#yule ball drama
labyrinthhofmymind · 2 months
i’ve been thinking about all the endless possibilities with the marauders and the triwizard tournament so here they are:
- so we know the three schools that participate, and that they alternate who hosts each time, so just imagine the marauders visiting durmstrang and beauxbatons, and the absolute CHAOS they would cause (i’m talking pranks, i’m talking just pure mischief, i’m talking fires and explosions and insanity and mayhem that honestly overshadows the tournament itself)
- then there’s the yule ball, which is just textbook angst and drama and romance and fluff (i’m picturing mcgonagall forcing sirius to dance in class only to find out he’s literally perfect at ballroom dancing, sirius and remus nervously asking each other out, james asking lily to go as a friend only for her to end up kissing him by the end of the night, peter plucking up the courage to ask the girl he likes out and marlene and dorcas and mary and emmeline going as “friends”)
- now there’s the endless possibilities of who would be repping hogwarts in the tournament, and an obvious one would be james, but also imagine if it was regulus or dorcas (i’m currently freaking out about this idea)
- because then, if they did a task similar to the underwater one, regulus would have to save the person most important to him, which would be sirius (duh)
- and if it was dorcas it would be marlene, and if it was james it would be sirius (and james would definitely pull a harry and end up trying to save multiple people cause that’s just who he is)
- regulus would be really strategic with the dragon, dorcas would use some sort of powerful magic, and james would also excel with the dragon and do a quidditch moment (of course)
- then there’s the maze, which i can really only think about in relation to crimson rivers (and we all know how THAT turned out)
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sunflowerabyss · 9 months
Brewing Hearts
Pairing: Professor!Remus Lupin x Professor!Reader
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Plot: Tired of seeing the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and the Arithmancy professor dancing around each other, the Weasley twins take things into their own hands with a little bit of love potion.
Warnings: fluff
The Great Hall bustled with the usual chaos of students and the aroma of delicious food. Fred and George sat at the Gryffindor table, exchanging glances as they observed the unfolding drama between Remus Lupin and (Y/N) (L/N). The two professors were seated across the room, stealing subtle glances at each other while seemingly oblivious to the world around them.
Fred nudged George with his elbow and nodded toward the couple. "George, mate, look at them. It's like watching a Muggle soap opera, only with more awkward glances and less drama."
George chuckled, his eyes narrowing as he observed Remus and (Y/N). "I swear, Fred, if they don't do something soon, I might just hex them into confessing. It's getting painful to watch."
The twins exchanged an amused look as Remus and (Y/N) continued their dance of stolen glances. Fred leaned in, his voice lowered to a conspiratorial whisper. "I've got an idea. What if we do something about it? You know, give them a little push in the right direction?"
George's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Now, that's what I'm talking about. What's the plan, my dear brother?"
Fred leaned back, studying the couple across the hall. "We need something subtle, something that'll make them realize what they're missing. A little potion, perhaps?"
George raised an eyebrow. "A love potion?"
Fred shook his head. "Nah, too strong. We don't want them running off to elope. How about a mild infatuation potion? Just enough to make them see each other in a new light."
George grinned. "I like it. We brew it tonight, slip it into their drinks at the Yule Ball, and let the magic happen. They'll be thanking us for years to come."
And with that, the mischievous twins began plotting their matchmaking scheme, setting the stage for the events that would unfold in their secret workshop later that evening.
The Weasley twins sneaked out of the Gryffindor common room under the cover of darkness, making their way to their secret workshop hidden within the depths of Hogwarts. The passage was concealed behind a tapestry depicting a group of mischievous pixies wreaking havoc on a potions classroom. With a swish of Fred's wand, the entrance revealed itself, and the twins slipped through.
Inside the dimly lit workshop, shelves lined with jars of rare ingredients and experimental potions greeted them. Fred conjured a small flame to light the room, casting flickering shadows on the walls. The twins wasted no time as they set up their cauldrons, eager to brew the potion that would finally push Remus and (Y/N) out of their pining stupor.
George cracked his knuckles, a wicked smile playing on his lips. "Fred, mate, let's get this show on the road. We've got a date with destiny tonight."
Fred nodded, tossing a handful of powdered moonstone into a cauldron. "Absolutely, George. Let's make this potion so good, they won't know what hit them."
The twins worked in tandem, each intuitively knowing their role in the brewing process. They measured out ingredients, stirred cauldrons, and shared mischievous glances. The room hummed with an air of excitement, and a sense of accomplishment fueled their determination.
As George carefully poured a vial of crushed fireflies into the mixture, he glanced over at Fred. "You know, Fred, this feels like one of our pranks, only with a touch more subtlety. It's like setting off a dung bomb in a library and watching the chaos unfold, but with hearts instead of first-years throwing up in the bathroom."
Fred chuckled, stirring the cauldron. "Exactly, George. This is the prank to top all pranks and the best part? We're doing it for love. No harm done."
The potion began to emit a soft, enchanting glow as they added the final ingredients. The twins exchanged satisfied smiles, their plan coming together seamlessly. Fred raised his wand, tapping the cauldron with a flourish.
"There we go, George. One batch of Cupid's Secret, ready to make magic happen."
George admired their handiwork. "They won't even know what hit them. Now, let's get this bottled up and ready for the Yule Ball."
And so, with the potion completed and mischief in their hearts, Fred and George sealed the vials of Cupid's Secret, eager to unleash their concoction on the unsuspecting professors during the magical festivities of the Yule Ball.
The Yule Ball was in full swing, the Great Hall transformed into a magical wonderland. The twinkling fairy lights above cast a warm glow over the elegantly dressed witches and wizards as they twirled around the dance floor. Remus and (Y/N) entered separately, both looking stunning in their respective outfits.
Fred and George, dressed in dapper suits that were a mix of classic and whimsical, discreetly moved through the crowd. They each carried a tray of glasses filled with punch, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. As they approached Remus and (Y/N), Fred winked at George, a silent confirmation of the mischief about to unfold.
"Care for a drink, Professor Lupin?" Fred offered with a charming smile, presenting the tray of punch.
Remus, slightly surprised, nodded in gratitude and took a glass. "Thank you, Mr. Weasley. Much appreciated."
Meanwhile, George turned to (Y/N) with a grin. "And for you, Professor (L/N)? A little something to enhance the festive spirit."
[Y/N] accepted the glass, returning George's smile. "Why, thank you, Mr. Weasley. That's very thoughtful."
The twins exchanged a quick, conspiratorial glance before blending into the crowd, leaving Remus and (Y/N) to enjoy their drinks. As the professors took sips of the enchanted punch, the subtle effects of Cupid's Secret began to take hold.
Unbeknownst to them, a gentle warmth spread through their veins, and the enchanted atmosphere of the Yule Ball seemed to intensify. Remus and (Y/N) glanced at each other, their eyes meeting in a way that felt different, charged with a newfound energy.
Fred, watching from a distance, nudged George with a sly grin. "Well, George, looks like our little potion is working its charm. Now, let's sit back and enjoy the show."
George chuckled, raising his glass in a mock toast. "To love, mischief, and a Yule Ball to remember."
And so, with their plan set in motion, the mischievous twins observed from the sidelines, eager to see how Cupid's Secret would unfold in the magical dance of the Yule Ball.
Under the soft glow of the floating candles and the enchanting ambiance of the Yule Ball, Remus and (Y/N) found themselves swept away by the subtle effects of Cupid's Secret. The love potion worked its magic, creating a warmth that seemed to linger in the air around them.
As they danced, the once hesitant glances turned into lingering stares. Remus, with a newfound confidence, gently took (Y/N)'s hand, and the dance floor seemed to fade away as they moved in perfect harmony. The atmosphere crackled with an energy that was both enchanting and irresistible.
Fred and George, hidden in the shadows, exchanged triumphant grins as they watched their plan unfold. Fred elbowed George, nodding toward the dancing couple. "Look at that, George. Our potion is doing wonders. They're practically glowing!"
George chuckled. "Our own brand of magic, right there. Who knew we had a knack for matchmaking?"
As Remus and (Y/N) twirled across the floor, the barriers that had kept them apart began to crumble. Conversations flowed effortlessly, laughter echoed through the hall, and the spark that had been lingering finally ignited into a full-fledged flame of connection.
The mischievous twins couldn't help but revel in their success. Fred whispered to George, "I told you, George, this is going to be legendary. They're like a pair of phoenixes rising from the ashes of awkwardness."
George nodded, raising his eyebrows in mock surprise. "Fred, my dear brother, we might be onto something here. Maybe we missed our true calling as love wizards."
The dance continued, and the enchanted glow of the Yule Ball seemed to intensify around Remus and (Y/N). The Great Hall buzzed with the newfound energy of romance, and the Weasley twins, hidden in the shadows, savored the moment, knowing they had orchestrated a magical night that would be remembered for years to come.
The morning sun cast a warm glow on the Hogwarts grounds as Remus and (Y/N) found themselves walking together near the Black Lake. The events of the Yule Ball lingered in the air, creating a palpable tension between them.
Remus hesitated for a moment before breaking the silence. "About last night, (Y/N)… there's something we need to talk about, something that's been on my mind."
(Y/N) nodded, a mix of curiosity and concern in her eyes. "Remus, I've been thinking too. There was something… different about the Yule Ball, wasn't there?"
Remus took a deep breath, glancing at (Y/N) with a sincerity that seemed to cut through the uncertainty. "I can't shake the feeling that something was influencing us. The way we were drawn to each other, the warmth in the air—it wasn't just the magic of the Yule Ball, was it?"
(Y/N) sighed, realizing the truth. "No, Remus. It wasn't just the Yule Ball magic. There was something else at play. Something that brought us together, made us see each other in a new light."
As Remus and (Y/N) shared their thoughts, unbeknownst to them, Fred and George were hiding behind a large oak tree nearby. The mischievous twins exchanged knowing glances, their ears perked up to catch every word of the conversation.
Remus ran a hand through his hair, a hint of frustration in his expression. "I've been racking my brain, trying to understand what happened. And then I remembered—Fred and George offered us punch. I think they might have had something to do with it."
(Y/N)'s eyes widened in realization. "The Weasley twins? But why would they…?"
Remus sighed. "Knowing Fred and George, it was probably another one of their pranks. They must have slipped something into the punch to create some kind of atmosphere. I can't believe I fell for it."
(Y/N), a mixture of surprise and amusement on her face, couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, if it was a prank, it might be the best one they've ever pulled. Because, Remus, I can't deny that something changed between us last night."
Remus smiled, a genuine warmth in his eyes. "And I'm grateful for it. More than you know. The truth is, (Y/N), I've fancied you for quite some time. The Yule Ball, or rather, whatever those two put in my drink, just gave me the courage to admit it."
As the conversation unfolded, Fred and George shared a triumphant grin. Fred whispered to George, "Looks like our love potion did more than we bargained for. They're talking about it!"
George nodded. "Mission accomplished, Fred."
The mischievous twins quietly retreated, leaving Remus and (Y/N) to navigate the aftermath of the Yule Ball and the unexpected twist of fate that had brought them closer together.
In the weeks that followed the Yule Ball, the Hogwarts corridors whispered about the unexpected romance between the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and the Arithmancy professor. Students and staff exchanged knowing glances, their curiosity piqued by the undeniable connection that seemed to have blossomed overnight.
The Weasley twins, having successfully orchestrated the tale of love, moved through the castle with an air of mischief and satisfaction. Fred grinned at George. "Our little project paid off, didn't it? Professor Lupin and Professor (L/N) are the talk of Hogwarts! I even heard McGonagall and Dumbledore talking about it."
George chuckled. "Who would've thought we'd become the puppet masters of love? We might have a future as romance consultants. Well, if the joke shop goes to hell, anyway."
As they reveled in their matchmaking success, the mischievous twins couldn't resist the occasional sly glance toward Remus and (Y/N), secretly pleased with the love story they had set in motion.
Meanwhile, Remus and (Y/N), having navigated the revelation of the Weasley twins' involvement, found solace in the genuine connection that had sparked between them. The Yule Ball, orchestrated or not, had been a catalyst for something real and undeniable.
While sitting next to Remus on his bed in his living chambers, (Y/N) turned to Remus with a playful smile. "You know, Remus, I never thought I'd owe a debt of gratitude to the Weasley twins for anything other than a good laugh."
Remus chuckled, setting his book down, eyes filled with warmth. "They have a way of surprising us, don't they? But in a strange way, I'm grateful for whatever potion they slipped into our drinks that night. It brought us together."
(Y/N) nodded, a twinkle in her eye. "Love has a way of finding its path, even in the most unexpected circumstances. Maybe this was meant to be."
Remus smiled, pulling (Y/N) closer. "Perhaps it was. And I, for one, am glad fate brought us together, even if it took a bit of mischief to make it happen."
And so, as the whispers of love drifted through the Hogwarts corridors, Remus and (Y/N) embraced the magic that had sparked between them. The Weasley twins would never openly admit to meddling with the love potion but found joy in the newfound connection between their favorite professors. As they navigated the castle, their mischief was now tinged with a sense of smug satisfaction.
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groceryreceiptss · 10 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 | j.p.
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james potter x reader | word count : 7.2k | requested
↳ part one / part two ───✧₊∘
summary : james always said that you were his best friend and you always said that he was yours. but you didn't realize that the meaning of the words had changed for you until it was a week before the yule ball and you two were walking through the snow covered streets of hogsmeade (reader's pov)
contains : my writing (warning lmao), pretty cheesy. (childhood) best friends to lovers!! flufff, herbal tea slander (sorry if you like it), lots of out-of-place references (like pjo and spiderman, i'm SORRY, i can't help it). i’m never sure on what to put in here to be honest so just let me know!
a/n : soo i might have gone a biiiiit overboard and make it a two part! this one takes place in hogsmeade (mostly), told from reader's point of view. i'm planning for the second one to be from james' point of view and for it to take place during the yule ball (no promises on when i’m going to finish it though TT )
credits : lovelyy dividers by @cafekitsune, pins i used (1) (2) (3)
The castle seemed to have its own separate life in December. Snow, trees, warm hearth, lights, candles, sweaters, hot drinks, and not to mention the food. The students always seemed to be reinvigorated by the time this month came too. Excited whispers floated the hallways in strings of exclamations.
This year, they were way louder than usual though. And the reason for it was visible in every room. The vibrant yet elegant posters, the talks of elaborate plans, scenes of people asking and being asked (and the cheers that would follow it), conversations of suits and dresses, and absolutely nonchalant talks of dates and hopes.The Yule Ball.
This extravagance of the event only happened once in every four years, so of course, everyone was excited. Nothing could be more thrilling than a chance to live out your silly teenage dreams and be like one in the movies.
You loved it too. The smiles, the laughter, the gossip, the drama. It was fun, though you weren't expecting much for yourself. You weren't being a downer or whatever (which was what James would definitely tell you), it was just that, if truth be told, you had learned not to hope too much in anything. Retrospective had taught you a long time ago that it would only tarnish the joy out of a perfectly good moment. 
Today was a festive Saturday morning. Talks of the ball were echoing off the walls in a more persistent way than ever. Understandable for they only had a week left before the festivities, anxiety and anticipation were sure rising.
You were just about to enter The Great Hall, the comforting smell of good breakfast already reached your nose, before someone suddenly threw their arms around you from the back, throwing you off balance a bit, his warmth enveloping you. James Potter.
Funny how someone's laugh could be so familiar to one's ears.
"How are you in this fine lovely morning?" The bespectacled boy greeted you as you turned around, eyes meeting his, your lips turned upward mirroring his smile. He really did have the most annoying charming smile. It was infectious.
