akaneenaka33 · 1 month
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Kaya is revived/cured + Zeno is mortal
AKA I let kayazeno be happy for once
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zqno · 3 months
i'd like to think that the reason why the fanbook emphasizes zeno's ability to cook vegetable soup well is because zeno used to make it for kaya when they were together
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the thought was somewhat inspired by this panel! i'm not even sure if they were having vegetable soup here but my headcanon is that zeno took over and made sure that their food was cooked properly after this lol
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foxxiatto · 27 days
August Art Raffle @akaneenaka33
Thank you for your request! ^_^
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randowwriter · 3 years
2021 Creator Self-Love Extravaganza!
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works (fics, art, edits, etc.) you’ve created this year and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2021. If you don’t have five published works, that’s fine! Include ideas/drafts/whatever you like that you’ve worked on/thought about, and talk a little about them instead! Remember, this is all about self-love and positive enthusiasm, so fuck the rules if you need to. Have fun, and tag as many fellow creators as you like so they can share the love! <3
Tagged by @nokaru Oof, it’s hard to keep track of favorites after about a month! XD (But I’ll do my best.) I usually have monthly favorites, and then forget about them with recent stuff. (I might just share more than five as I sort through.) XD (Maybe self control’s something I should work more on.) XD (And usually, my favorites are the gift fics I’ve written or the requested fics, so I have no idea, because I try not to link them, but I might.) I guess I’ll be bad anyway, and link some of them. Sorry.  Unlikeliest Of Paths (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13852162/1/Unlikeliest-Of-Paths)  (ZenYuki fantasy AU.) The giftfic I wrote for Whitehorse102. It broke my record in longest oneshot I’d ever written back in March, I believe? I deliberately wrote long, which is so unlike me, but still. XD Honestly, it was a challenge in world building, with a focus on nature and fantasy. I wanted the setting and the animals within it to come to life. I had a ton of work to do with getting Zen and Shirayuki to even meet, let alone fall in love. (Obi’s a real treat in it too.) XD It has Garack and Ryuu and Obi, Mitsuhide, and Kiki all in it too. It has a longer character list than I’m used to writing and was almost intimidating. But one of the things I love about Whitehorse102′s writing is her amount of detail and the length of her work, so I tried replicating that in a gift for her. Because I definitely wanted to create a story that she’d end up really loving.  Attempted Assassination And A Wager With A Kiss Involved (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13928958/1/Attempted-Assassination-And-A-Wager-With-A-Kiss-Involved)  (ObiYuki AU (for AU Bingo) and based off of An Assassin’s Guide To Love And Treason by Virginia Boecker) Oh, boy was this one a real challenge too. <3 I’ve been going through a reading dry spell most of the time lately, and this novel was one of the few novels (if not only one) that I picked up and read this year. And from the get go, it gave me major ObiYuki vibes. The female lead is a red head, believe it or not, and she reminds me so much of Shirayuki. And the male lead reminds me a ton of Obi. (They have different eye colors, but both have black hair too.) So, appearance and personality wise both the male lead and the female lead remind me of ObiYuki. So, I knew I wanted to write an AU based off of the novel for ObiYuki, just it didn’t happen right away. When I got my Bingo Board this year, I knew immediately that this is what I wanted to use one of the prompts for. <3 Honestly, the novel has one of my favorite kiss scenes in it, and I knew I wanted to include that in my fanfic. This became my longest oneshot ever, so I broke my record twice in one year. XD Which is unheard of for me. But this oneshot was going to be so much longer, but despite starting it at the beginning of Bingo (back in June), I was running out of time, so I got to a great ending point and finished it up in July. I had to write the dice scene, the almost kiss scene, the first kiss, etc... I loved them too much to not include them, and then there were the plot driven stuff. I had to figure out what to include from the novel and what not to. And honestly, I was a little bummed that I didn’t make it to the assassination attempt or the betrayal (of Kazuki’s, if I remember my casting well.) XD But I love AUs, and I seldom write them, so it was definitely a lot of fun and quite intimidating to take up this project. Wow.  