#you've no idea how hard it was to not list DEATH for all five
heartofspells · 2 years
5 Things
Five things you might find in a story of mine - thanks for the tags @msalexwp and @tracingpatternswrites!
(and i am sweating)
1 - Heavy angst 2 - Dark/real life themes 3 - Character death 😬 4 - Too many metaphors 5 - Banter/bickering
No idea who's done this yet, so apologies for any repeat tags.
@spikybanana @sweetpeasandlilies @demidreamer @givemetherapyimawritingtravesty @in-flvx
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oliversrarebooks · 10 months
The Rare Bookseller Part 31: Fitz's Showtime
June 1905
TW: mind control, captivity, hypnotic induction
Fitz wasn't one for making plans, normally trusting in his ability to wing his way through any situation life threw at him. That approach had worked well enough until it had ended up with him imprisoned in a vampires' auction house.
Over the past few days, he'd already suffered what was practically a fate worse than death: being left with nothing to do but stew in his own mind. His treacherous brain had helpfully supplied an exhaustive list of every mistake he'd made along the way to end up here, and all of the ways he could have avoided this fate now that it was too late.
But with his cell neighbors unresponsive -- and he didn't want to think too hard about how that might have come about -- there wasn't anything at all to occupy him apart from meals and sleep. The meals were surprisingly generous and varied, and Fitz supposed that if they really were vampires, they must be fattening him up the way you would a prized pig. Sleep was less generous, as the pitch blackness, complete silence, stiff cot, and vampire guards all conspired to make him uneasy.
So he had plenty of time to think of how he would approach it when Lily came for his mind. Now, he'd ended up in a plush, too-comfortable chair, facing down the vampire who'd captured him.
He wasn't even tied down. He'd been nothing but ingratiating towards the vampires the whole time he'd been here. Lily had made it beyond obvious that he wasn't going to escape through strength or speed, and on his first night, he personally witnessed an angry, cursing, struggling man being dragged away and coming back a hollow shell.
No, that sort of struggle was pointless. He could instead bide his time. Be friendly and charming. Hope that someone would let their guard down or give him a special privilege. He'd have an easier time of it and more opportunities to free himself. At least, that was the theory.
Of course, all of that was for naught if he were actually put deep under whatever mesmeric spell they were using to keep the other captives still and silent.
He knew very well now that Lily was capable of it. He also knew that simply resisting would not do -- little chance they would give up and let him go instead of trying over and over again until he was broken. No, the only thing to do would be to play along, pretend to be under her spell, and hope he could keep the spell from touching him in truth. The longest of long shots, but he didn't have a better idea.
"So I hear you've been on your best behavior," said Lily with a smug smile. "Joking around with the blood grader and everything."
Fitz lounged in the chair as though his existence weren't on the line. "I wouldn't dream of being rude to a man who calls my blood special grade A fancy."
"And here I worried you might be trouble. But it seems you do know your place, better than you think," said Lily. "That's why I have a proposition for you."
"If it's another five dollar bet, I'm going to have to respectfully pass on that."
"Oh, no, nothing like that," she said, amused. "As I told you before, I'd like to sell you to a friend with deep pockets and a soft heart. I think he will appreciate you. The less you resist the conditioning, the more I can allow you to keep that wit of yours. That works out for both of us, doesn't it?"
"Oh, yes, just peachy," he said. She couldn't possibly think he was daft enough to trust her a second time, not when she held all the cards.
"I know you don't believe me, but it's actually a great deal for you. You'd live in a mansion and have an easy life, all in exchange for just a bit of blood." Her words were honeyed, and Fitz could practically feel them worming their way into his mind. "You won't have to be Fitzwilliam de Hastings, disgraceful and useless third son of the de Hastings shipping conglomerate. You won't have to be Phantom Fitz, scraping and clawing for fame with your little magic tricks. You can just be Fitz. Loved. Wanted. Cherished."
If only any of that were true. If only it weren't just a trick to soften his mind and get him to accept a vampiric master, one who would "love" and "cherish" him the same way he might "cherish" a fine bottle of wine.
"As intriguing as all of that is, and as flattered as I am by those lovely descriptions of me, I'm going to have to decline your offer," he said with a tight smile.
Her own smile turned predatory. "You haven't really given me a chance to persuade you."
"I think I've heard --"
"Have you, though? Or have you been half paying attention while focused all on yourself?" she said, leaning in closer. "Here I am, my entire focus centered on you, and you aren't repaying the favor. Why don't you focus, Fitz? Why don't you relax?"
There was no doubt she was exerting her power this time. Fitz could feel the magnetic pull of it. This was it, this was showtime -- the moment he had to somehow convince her that he was being enthralled, without actually falling. He couldn't make it seem too sudden or she wouldn't buy it. What should he do? Should he be visibly affected by what she just did? But he'd hesitated and --
"You think too much," she said. "I'm going to need to stop that first. Slow and soothe your mind, make it so hard to think that you just give in and listen. Look where all your thinking and scheming has gotten you. Won't it feel so much nicer not to do that?"
He nodded, with a bit of hesitation, widening his eyes, playacting that her mesmerism was taking him down once more. Lily was good at luring a mark, but so was he. 
"Yes, isn't that easy?" she said, amused. "Just let my words soothe you so you can listen. It'll feel so good when those racing thoughts slow down. We both know it's inevitable, so why keep searching for an escape that won't come? Why not take the easy and pleasant path?"
"Because, as I told you before, I don't care to be a vampire's convenient lunch box," he said, making sure to slow his voice and lace it with doubt. The more she thought he was falling, the more careless she would be.
"It's so cute to watch your thoughts turn in your head. I can practically see them, dear. I can see that machinery working those threads of thought, weaving them together into plans and fears and witty little comments. I can see all the weaknesses in those gears, all the places where they can easily be slowed. Can you see it?"
"Hm?" he said, caught off guard, not sure how he should respond to that one. Did she suspect what he was up to? Of course she might, she might've mesmerized hundreds of people for all he knew, and he surely wasn't the first to think of pretending.
But that didn't mean she was always successful. Of course she claimed that she was. That was an important part of the confidence game; he would've done the same in her shoes. But for all he knew, her actual success rate was poor. Surely he wouldn't be the first to fool her. After all...
After all, he was...
Fitz blinked, trying to remember the end to that thought.
"...you don't even need to listen as your mind slowly drains of its cares and worries... so relaxed... so comfortable..."
He shook himself in mild alarm. She'd been talking this whole time and he'd zoned out thinking and hadn't kept up his act. He arranged his face into what he hoped was a convincingly dazed expression.
"How are you feeling, Fitz?" she asked.
"...Good," he said, an answer that seemed safe, as he wasn't quite sure how she expected him to feel. 
"Good," she repeated. "Isn't this nice? Having someone's full attention on you without having to fight to earn it? Isn't it nice to be so wanted?"
His brow furrowed. "Well..."
"That's how it's going to be from now on. No more fight for attention, no more fight for approval, no more fight for survival. You'll have your needs taken care of and overflowing praise to boot. Just like you crave, deep down."
Oh, she was good. Good enough to make his chest ache with the thought of what she was offering. If only...
"You're going to be the best thrall, Fitz. I've never seen anyone as delectable, handsome, and charming, with such an intoxicating scent. You'll have your vampire eating out of the palm of your hand -- literally, perhaps."
Fitz blinked slowly, wondering how he should react to keep up the game, trying to ignore the warm sensations he got from the praise, no matter how manipulative and insincere "Do you think that cheap flattery will work on --"
"Look at me," she said, hooking a finger under his chin and gazing straight into his eyes. "You can see it, can't you? A future of being cherished and loved?"
"I --"
"Imagine a vampire who wants you, one who wants so badly to drink deep of your blood that he practically worships the ground you walk on. He'll want you always by his side, his beloved prize, protected and treasured."
It wasn't hard to imagine. It wasn't as if he hadn't thought about things like this on lonely, difficult nights. Something beyond sex and courtship. Intimacy. Comfort.
The kind of things that he hardly dared to think about for long, lest he feel their absence too keenly. The kind of things that were meant for those who had grown up wanted, who knew how to trust and let themselves fall in love. These delights weren't meant for the kind of person who wore a mask wherever he went and conned everyone he met.
"Just relax." She ran her fingers through his hair. "No more pain, no more struggle. No more struggle, now. No more struggle."
If any of this were true, it really wouldn't be so bad.
"No more struggle, no more fighting, no more resisting."
"I'm..." he mumbled. "I'm not..." He had to pretend that he was falling. He let his eyes blink so slowly.
"Oh, my dear, my Fitz, I know you aren't. You're doing such a good job right now."
His eyelids fluttered. "I am?"
"Yes, yes you are. You're doing such a good job. I told you, you're a natural. You're perfect."
He couldn't help but smile. That was good. She believed it was working.
"That's a good boy now. All you really want is approval, isn't it? For someone to see you and decide they're exactly what they need."
"You're going to have that, and all the praise and approval you could ever want," she said. "I promise."
He couldn't trust her, he remembered. This was all fake, just like every other time he'd been promised something. But he had to pretend that he believed. He was good at pretending. 
"That's right, you're good at pretending. You're doing such a good job pretending to go under for me, Fitz."
Fitz felt the relief wash over him. Thank goodness for that. He'd been so nervous about this the past few nights, trying to convince himself that he'd be just fine outsmarting a vampire and saving himself. 
Wait --
"It's okay!" Lily laughed. "It's okay, really. I know what you're up to. I expected that from you, of course. And I know what you fear. You fear being made mindless and docile like most of your cell-mates."
Fitz crushed down his panic. His plan wasn't working, his mind already felt hazy and sluggish from Lily's mesmerism, and now his worst nightmare might be about to come true. He'd spent so long escaping from a family where every little word and move was regimented, scrutinized, criticized, judged and punished. At least in those days he could escape into his head. Now, he'd be brought back to that place, with no recourse.
"...Yes, obviously, I fear that," he said, hating how vulnerable he sounded but not knowing what else to say. "Who wouldn't?"
"Who wouldn't?" she echoed. "But it doesn't matter, ultimately, because I've already given you a powerful hypnotic trigger the first time I had you in my thrall, and told you to forget it."