"Freezing to death," you responded, slinging his arm around your shoulders as both of you walked the rest of the way to the hall. "Where are the others?”
"Already there," he scoffed, and continued on dramatically, "They left me to fend for myself!"
"To be fair, you are a heavy sleeper."
"You're one to talk," he grinned at you, "Why do you think both of us are the last ones to arrive?"
And he hit it right. You straightened up, ready to defend yourself. "Well, look–"
But he was way ahead of you. "Good book?" he smiled knowingly. And right again.
"So good," You nodded your head vigorously. "You should read it sometimes. I'll add that to your list." You waved your hand away casually, as if to say ‘done and done.’
"I look forward to reading it."
You smiled up at him, agreed. "Good, because you must." And before you could stop it, you went on telling him all about your reading from last night.
He didn't seem to mind, he never did. In fact, he always seemed to be interested in everything you had to say, so you continued. It had become a routine. You told him about a book he had never heard of, he told him about a match you had never watched.
James Potter was your best friend. Always had and always would be. The two of you had known each other since you were five and knew nothing and everything. Both of your parents had been best friends and it just progressed naturally. They would often spend the holidays and breaks together and so his house was yours as much as yours was his. 
And when both of you got the Hogwarts letter at the age of eleven and were sorted into Gryffindor, it was inevitable that you grew even closer. Everything about him had become so familiar now. It was like you knew him at the back of your hand.
His favorite color, his favorite food, his favorite song. How his eyes brightened a bit when he laughed. The dimples that came with his smile. How he would bite his lip a bit when McGonagall caught him and his friends in their mischievous schemes, or when he was thinking of a lie to tell her.
How he liked to put his arm around your shoulder, or tucked it in the inside of your arm every time he saw you. His glasses that were always lopsided, and his hair that was always tousled. Just like it was right now.
Both of you sat down in front of Remus and Sirius, who were laughing about something. Crisp toast, bacon, and eggs on the plates completely abandoned. You eyed them closely and wondered how two people could be so oblivious to one another when they were sitting that close to each other. And look at Remus! He was almost red.
If only you did not have a sense of decency and could have it in you to interfere with these two, then maybe, just maybe, they'd finally admit their feelings and go to the Yule Ball together.
"Where's Wormtail?" James asked them, getting himself a plate of eggs and sausages. You decided to grab some toasts, marmalade, and some eggs.
"Don't know," Sirius shrugged. "Probably hatching a plan to ask Jane out."
"Doesn't she already have a date?" You asked him, confusion on your face.
"Not sure," Remus chimed in, "it's hard to keep track these days." True that.
The four of you talked some more. You and James tried multiple times trying to get these two to talk about their dates to the ball—or more like the lack of it—and did a bait and switch. And you were good at it, but boy were they better.
After their plates had emptied, Remus said that he was going to make a quick run at the library and Sirius, very subtly and casually, offered that he could come too because he was "bored." You and James could barely contain your smiles until they disappeared out of view.
He grabbed a bit of your toast, put some of his fruits on your plate in exchange for it, and asked, "So... what about you?"
"What about me?"
"Who are you going with to the dance?"
"Oh," you pondered a bit, biting one of the strawberries. "I don't know. I'm thinking of going by myself, maybe? I think it'd be fun."
"No one has asked you yet?" He asked, surprised.
You let out a laugh at his expression. "Don't pretend to be shocked now, James. I don't exactly have a line of people waiting to ask me out."
"People here have bad tastes then.” He concluded. 
You shrugged, “I don’t mind. It’d be a pity spending the night with some stranger I don’t know, or even like, anyway. What about you and Lily?”
James' die-hard affection for the red-head girl was never a secret. The entire school knew it. It had been going on since first year and you doubted it would ever stop.
The way he always talked about her — with so much fondness and care. It was, the way she smiled, the way she laughed, the way she talked. But you noticed the way he looked at her too. It was like he fell in love every time he laid his eyes on her.
You figured that he was going to at least work up the courage to ask her out to the ball, even if it would only end up in vain, but no news from him so far. It was weird, like a sudden change of the weather. You had had to endure listening to him for what seemed like ages after Lily talked to him for the first time. And then another and another and another about his failed attempts at asking her out. What's with the quiet and silence now?
Was the fact that she turned him down again for the dance hurt him that bad? Oh, now you felt guilty for asking.
What was so strange, though, was that there wasn't sadness on his face now. No hidden pain or aches. Instead, he said, ever so casually, your toast in his hand "I haven't asked her yet."
You were taken aback, shocked, eyebrows scrunched up. "What?"
James' fruitless efforts with Lily was also very much widely known, but he was never ashamed of it. You couldn't remember the last time he passed an opportunity to confess his— as he said it —undying love for her.
"What, what do you mean you haven't asked her out?" You sputtered out.
He chuckled nervously at your response, raising his hands in trying to calm you down. "Is it really that surprising?"
"Considering the fact that you, James Potter, have been after her for like forever and never faltered in his efforts to make her know that he is head over heels for her, then I'd say, yeah. It's pretty surprising." You responded, baffled. "What changed?"
"Nothing! I just figured that she'd turn me down anyway and didn't bother. And then I heard she already accepted someone else's offer anyways." he shrugged.
"Oh," you put his hand in yours and gave it a squeeze. "I'm sorry."
James squeezed yours in return and gave you a smile. "Nothing to be sorry about. I'm fine, honestly." he assured you. “I think it might be for the best.”
Though you didn’t believe that, he did look fine. And James was never one to hide his feelings from you— in fact it was the total opposite, he was always ever so dramatic — so you took his words. You bit your lip and asked, "You want some tea?"
"What is it this time?" He asked as he took a bite of the egg.
You grabbed one of the teacups and gave it a sniff. "Oh," you scrunched up your nose from the smell, "Herbal, I think." you put it down. "That's a no then."
He groaned, "Why couldn't they just serve normal tea?"
"Because then we won't have a ‘refined’ palate." You rolled your eyes, quoting something Madam Pince had told you in the library for what seemed like a long time ago.
"That's a silly excuse for serving only herbal tea at breakfast."
You couldn't say that you disagree.
"So,” he started. “What are you doing today? Any plans?" 
"No,” you shook your head, “Nothing much." You poured yourself a glass of orange juice and passed the jug to him. "I'll probably just read. You?"
He poured one himself and grinned at you. "That depends, you want to go to Hogsmeade?" 
"Uh-oh," you let out a laugh, sensing trouble. "What are you up to?"
He gasped dramatically. "What do you mean ‘what are you up to?’ I am offended.” He placed a hand on his chest for good measure. “Could it be possible that maybe I just want to spend the day at Hogsmeade with my best friend?”
You raised your eyebrows at him.
He laughed. “I’m not going to do anything, honestly. And It'll be fun, I promise!" he nudged you. "We haven't gone there in a while." Well, that was true.
"It's cold," you argued.
"I have an extra coat if you want double."
"It will be very crowded."
"Then we'll find some place no one knows."
"That's impossible."
"Anything is possible, love. Please." He pleaded, looking at you with his big doe eyes. It was so unfair of the world to give someone such gorgeous brown eyes and left the others to dust. So unfair.
You sighed, letting out at last. He would be the death of you one of these days. "Fine," — which brought a whispered "Yes!" from him— "But we're going to have to visit the quill shop."
"Consider it done." 
Hogsmeade was truly beautiful in the winter. Its snow-covered roads, the orange lights visible in every shop, and the chattering crowds in their coats and scarves. Though the hits of cold wind on your face made you shiver, you were glad that you decided to go. And that you were with James. His arms around your shoulders provided you warmth just as much as his breath on your cheeks did.
As promised, both of you visited Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop. James had complained at first and tried to negotiate by saying you should "save the best for last" and head to Zonko's instead to open the trip, but after both of you saw the line the place'd formed, he agreed that maybe quills were more fascinating.
"Why are there so many types of ink?" he whispered loudly at you as he examined the shelves, "Who cares if it's lavender purple or lilac purple? They're purple!"
"Lots of people do." You answered before quietly squealing to him after finding a rare gem. "Look!"
You pushed the ink bottles to his face so he'd read the label. "Rainbow ink?"
"Rainbow ink!" You nodded excitedly.
"You do not need rainbow ink, love." He shook his head but couldn't force back the affectionate smile that had appeared on his face.
"Just like you don't need those hand-biting teacups or whatever from Zonko's, and yet here we are." You hummed giddily as you grabbed one of the brand new boxes of rainbow ink from the shelf.
"It's nose-biting teacups— please don't take the fun out of it," he corrected you, "and yes I do need it! It's fun! Trashy fun, but fun!”
"Whatever you say, love." Something caught your attention and you immediately grabbed the cuff of his shirt. "Oh! Let's look here!" 
With the rainbow ink tucked safely in your coat pocket, you and James walked out of the shop and visited Zonko's. He recounted all of the items he had once bought and how he had used them up, mostly with Sirius. He ended up getting something called Inflatable Tongue (for what you didn't want to know) before both of you walked out. 
You turned to him with a glint in your eyes. "Honeydukes?" 
He returned the mischief and grinned. "I thought you'd never ask. Time?"
You thought it over, looking at the clock nailed onto the wall of the shop through the glass.
“Five minutes,” you pointed out. “Letter?”
"B,” he decided as he rubbed his gloved hands together. "Ready?"
"One..." you looked over at him, I'm going to obliterated you. 
“Three.. Go!" you declared before both of you ran to the brightly colored store. 
You and James had many traditions. This was one of them. 
The challenge was simple. You only had to find as many candies as possible that started with the decided letter in those few minutes.
It had started with a silly argument in second year, about who knew more about sweets and, later on, the knowledge of Hogsmeade's own candy shop's stocks and products. You only had been able to visit by third year of course, and the real game had only begun there, but the fire was already established way before. 
Your friend, Marlene, thought it was stupid, and so did the rest of the Marauders, but there was something to be said about the similar stubbornness you two had. Sirius had said they were eerily alike.
You and James entered the shop with thrill and jumpy nerves, but were still decent enough to try not to run like little children that would definitely result in getting kicked out. Like that time both of you visited those muggles candy stores over a summer when you were younger. Lessons were learned.
You immediately went to the right part of the store, claiming the territory. Directed by your decision, James went to the left. 
You knew the store well. James didn’t know it, but you had been visiting this cheerful shop a lot recently. Mostly because Mary was so down after her breakup with her toxic ex and these treats are one of the things that could cheer her up. But on the side, you had done your research. The Bs were on this side of the store.
Bolandi’s Exquisite Crystallized Pineapple. Blood-flavored lollipop. Bat’s Blood Soup? Gross. And some chunks of brownies. 
Five minutes passed, and with James only got Bertie’s and bubblegums, you came out of the shop victorious. 
You jumped and threw your hands in the air. “And miss y/l/n won again. Thank you, thank you.” You bowed to a nonexistent audience. 
He only smiled at you. “Don’t be so proud now. Remember, miss y/l/n, I am still the running champion here. 3-2” he reminded you with a smug smile on his face. 
You shrugged. “That won’t be hard to feat, you mark my words.“ you offered him a look into your paper bag. “Want to try some?” 
“What’s new?” 
“Bat’s blood soup.” Your nose wrinkled at the name. “He said that it’s actually chocolate, but the name is too off putting.” 
“It’d be good with strawberries,” he offered. “We can grab some from dinner later.” 
You nodded your head as both of you made your way through the village. “I think Mary would like it too anyways.”
“Oh, right.” James said. He and Mary weren’t close but they were friendly, especially from being past neighbors and all. “How is she these days?” 
“Better every day I'm sure. It’s for the best, Matt’s an asshole.” 
“We can only hope that that itching powder will find its way real soon.” he grinned at their latest form of tricks. “Or maybe during the Yule Ball actually. That would be so much better.” 
You snorted. “Usually I would say that’s cruel, but he deserves it. We thank you for your service.” You continued solemnly. 
He waved his hand as if tipping off his hat. “And you are so very welcome.” 
Both of you walked through the well-lit village. Talking about everything and nothing, laughing at that student making a fool of himself in one of the shops, and slipped some bites of the crystallized pineapples.He asked you about how far into the book you were now, and you asked him about his Quidditch team and whether the newest member– someone from year two, you believed–was still afraid of heights.  
James had his left arm around you and your gloved hands were holding his–the one near your neck–fighting for some sense of warmth. You and James hadn’t done this in a while and you’d forgotten how much you missed it. You looked up at him as he was talking about the second-year boy and saw the flecks of snow scattered on his face, his askew glasses, and his jet black hair. It made him look a tad bit adorable, you thought. His brown eyes that had that bit of green in them were alight with something so charmingly infectious that you couldn’t help but smile. 
You looked at him as he talked about the latest match, his right hand going everywhere as he was talking at the speed of 893 miles per hour. You loved seeing him talk excitedly about something. There was just something so beautiful in hearing the people you cared about talk about things that they cared about so passionately and ardently, no matter how trivial they may be. It was like you were trusted enough to see this crazy side of them. It’s nice.
A group of third-years passed by and you heard them complaining about not being able to go to the ball yet. Something about dances, dresses and suits, and dying alone. 
"Oh," you fought a smile to keep it from surfacing as you remembered a particular last week incident. “How are your dance moves coming along?" 
He groaned. “Not this again.  You're trying not to laugh." 
"I'm not!" but a chortle escaped you either way. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I know you're trying your best."  
"I am!" he whined. "It's just really hard and Padfoot isn't exactly the best dance partner for practicing," he grumbled.
"Steps-on-you-shoes kind of bad or doesn't-catch-you-after-the-spin-that-you-end-up-falling kind of bad?" You said with a smile and with raised eyebrows. 
He rolled his eyes as he revealed a sheepish smile. As if he could forget. "I said I'm sorry."
“I know. but it was right there. I couldn't not do it.”
A week ago, in the empty common room at night, James had asked you to teach him the basic dance steps most people used for the ball. Despite his mother's graces for it, you found that her son was very much an amateur. 
He kept stepping on your foot and collided with you as he took the wrong directions. You were laughing and kept saying that it was fine, but he still apologized every other second of it. 
The ending to the attempts was a disaster. A playful one for you, but he seemed very embarrassed of it. You had suggested the spin—and honestly it was your fault to have recommended it in the first place when it had only been an hour and a half—and as he tried to pull you back, he might have tugged your hand a bit too hard and you ended up crashing into one another. Your figure on top of his, his hands on your waist. 
His cheeks had turned slightly red, and yours had grown hot as the fall stopped and you found your face so close to his. Your eyes inevitably found his brown ones and you felt his rapid breaths on your skin. His eyes have a little bit of green in them, like stars, your mind wandered before catching yourself. You let out a slight awkward cough and tried to laugh it off as you made yourself stand up. 
He gave you a string of apologies afterward, and although you had assured him that it was all in good fun, he never asked you to teach him again. You kind of wished he would, for reasons you couldn't quite explain, but you didn't want to push him when he had turned to Sirius to "let the failures just befall on him", as he'd said it. 
"But, either way, have you improved under the capable hands of Sirius Black, Mr. Potter?" you asked him now, an eyebrow raised. 
"Well, he's definitely not as capable as you." He gave you an admiring smile, and you almost looked away from it. Taking compliments was never one of your talents. Especially if you felt undeserved of it. 
"Well, it might come to you as a surprise, but what we learned was the easy part. I'm an intermediate myself." Deflected and dodged. 
He laughed. "Either way, you're still graceful at it. You know, the incident did happen again. With Sirius." 
You snorted. "What?" 
"Yeah. Luckily, it's still in the privacy of our dorm. so it's good."
"I'd give money to see that." 
"Would never let that happen in a million years."
“With the way things are going, I might. The dance is a public affair.” 
