#your words are much much appreciated especially today <33!
sanchensky · 1 year
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Hey, babe! I love seeing you on my dash and reading your tags/reblogs. You're so sweet and really cool, intimidatingly cool. I hope you have a great day/night! ♥
YOU are cool and sweet 🫂💗 Love ya :') <3
~~I'll just go happily cry in a corner if that's alright :'3~~
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loonmartell · 5 months
𓄹𓄼 Rainy day brew 𓄼𓄹
(No outbreak Joel Miller x f!reader)
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Summary : Can a stormy night and well brewed coffee bring two hearts together?
Rating : Explicit/+18 (Smut! MDNI)
Word count : 6,336 (I got carried away sorry..)
Warnings/tags : No outbreak AU, forced proximity cuz rain, pining, Alternating POV, pet names, one “yes, ma’am” because I couldn’t help it, a sprinkle of plot, lil fluff & banter, SMUT (unprotected PiV sex, fingering, dirty talk, grinding, kissing, teasing, One (1) playful ass slap, creampie), storms (rain, thunder & lightning), A LOT of yapping about pour over coffee, no use of y/n.
A/N : Hello again! Today I come with Joel smut 🙏🏻. I wrote this for @undercoverpena ‘s April Showers Challenge! I absolutely fell in love with the idea when i saw it, cuz if there’s one thing about me it’s that I LOVE rain! So ofc i had to try and do it <3 A big huge colossal thank you to @joels-darlin for being my lovely beta <33 and @coispunk for not blocking me after i bounced off the walls contemplating if i should upload this or not ✨✨✨
“You need a ride home darlin’?”
You turn to the source of the voice and find Joel talking to you through the rolled down window of his pick up truck.
“Oh! no it’s okay I can wait for the rain to—”
“Non ‘a that now, This storm could last ‘til tomorrow night” he leans over the passenger seat to open the door for you.
It’s not that you wouldn’t appreciate the ride —you most certainly would— but you didn’t want to be an inconvenience and you especially didn’t want Joel to think that you were aburden.
You didn’t know each other very well. Your best friend Maria is dating his brother Tommy. And you’ve been dragged to a couple of dinners and drinks over the last couple of months with the three of them. But the conversations were always guided by the other two, so you and Joel never really spoke much. In fact, you had the fleeting idea that maybe Joel didn’t like you. He’s always so tense around you, you know this because you literally saw his jaw tensing after you showed up. And you caught him glaring at you a couple of times. You thought you may have unknowingly offended him somehow, but Maria assured you afterwards that you didn't say or do anything wrong and that he was probably just tired. So you let it go, but the idea is still floating around in your head.
Tonight was one of those nights where you went out for drinks, Maria and Tommy headed home early and left you with Joel half an hour ago. And not long after that Joel excused himself saying he had an early morning and said his goodbyes.
You waited a couple of minutes before you got out as well. Only, much to your delight; a storm was brewing and it was raining by the time you were ready to walk home. What an incredible choice you made to walk instead of drive on this day.
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When Joel was one street away from where he left you at the bar. He thought back on when you mentioned leaving your car at home because you thought it was nice weather for a stroll. He tried really hard to get the idea of you walking home in this storm out of his head. You can manage. Get an uber, call a cab, whatever. But then again, Joel's southern manners would never allow him. That, and this big, colossal crush he has on you.
The first time he ever saw you was when he picked up Tommy from Maria’s (and your) apartment one morning. Tommy left him waiting long enough for you to get out and go to work (he assumed). You really had him in a chokehold. You were really, breathtakingly beautiful. You had your hair in a high ponytail with a few strands deliberately out, framing the gorgeous features of your face. You had both your hands full. One had a large handbag hanging from your wrist, hand holding a travel mug and a coat hanging on your forearm. The other hand was holding a bright red watering can. You started watering the flower beds on the windowsills and the big pot of gardenias right by the door. Your next door neighbour, an old lady, got out at that time. And Joel saw your cheery smile for the first time, and what he assumed were good mornings were exchanged. What a sweet, little thing.
He had the sudden urge to roll down the car window so he could hear what voice accompanied that divine face. But he thought better of it. And sooner than he would prefer, you were in your car and driving off.
When Tommy finally showed up, apparently physically unable to take his lips off of Maria’s, judging by how they never separated even after he was out the door. Joel rolled his eyes and turned his face away from that scene and towards the street on his other side.
Finally Tommy got into the car with a disgusting, lovesick smile on his face. But he smelled like shampoo and his hair was relatively wet. He showered and for that Joel is eternally grateful.
“You’re late” Joel deadpanned.
“And good morning to you too, brother” The younger man scoffed before placing two travel mugs in the cup holders.
Joel scrunched his eyebrows “what's that?”
“Coffee, Maria’s roommate brews her own with one ‘a those pour over kits and she insisted that we try hers.”
Joel’s throat went dry, thinking about that pretty girl he was unashamedly staring at, going out of her way to make enough coffee for her friend’s boyfriend’s brother. A sweet, delightful little thing.
“That’s real nice of her” if his voice cracked a little, Tommy didn’t notice.
“Yeah it is. So I’ve been thinkin’,” Tommy changed the subject faster than Joel would like. “You think you can drop me off at my place at say.. Two?”
“Two? We finish at the site at least after Three, what d’ya mean you wanna get out at Two?” Joel shifted his eyes from the road long enough to glare at his brother.
“Yeah I know but I was thinkin’” Joel is really starting to hate it when Tommy thinks “today’s me and Maria’s six months anniversary, and I kinda wanna do somethin’ special for her”
Six months anniversary Joel mentally scoffed, the fuck is a six months anniversary? And why isn’t he talking more about that damn sweet roommate!
“Yeah no can do, Romeo. We’re already behind ‘cause ’a last week, need I remind you that you ditched me laying down parquet on my own? had to do the three bedrooms that day all by myself”
“I told you we should’a done planks instead of parquet but you never listen to me, do you?” Tommy’s counter argument was weaker than he was hoping for. It was the owner’s choice, not Joel’s. And they both knew it. “Plus I had a damn plausible excuse that day”
“Not sure if a discount on an already cheap restaurant counts as plausible”
“It wasn’t just a ’discount’, Joel. It was a surf ‘n turf for half the price!”
“Yeah well I was surfin’ and turfin’ alone on the floors of the Johnsons. You’re not ditchin’ me again.”
Tommy slumped down on his chair like a toddler would.
On a red light Joel finally picked up his mug and took his first sip. A sweet, delightful, damn-good coffee making little thing.
Before he even knew it, Joel was opening the passenger side door for you, not taking no for an answer. Thankfully, you didn’t put up that much of a fight and climbed your pretty ass in his truck.
The ride was pretty short and silent. The sound of thunder and loud smacks of raindrops against the car not leaving much room for chatting anyway.
When he parked as close as he could to your door, he reached behind your seat to the pocket of it. And brought out a small, folded umbrella. He knew it was a mere seconds walk from the car to your door, but he had the umbrella with him already, so why risk giving you a cold? Your nose, red and sniffling. He had to actively suppress the upturn of the corners of his lips.
“Here” he handed you the umbrella and before you could get a chance to speak, he followed with “not taking no for an answer, darlin’. Gettin’ soaked in this wind could get you sick”
“Um.. actually the storm’s getting stronger, and I was gonna suggest you come inside? I don’t know if I’m comfortable with you driving in this weather”
A sweet, delightful, damn-good coffee making, thoughtful little thing.
He looked out the windows, trying to figure out his next move.
“Think I’ll take you up on that offer. It does look pretty bad, and the slippery streets are harder to navigate when I can’t see further than my nose.” He brought his eyes to you. Hoping he wouldn’t seem too eager to agree.
You graced him with a smile and said “well alright then, guess now I don’t have to feel bad for hogging you umbrella”
“ ‘s not hogging if I’m voluntarily givin’ it to you” he smirked as he turned off the car. He got out of it with a quick “stay where you are” and opened the umbrella as he rounded to your side of the truck.
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You walked under the umbrella he was holding. You’ve never been this close to him before and it gave you goosebumps that had nothing to do with the weather. You fiddled with your keys until you got the door open. There was no car outside or shoes in the foyer. They must’ve gone to Tommy's then. As much as you always wanted some quiet, alone time in your apartment. This was not one of those times. You were hoping Maria and Tommy were here to take the edge off of being alone with Joel, but you can’t really back out now and you’re already here. So, time to take a page out of the southern manners book.
”What would you like to drink?” you offered after he settled on the couch. His large frame dwarfing your whole living room, making everything look almost miniature. The thought had you blushing and you don’t really know why, but you don’t even want to find out.
“Coffee would be nice, if it's not a bother” his voice travelled through his place on the couch to the kitchen.
You can’t help the excited grin you have on “not at all! I just got a new Holklotz set that I’ve been dying to try out” when you get a new brewing set, you need time to experiment with different coffee grinds, ratios and timing between blooming and brewing to master the perfect cup. Time is a luxury not available to you on late mornings when you trade it for extra minutes of sleep.
Footsteps approaching the kitchen make you raise your head to see Joel coming into view, his eyebrows scrunched and confused “you got a what?”
You smile and hold the wooden base of the dripstand that you took out of the cabinet “this is my newest set, it arrived a week ago but between work and being too tired after, I haven’t had the time to bring it out and try it yet. Until now” you look at him with a too excited smile that you don’t try to hide.
“Well alrighty then, you happen to have here the perfect white mouse, test away” he settles at the barstool by the kitchen island that you’re standing by. You weigh the coffee beans and put them in the manual grinder, set to the size you need. Not too coarse but not too fine.
“Okay white mouse, care to help?” You hold up the grinder.
“Tell me what you need, boss” he concludes. So, you hand him the grinder to work on it as you heat the water and take the rest of the set out and put it together.
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He continues working on grinding the coffee and wonders if you have immensely great upper body strength, since you do this every morning. His coffee is already ground and comes in a container. He doesn’t see the necessity for an upper body workout every time you need a little caffeine. But truth be told, he has been craving that coffee you made him that one time. Damned if it wasn’t the best cup he’s ever had.
The silence is killing him, and he has to avail from the storm that brought him to your home. “So, when you’re not at work or training for an arm wrestlin’ tournament,” he gestures to the grinder “what do you like to do?”
“Obviously, I take part in the tournaments I train for” you say with a serious expression that has his eyes widened in surprise. “I’m kidding, Joel. Although I think I have a good solid shot at winning.” You stick your nose up in the prettiest little smug face and Joel wants to kiss it away so bad. Focus.
He drags himself back to the present “can’t argue with that. But, if you’re basing that over this,” he again gestures to the grinder in his hands “then it’s not enough bargain for winning”.
You scoff and raise your hands up, wiggling your fingers “you have no idea what these hands can do” Joel can see you regretted blurting out the words without thinking, judging by the rising blush on your face and the way you don’t meet his eyes anymore. He can’t say he’s any better, his mind is already conjuring unholy images, reeling his brain and sending a rush of tingling heat down south.
What can they do? He imagines your small hands trying to wrap around his throbbing cock. Or you writhing on your bed stuffing yourself with three of your too small fingers, desperately trying to cum. He bets he can do it faster and better for you. If you give him the chance.
He knows he shouldn’t be picturing you like this. It’s crazy to even think about you like this. You haven’t even told him if you’re interested. Hell he never even said anything to show you he’s interested.
Clearing your throat, this time you’re the one bringing him back to the present, you say “anyway, I think I got off topic there” you let out a nervous chuckle. “To answer your question. My time is pretty much divided between work, coffee and my plants. I’m kinda boring, don’t really got much going on”
Joel doesn’t hear the presence of a partner in your life, and he selfishly likes it.
“Don’t sound boring to me, ‘s pretty comfortable” you smile at his comment and he gives you the coffee grounds, ready to be used.
You start your brewing process, talking him through every step you’re doing. Wetting the filter, dumping the coffee grounds in and meticulously pouring the water on the dripper. The blooming, the timing. He can’t promise he heard everything. Because you bite your bottom lip and your face contorts in the cutest focused face and he can’t help but stare. You really love doing this and he wants to eat you up.
“My chemex is my go-to on late mornings,” You suddenly pipe up as you’re waiting for the water to drip through the coffee grounds. “Even though it takes longer than a V60, It’s just faster to clean up and I can dual-task while it’s brewing. So I don’t mind.”
He lets out a hum from the back of his throat, considering what you said. “What about the taste? Whaddya like more?” He surprises himself that he actually cares and not just trying to be polite.
“I like them both the same, the flavour with the V60 is usually richer ‘cause the filters are thinner, but I still like the soft, smooth taste when using the chemex”.
In the back of his mind, Joel thinks he’s ready to fall in love with you. He loves coffee, sure. But to him it’s just something he needs in the morning and sometimes later in the day. Never really thought much of it, he has a coffee machine that gets work done for him. And yet, here you are, showing him a different, almost artistic aspect of it.
“Although..” Okay so you’re not done yet. “If we’re talking taste-wise in the brewing methods, I’ll have to go with the syphon”
“Yes syphon, I tried it once in a lovely family owned coffee shop across town. I’m telling you, if I lived near there? I would be a regular faster than you can say syphon”
“Well syphon is a long word, two full syllables” he faux ponders, making you giggle.
“Okay smartass, coffee’s ready.” You pull out two mugs from the cabinet. And fill them up. And slide his across the kitchen island, a brown owl adorning the ceramic surface.
You both sip at the same time then let out a ridiculously simultaneous soft sighs. You look at Joel with wide, pleading eyes, gauging his reaction. And of course, being the honest man that he is, he would never lie.
“Damn, that is good” he clicks his tongue and goes for another sip.
You smile brightly “I like it too. Although it’s a little more bitter for my liking, think I'll adjust the grind next time.”
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You want to kick yourself so bad. You’re only now realising that you got too comfortable and you let yourself go on and on about something he probably doesn’t even care about. You had to shut the caffeine talk down.
“So, Joel, how's Sarah?” You gestured for him to follow you to the living room.
He settled on one side of the loveseat while you occupied the other, folding your legs under yourself. “She’s alright, her mom wanted her to see her grandma so she’s with her this week.” Maria told you all about their co-parenting system and how they’re succeeding in making it work so far. Little 10 years old Sarah spends equal amounts of time with both her parents and she feels loved by both. Not everything is a bed of roses, of course. But they deal with obstacles when they appear in their time.
