#youre all good!! im sorta just following your lead
tetraharmonic · 1 year
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continued from here • @bybullets
It wasn't hard for her to notice his nervousness, but quite honestly, she couldn't blame him. She'd met two sorts of folks out here in No Man's Land, those who seek reassurance that their future is better than their present, and those afraid to know it won't be. It wasn't her place to be some sort of universal guardian, or anything like that, so she never pried, never trying to go further than she thought her client would be able to handle. She was merely a mouthpiece for something else greater than her, and, simply, sometimes people weren't ready to hear the message. She couldn't hold his nervousness against him.
As he continued, the woman's gaze softened. "Future it is then." She smiled as she shuffled her deck, pressing it to her lips for a moment as her eyes shut. Attuning to the deck was easy; She had the incantation memorized by now— well, that and Mother Rosa, the Oracle for her deck, seemed to work quite well with her. Opening her eyes, she'd shuffle it carefully, only for a heap of six cards to fall out. "I...wow. Rosa apparently has some things she's been dying to tell you." She'd joke softly, setting the rest of the deck down before laying out the six, flower covered cards on the floor before them.
Due to his nervousness, she kept her words soft and gentle, trying not to advance the reading too fast until he seemed comfortable. "I think I have plenty here to get an idea of what your future could look like. Just, tell me when you're ready, and I'll go ahead and start, okay?" She was getting very strong vibes from the cards already. How long was this message waiting for him?
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wwaheoh · 2 months
hehe, i know im probably not the first and definitely won't be the last to ask, but we need a part 3 of the rejected confession series!! whether its a happy ending of reader and the character getting together or just making up and staying friends (or forever parting ways) we need closure!! so when you think you are ready for it, could we possibly have a final part? :,)
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“Reconciliation”, Zenless Zone Zero x gnReader
Von Lycaon, Anby Demara, Zhu Yuan
a/n: thank yall so much for the support! its meant so much! i hope everyone enjoys the "good ending" to the Unrequited Love series.
a/n²: also thanks to that one anonymous requester, loved your ideas and helped a bunch when writing! hope i did well in realizing it!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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The day before heading to the scheduled meet, you were stressed out of your mind. Having made up your mind, you decided to go, whether it be for reconciliation or- no, you shouldn’t think so optimistically. Maybe this was just a way for them to berate you for ghosting them before cutting ties forever…
With that optimistic thought, you made your way back home, finally getting off the bench you’d been glued to with thought after the brief encounter with the shark-girl. Sorta embarrassing to be told to fix your relationship by a high school girl but at this point any push that didn’t get you deeper into becoming a shut-in was better than none.
Stepping into your home, you shut and locked the door behind you before heading to your room, beelining straight for the closet. Sliding it open, you began to look through the hanged clothing, contemplating what you should wear. Something cute? Something bold? Something that you’d think he’d like or something you felt comfortable in?
After several minutes of this, you finally picked out an outfit, now onto actually getting sleep. Setting the clothes onto a chair, you went to your bathroom and undressed, putting on sleepwear and throwing yourself onto the bed.
A wave of exhaustion passed through you, wow, you were a lot more tired than you thought…
The outing with you had been going well, Lycaon thought, today was a beautiful day, thankfully Rina was aiding Corin today so he had no worries about being forced to cut it short and attend to any accidents their junior was prone to.
Strolling by the pier of Lumina Square, water a sunset orange as thr Sun began to set into the horizon, you stopped walking, with him following, a sign of confusion on his face.
“Hey, Lycaon?” You spoke nervously, demeanor slightly shaking. Worry began to draw in, not outwardly showing it, not wanting to make you more nervous in speaking. Something that he usually did when with clients- unconsciously leading him to thinking of you as a client rather than his friend at the moment.
Then you confessed.
His mind stopped- cool breaking as the words spilled out of your mouth and into his ears. Forcing his tail to not wag, he was about to reply. Yet what came out of his mouth was not what he intended, having forced his brain into ‘work mode’ to protect himself from all the possibilities of what you might have said.
So instead of accepting your feelings, happily rejoicing and telling you that he returned them wholeheartedly. He… rejected you. The words tumbled out of his mouth, rushed, the professional tone he used with clients slipped in. As if he were a prisoner in his body.
The look you gave him immediately showed he screwed up. Unable to approach as you began to cry, not wanting to take back the words- not because he believed them, but because he believed you would think he was simply pitying you and throwing a bone.
“I’ll start the car up. It’s getting late.”
“I- it’s- hic- it’s f-fine. I’ll get home on m-my own.”
“I must insi-”
“I said it’s fine!”
His ears drooping, wild guilt painted on his face, internally berating himself for having somehow messed up the interaction of his dreams. He went back to his car, turning it on and beginning the drive back home.
Atleast, that’s what he led you to believe. Instead, he parked in a nearby alley before shadowing you- unwilling to not see you home.
The day after that, he texted you, yet you never responded. Days of being left on ‘Read’ became days of you not opening his text messages at all.
It had begun to get at him, his voice became colder than usual with clients, still professional but with more sharpness to it. The others noticed their boss acting like this, yet were unable to pry into the why. It was a shared silent agreement between them and their boss, a wall between their professional work and personal lives. He met with Master Phatheon a few times and even they noticed something was off with the butler.
One day Ellen overheard him murmuring, quickly figuring out who he was so hung up about and what had happened- with some aid from Miss Rina. Unbeknownst to Lycaon, she met up with you unexpectedly, getting you to meet with Lycaon at the cafe. With Rina “booking an appointment” with a client, for Lycaon to meet with at the very same time.
Stepping into the cafe, bell jingling behind you, looking around the cafe before finding the spot Ellen had directed you to, tilting her head to the farthest seat with her signature bored look and lollipop in mouth. Nodding gratefully, you made your way to the table and sat down. Nerves ablaze, you fixed your clothes, making sure nothing was out of place. Worries bubbled up in your mind, thoughts of what could go wrong swirling in the bubbling soup of anxiousness.
Silver fur snapped you out of your spiraling, the Therian that’d been on your mind now realized in front of you. He mirrored your expression of shock, not having thought to see you again, before he quickly closed the gap, holding you tightly.
“I am so sorry.” Breathless, he looked deep into your eyes, “I had not meant to say what I did. I do wish to be with you. If you’d have me.” Not a man to screw up an opportunity like this- especially after having messed up so badly, any and all grievances be damned- he would say his peace and lay his heart into your hands, to either hold or crush at your whim.
You returned his hold, tears welling up as the two of you embraced, hearts swelling with joy as his hard, fluffy body pressed tightly against you, finally together once more. Sobbing openly as finally, the two of you were together, this time as lovers.
It was a little awkward stepping out of the cafe, with some customers very obviously glancing at the two of you after your two very public reunion…
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After Anby had run from your confession, she spent a lot of time rewatching movies. Romance and tragedy specifically, trying to find a solution to what has transpired. The rest of the Cunning Hares were confused about her seemingly out of nowhere interest in those genres, usually seeing her watch action or thrillers.
There was an aching in her heart, one she had originally attributed to the loss of a friend, yet it felt stronger, much stronger. As she watched more and more, she came across an animated film, one of a failed relationship, of how being apart makes the heart grow fonder, ending with the two getting together, stronger than before.
That’s what she wanted.
While originally she was true to herself, only wanting you as a friend, time revealed that she wanted more, especially after forcing herself to dodge into alleys after even a glimpse of your hair, oftentimes leading to odd looks from the Cunning Hares or Phaethon. She wanted to be closer to you, like how the protagonists in the films were.
Standing up, resolution in her heart and an apology on her tongue, she exited the door and began making her way to your abode, moonlight and street lamps lighting the way.
You couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t a one-off occurrence either. Thoughts powered by the late night struck harshly, leaving lasting impressions that made sleep impossible. Especially those of a particular silver-haired girl.
Sighing, you shook your head, as if to shake the thoughts physically out, getting up from your bed and heading to the kitchen. Opening up the refrigerator, you grabbed a cold pitcher of water and a cup from the cupboard, turning the pitcher and letting the cool liquid spill into the cup, only turning it back upright as it neared the top.
Putting the pitcher back into the fridge before closing it, you grabbed the cup and steadily began to drink from it. Refreshing, always helping whenever those thoughts arrive…
A notification from your phone rang out, having left it in your bedroom you began to make your way to said room, when a knock at the door stopped you. Nothing good ever came from someone at your door at near midnight.
Grabbing a nearby object- your hand finding the handle of a knife, you quietly made your way to the door. Looking through the peephole, you saw a familiar face that made your muscles freeze.
Anby, staring right back at you. In her usual getup, with the same mono-look, but a hint of anxiousness hidden in her eyes.
Setting the knife down onto the counter, you slowly opened up the door, nerves threatening a rebellion against your body as you opened the door.
Finally face to face with Anby, without the blurriness and fish-eye view that the peephole provided, you could see how less kept she was than usual. Eyes tinged with red- a sign of screen overuse. Sweat, faster breaths, a flush of red coloring her pale cheeks.
The two of you stared at each other for a second before she quickly closed in.
“I’m sorry.” Her voice cracked, monotone as it was, a hint of breathiness from her seemingly having sprinted here from wherever she was prior. “I shouldn’t have ran.”
You didn’t know what to do, worried that nodding or shaking your head would give the wrong impression- whatever the impression you wanted to give was lost to you.
You just stood there, listening to what she had to say.
“In the movies they always get together after the first confession. But it didn’t feel right at the time- but it also didn’t feel right saying no.”
A silence before you decided to share your two cents.
“Anby-” her attention diverted back to you straightaway, “How about this. We date for a bit- say, a year, then if you feel like it’s right, then we can continue. If not, then atleast we tried…”
“Just don’t run again, even being friends would be better than never seeing you again.”
She quickly closed the gap between the two of you, embracing you tightly, with you following suit. “Okay…” her voice was shaky, her grip on you was not.
Okay actually it was too tight- “Anby I think you’re gonna break my spine!”
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Stepping out of your assigned police car, you nodded to your partner as they exited the vehicle and went to leave the premises. Qingyi having gone back to Zhu Yuan’s side after the one day the two of you were assigned together, message delivered, you wondered how she pulled off getting to be your partner.
You began to make your way to Zhu Yuan’s desk, with her filling out some final papers regarding what happened to the blimp atop of the Ballet Twins Towers. A situation that had been narrowly avoided ending in catastrophe by an inorganic citizen being insusceptible to the knock-out gasses found in the systems of the victims. Her squadron had been the first to the scene, being stopped at the first tower before being forced to evacuate and find another way up by several explosives being detonated at the bridge.
It was a headache for everyone involved, happy that the worse situation happened but not looking forward to the amount of paperwork needed to be filed, especially since the prime suspect of a major case and now this case had gone off-grid with the blimp to who knows where now.
Thankfully it seemed Zhu Yuan didn’t mind it too much, all too happy to do her work, no matter how monotonous it seemed. Turning off the computer for the day and filing papers into cabinets, she had been adding a sprinkle of water into the tomato plant she’d been growing, thoughts swirling as she continued with the monotonous task.
It’d been days since she last saw you. Invitations declined, only glimpses of you before you seemingly disappeared into the crowd or entered somewhere she couldn’t follow. Her days had been growing duller, work becoming a distraction to her problems.