“I’d have to get better by next week then.” He said it solemnly like it was a promise, but he probably was kidding. That small child-like smile on his face said it all. 
You had walked to the empty side of the village. You didn't think there was one, but the snow covered streets around you were scarce of people. Only a few passersby before they too disappeared into the warm shelter of a wooden shop. Just the way you preferred it.
A sudden thought crossed your mind and before you could even give it a second thought, your mouth decided to give it a voice. "You want to try again?"
He looked around, his snow flecked eyebrows raising, and his smile tinted with a hint of amusement. "Here?"
Well now you wished you hadn't. But, playing along was always better than an embarrassed "never mind, that was stupid" right?
"Well, yes!"  you told him as if you definitely didn't have any second thoughts at all. "Almost no one’s here. Besides," You continued with a light feather edge on your words. "I heard it's freeing to dance in the cold December wind."
He shot you with one of his cheeky smiles. "Is that so?" before putting on his thinking face, a guess on the tip of his tongue. "Romance?" He ventured.
"Partly. It's a coming-of-age drama and such." You corrected him. "It's also on our winter list for this year you'll see."
"Can't wait." and he meant it. But only because, "I hope you'll also like that match tape I got of a muggles' football match. They're entertaining too to say the least."
After years of being best friends together, he had learned that you liked to talk in quotes from the books you'd read and the movies you'd watched. And after years of spending winter and summer breaks together watching and listening to the muggles' form of entertainment media, it was like you shared the same frequency. He could guess which type of movies or shows or songs you had probably heard the saying from, and you could guess which sport match did he reference that joke from.
It was a whole different game. Total number of players : two.
He stopped in his tracks, letting his arm fall from his shoulder, making your neck shudder a bit at the loss of warmth.
"So," he gave you a gentleman's bow—and a playful smile along with it—and offered his gloved hand. "May I have this dance?"
You almost let out a surprised laugh at the gesture. You took a ladylike bow, pinching the fabric of your invisible royal dress. "That depends," you said in an exaggerated accent, "are you able to do so without giving me a head injury?"
He returned the overplayed accent. "I shall make no promises. But, if i were to slip and let you fall, best believe I'd try my best to catch you."
On the usual days, you'd bring up Gwen Stacy falling into her demise in one of the remakes of the Spider-Man movies. How Peter wasn't able to catch her and she ended up dead. James would've gotten the reference—you had cried to him for hours after that first watch last summer—but you couldn't bring yourself to do it.
And yet instead, you were here, trying not to let the invisible red take too much space on your already freezing cheeks. You smiled, and it was a smile you couldn't contain. Not like others. It was one that just kept going wider and wider the more you looked at the beam plastered on his face until it wasn't physically possible anymore.
James, your head echoed his name as you mentally shook your head. A soft laugh escaped your lips. What have you done?
“We’re going to look stupid.” You admitted.
“Hey, it was your idea." He reminded you, his hand still stood in the air.
"It was a moment of foolery." But you took it.
The wind had started to pick up its course again and caused the snow to fall rapidly. Under the glow of the streetlights, you two danced and laughed. It started off as an attempt to the formal dance two would usually use at a ball, but after one or two or seven missteps, you agreed that maybe you should start over.
There was no music to accompany you but there was a faint piano playing from one of the shops. It whispered gently with the wind that swept you and James' rowdy steps. 
His laughters were echoing in your ears, into your mind. His breath was on your cheeks, and his gloved hand on your woolen one was a warming touch. His glasses were a bit askew, and a part of his hair that came out of his beanie was flecked with snow.
There was no rhyme nor reason to your steps or the placement change of your hands. It was so stupid and silly. One minute it was an amateur attempt at classic dances, and another you were fooling around as if you were at a house party.
It was nice. Like you two were five again and you knew nothing and everything. Childhood innocence, where have you gone?
There were a lot of things you were late to realize about your friendship with James. You guessed you didn’t really think much about a friendship that had started since you could remember. It had always just been there, all your life. So long that you couldn’t imagine a life without it. A steadfast thing, the most you ever had one with someone that used to be a stranger to you.
You couldn’t even imagine that now. James Potter, a stranger. It felt so wrong. You had known too much about him, he had known too much about you. He was memorized in your mind.
From his hazel brown eyes that felt like the warm hearth of your home every time you looked at them, to the quirk of his lips and the gentleness of his smile.
To his voice that had once become a soothing presence after you had had paranoid nightmares about one of the people you knew dying. To the sound of his laughter that accompany the hot days in June and the freezing weather of winter, like how it did right now.
How he would run his hands through his hair when he was frustrated or didn’t know what to do. Or how his handwriting looked and how the Gs and Ys are always so sloppy and how the Ss barely look like one.
And so many things. So many other things you couldn’t imagine living without. Maybe this was just you being too present in a moment that you couldn’t think of it being ripped away and making you not be there anymore, but you weren’t sure.
You looked at him, and it was like the rest of the world fell away. His eyes had stars in them and his cheeks were red from the cold.
Your thoughts raced in a hundred miles per hour as your breaths and the pulse in your veins tried to catch up. All of them were beating to get out of your skin and onto the snow. They all had the same jitters, the same sound, and the same beat. And they all were talking in one unison, a whisper of the name of the person in front of you.
James Potter. James Potter. James. Oh. Oh.
It was a moment too late before you realized you had not been watching your steps and tripped yourself over a good mound of snow.
“Woah, woah” You started as you fell forward onto the snow, with your hands still on James’.
You heard the soft thump of the snow hitting James’ head, as your body fell on top of his. The rough old material of his father's coat met with your similar one. Your eyes were inches from his and so were your lips. You didn’t know what to think, your mind just went blank at the sudden proximity.
You should— wait, what should you do? You should— right, oh my god, apologize!
Fighting your inner thoughts and denying its claims, you immediately got up. Maybe too quickly for nonchalance but your racing brain didn’t have time to think it through. Not when it was jammed with mixed and confused signals from your heart.
“James! I’m so so sorry!” you offered him your hand and pulled him to stand, brushing off the snow from his coat. “Sorry, I wasn’t in my mind for that one second. Sorry.”
You couldn’t meet his eyes, or even look at him—which almost never was a problem before, at least not because of this kind of… thing— so you resumed correcting his lopsided beanie. 
He just laughed though. All casual as if you didn’t just find a big revelation. “It’s okay, it’s fine.” He tried to assure you. But you still wouldn’t stop, so he took hold of your hands to stop them from fixing his woolen headwear.
Great, now you were forced to look at him. You just hoped the cold weather was still a believable reason to cover up for whatever your face may look like now. Flushed, probably. But hopefully not too embarrassed.
You looked at his face, a trace of mirth still on his lips that were so close to you a minute ago. His face was kinda red too, but it was probably because of the season.
“It’s okay,” he assured you again. “You know,” an end to his smile turned a bit more upward and you knew that a tease was coming. “You reminded me of an old me,” he continued breezily, “i made this same mistake too back then. When i was more foolish.”
You couldn’t help but let out a snort. James, james. Alright, just let things—and especially you—calm down a little, you told yourself. Let everything go back to normal.
“You mean a week ago, old man?” You lightly punched his arm, before dusting off the snow from your own coat. 
“Time is relative. Miles Morales said it himself.” He said as he helped you brush the snow out of your hair and coat. “Or actually it was Ernest whatnot but whatever.”
You let out a breath of laughter as you shook your head. His glasses were crooked so your hands automatically went up to fix it. Like you had done so many times. “There. It was crooked.” You heard yourself explaining.
“Thanks,” he said with that stupid silly smile of his. You hated that smile now. How can one have such a charismatic smile? It wasn’t fair. 
“No problem, wise man.” You responded with your new-found nickname for him, playfully rolling your eyes.  
“Seaweed brain," He called back, and that made you smile– you didn’t even realize it.
You gave him a nod of approval. "The Percy Jackson reference. Touché."
"I've learned sooo much from you." He said solemnly.
"I know." You smiled up at him. And he looked right into your eyes, that blinding smile of his radiating onto them before suddenly averting his gaze onto the ground, where evidence of your very own accident made a mark on the snow.
James rubbed his hands together, searching for warmth. "Hey, you want to go to the Three Broomsticks? It’ll probably be emptier now.” He offered, like he always did because he was your friend. Your best friend since you could remember.
You didn’t know why you were acting weird. It was only an hour ago when everything was normal. You didn’t know how everything could just change in a matter of seconds. He was your friend, it would be okay. However this would unfold, everything would be fine. Both of you had always overcome things before. It was with James, you two would get through it. You were grateful to have him. 
“Oh yeah sure.” You agreed. Wait, was that too quick of a response? Oh fuck it. He was your best friend, he had known you all his life too—which was exactly why if there was something off with you, he’d definitely be the first person to notice it, but you didn’t want to think about it too much. You shook your heads to clear all maddening thoughts. “Have you heard from Frank? Haven’t gone there in a while.”
“Oh, yeah he’s great.” He continued in a whisper, “I heard he has just received a new package of fire whiskey and Sirius and I are hoping to get a snatch of it or two. You know, for the house.”
“Right, for the house,” You rolled your eyes.
He lent out a hand to you, "Shall we?"
You took it and he gave it a soft squeeze, its grip sending vibrations through your bones.
"We shall."
James was right, it wasn't as crowded as it would be if you had come earlier. Most people here had their drink and company either at noon or late afternoon and night. 3 pm wasn't exactly a busy hour. Though there were still too many people and noises for your comfort, you and James could at least find a table for two in the corner, quieter spot.
He came to the table holding two butterbeers in his hand. Both served hot to minimize the cold. He slid yours down the table and took a seat in front of you. His glasses are turned slightly uneven again. 
"So, y/n" he started as you picked up your drink and sighed at the heat it gave you. Your hands were absolutely freezing.
"Hm?" You responded, more focused on the comforting smell that radiated from your cup.
"I've been thinking," He continued, and now you looked up. You were so distracted before that you didn't notice how his hands were moving as if he were drumming his thighs under the table— a habit he often did when he was nervous.
You furrowed your eyebrows for a second but decided to ignore it. "Uh-oh. Nothing good ever comes up from that." You took a careful sip of the butterbeer, its warmth traveled all through your withered body. "New horrible trick ideas?"
He rolled his eyes, a breathy laugh came out of his lips. "Why is it that you always always think the worst of me, miss y/l/n?"
Just this morning, at the Great Hall, every part of you was functioning alright. Nothing going haywire. But now, there was a skipped beat in your heart and a flip in your stomach. You tried to deflect it but the butterflies couldn't be bothered.
"I don't always always think the worst of you James. I just know you." You did, you really did. You wondered if he knew it though.
"Well, I bet you wouldn't guess what's going to come out of my mouth this time." He claimed in a challenging tone.
You raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"
"Five guesses." He grinned as he pulled up five fingers to illustrate his point. "No retracting."
"Alright then," You accepted the challenge. You silently thought to yourself before voicing it all aloud. "Wasn't a trick, so maybe you are... planning to do something to the Marauders? Like, I don't know, maybe get those two idiots together to the ball?"
He pulled down a finger. "You know, maybe I should. But that wasn't it. You were kinda close though." 
Close where? “Sirius and Remus?”
He made a loud incorrect buzzer sound and pulled down another finger.
“Hey, that wasn’t-”
“No retracting,” he reminded you, as he took a sip of his own beverage.
“Not fair,” you grumbled. You thought about it again before guessing, “Oh! Yule Ball shenanigans? Oh wait no-“
Another buzzer sound, and two fingers left. “My, you really don’t know me, do you y/n?” He feigned a dramatic hurt on his face and a slight pout. “You’re close though.” 
About the dance? What’s about the dance? “What, you’re going to skip the ball?” You said it as a joke but he wasn’t laughing. In fact, there was just a trace of truth in that smile of his when you said it. “What, I’m right?”
“No. But that depends actually.”
“You’re talking in riddles.” 
“Yeah, it’s fun, isn’t it?” His smile had a slight smirk now, like it was still held back or something. “That counted as incorrect by the way.” He made another buzzer sound and one finger left.
You sighed in frustration. The Yule Ball, but it wasn’t about any tricks. So what? Oh. The realization hit you as you felt your heart drop. It was so silly, but bad timing, James. Bad timing.
“You’re finally going to try and ask someone else to go to the ball with you?” You voiced out your thoughts, hoping there wasn’t a hint that could suggest something else; reluctance and hesitation. What, did he meet her in the hallway before you two went out or something? 
He pulled his lips together and gave you a small shrug. “Close,” he concluded. “But again that depends.”
You sighed. “Alright, fine. I give up. I surrender. Just tell me.” You almost pleaded with him. 
“You’re my best friend, right?”
Right. Best friend. Of course. You nodded. “Mhm.”
“So…” he stopped, like he was nervous to get the words out. That was weird.
A worse idea came to mind.Oh please don’t tell me he’s going to ask me to become his fake date for the ball to make Lily jealous, you silently desperately prayed. It would’ve been easy if it had been any other week before, but not this week. Not today. And specifically not at this hour, when you were still processing everything. 
“Will you…” he continued hesitantly, his fingers playing with a loose thread on one of his gloves, a smile fighting to still be displayed on his lips. “Give me the honor and go with me to the dance?"
You said nothing, only slightly raised your eyebrows in surprise. That depends. You didn’t want to let the fireworks surround you. Skepticism came first, as it always had to.
But your silence seemed to jittered him, and he immediately jumped to explanation. “You know, because we’re best friends, and none of us have a date, and I don't know, I thought it would be fun? To go together. As friends. Casual thing. You know.” He shrugged.
You let out a smile at that, and it seemed to relax him a bit. Why was he so nervous? Of course you’d go with him. You were his best friend, and he was yours, he knew that. “Well, you are not a stranger I don't know or even like.” You joked.
He gave you a grin at that. “No, I’m not. So, you’d go? With me, I mean?”
He was cuter when he was nervous, it wasn’t fair. Why was he nervous again? You’d understand if it was you who were nervous, but why was he?
You couldn’t focus on anything besides the annoyingly loud flutter in your heart—and how hard you are trying to beat and stomp it to death right now. This doesn’t mean anything, it was just a friendly gesture. James was in love with Lily, there was no question, of course.
But you still felt the butterflies on your stomach go wild. You were fighting to contain that smile on your face, scared he’d figure out it wasn’t just any casual thing for you. You were going to the ball with your best friend and you realized there was no else you’d rather go with. 
“Of course, James. You’re my best friend!” You smiled up at him, the warmth coming through your gloves from the hot drink was now small compared to the thrill that coursed through your body. “Though do you have a written contract for possible head damage compensation because I might need it.”
He shook his head, a slight relieved laughter came out of his lips. “You’re impossible.”
“And you love me because of it.” You were only teasing, but you thought he looked at you with such sincerity in his eyes that it jarred your senses a bit. 
“Yeah, I do.”
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greycappedjester · 1 month
How were the people 'taken' from the champions in the second task chosen?
I don't know if you thought about it, but I'm curious if it was done by observation from the officials or if it was a spell of a sort. Especially since Hoshiumi never actually met Shouyou.
Also, if Hoshiumi wasn't kidnapped and replaced, who would be in Shouyou's place?
Thank you for sharing your writing. I adore your stories!!! Have a wonderful day!
Hey, yep, it was done through observation and the tournament officials talking a lot with the headmasters and professors
Basically, its went like this...
Ushijima: no brainer, Tendou was a long running relationship and Headmaster Washijo basically didn't even have to be asked. Everyone agreed.
