#you will hear my aussie accent :D
kekeyw · 6 months
pls do another apartment build !!!
i have a non-apartment build and a collaboration coming soon! 😉
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moonlightdreamzz · 2 years
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kill bill
part one
you return back to korea one year after you and hyunjin broke up, only to find out he has replaced you. how could he replace you?
→ g: all of it. the pain, the sexy, the happiness. angstsmutfluff! <3
🎧 ➤ kill bill by sza
warning! you’re a heartbroken bitter ex girlfriend here, although for a valid reason. party environment! mentions of (w**d) and alcohol, language, and infidelity!
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I'm so mature, I'm so mature
I'm so mature, I got me a therapist to tell me there's other men
I don't want none, I just want you
If I can't have you, no one should
it felt so, so good to scream these lyrics from the pit of your stomach. you imagine anyone that could hear you and felix passionately singing alongside sza had many questions, the first being; who hurt you? but, as always neither of you care in this moment. the two of you have finally finished cleaning up the dorm in preparation for changbin’s surprise birthday party; the only thing left to do now was decorate and get ready.
you have no idea where the rest of the members are, but who are you to ask questions? knowing your friend, he didn’t trust them to get the job done in time. they could be so damn silly sometimes, taking forever to do the simplest tasks. it was adorable watching their sad attempts to hold all their jokes and playful tendencies within. they failed every time.
felix, who is clearly exhausted from your early morning grind can’t help but to back into the wall and slide down to the wooden floors. he takes a deep breath before blowing upwards, causing the hair covering his forehead to lift ever so slightly.
“someone’s tired.” you chuckle, deciding to lay on the couch over the cold wood. you are so tempted to beg felix for a quick nap, but you know he’s gonna ridicule you for it if you do—in a friendly way of course. he has been talking about this party and how perfect it has to be for what felt like forever. you know deep down his real reasoning for being so prompt was because of who’s birthday it is.
“how can I truly be tired though, y/n?” his aussie accent is thick as he confesses his shame to you, “you came all the way here, landed early as hell in the morning with jet lag, and here you are cleaning with me. i need to get up.” just like that, felix has risen again and stretches his arms out before moving to start taking the decorations out the box.
he was always too hard on himself. “lix,” you coo, walking towards him and placing your hand on his shoulder gently, “getting rest is vital. even if for thirty minutes, why don’t you relax for a little bit? at least close your eyes?”
you can tell he’s considering it by the way his eyes look straight ahead into nothingness, but just as quick as the thought comes, it goes. he inhales deeply before continuing to take things from the huge brown box.
“i promise I’ll rest after this is all over. i just…i don’t want anything to mess up on my end.”
so, they really were all the same huh? those words trigger what feels like a thousand memories into your mind— all of someone you know you will have to see tonight. you were certain he has spoken that exact sentence to you on multiple occasions when you expressed how worried you were about his physical and mental health. you still have no idea what you’re going to say when the two of you eventually bump into each-other at this party.
you’re fidgeting now, and felix’s heart feels as if it wants to jump out of him for the day, but not because he was in love with you or anything. no, felix was incredibly guilty. he knows you’re thinking about his bandmate. you were always so…dazed when he was on your mind.
all day there has been this weird silence in the air between you and felix, which was abnormal to say the least. before you moved back home, you were two peas in a pod. your conversations could last for hours if you let it. all of the boys, but especially felix told you that they loved how free they felt around you. they loved how normal they felt in your presence. you didn’t know why it was such a bad thing, but apparently it was a sin here to have some fun.
the minutes keep passing by and felix has yet to utter a word to you. have things really changed this drastically since you left? was he angry at you for leaving? did you not check up on him enough?
“felix i—
“hyunjin has a new girlfriend!” he spits out as if there was a pistol on his scalp. the balloon he was blowing up flies from the machine, squealing as it tries to find a place to land. if there was a metaphor to describe what those words just did to you, it was that. you felt like a lifeless balloon. the tension in the room is so thick you feel like your throat is about to start closing on you.
your clear vision is now red, so much so, that you were certain your tears would be the same color if you weren’t fighting for your life to hold them in your tear ducts. you hate that even after a year, exactly a year by the way, that he still has so much control over your emotions.
“who?” are the only words you can manage.
felix thought that confessing to you would make him feel better, but as he watches you clearly refraining yourself from having a mental breakdown, he feels a thousand times worse. maybe he should have listened to changbin and chris when they told him to just let you see it. no—he was right. if you were going to hate him, he would rather you be able to say he warned you instead of you finding out from seeing hyunjin waltz in here with his new woman.
“some girl. she’s not famous, and I have no idea where he met her. i’m sorry, y/n. i know you’ve been going to therapy and everything and I just—I never wanted to trigger you. it’s still not an excuse I just—
“lix,” you finally breathe after what felt like days, even though it had only been a minute or two. “i’m not angry with you. how could I be?”
“because i’m your friend.”
“you’re his friend too.” is all you can muster. you know a look of defeat was prominent on your features, but you can’t fake it right now. it wasn’t worth it. you’re trying to push it down, but the rage is burning in the pit of your stomach. you looked so sane to the naked eye. upset? sure. pissed? maybe? but you were way more than those two emotions. you were heartbroken and livid all over again; a woman scorned. all you can hear in your mind right now is the last thing hyunjin uttered to you.
i will never be able to replace you. i need you to breathe. i love you. i’m so sorry. i’m sorry I failed you when I promised I never would.
you heard it in your dreams and nightmares what felt like every night. his voice cracked so clearly on the phone that night. he usually tried to be tough for you, pretending as if nothing could get to him, but not this time. he was so hysterical.
you believed him. you didn’t want to, but he was sobbing. or maybe your ego was big as fuck, and the thought of hyunjin unable to move on from you fed into your fantasy of him suffering without you. you hated that you felt this way, but it doesn’t matter now. it was all a lie.
“y/n.” you hear felix trying to snap you back to reality.
there’s a million things you want to say. you want to see her. you want to ask felix if hyunjin is as happy as he was with you. but you figure you’d save those questions for when he had to see you tonight. if he moved on genuinely, fine. but he was going to have to say it to your face.
“I’m cool.” you smile as if you hadn’t heard the news. you begin ripping the plastic off the decorations you assumed went on the wall based on their shape. you can feel felix’s doe eyes burn holes into you, but you learned a long time ago how to ignore that.
“you sure?” he questions in disbelief.
“positive. i just needed a minute to digest it. I’m good.”
the song you and felix had been shouting the lyrics to has replayed, neither you or Felix knowing the lyrics sza was singing beautifully would foreshadow what was to come later tonight.
I did it all for love
I did all of this on no drugs
I did all of this sober
Don't you know I did it all for us?
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fit pics; a necessity when going to any function, but especially when you want your ex to feel sick to their stomach.
yes, you are that girl that makes your friends take your pictures over and over again—hating them all. no, you are not ashamed. this was jisung’s fifth round of taking pics of you, and you are trying so hard to hold in your laughter at his frustration. he’s looking at you, and you know he hasn’t blinked or breathed—already knowing that you’re going to tell him you don’t like the twenty new pictures he’s placed in your camera roll.
“if you don’t like these, i don’t know what to tell you. you look mad good. stop acting like that.”
“you’re lucky I’m pleased.” you smirk, pushing him playfully, “this is the least you can do for the many years you’ve spent trolling my ass, or have you forgotten?”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” he smirks back. his eyes attempt prove his innocence, but they fail and he can’t help but to push you back to play it off.
the music can be heard from outside of the dorms, and you have no idea how they are pulling this off tonight, but you never ask questions; you simply follow suit. you didn’t intend on missing the surprise, but jisung called you frantically saying that he was going to be late and that he would owe you if you pulled up alongside him. truth be told, you pretended that you were fine with being late because you loved him oh-so much, but in reality you wanted to make an entrance.
you wanted hyunijn to pace back and forth as his new girl got ready—heart practically beating out of his chest at the thought of having to see you. you knew he would arrive in preparation to say surprise! to his bandmate, subtly searching for you everywhere. obviously, you aren’t there, but he won’t know whether you are just in the bathroom, late, or not coming at all.
the time will continue to pass—but still no sign of you. his girl is there, so he won’t express his interest about your whereabouts out loud, but he will text felix wondering where you are. she’s coming, is all felix is going to respond, already receiving the text from you that you were running late to ride with jisung, but not wanting to spill your beans to your ex, regardless of the fact that he was hyunjin’s friend too.
you know his anxiety is going up and down right now. he’s probably not paying ole’ girl any attention because hyunjin knows. he fucking knows that any second now you will walk into that dorm and he’ll have to recall his last words to you. he’ll also have to see how damn fine you look tonight from head to toe. he’ll think of every single late night he tried to replace your body, but couldn’t. you love changbin so much, but he was crazier than you when it came to his lovers. he will understand. you also know he’s probably ten shots in by now, so if he was upset with you, the alcohol had drowned it away.
“come on.” jisung instructs. you’re surprised he’s not snapping in your face like everyone else does when you daze out. it had rained earlier, so the weather is perfect—not cold, but not hot. you and hyunjin love this kind of weather. if the two of you were still together, you’d probably be outside whispering sweet nothings to each-other while smoking a blunt and embracing the relaxing breeze that blew through the city.
you follow your friend, taking his hand that was extended out to you. he knows you too well. your anxiety was beginning to build up from the pit of your stomach. it always makes you feel sick and dizzy and you want to turn around and run off, but you can’t. your feet have began to hurt too—your boots although fashionable, never being the move when you were going to be standing for a long time.
“these are some of the trainees that’ll be in the next group.” jisung spills as you approach the entrance. you can’t tell whether they want to be here or not, but you can’t lie, this is adorable.
they greet the both of you respectfully—you, only because you were with their hyung, and the two of you step in promptly. immediately the smell of marijuana clouds your senses, and you can’t help but let out a cough. the music was so loud that you know you will likely have a headache in the morning, but it was worth it. there are people everywhere and they’re all doing the same thing; smoking, taking shots, and trying to find their person for the night.
“look who it is, finally.” a drunk changbin stumbles your way, immediately embracing you and picking you up. he reeks of everything in this room, including women, but you expect nothing less from the man of the hour. he looks nice—a typical all black fit from him. he continues to slur things to you that you can’t understand, but you know it’s something along the lines of “i’m so happy to see you.” and “don’t think you’re running from these shots.”
jisung doesn’t understand what he’s saying either, and the two of you make eye contact before he pats changbin’s back to put you back down in the ground.
“happy birthday!” the two of you yell in unison. ah, you would be lying if you said you didn’t miss him. he was always so sweet to you, and in this moment as you and jisung congratulate him on another year of life, you heart is warm seeing the genuine smile on his face.
“thank you, love.” he slurs once more. “you know, you were always my favorite. my favorite girlfriend that is. smart, gorgeous, and actually fun.” the music seems as if it’s gotten even louder, but you hear him loud and clear.
now you’re the one smiling. “thank you. i got you a lot of gifts, but the rest of them I need you to open sober. here’s one you can have now.” you see jisung’s panic as you hand his bandmate a little bottle of hennessy. you know the second either you two walk away or changbin does, that he’s going to cuss you out for not telling him you brought a gift. “from me and jisung.” you add with a potent smirk on your face. you see him exhale beside you, and here you are again holding in your damn laugh.
“now y/n…you know you have to take a shot with me, right? thank…thank you.” all of a sudden there’s a hand on changbin’s shoulder, and she’s pulling him back towards where the bedrooms are. you make your false promises knowing he won’t even remember you’re here soon.
“you owe me two, han jisung.” you twirl to face him now.
“yeah, whatever. look, as always I’ll look out for you, but I can’t lie it’s time for me to put some shots in my body and find me something to lick on…for later.”
“ew! you’re like…fifteen.”
“i’m literally twenty-two?” he blinks repeatedly.
“whatever. i’m going to the bathroom.”
and you’re off. you see a couple of familiar faces on what should be a short journey to the restroom, but isn’t due to how crowded the this place is. your heart is racing, fearing that you’ll say excuse me to someone, and they’ll turn around just for it to be hyunjin. you planned this out so well in your head, just to be shaking in your boots now…literally. your feet hurt even more then they did ten minutes ago.
you finally make it to the restroom after what feels like forever. you’re afraid to even go in there, terrified about who you may see partaking in adults activities and not wanting to argue with someone who was hogging the room just because they hate parties. you hate those kind of people.
you knock—nothing. you knock again—nothing. you can barely stand now because you genuinely have to pee, and maybe there is someone in there, and they are responding— you just can’t hear them, but fuck it. you open the door quickly, closing it just as fast so a creep doesn’t try to slide in here with you. you’re about to run to the toilet when you notice someone very familiar sitting on the floor with his face buried in his hands. no fucking way. no way.
he looks up at you, his eyes irritated at first from being intruded on. he probably did say someone was in here. but the second he sees you, his eyes widen. it’s as if he’s seen a ghost.
you haven’t heard him say your name in a year. you haven’t heard his voice. you don’t know how you’re still standing considering the fact that you’re having a stare down with the love of your life. you know your eyes are softening as you continue to make eye contact with him. he’s still so…beautiful. how was it possible that he has become even more attractive, even with his eyes slightly red. had he been crying?
snap out of it, y/n!
just as quick as all of the memories begin to run through your head, you turn the movie off, pulling down your shorts and panties. “move, hyunjin.” is all you say, quickly sitting down on the toilet and emptying your bladder. he scoots ever so slightly, eyes still burning holes into you even as you pee loudly and your eyes look straight forward now.
this isn’t happening right now, is it?
