#yugioh gx imagine
esmiara · 1 year
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Who can stop me from dressing spiritshipping as soukoku? Exactly, nobody can.
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aberooski · 11 days
See, Syrus and Hassleberry bring up that they should go make sure Bastion is okay and then they all get distracted by catching a fish so they don't. Jaden literally says "Bastion can wait" and the next time they see him, they're losing him to the Society. Fuuuuuuck 😭
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kcuf-ad · 4 months
Me: I want to finish this presentation as soon as possible so I don't have to worry at all for tomorro-
My Brain: Immortal Jaden Yuki Au.
Me:... what?
My Brain: You know how he fused with Yubel, what if that gave him immortality? Making him unable to age and see the people he cares about die after another.
Me: Why are you like this?
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kaiowut99 · 6 months
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GX Finalized-Subs!111 and 121 (WIP): Drizzling Details - For Clicks
Reprising the edit I worked on here while finalizing my 106 subs, I wanted to go ahead and knock out adding this updated translation edit into 111 and 121 as I get ready to work on 110. This gets used in 111 as Manjoume tries to look Amon up, and in 121 as Amon looks to delete it while on that submarine, and while I did previously translate these in my last run through Season 3, as I'm going with "Garam Conglomerate" and not "Garam Finance," along with the other updates I made in the 106 version, I wanted to update this accordingly for consistency. And still having the Photoshop files handy from my 106 edit, this was a relatively smooth process all told. I also went ahead and made dub versions of these, since of course 4Kids not only removed the text (they amusingly just slapped a card back where his info is lol), but they also cut the one shot of the Garam Conglomerate article Manjoume clicks onto. (I may use it for reasons at some point hehe)
All in all, I think it just took me a day or two to do since I had a relatively calm weekend; final products in gif form below (to keep each gif at 35 frames, I split the second 111 clip into two gifs; sub-intended edit on the left, dub-intended on the right)--and a breakdown under the cut for the interested 🙂 I did choose to leave the HTTP 405 error screens Manjoume gets as-is like I did before, partly the English text already there works well enough (the Japanese message is more "This page cannot be loaded"), partly Manjoume's raging thunder later would make it a bit annoying, lol.
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Effectively, for the 111 version, working off the full version of the bio I mocked up before, I first tweaked the bio text up top to color the originally-link-colored text accordingly, then saved that, cropped to what's shown in Manjoume's screen. Then, from there, I worked on the first clip it's used in, first cropping out the top portion of the text (from Amon's name to the "Goa Garam" line) and using the CC Power Pin effect in AfterEffects (also how I apply my card fixes) to pin that cropped image into place as the text expands outward for the first few frames; after that, I used Sony Vegas to keyframe the screen's scrolling for the rest of the shot, masking in the monitor's borders on top for blending.
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For the second shot in 111, where we see a close-up of the text as Manjoume clicks into the Garam Conglomerate article, I first wiped the text in Photoshop, then copied over the needed text layers from the full bio, making sure to space the lines at roughly how they were spaced in the full bio. I then copied out the "C" in "CEO" on the second-to-last line to hold it in place, then duplicated the "Garam Conglomerate" line and recolored the copy to a clicked-link purple, recreating a purple outline around it--both the unclicked and clicked versions come into play once I throw them into Vegas, where I then masked in the cursor arrow and hand as Manjoume moves his mouse. For the Garam Conglomerate article, a simple text wipe and translation placement happened in Photoshop, then I took that and threw it into the footage in Vegas.
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Finally, for the 121 version, since it uses the full no-link bio, I first recolored the blanking I did to the bio in Photoshop to match its color here, then used the CC Power Pin in AfterEffects to pin it as it expands for a few frames, masking in the edges of the bio box and the new Amon photo this screen uses. After I did that, I just did some positioning checks against the original, and then it was good to go without popping into Vegas.
For applying the dub edit to each instance, since I'd already done the video keyframing work for the sub-intended full bio image, once I adjusted the text layers with the dub references and saved that new dub-intended image, I just needed to copy/paste the keyframes and effects I applied to the sub-intended image in both AE and Vegas, so it was a pretty easy swap, lol.
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myreputatioooon · 7 months
Remember that one comment under a Yu-Gi-Oh GX video that was like?
Hanging out with the crew in the graveyard!
