#yui lore
tomaturtles · 9 months
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youhavethewrong · 6 months
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I'm not taking the news about Nier: Reincarnation well - A Moodboard
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curelore · 4 months
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Deliciousmile!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
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einsatzzz · 10 days
What headcanons/theories do you believe fandom would invent about your character?
What controversies/drama would your character incite in fandom?
What would be the ‘incorrect but wildly popular’ interpretation of your character in fandom?
Are there ship wars? Are they a popular character to ship, or the kind of character that gets shuffled off and away from shipping for whatever reason?
MELLLLLL!!!! 💜💜✨ I hope the answers to this ask makes you laugh in these trying times, because @amiahoshi answered all of this and it's all based on his personal fandom experience (from a different fandom, on twi///tter) 🤣🤣🤣
What headcanons/theories do you believe fandom would invent about your character?
Instead of talking about Yui's character/lore, people would find more joy in making hit tweets about how he is implied to be gay and he's in denial about only liking men.
People would then proceed to point out the most random shit ever as proof that he's gay.
Ein: Good thing Yui is an OC and not a canon character.
What controversies/drama would your character incite in fandom?
"Is Yui gay or not?" Every once in a while, a big fandom account would make a hit tweet about how they're so sick of people pretending that Yui isn't gay-coded/-implied and then shipping him with women.
What would be the ‘incorrect but wildly popular’ interpretation of your character in fandom?
People would consider him a sadist. Wrong, he's just excited when showing off/testing out his robot creations, he's not really actively trying to hurt anyone.
People think he has a preference for men over women. Wrong, he doesn't care as long he's the top.
Are there ship wars? Are they a popular character to ship, or the kind of character that gets shuffled off and away from shipping for whatever reason?
Yeah, there are ship wars. Specifically, YuiRumi (Yui x Kurumi), YuiHiyo (Yui x Hiyori) and YuiMina (Yui x Minato) shippers. Actually, YuiMina shippers are very quiet, they're only listed here because they always end up as collateral damage.
Ein: Thank God, there's no YuiKana. Sou: Kana is just weird like that.
People will argue over which one of these three are implied canon. YuiRumi shippers are especially toxic, they think they're canon because they're childhood friends.
Even with the huge amount of ship bait YuiHiyo has, YuiRumi shippers strongly believe that their ship is canon. This is because their relationship is pre-established and they're always together in official arts.
It's also because Yui has been assigned as Kurumi's right-hand man since childhood, so that means they have a very special connection and basically canon-implied. They also pretend to ship other ships that involve the other half of their rival ships just to assert that their ship is canon. They also invented shipping meta because of this.
Ein: WTF EVEN IS A SHIPPING META???!!! Sou: That's something you only know when you're chronically online.
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Victoria: Yui.
Yui: Just a bit more....
Victoria: Yui.
Yui: I know, Im sorry, Im almost done, this is the last batch for Ayato I promise.
Victoria: Yui, you've been at this for hours, Ayato doesnt need this many takoyaki. Come walk with me outside, through the flower garden.
Yui: That sounds lovely Victoria but I just need to finish this one last batch. Look its almost ready for the oven.
Victoria: Yui, if you dont take a break I'll make you.
Yui: Yes Victoria, just one more seco-
*Lights cut out, they're left in complete darkness*
Yui: On the unlikely chance you-
Victoria: No. But it's a welcome suprise.
Yui: Right...
Victoria, already holding Yui gently by the wrist: So, shall we go?
Yui: But-
Victoria: You have night vision? No, right? Ayato will understand, if not, Reiji will make him.
Yui: Its scary how much you depend on Reiji for Discipline...
Victoria, leading Yui through the dark manor and out into the gardens.: Yui, that's the only thing we can depend on him for.
Reiji, watching from the shadows: ... Hmmph, I'll let it slide.
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Hey fellow Beatrix stan~💋 Was thinking about how Beatrix does not have a title like “the demon king’s daughter” or “the white rose”. If she had a title, what do you think it would be?
Let me die, let me drown, lay my bones in the ground
I will still come around when the time for sleep is through
Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale
Do not weep, do not wail, I am coming home to you
AHHH hello!! I love fellow Beatrix stans, I literally think about her 24/7. Thank you so much for this ask. It brings me so much joy to be able to talk about her and put down in writing the various ideas I have about her, even though it is very late I hope you’ll enjoy it!
