#zabuza x black!reader
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`𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵’
♧↝𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗎𝗋𝖾 ♤↝𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍 ♡↝𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿 ♢↝𝖽𝖺𝗋𝗄
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…𝗉𝖺𝗍𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝗂𝗌 𝖺 𝗏𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗎𝖾 𝗅𝗎𝗏💙
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
The Uchiha In The Leaves (Part Eight)
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Author’s Note: If anyone wants to be in a taglist for this feel free to let me know! Happy to do it for anyone!
(Kakashi x Reader)
Summary: What happens when Y/N finally returns to the Village Hidden in the Leaves? Her life is flipped upside down when not only does she find the man that’s awaited her return, but she finds someone she thought she’d never see again.
Ao3 Link
Part One, Part Two: *NSFW Ahead!*, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven
Part Eight: *NSFWish Ahead!*
Word Count: 2027
*Kakashi's P.O.V*
"I'm sorry." Y/n wiped the tears from her eyes. "I'm sure how I'm acting about this is just making you angry."
"I'm not mad Y/n," I wrapped my arms around her legs and turned her toward me. She leaned against my arm. "I just don't want you to hurt anymore. I just wish you had told me who he was all along instead of keeping me in the dark like that." I kissed the side of her head. I could only imagine what she was feeling, when she left all those years ago I had been crushed. I had never had a serious relationship after that. She was in a whole different boat. "And if he hadn't been trying to hurt you and the kids I never would have done what I did."
She took a couple of hard breaths before looking up at me. She tried to calm herself down. "How are you feeling?"
I put my hand behind my head and ruffled my hair a little. "I've been better. I think I overdid it with my Sharingan. It'll probably be about a week before I can move normally." I put my hand under her chin and made her look up at me. "But I don't care how I am. Are you okay? How are your ribs?" Zabuza had taken advantage of knowing her old injury in their fight.
"I'm fine, really." She was finally starting to breath normally. She rubbed her ribs, almost like she had forgotten all about the pain in the meantime. "I'll be fine."
I pulled my mask down, something I rarely did when not in the comfort of my own home. I kissed her lips and ran my fingers through her hair. Before I could react Y/n rolled toward me and pinned me down to the bed. I slowly moved my hands down her back and stopped when I held her waist. "Are the kids asleep?"
She leaned down and kissed my collar bone. "I don't know." She leaned in to kiss me, but I put a finger up to her lips. I flipped her onto her back and kissed her before standing up to take a peek on the kids. I felt weak, I could barely move, but I knew this would help Y/n feel better, and who was I to tell her no?
I tiptoed to the living room and peeked my head around the corner. The kids were all fast asleep on the couch and the house was silent. I made my way back to the bedroom and shut the door slowly and softly behind me. I locked it and turned back to the bed. I climbed onto the bed and hovered over Y/n. The Uchiha's black eyes were shining tonight. "Kashi, look at you." She put her hand on my chest. "You can barely move around."
"I'm fine." I kissed her. "I can do this." I started to strip my gear, fumbling around as I tried not to fall onto her. First came the vest, it landed on the rocking chair on the other side of the bed as I tossed it. I helped Y/n out of her vest, her's black, our village colors differed. Next came our black long sleeves, coming off with ease. 
I kissed her again, my arms shaking as I tried to hold myself up from the bed. Y/n reached down and began to push down my pants, doing hers in the process. Before I could object she had both of our pants off and she had wrapped her legs around my waist. With one swift movement she pushed against the bed and rolled us over, straddling my waist. She kissed from my chest to the bottom of my stomach and stared longingly back up at me. The look she was giving made me even weaker. She slowly pulled down my boxers and made her way back up to me.
* * * * * * 
We awoke the next morning with the feeling of eyes on us. The kids were in the doorway, I could faintly hear them bickering quietly on who would come in first. Thank goodness we had gotten dressed before unlocking the door. Sakura came running to my side of the bed when she noticed our eyes open. "Listen Sensei, your Sharingan is amazing and everything, but if it puts that much strain on you, maybe it's not worth it."
"Sorry." I could hear how weak my voice sounded.
Tazuna came wandering into the room. "Well he did take down one of the most powerful ninja assassins, we'll be safe for a while."
Sakura was thinking. "Right, but you know that boy with the mask, what about him?"
Y/n sat up in bed. "He's from the elite tracking ninja in the Village Hidden in the Mist. Those masks are only worn by the most elite Shinobi."
"What exactly do they do?"
I sat up next to her. "The ANBU black ops, also known as the inferno squad, destroy all traces of a rogue ninja's corpse. The Shinobi's body contains many secrets. Ninjutsu, chakra, and special medicines used on his body; these are the secrets of his village. If his enemies find them his village will be in grave danger. For instance, if I were to die to the hands of an enemy, he would try to analyze my Sharingan. In the worst case my entire jutsu could be stolen and used against our home village. It is the sacred duty of the Shinobi trackers to prevent this; to keep the village secrets safe. If a ninja betrays his village then the trackers hunt him down, eliminate him, and obliterate every trace of his existence. That's their specialty. Tracker ninja deal with the body immediately, on the spot, so there's no room for error."
