mentions that Ahsoka looks old, because she is old.
And, it’s a great reminder for those that are wondering why she’s acting stoic and mature and not “excitable, energetic, and quippy”…BECAUSE SHE’S IN HER FORTIES!
Ahsoka isn’t out of character FFS. She’s in character in her forties. One day, folks that are writing these things will be in their forties, and they’ll truly understand. Until then, my god, just know that this is the most annoying complaint ever.
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fyodoro · 1 year
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𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧’ 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧’ - 𝐃𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐠
-> Dan Heng comforting his quiet s/o after they have a nightmare (req by @minimallyminnie)
-> I wanted to write this in a different way from all my other fics. I feel like most nightmare comfort fics have rose tinted lenses over them, so I wanted to take a different approach while also keeping a comfort factor.
Cw) nightmares (obv), implied/hinted ptsd, misunderstandings, nightmare remains vague so no spoilers here, cheating accusations, eventual comfort i swear (sorry minnie)
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Dan Heng wouldn't say he sleeps good per say, but he wouldn't say he slept horribly either. Perhaps if he wasn't so alert in his sleep, he'd be able to wake up the next morning and tell March "I slept great."
But that wasn't to say he wanted to rid of that sense of alertness, not at all. In fact, in times like these, he was ever so grateful for training himself the way he has.
You stirred ever so slightly in your sleep. It was brief and quiet, but not to Dan Heng. He always focussed on your movements when you were near. From your body language, to the way you faintly tilted your head when something piqued your interest.
With all the attention Dan Heng given you, it was safe to say he had you memorized.
And the way you were currently stirring in the midst of your slumber was out of character.
It was brief at first, nothing that concerned the young man too much. But his concern grew just as gradual as your distressing movements.
What started as a light shake of the head soon turned into your body violently shaking as you clutched your pillow for dear life. Dan Heng watched over your sleeping frame cautiously, refraining from causing you any more panic incase you were to wake up.
It didn't take a genius to realize you were having a nightmare.
Soft cries emitted from your lips, almost inaudible. But to Dan Heng, they were as loud as the Astral Express making the jump.
He wanted to wake you up, he really did.
But he was aware of the risks of waking someone up from a nightmare, especially someone with your condition. It could be jarring, even making the episode worse in some cases.
He knew it was best to let you wake up on your own, but it didn't stop the way his heart clenched each time you hugged your pillow tighter than before.
“Dan Heng…”
His ears perked up at the sound of his name, were you… dreaming about him? No, it wasn’t a dream. It was a nightmare, that was made clear since his senses heightened.
But why would you be calling his name out in the midst of a nightmare?
“Dan Heng!” You jolted up, eyes wide and full of terror. You were panting heavily, as if you had just ran a marathon.
Dan Heng stayed near, examining your features just as he did many times before. He wanted to hold you, comfort you, tell you everything was going to be okay.
But he couldn’t.
If you had been having a nightmare about him, wouldn’t that be the last thing you wanted? The way you shook and avoided his gaze made him believe that was the case.
“I’m… I’m so sorry.” Dan Heng muttered under his breath. He knew deep down he didn’t do anything wrong, but he still felt the need to apologize for whatever his actions caused in your sleeping mind.
You didn’t respond. You were no longer panting however, rather, shaking anxiously. A chill ran up your spine.
It was a warm night.
“You- what did you—“ Your eyebrows furrowed, staring into the dimly lit void in front of you. “You didn’t… right? You couldn’t have…” Ah
Was he sure this wasn’t his own nightmare now?
“I was going to tell you… one day… I can’t run from it, can I?” His voice held hostility. Not to you, but rather, himself. He knew he would have to tell you his origins one day. But he never expected your own consciousness to tell you first.
“You were going to tell me what? That you were cheating on me?” Your voice cracked, refusing to believe that it wasn’t just a nightmare.
“Yeah, you can’t run from that, can you.”
“(Name) wait, you’ve got the wrong idea. I thought you were referring to something else.” He let go if his self restraint and finally reached out for you, only for you to swat his hand away.
“The wrong idea? What else could I be referring to!” You shouted.
“My past!” He yelled.
Dan Heng never yelled.
You went quiet, staring at him in shock.
It wasn’t like you were upset he yelled. More like… shocked. The guilt of your accusations hit you like a brick. But both of your reactions were justifiable to some extent. After all, you just woke up from a nightmare where Dan Heng cheated on you, just to hear him say it was true. On the other hand, he believed you were referring to something else entirely.
It was a confusing situation.
“I apologize- I didn’t mean to raise my voice like that.” He softened his voice, giving you a loving gaze you had almost forgotten about.
“I’m sorry too… I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions like that.”
You two sat in silence for a moment, a comfortable silence.
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andvys · 2 years
Love will tear us apart // part five 
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Warnings: angst, slow burn, enemies to lovers, anxiety, ptsd
Pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!reader // mentions of Steve Harrington x fem!reader
series masterlist
You slammed your palm against the door as you pushed it open, stepping out into the dark, you inhaled the fresh air in hopes that it would make you feel better but to no avail. The door slammed shut behind you, you wiped away your tears in anger as you stumbled into the driveway. 
You didn't want to think about him right now or the words he threw at you but your mind was replaying it all over and over again as you stumbled further into the darkened streets. Your heart was thumbing wildly against your chest, you were starting to get breathless; feeling as though you ran a whole marathon. 
You put your hands on your knees and bend over in exhaustion. Your throat was closing in on you, your vision was getting blurry, drowning out the music from the party, the loud chatter and laughter of the people inside. 
“Breathe, y/n, just breathe.” you whisper to yourself as you try to claw at your chest. 
‘Hey, it’s okay, just breathe with me.’
A sob leaves your lips, his stupid voice, his stupid touch, his stupid big brown eyes; he was haunting you. 
You try to take a deep breath but it doesn't work. You close your eyes “everything is okay, I'm okay, just breathe.” you murmur.
The cold air pierced your skin, the wind blew through your hair. Distant thunder rumbled in the sky, startling you. Suddenly the air got colder, the loud music was replaced eery silence, the chatter and laughter was gone. 
You furrow your brows as you push yourself up. Opening your eyes, you blink as you look around “no... no” you whisper, a cold shudder rushes through your body. 
You are no longer outside in the driveway, you are in your bedroom. Looking around in confusion, you eye the many books on your nightstand, the record player that you have thrown away months ago after it broke. You notice all the colorful pillows on your bed that you have already replaced with darker ones. Your room is exactly like you left it three years ago before- “no, no, no.” you repeat over and over again “this isn't real.” 
You can feel your heart racing faster and faster, your vision blurs with tears as you stand there in the middle of the room, you look down at yourself, you are still wearing the same clothes as before, not the ones you wore when you were taken, you know this isn't real but you know what’s about to happen next as the lights start flickering, the wall in front of you looks less and less like a wall.
You close your eyes, shaking your head, tears escape your eyes, your body is shaking “this isn't real, y/n.” you whisper to yourself. Your body is trembling with fear. You should run, you really should but you know it won't change anything, you can’t escape this, this is not real. 
It happened before, the mindflayer tried to get you before it got Will- but you freed yourself from it’s curse before it could even get into your mind and your body. Will wasn’t aware that all just happened in his head, you were. 
Something about it feels different this time. 
“Wake up, wake up, wake up.” you whisper over and over again as you hold your hands over your ears, shaking your head “wake up, this isn't real, wake up.” 
You felt it before you heard it. The claws dug into your skin before you could react. Your eyes shot open as you fell to the ground “no!” you screamed as you kicked it, the demogorgon, trying to fight it’s grip on your thigh. You watched in panic as it stood tall in front of you. Just like you did back then, you tried to crawl back, away from the monster. The lights were flickering like crazy, your heart was about to explode as you stared at it with wide eyes, before you could crawl back any further, it screeched loudly, reaching for your leg, it dug it’s claws into your thigh and dragged you towards the portal that was in your wall. 
Your nails screeched against the hardwood floor as you tried to stop it from pulling you in, back into the upside down. 
Your hands shot out trying to take ahold of your walls as your body was already dragged in halfway, you screamed in agonizing pain as the demogorgon pierced  it’s claws into your thigh. The pain made you loose your grip on the walls, you let go and allowed it to pull you in. 
Your body was dragged across the asphalt, scraping the skin off your body. You screamed in both pain and fear as you tried to fight it off. You were never much of a fighter until this, until you were pulled into another dimension and you were forced to fight for both yourself and a little boy that you would have died for. 
Just like then, you managed to fight your way out of it’s grip, you kicked the demogorgon as hard you could, ignoring the loud and scary screeching sound from the monster as you kicked him again and again until his grip on you loosened and you managed to crawl back and away. Jumping to your feet. You ran as fast as you could, ignoring the burning in your lungs, your racing heart, the open wound in your thigh, the blood that was running down your leg. The loud screeching of the monster, you ignored it all and you just ran and ran, reliving the gruesome moment once again. 
It didn't get you last time, it wouldn't get you this time either. 
It was a cat and mouse game. 
You hid at every corner, holding your bloody hand in front of your mouth, trying to keep your breathing quiet as you heard the monster looking for you. It felt as though you were running and hiding for hours. Your body was exhausted, the wound in your thigh was burning, you were tired but you kept going, you kept going until you finally managed to get away from the monster just like you did back then. He chased you until you were at the trailer park. 
Relief flooded through you when you realized that he was no longer around. You ran towards the first trailer you could find, you didn't stop running until you were inside, you closed the door as quietly as you could, the red lights from the outside illuminate the dark room.
You step back as you eye the door for what feels like forever just to make sure that no one and nothing comes in. You tear your eyes away from the door, only now registering how cold it is but you are finally able to breathe. You turn around, eyeing the many mugs and caps on the wall as you did when you hid here back in the cold winter night.
“This isn't real.” you whisper again as you close your eyes, a helpless feeling was taking over you “wake up, y/n.” you whisper, a tear slipping down your cheek. You don’t know what to do, you don’t know how to get out of here, you feel trapped. At least then, it was real but this- this is not real, it’s a cruel imagination, your mind is playing tricks on you. Fear and panic was taking over again, you open your eyes and shut them again as you see the walls closing in on you. The ground starts to rumble, the mugs on the wall fall down, crashing against the floor. This never happened, no, this isn't what happened back then. 
“Wake up, y/n!” you scream as you raise your hands up, putting them on your ears to block out all the loud noises in the back “wake up!” 
You keep screaming at yourself to wake up, to snap out of it. The room was getting darker the noises were getting louder. The pain in your leg was getting worse, your heart was racing and you were shivering uncontrollably. 
The pain was never-ending, your body was freezing until a sudden warmth enveloped you, a gentle touch on your skin, arms wrapped around you pulling you tightly into a warm chest and you let yourself fall. The ground stops shaking, the loud crashing noises and the thunder disappear, the pain in your leg slowly fades away the cold is gone, you only feel the warmth of another body pressed against your own but it’s not enough, you need to feel more. 
You feel the tears running down your face, your hear a gentle voice whispering sweet nothings into your ear, arms holding you tightly and you stay that way for a moment, too scared to open your eyes and realize that it’s just another trick by your own mind.
“Fuck, you scared me, y/n.” 
You eyes shot open, ears perking up at the sound of his voice. He is the one who is holding you, he is the one who brought you back, who saved you, once again. 
You sniffle as you hold onto him for another moment, not ready to let go just yet. 
His hand rubs your back softly, you feel his lips on the top of your head, he is so gentle, so sweet and it only brings more tears to your eyes as you slowly come back to yourself. 
“Are you okay?” he whispers. 
You nod against him, you want to let go, you have to let go. Too much has happened in one night and you don't know what has you more shaken up. The fact that you were just pulled back into a memory you so desperately tried to forget or the fact that Eddie threw all these cruel words at you and was now holding you, speaking to you so gently as if he cares. 
‘I don’t want to touch you.’ His voice echoes in your mind, the words putting a deep aching feeling into your chest, again. You slowly let go of him, letting your arms fall by your sides as you pull away from him, you take a step back when he suddenly cups your face in his hands, tilting your head up so he can look at your face. 
Your eyes meet his and he sighs in relief, the fear in his eyes subsides but the worry stays. His thumbs linger on your cheeks as he slowly wipes the fallen tears away, his touch is so soft, his eyes are filled with warmth and something you can’t quite read. 
It hurts. It hurts to see him look at you this way after what happened before.
“W-What just hap-”
“S-Stop, Eddie.” you whisper weakly, you turn your head and take another step back. His hands fall from your face and he looks at you with pain in his eyes. 
“Please, just stop.” 
You turn back and you see him looking at you with this hurt expression on his eyes, his brown eyes big as he stares at you like some goddamn puppy who has been kicked to the curb, so different from the look in his eyes just mere minutes ago as he treated you like you are nothing. 
“Y/n.” he starts, you can hear the regret in his voice, the pain. 
You shake your head at him, your bottom lip starts trembling, more tears escape your eyes the longer you stare at him. 
Eddie feels so helpless, he feels a deep ache in his chest as he looks at the heartbroken expression on your face, you tears continue to fall like a damn waterfall and you look at him with so much pain and grief in your eyes and he hates himself so much in this moment, he knows you are crying because of him, not because of whatever just happened. He just wants to grab you and pull you into his arms again, he wants to hold you and tell you how sorry he is, how he didn't mean any of the things he said to you. 
“I’m sorry.” he speaks softly. 
He expects you to get angry, to tell him to fuck off or to leave you alone like you probably should have, he wouldn't blame you, especially after everything that has been said but instead you give him one of your saddest smiles as you whisper “it’s okay, Eddie.”
He furrows his brows at your words, shaking his head “n-no it’s not-”
“It’s okay.” you repeat “I’m sorry too.” 
“I’m sorry for thinking that I could have a chance with you, I was a fool. I’ll stay out of your way from now on.”
No. No. No. 
Eddie’s eyes widen in fear, his heart drops to his stomach at your words, he doesn't want you to stay away, he was lying. 
“No, y/n-” he whispers, shaking his head wildly as he takes a step forward, he takes your hands in his and you let him as you watch him with an unreadable expression on your face “I didn't mean it, I didn't- I was lying-”
“Y/n? There you are- I was looking everywhere for you.” 
Steve couldn’t have chosen a worse time to show up. This was perhaps the only chance for Eddie to fix everything he has said and done but of course he had to ruin it all. 
Steve walks towards you, his brows furrow in confusion as he eyes the two of you. Eddie is still holding your hands, standing close to you as you both turn to look at Steve. 
“What’s uh- what’s going on here?” he asks, glaring at Eddie.
He looks at your joined hands and then he eyes the look on your face, the tears that are streaming down your face. Anger flashes in his eyes as his eyes dart back to Eddie “get away from her.” he warns. 
“Steve-” you start but he gives you a pointed look, holding his palm up.
Eddie’s own eyes flash with anger as he looks at Steve, he slowly let’s go of your hands as he turns his full body towards him. 
Where was he this whole time? Where was he when you were getting drunk in the kitchen, throwing back one drink after the other, where was he when you were standing out here all alone?
Eddie scoffs at Steve’s words “why?” 
“You were hurting her right now weren't you?” Steve asks, gesturing to you as he walks towards Eddie, slowly. 
Eddie raises his brows “what?” he scoffs, he would never hurt you. 
“Steve he didn't do anything.” you say nervously, you look between the two of them, you could feel the angry tension from a mile away. Steve was glaring daggers into Eddie, hands balled into fists and Eddie, he looked just as mad, if not worse. 
“Really?” Steve scoffs as he glances at you before he looks back at Eddie “cause to me it looked like you did.” in his defense, he saw how Eddie grabbed your hands, tugging you forward, you slightly stumbled into him and tears were streaming down your face, so yeah, to Steve it did look bad. 
“That's fucking bullshit, man. I would never hurt her.” 
Yeah. Eddie would never hurt you, at least not physically. 
“Yeah? Then why is she crying?” 
