#yum yum anons food
vam-piritz · 8 months
BAHHAHAH REALLY? TYYY 😢😢😭😭😭 i drew some of him
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I dont draw him so often but i should i should... Ur right i might think of something later on
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ssreeder · 11 months
your writing is so amazing. besides the fact I'm astounded at the fact you're able to crank out those monster chapters for us on a regular basis its just an art the way they flow and read so easily. i say with the biggest compliments that those 12-20 k chapters don't feel like monsters AT ALL, and that's coming from someone whose dyslexic!!! im reading those mfs like they're a grocery receipt!!! kiss kiss
DUDDDEEEEE i need CONSTANT word count validation so thank you.
I sit down to write my silly little POVs and I go into a trance and then I come up for air and I’m like “why do I have 7k of Zuko and Sokka NOT DOING ANYTHING FOR THE PLOTTTTTT” haha but they’re snuggling though so it’s ok. Haha
Thanks buddy & I’m happy my 25(.9)k chapter doesn’t read too long…. I really do give 110% effort to not read like it’s 25k haha. Thanks anon kiss kiss cheek poke back.
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daydadahlias · 1 month
where would u take ash on a lunch date!
my basement! :D
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akayna · 2 months
What is your favorite but time consuming dish to make?
Favorite quick and dirty thing to make?
The best time consuming dishes are the ones I haven't made before. I like trying out new complicated recipes!
Quick and dirty meal? Fries, spinach, fried egg
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I see I don’t make your night 😒 😔 😆 jk,
Funny thing I don’t like honey, unless it’s honey bunches of oats and I haven’t eaten a honey bun in years 😆,
Also, what’s your favorite food? I love tostadas (Mexican food) and also Palak Paneer, with chicken tikka masala is my fav ❤️
lol you definitely make my day and night.
I haven’t had a honey bunches of oats in years either. The one with almonds is my fav tho.
I freaking love Mexican food, would eat it every day if I could. I think Mexican food is one of my favorite parts about living in the here lol
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tiny-vermin · 4 months
verm i am leaving you with a very important artist question before i go to sleep
21. what do you think your art tastes like?
hello sara skull fragments 💞💞
i think my art tastes like. teriyaki???? something soya sauce. mmmmm. wanton mee 😋😋😋 savoury...
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kazoosandfannypacks · 9 months
*rolls a potato to you*
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serpulalacrymans · 6 months
//I really wanted to get back to it after work. But oh my god, I have been knocked out and then some.
//It's Munday in the morning. Therefore...
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alwaysbeenastormx · 11 months
Craving Mexican food lol
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vam-piritz · 8 months
Do you have more doodles i don't see you post often (maybe that just me tho)
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I hope those works (? I dont know LOL nobody did ever cared abt my art so much :').. i usually think my art is too ugly or somerhing buttt yeah ! I only doodle..
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rainbowskittle · 7 months
Favorite food?
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Uhh hii anon! That’s tough I love lot of food haha. Yet guess I go back to Mediterranean if had to choose one. Yet don’t eat it a lot but if I go out to eat that’s usually my pick.
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And can’t ever go wrong with ice cream. (Expect mint chocolate chip gross!) Mint anything is gross expect for toothpaste lol.. that’s why when it’s used anywhere else I go why?? Do you want to brush your teeth as you eat??
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Haha thanks for the question! What is your favorite? Have amazing day/night.
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st4rrth0ughts · 8 months
i have read your works and they're all amazing like damn??? (also can i be 💫 anon?)
i have this thought for a good while now and i wanted to share it with you. veritas ratio having a vibrator inside him as he goes about his daily tasks and of course its being remote controlled by us <3 just some food for thought hun
yum yum feed me more plz tw, cw: exhibitionism, risky? masturbation (is that a thing) a/n: anon, your recent drabble idea of temp play w/ jingyuan had shown your name, i wont use it unless your okay with it showing your name
imagine inserting a vibrator up veritas's cunt, its milder at first, bearable for him. He can walk around the building, and go about his teachings. But he forgot that you co teach his class as well, thus your near him almost the entire school day. While he's sitting at his desk during a quiz that left his students stressing over the answers, you turn the vibrator up by a level.
Not enough to make the man cum no matter how hard he tried, but it caused the professor to jolt in his seat, glaring at you as his face flushed slightly, the soft buzzing of the toy making your students look around curiously for a bee. As time progresses, he's shifting in his seat, subtly grinding against the seat's edge as he covers his mouth, making a student glance up and stare at him curiously, forcing the purple haired man to stop his movements in embarrassment and the fear of getting caught.