“That’s nice, and how was her game last week? I remember you said she was nervous about it?” He stared at you for a few seconds too long that it makes you wonder if you crossed a line or said something wrong. But he blinked a couple of times and continued.
“Doin’ great actually, my little goal getter” he pondered softly before announcing “she scored the winning goal in last week’s game!” He sat up a little, you think it’s unconsciously as a result of his excitement.
“Oh my god! That’s so amazing!” You matched his energy “you must be so proud!”.
His smile widened if it was possible “I am, she puts her mind into something and never rests ‘til she gets it,” he reclined against the couch again “dunno where she got it from, but I sure as hell am not gonna complain”
“You’re selling yourself short, Joel.” You offered a warm smile “I’m sure you’ve been a great influence on her, your determination is probably rubbing off on her.”
Joel’s expression softened, a hint of pride flickering in his eyes. “Thanks, sure means a lot coming from you, sweetheart. If I’m bein’ honest, I just wanna see my girl chasin’ her dreams and be happy. ‘s all I want”
“I have no doubt she’ll do so much, and she’ll achieve great things with your guidance and support” you placed your hand on his knees for reassurance.
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He felt warmth all over his chest, his heartbeats exceeding those of a hummingbird. His eyes fell down to where your hand was touching and almost burning him, and they stayed there for a while before looking back at your eyes. He has this immense urge to kiss you. The tension has been building all night and his ability to hold himself off is getting harder and harder by the second.
He cleared his throat, trying to steady his racing heart as he met your gaze. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "Your faith in her means the world to me."
Your hand lingered on his knee for a moment longer before you withdrew it, a faint blush coloring your cheeks. "She's lucky to have you as her dad, y’know" you said softly, the look in your eyes showing the sincerity of your words.
A moment of silence passed between you, the air thick with unspoken emotions. Joel's gaze flickered to your lips, his own heart still pounding accompanied by longing. He swallowed hard, struggling to find the right words to convey the feelings swirling inside him.
He brought his eyes back up to yours only to see that your gaze had been on his lips, mirroring his desires. Your gazes met, the tension snapped. Lightning flashes through the window right before your eyes and your lips crash in a bruising, soaring kiss that to outsiders would look as if you were trying to devour each other. Everything happened at a rather fast pace. The roaring of the thunder dwindled by frantic breathing and the rush of blood in his ears. His tongue demanded entry, which you gave no problem. He brought his large palm over your hips, pulling you over to straddle him, never breaking the kiss.
He felt your heat through the layers of clothes between you as you settled on his lap, pulling a soft gasp out of you. Using his grasp on your hips, he rocked you back and forth to grind your center on his bulge, eliciting a string of whines you let out in between the clashing of tongues. In a moment of sudden clarity, he broke off your lips but never moved too far away, he rested his forehead to yours, sharing the air. Finally, he spoke, his voice husky with emotion.“Um- I’m sorry, is- is this okay?”
You continued to move against him, seeking more friction. Then you chuckled through your laboured breathing, “yeah, yes I want this. If- if you do too.”
“Oh darlin’ you have no idea” he hurried out before picking up where he left off, trailing his lips down the corner of your mouth, your jaw, your neck where he settled on open mouthed kisses that sent your head falling back, giving him more of you. He got addicted to the taste of your skin on his tongue fast and he craved to taste more.
Dragging his mouth over your shoulders then to your collarbone. He huffed in frustration, your shirt was personally offending him by denying him the access he needed. Seeming to sense his frustration, you pushed him away slightly so you could pull off your shirt over your head in one smooth motion. He wasted no time roaming his hands all over your torso, returning his mouth to your collarbones, kissing his way down to the parts of your breasts spilling out from your bra.
His hands slithered up from your hips to the sides of your waist, then wrapped around your back and moved up to hook his fingers underneath the strap of your bra. He mumbled against your skin, “can I take it off?” You gasped your affirmation. Overwhelming sensations leaving you breathless.
Even though it was a simple bra strap, he struggled to unhook it. Hands too shaky and excited. You breathed a laugh and did it yourself. Once you’re completely bare, nipples perking up as soon as the cold air hits them. He pulled away, looking at you with wide, fascinated eyes. His lips immediately latched around a nipple, flicking his tongue slowly, almost as if he’s savouring the feeling. He pulled away and murmured “beautiful”. Just to latch onto the other one with the same treatment, “absolutely beautiful” he murmured again into the plushness of your tits.
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You felt a shiver at the undivided attention from the gorgeous man that seems to never get enough of you. Of course you always thought he was handsome, that was non negotiable. The man was gorgeous from day one. And tonight, you felt a connection that you never felt before. And as soon as the ties were made, the tension rose suddenly, as if it had always been there but you were too much in your head to notice it, contemplating whether he likes you or not. But now, you do notice it. Very much so. And it’s becoming unbearable. You want him so bad. You want him to drown all your senses. You want him inside, outside, under and over you.
Joel, Joel, Joel.
You held his head with both your hands to pull him away from your chest before saying “need to see you too, Joel” you pleaded as you fumbled with the hem of his shirt trying to lift it. His eyes darkened at your desperation. As quick as the lightning that occasionally lights up the room around you, he flipped you so your back is against the couch and took off his shirt and jeans and hovered above you.
You took a steadying breath and your eyes drank in the sight in front of you, bringing your hands on each of his wrists. You mapped the outlines of his thick arms, moving towards his shoulders. Then brought them back to his broad chest, bare except for the hair that formed a thick layer in the center. You felt the muscles ripple under your fingertips. Built from the physical labour that a contractor would endure. You lowered your touch a little to feel his soft stomach. Squishy tummy, a sign of a man that was actually living and feeding himself well. Not shying away from a meal or obsessing over fitting society’s mould of perfection. You wanted to kiss it and nibble on it so bad, but you weren’t sure if he’d be okay with it, that was probably more of a second time type of thing. Mentally shaking your head away from the idea that you’re already thinking of next time when nothing even happened yet. Lastly, you ran your fingers on the smattering of coarse, dark hair that dipped further down into his tented boxers.
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Mostly empty coffee cups long abandoned on the table. He knelt on his knees between your spread legs, and yanked your pants and panties in one quick motion. Towering over your naked form. His eyes danced around every inch of your body. He brought his thumbs to each side of your heat. Tracing the outside of your folds. He murmured so low, almost as if he’s talking to himself “Too goddamn pretty for your own good, baby”. He was basking in the sight of your desperate writhing as your need for any kind of friction became unfathomable.
“Please,” you whined in frustration, A smirk pulled on his lips at your little pouty face.
“Please what, darlin’?”
“Touch me” your keen hands reach for his wrists to coax them where you want him. But he was determined to keep his hands at their place.
Yeah, your hands are too small, too soft for such a sweet, delightful, damn-good coffee making, thoughtful, eager little thing.
“I am touching you now, ain’t I?” He keeps stroking the outside of your lower lips.
“More, please.” You whimpered.
“Well, you leave me no choice now, since you asked so nicely”
He wasted no time gathering the slick from your opening and plunging his thick middle finger in and out. Your breath catching at the sudden but welcome stretch. Not long after, his ring finger joined inside and he curled them both up, searching and finding the spot that makes your eyes roll and your hips buck into his hand in shock.
“sit still, angel.” He placed his other hand on your lower stomach to keep your back rested on the couch. He picked up the pace of his fingers thrusting in and out, in and out, massaging the same spot over and over and over. He felt your walls slightly tightening around his fingers, and there’s a change in the rhythm of your breathing. You’re close. “Cum for me, angel. Come on lemme see this pretty pussy droolin’ for me”. He kept his pace up until you were gasping for air. And with a specifically strong stroke, your walls clumped down, choking his fingers and soaking them to the wrist. Working you through your high, he kept his eyes on you, the sight of you coming apart on his fingers. Heavenly.
He took his fingers out and sucked them with lewd, obscene sounds. He made a show to lick his palm clean of your release and humming around his fingers. “Next time, I’m havin’ it straight from its source” he leaned down and kissed your parted lips. “Oughta have a palate cleanser ‘f we’re gonna give your coffee a fair shot” he gave a playful smack to your ass “and you sure know how to make ‘em.”
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You blushed and giggled as you couldn’t help the giddy feeling of the prospect of a next time. The image of Joel relishing the taste of you is already seared deep in your brain. You couldn’t wait to have these slurping noises happening between your legs, certain already that he doesn’t eat, he devours.
He sat up on his haunches and lowered his boxers below his balls. He took his cock in his hand. Not even his large hand wrapped around it makes it seem any less girthy. The head is angry and leaking a steady stream. He gives himself slow, languid strokes from base to red-purplish head. You couldn’t help yourself, you sat up and your hand took over his. Stroking him at the same pace he was. He shuddered at your touch and marvelled at the contrast between his rough, calloused hand versus your soft, smooth ones on his cock. You gradually increased the pressure, adding a twist at the end that sent his head falling back with a stifled groan between his clenched teeth.
His hands were tight fists by his sides, desperately trying to hold off but ready to pounce at you any moment. “Hold on, baby” he groaned “I- I gotta grab a condom”
“But I wanna feel you, and I’m safe” you said in a little, unsure voice. Still stroking him and loving the velvety softness enveloping the steely hardness. When your gazes met again, the hungry look in his eyes made a tiny sound climb to the back of your throat. With that, the last thread holding off the beast inside him snapped. With a low growl he grabbed your ankles, yanking you closer to his pelvis, making your back hit the soft pillow on the couch with a dull thud.
“Baby, I’m clean too. But I need ya to be sure, angel. ‘Cause when I start, ‘m not really sure I can stop” He said through dark eyes that were straining to hold off.
You held firm eye contact with him “I’m sure, Joel. Please fuck me now”
“Yes, ma’am” with that, he ran his cock through your slit, gathering you wetness before lining it with your entrance and with one quick motion he sinks into you. Your moans and his name on your tongue, dripping honey onto his ear. He feels your warmth enveloping every inch of him. He wants to get lost in the feeling. To replace every bad memory he has with this sensation, the divine fit of your silky smooth walls, encompassing him. So tight, so soft, so perfect.
As his hips rocked back and forth, you wrapped your legs around him, and dug your heels into his ass, wanting him impossibly deeper. Sweet, delightful, damn-good coffee making, thoughtful, eager, greedy little thing. He removed his hands from beside your head to hold the base of your skull in one of his palms and wrap the other under your waist for leverage. Grunting into your neck while your pretty moans filling his ears got louder as he moved in a pace that promised him a date with painkillers and an ice pack on his back tomorrow night.
When he felt the telltale signs of your near release, he gently let go of your head to bring his hand down and circle your bundle of nerves. Your continuous string of frantic pleads prompted him to lay soothing kisses to the corner of your mouth. With a compulsive string of “it’s okay, baby”, “sound so pretty whinin’ like that”, and “just let go for me, princess.”
The last one pushing you over the edge. With your legs quivering, your breathing turning into shallow panting and your hands clawing at his back. He was working you through it all with a “that’s it, angel. There ya go”, “so good for me” and “look so pretty cummin’ on my cock”.
Once your muscles stopped contracting and your heartbeat settled on. Joel switched to a more gentle pace. You stuttered out between small gasps of air “cum for me, Joel. Fill me up”. Leaving him no choice but to buck into you wildly with renewed vigour. Fucking you like all of his goddamn life is depending on it.
Loving the effect you have on him, you whispered “Wanna feel you inside me after you leave, Joel”. This makes his release hit him like a freight train. With a few forceful plunges and a string of grunted out fucks. He shoots his load with a prolonged groan of your name, painting your walls with strong, long spurts. He came so hard, he thinks he blacked out for a minute.
He collapsed on top of you, nuzzling in your neck and surrounding himself in your scent as he comes down from his high. In the middle of the chaos of regulating heartbeats and relaxing bodies, your laboured breathing turns into a giggle when his beard tickles your neck and under your jaw. He lifted his head to look at you with a “what?” and scrunched eyebrows. You stifled your giggle with a shake of your head. Only failing when he dips his head in your neck again. He smirked when realisation hit him. Lifting his head again “You’re ticklish ain’tcha, angel?” His face is so close your noses were touching.
You pressed your lips in a firm, straight line and shook your head again.
“No? So you don’t mind me doing this?” He rubbed his beard on your neck again and again. You went into a giggle fit that triggered his own breathy chuckles as he switched to the other side.
“Okay, okay I am, I am!” You managed to say between giggles.
He stopped and looked you straight in the eyes “ ‘s what I thought” he descended his lips on yours and they mingled in a soft, deep kiss that made you lightheaded. He wouldn’t mind getting used to this, “Lemme clean ya up, princess”.
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One year later.
The anniversary of your first “get together” is today. Joel wanted to skip work all together, but he knew Tommy would give him shit about it. How ironic.
He rented a gorgeous, comfy cabin for the weekend, that’s a thirty minutes drive away from town. Joel coaxed Sarah into a slumber party at her uncle’s, which she would’ve very happily agreed to either way. But she’s a smart kid and she chose to haggle for a later bedtime and ice cream for dessert both nights.
He wanted to take the extra time to prepare everything you might need, from basic essentials like food or first aid kits, to extra entertainment options like books or puzzles. He doubts they’ll need the latter though.
But then again, it’s April, and a storm was closing in. Rendering the drive there too dangerous to make during the night. And the storm is predicted to last the whole weekend, even threatening to close schools on Monday.
“I’m just upset you didn’t get your money’s worth from that cabin” you say with worried expressions as you put away the food that you aimlessly packed earlier.
Joel brings the last of the suitcases in, sitting them by the door. “The owners seem pretty nice, bet they’ll understand and agree to push the reservation back”
“Then, that settles it.” You sighed and closed the fridge with finality. “We’re having our anniversary weekend here” you approached him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
He instinctively placed his hands on the dip of your waist, and grunted with furrowed eyebrows “I got a long ass list of things I wanted to do to you in that cabin, now ‘s just sitting in my wallet mockin’ me”.
“It’s for the better, gives me time to make my own list” you teased him with a wink and a bite to your lower lip.
He squeezed your waist with a low, gravel groan. Eyes on your lips in a strong, hungry stare.
But before he can act on his thoughts you unwrap yourself from his tight grasp and turn away with a shout that carries upstairs “Sarah, change of plans! We’re staying here for the weekend!”
Hearing her footsteps descending the stairs, Sarah asked “you’re staying with us too?”. She squeals when you nod with a bright grin. “Now we can watch that movie I told you about last week!” With that, she drags you into the living room, gushing to you about the movie while you listen with interest and occasional oohs and aahs and reactions Joel knows are genuine.