Eddie clenches his jaw in anger, he takes another step towards Steve but before he can say or do anything, you step in between them and turn towards Steve, you put your hands on his chest and push him back slightly “he didn't do anything, it’s okay.” you mumble as you look up at your friend. His eyes soften as he looks down at you “let’s just go.” 
“No, please. I just want to go home.” you whisper, pleading with your eyes. 
Steve sighs, he looks at Eddie behind you, glaring at him. 
“Please.” you repeat. 
You were tired, exhausted and hurt. Everything that happened in the past hour was just too much for you, you just needed to get away from here and from him. 
Steve sighs “okay, let’s go.” he takes your hand in his and pulls you further away from Eddie. 
You turn around one more time, eyes meeting Eddie’s, he looks like he wants to say something. Regret and guilt was written all over his face. He watches as Steve pulls you further and further away from him. 
You look at him one last time before you turn around and walk away from him. 
“Wait, we gotta get Robin.” you mumble. 
“I’ll get her, I’m just gonna open the car for you.” 
A frown makes it’s way back on your face as you look up at him, the anger is still visible in his eyes. 
“Leave Eddie alone, please.” you whisper as you both stop by his car “I swear he didn't do anything.”
Steve sighs once again, he rolls his eyes before he looks down at you “you were crying, you only cry when something really bad happens. ” he points out “I was looking everywhere for you, fuck y/n, I was worried that something bad happened!” he exclaims. 
You look away, feeling guilty for worrying him. 
“And then I find you outside with Eddie Munson of all people! That guy has been treating you like shit for ages and then I find you like this, with him!” he points towards Eddie in anger, who's still standing in the driveway watching your interaction with Steve. 
You huff in annoyance as you turn back towards Steve “I'm sorry for worrying you, I- I just, I drank too much and then I went outside a-and- just, Eddie didn't do anything okay?” you sniffle, tears blur your vision again. God, you feel so stupid, you are defending him after the things he said to you. You feel so pathetic. 
“I just want to go home, Steve.” you whisper. 
“Okay.” he sighs, you know he doesn't believe you but you also know that he won't push you to talk if you don't want to. 
He opens the door for you, you give him a small smile as you get in, crossing your arms over your chest, you lean back into the seat. 
“I’ll go get Robin.” he mumbles before closing the door. 
Steve turns around and walks back towards the house, Eddie is still standing in the driveway, glaring at Steve. 
“What did you do to her, Munson? And don’t bullshit me right now.” 
Eddie snorts at his words “I didn't do anything to her.” 
“Right.” Steve nods, scoffing at Eddie’s words “so, she was just crying for no reason?”
Eddie balls his hands into fists, he feels angry, so fucking angry “your girlfriend was having a fucking panic attack or some shit and it’s not the first time it happened.” 
Eddie wasn't sure about your relationship with Steve, he assumed that you are dating considering you were always around each other and you didn't deny anything when he called Steve your boyfriend. 
“Yeah, where were you when it happened huh? Where were you when she was getting drunk? Anything could’ve happened to her.” 
The anger was raging through Eddie the longer he looked at Steve and his dumbfound expression. 
“Where were you, Steve?” Eddie asks, walking towards him slowly, eying him slowly. The guilt is clear in his eyes. 
Steve shakes his head, letting out a huff as he looks away from Eddie’s intense glare. 
“That's none of your business.”
“Did you ditch your girl for some quick fuck?” 
Steve scoffs, eyes meeting Eddie’s, they both glare at each other. Steve didn't deny it, he just stared at him with anger in his eyes and a clenched jaw. 
Eddie chuckles darkly, shaking his head at Steve. He never liked him, he always thought that he is an arrogant asshole who thinks he can have anything he wants. 
Steve’s silence speaks volume, Eddie’s got the answer he wants. He only scoffs before he walks past him, bumping into his shoulder on purpose. Eddie glances your way for a second. 
Eddie halts in his track, turning around, he looks at Steve with a questioning look in his eyes.
“Stay away from her.” 
He squints his eyes as he sizes Steve up, chuckling to himself. Who was he to tell him what to do? 
Steve glances towards you, making sure that you aren't listening in on their conversation. 
“She’s mine.” 
Eddie raises his eyebrows, laughing in amusement, he looks down at the ground, a smirk tugging at his lips as he walks towards Steve again, who watches him in curiosity, he gulps as Eddie steps closer “is that so?” 
Steve straightens his back, putting on a confident look on his face “yeah.” he nods. 
Eddie licks his lips, eyes darting towards you for a second “yeah? then why did she ask me if I want to fuck her?” 
Steve lips part in surprise, eyes flickering with anger and jealousy, he turns his head, looking at you for a moment. 
Eddie eyes the expression on his face, feeling satisfied with himself, he takes a step back about to turn back around to walk away but his next words stop him again. 
“Ever heard of a pity fuck?” Steve asks. 
The smirk on Eddie’s face falls and he looks at him in disbelief. 
Steve only chuckles at the way Eddie’s face contorted so quickly “she pities you dude, do you really think she would actually want touch you?” Steve asks as he eyes him up and down with judgement in his eyes. For a moment he feels bad, the side of him that he buried years ago was reappearing again and he hated it, especially when he saw Eddie’s eyes flicker with hurt but he wanted him to stay away from you “a girl like her with a useless lowlife like you?” he scoffs “I don’t think so man.” 
Eddie is taken aback by his words, he always thought of him as an asshole and he never liked Steve but he didn't think that he would be just as cruel as all the other assholes that treated him like shit. 
A breathless chuckle leaves his lips and he turns away before Steve can see the tears in his eyes. He walks away without another word. Eddie never felt like he was good enough to be around someone like you and the insecurities always got the best of him, so many questions swirled in his mind over the years, ‘were you dared to approach him?’ ‘were you trying to be his friend only to hurt him and humiliate him in the end?’ ‘were you trying to be his friend so you could use him to piss off your rich and stuck up parents?’ or maybe, just maybe, you actually wanted to be his friend and he was misjudging and mistreating you this whole time and by the hurt expression on your face earlier, he knew it was the latter but Steve’s words have washed a new wave of insecurities over him. 
That night, Eddie came home with anger and tears in his eyes. He was angry at himself for the way he treated you, for the things he said, he was angry at himself for being so insecure and misjudging of you, he was angry at Steve for the things he said to him, he was angry because he has you. 
He slams the door shut and throws his jacket down in anger. He pulls at his hair as he sits down on his bed, tears of frustration run down his face, just like a few days back, his eyes fall on your notebook but this time, he doesn't touch it, he grabs it and throws it on his table.
That heartbroken look on your face, the disbelief and the sadness in your eyes was going to haunt him for the rest of his life. The moment you have pushed yourself out of his arms and you had looked at him with your teary eyes, he knew, he knew he broke your heart before there was ever anything between the two of you. 
And then Steve’s words kept playing on repeat. 
A sob escapes his lips and he cries for the first time in a while. He would be lying to himself if he said he never thought about the two of you together. Especially after he got a taste of knowing what it’s like to hold you in his arms, to feel your body pressed against his, your head on his chest and your arms wrapped around him, he had once- twice. And he will never have it again, he fucked up and there’s no coming back from what he has done. 
And even if there was a way to fix it, to apologize and beg for your forgiveness, there would always be Steve’s words in the back of his mind. 
‘A girl like her with a useless lowlife like you?’
Eddie cries until there’s no tears left in him. The sadness and the feeling of insecurities that he has bottled up for too long finally exploded and left him with a miserable feeling inside of him. 
The weekend started off horribly for him and he kept feeling worse and worse. He dragged himself into the shower Saturday morning, he had the worst headache ever, his eyes were puffy from all the crying, he felt exhausted and just, depressed. He hoped that the shower would help him feel better but it did nothing to cheer him up. 
“You okay, son?” Wayne asks from the small kitchen table as Eddie walks out of the bathroom. 
Eddie grumbles out a small yes as he pours himself a cup of coffee before he sits down on the chair, opposite of his uncle. 
Wayne eyes him slowly, putting the newspaper down, he leans back in his seat as he grabs his mug, staring at his nephew.
“What?” Eddie mumbles as he notices the look on Wayne’s face.
“Did something happen?” 
Eddie hesitates, he knows he can talk to him, maybe even ask for advice but he is scared to disappoint Wayne when he tells him how badly he treated you.
“Stop lying to me, Eddie. Usually you run out of your room like some little kid on Christmas Day and now you’re sitting here all grumpy with a cup of black coffee in your hand?” he asks, a confused expression on his face. 
“What’s wrong with black coffee?” Eddie asks.
“You don’t drink black coffee.” 
Eddie presses his lips in a tight line as he looks down at the beverage in his mug “yes I do.” he lies, raising the mug to his lips, he looks at Wayne as he takes a sip only to scrunch up his face in disgust at the bitter taste. 
“That’s disgusting!” 
Wayne chuckles in amusement.
Eddie puts the mug down and reaches for the little sugar container on the table, scooping up some sugar, he pours it into his coffee in hopes that it will taste better. 
“I-I uh, I messed up.” he mumbles “I hurt someone.” he adds before getting up, he fiddles with the sleeves of his flannel nervously as he grabs a spoon out of the drawers before he walks back to the table.
“How so?” Wayne asks, watching Eddie intently. 
“Uh, I said some things I didn't mean and I- I think I broke her heart.” 
“Ah.” Wayne nods “I should've known it’s about a girl.”
Eddie looks at him nervously, not knowing what to say. 
“Listen, I don’t know what you said to her and I’m sure you don't want to tell me but if she cares about you, the way you care about her- and judging by that heartbroken look in your eyes, I know you care a lot, she’s going to forgive you. Just give her some time and show her that you care.”
“I-how?” Eddie asks.
“Don’t be in asshole, kid.” 
Eddie snorts at his words, raising his brows at his uncle, who sighs as he looks down for a moment before he looks back up at him. 
“Eddie, you have a big heart and you care about the people around you but I know there’s a part of you that believes that you don't deserve all this, all this love so you try to push it away from you by hurting someone who loves you-” Wayne pauses, he takes a deep breath “don’t to it son, your dad did the same thing and it only led him to become this miserable asshole who did nothing but make everyone else around him just as miserable, all because he couldn’t accept the love that people like your mom were ready to give him.” 
Eddie gulps, he looks down at the mug in his hand, he didn't like to think about his parents and he didn't like to think about having anything in common with his deadbeat father. 
“You are not like him and you will never be but please, just accept the love that people want to give you, Eddie, you deserve it.” 
Tears blur his vision and he feels like laying down and crying again but he needed to hear those words. 
“Thank you, Wayne.” he whispers, giving his uncle a sad smile. 
Wayne reaches out, he squeezes Eddie’s hand “you can fix it, nothing is ever too late, son.” 
Eddie nods, he was right. It wasn't too late to fix it.
“What do you say- we pick out a movie and order pizza?” 
“Sounds good.” Eddie says, a grateful smile on his face.
Family video was the last place that Eddie wanted to walk into, especially after his conversation with Steve last night but he promised Wayne that he would get the movies.
Eddie rolls his eyes as he sees Steve's car in front of the store, he lets out a loud sigh as he jumps out of his van. 
He walks into the store, eyes going wide, his shoulders slumped at the sight in front of him. You are right there, sitting on the counter, you skip through a magazine as Steve stands right in front of you, smiling as he talks to you. 
He tears his eyes away from you and walks further into the store before you can see him. He wants nothing more than to run out again but he didn't want to come home empty handed. He grabbed a couple of horror movies, holding them in his hand, he walks through the aisles, eying the covers of the other tapes. 
“Here, this one’s good.” 
He jumps back, catching the tape just in time as he finds Robin staring at him with a smirk on her face.
“You look like shit, Eddie.” Robin mumbles as she eyes him. 
“Yeah.” he mumbles, looking briefly at the girl before he eyes the movie cover she threw at him “Legend, really?” 
“Yeah, you look like the type who would love that movie.” she chuckles as she leans against the shelf. 
He raises his brows as he reads the description “A young man must stop the Lord of Darkness from destroying daylight and marrying the woman he loves.” he reads dramatically. 
“I’ll take it.” Eddie shrugs. 
Robin chuckles but her face gets serious the longer she looks at Eddie. He looks sad, there are dark circles under his eyes, he’s not wearing his leather jacket or his vest, which almost seems weird to Robin. He’s wearing a flannel and his hair looks messier than usual. 
“Thanks, Robin.” Eddie mumbles, holding up the movies, he smiles at her before he walks away. 
He feels nervous, his heart starts racing the closer he gets to the counter, the thought of having to face you after yesterday, makes him anxious. 
He throws the tapes on the counter, startling you and Steve. 
His eyes meet yours and he watches your face contort in surprise. You stare at him, taking in the sight of him, your eyes move down to flannel he’s wearing, recognition flashes in your eyes. 
“Munson.” Steve sighs as he steps forward, he gives Eddie a brief nod. Eddie only looks at him for a moment before he looks back at you. 
Your eyes are slightly red, glassy, sadness flashes in them the longer you look at Eddie. 
His lips are set in a frown as he looks at you, you can see the regret and the guilt as he watches you. 
“Here.” Steve mumbles before he turns away from Eddie. 
You and Eddie stare at each other for another moment before you finally tear your gaze away from him. 
He sighs, grabbing the tapes, he rushes out of the store as fast as he can. He takes a deep breath as he walks outside, the same sadness he has felt before settles in his chest once again. 
“Hey Eddie!” 
He turns around abruptly at the sound of Robin’s voice. 
“You forgot your receipt.” 
“Oh, thanks.” he mumbles.
“What’s your problem, Eddie?”
He gives her a questioning look, cocking his head. 
“Are you mad that Steve has the balls to flirt with her unlike you?” Robin asks “you know she doesn't like him like that.”
“What?” he asks in surprise “w-what do you mean?”
Robin rolls her eyes and looks back before she turns around again “she’s not into Steve, he’s her best friend, that's all.” 
Eddie has never felt more confused in his life “I-I thought they are dating.”
Robin let’s out a loud laugh “oh my god! You thought they are dating?”
“Uh yeah, I thought they are together.” he mumbles, he scratches the back of his neck, feeling awkward. 
“Is that why you have been acting like a complete dick to her? Because you thought they are dating and you are jealous?” 
“I- I’m not jealous!” he scoffs, growing red. 
“Yes you are, holy shit.” she chuckles, shaking her head in disbelief “you are the biggest idiot I know, no wonder you haven't graduated yet-”
“Hey! not cool..” 
Robin snorts “listen, she doesn't like him like that but she likes...you.” she says quietly. 
Eddie’s eyes widen in surprise before he starts shaking his head “no- she hates me.”
“Seriously dude?” she sighs, running her fingers through her hair “look, if she ever acted rude towards you then it’s only because you were acting like a complete douchebag. She never hated you, Eddie.” 
“R-Really?” he asks, looking at her with hope in his eyes.
“Yeah.” she says, rolling her eyes at his cluelessness, she turns around and walks away but she stops, she feels bad for him, she can see how much he’s struggling. Sighing, she turns back around “look- all I'm gonna say is, you have a chance, so don’t fuck it up.” 
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moldygenshin · 1 month
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Hi you guys, erm it’s been like forever but A LOT of stuff has happened and I am happy to announce PART 2!! ENJOY!
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Neuvillette hadn’t bothered to visit you once. All you could really do was lay on your cot all day and stare up at the metal ceiling, at this point you have been underwater for Archons knows how long. Your perception of time has weakened over the course of your sentence so much so you can’t tell night from day. Every time you wake up it’s like the same old boring mind numbing task of staring at that dreaded ceiling. You hardly ever ate; you’d figure your husband would never want to see you anyway. If you could be anything you’d be a single whale on the ocean floor, wasting away.
All he wanted was a family and you couldn’t even give him that. People used to call you all kinds of names, but one day it kinda just stopped. You had a feeling the Duke had something to do with it because he was aware of your sentence, you’d guess he felt some kind of sympathy. Which is peculiar because you had no recollection of ever having the chance to meet him. You’d guessed that he tried to stay away, given your relationship with Nuevillette and his status as the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide. You thought that made no difference in meeting someone but you were put on trial for killing your son, so obviously your opinion didn’t matter much.
