#youre dead in the water bud
myosotis-secunda · 4 months
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oooh so ralsei is like dead dead. not going to make it
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
What the hell happens in the pikmin game?? Those little colourful bitches have been around for ages, but i never bothered looking them up, i just figured they were cute little mascots of some game. But your posts are making me question everything. Is it a horror game? (I know i could just google it, but asking you is funnier)
Yeah you're right asking me is much funnier :)
Pikmin is a fun and relaxing game! You play as a little astronaut man who gets to spend his days growing Pikmin, who are sweet and peaceful little plant creatures with leaves, buds, or flowers on their heads. You can corral them around with a little trumpet, like a bouquet of flowers following you through the pretty and whimsical landscapes of planet PNF-404 :)
Wait did I say fun and relaxing?
Sorry, typo.
It's a brutal skill-based survival game (❁´◡`❁)
So then maybe you're wondering, what's up with the Pikmin? What was that about growing a bunch of little flower guys? Well growing the Pikmin is super important!
It's super duper important mainly because you need to replace the Pikmin who die in the carnage of battle for you!
Battle against what?
See on PNF-404, Pikmin are the bottom of the food chain. Just about every living breathing creature on this planet is orders of magnitude larger than the Pikmin and munch Pikmin by the hundreds for breakfast. Predators will do this instinctively. They will do this unprompted. They will do this while you're not looking. They will do this endlessly until every last Pikmin is dead.
So... what good are the Pikmin? What chance do they stand?
Really easy. Pikmin are the most violent creatures in the entire game 🥰🥰🥰.
How else do you survive when you're small and fragile other than incredible violence? Pikmin can exist out and about in swarms of up to 100. And the only way to survive predators as small little leaf creatures is to beat those predators to death with incredible mob violence before they can kill all of you.
Pikmin don't die like plants. They die like warriors.
And sometimes, this is the hardest mechanic to handle. Left to their own devices Pikmin will seek to shed blood. It's up to you to call them away from orchestrating their own demise, their own pursuit of the glory of Valhalla. It's in their nature. It's in their plant-blood.
And they go down hard. They shriek when snapped up in the jaws of predators. They glub and wail when drowning in water. They trill out screams when on fire. They choke and cough in poison. They die instantly to electricity. And you'll know a Pikmin is well and truly dead once it lets out a final whimper, and a ghost drifts away from where it once stood. This can happen by the dozens. This can happen to all 100 at once.
So wait, wait I've gotten far ahead of myself. Why the violence? Why the death? Why the fighting? What was that about a little astronaut man?
Well your astronaut man is Olimar, an honest and simple family man who's a freight ship captain from his home planet of Hocotate. He's a truck driver! He's just a guy taking his first vacation in years.
And a meteorite strikes his ship, tearing it to pieces as it crash-lands on a completely uncharted planet. Welcome to PNF-404...
And so you're Olimar. A truck driver. A nice dad. A victim of capitalism with the world's worst boss. Out on vacation.
Your ship is destroyed. No one is coming for you. No one will save you.
The oxygen on PNF-404 is poisonous.
You have 30 days before your life support system runs out.
You have 30 days until you die a brutal and lonely death.
Your only hope is to find every scattered missing piece of your ship--30 of them--strewn across the planet, return them to your ship, and repair it, before your 30 days are up.
But this is simply impossible. You're one tiny little man. You wouldn't be able to lift a single piece of your ship, let alone 30 of them, let alone doing so while fending off the wildlife hellbent on killing you.
But the Pikmin seem to like you...
So all that death? All the carnage and destruction? It's all in the effort to repair Olimar's ship before he suffocates. You pave a path of destruction decorated with the bodies of any creature that stands before you and your missing ship pieces.
The Pikmin do it. The Pikmin trust you. The Pikmin follow your command and die by your command. After all, you're growing their species. Oh did I forget to explain that part? The "how" of how growing Pikmin works?
Simple. Pikmin are grown from the corpses of the creatures they kill :).
If you kill something, the Pikmin take it back to their base and process it for pieces, and grow new Pikmin from it. That's how you get all the nice little flower creatures following you around. :)
Is it good enough? Can you sleep at night knowing that 50 creatures who trusted you implicitly were slaughtered under your misdirection? All to retrieve a hunk of metal which is 1/30 of the hope of getting you home alive? 100 slaughtered? 200? Day 30 is approaching. Things are looking bleak.
You're Olimar. Day 30 has arrived, and you haven't fully reconstructed your ship. You have no option to stay. Your life support has run out. You watch the Pikmin you've left behind, as you attempt to start up your ship which has not been safely repaired.
You try to take off, and try to make it home.
It does not go well.
But at least the Pikmin have another corpse to carry.
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ellaa-writes · 6 months
Gym rat König who fucks you in the locker room shower. (not edited)
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He saw you first, walking up to the squat machine. Wearing tight black legging and just a sport bra. It was nearing midnight, König only came to the gym at night. Like a creature out of a horror movie, emerging from his crypt to do some weight lifting.
He couldn't stop staring, you must know he was staring. You probably did it on purpose, with the way your dressed, out late at night. Setting your water bottle down beside the machine you.
Watching you has you worked out, König long forgot what he was even doing to begin with. The heavy weights still in his hands, he let them drop to the floor without a thought. A loud thud rang though the gym, making you flinch and reel your head in his direction.
This was his opportunity, pulling at the bottom of his tank. He lifted it up to wipe off the sweat building on his forehead. Making sure his abs and chest were on full display. Hell he even flexed a little just to make sure you were looking. Hook, line and sinker, you snapped your head away as a blush crept up your chest to your face.
Today wasn't leg day, but for you it sure was. König sauntered over to the leg press machine which so happens to be right beside your machine. Giving it a quick wipe down before he looked in your direction and did his signature goofy smile, gummy and all.
"Haven't seen you here before." he called out to you, his accent thicker than usual. He was really laying it all on you. "I've been a few times but usually to busy." you replied back in between grunts. König watched has you worked up a sweat. Noticing your poor form and using that has an excuse to get closer.
"You're going to hurt yourself that way." he said nonchalantly, pointing to your back. You let the weights gently down as you sat facing him. "Leaning forward to much, watch I'll show you." he rose from his machine. Reaching you in one big step, he was so much bigger closer up. Like a skyscraper kissing the clouds, he had a surgical mask over the lower half of his face. But you still heard him like he was whispering in your ear.
You stepped back has König showed you the proper form. Doing one squat before he ushered you back to the machine. Helping you get the bar on your shoulders. His hand on your lower back, so big and wide and warm as hell. His other hand resting on your lower stomach, telling you to squat and you did. Feeling no pain as you did so, König asked "Better?" hands still on you. You just nodded your head, to dizzy to answer.
He stepped away but not far before you called out "If you don't mind, can you do that again. So I can get a better idea." König's heart started to pound as another sleezy smile spread across his face. He could show you a few more moves if you wanted, he said with a raise of an eyebrow.
Lucky for the both of you the gym was quiet dead that night. You, him and three others. He followed you back to the locker room, and into the showers. You shoved him in first, before following after and closing the curtains tight.
Konig had your leg slinged across his shoulder, your back pressed against the shower tile. The hot steam of the water filling the small enclosure. You other leg wrapped around his waist has he pounded your pussy.
He's whimpering and babbling in German, peppering your neck and chest in small kiss and bites. You nails digging into his back, panting like a bitch in heat. His thick cock hitting all the right spots, the tip bullying against your spongy cervix. His magic fingers working the bud of your swollen clit, rubbing tight circles.
The door to the locker room swung open, both you and König froze. His cock twitching inside your warm wet pussy. Listening to the sound of someone walking around, rummaging in their belongings before the always started up a shower.
Konig began to lazily pump his cock into you, slow thrusts that made your whole body buzz with need. You whined out causing König to cover your mouth with his hand. Leaning into your ear to shush you. And you tried, oh god you tried.
Letting his hand fall back down between your bodies. Working your clit once again and his thrusts became more focused and hard. The sound of the water pelting against the tiles drowning out the lewd noises coming from your stall.
You were so close, he could feel it. He was right their with you, snapping his hips harshly into your own. He was building you up until it all came crashing down. You bit into his shoulder to muffle your moan, your pussy convulsing around his cock. König could help himself, pumping his thick load into you. Grunting out before he bite his own tongue.
After a few silent moments between you to, the shower a few stalls over turned off. The curtain being yanked open and a few minutes later you bother were alone again.
He slowly washed his cum from your cunt, down on his knees. Looking up into your eyes he asked "Wanna go have a bite to eat?"
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Thank you all for 600 followers!!
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how do i get my character out of the corner i wrote myself in without a dues ex machina😭
How to Not Write Yourself Into a Corner (and How to Write Yourself Out of a Corner if You’re Already In One)
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One of a writer’s WORST fears is writing themself into a corner.
It’s easy to write your characters into death-defying situations…but it’s not as easy to write the actual “defying death” part.
Some writers, in their desperation to get their characters out of a bind, employ the use of a Deus Ex Machina, as mentioned by anon:
Deus Ex Machina: (Translates to "god from the machine") A plot device where a seemingly unsolvable situation is fixed by an out-of-the-blue occurrence. The term “deus ex machina” is a reference to Greek plays, when actors playing a god would literally be lowered into the scene via a machine to magically solve any situation.
Unfortunately, this plot device is often ridiculed by readers, cited as a hack-job solution for a writer out of ideas.
How do we avoid this situation, then? Here are some tips and tricks on how to not write yourself into a corner, and how to write yourself out of a corner if you’re already in one!
Note that these tips may not work for everyone, so make sure to use your own intuition as a writer— you know your story best.
I’m sorry to all of you pantsers out there, but the key to prevent writing yourself into a corner is to already have an idea of how each scene is going to turn out; don't make a problem without making a solution! If you keep on top of your outline, you should have no worries about writing your characters into a situation they can't get out of it.
It may be easiest to jot down ideas about a couple of scenarios and then select the one that works best, especially when it comes to dire climax scenes that have a lot of moving parts. 
Check out my posts below for more in-depth advice about outlining!
How to Outline
Plotting for Pansters and Pantsing for Plotters
This advice, although essential, does require a ton of foresight and time to plan…and if you’ve sought out this post, it may mean that it’s too late for preventative measures. The subsequent tips in this post are going to be for people who are already in the thick of it and need a way to save all of their writing progress. 
Foreshadowing: A narrative device wherein a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story. It helps maintain believability while subverting expectations and making plot twists.
Chekhov’s Gun: A narrative device wherein a seemingly insignificant element or object in the story becomes useful later on. Sometimes used synonymously with foreshadowing, but usually refers to a specific object.
Examples of Foreshadowing/Chekhov’s guns in media:
The 1981 Quarter (Or Extra Life Quarter) in Ready Player One
“Don’t Cross the Streams” in Ghostbusters (1984)
Winchester Rifle Hanging over the Bar in Shaun of the Dead (2004)
The Rita Hayworth Poster in The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
The Water Bottle in Bullet Train (2022)
In my opinion, a Chekhov’s Gun is the more refined twin of the deus ex machina; although it may seem like it comes out of nowhere, observant readers or those who go back into the story will realize that this event was set up from the beginning.
Foreshadowing is the key to turning a deus ex machina into a Chekhov’s Gun. It’s spreading breadcrumbs to maintain believability even when unbelievable things happen.
My advice: plant a line here and there referring to the object/element that will get you out of the corner.
These lines can be about a healing potion that a character carries around to save them when they’re at the brink of death, the fact that the city they’re fighting in often suffers from sinkholes, or that a character has a seemingly useless skill. 
However, haphazardly inserting foreshadowing into your story may come across as heavy-handed; make sure it aligns with the narrative beats. Particularly big Chekhov’s Guns, especially ones that “save the day," may require multiple foreshadowing elements.
It can take a lot of work to incorporate the foreshadowing smoothly, so make sure it actually saves you time in comparison to rewriting the whole scenario/plot point.
Sometimes, the solution to your problem may not come to mind because you’re too immersed into the writing process and not thinking of the bigger picture. Or maybe it might just be good old-fashioned writer’s block. Take a step back, reassess, and return with the scene properly re-evaluated. Maybe start a new book or TV show to get some inspiration, or check out one of my posts below!
How to Overcome Writer’s Block
How to Get Inspired to Write and Regain Creativity
Sometimes, it might be best to have another set of eyes on your story! A situation that may seem unsolvable to you may have an obvious solution to a writing buddy.
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I know this sounds horrible. It’s something that I wouldn’t wish upon any writer.
Sometimes, however, no amount of foreshadowing can get your characters out of the debacle they’ve put themselves in. Either that, or the work that it would take to insert the foreshadowing would be more than it’d take to rewrite the scene or the plot point.
