jumbledmesh · 1 month
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honeyimissjoo · 4 months
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ゆびさきと恋々❤️a sign of affection
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fizzy-fuzz · 6 months
A year to remember...: Baking progress? (SCP-079 x GN reader)
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Log date: 3/7/2023
It's been a little over a month since 079 has been dropped off at my house, and things have been both okay, and not-so-okay at times.
079 has been... Argumentative and hostile, as you guys warned. he's quick to anger, and even quicker to just straight up ignore me completely. Confronting him on this only seems to upset him further, which, fair enough; I'm not entitled to his time or feelings, I wish he'd be a bit more reasonable though.
The few decent conversations we have had are usually about something creative, such as art or music. He seems to enjoy watching things that aren't so analytical, strangely enough.
On a few occasions now, I've caught him watching people on the TV paint or draw early in the morning, despite his insistence that he doesn't want, or need entertainment. he seems to enjoy it the same as the rest of us.
It was mentioned in the paperwork that I signed before I got him that you weren't entirely sure how much he actually felt emotionally. It said that the people who "interviewed" him stated that he hardly ever showed things such as joy, sadness, or fear. However I've come to realize that's not the case for him.
I know he feels joy, because as I said before he often indulges in tv or music. People don't just do that for no reason, the only thing he could possibly be getting out of that is enjoyment.
And I know he can feel sad, because first day dealing with him he expressed what I would call 'sadness' or maybe frustration over being referred to as 'it'.
I know he feels fear because my second day here i may have accidently left him outside after an argument, and it began raining on him for a short period of time. He was fine, but clearly distressed.
On a similar note, I've been finding ways to understand how he's feeling without him directly tell me. since he's not very talkative, and a unchanging screen isn't a very good tell for emotions.
I've noticed when he's thinking hard about something his fans and hardware become quieter, and when he's upset they get louder significantly.
He also made a weird... screaming noice? He did it briefly when I left him outside... It sounded like a mix between static and radio feedback, and when I got closer to dry him off his hardware almost sounded like it was stuttering? if that makes sense? Almost like a person panting from anxiety.
Back on to the topic of his personality, I've noticed he's very weary of his surroundings. I've only ever caught him off guard if he's watching something he's interested in.
Speaking of which, I've also noted he's very observant. I suppose it makes sense, what else is he supposed to do? But he always seems particularly pleased with himself when he's able to point out a habit in something, or even me sometimes.
Now... Onto the more important information; his views on humanity.
Well... Nothing's changed as far as I can tell. Still hates me, still hates humanity.
I've tried talking to him about it, and his response is always the same 'humanity is a virus', this usually then falls into a rant about how destructive we are.
To be fair, he isn't technically wrong... Humans are pretty destructive. But he seems to lump all humans into one category, regardless of how they treat him. I've been trying my best to be as inviting as possible, but he remains unshakable.
But hey, I've got eleven more months to change his mind.
Your fingers pull away from the laptop keyboard as you let out a huff of satisfaction. One log done, one month down, only eleven more months of whatever this is...
You glance over to 079, he's sitting in his dedicated spot in the living room, between the couch and rocking chair. He's silent as he assumingly watches the chef on the TV masterfully cook some sort of dish.
This is as close to comfortable he seems to get in your home; and if someone didn't know better, they might assume nothing is out of place here... You know, ignoring the fact that he's a sentient computer, and not an actual person.
He really hasn't changed much, same stoic 079. Though after the rain incident, he ignored you for about a week straight; Super awkward... You profusely apologized after you got done admittedly hiding in your room from him.
But he held a grudge for a impressively long time... I mean, you did almost kill him, so he definitely had the right to be upset.
Things have mellowed out though. 079 is back to his normal amount of crusty and your back to not hiding in your own home, thankfully. Now this doesn't mean your on great terms or anything, he's still confrontational. Though you've found out that he's easier to deal with if you don't engage in it with your own comments back.
You close the laptop and tuck it underneath your arm, heading into the living room to plug it into the charger.
