#zachary patterson
human-antithesis · 7 months
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Korn - MTV Unplugged (March 5th, 2007) Country: United States Genre: Acoustic
Lineup: Jonathan Davis - Vocals James "Munky" Shaffer - Guitar Reginald "Fieldy" Quincy - Bass
Guest/Session: Rob Patterson - Additional Guitar Kalen Musmecci - Percussion, Backing Vocals Michael Jochum - Percussion Zachary Baird - Keyboards Jeremy Turner - Cello Evie Koh - Cello Julie Green - Cello Erik Friedlander - Cello Bill Ellison - Upright Bass Jeff Carney - Upright Bass Michael Davis - Trombone Jeff Nelson - Trombone Dale Struckenbruck - Musical Saw Bill Hayes - Glass Armonica Morris Kainuma - Cimbasso Andy Bove - Cimbasso Hana Yoshikawa, Heather McPherson, Wynn Yamami, Midori Yasuda, Alan Okada, Merle Okada - Taiko Drums
Blind - 03:29
Hollow Life - 03:24
Freak On A Leash - 03:55
Falling Away From Me - 03:55
Creep - 03:51
Love Song - 03:50
Got The Life - 03:48
Twisted Transistor - 03:00
Coming Undone - 03:35
Make Me Bad/In Between Days - 05:35
Throw Me Away - 06:20
Dirty - 04:05
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harmonyverendez · 2 months
Lucas Zachary Patterson ( Nocturnal )
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Full name : Lucas Patterson.
Birthday : June 6 2064
Age: 21 ( chronological - 6 Billion )
Family: Isaiah Patterson ( Twin Brother ) Scarlett Patterson ( Older sister )  Courtney Patterson ( Mother ) Robert Patterson ( Father )
Personality: kind, understanding, loyalty has a dark side, protective over others.
Height: 6'9 - 7-9
Hobbies: cooking, helping and helping around the house, writing. Reading
Likes: writing, taking walks in the forest.
Dislike: being manipulated, anyone hurting harmony
Place of birth: Ekadan.
Status: Pureblood God shifter ( Pureblood God Shifter )
Gender: Male ( But can shift to any gender and age )
Zodiac sign : Gemini.
Nationality: Scottish, German.
Language: French, German, English, Japanese.
Sexuality: straight.
Appearance: Identical to his twin brother. Shaggy blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles, buff, gold skin.
Occupation: alpha
Lives: pack house.
Health: Very muscular from working in the forest,  Gold skin, Very strong
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truecrimeandtrials · 6 months
Trigger and content warnings: infuriating yet amusing incompetence, death, physical abuse, general cringe, repeated disrespect for the judge, prosecution, and others, swear words (fuck, bitch), child death, physical injuries, possible terrorism
Disclaimer: I have done my best to summarize the testimony from the Darrell Brooks trial. I linked a playlist for the trial so you can go watch it if you wish to get all of the information and form your own opinion.
Defendant Darrell (pronounced Duh-rell) Brooks was charged with killing 8-year-old Jackson Sparks, 52-year-old Tamara Durand, 52-year-old Jane Kulich, 71-year-old LeAnna “Lee” Owen, 79-year-old Virginia “Ginny” Sorenson, and 81-year-old Wilhelm Hospel and injuring over sixty other individuals during the Waukesha Christmas Parade in 2021. The incident allegedly followed a domestic dispute. Mr. Brooks decided to represent himself during the trial and claimed sovereign citizenship.
State’s Opening Statement
District Attorneys Sue Opper, Lesli Boese, and Zachary Wittchow represented the State of Wisconsin. Attorney Wittchow gave the opening statement. The Waukesha Christmas parade started off normally on November 21st, 2021. There was joy all along the parade route. However, Darrell Brooks killed that joy and replaced it with trauma and terror. He was fleeing from another crime scene when he decided to drive through the parade. He repeatedly used his red Ford Escape as a battering ram, ultimately killing six people and injuring dozens more. Attorney Wittchow said that him and his colleagues intended to “avoid undue hardships” for the victims. He went through what they expected to present and what witness testimony would be.
Sergeant David Wanner’s Testimony
Sergeant David Wanner has been a patrol sergeant at the Waukesha County Police Department (WCPD) for eighteen years. He was working on the day of the attack and described how the parade was prepared and the route they were supposed to take. His job was to make sure that the other officers were where they were supposed to be and that everything was in order. Sergeant Wanner heard that squads not assigned to the parade were responding to a knife fight. He didn’t hear about any vehicles that were associated with that incident. He then saw a red SUV traveling toward him at “a high rate of speed”. He estimated that the vehicle was going over 40 miles per hour, which is approximately 64 kilometers per hour. The speed limit on the street the parade route was on was 25 miles per hour or approximately 40 kilometers per hour. Sergeant Wanner waved his hands over his head to get the driver’s attention but to no avail. The driver didn’t stop and entered the parade route. He used his radio to notify other officers along the route. He later heard “horrible sounds” and requests for backup.
Kori Runkle’s Testimony
Kori Runkle met Erika Patterson at the Waukesha women’s shelter in October or November of 2021. She couldn’t remember which month. Miss Runkle and Miss Patterson, along with a man named Nick, hung out together at a park on the day of the attack. They later split up. Miss Patterson went to meet up with Darrell Brooks. She had mentioned her ex-boyfriend to Miss Runkle before. She later got a call from Miss Patterson, who said that Mr. Brooks was beating and following her. She and Nick ran to help their friend out. This all happened right before Mr. Brooks ran through the parade.
Erika Patterson’s Testimony
Erika Patterson was Mr. Brooks’ ex-girlfriend and the mother of his fifteen-year-old daughter. The two had met when she was fifteen. Miss Patterson said that she was testifying on her 32nd birthday. She identified the defendant as her ex-boyfriend. She described what she remembered happened on the day of the attack. Mr. Brooks was angry and punched Miss Patterson’s left eye, leaving a black eye. Miss Runkle was mad at her for meeting up with him, but they still returned to the women’s shelter together. She talked to the police after the parade attack.
Detective Steven Guth’s Testimony
Detective Steven Guth has been a detective at WCPD for seven out of his twenty years at the department. He had questioned Miss Patterson about her fight with Mr. Brooks. She showed him where the two of them went. Detective Guth was unaware if Miss Patterson talked to any other officers.
Officer Jeremy Philipps’ Testimony
Officer Jeremy Philipps has been an officer at WCPD for fourteen years. He was not assigned to the parade, so he was on general patrol. He was dispatched to Frame Park at approximately 4:52 p.m. to an alleged knife fight. Officer Philipps looked around the area for potential victims and perpetrators. He was talking to Miss Patterson and her friends when he heard the requests for backup over his radio. He decided that the requests were more serious, so he responded to them. Officer Philipps attempted to render as much aid as he possibly could to those who were hit by Mr. Brooks.
Kyle Edwards’ Testimony
Kyle Edwards attended the Christmas parade with his wife and two kids. They were on their way when they first encountered Mr. Brooks in his red SUV. He later saw the defendant enter the parade route. Mr. Edwards has basic medical training after serving in the military for seventeen years. He made sure his wife and kids were safely on their way home before returning to the route to help. Later that night, he called the non-emergency line to report the possible connection between the SUV that rammed through the parade and the SUV he almost collided with. He was 95 percent sure they were the same vehicle. Mr. Edwards gave his statement to the police several days later.
Holly Berg’s Testimony
Holly Berg attended the Christmas parade on November 21st, 2021. Beforehand, she had dropped her boyfriend’s daughter off at the staging area so she could get ready for the parade. On her way to rejoin her boyfriend, Miss Berg witnessed the same thing that Mr. Edwards did. Later on, at the parade, she saw people “fly” when Mr. Brooks hit them. It clicked in her mind that he was the same man from the gas station incident. Miss Berg’s boyfriend tried to render help to people, but she told him to go find his daughter.
Detective Thomas Casey’s Testimony
Detective Thomas Casey has been a detective at WCPD for twenty-five years. He was assigned to help control traffic during the parade. Eight of the sixty-seven units that took part in the parade were impacted. Detective Casey was 1,000 percent sure that Mr. Brooks was driving the SUV.
Officer Bryce Butryn’s Testimony
Officer Bryce Butryn has been an officer at WCPD for approximately five years. He was assigned to the parade on the day of the tragedy. He heard a driver honk his car horn several times. Officer Butryn tried to stop the vehicle before running after it on foot, trying to stop the vehicle. He never saw the driver pull over and check on the person they hit.
Officer Sonia Schneider’s Testimony
Officer Sonia Schneider has been an officer at WCPD for two years. She was assigned to the parade at the same location as Officer Butryn. Unlike him, she never heard a car horn. She unsuccessfully tried to direct the vehicle off the parade route. Officer Schneider then guarded one of the deceased Dancing Grannies.
Battalion Chief Tim Haakenson’s Testimony
Battalion Chief Tim Haakenson has been the chief at the Waukesha Fire Department for six out of his twenty-two years there. He was on duty on November 21st, 2021. He received an alert at 4:39 p.m. regarding a vehicle versus pedestrian incident. At first, only Battalion Chief Haakenson’s station was dispatched, but eventually, every other station in Waukesha was sent to the scene. The last of the seventy-three total patients was in transit to the hospital by 5:35 p.m.