After your intense thinking session, you decided to go get dinner since you don’t want to waste away completely. You heave yourself up with a sigh and saunter out of you room.
“Name!” Yells a small voice down the hall. You turn to look and see that Sigewinne is running after you. She practically tackles you into a hug— well, for you, her little arms squeezing your thighs and, for her, a pat on her head.
“Sigewinne, darling, it’s been ages..” You say softly as your rigid form and expression mellows in the presence of the small child-like girl in front of you. You clear your throat, “So— Uhm, how has life been treating you down here?” You ask, struggling to gather your thoughts.
“It’s been normal… I heard about your accident. I’m very sorry.” She apologies and keeps her arms tightly around your legs.
It’s as if the walls are closing in on you. Every time someone mentioned your son, you always had some kind of out of body experience. Presently, you feel your throat tightening and noises around you getting drowned by the intense sound of rushing water in your ears. “I’m sorry but I must cut this meeting short. I’ll see you later.” You say quickly as you unravel her arms from your legs. Practically sprinting back to your, you meet the Duke, Wriothesley, but you don’t have time for pleasantries. So, you rush past him.
Breathing as if you’ve ran a marathon, you make it back to your cell and flop down on the bed. You stare up at the ceiling, tears running down your cheeks. You don’t blame Sigewinne for your feelings, you just couldn’t stay in that hallway. You have your few moments of peace before you hear a deep huff outside your open door.
“Name.” Wriothesley says as he steps inside your cell. “I see you haven’t been checking in to eat?” He says questioningly as he leans against the doorway.
This guy you thought as you sat up and looked at him irked. “I don’t see why it matters. My husband doesn’t want to see me, hell, for all I know Neuvillette has already divorced me. My baby’s gone. No one would care if I died or not, I’m just another meaningless hunk of meat on this miserable rock.” You say monotonously, your eyes lidded, and cheeks sunken.
Wriothesley looks at you startled by your hopelessness. He clears his throat and diverts his eyes. “I understand, but I’m sure you don’t want to die in such a cowardly way? I mean a woman like yourself should be trying to get outta here and get some sense of retribution.” He takes a breath before continuing. “Neuvillette isn’t the kind of man to just find another woman, I’m surprised he even had the gall to propose.” Wriothesley says as if he’s done speaking so you open your mouth to counter, but he holds up a hand. “I’m not done, there was a gang of men that was recently arrested for infant murderings. They confessed to killing your baby as well, so you have a hearing at the end of the month. I think you should try to fix yourself so you’ll be in better condition to face the Iudex.” He ends with a big toothy grin. If he’s honest with himself, he’s always had this admiration for you. Especially when he’d see you at an event attached to Neuvillette, not like he’d tell you that.
You stare at him dumbfounded, “H— Huh?” That was a lot, gosh, he never talks much but when he’s got something to say he just keeps going on. You think to yourself as you try to rangle your words.
“Well I’m innocent now, those men confessed. Why can’t I just leave?” You ask, confused as to why you’re still being held for another five days.
Wriothesley shrugs. “That’s out of my knowledge.” He says before walking away, and the next time you see him is when you’re being taken back up to the surface.
Those five days were long and hard. You had spent most of your time giving away all the items you had acquired during your stay, most were thankful and the rest of those mangy low-lives had already gambled away the gifts that you had so graciously given. You were happy to leave of course, but not so happy to see that man you had called a husband.
“You think I want to take you back?” You ask perplexed with a hand on your chest.
“Of course, you have nowhere else to go, and you’re innocent.” Neuvillette says evenly as he stares you down.
You’re unsure as to why he thought it to be alright to stop you before the trial proving you innocent. Although he’s a very intelligent man, he’s still ditzy in some areas. But that was why you loved him. However, revenge tastes sweeter.
“No, you are an awful excuse of a man. You’re petty, narcissistic, and you didn’t believe me when I was sobbing in that courtroom because you perceived me as guilty.” You finish before being escorted into the courtroom. You sat down in your designated spot and waited.
After you had been declared innocent you went on a tirade about the man you once called a husband. Calling him out for the poor verdicts and how he misjudges too easily. The people agreed with you, you had been unjustly accused, afterall.
In the end Neuvillette was ruined.
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engie-ivy · 1 year
(This started as an attempt to write something for @wolfstarmicrofic's Let's Get Physical prompts, but again, it became much too long😅 It was supposed to be a silly fic with Remus being jealous of Sirius’ flirtatious trainer, but it became a bit more serious. But don't worry, still a happy fic with mostly Fluff!)
Remus doesn't think Sirius has anything to prove, but if he wants to run a marathon, then Remus is sure as hell going to support him every step of the way.
But the charming and flirtatious trainer who clearly has a thing for Sirius, is making it all a whole lot harder.
Every Step of the Way
Sirius wants to run a marathon.
Because of course Sirius wants to run a marathon.
After being friends for ten years and roommates for three, Remus should know by now Sirius always goes the extra mile, and this time also literally.
It doesn’t matter how far he’s already come. It’s only a year since the accident, after all. A year ago, the doctors feared that Sirius might never walk again. But a year of intense physical therapy and hard work and perseverance later, and here they are. Sirius is standing, walking, running, everything. But for Sirius, it isn’t enough. He wants to prove for once and for all that he can do everything he could before, more even, and put the whole ordeal officially behind him.
Remus knows that Sirius doesn’t understand why no one else seems to be excited about the marathon idea. He doesn’t understand, can’t understand, what it’s been like for them.
Remus still feels dread in his stomach when he thinks about getting the call, a drunk driver who had run Sirius’ motorcycle off the road, when he thinks about rushing to the hospital and waiting, not knowing if Sirius was even going to make it, sitting by his bedside while Sirius was unconscious, just hoping and praying to a god he doesn’t even believe in that Sirius would wake up.
So when Sirius did wake up in the hospital, heard what had happened to him, heard about the damage in his leg and how he might not be able to walk again, to Sirius, it felt like a nightmare. But when Sirius did wake up in the hospital, to Remus, it felt like his every prayer had been answered.
If anything, the marathon is Sirius’ way of finding closure for himself, of proving something to himself, perhaps. He doesn’t seem to understand that he doesn’t need to prove anything to them. He’s alive, and for them, that’s all he needs to be.
But if running this marathon is something Sirius needs to do, then Remus is going to support him every step of the way.
But Remus can’t bring himself to be excited about the marathon idea, especially not when Sirius finds a trainer.
Juan broad-shouldered, tall, with tanned skin and dark eyes. From the very start, he’s very impressed by Sirius’ story, because who wouldn’t be? Later, it changes to him being in awe of Sirius, of his mind-set, his perseverance, his determination. Juan’s touches become more lingering, his compliments become more frequent, his jokes become more flirty.
And Remus hates it.
He hates seeing them together, whenever Juan comes to pick Sirius up for a work-out session, or they come back from a run, or they hang out together going over the training schedule. He hates seeing Juan look at Sirius in a way he doesn’t want anybody else to ever look at Sirius.
“You can really see the effects of all that training. It’s a good look on you, Sirius. Not that you didn’t look good before, of course.”
“This week we’re going to focus more on cardio, and a little less on strength. Not that I particularly mind how broad your shoulders have become...”
“It was looking really good today, Sirius. And your running technique wasn’t bad either.”
Sirius and Juan walk in while Remus is hanging out with Lily and Marlene.
“That was a good one, huh?” Sirius asks, a little out of breath.
“Definitely,” Juan agrees. “And I must say, I’ve never seen anyone still look so good after having just ran 20k.”
Sirius snorts. “Well, at least I’m ready for the finish photo then.”
“Always,” Juan grins.
“Your next client also lives around here, right?” Sirius asks.
Juan checks his Apple watch. “Yeah, I’m meeting him in half an hour.”
“Well, I’m gonna take a shower,” Sirius says. “But feel free to hang out here and grab a drink from the fridge while you wait.”
“Thanks,” Juan says. “If you don’t need your trainer to help you out with anything in the shower?” He adds with a wink.
Sirius snorts and rolls his eyes. “I think I can manage.”
Sirius pulls his shirt over his head as he leaves the room, and Juan stares after him with a hungry look.
Remus hears a crack, and as he looks down, he sees that he accidentally broke the pen he was twirling around in his fingers.
As Juan walks over to the fridge, Lily elbows Marlene. “Marls, don’t we have to go do that thing?”
“What thing?” Marlene replies absentmindedly.
“You know, that thing,” Lily says, giving Marlene a meaningful look. “That thing where we need to go so that we are no longer here and it’s only Remus and Juan?” She nods her head in Juan’s direction, who’s leaning against the kitchen counter, sipping a soda while eying them with an amused expression.
Remus groans. They’re about as subtle a brick flying through the window. They’ve seen how Remus’ expression will grow dark, how he will ball his fists and clench his jaw, every time he sees Juan blatantly flirt with Sirius, and they’ve drawn all the wrong conclusions. They’re convinced that Remus can’t stand it because he had a crush on Juan, and no matter how much Remus denies it, they can’t be swayed. Of course they’re right about Remus being jealous, but he can’t tell them the real reason, so by now he has just given up on trying to change their minds. Unfortunately, since they believe that there’s nothing more than playful flirtation between Sirius and Juan, they’re also convinced that Remus should make his move.
“Oh, that thing!” Marlene jumps to her feet. “Right. Of course. Yes, we should go.”
As the girls leave, Marlene even goes as far as to give Remus a thumbs up.
Juan pushes himself away from the counter and saunters over to the couch.
Remus wonders if he’s going to get turned down by a guy he’s not even into.
“I know what’s going on here,” Juan says.
Remus highly doubts it. “I really don’t think you-”
“I know you’re not interested in me.”
Oh. Maybe he actually does.
“I know I’m not the reason for your jealousy. Or at least not in the way your friends seem to think.” Juan tilts his head as he studies Remus. “It’s him, right? It’s Sirius?”
Remus opens his mouth to deny it, but looking at Juan, he realises it’s no use. “Yeah...”
“I get it,” Juan says, looking at the door Sirius just left through. “He’s quite something, isn’t he?”
Remus sighs deeply. “He really is.”
“Don’t worry, I don’t blame you for having fallen for him,” Juan says. “I mean, how could I? I’m in the danger zone myself, and I only see him occasionally. You actually live with him! You didn’t stand a chance.” He smiles at Remus sympathetically. “I empathize with you.”
Remus looks up at him hopefully. “So you’ll stop flirting with him?”
Juan throws his head back and laughs. Then he gives Remus an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, but a guy who looks like Sirius, and who’s also gay and single?” He shakes his head. “I can’t pass that up. In this case, it’s every man for himself, I’m afraid.” He holds out his hand.
Remus blinks, and without really thinking about it, accepts the hand.
Juan grins. “May the best man win.”
Remus hates that he shook Juan’s hand.
Like he agreed to compete with him. Like he can compete with him.
Sure, Sirius knows Remus better than anyone except probably his mum, and Remus knows Sirius better than anyone except probably James. But doesn’t that also mean that if there had been more than friendship in store for them, it would’ve happened by now?
Besides, Juan is charming and flirtatious, he works out twice a day, and in between he works out for a living too. Remus, on the other hand, is an awkward couch potato, and the closest thing he ever came to flirting with Sirius is when he tossed a piece of bread at his head (yeah, don’t ask).
And more important, Juan challenges Sirius and pushes him to his limits. He makes Sirius feel strong and confident. Ever since the accident, Remus constantly worries about Sirius, whether he’s taking proper care of himself, whether he’s taking enough rest, whether he’s not in any pain. He makes Sirius feel small, like he’s still a patient.
Maybe, and that’s the most painful of all, maybe Sirius needs someone like Juan.
In the time leading up to the marathon, Remus just continues as before, continues to support Sirius as best he can. He buys the foods that Sirius needs and likes, he cooks meals that fit within his training regime, and he shares in his joy every time he reaches a new milestone.
He doesn’t want to think about how things are proceeding between Sirius and Juan.
Remus has been a nervous wreck all day.
It’s the day of the marathon, and while he doesn’t care if Sirius can run a marathon or not, really doesn’t, it’s important to Sirius, and so it’s important to him.
“There he is!” James shouts, jumping up and down while bumping Remus’ shoulder, pointing towards the finish line.
And indeed, Sirius is running towards the finish. He’s going to do it. Of course he’s going to do it. And in an excellent time at that.
Remus claps louder than he ever has before. To his surprise, there are tears streaming down his face. He hadn’t expected to be this affected by it. The marathon never mattered to him, after all.
It’s just... that he remembers it all again. Seeing Sirius lying motionless in that bed, looking so small with all that tubes connected to his body, seeing Sirius’ fear and pain upon hearing he might never walk again, seeing Sirius’ anger and frustration as his body didn’t do what he wanted it to do. And then seeing him now, crossing the finish line, beaming with pride, strong, confident, happy, and alive. So, so blissfully alive.
Sirius looks around the people gathered behind the finish line, and his eyes lock with Remus’. Everything around Remus disappears, the crowd, the cheers, the claps, the commentator announcing names and times, and all he sees are Sirius’ eyes, with his own overwhelming emotions reflected back to him.
Remus runs up to Sirius and Sirius meets him halfway, and they fall into each other’s arms.
“Rem,” Sirius says, put of breath. “I did it. I actually did it!”
“You did!” Remus says, hugging him tight. “I’m so proud of you, Sirius. So bloody proud of you.”
Remus is looking on from a distance as James is taking a million photos of Sirius standing at the finish line with his medal, as their mother has demanded a printed and framed photo to hang on the wall.
Suddenly, Juan appears in front of him. He holds out his hand, and again, before he can really think about it, Remus shakes the hand.
“Congratulations,” Juan says.
“Oh, ehm, well, I should probably congratulate you. You trained him and ran with him after all...”
Juan looks over at Sirius with a fond look in his eyes. “Nah, this was all him.” He turns back to Remus. “Not what I’m congratulating you for anyway.” He grins. “May the best man win, remember?”
“Ah,” Remus awkwardly scratches his head. “I don’t think you can really say that we have a winner, if that’s what you want to call it...”
“Remus,” Juan says solemnly. “If there’s anything that’s important to me, it’s sportsmanship. And good sportsmanship involves accepting your loss, and knowing that there’s no shame in losing to a worthy opponent.”
“I respect that,” Remus says. “But why would you think you have lost?”
Juan smiles at him. “It wasn’t my face he searched in the crowd when he crossed the finish line. It weren’t my arms he fell into. He likes you, Remus. You should make a move. Life’s short, you know that, and you both deserve it.”
Juan pats Remus om the back, and with one last look at Sirius, he walks away.
Remus watches Sirius approach while thoughts run through his head. Could Sirius really return his feelings? It seems impossible. But then again, did it not only two years ago seem equally impossible that Sirius would ever run a marathon?
If there’s one thing Remus should know by now, it’s that nothing is impossible when it comes to Sirius Black.
“Ready to get out of here?” Sirius asks, still smiling brightly, as he stops in front of Remus.
“Yeah,” Remus replies, and then, just as Sirius turns to go, he says “Hey, would you like to go out for dinner tonight to celebrate?” He braces himself and takes a deep breath. Now or never. He reaches out and takes Sirius’ hand in his. “Just the two of us?”
Sirius stares down at their joint hands in wonder, then his eyes fly up and search Remus’ face. Remus sees disbelieve, hope, excitement, and something else in those eyes. He can’t wait to find out what that something else is.
A soft smile appears on Sirius’ face. “Yeah,” he squeezes Remus’ hand. “Yeah, I would like that very much.”
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ak47stylegirl · 10 months
I have officially fallen down the rabbit hole of minecraft Smps characters because I have now written fic 😅
I don’t know what this is, all I know is it’s some kind of domestic established relationship scarian au my brain cooked up while I was sick.
(enough of me rambling, hope you enjoy)
The morning sun shone through the window, drawing Scar from his slumber. Birds could be heard singing outside (plus mobs dying) as Scar blinked the sleep from his eyes.
Jellie was sitting on the windowsill, bathing in the morning sun. It was a beautiful sight to wake up to if you asked Scar.