Adrenaline surged through him. "No, there's no way you --"
"Showtime, Fitz."
He only had one more brief moment to panic before his mind shut down entirely.
"...two, one, and wake. Come back to the land of the living now, Fitz."
He opened his eyes, feeling like he'd just awoken from a really refreshing nap. It took him a second to realize where he was and what had just happened to him, and all relaxation was immediately wiped out by his fear. Miss Lily had given him a hypnotic trigger, she must have erased his mind, he'd be nothing more than --
Except... he clearly wasn't.
"You..." He wasn't really sure how to approach this. "You didn't wipe my mind, sir."
"Did you want me to?" she asked with a grin.
"No! Absolutely not, sir," he said. "But you had me -- you knocked me out --" He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to make sense the overwhelming swirl of thoughts in his mind. Grateful that he still had an overwhelming swirl of thoughts in his mind. "What did you do, sir?"
"I made you obedient to vampires. I removed your ability to escape. And I made you crave our feedings. Nothing more, nothing less."
Fitz stared. It couldn't be that simple. Not that he was thrilled about the changes, but he had expected much more and much worse. 
But he didn't feel different. He was still capable of thought. He was still nervous. He could still remember who he was.
"If that's all you were going to do, sir... why did you bother with all of your setup? Why not just mesmerize me the moment I walked in?"
"Because mesmerism is a performance, dear Fitz. I thought that you of all humans would understand that," she said. 
Fitz could feel his eyebrow twitch.
"There's magic involved, of course, or it wouldn't take so strongly, but magic alone doesn't make me so effective at molding perfect thralls. Cold reading, misdirection, distraction -- all of these are critical to what I do. I needed your original plan to fail before I truly conditioned you, and I needed to plant the seeds that a vampire might cherish and accept you. The results speak for themselves, don't you think?"
"I'm not even sure I can tell what the results are, sir."
Fitz scowled. Was he really that obedient now? Did she actually make him "crave their feedings"? So he would just accept some bloodsucker gently tilting his head to expose his vulnerable neck... a wicked grin as sharp fangs grew closer... his mind growing hazy with pleasure...
"Oh, goddamn it, sir."
Miss Lily laughed. "Now do you see?"
It was a relief, in a way, that he could feel the results of the thrall now. That meant he could get a bead on what she'd done to him. "Yes, I'm afraid I do, sir -- hold on, you also made me call you 'sir', didn't you?"
"Any vampire. Yes. But you're allowed to say it as sarcastically as you want."
"Thank you for that most gracious allowance, sir."
"Oh, you're very welcome."
Part 30.5 >> Masterlist >> Part 32
Extras: Emily's Crayons Fitz in the Snow
Fitz's Volunteer Part One
Thank you for reading about Fitz.
@d-cs @latenightcupsofcoffee @thecyrulik @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @wanderinggoblin @whumpyourdamnpears @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are @pressedpenn @pigeonwhumps @amusedmuralist @xx-adam-xx @ivycloak @irregular-book @whumpsoda @mj-or-say10 @pokemaniacgemini @whumpshaped @whumpsday @morning-star-whump @shinyotachi @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @pirefyrelight @theauthorintraining-blog @whump-me-all-night-long @anonfromcanada @typewrittenfangs @tessellated-sunl1ght @cleverinsidejoke @abirbable @ichorousambrosia @a-formless-entity
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theresattrpgforthat · 7 months
Hello, thank you for all your hard work on recommendations! Do you know of any vampire games where being a vampire is NOT presented as a 'You are a horrible parasite clinging to humanity!' thing? And/or perhaps it is more about how humans are awful to vampires. Being non-crunchy is a bonus. It doesn't have to be light-hearted, I'd rather play something with a serious tone.
Theme: Alternative Vampires.
Hello friend, there’s a lot of really interesting vampire games out there! One of the most well-known is, of course, Vampire: The Masquerade, which you've possible heard about before, but I think is important to acknowledge when looking at many vampire games that have been created in the past. It's influenced the way a lot of roleplayers see vampires.
On the other hand, there's also a lot of work to change up how vampires are seen, and the BIPOC Vamp Jam is an excellent example of that. I think you'll recognize some of the games in this list from that jam!
Some of the games here are more serious than others, but I think there’s still some complex themes even within the games that don’t take themselves too seriously. I hope there’s something here that fits what you’re looking for!
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Bloodsucker Elegy, by Porcupine Publishing.
Tonight, everything falls apart. The place went up like a bonfire Black-clad mortals They know everything about us They know our names They know how to kill us
Bloodsucker Elegy is a compact (15pp) game for two or more players, about vampires on the night their world comes crashing down around them.
Intended for short-form play, Bloodsucker Elegy uses a diceless system that draws on ideas from the Vampire: the Masquerade spinoff video game Swansong.
A game about enduring the end of life as you know it, Bloodsucker Elegy gives you both human skills and supernatural powers to help you face your oncoming doom. Every time you do something supernatural, you must take 1 Hunger. Every time you use a human skill, you must spend Willpower. With no Willpower left, you’ll slip into a slumber resembling death. At 12 Hunger, you can feel your inner beast surface, your bloodlust take over. You can gain willpower by meditating and reduce hunger by feeding, but both are dangerous when you’re being hunted. If you want a game that pushes your characters and forces them to make heavy choices, this might be the game for you.
Thousand Year old Vampire, by timhutchings.
A creaking hunter among dust and cobwebs, you prowl the night places, seeking the souls on which you feed. You have done this since time immemorial, or so you believe; you have no memories of  living as a man-thing like those you catch and eat. But human traces linger; your fingers trace clever arabesques in the dirt of your grave-place and with the flourishes come whispered songs in a language you've forgotten. Far away, in a museum, hangs your portrait in oil by a master five hundred years dead--you might have been lovers but the diary you kept then is long lost.  
This is a solo game, meant for intimate and personal experiences. Thousand Year Old Vampire comes with a lot of high praise, meant to be powerful, emotional and thought provoking. You are a vampire, discovering and losing memories as you fill up your diary. This is a personal horror game, a game about losing pieces of yourself to the ravages of time. It’s received 3 awards from the Ennies, and also won the Indicade Tabletop Design Award in 2020. I think it’s probably worth checking out!
The Blood, by Falconian Productions.
Vampires are creatures of magic; how else do you explain the undead? It’s not some outside force’s pet project — vampirism is magic. An arcane force, The Blood, is what makes a vampire.
What is the Blood? It’s the fragment of power shared by every vampire in the world, and the conglomerate force made up of those segments. It's not a voice, or instinct, but… insight. The Blood shows you what you want, what It wants. It shows you the quickest and easiest ways to get to it.Then, it gives you what you need to act on it.
But your choices are always your own. Those that would do no wrong even in the face of temptation likely still won't as a vampire, but those that avoided wrongdoing only because they feared being caught, or lacked the means?
The Blood is a game about vampires as arcane creatures, an otherworldly force empowering their undead forms and providing them with magical potency. The powers attributed to vampires in stories and media are simply the spells that come most easily to them. It's about seeing how they balance their desire for power with the need for secrecy in the world, and about succumbing to or resisting the arcane desires their Blood inflicts on them. 
This is a game that feels like it draws quite a bit from the lore and allure of Vampire: the Masquerade. It gives your characters an internal struggle to wrestle with, gives you 10-sided dice to roll in dice pools, and counts a 7 or higher as a success. In this game, your character also has magical strengths and personal advantages or disadvantages - perhaps a certain kind of magic always comes easier to you, or perhaps you have a sworn enemy who is always on your tail. If you want a game about secrecy and struggle, this might be the game for you.
Dead Letter Society, by Rori Montford.
Live your best unlife as the newest member of the Dead Letter Society, an exclusive communication network for vampires. Pursue your ambitions, and question the Society's motives, in this journaling and epistolary game for 1-2 players.
Dead Letter Society is a journaling game where your letters drive the action. Choose your genre, build your world, and discover the joys of corresponding via a secret society with unknown motives. 
This is a slower and quieter game, for a much smaller group of people that happens over the course of writing various letters or journal entries. Using tarot cards, you’ll answer the questions that arise out of the course of your play (although it looks like you can use dice or other method of number generation if you like). The game is, at its core, about two vampires sharing a connection through a Society whose motives are… suspect. It looks like there are play-sets for various settings, and while I’m not sure exactly what your vampires’ position is in relation to humans, the fact that it’s meant to take place between 2 players (or by yourself) gives me a suspicion that your characters will be sympathetic, rather than monstrous.
Eat the Reich, by Rowan, Rook & Decard.
The year is 1943. You are a team of crack vampire commandos with one mission: drink all of Hitler's blood.
This over-the-top, ultraviolent game is designed to be played from beginning to end in one to three sessions of carnage, blood magic, meaningful flashbacks and hundreds upon hundreds of extremely dead fascists. It tells one story, it tells it loud, and it tells it brilliantly. Think Wolfenstein crossed with Danger 5 and you're not far off the mark. 
This is a game about punching up, and punching back. The designers are aiming for something that is over-the-top, messy, and violent, something that guides your characters through one big mission while providing the ability to flash-back to moments in WW2 that led your characters to this final moment. It’s meant to be big, bombastic and bloody - and it’s currently still in production. You can still pre-order it on the Kickstarter page, but if you want to learn more about it first, I recommend checking out this post by the authors, as well as the game v, which uses the same rule system to deliver a punchy one-shot experience.
Bloodbeam Badlands, by Viditya Voleti.
You have survived the apocalypse, and your worst nightmare has come true. The sun burns redder, brighter, and hotter, never setting - the Forever Dawn. The land has been irradiated and kissed by its strange sanguine rays, warping the world into a carnival for the strange and the supernatural.
Bloodbeam Badlands is a game for at least 2 players, including a Game Master (GM). It’s a game about vampires stuck surviving a post-apocalyptic world where the sun never sets, what it means to keep moving when the deck is stacked against you, the immortal facing mortality with every step. It’s also a game about being really cool vampires with cool vampire powers and cool magic guns going on rad adventures in a rad world filled with rad things. 