Nicole White’s Testimony
Nicole White was walking with the Re/max group when she was struck from behind. This was the first time she knew something was wrong. She never saw the vehicle stop and never heard a car horn, either before or after being struck. Several people helped Miss White get to safety before later being transported to the hospital by a police officer. She suffered a torn ligament in her right knee, two compressed vertebrae, and a tailbone injury. Miss White approximated that the vehicle was going about twenty miles per hour or thirty-two kilometers per hour.
Sarah Wehmeier-Aparicio’s Testimony
Sarah Wehmeier-Aparicio has been the band director at Waukesha South High School on and off for ten years. She was walking with the school band when Mr. Brooks drove through the parade. At first, Miss Wehmeier-Aparicio thought that it was an emergency vehicle until she saw people flying. Then she thought it was an accident until she saw the driver’s face. He was attentive and wasn’t looking for a way to exit the route. Miss Wehmeier-Aparicio didn’t hear a car horn, but she believed that she would have. It would’ve been an unexpected sound and would stand out. She didn’t notice anything amiss beforehand.
Kyle Jewell’s Testimony
Kyle Jewell attended the Christmas parade. The high school band was going by when he saw the red SUV strike and run over people. He didn’t hear a car horn and didn’t see the driver stop. Mr. Jewell wasn’t comfortable making a police report, but did anyway after being advised to.
Thomas Greene’s Testimony
Thomas Greene attended the parade with his wife and three children, two of whom were hit and injured. They were nine and eleven at the time.
Kelly Grabow’s Testimony
Kelly Grabow and her daughter Adelia were both walking with Burst Logistics when they were hit. Like any good mother, Miss Grabow made sure her daughter was taken care of before getting treatment for herself.
Jeff Rogers’ Testimony
Jeff Rogers is the president and a coach for the Waukesha Blazers Youth Baseball Program, of which Jackson Sparks was a member. He was walking with the group with three of his four children. He pulled his daughter Maya out of the way but was unable to get to his other two children before they were hit. Mr. Rogers’ son Cayden had a bruised right elbow, while his daughter Riley had cuts, bruises, and scrapes on both legs.
Joshua Kraner’s Testimony
Joshua Kraner was also a coach for the Blazers Youth Baseball Program. He was struck but didn’t see anyone else get struck. He looked for his son, who was luckily uninjured.
Alyssa Gajewski’s Testimony
Alyssa Gajewski used to teach the elite group at Xtreme Dance Group, which she was walking with. Several of her girls were hit and she described the injuries that she observed on them. Miss Gajewski had blacked out, saying that she heard people getting struck but wasn’t able to see it happening.
Jaimie Sutton’s Testimony
Jamie Sutton also taught at the Xtreme Dance Group and walked with the girls. She gathered the girls who had not been hit and reunited some of them with their parents. She took those who weren’t reunited into Chef Pam’s Kitchen when she heard about an active shooting. Miss Sutton thought the vehicle was experiencing brake failure due to how fast it was going. However, she didn’t see any physical damage to the vehicle.
Detective Mike Carpenter’s Testimony
Detective Mike Carpenter has been a detective in the computer forensics unit at WCPD for twelve out of twenty years. He reviewed a surveillance video from Bosco’s to conduct a speed analysis. Detective Carpenter found that the red SUV was going between thirty-three point-seven and thirty-four point-six miles per hour. That equates to fifty-four point twenty-three and fifty-five point sixty-eight kilometers per hour.
Debora Ramirez’s Testimony
Debora Ramirez attended the parade with her family. Both she and her son Isaac were hit. The two went to Urgent Care in Pewaukee the next day, as they didn’t need immediate attention like others did.
Stefanie Bonesteel’s Testimony
Stefanie Bonesteel is the head of marketing at Citizen’s Bank. She was tasked with assembling her co-workers to march in the parade, one of whom was Jane Kulich. She was walking with her kids when she saw the red SUV coming for her. She wasn’t hit since the SUV had swerved. However, Mrs. Bonesteel did see it strike someone. She found her kids, who were luckily uninjured. Despite it being three to five feet away from her, the fear and shock kept her from identifying the color of the SUV.
Adam Bonesteel’s Testimony
Adam Bonesteel volunteered to drive the float for Citizen’s Bank. The six-year-old daughter of one of his wife’s co-workers was next to him in the passenger’s seat. He saw Jane Kulich get hit by the SUV. At first, Mr. Bonesteel didn’t know who it was but knew that she was part of the Citizen’s Bank unit. He later checked on Jane and immediately knew she was gone.
Matthew Harris’s Testimony
Matthew Harris attended the parade with his family. The Dancing Grannies just went by when the SUV went through. He would’ve run after it, but he noticed that his seven-year-old daughter was injured.
Heather Ricciotti’s Testimony
Heather Ricciotti was attending the parade with her three children when a maroonish-red SUV passed them. Her five-year-old son Owen was hit. After dropping her other two kids off at home, Miss Ricciotti took Owen to Waukesha Memorial Hospital. He had a gash above his right eyebrow, which required six stitches.
Daniel Knapp’s Testimony
Daniel Knapp attended the parade with his family and three other families, totaling nineteen people. His three kids were eleven, seven, and three. He saw an SUV driving toward them and striking his three-year-old daughter Kelsey (approximate spelling). He saw no one else struck, as his daughter was his sole focus. He ran to her side and noticed all of the blood on her face. Kelsey was conscious but didn’t understand what was going on. Mr. Knapp made sure the rest of his group was okay before taking her to the hospital. She had a broken nose, a torn spleen, a road rash, and cuts to her face. He only saw the driver inside the vehicle, who he described as a black male whose “eyes were completely wide open”. He identified the defendant as the driver.
Laura Thein’s Testimony
Laura Thein is part of the Dancing Grannies. She didn’t hear anything unusual because the music vehicle was right behind her. She was not struck but went into shock when she saw all of the bodies. Miss Thein went over who else was a part of the Dancing Grannies and who all was hit. Two of the grannies and someone who was helping them were killed. She said that she thought that she was in a war because of how many bodies there were.
Hope Evans-Jansen’s Testimony
Hope Evans-Jansen attended the parade with her family. Her ten-year-old daughter recorded the parade on her iPhone and captured the Dancing Grannies getting struck. Mrs. Evans-Jansen sent this video to the police.
Trooper Michael Smith’s Testimony
Trooper Michael Smith has been a reconstructionist with the TCU at Wisconsin State Patrol since 2004. He has been with the State Patrol as a whole since 2000. Trooper Smith recreated the scene in a controlled environment and subsequently created a scale diagram.
Doctor Amy Sheil’s Testimony
Doctor Amy Sheil has been the associate medical examiner at the Waukesha County Medical Examiner’s Officer for seven and a half years. She autopsied Leanna Owens, Virginia Sorenson, and Jackson Sparks. Doctor Sheil went over their injuries and causes of death.
Doctor Lynda Biedryzycki’s Testimony
Doctor Lynda Biedryzycki has been the medical examiner at the Waukesha County Medical Examiner’s Officer for twenty-five years. She autopsied Tamara Durand, Wilhelm Hospel, and Jane Kulich. Doctor Biedryzycki went over their injuries and causes of death.
Matthew Widder’s Testimony
Matthew Widder is a Catholic pastor and walked in the parade with the Catholic community. He went over who in their group was struck.
Detective Lukas Hallmark’s Testimony
Detective Lukas Hallmark has been a detective at WCPD for approximately fifteen years. He was walking with the Catholic community. He initially thought the red SUV was a lost motorist until he saw how fast it was going. Detective Hallmark approximated the speed to be between thirty and forty miles per hour or forty-eight to sixty-four kilometers per hour. He and his two sons Elliot and Benjamin were hit.
Craig Liermann’s Testimony
Craig Liermann attended the parade with his family. He got a good look at the driver, who he described as a light-skinned black male in his mid to late thirties with facial hair and long dreadlocks. Mr. Liermann saw the driver stick his head out of the window and look back, seemingly excited. He made sure his family was okay before checking on others.
Ralph Salyers’ Testimony
Ralph Salyers attended the parade with his family. On his way home, he saw the defendant get out and examine his car. He allegedly yelled “fuck” before grabbing items from the car and running. Mr. Salyers estimated this to have happened between ten and twenty seconds.
Bryce Scholten’s Testimony
Officer Bryce Scholten has been an officer at WCPD for approximately seven and a half years. He is currently assigned to the criminal investigations department but was a police officer at the time. Officer Scholten was assigned to the end of the parade route. He shot at Mr. Brooks three times but missed all three times.
Christopher Moss’ Testimony
Officer Christopher Moss has worked at WCPD for fourteen years. He was a part of the color guard for the WCPD unit. He clocked into work after he finished walking in the parade when he heard requests for backup. Officer Moss quickly finished getting dressed and responded back to the parade. He was attempting to help two elderly women when Officer Scholten approached and told him what he did. He was then told by a Hispanic man where the suspected vehicle was, which he secured, and found that it was registered to Dawn Woods, who is Mr. Brooks’ mother. Officer Moss helped write the search warrant that allowed the police to search the vehicle.
