#youre hurting real people but you only care about fictional characters ones you will never see the consequences of what you do because they
simplysummers · 2 years
Genuinely forgot how bad the glee fandom actually was until recently-
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wtfuglydemon · 7 months
i woke up and saw a post from someone saying Deco*27 and fanart of Bunny Hole is inappropriate because Miku is 16, a song about how trying to search for love with sex can be dangerous to someone, something, you know, teenagers are extremely at danger for, so now i am extremely angry
first of all, Miku is a voice bank, shut up, the whole appeal of Miku is how she can be anything for everyone, she sings for those who can compose but can not sing, she is a reflection of the artist, what makes Miku appeal to everyone is how wide of a range of songs she has, talking about anything and everything meaning it WILL connect with someone depending on the composer who is using her, there is no "Miku age", she is anything and everything that current artist wants her to be.
second of all, its easy to advocate for something that can not speak, that cant voice how what you're doing is stupid, i bet it is so easy to feel like you have moral superiority over people because you fight for the rights of something that does not exist, isnt it? i hate people like this, youre so quick to jump into defending voice banks, fictional characters, ideas but when it comes to real children no one cares, no one knows how to properly build a safe place and space for them, how to teach them how to avoid dangers, making fun of them on the internet, treating them like they dont know anything.
to me, people like this are two steps from being a full time conservative, treat children like they dont know anything and hide them from anything they deem inappropriate, instead of providing them guidance and a safe space for any topic is exactly what they do and exactly what they keep stretching the line of to include queer people
everyone is about protecting fictional teenager characters because they cant fight how stupid you are, they wont go out and do exactly the opposite you want them to do because you dont respect them, think they are innocent little babies who cant know about spooky things like sex, oooohhhh, how you think hiding them from the world until they're under a certain threshold of age, depriving them of the ability to express themselves over something theyre just now first experience, the knowledge of how to protect themselves and be safe doing what they want in an actual good manner, because all youre doing is either making dangerous people being their only acceptance and safe space to express themselves when theyre going through puberty and all these new feelings are coming in and they need to express them in some form, making them easy to exploit, or youre delaying this same exact thing for until they're 18, whats the difference of a teenager with no experience and an "adult"? you may think an adult know better but how can they if all you did was deprive them of the learning experience? we all learn from experience, we all need an early safe space to be taught these things and if you didnt, it doesn't matter if youre an adult, you will commit the same mistakes and be just as vulnerable and in the same danger as a teenager, but at that moment you dont care anymore do you?
teenager are not babies, acting like they cant know these things and hide them from it is what leads to exploitation, acting like they cant express themselves sexually when they are at the peak of their puberty and can not control it is making their only accepted place a dangerous one, teenagers are to be respected as people who can know and try things for themselves and your responsibility is to provide them a safe space to do so, even things you are uncomfortable with such as sexual topics, because if you wont, those who want to exploit them will.
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rheakira · 4 months
I've come to temporarily break my hiatus to bring up something deeply important. Because after a recent event, if I have to go another day without talking about it, I don't know what I'll do.
Fandoms have an enormous issue when it comes to bigotry and people feeling comfortable enough to be openly bigoted.
And I want to make it clear: everyone is capable of it. In fact, most people do it more often than they don't. But because this strange myth has been built up that if you aren't "blatantly saying slurs" or "killing others" it can't possibly be bigotry, we have done nothing but become dangerous behind closed doors.
If your friend has odd beef with a person of color in the fandom and holds them to standards they don't hold their white friends to, that is bigotry. If your friend feels some sort of way about the trans person in your friend group and tries to come up with reasons for why they specifically can't stay, that is also bigotry. If your group insists that a person with a personality disorder is making it up just for attention and uses that as a reason for why they can't be around them, that is bigotry as well.
I've never been upfront about it because... why do I, as a human being, need to be upfront about my identity when people randomly decide what I am? But I am in fact a person of color who is queer and disabled. Whenever I join a fandom group that is mostly white people, I am liked until this is discovered. And then I watch as people get brutal about things I do or say. Things that they don't do to other people in the group, and I also watch as they take my words and either twist them for convenience or ruin my reputation for it.
As a marginalized person, both in fandom and out, you are held to a unique standard that does not apply to other human beings around you. It makes doing what you love very difficult, because unfortunately as a marginalized person, people will always subconsciously side with the person trying to oppress or attack you. This has happened to me my entire life, from school to work spaces to even internet spaces claiming to be safe places.
People will say that they care about you and like you and even form a friendly bond with you, but the moment a person of privilege decides they do not like you very much, they can and will side with the other person even without proof of their issues with you. It's exhausting and ruins lives in places that should be fun and safe.
I am on my umpteenth experience with this exact cycle and I would be lying if I said it didn't make me feel like I couldn't live or breath in places I should be allowed to be involved in. It's a very real problem that refuses to end because no one has the courage to challenge it. I am speaking not only on my own experiences, but for the many other people of color or queers or disabled people who simply cannot join these so called "safe spaces" because of our identities conflicting with people who have been taught that we are lesser and not worth love or care.
If this is a problem you face, please know that I see you and I love you. It's hard to keep surviving in a world that wants to hurt you and leaves you abandoned and alone. I want you to know that the world is scary, but we all exist. You should be allowed to experience joy and fun without feeling like you're being suffocated and wanting to die.
You matter. The people around you that make you feel like you don't are nothing by comparison. You matter and I truly hope that we'll one day find each other and become the safe space that we deserve.
The marginalized people in your fandom are more important than your fictional characters and plotlines that you put above us. We're here and we're not leaving. Learn to live with us and protect us.
If we're truly your friends, you would care when your privileged "friends" want to remove us.
Additionally, please do not take this rant and make it only about white people who are part of these marginalized categories. This is a post about EVERYONE. Including the people of color around you. Do not remove us from this conversation. Care about ALL OF US if you support this at all. Thank you.
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spellbinding10 · 2 months
Okay… so Umbrella Academy season 4…SPOILERS!!!!
I know that maaaannnyyy people were not happy with Lila and Five, but I’m not gonna lie, in a way they were meant to be.
Now there’s the supposed “age gap” but we have to remember that, although he’s physically 19/20, Five is older than Lila. Yes she “watched him grow” from a mid teen but Five was so many years his own senior. And he was a legal age He was mentally 68 and has lived 2 maybe 3 lifetimes already. And for the most part he lived them alone.
I think that we all need to remember that five was alone for so long. He went back to his family, wounded, isolated and with foreknowledge that no one could comprehend. Lila is the only one that truly understands what it feels like to feel out of place in Time. They were raised by the same morals and merits. They understood what no one else could. They both have been through unimaginable pain and suffering. And I think they had the ability to heal one another, in fact they did. Five saw Lila for who she truly was, he cherished her and appreciated all of her. Her chaos, her madness, compassion, courage and mind.
Now I had the start of Lila and Five returning to her family scene paused for sooo long. I couldn’t bear watching it. Did I? Yeah, love me a bit of angst. I really didn’t like how hurt Diego was, truly, but Five knew what Lila and he had was real and I can understand his anger. Do I condone cheating, absolutely not. I’ve been cheated on. But I’m also one for “the right person”, so in a FICTIONAL world I understand. I can also understand why Lila needed to end it ,for the sake of her children, because that’s what true love is, the love of your children. But he was there when she had to let her family go. He stood by her side and comforted her even though she had broke his heart. And thank BrOKe me!
There also seems to be a lot of posts about the REAL Five Hargreeves. Guys that is character development. Is it positive. Eh, ish. But not all people grow in the same way. Yes Five would do anything for his family. But I don’t think he “gave up”. Five has always been logical, from the very start. His sole purpose in life was to get back to his family and save the world. Save the people of that world, their lives, the very essence of life. And he did that. He didn’t give up. Five found out that his family was the cause of it all. He didn’t sacrifice them to be selfish. He couldn’t stand to watch his family die over and over. They would never rest, never know peace and they would spend the rest of their lives knowing that each apocalypse was their fault. It took courage to tell them. They could have kept going on. Klaus, would have kept using. Luther would still be in anguish over Solan (also where the fuck was she in all this? - anyway, no, another time) Allison would have kept loosing Claire. And every one of them would have kept loosing something in that particular time line that they cared about. I dunno man. I think Five is the same as he always was. He lived alone in the apocalypse surrounded by the destruction of life. He ensured it wouldn’t happen ever again. He did his job. He saved his family. The world.
So yeah, you’re all entitled to your opinion and you have your reasons for it. This is mine. I liked Five and Lila. The ending was, peace and love to the writers, bullshit - though bittersweet I suppose, but bullshit.
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hertenskylarks · 17 days
More 2 Cents on S3
So, I know there’s already a lot of talk going around. Here’s my 2 cents. 
In light of the recent news, I keep hearing a lot of “Oh, I hope the third season doesn’t get canceled,” and “Oh, I hope it does. Fuck Gaiman,” and “Oh, what about Terry’s vision? What about the fans? What about closure?”
I have absolutely zero control as to whether or not season 3 is made. Many arguments for and against it have already been made. I don't want to beat a dead horse, but I will offer this perspective from my own personal experience. 
I’m a swing dancer, and my rapist was my teacher and one of the first people who ever taught me how to dance. One of the things that made me hesitant to come forward was that he was one of the most likable characters in my scene. He was the funny, goofy guy who wore funky printed shirts, he was sooo nice, he couldn’t possibly be a rapist, right? Right?
Seeing people praise him, hearing people talk about how great he is when I knew what he did to me… It drove me absolutely mad. I just wanted to shake people and say, “No, you don’t understand! You don’t understand who he is!” But I felt like I just couldn't. I felt his reputation was too iron-clad to say anything.
Coming forward was one of the scariest things I ever did because I was so sure people either wouldn't believe me or wouldn't care. And, as predicted, that was the case for some. You can only imagine how I felt when someone I used to call my friend went on to have him officiate her wedding. You can only imagine how I felt when the response from the organizers of the dance scene was to ask me to avoid mentioning Y-Town Swing in social media posts (Oops) to protect their reputation. You can only imagine how I felt when they continued to have him as a teacher, or when they updated their safe space policy to say they are not responsible for anything that happens “outside a Y-Town swing event.” 
Oh, so if he raped me in the bathroom at the event instead it would have made a difference? Right, sorry, didn't realize the location or a rape mattered that much.
This was all in the confines of a small dance scene, in a small city, in a very niche hobby. Now, imagine how it must feel when your rapist and abuser is a fucking best selling author, praised as this ally to women and LGBT people, he’s the quirky guy who has a Tumblr and actually responds to his fans and he’s so cool, he’s one of us, he can’t possibly be a rapist, right? Right?
I can only imagine how fucking mad it drove his victims to know who he really is and see him put on such a high pedestal. 
So, however this all unfolds, I will say this. The people I care about most are the victims. I say this as someone who loved and still loves Good Omens, I say this as someone who was torn up about the final 15, as someone who rejoiced when S3 was originally announced, before all the allegations came to light. I care about the victims. 
But what about the fans? Listen, it’s a fucking TV show. Do you really mean to tell me the ending of a fictional fucking story is more important than the very real people he’s hurt? Not having an ending to your favorite show does not hold a candle to the trauma of being sexually assaulted. There’s no comparison. Not in the same ballpark. Not even in the same galaxy. 
But what about Terry?
Terry is dead and in his grave. I am sorry to say this, but whether his vision comes to life or not, he will never be the wiser. It makes no difference to him. If I could wave my magic wand and have Terry alive and well and Gaiman dead and in his grave, believe me, I definitely would, but that is not the hand we were dealt. 
So please, all I ask is this. Before you go spouting shit like, “I hope we don’t lose S3,” or “I just need to know how it ends,” put yourself in their shoes for just a second.
Imagine you are Claire, or Scarlett, or any of his other victims. Imagine you are sexually assaulted by someone whom the world just puts on a pedestal. You have to sit there and listen to him get praised as being “such a great ally to women and minorities” and “he’s one of us,” and “he’s so brilliant. He’s so cool. He really listens to his fans. Look at this quote of his I got tattooed on my body.” And for years you just sit there and take it, because you’re so fucking afraid that no one will believe you if you come forward, you’re told your story “isn’t enough,” you watch him get richer and richer while you’re stuck with the therapy bill for everyting this “great ally of women” did to you. 
Now imagine that you finally come forward. You finally muster up the will to speak your truth, and tell people what he did to you, and you find that you’re not the only person he’s hurt. The world is finally hearing your story and learning what a manipulative monster he is. 
And now, I want you to think very carefully about what it means if we still get S3. 
S3 means press tours. It means more reviews praising him as a genius. It means certain people being contractually obligated to say nice things about him, or at the very least, not say negative things about him. It means, once again, seeing his fucking horse face or his name everywhere, on Amazon, on billboards, on busses, on posters, in adverts. Only now, it's AFTER the world heard your side of the story.
Just imagine how that would feel. 
So, if it wasn't obvious by now, my stance on S3 is… I don't really want it to happen. Not out of spite or some deep seated hatred for Gaiman (although, ya know, fuck that guy) but out of consideration for the people he's hurt, as someone who knows exactly how it feels to see the person who hurt you get put on a pedestal. 
I understand that production is paused and people think he may be getting removed from the project. I'm not going to comment on that because "paused” can mean a lot of things and there's so much we don't know yet.
There will be other shows. 
There will be shows that DO have satisfying endings. 
Media and shows can be replaced. 
But there is no such thing as being un-raped. 
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theyanderespecialist · 7 months
Base Yandere Lucifer Morningstar Headcanons: He Will Move Heaven and Hell
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with another chapter! This one, the base headcanons, and traits of Yandere Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel! So wish me luck, anyway I hope you enjoy this!] 
(Disclaimer: Lucifer Morningstar From Hazbin Hotel is not yandere in canon! This is just for fun and NOT to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it (You know who you are). Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life.) 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Lucifer Morningstar From Hazbin Hotel- 
.Lucifer has focused it looks like his last seven-ish years on not being a very active king of hell. 
.Focusing on building his ducks and burying his depression. 
.He does not have a LOT of people he sees on a day-to-day basis. 
.Except for you, the person who is on his staff. It is your job to make sure that the king is taken care of. 
.So you were more or less a babysitter and assistant to the king of hell. 
.He was fond of you, okay that was a lie, he is right down smitten and obsessed with you. 
.You are his ray of sunshine in the darkness of hell and he adores you. 
.You have been with him for the last several years since his wife had gone missing. 
.He had a strained relationship with his daughter and often talks to you about her. 
.Telling you all the times he had with her. He just wants you to be part of his and his daughter's life. 
.He of course still loves Lilith, but he has a love for you, where he NEEDS You. 
.He often makes you ducks, he has given you so many duck-related things as gifts. 
.He loves to spoil you, and a lot of time, it is something that is shaped like a duck or is duck themed, or is covered in ducks. 
.He also loves to make your caramel apples as a treat. 
.He will give you the best, because what is better than pure angelic power, especially from the man who so happens to love you the MOST? 
.He does not want to share you and gets extremely guarded and protective of you when he deems a rival is around to threaten his claim to you. 
.He is a lovable dork, and with his yandere side, this makes him also a TOTAL Puppy dog yandere. 
.The slightest biggest love and affection and or attention that you show him he just gobbles up. He is very much "MY DARLING WANTS TO BE WITH ME!!!!! TAKE THAT DEPRESSION" 
.He is also very much a physical touch kind fo romance, as Viv has confirmed. 