"Is that really important?"
Y/n looked over at me, something was brewing in her head. "Think about it, do you remember what the tracker did with Zabuza's body?"
"We don't know what he did. I mean, I guess he took it away somewhere."
That's when it hit me. "Exactly, but why, he should have worked on Zabuza right there, as quickly as possible."
Tazuna looked at all of us. "How about some breakfast? We'll all go and start getting it ready and let them wake up a little more."
They all nodded and left the room, shutting the door on their way out. I looked over at Y/n with a worried expression. "What's the matter?" She grabbed my hand.
"I just don't understand what I'm feeling right now. If Zabuza is finished, why do I feel this way?"
"Is it guilt Kashi?"
"No. Something is wrong. It's like I've missed something." I thought harder. That tracker should never have left with him, he should have done his work in the same place his body was slain. "Y/n, think about the weapons the tracker used for the takedown. Do you remember what they were?"
She looked over at me. "Throwing needles..." I saw the exact moment reality hit her. "No way."
I knew she was on the same page now. "Exactly, none of it adds up."
Tazuna knocked on the door before opening it. "The kids and I were outside the door, sorry. What were you yammering about, you guys demolished that assassin."
What I said next sent everyone into panic mode. "Here's the truth, Zabuza is still alive."
The kids were freaking out.
Naruto yelled. "But we saw his body, believe it!"
Sakura was very confused. "Kakashi-Sensei, you checked him yourself, you said he had no pulse, his heart stopped."
I sighed. "His heart did stop, but that was just a temporary state to mimic death. The weapons that the tracker used are called Senbon, they can pierce deeply, but rarely kill unless they hit a vital organ, not in the neck. They're modified from medical treatments like acupuncture. Trackers are trained to know every detail about the human body, causing the heart to stop while keeping the body alive is an easy matter for them."
"First, he carried Zabuza's body away, even though it's much heavier than his is. Second, he used Senbon, which has a precise effect, but is rarely fatal. From these two factors we can conclude that the tracker wasn't trying to destroy Zabuza, he was trying to save him."
Y/n looked terrified. "Are you sure you're not overthinking this Kakashi?"
"Encountering suspicion the ninja prepares quickly, hesitation leads to disaster. Every Shinobi knows this saying."
Sakura was concerned. "Sensei, you said prepare quickly, but how can we do that if you can barely move?"
I laughed. "Y/n is still around, and I can still train you."
"Hold on! A little last minute training isn't going to make us strong enough to fight Zabuza. You guys could barely defeat him, even with the Sharingan. We have to be reasonable about this." Sakura pointed at Y/n. "And Y/n-Sensei can barely get around too."
I was getting angry with the kids. They were not only doubting Y/n and I, but doubting themselves; a recipe for disaster. "Sakura, why was I able to stop Zabuza? Because you all helped me. You've grown." I looked over at Naruto. "Naturo." He looked up at me. "You've grown the most." A smile spread across the yellow haired boy's face.
"So you've noticed Kakashi-Sensei." Naruto was excited. "Now things are gonna get better, believe it."
A small voice from behind the kids put in its input. "I don't believe it and it's not gonna be good." We all looked around to see a small boy in overalls and a fishing hat standing in the doorway.
Naruto wasn't happy about our intruder. He pointed at him. "Who are you?"
Tazuna looked over at him. "Inari, where have you been?"
The young boy ran to Tazuna. "Welcome back grandpa!"
A young woman walked in behind Inari. "Inari, that was very rude. These ninja helped your grandpa and brought him here safely."
Tazuna smiled a little. "It's okay. It's okay. I'm rude to them too." He laughed and the little boy stared at all of us.
"Mother, don't you see that these ninja are gonna die? Gato will come back with his men and wipe them out."
I saw Naruto's face grow red with anger. "What did you say brat?"
Y/n shot Naruto a glare. "Naruto!" She growled at him.
"Listen up, do you know that a super ninja is? Well that's me, only a lot better. I'm gonna be Hokage. This Gato, or Blato, whatever he's called, is no match for a real hero like me."
The kid glared at Naruto. "There's no such thing as a hero. You're just full of stupid ideas."
"What'd you say!?" Naruto started to walk toward the boy and Sakura grabbed him, holding him back.
Sakura was getting angry. "Naruto, calm down."
"If you wanna stay alive you should go back where you came from." The boy walked toward the door.
Naruto was still squirming in Sakura's arms. Y/n looked over at him and shot him another glare, clearly she had had enough of his antics already this morning. "Enough Naruto, relax."
Tazuna tried to stop him. "Inari, wait, where are you going?"
"To look out at the ocean. I wanna be alone."
"Sorry about that."
Y/n sighed and looked over at me. The kids left the room and left just Y/n and I. "I guess it's time to start training the kids more." Y/n stood up from the bed. "Here's to hoping maybe this time we run into Zabuza I can talk a little sense into him."