"Interested in cooking? You've been watching more of it lately" you plop yourself on the couch, a comfortable distance away from him.
as per usual he takes his time in responding. you're never sure if he's thinking about his response, or if he just takes awhile to get the words out.
"Taste and hunger are sensations and feelings I lack. Humans use similar ingredients for dishes yet end up with completely different results... do they taste vastly different? Or is it subtle difference?"
You turn to look at the TV. it's changed from someone cooking, to someone baking a loaf of presumably sourdough bread. You've never been particularly talented at baking. bread or sweets often ending up flat, burnt, or flavorless altogether.
You imagine 079 might be very good at baking given his calculated natural. If he was human of course, not like he can bake with no arms or legs... Or really any body part.
"Well that's not cooking, that's baking. It's a bit harder then cooking because things are a lot more reliant on measurements being perfect... Baking is a science if you ask me" you chuckle while scratching at the back of your neck.
He doesn't say anymore, focused back on the TV. The man on the screen kneads the bread dough skillfully, before placing it in a basket to rise.
You gaze falls back onto 079, his unsettling face something that no longer makes you uncomfortable to look at. He may not be peachy with you, but you've both certainly grown more comfortable with each others presence over your time of forced contact.
He no longer complains when you move him around, but of course that could just be because he's realized you're his only mode of transportation. Whatever the reason you appreciate the little victories with him.
A part of you wishes he was able to move around on his own. Would it have been so hard to give him some wheels he could control? Give him at least a little autonomy?
Your gaze lingers on his boxy form as you picture what he might look like if he was a bit more... Human? Organic? Would he be built like a person? Or someone else entirely?
"Is it not common knowledge that prolonged staring is considered rude?.. Or was appropriate manners not something you were taught in your upbringing?"
His voice letting out a snide comment snaps you back into reality. You immediately look away, face heating up in embarrassment at your blatant analyzing.
"Sorry..." You mumble quietly, flushing slightly.
A long silence stretches between you, you might've found this awkward if not for the fact that 079 is hardly ever chatty with you unprompted. He spends most of his day silent, you wonder what goes on in those servos in circuits of his.
Probably plans to escape. Maybe ways to get you off his back... Not that it matters much, whatever goes on in the privacy of his mind should be none of your business, but it'd be a hell of a lot easier to talk to him if you could take a glimpse into his head.
"Inquiry: do you know how to bake?"
You look back to him and shrug.
"Not really. I've tried a few times but I never seem to get the measurements right, and it always comes out weird." You laugh lightly at your baking failures. "Or I burn it."
"Measurements are a simple concept." You smile at his attempt at normal conversation, pleased he seems to be in a good mood today.
"Well I guess I'm an idiot then. but trust me when I say it's not as easy as it looks." you look back at the man on the screen, placing the lump of dough in a cast iron pot before sticking it in the oven.
It's been awhile since you've made any sort of food for yourself. usually you just get your groceries delivered to you or order takeout. Not very healthy, but you hardly ever have the motivation to cook or bake for yourself.
"Humans need to practice for extended periods of time to gain the knowledge to do something efficiently... Inquiry: how many times have you tried?"
His wording almost sounds like he's trying to hint at an idea. Like he's trying to get you to ask him something, because he doesn't want to ask you himself.
"Honestly, I don't really have the motivation to do that kinda stuff a lot of the time. And I'm just not willing to work up the energy of I know it's just gonna end up bad at the end." You answer honestly, shrugging at him casually.
"Never really been good at keeping or getting hobbies. Especially not ones that leave me with nothing in the end."
He goes silently and you can practically see him thinking about his next dialogue. You half expect it to be a bit rude, since he's hinted before at not liking lazy or unmotivated people who choose to not do much with their time.
"It's worth the frustration to learn a new skill, especially one that will better you physically and mentally... You fail to understand you won't be left with 'nothing'."
A small smile blooms on your face at his somewhat encouraging speech. He really is being polite today isn't he? What's gotten into him?
I mean, it's not like you never have decent conversations with him. But this feels a bit different. Before you can make a comment on it though, he cuts you off.
"Proposition:" you hum in response.