.He loves to show his affection to you, with physical touch. 
.Kissing up your arm, holding you in his arms, anything and everything. Even as things as simple as a graze of the hand. 
.He loves to sing for you, writing romantic songs. 
.But man oh man, can he be petty when it comes to rivals. 
.Such as if Alastor were to say you and him were close. 
.Who the fuck did that sinner think he was! 
.He will have a constant dislike for anyone who tries to say they are something with you. 
.He deals with rivals in two main ways. The first way, Being super fucking petty fr fr. 
.Or by legit summoning hellfire which can burn them away and actually kill them.
.He does not play around when he gets to the point. 
And if the person does hurt you, he will use the hell fire on that soul to kill them. 
.He will show no mercy. 
.You are the apple of his eye, his sweet love, a reason for him to stay in hell even if he was allowed back to heaven he would never go back because he adores you. 
.He was once a dreamer, but he had lost those dreams until he found you, you gave him hope and the ability to dream again. 
.To strive to be a better father, a better husband, and a better king. 
.He would share you with Lilith 1000 percent. BUT ONLY LILITH 
.He also will try and introduce you to Charlie as you will one day be her future step-parent. 
.He is very nervous about this that is for sure. 
.When he does confess to you he is beyond nervous and awkward. 
.Because he is worried if it will go right or not. 
.If you accept his feelings he takes you in his arms and flies into the air spinning around and kissing you. 
.If you turn him down he feels his heart shatter, but he will ask if you are two are still good, but he is not giving up. 
.He will try his best to "Mend" things and then slowly court you, so the next time he confesses to you, you say yes. 
.He does this until he gets a yes. 
.He is determined, and also a very protective yandere as well. 
.He will face heaven to keep you by his side, so if somehow you got redeemed he would storm heaven and bring you back. 
.He is not losing you, you belong to him and will be his future spouse, future co-parent, and future co-ruler. 
.He will move heaven and hell for you, that is a fact! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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I have a little bit of an interesting question! I know you stated you like writing horror and NSFW, or at least you do not mind dabbling in them, so I'm curious to your opinion:
(Please, very important onto this, keep in mind that, when I ask about 'Yandere', while yes, I mean this lovesick, obsessed character who goes to kidnapping/harming others/threatening/killing etc extremes to get the object of their affection/obsession, there's many yandere types. I PERSONALLY like only a handful of them because I am very careful with TW (I do not like toxic relationships where the 'darling' is deprived of privacy, is mistreated, forced to do things, has hands laid on them, has their emotional well being messed up by demeaning words, etc, and I do not enjoy abuse depictions of the trope either, so I cherry-pick a lot (due to personal trauma). Yanderes are often portrayed as straight up abusive when they needn't be, there's delusional ones, lucid ones who do not want to feel the way they do, others who rather give themselves to the object of obsession/affection and would rather hurt themselves than ever upset them, others who lean more towards manipulation, etc.). I say this because TW are important and while this is 'just a question in a blog' I want to inform you that there is NO EXPECTATION for you to write abuse, toxicity or anything of the sort. While being WELL AWARE that yandere relationships WILL be unhealthy in nature, it is that kind of 'unhealthy possessive' vibe you can enjoy IN FICTION, and should NEVER allow in real life. Take care of yourselves ❤️)
Obviously, none of the characters are canonically yandere, but do you have any opinions on who could fit the bill? And how/what way/what category they'd fit into?
Please ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable in any way and even if you simply respond without any headcanons/just a little ramble, remember to put TW so people who blacklist yandere stuff or feel trigger by any of it continue having a safe space here! Love your blog and what you do! Keep up the amazing work, and congratulations on such endless artistic talent!!
I haven't done a whole lot with the Yandere trope. I have one unpublished fan fiction for another fandom entirely that involves a yandere character in an antagonistic role. I don't tend to romanticize it because of how problematic it can be.
So needless to say, ⚠️ trigger warnings ⚠️ ahead for this topic, some more than others (lookin' at you, Doffy).
I feel like Sanji could fit the bill of being the lucid, regretful yandere. He knows that his obsession with you could be problematic, but he just can't help it. He gets insecure and jealous easily, and may be inclined to threaten any other men that happen to get to close to his beloved, platonically or romantically. He wants you completely to himself. Would be apologetic about his behavior and feel sincerely guilty for it, but just unable to keep himself from doing so. He also feels his behavior is protecting you in a way from being taken advantage of, and that's the only justification he can make for it—even to himself.
Mihawk, while his confidence and ego mean he's not really the jealous type, would still be a worthy candidate. He wants you aware that you are his in every sense of the word. You, your love, your mind, your body, all belong to him. No one else. He may very well be violent about it, though not toward you—just toward anyone who dares challenge his ownership over you. Toward his lover, he would be particularly doting and gentle, treating you like a fragile and priceless work of art. He would be incredibly disinclined to allow you to go anywhere without him; and if he finds out anyone else is attempting to court your affections or, heaven forbid, hurt you, then their days are going to be numbered.
Next would be Crocodile. Getting more ⚠️triggery⚠️ here. Prime candidate for a possessive yandere. Even if he doesn't have much time for you, you're still his property. He'll expect you to have time for him, to adhere to his schedule and his whims. He'll have a list of rules that you have to follow—no speaking with other men without him present, no going out in public without him or a guard that he has personally assigned to you; this is as much for the sake of keeping you safe as it is to ensure that you don't do anything he would disapprove of. In exchange, he'll shower you with lavish gifts, and treat you like a princess when he is with you...but if you break the rules, there will be consequences.
And lastly, and by far the most triggery, Doflamingo. Congratulations, you've caught the attention of an absolutely sadistic and manipulative yandere! He values total control over all aspects of your life. But he's going to make you think you have some freedom at first. He'll pout a little if you want to go somewhere without him, but he'll allow it...on the surface, at least. Then he'll hire some thug or other criminal deviant to scare you right back into his arms, whether with idle threats or physical force. He'll make you feel like he's your only source of safety and comfort. Make you defend him to your concerned friends and family of your own volition, until you have absolutely no one left but him to turn to. He'll justify it by saying it absolutely is for your own safety, and he sincerely believes that to be true; even if he wasn't hiring people to frighten you, there's still every chance that you could be hurt or enticed to leave if you stray too far from his side, and he can't allow that. Whether he views you as a lover or just a plaything, no one else is allowed to touch you but him.
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
i think frat!peter would get insanely jealous whenever you fangirl over a fictional character from a movie or book. like the character does something romantic and you blush and rant about how cute they are, and peters just sitting there pouting like, “trouble, they aren’t even real!! im right here!!” i live for jealous petey 🤭 -🎨
i want a frat!peter so bad.
"hey, trouble, do you wanna-"
"did you just-"
"shush! nate's about to apologize to beatrice and i just know they're going to kiss!"
peter cannot believe this shit. you have a real, breathing human in front of you that you can kiss but your head is wrapped up in nate.
"why do we care about nate?"
you groan and carefully set your book down, "look, i'll explain quick but i need you to promise me you'll let me at least finish this chapter."
peter holds his hands up, "i'd never want to keep you from nate."
"good, thank you. okay, so basically nate is in love with bea, he calls her bea, it's so cute. but, he's the macho 'i could never love a woman they make man weak grrr' kinda guy but bea is enthralled with nate and won't leave him alone."
peter wonders if you see the similarities. you don't.
"and she follows him home one night cause she had a bad feeling and he got jumped and she like, kinda saved him? but then he got pissed at her for getting involved cause she could've been hurt! which means... nate likes her! and of course he pushed her away when he realized."
peter nods his head, "of course he did."
"right! and then bea realized he might not just be a bad boy, but a bad person, and now he's going to apologize and i just know they're going to kiss!"
"what if bea doesn't want him back? what if nate fucked it up for the final time? what if bea realizes it seems like she's the only one who cares about their relationship but really nate just sucks at showing how much he cares?"
your head tilts while you think over his words, you know he's pulling the 'let's say, hypothetically, my friend,' line.
"i think... bea is very expressive about her emotions and nate's doing the best he can and she recognizes that. i think she also knows there are other ways to show people you care, even if it's not as vocal as she'd like."
your answer was so raw, peter had to look away.
"a deals a deal, trouble. keep reading for your kiss, i'm doing laundry downstairs."
making grabby hands and puckering, peter walks from the foot of the bed to your side, supplying three small kisses.
"yup, nate's are still more exciting. imagine the kiss after admitting some deep, hidden feelings, petey."
he gives you another, "keep imagining, trouble."
bonus: running out of his room, skidding on socks and yelling down the stairs to him.
"peter, they kissed! they kissed and it was so worth the build up!" 
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wangxianficfinder · 5 months
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Fic Finder
May 2nd
1. I'm trying to re-find a fic that is a bit of a crossover between TGCF and MDZS but with Wei Wuxian reincarnated as Xie Lian with all of his memories intact, Lan Wangji was reincarnated as Hua Cheng but didn't have memories of his past life. Hua Cheng, Mu Qing, Feng Xin later reacts to Xie Lian's past life as Wei Wuxian after an accident. I'm really searching for this fic everywhere but I can't find it:: It's totally fine if you can recommend anything close to what I'm looking for if possible ^^ @daily333
FOUND? Fated by drunkkidd (G, 12k, WangXian, HuaLian, WWX & XL, XL & HC, WWX & LWJ, HC & WWX, XL & LWJ, WIP, BAMF WWX, Hurt WWX, HC & XL are in Love, Married HuaLian, WWX Needs a Hug, WWX Needs Therapy, WWX Needs a Break, Poor WWX, WWX is Not Okay, Reincarnation, Rebirth, Suffering, Temporary Character Death, Character Death, Heavy Angst, Everyone Needs A Hug, Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm) I haven't read it myself, but it seems to fit the parameters
2. Hi, thank you so much for offering this service. It’s certainly appreciated!
I wanted to find two fics if that is okay.
A) The plot of the first fic: LWJ is a controversial singer. He’s known for his explicit music videos, and is openly gay. I think the fic author was representing the mindset of early 2000’s. His manager is Jiāng Yanli, they both bonded over WWX, who’s presumed dead but is missing. It’s also LWJ fucks. He has sex with various people, one of them being his background dancer but he doesn’t date anyone because he’s in love with WWX. WWX is actually living in hiding, (from Meng Yao). He returns and LWJ and him get together. There’s a whole car chase scene as well when he goes back to get Yuan and the rest of the Wens with Jiang Cheng.
B) The second fic, I don’t remember much from it except a scene that’s been nagging me. It’s a WangXian getting back together fic. Basically WWX returns and while LWJ doesn’t give into him right away, they still end up getting back together. LWJ had a hard time with WWX leaving. The scene that I’m referring to is in which Lwj comes home, and wwx mentions to him he and LXC spoke. LWJ panics because he’s afraid wwx will leave him again and I recall the dialogue being something along the lines of
“No, he had no right” or “he doesn’t get to take you away from me again” he starts crying I think.
WWX calms him down by saying he’s never leaving him again no matter what, even if LXC wouldn’t approve he doesn’t care for others and the only one who matters is LWJ.
Thats about it. Thank you for all your hard work! Xx
Hiiii! I am the person who asked for 2a and 2b in your May 2nd post. The first one is the one I was desperately looking for! Thank you so much for your hard work. 2b isn’t either of those, but much similar. I wish I could provide more context, but I don’t remember much. I believe the scene was Lan Zhan coming home and Wei Ying coming to the doorway mentioning how Xichen called and they spoke, Lan Zhan could’ve been hiding about wei ying coming back I think. Lan Zhan panics thinking wwx will leave him because he assumes xichen was mean to wwx over the phone and he’s scared he’ll leave as a result but wwx calms him saying no matter what he’ll never leave him again. I’m sorry for the trouble, thank you once again for your support!!
FOUND! always on my mind by sami (E, 42k, WangXian, LWJ/Other(s), LWJ & JYL, Modern, references to past Lan Wangji/others, references to past WWX/WQ, Family, Sexual Tension, set in the early 90s, Grief, Erratic Gay Superstar Musician LWJ, life is what happens in the in between, Domestic Fluff, Fluff, Children, Pregnancy, not mpreg, Parenthood, Music Videos, LWJ's Gremlin Tendencies, WWX's Gremlin Tendencies, Drag, Daytime Television, Bitches Get Things Done, fictional daytime talk shows, Q&A, Slice of Life, Awards, shows, any resemblance between OCs and real people living or dead are coincidental, Communication, and how LWJ is bad at it, LWJ's weirdly wholesome kink inclinations, LWJ's aggressively artistic musical career, References to Major Character Death, Celebrity stuff)
NOT FOUND Nothing but your heart by airinshaw (E, 21k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O Dynamics, Implied Mpreg, First Time, Getting Together, Angst and Drama, Angst with a Happy Ending, Anal Sex, Whump, Breeding Kink)
NOT FOUND 🔒 Life as a House by Terri Botta (Isilwath) (T, 55k, WangXian, Modern, Corporate Espionage, Post-Divorce, Father-Son Relationship, Reconciliation, Angst with a Happy Ending, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, LWJ Needs A Hug, LSZ is a good boy, recovery from abuse, Therapy, Abusive Relationships, LWJ pov)
FOUND! Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (E, 107k, WangXian, Modern AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Romance, Persuasion au, Separations, Mutual Pining, Depression, Miscommunication, Emotional Roller Coaster, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Reconciliation, Eventual Smut, Jane Austen Fusion, Underage Kissing) The lines listed from 2B remind me very much of Spodumene's "Tempo Rubato," but it was WWX saying it to LWJ and talking about JC trying to warn LWJ away from WWX after a long separation. Here's the fic; the lines are near the end, in ch. 16.
3. I read this ff one time from sizhui pov. it’s essentially about lwj in mourning clothes during wwx death . he’s commenting on the color of the robes being white and how there’s no blue. I have never been able to find it again. it;s short, maybe one or two chapters.
I do remember a scene where sizhui asks Lxc about the robes and xichen responds “he used to wear blue, sizhui, like me” — may not be the exact quote but something similar.
Thanks yall! @chenqingmagic
NOT FOUND In all these shades of blue (I think we found you) by Fleetling (T, 5k, WangXian, LSZ & LWJ, LSZ & WWX & LWJ, LSZ & LJY, LXC & LWJ, LXC & LSZ, 5+1 Things, LSZ pov, kinda sad at times bc wwx is dead for most of it, LSZ's childhood, LSZ growing up, LSZ isn't stupid he worked out who his father lost long before wwx came back, LJY is a Good Friend, LXC is a good uncle ok, the juniors get wangxian together at the end, minor injuries and blood but better than canon, a reflection on LWJ's clothing from the pov of LSZ)
FOUND! Revolution by mrcformoso (T, 8k, WangXian, LSZ & LWJ, LSZ & WWX, LSZ/LJY, Light Angst, Happy Ending, POV LSZ, Found Family, Toxic Elders, Fatherhood, Growing Up, The Lan Juniors, LSZ's parents suffered, And so he starts a revolution, Bringing about change, LWJ Adopts LSZ; WWX is LSZ's Parent, LSZ is a polite menace, Hanguang-jun raised an army of Lan rebels, and we're here for it, Canon Compliant, Canon Divergence, only the ending because we all hate the untamed edning, Good Uncle WN)
4. Hi so i was looking for a wangxian fic it was a non modern mpreg fic where wwx got pregnant and had to visit some physical whom he became like friends with and lwj and lqr were there too, I honestly don't think it was omegaverse. Sorry this is all i remember but i do remember one rough line from the fic which was a convo b/w lwj, wwx and the physician the physician was asking lwj and wwx about their sex life and how often they do it so lwj responded with everyday and then the physician asked if he pulls out or smth but lwj said no i hope u can find it :> (sorry for lack of details) @monochromo
FOUND? 🧡 Vow by draechaeli (E, 216k, Canon Divergence, BeliefGod!WWX, Adoption but WWX birthed them all, Pregnancy Kink, Mpreg, minor male lactation, Consensual Non-Consent, Light Bondage, Non-Graphic Rape/Non-Con because JGS, Mentions Canon Typical Incest, Canon Typical Violence)
FOUND? 举头望明月 - Looking up at the bright moonby Lanwangjisnights (M, 39k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Alpha LWJ, Omega/Alpha WWX, Fox WWX, Explicit Sex, Top LWJ/Bottom WWX, Mpreg, Dual Cultivation) could be fic 3. It sounds like a conversation LWJ has with Baoshan Sanren about WWX's core pregnancy.