Her mom had commented on this, citing worries about how she’d been seemingly throwing herself deeper into work and training, questioning the near-null appearances of you in recent times. She hated to lie to them, yet didn’t want to confront the facts.
She’d been too late to tell you how she felt. She would never get the opportunity again...
One day Qingyi told Zhu Yuan that she'd have to stay a little later, orders given to her to give to Zhu Yuan a little extra work. While to most, this’d be an annoyance, Zhu Yuan readily accepted the new work, not wanting to go back to her lonely apartment.
You knocked on the doorframe- breaking her out of her thoughts, face lighting up as she laid eyes on you.
“Uh, hey Zhu Yuan…” She set the water-can down and stood up hastily. “Hey! Uhm…” The two of you stood awkwardly as you tried to form the words you wanted to say.
“I’m sorry.” Zhu Yuan looked at you, worry on her face, urging you to continue. While she had been hurt from how you were seemingly avoiding her, she still looked at you as a close friend.
“It’s… stupid of me. But I wanted to tell you that…”
You confessed, deciding to put all your trust in Qingyi and just do it. Ripping the proverbial band-aid off, the words tumbled out.
She stood there, wide-eyed as you finished. There was a brief silence before tears began to bunch at the edge of her eyes. Your heart stopped, worried that you’d done something wrong before she closed the gap and embraced you, repeating “Yes!” and “I like you too!”, nearly squealing in delight.
You were dazed from how hard she was shaking you, before finally getting a hold. “So.. you’re not into Qingyi?”
“Huh? No, where’d you get that idea?”
“Ahh…” it was a little embarrassing to admit this in hindsight, “I thought since… you looked at her like that, that you…”
She giggled a little, before stopping quickly, “Sorry- I- I looked like that because I was thinking of you. Just, I looked away anytime you looked at me since I didn’t know if you returned my feelings…”
Finally love bloomed, no longer covered by the walls of uncertainty.
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bunnypeew · 7 months
Hey sweetie, just read that you're taking requests, so I thought I might toss one your way.
How about an Female reader x Alastor x Lucifer, both demons sorta fighting for her, but she doesn't decide for either of them. Alastor was a friend of hers when she was alive, and Luci is a real charm xD so they agree to share 😏 if ya know what I mean hehe please NSFW if you can. Lots of shadow play since Alastor doesn't like sex too much.
Thank you 🥰
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Sharing is caring - Lucifer x fem!reader x Alastor NSFW
warnings: NSFW, MDNI pls thank you, cunnilingus, shadow play, voyeurism, cumming inside
''you are just being a prick!,,
Lucifer shouted at Alastor while they were both waiting for Y/n to come out for them all to hang out. It had been a while since both of them kinda courted her and were always around her in some way, whether it was physically or just Alastor's shadows following her around making sure she was safe. She loved it, without any lies, one of the most powerful overlords in his time and the literal king of hell, like come on!
''And you are being an annoyance,,
Alastor scoffs at his nails, not interested in what Short Stack is saying. It wasn't until she came out of the door, that sleepiness on her face, her hair all messed up and her shirt hanging barely on her shoulders. She was a sight to be seen for both of them
''sorry guys I completely forgot about our outing today so I slept in,,
she says yawning and stretching he arms upwards, letting the fabric get lifted up by her boobs, exposing her panties and belly. At this, both men were petrified, both for different reasons. Alastor composed himself gripping his cane and giving her a warm smile
''why hello there darling! you seem to be a bit exposed there, care for me to help you out?,,
he says walking towards Y/n and putting a hand on the nook of her back, now looking at Lucifer with a challenging smile, this makes his blood boil making him get near her as well trying to pull her away from Alastor only for him to grab her waist stopping Lucifer from moving her at all. Y/n notices this and sighs
''you guys need to come to some sort of understanding because I'm not making that choice for you,,
she speaks, making them both turn their attention to her instead of their bickering. This makes them think for a little while, they did think of something but both of them didn't really like that outcome, but at this point, they really had no choice but to agree with one another. They look at each other, giving a nod then turn their attention fully to Y/n
''how about, we go back to your room darling, the three of us,,
Lucifer says putting a hand on her waist and getting closer to her face all at once, this time not to make Alastor jealous but to just grab her attention while Al works behind her. From the nod they had before they both agreed that they wanted her, maybe in different ways but they both wanted to make her feel good. Alastor shadow was put underneath her, moving away her panties, this made her gasp making her close her legs in an instant and turn around to look at the culprit. All Alastor had to show was a wide smirk and the bulge from his pants prominent, all three of them knew that he wasn't one for sex but to please his sweetheart he would do all he could without being touched, even if just standing and watching Lucifer take the lead, so that's what happened. They went to the bed in her bedroom, Luci smacking her onto it and getting on top of her, while Al sat down in a chair near them stroking his pants.
This took Y/n by surprise because they never did something for all three of them, it was mostly Lucifer with whom she had sex, Alastor usually didn't opt for this kinda of stuff but today was a first. Lucifer got in between her legs, the panties already moved off her cunt so this gave ease of access to his tongue to slip in, this made her gasp and grab the sheets on the bed. In the meantime, Alastor had pulled his cock out and started jerking it slowly with one hand while the other hand was controlling the shadows to which he made go to Y/n body to play with her, mostly her boobs. Whimpers could be heard from her, suffocated a little since she was getting shy by Alastor looking at her with a lustful look in his eyes, his permanent smile still there, just softer. One of his tentacles with into her mouth making her gasp and moan out loud
''I think both of us want to hear you dearest,,
Alastor speaks and chuckles when he can finally hear his sweetheart in all her glory, in the meantime, lucifer on sucking and licking on her cunt making her whimper and moan even more. He knew exactly what he was doing, eating her out was one of his specialities, after all, he loved to make her feel good. Soon after he stopped, letting his cock come out of his pants to then slam into her right away with one thrust, the tentacle out of her mouth and now around her neck giving her the possibility to speak
''Luci.. holy shit,,
she is able to mutter in between moans, with Lucifer picking up his pace, and Alastor does as well. They both went on until they reached their climax, Alastor finishing in his hand while Lucifer finished inside of Y/n, her legs quivering the same as her cum filled cunt.
They could say they were gonna share you like this more often from now on.
a/n: GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH IM SO GLAD I GOT TO WRITE THIS!!!! I hope it satisfied your request and thank you so much for the ask :3c @christineblood
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kavehayi · 4 months
kisses on space street • NEBULAE
aventurine x gn!reader • fluff (ongoing series)
chapter summary: pretty boy aventurine has completely taken over your college campus and everyone is warning you to stay away! however, (un)lucky for you, he's got his eyes on you.
author's note: finally doing this series😭 ive been meaning to and nothing ever came to mind to get rid of my writer's block but now im delivering the first chapter☝️
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August 23rd, 20XX.
first day of college. you had to try and find your way around the huge campus from the library to the food hall to the area where your actual major resided. the place was a little overwhelming and you had a bit of trouble making your way around.
however, someone came up to help you find your way around.
aventurine. the man with beautiful eyes, is talking to you, an average person. "heya, pretty, you look lost, where do ya need to go?" he cooed in that sweet, honey-like voice. you looked a little shocked he was actually talking to you of all people. guess he sensed that since he let out a lighter chuckle, "ya look shocked, you good?" he asked, now you just have to snap out of it.
you spoke up, "yeah yeah, im...uh, fine, just looking for where my professor's classroom is at" you spoke politely. you didn't wanna waste his time, especially because he definitely has better people to talk to. you showed him the classroom number and his face lit up, "hey i have to go there too! i found it earlier, follow me" he stated pretty enthusiastically. you followed him to the classroom and he opened his mouth again.
he does not know how to shut up, huh?
he spoke up, "so, pretty, you livin' on campus?" he asked. you didn't really wanna tell him this but you went ahead and did it anyways. "uhm, yeah, im living in a dorm with a roommate, don't know his name though, didn't bother looking at the sheet." you cant believe you said that. now hes gonna bother you about looking at the sheet. "oo! let me see for you, i know everyone here" he didnt even really ask to see it, he kinda just stole your papers and looked through. judging by how his face lit up.
he was your roommate.
he left you alone after he lead you to class and when lunchtime came, you went to the nearby cafe to speak to your friends. seems they had some warnings for you. "hey loser! over here!" they called you over and you sat down.
"yknow guys, i met the most obnoxious guy ever today" you started off, catching your friends' attention. your friends' names are robin, a music major. brother is sort of all over the place but he's nice. robin is also a travelling musician so there's some weeks where you never see her but she keeps contact. veritas ratio, prefers being called ratio. older than you and robin and is a junior in college. you guys only met because he accidentally threw chalk at your head when you were a junior in high school minding your business in math class.
"cant be as obnoxious as aventurine, i mean, he's literally loud and pretty so he gets away with it" robin stated and you went really quiet.
"so what if i said it was aventurine?" you questioned and robin dropped her sandwich on the table and ratio, sorta didn't show a reaction. kinda just glared. "stay away from him! he locks his eyes on someone and then ruins their life from what i heard!" robin stated with a scared expression and ratio just scoffed. "all you hear is rumors, miss robin. why dont you just get to know the guy for once, hm?" he asked her with a glare her way, robin just picked up her sandwich and ate it with a pout.
"always have a way of bullying the poor girl, huh, ratio?" you asked him, in which he just grunted and sipped his tea. "anyways, aventurine, i seriously cannot escape him, he's my roommate and in my class" you stated, robin just about imploded.
"no way! good luck dealing with him, dont be too interesting around him or else he'll target you" she said with a nervous sounding voice. you guys ended up finishing our lunch and parting ways, you and ratio going back to the campus while robin had some things to do back at her studio.
the entire day passed you by and it'd already been nine at night. you started heading back to your dorm, hoping that aventurine wasnt there. yet of course, nothing you wish for, actually happens.
"pretty! you're back, how was your first day?" he cooed, he had friends over and he didnt even bother considering how you'd feel about that. "it was fine, im going to my room, dont make too much noise" you stated before walking away. aventurine didnt think you'd be this prickly.
whatever, not like it mattered.
why should you care how he feels.
too bad for you though, he's interested in you now.
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so I was looking thru ur pinned post and saw that u wrote for Harry Potter and was wondering if you would do a fic for George Weasley? ( fem reader pls) but basically, I was just kind of thinking of an introverted Gryffindor who loves books and George meets them and they both (very obvious to others) have a crush on each other? Maybe George just asks them for book recs even tho he had no interest in reading before just so he can find a way to talk to the reader? I know you have a lot of fics in the making so take ur time please<3
A HP REQUEST?? This is amazing I'm so excited to be branching out from maze runner again, and I absolutely love this request it's super cute ❤❤. Ty for being so kind and sweet as well :)
Umm :D So I wrote the above ^^^ response as soon as the request came in and now... IT'S BEEN TWO MONTHS IM SO SORRY ANON!! Hope you're still out there to read 😭
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It's a love story
George Weasley x fem!reader
I am not British *thumbs up in australian* so prepare either for out-of-place non-british dialogue or cringe attempts to fit into the universe. idk which one it's gonna be so I guess we'll find out
3.1k words
Warnings: language (swearing)
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You turn the corner and register a flash of red hair before colliding hard with a body.