My suggestion would be to search for the last place that you didn't feel lost, and then cut out everything after that.
Then, take the time to outline the scenario and figure out the solution to your problem beforehand. It will suck, but trust me, it'll be worth it in the end.
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batterygarden · 3 months
a pet for a monster
cw: monster fucking w afab! gn reader, dead dove do not eat, extremely dubcon (tagging noncon) to con, breeding, pregnancy, lactation kink, 1k drabble but i managed to make it need every tw ever
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He doesn’t understand your language—nor humans as a species, for that matter. So when you come into his possession he investigates your body quite thoroughly. He feels every curve and bump and hole and observes your reactions—wordless as always. 
He loves how you twitch and yelp when he touches between your legs, then when he smells you there he can’t help but want to taste—digging his long tongue inside of you. 
He’s unsure at first what to make of your reaction. How you tense and squeal—at first he wonders if it means he’s causing you pain. Your taste is addictive though, and his instincts tell him he’s doing what he’s supposed to be doing. So he doesn’t stop, quickly decoding your body language and sounds to mean pleasure. He’s been gripping your small frame by the shoulder to keep you steady, and at some point he feels your soft hands hold and rub at his wrist in what seems to be appreciation. He’s delighted that the two of you seem to be bonding.
Shortly after, you do the funniest thing. You twitch and pulse around his tongue, making all kinds of noise. Your grip on his wrist turns tight—a display of more strength than he’s ever seen from you. He likes the way you flood his taste buds at the same time, he can’t stop himself from lapping against your walls to swallow every last drop you have to give. 
Licking like that quickly becomes a common occurrence; it’s a dependable way for him to befriend his new pet, he’s certain. He likes you so much. 
One day, though you seem to be behaving like normal, the creature can smell that you’re in heat. A week or so after you had that mysterious bleeding, you become extremely fertile—smelling ripe and mouth watering as your organs literally prepare to be bred. It’s curious that you aren’t humping or whining or showing any signs of trying to sait what must surely be an ache; if the creature uses any other species as a guide you must be feeling incredibly needy. Still, you suffer in silence. 
Luckily for you, your new owner is kind and considerate—he’ll take care of it. It’s finally time he breeds you.
First he touches you in the way he knows makes your insides wet, tonguing the little crest in the folds between your legs till you do your twitchy thing that makes you gush. Then, careful to keep his claws at bay, he tries widening your hole, massaging your insides with a few digits in an attempt to prepare your body for his intrusion. Your kind is smaller and more fragile than his, so he’s often unsure which limits he can push with your body—especially the sensitive parts he gathers are your reproductive organs.
The breeding is successful, he believes. It goes well, though fitting himself inside makes him a bit nervous with how loud you get—he’s sure it is uncomfortable just based on the size difference. He knows it’s what’s best for you though, and he tries to be gentle and not force himself too quickly. 
In the end you’re squeaking and breathing so fast, having gone through cycle after cycle of gushing and twitching around him. It’s adorable. And the feeling—the squeeze your small body gives his cock is addicting. You feel so good, he can’t help but want to breed you constantly from then on. Especially when you seem down, perhaps some variation of anxious— paying attention to the area between your legs is always a sure way to calm and quiet you. 
It’s many months later that he finds another way to calm you down—cradling you in his arms while he drinks the sweet milk from your breasts. You seemed a bit sad after he took your baby, helping you with the birth before whisking the thing off to be raised with his kind. 
But, what, like he expected you to raise it? He’ll swallow the sweet liquid from your breasts himself—though from the timing of it he can deduce it was something your body made for it’s offspring. He loves the taste, cradling you in one arm while he carefully so carefully squeezes your breast in one clawed hand, sucking each of your tits while you pet his head and face. This seems to soothe you like it does him—maybe even satisfy some mysterious need of yours.
After years passed, you birthing more and more of his young in the mean time, you truly grow accustomed to your new life. You grow to love and trust your master, even trying to care for him the way he constantly cares for you. 
One time you even go so far as to try to please him with your mouth, licking and sucking at the monstrous length of his cock till he gives up his self-restraint and fucks you. He found the act sweet and endearing, but he certainly prefers your pussy—he’s molded you to fit him whole inside you now, your mouth can’t stretch around his entire length the same. 
He takes you out with him often nowadays, so much that others of his kind have grown used to your presence—finding it to be somewhat of a novelty. Your master is unusual. Most creatures like him don’t impregnate their pets—parading them around with swollen bellies—let alone let them wear clothes (he conceded in letting you once he gathered your species usually hid reproductive organs from those they didn’t wish to mate with… a possessive part of him was pleased).
But they accept you and your eccentric owner all the same—supposing that such a cute pet like you might drive anyone to act a bit odd.
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vaaaaaiolet · 2 months
Left to his own devices during an international flight, Leon reflects on the most recent failure in his life: screwing over his airport crush. Said crush might also happen to be seated a couple rows ahead.
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f / m, fluff, romance, you know the drill, bitches. leon is stupid and clumsy and crushing on you like crazy!! roman holiday mentioned bc i love gregory peck
word count: 957 // read on ao3
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a/n: for my beautiful beautiful mutuals @idyllcy + @kennedysbaby <3 make sure to buckle up when you fly!! and don't take your shoes off on planes that's gross dudes
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On long international flights, you’ve got three options to pass the time:
stuff your face.
watch outdated blockbusters.
sleep like the dead.
Leon, however, picks option D) relive the most embarrassing moments of his life while trying not to throw himself out of the nearest emergency exit. He’s such an efficient decision maker that he’s whittled his selection down to the most recent of these moments – exactly three hours ago.
Three hours ago at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, Leon was the biggest jackass to the prettiest girl he’s ever seen. 
She’d been sitting pretty, smiling down at her phone like some sort of angel sent from the sky in the early morning rays, and Leon was half-awake, running late as always. Eyes shutting by themselves. Shitty airport coffee bombarding his taste buds. Five o’clock in the morning is the worst time to have Hunnigan yelling in his earpiece. 
If Leon had decided to sit anywhere other than the closest spot, right behind that pretty girl, his brain wouldn’t have been torturing him for the past three hours. He groans at the memory, waving a hand dismissively at the flight attendant offering him an extra blanket. 
Leon doesn’t deserve warm blankets right now. The Antarctic should freeze him over and karma should shut down his in-flight entertainment screen. He cranes his neck to find the back of the girl’s head for the the millionth time, and there she is, sandwiched between two burly strangers, beautiful head left pillowless because Leon stole that too along with her window seat. 
In Leon’s half-asleep daze, he’d taken a nice big stretch, reaching his arms skyward to smooth out last mission’s leftover muscle pulls. And in that same daze, he’d conveniently forgotten about the lukewarm cup of coffee he was still holding. 
Newton is to apple as Kennedy is to coffee; he’d spilled every last drop down the back of the girl’s neck. Saturated her travel pillow right through. Her yelp had woken him up faster than any coffee in his life, and he’d whipped his head around to meet a pair of stunning eyes, wide open in shock that was entirely his fault.
And he didn’t even apologize! 
No, what Leon did was stare at her like a blithering idiot. 
Her boarding pass had happened to be tucked in her back pocket and coffee had spilled all over that too. It was made of some sort of eco-friendly paper, the kind that promises to disintegrate within seconds of contact with water to not choke the turtles or whatever, and that’s exactly what it did. Going, going, gone in front of his eyes. And to top it all off, Leon’s boarding group got called at that exact minute, and he’d left the poor girl to sort out her seat without so much as offering to help.
“Sir?” the flight attendant repeats.
Leon blinks, busy swimming in guilty reverie. “I said don’t need a blanket.” 
“No sir, I’m actually coming here with a seat change request,” she says, louder this time. “Would you mind someone taking the empty spot next to you?”
Well, it’s not like he needs the aisle seat for his feet or something. 
“Yeah, sure thing.”
And he closes his eyes to return to his pity party, hears shuffling in the dimly-lit cabin as the seat next to him dips, and you know what? It is kind of cold. He could use that extra blanket. Leon cracks open an eye and holy fucking shit the pretty girl is sitting right next to him.
“It’s you,” he stammers, sitting ramrod straight. “I am so incredibly sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean to run off like that at all.”
She faces him. Recognizes him. “O-Oh, it’s okay, don’t worry about it. I still made the flight, right?” 
He shakes his head. “You got stuck in late boarding. You got a bad seat because of me and- god, your pillow. I’ll buy you another one the moment we land, okay?” 
But the pretty girl, you, you just laugh. “Really, it’s alright. It was a ratty old thing.”
“Then let me buy you a coffee,” Leon insists, searching for some kind of way to make up for his blunder, “it’ll be morning when we land and you couldn’t have gotten any sleep stuck between those guys in your old seat.” 
Way to go. He’s just confessed to staring at you the whole flight like some kind of stalker. 
“I’m more of a tea person, but you know what? I’ll take the offer.” 
Tea. He likes tea. Leon breathes a sigh of relief as you settle in, buckling your belt and digging around for the in-flight entertainment remote. He hands it to you from under your seat, brushing his shoulder against your knee and suddenly feeling a lot less cold as heat floods his face.
You smile when he surfaces. “Found anything good to watch?”
“Mm, not much. Hope you like Roman Holiday,” Leon adds softly, “it’s the only movie with subtitles.”
“Can’t say I don’t. It’s one of my favorites.” 
He’s going woozy. Is it the cabin pressure? Audrey Hepburn flashes across the screen in black and white, but he’s finding her beauty a lot less blinding than yours. You’re tilting your head at him, shit, is he staring again?
“Thank you, uh, gosh,” you chuckle, “I never caught your name.”
“Leon,” he supplies with a grin. “And you are?”
You’re a liar, is what you are. A beautiful liar because he’s right – you haven’t gotten a wink of sleep since he ruined your pillow. Your head drops onto his shoulder not ten minutes into Roman Holiday, and Leon could swear Audrey winks at him before she drifts off to sleep too.
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psst, find more of my work here!
comments and reblogs are very much appreciated <3 take care and i love you!
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Arizona | On Call
part i
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summary: frankie has a question.
pairing: neighbour!frankie morales x f!reader
ratings/warnings: 18+, MDNI. dual pov. reader and frankie are both bi and have same sex exes. mostly fluff here, folks. and some (maybe a lot of?) angst. just a couple of buds chillin'. some talk of dead/absent parents.
reader is a teacher and has hair, but she is otherwise a blank slate.
wc: 5.1k
an: wow - i really did not expect this little guy to get the response it did yesterday. eternally grateful for your support and enthusiasm. i love you. hope y'all enjoy <3
dividers from the glorious @saradika-graphics
That taste All I ever needed All I ever wanted Too dumb to surrender
- arizona, kings of leon
series masterlist | main masterlist
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It’s quiet in the house. 
Golden, gooey sunlight pools on the living room floor, slanting through the windows. It’s warm against the arm he has resting on the edge of the sofa, not a chirp or a lawnmower whirring outside, and when Frankie closes his eyes, you’re the first thing he sees. 
Evenings like this are the mirror of when your truck first rattled up the street and groaned to a halt outside your front door. He can see it now, within the darkness behind his eyelids, how he’d peeked from behind the curtains in Lucia’s stifling room, her small, sleeping body sprawled on the bed behind him. How the truck door had swung open, how your bare legs had emerged from the cool of the cab, how you’d hopped down onto the pavement and raised a hand to shield your eyes from the low-lying sun. You’d licked your teeth as you’d rechecked the address and looked up at the house - your house. Blown a deep breath out from your cheeks and then turned back to the truck to scrabble around for your keys. 
Frankie had turned from the window as soon as you’d bent across the front seat, only glimpsing the bottom of the plush of your ass peeking from below your sweat shorts before he’d swept the curtain and the image aside.
He’d given it two minutes before he’d clattered out of his front door at the same time as you’d emerged from yours, raising a hand in greeting over the fence that separated your houses. You’d answered with a wide grin and a lilting hey, neighbour as he’d looped the boundary, holding out a palm for you to shake. I'm Frankie, he’d said, shooting a thumb over his shoulder at his open front door. From across the way. You’d given him your name in return, quirking an eyebrow as you asked whether he was feeling strong.
The truth is, that day Frankie would have been whatever you needed him to be. Immediately taken by your warm charm, your glinting smile - the mischief always just behind your eyes, the way you moved through your house. Even now, he cooks you dinner during exam season when you’re up to your eyeballs in papers, mows your lawn when he’s already cutting his own. Offers a shoulder to cry on when you’re missing your dad, always your best friend with spare beers when you’re free on a Saturday night - and you never fail to return the favour. 