"I tried to kill him Y/n." I knew my tone was harsher than it was meant to sound, but she needed to hear it. "He's not going to listen to you. Your boyfriend tried to end his life, he's never going to forget that."
I could see the anger and annoyance on her face. "I'm going to talk to Sasuke." She left the room, leaving me alone to think everything over.
Taglist 💕 @nubiadethemyscira @nimeryaa @o-franzii-o @chidori-mint @fan-g0rl @ari-hatake15 @hunie-hun @puredicks
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imperial-martian · 5 years
BBC Sherlock
Good Omens
The Good Doctor
To Kill a Mockingbird [ Book + Movie ]
Star Wars
Lucifer [ Seasons 1 - 3 ]
Joker [ 2019 ]
Gladiator [ 2000 ]
John Wick
007 [ Daniel Craig ]
Knives Out
Money Heist/La Casa De Papel
Domhnall Gleeson’s Characters
Keanu Reeves’ Characters
Ben Mendelsohn’s Characters
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BBC Sherlock
Mycroft Holmes
James Moriarty
Gregory Lestrade
John Watson
Sherlock Holmes
Good Omens
The Good Doctor
Marcus Andrews
Neil Melendez
Shaun Murphy
To Kill a Mockingbird [ Book + Movie ]
Atticus Finch
Arthur “Boo” Radley
Star Wars
Armitage Hux
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
Poe Dameron
Luke Skywalker [ Original + Sequels ]
Han Solo [ Original + Sequels ]
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Anikan Skywalker/Darth Vadar
Darth Maul
Boba Fett
Orson Krennic
Qui-Gon Jinn
Cassian Andor
George Washington
King George III
Samuel Seabury
Aaron Burr
Alexander Hamilton
John Laurens
Hercules Mulligan
Marquis de Lafayette
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
Charles Lee
Philip Hamilton
Lucifer Morningstar
Stephan Strange
Agent Phil Coulson
Tony Stark
Steve Rodgers
Agent Everett Ross
Peter Parker
Joker [ 2019 ]
Arthur Fleck
Gladiator [ 2000 ]
Emperor Commodus
General Maximus
John Wick
John Wick
Viggo Tarasov
Iosef Tarasov
Santino D’Antonio
007 [ Daniel Craig ]
James Bond
Knives Out
Benoit Blanc
Money Heist/La Casa De Papel
Sergio Marquina: The Professor
Andrés de Fonollosa: Berlin
Aníbal Cortés: Rio
Daniel Ramos: Denver
Domhnall Gleeson’s Characters
Armitage Hux [ Star Wars ]
Thomas McGregor [ Peter Rabbit ]
Ash Starmer [ Black Mirror (season 2, episode 1) ]
Tim Lake [ About Time ]
Caleb Smith [ Ex Machina ]
A. A. Milne [ Goodbye Christopher Robins ]
Keanu Reeves’ Characters
John Wick [ John Wick Series ]
Neo [ Matrix Series ]
Tomas Anderson [ Matrix Series ]
Ben Mendelsohn’s Characters
Orson Krennic [ Star Wars ]
Nolan Sorrento [ Ready Player One ]
Ralph Anderson [ The Outsider ]
Sheriff of Nottingham [ Robin Hood ]
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Oneshots can typically take me anywhere from 45 minutes to a few days. I never go below 1,000 words, and I have only gone up to 4,000, however, I plan to improve and go past that. Keep in mind that when requesting oneshots they will take me some time to do, especially if I’m busy.
Example ;; Mycroft Holmes (BBC Sherlock) x Reader oneshot in which the reader is hired as Mycroft’s personal assistant. Over time, Mycroft discovers that he loves her after the reader takes a bullet for him.
Imagines don’t take me more than an hour usually. I keep them below 1,000 words, but typically they’re past 200 to 300 words long. When requesting these you can usually expect them to be done within in hour or so, unless I’m busy.
Example ;; Atticus Finch (TKAM) imagine where he is the readers lawyer.
Drabbles take me less than 30 minutes. They’re short and always exactly 100 words. I’d usually finish this anywhere between 5 to 15 minutes.
Example ;; Gabriel (Good Omens) angst drabble.
Depending on the request, these may vary from a couple hours to a few days if I need ideas. I don’t have a word limit for these, however, usually they are over 7 bullet points long.
Example ;; Headcanon for President of the Hospital Marcus Andrews (The Good Doctor) who’s dating a surgeon who works for him.
Preferences are typically pretty quick for me to do depending on which fandom and how many characters you want. No word limit.
Example ;; First kiss preference for Commodus and Maximus (Gladiator).
Aesthetics/Moodboards are typically just a collage of photos for a character you want. It can be a character x reader collage, or even a specific character au that you want.
Example [ 1 ] ;; An Arthur Fleck (Joker) x Reader aesthetic.
Example [ 2 ] ;; An Agent! Mycroft (Sherlock) moodboard!
Ships are a small things for followers/readers to interact and ask me which characters I ship them with from a specific fandom.