Its not long before he excuses himself, you smirk to yourself as you supervise the class for him. The hazy eyed professor entered the bathroom stall, barely managing to lock the door before the vibration increased by 3 notches, making him shriek, tears springing to his eyes as he fingered his clit desperately for relief from your torment, squealing when he cums. What he forgot, was that the vibrator wasn't going to stop just because he came, so he's just given himself a one way ticket to get overstimulated. Dammit, he's gonna get you for this when you two get home. (he gets wrecked anyways)
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rottenrosethorns · 1 year
Hi! Saw that your request is open and jump straight in to request lol.
Can you make a Leon x reader fluff, where Leon is this big tuff government agent (which he is) who is respected and look up to by people around him. But around reader he's just this big puppy who loves to cuddle and be in her arms, and he's so whiny whenever the reader needs to get up to go to the bathroom that he'll just wait for her outside the bathroom, once she gets out, he just scoops her back into his arms and off to cuddling session they go~ Can be any Leon you want!
Pairing: ID!Leon Kennedy x gn!Reader 
Genre: Fluff 
Synopsis: Tough government agent by day, soft puppy boy by night. Leon recounts the highlights of his week spent with you. 
Word Count: 3.2K
Warnings: None! :)
A/N: i just love a good puppy boy yum. now, obvi RE2 takes the cake for soft boy, but in my head, i dream of old leon being the biggest baby, like he has so much trauma, let me be your therapist – hope you like this anon! <3 
- masterlist - 
Saturday & Sunday  –
Leon adored the weekends. He got to spend all his time with you after all. He loved leaving work as early as possible to pick you up from your work, taking you out for a nice dinner, and maybe watching a movie or TV show afterwards. He loved staying up as late as possible, hoping that the sun never rose so that he could relish being in your comfort under the heaps of blankets because you always complained about being cold. Eventually, the stress of work and lack of sleep would forcibly pull him into slumber as he snuggled closer into your body. When he woke up to the sounds of the birds chirping and the morning sun rays peeking through the crevices of the curtains, Leon sinked into the mattress, holding you as close as possible. You were a heavy sleeper, so he often took advantage of that to kiss your temple and get up to make you breakfast. 
Leon was such a giver, loving that he could be a caretaker for you. While he was gone at work, you were always the one to take care of things at home and make sure he had a clean space to relax and recharge. So, he’d always repay you for being the one to service you on the weekends. He knew your favorites, likes, and dislikes. And, even if he wasn’t the perfect cook, he still knew how to make up for it with weekly flowers delivered to the house. After breakfast, he’d be with you wherever you stepped. 
You like reading in the den? He’d sit next to you while he answers emails and finishes reports, hating that your eyes were following words and not on him. 
You like gardening outside? He’d start working out outside with his shirt off, definitely making sure to distract you and hating that you smiled more at the flowers than at him. 
You like going out to brunch with your friends? He’d drive you to and from the restaurant, pretending to leave after kissing you goodbye and wishing you to have fun before sneaking back to sit at a reserved table. 
He couldn't spend a second without you. So, that’s why he always hated the work week, because for forty hours, he had to resist quitting his career to be in your arms. And unfortunately, tomorrow was Monday.
Monday – 
Leon already started off the week to a bad start. Somehow, he’d forgotten to take the lunch you always packed him to work and he didn’t have enough time to drive back and grab it. It wasn’t that he minded skipping lunch – he missed many meals from harsh mission conditions already – or was incapable of buying his own lunch from a nearby food chain, it’s just that he was upset that he would be missing out on your little sticky notes you accompanied with each lunch. From when you started dating, you made it a habit to sneak in notes of affection and motivation to cheer him up throughout the day. He even made an effort to save all your sticky notes in the corner of his desk drawer with his favorite ones displayed on the edge of his monitor or overlapping on pictures frames of you propped up on the corner of his desk. 
“Mr. Kennedy?” 
“What do you want?” Leon all but glared at the assistant, standing near the door. She’d been a new addition to the team, meaning she was trying her chance to catch his eye. Arguably, Leon enjoyed the attention during his rookie days, using his looks for his career’s advantage; however, nowadays with you in his life, Leon treated every woman with a cold shoulder and a sneer. Unfortunately, some women were into cold and sneering men. 
The assistant fluttered her eyes, pushing her chest out as if she had a spinal injury, “There’s some here to see you.” 