5. Hi!! I'm looking for a fic where it's a modern au and wei wuxian gets ill when fierce corpses start spreading (almost like an apocalypse) and he gets accused of it. He ends up doing a video call (I think) with other sect leaders to explain how demonic cultivation works so they can stop the apocalypse. I know that lan wangji takes care of wei wuxian while he's sick if that helps. Thank you !!
FOUND? When the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation takes a week off by galaxy_in_your_eyes (T, 20k, WangXian, Modern Cultivation, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives AU, only those that deserve it, kind of fix-it, Zombie Apocalypse AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Attempt at Humor, POV Alternating, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Gore, Mentions of Suicidal Thoughts, Brief Mentions of Cannibalism, Zombies, We don't see the Zombie Apocalypse, It happens behind closed doors, WWX in quarantine, Wangxian being Wangxian, Mentions of Smut, Established Relationship, Courtesy Names, So many names, local necromancer gets sick with the flu)
6. So I’m trying to find this fix where the wens we’re going to sacrifice themselves and Wen Qing throws her needles at Wèi wuxian but he like stops them somehow and is angry(?) and he creates like a impenetrable(?) barrier and keeps the there. @candyyii
FOUND? To Mourn the Young Man by Iamnotawriter (T, 56k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, BAMF WWX, Most people live, but not the bad guys, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Hurt/Comfort, Golden Core Reveal) the first chapter has WWX creating a barrier with resentful energy to prevent the needles from knocking him out, but not keeping everyone in the Burial Mounds so idk if this is it
FOUND? 🔒 Living in a nightmare by istgidek1234 (T, 68k, WangXian, JC & WWX, JC & WQ, Sect Leader WWX, Yílíng Wèi Sect, Canon Divergence, Fix-It of Sorts, NMJ Lives, Angst, Fluff, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Torture, Panic Attacks, the main clans need WWX's help, and he's too nice for his own good, JZX still dies, Miscommunication, Slow Burn, Nightmares, MXY Needs a Hug, WWX Needs a Hug, yunmeng siblings reconciliation, Golden Core Reveal, Torture, but only a teeny non-descriptive bit)
7. Fic Finder ask here, I’m looking for a fic set in the cloud recesses study arc era, it’s cannon divergent and WWX & LWJ get together during cloud recesses, I think they’re engaged as well. This fic is also a long fic. The only concrete scene I can place to this fic was WWX & LWJ having horny teen semi clothed sex in the woods where WWX is on LWJ’s lap and they’re found by NHS who clearly thinks he just walked in on them kissing and thought it was fine for them to be doing that, he just felt awkward walking in on them doing it. (So this is another point into the maybe they’re married of fiancés @ that moment in the story) I can’t remember the name of the fic, and it’s haunting me.
Hello, I’m the asker for #7 of the most recent fic finder. Unfortunately I’m pretty certain that Starving Stunted Juvenility is not the fic I’m looking for. I’m re-reading it rn but I remember I was actually very into the cloud recesses divergent aus because of SSJ, and I had definitely been reading one of those for this ask.
NOT FOUND 🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 803k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement) what immediately comes to mind for long, CRA get together, canon divergence is this. Can't remember if the scene you remember is in here or not but this is a massive fic so maybe??
8. I’m looking for a yiling wei sect au that had wen cheng’s girlfriend as a double agent helping to end the war, and she ended up with wen Qing. @sentient-halloween-candy
FOUND? ❤️ Restoration by ritualist (M, 84k, WangXian, Fairy Tale Elements, Non-Linear Narrative, Time Skips, Time Shenanigans, YL WWX, Sentient Burial Mounds, Sunshot Campaign, Politics, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, JGS Is His Own Content Warning, Necromancy, Surgery, Identity Issues, Yílíng Wèi Sect, Love at First Sight, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending) 
9. Hi, does anyone remember seeing a fic where lwj shows up on wwx's doorstep out of the blue. They hadn't seen each other in a while & lwj escaped from somewhere, like he was being kept in a lab maybe for experimenting & went straight to wwx for help. I think it might have been b/c he was pregnant, maybe it was an a/b/o fic?
10. I'm looking for a particular fic- I think an arranged marriage/immortal Wei Wuxian au, wherein he saved Luo Qingyang, Jin Zixuan and Lan Wangji from the Xuanwu cave, then returned them to the clans a while later and asked for/orchestrated Lan Wangji's hand in marriage? Thank you @kedaliya
FOUND? inevitable everything by isabilightwood (E, 193k, WangXian, MM/WQ, JYL/JZX, BSSR/LY, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Canon Divergence, YLLZ WWX, but WWX is BSSR's disciple/adoptive grandson too, the cultivation sects think this is a, War Prize AU, it's actually self-arranged marriage, Arranged Marriage, yin iron shenanigans, LWJ Has Friends, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, LWJ Has a Yiling Laozu Kink, Switch WangXian, BDSM, Submissive LWJ, Dominant WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending, magical illness of a side character (who will get better), Rope Bondage, Impact Play, Rimming, Bottom LWJ, Temperature Play, Face-Fucking, Breathplay, (talisman-based breathplay to be specific), Cock Warming, Public Scene, no one gets naked in public this is the sense of wwx invents the, Remote Controlled Vibrator, Semi-Public Sex, Outdoor Sex, Blindfolds, one qingmian smut scene with oral and fingering, Minor Character Death, All Sex Scenes Are Skippable!)
11. Hello! Im trying to find a fix it fic where wei ying dresses as a lady and ends up faking his death with the help of jiang yanli and jiang cheng. A significant moment i remember is that jin guangshan tries to come onto him before jin zixuan intervenes. If you could help me find it, id be very grateful!
FOUND? Wei Wuxian, Who’s That? by bumbledees (T, 48k, wangxian, crossdressing, pining, sibling feels)
12. Hi! For Fic Finder: I am looking for a canon-era fic where Wei Wuxian was some kind of god or divine being and the thing I remember is that he had to bond with a demon/beast-man to balance his divinity(?). Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan came to him as an example of one such duo: Song Lan was the demon half and he explained that the demons make a contract with the god to protect the god in life and then the demon gets to eat the god’s body after death. The thought of getting eaten scared WWX. I am pretty sure this fic took place during the Sunshot Campaign because WWX was fighting through some war and he was unbalanced because he hadn’t found his other half. I could also have this flip flopped and maybe LWJ was the divine one and WWX was the demon half? If anyone remembers this fic I would love to find it again! Thank you!
Hi again, I just sent in a fic finder ask about a divine WWX having to bond with a demon? I think I might have gotten two fics confused: a war fic and a religion fic. WWX might have been taken to a monastery and raised there as a mythic figure that the other sects come on pilgrimage to worship, and he is raised being told he has to bond with a dark spirit? Sorry for the mix up, but could you please add this to my previous ask? If the fics are one and the same, great! If they are two separate, does anyone recognize them? Thanks again! @gloriousclotpole
FOUND? So You Accidentally Kidnapped A Qilin by Mikkeneko (T, 83k, WangXian, Juuni Kokki | Twelve Kingdoms Fusion, mdm yu’s a+ parenting, Identity Issues, Cultivator Politics, Yin Iron Poisoning, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, WWX Needs a Hug, Mutual Pining, Miscommunication, Getting Together, Temporary Character Death, Happy Ending, Pacifist WWX, MXTX Big Bang 2021)
13. Hi, I once read this amazing mdzs fic on ao3 in which whole lan clan wasn't human, they were some kind of aliens I think, it was a secret. I would love to read it again but I can't find it @iknowitsgonnabelonely
FOUND? hollow voices ringing in your ears by LunaChi_KuroShihone (G, 5k, WangXian, LSZ & LWJ, Sad LWJ, Feels, Fluff and Angst, Supportive LWJ, Good Kid LSZ, Cute LSZ, Body Horror-Ish, the lans are tentacle monster things, Eldritch LWJ, Eldritch Lans, Family Feels, a bit of Horror, Family Secrets, YLLZ WWX, Cuddling & Snuggling, Soft WangXian)
FOUND? Wherever the Chaos is and Righteousness by syriala (G, 2k, WangXian, Eldritch LWJ, Getting Together, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Secrets, Fluff)
FOUND? Lost and Found by diamondbruise (E, 52k, WangXian, Modern AU, Aliens, Slow Burn, Alien LWJ, Crack Treated Seriously, Soulmates, Kid Fic…..kind of, i use that tag very loosely, Masturbation, Rough Sex, canon typical cnc elements, Happy Ending)
14. looking for a fic where wangxian are already in an arranged marriage thats set in modern day. wei ying had a huge crush on lan zhan but on the wedding gay he thinks he hears lan zhan confess his feelings for someone else. this causes him to be unable to relax during sex
FOUND? A Marriage Story by DeviyudeThoolika (E, 38k, WangXian, Sex is complicated, Angst, Pining while fucking, Mature elements., Mutual Pining, Arranged Marriage, Sort Of, Misunderstandings, of epic proportions)
15. Hi, thank you for all you do! I’m looking for a fic where WWX is feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders - I think he went back in time and was trying to fix things by himself - and the jiangs weren’t great but then WWX has a breakdown in the courtyard and was like, I’m so tired, I can’t do this anymore, and even madame yu softens at that when they realize the burdens he was carrying and he starts to get support going forward. @vi-sky
I’m 15 and while (Un)Hidden Truth is great it’s not what I’m looking for. I don’t think the attempt at suicide is in the one I’m looking for, and it also happens midway into the story not in the first couple chapters, but thank you!
I’m number 17 and none of the new suggestions are it, though Wish Me Luck is much closer in vibes to what I was looking for
NOT FOUND 🧡 (Un)Hidden truth by Sarah_R (M, 207k, WIP, WangXian, characters watching their show, characters watching the future, Time Travel Fix-It, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks, Nightmares, Self-Harm, fluff, Angst, LWJ best husband, WWX needs all the love and hugs in the world, and he gets it, WWX Protection Squad, The juniors are literally the light of the show, WQ best sister, YZY & JFM will realize what an absolute shit they’ve been, Character Development, Sentient Burial Mounds, Everyone Lives AU, Except the people who deserve to)
NOT FOUND 🔒❤️ the thing with feathers by RoseThorne  (G, 43k,wangxian, Transmigration, Time Travel Fix-It, Illnesses, Family, Scars, Memory Loss, Angst, Fear, Recovery, Sharing a Bed, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Good Parent YZY, Referenced Sexual Slavery, Blood and Gore, Sexual Tension, Arranged Marriage, Grief, Adoption, POV Third Person, POV Alternating, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Good Parent LQR, Clairvoyance, Butterfly Effect)
NOT FOUND Wish me luck by starlight1395 (Not Rated, 164k, WangXian, Fix It, Time Travel, Angst, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Flashbacks, Nightmares, Slight fluff, Implied Sexual Content, Lots of tears, canon levels of blood/violence, Minor Character Death, secondary character death, Sibling Bonding, JC curses alot, battle scenes with appropriate levels of violence and blood, semi mild smut, it's emotional and soft smut tho so it's okay, mild Self-harm)
NOT FOUND Time is but a Construct by Skyla15699 (M, 163k, WangXian, LXC/JC, NMJ/JGY, JYL/JZX, YZY/JFM, JC & WWX, NHS & JGY, JGY & WWX, WIP, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives AU, Established Relationship, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Character Redemption, Everyone Needs A Hug, Including the Jiang Family, JGY is Not Evil, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, JC Needs a Hug, Morally Gray JGY, Supportive NMJ, Self-Indulgent, JC friendly, WangXian both time travel)
16. hello there, i'm trying to find a fic where wwx and sizhui were both kidnapped together but lwj found them through tailsmans (i think) then wwx tells lwj that those bad people touched him and lwj gets mad (or possessive ig) thank you!
FOUND? Do not take that which does not belong to you by Selene210 (E, 7k, WangXian, LSZ & WWX & LWJ, dark LWJ, YLLZ WWX, Canon Divergence, Protective LWJ, Possessive LWJ, Jealous LWJ, Possessive Behavior, Possessive Sex, Kidnapping, Murder, Blood and Violence, WangXian married and have a son, Explicit Sexual Content, Biting, Marathon Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Bath Sex, Rimming, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, WWX has an angry LWJ kink, WWX Has a Breeding Kink, Wangxian canon breeding kink, LWJ's canon massive dick)
17. Hi! I'm trying to find a fic I read where in the present day Lan Huan & Lan Zhan are at a cultivation conference. They're walking back to their hotel when ancient fantasy China Wei Ying falls out of nothing and lands on the pavement right in front of them. It turns out, Wei Ying fell off the cliff at Nightless City but instead of dying, he somehow ended up 600 years into the present. I remember that the Lan brothers immediately help him - he's fascinated & freaked out by modern life at first (both the hotel elevator & modern plumbing in particular). Um, a lot of cultivation history has been lost over time & i think WY helps with that. I also remember it turns out that Lan Zhan is the reincarnation of original LZ. I think that several other characters were reincarnated also & Mo Xuanyu is another person who somehow time-traveled to the present. I know it ended up Wangxian. I think there's a sequel where they eventually adopt A-Yuan & a little girl who is Yanli reincarnated. Please help! I can't remember the fic name & all my keyword searching hasn't worked out.
Thanks very much! @emrinalex
FOUND! 忘不了你的爱 (can’t forget your love) by PorcupineGirl (G, 25k, WangXian, Time Travel, Modern with Magic, Modern Cultivators AU, Canon Divergence, Time Traveler WWX, discussion of canonical character deaths, a whole lot of handwaving, conveniently localized fires, Discussion of Canonical Suicide Attempt, mostly happy but slightly bittersweet ending)
18. Hi! i have been trying to look for a fic that I forgot for quite a while. The thing is, i am not sure if it is a threadfic OR an ao3 fic. The only thing that I could remember was wwx and lwj was travelling together, possibly on a honeymoon after their wedding; arrange marriage. or they could just be going on a night hunt ToT the biggest premise of this was that lwj was undeniable attracted to wwx and took a peek of him while bathing and wwx was so smug because he knew he would look. @freshmilk-00
19. Okay so there's a fic I read when I first got into MDZS about two years ago and the memory of it suddenly hit me like a truck and I /need/ to reread but I cannot, for the life of me, find it. I've gone through what feels like 100 pages of my history on a03 without luck so here I am. Okay, as far I can remember, It was still a WIP when I read it roughly two years ago, but that was two years ago so I could be wrong. Anyway, it was a time travel fic but /not/ because of canon events.
