#zen tarot
average viren
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ladylylla · 1 year
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The next part of my gotg themed tarot deck, part 1 and part 2
Gamora and Peter Quill as The Lovers!
This felt like the obviously correct decision for this card. Since, they are the main romance in these films! I actually love Gamora and Quill’s relationship, and it will forever break my heart that she was killed off and then brought back as a version of herself with no memories of her guardians! D: I can’t wait to see how her character is brought up in vol.3, im actually quite anxious about the fate of her and Peter.
Anyways. Enjoy! And, thank you all for the kind comments on my previous designs, I spend alot of time on these and every note really helps my motivation. I’m happy to be able to spend so much time drawing things I care about, and its the icing on the cake that others will enjoy it too!
Im not sure what card I want to draw next, so feel free to leave suggestions below!
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lovepeaceandtarot · 20 days
Daily Message
(Mensagem Diaria)
If you want a reading on your energy, just schedule a paid reading with me in DM!
(Se você quer uma leitura na sua energia, apenas agende uma leitura paga comigo na DM!)
If that found you, it was for a reason. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t resonate.
(Se isso encontrou você, é por uma razão. Pegue o que ressoa e deixe o que não ressoar.)
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It's time to be independent and follow your passions. You are still young or have a young soul, it is not too late and the moment of now is in your favor. It is a time of redirection to the right path towards your desires and turn everything in your favor. Time to get out of the comfort zone and explore new environments.
(É hora de ser independente e seguir suas paixões. Você ainda é jovem ou tem alma jovem, não é tarde demais e o momento de agora está ao seu favor. É um tempo de redirecionamento para o caminho certo em direção aos seus desejos e virar tudo ao seu favor. Hora de sair da zona de conforto e explorar novos ambientes.)
#tarot #tarotportugal #tarotreading #lovelife #lovereading #generalreading #foryou #foryoupage #explore #explorar #consultas #tarô #tarotcards #tarotcomunity #consultasdetarot #freereadings #freetarot #leituracoletiva #leituradecartasonline #leituratarot #leituradecartas #leituradetarot
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mx-sinisters · 1 year
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character tarot; major arcana
wheel of fortune ✸ zen wistaria
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mama-forest-witch · 10 months
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My helper has fallen asleep as I’ve been working on tarot readings. ♥️🐈‍⬛
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manifestdestinytarot · 4 months
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160/366 - personal•spiritual•political
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thelasthippie · 5 months
When i was so fkin young my uncle made me the Osho Zen tarot. It talk about who u are and what do u have to do to be what u have to be.
Thats was what i was VS what i could be
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Is funny how these two cards were always on my life. They are, 25 years after... So creepy funny...
Aloneness about a wisdom and a kind of life and thought rly hard to be accepted by others. About strange tastes for everything that never made me to fit in the society alltoguether.
Creator cuz Im writer and musician composer. But above this, creating a better world inside the hundred people who I had the pleasure to cross in my life. And the eternal feeling of create a better future for everyone
Peace, love and mysticism
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wildpoeticwizard · 1 year
The astral body is obtained by means of fusion, that is by means of terribly hard inner work and struggle. Man is not born with it. And only a few men acquire an 'astral body'. If it is formed it may continue to live after the DEATH of the physical body. Fusion, inner unity, is obtained by means of 'friction'.
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rvi-gohel · 1 year
Have you ever seen night going?
The midnight and its songs?
The sunrise and its beauty?
We are behaving almost
like blind people
In such a beautiful world we are living in small ponds of our own misery
Otherwise there is so much joy all around
You have just to be aware of it
and to become a participant,
not a spectator
Philosophy is speculation,
Zen is participation
Participate in the night leaving, participate in the  evening coming
Participate in the stars and participate in the clouds
Make participation your lifestyle and the whole existence
becomes such a joy,
such as ecstasy
you could not have dreamt
of a better universe
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Happy Friday Beloved Patrons ✨💜
Todays message is about cultivating inner balance within. You may have been seeing 11:11 or 11 lately and it’s a call for you to sit back and reflect on upon your inner wisdom.
Are there any karmic lessons that you should be learning from currently ? And what can you take away from them.
Today we are encouraging you to practice mindfulness and openness. Take the time today to find one way to spread joy and happiness with others in your space.
Peace & All Love Always 💜
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suppenzeit · 9 months
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crowdsourcedloner · 11 months
(from sealrock)
21 and B for the uncommon questions meme :D
21. Why do they get up in the morning?
Nailah gets up to keep busy. She doesn't sleep well most nights and, rather than staring at a wall for a few more hours, she gets up and starts idly taking care of whatever chores are undone around her. She's been caught sweeping, sorting, and making breakfast for any companions that might be awake at the same time as her.
In a more metaphorical sense... she doesn't know. She believed her only purpose was to be the Warrior of Light and save everyone, but now that all that's done... what purpose is there for her in a saved world? It bothers her more than she wants to admit, leading to her losing even more sleep and taking up an excessive amount of Hunt bounties in between story beats, causing her to disappear for long stretches of time.
