quietwings-fics · 11 months
The Black Hole Story
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Supernatural Ship: Gen (Gabriel & Lucifer & Michael & Raphael) Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Pranks and Practical Jokes, Protective Michael (Supernatural), Young Michael (Supernatural), Young Lucifer (Supernatural), Young Gabriel (Supernatural), Young Raphael (Supernatural), Angst and Humor, Before Lucifer's Fall (Supernatural), Sibling Bonding, Good Older Sibling Lucifer (Supernatural), Good Older Sibling Michael (Supernatural) Wordcount: 3897 Summary:
That time Michael fell into a black hole and none of his siblings could get him back out.
Michael was on alert from the moment he heard Lucifer calling his name.
"Michael!" High and panicked, matched with the rhythm of his wings that Michael would know anywhere. "Michael!" Lucifer almost collided with him, but Michael turned and caught him instead. They still tumbled backwards, but Michael held onto his brother tightly until they'd stopped spinning. Lucifer was hyperventilating against his chest.
"What's wrong?" Michael asked. Lucifer's wings tucked themselves under his own. For all his panic, his feathers were settled, and Michael liked to think that was because of his presence.
"Gabriel," Lucifer said. Then he made a choking sound and hid his face in Michael's chest again. He shook, and Michael tried to soothe him. When his voice was steadier, Lucifer continued. "We were racing each other, and- I should have stopped him, Michael, I know I should have-"
"What happened?" Michael made his voice firmer. He tried to sound like their Father. He wasn't sure his impression was very good.
"We looped around one of the black holes. Gabriel dared me to fly closer, and then I dared him to beat my record, and it kept going until- Michael, he fell in! I couldn't grab him in time!" Lucifer's voice was anguished. Michael ducked his head to nuzzle against his little brother's hair. Lucifer and Gabriel were reckless, yes, and they made each other worse, but even they knew not to go near black holes. They weren't supposed to get close to anything The Darkness held dominion over. Especially not now. She and God were having another fight. (Michael wasn't sure they were ever not fighting about something these days. He was just glad he and Lucifer could never be like that.) He released Lucifer reluctantly, making sure to kiss his brother's forehead so that he'd know Michael wasn't upset with him. Gabriel needed help. He came first. Michael could scold them both later.
"Take me there." Lucifer nodded. He led the way quickly, darting through space like the light he was named for.
Michael heard the black hole long before they saw it. The hum made his grace vibrate in warning. Michael reacted to Her the same way, and maybe that was why, out of all of them, She tolerated him trailing after Her the least. Gabriel and Raphael, She let do as they wished. Lucifer, She even liked the company of at times. Michael had never been welcome in the same way. That was fine. His Father consoled him, gave him more duties to fulfill to keep his mind off of it. The hum grew louder and louder, and Michael steeled himself for Gabriel's sake. He had hoped when Lucifer said they were playing near a black hole, he meant one of the smaller ones. The imposing void before them disagreed. Michael caught up to Lucifer, halting him before either of them can fly too close. Even still, he could feel the gravitational pull dragging at his primaries. They were safely beyond the event horizon that ate planets whole. Lucifer peeked from behind his wing at the black hole and then up at Michael.
"Stay here," Michael ordered. Lucifer nodded. Without allowing himself to hesitate, Michael dove in closer. It was easy to move in, but the few moments he pulled back, he could feel how much more difficult it was getting. He struggled to flap his wings, but he kept moving in. "Gabriel!" he called. It was useless; Gabriel wouldn't be able to answer back, but if he could hear Michael in there somehow, know that his brother was coming to help him, maybe that would comfort him. Michael beat his wings harder, more and more of his energy going towards keeping himself from being dragged in. He flew closer. His wings ached with every drag, and he wasn't sure he could-
The rhythm of wings that Michael would know anywhere, behind him. Michael forgot everything he was doing, all his focus jumping to calling out to Lucifer to go back. Before he could even turn, though, he was shoved forwards by a sudden collision. Michael fell into the dark.
Lucifer was still laughing by the time Raphael and Gabriel arrived. Raphael first, wings practically buzzing they were flying so fast, and Gabriel next, grinning broadly at Lucifer. Lucifer whooped, ducking past Raphael to spin Gabriel around. "Good job running interference, little brother!" Gabriel joined in on his laughter, while Raphael looked at them both in horror.
"What are you talking about? Michael-" Lucifer bumped them with another wing.
"Is fine," he said. "It was all Gabriel's idea."
"Learned from the best," Gabriel said. Raphael was still frowning at them, and Lucifer stuck his hand in their closest wing, rucking the feathers up the wrong way on purpose until they shook it out of his grasp. Apparently, all that following around and emulating Michael had made them pretty good at replicating Michael's 'frustrated and disappointed' look, although on Raphael, Lucifer found it much more adorable than annoying.
"You pushed him in!" they accused. Lucifer flicked a wing dismissively.
"That was the whole point," Gabriel said. "I distract you so that you and Michael can't work together to think of a more reasonable response than a one-angel rescue mission" — Lucifer really was so proud of him. And Michael would be, too, once he got over being pranked — "and Lucifer gives Michael the sob story we cooked up to lure him in. Then-" Gabriel mimed a shove. Lucifer couldn't contain another laugh. He'd almost ruined the whole thing from the start by breaking character when Michael was asking him what was wrong. Luckily, Michael didn't see through the act. He'd looked so surprised when Lucifer pushed him in.