However, it was canon complacent. Basically, sometime after the end of the series, there was some really bad demonic (?) event that killed most of the world, including LWJ. WWX hadn't reached immortality but he had reached the next level of cultivation, and therefore now had a perfect memory. I know there was one scene where he realized he'd hit that breakthrough (and I think broke down?) because he was recreating the ancestral plates of the Lan and realized he knows every name even if he shouldn't.
Anyway, in this future, the remaining cultivators are able to link together to sort of super boost their cultivation? (Idk if that's the best description) and tie it to both Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning, who send their consciousnesses back in time to... I think it's when they were at the Gusu lectures. (I do not remember if this was novel or cql verse).
They gather the world (Minus Wen Ruohan and his people) to tell the story of the future but using titles people wouldn't yet have (like Yiling Patriarch. Ghost General. Headshaker. Lianfang-zun as examples) to tell the story without giving away identities (Though Wen Ning does introduce himself as the Ghost General at some point during that, giving away that identity). There's also truth talisman they wear while telling the story to prove its all true. Anyway I know this is long but I figured the more details I remembered, the better. Even if it is still WIP I just wanna reread what's there so badly.
FOUND! If You Forget Me by DivideTheSorrow (Not Rated, 189k, WangXian, JYL/JZX, YZY/JFM, WIP, Time Travel, Fix-It of Sorts, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Build, Relationship(s), Canon Divergence, Eventual Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, POV Alternating, Original Character(s), Angst)
20. hellooo! hope you all are having a good day<33 I'm looking for a fic where wwx is cursed to not see people unless he believes they love them (?) I remember that the juniors were there and so was lwg and jc. thank you <33 @val-ley
FOUND! See Me, Feel Me (Listening to You) by Ghost_Honey (T, 29k, WangXian, POV WWX, WWX Needs a Hug, WWX’s Abyssmal Self-Esteem, Emotional Healing, Angst, The Juniors love their Senior Wei, Curses, WWX is an Unreliable Narrator, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Platonic Cuddling)
134 notes · View notes
rice-fae · 2 months
Literally shut up
No one cares. No one cares when its done to european cultures, no one cares when its done to asian ones or anywhere else
I mean look at the hades game. There was a whole thing about hestia in that game and hestia from an anime in japan. Neither look like the real goddess. And yet people still love both. No one was "boycotting" either just because it wasnt accurate.
No one actually cares how accurate it is.
You are just being mad because you want to be mad about something. If you have the time or energy to care about a fucking video game of all things then you are privileged as fuck and have way too much time on your hands.
Just because you personally are offended does not make this an actual issue. You can feel free to stop playing for whatever reason but you being upset does not mean you are in the right about it.
The game isnt hurting you, its not encouraging people to hurt you or destroy your culture and homes and livelyhood. Its a damn game. If you were out of the loop on whats in this game you wouldnt even see a difference in your day to day life. 10 years could pass and youd never know a thing.
You are literally making yourself feel threatened for no actual reason. It's just performative outrage and really fucking annoying for people who just wanna play a game and see fanart/fics of fictional characters
Go find something better to do with your time while you stop playing genshin. Soon enough you'll see just how useless it was for you to care about something like this. Move on ffs
Wow lol someone call this guy's mother I think they're crying!
I won't give you too much time of my life. I don't play games or consume content exploring religious imagery, because to me, it's wrong. I brushed it off for a long time but now i realise how it hurts people. It hurts to look at the screen and see your faith slapped and stepped on for something to "look cool".
It's not by far the biggest threat candomblé ever faced, it's not even a threat, I never said it was, but it's my duty AS A FOLLOWER to speak up on injustice. That's why I wrote that post, not because I love arguing, because I'm affected. I'm sorry that you cannot empathize with other people on something that only hurts them emotionally.
Do I need to get my temples burnt and my family killed to speak out? I loved a piece of media, then it showed disregard to my prople, and I wanted other people to know in case they didn't want to go on knowing that. You can play it though, see if I care.
I think this closes in my point. While the issue affects me, since you clearly don't care, it shouldn't affect you so that you send me this kind of aggressive message. Respectfully, get out of the way.
Consider not consuming religious imagery in the future. xoxo
62 notes · View notes
modelbus · 4 months
I swear after this I will do requests... this is just something old for me to put up! I've had a busy past few weeks and I swear I'm fighting to do my requests. Disclaimer: I haven't played COD, and reality is what I decide (kidding, feel free to educate me on COD)
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Gn!Reader
Romance Readings
Tumblr media
It was a guilty pleasure, and you knew it. Watching your money drain (as if you had any other need for it) as you indulged was saddening, but not saddening enough to make you stop. Other people got into drugs, or smoking, or alcohol, or some other high-inducing thing. Not you, though.
You got into romance novels.
The enjoyment of them started when you were a kid, curled up on a couch with a book splayed across your legs. Romance was, at its core, an idealized concept. Something to be chased but never obtained. And for you, the chasing was in reading about the relationships. You preferred the good - who doesn't? - but a bit of angst never hurt a soul. Certainly not you.
But in the military, you couldn’t exactly tout a romance book around. “The Seven Year Slip” was adorned with a cute and cartoony cover, sure to catch Soap’s eye and invite endless teasing. So, instead, you got clever about it. Price had a plethora of bookshelves in his office, filled to the brim with war books. All nice and shiny hardcovers with removable dust jackets.
All you had to do was slip one of those dust jackets over the cover, and it suddenly seemed like you were the best soldier ever. Everyone was none the wiser, and you got to indulge in what you enjoyed doing: smiling at the fictional couples you wish you were.
When you pulled it out to sit guard over the safehouse, Soap had groaned. Loudly. 
“You take this soldier shit too seriously.” He had grumbled, rolling his eyes. You didn’t retort, didn’t bring attention, didn’t care enough.
His (mostly joking) opinion wasn’t important to you. Soap was nice, you loved joking with him, but when it came to this? You can put up with the teasing comments over what they think your reading habits are. God forbid they actually find out what you’re reading.
That’d be a very shit day for you.
“Never seen someone smile so much at a military tactic handbook.” 
Your head jerks up, eyes wide, smile vanishing from your face. You knew that gruff  voice, although you were far more used to it without the tilt of amusement in it. Ghost.
“...It’s riveting.” You say defensively, knowing Ghost isn’t the type to make a quip and let it go.
“I’m sure. I don’t remember it having characters, though.”
Oh. Oh shit.
You’ve been caught.
“Can’t believe you got away with it for this long.” Ghost huffs, sitting down next to you. “Hand it over.”
Wordlessly, you hold the book out for him. He thumbs through the pages, keeping a finger on the page you were on so you don’t lose your place. After a moment he slips off the fake dust jacket, holding up the real cover: a cheesy image of dandelions being blown away.
“Could be worse.” He notes aloud.
“...there have been worse.” You admit, cheeks flushing red.
He chuckles, going back to the page you were reading. It’s only after a minute has passed that you realize he’s fucking reading it, making you lunge for the book to pull it away.
“Don’t read it!” Carefully, you slide the fake dust cover back onto it to hide the actual book.
“I’m bored out here, and you’re denying me the only entertainment?” Ghost asks, somehow monotone and amused at the same exact time.
You hate him. Next time he’s getting his ass kicked in the field, you won’t help that asshole.
“It’s a romance book.” You spit, actively feeling your cheeks get redder by the second. “Hardly something you’re interested in.”
“I’m interested in not fallin’ asleep. I’m reading it.”
“It’s my book!”
“And I could tell everyone it’s a romance book.”
You stare at him, and he stares back. Ghost is blackmailing you. You’re getting fucking blackmailed over a book. Was it even worth it at this point?
“I’m still trying to read it. And no, you can’t read it aloud.” You try feebly, but your grip on the book is already loosening.
“I’ll read over your shoulder. Move it.”
“Ass.” You grumble, but shift so he can loom over your shoulder ominously. Settling your eyes on your book, you choke on air at the scene you’re on.
It’s definitely not a scene you’d want Ghost reading over your shoulder for, that’s certain. Your headstrong lieutenant, reading a rated-R scene. You’re never going to be able to look him in the eye again, oh God.
“Keep reading, doll.” Ghost says lowly into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. “You dug the grave. Lie in it.”
Swallowing, you focus on the book, trying to speed-read through this part. Behind you, you can practically feel Ghost grinning. “What if I wasn’t done reading the page?” He asks.
“Shut the fuck up.”
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Bruises // Jake Seresin
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Chapter Seven: [War Wounds in the Ward]
Summary: When help finally arrives, Jake believes it may be too late. The extent of both your injuries are finally revealed and the both you come face to face with the reality of just how long you’d been held in captivity for.
Series Warnings: Heavy themes of violence, sexual assault, torture. 18+ content. Minors DNI. Mature themes. Being held in captivity. Hostage style situation. Main character death! Whump, Angst. Conversations that discuss antisocial & antisemitism views.
Word Count: 7.4k
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
“We gotta move.” How this guy got the key to Jake’s cell he’d never know, but what was important was that he had it and he was here now. “We’ve got about ten minutes to get you both out to the medi-vac.” 
You never would have guessed how quickly Jake Seresin could still move in order to put his body on the line for you. At the sight of someone coming into his cell yet again, rescuer or not—he was shielding you with everything he had. No one was touching you, not again. 
Once the man was inside Jake's cell he took a knee to assess your current state. At the mere thought of anyone touching you Jake flinched and held you a little tighter. He wasn’t sure who he could trust, wasn’t sure if this was real or just some cruel joke. Another attempt to shatter any kind of hope. 
“It’s okay Lieutenant, you can let her go.”
“I don’t trust you.” Jake used his body to shield you as much as he could. He was done letting people hurt you, including himself. The man in the dark mask paused, but then in order to gain Jake's trust, he took that mask off, revealing his identity to Jake as he tried to reach out to gauge your pulse. “Please don’t hurt her, she’s been through enough.” 
“I’m not gonna hurt her Jacob.” The man with silver hair and a cocky half smile confirmed. “My name is Special Agent Gibbs, NCIS, I’m gonna get the two of you out of here.”
“Who was the woman, the one who gave me the note?” Jake couldn’t stop thinking about her and her lifeless body. Who was she? How did she get a note from Rooster? How did she know help was coming? There were so many unanswered questions he thought he’d never get answers to. 
“CIA—deep cover agent, she had sent out a coded message around the time the two of you went missing. Descriptions matched, your friend Rooster I believe?” Gibbs was still trying to find your pulse. “Yeah he told her to write a note out, give you something to fight for.” 
“Hold tight, Stay alive—“ Jake repeated to himself just under his breath, the agent who wasn’t happy with how weak your pulse was nodded too. 
“Which is exactly what she’s gonna have to do, let’s get her out of here before it’s too late.” 
“Gibbs!” Another man came racing down the hallway. “Gibbs we gotta move!” He was dressed in the same dark uniform as Gibbs was. “They’re angry as shit, like ants! A hive of angry ants.” 
“I thought I told you to distract and disturb?” 
“Yeah well, change of plans—we gotta get the hell outta dodge, now!” 
Jake wasn’t all that sure who to follow or what to think. He only knew two things for sure, one being he had to get you out of here while he still had a chance too. And two? He couldn’t run. He couldn’t come with you. He was damaged goods. 
“I can’t go.” Jake confessed with a deep sigh as he handed you over to the man who’s just come racing in. He ran his finger down your cheek and tried to hold it together. Was this the last time he was ever going to see you? “She’s in a really bad way, please take care of her, get her out of here.” 
“Lieutenant it’s now or never—“ Gibbs made sure to remind Jake. 
“They put a pacemaker inside my damn chest alright! I can’t let my heart rate get above one forty!” Jake explained as the older man helped him to his feet. “The Commander has a remote control for it too, and I gotta be honest with you, I’m not all that keen on the idea of my heart exploding inside my fucking chest.” 
“The Commanders dead.” Gibbs tried his best to bluff his way through this. He had to get Jake out of here, there was no backup plan. It was now or never and never wasn’t an option. “He’s gone, ain’t got no way to press that button.” DiNozzo knew as a matter of fact that Dennis Gervais was well and truly alive, because he’d just come from the same room that he was in. “So we focus on keeping your heart rate down and get you out of here.” All Jake did was nod as he looked at you just barely breathing, barely holding on for dear life. You’d been through so much—he owed you this much, to try till his dying breath to get you out of this hell. “DiNozzo you take Y/n, I’ll guard Jake here and we’ll get ‘em on the medi-vac before shit gets too out of hand.” 
“On it boss.” Tony acknowledged the plan and knew the risks involved as he bent down to pick you up and pull your nearly lifeless body across his shoulders so that he could carry you. “Okay ma’am, sorry if this hurts a little.” 
“We’re heading down the hall, taking the first left and making a run for the stairs that leads up to the ground floor—it’ll take us right out to the loading bay.” Jake couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Gibbs knew it was going to be a hard pill to swallow as the group started to make their way out of the cell. 
“You mean to tell me there’s been an exit door right down the hall this whole time!!” It made him sick to his stomach. Freeform was right there all along. It made things so much worse knowing it was right there. 
“We’re gonna get you home Lieutenant, just keep in step and don’t look back.” Gibbs commanded as he made sure his weapon was loaded. “Let’s get these two out of here DiNozzo.” 
Jake watched as DiNozzo took off running with you slung across his shoulders. His heart ached on two fronts, one being he knew you were about to be safe, about to be away from all this. The other being he hated whenever you were away from him. When you were with him you were safe in his arms. Apart? He couldn’t help you. 
There were guards slain in the hall from where gunfire had recently rung out, Jake tried his best not to get too caught up but he couldn’t recognise a single soul. None of them he knew from his time trapped. They were just foot soldiers. 
“Take a left DiNozzo!” Anthony corrected his direction promptly as Jake followed, he was being careful to pace himself. He didn’t want the beeping to start, not now. It couldn’t, he was relying on everything he had left inside him to keep it down. To breathe steady, In and out. 
“Right! Sorry!” Gibbs was the last one up the stairs, he was protecting his people, firing the odd shot at anyone who tried to stop them four of them from getting where they needed to go. 
“Jake?” It was the softest of whimpers that escaped from your lips as DiNozzo carried you up the stairs. “Jake?” You mumbled again, only this time a little louder and more confused. “What’s going on?” 
“You’re okay ma’am.” Tony tried his best to calm you before you had a chance to panic. “Jakes right behind me, I’m special agent Anthony DiNozzo with the NCIS.” 
“Oh.” Was all you could say as you dangled over Dinozzo's shoulders. “Oh god someone found us.” It was more like you were trying to convince yourself this was real. “Someone came.” 
“We did ma’am.” DiNozzo confirmed as he opened the latch on the door that led out to the loading dock. “We’re not out of the woods yet though, so just stay with us for a little while longer okay?” When he was finally able to unlock the heavy metal door, DiNozzo was delighted to see the medi-vac choppers coming in for landing. “Over there!” He shouted back at Jake and Gibbs before he took off running with you on his shoulders. 
The sunlight burned Jake's skin as he stepped out into the light. God how long had it been since he’d felt the warmth of the sun on his usually tanned skin. He’d never been this pal, this skinny, this unkempt. 