B) What inspired you to create them?
short answer: i initially made my characters for a mechanical purpose rather than for the sake of making stories about them, but things got out of hand repeatedly when i was easily distracted by story ideas and aesthetic desires...
long answer: lets break this down by character
nohku (relevant to others though she technically no longer exists)
started as the generic fantasy orphan backstory, was my only character for a long time
inspired by wondering about mooncat lore in the shroud and thinking about what would happen should the ixal summon garuda near a mooncat settlement
she was... really all over the place aesthetically and personality wise so i did what hydaelyn would want and sundered her into other characters rather than throw everything out (each of my current characters has parts of her previous aesthetics/personalities/stories)
scrapped due to wanting 1. more consistent characterization 2. a more unique face/race without modding and 3. to one day see a catboy be carried in the arms of a large lion lady
originally made as a throwaway pf savage healer alt, only to develop into a character to keep me entertained during msq
shes still stuck in stormblood
originally was nohku's post-endwalker apprentice
originally inspired by hingan housing items and ingame eastern fashion, since i couldn't find a satisfactory headcanon behind a hingan looking house in the middle of the lavender beds (where nohku's first house was) and i still wanted a hingan house/apartment since the furniture looks nice
aesthetics include flowers, shortbread cookies, mint, sunrises, and cold tea on a hot day - things that are refreshing and light
personality was made to be as bright and cheerful as possible with minimal trauma, as i tend to make characters have pretty terrible lives and i wanted to not do that again as a challenge
after going through mount rokkon and the four lords questline, i might push her into an auspice/onmyoji role? its a corner of the lore that interests me greatly and no other character really fits in to it...
originally made to help me learn how to play ffxiv on controller
personality was made to be loud and confident, and the idea of a somewhat benevolent conman/thief similar to robin hood intrigued me as i usually don't do shadier (or genuinely confident) characters
aesthetic inspirations include card tricks, sleight of hand, zidane's outfit, threatening smiles, and mischievous imps
i have yet to find good inspiration for their backstory... but it feels in character for them to not have a static backstory? like they change it every time someone asks? maybe an idea will come in the future
the idea of them taking in yomi and verre only came about once i was set on entirely eliminating nohku from lore
there was a scrapped inspiration of them having more voidsent connections, but this has been removed... for now
originally created for the new server bonus on dynamis
originally had much more involvement in nohku's lore, as she was connected to nohku's father/mentor figure
personality was made to be an introverted engineer, but not really a shy one - someone who has more quiet confidence and knows what they're about without outside influence
aesthetic inspirations include still water, gears, timepieces, the smell of gun oil, the sound of a ticking clock, and glowing screens
also partly inspired by goblins, goblin technology, and general wonderings about the effects of outliving the people around you
there's a big time inspiration/motif that i've yet to really dig into, but its there
her lore developed the most suddenly out of all my characters, and i'd like to add more dalmascan influence/inspiration to her somehow
she's what nohku will be fanta/name changed into
originally inspired by wanting a less popular character race, as i was tired of seeing nohku clones on every corner and i figured having more concrete race lore could steer me towards more consistent character/personality
bozja and general hrothgar lore were fantastic food for her backstory, as it's inspired by wondering 'hey how can i make hrothgar lore backfire'
backstory is also partly inspired by wondering how neutral intentions can be horribly warped by auracite (technically done through her mother but the effects are relevant to nailah's character)
personality is inspired by defrosting ice queen tropes, the concept of 'masks', feral cats, and the sensation of distance
aesthetic inspirations include drifting smoke, foggy pine forests, cold ashes, hooded faces, and the sound of distant thunder
fordola's echo helped inspire nailah's echo, namely how they're both very sensitive and they somewhat force a sense of empathy on their people
more inspirations could come about in the future (such as ideas based on body tattoos/markings in character creator)
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animeomegas · 2 years
Zen and what kind of relationship difficulties. If it makes sense
Difficulty one:
Reversed nine of swords
Mental health issues and being supported by a partner
So, it seems like difficultly one is about you struggling with some mental health issues in the relationship that both of you have to learn to deal with in the relationship.
But Zen is always so, so supportive about it, so it's not normally a massive problem.
Difficulty two:
Six of cups
This is the problem with Zen's family. You know how he didn't want to get married until he'd reconciled with his family?? That's this difficulty.
You wanted to move on with your relationship at your own pace, not the pace of his family, but Zen didn't agree.
Thankfully, this is a positive card, so Zen eventually does manage to make amends with his family.
Difficulty three:
The hierophant
This card is about tradition and avoiding taboo.
So, I imagine the avoiding taboo part is about avoiding scandal with his career.
This is the biggest problem of the three. Basically, you have to avoid getting bad press for Zen's career, so you can't do some things.
Both you and Zen get annoyed by this at various moments and it puts a strain on your relationship.
You can't go to certain places, you can't have a free social media presence, it has to be managed, you can't be angry when Zen has to be flirty with his fans (through media not in real life.)
It is the hardest thing to navigate.
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Precisamente como la tortuga , cargamos con nuestra casa a cualquier sitio donde vamos. No hay necesidad de apresurarse, no hay necesidad de buscar refugio en todas partes.
No necesitas hacer más que descansar en la plenitud de lo que eres ahora mismo. Si deseos, esperanzas y sueños se están disolviendo, mejor. Su desaparición está abriendo espacio para que se produzca un nuevo tipo de quietud y aceptación de lo que es.
A cada momento uno tiene que encontrarse a gusto consigo mismo, sin intentar mejorar sin cultivar nada, sin practicar nada. Caminar es Zen, sentarse es Zen, hablando o en silencio, inmóvil o movimiento. Lo esencial se encuentra en el sosiego: esta es la frase clave, la afirmación clave, hagas lo que hagas, en lo más profundo de tu ser, permanece sosegado, relajado, en calma, centrado.
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mama-forest-witch · 5 months
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Hello new hair! 🖤
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paraki55 · 2 years
the osho zen tarot 👏this👏is👏 a fucking👏masterpiece (the craziest thing ive ever seen
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