Carlos Arechiga Nolasco’s Testimony
Carlos Arechiga Nolasco was at home when he heard a screech from outside. He looked out his window and saw someone jump over the hood of an unknown damaged car and run away. Mr. Nolasco asked his downstairs neighbors if they knew anything about the car. They didn’t and were also confused.
Sean Backler’s Testimony
Sean Backler was working outside his house around 4:49 p.m. when he heard noises around his garage. He found the defendant and asked who he was. The defendant asked Mr. Backler to call him an Uber, but he refused and asked him to leave his property. Mr. Brooks hesitantly complied. Mr. Backler called the non-emergency line and described what the defendant was wearing when they met.
Domanic Caproon’s Testimony
Domanic Caproon was putting water jugs into his truck when he was approached by Mr. Brooks. He allowed him to use his phone to call an Uber.
Erin Cordes’s Testimony
Erin Cordes attended the parade with her husband and two children. They saw Officer Scholten fire at the red SUV. Mrs. Cordes and her family were on their way to their car when they were approached by Mr. Brooks, who she said wasn’t dressed appropriately for the weather. She hesitantly let him use her phone to call his mom.
Anthony Winters’ Testimony
Anthony Winters was driving for Lyft, which is a similar service to Uber. He got a ride request from someone named Dawn at 550 Elizabeth Street, the address of Aries Industries. Mr. Winters was told by the person who requested the ride that it was for someone else and was given a description. No one showed up, so he left the address.
Daniel Rider’s Testimony
Daniel Rider lives across the street from Aries Industries and was home alone when Mr. Brooks rang his doorbell around five p.m. He said that was homeless and needed to check on where his Uber was. Mr. Rider allowed him inside to use his phone and warm up. He also made Mr. Brooks a sandwich, seeing how he was under the impression that he was homeless. Mr. Brooks was thankful for Mr. Rider’s kindness and willingly left when he was asked to. He was arrested on the porch. Mr. Rider gave footage from his ring camera over to police.
Officer Rebecca Carpenter’s Testimony
Officer Rebecca Carpenter is an officer at Big Bend PD, a patrol officer in East Troy, and an assistant chief in Eagle. She was on duty but was not assigned to the parade. She was one of the officers who arrested Mr. Brooks. Several items were found in his pockets, including the sandwich that Mr. Rider made for him. Officer Carpenter found the sandwich while a different officer found the other items.
Officer Garrett Luling’s Testimony
Officer Garrett Luling is an officer at WCPD and was one of the officers who arrested Mr. Brooks.
Officer Draelon Leija’s Testimony
Officer Draelon Leija has been an officer at WCPD for two years. He reported to Memorial Hospital, where he met with Detectives Jay Carpenter and Stern. Officer Leija was tasked with transporting Mr. Brooks to the Muskego Police Department from the hospital.
Detective Jay Carpenter’s Testimony
Detective Jay Carpenter has been a detective at WPF for five of his eighteen years. He was a part of the color guard as well. He reported to Elizabeth Street after going on duty. Detective Carpenter interrogated Mr. Brooks twice. The FBI was present during the first interrogation, as it wasn’t clear if the attack involved terrorism. The recordings for both interrogations were played with prior bad acts excluded pursuant to a prior ruling made by the judge.
Juan Marquez’s Testimony
Juan Marquez was a defense witness who was called out of turn due to the scheduling of the translator that he needed. His testimony interrupted Detective Carpenter’s testimony because of this. Mr. Marquez was walking in the parade with his wife and son in the Catholic community. He heard no horn, so he didn’t see anything unusual when he was hit from behind. He was interviewed by an FBI agent.
Detective Jay Carpenter’s Continued Testimony
Detective Jay Carpenter resumed his testimony after Mr. Marquez. The first interrogation he had with Mr. Brooks happened at Memorial Hospital. The second happened at the Muskego Police Department, which was their temporary base while the main building was under construction.
Steven Schlomann’s Testimony
Steven Schlomann is the IT director for the Waukesha school district. He reviewed and handed surveillance over to the police.
Robert Stone II’s Testimony
Robert Stone II lives in Waukesha. He has security cameras on his house that caught Mr. Brooks go by. He provided the footage to police.
Andrew Amerson’s Testimony
Andrew Amerson lives in Waukesha. He has security cameras on his house that caught Mr. Brooks go by. He provided the footage to police.
Leonard Miller’s Testimony
Leonard Miller lives in Waukesha. He has security cameras on his house that caught Mr. Brooks go by. He provided the footage to police via email. He was on his way to look at Christmas lights when he saw a SWAT team in front of his home.
Kyle Becker’s Testimony
Kyle Becker is a specialist at WCPD, but I didn’t hear what he specializes in. He was part of the team that searched for Mr. Brooks’ discarded items, which were his sandals and hoodie.
After Mr. Becker’s testimony, the jury went to view the red SUV before they were released for lunch.
Justin Rowe’s Testimony
Detective Justin Rowe was also part of the search for Mr. Brooks’ items. He also obtained surveillance videos.
Ryan Schultz’s Testimony
Ryan Schultz is a reconstructionist with the Wisconsin State Patrol. He examined the red SUV.
Chris Johnson’s Testimony
Chris Johnson is a crime scene analyst at the state crime lab. He also examined the red SUV.
Trevor Naleid’s Testimony
Trevor Naleid was the senior forensic scientist in the DNA analysis unit at the state crime lab. He tested the DNA from the car.
The State rested.
Defense’s Opening Statement
Mr. Brooks deferred his opening statement until the beginning of his case. He said that there are always two sides to a story and that it’s easy to forget the other side of the coin. Although tragic, this attack wasn’t planned or intentional and there was a lot of suffering because of it.
State of Wisconsin’s Testimony
Mr. Brooks attempted to call the State of Wisconsin to the stand, which was quickly shut down.
Nicholas Kirby’s Testimony
Nicholas Kirby was the second witness Mr. Brooks called during his case, or the third witness if you include Mr. Marquez. He was walking with Miss Runkle and Miss Patterson, whom he advised not to meet up with Mr. Brooks. He said that he had a bad feeling that something would happen if they did. And he was right. Both Miss Runkle and Mr. Kirby ran to help her. He informed an officer they ran into on their way to help. He believed that the involvement of a knife was a miscommunication, as he had a knife injury from a previous incident that was unrelated to Mr. Brooks.
Heather Riemer’s Testimony
Heather Riemer attended the parade with her husband and three of their friends. She heard honking, but she wasn’t sure if it came from the red SUV or another vehicle. No one in Mrs. Riemer’s group was injured.
Douglas Kolar’s Testimony
Douglas Kolar attended the parade with his daughter, who was in the parade. He grabbed his daughter after Mr. Brooks drove through and hurried her to their car. Neither was injured.
Detective Steven Guth’s Testimony
Detective Steven Guth was recalled as a defense witness. He said that he was originally off duty on November 21st, 2021.
Erika Patterson’s Testimony
Erika Patterson was recalled as a defense witness. She said that she first met Mr. Brooks in Reno, Nevada. She said that she called Mr. Kirby’s phone because Miss Runkle’s phone kept going to voicemail.
Deanna Aldrich’s Testimony
Deanna Aldrich was home when she heard a noise. She saw a car that was “smashed to smithereens” when she looked outside. She saw someone running away but was unable to get a clear description since she didn’t have her glasses on.
Christopher Bertram’s Testimony
Christopher Bertram was taking his mother’s car to a mechanic friend when he saw a smashed-up car and the driver. He didn’t remember the description of the driver he provided to law enforcement.
Jason Hayes’s Testimony
Jason Hayes attended the parade with his daughter. He heard a horn, but didn’t see anyone get struck.
Abel Lazcano’s Testimony
Abel Lazcano attended the parade with his wife and daughter. He was the Hispanic male who reported the location the SUV was found.
Kathleen Yourell’s Testimony
Kathleen Yourell’s four children participated in the parade, all of whom were hit. She thankfully never saw them get hit. Mrs. Yourell described the injuries that her children had.
Katrice Babiasz’s Testimony
Katrice Babiasz has been a law enforcement dispatch supervisor for sixteen years. She attended the parade with her family. They were set up near the beginning and saw the SUV enter the parade route. Mrs. Babiasz heard the driver honking the horn and gesturing. She said that he seemed to look “through” her, which was very frightening for her. She was struck, but she didn’t tell anyone since no one asked. Although Mrs. Babiasz never saw anyone get struck, it seemed to her that the driver was trying to strike people.
Judge Dorrow closed Mr. Brooks’ defense case for him.
State’s Closing Argument
District Attorney Sue Opper delivered the closing argument for the State. She expressed gratitude towards the jury from the prosecution team. Because Mr. Brooks kept asking witnesses about it, she said that they represent the plaintiff, which was/is the State of Wisconsin. Attorney Opper said that it is their job to enforce when the laws that people set up are violated. She asked them to obey Judge Dorrow’s instructions before going over the charges, evidence, and witness testimony. They only included those who were hit by the defendant in the charges to keep things more efficient.
