elementclangen · 8 days
Moon 291-Greenleaf
Skykit (3) has always been a bit jumpy, especially with her wind-blessing allowing her to jump extra high.  Now, Pebbletuft (24) has determined that it’s actually partially due to the fact that cats have been approaching her on her bad side.  She was born with one bad eye and no one picked up on it until now.  Also in the nursery, Kestrelcreek (80) is not healing from giving birth as well as Lakepelt (99) had hoped she would.  It’s a little worrying, considering that the last cat to give birth in the Clan, Whorlstem, died from it.  Kestrelcreek doesn’t want to leave her kits and mate (and Brightmouse-66).  Before she realized that she had an infected wound, Kestrelcreek was having a fun time playing with Brightmouse.  They might have to postpone that, now.  With Kestrelcreek not feeling great, Almondback (62) spends some time with the kits and tells jokes about the other Clans to Rimekit (2).  Cherviljumble (96) is impressed with how well the Ground and Sky kits are doing (that’s what I’m calling them now).  The four of them don’t have a parent in the nursery, and Petalkit (3) has been really brave about telling his siblings to give the younger kits some space.  Basalkit (3) is missing having an adult around to cuddle with.  Sweet Marmalade (76)  is just so fluffy and he just wants to cuddle.  Peatkit (3) works together with Basaltkit to sneak into the warriors den to surprise Sweet Marmalade.  With Downgaze (72) out of the healer’s den, he and Alderflight (47) are taking some time together.  They go on a ‘training’ patrol and have a great time racing each other through the woods.  Meanwhile, Dawnfreckle (74) and Burdockpaw (7) continue to not get along.  Dawnfreckle thinks she’s annoying and wishes that she would just do what he asks without trying to undermine him.   Copperpaw (7) feels like Hoppaw (9) has been acting stuck up and rude lately.  Just because she’s a mediator, doesn’t mean she’s better than all of them!  Echopaw (9) really likes spending time with his older sister, Hatchswipe (36).  It’s a good way to get information.  He keeps asking why.  Why do they catch prey like that?  Why are the days getting longer?  Why is there a strange cat talking to him in his dreams?  Hatchswipe doesn’t have an answer for most of them, and is a little worried about the ‘strange cat’.  Creekstar (145) has also been having strange dreams.  She’s worried that it’s Yuccawillow trying to reach her from the Dark Forest.  It’s actually Echomoor, who has decided that the time for silence about Auburnpaw’s death is over.  He hopes to be able to reach either Creekstar or Echopaw soon.  
Healer’s Den: Kestrelcreek (infection after birth), Aries (running nose), Sofanthiel (small cut), Emberpaw (small cut)
Cherviljumble now has constant joint pain, Skykit was born with one bad eye
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elementclangen · 15 days
Moon 284-Leaf-fall
Whorlstorm (29) has had her kits!  No one knows who their other parent is, but they suspect they were a powered cat because all of the kits have magic.  The first kit, Copperkit (0), is a lonesome little girl with a medium high strength fire-blessing.  Thank StarClan her mom’s water-blessing keeps her from burning down the nursery.  Her other two kits are both. . .Star-blessed.  Boulderkit (0) would also like to spend time alone and has relatively low strength magic.  Relative compared to her sister, that is, the troublemaking Burdockkit (0) who’s magic is even stronger than Archdapple’s was.  Between the two of them, it’s hard for anyone to get sleep with the nursery (and camp) always being so bright.  Whorlstorm is also tired of not being able to get to sleep and wishes that Burdockkit would figure out how to turn off her glow.  Even Lakepelt (92) is getting cranky and gives Boulderkit some bitter herbs on purpose.  On the other paw, Sofanthiel (73) likes the new kits and keeps a bit of Burdockkit’s fluff.  Hatchswipe (29) makes sure to spend some time with her nieces, although it does make her a little sad that she and Treepelt never had a chance to have kits of their own. Downgaze (65) and Alderflight (40) continue to get along well.  Alderflight is curious about why Creekstar (138) has been avoiding the nursery lately and not going to see her great grandkits.  Downgaze tells him the story of Yuccawillow and Creekstar’s grandparents.   Despite some tensions amidst the terrible triad lately, Bluestripe (59) is proud of how well her sister is doing as deputy.  It’s not a job she would have wanted and thinks that Skipneedle (59) is handling everything very well.   While on a patrol together, the terrible triad find a former kittypet named Aries (50) who joins the Clan.  She is water-blessed, but very weakly.
