solargroup09 · 4 years
sorry I missed your answer to my haechan ask kkkk but i completely agree with you, he's being very rude and i can see you're definetely whipped for the guy kkk yueliang please tell me you'll talk about haechan soon! i'm so damn curious kkkk 🤡 anon
Yueliang: I'm not whipped!
Solar members: yes you are!
Yueliang: *pouts* I'm not
Solar members: ...
Yueliang: okay maybe I am! Just a little bit! But I don't deserve this betrayal!!!
Yueliang: *sighs*
Yueliang: Haechan content is on its way...
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solargroup09 · 4 years
long haired haechan made an appearance, yueliang what are your thoughts? 🤡 anon
Yueliang: I watched NCT Dream sunbaenim performance at Soribada Awards... it was AMAZING!!! I'm still not over it 🥺 and when I saw Haechan's long hair... well... I... so here's the thing: I really don't like boys with long hair but Haechan made me change my mind???? How is that possible?? Just go and ask Ari, she had to hear me ranting about this multiple times... I'm just not okay 😭🥺🥺
Ari: her rants are adorable tho! 
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solargroup09 · 4 years
I read on her profile that Yueliang is a flirt, what kind of flirt is she? And does she flirts with the members too? With boys only? What about our gemini boy? lskfjhekfjk 👽
Yueliang: *leans against a wall*
*sips a capri sun*
hey *winks*
That's me being flirty lol 😂 to be honest I just really like to compliment people, I like seeing them blush and smile happily. I do that with boys too but girls are prettier when they're out flirted 🥺 the members are definitely my favorite victims hehe
Ari, poking her head in: she has the cheesiest compliments EVER! *slips away*
About our gemini boy... well, that's a different story because he kinda makes me nervous? Like sometimes he smiles and... I'm just like well... bye I'm in the underworld now see ya
Luna, thinking as she twirls a strand of hair: she just... outflirts everyone in this house it's unfair. She showers us with the cutest compliments and even when you think you finally outflirted her she manages to steal her crown again.
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solargroup09 · 4 years
Hi it's me🧝‍♀️ ! Since i really liked mina outfit for chill days! it was so pretty! So can I ask to yueliang what do you like to wear when you go to university classes? and to skitz too what is your favourite stage outfit? thanks
Yueliang: Hello 🧝‍♀️ anon! This was so fun to make, thank you for requesting! 😍
When I go to class I like to be comfortable so I often wear trousers, a pair of sneakers and soft, long-sleeved shirts. I love to layer and I often wear my band t-shirts to spice the outfit up. I always have my trusty backpack and if I feel fancy, I'll wear a beret! 💕
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Skitz: Aight, so for me my favorite outfit (outside my very colorful and amazing outfit I wore for the video) would have to be this lovely outfit. It matches my concept color, it’s comfy to move in, AND it matches my craziness. Yeah? I like to think so at least
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solargroup09 · 4 years
hello it's me 🤡 anon! I'm finally online again and I just looked throyugh the blog! so amny things are happening i love it! congrats for receving your first requests they were amazing and someone tell yueliang that her live with the 96 line was super funny
Yueliang: hello 🤡 anon! All the members are excited for the requests we got, we love seeing what Suns want to read from us! 💕 And thank you so much for liking the '96 line vlive! I can promise you there will be more content with them! 😍
Ari: Hello our cute little clown! I’m glad you’ve been liking everything so far... and I hope Yue will invite me on a ‘96 vlive next time... 😢
Yueliang: * hugs Ari* you definitely will! You're stuck with us now hehehe
Skitz: Thank you!!! 😁 I'm glad you're enjoying everything we're makin so far!
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solargroup09 · 4 years
hello! the members live together in a dorm, who do you think would be the first to get her own place? 💃
Yueliang: hello 💃 anon! Personally I think I'd be the first (or one of the first) to move out. I love the members and it's always fun to have them around, they're like my family here in Korea but, at the same time, I'm the kind of person who needs a lot of time alone and really appreciate a private space. So I guess that whenever I find the right place, I'll move out. It would also be a good idea if I ever have friends or family visiting from abroad. They could stay at my house and we could hang out comfortably. I'm also sure the members would always be at my house anyway hehehe just to play around or to steal some face masks! 😂 But that's a future plan that I'm working on! 💕
*Ari screaming in background* Yueliang you KNOW YOU CAN’T LEAVE ME ALONE IF YOU MOVE OUT I’M COMING WITH YOU!