Characters in Bloodbeam Badlands have 3 Stats: Guts, Guile, and Guise that determine your capabilities and how many dice you roll, and 3 Sources: Blood, Bullets, and Burn which determine your state of being and what value you need to roll under. Managing your Sources as they fluctuate and playing to your strengths allows for a dynamic yet simple system! It’s the end of the world and your greatest enemy is able to kill you at all hours of the day.
A game of survival and plenty of character pieces that exist in threes, Bloodbeam Badlands hands you some cursed guns and powerful vampiric abilities and asks you to try and survive in a world where not just the humans, but the landscape wants to kill you. If you want a game about kicking desperation in the face and rad adventures, this might be the game for you.
The Sun’s Ransom, by pidj.
The Sun's Ransom is a poetic, tragic RPG where you play vampires determined to bring back the sun.
The world has gone dark and the mortals are consumed by the need for warmth, light and power. It is up to you, who do not need life or warmth or light or power, to ransom the sun, despite the cost. You must go against your vampiric nature and remember what brought Light and Joy to your mortal self. That is the blood-price for the sun.
This is a game that takes your resources away from you as you play. Your table will have the freedom to determine what kind of world you start in and what exactly the roles are for both mortals and vampires. This means that it’s up to you what kind of creatures vampires are, and how people see them! What you’ll struggle with is your doom - or to be more clear, the doom of the mortals around you.
When you begin play, you’ll place as many dice as can cover the sun that the game provides for you to print out. As you play, those dice will be removed - and the sun will come back, saving the mortals you fight for, and hurting you in the process. If you want a game of tragedy and sacrifice, I recommend this game.
Other Games I’ve Recommended
Blood and Sacrilege, by Tom Clark.
Vamp Camp!, by Sebastian Yue.
Bubblegum Vampires, by Gormengeist.
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Risky Business: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Summary: The repercussions of being in prison finally take a toll on you. You're yelling at everyone, short and curt, and you're in a constant state of wanting to cry. Will this bitter cycle ever end?
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Season Five Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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As soon as he is done at the hospital, the police station is exactly where Chris ends up at. You, Derek, and Spencer are talking to him in a private room but he isn't saying anything. He's nervously playing with his fingers which is enough to paint a pretty picture for you. The picture is of his dad with his hands around Chris' throat.
His dad's been hurting him. There's a reason why you don't like him.
"Christopher, we know you've been going through a lot since your mother died," Derek starts. "When bad things happen to us, we get frustrated, kid. Sometimes we act out and do things we're not proud of."
He's not engaging in the conversation. He can barely look at either one of you. It's almost Friday and you're not a single step closer to finding out who made the website. If he doesn't talk, people will play it and die. Hotch seems to think that as long as he's here, he can't post.
You have a sick feeling he's not the one monitoring that website.
Penelope immediately did a search for Chris and his family. It's not a shocker that he's a loner but it's a shock that he's moved three times since his mother died. His father cut off his peer support. Three new schools in two years. That's a lot of adjustment for one kid to have to make.
"I want you to know that we're going to be confiscating your computer," Spencer says. "Our analyst is going through all of it so we can uncover the truth."
"Sure you will," Chris scoffs. "Truth."
As you're talking to him, Penelope is trying to get into his computer but can't. He's got a segmented hard drive, serious firewalls, and major-league encryption. There is no reason for all that protection unless he is hiding something. That's why Chris isn't worried. He knows Pen can't get into it.
You look at the clock and see it's 12:01 AM. One minute into Friday, and the videos start piling into the website. Kids are still playing this game despite the warnings you gave. Chris isn't going to give anything up so the two men leave but you still stay seated across from him. He looks at you nervously and you cross one leg over the other.
"How long has your dad been choking you?" He leans back in his seat from shock. How the hell did you know that? He stutters out a response but it's nothing you can understand. "Has he always been this way? What about with your mom?"
If he wasn't going to answer questions before, he's certainly not going to answer them now. You get up and leave the room. Hotch wants Penelope to go in and try because if anyone will get him to talk, it's her.
"Hotch, his dad is choking him. He's hurting him. I saw it."
"Hi, I'm Penelope. Can I sit down?"
"You're the cop," he says sarcastically.
"Do I look like a cop to you?" she chuckles and sits.
"Yeah. What, you aren't?"
"No. FBI tech analyst. I just have some administrative cyber crud to go over with you. Just a geekette."
"Cool," he nods.
"You are glum. Time is a great healer."
"You have no idea how I feel."
"I lost my mom and my dad when I was about your age. I don't know. I think I have a pretty good idea of how you feel, and I felt totally alone. Till I found the netizens."
That means been there, done that.
"Hey, I'm not lying to you. It'll totally get better. BTW, I like your nails," she smiles.
"Thanks. You into goth?" he asks.
"You know, I don't think I'm supposed to be anymore, but the love is still there."
"So, you're FBI?"
"Yeah, I know. It's crazy, but I love it. I enjoy your earring, too. Where did you score that?"
"Ebay. It's supposed to be Johnny D.'s from that pirate movie."
"Most awesome," she smiles.
"She's good," Rossi says. "She established rapport when Morgan, Reid, and Y/N couldn't."
"We should bring her out all the time," Hotch chuckles.
"Okay, your whole PGP disc encryption system is like crazy impressive."
"Yeah, I'm into that kind of stuff," he smiles.
"Stuff? Dude, you do not understand. I am jealous. That is state-of-the-art technology the feeb does not have."
"Whatever," he waves her off but is smiling.
"Okay, how did you get your anonymizing service?"
"I got it from some link from some dude online. What do you care?"
"I just think it's uber cool how you set your whole system up. Like how you use an e-shredder to obliterate your net activity and a window wiper as your secondary trash eraser. Who does that?"
"Everybody does that."
You turn when you hear someone coming in angrily. Chris' father is here and he isn't happy you're talking to him without him. He demands to have his son back and Hotch is forced to give him back since you're not arresting his son. Plus, he's a minor. His father has every right to take him away from here.
"The interview's over. His father invoked," Hotch says to Penelope.
"I'm getting you a lawyer. I screwed up and failed you when your mother died. Not this time. Unless you people have something to charge him with, we're leaving."
Will takes his son away and you look at Hotch in disbelief. 
"You heard what I said and you're still letting them leave? He's hurting his child!"
"There's no evidence of that."
Anger flares in your chest but before you can say or do something stupid, you back away.
"Sir, I'm sorry, I tried," Penelope says.
"If he invokes, he invokes. Concentrate on cracking the encryption."
Everyone is sure Chris is the culprit so they dive deeper into his life while Penelope works on his computer.
"Judging by sheer volume, Christopher's mother was sick quite a bit. His father brought her into the ER repeatedly. She's described as being violently ill each time. She spends a couple of days in the ICU and makes a miraculous recovery only to be repeated time and again. No diagnosis, no discernable cause."
"There's another video going up," JJ announces.
"That's four kids playing in half an hour."
"How many kids go to this school?"
"Its catchment is the whole county. It's almost two thousand. Garcia, we really need to gain administrative access to the website. I've written down a number of things Christopher may have used as the password. I've already eliminated birthdays, holidays, pet names, and pop culture icons," Spencer says.
"No, there was something pathetic about him, not criminal. When he was leaving, he said he missed his mom. What's his mother's name?"
"Cynthia Summers."
Penelope tries her name and it gives her access.
"That's it. Alright, I'm logging in as an administrator and shutting down the main source, but kids are still posting videos through independent servers."
"Pull up the website history and see if you can learn anything from historical posts," Spencer says.
"Christopher's ER eval shows his bruises were caused by manual and ligature strangulation over time," Emily reads over his medical file. "He's also shown to have layered bruising on his sternum."
"It looks like a CPR artifact but there's no record of resuscitations."
"Wait, all these transmissions are transcripts of the same administrator?" Spencer asks Penelope.
"Yeah, there's only one handle."
"This is weird. In the posts, his voice changes. At times he's using more articles and more precise verbiage like he's trying to throw us off. That's pretty sophisticated behavior for a kid. A writer can disguise his own writing style to make himself appear younger or less educated."
"Yeah, but it's virtually impossible to pull off making yourself appear older and more educated than you actually are," Derek says.
"There are actually two distinct writing styles. Two writers using the same screen name--one teen and one adult. Christopher was being manipulated by an adult."
Hmm. I wonder who that can be. You roll your eyes and sit back in your chair while they come to the same conclusion you did half an hour ago.
"The mother's death is a textbook case of Munchausen by proxy. The kid has been choked and revived on multiple occasions."
"You said the father worked for the fire department, right?" Spencer asks Rhonda.
"Yeah, for a couple of months now.
"In what capacity?"
"As an EMT."
"That's our unsub. It's Chris' dad. He's been hurting his own son."
Everyone looks at you. You can choose to make some snarky comment about how they didn't listen to you again, or you can choose to be quiet. You choose the latter.
"So, the father poses as a classmate and invites local kids to join the game. He bumps up the stakes and encourages them to use their riskiest methods."
"He works on Friday nights," Rhonda says."
"Which means he gets called out to do the rescues. He's not just collecting video tapes. His Munchausen has evolved," Spencer says.
"I'll put out an APB for his truck."
"He'll have to find a place to download the videotapes. They're his trophies. After that, he'll clean up his mess."
"Christopher's the only witness against him."
Your team heads to Chris' house but of course, he and his father aren't there. After a quick search, you end up finding piles upon piles of discs from where Will saved every child that has died because of the game he created.
"There are dozens of discs here."
"I was right here. I never even looked around," Rhonda sighs guiltily.
"We only had consent for the laptop and he knew it was encrypted. We didn't have probable cause for a warrant. Mr. Summers didn't have a chance to come back and get his trophies. He'll definitely try to download the videos tonight."
"This kid was doing everything he could just to survive. The extreme abuse conditioned him to shield his father. When his father came into the room, he seemed genuinely relieved like his burden had been lifted. He was elated when his father rescued him. We need to rethink everything. Now, let's focus on the behavior. What's the pattern?" Hotch asks.
"Christopher knows his father's pattern. In his mind, it will never end unless Chris decides to end it."
You take out your phone, call Penelope, and put her on speakerphone.
