#your superior has arrived ‖xemnas
radixnt-gxrden · 3 years
Luna was there. She had just let herself in. Though she did knock. She thought it would be a bad idea to pay a visit. She did wonder how her father had been doing. Then hearing he had a new child she thought it would be good time to visit.
Xemnas had put Ansem down for a nap, Minerva keeping an eye on him as she was happy to see a new sibling. The nobody had no clue his daughter was on her way, cleaning the kitchen up from breakfast.
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apharine · 5 years
The First Annual Staff Party of the Castle That Never Was
Chapter 1: Rumors and Wagers
Pairing:  Reader/Organization XIII
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Rating:  M
Read on AO3
Summary:  [Reader-insert Seven Minutes in Heaven with Organization XIII] When you woke up, you were expecting a quiet day off from missions, shared with no-one but yourself. But your day off went terribly, almost predictably, wrong, and by that evening, you'd been roped into contributing towards a potluck dinner and playing some mashup of Seven Minutes in Heaven and Spin the Bottle with your Organization XIII colleagues. Kingdom Hearts help you.
Notes:  Hey all!  I’m the author Apharine over on AO3, but you can call me Kana here on Tumblr!  My main blog on Tumblr is all serious stuff and I wanted a place where I can post my fanfics and fandom-related contributions and talk to people about KH, so I’m making this sideblog!  I always follow back and will try to be regular in my updates, and might even take requests at some point, too!
    When you walked into the Grey Area after a late breakfast, the rumors were flying more quickly than an Air Soldier Heartless.
    “Hey, you might be the last one to have heard,” Axel beamed at you as soon as you stepped in the common space, obviously overjoyed to share the news.  With one lanky arm around your shoulders, the redhead navigated you into the center of an absolutely packed Grey Area.  It seemed nobody was currently on a mission, which was extremely unusual – you thought you were the only one with today off.  What was going on?  The couches were jam-packed, and even the standing area around them was full, every Nobody unusually animated and talkative.  “Luxord apparently finally got Xemnas to make a wager with him!  It - ”
    “The Superior would never do such a thing,” Saix’s deep voice interrupted Axel’s eager chatting as the blunette approached, clipboard in hand.  “And according to my notes, Axel, you should currently be in Agrabah –”
    “Nobody’s going anywhere today, Treasure-Face,” Xigbar drawled from where he sprawled on the couch next to Demyx, who was strumming his sitar and adding to the already clamorous background noise.  “Go Berserk on them all if you want, but it’s a battle you’re still going to lose.”
    “We have an Organization to run, Number Two,” Saix returned, but Xigbar had already turned around and was chatting with Larxene, who was leaning against the back of the couch.
    “I heard Zexion say that they were betting on the outcome of Vexen’s current Replica project,” Demyx said to you conspiratorially.  Beside you, Saix’s grip on his clipboard tightened just incrementally.
    “They would not –“ Saix began, but was cut off by Marluxia, who had just traded spots with Xaldin on the opposite couch.
    “I heard from a rather reliable source that they were betting on which of the recent worlds we’ve acquired would prove to be more strategic for us,” the botanist announced, leaning casually on the armrest of the couch.
    “They’re all strategic, and producing many hearts,” Saix interrupted, trying desperately to reassert authority.  “Marluxia, you’re supposed to-“
    “I heard that they were betting on who could win the trivia night at that bar in Hollow Bastion,” Xigbar laughed, cutting Saix off yet again.  You were certain that the Freeshooter was just doing it to piss the Diviner off…and to stir up trouble.  Surely Xemnas would never bet on something as frivolous as that – would he?
    Xigbar’s comment set off the firestorm that he had intended.  Everybody exploded in a downright brouhaha of what they’d heard, what they thought, and why certain theories were a bad or good idea – all at once.  Even Lexaeus, normally as silent as Nobodies were known to come, was chattering with Zexion and Vexen in a little huddle.  The sheer noise of the Nobodies was startling; hadn’t anybody designed this place with decent acoustics, or did everything echo here?
    “Wait, Axel,” you shouted over the cacophony.  “I don’t get it.  Just because Xemnas made a bet – what’s the big deal?”
    “Well, there’s only one outcome when you bet with Luxord,” Axel shouted back over the din, leaning down towards you.  “So, naturally, Xemnas lost.”
    Speculation could only last so long, and eventually, the crowd died out, trailing off to do whatever it was Nobodies did on their collective self-appointed day off.  Eventually, you, Demyx, and Axel were the only ones left in the Grey Area with Saix, who was still seething.  Demyx didn’t care about the bluenette’s anger; after all, he never cared anyway and would barely have done the mission even on a normal day.  Axel and Saix, you knew, were pretty close, so Axel probably didn’t feel nervous even when he was the target of Saix’s irritation.  And you – well, this actually was your day off, so what was the Diviner going to do to you?
    “It’s pitiable,” Saix growled, “that one little rumor is enough to send our infrastructure crumbling to the ground.  We should all be better than this,” he added, casting a sidelong glance at Demyx, who was showing you how to play a C chord on the sitar and really not listening at all.
    “Yeah,” Axel said absent-mindedly.  “I guess we should be.  But, you know, the funny thing is that I think around when Luxord first joined the Organization, he made a wager with me that he could get Xemnas to lose a bet.  So, even though it’s been years, I guess I’ve lost that one.  I’m honestly kind of nervous about what’s in it for me, now.”
    “Wait, wait, wait,” Demyx said, letting go of your hand where he’d been positioning it on the neck of his sitar.  “You made that bet, too?  I did the same thing when Lux first joined!”
    “Yeah, me too, when I first joined,” you agreed, a bit taken aback.  Soon, all eyes were on Saix.
    “I…” he trailed off, and you almost wondered if there wasn’t a touch of a blush rising to his cheeks.  You tried to suppress a smile; he took himself so seriously!  “Me too,” he mumbled, barely audible.  You and Axel exchanged a glance, and you knew he was thinking the same thing as you; how many others were there who had been caught up in this?  Or was it just the four of you?
    A tap on your shoulder made you jump and almost let out a yelp.  You twisted around, surprised, terrified of finding Luxord or Xemnas waiting for you.  But no, it was just a Dusk, politely handing you a playing card.  You frowned and took it, turning it over to reveal its face, as the Dusk went around, politely handing out cards to everyone else in the room before stalking off.
    “You have been summoned to Where Nothing Gathers for a lunchtime meeting.  Arrive at noon promptly,” you read aloud.  There was no signature; there didn’t need to be.  Every one of you knew who had distributed these memos.
    You and Larxene entered Where Nothing Gathers together, finally having fallen silent from all of your shared speculation.  She, too, had made that same bet with Luxord when she joined the Organization.  How many others were there?  Had Xemnas really lost?  Moreover, were you all totally, royally screwed?
    “See you,” Larxene said with a small grimace and a shrug of her shoulders before parting ways with you to take her place on her throne.
    “See you,” you echoed, sure your face looked as bewildered as hers, though it was oddly reassuring to know that you weren’t the only one confused and a little afraid.
    Demyx was the last one to take his place on his throne, somewhat unsurprisingly.  The Superior sat and waited for him in stolid, stony silence, his face betraying nothing.  For a long moment, it looked like he wasn’t even going to speak.
    “So why are we all gathered here today, in Where Nothing Matters?” Xigbar asked to no one in particular, kicking back and looking quite amused with himself.
    “Gathers,” Saix growled.  “Where Nothing Gathers.”  Xigbar only grinned and shrugged; it was obvious to everyone that today was an ideal day for him to stir up some trouble, and he was loving it.
    “We are gathered here, at this abrupt hour,” Xemnas spoke, his deep, resounding voice silencing all others.  “Because our Number Ten has an announcement to make.  You will all follow his every order without exception.  Do I make myself clear?”
    Around the room, everybody nodded slowly, and all eyes shifted to Luxord on his throne.
    “Greetings, colleagues!”  He chirped out in his British accent, sounding so cheerful that the sharp contrast to Xemnas’ monotone was startling.  “I understand that various rumors are flying around the Castle, and I want to make one thing perfectly clear: whatever you’ve heard, it’s all true.  Now,” he grinned, looking out at everyone with a dangerous light in his blue eyes.  Your stomach turned; what were you all in for?  Never before had Xemnas announced that you were all to follow any orders other than his or Saix’s, and Saix was really just an extension of the Superior, anyway.  “I’d like to announce that tonight, at eight o clock, we will be holding our First Annual Staff Party in the Hall of Empty Melodies.”  Luxord paused for effect, beaming out at his audience.
    “You’re serious?”  Marluxia spoke up, interrupting the silence.
    “Besides the Superior’s orders,” Xaldin snapped.  “I see no reason to attend this Staff Party.  It’s frivolous and a distraction to our plans.”
    “Well,” Luxord answered cheerily.  “The funny thing is, Xaldin, you may recall a bet that we made when I first joined the Organization…”  He trailed off for a moment, and the Whirlwind Lancer frowned, slumping in his seat.  “I do believe that you’ve lost that bet today.  In fact, I do believe you’ve all lost that bet today,” Luxord added.  You glanced around the room; Luxord had roped literally everyone in the Organization into this somehow?  “And unless you want to encounter the Superior’s anger, or you want to find out how unpleasant it is to break the terms of a contractually-binding bet with me, you will be in the Hall of Empty Melodies at eight tonight.  Dress is casual, jeans and a shirt are fine.”
    “Hey, Lux,” Xigbar called up, wasting no time.  “Is it bring your own beer?”
    “Potluck!  Potluck!”  Demyx started chanting, pumping his fists in the air and obviously thrilled at the idea of a party.  You sighed, slumping into your seat the same way that Xaldin had in his.  This was going to be a very long day off.
    Thanks to Demyx, Luxord actually had adopted the potluck idea, and you and Larxene had to go out together to pick some food up, since most of the rest of the kitchen was being dominated by Nobodies who were surprisingly eager to do some cooking.  You weren’t thrilled about having to spend the munny, but had to admit, it was kind of fun getting ready for a party with the only other girl in the Organization.
    “Which one?”  Larxene asked you, holding two tops up.  She wasn’t too into the whole casual-dress affair, and was enjoying getting a little dolled up for once.  Her fervor for it was infectious, and you had to admit, you were enjoying it just a little, too.  “I like the silver one, but then I’ll have to find a different bra, because this one is so dark it’ll just show right through it.  But the other top’s cute, too, and I can wear this bra with it, and let’s be real…it’s my best bra.  What do you think?”
    Before you could open your mouth, a very familiar voice interrupted.
    “Definitely the silver one,” Xigbar announced, vanishing through a portal in Larxene’s wall before she could manage to electrocute him – though not for lack of effort on her part.
    You and Larxene were among the first at the party.  Luxord had, of course, already beaten you to the Hall of Empty Melodies, and greeted you both with a one armed hug and peck on the cheek when he saw you.
    “Wonderful to see you both, so glad you could make it.  Potluck food on the table to the right,” he announced.  “Do mingle with the other girls; you’ve likely seen them around some places, Traverse Town, Hollow Bastion, that sort of thing.  They’re all good friends of mine, all have lost bets, you’re all in the same boat so do try to be friendly, loves.  Vexen!  Wonderful to see you…”  The Gambler of Fate moved on from you two as you shuffled toward the table to the right, as directed, eyeing whatever-it-was that Vexen had cooked up and was carrying in.  It looked gelatinous and very concerning.
    The staff party, it turned out, was a lot of fun.  Xigbar had brought some beer, Marluxia had brought some liquor, and you were sufficiently tipsy, your voice slightly hoarse from socializing and cheering on various beer pong teams, by the time ten o clock came around.
    “All right everyone,” Luxord called above the din.  “Gather round, circle up, come along now.”  Slowly, like a herd shuffling into place, the partygoers – yourself included – moved into Luxord’s ascribed position.  “Next up, we’ll be playing a game.”
    “King’s cup!”  Axel shouted.
    “No, no,” Luxord grinned with a little chuckle.  “Maybe later, though I’m certain some of you will be quite done for the night after that.  We’ll be starting with something a bit new, something that we couldn’t have done quite so well if not for the ladies present tonight.  Who here has heard of Seven Minutes in Heaven?”
    You and Larxene exchanged glances.  Oh, God, you thought, and you could see the same look written across her face.  Things had been going too well for you all as a group that had lost a bet with Luxord; you should’ve known it couldn’t last.
    The game had to be slightly modified, since it turned out that nearly nobody had any small, insignificant trinket to be contributed to pull out of a hat.  It was almost embarrassing, watching member after member of the Organization offer either munny, pocket lint, or their weapons to be put into the pool.
    Before Luxord attempted to collect from Xemnas, he gave up, redistributing the possessions back to their respective owners (give or take the pocket lint).
    “Somebody grab a bottle, I know you’ve all drank more than a few together so far,” he instructed as he struggled to move Saix’s Claymore back to him.  Saix, in exchange, gave him the requested bottle, looking extraordinarily nonplussed.  “We’ll determine who spins first by having the girls draw cards.  The first lady to pull the Ace of Hearts goes first.  Let’s see…Larxene, why don’t you start us off?”  The Gambler approached your friend, who was seated to your left with a very plain grimace on her face.  Luxord didn’t seem to notice or care, offering her a deck of cards fanned out in his hands.  With a small, angry groan of frustration in the back of her throat, Larxene drew the card from the far right.  You watched closely as your friend turned it over, revealing the Jack of Spades.  Her posture and face relaxed as she handed the card back to Luxord.
