#youtube tip
jayasatija · 1 year
Youtube Marketing
YouTube marketing is a strategy that involves using the YouTube platform to promote products, services, or content to a targeted audience. YouTube is one of the largest social media platforms and the second-largest search engine, making it a valuable channel for reaching a vast audience.
Here are some essential aspects of YouTube marketing:
Create High-Quality Content: Produce engaging and valuable videos that cater to your target audience's interests. Whether it's tutorials, reviews, entertainment, or educational content, quality is key.
Optimize Video Titles and Descriptions: Use relevant keywords in your video titles and descriptions to make your content discoverable through YouTube's search algorithm.
Eye-Catching Thumbnails: Design compelling and visually appealing thumbnails that entice viewers to click on your videos.
Utilize Tags: Add relevant tags to your videos to improve their discoverability in search results and related video suggestions.
Consistent Branding: Maintain consistent branding across your YouTube channel, including logos, colors, and tone, to build brand recognition.
Call-to-Action (CTA): Encourage viewers to take action, such as subscribing to your channel, liking the video, or visiting your website, by incorporating clear CTAs in your videos.
Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, questions, and feedback from your viewers to foster a sense of community and loyalty.
Collaborations: Partner with other YouTubers or influencers in your niche to reach a broader audience and gain credibility.
Promote Across Platforms: Share your YouTube videos on other social media platforms and embed them on your website or blog to expand your reach.
YouTube Analytics: Use YouTube's analytics to gain insights into your audience, video performance, and traffic sources. This data can help you refine your marketing strategy.
Paid Advertising: Consider using YouTube's advertising platform to promote your videos and channel through targeted ads.
Live Streaming: Utilize YouTube's live streaming feature to engage with your audience in real-time, conduct Q&A sessions, or showcase events.
SEO for YouTube: Learn about YouTube's search algorithm and SEO best practices to optimize your videos for better visibility.
Remember that building a successful YouTube marketing strategy takes time and effort. Be consistent in posting content, keep learning from your analytics, and adapt your approach based on what works best for your target audience.
Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT July 20 Version
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queriesntheories · 1 year
I will instead redirect you to THIS more comprehensive guide, and cobalt.tools. Cobalt solves the problem of low quality video when you're done with VLC, and it can also take videos from a dozen other social media platforms.
Support the cobalt dev and the better guide writer, not me. I'm just a person who boiled down a wikihow guide and a youtube tutorial into a TLDR. I did not do very much work. They have.
I might turn reblogs back on, but for now I implore you to put your attention where it's needed most. Thanks for understanding. (original post under the cut)
alright i am sick of yt to mp4 sites being shady and full of viruses and finding websites that seem to be working and then don't work
get your youtube link
open vlc, go to media > open network stream
paste your url in the box and PRESS PLAY!
wait for the video to open then go to tools > codec information
copy the entire file location (click the box, then ctrl-a to select all, then ctrl-c to copy)
paste into your browser of choice (i use firefox)
right click video and press "save video as", choose your file format if you want
the quality might be a little crummy but if you don't mind that, then shabam! video on your computer! then you can email it to yourself and have it on your phone too if you want! if you need a guide with pictures wikihow has you covered my friends
happy downloading and stay safe on the internet :D
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nasa · 1 year
Top Study Tips from NASA
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Study smarter this school year! We asked scientists, engineers, astronauts, and experts from across NASA about their favorite study tips – and they delivered. Here are a few of our favorites:
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Study with friends
Find friends that are like-minded and work together to understand the material better. Trading ideas with a friend on how to tackle a problem can help you both strengthen your understanding.
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Create a study environment
Find a quiet space or put on headphones so you can focus. You might not be able to get to the International Space Station yet, but a library, a study room, or a spot outside can be a good place to study. If it’s noisy around you, try using headphones to block out distractions.
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Take breaks
Don’t burn yourself out! Take a break, go for a walk, get some water, and come back to it.
Looking for more study tips? Check out this video for all ten tips to start your school year off on the right foot!
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 5 months
🎀🍓⚞🎀・◦・⚟ YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM.🎀🍓⚞🎀・◦・⚟
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You going to your job. Your job is your bosses imagination. He imagined a company that he wanted to create and then he put it into physical realm. So you are basically working towards your bosses imagination.
Countries are not real. We all collectively imagine a border but it's not real. It's all earth. Everything is earth but we imagine that those countries are separated.
