#yuuki kuran icons
waynessz · 2 years
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theancientking · 1 year
Hi! Welcome, this is Nocty-mun, I do hope that you find your stay rather enjoyable and won’t shy away from sending me all sorts of things. Thank you for taking your time to read the rules, I know there’s a few but they’re important:
♔ I don’t force ships, as that doesn’t make sense to me. But if you want to ship our muses we can definitely try that out and see where it goes.
♔ We don’t need to be mutuals to interact or send asks, subs, etc.
♔ I only follow the people I have actively interacted with. So if we just met, I might not follow you so soon until we’ve got some traction going.
♔ If I drop a thread, there’s reasons. I’ll let you know.
♔ I multiship and platonicship. Chemistry is key.
♔ I do not Ship Yume ( Kaname x Yuuki) I have my reasons please respect this.
♔ I will not tolerate any mun/OOC-drama. But I love IC drama~
♔ RESPECT all and all will be well. I don’t like getting hate posts or anything of that matter.
♔ I have nothing against jumping into a thread, but I do like to flesh out the details of a Thread with a good plot beforehand so I know what I’m working with.
♔ No random smut, God-modding, power-playing, controlling the plot, assassinating e/o unless that was planned beforehand. You know, common sense, I don’t have to spell it out.
♔ I expect well-written, posts quality over quantity. As long as the content is legible. Please refrain from text-stylized and poor writing/grammar, etc.
♔ I am willing to deviate from Canon quite a lot. Esp for plotting.
♔ Don’t fuss over when I reply/read your posts. Some days are busier for me and I post when I can. My energy can also tank when days are tough, I’ll have some energy for doodling or quicker 1x1 in discord and not much else. As for my discord ask and I may share it.
♔ Feel free to send me memes or anything you wanna RP, anytime it’s fine by me. If you have concerns or wish to end a thread, also please let me know! –These rules could change in the future, I’ll post an update when I have.
TRACKING: theancientking.tumblr.com
DISCLAIMER: Kaname Kuran “Vampire Knight” © Matsuri Hino
ICONS: Some icons, manga caps, graphics are mine unless otherwise noted, if you wish to use them PM me. If you don’t, I’ll be contacting you and I will NOT be happy.
ROLEPLAY: will roleplay with anyone; canon, canon-divergent, AU, Crossover, etc. But if it’s a verse I’m uncomfortable or unfamiliar with, I’ll let you know. Mature themes are bound to happen, graphic a bit as well. If we are in a Rp that is uncomfortable for you or reaches topics you don’t wish to write about, please tell me. I’ll do the same. ^^
THREADS: from one-liners to novellas —anything goes.
REPLIES: Replies might delay due to schedules, but trust I’ll reply asap.
STARTERS: Feel free to send ‘em!
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sullista · 3 years
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⠀ ̇ ̟ ‿︵‿୨🩸୧‿︵‿ ̟ ̇
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annicon · 7 years
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.。.:*・ vampire knight icons ・*:.。.
like/reblog if you save
© on twitter @mewseok
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sweetdreamslover · 3 years
Match Icons VKM
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yume-ship · 4 years
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Kuran Yuuki | VKM Chapter 27 [x]
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fangsandsentiments · 5 years
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𝒗𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕, 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔!
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royalbounds · 6 years
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♡  More matchies  ♡
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yuuki-kuran · 7 years
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Yuki Kuran Icons!
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moonlit-theft · 7 years
Our Goodbyes || Zero && Yuuki
Why bash it if you can just rewrite it? Alternative take on the aftermath between Yuuki and Zero, after Rido’s defeat.
The dust settles, a harsh silence taking over the place that had been a battle ground mere moments ago; even nature appears quiet, as if waiting with baited breath what will happen next...
Long strands of chocolate brown hair dance in the wind, the familiar yet foreign face covered in dust. He can sense it; the aura pulsing from her, the revolting pull towards her form, coming from the most hated part deep inside of him… She's a Pureblood, a Monster. But, isn't she also Yuuki...?
"Zero..." her voice is light and careful, as if approaching a vicious animal; it's not wrong. "Are you okay...?"