Mina: hi sweetie! 💞 I can only agree with Yue - while I am very social and love being around the people I love, I also need lots of alone time to recharge. Self care is very important for a healthy mental state, and for me, that’s taking time for just myself: to catch up with reading, new music as well as new movies and documentaries. So I can really see myself moving out of the dorm at one point, and to have my very own place. But at the same time, I feel responsible for our younger members and wouldn’t want to leave them on their own - so I’d definitely stay for them, as long as they need me. I am their leader after all! 😊
AJ: hi dear! I think I’d also be one to find a home of my own, just to have a space that’s completely my own! Don’t get me wrong, I love living with the girls! But living in a house that’s only yours, gives you freedom for many things (mostly for me to burn candles everywhere😂).
Luna: Hiii ! I think having my own home in the future would be something I'd love as well. But that's for later, for now I'm happy to live with the girls and I cherish those moments 🥰
Skitz: Heyo! In all honesty yes, I am gonna wanna move out. But not for quite a while! Even though it might help them sleep a bit better without me moving around like a ghost at like 2 in the morning, I don't have the heart to leave. Plus, if all the unnie line leaves, who'll take care of the kids? I don't wanna leave them alone if I can help it 🥰 I love them all too much.
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solargroup09 · 4 years
I love the covers the girls are posting! 👽
Yueliang: dear 👽 anon! Thank you for your support! 💕 We're all having a lot of fun making covers! Stay tuned for new updates! 💕
Mina: oohh thank you so much, sweetie! 🥰 it‘s truly just so much fun - soo... stay tuned for more covers soon 🤭💞
Luna: Thank you so much !! ❤ It's always a lot of fun to do those covers so you might want to stay tuned for more 👀🤭
Ari: Thank you so much! It’s been so fun to think of some more content for you guys - and any ideas for some songs or dances you’d like to see, just let us know! 🧡🧡
AJ: thank you dear! I think it’s such a fun way to let you guys know our favorite songs! We’re glad you enjoy them💖💖
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solargroup09 · 4 years
hello! i was wondering will you ever do some kind of ask game or interview style thing? - 🤡 anon
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manager: hello and apologies for taking so long to answer your questions. Solar members recently participated in Weekly Idol and we are still planning their future schedules. As always, we are working on new content in order for the fans to interact with the members more! Stay tuned for that!
Please let us know if there are specific things you wished to see on the blog and we will gladly consider them!
yueliang: I'm a HUGE fan of Beast/Highlight! They have an amazing discography, are funny as hell and perform some of the best ballads I've ever listened to! As you might know, I'm very fond of Yoseob sunbaenim, his voice is so mesmerising and both his solo albums are great! I HAD to choose "caffeine" as my first cover! What about you, 👩‍🌾 anon, do you like Beast/Highlight too? Who's your bias? What's your favorite song? 💕
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solargroup09 · 4 years
ari, luna and yueliang: what was your favourite subject in high school? also, do you like poetry? can you give some examples? 🧝‍♀️
Yueliang: you are talking to a super nerd because I loved a lot of subjects in high school! In order I'd say Latin, History, Italian Literature, Philosophy, Anthropology and English! 😂💕 About poetry, I do like modern poetry, but I'm a big fan of "classic" authors. I loved "Posthumous Revenge" by Praga, very macabre. It talks about the death of his lover and it's very graphic. It's inspired by Baudelaire's "Remords Posthume". I remember liking "Posthumous Revenge" because it was so different from classical poetry. I was also a huge Baudelaire enthusiast. Since I'm not sure it's easy to find the english version of "Posthumous Revenge" I will also talk about another poet I love: Ungaretti. He fought in the trenches at the Italian front during WW1 and his poem "Soldiers" is beautiful. It's a subtle poem trying to show the horrors of the front. It goes like this: "Here we are / like leaves from trees / in autumn".
Ari: first, I am not a poetry person... it’s pretty and all, it’s just not for me (I leave that to Yue) 🤷🏻‍♀️ by my favorite subject in high school? I really enjoyed English and History, but I also loved my Chemistry classes!
Luna: I really loved History and Language classes they definitely were the ones i loved and was the best in in all the subjects at school ! I like poetry but i rarely read it outside of school i have to be honest. I prefer listening to Yueliang reading poetry rather than reading it myself ❤
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solargroup09 · 4 years
to mina, ari, yueliang and luna, can you tell us about your birthplaces? - 🧛‍♀️
Yueliang: Shanghai is the place where I was born and I lived there until I was six. After that I moved to Venice with my mother. I usually went to Shanghai every summer so I really grew up between the two cities. I love deeply both cities. Shanghai holds memories of me as a baby and all of my summers, so it's very bittersweet. I remember walking with my dad down the Waitan, and the sound of the river. We always visited the parks even if it was hot and umid. Venice, with its channels and narrow streets, reminds me of my mother, of school, of my friends and of the thousands of water bus rides. Venice is using shortcut to avoid tourists, Venice is being breathless while running around, Venice is falling in love every day, even when there is the flood (I remember those 156 cm in December 2008, I had school that day, it was horrible). I could talk for hours about my hometowns, though I can't choose my favorite one.