The way things are now, it’s like he can’t even remember what it was like to not have you next door. What it was like when he wasn’t launching your paper onto your porch, what it was like when you weren’t soaking him and Lucia with the hose over the fence as they launched water balloons at you from the other side, both your backyards filled with squeals and shouts of laughter. He’s so glad - so infinitely glad - that fate or whatever it was that had a hand in these things dropped you on the curb that evening a year ago. That he had grinned and laughed and said yes ma’am, that he had lept at the chance to be a good neighbour and started lifting the boxes from the truck bed, helped you set up your wifi, invited you in for a beer in his kitchen when you ordered food for the two of you as Lucia slept soundly upstairs. 
He remembers being shocked at how easy it was. Easy conversation, easy laughter, easy silence. Easy friendship.
How he’d looked forward to seeing you across your lawns in the morning, calling out your greetings as you clambered into your truck and he fastened Lucia into her booster in his. The catch ups over the fence when you’d finished your days, recounting stories from the classroom or cockpit, Lucia chipping in her own from nursery. The delight in your eyes when they’d knocked on your door a couple of weekends after you’d moved in, arms laden with a tub of homemade cookies. How you’d invited them in, drinking coffee and juice, how easily you’d gotten on with Lucia. She’d adored you after that first afternoon spent together, falling asleep in your lap as you’d settled in front of the TV in low evening light. You and Frankie had talked long afterwards in lowered voices, you refusing to be relieved of his daughter’s tiny sleeping body, insisting you were just as comfortable as she was. The little girl only stirred when Frankie made you snort with laughter at something one of his friends had said. 
Conversation had turned to friends, family. He told you about his brothers in arms, his mom and dad, Lucia’s mother. A woman who was jetting across the country as a flight attendant, an amicable breakup leading to easy co-parenting. You’d gladly told him about your friends, but hesitated before telling him of how your mom had disappeared from your life when you were little, how your dad had passed away a couple years back. He’d stretched an arm out, one hand settling on and squeezing your knee. Big palms warm and heavy, thick fingers gentle and understanding. When you’d followed the line of his arm up to meet his eyes again, crow's feet folded in their corners. Kindness, understanding. Someone who knew loss, too.
He asked about your dad, what he was like, and you’d regaled him with stories of growing up with ice-cream dates, summers you spent fishing on the local lake, how he’d carry you on his shoulders, his tight throat when he told you how proud he was of you at graduation. 
He’d tentatively asked if your dad had been why you moved out here, understanding the need to put physical distance between yourself and the pain and memory of your surroundings.
No, you’d said, eyes glinting ruefully, this was because of a breakup.
Frankie hadn’t pushed for anymore after that.
You’d invited them over for dinner the weekend after, and Frankie had stood by your side in the kitchen, insisting on helping you cook, immovable despite the rag you whipped at him. As you chopped and fried, you'd told Lucia about stars and blackholes and plants and bugs. She was especially taken by bugs.
You’d dug out books you’d borrowed - and never returned - from the school library for her to pore over, even giving her a magnifying glass to use to hunt for critters in your backyard as you and Frankie had washed up afterwards. The three of you then spent an hour on your hands and knees on the grass as Lucia found worms and beetles and caterpillars, a soft smile on Frankie’s face as you shouldered her never-ending questions with all the grace of a bona-fide teacher. 
Every night that week, Lucia had clamoured to go next door and see the bug lady again.
Frankie had had to explain that you were busy working (yes, even this late, mija), and then had to endure the tiny stomping of feet as Lucia explained to him - with all the levity a four-year-old could muster - that there just weren’t enough bugs in their garden; they had to see the bug lady.
Bug lady. The first nickname they’d christened you with. You’d laughed with a full chest when he told you, and assured him it would be a mantle you’d bear with honour. Bug lady. And then, with time and growing softness, it was shortened to bug, and it stuck. 
Tonight, there is a different question to can we come over and look for bugs? that he needs to ask.
He thinks - knows - you’re the right person for it. Deep in his heart. Can count on one hand the number of people he’d entrust the safety of his daughter with, and all of them are too far away to call.
He needs a babysitter. And so far, he’s gotten nowhere fast with his inquiries.
The numbers he’s tried have been polite enough, more than good at their jobs. But they have clients already, families who came way before him that meant accommodating sitting at relatively short notice would be sporadic at best and impossible at worst.
And he’s running out of time. 
His first late night flight is Thursday; some rich guy taking a date up into the skies to watch the view over the city. It’s good money, and he'd be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the sights, too. The glimmer of the city below, the ridges of the hills, flash of the ocean in the distance. The worlds and lives of so many people cradled in the bowl of the valley. It’s beautiful, humbling. It’s worth sharing.
You’d enjoy it, he knows. And every night flight reminds him of an evening not too long ago when he’d struck a deal with you, asking you to grab him a beer when you’d gotten up to go to the bathroom mid-movie. You’d wiggled your eyebrows at him, what’s in it for me?
He’d snorted at you, offering various services and items in exchange, all refused, but then before I’ll take you up in the heli if you - had even finished leaving his mouth, you’d leaped up from the sofa, grabbing his hand to shake on it before he could back out. At night. You’d specified, nodding, wide-eyed as though he’d been the one to say it.
He’d rolled his eyes at your eagerness, demanding you make sure it was an extra cold one for that, and you’d bowed in the doorway, smirking. 
‘At your service, my liege,’ you’d said, before scampering out the way of the cushion Frankie launched at you. 
He’d had to ask you to explain to Lucia why she shouldn’t call him my liege two days later, when it seemed she’d lost the meaning of Papi in an effort to be like you. You’d snorted into your soda when he told you, but had fixed Lucia with serious eyes when you told her that Papi was a very special name to call her dad, one that helped him feel loved and appreciated. Lucia had acquiesced quickly afterwards, stretching her arms out to Frankie before he lifted her from her chair, tucking her face into his neck as she apologised profusely, reassuring him that she still loved him the same, just that my liege had sounded so fun coming from your mouth. Frankie had looked over her curls at your bitten lip, your silent laughter, holding his own amusement behind his teeth as he stroked her back and cooed that he knew, mija, it’s okay.
He remembers, with a lurch below his navel, how Lucia had then asked whether you’d call him Papi to show him he was loved, too. How both your jaws had fallen slack, how something had flickered behind your eyes too quickly for him to catch before you’d told her you call him other things to the same effect. Fish, buddy, and then mouthed over the top of her head, asshole. Frankie had laughed, the jumping of his body pushing Lucia into her own giggles, and you’d soon followed.
It’s strange how much like a family you’ve become over the last year, how well you’ve slotted into their lives. One of his best friends, pulling up with the boys when it comes to ranking his favourite people. Filling gaps he didn’t even know were there, healing fissures he thought had closed. How well you fit in his arms, how well your head fits beneath his chin. How well your lips might fit with his, how well you -
A breath of laughter puffs from his nose, and he rolls his eyes at himself. He’s too old to have a crush, too old to be smiling to himself when he thinks of the girl next door, his best pal. Besides, he has a bad track record with dating friends, anyway.
He checks his watch, stills, listening for the sounds of a restless daughter. Satisfied, he pushes himself up from the orange-bathed haven of the couch with a grunt, pulls open the front door, and skips down the porch steps.
The stubble of the lawn is cool beneath his socks as he jogs across the grass, curving around the picket fence between your properties to pop back up on the other side, striding towards your house.
He takes the steps up your porch two at a time, rapping his knuckles against the sage green of your door. He waits no more than five seconds before he knocks again, earning an irritated alriiiiight from the other side.
The click of a lock, and it swings open to reveal you in shorts, a cap, and a worn cotton t-shirt - sun-warmed, soft, gorgeous. 
You grin at the man on your doorstep, and he grins back.
‘Evenin’, teach.’
You click your tongue at the nickname.
‘Way past your bedtime, Morales,’ you tease, ‘You need a warm milk?’
Frankie flicks the back of his hand against the bill of your cap, giggling as it falls to the ground. 
You smooth your hair, scrabbling for the hat, scowling at him.
‘Need a warm milk,’ he mocks, and you land a carefully curled fist against his bicep as you stand, deadening his arm. ‘Ow, pendeja,’ he pouts, rubbing at it. ‘You know, wearing a cap indoors still doesn’t make you cool.’
That pretty, playful little scowl flickers over your face again.
‘I just finished my study break, actually.’
‘Oh yeah? What are we studying today? A million ways teenagers make your life hard?’
The scowl is stolen by a bitten back smile, and you wave him off, turning on your heel down the hallway, tugging your cap back on.
‘Whaddya want? Pain in my ass,’ you call, walking away from him and back into your kitchen. He follows, drumming his fingers along your sideboard as he goes.
‘I need a favour, if you have any spare.’
Your kitchen is bathed in the same warm glow as his living room, but instead of quiet, there’s the slow turn and hum of your laundry machine in the closet, the sweet croon of a voice from the record player in the corner. Fruit in a bowl, bottles of gifted wine, pictures of friends, paintings from students. The jungle of houseplants you keep towards the patio doors, the jumble of papers, books, planners, and pens spread around your laptop on the table.
It’s so you. So like home.
You pick up the stem of your wine glass, half full, between your thumb and pointer finger, eyes turned up to the ceiling as you count on your other hand. You wince and suck your teeth, eyes falling back to his.
‘I dunno. ’S not looking good, Fish,’ you say somberly, ‘My favour quota’s already been exceeded this year.’
‘Baby, it’s March.’ 
You shrug.
‘Been busy.’
He raises an eyebrow at you, and you scoff.
‘Well, I guess I could make an exception for you, big guy.’
He smiles, leaning against the kitchen counter.
‘I need a babysitter.’
You nod, swallowing a mouthful of wine before placing the glass back on its coaster. Papers shift and whisper as you hunt for your phone, buried in the piles of essays.
‘Oh. Sure. I have some numbers -’
‘Actually - I was thinking -’
‘Now that’s dangerous for all of us.’
He points a finger at you, and you bite your lip, humour lighting your eyes.
‘Ha. Anyway. I was thinking - I know… I know you got that big car bill last month. And I know you don’t get paid enough. And you know Lucia loves you…’
You frown at him.
‘You want me to babysit?’
He bites his lip, looking over your table with clearer eyes. You’re busy. Always busy. Overworked and stressed. A heat crawls up his neck, early onset guilt.
Maybe this was a bad idea. He inhales deeply.
‘Yeah. But I’m starting to realise that might be a lot to ask.’
He watches as you pull out a chair and sit at the table, studying him.
‘If it makes it any better, you’re my last resort.’
He’s relieved to hear a flutter of a giggle in response, and you clap your hand over your heart.
‘Ouch. There I was, thinking I meant more to you guys than that.’
He crosses his arms, shaking his head, smiling.
‘You know you do, bug.’
You take your cap off, throwing it away from you on the table, rubbing at your forehead.
‘I’ve got a lot of work to do, Frankie,’ you say softly, eyes gentle.
He sighs.
‘I know. You can say no. It’s just - all the numbers I’ve called are kind of booked up, that’s all. And I guess - I wanna leave her with someone I trust. Someone I know. At first, anyway.’
You stare at him still, thinking.
‘What are we talking?’
‘Once or twice a week. Three at the very most. Just for late night flights.’ He pauses. ‘I’ll pay you top dollar.’
You make a disapproving noise.
‘You don’t have to pay me, Frankie.’
‘Of course I do, don’t be ridiculous. It’s on your time. And if it helps you out…’ 
You frown at him, but he fixes you with a look. No negotiating. You turn your gaze out to your backyard. 
He watches, nervous, as you chew your thumb.
Your eyes find his again.
‘Can I take work over? To do round yours?’
‘Do I have to cook?’
‘No. I’ll make sure there’s food. For both of you.’
You nod slowly.
‘And Luc is in bed by…?’
You nod again.
‘I’m not expecting the whole nine yards,’ he says, shifting. ‘No cookies or playdough, nothing like that. Just someone to look after her. And I’ll still be making calls.’
‘When would you need me?’
Frankie’s mouth twitches. 
‘Thursday this week. Tuesday and Friday next week.’
You take another drink of your wine. 
‘Can I sleep on it?’
‘Of course, bug.’ He smiles. You return it.
‘Then I’ll sleep on it. I’ll see what the schedule’s like and let you know tomorrow.’
His smile widens.
‘Alright. Thank you. Really.’
You stand from your chair, holding up a palm.
‘I ain’t said yes yet, Morales.’
The smile turns goofy.
‘Yes, ma’am.’
He steps away from the counter and pulls you into his arms. Holds you there for a minute, rocking, enjoying the warmth, the closeness, your smell. Reminds himself that it’s weird to think about your scent as much as he does.
You untangle yourself from him, hands on his biceps where you give a little squeeze.
‘Alright,’ you say, ‘Off you go. See if the kid hasn’t burned the house down yet.’