Defense’s Closing Argument
Despite being told not to, Mr. Brooks immediately tried to bring up jury nullification, which, according to FindLaw, is the jury’s power to acquit a defendant despite finding them guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. He reiterated from his opening that this wasn’t intentional. Mr. Brooks then tried to sympathize with the jury, saying that he never got to meet his newborn grandson and that he believes in Jesus. He implored the jury to “do what’s right”.
State’s Rebuttal Closing Arguments
Attorney Opper called Mr. Brooks out during her rebuttal arguments, saying that it doesn’t matter that he “profess[es] to be the finest man under God that you can be” after he ran over children.
Mr. Brooks’ Conduct During the Trial
Mr. Brooks interrupted Judge Jennifer Dorrow several times during the trial. Judge Dorrow was very calm and patient with him. She gave him several chances on multiple occasions throughout the trial to get his act together before having him removed to another courtroom. He appeared over video conference, where Judge Dorrow could mute him if need be. During one of these times on the first day, Mr. Brooks had a tantrum and took his shirt off. When questioning the witnesses, Mr. Brooks would ask them about the plaintiff and who they were. It came across as if he didn’t understand how the state of Wisconsin could be the plaintiff in his case. However, according to Wikipedia, it is a tactic sovereign citizens use during trial. Judge Dorrow admonished Mr. Brooks on day three, saying that his not understanding of the law was no longer an excuse now that they were at trial. Mr. Brooks seemed to be more intimidated by the male witnesses than the female witnesses. This seems to be deep-rooted misogyny. Something he said that might prove this is “Remember, non-response is consent”. This doesn’t necessarily pertain to Mr. Brooks’ conduct during the trial, but there was a tornado warning on the fifth day, so Judge Dorrow stopped his cross-examination of Daniel Knapp to take an early lunch break so that everyone could stay safe during the warning. He was able to continue afterward, then court went into recess for the day so everyone who lived in the area could make sure their properties and loved ones were safe. On day thirteen, while he was in the other courtroom, Mr. Brooks kept making box forts with his evidence boxes and at one point could be heard yelling, despite being muted. He kept mispronouncing words. I know that some of it was African American Vernacular English or AAVE, but there were some words that he just plain old butchered. The most common was the word “tacit”. It is pronounced “Tas-it”, but he kept saying “tack-it”. He also kept saying “substain” instead of “sustain”. He said it so much that I caught myself writing “substain” while I was taking notes. On day six, Mr. Brooks went on a fifty-minute rant about some SovCit BS. He brought up that Judge Dorrow knew someone who was involved with this case and asked her why she would have their phone number if they had a “strictly professional relationship”. There are several reasons as to why co-workers may exchange phone numbers. The first thing that comes to mind for me is maybe one of them got into a car accident and needs a ride to work or something. During sentencing, Judge Dorrow disclosed that Mr. Brooks had previously been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, which is commonly associated with psychopathy and sociopathy. A doctor wrote in her report from a pre-trial evaluation that she found nothing that could corroborate that he was exhibiting “signs of impaired reality” before the incident. Mr. Brooks said “grounds” seven hundred and forty-four times, “lawful law” twenty-one times, “objection” one thousand five hundred and twenty-one times, and brought up subject matter jurisdiction eighty-three times.
Verdict and Sentencing
1st Degree Intentional Homicide (6 counts): guilty
1st Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety (61 counts): guilty
Hit and Run–Involve Death (6 counts): guilty
Bail Jumping–Felony (2 counts): guilty
Battery (1 count): guilty
Battery (1 count): dismissed
Homicide by Veh. Use–Control. Substance (6 counts): dismissed
Darrell Brooks was sentenced to six consecutive life sentences plus seven hundred sixty-eight and a half years. He was also ordered to pay restitution.
Personal Opinions
These are just my opinions. Feel free to disagree, but keep it as respectful as possible. I believe Darrell kept objecting just as an excuse to disrupt and/or stall the proceedings. However, for someone who had no knowledge of the law, I’m surprised that a few of his objections were sustained. In my opinion, Officer Moss kinda looks like Lin Manuel Miranda. Also, Daniel Rider was very kind to let Darrell into his house, even though it was under false pretenses. I also believe that he inadvertently stalled him long enough for the police to find and arrest him.
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mvdbutler · 8 months
INDC 5 Daleclub That Try Play In Pro And Failed
5 Lincoln Lewis
4 Louis Shoemaker
3 Keisha Zachary 1993-2021
2 Dimitri Louiston
1 Sean Patterson
Dis Honorable Mention
Frankie Eastwood
Benita Fernandez
Anyone From Albany,GA
Chael Richardson
0 notes
epacer · 9 months
SD Unified now pays student trustees
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Student Board Members: Blessyn Lavender Williams and Matthew Quitoriano
San Diego Unified’s two student trustees now receive a monthly stipend and elective course credit for their service. Next, they hope to gain a binding vote on the board.
For years San Diego Unified students have pressed for more recognition and a louder voice on the district’s board of education, noting that they are by far the largest constituency that the board’s decisions affect directly.
Their first major victory came in 2019, when the school board created a high school student trustee position. Three years later, the board added a second student trustee.
And last month, they achieved one more milestone: The board voted to pay student trustees as much as it does all other board members, $1,736 a month. Student trustees will also receive elective course credit for their service.
San Diego Unified board members and administrators had successfully advocated for Assembly Bill 275, which was signed into law in October, allowing school districts and county boards of education to compensate student board members with stipends, elective course credit or both.
About two-thirds of the California school districts that serve high school students have a student board member, according to the office of state Assemblymember Chris Ward (D-San Diego), who introduced AB 275. In San Diego Unified, student trustees are elected to one-year terms by the district’s high school student body.
San Diego Unified trustees say compensating student trustees is about more than money. It’s a matter of equality, they said Friday at a forum discussion with journalists at Lincoln High School.
“It’s the symbolic idea that we are finally being recognized,” said San Diego Unified Trustee Matthew Quitoriano, a junior at San Diego High School. “But also we know that there’s a lot more that we can do to recognize our students.”
The new law also aims to help even the playing field for students from low-income families who want to join the school board but can’t spare the time because they have to work.
Quitoriano and his colleague, fellow student Trustee Blessyn Lavender Williams, described the time and resources it takes to be a board member.
He estimates he spends 25 to 30 hours a week on board member duties, from answering emails to researching board agenda items. Both he and Williams said they have also had to miss a lot of school.
“But it’s all for a better cause,” Williams said.
Quitoriano said his pay can now help cover some expenses he incurs as a trustee — things like a formal jacket, food after board meetings and transportation to meetings, school visits and other district events, all of which can be costly, especially for a high schooler. He said he has been encouraged to attend out-of-town conferences but hasn’t been able to go because of financial barriers.
“For the first time, I finally have the tools to overcome those by being financially compensated for the work,” he said.
Quitoriano and Williams said the next step should be allowing student trustees to have a vote on the board that is more than merely advisory. Currently California student trustees can only cast “preferential” votes that are not formally factored into board decision-making.
“It is a little ironic when I get paid for work and being part of the board of education when I’m not technically part of the board of education, because I don’t have a vote,” Quitoriano said.
But it would take another new state law to allow student trustees full voting powers. In 2022, former student Trustee Zachary Patterson had advocated for Senate Bill 1236, which would have given student trustees full voting powers for open-session meetings and the right to cast preferential votes during closed-session meetings.
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Board Trustee: Richard Barrera
“We are disenfranchising a key constituency in our decision-making around what happens in schools,” Trustee Richard Barrera said. “When we open up enfranchisement for new groups of people, there are people who are threatened by that and feel that they’re losing power as a result.”
Barrera said he thinks it’s unfair that students are required to prove they’re capable of being responsible decision-makers and representatives of constituents, comparing the requirement to how historically disadvantaged groups have been forced to prove they deserve a right to vote.
“If you want a demonstration of the capability of young people to serve in elected office, I mean, my God, listen to these two and compare that, frankly, to a lot of other people in elected (positions) around this country,” Barrera said.
Patterson and Barrera brought to the school board a resolution to support SB 1236 — but in a rare moment of dissent on the usually unanimous board, trustees voted 3-2 against approving it.
Granting full voting powers to student trustees is tricky legally, Ward said. It would be granting the same voting powers to students — who are elected by fellow students, not all of whom are legally able to vote in political elections — as to adult trustees, who are elected by members of the general public who are legally allowed to vote.
On top of that, even if a state law were passed to let districts grant voting powers to students, cities like San Diego have their own charters and rules around elections that would have to be worked out, Ward added.
Short of expanding voting powers, Williams wants greater acceptance and recognition of student board members. Student board members, she said, are still often thought of as less than a trustee.