“There’s someone who wants to speak with you, Lieutenant.” Gibbs smirked as he escorted Jake across the snow and over to the helicopter that would be taking him back to the carrier. He handed him a radio, one of those sat nav ones. 
Jake held it up so he could talk just as five F-18 Super Hornets came racing past to pepper the building with ammunition. It was a full takedown if there ever was one. A covert operation to get you and Jake back. The signal had been given and it was go time. 
“What took you so long?” Jake wasn’t sure who it was going to be, but he knew they were all up there. All cheering that he was alive, that you were alive. That the pair of you were being rescued. Hey did however have a slight inkling as to who might answer. “What the hell has the Calvary been!” 
“Hey Hangman.” Rooster bellowed through the radio as he flew closer to the building just to drop a missile on the southwest corner. “You look good!” Jake couldn’t contain his laughter, this was really happening. 
“I am good, Rooster.” He remembered what he’d said all those years ago. “I’m very good.” Jake sighed as he watched his colleagues and friends dismantle the building you and Jake had been held hostage in for what felt like forever. “Now get us outta here!” 
“We better keep moving, Lieutenant.” Gibbs ushered Jake over to the other medi-vac helicopter, it had all gone according to plan. Jake had kept his heart rate below one twenty as his watch kept telling him. You were being loaded into the other helicopter, strapped to a medical gurney and fitted with oxygen immediately. Jake watched on as the building the four of you had just come out of went up in smoke and flames. Insurgents scurried out for their lives at any exit they could take. “Let’s get these birds in the sky!” 
“Yes sir.” The pilot copied just as Jake saw the man he’d been told was dead appearing out of the smoke, surrounded by insurgents with guns who aimed right for the two medi-vac helicopters. 
“Come on probie help me get her strapped in.” Tony grumbled as he fiddled with the straps around the wheels of the bed you were on. He didn’t want it to budge. “How the hell did you get the easy job anyway!” 
“Easy job!! I’ve been out here for ten minutes fending off enemy fire!” 
“I thought you said he was dead!?” Jake hissed as he eyed off the man who’d put you both through hell. He couldn’t help but to say as he thought about making a break from the helicopter just to get his revenge from n the man who’s done so much damage. But he couldn’t, Jake wouldn’t do that as the helicopter began to rise from the snow covered ground. He wasn’t going to, not for any amount of money, you’d told him when the pair of you were first captured to never play the hero again—but Jake was a villain. A hero would sacrifice anything for the greater good. He’d see anything ax expendable. 
But Jake would walk through fire and cross the seven seas for you, he had no such desire to want to play the hero. He just wanted to be safe again, with you. So knowing you were already safe, there was no reason to go back. There was no reason to want to be a hero. 
“I lied—“ Gibbs sighed as he aimed his weapon. “Get us up in the air!” Jake knew the moment he saw The Commander standing there watching him escape that he wouldn’t let him go without a fight, without causing enough damage that he might not make it out alive. As the helicopters took off you sat up just to watch the group below you get further and further away. 
You were safe. Jake was safe. You were finally getting out of this hell together. And then? Everything you thought you knew came crashing down around you as you watched what appeared to be Jake's lifeless body fall out of the side of the medi-vac helicopter. No. Not now, not after everything you'd been through. 
“NNOOOOO!” You cried out from behind the oxygen mask you'd been given. “JAKE!!”
Jake first fell to his knees as his hand gripped at his chest. The pain was all too real, too overpowering for him to stay steady on his feet. The Commander stood grinning ear to ear as he watched Jake fall out of the Medi-vac that was in the process of taking off. It would have been a solid hundred metres give or take a few. But it was surely enough to break Jake's jaw on impact. 
“You’re not going anywhere Seresin!” The Commander growled as he and his men ascended on Jake. Two of them pulled him harshly up by his forearms as they forced Jake to look up at the very man who had caused so many people so much pain. “Your girl might get out, but you–you won't ever see the light of day ever again. 
“Take us back to the carrier!” DiNozzo ordered the pilot who had carried on his way. You were in complete hysterics. You couldn't leave, not without Jake. 
“WE HAVE TO GO BACK!” With all your might you were trying to get up off the bed. “WE CAN'T LEAVE HIM!” You felt like you couldn't breathe, Jake had been your rock this whole time. You'd seen the worst in people but also seen the best in him. You couldn't leave him behind, you couldn’t betray him when he never once let you give up. 
“Ma’am, Ma’am you need to try and relax alright, Gibbs will figure it out.” Tony reassured you just hoping that his boss could pull something together. “We’re not going to leave him here, but we need to get you back to people who can help keep you alive.” 
“I’m gonna kill you, I’m gonna kill you dead just because I can and for what it's worth? Your name will be forgotten once we are one word and one people, Jacob.” It was the worst kind of pain, a pain unparalleled to no other, the kind of pain that takes your breath away. That kind of pain that stops blood in its tracks, that shortens ligaments and tendons as you seize. “If only you’d just stayed the fuck away.” The Commander spat as he stopped Jake's heart, he fried the pacemaker in his chest past the breaking point and when his finger finally came off the little button in his hand: Jake was just thankful to have gotten to hear you say you loved him. Even if you only said it back to even the playing cards. 
Jake knew you could never love him. Not after this, not after you’d gone through unspeakable agony all because of a split second decision he made. 
“You’re not, you’re not going to win this.” Jake struggled out as he looked up at The Commander. “Dennis—“ That struck a raw nerve as The Commander reached for a handgun one of his men held. He wasted not a single second before peppering three rounds into Jake's gut. 
“Maybe, but you won’t be around to see the outcome.” 
Jake Seresin laid dying in the snow surrounded by insurgents as five F-18 Super Hornets laid waist into the building you'd both been held captive in—destroying every crevice, every brick. But ultimately it was just a little too late. You’d be okay though, you had to be. Jake had to believe that as his blood stained the China white snow he laid in. 
The expected was always easier to accept than the unexpected. 
“Everybody get to the evacuation points, if you see anyone you don’t trust? Kill them.” Jake could hear The Commander ordering his men before he kicked the heel of his boot into Jake's face. “Goodbye Lieutenant Seresin—you really did your country proud.” The condescending tone in The Commander’s voice really drove it home that all this had been for nothing. He was going to die, killed in action his final report would say. 
The last thing Jake thought about as he laid in the snow watching as the medi-vac helicopters flew away, one of which had you finally safe on, was that he hoped you went on to live a beautiful life. Got back on your feet, healed from everything you were subjected to, went on to love and experience all the good the world had to offer. He thought about what kind of guy would be so lucky to marry you, have a life with you, raise your children, and watch you thrive. Because it wouldn’t be him. He was okay with that though because you were safe now, Jake Seresin was okay with dying so long as it meant you got the help you needed, that you deserved. 
“I love you.” 
Because you weren’t ever expendable. Not to him. 
People have scars in all sorts of unexpected places. Like secret road maps of their own personal history. Diagrams of all their old wounds. Most old wounds heal, leaving nothing behind but a scar, but some of them don't. Some wounds you carry with you everywhere, and although the cuts are long gone: the pain still lingers. 
“Where's Jake?” It was the only thing you could say as you fought off unconsciousness. “Where's Jake? Where is he?” 
“Lieutenant Y/l/n we need to get you into medical so we can start you on IV fluids and antibiotics–” It was a voice you didn't recognise that replied to you as you were being wheeled off the medi-vac and onto the deck of the carrier. “Someone let the Swaine know we’re on route!” 
“Where's Jake?” Why wasn’t anyone listening, why wasn’t anyone answering you? “Please someone tell me he’s okay, that he’s alive? Please?”
It truly was a spectacle on the deck, but in all the commotion of your big arrival no one was listening to what you were mumbling behind your oxygen mask. No one except for one sandy blonde aviator who was pushing past every person he had to in order to get to your side as they wheeled you across the runway. He’d barely shut off his F-18 before he was racing down the tarmac after you. 
“Hey!” Bradley beamed as he reached your side, his hand slipped into your as he walked with the team who were in charge of getting you where you needed to go. “Hey, Hollywood, holy shit–” He couldn't believe you were alive, sure none of them had ever given up hope and from the fleeting information they had been given during your time in captivity, he hoped that CIA agent was still alive, but still he couldn't believe you were actually back. It had been so long. “You’re safe now, we’ve got you.” 
“WHERES JAKE!” It came out as an agonising scream until Rooster could see your tears. “Where is he Bradshaw?” As far as Bradley was aware Jake's rescue Evac was still in the process. He’d fallen and that's all Bradley knew for sure. 
“He’s right behind you, they got him Hollywood, you don't have to worry anymore.” DiNozzo, the Special Agent in charge of escorting you back to medical, looked at the aviator across the gurney from him. He knew that Jake was still yet to be evacuated. He was still on the ground the last Tony saw. “You can rest now, it's alright, Jakes right behind you.” 
“Oh–” You sighed as your entire body relaxed, it was a weight you didn't realise was compressing your chest. “Oh good.” It was only then did your body allow you to go into complete rest. You fell into unconsciousness seconds after being told that Jake was okay, he was coming, that he was right behind you. 
“We’re losing her, we gotta move.” One of the officers informed Bradley as he stood still, watching as you were wheeled into the carrier. Not knowing if you were actually going to make it out of this hell alive. 
Jake swore the chill of the snow would take him before his heart gave out. He couldn’t move a single muscle as he laid there on his back in the silence—only burning rubble seemed to break through the deafening silence of his last moments on earth. 
He thought about you, the entire time. How your laugh would fill up the Hard Deck and how he’d roll his eyes in response. It was stupid really but Jake honestly thought if he didn’t get involved with you personally it would be easier to forget about the way you made him feel whenever you walked into a room. 
“Y/n.” Your name sounded so familiar to him, so alluring and all consuming. “Y/n.” It brought him comfort in death. To whisper your name to himself as his life drained from him. “Y/n.” 
“Not Y/n—“ Gibbs groaned as he pressed gauze into Jake's stomach and moved his hands to cover it. “Keep your hands on that.” He told Jake with a hushed tone, like he was trying to keep quiet. “Lift on three, one, two—three.” 
“AAHHH!” Jake couldn’t help the agonising whelp that escaped his mouth as he was lifted up onto a stretcher. Had they come back for him? Surely not—at this point he was dead weight. Why on earth would they turn back for him? 
“Get him on that medi-vac now!” Gibbs ordered as he stood and looked around, it seemed as though The Commander had been able to flee with a handful of insurgents. “Stop the bleeding as fast as you can.” 
What's worse? New wounds which are so horribly painful or old wounds that should have healed years ago and never did? Maybe old wounds teach you something, maybe they remind you of where you've been and what you’ve overcome. They teach you lessons about what to avoid in the future. 
That's what Jake liked to think. Because as he let his head rest back against the stretcher and thought about how beautiful the embers of that god awful building were, he couldn't wait for these new wounds to become valuable lessons that didn't hurt as bad as they did now. 
Every cell in the human body regenerates on average every seven years. Like snakes, we shed our skin. Biologically, we’re brand new people. It's imperative, change that is. You might look the same, you probably feel the same, but the change isn't visible. At least not for most people. 
“She’s waking up—“ You barely heard it, the husk of a familiar voice that came from beyond the darkness. “Do you want me to leave?” 
When people say things like ‘People don't change’ It drives scientists crazy, because change is literally the only constant in all of science. Energy. Matter. It's always changing. Morphing. Merging. Growing. Dying. It's the way people try not to change that's unnatural. 
“No kid, no—“ Again, another familiar voice echoed beyond the darkness as you were brought back into the light. A steady beeping droned in the background monitoring your vitals. “You stay, I’ll go check on how Lieutenant Seresin is doing after surgery.” 
The way people cling to what things were instead of letting them be what they are. The way you cling to old memories instead of forming new ones can be just as damaging as trying not to evolve. The way people insist on believing, despite every scientific indication that anything in this lifetime is permanent. 
“Okay, yeah—let me know how he is?” Bradley asked as your dad, Commander ‘Hollywood’ Neven, tapped his shoulder as he sat by your bedside. Watching over you as you recovered from what had been some of the most extensive and exhausting surgeries Rooster had ever seen. 
His mother had had a few operations in her battle with Cancer—but none of which came close to what he was told you were going through. 
From the complete orthopedic reconstruction on your shattered wrist to the skin graft on your lower back, to the plastic surgery repair made to damage done on your face. Some scars would remain—but your surgeon was pretty hopeful that the swelling would go down. It made Roosters heart break. 
“Roo—“ It was the first thing you managed to struggle out. Your throat was so dry as you tilted your head to the side just slightly to see him better. “Hi.” The light hurt your eyes, in a way it felt good to be out of the dark. 
“Hey Hollywood.” Bradley smiled as he reached out to grab your hand. “Tell you what you know how to scare us, don't you?” You couldn't help the oh so soft smile that crept across your face when you realised you were home, that you were finally safe. “How you feeling?” 
“Uh–” You didn't know what to say. Your entire body ached for various different reasons all the more painful to describe than the last. You were a plethora of injuries, a thesaurus of unspeakable acts of violence. And even though there wasn't a part of you that didn’t hurt, all your mind could think about was Jake. So you lied. You lied straight through your teeth. “I'm okay.” Bradley didn't believe it, not for a second. He had seen the state you were in when they airlifted you back to the carrier. And it seemed as though your number one priority hadn’t changed. “Where's Jake? Is he okay?” 
“Hangman's–” You interrupted Bradley quicker than he could explain Jake's current status. 
“I asked where Jake was Rooster, Hangman isn't Jake.” The man who had done everything he could to protect you wasn't Hangman. He was simply Jake. “So please, just tell me Jakes alive?” Bradley complied with your very specific request and told you what you wanted to hear first. 
“Jakes alive.” He nodded. “But he's critical, he's been in and out of surgery for a few days Y/n.” Rooster had collected a series of coffee cups on the table in your hospital room, ranging in size and kind. He must have been here with you for a while. “Your dads seeing to it that he gets the best care.” 
“How long have I been out?” You asked next, everything was blurry. You could remember bits and pieces of being rescued, but not many. You could hear the sound of the helicopter blades in your head, but faces were all distorted in your memory. You could remember Jake holding you, his warmth protecting you from all harm, but then you saw him fall. He fell. Over and over in your mind you watched Jake fall and then you heard your pain filled cries of pure heartbreak. “How long has it been?” 
“Since we got back here, a few days–you've been on some pretty strong painkillers and the doctors just kept telling me you'd wake up when your body was ready.” It was nice to fill in the gaps. But there was one gap you weren't sure if you wanted to fill. 
“And how long were Jake and I, you know, held for?” Bradley wasn't sure if he should be the one to tell you, but then again, if you wanted anyone else to tell you, you would have waited to ask them and not him. So he told you, point blank. 
“Almost Three months.” 
“Oh god.” Change is constant, how you experience change, that's up to you. “No, No no no it cant have been three whole months Rooster.” It can feel like death, or it can feel like a second chance at life if you open your fingers, loosen your grip and go with it, it can feel like pure adrenaline. 
“Y/n?” Bradley frowned when he heard your heart rate monitor start to beep at a faster rate than the machine was comfortable with. “Are you okay?” You felt like you couldn’t breathe as your brain tried to process the harsh reality that you and Jake had been held prisoners for three whole months. Your airways were tightening, like someone had their hands around your neck and was squeezing, holding you down, choking you. “Hey! Hey, I need someone in here! Nurse!” Bradley jumped up to his feet and hit the panic button as you began to cry, panicking as your body didn't feel like your own. 