    “Next,” Luxord announced, moving the deck to you.  You sighed and shut your eyes, pulling from the deck at random.  When you opened them, you found the Ace of Hearts staring back at you.
    Just your luck.
    Setting your face into as unperturbed an expression as you could muster, you handed the card back to Luxord, who held it up for the group to see.  Surprisingly, the group remained silent as you walked toward the center of the circle, where the bottle lay.  You took a deep breath and knelt down, giving it a spin – not too hard, but not too gentle, either.  The little brown bottle turned around and around, wobbling and wobbling, until finally, it slowed, and when it stopped…
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writteninsunshine · 4 years
I Like The Universe - Saïx/Xemnas - NSFW
Title: I Like The Universe
Author: Donnie
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Setting: The Castle That Never Was, Xemnas’ Room
Pairing: Saïx/Xemnas
Characters: Saïx, Xemnas, Axel
Genre: Romance
Rating: M
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 14450
Type Of Work: One-Shot
Status: Complete
Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, MLM, Oral Sex, Vague Master/Pet, Blowjobs, Face-Fucking, Skull-Fucking, PWP
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
Summary: The universe didn’t always have to be stars and planets.
AN: Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have Twitter and Tumblr, too! Twitter is Sunshinecackle, and Tumblr is Writteninsunshine! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD I can PM it to people who want it on FFN, for everyone else, it’s here: https://discord.gg/FyaWw25
I had this thought in my head last night and had to write it, I guess. I’m glad to get something written, I’ve been using writing sprints to get something done. It helps me to focus, so that’s good, at least. I’ve been needing to write more.
Kingdom Hearts Fic Masterlist
I Like The Universe
Saïx liked the universe. 
Something about the vastness of it, the sky spattered with stars, the knowledge of other Worlds, it all settled the anxiety in his chest. He could look out of the windows, or go to a high place to think, and the universe was always there to comfort him, to wrap its inky tendrils around his mind. It soothed his non-heart until it didn’t scream anymore until it was silent, and the silence was better than the loudness of his thoughts.
Saïx liked Xemnas.
He shouldn’t have, and he knew that, deep down. Axel and himself had gone into this not wanting to fall on his side. The unfortunate part was that it seemed that he was going to be left in the dust, their plan forgotten. There was nothing left of what they had once wanted to accomplish, and Saïx had been left behind, abandoned for the next cool thing. His heart, or lack thereof, had ached for days. 
That same silence he craved in his head became his entire personality, his loyalty in the right place to be swayed. Xemnas was nothing if not practical, and he’d seen it fit to call Saïx to his precipice, to draw him in and welcome him home. If he could keep someone’s loyalty, well, that was better than all of these little plots among his supposedly happy family.
“You wanted to see me, Superior?” Saïx asked calmly, watching the elder man as he gazed at Kingdom Hearts.
“Yes,” Xemnas spoke plainly, turning slowly, ethereal in all of his movements, “I am glad you arrived when you did. Has everyone checked in that was supposed to?”
“Yes, Superior.” The blue-haired man nodded, “Everything seems to be taken care of for the day.”
“Good. I was hoping you could join me in my room.” The elder man told him, stepping closer. A gloved hand pressed into Saïx’s cheek and he leaned into it, eyelids slipping closed. “Would you care to?”
“Yes, Superior.” He craved the attention, no matter what it was. 
“Good.” Opening a corridor, Xemnas gestured for the other to enter, “Please, after you.”
“Yes, Superior.” Those words left him so often, but they made him feel obedient, which was something Xemnas sought in him constantly. Perhaps he wanted it, too, because it earned him nothing but praise. As he walked through the portal, he let the other lead him, feeling a hand taking his own. It brought a soft smile to his lips, and he allowed himself to be taken to the elder man’s room.
A companionable silence overcame them as they entered Xemnas’ room, and the nightly ritual of undressing and laying together began. Xemnas’ hands worked through his hair, pulling a soft noise of contentment from the blue-haired man, and Xemnas simply smiled for him, closed-lipped and soft.
“What would you like to do tonight, pet?” Xemnas asked him, finally, his head tilting against the pillow. 
“I… Want to be touched,” Saïx responded softly, head tilting as those dark-skinned hands worked under his jaw to scratch there. It felt good, and his head fell back to grant him more access. Every gentle scrape of the other’s perfectly trimmed nails left him adjusting just slightly into the next touch and he sighed softly, content.
“Then I shall touch you. A loyal pet deserves nothing less.” The silver-haired male replied, kissing the scar between Saïx’s eyes and nuzzling his neck gently with his nose. Sitting up slowly, he let the blanket fall down to his hips, pooling there as his hands moved down Saïx’s chest. “On your back, pet.”
Rolling over and spreading out, Saïx bared himself to the other, watching as the elder man leaned down over his stomach. Soft hair tickled his abdomen as gentle kisses and sharp bites pressed into his skin. A soft throbbing began between his legs as those nails dug into his sides, scraping down to his thighs. Softly, a  keening whine left him, and his back arched as the elder’s tongue swirled around his nipple, leaving him panting softly. Xemnas always knew how to touch him to set his every nerve on fire.
Saïx whined again when the other’s mouth found his hip bone, biting into it and sucking until his cheeks hollowed. The younger man wriggled beneath his mouth, only stilling when one of those deft hands wrapped around his cock and began to stroke. It was times like these that made him feel important when Xemnas would focus entirely on <i>his</i> pleasure, and not his own. 
After a moment, those teeth left him and Saïx peered up just in time to watch Xemnas get up, settling between his legs. All of that dark skin pressed to and between his own left Saïx breathless, and he gasped as the elder’s tongue swirled around the head of his cock. No matter how much he wanted to watch, he found himself unable to, eyelids fluttering shut as he groaned.
Xemnas’ tongue played at the elastic bit of flesh beneath the head, and he sucked softly, leaving a panting groan pulled from Saïx’s lips. His hands fisted in the sheets, and the blue-haired man whined when he felt the other’s hand begin to stroke what wasn’t in his mouth. The other hand slipped down to roll his heavy balls, expertly pulling more gut-punched moans from his lips. 
Finally, Xemnas’ mouth dropped lower, slowly taking in more of him, sucking him deep and moaning around him. Swallowing around the head in his throat, he delighted in the howl of a moan leaving the other man, his back arching and hips threatening to leave the bed. He slurped loudly, sucking his way back to the head, before giving a little purr of a moan.
“You may thrust if it suits you, pet. You’ve been so good for me.” Xemnas couldn’t have said anything better, and the second that his lips closed around his prick again, both of Saïx’s hands flew to his hair. Thrusting up into the hot, wet cavern, his eyes rolled back, mouth open as he leaked precum down the other’s throat already. Xemnas gagged a little, at first, before relaxing his throat and letting Saïx have his fun. Sometimes that was all he had to do, let himself be used and the other was only that much more obedient afterward.
Even if that wasn’t the goal, Xemnas rather did enjoy how the other’s cock bulged his neck when he thrust, and he found himself closing his legs to try and mitigate some of his own arousal. Saïx was a handsome young man, and a good person to have on your side, even if he occasionally dallied with the wrong crowd. All he cared about at the moment was Xemnas and the pleasure that the elder could give him, and sometimes, that was enough.
Saïx worked himself into a frenzy, bucking off the bed wildly and force-feeding the other his cock with each erratic movement. It felt too good to finally be able to get some of that wild energy out, and all he had to do was chase his orgasm like it was the only purpose left for him. Xemnas would let him use him, and it was possibly the best thing anyone could have given him at this point in his life.
Throat spasming around him as Xemnas gagged again, Saïx felt the heat pooling in his stomach twist and he gave a loud howl, tossing his head back as his body went stiff. Both feet dug into the bed and pushed down, and he thrust up as he came, filling the other’s belly as he swallowed. Fists turned to soft palms, smoothing down Xemnas’ hair as he came down, hands quaking. He felt so good, now. It… Really was amazing how much more relaxed Xemnas could make him.
Slowly pulling off of his cock, Xemnas let it fall from his lips with a gentle ‘pop’ and laid it on Saïx’s belly. He smiled up at the other as he pet his milky thighs, and he kissed one of them before rising and falling in bed beside the other. Saïx was too tired to do much, smiling and nuzzling into him, holding the other male close. Asleep in a matter of seconds, Saïx remained curled around the silver-haired man for the rest of the night, Xemnas happy to work himself off slow and careful under the covers beside the other. Tomorrow would be a productive day, for sure.
Saïx loved the universe, but when he thought about it, he wasn’t thinking about planets and galaxies. It was Xemnas; even if they couldn’t love, his heart had figured it out.
AN: Alright, so that is out of the way! I’d had this idea even if I didn’t know where it was going last night and finally sat down to write it. I hope you guys enjoyed it!
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Hey Dearie, i absolutely love your Blog ❤❤ (Id the AskBox is open) I'd like to know how the Guys ~ Minus the Babies ~ would react, when their S/O suprises them in their favorite Lingerie... and maybe whispers some dirty stuff in their ears 😉
Majority is under the cut because of pictures!
Like Xemnas is not about the exposure of skin. What's sexy to him is how extravagant you look. So, The superior may be reading a book or sitting alone in his office when you enter, wearing a sheer black nightdress, the one he likes with the slit up your leg. As you enter his study, you know he's sensed your presence, but doesn't react, not even looking up from his book or paperwork. You creep closer to him, until your standing behind his chair, and place a hand on his shoulder.
"You are playing a dangerous game, pet. One doesn't usually crawl into the lions den holding raw flesh."
His hand rises to you leg and starts to snake its way up, past the slit in your nightdress and gripping your thigh. The superior lets out a deep exhale through his nose.  "And you.. look rather delicious..."
Let’s say work was not getting done this evening.
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So, Xigbar is good with just about anything. But his favorite look is one that he can just take in and enjoy while still fucking you. And as soon as he sees one of those little straps, its over.  Half the time, you like to wear the harness under your clothes as a surprise for later, but the sneaky rogue figures it out before you can even get the drop on him.
But when you do, his face turns to a carnivorous grin, like a beast ready to devour you. And I promise you, he most certainly devour you. He wants to see such a pretty looking think like you a hot sweating moaning  breathy mess before he is ready to have you. Expect several orgasms or LOTS of edging before he finally takes you.
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Xaldin loves his SO but loves his SO enough that he sees lingerie as something they don't need/ he doesn't deserve, but sometimes special occasions arrive. And when they do, for whatever reasons, delicate and thin fabrics with light colors soften large mans heart.
When he comes through the door and sees you standing there in the moonlight, his heart nearly doubles in size and his eyes go wide. He doesn't know what he’s done to deserve such a treat but know that he is going to treasure you for every second of it. the sex is very very tender and sweet and soft and slow, but he still has you seeing stars.
"I... Wow... My... Little One, You look stunning."
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Vexen isn't one for Lingerie. It's expensive and not worth the expense. But even a man such as he can enjoy beauty. so sometimes, on the nights that Vexen comes home and sleeps in his bed, you like to wear your favorite nightgown and robe. The scientist will notice immediately and always turn a soft pink. It might not evolve into full out sex like some men, but he certainly will want to be closer to you, enjoying your company, kissing your head, holding you close, and maybe just turning into a night of loving from your favorite beanpole.
"Y-You look nice... You will be rather cold if you sleep in just that alone. You might need to be closer to me tonight. for warmth, of course... You know, it is nights like these that I wish I could be at home with you more often."
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Lexaeus is a little hard to pinpoint in a format like this, but the man's tastes are subject to change based on what kind of person his SO is. He always finds himself drawn to soft pastel and chiffon lingerie but there is always that one piece that he sees and is just kind of moved. It suits your personality and your style and it just seems so so perfect that he loves it all the more.
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So the kid is young. he’s still new to the sex thing and lingerie on top of that, he’s kind of a casual person. so his favorite lingerie is something comfy that you like to wear around the house anyway. But whenever you two are spending a lazy day together and you’re dressed that, expect his eyes to wander to your thighs constantly, too nervous to really say anything, but still compelled to stare. It’s not until you pick up on his apprehension and decide to get things going and sit in his lap that the fun gets started.
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So... You've given up on Saix and Lingerie years ago. The man doesn't have a favorite because every time you wear something nice, the man fucking destroys it.
But sometimes you like to waste the money and try to do something nice. You’ve come to find that Saix likes lace the most because it takes the least effort to tear and something about the delicate fabric makes him absolutely feral. But when you come in, he might be busy with paperwork of some sort, but as you come through the door, his eyes immediately go to you and you could swear you could see the him flash from man to wolf in the blink of an eye.
His expression totally changes and his eyes go dark. The paperwork is put down gently and he rushes to you, pinning you against the door. "Do you ever learn your lesson, moonflower?"
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Where Saix likes to hunt, Axel likes to play. He's more about enjoying the moment when he's with his S/O. And he’s a romantic, so as much as we reserve florals for Marluxia, I feel like the rose motif is something Axel just finds himself falling for over and over again.
But when you come into the room, Axel is probably just laying on his bed staring at the ceiling with his hands behind his head, but when he sees you, he just shoots up. He is kinda breathless at first because even if he had seen the look before, it's his absolute favorite and he is one to get flustered.