Money is also imagination. It's just a piece of paper. We imagine that the amount of money in our bank is worth that much but it isn't. If tomorrow a big corporation says that the money in your account isn't worth that much or the money isn't in use anymore . It's not.
All this means that we all are living in a imagination. A dream . A game . Matrix. Whatver you want to call it.
We imagine everything we do. We imagine our future and dwell in our past which also doesn't exist. Future and past doesn't exist. Only this moment exists.
We can create this imagination or dream however we want it to be.
How do I want to create my game , my dream ?
How do I want my imagination to look like ?
Who do I allow into my imaginations ?
How do I behave ? Who am I? What does my character look like ?
Being a victim is the most comfortable thing because you don't have to do much. Your life is a circle. Everything just keeps moving in the same way , in the same circle. But this is comfortable for you. Why ? Because you know what is going in happen in the circle. You don't have to take risks. You don't have to deal with different people.
To take a leap of faith , you need to be brave. It takes guts. Everyone wants to blame everyone . At the end you will be left no one to blame but yourself. Your life is shit because of you. People don't care about your victim mentality. You know when they care ? When you get out of it. When your life becomes a success story. David Goggins is not David Goggins without his success. No one would care if he was the same guy before.
Everyone moves on and you will be left behind. NO ONE IS GOING TO SAVE YOU. WHY ? BECAUSE NO ONE CAN SAVE YOU. The only person that can save you is you. No one is going to make you change.
Everytime you learn something,it's one step forward because you have more knowledge but if you put it into practice, you will be 1 step back because you are not used to it. You still have to continue. If you feel uncomfortable and give up, you will be right back where you started. Stop abusing yourself by being in the same circle that you don't like. Stop abusing yourself by being the same person that you don't like. Look in the mirror , we don't have anyone to blame. As a victim it's easy to run away and be like " I tried I tried", You didn't try and you didn't try hard enough . Try again . Try again until you get there.
Alot of people when they come out of abusive household , later they will think that it's too peaceful . They will start to attract people that will give them that toxicity again because this is the only thing they knew. Realize that you are the creator of that drama though. You can choose to have a peaceful life. You can choose to have peaceful people around . If you can't find peaceful people , just be peaceful on your own for a while until you find someone that makes you feel peaceful.
Stop creating drama when it was never meant for you. Stop involving yourself in things that were never meant for you. Stop watching things that are so dramatic.
You have control who comes into your life , you have control about who you date . You have control about what you watch , listen to , what you read. You have control over what you put in your mind. Your mind isn't a dustbin.
If you decide to open the news and it's all negative and now your day is bad. Don't blame the news. Blame your eyes and blame your hands for putting that on.
"My friend , partner is toxic". Why don't you start looking at why you allow them in ? Don't you have control over who I allow into my life? Why don't you ask yourself ? What is it in you that you don't feel worthy enough of having people that actually respect you ?
What part are you playing in life ? You can cry all day about being overweight or underweight . Are you doing something to fix that or are you just crying all day ? What are you doing to fix your life?
When something wants something badly , they will get it done anyway.
Turn your mindset around. Set your mind on a plan and focus on it . The more you start going from complaining to gratitude, the more your life will change. If you constantly focus on what isn't there instead of what it is , you create more of that.
You are privileged and you want to talk about people in North Korea. They won't be able to see liz video or read this post since they don't have access to internet but you do.
This is how the world works.
Accept your past and start working on yourself. It doesn't exist. You only have now. Don't dwell on the future. What are you doing now ? How you are now will determine your future and not the other way around.
Everytime something good comes into your life. Do you ruin it ? What in life are you doing that sabotages you ? You have to ask yourself these things.
It's not fair what happened to you but whatver I do with it next , it's on you.
If you don't take care of yourself , you can't show up as the best mother , daughter, employee or boss. You don't feel good . You are depleted and depressed. If you want to perform the best you want to be for others , then you should think about you first and nurturing you first so you are happy. If you don't feel good in your life , it's okay to take a step back from everyone and focus on nurturing you . Put yourself first . No is coming to take care of you.
You deserve everything you want and you can get once you set your mind to it. Stop taking advice from people that you don't want to share lives with ,these people are miserable themselves.
🍓🎀 ⚞🎀・◦・⚟I LOVE LIZ SO MUCH. 🍓🎀 ⚞🎀・◦・⚟
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paulthebukkit · 5 months
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Sakurai becoming a youtuber was the best thing ever
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Hey artists! Here's a new app for ya!
Tiny glade!