Thinking that she was talking about herself, Leon grit his teeth in annoyance, “Get the fuck out of my office.”
“Leon!” You unexpectedly appeared through the door of his office with a disappointed frown, “That was so rude, apologize to her now.” 
Leon’s jaw slacked in surprise, not expecting you to show up at his workplace. He stumbled out of his chair, quickly making it over towards you to give you a kiss only to meet the side of your face instead of your lips. Leon pouted from you avoiding his kiss. You gave him a glare, eyes flickering towards the assistant. Internally groaning, Leon knew he didn’t have a choice as you were the most stubborn person he’s met. But he was a pleaser – he was your pleaser – so he’d do anything you ask him to. 
Turning towards the assistant, Leon begrudgingly muttered an apology, “I shouldn’t have sworn at you. That’s my fault.”
Although he didn’t mean it, Leon looked at the assistant with harsh eyes. From his height, you couldn’t see his disingenuous expression and gullibly believed in his fake act of remorse. His glare hardened, a warning for the assistant to leave before he kicked her out physically. Leon would never put his hands on a woman, but if they were threatening his lover, then all those morals went out the window. Getting the hint, the assistant finally made the move to leave, but not fast enough for Leon to grab you in his arms and essentially make out with you in front of her. 
You pulled back from the kiss with a blush, “Leon!”
Leon smirked, loving to see the flush on your face and being the reason for it, “I missed you.”
“You saw me this morning,” You rolled your eyes at Leon’s dramatics. 
“So?” Leon snuggled into you closer, sniffing you as if your scent was home to him, “What are you doing here? Don’t you have work?”
Leon heard some rustling and looked to see his forgotten lunch bag in your hand, “Hungry?”
Leon nodded like a puppy with a wide smile on his face before guiding you to sit on his office chair while he sat on his desk. He happily waited as you unpacked everything on his desk and advised him which foods to start with. And, although he didn’t receive a note that day, your presence made up for it. 
Tuesday – 
“Conference is ready for Eagle, I repeat, Conference is ready for Eagle.”  
Leon raised his cuff towards his mouth, “Copy that.” 
Leon buttoned his suit jacket, securing his pistol, and gestured one arm towards the Oval Office’s door, “Mr. President, we’re ready for you.” 
Leon received a curt nod before leading him out the Oval Office and towards the press room. Like routine clockwork, his eyes were constantly scanning for danger. Even though they were only moving from one end of the White House towards the other, Leon was never too careful. Once at the doors of the press room, Leon held the door with one hand while the other went back up near his mouth, “Eagle’s entering the press room.” 
When he received the green light, Leon pushed open the door and followed the President towards the stage. Again, he scanned the room, looking for any suspicious activity or possible threats. Just as he made his way towards the edge of the stage where he was usually stationed during these boring politically vague press conferences, his eyes happened to catch a familiar figure, causing him to stumble over his feet and loudly crash into the American flag flagpole. The noise caused each reporter to inspect the situation as they watched Leon fumble. With quick reflexes, Leon caught the pole before it fell over and placed it back upright before awkwardly shuffling towards his post. Normally, Leon wouldn’t have made such a mistake, but the sight of you sitting with the audience of reporters caught him off guard. How could he forget that you worked in a very reputable news station? 
Leon avoided everyone’s lingering stares, pretending that what just happened didn’t happen. Well, everyone’s but yours. Once he met your twinkling eyes, your face broke out into the most adorable smile as you tried to hide it behind your notepad and suppress your giggles. Leon let out a barely audible chuckle as his face flushed. You were the only one that could have him feeling embarrassed. But technically, this was your fault, because you looked too good for him not to stare at you the whole time. If any of his colleagues was watching his view, they’d definitely think you were some sort of threat waiting to take their chance. 
Normally, Leon couldn’t wait for these conferences to be over. But now, he found this one particularly excruciating. The whole time he kept wondering how the hell he was supposed to control himself when you were in work mode. Just the way you asked the most intelligent questions, being so focused when writing your notes, and the way you brushed your hair out of your face whenever it fell into your vision sent him into a state of blissful insanity. The things he’d do to just leave his post and jump into your arms was unthinkable. But he had a job to do, and he was the best at it. Plus, he wanted to show off how cool and handsome he was while on the job. 
“Thank you. We’ll be taking no more questions at this moment.”