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Personally, I feel as though Beatrix has been an enigma throughout the short glimpses we got of her.
Especially as a vampire who has such a long history, most of these are simply theoretical based on what limited information there is about her. If that makes sense?
- Ice Princess
- Queen of Hearts
- Plain Woman
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Ice Princess is probably the first one that came to mind with her, I think her impassive exterior is one formed over a long period.
From her actions, she has this callous care for the people around her that I think came from being one of those quiet children that meant well but stayed silent unsure of when they were allowed to speak, so she stayed content in not having to stand in the limelight. So she was probably someone quite introverted, hence when it came to being put out like a puppet her flight or fight response literally caused her to … freeze.
As far as I’ve understood from the way she treats her sons, she almost has an avoidant personality, many people do this by dissociation or simply ignoring things that will complicate their situation at hand, the worst part is it’s never on purpose and they feel guilt but it’s what they believe is for the best.
By choosing not to respond or give in to bait, and never being able to gain the courage to leave her mental castle, in a way she traps herself in her own tower from others because of something that occurs in her life that is so violent, unpredictable, something so out of her control.
It is the catalyst for her mask, like most children raised in these conditions they often find comfort in these abusive situations as it’s something familiar to them, and because her most frequent response became to avoid as much conflict as she could; the persona she now exudes is hardened, cold-blooded, and someone who needs control. Someone that puts priority and duty first not out of obligation or responsibility but as a survival tactic.
Which is my explanation for the ‘ice’ bit.
The princess bit is what I think is a bit more obvious, in comparison to Cordelia who is of viboran and first blood descent which makes her so important as a foreign bride of another powerful - if not equally powerful - clan.
Or Christa who is second or third? cousins with Karl which clearly solidifies her lineage as the blood of the imperial monarch of vampires.
Beatrix would come from nobility, partially as someone who would need solid legitimacy and also because it puts a balance to powers within the court because Cordelia strengthens the power of foreign ministers. Christa reinforced the power of royalists within the court the nobles would be neglected.
Within the peerage of nobility, the highest are the Dukes, usually 2 or more within every empire to restrict the power of the royal family, this is why many of their titles are also Prince or Princess before they inherit their duchy’s, or Your Highness.
Not to be confused with royal titles which are Your Royal Highness, otherwise, you might just be tried for treason and killed.
Again because the main responsibility of ducal families is to limit royal power, hence their families are kept separate. No marriages.
Normally the second most important rank in the peerage - the Marquises - would marry into the Royal Family.
So if there were a need for revolt it wouldn’t be cousin vs cousin or brother vs sister as coups are led by the Ducal Families so whoever wins has to execute all family members on either side and that would simply be crude.
Beatrix was an exception however and as a Ducal Princess the only one relevant enough to challenge the rights of the other wives.
So came the title ‘ Ice Princess’ in her younger years
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Queen of Hearts is something I feel occurred once she became more established within her role.
I imagine it was a title of jest at first, where in the years after her marriage Cordelia spent her time throwing lavish balls and travelling the country from noble family to family under the guise of forming connections and spreading patronage; Beatrix was the polar opposite.
She spends long hours confined within her palace sorting through documents, attending royal ceremonies, meeting with officials, dignitaries and ambassadors. She looks through contracts and complaints within constituencies. As most would expect, such thorough combing through of the parliament and court led to quite a lot of lords and influential people being stripped of power, exiled, or executed.
Hence the trail of rolling heads at her feet led to the title ‘ Queen of Hearts.
However, near the end of crimson and amber leaves that once decorated the demon world, comes a new joy. His royal highness, crown prince Shu who is the firstborn of Karlheinz and Beatrix Sakamaki; it’s such a joyous occasion even the demon world’s winter couldn’t damper the hopeful festivities in hopes that he’d make it through the winter.
And he did.
Thus with his birth, and the first obstacle overcome with the resilience of a righteous ruler emerges a new Beatrix from her cocoon. Most are stunned at the frequency, they see her look content if not joyous in the presence of her little sun; she takes him out on parades around the nation and far travels.