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authors note: part two coming soon…🤝🏽 I wanted to make this one big story but I said … that’s going to take too long to finish hehe. i hope you guys liked this.
© 2023 moonlightdreamzz. no one has permission to steal my work in any way, shape, or form.
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danielshouseofwhores · 4 months
💫Daniel Riccardo x Southern!Reader Headcannons vol.1💫
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Reader is from georgia/south (NOT TEXAS,TOO MANY TEXAS FICS)
Daniel is a SLUT for small town diners
He giggles and gossips with Pierre, but not grid gossip, like, 90s school girl gossip
They also send each other snaps over break when Daniel joins reader on a delivery
Daniel.jpg will be full of pictures of the American countryside
But him/reader aren't public so everybody is confused af as to why he’s in the middle of buttfuck-nowhere Kansas
He gets toddler level excited whenever he sees an animal like “oh my god, honey! It’s a mountain goat!!”
Whenever he shaves/gives himself a new style, he always has to get a kiss from reader to make sure she likes it
Gets very pouty when he doesn’t earn the kiss of approval
First time he actually got to visit Texas and not just Austin, he made reader take him to the Alamo
He said “never forget the alamo” every time somebody said something bad against texas afterwards
Insisted that he go out and buy a Trans Am and dress as Bandit for halloween
He tried to get Max to dress as Snowman, but he refused to do the accent and Daniel was sad
Max lost best friend privileges for a month
He started to pick up trucker/southern slang, and the reader started to pick up Aussie slang, and together the two of them have made some Bogan/Hick language that nobody else can understand
Will watch the randomest of Netflix shows during a drive
You’ll just hear the weirdest shit coming from his phone
Or he’ll watch “Drive to Survive” and laugh at himself in the interviews
Begged you to instal a gaming console in the sleeper (“Bedroom” of a long range truck)
And we can’t resist those big brown eyes so now he has a playstation
And you will hear him playing “Red Dead Redemption: 2” (thats the single reason he chose PS/Xbox
Will pull the “Save a horse, Ride a cowboy” every chance he gets
And every time he says is, the Reader claps back with “Ride in a rodeo, then I’ll ride the cowboy” (Or smth along those lines)
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If you liked this, add yourself to the taglist for more! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RYtcEOxapB9qoiN_-uzm1Lwvnj16so9PJOPCQ88BjTI/edit?usp=sharing
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6rookie-writer0110 · 13 days
Place of time
Male Reader x MCU Cast
Request - Can you write short story for black Male Reader being a actor apart of the MCU and his from Australia but some people don't know because he hides his accent and during a talk show on Jimmy Fallon it's revealed that Reader has the record for most swear words in movie history with like over 400
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You are cast in the movie Avengers, playing as Charles Chandler aka 3-D Man. But you had to change your accent to American, it was easy for you to do. You get along with the cast, and on time off they invite you to dinner parties or just hang out with them. You are on a talk show with the cast and Jimmy Fallon is the host.
“Y/N, you are actually from Australia? My wife told me but I told her that you are not from Australia” Jimmy said.
“Wait, you are actually from Australia but you have an American accent,” Robert said.
“I can change accents, from American, British, and Japanese. But yes, I’m actually from Australia. The character I play is American and they told me to change my accent” You said.
“Wow. I’m surprised you didn't tell us or change back to your original accent” Chris Evans said.
“How does it feel they didn't know, Y/N?” Jimmy asked.
“I didn't give them hints or say I’m actually from Australia just like Chris,” You said.
“Wow, Y/N I feel betrayed that you didn't me at all. You are not my Aussie brother” Chris Hemsworth dramatically said to you.
You and everyone started to laugh.
“This something else, they don't know. Y/N, you have made it in the book of Guinness Book of Records. You have sworn over four hundred words in all the movies you have been in. And that is passing Samuel L Jackson. How does it feel?” Jimmy asked.
You are in the front row in the middle and everyone pats your shoulders. They are happy for you and they are surprised at the same time. Now, you started to talk in your Australian accent.
“Wow, I didn't know I made it into the book. This is so cool” You smiled.
“We are so happy for you, Y/N. Wow, now you talk in your Aussie accent” Elizabeth smiled.
“I can't believe you have said bad words over two hundred times,” Chris Evans said.
“I didn't keep count, i just repeated what was in front of me” You giggled.
“We would have shown a small clip but all we would hear is the bleep sound,” Jimmy said.
Throughout the interview, you continued to talk in your Australian accent. After the show, you go out to eat with them. You took a selfie with them and you posted it on your Instagram account.
✫ ✯ ✯ ✯
You are still filming, your last scenes for the movie Avengers. You just found out online that you will be in a movie with Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L Jackson.
“What are you watching?” Chris Hemsworth asked.
“Ryan posted a video of me and Samuel. Watch this video, is funny. And I got the role for a new movie” You said.
“Congratulations, mate,” Chris H said.
You and Chris started to laugh at the video.
Ryan posted a video and you shared it on your social media platforms. He wrote a caption; I wonder who would say the most bad words in the movie, Y/N or Samuel?? He also posted a clip of you and Samuel cursing in every scene of every movie. Many people started to comment and a lot liked the video. You couldn't help to keep laughing at what Ryan did, you and Chris kept watching the video.
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not-poignant · 4 months
oh god im having a moment. this may seem obvious but…i know that utr is set in australia…theres more than a few references….to australia.. and ….australian things..but i only now realised that means everyone has an australian accent omg 😭😭😭😭(me to my brain: “why didnt you tell me” my brain back: “girl are you forreal”) idk why this is so surprising to me…im slow. so all the conversations that happened…. happened with an aussie accent….temsen…gary….gwyn 😭 i know faber has more of a british accent right? idk why i remembered that but then didn’t think about calebs accent… this is amazing, its also embarrassing for me but i am protected by the veil of online anonymity so im just rolling on my couch going through past conversations in the stories re-imagining them. wait that means YOU also have an australian accent!! i LOVE australian accent!!!! almost as much as kiwi but then again i hear that one even less than aussie accents… 😂 oke have a good sunday..or wait what time is it over there?! have a good time from 9pm germany 🇩🇪 cheers mate
Ahaha, this was so great to get
Okay so firstly, I think it's fairly universal that most of us don't think of ourselves as having accents, so unless a character has a very distinct accent, I don't think of their accents at all. For that reason, I also have zero problems when people just imagine the accent that is normal to them!
Secondly, what most people know as the Australian accent is very particular to certain parts of Australia. Most people haven't heard a Perth accent, which is a lot milder overall than say, a Queensland accent. And class really influences how people talk. Like, most of these people aren't saying 'mate' for a reason, it's just not part of their daily language. So...in that sense, it wouldn't be accurate to imagine a standard television Australian accent either. It's kind of jokey, in the same way that people put on really overdone German or Russian accents, you know it's not always reflective of reality.
I love Kiwi accents too btw, so good. :D Early Flight of the Conchords forever!
But, yes, they are in Australia and they do have...Australian accents. Kadek's probably one of the most 'ocker', Faber is one of the fanciest speakers (as is Flitmouse, though he picked up his accent out of choice lol), though Gary's up there too because he came from a very educated and relatively upper class family (as is Efnisien, when he can stop swearing for five seconds!)
Characters who have a more standard Australian accent would be Janusz, Caleb, Nate, Kadek and I would say Anton's about in the middle.
But, again, if it's just easier and more comfortable to imagine whatever your internal 'generic accent' is - imagine that! For me that's actually like... a neutral English accent, for I think most people it's American! I don't even think my neutral accent is Australian, lmao, because I'm influenced by coming from a family of immigrants (Dutch + English + Russian) and watching a lot of TV growing up of which the majority wasn't Australian, and of course thinking of my own accent as just 'neutral' which it absolutely isn't.
Accents are weird!
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lu-undy · 6 months
hihiii just wanted to say im currently getting through solitude, but two and i absolutely am obsessed! if there was ever a fanfic to get adapted to film i would want solitude, but two to be the one
Woah, that's a compliment and a half! Thank you so much!!
I don't know if that works like that for everyone but writing for me is a very visual experience, I see the stuff in my head like a movie, I can hear Sniper and Spy speak (even with Aussie accent that I can't imitate xD!). Having that story as a movie would be bonkers :D !
Thank you so much, Anon friend :) !
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little-whats-her-name · 6 months
Giving my thoughts while watching The Dressmaker for the first time, so there will be spoilers
FYI the first piece of media I watched with Kate Winslet in it was not, like most, Titanic (I still haven't watched Titanic) but HBO's The Regime, thus I'm still wrapping my head around seeing Kate play a role that isn't Chancellor Elena Vernham
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I don't know what's weirder, hearing Kate Winslet speak with an Aussie accent or watching her smoke. But Lenny, the lung cancer!
Kate even says "hm" like an Aussie, but you can tell who the real ones are
Liam looks identical to Chris
Wouldn't be an Australian film without Shane Jacobson. I swear it must be in the contract for whenever a screenwriter wants to set a film in Australia - must have Shane Jacobson playing a dad or, at the very least, a father-figure. I met him after Rocky Horror in 2018 (he was the narrator). He was very kind, stopped someone from cutting in front of me for autographs
Say what you want about the cop-type guy, he matched his hat and skirt to his uniform top and tie very well
Just had a Freaky Friday moment: Nearly bit right through my finger in the footy scene, meanwhile my dad could not have cared less about Myrtle's appearance and was pretty much watching the same scene like "mmm footy". No other thoughts in his head at all. So I'm questioning my own thought process
Thought she was nude but the black dress and the decolletage is nice
I don't get how changing her dress made the opposite team get distracted but alright
Pot brownies!
I've seen the Liam Hemsworth stripping scene in every single trailer. I pointed this out to my dad, who replied, "Gotta give the viewers something to look forward to." 🤣
The actor that plays Gertrude's mum would make a great Emily Weiss
"Give it! Give it!" Kate, your Elena Vernham is showing
Same with "Teddy, look." and "No no no no no d-don't!" and "Those vile idiots, I invited them up here." and "God, she must have broken something when she fell." and "But... she's in pain!" and "She would've hated it, she would've hated this one!"
Also the "But... she's in pain!" delivery is me when my mum calls Elena crazy
Love that Teddy finds out that Myrtle's technically responsible for a boy's death and responds by making out with her
Cracked up laughing at Chancellor Elena Vernham's face and voice saying, "It's Superman!"
Oh no, we've got Kate Winslet on a boat, is this intertextual referencing?
She's gonna get Titanic flashbacks, they're on a boat and Teddy's gone
My dad was making dinner and missed this part, so I had to fill him in:
Me (distraught): You were right about the wheat thing!
My dad: What?
Me: Liam's character just suffocated in the wheat!
My dad (having no empathy for Myrtle whatsoever): So, she is cursed.
Like no, dad, don't say that in front of the fragile Kate Winslet character, she's already blaming herself, she doesn't need your confirmation
Kate's got one panicked sobbing voice but it's a good one
Ay there's those hymn number things that were in Reefer Madness (2005), but unlike in Reefer Madness, none of the hymn numbers are 420
That's such an Elena mourning outfit
Ooh I reckon that extra's in Hairspray (2007). Like the casting directors just call her up whenever they need a background character for a film set in the 1950s-1960s
"10 shillings." "12 shillings." Makes me think of "5 galleons." "I'm your brother!" "Ten galleons."
"At least you've got Una." Extra in front right's reaction is hilarious and perfect. Should've got a raise for that.
Seeing Myrtle asleep is making me think of that one ep of The Regime
Makeup guys did a good job, very realistic exhausted, red-eyes-from-crying look
Kate makes "Thank you, Trudy." sound like "Go fuck yourself, Trudy."
Now Kate looks like Elena in ep 6
The pot brownies are back!
Had to die right in the middle of the town for the perfect shot (as in the way the scene's set, there's no bullet)
Myrtle being sad and drunk is such a mood, so's her outfit
HAHA I have to gif that scene for Mae
The way she reads the letter 😂 "Winyerp... drama club..." She's so hangover, I love her so much, I'll hold her hair back if she vomits. I'll just step right through the TV screen. I wrote a song about a similar thing
And I have to gif THIS scene for Mae
"Marigold, this is very wrong!" "Yes... But I'm unstable."