"And what if he's stuck now? Really stuck?" Raphael demanded. They sounded genuinely worried, and Lucifer did his best to stifle his laughter. He laid his wing over theirs, drew the one he'd gotten messy close to him. Raphael tried to shake him off again, but he ignored them and started combing their feathers back in place.
"Michael's fine. He'll come barrelling out any minute now," he said, completely sure of himself. It wasn't like anything could ever hurt Michael. The idea was impossible for Lucifer to fathom. It was Michael. Raphael begrudgingly settled down.
They waited.
And they kept waiting.
Gabriel started getting nervous first, to Lucifer's surprise.
"Luci-" he started.
"He's coming," Lucifer interrupted him. "He probably waited this long to get out to get back at us and make us worry." Gabriel relaxed, trusting him.
They kept waiting.
"Luci..." Gabriel said again, anxiety creeping back into his voice. Raphael was starting to tense under Lucifer's hands, too. Their feathers were fluffing up. Lucifer's own were beginning to mirror that, and he tried in vain to get that automatic response under control. Michael was- He was playing a prank in return. That was all. He was going to come out. Lucifer stared at the wide tear in space, listening to the constant growl of it. He focused, trying to hear the reverberation of Michael's grace underneath it. Lucifer could always hear him, no matter how far apart they were.
He couldn't now.
He sprung forward, far enough to feel the pull of gravity on his own feathers, and shouted, "Michael! This isn't funny!" No response. "It was a joke, Michael! Come out right now! You're scaring our little siblings!" The shake in his voice admitted that it wasn't just them, either. Nothing came from the black hole, no sign of Michael anywhere. Lucifer turned back to Gabriel and Raphael. They were huddled together, shining twin eyes gazing up at him, looking for an answer or a plan, and Lucifer didn't have one. This wasn't supposed to happen.
Lucifer's first thought was to ask Michael what to do.
Gabriel and Raphael were still staring at him. He couldn't tell which of them had started shaking, if it wasn't both of them.
"We'll get him out," Lucifer said. He looked back at the black hole and then at his siblings again. "We'll get him out," he repeated, forcing confidence into his voice.
"I think we should get Dad," Gabriel said, quietly.
"No, we can do this ourselves. We-" Michael hadn't been able to pull himself out. What if Lucifer couldn't either?
No, he would. But...
"Raphael, stay here, and if we need help, then you go get Dad." Raphael nodded. Gabriel disentangled himself from them, clasped hands the last things to come apart. Raphael's lingered where Gabriel's had been for a moment before they pulled it back. Gabriel stood in front of Lucifer.
Lucifer could see now that it had been him shaking.
"We'll pull him out," Lucifer reassured. "Don't worry. He'll be reprimanding us in no time." He knew Gabriel would believe him. That Gabriel would follow him, circling the black hole as though they could find a weak point to break through. Lucifer could feel the same difficulty flying around it as Michael must have. He could hear Gabriel close behind him at all times as they wove closer and closer. He beat his wings harder, but he still had strength to spare. Michael had gotten closer than this. He had, too, though he'd used the momentum of pushing Michael to break free again that time. He went closer, forgetting for a moment that Gabriel would be only a wingbeat behind.
And Gabriel was younger, and not as strong a flier, and when he found he couldn't break free of the gravity of the black hole, he began to panic. He beat his wings frantically. It was no use. Lucifer saw Gabriel get dragged past him, flailing wildly to break a grip neither of them could see. Lucifer didn't even hesitate to plunge in after him. The void yawned open before them, hungry enough to swallow two more archangels whole. Lucifer reached for Gabriel. He missed. He knew that in a few more seconds, he wouldn't be able to pull himself free of the black hole's gravity, let alone himself and Gabriel. He couldn't let Gabriel fall in, too. Lucifer grabbed at him one last time. His hands slid through Gabriel's fluffy feathers, unable to find a grip. Then, at the wrist of his wing, Lucifer managed to hold on. Gabriel kept fighting, unable to tell that Lucifer was helping him escape, but with heavy beats of his own wings, Lucifer was able to drag them both back. Each movement was exhausting, made worse by having to carry Gabriel back, but Lucifer never let him go.
When they were a safe distance away again, (they failed, Lucifer thought, they failed) Lucifer noticed that Raphael was nowhere to be seen. For a horrible moment, he thought they might have followed him and Gabriel in when they saw Gabriel struggling, and that they'd fallen in without him even seeing it happen. He calmed himself by making sure Gabriel wasn't hurt — messy feathers aside, he was fine — until he could think straight. Raphael wouldn't have jumped into danger like that. They would have gone for help. Would have gone to get-
He was here.
Raphael had come back with Him, and they came to roost beside their brothers. They batted Lucifer's hands away from Gabriel. He gave them space. Raphael might have been younger, but they were already a better healer than him. Not that that was saying much. Lucifer was best at making messes.
God went past them, and Lucifer only looked at his back, at the black hole, once before he forced his eyes back to Gabriel.
The three of them waited.
They stood when God approached again, soldiers in a line.