Healer’s den: Sofanthiel (mangled tail), Alderflight (head damage), Whorlstorm (recovering from birth), Sweet Marmalade (cracked pads), Hatchswipe (joint pain)
Meta: Copperkit's original game was Echokit, but I didn’t like naming her after Echomoor.  He was Whorlstorm’s uncle, but he died before Whorlstorm was born.  If Copperkit had been dark-cursed, I would have kept the name, though.
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elementclangen · 2 months
Moon 237-Leaf-Bare
Safariaster’s (144) kit has been apprenticed to Xhosa (105).  Hopefully Xhosa’s quiet cunning will help even out Nettlepaw’s (6) more flamboyant tendencies.  There are now almost the same number of apprentices as warriors.  The leadership has taken an interest in Downgaze (18).  Both Primcrest (79) and Creekstar(91) want to spend more time with him (he is Creekstar’s son and Primcrest’s nephew, but I’m sure that has nothing to do with it).  Primcrest is proud of how far Frostpaw (12) has come and is excited to see what she achieves once she’s a warrior.  Vaxxstreak (123)  notices that Echomoor (18) has been helping around the camp a lot lately.  He really wants to do something to prove himself.  Meanwhile, Shinepaw (12) is still being rude to her fellow apprentices.  Amberwhisker (96) tries bringing her behavior up to her, but it ends in a fight that Hopedawn (26) has to break up.  Hopedawn talks with Shinepaw and tries to help her work through her feelings about losing Eaglepaw in a healthy way.  Skippaw (12) is distracted by wondering what her visions mean.  She even calls Hopedawn the wrong name.  Creekstar is curious about these visions and wants to get to know Skippaw better.  Meanwhile, in the Dark Forest, Yuccawillow is watching Creekstar with a sly smile.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 160-Greenleaf
The Clan is adjusting to having a dark-cursed cat as its leader once more.  Creekstar (14) is young and has never had an apprentice, but she and Fry (67) work well together so far.  Chervilcry (139) and Peakspots (129) are the only cats in the Clan who remember a time before Yuccawillow was their leader.  Peakspots remembers how strong the Clan was with his mom at its head, and Chervilcry agonizes over how leadership changed her sibling.  Will it change Creekstar too?  Peakspots feels like he  never truly knew his mate.  How could they do that?  Kill their Clanmates? In light of the last moon’s revelations, he has decided that they are no longer his mate.  The kits, despite being young, have picked up on the mood in the Clan.  Riftkit (1) is trying to cheer up Peakspots by sharing his prey with him.  But Brightkit (2) cares less about cheering up the elder.  She steals a feather from him and destroys it when he tries to get it back.  Daisykit (1)  really likes hanging out with Chervilcry and makes sure to ask how the old mediator is doing.  Primkit (2) knows that it was something she did that got Yuccawillow exiled.  She’s just not sure what.  She wants to sneak out of camp with Chiku (94) to go find the former leader, but Chiku stops her.  He explains that Yuccawillow probably would have hurt her because of her powers.  That’s why it’s good that Creekstar’s in charge now.  While Creekstar has risen to the place she belongs, Pigeonspot (29) is feeling a little out of place in the Clan.  She’s the only earth-blessed warrior and she can’t seem to find a place in the Clan like Rustsong (29) did.  She stares longingly at the cats sharing tongues in the cavern and wishes she had someone she felt comfortable doing that with.  The nursery has a bit of a scare when Goldenkit (2) rushes at Primkit on a wave of water.  Thankfully, Primkit lashes out with fire and not something darker. . .Amethystdapple (87) and Fry are a little intimidated, and Creekstar takes both kits aside and teaches them about the importance of control.  They’re both a little shaken, but otherwise unharmed.