The contrast between the pastel tiles and his dark blood is so pretty
Shane looks so good in Rocco makeup, with his beard and everything
Ah there's the clip that's in the trailer, editors did a good job spoiling the twist ending
"Where are you going, miss?" Home? "Paris." (disappointed voice) Aw
"You never met the rubbish." is a great final line
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blubushie · 1 year
oh excellent. Have you done a voice reveal yet, or do you plan on doing so any time? No pressure ofc :D
i want to hear the aussieness!
Yeah I did an in-server voice reveal in... June, I think? But the Aussie accent reveal is new. It usually only happens when I'm maggot levels of pissed and I am too fucking drunk to remember it in the morning.
Server also got a partial face reveal and a full hair reveal. They very much liked my hair.
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keef-a-corn · 2 years
Dat’s right, People, it’s time for ‘Keef watches TFP and you just get the notes!’
This is for season 1, episode 12: Predatory.
I hate this episode so don’t read if you like it. I also don’t have any screenshots.
I write down the timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
ALSO! I try my best to note points for every character, but tend to get a little caught up by Bee (although I think I do a pretty good job with the notes regardless) so do be warned.
00:40 - I get this is supposed to be important but it’s taking forever!
00:55 - It’s weird how Jack’s allowed to come with Arcee. I would’ve thought she’d be more concerned about him.
00:56 - Why is he comparing them to vampire bats? Why not just ‘bats’. Also unless they’re in Australia, I doubt those Mozzies are anything to ride home about.
01:02 - alright Arcee, settle down.
01:05 - No, she wouldn’t, instead she’d be making fun of the fact you didn’t bring it. Also he was very animated in that moment.
01:10 - The animation got a lot heavier. It works on the bots because their designs are awesome and because becoming more expressive is a rare sight on them. For Jack, it just looks uncanny.
01:22 - Those are a lot of big words. Maybe I’m just tired, maybe my brain ain’t working 100%, but I seriously doubt parents had a good time hearing their child stuttering their way through ‘what does________ mean?’
01:30 - As I stated earlier, I don’t like this episode. One of the reasons is because it’s very slow paced. I’m fairly certain this episode’s a placeholder (considering that Sick Mind and Out of His Head are coming up and those episodes are great) but it doesn’t mean that it has to be so boring.
01:56 - This would be a bigger reveal if we hadn’t seen the thing land.
~intro~ (never have I been so glad to see it.)
02:51 - Arcee is the worst guardian. Why wouldn’t she send Jack home before going in?
03:32 - that could’ve been cool if they did the flashbacks WHILE Arcee was looking around, like if it showed the corridor/hall whatever ya wanna call it without anything, then showed what Arcee saw, rather than just giving flashbacks while Arcee stands there. 
03:46 - finally, doing a smart thing! (Although credit to her, once she recognised something was wrong she got out of the ship.)
03:50 - missed opportunity for a suspense build up then ‘my ex wife’s’. They exes.
04:02 - credit where credit’s due, this is kinda realistic. Arcee’s in a sort of panic so much that she’s blocking out her surroundings and Jack’s trying to communicate with her to understand the situation and how worried he should be.
04:04 - NO! Dear frag have you learnt NOTHING, Arcee??
04:31 - this scene feels like it should be more intense… I don’t know why, but it’s just not hitting correctly.
04:38 - If she had more gone to the neck, rather than the face plates, I think it would’ve been more suspenseful because the face plates are more cosmetic injuries and rarely scar, while the neck on the bots could be hiding more scars and could be more life threatening. Then again, maybe they were right not to do that (if you know, you know)
04:57 - I’m sorry, but I have to share.. I’m so incredibly bored and it’s only been 4 minutes.
05:15 - I.. UGH! What the frag?! I get that Arcee’s upset and all, but I’m on Jack’s side rn.
05:44 - Jack the type to stand at the edge of a sinkhole.
06:24 - Tailgate sounds like he’s voiced by the guy who voiced Shiro in Voltron. I searched it up. He did :D AND APPARENTLY HE VOICED JACK TOO?!
06:50 - those two were dating, pretty obvious.
07:16 - H O L Y . Airachnid’s voice made me gayer. Although missed opportunity to give her an Aussie accent.
07:22 - GODDAMN She HAWT
07:49 - this is a still image.
07:54 - MMMM CURVES!
08:00 - makes me kinda uncomfortable seeing her spy on a child. Makes sense why the episode’s called Predatory.
08:01 - So Airachnid’s ran into no other animals?
08:22 - Airachnid’s moving side to side, why would her perspective be so steady?
09:06 - excuse me but WHAT THE FUCK?
10:01 - Jack, you actual idiot!
10:21 - No. We know she’s not down because she’s also a spider, they don’t stay down for long.
10:30 - …Someone should tell her that she’s the liability too.
10:33 - w h a t ? I can see it in your e y e s 👁👄👁
10:43 - you scratched her cheek and she gave up. The hell are you on about?
10:51 - I like that Airachnid is incredible at getting into someone’s head. She’s physically strong, yes, but she’s mostly talk because once she finds away to play her opponent like a flute she’s so much more likely to win.
10:57 - seeeee?
11:40 - Airachnid’s in Arcee’s head. Someone telling the truth would’ve acted more desperate and focus more on persuading them that their not lying rather thanspeakingallatoncetotryandgetthepointacrosstominimisethechanceofaccidentallytellingthetruth. (Just incase you couldn’t read it: than speaking all at once to try and get the point across to minimise the chance of accidentally telling the truth.)
11:56 - I thought that Airachnid was smarter than that. You never get rid of the only bargaining chip you have right away.
12:02 - that was quick…? Although dumb. Never have heartfelt moments until you’re completely out of the woods.
12:26 - let’s be honest here. She kinda does have to wonder.
12:46 - To be fair, it is working for her.
13:08 - DON’T LOOK BACK!
14:06 - SLAY CLIIIIFF! Perhaps I shouldn’t say Slay tho-
14:09 - FRAG YEAH!
14:12 - okay, that looks so funny. With Arcee being dwarfed by Bee and Cliff.
14:16 - that couldn’t care less as Arcee screams ‘I couldn’t save him’
14:23 - I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel in this situation.
14:31 - She has SWORDS on her ARMS. Why is she trying to break the webs by force??
15:22- okay, that was kinda scary, ngl
16:25 - a lot of this is just a chase scene.
16:47 - she could’ve stepped over it.
17:18 - you and me both, Airachnid.
18:16 - she has a similar demeanour to Knockout. In a perfect world, the two get drinks together and talk about other people.
18:26 - smart, NOT going into the ship.
18:51 - you’re telling me he doesn’t have a match?.
19:15 - I’ve lost so many brain cells.
19:33 - his running cycle has me in tears.
19:52 - of course she’s still alive!
19:57 - oh.. Ew..
20:18 - see? Arcee had the odds with her as long as Airachnid didn’t talk.
21:02 - I’m sorry I had to witness it.
So that was Predatory.
It’s very clearly a filler episodes (Very obviously because they didn’t bring in any other voices actors at a l l. That’s why they chose Bee and Cliffjumper to be the ones to help out Arcee, but didn’t give Cliff any speaking lines.
There was literally only three voice actors in the entire ep and it shows)
I despise this episode. I understand that Airachnid was messing with Arcee, but it didn’t make it any less frustrating to watch. It was also incredibly boring.
I thought an Airachnid central episode was a good decision as her debut, but this was not it.
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the-mist-striders · 1 year
Episode 3: One Must Die
So we last left off with the party realizing they’re fucked.
I would also like to mention that this is the top floor of the manor. As far as we can tell at a glance this is it. 
Kai does her echo-location thing and finds a secret door in the master bedroom- a spiral staircase down
Congratulations to the party! We found the basement that's supposed to have monsters in it
And it's very... basementy
Spooks part ????/????
Anyway, they find a locked room. Fauna presents a key she found in the study. Unlocks it and there's 2 child sized skeletons on the floor
The clothes matching the kids that led us in here
So the actual ghosts of the kids materialize and they talk to the party.
They say their mom locked them into the room to keep them safe
They starved to death
#Mother of the year award
Cinderell, being a paladin of the Raven Queen asks where they'd like to be buried. They say they want to be with their mom and dad. The paladin with the help of Lucerian scoop up all the bones and have them in some kind of sack. When this happens the kids possess Cinderell and Lucerian. Lucerian suddenly becomes meek and Cinderell becomes a bit more bossy.
We go into another room and it's full of corpses too
Fauna triggers a trap
A trap in the form of the angry maid’s spirit
Kai runs the fuck away because she not equipped for this shit
Lucerian runs the fuck away too and nearly yeets Kai’s blind ass down the staircase (but I succeeded in a dex save)
So me and Cinderell’s player do hatch a plan while Amahlia and Fauna fight the ghost
I have herbs, Cinderell is a paladin, and a match to burn the herbs. Cinderell does some chanting, takes by herbs, hauls ass to the box filled with the maids bones, and yeets the herbs inside. Setting the box on fire
While this happens the maid is balls deep into Amahlia
By this I mean the maid is fondling her guts
And is on her death saves
Amahlia is dying
Kai steps up and fucking book's it across the room towards the distracted wraith and wacks it so hard from behind that it finishes it off
Kai uses a healing spell and saves Amahlia's ass
Please no one notice how I keep changing how certain names are spelled, I can only edit this so much.
They rest, they level up and heal, tiem for the next floor below
They find absolute darkness. No longer do their surroundings resemble a home, it's a dungeon. A crypt
Kai hears distant chanting
Can't pinpoint what they're saying
When she mentions this the rest of the party hears it
#this is fine
The kids nudge the paladins towards the mothers burial crypt. They leave the bones there, releasing their spirits. They also fetch the fathers corpse from the noose and place him in his grave.
They press on, Amahlia is the only human and thus can't see
Must be rough
Lucerian is holding Amahlia's torch, he nearly lights up a room with it before Kai stops him
In the process revealing her telepathic nature by speaking directly into his mind
You see, she can hear something in that room
Its big and has many legs
And it was the quietest way to stop him
She reveals that this whole time she could read their minds
Fauna is embarrassed because she sings the theme song of my little pony internally every time she's spooked
Please no one question where she could have heard the my little pony theme song we are in a dungeon ffs.
Fauna also discovers she can talk to animals (because she leveled up as a druid)
Turns out the dog has an Aussie accent.
Who knew
Btw this is what the dog looks like
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3B, The bat in her hair is also constantly panicking because he has no idea what's going on at any given moment. Also 3B has a jersey accent. 
Kai, using herself as a radio of sorts we navigate deeper, passing messages around telepathically and listening for enemies
I knew a blind telepath would make a useful party member
However, they do get jumped by 3 ghouls
Because I failed my rolls for Kai to see it coming
They manage to avoid most traps/encounters using Kai's senses, but sometimes my dice will be like "fuck you. have a low #"
Amalia dashes ahead to smash some ghouls
Now mind you the halls are narrow
Amalia only gets past Kai because she flattened against a wall to make room
Should I mention Kai uses a crossbow and how nobody questioned ever why a blind woman is using a crossbow
(She uses other people's eyes ( and her own senses at times) to aim)
So uh
Lucerian can't hit any of the ghouls because Amalia is in the way
So he has a bright idea
To fucking try jumping over her
Amahlia is an average height adult woman and he's slightly taller and covered in heavy armor
As decided by a series of rolls between Amahlia and Lucerian - here's how that went
They fucked it up
Lucerian knocks Amahlia down, sending them both to a dog pile on the ground
Cinderell has an idea too! Basically he wants to go up and around in attempt to flank the ghouls
Says "I got this!" Takes off into the dark hall
Next the party hears is a loud bang as Cinderell steps on a floor trap with spikes below
Cinderell passes the dex save, grabs the ledge and pulls themselves up
#ideal party moment
Oh but what's this?
The party is making a lot of noise
A giant caterpillar/worm like thing emerges from the hallway that Kai heard it crawling around in
It has fangs and tentacles
And craves our meat
And its Kai whose first on the menu
Oh, and fauna turned into a cat, got past everyone and joined the fight. She left 3B and the dog behind to keep the animals out of danger.
