#zephs st theories 馃
demigirljoycebyers 2 years
I see people saying that vecna created/is in control of the mindflayer but honestly? I think its the other way around.
When the hawkins teens go to the upside down, Nancy tells Eddie to watch out because the vines are part of a hivemind -- part of the mindflayers hivemind. And who has draped themselves in those same vines? Vecna. Heres why:
The upside doesnt have any water. none. in season 1 Barb was in the pool when she was taken to the upside down, but in the upside down the pool was empty. in season 4, the gate the teens go through is underwater, but on the other side the lake is dry. How the literal hell did Vecna survive 7 years in the upside down without any water? Heres my take -- the vines. I dont know how, but somehow, the mindflayer is keeping vecna alive through those vines. why? well because -- "Vecna is his five star general."
when I first saw the scene where Dustin says that, I thought, no dude youre totally wrong, its the other way around. but it has been emphasised over and over this season that Dustin is always right -- "How many times do I have to be right before you guys just trust me already?!"
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demigirljoycebyers 2 years
mr clarke saying in s1 that opening a gate to a parallel dimension would "swallow us whole" ... noah saying the upside down would swallow up hawkins...
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demigirljoycebyers 2 years
why do i feel like "because see without heart we'd all fall apart" is something jonathan would say
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demigirljoycebyers 2 years
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yall it might really the swingset scene,,,
idk much about painting but youd probably want to paint the clouds before the beam that will obstruct it right??
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demigirljoycebyers 2 years
so am i the only one who thinks theyre gonna drive eddies caravan around?
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demigirljoycebyers 2 years
i just read your tag that said that you and your sister have a theory about will and max being stuck in the ud. i want all of the info you're willing to give up about that please, i'm so intrigued. hope you have a good day! <3
its not really based on much my sister and i were just talking because were both obsessed and i mentioned how some people think max is gonna end up in a coma but i thought it would make more sense if she was trapped in the upside down and then i went on to say "what happens if vecna is defeated? do the portals close?" and she was like "GOOD POINT HES THE ONE KEEPING THEM OPEN" so we decided that some people would probably travel into the upside down to defeat him and would get stuck there, and then decided that el must be one of the people who get stuck there. i decided the team would most likely be robin, nancy, max, el and will. Will because he already knows his way around the upside down and can sense the mf and possibly vecna as well, Nancy and Robin because they now know the way to Vecnas lair and they know the most about him, and Max because she also knows the most about him due to being cursed and in his mindscape, and El because she knew him before Vecna and has her powers to defeat him. I decided Dustin needed to be in hawkins bc without him nothing would get done akskksks. So in season 5, the Hawkins characters are trying to find a way to save the upside down crew, and the upside down crew is trying to get topside again. the hawkins crew have no idea what is happening in the UD but the people in the UD do because El keeps checking in on them to see their progress. and maybe at some point they make contact again like they did in episode 7!
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demigirljoycebyers 2 years
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