"Pen, when you were talking to Chris, did he say anything to you to suggest that he was giving up?"
"Giving up?"
"Like he was trying to say goodbye."
"I don't understand."
"Did he give you anything?"
"Yeah. How did you know that?"
"What did he give you?"
"When we were talking, he gave me this pirate's earring."
"He's made up his mind. Suicide is the only victory over his sadistic father. He may also see it as reuniting with his mother. The father's going to want to download those videos from somewhere, Pen, and we have to stop that process."
"I'm already on that. I replaced the website with a phishing site. I'm downloading it to the servers now. When he logs onto that website, he's going to be rerouted to our server, and we can capture his information."
"Stay on that site, Garcia. It will buy us some time," Hotch says.
"Where are they headed?" Emily asks before the lightbulb goes off in her head. "Wait. What about the mother? It's all about the mother. Garcia, where is Cynthia buried?"
"Oaklawn Cemetery, halfway between here and Glenrock."
"Chris would willingly go there with his father thinking it's some sort of refugee, but Will still needs to download the videos. He needs a power source."
"There's a chapel," Rhonda says. "They use it for burials."
"Let's go. Garcia, we'll call you from the car," Hotch says.
You drive to the cemetery and spot Will's car right outside the place.
"Sir, Mr. Summers just logged on. He's caught in the phishing site."
"Is he downloading the files?"
"He's trying to but all he's gonna get is snow," Pen smirks.
You head into the chapel with the team with guns raised only to see Will with hands around his son's throat. It's safe to say that he doesn't get very far but Chris needs to be hospitalized after what his father did to him.
Without the distraction of a case, everyone is forced to think about you and how you've been behaving since getting out of prison. You never wanted to be the one to treat them badly. You're such a loving and kind soul that it kills you to hurt the ones you love.
"I'm sorry," you announce to everyone. "I'm sorry for what I said before." Two tears fall down your cheeks. "I'm not okay, and I'm trying but it's so hard. I didn't mean any of it." You look at Penelope who looks like she is about to cry with you. "I love how happy you are because I see such darkness every day. You are light." You look at Derek. "I appreciate your tough love because it helps me be a better person." You move on to Emily. "I love how you try so hard because that shows you care. I don't ever want to lose someone like you." You look at Rossi. "It's because of your experience that helps me. I'm going to make mistakes but I can always count on you to make things right. Prison did something to my mind. I want to be here for this team. I want to do my best..."
You can't even finish your sentence. Spencer reaches over and grabs your hand and you look at him with tears in your eyes.
"We're here for you just like you've always been here for us," JJ says.
"I'm trying, guys. I'm sorry."
"We know. You're doing your best and that's all we ever ask of you," Rossi says.
You're honestly so lucky to have people as amazing as the ones on your team. You don't know if you're going to be okay but you do know you have people to fall back on if you're not.
"Experience is a brutal teacher, but you learn. My god, do you learn." C.S. Lewis.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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Ooh how about 19 please? 😍
Absolutely! Also this made me check under my bed for cameras or you because I had in fact not eaten today because I am ill and hadn't psyched myself up to go make it, but I have since rectified that fact dfklgjdflkgjfd
ANYWAY, on with the prompt!
prompt list here!
19. “Have you eaten anything?”
It had been a long and hard week in Seattle for Beca. The call had come in the middle of the night, leaving her to scramble out of bed and hastily cram some clothes into a bag before heading to the airport.
Her mom was in an accident. It looked bad, really bad. Her aunt had told her that she had to get here just in case. So she did, she put all her flight anxiety to oneside and sat in the metal death tube for five and a half hours, flagged down a cab, and went straight to the hospital.
She got there just in time to say goodbye to her mom, sat squeezing her hand tightly as the life support machine was turned off, sobbing into her shoulder as she lost her mom for good.
As her next of kin, Beca now had to figure out what to do with all her mom's stuff, organise the funeral, inform the members of her family what had happened. She emailed her professors to explain she needed a few weeks off and they were thankfully very understanding, the Bellas had offered to drop everything and come out to help her but she turned them down. This was her responsibility, her mom, she had to sort this whole mess out.
"Have you eaten anything?"
Beca sniffed softly as she shook her head. She had been sat on the front porch of her childhood home, staring vacantly out at the street, barely noticing the chilly wind that bit at her skin. She had grown up in Seattle after all, she was used to this kind of cold.
"No. I'm not hungry."
There was a soft sigh from above her before the porch creaked next to her, turning her head slightly to look at the woman now sat beside her. Chloe gave her a small, sad smile, tucking a loose lock of hair behind Beca's ear. It was limp and a little greasy, Beca having been far too busy and lost in her grief to even entertain the idea of a shower since she'd arrived in Seattle.
"You need to eat Becs. You've barely had anything since you got here."
"I know." Beca swallowed thickly, subtly shifting closer to Chloe so she could rest her head on her shoulder, "But everything makes my stomach turn."
"You want to try some soup?" Chloe offered, winding her arm around Beca's shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze.
"Maybe." Beca nodded a little, "That could be nice."
They sat in silence for a few moments, Beca curling more into Chloe's embrace, slowly trying to get as close to her as possible. Chloe didn't mind, it was one of the reasons she had insisted on coming with Beca. She knew how difficult Beca found it to open to people, to be emotionally vulnerable with anyone, the only other person in the world that Beca would be this close too, figuratively or literally, was her mom.
"I don't want to go tomorrow." Beca's voice was thick as Chloe felt the side of her neck where her face was buried start to grow damp.
"I know baby..." Chloe sighed softly, rubbing small circles on Beca's back and kissing the crown of her head, "But you have to. You'd never forgive yourself if you missed the funeral."
"But if I go then it'll be real..." Beca whispered, "She'll really be gone Chlo, I... I don't want her to be gone, it's not fair."
"It's not." Chloe shook her head, feeling Beca start to shake as her gentle tears turn into sobs, "You're right, it's not fair that she's gone. I wish I could change it for you."
Beca didn't say anything for a while, simply sobbing in Chloe's embrace. Chloe stroked her hair, shushing her softly but letting her cry herself out. She hadn't cried since the hospital, and that had been five days ago. Beca was really good at bottling her emotions up until they exploded out at the wrong moment, and with a loss of this magnitude, if she crammed it all down it would destroy her. So Chloe would let her feel everything that she needed to, let her be angry or sad or irritated or tired, or even a combination of the above, and not take it to heart, because at the end of the day at least Beca was feeling something.
"I'm really glad you're here." Beca croaked as her sobs subsided, sitting up a little as she wiped at her face with her sleeve and resting her forehead against Chloe's, "I... I wouldn't be able to do this without you. Thank you for coming."
"Of course." Chloe smiled at her brushing her hair from her face again, "Even though you insisted on me staying at home?"
"Yeah." Beca managed a small grin in return, "I'm glad you didn't listen to me."
"C'mon." Chloe took Beca's hands in hers, gently encouraging her to her feet, "It's cold out here, your hands are turning red. Let's get you something to eat inside."
"Okay." Beca nodded, "Would you be mad if I said I wanted pizza and not soup?"
"No." Chloe grinned, arm around Beca's waist, "What made you want pizza instead?"
"Mom and I really like this place a few blocks away, they do these insanely good cheesy garlic knots." Beca shrugged a little, expression getting watery again, "I just... I thought it would nice to share that with you."
"That's really sweet Becs." Chloe beamed at her, "I'd like that."
"Cool." Beca swallowed thickly, eyes roaming over the familiar interior of the home she had grown up in, feeling that ache settle in her chest again, "I wish she got to meet you Chloe. She would've loved you."
"Me too." Chloe nodded sadly, "I never got to thank her for giving me you."
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How Many Hetalians Have I Killed In My Fanfics?
If there's anything that makes it hard to promote my own writing, aside from the length of the fics and the topic matters, it's the heavy death tolls.
Absorbing the Deck (18 deaths) and The Nefarious Mathilda Jones (25 deaths) really went to town with it, while my other three fics have toned it down to 1-2 deaths per story. However, I still have that inkling to write another mass-death story at some point.
That's why I figured that a little disclaimer about the death toll to attach to my profile's Fanfiction Masterlist would be a good idea. I went back through my (currently five) fanfics to see how many characters I've killed off and who's managed to live to the end of every story. The tallies are below the cut!
Some of the characters reference notes at the bottom for explanations. These notes WILL contain story spoilers, so read with caution!
Poland (Note 4)
Lithuania (Note 4)
Romania (Note 1)
Turkey (Note 1)
Netherlands (Note 1)
Jeanne d'Arc
Egypt (Note 1)
Greece (Note 1)
South Italy
Russia (Note 2)
Ukraine (Note 3)
Ancient Rome
Canada (Note 2)
Portugal (Note 1)
South Korea (Note 1)
North Italy
New Zealand
Hong Kong
Cuba (Note 1)
Note 1 - In Absorbing The Deck, these characters are mentioned as previous Deck Royals serving Hearts, Clubs or Diamonds. Their deaths are mentioned in passing for how and when the current set of Deck Royals came into power. As this is more background information than anything, these deaths do not count in the official death list.
Note 2 - Extreme major spoiler alert here for The Nefarious Mathilda Jones, their two deaths were 100% faked and therefore do not count. If you've read the story and still don't know how she survived that, the clues all come from the chapter before her sudden death. That previous death scene paints in excruciating detail what was for show versus what actually caused the death. Naturally, since she was still alive, they both escaped in time.
Note 3 - For The English Quixote, it is believed at the time of the story that she's been dead for 6 years. It's revealed later on that she's just magically comatose, and true love's kiss can wake her up again. Since she was not actually dead, this does not count on the death list.
Note 4 - Contrary to the past deaths not mattering in Absorbing the Deck, these two deaths many centuries prior to the main plot for Only Aces Remain do count. Tolys gets a whole chapter to tell his life story and narrate the events that led to both Feliks's death and his own execution for twelve (12) counts of regicide.
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kinardsevan · 20 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love
I have a hard time deciding which one I love more each day, so can't even list the first two with numbers, just alphabetically.