Soon disperse the rumours of the plain, bookish woman who is their queen, for who better represents vampiric values than Beatrix. Someone who puts her family and duty first and frivolous activities second, never faltering in her politeness and gracefulness not to mention her striking looks that their prince has inherited. Vividly displaying power and commandeering those around her, they soon grow proud to have someone like her as Queen.
Especially with the work she puts into improving the social, economic and political situation within the country; her hard work evident in the new improved infrastructure, the peace treaties developed, so that some day her son shouldn’t have to lead armies like her husband once has.
So came a new meaning to Queen of Hearts, it wasn’t often someone became monarch and deserved their title.
It was to the extent even Karlheinz was forced to change inheritance laws, for so long only divorced or widowed women could own titles, but in the beginning of spring when more exciting news of her being pregnant again spread ‘The Act of Succession’ was passed, that if a husband were to pass his wife/mother of his eldest child shall take his title till his eldest child (not son) is of age unless specifically passed to another in his will.
It was enough to start outcries, and debates but in the end no one could deny faults within Beatrix as their ruler, and even if they never became regent monarch they happily let her rule their hearts.
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Plain Woman had to be the most vicious of the nicknames Beatrix had gained in her time, for what did someone with such pure intentions know of the mental games that would exhaust her soul in the next century.
Obviously Beatrix was beautiful, but in the twisted comparison to the other wives not even the strongest mental fortitudes could resist it's slow decay.
Cordelia with her exotic features, enchanting lilt from her accent, and seductiveness that poured from the cells that made her or even Christa with her innocent pretty features, oh she was as pretty as the moon itself, with her illustrious silver strands and blood-wine eyes.
In comparison, Beatrix often wondered in the colder afternoons, when she would sit alone for hours on end her tea long cold, staring at her ink stained hands, knobbly and ugly, her straw like hair heavy, and her dull goulish skin in the reflection all she can wonder why was this the one truth Cordelia had to utter in all of her lies.
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simikae · 5 months
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-10 years
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zetsubobu · 23 days
Don't you love it when you have a special interest that only a handful of people have actually read? And most of them are japanese?
God I want to talk about the kirigiri novels so badly, they're so much better than the main games
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cardsofthemoon · 11 months
Demons and Religion
I haven't logged into this blog for two years and idk if I'm fully back but I've been undergoing some major DL brainrot over the past month, specifically about the lore and such.
We all know that the Church plays a role in the story, and while it might not be a major role as it should be, the Church is the main reason as to why Yui is even in this predicament in the first place. But I want to talk about religion as a whole, and the relationship between demons and religion, or more so, how religion could benefit demons in the long run.
While it’s no secret that demons aren’t the biggest fans of God and religion, I feel like there’s another aspect to religion that is often overlooked and can serve a greater aspect to the story, than simply just “demons hate god! Religion bad!”
In fact, I honestly think that demons and supernatural beings can more often than not benefit from religion or more specifically, benefit from how religious humans are. Throughout history, humans have undoubtedly done some horrendous and horrific shit in the name of religion (the Salem Witch Trials, the Medieval Inquisition, the Mass Genocide of Natives, etc.) It’s a pretty well known fact that human beings will do the cruelest things under the guise of religion, so wouldn’t it make sense for demons to use this die hearted belief humans had about religion and God, and use it to their advantage?
Sadistic tendencies aside, what exactly separates a demon from a God? If a human being encountered a demon, who has shown to have eternal youth, can use magic, has inhumane strength and speed, and is wise beyond their years, their first thought isn’t going to be a wicked demon, but instead a reincarnation of God. They could have used this naivety to their advantage, building a following of devoted followers, who sincerely believed that they are God, and therefore would do whatever they ask for them- including sacrificing their body and blood for the greater good of society.
In fact in most cults, followers would happily volunteer themselves as a “sacrificial bride” if they were devoted enough to the cause. And yes I say, cults because that’s exactly what this is, I honestly feel like demons would thrive a lot more in society if they had a cult following because that eliminates the need of hunting and suspicion, since no one in a cult ever questions the cult leader.