They did pass a check to detect the worms arrival and to be smart enough to run away
#the dog is ok
So I won't sugar coat. Kai gets her ass beat
It's fukin rough. It uses poison damage that paralyzes
So Kai wasn't able to do much even when I could pass a constitution save
Cinderell makes his way to the back finally
The woerm is chewing on Kai’s head
Kai accepts this as her cue, turns into a rat and makes a dash
Cinderell smashes it with their battleaxe
Its dead bitches
Kai heals her own ass
The ghouls are dead
They managed to survive
...for now
They find a statue of a dude and a colorful glowing orb
Fauna needs to be held back so that she doesn't grab it
There are strange shadows in this room and we can feel eyes on us ... watching
Oh and there's skeletons chained to the wall... they sure do know how to decorate
They find a door
Cinderell and Kai don't trust nothing
Kai detects magic on the door. Cinderell shoots it activating a trap that would eat you if you tried to open it
Totally normal stuff
Everyone in the party is just like "fuck this house"
Amahlia looks down and the tarot card is back
She rips it and moves on
They find a room with a chest of magical shit that Kai can see with borrowed eyeballs + detect magic
But bro
We didn't even touch anything
Cinderell just
Looked at a painting
And out comes a ghoul like thing
I don't think it was a ghoul, something stronger smarter and maybe harder to kill
Not sure
Because that thing was fucking ganged up on on sight
The party was #done and out for blood
Little bitch died
Oh and the reason we didn't know it was there was because I failed 3 perception checks in a fucking row
Which btw Kai is now toph'ing it up and going barefoot because I'll be damned we get jumped by another ghoul popping out of the ground
No one can smell her boot feet because the air is already putrid from all the ghouls and that woerms insides 
In true spirit of #fuck this house we didn't bother with the rest of the floor. They went down the stairs that Cinderell found when he tried to flank the ghouls
When they reached the lower floor they could now understand the chanting they heard on the floor above
"Strahd is ancient, he is the land"
to which the squad starts roasting the chanting. Kai personally did it by saying "I fucking get it! Strahd is old and strahd is dirt! Who cares!"
"strahd is older than dirt'- Amahlia I think, idk
We find a room full of alters with different things on a pedestal
Random shit like clotted blood in a glass, a dried patch of skin, dragon tooth wrapped in wire, a lock of hair, shit like that
What's funny is this setup is for a ritual that isn't a thing. It does nothing
Cringe blood cult with their fail ritual
2 different doors ahead. Kai checks both, one is a flooded room, the other another series of hallways. They start with the later and find yet more skeletons chained to the wall
#im kink shaming at this point
Kai finds a secret passageway that leads to the flooded room but this entrance opened up to where there were platforms
I have Kai put her finger tips in the murky sewage water so she can feel for movement- something brushes against her fingers, causing her to jolt back, Last minute she sees red eyes in the water.
Amalhia has a galaxy brain moment and throws her javelin into the water
To ""kill the water""
She goes in the water to get it back. All the splashing keeps Kai from figuring out what the fuck is in the water
At the center of the flooded part of the room is a platform with an alter, to the right in the water is a stack of bones
Fauna just goes for the altar by wading in the water
Kai is paranoid, won't go in
Cinderell offers to carry her
Kai almost accepts
But for reasons unbeknownst to Cinderell she pauses, then turns and just leaps into the water while screaming “It’s not personal!!”
They all get to the platform
The whole squad smells like sewage now
With all of them on the center platform a bunch of hooded figures with no face except for red eyes manifest everywhere in the room
There's a knife on the altar
Now the chanting changes to something else
As hooded entities manifest in the room
"One must die"
So I, as Kai’s player was launching into "how can I twist the wording here" mode
Or "is there like... a bug somewhere we can kill?" Or "can we sacrifice a ghoul?"
Dm is evil and won't tell
Lucerian thinks out loud "they need one of us to die... and we have a dog"
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At the same time Amahlia has a galaxy brained idea to write a '1' on a piece of paper. The dms are shocked that Amahlia is actually literate
They let her make the attempt
Kai lends her some paper, she writes "1" on a piece of paper, takes the knife and stabs it
The paper erupts into black inky smoke
"Yes! I did it!"
The smoke clears
Revealing the fucking tarot card
Cinderell goes looking into the stack of bones
Hoping to find rats or something
No luck even with a nat20
Kai is having an existential crisis on what it means to die as she contemplates sacrificial alternatives
Cinderell has their galaxy brain moment
The chanting is speeding up
They’re being timed
He gathers bones from the stack and assembles a skeleton
Rolls for deception to see if maybe he can trick the spectators
As he pretends to sacrifice himself and use the skeleton for a body
Lucerian stops him because he knows it won't work (via a nat20 on insight) 
That's when Lucerian gets out a dagger and attempts to commit suicide
Chaos happens
Cinderell is attempting to grapple the knife away
Fauna the ray of sunshine is having a crisis as she watches her brother attempt to sacrifice himself
I enjoy how literally no one even entertained sacrificing the dog
Lucerian stabs himself on the neck
The chanting is loud and so much faster than before
Time is running out
Do we save Lucerian?
And if we do ... what then? Who will die instead? 
Fauna sets 3B and the dog down on the floor. Says "take care of each other" before attempting her own suicide because she can't live without her brother
This sets Amalia into action. Since she seems to have a crush on fauna
Amalia dashes over and force feeds him a healing potion
In all the chaos we don't see Cinderell step aside, take his chest armor off, grab the sacrificial dagger, and stab himself in the heart right over the alter
He uses one of his weapons to command we stay back and let him die
With a nat 20 intimidation
The party is probably pissing themselves
He dies so that the rest can leave
Something inside the stack of bones emerges, vaguely human in shape... but not quite right It goes to Cinderell’s corpse and devours him
But hey at least they can leave this house right?
They go back where they came
And find the staircase to the basement blocked off
Fauna is somewhere murdering a door
Lucerian trying to calm her
Amalia too
tfw the barbarian is telling you to chill
Kai finds an exit in the hallway the woerm was in
It's a ladder to the very first floor you enter on
They did it. They escaped.
The party then in an act of friendly bonding set the house on fire.
The smoke trail marking the end of the Death house arc.
There's a basket of fine whine and cheese on the road where the children once stood. Inside the basket is a note that says
“Welcome to Barovia :)”
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galacticxcosmos · 4 years
Hi! Could you do a smut where they just had a concert but you are really drained and just so tired and don't feel good after and when you go back to the hotel jimin takes care of you
𝑳𝒖𝒏𝒂 ♔︎ 𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 « ᵐᵃᵏⁿᵃᵉ ˡⁱⁿᵉ »
𝔹𝕦𝕥 𝕀 𝕊𝕥𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕎𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕐𝕠𝕦 ♕︎ ℙ𝕁𝕄 ♕︎
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Read the profile if you are interested along with the request rules here.
Pairing :- Park Jimin X BTS 8th member < female reader >
Genre :- Bandmates with benefits, Idol AU, Erotica, Romantic, Fluff.
Rating :- 18+ ( M )
Word Count :- 2.7 k
Chapter Summary :- It's the last day of the LA concert, you were beyond tired, a little mess up on the stage was having a pressuring impact on you. Jimin was being a brat at the lack of your attention but soon realises the truth and comforts you in a way you would have never imagined.
Warnings :- brat!jimin { I just love it }, jealousy, slight angst, possessiveness, dom!jimin, blonde-haired!jimin, swearing, teasing, praising, pet names, hotel room sex, cum swallowing, finger sucking, body praising, breast sucking, unprotected sex { but be safe you all }, penetrative sex, soft sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, after care at it's peak, soft Jimin that makes my heart UwU.
A/N :- I know that I take forever but just bare with me okay. Also this is the first request for this book, I am so glad to get such a response at posting just the 8th member profile. I am really excited for this book, I hope you are too. ♡(> ਊ <)♡
P. S :- I am really nervous, so please ignore the typos, I would really appreciate any response. Feel free to send request.
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The loud cheers and joyful screams resonated through the concert hall after the enliven performance. "Army!!" Seokjin pushed all his breath in calling out the beloved fans only to raise a wave of cheer in the crowd. Even after so many concerts, the beautiful light sticks shining in the dark never fail to captivate you inside it's mesmerizing view. The purple ocean snatched your breath away. "We are so grateful that you all are here, I hope you had a great time" Namjoon made the finishing statement in english, it was the last day of LA tour. You smiled and waved at dedicated crowd. Every good thing comes to an end someday but when it does we can only hope for something new to happen.
"Oh my, that was so funny" Hoseok's laughs filled the backstage waiting room. "He was like-- Can call me artist, cancallmeidol" Jungkook teased his leader about the minute mistake he made, making everyone burst into laughter. "Oh I didn't realise it would come out that way" the leader stood his ground, defending himself. You sat on the sofa, your head arched back listening to the endless commotion and leg pulling. You are exhausted, but that wasn't really the problem. Your heart sank deeper every time you remembered it. The second last performance was your solo where you had to not only dance but sing and rap at the same time.
This was nothing to complain about, being an idol mean you should expertise your way into each and every aspect individually and at the same time learn how to master all of it at the same. But your exhaustion took a toll of you and during one perticular step your voice got breathless as it was unstable. You felt a concoction of humiliation and disappointment bubbling up inside you. "Noona, are you okay??" You picked up your head to see the maknae looking at you, full of concern. Even though no one really realised the mistake, you still felt guilty about it. "Is it time to leave?" You asked getting up with a smile plastered on your face.
"Yeah, come on" he ideally swang his arm over your shoulder and walked towards the black vans waiting outside. The ride back to hotel was pretty quiet, most of them were pretty exhausted and had already fell asleep, as you wonder how. You can never fall asleep in motion, it's on top of your 'things that I can't' list. Some of them were busy on their phone checking twitter and the tweets that ARMYs made about the concert laughing at the funny pictures that ARMYs posted of them performing. "Y/N ah, your performance was really good" Hoseok complimented, to which you smiled potraying your gratitude since it meant a lot coming from the lead dancer.
But you couldn't deny the fact that it had somehow peeled off the newly tapped band aid off your wound.
Stepping out the steamy hotel bathroom in a fresh pair of PJs you looked around the deluxe hotel room. Quickly talking out your phone, you settled it down on the table beside the bed and started a vlive. "Hello ARMY" you waved at the camera and sat on the edge of the bed. "We just got over with our LA tour and now I am in my room so I thought to go live" you said with a smile, your eyes quickly scanning through the comments trying to find if anyone would mention about the incident. 'Eonnie, I am sure you did great!' you smiled at the comments of k-ARMYs who weren't at the concert.
'We loved the show!' English comments flooded the screen, 'You guys killed it!', 'Luna, you were amazing!' reading the comments you giggled, your heart finally felt a little light, "Oh my, thank you so much for these lovely comments" you replied in English, your usual Aussie accent coaxed your words, as you chuckled, your hand covering your mounth. A notification chimmed in, "Oh, Jin Oppa is doing Eat Jin live right now" you came back to speaking Korean as you read the notification. "So, a reason why I was doing this vlive is because--" you were cut off by the door bell. "Oh, must be room service, please wait a minute" you said getting up a d walking towards the door which was through the main room and thus it was not visible to the camera.
"Oh Jimin ssi" you looked just as confused as you were at the blonde standing in sweats. "Hi baby, are you done taking a shower" he pulled you towards him pecking on your forehead. "Jimin, I am on vlive" you whispered to him and he indeed was taken aback but it was soon gone being covered up in a chuckle, "They can't hear us" his arms were still embracing your waist as he pushed the door close with his back, "They can't see us" his lavishing eyes traveled down to you lips. "Maybe they can" you said with tight lipped smile, patting on his chest you wiggled out of his grip a d walked towards the room where the camera was.
"Well, well, well, look who is here" you took back to your place followed by a pouting Jimin who flopped next to you. "Hi everyone, did you all enjoy the concert" he said smiling, at the camera, his eyes turning into beautiful crescents. "Are you all not watching Eat Jin?? Y/N, I think you stole Jin hyungs audiance" Jimin turned towards you with a smirk. "What?? No I didn't. I was the one who came live first! It's it guys" you turned towards the camera with offence written all over your face.
"Alright, whatever it is, I think it's very rude and disrespecting towards Jin hyung" Jimin suggested and you finally realised the reason behind his sudden outburst of respect towards a certain older. "So how about we say our goodbyes now" he turned towards the camera waiving at it. "Okay, I don't wanna end up hearing Oppa's nagging, so we will talk later" Jimin internally smirked at the success of his plan, but it was soon disappeared, "Bye bye my little babies" you waved before switching off the live. "You never say that to me" He complained the second the screen went black.
"I am tired" you said squirming back to your bed, "Well you weren't tired to take a massage from Jungkook" you looked at him confused but it was replaced with a scoff when you realised what this all was actually about.
The four of you knew the relation between the four of you, the whole bandmates with benifits thing, but Jimin was just having his 'I don't wanna share you with anyone' or 'I just want you to myself' or 'Why can't it be just you and me' phase and as usual he was being a brat about it. "Jimin please we have talked about this" you sighed letting your body sink into the silk bed sheets. "I know it's just--" he just let his sigh replace the sentence. Your eyes were closed out of exhaustion as you felt the bed slightly shift. "I just feel left out, I just feel like you don't want me but---" he waited for a second, you felt an arm snake around your bare waist, as the PJ shirt was sliding up, "--but I still want you" you could feel him snuzzled into the crook of your neck.