Leon snapped out of his daze, moving to escort the president off the stage. Turning towards a secret service member, Leon gave the orders to guide the president back to his next destination before breaking away and practically skipping towards you. 
“Nice fall there, Romeo,” You teased, can’t help but giggled as you recanted the fresh memory. 
Leon scratched his head with a crooked smile, “I saw the most beautiful person in my life.”
You shook your head giggling before giving him a quick kiss, not wanting to get him in trouble at work. Leon excitedly accepted your kiss, smile widening even more as his lips tingled. 
“Kennedy! Debrief!” 
Leon looked over to see his colleague waving him down from across the room. Instantaneously, his stoic expression returned as he gave a quick nod of acknowledgement. Once out of sight, his features soften, looking at you apologetically, “Gotta go, I’ll see you later. Love you!” 
It took him almost a minute to actually say goodbye and leave you, but the skip in his step made up for his tardiness. 
Wednesday – 
Leon was starting to get tired of these meetings. His job was to fight bioweapons, did he really need to sit in the geeky science side of things? If there’s a monster, kill it. Easy. 
He sighed, as his eyes bore into the papers, yet not reading any of the content written on them. Every word said by the scientists and researchers went in one ear and right out the other as they continued through the robust slideshow. Didn’t he skip college for this exact reason? 
Just as they were about to continue towards the next slide, Leon’s phone rang, interrupting everyone from their concentration. Usually, Leon would apologize for forgetting to silence his phone, but seeing your caller ID flash on his screen had him running outside the meeting room as the group decided to call for an intermission. 
Picking up, Leon piped up, “Hello?”
“Is it a bad time?” 
Leon looked back to the meeting room without a care, “Nope, wasn’t doing anything important, what’s up?” 
“I was just going to ask what you wanted to eat for dinner for Friday’s movie night. Do you want to order in or make something ourselves?” 
“What’s wrong with both?” Leon chuckled. 
“That’s too much!” You laughed.
Leon smiled, loving the sound of your laughter and being the one that made you laugh, “Okay, okay, let’s get something easy to make. We’ve got some other shopping to do too.” 
“Perfect, we’ll go tomorrow, okay? Come home early.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice, “I’ll be there.”
“Okay, I gotta go now. I love you!”
“I love you too,” Leon kissed into the phone before hanging up. 
He was about to turn around and head back to the presentation room before being face to face with the Redfield siblings. Chris raised his brow while Claire did her best to hide her snickering behind her hand. Leon’s stoic persona returned, pushing past them as he muttered, “Shut up.” 
Thursday – 
“Anything else?”
“Sour cream,” Leon read the grocery list, “That should be it.” 
You nodded, heading towards the condiments aisle, “Right, can’t forget the sour cream.”
Finding the location, you were about to ask Leon for help as the bottle you wanted was placed on the top shelf, but Leon was quick to understand and had already reached up and placed the bottle in the cart. You smiled and attempted to pat his head, “Thank you! Ready to go?”
If Leon had a tail, it would be wagging faster than a boat propeller. Leon perked up at the praise, basking in the good words you had for him. He could never get over how well you treated him and he lived to impress you everytime. Just as he went to answer, a certain sibling duo appeared again. Was this his bad luck? 
Once you saw Claire, you immediately rushed over and enveloped her into a hug and gushed about where she’s been and what she’s been up to. Knowing you well, Leon knew it’d a while before you realized you’d been talking for a bit too long. Chris seemed to know this too as he went over to Leon and struck up some small talk. He looked in your cart, analyzing the collected ingredients, “Taco night?”
Leon let out a gruff noise with a scowl on his face to indicate that Chris guessed correctly. Leon crossed his arms, impatiently waiting for you to finish so that you both could go home and cuddle on the couch together. 
Chris scoffed, “You don’t have to hide that you love them, you know? It’s not like everyone doesn’t know you’re head over heels for them already.” 
Leon pressed his lips together, “I’m not hiding anything.” 
“You’re not?” Chris pressed, “So, yesterday, on that phone call, you did send a kiss through the phone, right?” 
Leon met Chris’s eyes with a glare, not willing to admit he’d ever do such a thing. Although it was the truth and it would’ve hurt his pride to admit, Leon hated denying it in case it made you sad, so he chose to use silence as his answer. Chris found this particularly amusing as he laughed, “It’s okay to have feelings, you know? In this field of work, it’s nice to have someone – someone human – to remind us that we have lives outside of the virus.” 