He doesn’t move other than sitting up completely straight and asking why you're surprising him like this. But as you move closer and closer you can see his eyes just looking you over in amazement until you climb up onto the bed, straddle his lap, and take his face in your hands before whispering some sweet nothings to him softly and kissing him on the lips. All at once his long arms wrap around you and its all over.
"Hey I--- whoa... Babe you look.. What's all this about? I-- mph... What did I do to deserve you...?"
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Demyx is a soft boy. Honestly Anything gets the boy excited so you don’t need to try too hard. But sometimes you like to give the boy a little surprise, and he is always receptive. One day he’s just getting ready and you come in, in the softest sweetest looking nightgown and his jaw just drops and his eyes go wide. He looks dumbstruck for a moment, and you shy away a little from the staring but the dope can't help himself. Its like time just kinda stops for a moment.
"I... You.. Wow you look really pretty. Can I, Can I kiss you?"
And he steps closer, still cautious and a still little awestruck.  The boy would wrap his arms around your waist and just gently kiss your lips, almost afraid to break you, or ruin anything. His usual rambunctious attitude is just completely replaced with caution. But then he gets an idea and tries with all his might to lift you up bridal and carry you to his bed, but you can feel his little noodle arms shaking as he tries to carry you. You try to tell him to put you down, that its not worth it, but he insists its entirely worth it. And after a minute of strained lifting, the musician plops himself down on the bed and hops down on it next to you, pulling you into a big hug.
"I just.. Im not as strong as some of the big guys but sometimes I just wanna be a cool guy too."You give him a kiss on the lips, pulling him close to you, and as the kiss deepens, the boys hands start to wander and things fall apart from there.
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Luxord is very particular about what his SO wears when it comes to lingerie.  He just has a very particular taste, and his favorite thing is intricate pieces that just catch your body just right and shows what he likes to see. And one night while Luxord is out playing games with acquaintances, you decide to let him come home and feel like a winner.
He comes through the door and sees you and an arrogant grin just blooms on his face. He knows what you’re up to and he fucking loves it, chuckling to himself . He would just take in the view as you laid there, loving every second of it like a tall drink of water in a hot desert. Eventually, once he’s had enough for the moment, he will place a finger under your chin and move it upwards towards him as you rise and follow his finger.  The man loves the control.
"Oh my... What have you been getting up to while I was out? You must have missed me quite a lot to have you like this.. Well don't worry, pet. I shan't be leaving again tonight. And you wont be sleeping tonight."
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Marluxia is a man of presentation, and while he loves his S/O, he prefers her wearing the finer things on most basis. So when you want to make the night special, you gotta go a little more extreme. So when the assassin sees you enter his chambers like this, he cant help but look up. He rises and will slip closer to you almost like a serpent and wrap his arms around you pinning you to the wall in the process.
Before saying a word, the assassins hands are on your waist, following the curve of your waist and his lips are placing gentle but maddening kisses along the place where your neck meets your ear. You gasp under his embrace and he smiles. "This is quite a pleasant surprise, my dear. I'd say.. you look good enough to eat..."
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You might thinks she only likes the kinky alternative girl looks but She loves all sorts of lingerie. Sometimes seeing her SO in a soft nighty makes her feel like the luckiest girl in the world. And you almost dont expect her to get flustered as you enter your bedroom. At first she looks up and turns a flushed pink, and then she starts to stutter, spewing half thought insults to deflect from her face growing redder and redder. As you approach the bed, she only watches until you sit down next to her and give the girl a soft kiss on the lips.
"Wh-Where'd you get That? You are so stupid. Thinking something some L-Lace could get the better of ME"
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aliceslantern · 5 years
Beyond this Existence: Atonement, chapter 4
Ansem always had a penchant for strays, so it's not at all surprising when he takes in the orphaned child Ienzo. The boy's presence changes everything, far more than Even is willing to admit. Ienzo's brilliance seems promising, but the arrival of a young Xehanort pushes the apprentices onto a dark, cruel, inhumane path which will affect the future of the World. And even once it's all over with--once Xehanort is dead--they still must pick up the pieces, forgive one another, find a way to atone for their atrocities, and struggle to accept the humanity which has been thrust upon them.
Or: Even's journey from BBS through post-KH3
Read it on FF.net/on AO3
He wakes slowly.
He’s in a bed, a bed not his own, in a strange, blank, barren room. He sits up.
“Ah, friend, you’re awake,” says the voice.
He turns towards the source of it. Xehanort is dressed in all black, but it’s different than the lab coats they’ve worn; it’s got beading, zippers instead of a catch.
He blinks, once. His mind is curiously clear. He reaches up to his jugular to take his pulse, noting first that there is one, then that it’s almost unnervingly slow and steady. “I suppose it worked?” he asks, his voice flat. "We've no hearts?"
“Quite--we are Nobodies." He tilts his head slightly. "We’ve been worried about you. You’re the last one to wake. I thought you may not have made it.”
He stares down at his hands; they look the same, and so does the long blonde hair on his shoulder, freed of its usual restraint. “I see.”
“How do you feel?”
“Very much alert,” he admits. Less physically tired than he can remember.
It’s an odd word to hear out loud. He realizes he is numb, but not a human numbness; moreso an emptiness, but a very bearable one. A comfortable one. “My head is clear,” he says instead. It’s true; unfettered by emotion, he processes this all easily, without stress.
Xehanort smiles, but there’s nothing in it. “Excellent. Seems this experiment was a success. While you were resting, we’ve chosen a sign of brotherhood, new names to usher us into this new life. I’ve chosen one for you--should you want it.”
“And what is that?”
“Vexen,” he says slowly. “The Recusant’s Sigil is said to be good luck. I’ve added it to all our names--anagrammed them.”
“How creative of you.” There’s no sarcasm behind it; nothing at all. “Very well. I suppose that is who I’ll be.” He sits up, bringing his legs over the side of the bed. “Where is Ien--the little one?”
“He goes by Zexion now,” Xehanort says. “He was the first to wake, after myself, of course. The boy seems to have taken to this new life easier than I ever could have guessed. It suits him. He has no more fear, no more sensory overload. He’s purely himself.”
Hearing this, Vexen feels nothing for the boy; no concern. It’s liberating, he realizes. “That is good news indeed. Your name already contains an X. Though I don’t suppose only that will do.”
He shakes his head slowly. “They call me Xemnas.”
There’s much to do, and it’s all so much easier than it used to be.
They’re somewhere else now, a place still taking shape. What starts as a two-story building morphs into something far larger than Radiant Garden’s castle ever was. As soon as he craves a resource, it seems to appear, seemingly out of nowhere; soon he’s able to identify this morphing substance as the same that the lesser Nobodies were made of. They study their new bodies for weeks, months; they discover their immense capabilities for magic. Zexion, in a very short amount of time, becomes a rather skilled mage; necessary, as the Heartless target him mercilessly, despite Lexeaus’s best efforts to protect him. While he and Vexen continue to spend time together, for studies, they’re beginning to drift, but Vexen doesn’t care much. There’s nothing behind the boy’s eyes aside from a cold calculation.
They find that they have weapons, extensions of their wills, each personalized to its user; more exciting yet, they have their own magics, in alignment with their personalities, a sort of expression of the deepest essences of the self. Vexen’s newfound command over ice is infinitely useful in his experiments, though it is disappointing that it is just ice, not water.
It seems every time they come to a momentous discovery--of worlds, of hearts, of matter--Xemnas always dangles something out of reach. For this Organization, Kingdom Hearts will be the key to all knowledge. Vexen works towards this goal with pleasure. In the chaotic, entropic nothingness--something entirely different than darkness or light--his experiments thrive, and after years, the replicas begin to take shape, form. They incubate.
Six years have passed in a blink; for the first time Xemnas speaks on his desire to gather more members. He needs a Keyblade wielder, so he says, to reap hearts. So they all, in their own ways, go searching across the worlds. And they do find someone, a humanoid Nobody, a seventeen-year-old boy they call Demyx. But the disappointments come hard and fast with this one. Initially, Vexen is hopeful; the boy’s power over water seems to be something nearly prodigal. But he is not very academically bright. He’s lazy, he would rather fool around with his weapon, an instrument called a sitar. They all can barely tolerate him, though inexplicably, Xigbar strikes up a rapport with the boy. Very well. If someone of high rank can keep him in line, all the better.
Because they have ranked themselves. Of course, Xemnas is the leader; as the youngest, it’s only natural for Zexion to be the sixth of the six original apprentices; Saïx, Axel, and Demyx follow when the latter arrives; but internally there’s some squabbling over the rest of the numbers. Vexen is beyond disappointed with his own designation of only fourth, but no matter, he works alone the majority of the time anyway.
In quick succession, they’re joined by three more--Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene. Not one is a Keyblade wielder, and aside from the passing intrigue of studying the first humanoid Nobody that is a biological woman, they are nothing but a thorn in Vexen’s side. Xemnas’s frustration is obvious, and Vexen feels mostly the same.
All of a sudden Zexion is no longer a little boy, but a young man. He had, more or less, what seemed to be a normal puberty. He never expresses interest in sex or sexuality, unlike some of the other members; but then again, Zexion was never a people person, and while Vexen knows that the scientist in him should want to investigate this potential quirk of Nobody biology, the part of him that once raised Ienzo is repulsed at questioning the young man farther about these matters.
One of these days, when Zexion’s about fifteen, he arrives in Vexen’s lab. “Six,” he says. “It’s a pleasure to see you. Do you require assistance?”
Zexion smiles politely. “I hope to have a word, if that’s alright. I do hope I’m not interrupting anything.” It’s easy now for him to speak, to compose himself; as Xemnas said, purely himself. If anything, the boy is too talkative.
“I can spare a few moments.”
“Very well. Then I’ll be brief. I’m aware our tutoring sessions take up a good deal of our time, time both of us could use more efficiently. I feel I’m far enough in my education to pursue it on my own. Though I must thank you for your years of working with me.” He bows a little. The sight of this old custom unnerves Vexen.
He says it so quickly, so simply. For some reason, Vexen is surprised--though shouldn’t he have seen this coming?
(And is he crazy, or is he feeling hurt? No--mustn’t. Nobodies cannot feel, though the neophytes love to pretend, especially Demyx. The miscreant must be rubbing off on him more than he thought. He curses the fact that they are both part of the reconnaissance team.)
Vexen smiles. “It was my pleasure. You know you’re very intelligent. I have the utmost faith in you. My door is always open for you, Zexion, should you have questions.”
“Thank you, Vexen. Good day.”
The years pass--they cannot find their Keyblade wielder, no matter how hard they try. The others are frustrated too, especially the neophytes, as they’re sent on the most search missions. At least there is some progress--Heartless made, worlds brought under control of darkness, his replicas becoming more stable yet. Vexen hopes he may be able to get one to wield a Keyblade.
Zexion turns eighteen. Vexen’s initial prediction was right; the young man is relatively small, slight, and probably always will be. While his face still is a bit soft, he’ll lose the babyishness in time. As the first person to truly come of age as a Nobody, he allows Vexen to prod him, somewhat indulgently. “I suppose it is interesting, though it would be more interesting if I knew the difference,” he admits, in a moment of unusual candor.
Vexen looks up at him on the table. He gently pulls free the needle that was taking his blood, and heals the tiny wound. Magic has made his doctoring less barbaric, simpler. “Would you rather have been human?” he asks.
He thinks about it. “I’ve been a Nobody ten years--longer than I was ever a human.”
“Yet, not a direct answer to my question.”
He rolls down the sleeve of his cloak. “I don’t believe so,” he says. “What I remember from that time is mostly negative--the panic attacks, the constant inundation of stimuli interpreted as pain, the nightmares, the untreated PTSD. But now… now I am stable, and in control of myself. I do not feel I’ve missed anything--though the neophytes insist the opposite.” He rolls his eyes. “As if I would ever find any of those shenanigans of interest.”
Vexen nods. “As long as you are fulfilled.”
“I am.” He pauses, smiles a bit. “I’m not the one who told you this, but the superior might soon have a mission for us. One elsewhere.”
His interest is piqued; but at the same time, he feels another wave of frustration that number six is more privy to this information than he. “Elsewhere?”
Zexion shakes his head. “That’s all he said. Though who knows--he’s become more and more enigmatic over the years. It is… trying.”
Vexen chuckles. “Well, I doubt I’ll find anything different about these samples, but should there be anything of note, I’ll contact you.”
“Keep it for posterity,” he says, with a wave of his hand. “Who knows, I could be the first of many, to live this way.”
“Child, you have a strange sense of humor.”
Two things happen in quick succession--they find their Keyblade wielder, and Castle Oblivion is established as a second base. Roxas is an amnesiac, utterly zombified, more than just Nobody numbness. But considering the stories they’ve heard of Sora from Xemnas, that they were able to capture his Nobody is a feat in and of itself.
He’s forced to release his first successful replica to Xemnas. It really is a puppet--it will walk, talk, perform bodily functions--but it has no sense of self, not yet. He knows it’s too soon to let No. i into the field--it needs more extensive testing. Xemnas insists. They need insurance in case something were to happen to Roxas, mostly because Sora’s allies are searching for him. Not when they are so close to finally making progress on Kingdom Hearts. With it, knowledge and, perhaps for those interested, humanity again.
Vexen isn’t sure of his own opinion on the matter. To be a Nobody is a sort of freedom; he can research, experiment without guilt, without the need for social interaction. But as Nobodies they do not technically exist, literally speaking; doesn’t that in itself negate everything that’s been discovered?