“Oh god, I can't breathe!” You cried out. “Rooster, help!” Like at any moment you can have another chance at life. Like at any moment, you can be born all over again. Or die from the pure weight of it all. 
“She's having a panic attack or something.” Rooster explained to the nurses who were first into the room. “I don't know what to do.” 
“It's the Asthma, sir.” One of the nurses explained. “She needs ventolin.” 
“You gotta wake up for me.” An induced coma, that's what the doctors had told you. That's what they said Jake needed in order to heal. In their words, his injuries were extensive, critical and very much life threatening. But while you watched Jake breathe through tubes and held his hand just to let him know you were there, you had to believe that he was going to be okay. That he’d pull through and you'd get to see his smile again. 
“You don't get to leave me now you son of a bitch do you hear me?” You leaned in to whisper in his ear. “I'll be so pissed if you leave me here.” You snarled right in his ear so that he could hear you. “I'll come and find you in the afterlife and when I get there? I'll rain hell down on you for all eternity.” You weren't expecting a reply, not with Jake being in an induced coma and all. The tubes alone would have stopped him from replying even if he was awake. “Please wake up soon, I really miss you.” With your good hand, you gently ran your palm up his forehead and moved the hair that had fallen across his face away. The bruises were dark and extensive, but Jake was still there under it all. Under all the swollen and bruised skin and bone. Jake was still there. Your Jake was still fighting with everything he had. “I love you, please don't leave me.” 
You sat back in your chair, the one you had been in since you were able to leave your own room during the day and visit Jake. You had to take your IV pole with you though, it was a non negotiable. You had to stay hooked up to antibiotics to fight off the infection in your lungs. It hurt to breathe, so the oxygen tank came too. 
“How are we doing today Kiddo?” You dad asked as he came to visit you like he did every day. He, like all the other aviators that came to visit you and Jake, had gotten used to finding you up in Jake's room up in the intensive care ward. 
“My lungs are on fire but it beats the alternative.” You only took your eyes off Jake for a second to acknowledge your father, who so far, hadn’t pried too deep into finding out details of your imprisonment. You knew he'd have to take off the farther figure hat and replace it with his Commander of the pacific fleet hat soon enough. “The doctors said they’re happy with Jake's stats, said he might be able to come out of the coma soon.”
“That's good to hear sweetheart.” Your dad replied as he stood at the end of Jake's hospital bed, eyes off the man who had kept you alive from what he could tell. “I've uh, i've organised for you to speak to someone, someone who might be able to help you start to process what you went through.” 
“I'm not interested.” It was as dismissive as it could be. You had no intention of leaving Jake's side for any longer than you had to. You didn't want to talk to anyone about any of it, they wouldn't understand and you certainly had no desire to explain all your trauma to a complete stranger. “With all due respect, dad, I don't have any intention of returning to active duty, so a therapist signing off on a clearance form that I’m mentally capable of returning to work, isn't needed.” You added the explanation at the end without so much as looking at your dad. You had a sinking feeling in your gut the more you thought about it. The more you were told about the people you had been tasked to take down. To dismantle. 
“Baby girl.” Your dad tried to reason with you as a father and as Commander. “You are a highly skilled weapons system officer, the Navy cannot afford to lose you.” 
“But yet I wasn't good enough to not be labelled as expendable huh?” The room was cold, but your heart was colder now more than ever before. It made sense but at the same time it didn't. Why? Why would the man you looked up to, respected so much–do this to you? 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Did you know that I was sent on this mission? Why I was chosen over Bob and Fanboy, two highly skilled, highly decorated WSO that Jake already worked with and had worked with for years?” Your dad was silent. Of course he knew, he had to have known considering the stakes of the mission. It just hadnt crossed your mind until you were sitting at that dining table with The Commander being told details you weren’t privy to prior to your file being selected. 
“I–” There was nothing your dad could say to change your mind about the situation. He knew, he had betrayed you. 
“I almost died, dad.” You barely spoke above a whisper all the while you kept your eyes on Jake's face. “And you signed off on this mission, knowing that we were going in blind with half a file that contained only basic information.” 
“We knew you were capable.” Your dad was firm with you, like a Commander would be. “I knew you were ready for this, and I knew you were capable of understanding the risks involved—none of us banked on Seresin not knowing how to let go.” So it was true. They all believed the same thing, that if push came to shove Jake would save himself, not his WSO, not his Wingman. No one. 
“You used me as collateral in case it didn't go according to plan!” 
“Darling, you cannot blame me for what happened—I signed off on the mission file, the admirals were given recommendations, your name and file happened to be one of many.” 
“I need you to leave!” You snapped with tears streaming down your cheeks. Now more than ever you wished Jake would just wake up. “I need you to leave and I need you to understand that I don’t have any intention of talking to any therapist or physician or anyone!” It was then you took your hand out of Jakes to pick up one of the empty coffee cups on Jakes bedside table, one of the many you had begun to collect, and threw it at your dad. “Get out!” 
He did. He did what you asked without a fight, knowing the consequences of his actions along with many others would come back to bite him. You and Jake were not letting this slide, not in a million years. 
“Where is it?” You mumbled to yourself as you fumbled around your pockets for your inhaler. You didn’t understand the panic induced asthma yet, but you had been told how to manage it. “Where is it?” When you finally found the little red inhaler in the pocket of your hoodie, you took a single hit of the ventolin and tried to calm down. 
“Miss Y/l/n, are you staying for morning rounds?” One of the doctors who had been looking after Jake asked as he came into the room. Followed by his interns. 
“Yes please—“ You sighed as you got comfortable and reached out for Jake’s hand again. “And for the love of god Doc tell me you’re gonna wake him up soon?” 
All he did was smile in return before looking over to one of his interns. A young female who looked all the more surprised that she was being called upon to present.” 
“Uh this is Lieutenant Jacob Seresin, sustained three gunshot wounds to the middle abdomen that resulted in severe blood loss, major cardiac trauma resulting in a heart attack that left his right aorta damaged.” It was nothing you hadn’t heard before, could probably resight it all yourself by now you’d heard it so many times. “A broken mandible as a result from falling one hundred meters and multiple other injuries ranging from minor to major abrasions, bruises and laceration that all seem to be on the mend.” Hearing it every day didn’t get any easier. Until the last part that put fresh hope in your heart. You hadn’t heard that part before today. 
“Due to be slowly woken from an induced coma as of today.” 
“Today could be the day Y/n.” The first twenty four hours after surgery are critical. Every breath you take, every fluid you make, is meticulously recorded and analysed, celebrated or mourned. But what about the next twenty four hours? “You just have to remember that both of you went through hell, his body needs time.” Phoenix had brought your flowers. A kind gesture that put a sparkle in your eye for only a few minutes. You were back at Jake's bedside, curled up under a blanket in your chair with your IV poll still at your side. “You need time.”
“I just really need him to wake up—“ But what happens when that first day turns into two, three and four and then those days turn into weeks and possibly turn into months? “I’m starting to lose my mind—the longer he sleeps the more time I have to convince myself that they won.” You explained to Phoenix who fluttered about Jake's ICU ward room. Tidying up, making sure you had company. “That they broke him, me.” 
“They apparently picked the guy up on the coast of Positano—“ It wasn’t the first time you’d heard it but it still felt so surreal to hear. “And that CIA lady's body was recovered a few days after you were rescued.” You’d never met her, but Jake had. The CIA and the NCIS were working together to get this guy long before you were assigned your mission. “So was Captain Hewens.” Phoenix made sure to remind you. “I don’t think he won Hollywood—if he won I don’t think you’d be sitting here.” 
“He didn’t win.” The goal of any surgery is total recovery. To come out better than you were before. But for you and Jake? There was no certainty that the two of you could ever go back to the people you were before. “Ain’t no way he won.” Jake mumbled as he stirred slightly, his hand gripped yours back for the first time since you were able to visit. “He didn’t win—this is nothing I can’t handle.” 
“Oh my god Jake! You’re awake!?” You cried as you got as close to him as you possibly could. “Hi, hey I’m right here yeah? You’re gonna be okay.” 
“I love you—“ Jake needed to say that. He needed you to know. “You’re okay? I’m not dead am I?” 
“No, no you're not dead Jake.” You couldn’t help but to chuckle with utter relief. “You’ll know we’re dead, remember? when it’s just us, on a farm somewhere in the middle of nowhere, just the two of us.” You whispered as you pushed his hair up and away from his forehead. 
“Count me in for that version of heaven.” He’d barely opened his eyes, but Jake had missed your smile oh so much. He would do anything to see it, like a damn fool head over heels in love, he’d do anything. “So we made it? We’re out?” 
“We’re out, we’re home and we’re safe.” Some patients heal quickly and feel immediate relief. For others, the healing happens gradually and it's not until months or even years later that you realise that you don't hurt anymore. “You saved my life Jake Seresin—you never left me hanging.” 
“I’ll leave you two alone for a little while.” Phoenix politely excused herself to go check in with the nurses station about notifying a doctor that Jake was awake. You appreciated it—because now that he was awake you weren’t leaving his side. 
“Are you okay?” Jake asked as he just tried to focus on breathing. When he was finally able to open his eyes they were in you and never left. “Woah, I kinda forgot what you looked like without the dirt and grim, you’re beautiful.” 
“Apparently I’ve got a pretty serious infection in my lungs that gives me asthma attacks when I get worked up but other than that I think I’m okay.” You explain knowing Jake would honestly want you to tell the truth rather than just say you were okay. “And the last thing my body was focused on was maintaining its cycle so I lost my period.” Jake knew why you were mentioning it. “Guess my body just knew what it had to do and not drop any eggs.” Jake squeezed your hand a little tighter and brought your palm up to his lips. “So no need to abort any insurgent fetuses.”
“How long?” You’d asked Rooster the same question, it ended in a panic attack. But again—if Jake wanted to know from anyone else he would have asked them and not you. “How long were we in there for?” 
“Almost Three Months.” So the challenge after every surgery is to be patient. But if you can make it through the first few weeks and months? If you believe that healing is possible–then you can get your life back.
“Guess we’re gonna be pretty messed up for a while aren’t we?” Jake sighed as he fought back tears, this was hell on earth. His entire body hurt but not nearly as much as his heart ached looking at you with his head full of your screams. “But I’m so glad you’re alive.” 
“I’m really thankful you’re alive too.” But that's a big if. “And I know that isnt gonna be easy, it’s gonna really hurt—and be really hard, we’re gonna have to work at this everyday.” You were trying to keep yourself together for Jake’s sake as you let your hand squeeze against his. “But I want to do that because I want you.” 
“You sure about that hotshot?” Jake breathed in softly as his heart beat steady without any doubt that you were the love of his life. “I’m the one who got you into that mess in the first place.” When you nodded softly as tears fell freely down your cheeks, Jake knew one day he’d ask you to marry him. 
“I want all of you, forever, you and me, everyday.” You added, but then there was the pause Jake was waiting for. He knew it was coming because he was thinking the same damn thing. “But we have to heal first, recover—I think the worst thing we could do for each other would be to go into a relationship when we’re literally being held together by glue and some staples.” 
“Can we recover together? But unofficially?” Jake smiled softly as he reached out to cup your still bruised cheek. “Because I unofficially love you, and unofficially I think that I’m not going anywhere.” You let out a laugh, a laugh so pure it brought Jake back to life. He needed nothing but you, forever. 
“Unofficially that sounds like a pretty good idea.” 
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imnotjaesblog · 1 year
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility…And Head
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(Found this image on Pinterest)
Starring: Mark Lee
Warnings: Smut, Slight Angst, Fluff (Towards the end). Oral, Fingering, Penetration, They fuck on top of a building, Mark is his dorky self but switches it up.
Words: 1.5k
I do not own the rights to Spider-Man this is purely fiction. Mark Lee in this short story is also part of a work of fiction and should not be taken literal or be determined as truth. I do not know Mark personally and have created a fictional universe in which this Mark exist. This is solely for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as authentic to his character or the original spider man character.
Mark’s Lee actions in this story should not be taken as genuineness.
(Basically saying Mark isn’t Spider-Man, this isn’t real so don’t be to delusional it hurts your mental. But if you are how would I know)?
Enjoy :)
Y/n is a film major at NYU. She constantly makes small films about New York. What it’s like to be a kid in NYC, a broke college student to be more exact. However, after a strange encounter one night where you filmed a fight between Spider-Man and a known supervillain you got caught in the middle. Spider-Man saved you and placed you in an empty alleyway.
You watched from afar catching the fight on camera. Once the fight was over you hid behind a dumpster as Spider-Man swung down into the dark alleyway. He looked around before letting out a breath. You figured he was just checking to see if you left then he would swing off so you kept your camera rolling.
That was until he pulled off his mask and revealed his face. In your state of shock you almost dropped your camera. The noise you made caught his attention. He went over to you stunned. This ended up leading to a closer friendship that soon turned into a relationship.
Present Day Y/n- I swear if you show up late again I’ll kill you Mark 💗- I promise I’ll be there Y/n- You said that last time and you missed the entire film. Mark💗- Dude I promise I’ll be there soon. Don’t be mad at me:) Y/n- Whatever. I better see you here soon! Mark 💗- Relax I can see your apartment from up here Y/n- Well then hurry up and get down. You waited in your bedroom with your projector on flashing the thumbnail to your short film. This film was a documentary, particularly about different ways different women live in New York City.
Some lived in Town Houses. Others lived in tiny shoe box-shaped apartments and others lived skyscrapers touching the sky. You were so fascinated by all these women so you made a film about them. You just wanted Mark to be the first one to see it. He had missed your last short film about a short story on mental health. You ended up showing it to your brother who was too young to truly understand the meaning of the film. He clapped anyway though. Now you waited leg bouncing on your bed as you kept looking towards your unlocked window with the curtains pulled back. You could see the sun starting to set fading behind a bunch of buildings. When five minutes past you sighed head falling back and leaning against the wall.
“Typical,” you said to yourself. Mark was always late. He was late to your first date, to the screening of your first movie, to your second date, to pick up your dog, to pick up your cake, to help take care of your brother, and even to your third date.
You were never super angry with Mark. After all, Spider-Man was saving people’s lives, including your own. So you understood why he was always late. But it still hurt.
Just as you went to shut down your protector you heard a flop on your bed. You looked over seeing Mark dressed in normal clothes sitting crossed on your bed. His backpack is on the ground next to his Spider-Man mask hanging out. You couldn’t help but smile. He was so handsome. You pushed your hand on his leg causing one of his legs to fall off your bed. He touched your hand.
“Come on don’t be mad at me,” he said using a much calmer cuter tone of voice. Dancing on your heartstrings. His eyes followed your face seeing you avoided his gaze.
“Seriously don’t be mad baby. I told you I’d come and I’m here now,” he said with a pleading tone. He didn’t like upsetting you, but he hated disappointing you. It’s the one thing he feared. He knew he couldn’t be perfect for you, so he did his best to be the best he could be in other things. Punctuality is where he failed.
“Your thirty minutes late. I have to make dinner for my brother soon,” you said with a disappointed sigh. You were annoyed Mark had missed your movie again, but you were angry. You let go of his hand and stood up mixing up your bun. You walked over to the opposite side of your room turning off your projector.