You groan as you sit up, staring around to see your books have been knocked out of your arms and onto the floor.
"Fuck, sorry, listen I've gotta-"
You turn in surprise as Filch marches down the corridor, fist raised with an expression of rage on his face.
"Shit," you whisper.
"Yeah," says the person who knocked you over, who you've now found is none other than George Weasley. Of course, the guy you've kinda sorta maybe liked for years is only talking to you after literally bowling you over.
"Here." He points his wand and charms all your books into little palm-sized rectangles, before gathering them up and stuffing them in his pockets. "We've gotta go."
"Where?" you stare around the empty corridor, unable to find a decent hiding spot.
"Follow me." George leads you over to a dusty-looking tapestry and ducks behind it.
"What the-"
"Come on!" he reaches out and grabs your hand, tugging you in.
You stumble through the gap between the tapestry and the wall, practically falling into George's chest.
"Sorry," you mutter, and you're glad it's dark because you can feel your face blushing like crazy.
"I know you're 'round 'ere, Weasley," you hear Filch snarl from outside.
You hear him muttering to himself as his footsteps eventually recede, and you let out a breath. "He's gone."
You turn to push through the tapestry to get out, only to be met with a thin slab of solid stone. "What-"
George winces. "Yeah, once you get in here it closes for about half an hour."
"Half an hour?" you repeat incredulously.
You can barely see his nod in the dark. "I mean, one of them closes for two hours once you get in, so half isn't too bad."
There's beat of silence, before, "Lumos."
The tip of George's wand lights up, illuminating the small space. "Oh, it's you," he says, seemingly on instinct the moment the light appears.
He seems to catch himself, shaking his head. "Nevermind, just- Here, sit down."
You sit down on the floor with your legs crossed, heart skipping a beat as your knee brushes against his in the cramped space.
"We're in the same Transfiguration class, aren't we?" asks George.
"Yeah." You're pleasantly surprised by that. You tend to be pretty quiet in class, mostly keeping to yourself.
"You're always the first person to get a new transfiguration successfully. Bird to glass on the first try, right?"
"I- yes," you say, warming at the recognition of the hard work you've always put into Transfiguration.
He nods. "Took me the whole lesson to get that one right. Hey, I never caught your name in class?"
"It's L/n," you say. "Y/n L/n."
"Good to meet ya, Y/n," he grins. "I'm George."
"I know," you can't help but say, smiling slightly.
"Oh, your books." George empties his pockets of your miniaturised books. "Engorgio." He waves his wand over them, changing them back to their normal size.
"Thanks," you say, pulling them towards you and stacking them up.
"You read a lot?"
You smile to yourself, picturing the dozens of books you go through in a term. "Just a bit."
"Sure," says George, eyeing the four novels sitting in front of you now.
Before long, you reach out and push against the tapestry, finding it to be cloth again instead of stone.
"Time to go?" George stands and pushes through, and you follow him into the corridor.
"Finally," you say, stretching before grabbing your books.
"Sorry about earlier," says George with a sheepish smile. "And for trapping you for half an hour."
You shake your head. "It's okay."
He grins at you. "Alright then, see you 'round, Y/n."
You stand still, rooted to the ground as he leaves, waving behind him, and something in you clicks. Oh shit.
Any thoughts about George a put aside for the night when you settle down with your book.
The common room late at night is your happy place. Most people are sleeping in the dorms, save for a couple 6th years finishing their assignments.
You tune out their little whisperings as you sit beside the crackling fire, and you can just pretend you're alone in the common room, getting lost in your book.
Before long, you're actually alone, with the remaining people all retreating to their dorms - except for one that you haven't noticed.
George is sitting across the room, barely paying attention to the essay he's meant to be editing. Every so often, he glances up at you without you noticing.
After years of sharing the same Transfig class, something about you has piqued George's interest, though he's always tried to mark it down as pure curiosity.
He can't believe it's taken literally knocking you to the ground to get your attention, and he doesn't understand how he hadn't properly met you before earlier that day. But now, he can't seem to resist the strange pull you have on him.
Get yourself together, you've only met once, idiot. George frowns as he silently berates himself, but he can't help but watch as you repeatedly flick away a strand of hair that keeps falling into your eyes.
Fuck it. Go talk to her.
George stands abruptly, nearly knocking over a goblet in the process.
You, the oblivious centre of all his thoughts for the past few hours, are still just sitting beside the fire, reading your book.
You jerk slightly in surprise, grabbing your book as it starts sliding out of your lap.
"Um, hi. What's up?" you manage to say coolly.
George blanks. He hadn't exactly come in with a plan. He glances down at the assignment he'd been working on; good enough. "Did you finish that work Flitwick gave us?"
"I haven't yet," you say slowly, slightly confused as to why he's here. "I've just gotta write a conclusion and edit the rest."
"I haven't got a clue how to write the damn conclusion," says George, flopping down beside you and complaining about the rigid essay structure.
You realise as he's talking that it's strangely intimate. Earlier, you'd been sitting on the floor with your back leaning on a couch and your knees up, braced against the coffee table.
Now, you're both wedged between said couch and table, and despite the generous space between the two of you, you feel oddly close to him.
"Can I read yours?" he asks, pointing to where your assignment has been sitting since you gave up and decided to just read your book.
"Sure," you say, sliding it to him.
He leans against the couch as he skims your work, fingers tapping absent-mindedly.
"God you write like a professor, Y/n," comments George. "...the fuck are all these words- incandescence?"
"I... read a little," you say with a little smile, cheeks warming at the way your name sounds in his mouth.
He glances up at you. "This is brilliant. So you've just got the conclusion to do?"
You nod, taking back the assignment as he pushes it to you.
You end up staying up way longer than you'd intended, talking to George as the conversation topic quickly strays away from any Charms essays.
By the time you go to your dorms, you haven't even finished your conclusion.
"Mate, you're not nearly as subtle as you think you are," says Fred, elbowing his brother.
George elbows him right back. "What're you on about?"
"The staring," says Fred, grin teasing. "It's getting embarrassing. If whatever little crush you've now got starts affecting my reputation, we're gonna have to have a chat about this twin thing."
George rolls his eyes. "Git."
"So..." Fred drags out the word. "Who is it then?"
He jerks his chin towards the group of girls on the other side of the Gryffindor breakfast table, where George had been conspicuously staring at you all morning.
"The one on the left - Y/L/N, she's in our Transfig class."
"Oh!" says Fred, eyes lighting up in understanding. "Oh she's great, I did a project with her once. Quiet type, bookish. Fun, though. Pretty, too," he adds, raising an eyebrow at George.
"Shut it," retorts George. "What should I do then?"
"I don't fuckin' know Georgie, just go talk to her. Ask for book recommendations or something."
"That's... actually a decent idea."
" 'course it is," says Fred. "Anything to get you guys together as fast as possible so I don't have to deal with your lovesick horsecrap."
A Quidditch game has just finished (Gryffindor victory, of course), and you're avoiding the inevitable party in the common room. You can enjoy parties on a good day, but you're just not feeling it right now.
So you're in the library, wandering around as you wait for dinner.
"Y/n!" You turn to see George doing a weird half-run toward you, not wanting to be yelled at for running in the library.
"Oh, George. Hey."
"I figured you'd be in here," he says.
"You figured...?"
"Well," he raises an eyebrow at you. "Since you read a little."
You huff out a soft laugh, shaking your head. "So why were you looking for me?"
You try to listen as he speaks, but you're immediately distracted by just about everything about him.
His cheeks are flushed red, probably cause he just transitioned from the cold outside to the heated library, and his hair is windswept and slightly wet from melted snowflakes.
He's gotten rid of his Quidditch gear, but it's strange to see him in just the casual clothes students usually wear in the dorms and common room again.
And he's still speaking. Pay attention, Y/n.
"Anyways, I just wanted to find you, cause you know, hobbies... and literature, are really... important. And the Christmas holidays are coming up. So I just wanted to ask if you had any recommendations."
You frown slightly as you remember it's only the start of November, and he barrels on, almost seeming nervous.
"For books, I mean. To read, over the holidays. I don't, uh- come in here very often, so I don't know what's good. You seemed like a good person to ask." He scrubs a hand over the back of his neck as he speaks, giving you a hopeful smile.
"I am," you say with a smirk. You straighten up confidently, banishing any nervousness because books; books you can do.
"Great," says George. "What've you got for me, Y/L/N?"
"Well what kind of books do you like?"
His grin falters. "Um-"
"Fiction, non-fiction, stories, biographies?"
"Sure." You navigate to another aisle, moving into the more fiction-y section. "Action, ooh- historical, adventure, romance?" You lift an eyebrow at the last one.
"I-" He clears his throat, and you smile slightly to yourself. "Action is good, I think," he says uncertainly.
You scan the shelf currently at your eye level, before picking out a book. "I love this one," you tell him. "Pretty fast paced, which might be good for you. Also, dragons."
"Dragons," he repeats. "Great."
"How many books are you looking for?" you ask.
"Just one, I think. I wanna... get into reading, before the holidays start."
"Sure," you say, holding the book out to him.
It's like sun breaking through, when he smiles in return. "Do you think we could meet up?" he begins. "To talk about the book once I've read it?"
"Yeah, I'd like that," you smile. "And you have to tell me what you like, so I can recommend you the next one."
Ever since giving George that first book you've started seeing him almost every day.
The two of you can be found huddled together in the little nooks around the library, or behind the greenhouses, or down by the lake, talking about books and school and everything in between.
But soon the holidays arrive, and you're saying goodbye to him and the rest of your friends.
Your parents are being forced to travel a lot over Christmas for work, so the first month of the holiday flies by in a whirlwind of tea in the morning with the few remaining students in Hogwarts, long peaceful walks on the grounds, and lots and lots of reading.
You've devoured a row of books in the library by the time Christmas has passed, and you've planned to go through another row, when George materialises in the common room one day, two weeks after Christmas.
"George?" you exclaim, spotting him in the common room.
He turns as he hears your voice, and his face splits into a wide grin. Without hesitation, he runs up to you and pulls you into a hug, lifting you just slightly above the floor.
Your heart swells as his laughter rings in the air, and suddenly everything is complete.
"I missed you so much," you tell him, almost surprised at your own admission. Truth is, Hogwarts is beautiful during Christmas, but it's a little lonely with everyone else having gone home.
George's responding smile is worth the wait though, and he tosses an arm around your shoulder as he leads you out of the common room.
"C'mon, it's a Hogsmeade day. No time to waste!"
The two of you settle down at a table in the Three Broomsticks, grabbing Butterbeers as you go.
"Alright then, Weasley. Did you get through the holiday book I got you?"
He smiles. "I did. And you know what I was thinking when I read it?"
"Y/n would hate Chaolie, and she'd love Alosia."
You blink in surprise. "I- yeah, those are my exact thoughts on the book."
George smirks. "See? I know you."
"I mean yeah, I loved every chapter Alosia was in; she's my favourite. Typical, I know, everyone likes the side characters, but god, Allo would've been so much better as a main character than fucking Chaolie. G.T.L. is brilliant- we know that, she fits insane arcs and storylines into a single book, but please,-"
George listens, a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth, as you continue rambling animatedly about the book, your hands gesturing enthusiastically as you speak.