"Don't get close to me," his voice is harsh, teeth gritted together. "How could I possibly be okay...?"
He can see the reaction almost immediately; the familiar deflated expression, though the wine hue layered upon the once russet eyes, make it harder to face her gaze head on.
"Everything..." he utters. "I'm tired of it all,"
He can see the way her hands clench onto her skirt, the way her jaw tenses, as it always tends to moments before she unleashes a rant on him.
"That's why-"
"I'm still on Zero's side," she interrupts, biting her lip almost immediately after saying the words.
Her uncertain glance and the way her long brown hair frames her face reminds Zero of how she'd been when they first met years ago; careful and kind, her warm hands working earnestly to guide him out of the dark and cold place he'd been at. Those hands... would they still be warm, even now...?
"Yuuki..." his voice trails off, words caught in his throat, the hand holding his gun quivering just the slightest. She hadn't done anything bad. Yuuki... the Yuuki in his heart, in his memories... has she really been eaten, like she'd said? But if that is so... then why can he still see her so clearly, in those unfamiliar, yet familiar eyes...?
Slowly, he lowers his gun, silence once again falling upon the scene. He feels... cold. Empty. The taste of Ichiru's blood still lingers in his mouth. He'd lost his brother, and now, has he also lost the girl he has come to treasure so very much…?
"Zero..." slowly, she takes a few steps closer to him, reaching out a single hand, her breath hitched as she waits to see if he'll let her--- but then her hand touches his face, and Zero is forced to realize that yes, her hand is still warm...
"I... need time," he utters, his eyes closing, free hand balling into a fist. Even though he knows it's Yuuki, what he feels is still a Pureblood, his natural enemy, his most hated enemy-
"I understand," she whispers, letting her hand linger in place for a moment longer when he doesn't pull away, before she gently lets it fall along her side again. "I'll wait for you," she has to leave anyway. There is no place she can learn to control her powers, to learn the things she needs to learn, other than her ancestral home. Kaname… she’s sure that her brother will come for her, to take her home, to teach her.
Zero nods, a single jerk of his head as the warmth fades from his cheek far too fast for his liking.
"If I write to you... will you write back?" Yuuki asks, hand finding its way back to her skirt, fingers twisting the fabric slightly.
Lilac hues open, gaze coming to rest on the smaller girl before him. The awkward, yet hopeful expression remains the same it had been all those years ago. It brings a small twitch to his lips, despite feeling that there is nothing left to smile about. "Maybe,"
Warmth touches his heart at the smile she returns to him, the surprise in her no longer russet eyes quickly overtaken by happiness as she nods. "Un! I'll write to you a lot, okay?"
"What..." he sighs through his teeth. "Don't you have anything better to do, than that?"
"Wha- how mean! Of course I have time for Zero!"
"Yuuki," The smooth baritone voice of the King interrupts them, as the older Pureblood stands a while away, half hidden by the shadows cast upon him by the trees. Before more hunters come, and before things get more complicated, it is time to leave, and to bring his precious sister to safety.
Yuuki's lips part for a small moment, unsure of what to say, before she smiles slightly at Zero, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'll be waiting..." she utters again, before turning and heading towards there Kaname is waiting for her.
"Let's go," Kaname murmurs, placing a hand on the small of her shoulder, supporting the girl just as she stumbles, the exhaustion of the day catching up on her hard and fast.
"Yes, Kaname onii-sama," she murmurs, walking alongside the male. She glances back over her shoulder, just in time to see Zero's form disappear into the distance as he himself leaves, as well.
After all these peaceful years... her existence as a human is finally over.
What follows next is a weekly exchange of letters. Yuuki’s letters are often several papers long, filled with ramblings about all sorts of things, and covered in no small amount of stickers.
On the other hand, Zero’s letters are neat, and short. But, despite this, he never fails to return a single letter to her.
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astharoshebarvon · 3 years
How to NOT be friends, a guidebook by Vampire Knight and garbage Inuyasha sequel
The less said about VK the better. Even now when I recall those instances I get so angry.
All I’ll say is that only Takuma and Seiren cared about Kaname and Kaname and Yuuki’s relationship. They are the only two friends of Kaname Kuran.