So with what is almost anxiety, No. i is christened Xion, and welcomed into their ranks. But Vexen is not allowed to stay and observe it; he, and another replica, are needed in Castle Oblivion. He, Zexion, and Lexeaus are given dominion over the lower floors; Larxene, Axel, and Marluxia the upper. Most galling yet, Marluxia, number eleven for god’s sake, is made their tentative leader. While Marluxia has proven himself time and again in the field and at the table, why does this man deserve such a rank?
But Zexion and Lexeaus do not want to hear him complain about it. “Everyone’s work is important here,” Zexion says softly, huddled over his lexicon, poetically called “Book of Retribution”--Vexen does not pretend to understand that boy’s mind. “Yours especially. Focus on the task at hand.”
It’s a big task for the boy (the man, Vexen reminds himself, he’s nineteen); they would be using Zexion’s extensive illusions on Sora, as Naminé leaches his memories. They cannot afford a heart that special to remain out in the wide world; not when he actually has the power to put an end to them. Vexen knows Zexion’s powerful, knows of his stamina; but maintaining so many complex illusions for so long was a lot to ask of him. Castle Oblivion seems to like the boy's magic, to hold its shape. Even so. But they discover more is afoot; namely, that the neophytes have insane ideas to overthrow Xemnas, using Sora. Quickly, Zexion, Lexeaus, and Vexen devise a plan. While Sora has arrived, Riku soon follows, lured there by a carefully placed clue in the realm of darkness. They’d use Riku--or some semblance of him--to stop Marluxia from using the boy. It takes a bit of cleverness. They have to make Marluxia think they’re on his side, so the replica again changes hands.
But something goes wrong. The replica isn’t acting under their control, it’s developed its own will (what did they expect, forcing him into this so quickly). Marluxia, oh so casually, says that, unless Vexen can pacify the boy himself, he’ll report him and his failure, which can only go one way. Vexen's long had a feeling that he'd be eliminated once he outgrew his usefulness.
Very well.
So he fights the boy, and it’s much more difficult than he would have thought. The boy truly is something prodigal, something nearly godlike. He’s defeated, but is still alive. He already knows what’s coming, and something gives way. He tells the boy how to get his memories back, how to discover Roxas, giving him the key to a Twilight Town. When they meet again, the boy’s almost worked it out, what they are.
And then, to be crass, it hits the shit.
But he doesn’t expect Axel to be the one to execute him.
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nadziejastar · 5 years
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Lea: I want everybody I meet to remember me. Inside people's memories, I can live forever.
Isa: I know I won't forget you. Believe me, I try all the time.
Lea: See, I'm immortal!
After making the post about Terra, I wanted to compare how much better his final fight was handled compared to Lea’s. Now, Lea’s main themes as a Guardian of Light were “death and rebirth” and “immortality”. His Keyblade is based on the Phoenix, a solar bird represented by the color red. Gee, I wonder if Lea saying he wanted to live forever to Isa had aaaanything to do with his future as a Guardian of Light? Isa was in a very similar situation to Terra. He was not in control of himself, and he was attacking his best friend. In KH2, Axel originally tried to bring Roxas back, but failed. But Axel didn’t give up. He went on the run and kept fighting ‘til the very end. He may have felt miserable, but he still had fighting spirit. He went out in a literal blaze of glory, protecting Sora and Kairi.
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“I’ve decided! No matter how many times you guys run away I’ll bring you back, no matter how many times it takes!” he wished—he shouted, he wailed, he vowed.
I’ll bring them back no matter how many times it takes. No matter how many times. For my own sake, for your sakes.
The Phoenix dies over and over again, but it always comes back. Every time. That was the concept behind Lea as a Guardian of Light. In my opinion, his fight at the Keyblade Graveyard was supposed to focus on trying to keep his promise to bring Isa back, no matter what. Isa wasn’t recompleted. That’s why he was retrieved by Braig and Young Xehanort as the “poor soul” while he was unconscious. He was a vessel.
Oh, he actually woke up off-screen and joined totally of his own free will. What the hell was the point of the “Destiny” secret ending, then? Wasn’t it supposed to show that Isa has been taken away from Lea over and over and over again? But no matter how many times it takes, Lea will bring him back? Neither Roxas or Xion’s circumstances really warranted a line as impassioned as that. It’s because Axel was “chasing the illusion of friendship” looooong before he met them. 
Lea trained to use a Keyblade to bring Isa back. But as the battle went on, that seemed impossible. I thought it was very sad that Lea was trying so hard to protect Kairi during the fight, but he still couldn’t bring himself to seriously fight Isa, knowing he was not in control of himself. He just couldn’t destroy him. Even to protect Kairi. I hated how the clock tower scene made it seem like neither Lea or Isa took the upcoming battle seriously. I mean, either of them could have died, but they talked like it was a boxing match or something. It was so ridiculous and made me so angry. There should have been a serious talk before the final battle that there is a chance someone will die. And I hated that Lea seemed weak during his fight when it was really that he didn’t want to fight his best friend.
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The hostility disappeared from Roxas’ eyes. There was no more fighting spirit, left in that Roxas. Here - there was nothing he could do but disappear.
“Let’s meet again in the next life,” he said, smiling just a little as he said those words, and Roxas nodded silently.
“Yeah. I’ll be waiting.”
There was something funny about Roxas’s serious answer, and Axel laughed.
“Silly… you’d have a next life, but…” Axel said to Roxas–and his figure disappeared in the darkness of a portal he’d opened behind him.
The line was about meeting again in the next life is also about death and rebirth. And in my opinion, it was also about Isa. That’s why Axel initially thought Roxas responding seriously to him was funny. The scene where he almost let himself get killed was probably the saddest Axel/Lea moment for me in the whole series. Which is saying a lot. His final scenes in KH2 were incredibly heartbreaking. If you look at his facial expression, you can tell how resigned he was to his own death. He wasn’t smirking or sarcastic like he was at the end of KH2. He wasn’t planning on going out with a bang. He wasn’t fighting back at all, even though he wasn’t seriously injured. He was just emotionally spent and waiting for the finishing blow.
And that had quite an impact on me, because it’s the total opposite of Lea’s personality. He's a natural optimist. He was smiling as soon as he was recompleted, because he was filled with new hope. He was ready to go after his friend even though he killed him. He was an amazingly strong and resilient person. He tried so hard for so long, and was so hopeful that he’d finally get his best friend back. But in the end...he wasn’t able to save him. And this was the moment he finally lost his fighting spirit. He got his hopes up only to have them crushed. Axel never wanted to disappear, no matter how miserable he was. He always found something to keep him going. But here? He was ready for it. He looked so defeated. But...Isa didn’t finish him off. That moment should have been so amazing. But it got almost no attention. The scene shifted as quickly as possible.
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“As long as we remember one another, we’ll never be apart. Got it memorized?”
“But, I mean…it just didn’t sound like you, Axel.” Xion could barely hold in laughter long enough to get the words out.
A wish that they could always be together—was longing for the impossible. But at least they could always remember one another.
This line is similar to Lea’s line in BBS. It’s about immortality and also written for Isa. That’s why Roxas and Xion laughed at him when said it, even though it was the closest he ever got to being emotionally candid with them. Nomura was communicating in a subtle way that Roxas and Xion didn’t understand him. They never did. Axel’s relationship with Saïx was so compelling to me because it encapsulated the themes of death and rebirth SO much better than his relationship with Roxas and/or Xion (which had a different theme). It came full circle. It started off happy when they were kids, then became worse until Axel was killed by him.
His heart was torn to shreds. He felt completely hopeless. Then he is reborn, and the relationship is brought back to life. That’s really powerful. After Isa stopped attacking him, he should have been so happy and hopeful again. Then...Xemnas shows up. All that hope would suddenly be drained from him all over again. Xemnas has known Lea for a decade. He knew exactly the right words to hurt him. He called him utterly useless and forgotten. In KH3D, Lea showed up and ruined his plan to make Sora a vessel. So, he used Isa to attack him, to emotionally hurt him. And that’s basically what he did here. The worst thing Lea could hear would be that Isa forgot about him and that he isn’t able to bring him back.
I think the serious and emotional mood of Lea’s final fight was really compromised, if not ruined. Sure, I think Axel smirking and acting sarcastic when Xemnas first arrived was totally in-character. Telling him that he was never his superior was looong overdue and completely appropriate. But I feel like him saying he had people rooting for him, and “nobody axes Axel” was lame and took away from the gravity of the situation. It all felt way too lighthearted for what should have been such a dramatic final battle. I always thought KH was good at knowing when to be funny and when to be serious.
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“Bet you don’t know why the sun sets red. You see, light is made up of lots of colors. And out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest.”
In KH3, Lea is mostly remembered for being comic relief and breaking the fourth wall. I find this sad, because I could see the vestiges of an incredibly emotional character arc that never came to be. There were some truly genuine moments during his fight that unfortunately got less attention than they deserved. They’re the moments that should have been remembered the most. I liked the moment where he was waiting for Xemnas to kill him. I loved the attention to detail in this scene, like the way he was hyperventilating. I knew exactly what that felt like. Lea truly thought he was going to die in that moment.
It’s such a shame that a serious scene like this was ruined by Roxas and Xion’s fanservice entrance. It was so cringeworthy. It really took away from the solemn mood this fight was supposed to have. Like, you’re not supposed to get a sense of triumph while fighting Isa. It wasn’t supposed to be “epic pwnage” or “badass”. There should have been a real sense of tragedy, like there was when Roxas fought Xion. And it was so dumb how Roxas was essentially crediting Isa for bringing him back, while he stood there completely blank and possessed. At least the music sounded appropriate for the mood. This whole fight should have been taken way more seriously than it was. The red sunset line also should have come back into play, just like Terra’s comment he made about the light of the stars. I mean, the line about the sunset was given such prominence. It’s all about the power of light.
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Xigbar: The house is looking pretty empty, huh? I thought I'd get a little enjoyment watching Axel throw one last tantrum, but he went a lot quieter than I thought.
Luxord: Perhaps he was ready for it. Perhaps he put his existence on the line and won what he'd been longing for.
Saïx: That's absurd. He won nothing and is nothing. He couldn't stand the emptiness of being without a heart, and that led to his demise. He was foolish and weak.
Xemnas: But...Weakness has the power to awaken that which is dormant. It  is clear that through his actions, however foolish they may have been, Axel has touched Sora's heart. Perhaps HE will soon awaken.
Terra needed that moment where he rescued Ven and Aqua because he was the one who alienated himself from them. It was his mistakes that led Aqua to be trapped in the Realm of Darkness, for his sake. It seemed like Lea was the one who always tried his hardest to protect Isa and take care of him. He “made up the difference” a lot. And Lea went as far as he possibly could to bring him back home. 
But...he just wasn’t strong enough to take on Xemnas and he knew it. I felt so bad for him as he just accepted that he was going to die. He was still a new Keyblade user, and knew the odds were against him. He took a gamble. This was Isa’s moment to shine. He could use the strength Xemnas forced him to acquire...against him. He should have done what Terra did and clobbered Xemnas. I would have preferred we play as Isa fighting Xemnas, not Roxas and Xion who literally just came out of nowhere. I think Lea trying to keep his promise would have been the right stimulus to awaken Isa’s heart, like it was with Terra. Xemnas thought Roxas/Ventus would awaken (without a replica!) after Axel sacrificed himself in KH2. But...he didn’t. That’s because it was Isa’s role to be awakened by Lea, not Roxas’s role. Aqua was the one who needed to awaken him, because they were closer.
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If I wake up…I hope I can see Roxas. I just want to see him again. No—I know I will. Roxas… Hey, wake up. Are you really in there? Didn’t we promise…we’d meet again in the next life? We were best friends. Weren’t we? And then Axel faded from existence, vanishing into nothing.
A promise… We’ll meet again…in the next life. We did say that. I remember. I remember our promise.
Even when I first played vanilla KH2, looong before Isa even existed (so there was no shipping bias), I got the sense that we weren’t supposed to take Axel and Roxas being “best friends” at face value. They didn’t even seem that close in vanilla KH2. I got the sense that Axel was mostly being tongue-in-cheek when he said they’d meet again in the next life. After all, Axel didn’t think he had one. And honestly, to me it sounded like Roxas said what he did more out of pity than anything. I mean, he didn’t sound particularly heartbroken or anything. But later, Axel treated this like some super important special promise they both made to each other, like the promise Sora made to Kairi when she gave him the lucky charm. Axel always came across like a maladjusted person with a tragic life story. It wouldn’t have surprised me AT ALL to learn that he only said that to Roxas because he was thinking about someone from his past. In fact, it makes his character far more believable and relatable.
I was so excited after playing KH3D because Lea was growing so much more as a character outside of the sea-salt trio. He even started going by his real name again. It was very satisfying character development. I thought we were finally gonna learn about his past and his REAL best friend. I bet Nomura cynically put the line “especially Roxas” in as a parody, honestly, because he never sounded more pathetic. Putting Lea back with the sea-salt trio really regressed his character. There was no point to his entire subplot with Saïx now. It felt like he reversed all the progress he made. He was able to stand on his own two feet in KH3D, without using Roxas as an emotional crutch. He was so positive and empowered. He sought out Mickey and Yen Sid on his own. He was so awesome.