Every other sound dies down as one thought only echoes in his head.
Oh god, please let me keep her.
The black, velvet box burns a hole in his suitcase. And item no.1 on his list sits idle by, just waiting to be checked.
He knows you’ll say yes, this isn’t a subject you avoid. You’re both aware of what you want in a relationship and you communicate your needs to each other. So you’re both sure that you’re on the same page. The element of surprise lies in the timing and method only.
As he looks at you and his daughter, he knows that this feels right. This is how it is supposed to be.
Okay, he owes Tommy an apology. Because now he understands disgusting, lovesick smiles and the urge to get out of work early. He understands six month anniversaries, because when he’s with you; there isn’t a damn thing he wouldn’t do for the mere chance to make you happy.
A Sweet, delightful, damn-good coffee making, thoughtful, eager, greedy, dreamy little thing.
My Sweet, delightful, damn-good coffee making, thoughtful, eager, greedy, dreamy little thing.
A/N : Again, if you’re still here, I love you so much & you made my day <333 pls tell me your thoughts! I write cuz i love doing it but i need to know if i should continue to upload or just let the contents of my delulu brain stay in my phone 🫣
Loon out, luv yaa <33
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traumxrei-archive · 5 months
【 iii. picture perfect shopping 】
summary: for a debutante, one must be the most eye catching at the ball. yuu decides to take floyd shopping with them. what they didn’t realize was how picky the prankster would be when it came to their outfit…
word count: 1.6k
author’s note: floyd leech my beloved <33 i love this guy sm, and i feel like he’s one of the twsties who’d have rlly good fashion ^^
[ the perfect debutante series | or read on ao3 (coming soon) ]
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"Master~" Floyd groaned, fiddling with his tie. "Do I have to wear somethin' so uncomfortable?"
Today Yuu was supposed to go clothes shopping. Floyd, who had previously looked bored out of his mind, suddenly shot up and volunteered himself. And since none of the others protested, the rest was history.
"Why not?" The corners of Yuu's lips twitched as they buttoned Floyd's vest.
Yuu supposed that they had a bit of a mischievous streak when it came to their own maids. Especially with Floyd Leech. It wasn't often that they had something to tease the maid with.
Floyd grabbed their hand, stopping them in their tracks, "Aren't I supposed to dress you?" 
"I suppose," Yuu glanced up, his eyes boring into theirs. "But wouldn't you rather do something more interesting instead?"
Floyd seemed to switch tactics, "Can't I wear my normal uniform? These pants are too stuffy."
Yuu thought about it. About the way Floyd preferred loose skirts that fell just above his knees. Or the way his apron was always stained with something or another from running around all day. Wearing fitted pants probably felt strange in retrospect.
But they had to appreciate how Floyd looked from an aesthetic point of view. The pants all but accentuated his height, coupled with a fitted coat and vest. Floyd looked the spitting image of a young master rather than a maid. (They patted themself on the back for choosing such a perfect outfit.)
"Hmm, but you look handsome like this too," They smiled because Floyd was always weak when it came to compliments.
They knew they won the argument as soon as Floyd released a long sigh "If Master says so~"
"Besides, we aren't trying to attract attention. If it weren't for the ball..."
Floyd grinned then, "Don'tcha worry, all I gotta do is get you lookin' the best at the ball, right Master?"
Turned out that Floyd was quite picky when it came to clothing. Maybe that was why Jade seemed quite apologetic as he was sending them off. What they thought would be a simple shopping trip turned out to be a quest for "only the best that fit Master," as Floyd put it.
"This material...isn't it on the cheaper side?"
Or, "Nah, this color doesn't match your eyes."
Or, their personal favorite, "Master, you're rich, so shouldn't you get a bigger rock?"
Yuu would’ve laughed at all of Floyd’s comments if it wasn’t considered rude to the store owners. The good thing was that Floyd had basically done the hard part for them. He had chosen a suitable outfit on their behalf, swathing them in Night Raven grey, adorned with gold trimmings. And then there were the boots made out of leather from a foreign land. Yuu probably would've chosen without worrying too much about quality if it weren't for Floyd, but he seemed determined to watch over their purchases like a hawk. 
Their feet were getting a bit tired, but Yuu couldn't bring themself to say no when Floyd entered another store.
"This time we'll find a good brooch," Floyd said as he opened the door, letting them into the store. "Something bi~g and shiny so that those garbage minnows won't look down on you."
"I'm sure I don't need it," They reassured.
Yuu knew why Floyd was worried. There were plenty of unsavory rumors going around about them, after all. It had been happening for a long time, ever since they attended NRC. 'The young heir is socially inept', or 'A mere teen cannot inherit the Night Raven Duchy, much less an orphan!', or even their least favorite rumor, 'The loyalty of their staff is due to their status.' It didn't matter much to them anyway. By the end of their Debutante, they would make sure that no one would be able to run their mouths about the Duchy or their people.
"Welcome, customers!" The salesman greeted cheerily. "Please have a seat." They both took a seat, and soon the scent of tea leaves seemed to fill the room as they waited. Floyd was already eyeing the display cases, eyes calculating. 
The store owner poured them each a cup of tea. His eyes glanced between the two of them before finally landing on Floyd, “What would you like to see, good sir?”
Ah. It seemed that this store owner had mistaken them to be a servant, and Floyd their master. It made sense, given the more simplistic clothing they decided to use if only to disguise their shopping trip. Floyd expression had dropped. They could feel the anger starting to radiate from the maid.
“Hey,” There was a cold expression on Floyd’s face. “Don’t look down on my Master like that.” Oh Sevens.
They tugged at his sleeve, before whispering, “Floyd, don’t—" 
“Master?” The owner glanced at them for a moment, not even noticing that he interrupted them. “Are you sure?”
And that seemed to be the final straw for Floyd.
He slammed his hand on the table with a loud bang and Yuu's heart felt like it stopped in their chest. Horror dawned on them as they watched the table shake, the tea set wobbling before shattering with a spectacular sound. CRASH! Hot tea spilled all over the surface of the table, splashing Floyd's arm.
“Floyd!" They hurriedly grabbed his arm, jerking it from the steaming puddle of tea.
Floyd continued to glare at the man, “It seems there’s a minnow who doesn’t know his place.”
They injected as much authority as they could into their voice, “Floyd Leech, I want you to calm down. This behavior is far from appropriate.” They watched as Floyd’s shoulders tensed, conflict passing his expression. The store owner didn’t dare to move either, face frozen in shock.
An eternity seemed to pass before Floyd released a harsh breath, “As your benevolence wishes, Master.” A frustrated expression crossed Floyd’s face before he was turning toward them, sinking to the ground. His forehead pressed against their knee, and Yuu fought not to comfort Floyd for a second.
Instead, they looked up. Yuu stared at the spilled tea with disdain, “Well? Clean up the mess. I'll compensate for the broken tea set.” 
“Y-Yes, of course,” The man seemed to sweat even more as he bowed. “And...may I know your name?” The nerve of him to ask after all that.
“Your ignorance astounds me. Most know me as the heir to the Night Raven Duchy.” And the owner turned white as a sheet. Good. That should teach him not to forget their face ever again. As the man stumbled out, they turned their attention to Floyd.
Yuu finally let their hand card into Floyd’s hair, “Floyd. You’re not upset with me, are you?”
“‘M not,” His voice was muffled, and they could feel him press his cheek against their knee. “Are you mad at me?”
They let out a light laugh, brushing the hair out of Floyd’s eyes. He was staring right at them now. “I’m not. I understand why you were offended. Now he’ll never forget my face for as long as he lives.” Floyd had a bleeding heart when it came to those that challenged their status, more than any of their other maids. And that big of a blunder coupled with the fact that the debutante was soon… It was no wonder Floyd had snapped.
"But Master..." Floyd was pouting now. "You don't hafta compensate him."
"I have to compensate him for the damageds. But the Night Raven Duchy will never give him another penny ever again," Yuu held up their palm. "Now show me your hand.”
Floyd obediently lifted his arm, which was all but soaked in tea, “It doesn’t hurt.” The skin was reddened slightly, and they frowned, wishing that they had intervened quicker.
“Still, we should have the doctor take a look later. And you should get changed,” Yuu traced over the wetness of his sleeve. “I…have your uniform. It's in our carriage, down the block.”
Floyd’s head shot up, eyes glittering, “Really?”
They nodded, sheepishly, “If you really were uncomfortable in those clothes, I wasn’t going to force you to keep wearing it for the whole— Woah—“ Floyd stood up, leaving the store before they could finish their sentence.
The owner finally returned. They wondered if he timed it so that Floyd would leave before he entered. They glanced at him, “Do you happen to have a fitting room here?”
“E-Excuse me? This is a jewelry store, but we—“ The door opened almost violently as Floyd walked back in, expression dangerously dark once more. They tapped a finger against their arm. The owner coughed, “W-We have an empty storage room at the back, p-please go ahead, your grace.”
“Thank you,” Yuu brushed off their clothes before offering a hand to Floyd. “Shall we?” Floyd seemed happy to lead them to the back, and more than happy to change back into his normal attire.
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Yuu chuckled at the sight of the lopsided headband and the carelessly tied apron. Riddle and Jamil would have a heart attack if they saw what Floyd looked like as he exited the store.
Floyd stretching ahead of them, “Kinda wish I could've beaten him up a little~”
"Floyd Leech, that is unacceptable," They said with mock seriousness, as Floyd laughed cheerily.
And watching Floyd skipping down the streets, pointing to another store up ahead, well... They couldn't say no.
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thank you for reading ^^ if you’d like to read more, check out my masterlist ! like the art ? look at more of dumple's works on insta !
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jiminjamms · 6 months
sex therapy :: 28. perfect timing
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chapter tags/warnings: therapist! toji. manipulative! naoya. toji defends you. naoya 100% has anger issues. infidelity/adultery. extremely strong language. corruption. family drama.
word count: 3.8k
notes: hugs to everyone! been a while, and my busy days at work (plus straggling mental health) have not been doing me favors. writing, reading, and interacting with you all have been bringing me joy. i spent extra time on this chapter to make this piece what i hoped it would be. enjoy. likes, comments, and reblogs are much appreciated. xoxo
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fic masterlist | 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
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Toji loved working on Sundays.
With his colleagues off, Sundays were the only day in the week when Toji could be the sole person in the therapy office. He appreciated the slowness that came with working on the weekends, allowing him to balance his time for scheduled appointments with unoccupied windows used to strategize and decompress.
He relished in the lull. The tranquility. The peace.
But alas, the serenity was cut short on this particular Sunday, as someone barged through the entrance like a wild boar, causing a rambunctious racket as the front door flung open with immense force.
The doorknob clanged against the wall, and Toji—sitting behind the reception counter—looked up from a patient file on his computer screen. 
With both curiosity and annoyance, he peered above his monitor. 
The black tips to blond hair. The sharp brown glare. The permanent frown. 
Who else could this have been but Naoya Zenin, presenting himself in the flesh?
The incomer’s expression consisted of nothing but antipathy as he bared his teeth at the doorway, his hands balled into fists by his sides. Based on how he glared upon seeing his older cousin, anyone could safely conclude that this man was beyond livid. 
Must he pester me on the weekend? Toji thought as he mentally shook his head, clucking his tongue faintly in disapproval. He had not seen Naoya ever since his official departure from the Zenin Corporation and household, which was months ago. From his recollection, the manchild before him had a fickle personality, bursting into immature fits that easily made someone younger (like his son Megumi) seem like the actual adult around. 
Given this, Toji legitimately did not understand how you had been putting up with Naoya as your husband. 
As for himself, Toji did his best to ignore the new presence, clicking his mouse as he resumed analyzing the file on his screen. He did not wish to spare a moment longer than necessary tending to the human tornado on his way. If Toji had wanted to deal with Naoya in person, he would have confronted him long ago. Rather, he had decided strategically to watch his cousin wreak havoc from afar to avoid interacting with his burdensome family. Everyone in the Zenin household, except for Mai and Maki, was not worth the aggravation that came with mere association. 
Now, especially with today’s booked schedule, Toji would not be able to make an exception to soothe Naoya’s upcoming tantrum.
On the other hand, Naoya had no better choice than to drag himself to his older cousin’s doorstep.
Had circumstances been any different, he also could not bother to see Toji again. He hadn't talked to Toji in months. Why would he? After many years of neglect and inferiority, Naoya finally achieved everything he wanted. 
Or so he thought. 
This was why, to face his estranged relative again—after recently learning that you had been seeing him for weeks—was a grand ego blow to Naoya, who could not accept the possibility that he was losing his reputation’s very foundation to the man he had envied all his life.
Recognizing the indignation that fumed from the current Zenin heir, Toji seized the opportunity to inveigle his cousin and greeted him with a cheer.
“Good morning!” he beamed, raising his hand in salutation. The scar by his lips flexed from his grin. “Do you have an appointment?”
Naoya scowled awfully.
"Great to finally see you again, Toji Zenin."
Immediately, the said man’s smile fell at his cousin's overly casual tone. "Woah, there,” he shot back. “Show some respect, will you? First, my last name is Fushiguro. Do not refer to me as Zenin. Second, calling me by my first name is bad manners. I'm older than you, kid."
Without question, the comment irked the blonde. Of all people in the universe, this was Naoya Zenin in question, a hubristic man who hated humiliation and the need to concede. His demeanor hardened with resentment while he struggled to maintain his composure.
"Fine, Mr. Fushiguro."
Toji quirked another smile.
Theoretically, he had no problem demanding more but decided to be nice by saying, “That’s better.” He locked his computer as he shifted his attention, crossing his arms as his back rested against his chair. “I haven't seen you in a while. Remember the days when you used to work here, too? Good times, hm?" All rhetorical chit-chat and pleasantries and, as expected, there was no response. "Well, I have only a few minutes to spare, after which I have business to attend. So...what brings you to visit?”
Another ironic question, as Toji already knew the answer. 
Over the phone, he had spoken with an irate Naoya who demanded to speak to his wife and have her back home. Despite his insufferable treatment toward you, the Zenin CEO could not stand how his apartment remained empty the past few nights, meaning he hadn’t gotten his dick soaked by his lawful spouse like he should be doing.
But then again, Toji thought, he already has a mistress to satisfy himself with.