God had carried Michael back among them, and He set him down beside Raphael. Michael looked terrible. His wings, held tightly against his back, were in shambles, feathers bent and disorderly, more than a few missing completely. He held himself stiffly under their Father’s gaze, as he inspected Michael for any serious injury Himself. Raphael's wings twitched, but they didn't speak up to offer their assistance. After a moment, their Father stepped back to look at all four of them. Gabriel’s wings trembled, and Lucifer extended his own to cover them without dropping his Father’s gaze.
“Whose fault is this?” He asked. Raphael looked at Michael, but he didn’t look back, keeping his eyes on their Father. He waited, and the four of them said nothing. “I asked you a question.” Gabriel shrunk further back under Lucifer’s wing. Raphael kind of looked like they wanted to do the same, or to retreat behind Michael, but they were too far away.
It had been Gabriel’s plan. Strictly speaking, he should be the one their father disciplined.
But he’d already paid the price for it, in Lucifer’s eyes. He was terrified he’d actually gotten Michael hurt. He’d nearly gotten sucked in himself trying to get Michael out. His wings were still shaking, upsetting the feathers on the underside of Lucifer’s wing, but Lucifer didn’t move. He was older, he was their Dad's favorite, and he’d gotten in trouble more times than Gabriel had before his little brother even existed. He could weather any punishment doled out.
“I wa-“ Lucifer started.
“Lucifer warned me not to get too close.” Michael interrupted. He met Lucifer’s eyes. Lucifer shut up.
“Did he?” Their Father pressed. “Michael, if something happened…”
“I made a mistake.” Michael stood his ground. “My siblings tried to help me.”
“Gabriel and Lucifer did try to pull him out,” Raphael said, to bolster Michael’s lie with truth. Lucifer was equal parts surprised and proud. “I told them it was a bad idea, but they tried anyway.”
“You’re lucky neither of you got trapped as well,” their Father said, “and that if you did, Raphael had the sense to stay behind.” Raphael smiled a little. Their Dad sighed and managed to give the impression of rubbing the bridge of His nose in frustration without actually doing it. “And you’re sure that’s all that happened, Michael?”
God looked over them all, one by one. Lucifer still refused to look down. Raphael did. Gabriel hadn’t met His eyes the entire time. Michael did look away, briefly, but he turned his gaze back, standing up straighter. There was no doubt in Lucifer’s mind that their Father didn’t believe a word they’d said.
“Alright,” he said. “Don’t play near the black holes again, my children.” There was a chorus of yes, Lord’s from all four of them. He glanced over them again, sighed louder this time, in a way that Lucifer thought might be purposefully dramatic, and left. Gabriel finally peeked up.
“Are we not in trouble?” He asked. Lucifer tilted his head at Michael in question.
“You lied to God’s face.” He felt the need to state, in case Michael didn’t realize what he'd just done. Michael’s wings flapped once, and he grimaced, like the movement hurt with his feathers so crooked.
“I did not.” He argued. “I said I made a mistake, and I did. I believed for a minute that you could think about anything other than mischief.” His voice was lighter than Lucifer had expected. Raphael snorted a quiet laugh, and Lucifer understood Michael’s game. Lucifer scowled at him. Michael rolled his eyes.
“Well, I suddenly can’t remember how to groom your wings,” Lucifer retorted. “After all, if all my knowledge is solely devoted to mischief-“
“I imagine it takes up a lot of space, Lu,” Michael said with joking condescension, for the most part. He only ever called Lucifer that when he was upset, and despite them playing up the argument to entertain their little siblings, Lucifer felt a twinge of guilt. “And with a mind as small as yours…” Michael was cut off by Gabriel starting to giggle. Raphael joined in a few seconds later. It felt more like a release of nervous tension than anything. Lucifer huffed, feathers puffing up in what he could play as annoyance, but was more fueled by the way Michael's smile dimmed when Gabriel and Raphael weren't looking.
Michael winced again as he tried to fix his wings. He couldn't get the angle right to do this without pain. He was pretty sure some of the feathers he was trying to salvage couldn't be, but the thought of pulling them out all by himself in his nest made him want to curl up and ignore the ache as best he could instead. At least it kept his mind away from the dark. He shivered. On the outside, it had been so loud that his grace rattled, but inside, it was like someone swallowed up all the sound, even his own calls for his brother. There had been no way out, only constant crushing pressure, and him, battered around at the center. No angel was meant to be in a place like that. He'd clung to his Dad for the first time since he was a fledgling when He came for him, shining merciful light down on Michael and scooping him up in his arms.
(Michael wondered if his Dad ever missed that, the way Michael sometimes missed having to carry Lucifer through the stars, long before he was old enough to fly between them on his own.)
Michael tugged on another feather and stifled a whimper. He wasn't really hurt. If he was, God would have healed him.
There was a familiar beat of wings behind him. One Michael would know anywhere. It stopped before it came to close, giving Michael time to turn and address his brother.
"I..." Lucifer trailed off. He'd looked so bold before their Father today. Now, he only looked like Michael's little brother. The one he'd raised. The one who should never feel unwelcome in Michael's nest. But Lucifer was hesitating now. Michael tried to stretch his wings to greet him, but a shock of pain made him recoil instead. "Michael?"