Oikawa: caused an intense and hilariously heated debate among the professors on which of his friends it should be. Charts were made. This also revealed that A LOT of the staff and House Ghosts thought he was dating/pining over Suga. An equal faction thought he was dating Kuroo. In the end, Professor Ukai was suckered into discreetly asking Matsu and Makki. They said Iwaizumi. The rest begrudgingly agreed as a compromise. It was still a hotly debated topic among professors until the end of the year. The IC is aware of none of this.
Korai: The one they were tearing their hair out over as he mainly kept yo himself and didn't talk to people. It's why the headmasters had such a weirdly relieved reaction when they saw him being unusually friendly/mentory to Hinata at the Yule Ball. If they didn't see them at the Yule Ball, it was really going to be a disaster on who'd they'd have to pick. Much relief was felt.
Personally, if it was really Korai, I think his older muggle brother would be a fascinating choice for drama reasons. Or his mom that's a squib (and actually his closest person, lbr). But this would reveal a lot of Korai's personal history which he'd be incredibly conflicted over.
Thanks for the ask!
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anki-of-beleriand · 9 months
Bad Liar ch. 11
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accpet what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers
Warnings: Slow burn - slightly Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - idiots in love - homophobia - more tags as the story progress.
Author's note: It was Agatha all along, America confronts Wanda, and you and Wanda are walking on thin ice about ready to break.
As always, English is no my mother tongue, so please forgive the grammar, spelling and funny mistakes!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 11
Setting Expectations
The Winter Festival was one of the most important festivities celebrated in the school.
It had been the founders tradition, your grandmother had always inspired others, and was always ready to give them a chance to shine by showing on their leadership and creative thinking. The fact that you were paired up with Wanda Maximoff so many years after the tradition started was something you never imagine possible. Her ideas, as well as her willingness to always be kind made of that year one of the most impressive festivals ever.
The week had been divided into seasons, and each day held a different kind of decoration as well as different offers of cultures, food and entertainments that resembled Christmas in different parts of the world. The students had been lucky enough to share the colours of Spring, Summer and Autum so far while Winter was reserved to the last day of the week and when the Winter Yule Ball would be done.
Wanda had been so proud to see the school decorated and enjoying the different activities you two had planned. For her it was always a joy to see the fountains decorated with LED colours while the stands were filled with food and games, with movies and music representing the world and showing the students the diversity of the world. Natasha and the rest of the school board had been impressed, Tony was already trying to convince Wanda to be part of his engagement team and Thor and Sif had asked Wanda her skills to organize birthday parties.
The young woman found herself soon being praise by these people she had just gotten to meet a few months ago. A part of Wanda was amazed at what she had missed most of her life, the doubts would come into her mind from time to time, but she was always ready to quiet them down by looking at all the progressed she had made. Wanda’s mind drifted towards the divorce papers she had signed, along with the documents for the full custody of the twins. Her life had certainly changed, and now all she got to do was to live her life to its fullest; and in this very thought, she couldn’t help but see you there.
Wanda allowed a tiny smile to show on her face, America shifted on her chair glancing at the message that you had sent a few moments ago to let your sister know you had arrived at the school grounds. America had gotten used to you coming over, every day you had been there ready to supervise that everything was working as it was supposed to, Maria would send you some notifications to your mobile to keep you up to day to the office but most of the time you found yourself sharing your time with the woman and the children that had, little by little sneaked inside your heart and life in ways you or your sister never imagined.
The sound of laughter filled the classroom, America jerked around when a hand fell on her desk and she could see Loki giving her a knowing glance. The young woman sighed turning to her friends then to her teacher that was writing the assignment for the Winter break on the board.
“Are you going to do it?” Loki almost whispered, Yelena tilted her head shooting America a quick glance before returning her attention to her notebook.
“I think so, yes.” America cocked her head, she bit on her lower lip before turning to Kate.
Kate offered a sympathetic smile, she hesitated before placing her hand, “do you want us to stay over?”
America glanced at Kate’s hand then back into the girls eyes.
“Nah, I think this is something I need to do alone. You guys go on ahead and I’ll meet you in the park.”
Just as America was saying this Wanda turned around wearing a grin, her hands placing themselves on the desk while her eyes swept around the room. Everyone was already packing their stuff, many of them talking and laughing while watching their watches and the door. Wanda rolled her eyes with the same smile still in place.
“Well, guys, seeing as everyone is ready to just run out of the window,” Wanda snorted when there were some cheers from the back, she lifted her hands waving at them, “yes, I know everyone is excited for the dance and the festival, so I will give you these ten minutes and see you tomorrow.”
“Professor Maximoff!! You are the QUEEN!” Sam Wilson screamed from the back and soon he was leaving the room.
The group all glanced at one another before everyone grabbed their things, Wanda had busied herself with her phone wearing the all-familiar smile the teens had come to associate with the conversations she had with you. Kate stayed behind her hand firmly placed around America’s one.
“I’ll wait for you outside, good luck.” The young brunette hesitated before leaning in and kissing America on her cheek, the both of you shared a timid smile before Kate also left the classroom.
Soon the classroom was empty with only Wanda and America in it.
America sat with her back completely straight up, her dark eyes focused on the young woman sitting by the professor’s desk. She had played with these thoughts for more than a week, the decision to actually have a conversation with her sister and with Wanda taking form after America had find out about the past of her teacher. She had never had the need to intervene in her sister’s personal life, America understood her place but also the limits of her relationship with her sister and while the both of them listened to one another and advice one another, they had never dared to go this far.
This was the reason of her doubts.
To actually step closer and have a conversation with Wanda, even before anything had happened would risk everything Y/N had been working on to gain. America knew her sister was more than a little attracted to Wanda, she knew Y/N so well she was pretty certain the older woman was already far too in love with Wanda to back down now. America let out a heavy sigh, she grabbed her bag and stood up making her way to a now shocked Wanda.
“America, is everything alright? Do you need something?” There was something in the seriousness America was wearing that made Wanda nervous. She tried to look casual, following with her eyes as America sat down putting her back on the floor.
“America?” Wand asked tentatively.
America took a deep breath, “I’ve wanting to talk to you, professor.”
The request caught Wanda by surprised, she leaned over furrowing her brows and trying to hide her nervousness with a half-smile.
“Sure, is there something the matter? I mean, this is quite surprising.” The question this time around came insistent, her voice strained as she tried to gauge America’s intentions.
For more than a minute America remained silent looking everywhere but at Wanda. The other woman tapped on the table before leaning forward, her lips twitching slightly trying to hold back how strange this moment was for her.
“America, you are kind of making me anxious here.” Wanda finally stated leaning forward. “Did something happen with Billy and Tommy? With your sister? With you?”
“I’ve been planning this conversation over and over, and I think there is not a right way to start it,” America sighed leaning back while dropping her head back, smiling with her eyes now totally focused on Wanda, “my sister is everything to me, you know? And I know how much she has sacrificed for me and for herself. Right now, you and her…well, something is happening, isn’t it?”
There was a deep tense silence all around the classroom, Wanda was left speechless with her eyes slightly opened and the air leaving her lungs. America just waited for the shocked to leave Wanda, perhaps to hear her give the explanation she was looking for.
“America…” Wanda started but she could not say anything else, this was something she knew she would need to confront sooner or later. But she just didn’t expect for America to be the first one to bring the subject up.
Though, Wanda shouldn’t be surprised, America and Y/N had a sisterly relationship that had deepened after their parents death. Wanda had seen the overprotective nature of Y/N when talking and helping America, and she had seen the way America was always trying to protect her sister and make sure that happiness was something possible for her.
“Look, I know you and Y/N had not talked about anything at all, but I’m not fool, you know? I have seen you and I just…” America clamped her mouth shut before speaking again, “do you like my sister?”
The question was finally out there, and while Wanda had already been confronted by Hope and Natasha, she was now facing a different person that actually could be affected by Wanda’s answer. The woman took a deep breath not able to hold America’s eyes any longer and instead looking right outside the window.
“I know you do, you know? I mean, it’s pretty obvious, really.” America rolled her eyes when Wanda turned sharp, green eyes her way.
“Obvious?” Wanda almost stuttered and America merely smirked.
“You have spent most of your time with us ever since Tommy got sick, and I have seen the way you are around Y/N, I just want to make sure that you’re not going to hurt her.” America shrugged resting her elbows on the table while looking outside the window as well. “I want my sister to be happy, and you know? You have made her happy as of late, so…”
“Is it really that important for you to know?” Wanda dropped her face furrowing her brows, “if I answer your question things may change, you know? And I’m not sure…I don’t think…”
Wanda trailed off unable to finish her sentence, there was a long silence once more in which America had thought about the conversation. Not many things were aid, and yet she knew she got her question answered, Wanda did like Y/N she was still unsure on how to proceed. Which was not surprising, America had the feeling this was the first woman Wanda had been attracted to. With more courage that she really felt America decided to finish the conversation with what she had really come to say.
“I understand. You don’t have to say anything to me, Professor.” Wanda lifted her eyes, dread filling up her mind the moment she crossed eyes with America, there was something in the serious façade of the young woman that was making Wanda nervous.
“What else do you want to say to me, America?”
America leaned back and, after a moment of doubt she spoke, her voice deep and concern broke into Wanda’s mind like a bucket of cold water.
“I know you are still married, professor, and that the reason you are here is because your husband is a bad man.” America could see her words affecting Wanda, but once she started she couldn’t stop. “I know that you are hiding from him, and I will assure you, Professor, that your secret is safe with me, I would never put you or Billy and Tommy in danger.”
The air around Wanda was sucked into a void, the world around her eyes turned blurry and unsteady just as she opened her mouth to say something. She couldn’t say anything, though, she just sat there trying to comprehend what was happening.
“I know that your husband is a bad man, and that he hurt you and the twins so bad that right now he has a restraining order against him and a petition of divorce on your part, and full custody of your children.” America clamped her mouth shut, waiting silently as Wanda processed everything she just said.
The silence that followed America’s words was deafening.
Tension grew in between them, Wanda had her eyes fixated on an invisible spot hearing the blood bombed through her ears. She could feel her lungs filling up with air, only for it to leave as soon as it was in, the world started spinning around and she was just grateful of being on her seat. Her hands clenched tightly, with her brows knitting together.
“How?” Wanda was confused and extremely annoyed. Did Y/N know about this? Was she aware of Wanda’s situation the whole time? Did she send her sister to talk about this?
Questions like these ones ran through her mind, she was getting red in the face and being it by shame or anger she was not sure anymore. America could see the overwhelming range of emotions crossing on Wanda’s face waiting patiently for the final outburst.
“I---I suspect something was up with you, and my sister…” America trailed off tensing the muscles of her face. “Look, Professor, I love her so much, she is the only family I have left. She may not show it too much, but she really is like a marshmallow inside hot chocolate.”
Whatever anger or confusion Wanda felt at the moment was soon diminished by this comment; it had been the best description she could heard of you.
“She really is…she likes you, a lot,” America continued, “and you are this new person with two kids, you were a mystery in itself, I need to make sure you are good enough for my sister.”
“By violating my privacy, America?” The question came with a cold reproach.
America winced lifting her hand to scratch the back of her neck, much like her sister did whenever she was nervous.
“I…I just…look, everything pointed to something strange, and the twins, well they did help some by telling me things they shouldn’t. Probably.”
Another uncomfortable silence fell between them, Wanda leaned back holding back the tears that were threatening to leave her eyes. 
“Does she know?” She finally asked in a thin voice.
America opened her eyes wide, shaking her head.
“Y/N doesn’t know I couldn’t tell her!”
“But if you could tell her…” Wanda pressed but America scoffed, still denying this with gestures.
“No, I love my sister but this is not my story to tell, Professor.” America shrugged before continuing. “Look, all I know is that in the last couple of months you and my sister had become closer, and as time passes I can see the affection she holds for you and the twins, I don’t want her to get hurt because she has done so much, and she has also suffered so much I just want to make things as easier for her as she does for me.”
Wanda was not sure how to react to such a confession. On one hand, she felt her trust betrayed by her student, she had trusted America from the very first time Natasha recommended her and hearing this invasion to her privacy made her doubt the young woman in front of her. On the other hand, she understood why America had done it, it didn’t excuse her, but Wanda understood.
“I know what I did was wrong, and perhaps I should have asked you first.”
“You should have, yes.” Wanda replied cooly, America winced shrugging.
“I know, but I did it and I just…” America trailed off lowering her eyes. “I’m sorry you have to go through all of that, Professor. I’m kinda glad I know this mainly because now I understand Tommy and Billy better. And even you.”
Wanda shifted on the chair lowering her eyes, America continued knowing she didn’t have much time of this conversation.
“Now, Professor, my confession to my crime comes also with a demand.” America made sure to never back up from the glare Wanda was sending her way.
“Do you think you are in position of demanding something of me?” Wanda inquired with a hint of disbelief; America nodded curtly.
“My sister deserves to know everything, Professor.”
Wanda dropped her jaw at such demand, but America didn’t change her posture or the glint of determination in her eyes.
“Y/N really likes you; I don’t think this is a secret, and as such, I think she deserves to know everything about you and the situation you are in.” America gulped leaning closer. “I promise you won’t regret it, and I know Y/N would be able to help you, she won’t let anything bad happen to you and the twins. But before you and her cross that line you and I both know you will cross, I think she deserves to know everything.”
Wanda sat dumbfounded on the chair, her mind processing everything that America had just shared with her. The fact that America knew everything, all the gross details of her past with Vision, of her divorce, of the court orders; Wanda felt her life exposed in ways she never thought possible. Her past was something she tried to protect from shame and fear of it coming back to haunt her and repeating itself. She was afraid of falling into Vision’s hands again, but more so of his threat of ending the life of her children while taking her to places where she could never escape.
Wanda was no fool, she knew sooner or later this part of her life would come out into the light, it was part of the process of healing and facing her demons. But she wished it had come out on her terms, she lifted her face and could see America was getting nervous, the guilt hidden behind her overprotective nature. Wanda understood why America had done what she did, it was quite obvious America didn’t let pass the strange events at the very beginning of her career as a babysitter to the twins, or those scars she could have seen when helping them getting dress, or even Wanda’s erratic behaviour at the very beginning.
“You betray my trust, America.” Wanda all but whispered, her voice breaking at the very end making America winced. “When I first came here I only trusted Natasha, and then you came in like an angel to help me with the twins, and now finding that you went out of the way to find about my past, it is disappointing.”
America’s face fell, “I know.”
“I understood why you did it.” Wanda continued frowning. “I just wish you have come to me first, I don’t know what to say or do now, I just…”
“Professor, there is nothing to do or say, I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t have and that’s why I’m telling you this.” America hesitated chewing on her lower lip before continuing, “I really love Billy and Tommy, you know? And then, when you start spending more time with Y/N, I just knew that I need to know you were good enough for her, then after finding out everything I…I give it a thought and well, is not my story to tell, is yours, Professor, that’s why I want you to consider this and tell my sister everything.”
Wanda was taken aback; she shook her head, opening her mouth in disbelief.
“You want me to tell Y/N this? Why would…” Wanda started but America stopped her by standing up and approaching the older woman.
“Professor, my sister is everything to me,” America started without letting go of Wanda’s eyes, “and you have become everything to her, she needs to know and believe me when I tell you that you won’t regret it. You won’t lose her. If anything, I think this is the last piece of the puzzle to make whatever you two want to happen.”
“You are asking too much, America.” Wanda looked away scowling.
“Do you love my sister?” America pressed over; Wanda felt her cheeks burn but she refused to back down. “Are you in love with her?”
“I don’t think…” Wanda stood up as well, “I think you are overstepping…”
“Please, Professor,” America dropped her stance, her eyes gleaming with unshed tears, “I know what I did is wrong, don’t punish her, please…I…I’m risking everything by telling you this, and is not fair that once more she has to sacrifice her happiness because of me. I just…think about it, please? Believe me, you won’t regret it, she will still love you regardless of your past, just…I’m sorry, ma’am.”