There was one other though. Scar looked to his right and smiled softly.
Grain was curled up next to Scar, cheek swooshed up against his pillow. The sight was so addicting to Scar, the way the avian’s features were soft and carefree in sleep.
Scar frowned, noticing that wasn’t exactly the case today. Grian’s face was flushed, beads of sweat gathered around his temples.
With concern blossoming, Scar gently pressed his lips against Grian’s forehead, and immediately found a simmering fever.
Grian groaned, blinking groggily up at Scar.
“Well, hello there…” Scar smiled tenderly, brushing a strand of hair out of Grian’s face. “You’ve feeling alright there, love?”
Grian looked briefly like he wanted to shake his head and bury his face back into Scar’s bare chest, eyes filled with despair and anguish.
But this was Grian. Workaholic Grian.
Scar watched in dismay as Grian rolled over onto his back with a misery filled groan, “What time is it?” Grian asked, rubbing his face with his hands.
Scar sighed, sitting up properly to check the time; not surprised by the misdirection, this was Grian after all.
“It’s around six…and you didn’t answer my ques-”
Scar’s concern skyrocketed as he watched Grian struggle to sit up, immediately reaching out a hand to help. “Woah, I got you…”
Worry and dread was bubbling in Scar’s stomach.
“I’m fine…” Grian insisted as he stared down at his lap, breathing heavily like he had just ran a marathon. “I..I just had a bad night, that's all...”
Well that much was true, Scar could admit as he remembered Grian having a hard time getting to sleep last night.
Tossing and turning constantly. Unable to get comfortable. It was a whole ordeal.
But as Scar fully took in the state of his love, he could see how Grian was trembling ever so slightly, swaying where he sat and getting paler by the second.
This was definitely more than a bad night's sleep.
Scar shook his head, having had enough of his pesky bird’s stubbornness. “Grian…You’re running a fever.”
Grian’s eyebrows creased, starting to sway dangerously close to falling off the bed now. “Wha-”
“Okay no, come here…” Scar wrapped his arm around Grian’s waist with a sigh, pulling the sick avian towards him.
Grian yelped in surprise as he suddenly found himself leaning against lean muscle, cheek tucked against the nape of Scar's neck.
“Scar!” Grian whined, as some of his resolve to get up crumbled like wet cardboard in the rain. Oh void, he did feel appallingly horrible but-
“I have things I have to do!”
Scar ticked his tongue, not convinced in the slightest.
“And those things can wait…” Scar scolded lightly as he gently lowered himself and Grian down onto the bed.
“Right now, we’re going back to sleep for a couple more hours, then I’m going to make you something to eat and then you are going to rest…”
“But…but there’s so much to do...” Grian pouted, his resolve falling away from him every second he didn’t get up. (And the way Scar was rubbing the patch of skin in between his wings wasn’t helping!)
“I can’t…I can’t take a sick day..” Grian’s stomach was flipping and flopping all over the place. “I just can’t, there’s too much-“
“Gri, please…” Scar pressed his lips against Grian’s head in a tender kiss, his heart hurting for his love. “Let me take care of you…”
Grian squeezed his eyes shut as a wave of nausea overtook him. “Scar…”
“Please…” Scar was begging now, he really didn’t want to fight Grian on this but this was a battle he had to win. “For me..”
Grian was silent for a long tense second, before sighing.
“Okay, okay fine...” Grian whined, breaking out into feverish shivers. “but I got to call work first, and then I’ll probably have to find someone to replace me and, oh no-”
Scar frowned, watching as grian started to ramble with a slightly panicked tone.
“I was going to meet Mumbo for lunch!” Grian gasped, eyes widening with a feverish haze. “I’ll have to message him too and…and, oh Scar! it would really just be better if just go-”
“Woah! What did I just say…” Scar scolded lightly as he pulled their blanket up higher so it covered Grian’s shivering form better. “I will handle it, love…”
“You are not to worry about a thing…” Scar tucked a strand of Grian’s hair behind the avian’s ear. “I just want you to focus on getting better, okay?”
Grian whined, feeling too exhausted and nauseous to put up a fight. “Just don’t say anything stupid to my boss, I still have to work with those people…”
“Why, so little faith…” Scar mumbled as he reached over for his communicator, typing a quick message to Grian’s boss.
Goodtimeswithscar whispers to Grian’s boss: hi, Grian’s partner here. Grian’s sick so he’s not coming in today.
If anyone had a problem with Grian taking a sick day or if Scar had his way, multiple, (you don’t get over an illness in one day!) then they could take it up with him. (Scar)
“I’ll have you know that I have never said anything stupid in my life…” Scar whispered, pressing a kiss to Grian’s temple.
Grian huffed in disbelief, smiling ever so slightly as he watched Scar type out a message to Mumbo, his eyelids getting steadily heavier.
Goodtimeswithscar whispers to MumboJumbo: Our pesky Bird is sick, so he can’t make that lunch meet up thingy you two had planned.
Before Scar could put his communicator away, Mumbo replied to his message.
“Damn mumbo, did you even go to sleep last night??” Scar muttered under his breath as he read the message.
MumboJumbo whispers to Goodtimeswithscar: Damn, poor guy. Yeah, that’s fine, I totally get it. Tell Grian to rest and not to be a spoon for me, will you?
Goodtimeswithscar whispers to MumboJumbo: Will do.
“Mumbo says to rest and not be a spoon, whatever that means?” Scar told Grian as placed his communicator away.
Grian hummed, barely awake to fully comprehend what Scar was saying.
Scar smiled softly at the sight, glad his love was getting some sleep. Scar closed his eyes, content to just hold his bird close.
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so like. Frog Patton is a frog, which have breeding seasons. But Patton wouldn't know that. So he's left there with a drooling dick and not knowing what's wrong with him.
Breeding Season
Intruality (Patton and Remus)
Warnings: Frog!Patton, breeding, slight overstimulation
Read it on AO3!
Patton would generally say he was indeed a morning person. He liked getting up bright and early, having the house to himself for at least an hour before everyone else was awake. There was no arguing over what to watch, so he could put on retro saturday morning cartoons! No one arguing about needing to use the kitchen or who got the last of the coffee, he always got the stove to himself and the first cup of a fresh brew. None of the hot water for the shower was used, the first rays of sunlight got to greet his face, even a warm set of clothes would be greeting him from his laundry that was waiting in the dryer from being done last night. Well, what wasn’t there to love about the morning?
Except, this morning, he cringed awake, feeling an awful scratch at the back of his throat. Not a sick kind of scratch, but the kind he felt when Thomas went through puberty, as did all the sides, and he’d wake up with a tickling at the back and a new octave to speak in. He coughed when he reached over for his glasses, but that didn’t clear it much. Maybe it was just a cold?
In addition to his new illness, his morning wood ached. Most mornings all he had to do was think of something nasty Remus had said the week before and it would eventually go away, but his little friend remained at-attention, despite him thinking about the moldy-cheese macaroni sandwich Remus had for lunch three days ago. 
He groaned as he reached into his pants, running his hand along the outline of his hard cock. He was already leaking into his boxers, great. He didn't have any especially nice dreams to cause this, but he guessed he’d have to just rub it out to get it over with. He tugged his pants and boxers down just enough to start stroking himself. It wasn’t elegant or very enjoyable, he just wanted to get in a quickie so he could start getting ready for the day. With a final gasp he came over his hand and stomach. A change and a quick shower was in order.
Except, he was still hard as ever. Normally he needed a quick break to recover with his partner after he came but he was still painfully aroused and had no clue why. He felt like rutting up into his hand again, still sensitive from his previous orgasm, but he resisted. 
He got up and felt how tense his muscles were, his legs, at least. He felt like he ran a marathon without even stretching first, but all he did was go about his normal day- cooking, chores, and hanging out with his favorite famILY. Maybe it was whatever was making his throat hurt. Nothing some warm water couldn’t fix!
He stripped off his clothes on the way to his bathroom and tossed them in the laundry bin to be done later. Right! All his clean clothes were in the dryer downstairs. Well, the benefits of waking up early, no one would be awake to see him march down in a towel to get it. With that thought, he stepped into his bathroom, flipped on the light and-
“OH MY GOSH WHAT IS THAT.” Patton shrieked as he looked at his naked reflection. He instantly closed his eyes, sticking to his ‘if I can't see you, you can’t see me’ motto. When he did open his eyes, he noticed the green and brown splotches that adorned his face and neck, making their way down his shoulders and chest as well. He touched the spots, almost moist from what he hoped was sweat from his earlier activities, and let out a gasp at how sensitive they were, almost like how it felt to press into one of the love marks someone left on his neck. He looked at himself in horror studying his new form. At last he noticed how his still hard cock wore similar markings, and that it was starting to needily drool pre from the tip again.
He let out a disgusted whine and ran to the shower, turning it on and hopping in. He immediately reached for a washcloth and soap and started rubbing at the spots across his body to wash them down the drain. As he scrubbed harder and harder trying to rid himself of the splotches he gasped and whined. They were so sensitive and each drag of the cloth over them sparked some pleasurable feeling deep in his belly. He looked down at his cock and repeated the same action, this time feeling twice the pleasure. He tried to hold back moans, failing when he realized the spots weren’t coming off. He sat down in the tub, letting the steaming water fall down over him as he started to desperately fist his cock with the washcloth. He finally came into it, whimpering at the feeling. He sat in the shower for another ten minutes conjuring up a plan for how to survive the day with whatever was happening to him.
He toweled off the best he could, still unable to completely dry some of the spots. He was tempted to grab himself for a third time, but decided that the way to go here was probably to just ignore it until it went away, no matter how hard he got.
With a quick peek out his door and towel wrapped around his waist, he rushed downstairs to retrieve his clothes. He could find some baggy pants in the dryer and wear his cat hoodie with the hood up to cover up his condition. Downstairs seemed to be clear as he approached the laundry room. Once inside, he opened up the dryer and started digging around. It had to be here somewhere-
“My, my,” a suspiciously wicked voice came from the doorway, “And here I thought my color was green.”
“Gah! Remus!” Patton shouted, surprised to see the duke up at this hour. He pulled his towel up further to attempt to cover himself, but it did little to hide what the other had already seen, “I’m just- I need to- um- I can explain!”
Remus smirked and slinked into the small room, “Oh, Patty, there’s no need to do that! Not when your dick’s done most of it for you, anyway.”
Patton winced and looked down at his cock tenting the only thing keeping him covered. He looked back to Remus who was wearing a toothy grin, like a wolf waiting to devour its prey.
“Poor little froggie doesn’t even know it’s mating season yet, is that it?” Remus closed the gap and started marching Patton into the wall, “That’s ok, between Virgil’s heats and Janus’ mating times I’m pretty used to lending a helping hand. You do want help with this, don't you?”
Patton felt conflicted. On one hand all he wanted was to not give into… whatever this was and wait till it was over. On the other, he wanted nothing more than to deal with the pangs of arousal by having Remus take him back to his room and ride him like no tomorrow. He didn’t know how long this would last, and what it even was, and it seemed like Remus at least had some idea of how to manage it. He felt the towel around his waist begin to slowly unravel. He panted, thinking about what would happen if he said yes, what sort of hellish pleasure he was in for.
The towel fell to the floor with a soft thud as Remus pinned him to the wall, “Well, what’s it gonna be frog-face?”
“I-”Patton’s lip quivered. He felt the other slot a knee in between his legs and he couldn’t resist any longer, “Please, Remus, yes.”
Remus chuckled, a dark laugh that made Patton shiver, “Happy breeding season~”
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captain-lessship · 2 years
Where We Once Were Pt. 4
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After your day in Hogsmede, every Slytherin was exhausted and had collapsed onto their beds. All resting easy except you.
You jolted up in your bed in the dead of the night. You often had bad dreams about your mother, she was screaming at you and just as she raised her wand, you’d wake up, wand raised bad well, ready to fend her off. 
This round it was worse because Hermione was there and she threw herself in front of you. 
You flung your covers off and ran to the bathroom. The light coming on to show your reflection in the mirror. You stared at it, hoping it would change.
Same eyes.
Same hair.
What if you had the same heart?
Your aunt and uncle often told you that you reminded them of her.
You knew you had a similar laugh and few mannerisms were picked up from her but what if the similarities were deeply wound around your very soul.
You cried but you tried to remain silent. A lot of emotions were discouraged of you. The only ones you could feel without later shame were bitterness, envy, rage, superiority and pleasure from other’s misfortunes. 
But she made you feel happy, love and secure. She made you feel human. And you loved her for it. 
But the reflection seemed to mock you, reminding you that you can’t run from genetics sand something’s really run in the family. 
“Accio scissors.” A silver pair of scissors appeared in your hand. You held up a strand of your curly hair, opened the scissors but stopped. 
Tears ran a marathon down your face but you smiled. You closed your eyes as you closed the scissors, hearing the snip and you watched as the curl fell to the floor.
Filled with a euphoric mania, you pulled and snipped til there was a pile of hair on the floor, your eyes finally met the reflection again. You smiled widely. 
It was much shorter than your collar bone length cut you had, you touched it, happy tears filling you.
“What have you done?” 
You flung around and saw a surprised yet tired Draco standing there. You froze.
“What have you done!” He shouted, walking to you. “Oh my god, what have you done?” He touched your hair.
“I cut it.”
“Obviously,” he scoffed, “but why?” 
“Because I…” you looked down.
“Because I hate looking like her!” You screech at him, shoving him away from yourself. “People look at me as if they are waiting for me to start dropping bodies. They look at me with either fear or suspicion and I am sick of it! We are more than our parents actions!”
Draco stared at you, “It never bothered you before.”
“It did but I have finally had enough of it.”
“Do you really think,” he stared at you with resentment, “a haircut is going to make people like you?”
You stayed silent.
“You should be proud that we are better than most people.” 
You looked at him with a pitiful look, some people didn’t want to be saved, at least not yet. 
“I’m sorry you think that way.” You moved from the sink towards the door. Draco grabbed your arm. His eyes met yours, then a glimpse of understanding fizzled into them. You smiled weakly. 
“You missed several pieces.”
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kasiers · 2 months
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pairing: husband!iwaizumi hajime x reader
synopsis: his body warmth makes cuddling tough for you due to him running naturally hot while you ran naturally cold, he realizes this and feels guilty but makes it up to you <3
contains: gn!reader, timeskip iwaizumi hajime (27) athletic trainer YESS! established relationship, domestic fluff, pet names, cuddling
word count: 1.5k
a/n: shout out to mn gc <3 this ones for u guys and to my ghost writer LOLLL i love u guys i got this prompt from them :p
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Summer mornings weren’t that hot, though as the day progressed the heat became almost unbearable. Despite the air conditioner running at full blast, the nights remained suffocating. It didn’t help that your husband ran naturally hot. 
You always found it a bit funny how warm he was, especially since it contrasted you, who was the complete opposite in terms of body warmth. Yet, his body heat felt like an oven almost.
Even so, you never complained. Hajime loved to cuddle, it was his comfort after coming home from a long day. You could see the stress melt from his face every time he held you close, his tense muscles relaxing as he buried his face in your hair.
"Missed ya today hon," he would often murmur, his voice a soft rumble against your ear. You would simply hum in response, tracing soothing patterns on his back, knowing that your presence was what he needed most.
Tonight was no different. You lay tangled together in bed, the weight of the day melting away. His body radiated warmth, an almost cruel heat in the summer night. You held him close, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest against yours.
The AC whirred quietly in the background, your mind wandered, thinking about how much you loved these moments despite the discomfort. You mostly found yourself unable to sleep, tossing and turning and laying in his arms.
The sticky feeling of sweat forming between your bodies, the way your skin clung to his— it was all worth a few uncomfortable nights. You didn’t mind because you knew how much he needed this, needed you. 
It took him a while to realize how much the heat bothered you. Often, you’d wake up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat. Hajime would wake too, asking you what’s wrong. You’d brush it off as the AC turning off overnight or the ceiling fan not working properly, offering excuses that seemed believable in the faint light of dawn.