Example ;; For Marvel: I have brown hair, hazel eyes and I’m 5’ 9. I love to read, write and explore. I enjoy talking to people, however, I typically get really anxious which causes my hand or legs to shake...
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Things I write for!
Alright! So here is the list of things I write for. Keep in mind that I will write smut and sexual themes, but If I don’t think it fits or if there is something that makes me uncomfortable, I won’t write it. I will write AU’s, romantic and platonic. I do not write characterxcharacter or any OC’s. I will write for female, male and nb readers, just let me know in your request.
I have also added a list of AU’s and tropes I like to write but if you have one in mind that isn’t on here, don’t be afraid to include it! The characters in bold are ones that I especially love to write for. 
Assassination Classroom- I’ll write for Asuno, Okano, Maehara, Itona, Kaede, Karma, Hazama, Mimura, Takebayashi, Justice, Kataoka, Nagisa, Hayami, Nakamura, Terasuka. Sugaya, Okajima, Yoshida, Muramatsu, Sugino, Kanzaki, Isogai, Fuwa, Kurro-Sensei, Irina, and Karasuma. Romantic, platonic, student/teacher/assassin reader is fine.
Attack on Titan- I’ll write for Armin, Eren, Hanji, Jean, Levi, Marco, and Mikasa. I don’t mind spoilers, so anything goes.
Fairy Tail- I’ll write for Cana, Elfman, Erza, Gajeel, Gray, Jellal, Juvia, Laxus, Loke/Leo, Levy, Lucy, Mirajane, Mystogan, Natsu, and Wendy(PLATONIC ONLY). I’ve read the entire manga so anything goes.
Free!- Just the main peeps; Makoto, Nagisa, Rei, Haru, Rin, and Souske. I haven’t watched any of it in a long time and I really don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Haikyuu!!- Everyone in Karasuno; everyone in Nekoma; Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kyotani from Aoba johsai; Bokuto, Akaashi from Fukurodani; Ushijima, Tendo from Shiratorizawa. I have not seen season three and four so no spoilers please! 
Hetalia- I’m not super into this anime anymore, but I’ll still write for it. I’ll write for anyone and I’ve seen everything so anything goes.
K-Project/K- I’ll write for anyone. I’ve also seen the whole thing so anything goes.
Kuroko no Basket- I will only write for the generation of Miracles. I haven’t seen anything past season one, but I don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Log Horizon- I will write for anyone. I have only seen season one so no spoilers please!
Magi- I will write for Alibaba, Morgiana, and Sinbad. I don’t mind spoilers, so anything goes.
My Hero Academia- I will write for Bakugou, Hagukure, Iida, Jiro, Kaminari, Kirishima, Midoriya, Mina, Momo, Ojiro, Sato, Sero, Shoji, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Uraraka; Kendo, Monoma, Tetsutetsu; Shinso; Mirio, Nejire, Tamaki; All Might/Small Might, Eraserhead, Fat Gum, Hawks, Kamui Woods, Present Mic; Dabi, Shiguraki, Toga. I haven’t read anything past Hawks being introduced, so no spoilers past that point in the manga. Other than that, anything goes.
Naruto- I’ll write for Asuma, Choji, Deidara, Gaara, Hidan, Hinata, Itachi, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Kakuzu, Kankuro, Kiba, Kisame, Kurenai, Lee, Minato, Naruto, Neji, Obito/Tobi, Sakura, Sasori, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Shino, Temari, Tenten, Tsunade, Zabuza. . I haven’t seen/read all of it but don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Sailor Moon- I’ll write for Sailor’s Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Tuxedo Mask and their normal counterparts.. I’ve seen all of it, but a long time ago. I don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Seven Deadly Sins- I’ll write for Ban, Diane, Escanor, King/Harlequin, Meliodas, Merlin; Arthur, Elizabeth, Gilthunder, Howzer. . I’ve seen what they have of the anime on Netflix and the movie. No spoilers from the manga, but everything goes other than that.
Harry Potter- I will write for Cedric, Dean, Draco, Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Ron, Seamus; James, Lily, Remus, Sirius; Newt, Queenie.  I’ve read and seen everything so anything goes.
Lord of the Rings- I’ll write for Aragorn, Boromir, Faramir, Frodo, Legolas, Merry, Pippin, Sam. I’ve read the books and seen the movies so anything goes.
Narnia- I’ll write for Caspian, Edmund, Eustace, Lucy, Peter, Susan. I’ve read the books and seen the movies so anything goes.
Percy Jackson- I’ll write for Annabeth, Bianca, Clarisse, Leo, Luke, Nico, Percy, Piper, Thalia; Frank, Hazel, Jason, Reyna. I’ve read all the books up to Magnus Chase. I don’t mind spoilers and will write for anyone so anything goes. 
The Hobbit- I’ll write for Bard, Bilbo, Bofur, Dwalin, Fili, Kili, Legolas, Tauriel, Thorin. I’ve read the books and seen the movies so anything goes.