America sat down again, Wanda could see the tears rolling down the young woman’s cheeks and the confused stare in her eyes. It was quite evident she had not planned this conversation in the way it had come out to be. 
“I did plan to tell her, America, just not yet.” Wanda passed a hand through her hair, not really knowing what else to do or say, “this is not easy for me.”
“I know.” America mused over her own reasons before speaking again. “You and her had become close in the last couple of weeks, she is always out there protecting me and making everything in her power to make me happy, Just this time, I want to make sure she is happy.”
Whatever anger Wanda felt at the sudden invasion of her privacy, and whatever fear she held for her past and what it meant to her dissipated under the soothing statement coming from America. The both of them sat quietly for a moment, both of them going over their thoughts and what they should do next. 
“Y/N is getting here soon,” America finally broke the silence, she lifted her stare but Wanda was looking at some invisible spot on the wall, “I guess I better get going, Professor.”
The young woman stood up grabbing her bag pack again, she turned around but stopped at the door when Wanda called to her. 
“This won't change our relationship, America.” Wanda measured every word, gaging the reactions from the young woman, “it may take some time to process this, but I do understand why you did it.”
“Do you promise you won't hurt her? Can you promise that?”
The request came with a heavy load, Wanda could see that behind those simple questions America was trying to make sure you wouldn't be left in the dark with something as important as Wanda, Billy and Tommy's past. It was not fair to you and even with them if, whatever was happening with you and Wanda was built on a lie. Or a half true. 
“I won't hurt her, America. I couldn't.” Wanda hesitated before closing the conversation with a last confession. “She has become part of my world now and I couldn't bear to see her suffer because of this.”
America opened her eyes, she opened her mouth before nodding curtly and leaving the classroom. 
Wanda was finally left alone, she rested her back against the chair. Her eyebrows knitted together trying to comprehend what just happened. If she were to be honest with herself, she was not angry, upset yes, but not angry. Closing her eyes, she tried to identify the emotion navigating through her system, it made her limbs lighter with a glimpse of tranquillity in her mind. 
Wanda was relieved.
However they had found out about everything, however America had decided to get that information, the secret was out and Wanda was relief. She had feared the reaction from others but all she got from America was understanding and acceptance, she didn't see blame or disgust, or worse yet, a card they could take advent age of. 
Wanda glanced out of the window, she knew she needed to have this conversation with Y/N, it was something she had come to realize after that Saturday afternoon. With a heavy heart, and a tingle of anticipation, Wanda grabbed her things and went outside ready to meet with you. 
She would tell you everything. Soon. 
The afternoon was cold, filled with newcomers that wanted to enjoy the Christmas Market that the school had opened for not only their local population but by those living around the city. You smiled proudly at the people coming in and out the place, everyone happy to shop and enjoy not only the different products but also the games and the entertainment you and Wanda had organized for that week. 
Natasha stood by your side, she turned a half smirk your way putting her mobile away. 
“You two really did a good job with this festival.” Natasha eyed you carefully, her arms resting at her sides. “And what you did in the auditorium, let me tell you they are going to love it.”
You chuckled putting a hand on your pocket, your head tilting slightly while your eyes travel around the sea of people coming in and out the school grounds and the street. 
“Well, we did try to make our best and Wanda was magnificent. She was the one who really came up with most of these ideas.”
Natasha arched her left eyebrow her lips twitching upwards. It had been a while since she heard that tone of voice in you, and even now it sounded different. There was not only affection by gentleness in there, but your whole features also softened while your eyes gleamed contentedly. It had been like that from some time now whenever you talk about Wanda or the other woman was close by. Natasha was happy to discover this newfound affection, she had seen it from afar and, while she had been a sceptic about Wanda wanting to go in a relationship with a woman, after having been with the both of them in meetings for the Winter Festival the older woman didn't have any doubts. 
They were standing on thin ice, waiting for the tension to be unbearable until the only option left would be to say what they need and they want from the other. 
There was one topic that bothered Natasha and that had been the Jarvis topic. She hated leaving you in the darkness about the man, but Maria had assured her everything was going according to plan, though as of late the man had been acting strange trying to get far closer to you. Asking questions about your whereabouts and where you live, about your family. Maria had been quite good at avoiding the direct confrontation, but this only showed both women that the man was not used to someone saying no to him. 
“Hey, earth to Tasha, are you here?” You waved a hand in front of her eyes, the woman blinked clearing her throat. 
“Sorry, I zoned out for a moment.” Natasha tried to ease your concerns by offering a wink. “Maria was asking me to be early today.”
“Ah, I see, hot sex with the wife.” You replied wiggling your eyebrows Natasha rolled her eyes slapping your shoulder playfully. 
“Jealous much?”
“Humph, please, why would I be jealous of her or you?” You winced noticing the smirk on the other woman's face. 
“Perhaps because I am getting some while you're still dancing around Wanda?”
“Shut up.” You tried to cover your blush, but it was too late. 
Natasha knew you well enough to know she was right. You dipped your head to the side, your eyes finally finding the woman you had been looking for. Natasha stood by your said leaning in she let her words sink in making sure the seed of longing was well-sow inside your heart. 
“There she is, smiling at you and her eyes lock on you. You should stop dancing around and go for it, Y/N, you two can be so happy if you just… Let go.”
Natasha stood to the side letting Wanda come right at you, just as you met the other woman half-way. Your heart leap inside your chest, with a horde of butterflies fluttering in your lower abdomen when Wanda sneaked her arms around you hugging you tightly. You fluttered your eyes closed enjoying the smell of her shampoo, the warmth of her body, and the overall affection she usually held in those green eyes for you. 
“Hey, you're here early.” Wanda whispered, stepping back before turning to Natasha. “Hey, what do you think. Natasha? Did it meet your expectations?”
“It exceeds them, Wanda, I told you that. I have always thought you were good at this.” Natasha couldn't hold back her smile watching as Wanda stepped closer to you, not leaving a lot of space between the both of you. 
“This is all thanks to Y/N,” Wanda turned to you smiling shyly at you when you grabbed her hand shaking your head while placing a single kiss on her knuckles. 
“She is being modest; this is all Wanda's idea.”
Natasha rolled her eyes lifting a hand to stop the reply from Wanda. 
“I knew you two were good for each other, I'm glad you guys are getting along just fine.”
Natasha kept the smirk on her face unfazed by your glare and Wanda's blush. 
“Now, if you excuse me, my wife is waiting for me and your children are coming this way.”
You kept your glare in watching as Natasha left leaving you with a blushing Wanda who was looking everywhere but at you. 
“Mommy!” Tommy came running until he was hugging Wanda tightly, Billy was also making his way to her but the other boy was slower with his eyes down. 
“Hey, sweetie, how was school today?” Wanda heard Tommy with her eyes falling on Billy who was now sniffing seeking with his hand that of America. 
“Hey, you didn't come by the classroom, where were you?” America asked you narrowing her eyes at you. 
“Making sure everything was working okay.” You nodded to Billy who was standing closer to your sister. “Is he okay?”
“I think he is coming down with the flu or something.” America turned to Wanda and both of the crossed stares before America turned to you. “You guys stayed until late yesterday, I think that didn't agree with the little guy over here.”
“Oh, Billy, how are you feeling?” This time around Wanda knelt to look at her child who was now pouting. 
“I'm fine.” But he sounded weak, with traces of a sour throat. 
Wanda frowned turning to you then to America, with Billy sick it would be almost impossible to stay there. Tommy stood by the side glancing at the scene with a concern frown. 
“Oh, baby I think we need to go home.” Wanda said standing up, she turned to you smiling apologetically. 
Ever since that almost confession on Saturday, the both of you had had a hard time to actually be alone or get a nice conversation. Wanda had chosen that day because of the storytelling event; it would be the perfect moment for you and her to just do something different. Just the two of you. 
“I think you're right.” You turned to America who could read you like a book, she rolled her eyes stretching her hand to you. 
“I'll take care of it.”
You grinned hugging her tightly while whispering in her ear. 
“Thank you, lil sister.”
“What…what are you..” Wanda started but you shrugged leaning closer to her, Wanda's breath caught in her throat when your hand sneaked inside her pocket and you grabbed the car keys in there. 
“Let me take you, Tommy and Billy home.” You spoke. “You can go in the back and I can drive you home and to the pharmacy if needed.”
“You don't have to do it.” Wanda replied in a weak tone, though her heart tugged painfully at her chest. 
“I know, I want to.” You turned to America. “Be careful and write me or call me. Don't be late.”
“Yes, yes, go on then, Billy really is not looking well.”
You knelt in front of the boy leaning in. 
“Billy, can I carry you?” 
Billy huffed grabbing America's hand, he glanced at you then at his mom, with a pout he nodded. You smiled thank him before picking him up in your arms, you turned to Wanda then fixing the boy in your arms letting your eyes go from Wanda to Tommy. 
“Okay, let's go home guys, and once there we can make dinner and make sure Billy feels better, you like that plan, Tommy?”
“Yeah.” Tommy replied shyly grabbing Wanda's hand. 
America watched as the four of you left the crowded field, she chewed on her lower lip think back on her conversation with Wanda for a moment she played with the idea of going with them but America decided against such an idea. She was being overprotective of her sister and the twins, she had come to love them and she would hate for them to be hurt in any way. The same went for you, America knew you were a fool sometimes, and even if you liked to make others think you were strong and untouchable in reality you were a romantic by heart, and a softy in general. America wished she could see the end of this growing relationship between Wanda and yourself for now she would need to be patient. With time the both of you would either stop dancing around one another or you would end up as good friends. America felt her phone vibrate and just as she was about to grab it she saw a woman with her phone out taking pictures of the road leading to the parking lot. 
America frowned but before she could see what the other woman was interested in her phone rang and she pick it up with a smile. 
“Hey Kate bear where are you at?”
The drive back home was filled with Tommy's babble about his day and what he and Billy had done with the rest of the class in the festival. You would glance to the trio sitting in the back of the car every once in a while, your questions directing Tommy to a new subject that would distract him from being overly concern for his brother. 
It didn’t take too long for the twins to be put to bed; Wanda would fuzz around with you trying to hold her back while helping out Billy to get into bed after taking his medicine. Christine had been kind enough to provide the instructions, and a quick diagnostic based on the symptoms, with a promise to be there by the next morning. Wand was not sure how she could thank you for the attention, or what she did to earn your help and your affection.
The young woman leaned against wall; she was watching as you continued telling the story that was supposed to be shown that day to the rest of the students. Billy was drifting on and off to sleep while Tommy was listening attentively holding his dino plushie tightly against his chest. Wanda observed attentively to your gestures, the attention you pay to her children and how amazing you were being with them at all times.
Wanda knew at some point she had fallen for you.
“He doesn’t have a fever anymore.” Wanda blinked confused, she didn’t even notice when Tommy had finally fallen asleep or when you had stoop right in front of her.
“What?” You cocked a brow smiling at Wanda.
“Billy doesn’t have a fever anymore, are you alright?” Your whole face softened; your hand lifted to cup Wanda’s face. “He is going to be okay; you know? Some rest, and medication and he will be as good as new tomorrow.”
Wanda crossed her arms offering a weak smile, her thoughts had drifted away focusing in her relationship with you.
“Thank you, for being here.” She whispered leaning into your embrace, her face resting on your shoulder with her eyes closed.
“Hey, I don’t mind at all. I really love them, you know?” You whispered back, your words carrying with them a meaningful secret that Wanda was not yet ready to face.
At least, not that night.
“I know.” She straightened up, her face filled with unshed tears. “What do you say if we go for a cup of tea and watch something on the TV?”
“I think that’s a fantastic idea!” You grinned widely, following Wanda out of the twins room and into the kitchen.
It had become a routine to just fall into easy conversations about your day or hers, getting to know one another while sharing opinions on an specific topic. You loved it whenever you were able to rail Wanda up just by sharing a controversial opinion about something she liked, it was amusing to seer her eyes flame up and the words pilling out on her mouth while discussing and maintaining her point of view. That night could be like any other, if it wasn’t for the fact that you and she were dangerously close to one another, that Wanda had not stopped her casual touches on you or let her eyes drifted away from you for far too long. If it wasn’t for the fact that you were dying to just break the distance and kiss her they way you meant to kiss her last Saturday. The memory of that night still haunting you.
“That’s so no true!” She exclaimed hitting you with a pillow, you kept laughing lifting a protective arm to evade the pillow hits.
“It is!”
“How can you say they were on a break?!” Wanda huffed pointing to the TV in which you had paused Friends while making a face.
You lifted your arms, putting a leg on the sofa to face Wanda better. The tea had long been forgotten on the table, and Wanda was really looking offended at you though it was easy to guess she was quite amused by the whole discussion. It had been the only time during the afternoon and the evening that you could make her forget about her concerns, Billy had woken up twice now and while he didn’t have a fever, his throat and head had been hurting a lot.
“Look all I’m saying is that it was not clear, okay? Ross shouldn’t have slept with anyone no less than twenty-four hours after the ‘break’,” in here you made a quotation sign with your fingers, your lips tugging upwards, “but still, it felt like a breakup so really Rachel shouldn’t be complaining.”
“Now you’re just saying that to placate my wrath,” Wanda narrowed her eyes, you lifted your hands in a peace gesture shaking your head.
Wanda rolled her eyes, her lips finally breaking into a smile she had been holding back. You rested your head on your hand, your elbow on the back of the sofa; Wanda kept her eyes on the TV then turned to you.
“Do you think…” Wanda stopped thinking about her question, you dipped your head waiting for her to continue.
“What?” you asked curious.
“Do you think they should have ended up together?” The question came with a whisper, your eyebrows shoot up while you leaned back trying to catch the real question.
Wanda was not looking at you, instead of that she was playing with the hem of her shirt while waiting on your answer. You contemplated the possibilities that came with your answer, and what exactly was Wanda looking for. Without knowing exactly what you were getting into you cleared your throat straightening up to grab your mug filled with lukewarm tea.
“I think sometimes we do not chose who we fall in love with,” you kept your attention on your tea, out of the corner of your eyes you could see Wanda looking intently at you, “they were not good for one another the first time, and they had to work a lot in their relationship, but I think in the end they realized that love was not enough, you actually have to work for what you want and make sure that you do everything in your power to make it work.”
“My, Y/N that was quite deep.” Wanda teased though when you locked eyes with her you could see something else there.
You offered a weak smile chuckling, “I guess that’s experience, right?”
“I’m not sure, my own experience was…different.” Wanda replied wincing, you furrowed your brows but Wanda didn’t elaborate.
“And you, Wanda, do you think they should have ended up together?” You asked back, Wanda hesitated for a moment before sitting closer to you.
Your body went completely rigid, her hand rested softly on your knee and you could swear she was moving closer to you. Your heart was thumping so fast and so hard, you could almost make the tapping sound inside your ears, and you were pretty sure Wanda could hear it too.
“I think they gave themselves the chance to love again, and they found out that they really do work together.” Wanda’s voice was almost a whisper, and she squeezed your knee tenderly calling your attention and your eyes back to her face. “I think they should…be together, perhaps…hat time around everything will work out in their favour.”
You nodded leaning closer, “so, love is enough?”
“No, I think both of them are enough…”
You chuckled nodding while leaning closer as well, you could almost make out the shade of green in her eyes. How soft her skin looked, as well as the soft pink colouring of her cheeks and the timid smile on her puffy lips. Being this close to her was everything you had dreamt off for quite some time, and you knew the moment you close the distance you wouldn’t be able to kiss other lips or to think anything else but to try and make this woman happy. Wanda dropped her eyes to your lips then back to your eyes, she parted her lips and waited for you.