Mina: I was born in Busan, South Korea - living close to the sea really shaped my entire childhood, I miss the salty air and fresh breeze every day. I also have a ridiculous collection of sea shells I keep at my dad’s place 😅  Busan is truly beautiful - it’s the second biggest city in SK and has so much to offer - many cultural sites as well as great places to shop, eat or just relax. I spent half my childhood at Gwangalli beach with my family, and one of my favorite places to go was to see the colorful houses of Gamcheon culture village, and to walk those narrow alleys and climb the ridiculous amount of stairways! My family moved to Seoul when my dad got offered a better job at our capital, I was just turning 15 when that happened. My dad still lives in our old flat, which is located in Gangdong-gu, and I visit him as often as I can. The apartment complex is near Han River, so I at least had some kind of water near me, after having to move away from the sea ... 
Ari: I was born in Boston, Massachusetts in the US, and I spent a lot of my time growing up there, but spent summers and holidays (basically any other time) in Jinhae, South Korea! My parents wanted my brother and I to experience both of their cultures (my mom is Korean, dad is American), so they made sure we spoke both of the languages and that we spent plenty of time in both places. Boston was a fun place to grow up! There are some really cool museums and places to check out, and some spots of nature even in the middle of a city - I loved walked along the Charles River with my mom. My family often visited different restaurants to try different types of food, which was always really fun! Jinhae is host to several Korean naval facilities, so sometimes visiting my mom’s family can be a little hectic. But I love learning about my family’s military background and being immersed in that side of my family’s culture. Both places feel like my birthplace to me, and I love them both dearly.
Luna: I was born in Daegu and I've got to be honest we haven't spent that much time there as we moved to London when I was still a pretty small child. My parents always made it a point to make me appreciate both cultures, so it was always a mix of everything in my house, and some other time i will tell you more about London and my life there but let’s focus on Daegu for today. Daegu is such a beautiful place, when we moved to Seoul in 2014, I got the chance to explore and discover it over the past few years. It’s the perfect mix of traditional and modern. There are still so many palaces and Hanok houses that you can see when you visiting it while also being able to get the comfort of modern technology within the city. Daegu is pretty well known for the oriental medical practices and traditions that were developed which you can discover through the Yangnyeongsi Oriental Medicine Cultural Centre and its markets and exhibitions retracing the history of local medical traditions. And if you like festivals, it has some of the coolest ones in Korea. My favourite is definitely the Dalgubeol Lantern Festival where hundreds of Chinese Lanterns are launched into the night sky to celebrate Buddha’s birthday. Remember the lantern scene in Disney’s Rapunzel ? Well that’s what it looked like really ! 😍 I hope that one day, I will have the chance to go and experience it with girls. Ah I miss it 😭🥺
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solargroup09 · 4 years
do you like anime? What do you all think your soulmate (if they exist) is doing right now?
Mina: does Avatar - The last Airbender count? 😅 other than that... not really, but I’d happily check out any recs you have for me !! and whatever my soulmate is doing right now - I hope they are happy! and if they‘re struggling right now, I hope they know that better times will come, and that this isn’t the end - there‘s still so much ahead of them (including meeting me 🤭) 💞
Yueliang: I love anime!!!! During high school I had a deep weeb phase but then I kinda slowed down a bit hehe there are so many great animes but I always find myself watching a lot of Detective Conan, it's a very deep love and it always manages to hook me up! 😍And my soulmate... I hope they're doing well and that they're making a lot of experiences! I hope that, whenever we meet, we'd have a lot of things to share and a lot to learn! And I hope we'll be able to go on a lot of adventures together! 💕
Ari: POKEMON!!! (And Avatar, you cant tell me that doesn’t count - Mina and I watch together sometimes!) // hmm... if soulmates did exist... I hope they are doing something they love/are passionate about, and being true to themselves 🧡
AJ: I have watched very few anime series but I am always up for recommendations! Two of the ones I liked the most are Peach Girl and Lovely Complex! Both were recommended by a friend of mine and she knows me so well that to this day I still rewatch them💖😂 and about my soulmate, i hope they’re alright! This made me think of “I’m sure my soulmate is pushing a door that says «pull» at this moment” that’s probably my soulmate tbh😂 but I hope they’re healthy and happy and that hopefully we can meet soon🥺💖
Rin: I don't watch anime often but I LOVE it when I do!! I really love bungou stray dogs (i hope im spelling it right) and Anohana 🥺 || also hmm my soulmate is probably doing squats while watching television with a bowl of chips at the side because honestly what a mood 😂 if they don't do that i don't want them 
Skitz: FOR SURRREEEEEE InuYasha, Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, and a LOT more I can’t remember offhand are always gonna be my top shows! I remember when I was young my dad would call my on Saturday mornings to test if I was up because I would ALWAYS get up for a new episode for one of the shows hahahaha my dad thought it was amusing.