"I'm not hurt," Michael said aloud, echoing his earlier thoughts, "or God would-"
"He was distracted," Lucifer interrupted with casual blasphemy. Michael let it slide. Lucifer came closer. When Michael didn't do... whatever he was expecting, he let himself into Michael's nest. A few of Lucifer's feathers made up the nest's decorations, the cast off down of a fledgling and full-grown quills. (Raphael and Gabriel's were there, too, though far less numerous than Lucifer's.) Lucifer reached for the nearest of Michael's wings, and Michael shut his eyes, waiting for more pain. It never came. He felt Lucifer's expert touch comb through his feathers, able to right them better than Michael could alone. He started by ordering Michael's primaries, until most of them flared out straight and perfect, but soon, he was petting along the whole of Michael's wing.
Michael's eyes were still shut, though now from relaxation rather than a futile attempt to avoid pain, when Lucifer said, quietly, "are you angry with me?"
Michael considered that.
"Exasperated," he said, "but not angry." Some of his feathers still ached. Michael knew they had to be plucked. He wasn't looking forward to it. Not even Lucifer could make that painless.
"I'm only 'Lu' when you're angry." Michael chanced flicking him with a wing. It hurt, but it was worth it. "Ow!"
"We were acting," Michael teased. "I don't think you're only made of mischief either."
"No, but you might be," Lucifer grumbled. Michael hugged him.
"I could never be angry at you, starlight," he said, the softness of a different nickname causing Lucifer to melt into the hug. Lucifer had the warmth of the stars in his grace, too, or maybe he was that lovely a reflection of God's love. (And maybe, Michael's secret proud heart said, a reflection of his as well.)
Michael had lied to God for him today. It didn't sit easily in his grace. He tried to reassure himself that it was only a small thing, that their Father hadn't even been that upset. He would have called Michael's bluff if He was. Still... Michael bumped his head against Lucifer's.
"Don't ask me to do that again."
"Do what?"
"Choose you over our Father." Lucifer hummed.
"Alright," he agreed, "but only because now I know you'd pick me."
Those words filled Michael with a fear he could not name. His small disobedience today had shaken him so badly that he knew he could never do it again, not even for his brother.
"Promise me?"
"Yes. Promise. Can I go back to grooming your wings now?" Michael let him go. Lucifer kept preening him, and Michael tried his best to let his discomfort fade away.
It wasn't long before they heard the flurry of more wings, so close together that Michael couldn't have picked them out if he tried. Raphael and Gabriel never looked more like twin creations than in flight, and even when they landed a little ways away from Michael's nest, they were almost on top of each other.
"I told you so," they both said to the other. Lucifer laughed. Gabriel pointed at him. "No, I did, he's here."
"And I'm right, too. Michael's wings got damaged. I could tell." Raphael looked at Michael, putting on a more professional voice. "I'm going to heal you."
"I'm sure you will." Raphael's professionalism needed work. It broke under a smile. Soon, their younger siblings were clambering for room in the nest as well. Michael waited for Raphael to begin plucking his feathers, but instead, he felt their grace very meticulously seeking out Michael's injuries. He shouldn't be surprised anymore that when Raphael meant to heal, they aspired to do as their Father would, to regrow and soothe each broken feather. It was harder work than they anticipated, and though they got through most of the damage, they had to stop. Lucifer rubbed their back, his hand trailing into their wing. "That's enough," Michael said. "You don't have to do any more."
"I do," Raphael insisted. "This wouldn't have happened if I was with you-"
"Hey! That's my fault!" Gabriel butted in.
"He's right," Lucifer said.
"See? Lucifer says-" Gabriel turned on his brother. "You're not supposed to agree!"
"...You admitted to it?"
"You're supposed to tell us neither of us did anything wrong!"
"No, Lucifer's right. This is definitely your fault." Michael said, nodding. He kept up the act until he actually saw Gabriel look worried, and then he pulled him close. "But you're forgiven." Gabriel loved cuddling even more than Lucifer did, and once Michael had his arms full, he knew he wouldn't be leaving the nest anytime soon. Which gave Raphael ample opportunity to pluck a feather. Michael grunted in pain, but Gabriel nuzzled into him and Lucifer pet his other wing. The second pluck wasn't as bad. The third one hurt even less. The last one was negligible, and when Raphael finished putting the pulled feathers to the side, Michael opened his arms again and they fit into the space opposite their twin.
"No room left for me, as usual." There was the smallest flash of jealousy across Lucifer's face. Michael was well aware of it. Of course Lucifer loved their siblings, but he had gotten very used to being Michael's only little brother. He wasn't good at sharing.
"There's always room," Michael said. He shifted the younger angels around to give Lucifer a spot.
Michael hoped it stayed like this forever.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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ineffablehubbys · 7 months
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grezzirossi · 8 months
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𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒖𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓😏🎬
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slasher-male-wife · 11 months
Horror characters seeing their s/o covered in blood
Happy Halloween everyone. I did a poll awhile ago on what I should post for Halloween and this won. So I'm here to deliver what y'all voted on. I included a lot of characters in this just for fun. Disclaimer I haven't written for some of these characters in awhile or that much at all, so sorry if some of these are ooc.
Includes: Amanda Young, Michael Myers, Otis Driftwood, The Lost Boys, Candyman, Doomhead, Patrick Bateman, Severen Van Sickle, Pyramid Head, and The Sinclair brothers
Warnings: Mentions of real and fake blood, slightly suggestive content, gn reader, talk of drinking blood in The Lost Boys and Severen's section, violence, murder
Amanda Young
You weren't supposed to find out about what Amanda did. She wanted to keep you separate from the gore of her apprentice work. But accidents happen and somehow you get to where a trap had happened.