BTS- Hoseok/J-Hope, Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon/RM, Seokjin/Jin, Taehyung/V, Yoongi/Suga
KARD- Jiwoo, Taehyung/J-Seph, Matt/BM, Somin
MonstaX- Changkyun/I.M, Hyungwon, Jooheon, Kihyun, Minhyuk, Shownu, Wonho
GOT7- Bambam, Jackson, Jaebum, Jinyoung, Mark, Youngjae, Yugyeom
TWICE- Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Jeongyeon, Jihyo, Mina, Momo, Nayeon, Sana, Tzuyu
BlackPink- Chaeyoung/Rose, Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa
Mamamoo- Hwasa, Moonbyul, Solar, Wheein
Big Hero 6- I will write for Fred, Go-Go, Hiro, Honey Lemon, Tadashi, Wasabi
How to Train Your Dragon- I will write for Hiccup, Astrid, and Eret.
Hunger Games- I will write for Katniss, Gale, Peeta, Joanna, and Finnick.
Jumanji- I have seen both 1&2. I am doing a rewrite of the first movie (and the second later on) but will write for any of the characters.
The Meg- I will write for Jax, Jack Morris, DJ, and Jonas Taylor. I’ve seen the movie so anything goes.
Pirates of the Caribbean- I will write for Jack, Elizabeth, James, and Will. I’ve seen everything so anything goes.
The Purge- I’ve seen all of the movies, but not the TV show. I’ll most likely use this as an AU but I do have a rewrite of Election Year and Anarchy in my WIP’s
Star Wars- I will write for Anakin, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Finn, Han Solo, Hux, Leia, Luke, Obi-Wan, Padme, Poe, Rey
Flash- I haven’t seen past season one, but I don’t mind spoilers so I’ll write for all the characters and anything goes.
Justice League- I’ll write for all of the heroes. I haven’t seen a lot of the cartoon shows, but I’ve seen the live action movies and Young Justice (Season 1&2 ONLY). Anything goes.
Suicide Squad- I will write for Boomer, Deadshot, Diablo, Harley Quinn, Katana
Young Justice- I will write for Aqualad/Kaldur, Artemis/Tigress, Beast Boy/Garfield, Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes, Impulse/Bart Allen, Kid Flash/Wally, Miss Martian/Megan, Nightwing-Robin/Dick, Robin/Tim, Red Arrow/Roy Harper, Superboy/Connor, Wonder Girl/Cassie, Zatanna Zatara. I haven’t seen season three, so please no spoilers!! 
AntMan- I will write for Hope, Luis, Scott 
Avengers- I will write for Bruce, Bucky, Clint, Natasha, Peter, Sam, Steve, Thor, Tony, Wanda
Black Panther- I will write for Erik, Everett Ross, M’Baku, Nakia, Okoye, Shuri, T’Challa
Dr. Strange- I will write for Steven Strange
Guardians- I will write for Gamora, Nebula, Peter, Yondu
X-Men- I will write for Bobby/Iceman, Hank(old and young), Jean(old and young), Kitty Pryde, Logan/Old Man Logan, Marie/Rogue, Ororo Munroe(old and young), Remy LeBeau, Scott(old and young), Victor Creed; Alex Summers, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Jubilee, Kurt, Peter Maximoff, Raven(young only)
Avatar the Last Airbender- I’ll write for Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Suki, Zuko, Azula, Mei, and Ty Lee. I’ve seen everything so anything goes.
Dr. Who- I have seen everything up to the 12th Doctor. No spoilers for 12&13 please! Other than that, anything goes.
Game of Thrones- I will write for the Starks(Arya, Brandon, Jon, Robb, Sansa), Tormund, Sandor, the Lannisters(Jaime, Tyrion), Daenerys, Brienne, Gendry, Podrick, Bronn, Oberyn, Sam, Theon, and Yara. I have seen the entire series and anything goes.
Legend of Korra- I’ll write for Korra, Mako, Bolin, and Asami. I haven’t seen anything past season one, but I don’t mind spoilers. Anything goes.
The Mandalorian- I’ll write for Cara, Mando, and Paz. I’ve seen everything so anything goes. 
Sherlock- I will write for Sherlock, John, and Greg. I haven’t seen past season three episode two so no spoilers please! Other than that, anything goes.
Supernatural- I will write for Sam, Dean, Cas, and John. I haven’t seen past season 6 but don’t mind spoilers, so anything goes!
The Walking Dead- I’ll write for anybody. I’m only at the beginning of season nine, so anything past that please don’t spoil it!
Video Games:
Assassins Creed- I’ll write for Altair, Ezio, and Connor. I’ve played some of the games and don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild- I have beaten the game and will write for Link and Zelda. 
Coffee Shop
Pet Shop
Soulmate- Colorblind, tattoo(name of soulmate/first words spoken, etc.), watch countdown, whatever you write on yourself ends up on them.
Tattoo Artist
Human from our world dropped into their world and vice versa
Only one bed
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
The Uchiha In The Leaves (Part Seven)
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Author’s Note: If anyone wants to be in a taglist for this feel free to let me know! Happy to do it for anyone!