"And the cover: gorgeous. You know stories like this can have the silliest cover art if they're not done well, and the choice to go almost muggle-style with a non-moving cover is perfect."
You brush a stray piece of hair away from your face, oblivious to the way George tracks the movement, desperately wanting to reach out and tuck it behind your ear for you.
The bell on the door chimes and you look over George's shoulder to see a bunch of familiar redheads walking in.
"Ah, Y/n," says Fred, floating towards your table. "Lovely to finally see you again after having to hear so much about you over Christmas."
You giggle as George thumps his brother with his book, face turning almost as red as his hair. "Stupid- git."
"This is the Y/n?" says Ron, another one of George's brothers.
His sister joins in too. "Ah, so you're the reason we had to come back early."
"Early?" you repeat, confused.
"Enough," snaps George. "Piss off, all of you," he says, fruitlessly shoving his siblings away from your table.
He groans. "Come on Y/n, we're leaving." He tugs on your hand, and you snort as his family's antics as you down the last sip of Butterbeer and hop off your seat.
"Until we meet again, Y/n." Fred salutes you as you exit, and you laugh as you wave to the rest of the Weasleys.
"Sorry about them," says George, slightly pink in the cheeks.
"Don't worry," you laugh. "It's fine. But what did Ginny mean when- hey!"
You're cut off as George yanks off his scarf and starts wrapping it around your neck and face. "...It's cold out," he explains weakly as you give him a look.
You pin him down with your gaze, and he sighs. "Fine."
He grabs your hand and leads you away from the Three Broomsticks, brushing snow off a park bench before sitting down.
Every memory he's had with you, every moment he's spent falling for you, flashes through his head.
The shy smile you had in your first few days of meeting, which he could only describe as cute, the mischievous glint in your eye when you'd almost recommended him a romance book, your laugh that he's memorised the sound of... damn it, he better not fuck this up.
You sit down beside him, giving him a concerned look.
"Okay, here it is," he says abruptly. "I like you."
You blink, caught off guard.
"You're so- you're bright," he says. "There's this light in you, and it's so fucking bright, and people don't see it. I don't get that. But whatever, they don't matter. I just mean, I've been pretty much blinded by you since we met... well, since I knocked you over running from Filch. I- god, fuck this metaphor. The point is, every time I'm not with you, I'm just wishing that I was. Cause I like you, and I wish- I'd hoped, that maybe you like me back?"
You're still silent, your brain trying to catch up with what your ears are hearing.
But George takes the silence differently. "It- it's okay if you don't. You know, I don't want to pressure you, at all. It's completely-"
"George." You take his hand. "I like you too, so damn much. I was just... I've never done this before. I didn't know if I should ask you out, or confess, or anything."
George lets out an incredulous breath. "Oh. Well then."
He rests his forehead against yours. "Y/n, will you do me the great honour of becoming my girlfriend."
You're smiling so much it almost hurts. "I'd love to," you whisper.
It's only on your first date, that you realise; "You know, we've practically be dating this whole time."
"What do you mean?" asks George, digging into his icecream.
"Meeting up, just the two of us. We've been doing it for ages, except we thought it was just book meetings."
The spoon stills halfway to George's mouth. "...fuck."
You snort, "We're both idiots, aren't we."
"Could've saved me so much grief if I'd known we were already dating. It was well shit, overthinking everything over the holidays."
"You mean when you missed me so much you convinced your whole family to come back to school early?"
"Sod off," he replies, nudging your foot and grinning. "You thought it was cute, anyway."
"I did."
There's a beat, before; "Kissing," you say, pointing your spoon at him. "We weren't totally dating, cause we didn't kiss."
"Right," agrees George, nodding. "Speaking of..."
You let out a laugh, setting your icecream down on the table, and then you let him pull you in.
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Alosia, Chaolie, and GTL are just silly little details cause I can't help myself. Thank you for tolerating my self-indulgent easter eggs.
Thank you for reading, everyone! Hope you enjoyed my first fic in the HP universe <3
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cobaltqueen · 2 months
hi!! i really like your PL au, i love gajeel/lucy brotps and im a luvia girlie (romantic or not), so wanted to maybe propose some solutions to some of the things you said you were struggling with.
if you want gray still on galuna island you could have him hear some kind of rumor about deliora being there and go investigate, or if you want to not have PL involved at all and keep it relatively the same (natsu runs off on the quest, gray and erza end up following along) they could sell the key or advertise giving it away somehow for lucy to end up getting it (or, if you don’t need her to have it prior to her joining the guild, they could just keep it for if they find a trusted celestial wizard) could have that lead into my idea for the loke arc.
even if lucy gives up on being a fairy tail wizard i doubt she’d give up on being a writer, and so maybe she could travel to magnolia occasionally for writing purposes and meet loke there? then they just keep accidentally meeting at places and he starts trusting her that way, even if it’s not enough to reveal the whole circumstances? then it sorta depends on how fast they join fairy tail afterwards, but lucy could plausibly join faster than juvia and gajeel which would allow her to be there for the loke arc?
i don’t know if these make sense in your head but i’d love to hear more about this au <3
Hi! First off, I'm really glad you like the AU! I too am a fan of the dynamics between Lucy and Gajeel, and Lucy and Juvia. They can be so good if given the chance!!
Gray ending up on Galuna island specifically cause he heard rumors about the Deliora thing is a great idea! I wanted team Natsu (-Lucy) to still be on the island and finish the official quest because i think it's just necessary for Grays character development. So maybe something like: Gray hears the rumors, sneaks out, Natsu notices and goes after him with Happy just cause, and then Ezra follows the three of them?
For the key I was thinking that, since in canon Ezra refuses to accept the money reward since they didn't actually destroy the moon, they might leave the key this time too? After all there's no Lucy there. And maybe the old village chief guy makes another quest to "vanquish the moon" or something cause he's stubborn and this is the one Gajeel, Lucy and Juvia take, or maybe it's the same one they just show up late... ( i want this AU to stay a bit silly, i think it's funnier that way).
I'll try to post the Galuna Island doodles i made a while ago later
In regards to Loke, that is actually a really cool idea! It would also make a lot of sense, Loke is canonically a flirt and he did flirt with Lucy before he freaked out about her being a celestial wizard so if lets say, Lucy is out looking for inspiration and Loke is on a job they could feasibly meet and interact!
Thank you very much for those ideas they are very appreciated, i do hope i can give the characters and their dynamics justice!
Talking about them, I was thinking what name to give the Gajeel/ Lucy/ Juvia team. I can see Gajeel potentionally wanting to name it Team Gajeel (as a way to parallel Team Natsu) but also I'm not sure if that would be his go-to and i definetly think the girls would shut that down haha
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big-greer · 8 months
I know i dont usually post stuff like this, for the longest time if you had asked me what my gender was id say i was a regular guy..but in truth i say that but i never really felt like i "Fit" with the term guy. Like in my brain whenever i think of myself i never really think specifically about being a male. Before i just assumed "oh its cause i am one, obviously i wouldnt consciously think of that. its sort of a given" but looking back that clearly wasnt the case, always joked how i barely counted as a guy and most people either would laugh like its a joke but a few days ago a coworker asked why..and i sort of froze up cause i had never really stopped and asked myself why? Like i knew i didnt act like a normal guy, i didnt think like one, i never had that attachment to the title of being male. so i always felt this disconnect from manhood, and even when my father tried to teach me to be a man it always felt like i was just an outsider looking in and learning a lesson through a window or something. he tried all kinds of stuff you would expect a "manly" guy to know, hell he even taught me how to track through a forest (would cut notches in trees and we walked from the top of a mountain to the bottom and had me lead us back following the marks he made. yeah dad take your like 14 year old to the fucking bottom of a mountain and make me track cut marks like some legendary hunter lol). and he would always explain what manhood was and i just....it never connected to me you know? i always chocked that up to the fact my dad was never really around (after he and ma divorced he sorta slowly dissapeared from my life till he was dead one day) and so i figured i wasnt like a regular guy cause i was raised by like, 95% woman only so i thought that might be why? but as ive come to realize it isnt that and ive just never really vibed with the idea of being just a guy, its never clicked for me.
Now dont get me wrong, the idea of using she/her pronouns actually is uncomftorable to me so now i feel like im sort of just floating here? in between gender in my own sort of like...little world and im worried about doing it right. Yeah i know "oh i want to do good at gender which is a logical and reasonable thing that can be done" i know i know. But like, i dont want to wear makeup and dresses and stuff (though nail polish would be nice, perhaps a good black would be cool.) and i feel like i dont particularly want to wear any womans clothing? i like guy clothes, there comfy, fit me nice, and for obvious reasons they are all i got lol. Also i like having my goatee and facial hair so thats also a thing. i just worry that after browsing the nonbinary tag that cause of stuff like this i wouldnt be good at being nonbinary, or that i would do it wrong. OH also that i would still be comfortable with people using he/him pronouns as well as they/them but wouldnt feel comftorable with somebody using she/her ones (perhaps this is just cause he/him pronouns are all ive known my entire life and thats why im more comfy with them). yeah all that makes me worried id be doing nonbinary wrong, which i know is a dumb sentence cause nobody can do gender "wrong" and that its a personal thing that is up to only the person whose gender its about feelings on the situation. but that lingering doubt is still in my mind, that i will be some sort of fraud or not ACTUALLY nonbinary and stuff. cause lord knows alot of tumblr views nonbinary as just "WOMAN 2" and if you arnt some hyper androgynous person you arnt actually nonbinary and i know i know, i shouldnt care what fuckin morons on tumblr say.
But gender stuff is new to me, VERY knew. Lord knows i still have strange feelings towards being ace and sometimes worry im not "ACE" enough to be considered ace. so im def still fighting some internal demons about this stuff. But having good friends around is helping out alot and i cant even imagine how id handle dealing with this sort of stuff alone (cause lord knows what little family i got left wouldnt be the most...supportive) anyway uh, gender is fuckin wild and confusing and stupid and simple and everything and nothing and lord does it give me a headache.
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pilotheather · 3 months
we're back
youre trying so fucking hard to set up this unit spin off. im going to be horribly honest with you: i dont really care, and i think this is such a corny way to do it. i think torchwood (the show) is something people see with rose-tinted glasses a lot of the time, but i do think its slower introduction to the characters, completely isolated to its own tv show, made more sense. i feel like this weird vibe of just setting up these big personalities who all neatly fit into the exact archetypes you'd Expect... i dont know. i dont care for any of them. i love big weird non human robot-adjacent entities and i dont even care. and that fucker has cable-like tentacles too. i should be sold.
i think its also cuz they are like so obviously these Scifi archetypes for shows like this which is fine but leading first with a quickfire round of rather than getting a softer introduction to them just sort ofmakes them feel like fake cartoons. i think thats sorta why ive never truly warmed to paternoster gang too.
like i think my issue - and im welcome to be proved wrong, whenever we do get this unit spinoff - is i feel like its leading with the idea of "i want a spinoff" first rather than an attempt to fill a specific niche or hole for stories. i feel like sja and torchwood were both very specifically shows that would be in the universe, but would cater to things that would not suit the proper show, and had their own cast driving it.
like i'll be honest i like kate but ummmm im not sure i like her enough to follow her into a spin off. LOL.
sorry thats my hater era over im 2 seconds in
oh no nevermind i also hate big budget takes itself too seriously bullshit wheres the losers
is rose still meant to be like 15. her in business casual for the day job at unit.
okay The Vlinx.