I liked Roxas and Xion a lot in Days (KH3 ruined them for me). But the sea-salt trio just holds Lea back from coming into his own as a person. He couldn’t even use his REAL name due to being stuck in that trio. His entire character arc was stripped bare. There was no meat even left on the bones. That’s why he and Isa (and Kairi) were pushed aside as quickly as possible to make room for the cheesy Roxas and Xion fight. It’s bad enough Lea was reduced to being a babysitter, but then he was reduced to being a cheerleader. An amazing character like him deserved so much better.
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minijenn · 6 years
Keys to the Kingdom Chapter 1
AN-So here we are with our first chapter! Fair warning, its sort of a novelization of the end of DDD, but even so it was needed to set important stuff up for the rest of the fic, so its useful to keep an eye on, I’d say. And so, without any further ado, here you go! Enjoy!
Previous: http://minijenn.tumblr.com/post/183010380124/keys-to-the-kingdom-prologue
Chapter 1: Remaining Recusant
How did I live in a kingdom of thieves? With people who say things they don’t really mean…
When he eventually looked back at that moment in retrospect, Riku would wish he had done so many things differently than he had. If he had known what was going to happen, he would have moved faster, he would acted instead of reacting, he would have done everything in his power to save Sora, to rescue his best friend, to protect what mattered most, before it was too late.
But, as he would find out much later on, he had been too late. And as a result, that was the moment when it had all started to fall apart.
Because instead of rushing to pull the still-sleeping Sora as far away from Xehanort’s grasp as humanly possible as he should have, Riku stood alongside the king, both of them equally dumbfounded as the elderly master slowly rose to stand upon his elevated throne, his sinister Keyblade materializing in his grasp. “But first,” Xehanort continued his lengthy monologue, his tone as calm and collected as ever. “The thirteen darknesses shall be united. All the seats have been filled…” The master’s already triumphant grin widened as he glanced down at the throne across from his, where Sora still sat sleeping, completely unaware of the grave danger he was currently in. “And now the last vessel shall bear my heart like the rest!”
Upon Xehanort’s wordless command, Sora’s seat steadily began to rise so that it could be on the same level of that of the master’s. Needless to say that this was enough to shake both Riku and Mickey out of their shock and prompt them into action. The pair raced forward, Keyblades in hand with the intent to rescue Sora from Xehanort’s dark designs. However, as usual, the Organization seemed to be two steps ahead of them as Xemnas and Ansem also moved swiftly to counter them. The Superior easily managed to pin the king against one of the other thrones as he tried to leap to Sora’s aid, and Riku only managed a few running step forward before the Seeker of Darkness tackled him and brutally restrained him against the central platform.
“N-no!” Riku shouted, struggling fiercely against Ansem’s firm hold. “Sora!” His fight, however valiant, was to no avail as he glanced up to see the throne finally end its ascent, putting Sora directly in Xehanort’s open range.
The master said nothing, apparently assured of his victory as he held up his deadly Keyblade, waving his hand over it to enshroud it with the immense darkness of his very own heart. All either Riku or Mickey could do was watch as, in one swift, heavy swing, Xehanort brought his blade down, sending a piece of his heart flying directly to Sora with nothing to stop it, nothing to protect the keybearer’s heart from being overtaken by the very same darkness and malice that filled the master’s own.
That is, until it was stopped dead in its tracks. Or at least… it seemed to be.
A fierce explosion rattled the entire chamber, flames ricocheting off of the blast as Riku continued staring up at the scene high above him, desperate to know what had happened and fearing the absolute worst.
“He made it!” king exclaimed, oddly relieved despite the circumstances as the smoke surrounding the throne began to clear to clear to reveal that someone, somehow, had indeed come to Sora’s rescue. Even if that someone was perhaps the last person Riku could have ever expected to arrive at a moment such as this.
“Axel?!” Xigbar shouted from his throne, clearly caught off guard. Likewise, Riku gasped at the sight of the former Organization member, who stood high upon the throne, flames still dying down around him as he held one of his chakrams in one hand, and keeping a secure hold on Sora’s still unconscious form with the other.
“Axel?” the former Nobody scoffed sardonically. “Please. The name’s Lea. Got it memorized?”
Despite any former conflict with Axel—or Lea, rather—Riku was so overwhelmed with relief at this timely save that he honestly would have hugged the former assassin if he was able. Despite the shock and confusion spreading amongst the Organization members above him, Riku still spared as much of a glance at Sora as he could, noting that, despite all the odds, he appeared to be just fine from a cursory glance, the fact that he was still soundly sleeping notwithstanding. And while that fact alone was still rather worrying in and of itself, Riku still allowed himself a small sigh of reprieve that he hadn’t lost his best friend after all. At least, that’s what he thought.
“You’re not supposed to be here!” Xigbar snapped up at Lea, sending him a rather vicious glare.
“Promises to keep,” Lea shrugged, nonchalant as ever. “I’ll always be there to get my friends back. What, bad timing?” The former assassin smirked as he glanced up at Xehanort in particular. “You had your perfect little script, but you kinda forgot to write the sequel. Now… let’s find out what happens!”
“What now, you old coot?” Xigbar hissed up at Xehanort as he slammed a petulant hand down on his throne. “Our time is up!”
The master didn’t offer much of a reaction, though even so, his usual knowing grin was still apparent, despite the fact that his plans seemed to have been thwarted. In fact, if anything, his malicious smile seemed to grow as he practically ignored Lea’s unexpected intrusion and instead kept his sights on Sora, sensing something from his supposedly failed thirteenth vessel that none of the others could.
At the same time, another one of the unknown Organization members suddenly leapt from their seat, soaring towards Lea as a massive, familiar claymore appeared in their hands. The former assassin countered the vicious attack evenly and the heavy strike was more than enough to blow the hood of the organization member back to reveal a face that made Lea’s blood run cold.
“Isa!” he exclaimed sharply, holding his own against his former friend pressing hard against him. Saïx said nothing, instead simply sending Lea a cold, piercing glare until the former assassin finally broke the tension between them by leaping cleanly out of the claymore’s range and down to towards the central platform below, taking Sora with him. With Xemnas as distracted by this as he was, Mickey took an opportunity of his own, lashing out with his Keyblade only for the Superior to vanish into thin air, releasing him all the same. Likewise, Riku pushed back hard against Ansem, summoning his Keyblade again just as Lea and Mickey joined him in their bold stand against the Organization and their dark desires.
“Why are you here, Axel?” Xemnas asked, the disapproval towards his former underling clear in his tone.
“No, I told you, my name’s-” Lea cut himself off with an exasperated sigh as he decided to save his breath. “Augh, whatever, Axel, fine. Now, let’s get outta here!”
“Right!” Mickey soundly agreed, knowing that the sooner they got themselves out of the Organization’s reach, the better off they’d all be.
Of course, they weren’t about to let any of them leave so easily. Ansem was the first to react, summoning his imposing guardian of darkness to his aid to halt their purposed escape. The creature rushed down to the platform below, easily snatching both Riku and the king up in its clawed grip. Lea managed to jump back just in the nick of time, but with his hands full with keeping Sora safe as they were, he was quite ill-suited to take the beast on alone at a time like this. Fortunately though, he wouldn’t have to.
Two, fearful, familiar cries broke through the air of dread and tension hanging throughout the chamber as a bright light sparked from high above the platform. And out of that light, fell a pair that happened to land squarely on Ansem’s guardian, delivering a blow that forced the creature to disappear and release its captives on the spot, as accidental as that blow might have been.
“Were we supposed to do that?” Donald groaned from his spot on the ground.
“I think so…” Goofy replied just as languidly as he rubbed the sore spot on his head.
“Goofy! Donald!” the king exclaimed with a surprised, yet relieved grin as he watched his friends slowly pick themselves up off the ground. “You saved us!”
“We did?” Donald asked, initially confused before he quickly perked up. “Uh, I-I mean! Of course we did! That was the plan all along!”
“It was?” Goofy asked with a frown. “Cause last I checked, we came in here without much of a plan at all…”
“Shh!” Donald scolded, pulling on the captain’s arm. “Don’t tell them that!”
This exchange was almost enough to elicit a genuine laugh out of Riku and Mickey, or at least it would of if they hadn’t glanced up to notice the Organization members beginning to fade into thin air one by one.
“We are out of time,” Xehanort announced, seemingly unphased. “Neither the union of light nor darkness has been achieved, and we must all return whence we came. But the gathering of the seven and thirteen is nigh. Be sure to know which side you’re on…” The master’s calculated smile returned as he looked down towards Sora in particular, something that none of the others even noticed as on edge as they all already were. “Let us finish this at the fated place, once your lights and my darknesses have joined together!”
And with that, Xehanort and the other members of the True Organization XIII disappeared, taking their leave until the day the decisive battle between light and darkness the master himself spoke of was to transpire. A day that was not as far off as the stalwart group left alone in the round room might have hoped.
Without question, Riku had agreed to dive into Sora’s heart in the hopes of waking him up.
It was an easy choice to make, one that he barely even had to think twice about, even despite Mickey and Yen Sid warning him of the possible dangers. After all, he knew Sora would and even had gone to the same lengths to save him. It was only fair that he finally return the favor.
And so Riku had made the dive, only to be met with a pall of immense darkness in a place where none should have ever been. He wasn’t exactly sure what lengths Xehanort and the other members of the Organization had gone to in order to plunge Sora into such a deep, relentless sleep as this, but he assumed that this pervading darkness had something to do with it. Yet even as he fought to battle the vicious armored Nightmare that beset him almost the moment he arrived, Riku couldn’t help but feel as though the darkness all around him felt familiar. He couldn’t quite place it, but it was as though this was a kind of darkness he had known before, from its aura to even its scent, and everything in between, as faint as it all was amidst everything else. He didn’t really know what to make of it, but all the same it worried him, offended him even as he remembered that it had taken a hold in Sora’s heart, of all places.
Which was why Riku decided to fight with every ounce of strength he had in his own heart to free Sora from the darkness invading his. A goal that, by all accounts, he thought he had succeeded at.
But once again, in retrospect, Riku would eventually look back and see how foolish and blind that thought really had been.
Even so, he was surprised, upon defeating the armored Nightmare, to find himself now out of the darkness and standing on the familiar sunset-soaked shores of the Destiny Islands. In a way, the comfort of the waves crashing calmly against the sand would should have felt comforting, like a long-awaited homecoming of sorts. And perhaps, Riku thought, it would have been, if only Sora had been there to greet him with his usual cheerful smile that he hadn’t even realized he had come to miss so very much.
Yet instead of Sora, what Riku did find scattered across the shores of the play island were three other people entirely. The first was unquestionably familiar, and even seeing him again brought Riku a slight pang of guilt that he couldn’t quite chase even long after the fact: Roxas. The question he posed was strange and cryptic, and once Riku presented an answer to it, he vanished, seemingly without a trace. Moments later, Roxas seemed to appear before him again, yet upon a second glance, Riku was quick to realize that this boy wasn’t the ex-Organization member, despite how remarkably similar they were in appearance. Another strange question came and went before Riku found himself face to face with the last of the trio, a girl this time. She bore a striking resemblance to Kairi, even despite her raven hair and Organization cloak, and though Riku could have sworn he’d never once seen her before in his life, she radiated a strange sort of familiarity that could not be denied.
After answering her question, Riku found himself alone on the shoreline once more, taking in the dying light of the setting sun sinking over the sparkling sea. A certain sense of peace settled over him, even as he retrieved an apparent message in a bottle carried in by the tide. He hadn’t the faintest idea of its contents, and though he had half a mind to open it and find out, he refrained upon being met with yet another familiar figure strolling down to meet him on the shore: Ansem the Wise.
The conversation that followed was brief, yet meaningful, imparting Riku with an abundance of information he’d be sure to take back to the waking world with him. Namely the data the researcher had apparently hidden safe within Sora’s heart during his year long slumber, data that, or so Ansem believed, could perhaps prove to be the key to saving the hearts of those who had been lost.
“The heart has always been quick to grow,” the researcher said in thoughtful reflection as Riku listened patiently to what he had to say. “Each exposure to light, to the natural world, to other people, shapes the most malleable part inside of us. Nobodies are not different from us in that manner. Sora was the only one able to return to his human form without destroying his Nobody. That is a testament to the love in his heart for other people, and the bonds that tie them together.”
Ansem paused, staring out upon the sea as his pensive tone turned somewhat hopeful. “Perhaps… he has the power to bring back the hearts and existences of those connected to him—to recreate people we thought were lost to us forever. Our most precious treasures, even an empty puppet, the trees of the forest, the petals on the wind… there are hearts all around us, everywhere we look. And it does not take superhuman powers to see them. Surely we remember as children the way our hearts made everything seem so shiny and perfect. Sora has a heart like that—uncorrupted, willing to see the good before the bad. A heart that will not fall so easily to the darkness, even when it attempts to claim every inch of it for its own. When he sees the heart in something, it then becomes real. When a connection seems broken, he may have the power to mend it. He has touched countless hearts, he has accepted them, and he has saved them. And some of those hearts have never left him, whether they fell to darkness or were trapped there, whether they sleep in the darkness of Sora’s heart, or were welcomed into its warmth… they can be saved. All Sora needs to do is be himself and follow wherever it is that his heart takes him. It is the best and the only way. The rest… is in there.”
The researcher subtly nodded down to the bottle in Riku’s hands, one that apparently contained more hope than he had initially realized. Hope that could very well mean all the difference in their eventual fight against Xehanort and his followers. “Alright,” he nodded, grateful. “Thanks. Thank you.”