Empty Bones (AKA a set of empty bones) - the story THAT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE A STORY 🤣🤣🤣 I say it all the time, but seriously, I just was kinda wrapped up in this 'what if?' for a few days, and then people were just like "MORE PLS". So. Now it's probably gonna go like 25 chapters, given the pace it's being written at and how I see it panning out.
it's gonna be alright (piece by piece) - (also known as the aneurysm fic). Again. The story that wasn't supposed to be a story. I got a tumblr prompt with a few lines + "Buck having just had surgery" (or something like that)...and I was just really fascinated with the concept after that? Of how Buck and Tommy would navigate a serious health issue (that didn't have a quick solution) some time into their relationship. Also, it turns out heart issues are just fucking fascinating. (Coming from a psych major who's also fascinated by the brain and all that it can fuck off doing lol)
3. my PLL Never Forget You series - I was grieving the loss of a friend when I wrote these, and they might as well be diary entries for how I was dealing. It has some of my absolute favorite lines I've ever written in it.
i.e.: "You and Hardy--you live in ground zero. Ezra's death literally lives inside of you." ... "sometimes I feel like I'm standing in actual rubble, trying to pull the both of you out."
4. Never Til Now (Rolling Up The Welcome Mat) - I mean, I just wanted fluff and angst, as always, and I've always been taken by dual timelines. In my head, this story is going places. There's a reason for everything, we just haven't gotten there yet 🤣🤣
5. The Devil Doesn't Bargain - how does one make people love a minor character even more? they give that character an entire backstory and sooooo much trauma 🤣🤣🤣🤣
honestly though... I never had a huge plan for this idea. just like empty bones, I wrote up one chapter. it sat on my hard drive for a bit while I contemplated if people would even like it, and now it's a child of mine that I love dearly. I think I love this one (and empty bones) as much as I do because it continues to build on my need to believe that people can survive severe, complex traumas, heal, and go on to still lead full, fulfilling lives. (god, I hope so.)
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writeblrgarden · 4 months
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Meet Sparrow, who got tenth place in our grow a plant event in november! Sparrow goes by he/him, xe/xim, and it/its, and you can find them at @theglitchywriterboi. He also loves making potatoes and fries (please share). Xe has been writing for his whole life, primarily fantasy, but delving a bit into horror.
Tell us about the WIP you'd like to talk about today.
I'll be talking about Deaths Diner It's book one/five in a multiverse series. Four people who are living some how make their way into the waiting room [basically when you die, you go there, get sorted, go to your proper afterlife], so a few of the residents have to help them make it out alive. Unfortunately, 2/4 of the people needed to properly help them are unavailable. They have to find them before the 4 living die, w/o getting found out by the ruler of the land.
Describe your writing process. Do you like to plan everything or are you more spontaneous?
I have a loose idea of what I want to happen [sometimes it's as vague as "I want the end to be sad. Anything else, idk" & sometimes as much as I know the exact ending, but maybe not how to get there]. So mostly spontaneous w/ the occasional vague plan [though w/ The Obscure Ones series I do have a bit more of a specific idea, though not super planned out, there's still a decent amount of thought in it]
What have you found to be the most challenging and/or rewarding about writing?
All of it - it's easy to spit out words, but it's hard to make it good. Or at least good enough for me to want to share it & consider publishing. But the most rewarding part is having the final story there in front of me & seeing peoples reactions !!!
Below the read more is more of our conversation with Sparrow
What inspires you to write?
Other writers & my love for their stories & going "Omg I wanna make someone feel like this !!!" & also I just love seeing my ideas come to life
Share some advice for other writers.
Write for you !!! At least the first few drafts. Ofc listen to the feedback of your alpha &/or beta readers when the time comes, but when writing make a story YOU want to read, not a story you think will be on the NYT best seller list. It might be ofc, but don't try to make it [in the sense don't throw in things just to try & grab an audience, even if it doesn't work [or you don't actually like it. Make it good yeah, but don't try & hit all the popular book notes at the cost of the story making sense or you liking your own story]
What do consider your writing strength?
Idk personally, but I've been told people like the way I write characters & character dynamics
What has been the nicest compliment you've received or what has been the toughest criticism you've received?
One of my mutuals said this: "and your writing is so so cool. I mean to read more of it so please add me to your taglist because I really would love to see more! I just love the vibes of your wips, they're like grungy nostalgic kind of, and you really nail descriptions in such a cool way and your dialogue sounds hella real and flows so well. The settings are so cool they're so immersive and I haven't even read much but 👀👀👀👀👀" & it still makes me so !!!!
What do you love the most about writing?
The process - discovering what happens while writing it, meeting the characters while writing them.
✨ Sparrow also provided a link for a rough draft of xir wip, which you can read here!
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safic4-m · 2 years
🤍Am I in hell?
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Fem Lector
Author's note: Larissa deserved better honestly.
Word count: 1058
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~Master list~
You were in a race against time which you knew you were not going to win no matter how hard you tried you would not make it in time and that was what hurt you the most. The countdown on your wrist was getting closer and closer to the end and you were still far away from the academy, you had called the authorities warning them that something very serious had happened at Nevermore.
You didn't know the academy, so the only thing that guided you was your instinct and your heart, so when you arrived at the greenhouse it was impossible not to gasp when you saw her for the first time. She was a very beautiful and elegant woman, you could see at a glance that she was someone quite imposing but weak at the moment.
You ached for her loneliness, there was no one there to accompany her in these last moments of life, which you would make sure they weren't, because that's what you were there for. But it was useless, you had arrived too late, if only you had seen the mark before, she would not be dead in your arms.
You hadn't traveled all the way from the other side of the world just to have her die in your arms, by this point you didn't care what the consequences of your actions would be, you simply wanted to bring her back.
You take a deep breath as you get close to her lips you give her in the breath of life, nothing happened, you try again and things still don't change, you start to get frustrated that you can't bring her back, you feel your eyes fill with Tears as the pain in your chest gets stronger and stronger. Then you do it one last time, connecting your forehead to hers, you blow through her lips, taking all the air out of your lungs until there is no more.
Then the miracle happens Larissa wakes up suddenly while you lose consciousness falling into a sea of darkness happy that at least one of you can live.
Most people are afraid of dying, but not you, you had grown up between death and melancholy, you just saw it as normal. You had given your life in exchange for hers and honestly you couldn't be happier with your decision, she deserved to live longer than you should have.
You had never believed in the light at the end of the tunnel, but here you were following that light which was shining directly in your face.
-Am I in hell?- is the first thing you ask as you look at the ceiling of the place.
You hear the laughter of a woman and honestly it was the most heavenly and beautiful sound you had ever heard in all your life, you turn around looking for who it belongs to, finding nothing more and nothing less than the woman for whom you had done everything.
-If this isn't heaven, I don't know where I am,- you change your words, sitting down to admire the woman in front of you.
-I want to thank you for what you did for me,- she says giving you a smile.
-You don't have to, I just did the right thing,- losing yourself in her beautiful eyes.
-Do you have any idea how fucked up you are right now,- interrupts a woman in the room followed by her personal escort.
-Ahhggg,- you complain, dropping down on the bed, -I wish I had died.
-I wish you had, because they plan to prosecute you for breaking the rules and violating the treaty,- looking at you angrily at your actions, -and all for what, saving a school principal?
-That's right and I don't regret it,- showing her the belladonna flower on her wrist.
-That's impossible,- says the woman with astonishment, -When?
-I'm not sure, I realized it until I got home,- confronting your superior, -You've always said to fight for what's ours, haven't you?
-That won't get you out of this.
-I know, and I'm willing to face the consequences of my actions,- maintaining an upright posture.
-Are you sure?- nodding in response.-I banish you from your post and you will be denied entry to the sanctuary for the next five years.
-All right,- keeping your emotions at bay.
The woman leaves the room and you can't help but shatter your pillow, you had nothing, you had lost your home, the sanctuary was the only thing you knew and now you were helpless for the next 5 years. After your outburst you look at the woman and she reminded you why you had done all this.
-I'm sorry for that,- you apologize, avoiding her gaze.
-Why did you do it?- she asks curiously.
-I don't know- receiving a look of intrigue from her -appears to be something like a soul mate for me, my kind are born with marks on our wrists- showing the belladonna on yours -we can't look for the person until the countdown starts- remembering the race you made to get here.
-What happens if you don't make it in time?
-You die of melancholy
The woman stands there analyzing your words, sincerely she was surprised that you had done all this for her and apparently what the woman said turned out to be too important for you to accept all this to save her.
-Nothing has to happen if you don't want it to,- you clarify taking out the IV.
-It's not that, it's just that I can't believe you did all that for me.
-I've spent my whole life waiting to meet you, so I wouldn't let you leave this world,- motioning with your hand to retrieve your clothes.
His heart sinks to see you willing to leave, maybe you had only done this to save yourself.
-Are you leaving?- afraid of your answer
-For now, I have some business to take care of, but I'll be back... I promise.
He decides to try his luck and come closer to you, to press your lips against yours.
-What was that?- you ask amused, your cheek tinged with red.
-Just in case,- he says biting his lip.
It takes all your willpower not to kiss her and stay with her, but you were running late and if you wanted to have something with the woman, you had to solve this first.
-By the way, my name is Y/n,- you say giving her a smile.
-Larissa,- you reply before watching you leave.
Maybe the wait had been worth it after all.
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valandhirwriter · 10 months
20 Questions
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I came across this in @andordean blog and decided to invite myself to the party. As I have two Ao3 Accounts, my answers will list them as needed.
Taggig @do-androids-dream-ao3acc @regis-favorite-raven @lohrendrell @tumbleweedtech
How many works do you have on A03?
Valandhir: 11
Cardhwion: 40
What's your total A03 word count?
Valandhir: 1,249,377
Cardhwion: 644,842
What fandoms do you write for?
The Witcher, and Lord of the Rings. I would love to write for Star Wars, Dragon Age, Wheel of Time, but haven't gotten around to doing it yet. General Bel Riose brought the idea of Foundation writing on my to-do list.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Valandhir: Durin's Bane, The Twilight years, The heart of the journey
Cardhwion: Strange Blood, In my father's house
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, because I enjoy the conversation. But sometimes I forget, because there is too much going on, or I have no idea what I should reply.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Valandhir: Wishes are no horses or maybe Durin's Bane, the latter does only half-count because the next part, the Twilight Years changes something about the death at the end of Durin's Bane.
