#ys laxia
frickingnerd · 1 year
arguing with laxia
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pairing: laxia von roswell x gn!reader
summary: laxia and you are arguing like an old married couple and only notice when dogi and adol point it out to you
tags: meaningless arguments over silly stuff, banter/teasing, flustered!laxia, implied romantic feelings, wholesome fluff
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"you did eat my cake, i just know it! don't try to play dumb and just admit it!"
laxia was once again scolding you, just like she did so often. only that this time she was convinced you had taken a piece of that cake she had baked yesterday. 
"i didn't do anything! maybe you just don't wanna admit that you ate it yourself last night!"
you softly huffed back at your girlfriend, not taking her accusations too seriously. 
"excuse me!? i'd never do such a thing–!!"
"oh really? what about that one time you–"
laxia blushed and interrupted you before you could finish your sentence. 
"that was one time! stop bringing that up, you…"
your little argument was suddenly interrupted by a familiar laughter and as you two turned your heads, you found adol and dogi watching the two of you. 
"you're not even married and yet you two already argue like an old married couple…"
dogi chuckled and shook his head amused. 
"what ? we are not–"
the two of you both started at the same time, only to grow quiet once you realized you were so in synch that you were about to say the same thing. 
"ha, told you! like an old married couple~"
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3amsoda · 4 months
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laxia von roswell
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torabdos · 3 months
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I guess I drew the additional forms for detective au Dana too hehe
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loamcloa · 2 years
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Ys VIII poster
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azuremoonns · 1 year
I love how pretty ys viii is…
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mioxeno · 5 days
Daily Ys Series #6
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swoodthis · 10 months
Shit Max Says, Ys 8 edition
“You mess with the babbo, you get the stabbo.” (regarding Laxia)
“He’s so dad…” (regarding Sahad)
“GUN.” (Hummel)
“Welcome… to Jurassic Park!”
“I killed my first dinosaur!”
(To the tune of the Jurassic Park theme like in the YouTube video) “Holy fuuu-cking shiiit, it’s a di-no-saur, Jesus Chriiiist, what the fuuuck~! Oh my fucking god, fucking di-no-saurs, holy shiii-iiiiit, what the fuuuuuuuu-uuuuuu-uuuuuuuuuuck~!”
“Reject humanity, return to monkey!”
“I trained with the Street Fighter monkey! I’m trained in the art of gorilla warfare.” (Relating my experience to the friend who recommended the game)
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rakumel · 1 year
Raku Plays Her Faves, Ys VIII: Feesh!
Today I'm going to talk a just little bit about Ys VIII's fishing mechanic. Kind of. Okay, if I'm being honest, it's partly about the fishing and partly about the characters doing the fishing.
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In fact, the title of today's post comes from one of the lines Ricotta says when she starts fishing - it's just her pronouncing "fish" in the cutest fucking way imaginable.
Which brings me to the main reason I even bring it up. Like almost everything else in Ys VIII, there's little bits of characterization tucked into it, and I love love love me some character details. Even the ones that are seemingly insignificant, or that don't have anything to do with the story.
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If you remember way way back in one of my other posts, I mentioned that this guy, Sahad, was a fisherman by trade, and that he was the one who taught the other characters how to fish. Some people might wonder: aside from maybe some novelty, why even bother letting the other characters do any fishing? Why not let the professional guy do it all the time, every time?
Well, there's a couple of reasons. First, there's the sensible game reason: Each character fishes in a slightly different manner. For example, Laxia has a better chance of catching rare fish and items, though it's more difficult for her to reel them in. Hummel can cast his line the furthest and can get to tinier spots (at least until another character joins the party later). Adol and Sahad are good for any basic fishing job, whereas Ricotta... to be honest, I can't tell if there's much difference in what she catches or how easy/hard it is for her to reel them in, but she's just so damn cute and excited to catch fish that it's fun to play as her anyway.
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Which leads me to the second reason I rotate characters when it comes to fishing, and this one I'll admit is very much a "it pleases me" reason. It's because they gave each character individual voiced lines during fishing that reflect their personality. And...fuck it, I just love that amount of detail.