He chuckles as he retreats, backing down your hallway to the open front door.
‘See you tomorrow, teach.’
‘Get lost, Francisco.’
You sign off by flipping each other the bird as he pulls the door shut behind him, just as you usually do.
And as he steps back into his still-quiet house, he tries to tamp down his grin and his fluttering heart, just as he usually does.
You text him two hours later, when he’s fresh from the shower, clad in only his boxers.
Alright, I slept on it. I’ll be round Thursday.
Along with the swell of relief in his chest, this time the grin and the flutter are much harder to smother.
The night before you left for college, you’d had a nightmare.
You weren’t the type to scare easily; eighteen years old and free from any of the real worries the world could bring. And you were so fucking excited for this next adventure, so ready to begin the rest of your life. Still, you’d found yourself doing something you hadn't done since you were a child.
You’d knocked first - softly, so softly. Waited for a come in that never came. Your dad had stirred anyway as you closed the door quietly behind you, turning, half asleep, to see you stood twisting your fingers in the middle of the carpet.
‘Y’alright, sweetheart?’ he’d asked, all gravelly and tender, threatening tears to spill over your lashline.
‘Yeah,’ you’d mumbled, ‘Just had a nightmare.’
He’d simply lifted the covers on the other side of the bed, and you’d slipped into their warmth, scooching into his side, breathing in his smell. He’d cradled you in his arms like you were still a kid - afraid, vulnerable - and you’d let him. Let the tears soak into his shirt. Felt his grip tighten on you, the kiss he pressed to the top of your head. The promise within it, within the cool moonlight bleeding through the curtains. 
If you don’t wanna do it, all you gotta do is say.
He’d known you didn’t need to hear it, knew it was all you’d worked for, dreamed of. So instead, he’d murmured something else.
‘I’m so proud of you.’
You’d nodded into his chest, and he’d waited until the tears stopped falling before he asked if you wanted to talk about it. You hadn’t at first. But he’d always promised that talking about a dream broke it.
‘I dreamt you weren’t here.’
The vision had hung in the room for a moment, lapping against your dad’s quiet breathing.
‘I am. I’m right here, sweetheart.’
You’d nodded again, that deep, swooping panic of being completely alone in the world threatening to claw through your chest and sweep away his comfort. You couldn’t say anything else. Nothing about the empty house you’d seen, the dust sheets covering lonely chairs.
‘Always gonna be here. Can’t get rid of me.’
You’d both known he was wrong. That one day, this night would be a memory. That one day, you’d try to remember what it felt like to be held like this, known like this, try to remember the scent of his sleepshirt, and not be able to. But that would be years - decades - away. Tomorrow you start the beginning of your real, grownup life. Tomorrow, he’ll drive you across the state. He’ll haul your boxes up to your dorm room, and he’ll sit on your bed and look around and smile at you. The smile will be small, full of love, pride, grief. The grief of letting his little girl go, of looking at you and seeing you at all ages at once. Newborn, tiny in his big hands. On his shoulders, laughing at the sky. Nervous on your first day at school. Shy at the gate of highschool. Flying through the years, surrounded by friends, now landing here. 
And when he stands to leave, to tear himself away, the tears will fall again. You’ll say you’re not sure, your whole world rocking, tilting. And he’ll tell you that you might not be, but he is. You’re gonna be great. You’ll be amazing. And his most favourite line of all.
A ship in a harbour is safe. But that’s not what ships were built for.
And you’ll laugh, and you’ll hug him, and you’ll wish you could for a little longer. But you’ll walk him downstairs all the same, out to his car. You’ll shield your eyes and wave until his license plate disappears, and then you’ll cry in the sun until you have a headache. By the time you’re out with your roommate that evening, you’ll feel better. 
You won’t think about whether he cried on the way home, whether his body shook with sobs. Whether he’s sat in front of the TV now, unable to focus on the movie that’s playing because the house is too damn quiet. Won’t think about how, when he tries to sleep, he can still feel that little girl curled up into his side. How he contemplates his own mortality, hopes it won’t come for him for decades, hopes he’ll see you graduate, meet someone, be happy, achieve all you want to.
For now, there is only the blue moonlight, the deep breathing, the warm arms.
And four years later, your nightmare will come true.
You’re awake, though barely. Faintly aware of the wet on your cheeks, of the ache deep in your chest. The memory, the dream. You try to burrow your face into him, try to breathe in his scent, recall the way he talks. And as the same moonlight from the dream floods your vision, you remember. 
Four years later, and the hurt is still as raw. 
You curl into yourself, folding your arms around your body, holding it in, holding it together. Breathe through it - in through the nose, out through the mouth. I love you. I love you. Your voice and your father’s blending together. You try not to let it overwhelm you. Try not to recall all the moments, all the last moments. The hospitals, the treatments, how he wasted away before you, how you could do nothing about it. But it’s hard. So hard, alone, in the middle of the night like this.
When the burn in your throat eases, you reach for your phone. 3:32am. You unlock it out of habit, texts still open. The conversation you’d had with Frankie earlier - times, dates, what he’d make you for dinner. 
You wish they could have met each other. 
You’re sure Frankie would have loved him. Would have loved his laugh, would have shot the shit about baseball, would have clapped him on the back and joined him for beers on the porch like he does with you. And you’re sure your dad would have loved Frankie. Would have seen his kindness, his patience, his humour. A good man, just like he was.
Sometimes, when the younger man leaves your kitchen, your dad appears, sat at the table across from you. 
‘You like him.’ He says. 
‘Come off it, dad,’ like you don’t both know you’re lying. He gives that knowing little shrug. 
‘Whatever, kid,’ he says, ‘I see the way you look at him. Like you looked at - who was it - Jordan, in seventh grade?’ You always throw something at him then. A marker, a highlighter. And he always laughs at you.
You click your phone screen off, bathed in half-darkness once again. Stare at the frozen ceiling fan, the divots and shadows on the ceiling. Tired, but too awake to sleep. 
You grumble as you swing your legs out from the covers, standing from the bed. Pad downstairs in the dark, flick on the kitchen light, fill the kettle and set it to boil. Through the window, across the way, Frankie’s kitchen light is also on. Your brow furrows - this isn’t a time either of you should be awake - but then he appears in the window, shirtless, busying himself with something by the sink, and you quickly avert your eyes. Something you’ve gotten good at doing since you moved here.
Good at desperately trying not to notice his soft curls, the way his biceps stretch his t-shirts, the way his shoulders fill doorways, the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles at you. The way he says your name, the golden skin you’ve glimpsed, the noises he might make -
You roll your eyes at yourself. Crashing out of an engagement, skipping town and developing a crush on the DILF next door is so… you. 
Annie would have gotten a kick out of it, that’s for sure.
The kettle finishes its boil, and you reach for a mug, a tea bag. Watch the tendrils of steam curl from the clutch of the ceramic as you brace your hands on the marble either side of it. You chew the inside of your cheek, head hanging between your shoulders, startling when your phone buzzes, furious-sounding as it crawls across the countertop. 
You know who it is before you see the caller ID. 
‘Hey, neighbour.’
‘Hey, bug.’
You smile into the receiver, holding the mobile to your ear as you move to the sink, adding cold water to the tea. You look up through the window to find Frankie also stood before his, looking back at you. Mercifully, he’s found a shirt, but his bed head still has your stomach turning in cartwheels. 
‘What’s up?’
‘Saw your light on. Wanted to check you’re okay.’
You hold up your mug, cheersing him through the glass. 
‘I’m good. Just having a little drink.’
You watch as he cocks his hip against the counter. 
‘Yeah? What kinda drink you got?’
You exhale through your nose, rolling your eyes. 
There’s a beat, and then his voice is soft, tender.
‘Y’had a nightmare, too?’
You shake your head.
‘Not a nightmare, just a dream.’
You nod, sipping.
‘Yeah. You know how it is. Lucia okay?’
You watch him flick his gaze to the hallway, the stairs beyond your line of sight. Hear the scratch of his whiskers as he rubs at his beard.
‘She’s alright. Nothing a warm milk and her night light can’t fix.’
You smile at him.
‘You remind me of him, you know.’
Frankie pauses his scratching, peering out at you, surprised.
‘You’re a good dad. The best. He was, too.’
Your voice is low, affectionate. Something pulls deep in his gut, something that forces a tight bubble up his throat. He swallows a couple of times, closing his eyes to the kindness.
‘Thank you, bug.’
‘I mean it.’
He nods, voice crackly and deep when it comes to you.
‘I know.’
You watch each other a moment longer, separate rooms, separate houses, such closeness bridging those gaps. Frankie breaks the quiet.
‘You sure you’re okay?’
You smile, nod, sip.
‘I’m sure. Should head back to bed, anyway.’
Frankie hums down the line, thoughtful. A breath whistles through his nose.
‘G’night, bug.’
‘Good night, Fish.’
You wait for the beep of the disconnected line, Frankie’s wave through the window. The hard lump in your throat as you watch him retreat to the doorway of his kitchen, the darkness that stares back at you, the ache of being alone again on this moon of grief. 
And something quieter, more selfish. Creeping and tidal that laps at the edges, a want for a man you have convinced yourself you cannot have. A sadness that buzzes deep in your skin, curls back layers of your being, tells you that you cannot afford to be broken again. Not like your dad. Not like Annie. 
But you like him, your dad says. What’s so wrong with that?
You cocoon yourself tightly in your duvet, your back to the moonlight, the reminders. Tired eyes blinking at the door. Waiting. Waiting, in a different life, different house, different state, for eighteen year old you to tiptoe in and tell you about her nightmare. 
Waiting for you to tell her that her dad is right there.
That she should hold him a little longer before he drives home tomorrow. 
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chiscaralight · 4 days
thinkin' about modern au overworked, sugar daddy!wriothesley. he’s so pent up and frustrated from his stupid job, what better way to relieve tension than with that cute body of his sweet, sweet sugar baby?
which is exactly why he has you like this, nose pressed against his hard pelvic bone as he fucks your mouth in the living room of his huge penthouse. The job pays extremely well, a little too well, and he has no idea what to do with all the money. so he’ll throw it all at you! with the way you’re working those lips around his cock, he might just buy you your very own. your sweet laugh is muffled, but he doesn't know why you think it's funny. he's being dead serious.
he's not very patient either, because he doesn't even let you get your clothes completely off! your cute little skirt is bunched up around your waist, his large hands gripping at the fat off your ass as he bounces you up and down on his length. it's insane to him how small you are, fully able to hold and use you like this. you can't even fight back at this point, you're just going stupid on his cock! that expression on your face, the way your nails are digging into his shoulders, is the exact reason why he can't get enough of you.
and he's ripping your shirt, the sound of buttons popping off ringing in your ears so he has access to your tits. you whine in protest as he bites down on your sensitive bud. not because it hurt, but because this is the thousandth time he's ruining one of your favorite clothes! he's detaching momentarily, groaning about how he'll replace it. he doesn't even know why you complain, he'll buy you twenty more of the same type if you want. just let him take good care of you tonight, and you can ask for whatever you want.
the two of you barely make it up the stairs when he decides he doesn't care enough for a bed to walk the remaining what, ten feet? so your back is pressed to the cool wall of the upstairs hallway, tongue chasing his own as he fucks up into you, strong arms hooked under your knees. you're moaning into his mouth, eyes starting to water from how thick he is. no matter how many times you let him lay waste to you, your tight cunt struggles to fully take him as he drills into you. but it's exactly what he loves.
he stops to put you down, pressing your face into the wall before he slides back in again. you can't even hold back the sister noise that leaves your lips and he's grunting at the sound, hips slamming forward in one thrust. unable to catch your breath before he moves again, your moans start to sync with the slaps of his hips while your tears run from the pleasure. your eyes are squeezed shut, brows furrowed as you take his cock just as you always do. but his eyes are watching you. this is why he'll never quit that fuckass job. who'll make sure you're living as lavishly as you deserve? the money isn't even the drive, it's that sweet fuckin' cunt that turns him into an animal,, primal instincts activated as he ruts into you with his orgasm. he'll make sure he's pumping you full of his cum just like he whispered in your ear a few minutes ago. maybe he'll stop paying for your birth control too and fuck a kid into you, then he'll be sure no one else can take that mind-numbing pussy away from him.
your lips are pouted as he guides you back to his room. it'll never not be funny how difficult you find it to walk after, but it's not like you asked him to go that hard? he ushers you into the bathroom and offers for you to spend the night. it's late, and you can pick whichever one of his cars you want him to drop you off in tomorrow. you pretend to think, knowing fully well you'll snuggle into his soft sheets anyway. when you finally do, he's quick to follow, his hard chest pressing into your back. his lips are hot on your neck, followed by a large hand raising your leg. since you're staying the night, another round wouldn't hurt, yeah?