Cardhwion: In the darkest places, or maybe In my father's house. I just realise, I killed Eskel a lot.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Valandhir: The Heart of the Journey
Cardhwion: Song of the Dragon
Do you get hate on fics?
Do you write smut?
Sometimes, I need characters that have that dynamic and need to be in the mood.
Do you write crossovers?
Haven't yet, but do have some in mind.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
As English is my second language, I did translate the whole Raven's Blade series on my Valandhir account into German myself. But only posted two parts. Would need a beta to read over it, to ever post it full.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, with @do-androids-dream-ao3acc, titled "The Unforgiven"
What's your all-time favourite ship?
That's a hard one, I love so many ships, and am a passionate multi-shipper. So a real favourite is hard. Coën/Erland of Larvik comes close.
As far as the sheer hilarity is concerned nothing ever beat Henselt/His throne.
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Song of Stone on the Valandhir Account
What are your writing strengths?
Description and Detail I think
What are your writing weaknesses?
Emotions, romantic feeling
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Full dialogue I use rarely but having some arrogantly spit a line in Latin, or use a spell in Gaelic is fun.
First fandom you wrote for?
Three Musketeers
Favourite fic you've ever written?
The Raven's Blade series
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hergan416 · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
1. I do think that there is one thing that I have written that specifically stands out from the rest of it as kind of the best thing I have written while still being extremely "me." That is Lex Talionis. This was my solitary OP2020 bingo card fulfillment, for the square "temporary character death." It's katamar, starts with my brand of katamar violence/sex, and descends from there into something that honestly turned out even more gut punching than I had hoped. I remember @straycrayoncrypt being around on discord while I was writing it, and while I don't specifically recall the whole conversation, I know that my decision for the trajectory of the fic being as tragic as it turned out was directly tied to that conversation about who Katakuri is. I don't think I can ever manage that level of satisfactory angst again. I'm not sure I want to try. Contains explicit sexual content.
2. I also really like Intermediate Move, my 2022 YGOME gift fic for @millenni-em-tauk . This is another one where I just ended up very satisfied with many elements of the piece, but especially the ending. It's a Kaiba bros relationship fic from Mokuba's perspective....as an older adult who has a child and a divorce and who feels a little displaced in life. I had a very vivid idea of the scenes and setting and felt like I'd managed to hit on something meaningful with it. It was very fun to write.
3. It's odd how many prompt fics I'm adding here, but my DVOD gift to @kaibacorpintern last year, Heartsick, was also just really fun. The premise is that after Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions, Kaiba returns from Aaru with Atem. However, time went screwy, and over a decade has passed, landing them home in the middle of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Worse, Atem has forgotten all languages but Ancient Egyptian, and ends up sick and in isolation separate from Kaiba. I just really enjoyed the AU that I built and had a lot of fun with the premise. Writing Sugoroku was a blast, and I ended up with bonus content because Mokuba was really going through it, even if we didn't see it in the first part.
4. Left Alone I Will Break [Come Back To Me Brother] is just a pet fic of mine. Louis becomes a vampire after William dies of his fall into the Thames. Unable to die and share his fate as he has always wanted, Louis decides to resurrect William and force him to share in painful unlife. While the fic is basically just a snapshot into the necromancy ritual and a description of that premise, the tragedy of that premise is something that just grinds my gears. It just feels satisfying to me. I wish there was more of it without me having to spend time writing it. Contains explicit sexual content.
5. It's hard choosing my final slot. Part of me wants to select one of my One Piece character study fics, like Shared Nightmares (platonic lawbin) or Sanji's Respite (Law & Sanji). These are certainly safer recs than the self-indulgence I'm actually choosing. I re-read What Louis Wants an embarrassing amount. Not quite as often as I reread Silver's Cruel and Unusual Torture, but still quite a bit. I like moriarthree. I like moriarthree smut. I like Louis with sexual agency and desire. I do think considering my repitoire...its only honest to include at least one pwp fic on my list. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Contains explicit sexual content.
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laviejaguardia · 1 year
French viewing recs for you!
How I Became a Superhero - this is a super fun and creative little movie about how bonkers it would be if superpowers were real, if you're burned out on superheroes at all (understandable!) this might be refreshing
AKA - seemingly standard gritty action movie but wait! the main action guy has unexpected heartwarming dad vibes with the mafia boss's adorable young son!
The Takedown - action comedy starring the guy from Lupin
Lupin - you're probably already aware of this one, season 3 just dropped, super charming mystery thriller heist antics thing, the main character has a guest appearance in one of my fics
Jusqu'ici tout va bien | Thicker than Water - crime thriller with just a super compelling main character, she's a protective older sister who ends up an accidental druglord maybe? you'll recognize her boyfriend from Disorder
Into the Night - environmental disaster survivors thriller, political in ways that are sometimes clunky and sometimes really interesting, stressful to watch at times but highly recommend if you like that sort of thing
Le Bazar de la Charité | The Bonfire of Destiny and Les combattantes | Women at War - soapy period dramas
plus a bonus rec that's not in French but it's my very favorite of my non-English watching: Onisciente. Brazilian scifi mystery that's sort of a dystopia but remarkably upbeat? hard to describe but I love the main character so much, I feel like she and Nile would dig each other
also also! I haven't seen this one yet, just discovered it when I was looking up titles for these recs: Oxygen, a scifi thriller starring Booker's wife's namesake Mélanie Laurent
I'm all ears if you've got recs en español! <3333
Dirah!! Thank you so much!! These all sound very intriguing <3<3<3
How I became a superhero I think I watched it, or maybe started it at least lol AKA and The Takedown are def going on the list!!
LUPIN YEAH I love it haha I'm about to start the last episode of part 3 rn! Jusqu'ice tout va bien sounds interesting too (reminds me of La Haine which I doubt is a coincidence lol) Into The Night I actually started and abandoned :/ just didn't click at the time, can't say why. I'll keep Le Bazard and Les Combattantes in mind but I'm not super into soapy and period and drama together haha
I haven't heard of Onisciente but I WILL keep it in mind, it sounds great, and Oxygen sounds maddening lol
Hmm I find it hard to think of recs cause I have no idea where they might be available with English subs! I'll leave you some anyways
Nueve Reinas: A movie about an amateur conman and the mentor who decides to train him for a big strike. Set in the late 90s Argentina. It either won an Oscar or was nominated if you care about that sort of thing
Los Simuladores: TV series, also heist/conmen vibes, I've yelled about it a lot
Relatos Salvajes | Wild Tales: Five stories of violence set in different parts of Argentina, a dark comedy is how I'd best describe it
El Reino: Series, 2 seasons so far, A crime drama about an Evangelist presidential candidate with a murky background. Second season is more of a political drama but I haven't finished it yet!
Argentina, 1985: A drama following the attorney general who carried about the trials against the top leaders of the last dictatorship. Based on true events, not a lot of fun but in my opinion very well done. Also Oscar nominated. It's on Amazon Prime. In the same vein but fictional: La Historia Oficial
Un Cuento Perfecto: Spanish series, pure romcom very cute!
El Robo del Siglo: Heist movie based on a true story of a crew that robbed a bank. More of a comedy
Muerte en Buenos Aires | Death in Buenos Aires: crime-ish movie with very big homoerotic vibes, I really enjoyed it. Also, Chino Darín POR FAVOR QUE HERMOSO QUE ES
El Secreto De Sus Ojos | The Secret in Their Eyes: NOT the usamerican version with Jessica Chastain (why????), the argentinian one, deals with rape and murder so you gotta be ready for that
Just in general Almodóvar is a great filmaker though he likes a lot of shadier themes, his movies feature cheating, murder, incest, rape and etc. Guillermo del Toro's Laberinto del Fauno is vvv good if you want some fantasy! Sorry I went very argentinian on this but it's what I've seen the most haha and not a lot of action because we ain't got the budget akhdfñg
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spartanguard · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by my bestiest @optomisticgirl <3
how many works do you have on ao3?
what's your total ao3 word count?
what fandoms do you write for?
Just Once Upon a Time (although, technically, I have written one that incorporated enough of The Picture of Dorian Gray that it's listed in my fandoms)
what are your top five fics by kudos?
Something In The Water, Sick of Love, A Tall Tail, A Rose in the Deeps of my Heart, and To Trust Someone Else [kind of bummed that my fave got bumped out of my top 5!]
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
Not on AO3, because I'm weird and like to keep that comment count representative of actual comments. But I try to on tumblr to make sure people know I've seen and appreciate their response!
what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I guess it depends on definition of angsty...I've definitely had some dramatic scenes close to the end (especially Sons of Love and Death and Even Death Won't Part Us Now), but I can't NOT have a happy ending. I guess the end of (Love Will See Us Through These) Dark Days is pretty bittersweet...but it's inspired by The Hunger Games so that was inevitable ;)
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Just about everything, haha. I love having lots of drama along the way, but if it doesn't have a happy end, what's the point?
do you get hate on fics?
Only once; someone got mad because I included KnightRook in We Cannot Choose Our Fate rather than a CS baby. They apparently forgot the 'back' button on their browser was a thing.
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Hell yeah. The more magic, the better. (also: the wetter, the better. put them together and you get mermaid smut. yes.) But mainly, I just like to do really feelz-y stuff.
do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
Not really, but not because I don't like them or anything--I've just never really been inspired to (although there's an idea in the back of my mind involving a Community/OUAT crossover).
have you ever had a fic stolen?
thankfully, no. That crosses all kinds of lines.
have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of.
have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not in the traditional sense, but I've definitely borrowed from some of thesschesthair's stream of consciousness before (particularly for Savage Garden.)
what's your all-time favourite ship?
Captain Swan, easily.
what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
As far as things I started publishing...Untitled Monster Loving Fic is probably the only one. I have an idea for how I want it to go, but I kept getting stuck rewriting Killian's backstory so it's just been chilling.
what are your writing strengths?