One weekend morning, after yet another restless, clammy night, you woke up to find Hajime already awake, watching you with a concerned expression. He brushed a strand of hair from your forehead. 
“You good baby? You look like you ran a marathon in your sleep,” he jokes. 
You laughed softly, trying to hide your discomfort, “Yeah no I’m good, the AC is probably acting up again.” 
Hajime’s schedule as an athletic trainer meant that he often had early mornings, but on weekends, he allowed himself to sleep in a bit later. You, on the other hand, woke up earlier to prepare his things for the day, ensuring he had everything he needed for his exhaustive schedule.
You would pack his meals, cook him breakfast, and make sure his bag was ready to go.
Regardless of your efforts to hide your feelings from your husband, he’d start noticing the signs. The dark circles under your eyes, the way you’d wake up glossy, and the occasional comments about the room feeling too warm.
He’d conclude that it must’ve been the seasonal changes, but now he was beginning to see a pattern.
He frowned, his brow furrowing in confusion. “The electrician came last week babe, he said everything was fine.”
You paused, realizing that your usual excuse wasn’t going to hold up anymore. “Oh, well… maybe I’ve just been running a bit warmer than usual. Could be the weather or something.”
His expression shifted from concern to consideration. “Still.. you’ve been looking pretty wiped out lately, maybe you should see a doctor, just in case.”
You tried to reassure him, not wanting to worry him further. “It’s probably nothing serious. Just a little extra warmth. I’ll be fine dear, really.”
He didn’t look convinced but let it go, leaning in to kiss your forehead. “Okay, but if you’re feeling off, let me know. I don’t want you to push yourself.”
You nodded, determined to keep your thoughts to yourself. It was a small price to pay for after all. The next few nights, you tried different tactics to minimize the heat, like sleeping in lighter pajamas and turning up the ceiling fan a bit more. 
Despite it all, you still found yourself waking up in a sweat, but you brushed it off with casual comments about the weather or the AC.
Another evening followed, but this time it felt unbearable. You jolted awake, forehead covered with beads of sweat. You tried to slip out of bed without waking your husband, but he stirred and noticed your discomfort.
“Baby? You okay?” Hajime mumbled, his voice thick with sleep. Keeping a light grasp on your wrist as he squints at you through the dim light of the room. You were sitting up on your side of the bed, “Yeah, just feeling a bit too warm. I’ll be fine, ‘m gonna grab water,” you whispered, brushing it off once again. 
But Hajime wasn’t convinced. He followed and sat up, rubbing his eyes and trying to piece together the situation. His brow furrowed in concern as he noticed how flushed your face looked. 
“Hey,” Hajime said gently, his eyes filled with concern. “You don’t look so good. Why don’t you stay here? I’ll get the water for you.”
You shook your head, trying to muster a smile. “No, it’s okay. I can get it myself, I’ll be quick.” 
Hajime’s eyes softened as he watched you try to stand. He placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, guiding you back to the bed. “No, really. I want you to rest. Let me get it.” 
You reluctantly sat back down, letting out a sigh, the exhaustion apparent in your posture. “Okay, fine, thank you.”
He nodded, then went to the kitchen, moving quietly. As he filled a glass with cool water, his mind continued to turn over the situation. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.
When he returned, he found you sitting on the edge of the bed, still looking uneasy. He handed you the glass of water and sat down beside you, his expression serious. “I’ve been thinking,” he said quietly, “about why you’ve been feeling so uncomfortable. It’s not just the room temperature, is it?”
You looked at him, your eyes reflecting a mix of exhaustion and a touch of guilt, “honey..”
His brows knitted together in thought. The gears in his head turned as he replayed the past nights in his head. It hit him with a sudden clarity— he was the source of your discomfort. His body heat, his need to cuddle, had been making your nights unbearable.
“Baby, I… I’m sorry, baby,” he said, his voice filled with genuine remorse. He gently cupped your face with his hands, looking deeply into your eyes. “I had no idea I was making you uncomfortable. I should have noticed sooner. I know I can be pretty warm, but I never meant to make you feel miserable.”
A small, understanding smile formed on your lips, you let out a soft sigh and shook your head as you put the glass down on the nightstand. “Hajime, it’s okay. I should have told you earlier, too. I didn’t want to make you feel bad.”
Hajime’s face remained with concern as he brushed a stray lock of hair from your face. “No baby, I still feel awful about it. I just wish I’d noticed sooner, I’m sorry beautiful.”
He buries his face in your neck, his breath warm against your skin. You could feel the slight shake in his sigh, the weight of his guilt evident in his touch. His arms tightened around you, seeking comfort and offering it at the same time.
You ran your fingers gently through his hair, smoothing the back of his head as you whispered comforts softly, “Haji, it’s okay. I promise….”
His grip on you relaxed a bit, but he stayed close, savoring the soothing motion of your hand. You pressed a tender kiss to the top of his head, your lips lingering for a moment before pulling back slightly to meet his gaze. “You work hard and I know you care about me more than anything. That’s enough for me.”
You both settled back into the sheets, the silence of the room comforting. As his breathing evened out, he stirred slightly, pulling you a bit closer.
“We should get a better mattress tomorrow,” he murmured, his voice still thick with sleep but carrying a note of determination. “One that helps with temperature regulation.”
You let out a soft, appreciative laugh, feeling the warmth of his words as much as his body. “That sounds like a good idea,” you agreed, your voice gentle.
He nodded against your shoulder, his head resting comfortably. “I’ll look into it first thing in the morning.”
You felt nothing but gratitude and affection for him. “Thank you, Haji. I really appreciate it.”
He tightened his embrace slightly, his breathing settling into a steady rhythm. “I love you,” he said, his voice a soothing whisper in the quiet room.
“I love you too,” you replied softly, your hand continuing its gentle strokes along his back. 
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1310miles · 4 months
Bonus: Boston Revisited
I’m back at Boston. Yes, it’s my first repeat marathon. That means it’s my 45th race, but not my 45th state. I never expected to repeat a race, but after I ran Boston in 2022, I told myself if I ever qualified again, I would run it. The ’22 race wasn’t a great experience (basically the only race I’ve really felt injured) and I wanted to have a good memory of this epic race. I guess we can consider this a bonus blog!
I also wanted my kids to experience “the super bowl of running” with me. Both Eva and Colin traveled with me and I was so proud to show them the way the city celebrates runners. They were amazed with the size of the expo, the grandeur of the finish line area, and the number of runners milling all around. They also loved the special treatment we got at the hotel when I said I was a marathon participant. 
Wake up call on the morning of the race is early because all runners have to be bussed out to Hopkington (26.2 miles away) for the starting line, then the roads close, and the race can begin. This also accounts for why the starting time is so late (10:50am for me!). My bus was earlier than most participants because I took the private coach arranged with the Chicago Area Runners Association. The benefits are that it isn’t a school bus, you will be riding with your friends, you can stay on the bus once you arrive at runner’s village (otherwise you have to sit on the ground), and you have dedicated portapotties. It's worth it to get up an hour early. 
However, I almost didn’t get up. I leisurely awoke and rolled over to look at the time only to see that I overslept! But only by two minutes. My alarm was going off, but the hotel room AC was so loud that I couldn’t hear it! Not really a problem, but it could have been a lot worse. 
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The kids wrote me the best letter ever and left it with my race gear. They will never understand how special it made me feel. I was all smiles as I got my hotel coffee, bagel at Dunkin, rode the train and got to the CARA bus. I sat with my friend Aaron, and he told me all about his adventures getting to Boston (forgot his driver’s license and had to testify at the airport to fly!). Once to Hopkington, we met up with other friends and waited the two hours until we were called to the start. 
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Race start time was an issue because although the morning was moderately warm, temperatures were headed to the low 70’s by noon. Having trained all winter, this abrupt temperature increase had me worried. It was not in my plan to run in summer temps. Within four miles of starting, I had to throw away my top shirt. It was so unfortunate because Lululemon had gifted me the shirt and I really liked it. However, the extra layer, and frankly thinking about the extra layer, was just making me overheat. I hope someone found that lovely shirt that was basically brand new, washed it, and wears it. 
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I was running great through the beginning. My lesson from the first Boston was that I had run too hard in the first 8 miles, which are a gradual downhill. This race day, I was working very hard to moderate my speed, but I was going faster than I expected. It took a lot of willpower to keep it “slow” while I felt so great. 
It was very obvious that I had to watch the heat too. At mile 2, I changed my hydration strategy. I had planned to get water and Gatorade every three miles (alternating the fluids). Based on the heat, I decided to drink at every single stop. I walked through the stops and that was also a welcome relief. By mile 6, I added to the aid station routine. I took 5 cups of water each time! One I drank, one I poured over my left arm, one on my right, one over the front of my head and one over the back. I basically showered every mile. It was totally necessary and totally refreshing. However, about halfway through, I realized my phone was in my back pocket and was probably continually getting drenched. I was dreading pulling it out to find it completely damaged, but thankfully, it was semi-dry and functional. 
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The heat was as much mental as physical. If I had been used to the temperatures, it wouldn’t have been half as bad, but I just didn’t have any preparation time. I kept thinking about my legs cramping and having difficulties breathing, which I think led to almost a panic attack type response. I would get really anxious as I ran along, like I was going to hyperventilate. This is when those water stop breaks really became necessary every mile. All of this makes it sound like I was having a terrible race, I wasn’t! I just needed to be very mindful of my environment and keep my body in line. 
I definitely spent more time this race looking around and soaking up the route than I did the first time. The small towns that we ran through were adorable and packed with fans. There were points near the end that the cheering was so loud and constant that I wished we could get some quiet for a few miles. 
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Just like the first time, when I ran through the Scream Tunnel at Wellsley, I got tears in my eyes. Those women were so excited for each and every runner, and they made me feel so incredible. They really do carry you for the whole mile. I had requested a sign be made, but I didn’t ever see it. I know they made it though because I was on the list. Instead, I did see the best sign ever: “I love lying to men.” 
My race pace strategy was going perfectly as planned and by mile 18 I was running as fast I would have without the heat. I was so pleased that my training had allowed for this. After mile 18, as with almost everyone in the race, I began to slow down. Of course, this is when the infamous “Newton Hills” arrive. I walked the hills to conserve everything I needed to get to the finish, and I did it with pride. At the top of Heartbreak Hill, I knew that those were over and it was time to put it into the final gear. 
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Getting through those last six miles was difficult, but I had the excitement of seeing the kids at mile 25 to keep me motivated. The logistics of having them travel the course was just too much, so I asked them to be outside the hotel around 2pm to watch for me. I texted them when I was about a mile away, and could see the Citgo sign. Then I watched the sidelines looking for them. 
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I guess I didn’t expect it to be so chaotic at that part of the course, but it was right where we enter the downtown commercial area, and right by Fenway Park. There were so many people I started getting very worried that I had missed them. I approached and then passed the hotel without seeing them and honestly was about to turn around and walk a block back to try to find them. Just then I spotted their two cute faces cheering for me! It was the best sight I’ve ever had. I was so proud to find them there being such mature young adults. And I couldn’t wait to finish and get back to them. 
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One mile to go, and I was in a bad mood. I wanted to be done. I was really pushing because my goal was to get a Boston qualifying time in this race and with my slow down, I was going to be close. I had a difficult time smiling as I turned onto Boylston and hit the finish line tunnel. Lots of other runners were soaking it up but I was just putting one foot in front of the other. Unfortunately, one woman was much worse off than me. As I approached her, she had diarrhea running down both of her legs and she was just shuffling. I passed her and glanced back to see that she was collapsing. One very kind runner was helping her up and getting her to the finish. 
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I finished less dramatically. I got my second Boston medal (finishing in a Boston qualifying time) and walked down the several blocks that they put you through before I could take a quick turn down into the subway. I got on a train to take me back to the hotel that was filled with worn out runners and their families. I was feeling good until I wasn’t and had to sit down. I started to worry I would pass out on the train, but the food from the finish line revived me. I got off the train and emerged to the mile 25 area I had run through just a half hour before. The crowds were still going nuts and it was fun to be on the other side. When I walked into the hotel lobby, someone shouted “congratulations runner” and everyone in there clapped for me. It was incredible! I felt like a star! It was even better when I found the kids in the hotel room waiting for me. They had been doing homework and had all their stuff packed. They even were watching the race on tv and spotted me!
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jodilin65 · 6 months
I might have the best news I’ve had in a while. I’m trying not to get my hopes up too high because one time isn’t exactly enough to really tell me anything but I think we may be on to something with this mouthguard. When I realized I wouldn’t be able to get to sleep before being up 18 hours last night, I thought to myself, fuck, I’m gonna be totally exhausted tomorrow! 
But when I woke up after just 6.5 hours of sleep, I realized I didn’t feel that bad at all. I’m not teeming with energy where I could run a marathon but I’m not exhausted either.
So then I ran and checked my oxygen saturation level for the night and for the first time in ages, there were no orange spikes! So yeah, either something’s teasing me, it’s just a lucky coincidence, or I’m onto something really life-changing here. This is even after having a nightmare thrown into the mix and waking up a few times along the way. Most of the times I woke up was only for a second but one time I had to pee.
I had a dream I was on nights and woke up in the early evening to find a huge spider sitting in the middle of a large crack that appeared in the bedroom ceiling a few days prior. I thought to myself that if he had fixed the damn thing, the spider wouldn’t have gotten down into the house. This was an Arizona-huge spider, too!
I woke Tom up to deal with it, but he refused. He was still working in the dream and after he had gotten up later on and left for work, I realized we forgot to have him hunt down and kill the bastard, and it was now up to me to do so in order to get some sleep that day.
I did a little research and found that if your corneas are naturally thicker than usual, then you likely don’t have ocular hypertension. That’s one of the reasons the eye doc wants me to go to a specialist is to do cornea tapping, as he referred to it, which doesn’t sound like it’s going to be much fun. However, I read that if you have thicker corneas, you’ve usually had them all your life. Well, I had exams when I was young and living in New England yet it was never mentioned to me then. As much as I don’t want to, I’ve got to go because I could be on the path to glaucoma and I’d like to get off of it if I am. My new glasses will be here in a week or two.
Watching The Tourist now and it’s okay so far.
Less than 1000 miles to go on my ride!
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Why Are You at the Wake? | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Hi! in a shocking twist of events, I've got yet another angsty fic here based on a Taylor Swift song
Warnings: angst, reader injury
“And I can go anywhere I want,
anywhere I want- just not home.
And you can aim on my heart,
go for blood.
But you would still miss me in your bones.”
Bucky didn’t like empty space. He didn’t like the quiet pause between each beep of your heart monitor. He didn’t like the distance between your body and his. He didn’t like the gaps between each nurse’s visit to your room.
Screams rattled inside his chest, caged in by his ribs. He folded and unfolded the note he’d agonized over. The note he planned to read to you when you woke up. Certainly, you’d wake up soon, right? You’d look at him with groggy eyes and a tired smile and tell him everything was okay. Just like always. 
At least, that’s what he told himself.
That idea- however untrue- was the only thing anchoring him to earth. Without it, he feared he’d evaporate. It was you who kept him grounded. You who helped him feel real. But you hadn’t said anything- hadn’t opened your eyes- in days. And Bucky felt himself slipping. His heart vibrated against his ribs. Desperate. Needy. Anxious. All for you.
If you didn’t wake up, he’d never forgive himself. He’d never forgive himself if you died thinking he hated you.
----Three weeks earlier----
A long training session left you sweaty and sore. The rest of the team beelined it to the showers while you walked- limped- to the kitchen. A batch of smoothies for you and Bucky would surely provide the energy you two needed to marathon every Sharknado movie ever made.
You smiled to yourself. You could practically see Bucky sprawled across your bed, eating popcorn and laughing at Sharknado 3: Feeding Frenzy. You often lost yourself in thoughts of him- probably more than you’d like to admit. But you were tied to him. 
No one expected the two of you to pair off the way you did. But knocking on his door all those months ago sparked an unwavering bond. You woke him from a nightmare, sat with him, let him vent. He cried in front of another person for the first time in- he didn’t remember how long. He listened to your stories and let you play with his hair. And that was that. You made him feel safe. You brought him peace. And he did the very same for you.