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merryfortune · 8 months
i want to marry that girl (marry her anyway)
Written for Femslash February & the Sweetheart Bingo by @sweetspicybingo
Day 3. Marry Me
Title: i want to marry that girl (marry her anyway)
Ship: Postureshipping | Asuka/Emi
Word Count: 
Universe: GX - Canon Compliant
Rating: 1,844
Tags: Age Difference, Student/Teacher Relationship, One-Sided Relationship, Unrequited Pining 
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   Asuka understood that her teachers were humans like anyone else better than most of her peers did.
   A strange statement yes but not intended as an indictment on her friends and acquaintances. Their senses of empathy were just not yet as evolved as hers and thus still revolved around egocentric adolescence. They were getting better, though, Asuka had merely arrived at the destination first. 
   Not intended as a brag. Merely a statement. An observation.
   She saw how hard her teachers worked for them, even when they spat in their faces, slept during class, or otherwise rabble roused in or outside of the classroom. It was admirable. 
  Perhaps Chancellor Samejima detected that in Asuka - that admiration - and that was what had spurred him to reach out to her and advise her. He was a teacher with a scope so enormous, Asuka could hardly begin to describe his wisdom and so, she listened intently.
   She had the whole world at her feet.
   She would graduate soon and be welcome to step out into that big, wide world. Its size was terrifying. Asuka was but a speck in it and had no idea what to do with herself. She didn’t crave victory like Ryo nor did she have the stars aligned like Judai, she didn’t need to have the world chanting her name like Manjoume or Edo and so, she found herself at a loss.
   Of course, Asuka had good grades across the board but aside from Duel Monsters, she didn’t have a specific passion for literature, mathematics, or science. However, it was that broadness which made her ideal for a teaching position. 
   Cynical as it may, those who can’t, did in fact teach.
   Just look at Ayukawa Emi.
   She was the quintessential definition of the adage. Ayukawa-sensei had mentioned here and there. She had turned down modelling positions and acting in advertisements to teach because she felt that her brains were more her calling than her beauty. Asuka didn’t disagree, Ayukawa-sensei was her favourite and she wouldn’t appreciate her for her if she only knew her as “that lady in that one yoghourt” advertisement.
   Asuka had seen the extra mile Ayukawa-sensei went for the ladies dorm of Obelisk Blue firsthand. 
  When Asuka first arrived on Duel Academy Island, she felt clueless and naive but when she saw Ayukawa-sensei with her clipboard, that confusion turned to security. Her bright smile was so welcoming, she pointed Asuka in every direction she needed and more. 
   (A couple years later, Asuka would find herself echoing those exact words to her own underclassmen, thinking of her teacher with a flutter in her heart.)
   And afterwards, whenever Asuka had a worry - no matter how small, if it was school related or in regards to her social life - she always had a trusted ally in Ayukawa-sensei. She had literally seen it all. Thanks to her own high school experiences but what she had learned in the life after high school because yes, friendly reminder, it did in fact exist.
   She hosted ice-cream socials and slumber parties. She made sure everyone did exercises best suited to their body type or their goals. She was serious and no-nonsense when it came down to the hammer but outside of that, she was a joy to be around with a fun sense of humour. 
   Asuka had a whole scrapbook of memories to reminisce through when it came to Ayukawa Emi.
   Most good but some bad, too. Like with the early part of the ordeal involving Yubel.
   The silver lining in that particular situation was that Ayukawa-sensei’s heart of gold truly got to shine because of it. Her wide range of medical knowledge had been a huge difference maker when the school had gotten stranded in the Spirit World. She had done well to hold down the fort and patch up injuries until she literally couldn’t under Yubel’s influence.
   But afterwards, even though it wasn’t her fault, she had literally been possessed, Ayukawa-sensei still apologised for her actions. She didn’t assume her heroics from before made up for the hurt she had caused as one of the mobbed, zombie-like members of the cohort in the fugue state under Yubel’s influence. She didn’t have to do that but it was important to her integrity that she did. Asuka respected that.
   She always had, of course.
   It was these moments that Asuka held onto as she decided to solidify her life’s path. She wanted to be a teacher like her beloved Ayukawa Emi. Nurse, physician, physical education instruction, dorm leader. She really, truly was everything and she did it all with that gorgeous smile, too.