(Kakashi x Reader)
Summary: What happens when Y/N finally returns to the Village Hidden in the Leaves? Her life is flipped upside down when not only does she find the man that’s awaited her return, but she finds someone she thought she’d never see again.
AO3 Link
Part One, Part Two: *NSFW Ahead!*, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six
Part Seven:
Word Count: 3191
*Y/N P.O.V*
Zabuza pushed the shuriken down harder on Kakashi's hand, making him wince a little, but he still kept his ground. Finally Kakashi had the strength. He took the shuriken and pushed, launching it out of his hand, sending it sailing into the woods. They both jumped backwards. Kakashi activated his sharingan and copied every move that Zabuza made. Perfectly. They began to make hand signals. A jutsu was coming. Suddenly two dragons came out of the water and fought each other. Kakashi was copying every move without hesitation. Zabuza took out his sword and swung at Kakashi, who stopped it with his kunai. They pushed back on each other, neither giving in. Finally they both jumped away from each other. From here the mimicking seemed almost juvenile. No matter what Zabuza did Kakashi mirrored it. He ran in a circle around the water, he held his left arm up and his right hand over his mouth.
The kids were noticing it. Tazuna spoke up. "He's not only mirroring his attacks, he's mirroring every move he makes."
Sakura was speechless about the whole thing. "How's he doing that?"
Zabuza put his hand down and so did Kakashi. Zabuza must have been thinking out loud because Kakashi began to talk, just loud enough for us to hear them on the water. "Going to do next." It was like he finished his sentence. Zabuza moved his hands together to form a triangle. "It makes you furious, doesn't it?" Kakashi put his fingers together.
Zabuza was mad. "All you're doing is copying me, like a monkey."
They spoke together. "You can't beat me with cheap tricks. I'll crush you."
Zabuza's eyes grew wide and the hand signals started. "When I'm finished with you, you'll never open that monkey mouth again."
A shadow clone began to form behind Kakashi. Zabuza looked shocked so we knew it wasn't from him. When the clone formed it was another Zabuza. Kakashi spoke. "Water style, water vortex jutsu."
A vortex came out of the water and began to barrel toward Zabuza. "What? Impossible!"
I knew exactly what was going to happen. I grabbed onto Sasuke, holding him as tightly as I could. The water hit us with such force that it was hard to stand our ground. I was afraid if I let go of him he would be swept away. When the water settled Zabuza was pinned against a tree. Kakashi threw kunais from off in the distance, pinning him to the tree. Suddenly, above where Zabuza was, Kakashi perched on a branch.
I looked up at him, knowing what was going to happen next. Kakashi looked at Zabuza from above. "You're finished."
Zabuza looked up. "How? Can you see into the future?"
"Yes. This is your last battle. Ever."
Before Kakashi could send his last kunai into Zabuza, spikes came flying from out of nowhere, piercing him in the neck. Zabuza hit the ground and a person spoke from in the trees. "You were right, it was his last battle."
I tried to hold myself back, but my brain made my body move. I let go of Sasuke and ran to Zabuza, dropping to my knees. "Zab!" I could feel the piercing eyes of the copycat ninja on me.
Zabuza had been a big part of my life for five years and was the first man I had loved after Kakashi. I couldn't just throw him to the curb like garbage. I took his head in my hands and looked at him. Nobody else around us moved.
Kakashi jumped out of the tree and landed next to me. He must have put things together on who Zabuza was finally. "I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice." He felt for a pulse and when there wasn't one he stopped and looked up in the tree at the one who had thrown the spike.
The person bowed. "Thank you. I've been tracking Zabuza for a long time, waiting for this chance to finally take him down."
When they came closer Kakashi and I saw the mask. I couldn't make words so Kakashi spoke. "By your mask I see that you're a tracker from the Village Hidden in the Mist."
"Impressive. You're well informed. I see there's a fellow Mist Village ninja here, so you know why I had to do this. You must be the girl that was in Zabuza's life before he went rogue."
I whipped myself around when the tracker spoke the last line. "What do you mean? I did this?"
The tracker said nothing for a long time. Finally, Sakura broke the silence, seeing Naruto's confused look. She began to explain what a tracker was. "When a rogue ninja leaves their village they carry all kinds of secrets with them. The secrets of their people. Trackers are specially trained to track down these ninja and eliminate them so that the secrets of their people remain secrets."
The tracker just stared at us from the tree and my blood started to boil. How could Zabuza do something like this to me? On the other hand, Kakashi was just as much at fault. Kakashi and Zabuza both fought each other, they both knew that it would hurt me, but they chose to anyway. This tracker had come out of nowhere, which made me angrier. This one was Kakashi's, they had yanked it out from under him. After what Zabuza had done to my brother, I wanted this settled by us.
The tracker spoke again. "That's correct. I'm a member of the elite tracking ninja for the Village Hidden in the Mist." I didn't recognize him. I had known most of their trackers from when I lived there with Zabuza, but this was someone who I had never encountered. "It was my duty to stop Zabuza."