Meanwhile, Naoya might as well be digging holes into his cousin’s skull from how his glower fizzed with malice. He opened his mouth, only to promptly purse his lips again to choose his reply carefully. 
“Did you make her see you?”
Quite a question.
Toji blinked rapidly through an empty stare. 
Where did that come from? 
“‘See me?’” he had to clarify.
In one smooth motion, Toji stood from his seat, his chair bouncing back slightly when he did. With his arms still folded over his chest, he meandered around the counter area that separated the client and employee zones in the reception area, stopping mere steps away from the younger man. 
Then, he repeated, “See me who?”
Naoya did not appear amused in the slightest.
His hazel eyes all but narrowed from vexation. The paroxysm of negative emotions on the blonde’s face made him appear ready to snap. Like a button ready to blast everything around him, he was close to letting his wrath take over. “Did you send my wife your therapist information just so that you could talk to her and figure out how to get revenge on me?”
What an oddly specific accusation.
“Why would I do such a thing?” It was more of a statement than a question, and Toji could see how his nonchalance profoundly irritated the other man. “She found me like how all my other therapy clients find me. But me reaching out to her personally merely to spite you? No. That's only some shit you would think to do. Unlike yourself, I'm not that petty."
Toji was blunt in his response, he knew.
In his defense, he would rather cut to the chase than beat around the bush. 
He no longer headed the Zenin conglomerate, but he still had a therapy practice to manage and a family to look after. With his packed schedule, every second mattered and he wasn’t the type to waste his time lingering around and dealing with non-important business matters, such as the grouchy kid with him.
His observations definitely blew a fuse within Naoya, though. 
"Excuse me?!" In two sharp steps, he closed the distance between Toji and himself, jabbing a finger into the other's chest. Bold. “You’re fucked, you know that? You’re so damn fucked," he hissed, and the edges of his mouth contorted into a derisive sneer. “You…You’re goddamn obsessed with Y/N, and you don’t even realize that! Give me a fucking break. You only give two hoots about the bitch because she’s my wife, but you don't actually give a shit about the woman herself.”
At that, Toji immediately swatted the hand from his pec.
“Incorrect, I do,” he retorted, his tone firm. “But do you care about her?” and he didn’t need to hear a response for that one, so he went on. “No, you do not. You know what? I found her situation sad because every time your wife talked about you, she told me about how you neglect and can’t satisfy her. This entire time, I was sorry for her precisely because I know the person you are. Fine, you call her your wife. What that means is she's not just a pussy for you to play with. You can’t just pick and choose different parts of her. But where were you when your wife was crying?” He paused briefly, letting his words sink into his silenced cousin’s head. “Where were you, hm? Where were you when she was upset? Anyone with eyes could’ve seen that she’s been having a hard time! But where?” and Toji gave Naoya one pointed glare. “Where…was her husband?”
In the sheets with an older woman.
Of course, that very husband would not admit that aloud, especially since he had yet to realize that his older cousin already knew about his affair with the other’s ex-wife. Instead, Toji saw Naoya twist his lips into a deeper frown.
“I have a company to lead,” was the excuse he spat out, and he ran both hands through his light strands in evident frustration. “I can’t believe our family thought that you were a capable leader. I, however, saw right through your facades, alright? Despite all your fucking degrees and licenses, you left the Zenin Corporation as a shithole for me to manage.” 
“No, I had set the company to run efficiently,” Toji retorted, keeping his levelheaded demeanor. “You turned the Zenin Corporation into—in your own words—a shithole. You decided to fire everyone I had hired. So currently, your managers are inept, your shareholders are unhappy, your daddy is getting angry, and the most convenient person to blame is me.” He shrugged dismissively. “Rookie mistakes. E for Effort, I guess. Luckily for you, Y/N is a good way to cover up the competence which you lack. Thus, she’s only useful when you deem her as such.”
Naoya scoffed, and his shoulders rose and fell with each enraged breath. “Because you don’t understand what a burden she can otherwise be. Besides, I can treat and use her in whatever way I please!”
He might not display this visibly, but Toji felt disgusted. 
“Don’t talk like you own her. That’s disrespectful. She's a person, not an object.”
"What—" Naoya paused, and his eyebrows creased in annoyance. "Who the fuck do you think you are? That woman is my wife.”
“Then treat her like one,” Toji shot back. While matching Naoya's hostility with his own, he could see the latter's eyes widen at the remark. Not that Toji paid him any mind, and he continued staring at his younger cousin with an unfazed demeanor that showed how willing he was to defend. "She might be your wife, but she is not your property.”
As if Naoya would care. 
Rather, he clenched his hands into tight fists by his sides. “You need to stay away from her. You’ve had your chances with marriages. Y/N is mine and not yours. I swear, if you talk about her with your gross lips again, I'll—" He stopped, as he wasn’t quite sure what would be a good threat. “I’ll—”
“You’ll do what, kid?” Toji interrupted, knowing just how pissed Naoya would get from every reminder of who the older person was and who the actual successor to the Zenin inheritance should be. “I’ll keep her since you can’t. You call her a burden, but I don’t find her to be one. I don’t know about you, but I like her. Have you ever had a civil conversation with her? She's sweet and quite interesting to talk to.”
The continuous comments unsurprisingly make Naoya bristle further.
“I said don’t talk about her like that!” he snarled. “Here you are, bossing me around and telling me to treat her better, but listen to how you talk about the woman! Holy shit, you're such a fucking creep.” 
“Me?” Toji repeated, appalled by his bravery to say those words. “Mind you, boy, she is the one who wanted to talk to me first. As her concerned therapist and the more mature adult, I believe I must listen to her complaints and make her feel better, especially when she keeps whining she’s not being fucked good.”
Naoya breathed heavily, his chest undulating while he boiled with rage. Yet, as the younger, more naive, and less physically adept challenger, he could not make himself fight back against the other man. “You...You don’t know shit, Fushiguro.”
Immediately, Toji arched a brow. 
“Really?" Was that supposed to be an insult? "I don't know shit?" This was hilarious! "Oh, boy. I know a lot of fucking shit alright. About ‘your wife’ or whatever you want to deem her, there is not a single chance in hell that she’d ever think about calling you her husband anymore.”
Naoya stared back, rather stupefied. 
In any other situation, he would simply take the remark as a cheap way to rouse him. Of course, talking about you would be the easiest route to do so. This time, though, Toji’s suspiciously happy visage as he retraced his steps to the counter and positioned himself comfortably against the surface had him uneasy. 
He did not like what the other man insinuated. 
"What...do you mean?" As much as he tried, Naoya could not hide how affected he appeared. “Our marriage is none of your damn business.”
Toji shrugged. "Marriage? What marriage? I don't see the rings on her finger, kid. Heard she tossed them. Apparently, you made her upset enough for her to take them off."
Without a better way to retaliate, Naoya clenched his teeth to signal his displease. “Ring or not, she’s still my wife,” he spat. “Plus, I do not want my wife around a womanizer like you.” 
Instead of taking umbrage from your husband’s words, Toji tossed his head to the side and let out a deep, harrowing chortle. “Wow! You’re one to talk," he rebuked. "The whole household used to joke about how you brought a different girlfriend to each of our family dinners. At the moment, you’re married, and what? You want your spouse to come home, but you then drive her away. You want her to be a good partner, but torment her when she does. Please, you are embarrassing yourself. Why don’t you make up your fucking mind?” With his emerald gaze returning to the younger man, Toji then added, “Now, if you excuse me. My next client is arriving and I have an appointment."
Still, Naoya was not ready to let the conversation end. “We’re not done. You think you’re all ‘high and mighty.’ But, you’re low, Toji. So, so low. Your last wife was a divorcee, and now you’re a motherfucker into married women, huh?” 
"So were you." 
And, in one go, all signs of life drained away from Naoya swiftly at the new voice. 
No fucking way, his expression seemed to read as he craned his neck around in rigid and robotic motions. Naoya had to blink twice to confirm the woman by the door before he placed his arms down and froze.
Mari, who returned the man’s aghast expression with perplexion, had her dark brows crinkled. “What…Why are you looking at me like that?” 
Even with Naoya’s face presently angled away, Toji could see his eyes widen at the ludicrous question. Yet, they both thought the same thing: did she forget where she was?
“What are you doing here? I did not expect you,” she continued. “But, I’m here for an…an appointment.”
Her voice trailed off.
When the woman finally seemed to remember that Toji was also there, her dark eyes rounded in alarm. Wait, her expression seemed to say as she very, very slowly dragged her sights to the man by the counter. Once her eyes met Toji’s, her jaw fell slack before she promptly slapped both hands over her gaping mouth. 
With the two visitors transformed into Medusa's stone statues, Toji took great gratification in the perfect timing. This coincidence far exceeded his expectations because he honestly did not anticipate ever being in the same vicinity as Naoya and Mari, yet here he was. Presented this chance, Toji pushed his bottom lip out in fake thought and furrowed his brows, pointing at Mari then Naoya then at Mari again. 
“Seems like you two know each other?” he asked in mock confusion, his finger swinging between the pair. “How come I didn’t get invited to the party? Has something been going on between my baby cousin and my ex-wife?”
No response.
So, he continued.
“What? Were you two spying on me or something?” (He knew the answer was yes.) “Or…wait,” and his voice dropped to a dangerous low, “Don’t tell me that you two…have been having an affair?”
Naoya—realizing the trap they had been set up in—swung his arm forward, prepared to defend them with whatever good lies he could spin (which Toji knew that he had a talent for), only for the woman to speak up first.
“We’re acquaintances.”
The manner in which Mari snapped caused Toji to pop a brow in surprise.
Oh? he noted. His suggestion on their illicit relationship appeared to strike a particular nerve. Even Naoya could sense the danger in his mistress’s overreaction as his eyes widened in horror. He tried to give her a warning expression, but she failed to see him. 
By the way, did Naoya, know that Mari—well—wasn’t very streetsmart? 
Maybe, but he likely prioritized keeping her in his bed to pay her absent wits any attention.
At this, Toji could not pass on the excellent opportunity to simultaneously provoke the two people who betrayed him. 
“Just acquaintances?” he pressed.
In another curt response, Mari pressed her lips into a firm line and shot Naoya a ‘shut the hell up and play along’ look, thinking she was slick when Toji only felt second-hand embarrassment from how utterly blatant the communication had been executed.
Pretending to nod along, Toji added, “Interesting. Because I never knew acquaintances called each other ‘baby.’”
But the woman must not be thinking, as she sensed her inevitable defeat but hurriedly explained herself by saying, “It’s not what you think, Naoya and I haven’t had sex since—”
“Stop,” Toji interrupted before she could finish her sentence. That statement truly crossed the line. The lady must be inane. To talk about her dirty deeds with his relative as if that was appropriate! Clearly, she was oblivious to common sense and proper etiquette, given how she was desperate to try to save some face, resorting to the most crass justifications as if that would ameliorate the issue. Toji felt ashamed to think that he used to be married to this woman for years. While he noticed a fit of pique boiling within him, he ultimately let the ill feelings go. “I never asked about your sex lives. I don’t want to hear about what you two have been doing.”
Plus, the tabloids have shown him enough already.
Nonetheless, Mari’s face brewed with annoyance. She folded her arms firmly and tucked her chin outward. “Well, if that’s the case, then when and where I’m riding your cousin's dick should not matter!”
“Oh my fucking lord, stop talking already!” and this time, it was Naoya who spoke, shouting into his hands and cupping his face from sheer exasperation. He had been stunned speechless for a while but could no longer contain himself. When he picked up his head, he growled with rage as he raised a shaking finger at the woman. “You,” he seethed. “You’re saying all the wrong things! Holy fuck, bitch, how fucking blind are you? Unbelievable!” He leered to the side as if shaking off part of his rage, only to add on, “Just…Just shut the fuck up!”
The sudden, scathing comments soured Mari's mien in seconds. “Wait, but babe—”
“No.” Naoya cut her off right there. “Don’t ‘babe’ or ‘baby’ me with your bullshit anymore. Can’t you fucking see the atrocities you have fucking committed in the last ten minutes? You’re literally ruining my life! Even Y/N wouldn’t be stupid enough to say all the crap you just said! I should’ve never approached a dumb whore like you.”
While Toji had his eyes widened from silent bewilderment, tears began to roll down the woman's cheeks.
“That’s a lie!” For what must be her first time, she had to face the reality that, despite all the pleasure and company she offered Naoya Zenin after his tough days at work, he was an egotistical sociopath and a married man. "That's not what you've been telling me. You know I’m the only person who can make you happy, not the actual whore whom you have at home! These last few months, you would’ve been absolutely miserable without me!”
“Is that a threat?”
“It’s a reminder,” she hissed harshly. “You had said so yourself.”
At this point, Naoya found himself in the middle of a living nightmare.
To think about his wife who had been avoiding him for days, to see his loathsome cousin watch the scene like this was some sort of Netflix episode, and now to witness his mistress ridiculing him like a fucking fool.
“God dammit!” he roared. With animosity overwhelming his sanity, Naoya—who was already on the verge of destruction—only saw red as he lurched forward. He used his arms to sweep everything, all things, anything he could reach from a nearby tabletop onto the floor: a ceramic vase that shattered into shards, magazines that flew in all directions, a framed photograph that clinked upon descent. He didn’t stop there. Like a mid-tantrum toddler, he kicked angrily at the mess, sending paper and broken pottery flying in all directions without much regret for his actions. 
In fact, this was cathartic for him. Because the very thing he wanted was to make his cousin's world wretched, just like how the latter had done to him. 
“I'm going to find Y/N and bring her back to me, but if either of you…” the blonde warned several moments later, regarding the therapist and the woman with a deathly fire burning in his auburn eyes, “if either of you do more shit to ruin my life in the meantime, I...I will make you regret.”
With that, Naoya stormed off in a huff, releasing all the profanities that have manifested his anger throughout his life. Mari followed soon after, chasing after him in sobs.
Finally, as for Toji, well, he...was stunned.
He blinked thrice in the same second, processing what he had just seen.
He drew in a deep breath...
...and he chuckled.
He knew he looked crazy, laughing to himself in an empty and currently deranged parlor. However, Toji had not felt this triumphant and optimistic in years. He saw a hopeful gleam for himself, for his family, for his colleagues, and for you.
He picked up his phone with a languid grin, scrolling through his contacts and sending over a quick text when he found your name: Guess what?