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elementclangen · 2 months
Moon 226-Leaf-bare
Flowerpaw (10) is dead.  Is it wrong that Creekstar (80) almost feels relieved?  The apprentice snuck out in the snow and was later found cold and dead. Even her fire magic was not enough to keep her warm.  Primcrest (68) wonders if was trying too hard to prove herself so that she could one day become leader.  She misses her daughter and hopes that she’s happier in StarClan.  Dawnpaw (10) is also feeling a little out of place without his sister.  His powers are weaker than hers, and he’s less ambitious.  If she couldn’t make it, how can he?  Dawnpaw remembers his time in the nursery with his sister fondly.  Things were so much easier then.  He’s a little jealous of Palekit’s (5) life. Echopaw makes sure to support Dawnpaw and is letting him share his troubles with him. Rubbleheart (22) worries that Skipkit (1) is going to kill some cat.  She doesn’t have great control over her powers.  He tries to bring it up to her, but she gets mad and sends a burst of flame at him.  He just barely manages to turn it away with some wind.   The Clan is a fan of Archkit (1).  She’s just so sweet and charming, it’s impossible not to love her.  Primcrest is a little worried about her, though.  She remembers how close Yuccawillow came to killing her when she was just a kit.  A cat’s powers aren’t enough to determine character.  Xhosa (94) is still proving that she thinks she can, in fact, judge a cat based on their powers.  She is insulting Echopaw (7) and Auburnpaw (7) steps up and stands up for her brother. Shinekit (1) is very excited to be an apprentice.  But she worries that she never will be.  Will the Clan even let her stay if she can’t stop flooding the camp?  Eaglekit (1) is impatient to get out of the constantly wet camp and tries to sneak out.  Smokefoot (15) catches him. Palekit is almost old enough to be apprenticed, and Safariaster is grateful for that.  She’s not sure how much longer she can handle caring for the whole Clan on her own. Sadly, while on a patrol with Rubbleheart, Goldenpaw (7) is killed by a large dog.  It’s proving to be a harsh, cold winter and Charipeak (92), already chilled from the flooding in camp, dies during a storm.
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elementclangen · 3 months
Moon 223-Leaf-fall
Creekstar (77) cannot catch a break.  This moon, Wildcave (106) was bitten by a snake and succumbed to the venom.  She’s inconsolable, convinced that she’ll never feel normal again without Wildcave beside her.  At least her kits have Vaxxstreak (109) to help care for them while their mother grieves. Primcrest (65) is shocked to have lost her last surviving brother.  Her once huge family is now just her, and her and Creekstar’s kits.  It feels wrong.  Spotkit (4) is also hit harder than his siblings.  He’s hiding from other cats and Downkit (4) takes a turn being worried about him.  Creekstar wonders if all the loss in the Clan is her fault.  It’s because she’s dark-cursed, isn’t it?  Her powers must inadvertently give Yuccawillow access to the Clan and the expleader is trying to destroy the Clan that wronged her.  Creekstar is testy and annoyed, getting into a fight with Safariaster (130) over a piece of prey that she doesn’t even like. In brighter news, Smokefoot (12) has been made a warrior, in honor of her care.  She had a difficult apprenticeship due to not getting along with her mentor, but she still  became a warrior before her sisters.   Despite doing her best to support her, sometimes Charipeak (89) doesn’t feel like she knows Tumblepaw at all.  She made a joke that she just doesn’t get.  Primcrest’s kits have been close, but being apprentices together is straining their relationship.  Flowerpaw (7) hears an ugly rumor about Dawnpaw (7) and believes it. 
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elementclangen · 3 months
Moon 218-Newleaf
It’s nice for the Clan to have so many young cats running around.  Hopepaw (7) is hard at work training herself to become a mediator and Wildcave (101) has to remind her to grab something from the fresh-kill pile.  Creekstar (72), being pregnant, is getting cravings.  She thinks the marmot Hopepaw eventually chooses looks delicious.  Having shared the nursery with Primcrest (60), Smokepaw (7) is making sure that the deputy knows she appreciates her.  Kestrelpaw (7) is a little bit shy, but Primcrest admires how brave she is even if she would rather be alone.  Charipeak (84) is so proud of her kits and wants to explore the whole territory with Hopepaw.  Tumblepaw (7) has been having some weird dreams lately, filled with shadows and screams.  She explains this to her mom, but she doesn’t know how to help her.  Safariaster (125) and Queenyspeckle (94) are less thrilled by the influx of young cats.  Both of them think that Jumblepaw is a little weird and wishes that she would act more normal.  Queenyspeckle has also translated his grudge from the leader’s daughter onto the leader’s apprentice and glares at Tumblepaw from across the clearing.  Dawnkit (2) has decided to be annoyingly curious and is asking his mother where kits come from.  Awkward.  Flowerkit (2) overhears Vaxxstreak complaining about her behind her back and asks her mother what it was about.  It was about her being dark-cursed, and Primcrest does her best to explain it to her daughter, although it’s challenging.  Having dark-cursed cats around makes Vaxxstreak anxious and he tries to breathe deeply to no avail.  Chiku (152) is trying to help by telling stories about Yuccawillow.  It is not helpful and just ends up scaring Dawnkit.  He runs away and tries to hide from other cats with little gusts of wind swirling in his fur. He thinks that the ex-leader is going to come kill him.  