Hmmm...Dialogue, maybe? That's at least what comes to me easiest. I've been told my worldbuilding is good but it could be better.
what are your writing weaknesses?
Probably descriptions. I can see things vividly in my head but that doesn't always make its way to the page (or, on the other side of that, I sometimes worry I'm too thorough in that regard and the details bog down the flow).
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for fic?
Only if it's a language you're at least conversational in. Otherwise, be prepared to be called out by a native speaker.
first fandom you wrote for?
I want to say I started a Sabrina, the Teenage Witch story when I was a kid, but never finished it. OUAT is the first one I've ever published anything for.
favourite fic you've ever written?
Either Savage Garden or Sons of Love and Death. But I've put a lot of me into all my stories so it's hard to pick!
tagging: everyone that B tagged, @cocohook38, @kmomof4, and whoever wants to do this!
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winterskywrites · 1 year
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼
I'm limiting this to fics I've posted on AO3 and not including things just posted on this blog, because it was already hard enough to go through my 300+ fics to find favorites; going through everything on this blog would be impossible.
In no particular order:
If It's Foolish Love (Then Call Me A Fool) - This was meant to be a oneshot. *cries in 45k wordcount* I really loved exploring Irina and Mirnatius here, and it was a really fun experiment to try imitating Naomi Novik's writing style, which is very different from my own.
The Shape Of You (Was Jagged And Weak) - This might have some recency bias, but I really did enjoy writing this fic - exploring the whole Batfam was super fun. I've been somewhat distracted from the next part, but I do still intend to continue this AU!
'Twas My Own Heart - I rewatched Cinderella (2015) to write this, which is enough to make it a favorite all on its own. I love Lan Xichen, and I loved reimagining his story here (even if it didn't actually go exactly how I was planning).
That Which Is Called Ego Death - Loki shouldn't have actually died in Infinity War and I will die on that hill. I ended up pulling a lot of bits of Marvel canon together for this, and it was really fun to take the bits and pieces and put them together into a storyline that worked.
I'm Brave Enough To Fight The Enemies - Am I legitimately putting a Yuri on Ice MCU!AU on this list? Yes, yes I am. I loved writing this fic, and I had so many ideas for the universe that I didn't end up writing. I consider going back to it every once in a while, so never say never, I guess!
Honorable mention: Dark and Difficult Times - I don't really feel comfortable engaging with Harry Potter content anymore, but I put a lot of myself into these fics, and I love the way I wrote Percy in them.
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bagheerita · 3 months
Twenty Questions For Fic Writers
Thank you for the tags @lord-aldhelm and @anonmadsci and @chaniis-atlantis !! 💖💖💖
1. how many works do you have on AO3? Currently 93. I've finished transferring (almost) all of my old fics from FFN and AFF (for archival purposes, as most of them are not very good)
2. what's your total AO3 word count? 1,678,494
3. what fandoms do you write for? Formerly, 28 fandoms listed on A03. Currently, Stargate Atlantis (though I'm hoping to get some of my SGU ideas wrangled into actual fics soon)
4. top five fics by kudos: "Nemo" (SGA) "Nykteridalatry" (SGA) "One and One and One is Three" (MCU) "Regina Donum" (SGA) and "Written in Your Skin" (SGA) has (I believe recently) edged out "Your Prison is Walking Through this World all Alone" (MCU) for 5th ❤
5. do you respond to comments? Oh yeah! I've had some great comment conversations especially on "Nemo" and the earlier fics in that series, and I still try to reply to all comments.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Gonna say "Lie Still" (Angel/BTVS). It deals with a canon character death, sort of me exploring why I felt like this ending fit the character, though it's so personal to my own feelings that I feel like it's difficult for other readers to parse.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? This is difficult to say, as I much prefer to write happy endings so there are many!! I might say "Harbored" or "A Dram of Sweet is Worth a Pound of Sorrow" (both SGA), as they both deal with the main character overcoming painful histories to find happiness.
8. do you get hate on fics? Nothing I would call hate, though sometimes I get odd comments.
9. do you write smut? Lots.
10. craziest crossover? I adore crossovers. I'm gonna interpret this question slightly differently than I have in the past and say "One and One and One is Three" (MCU). Technically this isn't a "crossover" in the sense of different properties, but in the sense of the multiverse and 5 universes of people running around and seeing what their-self is up to in another universe.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
12. have you ever had a fic translated? No.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but technically Eos and I are co-authors on "Aubade," as she contributed gorgeous illustrations!!
14. all time favorite ship? I have so many fandoms and characters I love that I tend to ship whatever characters' vibes works for me in that moment. Recently, I do tend toward vaguely evil/unbelievable snark as a ship dynamic, which has manifested in me writing over 100,000 words each for inussess, frostiron, and jodd
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? At the moment I'm fighting the pull of garashir. I do NOT need to get pulled into another fandom, especially one where I need to learn a whole new writing vocabulary that I haven't been paying that much attention to as I (re)watch the show. But I have a very specific vibe I'm searching for that I want to read and I haven't found a fic to fill that vibe yet, so I've opened a Gdoc to store some notes, and so I guess it counts as a WIP though I want it to exist as much as I do not want to write it.
16. what are your writing strengths? I haven't been writing much lately so at the moment I'm not really feeling that I'm good at anything lol.
17. what are your writing weaknesses? currently I'm gonna go with summer. it's too hot and i have no energy.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language? Do whatever makes you happy, but if I needed to know what that said for the plot you better provide a translation.
19. first fandom you wrote in? OT Star Wars
20. favorite fic you've written? Whew, this one is hard to answer. My favorite moments that I envisioned in my head tend to not end up translating as well as I want them to onto the page, but "With Autumn Closing In" (MCU), "Oh Talk Not to Me Of a Name Great in Story" (SGA), and "Ivory Fanged" (Kiesha'ra) are probably some of my favorites.
Edit: was tired and forgot to tag people so @_yournamehere_ if you want to participate ❤
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aphrostarot · 3 years
Future Relationship Pick a Pile
What is the present and future state of things with the person you are thinking about?
*you do not have to be in a relationship with them currently*
Please remember that this is a general reading and some things may not apply to you. Don't force it to fit. I offer paid readings on my page if you would like a personal reading. Prices are listed there. Please message me or email me if you are interested!
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Pile One (Rose Quartz):
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Where are you presently?
Seven of Wands:
Right now, someone in your life is causing you drama. Recently, you have been arguing and fighting more than usual with this person. This might be a romantic partner or an old friend. This person doesn't respect you or your ideas, and it has been showing more and more lately, which makes you retaliate and step up to defend yourself.
Where is your person presently?
Seven of Cups:
Right now, this person feels pretty lost in their life. After spending so long on one path, they are stuck, unsure of how to proceed, faced with multiple options on how to move forward in life. Right now, they must decide whether to continue on the path they have been on or take a different route.
The Hanged Man:
They will have to make sacrifices on this journey, and it appears that they are currently stuck due to a lack of desire to make those sacrifices. To move forward, they must give up something in their life, but this is a very difficult decision. Currently, they are at a standstill.
What obstacles stand in your way currently?
King of Pentacles:
One or both of you are a very materialistic person, viewing people as what they can bring to you rather than through an emotional lens. Based on the energy I feel that this may be the person you are thinking of rather than you. This person needs to let go of this mindset so they can choose the right path, the one that leads to you.
What do/will you provide for your partner?
Page of Cups:
When it comes to this person, you are very empathic. Your more sensitive side shows when you are with them, and you really want to help them through their troubles. You tend to be quite needy when it comes to them, feeling as though if they do not constantly show their love to you or express their love for you that they are losing these feelings. When it comes to them, you need constant reassurance. Despite that, you still show this person a more loving and gentle type of love, something they might not be accustomed to.
What do/will they provide to you?
Queen of Wands:
When it comes to you, this person is quite bossy. They are quite dictatorial. Most of what they care about is themselves and their pursuit of what they want, rather than your emotional needs and wants. However, they have no ill intentions or feelings for you. Love from this person makes you feel more insecure. This person brings out your abandonment wounds. As of now, your relationship is like this.
What are your future intentions with them?
The Emperor:
Since this person currently has a lot of control over you, it seems to me you want to be in charge in the future. You want to reclaim your throne and be the bossy dictator instead. For a change, you'd like to be the boss.
What are their future intentions with you?
Nine of Cups:
They want to fulfill all of your future wishes as well as their own. They want your relationship to be everything that both of you have ever dreamed of having.
Queen of Swords:
This may not reflect their future intentions, but rather only a possible outcome. There will be a woman who causes trouble in your relationship. Usually, it is a female relative, a mom, or a sister. In the case that you are currently having problems with this woman, this person's intention may be to handle your current problem.
What are some obstacles you will face in the future if the present obstacle isn’t dealt with?
Eight of Cups:
In the future, if you do not resolve the present obstacles, one of you may walk away and start a new life. According to the energy I am receiving from this pile, you might be the one to walk away from this person if they do not change their materialistic mindset.
Where do they stand with you in the future?
Knight of Cups:
It seems as if they will finally start to see you from an emotional point of view in the future. Eventually, they will start to be more romantic towards you and act like a prince charming. They want to be everything that you have always wanted them to be.
Where do you stand with them in the future?
The Devil:
I think that this person finally acknowledging their feelings for you and becoming less bossy and more romantic towards you is too little, too late. Ultimately, it will be you who walks away. Having had enough of the psychological trauma that this person brings up in you and causes in you, you leave them.
Channeled Messages:
“Dominate me”
“I wish you were lying next to me my love…”
“You are home”
“You are the one I want to be with”
“How can you miss someone you’ve never met?”
“I can’t stop thinking about you, you are always in my dreams.”
“I think you are amazing”
Have faith
Please stay
Channeled Letters:
Channeled Songs:
Pile Two (Amazonite):
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Where are you presently?
The Magician:
My sense is that you may be single and manifesting this person into your life. If that is not the case, then it is possible that your significant other isn't who you thought they were, so you are trying to manifest a better version of them through them or through someone else.
Where is your person presently?
King of Wands:
Currently, this person feels extremely passionate about the things they are pursuing in life. They work extremely hard to achieve their dreams and they are pretty successful. At this point in their lives, they are feeling pretty confident and feel as if they can accomplish anything they set their minds to.
