#yurena lovelace
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happy birthday jamil!!!! finished this just in time for his birthday!!
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teehee fairy gala yurenamil
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for @twisted-tech ‘s mermay thingy!!!
this is the fish
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mermay sketches!!! (because I just barely missed last year’s T.T)
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they’re coming for you
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because I can never just like the first design of a character I make—
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New Yuusona just dropped!!
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I put her in my bio but I now I’ve actually drawn her in the twisted wonderland style
also there is an art collection under the cut
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I cannot render cats if that wasn’t obvious
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The aforementioned Creative Writing assignment I somehow got an A on
the whole story is under the cut, please beware of cringy writing :)
Hello, I’m Yurena Lovelace. I’m 17 years old, and a senior in high school. Where my story starts, it was the last few months of school. My friend’s birthday was coming up, and I had been anxiously waiting for any college acceptance letters. I had applied for probably 100 schools, and at that point I had been rejected by 27. 
I was minding my own business, wandering around the library, when suddenly a book had fallen on my head. I briefly searched around to see who had done that to maybe yell at them, but I found no one.
“Might as well see what it’s about…” I whispered to myself, looking down at the book that had fallen on my head. I quickly skimmed through the contents of the book, but there was barely anything of note. That is, until I came across a page that read, “A magical mirror that can take you to other worlds!” 
“How strange…” I thought to myself before quickly snapping a picture of the page out of curiosity. I was sure if I was gonna share it with my friends they would just make fun of me. We didn’t have many interests in common, but we had been friends since we were little. 
I heard a quiet ping and quickly put together that I received a text. “Look what came in the mail!!!” My mother had texted me, sending a picture of a letter from a college. 
The name of the college was blocked by her hand, but I was excited nonetheless. I quickly packed up my things, sending a text to my friends’ group chat about a college letter coming in the mail.
I walked back home with a sort of pep in my step, hoping it was an acceptance letter from our state college. Allegra and Kate had both gotten accepted there, and I didn’t want to have to move away and end up losing touch. They were the only friends I had, and there was no way I was going to give them up that easily. 
Unfortunately, both of my parents had gone to work by the time I got home. It was maybe six or seven, and my younger siblings were probably at my aunt’s house. I had always felt bad whenever I got home late, because my parents would always get on me about how I need to be responsible and take care of my siblings. But now, I would give the world to see them again. 
I dropped my bag and grabbed a snack before reading through the letter my mother was so excited about.
“Congratulations! We are happy to inform you of your acceptance into ___.” My eyes widened as I read through the letter I had received. The college I got accepted into is all the way across the country. I frantically reread it to make sure I had read it correctly and promptly dropped down onto the floor. My mother had made me apply there because of its prestige, but I didn’t actually think I’d actually get in. 
My hands were shaking as I tightly grabbed the letter. It’s not like I could turn them down, it’s one of the best colleges in the country! But, my only friends would end up being hours away. I couldn’t ever stand to lose them, they were everything I had. I decided to take a walk to clear my head. 
“I’m not actually going to accept it, right?” I thought to myself, shoving my hands in my pockets. I absentmindedly passed by the local thrift store and noticed a very familiar mirror in the window. 
I pulled up the picture that I had taken from the book and held it up side-by-side to the mirror. Before I could even think, I had taken a picture and sent it to Allegra. I texted her saying, “Look at this mirror and all the raven decals! Wouldn’t it be funny if we got it for Kate for her birthday, since she’s scared of birds?” I figured that with that wording I could convince her to get it. 
“If this is real… Then I’d never have to lose Allegra and Kate. We could go on adventures forever and never have to part.” I thought to myself. It seemed like a good idea at the time, I swear. 
I quickly received a text from Allegra that was just a laughing face emoji, and soon enough Allegra and Katherine were by my side standing in front of the thrift store. Allegra somehow convinced Kate to steal the mirror after realizing she didn’t have money. We very suspiciously left the shop with the mirror in Kate’s coat. I could see the cashier give us a strange look, but I don’t think they got paid enough to care. 
We walked for a few blocks before Allegra took the mirror out of Kate’s coat. Allegra was playing around with it, acting like she was a supermodel. Kate let out an anxious chuckle before whisper-shouting, “We’re gonna get it trouble! Don’t break it!!” 
Kate quickly took the mirror out of Allegra’s hands and inspected the decor. “Why did you guys want to get this? It’s just a creepy, clouded up, mirror.” She complained, rubbing the glass with her jacket to see if it would help clear it up. “You guys know I’m scared of birds too…”
Kate was barely able to get her sentence out before the mirror started playing a few notes and glowing. I was leaning over her shoulder, trying and failing to hide my excitement. I wasn’t even able to notice their horrified faces as we were sucked into the mirror.
When I woke up, I found myself standing up inside a strangely comfortable coffin and I could hear someone talking outside. 
“I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me…” The voice said in a frantic tone of voice. “Urgggh… This lid weighs a ton! Try this on for size Mya-ha!” Was the last thing I heard before my eyes got assaulted by a sudden burst of light. When my vision finally adjusted, I saw fire all around me. 
The voice I heard apparently belonged to a small, talking, weasel-like creature. “What?! You ain’t supposed to be awake!” The small creature cried out.
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