Warm Days With You (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13948205/1/Warm-Days-With-You) (A Zeno X Kaya fic.) <3 (Time to switch somewhat to Yona Of The Dawn, I guess.) XD  Okay, this was the fic that I first wrote Zeno’s dialogue for and was written during the first month i ever wrote for Yona Of The Dawn. Bear with me, please. XD But it was also the first time I’d written Kaya’s dialogue. I wanted to write Zeno’s dialogue before the month ended as a sort of birthday present to our beloved Ouryuu. And I love Zeno X Kaya, so... But I was sorting through the doc manager, because I write too much, and it can’t keep up. XD I was trying to find what I should remove from it just the other day, and I am awful at remembering titles. So, I opened up this fic’s doc and began to read. And I got absolutely sucked into it. The description is beautiful, and I think the dialogue sounds just like them. So, despite it being my first time writing them with dialogue, I actually really like it. (I want to write more Zeno X Kaya fluff fics, but alas, my mind is blanking on actual ideas.) XD Maybe soon, I’ll figure something out. <3 As Close As We Can Be (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13952152/1/As-Close-As-We-Can-Be) (HakYona.)  Okay, I don’t write a huge amount of HakYona, but this is one of my first ones. And it has no dialogue; it’s really just a kiss fic. But it has some of my most poetic metaphor, and I’ve found it really, really pretty for a while. It feels more like a poem than the oneshot it is, and it’s still probably my favorite HakYona fic that I’ve written. :)  Something’s Changed (Regrouping Emotions) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14001537/1/Something-s-Changed-Regrouping-Emotions (HakYona as well.)  So, this one does actually have dialogue, and the HakYona is only implied onesided. But, still. XD This is my first (and so far only) attempt at remedying what the honey scene was like for me. I always wished that Hak and Yona would have talked behind the scenes afterward, and just sorted it out. So, since canon didn’t show us a scene like that, I wrote one. XD (I do firmly believe that they talked about it behind the scenes canonically, but I have no evidence or proof of it.) XD So, I tried to capture the awkwardness of the honey scene in this fic, with metaphor and imagery that for me makes me feel so awkward. Like, mutual embarrassment or something similar. And I tried to write one of the hardest HakYona fics so far. I’ve written two difficult HakYona fics where they have important conversations, but the honey fic is the only one I’m linking today. This is canon compliant, and just a behind the scenes look, so honestly, timeline after this fic is normal, and Yona will eventually fall for Hak.  Waxing And Waning Emotions (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14000402/1/Waxing-And-Waning-Emotions) (Shin-Ah centric oneshot, with references to his friendship/familial bonds with Zeno and Yona.) Okay, let’s backtrack from all that romance, alright? XD I like this fic, because of the style in which I wrote it. I tried something new, and referred to Shin-Ah’s emotions in terms of the moonphases. (I didn’t use all the phases, but I did reference New Moon, Full Moon, and the fact that the phases both wane and wax.) So, we see Shin-Ah, very happy, very angry, and very sad and the in between moments. It’s centered on manga (and anime) moments in canon, so it just gives us a bit more insight into how Shin-Ah feels. I don’t know if it’s my best work, but it was fun and experimental, and I think I grew a lot through it. <3 An Encounter (Of Two Hearts) (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14001974/1/An-Encounter-Of-Two-Hearts) (Kija X Yona AU fic.) So, I felt the need to do a ton of world building and write a lot of description for this fic. And for a while afterward, I remember being in love with how I described Yona. To clarify the AU, Yona is an Axolotl Mermaid in this AU, and I spent a good chunk of time figuring out how she looks and what that would entail. Kija happens to stumble upon her. It’s pre-relationship. Just their first meeting, and probably more mutual crushes than anything else. But the description is very detailed, and the world building set the stage for how I do worldbuilding for Yona Of The Dawn AUs now. This was only written last month too. XD (I posted it this month however.) XD  Another Breaking (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13952677/1/Another-Breaking) (A fanpoem from Yona’s perspective on seeing Soo-Won in Awa.)  So, time to switch things up, I guess? XD I wrote a lot of heartbreaking metaphor in this poem, of how it feels to be this close to Soo-Won, how painful the memories are, etc... It’s a longer fanpoem too, but it’s definitely an emotional one. (I wrote other poems around the same time dealing with Soo-Won’s betrayal, but this is the one that made me feel like I’d satisfied my urge to write on Awa’s accidental meeting.)  In The Healing Of A Heart (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13957410/1/In-The-Healing-Of-A-Heart) (Zeno’s first person perspective on chapter 99/100′s group hug scene fanpoem.)  