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elementclangen · 3 months
Moon 204-Newleaf
Cypressbadger (70) has had her kit!  He’s a little wind-blessed kit named Rubblekit (0).  Cypressbadger isn’t telling anyone who the other parent is and no one is claiming him.  Interesting. Although there are rumors that Cypressbadger has recently been seen with a cat from RaccoonClan.  Maybe Rubblekit’s half-clan?  Cragpaw (7) still has greencough and is getting frustrated.  He’s the son of the deputy-he should be stronger than this!  Fry (111) checks in on him, wanting to make sure his grandkit is alright.  He’s not alright and loudly informs Fry of that fact.  Primcrest (46), while also not happy that her kit has greencough, is glad she got out of the nursery before Rubblekit arrived.  She thinks he’s annoying.  Her kit was never that annoying, right?  Her mate, on the other hand, has an entirely different view of Rubblekit.  Glowquake (40) is excited to have a cousin and wants to spend more time with Rubblekit.  Tornflake (31) and Lightheather (21) continue to grow closer to each other.  They have a great time heckling a neighboring Clan at the gathering and Lightheather feels giddy about getting sent on the same patrol as Tornflake.  Hmm.  Maybe Primcrest is trying to set the two up?  Despite initial worries, Queenyspeckle (80) is proving to have none of the thirst for power and control that Yuccawillow did.  He’s just glad to help out and does his Clanmates’ chores with a smile on his face.  Another kittypet has joined the Clan, a powerless tom who takes the name of Vaxxstreak (90).  He seems nervous about being in the Clan, but he agrees to join because of the medical treatment the Healers can offer.
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elementclangen · 3 months
Moon 195-Greenleaf
Sadly, Halfnoise (36) could not beat the redcough and passed away.  Wildcave (78) mourns the loss of his last kit.  However, he doesn’t mourn the other cat who died this moon. Peakspots (164) was found dead out in the territory.  While many of his Clanmates loved the elder, Wildcave did not.  He always distrusted Peakspots after the Clan learned of Yuccawillow’s treachery.  Instead of expressing sympathy and grief, Wildcave curses his fallen clanmate to the Dark Forest where he belongs.  In other news, Silverpaw (13) and Lightpaw (12) have both been given their full names.  Although some Clan members have doubts about Silverpaw’s abilities, Creekstar (49) decides that he’s ready and gives him the name of Silverspots in honor of his initiative.  Lightpaw is now Lightheather, honoring his intelligence.  Primcrest (37) has also announced that she is expecting kits, which brings hope of new life to the Clan.  Also, a former loner named Queenyspeckle (71) joins the Clan.  He is star-blessed and claims that starry-furred cats guided him to the Clan.   Some cats, such as Creekstar, Primcrest, Fry (102), and Wildcave, are hesitant to trust him after what Yuccawillow did.  Will he also prove to be a corrupted star-blessed cat?  Despite still being sick, Freedusk (74) is fitting into the Clan well.  He’s befriended both Creekstar and Primcrest.  They hope that he survives the redcough.  Sadly, the Clan is not done with loss.  While on a patrol with Wildcave, Brightfern (37) is attacked by a wolverine and killed.  Wildcave strikes back at the wolverine with his fire magic but it’s too late for him to save his little sister.