WHYS THERE A LITTLE BEEFCAKE SECURITY GUARD. IS HE LIKE YOUR LITTLE BOYTOY, UNIT? sorry hes not even my typ. harriets really cute though
sorery i still dgaf
rtd and his anagrams. christ.
ive been laughing all day about a reddit comment that said "rtd is a" and i cant stop laughing at it and i dont know anyone who will find that funny in my life so i cant even
i really fucking hope it isnt susan. people have said it before but i just feel like ive always liked the idea of jsut leaving her be. dont revisit it. its fine.
sorry help me why are they just pulling everything out help me
i feel like theyre trying to be too meta about it and not in like a clever way its just like a lets state the obvious to everyoneits that vclassic TELLING NO SHOWING that i feel like christ it keeps ... feeling like the writing is doing that so much
soery its like not even 10 minutes in and im like already feeling like a hater i just i dont know i feel like so im fine with them cashing in on nostalgia and being a bit self aware in finales sometimes but i feel like this and then the trilogy last year... LOOK most dw finales and special eps of the nu era are kind of rooted in some sort of classic right its like dalek dalek cyberman master dalek lets go to gallifrey for this one but its like still at least one thing sorry im sick of it i dont wanna see mel any more i dont wanna be in unit CAN WE FOLLOW THE DOCTOR AND RUBY see them figuring it out PLEAAASEEE they can point out its obvious its fine but the fucking round table discussion
nevermind i love mel on the moped
ugh ive been wanting a bike for so long but i keep hjearing about so many accidents i wanna kms in a controlled environment
my second thought btw: i think one of my favourite season finales will always be s4's. and yes that does also bank on this big, lets have ALL OF THESE PEOPLE COME TOGETHER!!! and have one huge crossover event even if the story isnt as good. but as ivealways said: that works because its earned through four seasons of building up all of those individual characters. it can stand on that legwork thats already been done. i just dgaf otherwise. its why, and maybe this is controversial, i can never give a shit about a good man goes to war. (although i also loathe that because that storyline does my fucking HEAD IN)
im also hating this so hard im not even far enough in sorry i just love to hateeeeeeeeeee
help e christ if it wasnt for reddit i would not fucking recognise anyones fucking face is hat the same woman i mean rby also isnt clocking her does she have some fucking perception filter on . missus flood what is up with you
missus flood what even is wrong with you
"why did you never go back to see her?"
because susan was lowkey annoying af
i also do wanna know: if hes mentioned her face popping up a lot, are they not scanning their fucking databases for matches. like thats definitely technology they have. lets be so for real
(again with the way s4 finale was handled: i think it was really good the way they had everyone sort of... separated out? they had them all cleanly following their own plots. so it didnt make shit a fucking mess.)
caralas literally chill w can bring carla
Do you have a time window. Ten floors down. classic shit.
i think i also ironically did i say this bit already i fucking hate trying to do big... sci-fi organisations like this trying to fight the aliens or villains or whatever. sorry just a taste thing. like compare this to how torchwood was presented in s2. it just feels like we're thriving in it and im not a fan of them being our unapologeticbesties we swing around and giggle with. can we get some nasty fucking vibes in here please. i loved when capaldi was a cunt with them.
this is also why i refuse to ever engage with the avengers content
christmas eve 2004. god shesso young. (im 4 years older literally).
sorry i also hate mystery box companion bullshit fuck off can we not just get some cunt from the local
i keep thinking about how she looks like jodie i think its the boots with the ankles sort of poking out
thats my bad aura sorry i was hating too hard
theres that irony again of like they'll sit there and do a whle bit like haha duh ofc we know its an anagram DUHHH but then half the dialogue is just fucking . SAYING SHIT STRAIGHTFORWARD AND OUTRIGHT SHUT UP
hes in hell. god damn it. i hate it when i lose my boytoys and he ends up in hell
imagine if this was the beast from the satans pit
what a hilarious hater moment that would be
colonel winston is making me giggle. lke the monkey. guys i dont know anything abou overwatch but that monkey makes me laugh
guys we're on susan watch
shes going to be the dumbest red herring ever isnt she amen shes just nothing please rtd you fuckerr- DOCTOR CALM DOWN
so cool we brought an image of this thing up before and it wrecked our shit lets do it again hell yeah come on
harriet i need you
can we get the tardis a ginger ale
the king innit
her children doubt and dreaddddd so silly
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
what are your opinions on ch14? its one of my fav chapters tbqh so im curious to know why u didnt like it initially and what changed
Thank you for this question! Writing down your thoughts is always fun eheh. Predictable negativity on bsd storytelling and Higuchi characterization under the cut, so please don't read if that's something possible to ruin your mood!!
So here's the thing. We need a bit of context first. Okay, you might know I'm not a big fan of bsd's poor female characters writing in general. My first contact with chapter 14 was when I was watching the bsd anime for the first time. Higuchi is introduced as this woman who is very cool!!! She lured the main character into a trap, pulled out these massive riffles and started shooting everywhere. It was nice. Then, she's badly mistreated by Akutagawa, and it's gross; Higuchi's relationship with Akutagawa is so fucked up. And then the following episode 11 (that is the corresponding of chapter 14) is all about it, about Higuchi's fucked up relationship with Akutagawa, but like... Romanticizing it? Saying it's good for this woman to stay at her work place where she's made miserable on daily basis?
What's most distasteful isn't the beating up itself from Akutagawa, although that is sure to leave a very bitter taste (after all, as a shonen-ish series, violence is nothing out of the norm); what's highly disturbing is the clear unbalance of power between Higuchi and Akutagawa, or how Higuchi is constantly depicted as being obsessed with Akutagawa while Akutagawa is openly violent with her. And the way he reprimands her! And the way she's clearly distraught at his words- not to mention the countless times it's shown how emotionally hurt she was by him. This kind of stuff is depressing. Because like!! What if we didn't romanticize men hitting their female partners!!!!! The bar is *that* low!!!!!!
And Higuchi is portrayed as being obsessed with Akutagawa. She was willing to die trying to save him, even being aware she alone couldn't do anything to win over an enemy organization... Because apparently dying trying to save him would be better than living without him? Girl, you deserve so much better. The “it's not easy to leave the Port Mafia, but it's not impossible. I've thought about it many times. Yet I didn't, because... ” sentence is sorta implied to refer to the fact that she didn't leave the Port Mafia because she was in love with Akutagawa (Ryuunosuke), right? I interpreted it that way when I first watched the anime, and I still believe it's the phrase's main implication– also because the actual closing sentence “because it's my job” doesn't make any sense, as she's basically saying “I'm not leaving my job because it's my job”; it's evident there's a deeper meaning to it hinting to Higuchi having romantic feelings for Akutagawa (unless... the circular phrase is used to metaphorically express how she's hopelessly stuck in a toxic work environment, but I can hardly imagine the author going such lengths to express a concept they visibly have no interest in developing). Point is, the fact that she's basically saying she's willing to keep working for a job that makes her allegedly unhappy just because she loves a man is... Not great. Besides, Higuchi going “it's my job” at Akutagawa after he asked her sorry like???? Now, after ten months of being into bsd, I can find it vaguely cute, but you can bet the first time I watched it I was like. bestie, beloved, light of my life, your job can NOT be to endure abuse after abuse from your coworker. Get yourself a new job asap, and feel free to deck Akutagawa too while you're at it.
What's nasty about Akutagawa beating Higuchi again isn't the beating itself, as much as Higuchi being obsessed with Akutagawa despite of it, and their whole dynamic never being framed as negative. It would be one thing if the whole situation was framed as toxic but... It's very much not. It's not like the reader is lead to despise Akutagawa for what he does, it's just something that's there. The narrative doesn't look like it's going in a direction of Higuchi emancipating herself either, but rather learning to roll with the abuse thanks to fleeting rewards of acknowledgement which is, once again, gross. It's gross to display a model of woman who would stay in a work place that constantly mistreats and disrespects her because it's worth her abusive crush telling her “I'm sorry” once every blue moon. Hell yeah you are sorry Akutagawa! If Higuchi had chosen to cut off his life support right there I wouldn't find it hard not to consider it rightful and legit on her side. The way they handle Higuchi's character is gloriously catastrophic and there's maybe not a better example of how the author doesn't know how to write women, has literally no clue on... The fact that women are p e o p l e and any sane person would leave such a toxic environment at the first chance. But of course they would rather think any woman would stay stuck with a terrible job if it's for a handsome, brooding guy (bruh??? Bruh???????? Sorta crying right now sorry)
Then again, the issue isn't even the relationship being toxic itself– I mean, it sucks for Higuchi, but one can decide to portray a toxic relationship in fiction. The issue is that it's evidently not intended to be perceived as toxic. Nobody ever sides with Higuchi, or voices the fact that she's evidently being abused; Higuchi easily forgives Akutagawa when he apologizes (it doesn't even count as forgiving because she never was even angry or frustrated at him to begin with what the fuck). Akutagawa hitting Higuchi is even used as a gag and like. What the fuck. Who in the world could ever find it funny. What the fuck.
Tbh when I entered the fandom I was very surprised to find out the cycle of abuse was typically framed like this:
Mori → Dazai → Akutagawa → Kyouka
when after watching the anime I definitely had an idea more of the sorts of:
(Mori) → Dazai → Akutagawa → Higuchi
(Very side note but at this point Mori towards Dazai barely counts as abuse, like what did he even ever do to him? Emotional abuse barely stands too since Dazai is, on admission of Mori himself, extremely hard to manipulate)
I feel like Higuchi and Akutagawa's relationship mirrors a lot what used to be Akutagawa's relationship with Dazai when Dazai was still in the pm, especially in the way both Higuchi and Akutagawa are obsessed with their own senpai and gaining his approval. And honestly, just as I am a firm supporter of Akutagawa growing out of his infatuation for Dazai and never forgiving him for what he's done to him, I also believe Akutagawa doesn't deserve Higuchi's forgiveness and could rot in hell as much as I care (joking, but also, don't hurt Higuchi and then expect to have my sympathy).