“Of course,” Ansem nodded cordially. “Now, why is it that that you are here?”
Upon hearing this question, Riku couldn’t help but let something of a small, awkward laugh out in spite of himself. “Uh… I… kinda need to wake Sora up…” he admitted somewhat sheepishly.
“Don’t tell me he’s gone to sleep again?” Ansem asked almost incredulously.
“Yeah,” Riku chuckled softly. “What’ll I do with him?”
“What indeed?” the researcher agreed, sharing in this good-natured humor. “Never fear. Sora is safe.”
“Huh?” Riku blinked, caught off guard but unquestionably relieved to hear such a thing after everything that happened.
“He’s not here,” Ansem shook his head. “You see, by defeating the Nightmare imprisoning Sora, you freed him. Then you came here, and were questioned by three young people. That was the final key to awaken him.”
“S-so… you mean…?” Riku trailed off, wondering if it was too good to be true and praying that it wasn’t.
“Sora is awake,” Ansem confirmed, turning to the boy with a genuine smile. “You can go home now.”
“Really?” Riku asked, unable to hold back his own smile as warmed by this amazing news as he was. “Thank you.” Not wanting to keep Sora waiting any longer, Riku turned to the ocean, summoning, ironically enough, the Kingdom Key itself to open up the keyhole that would return him to the waking world once again. He unlocked it as swiftly as ever, but even as he prepared to take his leave, Ansem called out to him one last time.
“Young man! I do not believe you ever told me your name,” the researcher remarked, curious.
Though somewhat surprised that this version of Ansem didn’t seem to already know it, he still offered the researcher a parting smile even as he began to glide up towards the light. “It’s Riku,” he affirmed confidently before he began his ascent, more than ready for his long, long-awaited reunion with Sora. A reunion that almost never happened, but would be more than worth the wait.
And what a reunion it was.  
Riku was admittedly quite caught off guard to wake up only to find that not only had Sora indeed awakened just as Ansem had said, but that he also seemed to be in the midst of what looked like a small party alongside Donald and Goofy. Said party was soon all but forgotten, however, for the moment Sora noticed Riku was awake, he didn’t hesitate to bombard him with a sudden, tight, elated hug, accompanied by more than a few delighted proclamations of relief. As baffled as Riku was, that relief was something he couldn’t help but share, especially as he was now able to see for himself that sure enough, Sora was just fine, back to his usual upbeat, cheerful self, even despite how close they had all been to losing him.
Even so, the ongoing levity amongst everyone gathered in the tower soon turned serious again as Yen Sid prepared to dole out the results of Sora and Riku’s Mark of Mastery exam. The others all stood by, waiting in baited curiosity as the two Keyblade wielders stood before the sorcerer’s desk, eager to hear whatever verdict he intended on giving in regards to their abilities.
“More than anything,” Yen Sid began as stern and calm as ever. “I am grateful to have you both back from Xehanort’s deception unharmed. And I am grateful to Lea, whose spontaneous actions turned the tides.” The former assassin smirked from his corner of the room as he casually leaned against the wall, though knowing the importance of the moment, he said nothing and allowed the sorcerer to continue speaking his piece. “I am also deeply sorry,” Yen Sid went on, addressing Sora and Riku once more. “For failing to perceive the danger and throwing you headlong into a perilous test. Even so, this experience has revealed many hidden truths, and we must gird ourselves for the great clash with darkness that lies before us. I believe we need a new Keyblade Master, one with a new kind of power. Sora and Riku, you both deserve the honor, however, one of you braved the realm of sleep again to unlock the final Keyhole and save a friend.” The sorcerer paused, as if to let the weight of his words sink in before finally delivered the exam’s final results. “Riku, I name you our new true Keyblade Master.”
A palpable moment of silent surprise rang through the room at this announcement, and Riku, as admittedly stunned by it was he was, didn’t even know how to react to his newly-bestowed title. Sora was the first to do so instead, breaking the silence with an excited gasp and another celebratory hug. “Way to go, Riku!” he exclaimed brightly, catching the new Keyblade Master off guard yet again. “I knew you were gonna pass with flying colors! This is just so awesome!”
As awed as he was by his new title, Riku couldn’t help but focus his attention on Sora, or rather on the fact that only one of them had been named a Master instead of both. “I… y-yeah…” Riku said somewhat distantly, still rather amazed that he had passed at all. “I guess it is. But… what about you, Sora?”
“Oh yeah!” Sora turned back towards Yen Sid expectantly. “What about me? Did I pass too?”
The sorcerer let out something of a sad sigh as he shook his head truthfully. “Sora… Although you and Riku both preformed admirably during your exams, the overall purpose of your journey through the sleeping worlds was to allow both of you to master the power of waking. Riku accomplished this by diving into your dreams to awaken your heart from the depths of slumber. However, it is a power that you have yet to achieve, one that is necessary for preparing ourselves for the inevitable battle against Master Xehanort. It is for that reason that I’m afraid that you are still not ready to receive the title of Master. I appologize.”
For a moment, Sora had nothing to say in response to this rather discouraging news, nor did he seem to show much of a reaction to it at all, almost as if he was still trying to process it all. Briefly, genuine disappointment seemed to flash across his expression, his hands ever so slightly clenching into fists at his sides. And then, without even skipping a beat, he seemed to settle into cool acceptance over a failing that certainly would have set anyone else back a great deal. “Eh, its fine,” he said with a small smile and a shrug. “I’ll just have to try harder next time is all. Besides, Riku still passed!” At this, Sora once again threw an arm around Riku’s shoulder’s, largely not even noticing the bewilderment and slight concern written all over his friend’s face. “And like I said, that’s completely awesome!”
“Gee, Sora,” Goofy spoke up. “You’re kinda acting like you really did pass.”
“I told you Sora still needed more practice,” Donald remarked, crossing his arms.
“Hey!” Sora snapped, playfully offended.
“So… I really am a Keyblade Master…?” Riku interjected, still trying to take it all in. Yen Sid nodded his confirmation to this fact and Sora warmly did the same as Mickey and the others came in to offer their accolades.
“Congratulations, Riku!” Mickey bid proudly, extending a hand for the new Master to shake.
“Thank you, Mickey,” Riku finally smiled, returning his long-time friend’s handshake firmly. “I owe it to my friends.”
“Ah, I’ll catch up with ya in no time flat,” Lea cut in, still leaning against the far wall.
“What?” Sora asked, surprised. “You wanna be a Keyblade Master?”
“Yeah,” Lea nodded with a smirk. “I mean, I came here to learn how to learn how to wield one. You know, I was gonna come swooping in, Keyblade in hand, but… I just couldn’t get mine to materialize. Must be in the snap of the wrist or something…” To prove his point, the former assassin held his hand out, only to be just as shocked as everyone else when a fiery-themed Keyblade suddenly flashed into existence in it. A collective gasp rose up from everyone in the room, the importance of this moment not lost on any of them; after all, it wasn’t every day that a new Keyblade wielder was discovered, much less in such an unexpected way as this. “Well…” Lea grinned as he turned his new Keyblade over, inspecting it proudly. “What do ya know? Looks like I’ve already got a head start in catching up to you two after all.”
“I’d say!” Sora laughed as Riku joined in, just as amused.
“To see you successfully summon your Keyblade is a reassuring sight indeed, Lea,” Yen Sid spoke up with a genuine smile. “After all, we will need all the help we can get in our struggle against Xehanort and those allied with him. Along those same lines, our focus now should be rallying more allies of light to our side as well. There is still much that needs to be done, but currently, I believe now would be an appropriate time to regroup and recuperate. The rest of you are free to take your leave for the time being, though I would like Lea to stay behind to receive further instruction about what to do next. But before you go, remember, all of you, our work in protecting the worlds from the great threat that Xehanort poses to them is far from over; in fact… I’d say it has only just begun…”
“What do you mean you’re leaving?” Riku asked, his arms crossed as he stood in front of the door leading out of the tower, essentially blocking Sora’s path.
“Aw, c’mon, Riku, its no big deal,” Sora assured, barely managing to skirt past his friend to get outside. “There’s just something I have to take care of really quick. I’ll be back in a few hours, I promise.”
“Hmph, a few hours,” Donald deadpanned as he joined along in following Riku, Mickey, and Donald out after Sora. “That’s what you always say, and then a few ‘hours’ ends up turning into a few days!”
“Hey! I just like taking my time with things is all!” Sora shot back, defensively.
“Are ya sure you have to go?” Goofy asked, showing the concern that Donald likely meant by his remarks.
“Well, I did sorta doze off…” Sora noted as he continued on his way. “Like I said, I just have some stuff to take care of. And before you ask, don’t worry; its not ‘dangerous’ or anything like that. I’m just going to visit some friends for a bit and then I’ll be right back.”
“Sora…” Riku mused rather plaintively. “You know normally I wouldn’t mind, but… after what juts happened… I feel like you should take at least one of us with you. Just in case.”
At this, Sora finally paused, glancing back at the group with a small, yet knowing smile. “Aw, I appreciate all the concern, you guys, but seriously, I’ll be fine. You worry too much.”
“Only because you always seem to be getting yourself into some kind of trouble!” Donald fussed before letting out a relenting sigh. “So just… try not to get yourself in anymore trouble, ok?”
“You got it,” Sora agreed with a small laugh and a playful salute, one that actually did manage to set not only Donald, but the others at ease as well.
“Be careful,” Mickey advised with equal concern.
“Very careful,” Riku added with a hint of levity in his tone.
“Right!” Sora assured brightly as he prepared to summon his Keyblade to open the way. “See you soon!” In its usual flash, the Kingdom Key appeared in his grip, easily summoning a Keyhole that would lead back into the sleeping worlds once more. Despite his apparent confidence in letting Sora go off on his own like this, Riku couldn’t deny a strange sense of apprehension as he watched his friend take his leave. There was no doubt that he’d be back again soon, Riku would make sure of that, but even so, something still felt… off in a way that he couldn’t quite place.
But perhaps, he would have been able to, and maybe he could have even found a way to stop all it all before it even had a chance to begin… if only he had seen the faintest spark of unwelcome golden yellow invading Sora’s otherwise deep ocean blue eyes as he disappeared into the light.
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kukiwi · 6 years
Glimpse of the Past
Series: Kingdom Hearts Pairing: Xemnas / Zexion Rating: M Summary: Zexion tries not to dwell on what used to be or how things happened. But these little blips of something that follow him prior to his demise are set the dominos up to fall. And the one that pushed them over? Well, Zexion might be glad he doesn't have to see him after this... after he realizes that there's no love here. A/N: ; w ; when all your upcoming fics revolve around one character... you might have a problem lol this is one of them. Also Found On: FFN || AO3
Being a nobody, he's told that memories are all he has left. That he's to grasp onto them and use them to his advantage – to manipulate those that still have a 'heart'. The only problem is that there's one person that knows how to tug at his strings and come out unscathed each and every time. Around the Superior is the only time when he finds himself dwelling in moments where his life as a somebody leaves little to be desired.
"Zexion," the deep monotone voice calls out.
It's a beckon which Zexion heeds quickly. He moves further into the room, closer to the open balcony where the much taller man is waiting. Zexion idles just at the threshold and stares at the back that won't turn. He'll admit he does spend far more time looking at the Superior's broad shoulders than his face.
But no one ever wants to have to gaze into those piercing amber eyes. It's as though they see right through whoever is before him. As if he can know everything just with a glance and which buttons to press. To be honest, Zexion wouldn't doubt it either. Even so he's never happy until Xemnas is turning and walking toward him.
Zexion remains perfectly still. "Xigbar said there was something you wanted to discuss with me."
Xemnas stops just before him. Not another word is said, not when Xemnas can merely place a hand on Zexion's shoulder and get his intent across. Their meetings are never complicated and there's usually nothing that is ever talked about. At least not in the ways that everyone else thinks. The only talking they ever do is with their bodies. Saïx is the one that gives out the missions after all.
Of course Zexion still has his own duties and missions. The only difference is his truly important jobs are slipping off to see the Superior every day – sometimes multiple times a day. If he ever dared he'd ask what Xemnas even does other than go see an "old friend". He certainly won't admit he's more jealous than curious either.
After all, he's done everything he could for this man well before they were Nobodies. All the way back when he was just a boy seeking for something more when he was left all alone.
Xemnas cups at the side of Zexion's face, urging the shorter man to tilt his head back. A gloved thumb rubs over his slightly parted lips in such a teasing sense that Zexion can't help but lightly clasp his lips onto it. It's such a small action that most wouldn't pay any attention to it. Especially since Zexion lets it go in the following second.
This little bit of spontaneity is always something that has a glint flashing through Xemnas's golden eyes. That gaze settles onto Zexion and never dares leave. There's never truly any emotion whatsoever that comes from Xemnas and yet there's these little spurts of something that manages to slip out now and then. Moments just like these.
The tiniest of smiles quirks at the corners of Xemnas' lips. It has Zexion unable to tear his eyes away from the sharp angles or the brief show of teeth that flash when he begins to speak.
"I didn't wish to speak with you about something like this."
"Ah… I'm very sorry then." Zexion says this but he doesn't dare pull away. He makes sure that Xemnas is the one that disengages first. Yet no such thing happens. "What is it you wanted to speak with me about?"
Xemnas's hands move to settle on Zexion's shoulders before slowly sliding downward until they rest on his waist instead. He pulls Zexion close until the latter has to brace his hands against Xemnas's chest. Of course he doesn't particularly mind it either.