What obstacles stand in your way currently?
The Hanged Man:
If you want to move closer to each other, you may need to make some sacrifices in one or both of your lives. For some, I’m hearing that the Universe is bringing you your manifestations but it may not look exactly like what you want. If that is the case then you will need to let go of some of your ideas of what you want in a person.
What do/will you provide for your partner?
The Fool:
There may be an age difference between you and this person, that or a different level of maturity between the both of you. The person you are thinking of seems to be the more mature and serious one out of the both of you. This person will see life in a more fun-loving, carefree way when you are around. You show them a more youthful approach to love and life.
What do/will they provide to you?
The Fool is all beginnings and Death is all about endings, so, this is another symbol of the two of you and your levels of maturity. You benefit from this person's maturity. Their guidance will help you to become a more beautiful version of yourself. They will help you let go of your past and grow into a better version of yourself.
What are your future intentions with them?
Five of Cups:
Despite the hurt you've suffered in the past and the sadness that has filled your life, you're still a positive person. Life still seems hopeful to you and you do not let hurt consume you. That hurt still resides deep inside of you, and sometimes it overcomes you if you are not careful.
I am receiving strong Aries energy from this pile, both Sun and Moon.
The Tower:
During the Tower moment in Tarot, everything you have accumulated over the course of your life comes crashing down around you. The Fool's journey describes them sleeping under the Tower when it comes crumbling down around them. It was a traumatic experience but they emerged from it more optimistic thanks to the fact that they lost most of what held them back and they are ready for a fresh start. I find this interesting because you bring the Fool's energy to this person, which shows me that you do embody the Fool. You know that this person will allow you to let go of your past and move forward. Therefore, your future intention with this person is to help you overcome your sadness and become a better version of yourself.
What are their future intentions with you?
Ace of Pentacles:
This person wants to build a foundation with you in the future. In order to make sure that you're happy and comfortable in life, they are willing to do whatever it takes. They want to make sure you can count on them for support whenever you need it. Their intentions are to build a happy and healthy home life with you. Possibly even building a house for you. They could also want to buy you an engagement ring.
What are some obstacles you will face in the future if the present obstacle isn’t dealt with?
Five of Wands:
In the absence of solutions to the present obstacles, some competition may be on the horizon. There may be people who try to steal this person's attention from you.
Page of Cups:
Your emotional immaturity may be another obstacle in this current situation. You need to start to mature a bit more and recognize that some of your desires are not what is best for you. You are being blinded by your optimism in this current moment and this may come back to haunt you in the future.
Where do they stand with you in the future?
Nine of Cups:
With you, their future is filled with wish fulfillment. You will fulfill all of their wishes in the future. Their dreams of building a foundation with you, of making you comfortable and happy with them are coming true in the future. As long as the obstacles are overcome.
Where do you stand with them in the future?
As for you, the future looks bright as well. You will see results in your current problems. By overcoming your current obstacles, you will then be able to be in a healthy relationship with this person.
Channeled Messages:
“Emotionally distant”
“Too self-conscious"
“Dominate me”
“I’ve heard that you’ve been a bad…”
“Can I know every part of you?”
“Playing hard to get”
“I think you are amazing”
Divine Masculine
Eternal Love
Channeled Letters:
Channeled Songs:
Pile Three (Amethyst):
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Where are you presently?
Nine of Pentacles:
In recent months, you have been enjoying the fruits of your labor more than you did before. It is possible that you have been treating yourself more rather than saving money. It seems that you have struggled with money in the past, which is why you usually save money, but lately, you have been spending more than you used to.
Where is your person presently?
The Hermit:
For the past few months, the person you are thinking of has been living in hermit mode. Instead of spending time with friends, they have been spending time with themselves. This has left them feeling pretty lonely.
Three of Wands:
Recently, this person started a new job or has changed the way they work. They have had to work in a team more, and being in a hermit mode makes this difficult. They would much rather be alone right now, but their job requires them to work with others.
What obstacles stand in your way currently?
Three of Pentacles:
This is the card of putting your skills to good use. The process of becoming a master. Currently, your person is not doing this. Recently, they have experienced something that has caused them to withdraw into themselves, despite the Universe telling them they need to work with others to improve their abilities. This is preventing both of you from progressing towards each other if they continue to do so.
What do/will you provide for your partner?
Two of Cups:
It is possible that this person has never experienced true love. They do not know what it's like to be truly loved for who you are and everything you do. No one has ever brought them sweet, innocent, fairytale-like love. As a result, they may feel that they are unworthy. You will bring this to them. This person will experience what it is like to be truly loved by you.
What do/will they provide to you?
Eight of Cups:
Your tendency is to hold onto the past, fearing that the negative things that happened to you in the past will happen again. You will be able to let go and move on from the past when you are with this person. A brighter future awaits you with their guidance.
The Sun:
With them, you will experience true happiness. Your life will be better than it has ever been before because of them.
What are your future intentions with them?
Two of Pentacles:
You want to bring balance not only in your own life but also in their life. Your goal is to be the person that makes them feel complete and whole, the one that makes them feel at home.
Queen of Cups:
Also, you want to show this person what true loyalty is. You want this person to trust you and feel at ease with your relationship. Your way of doing this is by being an extremely kind, caring, and loyal partner. The last thing you want is to become the kind of person who has hurt them before.
What are their future intentions with you?
They want you to see how strong they are. They want to be the person who you go to for protection, the one who is going to hold down the fort when you need it. They want you to truly be yourself and let your guard down around them and the only way they feel they can do this is by being strong for you.
What are some obstacles you will face in the future if the present obstacle isn’t dealt with?
Page of Wands:
If the present obstacles are not addressed, it appears that this relationship won't last. Maintaining a long-term relationship will be challenging for you both.
Where do they stand with you in the future?
Four of Pentacles:
It seems that this person will be very possessive of you. This can be a negative thing for some but, based on the energy I am getting from you, I think that you may enjoy this at least in the beginning you do.
Where do you stand with them in the future?
As a result of this relationship, you will undergo a transformation. At the beginning of the relationship, you may enjoy their more possessive and jealous side, but as the relationship progresses, you no longer enjoy this side. In the end, you will want to end this relationship.
King of Wands (reversed):
As the relationship progresses, this person turns out to be quite arrogant and domineering. When you realize they were hiding their true colors from you at first, you begin to lose feelings for them. You no longer enjoy their bossy attitude and actually despise it.
Channeled Messages:
“Just tell me how you feel”
“I tried to replace you but then I realized you’re irreplaceable. Now you’re gone.”
“Can I know every part of you?”
“I can’t stop thinking about you. You are always in my dreams.”
“I want to see you naked”
“Let me show you how much I love you”
“I see you in my dreams”
“I wished for someone like you”
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen”
Channeled Letters:
Blank - whatever you feel fits
Channeled Songs:
Pile Four (Fuchsite):
Tumblr media
Where are you presently?
Queen of Pentacles:
Recently, you have been treating yourself to some luxury. As of late, you have become more self-loving, and this includes treating yourself to things you normally wouldn't.
Three of Swords:
After being heartbroken, you may have realized that you cannot rely on others to love you and that you must love yourself. Because of this, you have been treating yourself much better than you have in the past.
Where is your person presently?
Four of Pentacles:
Currently, this person feels very possessive over the things in their life. Perhaps they fear letting go of things or are sentimentally attached to pretty much everything they own. This leads to hoarding behavior, which they have always had but recently has gotten worse. This person gives me strong Cancer energy.
Eight of Swords:
In addition, they seem to be trapped in their own minds. Insecurities that they have lived with all their lives have resurfaced and are causing them a lot of trouble. This may explain why they are hoarding things. I also feel that they may be moving right now and this is what is causing the insecurities and hoarding behavior because they may fear change.
What obstacles stand in your way currently?
The Devil:
You have been unable to come together because of this person's hoarding addiction. The reasons why they hoard stem from their anxieties and insecurities, which are a result of their fear of change and abandonment. In order for the two of you to come together, this person needs to get these behaviors under control.
What do/will you provide for your partner?
Queen of Cups:
You will be an extremely kind, caring, and loyal partner. Providing them with an outlet for expressing their emotions. This person will be more willing to open up with you in their life. As a result, they will be more willing to get out of their own heads.
What do/will they provide to you?
Ten of Pentacles:
This person will bring you abundance. Everything you have ever wanted in life will be provided by them. You will both have a very comfortable life together.
What are your future intentions with them?
The Emperor
You want to be the dominant one in the relationship, wanting to control how the relationship goes. When it comes to them, you want to make the decisions and be the one they can count on to let go of their control issues and let you handle things.
What are their future intentions with you?
Nine of Cups:
It is this person's dream to fulfill every one of your dreams. Their goal is to make your life full of joy and abundance. My impression is that they are willing to give you control so long as they can be the person that you have always dreamed of being, and as long as they can fulfill all your wishes.
What are some obstacles you will face in the future if the present obstacle isn’t dealt with?
Two of Cups:
If the present issues are not addressed, it seems that the two of you will struggle to maintain a balanced relationship filled with love. Together, you will butt heads and have a hard time finding happiness.
Where do they stand with you in the future?
The Lovers:
The future looks bright on their end. They seem to have gotten control over their unhealthy behaviors and want to give you love. If you are currently in a relationship with this person, they will likely realize in the future that if they do not control their negative behaviors, you will not be able to remain together. This is what drives them to change.
Ace of Cups:
If you are not currently with this person then this is a sign that they too will realize that the only way for them to be with you is by them getting their negative behaviors under control. They will soon do this and come towards you with an offer of love.
Where do you stand with them in the future?
King of Wands:
In the future, you will be ready to commit to this person. You will be the provider for them, taking care of them and their needs, giving them a chance to settle down and let their guard down. The future looks bright for both of you and this relationship.
Channeled Messages:
“Don’t let me go”
“Not open right now”
“I want to taste you”
“My twin flame, my love”
“Want to make you scream”
“I’m testing your limits”
“I’m working on myself right now.”
“I am trying to protect you”
Fight for it
Time Apart
Channeled Letters:
Channeled Songs:
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