Okay, I like the theme of this one, and I might as well share some Happy Hungry Bunch stories. <3 I love reading the manga and picturing how Zeno’s feeling at certain points, and of course, these chapters are some of my favorites to do so with. And Zeno definitely deserves the little reminders of how much he is loved and how much he means to others. So, here’s a hurt/comfort fanpoem, that is another longer one. Whoops. XD  Between Loyalty And Romance (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13945419/1/Between-Loyalty-And-Romance) (Kija X Yona fanpoem.) It’s onesided, and it plays around with something Kija said during the love potion extra chapter. It’s another long fanpoem, but I like it. It was the first time I wrote onesided Kija X Yona feelings in a fanpoem, I believe. (Given that Kija was one of the first characters I ever wrote dialogue for, that’s an interesting fact.) XD  Taking To The Sky (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13991781/1/Taking-To-The-Sky) (JaeYona oneshot.)  So, here’s a JaeYona oneshot told from Yona’s first person perspective. This like the HakYona fic above feels more like poetry than prose, but yet it’s a two sided JaeYona fic, where Yona states her feelings to Jae-Ha in a sense, even though there’s no dialogue. It feels more like a love letter or a love poem than a normal oneshot, and though it kicked off a challenge I started for myself last month, it holds an even more special place in my heart, because it caught what I knew was a challenge for love poetry and somehow did so in prose. So, not only was it fun to write and for one of my favorite pairings, it also managed to capture a theme that I could think about but not write about before it. So, yay! <3  Under Dawn Light (A Pink Ocean Greets Us) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13994391/1/Under-Dawn-Light-A-Pink-Ocean-Greets-Us (Shin-Ah X Yona, AU, oneshot.) So, this one I thought about sharing for a different reason, and rereading it, that didn’t stick out to me. But the metaphors toward the end I really like. It’s another Mer!AU, and I believe it’s the first one I wrote for Yona Of The Dawn. I might be wrong though.  What Needed To Be Said (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13974010/1/What-Needed-To-Be-Said) (Four Dragon Warriors focused oneshot.) So, this was my first fic writing Shin-Ah’s dialogue, but that isn’t why I’m sharing it. I absolutely love how Zeno is in this fic. How attentive he is and comforting, how I finally wrote Zeno referring to himself as Zeno in dialogue. But it’s just the other three Dragon Warriors looking after Shin-Ah, caring for their brother, and it’s just hurt/comfort, sweet. Shin-Ah’s dealing with a random surge of Ao related grief, and the others go to comfort him, though Shin-Ah doesn’t quite have the words to describe why he’s sad.  I kind of wanted to share some of my Kihal X Zen fics (for ANS), but I decided not to. Or even some of my Izana focused fics. (Or something from Platonic Week or even one of my fairly recent ZenYuki fics, but I decided not to.) Partly, because a good chunk of those were written at the beginning of this year, and it’s hard to go back and not see how I’ve grown even in less than a year. And I’ve made it up to thirteen fics in this list. Whoops. I’m not good at limiting myself to five. XD I’m a little nervous about posting this, but I was tagged for it, and I barely share fics here, so why not? The fact that most of the fics shared are for Yona Of The Dawn is simply because I’ve been mostly writing for that lately. Also, a quick shout out to the fic I wrote Nokaru by request, and the Appreciation Giftfics I didn’t didn’t link. And all that I wrote for ZenYuki Month, wow. And to one of the fics I finished up back in August for ZenYuki. <3 So, I’m stopping here. XD  I’m tagging: @pentragon @limefeathers @claudeng80 @muselover1901 @noctusfury   And I’m blanking on people with Tumblrs that I should tag, so here’s my somewhat longer tag list too. XD 
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soursaru · 4 years
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something i did for the precious Zeno's bday!!
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fourdragonbrothers · 6 years
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Does Zeno love Shinah's fluff because it reminds him of Kaya's fluff?
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amoura-eternia · 6 years
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Zeno and Kaya (Akatsuki no Yona)
Other collages can be found on my collage masterpost page. I accept collage requests, information can be found on there too. All collages are tagged so that is also a way to find all my other collages.
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agipegsmeow · 6 years
Yeah, HakuYona is great and all but this is best couple for me.
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sorasan000 · 7 years
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The rough sketchbook that was presented as a present for one of the earlier Hana to Yume issues this year (it was celebrating the Sei arc’s drama CDs, I think) is currently bidding on Yahoo Auctions. There are 50 bids so far and it’s up to 10,000 yen so I’m like, screw it I’ll find another one. 
This is one of the preview pics. 