Kakashi was still bent down next to Zabuza, watching the tracker, unsure of him. Sasuke walked over to us and stood in a protective stance in front of me. I kept glancing between the tracker, Kakashi, and Zabuza. I knew I should let go of Zabuza, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
Suddenly, before any of us could stop him, Naruto ran up to stand in front of all of us and spoke to the tracker. He was angry and grunted as he looked around at all of us. "What is this?! Who do you think you are?" The tracker stayed silent which just angered Naruto more. "Did you hear me?"
Finally, Kakashi stood up and tried to redirect Naruto. "Easy Naruto. He's not our enemy."
Naruto turned around quickly. "Huh? That's not the point. Did you see what he did? Just like that?" Naruto was anxious. "Zabuza was huge, like some kind of monster. This kid, who's no bigger than me, he brought down Zabuza with one move, like it was nothing. I mean, what does that make us?"
Sakura hung her head, I hated seeing the kids look down on themselves like this. They weren't trained like a tracker was and they didn't understand that. Kakashi walked to Naruto and put his hand on his shoulder.
I finally willed myself to let go of Zabuza and stood up, walking over to Sasuke. I walked him forward, away from Zabuza's body, and pulled him into a hug, kissing the top of his head. He pulled away a little, not wanting to show any kind of sibling love in front of his fellow Genin. I knew what he was thinking, the same things as Naruto, though he'd never say it.
"We're just fumbling around, we don't know anything. How can I accept that?"
Kakashi moved his hand from Naruto's shoulder to his head as he spoke to him. "Well, even if you don't accept it, still, it happened Naruto. In this world there are kids younger than you, and yet, stronger than me."
I felt Sasuke tense and heard his frustrated grunt. Naruto looked annoyed now and he stared back at Kakashi. With a gust of wind the tracker transported himself from the branch to next to Zabuza's body. My heart began to race again. I hadn't properly said goodbye.
The tracker began to speak as he picked up Zabuza's body. "Your struggle is over for now. I must deal with the remains. There are many secrets in this body. They must not be allowed to get into the wrong hands. Please, excuse me. Farewell." A gust of wind started to form around them.
I moved Sasuke to the side and started to walk as the gust of wind got stronger. I walked faster and before I could get there, they were gone. "Wait-!" My heart almost leapt out of my chest as I saw the body of the man I had once loved, more than anything, vanish in front of my eyes.
Naruto began running around, looking for the tracker.
I felt like I couldn't breathe. All I had wanted to do was tell Zabuza that I was sorry, maybe if I had never left, he would never have gone rogue. Then again, if I had never left, I'd never been reunited with Kakashi.
"He's gone Naruto, let it go." Kakashi broke the silence that surrounded us. He could sense that I was struggling and walked over to me. "Are you alright?" It was at this point that Kakashi no longer cared that we had been hiding our relationship from everyone. He pulled me into him and buried my head into his shoulder so that nobody could hear my sobs.
Kakashi knew that I wasn't crying because I wanted to be with Zabuza, it was tears because of all the memories that we shared, and because of what Zabuza had done for me five years ago. Kakashi knew that no matter what, my heart always belonged in the Leaf Village, not in the Mist Village. He had known that there was a man from the Mist Village out there somewhere, he just didn't expect it to be Zabuza Momochi.
Kakashi kissed the top of my head and I could feel the eyes of the team on us. "I know it's hard... but I'm here. I love you." He held my head up a little and wiped away the tears from under my eyes before putting his masked lips to mine.
Tazuno was the first person to break the silence on the matter. "Why do the kids look so shocked right now? The only one without as much shock on his face is the black haired kid."
Kakashi looked around. "Our relationship isn't exactly public. We've been keeping it a secret so we wouldn't have the other ninja assuming we were only teaming up for that reason. We wanted them to see it was because we worked well together."
Naruto bent down on the ground and started to punch the dirt. "What are we doing here? We're nothing. I can't believe it."
We all stared dumbfounded at him, finally Kakashi walked over to him and grabbed his arm. "As ninja, the things we encounter are never easy. Save your anger for the next enemy." He let go of Naruto as he relaxed a little and then looked at the rest of us. "We haven't completed our mission yet, we still need to get the bridge builder to his bridge."
Tazuna lifted his hand and looked nervously between Kakashi and I. "Sorry I caused all this trouble for you, you can rest at my house when we get to the village."
"Alright, let's get a move on." Kakashi started to walk forward and we all sighed with relief. As if we were all seeing it in slow motion, Kakashi stopped in his tracks and collapsed.
Naruto was the first of us to move for him. My heart started to beat out of my chest again, a feeling I was beginning to hate more and more. I took off for him, ignoring the pain in my ribcage. "Kashi!"
The kids followed me. "Sakura was in a panic. "What happened?"
Naruto had worries all over his voice. "Kakashi-Sensei?"
I bent down and looked at the kids. "You all need to stay calm and listen to me. Tazuna, I'm gonna need your help." Tazuna nodded and the kids seemed to calm down a little. "How far is it to your village?"
Tazuna stuttered a little. "A-a-a-about a five or ten minute walk, not much further."