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elementclangen · 4 months
Moon 186-Leaf-fall
Eight moons after the first batch of cats went missing, the same curse strikes again.  This time, some of Creekstar’s (40) worst fears come true: kits are killed.  Robinkit (3), Logkit (3), Mousekit (3), and Swiftkit (4) all go missing, shrinking Poolbounce’s (22) children in number from six to two.  Elmroot (16) also goes missing and, when Sleepyfoot (52) and Pigeonspot (55) go looking for their son, they too vanish.  Astertwist (22) and Gladepatch (62) are out on patrol together and never come back.  Mossyfleck (28) and Rabbitfur (42) also leave one day and vanish.  Cypressbadger (52) finds their stiff and cold bodies, leaving her in a state of shock.  The Clan reels from the loss of so many more cats.  Silverkit (4) can’t believe that his sister is gone.  Somehow, the world feels colder and crueler now.  He can’t help the way his voice cracks recalling Swiftkit’s too short life at the vigil.  Even so, he forces a smile, knowing Swiftkit would want a celebratory memorial.  Glowquake (22) looks at Astertwist’s body and feels exhaustion.  Still, he sluggishly ambles around camp, hoping, somehow, somewhere, he’ll find his brother alive, happy, and well.  The deaths of both Elmroot and Astertwist leave him and Poolbounce as the only survivors of Sleepyfoot’s kits.  Primcrest (28) wails when she sees the body of Mossyfleck, still and cold.  She spends time by herself, letting herself mourn Mossyfleck and the time they should have had together.  No one can begrudge her the need to grieve for her brother.  Primcrest has also been having nightmares, and her older half-brother, Wildcave (69), comforts her through them.  Creekstar feels like a failure for not being able to protect her Clan from this curse.  And she’s convinced it is a curse, sent by Yuccawillow for exposing her.  Why else would it take her father, Gladepatch, from her? She wonders if, like StarClan cats can give lives, Dark Forest cats can take them.  Or, maybe it’s only Star-blessed Dark Forest cats who can do that. Starclan has also been sending dreams to Poolbounce and Frecklepaw (13).  They must look outside the Clan to bolster their members and beat this curse.  Cypressbadger, despite being shocked, knows that a lot of cats are out of commission right now and volunteers for extra patrols.
Meta: I have decided that this was, in fact, a curse from Yuccawillow. The Clan has lost 23 cats in the past 8 moons. That has been very hard on Creekstar and I'm pretty sure her personality is now insecure (just like Yuccawillow's was. . .). Also, I write the moon summaries themselves as I play the moons, so Creekstar being afraid of kits dying was not originally intended to be foreshadowing this event.
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elementclangen · 4 months
Moon 167-Leaf-bare
Sadly, Toriel (104) couldn’t beat redcough and passed away.  Shard (64) is still hanging on though!  But her wound is infected.  The Healers are worried that she won’t make it, even with their hard work.  It is leaf-bare, after all.  In the mediator’s den, Chervilcry (146) has always assumed that, because Pigeonspot (36) is an earth-blessed warrior, her life must be easy.  She realizes she was wrong after she notices how out of place Pigeonspot seems to feel.  Meanwhile, Amethystdapple (94) had hoped that, after raising their kits together, she would get along better with her step daughter-in-law.  Not so.  She still finds Rustsong (36) annoying, and the feeling is mutual.  Rustsong herself is quite protective of her kits.  She wants to make sure that even the weaker powered/powerless ones have a good life in the Clan. It feels a little weird to Fry’s (74) kits to be apprenticed at the same time as their niece and nephews.  Finchpaw (8) really looks up to his aunts and uncle and lifts up his chin when passing by Primpaw (9). The four remaining kits are getting along well.  After a long day of playing mossball, Poolkit (3) finally settles down and takes a nap with Asterkit (3).  Aww!  Primpaw is a little frustrated by how close an eye the older cats keep on her.  She gets that she’s unproven, but she just wishes she could leave camp without supervision!  Meanwhile, Fennelkit (3) is fascinated by the stories of the dark forest.  And Yuccawillow, who now resides there.  Interesting.  While on a patrol with her brother, as a break from her kits, Featherspeck (23) is attacked by a wolverine and dies.  This leaves her young kits without their mother.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 162-Leaf-fall
Apparently spending so much time around the kits has grown on Featherspeck (18), because she has announced that she is expecting kits.  Huh.  Wonder who the other parent is.  Chervilcry (141) finds comfort in spending time with the kits.  They remind her of when she was in the nursery with Chasingskip, Sandypaw, and Newtkit.  How she misses them!  She play fights with Brightkit (4) and tries to boost Daisykit’s (3) confidence.  Frostheart (65) and Wormdart (18) continue to clash.  Wormdart scolds her for not using her powers to pin down a bird she missed the other day, and she snaps at him that not everyone is as powerful as he and his sisters.  Wildcave (45) has been feeling a little salty towards Gladepatch (38), since it is basically the Healer’s fault that Wildcave was demoted from deputy.  But after Gladepatch helps him heal, he realizes that he was too harsh in his judgment of him.  Creekstar (16) makes sure to spend a lot of time with Primkit (4).  She understands what it’s like to have such deadly power at her claws and wants to make sure that the young cat understands it but does not fear herself.  It’s not such a bad thing to be dark-cursed.  Rabbitfur (18) loves having a full nursery.  It means that she has a great audience to her preach about morals.  The kits are not as thrilled.  Rustsong (31) and Amethystdapple (89) love having her around-her lectures are a sure way to get the kits to fall asleep!  The Clan also welcomes several new cats: a powerless former kittypet with redcough named Toriel (99) and a powerless abandoned kit named Palekit (2).  Creekstar decides to keep both of them around.  She’s been judged for having powers, so she doesn’t want to judge others for their powers or lack of them.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 161-Greenleaf