   No wonder Asuka had watched her from the students’ pews in the lecture hall long enough for purely mentoral admiration to turn into a crush.
   It was hard saying goodbye… but Asuka didn’t want to. Or at least not like she was meant to. 
   For the past three years, Asuka had found herself contending with a rather inappropriate crush. She would be the first to admit it but only to herself. Because of all those things like the age gap and the power imbalance, Asuka was terrified to talk openly about it. 
   She mentioned it in passing to her brother, vying to be told to knock it off yet wanting to be validated by the same token. It was confusing and contradictory because that’s what matters of the heart tended to be like. And, annoyingly, Fubuki did consider himself to be a “love doctor”. Whatever that meant.
    So, for better or for worse, he knew more about these sorts of things than her but he encouraged it. Likely only because he only knew about the lesbian aspect of it. He probably wouldn’t be so gungho about encouraging her if he knew that the girl that Asuka had her eyes on wasn’t a girl but rather a woman.
   Either way, Fubuki did remind Asuka, she did have a box of costume jewellery in her room. Odds and ends, knicks and knacks that had been collected over the years from various female family members. Though, she wasn’t much of a jewellery person, maybe her mystery lover was.
   Looking through that box, after Fubuki left, Asuka did find something. It wasn’t satisfactory but maybe it would be good enough. It was only costume jewellery to people whose families weren’t so endowed with wealth like theirs were. 
   Something to think about and Asuka did way too much of it. She wrote scripts and speeches in her head. She mulled over the pros and cons. All of it leading to the realistic outcome that confessing might rid Asuka of these feelings.
   So now, at the culmination of these past three years with her crush, Asuka decided to act on it. 
   “Ayukawa-sensei, can I speak with you?” Asuka asked. “One last time before I graduate. I… I have something I need to get off my chest.”
   Ayukawa-sensei flashed her one of her trademark, beauty queen smiles, “Of course, Asuka, anytime.”
   “Thank you.” Asuka said.
   “Oh and Asuka?”
   “Please, call me Emi. You aren’t going to be my student for much longer.”
   She giggled impishly and reluctantly, Asuka adjusted. She had been reminded once or twice before, this was Ayukawa-sensei- no, Emi’s way of trying to instil that Asuka, and her third year peers, were going to be adults soon. And so, she wanted to elevate them.
   Regardless, Ayukawa-sensei or Emi, Asuka felt her heart tremble in her chest. They excused themselves from the rest of the dorm, Emi took her somewhere private: the dorm office. It doubled as a guidance counsellor's because duh. That was a part of Emi’s duties as Ayukawa-sensei’s, too. Not just for the Obelisk Blue Dorm but for anyone who needed it.
   “Do you want to sit down?” Emi asked, gesturing to the chair on the student’s side of the desk: a heavy, four-legged thing which made Asuka all too aware of the imbalance between them.
   “No, I’m right, it should only be quick.” Asuka said.
   “Oh, okay, then.” Emi said and she awkwardly hovered by the corner of her desk. She had clearly been expecting a sit-down conversation.
   But with the nerves Asuka felt, her own legs felt wooden. Her heart raced in her chest and as Asuka gathered her thoughts, she must have taken too long. Her silence turned into a pregnant pause.
   “Whenever you're ready, I’m listening.” Emi added softly. 
  Asuka placed her hand on it, her fingers curled in against the grain as she took a deep breath. She lifted her head and her hand in one swift motion. Her eyes gleamed with determination.
   “I want you to wait for me.” Asuka announced and in a quick motion, she took Emi’s hands. They were baby soft and smelled vaguely of cucumber-melon lotion. Asuka gave them a firm squeeze as she looked Emi directly in the eyes. “I want to marry you.”
   “P-Pardon?” Emi exclaimed.
   Her eyes… How they looked, how they wavered, the way Emi was stricken with panic ever so quickly, it broke Asuka’s heart. She loosened up her grip on Emi but did not fully let go.
   “I want to be a teacher like you. I want us to be teachers together, one day, but I want to wait for you as well. I - I have had feelings for you for so long so please. Will you give me a chance?” Asuka asked. 
   “I -  I can’t, Tenjoin-kun-” 
   The switch from her name to her family name, it wounded Asuka. It was a salient reminder. She was not special. She had merely misunderstood. Those moments one-on-one they had shared prior, they had meant the world to Asuka but here merely one of many to Ayukawa-sensei.