“Wanda…” You started but before you could close the distance, your phone rang.
You jumped startled, and Wanda just jerked away from you with her face a deep shade of red. You sought your phone while cursing lowly to the responsible for the interruption; your hand found your phone and soon you were glaring at the name of the screen. You lifted your face offering an apologetic smile that Wanda tried to return weakly.
“Hey, Hope, how you doing?” Your voice sounded strained, but you tried to pay attention to what your best friend was saying.
Wanda offered a weak smile before standing up and leaving you alone in the living room. She let her hands rested on the counter of the kitchen, closing her eyes she tried to regulate her heartbeat while making the mental image of you and your lips, of what almost happened.
“God, what am I doing?” She whispered knowing full well that all she wanted to do was to kiss you, to lean in and let your lips touch yours and perhaps forget all about the past and start living in the present.
Wanda placed a hand on her face, the memory imprinted in her mind smiling softly until you appeared in the kitchen clearing up your throat. By the look in your eyes, Wanda could teel you were leaving.
“Sorry, Hope was trying to help me out with something, and now it seems I will need to go.” You lifted a hand to scratch the back of your head, your eyes wandering around until the fell on Wanda. “But if you need anything at all…”
“I…I will call you, don’t worry.” Wanda tried to hide her disappointment but she couldn’t, you approached her taking her face in your hands.
The young woman gasped with her eyes going big, she leaned forward into your touch with anticipation. You gulped wanting nothing more than to kiss her, to finally close the distance and offer a chance to her and to you. But you stopped yourself before you could do something that you both regret; you kissed Wanda at the corner of her lips, lingering just enough to enjoy the soft touch before stepping back.
“I think we need to talk before we give in.” You offered a weak smile, and Wanda nodded trying to return the smile.
“Yes, I think we should.” The conversation she held with America that day fresh in her mind.
“I will like for you to be my date tomorrow, Wanda.” You couldn’t stay any longer, but you needed to know that tomorrow would be the day.
Wanda blinked chewing on her lower lip, “but we are chaperones and…”
“And you can still be my date and give me one dance, right?” You asked pouting lightly, Wanda melted right away fully aware of what you were asking of her.
“Yes, I will be your date and we…we will talk, right?”
“Right, then…see you tomorrow, Princess.” You stepped back almost falling on your ass, you chuckled and Wanda just rolled her eyes. “Call me if Billy needs something, see you.”
Wanda put her hands on her face, the scene of moments ago still replaying in her mind knowing full well that it would haunt her all through the night the same way that her almost kiss with you on Saturday made her spent a sleepless night. Wanda opened her eyes looking at the lonely kitchen, her heart jumping in her chest at your words.
Tomorrow would be another day, and this time around neither you nor her would let the conversation and the tension to go unsolved. Whatever this was about, you and Wanda were done playing the game.
And this was something that scared and excited Wanda to no end.
Next Chapter: Wanda and Reader finally close the distance, America and Kate kiss, and someone had been watching the pairing closely forming a plan to bring everything to a fatal end.
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greenerteacups · 5 months
I honestly feel that when Hermione sailed into the Yule Ball escorted by Viktor Krum half the school was *surprised Pikachu face* and the other, wiser half was "Yeah, makes sense, only someone who fought an actual dragon would be insane enough to get in the middle of whatever the fuck Granger and Malfoy have got going on".
This is hilarious. Picture Lavender throwing a fit because she had to update the conspiracy board.
In general, I think the reader's inside perspective on Draco and Hermione may tend to make them seem more obvious than they are; we get all of their private interactions, but the others don't have that context. If I had a nickel for every weird unresolved platonic best friend/situtionship thing that happened to people around me in high school, I would probably have, like, several dollars. People are usually more invested in their own dramas, being the general point.
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bp4545 · 11 months
The Kitchens (My Sunshine - Part 2)
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Word Count: 2000 almost exactly
Warnings: Swearing? (If it bothers you), mentions of sexual activity(barely)
Summary: You sneak into the kitchens for a late night snack, but you bump into someone on the way...
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6.
It was around 2:16 am in the morning. You couldn't sleep at all. There was just too many things going on in your mind, this year you felt all the pressure coming back in a rush. You were a sixteen year old girl in Hogwarts, fifth year was something you weren't looking forward to very much, I mean you were only 2 weeks in so far. It seemed like this year would be full of boredom. I mean first year was great, everything was new and all, especially for a muggleborn like you, it was all an adventure. Second and third year was all about making new friends and mucking around, Fourth year was all about the excitement of Yule ball and the Triwizard tournaments. Fifth year needed to be real drama filled for it to top last year.
You glanced back at your clock again. 2:23 am. You groaned in frustration, it must've been your period or something, but you were suddenly craving those little French macarons you remember tasting when the Beauxbatons students had come over last year. Surely they would have some in the kitchens still?
You were about to find out. You couldn't sleep anyway, a small snack at this time of night wouldn't hurt?
You quietly shifted yourself out of bed, wincing as the cold air hit your warm skin. You quickly threw on your favourite blue hoodie that was oversized. You slipped on your fluffy muggle slippers that your parents had gifted you and headed out the dorm room quietly; careful not to wake Hannah up.
After you had exited your dorm room, you grabbed the claw clip inside the pocket of your hoodie and clipped up your hair. You slowly made your way up to the kitchens, your craving for any sweet little treats growing stronger with each step. Determination filled your veins as you quickened your pace in search of the kitchens. 
Finally you arrived at the kitchens, you started searching through the cupboards and looking for anything that could satisfy your cravings. You sighed in content as you found the large cupboard full of your favourite muggle sweet treats, macarons, tarts, muffins, muesli bars, chocolate fingers. Grabbing your desired treats, you placed them on the counter and opened them, the plastic wrap making an awful lot of noise.
"Hungry?" You heard a voice behind you and you froze. It was a deep attractive voice.
You turned around, the warm candles of the kitchen illuminated his face perfectly. Draco Malfoy was talking to you. You stood there for a while, trying to think of how else to answer his question. You were usually a really talkative person who could give good comebacks, so seeing yourself tongue tied around him was odd.
"What the fuck do you want Malfoy?" You spat out shocked at how toxic your voice sounded.
"Woah, feisty." he chuckled. God why is his laugh so attractive. "I was just wondering what you were doing in the kitchens at this time of night" he shrugged.
"I could ask you the same question" you shot back at him without a second thought. You were quite good at that. "I'm just hungry okay? And my cramps are killing me." You said in a slightly whiny voice as your period cramps started to kick in once again.
"Cramps?" he said, and you swear you saw a flash of concern in his eyes. But as soon as you noticed it, it disappeared. 
"Yeah. My period cramps." you said, not awkward about the topic.; it was normal
"So that's why you have a hoard of sweets in front of you. Mind if I have some?" Draco eyed at your treats. You defensively covered them with your arms. Why was he even talking to you? It's not like he has ever shown interest in you before. the only time you two ever spoke to each other is if you needed to in class. What was he even doing here.
"No. I found it, go find your own food." you retorted playfully.
"Alright, alright" He put his hands up in defeat and left to find something. He came back with two muffins in his hand. 
"Walnut and coffee" he said as he handed you one of the muffins in his hand. You were feeling a bit curious, so you took the walnut and coffee flavoured muffin out of his hand cautiously. You took a few bites of it and furrowed your brows. Why does it actually taste really good?
"Like it? They're my favourite muffins" he said, as he inspected your facial expressions while eating the muffin.
You didn't answer him, you just looked at him with confusion.
"Draco why are you even talking to me? Don't you have this big thing about not talking to Hufflepuffs, let alone Muggleborn ones?"
Draco's POV
"Hungry?" I asked the girl as I watched her freeze in her place.
Y/n turned around, and stood there for a while. I'd never really talked to her much, I never had anything to say to her, but I did find it particularly amusing to find her roaming the kitchens at this ungodly hour, with snacks laid all over the counter.
"What the fuck do you want Malfoy?" she spat at me. I knew she didn't like me, but I didn't think it would cause such a reaction at just the sight of me. Sure I had made fun of her friends in the past, but I had never insulted her personally. I had respect for her, plus this year I've a change of heart, I want to be a better person, for many different reasons, I'm was just sick of being a stuck up prick.
"Woah, feisty." I chuckled. "I was just wondering what you were doing in the kitchens at this time of night" I shrugged.
"I could ask you the same question" she shot back at me with a glare. "I'm just hungry okay? And my cramps are killing me." 
"Cramps?" I said. I was genuinely confused, and I must admit when y/n said that I did get a bit worried, though I didn't know why. I had no reason to care about her after all. 
"Yeah. My period cramps." Ah, that made more sense. I knew a little bit about girls on their periods. They were usually moody, hungry, and had cramps often. That's what Blaise told me anyway.
"So that's why you have a hoard of sweets in front of you. Mind if I have some?" I looked at the treats that she was defending.
"No. I found it, go find your own food." she retorted. She's probably confused why I'm talking to her. 
"Alright, alright" I went to the pantries to find some treats that I might like. Walnut and Coffee, my favourite. I grabbed two just in case y/n wanted to try some.
"Walnut and coffee" I said as I handed her one of the muffins. "Like it? They're my favourite muffins" I said. She showed no facial expression, so I wasn't quite sure if she was enjoying it or not. She wasn't spitting it our in disgust, so I figured that she found it tolerable at the least.
She was quick to change the subject.
"Draco why are you even talking to me? Don't you have this big thing about not talking to Hufflepuffs, let alone Muggleborn ones?" 
Draco. I wasn't too sure why she was calling me that. It was sort of nice to have someone call me by my first name, most people usually just spat out my last name. 
I thought about her question. Why was I talking to her? I mean, I could've just walked past her and carried on with my patrol, but instead I joined her. I did need her help though, but right now didn't seem like an appropriate time. She was having cramps and was probably really hungry. Plus I don't think I want to mess with this girl on her period. I was enjoying her company though, as much as I wish I wasn't.
"Well I guess my opinions have changed. I think you'll find that I don't mind people from other houses now. I think I'm quite fond of muggleborns now actually." I wasn't lying. I waited for y/n to respond. She just gasped dramatically.
"Draco? Fond of muggleborns? His father must be hearing about this!" And she burst into a fit of laughter. Her laugh was pretty, I can't deny, it's quite contagious too. I ended up joining in with her laughter. She was a nice person to be around, from what I knew she didn't have any enemies at this school.
Your POV
You and Draco chatted for a while in the kitchens. You sort of forgot about how stuck up he was, and just started talking to him like he was one of your friends. You started to think that he actually wasn't that bad at all. I mean maybe he has changed like he said so. 
You let out a yawn, and he yawned a few seconds after.
"I think I'm going to go back to my dorms" you giggled "It's like 3:30 am"
"Yeah you probably should go back to sleep" He paused for a while "Do you want me to drop you off to your dorm?"
You were a bit shocked by his kind gesture. I mean Draco being kind to you was a shock in itself, him talking to you was even more shocking, but walking you to your dorm? That seemed a bit fishy in your opinion, but maybe he was genuinely being kind. You hoped he was.
"Uhh" you contemplated what you were about to say next. "Sure I guess". He flashed you a small smile, and the two of you walked towards the Hufflepuff dorms in silence. 
"I've never been to the Hufflepuff area of Hogwarts" Draco said, breaking the silence. "It's quite nice"
"Yeah I guess it is" You said. 
"I've been to every other houses common room and dorm areas, but not Hufflepuff. It's probably because I've never slept with a Hufflepuff girl yet" He chuckled. He was probably hoping that you were going to laugh at the joke too, but instead he watched your face contort into a grimace. You didn't know how to reply to that, talking so openly about the girls that he has slept with was a bit disgusting in your opinion. Though it did make you wonder how good he was in bed.
"I don't do that anymore y/n" he said a bit quieter, he probably noticed that you found it a bit awkward "I used to, but I've changed". You believed him, he did seem like a different person now.
"I believe you" you stated. Then you reached your dorm room. "I guess this is goodnight then"
"Yeah, I had a good time y/n" he admitted, "See you around, goodnight". His kindness once again took you by surprise, and he smiled at you. Softly, but it was genuine. Smiles suited him well.
"Goodnight Draco" You said, and you closed the door as you walked into your dorm.
He found it odd that you were still calling him by his first name. He wasn't complaining. 
You walked further into the dorm room, you were still recovering from your encounter with Draco. You didn't like him like that did you? Then why were you feeling hot all of a sudden? Gosh he was charming, and he was funny, but why does he all of a sudden have a change of heart? You were full of questions, hoping they'd be answered.
a/n: hopefully you enjoyed his chapter! I have been struggling to keep up with writing because I have so many ideas but not enough time due to my exams, sorry guys:)
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Headcanons for the HotD!Main Three
Part 1? (Let me know if you would like more);;
Pairing(s): Aemond x Reader, Jacaerys x Reader, Aegon x Reader
Warnings: None, for once in my life;
Author's Note: just a couple of fluffy headcanons for your pleasure, to make up for the last part of the Yule Ball series;; they date back to your first meeting with the boys, and go as far as to touch close to the full-swing celebrations of the ball, during your 5th year at Hogwarts :)
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Of First Meetings And First Crushes
☆ Aemond Targaryen ☆
There is a single, undisputable fact when it comes to your life at Hogwarts - you and Aemond go way back;
He bumped into you on your first ever ride on the Hogwarts Express. While you were discoursing with your new possible housemates, he was frantically searching for his old cat, Vhagar;
"I lost my pet. She is a Siamese cat with only one ear - answers to the name of Vhagar." He said stiffly to the cheery group of people, and one 3d year Ravenclaw snickered in reply: "Shit, little guy, I'd run away too if my name was Vhagar."
His group of friends immediately started laughing and it's safe to say you didn't like that;
After a short screaming match with the rude Ravenclaws (which you effortlessly won), you decided to help Aemond find his missing cat;
"You shouldn't have done that." He chastised you with a serious tone. "They could be your new housemates."
"There is only one thing I won't tolerate in my presence, and that is a bully!" The fire in your eyes made him smile - truly smile. "Now, let's go find your cat."
Vhagar ended up being in the back compartments, with all the other caged pets; she was trying to reach for your own cat with a shaky paw, but was failing miserably
Aemond grabbed her hurriedly and you made a joke that your pets should be best friends - he turned really red after seeing your wide smile;
For the rest of the train ride, you both sat together in an empty compartment - and when Aemond got hungry, you gave him one of your P&J sandwiches that you made for the trip;
"I also added chocolate chips. The secret is to add many, many chocolate chips."
He felt really dejected when you were sorted into Gryffindor, and he in Slytherin. He thought that was the beginning of the end for your sudden friendship - but you proved him wrong when you defended him time and time again whenever anyone made a nasty comment about his hair, his height, his gloomy disposition or his "ugly" cat;
He fell in love with you very quickly: how could he not, when you were so radiant and so good to him?
Your friendship was going steady, until the end of your 1st year, when he stopped writing to you mid-summer;
You were crushed by his silence, and eventually stopped writing as well;
When you saw him on the Hogwarts Express again, you understood why he ghosted you - his left eye was covered by a black eyepatch, and a deep scar cut from his brow to his lower cheek.
A lot of drama ensued between you two: Aemond tried his hardest to push you away, but you were very determined and head-strong. Eventually, your friendship won in the face of any argument or harsh words Aemond could throw in your face;
During your 3d and 4th year, he was COMPLETELY DEVOTED to you;
He was your shadow - wherever you went, he was quick to follow.