"Hey, I am sorry I made you feel that way" you finally opened your eyes turning towards him, the moment you looked straight into his eyes, his complete expression changed, "What's wrong?" His brows turned into a frown as you remember how he can read you like an open book, a book that he could read with his eyes closed. "Jimin, I messed up" your voice broke, "Baby what? What are you saying? " His hands went straight to cup your face as a confusion brushed over his features, his own heart sinking deeper and deeper into his chest at your sight.
"I was really exhausted and I went out of breath during my solo, I missed a note.. God! It's so embarrassing" your lips trembled as pool of warm liquid accumulated at the corner of your eyes, threatening to fall off any second. Jimin quickly sat up, "Hey, it's fine. It's okay, we all make mistakes" you just shook your head, hiding your face on Jimin's shoulder. "No-- Nope, I am not letting you cry on the last day of our world tour" he made you face him, his soft plump lips came in contact with your closed eye lid as he kissed your tears away. "It's okay to mess up, you are not a robot, you are a human too and humans make mistakes" the pad of his thumb brushed of the tear stains on your cheek.
"I have something that you would like" your brows twisted into a frown as you saw him running to another room as if a child running towards the ice truck, it made you laugh but it turned into a gasp as he came back with a bar of chocolate. Complete delight covered your face, this time you became a child, ripping open the packet as a child trying to open its present. "I know you would love it" Jimin look at you giggling as you took a bite of the chocolate, the dark brown sugar bar piece melting inside your mouth, the taste made you moan in delight.
Jimin wasn't giggling anymore but you couldn't be less concerned as you innocently licked of the brown liquid off your fingers, Jimin subconsciously nibbled on the soft flesh of his lower lip. "You are eating alone? How rude is that?" The sudden drop of an octave in Jimin's voice made you looked at him, only to come face to face with eyes full of pure lust. You looked at him confused, slowly chewing the last piece. "That's not fair" he said leaning in until he was dangerously close to you, before you could realise, you felt something wet at the corner of your lip. Jimin licked of the chocolate from the corner of you lips.
"Not enough" he said before pushing your body against the headboard, pressing his lips against your. Without wasting any time, his tongue pushed it's way into your mouth through your slightly parted lips. His delicate taste buds layered with the utter sweetness of the chocolate that filled inside your mouth. He moaned into the kiss as his tongue tangled with yours rubbing off the sweetness in your mouth. Your hands made its way to his soft locks, your fingers curling to the blonde strands. "Fuck baby, I want you" Jimin said panting as he broke the kiss.
"What's stopping you?" You said cockyly which made him smirk. You straddled him, kissing him passionately, pushing your tongue against him wishlist helping him take of his shirt. His hands manuvered over your breasts as your fingertips traced down his abbs. He was hard as fuck under you as you rubbed against his length, the thin layer of clothes seperating you two, added even more friction to the action. Your core boiled with heat, waiting to be penetrated. Your hands reached down to the hem of his sweat pants. "Fuck" he moaned at your continuous teasing to which you smirked.
Your bare back came in contact with the silk sheets again giving goosebumps to your extra sensetive skin at this point. "You had your fun, didn't you babygirl" Jimin smirk latching his tongue to your nipple making you moan this time. "Ahh-- Jimin ahh~" your eyes rolled back with pure ecstasy. He came up to brush his lips against your neck as he slowly pushed two fingers into your mouth. As your tongue rolled around his fingers, he sucked on your neck not hard enough to leave hickeys. At this point he was getting so restless that he didn't even care if he left some. He finally pulled out his fingers from your mouth, covered in warm saliva of yours as the same dripped off the corner of your lips.
"You are so good at this baby, I wish, I could feel that mouth of yours around my cock. But let just save that for another time" he said pressing his lips to yours again even before you could approved his idea. You slowly pulled down your shorts, things clenched together, trying to hide the dripping wet entrance, your state itself was enough to drive Jimin crazy. "Fuck--" you moaned as his thumb pressed against your clit, without any warning his fingers slipped into your core making you breathe out unholy profanities. His thumb massaged your clit as his fingers twisted inside your heat against the walls.
"Jimin, I think--" your moans covered your sentence. "Not now baby, hold it in" he said, as his fingers increased their pace, you could feel a certain heaviness in your lower stomach. The orgasam that you were holding in, kept a constant pressure on your core making you whimper. Jimin didn't let go the chance to enjoy the pleasure of you whimpering under his touch, "Ji-- Jimin please--" your fingers curled around the soft bed sheets, "Cum for me baby" he wishpered licking you sensetive ear lobe, those words were like honey to you.
A wave of relief washed over you as you felt the warm liquid discharged off your body. Jimin licked off the white liquid from his fingers making you bite your lip, "So fucking sweet, just as I thought" he said smirking with satisfaction, "Jimin, I want you-- please" you insisted, Jimin chuckled at the turn of events, "So needy, aren't you babygirl" he said getting off his boxers, finally freeing his hardened length from its cotton cage that was now leaking with precum. The flushed pink tip covered in wetness ready to penetrate you. "I know that you are tried, don't worry I'll go slow" he assured you before leaning towards your body.
Just as his length rubbed against your entrance, both of you moaned out of pleasure. You could feel him slowly pushing into your core. "Ahh-- fuck" you moaned bitting your lips as he went deeper and deeper into you. He could feel your walls clenching around him, "So tight baby" he slowly pecked your lips. "Just for you, Daddy" you moaned. "Fuck! Not now babygirl. I won't be able to control myself" he groaned at the triggering word. You could feel him move, slowly thrusting into you as you bit your lips controlling the excessive moans. He snuggled into the crook your your neck, grousing against your skin. His fingers tangles with your. You grip onto him tightly as he increased his motion hitting you right at the spot.
The walls of heat encloses against his length as he throws his head back in complete pleasure. "Fuck! You are so good! All the fucking time" the showers you with praises. You humm in response, letting the high waves of pleasure hit you with it's highest intensity. "Fuck-- I think I am about to cum" Jimin groans. "Inside me" you finally managed to say as he looks at your surprised.
"I am on pills" you said and the next moment you were filled in as Jimin's thrusts became sloppy. You felt orgasm building up again, you lower stomach churned and twisted, you could feel the subcutaneous flame uder your cheeks, your chest heaving in unison. It finally hits you, the wave off orgasm engulfs you in pleasure, satisfaction and pure bliss. Jimin pulls out with a groan and topples on you. "I think we should get cleaned" you suggest chuckling, exactly knowing what's coming next. It's the 'after - sex - whinny - Jimin' who doesn't wanna let go.
He pulls the bed sheet over both of your bare bodies properly covering yours to ensure that the sudden cold contact of the air conditioner might give you cold. His arms snake around you as he pulls you towards his chest, sinking his face into your neck. "I love you" mummered against your skin gently pecking your bare shoulder. "I love you too Jimin, but seriously we need to--" your voice was cut off by a knock at the door followed by a voice that you knew very well was your beloved leader's, "Y/N, have you seen Jimin?" Namjoon calls out from the other side of the door.
Both of you look at eachother, "Shit!".
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goosedawn · 3 years
linguistics pog????? :D :D :D i will admit I didn’t do as much thought into the aus/nz language changes as I really should’ve (mostly because my understanding of the regions is basic at best ^^’) and I am 👀👀👀 at your tags……….. if you have more thoughts I would be FASCINATED to hear what you say :D!!! -bio nerd anon
my knowledge of linguistics is limited but its so cool and ur HELLA valid, australia and new zealand are pretty isolated so like. fair (relatedly, most of my thoughts are nz based, i cant really talk much abt australian linguistics) but basically i absolutely have more thoughts >:3c
also im assuming this is still in the context of how language could develop in @possiblyaperson03​‘s strangers on the internet au, so im just gonna clarify this is all purely speculation based on what we know abt the au and my own knowledge + lived experience :D
... i also just keep on going about language development in this au in general so i put it all under the cut :’>
tl;dr: australian and new zealand accents are likely to converge, but also might have a mix of different languages mixed into the way they speak, with pockets of non-english speakers. humans in australia and new zealand might not have as nuanced terms relating to giants, and may not have the same level of understanding regarding the giants language.
....... tl;dr TWO: wild humans might develop “alarm calls” that are shared with other human groups even if they cannot understand each other otherwise, and might even mimic giants. sign and written language could also become more prevalent in giant inhabited areas.
SO, in new zealand theres already quite a mix of cultures, although. yknow. colonialization ended up in a largely westernised culture/language, with english being the ‘main’ language, however nz sign language and Māori are also considered to be national languages.
nz accents specifically tend to be quicker and kinda. slur some words together, but that also depends on the location around new zealand. people who are surrounded by more Māori influences tend to draw out some vowels a bit longer, which ends up with a slightly different cadence.
im not really sure how to describe the aussie accent kshdfksjd but i think generally its a lot sharper than nz accents but also has more of a drawl, and some vowels are more drawn out/accentuated
i think it would be likely that australians and new zealanders would probably keep these aspects but depending on how much people cross between the two (in lieu of traversing elsewhere, and interacting with other countries) its more likely for the accents to converge.
however!! differing languages would also kind of. stick to how they sounded when they split, with the language spoken by immigrants not only sounding more accurate to the original due to shifts in language in their original location (due to simplification and dangerous situations) but also because of people wanting to preserve their culture.
in new zealand currently (especially in places with a lot of mixed cultures/immigration, in big cities compared to more rural areas) there is already a lot of mixing in terms of accent and language, and even more so with outside influences due to media and such
people do whats referred to as “accent matching“ which is basically changing the way you speak to match other people around you (psychologically, its kinda like mimicking other people so they are more likely to like you/become attached to you because you are similar to them) and so people mimic accents around them and thats part of how you pick up accents when you move to a new place.
so in an isolated space, with a variation of accents, how does that work? honestly i think it would be similar to how things are in big nz cities currently, and because its even more packed together with a whole variation of people who may not necessarily be english speaking is that something that may happen is a mix of language, with people dipping in and out of other languages based off of what specific cultural influences an individual is surrounded by.
this is something that can be seen in places like malaysia, where there is often a mashup of languages and cultures, resulting in a variance of dialects depending on geographical location, picking up some words from other languages depending on who your neighbours are (or at least. thats what i’ve been told by relatives from there, and have seen reflected in the way they speak- they tend to mix english with at least 3 different dialects of chinese as well as malay and indian words)
like i mentioned in my tags on the other post, nz already has quite a few pockets of areas where there are immigrants who either have trouble speaking english or rely on relatives/friends to interact with english speakers, and this is something that is likely to develop in this au as well i reckon. i cant comment on how this might work in australia though.
also, if isolated with little contact from giants, it would be unlikely for australians/new zealanders to develop terms relating to giants, or at least not terms similar to other countries. they might be more abstract or scientific, with less nuance due to less interaction.
its unlikely humans in australia and new zealand would pick up much accenting from giants and perhaps depending on how long it would be after The Event, may even not be able to say certain words/hear certain differences in giants accents as well!
However, it should be noted that young babies (like a few months old) are able to identify variance in human accents that children and adults cannot, because we learn what sounds to listen out for based on what languages and cultures we are exposed to, so technically we are biologically built to understand a variation of languages, but quickly learn specificity and thus lose that ability.
(RELATEDLY: if this was also true for giants, unless they were brought up around humans when they were very young it would be unlikely that they would be able to tell some subtle differences in human speech, FURTHER solidifying what you said about giants just. not being able to hear human intonation).
in terms of language in countries inhabited by giants, you mentioned that humans might have more simplified language and such, which could result in varying “alarm calls”, much like modern animals have now, which vary depending on where a threat is coming from (e.g. different calls for birds compared to land based predators) these might transcend other language like words, if there was a larger difference between geographical areas.
on top of that, some groups of animals also reciprocally respond to other groups of animals alarm calls due to both being pressured by biological and environmental threats, and i wouldnt be surprised if something similar developed between wild human colonies. humans are great at mimicking, so it could be possible that a series of animal-esque calls, or heck even calls mimicking giants could be something that is used.
furthermore, it might also be likely for some groups of humans to rely more on visual (signed or written) languages to symbolise things, especially if they dont get to interact with other groups, perhaps out of fear of being caught in large numbers. on top of this, having visual signals would be useful for not notifying giants of your presence if you need to be quiet.
warning signs and such would probably be developed pretty quickly, with certain groups maybe having defining features depending on what materials they have (maybe some groups burn warnings into things, vs others who carve the symbols in)
there might also be varying ways of referring to directions that are easier to identify quickly. OH in the alternate universe with wilbur having a guitar, maybe music could be used for communicating certain things also?? idk ive gone on long enough jkfhsdfjhsdf
thanks for reading all the way to the end! if you got here i appreciate you!! 💛
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leejungchans · 4 years
juliet’s relationships with ateez.