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solargroup09 · 4 years
Ooh I love lilili yabbay!! It's such an addicting song~ also I don't recall if this was said before but are any of the members a fan of a.c.e?? My bias is Sehyoon but lately I've been loving Chan a lot and just want to be friends with him and cuddle ~🏹
Mina: omg yes, A.C.E !!! I‘ve known them since their busking days, when they were still dancing to BTS and other groups in the streets of Seoul - I’m so happy and proud that they’ve come so far now! And their teaser pics look amazing, I’m so excited for their comeback 🥰 and I really want to watch Yuchan‘s new drama - he looks so cute and I just want to squish him, so you‘re so so valid, dear hunter anon! I also really love Donghun‘s new hair style - the longer hair suits him so well! What‘s your favorite A.C.E song? I don’t think I can decide between Under Cover and Calling 🤔 and I also really love Holiday!
Yueliang: someone said a.c.e??? I'm a big fan!!!! 😍 I got into them thanks to Ari that kept talking about them and got me curious!!! They have great music and they're so talented! Me and the girls are SO excited for their comeback! 💕 Hunter anon, you're so valid, Sehyoon and Chan deserve all the love!
Ari: A.C.E? Oh HECK YES! I was able to meet Sehyoon, Byeongkwan, and Donghun during my Mixnine days, and met Jun and Chan later... those boys are all so talented and hard working - I’m so excited for their latest comeback! I think my favorite songs have to be Black and Blue and Slow Dive... but all of their songs are so good! (And don’t tell anyone, but Sehyoon is my bias too!)
Skitz: A.C.E? Hell yea!!!! My bias kinda switches daily but I'm always between Sehyoon and Donghun!!!! I like and respect them both so much! My favorite song though by far is actually a cover that they did. Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi? Ugh, I get shivers from that song!
AJ: I like A.C.E sunbaenim a lot too! Jun is my bias, I find him very charming and handsome! They are a very talented group in every sense, I hope they can grow even more in the future, A.C.E fighting~~!💖💖
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solargroup09 · 4 years
wait there is something else i want to ask! yueliang i miss fall, what would you wear on a date when its chilly? 🧝‍♀️
dear 🧝‍♀️ anon, I miss fall too! I like summer but the heat kills me, so I can't wait for the weather to get cooler! 😍 If I had a date, I'd wear something cozy but still cute. I'd choose a plaid skirt and a soft sweater to look as cuddly as possible, so I'd be able to steal hugs from my date! 🥺 I love beige and shade of browns because I find they look well on me and they're so perfect for fall season! 💕 I'd also wear a messenger bag and cute earrings.
Ahh now I want to go on a date~~ 🥺
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solargroup09 · 4 years
Yess, I loved their vampire stage as well (it was the first time hearing the song) and although I know that sounds strange in a way it was actually the stronger bass and harsher tones ((if that makes any sense)) that made me fall in love (and it was when I discovered my bias, Seokmin)!! Another one of my fav songs is Fearless~~ I love seeing the similarities between the song and Fear and I also just love the sound and especially the choreography!! What about you? ~🏹
Yueliang: I totally agree with you! Seventeen have so many great songs! 😍 I love "Thanks" so much it's crazy, I've listened to it so many times! I also have a weak spot for "Adore u" and "Very Nice" the sunbaenims fit bright/cool concepts so well! And I also love "Lilili Yabbay" the song, the concept and the whole performance are so magical I'm just in love with it! 💕💕
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solargroup09 · 4 years
YUELING!!! 🤧🤧🤧 I love don't listen in secret so so so much, it was the song that got me into seventeen and still remains my favorite in kpop. Thank you so much for covering the song~~ ~🏹
Yueliang: my sweet hunter anon! 💕 I'm so glad you liked the cover! Don't Listen in Secret is really one of my favorite songs too and it means so much to me! And Vocal Unit's voices make it even better! Every now and then I get obsessed with it again and I start listening to it nonstop 🥺 what other SVT songs do you like?
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solargroup09 · 4 years
oh i forgot i wanted to ask another thing! sorrywill yueliang tell us more abt haechan? will you ever do a yue bookish stories about him? 😍 🧛‍♀️
Hello, Yueliang speaking! 🌒
Well, I see our Suns are very curious about Haechan! 💕 And, yes, I do plan on revealing something but I don't think it will be a Yue Bookish Stories episode, mostly because it's embarrassing to tell you these kind of things so openly! 🥺🥺 So, if you're curious, stay tuned!!
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