Mark followed you with sad eyes. Standing up from your bed it made a creak. He walked over to your side converse stepping across the floor. “Look I’m sorry. It’s just these guys at the bank-“
“It’s okay,” you said with your back turned closing down your laptop. “I understand that Spider-Man comes first. The people need you to keep them safe. I can’t argue with that,” you said shutting down your laptop and putting it to charge. You walked over to your bedroom door sliding on your slippers.
“My brother has to be hungry by now. If you want you can stay in here and relax I know it’s been a long day,” you said before closing the door and not looking back. Mark sighed letting out all the air in his body. He had to make it up to you somehow. And that night he did.
Once you finished cooking for your brother and your sister came home Mark took your hand guiding you to your window. You knew he would jump out with you in his arms and take you somewhere away from your home. He grabbed his backpack placing your camera inside. He zipped it closed putting his mask over his face.
“Are you sure? My siblings are in the living room,” you said standing on the ledge. Mark chuckled wrapping his arm around your waist. “They’ll be fine trust me, your sister is old enough to watch him,” he said spraying a web from his arm to a nearby building. “Hold on,” he said causing your grasp on his collar to tighten. He swung forward and it felt like your face was flying back. Teeth nearly exposed from how fast you were traveling.
With every swing and spray it felt like he traveled higher up the buildings. The night sky fell on the two of you. City lights guided your way to wherever Mark was taking you. You assumed he was taking you to your normal spot where the two of you went to be alone. Even if the spot was high above the people (and quickly dangerous for you) it was a great place to hide from the world even if it was in plain sight.
He swung past some cars and then some birds. People look up at the sky taking out their phones to capture Spider-Man live in person to show to their friends and followers. You smiled enjoying the breeze you felt after such a humid and disgusting day. However, you didn’t always enjoy these. The first couple of times you traveled around with Mark you came close to coughing up your lunch. You eventually got used to the swinging and appreciated the time more than dread it.
When you finally landed it was in the spot you assumed. A ledge of an older building looking over millions of homes and thousands of people. Even at this time, the city was still alive.
Mark took out your camera handing it to you. “I know this is your favorite view,” he said turning it on. You snapped a couple of photos and then recorded some shots soon pointing the camera over to Mark who still wore his mask. He didn’t notice at first feet dangling off the side and eyes focused on the people below. “Say hi,” you said getting his attention.
He smiled and waved at your camera. Then he stood up jumping off the building, it always made your heart jump. He swung around and you caught it all on film. He even walked on one of the statues hanging upside down. You both laughed seeing him make funny poses in the air until he got tired and sat back down beside you. You placed your camera down putting it away.
“Y/n Im sorry about today. I wanted to see your video “
“It’s okay Mark,” you tried to say.
“No it’s not,” he shook his head taking off his mask. He took your hands in his. “I don’t want to be that guy who always shows up late. You're always there when I need you and I’m always minutes or hours behind. I know you need someone to give you that kind of comfort. Being able to see that person in the crowd. I want to give you that and I do, even if it’s from blocks and streets away. Even if you can’t see me I’m there with you all the time. I’m not gonna promise to always be early or on time, sometimes I may not even show up,” He said getting sidetracked.
“Point is I love you dude and I’m always here for you and supporting you even if you don’t see me standing in the front row. I always got your back,” he said placing a kiss on your knuckles. He left your hand close to his face rubbing his head into your hand. He looked at you with the most adoring eyes. This man did love you. You never doubted his love for a second. It’s nice to know as well he’s got you the way you got him.
Small beats of silence passed before he leaned in and kissed you just below your ear taking in a whiff of your scent. You smelled so sweet like usual. He hummed placing another kiss in the same spot just to take in your scent again. When he lingered there for too long you moved your neck back exposing more of your skin to him. He could sense the tingling you felt in your body when he kissed you. He could sense the wetness that started to pool in your panties. He didn’t care he was about to touch you on top of a high building with millions of people below, he needed to take care of his girl.
He turned your head placing his lips on yours. Holding you close to him he pulled you by your waist. He kissed his way down your jaw placing wet kisses on your skin. “Mark…the people,” you said through breaths. You looked to your left seeing the edge. People were so far away they looked like ants. All the buildings nearby had their windows closed and locked, some even had curtains concealing the inside. “They don’t matter, they can’t see us,” he said through a low groan once he started kissing the tops of your breast that pooled out of how tight your was bra.
He unzipped your oversized hoodie pulling the zipper down and tossing the fabric to the side leaving you in a white u cut t-shirt. He said usher your breast together hands covered in his spider costume. He sucked the top of your tits molding them together in his palms. Your head fell back feeling when your juice slipped out of you. Mark knew your juice was slipping to and bucked his hips forward like a dog in heat. The imprint of his large cock showed on his tight costume. The costume outlined every detail of Mark. His abs, his muscles, the v-line that traveled to his cock. You licked your lips leaning out to touch his cloth skin.
He pulled your shirt off your head exposing your bra, he ripped that off throwing it away. It landed dangling off the building and began to slip off falling off the ledge. Luckily Mark noticed a webbed it back into place.
He engulfed his mouth around your nipple sucking and licking and even biting on the pebble of skin. Your back arched, holding his head close your finger ran through his hair. You pulled on his locks tightly causing him to groan hips still bucking into your thigh. “Mark touch me, do something,” you pleaded feeling him let you go with a pop of his mouth. He laid you flat placing your hoodie under you. Taking your cotton shorts I’m his hand he slipped them down placing them next to your bra. He kissed your plush thighs, kneading the skin in his hands. He sucked and kissed his way from your thighs to the outer parts of your pussy. Groaning at the sight of the way your pussy sucked onto your fabric from how wet you are. “Fuck baby, so wet just for me,” he praised finger tracing the outline of your clothed pussy. You squirmed wanting something more from him. “Mark,” you moaned softly trying to get his attention. He was locked on your pussy. Eyes lost in the way you clenched around nothing. The cool air started to tickle you in the best way possible, the coolness feeling good on your hot core. You picked your hips up swirling yourself in his face. His eyes enlarged hands eagerly grabbing hold of your hips and removing your black panties. He sent a long lick to your clit. Then another watching your little reactions.
Your moans got caught in your throat as he licked you slowly. He leaned closer fingers spreading you apart and arm keeping you down. He spread your legs diving into your pussy. Licking quickly on your bundle of nerves your head fell back almost hitting the marble. Mark’s tongue swerved around like a starved madman. He abused your clit with his tongue sucking hard. Fingers that spread you apart made their way down to your hole, teasing your entrance. His finger soaked in your glistening wetness he easily slipped inside you.
Their finger slowly moved into matching the new speed on his tongue. Letting you adjust to the rhythm he started to move faster. Watching and loving the way your body squirmed around for him. The look on your face is full of pleasure. Brows furrowed, eyes closed and mouth open moans slipping out from between your lips while he fucked your pussy so good with his fingers and tongue. He couldn’t help but watch you as he abused and cherished your body. “Fuck Mark,” you groaned hand leading down to his dark locks. Grabbing hold you pushed his hair back exposing his forehead. You held onto his hair tightly seeing a few veins form on his head as you squeezed around his fingers and pulled his hair.
He groaned into your pussy fingers moving quickly following the flow of his tongue. “Fuck baby you taste so good,” he praised spitting on your pussy. He swirled his salvia around with his thick tongue causing your body to arch off the building. Sweat poured down your body, Mark’s as well. You could feel the beads of sweat forming especially around the back of your neck. Sweat formed on top of Mark’s forehead twin fingers from below pounding into you his bicep flexing hard.
“Fuck Mark I’m gonna cum,” you said moaning loudly. From up here you could be as loud as you wanted. No one would find you or Mark from here. You were so high up that you could touch the clouds. Floating in the air millions of people below you. You and Mark were completely alone.
“Fuck baby you wanna cum? You wanna cum all over my fingers?” Mark teased pulling back with his tongue abandoning you. He pulled his fingers out too leaving you hot and unsatisfied. You leaned up on your elbows watching as Mark removed his suit. “Mark,” you whined seeing how sweaty his body was underneath the tight suit. “Relax baby I’ll take care of you,” he said with a smirk as he placed his suit to the side. When he turned to you, you could get a much better angle of his body.
The torso is built and lean. Abs and different lines are carved out onto his body. A certain v-shaped that formed just below his stomach leading to his dick. The sweat that the suit created and mixed with the glow you both received from the setting sun made his body glisten. Biceps well and defined and hands veiny. His jet-black hair sticks in all kinds of places courtesy of your hands. Some little strains sticking to his forehead. Chin and lips covered in your juice shining and sparkling thanks to the sun.
You couldn’t help it. He looked like an absolute dream. You leaned your body over grabbing hold of his face turning his head and planting a passionate kiss onto his pink lips. He wasted no time in kissing you back. Both pairs of hands roam the other's body. Exploring every outline and curve of the other. Lips on lips and hands on hands feeling his muscular, lean shoulders and well-defined jaw in the cups and fingertips of your hands.
He did the same hands grabbing hold of your waist and pulling you closer to him. Squeezing and kneading your skin. Hands traveling south to your ass grabbing hold of the plush skin. He molded the cups of your butt in his hands groaning at the feeling of how soft you are. You smelled amazing pulling him into your lips every time just to continue to taste you. Your body is just as hot as is, completely on fire.
You could feel his hardness still covered by his boxers. You pulled his closer rubbing your wet pussy against his clothed dick. He groaned squeezing your hips and bringing you closer to him enjoying your wet pussy soaking his cock that hadn’t even been exposed yet. “Fuck Y/n,” he cursed groaning and head falling back as you rutted your hips harder into his hardening cock.
“You feel so fucking good and I haven’t even fucked you yet,” he praised placing a wet kiss on your lips. Your lips met his breaking the kiss for a moment to let out a sigh. His tip poked at your clit circling the nerves.
You pulled back, he slipped off his underwear sliding it down his muscular thighs and legs placing it to the side. He laid back sliding your pussy up and down his cock. He couldn’t get enough. He loved watching the way you glided so effortlessly on his dick. Your wetness and his pre cum created the perfect slip so that you could slide so easily on him. Having enough, however, you halted his movements rising. Your hands found his dick, his breath caught in his throat feeling your hands wrapped around him.
You aligned yourself above his dick, it meeting your entrance. You slowly slide down both of you not letting out a long breath until you sat perfectly on his cock. Slowly you moved both of you coming up with a rhythm that worked both ways. Once you found it you moved faster bouncing on his cock. You could hear the squish of your pussy. “Fuck Y/n…you feel so tight,” Mark praised through an earthy groan. His head fell back slightly arching at the feeling of your pussy wrapping around his length and swallowing him up.
He leaned his head forward grabbing a tight hold onto your hips. He rutted his hips upwards quickly causing the entire top half of your body to bounce. You let a series of moans spill from your lips. Eyes closing shut enjoying the feeling of Mark completely ruining you.
Your head fell back, lip in between your teeth, beads of sweat spilling down your chest. Mark watched this play out and fell even more in love with you. Your glistening body matched with the sun, you glowed in front of him. He sat forward taking his hand and placing it on your chin turning to face him. “Open your eyes, baby, wanna see how good you look when I fuck you,” he smirked watching your eyes open. Already in a daze, your eyes were half opened. You wrapped your arms around Mark’s neck bouncing on his cock.
Soon he flipped you both over taking you from behind. His hand ran down the arch of your wet back. Fingers spreading apart your pussy. He dragged his index finger through your folds collecting some of your wetness and then pushing it into your hole. You moaned at the feeling, even if it wasn’t the fullness you wanted it was something and it was Mark giving you that something.
He replaced his fingers with the head of his cock. Sliding it through your folds coating his dick. Taking the base in his veiny hands he pushed it inside you both of you letting out a pleased sigh. Moans spilled from your lips all over again as Mark pounded into you from behind. He spread your legs using his knee allowing more room for him to fully explore your velvet walls. Mark continued his assaults on your guts and pounded into you quickly and hard. Hand reaching around to rub your clit.
You caught your lip between your teeth. Seeing a few pigeons fly away once you moan out loud. Mark leaned forward mouth pressed against your neck. All his quiet groans and moans didn’t go unnoticed by you. Every single sound spilling into your ears, he sounded so perfect. Your groans and words of praise were the same sounded song to Mark as well.
“Mark you feel so fucking good,” you praised through groans and gritted teeth. You could feel your body become even more sticky, Mark’s as well. You clenched around him hearing the squish sound your pussy made because of how wet he made you. “Fuck Mark harder,” you pleaded feeling Mark's grip on your waist tightens. “Fuck Mark,” you moaned tears forming in your eyes.
“Fuck baby what do you need?” He asked feeling his orgasm approaching. Your grip on your lip losses moans spilling out from your abused lips. You slightly turned your head seeing his body on full display. Hand tight on your waist, his biceps flexing and abs covered in your juice and mixed with his sweat. You turned your head back moaning out loud again. You could feel the tightness in your stomach, you were seconds away from spilling on his cock.
“I’m gonna cum baby,” Mark said groaning into your ear. When he released inside you he let out the most pornographic sounds, even whimpering in your ear reminding you of how good you make him feel, how perfect you are for him.
He pulled out spinning you around and laying your flat mouth immediately on your clit. He engulfed the bud in his mouth not teasing you anymore and sucked hard and fast on your nub. Your eyes widened from how fast he flipped you over and tasted you so perfectly after fucking you so good. Your hands ran down your body taking his dark locks in your hand, pulling his face close to your pussy. Your clit grinding on his nose. He groaned to your pussy loving the way you taste, he also loved pleasing you.
“Fuck Mark I’m so close,” you moaned hand covering your lips. Even if you were on one of the tallest buildings you never know who could be listening. “Mark please,” you pleaded he spread your folds apart with his finger focusing so hard on your clit. You felt the knot in your stomach start to unfold. You came hard spilling all over his mouth and chin. Mark remained there sucking and licking every drop you released.
When he pulled back the entire bottom half of his face was covered in your cum. He licked around his lips, even taking his finger and wiping it under his chin, sucking your juice off his index and middle finger. Doing the slutiest thing a man could do. It made you want him all over again.
You leaned up and kissed him passionately holding him close to your body. Your hand felt up and down his chest, guiding itself to his hardening sensitive cock. He pulled away holding you in his arms. “Woah Woah you wanna go again?” He asked a shy smile on his lips. His eyes locked with yours. “Why do you want to stop?” You teased moving closer to him being extremely touchy. He shook his head placing a kiss on your neck. “Of course not, how could I say no to you?” He said through a whisper placing a couple more kisses on your neck.
“But,” he began making you groan. “Not here. It’s getting dark and I’d rather take you home first,” he said letting you go only to help you get dressed. You didn’t argue with him and watched as he quickly put on his suit. He held you close by your waist. You held onto his arm tightly. “It's getting late. Spend the night at my place ?” You asked with a warm smile. He thought about it with his mask half on only lips on display. His aunt would kill him if he was gone. But you were worth it. So he smiled placing a slow, sensual kiss on your lips. You both pulled back eyes still closed, a dazed smile on his face.
“I’ll tell my aunt I’m with Johnny,” he said before you pulled his mask down and jumped off the roof swinging back to your house.
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I hope you enjoyed this, I thought of this randomly one night and it turned into a month-long project. I am thrilled to finally be putting this out, it’s just been sitting in my drafts collecting dust.