Some students made nasty comments about it (always behind his back, of course, because Aemond had that scary presence);
When he told you about the stinging comments, you assured him that you loved hanging out with him and it would really hurt you if he stopped being near you;
Aemond.exe stopped working for 3 working days after hearing you say that - yeah, he does loves you that much, HE IS WHIPPED;
That being said, Aemond's love language is acts of service and quality time;
He "helps" you with homework (a fancy word for "he literally does it for you even if you don't ask him to") and is always there when you need someone to listen and lend you a crying shoulder;
You invited him over for Christmas during your 3d year, and he was so nervous, he wore his best clothes when meeting your parents;
He looked really chill on the outside, though, and spoke really mechanically for the 1st half of the night, like he was applying for a job or something;
Little do you know he was applying to be your boyfriend EYYY--
Everyone knows you're in love. EVERYONE. It's really annoying to look at the two of you sometimes smh;
"Celeste, he doesn't like me like that..."
He's the main Slytherin Chaser and the Quidditch team captain;
What a surprise, omg!11!!1!
He's not even into the sport, he just wanted to make a point that even with his missing eye, he can still do anything everyone else can - and better;
Okay, Aemond, we get it, you're really cool;
You're also the Gryffindor Seeker (oh-oh, athletic rivalry???) and he ALWAYS comes to your games (when he's not directly playing against you, of course);
He won't be cheering for you while swinging a butterbeer in the air - but he will curse the other seeker out under his breath and smirk when you catch the Golden Snitch;
Your first ever game was against the Ravenclaws, and when he came to support you wearing all silver and green, you gave him your Gryffindor scarf;
"So you can blend in with the enemy!" You beamed at him so innocently;
He gaslit you into believing he gave it back and you just lost it;
You didn't lose it;
He stole it from you and now hides it in his trunk;
He takes it out when no one is in his dorm and sniffs it from time to time LMAO;
He bought you a new scarf from Hogsmeade, though;
Never give it to him during a game.
He will steal it again.
And buy you ANOTHER scarf;
And repeat the terrible cycle;
It just smells like you, okay???? It's not his fault, now leave him alone;
When you win a game, and you're not otherwise engaged, he celebrates with you in Hogsmeade;
He takes you to "The Empty Barrel" (literally the fanciest restaurant the little town has to offer);
"Don't even think about covering the whole check, Aemond!"
No, he won't take you to Three Broomsticks. The tables there are sticky and he wants to do this right, god damn it...!
You feel bad that he always pays for those little dinners, when it should be you who covers the table;
So you shyly ask him if he wants to go celebrate one of his victories with you one day;
He wants to whisk you away and keep you all to himself with how adorable you're being;
Aemond accepts (how would he ever say no to you), but has to take an hour long cold shower after your proposition to cool off;
Anyway, you decide to take him to The Hog's Head!
"Aem. We agreed on something. Come on!"
"Did we now?"
"You're terrible. I'm never going out with you again."
But you do. And he knows not to take your cute threat seriously;
He gives you a small chuckle that makes your whole face burn in embarrassment over the things it led you to think about;
Despite the initial set-back, you do manage to one-up him that night, though! You tell him to wait in the empty Great Hall for you, and you return with a homemade apple pie and those horrible peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that you gave him when you first met;
"We never ate dessert! There's no way we can end the night without dessert."
He almost kisses you then and there, but gets scared you'll reject him;
The Portrait of Merlin ships you two. That's all I had to say.
No, but seriously, the most invested on-looker is the portrait of Merlin - he learns both your schedules every year and always keeps one of you busy with talking in between classes, so that you may "accidentally bump" into each other (see part 1 of the Yule Ball for a snippet of that);
The whole ass West Wing placed bets on who you'll end up with between Aegon, Aemond and Jacaerys.
Bonus: when you walk with Aemond, no matter the time of day, you have the biggest "scary dog privileges". NO ONE is getting close to bother you;
☆ Jacaerys Velaryon (Strong) ☆
You and Jace are also in the same year! But despite the fact that you guys have been seeing each other day and night since your sorting, you weren't really friends until your second year, when you suddenly got partnered up in so many of your classes;
You were excited to work with him, since he was so sweet to everyone, but you were also a little scared of rejection;
He came from a good family, he had a good last name, a million friends and a thousand extra-curriculars he partook in;
You half-expected to do all those projects wholly by yourself - to your surprise, Jace was incredibly serious, and the best partner anyone could ever hope for!
He never takes himself and his vision on things too seriously, and is more than happy to admit when he's wrong or when you have a better idea than him;
He smuggled pumpkin pastries into the Library for your first study meeting, and it ended up becoming tradition for the two of you;
How you never got caught eating in a forbidden space is beyond everyone at this point;
Although you never really started hanging out outside of class after your first couple of projects, you now called each other "friends" and always sat next to each other in Potions and DADA;
Unbeknownst to you, Jacaerys got into a fight over you and actually broke a Slytherin's nose when he heard him talk smack about you and your supposed weight;
"I dare you to say that again."
50 points were taken from Gryffindor that day - it was a pretty big deal;
He ended up talking so much about you to his parents on Christmas break, that they invited you to celebrate the New Year with them - you accepted, although a bit confused by the spontaneity of it all;
His family is the sweetest EVER;
Laenor made you a beautiful maroon sweater with your name designed on the collar with golden letters;
Of course, Jace had a matching one and wore his almost every day when you guys came back to Hogwarts;
He loved the fact that you were twinning your fits - even if you did it accidentally;
During your stay with his family, you got really close to Baela, Rhaena and Luke! You felt really grateful - your second year was rough for you, with Aemond's ever changing mood, and you felt so happy to be surrounded by friends who cared about you;
Jace and Luke BEGGED their parents to buy them a phone to talk to you over the summer in a more conventional way;
And they literally called you every single day while they spent their summer away in Denmark, visiting relatives;
You can only imagine how much they had to pay for all those international phone calls...
Let's get one thing straight, Jace has always been adorable.
Puberty hits this boy LIKE A TRUCK;
He looks so soft with that short fluffy hair and THE CURLS;
He also grows taller than you with half a foot;
To your (and everyone else's) mind, he was literally perfect - unapproachable;
People started calling him the school's prince, AND UNDERSTANDABLY SO;
Third year is a busy time for both of you - the try-outs for the Quidditch team are in full swing, and Jace lands himself the position of chaser (Luke follows you shortly the following year as your new keeper);
He quickly becomes the star of the Gryffindor team;
Girls swoon over him and his "sexy dimples";
You make fun of him for that and he blushes profusely, saying that he "doesn't like anyone like that anyway";
He literally sucks at Charms and Transfiguration, and he uses that to his advantage to get closer to you, since you excel at those subjects;
Jace is so, so respectful of you though, he drinks that women respekt juice every single day; he wouldn't dare touch you if you weren't comfortable with that;
If you are just as touchy feely as he is, he LOVES having a protective hand thrown over you;
He has his own insecurities regarding his paternity rumours - The Targaryens are the embodiment of those very old pure-blooded families who still believe that muggleborns and half-bloods shouldn't "mix and match";
This is why Rhaenyra is even married with Laenor (who is obviously gay, and in the same predicament as she is, due to his family - bless him) and not Harwin Strong, Jace's actual father;
He feels trapped in his own family heritage, and feels so guilty when he catches himself thinking about escaping it sometimes;
Due to all that, Jace has a tendency to over-work himself and try to be in too many places at once;
You manage to level him and bring him back to earth - when he's with you, he forgets about his worries and he's so, SO GRATEFUL;
He falls in love with you during your 3d year at Hogwarts, but doesn't realise it until the very end of your 4th year (denial is a river in Egypt...);
Speaking of your 4th year, you have a small fall-out with Jace during that time, due to the fact that he gets his first girlfriend;
She's an exchange student from Ilvermorny, and she doesn't approve of your friendship one bit (oops);
Jacaerys tries to be the perfect gentleman with both of you, and fulfil both his "friend" duties, and his "boyfriend" ones;
Unfortunately, the perfect balance he figures out is ruined the moment you come to him with an emergency, and he completely forgets about the dinner date he had with his girl;
She breaks up with him the next day, telling him that he shouldn't use people to get over others;
And he's so confused, bless his heart;
"W... That's not... That's not what that was about!";
He feels really guilty for making his ex feel that way, and eventually figures out a way to make it up to her enough to stay friends;
Jacaerys is honestly the perfect ex LMAO;
Don't hate the player, hate the game;
His face completely falls when they brew Amorentia in Potions class and the whole place starts smelling like you;
But he STILL denies it for a while;
Psh, please, so many girls in this school could wear your exact perfume.
... right?
Jace is a very, very determined person. And once he sets his sight on someone, it's on;
You can bet the moment he hugs you goodbye at the train station, he's gonna think all summer about you and your beautiful soft hair;
Bonus: Jace's Boggart is a random manifestation of his loved ones dying - the worst one for him to face is yours;
☆ Aegon Targaryen ☆
Aegon doesn't care much about you at first;
He knows you're his younger brother's and nephew's "little girlfriend", and honestly doesn't see what's so great about you;
That is until you have a heart to heart with him when he's drunk out of his mind in Hogsmeade one day, during his 6th year (and your 4th one);
He was passed out into the snow, and you - beautiful, angelic you - came to his swift rescue;
He feels your warm hands touch his cheeks and forehead, and your own trench-coat cover him;
You lead him to the castle, and give him your coughing syrup that your parents packed for a quick pick-me-up;
"What's this?"
"It's cough syrup. For when your throat is sore."
"My throat isn't sore."
He becomes completely obsessed with you after that - and shows it to you in the harmless ways that he knows how;
Endless teasing, big and small pranks, small anonymous gifts;
His love language is gift giving and physical touch, so expect a lot of both, even if you aren't comfortable with that;
He is so thirsty for attention - even more so for your approval;
But he'll never admit it;
Still, if he happens to overhear that you like boys with short hair, he'll cut his hair short;
If he hears you like that soft boy aesthetic, that's exactly what he'll aspire to look like;
Unlike his younger brother and your other suitor, Aegon doesn't play Quidditch;
He'd much rather watch from the sidelines, thank you very much, and cause trouble while enjoying a cold butterbeer;
And unlike his baby brother, Aegon goes crazy with cheering for your victories (and even your losses when he's very drunk);
"You do realise we lost... right?"
"... Oh."
"And I'm not your girl."
"... YET!"
The latter doesn't happen as often as you'd think;
It's cheesy, but you really do change him for the better. Slowly yet surely;
His support and affection for you goes as far as denying support for his own house.
"Aegon, that's the Hufflepuff Seeker..."
It's kind of obvious to everyone that he's also in love with you;
Except for you, since that's a theme;
You take his flirting as just that - Aegon flirting.
He gives you flowers on your birthday and a very expensive necklace with his initial on the back? - Nah, that's just how Aegon is.
He asks you out? - Nah, that's just how Aegon is.
He only dates girls who have a resemblance to you? - Nah, that's just how Aegon is.
Everyone gives you judgy looks when you say those things;
Aemond and Jacaerys are the only ones who are sort of glad you don't realise the depth of his feelings tbh;
You can bet Aegon and Aemond fight a lot because of you LMAO;
Oh, I'm sorry, you thought their relationship was bad before you entered the picture? Have a look at it now that Aegon's also courting you;
"You are so spoiled."
"I'm sorry? It was just a necklace. I don't understand why you're so pissed off about it."
"You know I love her."
"Are you dating her?"
snickering "I'll take that as a no, then"
"Why is it that you feel the need to go after everything I want?"
"Easy there, brother, she's not your property or something."
"She's mine."
"You've known her for five years and you've done nothing to court her."
"Not everyone sleeps around on the first fucking date."
"Some people go after what they want. I warmly suggest you start doing the same."
"You aren't worthy enough of her. You never will be."
"... We'll see."
Bonus: Aegon has a moving picture of you and him in his wallet and sometimes talks to it when his life at home gets too hard;
Now this could be cute and sad at the same time, if not for that fact that Alicent caught him reciting a love poem to it once and Aegon panicked so hard, he pretended he was schizophrenic so she'd leave him alone;
She didn't, in fact, leave him alone;
He had to go to three different psychiatrists over the summer, to confirm that he was okay;
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hollowwrites · 1 year
The Yule Ball
This is so many layers of delusional head canon deep that I’m not sure it makes sense. Basically I love drama so I feel like Gryffindor and Slytherin would be made to practise together…cause why not!!
Also Anne is back at Hogwarts cause Garreth and Anne is life! 💚❤️
My Gryffindor MC is Victoria I’m hopefully going to be writing more with her soon!!
Sebastian - (Side-eying Garreth whilst he dances with Imelda)
Victoria - (Giggling and twirling with Garreth)
Sebastian - Excuse me one second Imelda (Makes for Garreth) Can I have a word? (Pulls him to the side, out of view)
Garreth - What’s going on?
Sebastian - Give me your robes
Garreth - Excuse me…
Sebastian - Slytherins can only practise with Slytherins. Don’t you want to dance with my sister?
Garreth - Oh…Errr
Sebastian - You have my permission (taking his robe and tie off and handing them to Garreth) Give me your robes
Garreth - Alright. But this better be to dance with your sister and not because you want to watch me undress. My heart already belongs to a Sallow…and it isn’t you I’m afraid (Puts a hand on his shoulder)
Sebastian - Yeah yeah
Victoria - (Looking a little lost without a dance partner)
Sebastian - (Sauntering over in red) Oh hello I don’t believe we’ve met, I’m Philip Weasley, Gryffindor 7th Year. Would you care to dance?
Victoria - (Raising an eyebrow) Philip?
Sebastian - Best I could come up with
Anne - (Lamping Sebastian with a pillow) YOU OFFERED ME UP LIKE SOME CHEAP WHORE!!!!
Sebastian - Ow ow okay I’m sorry. You got to dance with Garreth though right?
Anne - I did…Thank you
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the-colourful-witch · 18 days
regarding your astrid answer:
:DDD so much information! thanks! i loved reading about her! though it's really sad what happened to her friendship with the twins. the culture around the house divisions is so toxic. does her father still drop her off at the weasley's house during her summers away from hogwarts? if so, how does she interact with them now that they're bitter rivals but she's at their home?
Hi! I'm so glad you liked it, I loved getting to share something about Astrid. I have been chipping away at her character for a few years now :) The house divisions are terrible. That's exactly what I'm trying to highlight with this girl and her story. That whole 'united we stand' is definitely a big theme here :) And to answer your question; yes, during the summer Astrid spends her time at the Burrow. She spends most of her days there. The parents don't know much about the rift between the trio, so they don't know what's going on. Astrid is very civil at the Burrow, and the twins keep their insults behind closed doors. It's very tense, which I think adds to the drama. I've been toying with writing a fic for Astrid and my other OC, Abigail. Both girls are in the same year, but on totally different sides of the rivalry, which is fun and interesting. They're so so different and highlight various aspects of girlhood.
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I got thinking about these girls again because of your ask and I wanted to draw them in potential Yule Ball dresses. I was in the mood :) Thank you for the lovely ask, I'd love to answer more questions if you have them <3 And so sorry for the late response, life got hectic... But it's all good stuff, no worries. Just busy :)
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evadne01 · 1 month
Harry Potter Masterlist Part 2
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Godfather and godson
Sirius teaches Harry how to drive a motorcycle.
Sirius Black & Harry Potter
Just hold me, please
Harry is hurt, and George is there for him.
Harry Potter & George Weasley
One of us
Harry Potter has a bad day, but when you have a family, you are never alone.
Harry Potter & Weasley Family
I mean it
Harry needs someone there for him. And, finally, he has some place to call home.
Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Harry Potter
Parents, children and names
Teddy Lupin and Harry Potter before Teddy's first year.
And three proud parents look from the sky
eddy Lupin & Harry Potter, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Harry Potter, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & James Potter, Harry Potter & James Potter
What's a soulmate? 
Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley works better as friends.
Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley are attracted more than their same gender.
Harry Potter likes the Weasleys (a little too much), and Ginny Weasley is an amazing friend.
PS: They are both scared of Molly Weasley
Harry Potter/Fred Weasley/George Weasley, Harry Potter & Ginny Weasley
Fairy party 
Hermione and Draco and the aftermath of the party
Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger & Neville Longbottom & Luna Lovegood & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy & Theodore Nott & Pansy Parkinson & Blaise Zabini
Am I the last one to know it? 
Theodore Nott has a crush on Hermione. Theodore Nott doesn't know that.
Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger & Harry PotterTheodore Nott & Blaise Zabini, Hermione Granger & Theodore Nott & Harry Potter & Blaise Zabini
It was just an idea
Hermione has an idea. But her friends group is chaotic and makes drama out of nothing.
I tried, I tried and I tried again ~ Am I losing my time?
Lily Evans had a friend. Severus Snape. And she didn't want to lose him because of someone else's actions.
It had to be his choice.
During her fifth year at Hogwarts, Lily Evans makes new friends and also discovers herself
Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape, Lily Evans Potter/James Potter, Lily Evans Potter & James Potter, Remus Lupin & Lily Evans Potter
I won't fail again 
Severus Snape finds out something.
Severus Snape has every intention to do something about it.
Harry Potter & Severus Snape, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Harry Potter & Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Minerva McGonagall & Severus Snape, Harry Potter & Bill Weasley, Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter
James Potter tries to bake some biscuits.
Tries is the key word
Harry Potter & James Potter
I wouldn't believe it 
Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour's Christmas in OoP and after the War.
Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley
This isn't a goodbye, it is a see you later
Harry and George before the war and right after it
Harry Potter/George Weasley, Harry Potter & Fred Weasley, Fred Weasley & George Weasley
I can only think about you 
Fred and George had a simple plan. Well, plans had to be changed.
Harry Potter/Fred Weasley/George Weasley
Once Upon a Time 
Harry James Potter was sure he didn't have a family.
It was not like this.
Harry Potter/Fred Weasley
Let's give it a try 
Fred and George Weasley have a creature inheritance and a mate. Their mate knows only one thing of these two.
Harry Potter/Fred Weasley/George Weasley
Close your eyes
Harry Potter has to learn how to dance. Luckily he will get the help he needs.
Cedric Diggory/Harry Potter
Charlie wanted to surprise his boyfriend. Hermione just wants to know who this boyfriend is.
Hermione Granger & Charlie Weasley, Harry Potter/Charlie Weasley
Yule Ball 
Harry and George before the Yule Ball
Harry can face a dragon and the Tournament, but suddenly one dance is too much for him.
Harry Potter/George Weasley, Harry Potter & Ron Weasley
With all my heart
Harry and Tom find each other again
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
It's simply us 
A conversation between two friends that miss the third one.
Hermione Granger & Harry Potter
This is good enough 
After the Quidditch game, Oliver is there for Harry.
Harry Potter & Olived Wood
Love is putting someone else's needs before yours
Harry is afraid of his powers and tries to protect his boyfriend.
Fred disagrees.
Harry Potter/Fred Weasley
An act of love
AU where the war goes on longer. Harry appears on the doorstep of an old friend, asking for help.
Barty Crouch Jr./Rabastan Lestrange/Harry Potter
The Birthday's Party
During the Tournament, a missing moment we all needed: Fred and George's birthday
Gryffindor Quidditch Team Members & Lee Jordan
A reason to fight for 
Harry and Neville talk about the war and their role in it.
Neville Longbottom & Harry Potter
It isn't right
During the Twizarding Tournament, the sirens have something to say about the second task!
A mother's love
Molly Weasley thinks about her family after the second war against Voldemort.
Harry Potter & Weasley Family
It was freedom
What really happened when Harry suggested to use the dragon to run away during the Gringotts' episode.
Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley
Only love can hurt like this
Fred and George Weasley learn how love can hurt.
Harry Potter/Fred Weasley/George Weasley
Fallen Angel
The Dursleys had tried to destroy him, but Harry would never, ever let them.
They had wanted him weak, stupid, useless and alone.
Harry would never be any of those things.
With a different set of friends and a different mindset, Harry Potter approaches life very differently.
Neville Longbottom & Harry Potter, Daphne Greengrass & Harry Potter, Harry Potter & Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott & Harry Potter, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Harry Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Harry Potter/Diary Tom Riddle, Harry Potter/Voldemort, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Susan Bones & Harry Potter, Hannah Abbott & Harry Potter
Brilliant ideas and cheesy confessions 
Fred and George have an incident, Harry takes care of them.
Harry Potter/Fred Weasley/George Weasley
Can we stay here a little longer? 
At Beauxbatons, a moment between two friends
Fleur Delacour & Harry Potter
The boy and the dogfather 
Harry finds a stray at Privet Drive.
Trouble is very protective of the young boy.
Sirius Black & Harry Potter
My little brave pup 
Sirius and Harry after the events at the end of the Order of the Phoenix
Sirius Black & Harry Potter
Stay away from my family 
Charlie is a good big brother. Harry is an honorary Weasley, and no one can hurt him
Harry Potter & Charlie Weasley
Live for us, live for them 
Neville and Harry are more similar than everyone thinks.
Harry Potter & Bill Weasley, Neville Longbottom & Harry Potter
For the Greater Good (For Ariana)
In the summer they spend together, Gellert becomes fond of not only Albus Dumbledore but also another Dumbledore.
Ariana Dumbledore & Gellert Grindelwald
Finding a new place 
The friendship between Harry and Viktor
Viktor Krum & Harry Potter
Everything you want 
Tom is angry when he learns that he needs to get married in order to access to the Ministry.
And, then, he finds the positive aspect.
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle
What about magic?
Harry Potter explains to Tom Riddle what is magic
Post fata resurgo 
What if James Potter wasn't an only child.
What if he had a younger brother, the same age as Regulus Black?
Let's see the story of Aedus Eli Potter
Regulus Black & Barty Crouch Jr. & Original Character(s), Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Peter Pettigrew & James Potter, Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape, Regulus Black & Andromeda Black Tonks
The King of Underworld and his Queen
Greek Mythology AU.
Tom traced the carvings of his throne with his finger. Aberforth had his queen and Albus had married the other of their sisters, Minerva, and made her queen of the Gods. Maybe Tom could have had his own queen as well.
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Harry Potter & Lily Evans Potter
Take chances, make mistakes, get messy
But Harry didn't want to return to Hogwarts, neither as a student nor as a teacher; he couldn't think of starting training to become an Auror and making his life an eternal struggle and fight. Nor did he want to think about Teddy yet, a constant reminder in his name of his parents' fate.
Harry just wanted to be free. He just wanted to live, at least for a while.
Harry Potter & Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Luna Lovegood & Harry Potter
Reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 
Harry Potter's characters reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
What is that thing? 
Harry being a younger brother and Fleur being so done with that
Fleur Delacour & Harry Potter
Welcome to the family 
Luna and Harry find a strange book.
Luna Lovegood & Harry Potter
We're not supposed to be here
“If it’s a trap,” she had patiently explained to her not-so-patient friend, “you don’t want to go in when they’re waiting for you.”
Lily couldn’t believe she was the one who had to explain to her Slytherin friend to think before acting.
“So, what do I do?” Severus had exclaimed, waving his hands in a surprising physical display of emotion. “Just let them get away with it?”
Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape
My real target... it's you 
Harry comes to rescue the lost prince Tom from the cursed tower of Lord Voldemort! (But little does he know that this was all a ploy to capture and cage the real jewel, Harry himself.)
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort
What homework?
Harry knew that Hermione loved both him and Ron. Otherwise, he was sure she wouldn't have bothered trying to save their lives every time they got into trouble, like she had since their first year.
So, he knew that the nervous tic the curly-haired girl was displaying wasn't actually a symptom of murderous intent, but just a nervous tic from the girl, an outburst from Harry's question. A perfectly innocent question, if Harry was being honest.
Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley
It all started with a sunset and a Potions essay.
When their children and grandchildren asked them how they got together, Harry would smile and say, “It all started with a sunset and a Potions essay.”
Harry Potter/Fred Weasley/George Weasley
Let the dance begin
Filius wore a duelling robe that had been personally measured to ensure the greatest possible freedom of movement and considerable protection.
“Filius Flitwick and Samuel Anderson.”
Return to the General Masterlink
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shiftingwithmars · 1 month
Fun Facts about my Harry Potter DR
Mattheo is Latino in this DR (Part Mexican to be exact😌) (I’m sorry but I am not making him a British white boy🧍‍♂️)
I have a magic brush that instantly combs my hair when it touches my head
The Yule Ball is every year
My phone has unlimited storage (cause my cr phone storage fills up too quickly😔)
Me and my friends take weekly trips to hogsmeade!!
We have a parent-visit day (still need to script this😔)
MagicFest lasts a month
End Of Year Bonfire
Me and Enzo are frenemies(cause I like the drama lmao)
Cormac isn’t a little bitch (having to script this out✌️)
I can’t be expelled or sent to azkaban
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dramioneasks · 1 year
Author Profile: diamonddaydream
Fics can be found: AO3 | wattpad | @dramionedaydream
Popular Fics:
Title: Draco Takes a Mark Author: diamonddaydream Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 55 Word Count: 184,204 Summary: "The fact that Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy were mad for each other was the worst kept secret at Hogwarts." Retelling of The Half-blood Prince as a Dramione story. Crookshanks brings Draco to Hermione after she's brought back cursed from the Department of Mysteries. Knowing the relationship they've carried on in secret since the Yule Ball is about to be tested, she inscribes an ancient love charm onto his left arm with surprising consequences which may affect the course of the coming war. Continues the story "Dancing with Draco " or reads fine on its own. Complete, HEA
Title: Dancing with Draco  Author: diamonddaydream Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 5 Word Count: 19,237 Summary: Retelling of the Yule Ball segment of Goblet of Fire as a Dramione story. Hermione Granger needs a dance tutor before she embarrasses her partner, Viktor Krum, and herself at the Yule Ball. Draco Malfoy needs a good deed to make amends for hexing her teeth. Both of them need to keep everyone else for finding out what's going on between them. Fluffy romance with just a touch of angst. NOTE: story continues in "Draco Takes a Mark."
Title: The Oblivious Ones  Author: diamonddaydream Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Humour Chapters: 30 Word Count: 76,406 Summary: A Dramione fake marriage story. Desperate to treat the post-traumatic stress disorder triggered by charming her parents' memories, Hermione Granger checks out of her Weasley wedding plans to check herself into St. Mungo's Hospital's psychiatric ward. There she encounters forensic inmate, Draco Malfoy, who is about to be released back into society, joining her on a journey to bring back her parents, taking them from enemies to family. Complete, not too much angst, fluffy enough, HEA. NOTE: Sequel "Always Something."
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katie-krum · 11 months
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Yule - Chapter 1 - katiekrum - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
“What did you say?” - Draco looked straight at him as if he didn't believe what he had just said. "How come Granger has already been invited???”
Severus Snape could barely contain the smile on his face. He had rarely seen Lucius' son so confused, so he knew he would remember this moment for a really long time. - “And not by only one wizard.”
"First I saw Miss Granger decline Mr. Longbottom's invitation. To be honest, this boy impressed me. He invited her the day after the announcement of the Yule Ball.” - He himself never had the courage to invite his friend to the Yule Ball. Fortunately, he has grown bolder over the years and is currently not complaining about his love life.
At this point, Draco let out a loud sigh as he sank into one of the armchairs by the fireplace in his private quarters. - “So soon? But who was it? Weasley? Potter?”
“I don’t know but I know that Mr. Krum also invited her?”
“By Salazar, Draco! Will you also, when you grow up, repeat after me everything I say? As you age, you remind me of Lucius not only in appearance but also in character. Soon you'll start to faint in here and Narcissa will start wearing T-shirts that say 'I married and gave birth to a Drama Queen'.” - He couldn't help but make fun of his godson. - "Miss Granger was also invited by Mr. Weasley. She also declined his invitation.”
He saw the cogs in the young wizard's head begin to work. He wouldn't be surprised if, from tomorrow morning, he ordered an extensive search for the boy who dared to invite Miss Granger to the ball before the Malfoy heir. The Malfoy heir who had spent the last year convincing his father that he had the right to choose his lifemate.
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itsjaywalkers · 9 months
anything from the bartylily au?? (from the tag game) 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
YES BEA OF COURSE <33 anything u want <33
it's a (belated) bday gift for saints, hogwarts no voldemort au, it's gonna be very fun and cliche, bad boy x good girl trope except they're both pretending and the bad boy cares a lot more than he lets on and the good girl is mean and angry and an enabler
it's gonna have three chapters, and it's gonna be jumping around a lot in time. like the fic happens during lily's seventh year and barty's sixth, but there are many scenes in between the actual narrative of them in other years, or even of lily before hogwarts (bc it'll be lily's pov)
the first ch focuses on their meet-cute (they already knew about each other obviously but . this is what makes them start to talk and spend time together) + their opinions of each other slowly but surely changing and them getting closer (even tho they argue quite a lot at first and their dynamic is . kinda unstable)
the second one is their developing friendship (with something more bubbling under the surface) + their relationship finally shifting to the point it was headed towards to since the start (despite them not realising)
and then the final ch is where the angst and the drama happens, but we also get a happy ending and a very cute very cliche scene of barty and lily going together to the yule ball and giving a heart attack to at least half the school <33
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greenerteacups · 9 months
Which is your favourite and least favourite harry potter book?
while i think Prisoner of Azkaban is the best on a technical level, my favorite is Goblet of Fire. because it's a fucking blockbuster. like, this is a book that is firing on all cylinders, trying to do a million billion things at once, and it executes the fuck out of basically everything. besides the fact that it dives deeper into character dynamics than any previous book (ron and harry! hermione and ron! hermione and krum! sirius and harry! ron and percy! etc!!), it's a massive expansion of the universe: it opens up whole new wizarding hemispheres, new countries, new cultures, TONS of new characters, the Quidditch World Cup, the Triwizard Tournament, the Ministry of Magic's bureaucratic politics, the Old Guard death eaters, and the beginning of the Order of the Phoenix. it gives us Fleur and Krum and Mad-Eye Moody and Cho and Cedric and Charlie Weasley, and the first taste of Snape's backstory, not to mention pensieves and mermaids and fucking dragons, like sorry, are you seeing this shit??
and then, finally, it gives us the beginning of the second wizarding war. it gives us the graveyard scene and Cedric Diggory's sacrifice, one of the best and most important moments in any book ever, because it's the whole story in a nutshell, and it's also the moment that the plot starts. Goblet is the crux of the entire series, and it nails almost everything. (the exception being the Moody plot twist, which... I did not love, but like: must a conclusion be "good"? is it not simply enough for a story to plow headfirst off the rails in a wildly entertaining direction, and then end? i think it is.)
so those are what I see as the Objective Goods of Goblet. my Subjective Goods are: i love a tournament arc, i love a GAME, i love a set of rules and rituals and ceremonies and opportunities to demonstrate character through contrasting behavior in response to pre-ordained challenges and rule sets. i love you Yule Ball, i love you prom arc, i love you dressing characters up in silly little outfits and making them take each other on dates, i love you teenage drama and misunderstandings and jealousy and teenybopper romantic subplots. i love you goblet of fire.
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