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Like what the screenshot says, you can build all sorts of houses and buildings (mostly houses).
If you're someone who struggles to imagine a house (or has trouble putting it on paper/screen), I recommend using this game. The full version comes out September 23, but the demo is out now (some stuff is limited but you can still have fun with it).
Here's a little cottage I made (it's fun once you get the hang of it)
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Tutorials below (which I recommend watching before using the game)
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territorial-utopia · 28 days
Perspective is honestly all about vibes (no I will not take criticism) if it looks good then that's all you need. At least that's my opinion on that ajshdasjkdh
Just go crazy, go stupid, try stuff until you go "Eh good enough"
(Timelapse to this piece)
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injuries-in-dust · 1 year
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honeytonedhottie · 2 months
dolly saturation session GUIDED SATURATION SESSIONS⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🧁
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so i've been talking a lot about saturation so i wanna kind of bring it to the blog. i'll link subliminals with some affirmations so that we can saturate together, quick disclaimer before we start…💬🎀
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i dont want to cause any confusion so lets just get this straight, you can affirm whatever u want, affirmations are only what you'd think if u had _. so feel free to make the affirmations more personal. and the subliminal in todays guided saturation belongs to i want it i got it on youtube, todays saturation is about instant manifestation.
🎀 i manifest instantly point blank period
💗 manifestation is instant
🎀 manifestation is NOT a process
💗 i never have to wait for my manifestation
🎀 isnt it so wonderful that i manifest instantly?
💗 waiting simply does not exist
🎀 i haven't even gotten to finish this saturation session and it ALREADY manifested, what can i say
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chic-diet-inspired · 3 days
Rigorous diet recs
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boredth · 8 months
Dude I'm obsessed with how you draw expressions 🤩🤩🤩 do you have any tips regarding them? 👉🏼👈🏼
What I think about when drawing expressions:
1. Facial features - You can often show a more intense / expressive look by exaggerating certain features. Observe from photos when drawing them. (Not just humans, you can even use animals!)
2. Angles & poses - Beyond facial expressions, show how the character would angle their head. Body language also plays a role in adding emotions.
3. Lighting - Different lighting angles convey different moods. You could also experiment with how harsh the lighting is. I'll be using anger as an example, but these should apply to drawing any emotion :)
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Finished piece:
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postitforward · 9 months
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Hey, y’all 👋
It is week five, our final week, of Holiday Blues. How y’all keeping? 
The holiday season can feel a lot. For those who celebrate, Christmas has come and gone, we are on the verge of a new year, and we’ve got the long winter months before us 😩 but that is why we’ve got Self-Care Sunday, and that is where we want to give you some essential time to rest and recuperate well into the new year.
For Holiday Blues this year, we have partnered with Therapy for Black Girls, who have put together some essential resources to help YOU through the winter and ensure you get the essential downtime y’all need to truly look after yourself. For this last week, the theme is Affirmations and Self-Care!
Did you take good care this year? Let’s talk about centering self-care and making more space for your mental wellness and personal growth in the new year. Join @therapyforblackgirls for tips and resources that will help you look after yourself when you need it most. 
🧘WATCH: Self-Care Sunday. Tumblr X Therapy for Black Girls: Affirmations and Self-Care. 12/31 at 1pm EST. 🧘
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Too Ashamed of Writing to Write
Anonymous asked: I've spent ten years thinking of stories, ideas, characters, magic systems, concepts, all that jazz, but when I actually have to write it down, I feel this overwhelming sense of shame and disgust. Just looking at what I write makes me feel bad. If I posted my writing in forums for serious writers, it'd immediately get torn to shreds. It's a constant downer and it dissuades me from wanting to write more. Is there advice for nervous nellies like me to overcome this fear that's a little sweeter than "grit your teeth and bear it?"
[Ask edited for length]
First, this is normal. A lot of writers struggle with it. The reason why, I think, is our society puts so much emphasis on finished products, we've collectively forgotten the reality behind what it takes to get to that finished product. We've forgotten that things take practice and time and polishing, and that to make good art, you first have to make bad art. If you can't learn to sit with your bad art, you'll never get good enough to make good art.
So, yes, unfortunately... though it may have a bitter taste, "grit your teeth and bear it" is the usual advice because it's true advice. If you can't grit your teeth and wade through the bad art to get to the good art, you'll never get to the good art.