I truly hope you enjoyed and do forget to comment and share! I love hearing from you guys it honestly makes me happy seeing your guys reactions or thoughts about my writing.
See you soon ;)
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thepersonperson · 2 months
Oooh I'm really interested in your opinions on the flaming trainwreck that is gojo's relationship with women!
I wanted to respond to this topic in this ask, but then I realized it would be better as a part of something else. So I will link you to my yapfest that happens to delve into what I think are Gojo's woman issues.
So thanks for sending me into a mini crisis within a crisis! It gave me that nice little missing piece to pull apart Gojo even more.
I'm also shoehorning your tags on this post into this ask since they contributed to that analysis.
#fjddjdjs hiiii I apologize right back for subjecting you to my yelling in your tags almost all the time fjdjfjd #but WHAT a time for you to post this bc I literally just typed out a whole rant on gojo's sexuality that I bravely chose to not post djdjfjf hj
Post the rant anyways. Or whenever you feel brave enough. The perspective unique to you is valuable even if the topic has already been discussed.
#but you absolutely hit the nail on the head on why satosugu was and is n will always be doomed bc of COURSE gojo would never act on anything #like his whole thing in this story is witnessing human rights violations and only acting when the consequences are fatal
#hes absolutely my favorite jjk character but hes so very full of his own prejudices that I think the fandom doesnt acknowledge bc hes fruity #like we see him let a LOT of shit slip by bc to him (one of the most privileged cogs in the machine) they aren't real problems #which reminds me of cis white gays whose complections and even the random bouts of misogyny and mild racism he matches up with #he has a lil bit of that 'I can't be shitty to women I'm literally gay kinda' vibes and we see how he talks to utahime #and how he doesn't stand up for maki like you mentioned
That's usually my biggest complaint with fan culture in general. They shave off the yucky parts to make characters more palatable. Gojo's racist reveal post-mortem made me love him even more. He's my favorite character in JJK too and he has also unseated my most favorite fictional racist: Oliver Fire Emblem. (Yes, I have a fictional racists tier list. I'm giving myself a pass to have one as a person with a unique skeletal structure and muscles as Mr. Gojo Satoru would say.)
I think the reason people try to ignore these things is because of how subtle/realistic it is. Gojo's unsavory behaviors are the kinds people are most likely to have themselves. He kind of forces you to look at those flaws and that can be a deeply uncomfortable experience.
Also I think Gojo would be more like "I can't be a misogynist, I'm not a Zenin."
(Cough more on my racists tier list. It's more of "Were they written well? Was the racism properly condemned by the narrative? Is the racism relevant to themes? If they try to get better, is the racism properly addressed? Is it funny in the pathetic loser way?")
#but I also have this different vibe that he. despite how much he says so and maybe wants to. does NOT care about 'the weak' beyond his job #we see him literally step on people in shibuya to get to where he needs to quicker #he doesn't even bother remembering the names of the kyoto kids besides maybe todo and mechamaru (strong)
Well the thing is teen Gojo definitely didn't care about the weak. Post-Geto break up and after he started mimicking all of Geto's moral teachings? No idea. Gojo treats people he loves poorly so it's hard to tell when he really hates or doesn't care about someone. And he does posture about those things like with Megumi's body being used by Sukuna.
During the Shibuya incident, he does step on all those people's heads and let them be thrown against his Infinity like objects. But he doesn't hurt them. This is a guy who stepped on ants and made sure his Infinity prevented them from being crushed.
Kenjaku's group uses his love for other people against him here. Gojo tries to posture during it, but his composure breaks a few times when they start killing a lot of them. He also checked in on their survival after he UV'd them.
That being said, he probably cares more about them as living things than as equals. He has a very clear bias for the strong when it comes to putting in time and effort. ...But also Ijichi is so weak and Gojo trusts him the most. Gojo went out of his way to care for him when he was suffering. ...And he also relentlessly bullies him. (As you can see Gojo's true feelings on the topic are iffy as fudge.)
#imo the only reason he cares enough to correct nanamis language when talking abt yuuji is that he simply has a lot of potential to be strong #he took maki in hoping to make another toji out of her but bc he doesn't know how a toji is made he basically gives up #which is why I think he didn't even think to call suguru out for the way he talks to her
That would be really fudged up if he was trying to make another Toji and I wouldn't put it past him. He does put his students in really questionable predicaments in the name of growth. That might also explain why he corrected Nanami with Yuji. Someone with his power experiencing immense discrimination could churn out another Geto.
#like gojo has really lofty goals but his day to day consists of ignoring it all until there's a problem or he needs to talk about his goals #he's very much running around aimlessly like a headless chicken mostly bc of the higher ups so it's understandable that he doesn't have time #to even think about let alone try to unlearn all that internalized shit stopping him from achieving his goals #also everything about your tags YES TO ALL OF IT YOU'RE SO RIGHT AND BIG BRAINED
So true! Gojo is stretched so thin that I think he defaults to "cold logic" as Mahito puts it. If he's going to change things for the better, he has to invest in strong people, so they get all his attention and time. All the little systemic issues can be ignored because he was raised to only care about the big things.
It's such a frustrating predicament because I want to be mad at him for this, but it's also [Joker Voice] Society. I've settled on calling it out as a character flaw that can be explained (not excused) by circumstances.
#also uwu thank you 4 talking about kirara shes my everything and gojos an idiot for losing that entire years worth of students (2 whole ppl) #anyway I am sorry for clogging your tags yet again your posts make the gears in my brain turn very fast
Thank you as well. Clogging my tags makes me reexamine things more. I think after reading this response you'll be able to see the parts of your tags that influenced certain parts of the Ok Dad Gojo Analysis.
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I had this drafted around elaingate, and now that my fever has finally broken, I can piece together my thoughts on the absurdity that is this fandom and the rhys week tamlin and rhys' sister piece debacle. Because, of course, no one has learned anything from elaingate to now, and it's time to wake up and smell the coffee.
If there's one thing about this fanbase that I've noticed so far, it's that people will accidentally tell you exactly who they are in the most embarrassing way possible. What's the main takeaway in the overlap of the rhys week drama and elaingate?
Art, purity culture, and "victimhood." And people deciding who does and doesn't get to fall under the latter.
The thing that I appreciate about elaingate (and I guess Rhysgate??) happening is that it outs the people in this fanbase who don't see art that doesn't cater to them as having same rights as the art they do like/are comfortable with to be celebrated and appreciated in a community event about a character.
It outs people who only care about "protecting survivors" if their trauma conveniently matches what SJM believes to be abuse or trauma. It outs people as having the same performative inclinations of "protecting victims" as pro forced-birth/anti-choice pundits do. Rhysand’s sister, a nameless character, is the perfect "victim" to create an upheaval about because, like Elain, no one actually has to sacrifice anything or do any difficult self-reflection because fictional characters will never ask anything of you.
Remember this quote from Pastor David Barnhart? It's pretty relevant.
"The unborn are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn."
Rhys' sister and Elain are the perfect vehicle for people to feel like they're "morally just" for "protecting" from...Tamlin. And people creating specific dynamics between these fictional characters, too, I guess. Because they're evil or whatever, I suppose.
"But, Raven!" I'm sure some of you are already scrambling to say. "There are real people in this fandom triggered by Tamlin, and they were hurt! They were so upset/disgusted that they left the fandom because people cared more about fictional ships than their triggers/feelings!"
And I'm going to hold your hand while I say this as a fellow survivor of DV.
No one is responsible for my triggers and caring for my own mental health other than me. And that applies to everyone else in this fanbase, too.
It's my responsibility to curate my online experience as much as possible to my own needs. This space is voluntary to be a part of, and if I no longer feel as though it's conducive to my mental health overall, then yeah, it's probably best for me to leave. Same with everyone else who felt like they shouldn't be in this fandom space because of the elaingate upheaval.
If people rightfully pointing out that this fanbase is extremely conservative and aligned with purity culture and morality policing to the point where art is policed in relation to celebrating a character during their own week is too much for someone because of the narrative around one of the characters involved...then yeah, it sounds like this isn't a good environment for them anyhow.
There's no judgment to be passed on the side rightfully saying this fandom is fucked up, whether or not people are ready to hear that. People saying art that features Tamlin in relation to another character event still has a right to be celebrated so long as that character in the event is depicted has no bearing on whatever real person Tamlin represents to the people that were triggered.
There's only so many ways people can actually be realistically protected from content that triggers them, and tagging is the most consistent way to do so. If the protection of tagging triggering content somehow still isn't enough for people when they might happen upon art depicting a character for one day out of a one-week period maybe is also still too potentially triggering for them, then maybe being in a fandom space isn't the best for their overall mental health and stepping away from it isn't a bad thing.
(And that's all without getting into why its totally fair for peoppe to question how true that ""stance"" of "protecting survivors" actually is when the Elain Week event's tagging system is consistently ignored and not used to actually protect survivors from triggering content. It's interesting how people spent more time angry at people who were adamant about the right to celebrate art instead of the event itself for not having a remotely thorough tagging system. How are you "protecting survivors" from triggering content, including yourself as the event runner, without tagging anything from character names to triggering content/events someone might view? Let's not forget how wide-spread triggers are, too. People have trigger warnings for content involving eyes or spiders due to phobias, not just events that they might have personally experienced, like violence.)
Back to the main point, however.
Issues like these out people as not understanding that creativity means bending the rules of canon however you want, because these are characters, not real people. But real people are making this art, and its value and worthiness of being celebrated is not up to anyone's personal discretion (including event runners) even in situations of discomfort.
It's a shame that the first upheaval happened regarding Elain since she's rarely appreciated outside of her ships anyway, but this Hell-hole of a fandom has had this coming for a while now. This is an absurdly conservative, rigid-to-canon, puritannical fandom, and unfortunately, Elain Week was the match that started this fire.
As a writer, I'm always going to have a hard stance on this because appreciating and celebrating art does not end where my personal likes and comforts do. Appreciation does not look the same for everyone, and just because it's not how you would personally celebrate a character does not mean it stops being appreciation or celebration. Your preferences are not and never will be the end-all-be-all of artistic appreciation in a fandom space. If you don’t see that, the block button is right there, and I've been using it very liberally.
You either stand for all of fandom integrity and creative works, or you don't deserve to be in this space. And I will very happily remove you from my space here since, as far as I'm concerned, you don't deserve to be in mine, either.
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theyanderespecialist · 8 months
Jack's Wife (Headcanons) Yandere Jack Bright X Wife Reader  (SCP Foundation)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with a new chapter! This one is where Jack Bright is yandere and he will be yandere for you as his wife. I will also have this in audio/video on YouTube! Please Enjoy this!] 
(Disclaimer: Artwork is Made By GavImp on Tumblr, all credit to her!) 
(Disclaimer 2: We do not support Admin Bright! Jack and Or his genderbent (Jackie) Bright Are more so their OWN STAND ALONE CHARACTER. Jack (Jackie) Bright is NO LONGER a self-insert of Admin Bright! We DO NOT Support Admin Bright, He is despicable! Separate the creation from the creator!) 
(Disclaimer 3: Dr. Jack Bright is NOT Yandere In canon! This is Just for Fun and Not To Be taken seriously at all! Simping For Fictional Characters is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, Remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!) 
-Headcanons With Yandere Dr. Jack Bright X Wife Reader- 
.Dr. Jack Bright is a chaotic man. 
.He also is very loyal to the foundation. 
.And he is loyal to his family. 
.These are three main facts about Jack. Another one is that he is in love with his wife. He is so in love that he is obsessed. 
.You, his darling wife. The love of his life, the woman he wants to bear his children. 
.Jack Bright was lucky enough to have you as his wife, for you to put up with his chaotic nature and to stand by his side. 
.Jack Bright's soul is tied to SCP 963, an amulet that anyone who touches has the soul gone and a copy of Jack Bright's soul remains in it unless removed in the first 30 days. After those 30 days, a permanent copy of Jack Bright's soul remains. 
.You were Immune to SCP 963. Abel to touch it without having your soul erased. 
.That is how you met Jack, you had an anomaly where you were your type of immortal and able to not be affected by some SCPs 
.Jack instantly felt you were someone that he could spend his life with. 
.Not only that, but when he had met your eyes he fell head over heels in love with you. 
.You were the perfect woman to be with him. Both of you were able to spend the rest of your time together. 
.Jack had stalked you and read your file, learning everything about you. 
.He was beyond obsessed with learning everything he could about you, and then he used the information to court you. 
.He loved to make you laugh and to tease you getting you flustered. 
.Seeing you give him a reaction of a blush, smile, and or laugh made his day. 
.When you had agreed to date him he was over the moon, then in a few years dating became marriage. 
.Everything seemed perfect for him and you. 
.Though Jack is still a yandere and even the best of yanderes have their toxic traits. 
.Anyone that dared hurt you ended up on keter duty and they did not make it out alive. 
.You also did start to notice that less and less people wanted to spend time with you. 
.Leaving you more time for yourself and your husband. 
.Jack told you it is probably because you are the site Commander's wife now. 
.He never gave you any reason not to trust him. 
.Jack cut out only a few people who could be around you, and even then he did not like you alone with them. 
.You never looked at another man or woman. Though he cannot help that one day you will leave him. 
.He has been so used to those he loves and those who were his family being taken away from him or leaving him. 
.So he has a deep fear this will happen to you. 
.Which makes him a very paranoid, protective, and clingy yandere. 
.He also likes to feed you and take care of you, loving when you get sick and he got to feed you, bathe you, and just look after you. 
.For him it made him feel like you needed him and just him. 
.Made you dependent on him, where all you need is your husband. 
.He was always pouty when you got better and would start to take care of yourself once more. 
.He is a very dotting, loving, and caring husband and yandere. 
.But we have to remember Jack Bright is a bit of a mad scientist. 
.So he has moments where his sanity is very unhinged. 
.Like a new researcher starts to hit on you, he would take sick pleasure in hurting them. 
.He also will sometimes go on rants to you that people are trying to steal you away from him. 
.That he knows this in his heart and that he is JUST TRYING TO keep you safe. 
.He has deep fears of losing you and this causes his mental health to be on the edge of sanity as a yandere of being stable and snapping. 
.He deals with rivals by giving them keter duty where they die or cutting them up with a chainsaw, slowly and painfully. 
.He has isolated you, where he has a firm hold on you and you do not even know it. 
.You have already accepted his love, but if you ever decide to leave him? Well, he loves taking care of you, he can take a leg or two and make the files say you terminated. 
.He is high enough up in the foundation where the foundation would not do anything to stop him. 
.YOU Help keep Jack Bright sane, so if you bring one or two legs fewer imprisoned by Jack Bright keeps Jack Bright Sane. Then That is for the greater good. 
.He can easily put you in containment as well since you are an anomaly. 
.That way you are trapped always and of Course Jack Bright will be your caregiver and or researcher. 
.This is all if you tried to leave him. 
.If you never leave him, you have nothing to worry about. 
.You and Jack will have a family and you and him will be happy together, forever, literally FOREVER! 
.Side note since he needs a new body every 30 days you always get a new physical lover that is Jack's new body. 
.So if imprisoned by him, you will never know what face your husband will have, if he is in a male body or female body. 
.It keeps you on edge, cause if you somehow did escape, you would NEVER know if your yandere husband was right there and you do not even realize it! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my Sexy Muffins! 
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