His deep voice echoed from the kitchen, regardless of his obvious attempt to whisper.
“I don’t know, man…” Bucky sighed, “I just don’t want to.”
The urge to eavesdrop won you over, and you leaned against the wall to listen in.
“I think you know why, and you’re just not being honest. I mean, she’s your best friend”, Sam said.
Your ears burned.
“It’s complicated. Alright?”
“How complicated can it be?”
Bucky was clearly nearing the end of his rope. You could practically see him running his hands through his hair. “I just don’t want to work with her anymore!” he nearly shouted, “I hate doing it- I hate going on jobs with her. If I get assigned one more mission with her as my partner, I’m gonna lose it.”
A deep ache tore through your chest. Your throat burned. A tear ran down your cheek. Part of you thought you might get sick. A deadly cocktail of heartbreak, shame, and rejection rushed down your throat, its bitter taste never leaving your mouth. On unsteady feet, you tried to leave the same way you came. But your stealthy getaway fell apart as you knocked into a decorative side table and fell to the ground. This was just what your cocktail needed: a garnish of embarrassment.
Bucky and Sam rushed into the room, only to find you struggling to stand. Bucky reached for you with a smile. And you pulled away. For the first time since meeting him, you didn’t want him to touch you.
Bucky cocked his head to the side and reached for you again, “You okay, doll?”
“I’m f-” you stumbled, but finally made it to your feet. “I’m fine.” Tears still gushed down your cheeks. And your hands shook as you retracted them from Bucky’s third attempt at helping you. “Don’t,” you said. “I don’t need- I don’t want your help.” Stifled sobs shook inside your chest as you tore out of the room, leaving Bucky in the dust. 
You still hadn’t spoken to him. At least, not socially. Work was different. It took precedence over your heartbreak.
But around the compound, you shut him out. You looked past him. He felt your eyes on him, though. When his back was turned, when Sam distracted him with conversation- he felt your attention. Your stolen glances. Your heartbroken stares. 
And he ached for you. 
If you gave him just a second to explain, he’d clear the air. He’d set everything right. But you refused to let him. His calls and texts went ignored. His attempts at talking were met with a locked door. He couldn’t sleep. The fear of never spending another day by your side or another night in your bed kept him wired. He laid awake each night with bloodshot eyes and a hollow chest, hating himself for what he’d said.
And as he sat next to your lifeless body, that hate grew ten-fold.
God, he missed you. He missed you in his bones. He wished he’d had the chance to straighten things out before this last mission. But the tension remained. Bucky had wanted to tell you to be careful, to take care of yourself as your group approached the Hydra base. But he knew you didn’t wanna hear it. He knew you didn’t want to hear his last-minute effort at a heartfelt ‘be careful’. But admittedly, he wanted one from you. He wanted to know you still cared- hell, he wanted you to talk to him. Period. 
So when crouched next to him as the base fell apart around you, he smiled at your voice.
----Four Days Ago----
“Barnes, hey…” you nudged his shoulder. “Hey- focus. Eyes on me.”
Blood dripped from a gash in his brow. Broken blood vessels ran like red spider webs through the white of his eye. And his tac suit, flayed open and bloody, revealed a gnarly wound. 
But he perked up at the sound of your voice. At his name falling from your lips. 
“What’re you…” he slurred, “what’re you doing?”
“I’m helping you.” One hand held pressure to his wound while the other pressed your comm, “Sam, Barnes is down in the Northeast quad. He needs evac.” 
The biting pain that burned through his side as your hand doubled the pressure nearly choked him. But he didn’t mind- he’d missed your touch too much to care. And he found himself reaching for you. His weak gesture landed only a few fingers against your wrist, but it was enough. For now. 
“I thought you were m-mad at me…”
You kept your eyes down. You focused on his wound, focused on not letting him see your heartbreak. “I am”.
“Then why are you-”
“Because we’re still a team.” Finally, you let your eyes find his. And you softened at the sight of his weak smile. Your best friend, your favorite person, your Bucky. Voices in your comm system pulled your attention at just the right moment- you’d almost said, “because I love you”.
With a confirmation from Maria, you snapped back into work-mode. “Sam’s coming to get you. He’s gonna take you back to the jet, okay?” You dabbed gently at the wound on his face with the sleeve of your suit, “you’re gonna be fine.”
Bucky curled his fingers around your thumb. He didn’t want Sam taking him anywhere. “Are you coming?” 
“No, I’m-”
“Why?” Alarm rose in Bucky’s voice. A jolt of anxiety revitalized him, bringing him back to life. He wanted -needed-  you with him. He knew the building wouldn’t last long, knew the smoke and ash could take you down with it. And Hydra operatives certainly lurked in every shadow. He didn’t want you staying behind. 
Sam screeched down the hall and pulled your focus, but Bucky’s eyes remained locked on you. Were you always this beautiful? Or was he lost in a haze of blood loss? No- no, you were that beautiful. Always. Even as Sam lugged his body from the floor, Bucky didn’t notice the pain slicing through his side. He noticed you- the way a few loose strands of hair had fallen out of your braid. Your furrowed brow. The small cut on your cheek. 
“Will you-” he breathed, “will you come with me?”
You knew you shouldn’t. You told yourself not to. But you couldn’t help it. With one bloody hand, you reached for Bucky’s cheek. His eyes closed instantly- you hadn’t touched him like this in weeks. And you didn’t want to admit it, but you missed him. Even though he’d said he hated being around you, you couldn’t just stop loving him. You couldn’t shut off the part of your brain that lit up every time you saw him- or thought about him.  
The hard exterior you’d crafted ever since his harsh comments crumbled. You needed him. And the fear in his eyes nearly made you tear up. But knowing Bucky, he wasn’t scared of the pain or bleeding to death, he was scared for you. Scared for your safety, for your well-being. He couldn’t leave this building without you.
“I can’t, Buck. I gotta go save Barton’s dumb ass.” You shot him a wink and swept a thumb over his cheek. It was too much, too tender. You knew it was stupid to open up to him like this. You might as well have taken dull scissors to a stitched up wound and hacked it open. But he needed you. And you needed to comfort him. “But I’ll be out soon- I’m right behind you. Okay?”
He nodded against your hand, letting himself revel in the feeling of your skin against his. And then you were gone. Last he saw you, you were tearing down a darkened hall in the direction of danger.
He folded the note he’d written into a boat. A flower. A shitty swan. Anything to keep him awake. He couldn’t risk falling asleep. He had to be there the second you woke up. 
A rogue beat disturbed the rhythm of your heart monitor, and Bucky’s lungs tightened. You were either about to wake up or about to die, and he wasn’t prepared for either.  He watched as you rolled your head from side to side, the motion letting loose a pained groan. His wounds were gone, leaving no evidence behind. But yours were fresh, painful. 
And as another agonized sound left your chest, he second guessed his plan. You’d been unconscious for days, suffered life threatening injuries- he couldn’t launch into a diatribe the second you opened your eyes. He’d only overwhelm you, upset you even more. 
But, god, he wanted to tell you everything.
The harsh fluorescents attacked as soon as your eyes fluttered open. Pain raked through your chest and throbbed inside your skull. And sitting next to you, with an origami frog in his hands, was Bucky. 
“Yeah, hey,” he said, his voice soft. He scooted a bit closer to your bed- couldn’t help himself.
“What are you-” you cleared your throat. It was raw, burning from the smoke of the faltering base. Bucky handed you a water. “What are you doing?”
He scooted in your direction once more, fidgeting with the paper frog in his hands. “I’ve just been sitting with you, checking on you. Things went sideways after you went to help Clint. The two of you were outnumbered and-”
“I know that. I remember,” you said. “Why are you here?”
Bucky did his best to hide the hurt. But it fucking stung. “Because I care about you. And like you said, we’re still a team. So I thought-”
Anger eclipsed your pain. It was Bucky who talked shit about you. It was Bucky who didn’t want to work with you. It was Bucky who said he hated being your partner. And yet, he was suddenly Mr. Team Spirit. 
“So what about the other day?” Pain rippled through your chest. Anyone could’ve told you that this much agitation wasn’t good for your fresh wounds and throbbing throat. But you had more important things to worry about. “What about what you said?”
His eyes fell down to the paper frog in his hands.
Your battered body screamed as you tried to sit up, but you weren’t going to take this lying down- literally. Bucky’s heart lurched- he wanted to help you. His hands reached for you on instinct, but recoiled as you shot him a pointed look.
“You really hurt me,” you said. The words came out softer than you meant them to. More heartbroken than angry. “And the one person I wanted to talk to, the one I wanted to go to for comfort- was you. But I couldn’t. Do you know how miserable that is? How isolating?”  
You swallowed the lump in your throat. It almost felt like a cruel prank how badly you’d wanted to go to Bucky. But you didn’t want to grovel- you couldn’t take the extra shot of shame. And so you’d opted to cry yourself to sleep each night, missing the person you often called ‘home’.
“I don’t know- I thought we worked well together. I thought you cared about me the way I care-”, you cleared your throat, correcting yourself. “The way I cared about you…” 
Bucky clocked the change. It made him nauseous.
After only a few sentences you were winded. Shiny black and white spots danced through your field of vision, but you did your best to blink them away. Even as you lost yourself in the dizzy spell, you refused to relax. Even when Bucky begged.
After three weeks of radio silence, this needed to be said. 
“I mean, I considered you my best friend. And I’m not saying we have to be partners just because we’re friends. But you at least could’ve said it to my face. I mean- did I deserve that? Even on my worst day, am I such a shitty partner that I deserve to be talked about behind my back?”
Bucky shook his head, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were listening-”
“You’re sorry for saying it? Or you’re sorry I overheard you?”
“I’m sorry for all of it,” Bucky huffed. “I wrote it all down in this note, but I…” he tossed the frog on your side table. “I’m bad at communicating. And I’m bad at handling my emotions.”
This wasn’t news to you.
He ran his anxious hands up and down the length of his thighs. “I think you’re a great agent. And a great person- you’re a great friend. My best friend, actually. And I hate that I hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you. But working together, it’s just…” Again, he reached for you. And again, he recoiled. “Working with you is- I hate it. I hate going on missions with you because it scares the hell out of me. It’s the worst anxiety I’ve ever experienced. And that’s saying something.”
Your words came out quiet, disappointed. “I give you anxiety?”
Again, Bucky let out a huff. He eyed the paper frog, tempted to reach for it and read his script. “No, watching you run off in the direction of danger gives me anxiety. It freaks me out. I care about you a lot- more than I’ve ever cared about anyone.” He fell quiet suddenly, his tone bashful. “So, when we work together, it’s like one of my nightmares come to life.” His eyes took on a far away look, "I mean, I actually have dreams about it. All the time. About you getting shot and stabbed and taken hostage. About you receiving even a fraction of the pain Hydra put me through. About losing you."
You stared at him, stunned. It certainly wasn’t what you expected to hear. But you supposed this was better than the alternative.
“I am so, so sorry,” he said. “It was stupid of me- I should’ve just talked to you.”
“Okay…” you said, “I get that. I understand that fear- I feel that way when I know you’re in danger.”
Bucky ran a hand down his face, “but I’m a super soldier. I can take a bullet- a few bullets, actually- and make it out alive. With you, it’s…” He looked at you in your hospital bed- you looked so small. So fragile. So mortal
“You’re so good at what you do- I know you’re more than capable,” he said. “I’m just afraid of something bad-” he motioned to your hospital bed. To the heart monitor and the blood bag. “Something like this happening to you. I’m so scared of losing you. And when we go on missions together, I’m so anxious about you that I get distracted- you’re all I think about. It's the worst fear I've ever experienced..”
Finally, you granted him your hand. It was what he needed, what you needed. Neither of you said anything. You just sat in the silence, Bucky stroking your knuckles over and over again- as though assuring himself you were really there.
“I heard you over comms…” he finally said as he stared down at your hand in his.
“I heard you. I was on the jet getting stitched up, and I heard you calling for back up. I heard gunshots. Then a scream..." He swallowed the bile rising in his throat. Up until this point, he hadn't let himself think about what he heard. But all at once, it came rushing forward. "It sounded like you... like were struggling to breathe. And then your line- it went dead.”
He held your hand just a bit tighter, “I thought I’d listened to you die.”
Your mouth dropped open. Just the thought of Bucky dying made your hands clammy- you couldn’t imagine helplessly listening to his last moments. Especially not when you had no way to save him. 
“Oh…” was all you managed to say.
He dragged his tear-filled eyes up to meet yours, frantic. “I tried to go back- I tried to go get you, I swear. I wasn't going to leave you there. But they wouldn’t let me go after you-” 
“It’s okay, Buck-”
He had too much to apologize for. Too many mistakes and indiscretions. The guilt grabbed him by the ankles and forced his head underwater, but he couldn’t let himself drown. Not yet, anyway. “They wouldn’t let me- but I wanted to,” he swore. “I would’ve. You know that, right? If they hadn’t shot me up with enough sedatives to put down Banner, I swear on my life I would’ve gone in after you.”
“I know…”
“No, really, doll. I mean it.” He was desperate. You could practically hear his heart rattling in his chest. Could almost see the anxiety rushing through his veins.
The stitches keeping your side closed strained as you leaned closer to him. He didn’t like the grimace that yanked at your features. “Hey, be careful. Don’t-”
“Scoot closer, then.”
His metal chair scraped against the linoleum, and he closed what little gap was left between his body and your bed. He met his forehead with yours, careful to avoid the wound slicing through your brow. 
“I swear to god I was trying to get to you,” he whispered. “I was trying, but-”
“Shhhh, I know,” you said. “I get it- I understand. It’s okay. We’re okay.”
Finally, he breathed a sigh of relief. 
He hated the distance. The quiet that forced itself between the two of you all those weeks. He’d sat miserable and hating himself while you did your best to piece yourself back together. The effort was commendable, and to an outsider you may have appeared whole. But Bucky saw right through it. He knew you were holding yourself together with duct tape and a prayer. And he hated knowing he was the one who shattered you.
“I want to be with you all the time," he said. "I just don’t want to watch you take on armed gunmen, doll.”
Your lips pulled upward into a weak smile, “Damn. So I can’t invite my armed gunmen friends next time you and I have a movie marathon?” Bucky laughed at your stupid joke- you’d missed his laugh. “Okay, well, we can talk to Fury and Hill about logistics, then. Obviously, when it’s an ‘all hands on deck’ sort of operation, we’ll have to work together. But as far as other assignments go-”
Bucky hushed you, “We can work on that kind of stuff later, okay? You almost died. Just do us both a favor, and rest.”
The throbbing in your chest left behind by Bucky’s absence finally dissipated. And you found the pain from your injuries quite manageable compared to the pain of being without him. You allowed yourself to drift back to sleep at Bucky’s request, knowing damn well he’d be there when you woke up.
Tag list: @beefybuckrrito @shadytalementality @everything-burns-down @rainbow-unicorn-pony @mandersshow @breakablebarnes @psychoticmason @glxwingrxse @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy @mrsdrysdale18 @lonewolf471 @dreamerglassesgirl @the-gods-gloted-but-they-burned @purpleshallot @duchessoftheheart @seitmai @itvy5601 @hisxsoulmate @dailyreverie @navs-bhat @eviesaurusrex @themorningsunshine @masteroflightningz @evangeliamerryll @god-ofthunder @broadwaybabe18 @the-kestrels-feather @avocadotoastwithegg @goldylions @lokisasgardianvampirequeen
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eatommo · 2 years
Adrenaline [m.m]
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Small Drabble to hold y’all over as I write a continuation to wake up call. Enjoy
Cw: light choking, kissing, mostly fluff with a little spice.
Every slap of his footfalls on the pavement punctuates the thoughts in his brain. His heart beating increasingly faster in his chest.
Your cold hand is pulling his arm off into the blips of streetlight. In reality you had stopped being followed a few seconds ago. The giggles coming from both of you mix in the air around him, pulling a smile across his face.