Plus, THE WHOLE “this female leader becomes useless and powerless as soon as her talented partner is out of the game” the episode carries through like NNNNGGGHHH biting biting chewing wood then why did you even make her leader in the first place???? Like what's the point???????? The rethoric that women are literally useless without a man?????????? I get that this chapter came out around 2013 but like. C'mon. So did Kill la Kill and Psycho-Pass. C'mon. (Also the “we won't recognize the legitimacy of this woman's authority until she demonstrates she's willing to die / throws herself in a suicide mission” but that's a whole different category of “saving other people's lives gives me permission to keep living” “people can't live unless someone tells them ‘it's okay to go on’ ” bsd fucked up morals this post is already too long to get into)
But like (and here starts the nicer section): time has passed since I watched the episode and read the chapter. I reluctantly grew fonder of both Akutagawa and Higuchi. And despite the fact that everything I've said still stands... Akutagawa did say sorry. We never saw him interact with Higuchi after that, which leaves space to hope he's changed in the way he behaves with her (more likely author has realized how fucked up and nasty the whole thing was and opted to never show them interact again, but eh). And while Akutagawa saying sorry didn't effect me at all when I first watched it, because what he did to Higuchi is unforgivable (that much I still believe)... He still apologized. When I first watched the episode, I didn't care the slightest about Akutagawa– besides despising him for how he treated Higuchi, of course. But as the story unwraps itself, it's hard not to grow sympathetic of him, especially after learning about the Dark Era events / the Heartless Cur events / seeing him act in the Moby Dick fight arc too to an extent. I still firmly believe Higuchi shouldn't forgive him, and I don't either for what he's done to her, but as a reader I at least now have an explanation to why he acted that way towards her, and I can understand him. I can now catch more layers to him saying sorry, the effort it must have took him, the admission of having been wrong (which is a huge thing, like, what other character in this series has ever admitted of being wrong? So many characters believing they're infallible), the real intention of making amends and learn from his mistakes which is... Admittedly nice. I mean, character development is great. Everyone is weak for character development, and Akutagawa's is a huge one. What were before words I would have forcibly shoved back in his throat are now reluctantly heartwarming, because they show an Akutagawa who's willing to change and become a better person. But from Higuchi's point of view, that still doesn't change how much harm and suffering he caused her, you know? That doesn't change the fact Higuchi should never forgive him for what he's done to her, just like Akutagawa is entitled to never forgive Dazai for all the abuse he was perpetrator of. I just overall think one's redemption does require amends to be made, but can't demand forgiveness. Akutagawa's step of apologizing is important and necessary for him to make amends and start to become a better person; but that does not and never will entitle him to Higuchi's forgiveness. I now like that scene some more because it's a big first display of development for Akutagawa's character, and because despite the bad writing I could never dislike Higuchi; I like it because I like to imagine that being a moment of growth for both of them, if I make myself forcibly forget about their displeasing canon characterization. I like it because I now like both characters and, despite rationally thinking they're most likely better off separate ways, it still compells me to imagine them being happy and in good terms together. I like it because Higuchi in Harukawa's art style is so freaking pretty
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Mandatory tl;dr: I don't like the chapter because it perpetuates and romanticizes the rethoric of women being destined to be made miserable by a man their whole lives with no chances of getting out, as well as displaying a huge systematic unbalance in Higuchi and Akutagawa's relationship with Higuchi being constantly made weaker and dependent; I like it more now because I got attached to Higuchi and Akutagawa, because it shows a growth of Akutagawa and because I wouldn't be able to hate Higuchi no matter what.
Dear Op‚ you said chapter 14 was one of your favorite chapters so you've probably thought about it longer and way more thoroughly than me‚ and it's possible that after reading this there wasn't a single thing you agreed with. And that's okay!! I hope reading this made you view the chapter from a new perspective even if you ultimately disagree with my takes.
#C'mon like. I love my girl Higuchi. But I love her because she's victim of such awful writing‚ I can't bring myself to hate her.#I love her because every day I wake up and actively tell myself–#“a man's awful writing of female characters won't ever be enough to make me hate a woman”. So like. Yeah#ichiyō higuchi#ryūnosuke akutagawa#bsd#bungou stray dogs#I remember me watching episode x with my friend and she commented “Higuchi? She's such a [sottona]”#which is to say bottom in a derisory‚ derogative way and I was like... Girl you need help ;;;;#Did we seriously become so desensibilized to abuse we can now see it as a joke of some kind? Find it funny? It's depressing.#Idk I guess their dynamics would have been bearable despite the unbalance of power if only they had the minimum decency of–#not having Akutagawa hit Higuchi but like... That's beyond any forgiveness for me sorry very much not sorry.#Seeing it happen repetedly was disgusting for me#There's even a big big factor of cultural context playing a role.#There *is* a long existing history of men abusing women who live with the illusion they could be loved back and it's... Yeah just. Lets not#bsd negativity#people asks me stuff#It's just. It really all goes back to the unbalance of power tbh.#Why is it always the cool brooding overpowered male character with the useless no skill whiner female partner. Just :///#It's no wonder I like sskk so much seriously– because I know at any point they could beat each other's ass.#I just think equality is important in a relationship‚ any kind of relationship?#I've been writing this for three days btw I couldn't stop adding paragraphs 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️#I've talked with my landlord and now at 17:45 I'm FINALLY going to take my nap goodnight#bsd ch 14
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fostopia · 10 months
hi............. if you are up to it i would very much like hearing about your ocs
* Funfact! I only remembered about this ask now because my friend asked me about the same ocs and it came to mind so I’m picking the old draft back up
Anon you have no idea what you’re getting yourself into
Fun fact about me dear readers I have over 278 oc’s (11/20 edit: now 347) and counting all are fully developed too. However, we’re gonna focus on the ones I posted previously
The ask to make my day OKAY
Was on a whiteboard with a bud and he made the joke about throwing a baby he was holding, I told him to do it and drew ‘C supports baby throwing’ which lead to the "#cforpresident" hashtag being drawn by him. This silly little thing promptly dissolved into a full fledged au because none of us are capable of being normal
There’s three universes sorta associated with this au, and there’s no actual name to it— it just.. exists.
The first version of this character in this AU, C (no real name here, just C) is the President [It’s sorta unconfirmed what the fuck he’s the president of but we kept making the joke of him being POTUS so maybe the canon world in this is just… our irl world.] My man’s Vice President is unconfirmed because my bud Sarah who ‘ran against me’ swapped to swat last second so.. guess there is no Vice President. C had a husband (Ace), got married before he entered office and got unlucky cause his spouse is fucking dead. He’s sorta just tired of this shit™️. In this world monster begins aren’t rare but they’re not exactly accepted, even more so if you look dangerous. C is a shapeshifter with his default look replacing his head with a ball of black matter; it’s an odd substance, as it gives off a look of a black hole but you could literally shove your hand into his face and bam your arm is in a weird kind of pocket dimension (this can only occur when he allows it though, so don’t try it you’ll punch the President.)
His other look, however, is much more human but simultaneously is used far less. That look is defaulted to a demon, and although he can change aspects none are permanently and he’ll always revert back to the demon look Oh yeah President C is morally good but he has cannibalized a vampire-bat shifter so, sometimes his morals are off.
His backstory is pretty sparse, I don’t have any ideas for his family life before presidency; he just showed up running for President and gained popularity real fast. He’s very advanced with his shapeshifting, he can use it to become people and even objects or full animals. His main team consists of Orin, the swat captain, and Sarah, who’s a rank below Orin. Sarah’s very responsible and very underpaid while Orin is horrible irresponsible and uses Sarah’s payment on Panda Express. President doesn’t let that slide when he finds out; but otherwise he has a good connection with them both.
This one was a ‘what-if’ personality/role swap of the President C au; instead of being the morally good, demon presidents— Tyrant C (still just C here) is the morally corrupted, sheep president. Just like President, he’s a shapeshifter with the base for being the black matter head one; however he generally uses the humanoid sheep one more often as a way to seem more innocent and harmless— like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
He’s fuuucked up, his whole point is gaining power and he’s lucky that the force that follows him is so loyal. In this one he had a husband as well, Zander (Ace’s alternate universe self), however the two married purely for tax benefits, the fact that it would help C’s campaign to be a queer president. They were a tragic case of right time, wrong person. Although both of them had truly loved each other to an extent (C didn’t know what love felt like so he hasn’t realized at the time while Zander was constantly bouncing between love and hate) both of them kept fighting. Tyrant was the one to act first but trust me, if Zander had lived longer, he might’ve killed Tyrant first.
He gets away with it because corrupt fucker, however he quickly finds that he needs somebody else to fill in for the spot that Zander had earlier; somebody to bounce ideas off of— and who better to than his SWAT captain, Orin. Orin is a huge simp. He’s actually responsible here however Sarah’s personality doesn’t swap and instead she just doesn’t like Tyrant too much. So, Tyrant decides to seduce Orin to get him wrapped around his finger because really; if he’s got the swat captain he’s got the power of his team too… yeah no, he falls in love on accident. Then he’s forced to acknowledge that this is what love feels like.
He’s a lot less good with his shapeshifting; only able to shift between his void matter and the goat one with even that taking to much energy as he wasn’t able to use them as he grew. He’s a man cut off from the world, however not from sorrow and guilt the same way President did.
Tyrant’s meant to be much more complex than President; his backstory includes shit like abuse from parental figures, cult shit, and with him having been raised with so much negativity he’s completely convinced that this is how everything has to be. Violence and evil have always been his normal; he was a kid groomed into a mindset that never left until he felt something beyond anger for the first time. He’s fucked up, he’s done some real horrible shit, but he doesn’t know that being good is on the table. He’s at a point where learning to grow won’t do anything to reverse years of trauma and anger. Tyrant has regrets he can never voice due to his nailed in beliefs, he will never be able to fully accept that he had loved Zander, that the king sized bed in his home feels too empty. He can’t acknowledge the way he makes two cups off coffee sometimes, one just the way his fiancé used to drink his. He can never come to terms with the fact that he regretted killing him. He can never accept that he misses his parent despite their abuse, that deep down he wishes he were still their little boy oh so willing to help mom and dad out with their ‘buisness’. Tyrant wants to, really, he does. However, some people aren’t capable of accepting that reality. He grew up within a world that called him a monster, and he was merely giving back what they had started.
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hearts401 · 1 year
Tell me everything about your silly little ocs
under the cut cuz its long
So the story follows Angie Connors, a 17 year old girl living with her abusive father and her little brother (Charlie). When her father is beginning to take things farther and being worse and worse, she considers killing him, but doesnt do it until he does actually hit Charlie and she follows him into the garage and kills him with an axe. after covering up the evidence, she comes up with a plot to further divert attention from herself, which was to lead a side investigation to find her father (since she knew the police weren't going to catch her, but rumors spread and thats dangerous for her) she involves her best friend Ari, whos brother had been murdered about 7 months prior. Ari believes the two murders are connected. Through their investigations, they meet Aspen Acker, one of angie's other close friends who has a pretty strange family. His mother disappeared one day several years back (4 to be exact) and he now lives with his father and siblings, Ryan and Emily. They decided that mrs. Ackers disappearance might be linked to the otehr two murders, and find out there have been a lot of murders, murders that trace aaaaall the way back to Angie's estranged brother, Cass.
Cass lives alone. He used to live with his mother, with whom hed had a really rocky relationship, feeling like she only cared about him for the surface level relationship. eventually, they had a big fight, and he killed her. cass has always had anger problems since his... accident... and his mother has gradually pushed him to his limit. the two never saw eye to eye, and frankly he was surprised he hadnt killed her sooner, though he often regrets not trying to fix things. hes also frequently upset by his own lack of care for his violent actions and overall isnt doing good. hes unhappy a lot and at the moment is unemployed and in the process of being evicted. thats when he gets a call from Angie who informs him of their fathers death and basically begs him to come. he decides not to, until he realizes this is a perfect oppurunity to not only escape his murder but also to potentially kill someone else who pisses him off, his sister. he doesnt even really know why he wants to kill her so badly. but he despises her and his father and doesnt know enough about charlie to care. he just writes charlie off as a consequential death. after all, if he leaves charlie behind thats one more problem to deal with.