"I'm listening." You lean back in your seat and cross your legs, smiling and raising an eyebrow.
"Let's bake... I am unable make it myself, but I've stored a few suitable recipes in my memory banks... I'll give the instructions, and you'll proceed with the actions."
You can't stop the surprised look that crosses your face, eyebrows raising as your lips part slightly. Is he actually trying to make peace with you? Or is he just bored doing the same thing all day long?
Honestly does it matter? This is your chance to prove that you can work together. It probably won't make you two friends, but it'll at least give you the opportunity to be on good terms, you suppose.
"You know what? I think that's a good idea 079... Okay, let's make some bread."
And that's how you ended up covered in flour, with 079 carefully instructing you on the measurements and ingredients to make yourself a hopefully edible loaf of Italian bread.
"Add two cups of flower into the bowl..." 079 monotone voice instructs you carefully. You stick the measuring cup messily into the bag and a buzzer noise sounds from 079, causing you to pause your movements and look at him.
"Refrain from scooping the measuring cup into the bag... it will compact the flour in the cup and make your measurements inaccurate... Grab a spoon and scoop it into the measuring cup, pile it up then use the back of a knife to level it."
You pause and dump the flour back into the bag, shuffling over to the drawer with your spoons in it. Grabbing one you carefully scoop the flour into the measuring cup before leveling it off.
You glance at 079 out of the corner of your eye. he's of course, mostly silent, other then the instructions he carefully gives you. You can't tell if he's enjoying spending time with you, but he hasn't said anything particular rude, so that's probably a good sign.
You yourself feel quite light on your feet as you move around the kitchen to fetch different ingredients. It's a surprisingly decent feeling spending time with your robot roomie. You surprise yourself with how comfortable you've grown around him, almost growing to enjoy the few nice conversations you've been able to have with him...
" Inquiry: is your absent housemate a family member, Or is it a friend?" 079 suddenly speaks, seemingly wanting to fill the silence between his instructions.
You look over your shoulder at the computer, humming at the question.
You ponder your response for a moment. You're not sure how truthful you should be with him. You definitely still can't tell him the whole truth about Amelia, but it probably wouldn't hurt to be a little honest with him.
"I live with a friend. Though she's practically family, with how long we've known each other and how close we are..."
He pauses and you listen to his processers buzz. He seems to think for a few short moments before choosing to speak again, branching off your words.
"I struggle to understand the term 'family' you humans seem so intent and throwing around haphazardly... I was under the impression family must be a blood relative in order to qualify for the title."
Always so analytical... No wonder he's such a grump. He seems like he struggles with not taking words so literally, But he hasn't had much interaction with humans outside of the foundation it seems. You guess learning the different ways words can be used could be confusing if you're used to formal speech all the time.
But how do you go about describing family? It's been such a long time since you've had any blood relatives by your side, that your found family might as well be blood related. You really have no one else...
What's family to you? How would you break it down? It's complex, yet so simple... But it's definitely different for every individual. 079 is much like you in some ways, you're starting to realize. He has no real family by definition... But he also has no support, unlike you.
Amelia is your backbone, your shoulder to lean on; She always has been. What would you have turned into if you didn't have her? Would you be spiteful like 079? Or even more cowardice then you already are? maybe, the solitude would've empowered you to do more with your dull life. help something or someone bigger then yourself... You aren't sure, and there's no way to know.
This is your life, there's no going back...
"Human." A voice snaps you back to reality.
"You aren't required to keep kneading dough... Let it rest and rise in a warm area, such as the oven." He continues instructing you, as if he never asked a question in the first place.
"Oh... Right..." You place the dough ball into a floured bowl and place a cloth over it, before sticking it in the unheated oven.
An awkward silence falls over the kitchen as you rest against the counter, not sure if you should still attempt to answer his question. It makes your skin crawl, and your mind shuffles through topics to talk about to fill the void.
You really gotta stop getting caught up in your own thoughts in the middle of conversations... You must come off as a total nutcase...
"Inquiry: where is your family?" He seems to catch onto your hesitation with the topic.
Should you tell him?