383 notes · View notes
kpop---scenarios · 4 months
Day One: Felix - Part Two
Tumblr media
Pairing: Felix x Reader
Warning: Smut, unprotected smut etc [18+ MINORS DO NOT READ]
Word Count: 1k
You shuffle down the hallway, it's the middle of the night and you woke up feeling a little hungry, not to mention your best friend, Chan snored like a motherfucker and you couldn't continue sleeping in there. You wander through the dark halls into the kitchen, getting a cool glass of water to drink, before deciding that's all you wanted. You walk back down towards Chan’s room, pulling your shirt down a little more to try and cover your ass, but luckily everyone else was sleeping so you didn't need to worry, or so you thought. As you pass a room, you hear a faint moan. You stop dead in your tracks, listening again.
“Fuck.” You hear.
You walk closer to the door, pressing your ear against the door. “God, Y/N.” You hear through the door. Your breath hitches, your pussy getting a little wet. You knew whose room this was and honestly you didn't think he had felt the same as you did. You battled internally for a few seconds on whether or not you should walk in or if you should leave it. But if you were being honest, you didn't want to leave it.
Your hand grabs the door knob. You pause for a second before turning it, pushing the door open. You see Felix laying there, his hand wrapped around his cock. You watched as he slowly jerked himself, his eyes squeezed shut as he tried to quietly moan your name. You step into the room, quietly closing the door behind you. As the door latches, his eyes shoot open. He watches you watching him.
“Y/N.” He pants, hand still wrapped around his cock.
“Can I join you?” You whisper. A smile spreads across his lips as he sinks down into his bed, laying flat.
“Let's get you warmed up first.” He suggests, his deep voice coming out to play.
You walk over, climbing onto his bed, hovering over him as you sink down onto your knees, sitting on his face. Felix quickly uses the flat of his tongue against your clit, making you grip his headboard tightly. He moves his tongue around your cunt, teasing your clit before sliding his tongue in and out of your hole a few times.
“Jesus fuck.” You gasp, leaning forward a little. Felix brings his hands up, placing them on your thighs to hold you down on his face. He flicks his tongue over your clit again before wrapping his lips around your bud, sucking hard, making your eyes roll back. “Oh my god.” You cry out. You begin rocking back and forth on his face as he uses his magic tongue on you. You move your hips faster, grinding yourself on his tongue, panting loudly as your orgasm bursts through your body. You sit there for a moment, catching your breath. You try to stand but your legs feel like they're jello. You can barely get up from his face.
Felix quickly sits up, his cock standing up tall. He scoots back against the headboard, pulling you down. He pulls off your shirt up and off, over your head, as he puts one of your breasts in his mouth, sucking gently on your nipple. He holds his cock, letting your slide down onto it, the feeling of his stretching you out makes you shiver.
You gasp loudly as he thrusts into you from below, hitting a spot you'd never had hit before. You wrap your arms around his neck as you grind yourself on his cock, the sound of both your pants and moans fill the room. At this moment you truly did not care if you woke anyone up from this. He moves his hands to your hips, holding onto them firmly as he helps you bounce up and down on his cock. He watches your tits bounce along with you, moaning everytime you slammed your wet cunt back down on his throbbing cock.
“Fuck, Y/N.” He groans, his fingertips digging into your hips. He leans in closely, whispering in your ear. “I need to destroy you.”
He pulls you up and off his cock, pushing you back onto the bed. Thrill runs through your body as he gets up, grabbing your ankles, yanking you to the edge of the bed, where he slams his cock inside of you.
You gasp loudly as you grab your tits, pinching your nipples as he fucking rams his cock so deep inside you. He reaches up, wrapping his hand around your throat, squeezing tightly as he grunts with every thrust, forcing himself in deeper each time. Before you can even register it, another orgasm washes over you, causing you to scream out in pleasure. So loud, you were sure you'd woken the entire dorm. “Oh fuck, Felix.” You cried out.
“That's right baby, let them know who's cock is making you feel this good.” He grunts, slamming into you again and again. Felix holds your ankles in the air and together as he fucks you, his own orgasm quickly approaching.
“Fuck I'm gonna cum.” He groans. You tighten yourself around him, not wanting him to pull out. You wanted him to cream inside you. “Don't pull out.” You cry.
“Shit.” He groans, cumming deep inside your pussy, filling you up with as much as he could pump out. He breathes heavily, his chest heaving as he pulls his cock from you. You quickly get up, opening his door to sneak out to the bathroom. As you try to tiptoe down the hallway, Chan’s bedroom door rips open. He stares at you as you look at him like a deer in headlights.
“That was you?” He asks.
You awkwardly chuckle, nodding your head.
“Fucking finally. Now he can stop whining to me about you.” He sighs, just as Felix walks out of the room. He slides his arm around your waist, laughing.
“Now that I've had her, I'm never letting her go. And I'm not done with her tonight. So.. headphones.” He grins, pulling a giggling you back into his room.
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sillysillygoofygoose · 8 months
One and a Half Men + One
(Part 2 of One and a Half Men !!) Thank you to everyone who has commented, liked, and reblogged! It really makes my day 💕💕
You needed him. Bad. And it freaked the shit out of you...
Hiding out in your apartment didn't seem like such a bad idea. You missed seeing little Megumi and his drop-dead gorgeous father every morning, but you could persevere.
It was radio silence for an entire week. You told yourself you were just protecting your peace. You had too much going on to be falling for anyone, especially a father.
You were on track, focusing on your studies. One night, while you were finishing up a research paper, you heard three soft knocks on your door. So soft you almost thought you hallucinated them. Before you could even walk to your door, you heard fumbling of the knob, frantic and fighting.
"Hello? Y/n? Home?" Muffled by the thin wood between you, Megumi's voice wrung through your apartment, springing you into action.
You run to open the door, Megumi's little face greeting you, scrunched up in worry, little fists grabbing at his hair.
"Dada's sick. Really scared y/n, Dada really sick." Megumi points to his left, guiding your eyes to his apartment. You pick him up, shutting your door behind you and venturing towards the Fushiguro's apartment.
Entering the apartment, you call out for the little boy's dad, worry shining through your tone. You stand at the entrance, a groan answering you.
"On the couch, dada's on the couch." Megumi twists in your arms like a fish out of water as a signal to let him go, walking towards his daddy once he finds his footing.
Toji's entire body smothers the couch as he lays there in nothing but boxers, skin flushed, and sweaty. His eyes open, displaying a hollowed out, tired expression, making you gasp.
"Fuck. Gumi, bud you didn't have to bring y/n over. God, didn't even know you left the damn apartment." Toji felt guilty all over. He moved to sit up, stopping himself with hearty coughs.
"She take good care of you, dada. Promise. She made me happy again. Y/n help you too... right y/n?" Megumi looked over at your out of place state, boba eyes full of appreciation, his small hands resting on his dad's overheated torso.
"Um yeah, yeah, I can help out. Of course... Gumi, why don't you go to your room, baby?" You walk over to Toji's spread out form pushing back his sweaty hair to feel his forehead.
"Nuh uh. Stay with you. Make sure Dada okay." Determination in his voice, Megumi clung to you, copying the way you looked down at his father. Megumi nudges his way back into your arms, clasping his tiny hands in his hair as you hold onto him.
"Okay, bub. Daddy's gonna be alright. " You sigh deeply as you walk over to their sink, asking Gumi where they keep the glasses and washcloths.
Toji can't help himself, woozy headspace causing him to blush at your way of referring to him, melting deeper into the couch at your maternal instincts towards not only his son but him as well.
You return, glass of chilled water in hand, cool washcloth in the other, and little boy on your hip. Crouching down, you place the cup on a low coffee table, readjust Megumi, and shift yourself towards a flushing, smirking Toji.
"What's so funny?" You smile, resting your head on Megumi's to hold him in place as you move close to Toji, placing the washcloth on his chest.
"Heh, you come here often, pretty mama?" He coughs out a laugh as you pat the cloth across his chest, trying his best not to pop a boner over your innocent touches and pretty smiley eyes gazing up at him.
Those same pretty eyes widen as your cheeks heat up, playing it off with a laugh and an eye roll.
Megumi giggles.
"Dada called you Mama too, Mama! I told you. See dada, she takes good care." Megumi pokes your cheek before placing a gentle kiss on it.
"You two are absolutely unbelievable." You shake your head, entire body warm at the affection and attention.
"You're very right, Gumi. Very, very right." Toji mumbles to himself as you move to his forehead, folding the cloth in half to cling to the sweaty skin.
"There we go. Can I get you anything else, Toji?" You stand up, pulling Megumi with you.
"A kiss."
"Kiss!!" Megumi echoes, covering his mouth with two tiny hands to hide a big smile.
"Oh my goodness." You smile, shaking your head, putting Megumi down.
"Give your daddy a kiss, Gumi." You pat his back, inching him towards the dopey man. Megumi kisses his dad's cheek the same way he kissed yours.
"Your turn, y/n!" Megumi sung out, grabbing your hand.
"No, no, Gumi, let's get you to bed. It's getting reeeaaalllyyy late!" You quickly respond, scooping up the pouting kid, having him point to where his room is.
"Mama kiss dada..." Megumi huffs as you tuck him into bed and kiss his forehead.
"No buddy... I'm not Mama, okay? I'm y/n." You explain, rubbing his head soothingly.
"Ughhhhh, noooo!!" Megumi pouts, ruffling his sheets around, showing the true toddler side of him that is sometimes forgotten.
"Go to sleep, okay baby? I will check on you and your dada tomorrow." You smile as he settles down, rubbing his hands over his head, closing his eyes.
Finally, Megumi dozes off after at least an hour of petting his head and back. You exit his room quietly, shutting the door. Turning your head, you see Toji's stature sitting up on the couch, much more lively than when you first arrived.
"How ya feeling, big guy?" You smile, glancing at the half empty glass of water on the table as Toji chuckles.
"Fuck, much better. I'm really sorry about all this, sweets. I was fucking delirious. Got home from work and could barely stand, felt awful. I didn't tell the little rascal to go bother you, though. He did that on his own... must've known you were good for the soul. Smart kid." Toji apologizes with a shit-eating grin plastered across his face.
"Yeah, smart kid, alright." You snort, shaking your head as you cross your arms in slight awkwardness. Toji gestures towards an armchair near the couch, inviting you to sit.
"But seriously, thanks a lot. You really didn't have to come over and take such good care of us. He really adores you, ya know..."
You warm up as Toji's eyes set on yours.
"Aw, well, the feeling is very mutual. You've got a lovely little boy, Toji."
Toji hums in response, slurping up the rest of the water in his sweating cup.
Silence overtakes the room as you momentarily shut your eyes, quietly reveling in the sudden peacefulness of the dim, lackluster apartment.
"You got a boyfriend?" You hear Toji question out of the blue, making your eyes fling open as you sit up a little straighter.
"Why you askin'?" You tease, confidence surging through your body. You never felt all too flustered by Toji's smooth talking or slightly invasive questions, easily surveying his game, understanding how he operates. You had quite a bit of your own moxie.
"Maybe I'm interested." Toji smirks back. Mirroring you, he folds his arms across his chest.
"Only maybe?"
Dating with a four year old is not always the easiest. Especially not when his daddy is all dressed up, wearing special cologne and his mommy (as he insisted on calling you, Toji not opposed to it at all) is in a long satin dress and high heels, not her usual casual wear.
"But I don't want you to goooooo! Stay!!" Megumi cried to you as he was faced with the kind old lady from apartment seventy-five, who was entrusted with watching him while his lovebird parents get a night to themselves.
You crouch down, balancing on your toes as you hold the toddler's torso, kissing his cheek.
"We won't be long, honey... maybe we'll be back before bedtime, right, Daddy?" You peer over at Toji, who was busy showing poor old Gertrude how to work the oven for Megumi's chicken tenders.
"Mama's right... and if not, you'll just see us in the morning anyways!.. C'mon, Megs, aren't ya sick of us?" Toji makes his way over to you, smoothing the hair on his little boy's head as he hugs his dad's legs, head bumping into the small, square-shaped, velvet box hidden in his dress pants' pocket.
"Alright, bubs, we really gotta get going, we'll miss our reservation." Toji lifts Megumi up, kissing both of his cheeks before handing him to you, prompting you to do the same.
Megumi huffs once you put him down, waving with attitude as you grab your coat, and Toji opens the door for you.
"Ugh. Bye mama, bye dada. Love yous." He yells as Gertrude slowly pauses in sorting out the little boy's frozen dinner on an oven tray, turning her achy body to wave bye-bye to the soon to be engaged couple.
"Bye Megumi, love you!"