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last chapter || next chapter
end notes: Throughout this fic, Toji and Naoya obviously have a very complicated and terse cousin-ship. For weeks and months, I have been thinking about how to orchestrate this scene, where we see them together for the first time...and with Mari too. Likes and reblogs are appreciated, and let me know in the comments how you all are doing!
taglist: @dissociatingdiva @httpsplanetmarsdotcom @nemoyr @huangfairy @shadowarchon @203steph @agentdedf1sh @cloudybabes @lynn-writes-things @illicitwriter @7oji @kikuchimi @chaoticjojofan @musicisme333 @kumocchin @s-guru @mwahilovemylife @hey-gurls69 @cloudsinthecosmos @moon-mumu-moon @kazscara @skilerfrostfairy @funicidals @nico707 @proteovaldez @tsukiyohanayome @marimoares @qirbys @puffaloxx @sakanoshitaa @arizzu @kissditrio @lewd-bunny14 @mistyheart @szired @supsii @yvy1s @lazyassfinals @katkbc @tokyometronetwork @downtown-roponggi @the-cosmos-network
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rinrinx2 · 1 year
i have something in my mind.
rindou asks renzo what he want for his birthday present and renzo answers that he wants a younger sister. andddd he's deadly serious with his request. renzo whines a lot about how badly he wants a sister so he can have someone to play with him. he insists rindou to get him a sister (ofc he doesn't know what that means). so what should rindou and y/n do about their son's wish now? especially when renzo really looks like he's looking forward to it. i will leave it to you 🤭
have a nice day btw. love you and your account <33
"I want a sister"
Warnings: Inappropriate language, smut, use of the words mommy, use of the words daddy, creampie.
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"I want a sister"
Rindou stood mouth agape, his morning coffee spilling all over the counter, as his 6 year old son with his back turned towards his father spoke.
"I want a sister" Renzo repeated turning around this time, his eyes starring into Rindou proving that he was serious about the matter.
"I want one now!" The young boy demand with a creased brow decorating his cute features.
"Renzo, you can't just get a sister now because you want one" Rindou said pulling himself together as he tried his best to explain to Renzo.
"Well I want one, so make me one now"
"I want one !"
"Okay fine I'll talk to your mommy when she gets home about you getting a sister" Rindou said with a sigh, caving into his sons demands.
"Yay! Can I pick out how she'll look, like can i choose her hair colour?" Renzo asked with a much more cheerful expression.
"Sure Ren" Rindou agreed as he was in no mood to start an argument with a child son about basic genetical exchange that cause phenotypes in people.
Rindou was left with the intrusive words of his son at the forefront of his mind 'I want a sister'. He knew that you had planned for another child, you never really wanted Renzo to be an only child. Rind himself never wanted for Renzo to be an only child as he enjoyed having an older brother. But neither you or Rind had ever talked about when the two of you would start trying for this second child.
It was like a silent agreement between the two of you that you'd have two children but when the two of you would start trying for this second child was unspoken about between the two of you.
But with Renzo's words ringing through Rindou's mind he took it as a sign to finally initaite it.
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Rindou watched as you lazily lied in bed, tired from a hard day's work. And it was now that he took the opportunity to strike, as your tired lackluster attitude would have little rejection for his touch.
"You look so tired baby. You want a massage?" Rindou asked as he moved closer towards you on the bed.
With a small amount of effort your lifted your head from your pillow giving him an approving nod.
Rindou now moved all the way over to your side of the bed, as he pulled down the sheets that hid your body.
Rindou bit on his lip at the sight of your body, even when you were exhausted from you still managed to look beautiful, which was making Rindou's task of getting you pregnant all that much easier.
Rindou began to put his hands on your shoulders as he began to massage them. Softly gripping at them as you released sighs of pleasure at his touch.
With a hard gulp and lots of self restrain Rindou began to talk again.
"You know I was sitting with Renzo today, and he was talking about how his lonely"
Rindou watched your facial expression that remained the same, with your eyes closed and a small smile on your face, before he began to talk again.
"You know we always spoke about having another one, and I mean Rindou would sure appreciate it"
With now scrunched eyebrows and a mind wondering what Rindou was trying to get at you listened now more attentively than before.
"So maybe we should start trying, like we said we would"
And there you finally heard what Rindou was trying to get at. He wanted another child. And as much as you wanted another you knew that you just didn't have the time.
But Rindou already knew what excuse you would use before you could speak.
"Don't worry about work, and money. I've got it all covered. I mean I am an executive for Bonten, it pays well to your surprise" Rindou said with a smirk trying to lighten your mood.
"Rin... I'm just not sure"
"Come on now" Rindou said as his hands began sliding from your shoulders down to your waist, and slowly down to your thighs as he began to massage.
"A baby isn't a bad thing, don't you miss the sound of hearing little feet on the floor"
"We already have that now" you said now turning your body over so now your eyes looked into his.
"Renzo is nearly 6 and soon he'll be 7 and before you know it his 18 asking if he can get an apartment"
"Come on" Rindou said as his hands went back to your thighs, now massaging your inner thighs to convince you further.
But still you would not budge, so Rindou decided to use another method.
"Don't you miss getting creampied" Rindou asked as he brought his lips down to your neck.
"I know I miss cumming in that tight pussy every night, and those pregnancy tits"
"Remember how good you felt when I would massage them, pull at your nipples and suck at them"
A sigh of pleasure slipped through your lips as you remembered Rindou's lingering touches during your pregnancy with Renzo.
"I miss being in this pussy nightly" Rindou said his hand coming in between your legs rubbing at your clothed pussy.
And suddenly any resistance you had left in you disappeared.
"Maybe we should" you whispered into Rindou's ear.
"I think we should" Rindou whispered into your ear.
You felt as Rindou began to slip your shorts off, your pantie sliding off with them. Feeling the evening air against your pussy making the need within you even more urgent.
"You feel so wet and tight" Rindou said as his hand now dipped back down between your legs, his finger slipping inbetween your folds gently prodding at your tight hole.
Slowly Rindou slipped one finger in, letting it rub against your walls. The feeling of his long finger massaging your insides making you slowly see stars.
"Rin please" you begged needing another finger in you.
Rin slipped another finger in watching as your face contorted with pleasure.
Your eyes rolled back as his long thick fingers curled against the sweet spot within.
Rindou watched in amazement, watching ad your greedy pussy hungrily devoured him whole, with no hesitation.
And suddenly the sight before him became to much. Rindou was quick to rid his fingers from your drooling pussy.
Watching intensively as the slick dripped down his fingers, making his already erect cock even harder.
With one quick motion Rindous cock was free and already prodding at your tight entrance, watching as the tight ring would contract with each nudge against it.
"Gonna make you mommy again" Rindou said barely above a whisper and more to himself.
You looked at Rindou with massive eyes, until you felt the depe pressure of him pushing himself past the tight hole of your pussy watching as Rindous eyes were shut and his head thrown back with pleasure.
"Rindou" you moaned out as your dug your nails into his arms.
Rindou settled deep within your already clamping walls, letting your slicken pussy devour him whole as he tried his best not to release his load in that instance.
"Gonna fuck with pussy till I make a baby" Rindou said as he began to thrust into you.
With each deep thrust into you, you could feel thr thickness of Rindou's shaft as well as the thick vein on the underside of his cock that traveled from his balls all the way to the tip that leaked pre-cum into.
Rindou watched with each thrust as your tits would jump together making him even more desperate to see you swollen with his child.
Rindou pace increased and the once deep intense thrusting quickly become quick shallow thrusts as he fucked you like a bitch in heat, trying to you mate your pussy as best as he could.
"Come on mommy, you ready to be swollen with my cum again" Rindou said with a smirk.
"Ye-s" you stuttered out as Rindou never ceased his brutal pace.
You could feel the way your walls fluttered from within as they grabbed at Rindou's cock, trying your best to bring him back into thoese deep delicious parts inside you.
Feeling as your head got lighter and lighter with each thrust.
"Rin I'm gonna" you said barely above a whisper.
"Come on princess, don't tap out on daddy yet"
"Gotta make sure you filled with cum tonight" Rindou said as he relentlessly fucked you, feeling as your pussy drown his cock as well as the throbbing of your clit that screamed to be played with.
Rindou grabbed your legs bringing them over his shoulders, reveling in how deep the new position was. Feeling as he cok was now drowning in your soaked pussy.
Rindou fucked you like that watching as whimpers slipped from your mouth and tears soon fell from your eyes.
Ans suddenly the sight before he became to much, feeling as the cum in his shaft was now dripping into your pussy and the urge to shoot hot white ropes into you was becoming to much.
"Shit" Rindou whispered beneath his breath.
His hands quickly coming down on your touched starve clit as he played with it. Rubbing the sensitive nub back and forth with slicken fingers.
"Cum on my cock baby"
"You'll take my cum well if you cum first"
Rindous encouraging words was quickly making you slip as you felt yourself lose any self control left.
Suddenly the pressure within became to much, as your pussy began to flutter around Rindou's cock as clear liquid gushed out causing you to throw your head back in pleasure.
"Oh Daddy" you moaned out as you road your orgasm out.
"Yes mommy make a mess on my cock" Rindou said biting on his lip watching as your melted yourself on his cock.
Rindou began to fuck into you again settling for a quick few thrusts before you felt your pussy become drenched in hot liquid.
You watched in amazement as Rindou grabbed at your hips stilling himself as he spilled his seed into you.
Rindou remained still inside you for a moment, before keeping your legs raised and reaching for a pillow on his side of the bed that he placed beneath you.
"What you doing?" You questioned as you watched his actions.
"Making sure your pussy takes my cum" Rindou said with concentration as he gently put your legs down.
"You're serious about another baby" you said with a giggle as Rindou now laid beside you.
"Of course I was. Renzo wouldn't shut up about wanting a sibling"
"So it was Renzo who encouraged you to do this" you said slightly sitting up.
"Oh come on, what if it's a mini you. That wouldn't be to bad?"
"But what if it's another mini you?" You asked with fake irritation.
"Well you like me so it won't be to much of a problem"
"I mean look what you let me do to you"
All rights reserved to @rinrinx2
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mellozheist · 2 months
Uh, hai!! I just wanted to spread some positivity around to different people on Tumblr. Especially the ones that I'm scared to talk to in the first place.
You are such an amazing artist. And by gods I am sure you're an amazing person as well. You've got so many cool and creative ideas, I can tell from your videos, art, and posts.
I don't know you, not in the slightest, but I'm still so proud of you. I don't know where you've come from, mentally, etc. You've come so far, and I'm sure you'll continue forward, doing amazing things. Thank you for all that you've done, and sharing what you do, it's truly inspiring to me.
I hope you're having a good day today, but if not, well... I hope you're able to smile at least once, no matter how small. You're incredible, and genuinely, yet platonically, I love you. You're doing great and I'm so proud of you again. 💜💜💜
I've seen this in the box for days but I've been dealing with incredibly isolated feelings that I don't have much energy to respond to anything
This does help me feel better, thanks to you
Thank you for all your kind words I really appreciate it
Thank you for spreading all these positive You are incredible <33
I'm on break rn after a long grind of C0mms but I'll be back at drawing again some time :) Thanks for sticking around
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pinchofhoney · 2 years
Your stories r so cute!!! Just a lil idea if it piques your interest: set between part 1 and part 2 in jackson, joel has a crush on a sweet shy bubbly girl who works as a farmer or in the greenhouses : )
spring is a season when more than just flowers bloom
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gif is not mine, credit to the owner
joel miller x fem!reader
word count: 3.2k
warning: fluff, fluff, pure FLUFF, life is most beautiful during the first days of spring (with a kitten!!)
summary: Spring brings with it more than just the beauty of blooming flowers. As the sun starts to shine a little brighter, it also has its own way of awakening deeply hidden emotions. The world feels brighter, and everything seems a little bit more beautiful. Especially in the right company.
a/n: hello, anon!!<33 i absolutely loved your idea and hope you'll be satisfied with what's hidden further down the line!
i'll also standardly mention that my inbox stands wide open waiting for more of your ideas with joel, or any other character played by pedro! (and every like and reblog is very much appreciated)
pages that may interest you: masterlist ♡ taglist ♡ who i write for
taglist: @wolfmoonmusic @alexxavicry @babypeapoddd @domaniquessidehoe
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The first rays of light began to peek through the curtains of your window, and you could feel the excitement bubbling inside you. You knew that today was going to be a good day, and you were ready to start it off with a smile. You got out of bed and stretched, taking in the sweet and melodious chirping of the birds outside your window. It was the first days of the spring you have so long awaited. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple pleasures of life. It was a beautiful morning, and you felt blessed to be alive to witness it.
Jackson had been your home for three years now, and it was a place that held a special place in your heart. You had stumbled upon the settlement when you were traveling alone, fighting to survive in a world overrun by infected. But when you arrived, you knew that you had finally found your new home and your people. The settlement was small, but tight-knit, and you felt a sense of belonging that you had not experienced in a long time. The community had welcomed you with open arms, and it wasn't long before you had found your place among them.
Despite the dangers that lurked outside the safety of the settlement, you refused to let fear and despair take hold of you. Your bubbly and sweet nature had won the hearts of people, and your infectious positivity had become a glimmer of hope for everyone around you, instilling them with the strength to carry on. Your infectious positivity spread like wildfire, warming the hearts of people and reminding them that even in the darkest of times, there was always a reason to smile.
The outside world was a dark and unforgiving place, ravaged by the Cordyceps brain infection that had left only a fraction of humanity standing. You felt like you could hear the distant sounds of infected roaming in the wilds beyond the walls every day, which was a constant reminder that the safety of the settlement was a fragile thing.
But despite these challenges, you believed that there was always something to be grateful for. Whether it was the warm rays of the sun on your face or the simple pleasure of a home-cooked meal, you knew that the small things in life were what made it all worthwhile.
In Jackson you had been entrusted with the care of the greenhouses. From an early age, you had been surrounded by the beauty of nature, thanks to your mother, who was a florist herself. She had instilled in you a love for all things green and growing, and you had spent countless hours by her side, learning the art of nurturing and caring for plants.
Every day the houses of hundreds of plants welcomed you with open arms. You could feel the warm, humid air wrap around you, enveloping you in a cozy embrace as you stepped inside. The space was bursting with life, with lush greenery and vibrant blooms stretching up towards the ceiling. It was your responsibility to tend to these plants, to ensure that they flourished and thrived under your care. And you took that responsibility very seriously.