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ehyde · 7 years
She’s Not Here
The fact that Zeno’s medallion always returns to him means he should be able to sell it and scam money with impunity — but I don’t think he’d do it unless he had a really good reason (and probably never for self-care purposes, poor messed-up angst-puppy that he is). Write/draw a situation where you think he would use that option? (via @akayona-prompts)
Even now, so many years later, Zeno couldn’t bring himself to go back inside the little cottage they’d shared. Couldn’t bring himself to look at the dusty remains of their short life together. It must be at least a century since that time--Zeno knew for a fact it was at least fifty years since his last visit--but the pain of losing Kaya could sometimes still feel as close as if it had happened yesterday.
But then there were those other times, when he found himself living life to the fullest, barely remembering his sadness. Those times were the reason he came back. “Hello, Kaya,” Zeno said, resting a bright pink flower, miraculously still in bloom despite the season, beside her grave marker. “Zeno still remembers you.”
He couldn’t remember minor lords from the palace, couldn’t remember villagers he’d wintered with, children he’d taught. After living so long, forgetting so many, it was his constant nightmare that he’d forget her too. He’d only spent a few short years with Kaya--what were those, set against the unknown future laid out before him? And if Kaya, then what of his brothers? His king? Zeno clutched the medallion against his chest. No. Some memories would be with him forever. He knew they would be, and yet...
(there is a readmore here)
“Are you watching from up in heaven, Kaya? Zeno’s sorry he never said...ah, but you don’t need to hear me say that again. Zeno...Zeno’s been traveling. Zeno’s found a lot of people to talk to. Just like Kaya, we cheered each other up!” He looked down at the flower, then up to the sky. “Zeno came back here to say…” Ah, but what more was there to say? Kaya was at peace, and Zeno remembered her.
He curled up next to the gravestone, tattered brown cloak for a blanket, and let the soft chirping of crickets carry him away to sleep.
The sharp thunk of an axe striking wood jolted Zeno awake. Who—? He stood up, looked around. Who had come to disturb Kaya’s home? Who had come to disturb her rest?
“Hey, Lin—there’s a guy over there.”
Zeno turned to the sound of the voice and saw two men, one resting against his axe handle, the other lowering his axe as Zeno turned to face them. They were both big guys, young, one dark-haired, one light. “Hey, you!” called out the dark-haired man, the one who had first spoken. “You don’t live here, do you? We were told the land was empty.” He cast a doubtful look at the decrepit remains of Kaya’s cottage, then at Zeno’s own tattered state, as he and his companion set their axes down and began to approach Zeno.
They had brought a supply cart with them. Zeno opened his mouth, but it was a moment before he could speak. “Zeno...doesn’t live here.” He was still trying to work out what was going on. Anyone was free to come into this valley, but cutting down trees? That was Kaya’s apple tree!
“If you don’t live here, then scram!” said the sandy-haired man. “We don’t need any vagrants. This land’s ours, bought and paid for.”
“Bought...and paid for?”
The dark-haired man raised a hand to calm his companion. “No need for that,” he said. “But yes,” he said, turning back to Zeno. “Lord Han has been selling off parcels of land. We saved up for it, so it’s ours now.”
“Got it cheap on account of it’s supposed to be haunted.”
“We’re going to clear this whole valley, turn it into farmland, bring our families out here. So I’m afraid you’ll have to move on.”
“I—” Zeno’s mouth moved as he tried to find words. Some local lord probably did own this land, technically, with every right to sell it…
“Hey, if you need work, come back in a year!”
Turn it all into farmland. Tear down Kaya’s house, chop down her apple tree...it was good land. Good things would grow here. Zeno looked down at Kaya’s grave marker beside him. “You--you can’t!”
“Huh? What do you mean ‘can’t,’ kid?”
“First...first of all, this is a grave, so—”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. This land hasn’t been touched in a hundred years.” He, too, glanced down at Kaya’s grave marker, at the flower beside it. “That’s just a stone. If anyone was ever buried here, they’re long since dust.”
“And this is where she lived, so you can’t--you can’t just—” But Kaya didn’t live here anymore.
“Look,” said the sandy-haired man. “I don’t know what your deal is, but this is our land. We can show you the bill of sale if you’re really going to insist.”
“I’ll--I’ll buy it!” said Zeno, frantic. The two men looked at each other skeptically. Zeno dug under his tunic and pulled out his medallion. “Take it,” he said. “Just let Kaya rest.”
The sandy-haired man reached for the medallion, and Zeno winced as he bit into it to test the gold. “It’s real…” he said doubtfully. “But you can’t just--this has to be worth more than—”
“Lin,” said the dark-haired man, reaching for his companion’s hand. “Maybe we should just take it and go. You know what they say about this place…”
“C’mon, you don't really believe…” Lin looked over at the cottage, then down at the gravestone, then at Zeno, whose torn and dirty clothing and unkempt hair must make him fit right in. Then he looked back at the gold medallion in his hand. “Yeah, let's go.”