Here are some things that might help. First, watch this:
Some links to previous posts:
Comparing Self to Others, Insecure About Writing Building Confidence in Your Writing Concentrate on Quantity at First, Not Quality Guide: Dealing with Self-Doubt & Impostor Syndrome
You will get there, I promise! ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
SEE MY ask policies
VISIT MY Master List of Top Posts
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To me, one of the best marks of good DM advice (or for any creator) is not just sharing tips about what you COULD do, but WHY you should do it in the way the person is recommending; helping you build a methodology of better play.
Recently stumbled across this channel in some of my youtube deep dives and I have been solidly impressed since.
Take notes friends, there are some key gamemaster skills on display here.
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serrph · 5 months
Hey everyone, if you're someone who's disabled, low on funds, or have a disorder that makes cleaning difficult or haven't been properly taught how to clean or what to use, Midwest Magic Cleaning has a great video going through how he cleans and what he uses without spending a lot of money and in as little steps as possible.
I highly recommend his channel in general. Not only is he funny, but he cleans hoarder houses for free, and explains his process as he's cleaning. He's also autistic and cleaning is his special intrest. He's great background noise.
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robertreich · 7 months
Think Tipping Is Out of Control? Watch This.
That’s how much millions of American workers are paid under the federal subminimum wage — which was set all the way back in 1991.
While many think tipping for services has gotten out of control, arguing over who deserves a tip and how much they should get distracts from what we should really be angry about: business models that depend on not paying workers a living wage.
It’s bad enough that the federal minimum wage is a measly $7.25 an hour. But employers are allowed to pay tipped workers just $2.13 an hour because supposedly the workers will be able to make up for it in tips.
Saru Jayaraman of One Fair Wage has been advocating to change this absurd and exploitative law. I asked her to share with us FOUR big reasons why we need to get rid of the subminimum wage and pay service workers a full living wage with tips on top.
Number 1: Workers who earn a subminimum wage often end up making less than the minimum wage
43 states currently allow certain workers to be paid a subminimum wage. Employers in these states are legally required to make up the difference if a worker’s combined wage and tips don’t reach the full minimum wage. But over a third of tipped workers report that their bosses regularly fail to do this.
That’s because enforcement of wage laws is lax, and it makes it easier for employers to get away with shortchanging staff.
Number 2: The subminimum wage perpetuates gender discrimination and harassment on the job
More than two-thirds of tipped workers — 70% — in the U.S. are women. And one in six women that work a tipped job are living in poverty — that’s nearly 2.5 times the rate for workers overall.
Since workers earning the subminimum wage are so dependent on tips to make a living, they are put in situations where they have to tolerate inappropriate customer behavior. A staggering 76 percent — that’s more than three-quarters of tipped workers — have reported experiencing sexual harassment on the job. And that only got worse during the pandemic.
Number 3: Tipping is actually a relic of slavery
Tipped workers are disproportionately people of color. And Black service workers in particular consistently earn less, including tips, than their white counterparts for doing the same job.
Look, this inequity of the subminimum wage is tied to America’s history of structural racism.
Following the Civil War, tipping was used as a racist solution by employers who didn’t want to pay formerly enslaved Black workers. So by allowing them to pay their workers just in tips rather than a wage, employers were able to avoid directly paying these workers.
Number 4: Paying workers a living wage plus tips is actually better for business — and our economy.
Corporate lobbyists, particularly for the restaurant industry, warn that paying workers a full minimum wage with tips on top will be devastating to businesses. But research shows these fears are completely overblown.
So far, seven states have replaced their subminimum wage for tipped workers with a higher minimum wage that still allows for tips on top. These seven states are actually faring better than the 43 states with subminimum wages for tipped workers — both in the number of restaurants and number of people employed by restaurants. And take home pay for restaurant servers and bartenders in these states was 24% higher than in states with a wage of just $2.13 an hour.
Workers at restaurants that have scrapped their subminimum wages in favor of higher minimum wages with tips on top are more productive, happier, and less likely to quit their jobs. This alone helps business owners cut employee turnover nearly in half. This is especially important following the pandemic, when restaurants are facing historic staffing shortages because over 1 million workers have left the industry due to low pay.
So not only have higher wage states been able to maintain their industries, but workers are more productive, getting paid more, and less likely to live in poverty.  
And when workers have more money, they spend more money — stimulating their local economies in the process.
And for the first time in 30 years, workers are winning on this issue, like in DC and Chicago and a dozen other states.
The bottom line is that ending the subminimum wage for tipped workers is better for workers, it’s better for business, it’s better for our economy — and it’s the right thing to do.
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