So he goes. and he gets bashed over the head with a coat hanger, that happens. When he comes to angies house he tries to force his way past ari and charlie, so ari hits him with the coat hanger.
when things calm down, he talks with angie, and the two end up arguing over the next course of action. Cass thinks Angie is being suspiscious, and angie thinks Cass is overreacting. Cass accuses angie of killing their father, and angie snaps at him, they fight, im not super sure abt this part but whatever.
all you really have to know about that part is cass gets kicked out
so he heads to aspens house and aspen lets him stay. altho Cass needs to hide from aspens dad,
the two become friends pretty quickly (strictly non-romantic!! aspen is 16 and aroace, cass is 19.) and aspens relationship with angie gets closer too. eventually the two (angie and aspen) start dating in the midst of their investigation (theyre not in love, again aspen is aroace and angie is lesbian)
cass eventually finds evidence that angie killed their father and he corners her in the shed and accuses her, before leaving, promising that he wouldnt tell anyone, but that she cant lie forever.
their investigation continues, and cass has his first run in with aspens dad, who is strikingly similar to the person who caused cass's accident
so he runs and tells angie, who immediately shuts that idea down ("how would you know?? you were 9 and you couldnt see!!") and he gets mad, they fight, and he kinda sorta reveals that she murdered her father. and so they fight. physically. she pounces on him like a cat.
oh and she ends up stabbing him. so he gets pissed and leaves and aspen goes after him, leaving angie and ari. angie locks herself in her room while ari tries to talk to her and she explains that she did kill her father, but she did NOT kill ari's little brother. and ari assures her that she believed her. the two talk yadda yadda yadda heartfelt conversations
meanwhile emily met charlie thru Ryan, charlies friend and emilys brother. she talks to charlie, who doesnt trust her, but she manages to lead him away, bringing ryan, who is getting protective over his friend. she takes him to her father.
cass and aspen fight and aspen tells her that she was impulsive and arrogant and that that conversation was much too aggressive. Cass coldly remarks that aspen is very calm about discovering angie was the murderer, and aspen says hes used to death, and hes used to being lied to. cass laughs at him and admits that he murdered his mother, before describing how in disturbing detail. aspen is uncomfortable, and cass laughs at him. aspen quietly admits that he knows who attacked angie when she was 6. he knows the person who caused angies accident. and that cass was right about it.
they talk about aspens situation that im not going into detail yet.
this is where the story really kicks off and the characters finally have one set goal: stop the REAL murder of the town. and im not fleshing out that arc yet ehe
some other things i'll add: Ari and Angie fall in love <333 lesbiams <333 Cass's accident will be talked about i need time lol its all planned out, aspens situation is also something ive teased but i have a thing planned to show it off ( i have no wifi at home rn lmaooo so i cant post it yet but eventually ^^"), ari, charlie, and ryan get more fleshed out during the second arc so no worries they'll show up more!!! and finally theres a lack of ari and angie talk in here both because theyre being fleshed out a lot more before i reveal stuff abt them
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throughalleternity · 12 days
Hello Im the Anon who asked about Leon and Maggie and Alex navigating sex together all those months ago. I read your fic/snippet and absolutely loved it. It was WAY fluffier and less angstier than I had in mind when I asked about it, but please dont worry, thats a good thing! I love fluff just as much (if not a bit more) than angst and it is just beautiful to read how comfortable all three of them are, even if Leon being present when Maggie and Alex have sex is a new thing for all of them. Its also good for Leon that Alex and Maggie are not as nervous/awkward about it as Leon is at first, because if they were I think Leon would just become more nervous and it would spiral from there, which would make it worse. So, even though, its something that is kinda the opposite of what I expected to happen, its good that Maggie and Alex are kinda leading the scene here and are not as hesitant for Leon to be included as I expected them to be, first, because of Alexs inexperience in the matter (and she often tends to follow Maggies lead a bit too fast/strongly, which I think is a bit problematic) and how strong Maggies opinion about not sleeping with a man is often written. (Im not sure if that bluntness/harshness, even when it is Lucy/Leon, is in character for her or not.) So I was kinda put at ease, especially when it comes to Maggie, that the two welcomed him to their experience and also let him into the bed, which is a HUGE step when it comes to intimacy and trust. Sorry if Im repeating myself, but Im just SOOOO relieved that neither Maggie or Alex where tense or visible uncomfortable with Leon being there, especially because its such a vulnerable state to be in, and it was their first time navigating it. Also, I think/hope that Alex and Maggie talked about it one on one before that scene, to kinda psych themselves up and to make sure that Leon doesnt notice any discomfort/uncertainty on their part that they had before.
Yay, thank you! Vibe/mood felt really important for this one, so I'm glad that worked!
And ooh ok that's really good to know, I don't remember if I missed an angst prompt with it or if that was assumed—I will say that what I've personally wanted out of some genderfluid!Lucy and Director Sanvers stuff has changed in some aspects from what I've said before (this topic included), so I'm not surprised it was different from expected (even though I wasn't intentionally aiming for that). And funnily enough, I think I was struggling initially bc I assumed more fluffy but was finding that harder to come up with ideas for, and it would have been easier to come up with ideas for angst lol. So now I'm like, oh what would the angst look like 🤔👀. Maybe in another version (though probably only slight angst lol) 👀
And yeah, about Alex and Maggie talking about it beforehand: I actually had a line sorta referencing that but I cut it haha; they definitely had a their own convo too.
Thanks again!
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cconfusedkat · 1 month
Hi ive been brainrotting on actual stuff surrounding Allures cult and i need to sit down and place my thoughts
Mature rating because its pretty heavy cult stuff
While looping cirice i kinda wanna begin studying catholicism to sorta understand the religion better (since it's just a branch off of Christianity) and just like. I think allures cult is a believe in one type of god for some time until it eventually turns into Paganism with the older religions of Archangelo... but they want to rename it for allures sake after they pass away, so their followers most likely make a vote on allengelo... sorta just a combination of the eight lambs and allure. The difference is how the people add one more god (making it now nine lambs) of this religion,, their belief in the lambs grow stronger and how the lambs will save them from an eventual doomsday (like how most cults operate, in fear of another rising cult that causes the end of the world. I sometimes forget cults are really this terrifying even when escaping one when you were younger)
I myself eventually converted to islam again so i never exactly had any relations with Christianity and its branches. Using the catholic symbols and reference to missionaries and bishops sorta makes me want to lean further into the darker aspect of allures cult? Their cult *is* named "alluring lamb" after all ,,, you never really know how terrifying it is until youre like. Actually involved. So when im applying my past as a child with trauma regarding cults i hope its clear i dont endorse cults,, i was very lucky to escape
But regarding Allures cult, when they send (mainly two) missionary parties, heket and leshy arent just scavenging for items but genuinely converting others on how this cult is a safe place and etc etc... the dark themes scare me myself but its a big twist to play around with and tackle my own trauma if that makes sense ?
"Cant you see that you're lost.. cant you see that youre lost without me?" Is realistic enough for allure to say, because again theyre still the last remaining god after all. Theres pure horror in that statement. Where else would these cultists go if it werent for the lamb that would save them all from the "fake" religions across the land? Allure was able to change a whole land to their new faith of bringing back the beliefs of archangelo.
Weehhgheh OKAY taps hands on my desk,,, WE TACKLIN THIS TRAUMA TOGETHER IN CLUTCH‼️‼️🗣🗣 unironically it does like. Kinda help me? Talk? About the undistinguished horrors? Allure wasnt exactly a good person in their early days of leading their cult after all,, neither were the bishops,, it all took them to finally apologize to eachother when shamura died ?? LIKE ?? as much as i absolutely love comfort, theres a lot of room for angst and development.
Some people change for the better.. some people change for the worse. Allure shortly realized how fucked up their ruling was so they went as far as to suicide (at 10,000 anyways) just for not being able to handle all that guilt. Okay maybe they need therapy more than they thought but if they use their own confession booth theyll be FINEEEEEE (Allure ,, allure you literally died in your own hands with the fear of anyone finding out ??? YOURE IMMORTAL HOW DID YOU EVEN DO THAT ????)
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kimiehashobbies · 6 months
Hey ladybugs,
Im going to hopefully give you more insights into me. So i wanted this to be a personal post. I've tried to keep this pretty tame but I do mention my eating disorder. I just want you to know that once you start focusing on yourself things will get better. Follow your heart if you read nothing else. Here's a tiny piece of my story below.
Dont let people project things they dislike about themselves on you. This seems to happen to me a lot. All my life I've literally been told that i couldnt do anything at all that I wanted to do. I let others put limitations on me because they themselves never felt they could do anything they wanted. Is that ok to you?
I wanted to do ballet, told I was too fat. I developed an eating disorder. I wore baggy clothes in middle school because I even had teachers tell me my chest was too big to wear fitted clothing. Honestly, I wasnt fat but I went through puberty early. I was just curvy. I am fat now because of how I've dealt with my depression via food. I struggled with anorexia in my teens then binge eating in my 20s. My highest weight was 218. I havent gotten bigger than 187 in recent years. My goodness if I didnt want to be tall and slender. I envied people who were model thin and had small chests. My fitness journey has become so important to me because I just want to look the way I want to look. I want to be 127 and im ok with the fact I wont have a small chest or slender figure. Its ok that I dont have a slender ballerina body. I spent too much time hating my hourglass shape. It was never anything to hate its just how im built. All bodies are beautiful. I realized I can still take adult ballet lessons. I want lessons so that my lines look good when I start Lyra Hoop. This is what I decided to do to fix this childhood wound. Im going to be ok.
I wanted to do acting was told its not a real job or goal to aspire. It was something I had natural ability, to become a different person. I got lead roles in school plays I was even told by official judges in competition I was a natural. Honestly, I realized I played a role all my life. I've played someone that wasn't me. Probably why I latched on so hard to acting in plays. It was easy for me because being anyone but myself was more bearable. Im not playing anymore roles to escape being me. Im stepping firmly into myself in my 30s. I can only be me. Im ok with this too.
I wanted to finally move to a different state was told stay here because it was no way I could make it without "support". The truth is no one ever supported me here (except my husband, he's always loved me even though I always see myself as too broken). Something just always felt wrong with me. I became more isolated the more profound my depression became. The lower my self esteem became the more I distance myself from connection. No one ever got to know me anyway. How could they when I never knew myself? All thats changing because Im firm in knowing who i want to be. Im not there yet, but (but, but, but) I see so clearly what I want for myself. I definitely know through all this struggle who I am not. Totally ok with this.
I was never a lead character in my own life. I was 28 when I realized I chipped away at parts of myself to please others (or my perceptions of what others wanted from me). Screw that, I'll do everything that my heart desires. Im turning 33 this year and I want to live my life for me. Doing what everyone always wanted never worked out for me. I gotta do what feels ok to me. This is all ok.
If this resonates, you can do anything you want to do. Never let people chip away parts of you. You're good enough. Im sorta a late bloomer but I feel great about my 30s. Life is for living so I must be active in my pursuit from now on. As long as you're living its never too late to do what you want to do. "Dont let your dreams be dreams."