“We need to redefine how we look at student board members,” she said. *Reposted article from the UT by Kristen Taketa on January 8, 2024
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licensedproducers · 1 year
0 notes
fanofsports · 2 years
Melbourne Victory sanctions, punishments, riot, pitch invasion, video
Melbourne Victory sanctions, punishments, riot, pitch invasion, video
By Emily Patterson, Zachary Gates Banning Melbourne Victory from selling tickets for home matches is among a host of punishments Football Australia has dealt the club following the shocking pitch invasion last Saturday night. But the governing body revealed in a statement on Friday afternoon that the investigation remained ongoing, meaning Victory could be hit with more sanctions. The sanctions…
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rohansdisciple · 2 years
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I think he voices senkuu and tamaki too if I remember that correctly 🧍🏾‍♀️ .
william and eichi kinda remind me of each other ngl 🧍🏾‍♀️😭 . but anyways aaron did amazing voicing both of them 😭 <3 .
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muscle-mountains · 6 years
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Zachary Patterson
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tinyboxxtink · 2 years
I have not seen this yet so if it's a thing already I apologize BUT-- follow me on this:
Midge Maisel --- Lorelai Gilmore
Joel Maisel --- Christopher Hayden
Benjamin Ettenberg --- Max Medina
Lenny Bruce --- Luke Danes
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Am I wrong?!
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human-antithesis · 7 months
Korn - MTV Unplugged (March 5th, 2007)
Lineup: Jonathan Davis - Vocals James "Munky" Shaffer - Guitar Reginald "Fieldy" Quincy - Bass
Guest/Session: Rob Patterson - Additional Guitar Kalen Musmecci - Percussion, Backing Vocals Michael Jochum - Percussion Zachary Baird - Keyboards Jeremy Turner - Cello Evie Koh - Cello Julie Green - Cello Erik Friedlander - Cello Bill Ellison - Upright Bass Jeff Carney - Upright Bass Michael Davis - Trombone Jeff Nelson - Trombone Dale Struckenbruck - Musical Saw Bill Hayes - Glass Armonica Morris Kainuma - Cimbasso Andy Bove - Cimbasso Hana Yoshikawa, Heather McPherson, Wynn Yamami, Midori Yasuda, Alan Okada, Merle Okada - Taiko Drums
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chaoticrebels · 2 years
My Muses
Steve Harrington {Stranger Things, Dead By Daylight}
Eddie Munson {Stranger Things}
Billy Hargrove {Stranger Things}    
Ji-Woon Hak {Dead By Daylight}
Yoichi Asakawa {Dead By Daylight}
Leon S. Kennedy {Dead By Daylight, Resident Evil}
Loki {MCU}
Peter Quill/Starlord {MCU}
Peter Parker/Spiderman {The Amazing Spiderman / MCU}
Wednesday Addams {Wednesday, The Addams Family}
Peter Pan {Disney, Once Upon A Time}  
Tinkerbell {Disney, Once Upon A Time} 
Blue {Jurassic World}  
Jim Hawkins {Disney, Once Upon A Time}
Ariel {Disney, Once Upon A Time}
Jack Frost {Rise Of The Guardians}
Kitty Song Covey {XO, Kitty! To All The Boys I Loved Before}
Dae Heon Kim {XO, Kitty!}
Min Ho {XO, Kitty!}
Nathan Drake {Uncharted}
Ellie {The Last Of Us}
Lara Croft {Tomb Raider} 
Brian Kinney {Queer As Folk}  
Luke Patterson {Julie & The Phantoms}  
Reggie Peters {Julie & The Phantoms}  
Alex Mercer {Julie & The Phantoms}  
10K {Z Nation}  
Original Character
Violet Blair Munson {Stranger Things}
Carter Harrington {Stranger Things}  
Twyla Luna Nyx {Stranger Things}
Dakota Harrington {Stranger Things}
Kairi Sykes {Stranger Things, Dead By Daylight}  
Caspian Hargrove {Stranger Things}
Roxxi Hargrove {Stranger Things}  
Nikita Thorne {Stranger Things} 
Styles McKenzie Corbyn {Stranger Things}
Kimo Jae {MCU}
Storm Lokison {MCU}
Holden Stark {MCU}
Raine Wynter Barnes {MCU}
Luna Jessenia {Disney, Once Upon A Time}
Roxas Morningstar {Fandomless}  
Ryker Kaiden Phoenix {Fandomless}  
Ashley Jamie Moore {Fandomless}
Dimitri Nikolaevich Graves-Romanov {Fandomless}  
Calista Lokelani Dreamtide {Fandomless}
Gavin Zane Rossi {Fandomless}  
Myka Ditka {Fandomless}
Rory Novalie Graves {Fandomless}
Jakai Holden Alexus {Fandomless}
Sereia Acqua Celestial {Fandomless}  
Laney Rayne Rivers {Fandomless}  
Phoenix Akira Storm {Fandomless}  
Kiani Jaidyn Parker {Fandomless}  
Leilani Akela Parker {Fandomless}  
Jasper Kyrie Parker {Fandomless}  
Jace Corbin Wells {The Flash, Stranger Things}  
Parker Caspian Moore {The Flash}  
Harrison ‘Harry’ Wells {The Flash}  
Mike Wheeler {Stranger Things}
Chrissy Cunningham {Stranger Things}  
Barry Allen {The Flash}  
Jack Sparrow {Pirates Of The Caribbean}  
Daryl Dixon {The Walking Dead} 
Paul ‘Jesus’ Rovia {The Walking Dead}   
Taylor Bourne {Fandomless}  
Noah Sykes {Stranger Things}
Special Guest
Matteo Alister Drakos {Stranger Things}
Makena Taylor Monroe {Stranger Things}  
Kataleya Rose Bynes {Stranger Things}  
Jupiter Morgan Winters {Stranger Things}  
Kas {Stranger Things}
Matthew Joshua Brooks {Fandomless}  
Muses Now On SlytherinTragedy
Draco Malfoy {Harry Potter}
Regulus Black {Harry Potter}
Nyxia Kalea Atreides-Nightstar {Harry Potter}
Anastasia Rose Nott {Harry Potter}
Romeo Asher Ripley {Harry Potter}
Raena Lily Potter {Harry Potter}  
Akira Skye Rayne {Harry Potter}
Galexia Cordelia Malfoy {Harry Potter}
Discord Muses
Jack Dawson {Titanic} - Canon
Tiger Lily {Disney, Once Upon A Time} - Canon
Scotty Valens {Cold Case} - Canon
Ransom Caiden Ryder-Perez {Fandomless} - OC
Luka Rian McKinsey {Fandomless} - OC
Andrew Noah Brooks {Fandomless} - OC
Zachary Demetrius Brooks {Fandomless} - OC
Ember Thorn Nightingale {Disney, Once Upon A Time} - OC
Amber Rose Nightingale {Disney, Once Upon A Time} - OC
Hermione Granger {Harry Potter} - Canon
Luna Lovegood {Harry Potter} - Canon
Cho Chang {Harry Potter} - Canon
Lucius Malfoy {Harry Potter} - Canon
Narcissa Malfoy {Harry Potter} - Canon
Severus Snape {Harry Potter} - Canon
Druella Black {Harry Potter} - Canon
Daneiris Lieke Black {Harry Potter}- OC
Ashlyn Rose Malfoy {Titanic + Harry Potter Crossover} - OC
Jaeden Andrew Malfoy {Titanic + Harry Potter Crossover} - OC
Kaeden Jack Malfoy {Titanic + Harry Potter Crossover} - OC
James Severus Potter-Malfoy {Harry Potter} - OC
Scorpius Remus Potter-Malfoy {Harry Potter} - OC
Lily Narcissa Potter-Malfoy {Harry Potter} - OC
Luna Aquila Burke {Harry Potter} - OC
Cedric Draco Burke {Harry Potter} - OC
Rhys Alexei Malfoy-Dawson {Titanic + Harry Potter Crossover} - OC
Marz Winters
Luca Drakos
Niko Thorne
Keeley Evans
Jay Rathaway
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                   CLICK THE MUSE’S NAME FOR THEIR BIOS. :)
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dont-be-so-shy · 3 years
future justice league made up of young justice members
Timothy Drake/Red Robin as Batman, The Dark Knight 
Cassandra Sandsmark/Wonder Girl as Wonder Woman, Goddess of Truth 
Bart Allen II/Kid Flash as Flash, The Scarlet Speedster 
Kon Kent/Superboy as Superman 
Derek James/Sideways as Cyborg 
Keli Quintela/Teen Lantern as Green Lantern, Human Starburst 
Kaldur’ahm/Aqualad as Aquaman, King of Atlantis 
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy as Martian Manhunter 
Cissie King-Jones/Arrowette as Red Arrow, World’s Best Markswoman 
Miguel Barragan/Bunker as Bunker 
Zan/Wonder Twin as Wonder Man 
Jayna/Wonder Twin as Wonder Girl 
Bette Kane/Flamebird as Black Canary 
Traya Sutton as Red Tornado 
Anita Fite/Empress as Empress 
Miguel Montez/H-Dial as Firestorm 
Celine Patterson/Skitter as Vixen 
Kit Freeman/Kid Eternity as Vibe 
Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle as Blue Beetle 
Billy Batson/Captain Marvel as Captain Marvel 
Zachary Zatara/Zatara as Doctor Fate 
Naomi McDuffie/Naomi as Booster Gold 
Eddie Bloomberg/Red Devil as Blue Red Devil 
Wendy Harris White/Proxy as Oracle 
Stephanie Brown/Batgirl as Nightwing 
Traci Thurston/Traci Thirteen as Jason Blood Traci Thirteen 
Virgil Hawkins/Static Shock as Black Lightning 
Jinny Hex as Geo-Force 
Amy Winston/Amethyst as Starfire 