As you donned your gloves and apron, you felt a sense of purpose and dedication wash over you. You knew that the work you did here was important, not just for the plants, but for the community as a whole. Each day, you would make your way down the rows of plants, checking on each one carefully. You looked for signs of growth, of health, of disease. And when you found something that needed attention, you would carefully tend to it, pruning and watering and adjusting the lighting as needed.
It was hard work, there was no denying that. Your back would ache from bending over the plants for hours on end, and your hands would be raw from the constant labor. But despite the physical toll it took on you, you loved every minute of it.
The greenhouse was more than just a place to work for you; it was a sanctuary. It provided an escape from the harsh realities of the world outside, a place where you could lose yourself in the beauty and tranquility of nature.
The plants seemed to breathe life into the space around you, filling the air with their sweet, earthy scent. The rustling of their leaves and the buzzing of the bees created a symphony that surrounded you, and as you sang softly to yourself, your voice blending seamlessly with the sounds of nature, you felt truly alive. In this moment, there was nothing else but the beauty of the world around you.
You were not naive. You knew that outside the Jackson's protective walls, danger and uncertainty loomed. You knew that the world was still a dangerous place, and that there were no guarantees of safety or security, but for a brief moment, you let go of the fear and focused on the present moment, finding solace in the simple pleasures of life.
You chose to see the good in everything around you, finding comfort in the beauty of nature and the kindness of your fellow friends. Each smile, kind word, or small gesture brought warmth to your heart and hope to your soul. Every day, you woke up with a sense of gratitude. You were grateful for the opportunity to work in such a beautiful place, and to be surrounded by such incredible life. You were grateful for every moment of happiness, no matter how small. As you tended to the plants, you took pride in the fact that you were providing food for the community of the settlement. It gave you a sense of purpose and fulfillment that few other things could match. You knew that your hard work and dedication made a difference, and that was enough to keep you going, even in the face of adversity.
In the midst of a world filled with chaos, you never thought you would find love. Every day brought new challenges and obstacles that made you question what the future held. But, there was a moment when you felt as though fate had other plans for you. It was a feeling that you couldn't shake, and despite your initial skepticism, you began to embrace the warmth that spread throughout your chest.
At first, you tried to ignore it, believing that it was just a passing fancy. You had seen so many relationships crumble under the weight of life's challenges, especially now, that you were hesitant to even consider the possibility of love. But, the feeling persisted, and you found yourself daydreaming about a future with someone who could stand by your side through thick and thin.
And that’s when you met Joel Miller.
When he first arrived in Jackson there was still snow all around and the temperatures outside left much to be desired. That didn't mean, that you didn't have things to do in your greenhouses. Working with plants, you had your hands full at any time of the year, because taking care of them, doesn't end with planting them at the right time. Despite the misconception that winter meant less work, you were always busy. You had lost too many important people in your life, and you were determined not to lose the plants that were dependent on you. So, you made sure to take all the necessary measures to ensure their survival, even in the harshest of weather.
The first time you encountered Miller was when you were moving heavy boxes of frozen soil into the greenhouse. As you stood near the building with one of them in your arms, you couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by Joel. He was tall and broad-shouldered, with a serious expression on his face that made him seem unapproachable. His hair was disheveled by the wind, and there were lines etched around his eyes that suggested he didn't smile very often.
You immediately noticed how different he was from you. While you were outgoing and sociable with a smile that could light up a room, he seemed to be the complete opposite. Joel seemed to be reserved and kept to himself most of the time, rarely initiating conversations with others. Additionally, he appeared to be in a grumpy mood, which only added to his aloof attitude. His arms were crossed tightly over his chest, and he looked like he would rather be anywhere else but there, dealing with the freezing cold boxes.
Despite this less-than-stellar first impression, you made a conscious effort not to jump to conclusions about him. You knew that you couldn't judge someone based on a single interaction. As someone who didn't believe in judging a book by its cover, you knew from experience that there was always more to a person than met the eye. Perhaps he was going through a tough time or simply needed some time to warm up to new people.
Looking back, you were glad you gave Joel a chance. After he returned to Jackson from his journey with Ellie, he began to seek out your company. Despite his initial impression of seeming to dislike you, it was clear that he appreciated having you in his life. He kept popping in your greenhouses whenever he had a chance, and it was always a pleasure to have him around. In fact, you got the feeling that he liked being around you even more than you enjoyed having him around yourself. It was as though he found comfort in your presence, and you were happy to be a source of that comfort for him.
And today was no different. You were lost in your own world, consumed by the task of tending to the lush greenery around you. Your fingers delicately plucked at old leaves and removed the weeds that threatened to smother the life out of your beloved plants. You knelt amidst the shrubbery, surrounded by a cacophony of sounds – he rustling of leaves, the gentle dripping of nearby water, and the distant hum of people.
Suddenly, a familiar voice broke your reverie, pulling you back to reality. It was Joel's voice, and it was the sweetest sound you'd like to hear all day. You lifted your head and peered through the thick foliage towards the entrance of the greenhouse. Your heart swelled with joy as you saw Joel approaching, his steady gait bringing him closer to you.
“Y/N?” Joel called out again, his voice jolting you back to the present. You got up, brushing the dirt off your knees and discarding your gloves. You stepped out of the shrubs and onto the path between the plant beds, a smile spreading across your lips. Joel smiled too. “Hey there, how’s my favorite plant lady doing today?” he asked, his voice warm and friendly.
You chuckled, feeling the corners of your eyes crinkle with amusement. “Hi, Joel,” you replied, making your way towards him. “You won't believe it, but absolutely nothing has changed since yesterday,” you joked, happy to see someone you cared for. You couldn't help but notice that Joel was holding one of his hands behind his back, but you didn't pay it much attention.
“How about you?” you asked, eager to know what he had been up to.
“You haven't heard yet, have you?” Joel teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Heard of what?” you queried, your brow furrowing slightly. You tossed the gloves aside and pushed back a stray strand of hair that had escaped your bun while you were engrossed in your work.
Joel watched you closely, his hand still concealed. Then, with a flourish, he brought his hand forward, revealing a tiny ball of fur. You gasped in delight as you saw the adorable kitten nestled in Joel's palm.
The world around you faded away as you focused solely on the little being. You took the kitten from Joel's hands, and it let out a soft meow as you held it close. Tears of joy filled your eyes as you looked down at the furry creature in your arms.
“Where did you get it?” you asked, your voice hushed and filled with wonder.
“He came to the gate this morning,” Joel explained. “Not sure where he came from. They sent a few people to check the immediate area, maybe there are more.”
You looked up at Joel and saw a side of him that you'd never seen before. His features were relaxed and his expression was serene, a gentle smile playing at the corners of his lips as he watched you cradle the kitten in your arms. He seemed at peace, and it filled you with a sense of contentment.
You held the kitten closer to your chest, feeling its warmth seep into your body. It was a tiny creature, but it had brought so much happiness into your life in that one moment.
As you and Joel walked out of the greenhouse, he suddenly brought up a detail from one of your earlier conversations. “If I remember correctly, you mentioned having a cat when you were young, didn’t you?” he asked, catching you off guard.
You were taken aback that he remembered such a seemingly insignificant detail, especially since you had been doing most of the talking during your time together in the greenhouse. However, Joel had always been a great listener, making you feel heard and understood. You had found yourself opening up more than usual and sharing stories about your life before the Cordyceps outbreak. Despite the apparently one-sided nature of your conversations, Joel had been paying closer attention than you thought. “Did you really remember that?” you asked in surprise.
Joel chuckled. “Of course I did. You told me all about it.”
“Its name was Aster,” you added, recalling your beloved childhood pet fondly.
Joel looked at you with a curious expression. “Why did you choose that name? Have I asked you before?” he inquired. You couldn’t resist sitting down on a nearby bench, the warmth of the spring sun comforting against your skin. The little ball of fur that Joel had brought along, against your wishes, immediately made its way over him, curious about the zipper on his jacket.
“My mother picked that name,” you explained, watching the kitten, which looked even tinier next to the man. “It’s actually related to flowers,” you said cheerfully, attracting Joel's attention. You knew he wasn't familiar with plants, but you loved sharing your knowledge with him and he loved listening to everything you had to say.
Joel looked intrigued. “How so?” he asked.
“My mother's favorite flowers have always been asters,” you continued. “Each plant has its own meaning, these have one too,” you explained. “Asters symbolize patience and love. When you adopt a cat, you usually need some patience for those sweet eyes,” you said, reaching out to pet the kitten, which had now curled up against Joel's thigh and was purring contentedly.
You couldn't help but laugh softly as you added, “And besides, my mom found it in the garden, near the asters.” You realized that the actual reason for the name was probably not as deep as you had made it out to be.
To your surprise, Joel's deep, quiet chuckle filled the air in response. “And what is your favorite kind of flower?” he asked, his curiosity piqued.
You thought for a moment before answering, “I've always had a soft spot for daisies. We used to have them all over our front lawn when I was a kid,” you said, looking ahead at the people bustling about in the streets of the settlement in the distance. A gentle breeze swept over your face, and you closed your eyes, a soft smile spreading across your lips. “I haven't seen them in a long time,” you admitted in a hushed tone, your voice tinged with a hint of sadness.
Joel's expression softened as he gazed at you, taking in the wistful look on your face. “I'll have to keep an eye out for them on our next supply run,” he said, his tone warm and reassuring.
You opened your eyes and looked at him gratefully. “That would be nice,” you said, feeling a little lighter at the thought of seeing daisies again.
Joel's eyes lingered on the sleeping kitten before turning to you. His question was simple, yet there was a meaningful glint in his gaze. “Do you still have a lot of plant work to do?” he asked.
You looked down at the tiny ball of fur and replied, “Not really, why?”
“We need to show the little one his new home,” he said, his words laced with emotion as he watched the kitten.
You suddenly felt like a little girl again, as though you had just received the pet of your dreams from your parents. “Do you mean my house?” you asked, excitement bubbling up inside you.
Joel's response was filled with praise. “I think you are the best person this kitten could have come across,” he said, watching as a smile spread across your face. “The others will agree with me, you know it well.”
“Really?” you asked, holding your hands close to your chest in anticipation of his response. When he nodded confirmatively, without a moment's hesitation, you threw your arms around Joel, wrap him in a tight hug. You were careful not to awaken the sleeping kitten with your sudden burst of energy.
It was the first time you had hugged him, the first time you had invaded his personal space. Your love language was touch, and hugs were very familiar to you and close to your heart. However, Joel was frozen in place, unsure of how to react to the physical contact, which made you realize that he had a different nature than you.
Joel had forgotten what it felt like to be hugged. Years had passed since anyone had embraced him, and he had become accustomed to loneliness. The unexpected warmth of your hug caught him off guard, and at first, he stiffened. But as you held him, Joel felt a long-forgotten sensation begin to spread through his body. It was like a memory coming back to life.
You moved away from him awkwardly, afraid to lift your gaze to his face. You didn't know what kind of reaction to expect. “Um,” you stuttered, clearing your throat. “Sorry,” you said more quietly. Only after a moment filled with nothing but the noise of the nature that surrounded you, you decided to look at Joel's face.
He looked at you with surprise, his eyes wandering over your face while his gray hair was blown away by the gentle breeze. He hadn't realized how much he had missed this kind of physical contact until now. Finally, he let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. “You should name him Cuddle,” he said with a hint of amusement in his voice, referring to the kitten.
Then, Joel put his arm around you, pulling you close to him. You felt a wave of warmth wash over you, and you leaned into him, savoring the comforting embrace. It was a moment you would never forget, the first time you had hugged Joel Miller, the man who had given you the perfect gift.
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
I SPINNED THE WHEEL AND GOT HONEY BEAR AND I DONT KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS BUT IM EXCITED (I'm not gonna google it to keep the surprise factor lamdovdf) the position name made me instantly think of Dieter so I'll go with him <33
this is just so much fun thank you for the sleepover bby!! ILY
Sil, I would be honored to Honey Bear you! And Dieter is exactly the man I want to get down with, especially in this position!
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x F!Reader
Position: Honey Bear
Word Count: 1084
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, oral sex (m receiving), ass play, sexy wrestling, Dieter and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
Notes: I wanted to do another funny-sweet one, and Dieter is just perfect for it. Plus if I was having a bad a day, I would also appreciate being pampered like this ;)
He’s been a little ball of frustration all day today, and enough is enough.
You try not to be too hard on him. His agent interrupted Saturday morning TV with news that he wasn’t getting the part he’d be practicing for. “They wanted someone younger, to appeal to the newer audiences.” He sulked through the next two episodes.
Then his sister called, and he retreated into the bedroom. His voice still carried through the closed door, switching back and forth angrily from Spanish to English. He stomped back to the couch and doomscrolled for two hours, his brows pulled together in a dark scowl. 
His final straw came when you heard him groaning, “You have GOT to be kidding me!” Venturing into the kitchen, cautious of the sourness of his day, you find him tapping his phone with increasing annoyance.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, moving to lean beside him. His whole frame is tight, frustration directed at the world around him wafting off in heady waves. 
“If I’m too fucking old and too fucking lazy to get anything I want, then fuck it, I’m going to order a pizza and not give a shit about the diet. But the fucking delivery app keeps crashing and I just would like one goddamn thing to work today!” He shoves his phone across the counter, your hand stopping it from skittering off the edge to add to his annoyance. 
“How about you go take a shower and we lay down for a little while?” you ask, lightly stroking Dieter’s back. He takes in a deep breath and whooshes it out, scrubbing at his face. 
“I’m sorry, it’s just been a shitty day,” he says, letting you tug him towards the master suite. 
“Everything gets better once you’re in bed,” you say, leading him to the shower. He groans quietly.
“Baby, I’m not really in the right headspace for that.” You cup his cheeks and rest his forehead against yours, tapping the tips of your noses together. 
“That’s not what I mean. We’ll cuddle up and put on a movie and when we get hungry I’ll make something. But right now, you’re gonna try and relax.” Switching on the shower, you usher him in and close the door behind him. He looks through the glass at you in the perfect imitation of a Sarah McLachlan dog shelter commercial, and you draw a little heart in the steam.
Giving him a few minutes to decompress, you turn down the fluffy bedspread and change out of your day clothes. Shuffling around in your drawers, you find the perfect outfit to don before Dieter steps out damp and loose. The towel wrapped around his waist lets you admire his soft broad body, dimples and divots you love mapping with your mouth. He’s slicked his hair back but a few errant curls poke out. 