You were in the where-house when you slipped on a puddle of blood and got your entire front half covered in it. You screamed out and Amanda quickly came rushing in.
You standing there covered in blood made something tick inside of Amanda. Something she knows she shouldn't feel seeing you covered in blood.
But she pushes this aside and quickly assures you it's fake blood that happened to spill all over the ground. She can't stop herself from giving you a quick kiss before helping you leave.
She'll get you all cleaned up back at home but she won't be able to stop thinking about seeing you covered in blood.
Michael Myers
Michael was out while you were getting ready for a Halloween party. A part of your costume involved you getting drenched in fake blood. After pouring the fake blood all over yourself in your bathtub you let it dry and step out.
You're downstairs, gathering up your things for the party when you notice the feeling that you're being watched. You turn around and spot Michael watching you.
Michael knows what real blood looks like and considering you're pretty calm he knows this is for your costume. But something inside of him is yelling at him. Not in the usual 'kill someone' way, but in a 'get them and try not to hurt them' way.
You're going to be late to that Halloween party. Michael is going to stand there and make you spin around for him so he can watch you move while you're covered in blood. You know he's getting some kind of kick out of this, so who are you to stop his fun.
After this Michael will try to hint at you to get covered in blood more often. He'll even offer to get the blood this time, but it wouldn't be fake if he got it. He'll keep thinking about you covered in blood and won't be forgetting how it made him feel anytime soon.
Otis Driftwood
You walked in on him at a bad time. While you've grown to accept what your boyfriend does, you don't like partaking in his torture of other people. But when you walked into the wrong room at the wrong time you got sprayed all over with blood.
It coats your face, hair and chest. You thankfully didn't get any in your eyes or mouth. You do let out a scream of surprise but you're not too grossed out by the blood, living with the Firefly family for as long as you have will do that.
Otis takes a good long few moments to just stare at you. You're hot enough as it is, but seeing you all covered in blood like this? Otis is going to have to go take a long cold shower.
"Well isn't this my lucky day." He'll say before walking over to you, completely ignoring the victim now. He'll take all of you in and won't let you wash it off so quickly.
"I just wanna take a couple pictures of ya darlin'." He'll quickly get his camera out and have you pose for him while you're still covered in blood. This will come in handy when he's having art block or he just needs to have some 'personal time'.
The Lost boys
It's your first time feeding and it ended up getting really messy for you, considering you've never done it before. So you got just as much blood all over yourself as you did in your mouth.
Dwayne is the first to notice and he's smirking a little to himself as he watches your blood covered body move. He's committing this sight to memory and he'll probably find a way to get you covered in blood again.
David is the next to notice. He'll smile wider than Dwayne and make some comments about how messy eating can get at times. But he'll also talk about how hot you look covered in blood.
Marko doesn't even make a comment, he just straight up lunges and kisses you right then and there, fangs still out and everything. Seeing you all vamped out and covered in blood really got to him, making him loose all self composer that he has.
Paul also joins in on kissing you, but he'll opt for your neck since your mouth is taken. I can see him licking some blood off of you, but not too much because he loves the sight of you drenched in blood. But the boys will agree to try and get you that messy again the next time you feed.
You didn't want to go with him. You summoned him and when he showed you how devoted he is to you, you didn't want to go. So he had no other option than to make you go by force.
You're entering your apartment after going to a Halloween party. Your costume was something you put together quickly and involved you pouring fake blood all over your front half. As you walk further into your apartment you get a strange feeling.
You try to ignore it as you walk to your bathroom to wash off the fake blood. Before you can do that you hear something moving in your medicine cabinet. You open it and after a few moments a hook jumps through it. You obviously scream and run out of your bathroom.
You're in your kitchen, picking up your phone when you see him again. He's looking at you with that same adoration in his eye from the first time you met him. He's looking you up and down. You're frozen again as he watches you.
"You're even more desirable covered in blood," He says in his sultry voice. You shed a couple tears as you try to move, but you're unable to. "I'll have to remember this the next time I see you my love. I'll never be able to forget this."
He knew you were going to a Halloween party, but what he didn't know was that you were going to be covered in blood when you came home. He knows real blood from fake blood and when he sees you he can't help but chuckle.
31 is coming up and he's always tried to keep you separate from it. Seeing you covered in blood is a bit of a double edged sword for him. On one hand he loves seeing you covered in blood, but he also can't stop thinking about 31, and what would happen if you got caught in it.
"Ok so I got a little too close to one of the decorations and I accidentally got covered in fake blood." You explain, taking off your shoes, "I should probably shower all of this off."
"Well I was hoping to get a better look at you like this." He says with a Cheshire grin. You roll your eyes but smile and walk over to him. He spins you around a bit, taking a good look at all of the blood on you.
He knows he'll have to tell you about 31 eventually, and that he'll always keep you away from it. But for right now he can enjoy watching his s/o look stunning while covered in blood.
Patrick Bateman
He got a little too careless and right as he was killing someone you walked in, getting covered in blood from the victim. You of course start to scream and he quickly covers your mouth.
He's so angry with you for interrupting this, but something about seeing your face and body covered with blood, excites him. "I can explain this. Calm down and listen to me." He says, trying to keep his voice calm. His anger starts to mix with arousal as he slowly slides his hand away from your mouth.