"Only you can I trust to go back and make sure the computer can't be accessed."
He doesn't dare say it. Say that Xemnas goes back there all the time, why can't he just be the one to do it. Oh no. He wouldn't dare go that far.
"Is there someone trying to gain access to it?"
One hand comes up to the back of Zexion's head. Fingers comb up through the shorter tresses and guide Zexion to tilt his head back. Xemnas says nothing as he leans down. Closing the distance between them is far simpler than the kiss that Xemnas bestows upon Zexion.
Zexion tightens his fingers into the front of Xemnas' coat. He can only hold on for dear life as those soft lips seemingly overcome his own. A warm tongue flicks over them and Zexion is quick to allow it entrance. The desire that fills his body is something that he can barely contain.
Pushing back up into the kiss, Zexion presses his tongue against Xemnas'. He wants more and more — but knows very well that if he clings to those luscious lips much longer he won't be able to breathe.
The deep tone has Xemnas pulling away swiftly. As if whatever spell Xemnas was under is broken oh so easily. "Has something happened, Saïx?"
"I have the intel you asked for."
"Very well," replies Xemnas as he strokes his fingers through Zexion's hair. "I will be there shortly."
Xemnas brushes the bangs from the side of Zexion's face they cover and gazes down into those bright sapphire eyes. "When you return, come to me immediately."
Having to go back to his home is hard enough as it is. All of the emotions and memories that it digs up are impossible to ignore. Even though he doesn't have a heart, supposedly, his chest still remains tight and aches far after he's left. Completing the mission was far easier than what any of the others had to do. At least in the sense where all he had to do was make sure no one can easily dig into the information that's held inside of the large computer.
Regardless he's just glad to finally be back at the World that Never Was. It's far nicer with how empty feeling it is. Just like a Nobody in general. He needlessly desires to return to Xemnas as quickly as possible. But the man isn't even around when he returns.
Asking anyone where he might be would only lead to more trouble than it's worth. Which is exactly why he goes straight for Xemnas's room instead. No one would ever know he's in there. Especially since he was careful not to come into contact with anyone upon his arrival. Although he's sure Xigbar will know where he is. But that obnoxious man has kept his mouth shut for the most part.
Zexion carefully sits on the end of Xemnas's bed. He's not sure why he feels so nervous. There's no reason to be. This happens so often — almost every other night even. Yet he still can't push away the nerves.
"It has been done?"
Silence seems to be Xemnas's true power at how easily he can appear and disappear without so much as a murmur. The only sound that signals his appearance is that of the dark portal opening and closing. Walking out, Xemnas strides straight over to the bed where Zexion sits.
Zexion nods, "No one should be able to tamper with the computer. I've installed several security locks that-" He sees the way Xemnas looks down at him and he knows that this answer is going on for far too long already. "Ah… I mean... Yes."
"Very good."
Xemnas pats the top of Zexion's head. Gloved fingers brush through his hair while he leans into the touch. There's something so calming about it that Zexion can't help absorbing every second of it. He'll never know just where the line is between the gentle Xemnas and the one that turns into a primal beast of desire.
Either way, he's happy with what he has. He's never paid attention to any of the looks the other apprentices shot his way or those worried brows of Lexaeus's. Xemnas has been there for him. Consoled him when his dear mentor lost his mind and left him all alone.
Xemnas is all he has left even now as he sits on the lip of the bed with his chest empty and eyes desperately pleading for Xemnas to continue. Unfortunately Xemnas likes to take his time at first.
Zexion didn't use to like how Xemnas tousles his hair or drags his fingers over his scalp. Of course when he has the gloves on it always feels different. It's when, just like now, Xemnas peels the black material from his hands that he knows where this is headed. There won't be any interruptions this time he's sure.
The gloves thump to the floor as Xemnas glides his hands down the sides of Zexion's face and to his shoulders. It's there only one hand proceeds. The fingers that tug and tease at the zipper on his coat have Zexion's full attention. He can't take his eyes off them. Especially not when they finally begin to draw it down.
Swallowing hard, Zexion tries not to let the cool air bother him as it hits his skin. The little bit of pale flesh that's slowly revealed is enough to have Xemnas letting go of the zipper and grabbing at the parted halves of the coat.
Zexion knows what Xemnas is doing well before he even does it. He's already standing by the time Xemnas is lifting him up and shucking the jacket from his shoulders. Even if it isn't unzipped all of the way it's enough to allow it to slip off Zexion's body with ease and pool around his boots.
Xemnas leans forward while one palm down Zexion's chest. His lips hover beside Zexion's ear, hot breath making tingles race up and down Zexion's spine. "This will be our last night, your mission begins tomorrow." What he doesn't expect is Xemnas's tongue to flick over the side of his ear. "I need you to do something else for me while you're there."
"I hope it's not to assist Vexen. He doesn't approve of anyone muddling in his work."
Lips kiss their way down Zexion's jaw to his neck. That gentle curve is where Xemnas beings to nibble at supple skin. "You're to tell no one."
Zexion reaches up and grabs onto Xemnas' shoulders, "What is- Ah! T- That hurt."
Xemnas straightens back up after a tentative lick to the red bite marks he's left behind. They'll definitely linger for a while but that's exactly what Xemnas intends. He knows exactly what could happen by sending Zexion away. Yet there's not a single emotion in him about it.
Perhaps a flicker of something. Something so small and insignificant that he tries to ignore it. But he knows the loneliness will surely set in soon. A feeling that he makes vanish by suddenly kissing Zexion with full force.
It's a desperate attempt to redirect himself and it works to say the least. His mind is overcome with the unconscionable desire to make sure Zexion remembers this night in every way. Zexion doesn't stand a chance once he's come to this decision. He can only brace himself as Xemnas pushes him down onto the bed.
Xemnas, before doing anything else, shirks off his coat as well. Not that Zexion would ever complain. He's far too busy lying there as Xemnas practically rips Zexion's boots and then his pants off his person. It catches him off guard more than anything.
Despite showing relatively no emotion during nights like these, Xemnas still takes his time. It would span on for what seemed like forever until Zexion would awake the next morning and be unable to move properly. Yet he also knows it'll end the same way this last time.
He can feel it in the way Xemnas grabs at his thighs and hoists him further up the bed. Once Xemnas is able to climb on as well and settle between the smaller man's legs he does just that. It doesn't bother him that his own pants are getting tighter or that his boots dig into the bed as he leans forward.
All he can focus on is lowering his mouth to taste the skin out on display for him. For just this blip in time he allows himself to be enraptured with something — someone — that isn't Kingdom Hearts.
Kissing and licking his way up Zexion's stomach, Xemnas seems to treat every spot of skin along the path as though it's important. It's a special form of torture if Zexion is to be honest with himself. Having to remain still while Xemnas does as he pleases has Zexion's fingers twitching against the white sheets below him. Normally he wouldn't chance it but today feels different.
He dares to delve one hand into Xemnas's messy silver tresses once he gets closer. When Xemnas doesn't swat him away he's spurred on to continue. Both hands comb through Xemnas's hair as the man takes one of Zexion's nipples into his mouth.
Xemnas swirls his tongue around the hard nub. He savors the way Zexion's breath hitches every time his teeth graze over the sensitive spot. But he doesn't idle in one area for very long. He's moving back up to nuzzle into the crook of Zexion's neck.
Hands caressing and exploring Zexion's body, Xemnas finds he's not sure if he wants to start. There's a heat in his body that is only flaring up the longer he waits. Not to mention he feels as though he'd lose it if he took Zexion right now.
There's a foreboding feeling that settles in Zexion's stomach. That this isn't just the last time for a long while. That it's the last time. Period. Zexion's brows draw together as he lifts Xemnas' face so he can look him in the eyes. "You're behaving weird today," he says softly.
Xemnas chuckles. The hollow sound reverberates around them in this empty room devoid of any dressings. He's always amazed that Zexion is the one that speaks to him not just back at him. It has him wanting to send someone else instead…
"Perhaps I'm feeling… nostalgic."
The answer seems to suffice for the blue-haired man. He doesn't fret on it a second longer. Instead he lifts his head to press a gentle peck to Xemnas's lips. The notion is simple yet has all the implications of how they're to spend the rest of the evening together.
Zexion is nothing but gentle to Xemnas. From the way his hands cradle his face or how his thumbs brush over the skin below golden eyes. Even when he trails his fingertips down and around to dance across Xemnas's nape it can barely be felt. The feather light touch stirs something in Xemnas — the same something that it usually does.
Xemnas is hardly what Zexion would call careful in terms of how he moves beyond this. It always starts with Xemnas pressing up so roughly against him. Zexion can feel Xemnas's erection flush up against him through the skin tight pants. The sheer heat of it pulsing on top of his own is enough to make him lose his mind before they even start.
Slowly sitting up, Xemnas turns his attention over to the bedside table. It's only there because a room requires certain things or so it was decided. He'll admit it's handy. Especially when he crawls off the bed and strides over to it.
Of course Zexion watches it all with baited breath. From the stripping to digging forth whatever lubricant Xemnas has acquired. He'll never ask where he gets these oils or why some of them have his body throbbing more than usual. Unnecessary questions lead to Xemnas growing even more silent than usual.
"Roll over."
The instructions are never complicated. Although sometimes Zexion wishes they were. Anything to prolong these little sections of solitude they have together. Either way he does as he's told. Xemnas knows best after all. Xemnas is the one who will make sure he's safe and that everything works out according to plan.
He doesn't need to have any further orders anyway. He just simply flips over onto his knees. His elbows dig into the bed no different than his kneecaps as he waits for Xemnas. The silver haired man doesn't force the delay any further.
Sinking in around him, the bed adjusts as Xemnas kneels beside Zexion. The latter keeps his eyes on the pillow below his face. Already he can feel his arms quivering ever so slightly at the thought of what Xemnas is about to do.
The only particularly sweet thing about the next few movements are that Xemnas cups one hand against Zexion's behind. He gives a teasing squeeze and a small pat before fingers remove themselves from his body completely.
It's only a minuscule delay. One that's filled with the sound of a top being pulled off and fingers coating themselves with the contents of the small bottle. Those same slick fingers touch Zexion in the next moment and he can't help but let out a moan when they brush over the rosebud hidden between his cheeks.
The bed shifts again as Xemnas leans forward, bracing one hand against the mattress. That is while the other teases one finger slipping into Zexion. Besides, they both know that Zexion cleaned up upon his return. It's the same every time they do this. Zexion won't report back until he has done so just in case things escalate.
Xemnas applauds that he's always prepared. Always thinking three steps ahead. Although, never ahead of the twenty Xemnas seems to do. No matter what Zexion is always behind him.
Except for nights like these where they're both bathed in the light of what can hardly be called a moon surrounded by twinkling stars. It's the only time that Zexion can be in front of Xemnas in any sense.
A second finger joins in as Xemnas begins scissoring and curling them inside of Zexion. He does all he can to soften the muscles that cling to his fingers so desperately. Zexion can only hang his head as they prod deeper into his warmth — all the way up to Xemnas's knuckles.
There's no slack in any of the movements he makes. It's why sweat beads along Zexion's forehead and begins to slick his skin. Zexion pinches his eyes shut and tries to keep calm, keep his breathing even and steady. But all he can think about is the third finger that pushes in and stretches him even further.
Yet it's not far out of his comfort zone. He's used to a lot more. Zexion tries very carefully not to let the moan slip out, just as he always does, and it's quite the feat. Especially considering what will be taking the place of those fingers shortly.
Xemnas presses himself to Zexion's side. His tongue darts out and flicks over the curve of Zexion's ear, letting his warm breath brush over it. Zexion can't help but let the flush cover his face and down his neck. The heat dares to encompass him completely by the time the night is over.
"Zexion…" he murmurs to the young man quivering next to him.
Said man swallows hard while his eyes dart open. He lets out a gasp as the fingers are yanked from him with a loud and wet pop. It's so audible that Zexion can't help but feel embarrassed. Something he shouldn't acknowledge exists to begin with. Right now, however, the only thing that truly matters is that Xemnas is saddling up behind him.
Hands on Zexion's hips, Xemnas holds him steady. Fingers grip hard at the supple skin while nails leave small crescents to show where they were. All in preparation of Xemnas sparing one hand to hold himself at Zexion's entrance.
Some of the excess oil drips down Zexion's thighs as he waits. If there's anything to be thankful for it's that he isn't kept idling for very long. He can only let out the breath he's holding in when he feels the head of Xemnas's cock pushing past that first ring of muscles. Xemnas always knows it's going to be tight but he's never not surprised when Zexion's insides suction around him almost instantly.
Everything feels ten times more intense when he begins to sheath the remainder of his shaft inside of Zexion. His palms press against Zexion's ass cheeks and spread them apart ever so slightly as he finally meets flush up against him.
Zexion, already, can't handle it. There's so much filling him up that it takes him a moment to catch his breath. A moment that Xemnas doesn't give him at that. He doesn't waste a second before pulling out and thrusting back in. The heat is too much and Zexion just doesn't know what to do. The beginning alone was enough to nearly make him cum. Any more and he just might lose his mind.
The only way he can think of keeping his sanity is to dip his head down and biting hard at the pillow within his reach. This movement that would be disregarded by most is something Xemnas focuses in on. It has the corner of his mouth quirking up — if only for a second before settling back into a thin line.