I looked at the kids. "Tazuna and I are going to have to carry Kakashi, I need you guys to be on alert at all times. It's just us now. Stay in formation, just like Kakashi would want, and stay on guard. Tazuna, you take the right, I'll take the left." We began to lift Kakashi and stand him up the best we could. I wrapped his arm around my shoulder and Tazuna did the same. Kakashi's dead weight was definitely going to get to me by the time we got to his village, I could already feel the burning in my ribcage. My adrenaline was so high I was able to ignore the pain. The kids got into formation and led us, eyes open everywhere they went.
* * * * * *
When we got back to the village we were all relieved. Tazuno led us to his house and we all started to relax a little. With everything that had happened to us in the last twenty-four hours we all felt we would never be able to relax again. Tazuna helped me get the unconscious Kakashi to his spare bedroom. The kids followed us to the room and waited at the door. I turned and looked at them. "Tazuna, can you get the kids something to eat and drink and tell them where they can get some sleep?
Tazuna looked between the kids and I. "Of course. Come with me you guys."
Tazuna started down the hallway, but none of them moved to follow. They all stared at Kakashi. Sakura was the only one to speak. "Is he going to be okay Y/N-Sensei?"
I smiled a weak smile. "He's going to be fine, you guys. The Sharingan takes a lot of chakra and energy from the user. He just needs some time to recuperate. Go and get something to eat, I'll get him settled into bed, and then I'll come out. Trust me."
They all nodded and turned, following the path to the kitchen that Tazuna had just taken. I stood up and closed the door to the bedroom and walked back over to the bed where we had laid Kakashi. I removed his shoes and covered him with the blanket, fixing the pillow under his head. I didn't want to leave his side, but I knew the kids would never get to sleep if I didn't come out there before I went to sleep.
I walked to the kitchen where they all sat around a small table, drinking juice and enjoying a bowl of ramen. I leaned against the kitchen wall next to Tazuna. "Where would you like them to sleep? If we're going to protect you on the bridge they need some rest."
Tazuna pointed to the doorway next to us. "I have three nice couches in there that will work fine for them."
I smiled at him. "Thank you for this."
"It's the least I can do after the trouble I've caused. I never meant for anyone to get hurt, and I never meant for it to go that far.
I knew he was referring to Zabuza. "No one did."
"You had a history with that man in the woods?" I said nothing, trying to keep from thinking about it. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."
"It's not that. It's just a touchy subject." I signed. "I used to live in the Village Hidden in the Mist. It's where I stumbled into after I didn't feel like I belonged in the Village Hidden in the Leaves anymore. When I got there Zabuza took me in, trained me, he made the fighter that I am today. He gave me a place to lay my head, gave me my confidence, and made me feel like I was loved after my family had been killed. After we dated for four years he proposed. We were engaged for almost a year when I got word from the Leaf Village that they requested my help. When I left for the village I was still engaged, but when I got there I ran into a man from my past that I had been seeing before I left after the attack. Kakashi."
“The longer I stayed in the Leaf Village the more I realized that I should never have left and the more my feelings grew back for Kakashi. When Zabuza showed up at the Village and found Kakashi and I out for lunch, I left and never told him the reason why, but when I returned to him later on I was no longer engaged. Kakashi and I moved in together and I had almost forgotten about the Demon of the Hidden Mist until now. I hadn't seen him since the day he left the Leaf Village when we broke off our engagement."
Tazuna sighed. "I guess that complicates things a little."
"Kakashi knows about Zabuza and I's past, he just didn't know who he was, he never realized to put together my last name and Zabuza."
The kids looked over at us as their ramen bowels were emptied. Tazuna looked at the three of them. "You guys get some sleep on the couches in the living room. I left blankets on each of them for you."
They all stood up and walked toward the living room. I spoke to Sasuke as he walked by. "Sasuke, hold up."
He turned to me. "Yea?"
"Are you sure you're okay?"
Now he looked annoyed. "I said I'm fine. Your little boyfriend didn't hurt me that bad." He started to walk away. "But you clearly cared more about him dying than the fact that he tried to kill me."
I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me. "What did you say, Sasuke?" Sasuke glared at me. "Just because you're my little brother doesn't mean you can disrespect me like that. I'm your Sensei, you will respect me." I let go of his arm and he walked toward the couches. "I'll be in the next room if you guys need anything from me."
I walked into the bedroom, Kakashi was still unconscious. I slowly climbed into the bed next to him, putting my head on his chest. The stress of the day was finally too much for me. I let go of all of my emotions. I could barely breath in between my sobs. I sat up and tucked my knees into my chest, hugging them to myself. I tried to stay as quiet as I could. The last thing I needed was the kids hearing me crying. Suddenly I felt a hand rub my back. I stopped and let go of my knees, turning around to see Kakashi sitting up next to me.
Taglist 💕 @nubiadethemyscira @nimeryaa @o-franzii-o @fan-g0rl @ari-hatake15 @chidori-mint​
Part Eight: *NSFWish Ahead!*
Updated: 5/8/2020
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