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they’re so beautiful i’m gonna fucking cryhdjhfjshsjs i’m going through it 💔
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juliet is the self-proclaimed favourite child of hongjoong
she was very shy pre-debut and was scared of clashing with him, so they never fought
they became a lot closer when she asked hongjoong to help her with her rapping; she was always trained to be a vocalist so she thought her rapping needed work and (shyly) approached him asking for his advice
as they became more comfortable with each other, she learnt to honestly communicate her thoughts with him
makes sure hongjoong doesn’t overwork himself; brings him food, coffee, or just accompanies him silently when he’s working; will not hesitate to use her sad puppy eyes to convince him to go back to their dorm so he can get proper rest
she always looks on with a very proud smile when she hears hongjoong speaking in english; he picked up a little bit of her aussie accent too :>
actually doesn’t mind being a little shorter than him but she wears platform shoes a lot to tease him; he has jokingly threatened to throw them away
she is very worried about his scalp; but she loved his red and blue hair, and of course the famous mullet
with hongjoong especially it’s literally “juliet see, juliet do” :c
hongjoong dotes on juliet especially because she will always be a baby in his eyes; when they first met she was around 15, so he has always been really gentle with her; he looks after her extremely well
never lets her pay for anything despite her protests
she wants to treat him to stuff too :<
overall a very wholesome relationship
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another very, very wholesome relationship
he’s so, so gentle with her but will goof around with her too :(((
is the one who brings snacks, an extra jacket or blanket for her because she always forgets
when they first debuted, juliet would be very uneasy before public appearances because of the hate and comments she’d get; seonghwa was always there to calm her down and support her
when she was still in school he would nag her to do her homework hajshwjsj
she’s close with all the boys’ family but perhaps the closest with seonghwa’s and will sometimes visit his family with him during breaks!!
seonghwa is usually the first person juliet goes to if she’s having a bad day
she clings to him a lot, like, a lot; she will attach herself to his arm like a koala any chance she gets
sharing almost identical disgusted expressions
he always makes sure she’s eating; he gets sad if she doesn’t
late night talks with warm tea
each other’s #1 hype man; as much as she acts disgusted when seonghwa does aegyo or purposefully acts sexy, you can always hear her cheering him on in the background
that doesn’t mean she doesn’t tease him though
“excuse me, please put your tongue away” “mY hiPs aRe fLeXibLe” “sO hAwT” “wOw, AmAziNg” “...please stop”
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two babies
juliet lives to see yunho smile and it’s her life’s mission to make sure he stays happy forever
yunho always gives her piggyback rides
the height difference between these two is the funniest thing ever because she isn’t even that short but she always looks like a dwarf next to yunho
“uh...excuse me, you’re forgetting something :/” “huh? ohhh...[crouches down to match her height]” “thank you :D”
yunho brings out juliet’s happiest side effortlessly because it’s just impossible to be sad around him
that being said, yunho is her designated giant teddy bear whenever she’s sad
they always start dancing out of nowhere
you will hear her whooping and cheering very loudly in the background whenever yunho twerks and stuff
yunho’s fellow harry potter fan
he likes pinching her cheeks, patting her head and playing with her hair
but if he tries to use her head as an armrest she will kick him (out of love :3)
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someone save ateez from these two because they love roasting everyone
will not hesitate to roast each other as well
best friends who judge people together
when the others say or do something questionable, you can sometimes see yeosang and juliet exchange looks or hide their faces from secondhand embarrassment
little beans who get shy easily :(
she is yeosang’s biggest hype man; he could literally just be breathing and she will still go “wow, a living statue, absolutely breathtaking” “an angel sent to us from the heavens above” “yes, vocal king! yes, dance legend!”
they do everything in tiny :((((((((
they dance to the ponytail song together
she loves his birthmark so much and practically tells him that every day; she thinks it makes him even more beautiful and unique
he likes her cooking a lot so she always makes him food and lets him help out
“please don’t cut off your finger...” “do fingers grow back?” “i don’t know but i don’t want to find out from you.”
The™ best comedic duo but no one is ready to admit that yet
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juliet constantly judges san jokingly but she’s honestly just as chaotic
he once spun her ipad on his finger and almost dropped it; she didn’t speak to him for an hour
like hongjoong, san also picked up on her aussie accent a bit
juliet goes :OOOO every time san shows off his martial arts skills
if they’re not wreaking havoc together, then one of them is filming the other wreaking havoc alone while laughing hysterically behind the camera
she looks up to san so, so much; the way he improved his dancing tremendously through hard work and determination inspires her deeply
they learn other groups’ choreographies together
hypes the other up for everything
loves his voice so much; listens to him sing with heart eyes and vice versa
so, so clingy :((( they’re just tiny babies who need a lot of love and affection
juliet loves san so much and it breaks her heart knowing that he struggles with self-esteem like she does; they have a lot of deep talks where they talk for hours in the dark
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2Min!!!!!! 🥺
a giant and a baby
that only applies to their heights, though; because they’re both babies personality-wise
juliet is either being loud and dumb with him or she’s going “ahsjajsj please stop, we’re idols •_•”; there is no in between
she’d let mingi give her more piggyback rides but the first time he gave her one he almost dropped her
juliet never shuts up about how good mingi is at rapping and dancing; she’ll tell you that at least once a day
“anyways, mingi is such a good rapper and dancer. did i mention how phenomenal he is? because he is the best rapper and dancer :]”
whenever juliet sings/dances, mingi always looks on very proudly
“our main vocalist/dancer, everyone!”
her designated giant teddy bear number 2
like with hongjoong, she makes sure mingi is eating and sleeping because he works a lot too :(
it makes mingi really happy when she tries to rap his parts
juliet is the leader of the mingi protection squad, if you hurt him she’ll actually k word you in your sleep
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2Young; when they get paired up together for stuff, they introduce themselves with “2!” “Young!”
dear god, they are so loud
she’s either the first one shushing him or the others are telling both of them to shut up
wooyoung screams a lot so to juliet the only solution is to be even louder
siblings who annoy each other but also love the other to bits and will kill for each other
one time they did a v-live together and an atiny pointed out how when juliet says “no” it sounds like “noerrrrr”; wooyoung hasn’t let it go since and clowns her for it every chance he gets
one minute they’re bickering over something stupid and the next they’re cuddling on the sofa and laughing at random stuff on their phones
wooyoung teases her for literally everything, from her height to her australian accent; it’s a miracle she hasn’t killed him yet
“wooyoung dance king!”
she loves his vocals so much :(
she also loves his laugh; she thinks it’s very contagious and it always makes her laugh even harder
very clingy pt.2 :(((((
they like to cook together; despite juliet’s constant teasing, she genuinely loves his cooking
the biggest army’s
the duo that has everyone wrapped around their fingers
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they’re the youngest ones so they’re bound to be chaotic together
they have a secret handshake!!
since they’re the only ones who don’t share a birth year with anyone in the group, they call themselves the “21st century duo”
another tom-and-jerry relationship but they love each other to bits i promise :’)
high note battles that make the others go •_•
their duets though :’)))) a blessing
when they sang miss a’s “good-bye baby” together at mama 2019
vocal legends
jongho always use the fact that she’s the youngest against her, especially when they’re asked to do aegyo
“i think the maknae should do it >:)” “jongHO SHUTUPJAGSJAJS”
“well, he’s the youngest among the boys, so i think he should go too”; cue his look of ultimate betrayal
imagine her face when she saw his red hair for the first time :(
“omgomgomg now you’re a real apple!!!” :(((((
more piggyback rides!!
okay, but juliet is honestly so grateful for jongho; they’re the closest in age so it’s always very easy for her to talk to him and she loves him a lot :’(
they understand each other very deeply and usually they don’t need to exchange words to know what the other is thinking/feeling
she can overthink a lot and in those moments he’s her voice of reason and is always there to help her through those times
partners in crime :>
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childofhalloween · 3 years
A Story With No Name Aka Why You Don't Ask Idoits for Dating Advice
So this was a short little one shot I got an idea for after binging Graystillplays Sims videos for days. If the formatting or anything seems off it's because I wrote it all on a phone. Well this short one shot turned out 9 pages long opps. So I hope you enjoy. Also writing an Austrillis slow burn not really sure where it goes but if anyone is interested let me know. Anyways onto the show! Thomas Alan Wenis better known as Tommy looked down at the paper in his hand. This address had to be a mistake. He had just flown down to Florida to get away for a while, see the ocean, maybe even clear up his depression. He hadn't brought much with him just an old suitcase and what little money he drained from his savings account.
That was exactly what attracted him to the random message board offering low rent living. With the price of rent all Tommy was expecting was a cot in a closet somewhere. Not that he minded as long as he had a roof and somewhere to put his black boots he didn't care.
But this, this wasn't right. Couldn't be right. The place was huge. Probably the biggest house he had ever seen. 4 floors are least and he could see the corner a large pool in the back.
He checked the address of his contact Melvin, and it matched. This had to be some sort of scheme. He knew it was too good to be true, like everything else in his life.
With a sigh he picked up his bag walking to the front door. Maybe they would be able to at least point him in the right direction.
Ringing the bell he sat out on the front step for a moment before the large oak door opened and a man dressed only in a towel and some sneakers opened the door.
"Uhhh hi. I'm sorry to disturb you but I am looking for someone at this address. His name is Melvin." Tommy said avoiding eye contact with the red haired man.
"Yeah that's me! Melvin Eugene Johnston. But everyone just calls me Florida Man." He said holding out his hand Tommy awkwardly taking it. "You must be Tommy!"
"Uhhh yeah. I'm sorry did I come at a bad time?" He said motioning to the towel.
"Huh this? Nah. Just like to feel a cool breeze if you know what I mean." He joked opening the door motioning for him to come in.
The place was almost too much for Tommy to take in but nonetheless followed Florida Man on a tour around the house.
"I uhhh….I hate to say I think I miss understood about the price." Tommy said knowing their was no way he could ever afford a place like this.
"Oh don't stress about it. Just get me the $300 whenever. Everyone here is pretty cool. We all just pitch in when we can ya know? We all take turns cleaning and cooking….well except for Aussie. Fire department said they are gonna fine us for another kitchen fire." He said casually. Tommy couldn't help but wonder what he was getting into.
"Then toss in some cash for some beers or food when ya can. Everyone just kind of does their own thing. You will see all kinds of people come and go. Right now we got a lot of our 'lifers'."
"How can you afford this place?" Tommy said looking at another large staircase.
"Oh it's already paid for. I bought it with the money from my lawsuit with Madonna."
"You sued Madonna!?!" Tommy said, not believing what he was hearing.
“Oh yeah I did. Her show was supposed to start at 8 she didn't go on till 10. I wasted so much money on overpriced water down beer I don't even remember the damn thing. Next thing I know I'm in the hospital. Apparently I fell down 12 rows of concrete stairs trying to get some nachos from concessions." He said casually as he continued. "Then I used the money I won to buy this place but it got lonely & quiet by myself so I started renting out rooms. Made for one big odd family."
Opening a door he motioned to Tommy "So here's your room. Get comfortable. When you're done feel free to head on down to the kitchen, meet everyone."
Tommy had hoped he could even find his way back down to the kitchen. It was going to take a little while to get used to this place. He still couldn't wrap his mind around all of this.
But unbeknownst to him the craziest part was yet to come. His new roommates.
Finally finding the kitchen he saw Floridaman busy having a beer next to a tall man with the most epic red beard he'd ever seen and a smaller but seemingly louder blond wearing sunglasses. And behind them both a slightly deranged looking man with jet black hair.
They all seemed to get quiet as he walked awkwardly into the kitchen.
"I was wondering if you were going to find us." Florida Man said thrusting a Bud Lite in Tommy's hand not bothering to ask if he'd want one. "Boys this is our newest guest Tommy Wenis"
The blond let out an almost mocking laugh.
"Wenis!?! Ya gotta be bloody kiddin me. Bet that must have been a rough primary career. The names are just endless!"
"Don't listen to him, he can be a jerk but he doesn't really mean it." The redhead said standing up holding out his hand cordially. "Names Tim by the way."
"Ahhh I'm just taking the piss with ya mate...kinda. Name's Trevor but everyone here likes to call me Australian Man. Ya know obvious reasons."
Finally the dark hair man with the slightly odd shaped face spoke up. "And I'm Colono. Colono Scopy"
"Uh huh...so is this everyone who lives here?" Tommy said looking at the motley crew in front of him.
"No the girls are off doing something or another. I think they mentioned girls day. I don't know I wasn't listening." Florida Man said, looking at the clock on the stove. "But they should be back any minute."
As if on cue the door opened and the sound of over lapped talking was heard.
"Speak of the devil mate." Australian Man said slightly in awe of Florida Man's timing.