Rumors reach the Clan that the exiled Yuccawillow (140) has died.  The Clan does not mourn her, and Creekstar (15) and Gladepatch (37) can’t help but feel a little relieved.  Gladepatch has also heard from StarClan that they were sent to the dark forest.  As she deserved.  The Clan will be telling tales of the corrupted star-blessed leader for generations.  Hopefully it will help with the prejudices against cats based on their powers.  The Clan is a bit more shaken when Chaskingskip (73) is killed in a landslide caused by early greenleaf rains.  Chervilcry (140) feels like the world has ended with the death of her last kit.  One day, the Clan will have kittens who never knew Chasingskip in life, but Chervilcry vows to ensure that Chasingskip’s memory will live on through her.  Sleepyfoot (27) and Cypressbadger  (27) comfort her, although they too are mourning the loss of their mother.  Sleepyfoot is hit especially hard, with her death coming so soon after Caterpillarmallow’s.  She sists vigil that night as grief fills her heart.  She keeps searching for tasks to do, cats to comfort, distractions against the hole in her heart, as she fights to keep the grief from consuming her.   Meanwhile, Frostheart (64) realizes that she is one of the most senior warriors in the Clan.  It feels weird, because she was always the youngest one of her siblings, who are now all gone.  She decides to spend some time with the youngest of the warriors.  She enjoys spending time with Rabbitfur (17), but Wormdart (17) has proven to be a little unreliable.  She asked him for help with a camp chore, and he abandoned her.  How rude!  Another senior warrior, Amethystdapple (88) is feeling a little cramped in a full nursery.  She loves her kits, but she watches Cypressbadger leave camp with longing.  How she wishes she could go out on patrol.  But she needs to stay in camp.  Her kits are all quite powerful and she doesn’t want to risk leaving and having them burn the camp down!  (or having Primkit-3- accidentally kill someone. . .)  Also in the nursery, Rustsong (30) is a little intimidated by raising kits that are more powerful than her.  Riftkit (2) especially is proving to be a handful.  Volcanoblossom (88) decides to take it upon herself to tell the other cat about how she cared for her own kits, but Rustsong is distracted.  No, Riftkit, don’t light your sister on fire!  Featherspeck (17) feels a little upset that she hasn’t been given more responsibility in the Clan yet.  She’s powerful. She should be doing more to help, but instead she’s stuck entertaining squirrely kits.  Joy.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 159-Greenleaf
There is a lull in the Clan drama when Wildcave (42) and Rustsong (28) have their kits!  Two of them are powerless like their mother: the daring Finchkit (0) and charming Halfkit (0).  The anxious Daisykit (0) has a wind-blessing that is so weak it’s hard to detect, but there. The fourth kit has a surprisingly strong fire-blessing and he is named Riftkit (0).  But the peace doesn’t last long. While the older warriors are sleeping, Primkit (1) decides to sneak out and chase the fireflies around camp.  She thinks it’s cool that they can glow, just like she can!  But she’s better at hiding in the darkness than they are.  She pounces after them until she’s right in front of Yuccastar’s (138) den.  She peaks in and is surprised to see Peakspots (128) in there as well.  She shrugs and goes back to chasing the bugs, but she trips over a stick, making a noise that wakes up Yuccastar.  Primkit doesn’t notice.  Until she hears a noise behind her and startles, sucking the life out of the firefly in front of her.  She has been found out.  Yuccastar is furious about being tricked once again. They lunge towards the small kit, but Creekstripe (13) jumps in front of her.  She was awakened by the noises and is glad that she was.  She stands in front of the kit, growling, darkness seeping from her pelt.  The rest of the Clan awakens and comes out of their dens.  Creekstripe, Gladepatch (35), Conegoat (42), Amethystdapple (86), and Fry (66) explain what’s going on.  And how Yuccastar has killed Rindlefish, Judaschaser, Fumblekit, Cressfreckle, and maybe even Caterpillarmallow and Faiththrift.  The Clan doesn’t believe them, at first, but then Yellowcreek and Cressfreckle come down from StarClan and explain that yes, it is true.  Their star-blessed leader is a murderer.  The Clan is in shock.  Peakspots wails out that he can’t believe it.  Chervilcry (138) stares at her sibling in horror.  The Clan decides to exile Yuccastar and strip her of their lives and name, leaving her as just the elderly Yuccawillow. The Clan convinces Wildcave to step down as deputy, which he reluctantly does, so that Creekstripe can become leader.  Just as Creekstripe had thought would happen.  She goes to the moonstone with Gladepatch to receive her nine lives. She receives the lives of curiosity from Songkit, strength from Cressfreckle, happiness from Yellowcreek, instincts from Airclaw, certainty from Caterpillarmallow, mercy from Skydawn, protection from Graysong, clear judgment from Judaschaser, and tireless energy from Shadestar.  Creekstar is granted guardianship of ElementClan and promises that she will use her power wisely.  She chooses Fry as her deputy.