They say different things depending on the size and/or rarity of fish they catch, have their own unique, slightly puzzled reactions when they catch items instead, their own utterances when they're reeling a big one in, even lines for when they approach a place to fish. Sometimes that last one can prompt you to stop and look for fish shadows in places you wouldn't ordinarily, so it can be useful. But mostly, I just appreciate that they took the time to do those little bits of characterization.
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I can't bring up fishing without bringing up Shoebill. Bring her one of every fish you catch (aside from the four biggest, rarest ones) and she'll reward you with some pretty cool items.
You also get some basic items like ores, plants, and meat just for a catching any fish. So it can be another way to harvest items if you've got enough bait. Once you've given Shoebill her share, you can also trade fish with Dina the merchant for even more items.
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Another thing I like about the fishing in Ys VIII is that every party member can do it from the start, no questions asked.
To explain why I say that, I'll bring up another game I like very much: Dark Cloud 2 on the PS2. It is one of my favorites, but it's not without its flaws. And one of the things that bothered me the most was that the male character, Max, got to do the fishing and golfing mini-games; Monica, the female character, didn't - even though she was the one who taught Max how to play the golf game.
Now there may have been practical reasons for that. Maybe they didn't have the time or disk space to put in animations for Monica too. But given how big Dark Cloud 2 is, to be honest, I kind of don't buy that. Admittedly I don't have any evidence for this, but I suspect that the reason Monica doesn't get to fish or golf is because the developers didn't consider them "girl" activities.
I mean, if they'd included a little scene or throwaway line about Monica not wanting to handle fish or bait because they're gross and slimy and smell bad, ok, that would be fair. But they didn't, so I'm just guessing. My point is, whether it's sexist assumptions on the developers' part or just plain laziness, it rubs me the wrong way.
Not so in Ys VIII. Everyone you can play as, can also fish. Boom, done, simple.
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So I do like the fishing in Ys VIII, but it's not entirely free of bullshit. Sometimes, instead of a fish, items, or a treasure chest, your character will pull up an Angry Catch. Angry Catches are a unique set of monsters that can't be encountered any other way.
It's a neat twist on the fishing mechanic, but I wish they'd tweaked it a little more. It's entirely possible to unwittingly reel in a monster that's several levels above your characters, or an undead monster that's impossible to defeat without a certain item you don't get until very late in the game. When this happens, you've got two options: dig your heels in for a long, LONG, tedious fight that you may or may not be prepared for, or run like hell to the next area and hope it doesn't kill your party before you get there.
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Talking about YOU, Blobrovia. And hate staring. You gelatinous fucker.
(Okay, okay, to be fair, if you can whittle it down, stun it, and defeat it, it does give a nice amount of experience and a lot of a rare item. But still. It starts at level 70, which is not cool when your characters are barely level 40 when you first fish it up.)
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Just so I'm not ending the post on a bitter note, here's an old screenshot of Adol holding up a fish with the most fun name, Boleh. It's the silly kind of name you'd say over and over to tick someone off or to cheer yourself up. Boleh boleh boleh. There's also a Queen Boleh that's larger and more purple, for the record. Not as fun to say though, boleh boleh.
And that's my report on fishing in Ys VIII. Good night, and good boleh.
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legiongamerrd · 15 days
Hace 7 años se lanzó en América Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana. Es un RPG de acción desaarrollado por Nihon Falcom (localizado y publicado en Occidente por NIS America), originalmente para PlayStation Vita. Luego llegó a PS4, Windows y Nintendo Switch.
Adol está en un barco de pasajeros, llamado Lombardia, que se dirige de Xandria al continente de Eresia, pero la nave es atacada en el archipiélago del mar Gaete por una criatura gigante, y se hunde. Cuando Adol despierte, se da cuenta de que ha naufragado en las costas de la Isla Maldita de Seiren. En su búsqueda de otros pasajeros, se une con la noble Laxia von Roswell, y el pescador Sahad Nautilus para ayudar a sus compañeros náufragos.