A brunette wearing what looked to be a thrift store tourist shirt walked into the kitchen.
"Hey Whitley come here meet our new roommate Tommy." Florida Man said.
"Hey I'm Whitley " she shook his hand. He couldn't help but notice the slight smell of cheap bottom shelf vodka radiating off her.
Next a woman walked in with the best blond afro Tommy had ever seen.
"Hey Bab this is our new roommate Tom-"
"Maybe he'll last longer then the others." Bab said almost miserably as she walked out the back door not stopping.
"Sorry she's kin-d of…." Florida Man tried to think of the word.
"Manic Depressive." The girl with blonde and pink braids said matter of factly. "Text book diagnosis really."
"Are you a Dr?" Tommy asked everyone just laughed.
"Not in the slightest. Just been through a lot of psychologists."
"Ellis Dee, meet Tommy." Florida Man introduced.
"Tommy Wenis." Australian Man said with a snicker.
"Oh my God do people call you Tiny Wenis?" Ellis said with a giggle.
It didn't matter though because all Tommy's attention was now focused on the tall blond with golden hair walking in. He had never seen anyone like her. She was like nothing he'd ever encountered. She was…..she was…..she was absolutely stunning.
"Whose that?" Tommy asked Tim quietly.
"Huh? Oh that's Beth. Be nice, she's a sweet girl." Tim whispered back.
"Hey Beth say hi to Tommy the new guy." Florida said.
"Hi name's Beth." She introduced herself in a thick Southern accent.
"I….uhh...I'm Tommy." Tommy managed to mumble out.
All the guys exchanged an odd look.
"So where are ya rollin in from?" She asked with a smile.
"....I uhhh… I come from….places. I gotta go." He said, scrambling out of the kitchen to his room.
"That was odd." Colono said all the others nodded.
As the months went on Tommy found he had more in common with this rag tag bunch then he ever had with anyone else. He spent his days joking with Colono, drinking beers with the Florida Man & Australian Man, discussing art with Bab Ross, hitting the occasional bong with Ellis Dee, and pretty much bonding with everyone.
Everyone that is except for Beth. It seemed like every time they had a moment together his mind just blanked. Like it shut down to nothing and he couldn't figure out what the hell to say so he would say something awkward and just excuse himself.
It became apparent to everyone what was going on, everyone that was except Beth as she walked into the living room one day.
"Mind if I sat by ya hun?" She asked. He looked up at her eyes wide.
"I….uhh….murder show…..its over…..here you go. For you." He said, tossing the remote at her feet before running out the room.
"Ouch that was painful to watch." Australian Man looked up from the card game the guys had been playing.
Tommy pulled out a chair and plopped down not responding.
"Hey man, it's0 ok you will get her next time." Florid Man said putting a hand on his shoulder sympathetically….well really trying to sneak a peek at Colono's cards
"Ughhh. It's like everytime I try to talk to her I look like a total ass." Tommy grumbled.
"Yah we know, we all seen it." Australian Man joked as threw another chip in the pot.
"Well what am I supposed to say? Hey I think you're gorgeous, will you have a coffee with me?" He said, causing all the other men to laugh.
"No, no. You're thinking too much into it. What women love to hear is compliments." Tim Horton said as Bab Ross happened to walk past. "Watch this."
"Hello Bab you are looking positively radiant today!" Tim said, putting on a charming smile.
"Whatever you say Tim." Bab said with a shrug as she kept walking.
This caused all the other men to crack up.
"Laugh all you want but she acknowledged me. That's progress."
"Nah ya got it all wrong mate. What birds really dig on is a badass." Australian Man said getting up walking to the back yard. "This is how it's done boys."
Strutting slightly he slid up to Ellis Dee who was sitting outside enjoying the sun.
"Hey Ellie." He said acting casual.
"Oh hey Aussie what's up?"
"Did I ever tell you about the time I fought off a whole colony of bog frogs?"
"No I don't think you have."
"Yeah I was out with some blokes and came across these wee little bog frogs must have been mating season or something because next thing I know I'm surrounded by the little wankers! So I start beating them off me. Kicking, punching them in their little frog faces. Just throwing them off left and right. Turns out the little bastards were poisonous. Woke up in the hospital 2 weeks later handcuffed to the hospital bed. Turns out those little piss frogs are on the 'endangered species' list. Luckily for me though the judge granted the coma as time served. All I got was probation and I'll be off that by next year." Australian Man said cooly before something hit him.
"Probation…..OH SHIT! My probation meeting!" He said looking down at his watch. "I'm 6 fucking months late! I can not be arrested again! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!" he said running into the house leaving behind a very confused Ellis Dee.
All the guys watched as Australian Man ran through the house screaming obscenities as he looked for his cell phone.
"Anyways….what about you Florida Man. How do you talk to the ladies?" Tim Horton asked.
Florida Man shrugged and got up walking to the kitchen to see Whitley at the table drinking a large glass of orange juice.
"Bud Lite?" Florida Man offered holding out a beer. She looked at him confused.
"Its only 11 not even noon. Too early for beer." she said.
"Ok." Florida Man said walking back with both beers.
"Mornings are for screwdrivers." Whitley said to herself pour more dollar vodka into her drink.
"No, no I am sure I called. Yeah right when I landed. No I made sure I message with a Shelly? Or maybe a Jan? Or was it a Steven? I'm not sure. Mighta been a new?.....oh maybe a temp! Bloody hard to find good help huh? I'm sure it's there just check the last few months. Ring when this is all cleared up." Australian Man said, hanging up his phone not waiting for a reply on the other end. "Bloody cunts..….so what'd I miss."
"That's it. That's the only move I got." Florida Man said with a shrug.
"You guys are hopeless. No wonder I'm the only one in a relationship." Colono complained before turning to Tommy. "Tommy don't listen to them they are all going to die alone."
"Fuck ya too!
"That was rude….but true."
"Women, they love romance. You can sweep a woman off her feet just by words. Just watch my example gentlemen." Colono said as he sauntered out the door to Flo Cane who was watching tv.
"Oh there she is mi amor. I was looking everywhere for you." He said sliding next to her.
"What is it? On no! Are you having issues again? Is the burning back? Have you been taking your meds? Do I need to call the Dr for you again?"
"What!?! No! That's not it!" Colono said in a panic as the sound of laughter came from around the corner.
"Hey don't listen to them. You know stress makes it worse." Flo comforted.
"It's not that!" Colono said frustrated.
"Are you sure? I know how cranky you get when you forget to take your meds."
"I'm not cranky!" Colono yelled as he stormed off.
"I'm making you an appointment just to be sure! I know you are scared of making phone calls." She shouted after him as he stormed off.
The other guys were currently in a huge pile on the floor in total hysterics none of them were able to stand. It took almost 10mins for them to calm down to breathe.
Finally collecting himself Tommy stood up straightening out his clothes. After all that advice he had finally figured it out. He knew what he had to do. Mustering up all the courage he could he moved forward before he could chicken out.
"Where are you going?" Florida Man asked as Tommy made his way outside.
"I'm going to do what I need to." He said walking out into the back yard where the girls currently huddled together talking about how weird the morning had been.
"Hello ladies. Can I talk to Beth alone please?" He asked.
Suddenly a lot made sense as they gave each other a knowing look.
"She's all yours." Whitley said with a l knowing smirk.
Silence still overcame the 2 as they sat there totally obvious to the group of 8 peering around the corner.
"What did you want to talk about?" Beth asked looking over slightly confused about what had been going on. From what she heard it's been a very confusing day.
"I…..I…." He took a deep breath before blurting out quickly. "I think you're absolutely gorgeous and would you like to get coffee with me?"
It took Beth a moment to even figure out what he had said and then another for it to really register.
"You, you think I'm pretty?" She said shocked no one had said anything like that before.
"Gorgeous actually." He said his face was burning red. "Look if I offended you, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"Yes." She cut him off.
"I would love to get coffee with you." She said as a big smile crossed her face.
"Ok when?"
"Now?" She suggested.
"Sounds great." He said getting up offering his hand to her. "I know a great place."
They both walked right past the group of the gawkers so invested in their conversation they didn't even seem to notice.
"Oh my God that is the sweetest thing I've ever seen!" Whitley gushed.
"Guys are never that romantic. She's so lucky." Flo said wistfully.
"Man I wish I could find someone who thinks like that." Ellis mused.
"Yeah it was pretty nice." Bab said in her bored Bab tone.
"Are ya fucking kidding me right now!?!" Australian said, throwing his hands up in the air as he stormed back inside.
"Seriously? That? That's it? Thats romantic?" Colono complained following behind.
"Wow guy did have some skills after all." Florida said patting Tim on the back sympathetically as Tim mumbled to himself annoyed.
"What's their problem?" Bab asked.
"Men are weird." Whitley said all the other girls nodded in agreement.
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bishreview · 4 years
Track by Track Review - Hottest 100 2020
Wrote this article a little bit ago just for fun. Decided to post it on here with the thought of maybe getting back to the Bish Review. Also, put an asterix next to my votes (songs that made my top 10). Anyway, here we go:
100. Kool - BENEE
One of the many gems from ‘Hey u x’. Unlucky to hear her biggest hit so early on.
99. Itch - Hockey Dad
I thought ‘Brain Candy’ was a little bit of a disappointment, but Itch was one of the strongest tracks they duo have released.
98. Your Man - Joji
Surprised to hear this track in the countdown. Pretty solid tune though
97. Audacity (feat. Headie One) - Stormzy
He’s still one of the best from the UK rap scene and this track shows why.
96. Germaphobe - Hockey Dad
One of the weaker tracks, I thought, off Brain Candy, but not surprised a lot of Hockey Dad fans liked this one. Definitely plays into their audience’s taste.
95. Loose Ends (feat. G Flip) - Illy
I do not like Aussie Hip Pop. This track is not an exception.
94. Rain (feat. Tay Keith) - Aitch and AJ Tracey
The piano in this is very ‘Humble’ - Kendrick Lamar. Still a banger though.
93. Lemonade (feat. Gunna, Don Toliver and NAV) - Internet Money
Bit of a forgettable track. It’s okay, but feels like there’s a lot better like this out there.
92. These Days - Thelma Plum
First cover of the countdown. Still one of the best Hottest 100 number ones, and Thelma does it justice.
91. Charlie - Bugs
Second cover of the countdown. I do like this but I feel it doesn’t reach the same heights as the original.
90. No Time To Die - Billie Eilish
A little expected from Eilish but still a solid Bond song (the second in history to make it).
89. In Her Eyes - The Jungle Giants
I cannot wait for the new Jungle Giants album. They’ve gotten better and better with each release.
88. Heart Attack (feat. lau.ra) - BRONSON*
I fell deeply in love with this song the second I heard it. It just has this quiet yet strong emotion behind it. The production on it is something else as well.
87. Three Leaf Clover - Teenage Joans
A really solid debut single by the Unearthed High winners. Can’t wait to hear more from them. 
86. Laugh Now Cry Now (feat. Lil Durk) - Drake
I still don’t get the hype for Drake. The falsetto “baby” in the chorus also never ceases to make me laugh.
85. Too Tough Terry - Dune Rats
Dunies slow descent from mature stoner pop to edgy tracks for teens has been hard to watch. This song just seems like a parody of the band. 
84. Chicken Tenders - Dominic Fike
Has to be the sexiest song about the best thing in the frozen food section at the supermarket. Pity the album didn’t live up to the hype.
83. Down For You - Cosmo’s Midnight and Ruel
I was really keen for this once I heard about the collaboration between the two. Unfortunately it felt a little too much like a Ruel song and it doesn’t really feel like Cosmo’s Midnight had much of a touch on it.
82. The Clap - The Chats
It’s a bit generic for The Chats but I just like hearing them get more popular. Just hilarious dudes. 
81. Weightless - Spacey Jane
One of the stronger and more unique tracks on Sunlight. The synth touches really suit the band.
80. Freaks - FISHER
Cannot wait for FISHER to just slowly fade away. His tracks all sound the same and are so basic. 
79. my future - Billie Eilish
One of the best tracks Eilish has released. Love how this just turns halfway through from a really soft ballad to a bit of an electro pop song.
78. Lady Marmalade - G Flip
It’s a nice cover. The video of G Flip performing it though is really fun.
77. House Arrest - Sofi Tukker and Gorgon City
This song bangs pretty hard. I like a lot of Sofi Tukker have really been putting out some solid stuff.
76. Baby It’s You - London Grammar
This is a great track, that synth in the chorus is heavenly.
75. Photo ID - Remi Wolf
I do like this song but it reminds me of a track from the 80s or 90s and I can’t put my finger on what that track is.
74. Scream Drive Faster - LAUREL
When I first heard this I thought Ladyhawke was back in the mainstream. Little disappointed it wasn’t, but this slaps.