Of course in modern times, with the rise of vampire hunters and whatnot, that’s no longer possible, because now a demon would be targeted if they show even the slightest bit of supernatural ability, but I’m not talking about the modern times. I’m more talking about before, when the church and religion had such a large grasp and pull on the masses, before the invention of church and state, when the church was the government.
I know when we talk about the church, it’s often assumed to be the Roman Catholic Church, but it doesn’t have to be! Like there are so many religions out there, it would be ridiculous for Karlheinz to put all of his eggs in one basket and only have sacrificial brides come from one church. And if we really get into it, demons will have a much better time thriving under a Polytheism religion rather than a Monotheism one, because in a Polytheism religion there’s more than one God. Which allows more wiggle room and more leeway for several demons to take up the identity as "God", therefore having an easier access to prey, and therefore successfully infiltrating religion as a whole.
It’s kind of a bitter irony, humans who put so much faith in these “Gods” to protect them from evil, who shower them with praise and adoration, are unknowingly praying to the same people that they wished to be protected from.
We don’t know what age the diaboys are (but there are theories that the boys were children in the 17th century so I’m going to go base on that), and we don’t know when exactly they decide to come to the human world, but had they infiltrated religion earlier, a lot of things could have been so different. One of the reasons as to why the separation of church and state happened is because during the Enlightenment era, people were starting to believe in rationale, logic, and skepticism, religion was falling out of favor from the people, and was branded as superstitions, childish beliefs that have no substance. However if you have actual evidence that these deities and gods are real, then who’s to say if the separation of church and state would even happen?
In fact wouldn’t this phenomenon only strengthen the church more? And we know that Karlheinz made a deal with the church to send the boys sacrificial brides, so could you imagine the greater influence and power demons have over the church, now that church and religion as a whole is fueled by demons? And what would become of vampire hunters? Would the hunter organization still exist since demons are the reason as to why the state of their society is the way it is (for better and for worse), or would they still be anti-demons because of their inhumane treatment and sacrificial rituals of young girls, in exchange for helping the human society?
In the end, no matter what happens, whether it be sacrificial brides or willing cult participants, the only people that would truly suffer in the end are teenage girls.
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Hola. Solo quería decirte que tu blog es increíble. No hablo español, pero estoy escribiendo esto usando el traductor de Google.
Realmente me gusta la forma en que piensas sobre las cosas relacionadas con DL. Me encanta cómo piensas las cosas antes de expresar tu opinión.
¿Puedes completar una pregunta por mí? :)
¿Cómo crees que se habría desarrollado la relación entre Yui y los chicos si ella tuviera un gusto de sangre normal/ordinario? Personalmente creo que toda "relación" iniciada con ella se debe a este factor. Especialmente con Ayato, quien parece extremadamente adicto a su sangre. Con los altos estándares que tienen, es poco probable que se comprometan con ella para cualquier otra cosa.
Muchísimas gracias por todas tus hermosas palabras y no sabes cuánto me alegra que te guste tanto mis apreciaciones sobre DL!!! ヽ(⌒∇⌒)ノ
De verdad muchas gracias (っ^▿^)♡
Ahora paso a responder tu pregunta: dudo mucho que, teniendo Yui una sangre mediocre, los chicos pudieran entablar una relación con ella. Esto no ha ocurrido antes con ninguna novia sacrificada y no ocurriría con ninguna otra humana.
La razón por la cual todos los diaboys desarrollan esta relación con Yui es pura y exclusivamente por tratarse de Eva (es decir, por tener el corazón de Cordelia y esta sangre especial).
Doy un ejemplo rápido: los Sakamaki la mantienen con vida por pedido explícito de Karlheinz (cuando Yui llega a la mansión en Haunted Dark Bridal, Shu dice que su padre pidió que no la mataran).
Si Yui Komori tuvo la suerte de durar más tiempo que el resto de las novias de sacrificio fue, por un lado, por esta razón primordial. Por supuesto, por otro lado está su sangre: para Shu la sangre de MC es de calidad, para Ayato la sangre de Yui es importante porque le da fuerza y poder (esto se nota principalmente en HDB). Pero lo más importante de su sangre es la dependencia que genera en el vampiro que la bebe (esta dependencia esta relacionada al "despertar de Adán", tema que se desarrolla más a profundidad en More Blood). Ya establecida esta dependencia, se desarrolla una relación más estrecha con el vampiro gracias a la posesión que éste naturalmente siente por todo aquello que considera de su propiedad.