Ray Terrill/Ray as Guardian 
Lorena Marquez/Aquagirl as Tempest 
Lori Zechlin/Black Alice as John Constantine Black Alice 
Greta Hayes/Secret as Deadman Deadwoman 
Cassandra Cain/Black Bat as Batwing 
Rose Wilson/Ravager as Katana 
Kitrina Falcone/Catgirl as Catwoman 
Slobo as Lobo 
La’gaan/Lagoon Boy as Mera La’gaan 
Summer Pickens as Snapper Carr Summer Pickens 
M’gann M’orzz/Miss Martian as Martian Manhunter 
Connor Hawke as Green Arrow 
Roy Harper as Arsenal 
Cynthia Lance/Sin as Speedy 
Mia Dearden/Speedy as Arrowette 
Ryan Choi as Atom 
Khufu Kha-Tarr as Hawkman 
Chay-Ara Sanders as Hawkgirl 
Zatanna Zatara as Zatanna 
Kara Zor-El as Supergirl 
Charlie Gage-Radcliffe as Huntress 
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perfectdisastcr · 4 years
💗 i would like a list of all 3 million potential pairings please 🙈
my god, i would love to take the time out of my day to give that to you, and just know that we can ship literally anybody and everybody because that’s all we ever do in the first place and you know how much i love doing that with you too. my favorite writing partner everybody, bre is hands down the best partner in the whole world, and i’m lucky enough to be able to have her at all. she’s mine and i’m never going to let her go because i love her so much! she’s literally the best thing to ever happen to me and i know i wouldn’t be here through the shitty times and all without her! everybody better go follow her right now and send her all the love i swear to god, because she’s the only person on this hell site that shows me the attention that i deserve! also that list of potential pairings is below the cut, and don’t say i didn’t warn you. 👀
send 💗 if you’re open to the possibility of a romantic ship eventually happening between our muses
all these characters are up for shipping with all your characters:
alex gardiner (paul rudd) alexander hamilton (lin-manuel miranda) alex mullner (brant daughterty) alice liddell (madelyn cline) alisha khara (jameela jamil) annie abel (luna blaise/anya chalotra) antonia moreno (victoria justice) apollonia levine (anastasia karanikolaou) arthur pendragon (niall horan) ashley spinelli (ursula corbero) aspen rhodes (sofia black-d'elia) astrid porter (karlie kloss) audrey ramirez (selena gomez) august khalil (rami malek) axel turner (charlie weber/skeet ulrich) aziz hassan (riz ahmed) bailee rose (jenny boyd) bambi prince (lachlan watson) barbie roberts (kate upton) barley lightfoot (michael clifford) beatriz velasco (camila cabello/diane guerrero)  beau hester (froy gutierrez) beck collins (joe keery) bellatrix lestrange (carmela zumbado) belle dubois (margaret qualley) belle summers (candice king) berliouz bonfamille (alex fitzalan) bernard davenport (gavin leatherwood) billie groves (kiana lede/emmy raver-lampman) billy hargrove (dacre montgomery) bindi culver (meg donnelly/rachel mcadams) bo-peep ‘bo’ patterson (amanda seyfried) brady gardiner (nathaniel buzolic) brielle stewart (alexandra daddario) bronwyn pierson (madelaine petsch) buzz lightyear (paul mescal/chris pine) calliope jung (phillipa soo) camille aguilar (jeanine mason) carl fredricksen (tye sheridan) celeste quintana (rosalia/maite perroni) chandler armstrong (iwan rheon) cinderella tremaine (lily james) clementine ahn (jamie chung) cliff egan (stephen amell) colleen lowell (jodie comer) connor catrell (thomas doherty) copper slade (nick jonas) cordelia goodwin (ryan destiny/candice patton) coriander thompson (dacre montgomery/chris evans) cornelius robinson (simon baker) cruella de vil (melanie martinez) cyrus quinney (owen joyner) daisy vaughn (isabella gomez/aimee carrero) dakota atkins (amber midthunder) dale monks (keiynan lonsdale) dalton davis (harris dickinson) daniela ‘dani’ costello (becky g/eva longoria) dash parr (jaden smith) delilah diaz (camila cabello/diane guerrero) delphine washington (antonia thomas) delta montgomery (manu gavassi) denver koch (thomas elms) devon montgomery (iain de caestecker) diego hargreeves (david castaneda) dorcas meadowes (ariela barer) dory blau (julia louise-dreyfus) duke blaise (ashley graham & matthew daddario — reincarnated)  duncan traeger (zac efron) edmund whittaker (richard madden) edwin orwell (nicholas galitzine) elena flores (jenna ortega) eleonora moretti (benedetta gargari) eleven (millie bobby brown) elio montgomery (noah schnapp/brendon urie) elisabeth ‘elsa’ andersson (candice king) elliott murdoch (kj apa) eloise thompson (taylor hill/zoey deutch) elwood leith (sam claflin) emerson wheaton (beau mirchoff) emily sondheim (eve fraser) emmy silverstein (nat wolff/michiel huisman) ericka ‘ricki’ santos (danna paola) esmeralda guybertaut (priyanka chopra) everest sorenson (adam driver) ezekiel ‘zeke’ bauer (neels visser) fa mulan (awkwafina) felix dawson (lukas gage) ferris rockwell (joshua bassett) five hargreeves (aidan gallagher/rob raco/john mulaney) florence prata (barbie ferreira) flynn rider (jacob elordi/steven r mcqueen) frank castle (jon bernthal) gabrielle dupres (louriza tronco) genevieve rizzo (troian bellisario) gill moorish (harrison ford) godwin vivar (diego boneta) grainger anslow (justin hartley) grant wesley (keanu reeves) griffin price (liam hemsworth) guinevere ‘gwen’ flores (ester exposito/ana de armas) gulliver kennedy (robert sheehan) gunner mccoy (miles heizer) halston krogen (nick robinson) hamish duke (thomas elms) harper graves (sydney sweeney) harry potter (alberto rosende) harvey wolff (joaquin phoenix) hawke bradbury (brenton thwaites) helen parr (megan thee stallion/kerry washington) hendrix palmer (mark fischbach) henley howell (dylan everett/paul wesley) henrik nilsen (herman tommeraas/chris evans) hercules sabri (aubrey joseph) hermione granger (quintessa swindell) holden krogen (jack falahee) holly la stella (olivia holt) honey lemon (irene ferreiro) hudson reid (jaeden lieberher/paul mescal/james mcavoy) irving reid (matty healy) isobel evans (lily cowles) jacoba ‘cobi’ abernathy (geraldine viswanathan) jake bennett (joe jonas) jake breckenridge (landon liboiron) james potter (noah centineo) james ‘sully’ sullivan (hozier) jane porter (zoe sugg) jasmine agrabah (naomi scott) jessica jones (krysten ritter) jim hopper (david harbour) johanna ‘jo’ gardiner (carlson young) josefine olive (lili reinhart/maika monroe) joseph ‘joey’ carnegie (chris o'dowd) juliette russo (camila mendes) juno nicks (gideon adlon/linda cardellini) justin miller (michael b. jordan) keaton green (charlie plummer/austin butler/alexander skarsgard) keifer fry (nathan parsons) kennedy sutherland (florence pugh) khalid farid (mena massoud) kiernan jost (jack barakat) kiki penn (natalie alyn lind)  kim possible (karen gillan) kit dempsey (aaron taylor-johnson/michael sheen) kristoff bjorgman (ben hardy) kuzco inca (tommy martinez) lady alvarez (camila cabello/diane guerrero) lake montgomery (jace norman/casey deidrick/jeff goldblum) lazarus (sean teale/tom ellis) lennox wells (billie piper) leonardo ‘leo’ light (armie hammer) levi wesley (gerard butler) liam wheaton (lucas lynngaard tonnesen/dominic sherwood) lilac montgomery (sophia lillis/deborah ann woll) lila pitts (ritu arya) lilo pelekai (courtney eaton) lola carver (carla gugino) macy merritt (kylie jenner) madeline hawkins (rowan blanchard/kaylee bryant) madison bloomfield (gwyneth paltrow) maggie wheaton (virginia gardner) maria deluca (heather hemmens) mariana de la cruz (victoria justice/salma hayek) marianne darden (elizabeth olsen) marisol torres (alexa demie/salma hayek) marlene phan (brianne tju) matilda franks (brooke markham) matthew murdock (charlie cox) max tian (chloe bennet) mckenzie whitman (danielle rose russell) megara creon (ashley moore) melanie carter (brenna d'amico/zooey deschanel) melody burns-newman (camren bicondova) mercutio bellini (giancarlo commare) merida dunbroch (bree kish) michael ‘goob’ yagoobian (dylan o’brien/andrew scott) mickey hader (shawn mendes) miguel rivera (diego tinoco) mike wheeler (finn wolfhard) mildred ‘millie’ brantwood (stella maeve) milo martinez (itzan escamilla/tyler posey) milo thatch (jason ralph) minerva ‘minnie’ winslett (jenna coleman) mischa locklear (jenny slate) moana motunui (auli'i cravalho) molly wheaton (saoirse monica jackson/kristen bell/kristin chenoweth) monet bugg (annie murphy) mordecai ‘cai’ baird (joseph morgan) murray bauman (brett gelman) nadja (natasia demetriou) naomi phillips (hunter king) natalie fuller (krysten ritter) nate gardiner (tom holland/thomas hayes/joe keery/adam scott) nemo fisher (nick robinson) nick novak (jon bernthal) nick wilde (jake johnson) nina baxter (laura harrier) nolan van ness (louis hynes/benjamin wadsworth) nymphadora tonks (kennedy walsh) odessa barnes (inanna sarkis) osbourne russo (oliver jackson-cohen) otis richardson (finn jones) owen monroe (zachary levi) paloma katz (brittany o'grady) paxton gardiner (douglas booth) pearl turner (maia mitchell/aubrey plaza) penny proud (sarah jeffery) perdita ryan (alisha boe/zoe kravitz) perrie wheaton (ariela barer/jessica alba) peter pan (rudy pankow) peter pettigrew (alex lawther) phil mcdermot (leo howard/dylan o’brien) phineas flynn-fletcher (michael provost) piper donahue (millie bobby brown/katherine langford/felicity jones) pippa mei (amy okuda) pollux isola (camila mendes) portia sadler (hayden panettiere) prairie gallagher (lucy boynton) quaid ‘q’ wright (jake gylenhaal) quinton saunders (jamie dornan) rain montgomery (nick jonas) ramona montgomery-wallis (lana condor/ashley park) reed knightley (arthur darvill) reign fentworth (madison bailey/vanessa morgan) reno thames (joshua bassett) richie tozier (finn wolfhard/bill hader) river montgomery (jack griffo/tyler blackburn) robin buckley (maya hawke) roger holtz (ben platt) roger radcliffe (aaron tveit) romy reyes (carmela zumbado) ronald ‘mac’ mcdonald (rob mcelhenney) roosevelt banks (spence moore II) rowan burke (andy biersack) roxanne sutton (lady gaga) rush mccoy (cody fern) russell montgomery (ian harding/hugh jackman) russell montgomery II (jack dylan grazer/timothee chalamet/adam brody) sable rosales (catherine bascoy) saint fentworth (reece king) sally finklestein (marina ruy barbosa) salvador ‘sal’ mendoza (jorge blanco) samson gardiner (cole sprouse) sandy diamandis (christina hendricks) sawyer bell (penn badgley) seamus kennedy (aria shanghasemi/michael sheen) seb seif (zeeko zaki) selena hada (camila cabello/diane guerrero) severus snape (rob raco) shawn taggart (ben barnes) shay strauss (chris wood) shia zoheir (rami malek) shiloh young (devery jacobs) shiri madani (inbar lavi) simba king (john boyega) sloane shapiro (diana silvers/linda cardellini) sofia ramirez (camila cabello/camila mendes/morena baccarin/fluvia lacerda) stefani vidal (louriza tronco) stella romero (adria arjona) steve harrington (joe keery) stevie wagner (anne hathaway/jennifer garner) sutton reiser (katherine langford/kat dennings) tandy hawthorne (giorgia whigham) tanner cohen (ross lynch) tarrant ‘mad hatter’ hightopp (hale appleman) tarryn fischer (giorgia whigham/perry mattfeld) tatum barton (ben schwartz) teddy flood (james marsden) tex navarro (bad bunny) thad abraham (dylan sprouse/chris evans) the handler (kate walsh) thomas gardiner (felix mallard/paul rudd) tierney kennedy (maisie williams) timothy ‘tigger’ trigger (jeremy allen white) tinker bell (sabrina carpenter) tj lieberman (armie hammer) tommy burns (will poulter) topher larkin (alexander hogh andersen) trey turner (jonathan daviss) ursula celia (normani/lizzo) vaughn abel (max greenfield) veronica lodge (camila mendes) vidia viento (emma dumont) vivica lang (madison pettis/tessa thompson) wanda cowell (brenda song) warren wentz (robert pattinson) wendell langston (link neal) wilbur robinson (david mazouz) winnie knox (sophie turner/jessica chastain) wren green (alexander calvert) wynona winstead (sarah hyland/cristin milioti) xander talbot (g-eazy) york pemberton (heather baron-gracie) yusef barlas (zayn malik) zack abrams (alex fitzalan) ziggy (taron egerton) zoey matthews (olivia munn)
21 notes · View notes
brooklynmuseum · 4 years
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This is your last week to check out video art by Liz Johnson Artur, Arthur Jafa, Steffani Jemison, Ahmed Mater, Marilyn Minter, Wangechi Mutu, Rashaad Newsome, Ebony G. Patterson, Sable Elyse Smith, Tourmaline, Nari Ward with Zachary Fabri, and Sasha Wortzel, before Art on the Stoop: Sunset Screenings shifts to its second program! 
This first program, running through October 11, explores themes of power and uncertainty, distance and loss, and history’s hand in our present times, and the three videos featured here ruminate on how space and place impact lives and history. 
In This is an Address I, Sasha Wortzel explores the precarity of unhoused LGBTQ+ people living on Manhattan’s Gansevoort Penninsula in 1995, and more recent construction on the pier.  
Sable Elyse Smith’s How We Tell Stories to Children, is a tender narrative of connection despite enforced distance, incorporating found footage, audio of the artist reading, and videos recorded by her father while incarcerated. 
Finally, Ahmed Mater’s Leaves Fall in All Seasons combines video footage of construction, destruction, and labor rights protests shot by workers across a decade of rapid development in the Islamic holy city Mecca. 
Check out the schedule on our website to make plans to experience these highlights of our video art collection!   
Sasha Wortzel (born Fort Myers, Florida, 1983) This is an Address I, 2019 [Still]. Single-channel video (color, sound): 17 min., 12 sec. Brooklyn Museum; Gift of the artist with support from the Mary Smith Dorward Fund 2019.40a ⇨ Sable Elyse Smith (born Los Angeles, California, 1986) How We Tell Stories to Children, 2015 [Still]. Single-channel video (color, sound): 5 min., 51 sec. Brooklyn Museum; Gift of Isaac Joseph 2019.37 ⇨ Ahmed Mater (born Abha, Saudi Arabia, 1979). Leaves Fall in All Seasons, 2013 [Still]. Single-channel video (color, sound): 19 min., 57 sec. Brooklyn Museum; Purchased with funds given by an anonymous donor. 2018.56.5
33 notes · View notes
doubleattitude · 4 years
NUVO Dance Convention, Orlando, FL: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
NUbie Solo
1st: Lainey Hess-’When She Came Back’
2nd: Mikaela Florez-’Go’
3rd: Macey Strickland-’Wind It Up’
4th: Andrew Gonzales-’Amen’
4th: Ava Piedrahita-’Somewhere’
5th: Aislyn Frazier-’Paint it Black’
5th: Emery Nichols-’Princess’
6th: Reese Braga-’Covergirl’
7th: Isabella Plotczyk-’Moving On’
8th: Emilie Forseth-’Clang Clang’
9th: Nathalie Alvarez-’Synthesis’
10th: Makayla Bell-’In Starlight’
Mini Solo
1st: Kya Massimino-’System Activated’
2nd: Michael Cash-’Rhythm’
3rd: Ashley Otano-’Dark Matter’
3rd: Milania Leone-’Starlight’
4th: Abigail Pucylowski-’Center of Time’
4th: Denise Torres-’Drag Shift’
4th: Ella Dobler-’Loeil’
4th: Renee Forseth-’Orange Colored Sky’
5th: Santiago Sosa-’Becoming’
6th: Lily Hackney-’Bird Gerhl’
7th: Maia Smyl-’Amazing Grace’
7th: Alyson Merino-’Internal’
7th: Zoe Flores-’Je Suis Malade’
7th: Kayra Jewell-’Voices’
8th: Isabella DiBenedetto-’Amen’
8th: Sophia Gil-’Film Credits’
9th: Riley Frey-’Nature Boy’
9th: Camryn Studebaker-’When Everything Fades’
9th: Sophia Fernandez-’Yegella Tezeta’
10th: Kate Gantenbein-’Dream A Little Dream’
10th: Alyessia Isabella Chiavatti-’Dreaming In Red’
10th: Brayden Winchell-’Far From Home’
10th: Sophia Sanguine-’Fergalicious’
10th: Aria Secall-’Heart Cry’
Junior Solo
1st: Jazmine Raine Werner-’Zoilus’
2nd: Daniela SanGiacomo-’Restless’
2nd: Giselle Gandarilla-’Slow Motion’
2nd: Jazlyn Quintero-’the deep end’
2nd: Adelyn Kolanz-’Transform’
3rd: Alexandra Perez-’Still’
3rd: Samantha Hernandez-’The Descent’
4th: Zachary Roy-’Higher Ground’
4th: Amyah Wallace-’The Poet Acts’
4th: Sophia Ortiz-’Turning then Dial’
5th: Camryn Blake-’Kitri Variation’
5th: Ava Leahey-’The White Light’
5th: Emery Honeycutt-’You’re Gonna Miss Me’
6th: Sophia Prochazka-’Greatest Love Of All’
6th: Ella Esquivel-’Still I Hope’
7th: ?