73. Don’t Need You - Genesis Owusu*
Possibly the best chorus of the year. Owusu has stepped up massively in the Australian Hip Hop scene. 
72. Way Down - Ocean Alley
Ocean Alley have plateaued. ‘Lonely Diamond’ just felt like the band had become comfortable. 
71. Obey - Bring Me The Horizon and YUNGBLUD
I just can’t take BMTH seriously anymore. They’re music has become so comically edgy.
70. Low - Chet Faker
Hey look, Nick Murphy has become Chet Faker again. Don’t know why he changes between the two when one is just slightly more soulful than the other, but he does release nice tunes.
69. Second - Hope D
I do like this female, Aussie version of Jamie T. It’s a really nice track. Also the number 69 is claimed by Hope D. haha.
68. Lie to Me - Vera Blue
I don’t know what it is exactly, but there’s something about Vera which just puts her on a different level than her counterparts. She’s just that consistently good.
67. Boss Bitch - Doja Cat
This track doesn’t get old for me. It’s so much fun, and Doja Cat owns it. Love it.
66. Fantasising - Skegss
This track really does have a very “Three Leaf Clover” vibe. I have enjoyed Skegss in the past but their new stuff hasn’t captured my attention really. Seems a bit run of the mill. 
65. C’MON (feat. Travis Barker) - Amy Shark
I actually don’t mind this song, but why does it feature Travis Barker. It’s a piano ballad featuring a punk drummer, and he really doesn’t do that much. I’m confused, was he jealous of Mark Hoppus?
64. Soak Me In Bleach - The Amity Affliction
The song title reflects my thoughts when I hear that The Amity Affliction have released a new one. There are so many better Aussie metal bands out there.
63. Day & Age - Ball Park Music
BPM have a knack for writing amazing ballads. I wasn’t huge on their latest album, but tracks like this continue me having them in my good books. 
62. Run - Joji
One of the best tracks Joji has released. A really mature song for the artist and a step in the right direction for him. 
61. Pretty Grim - Ruby Fields
Ruby is good, but I feel she’s starting to release the same song over and over. Need something fresh.
60. Go (feat. Juice WRLD) - The Kid LAROI
Probably the strongest track by The Kid LAROI, but Juice WRLD outshines him just due to his vocal tone. He just sounds better.
59. Gimme Love - Joji
And that’s three for Joji. I really like how this song has two distinct sections and both are solid without overshadowing the other. 
58. Fly Away - Tones and I
I still don’t get why Tones and I puts on that fake accent in her songs. It just detracts from what could be a nice pop song.
57. Sobercoaster - Beddy Rays
Really didn’t expect this to get so high. I’m happy though because it’s a really fun song.
56. On The Line - San Cisco
Tracks like this keep me invested in San Cisco. They can really release some brilliant stuff.
55. I Think You’re Great - Alex The Astronaut
The fine line between overly chessy and adorably optimistic is what Alex walks on with every track. I think this falls on the former side sadly. 
54. Blue - Eiffel 65 (Flume Remix)
The fact that Flume puts so much of his identity into this remix is why Flume has been one of the most successful Aussie acts this past decade. 
53. In Your Eyes - The Weeknd
If The Weeknd release ‘Blinding Lights’ a month later I’d believe that he would take out this countdown. He didn’t though and instead we are left with this solid track in the bottom 50.
52. The Glow - DMA’s
Why? Why did DMA’s have to get so poppy and generic. I loved their first two album, but I struggled to get through the third.
51. Your Love (Déjà Vu) - Glass Animals
Out of the three big hits the band had in 2020, this is the most underrated. There is so much going on here, yet it never feels muddled. Wavey Davey on fire here.
50. Nothing To Love About Love - Peking Duk and The Wombats
Although this is a nice song, there’s been so many 80s electro pop throwbacks recently that have been done better that this collab just fades into the background.
49. Wishing Well - Juice WRLD
This song is so beautiful and heart-breaking. Really shows why Juice WRLD became such a beloved artist so quickly.
48. Ain’t It Different (feat. AJ Tracey and Stormzy) - Headie One
This is a really cool collab. They use the Red Hot Chili Peppers sample so well and really flow so well with it that it feels almost effortless.
47. Animals - Architects
I like a lot about this track, but the chorus really hits another level. Feels cathartic to scream along to.
46. Pretty Lady - Tash Sultana
Was hoping Tash would move into a more psychedelic direction with their newer stuff, but this is still a fine track.
45. as long as you care - Ruel
A pretty by the books Ruel song, but he really does this style so well.
44. You & I - G Flip
Probably G Flips strongest release this year. The chorus has a lot of flavour.
43. together - Ziggy Alberts
Generic acoustic track by generic Byron Bay artist. He really took the cake this year for dumbest comparison, when he compared wearing a face mask to the holocaust. Thought he’d suffer a bit for it, but apparently his fanbase grew stronger.
42. WHATS POPPIN - Jack Harlow
Jack Harlow is just so much fun. He’s killing it, and WHATS POPPIN is proof of that. Keep the bangers coming Harlow.
41. I Still Dream About You - The Smith Street Band
I felt I was growing out of The Smith Street Band, their newer music just not resonating to me. Then they drop this and make me a big fan again.
40. Come & Go (with Marshmello) - Juice WRLD
Just that chorus. It is so enjoyable. He really was going places.
39. Righteous - Juice WRLD
A back to back, and from one of the more exciting songs on the album we get to one of the more sombre tracks. Everything from the guitar, the vocals, those synth notes. . . this track is just a perfect send off for the artist. R.I.P. Juice.
38. Parasite Eve - Bring Me The Horizon
This song is so unironically cringe and edgy that it somehow becomes ironically fun. It does the full circle.
37. SO DONE - The Kid LAROI
I do like The Kid LAROI, but his vocals on this, combined with the lyrics, just make him sound like a child chucking a temper tantrum. It does make me laugh though.
36. forget me too (feat. Halsey) - Machine Gun Kelly
If this song was released in the early 00s (where it belongs), it would’ve faded into oblivion. At least Halsey sounds pretty solid on her verse though.
35. Running Red Lights (feat. Rivers Cuomo & Pink Siifu) - The Avalanches*
My personal number one for the year. This song has that melancholic, nostalgic feel to it that just hits home every time. Also one of Cuomo’s strongest vocal performances.
34. Everybody Rise - Amy Shark
This song is fine. I wouldn’t go out of my way to listen to it, but it’s fun to sing-a-long to. 
33. Breathe Deeper - Tame Impala
One of the best tracks from The Slow Rush. I love that piano motif throughout, and the bass is so funky. That weird bridge section towards the end is also pretty slick.
32. Criminals - DMA’s
The real criminals are the ones who told DMA’s this was a good idea. I just can’t get around their new stuff. I miss ‘Hill’s End’ and ‘For Now’.
31. Reasons - San Cisco
Tracks like this keep me from becoming a full time fan of San Cisco. They can really release some average stuff.
30. Bagi-la-m Bargan (feat. Fred Leone) - Birdz
Powerful. Birdz really took it to another level here.
29. Dribble - Sycco
Although I find there’s a lot of similar stuff out there, I think Sycco does sound like an original voice in the Australian music scene. She’s killing it.
28. Straightfaced - Spacey Jane
Although there was a lot of good stuff on Spacey Jane’s debut album, I found it to be quite repetitive. This track was one of the ones that I found to fade into the background instead of standing out. 
27. Under the Thunder - Skegss
I really want to like Skegss, they’ve released some great tunes in the past. But this just doesn’t do it for me. It’s just boring. 
26. No Plans To Make Plans - Lime Cordiale
Everything that makes new The Rubens tracks so average is presented here on a Lime Cordiale track. Obnoxiously quirky.
25. Reality Check Please - Lime Cordiale
Hey back to back Lime Cordiale tracks. And another one of their weaker ones. ‘Addicted to the Sunshine’ did this chorus better.
24. Blue World - Mac Miller
Didn’t expect this to make it so high but so well deserved. This song slaps hard but still continues the tragic story that is presented on his posthumous album ‘Circles’.
23. Good News - Mac Miller*
Back to back Mac! To be honest, I am close to tears every time this track plays. If only the lyrics “there's a whole lot more for me waiting/I know maybe I'm too late, I could make it there some other time/Then I'll finally discover/That it ain't that bad” were told to Mac before his passing, because he did have so much more to offer. R.I.P. Mac.
22. Complicated - Eves Karydas
This song is so good. I’ve heard it that many times but it still hasn’t lost its shine. So damn good.
21. Energy - KLP and Stace Cadet
I was really hoping this would crack top 20. Probably the best Dance track of the year. Such a jam.
20. Addicted To The Sunshine - Lime Cordiale
Despite thinking that ‘14 Steps To A Better Living’ didn’t have many new tracks that were that good on it, this one is nice. It’s just a pleasantly nice song.
19. You Should Be Sad - Halsey
I really don’t like Pop Country music but I also find it hilarious that the genre cracked the top 20. ‘09 Taylor Swift would be proud.
18. Tangerine - Glass Animals
With Tik Tok exploding in 2020 I don’t get how this didn’t get adopted by someone on it. It’s so primed to get hyped on it. 
17. Is It True - Tame Impala
I think Kevin Parker’s vocals on this are underwhelming, but that might just be because the instrumental slaps that hard. The rhythm section is so tight.
16. Screw Loose - Lime Cordiale
This sound is what Lime Cordiale do best. We need more dub influence and less elevator pop influence.
15. Skin - Spacey Jane
No matter what you think about Spacey Jane, they sure do make some emotional tracks. One of the most powerful songs on Sunlight.
14. Tombstone - Ocean Alley
The verses are average and pretty bland but the chorus is amazing. Just don’t think the album resonated with me too much, and Tombstone is another mixed track off it.
13. Rockstar - Mallrat
Possibly Mallrat’s best song yet. Her laid back, relaxed style mixed with the low-fi production really meshes well.
12. Get on the Beers (feat. Dan Andrews) - Mashd N Kutcher 
I’m not going to pretend this is my style, but the way this has resonated with Australians during lockdown last year makes the track way smarter than it deserves to be. It’s both ironically and unironically good.
11. On Our Own - Lime Cordiale
I’m happy the three best new tracks of Lime Cordiale’s debut were the highest placing in this countdown. This really is a nice song.
10. Therefore I Am - Billie Eilish
Not my favourite songs from Billie but she continues to be consistently good. The production on this is immense as well.
9. I’m Good? - Hilltop Hoods
I wish old school Hilltop could hear this so could prevent themselves every going this direction. Aussie Hip Pop is not a good genre. This is one of their worst tracks yet.
8. Sending Me Ur Loving - The Jungle Giants*
This song has so much flavour too it. It’s so funky and fun and the production is so tight. Also the guitar work is underrated here, not doing much but adding that icing on the cake.
7. Hyperfine - G Flip
Every time I hear this track (and I’ve heard it a lot) I completely forget about it a couple minutes later. G Flip is good, but this is forgettable.
6. WAP (feat. Megan Thee Stallion) - Cardi B
I understand if this isn’t your style, but I love it. I don’t think there’s ever been a song with so many quotable moments. Every line makes a statement that will get in your head. My personal favourite? “ I let him taste it, now he diabetic”.
5. Lost In Yesterday - Tame Impala
There’s a lot of songs on ‘The Slow Rush’ I like, but Lost In Yesterday I’ve always found kinda boring. It feels a little uninspired. Surprised that this was the album’s big hit.
4. Cherub - Ball Park Music*
BPM have released some great music over the decade but I think this is their best yet. It’s beautiful, emotional and has a fantastic, cathartic breakdown at the end. I love a good build up. 
3. The Difference (feat. Toro y Moi) - Flume*
Everything about this track is why Flume has been so great for so long. This track is great for any situation. If I’m partying, I play it. If I’m relaxing, I play it. If I’m getting pumped up, I play it. If I’m sad, I play it. Flexibility matters.
2. Booster Seat - Spacey Jane
OHHH-OH-OHHHHHHHH AND IT FEELS LIKE THAT AGAIN! One of the best sing-a-long tracks of the year, yet massively emotional. Like damn this song is rough.
1. Heat Waves - Glass Animals*
If I had one word to express how I feel about this winning I would say “deserved”. Not many tracks were as perfect for 2020 as this one. Glass Animals love writing absolute bangers with emotional cores and this one is one of their strongest tracks. Glass Animals just continue to outdo themselves.
That’s it for now, gonna maybe start posting again. I dunno. See how I feel. Ta-ta.
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riikiblr · 3 years
B!!! Guess what-
Jake kissing your temple and whispering "I love you" in your ear as he wraps his arms around you
im in online class & i just let out a pretty loud squeal OH MY GOD-
no but, rain, hear this
jake singing u a lullaby in english w his groggy, half awake voice (may i add w his aussie accent) bc you cant sleep & his arms are wrapped around your waist.
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