“That was needed, thank you,” he says, pulling out some neon green boxer briefs and tugging them on. They make his butt look absolutely adorable, and his bulge sizeable. You really should get him more of those. As he approaches, a smile begins working its way across his face.
“What are you wearing?” he asks, kneeling on the edge of the bed as you pose dramatically in the pillows.
“Why Mr Bravo, don’t you recognize the white elephant gift of last Christmas Eve?” Draped over your body is a white T-shirt with a badly rendered line drawing of sexy lingerie where it would fall on your silhouette. You’d won it at a party, and the terrible quality matched with the hilarious design made you keep it in the back of your drawer. 
“I thought we ruined that,” he says, crawling up the bed to hover over you. The weight of the day is smoothing from his face, fingers curling around the hem of the shirt. “You’ve got much better underwear than this.” 
“Dieter, don’t you dare take off the Seduction Shirt!” you crow, squirming below him as he redoubles his efforts to get the hideous shirt off. You nip at his biceps, digging your fingers into his sides to tickle yourself free. He tries to keep up, chasing after your crawling form and yanking you back into his embrace. 
He gets it halfway up your stomach when you manage to roll you both, pinning him on his back with his knees folded over your shoulders. He’s full on laughing now, cheeks a ruddy red and coughing with exertion. You let him catch his breath until he looks down up at you, a warm smile across his face. Pushing his thighs up to his chest, he takes in a small gasp, pupils blow out and hands clenching. Gaze drifting down, you find him hard and twitching in his boxers, your tits pressing softly. Cautiously, you stroke your palm up his length. He throws his head back, stomach tensing.
“Do you want…”
You’re stripping his boxers off in record time, sliding down so you can take him into your mouth in one quick slide. He chokes, hips bucking as your practiced touch massages behind his balls. Keening and hissing, you set a fast pace to topple him into pleasure quickly, adding two fingers pressing firmly at his hole. He’s babbling as your lips slide up and down his shaft, sucking hard and swallowing around the thick intrusion. 
“Oh fuck, baby, I’m…” he begs, and pride swells when he cums down your throat not two minutes after you began. You love knowing exactly what makes Dieter explode, and how quickly you can achieve it. Easing him down, you climb up to snuggle into his open arms. 
“Don’t know why I said I wasn’t in the headspace, I’m always in the right mind for you,” Dieter says softly, lips dragging over your temple. You smirk into his chest.
“It’s the Seduction Shirt, works every time.”
Quicker than you expect he rolls you, pinning your hips and ripping the shirt over your head to discard in a corner of the room. 
“There, no advantage now,” he snarks, rubbing his scruffy face into your neck. Fighting against the ticklish touch, you koala bear around him and pull him down to entwine.
“So if anything happens now, it’s all thanks to my own sex appeal?” you ask with faux curiosity. Dieter pops his head out to bathe you in warmth you’ll never get enough of.
“Damn right.”
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LJ’s Bangathon 2023
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Γεια σας!
Welcome to the temple of Deified Heroes, I hope your journey was not too treacherous nor was it very long. Allow me to take your coat from you and give you the honor of a place to refresh your mind. Our troubles are minute here, you don't have to be quick on your feet or justify yourself in front of an invisible court, all you've got to do is let down your hair and relax, however that may look to you! Welcome, and have a pleasant stay!
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{Credit to @the-aesthetics-shop. Thank you so much for letting me use your beautiful dividers <33}
Hello everyone!! Welcome to my little sanctuary here on Tumblr, The Temple of Heroes!!! My name is Neptune, as some of you may know through previous interactions, I am a Minor, and I use He/They-He/Him Pronouns for the most part!! As you may be able to tell with all the exclamation marks, I am very excited to be before you today and presenting you all with... this, whatever we want to call it. A sanctuary, a temple, a gathering spot? Who knows. We'll figure it all out :))
Who Does This Temple Honor? This Temple honors all "Deified Heroes" of Greek Mythology, which--in the simplest terms--are all the mortal heroes of the Mythos. This can range from Lord Perseus--who I personally Follow--to Lord Hyakinthos, Lord Icarus, Lord Achilles, Lord Agamemnon, etc. Basically, it Honors any Hero/Mortal Character of the Greek Mythos :)). The only nuance that this Temple holds are those who Ascended to Godhood within the Myths and that will truly depend on where Their impact most lies--in either Their Mortal Forms, Pre-Ascension, or their Godly Forms, Post-Ascension [ie: Lord Dionysus & Lord Herakles; Lord Dionysus has/had more Influence as a God while Lord Herakles's Influence & Myths are from his Mortal Times :)]
Who Do You Personally Honor? I honor Lord Perseus, the Slayer of Medusa, Founder of Mycenae, and Husband of Andromeda!! He is very amazing to me and I love Him so very much <3333. My other Deities are Lady Aphrodite and Lady Amphitrite, Goddess of Love and the Queen of the Seas respectively :)))).
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[Please keep rhetoric to oneself, this is a digital space of worship. It is not fandom at any, any point.] This is a safe space for all systems, disabled people, the mentally ill, queer people, and people of color. I will preach this as a place of healing, and it shall stay that way.
Temple Discord -> https://discord.gg/3VXNzVTekg
About Me
Temple Rules
Disclaimer: I am merely a Host for this Temple, the one who Created this space for others. I hold nor have any authority other than to preserve the sacredness of this space and will do my best to uphold that honor. I will speak only for myself and allow the word/thoughts of others' to be spread, but otherwise I hold no authority over anyone else. My word will never be law.
↳ #Temple Findings - Anything Related To The Temple/Its Deities
↳ #Camila Rambles - Non-Specific Personal Posts/Updates
↳ #Neptune's Worship - Posts About My Specific Worship/Way Of Things
↳ #Appreciating The Cultures - Posts Mostly About Greece But Also About Different Cultures!
↳ #Temple Communal Board Posting - Basically Sharing Anything Within The Community, Especially Those Looking For Help, Like A Job Posting Board
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konigsblog · 4 months
Hi Orla! ☺️
I hope you’re doing okay. I’ve been seeing a lot of hate on your page recently and I’m sorry about that. :(
Especially with the recent one you just responded to. Like what?? How could someone sit down, type that out, then submit it like they actually know you? I don’t understand how people can be so ignorant. It’s not even ignorance at this point, I just cannot find the words for it.
I’m sorry you’re dealing with all these people, honey. It’s sucks so much. It baffles me that people cannot just block you or filter their content and just continue on with their life. Instead they have to come in your inbox and ruin your mood.
I hope you know that you’ve got supporters here! And that we love and appreciate you vv much, my beloved. It sucks that there’s so much negativity, but I hope messages like mine can help you get through it! 🫶
Anyways, how has your day been, my love? What did you eat today? Have you been drinking enough water? Did you do something you enjoyed today? I hope you did.
Sending you a big hug and plenty of kisses along with good vibes! I love you vv much, my gorgeous Orla! ❤️❤️
~Berri 🍓💕
hello, my sweet berrie !! :33 🫐🍓 i appreciate your lovely words and your constant support and kindness. i guess it's just frustrating to see people so... evil? there isn't a word to describe how i feel about these people, but i don't give them too much thought. i enjoy writing, and what i choose to write doesn't make me disgusting, insane, or immoral.
a lot of the hate i receive is the same old insults, occasionally someone will send a death threat or similar to that, and other times it's bait. i try to focus on the amount of support and how people wait for my uploads, it's motivating to know that people care and that i'm not alone, especially when i have people insulting my brain and saying 'i have a few screws loose'.
i love you guys a lot, your support and motivation is endless and it means a lot to me, especially since nowadays i'm receiving more and more hate from daft twats that can't read a tw. i'll never apologise for the content i write, ever. there is no apology for it, because it's not wrong. if they don't like it, they can leave, and they said that they had me blocked, but still decided to come back. doesn't that show a level of obsession? that despite having someone blocked, they're still on your mind? i wonder if these people have a hobby outside of shaming writers. they'd be better off shaming people that create porn websites, where real rape tapes/videos are uploaded.
my day was alright, boring, but not that bad. i was pretty tired, i crashed later in the day which explains why i didn't upload earlier. i'll try to get a couple of posts out once i catch some sleep, since it's currently four in the morning and i'm unable to sleep from my nap earlier... i did eat, and... i think i should probably get some water... 😅 i'm horrible for remembering things like water. 🥲
sending you lots of love, my sweetest !! i really do appreciate when people reach out to me, i'm thankful that people care :') 💗
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puphyo · 1 year
Can I req baby Hyo sulking because she knows her mama Nayeon has to be away for a while and then she's throwing a tantrum the day Nayeon will leave and her mommy Jeongyeon's helpless because she doesn't like seeing her baby so distraught
i adored writing this no matter how heartbreaking <33 thank you so much anonie i hope you have a lovely day!!
around 1.2k words :)) || non idol au / cgs!2yeon, little!hyo || only cw being crying and tantrums :)
jeongyeon knew this day was coming, and she hoped hyo wouldn’t be as small as she is today, meaning that she was going to be more sensitive when mama left. jeongyeon held hyo on her hip while preparing something to eat for nayeon before she left, as well as something for hyo to eat. hyo’ head was tucked into the crook of jeongyeon’s neck, her arms wrapped around her mommy’s body, listening to her hum and talk about what she’s making.
nayeon was in their shared bedroom, packing a suitcase and preparing a bag with things that she needed to have on her person. truthfully, she was nervous to leave and was debating on waiting until hyo’s nap time to leave, but she decided that it would break hyo’s heart if she left while hyo was asleep. after getting most things ready, she sat down on the edge of the bed, dreading leaving her wife and baby, a deep sigh leaving her body.
“honey, breakfast is finished, come eat with us,” jeongyeon called, and nayeon stood, fiddling with the ring on her finger, then grabbing both bags to sit by the front door so they were ready to go.
once she walked into the dining room, jeongyeon had the table set, though hyo was pouting in her own chair and jeongyeon was grabbing a few more things from the kitchen. of course it was a simple breakfast but nayeon appreciated the work jeongyeon did nonetheless, and ate what jeongyeon prepared for her, then watching hyo be fed by jeongyeon, who seemed to eat her food happily, especially after jeongyeon told her she was doing so good, or telling her she’s just the prettiest little girl.
after breakfast came the dreaded time, jeongyeon handed nayeon a thermos of coffee, and pressed a kiss to her lips, and nayeon picked up hyo to wrap her in a hug, as well as press a kiss to both her cheeks and her forehead. “mama loves you, hyo.” nayeon said, her own eyes beginning to water. hyo’s weren’t, not yet, but her little hands clumsily wiped at nayeon’s face to wipe her tears away, not liking her mama crying. “be good for mommy, okay? i’ll be back soon! before you can even miss me!” she placed another kiss on jihyo’s forehead, then handed her back to jeongyeon, who pressed another kiss to nayeon’s lips.
“be safe, honey.” jeongyeon watched her pick up her bags, take her keys from the key rack, and walk out the door.
“i will. i love you two.”
“we love you too.”
as soon as nayeon closed the door, her waterworks started. for the first time since having hyo as her little, this would be the first time she was gone for an extended period. she got her things sat in her car, and started it, and by the time she did that, she was crying hard.
on the other side, hyo and jeongyeon were relatively okay, hyo hadn’t thrown a fit, though she did seem to be confused about why jeongyeon was so upset, she couldn’t tell what was wrong with her mommy, but she knew that her mommy was not entirely happy.
“let’s go get you all settled in the living room, huh? are you wanting to play?” jeongyeon asked, but hyo shook her head. hyo wanted to be with her mommy, she wanted to make her mommy feel better.
“well mommy has to do laundry, so i’ll put you on the couch for a minute while i get that, okay?” hyo made a little noise, it sounded affirmative, so jeongyeon took her into the living room, grabbing her plush and pushing the toy box a little closer to the couch in case hyo decided she wanted to play, and kissed her forehead. she also picked one of the pacifiers off of the stands in the living room, then held her hand out with it in it in case hyo wanted it. of course she did, and hyo happily took it and put it in her mouth, suckling happily.
to jeongyeon, the day went slower than usual. playing with her baby, cleaning up little messes, she found herself missing her wife more and more. by the time it was nap time for hyo, jeongyeon assumed hyo figured out that mama wasn’t going to be home for a while, because hyo kept looking towards the front door. jeongyeon picked her up from the living room floor, the baby had moved from the couch to the floor to play with her toys better, some building blocks that she had been given quite a while ago, but she loved them.
“nap time for hyo, huh?” jeongyeon said when hyo yawned around her pacifier, then watched hyo’s eyes widen, shaking her head rapidly. “no? why not?”
“mama,” hyo whined, even as jeongyeon carried her to the nursery, sitting down in the rocking chair next to the bed where hyo had her naps.
“oh honey, mama won’t be home for a little bit.” instantly, she regretted telling hyo that, because the waterworks started, hyo’s eyes watering heavily, sobs trying to wrack her body. “oh hyo, mama didn’t leave you forever.”
that didn’t soothe the baby either, and it seemed her crying got louder, and jeongyeon rocked them a little more in the chair, hushing jihyo and patting her back. eventually she was crying so hard that jeongyeon was not sure what she could do to calm hyo, though she started by taking off her own shirt and jihyo’s, then holding jihyo close to her, hoping the skin-to-skin contact would help calm the baby more.
it worked for about twenty minutes, until hyo started to get really tired, because now she was upset and tired, her body wanted sleep but her mind wanted her mama, and jeongyeon knew this. it broke her heart, she didn’t know what to do, she didn’t know how to help hyo. ever since nayeon and jeongyeon got her, hyo was never a hard baby to care for, this would be one of the first tantrums that hyo had thrown around her.
for thirty minutes, jeongyeon rocked her, whispered reassurances, told hyo mama would be home again, that mama would never leave her baby, and for most of it hyo just sobbed and sobbed. jeongyeon wiped her face with her own discarded shirt, not caring whether or not she was going to put it on later or not, until hyo cried herself into exhaustion, where then she fell asleep, still upset and body still wracked with small sobs. as soon as jeongyeon got hyo tucked into her little bed, blankets pulled up on her and her unicorn tucked under her arm, pacifier in her mouth, she sat back down into the rocking chair, where she began to sob too.
she hoped the next few days would be easier, that hyo wouldn’t be so upset all of the time because jeongyeon’s heart might not make it if so.