7th: Ava Sandstrom-’Ice Floe’
7th: Ally Reuter-’Stagma’
8th: Kelley Roberson-’Elephants’
8th: Emmeline Gerardi-’In The Middle of This Nowhere’
9th: Carmella Patterson-’Empowered’
9th: Ellie Harkins-’Saturn’
9th: Alayna Sanguine-’Silence’
10th: Natallia Vegas-’Fever’
10th: Isabella Bafer-’Reflections of a Mirror’
10th: Arrianna Francis-’Release’
10th: Piper Karpowich-’Soothing Blue’
Teen Solo
1st: Brady Farrar-’HEY’
2nd: Destanye Diaz-’Yearning’
3rd: Georgia Greene-’Alpha and Omega’
3rd: Ava Miller-’Tarnished’
4th: Xander Perone-’Moonlight’
5th: Brooklyn Law-’Super Organism’
6th: Carmen Beiner-’Dionysis’
6th: Kassidy Esquivel-’Time Lapse’
7th: Nia Townsend-’Crumbling’
7th: Tristan Plieth-’Maybe We’ll See’
7th: Payton McGuire-’Mr. Lonely’
7th: Bella Weisz-’Rekindle’
7th: Emmy Esquivel-’The Final Hour’
7th: Samuel Eck-’Uncovered’
8th: Anna-Katherine Risalvato-’Beautiful Sadness’
8th: Renee Bergeron-’Inside’
8th: Karly Cohen-’Letting Go’
8th: Leah Gonzalez-’Never Enough’
8th: Madelynn Bourgoing-’One’
9th: Tori Gordon-’Long Road’
9th: Amelie Finney-’Thinking About You’
10th: Sophia Cobo-’Cellophane’
10th: Peyton Ferreira-’Metamorphosis’
Senior Solo
1st: Ruby Castro-’For You’
2nd: Thiago Pacheco-’Existence’
3rd: Morgan Olschewske-’Continuum’
4th: Christian Bottger-’An Evening I Won’t Forget’
5th: Caelynn Stark-’The Final Curtain’
6th: Cameron Stedman-’An Evening I Will Not Forget’
6th: Kelly Sawyer-’Dreamer’
7th: Christina Oliveri-’Not Alone’
8th: Ally Pereira-’Daring to Love’
8th: Taylor Patterson-’River Lullaby’
9th: Ariel Banfalvy-’Adios’
9th: Morgan Lemler-’In The Embers’
9th: Cassandra Fertkowitz-’Start A War’
9th: Julia Dougherty-’Thinking of You’
10th: Tori Billings-’Breathe’
10th: Ana Perez Yudin-’Mindless Town’
10th: Landry Russell-’The Scarlet Letter’
NUbie Duo/Trio
1st: New Level Dance Company-’I’ll Be There’
2nd: Peaches Dance and Music Orlando-’Vogue’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: New Level Dance Company-’The Crumbling’
2nd: Kalon Dance Collective-’The Forest’
3rd: New Level Dance Company-’Confusing Happiness’
3rd: Nicole Cote School of Dance-’Mr. and Mrs. Frankenswing’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Universe-’Article 1′
1st: Stars Dance Studio-’In Between Spaces’
2nd: Kalon Dance Collective-’Old Days’
3rd: Ruby Dance Center-’Espejo’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: Kalon Dance Collective-’For Those Who Patiently Endure’
2nd: Nicole Cote School of Dance-’Wicked’
3rd: Dance By Holly Rock-’Alone’
3rd: Kalon Dance Collective-’Black Ice’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Revolutions Dance Company-’Changing of the Tide’
2nd: New Level Dance Company-’Be A Lady’
3rd: Dance by Holly Rock-’Committed’
NUbie Group
1st: New Level Dance Company-’I Need A Hero’
2nd: Sam Smith School of Dance-’Lemonade Stand’
3rd: Sam Smith School of Dance-’DJ Shuffle’
Mini Group
1st: Dance Universe-’Stand’
2nd: Dance Universe-’Snowing’
3rd: Kalon Dance Collective-’Always on My Mind’
Junior Group
1st: Central Florida Dance Center-’Queen Bee’
2nd: Central Florida Dance Center-’No Excuses’
3rd: Central Florida Dance Center-’Set Sail’
Teen Group
1st: Kalon Dance Collective-’Attention or Regard’
2nd: Dance Universe-’Motions’
2nd: Dance Universe-’Wild Is The Wind’
3rd: Dance Universe-’Love Is A Wave’
3rd: Dance Universe-’Sweet Dreams’
Senior Group
1st: Revolutions Dance Company-’Crossing Over’
1st: Kalon Dance Collective-’She’s Got You’
2nd: Sa Smith School of Dance-’Get Ready’
2nd: Viera Dance Conservatory-’That’s So Missy’
2nd: Sam Smith School of Dance-’The Joker’
3rd: Sam Smith School of Dance-’Revolt’
Mini Line
1st: Kalon Dance Collective-’Into The Past’
2nd: Dance Universe-’The Gate’
3rd: Dance Universe-’Copacabana’
Junior Line
1st: Central Florida Dance Center-’Fix You’
2nd: Sam Smith School of Dance-’The Heist’
3rd: Sam Smith School of Dance-’Money Maker’
Teen Line
1st: Dance Universe-’Reciprocity’
2nd: Dance By Holly Rock-’Crazy’
3rd: Dance Universe-’Flack’
Mini Extended Line
1st: Dance Universe-’Little Soldiers’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Central Florida Dance Center-’All I Want’
2nd: Dance Universe-’In The Know’
3rd: Central Florida Dance Center-’Absolutely Fabulous’
High Scores by Performance Division:
NUbie Lyrical
New Level Dance Company-’I Need A Hero’
NUbie Jazz
Sam Smith School of Dance-’DJ Shuffle’
NUbie Tap
Sam Smith School of Dance-’Lemonade Stand’
Mini Jazz
Viera Dance Conservatory-’Do Your Thing’
Mini Musical Theatre
Dance Universe-’Copacabana’
Mini Lyrical
Dance Universe-’Snowing’
Mini Contemporary
Kalon Dance Collective-’Into The Past’
Mini Tap
Sam Smith School of Dance-’No Bad News’
Mini Ballet
Dance Universe-’Align’
Mini Hip-Hop
Dance Universe-’Little Soldiers’
Junior Specialty
Central Florida Dance Center-’Set Sail’
Junior Jazz
Central Florida Dance Center-’No Excuses’
Junior Musical Theatre
Central Florida Dance Center-’Queen Bee’
Junior Tap
Sam Smith School of Dance-’Carmen Sandiego’
Junior Contemporary
Central Florida Dance Center-’Fix You’
Junior Hip-Hop
Sam Smith School of Dance-’The Heist’
Teen Contemporary
Dance Universe-’Reciprocity’
Teen Jazz
Dance Universe-’Sweet Dreams’
Teen Hip-Hop
Dance Universe-’In The Know’
Teen Lyrical
Dance Universe-’Wild Is The Wind’
Teen Ballet
Dance Universe-’Motions’
Teen Musical Theatre
Dance Universe-’Le Jazz Hot’
Teen Specialty
Dance Universe-’Red Light Green Light’
Teen Acro
Sam Smith School of Dance-’Arabian Nights’
Teen Tap
Sam Smith School of Dance-’Drumline’
Senior Contemporary
Revolutions Dance Company-’Crossing Over’
Kalon Dance Collective-’She’s Got You’
Senior Hip-Hop
Sam Smith School of Dance-’The Joker’
Viera Dance Conservatory-’That’s So Missy’
Senior Tap
Sam Smith School of Dance-’Get Ready’
Senior Jazz
Sam Smith School of Dance-’Revolt’
Best NU Groups:
New Level Dance Company-’I Need A Hero’
Dance Universe-’Stand’
Kalon Dance Collective-’Into The Past’
Sam Smith School of Dance-’Carmen Sandiego’
Central Florida Dance Center-’Queen Bee’
Kalon Dance Collective-’Attention or Regard’
Dance Universe-’Reciprocity’
Central Florida Dance Center-’All I Want’
Dance By Holly Rock-’Crazy’
Revolutions Dance Company-’Crossing Over’
Viera Dance Conservatory-’That’s So Missy’
Kalon Dance Collective-’She’s Got You’
Sam Smith School of Dance-’The Joker’
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