Hope you enjoyed! Xoxo
My tag-list babies! 🥰
@fushipurro , @justbelljust , and @carylinflors 💕💕
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luveline · 8 months
what about Steve finding out he’s gonna be a dad for the first time??? or him doting on you while you’re pregnant 🥹
You’re asleep when Steve’s starts kissing you. “Love you,” he’s saying between presses of his lips, the words bouncing off of the side of your nose. 
You blink, eyelashes sticky with sleep. Your back aches and couch springs groan as you try to stretch, Steve’s arms locked around you to hold you in place. “What time is it?” you ask. Your voice barely comes out. You try again, “How long have I been sleeping?” 
You tip your face back. He’s laid down beside you, smiling, his hair crushed by the cushion under his cheek. You brush it out of his eyes. 
“I don’t know,” he says, sounding happy and affectionate at once. “I’ve been home for an hour. We napped.” 
You can tell. You feel distinctly relaxed. 
“You okay?” he asks. 
“Oh no,” he murmurs, pulling you against his chest. His hand slides down to your stomach. “What’s she doing to you?” 
For a moment, he talks so gently, with so much love, you assume he’s talking to the baby. But then you realise he’s talking to you, and you melt like soft taffy under a hot sun. “Nothing, really.” 
“No?” he asks, hand on the topmost curve of your bump. 
“I think I didn’t like lunch. My taste buds are changing or something.” 
“I can make you something. I’m an excellent chef.” 
“Maybe…” You curl into him as much as you can in the limited space. “In a minute.” 
“In a minute,” he repeats, half teasing, half something warmer. He’s turned on his side to give you and your bump enough room, an arm curled underneath you surely dead and the other still resting gently on your stomach. The air between you is warm, almost damp, too hot from napping together but neither of you willing to move away yet. 
You get lost in thought. The nice shape of his smile is distracting, especially still lax with the after effect of a good sleep. 
“What was your day like?” he asks eventually. 
“Just quiet.” You close your eyes and let them sting, tears collecting under your eyelids that you blink away. “I think the baby is making me really tired.” 
“Well, you’re making a baby. It’s hard,” he says. “Much easier to begin with.” 
You smile rather than laugh, too tired. “Way too easy. How was,” —you yawn wide, eyes watering yet again— “your day?” 
“A little less tiring than yours, obviously.” 
You rub your nose into his polo shirt. “Every shift is another pair of socks.” 
“This one’s worth more than that. A box of diapers for sure. And a couple of days of groceries, I guess.” He kisses your nose messily. “Got your vitamins on the way home.” 
“Thank you… Actually, my day was agitating. I have this itch between my shoulders I can’t reach.”
“Yeah?” he’s immediately interested. 
“Yeah, would you– yeah, to your– little more…” You drift off as his hand sneaks under your shirt and his nails find the awful evil itch that’s irking you. He knows exactly where to go from the slightest hitch on your breath, and he isn’t cute about it. He likely leaves scratch marks behind. It’s exactly what you needed. “Thank you so much.” 
He rubs the scratches with the side of his thumb to cover the pain until it’s faded. “You’re welcome, honey. I’m your guy. Itches, rashes, headaches, weird moles. I’m always gonna be your guy.” 
“Until the baby comes along ‘n then you're their guy.” 
“I guess so. I think you kind of…” You’re both so tired your conversation comes out slowly, but it comes. “…make that promise when you decide to have one. I’ll be her guy, but that’s not– I’m always gonna be here for you. I’m still gonna be your guy. You’ll have to share me, that’s all.” His nose crinkles with his smile. “I’m not gonna give you half, though. I’ll just have to double my efforts.” 
“Really?” you ask. You hadn’t realised you were worried until he mentioned it. 
“Duh, babe. Not gonna punish you for something I did to you.”
“This isn’t a punishment.” 
His fingers spread over your shoulder, skin on skin. “For sure not. I’m not talking about the baby, I mean me. The way I am. I’m not gonna choose her over you, I’m going to take care of you both.” 
His polo is easy to collect and squeeze in your hand as you tip into his chest. “You’ll have to choose her sometimes.” 
“So you admit it’s a her?” 
“I admit nothing, H.” 
“I’m on your side forever,” he promises, noses inclined together, your bump pressed to his abdomen. He’s hugging you like there’s nowhere else in the world to be. “I’m always gonna look after you.” He scratches your skin in emphasis, much kinder and longer strokes of his hand. “Always.” 
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princessbrunette · 7 months
rafe is so mean and scary but like imagine fucking him with a ski mask on!!! like maybe he’s just gotten back from handling business and he’s all filled with adrenaline and he sees the way you look at him with it on (plus the gun tucked in his waistband + how imposing he is 🤤🤤) he’d be on you in seconds. tearing away your clothes, not bothering to take his off before pressing your knees to your chest and having his way with you. lowering his mouth to the shell of your ear, whispering “i know you like when dad’s scary, huh?” 🫠🫠
˚ ༘ 🍼⋆🩷。˚
the ski mask was barry’s idea.
as are most things, which always end up with ridiculous outcomes — like the predicament he was currently in with his confident, beating some poor sucker out and throwing him over the side of the boat after he’d threatened to snitch. rafe couldn’t let that slide, and he also couldn’t let himself be caught.
he was so full of adrenaline that he forgotten to take the mask off when the deed was done. maybe it was that, or maybe he couldn’t quite bare to catch himself in the reflection of any surface just yet — unable to face what he’d done. he’s dressed all in black to top it off, straying from his usual preppy pop of kook colour. all that seems to glimmer is the chain that’s untucked itself from his shirt.
you’d rounded the corner and caught him in the centre of the room, stopping dead in his tracks. “shit.” he spits, taking a step back like his little soft girlfriend in the slip dress was the threat.
“rafe?” you sound so small, so horrified as your brows crumple, wide eyes on his bloody knuckles. “what’d you do?”
he approaches you quickly, almost frantically with the urge to nip things in the bud before you freak. “hey, hey look at me kid—” he cups your head, roughly holding your gaze through the eye slit in his balaclava. “did what i had to do, ‘kay? remember when i spoke to you about having to make the hard choice sometimes? i— i made the hard choice.”
you’re blinking, unable to stop eyeing him. there’s something else penetrating your gaze, a twinkle in your eye. a certain curiosity. you stare at the gun tucked in his waistband. he hadn’t ended up using it, but you didn’t know that.
“y’look all scary, rafe.” you comment, and it seems more neutral than you were seconds earlier. he sighs, shoulders relaxing as he glances at the ceiling.
“i know.” he responds before checking you over with his gaze. “you scared?” he tests the waters. your eyes flutter at this and he knows he’s got you, drawing your glossy, pouty bottom lip beneath your teeth as you stare up at him through your lashes, shaking your head. “no?” he breathes, still ramped with adrenaline as he lightly pushes your shoulder.
“rafe.” you whine in complaint, but the way your chest rises and falls doesn’t lie to his wandering eyes and he starts walking you backwards.
“brave girl now huh? maybe you uh—” he chuckles, his eyes glimmering in the low light of the lounge. “maybe you should be scared of me. yeah. got no idea what i’m capable of, do you?” he tilts his head, closing in on you before his hands shoot out, grabbing your waist making you yelp. he laughs, mean and judgemental as he manhandles you to his room.
by the time he got you on the bed with your legs folded up on your chest, dick beating your walls — his mask is pulled up just above his mouth. he pulls away from roughly mouthing at your jaw, his upper lip sweaty from wearing the mask— lips parted and filled with colour. you try and chase him up to press his mouth to yours but he presses his hand against your chest pushing you back down before it slides up and grips your jaw. “matter’fact— open that shit, yeah—” he mutters, prying your mouth open before spitting a glob inside.
“swallow. swallow or i swear to fuckin’ god you won’t like it.” he threatens and you mewl, gulping it down. as he thrusts, his expensive chain continues to beat against his collarbones and you wrap a weak finger around it, pulling him in for a kiss. he relents this time and shoves his tongue in your mouth for a minute or so, swallowing your moans before pulling away just a tad.
you stare into his threatening gaze through the black mask. “say you like this shit. say you like when dad fuckin’ scares you.”
“like it dad!” you cry, thighs spasming as you feel yourself getting closer and closer to cumming on his cock.
“uh-huh, wanna know how i know? s’cos you’re —” he taps his fingers hard against your temple. “—you’re messed up. like me.”
“no i’m not!” you complain, and he pauses — dick all the way in to the hilt, and taps your cheek. hard enough to turn your head, not hard enough to cause you any real pain. you sniffle.
“dont fuckin’ argue with me. yeah?” he tugs the mask back down fully and you whine.
“shit, you will be”.
˚ ༘ 🍼⋆🩷。˚
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legomonkiefics · 24 days
hii! I was wondering if I could request a Wukong x GnReader where the readers sleeping schedule is….uh it’s not the best, that’s for sure! Like the reader just stays up all night doing work so they barely sleep? just how Wukong would try to help or something. Or if the bad sleep schedule thing ain’t getting your creative juices flowing just plain cuddle headcanons would be completely fine! Feel free to ignore this and remember to drink some water and take breaks! ^^
👑🧡 Sleep Aid — Wukong x GN Reader Drabble 🧡👑
Genres: Fluff, Romance || They/them pronouns for reader || No warnings needed
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✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁⋆˚。⋆୨👑୧⋆˚。⋆✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖
Working into the dead of night wasn't unusual for you, it was commonplace if anything. Stuff needed to get done, and the daytime was usually filled with so much commotion, especially with the Monkey Gang you'd been frequently hanging around recently. You sighed a little as you put a page up just to grab another, filling out the next dreadful tasks. There was a small flash of gold outside that caught your attention, until the door opened and a familiar voice called out.
"I'm home! Where'd you go, peachfuzz?" Wukong called out. He usually ran late nights too, his work as a Sage never seeming to end even post-retirement. He walked into your shared space, zipping up to you and hugging you around the shoulders. "There you are!" He said as he pressed his cheek to yours. When he pulled back, he noticed the papers out. "You're still working? It's been hours" he asked with a concerned frown. You rubbed his hair gently as you turned more in your chair to face him better. "Yeah, but it's okay. I'm making progress" you reassured him. Despite the King leaning into your touch, he didn't seem any less worried. "Are you sure, bud? I don't want you pulling another all-nighter". "I'm sure. I'll be alright" you said, and Wukong gave a nervous hum. "Okayyy, but since I'm up I might as well help" he said. Before you could protest, he was already making his way into the kitchen.
When he came back, he had a few supplies in his arms. He draped a comforter around your shoulders, sliding a warm beverage on your desk. A kiss was placed to your temple as he gave you a plate of warm dinner. "Did you pull this out of your hair?" You asked teasingly, Wukong grinning as he pretended to be offended. "Me?! Never! You should know by now that I'm a great cook" he said, pulling up a chair to sit beside you. You chuckled as you replied, "I've seen you burn too much to even pretend that's true". "Hush," Wukong said playfully, his tail batting at you gently.
As the time wore on, Wukong kept you company. He commented on the work, told you stories to keep you entertained, but there was a slight plot behind his actions. He'd also gently rub your sore shoulders, keep the warmth of the blanket tucked around you, and made sure you finished up all your dinner. Only a few moments later, his gentle affectionate gestures coupled with the warmth and a full stomach made you drowsy. The second you began leaning on him more, he gently took the pencil from you and massaged the palm of your hand. "You okay, love?" He asked with a fond smile. You nodded. "Yeah, just-" a yawn escaped you "-can't seem to keep my eyes open". Wukong nodded, gently keeping you in the blanket as he lifted you into his arms. "I think that means it's bedtime, sunbeam". After you nodded and leaned into his embrace, he used his nimbus cloud to carry the both of you to bed. He gently placed you on the mattress, going back out to shut down the home for the night and put up the dishes.
When he came back, he handed you a set of pajamas and let you get dressed as he did the same in another room. When you were both done, he folded out the blanket he gave you across the covers, letting you curl into his arms. He made sure you were comfortably situated before nestling down with you. Every night he was getting you to go to bed a little earlier, secretly planning to adjust your sleep schedule little by little until you could get a regular full night's sleep. For now, he was happy to call tonight a victory as he kissed your forehead and closed his eyes for sleep
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coldbronzemoon · 2 years
Danny Fenton, Totally Mortal Hero Consultant (DPxDC)
Snippet for an AU I'll probably never fully write where Danny takes a job as a consultant for the Justice League to help with ghost and demon bullshit. It's a pretty good cash flow to help him with college, after all, and very flexible hours.
He just claims all his knowledge comes from his parents. Unfortunately, the JL has caught word of the elusive yet active hero Phantom, and want Danny to help them meet and assess him. Whoops.
Over the phone, Tucker sighed. “Good Christ, Danny, why do you keep doing this?”