As the two men wheeled their cart away, Zeno found himself shaking, and he sank to his knees, wrapping his arms around the worn gravestone as if he were holding Kaya herself. But Kaya wasn’t here.
When he felt the weight of his medallion heavy on his chest again, he stood up. Sometimes it took only hours to come back, sometimes weeks, and Zeno honestly couldn’t tell. Were there more leaves on the ground than there had been before? Idly, he brushed a few from his hair and looked up at the cool autumn sky.
Would those men come back now that their payment was gone? No, the medallion’s disappearance probably only made them more likely to believe in ghost stories. Or maybe they’d managed to pawn it off before it vanished, and had come out ahead of the game. Now that Zeno’s mind was clearer, he found himself hoping that was the case. They hadn’t done anything wrong--just tried to build a life out here. Just like he and Kaya had, long ago.
Zeno looked back down at the grave marker. The flower he’d placed there was already dry and withered. Ghost stories wouldn’t keep people away forever…but Kaya wasn’t here. One day, all the signs that she had been would be gone, too. But even when that happened, no matter how long it took, Zeno would still remember her.
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bunny-of-kouka · 6 years
welp I finally picked out which zenokaya comic and which geunyuno comic to draw for incorrect quotes stuff
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akaneenaka33 · 22 days
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Surprise kiss bc we need fluff right about now.
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akayona-hungergames · 5 years
Bloody Valentine’s Special Returns!
*bangs pots and pans* It’s that time of the year again! That’s right! The Bloody Valentine’s Day Special Hunger Games is back! Let’s quickly have a recap on what exactly the Bloody Valentine’s Day Special is!
In the Bloody Valentine’s Special, instead of having characters face off and die unfortunately, ships face off and die unfortunately! It will be timed so that the last day and winner will be announced on Valentine’s day!
As always, this is a reminder that this event is in no way here to bash ships. All ships are welcome and this is just for fun! If another ship kills off a ship that you’re fond of, you are asked not to be bitter about it. 
Here are the rules of ship submissions:
You are allowed to submit any ship that comes to your mind, including crack ships! 
Please note, I will not be accepting any submissions of HakYona and ZenoKaya, since most people will submit those two, so they have a guaranteed spot. I want to open the possibilities for other ships to be mentioned and submitted!
Ship submission is open up until November 30th! Let’s go wild!
In December, you will be voting for the ships that were submitted, since only twenty four ships can make it into the hunger games! Let’s make it an absolutely interesting array this year as well!
In addition, this year, I am looking for artists willing to draw the icons for the hunger games. There isn’t much requirements and it isn’t very difficult either. If you are fond of drawing chibis, then please dm me for more information!
Without further ado, please submit ships here!
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akayona-prompts · 7 years
Tag wrangling...
I’ve been doing some tag organization. I think everything is consistent now, but let me know if you notice any gaps or mistakes! 
For those who didn’t know, if you go to akayona-prompts.com/tags, you’ll be able to browse posts by character, topic, etc. Hope this is useful! (it probably won’t work on mobile, sorry). For consistency’s sake, I’m using the NameName format to tag ships, like HakYona, ZenoKaya, etc. I know some ships have more popular names but this was the simplest way for me. Though actually, there are surprisingly few ship prompts so far...
A couple of questions--I’ve been using the tag #kidfic for prompts about the characters as children, but since that excludes art, I’m looking for a replacement (also I think some people use that to mean stories about the characters having kids, not being kids). Any suggestions. And also, would it be helpful if unfilled prompts had their own tag, to make it easier to find them?
Thanks for all the recent submissions! 
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randowwriter · 3 years
Happiness That Must Last Longer Than A Moment
@batgirlsay I have no idea if you like this series too or not, but this fic (and the next one for the same pairing) were inspired off of your ZenYuki fanmixes for ZenYuki Month 2021, so I’m sharing them. It’s for Yona of the Dawn/Akatsuki no Yona, and it’s for Zeno X Kaya. (This one is fluffy and a bit silly and hopefully turned out okay.) It’s a oneshot, and I’m not sure how well I do silly. XD So, if you do like the series and pairing, I hope I wrote them well enough for you. <3  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14025383/1/Happiness-That-Must-Last-Longer-Than-A-Moment
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fourdragonbrothers · 6 years
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Random Zenokaya doodles!
Also some bIood under the cut:
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