"Oh my god Patrick what happened? Who is this?" You ask, holding back tears. His attraction to you is starting to get a bit too much for him. He'll find a way to explain this murder, just like he'll find a way to explain why he wants to do it while you're covered in blood.
"He broke in and attacked me. I had to fight him off and I went a bit too hard I think. We can't tell anyone about this alright?" He says, trying his best to keep a calm, in control voice, "But right now we need to get to the bedroom.
Murder's don't get him as excited as seeing you covered in blood got him. He'll have to go out and buy some fake blood and recreate this with you again. He's glad he has such an understanding s/o.
Severen Van Sickle
It's been awhile since your last feed and when you finally got someone you could barely hold back from drinking as quickly as possible. Because you were so worried about eating as much as you could as quickly as possible you got yourself covered in blood.
After you pushed the body away Severen took notice of your blood soaked clothes. He couldn't stop himself from smiling and taking a good long look at you. He knows you'll be too full to do anything after feeding that much so he'll have to commit this sight to memory, just for some fun activities later.
You wipe your mouth and smear more blood over your face and Severen can barely contain himself at this point. He'll have to quickly ask you if you're up to help him, or if he should do it alone.
Either way he doesn't want you cleaning yourself up anytime soon. Even after his issue is taken care of he just wants to see you covered in blood. He loves how it looks in general but also aesthetically. If he has a camera on hand he's taking a picture of you.
He will try to recreate this later. Next time you're feeding he'll try to get blood all over you. I can see him filling up his mouth with blood and just spitting it on you because let's be honest, he's very dirty and probably has as many diseases as a stray cat.
Pyramid Head
You're walking around Silent Hill, trying to find some more food to stock up on when you come across one of Pyramid Head's recent kills. You don't notice and you slip on the puddle of blood.
You're used to the blood and gore of living with Pyramid Head in Silent Hill so slipping on blood and getting it all over your clothes is more of an inconvenience than scary. You groan and stand up, looking at blood slightly dripping off your clothes.
You turn around and find him standing near you. "I just slipped on some blood. It's not mine and I'm not hurt." You say. You can never really tell what he's feeling or his emotions but you can sense he's feeling a certain way about you being covered in blood.
You two just stand there while Pyramid Head is thinking about smearing more blood all over you. Seeing you covered in blood is doing something to him. So he walks over, get's blood on his hands and rubs it over your face and clothes.
He'll follow you around and just keep watching you while you're covered in blood. He'll be thinking about this for awhile, and he'll try to recreate it whenever there's free time or he just needs to see you covered in blood.
Bo Sinclair
You were busy going after a victim and it got a bit messy. You got yourself covered in blood. By the time you get the body back to the House of Wax the blood that's on your hair and face has dripped down to soak your clothes even more.
You hand it off to Vincent and when Bo sees you he pauses for a moment before he chuckles. "I like yer new look darlin'." He says teasingly. But he's using that teasing to mask how damn hot you are covered in blood.
You're able to pick up on this and you know a great way to get him back for making you chase down someone and kill them.
"Oh I know. I love this look too." You say teasingly back to him, moving your hands up and rubbing your hand over your face and neck, getting a good amount of blood on it. You walk over to Bo and smear the blood on his shirt before you step back.
"Too bad I'm about to wash it off." You say before you dodge Bo trying to grab you, "If you catch me before we get to the house I'll let you wash it off." You say before running out of the house, Bo follows behind quickly.
Lester Sinclair
You're helping Lester out by picking up a deer from the road. You're in the middle of lifting it into the truck when something happens and you get covered in deer blood.
Lester quickly rushes over to you and lifts the deer into the back of the truck. He's looking you over and making sure that you're ok. You'll have to assure him at least ten times that you're perfectly ok and that the deer just got blood all over you.
Now knowing that you're ok he does kind of realize that, you look good covered in blood. Lester loves when you get a bit dirty in general, but blood has him feeling a bit more excited than normal.
He'll zone out a bit for awhile until you bring him back and he acts like everything is good and he's totally not obsessing over the look of you covered in blood.
He'll keep this to himself until it starts to boil over and he admits to you that he hasn't stopped thinking about you being covered in blood. If you suggest the idea of getting covered in blood again he'll be all over that idea.
Vincent Sinclair
When you offered to model for Vincent's study you didn't expect to get covered in fake blood. But Vincent wanted you covered in blood and you didn't really mind so that's what the two of you do.
You stay still the entire time but you notice Vincent staring more than he is drawing. But once he notices you noticing him he gets back to drawing you.
He takes his damn well time to draw you and at one point he stands up and walks over to you. He starts to pose you in a different way and it's totally not an excuse to touch you and see you covered in blood up close.
He'll put you in so many different positions and will keep pouring blood on you. He's honestly memorized by you standing there covered in blood. At one point he'll bust out the camera and ask if he can film.
He sees you being covered in blood in a more romantic, artistic way that makes his heart beat faster. He'll have to get you covered in blood more often so he can draw, paint, photograph, etc you.
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diioonysus · 8 months
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reading + art
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arttuff · 7 months
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booger gold, booster mold, looser hold,
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our-sinister-night · 2 years
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They’re like his annoying nieces
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kitsudolly · 1 year
Me at 3am reading slasher fanfiction
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FNAF movie Mike and Michael meet their younger selves..