“I’m not doing anything,” Danny said immediately. He winced at the vague sound of screaming below. Demons sucked. “I didn’t know the JL thing was gonna have me finding Phantom. How would I? They were talking about tracking down powerful ghosts, I was assuming Ancients!”
Tucker sighed again, which was really quite unfair of him. “Mhm. Well, Fenton Catcher?”
“Probably not. They know me pretty well at this point, and unlike what Sam says I can be professional. I’d confuse them with the… uh…”
“Stoner shtick?”
There was more screaming happening, but judging from the pitch it was a demon screaming this time. Danny checked the situation. Yep, demon getting their ass kicked. He didn’t need to get involved with a blaster. Yet.
Instead, he scowled at his phone. “Stop calling it that.”
“You’re gonna tell me flanny Danny wasn’t a pitch-perfect stoner, huh? With the chill vibing and the dopey look?”
“I hate you.”
“Love you too, bud.” 
The sound of a clacking keyboard that had underlined their conversation stopped. “But seriously, Danny, what the hell are you gonna do with this?”
“Uh, lie, probably,” Danny said, because it was very likely.
“Alright, smartass, what are you going to do when that lie backfires on you like literally every other one does?”
“That’s when I start gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing, babe.”
He had a hard time hearing Tucker’s distant groan of “Why am I still your friend?” on account of the sudden explosion. Danny checked again. Hm. Demon dude had a nasty fire thing going on.
Danny switched on his Fenton water gun—holy water included!-- and shot the demon in the face. They let out a cracking hiss of rage, but dropped the fire spell thing. He waited for them to stop looking around wildly for the culprit for a moment. 
He went back to the call. “‘Cause you loooove me, Tuck. From the bottom of your twice-dead heart.”
“Unfortunately,” Tucker deadpanned.
Danny just cackled. It was lost amongst the sound of supernatural bullshit below.
“Anyway, I’m still figuring out my plan A, honestly. Might bring in gray-man?”
“Amorpho’s an asshole, though. He’ll ruin the whole thing by taking the opportunity to shift into a JL member for a bit.”
Hm. True.
“Yeah, but he’s the main guy I know with that power set.”
“Ask after Desiree?” He could hear the immediate distaste in Tucker’s voice. “Ugh, pretend I didn’t say that. That’s worse than Amorpho.”
“It’s awful,” Danny agreed easily. 
Desiree was actually pretty alright nowadays, mostly on account of Danny remembering the last couple minutes of Aladdin and wishing she could refuse wishes she didn’t want to grant. That had made her happy enough to stop actively picking fights. 
Unfortunately, spending the entirety of one’s afterlife twisting the wording of wishes to their worst form made it hard to stop being an asshole. Who knew! So getting Desiree to split him in two for like a week had a 50/50 chance of fucking up his work relationship with the literal league of superheroes irrevocably. And this was his main cash flow right now.
So, no Desiree, no siree.
“Come up with something better then, asshole.”
Danny hummed and, since the heroes below were focused on the demon, lifted up a little and did a thoughtful back flip. What to do, what to do…?
“My cousin!” he exclaimed.
“What cous—? Oh, Ellie.”
“Yeah, Ellie, Tuck. Which other cousins do I have?”
Tucker scoffed. “You literally have that whole Nightingale thing going on through your dad?”
Danny couldn’t help the face he made. The remaining Nightingales were worse than his parents somehow. “The Nightingales don’t count.”
“You can’t just say they don’t count.”
“I can say that, actually, and I will. They’re, like, cousins through my great-great-great-grandpa anyway.”
“Isn’t there a fight going on over there? Should you be shooting someone?”
 “Yeah, probably.”
He peaked down through the window once more. The heroes must have gotten the first demon to leave while he was talking, because the horned demon fighting them now was a truly unfortunate shade of yellow-green instead of purple. Or maybe it had transformed for some reason? They had it about as in-hand as the other one, though, so Danny definitely didn’t need to go down there. He shot the maybe-new demon in the face real quick.
“Anyway, Ellie can totally help out, she’s been practicing with changing up her looks. She’s also more, uh, malleable than me, what with her situation and all. Looking fully like Phantom shouldn’t be hard.”
Tucker hummed. “She’d try to embarrass you though.”
“Yeah, that’s a problem.” Danny spun in place. “I could bribe her?”
“With what? Her life doesn’t involve needing much cash.”
“She doesn’t get out to the Zone very much. Not many of the inhabited places, anyway. I can promise her the weird apple things Dora’s been growing with Sam’s help, she loved those.”
“If you think that’ll work…” Tucker trailed off dubiously.
Danny laughed. “She’s annoying sometimes, but she’s not gonna fuck over my job if I ask her not to. I’ll just bribe her extra hard for resisting the temptation to mock me.”
“Fair enough.” The clacking of keys resumed. “I’ve really gotta pay attention now, someone’s trying to stop me from getting into this database. Someone half-decent, actually, did they upgrade? Hm. Make sure no one died, yeah?”
“They’re alive. Bye, Tuck,” Danny said, and ended the call.
He shoved his phone back into his jacket pocket and made his way down the stairs. The fight outside he had been stationed for was basically over—Captain Marvel and Green Lantern (Danny was pretty sure he had accidentally learned the dude’s actual name at some point, but hell if he could remember)—had pulled out the magic restraints one of the other consultants had handed out.
That had probably been Constantine. Ugh. Constantine. Dude could stand to lighten up a little; skulking and smoking all the time wasn’t the base state of someone enjoyable to be around. Then again, Danny knew he annoyed the shit out of some of the league with his own attitude, so he maybe shouldn’t talk. But at least he was annoying with a smile!
Case in point: Danny grinned at the heroes. “Got it handled?”
“Suppose so,” said the Green Lantern, “though a little more help would have been nice.”
Captain Marvel was too busy getting in a minor tussle with the demon to say anything either way.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m like, pretty mortal,” Danny said. “I’m not fucking with demons right where they can hit me. And I did shoot him!”
Green Lantern rolled his eyes, but admitted the point. Danny cheerfully flipped him off anyway.
“I’ll be heading out, then, the hellmouth this guy crawled out of is like three miles away.” Captain Marvel said, hauling the handcuffed demon over his shoulders like a very angry backpack.
“Oh, one more for the road!” 
Danny hit the demon with a final water gun shot. Hissing and scrunching their face like a cat, the demon tried to lunge at him. It wasn’t very successful. Weirdly non-verbal for a demon, who usually had to talk to make deals and steal mortal souls, but Danny wouldn’t judge. Might be a minor demon. A really basic imp? Who knew.
“Stop being a little bitch and you won’t get spray-bottled, asshole,” Danny chided.
With a loud laugh, Captain Marvel sped away.
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stardew-shitposterino · 11 months
Stardew Valley Bachelors and how they deal with their secret crush on the farmer
BEHOOOOLD! I’m kind of back but I’m not because I have a job and feel tired most of the time. I still need to get used to adult life. Anyway, here are the bachelors and how they deal with having a fat crush on you, you cutesy farmer person covered in filth!
Contents might be a bit NSFW so MINORS…you know what not to do *fights them off with a stick*
Enjoy my brainrot 🍓🥰
-Sammy is a cute little guy, almost like a dog wagging it’s tail when they see their owner.
-he is SO BAD at hiding it
-he will dream about you two jamming on a big stage together. In his ideal world, you two are a successful duo who make noise rock (kind of like the white stripes minus the weird siblings or married controversy)
-Sam will write songs about you. It’s not intentional per say, and he thinks he really sucks at writing love songs, but it just happens whenever he has to think about you. The words just start flowing.
-he might or might not have had some steamy shower fantasies about you…while in the shower. Jodie keeps complaining about the water bill being unusually high 👀
-yet, Sam is usually not too horny when he is in love with you. He is more gushy and daydreamy than anything
-homeboy works with nightcore versions of love songs to cope with his longing
-he isn’t the type to show his feelings so openly, so no one really notices his crush on you. Maybe Sam, but well, he is Seb’s best bud. Of course he can tell
-He notices how his sleep has improved since having a crush on you. He willingly goes to bed earlier to have some time to imagine scenarios of you two
-just you and him together on his cool ass motorcycle, driving into the night and ending it with a passionate kiss (sounds familiar?)
-well,,, let’s just say Seb is increasingly horny since having a crush on you. Before, he was almost certain he is some sort of asexual, but nope 😃 he’s healthy and extremely down bad for the filthy farmer who eats raw fish out of the pond 🥰
-what I mean by horny? Uhhh… he didn’t really need to rely on certain websites to satisfy his needs, that’s for sure 👀
-Harvey is a good man. A very good man
-god bless his soul 😫
-Harv isn’t the type to have crushes easily…I can’t believe it either, considering his crush on Maru who is way younger than him 💀
-but in my head, he isn’t the type to be all lovey dovey over someone. That’s why he’s so bad at hiding it. But you don’t really notice. You just suspect it but it could also be his usual anxiety lol
-it happened anyway😎 and he doesn’t know how to cope. At all.
-he has to think about you at all times, especially when he looks at the empty jars of delicious pickles you’ve made him
-This man is usually collected, but now?! He forgets everything, can’t even form a comprehensible sentence at times when his mind is busy thinking about a romantic picknick date with a lovely farmer
-Harvey’s libido is pretty much a dead beat horse 💀 but now he even feels the desire to do some nasty nasty at times. It’s still pretty tame, he’s a gentleman through and through, but wild for him to have those feelings and longings after what feels like decades. He’s not mad at it. He has felt low-key dead inside for so long so this is very exciting and he’s eager to explore this side of him…despite being anxious 😭
-bet your ass he’s the prince of crushes
-he is very dedicated and welcomes those refreshing feelings with a kiss
-feeling better than usual AND having inspiration to write ?! SIGN HIM UP
-he will use every chance he can get to talk to you, maybe even get you drunk (in a non creepy way) because he likes when you’re unapologetically authentic and let loose. It makes him feel more in touch with your soul (or some shit idk I’m not a poet)
-Elliott is NOT SUBTLE
-you practically know from the start that he has the hots for you, but it’s kinda funny seeing him try to pretend it’s not that way…if you can even call that pretending not to be 😭
- his passion doesn’t end at his artistry. This guy will spend a lot of time in his shower thinking about what could be, or sitting at the docks at night just staring at the sea (he’s NOT doing anything nasty in public, peeps. Don’t get it twisted)
-I can also see him recreate a romantic bedroom date he’d love to have with you…but it’s just him 🤷🏼‍♀️ self care king 👑
-like Harvey: HE CANNOT COPE!
-he hasn’t felt like this since high school. Every other encounter with potential partners was surface level and only based on sexual satisfaction
-so caring about you, thinking about what makes you happy and how he could be the reason you smile every day, that’s a lot for him
-as stupid as it sounds, he spirals and becomes low-key miserable over it. Give this man a 101 lesson on how to process emotions 😭
-despite the constant anxiety he feels, he low-key enjoys it. It’s kind of hopeless as well as pointless in his honest opinion, but there is this believe, that 0.00001% chance (in his mind) that he could turn his life around and be happy with you, married and maybe have a child of his own one day
-but that’s wishful thinking, riiiiiiight? So what does a self loathing piece of alcoholic man do instead of making a move? Yeah, self pleasure even more than usual, to get at least a bit of serotonin and the willpower to get his shit together, at least for you if it isn’t for him. He’s pretty rough with it too (ouch, unless you’re into that)
-sorry bros but him having a crush is not really all that cute. He’s my cutie pie, but let’s be real: him dealing with those feelings he tried to shut off for so long will be tragic in a way. He’s battling his inner demons here. So yeah… :(
-my man, my maaaaan 🥰
-he has earned a soft spot in my heart, bless his soul
-so Alex has a crush on you from the start, it’s basically canon
-can he show his feelings? Yes! Can he do that in a way that can be read as the feelings he tries to get across to you? NO!
-low-key bullying is his love language 🥰
-at least in the beginning. He’s a bit anxious and fears he isn’t good enough for you, so he doesn’t try to be authentic. Being the jock jerk everyone expects him to be gets a reaction out of you and that’s better than nothing, right?