Leon’s tough demeanor slightly cracked as he watched you laugh and joke with Claire. He hated to admit, but Chris was right. You were his everything. You made all the bad memories and nightmares go away. You reminded him that he’s just a guy trying to live a normal life. And, he’d do anything to keep you in his arms forever. 
Without thinking, Leon admitted, “I love them.” 
Chris smiled in triumph, “You look good together.”
Just as the men finished their chat, you looked over at Leon to which Leon softened his expression to meet your gaze, “Hey, you won’t mind if Chris and Claire come over tonight, right? They can even stay over if they want! Come on, let’s go!”
Even if he wanted to, Leon couldn’t bring himself to argue with you. Sure, he wanted you for himself tonight, but he couldn’t ever say no to you. Thus, you collectively left the grocery store with Leon grumbling in tow as Chris snickered at his demise. 
Friday – 
Fridays, oh Fridays. They were Leon’s favorite day of the week. It was the majority of the population's favorite day of the week actually. But, Leon’s reason wasn’t mundane like getting off work early to celebrate the weekend or other adjacent reasons. His reason was because he was to come home to you and destress the woes of the week in your arms. He didn’t care what movie or TV show was playing, he just wanted to bury himself deep into your neck and press loving kisses as if he was thanking you for your existence. Even though your focus was solely on the drama of the cinema, Leon was just happy to be included. That’s all that he needed. You were all that he needed. 
“I gotta use the bathroom,” You started to untangle yourself from Leon’s hold, “You can keep watching though.”
Leon mewled in protest. He didn’t even know what was playing anyways, so it didn’t matter to him. The hold on you shifted, so that Leon was encircling your waist and holding your body flush against his. He buried his face into your chest and his muffled, “Don’t go.”
You patted his head, brushing your fingers through his hair as you cooed at him, “I’ll be back in a bit, okay? Keep the blankets warm for me?”
Leon pouted, squeezing you one more time before reluctantly letting you go – extra emphasis on the reluctant part. Leon was basically an octopus suction cupping you on him as you struggled to get out of his hold. Once you were finally freed, you huffed before sending him off with a quick kiss and running towards the bathroom. Leon laid on the couch, lifeless. He didn’t know what to do without you. He tried to tune into the TV, but his lack of attention to plot confused him on the premise of whatever was playing. He laid back with his hand on his stomach, fiddling his fingers as he stared at the ceiling. He shifted his body left and right, suddenly feeling like the couch was made of concrete and blankets knitted with the itchiest yarn known to man. 
Annoyed, Leon decided to abandon the couch and shuffle his way towards the bathroom and paced outside as he waited for you to finish. Thankfully, you weren’t that long before you unlocked the door and stepped out. You hadn’t gotten far before Leon scooped you up in his arms and swiftly took you back to the couch and buried your bodies in the mountain of pillows and blankets. Only now did he feel comfortable, like sleeping on clouds. 
You giggled, taking his face in your hand and holding him to look at you. Leon’s eyes widened, waiting for you to say what you wanted to. You booped his nose, “Were you waiting outside for me?”
Leon pursed his lips like he was asking for a kiss. You shook your head, not willing to kiss him until he gave you an answer. Once realizing this, Leon’s lips turned into a pout, “I missed you.”
You giggled, pressing a rewarding kiss to which he passionately accepted, “You’re so cute.”
Leon snuggled back into you as your fingers entangled themselves back into his hair, “I love you.”
“I love you more.” 
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fairyhaos · 6 months
seventeen as types of tea
requested by anon ! my tea knowledge is like. a little bit extensive. but only a little, so some of these r based off of what google says these teas taste like ++ the vibes they give me ^^
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ginger tea. the warmth and the spiciness and the slight sweetness of the tea definitely give me strong seungcheol vibes. the fact that it's good for you and also super delicious? hmm yeah idk but it's giving scoups
honey tea. a gentle, sweet tea that melts on your tongue. it reminds me of being taken care of by my mother, bc she always gave me honey tea when i was sick. for me, its a comforting tea, and the lovely sweetness gives me jeonghan vibes. 
bergamot tea. most people know it as earl grey tea, and it sounds like it'll be a musky, tasteless old-people kind of tea, but its floral, citrusy taste is very vibrant and lovely. bergamot is also a nice stress reliever, and is also a vv nice cake flavour and idk. the vibes feel very joshua
jasmine tea. dude, everyone loves jasmine tea, and if you don't, then you're lying to yourself. and that's exactly like how i firmly believe that junhui is nothing except absolutely and utterly loveable. it makes me think of dim sum bc the cleansing taste of it always balances the oily food sooo well
tea with lots of cream and sugar. it's almost horrifically sweet, but hoshi drinks it with a straight face and you can't help but wonder if, maybe, it's because the tea is so sugary that it's numbed his taste buds off forever. also he's totally the type to give himself a cream moustache. 