Meta: What a moon. This is one of my favorite moons that I've written. What do you guys think? Do you think Creekstar will be a good leader, even though she's very young? There were a couple flavor texts that made me decide to (finally) get rid of Yuccastar this moon. I'm pretty sure they were about Primkit catching a firefly and Yuccastar and Creekstripe getting into a fight. The whole deposing thing was something I did manually and did not naturally happen in the game. Also, in game, Yuccastar has only murdered Rindlefish and Cressfreckle. In canon, she murdered Rindlefish, Judaschaser, Fumblekit, Cressfreckle, Caterpillarmallow and Faiththrift. Also, I changed around the givers of Creekstar's lives to cats who would be more meaningful to her. Here are the life-givers listed in game: Songkit (curiosity), Cressfreckle (strength), Strawberrytrail (mercy), Caterpillarmallow (certainty), Moorleg (instincts), Steppemimic (clear judgement), Whistlepaw (protection), Rockypaw (happiness), and Shadestar (tireless energy).
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elementclangen · 8 months
Yuccastar's Sprite
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Because she's gotten some scars and an accessory since you last saw her sprite, here's the new leader of ElementClan.
By this time, I'm pretty sure she has partial hearing loss, if not full hearing loss.
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elementclangen · 8 months
Moon 65-Greenleaf
A blow unlike any other has struck ElementClan.  While out on an unassuming walk, Shadestar  (160) slipped into a ravine and lost all her remaining lives.  The Clan is devastated by the loss of their formidable leader.  Their reputation as a Clan with darkness at its heart has died with her.  Will they be at greater risk of attack now that their dark protector is gone?  Is Yuccawillow (44) ready to lead?  Who will become deputy with no other dark-cursed or star-blessed cats in the Clan?  ElementClan has been thrust into a time of uncertainty, with only the young Yuccawillow for guidance.  She heads immediately to the moonstone, alongside Brightfalcon (108).  She is given a life for affection by the long-dead Posywhisper, a life for confidence by the dearly missed Nessie, and a life for adventure by the tiny Foggykit.  Stormrush approaches and gives a quick greeting to Brightfalcon before giving Yuccawillow a life for determination.  Yuccawillow bites back a sob as her long-dead brother Mountainpaw stretches up his nose to give her a life for honesty.  Howllichen is next, with a life for integrity.  Despite not being a fan of Yuccawillow in life, Icyglint steps forward to give her a life for instincts, followed by an ancient Healer named Quailbright with a life for faith.  Finally, Shadestar steps forward.  She congratulates and reassures Yuccawillow before giving her a life for leadership through the darkest times.  What a lovely omen.  She hails Yuccawillow by her new name, Yuccastar.  She has finally achieved the destiny she always knew was coming.  But can she do it well? Yuccastar decides to make Peakspots (33) deputy, despite not being the most experienced warrior and only just receiving an apprentice; a fire-blessed cat is the next best choice if there are no proven dark-cursed or star-blessed cats around.  Peakspots is devastated by the loss of her mother, and hopes that she can make both of her mothers proud as a deputy.
Meta: You may not recognize some of Yuccastar's life-givers' names because they were randomly generated by the game. I don't know why Nightingaletree, Brightshard, Skydawn, and Nookshade didn't give Yuccastar lives. Because a total of nine cats have died by this point in the game. But oh well.
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