   “Please, Emi.” Asuka tried once more, her heart fit to her break as her eyes welled up with tears. “I even have a ring.”
   Ayukawa-sensei pulled her hands away from within Asuka’s. She could feel Ayukawa-sensei’s skin crawl within the milliseconds long sensation of the rejection.
   And the hesitation. 
   “I can’t stop you from waiting.” she said. “But I won’t wait for you.”
   “I… I see, thank you, Ayukawa-sensei.” Asuka said and she stood back.
   Emi collapsed into her chair. Seemingly thankful to be away from Asuka but she hid the majority of her face in the seat of her palm. She sighed hard. Thoughtful. Maybe even hateful. Either hateful or shameful. 
   Asuka produced that ring she had mentioned. It was silver with a bead of glass which so closely resembled a garnet it could have been mistaken as such.
   “I’ll keep it.” Asuka said, alleviating some of the tension. She fiddled with it awkwardly, trying to shove it down the correct finger with haste.
   “Become a good teacher, Tenjoin-kun.” Emi said, taking her hand off her mouth.
   “I will try my best.” Asuka confirmed and she bowed. “Thank you for hearing me out, Ayukawa-sensei.” With her hands placed in front of her, her ring gleamed against the blue of her schoolgirl skirt, up until her hair flopped forward to hide both it and her face.
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stardustneeko · 2 years
you guys seemed to like that Starshipping x ItaFushi crossover a lot so allow me to elaborate on why i originally found it fitting:
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(Kenjaku Yubel might be controversial, but that monk outfit sure looks cool on him)
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theyellownoby · 11 months
The abridged versions of Jaden, Syrus, and Crowler are watching the FNAF movie. Abridged!Syrus: “Oh my god—” Abridged!Jaden: “Nobody wants to watch this stupid movie!” Abridged!Syrus: “Be quiet.” Abridged!Crowler: “Look, if you don't like it, you can leave.” Abridged!Crowler: “WE ARE NOT DOING THIS AGAIN.” The movied randomly changes to Freddy Fazbear twerking on-screen. Abridged!Jaden: “Ok but—” *looks at the screen* “Yo-oh GYAAATT!!!!” Abridged!Crowler: “NO!” Abridged!Jaden: “There's the Freddy Fazgyatt right there—” Abridged!Crowler: “GET OUT! YOU ARE BEING INAPPROPRIATE!!” Abridged!Jaden: “But no, I-I changed my mind! I gyatt to see the ending to this movie—” Abridged!Crowler: “SHUT UP!!!”
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yugiohz · 2 years
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this kuriboh looks so lifeless let’s pretend it’s a plushie
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sincerelysoso · 2 months
Sophia's Ultimate Masterlist and Art Gallery
A shortcut to all of my writings (fanfics and originals) and my art pieces.
Started: 8/6/2024
Original Writings
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A collection of my personal thoughts, spicy takes, and what's happening in my life
Coming soon
Original Stories
Coming soon
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
Coming soon
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Coming soon
Cowboy Bebop
Coming soon
Saint Seiya/Knights of the Zodiac
Coming soon
More fandoms on the way!
Art Gallery
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seekerbr · 1 year
So, a while back i wrote some notes for a fanfic idea that I had, about Kaiba adopting Jaden when he was very little; there is a lot of fanart about it and a few fanfics too, but a lot of them focused on ships i don't care a lot about so i wanted to write my own take on it... the only problem being that i haven't watched a lot of GX yet, so I didn't feel that confident on writing it, also don't really have a lot of free time.
So i'm posting my notes on it here! Maybe i finish it someday, i don't know, but here it is:
Plot: Jaden Yuki is actually Seto Kaiba’s adopted son, probably named Jaden Kaiba. His biological parents died when he was very young, and Kaiba at the time wanted to adopt a child (he would not admit it out loud, but he was feeling a bit lonely after Mokuba grew up and started to study a lot more and go out with friends, and so decided to adopt someone).
His personality is still pretty similar to the original, very cheery, lazy and childish, but a little smarter since he studied a lot more when he was younger (not a lot though…).