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denimbex1986 · 9 months
'...“It’s fun playing bad, but actually he’s not,” the actor says, smiling as he reflects on his character, Crowley. “He’s a villain with a heart. The amount of really evil things he does are vanishingly small.��
...As it always has, “Good Omens” dissects the view of good and evil as absolutes, showing viewers that they are not as separate as we were led to believe growing up. Aziraphale and Crowley’s long-standing union is proof of this. The show also urges people to look at what defines our own humanity. For Tennant — who opted to wear a T-shirt emblazoned with the words “Leave trans kids alone you absolute freaks” during a photocall for Season 2 — these themes are more important now than ever before.
“In this society that we’re currently living in, where polarization seems ever more present, fierce and difficult to navigate. Negotiation feels like a dirty word at times,” he says, earnestly. “This is a show about negotiation. Two extremes finding common ground and making their world a better place through it. Making life easier, kinder and better. If that’s the sort of super objective of the show, then I can’t think of anything more timely, relevant or apt for the rather fractious times we’re living in.”
“Good Omens” is back by popular demand for another season. How does it feel?
It’s lovely. Whenever you send something out into the world, you never quite know how it will land. Especially with this, because it was this beloved book that existed, and that creates an extra tension that you might break some dreams. But it really exploded. I guess we were helped by the fact that we had Neil Gaiman with us, so you couldn’t really quibble too much with the decisions that were being made. The reception was, and continues to be, overwhelming.
Now that you’re no longer bound by the original material that people did, perhaps, feel a sense of ownership over, does the new content for Season 2 come with a sense of freedom for you? This is uncharted territory, of sorts.
That’s an interesting point. I didn’t know the book when I got the script. It was only after that I discovered the worlds of passion that this book had incited. Because I came to it that way, perhaps it was easier. I found liberation from that, to an extent. For me, it was always a character that existed in a script. At first, I didn’t have that extra baggage of expectation, but I acquired it in the run-up to Season 1 being released… the sense that suddenly we were carrying a ming vase across a minefield.
In Season 2, we still have Neil and we also have some of the ideas that he and Terry had discussed. During the filming of the first one, Neil would drop little hints about the notions they had for a prospective sequel, the title of which would have been “668: The Neighbour of the Beast,” which is a pretty solid gag to base a book around. Indeed there were elements like Gabriel and the Angels, who don’t feature in the book, that were going to feature in a sequel. They were brought forward into Season 1. So, even in the new episodes, we’re not entirely leaving behind the Terry Pratchett-ness of it all.
It’s great to see yourself and Michael Sheen reunited on screen as these characters. Fans will have also watched you pair up for Season 3 of “Staged.” You’re quite the dynamic duo. What do you think is the magic ingredient that makes the two of you such a good match?
It’s a slightly alchemical thing. We knew each other in passing before, but not well. We were in a film together [“Bright Young Things,” 1993] but we’d never shared a scene. It was a bit of a roll of the dice when we turned up at the read-through for “Good Omens.” I think a lot comes from the writing, as we were both given some pretty juicy material to work with. Those characters are beloved for a reason because there’s something magical about them and the way they complete each other. Also, I think we’re quite similar actors in the way we like to work and how we bounce off each other.
Does the shorthand and trust the two of you have built up now enable you to take more risks on-screen?
Yes, probably. I suppose the more you know someone, the more you trust someone. You don’t have to worry about how an idea might be received and you can help each other out with a more honest opinion than might be the case if you were, you know, dancing around each other’s nervous egos. Enjoying being in someone’s orbit and company is a positive experience. It makes going to work feel pleasant, productive, and creative. The more creative you can be, the better the work is. I don’t think it’s necessarily a given that an off-screen relationship will feed into an on-screen one in a positive or negative way. You can play some very intimate moments with someone you barely know. Acting is a peculiar little contract, in that respect. But it’s disproportionately pleasurable going to work when it’s with a mate.
Fans have long discussed the nature of Crowley and Aziraphale’s relationship. In Season 2, we see several of the characters debate whether the two are an item, prompting them to look at their union and decipher what it is. How would you describe their relationship?
They are utterly co-dependent. There’s no one else having the experience that they are having and they’ve only got each other to empathize with. It’s a very specific set of circumstances they’ve been dealt. In this season, we see them way back at the creation of everything. They’ve known each other a long time and they’ve had to rely on each other more and more. They can’t really exist one without the other and are bound together through eternity. Crowley and Aziraphale definitely come at the relationship with different perspectives, in terms of what they’re willing to admit to the relationship being. I don’t think we can entirely interpret it in human terms, I think that’s fair to say.
Yet fans are trying to do just that. Do you view it as beyond romantic or any other labels, in the sense that it’s an eternal force?
It’s lovely [that fans discuss it] but you think, be careful what you wish for. If you’re willing for a relationship to go in a certain way or for characters to end up in some sort of utopian future, then the story is over. Remember what happened to “Moonlighting,” that’s all I’m saying! [Laughs]
Your father-in-law, Peter Davison, and your son, Ty Tennant, play biblical father-and-son duo Job and Ennon in Episode 2. In a Tumblr Q&A, Neil Gaiman said that he didn’t know who Ty’s family was when he cast him. When did you become aware that Ty had auditioned?