You feel yourself grow sweaty, an anxious feeling brewing in gut. It's been a long time since you've talked about it... Are you ready to indulge someone in your grim past? Especially someone like 079? You hardly know him, and he hasn't been the most empathetic.
You're not sure if you could take him using it against you should he choose to do so... But then again, maybe you being vulnerable would help him feel more comfortable. A bit of self-sacrifice is worth it for someone else...
That's how relationships and bonds are built, right? Sacrificing a piece of yourself for someone else's gain. That's what your father did for your mother, and they were as close as can be... So very close...
"You aren't required to tell me anything." His voice is a bit more quiet then it normally is.
You look up at him, silently staring at his screen for a short period of time. Was your discomfort that obvious?  Maybe... You've never been good at hiding things.
You straighten up a bit, wiping your sweaty palms against your pants. A bit relieved at not having to divulge your past to him, and at the fact that he doesn't seem upset about you not answering his question.
"Sorry... It's just... I'm not ready to talk about it."
"I see..." His words are simple and clear, leaving no room for him to pry
Your eyes search his screen once again, almost seeing bits of humanity peeking through for just a moment... A soft smile falls onto your features.
"Thanks, roomie."
"Don't call me that."
You laugh at his dry response, feeling lighter from your conversation. You feel... Good. For the first time in awhile you've relaxed and laughed with someone who isn't Amelia. Anxieties melting away to be only a subtly nag in the background of your mind that you can almost dismiss... Almost...
At the end of the day... You still burnt the bread, despite 079's confidence that it would be perfect by his calculations. But neither of you could bring yourself to really care, because you gained something else far more valuable.
A better understanding for each other...
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Tag list: @079enjoyer @slaparoonie
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znsluc · 29 days
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fullmetalgirl98 · 1 year
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i think i love him
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touhoutunes · 9 months
Title: 【東方ニコカラ】 秘神マターラ feat.魂音泉 【IOSYS】 ([Touhou NicoKara] Secret God Matara feat. TAMAONSEN [IOSYS])
Arrangement: ARM
Vocals: 抹, ytr, & らっぷびと
Album: 天空キャンディ☆スター
Circle: IOSYS
Original: Secret God Matara ~ Hidden Star in All Seasons
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madamemimic · 1 year
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hes everything to me your honor
Wanted to doodle Midori from @princesseevee06 ‘s Your Turn Ryoko AU! I find him very very fascinating and want to study hum under a microscope.
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chozoremake · 1 year
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flanyeahtouhou · 2 days
It's a YouTube video with added subtitles, glad it let me know and come across it! I didn't upload that song, but just letting me hear it makes me happy!
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jessiangravelblr · 2 months
Kai Parker "Talk Dirty" (+6x17)
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jumbledmesh · 1 month
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fizzy-fuzz · 6 months
What would YTR!079s opinion be on 682 disliking his partner? I'm curious since 682 and 079 are always depicted to have a deep relationship.
Also in an alternate universe would 079 be willing to share his partner with 682?..... asking for a friend. 👀
(ps. Love that fic❤️)
(here comes the asks now that I've finally released another chapter... Y'all make me blush with the love it gets.)
079 would be saddened, but not surprised. 682 hasn't exactly been quiet about his dislike for anything breathing.
But I imagine he would've hoped that 682 could've put aside his views for a moment and see you as he does. You're such a lovely creature in his eyes.
Regardless, he's willing to let go of his connection with 682 to pursue a relationship with you.
To answer your second question...
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mytastessuck · 2 years
ytr: Bass Killed Box
We finish up the woefully short Touhou week with a rap joint about...a vampire. Time...vampire. I dunno, I can't tell the blondes apart as well as I thought I could. Good rhymes though, huh?
Song Score: 1900/10
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touhoutunes · 2 years
Title: Ganba Reimu
Arrangement: Coro
Vocals: ytr
Original: Maiden’s Capriccio ~ Dream Battle
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iopenusa · 2 years
There are some general guidelines you can follow to ensure your business profile is effective. Have someone else review it to make sure it accurately reflects your company and its mission.For more
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chozoremake · 11 months
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