“Oh my god,” you say between laughs, “I didn’t expect that raccoon to run after me like that.”
“You were trying to feed it!” Matt leans closer to you, playfully resting his forehead on your shoulder.
The cold air makes your chest ache as you wheeze, catching your breath. “It’s almost winter and it was small okay?” Your voice cracks defensively.
You run your fingers through Matt’s auburn hair, attempting to tame the windblown shape of it. His shoulders shake with a shutter, and you chalk it up to the increasing wind.
When he lifts his head from your shoulder, he has a goofy smile on his face. The kind that feels like it pulls the muscles of your heart to your face, and crinkles his beautiful eyes.
“My heart is gonna beat outside of my chest.” He clutches at his chest with a dramatic flair.
“It’s the adrenaline, I feel like I’m gonna pass out.” You huff, hands over your head like you ran a marathon.
“No..” he smiles, tilting his gaze towards your face, “It’s because I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Your breathing sputters, “Matt–”.
He reaches out a warm hand to caress your cheek, and you lean into it searching his face for a sign of a joke.
“Can I kiss you?” He leans in, lips just inches apart.
You swallow, nodding eagerly like it’s the only way you’ll get air into your lungs.
A rush of heat travels along your skin, urging a low moan of satisfaction from your chest. Your body inches closer to his, savoring the places where your bodies meet.
The hand on your cheek slips down to your throat, tilting your head back and slipping his tongue into your mouth.
Your body is responding to every little caress of Matt’s fingers as he explores the shape of your waist and hips.
He commits the details of your body to memory, eagerness growing to explore it naked until he decides he can’t wait any longer.
“Walk me home?” He breathes, in between smaller kisses.
“What’s the hurry? We have our whole lives.” Your giddy voice teases the growing tent in his slacks.
He smirks as his hand tightens on your throat ever so slightly, pulling a pout to your face and weakness to your knees.
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mochikeiji · 3 years
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Request: "Hihi! Prompt no. 49 for inumaki toge pretty please? 🥰"
49. "Mine." "I know but can you let me go?"
↠ Pairing: Inumaki Toge x Reader
↠ Warning: none! Simply fluff, mention of Yuta!
↬ Word Count: 1k
↠ a/n: this is actually my first time writing about Inumaki and I gotta say, he fits the fluff content uwu
↳ from Go! Go! Gogatsu Event
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The used to be tamed, white ball of fluff— now wild upon waking up from his dream land. Inumaki wasn't really a morning person to begin with during his weekend breaks. Usually Panda would be the one to pull him out of bed alongside with Maki (and if Yuta were present, he'd be laughing from the back ground instead of helping the poor guy), luckily all second years were given some days to enjoy themselves and for once, they had agreed to postpone training since it was their routine even at breaks.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, the lad was practically jumping in glee yesterday as he tugs onto your shirt. Wiggling his brows in excitement to have you sleep with him longer without further interruptions from the two and his teacher. Much like every one except Maki, they've gone back to their respective homes during these times rather than being cramped up in the dorms. Too many prying eyes to witness all of your private moments anyways. Pretty much explains how you and Inumaki slept back in your apartment which was still surprisingly clean as you left it.
Being the nonchalant looking guy and being the quiet one, Inumaki was not far from resembling to a feline animal. His head kept on nuzzling against your chest deeper in plead and comfort when you stopped scratching his scalp. Whenever you'd do that you catch a faint sigh and the arms wrapped around you squeezing. The little languages you've learned that meant gratitude and a silent whisper of love.
If only you could just see the annoyed mark on his forehead as he listens to you and your long time friend and comrade, Yuta. It was a real shocker to have him call you so sudden. Thinking it may be serious, you didn't hesitate to answer only to have Yuta just asking how things were in a cheery tone. That had led to a longer conversation though. Long enough for Inumaki to groan and whine gradually louder in hopes you'd just return back to sleep with him.
Oh you're mistaken. Yuta knows exactly what he's doing to push his buttons off. The used to be timid male now bold enough to ruin his friend's routine. Credits to Panda for initiating the idea and Maki, not wanting to deal with any of this, walks away from the conversation.
"Was that Inumaki? Hey man!"
Scoffing, his hands slid underneath your shirt, placing them on your sides. You glared at him softly as a warning before continuing your talk with Yuta. "Yeah, he just woke up. Not a morning person remember?"
"I'll say. Wait, am I interrupting something?"
His head shot up, nodding profusely while lightly shaking your body. It tickled your sides to be honest, you thought he was just playing around when in fact he desperately wants you off the phone this instant.
"Ah, no! He's just tickling me." coughing out a giggle. "Stop that." you whispered, covering your phone to avoid Yuta from hearing. Inumaki then pouts in defeat. Gently thumping his head on your chest trying to find the comfort he's lost on his spot. Squirming in discomfort, Inumaki whines once more. It was literally only 7 am, he still needes much more sleep after having a late movie marathon with you last night. He can get cranky if he needed to just to get what he wants. It worked on Maki a lot though it does earn him a smack on the head.
"Well, I can hear the guy's getting worked up."
"You sly little boy. You knew exactly what you were starting, didn't you?" whispering against the phone with your hand cupped over your mouth. Making sure your boyfriend wasn't listening, Yuta simply laughs and bids his goodbye to continue on his tasks.
And finally— finally you put your phone away. Ready to receive the much needed affection, but soon confusion was written all over his face when you attempted to get up. "Tuna?"  peeping his eyes from below you. Asking why you were getting up. "It's morning, silly. We have to get up eventually you know." you say after giving him an eskimo kiss.
His brows visibly furrow as he tangles his legs with yours. He may not seem like it, but his arms are quite built enough to be able to hold you down. Inumaki was strong, and you know better than to underestimate or try the guy.
"Babe, aren't you hungry?"
He claims as he huddles himself close to you like a ball. He was at the verge of sleeping, why can't you read that? "Oh, poor thing. Alright, you sleep in while I go cook us up something for later, k?" still he doesn't budge from his position nor his hold wavering even as you pry him away. You bit back an adoring smile to see him like this. Maybe you should have Yuta annoy him again. You knew about his irritation whenever your friends would come around during your time alone. It was fun riling Inumaki up if it gets him clinging onto you.
"I know, i know, but can you let me go? I promise I'll be quick."
The room went silent. You didn't realize you were holding your breath and had already been squeezed tighter in his arms. That was the first time Inumaki spoke something out of his vocabulary. Much to your relief, nothing seemed to happened. Inumaki was still in the same status as he was now, even snickering a bit from your reaction before pushing his head up away from your chest to meet with your lips.
There were shivers that ran down your spine when his hand came up to rub you from behind. Coming to a stop on the back of your head to pull you in deeper. Though the kiss was short, his actions seemed to dawn on you more than he expected, seeing as you were speechless still.
He whispers lowly, you worry about the fact that he's said two things out of his language. It was a miracle nothing happened. And he wasn't coughing blood or something, no. He remains the same as ever, feeling ever so at bliss before closing his eyes at the feeling of your fingertips running through his hair soothingly. "I have got to tell Yuta about this." giggling madly at how flustered and light your heart was, you were only met with light snores before slowly closing your eyes in the arms of your sleeping lover.
Oh well, breakfast can wait.
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© all content belongs to mochikeiji. Please do not repost or copy, ありがとうございました!! (=^・^=)
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subwaysurf45 · 3 years
Winter Makes Ice (Ep.1)
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Summary: you’re captured after a brawl at the Avengers building, Bucky and others must save you before Hydra makes a new Winter Soldier out of you, Bucky has given up that title. 
Episode: One 
Words: 3948
Warning: depiction/description of violence, kidnapping, killing, PTSD, depression. 
A/N: I will be making a masterlist for this specific series!
Winter Makes Ice (series masterlist)
Time: 1:36pm
Date: September 23rd, 2024
“Bucky, I swear to fucking god-” You threw the person you just knocked out onto the ground of the common room, “you have to get out of here, It’s you or this entire building!” Bucky gave you a sympathetic look as you fought off Hydra agents, your gun fired three shots behind you to another agent you sensed running up. 
“But I can’t leave you!” Bucky screamed back over the fire and bullets, Hydra agents were running in from every which way. The smoke rising made it harder for him to see you and Sam, who was also there a couple seconds ago. Everyone else was trying to stop the agents from the outside or other levels. It was a complete break-in. 
“Fuck all that Bucky, I love you but I can’t love you if you’re dead- Fuck!” You screamed in pure anger as you began hand to hand combat with an agent, he wasn’t good at all so it was a quick take down. “James!” you looked over to just see him standing there, his eyes were watery from the pain and smoke, “you need to fucking leave! Run!” you shouted, waving him off. 
“I love you!” He yelled over, hands cupping his mouth to make sure you heard him.
“I’ll tell you I love you after this, we’ll be okay,” you looked over your shoulder to find three new agents running in, their eyes weren’t even looking at you. You looked back to find Bucky still standing there, “fucking run!” Your throat felt raw, all the screaming and fighting was taking a massive toll on you. 
Bucky took off in the other direction, the fire was subsiding as he got further from you. The serum gave him lungs like no other, so running through fire and smoke was easy. With a frantic mind and tunnel vision his left and right mixed up, all Bucky was trying to find was an exit and it should’ve been easy but he’d turn back after remembering this wasn’t the right hallway. His hand was gripped tightly on his gun while the metal hand held a knife firmly, after getting his mind back he found he could throw better with his left and shoot with his right- his dominant hand is right anyway. 
“Anyone on their com?” Everyone had quickly shoved theirs in during the start of the ambush; half the SHIELD agents weren’t wearing their tactical gear. 
“Rogers is here,” Steve ended his sentence with a grunt. 
“So is Romanoff,” Nat sounded a bit more composed but still out of breath. 
“y/n is down on the main floor, she told me to run because all they’re after is me, someone needs to go down and help her,” he received a few confirmations before focusing back to the task at hand. The bright light of the afternoon sun blinded him for a second, with all the lights shutting off and the smoke it made it seem like it was night. Bucky reached up to rub his eyes to help adjust to the sun but ended up just rubbing smoke and fumes into them, “fuck!” He stumbled back against the closed door as he used his shirt to rub his eyes but that was also covered in his smoke. 
Bucky reached back and grabbed a completely full water jug that was the size of his palm, Bucky could feel his heart shatter as his eyes cleared because it was you who- only a matter of hours ago -was leading a very relaxed meeting about these water bottles, ‘you need to hydrate to stay on your feet’ you had said a couple times. His mind was as clear as his eyes, the way you were screaming at him to leave, the way you stood directly between him and the Hydra agents so they had to shoot through you to get him, the way you kept looking back to him with tears in your eyes because all you wanted was for him to stay but you knew better and sent him away. The tears mixed with the water as he sprayed his face, the smoke clung to his sweat like he did to you after a nightmare. The entire Avengers building was slowly caving in on itself, he could feel his heart lurch with every new piece of the building fall on the inside, he just hoped it didn’t hit you. 
He kept walking further from what he once called home, trying to get a better view of it all. He wanted to look away because he felt like all at once the building could crumble to pieces and consume you with it, there was no saving the building; and quite possibly you. 
“Wh-gent-hu?” Bucky had walked too far away from the building and the coms, all of them were close to low battery because of the last mission. Bucky ran towards the building and couldn’t see anyone on the roof, but as he ran closer the clearer the coms got. “Where-agent-I can’t-what is happ-sto-!” It was three different voices screaming together at once, Bucky whipped the doors open and saw just how much the inside changed. 
The walls weren’t a sophisticated grey anymore but rather charred and black, there was no roof, at all. Bucky ran into the common room to find everyone looking under fallen planks and bars of steel, he started lifting them too. Everyone was running around and screaming at eachother, everyone had a different level of injury. Steve was throwing support beams like nothing, Bucky ran over. “Who are we looking for, Steve?” 
Steve just looked at Bucky with tears falling down his face, his skin was brown with dirt but his tears left trails down his skin. “Bucky, man, I’m sorry…” Steve sniffled and covered his mouth. Natasha had walked over, her hands were shaking and clutching something close to her heart. 
“I think we have our answer,” Nat cried and handed Bucky the water bottles you introduced. 
“Who’s-” he was cut off when Bucky flipped the bottle to check the bottom, and there in your hand writing was your name, and a little heart next to it. 
Bucky felt as though his soul had just left his body, everyone was getting close to giving up the search for you. If your body would be found it would be a miracle for you to still be alive, your lungs would have been fried due to the smoke and a pillar could crush you like it was nothing. Sparks flew off of snapped electrical that could be electrocuting you at this moment, small fires still burned which could be living off our ashes, any of the pure destruction could be killing you. And yet people were giving up, by the look on Steve’s face Bucky knew he should as well. 
Time: 11:45am 
Date: September 23rd, 2024
“So you’re saying we have little squirt bottles, this is fucking great!” Sam laughed, he looked at the clear bottle that was shaped into a big teardrop, the kind marathon runners keep on their belt. He pulled a sharpie out of his pocket and wrote his name. 
You sat next to Bucky who was still feeling the effects of the last mission, it was at a Hydra base to just get intel but even then, it was still hard. Everyone got back a day ago and decided to push the debrief for the next day because of the shared exhaustion. Bucky slept for twelve hours because of it. 
“Do you like them?” you asked, referencing the bottles, you both held yours as you waited for the marker to be passed to you. 
“Anything you do, I like, sweetheart.” Bucky pulled you into his side and cuddled with you for a bit, he had always found your touch was a good way to stay grounded. Your heart beat could be felt anywhere, and Bucky would always try and match it. The marker was passed to you both and you wrote your names, a little heart found its home next to the last letter of your name, Bucky could only smile wide and shake his head and he took the marker and wrote his. 
You and Bucky made your way back to your shared room before cuddling up in bed, a movie was thrown on and you both watched it as your eyes started to close. Bucky was awake, he kept looking down at your head on his shoulder to leave a little kiss, he’d always let his lips linger on the top of your head so he could smell your shampoo. Normally you were clinging to him for warmth but he could feel you were radiating heat, your sweater was actually his and the covers were tucked to you and Bucky got the edge, this wasn’t new for him. You were almost asleep but still every minute or so you’d subconsciously snuggle your cheek deeper into Bucky’s shoulder, small little circles in Bucky’s shoulder as you got more comfy. 
Bucky ended up falling asleep too, it was weird when he would wake and realize how vulnerable he was to be asleep with you beside him and the door unlocked, he would smile at himself and make a mental note to bring it up to his therapist that he slept soundly again. Bucky probably could’ve gone the entire night but was woken up by a hard time breathing, something was caught in his throat so his cough woke him up. Then his dry cough woke you up, right away your nose turned up at the smell. 
“Smells like burnt,” you said and stood up, a couple joints popping back into place. 
“Ya, that’s what it was,” Bucky nodded, he pulled his shirt over his nose. 
“Wanda needs to leave Nat alone with the cooking thing, Nat doesn’t like to cook so I don’t know why Wanda keeps bugging her, right?” you turned back to Bucky, he was nodding along. “Everyone has their thing, cooking isn’t Nat’s thing but that's fine,” you sighed, “I’m gonna actually talk to Wanda about-” 
Three bangs landed right on your door, you jumped back from it and Bucky stood up. Two guns were pulled out of the bedside tables, Bucky tossed one of them to you. The banging went again and it wasn’t a friendly bang, you both knew this wasn’t one of your friends. The safety of the guns were both pulled back with a ticking sound, Bucky put his clip in his gun, you like to use a revolver and it was already ready. The top hinge blew off and the door slightly fell forward, the lights were off and the emergency ones gave little light, there was smoke crawling through the cracks in the door. Bucky had made his way to the other side of the bed to you, now you were both in front of the door. 
“Who do you think it is?” You whispered to him, your shoulders rubbed against his with quick breathes. 
“No idea,” Bucky muttered back, his lips barely moved. 