I don’t know how that happened. I do a bunch of self-tapes with Ty, but I don’t think I did this one with him because I was out of town filming “Good Omens.” He certainly wasn’t cast before we started shooting. There were two moments during filming where Neil bowled up to me and said, “Guess, who we’ve cast?” Ty definitely auditioned and, as I understand it, they would tell me, he was the best. I certainly imagine he could only possibly have been the best person for the job. He is really good in it, so I don’t doubt that’s true. And then my father-in-law showed up, as well, which was another delicious treat. In the same episode and the same family! It was pretty weird. I have worked with both of them on other projects, but never altogether.
There’s a “Doctor Who” cameo, of sorts, in Episode 5, when Aziraphale uses a rare annual about the series as a bartering tool. In reality, you’ll be reprising your Time Lord role on screen later this year in three special episodes to mark the 60th anniversary. Did you always feel you’d return to “Doctor Who” at some point?
There’s a precedent for people who have been in the series to return for a multi-doctor show, which is lovely. I did it myself for the 50th anniversary in 2013, and I had a wonderful time with Matt [Smith]. Then, to have John Hurt with us, as well, was a little treat. But I certainly would never have imagined that I’d be back in “Doctor Who” full-time, as it were, and sort of back doing the same job I did all those years ago. It was like being given this delightful, surprise present. Russell T Davies was back as showrunner, Catherine Tate [former on-screen companion] was back, and it was sort of like the last decade and a half hadn’t happened.
Going forward, Ncuti Gatwa will be taking over as the new Doctor. Have you given him any advice while passing the baton?
Oh God, what a force of nature. I’ve caught a little bit of him at work and it’s pretty exciting. I mean, what advice would you give someone? You can see Ncuti has so much talent and energy. He’s so inspired and charismatic. The thing about something like this is: it’s the peripherals, it’s not the job. It’s the other stuff that comes with it, that I didn’t see coming. It’s a show that has so much focus and enthusiasm on it. It’s not like Ncuti hasn’t been in a massive Netflix series [“Sex Education,”] but “Doctor Who” is on a slightly different level. It’s cross-generational, international, and has so much history, that it feels like it belongs to everyone.
To be at the center of the show is wonderful and humbling, but also a bit overwhelming and terrifying. It doesn’t come without some difficulties, such as the immediate loss of anonymity. It takes a bit of getting used to if that’s not been your life up to that point. I was very lucky that when I joined, Billie Piper [who portrayed on-screen companion, Rose] was still there. She’d lived in a glare of publicity since she was 14, so she was a great guide for how to live life under that kind of scrutiny. I owe a degree of sanity to Billie.
Your characters are revered by a few different fandoms. Sci-fi fandoms are especially passionate and loyal. What is it like being on the end of that? I imagine it’s a lot to hold.
Yes, certainly. Having been a fan of “Doctor Who” since I was a tiny kid, you’re aware of how much it means because you’re aware of how much it meant to you. My now father-in-law [who portrayed Doctor Who in the 80s] is someone I used to draw in comic strips when I was a kid. That’s quite peculiar! It’s a difficult balance because on one end, you have to protect your own space, and there aren’t really any lessons in that. That does take a bit of trial and error, to an extent, and it’s something that you’re sometimes having to do quite publicly. But, it is an honor and a privilege, without a doubt. As you’ve said, it means so much to people and you want to be worthy of that. You have to acknowledge that and be careful with it. Some days that’s tough, if you’re not in the mood.
I know you’re returning to the stage later this year to portray Macbeth. You’ve previously voiced the role for BBC Sounds, but how are you feeling about taking on the character in the theater?
I’m really excited about it. It’s been a while since I’ve done Shakespeare. It’s very thrilling but equally — and this analogy probably doesn’t stretch — it’s like when someone prepares for an Olympic event. It does feel like a bit of a mountain and, yeah, you’re daring to set yourself up against some fairly worthy competition from down the years. That’s both the challenge and the horror of doing these types of things. We’ve got a great director, Max Webster, who recently did “Life of Pi.” He’s full of big ideas. It’s going to be exciting, thrilling, and a little bit scary. I’m just going to take a deep breath.
Before we part ways, let’s discuss the future of “Good Omens.” Gaiman has said that he already has ideas for Season 3, should it happen. If you were to do another season, is there anyone in particular you’d love to work with next time around or anything specific you’d like to see happen for Crowley?
Oh, Neil Gaiman knows exactly where he wants to take it. If you’re working with people like Gaiman, I wouldn’t try to tamper with that creative void. Were he to ask my opinion, that would be a different thing, but I can’t imagine he would. He’s known these characters longer than me and what’s interesting is what he does with them. That’s the bit that I’m desperate to know. I do know where Crowley might end up next, but it would be very wrong if I told you.
[At this point, Tennant picks up a pencil and starts writing on a hotel pad of paper.]
I thought you were going to write it down for me then. Perhaps like a clandestine meeting on a bench in St James’ Park, but instead you’d write the information down and slide it across the table…
I should have done! I was drawing a line, which obviously, psychologically, I was thinking, “Say no more. You’re too tempted to reveal a secret!” It was my subconscious going “Shut the fuck up!”
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ranna-alga · 1 year
Good Omens where everything is the same except Crowley and Aziraphale look like this:
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