His relationship with his father is a little… complicated. His father clearly loves him, and wants to protect Jaden of any problem that could happen. Jaden also loves his father, and thinks that he is super cool and talented. But Kaiba can be quite clueless about people’s emotions and needs sometimes, and Jaden is pretty reckless and energetic in a way that frustrates his father quite often.
He also wants him to inherit KaibaCorp one day, something that Jaden really does not want to do (he finds this kind of job very boring) and instead wants to become a professional duelist, and become the next king of games. I imagine that the stuff with Yubel happening with him during his childhood too, and I can’t imagine that Seto would want him to spend a lot of his time dueling after all that.
He met Yugi and friends quite a few times, usually on his birthdays. Kaiba did not invite them, of course, but Mokuba wanted the closest thing he had to friends to meet his son. Jaden loves Joey and Yugi, and imitates them a lot, something that annoys his father quite a bit.
(BTW, Yugi has retired from dueling, and now works making games and in his grandfather’s gameshop. He works for KaibaCorp, and can give advice to Kaiba and Mokuba on how to deal with some of Jaden’s emotions sometimes.)
Besides Yugi’s friends, he also probably met Pegasus before (though I doubt that his father ever told him about the bad things he did in the past), as well as Zigfried and Chazz’s brothers. In fact he probably met Chazz when he was younger, but he would not recognize Jaden now.
That’s because Jaden would not be recognizable as Kaiba’s son for the average person; for one, Kaiba decided to not put the spotlight on his son a lot, especially after his childhood, mostly by the insistence of Mokuba to give him a better life as a teen and also stop him from getting kidnapped a lot. He also usually changes Jaden’s hair with gel when they are together, so people won't really know him by his natural “Kuriboh hair” look.
He ends up going to Duel Academy after fighting with his father about his future, with him initially not wanting his son to go; he creates a fake last name (Yuki, inspired by Yugi) and never tells his friends, other students or teachers about the fact that Seto Kaiba is his father (maybe Shepard knows about it, Crowler definitely does not); his father also does not know initially, but Jaden tells him pretty early on and he begrudgingly accepts it. He calls his father on the phone sometimes, probably lies about being in Obelisk Blue. (maybe his father learns the truth later on, won't tell Jaden though.) 
That means that when he helps people with their family problems (Syrus, Chumley, Chazz, Alexis… a lot of people actually) it feels very strange for him; he does not know how to solve the problems with his own father, and just wants to run away from his problems with him.
Eventually i guess Kaiba would finally visit his own school and finally discuss things with Jaden face to face, probably the two would fight about his choices for his future and the fact he's in Slifer. Jaden's friends would probaby be shocked to say the least
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aberooski · 1 year
This exact squad look minus Kotch but whaddya gonna do 🤷‍♀️
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But it's them
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One day Joey checks his bank account and finds that kaiba wired him like 99 percent of his net worth and he's like aw rich boy grew a heart
And then he opens the news on his phone and finds out that "eat the rich" is an actual thing now
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bellarosethefangirl · 7 months
sweets and Be Mine with any of your Yugioh F/Os~
omg thanks so much! sorry this is late I was busy valentine's! These totally made my day. thanks anon 💕 it was hard picking a yugioh f/o
The original link to the valentine's post is here! More are welcome in my inbox but you're interested in these for your own self indulgent desires 💗
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Jaden Yuki x OC
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sweets — what’s their favourite valentines-esque food? (think anything you’d get in that seasonal aisle at the grocery store!)
Jaden adores sweets of all kinds but he would adore the valentines box of chocolates the most. Yes, including the cheap dollar store chocolates. His pallet is so used to the Slifer dorms cheap food that it tastes amazing to him.
be mine — how would they react to you flirting with them, do they get flustered? flirt back?
For Jaden it absolutely depends what is told to him. There is no in between with him. He won't blush too easily unless its super romantic or enough to make a flirt like him blush enough. It's funny because if it doesn't go over his head then he might blush and when he does, he has a goofy grin. He doesn't get flustered easily but he will flirt back 90% of the time.
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vanibear · 1 year
i desperately need interactions btwn an older mokuba and any of the gx cast (sho and baby judai specifically) .does anyone see my vision
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realian · 2 years
I wanna change my url back to yubels but I don't want anyone calling me an abuse apologist because I like the cool trans dragon yugioh villain.
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