Esto sirve para dejar en evidencia que Yui, sin el corazón de Cordelia que le proporcione su sangre especial, no sería nada más que otro sacrificio.
Esto mismo dice Richter en uno de los finales de Ayato, que Yui como persona no es valiosa. Lo que la hace especial es el corazón que él mismo incrustó en ella. En teoría, según lo que Richter da a entender, cualquier otra chica con el corazón de Cordelia hubiera tenido el mismo efecto de dependencia en los chicos porque es la sangre lo que crea el lazo entre Adán y Eva, no la persona.
Igualmente es destacable la personalidad y actitud de Yui, esto la ayuda mucho. Si hubiera sido una protagonista rebelde y luchadora, ni su sangre hubiese bastado para salvarla de los vampiros. Ellos buscan a una mujer sumisa, después de todo.
Para no quedarme únicamente con los Sakamaki como ejemplo, destacaré también a los Mukami, Tsukinami y Kino.
Los Mukami (en sus propias rutas) buscan convertirse en Adán para satisfacer los deseos de su benefactor y por esto se esfuerzan en suscitar dicho despertar. Como son vampiros, la dependencia a su sangre se establece pero como no son Sangre Pura no pueden despertar como tal.
Los Tsukinami, por su parte, buscan a Yui porque posee el corazón de Cordelia y, por ende, tiene la Sangre Fundadora que necesitan para reproducirse. Mientras que Kino busca a Yui porque ella es una suerte de "fuente de poder".
Una vez más, se destaca el hecho de que es su rol como Eva o su sangre la que le da cualidad de valiosa ante los ojos de los diaboys. Su valor inicialmente es ese, luego, conforme pasa el tiempo y se van dando los hechos, se crea esta suerte de dependencia y su valor va tomando otro rumbo, uno más emocional y sentimental.
Por esto mismo y para concluir, considero que de haber sido Yui una simple novia de sacrificio cuya sangre carece de alguna cualidad especial, nunca hubiera podido desarrollar una relación con los diaboys más allá del usual rol "cazador-presa".
Yui, ante sus ojos, permanecería como simple comida (o como dice Reiji en el anime "una simple bolsa de sangre").
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amaribelt · 1 year
should I make little fun fact sheets of my twst ocs because some of this random info I feel needs to be shared because I think their cool
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curelore · 4 months
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wip of Cure Precious!! Her outfit is complicated/detailed, but so fun to draw!!!
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einsatzzz · 19 days
What colour does your love feel like?
tagged by @lixenn tagging @azaracyy, @yenosiria, @shiawase-rina, @cloudvaria, @social-muffin @melonchanverse (idk if ya'll alr did this)
Thank you for tagging me on this Lix! Answering this was so fun and the results are crazy accurate actually, I'm so surprised! I did it for Kurumi, Kana and Yui! The results are pretty long (+a few comments), so I'm putting it under here.
Kurumi: Bright Sunny Yellow
Sweet tasting popsicles, summer dresses and shielding your eyes from the sun. Your love is the excitement of something brewing, something growing. It's the almost childish bubbling giggles of something new, but with the potential to stay. It's wide smiles, blinding sunny light and warm bodies that gravitate to one another. It's the the softness, the willingness, the slight holding of breaths in a crucial "what if" moment. It's the impatience too. The bouncing on tiptoes to see further than your eyes can reach, the holding out for a future that never seems to come even though you're ready, you're so so so ready. It's the constant feeling of warm sand beneath your feet, holding out for the crashing waves. And still you wait, dry and impatient and with burnt soles of feet. Your love is sour candy, enjoying it as your nose scrunches up from the aftertaste of it. It's hands that grab and take hold, that reach and ask them to stay and hope and beg and wait. It's bubbling excitement sure, but it's also demanding, focused, driven. It's love like a plan, with a path and route and a clear destination. And you bounce on your tiptoes, and burning, waiting for the soothing water, the crashing waves, you hold onto the melting popsicle, you wait and wait and wait. It's tiring almost as much as it's lazer focused ambition, deeply rooted desire and the unrelenting hope that it will work, that it will come. And it does, I promise it does. The waves crash, the beach floods and the pain passes, the water cool and soothing and you can let yourself fall in, sinking, sinking. And it's good, it's perfect, what you were hoping and more, holding and embracing you and welcoming you into the stillness you always knew you were reaching for.