#LegionGamerRD #ElGamingnosune #Videojuegos #Gaming #RetroGaming #RetroGamer #CulturaGaming #CulturaGamer #GamingHistory #HistoriaGaming #GamerDominicano #GamingPodcast #Podcast #NihonFalcom #日本ファルコム #Falcom #NISAmerica #Ys #YsVIII #PlayStation #PSVita #PS4 #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #Microsoft #Windows #JRPG #ARPG
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omgfloofy · 1 month
State of the WiPs
I figure I'll do a quick rundown of my fics and the progress on them, especially now that Insurgent King has finished.
I'll put it all behind a cut!
The Insurgent King (FFXV)
Though I finished the story 'The Insurgent King,' it is story 2 of an 11 story series. Instead of doing this in a single, long fic, I figured I'd build it out in a series of episodic stories.
The next story lined up is called 'The King's Gambit' and it is a Regis POV story that details the events to cause the setting of the AU. Beyond that, the next story is 'A Metropolis Under Twilight' which is a very Noctis and Prompto focused adventure in the Niflheim-controlled Insomnia.
Neither of these are expected to be as long as Insurgent King was, but only one of them is fully outlined. The other has had a new idea in it that's thrown the original outline off a cliff. lol
dal segno al coda (FFXV)
I'm still working on this! I just needed a big break on it.
This fic is a monster and I'm glad for the break. It was super helpful to get my head back in the game. I got out another chapter of Date Night, which is one of the two preview fics for it.
The plan is that I'll start posting it once I get part 1 finished. I'm doing some reworks on it right now, and will be back at work there soon.
Twilight (FFXV)
There are multiple shorts in the works for my Twilight AU.
A Part to Play
The Puzzle Box
Group Chat
Some Things Never Change
Ebb and Flow
I also have a few more shorts to add to On the Job, but I've only made notes for them and haven't written them yet.
I've picked out my remix fic awhile back, but I wanted to get Insurgent King out of the way before I started working on it. The fic is now outlined, and I should be good to go with it.
The Barber of Insomnia (FFXV)
Uh.... yeah. This really is just a working title. I don't want to call it right on the nose of that, but I have notes for a fic that's an FFXV flavored variation of The Barber of Seville.
Inconvenient Blessings (FFXV)
Outlined, but not written. I should change that soon!
Helldiving (FFXV & Helldivers)
This one is a planned one shot, but needs more background work put together before I can actually write it. It's going to be very on the nose.
Untitled Long Night Story (FFXV)
I still want to work on this. I changed how I want it to work, in terms of storytelling mechanics, though. So I'll need to rethink it.
Ad Astra (FFXV)
I've been fiddling with a playlist for this. That's the only progress there. LOL
Payday (Trails from Zero)
This was an idea I had during Yuletide 2023. I really liked the idea and may write it anyway.
Random Questions (Ys)
A set of drabbles that I started, each based on a question. There are twenty chapters planned. I have a reversal version planned, as well, that's a follow up to this, as well. I've, sadly, not touched this in a long time.
Untitled Adol and Laxia Adventure Fic (Ys)
What it says on the tin. Still being worked on. At some point after Ys VIII, Adol runs into Laxia again and has to go undercover with her to retrieve something that belonged to her once disgraced father.
The Haunting of Karen Jackson (Phasmophobia)
A dossier-type fic for Phasmophobia that's based on some of the actual games I've had with friends. I need to sit down and play through it a few times on an easy mode to get some ideas.
Lost Traveller (No Man's Sky & 16 16 16 16)
A No Man's Sky crossover story that's been in the works. Atlas demands I speak no more of this.
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hinac0 · 2 months
Ys 8 was an incredible game so like the fact it accidentally invoked sigmund freud with laxia's . issues (it was meant to be innocent I'm sure) and Miralda was like. some outstanding moments.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Ys VIII Masterlist
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Adol Christin
yandere adol christin - headcanons
dogi breaking up with you - headcanons
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Dana Iclucia
being dana iclucia's protector - headcanons
Laxia von Roswell
arguing with laxia - oneshot
Hummel Trabaldo
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hummel with a flirty s/o - headcanons
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aminiyard · 2 years
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thinks about they.
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torabdos · 3 months
New chapter!
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adoroos · 2 years
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Ys Series YuruHowa Buttons - Series 1
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thaumana · 3 years
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