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slytherinshua · 2 years
Yaaay! How about a fluff with Binnie in which he and his gf are spending a rainy day at home cooking, watching movies and cuddlying?🥺🥺
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Heart Speed
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre and tags: fluff. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ warnings: a kiss. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: bin x fem!reader. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ summary: everything in the request lol <;33^^ ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ wc: 933. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ a/n: thank you so much for requesting again! mwah ilysm <33 and again sorry it took a bit of time for me to answer skdhgd but i finished it now!! hope you enjoy!!
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The ringing of the doorbell was not what you were expecting on a Wednesday that you knew Bin was fully booked for. His hurried goodbyes this morning were a sure sign that the day would be spent in solitude.
But you didn’t mind that much. You understood his busy idol schedule, and weren’t demanding of attention or time spent together 24/7. 
But you were also subconsciously realising that you two hadn’t spent more than an hour together in the past 2 weeks. At least not an hour while you were both awake. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel a yearning for his affection.
So, when the doorbell rang, you couldn’t help the excitement filling your body as you went to answer it. Could his schedule possibly have gotten cancelled? 
But disappointment set in as soon as you opened the door. Bin was not what was behind it, but a delivery box.
You sighed, still mustering a smile and picking up the box. Though the smile became more genuine upon opening it. Your new kitchen equipment had arrived. You had been looking forward to trying out new dishes for the entire week.
You decided that cooking in order to surprise Bin with a nice supper would be a good way to spend the afternoon. Especially with the weather getting more dreary all of a sudden. 
Even though no rain had been forecasted for the day, it wasn’t uncommon for Seoul. And while you were putting on an apron and getting out ingredients, you heard a strike of thunder outside. 
You turned on some music, and started cutting the vegetables to make a warm stew. On a day like this, You were sure Bin would appreciate a home cooked meal.
The thunderstorm continued to go on outside, while you made a cosy ambiance with music and cooking. The other ring of the doorbell went unnoticed by you. And the muttering of another person in the hallway.
“Is it that hard to get the attention of my girlfriend? Aish~ It smells good in here-”
You were startled when you looked up and met his eyes just outside the kitchen. His tall, muscular frame was leaning against the doorway, looking at you with shining eyes.
“You’re back?” You asked, your knife stopping midway in the air.
He laughed, “You didn’t answer the door.”
You looked away bashfully, “I didn’t know you were back…” You mumbled. 
Your shy explanation only earned more laughter from your very smitten boyfriend.
“Cute~” He cooed, walking over to you. He took the knife from your hand, setting it down on the counter carefully before wrapping his arms around you.
“I missed this so much, my schedule has been eating up all my time.”
“Me too. Are you… I mean, if you need to leave soon again it’s not- But maybe…?” You were hesitant to even ask if he was free, as if he would be swept away again with another thing as soon as you thought he was free. 
And so, you stopped yourself mid-sentence, resulting in a stuttered, jumbling of words that just barely got your original message across. 
Bin giggled again, “Yes, baby. I’m free. Fully free for the rest of today. You have me all to yourself.”
“Really?!” You turned yourself around in his arms so you could look at him. Once you saw his small smile and the sincerity in his eyes, the biggest grin formed on your face. You wrapped your arms around him as tight as you could.
“I should go take a shower, I’m sweaty from practice.” He urged, but didn’t show any intention of leaving the hug. 
“Let’s just stay like this for now.” You snuggled into his chest a bit more, everything else fading to the back of your mind.
“What do you want to do now that you have me all to yourself?” Bin whispered into your ear, slowly and teasingly. 
You stepped back slightly, and hit him lightly on the chest. “Don’t you dare.” 
You thought for a second, a smile growing on your face that didn’t go unnoticed by Bin.
“Why are you smiling?” He asked, subsequently smiling from your smile.
“How long do we have?”
“‘Til tomorrow at 7.” He was growing increasingly curious about your plan and you could tell.
“Home movie date? I just thought… I could finish this stew, and we could cuddle on the couch and watch that movie we’ve been wanting to check out.”
“Okay.” He nodded, liking the idea a lot since he was a bit exhausted anyway.
“Just get the blankets and I’ll get everything else.” You shooed him away to get the couch set up while you finished the stew and set it to simmer.
10 minutes later, you joined him on the couch, immediately snuggling up to him and resting your head on his chest. You could hear his heartbeat from where you were, and it made you giggle cause you heard it speed up.
“We’ve been dating for 2 years but your heart still beats faster when I’m close?” You asked teasingly, looking up at him just to his cheeks slightly pink as well. 
“It does not!” He protested, “It’s just… I haven’t seen you in a while. I missed you like crazy.” 
“Now you’re making my heart speed up.” You let out quietly.
“Really? But I thought we’ve been dating for 2 years.”
“Shut up.” You leaned up and pressed your lips to his, and you felt him smile through the kiss, before reaching to the back of your head to bring you closer.
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gh0stswh0re · 2 years
Hey, you don’t owe anyone an apology or anything. Your writing is free for us to read which is a blessing on its own. You take as much time as you need/want to write. we will all appreciate it, and anyone who truly appreciates your work will understand. That anon was completely uncalled for and completely rude. Anyways,, ily and your work 💞💞💞
no no, i was literally thinking about it on the train on my way to school today - how bitchy it is to leave y'all hanging like that lol. and ik this is hard to believe rn, but i actually hate it when i don't do something on time. especially if i set my own deadline lol.
ALSO, all my fics have 1k+ notes and i don't think y'all understand how insane and wild that is + all the positive feedback melts my heart <33
but that being said, i want y'all to feel comfortable telling me whatever u want to tell me. request literally anything, say anything about my work, whatever bothers u, etc. i guarantee u, u can not piss me off lol.
+ no one could ever top my literature professor (okay, that sounded weird) that woman is literally my biggest hater. u could not come up with an insult greater than hers on an essay i spend 10 hours on. sorry to burst ur bubble, haters </3
i'm rambling again, but i truly am a sucker for intimacy and ig that might be another reason why my fics take so long - i like to include tons of domestic stuff, and even if the characters are hate fucking i still adore aftercare and tiny bits of reassurance just to keep it realistic + the good old question "is this even anatomically possible?". just today i've been editing the "relax your throat, darling" because at first it was a bit cold and bland, but now i've added 250+ words of pure fluff. why? because i can, and because it drastically improved the storyline (what little storyline a smutty dribble can have)
TLDR: y'all are gorgeous/beautiful/handsome, and i love y'all so much, i talk too much and post too little
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bandzboy · 11 months
I've been meaning to send this for a while but keep forgetting but here I am finally!! I just wanted to say how I loooove your gfx so much, it reminds me of when I first joined Tumblr and there were so many amazing gfx (totally understand why there isn't much around now tho, they don't get the love they deserve nowadays).
I can't stop thinking about your bands boy vernon one, so much so that when we had an event in a kdrama network I'm in with the prompt 'inspiration' I was going to use the second(?) panel as my inspiration but I just couldn't get it to work lmao.
Anyway thank you for putting such lovely work on my dash <33
oh i wasn't expecting to receive something like this today this is so 🥺 thank you so much for the kind words and for liking my gfx! it always means the world when people compliment them especially since they take so long to make and i put so much attention into all of them! and yeah it's sad how gfx nowadays aren't as appreciated on tumblr :< but truly i do it because i love it so much! graphic design is my second passion after music and it's kinda wild how i found about it years ago
also when people say i inspire them it makes my heart grow ten sizes i can't believe my work could inspire people in different ways it means so much more than i can put into words but it's always amazing because i am just doing these gfx since i am so passionate and i get inspiration from the people i stan to do them so to think that people see my gfx and that they think they are good enough to get inspiration from is quite crazy to me but truly again thank you so much for this ask i'll remember this and hold it close to my heart 💗
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Over the last few years I have been writing birthday and thank you letters to each of the Sides on their "birthday"/appreciation days in lieu of fanart, so it seems fitting to continue that tradition today and wish a very happy birthday to Thomas himself. Both the character and creator of Sanders Sides. And to say thank you.
It's hard to put into words just how much this series has meant to me, especially in the last three years or so. It's helped me to find the courage to be passionate about writing again, to be comfortable in my body and make choices in fashion that make me happy, to feel safe exploring my sense of self. It's had a really huge positive impact on my life.
I remember going to see Welcome to Night Vale live for the first time and on the way up my friend handed me their phone and said "Look up Sanders Sides. I need you to watch it and tell me what you think."
And I will be honest, my initial thought was "This is a little cheesey", but in retrospect I think that was just a little bit of a defensive wall coming up. As I watched the series by binging that weekend, I felt a little more seen than I had before and I didn't know exactly how to phrase it other than, "That's kinda how my brain works too.".
And that is a big part of why I kept coming back to it. Because I felt seen. Then last year I was diagnosed with OSDD (otherwise specified dissociative disorder) and a few things clicked into place in my brain. I understood the why of it. I understand that this series isn't meant to be about DID and I'm not saying it should be, but for me personally, as someone with a dissociative disorder and part of a system, it was refreshing to see something mirror close to my experiences. It was huge to me. I felt less ashamed or embarrassed, less strange or weird for the way my brain worked. I finally had something to point to and say, "that's like me!". And I really think that that helped me accept my diagnosis. There are several alters in my system that have been helped by this series as well, that have felt seen and represented in the struggles they hold for our system. For some of them, it's helped thrm find their own sense of self. It's helped us heal. And I'm really grateful for that.
And it's not just this series. I remember watching the 33 lessons from 33 years livestream. And I don't know which number it was, but talking about putting on a mask and it being hard to feel like a real person. I had only been aware of my system for what it truly was about four months at that time. And having a sense of self was...shaky at best for me, but there was a sense of solidarity that came from that. It was comforting to know I wasn't the only one who experienced those kinds of feelings. It helped me to feel more like a person to hear someone else say that they also struggle with that concept.
Even things that could be considered as small as the tweets you share. For me, seeing someone else so openly share their experiences with things like body image issues, or like skin and scalp issues. It reminds me that I am allowed to acknowledge that I struggle with those things. Upon first glance I don't look like someone who would so I try to pretend I don't, and I end up feeling worse for it. But seeing your example of being open, it helps me to remember that those are just normal things that people deal with, and I don't have to feel ashamed for being one of them.
Don't even get me started on the Trying too Hard music video... The thing about OSDD/DID, it's caused by trauma in earlier childhood. And at that time I was really struggling hard with coming to terms with that. I was trying to be strong about it, learning to cope with the the plot I'd been given. And that song gave me so much hope. My brain, my system, it didn't choose to be divided. That's just what happened because of our circumstances, it was decided for us in a lot of ways. But we are strong and we are tough and we're learning to fit this plot that we've got. And we're learning to see each other and ourselves for who we are. It took me so long and so many loops of that song to be able to name that big explosive feeling in my chest. But it really helped me to feel so hopeful about our future together as a system.
There are a lot silly things I've taken from this series. To this day when things just aren't working out I still throw up my hands and say, "there's no winning at Christmas!" and it makes me smile and helps release some frustration, every time I hear "cognitive distortion" I echo "Häagen-Dazs dispersion". Every time. Even in therapy. It's an issue. But it makes me smile. Also without fail, I get called out when Taurus jokes are made. I have never put any stock in Zodiac related things before, but now I'm half wondering if there's something to it because without fail, I get called out. There are lots of little joys that this series has brought me. But there are also some incredible lessons that I've learned. And I will forever be grateful for that.
So thank you, so very much, Thomas. And happy birthday.
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Hi!! It's me again, I hope you're keeping well <33. Many congrats on 600 followers!! Could I please get the option 2 for hotd? I'm a straight female and my pronouns are she/her.
I'm fairly introverted and it takes me a while to warm up to people. I love reading, my room is filled with stacks of books. I especially enjoy true crime, poetry and Russian literature!I adore adventures, witty and playful banter, pulling harmless pranks, joking around and having indepth discussions on anything and everything. I love helping out and people come to me to vent or for advice and comfort. I'd consider myself really smart and I'm very ambitious; I love being the best at everything I do. I daydream a lot and I'm a hopeless romantic! I enjoy all forms of art and storytelling, and I have quite a few creative hobbies! I'm 5'9 and I have long and curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. I dress mostly in relaxed suits, blazers and coats and I love the occasional dress or sweaters layered over a white button down!
Thank you very much!! I hope you have a lovely day ❤️
hi! thank you for participating :)
i ship you with jacaerys!
while it’s his responsibility to get good at talking to people since he’s going to be the heir, id consider him a rather introverted person. i think he struggles with making connections deeper than surface level. so when he meets you and starts getting to know you, he’d understand why you’re a little apprehensive at first and give you the time to get closer to him yourself. but he’d do his best to make you very comfortable around him too. i think he’d be really attracted to you when he first met you. you look like a person who has their shit together, and he was hoping that it would rub off on him. he’d really love getting to know you because he’d realize how ambitious and witty you are, you’d be a genuinely interesting and likeminded person to be around, someone both him and his mother would approve of. i think he’d really appreciate that you enjoy spending quality time with him, as well as letting him rant about his worries or struggles of the day. i think he feels like he needs to be strong all the time, because that it was a king does, but you’d be there to remind him that he is just a child still, and that he’s allowed to struggle.
i think he’d find comfort in joining in on your hobbies, just so he could spend time with you. i think his love language is quality time. he doesn’t care what you’re doing together, as long as you’re together. he’d sit with you while you read, or ask you to read to him. he’d listen to you rant about the book after you finished it, and argue with you over the plot points and your opinions. half the time, he wouldn’t even disagree with you, he just liked watching you get so passionate and into it. plus, he loves to debate, and he could do that with you. he knows you’d actually value what he has to say, and not dismiss it.
i think jace is also a hopeless romantic. there’s something about love, and the process of courting and falling in love, that he really enjoys and values. he’d bring you new books he thought you would enjoy (or books he knew you’d hate, just so he could listen to you rant about it.) you’d find them on your bed, knowing you’d have to thank him later for it.
he’d find you before dinner, somewhere quiet. “am i to assume you found your gift? have you already started it?”
you’d look up at him, showing him the cover. “i’ve already read this one. i left your gift in my chambers, i didn’t want to start it without thanking you first.”
“no need to thank me, love. you’ll like this one, i promise. i read it myself to make sure.”
you’d smile at his thoughtfulness, standing up and taking his arm. “shall we walk before dinner then? i haven’t seen you much today, i want to catch up.”
jace would fight a blush, keeping your arm secure next to him. he’d wonder how he got so lucky, nodding at your words.
“of course. where to?”
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