Rest everyone can choke.
They all wanted them to separate / break apart and I can’t believe these gross characters got their wish. I really don’t give a damn about any of these vile characters. I really hate all of them!
As for Yuuki’s friends, I don’t understand why didn’t that dumb bint sayori had a threesome with zero and aidou since both of these assholes cared more about zero than kaname/yuuki.
Now, let’s come to the most shameless series ever, forget the name it’s so notorious everyone knows about it.
The series which turned once a  proud, iconic, pretty much asexual manga/anime character into a vile pedophile; a lame, cringey TL/josei smut male lead whose only redeeming point is he is good looking.
Well, with the sequel’s animation even that is debatable. He looks downright weird at times. Even in manga art he looks dumb.
Everyone knew he and Kagura felt something for each other. Can’t believe they are now saying with their whole fucking chest that this man was a pedophile from the start. Because if they weren’t guradian/ward, then he is pedophile.
Sesshoumaru, dear, once one of my favourite characters, how pathetic are you that you had to steal every fucking thing from your younger brother.
This is coming from someone who has read and enjoyed some very good Sess/Inu fanfics, and who is a hardcore Inukag, asexual Sesshoumaru fan.
No, seriously, if you have to steal everything from your half  brother and father, then maybe you aren’t that great after all. Maybe you can follow in your father’s footsteps and die too. And, please, take your horrid child bride and mary sue oc children with you too.
First, his oh so girl boss type, BAD BAMF mom who was for past two decades NOT WIFE of Inu no Taishou.
Oh, but suddenly she is. There was a time she was the MATE of Great Dog Demon.
God, these people are hilarious!
This much jealousy? Seriously?
The official fanbook came out years ago, the author could have easily wrote Izayoi as the second wife, she didn’t. Izayoi was written as GDD’s wife, not fucking second!
The studio’s hate boner for Inukag and everyone related to Inuyasha is unreal.
Now, Miroku, Sango, Kirara, Kohaku, Kaede, even Kagome’s own fucking family; why are they licking the pedophile’s/ racist’s boots?
Why the hell do these people care about those awful, annoying mary sue OC’S females instead of Inukag’s child?
Are you for real? Get the hell out of here!
Did they forget Sango wanted to kill the braindead child bride in the og for Miroku? Miroku training the OC lookalike of his wife??? Kirara with the annoying OC’S?
What the hell? It’s much easier to come out and say We hate Inuyasha, Inukag so much that it’s unreal!!
Inu no Taishou loved his second son and his wife, Izayoi. They were his priority and it was obvious as hell if you read the manga that his pedo son wasn't his on his mind at all. Did he knew he was going to turn into a bitch in future? Maybe. His friends do not give a single fuck about Sesshoumaru. They don't even like him. But all of a sudden they are worshipping him and his gross kids?
Inuyasha and Kagome would have throttled Totosai for hurting their child. Like seriously, shut the hell up!!! I hate this sequel so much! 
They stole Tree of Ages, Inuyasha’s friends, all of them, and put that obsessed girl inside their tree! 
sessros is nothing but the terrible trope of an obsessed fangirl ending up with a good looking guy. Let’s not kid ourselves into thinking it’s anything else but that.
That shit is loathed like anything everywhere. It was just made grosser with the clear cut pedophila, that’s all it is.
Can’t believe there was actually that scene in sequel, saw the gif floating around of a 14 year old rubbing her stomach. God, it’s truly vile stuff. It’s vomit inducing.
Then again this shit should be expected from this homophobic author. I can’t believe people actually believed that hogosha bull this author, VA spouted. Are these people not happy with pedophilia in their anime, they have to drag words meaning guardians, parents into this horseshit too?
These people did green lit that drama cd too, people will say this is what the author intended in her manga too.
Sequel is based on original manga, that means Sess had feelings for a child of 6/7 and look at that, the child had feelings for him too.
Imagine being homophobic like hell in your mangas and glorifying wife husbandry and pedophilia in the anime of your works.