-he’s neither the poetic nor the intellectual type, so he doesn’t process his emotions by writing them down or putting them into words. Just imagine him going about his work-out routine, just thinking about your beautiful smile and rocking bod while sweating like a hog
-Alex and quiet ? Yes that’s possible. I imagine him to go quieter than usual since having a crush on you. He processes everything internally and that takes a lot of time for him as he usually just shrugs off his emotions and doesn’t try to brood too much on them. But now?! He can’t but blush in silence as he just imagines how soft and small your hands must be next to his (yours are way more impressive than his and calloused to the gods, but let him have this moment)
-when it comes to being nasty…Alex is a serial romantic. We know that he probably was the lady’s man back in school so he probably got some action one way or another. In other words, man has the libido of a teen that just hit puberty 💀
-despite being quite horny, he was able to manage to just do it every other day. Now, he cannot even get out of bed in the morning before doing it as you pester his dreams and make his hormones go crazy first thing in the morning…so many nice boxer shorts were lost along the way 🫡
-he also did his own laundry for the first time during that period lmfao
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seiwas · 5 months
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the blade bleeds longer than the wound takes to heal | simon riley
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wc: 2.2k
summary: progress is non-linear. simon is learning just that. 
contains: any warnings that apply to cod, blood, mentions of serious injuries, recovery and healing, kind of non-linear, simon-centric with a splash of romance, hurt/comfort
a/n: first time writing simon and he's a tough one!! but i'm really happy with how this turned out! + a very belated birthday gift for @vierisqe! forgive the jumble of american + british english in this one (i've reread this so many times that it's mushed together in my head and i can't tell the difference anymore djhfbjas) i hope i wrote him well!!
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Simon picks up a knife in the dead of the night. 
At 2:00 a.m., the wind whistles outside your window, a wayward branch being thrown aimlessly against glass. The branches drag roughly against the delicate surface, scratching and banging in the gust of a predicted storm. 
Simon wakes up, eyes shooting open as his fingers instinctively reach for the small blade slotted underneath your mattress, sandwiched between soft cushion and the wooden panels of your bedframe. He keeps it there—
“For monster hunting. Sneaky fuckers only appear when lights’re out.”
—in case anything happens, he doesn’t say. 
(But you know old habits die hard, and Simon sleeps better with a weapon only layers away from his skin.) 
You’re curled up on his chest, hanging tightly onto his bicep as your breaths lull in the steady beats of slumber. His eyes blend dark blue against the backdrop of the night, and the only light casting itself into your bedroom diffuses from the streetlamp a few flats down. 
“We should keep a night light,” you’ve told him a few times before—if only to avoid small accidents, like tripping over folded carpets or bumping into the sharp edges of your dresser. 
“No ghosts here but me, love.” is all Simon replies.
(You take his cheekiness and keep it close to your chest, sporadic as it is, snorting as you let go of the topic.) 
He sees better in the dark—better than most, he’d like to think. 
His gaze flits to the window, watching intently as the branches move haphazardly; the sound hits the glass like bullet cases clinking against marble flooring. The same white marble bloodied deep red—
An inhale tickles his side, a phantom sharpness despite his ribcage being fully healed. There is no puncture, no gaping wound like that day 8 months ago—only scar tissue formed thickly along the outline of the knife that pierced through him. 
He breathes out, slow and steady, taking one last look at the window, before moving over to the door, checking for shadows and any suspicious movement. Then, his gaze rests on you—your hair splayed across his shoulder as you sleep soundly.
It’s okay. You’re okay. 
Everything is okay. 
Some days, he can breathe just fine. 
Spring blossoms through the flowers in your garden, white chrysanthemums that give Simon the worst spring allergies but he insists you keep. Despite the morning sniffles, when pollen seems to dust his dawning breath, he finds breathing easier on these days than most. 
You do your best to snip away at the blossoming buds, preparing to bundle them far away from the burly man they weaken. 
But Simon stands beside you with a watering pot, tilting the spout to drizzle life onto the blooms he knows are your pride and joy. 
He owes it to them, he supposes, for keeping you company months at a time. 
It’s at the fizzling end of summer when Simon returns to you. 
Captain Price had contacted you weeks prior to inform you of the incident—just three things Simon requested be divulged: 
One, that he had incurred a stab wound to be monitored for a few weeks, most likely in military facilities. 
Two, that he’ll be discharged soon after. 
And three, that you stay put and be calm; that you not worry. 
(Your hands shake throughout the entire call, your knees giving way as you fall to the bunched up carpet of your bedroom floor. 
To you, Simon is untouchable. 
To you, Simon is impenetrable. 
He never divulges any more than he has to, but you’ve always known he was good at his job. The silent yet commanding confidence he carries can only be born from years of expertise, his senses sharpened and tuned to the slightest sign of danger. 
Over the years, without fail, Simon has always come back to you in one piece. 
So when he walks into your flat with staggered breaths, smelling of antiseptic and sterile sheets, your heart aches.) 
You give him a look, eyes glassy with your hands clenched on your sides as if avoiding to touch, should he be fragile; he holds that stare for a few seconds too long until he decides to fuck it, pulling you closer to his chest. 
Fuck doctors’ orders that his stitches haven’t fully healed. Fuck doctors’ orders that he should ‘minimise thoracic pressure’. 
Fuck doctors’ orders that he should watch his breathing, keeping it slow and steady only. 
“Quit all ‘o that,” he clears his throat, hiding a wheeze from the impact, “Didn’t get me killed, ‘n it won’t. S’no grave to cry over.” 
You can’t help it though, he knows, your fingers clutching tighter onto the ends of his jacket as you rest your forehead on his collarbone. The pain muddles together in his chest, soaked by the tears seeping through the fabric of his t-shirt. 
There are many things Simon doesn’t tell you, many more that he won’t—
His body holds a litany of injuries, scars built upon scars; some lie on the surface of his skin, others residing deeper than any knife can sink into. 
—last month, he nearly died. 
A miscalculated raid had led him straight into a trap, isolating him from the rest of the 141. He was concussed and sedated, senses dulled by the chemicals injected into his bloodstream. It happened too fast—a blade, inconspicuously small but sharp, piercing through his ribcage; the hits that followed dealt greater damage. 
Price found Simon lying in a pool of his own blood, deep red against the white brinks of death. 
Three broken ribs—two that stabbed through his lungs along with the knife, and one that managed to puncture his heart. Doctors warned that breathing during recovery would be difficult, but he hardly finds it to be the most challenging part. 
The paranoia is worse. 
He’s been more fidgety since, constantly wary; uneasy. Worse compared to usual. 
Every professional he’s spoken to has told him that progress is non-linear—
“So, give yourself some time. Some days can be easy and difficult the next, but the day after that might be—” 
To that he says, fucking ‘ell. 
You cut yourself while trimming your chrysanthemums. 
It’s a small nick on your thumb, but that finger always bleeds more than the others do; blood red drips onto a few white petals—a striking contrast.
Simon finds you that way. 
He moves on autopilot, rushing in to grab the first-aid kit you keep in one of your kitchen cabinets. On the surface, he is calm, face set straight and hardly rattled by the accident. This is the only good he sees in the snail-pace of his recovery—his jagged breaths conceal the real reason his hands tremble slightly holding yours.
A small cut shouldn’t need bandaging. A small cut shouldn’t need gauze and waterproof plaster. Simon shouldn’t insist on taking over, especially when the pollen clogs his nose. 
But your white chrysanthemums should not be red. 
He tells himself he’ll get you a pair of those cut-resistant gardening gloves. 
Those petals should not be red. 
The knife isn’t the problem, it’s what surrounds it. 
Simon hasn’t been the same since his return, and you’ve begun to notice.
For a big and hefty man, he prefers keeping himself away from as much fuss as he can. Weekend markets with him have always been pleasant; he carries all the produce and you stop at food stalls to feed him bites of whatever catches your eye.
Not this time.
This time, Simon glues himself behind you, your back pressed against his chest as he navigates you both through crowds. He zeroes in on every single person brushing against you, searching for anything sharp. 
When you wait by a food stall, he scans the area; his focus shifts from a family of four settling their toddler on a stroller, then to a man older but not nearly as large as he, bringing in sacks of flour inside a bakery. Off in a corner is a teenager, swallowed by the thick fabric of a hoodie similar to his own; Simon observes him a little longer, drawing suspicions about the movement concealed inside the kid’s pocket. 
(You notice it when you ask whether he prefers peaches or mangoes for the crepe’s filling, only to be met with no reply.) 
Then, a faint trail of smoke wafts out of the boy’s nose—it’s just a vape. 
Simon turns away. 
By brunch, which you always somehow seem to drag him into, you settle into your seat and ask the server for a butter knife. 
(Simon stays silent most times, with the occasional dry retort or witty quip directed at any silly thing he notices, but he’s been completely quiet this entire day. The slightest bit of tension pinches the skin between his brows as his eyes dart from one person to the next—like roaring waves rushing to catch the shore.) 
It happens all too quickly, how he pins the server’s wrist down onto your table when you’re handed the butter knife. 
Everybody in the restaurant pauses to look at you two.
The shock on your face mirrors the server’s. 
Simon lets go immediately, mumbling his apologies as his hands dig inside the pocket of his hoodie. You turn to the server sheepishly, standing up to follow him to the cashier. 
(You know Simon well enough that he hates all the attention, so you quickly settle everything with the manager, explaining as best as you can that it wasn’t intentional. The server is kind enough to let it go, his wrist red but otherwise uninjured from Simon’s grip; you still give him a tip, for the shock and trouble.) 
The whole trip home is tense. Simon can’t look you in the eyes, and even when you both walk into your flat, he heads straight for the kitchen, preparing to clean and wash the vegetables.
He rolls up his sleeves and opens the tap, rinsing carrots and potatoes, along with some of the lettuce you managed to pick up for half off. 
(Something stabs at your heart seeing him curl into himself even more, but Simon will talk when he wants to—never before or after. 
So, you walk towards him instead, wrapping your arms around his waist as you rest your cheek against his back.) 
He stops moving, and the water continues running. 
(You can hear his heartbeat, feel each slow breath he’s taking.)  
Simon doesn’t tell you of the sleepless nights, of the terrors that plague his waking mind more than nightmares do. He doesn’t tell you that he sees you in his spot that very same day, on that same marble floor—your own pool of red against the very same white that your chrysanthemums bloom into. 
“I’m okay,” you whisper against his back, landing kisses on each of his shoulder blades. The fabric of his hoodie is soft and thick, but he feels you through it. 
“You always do a good job of keeping me safe.” 
Your words layer on him like tactical gear, arms tightening around his abdomen akin to the belt that holds his ammo. 
“Let me take care of you now,” you close your eyes, voice a little shaky, pleading, “okay?” 
Simon holds his breath. 
Your chrysanthemums sit in a vase by your kitchen sink, water droplets catching onto the petals and leaves. 
Simon sneezes every time he washes his hands, but he’s the one who put it there—
“S’called exposure therapy, love.” 
(And who are you to argue with a man on a mission?) 
—along with the cut-resistant gloves he stores in a drawer near your kitchen tools. 
From the corner of his eye, he watches you drag your chef’s knife to fillet a chicken breast. He keeps his gaze locked on your every movement, fingers twitching as if they itch to reach for you. Pain tingles at the side of his chest, a faded remnant of how it felt when the wound was still fresh. 
You fillet the breast successfully, and he releases a breath.
Simon has keen sight and he uses it to his advantage—sniping, scoping, watching. He notices the sharp edge of the open cupboard door over your head and reflexively lays his palm over it, cushioning the impact when you hastily move to the side.
If you notice, you don’t show him any signs.
Tonight’s menu is honey glazed soy chicken, a recipe you’ve been wanting to test out. He’d offered to help but you insisted that he sit back and relax; and of course, in typical Simon- fashion, he only partially heeds your advice. 
He sits back and relaxes all right, but on the barstool by the kitchen island, ready to spring into action whenever you need him. 
And he sees it all—that near-mishap by the cupboard, how dangerously close your fingers are from your chef’s knife; your cut-resistant gloves are ready-to-use in the drawer next to your garden tools. He still keeps that small blade between your mattress and bedframe. 
Old habits die hard, the aftereffects of near-death moreso, but Simon is a man on a mission, and when he watches you hiss away from the brief ‘pop!’ of oil splattering from your pan, he stays right where he is, convincing himself he can leave you to handle it. 
You’re okay. 
This is progress. 
It’s a start.
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a/n: this turned out a lot more serious than i intended, but i enjoyed picking simon to see how he would act in a period of adjustment back to regular life, especially after something potentially traumatic. i find simon an incredibly difficult character to write because he carries so much with him and i could go on about this, but the tldr is: i think he's become desensitised to a lot of things, which is why i don't think he's afraid of wounds or knives no matter how much he's been hurt by them. i don't imagine him being afraid of dying either, because it's what they do—it comes with the job. i do think though, that his close call with death here shifts his fear to the idea of loss, particularly, losing you. and as a protector, he finds himself responsible for that.
thank you notes: to @soumies my gawd!! for helping me with dialogue and proofreading, practically beta reading this entire thing!! you are the heart of this fic 🥺 simon would not be simon in this without you!! love u love u love u!!!!
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comments, tags, and reblogs are greatly appreciated ♡
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