🐞🫶🏾 Kimie
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ibgreys · 2 years
Usb overdrive xbox 360 controller
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#Usb overdrive xbox 360 controller for mac#
#Usb overdrive xbox 360 controller full#
#Usb overdrive xbox 360 controller plus#
I think that would provide a GIANT leap in sales and interest and would put their foot in the door for their own game hardware maybe. The ultimate in gamer flexibility, precision, control, quality, and comfort are all yours. The centralized, glowing Xbox Guide Button grants you quick access to your digital movie, music, and games libraries. I believe if Apple wants the attention of gamers, they have to work for it, have them understand why Apple is so much better at what they do because they care and they're not a bunch of drunken idiots.ĭevelop a game manager with stats like the 360 has and have weekly challenges, since they'll be on the X86 chipset it shouldn't be as hard to port games over to Mac from Windows, which would mean we'd get all the games from Winblows taken into good hands! I've already submitted this idea with loads more details to Apple just to throw that thought in their heads. Product Description The Xbox 360 Controller features an extended nine-foot cable and a comfortable ergonomic design.
#Usb overdrive xbox 360 controller plus#
It would benefit so many people and it's just another shot back and M$, plus it should prove to be quite fun I would think. Obviously can be done and if I had the knowledge of programming I would and I will when I do but I challenge someone out there to do it.
#Usb overdrive xbox 360 controller for mac#
That was a Windows driver but it's only the same thing for Mac if you build it for that OS. You could get the 'Plug and Charge Kit', as mentioned by Jeeva, but really, with the cost of that, plus shipping, plus. You will need the cable from a Plug and Charge kit (pictured above) for 360 controllers in order to use the controller without batteries. I have the perfect one for the Xbox 1 controller where it allows you to adjust everything like X and Y and even Z accesses for the joysticks sensitivity and rumble features. The Xbox 360 controller has got a power cable, but unfortunately it's a proprietary one. Yuk.Īnybody could create a driver for the 360 controller on the Mac. Unfortunately it has no dead zone, so games without a dead zone built in consider it to always be in motion. Until then I can look at it (it makes me long for my preious Dreamcast) and sort of play with it. A few people have implied that the new standard might even be supported only by games written to the API, but I'll hold until I know more.
#Usb overdrive xbox 360 controller full#
I've been finding out more about this on various sites, and it does look like they are trying to give a crappy driver to bridge the standard, and full functionality may not exist under anything but the new standard. im just hoping this doesnt lead to future usb controllers being xna compatible but not hid (unless it gets opened up/ported or whatever i guess). its supposed to provide a standard set of controls that can be used with both the 360 and windows, and i guess extensible to new controller products that would be compatible with both as well, following that standard.of which hid compliancy has no part afaik, even though it could all be done with plain hid compatible stuff probably. i think it might have something to do with xna (sort of a windows/x360 middleware). Yeah i mentioned it earlier in the thread, albeit sorta vaguely with 'some new ms controller standard'.which i cant really find much about right now.
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shattersstar · 2 years
to know you
pairing: bruce wayne x reader
excerpt: But god, you took so much better care of him. Bruce would swear it on his grave with all the seriousness left in him. You were always so careful with him, but just as headstrong when you needed to be. He knew it was because you had been the one there, the one to pull him from his pain and into your embrace, that he relented. He let you lead him with soft concern and steady hands just like always.
warnings: violence/injury mention, medical/pill mention, sorta suggestive
a/n: older bruce my loveeeeee <333 ngl im a fan of this one so i hope you guys like it!! comments and feedback r appreciated
It was one of those rare nights where Bruce was in bed before you, letting out heavy breaths as the pain echoed through his skull. His ears roared with the sound of his own blood rushing like violent rivers, his eyes stung, and his vision dotted with sharp colours only now subsiding with a towel draped over them. It had been a rough few days to put it lightly. Bruce had been worn to the bone then leached for the marrow inside. Every single kid, ward, friend and ally was on the streets tonight for Gotham—for him. It made his chest stir with something unknown, but not unkind. He wanted to be there with and for them too, but settled for monitoring from the cave with Barbara. Alfred and you flowed in and out as needed, though you were mostly there to keep an eye on Bruce.
He was held together loosely with stitches, bandages and sheer will at this rate. He was running on virtually no sleep and any attempt to care for him had only half worked. You knew he was close to breaking, even the Batman had his limits. You kept that in mind as you followed him from the cave to his study, offering to get whatever he needed, but Bruce moved on his own terms. He was beyond stubborn and any irritation from his refusal of your help subsided the instant he let out a sharp gasp. A violent migraine split through his head, and had him nearly doubling over his desk until you moved across the space with a swiftness to your step that bled concern. You were by his side, holding him upright as he cursed low at the pain. Bruce’s fingers dug into your forearm in an almost worrying display of vulnerability. He never caved in so easily, especially as of recent. But from the explosion that left his hearing damaged and the almost concussion he suffered, you assumed this was the final straw. The last moment of violence—in your own home—that pushed Bruce too far to pretend he was okay anymore. Your lives had been wrapped up in devastation and hell as violence erupted in the streets like nothing any of you had seen before. And now it thrived behind your walls, reducing Bruce to laboured breaths and body coiled tight.
“You’re not going back to the cave—this is killing you Bruce.” You breathed, and despite his desire to help, Bruce couldn’t argue with you or anyone else anymore. His ears rang and jaw clicked as the pain continued to pound through his head regardless of your hushed tone. He managed to nod, finding his footing enough for you to walk with his arm across your shoulders and yours snaked around his waist. You made sure to swipe his commlink off the desk before leaving—you knew Bruce could never turn off the Batman part of his brain, not after so many years, so many close calls and losses. There had been good too, great at times, but it still wore down on him even if he did the best he could to take care of himself and you.
But god, you took so much better care of him. Bruce would swear it on his grave with all the seriousness left in him. You were always so careful with him, but just as headstrong when you needed to be. He knew it was because you had been the one there, the one to pull him from his pain and into your embrace, that he relented. He let you lead him with soft concern and steady hands just like always.
You were at your shared bedroom in a matter of steps. Bruce had moved from your arms to lay down while you pulled the curtains closed, and left only one distant lamp on. Bruce just settled his back against the wall of pillows when you dipped out of the room quickly. You were back and placing a warm towel over his eyes. You pressed a kiss to forehead and without vision Bruce still managed to dart his hand out and capture your wrist. You smiled, bringing his hand to your lips. You kissed his bandaged knuckles before letting his palm cup your cheek. “I’ll be right back okay? Just getting some painkillers for you my love.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, soft and tempting. You rarely got away with such nicknames, far too sugar sweet for the indurated man in front of you. He wondered if you grinned wildly when he didn’t object, only humming soft before you left.
And as he waited in silence, trying his best to ignore the exploding pain, Bruce wondered if you were enjoying this. Having him pliable and under your care, at your will so to speak. It was something devious, the darker parts of you he supposed. You loved all his violence and rage, his calculations and distance. All his hidden secrets and bloody wounds. So he loved yours, your scheming tone and the way you were trying your best to make a husband out of Bruce. It was a bit of a game for you, nothing serious or tangible, but you loved a challenge. It made his shoulders twitch with a faint chuckle as he patiently awaited your return.
It took no more than five minutes before you came sweeping back in, carefully placing what you got next to Bruce. He felt something roll into his leg and let his hand reach for you again. It wasn’t as quick, and striking as last time. He heard your rustling stop once you noticed it, letting out a breathy laugh as his knuckles knocked against your thigh before he pressed his palm to your leg and gliding to the smooth curve of your hips. He let his arm stretch out across your lower back, fingers spreading out to beckon you closer. You obliged, you had a hard time saying no to him too, but still went back to your task at hand.
“Open.” You said after a few silent seconds, and Bruce complied. You gave him three pills, scoffing when he dry swallowed them instead of taking the glass of water you were about to offer him. The pain started to subside after a few moments, the tension dropping from his muscles. You leaned over him, grabbing another pillow and carefully cradling Bruce’s head. You slid it between him and the headboard, leaving another kiss on his forehead before pulling a throw over him. Bruce hummed at your actions, relaxing into the mattress while you smiled fondly at him. “Try to sleep.”
He grumbled at that, and pictured you rolling your eyes. You had long since deciphered his noises and their meanings. And while Bruce knew you had figured out he wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon, he hadn’t expected you to cross the space once again and climb into his lap. You settled carefully onto his thighs, your hands resting against them as well. Bruce’s brows furrowed, the space between them creased deeper over the years. Though you swore he grew more handsome with age—hardened into his features, temples grey and joints aching, but still yours. Yours to love and bother, until he had enough of you.
Bruce could never have enough, but he struggled to find the words to say that to you. You both were better with your actions at times. So you let your hands wander up his legs, fingers nudging his hands that rested on his stomach before dragging up his arms. Nails raking against them with little pressure, flat palms grazing over Bruce’s broad shoulders before dipping down to his chest. Your fingers curled into the fabric of his shirt, before sliding up the sides of his neck to cup his jaw. You leaned in close, tracing your nose down his and against his lips before your fingers grasped either side of the cloth covering his eyes. You pulled—not hard—but enough to hold his head against the pillow while you shifted your weight onto your knees and pressed yourself to Bruce.
You let your lips finally meet his, kissing him slow and light. You kept moving away and holding Bruce in place. He knew it was meant to annoy him—and the fact it succeeded irritated him more than anything, but Bruce knew this was just fun for you. Despite his injuries you both knew Bruce could easily free himself from underneath you and kiss you with the insistence he desired. So he let you spend moments longer, pressing fleeting kisses to his mouth and moving away when he finally settled into it. He played his part well, he could feel the pride of having him so willing for you rolling off of you. So you kissed him how he wanted, mouths moving together and tongues tangled like you two were teenagers. Bruce couldn’t remember the last time he had kissed you like this, nearly forgetting he had free hands just resting idly between your bodies. He grasped your waist, beckoning you closer, yet you pulled away. Your chest heaved as you peppered a few softer kisses onto Bruce’s lips before letting your hands fall against his shoulders. You sat back down on his leg, head spinning and breaths still heavy. You gave his wrists a quick squeeze, but let him hold you.
“You ready to sleep yet?” You asked once your breathing calmed.
“I never said I was tired in the first place.”
You huffed out a breath, but moved to lay next to him regardless. Your head rested on his chest and you carefully strewed your arm across his torso. “I can wait.” You muttered as you snuggled against him, legs sneaking under the blanket you had put on him earlier.
Bruce’s brows pulled together again and when he felt you grin against him, it clicked.
“You gave me a sleeping pill didn’t you?” He asked suddenly, and you kissed the underside of his jaw.
He pushed the towel off his eyes and watched that wild grin as you nodded, “Mmhm.”
“Don’t do it again.” He warned.
“Don’t nearly die on patrol again.” You countered, and he let the cloth fall back into place. You kissed the corner of his mouth that twitched into a frown before your soft breath puffed over his face. “I won’t do it again, but please sleep.” You asked, mouth meeting his to silence any objections. Your hand rested against his collarbone, thumb brushing against the banadages you could feel. He didn’t respond, but settled into the mattress. You found your spot next to him, and listened to the steady thrum of his heart as sleep pulled at the corners of his mind and welcomed him with soft concern and steady hands that had nothing on you.
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