hibiscus tea. the slight cranberry-ish tartness of the taste feels very much like wonwoo for some reason? it makes me think of the shininess of glasses frames, the rough texture of books, and the gentle deepness of his voice. 
coffee disguised as tea. idk how to explain this bro but jihoon is Not Really a tea-drinking person in my eyes (not enough caffeine in it) but people keep telling him that having 7 coffees a day isn't good for his health so he's started drinking “tea” instead. except it's not actually tea and it's just.  coffee. hidden in his flask. 
matcha. matcha is lowkey just an aesthetic tea ngl but also?? it's a tea that's basically known for its health benefits bc it's just sooo so healthy and i feel like minghao, as a tea nerd, would love that. also matcha flavoured stuff is vv yum and makes me think of him for some reason
masala chai. ive never actually had masala tea before, but i think the combination of richness and warmth and spices of it just suits him very very well. just the vibes of it make me think of mmingyu's undeniable presence and his warm, beautiful, colourful nature
peach tea. fruit teas are definitely more dokyeom’s style bc they're kinda attached to the idea of youth and smiles, cuz children r more likely to have fruit teas. also peach tea is just sooo so sweet and fragrant. especially iced peach tea!! to me, i think that it literally tastes like syrupy sunshine. 
rose tea. it's just such a delicate, floral, aromatic tea with veryyyy good health benefits, and not only does it give me seungkwan vibes, i also think that he'd really like to drink it. also the floating rose buds in tea are so very aesthetic. 
tea biscuits. i couldn't think of a tea for him help anyone who has anything negative to say about tea biscuits is gonna have to Fight me bc they're actually sooo nice and i can and will finish half a pack of tea biscuits in one sitting if you let me. vernon probably could do that too. 
milk tea. idk man but for me, i think that the unambiguous milky taste of milk teas just make me think of the all-encompassing and reassuring warmth of chan. he's like the pleasant milkiness of the milk tea that stays on your tongue
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reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @kikohao
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lizaluvsthis · 6 months
love the fic you and shay did yum food could we have art of them snuffled together with that blanket?
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Here you go anon! Enjoy the snack everyone!
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merakiui · 1 month
OOOOOOO ur cooking mera 👀
All that disgust riddle feels is just thinly veiled sexual tension!! God help if criminal reader committed a crime of passion because riddle is going to learn how to love in all the wrong ways.
I like the thought of reader catching on to sweet riddles train of thought and slowly injecting more innuendos into her letters. How the food is so hard in her mouth and hot to eat that she's panting afterwards. The clothes are so constricting it feels like being tied up (she has intuition he has a bondage kink) and most of all how so very lonely she is. She's not stopping even after all the letters she receives are stained with musty droplets, the salt on the paper isnt tears.
Reader doesn't care that she's stringing him along. After all he writes on the finest stationary, is enrolled in a top university and refers to his parents as 'mother and father'. He reeks of money and she needs to make bail. A girl's gotta do what a girls gotta do 🤷‍♀️
Darling using every trick in the book to charm Riddle into getting her out of jail,,,,, that's so good!! And of course he falls for it because he doesn't know what real romance is. His parents are an abysmal example of that, and he's never truly been in love himself. When you send back letters with the sweetest, most flowery of words, he thinks it's genuine. At first, going into the project, he was wary because you're a criminal and so he expects you to lie and twist the narrative whenever he sends interview questions. But now his suspicions are clouded over by these complex feelings he's never known before.
If anyone were to peek into his dorm room and see all of the letters he's posted to his cork board, they'd think he was taking this assignment a little too seriously. It's obsessive, the way Riddle clings to your words. He's done so much research, filled an entire notebook with details and information, scoured every reputable source that's covered your story. He knows your entire life's story like the back of his hand; he can list all kinds of facts about you. If anyone asks why he knows so much or why he even cares, he just tells them he must do so if he's to hand in a perfect journalistic report worthy of full marks to the professor. Although it may be difficult to stay completely objective when he's in this deep...
It's immensely ironic that he, a law student, has become so obsessed with an actual criminal, so much so that he's looking at the amount set for your bail and truly considering.
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