It's pretty lore accurate in both romantic and platonic aspects. The platonic aspect of it is more applicable to her childhood, when she yearns to feel more secure with her friendships. It's unintended, but the metaphors here parallels and fits so nicely with Kana's.
Kana: Dark Stormy Blue
Sinking ships, raging seas and tumultuous hearts, love isn't easy for you. It's a struggle, a constant inner fight of should I? Can I? Do I? Feelings are hard and they rumble inside you in a dissatisfied mess that begs to be let out. Your heart screams and cries inside you and you… You can't, you won't. You're scared. And love is scary, it's hard and sometimes it just doesn't work out. People leave, people hurt, people change their minds. And you and your cold stormy heart yearn for the calmness, for the distance, to be allowed and able to simply not feel. And yet, you do. It rages, it fights and storms inside you and you try to keep it down, keep it quiet, to feel pretending not to. It's the burn of childhood friends growing apart, of parents that aren't quite there, of relationships that burn out. So you snuff it down with water, cold and calming and blue, blue, blue. But being loved by you is blue too, just not in that way. It's the soothing, embracing feeling of floating, the moment when you sink down below the waves and become one with the water, with everything. It's the balance, the dramatic yet calming sound of waves that crash against a rocky shore. You're the good and the bad, the violence of the storm and the watery peace right after. You're the blue, blue feeling and loving you is watery tears, yelled confessions that no one will hear and burying your feelings in a deep watery grave never to be found out about. Your love is dark stormy blue, it's vast and deep and all encompassing, it's safety in the surface of danger, it's trusting the unruly abyss and yet I'd gladly risk drowning just to feel what it's like being loved by you.
In platonic terms, Kana is the wave and Kurumi is the person at the shore waiting for her to crash & soothe her pain. She may seem emotionless, but her love (if you earned it) is as vast as the ocean and as deep as the abyss (for better or for worse).
Yui: Deep Staining Red
Ripped out confessions, warm velvety whispers and a heart like an open wound. Your love flows out like dripping blood, beautiful, flawed and twisted. It's gut wrenching, the type of painfully dramatic feeling that makes you clutch your chest, picturing dramatic monologues about love and loving and big screen over the top scenes of sobbing into your pillow until you fall asleep. It rips out of you, clawing it's way up your throat more so than tumbling out. Sticky words that just need to be let out, feelings so big they don't fit inside you. Your love isn't easy, it's a true bloody mess, dripping and staining everything it touches in a desperate attempt to be seen, to be felt, to be loved back. And you, you love so hard, so deeply, so much for someone who carries all that pain. Atlas holding up the world, how are you? Is your love still flowing? Is your heart still open? Still pumping and bleeding and dripping with blood and tears? Still painting your beautiful pictures and writing your love letters in deeply personal red ink? Because I see them, I read them, I love them and you, you, you, you. Clench your chest, scream your love, cry it out. Spill your words of loving, keep your heart beating, keep your love coming and paint the entire world red with it. Make it in your image, keep going, it's okay. Maybe one day the whole world can be red and loved and beautiful just like you.
Note: His main color is actually gray, but since he has Lightning Flames, I'll use green as substitute for the highlights.
It has a similar feeling to Kurumi's but more bold in color (Yellow vs Red). Instead of waiting, he actively looks for them instead and makes himself seen, so he can be found. Keep going, it's okay, you'll find them.
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muthaz-rapapa · 2 years
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I’m rooting for you, baseball kid 😂
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This is why Yui will keep breaking your heart without even knowing she’s doing it, you boy 😅
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Joking aside, WE ARE ALL MARY-CHAN 🤣
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sumire-bride · 1 year
{ It's a hard life tryna be a dl oc writing ur characters route with all this NONSENSE LORE THAT'S TOO FUCKING MUCH TO FIT INTO ONE WHOLE THING }
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thatonefrenchwitch · 2 years
This is Josephine’s and @lured-into-wonderland friendship. It's canon now. But the real question who is who
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