Xemnas is pure raw power as he plows into Zexion over and over. There's no slacking up or giving Zexion a hint of a break. All that's left behind is the sound of sweaty skin slapping together and the slick motions of Xemnas making sure Zexion remembers him. Which is more than possible considering how Xemnas suddenly leans forward, one hand reaching out to grab a fistful of Zexion's hair.
"Don't hide."
It's not a suggestion. Nor is it a want. The words are an order that leaves no room for debate. Zexion knows better to try and fight back against what Xemnas desires. Even back then after he had begun to have doubts it wasn't allowed to set the plan in any other direction. If there were thoughts it was best not to let Xemnas know.
The pillow is left on the bed as Zexion can't help but let Xemnas tilt his head back. Drool drips down from the corner of his mouth while he grips at the sheets, clenching them in tightly closed fists. This moment is so small and fleeting that Zexion doesn't even remember it later. All he remembers is that his own manhood, bobbing between his legs, shoots out everything he's worth onto the bed below him.
Pleasure- No. Ecstasy bubbles rushes through his veins like lightning hitting a tree. He can't escape the rapture that comes over him or the way his body feels like melted snow afterward. At the same time Xemnas lets him go and focuses on grabbing his waist instead. While Zexion folds forward, his elbows against the bed and head on the pillow, he can only revel in how sensitive he is as Xemnas finishes as well.
It's as though he's being turned inside out with how roughly Xemnas pokes and prods at his insides. The same insides that stick and suck Xemnas back in every time he tries to retreat. Zexion is a silent mess of a Nobody by the time Xemnas finally stills for the briefest of seconds and unloads his cum inside of the other man.
A single word is enough to describe everything that encompasses Zexion when he's finally able to flop over onto his side. His chest heaves as he tries to catch his breath. Xemnas, having already pulled out and sitting back on his haunches, gazes over Zexion's form. After a beat he moves forward to sit behind Zexion. It's not noticeable but Zexion can feel it.
Xemnas is different.
A hand comes to rest atop Zexion's head. The warmth, the sheer amount of comfort, that comes from the action has him choking past the air he had been desperately trying to suck in. There's something so strange about it all that Zexion freezes where he's at. He doesn't move and he tries his hardest not to even think or blink. He's simply left there unsure and cautious as Xemnas lies down beside him.
Breathing heavily, Zexion allows Xemnas to mold up against him. The embrace that follows has his body melting into strong arms. Xemnas places a peck to the back of Zexion's head before nestling his nose into the crown of Zexion's hair. Xemnas breathes him in and silently muses about calling Zexion back from the mission early under the guise of another taking his place.
He won't let him slip away for long. Not when his nonexistent heart demands him so. Nonetheless, he knows he'll sacrifice whatever it takes to complete his goal. That includes the young man that gingerly lets him go when Xemnas sits back up. He begins rattling off what he needs Zexion to do – the important role of seeing if he senses anything out of place. A different chamber from all the other floors.
To Zexion it's as though the facade is over. That whatever came over Xemnas is gone and he feels as though it may be the last time he gets to see it. As he lies there, staring at Xemnas' back while the latter retreats to the balcony, Zexion can't tear his eyes away or fully comprehend the words filling the silence.
The glow that settles on those bronze shoulders and the way someone else seems to overlay on top of Xemnas's figure has Zexion confused. He'll chalk it up to being tired. But it'll only be a few weeks later that he'll find out he should have never followed those golden eyes.
He'll know he should have ran and shirked away from the man he thought he could trust. Should have known better than to trust those deceitful words that wove a beautiful facade around him.
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royalxiii · 6 years
I Day Till Kingdom Hearts III
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Kingdom Hearts - The Ist Game in the Series & the one that started it all
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The Ist Playable Character in the Series - Sora
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The Ist Apprentice of Yen Sid - King Mickey Mouse
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The Ist Apprentice of Master Xehanort - Ventus
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The Ist Apprentice of Master Eraqus - Terra
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The Ist Apprentice of the Master of Masters - Ira
The Ist Union Leader - Ira
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The Ist Apprentice of Ansem the Wise - Braig 
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The Ist Replica - Xion
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Xemnas - The Superior of the In-Between // Number I
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Number I’s Weapons - Ethereal Blades: Interdiction 
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Ansem’s Report I:
“Much of my life has been dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge.
That knowledge has guarded this world well. Not a soul doubts that.
I am blessed with people's smiles and respect. But though I am called a sage, there are things I do not understand.
I believe darkness sleeps in every heart, no matter how pure. Given the chance, the smallest drop can spread and swallow the heart. I have witnessed it many times.
Darkness...Darkness of the heart. How is it born?
How does it come to affect us so?
As ruler of this world, I must find the answers. I must find them before the world is lost to those taken by the darkness.“
Secret Ansem’s Report I:
“My efforts these many years have come to fruition, with the world I govern having become a paradise worthy of being called "Radiant Garden."
Nurtured by the pure water that is the source of life, fragrant flowers bloom in abundance, and the people face each day with hopeful smiles.
But where there is light, darkness also lurks. As noted in my earlier reports, I must solve the mystery of this "darkness of the heart." This paradise depends on it.
I shall perform an experiment to probe the depths of a person's heart. One of my own apprentices, Xehanort, has volunteered to be a subject.
The young man has served me ever since I nursed him back from death's door some years ago.
He had lost all his memories at the time, but later showed remarkable intellectual curiosity and readily absorbed my teachings, gaining deep wisdom. Any mental immaturity is surely due to his young age.
If I explore Xehanort's heart with psychological tests, I may be able to recall the past locked away within. My apprentice Even has also shown great interest in Xehanort's memories.
But is he really the right subject? Xehanort does indeed exhibit extraordinary talents...
Too extraordinary...
Perhaps they are even superhuman.“
Xehanort’s Report I: “Much time has passed since I left the home of my youth behind, and in the myriad worlds I have since visited, I have gained much knowledge. On these pages, I intend to record a portion of that knowledge, and put the course of my life to paper.
Upon reflection, my life underwent the most considerable sea-change when I arrived at that place. Yes, it began when I found a Master, and another I would later call my brother—when I found a new home.
Then there was the Keyblade. For what purpose was it begotten, and by whom? During my training as one of its wielders, the precepts offered a clear answer: the Keyblade existed so that we who watched over the light could protect the world from the shadows.
But was that the TRUE answer? Could there not be more to it than that? My heart sought knowledge, and so I sometimes visited other worlds—though such travel was forbidden unless duty required—and found what my heart sought.“
Roxas’ Diary - Entry I:
“It's been a week since I got here. Saïx told me to keep a diary, but he said nobody would check it. What am I supposed to write about?
Today they told us to go to the Round Room, where we met our new member, No. XIV. Was I like that when I first got here? I think I was. But I don't remember too well.“
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No. I
“The strongest Heartless of the bunch. It moves quickly and deals precise attacks.
Attack it to earn points! As soon as it performs Reversal, perform your own Reversal to catch it off guard.“
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The Ist Summon in the Series - Simba
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The Ist Playable World in Kingdom Hearts - Destiny Islands
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The Ist Floor in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - Traverse Town
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The Ist Basement Floor in Kingdom Hearts: Reverse/Rebirth - Castle Oblivion 
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The Ist Playable World in Kingdom Hearts II - Twilight Town // Data-Twilight Town
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The Ist Playable World in Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days - The World That Never Was
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The Ist Playable World in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - Land of Departure
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The Ist Playable World in Kingdom Hearts: Coded - Destiny Islands
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The Ist Playable World in Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance - Traverse Town
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The Ist (and only) Playable World in Kingdom Hearts 0.2: A Fragmentary Passage - Dark World
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The Ith Playable World in the Kingdom Hearts: χ Saga - Daybreak Town
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The Ith Enemy in each Game, as listed by the Journal
Shadow (KHFM)
Shadow (KHRe:CoM)
Shadow (KH2FM)
Dusk (KH2FM)
Shadow (KHDays)
Dusk (KHDays)
Flood (KHBbSFM)
Shadow (KHBbSFM)
Shadow (KHRe:Coded)
Meow Wow (KH3D)
Shadow (KH0.2)
Shadow (KHUX)
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The Ith Keyblade Collected in each Game (results may vary)
Kingdom Key (KHFM)
Kingdom Key (KHRe:CoM)
Kingdom Key (KH2FM)
Kingdom Key (KHDays)
Earthshaker (KHBbSFM - Terra)
Wayward Wind (KHBbSFM - Ventus)
Rainfell (KHBbSFM - Aqua)
Kingdom Key (KHRe:Coded)
Kingdom Key (KH3D - Sora)
Way to the Dawn (KH3D - Riku)
Master’s Defender (KH0.2)
Starlight (KHUX)
Images from KHWiki
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imaginationxiii · 6 years
Can I please have a match up? I'm female, hetero, Libra and INFP( but I don't take anyone's bs). I'm usually calm and keep it to myself, I'm independent (Introverts need/give space), yet needy at times. I have a sarcastic and dark sense of humor. I'm intelligent & love mystery/puzzles. I love (video)games! I always listen to music, I draw a little, read/write a lot... In short, I LOVE any form of art! I know a lot about many subjects, but I especially like symbology and ancient history. Love ya!
You have been matched with… Xemnas
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Mystery and intelligence quickly brings one member of Organization XIII to mind: none other than the Superior! It should go without saying that Xemnas’ focus on his goals is very intense and he won’t be distracted by anything or anyone. A like mind that values wisdom, enveloped in a mysterious presence is just the thing for making this man interested in a relationship with you.
After all, he is quite the enigmatic presence himself, and the pursuit of knowledge is what led him down this path. Social and emotional subjects matter little to him. Revealing your intellect will be key to gaining his attention. He is probably quite receptive to questions about the concepts he is so enthralled with, namely hearts and the nature of a Nobody’s nonexistence. Your natural craving for answers will show Xemnas that you aren’t just another neophyte to do his bidding. Oh no, there lies potential in you, and nothing will get in his way of unlocking that potential.
At least, that sort of thing will be his aim until he spends a sufficient amount of time with you and arrives at the conclusion that there’s so much more than potential to be found. Those discoveries will stay between you and him, but he can weave together a nice speech about the traits he admires in you just as easily as if he were speaking about Kingdom Hearts. This stays behind closed doors, naturally, but it definitely wouldn’t be an unwelcome thing when you’re having a bad day.
Independence is very useful when you’re so closely bonded with Xemnas, ironic as that might sound. There are so many plans he needs to devise and adjust–not to mention the responsibility of leading an Organization–so it’s only natural that he would spend time apart from you to focus on such things. He also has a tendency to lose himself in contemplation over other matters, professional and personal, so alone time is important. You being an introvert is certainly a convenience for him; however, he doesn’t mind if you suffer from clingy moments and seek him out. So long as he isn’t particularly engaged with a task, he would be willing to let you in on his personal bubble. He respects your boundaries and expects you to do the same. Seeking more attention than he can logically divide between you and work will end with him lightly chiding you to wait until later. Perhaps if you’re good for him, he’ll reward your patience~
Moments like that are where Xemnas’ sense of humor (though some members would probably argue that he was never equipped with such a thing). He can be rather dry and come off as condescending if he’s ever in a mood for humor. It’s difficult to imagine a being without a heart to be put off by dark humor, and Xemnas is no exception to that. Hell, your morbid jokes might eventually make him more receptive to humor than Xehanort ever was. Your sarcasm is one of the few things to elicit a low chuckle from the Superior’s lips. This is especially true if you unleash the snark on a deserving victim–he is professional enough to save his smirk for after the other person is gone, but you will know how proud he is of your sharp wit. Some might accuse him of being a boring presence, but he feels anything but that when you’re near. Almost every moment shared with you is like a new discovery for him, and that change to the monotony is something he cherishes greatly (though you won’t hear him admit it. Not for a while.)
Speaking of breaking the monotony, another major way you do that for Xemnas is by sharing your knowledge of such diverse subjects with him. Being well-read would never be considered a bad thing, especially in his eyes. He would listen to you go on for ages about the topics you’ve educated yourself on. Symbology sounds like something he would particularly enjoy hearing from you. He isn’t one to look down on the importance of history, so random factoids about the ancient past would be a nice daily ‘treat’ that he would never tire of. Expect to be on the receiving end of many lectures from him as well… but with a voice like that, there are far worse fates to be subjected to.
Depending on the topic and your comfort level, Xemnas could be willing to read whatever it is that you write. As a matter of fact, he would be a great help for preparing academic papers… but reading something nonfictional would be a good change of pace for him. Although I can see him being a stickler for accuracy and grammar. Getting him interested in your love for music could be more difficult… unless you know some calming music that he can listen to while being absorbed in books and scrolls for hours on end. He might not stick with it in the long run, but he would be willing to make an attempt at it if you insist on the educational power of music.
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radixnt-gxrden · 3 years
"Hey there."
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(@any muse)
“Evening.” Xemnas greeted. “And you are?”
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radixnt-gxrden · 3 years
“Demyx someone wants us to be together come here.”
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radixnt-gxrden · 3 years
"Hey father!?"
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“Yes, son?”
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radixnt-gxrden · 3 years
Cue Xemnas sweating frantically. 
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radixnt-gxrden · 3 years
“Stop it.” Now he’s drenched.
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radixnt-gxrden · 3 years
Pulling out the magic cuffs.
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“Child why can’t you be like your siblings?”
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