The stupid manga drawn by another author is lame as hell too. Are they secret brother in law/ sister in law shipper too like IY anime people who tried so hard to tell everyone ros is like Kagome. She is not. 
Wow, just wow.
Also, why hate on Miroku for Koharu chapters in your manga when Sess did so much worse.
It’s funny though the author drew ros as she is supposed to be, not like Kagome. Because ros has never been and will never be like kagome. Not to mention that cover art is mediocre as hell.
Mary Sue 2 looks so much like Sango that its not even funny. Did Sess fuck Sango? Is that why Miroku was close to his wife’s illegitimate daughter?
Sess lookalike in Rinne, Kain and Sango lookalike, whatever her name is are shown to be together. Is ms2 their love child? Ros does not exist in it.
As far as I am concerned Sesshoumaru, his dumb child bride and his kids, they can all die.
This studio can try as hard it can to insult Inuyasha and Inukag but at the end of the day this show is riding on Inuyasha’s coat tails.
Sesshoumaru or any of his so called cringey, pedo het fanfic family will always be referred to as characters from Inuyasha.
Because they are nothing on their own.
I am shocked that they actually have the fucking audacity to say the child bride was 18.
Lol !!!
Is ros a hobbit? Is that it? And how come hisui was 2 during the birth scene. That ain't a 7 year old .
God, this man is a pedo and ros was pregnant at 14 at best. In no world is she 18.
Retconning everything will not make the pedo look good. 
Saying ros was 18 has the same vibes as Loki killed his mom, Steve was always a homewrecker.
And, how can I forget, Anakin died for nothing, his story meant nothing, his torture meant nothing. Because everything suddenly became about the OC mary sue and her boner for the kyle rov.
Anakin wasn’t the chosen one.
My goodness! Just stop!
The ridiculousness of these shows/movies is just unbelievable.
It’s ironic that all of these shitty stories have spit out absolutely horrid het relationships which are nothing but a very big self insert for the female het shippers.
All I know is that these people are not friends and never will be. If this is how friends are supposed to be then it would be better if no one had any friends at all.
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imensus · 5 years
on faceclaims .
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Friendly reminder that for post 999 as Akane matures such as VLR,, she will also be using the face-claim of Yuuki / Yuki / Cross / Kuran . I don’t want to use people’s fanart so this is best for me and I hope you don’t mind the confusion ! Thank you so much for following me everyone I’m really happy to be back on the Queen again. Of course I will also use ZTD icons like this : 
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kuranprincess · 7 years
Growing Mushrooms
@remedialmelody heeft gereageerd op je bericht “Icon Starter: Yuuki Kuran”
throw her at oren 8) no. 489
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— {˙ღƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღ˙} —— "Oh... Sorry, I didn't see you were already there," and she'd be too out of it to sense him - or rather, who'd expect a depressed hunter growing dramatic mushrooms in a corner?? She'd expect him to be Zero without coffee, before she'd think of this guy.
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annicon · 7 years
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.。.:*・ yuuki kuran icons ・*:.。.
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© on twitter @mewseok
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★ Starter Call ☆ Regulars ★
Send me a ✉ with one of the following icons for me to write you a random starter with that character, character sheets found at [link]:
? - Random ♚ - Eiri Yagari ♚⌘ - Eiri Kuriou ✎ - Miira Souen ⚜ - Mana Kuran ⚛ - Lacie Sasahara ♔ - Seigyaku Kuran ☘ - Hiroshi Kazuhiko ✠ - Emi Kazuhiko ✠⌇ - Emi Kazuhiko (Huntress) ⚔ - Sota Yuuyari ♞ - Amatus Caelinus † - Evangeline Caelinus ஐ - Yuuki Cross / Kuran ( please include verse ) ❂ - Takuma Ichijou
If you’d like me to write you a starter with another character, feel free to either hit me up, or simply write down their name next to the ✉ .
The starter will be written in a new post, and will be linked to when I respond to the ask. If you send your preference in a submit, I’ll just use that for the first post.
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dynamicduoicons · 10 years
Manga: Vampire Knight Character: Yuuki Kuran Batch: I Icon Count: 25
Feel free to use. Likes and credit are appreciated but not necessary.
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