The door busted down and because you both were ready the guy didn’t stand a chance, the intruder fell back in an instant at the rapid fire from the guns, the sound would be as loud as the banging on the door. The intruder wasn’t even ready to fire, his gun flipped out of his holster and slid a tiny bit on the tile floors before stopping. The emergency lights hit the silver gun perfectly, you noticed red on it but it didn’t look like blood, there was some type of symbol or branding on it. You slowly walked closer, your bare feet not giving away you were moving in case someone was waiting before the threshold of the door. 
“Bucky…” you whispered and turned to him, “you gotta get out of here,” you slowly bent down and picked up the gun, the Hydra symbol was hard to see now that it was not getting any light. Bucky’s nostrils flared as a way to hide what he was feeling, his mouth opened to try and talk this through but the sounds of coughing, guns, and screams took its place. 
You both ran to the common room, everyone was there, fighting an agent. Coming from a third angle you took out some of the agents with your gun, they didn’t see it coming; neither did Nat as she pointed her gun in your direction. 
“They want their intel back, go to the computers!” Steve screamed, you turned and ran. 
Bucky joined the fight in the common room, he kept looking back to see you getting smaller and smaller down the hall. All he had was his gun and a knife he picked up from his dresser, both were used as more and more Hydra agents ran in and came from the ceiling that was falling apart. 
You turned quickly into the room, computers and wires everywhere. Your time was spent in the training room rather than here, but you logged in mission reports on the computers. Hard drives of every mission, every person, and every thing were connected everywhere. Tons of information that could give Hydra the upperhand, there were still hard drives you had just stolen from Hydra that no one had looked into yet. This was all they wanted, but it was weird to see how many agents were coming in and not making their way to the intel room. You stood on guard with your gun out and ready, you weren’t wearing anything protective so you stood behind an old computer that was yet to be thrown out. 
A man walked in, he was tall and slim. Brown hair curled down to his shoulders and his eyes were a dark green, they pierced right through you. You were about to shoot but he just put out his hand, his index finger coming up and wagging you off. “I wouldn’t do that,” he warned, his voice was like gravel. 
“Why not?” You grunted, finger ready on the trigger. 
He didn’t even reach for his gun, his hands out in front of him. “Because, you’d never shoot the messenger, would you?” His hands lowered but he kept them out. You slowly lowered your gun but kept your hands ready, fingers still holding the trigger. “I came on my own terms, no leader sent me,” He added and pulled a chair out. 
“Out with it, I don’t need your cryptic bullshit!” your gun was raised again, “hands up!” 
He raised them, “we don’t want intel.” 
“You stole our intel, that’s fine.” his nose stuffed up, “but you steal our weapon, rid him of his purpose...then we have an issue.”  
“He’s not a weapon!” you knew exactly who they were talking about, “and we didn’t steal him, we saved him, we saved Bucky!” you yelled again, tears gathering in your eyes. 
The man sat back on his chair, “I don’t care at this point, none of us do, you either give us our Winter Soldier or we will burn this place to the ground.” He stood to size you up, “the message has been given, shoot me if you want, I heard humans are flammable so I’d help burn this place-” 
The man's brain flew out and hit the walls, blood sprayed over you and the computers. His knees folded in and the hole in his head slammed against the floor, you should have let him suffer but he probably was working for Hydra, and that’s suffering everyday. The man’s skin whitened in a matter of seconds, all the blood rushing out of that one spot was getting near the electrical, so you ran back to the common room. 
Bucky was there, “most of them went to the roof, we got it down here!” He screamed. 
“They’re after you!” you yelled and shot a few agents down, “this isn’t intel, they want you Bucky!” The smoke was flying up and with all the fast movements, it was getting harder to see him, but you saw the metal arm in the reflection. 
“It doesn’t matter, I’m staying here!” He stopped to reload, but you knocked someone down and turned to face him. 
“Bucky, I swear to fucking god-” You threw the person you just knocked out onto the ground of the common room, “you have to get out of here, It’s you or this entire building!” Bucky gave you a sympathetic look as you fought off Hydra agents, your gun fired three shots behind you to another agent you sensed running up. 
“But I can’t leave you!” Bucky screamed back over the fire and bullets, Hydra agents were running in from every which way. The smoke rising made it harder for him to see you and Sam, who was also there a couple seconds ago. Everyone else was trying to stop the agents from the outside or other levels. It was a complete break-in. 
“Fuck all that Bucky, I love you but I can’t love you if you’re dead- Fuck!” You screamed in pure anger as you began hand to hand combat with an agent, he wasn’t good at all so it was a quick take down. “James!” you looked over to just see him standing there, his eyes were watery from the pain and smoke, “you need to fucking leave! Run!” you shouted, waving him off. 
 Bucky took off but as he ran away, right before you lost sight of him, an arm wrapped tightly around your neck. You couldn’t see a face but you heard a voice, “he’ll turn himself in if he knows we have you, now this will hurt.” the butt of a gun slammed your temple, all you saw was black. 
Time: unknown 
Date: unknown
Your head hurt so bad, right as you were waking up it was a pulsing ache everywhere from between your eyes to your neck. It felt like waves, for a moment the pressure would drop but then slowly crawl back in, nothing was rigid. In the room you found yourself in there wasn’t much to register, just a cell that was a little longer than arm's length and some black box on the ceiling, it wasn’t a light but it seemed to hold something. There was no bed as well, you were sat up against the wall in a corner. As you moved to look around your neck all the way down to your knees ached; not to mention the pressure building in your head. It felt like you had been struck in the back of the head even though you thought it was in your temple when you were knocked out, your hand cupped high on your neck, right where your hair started. There was a sting and you pulled away with a hiss, a few pieces of scab came with it. 
There were no windows, no source of light to see what time it was. But the fact that whatever cut was made to the back of your head was a fully scabbed and not bleeding gave away you had been asleep for a bit, that almost made it worse. 
“Welcome, Soldat,” a voice with an accent came through, it was one you couldn’t figure out. “It seems our other weapon got away, we were gifted you instead; we are happy about it no less.'' the voice was coming from a speaker in the top left corner, not the black box directly above you. 
“Where am I?” your voice sounded like sandpaper. 
“In your cell,” you could hear the smirk, “but you’re not in Avenger’s territory anymore, would you like to know where you are?” he didn’t wait for you to answer, “I’ll give it to you if you follow this simple task, would you mind getting on your knees?” the voice asked, you stayed still, “right, I forgot. Soldat, get on your knees.” right away your knees smashed into the concrete floor. “Would you look at that, how pretty?” 
“What that fuck?” you gasped out, your hands folded neatly on your lap as you sat back on your calves. 
“Now that we know your abilities, you’re in Iceland, Hydra gifted us you.” 
“You’re not Hydra?” you asked, this time louder and looking at the speaker. 
“Oh, we are Hydra.” the voice laughed, “just not how you think we are...” 
Time: 9:59pm
Date: September 27th, 2024
Bucky didn’t know how long he’d been curled in his bed with the curtains drawn, there was no perception of time at all. All he did was cry, all day. His body ached and crumbled into itself more and more as time went on. Everyone was mourning the loss of a friend, but to Bucky it was a lover. He held the picture you framed after your first date as a couple, that was one of the first times Bucky had truly smiled. 
You both went to a really nice restaurant and when you were finished you waiter offered to take a picture because they saw you getting self conscious when your arm was up to take a selfie. The both of you leaned over the table and close to one another, right before the picture was taken Bucky reached over and placed his metal hand over yours, allowing it to be seen in the picture. It was something he regretted but after you framed it and kept it on your side of the bed, Bucky looked at it everyday with a smile. 
The picture was still in the frame but it wasn’t on the bedside anymore, rather pushed up against Bucky’s chest. He’d pull it away to look at you from time to time, after picturing all the good times with you, your face seemed to change and warp until it wasn’t you. Bucky would run his finger down the glass and try to imagine the feeling of your skin again, he’d lost almost everyone in his life, all he wanted was to feel you one last time if it really was your time to go. Your smile was so bright it lit up the pitch black room he was crying in, your smile and your personality could keep an entire country running for years. 
He ran out of salty tears and all that was left was wheezing and rocking back and forth in his bed, the emotions were working him out, sweat lines the neck rim of his t-shirt, but he’d also use the neck line to wipe the tears that slipped past his nose and lips. They would roll down and hit his pillow, he had already flipped it to get a dry surface. 
Steve walked in, he didn’t need to knock because he knew what’s coming. Steve had watched you and Bucky grow from barely speaking to napping on the couch for everyone to see, it took a while but Steve knew from the beginning that you were perfect for him. Steve brought Bucky a sandwich everyday at noon because he refused to eat dinner and breakfast. Some days he wouldn’t eat at all but noon seemed to be the best time for him to eat everything. 
“Wanda made it today actually, she added some chips on the side and made it real nice, Buck,” Steve went to the windows and opened the blinds, he did that everyday but  when he would come back 24 hours later they’d be closed. “I also have news, about y/n…” 
Steve saw for the first time in four days Bucky sit up, he saw the grief fade and a small shred of hope appear.
A/n: if you want to be tagged in this series let me know through an ask or anything!
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heezoneie · 3 years
Enhypen: when you wake them up just to say "I love you"
i love this one 🥺! thank you for the request! <3
group: enhypen
member: all
genre: the fluffiest
word count: 1.5k
Heeseung: You had just gotten home from a long day at school/work, and all you wanted to do was cuddle with your boyfriend and eat some food. As you set your stuff down, you looked around noticing your boyfriend was no where to be seen. You looked at the time on your watch: 8:30 pm. “It’s not that late,” you thought. Making your way to your shared bedroom, you saw the door slightly ajar. You quietly pushed opened the door and walked in to see your boyfriend passed out in the middle of the bed. Smiling fondly, you walked up to Heeseung. His adorable face was squished against the pillow, and to you that was the best sight ever. After admiring Heeseung for a little, you went to put on some more comfortable clothes for the night. You crawled into bed and snuggled up to Heeseung. His eyes fluttered open. “Hi baby,” He said with a raspy voice. Looking at him, your eyes held nothing but pure adoration for him. “Hey,” you whispered. He put his face in the crook of your neck, “When did you get home?” “Just now, you look so cute while you sleep,” you mused. He buried his face deeper as heat rose to his cheeks. A comfortable silence fell, and neither of you wanted to leave your current position. “I love you,” You said with sincerity. Heeseung’s eyes met with yours, and he leaned in to connect your lips. “I love you too.”
Jay: The journey home was long. Sitting in the back of the travel van, Jay rested on your shoulder. You had your earbuds in, listening to whatever shuffled through your playlists. While one hand was latched with Jay’s, you used the other to adjust the air to make sure it wasn’t too cold for him. The passing lights mixed with the moon beams cascaded onto your boyfriends face. You didn’t think it was possible for someone to look so ethereal. Even though he wasn’t all dressed up as he normally is, you couldn’t have been more in love. His dark hair falling over his forehead perfectly, while his body was covered in a simple sweatshirt and a pair of shorts. You were truly in love. You began to pepper kisses lightly over his face. Lifting his head up, he looked at you with droopy eyes. “How did i get so lucky?” You said without thinking. A blush found it’s way to the tips of his ears and cheeks. “Honey....” He trailed off, taken back from just waking up. It wasn’t very often Jay got flustered like this. You decided to take it to your advantage. “I’m so in love with you, I don’t think you understand.” Jay could see the genuine glint of love in your eyes. “I love you too, honey.” He pressed a soft kiss to your lips, leaving you falling deeper in love with the boy in front of you.
Jake: The sun was beginning to set, the purple and pink hues in the sky slowly dissipating into the twinkling black night. Your head rested on Jake’s chest as you two stared at the stars. It was a normal thing for you two to go stargazing. There was something so special and intimate about the moments that only you, Jake, and the stars would ever know about. The countless kisses and jokes made under the stars were something that you couldn’t replace with anything else. You had been rambling about a possible shooting star, when you noticed Jake’s breathing had gotten heavier and slower. You looked up from you position on his chest, to see your amazing boyfriend illuminated by stars. The shine of moonlight graced his face like a painting made by the most exquisite of artists. Every detail of him made you fall deeper and deeper into him. Moving some hair out of his eyes, you whispered, “I love you, so much. I’ll never be able to express how much Jake.” His mouth curved up into his heart-melting smile. “I’m glad we feel the same way angel.”
Sunghoon: Curled up under blankets, you and Sunghoon’s eyes were glued to the tv in font of you. You guys were having your annual movie night. Typically, it would be loud, as the other boys join you, but tonight they were all busy doing who knows what. Of course, neither you nor Sunghoon were complaining, this just meant more alone time. With their comeback happening, you and Sunghoon haven’t been able to be alone, him doing show after show, stage after stage. Being the supportive s/o you were, you made sure not to complain, all you wanted was to see your boy happy. You began to notice how Sunghoon’s eyes started to get heavier, trying to stay awake for you. You slowly reached your hand to his head, tangling your fingers in his soft hair. After his eyes finally shut, you placed a kiss on his head, “I love you Hoonie.” Too tired to make coherent words, Sunghoon snuggled impossibly closer as to return the gesture.
Sunoo: The sounds of the rain and the soft music leaving the speaker filled the silence of the room. The space illuminated by the candles lit on the bedside table. Even though it was a rainy and cold day, you couldn’t help but relish in the time you were being granted with Sunoo. You both were cuddled together under the fluffy comforter in his bed. You two had been in his room for the past couple hours, hiding from his fellow members, and cherishing being with each other. The day consisted of you two whispering sweet little words and playful cuddles, falling deeper in love. You did whatever you could to make sure you got see the beautiful smile that could easily put any diamonds or gems to shame. After deciding to rest, Sunoo fell asleep rather quickly, leaving you time to admire his features. A quiet “I love you,” slipped past your lips and into his ears. Despite being in dreamland, he still heard you. Mumbling a sleepy, “I love you too,” Sunoo’s grasp on you tightened. Smiling softly at the sight, you laid your head down and followed him into a deep sleep.
Jungwon: Gathering every pillow in sight, you and Jungwon began to build the most epic pillow fort anybody could have seen. Laughing amongst yourselves, the other members helped bring you guys blankets for your little fort. After about an hour of trial and error, you both finally were able to find a sturdy way to keep your fort from falling. Setting up extra blankets and pillows, you both cocooned yourselves together in the fort. A laptop sitting in the middle of the fort played a movie, which helped give some light in your otherwise dark space. Adjusting to a more comfortable position, you and Jungwon tangled your legs together. Your head in the crook of his neck, and his own resting over top yours. Jungwon soon fell asleep, unbeknownst to you. Hearing some mumbling coming from the boy, you assumed he was still awake. Some more incoherent words fell from his lips, and you decided to speak up, “Wonie? I can’t understand what your saying.” Lifting your head, you looked at his sleeping face. As you did so, his words began to get more clearer, “I love you...” A blush formed on your cheeks, and you laid your head back down. “I love you too, Wonie.”
Ni-ki: Riki had come to spend the day with you at your house, as he had time away from the company. He arrived at your house around lunchtime, with a bag of food he picked up on his way over. After eating the food, you both retreated to your living room to hang out. “We should play Just Dance,” Riki said looking over to you. “Nooo, you know your gonna beat me. You have an unfair advantage.” You huffed. Chuckling, he stood up to turn on the game system anyways. He walked back over to where to sat on the couch, and handed you a controller. “Get up, we are gonna have fun. If it makes you feel better we can do the team setting so you are guaranteed to do good.” He offered. Deciding to participate, you stood up. “Fine, but ONLY if we do teams.” Smiling, he pulled you to the middle of the room and you two began your Just Dance marathon. After a couple of hours, you both collapsed on the couch, Riki on top of you. “Wow, i’m so tired after that. I feel like i just ran 80 miles.” Laughing at your statement, Riki found himself falling asleep rather quickly to the feeling of your hand running through his hair. Feeling his breathe even out, you whispered a quiet “I love you,” in his ear. “I love you too,” he whispered back. After some time, you realized you were both sweaty, “Riki, we both need to go take showers.” As he lifted his head, you saw a mischievous smile on his face. Looking at him questionably, his hands rose to your sides and began tickling you. It was safe to say neither of you got to take a shower for a while.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I hope you all enjoyed! feel free to send in any requests, thoughts, or ideas! <3
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